Flirty quotes

20 waffles >>> pancakes, fight me XD

2024.05.31 17:36 inferno_loser 20 waffles >>> pancakes, fight me XD

Hey Hey the names Kacper, yes like casper the friendly ghost XD I'm a college student studying English philology but I do voice acting as a side thingy, so hope that means I have a cool voice XDDD
in my free time I like playing video games and would be great if we could play together, especially if you can carry 🙏 I also listen to a TON of music, it's a problem at this point XDD (i had 83k minuteson my spotify wrapped, for the love of god send help). I also really enjoy stuff like writing, reading, painting, watching movies, anime, reading manga, working out and making sculptures out of clay
As for me and my personality, I'll quote my bestfriend here "he's a chill and funny guy", now you may be asking yourself: was he held at gunpoint and made to say that and yes he was XDD, dont worry he's fine...probably XD, as for looks I have short dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, along with glasses, I'm also average weight and I'm 189cm tall and according to another friend I have a ✨️panache✨️ voice, what does that mean? I have no clue but their pretty looney so I think its good? XDDD
I would prefer someone from 19-27, location doesn't really matter to me, however id like someone: charismatic, bold, confident, good texter, can communicate, funny, flirty but most importantly someone who can be my bestfriend and we can spend our days together be it either yapping endlessly or in complete silence. and as for my type I prefer guys like femboys(!) , sorry that's just my type. But I'd prefer if we just start as friends and see if things develop from there, also FYI I suuuuck at flirting and telling if someone is flirting with me XDDD
I would like to make this more indepth but I'm currently but I'm at work and customers keep coming in, I might need to throw a shoe to keep them at bay 💀 XDD hope to hear from you soon!
If you read this far send a meme alongside your message XD, doesn't have to be good
submitted by inferno_loser to gaydating [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:34 inferno_loser 20 [M4M] play with my hair and I'll cook you dinner forever

Hey Hey the names Kacper, yes like casper the friendly ghost XD I'm a college student studying English philology but I do voice acting as a side thingy, so hope that means I have a cool voice XDDD
in my free time I like playing video games and would be great if we could play together, especially if you can carry 🙏 I also listen to a TON of music, it's a problem at this point XDD (i had 83k minuteson my spotify wrapped, for the love of god send help). I also really enjoy stuff like writing, reading, painting, watching movies, anime, reading manga, working out and making sculptures out of clay
As for me and my personality, I'll quote my bestfriend here "he's a chill and funny guy", now you may be asking yourself: was he held at gunpoint and made to say that and yes he was XDD, dont worry he's fine...probably XD, as for looks I have short dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, along with glasses, I'm also average weight and I'm 189cm tall and according to another friend I have a ✨️panache✨️ voice, what does that mean? I have no clue but their pretty looney so I think its good? XDDD
I would prefer someone from 19-27, location doesn't really matter to me, however id like someone: charismatic, bold, confident, good texter, can communicate, funny, flirty but most importantly someone who can be my bestfriend and we can spend our days together be it either yapping endlessly or in complete silence. and as for my type I prefer guys like femboys(!) , sorry that's just my type. But I'd prefer if we just start as friends and see if things develop from there, also FYI I suuuuck at flirting and telling if someone is flirting with me XDDD
I would like to make this more indepth but I'm currently but I'm at work and customers keep coming in, I might need to throw a shoe to keep them at bay 💀 XDD hope to hear from you soon!
If you read this far send a meme alongside your message XD, doesn't have to be good
submitted by inferno_loser to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:19 throw_2024_away AITA for wanting to end a friendship because of how she acted around my crush?

*Throw-away account*
This might be pretty long winded, but I feel that for everyone to really understand the whole story, I have to share the WHOLE. STORY. Hoping to receive some good advice to clear my mind about the whole matter.

For some back story:
I have this friend, let’s call her Anna (23F). I met her 1.5 years ago when I moved in with her boyfriend and some of his friends. This was all very wholesome – I'm not that girl. I was in a tough spot trying to find somewhere to live, and they needed a roommate. I asked her before moving in if it was okay, and she was very cool with the idea.
At the time of me moving in I didn’t know her very well, but we very quickly became best friends. While I was living there, her boyfriend – let's call him Mark (23M) - emotionally cheated on Anna and broke up with her. This was a bit of a messy situation, since I was good friends with both of them. They got through it, I was able to support them both through it all without angering either one of them, and they were able to come out of it as friends.
One thing I also think is important to note as some background info is that Mark and Anna are totally fine in their friendship to this day, but this brings up some issues as well. They started sleeping together again pretty shortly after the break-up and it's been an ongoing thing since (to each their own, I'm not judging). The one thing I find slightly relevant is that whenever our friend group goes out to the bar, if Mark shows up, Anna's attention turns entirely to him, and vice versa with him to her. He flirts with her openly, and she flirts right back. After a night out, Anna would often bring up that Mark is quite flirty with her and that she wonders if he regrets messing things up with her. This kind of got on my nerves because it seemed as though she wasn't acknowledging that she was flirting back. I've brought this up to her and she insists that she's not flirting, she's just being nice. In these moments I've agreed with her, thinking that if she isn't intending to flirt, and is truly just being kind, then I guess it's not flirting (even though it seemed very much like flirting. Like, eyes on each other, no one else exists for the entire evening, just them type vibes).
Anna is a very kind person. She's very bubbly and outgoing. In the short time I’ve known her she’s never immediately judged a person based on appearances alone. She's the type of person who would accept a drink and a dance from a 3/10 at the bar, even though she's tall and gorgeous and a 12/10, to put it bluntly. Another thing I learned about Anna, at least from my perspective, is that she loves being the center of attention. She tends to be loud and very involved with everyone all at once. This is cute and charming most of the time, as she's always checking in on, vibing with, and involved with everyone at the function. It has started to get on my nerves here and there, but that’s my own problem, I know. I'm also quite bubbly and high-energy, but my social battery runs out from time to time, and the loud speaking and constant attention becomes a bit draining. Anna tends to be oblivious to social queues. She doesn’t seem to notice when someone is drained and doesn’t realize she should give them space. I should communicate this, I know, so I don't blame her for me being emotionally spent from time to time.

Now to the present.
Anna and I became very close with two other girls from our friend group, and we became a bit of a little “squad”, if you will. Our city's hockey team is in round 3 of the NHL play offs, and we've been attending "watch parties" that our city puts on. Nearly every watch party, it's been a blast.
Flash forward to last weekend. I matched with a guy on a dating app, let’s call him Gregg (24M), and we've been talking for nearly two months. Nothing super in depth, but we've been hitting it off it seems. I messaged him the other day while the girls and I were getting ready to head out to a watch party and asked if he was going. He said he was! One of my friends (can't recall who) asked if he was coming with any single friends. I asked and he said he had two friends who were "single and horny." Wonderful. There's three of us, three of them (our fourth friend moved to another city RIP). My two friends even went as far as to check out the snap he sent and pick between his two friends he took a selfie with. I will note here that both my friends commented on how HOT this guy that I'm talking to is, but they choose which of his friends they'll focus on for the evening either way.
We get to the watch party and grab a table and they meet us soon after. Things are going well at first. Gregg is laying the moves and I'm loving it. Then things start to turn. We all get a bit tipsy. He's a very loud and outgoing person, I'm learning quickly. I am too, so that's not too big of an issue. Then he starts making flirty comments to both of my friends, and I start realizing this guy is a player. But the liquor is flowing and I’m ignoring these red flags hardcore. This is when Anna starts warming up to these three strangers that have joined us, and is starting to become her usual, attention grabbing, high-energy happy self.
Where things turn is when Anna mentions that she has no gag reflex. She mentions this loudly, and Gregg turns all his attention to her, mentioning how that's hot. Gregg has commented multiple times at this point on how horny he is - usually directed to the group, but I have been taking this as a nudge at me, since we had had conversations that have gotten a bit hot and heavy over snapchat in the weeks prior. Yes, I did find it a bit obnoxious that he was shouting this to the group when he just met the three of us, and him and I had an online "thing" for weeks. I just brushed it off and decided to live in a fantasy land where these red flags don’t exist (I'm a dumb bitch I know). I'm bothered in the moment by Anna's gag reflex comment but play if off as her being oblivious or just seeking attention, and think to myself that she wouldn't openly flirt with the guy I like. Throughout the evening she proceeds being her usual chatty self, but it seems to me like her attention is turned mainly to Gregg. It's rubbing me the wrong way, but in her defense, he is being loud and outgoing and what is she supposed to do? Ignore him? Except I start thinking about how my other friend isn't entertaining Gregg's flirty comments and is still staying a part of the conversation all the same. So I am getting bothered by the way she’s acting. This isn’t to say he’s done nothing wrong. He’s being the worst, but I expect more from my best friend, y’know?
At one point during the evening Gregg bumps Anna's two-week-old piercing and she cries out that it hurt. For some reason he chooses to bump it again, and she yells at him (in an astonished, funny way, not an angry way). He apologizes and tries to convince her to hit him back. They go back and forth about how she won't hit him, and he insists she does. More flirting, me getting increasingly bothered.
Later Gregg asks the group about anal, and who's tried it. Anna replies (almost too eagerly) about how she's done a lot of anal. I make a joke about how I've never done it and how that's a husband privilege in my books. Gregg's attention is entirely on Anna at this point, as it has been for a lot of the evening, and she seems to be loving it. She replies eagerly to everything he says, and he does the same for her. I’m feeling very hurt at this point by the way Anna is entertaining Gregg when it's obvious that he's been flirting with her. I can't help but think that if the roles were reversed, I'd reply to her man's attempts at flirting very dryly, or not at all. But then I remember that in Anna's eyes, she's just being nice.
After the game we all go back to my friend's house. At this point I am quite frustrated by the lack of attention I'm receiving from Gregg, and hurt that Anna seems to be inviting his attention without hesitation. I'm stewing over the fact that Anna seems more interested in my man than she does in the one she said she though was cute from the photo. Throughout the evening she had mentioned how cute and funny Gregg's friend was, and yet seemed to give Gregg all her attention, and his friend the scraps.
I then decided to take matters into my own hands. I chose not to pull Anna aside and hash out how I'm feeling, as I believed there was a deeper conversation to be had. I could see her responding the same way she did when I mentioned that she was flirting with her ex, Mark. "I'm not flirting I'm just being nice." I didn't want to fight about it in the middle of a party, so instead I invite Gregg to the bathroom hoping to get a lil' makeout sesh (oooOOoo). We enter the bathroom and as I'm closing the door Anna busts in, despite me trying to close the door, and directs Gregg to leave the bathroom. I'm saying "No, Anna. No, Gregg, stay. Anna, out." But she proceeds to shove him out, close, and lock the door. At this point I boil over. I shout, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" and Anna looks startled. I yell about how I'm obviously trying to get a moment alone with the guy, what made you decide to bust in and push him out. She yells back "DON"T SHOUT AT ME!" A couple more words may have been spoken, I can't recall, but then she leaves, and Gregg comes back in. We do our thing, then he leaves, and Anna comes back in. I apologize for shouting, and we hug. She apologizes for busting in, and says "I can be so oblivious, you have to lay it out for me!" I'm still bothered, mind you, but did not want to get into it tonight. I'm stewing the rest of the night about why she came into the bathroom. Was she trying to get back in Gregg's eye? Was she trying to keep me from having alone time with him? Is she that in need of attention? Or was she truly just oblivious?
The night ends with Gregg and I sharing a bed in a private room. He tries to initiate s*x with me, but I tell him no, since I wasn't very impressed with him at that point (but I have not portrayed any signs of this to him). The next morning as I'm leaving for work, everyone is hanging out in the living room (part-timers). Gregg comes into the bathroom while I'm changing and gives my butt a slap. Seems like he's still into me.
At work that day I received a message from Anna in the girls group chat about how Gregg messaged her and apologized for hitting her piercing. She goes on about how it's so sweet that he apologized, and about how funny that was the night before. The second I see this I get this bad feeling in my gut. I've never brought a guy I wasn't already exclusive with around Anna before, so I had nothing to go off of, but my gut told me that he was going to keep messaging her. I couldn't blame her for this - it's blatantly clear at this point that this guy is a mega flirt. What I felt so uneasy about is that I knew deep down that Anna was going to reply and hold a conversation with the guy. I knew deep down that she would flirt with him, but then if I were to ever find out, she would backpedal and say she's just being nice. I vented to some other friends about my worries, and they confirmed to me that I wasn't crazy, and that this was not okay for a friend to do. I intended to call her up one of the days following and chat with her about my frustrations from that night, but she beat me to it.
She texted me today, three days after the watch party night, and asked if she could call me to “tell me a story.” I knew immediately that it probably had something to do with Gregg. We get on the phone, and she starts the conversation by asking where my head is at with this Gregg guy. I answer that he seems like a flirt, but that we're still talking, and I would like to see where it goes. She then proceeds to tell me that he made moves on her and asked her out.
I am obviously hurt at this point and trying to decide how to proceed. She was vocal at the watch party, and earlier when I'd show my friends photos of this guy, that she thought he was so hot.
She goes on over the phone about how Gregg played it like him and I weren't pursuing anything serious, and how she wasn't sure if he was telling the truth and she wanted to see where my head was at. She's begun playing if off like she's letting me know for my own good that this guy is a player and not good for me. I'm not sure at this point if I believe her. I feel like, based on the way she started the conversation, if I had told her he means nothing to me she would have asked if it would be okay if she went out with him. I feel like she's not being totally honest with me.
I decided to test the waters by asking her to send me screenshots of the conversation. The first time I ask she hesitates, then says she would read the convo to me. I can tell based on the way she's reading it that she's leaving things out. Our conversation continues, and she mentions that if I'm not serious about him, he would be fun to have around the friend group, and that we could introduce him to the guys. I tell her that he doesn't deserve to meet our friends.
I eventually ask a second time for her to send the screenshots to me. She expressed that she's hesitant to send me the screenshots, because last time a guy flirted with her and a friend of hers at the same time, she sent the screenshots and her friend sent them to the guy and there was a lot of unnecessary drama. She asks if I'll send them to him and I tell her that I don't know how I'm going to proceed yet. All I know is that I'm hurt. I did like this guy, and after the shit show of the weekend, he seemed like he liked me too (once again, I’m a dumb bitch). She moves on from the screenshots and we continue chatting.
I finally pull the trigger and mention that I was bothered by the way she was acting that evening. I mention that she's talking to the guy I like about how she has no gag reflex, and about how she loves anal. She counters by saying that she said the gag reflex thing to Gregg's friend, and that Gregg just happened to overhear. She defends the anal thing by saying that Gregg asked the whole group, so she just answered. I leave it at that because she was getting heated, and all I could focus on right now was making sure she was in the mood to send me those screenshots.
Finally, I ask for them a third time, "so that I can show my sister." I definitely know that something fishy is going on at this point. She finally says she'll send me the screen shots but asks me to "keep in mind that they may seem flirty, but I was trying to 'play detective' for you. I was trying to keep him replying so I could get evidence to show you later." I agree to keep that in mind and reassure her over and over again that I'm not mad at her, and that I'll read these screenshots with a grain of salt - lots of which wasn't true, I just HAD to get those screenshots (yes, I know, I gaslit her. Not a good look). She says she'll send them to me, and we get off the phone.
Then the screenshots get delivered. From the gate she is very friendly with the guy, even when his first couple messages include winky faces and flirtatious jabs. Then her messages start including winky faces and the flirty works. I'm reading these just completely bewildered that she would ever think this would pass as "playing detective on my part." I also started realizing that these messages are over Instagram, meaning that if someone were to delete a message from the chat, it leaves no indication of such. I'm beyond angry and hurt at this point, reading messages from him saying that he wished he could've been making the moves on her all evening over me. She asks Gregg what the deal is with him and I, he says we were just fooling around and that there's no future there. He asks what she's looking for, they agree that they're both not looking for a relationship, but if it happens it happens. Lots of smiley faces and winky faces exchanged.
The screenshots end and Anna texts me saying he asked to hang out this weekend, and she quotes what she said back. “(My Name)’s my girl and I don’t feel like you’re being honest in saying there’s nothing goin on between yall, or at least you haven’t had that conversation with her.” I'm wary of this because rather than sending me the screenshot, she chose to type out what she said. I don't reply as I'm processing everything, and she messages me again giving him the benefit of the doubt as a single guy, not tied down to anything, but admits it was scummy to go after two girls who are friends.
At this point I'm considering a couple things; (1.) how she started the conversation by asking me how I felt about him, (2.) how she wouldn't send the screenshots the first two times I asked, but finally did under the guise of "playing detective" for me, and (3.) how she was afraid I would send him the screenshots. I'm realizing as I consider these things that I believe she wasn't at all "playing detective" for me, because she would've started the whole entire phone call in a much different tune if the goal of her messaging him was to get proof that he was a bad guy, and I should leave him. Then I realize that she probably doesn't want me to send him the screenshots because she likes him, and might intend to keep chatting with him, and me sending the screenshots might sabotage that. So out of anger I message him "You couldn't f*ck me, so you turned to hitting on my friend instead hey?" He opens the message and right as he does, I send him the screenshot of Anna's message stating that she was "playing detective" for me, and just acting flirty to keep him messaging. I send this screenshot with the caption "just so you know." This was a c*nty move on my part for sure, but I was fueled by anger. In the process I realize that he might tell her that I sent that, then I realize that this is a good thing. If she gets angry at me for sending that, then I'll know what her true intentions are.
And she did. She did get mad.
I knew if I got into it with her right now, being as angry as I am, I would say some pretty nasty things. So, I tell her I need time. She asks if we're not okay, and I tell her "Not really, I just need time." She then tells me it's unfair to leave her hanging on the idea that we're not okay without telling her why. This is when she adds to the message "I also didn't realize our text conversations would be shared with others." And I know that Gregg has informed her of the screenshot I sent. I simply reply to that message with "so you're still talking to him hey?" She says she just told him that we spoke about things. She calls me out for disrespecting her by sending the screenshot of her message, and I tell her that if she was truly on my side through all this she wouldn't care if he knew that she was "playing detective" or not. She would be sending me screenshots with laughing emojis. She says that she's not upset about him knowing, she just thinks sending the screenshot is unnecessary. She proceeds to say she cares about our friendship more than any man and she's sorry if she's hurt me.
This is where I might be the asshole. Maybe it's the accumulation of me being bothered by her seeking attention in any social setting, maybe it's because I sat on my concerns about how she was acting around Gregg for a couple days too long, but I feel entirely uninterested in continuing this friendship. I had a friend who did the same thing a lot in high school. I would like a guy, she would begin messaging him, I would find out later and she would make excuses for being flirty. Maybe I have trust issues surrounding that. I know if we sat down, we could probably work this out, but I'm just so bothered at the idea that she's not being entirely truthful, and I feel like all trust has been lost in this relationship. Am I the asshole for not wanting to continue this even though a resolution could be reached? I need advice!!

Sorry for the huge story, and thanks for reading if you’ve made it this far!

submitted by throw_2024_away to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 20:24 theraspberryfairy want to make a move on a guy but not sure how/when to do it

for context: i'm f23 and he's 22m. we met for a hookup in late 2021, which elvolved to fwb for a few months, and then i cut contact after 2022 valentine's day bc i bought him a small gift and could kind of tell that the vibe was off after that. at that time, i was looking for a relationship and he wasn't, i dated someone else for a while and he continued with the sophomore college life
now, we're back in contact (we don't call each other or text much, other than to schedule a hangout) and i actually got to see him on friday. seeing him, listening to him talk, how clean and warm he smells, all of it has re-awakened my crush. he made a quick, flirty comment about how he is "great husband material". i didn't say anything at first, but he immediately followed it with "i'm not ready for marriage quite yet since i don't have a girl, but i know i can give the right girl what she deserves and more" (that's not an exact quote, but something along those lines).
his face looked purely happy when he said this, and he was staring into my eyes. i might be reading too deep into it considering this is the first time i seen him in 2 years, but good God i want to want to let him know i'm interested in more with him
the advice comes in here: do i text him this now or do i wait til the next time i see him, which will probably be this weekend?
submitted by theraspberryfairy to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 10:18 Repulsive-Egg5988 My (20 F) boyfriend (24 M) has an avoidant attachment to me and it’s breaking my heart, how do I get him to communicate more?

