Usapa 4856 aug 2010.doc

Respect Dmitri Smerdyakov, the Chameleon (Marvel, 616)

2024.05.16 14:49 ya-boi-benny Respect Dmitri Smerdyakov, the Chameleon (Marvel, 616)

The famous baseballer, Jackie Robinson, he once said: “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” I could not agree more. That is why I try to make as much impact on my faces’ lives as possible. After all, they have done so much for me. It is the least I can do. Unlike them, I need not fear what people think of me. So I can be brave where they are weak. For I will just be someone else tomorrow.
Born in Russia to the Grand Duke Nikolai Kravinoff, Dmitri Nikolaievich Smerdyakov was treated like trash by his noble father and his working class mother. Young Dmitri was approached one day by Gustav Fiers, who was impressed by the boy's impressions and paid for a trip to Karl Fiers academy. There, Dmitri would learn to master the arts of disguise, vocal impression and infiltration, becoming the Chameleon upon his graduation.
He'd move to America and use his talents to pull off high-scale burglary, working for any group that could afford his fee, including the Communist party, Hydra or the Green Goblin. His elicit activity brought him into conflict with the Hulk, Iron Man and most often Spider-Man, all of whom had to act with great caution when the Chameleon was in town. After all, which one of them could tell if that unassuming civilian or their own ally was preparing to stab them in the back?
Dmitri has some mental hangups over his time with the Kravinoffs. He’s managed to repress the memories and considered himself good friends with his half-brother Kraven. In reality, he was more like a whipping boy and slave to the Hunter, and when he has to wrestle with those feelings, he can mentally revert to that scared little boy with no strong sense of identity or independence. But when he’s able to move past these feelings, the Chameleon has proved himself as a powerful, manipulative force, finding his place as temporary Crime Master of New York and member of the Sinister Six.
During one of Dmitri’s mental breaks, he began to believe that he was his deceased half-brother, Kraven the Hunter. So exact was the Chameleon’s performance that he moved and fought with the hunter’s skill and agility. This was an extreme fringe case and there are no other examples of a disguise altering Chameleon's capabilities like this. Physical and skill-related feats from this period will be marked with [KH].
Hover over a feat to see which issue it's from.


Unarmed Striking
Striking with Weapons
Scaling with Spider-Man
Scaling to Others
Blunt Force
Vehicle Crashes




Realistic Masks
Malleable Flesh
Other Methods



Other Equipment

Field Gear
Base Installations


Monica Rappaccini: I apologize for the delay in initial payment, but we first had to verify your identity. A.I.M.’s intel had been that the Chameleon was dead- or in an insane asylum.
Chameleon: Yes, well. That would be exactly what I wanted you to think. Faded into the background, imperceptible… that’s where a Chameleon is most comfortable… and where I shall now return.
submitted by ya-boi-benny to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 23:01 Simmers2021 10 Joyas olvidadas de Cartoon Network

10 Joyas olvidadas de Cartoon Network
Hola a todos.
Hace un tiempo hice un post de 10 series de Disney, que eran buenas, pero por diversas razones fueron olvidadas por la mayoría.
Hoy le toca a su mayor rival, Cartoon Network.
(Lo cual fue un poco difícil por que Cartoon Network sacó muchas series leyendarias, en especial en sus inicios)
También pondré serie de Hanna-Barbera y Warner Bro. Ya que trabajan codo a codo.
Ahora comencemos.

10. Johnny Bravo (1997)
Para empezar, les traeré una serie, que en su momento fue un icono popular a finales de los 90. La trama de la serie es bastante sencilla, Johnny Bravo es un hombre engreído y que piensa que es un regalo del cielo para las mujeres (cuando en realidad es todo lo contrario) y sus desventuras mientras trata de conseguirse una bonita novia. Pero a pesar de su personalidad arrogante, es en realidad un hombre de buen corazón que solo sufre por problemas de autoestima y solo sigue concentos erróneos de la masculinidad. Está serie se hizo popular bastante rápido, pero cuando la serie finalizo también fue rápidamente olvidada, con solo una película, que en realidad no fue muy buena.

9. Class of 3000 (2006)
Una serie con mucho ritmo. Un afamado musico de Jazz decide renunciar a su carrera exitosa como músico, y volvió a su antigua escuela de música para impartir clases a un grupo de talentosos niños, enseñándoles a encontrar su propio estilo y que la música se trata de expresarse al mundo y de no usarlos para conseguir fama y fortuna. Aunque está serie fue bastante popular, por desgracia no salió de Estados Unidos (por alguna razón que nunca se explico) y al final termino abruptamente sin muchas penas ni glorias.

8. La Vaca y el Pollito (1997)
Está bizarra serie de finales de los 90 creada por David Feiss es otra extraña joya que Cartoon Network nos trajo. La historia habla de la vida diaria de dos hermanos adoptivos (ya que son de especies distintas), Pollito, el hermano mayor que trata de ser genial y es bastante arrogante, y su hermana pequeña Vaca, una vaca muy tierna e infantil que adora a su hermano y solo quiere pasar el mayor tiempo posible con él. Junto a sus padres humanos (que solo se les ve el desde el torso así abajo) y sus amigos, Vaca y Pollito van descubriendo el mundo que les rodea y el significado de muchas cosas del mundo. A pesar de su animación un poco bizarra, debido a la historia y desarrollo de personajes fue una bastante única, la serie fue rápidamente olvidada por muchos debido a que no ocasiono el impacto que muchos querían.

7. Soy la Comadreja (1999)
Otra serie de David Feiss que al inicio fue una serie de cortos que salían en la anterior serie ya mencionada. La trama nos llevó con Soy la Comadreja (y sí, ese es su verdadero nombre), una Comadreja antropomórfica super talentosa (ya que es bombero, doctor, maestro, niñera, científico, inventor, piloto, soldado, entre muchas otras carreras) que siempre trata de hacer el bien o vivir tranquilamente, por desgracia, también está Jaimico, un babuino que a pesar de tener sus propios talentos (sobre todo en las artesanías y manualidades) está constantemente celoso y es abiertamente hostil con Soy la Comadreja por sus múltiples logros, en varios episodios trata de sofocar, imitar o ignorar los consejos y advertencias de Soy la Comadreja (Aún así son cada uno el amigo más cercano que tienen). También está en el Hombre Rojo (quien también sale en La Vaca y El Pollito) quien en la mayoría de los capítulos en el antagonista principal. A pesar de sus 5 temporadas, la serie no fue valorada en su momento y ha sido olvidada con el tiempo.

6. Mike, Lu y Og (1999)
Otra serie de finales de los noventa y principios de los 2000 que a sido olvidada. Mike es una niña newyorkina, que en modo de broma, cuando se le pregunto a donde quiere ser enviada como estudiante de intercambio, está dice que quiere ir a una remota isla tropical. Para su mala suerte, es enviada allí mismo, ahora debe de adaptarse en su nuevo entorno con las habitantes de la isla (quienes son descendientes de los viajeros de un barco que naufrago hace mucho tiempo) y les muestra lo que se perdieron del mundo exterior, mientras aprende sobre las costumbre de los nativos con su nuevo amigo Og y su quisquillosa prima Lu. Está serie tocó importantes temas sobre el respeto y ser abiertos hacia otras culturas, pero no duro mucho (ya que solo tuvo 2 temporadas y 26 episodios en total) por lo que fue olvidada por la mayoría.

5. El escuadrón del tiempo (2001)
Una épica serie de inicios de los 2000. El Oficial Brito Belardo y su robot compañero Lawrence ¨Larry¨ 3000, son oficiales del Escuadrón del Tiempo, una unidad de la ley que trata de restaurar la linea del tiempo que se está desgastando y causando estragos en el tiempo, cambiando muchos hechos históricos que si son demasiado alterados causarían estragos en el futuro. A ellos se les une Otto, un niño huérfano de inicios del siglo 21 que se les une al usar sus grandes conocimientos de historias para ayudarles en su labor. Con sus temas educativos sobre importantes hechos históricos (aúnque algo alterados), la serie se volvió en una especie icono de inicios de siglo, debido a su corta duración (ya que solo tuvo 2 temporadas y 26 episodios divididos en dos segmentos sumando un total de 53 capítulos), pero, por alguna extraña razón la serie fue olvidada (con solo una breve aparición en una de los cortos de Villanos).

4. Robot Jones (2002)
Otra serie de inicios de los 2000, pero con una ambientación de inicios de los 80. Robot Jones, es un robot (lo cual es bastante obvio) que un día es enviado a estudiar a una escuela secundaria con niños normales, para aprender más sobre los humanos. En cada capitulo, Robot Jones se topa con algún dilema o algo que llama su atención, empieza averiguar un poco más sobre el tema y al final hace un análisis final en donde la cuenta sus conclusiones a la audiencia. Está serie realmente tocó temas serios como la pubertad, el racismo y la presión social. Pero el capitulo que me gusto más fue el capitulo en donde se hablo sobre los estereotipos de genero, y que no debe definirnos, ya que se puede ser un chico y disfrutar de la cocina y la costura o una chica y disfrutar de la mecánica y automotriz. Aunque la serie tuvo una duración bastante corta (de tan solo 2 temporadas y 13 capítulos divididos en 27 segmentos) realmente fue buena, y es muy triste que haya sido olvidada por todos.

3. Los Sábados Secretos (2008)
Para los fanáticos de las series de acción, salió está serie de acción y fantasía. Los Sábados son una familia de criptozoologos que viajan alrededor del mundo para proteger a los humanos y los Criptyds (criaturas únicas únicas y raras pero algo peligrosas). La familia está compuesta por el padre, Solomon ¨Doc¨, un científico que creen más en la ciencia que en la magia, su esposa Drew que es todo lo contrario, ya que cree en todo lo místico y mágico, su hijo Zack, que tiene el extraño poder de conectarse con los Cryptids y controlarlos hasta cierto punto y sus mascotas Fantasma Fiskerton, Komodo y Zon. Pero, también está el villano V.V. Argost, un hombre misterioso que trata de usar a los Cryptids para sus malvados planes, mientras intenta conseguir un arma del juicio final, por lo que depende de Los Sábados impedírselo. A pesar de que fue una excelente serie y salió en una época en donde las series de acción estaban en su auge , por desgracia fue olvidada por una extraña razón.

2. Titán Sim-Biónico (2010)
Otra serie de acción con un gran potencial. Creada por el maestro de la animación Genndy Tartakovsky, la historia trata sobre dos extraterrestres (la princesa Ilana y su guardián Lance) y su robot guardián Octus, quienes escapan de su planeta tras un golpe de estado y terminan en la Tierra. Intentando pasar lo más desapercibidos posibles, se inscriben en una escuela preparatoria normal y tratan de ser adolescentes normales. Por desgracia, los responsables del golpe de estados descubren su ubicación, y para eliminar a la princesa Ilana, por lo que los tres se unen para forman un increíble robot gigante para defender su nuevo hogar. Está combinación de serie de acción, ciencia ficción y drama adolescente, realmente era una serie con mucho potencial, pero debido a su inesperada cancelación por problemas de licencia, aún existe la posibilidad de que se reanude.

1. Robotboy (2005)
Y para terminar, está obra de Jan Van Rijsselberge (si es un nombre bastante extraño). La historia va de como un científico crea en mejor robot de todos, que es capaz de hasta emular las emociones humanas, por desgracia, un viejo rival se entera de su existencia y desea apoderarse de él para usarlo para el mal, por lo que el científico se esconde, decide enviar lejos a su creación con su mayor fan, un niño de 10 años llamado Tommy (para que, yo no se). Ahora Tommy junto a sus amigos Gus y Lola tratan de mantener a salvo a Robotboy del Doctor Kamikaze y sus malvados experimentos, mientras le enseñan sobre el bien y el mal y las emociones humanas. A pesar de su trama simple y un poco sin sentido, la serie obtuvo muy buenas criticas, y por alguna extraña razón, fue olvidada.
Y hasta aquí el listado.
¿Qué les pareció?
¿Se me olvido mencionar alguna serie olvidada de Cartoon Network?
Por favor, háganmelo saber en los comentarios y no olviden darle un voto a favor a este hilo.
Muchas gracias😊😊😊😊😊
submitted by Simmers2021 to Anime_y_mas_ [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 09:09 JohannGoethe List of proposed proto-Indo-European (PIE) original language homelands

List of proposed proto-Indo-European (PIE) original language homelands
A chronologically ordered list of conjectures about the theoretical ”home”, of the theoretical “people”, who first theoretically “spoke”, albeit without established script, the unattested re-constructed word: *diéus *ph₂tḗr, hypothetically incorrectly believed to be a word pre-historically common to both the Sanskrit and Latin languages.
The following is a list of the proposed PIE homelands, i.e. the home of the theoretical people who first spoke 🗣️ the original “root” 🌱 phonetic name behind the Roman Latin word Deus-Piter (2500A/-545), aka Jupiter, and Indian Sanskrit word Dyaus (द्यौष्) Pita (पितृ) (2300A/-345), i.e. original “DP name”, first noticed as being similar by William Jones (171A/1784), which thus launched the search 🔍 for the “original home” 🏡, of the DP speaking people; an idea first broached by Robert Latham (104A/1851), then named the “proto-homeland” (urheimet) by August Schleicher (102A/1853):
# Location Date Description Author Theory Ref
Scythisch Marcus Boxhorn 318A/1637
1. Deus-Piter (Jupiter) & Dyaus (द्यौष्) Pita (पितृ) are similar? Spoke the name: *diéus *ph₂tḗr William Jones 171A/1784 [3]
2. Source that no longer exists William Jones 169A/1786 [2]
3. Mount Ararat, southern Caucasus mountains Noah’s ark landing Caucasian; reason: maximal beauty of the people here + probability that humans were first created here Johann Blumenbach 160A/1795 [12]
4. India Friedrich Schlegel 147A/1808 [1]
5. Indo-Europe Thomas Υoung 142A/1813 [2]
6. Asia August Potts 109A/1836 [2]
7. Between Asia and Europe Max Muller 105s/1850s [2]
8. Lithuania Robert Latham 104A/1851 [5]
9. ur-heimet August Schleicher 102A/1853 Here.
10. Southern Scandinavia Karl Penka 89A/1866 [6]
11. Rokitno Swamp, Polesia White-skinned, blond, blue-eyed 👱🏻‍♂️ Theodore Posche 77A/1878 [4]
12. Ukrainian and Southern Russian steppes Otto Schrader 66A/1889 [20]
13. Not Jewish ✡️ or Semitic! Houston Chamberlain 56A/1899 [8]
14. Schleswig-Holstein, Germany Gustaf Kossina 53A/1902 [7]
15. Not in Asia Gustaf Kossina 53A/1902 [2]
16. Donets river, Ukraine 5200A/-3245 Yamnaya (Я́мная) culture Vasily Gorodtsov 52A/1903
17. Northern Europe *diéus *ph₂tḗr = “racially-determined consciousness”; Germans & Slavs Hermann Hirt 48A/1907 [16]
18. Scania, Schleswieg-Holstein, Berlin Otto Schradter 48A/1907 [14]
19. Celtic lands; not in German! Sigmund Feist 41A/1914 [13]
20. Aryan; Prometheus of mankind Adolf Hitler 30A/1925 [17]
21. Pontic steppes, southern Russia Kurgan Gordon Childe 29A/1926 [21]
22. Atlantis 🏝️ Aryan Hermann Wirth 27A/1928
23. Nordic-Germany 4013A/-2058 Aryans; Arya = 𓍁 plowers Walther Wust 13A/1942 [15]
24. Black Sea and the Caucasus and west of the Urals 5800A/-3845 Kurgan culture Marija Gimbutas A1/1956
25. An imagined Ancient Arya, the never-never land east of the asterisk *️⃣ Wendy Doniger A24/1979 Here
26. Anatolia 8955A/-7000 Farming culture Colin Renfrew A33/1987
27. DonVolga area 5355A/-3400 Yamnaya David Anthony A52/2007 [19]
28. Anatolia 9443A/-7488 to 7943A/-5988 Anatolian Quentin Atkinson A57/2012 [22]
29. Caucasus 45 kya → 4955A/-3000 Caucasus hunter-gatherers (CHG) → Yamnaya steppe herders Eppie Jones A60/2015 [10]
30. South Caucasus 8032A/-6077 Russell Gray A68/2023 [9]
31. Abydos, Egypt ✅ 5700A/-3745 Egyptians; dark-skinned 👨🏾, wholly hair, or bald 👨🏿‍🦲 LibbThims A68/2023 [11]
The following is shows two PIE-landers speaking the their reconstructed (*wret- + *ḱóm + *strew-) PIE tongue 👅 language:
The following comes to mind:
“No serious anatomist today would attempt to deduce from a skeleton 💀 the spiritual 🧘🏽‍♀️ aptitudes or achievements of its one-time owner.”
— Gordon Childe (29A/1926), The Aryans: a Study of Indo-European Origins (pg. 163-64) (post)
DNA 🧬 ≠ tongue 👅
Here, as we see, language scholars, over the last two centuries, recently in packs of dozens, e.g. the Jones study (A60/2015) has 23-authors and Gray study (A68/2023) has 33-authors, firstly, have been attempting to use “invented” reverse-history Etymo to argue for the “original home” (typically the one closest to where each author was born); and secondly, have been attempting to align DNA 🧬 evidence to fit the Biblical theme of Noah’s ark landing on the Caucasus mountains, thus “creating” the most beautify people, whence the PIE language source being the tongue 👅 of beautify white 👱🏻‍♂️ Caucasian mountain 🏔️ people, descendent from Japheth, aka the Greek Prometheus and Egyptian Ptah.
The inherent problem, with all of this DNA proves “language” origins, thousands of years before recorded script ideology, is the following:
DNA 🧬 ≠ tongue 👅 of speech 🗣️ made by brain 🧠
While people are born with genetic characteristics, e.g. skin color, hair color, facial shape, etc., they are not born with a DNA-programed tongue. The tongue, correctly, is programmed by the culture one is born into, and the “language“ of cultures can be made to change, not by genetic “mutations” (Chomsky, date), but by neighboring cultural influence, e.g. when Rome conquered the world, everyone was made (require) to speak Latin, the new universal language of the empire, and the old tribal languages atrophied off.
The same was case, we conjecture, when the Egyptians conquered the entire world, which is why we are now reading LunarScript hieroglyph letters, which is what the ABCs are.
Proto Egypt
On 13 Oct A68 (2023), LibbThims made the following diagram, showing that Schleicher proto IE home (ur-heimat) was Egypt:
On 3 Nov A68 (2023), Thims posted the following, showing that the mummies, e.g. mummy S.293, the world’s oldest mummy, carbon-dated to 5600A (-3645), are found in Abydos, near to where the tomb U-j number tags, which contained the letter R or Ram head 𓏲 number tag 100, were found:
On 14 Nov A68 (2023), Thims posted the following, showing that the black topped jar, from Naqada, Main cemetery, Tomb 1426, dated to 5800A (-3845), shows the oldest parent character for letter I (∩), the Hathor (Milky Way) cow yoke:
Also showing letter A (𓌹) as the hoe, dated to 5200A (-3245) on the Libyan palette, and the tomb U-j letter R as ram head (𓍢) 100 number tag, all near Abydos, Egypt.
We also note that Naqada, where the oldest letter I is found, is at nome 7, of the nome 1 to 7 branch of the Nile, which is what letter L is based on, shown below, is above the N-bend of the Nile, which is what letter N is based on:
Therefore, that Abydos, Egypt is the correct “original PROTO [P] source” for the Indian and European languages, for the formerly classified PIE language family, is evidenced by bones carbon dated to 5600A (-3645), buried around all the alphabet letters, dated to 5700A (-3745).
The Abydos, Egyptians, some time between 5700A and 4500A, were thus the original people who first spoke the root phonetics, in the form of: ▽𓂆, behind the the DP name seen in Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit:
Egypto Greek Latin Sanskrit
5700A 2800A 2500A 2300A
▽𓂆 Διας (Zeus) Πατερ (Pater) Deus-Piter (Jupiter) Dyaus (द्यौष्) Pita (पितृ)
The Egypto P (𓂆), i.e. the dipole base of new 🌞 as the eye of Ra or Horus, conceptualized as the phoenix 🐦‍🔥, birthed out of the Egypto D (▽), i.e. female delta of letter B (𓇯) or Bet, the stars ✨ of space goddess, is shown below, which also shows the Egypto R (𓍢), the last letter of the names Πατερ (Pater), the vocative singular of πατήρ (patḗr), and Piter (Jupiter), the Latin equivalent, both meaning: father or 𓂆-athe-𓍢:
People vs speech
To clarify, that there were humans residing in India and European, during and prior to these dates, is not being questioned; the latest data shows that humans were in Israel 180,000 years ago:
The research, led by a team from Tel Aviv University, excavated remains from Misliya Cave on Mount Carmel, northern Israel. The cave is part of a complex of prehistoric caves along the mountain, which show successive periods of occupation by early human species. The team found part of a fossil human jaw with anatomical features that correspond to the modern human species Homo sapiens, as opposed to other pre-modern humans such as Neanderthals.
The researchers dated teeth from the jaw and flint tools found with the remains, obtaining an average age for the specimens of about 177,000-194,000 years old. Until now, the earliest fossil evidence for Homo sapiens outside Africa was from other sites in Israel, dating up to 130,000 years ago.
What the DP = ▽𓂆 solution shows, however, is that the core words of Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit are of Egypto origin, and that they did NOT derive from some imagined ”phonetics” spoken by a once “unified” IE civilization, as people have gullibly believed now for 240+ years.
The typically lay PIE-ist, however, has a VERY hard time accepting this? Even when the new EAN based model is explained, they “cling” to the old Jones PIE model, holding the view, in their mind, that while the Greeks, Romans, and Indians, may have used letters, that are based on Egyptian hieroglyphs, such as the Egyptian delta ▽ and Egypto P 𓂆, the “reason” the the Greeks, Romans, and Indians have a similar DP term, is because the DP phonetic behind the DP term originated from the PIE name *diéus *ph₂tḗr, and that this phonetic was in the minds of the PIE people, as they conquered the Greeks, Romans, and Indians, in some imagined migration pattern.
This is called Egypto Alphanumerics (EAN) denialism or EgyptoLinguistics denialism (ELD).
The PIE-ist seems to deny the new evidenced way of doing linguistics out of some sort of PIE religious objection?
Egyptian Skin color?
The question of the skin color of the Egyptians, wherein Abydos, Egypt (5700A/-3745) is the newly decoded “home” from where the “proto” language, of the IE languages derives, is a frequently discussed and debated topic.
As Volney told Jefferson:
“To the black 👨🏿‍🦲 and frizzled-haired 👨🏾 Egyptians, we owe our arts, sciences, and even the use of speech 🗣️ itself.”
— Constantin Volney (168A/1787), comment to Thomas Jefferson
From the Black Athena debate:
“Then perhaps, you would like to tell me, that when Herodotus (Histories, §2.104) uses the term: melanchroes (μελαχρινός) [book: here] [images: here], to describe Egyptians, what he means?”
— Guy Rogers (A41/1996), Black Athena debate, Part Four (1:37:30-)
Herodotus, in short, said that Egyptians were χρινός (chronos) people, i.e. those born from cosmos location X (chi), with high melanin (μελα) skin counts, and that they had “woolly hair”. Wiktionary entry on melanin:
From New Latin, from Ancient Greek stem of μέλας (mélas, “black”) +‎ -in.
Note from debate:
Histories, §2.104, said that Colchains ( Κολχίς), a section of the early Greek empire, "are clearly Egyptians" because they "woolly hair" and are "dark-skined" 👨🏾 or melanchroes (μελαχρινός) or μελα (mela-), from: μέλας (mélas), meaning: “black” + -χρινός (-chrinos), meaning: "ethnicity [?]"
The following shows skin-color of Egyptian soldiers from Mesheti tomb (4000A/-2045), located in the 13th nome of Upper Egypt, which is 4-nomes away from Abydos, the 8th nome:
Egyptian priests, however, had shaved heads. Scribes, who ✍️ the script 📜 behind the IE languages, also sometimes has shaved 🪒 heads 👨🏿‍🦲?
Many, however, in defense of their confused Euro-centric ideologies, will debate the meaning of the word melanchroes (μελαχρινός) to no end; for example:
“Not so fast. The key word in the original Greek of the passage is ‘melanchroes’. Contrary to what Afrocentrists claim, it does NOT mean ‘black’, in the sense of belonging to the black race.
For that, Greek authors would have used “aethiops” (etymologically, “burned face”), the term that indisputably referred to Nubians and other peoples in what is today Sub-Saharan Africa. Herodotus does not refer to Egyptians with this term. Furthermore, in the very same passage quoted above, Herodotus implies that Colchians and Egyptians are of the same stock. Colchis is on the shores of the Black Sea, hardly an area inhabited by black people. Melanchroes means simply “dark-skinned,” a term that sometimes the Greeks even applied to themselves and other not-so-dark peoples, such as Syrians.”
— Gabriel Andrade (A65/2020), “Herodotus and Long-Standing Problems in Anthropology”, Apr 27
European Skin color?
In A45 (2000), Stefan Arvidsson, in his PhD dissertation turned book Aryan Idols: Indo-European Mythology as Ideology and Science, based on the Theodore Posche (77A/1878) model of the Aryans as: “white-skinned, blond, blue-eyed 👱🏻‍♂️”, as depicted the original PIE people as follows:
Posche argued that light skin 👱🏻‍♂️ was a kind of “albinism” that had begun in damp environments, which is why he picked a “swamp” as the original PIE-land home🏡. He thus conjectured that Rokitno Swamp, Polesia, today called Pripet Swamp, on the boarder between Belarus 🇧🇾 and Ukraine 🇺🇦 , is where the PIE people first spoke the re-constructed name: *diéus *ph₂tḗr.
In A68 (2013), the IndoEuropean sub launched; the following is their banner:
Where we see an entire army with horses and chariots, for which recorded history has no record of, all invented from “word reconstructions”?
The discussion on questions of skin color, is puerile, first and foremost, and but a case of cultural egoism, i.e. each culture wants to claim to be the first culture that spoke the DP name, yet Egypt is the only culture that has “physical evidence“ of this name usage, defined by its hiero-glyphs.
“I am forcefully against the nationalist and racist hypothesis of an original identity between Indo-Germans and Germans and the attempts to place the ‘original home’ on German territory.”
— Sigmund Feist (41A/1914), Indo-Europeans and Germanic People (pg. 1) [13]
  1. Young, as far as I know, just called the language family as “Indo-European”, but did not name a location?
References Cited
  • [1] (a) Schlegel, Friedrich. (147A/1808). On the Speech and Wisdome of India (Uber de Sprache und Weisheit der Indier). Publisher. (b) Arvidsson (pg. 28).
  • [2] Arvidsson, Stefan. (A45/2000). Aryan Idols: Indo-European Mythology as Ideology and Science (Ariska idoler: Den indoeuropeiska mytologin som ideologi och vetenskap) (translator: Sonia Wishmann) (pdf-file) (Jones, pg. 18; Young, pg. 20; Pott, pg. 60; Kossina, pg. 142; Muller, pg. 142). Chicago, A51/2006.
  • [3] (a) Jones, William. (171A/1784). “On the Gods of Greece, Italy, and India”, Publisher. (b) Jones, William. (156A/1799). The Works of Sir William Jones, Volume One (§: On the Gods of Greece, Italy, and India, pgs. 229-80; Moses, pg. 233; Jupiter, 14+ pgs.; main, pg. 248). Robinson. (c) Arvidsson (pg. 33).
  • [4] (a) Posche, Theodor. (77A/1878). The Aryans (Die Arier). Publisher. (b) Arvidsson (pg. 142).
  • [5] (a) Latham, Robert G. (104A/1851). “Introduction” to Tacitus’ Germania. Publisher. (b) Arvidsson (pg. 142).
  • [6] (a) Penka, Karl. (89A/1866). The Origin of the Aryans (Die Herkunft der Arier). Publisher. (b) Arvidsson (pg. 143).
  • [7] (a) Kossina, Gustaf. (53A/1902). “Die Indogermanische Frage archäologisch beantwortet” (Jstor), Zeitschrift für Ethnologie (ZfE) / Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology (JSCA), 34:161-222 (62-pages). (b) Arvidsson (pg. 143).
  • [8] Chamberlain, Stewart. (56A/1899). The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, Volume One (Die Grundlagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, Band eins) (pg. 224) . Brukmann, 54A/1901. (b) Chamberlain, Stewart. (56A/1899). The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, Volume Two (Die Grundlagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts Band zwei) (pg. 559). Brukmann, 54A/1901. (c) Arvidsson (pg. 156).
  • [9] Heggart, Paul; Gray, Russel; +31 authors. (A68/2023). "Language trees with sampled ancestors support a hybrid model for the origin of Indo-European languages", Science, 381(6656), Jul 28.
  • [10] Jones, Eppie; +22 authors. (A60/2015). "Upper Palaeolithic genomes reveal deep roots of modern Eurasians" (text), Nature Communications. 6(8912): 8912, Nov.
  • [11] (a) Thims, Libb. (A63/2023). "Post (13 Oct), post (3 Nov), post (14 Nov)", Reddit, Alphanumerics"; (b) Note: the proto (P) home of PIE, NOT as a "DNA-linked genetic 🧬 family", but as an EAN EgyptoLinguistics based "tongue 👅-linked language family", becomes "Abydos", and the name of the new language family is: EgyptoIndoEuropean (EIE).
  • [12] (a) Blumenbach, Johann. (180A/1775). Of the Native Variety of the Generation of Humans (De Generis Humani Varietate Nativa) (3rd edition). Publisher, 160A/1795; (b) Martin Bernal argues that as the term “Aryan” was merged with “Caucasian”, shortly after the 160A (1795) coining of Caucasian; (c) Caucasian, e.g. here (coined, comment), here (coined, post).
  • [13] (a) Feist, Sigmund. (41A/1914). Indo-Europeans and Germanic People: a contribution to European prehistoric research (Indogermanen und Germanen: ein Beitrag zur europäischen Urgeschichtsforschung) (pg. 1). Verlag; (b) Arvidsson (pg. 173).
  • [14] See: quote.
  • [15] (a) Wust, Walther. (13A/1942). Indo-European Confession (Indogermanisches Bekenntnis). Verlag; (b) Arvidsson (pgs. 190-91).
  • [16] Hirt, Hermann. (48A/1907). The Indo-Germanic People (Die Indo-germanen) (pg. 430) Publisher; (b) Arvidsson (pgs. 197-98).
  • [17] (a) Hitler, Adolf. (30A/1925). My Fight (Mein Kampf) (translator: Ralph Manheim) (pg. 290). Mifflin, 2A/1943; (b) Arvidsson (pgs. 198-99).
  • [18] (a) Wirth, Hermann. (27A/1928). The Rise of Humanity: Investigations into the History of Religion, Symbolism and Writing of the Atlantic-Nordic Race: Text Volume I: the Basics (Der Aufgang der Menschheit: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Religion, Symbolik und Schrift der atlantisch-nordischen Rasse: Textband I: die Grundzüge). Publisher; (b) Arvidsson (pg. 207) notes that Wirth’s eccentric Atlantis home PIE land theory was popular to the Nazis, allowing him to become cofounder of the SS-Ahnenerbe in A20/1935.
  • [19] Anthony, David. (A52/2007). The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World (Arch). Princeton, A55/2010.
  • [20] (a) Schrader, Otto. (72A/1883). Language Comparison and Prehistory (Sprachvergleichung und Urgeschichte). Publisher, 66A/1889; (b) Arvidsson (pgs. 256, 266).
  • [21] (a) Childe, Gordon. (29A/1926). The Aryans: a Study of the Indo-European Origins (pg. 83). Kegan. (b) Arvidsson (pgs. 283, 285).
  • [22] (a) Atkinson, Quentin. (A57/2012). “Mapping the Origins and Expansion of the Indo-European Language Family” (abst) (review), Science, Aug 24; (b) Anon. (A60/2015). ”How Indo-European Languages Evolved” (video), YouTube, Business Insider, Jan 21.
submitted by JohannGoethe to PIEland [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 19:18 semblanceoyouth The Definitive List of Onyx Gemstone Refractors in CURRENCY Series 1 by Cardsmiths as of April 1, 2024

