Prediction angka main kampoeng togel 13 03 2011

21(f) when will my chronic health issue resolve

2024.06.01 11:59 Fantastic-Frame4628 21(f) when will my chronic health issue resolve

I've been sick for over a year Will it ever get better?
submitted by Fantastic-Frame4628 to vedicastrology [link] [comments]


Follow the link for last month's recap: April 2024 - Psychological Thrillers & Body Horror!
May was Body Horror & Home Invasion Month!
In a first for the marathon, I watched a newly released show that coincided with this month's theme, Parasyte: The Grey... Regarding how it's data will be inputted, I will be logging each episode oj the day they were watched, but the entire show will be marked as 'one film' for the tally, with all of its runtime going into the total as per usual.
With that out of the way, here's this month's line-up!
May 01 - When a Stranger Calls (1979) 97min
May 02 - The Fly (1986) 96min
May 03 - High Tension (2003) 90min
May 04 - Crimes of the Future (2022) 107min
May 05 - Eden Lake (2008) 91min
May 06 - The Human Centipede (2009) 92min
May 07 - Funny Games (2007) 111min
May 08 - Hellraiser (1987) 94min
May 09 - Final Destination (2000) 98min
May 10 - Saw (2004) 103min
May 11 - Eraserhead (1977) 89min
May 12 - Mother's Day (1980) 90min
May 13 - Splinter (2008) 82min
May 14 - Teeth (2007) 94min
May 15 - The Purge (2013) 86min
May 16 - Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989) 67min
May 17 - Don't Breathe (2016) 89min
May 18 - Videodrome (1983) 88min
May 19 - The Strangers: Chapter 1 (2024) 91min
May 20 - The Blob (1988) 95min
May 21 - Hush (2016) 82min
May 22 - American Mary (2012) 102min
May 23 - Knock Knock (2015) 99min
May 24 - A Serbian Film (2010) 103min
May 25 - Sleep Tight (2011) 97min
May 26 - Thanatomorphose (2012) 100min
May 27 - Contracted (2013) 84min
May 28 - The Brood (1979) 92min
May 29 - Inside (2016) 85min
May 30 - Bug (2006) 98min
May 31 - Street Trash (1987) 100min
Current Entries: 48
Current Runtime: 4,459min (74hr 19min ≈ 3 1/10 Days)
Total Entries: 239
Total Runtime: 23,088min (384hr 48min ≈ 16⅓ Days)
Now it's time for June, Found Footage Month!
submitted by Bi0_B1lly to horror [link] [comments]


April 2024 - Psychological Thrillers & Body Horror Month
May was Body Horror & Home Invasion Month!
In a first for the marathon, I watched a newly released show that coincided with this month's theme, Parasyte: The Grey... Regarding how it's data will be inputted, I will be logging each episode oj the day they were watched, but the entire show will be marked as 'one film' for the tally, with all of its runtime going into the total as per usual.
With that out of the way, here's this month's line-up!
May 01 - When a Stranger Calls (1979) 97min
May 02 - The Fly (1986) 96min
May 03 - High Tension (2003) 90min
May 04 - Crimes of the Future (2022) 107min
May 05 - Eden Lake (2008) 91min
May 06 - The Human Centipede (2009) 92min
May 07 - Funny Games (2007) 111min
May 08 - Hellraiser (1987) 94min
May 09 - Final Destination (2000) 98min
May 10 - Saw (2004) 103min
May 11 - Eraserhead (1977) 89min
May 12 - Mother's Day (1980) 90min
May 13 - Splinter (2008) 82min
May 14 - Teeth (2007) 94min
May 15 - The Purge (2013) 86min
May 16 - Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989) 67min
May 17 - Don't Breathe (2016) 89min
May 18 - Videodrome (1983) 88min
May 19 - The Strangers: Chapter 1 (2024) 91min
May 20 - The Blob (1988) 95min
May 21 - Hush (2016) 82min
May 22 - American Mary (2012) 102min
May 23 - Knock Knock (2015) 99min
May 24 - A Serbian Film (2010) 103min
May 25 - Sleep Tight (2011) 97min
May 26 - Thanatomorphose (2012) 100min
May 27 - Contracted (2013) 84min
May 28 - The Brood (1979) 92min
May 29 - Inside (2016) 85min
May 30 - Bug (2006) 98min
May 31 - Street Trash (1987) 100min
Current Entries: 48
Current Runtime: 4,459min (74hr 19min ≈ 3 1/10 Days)
Total Entries: 239
Total Runtime: 23,088min (384hr 48min ≈ 16⅓ Days)
Now it's time for June, Found Footage Month!
submitted by Bi0_B1lly to horrorfilms [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:17 DislikesSand Debunking The Codex

original doc:


This is an article refuting the scales of Dragon Ball that the site known as has, as well as the validity of its tiering system and judgement.
Our goal is to turn this website and its maker into a laughing stock.


Asa believes that science is the fundamental explanation of everything. This is scientism. Scientism is wrong.
Since the very foundation of knowledge of this wiki is based on lies, it serves to prove that all of its statements are lies. A false theory can only produce true results in the real world, a false theory can produce only false results in the world of imagination.

Motivated Reasoning

One of us tried to talk to Asa. However, he would not change his mind no matter what, despite the many scans that refuted him.
Being a follower of the supremely illogical belief known as scientism, he likely has a lot of experience in using mental gymnastics to keep his beliefs secure.

Dragon Ball

Quick Clarification on Canon

The original manga is canon. The original and Z anime are canon. Super is canon (anime and manga). GT is canon. Movies are not canon.

Debunking Island Level

Above Island Level Feats

But Frieza Can’t Survive a Planet Bust!

  1. He did, you moron.
  2. According to the codex

Debunking sub-FTL

Debunking Shitty Standards
To start off, as our Tiering System & Attack Potency system, base our standards off real life and thus assume a verse for the most part follows our real life laws of physics in order to give them statistics, we also follow that the verse follows relativity. As we allow gravity to exist, a concept directly connected to relativity and time. Thus with this baseline established, achieving speeds faster then the speed of light is impossible as that requires infinite energy, and faster then light speeds are impossible as the faster you travel through space, the slower you travel through time.
Already starting off with appeal to reality. And don’t you fucking strawman me by saying ‘oooo then we can’t calculate planet busting!!!’. Fuck you. We use real life to guide character feats and understand what they are. We do not use real life to limit a character. We can use real life physics and geometry to figure out that a character who smashes through planets while traveling across the milky way in seconds is massively FTL and bare minimum continental. We do not use real life physics to say ‘actually that never happened’.
As explained above, space travel granting Faster Than Light is not an allowed idea due to the existence of time dilation, but also with the existence of "apparent" or "effective" FTL which proposes an area of space-time is distorted to temporarily allow faster then light travel"Apparent" or "effective" FTL,[1][2][3][4].
  1. There are several space travel feats in DB and other works
  2. Spaceships in DB travel FTL. That is how they work. How? They go really fast. That’s that. Fuck relativity.
  1. Give me one statement that implies FTL travel in DB works like this. No using real life physics or your fanfiction. One. One concrete statement that time dilation is the reason why. Do not use steven universe. Use Dragon Ball.

Solar Flare is Light Generated by Ki

Light. Generated by Ki. Light in Dragon Ball is faster than it is in real life.
‘But science!’
  1. Fuck your scientism
  2. Fuck real world science. This is fiction. Light can be faster than IRL light if the author wants it to be.

Many FTL feats

Original DB


Whis/Other Characters

Viz is not reliable

Example #1 = Galaxy level Moro
Moro is actually a universal or even multiversal threat

No Ki Control

First off, here’s some scans.
Secondly, let’s list how many series would be nerfed from this.
  1. Fate
  2. Persona
  3. Saint Seiya
  4. Destiny
  5. The Elder Scrolls
  6. Pokemon
  7. Digimon
  8. Almost every fiction
If you’re happy with this, go fuck yourself.

Debunking No Resistances

Murphy’s Debunk of the Dragon Ball Explanation Page

Debunk of Moon Level ‘Outlier’
Thegiver: This also can’t be argued ki control since Roshi literally admitted he went overboard and such, mind you there’s still pieces of the castle left in tact after the feat, so if this was the true moon busting kamehameha he would’ve atomized the castle pieces, unless we’re going to say the moon is smaller than that.
Murphy: This argument doesn't work, Roshi is simply saying he didn't control himself completely not that he didn't control himself at all, you can control yourself to a certain extent yet still miscalculate without going all out.
Thegiver: We also know that this isn't a casual feat because one, Roshi went to MAX power. Now contrary to popular belief, MAX Power Roshi isn't a form that Roshi controls, it's literally in the name. It's Roshi at his maximum power, just like 100% Final Form Frieza isn't a form. Now we also know with the kamehameha that Roshi is using is directly explained by Yamcha to be using ALL of his dormant power and condensing it into a single blast
Murphy: Yamcha is simply explaining the nature of the Kamehameha to his knowledge he's not describing what Roshi is doing specifically
Thegiver: This also goes against the VERY NAME of the attack, which is the MAX POWER Kamehameha:
Murph: Nominal Fallacy + Name doesn't exist in the Manga or Canon Guides
Thegiver: So let's talk about Piccolo destroying the moon. Dragon Ball Z Kakarot directly states they straight up retconned Piccolo's moon feat with him "creates an illusion in which the moon only appears to be destroyed.
Murphy: not everything in Kakarot is Canon it only incorporates Canon Elements and doesn't override the Main Story in which he very blatantly destroyed it
Thegiver: So an interesting thing to note is that first and foremost, Piccolo did this with a charged energy blast, which in the same saga and in an early fight, it's noted that charged energy blast are greatly above the users power level: So this would mean the attack wouldn't even physically scale to Piccolo, it'd be a tier with a charged blast.
Murphy: Piccolo doesn't even charge up the Attack in the Manga
Murphy: he has a lot of stuff here which is just explained by Attack Potency ≠ Destructive Capacity like Raditz's Ki Blast & Vegeta's Final Flash (edited)
Murphy: Vegeta notes with a charged galick gun he's going to destroy the planet: So one of the biggest issues I always, always had with this scene was one major thing. Vegeta can't breate in space. He also would not be able to survive this explosion if the likes of Frieza and SSJ Goku wouldn't have survived Namek's explosion, don't even get me started on how inverse square law and how far they are from the explosion since they're fighting in the sky would massively lower the energy they're actually tanking. Vegeta also notes in the statement if Goku moves out of the way the planet would get destroyed, so if Goku stood there and took it the planet wouldn't have been destroyed. So what makes far more sense is Vegeta was going to shoot a blast that hits the core, or he was baiting Goku to let himself get hit by the blast by threatening the entire planet would be gone if he dodged it. Vegeta himself has a saiyan pod he would've likely used too to just leave if the core was detonated, he already had everything he needed from Earth on top of this, so he would have no reason to stay.
Murphy:Vegeta was not thinking about surviving at that point, his pride is very clearly hurt and according to his words he cannot accept losing to Goku, him blowing up the Planet, not thinking about his survival, makes perfect sense, but nothing suggests that he's going to destroy its core, he literally says he's going to blow it to bits which suggests immediate destruction.
Thegiver:Cell's kamehameha was going to destroy the earth and Goku notes since Cell knew he was going to jump and Goku responds "You're not that stupid" implying Cell would've died to the blast too:
Murphy:Cell literally says in the same link he would've destroyed the planet without batting an eye he just wants to have fun
Thegiver:Goku's kamehameha was going to destroy the earth and Cell cannot tank this blast, needing to regenerate:
Murphy: Earth blowing up would simply be a side effect of Goku's Kamehameha it doesn't mean that's its full extent
Thegiver: Semi-Perfect Cell explosion was consistently noted it was going to destroy the planet and Gohan and it straight up killed Goku:
Murphy: same thing although here Cell is saying if Gohan kills him everyone dies because they can't breathe in space
submitted by DislikesSand to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:58 raysofgold notes on "familiar music of the future" and death grips as musical sci-fi

Disclaimer that I'm mainly writing this with TMS in mind because I think that best epitomizes this train of thought though much of this could still apply to the entire oeuvre as much as it also couldn't, and I also must concede that for as much as I refer to their use of atonality and unconventional musicality, there are still, of course, converse examples of this all over the catalogue (also with a function that I think fits still into this thesis, as far as their employment of what have become archetypal musical memes and tropes that come from popular western music).
Also a disclaimer that when I say "pop," I'm referring broadly to the canon of popular music writ large(from rock to punk to hip-hop to pop-pop), but also including the more culturally-industrially connotations that we'd associate with the word, as per that intentionally engineered and abstractly effective elementality that makes something have major label marketability, radio viability, and chart success. I use the term multi-intentioned in this sense.
Required reading in general but also this post owes some of its general mentality to this great post from u/mcfartknocker

Death Grips is conceived to sound like popular music from the next century. Their aesthetic goal is what Stefan describes as "familiar music of the future," with pop(ular) form as the conscious medium by which to achieve that--the standard being "it has to be blowing systems in 2099."
How does one reverse engineer future music? it's essentially an act of science fiction, namely speculative fiction. One has to ask oneself, what does popular music sound like 100 years in the future?
As in all good science fiction about the future, one doesn't merely blindly guess. one looks at the present and the past and sees what is happening, what has lasted, what feels timeless now, and what feels arbitrary and passing now. This reveals what cyclical tendencies are, what the transhistorical throughlines are, if any.
As per them referring to it as a musical "mantra," (same interview linked above) I think that DG landed on the idea that primal, tribal pulse and "the use of negative space within bounce" are timeless universals--as per the deterministic tendencies of terrestrial human biology, and that the language of pop structure will continue to persist as a cross-culturally unifying global commodity as technocapitalist globalization only expands and accelerates.
Markets accelerate the deterministic tendencies of human biology, bodies pushed to their own respective and communal limits as the demands of both advertising, consumer-tribal coercion, and commodities themselves necessarily grow more narcotic and compulsive in relational nature and technology only deepens the possibilities and power of this process over the original, flailing ape with headphones on.
In other words, pop is both a military-grade weapon but also employs the base 'truth' of human rhythm, mutating in extremity, complexity, and innovation along with the culture around it. The beat hacks and hijacks, possesses the body. Once one understands what the language of both pop and the universalizing primal elements within it constitutes, one has a skeleton key to what will happen to animal ears of the future, in essence far more than exactitude(which is never what matters most in speculative fiction anyway).
Not from the future as such but for the future. Match the mentality that leads the charge of innovation and acceleration in musical cultures and follow that to its natural extremities--how the ape plugs into culture and vice-versa. Not predicting, but channeling. Cyber audiomancy that reflects the future by plunging through the tribal past that walks among us everyday in the core of what infects people most in good beats, and which is paramount when stepping into any distinctly tribal culture still accessible, however scathed or not colonially speaking.
To this end, The Money Store is consciously a post-globalized 'third world' internetted capsule of frequently explicitly tribal, bounce-based rhythms that exhibit tight pop structure and hooks but tend to rest on timbre, texture, and atonality over traditional popular western chord structures, keys, or melodies for its novelty and thrills.
In constructing the classic music of future, the universalizing conceit of the tribal beat, that bounce that, as I think Zach even cites at one point, mirrors the beat of the heart are preserved as cultural universals(as they say in anthropology), whilst the potentially too-culturally-specific factors of distinctively typical scales and chord progressions are eschewed in favor of the rhizomatic, decentralized, increasingly digitalized, fractalized modes of the future. The things favored by space and facelessness; the blur, the shatter, the disintegrant. No obvious regional context or stationed there for long, the slither of a global mind that swims too fast to be defined by exact old-world geographic means of thinking or expressing.
In this is the estimative leap, following the tendencies of where both avant-garde and electronic music had been heading towards the end of the century, that there is a casted focus on fragmented samples that move too fast to describe or locate in their original state, emphasis on texture over symphonic progression, and laser-like atonal top-lines over conventional scales and themes. The quintessence of all elements themselves humbled and equalized under their innate distortability as sound, subject to any bend of pitch-shifting or granular synthesis…"it sounds like a broadcast because it is a broadcast" (again from the Quietus interview).
That is basically how to transpose "future primitive digital" (I link True Vulture for the full phrase but the "future primitive" has been employed by the band many times in various contexts) into musical form; the original monkey jacked into the accelerating vectors of the internet, the hub of an ever-increasingly post-human society (mentally and physically speaking), where one is beset with adaptation to inhospitable norms that hijack and mine the depths and stocks of human brain chemicals to facilitate maximum ad traffic…A 24/7 lighted vista of neural heroin (not that old-world dope isn't neural in nature, but) where one can live psychically, but the problem of the body remains, as the body remains. The ape. The part with the heart, the thing that moves to a beat, that dances and grooves to the pulse of a drop.
Embracing the digital landscape with total acknowledgement and awareness of the limits and benefits of a body is how I would describe "future primitive" in totem, and I think the above paragraph is exactly how musically one would adapt those aspects technically. The primal body (pulse) and the hyper-mutated head (dissolving of all other boundaries and signifiers into warpspeed stew that fires too fast for old-world blues scales).
In 2099, people may not know or care about Smoke On The Water, but will know what roaring bass and shrieking treble means, because it's a matter of feeling, not history. Core and edge that survives archeological time, a kind of musical esperanto meant to be accessible in the future across the globe, down to how so often even the lyrics employ phrases and words from various languages very casually, non-chalantly alongside English.
Another kind of post-globalization polyglottal memetic sleight of hand is how multinational corpo artifacts like the McDonald's logo, brandnames like Toyota, Apple, or Google, original peak-era cellular ringtones, PC system sounds, and the music in commercials are meant to be recognizable, pronounceable(in the case of the language entailed), and sensorily resonant across planetary culture. I believe it's highly arguable that PC system sounds, og-era ringtones, and earworm ad jingles are a huge inspiration for the melodies and samples on ExMil and TMS, and it's also circularly fitting that many of those are engineered to have cross-cultural appeal, unbound by exactly regionally discernible musicality, tending towards heavily decontextualized melody lines or one or two notes overall.
This universality is not quite a humanist togetherness that's aspired to here, but more so merely one of utility and realism--fiercely armed and insured mobile cultural currency. This is the way the world is heading, acceleration and mutation is inevitable, unswervable, one can tap into its power by riding the wave aesthetically as lucidly as possible and rendering something that will, by virtue of its impact, thread both global and immediate cultural-historical lines. The 'future' is a mentality meaning primarily to not be bound by the confines of tradition and persistent baseless ritual, to think beyond, to feel outside of conventional structures, and so the universality of the future music on TMS is just as much about self-liberation and exchange of communally experienced empowerment as it is about wanting to be understood or standing some test of abstract time.
And of course it's the music of the impoverished, the music of the tribe. "Poverty and bass" being cited as their primary inspiration in that one early interview. I think somewhat in tandem with those early interviews where Zach describes this very explicitly cyberpunk vision of how we live now feeling like the dark ages(particularly re inequality) but with all this insane technology that is simultaneously dangerous but also yielding togetherness and progress. I think it's no mistake that Zach also cites arte povera as an aesthetic reference point for DG and this is reflected in the music here too. It's not just conscious of the morays of global popular and personal culture, it's instructively demonstrating an archetypally cyberpunk vision wherein one can jam and smash together the trashiest random youtube samples, old-school hiphop nods, drumline rattles, and drum circle rhythms with Aphex-like sleekness and live-rave intensity with very low production value and/or budget. "Third world in a first world," a more concise and materialistically inclined revision of the old 'high-tech/low-life' adage regarding cyberpunk's tendencies.
"We’re inspired by the future primitive life. We talk about experiencing the cusp of the digital age. Seeing it accelerate literally everyday is very influential. To experience everything becoming rapidly techno and simultaneously knowing this is still medieval times is strange. It’s interesting to think about what you hold onto from the past and what part of the oncoming unknown you embrace, on all levels". (Vice interview, April 2012).
submitted by raysofgold to VeryShallowListening [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:47 Kronkthebesthehe The 'Nice Athletic Girls'. Writing disasters or Overhated gems?

