The crucible on line

Followers of the line

2013.01.02 13:33 hukgrackmountain Followers of the line

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2021.01.07 20:47 TheRealSeatooth A Guide To The Crucible

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2024.05.31 23:05 KamchatkasRevenge Out of Cruel Space Side Story: Of Dog, Volpir, and Man - Bk 6 Ch 22

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, let's get right down to business. We made our first jump towards our next destination this morning and are maneuvering to our next jump point as we speak. Khan Karchara has fully briefed me on our plan, and now it's time for me to brief you."
Jerry triggers the holo projector with a brush of will from his neural implant, bringing up a display of a surprisingly earth-like planet with large oceans and very aggressive mountain ranges.
"This is Coburnia's Rest, named for a saint in one of the Cannidor religions who's said to have settled the world shortly after the Cannidor developed faster than light travel. It is the seat of the Hammerhands clan, based out of their fortress city, The Crucible. As you might guess from the names, the Hammerhands are less a clan or khannate in the martial sense and more the old school Cannidor trade guilds. They're off again, on again frenemies with Cannid Solutions and other Cannidor corporations, but their interests don't overlap that much since Cannid Solutions in particular is mostly export focused, or sell to the common citizen, as opposed to the trade guilds which tend to have tight connections to various warrior clans."
Diana raises two fingers. "So to clarify, you have to know the right people to buy a plasma pistol in Cannidor space?"
"Not quite, but if you want the top shelf gear you have to be part of a clan, or know the right people. Don't get me wrong, there's lots of non-clan folks that can and do buy from the guilds, it's just a more involved process than going to your nearest vending machine for a five credit laser pistol."
Diana nods and returns her attention to the display as Jerry continues his briefing.
"So I suspect, and Khan Karchara suspects, that to win the Hammerhands over we're going to have to show off our appreciation for craftsmanship and weaponry, and general support for the trades. I think our connection to the Apuk Imperial house will actually help us here. As we know, the Empress is a great patron of the traditional arts on Serbow, and Aqi and I left with some handcrafted statues, one of which is going to be a gift to the Khan. I hate to part with it, but I can always ask my mother in law to put the sculptor in touch with us for a custom piece."
There's a few chuckles at the slight absurdity of contacting the empress of a large star empire and asking about a particular artisan in her space... but at the same time most of Jerry's command team knew that the Empress would absolutely pick up the phone for that kind of call.
"Wichen and some of her top weaponsmiths and armortechs are going to be part of the contact team for this stage of the mission, which as Khan Karchara described is announcing ourselves and making friends Cannidor style. Winning over Khan Hammerhand will be a major political win in that regard, as most of the trades clans will come with their big boss, and they will influence their warrior clans, or at least spread the word."
Sharon signals for attention this time.
"Alright so that's first up to bat, who else are we going to see?"
Jerry nods. "Cannid Solutions for one. They're already friendly with the Undaunted and we've got existing trade deals with them, but friendly and being neighbors are different animals, so we'll stop by and say hi. More pressing are visiting with the senior leadership of the Crimsonhewers and Blue Blades 'free' clans. We have friendly relations with both groups just on this ship, and with other major parts of the Undaunted for the Crimsonhewers. More challenging will be Clan Kopekin, one of the larger Khannates, and the 'conservative' faction of the Cannidor people, and Clan Charocan which is the powerhouse of the Cannidor military with five hundred thousand power armored warriors across their sub clans. They control around four dozen star systems. They have notoriously high standards and we're expecting not quite resistance... but spirited challenges to our efforts to negotiate."
Diana smirks. "We'll just have to show them how we do business. No surprise the diplomats are giving us the hard jobs though."
A chuckle echoes throughout the room, before Jerry continues;
"That's exactly what's happening. A lot of the clans are just fine for being approached by the diplomatic corps, and Khan Karchara and a team from the Dauntless are doing the rounds there. We've been given the hard cases. We also need to contact the council of patriarchs if possible. They're a somewhat secretive part of Cannidor culture in terms of who and how they interact, so the general assumption is we're on a 'Don't call us, we'll call you' basis with them. Khan Karchara suspects they will call though, one way or another. In the meantime, we need to stress to all departments that every man and woman on this ship is an ambassador while we're on this trip. Now that doesn't mean they can't rough house or cause trouble. If anything encourage it, these are Cannidor after all... though if they do rough house a bit too hard, the men better be prepared to be up a wife or two at the end of shore leave on a given world."
Al Gray nods thoughtfully from where he's seated next to Sharon. "Makes sense to me Admiral, this isn't just diplomacy after all, we want the Cannidor to know us and like us, and you can't really do that with strict manners in the way, and that kind of behavior would be rather alien to the Cannidor, they're a passionate species to say the least, and have a tendency towards cutting through the bullshit to get to the meat and bone of a matter."
Sir David smirks, stroking his mustache as he considers the challenge at hand. "Better hope the lads don't get too enthusiastic about making friends with the locals, we have plenty of space left, but I'm not sure anywhere has room for five hundred Cannidor."
"Probably not." Jerry agrees. "That said, we want everyone on the lookout for opportunities. It never hurts to make friends just about anywhere after all, and friendships between men and women are more common among Cannidor, and men are more common in public. Cannidor bulls are generally larger than their female counterparts and have a degree of autonomy socially that men in many galactic cultures do not. The other major faction we want to track down is the so-called Sisterhood of the Void. They're the Cannidor's unofficial species-wide navy."
Sharon sits up a bit. "Don't the Cannidor generally disdain naval combat?"
"Yep, so as you can imagine the girls in the Sisterhood have a reputation for having a bit of a chip on their shoulder. Should be pretty easy to make friends there. Diana, I want Nadiri and some other intelligence agents to put out feelers to see if we can get in touch while we're in orbit around Coburnia's Rest. I-"
A sharp whistle cuts Jerry off as a message comes in.
"Admiral, a Cannidor civilian lighter has approached our sensor pickets and is requesting clearance to dock. They've apparently got refugees aboard. The leader wants to speak with you personally, and says it’s sensitive. Too sensitive for a comm line."
Jerry arches an eyebrow. "Well. Seems we've found one of those opportunities to make a friend I was just talking about. Control, clear them into an isolated docking bay, and have some security on hand nearby... discreetly."
"Aye aye sir. Clearing them in and making the arrangements."
The trip down to the hangar bay's a brief one, and as requested a security detail is waiting nearby with a few of the Crimsonhewers joining them 'just in case'. Jaruna was quietly briefing them and there’s a chorus of “Yes ma’ams.” before she walks over and joins Jerry.
"Glad you got here in time, gorgeous."
Jaruna nods.
"Ain't about to let you walk into a potential trap alone."
"Glad I wasn't the only one wondering. I would have come down here with Sharon if I knew it was entirely safe, but the scenario is an odd one. Cannidor refugees? And why us?"
"Could be a billion and one reasons. Maybe our reputation's spread a little bit already? Refugees happen to all people, if we've got a good rep for kicking ass and being kind in equal measure there's lots of people who probably wouldn't mind signing up. Most of them wouldn't be quite this bold however. Only one way to find out for sure though."
Jaruna nods her head at the door, where a shift to a blue light signals the bay doors have closed and are pressure tight. They slide open to reveal a worn down lighter of... questionable safety to say the least. This was a spacecraft suitable for only the truly desperate.
"What a hunk of junk. Even pirates wouldn't drag something like this around." Jerry says.
"Yeah no kidding, surprised this thing made it from wherever they came from in one piece. Certainly makes me believe the refugee story, this thing stands out too much for a hit squad or something and..."
Jaruna stops talking as the lighter's boarding ramp drops in jagged movements that suggest the mechanism was on its last legs. First out is a Cannidor bull, a large, proud looking man with what Jerry can see from here is a deep sadness in his eyes.
"Hey I recognize him. He's from the pirate base. One of the slaves." Jaruna strokes her chin for a second. "Yeah, he was the one the head slaver was holding hostage before Neysihen cut her head off... wonder what he's doing here? His family would be part of Khan Irgalas' domain I think."
"Guess we'll just have to talk to him. I bet he's itching to tell us."
Jerry and Jaruna meet the Cannidor man and what was likely his family about midway from the entrance to the hangar bay. Standing before them were some thirty five adult females, and another thirty odd children of varying ages.
The older children were all Cannidor, and stood nervously, clearly keeping close together for a sense of comfort and safety. There was a dullness to the color of their eyes that suggested incredible hardship at the hands of the pirates to Jerry. He'd seen eyes like that before. All too often in some of the harsher places to live back on Earth.
Interesting too was the small knot of non-Canndior children. A Snict, a Rabbis or two, a Phosa kit that was, for all the pain around her, an unstoppably cheery creature, her eyes taking in the details of her new environment eagerly as she made soft cooing noises from the hover cradle she was in.
For all the nervousness of the older girls, for all the pain in their eyes, they still were actively looking after and protecting what were probably their younger siblings... though the lack of mothers evident for them suggested a dark and painful origin for these innocent little darlings. Be they the children of slaves who didn't survive... or worse.
Before Jerry can say anything, the bull bows low... below Jerry's head level, which is just about getting on his hands and knees for someone who's probably just shy of eleven feet tall. Jerry exchanges a look with Jaruna. That type of submissive posture was extremely rare among the Cannidor... and suggested again just how much this man and his family had been through. By human standards he was literally coming begging on his hands and knees.
"Khan Bridger, I am Bonrak Makua of clan Bonrak. Your men and women when they rescued me and my family were most kind, and proved themselves to be noble and compassionate as well as skilled warriors. Some of the human men among your Marines nicknamed me Boone, and it would please me to continue to go by that name when I am among humans."
A very formal introduction. This was clearly going somewhere interesting but damned if Jerry could figure out exactly where.
"Raise your head and be welcome among us, Boone of Bonrak, as we welcomed you when we broke your chains."
Jerry starts. He had to take this nice and slow. Nice and formal. As formal as Boone had started this little chat.
"While I am pleased my warriors rescued you and your kin, and made a good impression upon you, what brings you to us? Did your Khan have some sort of message to deliver?"
Boone shakes his head slowly. "We are here on our own. Irgalas invited that evil into her domain and abandoned us to years of captivity until the pirates finally bit the hand that fed them, and even then she did not send her own warriors to our aid, the warriors our taxes allegedly paid to arm and armor in our defense. She instead called for foreigners. I... cannot forget my time in captivity, nor do I wish to. I was humiliated, broken, but I was able to resist in my way, and I learned... a great many things. Thankfully I was also able to rescue a few of my... daughters... at the end."
The way Boone said that particular word cottoned Jerry onto its meaning immediately, and he suppresses a wince as his stomach turns slightly, even as he increases his respect for Boone's character. It takes a lot for a man to not abandon children he fathered as a result of what had to be fairly violent and regular rape. It took even more to love them, as a glance their way to check on the well-being of the gaggle of infants and toddlers suggested Boone did. The way he'd said the word 'broken' too, told a story all on its own. This was a man who'd been through the ringer... but for all that, for all he said he'd been broken, Jerry saw a man who might have submitted, but break? Never.
A broken man wouldn't have gone to find his daughters born of the cruelty of his captors on being freed.
"We cannot remain on our world, and I have determined we cannot remain in the domain of Irgalas. I would put my fate and fealty in the hands of the man who led the warriors who affected our rescue. We have four warriors among my wives, and my eldest daughter made the cut a few seasons back... we were taken before she could leave us to report for her apprenticeship. We have a further five of my wives who are skilled soldiers, if not warriors."
Jerry nods slowly, starting to fully piece the situation together. "...I see. How were you taken, with warriors among your family?"
Boone's head drops and his voice cracks ever so slightly, far more emotion than the stoic Cannidor would usually display to a stranger.
"I used to have fifty wives, Khan Bridger. A further ten of them were skilled women at arms or warriors. We... lost them, and the rest of us were subdued with null."
"...I see. I am sorry for their passing, for your loss, and what you have endured. Please know... if your wives and daughter no longer wish to take up arms, as some do not after suffering the unthinkable, they do not need to if they do not want to. I am the leader of the Bridger clan, this is true. I am the admiral in command of this fleet, but I am not a Cannidor Khan, and I measure the value of lives in very different ways than the strength of a sword arm."
"Your wisdom and kindness do you great credit. I admire the will and philosophy of your Undaunted as well, but I wish to pledge my fealty, and the fealty of my family, to you and your clan personally, as if you were indeed a Cannidor Khan. You have given us our lives back, given us our freedom. Those lives are yours by right, you have more than earned the efforts of my family on your behalf."
Jerry nods slowly... that was really going in directions he hadn't expected, but he did have 'families' in his service already, and they could still aid the Undaunted and the ship... plus... his mind skips back to the shrouded world in wild space. They wouldn't be aboard the ship forever, and a healthy Cannidor clan would be a blessing to a new colony that would make Boone and his wives an unmatched boon all on their own.
He'd never have turned them away of course, but taking in refugees and accepting a pledge of fealty from a minor Cannidor clan was another animal entirely.
"I accept your pledge, Boone, and welcome you around our fire... we will wander for a time among the stars, but know this, I have a world in mind to settle on one day, and I would like you, and your family by my side when I do."
"We shall be there my Khan. Through thick and thin. Fire and blood."
Boone hesitates for a second, even as Jerry offers him a handshake.
"Though, you should know, this defection might anger Khan Irgalas."
Jerry smirks as Boone's massive hand dwarfs his own and they 'shake' as much as they can with that size disparity.
"Then the Khan should have been more upset when you were captured and abused for years. Welcome aboard Boone, ladies. You leave worrying about Irgalas to me. She wants to raise a fuss we'll deal with it Khan to Khan, and if she wants to scrap over it, I'll be glad to turn this ship around and face off with her in the squared circle personally on your behalf."
Boone's eyes widen slightly. "That would be..."
"Perfectly reasonable as the leader of the band your family's joining. You're my people now. Besides, spanking one bitch in power armor, or even going at it unaugmented's going to be a lot easier than fighting an Apuk battle princess, even in a regulated bout."
"...That rumor was true?"
"I think you'll find a lot of the stories about the Undaunted are true. Now, let's get you and your family and your goods situated. It might take a few days to see about permanent quarters, and I don't think we can get everyone in a single facility, but a decent sized central home with nearby quarters for everyone else? Easily."
"Whatever you give us will be luxurious compared to what we have endured."
"All the more reason to ensure you have actual comfort and what luxury can be spared on a deep space vessel, but please, no sense standing around in a landing bay when we can see about getting everyone housed and fed instead."
First Last
submitted by KamchatkasRevenge to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:03 DTG_Bot [D2] Xûr Megathread [2024-05-31]

Xûr, Agent of the Nine

A peddler of strange curios, Xûr's motives are not his own. He bows to his distant masters, the Nine.


Arcadian Valley, Nessus

Exotic Weapons

Name Type Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
SUROS Regime Kinetic Auto Rifle
Hawkmoon Kinetic Hand Cannon Chambered Compensator Eye of the Storm Heavy Grip
Note: Fixed perks on weapons are not displayed

Exotic Armor

Name Type MOB RES REC DIS INT STR Total Cost
Graviton Forfeit Hunter Helmet 15 2 18 10 22 2 69 23 Legendary Shards
Actium War Rig Titan Chest Armor 12 11 13 6 22 6 70 23 Legendary Shards
Karnstein Armlets Warlock Gauntlets 14 3 18 18 12 2 67 23 Legendary Shards

Exotic Ciphers

Name Description
Xenology Complete Vanguard or Exotic playlist activities, or win matches in Crucible or Gambit. Extra progress is awarded for more challenging activities and for succeeding with clanmates.


