Mediafire pepakura predator

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's Original Srimad Bhagwatam (1962-1965) PDF

2024.05.21 01:50 This4all2c A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's Original Srimad Bhagwatam (1962-1965) PDF

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's Original Srimad Bhagwatam (1962-1965) PDF
Alternatively spelled as Srimad Bhagavatam, this is the original author's Bhagavata Purana 1st Canto set, also known as the Delhi Bhagavatam. Published from 1962 to 1965, this work predates the author's journey to the USA and subsequent interaction with Western editors. These three volumes are combined here into one OCR (searchable) PDF file. If downloaded and opened in a PDF reader of your choice, volumes and chapters will be bookmarked, titled, and numbered, providing easier navigation:
Original Srimad Bhagavatam
Read/download on Archive org:
Or, Mediafire fast download link:
submitted by This4all2c to u/This4all2c [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:44 Josh_From_Accounting Unofficial Avatar The Last Airbender Systems

Preface: I own and enjoy the Magpid Avatar The Last Airbender offical system. I have run two campaigns and enjoy it. I like the PbtA engine. However, I also know it isn't everyone's cup of tea and that PbtA can push particular play styles.
Whenever an official game comes out, it can kind of erase all the people who tried their hands at their own games over the years. I think that can be an interesting discussion, all the fan games that predate the official release.
Avatar the Last Airbender is a special situation for this one because it is a popular fantasy setting with a unique magic system. People were making hacks BEFORE the original series ended.
I want to show some I know of here and ask if any of y'all k ow of some yourself.
1) Legend of the Elements by The Logbook also uses the PbtA engine but does things completely differently than Magpie.
2) Avatar The Second Age is a phenomenal Genesys hack made by an acquaintance of mine. A really well fleshed out hack of the system between Star Wars Edge of the Empire.
3) Avatar The Last Fatebender is my hack of Fate Condensed to model the Avatar Universe.
4) The World of Avatar The Last Airbender is a weird one because someone tried to sell this on DTRPG. That didn't last long as it is unlicensed. It uses the same system as Witch Girl Adventures.
5) Savage Avatar is a Savage World hack for Avatar.
6) Avatar The Last Airbender Elemental Classes for 4th Edition D&D is what it says on the tin.
7) Avatar The Last Airbender 3.5 is a D&D 3.5 class hack for Avatar.
8) Incarnate: Last of the Lancers is a 5e class hack for Atla.
That's all I know of. Does anyone else know of any?
Once again, this isn't to belittle the amazing work of Magpie but highlight other fans and indie devs who did their own work making AtlA or Atla inspired TRPGs.
submitted by Josh_From_Accounting to rpg [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:42 Arts96 Tyranid Kill Team Custom update: Invasion Fleet

