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2012.10.04 09:21 AdrianBrony The place to share the things that scare your socks a bit loose.

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2024.06.01 13:40 samacora Official - Weekend Free Chat Thread

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2024.06.01 13:39 These_Ad_8619 Going back to work Monday and have questions - please help

Hey everyone - first time posting here. I’m a FTM to a 3.5 month old and my maternity leave is ending. Overall things have been pretty good but my husband and I definitely overcame a few challenges together and learned along the way to get to this point.
I’m thankful to have had a normal, healthy pregnancy and delivery and despite initial breastfeeding difficulties baby is healthy and feeding and sleeping well but I have a lot on my mind as I prepare to return to work Monday and would be happy to hear some feedback from this week have been here before.
1) I’m legit worried about what to wear - I feel like I’m between sizes in this awkward not still maternity not yet back to normal phase; I still feel awkward in my body and while I’m trying to love myself as I am I do feel old dysmorphic thoughts creep in so I’m trying not to get self conscious and remind myself that I recently birthed a human.
2) Speaking of, how long did it take you to lose your belly and how did you do it? Obviously I’m not as big as I was when carrying, but I definitely have a pooch leftover and trying to figure out how to get rid of it. I was pretty fit in the past but I may be on the low end of the PCOS spectrum (doc says I just barely meet the criteria), so it may be harder for me to lose weight but I admit that I haven’t restarted my workout routine beyond daily walks yet; not sure where to find the time or energy yet these days.
3) What is it like going back to work with a new baby? What makes your routine go smoothly? What did you try that worked and what didn’t work?
Basically I’m just trying to navigate how to go back to my corporate job (where I was recently promoted so there will be higher expectations/more responsibilities), while still attending to my baby/keeping my breastmilk supply up, taking care of my household, maintaining a good relationship with my husband, and getting my body back but it’s starting to feel overwhelming.
submitted by These_Ad_8619 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:38 Cautious_Security_68 We rise

A lot of people, possibly mostly the religious, are awaiting some messiah type to come and clean up the sewer weve blindly allowed to rule above us. in the bible there is this whiny figure called Gideon who had like 300 guys and was set to go up against thousands. the story irks me to be honest with all gideons whining and lack of knowing the power of God in us.
as i said in one of my last posts and have since been executing warning to the garbage holding itself above us as power which it is not, i am not waiting on anyone. i see these demons posts and offer a stern and dire warning because i see , i am shown the when we rise and the power of God source manifests in us they will paralyze in fear. ive been shown that for years and its been frustrating to say the least that others are content to join in the circus of gnarling and gnashing of teeth, its pathetic.
This is the time for it, presence of the word yesterday was " give me something to empower" kinda like gideon. and this come to meet us rising against this sewage beast holding false power above us . "I'm in" is the start and then listen, in silence of mind heart and attitudes we are led to our oneness in power it comes as naturally as "oh wow i was thinking about that for dinner as well" it pops in your head you call it an epiphany or whatever.
I'm led to bring grave warning because the fate of the sewage power brokers is grave. mitigating a desire for vengeance is always the task as for who can be brought out of the sewer, none can say. All i can say is im shown a power coming through us that is inconceivable and so potent it requires nothing more than its manifestation to correct this sick realm.
I'm all in" its all it takes and silence, perfection isnt required nor religion or religious dogma, thats all been poisoned. if a messiah is coming its already here in us, why they perverted the script was sioo that we would cast off personal accountability to wait on daddy to change our diapers, presence of the word just now, " reason with me in this, if I AM the power that is life in you what more could you require to straighten this mess out? would you shut me out of your minds while incapable of shutting me out of your very breath as you live simply by thinking it? Breath in breath out, I AM that power in all things."
submitted by Cautious_Security_68 to realspiritualawakenin [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:37 Guitarish_t 24m. Do you think there are platonic soulmates?

I met a girl online from another country. We met on Instagram in 2020. We both have same values, our thought process is also quite similar, we both believe in honest and straight forward communication and we actually do that. We do communicate and share things about our lives with each other no matter how little or big it is.
When I met her, I didn't see her romantically and I can't see her romantically even now due to some unknown reasons (maybe my attachment style, but who knows?). We have talked about this many times and asked each other whether any of us have any romantic feelings for each other and we always say that we can't feel romantic attraction towards each other even if we try and I also believe the same.
We both are demisexuals and for us, friendship is one such bond which is needed for us to develop sexual attraction for the other person but we don't have any such feelings for each other. However, I get attracted to people who have all the qualities as mine and my relationship with them hasn't been so good. I caught feelings for a girl who also think like, shares same values as mine but I developed romantic feelings for her even when I didn't know much about her or her life. Things became weird from my side and now I'm not talking to her for more than 2 weeks.
I'm pondering about all these things and I clearly don't have any answer why did I got attracted to someone who gave mixed signals but not to my friend whom I'm so comfortable with and our bond is actually very good. She calls me her platonic soulmate.
I want to know, if there's someone else who has experienced such type of friendship in their life and you're perfectly okay with this? Share your experiences or thoughts about this incident in comments :)
submitted by Guitarish_t to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:37 Some_Ambassador_8316 Mother in Law (59F) and grandma (59F). What’s should we do?

I have a mil ‘59/F’ who treats my step son like he’s a baby when he just turn 6 years old. Yes he may be the first grandchild but I still don’t agree on things she does. She watches him while my husband and I ‘24/M and 24/F’ are at work and brings him to home school program and other things while we’re at work. But when we both come home she doesn’t bring him home till 30 minutes before his bedtime or and hour before his bed time and then when he asks us to hang out with him she tells him sorry your going to bed and my husband and I never get to see him even when we’re off of work she takes him without asking us and when we call her she never answers her phone or she’ll always forget her phone. She also doesn’t let us potty trained him and when my husband tries to be a parent since I’m just the step parent and never have a say especially with his mom she goes and threatens that’s she gonna go to court and try to get custody of him even tho she the one who takes him away from us and we always try to spend time with him but she keeps him so busy by the time he gets home it’s too late cause it’s bedtime for him. And when we do get time to spend with him she has to be watching us like a hawk and even the child sees it and tell grandma to leave him alone and to stop following him. She thinks my husband is an “ abusive” parent when he is not and that he treats him with love and care and same with me but I try to not get involved when she is around cause she hates me for no reason. She also has him calling her mom and when we correct him saying that it’s grandma and not mom and that he has a step mom that he doesn’t need to call her mom and when we tell her to tell him that she grandma and not mom and that’s what he has to call you she ignores our request and does what she wants. She’ll mostly threaten about going to court to get custody of him (we live in NY) and is trying to runin our relationship with our son. What do you think we should do? Also we been together for 4 years next month and got married about 2 months also.
What can we do about this? Should we go to a lawyer about this? Yes or no?
Sorry rant over!
submitted by Some_Ambassador_8316 to grandparenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:37 Coxles Venting ig

