Lymph nodes aching


2020.06.25 23:25 SensitiveBorder2 Swollenlymphnodes

THIS GROUP IS PRIMARILY FOR CHRONICALLY ENLARGED LYMPH NODES WITH NO CAUSE FOUND Most everyone here has had lymph nodes swell up and never fully return to their original size. A lot of us panicked and seen nothing but cancer stories until finding so many others who simply had nodes pop up and stay that way and this community is hopefully going to be a place to calm the anxieties of many and for us to discuss our experiences with swollen nodes that stayed there forever.

2022.03.02 17:47 Yasssinator lymphnodes

Community for people with enlarged lymph nodes, without lymphoma. All advisements are to be taken with a grain of salt, no one can diagnose you but a doctor.

2013.02.26 16:01 Darth_insomniac Blood, lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow!

A subreddit for individuals with an interest in the diseases of the hematopoietic system, coagulative disorders, and/or management of the hematology laboratory.

2024.06.01 14:17 floweringlines Was my doctor inappropriate with me?

I (41 f) recently had some abnormal bloodwork and was referred to a hematologist for an iron infusion due to anemia.
The hematologist recommended to me is booked until July so I took an appointment with a different doctor who required a consult prior to the infusion. This doctor is male and probably around 80 years old. He scribbled notes about me on a small yellow post-it note while we spoke. He asked me multiple questions about my symptoms and then said he would like to examine me and brought me to the exam room.
He handed me a gown and told me to undress my top half with the opening in the back while he went and got a female nurse. I did what he asked thinking he was going to check my lymph nodes and do a more thorough exam to look for indications of cancer. Instead, he came back and simply listened to my heart and lungs. He started in the back and when he moved to the front, he asked if he could lift up the gown. I said yes because I thought he was going to do a breast exam or check my lymph nodes but he proceeded to only listen to my heart and lungs while I was sitting there with my breasts completely exposed and him staring at them. He never did a breast exam.
I felt extremely uncomfortable about this because I have never in my life been asked to disrobe and be completely topless simply to have my heart and lungs listened to. And if I’m ever topless for an exam, the doctor is careful to keep me as covered as possible.
Im wondering if this is a common practice that I haven’t experienced before? Because at the moment I’m feeling traumatized as though I were molested.
submitted by floweringlines to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:50 albetins Sore extraction site?

Hi there! It's been 8 days since my extraction, almost no pain or swelling, and there's no bleeding at all at this point. But when I smile hard or laugh, the extraction site feels a bit sore (pretty bearable). My neck lymph nodes on the side also get a bit swollen at times. Has anyone experienced this? Does it necessarily mean it might be infected or the soreness is just normal at this point? Thanks!!
submitted by albetins to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:27 Saltlake1 Bizarre journey. Throat Cancer or something else?

I (25f) am writing this because I truly don’t know where else to turn and would like to know if someone has seen this or experienced this before.
About 2 months ago, behind my right ear randomly swelled up significantly. It was very puffy and tender to the touch. I went to a rapid clinic and she diagnosed me with an outer ear infection and prescribed me some drops, the swelling and infection eventually went down. As that was healing, my throat started to get progressively more sore and red, mostly on the right side. It started to really bother me so after about 3 weeks I went back to the clinic. I was tested for the flu (negative) and strep throat (negative). I was told it was probably allergies and to start taking Claritin and to wait for it to start raining more for it to go away. I did this for 4 weeks to no avail.
Eventually, the pain gets so bad I schedule an appointment with my GP. The lymph node on the right side of my neck gets very swollen and uncomfortable as well. I get tested for strep and the test is “faintly positive”. The doctor showed me the test but honestly I’m not sure what I was looking at. Anyways, I get prescribed a course of Amoxicillin, which does little to nothing to alleviate my symptoms. I then get put on Azithromycin, which seemed to help a little bit, but not completely. After I was done with that course, things just got right back to where they were. I went back to the doctor, got retested for strep, covid, flu, etc and was negative for everything. I was told to gargle with saltwater and to give it some time, but I feel like I have given it 2 months of time! She did say it was weird that it was only on one side.
I am wondering if anyone has ANY ideas or has seen this before? I’m not sure if I should be advocating for myself harder, as this pain is getting to be pretty intense. I know I should stay away from Dr. Internet, but I haven’t found anything like this on there, and anything I do find is suggesting it to be throat cancer. I’m trying not to go worst case scenario, but genuinely am at a loss for what this could be. I requested a referral to an ENT, but in the meantime I feel pretty uneasy.
submitted by Saltlake1 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:09 Important_Pumpkin253 I was right, it turned out to be a very very early stage of AA. What now? Suspected triggers.