As I was seated on that toilet seat, calming my body with the relieving sensation of excretion, I was reminded of why the toilet helps many a person with giving off inspiration. I thought to myself, hey, why not do an over-the-top analysis on my favourite show Total Drama cuz why not? So yeah, here I am, writing this.
The ‘nice athletic girl’ trope was one that was birthed from the start of the series but only really popularized and mainstreamed and beat down by most fans in recent times. The general definition is that the female ‘de facto main character’ of the ensemble cast would be an athletic female who also happens to be ‘nice’. Some throw about the terms bland and Mary Sue, but I digress. Now personally, I thought I’d take a deep-dive analysis into the girls who qualify for this trope and whether or not they actually deserve to be labelled as such or if it’s harsh on them. I’ll be analyzing the writing per usual, since that’s my main fun off of this show and look at if this term holds water or not. Now, the characters I see qualify for this role are Bridgette, Zoey, Sky and Priya so those are whom I’ll be focusing on. I won’t count Beth because her ‘niceness’ is thrown into question and is not conventionally athletic, Gwen because she isn’t conventionally nice either and no-one from RR since I don’t feel like anybody there checks the appropriate boxes, Carrie comes the closest, but probably not, no. So let’s begin. Also do note that I’ll be mostly objective so no matter your opinions on them, I’ll remain impartial for the most part. Brace yourselves, this will be a long post:
Bridgette was the debut of this trope and while many exclude her from the discussion, she is athletic and nice and a girl so technically she fits the trope. I find it hilarious that Priya and Zoey compete in more episodes than her despite both having a season less and only being in 13 episode seasons. This indicates that Bridgette is not too good at the game. And well, she isn’t really that much. Let’s start with her Island representation.
Her main role this season was to serve as the ‘straight girl’, the calm presence to allow the other characters with more fun personalities to hog the spotlight, Heather, Gwen, Leshawna and Lindsay included. She forms a few inconsequential friendships with Gwen and Courtney which never get brought up again in future seasons and her main thing is hooking up with Geoff. Her challenge performances are decent. Her athleticism is shown a few times, coming when she did that handstand or jumped off the cliff. She was also shown to be a good cook and was generally a pretty helpful teammate and she had a few flitting moments here and there, but never gave off main character energy. The merge gave way to her other side, being the mediator between all the girls and their conflicts, probably because she’s easily the most rational of the lot. Technically, this does mean she’s more or less a supporting character the whole time, but someone’s gotta take that role. Her elimination also mainly serves to further the Geoff’s internal conflict and loyalties and also give Duncan his flowers as the most competent strategist of this season, his guys’ alliance managing to successfully pick off one of the girls, her, and yes Heather strategized too, but her strats were pretty weak let’s be real as she mainly relied on luck considering she was speedrunning turning everyone against her. Ultimately, she served her role till the end and that’s fine. Obviously her trope would be given much more relevance for her future iterations but that’s basically Bridgette’s run in Island, a glorified supporting character, kind of like Leshawna but less in your face and with a romance subplot too with Geoff.
In Action and World Tour, her relevance drops significantly. Action has her first boot after excessively making out with Geoff before appointing her as an Aftermath host where she continues to be a supporting character as her main role was to snap Geoff out of his Captain Hollywood arc while just acting as a secondary host. I’d argue Action was her least relevant season as well. For World Tour, she only lasts around 4 episodes and she’s mainly there to, say it with me kids, be a supporting character to someone else! Yay! This time to Alejandro, mainly to show off his ladies charm. She then has a smaller arc of apologizing to Geoff for trying to kiss Al, beefing with Blaineley and making friends with Bruno the bear but she’s just there to continue being the Aftermath host every now and then alongside Geoff.
Overall, Bridgette is a nice athletic girl, though one with very little relevance. She spends most of her screentime being a supporting character for other arcs and being the straightwoman to the other characters. This doesn’t necessarily mean she’s poorly written, but she isn’t exactly a main character either. She serves her role, but doesn’t do much outside of it.
Zoey’s probably the most controversial of these four girls. Terms like bland, Mary Sue, Zoeys*e or whatever else is thrown around quite often. I can see why people don’t necessarily like her, but let’s look at it objectively to see if she’s worth the hate.
In Revenge of the Island, Zoey’s there to form one of the crutches of the main romance of the season. One of the factors that plays in her favor is how involved she is with a lot of folks, formulating a victim-turned-rivalry relationship with Scott, a romance with Mike, friendship with winner Cameron and a few throwaway relationships like her rivalry with Anne Maria and her ‘friendship’ with Dakota. Now, I’d argue that she doesn’t fit the trope completely this season, mainly due to the fact that she’s not too athletic. She’s seen as passive and struggles a lot in physical challenges. That’s not to say she didn’t have capabilities before Commando Zoey, but they’re too forgettable. Her first few episodes build on her relationship with Mike and give us a less dramatic love triangle between her, Anne Maria and Mike, technically a square since Vito feels like a different character, but whatever. We also see our main baddie of the season Scott begin placing seeds of doubt in Zoey, which blossoms in her distrust in Mike for episodes 8 and 9, pushing their relationship to their breaking point before Mike finally bests his alters and completes his arc. I do find her a bit hypocritical in saying she loves oddballs but is weirded out by the way odder Dawn, but I digress. She then has a full-on rivalry with Scott in which she emerges victorious, commenting that Scott really brings the jerk out of her, that jerk being Commando Zoey. This is where her powers are born and take over her body. She basically becomes unstoppable then, beefing with Chef and she could have easily booked a place in the finale, but she sacrificed it for no real reason as she could have went and won the challenge and then went back to save Cameron from Larry. Regardless, her arc is well thought out and despite a few hiccups, she went through multiple character defining moments, but managed to grow and make friends and understand the value of friendship or whatever sappy message they were conveying.
To be frank, Zoey is really good in Revenge and I don’t have much issue with her, as she fulfils her multiple roles, being part of the main romance, causing the downfall of the main antagonist and being the main support system for the winner of the season, pushing forward the themes of friendship over lone wolf stuff. (Sha-Lightning is way better than Cam though). Irrespective, it is All-Stars where her character turns confusing. For one, she gains all her Commando Zoey power-ups in normal form, even when she was shown to have normal physical traits when in normal form. However, she was a winner in this season, so did she deserve to win?
While Zoey won All-Stars, I’d argue the main female character for that season was Gwen. Gwen was at the heart of conflict and Gwen was the one who ‘grew’ and was meant to receive the arc. Of course, I believe it’s horribly executed since it makes Gwen look like a hypocrite and victimise her even though she wasn’t necessarily in the right most of the time. Regardless, this is the role that Gwen occupies, even if it's poorly written. Zoey on the other hand, is too passive to be a protagonist. People say she takes up too much screentime, but I’d argue she takes too little. Her thing with Mal isn’t even her conflict, it’s just Mike against himself once more. Outside of that, she has no major arcs, or conflicts or well, much of anything really outside of giving us that Duncan-Zoey crackship. Sure, she makes friends with Gwen but ultimately, it’s inconsequential to both girls’ arcs, as it doesn’t provide much of anything to either one. Zoey is basically the greatest challenge beast in the show, insanely winning four merge challenges in a row, including the finale, 4!! That’s insane and I personally believe other characters would have benefited more thematically from winning.
I don’t think she’s a Mary Sue, since she has characters who don’t like her and is too dumb to catch onto Mal somehow, but she is indeed a very passive presence. It’s hard to tell what her role here exactly is. Is she the female main character? No. Is she meant to help Mike overcome Mal? No, he overcomes him in his head. Does she help in pushing anyone’s arcs forward? Not really. On top of being infuriatingly oblivious to some people, she serves no clear role in the story and to be honest, if she didn’t have a nice voice and design, she could have very easily been bottom of the barrel. All-Stars doesn’t derail her, it just puts her in purposeless and fails to justify her stance as a winner. That’s why she is a writing disaster in All-Stars, not just for the opinionated reasons you’ll see other folks give on why they dislike this iteration of her.
Now onto my personal favorite to analyze, and probably my favorite of these four, Sky. Sky also gets a lot of hate, also due to her main relationship, which now I realize is a trait shared by all four of these girls. Regardless, Sky is the gen 3 iteration of the nice athletic girl. Her athleticism is given an actual background this time, where Zoey and Bridgette hadn’t had one, and Sky is naturally athletic due to her sister being a gymnast and her own dreams of being an Olympian one day which is nice enough. Out of four in selection, Sky seems to be the most competitive, sometimes even resorting to questionable decisions to try and obtain the grand prize. Let’s look into how she’s portrayed in Pahkitew.
Off the curb, she’s probably an early favorite for the win. She’s strong, athletic, rational, has good leadership perks and is smart too. She galvanises her unfocused team on occasion and I kind of wish they went with something of Sky vs Jasmine in leadership abilities since that had the potential to be interesting. However, Sky being overpowered required a distraction to get her eyes off the prize, and this is where our Hal of Total Drama steps in, Dave. (Megamind reference!) Ah, I have a lot to say about the genius behind the writing of Dave that is heavily underappreciated by the TD fandom, but we’re focusing on Sky right now. Sky and Dave, or Skave, is the perfect representation of how lack of communication can wreck a relationship. As good as Sky is at twirling in gymnastics and dominating physical challenges, kind of, she has a lot of other weaknesses that offsets these in the non-physical department, and the Skave relationship is the perfect way to display them while also giving her something to do. It always baffled me when people call Sky a Mary Sue, because she really isn’t, but then again, people tend to throw that term around way too cheaply. At first, it’s sunshine and rainbows for the new couple, Sky’s in love with Dave, but couldn’t get it through to him that she wanted to put that relationship on the back burner for the sake of the victory, and that was mainly down to a lack of trying to do so besides that one scene. The fragility of the Skave relationship was revealed and exposed in plot resistances, such as the healthiest love triangle in Ella’s unrequited crush on Dave and Sugar being Sugar. And technically Dave cheating on Sky with a bat, but alas. Things get to a heed when Sky’s lack of an assertive personality comes to wreck her whole thing with Dave as Jasmine comes through and begins to pressure Sky into ending it for petty reasons. To be frank, I think it’s a bit mean from Jasmine considering that they could have went along with the challenge and did well without having to wreck a blooming (Not) relationship but then again, I have a myriad of issues with Jasmine’s character, kind of, that should be discussed later. Regardless, Sky gets pushed to her limit by Dave in episode 9 and the two ‘break up’ and Dave gives himself the boot, now finally out of her way as a distraction and enabling a free run at the prize. Unfortunately for her though, Total Drama is a social game as well, and with Max and Scarlett and Jasmine and Shawn still around, she was forced to work with Sugar to get things moving, something she obviously didn’t like. Despite this, she was the mastermind behind the plan to trick Scarlett and nabbed second place in episode 11 even with Sugar weighing her down. Thanks to Sugar taking out Jasmine and then herself, her finale position was secure against Shawn… Only for Dave to return.
Now, Sky in the finale, is both very interesting and poorly written at the same time. Manipulating Dave by kissing him to string him along her little simp chain was a low move, but it helped in establishing that Sky has an obvious dark side and isn’t necessarily the sweet girl her predecessors Zoey and Bridgette were. Her relationship was thrown to the rocks though at the mention of Keith, her boyfriend who we can assume was probably pretty crummy to her considering she seemed somewhat nervous around him. Her lack of assertion bites her in the butt again as she didn’t have time to dump him, so now technically she cheated on Keith with another guy and roped in a boy toy for usage and now it’s all one giant mess. Regardless, it could have been saved with the right closure, but ultimately, the writing preferred to focus on the more happy relationship and gave them a closure, leaving Dave to well, die by Scuba Bear… That’s crazy.
Still though, Sky is easily the most multi-faceted out of the four mentioned in this trope bracket. Her morality can’t be summed up in a phrase and her motivations and actions are mostly understandable. Her role is to serve as the de facto main character. While some may point to her passiveness, unlike Zoey, she is passive in the sense that she doesn’t take action in her respective story arcs instead of not participating at all. Her lack of action is what pushes a lot of these plots forward, so in a way, her lack of action was the action that pushed forward the relationship action in her season. I think Sky mainly suffers from only having one season, so fans who don’t get this in-depth message can easily be left salty from the lack of closure at the end and might confuse her for a bad character which is a shame. Woo, that was a long one…
Now, I had already done a previous post on her explaining why I think she’s a bad character so it’s better if you give that a read because I won’t give all those reasons again, but I’ll run over them anyway and add to them too. Priya is a very different character from both seasons. In terms of the way she acts, her season 2 self feels very reminiscent of a Courtney than she does a Zoey, which does call her presence in this bracket into question, but whatever. Let’s just see what she has to offer.
Like Sky, Priya is also given a backstory as to why she’s so athletic. She had trained all her life for Total Drama and thus has a lot of athleticism. I’m not sure why her parents paid no focus to social game since that is a very major aspect of the competition, but whatever. Her main arc was having a friend in Millie, but Priya for the most part was well, a side character in Millie’s story. If we want to think about it, what exactly justifies her season 1 win? It’s a similar situation to Zoey where her role in the story doesn’t necessarily justify her winning. Is she the main character? No, that honor belongs to Millie, whom I have already explained why she qualifies as that in a previous post. Does she help Millie grow as a person? Well, she has a vague influence, but honestly, I’d argue that Millie doesn’t really take any real introspection in herself until Bowie drops the notebook. Sure, she says she’ll change and wrestles a croc, but that’s a different arc of Millie actually trying in the challenges instead of always being passive, not really her main arc, of not judging others because she’s no better than them. Does she push anyone’s arcs forward? You can make a case for Millie, but I’d argue once more that Bowie does more to that than Priya herself and maybe Julia but I suppose Priya can take some credit. All of this culminates to when we reach the finale and we have things tense, Bowie is sneaky, Millie is an underdog and the third is.. Oh, Priya? Dang, I forgot she was here. Julia, Millie and Bowie hogged so much spotlight, they kind of left Priya to dry and yet they still make her win and do a Beth.
In season 2, this is where things take a turn. Priya becomes less focused on winning the whole competition and becomes engulfed in her romance with Caleb… Oh boy… I’m personally not the biggest fan of this plotline, since I feel as if it’s kind of like the ‘arc’ she and Millie had last season, but this time as a romance instead of friendship. Obviously there are differences, but it’s nothing too major. The first 7 episodes, Priya faces little difficulty really and soars by. Sure, she was in bottom 2 in episode 4, but they were never eliminating her over Emma that round. It’s episode 8 when things take a turn and Caleb is exposed for ‘playing on her feelings’. At first, she’s sad, quiet and you can feel sympathetic for her… And then she just turns psycho. Oh boy, episode 9 is a piece of work. She just can’t stop crying and rages a lot and it feels as if her character took a complete 180 of the season. Now, I’m aware they showed some glimpses of angry Priya in the finale of season 1, but this does feel like they came a little too strong with it. We’d then get the worst handled plotline of the reboot seasons, as the relationship began flipping about from being ok to not ok to ok to not ok and so on. And considering how much of a disaster Julia was this season, the fact that they threw her into the mix and made every little thing they did bend to her will only added to the crapstorm that they piled up. For example, in episode 10, both Caleb and Priya take Julia’s relationship advice without much question. You might make a case for their naivete in relationships, but come on now, Priya had been tormented by Julia all of last season and knows how mean she is, where she was scheming on her even while she was crying and Caleb himself refused to join the MK-Julia alliance in the episode prior because he saw last season and knew how untrustworthy they were yet here he is, taking advice from her as if nothing was ever said. The flip floppiting continued until episode 12 and she is eliminated in the most predictable elimination ceremony in all of Total Drama. Oh boy, where to even start with this one.
Now, Priya in season 2 is actually meant to be taken as the main female character. Most of the drama occurs around her and her relationship with Caleb is a mainstay focus throughout the whole season, literally. She beefs with Julia, the main antagonist too which is another touch. However, the main issue comes with what do the writers exactly want to do with her? A main character is meant to be someone you should root for, yet for the 8-13 debacle of episodes, it never really felt as if Priya was to be rooted for. Priya and Caleb lack the sweetness of Bridgette and Geoff or Mike and Zoey and the subtle clever messaging of Dave and Sky. It was a relationship that had no real purpose. It didn’t further any character. All it did was turn Priya into a crazy Courtney and Caleb into a whiny muscular Dave. It never felt like either character grew or benefited from the other. It was only a source of drama, meant to feed Julia and make her better than she actually was and was more or less a pointless decision. This makes Priya a… Well, kind of a writing disaster of a character. Regardless of what you think of her, her character never gets furthered all that much, and I don’t believe she’s worthy to take the title of female main character in season 2. There really wasn’t one, since Julia is meant to be an antagonist and MK her lackey and that’s why this season fell flat, lack of clarity for roles. But hey, I digress.
Ultimately, I believe I have come to the conclusion that Sky is easily the best written and complex of these characters, even if some may find her bland. Bridgette isn’t much relevant, Zoey is too passive and Priya too aimless and these hold them back. Are they Mary Sues? No, none of them are, but they happen to have writing flaws engineered around them to cover them in this trope. So yeah, I'm heading off to put a sandwich on my ham.
submitted by Kronkthebesthehe to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:47 stockinvest-us Greenwave Technology Solutions, Inc. (GWAV) Shows Bearish Momentum Amidst High Investor Activity 📉📈

