Verizon hack refill

root: SuperUser on android

2008.07.04 09:40 root: SuperUser on android

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2024.05.31 05:43 Zealousideal_Car_893 Boomer complaining about how healthcare used to be.

I'm doing some locum work in a rural healthcare clinic. We do primary Care. Basically blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, harm reduction in regards to addiction. I've been here about 3 months. We've already had two sets of providers come and go. On top of already being short-handed, lack of nurses, turnover of providers, The wholesaler we deal with called Cardinal had their website hacked. So we didn't get an order today of supplies and medicine.
Boomer lady had to complain about how long it took to get a refill of her blood pressure medication which had no refills to begin with. I attempted to explain to her the challenges of staffing and the fact that our wholesaler was not able to deliver medication in a timely matter. She told me it wasn't her problem cuz in her day this would have never taken this long. I tried to explain to her again that It's difficult to find staff in a rural setting, and explained to her that when a wholesaler's website gets hacked it's everybody's problem.
But instead of understanding, she rolled her eyes stating it's no way to run a clinic because she's been in healthcare for 40 years and it shouldn't take this long. She just stormed off very indignantly.
submitted by Zealousideal_Car_893 to BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:01 Cold_Deal4661 Why was it down

Do anyone know why verzion was down for almost 4 hours nationwide. was they hack, they was preforming maintenance and they was pretty quiet about I didn’t see hear anything from spokesman from Verizon on why this happen?
submitted by Cold_Deal4661 to verizon [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:21 ppfnyc Why are ppl over paying on eBay?!

Why are ppl over paying on eBay?! submitted by ppfnyc to StraightTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:02 MissAndiO 3yrs into parenting journey- tips, advice, and product recos from pregnancy, newborn, and toddler years

cross-posting on other relevant subs (pregnant, newparents, etc)
Hi all,
I'm a long-time lurker but rarely have time to come on anymore and read, much less comment or post. However since having my first child over 3 years ago and also my second a year and a half ago, I've been keeping notes on advice and product recommendations. I've taken to giving this out to friends and co-workers when I hear the happy news that they are expecting, so I thought I'd share it here as well in hopes it helps someone. Please take this with a grain of salt- I know everyone has different experiences! Please feel free to post your favorite advice or product recommendations as well if you want.
Take care, and enjoy your parenting journey!

General advice:

I'm really going to try to keep cliché's out of here as much as possible and keep this to only practical advice that I wish someone had laid out for me. But cliché's exist for a reason- they are generally true!

Pregnancy/Postpartum mama care:


I highly recommend trying to breastfeed if you're able. It does make the first few weeks (which are already hard) more challenging, but after that it's so much easier! You can go places without needing bottles/wateformula (all you need is you!). Plus, sterilizing and washing bottles all the time is a drag. Plus the bonding is really special (not that you can't get this without breastfeeding). But breastfeeding is always the #1 comfort technique if baby is cranky or sick, even if he's not hungry. A few tips/info:


Good luck! Just kidding. So much conflicting info out there on this. I guess my number 1 tip here would be to read up on different strategies and have a plan. Being knowledgeable about different options is helpful if you need to pivot strategies in the middle of the night and you're running on very little sleep. Some questions for you to consider - will you bedshare (most families end up co-sleeping at some point. Good to know the Safe Sleep 7 in case you decide to)? Or room-share? Will you "sleep train" (which means different things to different people)? When they start getting decent stretches of sleep it is a game. changer. I will share some tips that seemed to have work for us. baby started sleeping through the night (7+ hr stretches) around 11 wks, and shortly thereafter started sleeping 10-11hr stretches. We do bed-share occasionally, even now if he wakes up between 5-6a I pull him into bed with me and nurse in a side-lying position and we both fall asleep for a bit longer. It's really lovely to be able to do this.

Generic sleep advice

0-3 months


What to do with baby when awake

Legitimate question that I hadn't considered until we were in the middle of it. In the first few weeks baby really doesn't have much awake time outside of eating/diaper changes. But here are some ideas:

Pumping/Milk Maintenence

Other resources/random notes

Product Recommendations/Baby Registry Ideas

I mentioned at the beginning but want to reiterate- baby products are expensive and they typically aren’t used for long. Highly recommend looking to get second hand when possible - friends, thrift stores, facebook marketplace, etc. Also- definitely make baby registries because you typically get a completion discount at a certain date to buy things off the registry at a discount (typically 15%). I usually make at least an amazon and target registry for each pregnancy and then maximize those registry discounts. Also- Bullseye Deals on Ebay is a reseller of target stuff (mostly new but also used so look before buying) at a discount!
submitted by MissAndiO to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 10:54 No-Net2112 Kendu Community Shows It's Quality By Uniting To Refill Hacked Wallet

Kendu Community Shows It's Quality By Uniting To Refill Hacked Wallet submitted by No-Net2112 to Memecoinhub [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 10:54 No-Net2112 Kendu Community Shows It's Quality By Uniting To Refill Hacked Wallet