Tyranid Kill Team Custom update: Invasion Fleet
Hey there, this is my first post here. I started in Warhammer beacuse of the nids, and it's a shame we haven't gotten a proper bespoke team (they even gave GSC 2 so far).
I do think the current team isn't bad, but I think if they did something White-Dwarf-like, they'd need to update some models and rules. I made a modification to the current compendium team so it feels more playable and it also includes some of the new options for the faction. Hope you like it and would appreaciate a lot your feedback so I could re-adjust this idea:
I do think the fire teams mechanic works well with tyranids, since they don't usually go fewer individual operatives, but groups of similar models, so i kept those. I do think, however, that the swarm team needs a little buff, so they get 2 extra operatives. Also added Barbgaunts as 2-model cost operatives that can be added to the swarm, and simplified the genestalers to the current models (only 1 weapon profile).
The new weapon profiles for the termagants bring variety to the team, you can get max 1 of each, which can be helpful depending on the situation.
The Synapse ability seems ok as it is right now, no need to change it.
Strategic ploy to upgrade the hit output of the warriors a little bit.
Adaptable predator to gain extra mobility for the team, either falling back or getting some hyper-agressive plays to charge backrow threats.
Tac ops:
Secondary missions are essential depending on your playstyle. I added 3 simple ones that either go with the infiltration or S&D archetypes. Seems kinda fun to try and get the 3rd one:
Tyranid attack as a high-risk gamble seems fun to play, a little redundant with other secondaries tho.
The only big difference here are the Flesh Hooks, wanted to make them more similar to the 40k equipment, so it's a nice mobility option added instead of the previous 3"range weapon.
These ones were where I had the most fun, added some new options for the faction that should blend in well with the current conpedium team:
Simplified the weapon options for genestealers, since they no longer come with talons in the new boxes. Still kept their abilities as they are pretty good as they are now.
Warriors are kept as they are, as they get overall a better performance via the new ploys. Didn't want to reduce the special rules you get from different weapons even if the 10th edition data is overly simplified.
You can get the new winged prime as an option for leading the team. The winged version has the ability to fly and to get an extra hit post-mortem, adapted from the 40k ability. You get to do some serious damage on melee even if you get killed. And both primes are still considered warriors, so they are affected by the Aggression Imperative Ploy.
Termagants get their new weapon options from 10th edition, and their devourer is nerfed considerably so they no longer count as two selections. Hormagaunts get some of their 10th edition mobility via bounding leap, which allows for charging over long distances. Barbgaunts (although I did consider not adding them as they are really fat models) get to be in the swarm as a support gunner that can reduce mobility of 1 operative hit by their gun.
Overall, this custom team tries to make the team more flexible, and makes the often overlooked swarm fire team a viable option. As stated before, feedback would be appreciated. If you get to try this team, let me now how your game went. :)
PDF Download here:
submitted by Arts96 to killteam [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 17:18 Novalith_Raven Driver Overran Stack Buffer BSOD when connecting Samsung TV SN90C via HDMI

As described in the title, I keep getting this particular BSOD but only the instant I connect my Samsung TV SN90C via HDMI to my GeForce's HDMI port. My PC runs perfectly fine otherwise. I have an Acer Predator monitor connected via DisplayPort, and it's my main monitor. I'm looking to have the TV connected to the PC, just in case I want to showcase something when people come over.
My PC specs are:
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-13700K CPU @ 3.40GHz
GPU: Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 Ti
RAM: 2x 16GB
OS: Windows 10 Pro
465GB Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB 447GB Corsair Force LS SSD 931GB Western Digital WDC WD1002FAEX-00Y9A0 931GB Western Digital WDC WD10EZEX-00BN5A0 465GB Western Digital WDC WD5000AAKS-22A7B0 1907GB Viper VP4300 2TB 931GB Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 1TB
Thanks a lot in advance for any help.
submitted by Novalith_Raven to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 21:52 Bobear142 BSOD during gaming

Hi everyone, I have been having extensive problems with my PC crashing during gaming. I sent it back to the manufacturer who reimaged the computer and told me that the hardware components passed all of their quality checks. Just this morning, I get the follow BSOD 20 minutes into gaming:
What failed: ntsokrnl.exe
I should mention that prior to sending it back to the manufacturer, the PC was crashing with even light internet browsing. That has thankfully stopped. I searched around this subreddit for some solutions, but I have tried a lot of what had already been suggested (updated graphics drivers, system file checker, etc). I have posted the dump file below.
The PC is an Acer Predator PO5-640
BIOS Version/Date: R01-A3, 2/21/2022
Any help would be appreciated!

submitted by Bobear142 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2023.11.17 09:15 herrkerr Windows 11 Frequent BSOD DXGKRNL FATAL ERROR while playing games