🚀 Unlock Exclusive Insights on GWAV: Get deeper analysis and expert views on GWAV's latest market trends before you read on. Click Here to Dive In 🌟
Technical Analysis
Greenwave Technology Solutions, Inc. (GWAV) closed on May 31, 2024, at $0.0387, reflecting a 7.86% drop. The stock has been trading near its yearly low of $0.0382 and substantially below its fifty-day and two-hundred-day moving averages, $0.10038 and $0.517205, respectively. The sharp contrast between these moving averages and the current price indicates significant bearish momentum. The Relative Strength Index (RSI14) at 49 suggests the stock is in a neutral condition and not overbought or oversold.
Volume analysis shows that 277.25 million shares were traded, which is significantly higher than the average volume of 107.89 million, indicating heightened investor activity and possible liquidity. The MACD for the past three months at 0.005764 suggests a slight bullish trend, but this is overshadowed by other bearish indicators. The Average True Range (ATR) at 93.27 signals high volatility. Price action is constrained by a resistance level at $0.042, which could cap upside movements in the near term.
Fundamental Analysis
With a market cap of approximately $41.03 million, GWAV is a small-cap stock that has faced substantial depreciation. The stock's price-extreme swings over the past year, from a high of $1.12 to a low of $0.0382, underline significant investor uncertainty. The company's EPS of -$2.60 and lack of a PE ratio point to ongoing financial instability and unprofitability. The upcoming earnings announcement on August 13, 2024, will be a pivotal moment for the stock.
Intrinsic Value and Long-term Investment Potential
Assessing GWAV's intrinsic value is challenging due to its negative earnings and high volatility. The stock’s substantial decline from its year high and the lack of apparent support levels suggest that investor sentiment is currently negative. The decreasing price and high volume can also indicate potential distress or a reevaluation of the company’s prospects by the market.
From a long-term investment perspective, GWAV currently doesn't present a strong value proposition due to its negative earnings, significant drop in stock price over various timeframes, and volatile trading patterns. Substantial improvements in financial metrics and stabilization of price action will be necessary for the stock to become attractive from a fundamental investment standpoint.
Near-term and Weekly Prediction
For the next trading day (June 03, 2024), and the upcoming week, the stock might see some rebound towards the identified resistance at $0.042, provided the heightened trading activity persists. However, given the overall bearish indicators and recent price trend, sustained upward movement seems unlikely without significant positive catalysts.
Overall Evaluation
Based on the technical and fundamental analysis, Greenwave Technology Solutions, Inc. (GWAV) should [...]
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submitted by stockinvest-us to StockInvest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:13 h3yohey0 New and confused

New and confused
If anyone feels up to it, please tell me about anything you can (want) to tell me about myself and my life. I think it's really cool.
Things have been really bad these past few years. They've really always been bad, but they've been harder for the past few. I don't know how to describe myself or my personality or my life. It's weird. I am confused. I am lost. Thanks in advance
submitted by h3yohey0 to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:50 Marshatucker300 How did you get into horror/how did you get your start?

First I want to deeply apologize if my text seems bad to you. I’m mentally disabled to an extent and I’m doing the best I can.
Honestly my love of horror was always there. Growing up in the 2000s ( I was born in 2000 and I’m 24 now. ) I would watch goosebumps, courage the cowardly dog etc. ( I remember before I was homeschooled I remember taking the goosebumps books back home from elementary school but I remember nothing about them. However I know I took them back home because I remember they had one with a snowman cover on it. One of my disabilities is bad memory. ) I remember every Halloween season excited about goosebumps, watching a double Halloween special and watching a haunting hour don’t think about it. ( now don’t get confused with the haunting hour tv show. I’ve definitely seen it on the hub that show was a more mature version of goosebumps for older kids/teenagers. I’m talking about the movie. It was about a two headed monster and had Tobin bell in it. He was a mysterious shopkeeper in it and the protagonist was a goth girl who buys a book from him. ) in 2007 I found another classic I loved seeing. On Cartoon Network they advertised a film called Batman vs Dracula being played later that night and it drew me in. ( I’m not into superheroes like I seen another Batman cartoon but it was just whatever was on tv at the time. The actual reason why I was drawn to the movie was because I love vampire stuff. I’ve always preferred them over werewolves I’m sorry werewolf fans but I’ve never seen the appeal of. I don’t remember very much of when I use to dress up just a kid just a few but I definitely remember one being a vampire. My favorite goosebumps episode was vampire breath and even growing up my favorite Scooby-Doo movie was about a vampire. ) I watched the movie and loved it and it was added to my tradition. Unfortunately as years went on they stop playing these shows because they weren’t exactly new anymore.
In my later kid years watched the haunting hour tv on the hub and in 2013 I kept hearing about slenderman but didn’t know much about it and I ended up stumbling on markiplier’s ( sorry I butchered the name. ) video on a Pokémon slender game and was scared by it for a few days. I eventually did research on slenderman and was scared for three days but got use to it and became obsessed about him. ( back then you either liked slenderman or you liked Jeff the killer. I never liked Jeff or the serial killer creepypastas. They’re all bad to me but that doesn’t mean I hate serial killers in horror. That’s very far from the truth. My horror movie genre though I try different genres slashers it’s my thing. My favorite horror charactemy favorite character in general is William afton and his springtrap versions. I’m just someone who prefers villains over heroes. So this shows I’m perfectly fine with serial killers in horror. I’m just not into monster movies. Tremors is fine, but I’m not crazy about creature features like aliens and stuff. However I find real life, monster legends like Wendigos etc very interesting and slender man fell into that interesting monsters to me. ) I’ve always had an interest in mysteries, and since the creature was very mysterious, that’s why I liked it. In October nan ( I live with my grandma and not my mom/parents. ) Was going through channels and found AMC’s fear fest and they were playing Friday the 13th part three. She wondered what it was and the first thing I remember, is Ollie getting attacked by Jason in the barn and nan saying I should be getting into stuff like this since I was getting older. October I watched the Jason films and accepted my Gothic nature.
In 2014 creepypastas was ruined forever for me. While I was getting bored of it What happened was kind of the final nails in the coffin me. ( While I go back if I feel nostalgic for the past, just like top 10 list or reviews, it just doesn’t feel the same. Though because of my love of horror is why I even use my profile pic. I did enjoy the SCP side of the creepypastas. I love the plague doctors 049 because of him I grew an obsession with plague doctors because of how they look and I’ve always loved animals and they had this bird almost animal like appearance. It’s hard to explain. Because of this, I use plague doctors mainly as my profile pic. ) However, I moved onto horror games mainly the fnaf series. While I will admit 1-Ucn is the best the newer games or either good or disappointing and I don’t care about the new story compared to the old one it’s still my franchise. ( I love this series because of its mystery. It’s characters and I will admit I was always into robots. I used to collect bionicle sets, transformers all that. Like I said, I love animals so everything just fit together perfectly. However, that doesn’t mean I like M3gan. I found that film boring. ) That and I never understood the popularity like resident evil etc. ( I have the original resident evil six movies. I only have them because my friends are crazy about it. I will admit 2,4,5,6 was good The only thing I like about the series is nemesis and that’s why I have resident evil three on my Steam account. I don’t find zombie games or anything to do with zombies interesting. That and games with guns don’t interest me either. That and I’m not allowed to play tons and tons of violent games because now things video games cause violence they don’t, but I have to live with that and I’m not allowed to play tons and tons of violent games because nan thinks video games cause violence they don’t, but I have to live with rules. ) Besides the fnaf series, I also love outlast stuff like that. I just have one of those minds that it takes a lot to surprise me and interest me for something interest me it consumes me.
Like for years, I couldn’t get into my bloody valentine though I knew about it because I remember seeing a trailer for it when I was nine years old and when I got my Texas chainsaw 3-D Blu-ray disc, it advertised my Valentine 3-D, and I loved the miner’s design. Seen both versions on TV and didn’t care about it apart from the coal miner design, but after something called out to me last year, something clicked in my mind and I fell in love with the movie mainly the remake. ( 2009 my bloody Valentine along with the 2009 Friday the 13th and the five Freddy’s movies are my favorite. I just love the mystery and the mysterious miner. I’ve always loved mysterious characters as a child and as an adult. ) It’s like how outlast didn’t click to me when I was younger, though I watched videos on it when I was younger and security breach was disappointment. I watched videos and fell in love with the outlast series. There are times I can remember some stuff, but I can’t tell you how old I was or anything so please forgive me. Whenever my mom was visiting and found some Chucky films like bride of Chucky was playing on TV I would see stuff from the movie like I remember seeing the RV scene and parts of seed of Chucky. One year( this definitely had to be when I was an older kid. ) Nan watched orphan and I really like that movie became obsessed with watching it whenever it was on. That and I remember seeing glimpses of saw here and there throughout my life. like I remember being really young and seeing the bathroom in the first movie, when I was a bit older, remembering the John Kramer operation scene with a skull in the third movie, I believe in 2011 I remember seeing Billy on TV talking to Amanda about the reverse beartrap. I obviously also watched tons of scary horror videos on YouTube about monsters, facts, even horror channels like sir spooks, top 15 ( backward top 15 was good. I wonder what went wrong? )
Basically, I’m a mix of everything. If I don’t like something, I can at least compromise for the most part. Don’t like monster movies very much, loves real life, monster, legends. Don’t like serial killer creepypastas I enjoy them in movies and video games. Don’t ghost movies because they’re boring. I watch ghost videos online and paranormal documentaries. Don’t like body horror like Hellraiser? I can respect the cenobites I enjoy body horror if it’s done right in the Five Nights at Freddy’s series. Don’t like psychological like psycho? Like it’s all in your head honestly, I don’t think I like psychological stuff. Same with zombies and werewolves. I think that’s the very few things I can’t really compromise here. That and I don’t think I can compromise in video games like I can with the other horror stuff because when it comes to my horror games, it has to really special to me like five nights at Freddy’s and outlast and a lot of the games I have that’s on my Steam account is just so I can play with my close friends and that’s really it though. I also enjoyed dead by daylight because I find it so cool to have all these horror characters in one place, however, i usually just get the horror stuff I like like if I know a character, like them or an exception, if I like the dlc. However, at the moment, I’m saving up for something truly special and I don’t have money to really blow, however since the fnaf movie came out and William Afton is obviously my favorite character. I’ve been super hyped when it comes to the Matthew lillard stuff. Because right next to the fourth closet Five Nights at Freddy’s novel with William being a mad scientist character, movie William Afton is my favorite version of the character. I even have his autograph on my wall in my Five Nights at Freddy’s collection. My entire room is covered in fnaf merch I’m not joking. ( I have actually seen him a long time ago in One of the live action, Scooby Doo films because back in the early 2000s when Cartoon Network was actually good. They kept playing the monsters unleashed one which is where I seen him from though apart from barely remembering a few things I remember nothing of the film and I may have actually grew up with him with another Scooby Doo property, but I could be wrong. Though I seen scream four a few times but I remember nothing of it apart from the ghostface being a female called Jill. Trying a little bit of scream three I hadn’t touched an actual scream film on until after the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie earlier this year after I found a three pack for five dollars at Walmart, which contains the original three films. Mainly because I knew Matthew was in the first one since I seen obviously YouTube videos of when he was on screen and pictures here and there. I heard he’s in another horror film 13 ghosts so something like that. I’m thinking about trying it someday if the film is actually worth it just for him. )
I also just remembered something i used to watch something called lost tapes on animal planet, which was like these monster shows. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a part of the found forage genre. However, it was this monster show it had Wendigo, vampires, jersey Devil, you get the idea all these terrifying monster documentaries it was a good show.
How did you get into horrohow did you get your start?
submitted by Marshatucker300 to horror [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:09 uhohstinkydavinky PLEASE HELP WITH SCHOOL LIST!!

Hey yall! I've done some research on what the best schools might be for me. First, here is some info about me to help you help me! forgive me if its a lot of info, just wanted to provide a full pic of me! Thanks if ur reading this :) hopefully this list can help some other low stat applicants and even higher stat applicants bc it includes a lot of school stat info :D ALL DATA I WILL USE COMES FROM CLASS OF 2026
sGPA: 3.01 oGPA: 3.3ish
DAT: 21 AA. 22 TS. 23 bio and 23 orgo. 19 gen chem. 21 RC. 18 PAT and 17 QR (yikes lol)
Residency: TX
I do have an upward trend. I first got a D in gen chem 1 and then a b+ when i retook. Got C’s in ochem 1 and 2. Got a C+ when I first took bio 2 then a B when i retook it (low because of a participation grade i should have earned). Since then, i’ve earned an A in microbio, B+ in anatomy and physiology, A- in biochemistry, and an A in human physiology.
Leadership: Outreach coord, Treasurer, and VP for a pre health org. (over 3 diff semesters), officer for a religious organization on campus (1 semester)
Volunteer: maybe 150 hours. most notable: volunteering at assisted living facility and at the dental clinic where the dentist is writing me a letter. Probably 50 hours ish from the clinic and 20 from the assisted living facility. I also volunteer during an organization I started that teaches children about oral healthcare. 50 hours from there. Does the unofficial tutoring i talk about in the next section count as volunteering? if so like 50 hours from there. Some other volunteering i’ve done but nothing major, like 5 ish hours at per event/thing.
Shadowing: slightly over 100. Nothing special. Will try to raise a little bit in the next few upcoming weeks. Did some international shadowing (30-40 hours in europe last summer).
Extracurricular stuff: did unofficial tutoring for my peers in Microbio, Biochem, Anatomy, and Human Physiology. Officially do tutoring at school as a job where i tutor chem, bio, and microbio. The official tutoring has been only this semester and 10 hours a week. The unnoficial has been over several semesters. I want to say 50 hours unofficial (does this count as volunteer hours?) Some freelance stuff freshman and sophomore year but no other major work experience.
2 very strong letters of rec. one from dentist and one from microbio professor. one other not so strong letter of rec from biochem professor. have another letter from my boss where I tutor at school.
some random stuff: i can speak 2 languages besides english lol. I do really suffer from anxiety and test anxiety which is what i mainly attribute my low science gpa to. also i’m a junior. have not taken physics yet.
Here is my SCHOOL LIST and WHY:
- all texas schools even tho I know I barely have a shot but I wanna stay in state and I might as well LOL
  1. Western U in Cali. Why look at 2 best years of GPA.
Average AA 20.3 science 19.8 PAT 20.5
5th-95th Percentiles (I FIT)
Science: 2.71-3.81
Overall: 2.85-3.82
2. Roseman. Why 3 year program!! also lower averages
Averages: Overall GPA: 3.31 Science GPA: 3.17 DAT: 19.6AA, 19.1TS, 20.0PAT
~5th-95th Percentiles (I FIT)~ Science: 2.67-3.76 Overall: 2.85-3.84
  1. tufts
Averages: Overall GPA: 3.32 Science GPA: 3.27 DAT: 19.0AA, 18.8TS, 19.1PAT
~5th-95th Percentiles (I FIT)~ Science: 2.64-3.89 Overall: 2.66-3.89
4. Midwestern Illinois
~5th-95th Percentiles (I FIT)~ Science: 2.84-3.92 Overall: 3.02-3.91
Averages: Overall GPA: 3.41 Science GPA: 3.30 DAT: 19.2AA, 19.1TS, 19.5PAT
5. Marquette
~5th-95th Percentiles (I FIT)~ Science: 2.91-4.00 Overall: 3.09-4.00
Averages: Overall GPA: 3.64 Science GPA: 3.56 DAT: 20.5AA, 20.0TS, 20.8PAT
6. Boston U
~5th-95th Percentiles (I FIT)~ Science: 2.80-3.93 Overall: 2.93-3.93
Averages: Overall GPA: 3.52 Science GPA: 3.43 DAT: 21.1AA, 20.5TS, 20.8PAT
7. Detroit mercy
~5th-95th Percentiles (I DONT FIT for science)~ Science: 3.05-3.97 Overall: 3.20-3.97
Averages Overall GPA: 3.63 Science GPA: 3.56 DAT: 20.2AA, 20.1TS, 20.0PAT
8. University of Louisville
~5th-95th Percentiles (I DONT FIT for science)~ Science: 3.04-3.05 Overall: 3.21-4.00
Averages: Overall GPA: 3.61 Science GPA: 3.50 DAT: 20.2AA, 19.9TS, 20.1PAT
9. UMMC (university of mississippi medical center of Dentistry)
~5th-95th Percentiles (I FIT)~ Science: 2.74-4.00 Overall: 3.19-4.00
Averages Overall GPA: 3.69 Science GPA: 3.58 DAT: 19.6AA, 19.0TS, 19.6PAT
  1. Indiana university
~5th-95th Percentiles (I FIT)~ Science: 2.95-3.99 Overall: 3.06-3.98
Averages Overall GPA: 3.63 pretty high compared to mine!! Science GPA: 3.54 DAT: 20.7AA, 20.1TS, 20.0PAT
11. Tuoro
~5th-95th Percentiles (I FIT)~ Science: 2.85-3.98 Overall: 3.08-3.97
averages Overall GPA: 3.53 Science GPA: 3.43 DAT: 21.4AA, 21.3TS, 20.5PAT
12. University of Louisville
~5th-95th Percentiles (I DONT FIT SCIENCE)~ Science: 3.04-3.05 Overall: 3.21-4.00
averages Overall GPA: 3.61 Science GPA: 3.50 DAT: 20.2AA, 19.9TS, 20.1PAT
13. ASDOH (Arizona)
~5th-95th Percentiles (I FIT)~ Science: 2.83-3.93 Overall: 3.03-3.90
averages Overall GPA: 3.43 Science GPA: 3.33 DAT: 19.1AA, 19.8TS, 20.1PAT
14. West Virginia (should I add?)
don't fit 5-95 for science OR overall and averages are kinda high Science: 3.12-4.00 Overall: 3.38-4.00
Overall GPA: 3.73 Science GPA: 3.67 DAT: 19.6AA, 19.3TS, 19.5PAT
15. UNLV (nevada; las vegas) offers in state after a year; yay!
~5th-95th Percentiles (I~ fit) Science: 2.72-3.93 Overall: 2.84-3.96
averages Overall GPA: 3.49 Science GPA: 3.43 DAT: 20.9AA, 20.6TS, 20.9PAT
16. NOVA
~5th-95th Percentiles (I FIT)~ Science: 2.98-3.98 Overall: 3.10-3.98
averages Overall GPA: 3.59 Science GPA: 3.53 DAT: 20.8AA, 20.7TS, 19.9PAT
  1. temple
~5th-95th Percentiles (I FIT!)~ Science: 2.94-4.00 Overall: 3.08-3.97
averages Overall GPA: 3.59 Science GPA: 3.52 DAT: 21.3AA, 21.0TS, 20.2PAT
18. UNE
~5th-95th Percentiles (DONT FIT SCIENCE)~ Science: 3.09-3.89 Overall: 3.24-3.91
averages Overall GPA: 3.59 Science GPA: 3.50 DAT: 19.2AA, 18.8TS, 20.1PAT
19. LAST ONE!!! MUSC (south Carolina)
~5th-95th Percentiles (DONT FIT SCIENCE)~ Science: 3.03-4.00 Overall: 3.16-4.00
Averages Overall GPA: 3.62 (pretty damn high lol) Science GPA: 3.55 DAT: 19.8AA, 19.2TS, 20.9PAT
submitted by uhohstinkydavinky to predental [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:26 Joshh170 Manor Lords Releases Big New Update

