Mg codeine buzz

Spring Time to Energize Challenge

2017.03.17 13:14 bugs_bunny01 Spring Time to Energize Challenge


2017.03.17 12:40 bugs_bunny01 Spring Time to Energize Challenge


2024.05.31 21:30 No_Cellist_1217 cool

cool submitted by No_Cellist_1217 to WOCKYTALKIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:06 OneEntry4391 When will you get better?

This is kind of a radical thought. If you have been bed ridden for more than 2 months you may be taking too much pain meds, not walking when you can, even just a quarter mile a day, and not strengthening core and stabilizing muscles, or may be overweight. This is based on things I’ve read about the science of tissue repair. I have read a few scientific studies, orthopedic to oral surgery, where people taking steroids and anti inflammatories do heal, but it takes longer. You can’t put a bandaid or a cast on your spine, so pain is your only guide to healing. When you suppress pain receptors, you are likely to re-injure yourself. Maybe inflammation provides some kind of healing agent, although the swelling causes pain. Some believe the body overreacts, some believe inflammation immobilizes a joint. I found 800 mg ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory, to be the best pain reliever when I had pain so bad I ended up in the ER. Tylenol 1000 mg, (acetaminophen, treats pain, and Flexeril, cyclobenzaprine, muscle relaxer, are not anti- inflammatories, and may be better for healing. I got nausea when I took without food, and too much over several weeks is dangerous. Best to combine the three, in the morning take Tylenol, lasts 4 hours, ibuprofen afternoon up to 8 hours, and if needed, Flexeril at night because it makes you drowsy. I think everyone in this group knows to stay away from high addiction risk of opiates and take only one in extreme circumstances, and the best one I think is tramadol, which I get 2 or 3 from a friend, and cut in half. Codeine is also an opiate, and a little stronger. Took Tranadol once when I drove an hour by mistake. Pain was so bad I couldn’t think. Find a PT that really knows lots of strengthening exercises to work every little muscle in your back, stomach and hips. I have over 20 exercises that I do, not all at the same time, but do 2 or 3 sets of 7-10 every other day. Your latissimus dorsi in your back is the biggest muscle in your torso. But there are many others. Strong core muscles support your spine and allow you to heal. Stretching and flossing nerves should account for 20% of your exercises. If you are overweight, don’t try to lose weight now, do it when you are healthy. Do cut out sugar and greasy food to maintain weight. I gained 5 pounds from lack of exercise. Trying to lose weight is very difficult when you are depressed and hurting. Food actually stimulates hormones that make you feel good. And you need that. You also need the nutrients, have lots of clementines, apples, bananas around to snack on. Eat a big salad every day. Walking is great because it gets valuable fluids into your spine. When you sleep your spine doesn’t get that, and that’s why it hurts so much when you first wake up. We also lay in bed because we know how much it’s going to hurt going from horizontal to vertical. If you want to get a few more minutes of sleep, or make it easier to get up, get on your back, do some bridges or bring one knee up and cross it over your chest. On your side, bend your bottom leg, raise your top straight leg and kick it back and forth, then lower it. Do both sides. I’m a 70F, retired, thin, L2-5, disk herniation, could not run 3.5 months ago, because of leg weakness and pain. Back kept getting worse in first 6 weeks. Went from just morning backache to all day backache. Sciatica stayed the same. Yesterday I ran 3 miles and today I have no back pain or maybe very slight pain. I have mild sciatica that a hurts a little during exercise and when I wake. Don’t know if I have weakness, because I’m not running 10ks or long runs. Had a flare up 10 days ago, after lifting a bag of bird seed for 5 feet. I try to sit in ergonomic chair and lay down when I have pain. The first 10 weeks was the worst 10 weeks of my life. At 12 weeks I thought I turned a corner. Today I’m trying not to get too excited that I might be able to avoid surgery planned for August, run every day again, and travel. It might not be the same, but I’ll always keep strong core, and keep pounds off, to avoid this from ever happening again.
submitted by OneEntry4391 to Sciatica [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 10:46 Specialist_Chard_369 Guys I am only 17 and already Norhood3 I am depressed 😥. My teenage and 20S is ruined..