Name Description Cost
Exotic Engram An engram with a predestined outcome. Contains a new Exotic if any of the possible rewards remain to be collected. Preview contents for possible rewards. 97 Legendary Shards

Legendary Weapons

Name Type Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Masterwork
Interference VI Heavy Grenade Launcher Linear Compensator // Smart Drift Control Alloy Casing // High-Explosive Ordnance Clown Cartridge Threat Detector Tier 2: Velocity
Far Future Energy Sniper Rifle Extended Barrel // Full Bore Accurized Rounds // Tactical Mag Surplus Opening Shot Tier 2: Stability
Annual Skate Energy Hand Cannon Fastdraw HCS // TrueSight HCS Appended Mag // Tactical Mag Slideshot Opening Shot Tier 2: Handling
Legal Action II Kinetic Pulse Rifle Corkscrew Rifling // Polygonal Rifling Tactical Mag // Extended Mag Surplus Frenzy Tier 2: Range
Recurrent Impact Heavy Machine Gun Corkscrew Rifling // Fluted Barrel Steady Rounds // Alloy Magazine Genesis Firing Line Tier 2: Reload Speed
Disparity Kinetic Pulse Rifle Extended Barrel // Fluted Barrel Accurized Rounds // Appended Mag Pugilist Headstone Tier 2: Handling
Last Man Standing Energy Shotgun Barrel Shroud // Corkscrew Rifling Assault Mag // Extended Mag Threat Detector Swashbuckler Tier 2: Reload Speed
Note: Fixed perks on weapons are not displayed

Legendary Armor

Name Type MOB RES REC DIS INT STR Total Cost
Substitutional Alloy Gauntlets Titan Gauntlets 2 18 10 11 2 18 61 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Plate Titan Chest Armor 2 10 22 12 10 10 66 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Mark Titan Mark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Helm Titan Helmet 10 2 22 19 2 10 65 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Greaves Titan Leg Armor 6 20 7 6 16 12 67 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Gloves Warlock Gauntlets 14 17 2 10 12 10 65 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Robes Warlock Chest Armor 2 22 10 15 14 2 65 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Bond Warlock Bond 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Hood Warlock Helmet 22 2 10 15 10 6 65 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Boots Warlock Leg Armor 18 2 10 14 6 10 60 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Grips Hunter Gauntlets 2 2 30 15 10 6 65 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Vest Hunter Chest Armor 6 10 14 2 22 10 64 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Cloak Hunter Cloak 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Mask Hunter Helmet 14 17 2 2 23 7 65 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Strides Hunter Leg Armor 10 16 6 7 10 14 63 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
What's a Xûr?
Xûr, Agent of the Nine, is a strange vendor who randomly appears in a Public Sector on one of the Worlds. Xûr sells Exotic equipment and only takes Legendary Shards in exchange for them.
TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.
When does Xûr visit?
Xûr visits every Friday at 17:00 UTC and departs at Weekly Reset (Tuesday 17:00 UTC). If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here.
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Never forget what has been lost. While the API protests have concluded, Reddit remains hostile to its users as their IPO looms in the horizon. More information can be found here.
submitted by DTG_Bot to LowSodiumDestiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:03 DTG_Bot [D2] Xûr Megathread [2024-05-31]

Xûr, Agent of the Nine

A peddler of strange curios, Xûr's motives are not his own. He bows to his distant masters, the Nine.


Arcadian Valley, Nessus

Exotic Weapons

Name Type Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
SUROS Regime Kinetic Auto Rifle
Hawkmoon Kinetic Hand Cannon Chambered Compensator Eye of the Storm Heavy Grip
Note: Fixed perks on weapons are not displayed

Exotic Armor

Name Type MOB RES REC DIS INT STR Total Cost
Graviton Forfeit Hunter Helmet 15 2 18 10 22 2 69 23 Legendary Shards
Actium War Rig Titan Chest Armor 12 11 13 6 22 6 70 23 Legendary Shards
Karnstein Armlets Warlock Gauntlets 14 3 18 18 12 2 67 23 Legendary Shards

Exotic Ciphers

Name Description
Xenology Complete Vanguard or Exotic playlist activities, or win matches in Crucible or Gambit. Extra progress is awarded for more challenging activities and for succeeding with clanmates.


Name Description Cost
Exotic Engram An engram with a predestined outcome. Contains a new Exotic if any of the possible rewards remain to be collected. Preview contents for possible rewards. 97 Legendary Shards

Legendary Weapons

Name Type Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Masterwork
Interference VI Heavy Grenade Launcher Linear Compensator // Smart Drift Control Alloy Casing // High-Explosive Ordnance Clown Cartridge Threat Detector Tier 2: Velocity
Far Future Energy Sniper Rifle Extended Barrel // Full Bore Accurized Rounds // Tactical Mag Surplus Opening Shot Tier 2: Stability
Annual Skate Energy Hand Cannon Fastdraw HCS // TrueSight HCS Appended Mag // Tactical Mag Slideshot Opening Shot Tier 2: Handling
Legal Action II Kinetic Pulse Rifle Corkscrew Rifling // Polygonal Rifling Tactical Mag // Extended Mag Surplus Frenzy Tier 2: Range
Recurrent Impact Heavy Machine Gun Corkscrew Rifling // Fluted Barrel Steady Rounds // Alloy Magazine Genesis Firing Line Tier 2: Reload Speed
Disparity Kinetic Pulse Rifle Extended Barrel // Fluted Barrel Accurized Rounds // Appended Mag Pugilist Headstone Tier 2: Handling
Last Man Standing Energy Shotgun Barrel Shroud // Corkscrew Rifling Assault Mag // Extended Mag Threat Detector Swashbuckler Tier 2: Reload Speed
Note: Fixed perks on weapons are not displayed

Legendary Armor

Name Type MOB RES REC DIS INT STR Total Cost
Substitutional Alloy Gauntlets Titan Gauntlets 2 18 10 11 2 18 61 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Plate Titan Chest Armor 2 10 22 12 10 10 66 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Mark Titan Mark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Helm Titan Helmet 10 2 22 19 2 10 65 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Greaves Titan Leg Armor 6 20 7 6 16 12 67 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Gloves Warlock Gauntlets 14 17 2 10 12 10 65 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Robes Warlock Chest Armor 2 22 10 15 14 2 65 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Bond Warlock Bond 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Hood Warlock Helmet 22 2 10 15 10 6 65 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Boots Warlock Leg Armor 18 2 10 14 6 10 60 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Grips Hunter Gauntlets 2 2 30 15 10 6 65 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Vest Hunter Chest Armor 6 10 14 2 22 10 64 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Cloak Hunter Cloak 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Mask Hunter Helmet 14 17 2 2 23 7 65 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Substitutional Alloy Strides Hunter Leg Armor 10 16 6 7 10 14 63 50 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
What's a Xûr?
Xûr, Agent of the Nine, is a strange vendor who randomly appears in a Public Sector on one of the Worlds. Xûr sells Exotic equipment and only takes Legendary Shards in exchange for them.
TL;DR: He's the Santa Claus of Destiny and every weekend is Christmas. Sometimes he brings you what you want, sometimes he brings you coal. Mostly it's coal.
When does Xûr visit?
Xûr visits every Friday at 17:00 UTC and departs at Weekly Reset (Tuesday 17:00 UTC). If you would like to see all the live conversions of Time Zones, please follow this link here.
Sort comments by New to join the conversation!
Never forget what has been lost. While the API protests have concluded, Reddit remains hostile to its users as their IPO looms in the horizon. More information can be found here.
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:58 Mysterious_Cat_1706 [FN] The Day After

[Main Story] [1] [2] [3]
Gribble huddled in the corner of the family hut, curled tight on his father's worn bedroll. The rough weave scratched his cheek but he didn't care. It still smelled faintly of Grubnik - woodsmoke, leather, the spicy musk of goblin sweat. Gribble clutched the wooden figurine to his chest, a tiny warrior with a fierce snarl. His father had carved it for his last birthday. Grubnik had laughed, ruffling Gribble's wispy hair. You'll grow into a mighty fighter soon enough, my boy. The memory tore at him, raw and jagged. The hut yawned with emptiness, the cold spaces where his father and grandfather should be.
Days bled into weeks. Gribble picked at his meager meals, tasteless mush that stuck in his throat. Around him, the village bustled and chattered. Goblins cast him sideways looks, pity mingled with relief. Not their loved ones lost to the darkness. Gribble wanted to rage at their moving on, their lives marching forward while his crumbled. Grubnik and Gnarltooth would stride through the rickety gate any moment. They had to. The alternative was too vast, too crushing to consider.
In the still dark of night, Gribble's grief ambushed him. Voices whispered just beyond the edge of sleep - Grubnik's gruff rumble, Gnarltooth's creaky cackle. Phantom touches ghosted over Gribble's fevered skin. His father's callused palm on his cheek. His grandfather's gnarled hand clasping his shoulder. Waking was drowning, the knowledge of his loss slamming into him anew each bitter dawn.
Gribble clung to his father's parting words like a fraying lifeline. Be strong. Endure. But how? His small body turned traitor, wasting and weakening by the day. Scavenged roots and mushrooms sat like stones in his stomach. Weapons felt clumsy in his trembling grip. The other goblin whelps sensed weakness, pouncing with vicious glee. They shoved him, ground his face into the mud. Spat insults that sliced to the bone. Gribble seethed, the last ember of his spirit flaring. But his limbs betrayed him, heavy and uncooperative. Hot tears of shame blurred his vision as the bullies' laughter rang in his ears.
Under Grimrock's rule, the village curdled, turned rancid with fear. Goblins scurried to obey barked orders, ducking blows and kicks. Gribble's uncle took special relish in tormenting him. Dung duty, latrine scrubbing. Each stumble earned a cuff to the head, each slowed step a snarled insult. Runt. Worm. Burden. The words burrowed deep, echoing in the hollows of Gribble's chest.
Summoned to Grimrock's hut, Gribble dragged his feet, dread coiling in his gut. The room stank of stale sweat and rotted meat. And there, mounted like trophies, Grubnik's bow. Gnarltooth's spear. Gribble ached to snatch them, to cradle the last pieces of his father and grandfather. Grimrock loomed, his lips peeled back in a sneer.
“These are mine now. Like everything else in this dung heap. Including you, runt.”
Gribble stared at the packed dirt floor, the part of him that burned to fight, to avenge, guttering.
Life ground down to brutal simplicity. Scrounge enough to survive. Avoid Grimrock's rages. Hoard strength for the next battle, the next day. The goblins turned on each other like starving rats, snarling and snapping for every scrap. Gribble's once friends, his fellow whelps, slunk away when he drew near. His misery was a stinking pelt they feared to catch.
Gribble slumped against the palisade wall, the rough logs digging into his back. Beyond, the Misty Forest beckoned. He could slip away, melt into the sheltering dark. Leave the gnawing ache behind. A shred of memory stilled his feet. Grubnik's iron spine as he taught Gribble to set snares. Gnarltooth's craggy face as he recounted tales of the ancestors. Gribble shut his eyes, let their remembered strength settle in his bones. He was a son of chieftains. He would not run.
Gathering his flimsy dagger and fraying sack, Gribble limped toward the forest edge. Foraging was a rote process now, numb hands scrabbling for anything remotely edible. His stomach pinched and growled. Gribble let routine lull him, muscle memory guiding his movements. In the green-tinged light, he could almost pretend Grubnik shadowed his steps, could almost hear his grandfather's throaty laugh on the wind. He cradled the memories close, fragile wisps of brightness against the smothering dark.
A twig snapped, dry and sharp. Gribble whirled, heart battering his ribs. Krub and Griz sneered from the shadow of a massive oak, their eyes glinting with malice. “Well, well. The runt's crawled out of his hole.” Griz fingered the rough blade at his hip. Gribble's gut clenched. Krub took a step forward, his meaty fists flexing. Looks like we get to have some fun.
Gribble ran. Blood roared in his ears. Underbrush whipped his face, tore at his clothes. Behind him, Krub and Griz whooped and cackled. The stupid runt's making it a chase! Gribble's lungs burned, his legs wobbling. He risked a glance over his shoulder. Krub barreled toward him, a crazed light in his piggy eyes. Griz loped behind, his blade glinting as he slashed at the foliage.
Gribble's foot caught on a root. The ground rushed up to meet him, driving the air from his chest. Copper flooded his mouth. A heavy weight slammed into his back, crushed him into the dirt. Krub straddled him, one ham-sized hand pinning Gribble's face into the loam. Where you running, maggot? Gotta pay the toll for using our woods. Griz giggled, a nasty sound like snapping bones.
Krub hauled Gribble up by his hair, forced his head back at a neck-cracking angle. Something glinted in the brute's other fist - a rusted blade, pocked and pitted. Krub brought it to Gribble's cheek, traced the curve of bone with the dull edge. “Maybe we take an ear. Or a finger. Remind you of your place.” Gribble thrashed, feeble as a minnow in a bear's jaws. Krub laughed, his breath a fetid blast.
White-hot rage ignited in Gribble's core. It flooded his limbs, burned away the haze of pain and fear. His father's voice reverberated in his skull, strong and sure. You are a chieftain's son. A warrior born. The strength sleeps in your bones. Gribble's eyes snapped open, fixing on Krub with laser focus.
Gribble reared back and slammed his forehead into Krub's nose with a gristly crunch. The brute reeled, squealing. Gribble rolled, scrabbling for a weapon. His fingers closed on a fist-sized rock. Griz lunged, bony hands grasping. Gribble brought the stone down on the weasely goblin's temple with a sickening crack.
Krub lurched to his feet, blood streaming from his ruined nose. Gribble squared his shoulders, the rock heavy in his fist. The young goblin barely came to the brute's chest. But he stood his ground, chin jutting in defiance. He would not scurry. He would not cower. Never again.
A slow grin spread across Krub's broad face, a hungry hyena's leer. The boss'll like this. Runt's got some fight after all. Grimrock had been watching from the trees' shadow, his eyes narrowed assessingly. String the whelp up. Let's see what he's really made of. The brutes seized Gribble, their grips crushing. The stone tumbled from numb fingers.
They left him dangling by his wrists in the village square. He hung limp, a slab of meat for Grimrock's sport. Goblins gathered to gawk and chortle. See how the mighty Gnarltooth's line has fallen. The chieftain circled him, a mace gripped in one burly fist. The haft was stained rusty brown. “As I told your mewling whelp of a father. The old ways are dead. There are no more heroes. Only the strong and the meat.” Grimrock spat a wad of phlegm, watched it slide down Gribble's cheek. And you, runt, are meat.
The mace rose and fell, the dull impacts jolting through Gribble's strung-up frame. He swallowed his screams. Bit clean through his lip, blood dribbling down his chin. Grubnik's face swam before him, wavering but resolute. Find the strength, my son. This is your crucible. Become the steel you were born to be. Gribble stared his uncle down, poured every ounce of defiance into his glare even as blows rained on his shoulders, his back, his ribs. I will endure, Da. I will make you proud.
Grimrock stepped back, chest heaving. Flecks of crimson splattered his flushed green face. He looked at Gribble as if truly seeing him for the first time. Not a mewling whelp. Not a cringing cur. But a young wolf, battered but unbroken. A son of chieftains with fire in his eyes and steel in his spine. For a moment, the ghost of respect flickered in Grimrock's expression. Then it was gone, replaced by the familiar sneer. Leave the meat for the crows. We'll see if it learns.
They cut Gribble down. He crumpled to the blood-churned mud. Every nerve shrieked, every bone ground. He hauled himself up on trembling arms, vision blurring at the edges. One breath. Another. The pain was a living thing, rippling beneath his skin. He pushed through, forced his rubbery legs to hold his weight. Find the strength. Become the steel. Gribble dragged himself toward his family's hut, each step an eternity.
He collapsed on Grubnik's pallet, tracks of salt and copper slicking his cheeks. But beneath the pain, something new kindled in his chest. A small, fierce light that the darkness could not smother. A son of chieftains. A wolf of Gnarltooth's line. Gribble smiled, a feral slash of teeth. The strength slept in his bones. And he would wake it, nurture it. Until it blazed like a holocaust, searing away all who stood against him.
Gribble pushed to his feet, teeth gritted against the scream of torn flesh. He shuffled to the back of the hut, pried up the hearthstone with trembling fingers. Grubnik's hunting knife glinted in the hollow, wicked sharp. Gribble gripped the hilt, felt the strength of his ancestors thrumming in the steel. Grimrock thought him meat. But he would show him what this runt was made of. He would grow strong in the shadows, a viper waiting to strike.
Gribble limped for the forest, the knife a comforting weight at his hip. There were herbs to gather. Roots to forage. A broken body to mend in secret. The days ahead would be lean, cold and hungry. But he would survive. He would grow. And when the time was right, Grimrock would learn the price of underestimating Gnarltooth's blood.
The trees swallowed him, sheltering arms drawing him into the murky green. Home. A son of the forest, a brother to the mist. Gribble slipped into the shadows, melted into the underbrush. But his eyes burned bright in the gloom, two chips of flint struck to life. The strength of the ages flowed in his veins. And soon, all of Darkmire would tremble before it.
submitted by Mysterious_Cat_1706 to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:33 Odd_Zookeepergame_24 My osoraku-zukuri tanto from Z-Sey arrived today!

