Hacks for wildones

Hacks and Mods for the PS4!

2015.12.23 00:25 Derf_Jagged Hacks and Mods for the PS4!

News, releases, and discussion regarding PS4 jailbreaks, homebrew, and mods.

2010.09.06 09:14 darth_ephword Hacks, Mods, and CFW for the PS3!

A subreddit focusing on hacking and jailbreaking the PlayStation 3.

2012.05.24 23:46 gildedlink FoodHacks

Food hacks is a place to share quick and simple tips on making food that has more flavor, more nutritional value, or both!

2017.08.15 13:26 Incrimedible Couple o' scripts

These are hacked together from other scripts on the subreddit and my own meagre JS knowledge (+ stack overflow)
The first one does the following every 60 seconds:
  1. Remove any duplicate pokemon, keeping the highest level (shinys should be kept but idk)
  2. Sort pokemon by level ascending, with pokemon that can evolve before those that can't
  3. Equip the first pokemon in the list
It also creates a button under the pokemon list to do the above manually.
var pokeCmp = (lhs, rhs) => { let hasEvolution = p => EVOLUTIONS.hasOwnProperty(p.pokeName()); if (hasEvolution(lhs) && !hasEvolution(rhs)) return -1; if (hasEvolution(rhs) && !hasEvolution(lhs)) return 1; return lhs.level() - rhs.level(); }; const sortParty = () => { player.reorderPokes(player.pokemons().sort(pokeCmp)); player.savePokes(); combatLoop.changePlayerPoke(player.activePoke()); renderView(dom, enemy, player); }; var pokenodup = (pkms) => { let startfrom = 0; let uniqpkm = []; let newlist = [] for (var i = pkms.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { let pkmname = pkms[i].pokeName(); let spkm = pkms[i].shiny(); if (uniqpkm.indexOf(pkmname) == -1) { uniqpkm.push(pkmname); newlist.push(pkms[i]); } else if (uniqpkm.indexOf(pkmname) != -1 && spkm) { newlist.push(pkms[i]); } else if (i < startfrom) { newlist.push(pkms[i]); } }; return newlist; }; const teamsizerefresh = () => { var teamsize = document.getElementById("teamsizepkm"); teamsize.innerHTML = "You have " + (player.pokemons().length) + " Pokémons"; }; const rmDupSort = () => { sortParty(); player.reorderPokes(pokenodup(player.pokemons())); player.savePokes(); combatLoop.changePlayerPoke(player.activePoke()); sortParty(); userInteractions.changePokemon(0); renderView(dom, enemy, player); }; const createRmdupeButton = () => { var button = document.createElement("button"); var container = document.getElementById("playerPokes"); button.onclick = () => rmDupSort(); button.value = "Sort and rm dupes"; button.innerHTML = "Sort and rm dupes"; container.style["overflow"] = 'visible'; container.appendChild(button); }; createRmdupeButton(); setInterval(rmDupSort, 60000) 
The second script helps with hunting pokes. After executing it, each time next() is called in the console, the details of a pokemon will be displayed. This is a pokemon that you haven't caught AND that can only be caught (doesn't evolve from anything).
It will also give the expected number of kills before one is caught, using poke/great/ultra balls. This expectation includes kills of other pokes (e.g. if there are 4 pokes that can spawn in an area, the expected number of kills will be 4 times higher than if there's only 1).
var evolved = {}; for (var i = 0; i < POKEDEX.length; i++) { evolved[POKEDEX[i].pokemon[0].Pokemon] = false; }; for (var evo in EVOLUTIONS) { evolved[EVOLUTIONS[evo].to] = true; }; var wildOnly = {}; for (var poke in evolved) { if (evolved[poke] == false) { wildOnly[poke] = false }; } pokedexData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('pokedexData')); for (var i = 0; i < pokedexData.length; i++) { entry = pokedexData[i]; if (entry.flag != 1 && entry.flag != 4) { wildOnly[entry.name] = true; } } var allRoutes = {}; for (var i = 0; i < POKEDEX.length; i++) { allRoutes[POKEDEX[i].pokemon[0].Pokemon] = []; }; for (region in ROUTES) { for (area in ROUTES[region]) { for (var i = 0; i < ROUTES[region][area].pokes.length; i++) { poke = ROUTES[region][area].pokes[i]; var details = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ROUTES[region][area])); details.rarity = details.pokes.length; details.region = region; allRoutes[poke].push(details); }; }; }; var bestRoutes = {}; for (poke in allRoutes) { if (allRoutes[poke].length > 0) { bestRoutes[poke] = allRoutes[poke][0]; for (var i = 0; i < allRoutes[poke].length; i++) { route = allRoutes[poke][i]; if (route.rarity < bestRoutes[poke].rarity) { bestRoutes[poke] = route; }; }; }; } var toDo = {}; for (poke in wildOnly) { if (wildOnly[poke] == false && bestRoutes[poke] != null) { toDo[poke] = bestRoutes[poke]; } } var sortable = []; for (var poke in toDo) { details = toDo[poke] details.pokemon = poke; sortable.push(details); } sortable.sort(function(a, b) { return a.maxLevel - b.maxLevel }); const next = () => { if (typeof counter === 'undefined') { counter = 0; } poke = sortable[counter]; for (var i = 0; i < POKEDEX.length; i++) { if (POKEDEX[i].pokemon[0].Pokemon == poke.pokemon) { cRate = POKEDEX[i].stats[0]["catch rate"] } } eKillsPoke = 3*poke.rarity/cRate*100 inst = "Location: " + poke.region + " - " + poke.name + "\nTarget: " + poke.pokemon + " (Level " + poke.minLevel + " - " + poke.maxLevel + ")\nEstimated kills (p/g/u): " + Math.ceil(eKillsPoke) + "/" + Math.ceil(eKillsPoke/1.5) + "/" + Math.ceil(eKillsPoke/2); console.log(inst) counter +=1; } next() 
I hope some of you find these useful :)
submitted by Incrimedible to Pokeidle [link] [comments]