I am only 17 and already Norhood3 I have long hair before and yesterday I decided to buzz it with 5 setting I messed up more I look like 40 year old uncle with huge tample recession and I looks like I don't have any hair . I visited derma about 8 Months ago so I am on Minoxidil topical it is not beneficial for me and two months ago I added Fin 0.5 Mg I know it is dangerous but what else can I do , I am already Norhood3 like a uncle I already said. My entire teenage life is ruined can't really have fun also everyone look at my hair. So far I don't have any sides with finasteride I am giving it a time. But no body understand how difficult and depressing problem hair loss is at this age my cousins friend have full thick head of hair, my dad and moms brother is bald so I have strong balding genetic but at this age of rocking different hairstyles I feel like lost. Hair can enchanes your looks 100 times better your whole face shape is also depends on it. Looking here for your advice and help if anyone needs picture you can DM me. I am trying to Post here but it doesn't allow me..
Please please help me give advise to me I am genuinely depressed.
submitted by Specialist_Chard_369 to Hairloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:58 TrayGasGod Advice on switching from vapes to zyns or nic pouches

ill smoke a newport when i dont get the buzz i usually almost finish it but i dont be tryna get too buzzed i hit my 5% salt nic disposable about like a few times every 30 minutes, whats the advice from people who dip pouches, what mg should i start with? i still get buzzed off nic but im tryna let my lungs heal ive been coughing up shit for about a year and a half now, lmk.
submitted by TrayGasGod to Nicotine [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:26 astrogirll Emgality making painkillers not work?

Hi, I’m trying Emgality for a second time (instead of my usual migraine botox) and I’ve noticed it seems to affect how my painkillers work. I’m currently taking Panadeine Forte (500 mg paracetamol 30 mg codeine) for severe headaches and migraines which previously treated the symptoms but obviously isn’t a good long term solution. The trouble is that when I do get migraines or headaches on Emgality my painkillers seem to be about half as effective. It happened the first time I had Emgality too. I’ve been reading around but there doesn’t seem to be any reported interactions between the two substances so I have come to reddit. Has anyone else experienced something similar?
submitted by astrogirll to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 12:56 Steadysippin4swrld Big scores we not in tbe same league

Big scores we not in tbe same league submitted by Steadysippin4swrld to bud_n_pill_lovers [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:40 Traditional-Hat-952 I'm In Hell (please help)

I'm currently trying to quit gabapentin after being on a really high dose for about a year (3600 mg) for a nerve issue in my hand. I got surgery on my hand and that pain is mostly resolved so I decided to start my taper down. It's been pure hell trying to come off this poison. I can only drop 100 to 200 mg every two weeks, and whenever I do I get debilitating nerve pain and intense emotional distress. I get shooting/crackling nerve pain/signals in my hands and feet and burning skin all over my body. Sometimes they'll just go nimb. My brain and face will just buzz nonstop sometimes. And my mental health has never been wonderful, but holy hell is it bad now. I just cry and cry and cry in pain and mental despair. I've seriously contempled suicide multiple times because I don't want to live with this hell for the rest of my life. I feel like gabapentin has permanently damaged my brain and nervous system. Like it gave me fibromyalgia or small finger neuropathy or something. I never had widespread nerve pain throughout my body like this. Prior to quitting I was pretty active, but now I sometimes have trouble walking because me feet feel so bad. This shit is fucking crazy. I've spoken with a neurologist about this and he kind of just shrugged it off as a rare withdrawal issue. I was given amitriptyline last week to switch over to since things are so bad.
I've managed to drop down to 2400 mgs over the past few months, but am terrified to go lower since I know it only gets harder the more you reduce this medication. But I feel like I need to get off this poison before it causes permanent damage. Hell I'm not sure if it hasn't already. Has anyone had these symptoms and recovered? What was your process to not lose your mind while tapering?
Note: some things I've tried to help lessen withdrawal symptoms.
-NAC: this made everything so much worse. I had to stop after a few days
Lemon balm and chamomile tea: this is helping a little.
Meditation: sometimes good sometimes not so good
Exercise: helps a little
L-theanine: I think this is actually fairly effective.
Trazadone; definitely helps me sleep
Magnesium: helps a little And
Agmatine: haven't tried it yet but have an order on the way. Hopefully it'll help with glutamate issues.
submitted by Traditional-Hat-952 to gabapentin [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:32 Bojof12 Pramiracetam side effects