My osoraku-zukuri tanto from Z-Sey arrived today!
I ordered this and their ‘Kobuse Crucible Steel Katana’ two months ago. Apparently the katana is going to take a little more time so they went ahead and sent this in the meantime (original plan was to ship both together).
Starting with the positives, the blade is gorgeous. I haven’t yet examined it in ideal lighting conditions but it does seem like Z-Sey’s polish, combined with the folded steel hada, is going to make this a favorite to pull out when I want to admire a blade for a while. The hamon definitely doesn’t strike me as ‘gunome’ as advertised, but it is a shape I like. The ito is very tight, and the tsuka feels very comfortable in the hand. The blade is sharp and the geometry seems very well formed. The habaki is pretty and well shaped, and the scratch pattern contributes a lot of ‘hold’ to the saya. The saya has no resistance at all until the last 1/8” as you’re sliding the blade in, yet it requires a fair bit of pressure to unsheath.
Now for the negatives. The nakago is absolutely stuck in the tsuka, even more than my Huawei katana was, though at least this mekugi pin was easier to remove. I will likely have to use a hammer to loosen it eventually. Also, the blade is at a slight angle compared to the tsuka. If you line up the tsuka and look down from the kashira the blade goes off to the right. Lastly, the example photographed on the website had more of a balance between the kissaki and the rest of the blade- on mine the kissaki starts about 1” earlier than the pictures. Not a huge deal, but I would like having a little more polished blade to admire!
Sometime soon I’m going to find a way to remove the tsuka and file the opening slightly (or de-burr the mekugi ana on the nakago if that’s the issue), and bend the blade back to true. But overall I’m very happy with the blade and as an source of inspiration for my own blades it definitely hits the mark.
submitted by Odd_Zookeepergame_24 to Katanas [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:06 Colfra My Post-Story Trailer Unified Theory of Miquella and His Reasoning for All He Did

(LONG POST!!) After watching the trailers a few times, looking at some analysis, and reading through item descriptions and such, I may have an idea of why and how Miquella went to the Land of Shadow as well as some insights into other related mysteries. I could very well be wrong about a lot or all of this, certainly there are a host of equally valid theories, and there are a lot of elements that we cannot consider as we don't know about them. This is just one theory I concocted that would explain everything with reasonable evidence and I'll select it as my chosen theory heading into the DLC. Keep in mind there are also certain things I state as facts that are in actually more like assumptions or implications so if any of those are holes, please let me know. There are a lot of threads, so we'll go through chronologically.
tl;dr The Land of Shadow is a place of lost/graceless souls, where Godwyn's soul went after he died. It is sealed by the Erdtree, so Miquella tried to grow his own to get there and find him due to feeling a debt from mentorship. That only partially worked so he tried to make the eclipse but couldn't because Radahn held the stars. Malenia couldn't kill Radahn, so he divested himself of his flesh to go there on his own and try to open the way from the other side. But Mohg stole his flesh before he could return to it. Also, Miquella was probably involved in the black knives plot and wants the Age of Stars to get rid of the outer gods and cure himself/Malenia/everyone which is double why Malenia wanted Radahn dead. Or maybe he's actually evil and all the Griffith comparisons are dead on. Who knows.

The Birth of Gold and Shadow

We know from the story trailer dialogue that the creation of gold, presumably the Golden Order, occurred at the same time as the birth of shadow, presumably the Land of Shadow (of course it could be referring to something else such as Godwyn/Messmer but I have decided to go with this line of thought). As this dialogue plays, we see someone who appears to be Marika standing in an entrance of some kind performing a ritual or spell. There are also a huge number of bodies piled around. We also know that the Land of Shadow is obscured by the Erdtree and disconnected from the rest of the Lands Between. Furthermore, we know that the Golden Order was created by removing the Rune of Death from the Elden Ring. The major effect this had on the world is that death was no longer final, with souls returning to the Erdtree after death. But what was the alternative? Where did they go before the Erdtree?
It would seem plausible that the creation of the Erdtree alongside the Golden Order and the severing/creation of the Land of Shadow was a result of the Rune of Death's removal. If this is true, it would then seem plausible that the Land of Shadow was the destination of souls, a form of afterlife perhaps, which was then severed when death was no longer present within the Order. This was done via the creation of the Erdtree, which obscured the Land of Shadow. Indeed, the Shadow of the Erdtree looms large over it, the barrier between worlds. Speaking of barriers, the doorway through the barrier that Marika stands in in the aforementioned scene (which appears to divide the Lands Between and Land of Shadow) is visually similar to the entrance to the Erdtree, supporting that its creation was the cause of the severance. But what of all the bodies, and Messmer's purge? The victims all certainly appear to be Omen, which were seen as unholy by the Order. But why?
It is implied from item descriptions that Omen horns were seen as divine in an age before the Erdtree (crucible knot talisman). It would seem they are possessed of some sort of power, likely linked to the primordial crucible, and certainly the creation of the Erdtree could not have been an easy feat. This part is highly speculative, but I believe that the creation of the Erdtree required an extreme amount of bloodletting: Omen blood was chosen because of its crucible-related power, though was not necessarily required. The slaughter of the Omen sent them to the Land of Shadow as it was sealed away, and Marika had Messmer purge the land with flame to erase evidence of her crimes should anyone ever reach it. Of course she wanted no songs written about it. "Those stripped of the Grace of Gold shall all meet death. In the embrace of Messmer's flame" says the gameplay trailer. Indeed, any who die without Grace and thus are sent to the Land of Shadow presumably meet their end by his hand, a kind of Lucifer for the Golden order. But what does any of this have to do with Miquella and Godwyn?

Miquella's Experiments and Early Life

Miquella was born cursed, as was Malenia (Remembrance of the Rot Goddess). It is stated that he spent much of his time and energy attempting to undo these curses, first pursuing Golden Order fundamentalism. During this time he appears to have come under the tutelage of Radagon and Godwyn, creating various incantations as gifts. Statues were carved of a figure who appears to be Godwyn (mostly through a process of elimination) caring for the cursed twins, and item descriptions detail these forays. However, fundamentalism held no cure for their afflictions, and so he abandoned it (Radagon's Rings of Light).
His next attempt at a cure seems to be unalloyed gold; not much is known about this substance, but from the name (as well as Goldmask's writings about a "fly in the ointment" and other imperfections in the order) it could be seen as an attempt to create a new form of order that would purge the imperfections and impurities in the mainstream Golden Order, and thus hold the potential for a cure. This worked better, much better. It allowed for the creation of Miquella's needle that has the power to stave off scarlet rot and was able to halt Malenia's (and later Millicent's) decline. And yet, it was unable to reverse her decline. And presumably it was unable to help Miquella either. And so, we come to what I believe to be his final experiment before getting sidetracked (it is equally possible that unalloyed gold occurred after this one instead of before it): Saint Trina.
There is a fair amount of cut content centering around the merchants and Saint Trina of the Cradlesong, the major point being how Saint Trina would be able to sing a lullaby that would quell the flame of frenzy and allow the merchants to sleep despite their affliction. It is additionally known that Saint Trina is a persona of Miquella (also from cut content). Finally, it is known that the flame of frenzy and scarlet rot are both manifestations of an outer god (map: lake of rot, Miquella's needle, Hyetta's dialogue). Miquella's needle was an attempt to interfere with the meddling of an outer god, with the intended purpose of staving off scarlet rot, however it works equally well on the flame of frenzy (you can use it at Placidusax's arena to cure yourself of frenzy). It can then be postulated that the same is true of slumber: if sleep can calm the flame of frenzy, and Miquella developed it, it is likely that it was originally created to counter scarlet rot. This may also be why Malenia has been asleep for so long: she took out the unalloyed gold needle that had kept the rot at bay, or it fell out, in order to bloom, and in the chaos of the battle it may have been hard to locate (and was also broken), so to calm her from her bloomed form and prevent her from rotting away she was put to sleep. But as I said before, Miquella got sidetracked before his experiments in stopping the interference of outer gods could be completed. His old mentor, Godwyn, was murdered.

The Death of Godwyn the Golden and the Attempts to Aid Him

It is well known that when Godwyn the Golden died, due to Ranni's interference, he perished in soul alone, leaving his body behind (cursemark of death). However, it would seem, due to the fragment of the Rune of Death imbued in the knives used to slay him, his soul was unable to return to the roots of the Erdtree. So where did it go? My theory is that it went to the Land of Shadow, as it was the old repository of souls before the Erdtree obscured the way. Whether or not Miquella was involved in the plot (more on this later), it is known this event distressed him and he wished for Godwyn to die a true death (golden epitaph). Miquella seemed to want to help people: he spent much of his life trying to help Malenia, and his Haligtree served as a haven for the lowly and the meek (Haligtree footsoldier helm). He likely wanted to help Godwyn too, and this intention is also alluded to at Castle Sol (spirit dialogue). But how? The problem mostly centers around how to access the Land of Shadow.
We know little about the Land of Shadow, but we do speculate that the Erdtree was able to serve as a barrier between it and the Lands Between. Destroying or modifying the Erdtree would not have gone over well, so an alternate solution had to be devised. What if a second door could be created? Enter the Haligtree. I propose that the creation of the Haligtree was an attempt to create an alternate access point to the Land of Shadow and allow Godwyn's soul to return. If it was created with a similar ritual to the Erdtree, it would likely have possessed this power, and from the ghost as Castle Sol's dialogue, we know that whatever was going on there with attempting to resurrect Godwyn was somehow related to the Haligtree. But as we also speculate, the creation of the Erdtree required a huge amount of blood. Miquella's own was not enough, and his character doesn't seem like the type to sacrifice huge amounts of people to achieve this goal. There is also no evidence of such a thing being attempted. And thus, the Haligtree failed to grow into a proper Erdtree (Haligtree crest surcoat).
However, the Haligtree, despite not reaching its ultimate goal, was still huge and powerful. It is likely that the barrier between worlds would still have thinned, perhaps enough to create a doorway with some additional magic. This is what I believe was the purpose of Castle Sol. It is known that the eclipse/lightless sun is a guardian to dead demigods (eclipse crest greatshield), and work was being done at Castle Sol to bring such an event about. There is very little information present about this as well, but if it was in an attempt to resurrect Godwyn, it is likely that this was seen as something that could make the final push to open the way. However, Castle Sol failed. The spirits left behind mention that the eclipse never occurred. However, the eclipse is also mentioned as a star (eclipse crest greatshield). Enter Radahn.

Miquella's Departure and Mohg's Interference

Radahn, in his attempts to prevent the invasion of otherwordly horrors such as Astel, locked the stars in place with his gravity magic (starscourge heirloom / Sellen's dialogue / what happens when you kill him). However, in doing so, he also froze the fate of Ranni and interfered with many other processes in the Lands Between (Sellen's dialogue). If the stars were locked in place, the eclipse could not occur. And so, I theorize, Malenia was dispatched to kill Radahn and allow the stars to resume their cycles. But Malenia failed. Unable to overcome him with her swordsmanship alone, in a desperate bid, she bloomed, destroying Caelid and consuming her opponent with scarlet rot. But Radahn didn't die. Driven to insanity, he fled into the wastes as the severed valkyrie fell into her endless slumber. Yet still, even in his feral state, Radahn held back the stars (Elden Ring story trailer / Jerren's dialogue). And with Malenia incapacitated, Miquella's last hope to open the way for Godwyn would have vanished. But all was not lost.
A gate could not be opened from the Lands Between, not anymore. So instead, I believe, Miquella resolved to journey alone to the Land of Shadow and find Godwyn there, and perhaps a way to open the path from the other side. No proper pass existed, yes, but as I explained previously, the barrier has been thinned by the Haligtree's partial success. Thinned enough, perhaps, for Miquella to travel there in spirit while divesting himself of his flesh and strength. I believe this is why he embedded himself within the tree: he needed to do this in order to pass to the other side. Why he did this before he could heal Malenia is unknown: perhaps he believed she had died in the battle, as it is unknown how long it took Finlay to carry Malenia back to the Haligtree. What happened after he travelled there is completely unknown. Perhaps he found Godwyn. Perhaps he even found a way to open the gate. But whatever he found it was clearly not actionable from within the Land of Shadow. And he could not return to his flesh. It had been stolen.
It is known that Mohg, in his deluded and insane attempts at raising himself to consort of a god, and the establishing a new order, had stolen Miquella away in hopes of making him a god under the Formless Mother (Consecrated Snowfield spirit dialogue / Varre's dialogue). Having removed Miquella's flesh from the Haligtree, the gate, I believe Miquella became trapped in the Land of Shadow, with the only one who could have recovered him slumbering eternally. And so, all was lost. Or was it?

The Arrival of the Tarnished

Miquella was lost, Malenia was asleep, none could find him or restore him to his rightful place. Ages passed. The Haligtree rotted, the land crumbled to ruin, the time of Tarnished champions came and went, and the hope of his men began to falter. Until the arrival of our character. The one who would accomplish what Malenia could not, and finally kill Radahn. And thus a glimmer of hope returned.
It is known from interviews that it is necessary to kill Radahn to access the DLC area, and I believe his holding back the stars being tied to the eclipse and the potential opening of the path to the Land of Shadow is the reason for this. The poem released alongside the trailer speaks of a promised lord that Miquella is awaiting. I believe that he knew, after Malenia's perceived death and subsequent disablement, that he would need a new guardian should something happen while he was away. It would seem he entrusted Ranni, or perhaps Melina, with finding this new lord. If it was Ranni, her decision seems rather obvious: the Tarnished is in possession of Torrent, Miquella's former steed. If it was Melina, the reasons for her decision are far less clear. Perhaps it is due to the Tarnished's now-rare ability to see Grace. In any case, my theory is that it falls to the Tarnished to find Miquella in the Land of Shadow and bring him back to the Lands Between. And perhaps, even to help Miquella complete his mission after all this time. The final shot of the gameplay trailer shows Miquella lifting the veil over the Land of Shadow and restoring light. Perhaps this old stain upon the order could be made right. But there are many questions remaining, some of which I will now address. This entire post has been highly speculative with not nearly as much evidence as I would like, however these next few parts go even beyond that into pure baselessness, yet it all makes a lot of sense to me when explained this way.

Why did Miquella choose to involve Ranni?

Miquella appears to have entrusted Ranni with the spirit-calling bell to give to the promised lord. This would require a huge amount of trust on Miquella's part. Why did he choose her? I believe that Miquella may have known about or even been involved in the black knives plot. Black knife assassins guard the Haligtree, and it is known that Ranni masterminded the plot in order to bring about the Age of Stars (Ranni's dialogue). An Age in which, it would seem, the influence of outer gods is removed from the lands between along with the order (more Ranni's dialogue). Perhaps this was Miquella's final, desperate bid to cure himself and Malenia, as all his other attempts to stave off such intervention had failed. It would also explain his apparent ceasing of attempts at cures after a certain point: the Age of Stars was a cure, and yet another reason to need Radahn to die. This is also supported by a recent tweet from Bandai Namco mentioning that the stars can serve as a guide even in the Land of Shadow.

Why does Melina have Torrent?

Melina is a mysterious figure, and I'm not sure I can really say much about this part, but I would certainly be remiss not to mention her or speculate a bit. What do we know? She is in possession of torrent. She is burned and bodiless, a spirit bound apparently by choice to the Tarnished. She was tasked, and later chose of her own accord, to serve as kindling in the burning of the Erdtree so that a new order could arise. She is revealed in the game files to be Marika's daughter. She also only has one eye, just like Ranni and Messmer. What does all this mean? I believe the three are all linked by flame (Melina and Ranni both burned and Messmer seems to be quite the pyromaniac), and that Melina's guidance of the Tarnished towards lordship might be an attempt to bring about the Age of Stars (which could presumably happen no matter which path was chosen, other than frenzied flame of course. Ranni knew about your lordship/order restoration ambitions the whole time and never once asked you not to do it. I would imagine the Elden Beast just needs to be out of the way).
But more to the point, Miquella was known to be able to see and talk to spirits (spirit-calling bell). He may have been one of the few to be able to see Melina, and thus they may have formed a bond, partially as a result of their shared ancestry as well. Her potential link to Ranni may also come into play if Ranni and Miquella were indeed allied. I have a lot of theories about Melina that I won't address here, specifically revolving around the fire imagery, but this may have been the reason that she was given Torrent and entrusted with finding one fitting to restore Miquella to the world, as well as guiding that chosen one to lordship to aid in Miquella's (and Ranni's) ultimate goal.

Why did Malenia and Miquella sacrifice so much to revive Godwyn?