The Definitive List of Onyx Gemstone Refractors in CURRENCY Series 1 by Cardsmiths as of April 1, 2024 that have been pulled, captured, and uploaded as a photo, screenshot, etc.: 46 out of 73 discovered!

Card #1 Bitcoin
Card #1A Bitcoin
Card #2 Satoshi
Card #3 Litecoin
Card #4 Ethereum
Card #5 Dogecoin
Card #6 The Saylor
Card #7 Nikola Tesla
Card #8 Pythagoras
Card #9 Bitcoin
Card #10 Bitcoin
Card #11 Vitalik
Card #12 Mt. Gox
Card #13 Charlie Lee
Card #14 Ethereum
Card #15 Charles Babbage
Card #16 Antikythera Mechanism
Card #17 Ada Lovelace
Card #18 Satoshi
Card #19 May 22nd
Card #20 Rocket
Card #21 HODL
Card #22 Stock to Flow
Card #23 Lambo
Card #24 The Moon
Card #25 Tulips
Card #26 Fiat
Card #27 Ancient Drachma
Card #28 Elon Musk (Welcome to Mars)
Card #28A Elon Musk (Nuke Mars)
Card #29 Gold
Card #30 Silver
Card #31 Platinum
Card #32 Satoshi
Card #33 Camel
Card #34 The Bank
Card #35 Whale
Card #36 Miner
Card #37 The Halving
Card #38 Token
Card #39 Peer-to-Peer
Card #40 Tally Sticks
Card #41 Abraham Lincoln
Card #42 King George III
Card #43 Alexander Hamilton
Card #44 Bitconnect
Card #45 Bitcoin
Card #46 Ethereum
Card #47 White Paper
Card #48 Red Pill
Card #49 Bagholders
Card #50 Rekt
Card #51 Bitcoin
Card #52 Dogecoin
Card #53 Litecoin
Card #54 Shitcoins
Card #55 MMT
Card #56 NFT
Card #57 Salvator Mundi
Card #58 Satoshi
Card #59 Bitcoin
Card #60 Bitcoin
Card #MR1 Bitcoin
Card #MR2 Dogecoin
Card #MR3 Dogecoin
Card #MR4 Cardano
Card #MR4A Cardano
Card #MR5 Satoshi
Card #MR6 Dogecoin
Card #MR6A Dogecoin
Card #MR7 Ethereum
Card #MR7A Ethereum
Card #MR8 Year of the Ox

Fun facts

13) This is the first tweet that Gamestop, as a company, tweeted about Cardsmiths!

Although Cardsmiths, under the parent company of Toynk, is a private business or company with no public info about its finances, you could likely directly correlate a spike in its profits in the months after the above tweet by Gamestop. There's something brewing here . . .

Larry Cheng, the Co-Founder of Volition Capital and a director and board member of GameStop:
'What’s the best website or app to buy sports cards (e.g. baseball, football, etc) besides eBay and Beckett?"
8:36 AM · Sep 23, 2023

Beckett Collectibles announced, "Accepting take back submissions next weekend at u/GameStop"

Gamestop has promoted Cardsmiths on its official Twitter for a long time now: "Whoa! Did you hear a full bitcoin was found at a Gamestop in San Antonio this week? Get in on this!"

14): Cardsmiths tweeted that all Cardsmiths CURRENCY cards, including the ones distributed at conferences and conventions (like The National Sports Collectors Convention or Gamestop Conference) are eligible to be graded at PSA and Beckett!

They are! All Cardsmiths cards are eligible to be graded by @PSAcard and @beckettcollect!

15) CURRENCY Series 1 by Cardsmiths features Card #47 White Paper, which features the following inscription on the back:

Most new investment ideas or cryptocurrencies are first introduced in the form of a "whitepaper," which is an informational document laying out the specific features of a project.

Did you know that the Bitcoin White Paper was published on October 31, 2008 in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis? Many say that timing was a coincidence, and a few say maybe not.

The closest and earliest thing I have ever seen to a GMERICA White Paper was "The GME Warpath" by u/Sharkbaitlol, and it was published on August 29, 2021 (roughly 7 months after the GME "sneeze"). It describes a world reimagined where blockchain technology (NFT, etc.) enhances the lives of all of mankind and makes the world a better place. For example, if Gamestop is involved in or creating a blockchain stock exchange, it would essentially render predatory and abusive naked short selling obsolete since the blockchain is transparent. This would be a big step towards preventing unfair wealth concentration in a few powerful (and corruptible) people.

16) CURRENCY Series 1 by Cardsmiths features Card #29 Gold, which features the following inscription on the back:

Gold is a dense yellow metal that is highly malleable. Gold has been used throughout history to make jewelry and decorations. It also serves as a medium of exchange in the form of coins and bars.

As in the case of other wars, governments suspended the gold standard during World War I to increase the money supply and pay for the war.

The U.S. returned to the gold standard in 1919, and other European countries and Japan reinstated the gold parity a couple years later.

Nearing a coming dollar solvency crisis, Richard Nixon announced on August 15th, 1971 that he was closing the gold window, effectively barring all countries from current and future gold redemptions. Money ceased to be based on the gold in the Treasury vaults, and instead was now completely unbacked and based solely on government decree or fiat.

Please see "Fun Fact" #10 involving fiat for more information, and much of this information was obtained from Peruvian Bull. A key underlying feature of the fiat money system is that virtually all money is credit. One danger of fiat money is that governments can print too much of it, resulting in hyperinflation.

Did you know that Peruvian Bull is one of the only Superstonk members to be liked multiple times by Ryan Cohen on Twitter?

17) CURRENCY Series 1 by Cardsmiths features Card #55 MMT, which features the following inscription on the back:

Modern Monetary Theory, or MMT, is a macroeconomic principle whereby sovereign countries who issue their own currency can print as much money as necessary to meet the spending requirements of their government.

Part I: Peruvian Bull, Superstonk Legend and Liked by Ryan Cohen on Twitter, on Hyperinflation

Peruvian Bull, who first starting writing on Superstonk, has written a book about a potential crisis in the global financial system due to the actions of the United States of America and the status that U.S. dollar holds as the World Reserve Currency. Two of the biggest problems caused by the U.S. are due to the unconstrained "printing of money" by the Federal Reserve and the risks posed by the $1 quadrillion in the derivatives market. A derivative is a financial contract whose value is tied to an underlying asset. Common derivatives include futures contracts and options. Predatory or abusive naked short selling involves options. Derivatives in the mortgage market were a major cause of the 2007-2008 financial crisis. Susanne Trimbath, PhD stated that "for every $1 in real value that any company or country puts into the financial markets, brokers are ramping it up and trading something like 1,875% of it. Another way to look at it is that if a homeowner defaults on a $100,000 mortgage, it can do $187,500,000 worth of damage to global financial markets."

Warren Buffet called derivatives "financial weapons of mass destruction." Peruvian Bull used the metaphor of nitroglycerin to describe the risks involved with derivatives.

The modern international financial system, unhinged from the fetters of regulation and oversight, has created a derivatives monster whose tendrils reach across the globe. Fed by the incessant money printer and holding the retirement funds of generations, this machine continues to bet, in ever-increasing amounts, in the greatest casino ever created. This monster, as long as it is nourished by cheap credit and ever increasing flows of cash from the Federal Reserve, will continue to grow:

We are at the end of a MASSIVE debt supercycle. This 80-100 year pattern always ends in one of two scenarios - default/restructuring (deflation a la Great Depression) or inflation (hyperinflation in severe cases (a la Weimar Republic). The United States has been abusing it’s privilege as the World Reserve Currency holder to enforce its political and economic hegemony onto the Third World, specifically by creating massive artificial demand for treasuries/US Dollars, allowing the US to borrow extraordinary amounts of money at extremely low rates for decades, creating a Sword of Damocles that hangs over the global financial system.

Peruvian Bull said, "Bitcoin, and gold to a lesser extent, serve as inflation hedges." See "Fun Fact" #10 to see which two assets that Peruvian Bull believes has infinite value.

Part II: Criand, Superstonk Legend

Did you know that one of the most respected and influential figures in the Gamestop movement wrote a reddit post describing how the 2007-2008 financial crisis never finished "crashing" and some of the most powerful people or organizations in the world are simply kicking the can down the road and delaying a financial crisis? Part of the title of u/Criand's post described, "How 2008 is repeating, at a much greater magnitude." Another GME silverback gorilla named u/broccaaa said the same thing.

The market crash of 2008 never finished. It was can-kicked and the same people who caused the crash have still been running rampant doing the same bullshit in the derivatives market as that market continues to be unregulated. They're profiting off of short-term gains at the risk of killing their institutions and potentially the global economy. Only this time it is much, much worse.
The bankers abused smaller amounts of leverage for the 2008 bubble and have since abused much higher amounts of leverage - creating an even larger speculative bubble. Not just in the stock market and derivatives market, but also in the crypt0 market, upwards of 100x leverage.
The rich made a fatal error in way overshorting stocks. There is a potential for their decades of sucking money out of taxpayers to be taken back. The derivatives market is potentially a $1 Quadrillion market.
The rich, and I mean all of Wall Street, are trying desperately to shut GameStop down because it has the chance to suck out trillions if not hundreds of trillions from the game they've played for decades. They've rigged this game since the 1990's when derivatives were first introduced.

Part III: Did you know that Peruvian Bull agreed with Criand?

Did you know that Peruvian Bull agreed with u/Criand? Did you know Peruvian Bull created a YouTube video entitled, "2008 Never Ended - The Dollar Endgame Part 3.5." The following is Pervian Bull's grim prediction:

Through the magic of Fractional Reserve banking, institutions can loan out much more debt than cash that actually exists. This increases systemic risk. As a result, over 90% of all capital created is in the form of debt. This supercharges debt cycles and can cause massive bank failures. When debt super-cycles crest and begin the march downwards, massive deleveraging and defaults begin. If the banking system is weak, bank runs begin (1930s). We were hitting another end of the 80 yr debt cycle in 2008 (1929-2008 (79yrs)). We never de-leveraged the system. Instead, we re-leveraged EVERYTHING even MORE. The Government and the Fed swept in and bailed out the banks. Now the Federal Government is deeply in debt to the tune of $28 Trillion. The trillions printed by the Fed were almost exclusively routed to the financial system - creating a new bubble in every single asset class, larger and even more widespread than the 2008 bubble.
We never resolved 2008. We only kicked the can up the stairs. The Derivatives monster from Pt 2, along with a massive debt avalanche, will come back with a vengeance.
Debt borrowing and money-printing cannot continue forever. The idea that anyone can borrow forever, or print money forever, with no consequences, defies basic financial logic. Impossible Objects cannot exist forever. History shows deadly consequences for the nations that venture down either path. The United States is no exception. The avalanche is coming either way - and we only have two choices. Either we allow ourselves to be buried under a mountain of hyper-deflation, creating a new Great Depression, frozen credit and equity markets, and massive bank failures - or, we burn our way out, using the inferno of money-printing and hyper-inflation.

18) CURRENCY Series 1 by Cardsmiths features Card #MR8 Year of the Ox with the following inscription on the back of the card:

The Ox occupies the second position in the Chinese Zodiac Calendar. The Ox is a symbol of diligence, strength, honesty, down-to-earth persistence, and wealth.
2021 is the Year of the Ox, with the next Year of the Ox occurring again in 2033.

Part I: It's Publicly Reported on Record that GME's short interest was 249.73% and BBBY's was 126.78%

It's ironic that Cardsmiths made Card #MR8 Year of the Ox because Cohen has tweeted about China several times, has tweeted "hello" in Mandarin, and has written a children's book entitled Teddy Goes to China. The first half of the Gamestop saga started with Gamestop: the second half of the saga will involve Bed Bath and Beyond, Buy Buy Baby (which will become the next Chewy but for babies), and "China." The end of the Gamestop saga will coincide with the MOASS and will mark the beginning of the GMERICA saga.

Just like the inscription on the back of the card, Gamestop Apes are relentlessly bullish (doing their due diligence, having strength and persistence with their diamonds hands, being future wealthy millionaires, etc.), so this card is quite apropos for the MOASS movement. It's interesting how unbelievably and unintentionally accurate CURRENCY Series 1 by Cardsmiths was with memorializing the (inevitable) MOASS.

Ryan Cohen is one of the only human beings on earth to go up against Amazon in a particular sector of the market . . . and win. Chewy made Cohen a billionaire, and it made Larry Cheng, the man who initially invested in him, much wealthier after Cheng's initial $15 million investment was flipped into hundreds of millions (2:12:45 - 2:13:00). The most current theory amongst authentic Superstonk apes and BBBY / The PP Show apes is that Gamestop will undergo some sort of merger or acquisition with BBBY / Buy Buy Baby using the $1 billion cash on hand that Gamestop possesses right now. Never forget that Gamestop and BBBY were, respectively, the #1 and #2 most shorted stocks in the stock market during the pandemic, and both were at one point or another shorted more than 100% (see Yahoo! Finance statistics). Mathematically speaking, the fact that they were shorted more than 100% should at least raise eyebrows to those unacquainted with the financial terrorism (predatory naked shorting) that has gone on in plain sight for decades if not almost a century.