So initially when I take prami, I feel my brain buzzing and I can really tell it’s working. About 2 hours in, I start feeling shaky and sort of weak. By hour 3/4, I get mental fatigue and cannot concentrate as well. Should I just stop taking prami or am I taking too much? I have power from everychem and just use one scoop from what they provide which is 1.22cc or 1220 mg. I put it in rice paper. How can I stop the side effects. I also take alpha gpc, lions mane, and bacopa.
submitted by Bojof12 to NooTopics [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:51 Electronic-Link190 MG 42 was originally named as Hitlersäge or Hitler's Buzz Saw. Should I rename my MG 42 as this or they gonna ban me?

MG 42 was originally named as Hitlersäge or Hitler's Buzz Saw. Should I rename my MG 42 as this or they gonna ban me? submitted by Electronic-Link190 to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 09:05 Efficient-Job-4149 Zyn addicted bf

My (F20) boyfriend (M21) is addicted to zyns. always has the 6 mg in both sides of his mouth at almost all times except for eating. We’ve been over how much I hate it, due to my personal health issues and I really just dislike all alcohol, drugs, and addictive chemicals such as nicotine, because of past negative experiences, but it always turns into a fight since he gets so mad at me for it. I know i shouldn’t be this upset with it because it’s not affecting me personally say but it just really concerns me for his safety and how we as a couple interact.
His family has a long line of high blood pressure issues and low heart rates. He also has really really bad anxiety and I’ve read that zyns exasperate it. He doesn’t put them in around me anymore because I get so uncomfortable which I very much appreciate, but I do know when he has them in. He usually goes to the bathroom and does it. He brings the can everywhere and won’t leave with out it. He claims he’s not addicted it’s just a “habit”. I sometimes wonder, why does he NEED to have a buzz even when he’s with his girlfriend?
I no longer feel comfortable talking about it with him because it doesn’t go anywhere. Trust me, I have tried expressing my feelings many times and it’s always unsuccessful. I love him so much and I would never want this to come in the way of what we have. I’m just at a point where I’m not sure what to do! Should I try to talk to him again? Any advice would be amazing thank you so much!!!
submitted by Efficient-Job-4149 to QuittingZyn [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:14 Automatic_Shape_3846 Is Seizure Medication Still Necessary for Provoked Seizures?