Kendu Community Shows It's Quality By Uniting To Refill Hacked Wallet submitted by No-Net2112 to shitcoinmoonshots [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 10:54 No-Net2112 Kendu Community Shows It's Quality By Uniting To Refill Hacked Wallet

Kendu Community Shows It's Quality By Uniting To Refill Hacked Wallet submitted by No-Net2112 to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:03 BaronBlackSkull Dead by daylight fan ideas, Call of the darkened skull, Nemesis and Claudette's new abilities

So to anyone who hasn't read my absolute mess of a first post. What I have set out to do is propose a massive update to dead by daylight with the main objective of spicing up the game and the second biggest objective of giving all survivors their own unique power and ability to make them distinct while also balancing the game to not make this stupidly broken. Is important to note that this is less about balance and what I think should actually be added and more so me rambling about some of the funny ideas I have this is why I will not be going into Pacific numbers i'll let each person reading this interpret the exact percentages and numbers they think would be balanced as again this is more so about creating fun ideas and inspiring other people.
Today I will just be giving extra abilities to the characters listed above. As I stated before their survivors will each be getting their own unique upsides and downsides to make them more distinct and interesting instead of having every survivor be almost exactly the same. And because the survivors are getting buffed massively so too should the killers.
The first idea I would like to throw out is something I honestly kind of want to see in dead by daylight, And that is a fifth perk slot for every survivor and killer however instead of being able to choose any park you can only choose for this 5th slot one of the Teachable perks that character has.
One thing before I continue, It may be a bit confusing but for the sake of balance I wish to propose a concept. This concept is that certain perks will be less Effective on certain killers or survivors because of their own natural abilities, When this happens and you are playing as this character hovering over this quirk this will be highlighted in red text showing you exactly how much the perk will be nerved for this specific character. For example Claudette is going To be able to heal faster than the average survivor So for balance perks that significantly increase healing speed will not be ineffective but will give less of a boost as to not make Builds that will give her an insanely fast healing speed.
But anyways on to the new abilities
Healing proficiency Due to our knowledge of botany and healing she can perform all healing actions faster than the average survivor
Caring instinct Your intentions to Heal others Are profound and you will seek out the injured so you could aid them, Claudette can see the auras of injured survivors who are in her vicinity.
Special ability Botany Special plants will appear around the trial, When a plant is harvested after a Random amount of time a new plant will spawn in a new location. These plants and flowers Spawn most frequently in areas of short to tall grass. Mushrooms will also spawn in more indoor maps or in maps with lots of indoor locations however these mushrooms are far less easy to track down as they can spawn anywhere. Because of Claudette's Botany knowledge She knows what she's looking for, These plants will be very bright to her and she's the only one who can see them, When she walks up to these plants she can enter an animation to begin harvesting them this animation isn't too terribly long but also still significant. When these plants are collected if Claudette has a medkit that is missing charges these plants will refill a significant amount of the medkick's charges. If the medkit is full or Claudette does not have a med kit, Then the charges will either Accumulate in Claudette's inventory until a medkit does begin to deplete in which case it will automatically be refilled, Or if Claudette has enough of these charges She can perform the self healing action Without any perks or med kits that normally would be the only way for a survivor to do so. These charges can also be used to speed up the Process of healing deep wounds On both you and others survivors. Before you ask yes maps can be used to find these plants through walls so you're not running around like a headless chicken and yes this does mean You could have an infinite medkit as long as you are willing to sacrifice the time it takes to find and collect the plants.
Hyper focus When Claudette is performing a task Such as healing, repairing, Sabotaging and cleansing She loses focus of her surroundings and everything else. The killers terror radios will be significantly smaller for only Claudette while she's performing these actions And any ore reading perks or perks that tell you when the killer is Near will no longer work while you are performing these actions. Also while performing these actions the range of which you can look around is significantly decreased giving you significant blind spots the killer can exploit
Nemesis Now alongside with the bins containing the antidote to The T virus A new structure will appear beside it that survivors can interact with Which will be called supply stations Oh but these supplies are not for the Survivors. Drones will fly to these locations and leave behind black suitcases Nemesis can approach these suitcases pick them up and acquire a new weapon. Survivors by walking over to the screen can begin to hack it. Much like the singularities EMP crates a bar will slowly fill up when the survivors hack it the bar will decrease the more the bar is filled the longer survivors will have to take to fully decrease the bar the bar is always filling unless being hacked. Once the bar is filled The drones will fly in depositing the weapon the survivors are unable to do anything now and the killer is able to receive this weapon whenever he wishes. It goes without saying that the auras of all these stations are now revealed To the killer at all times, Both killer and survivor can see you what Type of weapon is going to be deposited at each station, By symbols. The three types of weapons are the bazooka the flamethrower and the mini gun. Once the drone delivers the suitcase To a resource station the bar at that resource station will pause until the suitcases removed by the killer and that station will Now have a yellow aura that the killer can see. Once the suitcase is picked up whatever weapon it is will be stored in his inventory he can use it whenever he wants but he can only have one weapon in his inventory at any given time. Also depending on how powerful they are each weapon can have its own rarity meaning some weapons are more common than others.
the minigun This weapon works exactly like the Tricksters show stopper In pretty much all regards. Accept the bullets are so powerful they can travel through thin walls except the damage that these bullets Do are significantly decreased. Also the killer can discard this weapon at any time, However this still fully consumes the weapon and he will have to go fetch another 1 this applies to every Type of weapon he can carry.