GME Short % of Float (Aug 13, 2020) = 249.73%
BBBY Short % of Float (Feb 27, 2023) = 126.78%

Then magically around Mar 30, 2023, BBBY short interest drops to 19.08% with no short squeeze whatsoever. This kind of laughable fuckery was documented to death in Superstonk, and it happened to BBBY without much fanfare for some reason. It's theorized that naked short sellers (around the end of 2020 or beginning of 2021) initially attempted to partially close their open positions on GME (maybe that's why the short interest dropped from 249.73% to 226.42% initially); perhaps this was intentional to create the illusion that a short squeeze happened then concluded. This caused the "miniature short squeeze" or "sneeze" that raised GME to over $500 in the premarket. Short sellers possibly realized that fully closing their open positions on GME would decimate the global financial system. Consequently, they "took away the buy button" then completed a series of complex financial transactions to bring the price of GME back down to about ~ $40 (pre-split) without closing their positions, which happened around 1/2021 - 2/2021. Thus, a story was born that went something like this: the short squeeze is over, and there is nothing else to see here, so go home and take your losses; Melvin Capital closed out of its short position already so forget about GME. Gamestop Apes refused to believe the story that was sold to the American public by the mainstream media: it was all a lie.

The short interest publicly reported for GME and BBBY does not reflect the true short interest disguised by tactics like swap transactions, using derivatives in overseas affiliates to net against short positions in the US to avoid marking orders as short, buy-writes or married puts, failure-to-delivers, etc. The SEC has known about these tactics for a long time—at least since 2003. Unfortunately, the SEC can only bring about civil enforcement actions and only the DOJ is capable of bringing about criminal enforcement for these types of white-collar crimes that are notoriously difficult to prosecute.

Part II: Definitive Proof that Naked Short Sellers Never Closed Their Open Positions on GME

Naked short sellers never fully closed their open positions on GME (indeed, they doubled down and abusively naked shorted GME even more), and Gamestop apes proved it the way that Nobel Prize-winning scientists proved that black holes exist: it's technically impossible to see a black hole because black holes don't emit or reflect light, making them effectively invisible to telescopes. Therefore, studying the evidence surrounding the black hole will eventually get you the smoking gun.

Gamestop apes analyzed all the publicly available info—like Level II market data, Bloomberg Terminal, SEC filings, dark pool data from FINRA—in order to conclude that predatory and abusive naked short sellers never closed their open positions on GME. This unethical, and likely criminal, behavior was suspected as early as 2004 in primitive online forums. This crowdsourced effort was one of humanity's greatest accomplishments: the collected effort of at least hundreds of thousands of retail investors; accountants; financial experts (former employees from DTCC, SEC, Citadel, etc.); Susanne Trimbath, PhD; lawyer(s) with an expertise in complex litigation and suing Wall Street for fraud; statisticians; and freelance journalists is capable of outgunning the employees of any newspaper, news broadcaster on television, or mainstream media outlet with more journalistic objectivity. u/Criand offered damning evidence to further support the fact that predatory and abusive naked short sellers never closed their open positions on GME and said, "You haven't covered your shorts, and I can show it mathematically":

It's easy to forget that Einstein himself (the man who first developed general relativity) doubted that black holes could even exist in the first place—despite the fact that general relativity predicted the existence of them—because black holes are such bizarre structures that break all the laws of physics. The math and physics checked out, but perhaps some sort of bias prevented Einstein from believing the truth. Could GME's true short interest be anywhere from 3,000 - 10,000%? Is the float of GME actually in the ballpark of ~500 million - billions when you factor in phantom shares? The following were calculated before the GME split when the float was around 63 million and the shares outstanding was 76 million:

  • Indirectly calculating the float of GME by examining the OTC Transparency Data at FINRA as of February 28, 2022 showed "4.508 billion GME shares were traded over the past 72 weeks (at least 78x the float)."

Predatory or abusive naked short selling creates phantom shares; thus, this dilutes the actual price of GME and prevents authentic price discovery in a (supposedly) free market. Don't believe me? Just read everything that Susanne Trimbath, PhD has ever written then get back to me.

Part III: Teddy Goes to China and 你好

Here are some of Ryan Cohen's tweets mentioning China:

  1. China is a sleeping giant. Let her sleep, for when she wakes she will move the world.
  2. I have a crush on China.
  3. China has a nationwide high-speed rail network that spans almost 22,000 miles. This is an amazing achievement.

Many have speculated, including those on The PP Show, that Gamestop will soon be rebranded as GMERICA or Teddy, a conglomerate in the vein of Berkshire Hathaway or Icahn Enterprises. Gamestop and BBBY / Buy Buy BABY will be two factions of a juggernaut that will take down Amazon using technology that will take us one step closer to being a Type I Civilization on the Kardashev scale: cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

Ryan Cohen does not waste time telegraphing his plans to his competitors. He is a man of few words, and his actions speak for themselves. His plans are under non-disclosure agreements, and you have to ask yourself if BBBY is undergoing a straightforward Chapter 7 bankruptcy, why all the NDA's here? It's a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and apes have gone absolutely nowhere. We are all still here, holding our GME / BBBY shares with nuclear pasta hands.

In light of our long-term focus, we are not an investor that demands guidance. In fact, we appreciate that Apple, one of our long-term holdings, suspended guidance amidst pandemic-related uncertainty and has never given away a detailed strategy for all of its competitors to see. We dislike when a management team spends time accommodating Wall Street, engaging with television pundits and telegraphing forecasts to the competition. We believe management’s time is best spent focusing on execution that drives a better customer experience and tangible value creation.

It must be said that the following are cold, hard facts:

A) China is an anagram of Icahn. (Carl Icahn's son's last name is Icahn.)

B) Ryan Cohen took a photo standing right next to Icahn himself.

C) wrote an article entitled, "Is GameStop Chair Ryan Cohen the New Carl Icahn?"

D) wrote an article entitled, "Is Ryan Cohen Steering GameStop Toward a Berkshire Hathaway or Icahn Enterprises Transformation?"

E) Ryan Cohen tweeted, "Ryan Cohen by day, Warren Icahn by night."

F) In response to predatory or abusive naked short sellers targeting IEP stock, Fox Business said in regards to Icahn that "He's Planning Something That These Guys Will Never Forget."

G) Activist investor Carl Icahn scored a big payday after shares of tanker car maker American Railcar Industries surged on news that the company will merge with a subsidiary of ITE Rail Fund.
Icahn owned 62.2 percent of American Railcar’s shares outstanding, according to FactSet, having first taken a majority stake in 2010. The stake was worth nearly $550 million. In a statement, Icahn Enterprises said its investment in American Railcar resulted in a profit of $757.2 million, including the deal.

H) Larry Cheng is a founding partner at Volition Capital, which has just under $2 billion of total assets under management. He was the first person to believe and invest in Ryan Cohen and propel Cohen towards becoming a billionaire. He is also a Gamestop board member. He said this on The PP Show to a room of Bed Bath and Beyond stockholders:

"You guys are really defining what it means for retail investors to be in community and what comes from that, and so when I think about where this is headed and where communities are going from impacting the financial markets, it's wherever you guys in this room want to go. Because you guys are on the forefront, and you're leading it, and so kudos to you guys. I think the power of individual investors in community will only grow over time, and there are days in the future where rooms like what you have will be more important and more influential than Goldman Sachs." (2:14:30 - 2:15:35)

Why would a man of Larry Cheng's wealth and status waste his time and risk his reputation and bother going onto a show where the stockholders are holding onto a supposed bankrupt and worthless stock? How can a bunch of alleged rekt bagholders be more influential than Goldman Sachs? Keep in mind that the host, guests, and viewers of The PP Show talk about nothing but Bed Bath and Beyond stock relentlessly every day for 2-4 hours each stream, painstakingly pore through each and every docket (full of dry, verbose legalese) that comes out about Bed Bath and Beyond, and have less than 7,500 - 10,000 views per stream on average as of this writing. Also note that Bill Pulte was actually co-hosting with PP himself the day that the live stream featured Larry Cheng. Who do you think is the most liked person on Ryan Cohen's Twitter feed? Would you be surprised if I told you it was Bill Pulte? What would you think if I told you Ryan Cohen took a photo with Bill Pulte?

It's a fact that Bed Bath and Beyond is currently going through Chapter 11 bankruptcy, not Chapter 7. Look to when American Airlines emerged from Chapter 11, marking the most successful Chapter 11 reorganization of an airline in recent history. Look to when Hertz emerged from Chapter 11 and surprisingly rewarded its shareholders with more than $1 billion in value despite the shareholders previously being in line to be completely wiped out.

I) Ryan Cohen said some interesting things about Bed Bath and Beyond in a document filed with the SEC.

J) Gamestop went from the verge of bankruptcy to a full year of profitability and has more than $1 billion cash on hand to grow its company.

Part IV: Long Live GMERICA

Is Ryan Cohen still involved with Bed Bath and Beyond? Please refer to my metaphor above involving black holes and discovering that the predatory naked short positions in GME were never closed. The hosts, guests, and viewers of The PP show have done exactly what the apes at Superstonk have done: they have deduced, indirectly, that Ryan Cohen is still involved with Bed Bath and Beyond and / or Buy Buy Baby through all the evidence that is publicly available to analyze.

The transformation of GME into GMERICA may look like a world where blockchain technology paves the way for mankind to become one step closer to a Type I Civilization on the Kardashev scale. For example, to compete with Amazon Prime or Netflix, Ryan Cohen could revive Blockbuster and use NFT technology so that customers could own their own movies instead of having them permanently disappear after a streaming service abruptly takes them down offline without warning and without the ability to view their content again. Ryan Cohen could create a stock exchange using blockchain technology in order to render predatory and abusive naked short selling obsolete since the blockchain is transparent. A stock exchange using blockchain technology would give Computershare a much needed update and revolutionize the idea of owning a non-fungible stock in your name instead of having the DTCC own it for you as a phantom share. Something like this, or at least a merger or acquisition involving Gamestop and Bed Bath and Beyond, would likely force the open naked short positions on GME and BBBY to finally close. Money itself on the blockchain could usher in a era of humanity where wealth works for everyone instead of only for the 1% or centralized financial institutions and governments.

Amazon has annihilated everyone who has ever stood in its way. Amazon will not be destroyed in a day nor will it be easy to destroy; therefore, when you strike at a king (retweeted by Ryan Cohen), you must kill him. MOASS will be the kill shot.

A blue whale can take a long time to fully decompose, and in the beginning you may not even realize it's dying.
submitted by semblanceoyouth to Currencytradingcards [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 12:49 neotheseventh The mail Alan sent to state bar to get Jeff disqualified mention the year as 2008, but the actual email date is in 2010

The mail Alan sent to state bar to get Jeff disqualified mention the year as 2008, but the actual email date is in 2010 submitted by neotheseventh to community [link] [comments]

2024.02.25 09:29 metroidcomposite Hand-re-calculating results by half year

So...I had a general idea that a year is kind-of too long. Like...there are very recent examples of a player seeming dominant for only 6 months (Mango and Amsa at the end of 2022, for example). Year end rankings just don't capture that very well.
I wanted to break things down into 6 month chunks.
I also didn't want to just use existing rankings--people have complaints about retroRank before 2012, and also I think some justified complaints about some of the official rankings, I went digging tournament by tournament, including tournaments that aren't listed as majors (they still count in the year end rankings, so I should count them too).
I also went back and watched the entire smash doc to get more context for the early years. I dunno if I have a final list yet, still tweaking things, but I have some...results that are surprising and interesting enough to share.

More people spend time at #1

Obviously this is what you would expect with 6 month ranking periods. But it's still nice to see. Ever think it's weird that PPMD is a "god", and he was never #1 for a year? my calculations he spent something like three of these 6-month time periods as #1...just none of them were consecutive, so PPMD was actually #1 for about 1.5 years in total. Other interesting #1s that pop up include one of PC Chris or Azen (depending on where you divide 6 month periods), maybe Captain Jack, maybe aMSa (open for debate, but they are certainly candidates).

Ranking anything before August 20 2004 is silly

So...before even starting, I made this rule for myself that you have to play with at least some of the top players from the strongest region to get ranked for that 6 month period. So like EU people need to come to NA or have NA people come to them. When the east coast was stronger, west coasters needed to go to the east coast, or fly east coasters out to them. And so on.
Now, ask yourself....what's the strongest region in 2004? Is it the east coast...or is it the west coast?
Trick question! None of the above! The answer is Japan.
Quoting directly from the smash doc here:
"I was playing friendlies against Captain Jack the day before the tournament just to see the difference of skill between Japanese and NA players."
"Captain Jack's Bowser beat Ken's Marth."
"I just couldn't kill him. I couldn't understand why I just couldn't kill him."
Now, I mean, US players learned DI and adapted quickly, Captain Jack didn't win everything he entered (Captain Jack did finish ahead of Ken in 2/3 tournaments while he was in the US, but the last tournament he entered he finished third).
But regardless, I think US players are not eligible for ranking before August 20 2004. They didn't go to the strongest region (Japan), they didn't bring Japanese players to them.
Japan players would be eligible...IF we knew anything about Japanese tournaments held between 2003-2004. I haven't been able to find anything in my searches.

Offset years work slightly better I think? first pass on this, one group of 6 months was January through June, and the other group of 6 months was July through December. But I ran into an issue where really big events kept happening in January or early February. Brawl came out and caused a lot of retirements in mid February. The first time Armada retired in 2013 he did it after January. PPMD essentially retired after a January tournament in 2015. Mango spent a 4 month period not playing after a January tournament in 2010. The last tournament before COVID was a summit held in early February.
So I experimented with declaring that the "Melee New Year" is August 20, to line up with Tournament Go 6 (the tournament in 2004 where American players and Japanese players met for the first time). And then that runs for half a year (ends around February 18). The August 20 date also happens to nicely end a time period right after Armada's 2018 retirement.
Offsetting years like this isn't necessary at all, I still have separate spreadsheets for different ways you could split this up, and at least the way I scored things it usually ended up with similar results regardless of where I drew the dividing line. (Like...1 tournament win was usually 2 or 3 points, 2 tournament wins was 5 points, so if you had two tournaments you won, and they got split up by the date line, you usually ended up with the same points in the end).

PPMD (and M2K)

Yeah, so let's talk about this one. Relying on year-long rankings really scuffs PPMD. In fact, here's some numbers from one of my spreadsheets (the one that makes PPMD look the weakest, by the way), and like, I'm not claiming these spreadsheets are perfect or anything but...still, look at this:
Ken: 41
M2K: 37
PPMD: 35
Leffen 28
Cody 27
Using year-end rankings you would think PPMD is worse than all these people. But when we look at things in 6 months chunks he's...close to the top of this list? Can also end up higher than M2K depending on where you draw the 6 month boundaries.
(Worth noting, M2K is one of the few people whose placement swings wildly depending on where you draw the dividing line. He can fall down to 29 points if you start from January. He picks up a lot of points from the period right after Brawl comes out, when everyone who can beat him retires temporarily).
Obviously these numbers treat every 6 month period as equally competitive. If you're a fan of applying different multipliers to different years, applying a lower multiplier to the months after Brawl comes out can fix any concerns about over-crediting M2K.

Zain and Ken

This includes Zain's online but...:
Zain: 59
Ken: 41
Honestly, this mostly comes from saying that Japan was the strongest region before August 20 2004, so Ken is not #1 in 2003 and not #1 for the first half of 2004 either. And then some of it flows naturally from taking half-year results. Ken isn't #1 late in 2006, when Azen won two consectuive tournaments and the MLG finals were PC Chris vs KDJ. You could also argue about who was #1 between Ken and Captain Jack in the 6 months following Tournament Go 6 (it's very close, I gave them both similar scores)

10 Point Seasons

I had a score that I gave out occasionally, for someone who spent a whole 6 months never losing a tournament, had no disputing factors (like didn't avoid playing the player most likely to beat them, didn't have a tiny sample size like only one tournament).
Some of the people who have a season like this are surprising. Some of the people who don't have a season like this are also surprising. Some of the people with a season like this it feels like a bit of a technicality, but I'll list them too.
The list of such seasons (using the August 20-Jan18 and Jan 19-August 19 -- which produces the most such seasons for the most players)...
Ken only appearing once was a surprise. Armada not appearing at all was a surprise (his sample size was always too small when he was dominant in mid 2011 - early 2013. He'd show up for one tournament every 6 months, win, and leave). M2K and Zain each have a bit of an tournaments didn't get frequent till 6 months after COVID so this based on like 2-3 online tournaments. M2K's period of dominance is just everyone retiring for Brawl. Fixing those two requires having a "more and less competitive time period" filter, which I haven't applied.
But the real surprise here is actually Cody. Cody has won everything he has entered for the past 6 months, including obviously three majors, but he's been going to smaller tournaments with JMook such as Arcamelee and Santa Paws, and won those too. (Technically he didn't win the Off Season 2, but there's a general consensus Off Season 2 doesn't count for rankings). Like...the narrative of the post-Slippi era is that no one will ever achieve the dominance of Ken ever again, but...Cody appears to be doing something very comparable to early 2005 Ken right now.

HBox, Armada, Mango

Yeah, so like...they tend to have scores around 90 and tend to be within 1-12 points of each other. Which at least by the rules I set for myself, means any of them could win something like 1-4 tournaments in the future and take the GOAT title--hilariously close.
(My rules were something like: to be ranked, you need to win tournaments with the top player present, so this means Armada gets nothing for 2009 or 2010 when he was getting 2nd at US events. But also means that Mango doesn't get credit for the part of 2010 when he was goofing off with Mario and not winning tournaments--I have seen Mango fans want to credit him as still being the best in that time period).
I kind of assumed these rules would screw Armada the most--basically shortens his career down to 6.5 years. (gives him no points for 2009 or 2010 cause he only got 2nd in those years, I adjusted time periods to have him get no points for a full one year retirement from Feb 2013-Mar 2014, and also only credit him for half of 2018 before he retired). But actually so far he's more often than not been coming slightly ahead of the other two (by razor thin margins mind you, like 3-6 points).
Here's how I understand why he's scoring higher in a system that I thought would be bad for him.
Armada is rarely shut out for 6 consecutive months after 2010 (when he's active). There's one time period when he gets shut out and is active (Aug 20 2017 - Feb 18 2018) doesn't win a single tournament with Hbox present. But most of the time even when he's not #1, he's winning usually at least 2 tournaments with an arguably #1 player present.
Mango by comparison is very up and down. Immediately after looking unbeatable he will win no tournaments for 6 months. Obviously there are recent examples of this still fresh in people's memory (Mango's 2022), but it also happens in years I assumed Mango would be dominant throughout. Like...did you know that between Aug 2013 through Feb 2014 Mango got eliminated by M2K in every tournament they both entered? (Pound V.5, Fight Pitt 3, Apex 2014). Everyone thinks of mid 2013-early 2014 (after Armada's temporary retirement) as a Mango time, he wins EVO...just he doesn't win anything of note for 6 months after EVO. This really surprised me when I first looked through the tournaments.
And this pattern repeats a lot through Mango's history. He'll be a monster for 6 months, and then he won't win anything for a while.
Hbox of course also has long stretches of not winning tournaments. When he's on top you generally won't stop him. But when he's not on top he can go years without winning a major.


I don't think this really does anything to resolve discussions about the top 3, with all their scores being comically close using this method, and tiny judgment calls I thought wouldn't matter probably mattering in the end. But the big interesting discoveries (for me) is stuff like PPMD looking a lot stronger, Ken looking a lot weaker. Cody being in the midst of a Ken-esque streak right now.
Anyway, still tuning all of this, just thought people might find some of this approach interesting.
submitted by metroidcomposite to meleeGOATdebate [link] [comments]

2024.01.16 07:05 Alternative-Top6882 Mac tools date codes

Mac tools date codes
I found this and figured I'd share it. I bought a set of wrenches that's never been used. Apparently from 1984.
submitted by Alternative-Top6882 to Tools [link] [comments]

2024.01.06 17:25 Thekillersofficial Mitch McConnell a Bastard.

In the Spring of 2020, I was a freshly laid-off Waitstaff who needed a job, so I got work at a local Kroger. In the breakroom, the TV was always loudly blasting commercials, and as it was an election year and I live in the Appalachian-Tri-state Area, so most of the commercials were Election commercials for those three different states. One fateful day later in the year, I was speaking to a coworker of mine about Amy Klobuchar, essentially saying at least she was preferable to Mitch McConnell, when an old man from another department piped up and asked me why I didn’t like McConnell. In truth, I couldn’t name specifics. I knew his name, his stupid face, and I had definitely seen him say and do some bullshit, but nothing specific came to mind. He had definitely gotcha’d me. If I had some sense, I should have told him to look at my friend and I and take a guess as to what about Mitch McConnell didn’t appeal to this obviously Queer pair, but I was too flabbergasted at the time. He taught me something valuable that day: if you are going to talk shit, be prepared to be challenged. It’s too late now to go back and tell that man exactly what I now think of Mitch, but at least now I am a Mitch McConnell expert, and I’m now going to bring that hammer of knowledge down here. On the internet.

Most of the sources used here are Mitch’s own memoir, The Long Road, as well as The Cynic: The Political Education of Mitch McConnell by Alec McGillis.Lots of ‘mc’ on ‘mc’ violence in this tale. I also thank the Embedded podcast for helping me through the fun, sexy campaign finance parts and judiciary.

Mitch McConnell was born Addison Mitchell McConnell III on February 20, 1942 in a hospital not far from his hometown of Athens, Alabama. His parents, Julia Shockley McConnell and Addison Mitchell McConnell, both hailed from larger families*, but young Mitch remained an only child, partly out of consequence of the continuing war, and partially due to his developing Polio as a two-year-old.

*Coincidentally, his maternal grandfather’s name was Green Babe Shockley, as a result of being the youngest of so many children, they ran out of names. His maternal grandmother’s name was Lala, and I’m not sure there’s a reason for that one. Not really important to his life, just interesting. Also interestingly, in October of 1942, the year Mitch was born,his Uncle was found dead of a gunshot wound outside of an Airbase in Orlando (Limestone Democrat, October 1942) while serving. Also not super pertinent, but I found it an interesting insight into the sort of stress his parents underwent during this period of having a newborn.

Polio-babe notwithstanding, Addison II felt a duty to serve, and joined up, leaving Polio-stricken Mitch with his mother ‘Deany’. And some help from his paternal grandparents, Mamie and Big Dad, who owned a funeral home in Athens. With a lot of effort and the help of some good doctors, Mitch learned to walk, and in other fortunate news, (at least according to Mitch), the H bombs getting dropped ensured Father Addison’s safe return to Alabama. Quoth Mitch: “But to the substantial relief of our family, President Truman dropped the A-bomb on Japan. Knowing the potential suffering this saved my dad, and the great number of lives spared by bringing an end to the war, there’s never been any second thoughts in our family about the wisdom of that decision.”

Good thing we did that then; Mitch’s dad had to be around to share the wisdom he had obviously accumulated over the years, like advising him to beat up his childhood bully, “Dicky McGrew”. Now, how you could be bullied by a kid with such an obviously easy name to lampoon is beyond me, but Mitch was a trailblazer.