I (20 F) have been dating my long distance boyfriend (24 M) who I will call Keith since April 8th 2024, talking since January though. And he seems to have an avoidant attachment to me. I am in love with this man, I’ve never felt this way for anyone before.. I genuinely see a future with him, I want to marry this man and have his kids… but he doesn’t seem to attach to me correctly. He speaks to me maybe twice a month… and he always says he loves me and misses talking to me and I say I will wait for him but then he leaves again… and that really hurts. I’ve been trying to close this distance between us, (South Carolina to Ohio) and every time I get close.. he won’t let me. He will not let me visit him… which is why I’m terrified he will say something like “I don’t want to be together because of the distance” when I have been doing EVERYTHING to get there… I’ve been doing it all on my own too.. I’ve asked if he wanted to help with the expenses and he did but then he changed his mind because he wanted to buy art project supplies (he’s an artist) I also can’t visit him right now because he’s been going through an episode for a few months and I just want to help him but he won’t let me in. And I mean he won’t let me in at all. I asked him what he wants in a girl and he said he wants someone who would be there for him at his lowest, I said I could be that, and not because that’s what he needs but because I just genuinely WANT to. I love this man.. and I want to be his shoulder to cry on. But he just won’t.. let me. He said that’s what he wanted but he doesn’t let me. This man has not vented to me once, despite me giving him many outlets to feel like I am a safe space to talk to. I feel like I’m not doing good enough at helping him or something… he has BPD and I also have BPD. Which is LITERALLY a disorder based around impaired social relationships. And for our relationship, we both got the worse end of the stick: he doesn’t attach to someone he loves correctly, and I have a fear of abandonment by the ones I love. So it’s like we’re hurting each other and just don’t know it. Or I think we do, and just don’t want to admit it. I know he loves me, he has shown me so much love, and he has never hurt me, he just doesn’t talk to me. He doesn’t communicate on anything at all. He runs away from it and I’m usually left to pick up the pieces. What’s worse is he’s a popular TikToker, he has almost 45K followers and he makes… thirst traps. His comments and DMs are flooded with women who want him and he doesn’t want to say he is taken by me.. while it does hurt, I do understand it because we have both encountered stalkers who are fans of him, who quite literally want me dead when they find out about me. His fans are.. not normal. In fact he has literally said before that I’m the only girl who’s slid into his DMs and didn’t overly sexualize him or be weird. He said I was different.. and special. He said I was real and genuine and not fake like his fans. I got to know him without the mask (yup, he’s a masktoker) and get to genuinely know him for who he is, and it’s what caused us to fall in love. He was the one who started the flirting, and he was the one who said “I love you” first. I will admit I was the one to admit feelings first but he genuinely started the romance. I was just so happy that a man wanted me. I didn’t care about his following, or “fame”. I would love him 3 followers and no mask. That’s what his fans just don’t get. I love him for who he genuinely is, and I’ve never loved anyone more. That’s why it hurts so bad when he doesn’t talk to me for up to 6 weeks some times all while posting thirst traps for women that he knows want him… it feels like he would rather sexually entertain other women than to even just speak with me sometimes. And that really gets to me. One of the first times he left, it was because I told him I was an addict. I have been sober for 4 years now, but I decided to tell him about my addiction because I felt I needed to be honest about my addiction and that me being in a bad environment (I had just moved back into my moms house, my mom used to abuse me) was making me crave them again, well he didn’t take that lightly. He said he was disappointed and that him losing me would break him. I said I’d be safe, he pulled the “if you really loved me you’d sober up” and then dipped. He left when things got hard instead of communicating with me. I had to deal with my drug cravings on my own. With my boyfriend not there to support me or cheer me on through my sobriety.. he came back for a few days and then left again. And then he came back again and then left again. I let him slide with so much, but I remained calm and patient and said I’d wait. He said he appreciated the patience I was showing and I felt so happy I was appreciated before he left again. We’ve never had a fight until recently, and honestly it shouldn’t have even been a fight because I didn’t do anything wrong. He left for over a month one day and I was forced to celebrate our first 1 month anniversary alone, I texted him a paragraph telling him happy anniversary, he didn’t text back until weeks later. He carried on a conversation about something I don’t remember and didn’t even reply to my paragraph telling me happy late anniversary… but it was whatever because I was just happy he was back, he told me his episode felt like it was ending. I was so happy because I thought that meant he wouldn’t leave again. We started talking daily and I had never been so happy, our relationship was at its highest. But my friend got back from the military and asked if I wanted to hang, I said yes, and he assaulted me in his garage. I didn’t know what to think or feel, I felt dissociated. I hated myself. I felt gross and disgusting and I still do (this was about a week ago) I posted videos of me and him to my Snapchat story because it’s a big deal in my friend group that he is back from the military and my boyfriend saw it. They weren’t romantic or flirty at all. He said he didn’t like it and that he felt like his intuition was telling him stuff he didn’t like so he was turning his phone off and going to bed. I assured him everything was fine but I lied, I was scared he’d think I cheated or something so I kept my mouth shut about the assault. I don’t think he turned his phone off though or maybe he turned it back on because he immediately answered. I talked to him the whole way home because I was honestly terrified of being alone with the military guy in the car. When he dropped me off at home, me and my boyfriend texted all night about him meeting my family and we talked about haunted dolls and stuff (were both very into the paranormal) I felt so happy that we were talking more. I was so happy where I was despite what happened to me. I was just glad to have my boyfriend. I went to bed and woke up and felt terrible, I woke up with horrible PTSD from the assault and so I told my boyfriend immediately I told him that his intuitions about the guy were right, that he did something horrible to me and I had gotten hurt. My boyfriend texted back “did you fuck him?” Which hurt me to my core. I tell you I got hurt and that’s the first thing you ask? And I think he victim-blamed me but I can’t really tell. He said he was angry and felt the need to break shit. I was trying to calm him down but he wouldn’t and I was freaking out about the assault and he said I lied to him. I said I did but it’s because I was scared about this reaction. He said I chose to lie to him instead of telling him what happened… which.. really just makes me feel like he doesn’t see it as assault at all. I think he thinks I cheated on him. I would never do that, I love him and only him and I would never do anything like that to him.. it isn’t in my morals. He asked why I would lie, I said I didn’t know what to think or feel, it had just happened and I felt different. I felt gross and didn’t want him to see me as gross. He said that “wasn’t an excuse” and said something else must have happened. I asked what he meant and he said “I don’t know, you tell me.” I felt my heart literally shatter. I told him everything that happened from the moment I got into that guys car to the time he dropped me back off at home and he said the conversation was too much for him and he needed to isolate and then he just… left. He said “ily” and then left. He has never spelt out “I love you” before.. He hasn’t come back. It’s been over a week. He left me to rot during the worst time of my life. I’m not gonna lie, the assault hasn’t been treating me well at all. I can't sleep, I can't speak, I can't think, I can't breathe, I have this overwhelming urge to just scream and I can't get anything out. I've needed to vomit for over a week and I can't get anything out. I feel trapped in my own room and like the walls are closing in on me. And I am going through it alone. I begged him not to leave me alone while I deal with the assault and he just left. He yelled at me asking what was he supposed to say or do. I feel horrible about myself. I feel like my life isn’t my life because of how centered around this whole situation it is. All I do is sob. I miss my boyfriend. I love my boyfriend. Why doesn’t he believe me? All I do is just ask myself why why why why? I’m so angry, I’m so depressed, I’m so upset. I don’t know what to do. He’s isolating.. but he’s posting to TikTok. He’s posting to instagram. Which means he’s isolating from… me. He’s talking to his fans through anonymous quote question things. But he can’t talk to his own girlfriend? I don’t know what to do. If I talk about my feelings I’m deathly afraid he’s just going to want to break up and he’s going to suggest one immediately when I don’t want that. I don’t want that at all. I feel like that’s what he wants because of how unattached he is to me. After what happened to me in that garage, I feel like I am going insane. I want to end my life.
TL;DR: my long distance boyfriend only talks to me maybe 3 times a month and didn’t support me during my assault
submitted by Repulsive-Egg5988 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 15:35 Natalya12 Random Idea [general]

Okay, so, I've recently started Trials of Apollo and I've had a thought about Apollo's abuse.
So, in Greek Mythology, Apollo is generally regarded as Zeus' favorite son and Athena as his favorite daughter, and don't come at saying PJO cannon is different than the myths, I know. But, just a thought. What if Zeus abused all his children who are Olympians and were born gods? He could potentially have picked favorites based on how they turned out despite his abuse. For example, if he were to abuse Ares and Ares turned out a brutal, war-monger who doesn't think before he acts, Zeus would probably go "Bad child, how dare you be violent even though I sort of taught you it was okay" and just hate him. This would however, be different if he abused Athena for example. If he abused her and she turned out cold, calculating, obedient, and strategic, then of course he's going to go "You turned out the exact same way I wanted you to, well done" and adore her. And before anyone says that Athena was an adult when she popped out Zeus' head, again, please keep in mind that I know more about actual Ancient Greece and its mythology than I do about the Percy Jackson universe, and, that to my knowledge, in Ancient Greece, girls were considered adults when they hit puberty and could legally marry. So, Athena could have "started puberty" (the quotes are because how everything worked while she was in Zeus' brain are questionable) while in Zeus' mind and popped out at eleven, technically being an adult according to Ancient Greek customs, so she could very well have been the victim of child abuse by today's standards (also, adults can be abused too). Now, onto the canonically abused child, Apollo. He was abused and he turned out fairly goofy, flirty, arrogant, and kind of a womanizer (keep in mind, I mean before he had his character arc). That sounds - in some ways - not too unlike Zeus himself, which could lead him to be rather fond of Apollo because he saw himself in his son. On to the whole, "If he liked him, why did he punish him and not someone else" question that I had through all of this, Zeus needed someone to blame for the giants nearly winning (keep in mind, I have not read the last two books of Heroes of Olympus in a while), and he was not going to blame himself, obviously. He also needed to keep up his reputation of being large and in charge and the most powerful god. I am not saying that is or isn't true, I am merely saying he has a reputation to uphold, and if he doesn't punish someone, he will look a little less in charge, and he can't have that, now can he? So, he picks Apollo on a whim because Octavian, his descendant, is the reason they nearly lost. Ludicrous? Absolutely. Does he care? Not especially. Of course, Apollo also has a connection to Python and the Oracles, so, it kind of makes sense to make him mortal under the guise of punishment to deal with them, and although that is a theory that makes his punishment even more messed up, I digress.
So, that is my theory, and before you come for me, please keep in mind that this is a rather idiosyncratic and peculiar thought that I had one long, sleepless night, put way too much thought into and am now writing down for no reason other than that I want to. Is this likely a remarkable stretch? Oh, absolutely. This thought stems from my uncanny ability to create something where there is most likely nothing, and to be quite frank, I am not even positive I take this thought seriously myself.
submitted by Natalya12 to camphalfblood [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 17:24 mcm8279 [Discovery 5x9 Reviews} TrekCore: "A lot both happens and doesn’t happen. T’Rina & Saru have felt fresh since the moment they first made respectful eyes at each other. It is so nice to see a Vulcan who has the emotional maturity not to pretend they’re above the emotions inherent in a relationship."

"[...] (especially one with a non-Vulcan whose emotional needs are going to be different than a Vulcan’s). Sarek with both Amanda and Perrin, T’Pol with Trip, even Strange New Worlds’ Spock with Chapel, they’re all heavily occupied with staying as stoic as possible around their partner — Spock’s weird fabrication of human dating mannerisms aside, which in a way proves my point in its artificiality.
All of this makes sense, these people are Vulcan! But sometimes it’s a little much; there’s restrained and then there’s repulsed. T’Rina’s characterization has managed to find a good middle ground; she still feels very Vulcan, she’s simply not so cold about it. Perhaps it’s because she’s a Vulcan of Ni’Var who lives alongside more emotionally open Romulans or maybe it’s just how she is, but it’s really illuminating to see that a Vulcan relationship can include open but still appropriately subdued affection. [...]
Regarding Book distracting the Breen guard while Burnham brings down the forcefield around the cylinder, I’m just going to say it: I’m over the “Ha ha awkward gay flirtation” trope. It’s common, I get it, but it feels out of place in Star Trek in 2024, and especially Discovery."
Claire Little (TrekCore)
"A lot both happens (and doesn’t happen) in the appropriately titled “Lagrange Point”, an episode that moves the season’s plot forward… without really moving anywhere at all. It’s a fascinating and well-executed example of a show not spinning its wheels, but levitating in place, carefully setting things up for a season — and series — finale showdown.
The semi-translucent cloaked Discovery maneuvering with those glowing black holes in the background is one of the most memorable and beautiful space shots of the whole season for me — and maybe even the whole series. The effects crew has done a standout job this season, and this scene is no exception to the high quality of their work.
The other thing is the way in which Tilly arrives at the solution to their predicament. I’ve criticized the show in the past for leaning heavily on 32nd century technology to do the solving such that the human characters seem almost extraneous, and Tilly’s actions in this scene are the perfect example of what I’ve been wanting the show to do instead. She splutters and stumbles — not because she’s flustered or nervous — but because she is someone whose brain is going into overdrive with the amount of information it’s trying to process.
This is a person who is thinking, really hard and really fast and about a lot. And she’s doing it herself because she’s smart and capable and Star Trek is about, among other things, smart capable people doing science. It’s great to see again.
It’s honestly a little shocking that shooting the breeze with your coworkers while on duty is okay in a society that’s also okay with shooting your coworkers while on duty, but I kind of like it. Maintain a strict social hierarchy on penalty of death, but also feel free to get flirty and invite the new guy to your oil bath, no biggie.
Rayner has spent this entire episode resolutely refusing to sit in the captain’s chair, instead stalking around the bridge like a caged animal. I’ve noted this quirk in previous reviews, and it turns out the characters themselves have also started to take notice. Tilly, in her hand-picked capacity as acting first officer, tries to coax Rayner into the chair at one point, offering words of support that he does indeed belong in that chair.
She’s not wrong in her read of the situation, but unfortunately for her she’s talking to the one guy on the ship who doesn’t go for that whole “talking about your feelings” thing. “I chose you to be my first officer because you’re smart and I trust you and if we were stuck in a foxhole together I wouldn’t kill you… unless, that is, you give me more of that warm and fuzzy stuff that I don’t need.”
If that seems like it would be Rayner’s best line in the episode, just you wait. [...]
I really like Rayner. As individual components of the season go, his inclusion is the best decision the writers and producers have made. He brings such a welcomed, necessary dash of acid to the flavor of the show, one that doesn’t contradict or overpower the established emotional tone of the show with its presence, but highlights and enhances it. Without some contrast, Discovery can become stagnant at times, even stifling, and Rayner provides that contrast while still respecting show’s established storytelling priorities.
Also, he’s funny! What I’m trying to say here is that I have a fully-developed crush on him at this point, and that if anything happens to him in the finale I will be very, very unhappy about it. Let the grumpy guy survive for once, instead of sacrificing himself so the not-grumpy people can live. Grumpy guys deserve the chance for a future as well. This has been a message from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Grumpy Guys.
(I have not seen the finale as of the time of this writing, so truly, I have no idea what his fate will be. I just know TV loves to kill a grumpy guy.) [...]"
Claire Little (TrekCore)
submitted by mcm8279 to trektalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 20:12 ferbyjen season 5 carrie bradshaw

'so I'm thinking like season 5 Carrie Bradshaw, like super professional and polished but also like chill and flirty in an impossibly expensive way'
this quote throws me every time. i love s5 carrie but polished & professional it is NOT
submitted by ferbyjen to SchittsCreek [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:58 drunk_on_ust WASTED POTENTIAL: TAKING A STAB AT A S3 PART 1 REWRITE (Polin ft. Kanthony and Benedict)

I just need to get this out of my head.
I think the main thing screaming at everyone was the wasted potential of Polin's build up so this rewrite focuses mainly on them, but I've also added some sprinklings of other characters.
I'm not a Regency pro so please feel free to yell at me in the comments if I've suggested things that wouldn't typically be allowed in a period romance of this time!
ETA: Some people have brought up the fair criticism of whether Colin needed to visit any brothels at all. I was attempting to keep as show canon as possible but I totally agree with this and to avoid this post becoming primarily brothel discourse lmao please discount any brothel-related scenes if that's your preference.
POLIN (an episode by episode breakdown):
EP 4:
KANTHONY: Did I like seeing Kate and Anthony in marital bliss? Yes. Was I frustrated by all of their scenes turning into makeouts or sex? Also yes. Did I think the half-baked attempt to ship them off after Ep 1 worked well? Not particularly. I genuinely think what would've worked so much better and still accommodates Johnny and Simone's schedules would've been to have them return from their honeymoon in Episode 4. That way they can come back when the shit is actually going down. Have them make their big return at the Queen's ball where they see Colin literally tempting social ruin by interrupting Penelope and Debling's dance and being like Whoa whoa whoa what the actual fuck is going on? followed by Anthony absolutely ripping into his brother for such unhinged behaviour. That way you get Anthony being able to properly lay it out for the audience just how insane of a move that was, which then only strengthens Colin going after Pen anyways. I'm not sure what else they have going on for the rest of the season but assuming they stick around this rewrite also positively impacts—
BENEDICT: Oh, man, I never thought I would audibly groan at the sight of Luke Thompson's beautiful face but by the end of Part 1 there was nothing else for it. Saddling Benedict with yet another season devoted to a single and ultimately meaningless love interest while sticking him in the background of all the other scenes is such a waste of LT. SO. Keep Kanthony overseas and let us see what we only heard in passing: give us Benedict running the estate and whatever else Anthony is usually tasked with, let us see his sense of purpose and the responsibility he's gained, let us see him with Gregory and Hyacinth taking on the oldest brother role; essentially begin orienting him towards becoming the head of his own household. Having Benedict take on a more serious role also gives way for a more rakish, insensible Colin. I also found it extremely odd that it's been established that Benedict and Eloise are each other's confidants, so to have Eloise at her lowest and not get a single scene between her and Benedict where he's like Hey, are you ever going to tell me why Penelope never comes round anymore, why you're miserable and yet are making no attempts to mend this friendship? didn't make much sense. In return, Eloise notices that Benedict is coming into his own — she could compliment him and joke that maybe he has his uses outside of making pretty things, after all. That way once Anthony and Kate return we can watch Benedict relinquish all of his responsibilities and go back to twiddling his thumbs, now wanting more from life and ready for the responsibility of heading a family. Cue Masquerade. Cue Sophie.
And that's it! Sorry that this was very long and rambly. I feel like I'm losing my nerve about this so I'm just going to post this now before I change my mind.
*Obviously this doesn't take into account anything that might happen in Part 2 which rectifies/addresses some of the issues in Part 1*
submitted by drunk_on_ust to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:05 keb_ngl I (22M) broke up with my gf (22F) of nearly four years because of a guy she new for a few months.