At first, I believed that the attempts to restore Godwyn's soul were simply altruistic, or out of a sense of obligation felt by the twins to their former mentor. But after a certain point it becomes ridiculous. The Haligtree, Castle Sol, Malenia's confrontation, they repeatedly risked life and limb and poured a huge amount of time and resources into this effort, seemingly far beyond what would be required simply by that obligation. And it ultimately cost them everything. Why go to these lengths? If my theory about Miquella's involvement in the black knives plot is correct, this would add another element to the mix: guilt.
Godwyn may have been chosen as the target for the assassination as he was close to the twins, and the trust could have allowed the assassins to get close. Miquella and Malenia may have felt (and indeed been) responsible for his death, and so went to great lengths to undo their sin. As for Malenia's huge risk and sacrifice in confronting Radahn, it was not just about Godwyn. In the process of engineering the eclipse, Miquella may have realized that the cause of the failure of that experiment and the immobility of Ranni's fate (and thus a barrier to coming of the Age of Stars) were linked, and subsequently realized what had to be done about it. Thus, Malenia needed to kill Radahn not only for Godwyn, but for herself and Miquella to finally be free, and indeed for all the land to be free of the Greater Will and outer gods. This would absolutely be enough to justify the risk. If only she had prevailed.

A Potentially Darker Tone

However, being FromSoft, I also somewhat hesitate to believe that Miquella is all good. Many have noted his visual similarities to Griffith from the acclaimed anime/manga Berserk, and while I know many people despise trying to base Elden Ring lore on Berserk lore (and justly so), it cannot be denied that certain inspirations from it are taken by Miyazaki when he creates his games. I have not watched/read it, but I understand that at a certain point in Berserk, Griffith betrays his comrades in a blood-soaked ritual seeking godhood. Thus, I see a potential way in which Kindly Miquella may been a facade. It is possible that the Haligtree could have been Miquella's attempt to elevate himself to godhood. He is, after all, an Empyrean (Ranni's dialogue). Perhaps he sought blood in Mohg's order, the cursed blood of an outer god and the blood of an Omen (which could have been used to create the Erdtree), in order to complete the Haligtree.
He may have gone to the Land of Shadow in search, not of Godwyn, but of some other objective there to elevate himself as such. Perhaps even to usurp the Erdtree from the other side, with Mohg's blood simply being a way to rid himself of Grace and thus allow his passage? Maybe he even wants Mohg as his consort and to become a god under the Formless Mother. There certainly are some passages in item descriptions and lines of dialogue that hint at a potential darkness or deception within Miquella (the bewitching branch in particular). Who knows.

Final Thoughts

Even before it was known that the DLC focused on Miquella, I found his character and lore by far the most interesting aspect of Elden Ring. Who is he really, what does he want? He seems benevolent, but almost too much so? What happened to him? Is he still in control of the situation at all? I'm really excited to learn more about him and hopefully more about Melina as well, as she's always been equally fascinating to me. Best of luck to you all on June 21st, and may his blessed light guide the path to answers.
A final aside: the voice that says "May we meet again" at the end of the trailer does not appear to belong to any character we have encountered, sounding most similar to Ranni but still distinctly different. I am unsure why so many are convinced that this is Miquella as we have never heard him speak (or at least no voice line that I know of is confirmed to belong to him). My best guess is that it belongs to the Miquellan knight featured in a lot of the promotional art, urging you to travel with her to find her lord now that the way is open.
I hope you enjoyed reading this unhinged rant and thank you so much if you're still here, please let me know your thoughts. Ultimately the only thing I know for sure is that I will at some point have to kill the Miquellan knight if they don't die on their own because I will have that sword and armor at any cost.
submitted by Colfra to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:27 Significant-Topic-94 Predator: The Hunt for Honor

Chapter 1: Arrival
Ka’Rok’s spacecraft descended silently through the dense canopy of the alien jungle, its camouflage blending seamlessly with the surrounding foliage. As the landing gears deployed, Ka’Rok, a seasoned Yautja warrior, stood ready. This planet, teeming with life and danger, was his proving ground. Emerging from the ship, Ka’Rok activated his cloaking device and melted into the jungle’s shadows, his mission clear: collect trophies from the most formidable creatures to earn his place among the elite hunters of his tribe.
Chapter 2: First Blood
The jungle was alive with the sounds of predators and prey, each battle a testament to the survival of the fittest. Ka’Rok moved with lethal grace, his thermal vision scanning for worthy adversaries. His first target, a massive reptilian beast, roared in challenge. Ka’Rok responded with a burst of plasma fire, engaging in a deadly dance of hunter and hunted. The beast fell, and Ka’Rok claimed its skull, the first of many trophies.
Chapter 3: The Intruders
Unbeknownst to Ka’Rok, a group of humans had crash-landed on the planet, survivors of a failed research expedition. Led by Dr. Elena Ramirez, a resourceful scientist, they struggled to adapt to the hostile environment. As they worked to repair their distress signal, they sensed an unseen presence stalking them. Ka’Rok watched from the trees, intrigued by these new arrivals and their surprising resilience.
Chapter 4: The Hunt Begins
Ka’Rok viewed the humans as lesser prey initially, but their ingenuity and survival skills intrigued him. He observed as Dr. Ramirez led her team through a series of clever traps and defensive maneuvers against the jungle’s predators. One night, Ka’Rok captured a human scout, bringing him to his ship for examination. Dr. Ramirez launched a desperate rescue mission, pitting human wits against Yautja technology.
Chapter 5: Respect Earned
The rescue attempt escalated into a fierce confrontation between Ka’Rok and the humans. Dr. Ramirez’s strategic prowess impressed Ka’Rok, and he began to see her as a worthy adversary. During a tense standoff, a grudging respect formed between them. Ka’Rok released the captive, leaving a warning for the humans: they were in his hunting grounds.
Chapter 6: The Ancient Threat
Deep in the jungle, an ancient, colossal creature stirred from its slumber, drawn by the disturbances. Its awakening posed a threat to both Ka’Rok and the humans. As it rampaged through the jungle, Ka’Rok realized that this creature was the ultimate trophy, but he could not defeat it alone. Reluctantly, he approached Dr. Ramirez with a proposal: an alliance to eliminate the common threat.
Chapter 7: Alliance of Necessity
Dr. Ramirez, though wary, agreed to the temporary truce. Combining human ingenuity and Yautja technology, they prepared for the battle of their lives. Ka’Rok shared his knowledge of the creature’s weaknesses, and the humans provided their strategic acumen. The climactic battle saw Ka’Rok and the humans fighting side by side, a testament to the thin line between enemies and allies.
Chapter 8: The Final Trophy
The ancient creature fell after an epic struggle, its death roar echoing through the jungle. Ka’Rok stood victorious, the creature’s skull now his ultimate trophy. He turned to Dr. Ramirez, honoring her and her team with a nod of respect. In a gesture of goodwill, he left them with vital supplies and a communicator beacon, ensuring their rescue.
Chapter 9: Departure
With his rite of passage complete, Ka’Rok returned to his spacecraft. As it ascended, he looked back at the jungle, a place where he had not only proven his worth but learned the value of respect and honor, even among potential prey. Dr. Ramirez watched the ship disappear, pondering the unlikely bond formed in the crucible of survival.
Ka’Rok returned to his tribe, his trophies a testament to his skills and experiences. He was no longer just a hunter but a warrior who had faced the ultimate challenge and emerged with a deeper understanding of what it meant to be Yautja. On the alien planet, Dr. Ramirez and her team awaited rescue, their survival a story of human resilience and unexpected alliances. The hunt had ended, but its legacy would endure.
submitted by Significant-Topic-94 to predator [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:04 PrettyFlyWhiteGuy22 Toy line recommendations?

While I enjoy McFarlane, Legends, Black Series, etc., I’m more of a fan of what I guess what be considered lesser known toy lines.
Currently my favorites include Animal Warriors of the Kingdom by Spero Toys, Saurozoic Warriors by Boss Fight Studios, and Biker Mice from Mars by the Nacelle Company.
Can you all give me some recommendations for figures that are similar or come from similar lines?
I currently have a pre-order for Combat Creatures and Mork Borg figures from Kickstarter that look interesting. Savage Crucible also looks interesting, but unfortunately I was too late and can’t find any available. I’ve heard good things about Mythic Legions also.
If I had to pick a current 3rd favorite line, it would be the Street Fighter line by Jada Toys (which is completely different from all previously mentioned), but also plan on picking up some of the Mega Man figures.
Do you have any recommendations for lines, or individual figures that sort of fit the aesthetic of any I have mentioned? Besides the Street Fighter line, I had to do some digging in order to find the others, as they aren’t as well known, so I’m hoping someone can put me on to some more great figures that may be new or not as well known.
**EDIT- To add, I’m also a huge TMNT figure guy. I’ve thought about getting the Samurai Warrior Autumn/Spring/Summer etc. knockoff line, because they look awesome, but haven’t seen a lot about them. These also fit my aesthetic.
submitted by PrettyFlyWhiteGuy22 to ActionFigures [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:12 thebigrosco Went 3-0 at an RTT with Ret Cadre!

Went 3-0 at an RTT with Ret Cadre!
Played an RTT a few days ago and went undefeated for the first time, placing first overall! It was a blast and RC has a ton of fun tricks to play with. I’ve seen some naysaying about RC in general lately (and about the new Crisis datasheets in particular) so just wanted to share that it’s definitely possible to perform well at an event with this detachment and with a Crisis-heavy list!
submitted by thebigrosco to Tau40K [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:12 DTG_Bot [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2024-05-28]

Daily Modifiers

Vanguard Ops

Dares of Eternity

Onslaught: Playlist

Riven's Lair

The Coil


Legend/Master Lost Sector

Exotic armor drop (if solo): Legs

Thrilladrome: Legend

  • Legend Difficulty: Locked Equipment, Extra Shields
  • Champions: [Shield-Piercing] Barrier, [Disruption] Overload
  • Threat: [Void] Void
  • Shields: [Arc] Arc, [Void] Void
  • Modifiers: Shocker

Thrilladrome: Master

  • Legend Difficulty: Locked Equipment, Extra Shields
  • Champions: [Shield-Piercing] Barrier, [Disruption] Overload
  • Threat: [Void] Void
  • Shields: [Arc] Arc, [Void] Void
  • Modifiers: Shocker


Guns & Materials

Banshee's Featured Weapons

Name Type Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Masterwork
Iota Draconis Energy Fusion Rifle Extended Barrel // Fluted Barrel Enhanced Battery // Liquid Coils Surplus High-Impact Reserves Tier 2: Range
Annual Skate Energy Hand Cannon HitMark HCS // Crossfire HCS Accurized Rounds // Steady Rounds No Distractions Dragonfly Tier 2: Handling
Palmyra-B Heavy Rocket Launcher Countermass // Smart Drift Control High-Velocity Rounds // Impact Casing Ambitious Assassin Frenzy Tier 2: Reload Speed
Syncopation-53 Kinetic Pulse Rifle Arrowhead Brake // Polygonal Rifling Extended Mag // Appended Mag Steady Hands Headstone Tier 2: Range
Lunulata-4b Kinetic Combat Bow Tactile String // High Tension String Natural Fletching // Straight Fletching No Distractions Golden Tricorn Tier 5: Stability
Note: Fixed perks on weapons are not displayed

Master Rahool's Material Exchange

  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Legendary Shards)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Dark Fragment)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Phantasmal Fragment)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 25 Herealways Piece)
  • Enhancement Prism (1 for 10 Enhancement Core & 10000 Glimmer)
  • Ascendant Shard (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & 50000 Glimmer)
  • Ascendant Alloy (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & 50000 Glimmer)


Commander Zavala, Vanguard
Name Description Requirement Reward
Pride Before Destruction Defeat powerful combatants. Defeating Champions grants additional progress. 10 Powerful combatants XP+
Show Them the Light Defeat combatants with your Super in Vanguard playlists. 5 Super XP+
Kill It with Fire Defeat combatants with Solar damage in Vanguard playlists. 25 [Solar] Solar XP+
Twisted Every Way Defeat combatants in Vanguard playlists with Strand abilities. Defeating suspended combatants or defeating them with your grapple grants additional progress. 50 Strand ability final blows XP+
Lord Shaxx, Crucible
Name Description Requirement Reward
Coordinated Fire Defeat opponents while assisting or assisted by one or more teammates. 5 Opponents defeated XP+
Scorched Earth Defeat opponents with Solar scorch damage. 6 [Solar] Solar scorch XP+
Power Up Collect or recover Heavy ammo. 1 Heavy Ammo XP+
Full Control In Control, complete matches. 1 Crucible matches XP+
The Drifter, Gambit
Name Description Requirement Reward
All Right, All Right, All Right Complete a Gambit match. 1 Gambit matches XP+
Line 'Em Up As a fireteam, defeat enemy Guardians in Gambit. 5 Guardians XP+
Pins and Needles Defeat targets in Gambit matches with Strand abilities. Defeating Guardians grants additional progress. 30 Strand ability final blows XP+
Like Kindling Use Solar ignition to defeat targets in Gambit. Defeating Guardians grants more progress. 10 [Solar] Solar ignition XP+
Banshee-44, Gunsmith
Name Description Requirement Reward
Hand Cannon Calibration Calibrate Hand Cannons against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Hand Cannon] Hand Cannon XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Pulse Rifle Calibration Calibrate Pulse Rifles against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision final blows and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Pulse Rifle] Pulse Rifle XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Sword Calibration Calibrate Swords against any target. Opposing Guardians and rapidly defeated targets grant the most efficient progress. 100 [Sword] Sword XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Kinetic Calibration Calibrate Kinetic weapons against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. 100 Kinetic weapon XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Nimbus, Neomuna
Name Description Requirement Reward
Almighty Scorching In Neomuna, defeat combatants with Solar damage. Shadow Legion combatants grant additional progress. 60 [Solar] Solar XP+ & 50 Neomuna Rank
Shockingly Direct In Neomuna, defeat combatants with Arc damage. Shadow Legion combatants grant additional progress. 60 [Arc] Arc XP+ & 50 Neomuna Rank
Heavy Prime In Neomuna, defeat combatants with Power weapons. 15 Power weapon XP+ & 50 Neomuna Rank
Terminal Rewards Open chests after completing Terminal Overload. 3 Chests opened 1 Terminal Overload Key & 50 Neomuna Rank & XP+
Lord Shaxx, Hall of Champions
Name Description Requirement Reward
Onslaught Defender Deploy and upgrade defenses in Onslaught. 30 Defenses completed 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Defiant Looter Open a bonus chest at the end of Defiant Battlegrounds using a Defiant Key. 1 Bonus rewards 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Shoot Out Defeat targets with Hand Cannons. Combatants in Onslaught and Guardians are worth more. 100 [Hand Cannon] Hand Cannon 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Fallen Down On The Job Defeat Fallen. Those defeated in Onslaught are worth more. 100 Fallen 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Spirit of Riven, H.E.L.M.
Name Description Requirement Reward
Wishful Spelunker Complete a Lost Sector in the Dreaming City. 1 Lost Sectors XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Lair Defense: Power Weapons Defeat targets with Power weapons. Combatants in Riven's Lair or The Coil and Guardians are worth more. 20 Power weapon XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Dragon's Breath Defeat targets with Linear Fusion Rifles or Rocket Launchers. Combatants in Riven's Lair or The Coil and Guardians are worth more. 10 [Linear Fusion Rifle] or [Rocket Launcher] defeats XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Dragonflame Defeat targets with Solar or Stasis damage. Combatants in Riven's Lair or The Coil and Guardians are worth more. 30 [Solar] or [Stasis] defeats XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Never forget what has been lost. While the API protests have concluded, Reddit remains hostile to its users as their IPO looms in the horizon. More information can be found here.
submitted by DTG_Bot to LowSodiumDestiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:12 DTG_Bot [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2024-05-28]

Daily Modifiers

Vanguard Ops

Dares of Eternity

Onslaught: Playlist

Riven's Lair

The Coil


Legend/Master Lost Sector

Exotic armor drop (if solo): Legs

Thrilladrome: Legend

  • Legend Difficulty: Locked Equipment, Extra Shields
  • Champions: [Shield-Piercing] Barrier, [Disruption] Overload
  • Threat: [Void] Void
  • Shields: [Arc] Arc, [Void] Void
  • Modifiers: Shocker

Thrilladrome: Master

  • Legend Difficulty: Locked Equipment, Extra Shields
  • Champions: [Shield-Piercing] Barrier, [Disruption] Overload
  • Threat: [Void] Void
  • Shields: [Arc] Arc, [Void] Void
  • Modifiers: Shocker


