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What happened in Armenia on Friday, May 31? // TT News

2024.06.01 01:35 ar_david_hh What happened in Armenia on Friday, May 31? // TT News

12 minutes of Armenia coverage by Transcaucasian Telegraph. Follow for regular updates.

protesters led by Bagrat Galstanyan clashed with police while attempting to enter the Foreign Ministry building

The pro-Russian former regime continues to demand PM Pashinyan's resignation. Yesterday protest co-organizer Bagrat Galstanyan said he was preparing a "surprise" for the government.
On Friday, Galstanyan and a group of supporters clashed with the police after he gave FM Mirzoyan and other ministry officials "30 minutes to come down and talk" and said he would enter the building if they didn't come. Galstanyan said he wanted the crowd to enter the building, too, but the police was against it.
Galstanyan said that the police "would be responsible for any clash". He said he didn't care if the police brought 2,000 more officers because he was determined to enter the building. The crowd eventually clashed with the police. The officers pushed them back. Galstanyan threatened the police chief: "You will answer with your head." Galstanyan wasn't happy that the foreign ministry leadership refused to meet him. The police warned him not to incite the crowd. He blamed the police for the incident.
Galstanyan was rousing the crowd before the clash. He accused the police of hooliganism and using insults, and urged his supporters to treat the police "like they treat you". He held the loudspeaker at the police and gestured for his followers to shout at them. The situation began to intensify. Some officers began slamming their batons against their shields but the commander signaled them to stop, and they did.
Galstanyan instructed his followers not to back down: "Do not take a step back... Our patience has limits." Galstanyan kept accusing the police of inciting things while the police stood there without taking action. The police spokesman also brought a loudspeaker and accused Galstanyan of being an agitator and inciting the crowd.
7 police officers and several protesters were hospitalized after the clash. 28 protesters were arrested and are facing charges.
During the evening speech, Galstanyan said he doesn't regret today's events and urged his followers to take action and get arrested if necessary:
GALSTANYAN: If you do not get arrested today by this government, tomorrow you will have to answer for that. //
Hanun Republic party chief Arman Babajanyan, a former churchman, said that Church leader Garegin B will be responsible for future clashes incited by his "imprudent son" Bagrat.
BABAJANYAN: I hope FM Mirzoyan and others won't meet this clown and won't interact with him. This movement has become an entertainment for media outlets in Turkey and Azerbaijan. //
REPORTER: The number of protesters is small. Is the protest fading?
ARF MP GARNIK (co-organizer): It's not the protest that's fading, it's those people [Nikol]. We have many supporters in the state apparatus who will join us. //
Bagrat Galstanyan was nominated by the former regime as their candidate to replace PM Pashinyan. In response to observations that Galstanyan cannot be a PM because he must wait at least 4 years after ending his dual citizenship, Galstanyan's supporters say there are ways to bypass the restriction. For example, Serj-era Justice Minister Gevorg Danielyan claims there are no constitutional obstructions, while Galstanyan's supporter lawyer Arsen Babayan [Serj-era parliament official] suggests ignoring the Constitution altogether.
ARSEN BABAYAN: When the issue is to save the country, the Constitution and the law must be pushed to the background. This is very important. We cannot lose the country because of the law and the Constitution. Let's not forget that it's the people who decide how the Constitution should be. I want Galstanyan to be appointed as the PM and then amend the Constitution, not the other way around. //
RULING MP: The daily nonsense continues. In other words, Arsen Babayan admits that there is a legal obstruction but he wants that obstruction to be ignored and changed later.
REPORTER: ARF MP Garnik Danielyan says they have supporters in state agencies who are ready to join them when the time is right.
RULING MP: It doesn't matter what Danielyan says; he is just selling hope to his supporters.
REPORTER: Your administration failed to "clean up" the state agencies and carry out "lustration".
RULING MP: We promised after the 2018 revolution not to carry out a vendetta and to allow experts to stay in their positions. This is why so many employees with ties to former administrations continued to work and receive higher positions. It's another thing that they didn't understand and appreciate the opportunity to serve the state and not the government. Today the opposition is doing the [self-]lustration much better than we could have ever done.
Today the protest organizers are trying to bait the authorities to take certain actions against protesters so the organizers can present it as a valid reason to end the protests because they understand they have reached a dead end. The only thing they have accomplished is annoying the residents and obstructing their roads. //
The opposition doesn't have enough votes to initiate an impeachment process against Pashinyan, let alone succeed by securing a majority of votes. They are short of 1 vote to initiate the process. They are hoping to convince their former partyman Ishkhan Zakharyan to join the process but Zakharyan left their ranks a while ago to continue his service as an independent MP and doesn't seem to be eager to join the impeachment. On Friday Zakharyan was seen with Pashinyan's Chief of Staff Arayik Harutyunyan during the session of the Executive Committee of the Pan-Armenian Games. Zakharyan recently told protest leader Bagrat Galstanyan that he "doesn't reject" the impeachment process but there are no reports of him joining it either.
In other news. Bagrat Galstanyan's supporter Don Pipo, a criminal subculture figure wanted by Armenian authorities since 2022 for allegedly organizing a murder, is organizing groups of Russian-Armenians to travel to Armenia to join Galstanyan's protests.
In other news. The police announced the arrest of a protester who had a dispute and allegedly stabbed a fellow protester in the cheek and neck in the backyard of St. Anna church where Galstanyan regularly holds evening gatherings to announce the plan for the following day.
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Pashinyan spent Friday eating ice cream and attending the opening ceremony of a newly rebuilt amphitheater in Vedi

He distributed ice cream to kids.
video, video, full ceremony, source,

the Church owns hundreds of apartments that are not being taxed: ruling party MP

MP VARDANYAN: There needs to be a study to understand the volume so we can decide how to tax just as we tax other things under Armenia's law. //
The MP pulled out a phone with an Excel sheet reportedly displaying the list of properties owned by the Church and scrolled it for several pages to show it to the reporters.
MP VARDANYAN: There needs to be a study to understand how these properties are being used. The ones used for commercial purposes and manufacturing must pay taxes like everyone else does. This study is my personal initiative with a group of colleagues; it's not an official process yet.
REPORTER: When was this idea born?
MP VARDANYAN: We were discussing it some time ago and the conversation was revived after the recent public discourse about the Church and taxes. In the past, we discussed the import of raw paraffin under "charity" which was later re-categorized and today it's imported from EAEU. Perhaps all these discussions weren't interesting in the past while we were having it. Every citizen must pay taxes and no one should be above the law.

will the Church be taxed?

REPORTER: Various representatives of the ruling party have lately mentioned the need to tax the Church. Is there a process to tax it?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: No. I'm not aware of any process.
REPORTER: A ruling party MP said today that they are studying the issue. Do you know anything about it?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: I'm not aware of the details. We will provide taxation statistics if they request it. No requests have been made so far.
REPORTER: Is the Church paying taxes today?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: They have some employees engaged in commercial activities so they pay income tax from their paychecks. The law grants tax exemptions to the Church for the sale of certain ceremonial products, property tax, and various other exemptions.
REPORTER: Why were they granted those exemptions?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: For various reasons. If there are activities relating to religion it can have exemptions but it's necessary to understand what's religious and non-religious.
REPORTER: Why was the taxation brought up now?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: We've been discussing changes to the tax law with the Church for several years. We discussed the law on charity. We suggested that they make payments for imports of paraffin and tserezin. We offered to cover the full cost of import duties on those items but for some reason the Church refused. [Pashinyan said earlier that they offered the Church to improve its financial transparency by having them pay taxes and receive all of the paid taxes back.]
REPORTER: Why did the Church turn down the suggestion?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: I don't know the reason.
REPORTER: The MP said they are studying thousands of properties owned by the Church and that they might prepare a resolution.
CUSTOMS CHIEF: As I said, we are ready to cooperate by providing statistics if necessary.
REPORTER: What is your personal opinion on taxing the Church?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: Things with religious purposes should not be taxed but when you sell something and collect a profit, that's something we can discuss.
REPORTER: Can you bring an example?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: No problem when the Church receives a donation, but if the Church sells an item for profit, including candles, it should be taxed.
REPORTER: Have you already studied the volume of such sales?
REPORTER: Protest leader Galstanyan said businessman Hayk Shahnazaryan's business was investigated because of supporting him. Is this policy applied in the case of other businesses as well?
CUSTOMS CHIEF: You just presented misinformation as a fact. The individual you mentioned has been at the center of customs checks since 2023 and the same violation happened again so that was the reason for the latest action as well. There is always an attempt to manipulate the enforcement actions by distorting the timing of events. Today one of the MPs said that a supermarket belongs to a ranking police official and asked "why do you not investigate them?". I published the list of investigations against that supermarket, showing ֏10 million in fines imposed on them. These manipulations are common. Everything is a conspiracy, starting from the weather.
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IRS chief about the 2023 budget:

• State budget revenues rose by ֏296B ($764M) or 15.4%.
• In 2023 we studied 2022's VAT/profit/income tax gap and it was 3.06% of GDP, down by 0.5% YoY.
• Tax-to-GDP ratio was 23.9%, and if we include the mortgage loan return program, that's +0.84% YoY.
• We returned ֏363B ($937M) to taxpayers. That's up by ֏100B ($258M) from the previous year.
• We built the Margara customs checkpoint [with Turkey], the EU is helping rebuild and modernize the Meghri checkpoint [with Iran], the Gogavan [Georgia] checkpoint was renovated, and Bagratashen [Georgia] is being widened.
• After the digitization reforms in the preliminary customs declaration procedures, the time for certain import procedures was reduced from 2-3 days to 2-3 hours. Businesses save time and money.
• 82 educational events were organized for businesses to help them. Around 1,030 hours of classes were held for 1,665 taxpayers.
• A survey shows the satisfaction rate for each agency: tax agency 87%, customs agency 78%.
• Several new digital platforms for residents and non-residents.
• We have successfully passed an audit for informational security and received an international ISO certification.
• We continue to improve the 49 analytical methods and the 66 risk criterions. These allow us to identify red flags.
• 31,000 inspections were carried out with the use of red flag systems, for a sum of ֏52B ($134M). That's +43% YoY.
more stats,

anti-corruption: prosecutors seek ֏20B ($51M) from former Ecology Minister Vardan Ayvazyan as part of asset forfeiture case

This includes 3 real estate properties, 2 vehicles, money-kasha, company shares, etc.
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anti-corruption: prosecutors seek to seize 23 real estate properties, 9 vehicles, and other allegedly illegally obtained assets from the former head of State Revenue Service Vardan Harutyunyan

Includes millions of dollars and a London property.

other anti-corruption busts

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court acquits ex-President Serj Sargsyan on $1 million agricultural fuel embezzlement charges

Serj Sargsyan and co-defendants, including the owner of Flash fuel company, were accused of conspiring to embezzle fuel meant for farmers. The case was brought almost 5 years ago. Some of the key witnesses died of natural causes and COVID during the process, which lasted for so long that all the defendants qualified for release under the statute of limitations even if they were found guilty. The court returned a not-guilty verdict on Friday. Prosecutors will appeal it, which means the case will be heard by the recently-formed Anti-Corruption Court of Appeal.
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court instructs two media outlets to retract a defamatory statement against ruling party MP Hakob Arshakyan

It was regarding a story about the Engineering City in Yerevan. One of the outlets has already issued the retraction.

NGO chief Daniel Ioannesian threatens to sue protest co-organizer ARF MP Garnik Danielyan for "defamation"

IOANNESIAN: ԱԺ պատգամավոր Գառնիկ Դանիելյանը հայտարարեց, թե իբր ես անցել եմ իմ ընտանիքի անդամների «նկատմամբ» կատարված ինչ-որ քրեական գործով: Գառնիկ Դանիելյանը պատասխան է տալու դատական կարգով։ Ես երբեք որևէ քրեական գործով չեմ անցել։ Երբեք որևէ քրեական գործով (կամ հետաքննությամբ) անգամ չի քննարկվել իմ կողմից՝ ընտանիքիս անդամի դեմ կատարված որևէ արարք։ //
Ioannesian accused the MP of spreading the "same fake news" that Tsarukyan's BHK allegedly spread about him in 2018.
IOANNESIAN: At least BHK was using its army of online bots to spread it to avoid legal consequences.

Efes Insurance launches two health insurance products in Armenia

Cancer insurance and international health insurance. They are working with European companies.

over 40 foreign diplomats visited the disaster zone in northern Armenia to learn about the flood damage and restoration efforts

Armenian Interior Ministry has officially asked the European Union to active its civil protection mechanism in order to receive assistance from the UN office to strengthen expert capabilities for more accurate assessment of the consequences
You can sign up to volunteer for cleanup. Hundreds of students and professors have joined the efforts.
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short video from Alaverdi showing the damaged railway track


these are the main blockers of the AM-EU visa liberalization

• A comprehensive biometric passport system (on its way, procurement launched)
• A comprehensive medical insurance system (on its way in 2025)
• Certain border control procedures (on its way, possibly starting August)
• and other minor things

the government has purchased devices to measure the strength of radio signals coming from neighboring countries so it can refer violations to the international organization tasked with distributing radio frequencies

RULING MP ARSHAKYAN: Often while traveling in border regions or even Yerevan, the car's antenna picks up radio signals from neighboring countries. This is difficult to prevent since we don't have a giant concrete-metal wall on our borders. Since we didn't have professional devices with international standards to measure the signal strength, we couldn't contact the international union to ask them to require our neighbors to reduce the power of their towers located near Armenia. This is why the Rohde & Schwarz measuring radio-monitoring devices were acquired and I'm glad they are in Armenia now. Have you measured the signals and contacted the international body?
HIGH-TECH MINISTER Hayrapetyan: The issue requires multiple steps and owning the $1.3 million equipment alone won't solve the issue. The government decided to first understand where these signals are coming from and the clarity in Armenian frequencies. We are hiring more staff in Goris station. We have not yet launched the measuring process. We are still preparing the infrastructure and qualified staff. We are competing with the private sector to attract specialists.
A lot of the problems will be addressed after the digitization of radio. The Finance Ministry agrees to allocate additional resources for this digitization in 2025-2027. //

Armenian government resumes the broadcast of Russian television Channel One over public multiplex after the channel pays the outstanding ֏2.5M debt

That was quick. 'Channel One paid its debt in full the next day.'
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Armenian National Supercomputing Center names Armenia's new supercomputer after Charles Aznavour: VIDEO

• Supercomputer's location: Engineering City in Yerevan.
• Purpose: Research, calculations, cloud computing, machine learning, data analysis, AI, etc.
• 1 petaflops
• 10 to 15 operations per second
• 24,500 cores connected by high-speed channels
• Access to 1,500 terabytes of storage devices
• Armenia is the first among the Eastern Partnership countries where such a computer was installed
• It's a gift from Toulouse University. It was upgraded by investments from the Armenian government and World Bank.
• Made by global giant Atos.
• Nikola Aznavour: My father Charles was a big fan of technology. He began using computers in the 1980s to write lyrics and record the music.
• Ապրեք 👏
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Armenia will not take part in the Russian-led CSTO Defense Ministers Council meeting on Friday

The cold war continues between Armenia and Russia.

U.S. is sending military advisors to the defense ministry of Armenia to make them more compatible with U.S. forces and to move them away from the Russian model: Intelligence Online

The U.S. believes the government of Armenia is "keen to exit Moscow's orbit".
The effort, carried out by a private organization, will eventually pave the way to future procurement of their reformed armies
source, [source,](tass world/1796081)

foreign ministers of U.S. and Turkey discussed the opportunities to support peace and prosperity in Transcaucasus

No details.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:51 MightBeneficial3302 Publication of Results of Pre-Clinical Studies Support Efficacy and Drug Delivery Mechanism Potential of RenovoRx’s TAMP™ Therapy Platform to Improve Targeted Cancer Drug Treatment Deliver (Nasdaq: RNXT)

Publication of Results of Pre-Clinical Studies Support Efficacy and Drug Delivery Mechanism Potential of RenovoRx’s TAMP™ Therapy Platform to Improve Targeted Cancer Drug Treatment Deliver (Nasdaq: RNXT)

Data shows that the Trans-Arterial Micro-Perfusion (TAMP) platform increases intra-arterial pressure, improving drug delivery with 100-fold increase local tissue concentration of the therapy
TAMP offers the potential to increase efficacy, improve safety and widen therapeutic window of drugs or other agents
LOS ALTOS, CA – May 21, 2024RenovoRx, Inc. – (“RenovoRx” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: RNXT), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel precision oncology therapies based on a local drug-delivery platform, today announced a publication of pre-clinical studies supporting the efficacy and drug delivery mechanism of RenovoRx’s **Trans-Arterial Micro-Perfusion (“TAMP”)**therapy platform. The data was published online in the peer-reviewed Journal of Vascular Interventional Radiology(“JVIR”) journal and will also be published in the print version.
The manuscript is authored by Khashayar Farsad, MD, PhD of the Department of Interventional Radiology at Oregon Health and Science University, and co-authored by Paula M. Novelli, MD, of the University of Pittsburgh Hillman Cancer Center, together with other researchers, including RenovoRx’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Ramtin Agah. Access the JVIR abstract: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38508449/.
Currently, most cancer patients with solid tumors receive chemotherapy intravenously, meaning it is introduced systemically into the entire body and causes well known adverse side effects. RenovoRx’s patented TAMP therapy platform is designed to bypass traditional systemic delivery methods and provide precise delivery to bathe the target solid tumor in chemotherapy. This precise delivery also creates the potential to minimize a therapy’s systemic toxicities.
The pre-clinical data published in JVIR showed a 100-fold (two orders of magnitude) increase in local tissue concentration of the therapy with TAMP compared to conventional intravenous (IV) delivery. TAMP also showed advantages compared to historically available intra-arterial (IA) delivery approaches. TAMP’s novel approach to treatment offers the potential to increase an oncology therapy’s efficacy, improve safety, and widen its therapeutic window by focusing its distribution uniformly in target tissue.
“TAMP has the potential to provide a valuable treatment option to patients who have been diagnosed with solid tumors that may be difficult-to-treat,” said Dr. Farsad. “The study shows a possible mechanism for how TAMP can increase local therapeutic tissue concentration in solid tumors that is independent from traditional catheter-directed therapy. We are awaiting final outcomes of the Phase III clinical trial, currently underway, to validate this benefit.”
Dr. Farsad adds, “This platform has the potential to extend across a variety of unmet needs for localized therapeutic drug delivery.”
About the Phase III TIGeR-PaC Clinical Trial
TIGeR-PaC is RenovoRx’s ongoing Phase III randomized multi-center study evaluating the proprietary TAMP therapy platform for the treatment of Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer (LAPC.) RenovoRx’s first product candidate, RenovoGem™, is a novel oncology drug-delivery combination utilizing TAMP administration technology combined with the FDA-approved chemotherapy, gemcitabine. The TIGeR-PaC study is comparing treatment with TAMP to systemic intravenous chemotherapy, the current standard of care.
The first interim analysis in the TIGeR-PaC study occurred at the 26th event of the specified events (deaths), and was completed in March 2023, with the Data Monitoring Committee recommending a continuation of the study. The TIGeR-PaC study’s primary endpoint is a 6-month Overall Survival (OS) benefit with secondary endpoints including reduced side effects versus standard of care.
About Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer (LAPC)
According to American Cancer Society’s Cancer Facts & Figures 2023, pancreatic cancer has a 5-year combined overall survival rate of 13% (Stages I-IV) and is on track to be the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths before 2030. LAPC is diagnosed when the disease has not spread far beyond the pancreas, however, has advanced to the point where it cannot be surgically removed. LAPC is typically associated with patients in Stage 3 of the disease as determined by the TNM (tumor, nodes and metastasis) grading system.
About RenovoRx, Inc.
RenovoRx is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel precision oncology therapies based on a proprietary local drug-delivery platform for high unmet medical need with a goal to improve therapeutic outcomes for cancer patients undergoing treatment. RenovoRx’s patented Trans-Arterial Micro-Perfusion (TAMP™) therapy platform is designed to ensure precise therapeutic delivery to directly target the tumor while potentially minimizing a therapy’s toxicities versus systemic intravenous therapy. RenovoRx’s novel and patented approach to targeted treatment offers the potential for increased safety, tolerance, and improved efficacy. Our Phase III lead product candidate, RenovoGem™, a novel oncology drug-device combination product, is being investigated under a U.S. investigational new drug application that is regulated by the FDA’s 21 CFR 312 pathway. RenovoGem is currently being evaluated for the treatment of locally advanced pancreatic cancer by the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (the drug division of FDA.)
RenovoRx is committed to transforming the lives of patients by delivering innovative solutions to change the current paradigm of cancer care. RenovoGem is currently under investigation for TAMP therapeutic delivery of gemcitabine and has not been approved for commercial sale.
For more information, visit www.renovorx.com.
Follow RenovoRx on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
submitted by MightBeneficial3302 to PennyStocksCanada [link] [comments]