This is gonna be a long so I apologize in advance. Me and my gf have been together for nearly four years. We met through work at the time and built a good life together. We got along really well, spent a lot of time together, and loved being in each other's presence. We’ve had hard times during our relationship but most times we’ve managed to get through it and work on ourselves to build each other up. I thought things went well.
Sadly, that is not the case anymore.
She is a university student, and at point she made a friend through class and after they bonded and spent more time together, her friend offered to let her move in to the apartment they stayed at. My gf said yes and moved in, though she alternated between staying at the apartment, at her parents house, and my house.
Sometime last fall, her friend met a guy that she rly liked and both me and my gf at the time were thinking they would end up together. During Christmas, they fooled around but then the guy told her right afterwards it was a mistake and they didn’t pursue each other further.
Now this is where it all starts to fall apart. My gf had hung out the guy and grew close to him, even though her friend expressed how that made her feel uncomfortable, with him coming to the apartment while her friend was there and spending the night and so on. My gf’s response to that was that it’s hard for her to just cut people off like that, despite the fact that she wouldn’t have know the guy if it weren’t for her friend introducing him. That really soiled the friendship between her and her friend, and yet still she hung out with the guy.
By this point, I just had this awful feeling that something more was going between them. I had no proof, other than my intuition alerting me. I even had a dream that she had cheated on me with the guy, and I don’t dream abt stuff like that often, if at all.
So the next day from when I have that dream, she comes over to my house to prepare to go to class, and she leaves her phone next to me while she’s in the bathroom. And while this was a breach of trust, I would not have gotten the truth from out of her, so I went into her phone and found a flirty text messages between them two. Furious, I stormed to the bathroom and demanded that she explain herself. She started off by trying to get me to quiet down because she didn’t want anyone else in the house to think something was wrong, which in hindsight was a major red flag and all the evidence I needed to prove that SHE knew she did something wrong.
Anyway, I was trying to get to the bottom of why she did what she did, but she said she didn’t know why. I never really got a clear answer to any of it, but it’s not like she wasn’t consciously making the decision to do what she did. However, this was the first time something like this had happened, and I gave her another chance to prove that she was willing to try to make this work.
I gave her an ultimatum--either never speak the guy ever again, or I am gone.
She promised me that she would honor the boundary that I set and after she went to school later that day, she told me that she confronted the guy and told him they could not be friends--at least, that is what she told me. And I accepted that and was willing to move forward from it. I never forgot it and every time I think about everything that happened, I get really upset but force it down. But I was at least willing to try to make this work, assuming she respected my boundary.
However, this is one of those situations in which she lied by omission. I spoke to her old friend from university and asked if she knew anything about what's been going on between them two. I had suspicions about what happened bc I haven't heard my gf talk about her friend in a while and she would talk abt her constantly. I asked her (gf) about her old friend and asked why I haven't heard about her recently, to which at the time my gf responded saying i don't know (you will see there is a common occurence going on here in which I will ask her why she hasn't done this or that or whatever and the answer will be "I don't know"). Anyway, I asked her old friend what happened, and she told me about what went on with her and dude, how that made her feel, and how much worse she felt after my gf chose to keep hanging out and talking with the guy. I told her about my situation and emphasized the fact that I felt I still did not know the whole story, which is why I called to get more information. Another one of her old friends that would come to the apartment often was also on the phone, and she was helpful in that she was tracking my gf's location (they had a Life360 group together) and noticed she had turned it off multiple times, one of which she took a screeshot of my gf's location because she was at the guy's house. Again I do not know whether or not she was alone when she went over (she has been there multiple times) and have no way of knowig that but I don't really care about that anymore. Overall, they told me so much information that I never even knew in the first place, which caused me to blow up on her because to me, all of this was extremely sneaky and there was no way in hell she did not know what she was doing while she was doing it (this a point for later, but I had to keep remembering all of the sneaky stuff she was doing later on when trying to determine the pros and cons of staying in a relationship with her). She admitted that yes, she did go over to dude's house but that she was never alone when she did. Again, I have no idea whether or not that is true but I am inclined to believe it is not. At that point, I told her you need to tell me the whole truth because at this rate, learning so many things from other people is just making all of this worse than it needs to be. One thing I do want to bring up is the fact that each and every time I confronted her about something, she cried at some point. I am the person that was wronged through this, and SHE ends up crying.
In addition to that, I learned that my gf changed the contact name for the guy to another name she had for one of her other friends in an attempt to make it appear as though she were talking to that friend and not the guy (i actually learned this when I went through her phone, not when I called her friend, just to clarify).
But recently I hung out with two of my best friends, one of which works at the place my gf and I used work at. My gf had hung out with one of my friend's coworkers, and I found out that when my gf went to dinner with that coworker, that guy was there as well. I had no idea how or why he was there, that was not explained to me at all, though it hardly matters. And no, my gf did not immediately leave or tell him off or extricate herself from the situation. No, she was friendly with him and tried to pretend as if nothing happened, so I am told.
She was out of town at the time in which I had learned this, so I texted her saying that we need to break up and why that was. I told her that you crossed the one boundary I set, which was for you to never speak to him again, and instead of taking yourself out of the situation for the sake of our relationship, you decided you wanted to prove to yourself that you could have these types of friendships without getting in the way of our relationship, as if I wouldn't be affected by it (I assumed she was never going to tell me that she hung out with the guy and it only came out because I found out through my best friend and now she has to explain herself). To that, I responded saying that honestly it isn't him that is the problem, it is what he represents, which is your lack of self control and respect for our relationship. This was pretty much the same situation as her old friend was put through, in which she (gf) felt that she could not cut off anyone like it was nothing even if there are people that have been there for her since day one that she is blatantly disregarding as a result.
At that I told her that for my own mental health and stability, I cannot be with her anymore. She asked me if we could fix this in the future but I told her I had no idea. I really do not. I have a lot of love for her, but I felt like I had been the only one putting any effort into the relationship for months, and I did not trust her very much after everything that had happened, especially considering she was never telling the whole true story. She lied by omission, which I think can be a lot worse than just lying to someone's face. I had to talk to her old friend from the apartment about what happened and see if there was anything that she wasn't telling me, and I found out way more than what she was telling me. For example, she had never told me, even after being confronted the first time with this, that she had gone over to his house sometimes. She told me she was never alone with him there, but I have no way to tell if that was the truth or not. I also managed to piece one thing together that honestly makes this a whole lot worse. So when Dune Part Two came out (one of the best movies I have ever seen, period), I went to go see it first with a group of friends. Afterwards, one of my friends wanted to watch it with me, and I invited my gf out to go see it too, since that friend and my gf had known each other since middle school. I planned out our day--we were first going to have a nice date at one of our favorite restaurants, get some dessert after that, then go see the movie. But then, she tells me the literal day of that she told the guy abt it cuz they were hanging out at the time and expressed how he wanted to go see it too but that he had no one to see it with. So she asked if he could come along, which completely ruined our plans for our date. At the time, I had felt off about the whole thing but I still said yeah that is okay because I also felt a little bad for him. I only pieced this together a while after all of this, but I figured out that they had been flirting back and forth already by this point, and obviously I did not know about it, or else I would have told her to tell him no. And when I brought this up to her, about the fact that it seemed she did not even take our date into account when asking him, she said that she didn't think it would be a big deal. Adding salt to the wound, I had actually paid for the guy because he was broke. I bought his ticket and a few snacks for him. All the while there was so much going on behind my back.
Furthermore, recently, I had told my mother about what happened and she expressed that while she feels my ex gf had a good heart, she seemed very selfish. And given that she was a part of my little sister's quincenera, she had to text her asking for the dress she leant my ex gf back from her, and Ig her tone was off because my ex gf texted me asking if my mom was upset with her. I told her maybe, she asked why, I told her because I told her about what happened between you and I. She responded saying that she felt so one dimensional to us... which i did not understand, because if anything I was taking into account all aspects of her personality when deciding on whether or not to be with her. I tried to think about how it did genuinely seem like she wanted to do better for the sake of our relationship, but I remembered that she overstepped the one boundary I set for her, which was not even that hard to meet (like, just don't talk to the guy, and if you are in a situation where you are both in the same room or place, then do not engage or just extricate yourself from the situation if you feel that you cannot trust yourself in that scenario). If anything, when I initially confronted her, I was willing to ignore everything that happened so long as she respected my boundaries. Obviously that did not happen, but I think it was rather unfair of her to tell me that I see her so one dimensionally because I really do not. I've spent so much time with her, I learned how to love her even with aspects of her personality I may not have agreed with but I was still willing to get past that because I loved her.
And look, I am not free from sin myself. I have done things I am not proud of in our relationship. There were times I did not treat her the best or take her input into account with things we were trying to figure out together because I felt I knew better even though I did not. I had pointless arguments with her that hurt us both, and I will never be able to take that back. But I will not say I did not try to grow from all that. I can tell you with 100% that I am not the same person I was before. I worked on myself and my attitude towards our relationship and made sure she felt like she was my top priority. I bent over backwards to atone for all my shortcomings. I have put so much time and effort into bettering our relationship, and despite my previous sins, I will not ignore the sheer amount of work I've put into becoming a better person and figuring out what kind of relationship I want and how to get us to that point. I value communication above all else, besides loyalty, because that was a huge problem in our relationship. But unfortunately, as you can tell from the length and subject matter of this post, she did not work on that. I expressed how I wanted us to be open and honest with each other. I expressed that I felt our communication was lacking and how I try to put in the work to make sure that we are both on the same page but I wasn't feeling the same coming from her. Hell, at one point I even asked her if she felt uncomfortable with how I hung out with one of our friends who is a girl and told her if she is uncomfortable with it then I would not hang out or talk with her anymore. I made that abundantly clear, but then she said that it wasn't a problem for her. Funny enough, I also learned from her old friends that I mentioned earlier that she brought that up to them as well, and I guess one of them was trying to put in her head that I wanted to be with that girl even though our friendship is purely platonic (I am friends with mostly girls which was not a problem until then ig). I also learned from them that she told them we had broken up, even though WE NEVER ONCE HAD THAT DISCUSSION AND IT WAS NEVER BROUGHT UP IN CONVERSATION. Up until I called them up after confronting her, they all thought we broke up... because that is what she told them. Again, and I cannot stress this enough, we never once had a conversation about breaking up during the time in which this had all happened.
So, needless to say, this is a horrible situation that I am going through right now, borne from so much lying and deceit. I cannot help but to feel betrayed and that all the work I put into our ~4 year relationship just went to waste. But I have a good support system in my friends and family that have been with me through this whole ordeal. And while I occasionally think maybe I should give her another chance to prove herself, I immediately shut that down, because she has already had multiple chances to prove herself to me and she blew each one.
So, now, I am putting more focus into myself and making my life better and healing from all this. I spend more time working on my novel that I am currently writing, and it helps to put my mind at ease and focus on what I love to do. Maybe she will be different in the future, but I am not holding my breath and I only wish the best for her, that she finds the proper help she needs bc she definitely needs therapy.
TL;DR, my gf was talking to another man behind my back, and despite me setting a boundary for her to never speak to him again, she still spoke with him. As a result, I broke up with her. I highly recommend reading the whole thing, as there is so much context to this that this little snippet will not do it justice.
Anyway, I just wanted to come on here and share my story and to tell people that you should always trust your intuition because it may tell you more than what someone else might be.
Update: since breaking up with her, I haven’t spoken or initiated contact with her but she’s been trying to reach out to me. She sends me reels on instagram like we used to do before. I never respond but she still sends them anyway. On top of that, yesterday she texted me asking to borrow $200 and that she would pay me back. I told her even if she was gonna pay me back, my answer is no and to ask her mom but she said her mom said no already. She also said that she doesn’t know what else to do but I still told her no. And then initially she said that she understood but then corrected herself saying, and I quote, “I actually don’t know if I do but it’s okay”, showing a complete disconnect between us because if she can’t understand why I would not want to lend her money now that we have broken up because of her own actions, then I genuinely don’t know what her problem is.
submitted by keb_ngl to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 07:09 Safe-Willingness7280 AITAH for breaking up with someone who wouldn’t trust me?

I (32M) met this girl (29F) a couple of months ago through Hinge. Let’s call us John and Stacy. We hit it off really well and had some commonalities. After a few weeks of us dating, I had to travel for work and I asked her if she wanted to come with so that we could enjoy the beach. She accepted so that was cool.
When we got to the airport I ran into an old friend of mine. She used to work for the same company as me and we had become friends after she had left to pursue something else. It had been a few years since I hadn’t seen her so we started catching up since we were both traveling to the same city. I tried to get Stacy involved in the conversation and introduced them. We then had to board so Stacy starts asking me questions about whether I had been in a relationship with this friend. I told her that we were just friends and that nothing remotely romantic had happened between us. Stacy said that she seemed very flirty with me. I told her that this was just her way of talking (think Kardashian voice) and that she talked like that to everyone which is 100% true. Apparently that wasn’t good enough because Stacy kept bringing up the encounter and while she did admit that I hadn’t done anything wrong, that she was more concerned with this friend and her “flirtatious” demeanor. Needless to say the weekend turned horrible because she couldn’t move past it despite my reassurance that nothing had ever happened.
A couple of weeks after this, I get diagnosed with a rare type of cancer (NET). Obviously we’re both super bummed out. I tell Stacy about this and she feels for me. She does her best to reassure me that I’ll be fine which I really appreciated. She was the one that took me to get the biopsy done so I told her about the diagnosis first. I took approximately a week to process this diagnosis before I felt ready to tell everyone else.
During that week Stacy starts going through my social networks and calls me really upset because she says she’s feeling insecure with me. After I ask her what’s going on, she says that she doesn’t like guys who cheat or lie. I’m a little perplexed because I really had no idea what she was talking about. She then tells me that she noticed that I’m following some girls on my Facebook and that she’s not comfortable with this. I feel sick to my stomach because 1)stress causes for this tumor to release hormones which make me feel sick. 2)I feel like she was trying to catch me in a lie. Once I found out what she was talking about I admitted that yeah I had followed some girls on FB. I try to reassure her that she’s the only one I’m dating and that I would take a look at what it was. As I look at FB (which I rarely use) I noticed that these are profiles that I had followed since before COVID. No big deal, I went and unfollowed and again reassured her that I only had eyes for her.
This past Sunday, Stacy was still somewhat mad at me for the whole FB issue, despite me already deleting those profiles. She confides that in her previous relationship, her ex started following these models on IG and that it made her feel insecure. I try my best to again reassure her that I had already unfollowed. We just chatted throughout the night via text and left it at that. That same night I talked to my aunt for about 20 minutes because she was praying for me over the phone and wanted to catch up with me.
Finally, this last Monday I feel comfortable enough to share with the rest of my friends and family about the diagnosis. The outpouring of love and support was incredible. People that I had not talked to in a while reached out and commented that they would keep me in their prayers and that I would be fine. I really appreciated all the support I received. I also received a good amount of phone calls from friends. Later that night I’m talking to Stacy and I share that people had wished me well on this journey. She asks “who else has talked to you?” To which I respond that my friends have called me. She then asks “what about your best friend?” My best friend, who is a girl and is more like a sister to me, had sent me a text telling me how shocked she was about my diagnosis. So I tell Stacy. “Oh yeah, she sent me a text and I also spoke with my aunt last night.”
Stacy got livid saying that I was hiding things and that this wasn’t making her feel very secure with me. She said that it was my fault that she was feeling this way because I wasn’t forthcoming with her and that I had lied because I hadn’t told her that my aunt and my friend had reached out to me. As chill as I tend to be, I did get upset and said that there was really no reason for me to have to tell her about every single text or call that I received that day. She had obviously been checking my social networks to see who had reached out to me and wished me well. We didn’t really speak for the next couple of days because I was working and I had a lot going on. Also I was feeling upset about the situation.
Yesterday I called her to check up on her and to see what was up. Conversation went ok for the most part until the end where she said that if I wanted to date her that I would have to answer every question she had because due to my actions, I had not earned her trust. She also opened up and said that this insecurity was based on a previous relationship in which her former lover started talking to someone else and it turned out to be more than just casual texting.
My response was that I wanted to be with her but that if she wasn’t going to trust me then what was the purpose of being in a relationship. She then gave me an ultimatum, either I “complied” with her questioning me whenever she wanted or she wouldn’t be with me.
I just told her that if that was the case that I wouldn’t be a good partner to her. Not because I was lying or trying to lie but more so because I felt that if I couldn’t be trusted then I just didn’t see the point of being in a trust-less relationship. She got upset and we said our goodbyes.
This morning she sent me a stupid IG quote saying about how if someone isn’t willing to reassure you then it’s best to move on. I didn’t even respond.
So Reddit, AITAH? Is there something else I could’ve done?
submitted by Safe-Willingness7280 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 21:00 Sola_Sista_94 Dream Boy: Parts Three and Four (Fanfic)

Himiko blinked her eyes excitedly. She looked around her and gasped softly with delight when she noticed that she was sitting on top of a pillowy, fluffy cloud in the bright blue sky. The sun was shining warmly down on her skin. She noticed her clothes had changed, as well. She was wearing a white dress with a red petticoat underneath, and a red sash around her waist tied up in a pretty bow. On her feet were a pair of red heels, and on her hands were a pair of white gloves.
"You look beautiful as always," murmured a smooth voice. Himiko looked up to see Kokichi sitting right across from her with a picnic basket placed in between them. She smiled at him.
"Nyeh...thank you," she replied bashfully with a soft blush on her cheeks. Kokichi stood up and moved over next to Himiko, sitting down right beside her so that he was now in between her and the picnic basket. He reached into the basket and pulled out a cupcake, handing it to her.
"Would you like a cupcake, muffin?" he asked, kissing her cheek. Himiko giggled at his joke and squealed happily as she took the muffin.
"Thank you," she replied, shyly biting into the muffin. It was the sweetest muffin she'd ever tasted. She sighed blissfully.
"Do you like it?" Kokichi asked.
"Yes. I do," Himiko replied with a nod. Kokichi kissed her hand.
"I'm glad," he said. "Because I made it specially for you. You deserve the best, Himiko." Kokichi gently kissed her hand again, this time, both front and back. At his warm touch, Himiko felt her heart soar. She was definitely on cloud nine. She finished her muffin and thanked Kokichi. Kokichi pressed his forehead against hers.
"You're welcome," he murmured. Himiko giggled goofily. She then covered her mouth.
"Oh! W-Was that too weird?" she asked abashedly. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be! I love your giggles," Kokichi said, pressing Himiko's hands against his chest. "Your giggles are lovely. But, not as lovely as your beautiful face." Himiko blushed like crazy. She was being complimented endlessly by Kokichi, and she loved it! And even though it wasn't the real Kokichi, she was at least enjoying herself. She found it a little easier to talk to him, as well.
"Kokichi?" she asked.
"Yes, my love?" Kokichi responded.
"Nyeh...would to be my boyfriend?" Himiko asked with hope in her voice. Kokichi cupped Himiko's chin in his hands.
"Darling, I thought you'd never ask!" he cried.
"You've been waiting for me to ask you that?!" Himiko asked.
"Oh, sweetheart...I've been dying for you to ask me that!" Kokichi exclaimed, kissing both of Himiko's hands. Himiko stared at him in wonder. Part of her wanted to believe that the real Kokichi felt that way. But there's no way he could have. Himiko suddenly felt her heart drop. She was only in a fantasy after all. What was happening to her at that very moment was just an illusion. Kokichi in her dream was only telling her what she wanted to hear. And although she went in knowing that, it still didn't make the possibility of the real Kokichi not feeling the same as his dream counterpart vanish.
"What's the matter, my darling?" Kokichi asked. "Your eyes seem sad now."
"It's just don't really feel that way about me," Himiko replied quietly, turning her head away from Kokichi. Kokichi gently turned her chin back to him.
"Of course I do, my lo-," he began.
" don't," Himiko interrupted, turning her head away again, and lowering it despondently. "Nyeh...who am I kidding? This isn't how you really feel. I'm only...lying to myself."
"What do you mean?" Kokichi asked.
"It's just that...I can't help but think that maybe the way you feel about me" Himiko began, trying to hold back her tears. Kokichi gently took her hand in his.
"You think it's a lie. You want the way I feel about you to be the same way my real self thinks about you," he finished softly. Himiko turned to him and nodded her head. She thought it was strange how easily he was able to deduce that just like the real Kokichi would. "I see. And what makes me any different than my real self? You put a part of the real me in this dream after all." Himiko blinked in surprise. Was he talking about the strand of hair? If so, did putting that strand of hair into the potion add more than just Kokichi's image in her dream? Could she have added his feelings, too?
" and your real self can't be the same person," Himiko reasoned. "You don't even act like the real Kokichi."
"I may not act the same as him, but how do you know we don't feel the same?" Kokichi asked with a mysterious smile. "I'm only acting this way because you've slightly altered my personality by creating a sweet love dream. But there's a part of me that's still true to the real me. After all, I saw your reaction to when I easily figured out what made you sad. Like the real me, I'm pretty good at reading people, riiiight?" Himiko looked at him in surprise. He was smiling back at her with that all-too-familiar mischievous, cheeky grin, replacing the sweet smile he had earlier. "My real self may feel the same way as I do about you, you know. You'll never know until you talk to him." He then gave her a wink. Himiko felt her hopes rising. Could it be true? Could Kokichi actually like her back?
"Nyeh...I don't like that you're giving me hope," she said hesitantly.
"Well, my job here isn't to fill you up with hope...but with love," Kokichi said, kissing the back of Himiko's hand again. She blushed as she smiled at Kokichi. Kokichi gently tickled Himiko's chin with his fingers. Himiko squealed and inhaled deeply. As she did, she began to float above Kokichi. As she exhaled, she landed slowly right into his arms, wrapping hers around his neck. Kokichi gave her gentle kisses on her cheek, causing Himiko to gasp softly with delight. She felt her heart beat faster as Kokichi pressed his forehead against hers and stared into her eyes.
"You really do have the most beautiful eyes, Himiko," he murmured. "I love the way they sparkle in the sunlight. And I bet they'd sparkle just as beautifully in the moonlight. I hope that, someday, I get a chance to see for myself. I could get lost in your eyes forever, my darling."
"Kokichi..." Himiko breathed. Kokichi then slowly inched his face closer to hers. Himiko gasped softly. He was going to kiss her! She closed her eyes, getting ready to be swept away by his soft, warm lips.
"Himiko!!" Kokichi said suddenly, but it wasn't his own voice coming out of his throat. It was...Tenko's?? Himiko's eyes flew open. She was back in her room. Daylight was streaming through the window that Tenko had opened. Tenko was at Himiko's bedside, shaking her awake. "Himiko! Wake up! It's time for school!" Himiko clenched her fists.
Part Four
Himiko was grouchy that morning after having been waken up by Tenko before Kokichi in her dream could give her a kiss. Thinking about dream Kokichi, however, softened her mood a little. She smiled to herself as she brushed her hair, remembering the way his lips felt against her skin. After washing up in the bathroom, she went downstairs for breakfast. When she turned the corner to go into the kitchen, she bumped right into Kokichi.
"WAAHH!!!" she screamed, then covered her mouth immediately.
"Nee-heehee...that was a pretty intense reaction," Kokichi laughed with amusement.
"Nyeeeh...b-because you s-scared me!!" Himiko stammered, feeling the butterflies in her stomach flutter. "Watch where you're going, you idiot!"
"Idiot?!" Kokichi asked with fake surprise. "Gee, and all this time, I thought you liked me!" Himiko's eyes darted around, and she opened and closed her mouth frantically.
"L-Like you?! LIKE YOU?! Nyeeeh...w-well you th-thought wrong!!" she stammered. "Jeez, you're so annoying!! Now, j-just move out of my way already! Gosh!" Smirking, Kokichi stepped aside and let Himiko through. She shoved her way past him into the kitchen. When she felt safe, she clutched her chest with her hand and took a few deep breaths.
"Nyeh...that was close," she sighed, wiping sweat from her forehead. Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She jumped out of her skin and whirled around to see Kokichi there. "AAAHHH!!" she screeched, flinching hard. Kokichi tossed his head back and laughed. Himiko balled her hands into fists. "Why are you sneaking up on me?!"
"Hahahaha...what was 'so close? '" Kokichi asked, making air quotes with his fingers.