For about a week now I've been getting frequent BSODs while playing games. It's always DXGKRNL Fatal Error. I had a similar issue at the beginning of the year, but what I did last time hasn't worked this time around. I think it's a software problem because hardware troubleshooter didn't detect anything, but at this point I have no idea what's causing it other than it's probably my GPU. The typical way it happens is that the game freezes, crashes, and then a few seconds later I get the BSOD, but usually it doesn't BSOD until I close the crash report message or force end the program through task manager.
Make and Model: Acer Predator Helios 300
OS: Windows 11 (began happening in Windows 10)
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz
GPU: Nvidia 1660Ti
I have tried:
Memory Diagnostic Tool
Uninstalling and reinstalling graphics drivers
Edit: Dump file should be here
Edit 2: While I don't want to count my chickens just yet, I have reverted to a previous version of Nvidia drivers and that seems to have resolved the issue. At the very least, I'm not BSODing within ten minutes of starting a game anymore.

submitted by herrkerr to techsupport [link] [comments]

2023.10.23 21:49 CarsontheMaster [partially lost] Warhammer Obscurus Crusade Pepakura Cosplay files

As of yesterday, the domain of has expired. The site was a cosplaying forum for warhammer 40,000, and along with being a place to talk, had at least 3 dozen or more high quality pepakura files on there intended to standardize cosplaying as spave marines or Astra militarum. The website was a real big help for cosplayers, as without it you’d need to make the whole armor set yourself. And if you’ve ever seen a space marine before, you’d know they’re big. So having files that you could just print out and cut onto foam, then assemble into armor was a big boon.
But with the website going down, that means those files are lost basically for good, unless some archivist shares them or the website comes back up. Which I doubt, the last post or reply on the forums was over 2 years old. Everytbings not totally lost, I almost have a full set of space marine armor, minus the backpack-jumppack thing and the arms. But the helmet I have is only the legion of the damned one, as I was intending to use it to make a night lords cosplay for Halloween. If anyone, has any of the files, especially the arms, please please please send me them. I plan on gathering all the files I can get and putting them on mediafire or something.
submitted by CarsontheMaster to lostmedia [link] [comments]

2023.10.14 01:40 Otherwise_Reply_2636 Laptop reboots after sleep

Whenever I wake my Acer predator laptop into sleep mode, the keep board lights come on, and the fan starts, but after a few minutes it restarts itself.
After I boot it up again, it's fine for a few minutes then I get blue screen with "critical process died" Than when it reboots after that crash it takes me to "waiting for pxe on ip4"
So I reboot again then it runs normal
I ran hard drive tests and they all pass
So why is it rebooting after waking from sleep mode.
Dump file ->
submitted by Otherwise_Reply_2636 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2023.09.23 16:53 bitt_tb BSOD / System shutdown without pattern

Windows 10 (reinstalled AND all updated) Motherboard: ASUS PRIME B450M-A (BIOS updated, v4202) GPU: GTX 1060 6tb (updated) CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 RAM: 2x HyperX Fury 3200 (previously I had 2x HyperX Predator 3000) PSU: Something with 650w, 5 years old I guess.
Hi there. I've been getting a few BSODs without any pattern, and when I don't get the BSOD the system just shutdown completely. I thought it was my RAM because the behavior of these problems were changing slightly whenever I messed with the RAM position and removed 1 of the sticks, so I bought other sticks and the problems continue. Also, the system refuses to boot if I activate D.O.C.P. in the BIOS.
Absolutely nothing changed with any of my USB devices before I started getting these errors, since apparently one of the BSODs can be related to USB. Putting the system under load (GPU and CPU) doesn't force any crash, and the crashes happen even if I just leave the PC idling during the night. A couple of other weird things happening is that my keyboard numlock is not being memorized as on/off whenever I reboot, it is always off. Also youtube videos kill the that out of nowhere, changing browser doesn't work.
I have updated every single driver possible, from BIOS to everything on the list from the device manager, Windows Defender scan is clear, NVIDIA graphics driver is also updated.
I think the issue is with my motherboard, maybe GPU, but I'm hoping I can get some help here since money IS a bit of an issue (ty brazilian economy) and I feel like I ran out of things to do or changes to make about all of these BSODs. I'm taking the pc to a technitian to take a look on monday if I really can't get a fix to these things.
EDIT: Dump files link as the Automod comment told me.
submitted by bitt_tb to techsupport [link] [comments]