Manor Lords Releases Big New Update
Manor Lords developer Slavic Magic has released a major new update, addressing several technical issues that have been affecting the early access city-building game. The new Manor Lords update also adds a slew of new items and features, and the developers recommend players begin a new save to see all the changes.
Similar to the Civilization franchise, Manor Lords offers compelling strategy and city-building elements. The game launched in early access this past April on PC, quickly becoming one of the most highly rated games on Steam with a Very Positive rating after more than 39,000 user reviews. Despite some of the game's technical issues in early access, the game's sales continue to flourish as the developers maintain an open line of communication with its player base.
Slavic Magic released Manor Lords update 0.7.972 and revealed a lengthy list of changes in the patch notes. Firstly, the developers note that players should begin a new save and remove their favorite Manor Lords mods to ensure all the changes and additions in update 0.7.972 are applied to their playthrough. Update 0.7.972's new features include inter-region trading via Trading Posts, a mourning period for deceased residents, and a King's Tax mechanic. What's more, the update adds new armor variations, a Large Granary building rework, a new St. Maurice patron saint, an "allow market stall setup" toggle, and a construction reserve.
Manor Lords update 0.7.972 also applies numerous changes involving gameplay and balance, including adjustments to resources and agriculture, the in-game economy and trading/market systems, and infrastructure. A number of quality-of-life improvements were implemented as well, such as a 75% reduction in ale consumption, an increased carrying capacity for on-foot trading post workers, and a doubled fertility regeneration rate for crops. All of these changes mean that players should have a much easier time exporting and trading the best items in Manor Lords.
On PC, the latest Manor Lords update applies various fixes and tweaks to anti-aliasing and upscaling selection upon the game's first-time launch with specific GPUs, including Nvidia's RTX 40 series graphics cards. Alongside minor adjustments to the in-game market, the update implements fixes and changes to the user interface to aid in visibility and accessibility for all users.
Since the game is going to be in early access for the next year, Slavic Magic has plenty of time to gauge player feedback and introduce new features that could enhance the Manor Lords experience. The Manor Lords developers encourage Steam users to submit a review since the team often checks the Steam page to read up on players' thoughts.
Manor Lords Update 0.7.972 Patch Notes Major Changes
The King's Tax (or Annual Royal Tax, name undecided):
The tax is collected annually from all players (main player and AI) and goes to the liege. It is calculated per population, serving as a counterbalance for players hoarding huge wealth despite non-optimized economies.
Currently, players can incur debt without consequence. In the future, failure to pay will result in losing the king's favor and eventually facing the king's army as enemies.
Global/Local Trade Switch for Trading Posts:
Players can now switch trade to "local only" in the trading post for each type of good, allowing them to exchange goods between their own regions while ignoring free merchants. Two trading posts (one in each region) are still required to make this function work. Employed traders will prioritize traveling to the location with the best prices to commence trade, potentially including regions owned by other Lords. The transport distance factor is reduced to make it more predictable for players where traders will go (to the place with the best price). Regional wealth is still required to exchange goods between regions with a trading post to maintain regions as independent economic units, simulating a more realistic economy.
Gameplay & Balance
Resource Management & Agricultural Adjustments
Food Consumption: People now pick a random food resource instead of eating food in a specific order. Crop Fertility: Fertility is no longer drained after crop growth reaches 100%, making early harvest micromanagement less necessary. Yield may still increase over 100% growth if max yield is not reached. Yield Cap: will now never increase past 100% growth to avoid confusion about exceeding 100%. Even when fertility reaches 0%, there will still be a small possible yield. Harvesting Efficiency: When harvesting, crops are directly added to the field inventory instead of the villager inventory to reduce bottlenecks from harvesting walk times, especially for large fields. Oxen Prioritization: Prioritized oxen plowing over transporting resources to the granary and warehouse to reduce oxen walking back and forth from the plowed field every time new resources are available for transport. Plowing Shed: Plowing shed now adds 2 livestock worker slots. Food Distribution: Food-producing residential plots no longer stock up on their produce before sharing with the marketplace. Sawpit Log Storage: Increased sawpit log storage space to 5.
Economic & Trade Developments
Baron Region Claims: Lowered the rate of the Baron claiming regions and adjusted it to better reflect game settings. Worker Camp Upgrade: Removed the worker camp upgrade intended for colony regions; it will be re-added when properly implemented. Trade Route Establishment: When establishing a trade route, merchants no longer all spawn at the nearest trade point but are distributed to circle between various trade points. Archer Damage: Archer damage increased from 4 to 13. Trade Logistics Development: The "Trade Logistics" development branch now lowers the cost of new trade routes by 50% instead of clamping it at 25. Trade Route Costs: Increased the base cost of opening a trade route from 12 to 20 (before the good value multiplier). Reverted the cost of opening new trade routes to linear scaling. Market Oversupply: When the market is oversupplied, players can still export goods at a lower price. The price multiplier for oversupplied goods is now 0.75x for oversupplied and 0.5x for critically oversupplied. Market Oversupply Rate: The rate at which the market becomes oversupplied no longer depends on the value of goods, ensuring equal rates for all good types. Better Deals Development: The "Better Deals" development branch reduces the foreign import tariff by 50% instead of removing it completely. Global Market Supply: Tuned global market supply to rebalance itself faster, aiming for a closer to one-year cycle if not trading.
Quality of Life & Infrastructure
Ale Consumption: Reduced ale consumption by 75% (approximately 1/3 per family per month). Building Placement: Made building placement steepness limits harsher to prevent trading posts and churches from looking awkward on sharp slopes. Soldier Approval Factor: Soldiers no longer trigger the "unburied bodies" approval factor when corpses are in their proximity. Hitching Post: Hitching post is free again to reduce the chances of players getting stuck without an ox, hitching post, or the ability to order an ox. Sheep Breeding: Capped sheep breeding to a maximum of 1 new lamb every 10 days. Water Fetching: Villagers are now only allowed to fetch water from the well nearest to their home, except in case of a fire. Maximum Yield per Plant: Increased the maximum yield per plant from 2 to 4 (Hunting Grounds policy still reduces it by half). Plant Yield Rate: Plant yield rate reduced by half to encourage early harvest only in emergency mode. Militia Squad Limit: The militia squad limit is now 6, regardless of whether the player has a retinue or mercenaries. This will be connected to a rank system in the future. Fertility Regeneration: Doubled the fertility regeneration rate effect on fallow fields and from fertilization. Plant Growth Rate: Adjusted crop growth to match crop rotation (to hit 100% at harvest as often as it can on auto). Tree Growth Rate: Slowed down tree growth rate by around 30% to enhance forest management impact. Trading Post Workers: Increased the carrying capacity of on-foot trading post workers from 1 to 5. Royal Tax Calculation: Royal tax is calculated as follows: No tax for the first 5 years, 1 Treasury per citizen after 5 years, 2 Treasury per citizen after 10 years, 3 Treasury per citizen after 15 years. Granary and Storehouse Worker Slots: Adjusted Granary and Storehouse Worker Slots: unified to 3 families for level 1 and 6 families for level 2.
Minor Fixes
Trade and Market Adjustments
Mindfulness System: Applied the "mindfulness" system to free merchants to reduce clumps and traffic jams. Trade Location: Moved the location of trades further off the map to ensure space for all trade wagons, even if the trading post is placed on the map edge. Trader Transactions: Allowed traders to make transactions without entering the shed if the trading post is clogged, as long as they are within the general building bounds. Marketplace Logistics: Improved marketplace logistics efficiency and optimization. Market Supply Reset: Reset market supply on loading old saves (from builds 0.7.954-0.7.956) due to mismatched global market supply stock values. Market Stall Workers: Capped the number of workers supplying a single market stall to 2 to reduce market clogs with the increased market supply frequency. The number of stalls is now reduced back to the number of families divided by 5, with a minimum of 1 to ensure functionality in towns with fewer than 5 families. Market Supply Optimization: Further optimized market supply functions for smoother late-game town performance. Trading Post Thumbnail: Added the missing trading post building thumbnail. Trading Post Price Range: Trading posts now display a price range for imports, indicating whether they can buy from other regions or foreign trade sources.
Optimization and Performance
Default AA: Changed default AA under DX11 to TAA. Spatialization Update: Added a spatialization update call for recruits teleported home when rallied to ensure proper collision calculations. Follow Mode Optimization: Updated "is close to camera" value in follow mode to prevent optimization of animations or sound effects for characters near the camera. Firefighting Behavior: Made firefighting villagers ignore anti-clogging behavior at narrow pathfinding points. Pathfinding Updates: Minor unit in-town pathfinding updates. Destructible System: Swapped the old UE4 destructible system for a new UE5-friendly chaos-based debris system currently used for chopped firewood cutter logs. AA/Upscaler Selection: Tweaked default AA/upscaler selection during first-time launch for specific GPUs (e.g., RTX properly defaulting to DLSS). Pathfinding Thread: Added another pathfinding thread for handling multiple end-game cities. Harvest Prediction Optimization: Optimized harvest prediction and fertility changes to reduce stutter. Log Display: Limited the log display to store only the last 100 entries to improve UI optimization. Idle Task Optimization: Optimized the function for finding friends to do idle tasks like conversations. Door Opening Animations: Optimized door opening animations.
User Interface and Accessibility
Mourning Period UI: The residential panel now has a "mourning period left" UI element that displays the number of days of mourning until the burgage plot can bring in more family members. Mourning Icon: Added mourning icon to the building floater. Save Restrictions: Disabled the ability to quick save during the game ovevictory cinematic. Disabled manual save after being defeated and added a tooltip explaining why saves are disabled. Disabled quick save and autosave if the game was lost. King's Tax Rate Multiplier: Added king's tax rate multiplier to the game setup settings. Victory Camera: After continuing the game after a victory, the camera returns to the player's main region instead of levitating over the map edge. Currency Icon: Unified the currency icon in the mercenary company panel to clarify payment with the treasury, not regional wealth. Accommodation for Homeless: Added an accommodation call for homeless people after a fire, ensuring they are quickly re-assigned to available burgage plots. Family List UI: Aligned "workplace/reassign" buttons vertically in the family list due to most families having more than one member. Font Fix: Fixed old fonts being used in the family entry widgets. Fertility Overlay: Made fertility overlay colors and colorblind symbols more accurate with the percentages displayed in the field's building panel. Building Panel UI: Tweaked building panel header buttons/toggles to improve readability and distinguish buttons from toggles. Market Stalls: Set "Allow market stalls" to ON by default for all workplaces and artisan workshops to aid new players in setting up stalls without confusion. Popup Queue: To avoid popups like "royal tax increase" from interrupting visit mode, they are now queued and triggered after the player returns from visit mode, after around 1-2 seconds. Transaction Popup: When trading between regions, the transaction popup will now display over both trade buildings, depending on which is closer to the camera. Region Borders: Region borders will show under the cursor even if the camera is low, clarifying where region territory ends. Region Calculation for UI: Tuned how "current region" is calculated for the UI to make it more comfortable to build on the edge between two player-owned regions.
Crash Fixes
Fixed a crash when doing a sequence of livestock import, export, and import because "home" wasn't cleared properly during export, and the same animal was reimported. Fixed a rare crash if a handcart fails to spawn, likely if the trading post was built so that part of it crosses the map edge. Fixed crash on startup if OpenXr SDK is installed. Fixed a crash when deleting a building if there are pathfinding obstacles being verified (for instance, soon after loading a game). Fixed the player being able to reassign a family to another Region, which could crash the game. Bug Fixes
Gameplay Mechanics
Fixed victory status not resetting after starting a new game, leading to a game over screen not appearing if the player lost/won multiple games without turning the game off. Fixed crops dying in the winter instead of actually increasing yield by absorbing nutrients from the snow as intended for winter crops. Fixed oxen sometimes "ghost plowing" a field when they are waiting for their guide. Fixed plow and ox sometimes misaligned on 12x game speed. Fixed farm workers not accounting for oxen plowing the farms in some situations, leading to a lot of unnecessary collisions on the field. Fixed crop rotation unplowing the fields. Fixed disbanded mercenary group becoming immediately available again after save/load cycle. Fixed the trading post export transactions not moving regional wealth between the regions correctly if owned by the same lord. Fixed paused taverns fulfilling the entertainment requirement. Fixed attempt for never-ending fires if a fire was triggered after the building was already on fire. Fixed livestock sometimes being unaccommodated after order even though there is stable or pasture space due to being transferred to the region twice (once when buying and once when livestock merchant brings it to the building). Fixed livestock traders traded between on-map regions, possibly sometimes paying twice because the ownership changing function was called both on pickup of livestock and on dropoff. Fixed the game getting stuck on the game summary screen infinitely after winning or losing the game. Fixed "none" people populating the town after a raid sometimes who just stand around waiting forever and possibly crash the game while reloading. Fixed the employed traders going to trade points even though the trade route for the traded good is not opened yet. Fixed the farm workers moving to transport tasks early even though there is still plenty of crops to harvest. Fixed predicted yield not showing correctly in the field building panel. Fixed people not resetting rotation after dismounting. Fixed farming oxen not respecting work area limits. Fixed bandit camps respawning on loading because "lastBanditCampSpawnedDay" didn't save properly. Fixed villagers not setting up market stalls to sell their home produce like vegetables if they are unassigned. Fixed granary workers stealing ale from the tavern. Fixed livestock exports getting interrupted by sheep herd behavior. Fixed livestock trader job not triggering an import task when buying livestock from another region.
Visual and Interface Fixes
Fixed the blurry desktop icon. Fixed the save/load menu header not translating after changing the language. Fixed the front lighting not being visible in the retinue editor if bounced light approximation is turned to low or off. Fixed floating feedback text spawning during the cinematic mode. Fixed autosave triggering during the cinematic mode. Fixed the gilded aventail hounskull helmet appearing blurry in the retinue editor. Fixed the forest mask not drawing. Fixed the wrong yarn basket carrying animation. Fixed the wrong apple basket carry animation.
Economic and Resource Management
Fixed "storage full" triggering for wrong buildings sometimes (for example, sawpit having 1/1 logs). Fixed attempt for oxen bringing too many logs to the sawpit and crossing the storage limit. Fixed free merchants sometimes got stuck if a trading post was built so close to the edge that a portion of it was outside of any region bounds. Fixed horse wagon rotations getting a bit too wonky on slopes. Fixed a bug where a unit could no longer move due to being forever stuck in "waiting for pathfinding to finish" if another unit with a lower squadID got completely destroyed. Fixed traders not importing from on-map regions even though the price is better than buying from trade points. Fixed farm workers & farm oxen stealing planks from fields which are getting "fenced up." Fixed "homeless" problem banner not disappearing after upgrading homeless camp to a worker camp. Fixed animals not getting removed from stable space / pasture space after death. Fixed animal corpses not disappearing over time. Fixed a dirty fix for families moving into homes but not registering correctly and not displaying in the UI, leading to a "secret" family living in one of the burgage plots. The reason is still unknown and being investigated. Fixed wealth getting transferred when doing barter. Fixed bartering traders always return 1 item regardless of the barter value and carrying capacity. Fixed bartering traders packing too much stuff in their origin region when barter value is more than 1x. Fixed trading post exports not proceeding with transactions once the trader reaches the destination. Fixed multiple markets sometimes distributing multiple instances of the same good type to a plot, for instance, a single plot would "eat" 2 leather, leaving houses on the outskirts forever undersupplied. Fixed crop rotation to fallow causing farmers to harvest itemID_0, which was invisible in the UI and stopped supply dumps from being cleared because they were never considered as fully empty. Fixed farmers getting stuck in pickup-putdown handcart loop when multiple farms are used. Fixed unnecessary harvest data recalculations triggering in the winters. Fixed a bug with trading between regions where during selling items the wrong region would pay for the transaction. Fixed free merchants not applying the foreign import tariff when selling their goods to trading posts if another region was exporting the traded good for a lower price. Fixed trade wagons sometimes traveling with empty inventory. Fixed traders doing "major trades" even without an established trade route. Fixed workers ignoring storage filter settings. Fixed the "current year" always incrementing in January, regardless of the month the game was started in, also leading to the tax being calculated inconsistently [fix for new saves only]. Fixed market supply percentages not displaying correctly because it still accounted for uninhabited homes. Fixed a bug with workers not setting up market stalls if there are less than 5 families in the settlement. Fixed squad icons disappearing/flickering when disbanding certain squads. Fixed export price showing even though trade is locked because there's no trade route established and no interregional trade available. Fixed foreign market supply incrementing instead of decrementing when off-map trade was being done by trading post workers. Fixed disband/remove squad sometimes affecting wrong squads if multiple squads are selected when pressing "disband" or "remove". Fixed "Not enough funds for import" warning displaying even though there is enough. Fixed apiaries leaving invisible items in supply dumps after demolition.
Cosmetics Updates and Fixes
New Additions and Visual Upgrades
Added a new patron saint banner graphics: St Maurice. Added a carried dead body visualization. New upgraded retinue helmet variation: Pointy bascinet. New upgraded retinue body variation: Coat of plates. New upgraded retinue helmet variation: Hounskull bascinet with a gilded cover. New militia helmet variation - banded bascinet with a mail aventail. Reworked LV2 granary model with proper animated doors. Added new 6 "short" attack animations to reduce animation repetitiveness during combat. Added new "inch forward" battle locomotion animations which should greatly reduce the weird "wiggling" effect when groups push each other. Lady visit mode: If you pick the green lady portrait, the visit mode character should now be female.
Animation and Model Adjustments
Combat animation clean up. Made debris piles align to ground slope. Fixed the throw torch animation ending abruptly. Increased location precision for animals standing in the stables. Fixed the praying animation. Adjusted the two-handed weapon default idle pose to give it a more natural stance. Improved the precision for snapping terraforming meshes (like mines or sawpits) to ground. Made leaf clumps smaller and disabled the parallax mapping since it caused distortions and wasn't very visible anyway. Tuned field dirt UV wiggle to make those huge vegetable gardens players were making less wavy.
Fixes and Adjustments
Fixed the armor clipping through the leg of the upgraded retinue puffy sleeve upon body variation. Fixed some mail armor variants clipping with helmets on T3 militia units (militia mail will get their own unique variations soon). Fixed the wrong door orientation for LV2 cottage variation B (with a planked gable). Fixed the TAB building floater residential data not showing in 0.7.969. Fixed a potential bug when a family assigned to a smithy is unassigned while a family member is rallied, and the function that unequips their smithing aprons may, by mistake, unequip their body armor oand helmet. Fixed player army UI not getting updated after squad array changes because of non-player commanded units getting removed. Fixed recruit distribution sometimes assigning new militia recruits to an invalid unit
submitted by Joshh170 to GameGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:42 NGGKroze Hollywood needs their heroes whether or not with capes