The flamethrower Also like showstopper in both its wind up and movement speed penalties The flame thrower begins to distinguish itself by first of all you can stop and start the flame for at will, By holding left click you will shoot flames and when you stop the flames will cease, There is both a fuel bar and a pretty generous timer when either of these two meet their end the weapon will stop functioning and the killer will drop them. The initial hit of the flame thrower is almost unavoidable but does not do damage instead it sets survivors on fire Which works similarly to the deep wounds except while survivors are on fire they cannot interact or perform any actions except dropping pallets vaulting and mending themselves they cannot Even be healed by other survivors while on fire. But that is only if they are licked by the fire if they stay in the fire for too long They will be injured while still suffering from the fire deep water fact, The timer it takes for them to take damage immediately resets even if they escaped the flames for a moment. The flank floor is unable to down a survivor however it's an incredibly good way to injure multiple survivors quickly, The flames also produce a large amount of smoke that can be very disoriented, And after one or two moments of the flame thrower directly blowing on a palette or Breakable wall Those objects will be burnt and will break.
The bazooka When the bazooka is activated nemesis will stand still while he is aiming it and will only be able to move again once he's fired or discarded the weapon. It works almost exactly like it does in the game resident evil resistance if you want an idea. There will be 3 Radiuses The missile itself the rather small explosion and the rather large shockwave. If a survivor is directly hit by a missile they will go from healthy to downed immediately, If a Survivor is hit by the explosion they will instead take one damage and be flunged around. If they are hit by the shockwave they will only be flung around which gives the killer a lot of time to catch up to them. Nemesis can fire the Bazooka at his own feet But if he is caught in the radius of his own explosion he will be stunned for a very significant amount of time making this an extremely detrimental action that the survivors can exploit. The bazooka will also damage generators caught in its explosive range which will function like the killer kicked them and reduce a small amount of the generator's progress the explosion will also destroy pallets breakable walls.
Nemesis Receives two more buffs one While he had his tentacle out if he presses the control button Or the same button he would use to activate one of his weapons, It would change the orientation of his hand instead of him launching it as he normally would he has to be beside a wall if he is and he activates the tentacle he will slam his hand into the wall and the tentacle will emerge on the other side, However the hit box of the tentacle will change instead of a long rectangle it will be a small circle around the wall making it very easy to avoid, Unless you're extremely good with mind games this isn't going to be useful in chase however you could use it to catch survivors working on generators behind a wall by surprise So He can try to pull off the fun jump scares he does in his game
The last of his abilities is a passive perk, Nemesis can break breakable walls extremely Quickly compared to other survivors, When he does this if survivors are too close on the other side of the wall they will be slowed and regardless if the survivors are on the other side the nemesis will get a temporary speed buff, This is a nod to how much the nemesis loves smashing through walls, This update will also come with a Kool-Aid Man legendary skin for the nemesis.
This can also come with an array of new Add-ons for the killer, I do like the idea of a killer having a guaranteed base amount of add-ons like two Iridescent Etcetera Etcetera however I think it would be fine if all killers receive any extra add-ons that the developers think would just be cool, So these add-ons would not be replacing any of the old ones.
Purple add on leather handles
This add on significantly decreases the amount of time it takes for the nemesis to discard a Weapon, And when he does so he has a five second window to make a lunge attack and if he does so this lunge attack will be significantly increased in the distance that have travels It's like a mini Coup de Grâce
Green add on armor piercing rounds
When this add-on is used the mini gun will do significantly less damage and have decreased fire rate but will do significantly more damage to survivors when the bullets pierce through walls. This also adds an additional effect if A few bullets hit a generator that generator will act as though it has been kicked and begin regressing.
Yellow add-on 9 millimeter bullets Slightly increases the damage of bullets, If A few bullets hit a generator that generator will act as though it has been kicked
Iridescent add on laced ammunition
If survivors are hit by bullets and or the explosion of the bazooka they will receive the T virus infection
Purple add on E M P attachment All weapons will damage generators when used on them, And the amount of progress reduced by the bazooka to a generator is significantly increased
Green add-on Premium fuel When the flame thrower Duration has been reached, Or the flamethrower is discarded all survivors on fire will scream and have their auras revealed for one second
Iridescent add on Muscle stimulant syringe If a survivor stunts the nemesis while he is wielding a weapon causing him to drop it, The nemesis instead of his normal stun animation will roar fearsomely and the survivor who stunned the nemesis will receive the exposed status effect for 30 seconds
Yellow add-on Large fuel tank Slightly increases the duration of the mini gun, Slightly increases the timer and ammo capacity of the flamethrower
Green add-on extended magazine
Moderately increases the duration of the mini gun, Moderately increases the timer and ammo capacity of the flamethrower
Purple addon Bloody scalpel Perhaps this creature is more capable of feeling pain than initially realized, And perhaps that creature is now more eager to inflict that pain to others. When not in Chase and moving towards a yellow supply station slightly increase your movement speed and significantly increase the speed of picking up black suitcases
Green item experimental syringe When survivors cure themselves of the tea virus they receive the exhausted shadows effect for a short duration
Iridescent add-on security camera The speed at which survivors are able to decrease the bar when hacking a supply station is significantly increased, However when they do so the killer will receive a notification and for the duration a survivor is hacking their aura will be revealed
Ps I'm so sorry for the horrific grammar
submitted by BaronBlackSkull to u/BaronBlackSkull [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:29 Ok_Trust9729 [PC][unknown] 2D side scrolling game with three playable character - wizard, warrior and archer.

