
Mac OS7 & 8 on Raspberry Pi Zeo 2 W

2024.01.03 08:17 Cooperman411 Mac OS7 & 8 on Raspberry Pi Zeo 2 W

New to emulating vintage Mac OSs so please be kind. 😁 I used the amazing MacintoshPi GitHub project by u/jar0maz and successfully installed Mac OS 7, 8, & 9 on a Pi Zero 2 W. I want to install MS Office, a few games, etc. but I have hit a roadblock. I downloaded several files from Macintoshgarden.org into the downloads folder on Pi OS, and they show up in the UNIX folder on the MacOSs. I opted for older versions of Office, Stuffit, & Roxio Toast that are compatible with OSs 7-9. I see Unstuffit is preinstalled on Mac OS9 so I unzipped them on OS9. The problem is I need Toast in order to install MS Office but when I extracted the Toast .sit file, it becomes a .toast file. So I need Toast to install Toast?!?! Can someone direct me to a Toast download, compatible with OSs 7-9, that I can unzip and install without Toast? Or an alternative way to install the other apps? Thanks!
submitted by Cooperman411 to VintageApple [link] [comments]

2023.11.29 23:29 Old_Cyrus Sprawl Trilogy "Expanded Books" for Classic Macintosh

A bunch of people contacted me when I posted the cover art to the Voyager Company ebooks that were commercially available for the Classic Mac OS. Somebody has now posted the binary, and it can be found at https://www.macintoshrepository.org/51242-neuromancer-count-zero-mona-lisa-overdrive.
All you need to read the books is a Mac running 6.0.7-9.2.2 (or 10.4 with Classic), or an emulator on your modern computer. You'll also need the Unstuffit utility, and HyperCard Reader version 2.1 or greater.
Have fun!
submitted by Old_Cyrus to Neuromancer [link] [comments]

2023.10.31 14:56 byteknight6 Congrats to the Wordle winners this month! The game will be reset 11/1 so fire up that vintage Mac and join us at Captain's Quarters II BBS. Instructions on how to connect are here: http://cqbbs.ddns.net

Congrats to the Wordle winners this month! The game will be reset 11/1 so fire up that vintage Mac and join us at Captain's Quarters II BBS. Instructions on how to connect are here: http://cqbbs.ddns.net submitted by byteknight6 to VintageApple [link] [comments]

2023.04.10 12:26 1001FLOOPY Help me.

I need help with how to use unstuffit. I wanted to unstuff the Matrix screensaver (link to where i dowloaded it:https://www.macintoshrepository.org/10033-matrix-screensaver) (and alos i am running mac os 8.1) but it wanted to open it with simpletext. Someone help me how to change this so it opens the .SIT file with unstuffit on mac os 8.1. Any comment helps.
submitted by 1001FLOOPY to vintagecomputing [link] [comments]

2023.01.20 11:46 1001FLOOPY Dear retro PC professionals!

I have a vintage mac called:macintosh performa 5260 (on following picture)
And a floopy writer for 1.4 mb floopyies with finder 8.1 (on picture) WITH STUFFIT,UNSTUFFIT,STUFFIT EXPANDER my question is what games do you gus recommend me to dowload via floopy on this beast? please comment with dowload link thx for any help!

submitted by 1001FLOOPY to vintagecomputing [link] [comments]

2023.01.17 17:30 1001FLOOPY I need some help with this...

So i got a macintosh performa 5260/100mhz and i have a floopy writer i have finder 8.1 version and some standard 3.5 inch disks can you guys recommend me games to dowload (i have unstuffit).
Thank you for any help.
submitted by 1001FLOOPY to vintagecomputing [link] [comments]