2023.09.08 22:35 Yarashy DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION (133) with Visual Artifacts

Hey everyone,

I've been encountering a rather perplexing issue with my PC recently and was hoping to get some insights from this knowledgeable community. Here are the details of my system and the problem:

System Specs:

The Issue:

Until a few days ago, my PC was working flawlessly. However, I encountered a peculiar problem when I pressed the power button and nothing happened. I noticed a white light on the motherboard. To force an emergency shutdown, I pressed and held the power button. After restarting the PC and booting into Windows, things took a strange turn.

As soon as Windows started, Wallpaper Engine kicked in, and I immediately observed bizarre black artifacts on my screen. Within a matter of seconds, the entire PC began to freeze, with occasional mouse movement but no response to clicking. This freeze would persist for about 1-3 minutes, ultimately leading to the dreaded "DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION" BSOD. What's puzzling is that the occurrences of this issue seem random, but it typically happens within the first 10 minutes of use.

Troubleshooting Steps Taken:

I've tried several troubleshooting steps in an attempt to resolve this issue, but so far, no luck. Here's what I've done:

  1. Checked for overheating issues.
  2. Used DDU to perform a clean installation of the latest graphics drivers. Also tried older driver versions.
  3. Performed a fresh Windows installation on a different SSD, transitioning from Windows 10 to Windows 11.
  4. Scanned for malware or viruses.
  5. Updated the BIOS from version 4702 to 5201.
  6. Ran SFC, chkdsk, DISM, and mdsched.exe for system health checks.
  7. Stress-tested the GPU using FurMark, tested the RAM with OCCT, and assessed the SSD with Samsung Magician.
  8. Updated all drivers using Driver Booster 10.
  9. Reseated the GPU and checked all connections (unable to test a different PCIe slot due to GPU size limitations).
  10. Disabled fast boot and set power settings to "Maximum Performance."
Minidump Files:
I've collected some minidump files for reference.

Despite these efforts, the problem persists, and I continue to receive the same "DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION" error with the MODULE_NAME: nvlddmkm and IMAGE_NAME: nvlddmkm.sys, FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0x133_ISR_nvlddmkm!unknown_function in the Minidumps.

If anyone has encountered a similar issue or has any insights on what might be causing this problem, I'd greatly appreciate your help. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Yarashy to techsupport [link] [comments]

2023.09.08 11:41 SeekayBe PC Crashes multiple times after turning it on. After some crashes it's fixed but it happens every time.

I got an acer predator (3 years old). It has al the updates done that I think i need. (windows, graphics card...) But since 2 weeks it crashes 2 or 3 times after turning it on. (sometimes a complete freeze, and sometimes blue screen of death). But after those crashes I can keep it running for hours.
I have tried looking for a solution but I can't find it. I'm not 100% sure but I have updated to windows 11 some weeks ago and since then the crashes started appearing.
But it is always the same. I turn the pc on. I let it start for 2 minuts and suddenly it freezes, nothing i can do. I have to manually turn it off. I restart the pc and then I get the blue screen of death. And after restarting it once again it's all fine.
Any ideas what this could be? Thanks in advance! (DUMPFILES)
submitted by SeekayBe to techsupport [link] [comments]

2023.08.28 23:01 supergenius99 Is my GPU dying? Or is it something else?