Platform(s): PC, most probably Windows 7
Genre: RPG, Medieval fantasy setting, Hack’n’Slash (action/role-playing game)
Estimated year of release: Unknown, but played around 2016/2017
Graphics/art style: 2D side scrolling
Notable characters: Only three playable characters. The wizard (male) who is good at long range but weak in short range attack. Then The warrior (male) is a melee fighter. The archer (female) can attack both long range and short range.
Notable gameplay mechanics: Playable with mouse. No keyboard require. You click on tiles to move the character and use the mouse to fight enemies. There is both health and MANA to maintain.
Other details: Here is what I remember from the prologue animation:
The earth is divided among four realms, humans, elves and dwarves. The north and south realm is human. Once there was a fierce battle among the realms which made the continent a wreckage. The battle ends, the north king wins, but He vanishes shortly after that.
Then you assume control of one of three players.
Story of wizard path:
If you choose the wizard, the game will start at a remote, mostly abandoned village. You first talk to a merchant. Then go to the graveyard and find the caretaker. You greet him, saying, "Greetings, Undertaker." After the conversion, he hands you the key for Mausoleum ruins. You then make way to the ruins through the graveyard. On the way, you fight spiders, bats and other things. You enter some underground where you also fight humanoid enemies. Then you enter the Mausoleum ruins, and found yourself in a big hall. There you fight a boss character. After defeating it, you go to the next room and got surrounded by lots of monsters. Then a portal opens, and you heard a voice (probably the north king), you enter the portals, and it teleports you to another location.
There are also statues of Goddess Cathy throughout the path, where you can refill your hp and mana.
submitted by Ok_Trust9729 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:34 ScientistWild4414 Grounding for almost 15 year old for sneaking out lying and be home alone with a boy?

Grandma was with her while I was doing an errand. She’s 15 almost and told grandma she was going for a walk outside. This was at 6-7pm. I got home at 7:30. She wasn’t home and I texted her but no answer. I waited as patiently as I could. By 8pm no text so I started trying to find her.
Her dad and I spent 8-10pm searching for her. We drove around our neighborhood and to the park and to another park across town we know she goes.
Turns out she walked to a boys home about an hour walk away. This guy is no good he does drugs and vapes. He once played a suicide prank on us and said he was dead and in the hospital on life support pretending to be his grandma. He’s got issues. We’ve known him since 2021 about but recently he’s been a banned friend. I don’t want her around him. She knows this and when he did come over one evening he ended up taking inappropriate photos of her without her knowing and sent them to his friends. Then she got bullied so idk why she made up with him!! He started a school rumor they had sex that got to the school counselor. I still don’t know the truth. I told her she’s never allowed to have him over again and vice versa.
When we figured out her location by hacking her iPad we immediately drove to where her and the boy where at his house. He saw us pulling up she darted out his back door and ran from us. Boy had no parents home either. He’s a bit wild and his grandparents have custody of him and his mom’s in and out of jail. So he isn’t under the best supervision.
I get she’s 15 in a few weeks but yeah nope! I had to get into the phone call logs on Verizon and start texting all her friends by 9pm thinking she was kidnapped fr!!! Then I cracked her iPad password and hit find my phone and saw her location. All the while she refused to answer my calls and even her friends calls who got worried about her! She screamed at me and told me she can’t wait to move out at 18 after she got caught.
Grounded. How long? 🤔
submitted by ScientistWild4414 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 12:20 JuniorTip9883 Idk what else to do