I was right, it turned out to be a very very early stage of AA. What now? Suspected triggers.
To start with: I know this is far from severe but I want to make sure it stays like that.
Couple of days ago I posted a photo of a small circular patch that no one could notice and asked if it was AA. But I have health anxiety so I was in the derm office 2 days later anyways. Unfortunately, I was right. The derm perscribed 0.1% steroid cream (Advantan) and Biotrade SeboMax HR Stimulating gel. I have a follow-up in 3 months to see if/how it grows. The derm checked the rest of my scalp and said no more patches for now. My derm is lovely and tbh I feel way better after the appointment in comparison with the 3-day break down beforehand.
I also have hairloss overall. I had super thick hair and for the past 6+ months it's been shedding and thinning and I lost at least half of it, even if it doesn't look like it.
I have leaky gut..I have a severe form of leaky gut and I already don't eat dairy and gluten almost at all. I've been doing tons of holistic approaches for the past 6 months in order to heal my terrible acne. And so far it's working wonders for it, however the alopecia diagnosis shocked me.
Suspected triggers:
•leaky gut •mysterious illness 2 month ago - felt like shit, funcy CBP, swollen lymph nodes but not any viral symptoms. Maybe COVID? Idk •stress •mold (I live in a college dorm so I don't have an option to move out)
Supplements: •Turmeric •Vit D 5000 IU •Omega 3 •Berberine (gut + because of PCOS) •metformin (for 2 years for PCOS IR) •Seeking Health - Gut nutrients / Optimal GI for leaky gut
submitted by Important_Pumpkin253 to alopecia_areata [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:00 rainbowmatcha Swollen lymph node due to impacted wisdom tooth

Hi, I am just curious if other people here also had a swollen lymph node due to impacted wisdom tooth. If yes, would you mind sharing your experience?
submitted by rainbowmatcha to adultingph [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:58 6245stampycat Chronic Exhaustion and Epstein Barr

21 female in the USA I’ve been diagnosed with Epstein Barr since October 2023 due to getting blood work done because of a swollen lymph node. Since that October I’ve noticed how exhausted I’ve been. It comes in waves of 2 weeks where I am okay and then a month or so of me unable to do anything due to how tired I am. I’m currently in that period where I can’t do anything. I can barely get out of bed and I’m not eating due to me sleeping all day. I’ll be up for maybe 2 hours then I’m asleep for 8 hours. Alongside this when I get mildly sick, ie a headache or the sniffles my body sleeps for nearly 10 hours at a time. I cannot get work done, I can’t find time to do what I need to on top of all of this I’m worried I’m going to just sleep forever. And I hate naps, I hate sleeping, so all of this sucks. More information in February of 2024 I got diagnosed with Bells Palsy and parotitis. It was painful and I was on a whole bunch of medicine for it and it took several months to go away. My doctor thinks the Bell’s palsy was caused by my parotitis but he is not going to confirm it. Is this normal? As always google says I’m dying and for some stupid reason I believe it. Should I go back to my doctor, if so what would he be able to do? Can I learn to live around this?
Any and all advice is appreciated
submitted by 6245stampycat to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:41 Massive_Cream_9091 +++ MBC First Line Maintenance

Hi y’all! My partner will wrap up active chemo (THP) for +++ stage 4 breast cancer in July. Can anyone share what maintenance drug regimen followed for them or their loved ones? This is her first line of treatment and her MO is saying she’ll only be doing tamoxifen. I’m wondering if it’s worth asking about supplemental AI’s or endocrine therapies. We never got a definitive answer on percentages of her biopsies (primary tumor, multiple auxiliary tumors in a single duct, and one lymph node), just that she’s triple positive. They’ve been pretty cryptic about things in general. No biopsies have been done for her bone mets, lung mets (too small), or a questionable liver lesion. Btw, she’ll continue to get Xgeva shots as well. Thanks in advance!!
submitted by Massive_Cream_9091 to CancerCaregivers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:31 SheepDick69 Swollen lymph node