For the last few months, my PC has been experiencing more and more crashes, to the point that it is force-rebooting at least once, often more, per day. It seems irrelevant to what tasks I’m performing, but is definitely more common during high stress tasks like video editing or gaming.
I have a prebuilt Acer Predator G3-710 from 2017: Intel i7-7700K 32 Gb ddr4 ram Nvidia GTX 1070 w/ 8 gb vram 500w power supply
When the computer crashes, the screen will usually just freeze for a few seconds before going dark and rebooting itself. Lately, however, it will occasionally do a bright multicolored strobe flash on screen before restarting.
Like I mentioned, it does not seem to be dependent on what tasks are being performed when it crashes. It is likely during simple web browsing or gaming. I have checked event viewer and usually the only critical event will say something to the effect of: you pc was not powered down properly.
Checking dump files (which don’t seem to be made every time, only sporadically) have given a “Video TDR failure”. I have run memtest and gotten no errors with ram. No visible damage to motherboard or other components, as far as I can see.
Right now, I believe in decreasing order of likelihood the problem is: 1)gpu 2)motherboard 3)psu
I don’t really have any extra components I can swap in/out for testing, but are there any other steps or recommendations you can think of to help diagnose and then fix this? I’d hate to spend the limited money I have on a new GPU/PSU combo and still have the thing not work.
Any help would be massively appreciated
edit: dump file:
submitted by supergenius99 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2023.08.10 14:38 Additional-Cherry426 My monitor starts fading to black every ~5 minutes

My current specs:
Monitor: ASUS VG27AQZ(144Hz(165 overclocked) 2K) and some Acer predator monitor.
OS: Windows 10(worked fine with 11, but the problem began a few weeks after downgrading back to windows 10)
Motherboard: Gigabyte b550i aorus pro AX(changed from asus strix b 450f about a month ago)
CPU: Ryzen 5 5600
GPU: MSI RX 6900XT Gaming Z trio(Previously MSI RTX 3060 Ti Gaming Z, after swapping it for amd gpu, this issue was exacerbated, more on that later in the post)
RAM: Trident Z rgb 32 gb ddr4 @ 3200 MHz
As the name suggests, my monitor starts fading to black every 5 minutes, the problem started a couple of months ago, randomly. Firstly, it began with my rtx 3060 ti, in a form of not turning on sometimes, when I open a game in fullscreen, change resolution, or refresh rate. I have had this monitor for almost a year now, and this problem has appeared only this summer. I've used it in overclocked mode for about a month tops, and switched to 144hz, since I couldn't change monitor modes when overclocked.
After upgrading to an AMD gpu, though, the problem worsened, with it slowly fading to black as you see on the picture every once in a while. Usually it happened about 5 or so times per day. But the problem steadily has gotten worse.
At first I was restarting my PC every time it happened, and it would fix itself for a short while, then I started simply unplugging the monitor from the power socket, and now I just turn it off, wait anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes(this is also random), and it works again, for about 5 minutes.
Now here is the catch: it for some reason works perfectly fine whenever I turn on air conditioning, that is mounted right over my desk(I sit with my back turned to the wall). It used to work fine with 144Hz, but now it doesn't even manage that, basically, the smaller the refresh rate, the more "resilient" it is against dying on me when the air conditioning is turned on. The monitor itself feels kinda hot to the touch, but it was this hot ever since I got it a year ago.
At one point, it stopped fading to black altogether, when I had switched to 60Hz, although that didn't last long either, and after about a week, it started fading to black just like every other refresh rate, without air conditioning turned on.
Also, I must point out that also during my gpu upgrade, I have dropped a screw inside of the monitor itself, and after fruitless attempts at retrieving it, I decided to break open the plastic ventilation on the back. I have retrieved the screw, but that small plastic thingy is still inside, stuck somewhere.
And before you ask, yes, my other monitor works fine, it never dies on me.
What I have tried so far:
I have tried going back to RTX 3060 Ti at the start, and from what I remember, it didn't do much, although I will try that again later, and update the post.
Reinstalling drivers, downgrading drivers, I have used DDU to uninstall Nvidia drivers.
Swapping for different cables, using a different port, using HDMI instead of DP.
I've changed a lot of my system specs lately, so it's definitely not my motherboard, psu nor storage, though I've gotten new ram, and will try that too.
Messing around in the monitor OSD, turning on\off all of the settings there are
Updating monitor drivers manually
Here are the photos of the problem itself:
submitted by Additional-Cherry426 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2023.07.20 21:56 Razgriz0099 AvP Campaign Idea - Fourth Public Version