“One afternoon, my father stopped his yard work and called me home from Dicky’s.
“Son, I’ve been watching the way you interact with him,” he said. “That’s got to change, and it’s got to change right now.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“That kid’s been pushing you around for too long. You’re going back across that street, and you’re going to beat up Dicky McGrew.”
The way Mitch later describes Dicky McGrew’s smashed up glasses on the ground combined with the name Dicky McGrew makes me doubt the veracity of who was truly the bully in this situation.

This was not Mitch’s only foray into Youth Networking. As his family moved towns, first from Alabama to Georgia at 8, then finally to Louisville, KY at 14, the same year that his new High School, Dupont Manual High School (yes that Dupont), integrated… for the first of many times. But in the meantime, like many other young right wing politicians, McConnell realized that his popularity relied on his athletic abilities, and devoted his time to “getting good” at baseball. It was his good luck to also be a close neighbor to his Principal, who happened to be a former Minor League Player named Bernie Ward, who helped him improve his game, later leading to a Little League All-star championship with which he is still very proud.

The move to Louisville surely threw off his baseball future, as well as his grandparents, who worried about the “yankees” in Kentucky. Big Dad, the grandpa who helped raise him, explained politics to his father in this way: “Sit down, son,” Big Dad said. “This won’t take long.” My dad did as he was told. “Okay,” my grandfather continued. “The Republican Party is the party of the North. The Democratic Party is the party of the South. You can go now.”

Mitch’s father was not dissuaded from later voting Republican for Eisenhower, apparently the first in his family to vote this way. Throughout his memoir, McConnell makes a concentrated effort to paint Kentucky as a blue state. As he describes his growing political views as he graduated into his college years, he speaks about his experience at the University of Louisville like this:
“At U of L, I was fortunate to fall under the tutelage of Grant Hicks, a political science professor who inspired me, on a more personal level, to practice my own independent thinking, especially about the type of government that can best serve our country. In a university where most professors were liberal Democrats, Grant Hicks was the lone conservative. The poor guy probably had to eat lunch by himself, but unlike most other political science teachers I had, Hicks didn’t give conservative thinking short shrift.”

Now, I was not in Kentucky in the 60’s. But given the shifts of the parties in the mid-century, I find it difficult to believe that the Democrats at his school were the same as the ones today. They were Southern Democrats, sure. And I’d say a healthy dose of some who maybe grew their hair out a little longer than their parents would prefer, but I think he likes to represent Kentucky in bad faith when it comes to him being inundated with liberals. Later on, Mitch also describes the Highlands neighborhood he lives in at the time of writing his book as the “Berkeley of Kentucky” and his wife and his votes as some of the ‘few’ for him in his Precinct. He brings this up while talking about people protesting the war in the Middle East in his front yard later on in the 2000’s. I think it’s important to mention that when protests of this nature happen in this area of the country, it’s less likely that those are all Highlands neighborhood residents, but instead, everyone in the nearest 200 miles has to decide to make the trek there and meet up. From the ‘Berkeley of Kentucky’ part of Mitch’s book:

“In the six years the war had endured, hundreds of thousands of people had taken part in antiwar marches in cities like New York, San Francisco, and Chicago. The protests in Louisville were more modest but also more targeted. Instead of gathering in the center of the city, they took to my own front yard.”

I do not deny that Louisville may be more Liberal than Mitch is comfortable with, but I do take issue with him presenting his views as out of place in this part of the country, and pretending that a conservative professor wouldn’t have a place at a Kentucky University, even before the party shift. I also take issue with anyone who complains about war protesters, when war is right there to complain about, especially when they took part in creating that war, which Mitch did, through voting to be there. This is also the obligatory part where you have to mention that Mitch was the prime age for a lot of the combat America saw during the 20th century, but he did not serve. In his book, it was easy for him to contribute this to his version of the heel spur, Optic neuritis, which causes… blurry vision. To be fair to McConnell, he did sign up for the Army Reserves, instead of waiting for the hammer to fall on him. But it may be likely this was a move to leverage his later departure. According to the Lexington Herald Leader:
“Questions about McConnell's military service have popped up toward the end of each of his last three campaigns. McConnell has previously allowed reporters to view some of his military records, but he has never allowed anyone to copy the documents.
[…]McConnell was a 25-year-old University of Kentucky law student with political aspirations in spring 1967, during the Vietnam War. As his graduation neared, making him eligible for the draft, McConnell secured a coveted post in the U.S. Army Reserve, which President Lyndon Johnson kept out of combat for most of his administration. McConnell enlisted March 21, 1967, and then returned to UK to finish law school. Private McConnell spent little time in uniform. He won a discharge from the Reserve after five weeks of active duty. He trained at Fort Knox from July 9 to Aug. 15, 1967. McConnell's discharge came five days after U.S. Sen. John Sherman Cooper, R-Ky., for whom he had worked as an intern, sent a letter to the two-star general in command of Fort Knox.
"Mitchell anxious to clear post in order to enroll NYU," the senator told the general on Aug. 10, 1967. "Please advise when final action can be expected."

Draft Dodging is not a cardinal sin in my book, but what is is sending people to war, and then lying about your reasons for not going, and then complaining about protestors in your yard as if you deserve a medal.

Unlike apparently lone-conservative Professor Grant Hicks, Mitch did feel like he had a place at U of L and apparently thrived there, becoming an intern for congressman Gene Snyder with the University’s congressional internship program. He describes his first Summer in D.C. as an eventful one, as he was able to catch MLK jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech, but could not hear the good Doctor’s words. This is from the Long Game.

“Unfortunately, even as I stood on those steps watching the march [on Washington] go by, I knew that the man I worked for opposed its cause. [...] “our opposing views on this issue quietly strained our relationship. But my experience working with him included learning at least one critical lesson. In 1966, three years after my internship, he was running for office, and I very publicly supported his primary opponent. Snyder was mad about this, and he should have been. It was a mistake. Snyder had given me an important opportunity by allowing me to come to Washington and intern for him, and for that, I owed him some degree of allegiance. My decision was one that caused me regret, and it was an important early lesson in loyalty that I would never forget.”

Alec MacGillis in The Cynic suggests (and I would agree) that McConnell was wanting to hear what King had to say, in person, but he didn’t want to face any ire from his employer for being involved. His career is ultimately more important. With Mitch, his career and winning is always more important. It’s notable I think his experience under (racist) Gene Sydner later influenced his choice to be more outspoken in favor of civil rights, and his choice to work for civil rights’ trailblazer, Senator Cooper, but hasn’t stopped him from a classic Confederate Flag photo op. But what he did take from Cooper’s was, according to McConnell, that he “always carried out his best judgment instead of pandering to the popular view.” Which just sounds undemocratic when you say it as Mitch McConnell.

But unfortunately for the black Louisville community, his own best judgment meant using racist anti-busing rhetoric to overcome the incumbent judge in his bid to become county judge. From The Cynic:
[Incumbent Todd Hollenbach had] won reelection by a huge margin in 1973. But shortly into his second term, he’d been caught up in the biggest storm to hit Louisville in decades—in 1974, a federal judge acting at the behest of the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a desegregation order for the Louisville schools, leading to the merger of the city and county districts, forced busing of 19,500 children, and protests from many white residents beyond the city line—Hollenbach’s constituents. Hollenbach had tried to position himself as a reasoned critic of the rulings, saying he supported desegregation but preferred means other than busing to achieve it.
Into this opening stepped McConnell. The thirty-five-year-old had, to this point, done barely anything in Kentucky except some law firm drudgery and helping manage other people’s campaigns. But he’d long been preparing for this moment, as suggested by his October 1975 letter offering President Gerald Ford his resignation from the Department of Justice job. After thanking Ford for the opportunity to serve, McConnell launched into a lament about the “discord” that busing had caused in Louisville, stated that he supported a constitutional amendment to prohibit it and, barring that, pleaded with Ford to nominate antibusing justices to the Supreme Court. It was a striking appeal from a junior staff member, particularly one who had a decade earlier joined the civil rights cause in Louisville.”
Mitch bounced back and forth between Washington D.C. and Kentucky for a while, as well as between politics and lawyering, and between being married and not, beginning and ending a marriage during this time. Finally, after practicing law badly (by his own admission) and a stint as a Professor and county judge as previously mentioned. Finally, in 1984, McConnell ran for Senate, with the help of Roger Ailes, eventual Fox News magnate, as his campaign television advisor.
“I’ve looked into it,” Ailes said. “We’re gonna get bloodhounds, because they’re big in Kentucky. And I’ve called Snarfy.”
“Yeah, Snarfy. He’s this guy I know. An actor. He looks like he could be from Kentucky. He snarfs. I don’t know, it’s something he does before he starts a scene. Clears his throat or something. So we call him Snarfy.”
“He’s going to be led by this pack of dogs, hunting for Huddleston, who has clearly been busy giving paid speeches instead of voting. I love it. What do you think?”
And so they went with this plan. And this part is priceless to me, so I’m going to include it in full:

“In [the ad], a man (Snarfy) is holding the straining leashes of a pack of dogs. He leaves Capitol Hill in search of Huddleston, traveling to the same places Huddleston had traveled for paid speeches, like the beaches of Puerto Rico and downtown Los Angeles. Ailes was particularly nervous about the scene he had to film at the US Capitol. His plan was to unleash the pack of dogs, and turn them loose on the steps of the Capitol.
“We may get arrested for this one,” Ailes told his small crew. “So we gotta do this in one shot.” He placed a pile of hamburger meat at the top of the steps and some in Snarfy’s pant cuff so the dogs would stay close to him until they were unleashed. “I can see the security guards watching,” Ailes said. “Do this quick or we’re on the way to the big house. One . . . two . . . action!”
By the time the dogs had reached the top of the steps, Ailes and his crew were surrounded by guards.
“What are you doing?” one demanded.
“Why, does this look odd to you?” Ailes looked at his cameraman. “You get the shot?” He nodded. “Okay,” Ailes said to the guards. “We’re done here. Thank you.”

The ad signified a marked difference in McConnell’s campaign, and he won against incumbent Dee Huddleston, beginning an ongoing 41 years in congress.

The 90’s started in an admittedly tough sequence of events. His father died of colon cancer in 1990 and his mother dies in 1993. On the other hand, he also remarried, to his current, absolutely loaded wife, Elaine Chao, former Secretary of Labor under W Bush, daughter to a Taiwanese Shipping Magnate. To his credit it seems like a respectful and loving union, and he devotes several pages to her life and accomplishments, which I thought was nice.

But what is NOT nice: Mitch’s hate boner for campaign finance reform, which begins to be very relevant to his interests at this point in his life, as more money become a part of his life, and of the few issues that Mitch addresses directly in his book (other than shitting on Obamacare), this is the one he seems to be most important to him. I would consider it and the judiciary his career defining battles. He had been pro-reform (according to an article he wrote for the Courier-Journal in 1973) at least until he was elected, and completely, radically changed sides on the issue.
He insists, like many against campaign finance reform, that it is a first amendment issue.
“On a more personal level, my first run for the Senate brought these issues to light in a concrete way. I never would have been able to win my race if there had been a limit on the amount of money I could raise and spend. The only way a guy like me had a chance—a guy with no real political connections and no money, no strong political party apparatus to rely on, holding views opposed by the mainstream media and organized political groups like the labor unions—was to get around the inherent advantages of the liberal majority party by raising enough money to take my message directly to voters.”

Jr Statesman Mitch became an expert in campaign finance law, and elder statesmen would defer to Mitch on these issues. This knowledge would eventually help him help lawyers on the Citizens United v. FEC ruling, leading to the funneling of millions if not billions in dark funds to politicians.
Being anti-Campaign Finance reform is the defining fight of Mitch’s career, and he’s proud of it throughout his book, completely tone-deaf to how the common person feels about a campaign spending millions of dollars.
McConnell successfully filibustered against what was known as the Mccain-Feingold act in 1999, which was attempting to ban ‘soft’ money donations to political parties. Hard money donations, for clarification, are donations you give directly to a politician. Soft money donations are given to political parties, who aren’t supposed to be able to use those donations for specific politicians. Is my understanding of it. Anyway.

Lest we believe good old John McCain was acting purely from good intentions, he had recently been wrapped up in a bit of a ~scandal involving the “Keating Five”. The “Keating Five” were Five senators from Arizona, Ohio, and California that had received donations from a financier named Charles Keating in exchange for savings and loan deregulations directed at his failing financing company. Mccain had received 112k from Keating as well as fundraising dinners, in exchange for a meeting where it was his job to insist that Lincoln Savings and Loans wasn’t failing miserably.
Mccain was let off with a slap on the wrist (told to use better judgment in the future.) TO HIS CREDIT- he co created and persisted in promoting this bill with Senator Russ Feingold, and stayed the course. But apparently, Dave Anthony’s grandparents lost a lot of money because of the Lincoln thing, so actually, we’ll take back the credit. Listen to the Dollop’s episode on John Mccain.
For all the tenacity McCain had for this Bipartisan bill, McConnell matched and denounced with gusto. Again, this was not to limit politicians directly, but political parties. In his book, McConnell bitches about soft money donations by giving an example of why he needed these types of donations. Supposedly.
“... the New York Times had printed 114 editorials on campaign finance reform in the prior thirty-four months. Under the existing law, as a candidate or member of the Republican Party, I could use soft money to buy issue ads to respond to the New York Times, presenting the other side of the issue. To buy the amount of space the New York Times had used in its 114 editorials on the subject would have cost me $3.5 million. By limiting the soft money, you limit my ability to buy those ads, thus limiting the conversation and allowing the press—the biggest and best-financed special interest in America—to control it. This is particularly perilous to conservatives because the large national corporations that own most of the newspapers in America share views that are remarkably similar—meaning overwhelmingly on the political left. To the extent that conservatives are unable to market their message through the expenditure of money, whether it’s hard money or soft money, the agenda will be set and controlled by an institution like the New York Times, which is free to sermonize 114 times on any issue it wants, whether by what it writes on the editorial page or the front page.”
Which, last I checked, is well within the rights of a publication under a free market. Additionally, his main argument orbits political parties losing power, which all of us want. No one wants parties, least of all George Washington’s ghost. Politicians can feel free to air whatever dickcheese opinion, essentially free of consequences, on their twitters or what have you, so I don’t know what Mitch is doing with that 3.5 mill.

McConnell survived a preventative triple heart bypass in 2003 to the misfortune of the good people of Kentucky and the United states, just in time to be the majority whip. You know, it’s 20 years on from this surgery, and apart from a few public “buffering” moments, Mitch seems to have held up well. He must have really great medical care. If only he saw the benefit in any American being able to access quality healthcare. Hm.

Around 2002, a new McCain-Feingold act popped its head once more into congress. Mitch must have felt too comfortable because it was allowed to pass, then get signed by Bush (which really burns Mitch). Mitch decides to take it to the supreme court, in Mcconnell v. FEC. where he proceeded to lose!, allowing the McCain-Feingold act to pass for good, banning soft money donations, where it stayed hollowed in the halls of law till this very day. That is a lie. Mitch can’t let this go because it was a personal loss for him, and this is when I think Mitch swore vengeance on the courts, after using his own money and time to pursue this, put his loser name on the loser case for til the end of time, etc. According to his book:
“While I’ve always had an open-door policy with my staff, in the days after the decision, I was distraught enough to want to spend a fair amount of time with my office door closed[…] “But I’d taken the fight as far as I could, and it was time to move on. I called John McCain to congratulate him. “You won and I lost,” I said.””
He insists he drops the matter, leaving it to the courts, but this is untrue in twofold ways. The first way: years later, during the infamous Citizens United vs. FEC case. Right-wing non-profit Citizens United, created a political film called ‘Hillary the Movie,’ a doc about the beloved figure, and wanted to air ads for it too close to the election, but they argued that Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 could be considered a smear campaign against Bush, and that could still be aired. I have not seen Hillary the Movie but I have to imagine it’s like comparing the artfulness of the Barbie movie and Lady Ballers, the Daily Wire’s cinematic anti-trans clear Oscar-bait. Whatever you think of Michael Moore, he is a documentarian with craft, so the idea that his movie is being compared with Citizen United’s oeuvre, like Celcius 41.11, is funny.
Mitch would prove instrumental to the eventual Citizens’ decision when he and his lawyer from his case used his previous experience and knowledge gained during Mcconnell vs. FEC to be an authorized consultant. Citizens United partially overruled Mcconnell’s case with his own help, practically relitigating his own Supreme court case. All this is covered in depth in the Embedded podcast, which goes much more in depth into campaign finance if you’re interested. Mitch has since used his obstructionist ways to successfully filibuster other campaign finance reform legislation, such as the “Disclose Act” which would have “forced outside groups spending more than $10,000 on campaign-related expenditures to disclose contributors who had donated more than $10,000” (MacGillis).

Now I think is a good time to shift to Mcconnell’s other deep dark love and the second way he still isn’t over losing in the Supreme Court: obstructing the appointment of judges to the supreme court. The title of his memoir, The Long Game is, according to Mitch in his foreword, about the courts, as they are lifetime appointments. I think this whole throughline is a big part of the machinery of his bastardry: he loves to win his ‘fights’ for his seat, he loves the money it takes to get him there, and he loves the game of winning. That’s the whole thing to him. To win. So much so that it’s right in the title.

Mitch had been present in Washington for much of the corroding of the Judiciary, petty squabbles through the latter half of the century that he claims led to his justification for blocking every Dem Justice possible and pushing through any Repub Justice. What little claim he takes to being obstructionist, he puts on the democrats being obstructionist first. Over the years, several times Democrats blocked nominations for various levels of validity.
Where there is a set of parties, there will be tension, but there can be no doubt this tension has risen since McConnell has been in public office, and no doubt that this is partially due to him, but there is some slight precedent. Nixon had two Supreme court judges who were denied for their racist bent before they eventually settled on Harry Blackmun. Reagan had Robert Bork, rejected again for his extremist views. There were a few series of rejections of circuit courts under W. Bush. One circuit court judge nominee, Miguel Estrada, was kept waiting for several years, and was eventually lame ducked into withdrawing his name (Embedded).
But purposefully keeping the seat on the supreme court and as many judges spots open until Republican leadership could come to the rescue is what truly constitutes Mitch’s bastardry. He never intended to let Merrick Garland fill the seat vacated late in Obama’s presidency by conservative justice Antonin Scalia. He used the presidential election year to justify this, and yes, to Mitch, presidential is an important distinction, as he did not feel similarly when it was time to replace a judge during a midterm election year. From NBC News: “"There's no presidential election this year," McConnell told reporters in explaining why a vote in 2016 would have been wrong but is OK in 2018, before slipping into his office.”
He can blame others all he wants, but it does not change the fact that there was no precedent for not even holding a hearing, and making sure no one else in your party even entertains the concept of holding a hearing for any given justice, which is famously what happened in the case of Merrick Garland. A 63 year old man chosen by Obama for his appealing-to-republican-veneer (see the fact that he got a 63 year old instead of the youngest possible judges he could find like Amy Coney Barret, 48, and Brett Kavangah, 53, who are no spring chicken, but still physically able to work for several decades and mentally work for several more.) “In a speech that August in Kentucky, McConnell would say: "One of my proudest moments was when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, 'Mr. President, you will not fill the Supreme Court vacancy.'” (CBS)

When Obama was elected to office, Mitch had found the Batman to his joker. Despite his best efforts to conceal his disdain in his book with the usual intro often given by conservatives about Obama (you know, the whole “I was proud to see a black president because of slavery. I was physically present in DC when MLK jr marched on Washington. No, I didn’t hear his speech because my boss was racist” route), McConnell doesn’t like Obama very much, and it’s most obvious when you remember one of the more memorable things Mitch ever said. “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” One conservative congressman, Bob Bennett, recalled to Alec MacGillis:
Mitch said, ‘We have a new president with an approval rating in the seventy percent area. We do not take him on frontally. We find issues where we can win, and we begin to take him down, one issue at a time. We create an inventory of losses, so it’s Obama lost on this, Obama lost on that. And we wait for the time where the image has been damaged to the point where we can take him on. We recognize the American people—even those who do not approve of him—want him to have success, are hopeful.’ ” In other words: wait out Americans’ hopefulness in a dire moment for the country until it curdles to disillusionment.”
While Obama was still a president hopeful, it was enough to consume Mitch. From his book:
“John McCain was taking a battering in the polls.
I stopped reading the news, and every morning, seeing the blinking red light indicating a new e-mail on my BlackBerry, I knew it was likely an update from someone on my staff reporting the results of the night’s tracking polls, and I was almost too afraid to read my new messages. One morning I decided to leave them for a while, and after breakfast, I called Kyle.
“How are the numbers?”
“Haven’t looked yet,” he said. “Can’t quite bear it.”
“Me neither.”
“Sad,” he said. “Two grown men living in fear of a BlackBerry.”
Now, here Mitch employs a really interesting literary device called ‘retelling a very popular joke from a given time’. Obama was oft called Blackberry during his tenure, partially as a play on his name and race, and partially because BlackBerry phones were pretty popular back then as a cellular device, which had a little physical keyboard so even an old man with circulatory issues can type his little heart out and not have to press one key multiple times to access any given letter. Because that’s what we did in the olden days. We did what we must to survive.

One does not have to like Obama very much. There are reasons to not to like a person, especially this specific person. But I don’t find Mitch’s reasons super valid.
“A lot of people ask me what President Obama is really like. I tell them all the same thing. He’s no different in private than in public. He’s like the kid in your class who exerts a hell of a lot of effort making sure everyone thinks he’s the smartest one in the room. He talks down to people, whether in a meeting among colleagues in the White House or addressing the nation. And he’s simply a very liberal guy who is determined to move the country toward the kind of progressive ideal that Western European societies embraced decades ago.”
I have to wonder how it is that a senator isn’t used to people who like to believe that they are the smartest person in the room. I wouldn’t be surprised if Obama was, at many points, the smartest person in a room that Mitch McConnell is in. I think the truth is somewhere inside of Mitch instead of externalized in Obama. By which I mean he’s insecure.

At one point, Mitch emphasizes big bad Obama’s liberalness with a finding that the National Journal did in 2007, calling Obama the most liberal Senator, a title they also once gave to John Kerry before his election. Which even on an initial glance, makes me ask 2 questions: are they including the most leftist? And if so, was Bernie Sanders not in the Senate at this point in time? (He was). So, I’d argue that the National Journal moved the goalposts a bit on that one, as in, one would be liberal on the way to being leftist. As in, if you are the most leftist, you’d also be the most liberal, at least according to one publication or another. Maybe.

Mitch dedicates a lot of time to obstructing Obamacare, but eventually it passes directly on party lines in the Senate, proof to Mitch that it shouldn’t have passed at all if ‘not one single Republican’ voted for it. Because you told them not to. As the whip of your party. It’s later gutted by another albatross of democracy, but for the time being, the Pale man from Pan’s Labyrinth has to go back to filibustering himself. Something that really happened. (Funaro).