"None of your business!!" Himiko snapped. "Now what do you want?!"
"Calm down, calm down," Kokichi replied with a cheeky grin. "I just wanted to tell you that if you wanted waffles, we're out of syrup."
"Yeah, yeah, thanks!" Himiko said testily. "Nyeeeh...are you done?!"
"Nee-heehee...why are you so on edge today?" Kokichi asked. "Does it have anything to with the nightmare you had?" Himiko blinked in confusion at him.
"Nightmare?" she repeated.
"Yeah. You woke up screaming this morning," Kokichi explained.
"O-Oh! Y-Yeah...that's right," Himiko lied. "Yeah, I had, um...a really bad nightmare."
"Oh? What was it about?" Kokichi asked with a sly grin.

"Nyeh! W-Why do you wanna know?!" Himiko asked nervously. Kokichi casually placed his hands behind his head.
"That must have been some nightmare to make you scream so loudly like that," he said. "I was kinda worried about you." Himiko couldn't help herself. She felt her cheeks grow warm as they turned a rosy pink.
He doesn't mean it that way, she thought to herself, trying to force down the warm, fuzzy feeling growing inside of her. He's only worried about you as a \friend!* He's probably actually lying about being worried in the first place! He doesn't care about you!* With that in mind, the warm, fuzzy feeling subsided, as did the blush on her cheeks. Her shoulders dropped.
"It was nothing," she mumbled. "It was actually a nice dream. I was just mad at Tenko for waking me up from it. It only became a nightmare when I realized I was back in the real world."
"I seeee!" Kokichi replied with a cheeky grin. "Sooo, what was your dream about?
"Ugh...why do you wanna know?!" Himiko scoffed. "It wasn't a bad dream, so you don't have to be worried about me anymore."
"Oh, that was a lie," Kokichi replied with a cheeky grin. "I wasn't worried at all. I just said that to get you to tell me what your nightmare was." Himiko stared at him in disbelief. She felt her heart drop. It was just as she thought. She knew it was too good to be true.
"A-HA!!!" Kokichi suddenly exclaimed, startling Himiko.


"That look on your face just now!" Kokichi said. "Why did you look so sad all of a sudden, Himiko? Did you want me to be worried about you, hmmm?"
"N-NO!!!" Himiko shouted. "It was just rude of you to say that!!"
"If you thought it was rude, you would have gotten angry at me, not sad," Kokichi pointed out.
"S-So! W-What's your point?!" Himiko stammered defensively as she nervously rubbed her arm. Kokichi inched his face closer to hers.
"You liiiike me, don't you, Himiko?" he teased. Himiko's cheeks turned bright red.
"N-NO!!! WHAT?!?! I ALREADY TOLD YOU I DON'T LIKE YOU!!!" she shouted.
"Well, when I mentioned it the first time, I meant that I thought you liked me as a friend," Kokichi said with a sneaky grin. "But, now, I'm saying that you like like me."
"WHAAAAT?!" Himiko roared, her cheeks turning deep red. "NO WAY!! THAT'S RIDICULOUS!!! I DON'T LIKE LIKE YOU!!! WHO SAID I LIKE LIKE YOU?!?! WHO WOULD EVEN LIKE LIKE YOU?!?! YOU'RE A J-JERK!!!" A very sexy jerk, she thought suddenly to herself. CUT THAT OUT!! STOP THINKING LIKE THAT!!!
"Then, lemme ask you this, how would you feel if I was actually worried about you?" Kokichi asked.
"'re not, so why does that matter?" Himiko asked, crossing her arms and turning away from Kokichi.
"Well...what if told you that I was lying about not being worried?" Kokichi asked, placing his hands on Himiko's shoulders. Himiko gasped softly, feeling his touch. It reminded her of her dream, of how Kokichi made her feel. Kokichi then wrapped his arms around her, pressing his cheek against hers. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to be held by Kokichi, if only for a few moments.

"How would you feel if...I actually did care?" Kokichi murmured softly in her ear. "Would you like that...Himiko? " Himiko uttered a shaky breath. Her heart pounded harder against her chest. She absolutely adored when he said her name, and he seemed to know it. She could hear the smirk on his face when he said it. "Would you confess your feelings to me, then, hmmm?" Himiko's eyes shot open. She couldn't let herself say anything to him. She threw his arms off of her.
"Nyeh...I don't like you!" she yelled. Before Kokichi could say or do anything else, she ran out of the kitchen and outside Casa V3. It was a little too early for her to go to school, but she couldn't be at home any longer. One more second and she would have confessed her feelings for Kokichi, and her life would have been over. She sighed in frustration, but also longingly. She loved the feeling of Kokichi's arms around her. She already missed his low, flirty voice in her ear. She loved how he made her heart pound. She wanted more. She decided that later that night, she'd try out a spicy love dream for a more daring experience with Kokichi.
submitted by Sola_Sista_94 to danganronpa [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 20:36 Possible_Interest_92 Girl I was talking to said I made her uncomfortable, but I’m not sure what I did should I try to reach back out?

Hello, I’m new to Reddit so bare with me
So I had met this girl on a dating app let’s call her Abby, and we seem to hit it off well and started get to get a little flirty after a few days of messaging, we also shared a common game interest, so for the past couple nights we would play the game together and talk.
I once told her that I was nervous about texting her because I didn’t wanna be a bother, or make her uncomfortable, but she reassured me saying that she’s comfortable with me, and that she will let me know if she was.
On Tuesday I decided I message her like normal, was going to ask her for a favor I needed, but before I could ask she says to me and I quote “Just to be real, you made me uncomfortable yesterday and I told you that's where I draw the line. It's been fun, take care with everything. “
When I tried to ask what I did wrong she had already ghosted me,of course I’m by the message because I really did like Abby, and was hoping it could lead to something more. Should I try to contact again to know what I did wrong and fix it or just let the ship sail?
submitted by Possible_Interest_92 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 04:53 jaws_throwaway Do you think I can get her back??

My girlfriend broke up with me last week and it really hurt. She said she jumped into a relationship too fast and from past trauma from previous relationships she just needs to heal and build herself up to being able to be in a committed relationship again. I totally understand her feelings about it. We hung out on the weekend and talked more about it awkwardly, but then we went for a drink and actually had a really great time in a friendship sort of way. She said that it’s “definitely not a hard no” to coming back to our relationship eventually and said she might be open to it but also cannot confirm when or if it will happen. We ended up kissing goodbye when I left.
I told her about how I was waiting for a call about a second job interview and she told me to keep me posted about it. She messaged me first the next day and was chatting, I told her I didn’t get the interview and she said I could call her later because she wants to support me (she never called me before or suggested calling even when I was upset in the past when we were together). She was also messaging me today too.
It’s hard being “friends” and I really want us to go back to what we were, I don’t know how to approach it because I obviously can’t expect her to come back any time soon and need to give her time to heal and stuff. She also wants to casually date people and encourages me to do so as well, but she doesn’t want to date to get into a relationship she just wants to, and I quote, “date for sport”.
She told me that she still wants to hang out with me and see my band, go to concerts we planned on going too together in a couple months…I’m wondering if I just play my cards other and be friendly and let her do her thing, but maybe be a little flirty with it, she will eventually want to resurface our relationship??
I really just want her in my life, and this past couple days have been hard. I also joked about being friends with benefits and she wasn’t opposed to it lol.
Do you think it’s possible? I know no one is a mind reader and can’t predict our future, but has anyone had success with this in the past?
I love her so much.
submitted by jaws_throwaway to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 18:54 heikitsune25 Feelings on the female romances (Heavy spoilers)

TLDR: I won't talk about every choice as this is too long, already. You don’t have to read all this, for the love of god you don't. Just know I enjoyed every female character in this game as a partneromantic love interest. Hopefully, I’ll have enough time to do the guys. Sorry for this being fucking SIX PAGES (I have a problem don’t send help)
Scarlett: Oh Scarlett you poor sweet girl. I have never seen a main love interest out matched this badly since Dragon Quest 8; which is a similar situation funny enough. She is not a bad character, though I completely understand why people have issues with her. She's the purest vanilla out there to the point where it almost feels like she knows she is a blonde haired, blue eyed, big breasted, can’t cook well childhood friend princess in a Japanese game. And she has the issue of the character knowing more than the player. Scarlett is Alain's childhood friend. Not ours. He’s used to her antics and only sees her from his perspective. With her pushing herself so hard at Alain it can be frustrating when you don’t know her as well more so when all her rapports are her trying to get into Alain’s pants and the actual character stuff for her is one of the last area before the final boss.
But vanilla isn’t bad. It’s nostalgic. Comforting. Scarlett will never be a bad choice but is the normal choice.
Chole: Holy shit Chole. When I first saw her I thought nothing about her. And then I got spoiled on her ending and found it hilarious that she was one of the only girls to give Alain a kid and not her so called best friend so I went I through her rapport.
And uh, did Chole’s writer have it out for Scarlett? Like it’s utterly baffling how Chole is such a better romantic choice then so called main heroine that it's like that jojo stomping meme. every other girl beating the shit out of Scarlett’s chances and Chole, HER BEST FIREND WHO AGREES TO HELP HER, looks to be minding her own business. And then comes in with steel spiked chair that explodes on impact.
The theme of ‘you can be yourself around me’, the player getting to known Alain better by doing her rapport, dancing in the fucking moonlight. As someone who’s a hardcore romantic; hence why I like this game, I was god smacked at how sweet it all was. And she’s not a trope, well more like she doesn’t have a ‘dere’. The only thing like that about Chole is that she’s just everyone's mom. She has nearly the same mom energy as everyone’s favorite titty owl milf.
And I think that’s the point as the losing heroine trope, or second girl, is becoming more popular in Japan. Characters like Scarlett are actually becoming more rare and harder to come by in manga and light novels. You’re more likely to get a gyaru or a character like Chole as in love interest than your classic blonde, blue eyed, big titty, childhood friend princess tsundere. But that’s getting off topic. Basically, Chole is the main heroine. Sorry Scarlett.
Yunifi: I’ll come back to Yunifi’s fat ass later. (I know Alain is! bum dum tis) but as a character, for me I can sum her up as, Tifa but bottom heavy; she feels like that spunky childhood country bumpkin friend that was not too girly, but girly enough you wouldn’t call her a tomboy. And then you see her again after a few years and you’re already calculating how much a ring will cost. And I shouldn’t have to explain the bottom heavy part :v
She would fit right in with the childhood friend trio, and considering she’s a princess that might have actually happened in some alternative timeline. She’s fun, spunky, cute, not afraid to speak her mind with a sharp tongue, basically, a cat girl, a MONSTER with her bow, and her alter scene with Alain is my favorite.
Alain, poor sweet innocent lad, just thinks ‘Aww she’s talking about making more friends.’ And the girl comes up to him like basically saying ‘No I want you to breed me.’
The look on that poor boy’s face when he realized what he just got into. Like “Oh!....oooohhhh sshhiittt….”
I am reminded of that one meme of female lions biting the balls of their mates when they want sex when the mates are too tired.
Alain better hope he has the stamina of a Unicorn…..
Dinah: Furry memes aside, Dinah shocked me with how cute she is. Like while the Krystal comparison is accurate, it’s also not. Krystal has always been more sexy than cute. Bikini armor, rich accent, tight clothes. Nintendo’s messy handling of her aside, she’s always been mostly sex appeal. Dinah is too, but if you put her character on a normal human, the effects would be the same, but at the sometime it wouldn’t be her as her past makes it hard for her to trust humans. Making her a Berengaria lite; Berengaria has way more rough edges than Dinah who smooths them out rather fast.
It's really nice, if you’re a furry or not, to have an ACTUAL interspecies relationship and not just ‘human but with one extra step and nothing else’ (looking at you Witcher fuck off with that shit). Which is always baffling seeing as a lot of video games have their roots in DND and well you can fuck a dragon in that. And not just the ones on two legs.
But a lot of games just go ‘slightly different human’ when they do theses. Like the other reasons people were upset about the whole Tali face reval years ago was yeah she was a bit too human looking. But biowear isn’t the same company it was during ME3 and now a days…..
Though I wouldn’t mind them going into more detail about their racial differences, there’s some, but wouldn’t call it mass effect level with characters like Tali or Garius.
Still the fact that a furry character that has harsh edges nearly on the same level as Berengaria, is this cute; you can’t tell me you had a little chuckle or go aww when she told Alain she was turn him down, clearly lying with her face so red or asking him to recognize her feelings for him during their last rapport. It makes me wish that she came out around the same time as Krystal so we can get more art of her, because right up, Dinah’s way better than Krystal. (The old furry guard is going to gut me but I’ll die on that hill damn it)
Berengaria: This woman is a bitch (affectionately). Which makes her perfect for our idiot prince.
They both have the issue of taking the weight of the world on their shoulders for the people they care about. But Berengaria is dumber than Alain because he learned to accept help while she pushes others away to keep them safe. And you can’t blame her. She lost an eye. She’s been through some shit. She’s seen how bad and cruel the world can be. And Alain isn’t even her ‘cute little ball of sunshine to light up her life’ dude’s seen that shit too.
But instead of colder view of things, it’s more realistically optimistic. Yeah there is a possibility she’ll stab him in the back but he’ll know there’s a reason for it and try to help her then just let her stab him and be done with it. Aka Alain doesn’t always take her shit and trusts her a lot. Something she isn’t used to and way more than most people have, and even should. Her bitchy standoffish behavior rolls off of him most of the time. He doesn’t even hesitant to nearly drag her into his army. Like it’s only a slight exaggeration that he just picks her up and places her in his army and I don’t even think he’s heard of her save for what Travis has told him; that whole scene had me laughing for a good minute.
It shows the deep trust Alain has for her, even in her ending.
She had a skill called WARRIOR PRINCESS. That woman was not going to sit around with some stuffy ass, slow thinking, face lying, dancing old people taking half a generation just to cut some red tape to help people. Hell she probably scared everyone shit less when she walked in being Alain’s wife with that scar on her face and icy attitude. Of course she was going to fuck off back home to take care of things there. This is a woman who would willingly walk into a trap if it meant keeping people safe. And Alain is all for it. He right up says they’ll face whatever choice they made together and her going back to handle things like the fantasy batman she is while her husband handle the political shit he’s far better at doing than her is a good move. All Alain ask is that she visits the kids because lord knows they had a few :v.
Berengaria is that IRL goth girlfriend that scares people who have been online too long and don’t know how real emo and goth girls can be like.
Amalia: while it’s sad her romantic bits are short it’s understandable with what the team had and even then she’s meant to be picked up last as she’s ten levels away from the max. You aren’t meant to pick her up until late game or after. Lord knows everyone would pay more for just more rapports for everyone they did that good of a job with these characters. And even with Amalia’s short length, she makes good with what she has. She’s a simple woman wanting a strong guy by her side. She reminds of Barghest from fate grand order.
A massive woman who’s insanely strong and is based off a fantasy dog that eats people. But she has dreams of marriage, home cooking for her lover, and wears dresses. While being able to cut a whole mountain at the same time.
While Amalia isn’t on that level it’s clear she has a girly side being embarrassed to explain how much she eats. She’s a nice girl that can take on an army and that’s all she needs to be. And it’s nice to imagine the army being horrified of this wall of a woman training them but gets all soft and cute when her husband who’s nearly at the height of her crotch comes around bringing her a massive table of food for lunch.
Milsanadra: I saw a quote on Twitter that sums her up moderately well. ‘Rise Kujikawa walked so Milsanadra could run’
Everyone was caught off guard by her extreme forwardness and charmed by her thirst for everyone's favorite ‘blue haired fop’ but once you get to know her you know she has ‘perfect woman’ trope; someone who’s great at everything but doesn’t get that much attention. But she still tries hard anyway. Girl is a hard worker and Alain, the bastard, is going to shower her with so many deserved compliments that Baltro's wrinkly ass will die from embarrassment. They have that perfect couple feel. Like you see the two of them and don’t question if they are dating you just know. They bounce off each other well as even Alian is a walking flirt machine only unintentional…half of the time. Dude even mistakenly says ‘she belongs to him’ when they first met; for the love of god muzzle this man….
She reminds me of Metera from Granblue fantasy. A flirty, free spirted woman who is actually a genius in a lot of things. The only difference is that Metera is just too free spirited; good luck getting that woman to do anything if it isn’t fun for her. Under Milsandra’s flirty personality is a hard working, sweet girl that needs all the love she can get.
And I love how she dose a complete 180° at the end. She goes from ‘oh I am good with being the side chick’ to ‘I am not letting any other woman step up to my man.’
Yahna: Those hips did not lie, she really is a great waifu. Yahna having a sense able reason for de-aging herself is what made me like her. It’s very common for the reason to be comical. Like the witch is very vain or it was an mistake with some magic. But Yahna has a good point. The fuck can grandma do in a war? And the guys were looking for an old granny not a sexy young witch with hips to spare. It showed that she was more than just good looks and I love the fact that she is basically just a grandma in younger body; R.I.P Hodrick dude better blind himself because Yahna is young and sexy and she is not going hide that from anyone.
And then the arc with Elheim made me love her. Holy shit as if they needed another nail in Scarlett’s waifu ranking coffin. They really pulled the ‘simi reincarnated lovers not going to fall for the same thing our past selves did’ in front of my poor old heart. Like god damn one of the most romantic tropes in the books, how was I supposed to say no?
I don’t want to say she’s perfect for Alain, because let be real this whole cast nearly is, but fuck me is Yahna dragging me kicking and screaming to say that. That ‘bewitching bride’ of the prince’s has a powerful spell on me and a fair amount of fanbase.
Virginia: The incest is what is holding her back from completely up ending Scarlett’s throne of main heroine. Christ and I thought the chemist with the other girls was powerful this is something else. If they weren’t cousins I would have been so confused why they aren’t already a thing. Like god damn every conversation between was damn delight and a showcase of why they work so damn well together. Virginia’s fiery attitude is what Alain’s needs to sometimes stop thinking and start fucking shit up but Virginia needs to learn to hold back. Hell she even mentions it after getting revenge for the Roses. And there’s that one line in Darkengard that feels a tad sexually charged.
It's the end of a mission that focuses on Leah’s heritage as a Drakengard native. And after Alain wisely suggest she go spoke to the captives instead of Virginia who’s likely to start a war, the woman herself comes back with a ‘Ill show you a war.’
It's short moment, mainly joke, but it perfectly sums up why they are the perfect king and queen like bar none. I can’t even argue with the woman when she just asks for the ring. And knowing vanillaware’s thing for badass powerful sword women this was totally planned. Along with her Schrödinger’s panties.
And yeah this is just like the whole thing with Reha from FE3H but with less odd ‘if you think about too much she’s just fucking her own mother.’
Rosalinde/Eltolinde: Gape moe is a good way to sum up theses girls. Eltolinde is the playful flirty younger sister type at first blush. And then you get to know her. Yes Eltolinde is a flirty palyful girl, but she’s also extremely hardworking, intelligent, tactical and just the other opposite of what you see of her. While her sister Rosalinde, acts the serious wise leader of the elves, but you see her act goofy, get drunk, take the playful ‘he loves me he loves me not’ game very seriously. Like her sister she still is that wise leader, mature leader, but she also acts like a spoiled and spritely little sister.
While I won’t get into the long history of the term gap moe, basically it’s this; when characters have traits of tropes opposite of them. Aka getting lied to by the character. Games like blue archive dose this to an extreme degree, and if anyone has been on the internet and/or glimpse at Japanese pop culture you know that game has fanart up ass because of that. Its not a wonder why those two are the one of the most popular girls with Eltolinde taking the top spot. These girls make a really great argument for harem endings because it feels off just taking one and have having the other.
Liza/Ridiel: I am going to put these two together, because this is getting too long and it’s the same feeling as they both surprised me at how cute and serious they are with their stories. Liza is one of the I want to say two tomboy girls in here, but unlike Berenice who’s more like a bro, Liza is like that spunky little sister that doesn’t want to be called cute but actually enjoys it. And it’s nice seeing Alain pull the poor girl along with his usual charm as well as respecting her wish in taking care of her desert home.
Ridiel’s trouble with her race was treated rather well with Alain not trying to be a dreamer and say something silly like ‘he’ll rid people of those thoughts’ but more understanding as he’ll continue to fight for that equality and her determination to surpass her mom’s skill is insane as it is admirable; thank god for mommy Chole. Also, while it is a great way to end her character arc and embrace her bloodline, it is not funny imagining her mother laughing at her from heaven. Girl goes on for a good minute about not being like her mom and dating humans. And then she falls for the damn PRINCE of all humans. Her mother is cackling in her grave I am sure.
‘Ha! Not so easy when you met a hot guy who treats you great now is it!? I better get a lot damn grandchildren!’ Ridiel’s mother…. Probably.
Selvie: One of the funniest girls in my opinion. She knows her role; she’s nerdy bookworm mage that creeps in dungeons and that can barely throw a punch (but has some thick legs for some brutal kicks). She knows she’s the dweeb and doesn’t expect to be romanced in away way by anyone; even if she does have a body that’ll knock out an elephant.
So Alain needing to nearly beat her over the head at the altar and thinking him falling for her is a joke is so damn good. And she has a cute girly side to her too. Wanting to spend some alone time (at least that’s what I think. These girls do be freaky.) With Alain in some ruins, cherishing her ring. Their relationship really does remind me of the ‘my witch girlfriend and me doing whatever the fuck she wants’ meme. Dude is a good listener and really that’s all she needs. And cuddles.
Lighting round:
Berenice: Actual tomboy girlfriend. Feels more like a bro than a wife. But her shyly admitting that she has a crush on Alain to Mordon is cute.
Griffin girls: Fran is just cute bidding being her Griffin. And as for Celeste; who put a Disney princess with massive tits in my Japanese strategy game? Not mad just asking. I want to thank them.
Hammer girls: Smol hard working girl, Kitra and smol angry girl Nina. Both flavors of a badass small girl with a big fuck off hammer. With Kitra being the standout with being her hammer and taking a swing at Alain.
Who I really agree with because holy shit Alain you absolute asshole shut up. Like, holy crap I am saying this as a guy who enjoys and likes to write this flowery dialogue, you stupid flirting mother fucker. I am blushing over here. It’s not even a major character trait of yours like Sanji from One Piece and you put him to shame. Like my god man, just complement Baltro’s old ass a few times and the fucker will fucking just explode from all the damn complements. Like holy shit, man woman, it does not matter Alain is a fucking menace to society.
I blame Josef. That fucker over corrected and now Corina has the equivalent of Helen of fucking Tory as a king. Mother fucker is going to cause another war with his damn charm alone….love the fucking bastard but jeez I was blushing during some of these rapports and maiden scenes. Like fuck man tone it down will ya???
Certainly my favorite game of the year so far and it's nice seeing a game put romance and partnership at the front. Normally this stuff is secondary or short lived for various reasons. But the writers did a good job of making everyone a believable choice for the prince. No one really feels like a bad romantic partner and/or comrade. Damn good job Vanillaweare