Hello Everyone!
I know, it’s been sometime since I posted another update on my progress, and for anyone who has been watching out for them I am sorry, truly. Anyways, let’s get to the point of this post shall we?
As some might remember, I have been making an Aliens vs. Predator Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition variant. So far it is coming a lot well, it’s been abit difficult to work on due to some Writer’s Block but I am still hand writing a lot of notes that will be going into the document I’ll be sharing with you today. Speaking of Document, let me give a brief rundown of some of the changes I’ve made since the last version I posted (which was 0.67v, the current is 0.72v).
So, since the last version I posted, I have added a few things. Lists of vehicles, more lessons on how to use the character sheet, some details to the bestiary, and a finished (nearly, might tweak) version of the “Corpsmen” Class. Some less important changes were adding of crewmembers of the Sagittarius, modified skill list, some formatting changes, and general document fixes and/or updates. Oh, and I lowered the level cap, making it slightly more manageable.
Without any more of my non-sense rambling, here is version 0.72 of the AvP D&D 5e Campaign: “Distress Disress”.
Have fun reading,
- Game On!
submitted by Razgriz0099 to alienrpg [link] [comments]

2023.05.30 17:44 ewk Why are all Japanese Zen Buddhist lineages fake frauds?

All fraud all the time

Hakuin and Dogen, the cornerstones of Zen Buddhism in Japan , were obviously frauds * proven by academics with no conflict of interest, and no church has ever denied it. * Academics acknowledge that the modern consensus is irrefutable: Dogen invented Zazen, and knew he was misleading people. * With the recent revelation of Hakuin's secret answer key for koans, there is no longer any way to claim that Hakuin was enlightened, or that he didn't know he was lying to people. * Japanese Buddhists claim to be Rinzai and Soto, but they are both branches of Dogen's religion. They certify each other and they uphold each other's frauds. Neither branch has excommunicated the others sex predators.

Japanese Buddhists don't offer counter arguments. They offer apologetics.

 * Japanese Buddhists in this forum and an academia quote each other, they do not address the counter arguments made outside the church. * Japanese Buddhist religious writing to "prove" what Chinese secular Zen Masters teach *instead of quoting Zen Masters*, in order to separate the faithful from primary sources. * No reason to think that Japanese "got" Zen, other than "church says so". 

Racism/bigotry characterized Japanese Buddhism

 * The racist undertones of "Japanese Buddhism is valid" because the Japanese Buddhists say so. Where else in the modern world does one race get to define another race? * The religious bigotry of claiming that 8FP worshippers are the same as people who study the Four Statements. How are they the same if they have different lists? "Church says" isn't an argument, it's a confession. 

What do Zen Masters teach the Japanese Buddhists can't face?

submitted by ewk to zen [link] [comments]

2023.05.24 12:24 luckeypapper nvlddmkm.sys "BSOD"

I have a problem with my PC. Every few days my computer crashes randomly, not specifically under load, it has happened several times while just watching YouTube videos. I didn't get a BSOD, my computer simply rebooted. I downloaded the BlueScreenView program, which showed me that there was a BSOD after all, it just couldn't display it. My question is, do you think this is a hardware problem? I have already deleted and reinstalled the video card driver, but it did not solve the problem.
Screenshot from BlueScreenView:
Dump files download:
submitted by luckeypapper to techsupport [link] [comments]

2023.05.17 16:51 Glass_Doughnut7833 Stuck at virtual bool IONVMeController::start(IOService *)::775: IONVMeController:: start