But in 2012, the funnest thing happened, and by ‘funnest’, I mean ‘the worst for almost all of us’, but at least Mitch got to witness the rise of people who looked at him and thought ‘nah, not conservative enough’: the Tea Party. In his book, Mitch notes: “I had no animosity toward the Tea Party, because we all wanted to achieve the same things.” Meanwhile, he cannot contain his disdain for the ‘rogue’ republicans who shut down the government in 2013, mostly Ted Cruz.
“But I was well aware that efforts from the Left would very well be the least of my problems. The cottage industry of so-called professional conservatives that had sprouted a few years earlier had by this time taken full bloom. Prior to 2010, the energy of the grassroots conservative movement was entirely focused on unseating Democrats, but now certain so-called conservative groups were determined to unseat Republicans they deemed insufficiently conservative. With the “true conservative” facade in full effect, I had become their main target.
Which is why I’m guessing he called his Chapter 18 ‘Courage’. Courage about getting reelected amidst both pressure from the TP side, and the ‘liberal’ sides, which I found interesting because i think it should have been called ‘Mitch isn’t done fucking America’. It’s really interesting what these bastards always think courage is, and others have gone into this more than I will, but this has nothing to do with courage.
“I walked into the silent kitchen, and as I looked toward the backyard, I thought about all of the people who were, at that moment, once again longing for my defeat. Those who had banged their drums on my front lawn, the constant stream of television ads calling me soulless, dishonest, conniving, ads paid for by people from across the nation, who’d never set foot in Kentucky. ”
Those people who banged their drums on his front lawn, by the way, were people protesting the Iraq war, where real people died. Those ads are political ads, and they’re a part of the scenery of your profession. And every politician will have them hurdled at them relentlessly. Part of your conniving to demolish Campaign Finance Reform causes that to happen to you, Mitch.

submitted by Thekillersofficial to behindthebastards [link] [comments]

2023.12.23 12:12 JohannGoethe Tomb U-j

Tomb U-j
The tomb U-j number tags, carbon dated to: 5255A (-3300) or 5300A, show the oldest version of Egyptian number 100, symbol: 𓍢 [V1], which became, over time, letter R, value 100 in Greek:
🐏 » 𓃝 » 💯 » ☀️+𓏲 » 𓍢 » 𓋔 » 𓂅 » 𓂇 » 𓂀 » 𓁛 » 𐤓 » Ρ, ρ » 𐡓 » 𐌓 » R » ר » र » ر
Tomb U-j number tags are presently held at the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
There are about 200 tags, mostly made from ivory, bone, and some form stone, each with a hole drilled in them, and believed to have been attached to things, e.g. wine bottle, by rope, either as a tag 🏷️ or some other purpose, i.e. geared to the after-existence.
100 value tag
The following shows some of the number tags, showing the famous ram horn spiral 🌀 shaped: 𓏲 number 100 tag:
Decoding history
On 10 Feb 137A (1818), Thomas Young (see: ThomasYoung) decoded the following:
𓏲 = 100
On 9 Mar A67 (2022), Libb Thims (see: LibbThims), building on Young, and knowing that rho: ρ, in Greek, was value 100 and matched the shape of Egyptian number 100, decoded the following:
𓏲 » 𐤓‎ » ρ » R
The following shows the Egyptian spiral 100: 𓏲, overlaid on a ram 🐏 about to head butt, overlaid with the early so-called “legged R” an early epigraphic form of the Greek letter rho, shown with a kid drawing the Phoenician letter R as found on the Izbet abecedary:
The updated evolution of letter R from number 100 is as follows:
𓃝 or 🐏 » 💯 » 𓏲 » 𓍢 » 𓁛 » 𓂀 » 𐤓 » Ρ, ρ » 𐡓 » 𐌓 » R » ר » र » ر
In more detail, from the letter R section of the letter decoding page:
  1. Thomas Young (10 Feb 137A/1818), in his letter to William Bankes, asking him to seek out a specific list of hieroglyphic examples while in Egypt, decoded the spiral 𓏲 character as being equal to 100.
  2. Thims (9 Mar A67/2022): discerned, while writing the “Egyptian mathematics” article, then posted: here out that the spiral character 𓏲 of the 100-valued number tags, of Tomb U-j, is the parent character of the Phoenician R and Greek rho, value: 100, namely: 𓏲 » 𐤓‎ » ρ » R in letter evolution; see also: “legged rho”, in Jeffery’s epigraphic table, and odd-looking Attica “red crown rho” (2680A/-725).
  3. Thims (17 Aug A67/2022): figured out that 𓏲 = Ram horn; prior to this the spiral ꩜ 100-value character 𓏲, from the tomb U-j number tags, had been decode; in sum, the new view means Ra the sun ☀️ god in ram horn 𓏲 constellation, at spring equinox, in the 2,200-year period know presently as the age of Aries.
  4. Skgody (18 Aug A67/2022), working with Thims, determined that 𓏲 is the curl in the eye of Ra 𓂀 symbol.
  5. Thims (19 Aug A67/2022) figured out that curl in the red crown 𓋔 [S3] was a battering ram 🐏, a symbol of military power.
Other tags
The following are other tags showing animals:
The following are visuals of some:
The following shows a tomb U-j number tag with the number 6 written on it, dated to -3320 or 5275A or 5300A rounded:
In A55 (2010), Elise Macarthur, in her “The Conception and Development of the Egyptian Writing System”, cites work (pg. 119) that carbon dates the tomb U-j number tags to 5275A (-3320) exactly or 5300A rounded. This fixes for us the date of the origin of letter R, which is the spiral number 100 tag.
In A56 (2011), David Wengrow, in his “The Invention of Egyptian Writing ✍️“, notes that tomb U-j number tags have dated to 5255A (-3300) or 5300A rounded.
This dates letter R as the ram 𓏲 = number 100 to the year 5300A, or earlier, given that it is a standard number tag by this date.
  1. This page is a copy-paste from the tomb U-j wiki page of the sub, which some users say does not work some time.
  • Dreyer, Gunter. (A43/1998). Umm el-Qaab I: das prädynastische Königsgrab U-j und seine frühen Schriftzeugnisse. Verlag.
  • Leeman, Diane. (A52/2007). “Abydos Tomb U-j: Number Tags” (Revised: A63/2018). Publisher.
  • Dreyer, Gunter. (A53/2008). “Early Writing in Ancient Egypt” (pdf-file), Journal of Writing in Egypt (editors: Khaled Azab, Ahmed Mansour). Alexandria.
  • Macarthur, Elise. (A55/2010). “The Conception and Development of the Egyptian Writing System”, in: Visible Language: Inventions of Writing in the Ancient Middle East and Beyond (editor: Christopher Woods) (contents: post) (§5:115-47, image, pg. 116). Oriental Institute.
  • Wengrow, David. (A56/2011). “The Invention of Egyptian Writing ✍️“, in: Before the Pyramids (editor: Emily Teeter) (pdf-file) (§11:99-103, §§: Tomb U-j and the Origins of Egyptian Script, 102-03). Oriental Institute.
  • Dreyer, Gunter. (A56/2011). “Tomb U-j: a Royal Burial of Dynasty O at Abydos”, in: Before the Pyramids (editor: Emily Teeter) (pdf-file) (pgs. 127-36). Oriental Institute.
External links

submitted by JohannGoethe to Alphanumerics [link] [comments]

2023.10.03 06:28 Slim_Thicc_Wiccan For those of you feeling spicy with your 601 builds...

For those of you feeling spicy with your 601 builds... submitted by Slim_Thicc_Wiccan to RetroAR [link] [comments]

2023.09.18 13:06 FelicitySmoak_ On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - September 18th

On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - September 18th
1981 - The Jacksons perform the first of four non-consecutive nights at The Forum in Los Angeles
1984- The Jacksons play the first of two nights at the Olympic Stadium, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The combined audience for the two nights is 116,500.
1986- Captain Eo opened at Disneyland in the Magic Eye theater
1987 - Michael enjoys a cup of tea with his chimp, Bubbles, at Osaka City Mayoral Hall in Osaka, Japan.
1988- MCA releases the soundtrack of The Wiz featuring Michael on 6 tracks.
1989- A California Raisins commercial that featured a claymation version of Michael debuted on U.S. television.
1992 - On his Dangerous tour, Michael plays Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys in Barcelona, Spain
1993 - Michael visits Jerusalem . He is met by religious protesters at the ancient Western Wall but is welcomed at Masada , another historic site.
1993Tele Poche, a French magazine features Michael on its cover with the story "L’affaire Michael Jackson"
1996 - Michael's private plane touched down at Warsaw's Okecie Airport. It is now Frederick Chopin Airport and was greeted by traditional dancers and fans (
He stays at a Marriott hotel suite located in the city.
His room was a luxury suite on the 40th floor of the hotel, which made fans a bit disappointed because they couldn't see Michael in the window like everywhere else during the tour.
After completing check-in at the hotel Michael went out to shop. He went to the bookstore, record store and the toy store to buy gifts to be given out to orphans the next day
In the evening Michael was welcomed at the Presidential Palace by the President of Poland, Mr. Aleksander Kwasniewski and his wife, Mrs. Jolanta Kwasniewska
1997 - On his HIStory tour, Michael cancelled his show at Stade Olympique d'El Menzah in Tunis, Tunisia
2010 – HIStory concert at El Menzah Stadium in Tunis, Tunisia airs on the Nessma TV channel in Tunisia.
2012- BAD 25 is Released. Featured in the deluxe package, are three CDs, two collectible booklets, and the first ever authorized DVD release of a concert from the record breaking BAD World Tour- the July 16, 1988 sold out Wembley Stadium show in London.
2013 - Jackson VS AEG Trial Day 81
Judge Yvette Palazuelos ruled that closing arguments and possibly verdict will take place in a much larger courtroom. The trial will move to the same courtroom where jury selection was done in order to accommodate whoever wants to see the proceedings live. The ruling came with the objection of AEG's attorneys who wanted to keep everything in the small courtroom the trial took place in over the last 5 months. During deliberation, the jurors will be partially sequestered. They will have special arrangements for arrival and departure. Jurors will have a room to eat lunch that doesn't require them to mingle with anyone else. Judge said minimum of 3, up to 4 hours for closing for each side. Judge: "After it's done, staff and security will need 1 hour and 1/2 with the jurors prior to the commencement of deliberations"
Court staff gave jurors October calendar, they are to check it and bring back tomorrow.
Allan Metzger Video Deposition
Video deposition of Dr. Allan Metzger resumed. He said he doesn't recall if he treated Michael for insomnia in the 80s, needed to look at records .
He doesn't think Doctors Klein or Hoefflin were present on the HIStory tour. Putnam asked about Dr. Neil Ratner.
Dr. Metzger: "Ratner was an anesthetist from NY. I don't remember how he got involved with Michael. Michael would seek out avenues of sleep helpers, That was another aspect of the secrecy, I never knew what he was doing at times that he wasn't in LA, and probably he did things in LA I don't know or Klein doesn't know"
"Michael had several aliases for confidentiality, one was Omar Arnold, Joe Michaels, there might be others I forgot about", Dr. Metzger said.
Dr. Metzger first met Michael in 1993, treated him for lupus, medical issues, back issues or leg issues. He said he doesn't remember anything particular unusual or remarkable, except helping him sleep.
There were many surgeries related to the injury with fire, Dr. Metzger said.
Karen Faye was the most constant person who was around Michael all the time, Dr. Metzger said. "To me she was the most constant companion"
Michael was mostly vegetarian, except for fish, the doctor testified. "He was adamant about proper nutrition"
I was aware he was given Demerol for procedures in the office, Dr. Metzger said. He said he became concerned because of the pain threshold, knew something needed to be done.
Metzger: "I heard concerns from Karen, Debbie, Hoefflin, Klein, Michael was doctor shopping and took pain medication a normal person didn't...I think I told Michael this pain threshold was not average. I do recall prescribing something in Faye's name, I don't remember what...There was so much anonymity in Michael's world" (This was not around the time of Michael's passing)
Medical record from 8/18/93- Dr. Metzger saw Michael at Century City house for temperature over 100 degrees. He had viral influenza complaint and severe scalp pain and headache. "I remember he was very sick", Dr. Metzger said. Elavil was used for sleep, raise the pain threshold, the doctor said.
Aug 21, 22 and 23 of 1993: no communication from Michael or doctors, Dr. Metzger wrote on chart.
8/24/93: Dr. Metzger said the message was that he was in pain. "I don't know if medication was given to him"
8/25/93: Michael called: sleeping problems, depression, beginning of tour. "He wasn't able to sleep", Metzger said.
8/26 to 8/29/93- no contact. Dr. Metzger said there are several medications that are analgesics but not narcotics.
7/17/95 - seen in the office as an emergency for severe chest and upper back pain, anxiety, shortness of breath. Somewhat tearful at times related to severe pain, the doctor wrote on the chart. There were many times he came in as emergency or at the end of the day, Dr. Metzger said.
Dr. Metzger: His neuro receptors, his brain, would detect a grade 7, 8, 10 when average individual would have 3, 4, 5. Clearly it's a neurochemical issue, but I don't know exactly, he said.
Dr. Metzger said Michael had a documented arrhythmia after he collapsed during the HBO special in NY. "I don't think it was a pain thing, I think it was an exhaustion and dehydration thing"
8/25/96: patient seen/examined for world tour. The doctor said Michael needed a physical for the people in charge of the tour. Sometimes they would want a note, or form, or check list. Medications Michael was taking at the time: Low dose of Xanax (depression and helps sleep), Ambien (sleep only) , Dalmain (very mild sleeping med)
Dr. Metzger said Michael asked him to come on tour & to be in his wedding.
After Michael collapsed during the HBO special, Dr. Metzger went to NYC for 3 or 4 days to be with Michael. He was dehydrated, he had a gastroenteritis (stomach inflammation with diarrhea), Dr. Metzger testified. Dr. Metzger said Michael lost 7 or 8 pounds after each performance, he weighed him to prove he needed to drink more fluids.
7/13/1997: letter from Dr. Christian Stole from Munich with lab data of Omar Arnold from (7/5/97) saying Dr. Metzger talked to professor Peter. I recall the stationary and the letter, but I don't remember professor Peter, Dr. Metzger said. He claimed he never discussed with the German doctors treatment for Michael
Dr. Metzger: "I believe I never gave him Demerol"
Putnam: "Did you prescribe it to him?"
Dr. Metzger: "That's the same thing, no...Demerol is addicting if used in high doses for a period of time, usually used after surgery. People who are in constant pain require Demerol or its cousins. I believe on one occasion I prescribed Vicodin, don't remember"
Percocet: no.
Demerol, the doc recalled. He said he prescribes Demerol in hospital setting. He had 2-3 chronic pain patients on oral Demerol. "It's good for post-operative pain", Dr. Metzger said. Demerol produces sedation, lethargy, could suppress their breathing, could get a rash and dependency.
"I recall Hoefflin trying to get more involved in his care", Dr. Metzger testified.
Dr. Metzger: "Debbie was in constant assistance when Michael was under the care of Dr. Klein. That was the beginning of their relationship"
Dr. Metzger said he didn't have any conversation with Mrs. Jackson about Michael's drug use but he said he recalled discussion with Janet once. Janet was concerned Michael's back was going out too much and be was taking pain meds.
Dr. Metzger never discussed addiction with Michael. He said he expressed he wished Michael didn't use pain medication when he saw Drs. Arnie or Steve.
Dr. Metzger: "I think I heard from Arnie he was also trying to reduce the pain meds, but he just accommodated the situation, I guess"
Dr. Metzger never participated in any intervention to help Michael quit drugs. "He liked painkillers when he was in pain. I saw that with back issues, knee issues, headaches. It worked, he was a big baby, he didn't want any pain"
Dr. Metzger is not aware of Michael seeing a pain specialist, never recommended one.
The doctor was never aware of Michael's use of Propofol. "I was never aware of anyone using that medication other than Murray"
Sept 18, 2002: insurer sent somebody to Dr. Metzger's office to see him draw Michael's blood for a lab test. Michael was taking no meds except MS Contin for severe back pain. "It's a narcotic, cousin of Demerol", the doc explained.
Dr. Metzger: "Over the years, Michael had numerous plastic surgeries, some a, some b, some nasal. I didn't know in advance about the great majority of his nasal surgery"
June 2003: Michael to have anesthesia for collagen injection, pre-op examination by Metzger.
Dr Metzger: "That was the first time to my knowledge that he was given anesthesia for collagen. They must've planned a major amount of collagen"
Dr. Metzger does not recall any other patients needing clearance for collagen injection. Putnam asked if that happens frequently: "Virtually never", Dr. Metzger responded.
Dr. Metzger said he would often ask Michael who was prescribing him drugs. He was secretive about medicine, secretive about procedures, secretive about all that stuff.
Dr. Metzger: "I was worried someone would give something that would mix with something else. He took great joy in making it a surprise to everyone. I don't think he thought it was serious"
The doctor said Michael's knowledge about medications was not really sophisticated. He knew what he wanted done, though.
June 12, 2008: Dr. Metzger said he did not see Michael for 5 years. Michael called. The doc said he sounded alert and when not under stress he takes Tylenol pm for sleep. I was shocked to hear from Michael, that he was in Vegas, Dr. Metzger said. "I don't recall him calling for a prescription, I was really happy to hear from him", the doc said.
Dr. Metzger: "I personally missed him, liked seeing Michael and dealing with him. He was great, a little more boisterous than his normal self, sounded great"
Next time they spoke was Feb 26, 2009. That's when Michael told him about upcoming major events in Europe and London. "I think it was more of an anxiety call, how he was going to deal with all the 30-50 shows", the doc said.
Dr. Metzger: "I think he was fearful because This Is It, he needed to do something he had never done before. He had a lot of pressure from himself, media and people who he was working for. He wanted to redeem Michael, to redeem his image, he felt this was it, and he wanted to go out with a flash. I think he was still terribly hurt about the criminal trial and accusations. He was one of the most recognized names in the world and I think he wanted to stay that way"
The doctor said Michael was excited and scared about This Is It. It was a positive call, an informational call, he remembered. The doctor said they talked about some different maneuvers. I suggested hypnosis, he tried acupuncture years ago and it didn't work. I was really reminding him about the ordeal he was about to face.
Putnam: "When you saw the announcement, what did you think?"
Dr. Metzger: "He looked great! He seemed in good shape"
Metzger said Michael would be in London, maybe he should look for a sleep physiologist there to help him. He said Michael didn't think he needed one.
Michael never mentioned Dr. Murray to Dr. Metzger, never met him until the criminal trial.
Dr. Metzger: "I do remember saying 'we're going to help you find someone to help you sleep during these performances'"
The doctor said Michael had some chronic back pain off and on. There was no discussion about Demerol.
April 18, 2009- Dr. Metzger visited Michael at Carolwood home. "Michael called me, and said he wanted me to come visit him. I was ecstatic! I missed him, wanted to see the kids and how they were growing up, was very close to the children when young", the doc testified. Dr. Metzger said he recalled they let Michael sleep late, began rehearsal at 11/11:30am but worked late and Michael had trouble sleeping afterwards . "He was excited and stressed, it was a huge task", Dr. Metzger said. He was excited to do a great job, excited to come back into the public arena in a good light. The doc said Michael joked about getting older, 49.
Dr. Metzger: "He looked great, he looked trim. You can't say skinny because he was muscular. He was ready to go"
The doctor said he expected Michael to have a profound sleep issue during the tour. We talked about someone in London, he never mentioned he already had someone on board, he explained. Dr. Metzger said he talked to some doctors at Cedars, asked if anyone had recommendation of sleep physician in London. He wanted some intravenous medicine that would put him to sleep, Dr. Metzger testified. "I can't sleep without something special". The doctor alerted him about potential life threatening: he could overdose, allergic reaction in a hotel, could be given wrong medication. It just isn't the right thing to do Dr Metzger told Michael. He said it was a 5-10 minute talk, and he had no concept whether he was successful This was the last time Dr. Metzger saw Michael. He had great fears about responsibility of tour: dehydration, back injury and sleeping.
Dr. Metzger: "I had used the expression 'juice' because Michael would use that, it was a nickname he used for sleeping meds. It was definitely a word he made up years ago. He used the word not often but when things got difficult"
The doc told Michael he was going to find people to help then drove off putting the top of his convertible down. He said the kids loved his car
Putnam read names of several physicians and asked Dr. Metzger if he knew them. "I told you he was a doctor shopper", Dr. Metzger said. The doctor said he purges records after people don't go back for 3, 4 years. He said he never altered Michael's medical records. Dr. Metzger said Dr. Hoefflin wrote a plan, 20, 30, 40 pages long, to help Michael with his nutrition and medication."I think I threw it away"
Dr Metzger said he had a very close relationship with Michael and the children. "Whenever I was with them, I have seen a lot of interaction"
Q: Did he love his children?
A: Immeasurably
Q: His children loved him?
A: Same thing.
He loved his mother greatly, Dr. Metzger said. "I've seen him be generous to strangers, to hospitals, institutions, people on the street; Michael has been generous to me, cordial to my family, a real compassionate human being", the doctor said.
Q: Was he generous to his children?
A: Definitely
Q: Generous to his mother?
A: I think so

