Narritive poems about vacation

A poem for my SBF

2024.05.30 12:12 Affectionate_Bad3908 A poem for my SBF

My SBF and I were apart for about 19 days. He was at his vacation home. I was there with him for a week, but had to return to my kids and pets.
We reunited last night. I’m a writer, currently curating a book of poems for a local publishing contest. I wrote this after seeing him last night. He is also an artist, musician and painter. He says it’s my best one yet. ☺️ I’m hoping he’s not just being biased.
Putting my heart out there lol I’m fine with critiques or someone not liking it. But please be kind.
Enchanted Fervor
You return to me
The way you stare
Your eyes
Piercing mine
With a hunger
I’ve never known
The embrace
Only way to describe it
Electric waves
Flowing from your body
Into mine
We lie in bliss
Is all I hear
Mine and yours
In perfect time
I want to talk
Say so much
But I can’t
Ruining the silence
Feels like a crime
I want to lay
In the nook of your arm
For as long
As you’ll let me
Can’t spoil this moment
With thoughts and words
Relish in the energy
Cascade between us
My body to yours
Words are the nemesis
Words would interrupt
The here and now
Words have no place here
No matter how I try
I write and write
Think and meditate
Words can’t contain
This moment in time
submitted by Affectionate_Bad3908 to sugarlifestyleforum [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:47 BeSerial Success story (?)

Hi all (and who knows/I hope dr K),
Prepare to read!! But if you don't want to, get the TLDR at the bottom; I am very uncommon with Reddit so forgive me any mistakes!
I've been strugglin' along in life for a while now (am 26 years old) and even though I've been doubling down on dr K's videos last 6 months or so, it's been 10 years I've been working very hard on myself (sometimes really really obsessively). As following is how great my life is going;
I just got hired for a new job (System Engineer in IT), got a good base (got a small but nice apartment with garden, money, stuff, a cute cat) and I am very healthy and strong (I put alot of time in my health) and maybe I got some on the lucky side with appearance thanks to my parents (no model but u know, just fine). + I've joined group therapy on 18 yrs old for one and a half year, been in cognitive therapy since my 21st and still going sometimes and have been reading about philosophy, psychology for years and thought alot about a mentality of 'overcoming' and practicing this alot too in for example Boxing. As more medicine for the mind I sometimes make poems, play guitar and sing or make raps (been a while tbh), meditate, work out more, have a healthy routine and habits, try to do enough new things and take risks (as in Love and also career or vacations alone etc).. I feel like I understand myself and my world alot better than before and that I could do something really cool with these insights.
To understand my question but honestly also because I am weirdly eager to share my story, here's a small part of my history; My parents got divorced at age 5 or 6 because my mother joined a sect (like Amish but modernized) and the church said she had to, against my fathers' wishes. It was a horrible divorce, where suddenly my dad was gone, they regularly got in screaming fights with my mom wishing him dead etc, slamming doors (my dad broke into the house at least once) arguing over the relationship and us, while we didn't really understood why and cried ofcourse. Later on when things sort of settled down I saw my dad weekend on weekend off and until shortly I told myself everything was fine from that time on; it would be too much to tell, but I am now sure (beside every period also has some good things ofc) I have been emotionally neglected, traumatically manipulated by my mom (examples: literally years later when I felt sad my dad was gone while looking at old pictures where she cut him out, she said things like it was the demon in my room making me feel that way and she literally commanded/screamed it back to hell, I was frightened to death and my little sister cried once; my mother also observed and controlled us sometimes obsessively checking our stuff in search of where the devil could hide & would throw it away, and manipulate choices, what is not allowed to do or even think.. everything) and I lived an extremely sad, depressing, insecure and self-blaming youth. If I'd understood what really was going on with my mom and my family, I probably would have killed myself. Lucky me I guess she forced me to become a bit better at lying, and so too to myself. Hahah you thought that was all didn't yah? Hell no, here comes part two; at 15 yrs old I got kicked out of (that side of) the family which meant losing my mother, my siblings I grew up with, my best friend cousin and a whole network of friends because I had to move to my father in another city too far away. I had to walk away from home (my mom) because I felt very unsafe apparently, I wasn't welcome anymore after that. She also didn't respond to my texts, or said I could come and then cancel, and send not even a message from the first birthday since on. Later on I tried again but she keeps putting expectations on me and plays with my love for her. haven't seen her for 6 years now I think. But I also left the one good thing; my mothers' beliefs. I am grateful for my father to take me in, but I think now he was too traumatized by the happenings' in his life that he wasn't able to really connect with me when I moved in, we never discussed emotional parts or had a good talk the first year or more. Maybe we had later on but still, he always felt distant from me, as today I am afraid. Like he is half a ghost; He lives, but always seems unaware of half of what happens.. doing his routine over and over. You can talk but he forgets. Never said he loved me or anything, just he living his life and I mine besides his. I know he loves me, but sad it is.
So you can see I've been through some shit and still leaving out alot because it would be too long to read. I want to get to the point myself as like;
I am feeling okay lately and really are keeping my balance, feeling overall good and livin' prosperous as I actually always do. The only thing I really long still is having a connection with people. I don't know if it's me, them, or both.. I moved alot so it was hard to remain friendships, but I also think I find it hard to make friends because I feel like a strange ducky; I fear my past has changed me so much that I understand depth that my peers do not. It could be arrogance, but it must at least have some truth in it. It takes alot of energy to be around new people and since a year I have become alot more solitary, because I don't want to drink really, use drugs or stay up at night. I live a peaceful life reading, working out, pursue a nice career and sum good meditation (and tea) sessions. And try to keep a few good friendships going, which are going very well. But I haven't been in a relationship for 6 years and now I feel like I am ready (a healthy one this time I promise), only the women around me I feel like they are not (ghosting, are most interested in themselves, looking for checking their grocerylist, communicate intensely vague). I've had quite some experience with women and don't struggle to get dates, but I really find it hard to find real connection/understanding. I got on a new datingapp where you go on date when you match without chatting, sounds great not? Only with the first 3 matches they postponed the date already 6 times, two doubles, mostly same day/few hours before. And with horrible reason and effort after really. I also find the girls I have approached in real life and dated seem occupied, and some of those things i just listed. Generally very cold women here in Holland, is my experience (but there are always exceptions on ones' rules ofcourse);
''Has this world changed its' moral value, or is it I?''
.. So I wonder; do I need to change myself, or my environment? Do I maybe have a lack of connection what makes me feel like I lack connection, or am I still missing something internally? Or both? And do I need to be more patient while feeling a little righteous lack-of?
If you want to ask, share or give your worldview of anything please do so! I am here to learn, not to know it better.
Huge propz to dr K, thanks for the ton of knowledge I already learned from you for free and thanks for this reddit page!
thanks for reading!

side question: It could be obvious but is my history a normal one? or is it a bit different from the usual? I wouldn't know really, I like to see myself as normal

TL;DR: Life is going great, Life wás hell & felt like sharing, question; is there a chance for real love?

submitted by BeSerial to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:46 BeSerial Success story (?)