When will neck swelling go down
I'm a 20 year old female. I have pcos.
My left lymph node started swelling a week before May, and then my tooth started to hurt. I went to the dentist, and I needed a root canal under one of my crowns. I did a round of amoxicillin before they started the root canal on May 9th. They had to just open it so it could drain and would finish on the 16th. I did another round of amoxicillin, and for 3 days before my appointment, my neck hurt a lot and swelled more. This is the first time the lump hurt since the swelling started. I finished my appointment, and my tooth was in a lot of pain, and they prescribed me ANOTHER round of amoxicillin (quite a stubborn infection). My tooth pain stopped completely on the 20th, and the root canal doesn't hurt anymore, so I think the dentist did a good job. How long is this going to go on because it's uncomfortable; like it doesn't hurt at all, my neck just kind of feels full. So I'm wondering if y'all know when this might go away? I've had this damn lump for over a month. Is this a wait it out situation or a "go back in a week bro" situation.
submitted by SheepDick69 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:24 Consistent_Gap1405 hard and immobile lymph node

I am a 19 year old female with what I believe to be hodgkin’s lymphoma symptoms. Around April I noticed the lymph node beneath my ear was large and tender. I went to my family doctor and was given antibiotics. The lymph node never went down, it actually grew in size. Now it is not painful, hard to the touch, and does not move. My doctor referred me to an ENT to examine it.
Before going to the ENT I did blood work for my white blood cell count. My white blood cell count was within the normal range.
In your experience, could hodgkin’s lymphoma still be a possibility?
I know my body and I feel as though something is definitely wrong. Over the course of the past few months I lost about ten pounds. I blamed it on college stress, but now I think it could be something more.
I’d like you to prepare myself fully before my first ENT appointment/future tests to determine the cause. Any advice is appreciated.
Thank you.
submitted by Consistent_Gap1405 to hodgkins_lymphoma [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:57 jp_switch Oral std symptoms?

Hey guys, so I recently got bloodwork done. Everything came back negative and I had not hooked up with anyone for weeks. I hooked up with a guy the day after my results came in. Someone I’d been with before. They only wanted to service me. I did, however, perform oral and kissed him briefly for about 10 seconds combined. (I wasn’t really in the mood…). Anyway, a week later and I’ve swollen lymph nodes on both sides of my neck and my gums are bleeding excessively. I got tested for strep throat and it came back negative, although I will say last time I had it the test also came back negative so I don’t necessarily trust the reliability.
My throat is in so much pain. I want to cry. Are these symptoms typical of an std? I’ve never had one before and I’ll admit the thought of one scares me. I should have updated bloodwork in by tomorrow but want some opinions in the meantime.
submitted by jp_switch to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:09 bee_uh_trice Has anyone experienced lymph node pain?

Hi! I am new to rebounding, I bought my rebounder in March and just started using it daily this week. I went from a super sedentary lifestyle to jumping for 15 minutes on this at a pretty high intensity.
I feel amazing! I love it and really think i’m getting stronger in my legs.
But my question is, has anyone experienced any lymph pain when you started? I noticed this week my armpit was sore and today it is more swollen and tender. Could it be the flushing of the toxins?
submitted by bee_uh_trice to Rebounding [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:09 eneer14 MRI results - DIE found but surgery not recommended