Guns & Materials

Banshee's Featured Weapons

Name Type Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Masterwork
Iota Draconis Energy Fusion Rifle Extended Barrel // Fluted Barrel Enhanced Battery // Liquid Coils Surplus High-Impact Reserves Tier 2: Range
Annual Skate Energy Hand Cannon HitMark HCS // Crossfire HCS Accurized Rounds // Steady Rounds No Distractions Dragonfly Tier 2: Handling
Palmyra-B Heavy Rocket Launcher Countermass // Smart Drift Control High-Velocity Rounds // Impact Casing Ambitious Assassin Frenzy Tier 2: Reload Speed
Syncopation-53 Kinetic Pulse Rifle Arrowhead Brake // Polygonal Rifling Extended Mag // Appended Mag Steady Hands Headstone Tier 2: Range
Lunulata-4b Kinetic Combat Bow Tactile String // High Tension String Natural Fletching // Straight Fletching No Distractions Golden Tricorn Tier 5: Stability
Note: Fixed perks on weapons are not displayed

Master Rahool's Material Exchange

  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Legendary Shards)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Dark Fragment)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Phantasmal Fragment)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 25 Herealways Piece)
  • Enhancement Prism (1 for 10 Enhancement Core & 10000 Glimmer)
  • Ascendant Shard (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & 50000 Glimmer)
  • Ascendant Alloy (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & 50000 Glimmer)


Commander Zavala, Vanguard
Name Description Requirement Reward
Pride Before Destruction Defeat powerful combatants. Defeating Champions grants additional progress. 10 Powerful combatants XP+
Show Them the Light Defeat combatants with your Super in Vanguard playlists. 5 Super XP+
Kill It with Fire Defeat combatants with Solar damage in Vanguard playlists. 25 [Solar] Solar XP+
Twisted Every Way Defeat combatants in Vanguard playlists with Strand abilities. Defeating suspended combatants or defeating them with your grapple grants additional progress. 50 Strand ability final blows XP+
Lord Shaxx, Crucible
Name Description Requirement Reward
Coordinated Fire Defeat opponents while assisting or assisted by one or more teammates. 5 Opponents defeated XP+
Scorched Earth Defeat opponents with Solar scorch damage. 6 [Solar] Solar scorch XP+
Power Up Collect or recover Heavy ammo. 1 Heavy Ammo XP+
Full Control In Control, complete matches. 1 Crucible matches XP+
The Drifter, Gambit
Name Description Requirement Reward
All Right, All Right, All Right Complete a Gambit match. 1 Gambit matches XP+
Line 'Em Up As a fireteam, defeat enemy Guardians in Gambit. 5 Guardians XP+
Pins and Needles Defeat targets in Gambit matches with Strand abilities. Defeating Guardians grants additional progress. 30 Strand ability final blows XP+
Like Kindling Use Solar ignition to defeat targets in Gambit. Defeating Guardians grants more progress. 10 [Solar] Solar ignition XP+
Banshee-44, Gunsmith
Name Description Requirement Reward
Hand Cannon Calibration Calibrate Hand Cannons against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Hand Cannon] Hand Cannon XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Pulse Rifle Calibration Calibrate Pulse Rifles against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision final blows and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Pulse Rifle] Pulse Rifle XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Sword Calibration Calibrate Swords against any target. Opposing Guardians and rapidly defeated targets grant the most efficient progress. 100 [Sword] Sword XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Kinetic Calibration Calibrate Kinetic weapons against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. 100 Kinetic weapon XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Nimbus, Neomuna
Name Description Requirement Reward
Almighty Scorching In Neomuna, defeat combatants with Solar damage. Shadow Legion combatants grant additional progress. 60 [Solar] Solar XP+ & 50 Neomuna Rank
Shockingly Direct In Neomuna, defeat combatants with Arc damage. Shadow Legion combatants grant additional progress. 60 [Arc] Arc XP+ & 50 Neomuna Rank
Heavy Prime In Neomuna, defeat combatants with Power weapons. 15 Power weapon XP+ & 50 Neomuna Rank
Terminal Rewards Open chests after completing Terminal Overload. 3 Chests opened 1 Terminal Overload Key & 50 Neomuna Rank & XP+
Lord Shaxx, Hall of Champions
Name Description Requirement Reward
Onslaught Defender Deploy and upgrade defenses in Onslaught. 30 Defenses completed 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Defiant Looter Open a bonus chest at the end of Defiant Battlegrounds using a Defiant Key. 1 Bonus rewards 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Shoot Out Defeat targets with Hand Cannons. Combatants in Onslaught and Guardians are worth more. 100 [Hand Cannon] Hand Cannon 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Fallen Down On The Job Defeat Fallen. Those defeated in Onslaught are worth more. 100 Fallen 1 XP+ & 25 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 50 Lord Shaxx Reputation
Spirit of Riven, H.E.L.M.
Name Description Requirement Reward
Wishful Spelunker Complete a Lost Sector in the Dreaming City. 1 Lost Sectors XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Lair Defense: Power Weapons Defeat targets with Power weapons. Combatants in Riven's Lair or The Coil and Guardians are worth more. 20 Power weapon XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Dragon's Breath Defeat targets with Linear Fusion Rifles or Rocket Launchers. Combatants in Riven's Lair or The Coil and Guardians are worth more. 10 [Linear Fusion Rifle] or [Rocket Launcher] defeats XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Dragonflame Defeat targets with Solar or Stasis damage. Combatants in Riven's Lair or The Coil and Guardians are worth more. 30 [Solar] or [Stasis] defeats XP+ & 25 Spirit of Riven Reputation
Never forget what has been lost. While the API protests have concluded, Reddit remains hostile to its users as their IPO looms in the horizon. More information can be found here.
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:08 DTG_Bot [D2] Weekly Reset Thread [2024-05-28]

Nightfall - The Ordeal: HyperNet Current



Vanguard Surge: Void Surge

The other modifiers rotate daily, check out the Daily Reset Thread for them!

Raids and Dungeons

Weekly Raid and Dungeon

  • Raid: King's Fall
  • Dungeon: Grasp of Avarice

Raid Challenges

Deep Stone Crypt

  • Red Rover: A challenge awaits…

Crota's End

  • Conservation of Energy: A challenge awaits…

Vow of the Disciple

  • Defenses Down: A challenge awaits…

Vault of Glass

  • Ensemble's Refrain: A challenge awaits…

King's Fall

  • The Grass Is Always Greener: A challenge awaits…
  • Devious Thievery: A challenge awaits…
  • Gaze Amaze: A challenge awaits…
  • Under Construction: A challenge awaits…
  • Hands Off: A challenge awaits…

Root of Nightmares

  • Crossfire Challenge: A challenge awaits…

Last Wish

  • Keep Out: A challenge awaits…

Dares of Eternity: Legend

Contestants: Disciples of the Neigh

  • Round 1: Taken
  • Round 2: Cabal
  • Final Round: Zydron



Campaign Mission: First Contact

Find Osiris in the Shadow Legion fleet and sow chaos through their ranks.

Partition: Ordnance

Help a Neomuni citizen break through VexNet defenses to upload a virus.

Vex Incursion Zone: Ahimsa Park

The Vex are testing CloudArk defenses in this region. Reality fractures as the VexNet bleeds through into Neomuna.

Legacy Activities

  • Savathûn's Throne World
    • Campaign Mission: The Last Chance: Infiltrate Savathûn's fortress to recover an artifact linked to her acquisition of the Light.
  • Europa
    • Eclipsed Zone: Asterion Abyss
    • Empire Hunt: The Warrior: Hero: Defeat Eramis's military commander, Phylaks, the Warrior.
    • Exo Challenge: Simulation: Agility: Simulated Skill-Set Training: Test your dexterity as you move against the Vex.
  • Moon:
    • Campaign Mission: A Mysterious Disturbance
    • Wandering Nightmare: Fallen Council (Archer's Line)
    • Trove Guardian is in Anchor of Light
  • Dreaming City: Growing Curse
    • Petra is at Divalian Mists.
    • Weekly Mission: The Oracle Engine - The Taken threaten to take control of an irreplaceable Awoken communications device.
    • Ascendant Challenge: Cimmerian Garrison, Chamber of Starlight
    • Blind Well: Hive, Plague: Cragur


Ada-1's Wares

Name Description Cost
House of Meyrin Apply this shader to change the color of your gear. 10000 Glimmer
Flowers of Io (Worn) Apply this shader to change the color of your gear. 10000 Glimmer
New Monarchy Regalia Apply this shader to change the color of your gear. 10000 Glimmer
Upgrade Module A collection of universal components that can be used to infuse power between gear items. Can be purchased from the Gunsmith or acquired from special reward sources. 1 Enhancement Core & 10 Legendary Shards & 5000 Glimmer

Eververse Bright Dust Offerings

Name Description Type Cost
Concentrated Mattergem An Upgrade Module ionizer created from refined Mattergems. Consumable 200 Bright Dust
Glimmershard A shard with the ability to generate Glimmer during combat. Consumable 250 Bright Dust
Experimental Mishap Emote 3250 Bright Dust
Unseeing, to Be Shown Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Fixed Odds. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account. Weapon Ornament 700 Bright Dust
Resurrected Shadow Modifications for your ship's transmat systems, so you'll always arrive in style. Transmat Effect 450 Bright Dust
Coleoptera Apply this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 300 Bright Dust
Spark of Joy Equip this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 300 Bright Dust
Friendly Feet Dance Multiplayer Emote 1250 Bright Dust
Star-Crossed Helm Equip this ornament on any eligible Legendary armor item to change its appearance. Once you get a universal ornament, it's unlocked for all characters of the relevant class on your account. Titan Universal Ornament 1200 Bright Dust
Astrologic Shell Ghost Shell 2850 Bright Dust
Assembly Stinger Ship 2000 Bright Dust
Bright Nostalgia Vehicle 2500 Bright Dust
Immaterial Messenger Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Wish-Keeper. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account. Weapon Ornament 1250 Bright Dust
Brainfreeze Equip this item to change your Ghost's projection. Ghost Projection 1500 Bright Dust
Chalco's Finery Equip this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 300 Bright Dust
Jacarina Equip this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 300 Bright Dust
Meditator Apply this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 300 Bright Dust
Springtide Faint Equip this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 300 Bright Dust
Fallen Arrival Modifications for your ship's transmat systems, so you'll always arrive in style. Transmat Effect 450 Bright Dust
Up in Smoke Modifications for your ship's transmat systems, so you'll always arrive in style. Transmat Effect 450 Bright Dust
Chrysallis Entrance Modifications for your ship's transmat systems, so you'll always arrive in style. Transmat Effect 450 Bright Dust

Weekly Bounties

Petra Venj, The Dreaming City
Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Ascendant Challenge "The Awoken have long practiced the art of walking between worlds." —Techeun Kalli 1500 Glimmer 1 Ascendant challenge completed XP++ & Dark Fragment & Legendary Gear
Gateway Between Worlds "The Blind Well can split wide the veins that run between realities." —Techeun Sedia 40 Dark Fragment 10 Activity completions XP++ & Offering to the Oracle
Eris Morn, Moon
Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Slow-Wave Disruption Complete waves of Altars of Sorrow in Sorrow's Harbor. 1000 Glimmer 7 Waves completed Hymn of Desecration
Lunar Spelunker Loot chests in 3 of the Moon's Lost Sectors. 1000 Glimmer 1 K1 Communion Lost Sector looted & 1 K1 Logistics Lost Sector looted & 1 K1 Crew Quarters Lost Sector looted 1 Firewall Data Fragment
Lectern of Enchantment, Moon
Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Nightmare Hunter Defeat Nightmares in Nightmare Hunts. 5 Phantasmal Fragment 100 Nightmares XP++ & 1 Phantasmal Core
Nightmare Sojourner Defeat Nightmares in Lost Sectors across the solar system. Nightmares defeated on the Moon only grant reduced progress. 5 Phantasmal Fragment 100 Nightmares XP++ & 1 Phantasmal Core
Variks, Europa
Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Courageous Expedition On Europa, complete Lost Sectors, public events, and patrols. 1000 Glimmer 15 Progress XP++
The Heat of Battle During the Empire Hunt "The Warrior," defeat Phylaks and earn points by defeating combatants with precision final blows. Higher difficulties grant more efficient progress. 1000 Glimmer 50 [Headshot] Precision & 1 Phylaks, the Warrior defeated XP++
Shaw Han, Cosmodrome
Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Public Disturbance Complete public events on the Cosmodrome. Heroic public events grant the most efficient progress. 1000 Glimmer 3 Public events XP++ & Glimmer
Full Spectrum Defeat combatants on the Cosmodrome with Arc, Void, and Solar damage. 1000 Glimmer 25 [Arc] Arc & 25 [Void] Void & 25 [Solar] Solar XP++ & Glimmer
Starhorse, Eternity
Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Bring the Overkill Complete the following objectives in a single run of Dares of Eternity. Objectives will reset if not completed when the activity ends. Defeat combatants with your Super, disintegrate combatants with high-damage elemental final blows, and complete the activity with an impressive score. 5 Strange Coin 75 Super & 80 Disintegrations & 1 180000 Points 2 Paraversal Haul & 1 Enhancement Core & XP++ & 50 Strange Favor
Aces High Complete the following objectives in a single run of Dares of Eternity. Objectives will reset if not completed when the activity ends. Defeat combatants with precision Hand Cannon final blows, rapidly defeat combatants, and complete the activity with an impressive score. 5 Strange Coin 75 [Hand Cannon][Headshot] Hand Cannon & 125 Rapidly defeated & 1 180000 Points 2 Paraversal Haul & 1 Enhancement Core & XP++ & 50 Strange Favor
Match Game Complete the following objectives in a single run of Dares of Eternity on Legend difficulty. Objectives will reset if not completed when the activity ends. Defeat combatants using a Void, Arc, or Solar weapon that matches your currently equipped subclass; defeat combatants with any Power weapon; and complete the activity with an incredible score. 7 Strange Coin 115 Matching weapon & 60 Power weapon & 1 300000 Points 3 Paraversal Haul & 1 Enhancement Prism & XP++ & 150 Strange Favor
Nimbus, Neomuna
Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Vex Incursion Countermeasures In the Vex Incursion Zone, defeat combatants using Strand to obtain Shellcode Fragments. Open a Terminal Overload Key Chest to obtain a Polymorphic Engine. 1000 Glimmer 8 Shellcode Fragments & 1 Polymorphic Engine XP++ & Polymorphic Shellcode
Arcite 99-40, Hall of Champions
Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Steadfast Onslaught Defeat combatants in Onslaught. Bonus progress awarded for final blows with Void or Strand weapons and abilities. Complete 20 waves in a single run of Onslaught. 10000 Glimmer 50 Targets & 1 1 XP+ & 100 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 200 Lord Shaxx Reputation & BRAVE Engram
Steadfast Gambit Defeat combatants in Gambit. Bonus progress awarded for final blows with Solar weapons and abilities. Play 3 Gambit matches. 10000 Glimmer 50 Targets & 3 Gambit matches 1 XP+ & 100 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 200 Lord Shaxx Reputation & BRAVE Engram
Illustrious Crucible Defeat Guardians and earn assists in Crucible. Bonus progress awarded for final blows with Hand Cannons. 10000 Glimmer 50 Opponents defeated 1 XP+ & 200 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 400 Lord Shaxx Reputation & BRAVE Engram
Illustrious Raider Defeat combatants in raids and dungeons. Bonus progress awarded for final blows with Sidearms. Complete an encounter on Normal difficulty or higher. 10000 Glimmer 80 Targets & 1 1 XP+ & 200 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 400 Lord Shaxx Reputation & BRAVE Engram
Distinguished Raider Defeat combatants with precision damage in raids and dungeons. Bonus progress awarded for precision final blows with Bows. Complete an encounter on Master difficulty or higher. 10000 Glimmer 100 Targets & 1 1 XP+ & 400 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 800 Lord Shaxx Reputation & BRAVE Engram

Seasonal Challenges

Name Description Objectives Rewards
No more records this season!

Notable Armor Rolls

Only notable rolls (stat total >= 59 or single stat >= 26) are listed here.
Class Name Vendor Type MOB RES REC DIS INT STR Total Cost
Titan Kerak Type 2 Ada-1 Helmet 2 30 2 6 7 12 59 25 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Hunter Errant Knight 1.0 Ada-1 Helmet 2 26 2 6 2 21 59 25 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Warlock Exodus Down Hood Nessus Helmet 6 2 22 15 7 7 59 25 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Never forget what has been lost. While the API protests have concluded, Reddit remains hostile to its users as their IPO looms in the horizon. More information can be found here.
submitted by DTG_Bot to LowSodiumDestiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 19:08 DTG_Bot [D2] Weekly Reset Thread [2024-05-28]

Nightfall - The Ordeal: HyperNet Current



Vanguard Surge: Void Surge

The other modifiers rotate daily, check out the Daily Reset Thread for them!