I'm a female,14, and I'm in 8th grade studying for my final exams so I can enter a proper high-school(I'm Romanian),basically the years I went to school I didn't really get along with my classmates mostly because bullying was a big thing when new people appeared in the class or just small jokes about appearance would come up and you couldn't really do much about it.I made a friend there and she is problematic but I didn't start misbehaving since I met her.
My mother complains alot about me having no friends and my only friend being her.When she'd bring people up I would just tell her I don't care about them because,to be honest,I don't. It's just because she knows their mothers and gets along with them and considers that i should be friends with their daughters.Basically shoving people to be my friends when I don't think they even like me.
Fast forward,talks about a final party for 8th grade come up,and all my class decided to rent a place where just us we could party.I don't like them alot and sincerely I wasn't pleased to go at that party but I thought we should end up on good terms and have fun (?). Apparently they decided to make a group chat with only some people and the other class to plan a party together. But me and my friend weren't invited on that gc. Basically excluding us and other 2 girls. And after we found out we weren't very happy and decided to tell them we're not going to attend since they don't seem to care about what we want.
I was pretty mad and feeling excluded so I decided to tell my mom.I didn't want her to intervene I just wanted some comfort because I was feeling down. And I told her the whole story and she said that in her words "If other people were invited in that group and you weren't it means there's a problem with you" and I was kinda shocked because,wtf,how could you tell your child that?! I ofc didn't say anything and my father and her kept saying shit about me and how I don't have friends,I'm arrogant and narcissistic. And my mother said "I never forced you to be friends with anyone" and It got on my nerves because she litterally did,so I yelled that out,I told her that "You did" and my father just slapped me across my face and send me to my room.Ive never expected that from him.He never laid hands on me. Yes he would tell me shit but never hit me.
I went to my room in litterally shock. It wasn't enough for them but their continued with a lecture to my two brothers that I'm a problem.And my friend is a bad influence. I slept crying and I can't really tell anyone because that would be stupid
submitted by Coxles to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:37 PatroWasTaken 3 hours