In the wake of Furiosa bombing, there has been a lot of debate. It broke in a sense the sub, because the team saw abnormal mount of traffic through the site after during and after opening weekend. But I'm not here to bother you with that.
What you would read below might be a bit of naivety, delusional or borderline false, so take it all with a grain of salt, but it's my two cents why some of this is happening or at least partial reason why. I'm not touching every subject or every reason because it will open a discussion of Laplace's Demon.
The Rise of Franchises
Year Movies over $300M Worldwide Gross Leades in box office
2000 8 Mission: Impossible II
2001 12 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone / The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
2002 12 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers / Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / Spider-Man
2003 9 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King / Finding Nemo
2004 13 Shrek 2 / Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban / Spider-Man 2
2005 12 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith / The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
2006 13 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
2007 17 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End / Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix / Spider-Man 3 / Shrek the Third
2008 17 The Dark Knight / Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull / Kung Fu Panda
2009 23 Avatar / Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs / Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
2010 21 Toy Story 3 / Alice in Wonderland / Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 / Inception
2011 20 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 / Transformers: Dark of the Moon / Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Enters... Marvel Cinematic Universe
Year Movies over $300M Worldwide Gross Leades in box office
2012 27 The Avengers / Skyfall / The Dark Knight Rises / The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
2013 24 Frozen / Iron Man 3 / Despicable Me 2 / The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug / The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
2014 27 Transformers: Age of Extinction / The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies / Guardians of the Galaxy / Maleficent / The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 / X-Men: Days of Future Past / Captain America: The Winter Soldier / Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
2015 25 Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens / Jurassic World / Furious 7 / Avengers: Age of Ultron / Minions
2016 32 Captain America: Civil War / Rogue One: A Star Wars Story / Finding Dory / Zootopia / The Jungle Book
2017 32 Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi / Beauty and the Beast / The Fate of the Furious / Despicable Me 3 / Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
2018 34 Avengers: Infinity War / Black Panther / Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom / Incredibles 2 / Aquaman / Bohemian Rhapsody
2019 29 Avengers: Endgame / The Lion King / Frozen II / Spider-Man: Far from Home / Captain Marvel / Joker / Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker / Toy Story 4 / Aladdin
It's May 4th 2012 (Also Star Wars celebration day) and Marvel Studios pay-off has finally arrived.
As Deadline wrote it 'Avengers' Tracking Like Superhero: $125+M Opening Weekend With 4-Quadrant Appeal. There was sure an appeal. It was poised to open higher than Iron Man 2 (128M). How big, nobody knew at the time...
Right now Disney and theatre owners are adding screens every day for the release whose online pre-sales of tickets are already selling out. Midnight show business is expected to be phenomenal. Exactly how much the studio can gross for the first weekend depends on how many screenings each theater can pack into 72 hours by finding enough staff willing to work the extra hours and keep the pic running continuously.
It's interesting reading some of the comments under that article - many believed it will deliver, but not much more than what has already been done, few believed in the "B", but none predicated what happened.

And then COVID happened.
Year Movies over $300M Worldwide Gross Leades in box office
2020 6 The Eight Hundred / Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - The Movie: Mugen Train / Bad Boys for Life
2021 14 Spider-Man: No Way Home / The Battle at Lake Changjin / Hi, Mom / No Time to Die / F9: The Fast Saga
2022 15 Avatar: The Way of Water / Top Gun: Maverick / Jurassic World Dominion / Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness / Minions: The Rise of Gru
2023 17 Barbie / The Super Mario Bros. Movie / Oppenheimer / Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
2024 4 (as of May 31st) Dune: Part Two
And this is why we need the box office leaders. The staples of blockbusters. Maybe not for you and me, who are interested in those topics and are familiar with it, but to general audiences, your everyday Joe who sometimes happen to stumble upon a movie which can caught his eye and go see it.
As to why $300M thresholds - that I will leave for the brain.
submitted by NGGKroze to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:31 TicketronTickets Ok Ortex Is Updated With Live Short Interest On 440M Shares

Ok Ortex Is Updated With Live Short Interest On 440M Shares
Short Interest is now 1.51%. If Anyone Puts In Another Penny Shame On All Of You. But To Each Their Own
submitted by TicketronTickets to RealFFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:04 OriginalSprinkles718 test

My goal was to build immersive, hard, but balanced and crash-free survival experience.

  • New game on survival difficulty required
  • All six DLCs needed
  • Tested only on PS5
  • Adding your own mods will break stuff
You start weak, tired, confused and with barely any gear. You are no one after leaving the vault. Avoid most encounters and quests. Try to survive, build a safe spot and carefully explore. Be aware of your surroundings, use what you find and don't engage in battles if you don't need to.
Before you there is a long way including exploration, difficult combat, building and managing settlements. But worry not. Enemies no longer are bullet sponges, however rushing towards them or standing in one place is guaranteed death.
Saving often in beds and making 'autosave drug' at the earliest possibility is a good idea (nearest chemistry workbench is at Abernathy Farm). Save menu is always on top of MISC category in Pip-Boy.
Discovering new places gives plenty of exp in the beginning, but quests are your main exp income.
Exploring safer areas like Sanctuary, Concord and smaller settlements first (avoiding powerful enemies) recommended. There might be a lot of combat in the background. Don't engage much, especially avoid supermutants, robots, turrets, bears - they are deadly even for high level, well developed characters. Raiders also hit hard, depending on their weapon and rank.
Weapon caliber makes huge damage difference. 10mm is pretty weak, but if you find rare .50cal rounds or some good explosives, you should eliminate tougher targets much more easily.
Investing in stats right after level 15 is a good idea. STR for carry weight, PER for accuracy, END for health, CHA for better prices, INT for more exp, AGI for sneak and speed, LCK for dmg and loot. Be sure of your choices. Watch out for 'revealing all map markers' and 'slow time when aiming' perks. Be sure you want and like them, there is no going back.
Deathclaw in the early minuteman quest is tough - try to use explosives to break his legs and some high caliber weapons to finish him off by shooting his face. Or maybe you'll get lucky and raiders will kill him. Or just simply avoid him until you get proper gear.
Don't waste ammo on zombies, use melee. Bullets are valuable. However zombies can grab and instantly kill you if your HP is very low, so watch out on low, early levels!
Aim for the head for much higher damage. Concentrating damage on arms or legs to rip them off is a good strategy too. Raider without arms wont do much to you except running around and alerting nearby enemies, that is.
Damage types are important. Ballistic damage is not efficient against turrets, melee against radroaches and so on. You need to figure out yourself whats best strategy.
Develop and protect your settlements, put walls to protect generators and other important structures. Repairing is costly. Gear up settlers. Scraping and cleaning settlements is a good early source of components.
Try to fully explore the map, kill enemies and do all quests. Most loot and enemies wont ever respawn so this is your chance to find new secrets in Commonwealth and clear the place.

========== CHANGES ==========

Combat, Enemies

  • Enemies will flank, charge, take cover, run in fear, use and pick up ammo & weapons, swap to backup gun and so on.
  • Headshots or weakspot hits do much higher damage than torso shots.
  • Gun caliber greatly affects damage, explosives are powerful and damage type matters.
  • Foes have special moves like biting and holding leg, wrestling moves, kicks. Dependent on enemy type and briefly stuns you.

Sound, Graphic

  • Sounds are less flat because of added reverb and other tweaks.
  • Very dark nights with wide, helpful flashlight.
  • Atmospheric lightning: beautiful light from lantern and fire sources, dusk, dawn, moon, plus bullets illuminate environment when flying around.
  • No dreadful, annoying, unimmersive: combat music, hearthbeat, sounds of generators, turrets, exp gain sound, most perk triggers and perk chart.

Crafting, Modifying

  • Making and disasembling ammo. Upgrading clothes, rings, glasses in different ways.
  • Legendary swapping, crafting legendary effects using technical documents. Some effects have been adjusted.
  • Added crafting of new, lower damage explosives, but they have unique effects for ease of use.


  • STR affects carry weight, PER accuracy, END is health, max AP, CHA for better prices, INT for more exp, AGI for sneak, walk and reload speed, LCK for small dmg boost, loot, critical hits outside VATS and while using it.
  • Leveling up does not give you health. You rely on stats, bonuses, gear.
  • Perks tree mostly changed, level 15 needed to start increasing Special base stats, level of around 100 to increase stat to 10. To get all perks you would need 300 levels, so new modified 'idiot savant' will help a lot.
  • Collecting magazines, bobbleheads, companion perks is now more helpful and recommended.
  • Some skills are changed, reordered, much more interesting and useful.
  • More perks are needed for crafting, especially science perk is required for most technology related stuff.
  • Lockpicking everything is available instantly from level one, but perks and AGI make it reasonably easier. Bobby pins are more rare.
  • Hacking is simplified to not do the repeating minigame. Now holotapes to reprogram and override terminals might be of use.

Settlements, Building

  • Perks required to build important and useful objects. Buying component shipments available.
  • You can hire guards for caps or risk regular settlers life on guard posts.
  • You can't harvest planted fruit and vegetables, you get your share in workbenches, can gather in the wild yourself or assign settlers to gathering stations.
  • Collecting resources by settlers changed. Bigger variety of settlers and they are now mortal.
  • More objects to build and decorate your bases.

Locations, Loot

  • Items like meds and ammo are harder to find and exist in appropriate containers.
  • Quick travel available, but only to settlements.
  • Only rare enemies like bosses drop legendaries.
  • And many more...
! ! !

-------- BOLD_MODS_ARE_REQUIRED <----------

! ! !


  1. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch [UFO4P] [PS4] - Thousands of small bug fixes for FO4.
  2. Looted World - PS - Removes 90% of loose loot in the world, so easily accessible and obvious places are almost empty. Makes you spend less time looting. You can still buy shipments of components from vendors and now scraping settlements is a great source of resources. If you are tired of constantly picking up loot, this is a good choice.
  3. [PS4] Pip-Boy Paint Jobs - Colors Of The Wasteland Pack (Club Freedom) - Adds simple Pip-Boy skins. Remember you can click touchpad while using pip-boy to zoom. Again a master file.
  4. Kane's Items Sorting (PS4) - Tags quest items, components, bones, bobbleheads, holotapes, notes, chems, liquors, syringes, 99% of junk for better item management and easier looting (water, aid, stealthboys, few food items and some mags are marked by Immersive gameplay). Empty bottles/vases are not marked.
  5. [PS] Useful Technical Documents - Legendaries - You can swap legendaries for free, create new ones using technical documents.
  6. Named NPC Protection [PS4] - Protects named quest npc's, merchants, important characters from random encounters with enemies.
  7. Ghouls Of Commonwealth - Adds over 1100 feral ghouls for zombie apocalypse and chaos.
  8. Tribals of Commonwealth - Adds tribal groups, often found in wilderness.
  9. Hermit Crabs Of The Commonwealth - Adds 12 hermit crabs to the map.
  10. Wolves Of The Commonwealth - Adds wolf spawn points to the map.
  11. More Behemoths In Commonwealth - Adds 5 more behemots to the Commonwealth.
  12. DLC Creatures In The Commonwealth [PS4] - Adds 200 creature spawns to the commonwealth for constant war, danger and chaos.
  13. Behind Enemy Lines - Adds plenty of enemies to the glowing sea region.
  14. Roving War Parties, Raiding Packs And Hordes Of MY - Adds wandering groups that attack some key locations.
  15. More Radstags - Adds plenty of radstags, especially north and into forests.
  16. Better Radstags - More agressive radstags.
  17. Not a Princess - Humans can grab you/others and slam on the ground, make karate moves, dogs can hold your legs/arms, bloodbugs suck your blood.
  18. Disable Minutemen's Annoying Quests [PS4] - Disables 7 types of repetitive and not important radiant quests.
  19. [PS4] Grounded Updated By Sarinia - Adds tons of ground foundations, floors, walls, mounds of dirt to Structures-Concrete menu.
  20. Miscellaneous Settlement Items Unlocked [PS4] By Callias - Adds 49 objects for building in settlements.
  21. Cinder Block Walls And Sandbags Unlocked [PS4] By Callias - Adds 16 objects like cinder blocks and sandbags.
  22. Constructible Faction Guards - Adds ability to hire guards for caps in build menu, but only after allying with a faction.
  23. [PS4] OCDecorator - Adds inventory items as a decorational building objects.
  24. [PS4] OCDecorator DLC - Support for addons for the above mod.
  25. Tweaks - Survival Fast Travel Settlements All DLC - You can fast travel to settlements on survival difficulty.
  26. 1st Person Animation Tweaks [PS4] - In first person mode you lower your gun automatically.
  27. [PS4] Swinging Animated Meat Bags - Adds animation to supermutant meat bags and adds flies buzzing sound.
  28. No Sneak Indicators - Completely removes all sneak indicators.
  29. [PS4] Dogs Not Brahmin - Provisioners and traders use dogs instead of brahmin.
  30. Vertibirds Unghosted - Tweaks invincible vertibirds for danger and realism.
  31. [PS4] Simple Settlers (Mortal Edition) - Provides bigger settlers pool (five times more) and names them. Immortal version available.
  32. Quieter Settlements PS4 - Vanilla - Generators, turrets and hammering are much quieter.
  33. Fallout 76-Style Region Music - Changes music in regions for less boring/repetitive background tracks.
  34. Reverb And Ambiance Overhaul - ALL DLC [PS4] - Tweaks sounds for better ambient and reverb and adds sliders to options.
  35. Better Dialogue - Camera focuses on NPC, changes made to some irritating generic dialogues and tweaked dialogue interuption.
  36. Esk QuietPerks [PS4] - Muted five annoying perks like idiot savant.
  37. No Experience SFX - Silences sounds when gaining experience from various sources.
  38. [PS4] Dead Beat - Removes heart beat sound at low HP.
  39. Combat Music Remover - Mutes combat music, so there is silence and suspension when enemy detects you.
  40. Commonwealth Visual Overhaul & DLC [PS4] - Changes colours, atmosphere and makes nights darker.
  41. UCW - Unified Commonwealth Weather - Adjusted weather for regions and integrated DLC weather for Commonwealth.
  42. [PS4] No More Fake Puddles - Removes ugly puddles that stay 24/7.
  43. Reduced Rubble Etc. - Decreases intensity of grass, rubble, twigs and other unimportant objects.
  44. TLS Fallout 4 Subtle FPS Improver - Small changes like decreasing grass and water movement speed, and tiny radius decrease of some light sources.
  45. [PS4] Enhanced Flickering Firelight - Better light effects for fire sources including oil lamps.
  46. Vanilla Moon (4x) - Much bigger moon. Anything bigger looks low quality.
  47. Sunlight Alignment Tweak - Better Dawn And Dusk [PS4] - Changes sun and moon movement for better lighting and atmosphere during dusk, dawn and night.
  48. Crafting Blur Removal (PS4) - Removes blur while looting containers, from crafting screen, power armor.
  49. Ironsight Blur Removal (PS4) - Removes blur while aiming.
  50. More Map Markers (PS4) - Adds some new markers on map.
  51. VATS Third Person Only - As the name says, just changes the cameras used in VATS.
  52. Component Tagging Helper - Allows to easily tag basic components on cooking bench and you can quickly view how many you have in total.
  53. Grenade and Mine Pack - Adds some new weaker, but modified explosives.
  54. Animations Be Gone - Removes plenty annoying hammering spots in sanctuary.
  55. Power Goggles (All DLC) - Power Armor Mods For Goggles, Visors, And Glasses - As the name says. Two mods for glasses for high level characters.
  56. Clothes For Every Stats Wz - Most clothes can be worn under armor and you can upgrade them after unlocking ballistic weave.
  57. Bear Trap and Caltrops Fix [PS4] - Bug fix and small changes in how traps work and balance them.
  58. See-Through-Scopes [PS4] - Adds new combat scopes in place of 2.5x and 4x magnification.
  59. See-Through-Scopes - Nuka World [PS4] - Combat scopes for handmade rifle and western revolver.
  60. See-Through-Scopes - Far Harbor [PS4] - As above but for 2 Far Harbor weapons.
  61. Legalized Top Tier Legendary Effects [PS4] - Balances few legendary effects.
  62. Targeting Sensors On Recon Scopes(Colour Coded NPCs Version)[PS4] - Modified recon scopes that highlight enemies, friends and dead bodies in specific colours.
  63. Immersive Gameplay Combat Mostly PS4 - Core of this modlist. Hundreds of changes.**
  64. Immersive-Gameplay. Low Tech, No Powerarmor Justification Patch. (PS4) - Makes fusion cores worn. Balances the game around power armor.
  65. Immersive Gameplay Seasonpass Patch (Playstation) - DLC compatibility for IG.
  66. Immersive Gameplay Rough Start (PS4) - Overwrites starting level to 1.
  67. Medium Settlement Raids PS4 - Makes enemy raids less ridicolous and balanced.
  68. Zombie Walkers (PS4) - Most feral ghouls act like slow rotten zombies.
  69. Curse Of Darkness - Normal Edition - - Zombies are faster and more dangerous after midnight.
  70. Esk No More Teleporting Creatures [PS4] - Molerats and radscorpions don't teleport.
  71. Realistic Insects Health [PS4] - Makes insects easier to kill and balanced.
  72. Loot Logic And Reduction Complete - Enhanced - Restricted harvest, lower and/or different production output for settlements, empty bottles renamed, Scrounger perk less ammo, less meat, less loot.
  73. Rough Start - Less Handouts - Removed some workbenches in starting locations. Different loot in Vault111, radroaches strength changed, 14 starting stats.
  74. Food, Drink and Crop Overhaul - Improved cooking, lead belly perk, cooked food provides food after reading farming magazines. Better recipes are locked behind perk ranks, added milk and crop seeds.
  75. PreWar Food + - Prewar food is more useful.
  76. Settlement Progression-Local Leader (UOF4P) - Changes cost and perk requirements of some important structures, changes local leader perk and adds rank 3.
  77. Wasteland Baubles Ring Overhaul! PS4 - You can find unique rings at traders, in suitcases, cabinets. Allows scraping and modifying rings for special legendary effects.
  78. (PS4) Improved Lighting Ballistics - Improves lighting for projectiles such as bullets, lasers, gauss, plasma, missiles, flares and explosions.
  79. [PS4] Realistic Bullets: Improved Lighting Ballistics Edition - Makes bullets travel faster, more realistic and fixes some shooting bugs.
  80. Immersive Gameplay Dismemberment - A Patch Or Standalone Feature. - Higher damage to headshots, easier to dismember limbs.
  81. Tackle! Immersive Gameplay Knockdown Version - Lets you stagger enemies by sprinting into them after aquiring a perk.
  82. Idiot Savant & Better Criticals Redone (PS4) - Idiot savant is better the more INT you have, muted perk chart, better criticals perk for crits outside VATS.
  83. [PS4] STS - All-In-One - Allows scraping almost all settlement objects.
  84. [PS4] STS - Extras - Living & Dead - Season Pass Version - You can get extra resources from scraping dead bodies in settlements. Watch out not to scrap someone alive.
  85. Faster Positive Affinity For Companions - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions and gain five times more positive affinity.
  86. [PS4]More XP Per Level (Base:600, Bump 120) - Increased experience required to level up.
  87. Increased EXP - Increases the amount of EXP gained to make Immersive Gameplay and mod list balanced.
  88. No Building Houses XP Gains PS4 - Building settlements don't provide experience.
  89. Realistic Death Physics - No Animation - ALL DLC [PS4] - Decreases the amount of force of both melee and ranged attacks, so bodies wont fly away.
  90. Increased Settler Limit - Awareness - Wire Length - Corpse Collisions [PS4] - More aware settlers with limit of 50 per settlement and longer wires. Mind the limit.
  91. Power Conduits Radius Increase And No Build Limit - All DLC [PS4] - Infinite build limit and two times longer range electricity conduits.
  92. Settlement Attack Spawns Outside The Settlement PS4 - Moves attack spawns outside the settlements.
  93. [PS4] Creation Club Skins (Weapon & PipBoy) Generic Compatibility Patch - Makes weapon paints from Creation Club show up in crafting menu if you have any.
  94. Pip-Boy Flashlight - Pipboy light is now a flashlight.
  95. PS4 - Longer Headlamp Light - Makes flashlight much bigger and changes headlamp and power armor light.
  96. [PS4] Starting SPECIAL = 7 - Changes starting SPECIAL stats to 1 in each category so you start weak.
  97. No Enemy Respawns - Game areas don't respawn loot and enemies, after time have passed.
  98. Accelerated Fast Travel - Fast travel takes less in-game time, should be also relevant to survival needs.
  99. Time Scale Changed From 20 To 10 [PS4] - Day and night lasts twice as long.
  100. Saving Survival Mode - Allows crafting misc items on chemistry workbench for anytime saving (3 standard autosave slots and 1 save shared/overwritten on all survival characters).