Raids and Dungeons

Weekly Raid and Dungeon

  • Raid: King's Fall
  • Dungeon: Grasp of Avarice

Raid Challenges

Deep Stone Crypt

  • Red Rover: A challenge awaits…

Crota's End

  • Conservation of Energy: A challenge awaits…

Vow of the Disciple

  • Defenses Down: A challenge awaits…

Vault of Glass

  • Ensemble's Refrain: A challenge awaits…

King's Fall

  • The Grass Is Always Greener: A challenge awaits…
  • Devious Thievery: A challenge awaits…
  • Gaze Amaze: A challenge awaits…
  • Under Construction: A challenge awaits…
  • Hands Off: A challenge awaits…

Root of Nightmares

  • Crossfire Challenge: A challenge awaits…

Last Wish

  • Keep Out: A challenge awaits…

Dares of Eternity: Legend

Contestants: Disciples of the Neigh

  • Round 1: Taken
  • Round 2: Cabal
  • Final Round: Zydron



Campaign Mission: First Contact

Find Osiris in the Shadow Legion fleet and sow chaos through their ranks.

Partition: Ordnance

Help a Neomuni citizen break through VexNet defenses to upload a virus.

Vex Incursion Zone: Ahimsa Park

The Vex are testing CloudArk defenses in this region. Reality fractures as the VexNet bleeds through into Neomuna.

Legacy Activities

  • Savathûn's Throne World
    • Campaign Mission: The Last Chance: Infiltrate Savathûn's fortress to recover an artifact linked to her acquisition of the Light.
  • Europa
    • Eclipsed Zone: Asterion Abyss
    • Empire Hunt: The Warrior: Hero: Defeat Eramis's military commander, Phylaks, the Warrior.
    • Exo Challenge: Simulation: Agility: Simulated Skill-Set Training: Test your dexterity as you move against the Vex.
  • Moon:
    • Campaign Mission: A Mysterious Disturbance
    • Wandering Nightmare: Fallen Council (Archer's Line)
    • Trove Guardian is in Anchor of Light
  • Dreaming City: Growing Curse
    • Petra is at Divalian Mists.
    • Weekly Mission: The Oracle Engine - The Taken threaten to take control of an irreplaceable Awoken communications device.
    • Ascendant Challenge: Cimmerian Garrison, Chamber of Starlight
    • Blind Well: Hive, Plague: Cragur


Ada-1's Wares

Name Description Cost
House of Meyrin Apply this shader to change the color of your gear. 10000 Glimmer
Flowers of Io (Worn) Apply this shader to change the color of your gear. 10000 Glimmer
New Monarchy Regalia Apply this shader to change the color of your gear. 10000 Glimmer
Upgrade Module A collection of universal components that can be used to infuse power between gear items. Can be purchased from the Gunsmith or acquired from special reward sources. 1 Enhancement Core & 10 Legendary Shards & 5000 Glimmer

Eververse Bright Dust Offerings

Name Description Type Cost
Concentrated Mattergem An Upgrade Module ionizer created from refined Mattergems. Consumable 200 Bright Dust
Glimmershard A shard with the ability to generate Glimmer during combat. Consumable 250 Bright Dust
Experimental Mishap Emote 3250 Bright Dust
Unseeing, to Be Shown Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Fixed Odds. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account. Weapon Ornament 700 Bright Dust
Resurrected Shadow Modifications for your ship's transmat systems, so you'll always arrive in style. Transmat Effect 450 Bright Dust
Coleoptera Apply this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 300 Bright Dust
Spark of Joy Equip this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 300 Bright Dust
Friendly Feet Dance Multiplayer Emote 1250 Bright Dust
Star-Crossed Helm Equip this ornament on any eligible Legendary armor item to change its appearance. Once you get a universal ornament, it's unlocked for all characters of the relevant class on your account. Titan Universal Ornament 1200 Bright Dust
Astrologic Shell Ghost Shell 2850 Bright Dust
Assembly Stinger Ship 2000 Bright Dust
Bright Nostalgia Vehicle 2500 Bright Dust
Immaterial Messenger Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Wish-Keeper. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocked for all characters on your account. Weapon Ornament 1250 Bright Dust
Brainfreeze Equip this item to change your Ghost's projection. Ghost Projection 1500 Bright Dust
Chalco's Finery Equip this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 300 Bright Dust
Jacarina Equip this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 300 Bright Dust
Meditator Apply this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 300 Bright Dust
Springtide Faint Equip this shader to change the color of your gear. Shader 300 Bright Dust
Fallen Arrival Modifications for your ship's transmat systems, so you'll always arrive in style. Transmat Effect 450 Bright Dust
Up in Smoke Modifications for your ship's transmat systems, so you'll always arrive in style. Transmat Effect 450 Bright Dust
Chrysallis Entrance Modifications for your ship's transmat systems, so you'll always arrive in style. Transmat Effect 450 Bright Dust

Weekly Bounties

Petra Venj, The Dreaming City
Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Ascendant Challenge "The Awoken have long practiced the art of walking between worlds." —Techeun Kalli 1500 Glimmer 1 Ascendant challenge completed XP++ & Dark Fragment & Legendary Gear
Gateway Between Worlds "The Blind Well can split wide the veins that run between realities." —Techeun Sedia 40 Dark Fragment 10 Activity completions XP++ & Offering to the Oracle
Eris Morn, Moon
Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Slow-Wave Disruption Complete waves of Altars of Sorrow in Sorrow's Harbor. 1000 Glimmer 7 Waves completed Hymn of Desecration
Lunar Spelunker Loot chests in 3 of the Moon's Lost Sectors. 1000 Glimmer 1 K1 Communion Lost Sector looted & 1 K1 Logistics Lost Sector looted & 1 K1 Crew Quarters Lost Sector looted 1 Firewall Data Fragment
Lectern of Enchantment, Moon
Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Nightmare Hunter Defeat Nightmares in Nightmare Hunts. 5 Phantasmal Fragment 100 Nightmares XP++ & 1 Phantasmal Core
Nightmare Sojourner Defeat Nightmares in Lost Sectors across the solar system. Nightmares defeated on the Moon only grant reduced progress. 5 Phantasmal Fragment 100 Nightmares XP++ & 1 Phantasmal Core
Variks, Europa
Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Courageous Expedition On Europa, complete Lost Sectors, public events, and patrols. 1000 Glimmer 15 Progress XP++
The Heat of Battle During the Empire Hunt "The Warrior," defeat Phylaks and earn points by defeating combatants with precision final blows. Higher difficulties grant more efficient progress. 1000 Glimmer 50 [Headshot] Precision & 1 Phylaks, the Warrior defeated XP++
Shaw Han, Cosmodrome
Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Public Disturbance Complete public events on the Cosmodrome. Heroic public events grant the most efficient progress. 1000 Glimmer 3 Public events XP++ & Glimmer
Full Spectrum Defeat combatants on the Cosmodrome with Arc, Void, and Solar damage. 1000 Glimmer 25 [Arc] Arc & 25 [Void] Void & 25 [Solar] Solar XP++ & Glimmer
Starhorse, Eternity
Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Bring the Overkill Complete the following objectives in a single run of Dares of Eternity. Objectives will reset if not completed when the activity ends. Defeat combatants with your Super, disintegrate combatants with high-damage elemental final blows, and complete the activity with an impressive score. 5 Strange Coin 75 Super & 80 Disintegrations & 1 180000 Points 2 Paraversal Haul & 1 Enhancement Core & XP++ & 50 Strange Favor
Aces High Complete the following objectives in a single run of Dares of Eternity. Objectives will reset if not completed when the activity ends. Defeat combatants with precision Hand Cannon final blows, rapidly defeat combatants, and complete the activity with an impressive score. 5 Strange Coin 75 [Hand Cannon][Headshot] Hand Cannon & 125 Rapidly defeated & 1 180000 Points 2 Paraversal Haul & 1 Enhancement Core & XP++ & 50 Strange Favor
Match Game Complete the following objectives in a single run of Dares of Eternity on Legend difficulty. Objectives will reset if not completed when the activity ends. Defeat combatants using a Void, Arc, or Solar weapon that matches your currently equipped subclass; defeat combatants with any Power weapon; and complete the activity with an incredible score. 7 Strange Coin 115 Matching weapon & 60 Power weapon & 1 300000 Points 3 Paraversal Haul & 1 Enhancement Prism & XP++ & 150 Strange Favor
Nimbus, Neomuna
Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Vex Incursion Countermeasures In the Vex Incursion Zone, defeat combatants using Strand to obtain Shellcode Fragments. Open a Terminal Overload Key Chest to obtain a Polymorphic Engine. 1000 Glimmer 8 Shellcode Fragments & 1 Polymorphic Engine XP++ & Polymorphic Shellcode
Arcite 99-40, Hall of Champions
Name Description Cost Requirement Reward
Steadfast Onslaught Defeat combatants in Onslaught. Bonus progress awarded for final blows with Void or Strand weapons and abilities. Complete 20 waves in a single run of Onslaught. 10000 Glimmer 50 Targets & 1 1 XP+ & 100 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 200 Lord Shaxx Reputation & BRAVE Engram
Steadfast Gambit Defeat combatants in Gambit. Bonus progress awarded for final blows with Solar weapons and abilities. Play 3 Gambit matches. 10000 Glimmer 50 Targets & 3 Gambit matches 1 XP+ & 100 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 200 Lord Shaxx Reputation & BRAVE Engram
Illustrious Crucible Defeat Guardians and earn assists in Crucible. Bonus progress awarded for final blows with Hand Cannons. 10000 Glimmer 50 Opponents defeated 1 XP+ & 200 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 400 Lord Shaxx Reputation & BRAVE Engram
Illustrious Raider Defeat combatants in raids and dungeons. Bonus progress awarded for final blows with Sidearms. Complete an encounter on Normal difficulty or higher. 10000 Glimmer 80 Targets & 1 1 XP+ & 200 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 400 Lord Shaxx Reputation & BRAVE Engram
Distinguished Raider Defeat combatants with precision damage in raids and dungeons. Bonus progress awarded for precision final blows with Bows. Complete an encounter on Master difficulty or higher. 10000 Glimmer 100 Targets & 1 1 XP+ & 400 Lord Shaxx Reputation & 800 Lord Shaxx Reputation & BRAVE Engram

Seasonal Challenges

Name Description Objectives Rewards
No more records this season!

Notable Armor Rolls

Only notable rolls (stat total >= 59 or single stat >= 26) are listed here.
Class Name Vendor Type MOB RES REC DIS INT STR Total Cost
Titan Kerak Type 2 Ada-1 Helmet 2 30 2 6 7 12 59 25 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Hunter Errant Knight 1.0 Ada-1 Helmet 2 26 2 6 2 21 59 25 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Warlock Exodus Down Hood Nessus Helmet 6 2 22 15 7 7 59 25 Legendary Shards & 1000 Glimmer
Never forget what has been lost. While the API protests have concluded, Reddit remains hostile to its users as their IPO looms in the horizon. More information can be found here.
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:27 GeorgH20 Week 21 2024 New Online Casino Games May – A Big Week Delivers 31 Titles!

Week 21 2024 New Online Casino Games May – A Big Week Delivers 31 Titles!
This latest week of casino game releases totals 31, which is 10 more than we reported on in our last report. What does that bring the 2024 count up to? We’ve witnessed at least 579 new casino games launched in 2024 to date, and we’re not even halfway through the year yet!
New Releases 2024: Panda Luck, Rainbow Jackpots, Shields of Lambda, Big Bass Bonanza

What’s in this week’s update?

You’ll get five short reviews of the online slots we believe are the best of the latest releases that hit online casinos in the last week. Then, so that you can see all of the latest games, you can check out our full list at the end.

Top 5 Slots Releases 21 May- 27 May 2024

(Rated by the Casinoplusbonus team)
There were some fantastic slots released in the last seven days, but as always, we had to whittle the full list down to just the handful considered our top five. To come to those slots, the team plays and tests them all and we then put it to the vote.
The slots coming out with the best scores this week were Panda Luck (BGaming), Shields of Lambda (Quickspin), Rainbow Jackpots MegaWays™ (Red Tiger Gaming), Break Da Bank Again Mega Moolah™ (Games Global), and Big Bass Bonanza – Reel Action (Pragmatic Play).
Shields of Lambda (Quickspin)
The newest release from Quickspin brings the Hot Gates at the tips of your fingertips. Shields of Lambda offers a max win of 9,926x your stake and some interesting features. Check it out.

Shields of Lambda Features Explained

Let’s see what You can expect:
  • Wild Symbol: It replaces other symbols, except Scatter symbols.
  • Lambda Symbols: Land on the reels at random, and when they sit underneath a symbol (that is part of a winning combo), they are removed and added to the metre.
  • Scatter Symbol: For 3 Scatters on the reels you will receive 10 Free Spins, for 4 symbols 15 Free Spins and 20 Free Spins for just 5 Scatter symbols.
  • Lambda Meter: It increases each time a Lambda symbol is under a symbol part of a winning combo. During the base game, you need to collect 70 Lambda symbols to fill the metre. For Ferryman’s Free Spins, only 20 Lambda symbols are required. Once the metre is filled, the Unity Feature is triggered.
  • Unity Feature: The reel gets populated with a random low symbol and when you trigger a win, a new symbol is tumbled in. You also have a progressive multiplier which is applied to the wins (they start at 1x and have no limit). If the feature is retriggered, the multiplier continues increasing the wins by one without resetting to its initial value.
  • Colossal Wild: It replaces all symbols except for Scatter and shows up anywhere on the reels as a 2×2 wild symbol (only on non-winning spins).
  • Gamble Feature: This feature pops up when you win the Ferryman’s Free Spins with less than 5 Scatter symbols. You can win 5 more Free Spins if you win the gamble, or lose the round.
  • Buy Feature: You can purchase the Ferryman’s Free Spins (with at least 3 Scatter symbols) for 70x your bet.
All in all, the features and max win of 9,926x your stake make Shields of Lambda a very enticing slot to play. The design and flow are very entertaining and I enjoyed giving it a spin.

Shields of Lambda Online Slot Features

  • 5×5 Reels with cluster pays
  • 96%, 94%, 92% and 87% Theoretical RTP
  • High ‘Variance/Volatility’
  • Wild/Scatter Symbols
  • Lambda Symbols
  • Ferryman’s Free Spins
  • Colossal Wild
  • Lambda Meter
  • Unity Feature
  • Gamble Feature
  • Buy Feature
  • Min-Max Bets: 0.20 to 100.00
  • MaxWin: 9,926x
Casinoplusbonus Rating: 90% (Superb)
Rainbow Jackpots MegaWays™(Red Tiger Gaming)
The newest slot release from Red Tiger Gaming delivers Rainbow Jackpots MegaWays™ with a mouth-dropping 20,000x your stake max win!

Rainbow Jackpots MegaWays™ Features Explained

Let’s see what you can expect:
  • Wild Symbol: It can replace all other paying symbols and can land only on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th reel.
  • Fairy Bonus: You can trigger it by landing at least 3 Fairy Bonus symbols on the reels. Once it’s active, you can pick a gem to win an award. The more Fairy Bonus scatters trigger the feature, the bigger the prizes and more levels of excitement and prizes. This feature has 6 levels, here are the multipliers on each level:
    • Level 1: 5x, 5x, 10x, 15x and 20x
    • Level 2: 10x, 15x, 25x, 30x and 50x
    • Level 3: 30x, 50x, 75x, 100x and 150x
    • Level 4: 50x, 75x, 100x, 150x, 200x and 250x
    • Level 5: 100x, 200x, 300x, 400x, 500x and 1000x
    • Level 6: 500x, 750x, 1000x, 2000x, 3000x and 5000x
  • Beer Bonus: You can trigger it by landing 3 or 4 Beer Bonus symbols. Just like the previous feature, you need to pick a pint and then you’ll receive a prize. If you land 4 Beer Bonus symbols, you activate the Mega Beer Bonus and you’ll get the awards from all the pints.
  • Lucky Leprechaun: His Lucky Pipe delivers random wilds, bonus and paying symbols (excluding royals) on the reels. Therefore, on top of payouts, you could also get 3 or 4 Free Spins, the Beer Bonus of Fairy Bonus symbols.
  • Free Spins: To trigger 10 Free Spins you need to land 3 Free Spins symbols. During the feature, a Multiplier will increase with every winning symbol. You can also trigger the Mega Free Spins round with 4 Free Spins symbols and enjoy a Multiplier that starts at 5x.
  • Feature Buy: You can purchase the 4 features of the slot:
    • The Free Spins feature for 80x your stake.
    • The Beer Bonus for 45x your stake.
    • The Fairy Bonus for 35x your stake.
    • The Lucky Leprechaun for 20x your stake.
The RTP for this feature is 95.69%.
All in all, Rainbow Jackpots MegaWays™ has exciting gameplay, interesting features, and a maximum win of 20,000x your win, making it one of the best releases of this week.