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submitted by AcanthisittaNext6119 to DropshippingST [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:33 Pale_Ad9725 Was this unprofessional? Did I dodge a bullet?

A month ago, I learned that the Office of Marketing at the university where I work had opened up a graduate marketing manager position. I was advised to email my résumé and cover letter directly to the VP of Marketing and Communications. Well, she set up an interview with me a couple of days later, and it went so well that she offered me the position on the spot. I accepted. Granted, it was a verbal offer, but I did not think that there was any reason to doubt her word. Before we signed off, she asked me to email HR and ask them to start the onboarding process.
It turns out that HR was not happy because they had already posted the job online and had to wait seven days to certify it. They also did not like that she bypassed (unknowingly) formal procedures and offered me the position directly. Only HR, they said, can extend an offer of employment. Well, the VP of Marketing was going to be out the week following our interview, so I didn't worry.
Upon her return, she gets in touch with me, saying the following: "We are in the process of doing reference checks before an offer letter is extended. Thanks for your patience." I waited patiently. When another week goes by, I reached out to HR to ask for an update on the onboarding process. This is what they said: "XX reached out to me this morning that she would like to conduct second interviews for the Marketing Manager position search and named you as a finalist. Per the Employee Handbook, only HR makes staff job offers. I will keep you updated on the status of the search."
Needless to say, I was caught off guard. As far as I knew, the job had been offered to me, so why this sudden change? I agreed to a second interview with two deans and a VP of enrollment (the graduate marketing manager is supposed to work with all three), thinking it was a mere formality before an offer was extended to me. I got along just fine with the deans, but I could tell I did not manage to persuade the VP of enrollment of my abilities. He asked me some questions that I fumbled, mainly because he had an intimidating way about him. Just for context, I don't have a marketing background, but I've held marketing positions before, and I have a fairly good idea of what to do. He did not seem impressed with any of my responses to his questions. I got the feeling that he was frustrated or in a hurry (I caught him on his phone twice).
Another week went by, and yesterday I woke up with a nagging feeling that I had lost the position. When I expressed my fear to my husband and a coworker, they both reassured me that it was fine. But sure enough, a few hours later, I received this email from the VP of Marketing: "Thank you very much for interviewing. While you were a top finalist, after seeking additional input, we have chosen another candidate for the role. I am sorry that the position didn't quite work out as you had expected, but I'm confident you will find just the right role in the future." I was completely caught off guard and overcome with disappointment. Sure, there are some factors as to why I might not have been selected, but, if I understood correctly, and I know I did, the position had been offered to me first. I even notified my supervisors that I would be leaving.
Maybe another bad sign was that, the day after the VP of Marketing offered me the position, she announced the job openings (there were two on the marketing team) on Facebook. I worried deeply about this, but my mother told me she was probably doing it just as standard university procedure.
In any case, was this unprofessional of them to do? I'm beginning to realize that she might not have had sole authority to hire me, and that one of the other three interviewers (or maybe all three) voted me down.
Sorry for the long post, but this has been bothering me ever since. I welcome your input!
submitted by Pale_Ad9725 to Career [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:18 Pale_Ad9725 Offer of Employment Rescinded. Was this unprofessional?

A month ago, I learned that the Office of Marketing at the university where I work had opened up a graduate marketing manager position. I was advised to email my résumé and cover letter directly to the VP of Marketing and Communications. Well, she set up an interview with me a couple of days later, and it went so well that she offered me the position on the spot. I accepted. Granted, it was a verbal offer, but I did not think that there was any reason to doubt her word. Before we signed off, she asked me to email HR and ask them to start the onboarding process.
It turns out that HR was not happy because they had already posted the job online and had an obligation to allow other candidates to apply. They also did not like that she bypassed (perhaps unknowingly) standard procedures and offered me the position directly. Only HR can extend an offer of employment. Well, the VP of Marketing was going to be out the week following our interview, so I didn't worry too much about it.
Upon her return, she emailed me the following: "We are in the process of doing reference checks before an offer letter is extended. Thanks for your patience." I waited patiently. When another week goes by, I reached out to HR to ask for an update on the onboarding process. This is what they said:
"XX reached out to me this morning that she would like to conduct second interviews for the Marketing Manager position search and named you as a finalist. Per the Employee Handbook, only HR makes staff job offers. I will keep you updated on the status of the search."
Needless to say, I was caught off guard. As far as I knew, the job had been offered to me, so why this sudden change? I agreed to a second interview with two deans and a VP of enrollment (who is supposed to work closely with the graduate marketing manager), thinking it was a mere formality before an offer was extended to me. I got along just fine with the deans, but I could tell I did not manage to persuade the VP of enrollment of my abilities. He asked me some questions that I fumbled, mainly because he had an intimidating way about him. Just for context, I don't have a marketing background, but I've held marketing positions before, and I have a fairly good idea of what to do. He did not seem impressed with any of my responses to his questions. I got the feeling that he was frustrated or in a hurry (I caught him on his phone twice).
Another week went by, but yesterday I woke up with a nagging feeling that I had lost the position. I expressed my fear to my husband and a coworker, and they both reassured me. Sure enough, my feeling turned out to be valid because, a few hours later, I received this email from the VP of Marketing: "Thank you very much for interviewing. While you were a top finalist, after seeking additional input, we have chosen another candidate for the role. I am sorry that the position didn't quite work out as you had expected, but I'm confident you will find just the right role in the future." I was completely caught off guard and overcome with disappointment. Sure, there are some factors as to why I might not have been selected, but, if I understood correctly, and I know I did, the position had been offered to me first. I even notified my supervisors that I would be leaving.
Maybe another bad sign was that, the day after the VP of Marketing offered me the position, she announced the job openings (there were two on the marketing team) on Facebook. I worried deeply about this, but my mother told me she was probably doing it just as standard university procedure.
In any case, was this unprofessional of them to do? I'm beginning to realize that she might not have had sole authority to hire me, and that one of the other three interviewers (or maybe all three) voted me down.
Sorry for the long post, but this has been bothering me ever since. Did I dodge a bullet? I welcome your input!
submitted by Pale_Ad9725 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:17 Nice_Alternative1230 Setting boundaries with my alcoholic mother

My mother has always been a binge drinker. She has gastric bypass and since then she’s been an alcoholic. She’s in denial because she’s “financially stable” and “keeps a job”. She thinks because she has a job, that’s she’s not an alcoholic. She has caused drama, and I have even had to pick her up from shitty situations. Recently she got drunk and started drama On Facebook including tagging my brother and I. I finally went to therapy and my therapist told me I need to delete her all of social media, and set firm boundaries. Is it weird that I feel sad? My mom is my best friend but I just can’t emotionally handle her alcoholism. I don’t have a dad. I only have her. I am 28. I know I have so much more life to live. She doesn’t care that my brother and I are affected so much by her alcoholic tendencies. Idk. Just venting.
submitted by Nice_Alternative1230 to AlAnon [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:12 AtlanteanBrotherhood The Profound Importance of Rituals in Spiritual Awakening