Dr. Metzger: "Michael was shy, but yet not really shy, I think the shy was an act. Fun to be around most of the time. I know his love and care for humanity. I just viewed him as a very wonderful, special person. I never saw him be demeaning to anybody, always trying to be generous and kind"
Dr. Metzger said he was surprised Dr. Forecast was going along on tour with Michael then Dr Ratner on HIStory tour and yet another doctor on This Is It tour
That concluded video testimony of Dr. Metzger. After the break, Marvin Putnam told the jurors AEG has rested their case.
Jackson Rebuttal Case
LAPD Detective Scott Smith
Jackson direct
Brian Panish did direct examination.
Detective Smith is employed by LAPD. Currently assigned to Robbery Homicide Unit. He has been there for approximately 3 years. He knows Det. Orlando Martinez, within the same department. He has worked on more than 200 homicide investigations. He was working the day Michael died. He was notified to go to UCLA MedicalCenter along with Det. Martinez. Det Smith brought a large binder with him. He said at UCLA he met with Jackson's security team, police officers then went to Carolwood house.
Panish: "At this point, was it a death investigation or homicide?"
Det. Smith: "It was a death investigation"
Det. Smith said about two months later the coroner determined the death was a homicide. He said he served subpoenas to find out a motive. He got together with the District Attorneys office to investigate further.
Det. Smith: "In Dr. Murray's car we found a contract between him and AEG that also had the name of Michael Jackson"
Det. Smith interviewed Kathy Jorrie. He said she had contact with Murray in regards to the contract, may had been responsible for drafting it. Det. Smith had a search warrant from the Coroner's office to enter Dr. Murray's car. "It was going to motive", he said. He said he was looking into Dr. Murray, who was more than a person of interest, he was a suspect in this case.
Det. Smith: "Information that was obtained revealed that Dr. Murray financially was in ruins"
The detective said Dr. Murray's house was about to be foreclosed, he was in rear of child support for multiple children by multiple women.
The detective interviewed Jorrie on Feb. 22, 2001, took notes. Putnam was present. "I believe he was there to see what we had to say"; Panish showed a picture of Kathy Jorrie. Det. Smith recognized her and Putnam for the record. Det. Smith said Jorrie answered most of the questions. Putnam was standing at the back of the room. Panish reads transcript from Jorrie's testimony where she was asked if she told LAPD that Michael was going on a 2 to 3 year world tour.
Panish: "Ms. Jorrie denied making the statement, correct?"
Det. Smith: "She did state that there was going to be a world tour that would last 2 to 3 years"
Det. Smith said he wrote the information down as part of the statement and still has it, brought it to court.
Panish: "Is there a question in your mind that she said that?"
Det. Smith: "No question whatsoever"
Ms Jorrie and Mr Putnam stated this was only the beginning that Michael would go on a world tour that would last 2 to 3 years, Det. Smith wrote. Mr Putnam and Ms. Jorrie said the European tour was just the beginning. Det. Smith typed in the police log. He also typed: "MJ was going to do a world tour that would last 2 to 3 years"; Det. Smith said he takes notes contemporaneously as the interview is being taken. He types the notes once back at the office. Jorrie agreed to meet with the police, Det. Smith said. He said she was very cooperative.
AEG cross
Jessica Bina did cross examination
Det. Smith said he writes down a summary of the interview, not like a court reporter. "I'd imagine some things are missed", he said.
Bina: Do you recall word for word what Ms. Jorrie said?
Det. Smith: I do not.
Bina: Was that in any way relevant to your investigation into Dr. Murray?
Det. Smith: None whatsoever.
Bina: People with financial problems could follow the law?
Det. Smith: Yes
Jackson redirect
Panish, in re-direct, asked if contract between AEG and Murray drew his attention to the figure the doc was going to be paid. Det. said yes.
Panish: You had serious concerns about that contract and Dr. Murray's financial issues?
Det. Smith: Yes.
Panish: You didn't know anything about how much money Ms. Jorrie had been paid by AEG, right, sir?
Det. Smith: No.
Panish: They didn't tell you that, right?
Det. Smith: No, they did not.
Panish: You have no recollection whatsoever of Jorrie or Putnam saying it was a potential world tour?
Det. Smith: No, sir.
AEG recross
Bina, in re-cross: Does it matter to you it was Michael who was paying Dr. Murray?
Det. Smith: No, ma'am
Bina: You were not investigating AEG Live?
Det. Smith: No, ma'am
Bina: It wasn't who was paying, just the amount?
Det. Smith: Definitely the amount
Interview was approximately an hour, Det. Smith said. He said he was given copy of the contract.
Bina: Between you and Ms. Jorrie, who would know the contract better?
Det. Smith: Of course Ms. Jorrie
Trial transcript -De Allan Metzger
Trial transcript - Det. Scott Smith
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to MichaelJackson [link] [comments]

2023.08.28 00:26 Nighthawkmf [FOR SALE] - Beastie Boys, Beatles, Cat Power, Lana Del Rey, Bjork, Black Country, Bright Eyes, Miles Davis, Flaming Lips VMP, FM-84, Funkadelic, Gaslight Anthem, Ghost, Handsome Boy Modeling School, The Killers, Lights, Midlake, Ozzy, Peaches, Pearl Jam, Pink Floyd, Puscifer, Ratatat, RHCP, UNKLE

also selling the Walk Hard Soundtrack, Yeah Yeah Yeah's, Yeasayer, Witchcraft...
End of summer purge!
A few gems in here.
PayPal Goods&Services only. Shipping is $4 but if you buy 3 or more I will cover it in CONUS... anywhere else we can figure it out.
I take great care of my records and most of these were only played once or twice except the classic old pressings. I try to grade conservatively too.
(I suck at google docs so I apologize for the analog long ass list, but thanks for looking!)

[SOLD] Beastie-Boys-Pauls-Boutique-RE/RM, 2017 US, NM/NM
Perfect all around. In shrink.

[SOLD] The-Beatles-Please-Please-Me-RE/RM, UK 2012 Stereo, NM/NM
Perfect all around. In shrink. Opened recently and played one time.

$225 [PENDING] The Beatles-The Beatles (White Album)--Limited 1978 White Vinyl Stereo UK, NM/VG+
This is a very specific pressing I sought out for years. Click the link and read the reviews on why it is sough after if you are curious. It is rare and valuable. It is thee best sounding version of this album I have heard, ever. I have had the 2014 mono, the Mofi, OG UK and OG US, the anniversary box set, the other DMM from Germany and this one is absolutely incredible. The records are dead quiet and perfect. The Jacket is still in shrink with giant UK sale sticker on the front. There is normal age to the jacket/shrink. Everything inside (photos, etc) are mint and in there. This is a fantastic copy of this for way less than the prices on discogs. It never gets played and it should be. Last one sold on Discogs Aug. 17th, so currently none for sale.

$25 Beck-Mutations-2017 RE w/7" 45rpm, US, NM/NM
In shrink. Perfect records. 7" unplayed. tear in shrink on back where price sticker was. Jacket is stellar. Great copy.

$35 Beck-Modern-Guilt--US 2008 OG, NM/NM
Perfect all around. Not in shrink.

$45 The-Bird-And-The-Bee-The-Bird-And-The-Bee--US 2007, NM/NM
Perfect all around and listened to maybe twice since release.

$25 Bjork-Medulla 45rpm 2015 UK, NM/NM
In shrink, perfect all around. Excellent and played one time day I bought it.

$25 Bjork-Biophilia, Orange and Blue Vinyl, RE, UK 2015, NM/NM
Also perfect all around and literally never played after initial opening and purchase.

$30 Black-Country-New-Road-Ants-From-Up-There--Limited Blue Marbled, UK 2022, NM/NM
In shrink. Perfect all around. I went thru several copies of this to find one that had very little to no surface noise. This is that quiet, flat copy.

$30 Bright-Eyes-Digital-Ash-In-A-Digital-Urn--RE/RM US 2016, NM/NM
Perfect all around. In shrink with obi strip.
$20 Desaparecidos-Read-Music-Speak-Spanish--RE US 2015, NM/NM
In shrink. Perfect.
$12 Desaparecidos-Payola--Green Translucent US 2015, NM/NM
Also perfect. in shrink.

[SOLD] Cat-Power-The-Greatest--US 2006 OG, OG cover, VG+/VG+
No shrink. Clean jacket with a few minor normal dings. Clean, glossy vinyl. Great copy.
[SOLD] Cat-Power-Moon-Pix--US&EU, 120g, 2014 RE, NM/NM
In shrink and perfect.

$15 The-Comet-Is-Coming-Trust-In-The-Lifeforce-Of-The-Deep-Mystery--US 2019, NM/NM
Played once. In shrink. Perfect.
$15 The-Comet-Is-Coming-Hyper-Dimensional-Expansion-Beam--US 2022, NM/NM
In shrink. Played once. Perfect.

$75 Miles-Davis-19-Gil-Evans-Miles-Ahead--1957 US Mono Promo Sailboat Cover, white columbia 6-eye label, VG+/VG
Absolutely stellar rare copy of this album. The vinyl is VG+ by the goldmine standard with minimal normal scuffmarks that don't skip or cause issues with sound. There is minimal crackle here and there. Jacket has spine split but is otherwise intact and has normal wear for being from 1957.

$75 Miles-Davis-Jazz-Track--Promo, Mono, OG US 1959 Columbia white label 6-eye, VG+/VG
Same thing here as the miles above... clean vinyl with minor sleeve scuffs and surface noise. Superb copy. Jacket has spine split as well and wear on it. Tape on top of the back from original owner. Rare copy.

[SOLD] Lana-Del-Rey-Did-You-Know-That-Theres-A-Tunnel-Under-Ocean-Blvd--Green, Alt artwork, Indy store version, NM/NM
Played day of release, untouched since. Perfect. In shrink.

$15 Destroyer-Kaputt--US 2011, NM/NM
Perfect all around. In shrink.

$20 -Eluvium-Copia--2017 US RE, NM/NM
Perfect all around. Not in shrink.

[SOLD] The-Flaming-Lips-The-Soft-Bulletin--VMP Yellow Mustard Color, NM/NM
In perfect shape with VMP obi and art print, lenticular cover, crisp corners and quiet vinyl. Excellent.

[SOLD] FM-84-Atlas--4th pressing, 2022 Austria, 45rpm, NM/NM
Synthwave classic!!! This one is perfect. Played it twice. Ordered direct from the artist.

[SOLD] Funkadelic-Maggot-Brain--EU 2014 RE, Peach Colored Vinyl, Gatefold, NM/NM
Opened day of purchase and played one time, sounds great (some of the reissues and OG's of this album do not sound good)... in shrink. Excellent copy.

$20 The-Gaslight-Anthem-Get-Hurt--US 2014 OG, NM/NM
Perfect all around, not in shrink.

GHOST BUNDLE---$75 for all 4 shipped.
SOLD Ghost-Opus-Eponymous, EU Turquoise Sparkle, RE, NM/NM
SOLD Ghost-Meliora--US RE 2016, NM/NM
SOLD Ghost-BC-Infestissumam--red translucent 2013 US, NM/NM
SOLD Ghost-Prequelle--EU 2018, NM/NM

$35 Handsome-Boy-Modeling-School-So-Hows-Your-Girl--VMP Green, NM/NM
Perfect. Quiet. Flat. Crisp.
$20 Handsome-Boy-Modeling-School-White-People--2021 RE US White, NM/NM
Perfect all around, still in shrink.

$25 Heat-Music-From-The-Motion-Picture, RE, Blue Vinyl, EU 2019, NM/NM
I only listened to side 1 of this. Sounds great. Perfect. In shrink.

$30 Hotel-Pools-Palmscapes--US 2022 RE Purple w/Splatter, NM/NM
A fantastic Synthwave album. Clean and perfect.

$35 The-Killers-Wonderful-Wonderful--45rpm Deluxe Edition, US 2017, NM/NM
Perfect. Played a couple times. Clean and crisp. Not in shrink.

$40 Lights-The-Listening-Canada 2019 RE, Custard, NM/NM
Perfect. Quiet. Clean. No shrink.
$40 LIGHTS-Siberia-US and CA, Limited RP Clear, NM/NM
Just opened a month or so ago and listened once. Perfect all around, still in shrink.
$15 LIGHTS-PEP-Apple Red, US & CA, NM/NM
In shrink and perfect.

$55 Midlake-The-Trials-Of-Van-Occupanther--Deluxe Edition, RE, Gold, 7" 45rpm, Anniversary Edition, NM/NM
I have only played the first side of this. 7" is unplayed. It is in fantastic and untouched shape.

[SOLD] Ozzy-Osbourne-Blizzard-Of-Ozz-US 1981 OG, NM/VG+
Excellent clean copy. Crisp jacket. Clean vinyl.
[SOLD] Ozzy-Osbourne-Diary-Of-A-Madman-1981 US OG, Pitman Press, VG+/VG+
Some minimal barely visible sleeve scuffs, no scratches, skips or real crackle at all. Normal jacket wear, ringwear, spine intact and no splits. Excellent copy.

$55 Peaches-Impeach-My-Bush, NM/NM, UK 2006
$70 Peaches-I-Feel-Cream, 2009 US NM/NM
$15 Peaches-The-Teaches-Of-Peaches, 2023 US RP, NM/NM

[SOLD] Pearl-Jam-Vitalogy--RE/RM, 2011 US, NM/NM
Played one time. Needs a good home.
[SOLD] Pearl-Jam-Vs--RE/RM, US 2011 , NM/NM
In shrink. Perfect.
[SOLD] Pearl-Jam-Pearl-Jam (avacado cover), 2017 RE/RM, NM/NM
Played one time. I think I am 'over' Pearl Jam, I can't explain why, I just am.
Perfect tho.

[SOLD] Pink-Floyd-A-Saucerful-Of-Secrets--RE/RM, Mono, RSD 2019, NM/NM
In shrink still. Awesome sounding copy. Perfect.
[SOLD] Pink-Floyd-Animals--1977 German Promo, Pink Vinyl, VG+/VG+
Rare, awesome pressing. Clean vinyl but has very slight crackle in parts. Minimal. Jacket has slight wear and a tiny intentional hole in cover. Pink 'farbige pressung' circle on cover.
$175 Pink-Floyd-Atom-Heart-Mother--Mofi, 1994, #0428, NM/VG+
1" seam split on top in middle. Otherwise perfect. Vinyl is clean and crisp.

$23 Puscifer-Money-Shot--2023 US/EU RE, NM/NM
Perfect and in shrink. Played once. Opened a couple months ago on release day.
$23 Puscifer-Conditions-Of-My-Parole--2022 RE, US, NM/NM
Also played one time day of release and in shrink. Perfect.

$18 Ratatat-Magnifique--US 2015 OG, NM/VG+
In fantastic shape all around. minimal jacket wear hence the VG+

[SOLD] Red-Hot-Chili-Peppers-Blood-Sugar-Sex-Magik--2012 RE/RM, US, NM/VG++
Vinyl is perfect. Jacket has minimal wear on edges.
This pressing is awesome.

$70 UNKLE-End-Titles-Stories-For-Film--2008 UK, VG+/VG+
Awesome copy of this album. Some minimal edge wear on jacket. Vinyl has normal sleeve scuffs that do not affect play.

SOLD Pete-Yorn-Scarlett-Johansson-Break-Up--US 2009, VG++/VG+
In fantastic shape. Some slight normal edge wear on jacket. Vinyl is quiet. Awesome copy.

$30 Yeasayer-Odd-Blood--EU 2010, NM/NM
In shrink, perfect all around.

$40 Yeah-Yeah-Yeahs-Fever-To-Tell--RE/RM, US 2017, NM/NM
In shrink and perfect all around.

$30 Witchcraft-Legend--2023 RE, NM/NM
Perfect and in original packaging.

$160 Walk-Hard-The-Dewey-Cox-Story-Original-Motion-Picture-Soundtrack, US 2015 Clear Limited Edition, NM/NM
This thing is perfect and sounds fantastic. I have spun this twice.

submitted by Nighthawkmf to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2023.08.18 08:48 Extension-Ad-7443 Do you see me being successful at all? Lost hope due to my job. I want to start a podcast. Bad idea?

Do you see me being successful at all? Lost hope due to my job. I want to start a podcast. Bad idea? submitted by Extension-Ad-7443 to AskAstrologers [link] [comments]

2023.08.15 18:23 Turbostrider27 Gord Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Gord
Publisher: Team 17
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 64 average - 50% recommended - 11 reviews

Critic Reviews

AltChar - Semir Omerovic - 55 / 100
I really wanted to like Gord but sadly, despite an interesting concept and ideas, the execution comes off frustratingly disappointing and shallow.
GameGrin - Martin Heath - 5.5 / 10
Gord succeeds in painting a dark and gritty picture of a group of people surviving against the odds in a dangerous environment. The Horrors are fantastic, but small niggles and big frustrations dampen the enjoyment somewhat.
GamesRadar+ - Adam Barnes - 3 / 5
"It's all very grotty, and that's meant fully as a compliment."
God is a Geek - Mick Fraser - 8 / 10
As a dark, story-driven settlement sim, Gord offers a moderate amount of replayability and a pretty compelling central narrative.
IGN - Jon Bolding - 4 / 10
Gord is, in its most outstanding moments, a mediocre colony sim/RTS/RPG hybrid. The rest is just boring.
PC Gamer - Rick Lane - 48 / 100
Beyond the shock value of its demonic horrors, this survivalist city-builder has little to recommend it.
PlayStation Universe - John-Paul Jones - 8 / 10
Gord is an impressive marriage of base building, adventuring and storytelling across a ruined world fraught with horrors from Slavic folklore. Though it's more than a little rough around the edges, such issues aren't enough to considerably tarnish the uniqueness of what developer has wrought here.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Sin Vega - Unscored
A detailed and moody setting wasted on a dull and repetitive RTS/management hybrid with the strengths of neither genre.
TechRaptor - William Worrall - 8 / 10
Gord won't be for everyone, but its dark tone and high difficulty are worth working through for the top-notch world-building on display here.
TheSixthAxis - Adrian Burrows - 7 / 10
Personally, I found the 'grim' nature of Gord just too nasty, the developers often shocking for the sake of it, rather than doing so to support the story or gameplay. Still, there's a lot to admire about Covenant's creation, with the game offering a compelling and tense survival RTS experience. Only really worth picking up on PC, mind.
WayTooManyGames - Leonardo Faria - 7.5 / 10
It is quite punitive with its harsh sanity setbacks, tough enemies and slow-paced gameplay. Nevertheless, it covers a particular niche, and after waiting for it for what felt like an eternity, I’m pleased to see that the folks at have successfully managed to come up with one of the most interesting strategy games in recent memory, even if it’s not one of the more entertaining ones.
submitted by Turbostrider27 to Games [link] [comments]

2023.08.13 21:33 FelicitySmoak_ On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - August 13th