Rainbow Jackpots MegaWays™ Online Slot Features

  • 6×3 Reels with 117,649 win ways
  • 95.77% Theoretical RTP
  • High ‘Variance/Volatility’
  • Wild/Scatter Symbols
  • Free Spins
  • Fairy Bonus
  • Lucky Leprechaun
  • Beer Bonus
  • Buy Bonus Feature
  • Min-Max Bets: 0.20 to 4.00
  • Max Win: 20,000x
Casinoplusbonus Rating: 89% (Excellent)
Break Da Bank Again Mega Moolah (Games Global)
The newest release from Games Global is Break Da Bank Again Mega Moolah, which offers a max win of 4,388x your bet and 4 progressive jackpots. But that’s not all, they’re also releasing Break Da Bank Again Maple Moolah™ on the same day! Let’s see what the first one has to offer:

Break Da Bank Again Mega Moolah Features Explained

Here’s what you can expect:
  • Wild Symbol: It substitutes other symbols except for scatter. Moreover, it multiplies by 5x the payouts of any combination it completes. During the Free Spins feature it multiplies them by 25x (the total of the symbol’s multiplier and the free spins multiplier).
  • Scatter Symbol: It creates a winning combo with just 2 symbols. It doesn’t pay out during the Free Spins feature.
  • Free Spins: You can trigger it with at least 3 scatters and can win up to 25 Free Spins (3 scatters activate 15 Free Spins, 4 scatters trigger 20, and 4 scatters trigger 25) and all the winning combos are multiplied by 5x. You can also receive an additional Free Spin for each scatter that shows up on the reels. During this feature, the Mega Moolah Progressive Jackpot can’t be triggered.
  • Mega Moolah Progressive Jackpot Bonus Game: The more you bet, the higher your chances are to trigger this feature. Once active, you can spin the wheel and when it stops, you will win the prize associated with that specific segment. The progressive jackpot is constantly accumulating the prize and is funded by a percentage of the players’ wagers. When one of the jackpots is won, players worldwide are notified and the jackpot is reset.
All in all, Games Global is on fire and offering players exciting gameplay with incredible prizes. Not only is the max win a fair payout, but the progressive jackpots make the entire experience super fun. Break Da Bank Again Mega Moolah is in my top 3 favourite slots released this week.

Break Da Bank Again Mega Moolah Online Slot Features

  • 5×3 Reels with 9 paylines
  • 92% Theoretical RTP
  • Medium ‘Variance/Volatility’
  • Wild/Scatter Symbols
  • Free Spins
  • 4 Progressive Jackpots
  • Min-Max Bets: 0.10 to 22.50
  • Max Win: 4,388x
Casinoplusbonus Rating: 89% (Brilliant)
Big Bass Bonanza- Reel Action (Pragmatic Play)
The latest slot release from Pragmatic Play is another exciting addition to their Big Bass collection: Big Bass Bonanza- Reel Action.
Let’s check it out:

Big Bass Bonanza- Reel Action Features Explained

Pragmatic Play is reeling it in with the following features:
  • Wild Symbol: The man holding his catch at sunset is the Wild and it can replace all other symbols to form winning combinations, except for the Scatter symbol. It can show up on all reels during the Free Spins feature.
  • Scatter Symbol: It can show up on all the reels of the slot.
  • Money Symbol: The fishes are the money symbol and they can take a random multiplier on every spin (2x, 5x, 10x, 20x, 25x, 50x, 2000x your stake). This multiplier can be won during the Free Spins feature.
  • Free Spins: To trigger 20 Free Spins you need to land 5 Scatter symbols on the reels. You’ll receive 15 Free Spins for 4 Scatters or 10 Free Spins for 3 Scatters. During the feature, each Wild symbol collects the multiplier values of the Money symbols available on the reels. You can retrigger the feature when you collect the 4th Wild. Once that happens, you’ll receive 10 additional Free Spins, and the Money symbol multiplier doubles. If you retrigger it a second time, the multipliers are tripled, and for the third retrigger, the multiplier is 10x! The retriggered spins play after the feature ends and after the 3rd retrigger, the Free Spins won’t have this feature anymore. Moreover, at the end of a free spin, fish Money symbols can show up in random positions if there is only 1 Wild symbol on the reels.
  • Buy Free Spins: You can purchase it for 100x your stake.
Big Bass Bonanza – Reel Action is one of the many slots in their Big Bass collection. What stands out in this one is the Money symbols and the retriggers during the Free Spins feature. Although the max win is only 2,100x, it’s still a decent catch for what the game has to offer. But is Pragmatic PLay’s latest fishing-themed slot the catch of the week? That’s up to you to decide.

Big Bass Bonanza- Reel Action Online Slot Features

  • 5×3 Reels with 10 paylines
  • 96.50% Theoretical RTP
  • High ‘Variance/Volatility’
  • Wild/Scatter Symbols
  • Free Spins Bonus with Multipliers
  • Money Symbols
  • Buy Bonus Feature
  • Min-Max Bets: 0.10 to 375.00
  • Max Win: 2,100x
Casinoplusbonus Rating: 81% (Good)
Panda Luck (BGaming)
The newest video slot from BGaming is Panda Luck. It offers a max win of 2,124x your stake, a Bonus Symbol, and a special Bonus Game. The Asian theme has a modern design, and the graphics are flawless.

Panda Luck Features Explained

Let’s see what this slot has to offer:
  • Bonus Symbol: You need at least 3 Panda symbols to trigger the Bonus Game.
  • Bonus Game: To trigger it, you need to land at least 3 Bonus symbols on the reels, and you’ll receive 3 Free Spins. During this feature, the goal is to collect Bonus symbols. All the Bonus symbols responsible for triggering the feature are locked in place, and you get a multiplier (its value is equal to the number of Bonus symbols collected), which is then applied to the bet. You can retrigger the feature if a new Bonus symbol lands on the reels.
  • Buy Bonus: You can purchase the Bonus Game for 60x your stake.
Overall, Panda Luck by BGaming is a visually beautiful video slot. Although there are only two features present, the decent max win of 2,124x your stake and the Bonus Game are strong enough to make this slot enticing.
Combination Spin Bet Multipliers: To trigger a payout you need to land 5 matching symbols on a winning payline, except for the Bonus symbol which pays out (only in the Bonus feature) as follows: 3 symbols – 3x, 4 symbols – 10x, 5 symbols – 20x, 6 symbols – 50x, 7 symbols – 100x, 8 symbols – 500x and 9 symbols – 2024x. The maximum payouts you can trigger with the other symbols are: drums (100x), wind chimes (50x), coins (20x), Symbols A, K, Q, and J (4x), and 10 (1x).

All New Casino Games Released 21 May – 27 May 2024

  • (1) Chickenville Power Combo™ (All For One Studios)
  • (2) Panda Luck (BGaming)
  • (3) Trigger Happy (Big Time Gaming)
  • (4) Luck O’ The Irish Gold Spins Trail Blazer (Blueprint Gaming)
  • (5) The Chillies (Booming Games)
  • (6) Beaver Las Vegas (Crucible Gaming)
  • (7) Temple of Ra (Endorphina)
  • (8) Belfry Bliss (Evoplay)
  • (9) Football Lucky Tap (Eyecon)
  • (10) Hyper Gold All-In™ (Gameburger Studios)
  • (11) Break Da Bank Again Maple Moolah™ (Games Global)
  • (12) Break Da Bank Again Mega Moolah™ (Games Global)
  • (13) Shake The Money Tree (Games Inc)
  • (14) Slayers Inc (Hacksaw Gaming)
  • (15) Sin in Berlin (Hölle Games)
  • (16) Gold Fever Fortune (Inspired Gaming)
  • (17) Claw and Roar (Light & Wonder)
  • (18) LONER (NoLimit City)
  • (19) Big Bass Bonanza – Reel Action (Pragmatic Play)
  • (20) Shields of Lambda (Quickspin)
  • (21) Sword Stomp (Red Tiger Gaming)
  • (22) Rainbow Jackpots MegaWays™ (Red Tiger Gaming)
  • (23) Diamond Miner DuoMax™ (Reflex Gaming)
  • (24) Line Busters Dream Drop (Relax Gaming)
  • (25) Wonder Reels (Spin Logic)
  • (26) Action Cash Lightning Bounty™ (SpinPlay Games)
  • (27) Stone Gaze of Medusa (Stakelogic)
  • (28) King of the Party (Thunderkick)
  • (29) Power of Gods™: Valhalla Extremely Light (Wazdan)
  • (30) Kingfisher™ (Wishbone Games)
  • (31) Monkeys Go Bananas MultiMax™ (Yggdrasil)

From: Casino Plus Bonus

submitted by GeorgH20 to gambling_news [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:18 EmanuelTheodorus Behavioral changes in Culinary Crucible Judges?

Anybody noticed in this event, Riddle who had been a strict judge over the past few Culinary Crucible events, is now acting more like a reasonable judge? It used took him a while before he gave out scores higher than one on lower quality ingredients, but now he is easier to be satisfied.
Same with Floyd, whose behavior is now in line of lenient judges. The last event had hin act more as a reasonable judge, but now is down to chow on anything that is edible.
Last time I swear Lilia is supposed to be one of the lenient judges yet on the last event, he's consistently giving out low scores on par with the well known strict judge, Crewel himself. It's jarring to see hin enjoy the dishes and yet he gave out low scores to them. Now he's clearly back to being a lenient judge as well.
Any reasoning for this behavioral changes?
submitted by EmanuelTheodorus to TwistedWonderland [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 15:32 FinalAd5286 Welcome to My completely Unhinged Shadow of the Erdtree Lore Theories

Why even lore? You might wonder, what's the point of talking about a trailer for a DLC or Expansion to a two year old game. To that I say, I see your point, but then again, this is Elden Ring, possibly my favourite game of all time, and one that has completely changed my life, but maybe that's a follow up.
The other reason why I don't mind spending this much effort on a DLC trailer is that, the lore of Elden ring has quickly become my favourite Fantasy story, again, ever. But only if you don't mind putting some of it together yourself. That's because, there's proper world class pedigree here, with game of thrones' george RR Martin hailing from the West, lending his gravitas, his penchant for incest, family conflict, huge drama that spans eons, plus a fondness for hair colour and the implications thereof. He lends all of this to FromSoftware's Hidetaka Miyazaki in the East, creator of some of gaming's finest fantasy realms, including the prolific Dark Souls Trilogy and others. Full disclosure, the base Elden Ring game was my first Soulslike experience - but before you judge me too harshly, know that since then, so just over two years later, I've lived in and beaten, i think all of those worlds. Next was Demons Souls, then Bloodborne, dark souls 1, 2 and 3, Sekiro before moving onto those they inspired such as Nioh 1 and 2, and look. You know the rest. It even provoked me to give Breath of the Wild another go, so i did, managing to beat it just before Tears of the Kingdom released, then beat that too. But not because I was a fan of the Zelda games, but because Elden Ring had rewired my brain from casual 45 year old gamer to a serious campaigner, the kind that needed to swing a greatsword at least a hundred times a week or so. Even now, I'm logged into a save file on my PS5, one of four, 470hrs deep, but have managed another chunk of my life on my pc handheld, itself home to another few profiles. You've seen all the 'how dark souls saved me' videos, so I won't elaborate just now on what it did for me, perhaps that too deserves it's own video, but in short, I recently faced a very real health threat that could easily have seen the end of me - I literally thought i might expire before this damnDLC came out, which is a week before my next birthday, Thankfully I was armed with the resilience that these games will provide you with. If You face the challenge long enough, you'll be ready for the day the challenge needs to face you. And then you hand it, its ass on a platter. Put another way, fuck you cancer, I've beaten Malenia, the blade of Miquella.
So, back to why exploring lore in an expansion story is still incredibly rewarding, well that has to do with the partnership between the aforementioned writing team. While Hidetaka made the world you play in, Martin made the history, the rules, the governing order. And Shadow of the Erdtree explores more of both, the past and more locations than previously revealed. It's like the first time you read Ready Player one, it plays out like a mystery novel, you're not just reading, you're participating. You're a sleuth, a detective. It's fun. You're not even trying to be right with your theory crafting. You're just having fun trying to put the puzzle together. Sometimes the pieces fit real good, and other times, it feels like you're mashing random bits into place and hoping nobody notices how contrived they are. So with these disclaimers and caveats in place, let's watch this trailer together and allow me to ramble on like a mad man as we do.
At the end, I'll do my best to piece together one, ridiculous, patchy but entertaining theory. Wish me luck. Ok, so, here's my Theory Part 1: WHAT if, Marika was a deathbed companion in the Shadowrealm. This deathbed companion. And The old man beside her in the painting was the noble she needed to lay with, in order for him to be reborn, or given a new life somehow. Either way, its from her affair with this noble that as the narrator suggests, "gold arose, in the form of those strands. Mind you, there is another form of reincarnation to consider, perhaps, by being swaddled in a Godskin cloth? Woah. That's not what a deathbed companion does, rather - thats how the Gloam Eyed Queen famously gives new life, but that's to make a Godskin Apostle, which, let's be honest, Mesmer kinda looks like. But That is exactly what this scene resembles here, don't you think, those stitches certainly imply a swaddling cloth ? So, Two very different ways to achieve the same thing, reincarnation, performed by, let's call them rivals in regards to who will control the Lands Between? The Golden Order or the Crucible it intends to replace. This obviously depends on whether you believe Radagon existed all along, or if he only came into being after Godfrey was shunned from the lands between.
But, what if they're not rivals? What if they're yet again, two identities, but one person. Marika is the Gloam Eyed Queen? Even I think thats going too far since she's already also Radagon. So counterpoint what if they're in fact lovers? Kind of the modus oprandi for Marika, just ask poor Renala. Something interesting happens if we ship Marika or Radagon with the Gloam Eyed Queen, Like, for one one - Mesmer could be their son, I mean, it could explain his red hair, and his Apostle-like apprarance. but that's almost not crazy enough - so now we're gonna get really nutty, you ready?
Theory 2 So, what if the scene where the old man, seemingly be impaled by a great golden rune, which also resembles a rib cage, and arguably a tree sapling, it is in fact the elden ring after it arrived in the Lands between. And the seduction and betrayal involves this man being resurrected via deathbed companion and or swaddling cloth or a combination of the two. The gold thread that Marika later pulls out of the swaddling bag cloth, being the resurrected or reformed golden rune now in a malleable form, while the blood and viscera being all that remains of the man himself. He wasn't made aware of the fact that he was being sacrificed, just so that this golden thread would be rendered from his corpse. And it's the thread we see Marika holding as she becomes a God, subsequently weaving it around the great tree, to transform it into the Golden Erdtree of the Lands Between. The old mans' remains is the Shadow, the thread is the Gold. What thread? The same thread (that emits from her hammer in the original trailer when forming the ring.) But what other evidence could we have to suggest Marika could be a deathbed companion? Well, the only other on such person we encounter we offee was Fia who offered the Balduchin blessing, where Marika had her Mimic veil. Not quite the same, but perhaps similar enough. The one that goes too far?
Ok that was a lot. I've theorised that the Gloam Eyed Queen and Marika were lovers, Mesmer potentially their Godskin Baby Boy or that the old man with his golden rune ribcage were swaddled out of existence and shit. Look. I did warn you that this would get completely unhinged, and look there are more holes in these theories than there are in stormveil castle, but sure as shit, that was fun. The biggest problem I've created for myself is that I've tried to combine two fairly ok theories into one sketchy one. There's just so much to farm here, such as how this version of Marika looks a bit more masculine than the one we met in the base game, but without red hair, isn't quite the fully realised Radagon either. But you could resolve this by saying its a pre Radagon male form that seduced (and betrayed) the Gloam Eyed Queen. And that this, as they say in the trailer, is the affair that kicked off a war. Then again, we've been theorizing that Mesmer got his red hair from Radagon. But what if we got it the wrong way around and Radagon in fact got his red hair from his father, Mesmer? What if Mesmer and the Gloam Eyed Queen were in fact lovers, and the parents of Radagon and Marika. And if you're thinking but hey, Mesmer says, "mother would you truly lordship sanction" we don't actually see his lips move, it could be anyone saying that line. Hell, It could even be miquella. I think it's incredibly foolish to assume that Miquella is good, but I suppose we'll find out in a month.
and another thing Ok, one last one for fun. Doesn’t that shape on the stairways kinda look like Guranq? You know, Maliketh? The shadow of Marika sent to kill the Gloam Eyed Queen. Impaled by their son, Mesmer? Impaled but maybe not killed. Ok, no. I've definitely been let out of my cell for far too long.
Long time lore theory consumer, first-time lore theory contributor, responding to the call for unhinged, shizo, wacky Shadow of the Erdtree theories. I've decided to throw everything at the wall and see what sticks. Here be swaddling cloths, a Marika Gloam Eyed Queen affair, Rune reincarnation and more. And with it all, a new-found appreciation and respect for the great lore channels that have inspired me to put this together. Your time is valuable so I've added a trailer reaction and just a small introspective on what these games mean to me. Enjoy!
submitted by FinalAd5286 to EldenRingLoreTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 15:27 FinalAd5286 Why even lore?