The Profound Importance of Rituals in Spiritual Awakening
Rituals have long played a pivotal role in human civilization, serving as sacred ceremonies that connect individuals to the deeper rhythms of existence and facilitate spiritual awakening. While rituals may seem mysterious or unnecessary to the uninitiated, they hold profound significance in the realm of spiritual practice, acting as gateways to deeper understanding, heightened awareness, and profound transformation.
Impression on the Intellect
One of the key roles of rituals in spiritual awakening is their ability to make a lasting impression on the intellect. Unlike mere words or abstract concepts, rituals engage the senses and evoke visceral experiences that resonate deeply within the psyche. Through symbolic gestures, chants, and ceremonial acts, individuals are able to internalize spiritual truths and concepts in a way that transcends rational understanding, leading to profound insights and revelations.
Experiential Learning
Rituals provide a unique opportunity for experiential learning, allowing individuals to directly experience and feel what words alone cannot convey. By engaging in ritualistic practices, participants tap into the realm of direct experience, bypassing the limitations of the rational mind and accessing deeper layers of consciousness. This experiential dimension of rituals facilitates spiritual growth and transformation, enabling individuals to integrate spiritual insights into their daily lives.
Enhanced Concentration
Another important role of rituals in spiritual awakening is their ability to enhance concentration and focus. By immersing oneself fully in the ritualistic process, individuals are able to bring their total selves to the achievement of a task, cultivating a state of deep presence and mindfulness. This heightened state of awareness allows practitioners to access deeper levels of consciousness and connect with the divine essence within themselves and the universe.
Conscious Living
In addition to their transformative power, rituals serve as reminders of the sacredness inherent in everyday life. While daily routines may seem mundane, they are in fact filled with various rituals— from morning routines to mealtime traditions—that shape our experiences and perceptions. By practicing rituals consciously, individuals are able to infuse their daily lives with meaning and purpose, leading to a deeper sense of fulfillment and connection to the divine. #rituals #SacredAtlanteanBrotherhood
With Light, Wisdom & Boundless Love,
WaXhira Founder & Grand Master Sacred Atlantean Brotherhood facebook.com/AtlanteanBrotherhood
submitted by AtlanteanBrotherhood to u/AtlanteanBrotherhood [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 12:12 garysei124 Myanmar Gov shadow banned Binance out of the blue.

Binance is legal in Myanmar as included in supported countries.
Today, the government banned Binance and users from Myanmar can't access Binance apps and website with mobile data nor the internet.
Gov also banned several vpns since facebook is already banned in 2021 and we use vpn to bypass it.
Now everybody is using TrustWallet and store their coins and tokens.
This is the power of crypto, you can shadow banned exchange but you can't ban the actual crypto and the people behind it.
submitted by garysei124 to ethtrader [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:49 TrueSaltnolies April 27, 2024 Timeline

(Someone asked for a timeline of April 27 events. I added in a few extra. If you note something missing, or an error, let me know and I'll check it out. I know there was a meeting in NC with the family which JP refused to attend. I'm a bit confused of the date of that so left it out.)
April 15, 2024:
April 23, 2024:
April 25, 2024:
April 26, 2024:
April 27, 2024:
April 28, 2024:
April 30, 2024:
submitted by TrueSaltnolies to JusticeForMicaMiller [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:01 Pepepoter1031 Debo pagar o no o me estafaron o está bien AYUDASAA

Compre un iPhone de segunda mano pague y todo bien el tipo amable me ayudo con iCloud y tales pero a él se le olvidó quitar la cuenta de encontrar. Dispositivo yo no sabia y lo formatee y se activo el bypass yo no sabia que hacer así que le comenté (Lo formatee por que no cogia la señal de wifi de mi casa) y el man me dijo que tenía una amigo que le sabia que cobrara 60 y el me dijo que me ayudaba con 10 yo le dije que tengo mala situación y depues me di cuenta que no había amigo el era quien lo desbloqueaba , en su Facebook tenía una publicación que decís que se desbloqueaban teléfonos por bypass me pareció raro. Después de decirle que no tenía dinero el me dice que ahí no sabe q hacer yo le digo que por eso pregunte si estaba libre de cuentas y se quedó yeison depues me dijo sabe que depues arreglamos an pasado unos meses y ahora me está cobrando esta bien?
submitted by Pepepoter1031 to Colombia [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 23:40 Escape-- Need some advice or assistance

Hi, I’ve been playing Mobile Legends since late 2021, and have since invested quite a bit of money into it.
I’m going to approach this with sheer honesty.
On my iCloud, I have a cashapp card attached, and cashapp doesn’t always finalize transactions immediately. So over time, there would be times I would take advantage of that on other apps when I didn’t necessarily have the money right then and there.
I only had my MLBB account connected through Facebook. And Apple has a procedure where if your account was in bad standings for too long, it will prevent you from even updating any of your apps. So I tried to bypass this, by logging out of my iCloud. Sadly I didn’t think far ahead and realize that I didn’t have my phone number active anymore to log back in.
Normally this wouldn’t be an issue, but I got logged out of my account, and the Facebook account I had for it got hacked.
As sketchy as this story is though, I still have screenshots of me on the account, and even have my profile picture in game as a picture of me. I can recall my last few purchases, etc.
Customer support isn’t helpful because I didn’t memorize my Account ID.
Is there any plausible method to appeal to Moonton about this? It’s definitely a lesson learned.
P.S: I tried the in game verification option they have.. but all it did was give me my email for the now hacked Facebook which I already knew.
submitted by Escape-- to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 18:59 Embarrassed_Flan_869 Are people still falling for this crap? This person in under 50 too!

Are people still falling for this crap? This person in under 50 too! submitted by Embarrassed_Flan_869 to facepalm [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:16 Wellian_Crow I'm at my limit, and I don't know how to move on. (TW: Loss of parents, addiction, breakup, and suicidal ideation)