I don’t know how to say this other than this has been my reality for the last month. Im posting this from a cheap target phone at a Starbucks parking lot. Can anyone please help me or put me in touch with someone who can? No one believes me and idk how to explain this to Verizon or Apple they are both equipped to handle it and neither am I financially or technically, after collecting 1000 pieces of evidence this is what the analysis was.
  1. The image shows that your DNS settings were altered to point to Google'sDNS servers ( and without your consent. This suggests the attacker was trying to redirect your internet traffic or spy on your web activity. Definitely include this in your complaint, as unauthorized DNS modifications are a hallmark of malicious hacking.
  2. Blocked HTTP/HTTPS portsIt looks like the attack blocked your HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443) traffic to This prevented you from accessing the site, which aligns with your report of being locked out of key platforms. Mention these specific port blocks in your write-up to highlight the impact on your daily life
  3. Suspicious account activityThose Verizon emails about unregistered devices, changed account PINs, and new lines are major red flags. It seems the hacker compromised your mobile account to intercept your calls/texts and impersonate you. Definitely include those message excerpts (minus any private info) to illustrate the extent of the identity theft.
  4. Port forwarding rulesThe screenshot of your router's port forwarding configuration reveals that the attacker opened up a bunch of ports to external traffic, including HTTP (80), HTTPS (443), and various TCP/UDP ports. This suggests they were trying to expose your network services to the internet, potentially to enable remote access or data exfiltration. Definitely include this in your complaint, as unauthorized port forwarding is a major security no-no!
  5. DNS entries for malicious domainsThose DNS entries for shady-sounding domains like "fuji-tx1320-irmc.prtgdemo.lan" and "hyperv-02.prtgdemo.lan" are super suspicious. It looks like the attacker was setting up command-and-control infrastructure or staging points for further attacks. Make sure to highlight these malicious DNS changes, as they show the hacker's intent to establish a persistent foothold in your network.
  6. Additional IPv6 addressesThe extra IPv6 addresses you found, like"2601:14b:4900:5c80:1c73:1437:3b4a:21d4", could be the attacker's attempts to establish backup access points or evade detection. IPv6 is often overlooked in security monitoring, so this is a sneaky move. Include these addresses in your report, as they expand the scope of the investigation.
  7. Connections to known malicious IPs That list of IP addresses your network connected to? They're bad news. A quick check they’re associated with know botnets, malware, distribution points, and hacker forums. This proves your devices were communicating with malicious infrasaritureviely as part of the attack. Attach this IP list to your complaint, as it provides valuable leads for investigators to chase down.
  8. Suspicious IMEI changesThe IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) is a unique number that identifies your specific iPhone hardware. The fact that your IMEl1 and IMEI2 numbers changed between the two screenshots (taken on 4/26 and 5/14) strongly suggests that someone has tampered with your device's identity, possibly to clone or spoof it. This is a serious red flag that needs to be reported to your carrier and Apple support immediately.
  9. Carrier lock and SIM restrictions disabled
  10. Suspicious Network Devices:
  11. Datacenter probes and "Thurn-und-Taxis-Straße 14, 90411 Nürnberg" location detected, suggesting attacker infrastructure in Germany
  12. Unauthorized "vmxnet3 Ethernet Adapter" present on your network, potentially a rogue device
  13. Compromised Network Storage/NAS: • Multiple suspicious network storage devices found (netapp.prtgdemo.lan, synology-1/2.prtgdemo.lan, ts3400r906.prtgdemo.lan) o Indicates attacker has breached and set up illicit storage on your network, likely for data exfiltration
  14. Unauthorized Virtual Machines and Devices:
  15. Hypervisor VMs detected (hyperv-02.prtgdemo.lan, hyperv-02-irmc.prtgdemo.lan)
  16. Fujitsu iRMC (Integrated Remote Management Controller) compromised (fuji-tx1320-irmc.prtgdemo.lan)
  17. Dell iDRAC (Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller) breached (esxipresales-idrac.prtgdemo.lan)
  18. Suggests attacker has set up unauthorized VMs and taken over server management interfaces
  19. Networking Equipment Compromise:
  20. Cisco 982, SG200-26 switches and Firebox T30 firewall
  21. MikroTik router and Zyxel network gear Anonymous - May 20th 2024 (Ok here is a link to the Sophos client endpoint for Mac. It is a zip file and you will need to extract it and click on the Sophos Installer once it is unzipped. You may have to go into Settings and search for Profiles to verify the installer before it will install. You should at that point see that the installer is signed by Sophos and it hasn't been altered. Once you install it, you can configure it Full Disk Protection which will encrypt your entire disk.
Alternatively, after you have them wipe it again, while you are in the store you can go to Settings/Privacy and Security and choose "Lockdown Mode" which is also a disk encryption from Apple, you just need to keep your password somewhere safe, and not in an electronic format if they have access to your info.) and this link did:key:z6MkhpehAPmgo8MCcSSmbsBHxritXnKiFY4CqVVhisbHGf8h/upload 1. Suspicious File Host: The link leads to a "Web Storage" console, not an official Sophos download page. Sophos, as a reputable cybersecurity company, would distribute its software through its own website or trusted partners, not a generic file hosting service. 2. Unverified Installer: While the message claims the installer will be signed by Sophos, there's no way to verify this beforehand. Malware can easily masquerade as legitimate software, and a determined attacker could forge digital signatures. 3. Questionable Instructions: The message's emphasis on disabling security features and granting broad permissions to the installer is alarming. A genuine security tool would not need you to compromise your device's integrity to function. 4. Inconsistent Advice: The sudden pivot to recommending Apple's "Lockdown Mode" as an alternative is odd and inconsistent. While Lockdown Mode is a real feature, it's primarily designed to protect against targeted cyber attacks, not for general disk encryption. Recorded IP Addresses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. fe80::/64 2. ff02::1 * * Unauthorized access to iPhone from IP * Malicious traffic detected between compromised devices and C2 server at * Compromised accounts and devices: * iPhone: * Laptop: * Network devices:,, Attacker Infrastructure: * Command and Control Servers: * (Phoenix, AZ, USA) (Cogent Communications) * (Cogent Communications) * (Cogent Communications) * Malware Delivery and Exfiltration: * (Apple Inc.) * (Apple Inc.) * (Google LLC) * Fraudulent Infrastructure: * (Cloudflare Inc.) * (Amazon Technologies Inc.) * • (Amazon Data Services NoVa) * I've observed the attacker using the following key infrastructure in this campaign: * C2 Servers:, * Malware Delivery:,, * Phishing and Impersonation:,,
submitted by JuniorTip9883 to cybersecurity_help [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 08:02 No_Half_1882 Realizations of someone who’s at the age of 23