submitted by heikitsune25 to UnicornOverlord [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 06:34 Free-Bread7869 I (18m) feel like I'm fighting for the attention of my (18f) all the time. Can I get some perspective?

I (18m) have a gf (18f) who I recently started dating (about one month) and we seem to have some sort of compatibility issues.
I'd like to preface this by saying that my gf is awesome, she's just the right amount of spontaneous and silly for me. We have deep conversations and she makes me feel calm and safe. She's drop dead gorgeous too.
My problem lies in the attention dynamic and how we show/recieve appreciation and affection.
Whenever we are out with friends or public it feels like I'm always competing for attention. Weather it be her friends or other guys just being a little flirty (consequence of how pretty she is lol) i never feel like I'm #1 or even #2. If I'm not leading the conversation the most I'll get from her is a "you coming?" As I trail behind her and her friends. This is all more or less ok. But for me she is always #1 and I feel like it ought to be that way. I can understand not being #1 compared to her best friends or anything, especially about 1 month in to the relationship. But being left behind and lack of priority is breaking my heart. I love seeing her and being with her.
When we hang out it's the same thing. We don't get much alone time, but when we do, she spends 8/10 of the time on her phone. Again, understandable in some situations, but I always give undivided attention if we're alone and I feel like this should be reciprocated.
We text quite often and call for many hours at least 4 days a week. I feel like this is the most that we talk and interact on what I would refer to as a normal level of attention and exchanging of affection. This is where I feel best about or relationship.
I've asked her in many different ways what her quote: "love language" is, and it's always been something along the lines of "acts of service" and "quality time" which matches me so I don't see any lack of compatibility there. She's not a super big fan of pda or anything (idk if that's important)
Any general advice is also appreciated.
How can this be addressed?
Can anyone relate to her? Is there something I'm missing?
I can answer any questions or add more details if needed.
TLDR : I don't believe I'm receiving adequate attention from my gf and I'm not sure how to address it.
submitted by Free-Bread7869 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 08:28 Free-Bread7869 I (18m) feel like I'm fighting for the attention of my (18f) all the time.

I (18m) have a gf (18f) who I recently started dating and we seem to have some sort of compatibility issues.
I'd like to preface this by saying that my gf is awesome, she's just the right amount of spontaneous and silly for me. We have deep conversations and she makes me feel calm and safe. She's drop dead gorgeous too.
My problem lies in the attention dynamic and how we show/recieve appreciation and affection.
Whenever we are out with friends or public it feels like I'm always competing for attention. Weather it be her friends or other guys just being a little flirty (consequence of how pretty she is lol) i never feel like I'm #1 or even #2. If I'm not leading the conversation the most I'll get from her is a "you coming?" As I trail behind her and her friends. This is all more or less ok. But for me she is always #1 and I feel like it ought to be that way. I can understand not being #1 compared to her best friends or anything, especially about 1 month in to the relationship.
When we hang out it's the same thing. She makes time for me and we hang out. We don't get much alone time, but when we do, she spends 8/10 of the time on her phone. Again, understandable in some situations, but I always give undivided attention.
We text quite often and call for many hours at least 4 days a week. I feel like this is the most that we talk and interact on what I would refer to as a normal level of attention and exchanging of affection.
I've asked her in many different ways what her quote: "love language" is, and it's always been something along the lines of "acts of service" and "quality time" which matches me so I don't see any lack of compatibility there. She's not a super big fan of pda or anything (idk if that's important)
Any general advice is also appreciated.
How can this be addressed? Am I being too needy/jealous? Is this a normal amount of attention?
I can answer any questions or add more details if needed.
TLDR : I don't believe I'm receiving adequate attention from my gf and I'm not sure how to address it.
submitted by Free-Bread7869 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 15:31 CxldMadz AITAH For posting about my ex boyfriend and how he acted in our relationship? (VERY LONG)

For context, I (F) started dating this guy in middle school, nothing serious obviously since we were that young but in our eyes, it was the most serious thing. Him and I had been best friends since second grade and when middle school started we began to date on and off. But the last time we dated was in 8th grade. He had gotten out of a relationship a few months ago, and we ended up falling for each other again. At least, he fell for me, I always had an odd feeling when I thought about dating him but I would ignore it.
Anyways, we started dating and things were going well. He always told me how beautiful and amazing I was and I always appreciated it. I felt loved and recognized.
Before I continue, after he got out of his old relationship, the two stayed friends, which I was perfectly fine with, I trusted him.
But then I noticed how flirty she was with him. She always texted him and one time she even said, and I quote, “I know you have a girlfriend, but if what do you rate me?” Which I don’t know about any other girl, but that is blatant flirting. He never told him to stop flirting with him unless I made it clear that it made me uncomfortable.
He then started to not talk to me as much, he would even talk to his ex WAY more than he would talk to me. This was an absolute red flag for me. And lastly, everytime I would talk about me being sad or having a bad day, he would push it off and say, “That sucks.” Despite me always listening to his insecurities and problems and assuring him that everything is good.
Here is where I messed up. One night, I was fed up and ended up posting on my private snapchat story which contained about 10-12 people. The post was just me talking about stuff he did and how it made me feel. And I had most people back me up on it. That was until one of my best friends screenshotted it and sent it to him and multiple other people. Some people ignored it, some people asked me about it but didn’t pick sides, but my ex was furious.
By this time we had broken up, and he asked me about the post. I proceeded to explain how the stuff he did made me feel. He insisted he did nothing wrong and that I was overreacting. At first, I thought it would end there, but my best friend who screenshotted it took his side and fed his ego with lies despite not knowing anything about it.
I texted her asking why she did that, and she told me that she was tired of my being so bratty and how I shouldn’t enforce rules in relationships. I will admit, I can be super bratty, but I feel that I was not as bad this time. I told her that they weren’t rules but boundaries and she disregarded it. She told me that I shouldn’t be reading his texts and that he is allowed to be friends with her. I told her how I didn’t read them and he showed me it. Despite all of this, she ignored it and continued to gossip about me for the rest of the year. I ended up apologizing for what I did. I lost quite a bit of friends considering that my ex is one of those people everyone gets along with.
Now, from what I’ve told you, it’s easy to take my side, but the part I’m still angry about was almost a year later. I was on a date with my new boyfriend, when I got a text.
It was my ex telling me how heartbroken he was and how much of a terrible person I was to ruin his reputation. I told him how I had apologized already and that I have gotten over everything that happened.
He got mad at this and continued to tell me how bad of a girlfriend I was. I then told him that he needs to get over it. I told him that I already apologized and that despite not getting an apology myself I have gotten over it and that all he needs to do to get over it is move on and look forward.
He told me he can’t do that when people don’t like him anymore. I told him that I was the one who got my reputation ruined and not him. That’s when I asked him why he started ignoring me in the first place. He said it’s because he didn’t and never has trusted me. I asked why he didn’t just break up with me then.
He said it’s because I would have made a big deal about it. That ticked me off, I told him how I had never once made a big deal about our breakups and that he can’t be talking when he is still complaining about it a year later. He hasn’t texted me since I said that.
I want to mention that that was the first time someone ever broke up with him, he usually is the one dumping people, this makes me believe that he just was stubborn about having caused a problem for the first time.
I have gotten reassurance from multiple people that I did nothing wrong, but they all were friends and family and I wanna hear from strangers.
So, what do you think? AITAH
submitted by CxldMadz to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 21:15 BulldogMama13 I read them so you don’t have to (unless you want to): The enemies to lovers “Slaying the ___ __” Series

Someone on here posted pics of some of these books, and my interest was piqued with the “Mortal Enemies to Monster Lovers” tagline. Each book is a standalone novel written by a different collaborating author.
I have ordered them from my most to least favorite, and when I checked romancio ratings it appears the majority agrees with my assessment. Below are my mostly spoiler free reviews, and please recommend me your favorite books that match that tagline vibe that got me curious in the first place.
submitted by BulldogMama13 to RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 07:51 kdenise1989 The Betrayed Husband’s Gruesome Gift