(Disclaimer: this is essentially my life story, so I understand if you don't want to sit and read a full novel of some depressing fuck's cry for help, but I couldn't find a way to condense it, sorry.)
Life is shit right now. It's taken a long time for me to admit it, but there's just no more beating around the bush anymore. I'm trapped in a profound sadness that refuses to loosen it's hold on me, and I don't know what to do. I don't want to end it all, I never have, but I've just been through so much that it's hard to believe things could ever get better.
I'm 24(M), and 4 years ago I lost both of my parents, 10 months ago my girlfriend of 6 and a half years broke up with me, and just a few weeks ago the company I had been planning to work for over half my life shut its doors for good. Now I'm sat with no clear path forward and a brother trying to take what little I have left, and I just don't know how to move on.
I lost my dad on February 29th, 2020. He had been in and out of the hospital for the past couple months for constipation, didn't think much of it, he was 68 after all. One night I come in to visit him in the hospital and I walk in on a surgeon explaining something to him and my mother. It turns out that results from the latest test had come in and a polyp had burst in his large intestine, he was quickly developing sepsis and if they didn't operate soon he wouldn't see the sunrise. A few minutes to sort his thoughts and make some calls to my aunts for advice and he decided that the surgeon who talked to us was more than welcome to operate since he offered, it just so happened he was one of the highest rated gastro-intestinal surgeons in Texas (don't know if I got the name of the surgeon right, my bad). So they prep him for surgery and as they wheal him off to put him under he grabs onto my hand, with tears in his eyes, and says "Take care of your mother." He had a look in his eyes, he didn't think he'd get to open them again. But sure enough a few anxiety-inducing hours later the surgeon comes back out and lets us know that everything went off without a hitch, they managed to remove the blockage and clean everything up without issue. Dad spent the next week in recovery at that hospital, but I only managed to visit him there once. I hate hospitals, but I love my dad, so when I saw him in there, all strapped up with hoses poking in and out of him, I put a smile on and rubbed his feet like I always did (he broke both his legs and shattered an ankle years ago, the man was lucky to walk to begin with, so you'd better believe I'd help in any way I could). That's the last picture ever taken of me and my dad, with him strapped to a hospital bed and me giving him a foot massage. The next time I saw him he had been discharged without me knowing, so I headed back home to our rural town late one night when he said I could visit. I'd had a lot to think about then, I'd always thought I had so much more time with Dad, that I'd only have to say goodbye when I was good and ready and he had seen us through our biggest moments. By then I wasn't so sure, so I sat with him on that Friday night and just talked, for as long as I could. I told him the little things I'd been hanging on to for far too long, the kinds of things that didn't matter in the slightest but you'd never tell your parents because you're too embarrassed. I told him about how I bumped into someone at a stoplight right after high school, but I convinced the other guy not to get insurance involved because I didn't want him to know and end up costing him more money, so I just used all of my savings and my graduation gift to pay the guy off after he replaced his rear bumper. All dad had to say about that was "you should have gotten insurance involved, that's what it's for." We laughed, and he thanked me for telling him, said it proved that I was the man he always wanted me to be. We talked about a lot, I tried to hug him tight, but since the surgery was on his gut they couldn't just stitch him up. He was so bloated before the surgery that he looked pregnant, so the skin around his gut was delicate and they had to bandage him up and put this weird circulator on him to keep it clean. Either way, I hugged him as best I could, told him I loved him, that he should take it easy, and that I'd talk to him soon. I remember looking through the door as I walked away, he was just laid up in bed watching TV. I gave him a peace sign as I walk off, he always did the same, whether we were looking or not. That was 9:30 PM. At 6 the next morning I woke to my mom calling me in tears, she said dad was gone. They had spoken after I left, talked about what we discussed, and he said he couldn't get comfortable in bed so he'd moved over to the recliner in the living room. He didn't wake up. Later on when we finally got the reports back they said he had passed peacefully in his sleep due to a heart attack. Dad had heart problems before, he had a quadruple bypass when I was about 8 and a stint placed in later on due to a murmur in his heart, and ever since he'd been taking meds. There were so many little details that stuck with me from that day. He was wearing a pair of socks I gave him when I came back on the 29th. The night before he said he didn't think he'd wake back up after the surgery, but he did, which meant God wasn't done with him yet. I still remember the sound of my mom's sobs from behind the wall of my bed, my brother and I stayed with her for the first week afterwards.
I was always aware that I had a great life, but I had never lost anything so major, never had something so horrid and life-changing happen to me. One moment I was getting used to my new classes for the semester in college, and the next thing I knew my life had flipped ass over teakettle and the world was imploding. The combination of the pandemic hitting right as I experienced the worse loss of my life, in the middle of my second year of college, certainly didn't help either. To be honest, it's still a blur. I don't remember much of those months, only that the days blurred together as I barely perceived time passing. The semester ended, and one day when my brother are checking on Mom, she suddenly rushed out the door with a sack of vodka bottles in tow, got in her car, and drove off to work. We had worried she may have fallen off again, but had been hoping against hope she wouldn't. Mom had been alcohol my entire life, I won't get into it, but when we went to her work and my brother drove her home, we had to carry her upstairs ourselves after she fell into a potted plant with vomit on her shirt. Not too long after we staged an intervention and had her checked back into rehab. At the end of her first month she would decide if she'd stay for a second and third, and despite the pleas of my brother and I, she wouldn't listen. We said we were done with her. We had given her all the love and support we could, but if that wasn't going to work then we'd resort to our only other option and cut her out. When she checked out of rehab I drove her home. I thought I could try one last time to talk some sense into her, that maybe she'd listen to reason. In the end she just ignored me, so I said everything I could think to say. If it was going to be the last time I got to talk to her, then I'd make use of that ride home and tell her everything I could think of. Just like Dad. I dropped her off at the family home, gave her a hug, told her I loved her, and watched as she got smaller in the mirror as I drove away. About a week later on July 9th, I got a call from my brother and my Aunt, her little sister. She was gone. They found her in a CVS parking lot in her car, upside down. She had been there for hours. We don't know exactly what happened. She may have had a seizure. All we know is that the reports came back with "complications due to alcohol abuse and fatty liver."
After that, the estate fell to my brother and I as the sole inheritors. I'm thankful for everyone that came out of the woodworks to help us. Our aunts helped with the will and all of the proceedings that came after. A lot had to be done, and a 20 year old still in college (me) and a 24 year old fresh out of college (my brother), were not the ones capable to taking care of it all. It took months to sort it all out. Hell, some of it never got resolved because we just never knew what to do. What matters is that we had the time and space to grieve, and so I did.
It turns out I've always had depressive tendencies, but at this point I had fully developed an Anxiety and Depressive disorder. It came to a head one Summer day when I just couldn't take it anymore. I'd always wrestled with the concept of Death, that after everything that happens in your life it all just ends, nothing, just an end to all, void, nothingness. I hated it. It stills sends me into panic attacks to this day, and has since I was a child. That Summer day I hit rock bottom, and I couldn't think of anything else, because what else could matter if it was all going to end anyway? Why should I care? I'm not going to care when I'm gone, so why care now? It's not like I'll be around to regret leaving if I chose to end it all. These were the thoughts that flooded my mind, and they wouldn't go away. I took a walk. I went through my neighborhood, cut through the trees at the cul-de-sac near the bottom of the hill, and came to a path that led to a nearly dry creak. the water was barely flowing, but I was sweaty and I wanted to sit. So there I sat and contemplated it all. The absolute inconsequentiality of life and all its meaninglessness. I looked down and saw a rock, picked it up, and thought to myself just how long it would take to bash my brains out and end it all right there. Sure it would hurt, but only for so long, then it would be gone, and I'd stop hurting. I don't know how long I really sat there looking at that rock, but eventually a family of four came walking down the path and I had to get up to get out of their way since I was sitting in the middle of the path. I dropped the rock, let them pass, and walked back home. after that I called my friends, got the name and number for their doctor, and booked an appointment later that week. Ever since then I've been medicated and I'm better for it. I don't believe in those thoughts anymore, but it scares me that I got to a point that I nearly listened to them. I've back to that creek bed since, and it's actually very pretty right after a storm, when all the trees are still dripping with rainwater.
Fast-forward a few years and it's May 2023, I struggled and I stumbled, but I felt like I had made progress. I felt far from past it, but I was moving on. I graduated with a Bachelor's in Science for Art and Entertainment Technologies. I didn't know exactly what I'd do with it, but I felt like I could figure it out with the city I was in. I went up to celebrate my girlfriend's graduation a few weeks later up in Missouri, we had been together for six and a half years. We met in high school in the same friend group, stuck through college in a long-distance relationship, and I thought we would go all the way. Over that summer after we both graduated she had to take one last internship to finish up her degree. I visited when I had the chance, but over the course of the summer I worked to make sure the house lived in would be ready for her, ready for two people to live in together once we finally started our lives together. She spent another two and a half months in Missouri, and the day she got back on July 29th she broke up with me. She had her dad drive her down the night before, and she spent that night with me after the long trip. The next morning after waking up and having breakfast, she sat me down and said she didn't think we should be together anymore. It was something she decided on over the Summer, she said she'd been thinking about it for a bit and finally had a gut feeling that we should split up. There wasn't anyone else, she actually explained that it was the opposite. She had lived her entire life with barely any privacy. As the middle child of 6 children she rarely, if ever, got a moment to herself. She only ever had one room to herself, but even then it was in a smaller house with 4 other people, and no locks on her door. When she left for college she had to share a dorm with her roommate, and when she came back for the Winter and Summer breaks she stayed with me (I also have a housemate, so even then the privacy wasn't perfect). Over the course of that last Summer she finally had a room all to herself, a single dorm for 2 and a half months. During her internship it was the exact same, she worked in an archive, which are quiet on a bad day and silent as the grave every other day. Couple that with the fact that she only ever work with one other person (her supervisor), and that's if they worked with anyone else there at all, for 40 hours a week. She told me that summer gave her the alone time she never had the chance to take before, and spent a lot of it thinking, spending all the time she never got before to be alone with her thoughts. A couple weeks before she came back she had come to the conclusion that she didn't want to be in a relationship anymore. She gave me a lot of reasons for want to split up, that being one of them. The biggest reason, one she said she couldn't ignore, was that she thought we were becoming two very different people. She said she didn't think we would work if we stayed together, that the way she saw us going, it just wasn't going to work out. She told me she still loved me, but when I asked if it was in the same way as before, she could only shake her head. I still regret asking that. She left with her sister later that day, and came back with her family the next to pack up all her things and leave. When she was busy inside, I took a moment to talk to them and ask if I did anything wrong, they all said no. They said she was just the most independent person they all knew, and that I had nothing to be sorry for. It didn't help. When they were done she gave me one last moment with her, one last tear-stained kiss goodbye, but when she turned in the driveway to hand me back the extra key to the house, I broke down. I stood by the door just long enough to watch their car fade from view as they drove away, then I went back inside and collapsed into a void of sorrow and self-pity.
That was 10 months ago. I'd like to say I've made progress, but some days it's hard to believe that. In the time since I've spent a lot of time on myself, learning who I was and what I wanted to be. The main sticking point I had with her reasoning was that she was so certain we were going to end up two completely different people, but I didn't even know who I wanted to be. If I didn't know who I was, let alone who I was going to be, how could she be so definitively certain? A lot of time and self-reflection brought up a plethora of questions I'd never thought to ask myself. With a rural backwoods public Texas education, it turns out that a lot of mental health issues can fall between the cracks. I found out that I'm on the Autism Spectrum (I get my full Psych Eval later this week, so that's nice), I learned that I'm demisexual, and also that I get extremely, soul-crushingly lonely when I'm single. All my best friends had to move out of state last February (it's a long story but I can explain if necessary), so when we split up I had next to no one to fall back on nearby. I had acquaintances and others I could call, but the people I loved the most were a 13 hour drive away. I made the trip when I could, but it just wasn't the same. It's ironic though, I found a therapy service through a podcast she introduced me to. I've been seeing a reliable and caring therapist for 9 and a half of the past 10 months, so I'm grateful for that. I've come to learn that even if the crushing loneliness hurts the most, finding a new relationship isn't the right step forward. I spent long enough trying to make that happen, now I know it can't fix anything, nor should it.