Hi all (and who knows/I hope dr K),
Prepare to read!! But if you don't want to, get the TLDR at the bottom; I am very uncommon with Reddit so forgive me any mistakes!
I've been strugglin' along in life for a while now (am 26 years old) and even though I've been doubling down on dr K's videos last 6 months or so, it's been 10 years I've been working very hard on myself (sometimes really really obsessively). As following is how great my life is going;
I just got hired for a new job (System Engineer in IT), got a good base (got a small but nice apartment with garden, money, stuff, a cute cat) and I am very healthy and strong (I put alot of time in my health) and maybe I got some on the lucky side with appearance thanks to my parents (no model but u know, just fine). + I've joined group therapy on 18 yrs old for one and a half year, been in cognitive therapy since my 21st and still going sometimes and have been reading about philosophy, psychology for years and thought alot about a mentality of 'overcoming' and practicing this alot too in for example Boxing. As more medicine for the mind I sometimes make poems, play guitar and sing or make raps (been a while tbh), meditate, work out more, have a healthy routine and habits, try to do enough new things and take risks (as in Love and also career or vacations alone etc).. I feel like I understand myself and my world alot better than before and that I could do something really cool with these insights.
To understand my question but honestly also because I am weirdly eager to share my story, here's a small part of my history; My parents got divorced at age 5 or 6 because my mother joined a sect (like Amish but modernized) and the church said she had to, against my fathers' wishes. It was a horrible divorce, where suddenly my dad was gone, they regularly got in screaming fights with my mom wishing him dead etc, slamming doors (my dad broke into the house at least once) arguing over the relationship and us, while we didn't really understood why and cried ofcourse. Later on when things sort of settled down I saw my dad weekend on weekend off and until shortly I told myself everything was fine from that time on; it would be too much to tell, but I am now sure (beside every period also has some good things ofc) I have been emotionally neglected, traumatically manipulated by my mom (examples: literally years later when I felt sad my dad was gone while looking at old pictures where she cut him out, she said things like it was the demon in my room making me feel that way and she literally commanded/screamed it back to hell, I was frightened to death and my little sister cried once; my mother also observed and controlled us sometimes obsessively checking our stuff in search of where the devil could hide & would throw it away, and manipulate choices, what is not allowed to do or even think.. everything) and I lived an extremely sad, depressing, insecure and self-blaming youth. If I'd understood what really was going on with my mom and my family, I probably would have killed myself. Lucky me I guess she forced me to become a bit better at lying, and so too to myself. Hahah you thought that was all didn't yah? Hell no, here comes part two; at 15 yrs old I got kicked out of (that side of) the family which meant losing my mother, my siblings I grew up with, my best friend cousin and a whole network of friends because I had to move to my father in another city too far away. I had to walk away from home (my mom) because I felt very unsafe apparently, I wasn't welcome anymore after that. She also didn't respond to my texts, or said I could come and then cancel, and send not even a message from the first birthday since on. Later on I tried again but she keeps putting expectations on me and plays with my love for her. haven't seen her for 6 years now I think. But I also left the one good thing; my mothers' beliefs. I am grateful for my father to take me in, but I think now he was too traumatized by the happenings' in his life that he wasn't able to really connect with me when I moved in, we never discussed emotional parts or had a good talk the first year or more. Maybe we had later on but still, he always felt distant from me, as today I am afraid. Like he is half a ghost; He lives, but always seems unaware of half of what happens.. doing his routine over and over. You can talk but he forgets. Never said he loved me or anything, just he living his life and I mine besides his. I know he loves me, but sad it is.
So you can see I've been through some shit and still leaving out alot because it would be too long to read. I want to get to the point myself as like;
I am feeling okay lately and really are keeping my balance, feeling overall good and livin' prosperous as I actually always do. The only thing I really long still is having a connection with people. I don't know if it's me, them, or both.. I moved alot so it was hard to remain friendships, but I also think I find it hard to make friends because I feel like a strange ducky; I fear my past has changed me so much that I understand depth that my peers do not. It could be arrogance, but it must at least have some truth in it. It takes alot of energy to be around new people and since a year I have become alot more solitary, because I don't want to drink really, use drugs or stay up at night. I live a peaceful life reading, working out, pursue a nice career and sum good meditation (and tea) sessions. And try to keep a few good friendships going, which are going very well. But I haven't been in a relationship for 6 years and now I feel like I am ready (a healthy one this time I promise), only the women around me I feel like they are not (ghosting, are most interested in themselves, looking for checking their grocerylist, communicate intensely vague). I've had quite some experience with women and don't struggle to get dates, but I really find it hard to find real connection/understanding. I got on a new datingapp where you go on date when you match without chatting, sounds great not? Only with the first 3 matches they postponed the date already 6 times, two doubles, mostly same day/few hours before. And with horrible reason and effort after really. I also find the girls I have approached in real life and dated seem occupied, and some of those things i just listed. Generally very cold women here in Holland, is my experience (but there are always exceptions on ones' rules ofcourse);
''Has this world changed its' moral value, or is it I?''
.. So I wonder; do I need to change myself, or my environment? Do I maybe have a lack of connection what makes me feel like I lack connection, or am I still missing something internally? Or both? And do I need to be more patient while feeling a little righteous lack-of?
If you want to ask, share or give your worldview of anything please do so! I am here to learn, not to know it better.
Huge propz to dr K, thanks for the ton of knowledge I already learned from you for free and thanks for this reddit page!
thanks for reading!

side question: It could be obvious but is my history a normal one? or is it a bit different from the usual? I wouldn't know really, I like to see myself as normal

TL;DR: Life is going great, Life wás hell & felt like sharing, question; is there a chance for real love?

submitted by BeSerial to roadtrip [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:11 Agreeable_Fault_6066 Reflections

Waywards may need validation. Some wanted such validation from outside the relationship, because “of course you find me pretty and sexy, you love me!”, some thought/said. Like we don’t believe the praise our mom or grandma told us “you’re handsome “. Yeah, bullshit, we may have thought. The reality is you’re probably handsome. You will find those who love you are the first ones to tell you the truth, whether nice or harsh. “So, you are lazy!” …What a honest grandmother summary of my academic performance at some point. They still said that in a gentle and loving voice while handing me biscuits.
Why do we seek validation from those who know us less? Maybe to remove the love aspect, being judged purely on our persona. Be it physical attractiveness, or intellectual awing, to physical performance, invented charisma, trying newly found confidence that would not fit the existing relationship’s dynamics.
I used lot of persona facets, I wanted to become a successful lover. It was a challenge. I was hunting for love.
I was also enjoying my newly found self. Re-found. Things I had hidden for decades. The creativity needed a muse. It was also a playground of experiments.
I found the dynamics fresh, anew. I was trying to be someone else than I was with my BP. I wasn’t really “faking”, the words and actions with that other person were mine, yet I never expressed them like that to my BP.
It is as if I could be that person I wanted to be. In my past/present relationship I wanted to be more, but couldn’t change or risk the present relationship. When sometimes I tried, but failed. My artistic comments or pretty words fell flat.
In the affair, my poems were creating fire in heart.
It is a mix of Muse and receptiveness. Offer and demand both at high level. The AP use me as much as I used the AP, in that demand/offer dynamics.
We sometimes have to “pay” or “chip in” something to get what we want/need in return. Be it giving sex to receive adoration. For example I may like to meet new people to discover their life, their world, discussions. That passionate me. But the expectation from me would be romance and sex. Nobody wants to put the effort into me as mere friend. Lack of time. I attract by what I have to offer. I feel disgusting, but everyone is the same, conscious or not.
Some books cover the paradox of relationships: safe and stable yet boring. Fill many needs, yet some are forever impossible to fulfil.
I agree with some of these books, that today’s relationship look more dependent on each other than ever before for some of the needs. Safety yet romance. Stability yet excitement.
Besides the not so obvious discovery of what one’s needs are, expressing them safely is an impossible mission. And finding a mutual solution yet many more steps. Be it creativity, more social bonds, adventurous sports, uncommon vacations, business enterprises, etc.
How much of ourselves have we let sleeping, living over it, rug-swept under a carpeted convenience of a relationship.
The “fake” wasn’t me in the affair, it was me before the affair. I had lied to myself, hidden to my spouse, hidden my needs from myself and from my partner.