I recently had a consult with a Nook doctor who is well regarded in the endo world, however, she did not recommend surgery based on my MRI results. She emphasized that my symptoms (10+ years of painful periods) are not severe enough on a daily basis to warrant a risky surgery. I was super confused by her response. Anyone else have a similar case? If so, how did you proceed?
  1. Retroflexed septate uterus with fibromuscular septum.
  2. Deep pelvic endometriosis involving the middle and posterior compartments with retrocervical serosal adhesions to the mid rectum.
  3. Ill-defined fibrotic implant involves the right ovary, right hematosalpinx, right round ligament, and serosa of the distal sigmoid in the right pelvis.
UTERUS Retroverted and retroflexed uterus with septate morphology. Flat fundal contour with fibromuscular septum, internal endometrial indentation greater than 2 cm and divergent cavities with internal angulation approaching 90 degrees. SIZE: 8.6 x 4.6 x 6.7 cm JUNCTION ZONE THICKNESS: 4 mm and symmetric Focal Adenomyomas: Not present ADENOMYOSIS: Not present FIBROIDS: Small 1.1 cm FIGO 5 fibroid anterior uterine body. CERVIX: Normal ENDOMETRIUM: Each cavity measures up to 9 mm in AP thickness.
OVARIES Normal size and position of the ovaries. * Right ovary: least one endometrioma measuring 0.9 cm (401/28) * Left ovary: Physiologic corpus luteum. Several foci of T1 hyperintensity at the posterior aspect of the left ovary with 0.6 cm endometrioma or endometrial implant (401/31) * Abnormal T2 signal and architectural distortion within each of the ovaries extending to the pelvic sidewall, peritoneal reflection, and involving the proximal right round ligament, which is circumferentially thickened (401/25)
ANTERIOR COMPARTMENT BLADDER: Decompressed and normal. URETER: Nondilated URETHRA: Normal VESICOUTERINE POUCH: Normal VESICOVAGINAL POUCH: Possible focal adhesion anterior vesicovaginal pouch (401/37)
MIDDLE COMPARTMENT TORUS UTERINUS (Uterine body): * Fibrotic implant spanning 3 cm transverse by 3 cm craniocaudal at the torus uterinus extending into the retrocervical space involving the anterior serosa of the mid rectum 9 cm above the anal verge. * Small fibrotic implant anterior lower uterine segment/uterocervical junction (201/20) abutting loops of decompressed bowel without clear involvement. FALLOPIAN TUBE: * Small right hematosalpinx, 5 mm diameter. * Left tube not visualized. UTERINE LIGAMENTS: Fibrotic implant involving the proximal right round ligament, right anterior uterine body, and serosa of the distal sigmoid colon as it courses to the right towards the right internal iliac vessels (401/17)
POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT UTEROSACRAL LIGAMENTS: Involved bilaterally near the junction. RECTOCERVICAL SPACE (Pouch of Douglas): Involved as described above. RECTOVAGINAL SEPTUM: The fibrotic implant in the retrocervical space extends inferiorly to involve apex of the posterior vaginal fornix. ANTERIOR RECTAL WALL: Involved as above. SIGMOID COLON: Involved as above.
OTHERS APPENDIX: Tip not visualized, possibly involved. Cecum positioned anterior right pelvis. PELVIC SMALL BOWEL LOOPS: As above. PELVIC COLLECTIONS: 6.8 cm loculated fluid collection with thin septa in the right posterior pelvis compatible with a peritoneal inclusion cyst. ABDOMINAL WALL: Normal LYMPH NODES: Normal ILIAC ARTERIES AND VEINS: Patent
submitted by eneer14 to Endo [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:03 T-Bone_Dynasty My facial asymmetry is absolutely ruining me

For context, my life is pretty good, no one ever notices it but me, and I am overall confident. When taking photos though, I can’t help but absolutely hate it. It’s been pointed out how much I don’t show my face or how I’m covering it in IG photos, it’s because it’s overwhelmingly apparent to me, though not as much to others In addition, I also see people say “everyone has asymmetry” but I don’t notice it like mine. It almost looks like a swollen lymph node but it’s not because I’ve had that checked out. I’m almost willing to get surgery and spend thousands of dollars to make it more symmetrical. Am I over thinking? I’ve never had experience with body dysmorphia, but this seems to be getting worse daily. Does anyone else have this insecurity?
submitted by T-Bone_Dynasty to BodyDysmorphia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:51 SquareTechnology9369 please help i was told this was a pimple but im not sure

please help i was told this was a pimple but im not sure
so i’ve had this bump for a couple of days, it started off small and hard (not like a pimple at all , i couldnt move the bump around but it’s not a perfect circle ). but it eventually turned huge and red. it hurts to the touch and around the area. i also noticed another bump behind my ear (same feeling as the other one ) it’s not red yet but has grown in size yesterday. i went my doctors office urgent care and they said it was a pimple , she said the one behind my ear was my swollen lymph nodes. it could definitely be acne since i struggled with acne on my back and face but this just seems odd. any help would be amazing.
submitted by SquareTechnology9369 to acne [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:26 funfetticat Pancreatic Colloid Cancer