    Additionally after downloading:

  101. After installing the mod list, restart your PS4/PS5.
  102. Try not to remove mods on existing save file, unless its something simple.
  103. Change game difficulty to survival in options.
  104. Play on performance 60fps. Visual 60fps mode is laggy.
  105. For even more immersive settings, go to Settings, Gameplay and turn off quest markers.
  106. Go to Options, Sound and reduce ambience level by 5-8 clicks and reverb by 2-3.

* Dont forget to change camera sensitivity to max or your preference, in Options, Display change hud color to blue or your favorite, you can also lower transparency by 30% or more, set pip-boy colour (I use red pip-boy and minty hud to have the best compatibility with highlighting perks and scopes).

You can add/swap some mods if you want:

  • 101... Immortal Cats - PS4 - Invincible cats, so you don't lose happiness increase when they die. Add after mod #83.
  • 102...
  • 103... Josephine Preset - Nice looking preset number 13 for female character creation. Change hair and other details if you want. Delete after leaving vault111 and saving (if you need mod list space that is). Add after mod #53.
  • 104... No Affinity Cooldown - Removes cooldown between companions liking/hating your actions. Swap with mod #91 if you want slower reputation gain.
  • 105... Silent Main Menu - To mute main menu sound, find duplicate sound slider named 'Master sound' and move it all the way to the left. Add after mod #40.
  • 106... Quieter Settlements PS4 - Contraptions DLC - Quieter production lines. I ran out of space on mod list so this and next one are optional. Add after mod #33.
  • 107... Quieter Settlements PS4 - Wasteland Workshop - Quieter fusion generators. Add after mod #33.
  • 110... Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter) - For a smaller, brighter flashlight replace mod #95 with this and then swap places with #96 (or completely delete longer headlamp mod).
  • 111... No Bugs In Vault 111 [PS4] - No radroaches in starting area, if its too hard for you to complete the prologue. Add after #6.
  • 112... CleanVATS - Green Tint Remover PS4 - Removes fullscreen green tint effect while aiming in VATS mode. Add after mod #52.
  • 113... Longhorns Of The Commonwealth - Adds longhorns to more empty areas on the map. Add after #28.
  • 114... Radium Rifle Suppressed Sound Fix - As the mod name suggests. Must be on top of mod list, its a master file. Add after unofficial patch.
  • 115... Gulpers Of The Commonwealth - Adds gulpers to more empty areas on the map.
  • 116...
  • 117... Explorer Restored - Cut Perk Mod PS4 - Adds rank two of VANS perk - explorer. Uncovers map.

Remove to have:

Stock Pip-Boy color - #3 No legendary effects swap and crafting - #5 No added 1000+ zombies and reverted ghoul behaviour - #8, #71, #72. No powerful groups wandering and attacking places - #15 Radstags be less agressive - #17 No additional building objects - #20 #21 #22 No settlement decoration items - #24 #25 Wandering trader brahmins instead of dogs - #30 Cash register sounds when gaining exp - #38 Old vanilla dusk and dawn lighting - #49 Stock VATS cameras - #53 Old combat scopes - #61 #62 #63 No 'uncover map' perk - #84 No support for weapon skins from Creation Club - #90 Faster leveling - #92 Building experience points - #94 Seven extra SPECIAL points to distribute at the start- #97 Loot and enemies respawn after some days - #98 Fast travel take time again - #99 Vanilla days length instead of double - #100

Known issues, bugs, glitches, exploits:

Some of those are present in vanilla game. I mention every problem encountered during testing and solution if there is any.
Action girl perk have only one rank on female character and two on male.
NO FIX: It's 25% AP regen loss for endgame if you choose female character.
Bubblegum seems to unintentionally quench some thirst and vendors give it for free.
NO FIX: Free candies to encourage shopping. No fix for now.
Few perk descriptions might be slightly incorrect or missing.
NO FIX: Nothing important to worry about. No fix unless immersive gameplay gets updated.
Three street lights and subway light have incorrect build costs.
NO FIX: These have too high build costs. Use alternative items.
Water surface sometimes flash black when moving underwater.
NO FIX: Its not very noticable and you don't dive much in FO4 anyway.
Hubby secret basement in Sanctuary.
NO FIX: Its up to you if you want to use inside contents. Makes game much easier, gives headstart.
Hacking rank 4 seems useless or has wrong description.
NO FIX: Needs proper check if it really does nothing.
Animal Fat doesn't drop from animals.
NO FIX: Its not important.
Can't complete prologue, radroaches kill me too quickly.
FIX: If you are not able to kill or avoid them before they kill you, try mod #111.
Ground textures in and around sanctuary flicker black.
FIX: Fixes itself over time.
Green chest containing flare gun and 10k flares after exiting vault 111.
FIX: Mod dev forgot to delete it. Ignore and forget about it.
Wall turrets sometimes glitches and play sound on repeat.
FIX: Re-enter the area or reload save.
Contact frag mines from mod # seems to have too low damage.
FIX: Ignore and don't craft them. Other new explosives should work fine and do decent damage.
Perception low, constant (-1) PER in stats because of poison damage/resistance bug.
FIX: Vanilla glitch. Safest way to install Vrexia's Magical Rings and equip rings. Should not collide with regular ring slot.
Pip-boy light wont transfer from first to third person camera view.
FIX: Turn flashlight off and on. Can't fix on PS4/5.
Incorrect cost to build concrete foundations and barn menu items.
FIX: Use mod #20 to add tons of foundations in newly added category StructuresConcrete.
OCDecorator replaces creation club menu.
FIX: Items from CC are still available in other building categories. Ignore this or delete mod #24 + #25 if you dont care about its function.
Can't use Wattz Consumer Electronics terminal, animation stops.
FIX: There is a radroach behind the wall. Kill it by swinging melee or using explosives.
v.1.00 - (15May24)Initial version. v.1.01 - (24May24)List updated to remove deleted mods, updated names, load order, text. v.1.02 - (29May24)Added mod #80, moved #112, #113 outside the main list. Fixed some item building costs. v.1.03 - (30May24)Fixed bullets not leaving the weapon chamber with some gun/scope combinations #83. Balanced legendary effects #64. Sorted bug list. Removed 2 meaningless mods. v.1.04 -

Have fun!

submitted by OriginalSprinkles718 to test [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:50 SoftPois0n What TV Show To Watch After Station 19

What TV Show To Watch After Station 19

# Name Date Genres
1 9-1-1 2018-01-03 Action, Drama, Thriller
2 Under Fire 2021-09-12 Drama
3 Grey's Anatomy 2005-03-27 Drama, Romance, Soap
4 Private Practice 2007-09-26 Drama
5 New Amsterdam 2018-09-25 Drama
6 Third Watch 1999-09-23 Action, Crime, Drama
7 Chicago Fire 2012-10-10 Action, Drama
8 9-1-1: Lone Star 2020-01-19 Action, Drama
9 Fargo 2014-04-15 Crime, Drama, Thriller
10 Rescue Me 2004-07-21 Action, Comedy, Drama
11 Sirens 2011-06-27 Comedy, Drama
12 We Own This City 2022-04-25 Crime, Drama, Mini-Series
13 London's Burning 1988-02-20 Drama
14 Code Black 2015-09-30 Drama
15 Good Sam 2022-01-05 Drama
16 Fire Country 2022-10-07 Drama
17 S.W.A.T. 2017-11-02 Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Thriller
18 Resident Alien 2021-01-27 Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Science-Fiction
19 House 2004-11-16 Drama, Mystery, Suspense
20 ER 1994-09-19 Drama, Romance
21 Scandal 2012-04-05 Drama, Thriller
22 NCIS 2003-09-23 Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
23 MacGyver 2016-09-23 Action, Adventure, Drama, Mystery
24 Nurses 2020-01-06 Drama
25 SEAL Team 2017-09-26 Action, Drama, War
26 A Million Little Things 2018-09-26 Comedy, Drama, Romance
27 NCIS: Origins 2024-08-31 Drama
28 NCIS: Sydney 2023-11-10 Action, Crime, Drama
29 NCIS: Hawai'i 2021-09-20 Action, Crime, Drama, Mystery
30 NCIS: Los Angeles 2009-09-22 Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Family

List of All TV Shows Recommendation To Watch If You Liked Station 19

Follow complete collection list here:

TV Shows

TV Show Ranking

More Details

submitted by SoftPois0n to Station19 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:24 Nishant_10000 Adi Shankarāchārya - A Fanatic Shaiva or a Multifarous Personality?