The psychology of needs and biology of feelings

We may have psychological evolution favouring the safety of relationships over the risk of breakup, the risk of communication.
Many of our natural instincts are archaic inheritance. The several nervous systems drive our emotional reactions like we were still cavemen. Emotional intelligence accounts for self understanding, being able to reframe, step back. Acknowledge our feelings, understand them, control the impulses.
We won’t end up kicked out of a cave, dead eaten by a tiger, if we fail a relationship. But the brain can still think that way. By “brain” I mean some of the automatic nervous systems. Many reactions are subconscious. Your consciousness can notice the effects. And then think about the triggers.
You are safe. These negative emotions are not real.
However, whatever how strong you think a brain can be, thoughts alone (cognition) cannot always convince your nervous systems that you aren’t in a risk of impending death. Millions of year of survival evolution lead us to stubbornly trust our feelings. Which is sometimes correct. Don’t stay in an unsafe relationship. I am talking here about other needs.
When you know you’re safe but you need more, and cannot convince yourself, then don’t ignore it. Your nervous systems will implacably make you feel miserable until your pressure valve blows up. Escape.
How do you get “more”?
Your needs can be met elsewhere. Not in the arms of a lover, equally as emotionally immature as you, or worse. No: with friends, at an art club, in the gym, walking alone. Watch your fav series alone. Your own projects.
Your partner might be your life partner : 1) They deserve to know 2) They deserve a chance to make it work mutually But: 1) They don’t know you perfectly. They can’t read your mind 2) You are not bound to them. You are safe. Really. Be that person you really are. Love the real self. Stand for yourself. Impose your boundaries. Almost be ready to walk off of it doesn’t work out. You are not desperate. The partner will only respect you more. You will grow together with the right partner. We have never been happier since I stopped taking shit.
Resentment is unacceptable. You are not strong for “coping”.
Of course, meeting your needs elsewhere (outside the relationship) yet without an affair, means you may not have satisfaction in romantic needs. Vanity of aesthetics, or personality interest, all gratifying your ego, are very powerful forces. Very. Even the richest and most intelligent people in the world chase after the gratification of beauty, power, etc. All the sins that you know are real, anchored in us. Don’t trust someone who tells you they are perfect, pure. We all have our demons.
Your present relationship will NOT satisfy all your needs. Your potential next one won’t either. Your AP has/will not either.
The only solution?
I am skipping a lot of the Self-Learning, there are lot of shortcuts in these thoughts.
Everything that made you do what you did, and made you feel what you felt in the affair, everything is in your hands. Any A is so unnecessary, because you could have had all the same self-finding and contentment without it. Like emotionally mature people do.
Good learning.
Sorry if it all sound patronising or naive.
Errare humanum est, perseverare adhuc humanum est.
submitted by Agreeable_Fault_6066 to SupportforWaywards [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 18:51 ThrowawayPickle11 I've been beaten into submission and have nothing to show for it. (long ramble)