Hey everyone, I don't expect anyone to reply to this as it'll probably be shrouded by the other posts. Just needed somewhere to write it all down.
My life has never been good. I've had moments of happiness, even for extended periods of time, but never for longer than a few months at most. I grew up in a horrible environments in and out of CPS where my Mum finally got custody of me at age 3, after I remained in a foster home for around 6 months. My Mom tried so hard for me, even until she won her court case against my birth Father. Until I was around 12, I was raised in a fairly normal environment by myself. Most of my childhood I never endured abuse or anything like that. It wasn't until I was 12, shit got real. At that age, people deemed my problems invalid because I was so young and "it couldn't be that bad" or "other people have it worse". I could never tell my Mum because I didn't want to dissapoint her and make it seem like all her efforts were for naught. As such, I sat alone with my problems, occasionally talking to people online, but nothing helped. When I turned 13, I discovered herbal cigarettes for the first time. I would roll a herb (usually something that produced a relaxing effect or a minor hallucinagen) and smoke it on my porch when my parents weren't home. After I first tried it, I told myself, "It was a good stress reliever, but I'm not gonna do this again. It's bad for me." This cycle repeated daily for around a month. Eventually, my parents found out. Despite my worries, they weren't mad. But the dissapointment in my Mum's eyes were unreal.
This was the moment where I first lost my parents trust.
Eventually, I stopped, as my parents hid everything away from me. Because of this I never wanted to be at my house, so I was with a new group of "friends: I had made. There was this one guy, who I'll name John. John shared a lot of my common interests, and would talk to me during class and we'd hang out at the centre of our city pretty often, just us two messing around and having fun, like a bunch of 8th grade boys. This lasted for a few months. I had one of the best birthdays ever with him. Around a month afterwards, this man somehow tricked me into sending nudes to him. I'm a straight man. I thought this was another one of his jokes and we'd be chill afterwards.
I was wrong.
The next day, I went to school surrounded by weirded stares and comments on the situation. I knew then, that I seriously fucked up bad. I somehow got myself out of the situation by saying it wasn't me, but my friendship with John was diminished. Despite this, he was the only friend I actually hung out with consistently after that. I dealt with his remarks in the times in the future, which grew more and more consistent as the times went on. I knew I had to let him go after he told my principle that I had a weapon on me for self defense (which basically everyone in my city does), which nearly led to me being suspended. Eventually, I abandoned him all together, and ran with whatever little amount of pride I had left. I fell into a huge state of depression after this. Even my online friends didn't want me anymore. Someone had accused me of being a pedophile and falsified screenshots. I had no one.
One day, after school, a friend who I wasn't particularly close with wanted to hang out with me after school. He mentioned his parents had a cabinet full of alcohol.
Seeing no danger with this, I accepted without hesitation. This was my first experience with alcohol. I got wasted with him, and for the first time in months, my worries washed away. Eventually, this became a weekly occurance. I would tell my parents I was going to the park, but instead I would get drunk with my friend. This soon became the only way I could live without stress. Around this time, I became closer with an acuqainted friend and his friend group, who we'll call Terry and his friends. Terry was a chill guy. We didn't share all the same interests, but he liked me for who I was. He didn't care about my past. I became closer with his friends, too. Eventually this became my new friend group. Around the time I formed this new friend group, I stopped going drinking with my other friend. Not because I didn't want to, but because he stopped pestering me to hang out with him like he did the months before. Instead, the roles were reversed at that point. Me and this friend group started hanging out more, and more, and more.
During this time, I met my first love. It was online, but it felt like the best thing in the world. We were young, and stupid. She was beautiful. I remember first talking to her on the phone on the plane ride to my Uncle's wedding. I decided to myself that I really liked this girl. I wanted her more than anything. I remember she was the only thing I dedicated myself for. Something I felt was worth being there for. I finally felt like I had some worth for the first time in forever. I should mention this was slightly before the drinking thing. We talked, we called, we loved for two whole weeks. Towards the end, I made the stupid mistake of telling her that "if I didn't meet her I probably would've killed myself". This wasn't entirely true. I was depressed before talking to her, but I don't think I was suicidal. However, this seemed to be a problem for her. Apparently, she felt trapped. Thus, she left me. I remember having to hide my heartbreak from my parents. I shortly got over it, however, and met a new girl from my school. I realize now I didn't love her, I loved the idea of being in a relationship. I remember joking to my ex about how bad my girtlfriend at the time was. After a while, she found out I was following other girls on instagram. I denied it at first, but discovered it was an opportunity to pin a breakup on her not trusting me enough, so I used that reason and dumped her. She later told the whole school I was unloyal (which I wasn't, I didn't even talk to the girls I followed). She proceeded to post shitty photos of me on her tiktok account. I remember being fuming. If sonething so small was the worst of my problems now, I would be blissful happy right now. A few weeks afterwards, I got back with my first ex. This time, it was one sided. After just over a month, I began to look at girls in my class with desire. I completely broke it off with my ex, telling her I didn't love her anymore. Years later, I still regret this decision. She accepted this, and we remained friends. Every time I felt lonely, I would talk to her again, and we would begin talking like we were together again. This repeated for around 6 months. We kept talking until around a few months ago, where I discovered she blocked me out of nowhere. I believe it was out of respect for her new boyfriend, which I respect.
After we had broken it off for the final time, I began spending time outside of school with my new friend group. Slowly, we began to hang out more and more. I even found a new girlfriend, which I had found off of quick add on snapchat, lol. Around Christmas, things went downhill. My friends asked a personal question, which was whether my girlfriend had sent me explicit pictures (i thought it would make me sound cooler if I said yes), but then they caught me in the lie, and they immediately lost trust for me. I saw the same look in their eyes as I saw in my Mother. Distrust. I tried to salvage the friendship, but I new it wouldn't be the same ever again. It still isn't. I saw the cycle repeat itself. Like last time, I left my girlfriend because I lost interest. I began to become depressed again. I started vaping and drinking to escape the pain. I didn't care as much about my looks anymore. I remember having one of the worst heartbreaks of my life afterwards. I told myself I wouldn't date ever again. I still hung out with my friends, but we all knew inside that we didnt care for each other as much as we acted. For around a month, I lived life in a cycle. A depressed cycle. One day, I caught a glimpse of a girl in my class who was exactly my type in a woman, physically and mentally. I knew she was far too good for me. I barely talked to her, and didn't have her on any social media. I eventually got the courage one afternoon to add her on snapchat, after one of my friends gave me her snap. This was after a mutual friend informed me that she found me attractive, which I didn't buy. The night I added her, we talked, and I rememebr playing games with her and her friends. It was one of the best nights I've ever had. I fucked up my sleep sdchedule just to speak to her longer. I got to know her more, and more. She was the most beautiful and perfect girl in the world. My eternal bliss lasted for a week. I had ordered flowers to ask her out with and I had the whole thing planned out with her friends. I remember going to my first work shift, and coming home, and getting a message from her:
"Hey, I think I'm lesbian. It's not your fault, I promise. I'm so sorry."
I was heartbroken, I kept tryna suffocated myself over and over again. I asked her why, what her thought process was. She eventually tired of my questions and she said that I was being a dick about it. I ended up sending her a message later that day telling her that I was sorry for being a dick about it (I still don't know what I did wrong). I didn't go to school the next day. I remember avoiding her hard for the whole rest of the school term. I was insanely depressed afterwards, the worst I've ever felt. she was the best thing that ever happened to me. I tried weed for the first time afterwards, it was mesmerising. It nearly compared to the feeling of being with her. But it was only a temporary escape. As the weeks went on, I became more and more depressed. Then, my parents found out I smoked weed, and my own mother told the police (I still dont know if thats morally right and im overthinking it) and my whole family found out and now hates me. I'm scheduled to see them tomorrow. I'm being illegally overowkred by my job, and I can;t do anything about it. I didn;t show up today, I'm probably already fired. I tried a cigarette today, it was one last thing I wanted to know before I pass. I went to one last convension today, and asked God for a sign to keep living. I ended up meeting a girl, asking for her number, and she gave me her insta and messaged me "You really thought I'd date you? Not tryna be mean".
In three hours, it'll turn midnight. I'll go to a store, find nitrous oxide, and overdose on that. Asphyxiation isn't that painful. I have nothing at all.
submitted by PatroWasTaken to Suicide_Talk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:36 Guitarish_t Do you think there are platonic soulmates?

I met a girl online from another country. We met on Instagram in 2020. We both have same values, our thought process is also quite similar, we both believe in honest and straight forward communication and we actually do that. We do communicate and share things about our lives with each other no matter how little or big it is.
When I met her, I didn't see her romantically and I can't see her romantically even now due to some unknown reasons (maybe my attachment style, but who knows?). We have talked about this many times and asked each other whether any of us have any romantic feelings for each other and we always say that we can't feel romantic attraction towards each other even if we try and I also believe the same.
We both are demisexuals and for us, friendship is one such bond which is needed for us to develop sexual attraction for the other person but we don't have any such feelings for each other. However, I get attracted to people who have all the qualities as mine and my relationship with them hasn't been so good. I caught feelings for a girl who also think like, shares same values as mine but I developed romantic feelings for her even when I didn't know much about her or her life. Things became weird from my side and now I'm not talking to her for more than 2 weeks.
I'm pondering about all these things and I clearly don't have any answer why did I got attracted to someone who gave mixed signals but not to my friend whom I'm so comfortable with and our bond is actually very good. She calls me her platonic soulmate.
I want to know, if there's someone else who has experienced such type of friendship in their life and you're perfectly okay with this? Share your experiences or thoughts about this incident in comments :)
submitted by Guitarish_t to AskIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:36 jamesgoodna M28 looking to share life problems

Hi im james m28
As the title says im looking to share life problems as well as general conversation with woman over 18 (I promise im not weird) im just not comfortable speaking to men. I am recently separated and trying to find who I am and make friends
I like many things and am open to talk about anything. I can listen to your problems as well as give advice.
I won't ghost anyone as I am looking for long term friendships
Have a great day everyone
submitted by jamesgoodna to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:35 incunebula Do you think I (26/F) messed everything up with my crush (26/M)?