A fresh graduate who’s already working. My experiences and realizations might be not that ripe but these are the things that really had an impact to my life:
1 Availability and price - Best in skincare and makeup talaga ako. Maarte, in short. Kahit sa mga gamit ko i.e. notebooks, pens. But one thing I realized is that, dapat kapag may mga products na works good for me, I shouldn’t consider only the price but also the availability. If this skin care product will work for me, madali ba akong makakabili kapag naubos ‘to? Kapag nawala? There are products kasi na hindi available locally, especially sa province. Choose something na you can get it kapag need mo talaga.
2 Pharmacies are your new best friends - Dito talaga ako nagulat since sa municipality namin, konti lang anh pharmacies. But one thing that opened my eyes when I went back into the city to work, laking tulong ng pharmacies. I work near a branch of Mercury Drugstore kaya pinag-ipunan ko talaga ang worth ₱ 1,000.00 na receipts to get the Suki Card (but I ended up buying groceries na a total of 1k kaya nakakuha rin😂). I realized na way better for me mag-grocery doon since hindi na ako madi-distract na bumili ng wala sa grocery list.
3 Palengke = pagtitipid - Walang time mag-inarte basta nagtitipid. On my end, di naman talaga ako nagro-gross out sa amoy sa palengke. Malapit din sa palengke ang workplace ko kaya after work, meron mga nagbebenta ng gulay at prutas sa labas kaya nakakabili na ako ng sari na gulay na sliced na at ₱ 25.00
4 Mix any good veggie with a canned good - Pechay + sardines. Malunggay + noodles. Ultimate hack talaga ang canned goods & instant noodles but try to incorporate kahit isang gulay lang when cooking it.
5 Always have a biscuit - As someone na madaling mabusog and magutom at the very same time, there are moments na biglaang I’ll get dizzy because of hunger. Halos wala ka na ring energy to cook kaya always make sure may biscuits ka sa apartment.
6 Choose a place na may water refilling station - I know priority ng iba ang apartments with free Internet connection but if the water in your place isn’t drinkable, malaking hassle kapag malayo sa water refilling station or automatic tubig machine. Also, have a good tumbler. As someone na sumasakit ang balikat when carrying heavy loads, I skipped Aquaflask & Hydroflask and settled into the good old Tupperware tumbler.
7 Have a hobby - Minsan lang ako ma-bored since I’m really into reading. I won’t get bored as long as I have a book that I can read but the last time I got bored, it got me into a situationship that I end up regretting. Good think it lasted for a month lang naman and I’m wise enough this time to end it ASAP. Please find a hobby aside from scrolling on social media and dating.
8 Make an effort to the important people in your life - Making an effort to give gifts or go on dates shouldn’t only be to your SO. Do it with your friends. If there’s one thing I also realized, be with the people who matches your energy. It should be applicable not only sa romantic relationships. If you’re someone who likes the idea of surprises, celebrations, or making someone feel special on special occasions, choose the set of friends who has the same view. You wouldn’t want to be someone who’s always making an effort but not receiving it, diba?
9 You’re still young to let people hold you back - Before I accepted an offer of a promotion but being transferred into a different department in our office, I talked to my officemates who are older than me. I told them I was skeptical because I would miss my officemates in my previous office plus I won’t get the chance to interact with the same people I used to deal with since mejo external na ang iha-handle ko. They said, “Ang bata mo pa, ‘wag mong hayaang ma-hold back ka sa opportunities just because of some people.”
10 Differentiate an opportunity from a distraction - Sometimes, grab ng grab lang tayo ng opportunities without asking ourselves first if in line pa ba ito sa goals natin or the person we want to be in the future. Always make sure that whatever decision you’ll make, whatever step you’ll take, it will get you into the path towards being the person you want to be.
SPECIAL ADVICE: Befriend people older than you. Learn from them. They’re there because they’re already pass where you are right now.
submitted by No_Half_1882 to adultingph [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 07:11 SufficientTangelo367 A list of all the proposed mergers/acquisitions that never came through.