I tried a lot of things but I cannot find any answers. On some websites it tells me that its a problem with the order of my kexts 1.Lilu 2.VirtualSMC ... or a problem with my ssd nvme which I tried to fix with the related kext but it still does not work. Sometimes I get a line further : AppleNVMe Assert failed: ( 0 != data ) ReleaseIDNode file: /System/Volumes/Data/SWE/macOS/BuildRoot
I'm working with a Predator PH317-53
What could be the problem and how to fix it? Here is my EFI:
submitted by Glass_Doughnut7833 to hackintosh [link] [comments]

2023.04.24 22:35 Razgriz0099 AvP Campaign Idea - Third Public Version

Hello Everyone!
It has been sometime since I posted another round updates regarding the Aliens vs. Predator Dungeons & Dragon 5th Edition that I am currently still working on. I’ve been working on this since February of 2022 and have yet to finish it. Yeah, I know, that’s a long ass time to be working on this and it should be done right? Well, as we all know, life is a bitch and needs to chill sometimes LOL.
Any who, there has been a lot of edits in this version, some changes, some extra details added that I felt the D&D 5e PHB was missing. Overall, most of the changes that you’ll see is in the Equipment Section of this document; there are some changes in the Class Section, but I’m still embarrassed at the lack of information and work that I’ve put to the classes for this game. A lot of temporary text and placeholder bullshit you know.
Without any more of my non-sense rambling, here is version 0.67 of the AvP D&D 5e Campaign: “Distress Disress”.
Have fun reading,
- Game On!
submitted by Razgriz0099 to alienrpg [link] [comments]

2023.04.13 06:42 patel_ankit Opencore bootloader is not booting up

Opencore bootloader is not booting up
After booting up from OpenCore USB, nothing happening after this screen
System Configuration -
─ Laptop
└── Acer Predator Helios 300 PH315-51
└── Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz
├── GP107M [GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Mobile]
└── CoffeeLake-H GT2 [UHD Graphics 630]
─ Network
├── RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller
└── Cannon Lake PCH CNVi WiFi
─ Audio
├── GP107GL High Definition Audio Controller
└── Cannon Lake PCH cAVS
─ Storage
├── Sandisk Corp WD Blue SN570 500GB (NVME SSD)
Steps Followed
  1. Prepared USB drive by following
  2. BIOS Settings - Secure Boot disabled, SATA Mode - AHCI
EFI File -
Logs -
Currently, Kubuntu is running. Earlier having kubuntu + windows as dual boot on same SSD at that time, after the screen showcased in image, it is directly booting to Windows.
Seems like bootloader is not starting.
Any help is highly Appreciated!
submitted by patel_ankit to hackintosh [link] [comments]

2023.03.06 21:40 Hoody_Weather List Of Download Data Files (Will Be Updated When New Things Come Out)

The list will be updated when new things drop. New Drops Will Be Posted To The Top Of The Page.

GoW Collection - D.E. (US - PCSA00126) v2.1 - 7.07GB

GoW Collection - D.E. (EU - PCSF00438) v2.1 - 7.66GB

Dexxtrip Ports Pretty Much Everything That Is From

Final Fantasy 3
(Place opening.mp4 in ux0:data/ff3/) - Credit: Glacon_Garcon

Alien Vs Predator



Chocolate Doom

Crazy Taxi



Final Fantasy 5

Final Fantasy 4

Grand Theft Auto: China Town Wars

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Grand Theft Auto 3 (v1.4)

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Return to Castle Wolfenstein


Max Payne

OpenLaura (Tomb Raider)

Rise Of The Triad

Streets Of Rage

This War of Mine

Undead Slayer

Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy

Fallout 2 CE

Mass Effect Infiltrator

submitted by Hoody_Weather to TheVitaLounge [link] [comments]

2022.12.05 14:54 Razgriz0099 AvP Campaign Idea - Second Public Version

Hello Everyone!
I know I haven't been very active in this subreddit, not having posted anything since the 21st of October and all, but it's been for good reasons I promise.
As some of you might remember, I am in the process of making a Homebrew game for Aliens Vs Predator. Because I am using multiple games to build this campaign, Pathfinder and Dungeons & Dragons, it is taking abit more time then I would have thought it would take to get this far. I am already on the 62nd version of my core document.
I have been working hard over the last few months to try and get a more complete document ready to be shared with everyone here. Sadly, it is still not very complete and as you will see in the PDF I am going to be providing at the bottom of this post, there is still alot to work on and alot that is still missing.