I'm writing this because even if I'm the guilty one in the story, I still believe that even one piece of advice will be beneficial for me, thank you in advance.
So I (26F) was truly head over heels in love with a guy (26M) from my workplace (let's call him X) two and a half years ago. From the first day I started working, his interest in me, his disinterest in everyone else, and generally his good character, politeness, intelligence, his loving and subtle flirtatious behavior only towards me, his constant efforts to spend time with me, our great compatibility, flowing conversations, etc., made me fall for him more and more every day. Right after I started working, X moved to the desk right next to mine in the room where we worked and he refused to leave although he was supposed to be in a different department, so we spent most of our working hours, almost a whole year, together. My love for him grew steadily, and the more I got to know him, the more I loved him. Naturally, people in the office were also questioning whether there was something between us. Then X left the office to start his own business. And we never became a couple afterward. After he left, he visited the workplace a few times and sent me messages out of the blue at least five times over the next few months. I also messaged him two or three times similarly. And nothing came of it, and we drifted apart. His business partner, whom I also knew from before, called me 5-6 times randomly, I thought maybe he had him call me. Six months later, when I reopened my Instagram account (which was deactivated the whole time), I added him and he again sent a random message about my cat, and we talked a bit about our new lives, conversations ended him saying I should work with him and maybe our paths would cross again in the future. And it's been about two years since that conversation.
At the time, I thought he didn't confess his feelings to me for various reasons, and that's why this story remained unfinished. One reason was that a very close friend (they went to same hs and university) of his at work (let's call him Y (26M) also tried to flirt with me indirectly and sometimes directly for months, even when X was around. I constantly tried to break this cycle subtly and even hinted at my interest in X, but Y's meaningless interest, which I think stemmed from his generally very flirtatious nature, never ended and persisted. Since Y and I were good friends, I didn't want to do anything that would significantly hurt or upset him, although I should have; looking back, it was a great naivety of mine in my early twenties. Because I was well aware of X's introverted and proud nature. When Y tried to flirt, despite being close friends, X wouldn't join the conversation, would retreat to his corner, and become silent. I made an even bigger mistake; in the last days, when I didn't get any move from X (which might have had reasons, but back then, I couldn't think rationally due to the intensity of my feelings), I immaturely responded to Y's flirtations a couple of times in front of X just before X left the job, thinking X would get jealous and things might gain momentum. I went too far saying after X left Y should take his place and we should hang out with him a bit and X showed his reaction this time and got angry a little bit and said that Y could never take his place because of the office politics. Yes, it was a terrible and childish mistake. But I had convinced myself, "If X likes me, why doesn't he stop Y's actions?" Sometimes, I would also talk about the attempts of people outside the office to flirt with me. So that I look uninterested and cool, fool me. He never talked about any other girl. I don't know why I did that, wish I hadn't.
The second reason, naturally, was that we had a serious and demanding job, so I thought our relationship at work might not be well received, and he might have been afraid of creating an awkward atmosphere in case of a possible rejection since we were constantly together.
As for why I never made a move towards him after he left the job, the few conversations we had afterward and the lack of closure really broke my heart, and since I have also a very proud nature, I wondered if these were instances of "breadcrumbing" or if he just enjoyed getting attention from me. By the way, we went to the same university but had never met. Later, I learned from a mutual friend who knew X that he had been very much in love with a girl in university and after she broke up with him, he suffered a lot. (They still follow each other on social media) We met a year and a half after this happened. He never talked about her, ever. When I heard this, I thought he might not have forgotten her and was using me as a band-aid. And I decided to close this chapter completely. Initially, I was very upset for a while. But eventually, I moved on with my life. Since then, I've had a boyfriend who loved me very much, had people chasing after me, and went on dates. But I either felt nothing or didn't feel the same way as I did for him; I never got along with anyone as well as I did with him. So I always subconsciously avoided relationships to not break anyone's heart.
In the current situation, we're still following each other on Instagram, and we continued to do so even when I had a boyfriend. He never posted about any other girl. Right now, he's watching my stories, and despite not being active, whenever I share a story on Instagram, he shares a story same day as well. I'm aware that I need to leave him behind and not focus on these little things and overthink it, but whenever I see him on social media, I can't help but feel like I'm falling in love with him all over again and I am suffering because of the childish behaviors don't believe I can love someone else like I loved him. Do you think I messed everything up, or did he never love me enough and if he wanted to, he could've made a move?
submitted by incunebula to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:34 Mark-JoziZA Awkward moment with my father

I'm 36(M). I'm 5yrs+ sober now, and long may that last. I came home to visit my folks as it's both my Dad and Mom's birthdays in the last two weeks, so figured it'd be nice to come see them.
We played in a charity golf day, with most holes sponsored. Most sponsors had loads of snacks and drinks (heavy focus on shots, cocktails, or they had drinking games (e.g. down a beer, then flip the cup, and if it lands upright, your playing partner goes)). Luckily I'm able to now not worry about the booze on offer, so I really wasn't phased by that aspect - they all had water or soft drinks too.
Anyway, we get to the one hole with the flip cup game, and my dad awkwardly pulls the promotions lady aside and in a stage whisper pretty much announces "we've got a problem here. [My name] can not drink. We need to make a plan", and she sort of scrambled to get a new cup without booze in it. It was so fucking awkward and unnecessary, and as we drove off in the cart after teeing off, as I was about to start speaking to him about it, he said "I know, I know. Sorry."
I explained to him that he needn't make a thing of this, and it is no different to someone ordering a normal drink. Like it's not "special" that when I order, it needs pulling people aside, whispers, pre-checking what options are available (I.e. literally saying: "what drinks do not have alcohol, we need alcohol-free drinks" rather than just asking what soft-drinks they have).
Anyway, I was frustrated at first because I'm living (well, with a good job, healthy lifestyle, happier life) in a different country, and there is no concern when I'm not with them etc., it's like he just panics when I come visit. But I also thought to myself, that I process my alcoholism and recovery lots in my own life/world, but I suppose my folks went through terrible trauma as a result of my problems, and maybe haven't processed it for themselves yet. So I tried really hard to be understanding, but it was still incredible awkward knowing that this shadow may never leave me in their eyes.
So that's a bit of a shit feeling, but I can't control how he thinks. I do really worry that my father is developing memory problems, and I really fear that he may "remember me" from when I was going through dark times (just because those memories are seemingly prominently stuck with him) than who I am now.
Alcoholism will forever be my biggest shame, and because I'm part of quite an old-school minded family/friendship group, it will also be probably something that those closest to me probably feel too. It sucks. Short of upping and leaving, I suppose this is something I'll just have to live with. Anyway, appreciate anyone reading my frustrated ashamed vent. IWNDWYT
submitted by Mark-JoziZA to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:33 Blackmagic213 Why Waking Up Is The Most Difficult Thing You’ll Ever Do ⚰️