I’m a 24 yr old male recently had my third alcohol withdrawal seizure incident. My first seizure occurred 5 years ago the day after a night out of excessive binge drinking. I was not put on any medication as it was my first seizure, so me being young, dumb and naive I continued to drink for years on almost a weekly basis thinking it wouldn’t happen again, that it was just a fluke.
2.5 years later, under almost identical circumstances, I had another alcohol withdrawal seizure. All neurological exams (EEG, MRI, CT scan) were normal, just as they were after the first one. Since this was my second seizure, my neurologist suggested i started seizure medication. I agreed and began Keppra 500 mg twice daily. Since it was obvious alcohol was a trigger for me, I decided to stop drinking.
Unfortunately, after about 6 months of quitting, I slowly started to drink again. When I started it was minimal, no more than 2-3 drinks with water in between, every couple weeks and I was fine. I figured since I was taking medication now unlike the first two incidents I was in a safer position to drink anyway (dumb logic I know). Also, the first two times were aggressive, long nights of binge drinking as opposed to just a couple to catch a buzz. Another 2.5 years went by of being on Keppra and drinking, watching myself when I would, never missing a dose. I started to drink on a weekly basis again as I got comfortable and complacent. I once again thought it wouldn’t occur as long as I drank moderately and took my meds.
Recently, I went on vacation for a month and drank almost everyday. It wasn’t binge drinking, but on average 2-3 drinks almost everyday for a month was enough to give me withdrawal symptoms when i had stopped, so I had another seizure while on Keppra because of alcohol again. I have promised myself to quit drinking altogether this time and never go back (which I should have done long before). I know it’s easy to read this and think well dumbass you shouldn’t have kept drinking but now I’m confused as to what the meds are even treating if all my seizures have been provoked by alcohol withdrawal.
So my question is: if I quit drinking and eliminate the obvious trigger for my seizures, are the meds doing anything for me? I asked my neurologist and his answer was pretty much that its protocol just in case there are other underlying issues (even though no exams or my medical history have suggested any), plus I need to be on them to legally drive anyway. I’m okay with being on them since I would like to think they are keeping me safe and I have no intention on stopping, but it seems quitting drinking for me is more important than actually taking the meds. I tried researching answers for this but got nothing. Came here to see if anyone in this community has had a similar experience taking meds for seizures that are very clearly provoked.
submitted by Automatic_Shape_3846 to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:56 cheesehead293 How to treat a large gash on a dog's neck in rural Mongolia

Hi all,
I just started doing a summer of anthropology field research in rural Khentii Province, Mongolia. I'm living in a yurt with a nomadic family of herders. We're about a 20 minute drive from the nearest small town, and that town does not have a veterinarian. Even if it did, I doubt my homestay family could afford veterinary care. My homestay dad asked me if I had any medicine for his stomachache, so it doesn't seem like the have much in the way of a medicine cabinet or ability to see a doctor for themselves, much less for a dog. I'm looking for some guidance around whethehow to help my homestay parents' livestock guardian dog. I tried to download a field veterinary first aid book on my phone, but the cell signal isn't strong enough, so I thought I'd ask you guys what you think. I received my rabies pre-exposure immunizations in December and January of this year.
Location: Rural Khentii Province, Mongolia
Species: Canine
Age: Adult
Sex: Intact male
Breed: Unknown Mongolian livestock guardian dog. Looks sort of like a tibetan mastiff or a mongolian bankhar dog. Probably a mix.
Body Weight: He looks about the height of my golden retriever at home, but seems leaner. I'd guess about 65 lbs.
History: According to my host father, Haltaar the livestock guardian dog got into a fight with some wolves (or other dogs- a bit unsure about the story bc of the language barrier) about 10 days ago, and now has a significant gash along the underside of his neck.
Clinical Signs: Here's a screenshot from a video of it I took yesterday (LINK), but it's pretty hard to see and the cell service is too weak to upload the whole video. It seems to be at least half an inch deep and goes across the bottom of his throat (about 4 inches). Flies are buzzing around his wound. His fur is matted around it, so it's difficult to get a good look at the wound, and I didn't want to poke around too much. His breathing doesn't seem to be affected. My host family adores Haltaar and relies on him to protect their sheep and goats (aka their livelihood). Haltaar spends most of the day napping next to the yurt, but when I've gone outside to use the bathroom in the night, he's gone (presumably with the flock), so he's still active. Not sure about whether he's eating/drinking/toileting because (I assume) he does these when he's out with the livestock. The ground is dusty and full of sharp little stones, and it's quite windy, so I'm worried about dirt/bacteria getting blown into the wound. Also concerned that the cause of the wound was apparently a bite by another animal. Should I do anything, or should I just let him try to heal on his own? He's fairly friendly (likes ear scratches), but I'm still not super familiar with him. We're about to drive back to the yurt for the night (where there's no service), but I'll be back within cell range tomorrow night, so I'll hopefully be able to check responses then.
In case it helps, here are the items we have available to us at the moment. I have NO idea what could actually be helpful, so I'm just going to list everything we have at our disposal.
Homestay Family's vet kit: Vet wrap, one irrigation syringe, a bottle of iodine, a couple of different small jars of what seem to be folk remedies (one my homestay father indicated was for treating snake bites).
The first aid kit I have with me is the Adventure Travel Kits World Travel Pack, which has plenty of OTC meds and bandaging materials. In addition to that, I also have a small bottle of saline eye drops for rinsing out eyes (blowing dust is a concern here), lots of extra over-the-counter oral rehydration salts, human multivitamins, and lots of over-the-counter probiotics.
The prescriptions I have with me in addition to the OTC meds in the first aid kit are: 30x ciproflaxin 200 mg, 20x azithromycin 250mg tablets, 1 old blister-pack of malarone (250mg atovaquone, 100mg proguanil) with 11 pills left in it, 4 tablets of fluconasol 150mg. My doctor also prescribed me a sterile suture kit that I have with me. I'm not super eager to use it, as I'm not trained at ALL, but if you feel like it's doable by a layperson and a matter of life and death for Haltaar, I'm cautiously open to it.
Side note, I had an empty jar of peanut butter that I thought he might like to lick clean, but he took one whiff and turned up his nose at it (rich considering most of his diet consists of cow poop and wild gerbils, but fine I guess lol). Other than that, struggling to come up with foods we have out here that could mask some oral meds. All I have other than the peanut butter that is soft but not a liquid is a jar of strawberry jam.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
submitted by cheesehead293 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 14:25 idklol5000 I want to get off medication and get my life back?