On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - August 13th
1967 - Having toured the “chitlin’ circuit” of strip bars and nightclubs around the mid-west, the Jackson 5's legend began to take hold on the east coast when the group won the Amateur Night Showdown at Harlem’s famous Apollo theater on August 13, 1967.
The Apollo’s amateur night audience was known to performers as the toughest audience around. Many performers had been discovered here and it was an important night for the young group. After their set, The Jackson 5 won first prize and brought the house down.
Gladys Knight had seen their show at the Apollo that evening and told Motown founder and owner Berry Gordy that he had to check the group out. However, Gordy would not meet The Jackson 5 until July 1968 when Bobby Taylor (a member of the group The Vancouvers), brought the boys to Hitsville in Detroit for an audition.
1971 - The Jackson 5 perform at the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City, Missouri.
1972 - The Jackson 5 perform at the Civic Center (now Charleston Coliseum & Convention Center) in Charleston, South Carolina.
1981 - On their Triumph tour, the Jacksons perform at the Civic Arena (closed- 2010) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1988 - Michael performs on stage with Sammy Davis Jr. at the Salle des Étoiles Sporting Club in Monte-Carlo, Monaco
1992 - The maxi single for "Jam" was released.
1992 - On his Dangerous World Tour, Michael performs at the Weserberglandstadion in Hamelin, Germany to an audience of 25,000 fans
1993 - During another meeting in Rothman’s office, Pellicano proposes a counter offer : a $350,000 screenwriting deal but Evan Chandler rejects it… Rothman makes a counter-demand: a deal for three screenplays or nothing but Pellicano refuses it.
1993 - Michael calls in sick and does not show up on the set of “Is This Scary”.
1999 - MJJ Productions has confirmed that Michael will give a press conference on August 29th, to announce his millennium concerts. The exact location and time of the conference will be announced soon.
2001 - From August 13th-21st Michael shoots the 13-minute short film for "You Rock My World" in Los Angeles. It is directed by Paul Hunter and features Chris Tucker and a special appearance by Marlon Brando. After Robert DeNiro turned Michael down, Michael turned to Marlon Brando, who was a longtime close friend
2003 - Some pictures taken from Dr. Farschian (a doctor who healed Michael Jackson after spider bite) were avaiable on the doctor’s website. The pictures speak for themselves and show how severe is the Vitiligo was on Michael’s body
2013 - Jackson VS AEG Trial Day 68
Katherine Jackson is present in court
Court started this morning with 40 minutes of arguments on William Ackerman's testimony. Ackerman is a defense witness testifying about Michael's finances. Plaintiffs wanted some of his testimony stricken. Plaintiff's attorneys Kevin Boyle and Brian Panish argued that testimony about Jackson's debts is prejudicial and should be stricken. AEG's lawyers Marvin Putnam and Jessica Stebbins Bina countered it was important to this case and how much Michael could have given to his family. "The case law is clear , you can't give what you don't have", Putnam told the judge. Ackerman's opinion is that Michael was in a precarious financial condition due to debts, including a large loan on his share of Sony-ATV catalog. Panish kept asking AEG Live's lawyers to provide a case that allowed them to present evidence about Michael's debts. Stebbins Bina eventually cited one case. That prompted the judge to ask plaintiffs for a case citation if they could find one later. For the time being, Judge Yvette Palazuelos overruled the plaintiff's objections and declined to strike Ackerman's testimony from yesterday
Ackerman and Panish have also been in some tense exchanges, so the judge admonished Ackerman to not argue with Panish. Ackerman has also had to be told by the judge to answer questions with a 'yes' or 'no' several times. She told him to listen to her instructions
William Ackerman Testimony
Jackson cross
Ackerman is back on the stand for cross examination. Brian Panish, attorney for the Jacksons, is doing the questioning
One of the first questions Ackerman was asked was about Michael's life expectancy - the judge blocked the question yesterday. Panish complained that Ackerman had testified about Katherine Jackson's life expectancy, so the judge relented. Ackerman said based on a table used in wrongful death case, Michael's presumed life expectancy was 29 years. Panish asked what was the life expectancy for a 50 year old male based on the table he used to calculate Katherine Jackson's life expectancy.
Ackerman: "According to this table a male of 50 years old would be 29.6 years"
There was a lot of back-and-forth about how much money Ackerman projected Jackson could have given Mrs. Jackson & his kids if he'd lived. His big-ticket number from yesterday was more than $21 million over the next 15 years, but Ackerman said it could have been less. Asked by Panish whether he could say how much Jackson would have given, Ackerman said that was for the jury to decide
Ackerman: "I can't speculate what he'd give for support. I do know he was in a very precarious financial situation at the time he died. He could've been bankrupt within 6 months as far as I know"
Panish asked if after bankruptcy Michael wouldn't have debt left.
Ackerman: "He would not be able to provide support for his mother and children then"
Ackerman said Michael received $6.2 million in advance from AEG. Panish said Michael received $23 million in 6 months in 2009.
Panish: "You can't tell us what support he would be able to provide, right, sir?"
Ackerman: "I think that's for the jury to decide"
Panish: "Did you know Michael gave Mrs. Jackson a $500,000 RV?"
Ackerman: "Yes, it was in my analysis"
Ackerman said there was no record of Michael's amount of donations over the years. Ackerman testifies he saw on documents that he was going to donate the proceeds of the Dangerous tour to charity.
Panish: "Did you see he donated over $60 million to charity?"
"Objection, sustained"
Panish asked at one point whether Ackerman knew of anyone who donated more to charity than Jackson. Bill Gates, the consultant replied. The lawyer then asked Ackerman whether he was familiar with Jackson being in the Guinness Book of World Records for his charitable giving. Ackerman wasn't familiar with that distinction. Panish moved on to other topics.
Panish: "Do you agree Michael was a very generous person?'
Ackerman: 'I absolutely agree with that'
Panish asked if he thought Michael would give the kids everything he thought important. Ackerman responded that Michael wanted his children to be humble
Panish asked about the billings by Ackerman's firm. He said it was reasonable to expect the firm had billed $900k or more at this point. The bill for Ackerman's firm is about $900,000 currently. Panish wrote on a board what other damages expert for AEG charged.
Bill from damages experts for AEG:
  • Briggs - $700,000
  • Ackerman - $900,000
  • Total - $1.6 million
Ackerman doesn't recall being qualified as an expert witness for plaintiffs in a wrongful death case. Panish asked what percentage of his work is in wrongful death cases. "Very small percentage", Ackerman responded. The lawyer asked about Ackerman's experience in wrongful death cases. He'd only worked on "a handful", he said, but never testified in one
Ackerman said he reviewed a lot of trial testimony, but even more depositions in this case
Panish asked Ackerman for amount he used for the chart before he applied the 18% discount rate to bring the final number to present value. Ackerman looked at docs in his binders, said he doesn't have original numbers with him. He said the calculations need to be done in software. Panish showed Ackerman Formuzis analysis and the calculation for personal consumption and professional fees. Formuzis used 7% discount rate. Panish asked if Ackerman used the same rate. "It's an improper rate why would I do that", Ackerman responded
Michael had a $320 million debt against the Sony/ATV catalogue. Ackerman said the highest interest rate was 16.85%. Panish asked Ackerman if he read IRS valued of Sony/ATV catalogue at $700 million. "It would not change my conclusion, no sir", Ackerman explained. Panish said Briggs testified independent appraisal valued at Sony/ATV catalogue at $700 million: $300MM on top of $400MM Michael had in debt. "I'm having a really hard time using that number", Ackerman said.Panish questioned Ackerman on the value of Jackson's share of the Sony-ATV music catalog and an IRS appraisal of its worth at $700 million. Ackerman said he thought there was "strong testimony that conflicts with" the $700 million figure and he had a hard time believing it. At around this point, Ackerman mentioned an estate accounting, which was prohibited by the judge. She struck his answer
Panish: "AEG knew Michael's financial condition when they entered into an agreement with him, didn't they, sir?"
Ackerman: "I don't know that"
Panish asked if Ackerman read Randy Phillips' deposition where he said they were aware of Michael's finances. Panish also asked whether AEG Live knew about Jackson's financial condition. Ackerman said he didn't know and the lawyer pointed to testimony by Randy Phillips that said the company was aware of Michael's debt and knew he needed to work to avert "financial disaster". Panish showed Ackerman numerous passages from depositions. Ackerman read them very deliberately.
Ackerman: "I'm not here for a memory test"
He said that after Panish questioned his recollection of testimony he had read earlier.
Ackerman said MIJAC catalogue was same amount of the debts on it. He said the value is about $ 75 million. "There was no equity in that asset in June 2009", Ackerman said he read in the documents. Ackerman said he did not put a value on the assets Michael had. "Liability exceeded any amount of value of the assets", Ackerman testified
Panish asked if Ackerman read Tom Barrack's testimony that he met with Michael several times to straighten his financial situation. Ackerman said there was some mention of it but doesn't remember the details of the meeting. Panish showed Ackerman several bills from his firm where they researched Colony Capital and Michael's deal.
Ackerman: "Colony Capital came in when Neverland was about to be foreclosed and lent Michael $23 million with a very interest high rate, by the way"
Panish: "But didn't you testify yesterday the loan had no interest?"
Ackerman explained it was high interest loan but he didn't have to pay it
Panish: "He never liquidated his assets, did he sir?"
Ackerman: "He never did"
Panish said Michael didn't want to liquidate his assets, instead he wanted to go back on tour
Ackerman said Michael Jackson signed the contract with AEG to go back on tour. Panish asked about Jackson's contract with AEG Live, and the consultant said he didn't remember who signed it. After a few moments, Ackerman said he believed Michael Jackson signed the agreement. He said he focused "on numbers, not process"
Panish asked where Ackerman researched Colony Capital and Michael's deal. "There's a really interesting tool called the internet, there are a lot of things you can find there", Ackerman responded. Panish asked if Michael decided to go on tour after meeting with Tom Barrack. Ackerman said it appeared that way.
Panish: "Did you do any discount rate of 7, 10 or 15%?"
Ackerman: "No, I did not. I used 18%"
Panish: "Have you prepared calculation of personal consumption for Michael per year?"
Ackerman: "I actually calculated something this morning"
Ackerman said the bars on the graph he showed yesterday include personal consumption. Panish asked if he came up with numbers after speaking with his attorneys yesterday. "Today is typically after yesterday", Ackerman responded. Judge struck the answer
Panish: "Do you know if AEG submitted a $300,000 in expense that had been accrued for the the services of Dr. Murray?"
Ackerman: "I have a vague recollection of seeing this number"
Panish showed documents to Ackerman to refresh his recollection
Panish asked a few questions about the This Is It expenses that Tohme Tohme signed for before the lunch break.
Panish asked if Ackerman knows that Erk did not include the interest rate in his calculations of consumption. He said yes. Ackerman said had Erk included interest, the red bar would go much higher, since most of the expenses are interest
Panish: "Did Mr. Briggs give a number for loss of future earnings for Michael?"
Ackerman said he recalls Briggs saying projections were speculative.
Panish: "Did Mr. Briggs give an opinion on the amount Michael would lose in future earnings?"
Ackerman: "I don't recall"
Panish asked if Briggs said the amount for future earning for Michael would be zero. Ackerman said he doesn't remember Briggs putting a number. "My fundamental understanding is his (Briggs) testimony is that Mr. Erk's calculations were speculative", Ackerman said.
"The reality is that Mr. Jackson could lose money", Ackerman said, pointing that Michael had debts that could offset anything he earned.
Panish: "Did Mr. Briggs put no figure for loss of income for Michael's life?"
Ackerman: "That's correct"
Panish: "And in your opinion is that the children lost $21.5 million in future support?"
Ackerman said that was correct, if you were to believe Michael would continue to give the same support as previous years. "It could be zero support too", Ackerman opined, "He was in a pretty bad financial situation" Panish asked if support could've been zero. "I guess in that situation yes, it could have been zero", Ackerman responded.
Panish: "For $1.6 million, it's your and Briggs' opinion, that Michael's loss of future earning could be zero?"
Ackerman: "That's a possibility"
After the break, Panish didn't immediately ask about the tour expenses budget again. Instead, he asked about Ackerman's projections. Panish asked Ackerman whether his opinion was, based on Jackson's poor financial state, he might not have been able to give his mother and three children any support if he had lived. Ackerman said it was a possibility. Panish made the remark that between Ackerman and Eric Briggs' $1.6 million in fees, they had opinions that Jackson could have left nothing to his mother, children if he had lived. With Ackerman's acknowledgement that was a possibility, Panish sat down
AEG redirect
AEG Live defense attorney Sabrina Strong took over, and asked Ackerman about Jackson's annual spending. He said it averaged about $35 million a year, but fluctuated from $23 on the low end to almost $45 million on the high end. Strong asked whether in 2009, it appeared Jackson had the resources to keep spending like that. The consultant said no. "He dug himself a very deep hole", Ackerman said of Jackson's debts by the time he died. Strong asked Ackerman about a couple deposition pages, at which point the consultant read the testimony into the record. Ackerman was supposed to read the passages to himself, not aloud to the jury. "That's not the way it's supposed to be done", so the judge ended up taking the deposition away from him. 'After you read it, you give it to me", Judge Palazuelos said. "I guess we're going to have to do it the old-fashioned way"
Sabrina Strong did re-direct. She asked the witness if there a difference between consumption and spending. He said no. "I believe I shared multiple data points of how much Mr. Jackson spent in the last 8 years of his life", Ackerman said. Strong showed exhibit with chart Ackerman made regarding Michael's expenses. Ackerman said the bars show what Michael actually spent.
Strong: "Does that include business and personal spending?"
Ackerman said yes, that the bars included interest, business, personal, all that came out of Michael's checkbook, since he was responsible for all. "He dug himself a very deep hole", Ackerman explained, "He was tapped out". Ackerman said there was very strong language in Michael Kane's deposition that Michael was tapped out. "Mr. Barrack was in the frame of mind that Michael didn't have enough income to support his spending and lifestyle", Ackerman testified.
Strong: "Were there other outstanding debts for Mr. Jackson at the time Tohme was holding the $5 million for Michael?"
Ackerman: "Huge"
Ackerman listed Michael's debts:
  • Sony/ATV
  • Neverland
  • Condo
  • Hayvenhurst
Ackerman said on top of that there were creditors debts in the amount of $100 million. "There were just no shortage of people he had to pay", Ackerman explained, "As the debt continued to grow, the interest continued to grow"
Ackerman: "There is a significant issue of doubt whether he (MJ) would be able to continue to provide support. He couldn't get an increase in his $50,000 credit card limit.That's how bad it was"
Ackerman said that Michael's income was from Sony/ATV and MIJAC catalogues. "You lose the asset, you lose the income", Ackerman opined. Strong asked about Jackson's loan on the Sony-ATV catalog. Ackerman said the creditors were extremely well protected. Sony had guaranteed to repay the loan if Jackson defaulted, Ackerman said. "It was one of the most secure pieces of debt I've ever seen" Strong asked about IRS' valuation of Sony catalogue. Ackerman said Briggs' opinion was that that asset was not that valuable. Ackerman said Briggs did valuation of Sony/ATV catalogue for tax return purposed on behalf of Michael's Estate. Ackerman said the Sony/ATV catalogue debt interest was 7%. This was the majority of the debt Michael had. Ackerman explained the Sony/ATV loan was very unique in many ways. He said it was collateralized by the catalogue itself. He also said there was a bankruptcy remote trust attached to the catalogue, if asset were to be sold the proceeds would first go to repay debt. On top of that, Ackerman said Sony guaranteed they would pay $300 million in case everything else failed. "It was the most secured loan I've ever seen", Ackerman said, "It caused the interest rate to go way down"
Strong asked about the bill Panish said AEG submitted to Michael's Estate that included $300,000 for the cost of Dr. Murray's services. Ackerman read the footnote: "the contract is not signed by Michael and such a signature was a condition precedent to any payment obligation"
Strong then asked whether a $35k a month mortgage - like the one on Hayvenhurst was necessary to live. No, Ackerman said. Strong's questions were meant to rebut questions by Panish about whether Michael had provided his mother the necessities of life, such as housing. The judge stopped Strong from asking her line of questions on this topic, and her questioning concluded soon after that. Regarding necessities to live, Strong asked Ackerman if a mortgage of $35,000 a month is necessary to live. He answered no.
Strong: "Do you believe $111,000 a year in repairs and maintenance necessary to live?"
"Objection, lack of foundation"
Judge sustained
Ackerman said Prince drives a Ford truck. He calculated his car to be a BMW. The expert explained his oversight only benefited the plaintiffs, since he calculated more money for support. Ackerman said Michael would have to have enough income to service all the debts, personnel, creditors and to support the plaintiffs. "I think he'D have significant difficulty in continuing to provide the support", Ackerman opined
Jackson recross
Panish, in re-direct, asked if Barrack testified that, with Colony Capital help, Michael could overcome his debts and he could become a success?
Ackerman: "I don't recall that"
After reviewing Barrack's deposition, Ackerman said "Yes, I think they all thought and hoped the tour would be successful"
Panish took over, and showed Ackerman the budget attached to the document that Michael's manager Tohme signed in 2009. One version that the jury's seen and Ackerman testified about had a footnote on it that $300k set aside for Murray wouldn't be paid because the contract was contingent on Jackson signing it. But the version presented to Tohme on June 28 lacked that footnote.
Panish: "Did you read anything about Michael's relationship with his mother and children?"
Ackerman: "My recollection is it was very loving"
Panish: "Did you read anywhere that Michael denied his mother or children anything?"
Ackerman: "I don't recall that"
Panish asked if Ackerman is here to help the plaintiffs. He said he's here to try to be fair. Ackerman said he came up with a very generous support numbers should the jury decide to award anything. Ackerman said at the end of Michael's life, he had close to $30 million a year in interest, his total overall expenses was in the $30-45 million range.
Panish: "Did you do a calculation for the loss of their father, loss of care, comfort, society, affection?"
Ackerman: "I don't think I'm qualified to calculate that"
Ackerman was excused. Judge broke for afternoon break.
(Outside the presence of the jury, there was a discussion with the attorneys whether plaintiffs have formally rested their case. Panish to tell the judge in the morning. She wants to tell the jury and put it in the record. Defendants have filed a motion for non-suit already. Judge said she won't rule on it right away)
Dr Gordon Hiroshi Sasaki video deposition
Dr. Sasaki graduated from Pomona College in 1964, degree in Bachelor of Arts. He went to Yale University for his medical school, graduated in 1968. Dr. Sasaki served in Vietnam and wore several hats as doctor, including anesthesia and plastic surgery on days off. The doctor talked about his experience, going to medical school at Yale, then going to Vietnam to serve as a doctor
Sasaki performed a few medical procedures on Jackson in the 1990's, including surgery on his scalp to try to repair damage from burns. Jackson's scalp had been burned in 1984 while filming a Pepsi commercial. Sasaki's testimony was taped on 2/7/13. Sasaki performed two scalp surgeries after being introduced to Jackson by Dr. Steven Hoefflin. He also worked with Dr. Klein.
Q: Did you ever provide medical treatment to MJ?
A: Yes, I did
Dr. Sasaki said he did two surgeries on Michael's scalp and 3 on the upper lip for contouring. March 16, 1993 was the first surgery Dr. Sasaki performed on Michael It was to reduce scar on the scalp, the bald spot. Second surgery was on October 31, 1997 for scar revision to reduce the width of the reduced scar on the scal
Dr. Sasaki: "The medical care, which included post operation and pain management, were taken out of my hands willingly"
Dr. Sasaki said the care was placed into two other doctors that Mr. Jackson thought would be the best. Dr. Sasaki said the other two doctors were Steven Hoefflin and Arnold Klein. At some point Dr. Metzger as well, he said.
Dr. Sasaki on how he met MJ: "I received a phone call from Dr. Steven Hoefflin, a plastic surgeon"
Dr. Sasaki said he was asked to assist him in providing different alternatives to take care of the bald spot on his scalp. The consultation with Michael and Dr. Hoefflin was set up, Dr. Sasazi said. Dr. Hoefflin is a well known plastic surgeon in Los Angeles. The surgery in 1993 lasted about half an hour. Dr. Sasazi explained he put a metal on a side of the defect and a metal on the other side. He then put stitches going from one side of the metal to the other, crank it to put the sides together. Dr. Sasaki said the method results in about 30% more skin from stretching. He then put ballon in the scalp to stretch further to cover scar. Dr. Hoefflin was his first assistant in the surgery. Dr. Sasaki said he knew generically that in 1988 Michael had a burn in his scalp. He said he understands the burn happened during a Pepsi commercial and it had healed, but Michael wanted to reduce the scar. The scar was in the middle part of the scalp, Dr. Sasaki said
Sasaki was invited twice to Neverland Ranch after the procedures, once with his family when Jackson wasn't there. The second Neverland trip was a house call to check on his wound after a medical procedure.
Dr. Sasaki: "He was kind enough to invite myself and my family to Neverland. We went up there, he was not there, but he was not supposed to be there. The staff served us lunch and showed us around"
Dr. Sasaki said he visited Neverland Ranch twice, once with his family and once at Michael's request
Dr. Sasaki: "I think he just wanted to have me look at his wound, which was healing quite well. More than talking about him, we talked about the Bible"
He said he was there for medical purposes, though, The visits may have been 5 years apart
Sasaki recalled that he was told that Jackson had a low pain tolerance, and that Hoefflin would take care of managing it. The doctor said that was unusual, since he usually saw patients throughout their recovery process. He said sometimes docs want to keep control of their celebrity patients, but noted he was just speculating that's what was happening with Michael. Dr. Sasaki prepared a summary of all the treatments of Michael on 2/7/13. He wrote Dr. Hoefflin told him Michael had a low threshold to pain. Dr. Hoefflin strongly suggested he managed the pain medications since he knew the patient better. Dr. Sasaki said that with celebrities, when he doesn't get to see patients frequently, he prefers not to treat them.
Q: Did you provide any post operation pain care?
A: None
Q: Was that unusual?
A: It's highly unusual
Dr. Sasaki said if he doesn't see the patient regularly he prefers not to give pain medication. He said he never talked to Michael about the pain treatment.
Dr. Sasaki: "I think when you're dealing with high profile clients, some doctors prefer to keep it under control"
Dr. Sasaki said he did the surgery but didn't see the patient until 2-3 months later, which is highly unusual
Q: Did you prescribe any medication to Michael?
A: No
Dr. Sasaki said normally a patient who undergoes that kind of surgery has pain lasting for 6 weeks
In July 1993, Sasaki said he spoke to Klein, who suggested that he prescribe Jackson Percocet to deal with his pain. Sasaki's notes indicated that he suggested Jackson see a pain management specialist. The doctor said he grew uncomfortable prescribing Percocet after Jackson requested the medicine 3 times between July-Aug. 1993. Each time Sasaki said he gave the singer 45 pills but he was concerned about the frequency of the requests. Sasaki said Klein told him that he would take care of Jackson's pain needs. On 8/15/93, the doctor saw Jackson again. This time, Sasaki said he gave Jackson Demerol because the singer complained of serious pain. The doctor said it was the only time he ever gave anyone Demerol because the drug can start to alter a patient's lifestyle. Sasaki said at the time, Dr. Klein told him that he was concerned about Jackson's performance on a world tour. The last time Sasaki treated Jackson was in 1998 and he never saw him again after that.
Dr. Sasaki testified from his record that on 6/30/93 he had the first post-op follow up at the Dr. Klein's office. He said Michael was experiencing pain due to his work and rehearsals. He had to wear a hairpiece to camouflage the scar. Dr. Sasaki said he told Debbie Rowe that the area should be exposed to air as much as possible to heal. On 7/3/93, Dr. Sasaki prescribed Percocet for Michael. It was the first time he prescribed pain medication to him. Dr. Sasaki said he spoke with Dr. Klein and that Klein suggested Percocet. On 7/20/93, there was another request for Percocet, due to strenuous rehearsals, prescribed with the knowledge of Dr. Klein. On 8/10/93, Dr Sasaki received a phone call from Dr. Klein that MJ was experiencing extreme pain. Doctor said pain was normal 4-6 weeks after surgery due to the nerves growing back Dr. Sasaki suggested to Dr. Klein that Michael be seen by a pain management specialist. "I was concerned about pain patterns and his use of Percocet", Dr. Sasaki testified.
Q: Was he taking too much?
A: Yes
Q: Where you the only person prescribing Percocet to Michael?
A: I don't know
Dr. Sasaki said he prescribed 45 tablets of Percocet each time. Dr. Sasaki told Dr. Klein and Michael that he would no longer prescribe Percocet to him since he was asking for too much. Percocet prescription, 45 tablets each time, were prescribed on: July 3, July 20 and Aug 10, 1993.
Q: Was that very frequent?
A: Frequent
On 8/15/93, Dr. Sasaki said he saw patient, with Debbie Rowe. He was complaining of pain in the scar area, area had healed completely. Dr. Sasaki said he injected site with pain reliever, gave Demerol 100 mg, suggested Michael see pain specialist. 8/15/93: Dr. Sasaki prescribed Demerol to Michael under Omar Arnold. This was the first and last time Dr. Sasaki gave Demerol to Michael, he said. Dr. Sasaki explained Demerol is for acute pain, not chronic pain, following major surgery.
Q: About how often do you prescribe Demerol?
A: None. Because I don't do that kind of surgery that requires that kind of pain medication
Dr. Sasaki said Michael was the only patient he injected with Demerol
He testified he is not familiar with Michael's announcement in 1993 about being dependent on prescription medication. "I'm totally ignorant regarding that", Dr. Sasaki said
May 1998 was last time Dr. Sasaki saw and spoke with Michael. He knew doctors Hoefflin, Klein and Metzger treated him back then. That ended the video deposition
Court transcript- William Ackerman
Court transcript - Dr Gordon Sasaki
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to MichaelJackson [link] [comments]

2023.08.12 17:53 Turbostrider27 Moving Out 2 Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Moving Out 2
Developers: DevM Games , SMG Studio
Publisher: Team17 Digital
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 83 average - 95% recommended - 19 reviews