Forgive me if this is long, but it's been a long few years. Hopefully no one recognizes me based on these events.
When I turned 18, I came into some money left for me by my late and beloved grandmother. As the young and dumb idiot that I was at the time, I ignored the words I was given by my mom and blew it all over the course of 2 years +. Not on any big purchases, but a combination of small purchases, dumb subscriptions, being naive and paying more for rent than I should've compared to my roommate(s), and the biggest factor: giving a lot of it to people who didn't need it.
I've always been a giver to the point that it leaves me with nothing, and that was no different. That was the beginning of the downward spiral of my life.
Personal life:
For most of my life I've felt inadequate and worthless. I've always been the nerd that gets made fun of or taken advantage of, I've always been skinny which has been a point of being picked on often or daily. I'm black, which invites jokes at my race and skin tone, even from other black people. I've always done my own thing, whether with my preferences or introversion, which ALSO gets picked on due to me not being like everyone else I interact with. I've moved too often, worked too much, or been picked on too much to ever experience much to the point where I barely no how to do anything but work, game, and "nerdy" things, which has also been picked on. I'm always a shoulder to cry on, but these same people never lend me an ear when I need it. I only ever do it because there's a part of me that longs for contact, and for most of my life that was the only time I was ever given the time of day or sought out by anyone, including family.
There are only three people in the world that ever give a damn about what I say, whether important or small talk that THEY start. Otherwise I'm talked over, ignored, interrupted, or the conversation somehow gets turned into a way to pick on me for small things that have added up.
A lot of the bullying and picking on I've experienced has been small things with bigger things sprinkled in, always about my insecurities, but I've had a thick enough skin to not interact, or a lack of a spine to respond properly. This has built up to shattering any confidence I've ever had in myself, and destroyed any desire to interact with people. I'm afraid every conversation I have will turn into a waste of time or a way to shit on me, and I've been right on the money every time other than with my mom or TWO of the only five people I talk to outside of family.
I stay in those situations because those are the only interactions I have otherwise. I'm desperate for conversation with people who don't want to talk to me, people whom I have nothing in common with, and people who like to rag on me. I'm pathetic.
The work saga:
For years, I've put my all into my work, whatever job it may be. I've had three long term jobs since I was 17, one of which I worked for 5 years (with a break during covid due to it shutting down). There were several factors that caused me to leave both of the jobs I worked the longest, but it basically amounted to being overworked to the point of having health and stress issues, picking up the workload of the dozens of people who quit around me or under me, adding to my own stress, being openly walked on and disrespected to the point of bullying at times, having no life outside of work whatsoever which forced my "friends" to be coworkers (some of whom either betrayed me in ways or used me, as I should've expected), and eventually either being thrown away or driven to near insanity.
Due to several reasons, I didn't and still don't drive, which has forced me to bus or Uber everywhere, using lyft/Uber for the most part during the first half due to me being too tired to wake up in time, and getting off too late to bus home at times. I've had to walk several miles to get home, which ruined shoes and my feet, and added to my fatigue.
Throughout that time, I incurred a few debts, some of which were my fault and others weren't. I owed the IRS several hundred dollars federally with no apparent origin, and even after calling them, they expressed confusion at it, but said they couldn't/wouldn't do anything about it. I paid $17,000 in taxes of the $30,000 I made that year, and still owed several hundred. I had paid off my credit cards, only to bring them right back where they started because my friend didn't calculate properly or prepare us properly for the vacation we took to his home town, forcing me to use the cards to afford gas and food for us since we'd otherwise be stranded and broke. Then returned to find I had been replaced at my 5 year-long job by an asshole who turned the place into a hell that even our customers noticed, making me walk out with over half of the staff after a few weeks.
At the next job I lacked a spine enough to do anything meaningful about the manager and others who bullied me on a constant basis, and ruined a birthday I didn't even want to celebrate to begin with. When I DID finally confront him, it stopped, but was seemingly replaced by being overworked due to them and the other managers causing dozens of my peers and those beneath me to quit weekly, leaving me and others to hold it together while they showed favoritism to others. HR was useless. No one had a spine to sue for long because of how big the company was, and because everyone they hired was desperate for cash to the point of fear.
For most of my life I've had issues with depression and anxiety, having written several poems about killing myself when I was 12 onwards. I switched schools often due to moving, and any friends I made along the way fell by the wayside save for 4 of them, and for a time, I'd only ever be contacted by others so I could be a shoulder to cry on or for money that I didn't have. But due to my nature as a selfless, self-sabotaging idiot, I gave everything but the lint in my pockets.
The few times I had an opportunity to experience any fun or life outside of work, I was either dragged to something that made me extremely uncomfortable, or was made fun of for my lack of experience with ANYTHING, which discouraged me from trying any further (which was ALSO used to pick on me).
I have no love life whatsoever, and the only "girlfriend" I've ever had didn't last long for multiple reasons.
The combination of stress from my tumultuous work life, my relcusivity, being walked on, not being respected in ANY capacity (from my preferences to my introversion to my skinny body to my skin tone to my issues, etc), the guilt of me wasting my grandmother's money, feelings of inadequacy and being a burden to anyone that showed me any actual kindness, and my mental issues, led to me nearly killing myself several times over the last two and a half months alone. I've cried out for help so much to anyone and everyone, and no one gave a damn except my mother, who can only do so much. No one seems to care other than her and my aunt/uncles, but talking doesn't help. At least not with them. And so I stopped.
I get awkward and resistant to compliments or nice actions because I'm neither used to them nor do I feel worthy of them. I pretend to be OK to save myself from another conversation I'm either going to be too messed up to heed the help of, or waste my time talking to someone who isn't going to say anything helpful at all. I went to a mental hospital for a week a month ago, but pretended I was OK to get out of there because all they did was lock me away and give me bingo cards, otherwise treating me like furniture. I tried seeking out therapy but they either have no availability, don't take my insurance, or flake on me. I tried taking pills but they caused me to hallucinate and ruined my sleep rather than fixing it. I had a cat but gave her away to someone who can care for her better, and I got too snappy because of my fragile psyche, and I was tired of being mean to her over cat things. I love that cat, and she's better off with someone who can love her better. She's too much of an animal to realize I'm unworthy of her love, which she gave me more than I deserved.
I've been starving myself in hopes that I'll end up dying of malnutrition to save myself the stress and pain of killing myself, but also so I'll hopefully see a light at the end of the tunnel.
My lung has collapse twice over the last three years spontaneously, either due to stress or God's jokes, if there even is a god (I'm agnostic and don't care enough to think about it).
Finding work has been difficult to impossible due to the lack of work I'm suited for and my lack of drive to put any effort into anything. I'm afraid to interact with people out of fear of not knowing how to, or being made fun of again, or being used again, or burdening anyone with my nonsense.
My roommate has decided to pay for everything until I get back on my feet because I took him and another friend in when they were at their rock bottoms and let them live rent free for months, so he feels he's returning the favor, especially because he's now working a VERY high paying job. But I can't help feeling like a burden freeloader in my own home.
I stopped talking about any of this with anyone I know because they either can't help, have helped too much, or don't care enough to try. Most of all, I don't deserve it.
I should've saved myself from being bullied time and time again. Should've saved myself from being walked on at work and used like a tool for years only to be thrown away or overworked. Should've hunted for the people who'd actually care about me and what I have to say. Should've taken the helpful words and done something with them rather than failed every time. Should've been better.
Instead, I've been too weak, afraid, beaten down, and useless to make anything I try effective or even try at all. Even being here means nothing. My only goal in life would be to earn back the $30,000 I wasted and give it to someone who will put it to better use than I did.
If all of this has been meaningless rambling, I apologize. There is just so much that has happened that my mind is fried.
submitted by ThrowawayPickle11 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 18:50 ThrowawayPickle11 I'm stuck in a bad way and don't know if there's a future for me (long. Sorry.)