The Betrayed Husband’s Gruesome Gift
In March 1989, 22-year-old Stephen Schap met a young woman named Diane on a flight from London to Baltimore. It’s safe to say he was immediately smitten. He would go on to tell his cousin Randy Miller, “I’ve met the most amazing girl. I’ve never been able to communicate as freely with any girl.” Just 6 months later they were married in a private ceremony. Per Diane, Stephen believed marriage was private thing between two people. He was from Baltimore, eldest of 6 children in a Catholic family. His parents divorced when Stephen was in high school. Eventually it surfaced that the father had cheated which caused the split. This traumatic event greatly shaped the young Schap’s views, particularly on marriage. Per his mother Marianne, “If he got married, it would be for life. He would do anything to keep his family together.” Diane was from Modesto, CA but called Baltimore home. She spent time in Europe and attended Oxford University for two years before going back to Baltimore. Their first year of marriage was a happy one. The couple worked in Baltimore with Stephen employed at his father's construction business. Problems for Diane began to surface on the second year. Communication issues, Diane wanted to talk about problems but Stephen would shut down. “He would say I shouldn’t feel that way and then drop the subject.” Also, a big stressor on the marriage was three very painful miscarriages, the last two keeping Diane in the hospital for weeks at a time. After the third loss the couple decided one of them would be sterilized. Diane first opted to get a tubal ligation but Stephen ultimately decided on a vasectomy. He wanted to spare Diane from any further suffering.
In 1991, Stephen decided a drastic change was necessary. He joined the Army as a private. A large factor in this decision was the belief it would allow him to be able to spend more time with Diane. As he had recently graduated from Loyola University only two years prior this new career decision came as quite a shock to family and friends. Also unusual was Stephen's decision not to join as an officer. He wanted to work his way up from the bottom and eventually become a pilot. In 1992 Schap was assigned to the 11th Army Cal. Regt. in Fulda, Germany as a helicopter mechanic. Diane followed a few months later. By the time she arrived she believed the marriage was over. Stephen became a model soldier, working hard and moving up in rank and responsibility. He encouraged his wife to see Europe while in Germany and she often traveled on her own. By March 1993 Diane worked in the Fulda legal office as a volunteer. Stephen went to air assault school at Downs Barracks in Fulda where he met fellow soldier Spec. Gregory Glover.
Gregory was a shy, easygoing 21-year-old from Phoenix, AZ. Per his mother, since age 4 his goal was to become a soldier after seeing an Army uniform in a catalog. He and Schap got along well, both came from middle-class backgrounds and both were highly regarded as top-notch soldiers. Both were also helicopter mechanics, but worked in separate troops. Glover occasionally joined the Schaps for dinner at their home. Per Diane he would also drop by for dessert and conversation. He and Schap enjoyed similar music tastes and would often swap CDs. Lastly, Glover and Diane were both known to attend the country music nights at the Fulda Community Club.
Stephen went to a platoon leadership development course in September 1993 which lasted 4 weeks. After Schap left Glover visited Diane twice with friends. Spec. Rob Reynolds later testified he quit visiting the Schap home with Glover because Diane was too “flirty”. Soon, she and Glover were having an affair. Diane admitted to having intercourse with Glover at least 6 times before her husband returned. She also admitted at the time she swore her undying love to Stephen she felt the marriage was over. She kept up correspondence with Stephen during the course. One letter dated September 19th stated, “My greatest love and my everything. My husband, my lover, my best friend, and my boyfriend.” In response Stephen wrote on September 22nd, “I cannot understand, for the life of me, why you tolerate me. I'm a constant struggle, I know.” At trial Diane did state that at the time she wrote the letter she was seeing Glover but the affair was not yet sexual.
In October Diane discovered she was pregnant during a trip to the States visiting Stephen’s family. When the couple returned to Fulda, Stephen started preparations for a upcoming transfer to Giebelstadt, Germany. During this time Diane was writing to Glover and slipping notes under his barracks door. ( Investigators later found 2 greeting cards from Diane in Glover’s personal effects in his room. Described as “friendship cards”. No other links between them ever found) Mid-November while Stephen visited friends in the Netherlands Diane met Glover at her apartment and told him she was pregnant. Per Diane, “ He was excited. He wanted to be very involved as the father of the child.” She also stated he was concerned about her health. Glover was assigned next to Fort Bragg, NC and Diane was talking about divorce. They discussed marriage, per Diane. Soon after she asked Stephen to consider a separation so the couple could “reassess” their lives. Glover's mother stated he spoke with a close friend early in December. The friend asked Glover if he had found a special girl. Glover said no.
Thanksgiving Day was spent in deep discussion at the Schap residence. For about three weeks Diane had been pushing for a separation and the couple had not been intimate for at least that long as she told Stephen she had ovarian cysts. When pressed Diane eventually admitted she didn’t love him anymore. There had been too much pain. Stephen was shocked. “I had never heard her speak those words to me before. It required me to dig deep down inside to try to appreciate the situation. I was feeling very incoherent.” Schap wanted to save the marriage but Diane said it was too late. “There was too much hurt. It was too late to try and change things.” Diane spent December 5th with Glover. Sometime that weekend Stephen found his wife’s journal with vague references to “extraordinary” times and possibly an affair. Stephen called his father, upset. Per John Schap Jr., “He said he had discovered his wife had been unfaithful, not only in Germany but back in Baltimore before and during the marriage.” During testimony Diane has stated the people mentioned in her diary were fantasies and no proof of affairs. She also stated Glover was never mentioned in any entries. John advised his son to find someone to talk to. Stephen had one very close friend in mind, Greg Glover.
When Diane returned to the apartment Stephen met her at the door with photocopies of her journal. He stated her threw the original away. Together they went over the diary. “I wanted to hear her speak to me. I wanted to believe”, quoted Stephen. On December 6th, the couple met with regimental chaplain to discuss separation and begin the process of sending Diane back to the US. When the chaplain asked if infidelity was an issue in the breakup both parties said no.
The morning of December 7th, Stephen got up and reported to work as usual. That day Diane planned to stop by her bank. However, after showering and dressing she noticed significant bleeding. Being 3 months pregnant and with her history of miscarriage she immediately had an acquaintance drive her to local Fulda hospital, Herz-Jesu-Krankenhaus for treatment. After learning her hospital stay would be for at least a week Diane called friend and co-worker Sgt. 1st Class Russell Bates to deliver a message to Glover that she was in the hospital. After Bates inquired about her husband Diane advised him, “If you see him just tell him where I am.” She also confided in him, “I slipped and had an affair and the baby is not his.” Bates stated he placed the message on Glover’s desk and covered it up with papers to keep others from seeing it. Later that day Stephen stopped by the legal affairs office where Bates informed him that his wife was in the hospital. Schap was “extremely concerned” and Bates allowed him to use his phone to call the hospital. However, he was unable to get in touch with Diane so decided to go there instead. About an hour later Diane called Bates again to inquire if he had delivered the message to Glover. She also told him that her husband was at the hospital and he knew about the pregnancy and was being supportive.
When Stephen arrived at his wife’s bedside she came clean about the affair and the pregnancy but refused to reveal the father’s name. Per Stephen his first concern was her health. “What I was doing was trying to be strong for my wife. Inside, I felt in pieces. I was extremely upset, but I was extremely worried.” Diane said, “He knew that the marriage had failed” and hoped she would not lose the baby. He offered to go back to their apartment and gather some toiletries and clothes asking, “would I let him be a friend in that way.” They agreed it would be better for her not to reveal the father’s name. However, upon returning more than one hour later Stephen’s attitude had changed. He seemed agitated and stated that he felt sick to his stomach. He began inquiring about the father’s rank and eventually it was revealed he was a specialist. Per Diane, he was concerned if the father was higher ranking it could gravely affect his career. After she stated it was not an NCO and to not worry he asked, “Oh, it’s a specialist?” To which Diane replied, “Yes.” He then demanded to know where she and her lover had made love in their home. After Diane responded it had occurred on a quilt on the floor he responded that he did not want to live in the apartment anymore. He then left the hospital stating he was going to pack his belongings.
Sometime after 5 PM Glover called Diane from a pay phone at the airfield. He lived in the barracks across from the dining facility where the booth was located right outside. Per Diane, “he was very upset, very worried about me and the child.” Also, per Bates upon finding Glover at his barracks and delivering Diane’s message, “I could see the veins in his head begin to pulse. He looked very shaky, very nervous.” Diane assured him the pregnancy was intact. Glover stated that Stephen had given him a lift earlier in the day and they discussed his marriage problems. “He said Steve had given him a ride. He said he seemed upset and talked about the divorce and finding the journal with a list of names of men I slept with. I said not to worry about it.” The couple had been speaking for about 5-10 minutes when Glover suddenly swore twice. The second expletive was cut off mid-breath. “Then all I heard was dial tone”, said Diane. According to The Stars and Stripes newspaper it was reported Glover also stated, “Here comes your husband!” before the expletives.
That December 7th evening was dreary, cold, and rainy. At first the soldiers in the Sickles Army Airfield mess hall thought the loud shouts coming from just outside were two young men horsing around. However, once the cries became more intense several of the soldiers looked out the windows to see one man overpowering the other on the pavement, violently stabbing him about the neck with a large knife. Per witness, Pfc. Anthony Penny “I realized something was wrong when I noticed blood covering his(Glover's) face."
After leaving the hospital for a second time Stephen returned to the apartment and collected his clothes, food, passport, and photocopies he made from Diane’s diary. These items were deposited in Schap’s Honda Civic. As he was also preparing to transfer to Giebelstadt it is unknown what was already in the vehicle before December 7th. Stephen’s next plans were to track down his wife’s lover. Per the second hospital conversation with Diane about the man’s rank Stephen had correctly deduced his identity as Glover. In later statements Stephen would tell Diane, “You know you gave me enough clues. It was easy enough to figure out.” Schap had also learned Diane asked Bates to deliver a message to Glover and used him to track Gregory down at the payphone. Upon seeing Schap approach Glover told him “I’m sorry.” Schap immediately began stabbing Glover and he suffered slight knife wounds while in the booth. Glover then attempted to run away, however he slipped on the wet cobblestones after a short distance. Schap then straddled on top of him and after a short struggle plunged the dual-edged knife into Glover’s throat which punctured a lung and cut the carotid artery. According to later testimony this throat slash was the “kill wound” which stopped Glover from fighting.
Glover was stabbed 10 to 15 times then Schap made repeated cuts through Glover’s neck leaving what the pathologist called a “very ragged” wound. The forensic pathologist Maj. Glen Sandberg who performed Glover’s autopsy said he could not confirm when the specialist died or in what order the wounds were made. Schap was slashing and stabbing in a wild rage- induced frenzy. Finally, Schap would jump up and begin kicking the body and head. This repeated action caused the head to detach from the torso and roll 10 to 15 feet away. According to Schap’s attorney David Court he made the decision to carry the head to his wife only after it initially detached. He picked up the head by it’s hair and began walking away. Stunned soldiers began to yell at him and Schap turned around and declared to no-one in particular, “this is what you get for adultery.” He would also mutter, “and he said he was sorry” sarcastically before getting into his Honda and driving off towards Herz-Jesu. The murder occurred around 5:30 PM. Glover’s torso would be found lying about 4 feet from the phone booth near a drain hole at 5:45 PM. A German woman would tell police she saw a car blocking a narrow bridge over the Fulda River the night of the slaying. As she approached she also witnessed a man leaning over the bridge and then hurriedly get back into his car and speed off. Her descriptions matched the car registered to Schap.
Diane lay in her hospital bed wondering what had happened with Glover. At around 6 PM she heard loud footsteps coming quickly down the hall. She stated that she recognized them as her husband’s. The door burst open and Stephen stood there, chest heaving and clothes speckled with blood. He was carrying a Head brand gym bag and per Diane, “He had the sports bag over his shoulders and it looked like it was full.” Schap would then reach into the bag and pull out Glover’s head. “He grasped the head in both hands and he tried to push it in my face. I kept screaming and screaming” stated a tearful Diane in later court testimony. Schap would tell her, “Look Diane—Glover’s here! He’ll sleep with you every night now. Only you won’t sleep—because all you’ll see is this.”
Gynecologist Dr. Barbara Fuchs-Bauer was the first to arrive in Diane’s room after hearing her screams. She saw a man sitting on the bed holding a human head in his hand. She was later unable to identify Stephen in the courtroom. She also stated Diane had blood on her abdomen and right hand. Dr. Fuchs-Bauer would then leave the room to call the military police. Another doctor Peter Habermann remained at the scene. On her return the man remained quietly on the end of the bed and said, “I want to speak to the MPs.” She also noticed he appeared to be agitated. Habermann stated when he entered the room the head was on the night stand next to the bed facing Diane. From speaking with Stephen, Habermann got the impression that Schap just wanted to talk and that the soldier behaved calmly. “I didn’t feel threatened”, said Habermann. However, Schap did object when another doctor tried to cover the head up. Per Habermann, “He wanted her to see it. He said he felt cheated on, betrayed.” Lastly Habermann would also state Schap was willing to give himself up to the MPs.
MP investigator Brian Border stated that when he arrived at the hospital room Schap asked if he was going to be read his rights. Border said he would but at a later time. Schap also drew Border a map to show where his car was parked. Border also stated, “He said his wife shouldn’t have done what she did. He said he shouldn’t have either, and he’ll pay for it.” Fulda criminal investigation Comd agent Ryan Ribelin testified that he found an empty knife scabbard on the passenger floorboard of Schap’s Honda. Schap sat quietly on his wife’s bed throughout the commotion and remained calm when the military police came to question and arrest him 20 minutes later. The doctors remarked to Schap that Glover’s head was severed so professionally that they wanted to know how he did it. Schap told the doctor that he had learned how to do that earlier. He didn’t specify. Schap would also tell his wife, “I studied this, I planned this, I calculated this, I did this for you. I love you.” On Dec. 8 Stephen called his father John Schap Jr. “He said, I let you down. I wasn’t strong.” The son also told his father that the victim was a “confidant” and that he had entrusted Glover with details about his marital problems.
In the days following her traumatic experience, Diane was told she could be transferred to a different hospital but refused the offer. She was recovering from the shock under the care of American psychiatrists and social workers. Baby was fine. Per the hospital Diane told them Stephen never beat or hit her in the past, nor did he try to hit her in the hospital. Glover’s head and body were sent to the Frankfurt morgue. A memorial service for Glover was held on Dec.. 10 in the Downs Barracks Chapel. The post flag flew at half-staff on the 9th in his honor.
Trial/Case Timeline:
All information, unless otherwise cited, is from The Stars and Stripes newspaper sourced on
• Dec. 10, 1993- A charge of premeditated murder was preferred against Stephen. Preferred charge means that the Army plans to bring action against Schap. Normally that charge initiates an Article 32 investigation- the Army's equivalent of a grand jury investigation. Schap is being held in pretrial confinement at the Army confinement center in Mannheim, Germany. • Dec. 13, 1993- Extensive search of the Fulda River failed to turn up the suspected murder weapon, Gerber MK II knife. Cold, murky water, churned by strong winds, hampered the search near a bridge not far from the Downs Barracks. Hunt will resume when weather improves. Also, Glover's body flown home to Phoenix on Dec. 12. • Dec. 20, 1993- Schap awaits investigation results. Army is holding Schap while it determines if he should be charged with premeditated murder. V Corps said the Army has assigned a military defense attorney to Schap but speculation in civilian legal circles is that the sergeant probably will hire a civilian attorney if the case does go to court. • Jan. 25, 1994- Army charged Schap with premeditated murder. He will face general court- martial. Date for the trial not yet set. Charge followed nearly 2 month long investigation by the Army's Criminal Investigation Comd. Schap retained well-known civilian lawyer David Court to represent him. • Feb. 3, 1994- Schap’s first day in court. Pleaded not guilty of premeditated murder. Court cleared of all public and media for about 5 minutes with no explanation. Army’s rules for court-martial give judges some leeway in closing court sessions to the public and media. However, judges are required to tell why a motion or request to clear a courtroom is honored. During the open portion of the hearing, Schap’s attorney David Court asked for a delay in the proceedings to prepare defense motions. Judge Col. C.S. Schwender granted the delay and scheduled the next session for March 15. The case should go before a jury March 28 in either Mannheim or Hanau. After the session Schap met with Court for about 45 minutes in the witness waiting room adjacent to the court. • March 10, 1994- Three psychiatrists examined Schap. Report said Schap was mentally sound and suffered no physical problems, he scored in the upper 98% on an IQ test, and he has obsessive compulsive tendencies. Interviews with Schap revealed a man with “high, rigid moral standards” and strong family values. Dr. (Maj.) Carroll Diebold noted that Schap was in a rage when killing Glover. Repressed his emotions. “An obsessive-compulsive person often puts up a facade or front that makes them look cool or calm.” His most significant psychological complication, the panel concluded, was posed by his marital problems. • March 19, 1994- Materials taken from Schap residence shortly after Stephen’s arrest on Dec. 11 allowed to be used as evidence. Publications included Knife Bible, a knife catalog, and literature discussing killing and maiming techniques using knives. One book was found in the family living room and at least three others in a second bedroom. At least two of the books seized had illustrations of wounds resembling Glover’s. Presiding judge Lt. Col. Charles E. Trant ruled that the literature would not prejudice a jury in the case. He also ruled that a knife which the prosecution believes is similar to the one used in the slaying can be used in court for illustrative purposes. Schap sat quietly during the trial showing no signs of stress. Laughed occasionally with his defense attorneys. He will return to court March 28 for jury selection. • March 30, 1994-Third day of Stephen's court martial. Also date Diane testified. Schap stared at his wife throughout the testimony, looking away only briefly to take notes. Visibly pregnant at 6 months gestation Diane never looked at her husband, staring straight ahead. Schap’s defense attorneys called a series of witnesses to testify about his character, marriage, and belief in family unity. Among the witnesses were his mother, a close friend, supervisors, and co-workers. Lead witness was cousin Randy Miller. Per Miller before Schap married, “Family was the most important thing in his life.” Close friend Phil Scharper stated that Schap said family life was crucial. “He said fidelity is the most important thing to him. He said he would never cheat on Diane.” Mother Marianne testified that after she and John divorced Stephen became more determined on his views of marriage. “He said if he ever got married, he’d stay married. He would do everything to keep his marriage together.” Also testified that her son never talked about Diane’s being unhappy or about getting a divorce. Under cross examination she did admit that her son one time spent most of a night with a female friend alone in a room in the house while Marianne was upstairs. Diane was not present although they were married at the time. Other witnesses testified Schap was a professional soldier, a hard worker, and meticulous in carrying out a plan. Witness to the slaying, Spec. Jeffrey Sweeney also testified. Said that as Schap was leaving the sergeant looked back and said sarcastically, “and he said he was sorry.” Sweeney identified Schap as the assailant. Criminal investigative agent James Bateman who was in charge of the investigation said agents found Glover’s wallet and hat in the phone booth near the crime scene. Also found was message from Sgt. 1st Class Russell Bates addressed to Glover. • March 31, 1994- Fourth day of court martial, defense phase. Army psychiatrist Dr. (Maj.) Harold Diebold testified that Stephen was in a stage of rage during the beheading. Given the circumstances, "it would be very difficult for an individual to cooly and calmly reflect on his actions considering all the stresses in his life." Attorney David Court acknowledged his client killed the soldier but says it was not a premeditated act. Schap's father John testified that his son had been affected as teen by the breakup of his parents marriage- a breakup caused by John's affair. Schap characterized his son as "thoughtful and sensitive." Schap's former unit commander and squadron commander said the sergeant was a model soldier who seemed very quiet and conscientious. 11th ACR commander Lt. Col. Nathan Noyes said he did not posthumously promote Glover to sergeant because his affair with Diane Schap "was not consistent with the honor of the U.S. Army." • April 2, 1994- Stephen convicted of premeditated murder. The seven-member panel deliberated for two hours. After the verdict, on the witness stand Schap took a deep breath and then looked at the jury. “One of the greatest things I’ve ever know, perhaps the greatest, is my relationship, my marriage to Diane” he said tearfully. “There's part of me that still holds she’s my wife.” Under military law premeditated murder carries an automatic life sentence. Schap's attorney David Court admitted his client killed Glover but asked the jury to convict the soldier of lesser charge of voluntary manslaughter which carries a 10-year prison sentence. Schap also received a dishonorable discharge from the Army, reduction to the lowest enlisted rank, and forfeiture of all pay and allowances. • April 3, 1994- Although military law required that Schap receive a life sentence, the jury recommended clemency. Five of the jurors asked the court-martial convening authority, Lt. Gen. Jerry Rutherford, V corps commander, to set Schap's maximum sentence at 30 years. A sixth juror asked for 20 years. Only the jury president Col. Gerald Luttrell didn't recommend clemency in the sentence. Rutherford should decide on the recommendations within 60 days, according to a Hanau legal official. Schap was returned to the U.S. Army confinement facility in Mannheim after the trial. He is expected to be moved to the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, KS in June. His conviction is automatically reviewed by a military appeals court. • April 11, 1994- Key pieces of evidence in the Schap trial: A knife catalog/order form/credit card receipt/knife sheath( in 1991 Stephen ordered Gerber MK II knife via telephone from a knife catalog. Picture of the knife was circled. Type of knife believed to have been used in the Glover murder), AMF Head gym bag (prosecuting attorney Mulligan called it an intentional act of symbolism. Defense attorney Court said Schap was going to use the bag if Diane needed more items later.), a backpack (found in Schap’s car containing clothes, food for a day, a passport, and small change in various currencies. Mulligan stated he believed Schap planned to flee. Court stated Schap only planned to move out of the apartment), Diane’s journal (prosecution contended Schap mailed the original journal to his father in Baltimore on Dec. 6. Diane testified that her husband claimed he threw the journal into a rock quarry in Frankfurt), and forensic pathology reports on Glover’s injuries (prosecution focused on two major wounds: one that penetrated Glover’s throat and a large horizontal gash across the back of his head just above the base of the skull.) Since Dec. 7 Diane had not visited or had any contact with Stephen. She also refused defense requests for interviews. She testified for the prosecution. • June 15, 1994- The V corps commander has reduced the life sentence of a Fulda, Germany soldier convicted of beheading his wife's lover. Rutherford reviewed the court-martial findings and sentenced Schap to 45 years in prison. The decision probably would have little effect on Schap's eventual release date. Even with the life sentence Schap would have been eligible for parole in 10 years. However, statistically parole is not granted the first time around. • July 6, 1995- Per Maryland Judiciary Case Search website absolute divorce(aka final judgement) was granted to Stephen Schap and Diane Schap(spelt Dianne in the records). Stephen listed as plaintiff so he was the initiator. • Oct. 17, 1997- Attorneys for Schap argued before the court of appeals for the armed forces that the judge in his original trial had given the jury members several instructions that left them biased. Including giving improper instructions to the jury and mistakenly allowing into evidence books and magazines about how to kill and maim with knives. Aim is to reduce conviction from premeditated murder to voluntary manslaughter which would significantly reduce Schap's current 45-year sentence. • Nov. 13, 1998-In a Sept. 30 ruling which was just released the five-member appeals court ruled that there were no judicial errors in Schap's trial and let his sentence stand. • April 5, 2017- Per Federal Bureau of Prisons website Stephen Schap was released on parole
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2024.04.24 07:40 kdenise1989 The Betrayed Husband’s Gruesome Gift