My mom was diagnosed with stage 2A colloid carcinoma a few weeks ago. She had a whipple with a total pancreatectomy. Margins clear. 66 lymph nodes ressected and clear. The oncologist is saying this is a rare form of pancreatic cancer that she hasn't even seen in a patient of hers. They'll be going 12 rounds of chemo starting in July and treat it just like adenocarcinoma. Has anybody had this form of pancreatic cancer or know someone who has? Do you know of a doctor who has seen this type?
submitted by funfetticat to pancreaticcancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:13 Educational_Yam7855 Pushing doctors while being in pain - cancer?

In August 2023 I've (27F) started to have a back pain. In November I've got a swollen lymph nodes on the right side of my neck. I had no infection in that time and it was painless. My doc prescribed me ATB which didn't help a bit. After some time I started to feel dizzy, nauseous, I almost fainted couple of times. I went to ER after a month and a half and they ordered ultrasound. The guy didn't say much and according to blood work there was nothing wrong with me. The problems continued - started to be very tired, pain from the back got to my knees and it's crazy till now. Lymph nodes on the neck got smaller after few months but it remained slightly bigger, also they found more close to my appendix. From time to time they are also in the my thighs. I'm negative for boreliosis, mononucleosis, rheuma and autoimmune deseases. Right now, after 8 months, I have severe burning pain in my back down to my hips and knees. I'm still nauseous and get tired very quickly. I noticed CNS problems, tinnitus, muscle weakness and very weird feeling in my head - I don't have a headache, but let's say my body feels like it changed the way it functions. I had an MR of the brain few months ago, seems fine. I had CT of belly, just the lymph nodes near appendix which are smaller than 6mm. My white cells are somewhat on the edge of normal range but nothing special. My sugar and cholesterol was messing a bit for no reason but it's fine now. I did some basic oncology markers any everything seems to be in a normal range (PIVKA 44; 0-50 range). Yesterday basic blood work CKMB mass 0.5 (twice as more as it should be but according to EKG everything fine.
I feel desperate. I honestly feel something is very wrong and there is no way to make doctors listen. Last one said I should ask for biopsy of the lymph node, which I would like to but I'm scared they're gonna say it's too small. I don't understand how all these scans can come up clear while I'm in such a state. I've been told to go to psychiatrist, to exercise more, wait until it goes away... I'm so tired and it's getting worse very quickly.
I think I'm just venting but if anyone would have any advice on this, go ahead. I was hoping I can get a PET scan by myself but it seems I need a doctor recommendation everywhere.
Just a note: I'm really not a hypochondriac.
submitted by Educational_Yam7855 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:38 Exotic-Marketing-902 Has a doctor ever withheld post-treatment blood work results?

Posting on behalf of my Dad, both been a long time reader of this sub after his initial diagnosis - My Dad was diagnosed last October with stage 4 p16 hpv positive head and neck cancer that started on his right tonsil, he had a tonsillectomy and 46 lymph nodes removed and they reclassified him as stage 1 and then he had radiation. He had his bloodwork (Nav Dx) done last week for his 3 months post radiation treatment (5 weeks, no chemo). and has had crippling scanxiety all week. His situation is a bit unique because he had a mid-treatment blood test done (the lab lost the post surgery, pre-radiation bloodwork) and it came back at 0 detection of cancer in the middle of this treatment so we’re coming off of positive news the last time it was done. Get a message today, 4 pm Friday from the oncology assistant who says that the “tests are in and are on the doctors desk for review for Monday” (he’s been out all week) however they have not been uploaded to MyChart. All of his past reports have been uploaded right away (even his initial diagnosis) and he knew before the doctor even did. Wondering if anyone has had this happen, any insight to what it may mean or tips on how to deal with crippling scanxiety that I can pass along to him. Feels extra hard right now as my Mom/his wife passed from cancer a few years ago when I was in high school so it’s affecting everyone extra hard
submitted by Exotic-Marketing-902 to HeadandNeckCancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:33 jessieanne62 3 days post-op, labia & lower pelvic swelling only on one side