Others might wonder, "what's the point of talking about a trailer for a DLC or Expansion to a two-year old game?" To them I say, "I see your point", but then again, this is Elden Ring, possibly my favourite game of all time, and one that has completely changed my life, and it's impact has been felt by pretty much everyone else on this Reddit community.
The other reason why I don't mind spending this much effort on a DLC trailer is that, the lore of Elden ring has quickly become my favourite Fantasy story, again, ever. But only if you don't mind putting some of it together yourself. That's because, there's proper world class pedigree here, with game of thrones' george RR Martin hailing from the West, lending his gravitas, his penchant for incest, family conflict, huge drama that spans eons, plus a fondness for hair colour and the implications thereof. He lends all of this to FromSoftware's Hidetaka Miyazaki in the East, creator of some of gaming's finest fantasy realms, including the prolific Dark Souls Trilogy and others. Full disclosure, the base Elden Ring game was my first Soulslike experience - but before you judge me too harshly, know that since then, so just over two years later, I've lived in and beaten, i think all of those worlds. Next was Demons Souls, then Bloodborne, dark souls 1, 2 and 3, Sekiro before moving onto those they inspired such as Nioh 1 and 2, and look. You know the rest. It even provoked me to give Breath of the Wild another go, so i did, managing to beat it just before Tears of the Kingdom released, then beat that too. But not because I was a fan of the Zelda games, but because Elden Ring had rewired my brain from casual 45 year old gamer to a serious campaigner, the kind that needed to swing a greatsword at least a hundred times a week or so. Even now, I'm logged into a save file on my PS5, one of four, 470hrs deep, but have managed another chunk of my life on my pc handheld, itself home to another few profiles. You've seen all the 'how dark souls saved me' videos, so I won't elaborate just now on what it did for me, perhaps that too deserves it's own video, but in short, I recently faced a very real health threat that could easily have seen the end of me - I literally thought i might expire before this damnDLC came out, which is a week before my next birthday, Thankfully I was armed with the resilience that these games will provide you with. If You face the challenge long enough, you'll be ready for the day the challenge needs to face you. And then you hand it, its ass on a platter. Put another way, fuck you cancer, I've beaten Malenia, the blade of Miquella.
So, back to why exploring lore in an expansion story is still incredibly rewarding, well that has to do with the partnership between the aforementioned writing team. While Hidetaka made the world you play in, Martin made the history, the rules, the governing order. And Shadow of the Erdtree explores more of both, the past and more locations than previously revealed. It's like the first time you read Ready Player one, it plays out like a mystery novel, you're not just reading, you're participating. You're a sleuth, a detective. It's fun. You're not even trying to be right with your theory crafting. You're just having fun trying to put the puzzle together. Sometimes the pieces fit real good, and other times, it feels like you're mashing random bits into place and hoping nobody notices how contrived they are. So with these disclaimers and caveats in place, let's watch this trailer together and allow me to ramble on like a mad man as we do.
At the end, I'll do my best to piece together one, ridiculous, patchy but entertaining theory. Wish me luck. Ok, so, here's my Theory Part 1: WHAT if, Marika was a deathbed companion in the Shadowrealm. This deathbed companion. And The old man beside her in the painting was the noble she needed to lay with, in order for him to be reborn, or given a new life somehow. Either way, its from her affair with this noble that as the narrator suggests, "gold arose, in the form of those strands. Mind you, there is another form of reincarnation to consider, perhaps, by being swaddled in a Godskin cloth? Woah. That's not what a deathbed companion does, rather - thats how the Gloam Eyed Queen famously gives new life, but that's to make a Godskin Apostle, which, let's be honest, Mesmer kinda looks like. But That is exactly what this scene resembles here, don't you think, those stitches certainly imply a swaddling cloth ? So, Two very different ways to achieve the same thing, reincarnation, performed by, let's call them rivals in regards to who will control the Lands Between? The Golden Order or the Crucible it intends to replace. This obviously depends on whether you believe Radagon existed all along, or if he only came into being after Godfrey was shunned from the lands between.
But, what if they're not rivals? What if they're yet again, two identities, but one person. Marika is the Gloam Eyed Queen? Even I think thats going too far since she's already also Radagon. So counterpoint what if they're in fact lovers? Kind of the modus oprandi for Marika, just ask poor Renala. Something interesting happens if we ship Marika or Radagon with the Gloam Eyed Queen, Like, for one one - Mesmer could be their son, I mean, it could explain his red hair, and his Apostle-like apprarance. but that's almost not crazy enough - so now we're gonna get really nutty, you ready?
Theory 2 So, what if the scene where the old man, seemingly be impaled by a great golden rune, which also resembles a rib cage, and arguably a tree sapling, it is in fact the elden ring after it arrived in the Lands between. And the seduction and betrayal involves this man being resurrected via deathbed companion and or swaddling cloth or a combination of the two. The gold thread that Marika later pulls out of the swaddling bag cloth, being the resurrected or reformed golden rune now in a malleable form, while the blood and viscera being all that remains of the man himself. He wasn't made aware of the fact that he was being sacrificed, just so that this golden thread would be rendered from his corpse. And it's the thread we see Marika holding as she becomes a God, subsequently weaving it around the great tree, to transform it into the Golden Erdtree of the Lands Between. The old mans' remains is the Shadow, the thread is the Gold. What thread? The same thread (that emits from her hammer in the original trailer when forming the ring.) But what other evidence could we have to suggest Marika could be a deathbed companion? Well, the only other on such person we encounter we offee was Fia who offered the Balduchin blessing, where Marika had her Mimic veil. Not quite the same, but perhaps similar enough. The one that goes too far?
Ok that was a lot. I've theorised that the Gloam Eyed Queen and Marika were lovers, Mesmer potentially their Godskin Baby Boy or that the old man with his golden rune ribcage were swaddled out of existence and shit. Look. I did warn you that this would get completely unhinged, and look there are more holes in these theories than there are in stormveil castle, but sure as shit, that was fun. The biggest problem I've created for myself is that I've tried to combine two fairly ok theories into one sketchy one. There's just so much to farm here, such as how this version of Marika looks a bit more masculine than the one we met in the base game, but without red hair, isn't quite the fully realised Radagon either. But you could resolve this by saying its a pre Radagon male form that seduced (and betrayed) the Gloam Eyed Queen. And that this, as they say in the trailer, is the affair that kicked off a war. Then again, we've been theorizing that Mesmer got his red hair from Radagon. But what if we got it the wrong way around and Radagon in fact got his red hair from his father, Mesmer? What if Mesmer and the Gloam Eyed Queen were in fact lovers, and the parents of Radagon and Marika. And if you're thinking but hey, Mesmer says, "mother would you truly lordship sanction" we don't actually see his lips move, it could be anyone saying that line. Hell, It could even be miquella. I think it's incredibly foolish to assume that Miquella is good, but I suppose we'll find out in a month.
and another thing Ok, one last one for fun. Doesn’t that shape on the stairways kinda look like Guranq? You know, Maliketh? The shadow of Marika sent to kill the Gloam Eyed Queen. Impaled by their son, Mesmer? Impaled but maybe not killed. Ok, no. I've definitely been let out of my cell for far too long.
submitted by FinalAd5286 to EldenRingLoreTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 12:55 Chance-Goal3576 Marika’s Motivation to Become a God

I always find it strange: what exactly does Marika want to achieve? What drives her to become a God, even if it means sacrificing so many lives and fighting countless wars?
This theory may have many flaws, and English is not my first language, so feel free to point them out in the comments.
Conclusion first
I believe the Greater Will “seduces” Marika by promising her a utopia filled with endless grace. Marika, likely already discontent with the previous regime, accepts the Greater Will’s proposal. Despite the need for many sacrifices, she decides to bring about this new era.
The crucible faction is not innocent
  1. In the first DLC trailer, a line states, “They were never saints. They just happened to be on the losing side of a war.” I believe “they” refers to those being slaughtered by Messmer.
  2. One thing to note is that the second trailer is narrated by a follower of Miquella, who empathizes with the crucible faction. But as YouTuber The Alchemist pointed out, the first trailer seems to be narrated by people on the opposing side, likely doubting Miquella. (Also, not all the NPCs from the first trailer appear in the second trailer.)
  3. The line “they were never saints” suggests to me that there is something negative about the crucible faction. It's only because the second trailer depicts them as victims and places more blame on Messmer, which might lead us to view Messmer or Marika as the villains.
  4. I’m not justifying Messmer’s actions, but pointing out that Marika may be discontent with the crucible faction already, making her vulnerable to the Greater Will’s seduction.
Marika’s Motivation
So why does Marika, even if it means sacrificing so much, still want to become the God of the Golden Order? I don’t believe Marika did all of this—waging wars in the Land of Shadow and the Lands Between—simply out of her own greed or desire to become a God. Here’s why:
  1. Marika believed in the Golden Order. As Melina quotes Marika at the Minor Erdtree Church: “I declare mine intent, to search the depths of the Golden Order. Through understanding of the proper way, our faith, our grace, is increased. Those blissful early days of blind belief are long past. My comrades; why must ye falter?” Combined with the stone tablets in Marika’s bedchamber, it’s clear that she researched the Golden Order in depth and was once a very loyal follower.
  2. She wants to create a golden age for people. There was a period described as “the age of plenty,” appearing in the descriptions of the Icon Shield and The Blessing Dew. I think this is the utopia Marika wishes to see. The golden age that, despite so many sacrifices, she still insists on creating. She believes she is doing the right thing.
  3. People also believed in the order There were many followers of the Golden Order, and I think they must have believed in the ideology to willingly wage wars all over the lands, especially Godfrey and possibly Messmer. If she did this out of greed, I don’t think her followers would have been so loyal.
Of course, it’s possible that she is just another Griffith, acting out of her own dreams or desires, but I think this dream is at least convincing to others. The crucible faction might have simply been on the losing side of this war. Later, she discovers the truth about the Golden Order and regrets her actions.
submitted by Chance-Goal3576 to EldenRingLoreTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 01:16 Ok_Pin_6842 24/7 PVEVP help

We welcome all to our clan of skilled and beginner players. We enjoy doing raids and crucible along the lines of Aethon or Calus or Trials and Iron Banner. We welcome new players and we always get things done while having fun. We are a chill clan and are always down to help others.
Raids: You'll always see us in a raid teaching new people. We make sure everyone gets the chance to get a couple of clears on each raid and sometimes just replay all the raids for fun. Want a raid title? Get it done here.
Crucible: We do everything from quick play to competitive and you'll usually find us in iron banner or trials. We also love the occasional scrim just for fun or to help get better.
Our only requirements are: 18+ Discord Be Respectful
Refuse to follow these rules and you will be kicked. Otherwise come on in and take a seat and let's see what the Darkness has in store.
submitted by Ok_Pin_6842 to DestinyClanLeaders [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 01:03 Ok_Pin_6842 24/7 PVEVP help

We welcome all to our clan of skilled and beginner players. We enjoy doing raids and crucible along the lines of Aethon or Calus or Trials and Iron Banner. We welcome new players and we always get things done while having fun. We are a chill clan and are always down to help others.
Raids: You'll always see us in a raid teaching new people. We make sure everyone gets the chance to get a couple of clears on each raid and sometimes just replay all the raids for fun. Want a raid title? Get it done here.
Crucible: We do everything from quick play to competitive and you'll usually find us in iron banner or trials. We also love the occasional scrim just for fun or to help get better.
Our only requirements are: 18+ Discord Be Respectful
Refuse to follow these rules and you will be kicked. Otherwise come on in and take a seat and let's see what the Darkness has in store.
submitted by Ok_Pin_6842 to Destiny2Clans [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 23:09 EmmalynRenato SFF books coming in June 2024

SFF here means all speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction, horror, alternate history, magical realism etc).
The following SFF books will be published in the U.S. in June 2024. Other countries may differ.
If you know of others, please add them as comments below. If I've made any mistakes, just let me know, and I'll fix them up.
The published book formats are included with each entry (mostly hardcover and/or trade paperback with the occasional ebook). This information is obtained from the isfdb website which lists one format type for each entry but mostly omits ebook entries. If it's a new hardcover and/or trade paperback book, it's very likely that an ebook is also coming out at the same time.
If you are using the Chrome browser, you might find the Goodreads Right Click extension useful, to find out more information on books that you are interested in:

(A) - Anthology
(C) - Collection
(CB) - Chapbook
(GN) - Graphic Novel
(N) - Novel
(NF) - Nonfiction
(O) - Omnibus
(R) - Reprint
(YA) - Young Adult and Juvenile
[eb] - eBook
[hc] - Hardcover
[tp] - Trade Paperback

June 1
June 3
June 4
June 5
June 6
June 7
June 8
June 9
June 10
June 11
June 12
June 14
June 15
June 16
June 17
June 18
June 19
June 20
June 21
June 23
June 24
June 25
June 26
June 27
June 28
June 30

Edit1: Added in horror books listed on Emily C. Hughes' blog that I didn't already have (tag #ehh)
Edit2: Added in books from the June io9 SF/Fantasy list that I didn't already have (tag #io9).

Previous "SFF books coming ..." posts have been collected here. (Thank you mods).

Main Sources
submitted by EmmalynRenato to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 21:48 Rewrite_the_Universe Ideas! Free for the Taking!!

This is just some little ideas, can be just little devices or whole plot lines, but most of all they are free!
Shima’s cooking: So the Toads eat bugs, and we see Naruto and his predecessors had to endure eating the Toad Sage Shima’s cooking. But what if it was actually really good and delicious? Like Naruto is disgusted, but tries the food, finds out it’s really good. Not only that, a steady diet of traditional toad dishes will increase a ninja’s abilities and strength.
Kenshin Uzumaki: Basically you to the character Kenshin, from Rurouni Kenshin, and make them an Uzumaki and Naruto’s uncle that raises him to be a samurai with a reverse edge Katana. And yes, this is solely based on the fact that Kenshin has red hair.
Speaking of which…
Redheads: You can take any character with blood red scarlet hair and turn them into an Uzumaki. It will probably be mostly Anime and Video games, maybe some American comics, but pretty much anyone. Here’s a few ideas I came up with: Renji Abarai from Bleach? Uzumaki. Reno from FF7, or Axel from Kingdom Hearts? Uzumaki. Grell Sutcliff from Black Butler? Uzumaki. Yes, Grell will teach Naruto (or whoever you choose) to use a chainsaw as a weapon.
Doom Blade: Naruto finds, or creates, a special item that can take Kyūbi chakra and turn it into a sword. This is essentially a recreation of the Crucible from Doom. It can be a sword hilt with a spike, or a dagger, or something. The basic physics is Naruto stabs himself in the stomach, which is also where the seal is, and draws out energy like unsheathing a blade.
Sakura is a Reincarnation: This is for all you NaruSaku fans out there, you can count me as one of your number. Asura and Indra weren’t the only ones to reincarnate, Asura’s wife Kanna did too, whether she had the same skills or it’s just a twist of fate. It’s up to you. Kanna would reincarnate as Mito, and then Sakura. This actually the bases of a story idea I’ve been tinkering with. Basically Team 7 will go on a mission to the leads them to an ancient tomb. The way I would do it is that they aid an archaeological expedition; Team 7’s job is to protect the leader expedition, and his team, from possible looters. As well as clear the tomb of any traps. The tomb turns out to be Kanna’s, which gives Sakura premonitions of her past lives.
submitted by Rewrite_the_Universe to NarutoFanfiction [link] [comments]