The Betrayed Husband’s Gruesome Gift
In March 1989, 22-year-old Stephen Schap met a young woman named Diane on a flight from London to Baltimore. It’s safe to say he was immediately smitten. He would go on to tell his cousin Randy Miller, “I’ve met the most amazing girl. I’ve never been able to communicate as freely with any girl.” Just 6 months later they were married in a private ceremony. Per Diane, Stephen believed marriage was private thing between two people. He was from Baltimore, eldest of 6 children in a Catholic family. His parents divorced when Stephen was in high school. Eventually it surfaced that the father had cheated which caused the split. This traumatic event greatly shaped the young Schap’s views, particularly on marriage. Per his mother Marianne, “If he got married, it would be for life. He would do anything to keep his family together.” Diane was from Modesto, CA but called Baltimore home. She spent time in Europe and attended Oxford University for two years before going back to Baltimore. Their first year of marriage was a happy one. The couple worked in Baltimore with Stephen employed at his father's construction business. Problems for Diane began to surface on the second year. Communication issues, Diane wanted to talk about problems but Stephen would shut down. “He would say I shouldn’t feel that way and then drop the subject.” Also, a big stressor on the marriage was three very painful miscarriages, the last two keeping Diane in the hospital for weeks at a time. After the third loss the couple decided one of them would be sterilized. Diane first opted to get a tubal ligation but Stephen ultimately decided on a vasectomy. He wanted to spare Diane from any further suffering.
In 1991, Stephen decided a drastic change was necessary. He joined the Army as a private. A large factor in this decision was the belief it would allow him to be able to spend more time with Diane. As he had recently graduated from Loyola University only two years prior this new career decision came as quite a shock to family and friends. Also unusual was Stephen's decision not to join as an officer. He wanted to work his way up from the bottom and eventually become a pilot. In 1992 Schap was assigned to the 11th Army Cal. Regt. in Fulda, Germany as a helicopter mechanic. Diane followed a few months later. By the time she arrived she believed the marriage was over. Stephen became a model soldier, working hard and moving up in rank and responsibility. He encouraged his wife to see Europe while in Germany and she often traveled on her own. By March 1993 Diane worked in the Fulda legal office as a volunteer. Stephen went to air assault school at Downs Barracks in Fulda where he met fellow soldier Spec. Gregory Glover.
Gregory was a shy, easygoing 21-year-old from Phoenix, AZ. Per his mother, since age 4 his goal was to become a soldier after seeing an Army uniform in a catalog. He and Schap got along well, both came from middle-class backgrounds and both were highly regarded as top-notch soldiers. Both were also helicopter mechanics, but worked in separate troops. Glover occasionally joined the Schaps for dinner at their home. Per Diane he would also drop by for dessert and conversation. He and Schap enjoyed similar music tastes and would often swap CDs. Lastly, Glover and Diane were both known to attend the country music nights at the Fulda Community Club.
Stephen went to a platoon leadership development course in September 1993 which lasted 4 weeks. After Schap left Glover visited Diane twice with friends. Spec. Rob Reynolds later testified he quit visiting the Schap home with Glover because Diane was too “flirty”. Soon, she and Glover were having an affair. Diane admitted to having intercourse with Glover at least 6 times before her husband returned. She also admitted at the time she swore her undying love to Stephen she felt the marriage was over. She kept up correspondence with Stephen during the course. One letter dated September 19th stated, “My greatest love and my everything. My husband, my lover, my best friend, and my boyfriend.” In response Stephen wrote on September 22nd, “I cannot understand, for the life of me, why you tolerate me. I'm a constant struggle, I know.” At trial Diane did state that at the time she wrote the letter she was seeing Glover but the affair was not yet sexual.
In October Diane discovered she was pregnant during a trip to the States visiting Stephen’s family. When the couple returned to Fulda, Stephen started preparations for a upcoming transfer to Giebelstadt, Germany. During this time Diane was writing to Glover and slipping notes under his barracks door. ( Investigators later found 2 greeting cards from Diane in Glover’s personal effects in his room. Described as “friendship cards”. No other links between them ever found) Mid-November while Stephen visited friends in the Netherlands Diane met Glover at her apartment and told him she was pregnant. Per Diane, “ He was excited. He wanted to be very involved as the father of the child.” She also stated he was concerned about her health. Glover was assigned next to Fort Bragg, NC and Diane was talking about divorce. They discussed marriage, per Diane. Soon after she asked Stephen to consider a separation so the couple could “reassess” their lives. Glover's mother stated he spoke with a close friend early in December. The friend asked Glover if he had found a special girl. Glover said no.
Thanksgiving Day was spent in deep discussion at the Schap residence. For about three weeks Diane had been pushing for a separation and the couple had not been intimate for at least that long as she told Stephen she had ovarian cysts. When pressed Diane eventually admitted she didn’t love him anymore. There had been too much pain. Stephen was shocked. “I had never heard her speak those words to me before. It required me to dig deep down inside to try to appreciate the situation. I was feeling very incoherent.” Schap wanted to save the marriage but Diane said it was too late. “There was too much hurt. It was too late to try and change things.” Diane spent December 5th with Glover. Sometime that weekend Stephen found his wife’s journal with vague references to “extraordinary” times and possibly an affair. Stephen called his father, upset. Per John Schap Jr., “He said he had discovered his wife had been unfaithful, not only in Germany but back in Baltimore before and during the marriage.” During testimony Diane has stated the people mentioned in her diary were fantasies and no proof of affairs. She also stated Glover was never mentioned in any entries. John advised his son to find someone to talk to. Stephen had one very close friend in mind, Greg Glover.
When Diane returned to the apartment Stephen met her at the door with photocopies of her journal. He stated her threw the original away. Together they went over the diary. “I wanted to hear her speak to me. I wanted to believe”, quoted Stephen. On December 6th, the couple met with regimental chaplain to discuss separation and begin the process of sending Diane back to the US. When the chaplain asked if infidelity was an issue in the breakup both parties said no.
The morning of December 7th, Stephen got up and reported to work as usual. That day Diane planned to stop by her bank. However, after showering and dressing she noticed significant bleeding. Being 3 months pregnant and with her history of miscarriage she immediately had an acquaintance drive her to local Fulda hospital, Herz-Jesu-Krankenhaus for treatment. After learning her hospital stay would be for at least a week Diane called friend and co-worker Sgt. 1st Class Russell Bates to deliver a message to Glover that she was in the hospital. After Bates inquired about her husband Diane advised him, “If you see him just tell him where I am.” She also confided in him, “I slipped and had an affair and the baby is not his.” Bates stated he placed the message on Glover’s desk and covered it up with papers to keep others from seeing it. Later that day Stephen stopped by the legal affairs office where Bates informed him that his wife was in the hospital. Schap was “extremely concerned” and Bates allowed him to use his phone to call the hospital. However, he was unable to get in touch with Diane so decided to go there instead. About an hour later Diane called Bates again to inquire if he had delivered the message to Glover. She also told him that her husband was at the hospital and he knew about the pregnancy and was being supportive.
When Stephen arrived at his wife’s bedside she came clean about the affair and the pregnancy but refused to reveal the father’s name. Per Stephen his first concern was her health. “What I was doing was trying to be strong for my wife. Inside, I felt in pieces. I was extremely upset, but I was extremely worried.” Diane said, “He knew that the marriage had failed” and hoped she would not lose the baby. He offered to go back to their apartment and gather some toiletries and clothes asking, “would I let him be a friend in that way.” They agreed it would be better for her not to reveal the father’s name. However, upon returning more than one hour later Stephen’s attitude had changed. He seemed agitated and stated that he felt sick to his stomach. He began inquiring about the father’s rank and eventually it was revealed he was a specialist. Per Diane, he was concerned if the father was higher ranking it could gravely affect his career. After she stated it was not an NCO and to not worry he asked, “Oh, it’s a specialist?” To which Diane replied, “Yes.” He then demanded to know where she and her lover had made love in their home. After Diane responded it had occurred on a quilt on the floor he responded that he did not want to live in the apartment anymore. He then left the hospital stating he was going to pack his belongings.
Sometime after 5 PM Glover called Diane from a pay phone at the airfield. He lived in the barracks across from the dining facility where the booth was located right outside. Per Diane, “he was very upset, very worried about me and the child.” Also, per Bates upon finding Glover at his barracks and delivering Diane’s message, “I could see the veins in his head begin to pulse. He looked very shaky, very nervous.” Diane assured him the pregnancy was intact. Glover stated that Stephen had given him a lift earlier in the day and they discussed his marriage problems. “He said Steve had given him a ride. He said he seemed upset and talked about the divorce and finding the journal with a list of names of men I slept with. I said not to worry about it.” The couple had been speaking for about 5-10 minutes when Glover suddenly swore twice. The second expletive was cut off mid-breath. “Then all I heard was dial tone”, said Diane. According to The Stars and Stripes newspaper it was reported Glover also stated, “Here comes your husband!” before the expletives.
That December 7th evening was dreary, cold, and rainy. At first the soldiers in the Sickles Army Airfield mess hall thought the loud shouts coming from just outside were two young men horsing around. However, once the cries became more intense several of the soldiers looked out the windows to see one man overpowering the other on the pavement, violently stabbing him about the neck with a large knife. Per witness, Pfc. Anthony Penny “I realized something was wrong when I noticed blood covering his(Glover's) face."
After leaving the hospital for a second time Stephen returned to the apartment and collected his clothes, food, passport, and photocopies he made from Diane’s diary. These items were deposited in Schap’s Honda Civic. As he was also preparing to transfer to Giebelstadt it is unknown what was already in the vehicle before December 7th. Stephen’s next plans were to track down his wife’s lover. Per the second hospital conversation with Diane about the man’s rank Stephen had correctly deduced his identity as Glover. In later statements Stephen would tell Diane, “You know you gave me enough clues. It was easy enough to figure out.” Schap had also learned Diane asked Bates to deliver a message to Glover and used him to track Gregory down at the payphone. Upon seeing Schap approach Glover told him “I’m sorry.” Schap immediately began stabbing Glover and he suffered slight knife wounds while in the booth. Glover then attempted to run away, however he slipped on the wet cobblestones after a short distance. Schap then straddled on top of him and after a short struggle plunged the dual-edged knife into Glover’s throat which punctured a lung and cut the carotid artery. According to later testimony this throat slash was the “kill wound” which stopped Glover from fighting.
Glover was stabbed 10 to 15 times then Schap made repeated cuts through Glover’s neck leaving what the pathologist called a “very ragged” wound. The forensic pathologist Maj. Glen Sandberg who performed Glover’s autopsy said he could not confirm when the specialist died or in what order the wounds were made. Schap was slashing and stabbing in a wild rage- induced frenzy. Finally, Schap would jump up and begin kicking the body and head. This repeated action caused the head to detach from the torso and roll 10 to 15 feet away. According to Schap’s attorney David Court he made the decision to carry the head to his wife only after it initially detached. He picked up the head by it’s hair and began walking away. Stunned soldiers began to yell at him and Schap turned around and declared to no-one in particular, “this is what you get for adultery.” He would also mutter, “and he said he was sorry” sarcastically before getting into his Honda and driving off towards Herz-Jesu. The murder occurred around 5:30 PM. Glover’s torso would be found lying about 4 feet from the phone booth near a drain hole at 5:45 PM. A German woman would tell police she saw a car blocking a narrow bridge over the Fulda River the night of the slaying. As she approached she also witnessed a man leaning over the bridge and then hurriedly get back into his car and speed off. Her descriptions matched the car registered to Schap.
Diane lay in her hospital bed wondering what had happened with Glover. At around 6 PM she heard loud footsteps coming quickly down the hall. She stated that she recognized them as her husband’s. The door burst open and Stephen stood there, chest heaving and clothes speckled with blood. He was carrying a Head brand gym bag and per Diane, “He had the sports bag over his shoulders and it looked like it was full.” Schap would then reach into the bag and pull out Glover’s head. “He grasped the head in both hands and he tried to push it in my face. I kept screaming and screaming” stated a tearful Diane in later court testimony. Schap would tell her, “Look Diane—Glover’s here! He’ll sleep with you every night now. Only you won’t sleep—because all you’ll see is this.” Gynecologist Dr. Barbara Fuchs-Bauer was the first to arrive in Diane’s room after hearing her screams. She saw a man sitting on the bed holding a human head in his hand. She was later unable to identify Stephen in the courtroom. She also stated Diane had blood on her abdomen and right hand. Dr. Fuchs-Bauer would then leave the room to call the military police. Another doctor Peter Habermann remained at the scene.
On her return the man remained quietly on the end of the bed and said, “I want to speak to the MPs.” She also noticed he appeared to be agitated. Habermann stated when he entered the room the head was on the night stand next to the bed facing Diane. From speaking with Stephen, Habermann got the impression that Schap just wanted to talk and that the soldier behaved calmly. “I didn’t feel threatened”, said Habermann. However, Schap did object when another doctor tried to cover the head up. Per Habermann, “He wanted her to see it. He said he felt cheated on, betrayed.” Lastly Habermann would also state Schap was willing to give himself up to the MPs.
MP investigator Brian Border stated that when he arrived at the hospital room Schap asked if he was going to be read his rights. Border said he would but at a later time. Schap also drew Border a map to show where his car was parked. Border also stated, “He said his wife shouldn’t have done what she did. He said he shouldn’t have either, and he’ll pay for it.” Fulda criminal investigation Comd agent Ryan Ribelin testified that he found an empty knife scabbard on the passenger floorboard of Schap’s Honda. Schap sat quietly on his wife’s bed throughout the commotion and remained calm when the military police came to question and arrest him 20 minutes later. The doctors remarked to Schap that Glover’s head was severed so professionally that they wanted to know how he did it. Schap told the doctor that he had learned how to do that earlier. He didn’t specify. Schap would also tell his wife, “I studied this, I planned this, I calculated this, I did this for you. I love you.” On Dec. 8 Stephen called his father John Schap Jr. “He said, I let you down. I wasn’t strong.” The son also told his father that the victim was a “confidant” and that he had entrusted Glover with details about his marital problems.
In the days following her traumatic experience, Diane was told she could be transferred to a different hospital but refused the offer. She was recovering from the shock under the care of American psychiatrists and social workers. Baby was fine. Per the hospital Diane told them Stephen never beat or hit her in the past, nor did he try to hit her in the hospital. Glover’s head and body were sent to the Frankfurt morgue. A memorial service for Glover was held on Dec.. 10 in the Downs Barracks Chapel. The post flag flew at half-staff on the 9th in his honor.
Trial/Case Timeline:
All information, unless otherwise cited, is from The Stars and Stripes newspaper sourced on
• Dec. 10, 1993- A charge of premeditated murder was preferred against Stephen. Preferred charge means that the Army plans to bring action against Schap. Normally that charge initiates an Article 32 investigation- the Army's equivalent of a grand jury investigation. Schap is being held in pretrial confinement at the Army confinement center in Mannheim, Germany. • Dec. 13, 1993- Extensive search of the Fulda River failed to turn up the suspected murder weapon, Gerber MK II knife. Cold, murky water, churned by strong winds, hampered the search near a bridge not far from the Downs Barracks. Hunt will resume when weather improves. Also, Glover's body flown home to Phoenix on Dec. 12. • Dec. 20, 1993- Schap awaits investigation results. Army is holding Schap while it determines if he should be charged with premeditated murder. V Corps said the Army has assigned a military defense attorney to Schap but speculation in civilian legal circles is that the sergeant probably will hire a civilian attorney if the case does go to court. • Jan. 25, 1994- Army charged Schap with premeditated murder. He will face general court- martial. Date for the trial not yet set. Charge followed nearly 2 month long investigation by the Army's Criminal Investigation Comd. Schap retained well-known civilian lawyer David Court to represent him. • Feb. 3, 1994- Schap’s first day in court. Pleaded not guilty of premeditated murder. Court cleared of all public and media for about 5 minutes with no explanation. Army’s rules for court-martial give judges some leeway in closing court sessions to the public and media. However, judges are required to tell why a motion or request to clear a courtroom is honored. During the open portion of the hearing, Schap’s attorney David Court asked for a delay in the proceedings to prepare defense motions. Judge Col. C.S. Schwender granted the delay and scheduled the next session for March 15. The case should go before a jury March 28 in either Mannheim or Hanau. After the session Schap met with Court for about 45 minutes in the witness waiting room adjacent to the court. • March 10, 1994- Three psychiatrists examined Schap. Report said Schap was mentally sound and suffered no physical problems, he scored in the upper 98% on an IQ test, and he has obsessive compulsive tendencies. Interviews with Schap revealed a man with “high, rigid moral standards” and strong family values. Dr. (Maj.) Carroll Diebold noted that Schap was in a rage when killing Glover. Repressed his emotions. “An obsessive-compulsive person often puts up a facade or front that makes them look cool or calm.” His most significant psychological complication, the panel concluded, was posed by his marital problems. • March 19, 1994- Materials taken from Schap residence shortly after Stephen’s arrest on Dec. 11 allowed to be used as evidence. Publications included Knife Bible, a knife catalog, and literature discussing killing and maiming techniques using knives. One book was found in the family living room and at least three others in a second bedroom. At least two of the books seized had illustrations of wounds resembling Glover’s. Presiding judge Lt. Col. Charles E. Trant ruled that the literature would not prejudice a jury in the case. He also ruled that a knife which the prosecution believes is similar to the one used in the slaying can be used in court for illustrative purposes. Schap sat quietly during the trial showing no signs of stress. Laughed occasionally with his defense attorneys. He will return to court March 28 for jury selection. • March 30, 1994-Third day of Stephen's court martial. Also date Diane testified. Schap stared at his wife throughout the testimony, looking away only briefly to take notes. Visibly pregnant at 6 months gestation Diane never looked at her husband, staring straight ahead. Schap’s defense attorneys called a series of witnesses to testify about his character, marriage, and belief in family unity. Among the witnesses were his mother, a close friend, supervisors, and co-workers. Lead witness was cousin Randy Miller. Per Miller before Schap married, “Family was the most important thing in his life.” Close friend Phil Scharper stated that Schap said family life was crucial. “He said fidelity is the most important thing to him. He said he would never cheat on Diane.” Mother Marianne testified that after she and John divorced Stephen became more determined on his views of marriage. “He said if he ever got married, he’d stay married. He would do everything to keep his marriage together.” Also testified that her son never talked about Diane’s being unhappy or about getting a divorce. Under cross examination she did admit that her son one time spent most of a night with a female friend alone in a room in the house while Marianne was upstairs. Diane was not present although they were married at the time. Other witnesses testified Schap was a professional soldier, a hard worker, and meticulous in carrying out a plan. Witness to the slaying, Spec. Jeffrey Sweeney also testified. Said that as Schap was leaving the sergeant looked back and said sarcastically, “and he said he was sorry.” Sweeney identified Schap as the assailant. Criminal investigative agent James Bateman who was in charge of the investigation said agents found Glover’s wallet and hat in the phone booth near the crime scene. Also found was message from Sgt. 1st Class Russell Bates addressed to Glover. • March 31, 1994- Fourth day of court martial, defense phase. Army psychiatrist Dr. (Maj.) Harold Diebold testified that Stephen was in a stage of rage during the beheading. Given the circumstances, "it would be very difficult for an individual to cooly and calmly reflect on his actions considering all the stresses in his life." Attorney David Court acknowledged his client killed the soldier but says it was not a premeditated act. Schap's father John testified that his son had been affected as teen by the breakup of his parents marriage- a breakup caused by John's affair. Schap characterized his son as "thoughtful and sensitive." Schap's former unit commander and squadron commander said the sergeant was a model soldier who seemed very quiet and conscientious. 11th ACR commander Lt. Col. Nathan Noyes said he did not posthumously promote Glover to sergeant because his affair with Diane Schap "was not consistent with the honor of the U.S. Army." • April 2, 1994- Stephen convicted of premeditated murder. The seven-member panel deliberated for two hours. After the verdict, on the witness stand Schap took a deep breath and then looked at the jury. “One of the greatest things I’ve ever know, perhaps the greatest, is my relationship, my marriage to Diane” he said tearfully. “There's part of me that still holds she’s my wife.” Under military law premeditated murder carries an automatic life sentence. Schap's attorney David Court admitted his client killed Glover but asked the jury to convict the soldier of lesser charge of voluntary manslaughter which carries a 10-year prison sentence. Schap also received a dishonorable discharge from the Army, reduction to the lowest enlisted rank, and forfeiture of all pay and allowances. • April 3, 1994- Although military law required that Schap receive a life sentence, the jury recommended clemency. Five of the jurors asked the court-martial convening authority, Lt. Gen. Jerry Rutherford, V corps commander, to set Schap's maximum sentence at 30 years. A sixth juror asked for 20 years. Only the jury president Col. Gerald Luttrell didn't recommend clemency in the sentence. Rutherford should decide on the recommendations within 60 days, according to a Hanau legal official. Schap was returned to the U.S. Army confinement facility in Mannheim after the trial. He is expected to be moved to the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, KS in June. His conviction is automatically reviewed by a military appeals court. • April 11, 1994- Key pieces of evidence in the Schap trial: A knife catalog/order form/credit card receipt/knife sheath( in 1991 Stephen ordered Gerber MK II knife via telephone from a knife catalog. Picture of the knife was circled. Type of knife believed to have been used in the Glover murder), AMF Head gym bag (prosecuting attorney Mulligan called it an intentional act of symbolism. Defense attorney Court said Schap was going to use the bag if Diane needed more items later.), a backpack (found in Schap’s car containing clothes, food for a day, a passport, and small change in various currencies. Mulligan stated he believed Schap planned to flee. Court stated Schap only planned to move out of the apartment), Diane’s journal (prosecution contended Schap mailed the original journal to his father in Baltimore on Dec. 6. Diane testified that her husband claimed he threw the journal into a rock quarry in Frankfurt), and forensic pathology reports on Glover’s injuries (prosecution focused on two major wounds: one that penetrated Glover’s throat and a large horizontal gash across the back of his head just above the base of the skull.) Since Dec. 7 Diane had not visited or had any contact with Stephen. She also refused defense requests for interviews. She testified for the prosecution. • June 15, 1994- The V corps commander has reduced the life sentence of a Fulda, Germany soldier convicted of beheading his wife's lover. Rutherford reviewed the court-martial findings and sentenced Schap to 45 years in prison. The decision probably would have little effect on Schap's eventual release date. Even with the life sentence Schap would have been eligible for parole in 10 years. However, statistically parole is not granted the first time around. • July 6, 1995- Per Maryland Judiciary Case Search website absolute divorce(aka final judgement) was granted to Stephen Schap and Diane Schap(spelt Dianne in the records). Stephen listed as plaintiff so he was the initiator. • Oct. 17, 1997- Attorneys for Schap argued before the court of appeals for the armed forces that the judge in his original trial had given the jury members several instructions that left them biased. Including giving improper instructions to the jury and mistakenly allowing into evidence books and magazines about how to kill and maim with knives. Aim is to reduce conviction from premeditated murder to voluntary manslaughter which would significantly reduce Schap's current 45-year sentence. • Nov. 13, 1998-In a Sept. 30 ruling which was just released the five-member appeals court ruled that there were no judicial errors in Schap's trial and let his sentence stand. • April 5, 2017- Per Federal Bureau of Prisons website Stephen Schap was released on parole.
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2024.04.24 06:11 kdenise1989 The Betrayed Husband’s Gruesome Gift