For a while I was starting to feel things turning around. Not so much getting better, but it was a start. Then It got to February, and along with it another tide of problems. My brother has always been the one to party, since he was in high school and all throughout college he was the one that got the drinks and people together. When we became independent he was the one that got on my ass about not wasting our inheritance and only using it when absolutely necessary. It's ironic then, that he was the one to call me in late Feb telling me he'd blown through it all and gone bankrupt. For this next part I need to provide some context, so I'm sorry if it drags on. I never planned on moving out of the family home, but mom and dad had waited long enough and wanted me out, so mom agreed to find a place for me to stay and provide housing until I graduated college. She was a realtor for a big real estate company for over 25 years, and it just so happened that the last neighborhood she sold from had a model home the company wanted to get rid of. She pulled some strings and in the end she got it for a steal, like half the market price for a house in the area, with a monthly payment similar to most apartments in the same city. I'm well aware of how privileged I was and still am to this day, I don't want people to think I don't recognize the luck I've been given. However, when our parents passed the entirety of the estate was split 50/50 between my brother and I. Meaning that the house that I lived in at the time, and still have for the past 4 and a half years, is only half mine. This never really sat well with me, so when I eventually brought it up with my brother and asked about becoming the sole owner of my house, he agreed that it was the right call. The problem, is that he told me that he hand over his half for half of what the house would be sold for at maximum market price. He didn't want what we'd paid for, he didn't want half of what it was bought at, nor did he want any reasonable price, he wanted the most amount of money he could get for a home that wasn't his, nor was ever meant to be his (I want y'all to know that I already feel like the most privileged asshole ever having typed all this out, sorry for sounding like a shithead). Somewhere along the way, he got it in his head that I had already agreed to pay what he wanted me to for his half, and when he called me late Feb and asked for money, he got upset with me when I told him that I didn't want to. He got angry and started talking about how I owed him for my house, how I already agreed to pay him and that he'd count whatever I gave him as the start to my payment for the property I've lived on for nearly 5 fucking years. I panicked, and though I regret it, I caved and gave him far too much money (more than I'm willing to admit), in hopes he'd leave me alone. Unfortunately over the past 4 months he's only gotten worse.
Before this time we (my brother and our Aunts) came to the conclusion that the family home we had turned into an Airbnb was no longer sustainable. While it had been profitable for a good few months in 2022, by late 2023 it had turned into a money sink. There was more and more wear and deferred maintenance popping up with each passing month that by the time 2024 rolled around we were forced to choose between selling it off or emptying the rest of our inheritance in an attempt to fix it back up with no promise that it would be worth it. It sucked to do it, I spend the first 20 years of my life in that house, but in the end we gave the go ahead and my Aunt helped us put it on the market when Feb rolled around. The housing market where it's built is extremely competitive, it's on the outskirts of a rural tourist town with a view to die for, so we didn't think it would be too much waiting around before we got an offer. That was 4 months ago, and we haven't heard a word since, even though the first estimate was 6 weeks to 6 months. The agent helping us with the house let us know that there were over 60 homes being sold in the surrounding area, with half of them at a very similar price point. I don't feel comfortable revealing exactly what the house is priced at, but to give an idea, the money I'd make off of selling it, even after being split in half and reduced by taxes, would be enough to completely pay off the mortgage on my house and then some. The kicker to all of this, is that the house isn't in perfect condition. Even considering all the detracting factors, I'd say the price we have the house listed at is more than fair for the area, but nobody wants to buy a fixer-upper at that price point, even if it is worth it. To make all these matter worse, I found out recently that my brother has STILL been holding house parties there, even though he has a perfectly good party place where he currently lives! I found out when my Aunt told me about a showing we were going to have, but my brother tried to call and tell her to postpone it because he was going to be having a party the day before the showing was scheduled. In the middle of all this, he texts me out of the blue, trying to get me to talk to him and discuss something. I'm having none of it and tell him that if he needs to get something off his chest, he can text me or leave me alone, I don't want to talk. So he ends up sending me full fucking paragraphs, going on about how he's hit rock bottom, how we have to close the joint account we've been using to pay all the shared bills and expenses, and how he's so sorry for being a shitty older brother. Near the end of it he throws in how he recently lost his girlfriend to a drunk driver and that he's in mourning. I went digging and it turns out the girl he mentioned, who did tragically pass in an accident and was heavily mourned in the community, was not in a relationship with him for the past year and a half. I didn't know this until a month later though, so this all came out of the blue in a time where I just wanted to be done with him, so now I had no clue what to think. The way he spoke and said all the right things to make me feel for him hurt, it made me want to drive over to his house and throw my arms around him and tell him that he'd be okay and he wasn't alone. Then we found out about the party, and he never stopped using the joint account for all the bullshit personal spending he'd been using for before at liquor stores and bars, so I got to see first-hand what all he was spending both of our shared funds on (this is only one account I put money into when we need to pay bills, the majority of my money is in my own personal savings account that he doesn't have any access to). In short: he made it real obvious that everything he said to us was a complete and total lie, after pleading with me and making me take on the task of cancelling half the bills we had tied to the joint account just to save him the time and effort. He manipulated me, and it was plain as day to see it.
Now I'm at a point where I just have to wait for something to happen. I can't do a damn thing to change my shitty situation with my brother and my home. I want to cut him off, become fully independent, and leave all the trauma I have with him, but I literally can't. I have to wait until the family house is sold or he tries to come after me and my livelihood. I tried my best to research my options, but there's nothing I can do with my house unless he signs over his portion to me, and he won't do that unless he gets what he wants. The only thing I've been able to think of is that I could possibly take him to court and argue that his actions caused the selling price of our family home to go down, but I don't even know if that's possible or what it would do for me. I don't want to sue my brother, I just want to be done with him. I want to scream and yell and make him understand the stress he's put me through, make him feel the pain he's caused me my entire life just for wanting him to like me. I want to make him know just how much it hurts to have put so much effort into someone that was never going to care in the first place, but more than anything, I just want to be done with him.
I did the math, and unfortunately I now know that I have a time limit for the family home to be sold. Meaning that if the home isn't sold by the new year and we have to pay the property taxes again, I'll be the one taking the full brunt of that responsibility. If that happens I will either not have enough money in my savings to cover that cost, or I'll have just enough to pay for it and have nothing left. Either way, with how much the maintenance of everything has been draining our finances, I'd have to sell my current home to pay for the costs after property taxes are dealt with. It would solve so many issues if I just sold off my house, but it would hurt so God damn much. I've put so much effort into this house to try and make it feel like a home, make it feel like my home. When the world was falling apart and I lost everything else, this one house and the memories I made here were what kept me going. There are days where it feels like it's all I've got left. The last thing I want is to lose this house. I know I'd end up fine. I'd have funds left over to take care of me after it's sold, and the family home would sell eventually, but none of that would matter. I can see how long I might have left in this house in the pages left on the calendar hanging from my wall, and all I can do is wait for the other shoe to drop to see if I'm losing this too. All I can do is sit and fester in this shitty void of depression and anguish while I wait to find out what happens. I hate it.
When I didn't think anything could get worse, just a handful of weeks ago I idly checked Facebook and saw that my ex, the love of my life, had found herself a new boyfriend. Soul-crushing couldn't begin to describe what I felt. I thought I'd made progress, thought I'd said goodbye to my desire to rekindle what we once had. I thought I'd finally started to move on, but I suppose I didn't know how wrong I could be. She had changed her profile picture to one with her and him standing together, arm in arm. She looked so God damn gorgeous. I couldn't get over the fact that she had never done that when we were together, I guess I still haven't. I'm not even mad at her, or him, or anyone, I'm just in pain. I want her to be happy, she deserves to be happy, but all I can focus on is just how much I miss her. I saw her post about how they went to the zoo and it broke me. I've checked her Facebook so many times and I know I shouldn't, I keep telling myself that it's only going to hurt, but I still do it and it always breaks me down even more. For a short time she changed her picture to a different one and removed her relationship status, so I thought they had broken up. I feel guilty for even admitting it but it made me feel hope, like we still had a chance. I didn't want to give in to that feeling and set myself up for disappointment, but I couldn't help but feel like maybe she thought of what we had and there was a chance that the knowledge of who we were now would be enough to start something new. But I was wrong. She changed it to a new picture of the two of them a few days later, and it broke me all over again. It's strange, every time I start to feel like something is working, like I'm making some kind of progress, another bombshell comes hurtling around and blindsides me. I keep trying to get back on my own two feet, and I keep getting knocked back down. I feel myself becoming more and more jaded throughout all of this, and I'm trying so hard not to let myself become that. I feel the desire to just give up building more and more as the hurdles keep tripping me up, and I hate how appealing it's started to become. I'm just trying to find out who I am GOD DAMNIT, why can't anything just go fucking right.
I haven't had the motivation to do anything, it's always been an issue in my life that I've constantly fought against. From applying to college to finishing finals, I've only ever done the work that was most important when I had no other choice and at the last possible moment. Motivation and passion; these are the two things I've struggled with the most for the past year. I always knew that if I was going to find fulfilment in life, those would have to be my two guiding lights, or I'd end up sad and disappointed no matter where I found myself. Nothing seems to help, I can have fun when I make the conscious effort, but it doesn't feel the same. Now more than ever I've been putting in so much effort just to find out where I'm meant to be and what I'm meant to do. I've done and tried so many different things just to gain a better understanding of who that guy in the mirror staring back at me really is. I know I've made progress, logically it cannot be ignored that the steps I've made to get to the point that I have in life have done something, but it's gotten just so damn hard to see, and even more so to believe. There are days where I go through all the motions, I wake up, I eat, I do the things that I used to enjoy, but all I can think about is her and the amazing times we had. I think about all the plans we had together, the plan I had to ask her to marry me, the life we planned on building together. It just doesn't stop, but I'm doing so much to try and move forward. I just don't know if it's doing anything, if I'm just spinning my wheels in place while waste away on the inside. I schedule weekends where I can get away from it all and take a trip somewhere a few hours away, because even if I could be doing something else while I'm here, even I can recognize that a change in scenery and something new could always help. Sometimes it does help, other times it just feels like a distraction, and other times it just brings me back to the trips I used to take with her and the only thing I can think about is how much fun we'd be having if we were there together.
I used to think I knew what career I wanted in life. From a very young age I only ever wanted to work for the same company that produced the shows I grew up watching online. The things they made got me through so many darker times, and made the bright ones all the better to remember. I picked up new hobbies and learned new skills just to try and have an edge when I finally worked up the courage to apply for a job. I even picked up 3D modeling in high school just to get a head start from the inspiration their shows gave me. Then everything went to shit in my life, I lost nearly all direction, and I ended up too little too late. Two weeks ago the company that I'd been following for over half my entire life shut its doors for good, and I got to see one of my life-long dreams turn ash. At least I got to be there to say goodbye. They gave a lot to me, so I'm happy I at least got the chance to let them know that before they were gone.
I want to move on, I really do. Amidst the maelstrom of everything that's happened to me, and the deluge that still is happening to me, it just feels impossible that I ever could move on. I only just made my first resume last week for the first job I've every applied to, and it's at a retail store with nothing to do with what I studied in college. I want to make progress in life. I want to live. But I feel like I haven't had a life to live for so long now, and I just don't know what to do.
I'm sorry for the novel-length text dump of exposition and self-pity, I just didn't know what else to turn to.
submitted by Wellian_Crow to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 06:50 ADHDK Cant' login by email on browser?