“Most people tell you they want to get out of kindergarten, but don’t believe them. Don’t believe them! All they want you to do is to mend their broken toys. "Give me back my wife. Give me back my job. Give me back my money. Give me back my reputation, my success." This is what they want; they want their toys replaced. That’s all. Even the best psychologist will tell you that, that people don’t really want to be cured. What they want is relief; a cure is painful.
Waking up is unpleasant, you know. You are nice and comfortable in bed.”
Waking up isn’t easy. It is the most difficult journey that you, pure awareness, will ever embark on. Why? Because it is a complete and utter surrender of everything you internally cherish. It is a death to the false sense of self. It is a death to the belief in the reality of matter. It is the chopping down of the tree of good and evil 🌳. Let me explain.
You see? Maya is a trickster. A hypnotic master. We all come here and we write about the bad things that Maya projects in our mind. We rave against poverty, racism, hunger, judging others, and other evils.
But while it’s easy to rave against the bad parts of the great illusion called Maya. We forget that Maya also dangles the carrot 🥕 of good illusions. Maya is a tree of good and evil. It also promises you shiny toys. Maya says….
See that’s the trick of Maya. It dangles both good and evil. It gives you something that it internally labels as good, then as you become attached to it….it pulls the rug from under you and takes it away.
If it doesn’t take it away, just a simple threat of it being taken away keeps you trapped in the game. That’s what anxiety is - Maya gave you a cherished gift, a cherished idea, a cherished position…Then all of a sudden, Maya threatens this cherished gift and now you are anxious. “I must protect this gift” you think to yourself….completely disregarding the fact that the gift in itself was an illusion the whole time.
That is why my writings is for the advanced surrenderer, those who are ready to chop down the tree of good and evil to reveal the tree of life 🕉️. If you are still in this to get some sort of baubles, trinkets, or other “good” carrots that Maya dangles; then please discard anything that I write about. If you’re ready to leave the Matrix, to leave Maya, then continue reading because…..
Then the illusion still has a hold on you. You still believe that Maya can offer you something.
I am not perfect and I too I’m learning to return to Self, to my original nature. But at least for today, I can confidently tell Maya “Nah I’m chill with your gifts. I know your tricks and I will not be hypnotized by them”. Namaste 🪔
submitted by Blackmagic213 to awakened [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:33 mr_sam_sepiol Hey guys share your experiences and opinions about Lenovo LOQ 15IAX9

Hey guys share your experiences and opinions about Lenovo LOQ 15IAX9
So yesterday I bought this gaming laptop named Lenovo Loq i5 12450hx rtx 3050 6gb VRAM, 16 RAM and 512 GB SSD.
I bought it from the retail/offline store at 69390 ruppees , well up untill now the experience is great, everything I researched about its specs online, I've got it all. I've haven't installed any games for now but I plan to do so in the near future.
But the main thing I want to know is for how many years it will work efficiently
( edit : see, i know the duration of an electronic gadget like laptop depends upon its user's worflow or how he uses it, but here the problem or confusion (let's say doubt) that I'm facing is that I'm always feeling a fear of its motherboard issues in the future bcz I've similar experiences with other gadgets regarding motherboard issues and it made me sad a lot.)
Therefore I want you guys to share your experiences regarding lenovo LOQ series (if you have used it), what are the problems that you have faced, what you had to go through, what are the pros and cons of using lenovo products.
Anything you want to share 😅
Because I'm only fearing about its motherboard if by any chance any problems occurs, then I'm literally cooked 💀😂
But if someone could share their experiences regarding this LOQ series then it would be a huge help and satisfaction for me, I promise.
You can also give me some tips for maintaining a laptop for a longer period, as its my first gaming laptop I want to utilize ir for the fullest 😋
submitted by mr_sam_sepiol to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:33 honeybadgerinf Is this manipulative behavior

My girlfriend of 3 years says that if I have she will relapse, for context me and my girlfriend met while she was heavily addicted to all nicotine products and alcohol. I on the other hand have always been against it. I don’t drink and I’ll be found dead before I smoke. I told her my concerns at the beginning of the relationship and she actually quit and I’m super proud of that. If it wasn’t for the fact that she also found another way of dealing with her emotions. And that is lashing out at me. I have been in the relationship for almost 3 years ( not married ) and my mom and my best friend recently pulled me aside to ask whether I felt comfortable in the relationship. I was so confused because prior to us talking about my girlfriend I thought there was no chance what she was doing was wrong. But what they were saying was that I was such a good boyfriend and her lashing out was a product of her not knowing how to deal with her emotions. I took there opinions and advice with an open mind and I went to talk to her about it, asking wether she was okay and telling her I didn’t feel like her lashing out was okay or acceptable. She then lashed out again saying how I was ungrateful for all she did for me. I said something I know regret but I yelled out “ maybe I should leave you if you’re so immature you can’t even talk about your feelings”. Then she curled up on our bed and cried until she fell asleep. I felt so bad, as a 6,4 280 pound lifter I could imagine how scared she might have been. So then the next morning I made her breakfast. Told her I was sorry and gave her a hug. Before I left for work she told me “ if you leave me I will relapse” these words shattered in me like a bullet and I didn’t even know how to react. I just said I’m sorry and went to process what she just said in the car. Later telling my mom and best friend about what happened then mentioned that she was manipulating me. I don’t know what to think about this and it’s hard even being in the same bed after what she said. I just need someone to give me guidance
submitted by honeybadgerinf to Manipulation [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:32 bunnyfvck Placebo Effect?

I just started taking 150mg of Wellbutrin yesterday for depression and some add symptoms. I also take Caplyta 42 mg and Lamotrigine 100 mg. One thing I can feel is that I'm very awake overall in a better mood. But when I looked it up people usually say it takes several weeks to see a difference. I know the placebo effect is very real but I genuinely feel like 30% better already. I did also stop smoking weed carts because I'm nervous about the seizures so it could also be that. Has anyone else experienced this?
submitted by bunnyfvck to Wellbutrin_Bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:32 LeVanillaBean Out of stock items...