I’ve been on different meds over the past 6 years, and I’ve gained like up to 40 pounds since then. I also used to have a very high libido, but now the thought of sex/initiating it with my partner does nothing for me (which doesn’t really feel fair for my partner but they’re patient with me)
I’ve felt numb, I’ve felt like a zombie, I’ve had trouble sleeping, and I’ve even lost a lot of hair throughout my time on medications. Right now I’m on 100 mg Wellbutrin SR, and 5 mg Lexapro, and Nexstellis oral birth control. I eat mindlessly even when I know I’m not hungry, so the weight isn’t gonna go down; I still have no libido—I might feel something randomly but it quickly goes away too soon for me to do anything with my partner; and even though I no longer feel like I’m buzzing with anxiety, I still have the same anxious thoughts I just feel somewhat calmer when I’m thinking them.
I want my full range of emotions back, I just want to cope with them better. I want my libido, my full head of hair, and my body back. I've never had symptoms last long after I quit any of my other antidepressanst, but Effexor fucked me up last year and it’s been so hard to bounce back even with my medicine change.
Did anyone get their life back fully after taking medication? I guess I’m looking for advice but also success stories. Thanks
submitted by idklol5000 to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 21:44 EnvironmentalRow7658 Male mid-40s diffuse thinning

Mid 40s male diffuse thinning
Recently got a buzz cut and noticed some thinning at the frontal hairline and crown (though it is most pronounced in the frontal region). Maybe not too apparent from the photos attached but the temporal triangle looks pretty sharp against the thinned front region (kind of makes sense since my father lost his hair by his late 20s but has kept a high hairline in the temporal recession well into his 70s). I am in my mid-40s so cannot really complain (had a good run lol) and this is currently not obvious with longer hair (I keep it ~1” like the first photo which was a few months ago).
Never been on meds or any treatments but I have jumped on Fin oral 1 mg and Min topical 2x 1mg daily to curb the hair loss. Thinking to persevere with that for six months to a year (no side effects so far but it has only been a few days) then pursue a transplant to reinstate and densify the frontal region hairline. Pretty sure the donor area is good as I have always had pretty thick hair.
Just looking for input regarding this strategy from those who have been through a similar pattern of slow diffuse hair loss (I am sure this has been going on for decades but I am relatively lucky that it is slow burn). Also, if someone with experience can judge a ballpark number of grafts to reinstate the hairline that would be great too (the nearest hub for me is Turkey since I am between Europe and the Middle East these days: contacts of good clinics also welcome).
Thanks in advance 🙏
submitted by EnvironmentalRow7658 to Hairloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 18:27 EnvironmentalRow7658 Mid 40s male diffuse thinning