॥श्री मात्रेनमः॥
This post is a response to the post made by u/WallEvaa a few days ago. You can see it here.
I want to preface this by saying that I do not take offence with anyone’s curiosity to learn and ask questions. Nobody is above criticism, not even the venerable Shankara. The pūrva pakshin has full right to question each and every aspect of any siddhānta. Advaita grew the most in terms of philosophy when it was engaged in polemics with other sampradayas. Certainly, all objections are welcome.
With that being said, there are three claims made by the OP in their post. We will take a look at each of them and determine how tenable those objections really are.
Let’s analyze the post:
As you read, why adi shankracharya got maa's blessings even he did not believe in Shakti. As he was a fanatic Shaiv and never worshipped Durga ?
We can note 2 claims that have been made here.
Claim#1: Adi Shankaracharya did not believe in Shakti.\*
Claim#2: Adi Shankaracharya was a fanatic Shaiva.
Moving on:
You must have read the story of Shankracharya, where he was present in Manikarnika Ghat. And a lady was weeping (on his husbands body) on Shankracharya's path. After which Maa Durga appear.
According to the OP, this is a story. But I wonder where this story is taken from (talking about the source here, podcast xyz and tantrik abc are not valid sources), as this is nowhere mentioned in the traditional account of his life. The Mookambika incident is the one OP is referring to, but nowhere does it mention about him not believing in Shakti prior to this incident. Instead, he had already requested the blessings of Maa Saraswati after his debate with Mandana. Nevertheless, we’ll take the story as true for now. Onto the last portion of the post:
Edit : To all who says Shankaracharya wrote mahishasur mardini strotam, soundarya lahiri etc. I know about him and his works. But these strotams of shakti were written after Shakti gave blessings to him at Manikarnika Ghat. Before that he never believed in Shakti. I heard this tale from a podcast of tantric named parakh on youtube.
Claim#3: Adi Shankaracharya believed in Shakti only after getting the blessings of Devi.
I honestly wasn't considering responding to this, given that OP’s primary source of his claims come from a podcast on YouTube which is not supported by any textual evidence, but I feel that addressing these claims will also serve other lay people valuable knowledge about the relation of Ādī Shankaracharya to the Sri Vidya paramparā, something that is not well known. Which is why, this post is less of a polemical kind and more of an informative one, starting now.
My response to Claim#1:
  1. If you claim that he regards Shakti merely as Māyā, in which Adī Shankara sees no reality, hence denouncing Shakti as well, then you're wrong.
  2. If you claim that he never believed in or worshipped the Saguna-Brahman aspect of Devi, then you're also wrong.
I will prove these ridiculous charges as untenable without ever resorting to his Soundarya Lahiri.
Since OP wants to maintain a chronology of events for someone whose history is all based on hearsay, let’s stick to that as well.
Adī Shankaracharya, before travelling the four quarters, wrote all his Bhāshyas on the Prasthāntrayī (Brahma Sūtras, 10 Upanishads and Bhagavad Gīta) when he was 12 years old. This is canonically chronological (ref. Mādhavīya Shankara Vijayam, Chapter 6, Verses 52-63). Therefore, you cannot resort to your argument of this being a product of Devi's grace, because all this happened before the Mookambika incident.
Now that we've established that he commentated on the Upanishads before the incident, let's see what he says about Devi Umā in his Kena Upanishad Bhāshya(s):
After having his pride humbled and becoming desirous of knowing Brahman, Indra approached Vidya, personified as a woman, at the very spot where Brahman had appeared and vanished. As She manifested to impart the knowledge of Brahman, this ‘Rudra-patni’ Uma Haimavati is verily the charming Vidya. As Uma was approached by Indra and was instrumental in imparting him the knowledge of Brahman, She is indeed the Vidya (Brahma Vidya). The Smriti says - ‘विद्यासहायवानीश्वरः’
~ Adī Shankaracharya, Kena Upanishad Vākya Bhāshya, 3.12
Now, what does Sri Shankara mean by Vidya here? This is explained by Ānandagiri in his Tīkā on Shankara Bhāshya as:
विद्येति सत्त्वप्रधाना शक्तिश्चित्तादात्म्यापत्त्या बोधहेतुः
"Vidya is the Sattva-Pradhana-Shakti identical with the Chit (Pure consciousness i.e. Brahman) and brings about the Bodha i.e. realisation of Brahman."
Notice how this echoes the very principle contained in the first Shloka of Devi Bhagavatam, which is regarded as Puranokta Gayatri mantra:
सर्वचैतन्यरूपां तां आद्यां विद्यां च धीमहि । बुद्धिं या नः प्रचोदयात् ॥
“I meditate on the beginningless Brahmāvidyā who is Sarvacaitanyarūpā, of the nature of all-consciousness; May She stimulate our buddhi to the realisation of That”
The commentary of Sri Nīlakantha Chaturdhara fully clarifies that Chitti-Roopa Bhagavati herself, reflected on the Brahma-Vishayaka-Shuddha-Sattvantarmukha-Vritti, is the Vidya tattva.
We can see Claim#1 already beginning to fall apart.
He further says:
Seeing Indra’s devotion towards the Yaksha, Vidya made her appearance as a woman, in the form of Uma. Indra approached Uma who was extremely charming - ‘बहु शोभमाना'. As Vidya is the most fascinating of all fascinating things, the attribute ’बहु शोभमाना’ is quite apt. She is Haimavati as she was adorned in Gold
Merely interpreting Uma as Vidya and Bahushobhamānā Haimavati as ‘splendorous as if adorned in golden ornaments’ would have sufficed. But Bhagvatpāda Shankara did not stop there. He goes ahead to specifically state that this Umā is verily the daughter of Himavan who is ever with her consort Īshvara (Lord Shiva):
She is verily the daughter of Himavan. Thinking that, since She is ever in association with the Sarvajña-Īshvara, She must be able to know, Indra approached Her.
~ Adī Shankaracharya, Kena Upanishad Pāda Bhāshya, 3.12
This clearly shows that the form of Bhagavati Pārvati is very dear to the heart of the Āchārya.
As we can see, he has already written about the union of Shiva-Shakti from a philosophical standpoint and has regarded her as Brahma-Vidya, then what is the need for any teaching related to Devi for him later on? He understood the tattva of Devi and wrote about it positively, before the Mookambika incident, which refutes Claim#3 that appeals to chronology. Therefore, the aforementioned Claim#1 that he never believed in Devi before this has no basis.
Taking on Claim#2 that he was a fanatic Shaiva, I will not argue that he was a Smarta, many people already know that. I’ll instead put a spin on it to show how intimately he is associated with the Sri Vidya paramparā, which will completely debunk all three claims at once.
There are many overlaps in Sri Vidya sampradāya and Advaita sampradāya. Sri Shankara was already initiated in Sri Vidya Upāsanā by his guru Govinda Bhagvatpāda. How is he a fanatic Shaiva when he is himself a Devi upāsaka?
You pulled this out of nowhere just to defend him 
Look at the two Guru Paramparās on this site, which is a reputable source on Sri Vidya and Tantra (sources mentioned therein).
Sri Shankara, along with his guru are in both of them. Which attests to the fact that he received initiation from his guru in Sri Vidya Upāsanā.
Now tell me this, why would an upāsaka of Devi be unfamiliar with her? The entire purpose of guru-shishya paramparā gets defeated if the chain is broken, or worse, if a person in that chain "never worships'' their respective deity.
Furthermore, why would Sri Vidya scholars listen or adhere to Adī Shankaracharya, who was supposedly ignorant about Devi until she corrected him? How does that serve as any foundation to their paramparā? I'll tell you why, because it DOES NOT. He is already an accepted authority on Sri Vidya because of his reputable works like Prapanchasāra Tantra, Soundarya Lahiri etc. and most importantly, because he is literally their pūrvāchārya!
Let's not get swayed by stories and tales that have little to no basis and look at something we can verify for ourselves, because the former is mostly for ego-satisfaction.
The above mentioned article is not the only source on this. Vidyaranya (not the Sringeri āchārya), wrote a treatise on Sri Vidya known as Vidyarnava Tantra, in which he claims that he is the disciple of Pragallabhāchārya, who was a disciple of Ādī Shankaracharya’s Grihasta shishya, Vishnu Sharma. Here is the source.
In it, he also says (in the next page) that Lakshmana Deshikendra, the author of the famous Shāradā Tilaka, was also a disciple of Ādī Shankaracharya (the dates also corroborate, Shāradā Tilaka was written in the 8th century AD):
जगहुरो: शङ्करस्य शिष्यो लक्ष्मणदेशिक: ।
Not only him, but Umānandanātha, a disciple of the great Bhāskararāya Mākhin, writes in his Nityotsava (a manual on Sri Vidya rituals) about the Guru-Paramparā of the Manvādi school. Here as well, we can see the mention of Sri Shankara and his guru.
Arguably one of the greatest exponents of Sri Vidya, Sri Bhāskararāya Mākhin always used words such as "acharya" (in plural) and "Sri Bhagavatpāda" to refer to him in his treatises on Sri Vidya. In his commentary on Durgā Saptashati, named Guptavatī, he says this in the very first shloka (mangalācharanam):
सत्सम्प्रदायप्रथनाय तिष्ये शिष्यैश्नतुर्भि: सह योऽवतीर्ण: । उक्तो बृहत्सज्ञमतन्त्रराजे श्रीशड्कराचार्यगुरु तमीडे ॥
“He who incarnated in Tiṣya, for the propagation of the noble tradition, along with his disciples, I praise that great teacher, the emperor of Tantras, Śrī Śaṅkarācārya.”
This is the case even on the Vedāntic side of Shaktism. Sri Panchānan Tarkratna, the author of Shakti Bhāshya on the Brahma Sūtras, in his invocation prays to Vyāsa and Goutama (as he’s very closely affiliated with both Vedānta and Nyāya) also pays respect to Gangesha Upādhyaya (a famed Navya-Naiyāyikā) and guess who he mentions in relation to Vedānta?
नमामो गोतमव्यासौ गोत्रसूत्रप्रवर्त्तकौ शङ्कराचार्यगङ्गेशोपाध्यायादींश्च सद्‌गुरुन्‌ ॥
“I bow to Goutama and Vyāsa, the originators of different schools of thought, and to the revered teachers like Shankaracharya and Gangesa.”
This clearly reveals his devotion towards Bhagavatpāda.
I hope the answer has become clearer to the question that OP posited as the title of their post, "Why did Maa Durga gave blessings to Adi Shankracharya"
Alright, he may be there in the guru parampara, but that doesn't mean that he has any actual authority on Sri Vidya or Tantra 
Raghava Bhatta, the commentator of Shāradā Tilaka, primarily references Adi Shankaracharya's Prapanchasāra Tantra. Not only him but other eminent Shakta commentators like Sri Lakshmidhara, Bhāskararāya, Kalicharana and Nīlakantha etc. have too referenced it as an authority on Sri Vidya.
This contradicts with the very doctrine that he preaches, how can you claim that a monist like Shankara, of all people, was an Upāsaka? 
In Advaita siddhānta, the one Nirvishesha-Brahman assumes various forms by the virtue of its own Māyā-shakti to bless the sincere aspirants. It is the same Paramātman who is worshipped in varied forms as possessed of various gunas. Says Sri Ācharyapada Shankara:
स्यात्परमेश्वरस्यापीच्छावशान्मायामयं रूपं साधकानुग्रहार्थम्
“The highest Lord also may, when he pleases, assume a bodily shape formed of Māyā, in order to gratify thereby his devout worshippers.”
~ Adī Shankaracharya, Brahma Sūtra Bhāshya, 1.1.20
Though being a Vivartavādin, Sri Shankara clearly says that Sūtrakāra himself accepts Parināma-Vāda in the context of Sagunopāsana:
अप्रत्याख्यायैव कार्यप्रपञ्चं परिणामप्रक्रियां चाश्रयति सगुणेषूपासनेषूपयोक्ष्यत इति ॥
“Again, without denying the vast phenomenal creation, he (Sūtrakāra Badarayana) resorts to Parināma-prākrīyā, insofar as this can be made use of in the worship of the Saguna Brahman.”
~ Adi Shankaracharya, Brahma Sūtra Bhāshya, 2.1.14
Such being the case, there is no surprise in Bhagavatpāda taking recourse to Tāntrika Prākriyas in-order to bless the aspirants with helpful means of Upāsanā which will ultimately lead them to Advaitic moksha.
Fine, but Adi Shankara wrote a Tantra treatise? That's fake and so far has only been referenced by Sri Vidya acharyas. You sure this isn't sectarianism? 
Now, this is not a one-sided story or an instance of “claiming” the honour of Sri Shankara by a sect. It is also referenced by many traditional Advaitins like Padmapāda (his immediate disciple) in his Vivarna on the same, Amalānanda in his Vedānta Kalpataru (1.3.33), Swami Vidyāranya in his Parāshara Mādhavīya, Sri Sayanachārya in his commentary on the Mahānārāyana Upanishad of the Taittiriya Aranyaka etc. All āmnaya peethams deem it as an authentic work of Sri Shankara. (Sringeri and Kanchi mutt even deem Sri Gaudapada's Subhagodaya and Srividyaratnasutras as authentic, which is also in-line with the guru-paramparā argument.)
Thus, there is no discrepancy here. Prapanchasāra is well accepted in both circles. It has numerous commentaries on it which further enriches its authoritativeness. A closer reading of it will also show that it is not at all antagonistic to the spirit of Vedānta.
Such a view, that Vedāntin Bhagavatpāda cannot author a Sādhanā/Upāsanā related grantha, stems out of the hesitation in accepting Acharya's multifarious personality. Not just Tantra, he has also written a gloss over the commentary of Sri Veda Vyāsa on the Yoga Sūtras of Patanjali. Furthermore, a commentary on the Ādhyātma Patala of the Apastamba Dharma Sūtra as well. Bhagavatpāda wasn't a dry philosopher who attributed no importance to practical means of attaining Jñana-yogyatā.
But what is the Prapanchasāra about and what's the role of Devi in it?
As the name suggests, Prapanchāsara is the science of the essence of the 5 basic elemental principles (tattvas). It details the worship of Lord Shiva, Vishnu, Ganesha, Surya and, of course, Devi. Devi is represented through the Jala Tattva. Sri Shankara eulogises Maa Saraswati in Chapter 7, Maa Durga/Tripurasundari in Chapters 9-11, Sri Lakshmi in Chapter 12 and Devi Bhuvaneshwari in Chapters 13-15.
The very first shloka reads thus:
अकचटतपयाद्यैः सप्तभिर्वर्णवर्गै- रिवरचितमुखबाहापादमध्याख्यहृत्का । सकलजगदधीशा शाश्वता विश्वयोनि- र्वितरतु परिशुद्धिं चेतसः शारदा वः ॥
“May Bhagavati Shāradā, whose face, arms, feet, waist, heart are composed of the Swaras and Vyanjanas, who is the substratum of the whole world, who is eternal, who is the creatrix of the world, grace our mind with the utmost purity.”
Shāradambā is described here as the eternal adhishthāna of Sakala-Jagat. Sri Padmapāda in his Vivarna, interprets Sakala as Māyā and Jagat as the Kārya of Māyā. Hence, Shāradambā is the pure Chit which forms the substratum of Māyā and Jagat. She is also described as Vishva-Yoni, suggesting that She is the Jagat-Kārana-Brahman.
The overlaps of Adi Shankaracharya and Sri Vidya tradition are not just textual or scholarly but also traditional, which is attested by the stance of the following Shākta Peethams of today. I'll mention a few:
I'd like to conclude by quoting what Arthur Avalon said in his postscript on Sri Shankara's Prapanchasāra, which gives us a glimpse into the mighty, all-encompassing personality of Bhagavatpāda, something that I've tried to show in this post:
Critics of this type evidently cannot reconcile themselves to the fact that Shankaracharya, the Great Monist, could write a work on Mantra-shastra. They seem to be laboring under the obsession that being a monist, Shankaracharya could not have written anything which advocates Sādhanā, as Sādhanā implies dualism, for in it there must be an object of Sādhanā. Orthodox exponents feel that these gentlemen look upon Shankaracharya as the holder of a chair in a modern University, whose duty it is to deliver a course of lectures on Monism as a theory, or perhaps, that he was a speculator like some German or other European philosopher who devotes himself to theorise and speculate about transcendental matters. This is mainly due to the fact of their having lost their Indian mind. Western philosophers have not succeeded in moulding the religious life of their countrymen like Shankaracharya, and even lesser men did in India. It is not realised that Shankaracharya was not a mere theorist but a Teacher in the right sense of the word, a Guru who sought, and that successfully, not merely to uplift and enlighten the intellect but the very nature of the Sādhaka.
I appreciate anyone reading this far and hope you got something of knowledge from this. If you want to further read about this topic, I suggest taking a look at the following resources (which have also served as valuable sources for this post and have been directly quoted in a lot of instances):
  1. Auspicious Wisdom: The Texts and Traditions of Śrīvīdyā Śākta Tantrism in South India by Douglas Renfrew
  2. Bhagavati Uma in Advaita Sampradaya by Natraj Maneshinde (details about the views of traditional Advaitin acharyas regarding Umā Tattva)
  3. Bhagavatpada’s Authorship of Prapanchasara (for those who still have objections to the authorship of Sri Shankara of the Prapanchasāra Tantra, this document responds to them)
॥ पराचितिस्वरूपिणि जय जय जगज्जननि ॥ ॥ भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ॥
submitted by Nishant_10000 to hinduism [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:19 Backfrombeyond1 M23 British with F28 Columbian Girlfriend who doesn’t trust me no matter what I do..

Hello guys I’m a M23 British person with a F28 Latina girlfriend that is absolutely perfect except she has trust issues..
Basically it happens with small quirks she makes about things I do, like sometimes if I’m at the beach and listening to music with her, afterwards she sometimes says I always see you looking at other woman etc,(I lived in Barcelona for years you need some awareness) when basically I’m just aware of my surroundings to prevent anything happening to her or me… now that’s one example others can be when I’m with my friends having a beer or she always says with a slightly comedic tone to make herself now sound non-accusative that “was there any girls? Or things similar.
But the main problem has been this week, now I live In Spain, and I’m British so I don’t see my friends often infact I don’t see mine locally either I’m always with her when I have free time literally, So this week I had organised to go to my male friend who recently moved here and watch the UFC overnight which is usually 03:00-7:00am in the morning whilst drinking and some smokes and she agreed after two days of saying “it’s not normal for a guy to spend a night with his friends or it’s suspicious” and several arguments with her ending it with I know I have trust issues due to my ex etc etc. Now where I’m from we have no option to watch late fights during the day and I have always done this since my early teens with friends due to time zone difference and how fun it is to be with buddies. So in the end she agreed if we kept in contact during the night which was fine for me, so I had responded at 13:47 with a bunch of texts(general bullshit) and she hadn’t responded until 17:09 asking where I was.. so I text her at 17:10 not a minute later as I was in the Que for paying in a restaurant with my two buddies that I will call her in 10 minutes, now from 17:10-17:31 she has sent 18 messages saying crazy stuff “where am I? Or is this for real?” And I call her at 17:54 to say that I was back home as I was in the car with my two friends coming back from the mountains and all is well after I calmed her down.
All is well and we continue texting back n fourth until 20:37 where I send a picture of my friends pool and she reads.. and doesn’t respond until 21:45 where she calls me when I’m out at a beach bar drinking going crazy again asking me to show pictures of who I was with and my friends house, now I’m talking 12+ messages and numerous calls and at this point me and my friends are just looking at eachother and I’m embarrassed as fuck too. Continues to 21:50 where I text asking her what’s wrong and that I was out getting drinks.. so I guess because I never told her I was going for drinks was an issue to her. So we text back n fourth where I start to get a bit mad because I was embarrassed and I’m public with people looking due to the constant calls, I didn’t want to answer because me arguing back n fourth would be worse so I’m texting trying to calm her down until 23:32 where I say to her just to calm down and that I will be back tomorrow and I’m a little drunk, and after that she tells me to get my key at reception and blocks me.
Until this afternoon I had no contact with her until she eventually came home and with about 1 hour of me trying to get through to her she eventually said again that it was a trust issue… She has been going to therapy about a year because she says this is due to her ex but it doesn’t seem to work and I’ve done a lot of stuff for her like taking her on regular dates or nights out and I also skipped a close relatives funeral and death due to Brexit and me risking staying here for her and not being banned from Spain. So In the end I don’t know what I can do to help her I show her my phone.. my texts everything so she knows I’m faithful but it’s a battle I can’t seem to win and it hurts me because I try to do so much and it feels she can’t confide in me.
I hope someone can give me some advice because I really fucking love her but I’m young and I have a shit past from overcoming a medical drug addiction to losing my mum and close friend in the past few years and I just want peace and to enjoy my life I don’t want to feel like I’m stepping on eggshells but I’m also stuck because she doesn’t make much money and I pay all the rent whilst she does the groceries so I would feel bad if to break because she would be lost.. but I don’t know what to do and I got nobody to talk to, no family or any support groups.
Thanks for taking your time to read this
TL;DR - Male 23 year old struggling with F28 year old girlfriends trust issues.
submitted by Backfrombeyond1 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:01 xkiahri Meine Erfahrung mit meinem Schwangerschaftsabbruch.