I'm logged in fine to the app and use it all the time, but I can't login on browser anymore by email?
I don't want to use Facebook, Gmail, AppleID, or Twixxer as my login, I have a perfectly functional email login account I have been using for a long time. Is there any URL to bypass this stupidity? When I try to put the email which works on my phone into the "create or login" in browser it doesn't seem to recognise it as a login option and tries to create a new account which is obviously already taken.
I'm sick of being tracked by third party rent seekers.
submitted by ADHDK to Aliexpress [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:11 Sippinz How am I being hacked every night on Facebook wtih all security measures enabled?

Every morning for the last week I wake up to 15-20 emails of password reset, number added/removed, email added/removed, "thanks for contacting Meta support" or "thanks for submitting ID" and then I'm locked out of my account again and have to go through the acconut recovery process.
They even somehow put their own 2FA on the account even though I had mine.
I've tried: - changing password - setting up 2FA on FB account - adding passkeys to log in - changed email password - added 2FA on email account - logged out of all apps and active areas
Yet they still every night, get into the account, bypass 2fa, bypass kepass and log in and change everything. This is only happening on Facebook and nothing else.
What is going on and how are they getting in? Who can I reach out to for help?
submitted by Sippinz to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:09 frootloopsonacid Went NC with entire family now struggling with decision- AITAH?(TW- SA)

Hi all it's a long story but I'll try and keep it short Basically I (34f) went NC with my whole family last year after my nephew (10 m) SA'D my daughter (5 f) this was traumatic for all of us, however, none of my family checked in on my kid which upset me. I did not want family to take sides, I had not asked them to, I just wanted to check in on my daughter, but they all seemed more interested in protecting my nephew so I did admittedly post some Facebook posts, not going into detail as to what happened but I did essentially disown my family in them and blocked them due to them being more offended that I was upset at them for being cold to my kid than the fact my nephew had assaulted my daughter in such a horrific way.
I obviously phoned the police about the situation before the blocking happened as there was CCTV of the incident, which happened at my parents house. I was there at the time of the incident but my daughter and nephew usually went off to play together with no problems previously, so obviously after I found my daughter had been assaulted, I was upset and have felt immensely guilty that she got violated under my nose and on my watch that day, however my mother was straight on the defensive and down playing everything saying that nephew wouldn't have time to do anything (going off the CCTV and what my daughter said he had plenty of time and definitely utilized it) and when I started to get upset about the situation (more weepy due to shock than anything else) she'd brerrate me until I eventually snapped and called her a couple of expletives and left with my partner and kids. We since found out that the case went to CPS (UK crown prosecution services) and wasn't deemed in the publics interest to prosecute due to nephews age.
I had not seen or heard anything from anyone (I blocked them but my partner didn't yet he's had no attempts to reach out from them either) up until my birthday 6 months later, when my mum sent me a birthday card , which had no acknowledgement of anything or asking about either of my kids and was a basic "to frootloopsoncrack happy birthday, from dad and mum" message. I told my mum not to reach out again as I didn't want anything to do with them. Message seemed to be recived until my daughters birthday last week. A parcel came through addressed to both daughters, containing dresses too big for both of them and a card then how school was and wishing my eldest a happy birthday and saying she hopes the dresses fit. This upset me again as she had ignored my request not to send anything and had attempted to bypass me and manipulate my kids while acting like nothing had happened. I get that she misses her grand kids but she needs to understand that to move forward there needs to be acknowledgement and acceptance that something happened to my daughter and that my boundaries I will want to put in place to keep my daughters safe in the future will be respected, at the moment, neither of these have shown any signs of happening as both attempts to reach out on mum's behalf have shown no acknowledgement and lack of respect for the NC rule as there was no conversation with my partner before both attempts to reach out. My mum had control issues anyway and this has been the source of a lot of conflicts between us as I have never wanted to do things she deemed "acceptable" and she's never shown interest in me unless it's an excuse to bully or belittle me and the things I enjoy (eg- music, comics, drawing etc) because my tase in music was "crap" and my other hobbies were childish and embarrassing for her.
The problem now is though, after 9 months of not speaking to all my family when I only really have a direct issue with my nephew, his mum and my mum, I'm starting to feel bad and guilty for lumping them in with them on my NC rule. I do have issue that nobody reached out to ask me how my daughter was doing or to see if she needed anything, she was 5 at the time of the assault after all and has had night terrors and flashbacks since, as well as having autism which is making everything harder for her to understand anyway, but I have no idea what they've been told or how they understand things to be, despite me alerting them to what happened Incase family with kids left them around my nephew un attended and it happened again, and I just hope they know I don't blame everyone else who wasn't involved for what happened, just their reactions to my child. I suppose what I'm asking is, do I try and reach out to those family members and let them know this or just stick with the NC barrier? My head is all over the place and though my partner has been supportive in all my decisions regarding my family, he doesn't see why I'm having a hard time distancing myself so I hope I'd be able to get outside advice. Thanks for reading as I know it's long and I'm autistic myself so have trouble keeping things concise!
submitted by frootloopsonacid to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:07 frootloopsonacid Went NC with entire family now struggling with decision- what do? (TW- SA)

Hi all it's a long story but I'll try and keep it short Basically I (34f) went NC with my whole family last year after my nephew (10 m) SA'D my daughter (5 f) this was traumatic for all of us, however, none of my family checked in on my kid which upset me. I did not want family to take sides, I had not asked them to, I just wanted to check in on my daughter, but they all seemed more interested in protecting my nephew so I did admittedly post some Facebook posts, not going into detail as to what happened but I did essentially disown my family in them and blocked them due to them being more offended that I was upset at them for being cold to my kid than the fact my nephew had assaulted my daughter in such a horrific way.
I obviously phoned the police about the situation before the blocking happened as there was CCTV of the incident, which happened at my parents house. I was there at the time of the incident but my daughter and nephew usually went off to play together with no problems previously, so obviously after I found my daughter had been assaulted, I was upset and have felt immensely guilty that she got violated under my nose and on my watch that day, however my mother was straight on the defensive and down playing everything saying that nephew wouldn't have time to do anything (going off the CCTV and what my daughter said he had plenty of time and definitely utilized it) and when I started to get upset about the situation (more weepy due to shock than anything else) she'd brerrate me until I eventually snapped and called her a couple of expletives and left with my partner and kids. We since found out that the case went to CPS (UK crown prosecution services) and wasn't deemed in the publics interest to prosecute due to nephews age.
I had not seen or heard anything from anyone (I blocked them but my partner didn't yet he's had no attempts to reach out from them either) up until my birthday 6 months later, when my mum sent me a birthday card , which had no acknowledgement of anything or asking about either of my kids and was a basic "to frootloopsoncrack happy birthday, from dad and mum" message. I told my mum not to reach out again as I didn't want anything to do with them. Message seemed to be recived until my daughters birthday last week. A parcel came through addressed to both daughters, containing dresses too big for both of them and a card then how school was and wishing my eldest a happy birthday and saying she hopes the dresses fit. This upset me again as she had ignored my request not to send anything and had attempted to bypass me and manipulate my kids while acting like nothing had happened. I get that she misses her grand kids but she needs to understand that to move forward there needs to be acknowledgement and acceptance that something happened to my daughter and that my boundaries I will want to put in place to keep my daughters safe in the future will be respected, at the moment, neither of these have shown any signs of happening as both attempts to reach out on mum's behalf have shown no acknowledgement and lack of respect for the NC rule as there was no conversation with my partner before both attempts to reach out. My mum had control issues anyway and this has been the source of a lot of conflicts between us as I have never wanted to do things she deemed "acceptable" and she's never shown interest in me unless it's an excuse to bully or belittle me and the things I enjoy (eg- music, comics, drawing etc) because my tase in music was "crap" and my other hobbies were childish and embarrassing for her.
The problem now is though, after 9 months of not speaking to all my family when I only really have a direct issue with my nephew, his mum and my mum, I'm starting to feel bad and guilty for lumping them in with them on my NC rule. I do have issue that nobody reached out to ask me how my daughter was doing or to see if she needed anything, she was 5 at the time of the assault after all and has had night terrors and flashbacks since, as well as having autism which is making everything harder for her to understand anyway, but I have no idea what they've been told or how they understand things to be, despite me alerting them to what happened Incase family with kids left them around my nephew un attended and it happened again, and I just hope they know I don't blame everyone else who wasn't involved for what happened, just their reactions to my child. I suppose what I'm asking is, do I try and reach out to those family members and let them know this or just stick with the NC barrier? My head is all over the place and though my partner has been supportive in all my decisions regarding my family, he doesn't see why I'm having a hard time distancing myself so I hope I'd be able to get outside advice. Thanks for reading as I know it's long and I'm autistic myself so have trouble keeping things concise!
submitted by frootloopsonacid to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:30 Temporary_Noise_4014 Publication of Results of Pre-Clinical Studies Support Efficacy and Drug Delivery Mechanism Potential of RenovoRx’s TAMP™ Therapy Platform to Improve Targeted Cancer Drug Treatment Deliver (Nasdaq: RNXT)

Publication of Results of Pre-Clinical Studies Support Efficacy and Drug Delivery Mechanism Potential of RenovoRx’s TAMP™ Therapy Platform to Improve Targeted Cancer Drug Treatment Deliver (Nasdaq: RNXT)