Forgive me if this is long, but it's been a long few years. Hopefully no one recognizes me based on these events.
When I turned 18, I came into some money left for me by my late and beloved grandmother. As the young and dumb idiot that I was at the time, I ignored the words I was given by my mom and blew it all over the course of 2 years +. Not on any big purchases, but a combination of small purchases, dumb subscriptions, being naive and paying more for rent than I should've compared to my roommate(s), and the biggest factor: giving a lot of it to people who didn't need it.
I've always been a giver to the point that it leaves me with nothing, and that was no different. That was the beginning of the downward spiral of my life.
Personal life:
For most of my life I've felt inadequate and worthless. I've always been the nerd that gets made fun of or taken advantage of, I've always been skinny which has been a point of being picked on often or daily. I'm black, which invites jokes at my race and skin tone, even from other black people. I've always done my own thing, whether with my preferences or introversion, which ALSO gets picked on due to me not being like everyone else I interact with. I've moved too often, worked too much, or been picked on too much to ever experience much to the point where I barely no how to do anything but work, game, and "nerdy" things, which has also been picked on. I'm always a shoulder to cry on, but these same people never lend me an ear when I need it. I only ever do it because there's a part of me that longs for contact, and for most of my life that was the only time I was ever given the time of day or sought out by anyone, including family.
There are only three people in the world that ever give a damn about what I say, whether important or small talk that THEY start. Otherwise I'm talked over, ignored, interrupted, or the conversation somehow gets turned into a way to pick on me for small things that have added up.
A lot of the bullying and picking on I've experienced has been small things with bigger things sprinkled in, always about my insecurities, but I've had a thick enough skin to not interact, or a lack of a spine to respond properly. This has built up to shattering any confidence I've ever had in myself, and destroyed any desire to interact with people. I'm afraid every conversation I have will turn into a waste of time or a way to shit on me, and I've been right on the money every time other than with my mom or TWO of the only five people I talk to outside of family.
I stay in those situations because those are the only interactions I have otherwise. I'm desperate for conversation with people who don't want to talk to me, people whom I have nothing in common with, and people who like to rag on me. I'm pathetic.
The work saga:
For years, I've put my all into my work, whatever job it may be. I've had three long term jobs since I was 17, one of which I worked for 5 years (with a break during covid due to it shutting down). There were several factors that caused me to leave both of the jobs I worked the longest, but it basically amounted to being overworked to the point of having health and stress issues, picking up the workload of the dozens of people who quit around me or under me, adding to my own stress, being openly walked on and disrespected to the point of bullying at times, having no life outside of work whatsoever which forced my "friends" to be coworkers (some of whom either betrayed me in ways or used me, as I should've expected), and eventually either being thrown away or driven to near insanity.
Due to several reasons, I didn't and still don't drive, which has forced me to bus or Uber everywhere, using lyft/Uber for the most part during the first half due to me being too tired to wake up in time, and getting off too late to bus home at times. I've had to walk several miles to get home, which ruined shoes and my feet, and added to my fatigue.
Throughout that time, I incurred a few debts, some of which were my fault and others weren't. I owed the IRS several hundred dollars federally with no apparent origin, and even after calling them, they expressed confusion at it, but said they couldn't/wouldn't do anything about it. I paid $17,000 in taxes of the $30,000 I made that year, and still owed several hundred. I had paid off my credit cards, only to bring them right back where they started because my friend didn't calculate properly or prepare us properly for the vacation we took to his home town, forcing me to use the cards to afford gas and food for us since we'd otherwise be stranded and broke. Then returned to find I had been replaced at my 5 year-long job by an asshole who turned the place into a hell that even our customers noticed, making me walk out with over half of the staff after a few weeks.
At the next job I lacked a spine enough to do anything meaningful about the manager and others who bullied me on a constant basis, and ruined a birthday I didn't even want to celebrate to begin with. When I DID finally confront him, it stopped, but was seemingly replaced by being overworked due to them and the other managers causing dozens of my peers and those beneath me to quit weekly, leaving me and others to hold it together while they showed favoritism to others. HR was useless. No one had a spine to sue for long because of how big the company was, and because everyone they hired was desperate for cash to the point of fear.
For most of my life I've had issues with depression and anxiety, having written several poems about killing myself when I was 12 onwards. I switched schools often due to moving, and any friends I made along the way fell by the wayside save for 4 of them, and for a time, I'd only ever be contacted by others so I could be a shoulder to cry on or for money that I didn't have. But due to my nature as a selfless, self-sabotaging idiot, I gave everything but the lint in my pockets.
The few times I had an opportunity to experience any fun or life outside of work, I was either dragged to something that made me extremely uncomfortable, or was made fun of for my lack of experience with ANYTHING, which discouraged me from trying any further (which was ALSO used to pick on me).
I have no love life whatsoever, and the only "girlfriend" I've ever had didn't last long for multiple reasons.
The combination of stress from my tumultuous work life, my relcusivity, being walked on, not being respected in ANY capacity (from my preferences to my introversion to my skinny body to my skin tone to my issues, etc), the guilt of me wasting my grandmother's money, feelings of inadequacy and being a burden to anyone that showed me any actual kindness, and my mental issues, led to me nearly killing myself several times over the last two and a half months alone. I've cried out for help so much to anyone and everyone, and no one gave a damn except my mother, who can only do so much. No one seems to care other than her and my aunt/uncles, but talking doesn't help. At least not with them. And so I stopped.
I get awkward and resistant to compliments or nice actions because I'm neither used to them nor do I feel worthy of them. I pretend to be OK to save myself from another conversation I'm either going to be too messed up to heed the help of, or waste my time talking to someone who isn't going to say anything helpful at all. I went to a mental hospital for a week a month ago, but pretended I was OK to get out of there because all they did was lock me away and give me bingo cards, otherwise treating me like furniture. I tried seeking out therapy but they either have no availability, don't take my insurance, or flake on me. I tried taking pills but they caused me to hallucinate and ruined my sleep rather than fixing it. I had a cat but gave her away to someone who can care for her better, and I got too snappy because of my fragile psyche, and I was tired of being mean to her over cat things. I love that cat, and she's better off with someone who can love her better. She's too much of an animal to realize I'm unworthy of her love, which she gave me more than I deserved.
I've been starving myself in hopes that I'll end up dying of malnutrition to save myself the stress and pain of killing myself, but also so I'll hopefully see a light at the end of the tunnel.
My lung has collapse twice over the last three years spontaneously, either due to stress or God's jokes, if there even is a god (I'm agnostic and don't care enough to think about it).
Finding work has been difficult to impossible due to the lack of work I'm suited for and my lack of drive to put any effort into anything. I'm afraid to interact with people out of fear of not knowing how to, or being made fun of again, or being used again, or burdening anyone with my nonsense.
My roommate has decided to pay for everything until I get back on my feet because I took him and another friend in when they were at their rock bottoms and let them live rent free for months, so he feels he's returning the favor, especially because he's now working a VERY high paying job. But I can't help feeling like a burden freeloader in my own home.
I stopped talking about any of this with anyone I know because they either can't help, have helped too much, or don't care enough to try. Most of all, I don't deserve it.
I should've saved myself from being bullied time and time again. Should've saved myself from being walked on at work and used like a tool for years only to be thrown away or overworked. Should've hunted for the people who'd actually care about me and what I have to say. Should've taken the helpful words and done something with them rather than failed every time. Should've been better.
Instead, I've been too weak, afraid, beaten down, and useless to make anything I try effective or even try at all. Im afraid anything Ill put my efforts into will crumble into dust like it usually does. Even being here means nothing. My only goal in life would be to earn back the $30,000 I wasted and give it to someone who will put it to better use than I did. But I can't even find the will or drive to live day to day.
If all of this has been meaningless rambling, I apologize. There is just so much that has happened that my mind is fried.
submitted by ThrowawayPickle11 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:42 PuzzleheadedJelly394 confused as to if my ex (18f) still has feelings for me (19m) 8 months later?

so for context me and my ex started dating in january 2023. it was a really good and healthy long distance relationship (NY to FL) and i took many trips to see her and i even went on vacation with her family. we ended in october 2023 in a pretty bad way, but we’ve decided to stay friends. i’ll be honest i never really lost feelings for her, just kind of forgot about them. we started to get close as of recently like facetiming and snapping and stuff but two days ago she got back together w this guy that had ghosted her in april. she still texts me all the time and still wants to facetime me all the time, like for example, she told me that she wants to call today but her bf is coming over so she will call me once he leaves. i have a feeling she still finds me attractive because i catch her staring at me on facetime and also when i send her a snap i look good in she responds with a “🫢” face (not the emoji). anyways we talked yesterday and i asked her if the guy knows about our friendship, she said no. for context he’s a co worker of hers and he knew that we were together for 8 months so if he sees my name in her phone he will know who i am. i told her that if he finds out we’re talking even if it’s completely platonic he will probably break up with her as it is always a red flag if you are still friends with exes if your in a relationship. she said and i quote “im not gonna tell him and if he finds out im just gonna say it’s a different (my name).” i told her that it makes me feel weird and she said “listen it’s not a big deal stop worrying about it.” more context, before i knew about her and this kid, while they were still talking she texted me stuff saying “if you lived here in FL things would be different” (aka if i lived there we’d still be tg) and she also wrote a poem on her spam insta that she stated i was the good path for her yet she always takes the bad paths etc etc (she sent me a screenshot of it and said “you are the good path that i wrote about”) this was all while they were first talking. i know she actually likes this kid because of the way she talks about him but i also don’t know if she still likes me.
submitted by PuzzleheadedJelly394 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:48 Old_Discussion_1890 The Yellow Billed Cuckoo: Ichi-Go, Ichi-E by Richard Reishin Collins, Abbot