ETA: I feel like I need to put this here because of a recent post regarding what I'm about to clarify here. This nor any post I make about customers is intended to demonize them. Blanket statements can be a dangerous thing, and I'm not looking to add to that. A lot of the customers and regulars I have interacted with are great and fun as heck to talk to.
If we have an item, ingredient, etc, out of stock, please don't get mad at us. We don't control the stock we have, nor are we able to just tell people know if say, they want a chocolate croissant or a bacon gouda. I understand people have bad days and/or can be irritable for whatever reason, but it doesn't excuse any unnecessary backlash.
We don't control the stock of things. Heck, there's a lot that we don't have control of. A lot of the time, people will just say, "Okay, I don't want anything then." And just go about their day. That's alright. That's pretty reasonable. But getting into a mini tantrum and then unloading your anger at me or my fellow partners, whether that be baristas, ssv, asm, or sm, isn't on. It'll never be on. Unless any of us happen to be rude right off the bat.
Sorry. Bogo was... Something yesterday and there was uptake of people overreacting over is being out of stock on things.
submitted by LeVanillaBean to starbucks [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:30 thankyoumydarling My (22F) boyfriend (23M) said he might want kids in the future. I do not. Are we doomed?

We’ve been together for 3 years, great relationship so far with a few bumps but nothing we couldn’t get over. I’ve always maintained the stance of no to children, but I will go through periods where I think kids would not be so bad. He is also the same. The only difference is, he says IF he decides he wants kids, it will absolutely 100% be after 10 years, when we are financially stable and have travelled, and he said the chance of him wanting kids then is still maybe 5%. He would be open to it if it happened, after 10 years basically.
My thoughts are (as much as I don’t want to) we should end things now, rather than in 10 years time if he might want kids then. His thoughts are, he doesn’t want to leave me for the miniscule chance that he MIGHT end up wanting kids, because as it stands, it’s very likely he will not want kids when he gets to 33.
I just don’t want to stand in his way of having children, if he decides he wants to. In my eyes, if we end things now, he will have the chance to find a woman who is also on the same page as him, even if she also MIGHT want kids, it’s a better chance for him to have kids with her than me. He says, he doesn’t want to full stop, and if he ends up wanting kids, that’s just something he will have to live with, and he will not hold resentment for me because it won’t be my fault.
We are truly lost on what to do. I want his happiness so bad, and I don’t want to stand in the way of it on the off chance that he might end up wanting kids. But then again, anything can happen over the course of 10 years right? I might end up being more open to children too, although right now I cannot see that happening. We are planning to find a couples counsellor to see what they say. What is the best course of action here, if anyone has experienced this too?
TLDR: Boyfriend says there’s maybe a 5% chance that after 10 years he will want kids, I want him to find someone he is on the same page with because I don’t want kids at all. He doesn’t want to leave me.
submitted by thankyoumydarling to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:30 SpiteZealousideal612 Why it happens

I noticed long ago that some apps like chrome, or something else, doesn't opens (it doesn't happens every day, but sometimes). Or the most mysterious thing in that situation - is lagging of Package Installer, in lagging i mean he show's me black screen for 1 second, and then repeat that several times, it looks creepy... It looks like ordinary checking of some app for the presence of viruses, and he want to show me this, but there is nothing, just black screen..
I have Xiaomi phone, and the most interesting thing, that this shit begun after i updade my gadget to miui 13. There was no strange things before that. So idk what is that. I thought it was the viruses, but i checked my built-in antivirus and also installed other, like: Dr web, ESET and Bitdefender. They say that my phone is safe and i don't have any suspicious files.
So i think it's some system problems with my phone, because of miui 13. He is the worst mi update, that was on my phone.
But what about you, what's your opinion about this? Is it virus or something minor? What do you think?
submitted by SpiteZealousideal612 to privacy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:29 swallowyoursadness What weird things do you say to your cats? I tell her she's going to work on a farm or that we're going to roast her for dinner

What weird things do you say to your cats? I tell her she's going to work on a farm or that we're going to roast her for dinner submitted by swallowyoursadness to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:28 IAmOutOfGoodNames No good hobbies = No life?

I feel like I need good hobbies.
I think people who commit their full life time to work, study or being mandatory productive don't really have the "real life" I am thinking about.
Real life is for me something outside of the work environment.
Or maybe it's just me trying not to be a boring guy.
When people ask me about my hobbies, I always make something up to make myself more interesting or I make up excuses like "I don't have much time for hobbies due my work/studying".
If I am honest, my hobbies would be lying around lazy and enjoy, watching YouTube, surfing internet, reddit, and other only consuming-hobbies. And when people ask me what I like to watch on YouTube or look up in the internet, I don't want to tell because sometimes it's not really specific, private or just for fun. I am not really ambitious expect for work/study.
I think people consider this a "no life guy" so I try saying half-true hobbies like "sport, playing instrument, reading, hanging out with friends, going for a walk, travelling". You know, the basic things. In conversations I will try to focus on the hobbies of my conversation partner so I can talk less about myself.
I think hobbies tell something about you, your interests, your identity, your personality. In my case I would be a lazy potato guy who likes to stay at home which is kinda the truth lol. Some people would say that's not "living".
Do you think I need better hobbies?
submitted by IAmOutOfGoodNames to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:28 deeptechsharing Beatport Top 100 Downloads June 2024