Mid 40s male diffuse thinning
Recently got a buzz cut and noticed some thinning at the frontal hairline and crown (though it is most pronounced in the frontal region). Maybe not too apparent from the photos attached but the temporal triangle looks pretty sharp against the thinned front region (kind of makes sense since my father lost his hair by his late 20s but has kept a high hairline in the temporal recession well into his 70s). I am in my mid-40s so cannot really complain (had a good run lol) and this is currently not obvious with longer hair (I keep it ~1” like the first photo which was a few months ago).
Never been on meds or any treatments but I have jumped on Fin oral 1 mg and Min topical 2x 1mg daily to curb the hair loss. Thinking to persevere with that for six months to a year (no side effects so far but it has only been a few days) then pursue a transplant to reinstate and densify the frontal region hairline. Pretty sure the donor area is good as I have always had pretty thick hair.
Just looking for input regarding this strategy from those who have been through a similar pattern of slow diffuse hair loss (I am sure this has been going on for decades but I am relatively lucky that it is slow burn). Also, if someone with experience can judge a ballpark number of grafts to reinstate the hairline that would be great too (the nearest hub for me is Turkey since I am between Europe and the Middle East these days: contacts of good clinics also welcome).
Thanks in advance 🙏
submitted by EnvironmentalRow7658 to HairTransplants [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:25 gunginator Ivdd pain management

Hi, our 5 year old neutered shiba inu (20lbs) just got diagnosed with ivdd. He also has diagnosed cushings. Life is rough right now to say the least. It's been a week with pain due to ivdd. What should I ask or say to my vet to help better manage his pain?
They started him with just 1 100mg of gabapentin every 8-12 hrs. That wasn't enough. They added 1/2 pill of 15 mg codeine every 8-12 hrs. Still painful. We just added 1/4 of 100 mg amantadine every 12 hrs. I know we are trying to stay clear of steroids because of his cushings. He is nor on vetoryl yet because he's been having diarrhea.
I could manage his bed rest for his ivdd fine if his pain were managed, but it is not. He is crying himself when he stands. He cries bloody murder when we pick him up to go out to potty. Thankfully he can still stand and relieve himself, but is he becoming fearful due to the pain.
Any advice on what I can do to advocate for him? Thank you 💓
submitted by gunginator to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 03:47 saucymary Has my Ozempic switched off?

Once I got up to 1mg, I was buzzing right along! No food noise, getting full super quick, weight just starting to come off. Then disaster struck. Couldn't get meds because of the shortage and was off for two weeks. Doc put me up to 2mg. After a month on 2 mg, I'm getting the same results. Definitely not getting the "I'm full" switch off. And no weight loss.
What is going on? Should I go back down to 1 mg? Have patience? So frustrating!
submitted by saucymary to Ozempic [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 23:46 Loose_Character_1799 Misleading signage in store - 200 calories my ass

Hate to be a buzz kill, but just tried Crumbl for the first time. Cookies taste alright, very rich, which is fine. However signage in the store shows 200 calories under the Confetti Cake cookie. I thought that sounds a little low, but whatever. I ate the cookie and it is like a rock in my stomach.
Getting home, i decided to put the cookie into my LoseIt app and was horrified by the nutrient panel:
::ONE cookie Confetti Cake cookie::
= FOUR servings (the fine print on the sign obviously). YEAH, i always cut my cookies into quarters, thanks for making that clear as mud Crumbl 🙄
= TWENTY grams of saturated fat. An ENTIRE day’s worth as per RDA
= 800 calories. almost HALF a day’s calories in ONE COOKIE. This is roughly the same as eating an entire frozen pizza 🍕, which isn’t exactly a great idea either.
= 128 mg cholesterol. almost half a day’s cholesterol in a single cookie
Given these metrics, the 200 calories shown in the store is frankly a misleading F you to the customers.
Yes, I realize when eating a cookie someone is not looking to be healthy. But give me a break these numbers are ridiculous.
I will not bother to complain about the price tag (4 cookies for TWENTY DOLLARS); i obviously saw the price and was okay with it because the cookies looked great. However i will now throw away the other three because i don’t want to spend 20 hours at the gym on the elliptical burning them off.
for context, i am 5’10 175lb male who has struggled with weight in the past, mainly by not paying attention to the impact of the food i eat.
Given the cost, misleading signage, and ridiculously unhealthy nature of Crumbl’s cookies i will no longer give them my patronage.
Feel free to give this company your business, but go in with your eyes open. Peace ☮️
Crumbl Nutritional Information Page below; the other cookies are just as bad:
submitted by Loose_Character_1799 to CrumblCookies [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 06:20 brechristine Brunch Date this weekend, Can I have a mimosa or two and not be scared???