Kusen, Stone Nest Dojo, 19 May 2024
Yesterday, as I was reading in my study, I heard a thump against the glass of the outside doors. When I looked to see what had caused the noise, I saw a bird twitching on the bricks, but it didn’t twitch for long. It was a yellow-billed cuckoo, its long tail-feathers beautifully dappled, as though a painter had taken pains with each stroke. It was still warm with recent life and pliant, draped across my palm, head hanging down, and its white breast was plush and soft and still, its eyes black as glass beads and dead.
Sometimes we get caught up in the quality of our zazen. We want to make sure we are doing it right. If we have a bad day, if we are uncomfortable in body or mind, we wonder what we are doing wrong, how to make it better. But this is unnecessary, mistaken. Yes, we can make small adjustments, get our knees on the floor, make sure our butt is high enough on the zafu to assist the curvature of the lower spine, bring our shoulders back but not too far back so that our posture is erect, draw the collarbone up and the chin in, and stretch the backbone so that our head presses the sky.
But there the need for assessment ends. The focus need not be so inward or critical.
Every zazen is unique, you have heard me say it before. Every time we enter the dojo, the dojo is not the same as it was last time, and neither are we. It is warm and humid today, sunny after recent rain, and the windows are cranked open to let in the breeze (if there were a breeze) and the songs of the birds in the trees and the cicadas vibrating everywhere. But next time we meet here in the dojo there will be rain, or the trees will be bare, or it will be cold, or the birds will be on vacation or on strike, keeping their song to themselves, the cicadas done with their mating cycle and gone back to their underground lairs.
And next time we meet we will be different, too. As Heraclitus said, we can never step into the same river twice. Another way to say this is, the same person never steps into the river twice.
Ichi-go, ichi-e. This common calligraphy phrase found on so many Japanese tea scrolls means that we have one chance to make the most of our one meeting, whether this meeting is with another person, with the natural wonders, or with ourselves. How do we make meaning of our lives in the moment? How do we grasp the richness available to us in the chance of our one meeting, the one chance meeting that is the here and now? Not the one chance “of a lifetime” that is Frost’s road taken or not, I am not talking about that kind of moment, but rather the moment that comes to us in each moment, the moment we can grasp in its suchness, what is called the tathata: the ultimate inexpressible nature of things. This meeting is, after all, what Dogen meant when he set out to find the rationale for practice in light of the fact that we are all, after all, already enlightened. We all have the enlightenment experience available to us at every moment of every day of our unrepeatable (and inexpressible) experience of ichi-go, ichi-e. Do we pay attention through practice, through zazen, through grasping the chance? Or do we go on our way without giving our cuckoo lives our full attention?
It reminds me of Auden’s poem “Musee des Beaux Arts,” where he views the painting by Breughel in which Icarus has fallen from the sky into the bay where merchant ships go on their way, and even if they bother to look they won’t be able to see “something amazing,” a boy falling from the sky or what the significance of that wonder might be, since they are too preoccupied by the habits of their unconscious day, like the dogs who go on with their doggy lives.
If not for zazen, I might have been like those sailors on the merchant ships and ignored the yellow-billed cuckoo that swooped down from the sky and knocked at my door.
And yet this was a perfect example of ichi-go, ichi-e, one chance, one meeting, a moment to make some sense of our life. At least until we too take a wrong turn, or mistake a mirror for a window, or a window for a doorway, or a doorway for a way out. Until we throw ourselves against an invisible wall that we don’t see coming until it is too late. Until mujo strikes, or until we strike mujo.
Oh, but the beauty of the yellow-billed cuckoo!
submitted by Old_Discussion_1890 to Buddhism [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:45 Old_Discussion_1890 The Yellow Billed Cuckoo: Ichi-Go, Ichi-E by Richard Reishin Collins, Abbot

Kusen, Stone Nest Dojo, 19 May 2024
Yesterday, as I was reading in my study, I heard a thump against the glass of the outside doors. When I looked to see what had caused the noise, I saw a bird twitching on the bricks, but it didn’t twitch for long. It was a yellow-billed cuckoo, its long tail-feathers beautifully dappled, as though a painter had taken pains with each stroke. It was still warm with recent life and pliant, draped across my palm, head hanging down, and its white breast was plush and soft and still, its eyes black as glass beads and dead.
Sometimes we get caught up in the quality of our zazen. We want to make sure we are doing it right. If we have a bad day, if we are uncomfortable in body or mind, we wonder what we are doing wrong, how to make it better. But this is unnecessary, mistaken. Yes, we can make small adjustments, get our knees on the floor, make sure our butt is high enough on the zafu to assist the curvature of the lower spine, bring our shoulders back but not too far back so that our posture is erect, draw the collarbone up and the chin in, and stretch the backbone so that our head presses the sky.
But there the need for assessment ends. The focus need not be so inward or critical.
Every zazen is unique, you have heard me say it before. Every time we enter the dojo, the dojo is not the same as it was last time, and neither are we. It is warm and humid today, sunny after recent rain, and the windows are cranked open to let in the breeze (if there were a breeze) and the songs of the birds in the trees and the cicadas vibrating everywhere. But next time we meet here in the dojo there will be rain, or the trees will be bare, or it will be cold, or the birds will be on vacation or on strike, keeping their song to themselves, the cicadas done with their mating cycle and gone back to their underground lairs.
And next time we meet we will be different, too. As Heraclitus said, we can never step into the same river twice. Another way to say this is, the same person never steps into the river twice.
Ichi-go, ichi-e. This common calligraphy phrase found on so many Japanese tea scrolls means that we have one chance to make the most of our one meeting, whether this meeting is with another person, with the natural wonders, or with ourselves. How do we make meaning of our lives in the moment? How do we grasp the richness available to us in the chance of our one meeting, the one chance meeting that is the here and now? Not the one chance “of a lifetime” that is Frost’s road taken or not, I am not talking about that kind of moment, but rather the moment that comes to us in each moment, the moment we can grasp in its suchness, what is called the tathata: the ultimate inexpressible nature of things. This meeting is, after all, what Dogen meant when he set out to find the rationale for practice in light of the fact that we are all, after all, already enlightened. We all have the enlightenment experience available to us at every moment of every day of our unrepeatable (and inexpressible) experience of ichi-go, ichi-e. Do we pay attention through practice, through zazen, through grasping the chance? Or do we go on our way without giving our cuckoo lives our full attention?
It reminds me of Auden’s poem “Musee des Beaux Arts,” where he views the painting by Breughel in which Icarus has fallen from the sky into the bay where merchant ships go on their way, and even if they bother to look they won’t be able to see “something amazing,” a boy falling from the sky or what the significance of that wonder might be, since they are too preoccupied by the habits of their unconscious day, like the dogs who go on with their doggy lives.
If not for zazen, I might have been like those sailors on the merchant ships and ignored the yellow-billed cuckoo that swooped down from the sky and knocked at my door.
And yet this was a perfect example of ichi-go, ichi-e, one chance, one meeting, a moment to make some sense of our life. At least until we too take a wrong turn, or mistake a mirror for a window, or a window for a doorway, or a doorway for a way out. Until we throw ourselves against an invisible wall that we don’t see coming until it is too late. Until mujo strikes, or until we strike mujo.
Oh, but the beauty of the yellow-billed cuckoo!
submitted by Old_Discussion_1890 to zenbuddhism [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:31 cornxoxo1 I made a mistake and accidentally may have outed myself. What do I do?