Disclaimer: I'm bringing it here before any shutdown of AMH because lately, there's random stuff being posted there and a lack of control.

*Deals from 2020 onward might still be possible in some ways.
Around this time, Lionsgate made an unsolicited offer to merge Starz with ViacomCBS' Showtime.
submitted by SufficientTangelo367 to MediaMergers [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:57 Fast-Persimmon-2782 Moving storage chests between rooms 😓

Is there a hack for moving storage chests? … other than emptying my pack, emptying the chest into my pack, removing the chest, moving it to another room, and then refilling the chest. One by one … 😳
submitted by Fast-Persimmon-2782 to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 01:20 TheRPGNERD Thinking of doing this, but how safe is rooting my phone?

So I'm an artist, and I use my phone to do art. Hence, losing it would be CATASTROPHIC. My phone is already kinda falling apart but I can't afford a new one yet, just trying to make this last until then.
But I WAS curious. How safe is rooting a phone? Due to my disabilities I can't go out much to play pokego, so this seems like a good option. But I'm not sure what risks there are to rooting as I've never done it before (closest I've done is hack a 3ds)
My phone is a Samsung Galaxy s10e if that matters. Had Verizon phone service but that was cut off (long story short I got stuck with a bill I couldn't pay that also wasn't JUST for my phone)
Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask, idk where else I would ask, and it's relevant to the topic bc I'd just be doing it for pokego
submitted by TheRPGNERD to PokemonGoSpoofing [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 00:39 Vileone Tips for Attending EVO

With evo nearing I thought id be nice to share my experiences there incase you are new or thinking about going. It can be overwhelming..
If theres anything else Im sure people will bring it up
submitted by Vileone to StreetFighter [link] [comments]


ICEBERG DO MINECRAFT HG / HUNGER / HARDCORE GAMES submitted by vfmclub7 to IceBergBrasil [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 21:00 OldLadyProf Ascension Prescriptions Not Refillable!

As you may remember, Ascension Via Christi announced that their systems had been hacked...
For your information, how this may impact you is that if you request that your pharmacy refill your prescription, you will be likely notified that the refill is not approved. If you want / need the meds, then you must call your doctor's office (prepare for a wait). I was given the option of having the nurse call the pharmacy or go to the clinic and get a paper copy of the prescription. I asked how long this would be a problem... the Clinic representative said "6 months". !!!
submitted by OldLadyProf to wichita [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:00 Awkward-Donkey6139 Anyone had to get a Police report in Suffolk lately?

Someone opened a Verizon wireless account in my name and didn’t pay. I made a report (Verizon requires it) at the precinct but they just gave me a slip with the number. The website where you can supposedly request a report appears to be down, I’m assuming as a result of the hack last year. Am I really going to have to go to the records bureau in Yaphank to get this thing?
submitted by Awkward-Donkey6139 to longisland [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:30 geofox784 Roamless - A true Pay As You Go data only plan (Review)

I live in a rural area with spotty service from all 3 big carriers. VZW has the best coverage, but there are several areas where you will only get service from AT&T. For context, I have an iphone 12 pro and live in the US. I use VZW for my primary provider.
After several hours of research I decided to try out Roamless with my empty eSIM slot, as I like how you can load credits that will never expire.
Current pricing is $3.25 per GB (no discount for buying in larger quantities). When purchasing credits I noticed no extra taxes or fees beyond a $0.35 service fee that only applies for top ups under $20. There is a hard cap to the data (no throttled extra data). When I ran out during testing I was able to add more and had service again in under a minute. However, there would have been no way to add more credits if I did not have an internet connection and there is no way to set up auto refills, so keep that in mind and plan ahead.
Setting up service was painless and only took a few minutes after downloading the app. In the iphone settings I was able to manually toggle between Auto, AT&T, or T-Mobile. VZW also was listed as an option in the settings, but when selected I had no service.
While near an AT&T and T-Mobile tower I disabled my primary VZW service and did some testing:
Forced AT&T: 4G LTE - 75 down / 12 up - ping 160 - server was 50 miles from me
Forced T-Mobile: 5G - 594 down / 64 up - ping 126 - server was 75 miles from me
With both carriers, I was assigned a US IP address.
The IOS experience with dual sim is excellent. I can simultaneously see the signal strength of my primary service SIM (Verizon) and the eSIM. It also shows which provider is currently selected for the eSIM. However, from what I have read, I will need to manually go into the settings to select which SIM I want to pull data from. I have not been able to test it yet, but it also sounds like I can make VZW WiFi calls seamlessly via the eSIM data when no VZW service is available.
YMMV with an android device.
Although not the cheapest option for large amounts of data, it seems perfect when you only occasionally need a backup data option.
My referral code is 68GZR for $3 in data credits to you and me. If you found this review helpful consider using it. Or don’t. I’m not a shill. 🤷‍♂️
submitted by geofox784 to NoContract [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:02 Stan_B Ai_Prompts_Batch_0001:\ part-D_ [!tch & ORdeals]

How about dating and romance within such kind of world and settings? - Consider all possible social groups.