(24f) I’ve been on bup since Dec 2023 and since Jan my dose has been 200 mg sr. Also on 100 mg of seroquel (generic) for sleep and as a mood stabilizer. I haven’t really drank much of anything bc I psyched myself out reading about all the side effects and seizures. Most has been a few small sips of beecocktail or a small glass of low abv wine (think Stella Rosa basically juice) all with no seizures/abnormal symptoms. Also, smoke weed about once or twice a week with no issues bc that’s kinda what I’ve turned to for relaxing instead of a little alcohol ✨✨
I just wanna have a couple mimosas with my friend 😩 So, can I? Without fear of seizures or getting even more depressed?
I know there’s a lot of related posts but pls just reply to my thread, thanks and hope everyone is doing okay 💙
Update: we ordered a bottle of champagne and some juice, I probably drank a little less than half the bottle and just got a bit buzzed. I joked with my friend “my psychiatrist lied, I feel fantastic!” lol
submitted by brechristine to bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 23:45 Eastern_Swordfish_11 How do I find the SD to show my work?

How do I find the SD to show my work?
So i’m doing my final project for AP Stats on misinformation using statistics, so I chose to use the statistics for OxyContin which were used by Purdue. One part of the project is to perform a significance test or confidence interval test. I found data on the difference in effectiveness of acetomenaphen and codine vs OxyContin, and it shows there is no statistical difference, though Purdue claimed there was one. The only issue is I have to show my work, and to do that I need that standard deviation of the data sets. I believe it would be a 2 sample z interval, as it is for difference in means. I’m not sure how to find the standard deviation though. I will link the website below, as well as a picture with the information provided. Please help!
submitted by Eastern_Swordfish_11 to APStatistics [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 22:49 Eastern_Swordfish_11 How do I show my work for this?

How do I show my work for this?
So i’m doing my final project for AP Stats on misinformation using statistics, so I chose to use the statistics for OxyContin which were used by Purdue. One part of the project is to perform a significance test or confidence interval test. I found data on the difference in effectiveness of acetomenaphen and codine vs OxyContin, and it shows there is no statistical difference, though Purdue claimed there was one. The only issue is I have to show my work, and to do that I need that standard deviation of the data sets. I believe it would be a 2 sample z interval, as it is for difference in means. I’m not sure how to find the standard deviation though. I will link the website below, as well as a picture with the information provided. Please help!
submitted by Eastern_Swordfish_11 to apstats [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 21:14 CryptoEscape Harmaline Trip Report (100 mg HCl sublingual): First Time