Vorweg eine Triggerwarnung natürlich an alle Frauen die von dem Thema Kinder Abtreiben/Schwangerschaftsabbrüche getriggert werden oder denen es damit mental nicht gut geht. Ganz viel liebe und support an euch 🫶🏼
Ich hab’s geschafft. Nach ein paar wirklich sehr anstrengenden Wochen sowohl körperlich als auch emotional, liege ich jetzt eingekuschelt in meinem Bett und erhole mich von meiner Narkose.
Da ich mich in den letzten Wochen doch oft sehr verloren und unverstanden gefühlt habe und ein bisschen alleine mit meinen Emotionen war, möchte ich hier einen kleinen aber feinen Bericht schreiben um allen Frauen die den Weg eines Abbruchs gehen etwas mit an die Hand zu geben und sich nicht allein zu fühlen!
Also von Anfang an:
Vor ca 5 Wochen habe ich rausgefunden dass ich schwanger bin, sehr früh, es war erst 1 Tag über meine Perioden prediction rüber, aber der Test war direkt 3 mal hintereinander positiv. Schock für mich, Schock für meinen Partner. Das Kind ist nicht von ihm (Wir leben in einer glücklichen offenen Beziehung und ich hatte zuvor einige Male mit meiner zu der Zeit noch Freundschaft+ geschlafen) Da sowohl ich, als auch mein Lebenspartner, als auch der Vater des Kindes keine Kinder wollen und es nicht ansatzweise in unsere Lebensplanung gepasst hat, habe ich mich schon direkt für einen Abbruch entschieden. Ich bin Fine mit dem Thema und finde jede Frau sollte das Recht darauf haben, ohne Vorurteile das zu tun, was sie will.
Habe also relativ schnell einen Termin bei meiner Gyn für Beratung und Untersuchung gemacht.
Da fing leider schon meine erste negative Erfahrung an. Meine Frauenärztin war sehr unsensibel und ihre ersten Fragen waren “Wieso wollen sie das Kind nicht” und “Was sagt denn ihr Partner dazu”. Auch wenn ich selber Fine mit dem Thema bin, sind solche Kommentare doch wirklich sehr unangebracht und auch nicht mehr Zeitgemäß, meiner Meinung nach. Als ich dann für den Ultraschall auf dem Stuhl saß und die Gyn sehr grob damit an meinen Muttermund kam, habe ich leicht angefangen zu bluten bei der Untersuchung. Ich bin da allgemein sehr empfindlich und habe ihr das auch direkt gesagt. Aber meine Gyn meinte nur, dass keine Frau da so empfindlich ist und dass es wohl meine Menstruation sei und der Embryo grade abgetragen wird. Ich war etwas perplex aber sie meinte das regelt sich bestimmt von alleine und hat mich so auch ohne weiteres Gespräch einfach wieder nachhause geschickt. Keine Aufklärung, kein gar nichts, einfach blöde Kommentare wie “Ja mal sehen ob sie danach jemals wieder schwanger werden können”🥲
Natürlich ist nix passiert, es war eine leichte Blutung meines muttermundes und gut is, der Embryo ist weiter gewachsen und ich habe ein Prospekt einer Klinik in Hamburg mitbekommen bei denen ich schonmal einen Ausschabungstermin machen sollte, obwohl ich ja noch gar nicht sicher war was Sache ist. Ich wurde von ihr auch leider nicht zu den unterschieden einer Medikamentösen oder Operativen Abtreibung informiert. Nsns Das ganze war natürlich schon recht aufreibend und lästig weil ich immernoch keine Ahnung hate wie ich verweilen soll. Nach längerem hin und her überlege hatte ich mich dann für die OP entschieden. Das lag mainly daran, da beim Termin ein paar Tage später bei der Gyn nochmal rauskam dass, surprise!, das Embryo am Leben war und siehe da! Dort sogar beim Ultraschall ein zweites festgestellt wurde. Voller Freude schon fast verkündete mit meine Gyn dass es Zwillinge sein und ob ich denn meine Meinung jetzt ändern würde…
Ich meint nein, ich will nicht ein Kind, dann will ich logischerweise erst recht nicht 2? Sie hat mir trotzdem ein Bild mitgegeben und mir meine Bescheinigung gegeben und den Montag jetzt diese Woche hatte ich mein Anästhesie Termin in der Frauenklinik in Hamburg. Da ich nämlich einen BMI von 40 habe, konnte man mir nicht direkt versichern dass man mich operieren kann.
An dem Tag hatte ich aber eine sehr liebe Frau, die meinte dass das gar kein Problem ist, da ich noch sehr jung (23) bin und keine Vorerkrankungen habe und schlichtweg einfach nur Übergewichtig bin. Ohne Wertung hat sie mir also einen Termin gegeben und ich hab mich schon fast gefreut, es endlich hinter mir zu bringen.
Nun bin ich heute mit meinem Lebenspartner zur Klinik für meinen Termin; und nach 30 Minuten im Wartezimmer angespannt warten durfte er noch mit mir das Op Vorgespräch machen und dabei sein.
Und da viel mir alles ausm Gesicht, als meine Anästhesie-Ärztin meine Unterlagen kurz durchgegangen ist und dann “Tacheles” mit mir reden wollte. Das ich ja schlichtweg zu schwer bin. Ich solle dankbar sein, dass sie ein Auge zu drücken, eigentlich hätte keine Klinik mich operiert und ich muss dringend was ändern und von nichts kommt ja nichts uuund heutzutage kann man sich da nicht mehr rausreden. Dann ist die Frau aufgestanden, hat die Ärztin geholt und ist einfach davon gewatschelt.
Und da musste ich erstmal schlucken. Ja ich bin dick, ich wiege viel und das weiß ich nicht erst seit vorgestern. Ich weiß auch dass sie im großen Ganzen recht hat, aber als meine Gyn die da ist um mich über die OP aufzuklären, an einem Tag wo ich bin Zwei Embryos aus mir aussagen lasse, hätt ich echt gerne einmal nicht über mein Gewicht geredet, vorallem weil am Montag beim Vorgespräch alles gut war. Ich war den Tränen schon sehr nah, natürlich hab ich mich dazu entschieden die Schwangerschaft abzubrechen und bin auch happy damit jetzt, aber ein bisschen sensibel ist das Thema auch für mich🥲 dann wurde ich von der Ärztin die mich am Ende auch operiert hat nochmal untersucht, die mir dann noch stolz verkünden musste dass es ja eineiige Zwillinge sind und wie „Schade“ das ist. Ich wollte at this point einfach nurnoch nachhause LOL es kann doch nicht so schwer sein einfach lieb zu einer Patientin die den bums auch noch selber bezahlen musste zu sein und das ganze nicht zu werten.
Naja danach ging alles sehr schnell, ich musste mich schnell von meinem Freund verabschieden, der an dem Punkt schon gemerkt hat dass ich den Tränen nah war, und wurde zu meinem Bett im ausgeschraubt gebracht, wo ich Schimmel schnerztabletten und Antibiotika nehmen sollte. Nach ner Weile wurde ich von der Anästhesistin vom Gespräch am Anfang abgeholt, in den OP gebracht und dann ging alles sehr schnell, wurde verkabelt, hab nen Zugang mit dem Mittel bekommen und wurde beamtet und dann war ich auch schon weg.
Aufgewacht bin ich allerdings weinend, ich vermute ich hatte eine Panik Attacke im Unterbewusstsein weil mir so Arzt Geschichten sowieso Angst machen und weil ich auch einfach angekratzt war. Merke nur dass ich sehr benebelt wach wurde und gemerkt hab wie doll ich schluchzten musste und wie mir die Schwester im Aufwachraum ein Taschentuch in die Hand gedrückt hat. Da ich ne Panik Attacken sehr vermutlich hatte und auch schon ne Menge Adrenalin dadurch Durch mich durch kam und ich durchs schluchzten so viel atmen musste, bin ich sehr schnell wieder zu mir gekommen, hatte Unterleib schmerzen die unangenehm waren und war allgemein einfach verwirrt, was ja nach ner Narkose sehr normal ist.
Ich musste in der ganzen Zeit, ich glaube ich bin um 12:40 in den op und um 13:00 schon wieder zurück gewesen, und wo ich relativ bei Sinnen war war es 13:10 ca, liefen die Tränen einfach und ich hab’s auch einfach zugelassen. Mir ging’s wegen der Sache mit dem viel zu harschen bodyshame zum verdammt falschen Zeitpunkt kacke, ich war alleine ohne comfort Personen, hatte sowieso anxiety wegen aua und wegen der Narkose und ich habe im Endeffekt immernoch ne Schwangerschaft abgebrochen die ja auch gewollt leider emotional sein kann, und hab es mir auch erlaubt traurig zu sein.
Ich durfte dann bald danach mal aufstehen und pipi machen, wo ich gemerkt hab dass ich ne netz Unterhose mit ner Riesen Binde an hab, ich hab leicht geblutet, wie regelblutung und konnte normal auf Klo. Es zog im Unterleib und angenehm war es nicht, aber es war okay. Dann Durfte ich mein Handy holen, einen Tee trinken und Zwieback essen und auch erstmal klar kommen. Hab allen wichtigen Leuten Bescheid gesagt, und es fühlte sich leider noch wie ne Ewigkeit an, aber gegen 14:45 durfte mein Freund mich abholen. Mir ging es mental leider doof, der Aufenthalt war nicht schön und man hat gemerkt dass die Schwestern alle gestresst waren und man „abgefertigt“ wurde, war ich verstehe aber trotzdem leider ein doofes Gefühl gegeben hat.
Bin jetzt seit 16 Uhr zuhause, mir gehts mental wieder gut, mit meinen Katzen kuscheln hat geholfen und ich hab leider dolles ziehen noch im Unterleib (Dadurch dass der Muttermund noch geöffnet und die Gebärmutter sich grad zusammenzieht) und ganz gemütlich hinlegen kann ich mich noch nicht, aber ich blute kaum noch, nur Schmierblutung und hab was gegessen und jetzt warte ich einfach bis die Schmerzen weniger werden.
Allen im allen: selbst in 2024 gibts leider noch zu wenig Leute die unsensibel mit dem Thema umgehen. Hab aus bestimmten Grund nur einer Hand voll Leuten Bescheid gegeben und bin aber stand jetzt sehr happy mit meiner Entscheidung. Ich würde jede Frau jederzeit bei egal welcher Entscheidung beistehen und kann euch einfach ans Herz legen dass ihr immer auf euer eigenes Wohl zuerst schauen solltet, und dass ihr alle super stark seid und nicht alleine seid 🥹🫶🏼
Passt auf euch auf und habt euch lieb! Schreibt mir gerne eure Erfahrungen! Für Fragen bin ich auch immer offen!
submitted by xkiahri to Weibsvolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:03 simagus Help restore my accidentally formatted data drive

Help restore my accidentally formatted data drive submitted by simagus to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:02 Irisierende So Henri IV apparently got buffed...

So Henri IV apparently got buffed... submitted by Irisierende to WorldOfWarships [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:42 MC-Jdf Luka Doncic this season joins Stephen Curry (2016) and Kevin Durant (2012) as the only players to advance to the Finals while winning the scoring title in the same season within the last 20 seasons. No player has won both the scoring title and NBA championship in the same season since Shaq (2000).

Year Scoring Champion PPG Playoff Result
2023-24 Luka Doncic 33.9 Advanced to Finals (vs BOS)
2022-23 Joel Embiid 33.1 2nd Round (Lost to BOS 4-3)
2021-22 Joel Embiid 30.6 2nd Round (Lost to MIA 4-2)
2020-21 Stephen Curry 32.0 Missed playoffs (9th in west, Lost to LAL/MEM in Play-Ins)
2019-20 James Harden 34.3 2nd Round (Lost to LAL 4-1)
2018-19 James Harden 36.1 2nd Round (Lost to GS 4-2)
2017-18 James Harden 30.4 WCF (Lost to GS 4-3)
2016-17 Russell Westbrook 31.6 1st Round (Lost to HOU 4-1)
2015-16 Stephen Curry 30.1 Finals (Lost to CLE 4-3)
2014-15 Russell Westbrook 28.1 Missed playoffs (9th in west)
2013-14 Kevin Durant 32.0 WCF (Lost to SA 4-2)
2012-13 Carmelo Anthony 28.7 2nd Round (Lost to IND 4-2)
2011-12 Kevin Durant 28.0 Finals (Lost to MIA 4-1)
2010-11 Kevin Durant 27.7 WCF (Lost to DAL 4-1)
2009-10 Kevin Durant 30.1 1st Round (Lost to LAL 4-2)
2008-09 Dwyane Wade 30.2 1st Round (Lost to ATL 4-3)
2007-08 LeBron James 30.0 2nd Round (Lost to BOS 4-3)
2006-07 Kobe Bryant 31.6 1st Round (Lost to PHX 4-1)
2005-06 Kobe Bryant 35.4 1st Round (Lost to PHX 4-3)
2004-05 Allen Iverson 30.7 1st Round (Lost to DET 4-1)
2003-04 Tracy McGrady 28.0 Missed playoffs (15th in east)
2002-03 Tracy McGrady 32.1 1st Round (Lost to DET 4-3)
2001-02 Allen Iverson 31.4 1st Round (Lost to BOS 3-2)
2000-01 Allen Iverson 31.1 Finals (Lost to LAL 4-1)
1999-00 Shaquille O'Neal 29.7 Championship
In a similar vein, here are a list of players who made the Finals in the same season they won the scoring title since the NBA/ABA merger:
Bold text denotes year winning the championship.
submitted by MC-Jdf to nba [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:23 sparrow-head Honda City 2024 V CVT - Review

Honda City 2024 V CVT - Review
Honda City V CVT Elegant Edition - 2024
Purchase decision:
I was looking for a family car, initially under the budget of 10 lac. My requirement is safety, comfort over performance or enthusiastic driving. I had shortlisted Tata Altroz & Honda Amaze after online review and feedback. I went for a test drive of Amaze CVT but ended up trying Honda City first. Man, the difference of a segment was huge. Amaze was noisy & cramped. Decided to up my segment now. So now Honda City against Slavia, Virtus and Verna. Test drove all of them one by one. Except Honda City, rest of them had an amazingly smooth drive experience, primarily due to lack of road noise in cabin. Verna especially felt butter smooth. However, of all the cars only City had a better pedal placement. I adjusted seating position in all cars, test drove them multiple times, however Honda City still seemed to have better driving position due to optimal pedal placement. Even if I randomly change my seating position, Honda City felt better. I began to develop a bias that Japanese engineering is at play. So finalized on Honda City V CVT (mostly due to cost I didn't go for ZX). In hindsight, I should have tried crossover SUV like Tata Nexon, and rest before finalizing.
16.9 lac OTR in Chennai for Silver Elegant V CVT edition. Quite an expense for low end automatic. The price included Road Side Assistance, extended warranty, dealer insurance, basic accessory.
Showroom & Dealer Experience:
  1. Quite poor. I got it from Sundaram Honda. Sales guy was new, and made mistake after mistake. I didn't ask for Elegant edition, but he convinced me that Honda only sells V variant from now on in Elegant edition only. Elegant edition is an extra accessory kit that comes separately. The sales guy lied shamelessly.
  2. Overall it was not a pleasant experience. Half the problem was with me. I cancelled a booking from another dealer to save 20,000 Rs but ended paying higher with Sundaram Honda due to change in price in April 2024.
  3. First service was average. They didn't even clean the interiors fully.
  1. The car is good and didn't face any niggle in my 500 KM drive so far.
  2. If you have a light foot, you will find the CVT to be poor in pick up. However, if you press the pedal hard, the CVT responds with higher RPM and power. It is a matter of getting used to.
  3. The CVT engine breaking at low speed is bit rough.
  4. The weakest part of this car is suspension. Bounciness is quite noticeable even in driver seat on highway drives. I didn't cross 80 km. Need to check with service center on suspension. It could be specific to my car.
  5. The paint quality is the second weakest part of this car. It is quite dull. I bought a silver because I felt it is the best color to mask the excessive chrome in front. I find all the Honda City car colors including silver to be average compared to Virtus and Slavia which looks sleek. No matter how much I polish, it still does not glow like a barebone Virtus.
  6. Looks wise, Virtus > Slavia > Verna > City. However City rear looks beautiful. Even the front design has grown on me. I would still rate Virtus the highest especially for the paint quality. IMO Verna silver would look the best if we account for color but haven't seen one in person, so not sure if it will hold up to the promise.
  7. Mileage is lower than my expectation. Getting around 8 kmpl in 6 PM Chennai City traffic. 12 kmpl in morning drive on low traffic main roads. 15 kmpl on highways with traffic in junctions. I haven't got a chance to take it on long drives (above 50 KM), so can't comment. Similar mileage can be expected from Slavia and Virtus, so Honda City is not a car for mileage.
  8. Steering noise when car is stationary is noticeable. However, the steering is a breeze to use when driven.
  9. Dashboard reflection on windshield is annoying in morning 10 AM drives. Not sure how other cars hold up. This is a bit of a let down given that I kept Japanese engineering in high regard.
  10. The rear window does not open fully. You will see a portion of the glass sticking out at the bottom when you try to fully open the window. Many other users also confirmed this. It could be due to the door shape and tyre position in sedans.
  11. Engine noise, road noise, bike riders angry yell, all can be heard clearly inside the cabin. I'm okay with it, as I consider it as a feedback for safe driving. Those who want premium experience, will definitely find this a sub-par car. Choose Verna or Virtus, you will be much more happier.
  12. The bonnet is very soft metal. I placed my hand with pressure, and could see a permanent dent. There is visible difference between Virtus and City sheet metal quality. Virtus is much better built than Honda City.
  13. The design and effort put by Honda on aesthetics of this car can be felt at rear wheel well. It has open sheet metal with extra bits after welding exposed. It looks cheap. Virtus and other cars in this segment are better handled.
  14. The controls, AC, ADAS, seats, are all good. Indeed very good. I haven't faced any problem with them in my short ownership.
  15. Honda Connect is slow to control the car but does the job. It is very useful to track the road trip, state of the car, fuel level etc. It was a surprise benefit I came to know at the time of delivery of the car. I didn't expect they provide it for free for the first 5 years. Other brands like KIA, Hyundai, Mahindra have it too, and may even be better. I haven't found much of a review on these fancy connect features yet.
Review from online research:
  1. One of the primary requirement for me is safety. I have been trying to collect how Honda City 5th gen is performing in real life crashes. It looks like it is pretty decent. Mostly it is able to save the occupants if the speed is below 100 km.
  2. There are incidences of CVT going caput under 50,000 KM. It may be a one off incidence but something to note.
  3. There is at least one incidence of ADAS misbehaving with hard breaking at highway speed leading to rear ending of the car. Something to note.
Questions to fellow Honda City 5th Gen Owners:
  1. Do you face dashboard reflection on windshield in morning/evening drives? How do you handle it?
  2. There is no bonnet open warning I can see. Is there one? I mistakenly opened the bonnet by pulling the lever under driver legroom. I drove the car all the way to my destination for 50 km without realizing the bonnet is open.
I have been reading the manual every day since I bought the car. The hope is that I will become an expert in all the features a humble City provides. Here are some interesting stuffs I found in the manual, and in my usage experience. I will continue to add such facts in future reddit threads in regular cadence to engage with fellow Honda City community.
  1. If you press SET -, the CRUISE control would be set at current speed. If you press SET+, the CRUISE control would be set at previous CRUISE speed.
  2. Use paddle shifters (-) for breaking before a turn. Engine breaking is preferred over pedal break when you want to gradually slow down perhaps?
  3. The CMBS warns first before it applies break. CMBS can be configured to warn at short, medium and long distance. By default it is at medium. I have kept it at long distance, so that I can predict well ahead how CMBS would react.
Hope you find this review useful. Your comments are welcome.
submitted by sparrow-head to CarsIndia [link] [comments]