The Betrayed Husband’s Gruesome Gift
In March 1989, 22-year-old Stephen Schap met a young woman named Diane on a flight from London to Baltimore. It’s safe to say he was immediately smitten. He would go on to tell his cousin Randy Miller, “I’ve met the most amazing girl. I’ve never been able to communicate as freely with any girl.” Just 6 months later they were married in a private ceremony. Per Diane, Stephen believed marriage was private thing between two people. He was from Baltimore, eldest of 6 children in a Catholic family. His parents divorced when Stephen was in high school. Eventually it surfaced that the father had cheated which caused the split. This traumatic event greatly shaped the young Schap’s views, particularly on marriage. Per his mother Marianne, “If he got married, it would be for life. He would do anything to keep his family together.” Diane was from Modesto, CA but called Baltimore home. She spent time in Europe and attended Oxford University for two years before going back to Baltimore. Their first year of marriage was a happy one. The couple worked in Baltimore with Stephen employed at his father's construction business. Problems for Diane began to surface on the second year. Communication issues, Diane wanted to talk about problems but Stephen would shut down. “He would say I shouldn’t feel that way and then drop the subject.” Also, a big stressor on the marriage was three very painful miscarriages, the last two keeping Diane in the hospital for weeks at a time. After the third loss the couple decided one of them would be sterilized. Diane first opted to get a tubal ligation but Stephen ultimately decided on a vasectomy. He wanted to spare Diane from any further suffering.
In 1991, Stephen decided a drastic change was necessary. He joined the Army as a private. A large factor in this decision was the belief it would allow him to be able to spend more time with Diane. As he had recently graduated from Loyola University only two years prior this new career decision came as quite a shock to family and friends. Also unusual was Stephen's decision not to join as an officer. He wanted to work his way up from the bottom and eventually become a pilot. In 1992 Schap was assigned to the 11th Army Cal. Regt. in Fulda, Germany as a helicopter mechanic. Diane followed a few months later. By the time she arrived she believed the marriage was over. Stephen became a model soldier, working hard and moving up in rank and responsibility. He encouraged his wife to see Europe while in Germany and she often traveled on her own. By March 1993 Diane worked in the Fulda legal office as a volunteer. Stephen went to air assault school at Downs Barracks in Fulda where he met fellow soldier Spec. Gregory Glover.
Gregory was a shy, easygoing 21-year-old from Phoenix, AZ. Per his mother, since age 4 his goal was to become a soldier after seeing an Army uniform in a catalog. He and Schap got along well, both came from middle-class backgrounds and both were highly regarded as top-notch soldiers. Both were also helicopter mechanics, but worked in separate troops. Glover occasionally joined the Schaps for dinner at their home. Per Diane he would also drop by for dessert and conversation. He and Schap enjoyed similar music tastes and would often swap CDs. Lastly, Glover and Diane were both known to attend the country music nights at the Fulda Community Club. Stephen went to a platoon leadership development course in September 1993 which lasted 4 weeks. After Schap left Glover visited Diane twice with friends. Spec. Rob Reynolds later testified he quit visiting the Schap home with Glover because Diane was too “flirty”. Soon, she and Glover were having an affair. Diane admitted to having intercourse with Glover at least 6 times before her husband returned. She also admitted at the time she swore her undying love to Stephen she felt the marriage was over. She kept up correspondence with Stephen during the course. One letter dated September 19th stated, “My greatest love and my everything. My husband, my lover, my best friend, and my boyfriend.” In response Stephen wrote on September 22nd, “I cannot understand, for the life of me, why you tolerate me. I'm a constant struggle, I know.” At trial Diane did state that at the time she wrote the letter she was seeing Glover but the affair was not yet sexual.
In October Diane discovered she was pregnant during a trip to the States visiting Stephen’s family. When the couple returned to Fulda, Stephen started preparations for a upcoming transfer to Giebelstadt, Germany. During this time Diane was writing to Glover and slipping notes under his barracks door. ( Investigators later found 2 greeting cards from Diane in Glover’s personal effects in his room. Described as “friendship cards”. No other links between them ever found) Mid-November while Stephen visited friends in the Netherlands Diane met Glover at her apartment and told him she was pregnant. Per Diane, “ He was excited. He wanted to be very involved as the father of the child.” She also stated he was concerned about her health. Glover was assigned next to Fort Bragg, NC and Diane was talking about divorce. They discussed marriage, per Diane. Soon after she asked Stephen to consider a separation so the couple could “reassess” their lives. Glover's mother stated he spoke with a close friend early in December. The friend asked Glover if he had found a special girl. Glover said no.
Thanksgiving Day was spent in deep discussion at the Schap residence. For about three weeks Diane had been pushing for a separation and the couple had not been intimate for at least that long as she told Stephen she had ovarian cysts. When pressed Diane eventually admitted she didn’t love him anymore. There had been too much pain. Stephen was shocked. “I had never heard her speak those words to me before. It required me to dig deep down inside to try to appreciate the situation. I was feeling very incoherent.” Schap wanted to save the marriage but Diane said it was too late. “There was too much hurt. It was too late to try and change things.” Diane spent December 5th with Glover. Sometime that weekend Stephen found his wife’s journal with vague references to “extraordinary” times and possibly an affair. Stephen called his father, upset. Per John Schap Jr., “He said he had discovered his wife had been unfaithful, not only in Germany but back in Baltimore before and during the marriage.” During testimony Diane has stated the people mentioned in her diary were fantasies and no proof of affairs. She also stated Glover was never mentioned in any entries. John advised his son to find someone to talk to. Stephen had one very close friend in mind, Greg Glover. When Diane returned to the apartment Stephen met her at the door with photocopies of her journal. He stated her threw the original away. Together they went over the diary. “I wanted to hear her speak to me. I wanted to believe”, quoted Stephen. On December 6th, the couple met with regimental chaplain to discuss separation and begin the process of sending Diane back to the US. When the chaplain asked if infidelity was an issue in the breakup both parties said no.
The morning of December 7th, Stephen got up and reported to work as usual. That day Diane planned to stop by her bank. However, after showering and dressing she noticed significant bleeding. Being 3 months pregnant and with her history of miscarriage she immediately had an acquaintance drive her to local Fulda hospital, Herz-Jesu-Krankenhaus for treatment. After learning her hospital stay would be for at least a week Diane called friend and co-worker Sgt. 1st Class Russell Bates to deliver a message to Glover that she was in the hospital. After Bates inquired about her husband Diane advised him, “If you see him just tell him where I am.” She also confided in him, “I slipped and had an affair and the baby is not his.” Bates stated he placed the message on Glover’s desk and covered it up with papers to keep others from seeing it. Later that day Stephen stopped by the legal affairs office where Bates informed him that his wife was in the hospital. Schap was “extremely concerned” and Bates allowed him to use his phone to call the hospital. However, he was unable to get in touch with Diane so decided to go there instead. About an hour later Diane called Bates again to inquire if he had delivered the message to Glover. She also told him that her husband was at the hospital and he knew about the pregnancy and was being supportive.
When Stephen arrived at his wife’s bedside she came clean about the affair and the pregnancy but refused to reveal the father’s name. Per Stephen his first concern was her health. “What I was doing was trying to be strong for my wife. Inside, I felt in pieces. I was extremely upset, but I was extremely worried.” Diane said, “He knew that the marriage had failed” and hoped she would not lose the baby. He offered to go back to their apartment and gather some toiletries and clothes asking, “would I let him be a friend in that way.” They agreed it would be better for her not to reveal the father’s name. However, upon returning more than one hour later Stephen’s attitude had changed. He seemed agitated and stated that he felt sickto his stomach. He began inquiring about the father’s rank and eventually it was revealed he was a specialist. Per Diane, he was concerned if the father was higher ranking it could gravely affect his career. After she stated it was not an NCO and to not worry he asked, “Oh, it’s a specialist?” To which Diane replied, “Yes.” He then demanded to know where she and her lover had made love in their home. After Diane responded it had occurred on a quilt on the floor he responded that he did not want to live in the apartment anymore. He then left the hospital stating he was going to pack his belongings.
Sometime after 5 PM Glover called Diane from a pay phone at the airfield. He lived in the barracks across from the dining facility where the booth was located right outside. Per Diane, “he was very upset, very worried about me and the child.” Also, per Bates upon finding Glover at his barracks and delivering Diane’s message, “I could see the veins in his head begin to pulse. He looked very shaky, very nervous.” Diane assured him the pregnancy was intact. Glover stated that Stephen had given him a lift earlier in the day and they discussed his marriage problems. “He said Steve had given him a ride. He said he seemed upset and talked about the divorce and finding the journal with a list of names of men I slept with. I said not to worry about it.” The couple had been speaking for about 5-10 minutes when Glover suddenly swore twice. The second expletive was cut off mid-breath. “Then all I heard was dial tone”, said Diane. According to The Stars and Stripes newspaper it was reported Glover also stated, “Here comes your husband!” before the expletives.
That December 7th evening was dreary, cold, and rainy. At first the soldiers in the Sickles Army Airfield mess hall thought the loud shouts coming from just outside were two young men horsing around. However, once the cries became more intense several of the soldiers looked out the windows to see one man overpowering the other on the pavement, violently stabbing him about the neck with a large knife. Per witness, Pfc. Anthony Penny “I realized something was wrong when I noticed blood covering his(Glover's) face."
After leaving the hospital for a second time Stephen returned to the apartment and collected his clothes, food, passport, and photocopies he made from Diane’s diary. These items were deposited in Schap’s Honda Civic. As he was also preparing to transfer to Giebelstadt it is unknown what was already in the vehicle before December 7th. Stephen’s next plans were to track down his wife’s lover. Per the second hospital conversation with Diane about the man’s rank Stephen had correctly deduced his identity as Glover. In later statements Stephen would tell Diane, “You know you gave me enough clues. It was easy enough to figure out.” Schap had also learned Diane asked Bates to deliver a message to Glover and used him to track Gregory down at the payphone. Upon seeing Schap approach Glover told him “I’m sorry.” Schap immediately began stabbing Glover and he suffered slight knife wounds while in the booth. Glover then attempted to run away, however he slipped on the wet cobblestones after a short distance. Schap then straddled on top of him and after a short struggle plunged the dual-edged knife into Glover’s throat which punctured a lung and cut the carotid artery. According to later testimony this throat slash was the “kill wound” which stopped Glover from fighting.
Glover was stabbed 10 to 15 times then Schap made repeated cuts through Glover’s neck leaving what the pathologist called a “very ragged” wound. The forensic pathologist Maj. Glen Sandberg who performed Glover’s autopsy said he could not confirm when the specialist died or in what order the wounds were made. Schap was slashing and stabbing in a wild rage- induced frenzy. Finally, Schap would jump up and begin kicking the body and head. This repeated action caused the head to detach from the torso and roll 10 to 15 feet away. According to Schap’s attorney David Court he made the decision to carry the head to his wife only after it initially detached. He picked up the head by it’s hair and began walking away. Stunned soldiers began to yell at him and Schap turned around and declared to no-one in particular, “this is what you get for adultery.” He would also mutter, “and he said he was sorry” sarcastically before getting into his Honda and driving off towards Herz-Jesu. The murder occurred around 5:30 PM. Glover’s torso would be found lying about 4 feet from the phone booth near a drain hole at 5:45 PM. A German woman would tell police she saw a car blocking a narrow bridge over the Fulda River the night of the slaying. As she approached she also witnessed a man leaning over the bridge and then hurriedly get back into his car and speed off. Her descriptions matched the car registered to Schap.
Diane lay in her hospital bed wondering what had happened with Glover. At around 6 PM she heard loud footsteps coming quickly down the hall. She stated that she recognized them as her husband’s. The door burst open and Stephen stood there, chest heaving and clothes speckled with blood. He was carrying a Head brand gym bag and per Diane, “He had the sports bag over his shoulders and it looked like it was full.” Schap would then reach into the bag and pull out Glover’s head. “He grasped the head in both hands and he tried to push it in my face. I kept screaming and screaming” stated a tearful Diane in later court testimony. Schap would tell her, “Look Diane—Glover’s here! He’ll sleep with you every night now. Only you won’t sleep—because all you’ll see is this.” Gynecologist Dr. Barbara Fuchs-Bauer was the first to arrive in Diane’s room after hearing her screams. She saw a man sitting on the bed holding a human head in his hand. She was later unable to identify Stephen in the courtroom. She also stated Diane had blood on her abdomen and right hand. Dr. Fuchs-Bauer would then leave the room to call the military police. Another doctor Peter Habermann remained at the scene. On her return the man remained quietly on the end of the bed and said, “I want to speak to the MPs.” She also noticed he appeared to be agitated. Habermann stated when he entered the room the head was on the night stand next to the bed facing Diane. From speaking with Stephen, Habermann got the impression that Schap just wanted to talk and that the soldier behaved calmly. “I didn’t feel threatened”, said Habermann. However, Schap did object when another doctor tried to cover the head up. Per Habermann, “He wanted her to see it. He said he felt cheated on, betrayed.” Lastly Habermann would also state Schap was willing to give himself up to the MPs.
MP investigator Brian Border stated that when he arrived at the hospital room Schap asked if he was going to be read his rights. Border said he would but at a later time. Schap also drew Border a map to show where his car was parked. Border also stated, “He said his wife shouldn’t have done what she did. He said he shouldn’t have either, and he’ll pay for it.” Fulda criminal investigation Comd agent Ryan Ribelin testified that he found an empty knife scabbard on the passenger floorboard of Schap’s Honda. Schap sat quietly on his wife’s bed throughout the commotion and remained calm when the military police came to question and arrest him 20 minutes later. The doctors remarked to Schap that Glover’s head was severed so professionally that they wanted to know how he did it. Schap told the doctor that he had learned how to do that earlier. He didn’t specify. Schap would also tell his wife, “I studied this, I planned this, I calculated this, I did this for you. I love you.” On Dec. 8 Stephen called his father John Schap Jr. “He said, I let you down. I wasn’t strong.” The son also told his father that the victim was a “confidant” and that he had entrusted Glover with details about his marital problems.
In the days following her traumatic experience, Diane was told she could be transferred to a different hospital but refused the offer. She was recovering from the shock under the care of American psychiatrists and social workers. Baby was fine. Per the hospital Diane told them Stephen never beat or hit her in the past, nor did he try to hit her in the hospital. Glover’s head and body were sent to the Frankfurt morgue. A memorial service for Glover was held on Dec.. 10 in the Downs Barracks Chapel. The post flag flew at half-staff on the 9th in his honor.
Trial/Case Timeline:
All information, unless otherwise cited, is from The Stars and Stripes newspaper sourced on
• Dec. 10, 1993- A charge of premeditated murder was preferred against Stephen. Preferred charge means that the Army plans to bring action against Schap. Normally that charge initiates an Article 32 investigation- the Army's equivalent of a grand jury investigation. Schap is being held in pretrial confinement at the Army confinement center in Mannheim, Germany. • Dec. 13, 1993- Extensive search of the Fulda River failed to turn up the suspected murder weapon, Gerber MK II knife. Cold, murky water, churned by strong winds, hampered the search near a bridge not far from the Downs Barracks. Hunt will resume when weather improves. Also, Glover's body flown home to Phoenix on Dec. 12. • Dec. 20, 1993- Schap awaits investigation results. Army is holding Schap while it determines if he should be charged with premeditated murder. V Corps said the Army has assigned a military defense attorney to Schap but speculation in civilian legal circles is that the sergeant probably will hire a civilian attorney if the case does go to court. • Jan. 25, 1994- Army charged Schap with premeditated murder. He will face general court- martial. Date for the trial not yet set. Charge followed nearly 2 month long investigation by the Army's Criminal Investigation Comd. Schap retained well-known civilian lawyer David Court to represent him. • Feb. 3, 1994- Schap’s first day in court. Pleaded not guilty of premeditated murder. Court cleared of all public and media for about 5 minutes with no explanation. Army’s rules for court-martial give judges some leeway in closing court sessions to the public and media. However, judges are required to tell why a motion or request to clear a courtroom is honored. During the open portion of the hearing, Schap’s attorney David Court asked for a delay in the proceedings to prepare defense motions. Judge Col. C.S. Schwender granted the delay and scheduled the next session for March 15. The case should go before a jury March 28 in either Mannheim or Hanau. After the session Schap met with Court for about 45 minutes in the witness waiting room adjacent to the court. • March 10, 1994- Three psychiatrists examined Schap. Report said Schap was mentally sound and suffered no physical problems, he scored in the upper 98% on an IQ test, and he has obsessive compulsive tendencies. Interviews with Schap revealed a man with “high, rigid moral standards” and strong family values. Dr. (Maj.) Carroll Diebold noted that Schap was in a rage when killing Glover. Repressed his emotions. “An obsessive-compulsive person often puts up a facade or front that makes them look cool or calm.” His most significant psychological complication, the panel concluded, was posed by his marital problems. • March 19, 1994- Materials taken from Schap residence shortly after Stephen’s arrest on Dec. 11 allowed to be used as evidence. Publications included Knife Bible, a knife catalog, and literature discussing killing and maiming techniques using knives. One book was found in the family living room and at least three others in a second bedroom. At least two of the books seized had illustrations of wounds resembling Glover’s. Presiding judge Lt. Col. Charles E. Trant ruled that the literature would not prejudice a jury in the case. He also ruled that a knife which the prosecution believes is similar to the one used in the slaying can be used in court for illustrative purposes. Schap sat quietly during the trial showing no signs of stress. Laughed occasionally with his defense attorneys. He will return to court March 28 for jury selection. • March 30, 1994-Third day of Stephen's court martial. Also date Diane testified. Schap stared at his wife throughout the testimony, looking away only briefly to take notes. Visibly pregnant at 6 months gestation Diane never looked at her husband, staring straight ahead. Schap’s defense attorneys called a series of witnesses to testify about his character, marriage, and belief in family unity. Among the witnesses were his mother, a close friend, supervisors, and co-workers. Lead witness was cousin Randy Miller. Per Miller before Schap married, “Family was the most important thing in his life.” Close friend Phil Scharper stated that Schap said family life was crucial. “He said fidelity is the most important thing to him. He said he would never cheat on Diane.” Mother Marianne testified that after she and John divorced Stephen became more determined on his views of marriage. “He said if he ever got married, he’d stay married. He would do everything to keep his marriage together.” Also testified that her son never talked about Diane’s being unhappy or about getting a divorce. Under cross examination she did admit that her son one time spent most of a night with a female friend alone in a room in the house while Marianne was upstairs. Diane was not present although they were married at the time. Other witnesses testified Schap was a professional soldier, a hard worker, and meticulous in carrying out a plan. Witness to the slaying, Spec. Jeffrey Sweeney also testified. Said that as Schap was leaving the sergeant looked back and said sarcastically, “and he said he was sorry.” Sweeney identified Schap as the assailant. Criminal investigative agent James Bateman who was in charge of the investigation said agents found Glover’s wallet and hat in the phone booth near the crime scene. Also found was message from Sgt. 1st Class Russell Bates addressed to Glover. • March 31, 1994- Fourth day of court martial, defense phase. Army psychiatrist Dr. (Maj.) Harold Diebold testified that Stephen was in a stage of rage during the beheading. Given the circumstances, "it would be very difficult for an individual to cooly and calmly reflect on his actions considering all the stresses in his life." Attorney David Court acknowledged his client killed the soldier but says it was not a premeditated act. Schap's father John testified that his son had been affected as teen by the breakup of his parents marriage- a breakup caused by John's affair. Schap characterized his son as "thoughtful and sensitive." Schap's former unit commander and squadron commander said the sergeant was a model soldier who seemed very quiet and conscientious. 11th ACR commander Lt. Col. Nathan Noyes said he did not posthumously promote Glover to sergeant because his affair with Diane Schap "was not consistent with the honor of the U.S. Army." • April 2, 1994- Stephen convicted of premeditated murder. The seven-member panel deliberated for two hours. After the verdict, on the witness stand Schap took a deep breath and then looked at the jury. “One of the greatest things I’ve ever know, perhaps the greatest, is my relationship, my marriage to Diane” he said tearfully. “There's part of me that still holds she’s my wife.” Under military law premeditated murder carries an automatic life sentence. Schap's attorney David Court admitted his client killed Glover but asked the jury to convict the soldier of lesser charge of voluntary manslaughter which carries a 10-year prison sentence. Schap also received a dishonorable discharge from the Army, reduction to the lowest enlisted rank, and forfeiture of all pay and allowances. • April 3, 1994- Although military law required that Schap receive a life sentence, the jury recommended clemency. Five of the jurors asked the court-martial convening authority, Lt. Gen. Jerry Rutherford, V corps commander, to set Schap's maximum sentence at 30 years. A sixth juror asked for 20 years. Only the jury president Col. Gerald Luttrell didn't recommend clemency in the sentence. Rutherford should decide on the recommendations within 60 days, according to a Hanau legal official. Schap was returned to the U.S. Army confinement facility in Mannheim after the trial. He is expected to be moved to the military prison at Fort Leavenworth, KS in June. His conviction is automatically reviewed by a military appeals court. • April 11, 1994- Key pieces of evidence in the Schap trial: A knife catalog/order form/credit card receipt/knife sheath( in 1991 Stephen ordered Gerber MK II knife via telephone from a knife catalog. Picture of the knife was circled. Type of knife believed to have been used in the Glover murder), AMF Head gym bag (prosecuting attorney Mulligan called it an intentional act of symbolism. Defense attorney Court said Schap was going to use the bag if Diane needed more items later.), a backpack (found in Schap’s car containing clothes, food for a day, a passport, and small change in various currencies. Mulligan stated he believed Schap planned to flee. Court stated Schap only planned to move out of the apartment), Diane’s journal (prosecution contended Schap mailed the original journal to his father in Baltimore on Dec. 6. Diane testified that her husband claimed he threw the journal into a rock quarry in Frankfurt), and forensic pathology reports on Glover’s injuries (prosecution focused on two major wounds: one that penetrated Glover’s throat and a large horizontal gash across the back of his head just above the base of the skull.) Since Dec. 7 Diane had not visited or had any contact with Stephen. She also refused defense requests for interviews. She testified for the prosecution. • June 15, 1994- The V corps commander has reduced the life sentence of a Fulda, Germany soldier convicted of beheading his wife's lover. Rutherford reviewed the court-martial findings and sentenced Schap to 45 years in prison. The decision probably would have little effect on Schap's eventual release date. Even with the life sentence Schap would have been eligible for parole in 10 years. However, statistically parole is not granted the first time around. • July 6, 1995- Per Maryland Judiciary Case Search website absolute divorce(aka final judgement) was granted to Stephen Schap and Diane Schap(spelt Dianne in the records). Stephen listed as plaintiff so he was the initiator. • Oct. 17, 1997- Attorneys for Schap argued before the court of appeals for the armed forces that the judge in his original trial had given the jury members several instructions that left them biased. Including giving improper instructions to the jury and mistakenly allowing into evidence books and magazines about how to kill and maim with knives. Aim is to reduce conviction from premeditated murder to voluntary manslaughter which would significantly reduce Schap's current 45-year sentence. • Nov. 13, 1998-In a Sept. 30 ruling which was just released the five-member appeals court ruled that there were no judicial errors in Schap's trial and let his sentence stand. • April 5, 2017- Per Federal Bureau of Prisons website Stephen Schap was released on parole.
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