Critic Reviews

GameGrin - Anna Duncan - 9.5 / 10
Moving Out 2 is an enjoyable game with friends or family, but it can sometimes get a little frustrating. Playing alone can get boring.
Garage Band Gamers - Jason Bolla - 8 / 10
If you love multiplayer madness, especially the kind that Team17 tends to publish, Moving Out 2 will no doubt delight you. As a single player game, it’s a fairly enjoyable (albeit frustrating at times) physics based puzzler. As a palette cleanser, it provides plenty of content to come back to between games. Regardless of what purpose the game serves for you, it’s one worth playing.
God is a Geek - Mick Fraser - 8.5 / 10
Moving Out 2 looks pretty, the tongue-in-cheek humour is ever-present, and the accessibility options are great.
IGN - Tristan Ogilvie - 8 / 10
Moving Out 2 is a colourful and chaotic co-op sequel that tasks you with bending at the knees while consistently splitting your sides.
Metro GameCentral - GameCentral - 9 / 10
A superior multiplayer co-op sequel, which maximises its novel premise with improved level design and a flood of clever new ideas.
PSX Brasil - Eric Oliveira - Portuguese - 95 / 100
With improved mechanics, a variety of challenges, unique humor full of current references, and a strong emphasis on cooperation, Moving Out 2 stands out as a title that elevates the experience of the original to new heights. The game proves that change can be a good thing, especially when it comes to providing uninterrupted and chaotic fun. It certainly deserves a prominent place in its collection of games.
Press Start - Kieron Verbrugge - 8 / 10
Moving Out 2 is an accomplished sequel, building on what made the first game great and really honing in on its presentation and content offering. It's not a radical departure, and not all of its levels are designed equally, but overall this is another feather in SMG Studio's cap.
Push Square - Stephen Tailby - 7 / 10
If you're after more Overcooked-like co-op fun, Moving Out 2 is a great option. Its colourful presentation, cheeky humour, and increasingly madcap levels combine for a successful follow-up.
Rectify Gaming - Tyler Nienburg - 8 / 10
Overall, Moving Out 2 is an extremely fun co-op game to play with friends and family. The game proves to be better than an Overcooked because there’s less rage involved and more enjoyment. For its price I think you get your money’s worth with the content Moving Out 2 has to offer.
Shacknews - Larryn Bell - 8 / 10
Despite playing the bulk of the game by myself, I enjoyed my time in Moving Out 2 overall. Though still enjoyable, solo play felt a bit tedious at times. The game is clearly designed for cooperative play, couch or otherwise, making the addition of online multiplayer a logical next step for the series. The sequel builds upon the cutesy visuals and pun-filled story of the first game with fresh challenges and fun objectives. Moving Out 2 is a slap-happy romp that caters to players of varying skill levels, making it a great party game to enjoy with friends or family.
Slant Magazine - Aaron Riccio - 4 / 5
The chaotic adaptability in the face of whatever weird mash-up of things that Moving Out 2 throws at you is what makes it more than just a delivery machine for so many puns. The silliness of being a F.A.R.T. is predicated on enjoyable, rock-solid gameplay. If you want to see everything the game has to offer, your moving techniques will have to change right along with the dimensions themselves. That is, after all, what moving’s all about: never sitting still.
The Game Crater - Chris Melnyk - 9 / 10
Moving Out 2 earns its place not just within the realm of party games but as a valuable addition to any gaming collection.
The Games Machine - Daniele Cucchiarelli - Italian - 7.8 / 10
A sequel that improves the gameplay mechanics of the first Moving Out by heading in new directions, and that expands the amount and complexity of the challenges. In some cases, some immediacy is lost, but the fun is guaranteed, thanks also to the possibility of four-player play in both local and online modes.
TheSixthAxis - Adrian Burrows - 8 / 10
It's a clichéd line but that doesn't stop it from being true: if you loved Moving Out then you'll love Moving Out 2. It's a whole lot more of the same chaotic multiplayer action you've come to expect. Sadly, when you get your mates around to play, you'll likely just focus on the early levels, as the game once again loses its way and gets far too hard in the latter stages. A focus on straight-up non-stop silly fun would be much appreciated if there's a Moving Out 3.
Try Hard Guides - Christian Harrison - 8 / 10
If you’ve got a friend or two, Moving Out 2 is a good game to pass some time and challenge your friendship with a multitude of houses to move. The title evolves on the moving concept in its most literal forms and those who enjoyed the first time will have a lot of fun exploring each new level. It doesn’t evoke the same anticipation other titles have, but SMG Studio and Devm Games do enough to keep players and their friends entertained for hours.
Video Chums - A.J. Maciejewski - 7.5 / 10
Moving Out 2 made me a happy bear thanks to its comfort food co-op gameplay with more variety than ever. Plus, you can play as a cob of corn and that's like totes shway. So, if you and your chums need to move a couch together then play this instead; it's more fun.
WellPlayed - Adam Ryan - 8.5 / 10
Rarely can you say that moving house is fun, but SMG Studio's co-op party sequel manages to introduce more than enough new ideas and added content to have you pushing aside your weekend plans to pack and stack.
WhatIfGaming - Rizwan Anwer - 8 / 10
Moving Out 2 is a fleshed-out party game that packs a lot of heart and spirit into what a sequel should be. It offers a lot of engaging features and mechanics to test your "moving" ability and improves upon an already great game even further. If you have any friends who enjoy cooperative games, this is a must-buy, but it's hard to recommend if you want to go it alone. - Paweł Bortkiewicz - Polish - 8 / 10
Moving Out 2 is what you would expect from a sequel to the first Moving Out. More levels and features, more things to unlock and secrets to discover. Combined, the very good state of the art gives us a worthy sequel to check out. SMG Studio has brought us a very good party game worth experiencing.
submitted by Turbostrider27 to Games [link] [comments]

2023.08.11 14:24 XMGAU USS Mobile Bay (CG 53) was decommissioned on Aug.10, 2023 after more than 36 years of service. [4856 x 3237]

USS Mobile Bay (CG 53) was decommissioned on Aug.10, 2023 after more than 36 years of service. [4856 x 3237] submitted by XMGAU to WarshipPorn [link] [comments]

2023.08.09 19:52 Branchless Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical - Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
Developer: Summerfall Studios
Publisher: Humble Games
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 79 average - 80% recommended - 43 reviews

Critic Reviews

GamesHub - Christie McQualter - 5 / 5
Stray Gods might not have told me how to get over a quarter-life crisis – unless I can turn into a God sometime soon – but it was an enchanting, emotionally affecting journey nonetheless.
CGMagazine - Justin Wood - 9.5 / 10
Stray Gods felt like it was made for me. If you love musicals in the rock opera genre, then dive in immediately as there is a story full of emotion and fantastic music waiting for you.
DualShockers - Matthew Schomer - 9.5 / 10
A modern-day musical murder mystery in which the Greek gods are living among mortals, and you've just become one of them. DualShockers was provided with a copy of the game for review purposes.
GameGrin - Alyssa Rochelle Payne - 9.5 / 10
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical is one-of-a-kind in the best way, excelling on all fronts - narrative and musical. It's a must-play for lovers of theatre, Greek mythology, and story-rich experiences.
RPG Fan - Audra Bowling - 92%
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical is an incredibly memorable visual novel boasting an amusing interactive musical experience.
Checkpoint Gaming - David McNamara - 9 / 10
A wonderfully peculiar blend of visual novel, choice-driven RPG, and off-Broadway musical, Stray Gods embraces the theatrical duality of comedy and tragedy and wraps it into a narrative experience that can be at once gut-wrenching and cheeky. Through some excellently written and performed dialogue, incredible audio production, and effective use of player choice, it provides an intimate and personal music theatre experience. While its semi-animated visual style and simplified gameplay may prove off-putting for some, Stray Gods is a unique and compelling love letter to the theatre kid inside us all.
Digital Chumps - Nathaniel Stevens - 9 / 10
Stray Gods from developer Summerfall Studios and publisher Humble Games is a beautiful and engaging musical branching narrative game that succeeds in delivering a powerful story with compelling characters. While not every song in the game is gold, the music that accompanies the gameplay mixes well and makes for one of the more entertaining gaming experiences of 2023.
GameSpot - Jordan Ramée - 9 / 10
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical is a visual and auditory delight filled with superb musical performances.
Screen Rant - Deven McClure - 4.5 / 5
One playthrough of Stray Gods takes about five hours, but one of the most impressive things about the game is its immense replayability. Different dialogue choices coupled with the huge amount of musical permutations mean that no two runs are the same, and it's hard to resist going back for more even after the mystery is solved. The title certainly isn't for everyone - those who completely abhor anything even adjacent to musical theater are certainly not the target audience. However, Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical presents an engaging story and song mechanics that feel beautifully personal, making it worth looking into even for players who don't consider themselves musical lovers.
But Why Tho? - Kyle Foley - 8.5 / 10
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical does an excellent job of blending video games and musical theater in a way that should appeal to virtually everyone. Excellent storytelling and a masterfully crafted soundtrack combined with incredible visuals give a new take on Greek mythology.
PSX Brasil - Thiago de Alencar Moura - Portuguese - 85 / 100
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical is a unique and captivating experience thanks to the strength of its characters and how well-written its narrative is. The very good songs and great work by its cast result in a singular title capable of holding the attention of everyone who gives it a chance.
Spaziogames - Nicolò Bicego - Italian - 8.5 / 10
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical is a must-play for visual novel lovers, thanks to an engaging story, a rich cast of characters and a compelling original soundtrack.
Try Hard Guides - Christian Harrison - 8.5 / 10
While it’s unlikely to win any Tonys, Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical is a great attempt at bringing soulful ballads and endless drama to games. Summerfall Studios has captured the magic and emotion of its actors, creating a world that’s ripe with possibilities. Those who are interested in either musicals or Greek mythology will likely find something to love about Stray Gods.
Worth Playing - Cody Medellin - 8.5 / 10
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical isn't the roleplaying experience its title and marketing would have you believe it is, but the game commands your attention to the end. The story is a good, old-fashioned murder mystery with Greek gods. The various characters keep the tale feeling fresh and moving along at a good pace. The comic book look is striking, and the songs are outstanding, but the story and various choices grant the game longevity that endures beyond the novelty of using songs in almost every scene. Visual novel fans will love this title, and music lovers will be entertained by how the story doesn't slow down the proceedings. Players who are slightly curious about the visual novel gameplay style will find Stray Gods to be a good gateway.
COGconnected - Mark Steighner - 84 / 100
Part murder mystery, part visual novel, Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical is an audacious experiment. Happily, it pays off in a unique video game experience. There aren’t many games that use songs in a theatrical way. Being able to direct the flow of the music in real time is exciting and engaging. Pacing issues aside, it’s a concept that’s definitely worthy of continued development. I hope Wintory and Gaider continue to iterate on this new IP.
GamePro - Eleen Reinke - German - 84 / 100
Stray Gods is worthwhile for all fans of good story, multi-layered characters and, of course, musicals. Only the RPG aspects are neglected.
Game Informer - Charles Harte - 8.3 / 10
Overall, Stray Gods rocks. Between the cast's fantastic performances, a fun twist on Greek mythology, and a genuinely novel game mechanic, it's a game I didn't know I needed, but one I'm happy to give a standing ovation to.
Digital Spy - Jess Lee - 4 / 5
There isn't really anything like Stray Gods out there right now, and while it falls short of hitting the highs of some of the musicals that served as inspiration for the game, its narrative design and the unique way in which player choice affects the story make for a refreshing and enjoyable ride.
GameSpew - Richard Seagrave - 8 / 10
It’s a shame that the songs in Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical didn’t have quite the impact on us that we hoped, but it might not be the case for everyone. Still, while we won’t be rushing to listen to its soundtrack on any streaming platforms, we’ve very much enjoyed our time with the game, and we’ll no doubt be returning to it for another playthrough or two in the future.
GamesRadar+ - Heather Wald - 4 / 5
"While a murder mystery drives the story forward in Stray Gods, Grace, and the role you have in shaping her, is at the heart of the experience."
God is a Geek - Lyle Carr - 8 / 10
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical is full of charming gods and funky songs, and some issues with sound levels aren't enough to ruin that.
Hardcore Gamer - Kyle LeClair - 4 / 5
Stray Gods' unique blend of musicals and video games alone makes it worthy of applause, but it's the incredible way that the ear-pleasing, player-orchestrated numbers are weaved into such a well-designed murder mystery which deserves the loudest cheers.
MonsterVine - Diego Escala - 4 / 5
Fans of musicals are going to find a lot to love with Stray Gods and I’m excited to see future games go even further with the idea.
RPGamer - Sam Wachter - 4 / 5
There is no game out there like Stray Gods, and while its execution has some flaws, its originality shines through. Summerfall Studios has crafted a memorable experience with loveable characters and catchy songs to boot.
Shacknews - Ozzie Mejia - 8 / 10
With a multitude of choices and possibilities, Stray Gods gives players plenty of reasons to stick around for an encore. The show doesn't always have to end when the curtain goes down.
TheGamer - Jade King - 4 / 5
Stray Gods can be inconsistent in its musical numbers at times and presents a selection of irksome technical issues, but these foibles are trivial to overlook when Grace’s journey fires on all cylinders. It is marvelously written with a beating heart lined with poignancy, which at every turn expresses the joy, fear, and unpredictability of human life you can’t help but feel represented by. Much like Grace, I’m a lost, lost girl with little direction in life, but sometimes a game like this comes along and convinces me it’s only a matter of time until I’m found.
WhatIfGaming - Rizwan Anwer - 8 / 10
Stray Gods does stray from the path of its competitors by doing a lot of new and unique things and it does so with pride. With a great cast of voice actors, a memorable story, and a unique dialogue system, the game truly stands out in the genre. However, the lack of ability for players to explore the world on their own outside of a static scene feels awkward at times, particularly when the world looks stunning.
Destructoid - Cody Perez - 7.5 / 10
Solid and definitely has an audience. There could be some hard-to-ignore faults, but the experience is fun.
Eurogamer - Ed Nightingale - 3.5 / 5
A fascinating but flawed experimental musical game that fails to live up to some heavenly potential.
GamesFinest - Vanessa Böttcher - German - 7 / 10
What Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical is not is a video game with innovative game design or creative game elements. Instead, the title shines with a gripping story, great images, high-quality music and an interesting implementation of the Greek god mythology. So if you like to influence a beautiful story, create your own little musical, and are cool with experiencing a rather passive gaming experience as a text adventure, you won't go wrong here and will have a good time.
IGN - Shannon Liao - 7 / 10
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical's murder mystery is predictable, but worth playing through a couple of times for its strong voice cast and customizable songs.
VideoGamer - Odhran Johnson - 7 / 10
Stray Gods is at times a heartwarming and expertly crafted musical experience. However, certain narrative choices, along with some minor audio and performance issues, leave the game feeling like it could have spend a little more time in the oven.
Press Start - Brodie Gibbons - 6.5 / 10
Stray Gods might be a well-written, narrative-driven murder mystery that drags us to Olympus and back again, but it fails to deliver anything remotely close to an earworm after hours of forgettable melodies. Though Bailey and Baker do enough to earn their flowers, the production itself does little to land Stray Gods a place among the musical pantheon.
New Game Network - Alex Varankou - 60 / 100
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical is a novel attempt at offering something new to the video game space. But while it has a strong cast and a well-realized setting, the uneven songs, lack of meaningful player choice and a dull narrative bring down the curtain too soon.
RPG Site - Paige Chamberlain - 6 / 10
While Stray Gods is subtitled The "Roleplaying" Musical, it plays much more akin to a visual novel or adventure game than what one might call an RPG, though the musical part still applies. The music is especially fun and some tracks definitely would have a place in theatre.
Stevivor - Steve Wright - 6 / 10
Stray Gods is truly a mixed bag, full of strong actors, average singers, clever storytelling and weak songs. There are points of brilliance mixed with cringe-worthy presentations, making this one hard to recommend because of its inconsistencies. If you’re itching to play regardless, I’d strongly suggest those players pick it up on either PC or Switch because of the one-two punch of visual and interface issues. I can certainly vouch for the issues plaguing the Xbox version, and I’d wager the PlayStation version would be similar.
WellPlayed - 6 / 10
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical has a sharp eye for aesthetics and a kind heart but its ambitious concept buckles under uneven implementation and a lacklustre sound.
TheSixthAxis - Adrian Burrows - 4 / 10
When I first heard of Stray Gods, I was intrigued. A video game musical might not totally work, but at least it would be interesting to play, I thought. How wrong I was. The concept of Stray Gods is the most interesting thing about it, but the execution is boring to the extreme. If you want a fun musical video game experience, you're better off watching Singing in the Rain whilst repeatedly changing the volume on the remote. That way you'll have better songs, a more enjoyable story, more interactivity, and a greater sense of player control than Stray Gods provides. - Mina Smith - Loved
I cannot recommend this game enough. I won’t even bother with a Cons section in this article because I don’t know what I would even say against it. It’s fun, well-priced, replayable, beautiful, and filled to the brim with gorgeous music. What more could RPG, visual novel, and musical fans want? It’s so well polished that I can’t think of a single thing that I would change or add.
What a delight from start to finish Stray Gods was. Play it; you won’t regret it!
Polygon - Josh Broadwell - Unscored
Stray Gods is ambitious in its goals, and while the road Summerfall and co. take to reach them is rough and uneven, I won’t be forgetting Grace’s tale anytime soon. It’s a clever format, and the unfulfilled potential makes me excited for future attempts to meld games and theater.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Jon Bailes - Unscored
Filling a game based on dialogue trees with mythological musical numbers turns out to be an inspired idea in Stray Gods, as it has the quality of writing, composing and character design to pull it off. Its bulges with both comedy and tragedy, and while some of the songs lack punch, overall Stray Gods puts on one hell of a show.
submitted by Branchless to Games [link] [comments]


Not for distribution to United States Newswire Services or for dissemination in the United States
  • Novo has lodged a Prospectus with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (“ ASIC ”) to undertake an initial public offering (“ IPO ”) in Australia of Chess Depositary Interests (“ CDIs ”) and to seek to dual list on the Australian Securities Exchange (“ ASX ”)
  • The Novo Board believes listing on the ASX will:
    • Enhance the profile of Novo across a broader range of stakeholders
    • Increase liquidity and allow access to potential new sources of equity
    • Engage and attract institutional investment and equity research coverage
  • Novo has been listed in Canada since 2010 and in the US on the OTCQX since 2012, has developed a supportive, long-term investor base, and intends to maintain its TSX and OTCQX listings
  • The ASX is a natural fit for Novo to list and grow, given historical local investor appetite for new mining discoveries with exploration upside
  • Prospectus lodgement follows Novo’s major earn-in and joint venture agreement with leading Western Australian gold developer De Grey Mining Ltd (ASX: DEG) (“ De Grey ”) who have undertaken to spend up to A$25 million on exploration of Novo’s Becher Gold Project and adjacent tenements, including satisfaction of minimum expenditure commitments on such tenure. In June 2023, De Grey made a cornerstone investment of A$10 million in Novo to become the Company’s largest shareholder with an undiluted 11.6% interest 1
    • Becher is located only ~ 28 km WSW of De Grey’s 11.7 Moz Au (JORC 2012) 2 Mallina Gold Project
    • Becher target style of mineralisation includes both structurally controlled orogenic gold and orogenic intrusion-hosted gold, similar mineralisation styles to those at the Hemi gold deposit 2
  • The Company is seeking to raise gross proceeds of A$4.0 million (approximately C$3.5. million) 3 through the issue of 20 million CDIs at an offer price of A$0.20 (approximately C$0.18) per CDI (“ Offer Price ”), with the ability to accept over-subscriptions to raise an additional A$3.5 million (approximately C$3.1 million) through the issue of an additional 17.5 million CDIs
    • IPO offer proceeds are expected to support Novo’s 12-month exploration strategy
    • The offer period is currently scheduled to open on August 10, 2023 and is expected to close on September 1, 2023 4
    • The IPO is conditional on the Company raising its minimum subscription (A$4.0 million, before costs) and ASX approving the Company’s application for admission to the ASX 5
    • Argonaut of Perth, Western Australia is acting as financial adviser and broker to the IPO
  • Novo owns an exciting portfolio of exploration targets with gold discovery potential and through reconnaissance work in 2022 has defined a pipeline of advanced targets for drilling in 2023 and 2024, with a growth strategy of discovering standalone gold projects with >1 Moz development potential
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Novo Resources Corp. (“Novo” or the “Company”) (TSX: NVO, NVO.WT & NVO.WT.A) (OTCQX: NSRPF) is pleased to provide an update in relation to the Company’s planned ASX listing and IPO.
Novo Executive Co-Chairman and Acting CEO Mike Spreadborough said a TSX/ASX dual listing is a logical progression for the Company due to historical investor appetite for exploration companies with Australian projects and will provide an excellent platform for the next phase of exploration.
“We are very excited to be taking the next step in our strategic growth plans and make the move to seek a dual listing on the ASX. We are confident that listing on the ASX will be very beneficial for Novo and our shareholders, as we look to increase liquidity, engage additional institutional investment and equity research coverage, access potential new sources of equity and enhance our profile across a broader mix of stakeholder groups.”
Novo Resources property map
Novo is a greenfields gold explorer with a significant portfolio of tenements in the Pilbara region of Western Australia (covering approximately 10,500 square km), including the Company’s flagship Becher gold project located within the Egina Gold Camp, and in the Bendigo region of Victoria at the Belltopper project. Novo is engaged primarily in the business of evaluating, acquiring, and exploring natural resource properties with a focus on gold.
The Company has today (August 2, 2023) lodged a Prospectus with ASIC seeking to raise A$4.0 million (approximately C$3.5 million) through the issue of 20 million CDIs at an offer price of A$0.20 (approximately C$0.18) per CDI, with the ability to accept over-subscriptions to raise an additional A$3.5 million (approximately C$3.1 million) through the issue of an additional 17.5 million CDIs (the “ Offering ”) to support an application to dual list on the ASX through an IPO of CDIs. One common Share of Novo underlies each CDI. The Offering is scheduled to formally open on August 10, 2023 and is expected to close on September 1, 2023 6
Argonaut is acting as financial adviser and broker to the IPO.
Novo intends to use its existing cash reserves combined with funds raised from the Offering to fund exploration at the Company’s Egina Gold Camp including commencement of drilling at its exciting Nunyerry North project, the Balla project, the Belltopper project, and for Pilbara-wide reconnaissance, as well as general working capital and current corporate commitments. Refer to the Company’s Prospectus which will be available at and on the Company’s SEDAR+ profile at for further details of the Company’s objectives 7 5
Novo recently completed a significant earn-in and joint venture agreement with major ASX-listed Western Australian gold developer De Grey for the Company’s Becher Gold Project and the adjacent tenements within the Egina Gold Camp, with the resultant joint venture to be known as the Egina JV 1
De Grey has been granted the right to earn a 50% interest in the Egina JV by spending up to A$25 million on exploration over four years.
De Grey is managing all exploration under the earn-in and will become the manager of the Egina JV once established. De Grey understands the area, geology and what is required to make a major discovery within the region, highlighted by their 11.7 Moz Mallina Gold Project 2 , which sits only ~28km WSW of Becher.
In June 2023, De Grey completed its cornerstone investment in Novo of A$10 million (approximately C$8.97 million) for 35,223,670 common shares of Novo issued at a price of approximately C$0.255 per share, representing an undiluted 11.6% post-financing position in Novo 1
Completion of the cornerstone investment by De Grey underpins Novo’s exciting exploration portfolio and growth strategy, as the Company focuses on seeking to discover standalone gold projects with material development potential.
As a result of the IPO timeframe, the Company has sought and obtained approval from the TSX to defer its annual general meeting (“ AGM ”) to no later than October 31, 2023. The Company will provide an update on the timing of its AGM in due course.
Novo explores and develops its prospective land package covering approximately 10,500 square kilometres in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, along with the 22 square kilometre Belltopper project in the Bendigo Tectonic Zone of Victoria, Australia. In addition to the Company’s primary focus, Novo seeks to leverage its internal geological expertise to deliver value-accretive opportunities to its stakeholders
submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2023.08.01 07:01 fganniversaries Fighting Game Anniversaries: Week 31 (July 30 - August 6)

Hey, yall. This is fganniversaries. Just like last week, I will be recapping anniversaries relating to fighting game announcements/releases this week. Like always, if I missed one, do please let me know in the comments. Here would be the following anniversaries:
July 30
July 31
August 1
August 2
August 3
August 4
August 5
August 6
submitted by fganniversaries to Fighters [link] [comments]

2023.08.01 07:00 fganniversaries Fighting Game Anniversaries: Week 31 (July 30 - August 6)

Hey, yall. This is fganniversaries. Just like last week, I will be recapping anniversaries relating to fighting game announcements/releases this week. Like always, if I missed one, do please let me know in the comments. Here would be the following anniversaries:
July 30
July 31
August 1
August 2
August 3
August 4
August 5
August 6
submitted by fganniversaries to FGC [link] [comments]

2023.08.01 06:57 fganniversaries Fighting Game Anniversaries: Week 31 (July 30 - August 6)

Hey, yall. This is fganniversaries. Just like last week, I will be recapping anniversaries relating to fighting game announcements/releases this week. Like always, if I missed one, do please let me know in the comments. Here would be the following anniversaries:
July 30
July 31
August 1
August 2
August 3
August 4
August 5
August 6
submitted by fganniversaries to u/fganniversaries [link] [comments]