Hello! I am 20 years old. I don't live with my parents but my parents pay my rent. So still incredibly financially dependent. They also pay for my college and give me allowances for grocery's and things. In fact, I use that allowance to pay for doctor's visit's and my testosterone.
I have a website, a blog I created, to post poems and other personal writings. I made it in highnschool and would share it with close friends. I shared it with my mom. She ended up turning on post notifications so that whenever I post a new entry she would be updated. It was sweet, knowing she wanted to know how I felt about things... In that way.
Then today. She often accidentally genders me correctly. (I have a brother) So I say "He is fine." Almost like i'm warming her up to the idea haha...
I've come out to my family as nonbinary when I was around 16. My mom said she would never call me He.
So today when I said "He is fine." She said "can you stop saying that. I did not give birth to a he, I am not calling you that."
I fought back only slightly. I wasn't planning on nor prepared to come out to her in that moment.
My original plan was to take testosterone and until she started asking questions, say nothing. And when she did start asking questions I planned to answer them truthfully. As by that time the changes would had already really began to take effect.
All that to say, after the incident today. I went to my blog. I wrote something. Titled "You hate me. I know you hate me. You'll hate me once you find out what I've done."
Pretty dramatic lol I know but that's the whole point. I made a space for myself to express myself however I felt necessary. I mention the exact incident (meaning she knows I'm talking about her). One of the lines are "Today I thought I should never tell you. That I practiced voice training instead and just went to the gym a bunch. That will be easier for you. You'll hate me less."
I hit publish. Feeling relieved to have gotten these negative thoughts and emotion's off my chest. As well as honestly rethinking my speak until spoken to policy. Thinking, maybe I should lie for as long as I can.
Then later today I got a notification. Someone was on my website, reading that post. I knew, I instantly remembered. She gets notifications for when I post. I try to quickly delete and block her member profile. Trying to kick her from viewing it. Nothing works. I had set it up a while back so you put in a password before entering the site after a fall out with someone who had access to it, but I guess fot previous members it bypasses that.
Then I heard her walking up the stairs. I knew.
She comes in and closes the door, she never does that, and sit's on my bed. (I'm home for summer)
She tells me that she saw my post and asks if I think that she hates me. I say no, its nuance and that I forgot she got notifications for that. That she wasn't supposed to see it. It's not enough for her. She ask's what I did. I hesitate. I say "I came out as nonbinary before and (don't remember likely giberish) that's what I did is be who I am." I didn't know what to say. I'm not a good liar.
I have only been on testosterone for 5 weeks. I have got to therapy for a couple months discussing my gender and whether or not I wanted to start hormone replacement therapy. I have been contemplating it however, for around a year before starting therapy. I did this all by myself. I decided to tell my brother (37) after going to my consultation. He had his own reservations but he told me he loved me no matter what. He still misgenders me but his hearts in the right place and right now i'll take what I can get. My dad is the quiet type. He doesn't hold a lot of power in our household and is likely quiet because of it. I know i can't rely on him for any impactful support. I also have no idea whether there would be any.
I thought about calling my brother after it happened but he is ignorant on the matter. I don't know the lengths he would go to protect me. I am unsure and that scares me. I don't have any trans friends on HRT who could advise me.
I remember at my consultation my doctor expressed real concern for whether I had a supportive family unit or not. I told him I don't think my mother would could me off or disown me (she's the breadwinner) but thats when I was under the impression that I would have full control over when and how I would tell her.
Now. I am feeling that fear a bit stronger. I am gunning for my PHD in psychology. I live in an apartment near campus. I am extremely privileged. Although, my relationship with my immediate family is extremely dysfunctional it works.
Based off what she read the likely hood is at the very least she has an inkling that I am on T. I ended the conversation by saying I wasn't ready to have this conversation right now and she wasn't meant to read that. I asked her to turn the notifications off :P (stupid, I just didn't know what to do or say).
I drafted the post and made a new website moving everything on to there. I decided I will no longer share that website with anyone. It's for my eyes only. Until I can be sure someone deserves to gain access to its contents.
Anyway, any advice on how I should handle this? Right now we are both leaving to go on separate vacations. So I will be taking my medicine with me and I won't have to worry about her possibly snooping through my things to find out if I am or not. I will likely need to hide my T when I come back. I don't think telling her now is a good idea. I have a therapy appointment next tuesday so I will also ask my therapist for advice. Support or encouragement is also welcome :)
submitted by cornxoxo1 to trans [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:05 cornxoxo1 I made a mistake and may have outed myself as taking testosterone. What should I do?