Hey everyone, I am 3 days post op from a total laparoscopic hysterectomy, sparing my ovaries, and just got home from the hospital this afternoon. Everything has been ok-ish, besides the pain, pain with getting out of bed, getting dressed…but I’ve been up ambulating to the bathroom at least a few times a day. Which seems like a huge accomplishment. I noticed today though that only one side of my labia is extremely swollen and the swelling goes up to that side above my pubic bone. Kind of where your pelvic lymph nodes are but it’s very tender (no incisions near that area either) and it’s seriously the entire right side of my labia. I didn’t know if maybe anyone else dealt with this post-op either? Any advice or insight would be appreciated.
submitted by jessieanne62 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:05 Puzzleheaded3850 Scared about changes

I'm a 53 Year old Female. I have never smoked and drink maybe 2 glasses of red wine a week. I had a CT about 4 months ago for shortness of breath, low O2 and chest heaviness. I was told I had prominent hilar & mediastinal lymph nodes and atelectasis in lower left lung. Today I had a CT and it mentioned calcified mediastinal & hilar lymph nodes and atelectasis in both lungs? What do these changes mean?
submitted by Puzzleheaded3850 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:55 ItsMelissa-99 Did this happen to anybody else?

Hi everyone. I am a female and 24 yo. I was diagnosed with cHL 2 months ago. I had big lymph nodes in my left neck that were growing for over a year. I was so stupid and scared when I noticed the first lymph node that I let it grow and then others appeared. I was scared in that moment that i was not brave enough to tell my mom what I touched in my neck not only because of thinking in how our plans would be vanished, but also because I wouldn’t be able to see her suffering bc of me. I was trying to ignore it but one day(two months ago) I tell my mom and we went to the doctor. I wanted to hear from you guys what was your experience with your lymph nodes and if this happened only to me(let my lymph nodes grow and being scared of becoming sick).
submitted by ItsMelissa-99 to lymphoma [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:26 Pale-Text-6016 Waiting for treatment plan - need encouragement

Hi! 32F, biopsy results came back a few days ago. I had a mammogram two weeks ago, and pretty much knew it was cancer as soon as I saw BIRADS 5 on it. Had a biopsy of 3cm mass in the middle of my right best, as well as a lymph node, which also came back positive.
Here’s what I learned from the biopsy results: tumor grade 2-3, EPR +, HER2 -.
Had an MRI today, which is causing me to freak out. Results came back that I have a second mass, much smaller, about 0.5cm, and “concern for abnormal” on level 2 and level 3 auxiliary lymph nodes. The larger mass is also invading the pectoralis major muscle.
All of this sounds like it has the potential to be very bad, and I am freaking out. My surgeon is meeting with the tumor board next week, and then I have an appointment set up with him for the next day, where I’m assuming I’ll be told some type of treatment plan?
It feels like with every test it gets worse. How did you deal with the anxiety in this waiting period, and how did you feel when you had a treatment plan? I’m expecting to hear that I will need a combination of treatments, not just surgery, and that scares me.
I’ve been lurking on this sub since I was told to get a mammogram a few weeks ago, and everybody’s stories have been so uplifting and the support I see here is incredible.
I know I will find it in me to fight and do whatever I need to do, but I could really use some encouragement right now.
submitted by Pale-Text-6016 to breastcancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:59 cheeseandpuppies Swollen Lymph Nodes Many Years TB Treatment

I'm a 19 year old female who had lymph node tuberculosis on the left side of my neck when I was 3 years old. I was treated for it through surgical removal, but throughout my life the the left side my neck (where I had surgery) swells up super super bad whenever I get a cold or sometimes when I'm not even sick. The swelling isn't painful, just tender, but it's visible to other people and limits movement of my neck. It's always in the same place too, directly under my ear. I used to take liquid medication to help drain the fluid but that has stopped working recently.
I've talked to my primary doctor about it multiple times but they just tell me to keep using the medication whenever there is swelling, even though I've told them it's stopped working.
Is this normal? Has anyone experienced this too? I'm not quite sure what exactly is happening other than there is swelling at least every other month.
submitted by cheeseandpuppies to Tuberculosis [link] [comments]