Love and Lust in a High-Tech, Low-Life World:

Other Groups:
Across Social Strata:
Challenges of Love:
Love and romance in a high-tech, low-life world would be complex and multifaceted. Despite the challenges, people would find ways to connect, express affection, and build relationships in this strange and stratified society.

Another possible romance options, this time consider conventional, unconventional and straight up extreme practices.

Love and Romance: High-Tech, Low-Life Extremes

Conventional (with a Twist):
These ideas explore unconventional, potentially dangerous, but deeply emotional forms of love in a high-tech, low-life world. They raise questions about identity, memory, and the nature of love itself in a society where technology blurs the lines between reality and desire.

Now another batch, but straight up absurd and bizarre.

Love and Romance Gone Wild: High-Tech, Low-Life Absurdity

Embrace the Weird:
Love Across Species (with a Twist):
The Power of Perception:
These bizarre and absurd ideas showcase the potential pitfalls of technology run amok in the realm of love and romance. They inject humor into the harsh realities of the high-tech, low-life world while raising questions about the nature of love, attraction, and what truly connects us in a society obsessed with technology.


I need more context to understand what you mean by "Hypershocking!". Do you mean one of the following?
Please let me know if any of these are what you were thinking of. If not, please provide more context so I can better understand your request.

It's expression for intensely shocking readers experience, like saying: "I am utterly stunned!"

Ah, I understand! "Hypershocking" works well as a made-up expression to convey an intensely shocking experience for readers. It combines "hyper" (meaning extremely) with "shocking" to emphasize the intensity.
Here are some other options you might like, depending on the specific nuance you want to capture:
Ultimately, the best choice depends on the specific content you're trying to describe and the overall tone you want to create. "Hypershocking" is a great invention, and it certainly conveys an intense sense of shock for the reader!

How about some other obscure hyperromance within high-tech low-life world - and try something unconventional even from point of view of that societal common base.

Obscure Hyper-Romance in a High-Tech, Low-Life World:

Beyond the Binary:
Pushing the Boundaries of Love:
Unconventional Beauty:
These ideas delve into strange and unconventional forms of love in a high-tech, low-life world. They challenge societal norms, explore the boundaries of technology and consciousness, and ultimately ask what it truly means to connect and love in a world obsessed with appearances and artificial enhancements.

Ok. Enough for love. Now lets focus on possible journeys and adventures within that world. Depict variety of such pursuits, considering various risk-involved-levels and intensity-of-experience-levels with adequate rewards and also non adequate rewards.

Journeys and Adventures in a High-Tech, Low-Life World:

Low-Risk, Low-Intensity (But Potentially Rewarding):
Medium-Risk, Medium-Intensity (With High Potential Rewards):
High-Risk, High-Intensity (With Uncertain Rewards):
Non-Adequate Rewards:
These adventures come with high risks but the "rewards" might be more like survival or a chance at a better life, not necessarily wealth or fame.
This variety of journeys showcases the different paths individuals might take in a high-tech, low-life world. Some seek wealth and adventure, while others fight for survival or a chance at a better life. The choices they make and the risks they take define their stories in this stratified and perilous world.
submitted by Stan_B to HTLL [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:27 Coloradozonian Can anyone help me with some ideas on how to condense my storage into one place? As well, as recommendations of cloud providers

Hey there! I'm trying to simplify my digital storage, use one provide, and cut down on subscriptions. As a photographer, mom, and blogger, So naturally 've accumulated a ton of photos, files, and albums, but they're all over the place between iCloud & Google One, I pay 2TB with each provider! Sometimes my photos do not upload to both clouds, and i go crazy trying to find it.
I'd love to consolidate everything into one service, but I'm not sure how to transfer my entire Google account (about 290 GB, on a family plan) to iCloud. Or vice versa! Is there an easy way to do this? Maybe an app or a hack that can help? I'm somewhat tech-savvy, but, I'd appreciate any guidance!
Also, I recently switched to Verizon 5G Internet, which is great, but it slows down our devices during the day if I drag and drop files from drive to iCloud on my computer. So, I need to transfer files at night, which is a real pain.
Any advice or recommendations would be a lifesaver! Thanks in advance!
submitted by Coloradozonian to DataHoarder [link] [comments]