Intro: Recently overcame a heavy Kratom addiction (100 GPD for six years) and have a lot of lingering fatigue and Anhedonia (Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome / PAWS)
Been using light doses of mushrooms, which are great, but wanted to try something new. Learning about harmalas being mildly active on their own sounded intriguing.
I ordered all 3 harmalas in their isolated forms. After some research I decided to start with 100 mg of Harmaline, sublingual.
I’ve had no other substances today, even skipped my caffeine.
4:10. (P.M.) I pack my bags, the Harmaline, a scale, and a spoon. Head over to a nearby lake.
4:20. I arrive at the lake. I open the bag, it’s a yellow powder, looks like a bright Turmeric. I weigh out 100 mg.
It’s so small, I have to use the back tip of the spoon, rather than the spoon itself. Then put my tongue back, the powder lands perfectly where it’s supposed to (this can oddly take some practice.).
It’s bitter, but tolerable. I hold it for 10 minutes, then swallow the remainder. I then swish my mouth numerous times, as it stained my teeth a bit.
4:35. Some effects seem to be kicking in, but it’s subtle, so it’s hard to tell if it’s placebo.
4:40. The lake and the trees take on a certain beauty, and I feel tranquil. I’m not inebriated or high, but this is definitely not placebo. It’s a clean feeling, mildly psychedelic in headspace, but no visual alterations. It reminds me of low dose mushrooms, but distinct….more subtle, less Intense.
5:00. I’m very much enjoying the serenity. I’m supposed to go to my girlfriends tonight. Since I feel in control, I decide to head over there soon (I’m not endorsing driving on this substance.)
5:15. I’m cruising down the highway, and everything just seems so beautiful. The road expanding before me, cars peacefully driving along, billboards trying to grab my attention. This is all subtle yet pronounced. I feel sober.
I’m peaceful, yet alive and clear headed. My mind contrasts this with Kratom, which was more of a mildly numbing feel. As if Kratom calmed me by putting me comfortably beneath everything, Harmaline calmed me by gently lifting me above everything. (Hard to describe this in words.)
I put some music on and it’s very enjoyable. The music itself isn’t enhanced per se, but the music enhances the good vibes of the experience ( if that makes sense.)
5:45 I hit some traffic. Normally traffic agitates me, but I feel mostly calm. Like I’m just chilling with everyone else there.
6:00 I get to my girlfriends. She gives me a big hug, and I feel love flowing through me. Her dogs are jumping and running circles around me in their innocent joy, bringing a big smile to my face.
6:15 We go outside and relax on the patio. Conversation flows naturally, but I’m a bit more in my own head than usual. I don’t feel very social, but can carry a conversation easily.
She vapes some THC, I’m tempted to, but I don’t want it to overpower my Harmaline buzz. Really just want to experience this substance pure, although I plan to mix with weed in the future.
My libido is super high, and I bet sex would be enhanced, but unfortunately her kids need to stop by so we have to wait.
As we’re talking, I notice whenever she brings up something negative or stressful (she works in corporate) it’s grating….like it’s ruining the beauty of the Harmaline. Luckily I’m able to change the subject, and we talk about lighter stuff.
6:30 She goes in to see her kids. I stay outside, just enjoying the trees and clear sky. I enjoy the silence more than talking. The simple beauty of it all. I’m not introspective either, more just focused on the external natural beauty around me. No thought loops, no urge to journal, no major insights. Just gentle serenity.
I shut my eyes at times, no CEV’s.
7:00 I go inside and I notice it’s pretty much worn off. Some residual effects , no significant afterglow or comedown. No urge to redose.
No troubles sleeping or eating later that night. Felt normal the following day (no hangover, no fatigue, no afterglow.)
Conclusion: Harmaline is a beautiful substance in its own right. A nice clean headspace, mildly psychedelic, very peaceful. No body load at 100 mg, although I’ve read higher doses can have a body load.
Sublingual lasted just over 2.5 hours, without much of a comedown or afterglow.
In a way it reminds me of weed without all the potential for anxiety. Felt much more in control of my thoughts. In fact I don’t recall any thought loops, or bad moments.
It’s both calming and uplifting.
I’m excited to try Harmine and THH next.
Also definitely going to try this with weed, and hopefully mushrooms too. And ofc DMT someday, but I haven’t had time to learn extraction yet.
May try 150-200 mg next time ( also sublingual)….any thoughts on this? Will I just get diminishing returns with more body load / side effects?
The duration is a bit too short, I may try oral next time and see if it’s longer.
Sublingual did have a nice little kick to it, albeit subtle (no rush, high, or sudden change of consciousness. Will be interesting to see if smoking freebase can produce a stronger kick (?) )
Thank you all for reading, would love to hear your thoughts and experiences too.
submitted by CryptoEscape to harmalas [link] [comments]