I hope you all enjoy the content,
- Game on!

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2022.09.03 07:50 MagentaHamster English Translation of Issue #32 A Son Named Genghis

Do not use my translations for profit. All pages are edited to improve/restore the artwork. If you'd like to use them, please ask me first.
Link to translation here
Last time I said this issue was an important milestone.
I've now translated HALF of the comic into English!!! It took around 4 years to do, but hopefully the second half won't take that long.
The artwork in this issue looks really good (I mean, underneath all the ink Eura vomited on it) and there are some panels drawn at really interesting, distorted angles. I put a bit more time and care into fixing some of the artwork in this issue. So please don't use it without asking me first. I also received some help from a Cybersix fan, who wishes to remain anonymous, who was of tremendous help and cleaned up the artwork on some pages when I was too busy with work and helped me get it done sooner than I would have.
Page 3 So did you guys notice it's been 5 issues since we've seen Genghis?
Page 4-5 All these panels flashbacking to Genghis's birth were taken from issue 22. I just copy and pasted the artwork because it was 100x cleaner and better than what Eura did to the pages here. If you can, look up how the panels originally looked. It's awful.
Page 24 The Gran Rex in the background is a real Art Deco style theater in Buenos Aires. It opened in 1937 and is the largest cinema in Argentina.
Page 25 I wonder if those posters in the background used to actually be something before Eura printed it.
Page 27 I don't know if this was intentional or not, but in Italian and Spanish, the word for "why" and "because" are the same (perché in Italian and ¿Por qué?/Porque in Spanish). So when Maura asks "why?/perché?" over and over, the answers she tells her self also all begin with the same word. It's something that can't really be replicated in English.
Page 51 I can buy a story where a Nazi Scientist plunked his brain into another body not once, not twice, but three times in order to keep living, I can buy that a test tube baby can telepathically communicate with her brother who's also in a panther's body, I can buy that Heaven and Hell are real and full of Angels and Demons who recycle souls, I can buy a story where dead celebrities can be resurrected with the flimsiest of remains and gorillas can talk and Merlin the Wizard is real...
...but I can't buy that there would ever be an employer as patient and understanding as Strega. In reality, Adrian would have been replaced with some vintage magnetic card reader by this point.
Page 53 There was a giant box at the bottom of the page explaining that this was a dream. It says this:
It's a dream. The absurd dream of a monster who will never cease to be a child. Yeah... not even in dreams. Because even in them Jose's evil will express itself through visions of imagery that refers to childhood... like a cartoon... like one of his favorite cartoons...
By this point, I think it's safe to assume Eura added that. I used the artwork on the next page to edit it out.
Page 91 "imagine... how can you not imagine, when everything..."
Yeah... I edited that box out to.
Page 99 Huh, I'm interested in these articles from Japan about Cybersix. They would predate the cartoon.
Corriere della Sera is an Italian newspaper and I was able to find one archived article from Sandro Modeo that mentions Cybersix, but it wasn't the one Eura mentions here.

That's it for this issue. The next issue will be #33 Juliet And Genghis.
If you notice any mistakes, please let me know. Also, if you'd like to help speed up the translation process, I'm always looking for people to type out the text of the Italian issues. It may not seem like much, but it takes me around three days just to type out one issue, so getting help with that will really speed things up in the long run.
submitted by MagentaHamster to Cybersix [link] [comments]