Title: Beatport Top 100 Downloads June 2024 Genre: House, Deep House, Tech House, Techno (Peak Time / Driving), Melodic House & Techno, Minimal / Deep Tech, Nu Disco / Disco, Funky / Groove / Jackin’ House, Dance / Electro Pop, Bass House, Progressive House, Drum & Bass, Trance Release Date: 2024-06-01
DOWNLOAD in 320kbps / FLAC: https://sharing-db.club/djs-chart/483886_beatport-top-100-downloads-june-2024/
Tracklist: 1. Layton Giordani, Anyma (ofc), Loofy – Last Night (Anyma x Layton Giordani Extended Remix) (5:14) 2. Sem Jacobs, Tagmann – Blue Berries (Extended Mix) (6:17) 3. Jennifer Lopez, FISHER (OZ) – Waiting For Tonight (Extended Mix) (4:50) 4. John Summit, HAYLA – Shiver (Cassian Extended Remix) (5:04) 5. Sean Paul, Odd Mob – Get Busy (Odd Mob Extended Club Mix) (3:41) 6. John Summit, Sub Focus, Julia Church – Go Back (Original Mix) (3:40) 7. Mr. Belt & Wezol – It’s Not Right But It’s Okay (Extended) (4:01) 8. ANOTR, Leven Kali, Erik Bandt – How You Feel (Original Mix) (6:01) 9. UNKLE, &ME, Keinemusik – Only You (&ME Remix) (8:34) 10. The Chemical Brothers, ARTBAT – Hey Boy Hey Girl (ARTBAT Extended Mix) (5:25) 11. Chris Lake, Nathan Nicholson, Sammy Virji – Summertime Blues (Extended Mix) (5:29) 12. Skrillex, Hamdi, Taichu, OFFAIAH – Push (feat. OFFAIAH) (3:05) 13. Maz (BR), VXSION – Amana (Original Mix) (7:04) 14. PAWSA – PICK UP THE PHONE (feat. Nate Dogg) (Extended Mix) (5:59) 15. Disclosure, Eliza Doolittle – You & Me (Rivo Extended Mix) (6:02) 16. Robbie Doherty – Work It (Original Mix) (5:44) 17. Raffaella Carra, Agatino Romero, Jaxomy – Pedro (Extended Mix) (3:30) 18. Trace, Liquid Rose – Bitch, Don’t Kill My Vibe (Extended Mix) (6:02) 19. RAFFA GUIDO – Famax (Original Mix) (5:35) 20. Loofy – Last Night (Extended Mix) (6:04) 21. Max Styler – Lights Out (Extended Mix) (5:31) 22. Sharam – PATT (Party All The Time) (Adam Beyer, Layton Giordani & Green Velvet Remix) (5:47) 23. Martin Ikin – Hustlin’ (Extended Mix) (4:49) 24. David Morales, Wh0, Sam Frandisco, Steve Martano – Needin’ U (Extended Mix) (6:11) 25. The Outfield, Diplo – Your Love (Diplo Remix) (2:35) 26. Mau P – On Again – Sharing-DB.club (Original Mix) (6:46) 27. Wuki, Trace (UZ) – Shake It (Extended Mix) (5:11) 28. Chris Lake, Gotye, Kimbra, Sante Sansone, FISHER (OZ) – Somebody (2024) (Extended Mix) (4:15) 29. House of Prayers, Maxim & Matte – All Night (Crazibiza Remix) (6:09) 30. Layton Giordani – New Generation (Space 92 Remix) (5:41) 31. Skrillex, Ahadadream, Priya Ragu, contra (US) – TAKA (Extended Mix) (3:26) 32. Ghostbusterz – Long Train Running (Original Mix) (4:40) 33. Maz (BR), Antdot – Run (Extended Version) (7:30) 34. &ME, Rampa, Adam Port, Keinemusik, Alan Dixon, Arabic Piano – Thandaza (feat. Alan Dixon, Arabic Piano) (Original Mix) (7:04) 35. Clüb De Combat – House Anthem (Original Mix) (7:41) 36. Yvvan Back, Afterman – Who’s That Girl (JL & Afterman Mix) (5:20) 37. Adam Ten – Magic Circus (Original Mix) (5:00) 38. Massano – Talking (Extended Mix) (5:22) 39. DNMO, Wolfy Lights, Blooom – Bombalaya (Blooom Remix) (4:08) 40. TWENTY SIX, Tayson Kryss – Buscando Money (HUGEL & Jesús Fernández Extended Remix) (5:27) 41. MAXI MERAKI, Samm (BE) – Everybody Get Up (Original Mix) (8:24) 42. Bob Marley & The Wailers, Fisher – Jamming (FISHER Rework) (3:21) 43. CASSIMM, Mahalia Fontaine – Say Yeah (Extended Mix) (5:47) 44. Disclosure – She’s Gone, Dance On (Extended Mix) (5:55) 45. Space Motion – Baiana (Original Mix) (6:04) 46. The Temper Trap – Sweet Disposition (John Summit & Silver Panda Extended Remix) (5:44) 47. Barry Can’t Swim – Kimbara (Extended Mix) (4:25) 48. Maz (BR), Antdot, Letícia Fialho – Corpo e Canção (Original Mix) (6:21) 49. War – Low Rider (Kyle Watson Remix) (5:25) 50. Sasha, Super Flu – Astra (Sasha’s Daydream Mix) (7:45) 51. RUZE – Everybody (Original Mix) (4:33) 52. Eli Brown – Trick Daddy (Extended Mix) (5:07) 53. Zamna Soundsystem, ROZYO, Armonica – Summertime Sadness feat. Blu (Original Mix) (5:31) 54. Wakyin, Carlos Vives – Beso (Fruta Fresca) (Extended Mix) (6:31) 55. Argy, Baset – Sierra (Extended Version) (4:11) 56. Gorgon City – One New Change (Extended Mix) (6:50) 57. Riko Dan, K Motionz, ArrDee – Heavyweight (Extended Mix) (3:00) 58. Jay Lumen – Bang To The Beat (Extended Mix) (5:56) 59. Freenzy Music, Marian (BR) – Pakit Ban (Original Mix) (6:00) 60. AYYBO – All We Need (Deep Inside) (Original Mix) (5:17) 61. John Summit – EAT THE BASS (Extended Mix) (4:35) 62. David Penn, OFFAIAH – Satisfied (Extended Mix) (5:16) 63. &ME, Black Coffee, Keinemusik – The Rapture Pt.III (Original Mix) (8:02) 64. Jamie xx, Honey Dijon – Baddy On The Floor (Original Mix) (3:42) 65. Eli Brown – I Got Money (Extended Mix) (5:14) 66. Tony Romera, Crusy – The Unknown (Extended Mix) (5:30) 67. AYYBO – RIZZ (Extended Mix) (5:18) 68. Rosalie, James Mac, VALL – The Boy Is Mine feat. Rosalie (Club Mix) (6:16) 69. ACRAZE, Don Toliver – Bandit (Extended Club Mix) (4:11) 70. Hot Since 82, Ron Carroll – Preach (feat. Ron Carroll) (Extended Mix) (8:23) 71. Martin Ikin – In The Streets (Extended Mix) (5:08) 72. Doche – Pick Up The Pieces (Extended Mix) (5:09) 73. Diffrent – A Little Closer (Extended) (5:18) 74. Max Styler – Follow Me (Original Mix) (5:11) 75. nari, Steve Tosi – S.O.S (Original Mix) (4:29) 76. Estiva – Fine Day (Extended Mix) (7:00) 77. Moeaike – Bo Bom (Alan Dixon Remix) (5:39) 78. Yann Muller, DE SOFFER – Mas Que Nada (Extended Mix) (4:15) 79. Chris Avantgarde, Kevin de Vries – Killa (Original Mix) (5:34) 80. YOUniverse (IT), Beltran (BR) – Still Pushin’ (Original Mix) (5:56) 81. Liva K – The Drill (Original Mix) (6:59) 82. Joshwa – Get Stupid (Extended Mix) (5:27) 83. Zerb, Sofiya Nzau – Mwaki (Extended Mix) (4:32) 84. W&W, Raffaella Carra, Agatino Romero, Jaxomy – Pedro (W&W Remix – Extended) (3:30) 85. Sidney Charles – Space Bass (Original Mix) (6:09) 86. Adriatique, Eynka – Beyond Us (Extended Hatshepsut Version, Alex Wann remix) (6:03) 87. Julian Jordan – I DON’T KNOW (Extended Mix) (3:52) 88. Layton Giordani, Eli Brown, OFFAIAH – When I Push (Original Mix) (5:22) 89. Sasha, Super Flu – Astra (Extended) (5:58) 90. Da Hool, Maddix, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Kiki Solvej – Meet Her At The Love Parade (Instrumental Mix) (5:40) 91. Buogo – Rave It (Original Mix) (6:01) 92. Malone, Nacho Scoppa – On Yo Head (Original Mix) (6:03) 93. Sub Focus, Julia Church, John Summit – Go Back feat. Julia Church (D&B VIP) (3:29) 94. Tiesto, Prophecy – My City (Original Mix) (3:18) 95. HoneyLuv, Roland Clark – This Is My Life (Bontan Extended Mix) (5:37) 96. Sugar Hill – I Love You So ((Extended mix)) (5:10) 97. Christian (IT) – Ain’t Nobody 2024 (Original Mix) (4:51) 98. Alex Stein – The Chant (Original Mix) (6:06) 99. James Hype – Wild (Extended Mix) (5:40) 100. Rova – Eyes On Me (Original Mix) (3:43)
submitted by deeptechsharing to deeptech_house [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:26 DarennKeller How did I get 10000 wishlists as a solo indie dev? Time to share what worked for me!