Data shows that the Trans-Arterial Micro-Perfusion (TAMP) platform increases intra-arterial pressure, improving drug delivery with 100-fold increase local tissue concentration of the therapy
TAMP offers the potential to increase efficacy, improve safety and widen therapeutic window of drugs or other agents
LOS ALTOS, CA – May 21, 2024RenovoRx, Inc. – (“RenovoRx” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: RNXT), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel precision oncology therapies based on a local drug-delivery platform, today announced a publication of pre-clinical studies supporting the efficacy and drug delivery mechanism of RenovoRx’s Trans-Arterial Micro-Perfusion (“TAMP”)therapy platform. The data was published online in the peer-reviewed Journal of Vascular Interventional Radiology(“JVIR”) journal and will also be published in the print version.
The manuscript is authored by Khashayar Farsad, MD, PhD of the Department of Interventional Radiology at Oregon Health and Science University, and co-authored by Paula M. Novelli, MD, of the University of Pittsburgh Hillman Cancer Center, together with other researchers, including RenovoRx’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Ramtin Agah. Access the JVIR abstract: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38508449/.
Currently, most cancer patients with solid tumors receive chemotherapy intravenously, meaning it is introduced systemically into the entire body and causes well known adverse side effects. RenovoRx’s patented TAMP therapy platform is designed to bypass traditional systemic delivery methods and provide precise delivery to bathe the target solid tumor in chemotherapy. This precise delivery also creates the potential to minimize a therapy’s systemic toxicities.
The pre-clinical data published in JVIR showed a 100-fold (two orders of magnitude) increase in local tissue concentration of the therapy with TAMP compared to conventional intravenous (IV) delivery. TAMP also showed advantages compared to historically available intra-arterial (IA) delivery approaches. TAMP’s novel approach to treatment offers the potential to increase an oncology therapy’s efficacy, improve safety, and widen its therapeutic window by focusing its distribution uniformly in target tissue.
“TAMP has the potential to provide a valuable treatment option to patients who have been diagnosed with solid tumors that may be difficult-to-treat,” said Dr. Farsad. “The study shows a possible mechanism for how TAMP can increase local therapeutic tissue concentration in solid tumors that is independent from traditional catheter-directed therapy. We are awaiting final outcomes of the Phase III clinical trial, currently underway, to validate this benefit.”
Dr. Farsad adds, “This platform has the potential to extend across a variety of unmet needs for localized therapeutic drug delivery.”
About the Phase III TIGeR-PaC Clinical Trial
TIGeR-PaC is RenovoRx’s ongoing Phase III randomized multi-center study evaluating the proprietary TAMP therapy platform for the treatment of Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer (LAPC.) RenovoRx’s first product candidate, RenovoGem™, is a novel oncology drug-delivery combination utilizing TAMP administration technology combined with the FDA-approved chemotherapy, gemcitabine. The TIGeR-PaC study is comparing treatment with TAMP to systemic intravenous chemotherapy, the current standard of care.
The first interim analysis in the TIGeR-PaC study occurred at the 26th event of the specified events (deaths), and was completed in March 2023, with the Data Monitoring Committee recommending a continuation of the study. The TIGeR-PaC study’s primary endpoint is a 6-month Overall Survival (OS) benefit with secondary endpoints including reduced side effects versus standard of care.
About Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer (LAPC)
According to American Cancer Society’s Cancer Facts & Figures 2023, pancreatic cancer has a 5-year combined overall survival rate of 13% (Stages I-IV) and is on track to be the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths before 2030. LAPC is diagnosed when the disease has not spread far beyond the pancreas, however, has advanced to the point where it cannot be surgically removed. LAPC is typically associated with patients in Stage 3 of the disease as determined by the TNM (tumor, nodes and metastasis) grading system.
About RenovoRx, Inc.
RenovoRx is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel precision oncology therapies based on a proprietary local drug-delivery platform for high unmet medical need with a goal to improve therapeutic outcomes for cancer patients undergoing treatment. RenovoRx’s patented Trans-Arterial Micro-Perfusion (TAMP™) therapy platform is designed to ensure precise therapeutic delivery to directly target the tumor while potentially minimizing a therapy’s toxicities versus systemic intravenous therapy. RenovoRx’s novel and patented approach to targeted treatment offers the potential for increased safety, tolerance, and improved efficacy. Our Phase III lead product candidate, RenovoGem™, a novel oncology drug-device combination product, is being investigated under a U.S. investigational new drug application that is regulated by the FDA’s 21 CFR 312 pathway. RenovoGem is currently being evaluated for the treatment of locally advanced pancreatic cancer by the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (the drug division of FDA.)
RenovoRx is committed to transforming the lives of patients by delivering innovative solutions to change the current paradigm of cancer care. RenovoGem is currently under investigation for TAMP therapeutic delivery of gemcitabine and has not been approved for commercial sale.
For more information, visit www.renovorx.com. Follow RenovoRx on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
submitted by Temporary_Noise_4014 to 10xPennyStocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:30 hbdubs11 Anyone interested in identity resolution? It's been a game changer for my agency

We're doing both B2B and B2C identity resolution and audience building now. This means we put a pixel on our clients and our sites that tells us the names and active emails of visitors to our site without them opting in. We integrate with our email system and email them in real time. We also bypass all the IOS issues and can target anyone who comes to the site on Facebook vs the folks who didn't opt out of tracking. We use a B2B version that works too. Cheap retargeting and completely legit. Anyone else doing this or interested in trying it out?
submitted by hbdubs11 to DigitalMarketing [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:27 frootloopsonacid Went NC with entire family now struggling with decision- what do? (TW- SA)

Hi all it's a long story but I'll try and keep it short Basically I (34f) went NC with my whole family last year after my nephew (10 m) SA'D my daughter (5 f) this was traumatic for all of us, however, none of my family checked in on my kid which upset me. I did not want family to take sides, I had not asked them to, I just wanted to check in on my daughter, but they all seemed more interested in protecting my nephew so I did admittedly post some Facebook posts, not going into detail as to what happened but I did essentially disown my family in them and blocked them due to them being more offended that I was upset at them for being cold to my kid than the fact my nephew had assaulted my daughter in such a horrific way.
I obviously phoned the police about the situation before the blocking happened as there was CCTV of the incident, which happened at my parents house. I was there at the time of the incident but my daughter and nephew usually went off to play together with no problems previously, so obviously after I found my daughter had been assaulted, I was upset and have felt immensely guilty that she got violated under my nose and on my watch that day, however my mother was straight on the defensive and down playing everything saying that nephew wouldn't have time to do anything (going off the CCTV and what my daughter said he had plenty of time and definitely utilized it) and when I started to get upset about the situation (more weepy due to shock than anything else) she'd brerrate me until I eventually snapped and called her a couple of expletives and left with my partner and kids. We since found out that the case went to CPS (UK crown prosecution services) and wasn't deemed in the publics interest to prosecute due to nephews age.
I had not seen or heard anything from anyone (I blocked them but my partner didn't yet he's had no attempts to reach out from them either) up until my birthday 6 months later, when my mum sent me a birthday card , which had no acknowledgement of anything or asking about either of my kids and was a basic "to frootloopsoncrack happy birthday, from dad and mum" message. I told my mum not to reach out again as I didn't want anything to do with them. Message seemed to be recived until my daughters birthday last week. A parcel came through addressed to both daughters, containing dresses too big for both of them and a card then how school was and wishing my eldest a happy birthday and saying she hopes the dresses fit. This upset me again as she had ignored my request not to send anything and had attempted to bypass me and manipulate my kids while acting like nothing had happened. I get that she misses her grand kids but she needs to understand that to move forward there needs to be acknowledgement and acceptance that something happened to my daughter and that my boundaries I will want to put in place to keep my daughters safe in the future will be respected, at the moment, neither of these have shown any signs of happening as both attempts to reach out on mum's behalf have shown no acknowledgement and lack of respect for the NC rule as there was no conversation with my partner before both attempts to reach out. My mum had control issues anyway and this has been the source of a lot of conflicts between us as I have never wanted to do things she deemed "acceptable" and she's never shown interest in me unless it's an excuse to bully or belittle me and the things I enjoy (eg- music, comics, drawing etc) because my tase in music was "crap" and my other hobbies were childish and embarrassing for her.
The problem now is though, after 9 months of not speaking to all my family when I only really have a direct issue with my nephew, his mum and my mum, I'm starting to feel bad and guilty for lumping them in with them on my NC rule. I do have issue that nobody reached out to ask me how my daughter was doing or to see if she needed anything, she was 5 at the time of the assault after all and has had night terrors and flashbacks since, as well as having autism which is making everything harder for her to understand anyway, but I have no idea what they've been told or how they understand things to be, despite me alerting them to what happened Incase family with kids left them around my nephew un attended and it happened again, and I just hope they know I don't blame everyone else who wasn't involved for what happened, just their reactions to my child. I suppose what I'm asking is, do I try and reach out to those family members and let them know this or just stick with the NC barrier? My head is all over the place and though my partner has been supportive in all my decisions regarding my family, he doesn't see why I'm having a hard time distancing myself so I hope I'd be able to get outside advice. Thanks for reading as I know it's long and I'm autistic myself so have trouble keeping things concise!
submitted by frootloopsonacid to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:08 Material-Ad-9286 WELCOME TO CASTFORM

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One of Castform's standout features is its integrated email automation, which streamlines communication with prospects. Users can create personalized email campaigns, schedule follow-ups, and track engagement metrics, making it easier to nurture leads and convert them into clients.
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