My solo indie game just reached the 10000 wishlists last week (10484 to be exact). I never thought I could reach that number on my own without a proper marketing team, budget or big following.
I'd like to share with you what worked and didn't in the hopes it can be helpful to you too.
Disclaimer: I did sign with a publisher two months ago, and while they are already working on marketing stuff, nothing has been published yet. Those numbers are 100% from my own "marketing" efforts. There are people way better at this than me! I'm just sharing my experience here and I'll let you judge if it's helpful. Some things that did not work with me might work with others (and vice versa)!
Let's sort what worked out the best for me. Steam Events > Influencers > Reddit > Twitter > Devlogs (I can't put image on this subreddit, but you can take a look at my wishlist graph with key notes on my original free patreon post)
It might sound obvious, but take the time to check your wishlists regularly, especially whenever you're trying to give visibility to the game with a post/video/announcement/mail. It will allow you to know what works and doesn't. I usually check out youtube and twitch for gameplay videos or press articles whenever there's a bump while I'm not in an event or did not post anything.
Keep posting stuff on social networks. I know it takes time for a small reward, but it's good to have those regular wishlists. It also shows development is alive and you never know when it will reach an influencer or press. When I stopped sharing my stuff for a while, wishlists completely dropped, I was even loosing some everyday! Reddit is harsh, but very rewarding.
I publish devlogs on my youtube channel. I got ~200 wishlist from more than 100k views that took me weeks of work. I don't think publishing devlogs is an efficient way to promote your game, UNLESS you go viral or that your videos also target players by being more accessible without too much technical stuff (mine are definitely targeting game devs for now). I'm only speculating here, but I think game developers are mostly interested in learning from your journey than actually wishlisting/playing your game compared to players which results in less wishlists. So do it only if it makes you happy and you want to share your journey (and be careful not to overwork while doing it)!
Influencers are great for 3 reasons:
  1. They give your game visibility.
  2. They give you feedback to make your game better.
  3. They are usually keen to do it for free to help small indie devs.
Build yourself a press list: a list of press and influencer that might be interested in playing your game. Find their mails online, on their website, channel page or social networks. When you have something very interesting to show them (a new demo, event or announce) send them all a mail (but don´t spam them)!
Here are two accounts you should follow to get tips about how to properly reach to influencers (and other game marketing in general): Clemmy and Wanderbot (subscribe to their newsletters!)
Events are huge for wishlists. It's easy and it does not take time to submit and they are usually free. But there are two big issues with events:
  1. You have to find them.
The best free place to find most events is on the HTMAG discord created by Chris (@AdventureMtn). There's also this amazing calendar with all the events (thanks to u/mreliptik for sharing this with me)!
  1. You have to be accepted.
You need a demo, quality marketing assets to share and a good steam page. Again, Chris has some awesome tutorials (free and paid) to get a great steam page up. Consider supporting him if his tutorials helped you!
WARNING Do not submit your game to the steam next fest too soon like I did. You want to submit as late as possible, ideally just before your release. Each game gets one shot at the steam next fest, and the more wishlists you have going in, the more wishlists you'll get. I made that mistake because I thought I would release the game 2 months later (lol).
On a side note, you will have tons of wishlist deletions. Don't worry about it, that's perfectly normal (I won't lie, the first 1000 deletions still hit me hard though).
I think the best time to create your steam page is as soon you have a small trailer, screenshots and interesting description that do not look like a prototype full of placeholders. The sooner you have it, the sooner you start collecting wishlists! With the steam page also comes the whole steam community package, which is a plus to keep in touch with people who like your game. I don't really see any disadvantage in having a steam page early, but you might want to plan the communication around the page release to maximize visibility right away. Do not release it without telling anyone! When you demo is out, you can update your page and announce it everywhere too (try to give the exclusivity to a big showcase if you can!).
Things that did not work for me: devlogs, replying to influencers asking for games on twitter, using those spammy hashtags to promote your game (#wishlistwednesday etc...), posting uninteresting stuff about the game developement EVERY day, reposting the same content, posting on the popular subreddits, sharing my game on those "share your work" channel on discord servers, paid ads and plenty of other little things I wasted my time on because I was desperate to get more wishlists.
I hope this was was a nice read! Just to make this clear, this is my experience and it might work very differently for different type of games and game developers. If you'd like to try the game for yourself, you can play the demo on steam. And if you'd like to keep following my journey, you'll find all my links/socials/newslettepatreon stuff here.
Don't hesitate if you have questions, I'll do my best to find time and reply!
submitted by DarennKeller to gamedev [link] [comments]