Hello! I am 20 years old. I don't live with my parents but my parents pay my rent. So still incredibly financially dependent. They also pay for my college and give me allowances for grocery's and things. In fact, I use that allowance to pay for doctor's visit's and my testosterone.
I have a website, a blog I created, to post poems and other personal writings. I made it in highnschool and would share it with close friends. I shared it with my mom. She ended up turning on post notifications so that whenever I post a new entry she would be updated. It was sweet, knowing she wanted to know how I felt about things... In that way.
Then today. She often accidentally genders me correctly. (I have a brother) So I say "He is fine." Almost like i'm warming her up to the idea haha...
I've come out to my family as nonbinary when I was around 16. My mom said she would never call me He.
So today when I said "He is fine." She said "can you stop saying that. I did not give birth to a he, I am not calling you that."
I fought back only slightly. I wasn't planning on nor prepared to come out to her in that moment.
My original plan was to take testosterone and until she started asking questions, say nothing. And when she did start asking questions I planned to answer them truthfully. As by that time the changes would had already really began to take effect.
All that to say, after the incident today. I went to my blog. I wrote something. Titled "You hate me. I know you hate me. You'll hate me once you find out what I've done."
Pretty dramatic lol I know but that's the whole point. I made a space for myself to express myself however I felt necessary. I mention the exact incident (meaning she knows I'm talking about her). One of the lines are "Today I thought I should never tell you. That I practiced voice training instead and just went to the gym a bunch. That will be easier for you. You'll hate me less."
I hit publish. Feeling relieved to have gotten these negative thoughts and emotion's off my chest. As well as honestly rethinking my speak until spoken to policy. Thinking, maybe I should lie for as long as I can.
Then later today I got a notification. Someone was on my website, reading that post. I knew, I instantly remembered. She gets notifications for when I post. I try to quickly delete and block her member profile. Trying to kick her from viewing it. Nothing works. I had set it up a while back so you put in a password before entering the site after a fall out with someone who had access to it, but I guess fot previous members it bypasses that.
Then I heard her walking up the stairs. I knew.
She comes in and closes the door, she never does that, and sit's on my bed. (I'm home for summer)
She tells me that she saw my post and asks if I think that she hates me. I say no, its nuance and that I forgot she got notifications for that. That she wasn't supposed to see it. It's not enough for her. She ask's what I did. I hesitate. I say "I came out as nonbinary before and (don't remember likely giberish) that's what I did is be who I am." I didn't know what to say. I'm not a good liar.
I have only been on testosterone for 5 weeks. I have got to therapy for a couple months discussing my gender and whether or not I wanted to start hormone replacement therapy. I have been contemplating it however, for around a year before starting therapy. I did this all by myself. I decided to tell my brother (37) after going to my consultation. He had his own reservations but he told me he loved me no matter what. He still misgenders me but his hearts in the right place and right now i'll take what I can get. My dad is the quiet type. He doesn't hold a lot of power in our household and is likely quiet because of it. I know i can't rely on him for any impactful support. I also have no idea whether there would be any.
I thought about calling my brother after it happened but he is ignorant on the matter. I don't know the lengths he would go to protect me. I am unsure and that scares me. I don't have any trans friends on HRT who could advise me.
I remember at my consultation my doctor expressed real concern for whether I had a supportive family unit or not. I told him I don't think my mother would could me off or disown me (she's the breadwinner) but thats when I was under the impression that I would have full control over when and how I would tell her.
Now. I am feeling that fear a bit stronger. I am gunning for my PHD in psychology. I live in an apartment near campus. I am extremely privileged. Although, my relationship with my immediate family is extremely dysfunctional it works.
Based off what she read the likely hood is at the very least she has an inkling that I am on T. I ended the conversation by saying I wasn't ready to have this conversation right now and she wasn't meant to read that. I asked her to turn the notifications off :P (stupid, I just didn't know what to do or say).
I drafted the post and made a new website moving everything on to there. I decided I will no longer share that website with anyone. It's for my eyes only. Until I can be sure someone deserves to gain access to its contents.
Anyway, any advice on how I should handle this? Right now we are both leaving to go on separate vacations. So I will be taking my medicine with me and I won't have to worry about her possibly snooping through my things to find out if I am or not. I will likely need to hide my T when I come back. I don't think telling her now is a good idea. I have a therapy appointment next tuesday so I will also ask my therapist for advice. Support or encouragement is also welcome :)
submitted by cornxoxo1 to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:33 clearliquidclearjar TALLAHASSEE WEEKLY EVENTS, 5/16 – 5/22

Y’all, I’m really not sure what’s still around. This list is somewhat edited, but please still make sure to check on all the regular events before you make big plans – I may have missed something.
Events are listed by the day. Events that happen every week appear first, one time stuff after that. If you have anything you’d like people to know about, comment here or message me and I’ll add it in. If you’d like further info about any of the events, look it up! I usually don’t have any extra to add.
Large Scale, Ongoing, and Multi-Day Events
Local Running, Walking, and Biking Info:
Guided Paddling Outings all around the area:
Tallahassee Film Society Showings:
Book Clubs for all tastes:
Live Theater:
OutdooFarmer’s Markets:
  • Fire Bettys: Slasher Bash. This week we'll be showing: "Zombeavers". Prepare for an evening of horrific hilarity with comedy narration and devilish drinking games!🍻 Hosted by local comedians. 8pm/21+
  • Blue Tavern: Seep's Gumbo Nation ft. Shanice Richards. 8pm
FRIDAY, 5/17
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour with Steve Malono. 5pm
  • Lake Tribe Brewing: Flannel Fridays with Live Music. 6pm
  • Hobbit West: Friday Night Dart Tournament. Anyone can Enter! Sign ups at 7:30, Darts fly at 8:00/$10 entry fee
  • Ouzts Too: Karaoke with DJ Nathan. Best karaoke DJ in town. 8pm
  • Just One More: Karaoke with DJ Rah. 9pm-11pm/21+
  • 926: The Hot Friday Night Party and Drag Show. 9pm/$5/18+
  • The Hub at Feather Oaks: Rachel Hillman. 5:30pm
  • Lake Tribe: Ben Wentworth. 5:30pm
  • Amicus Brewing: The Tanglers. 6pm
  • The Getaway Grille and Bar: One Year Anniversary Celebration Featuring Queen of Hearts Band. 6pm
  • Southwood Golf Club: The Rhythm Remedy. 6:30pm
  • Goodwood: The Big Bash Havana Nights presented by Brent Hartsfield. The Big Bash is Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Big Bend's signature fundraising gala of the year and directly supports the agency's youth mentoring programs. Guests will enjoy Cuban Cuisine, champagne mojitos, cigars, flights, classic cars, photo opportunities, silent auction vacation packages, LIVE music and dancing, and an exciting LIVE salsa dance performance from 12 community volunteers! The event is a tremendous networking opportunity for Tallahassee's top business professionals, local community leaders and philanthropists to come together to enjoy an evening to celebrate the achievements of Big Brothers Big Sisters. 7pm
  • Blue Tavern: Wil Fulkerson Jazz Night. 8pm
  • House of Music: Belly Dancing: Journey From The Nile To The Tigris. Habibi, join us on a groovy carpet ride across ancient deserts: Disco Iskandar embarks on a voyage of belly dance, folklore, cinema, and history in a theatrical dance production, JOURNEY FROM THE NILE TO THE TIGRIS. Highlighting the prominence of belly dance in films of the Middle East from the 1940s through the 1970s, we present a live showcase exhibiting dances from Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, and beyond. It goes so much deeper than you think. Hookahs! Swords! Rhinestones, literally everywhere! This cross section of entertainment and education is the culmination of years of obsessive learning, two national tours, and travels to Egypt & Lebanon. JOURNEY FROM THE NILE TO THE TIGRIS is a trip unlike any other-- where the Middle East meets Vegas. This show’s cast is Gabi Corazon, Gia Bee, Liz Azi, Olya Clark, Vania Ojeda, director Veronica Lynn, and special guest star Omaris! 8pm/$15/21+
  • The Sound Bar: The Old Schoolers. 8pm
  • Vino Beano: Your Scumbag Neighbors. 8pm
  • The Bark: Medians, No Yeah, Sleep John B, and Cloud Storage. 8pm
  • Brinkley Glen Park: Invasive Plant Removal. Join Master Gardener Volunteers at this weekly invasive plant removal event. This is a great way to learn to ID our invasive plant species and how to remove them. We recommend wearing long pants and sleeves, closed-toed shoes, gloves, a hat and mosquito spray. Bring gardening tools such as hand clippers, loppers, trowels, etc. if you have them. We are removing coral ardisia bushes and berries, nandina, tung trees, Tradescantia flumenensis, cat's claw vine, winged yam, Japanese climbing fern, skunkvine and more. Directions: The best way to get there is to take Meridian Rd to Waverly Rd, go to the next intersection and turn left onto Abbotsford Way, then turn left at the next road called Woodside Dr. At the stop sign turn left onto Lothian. Lothian ends in a cul-de-sac and there is a sign that says Brinkley Glen Park. 8:30am-11:30am
  • Gamescape: Saturday Gaming. Gamescape has relocated from Railroad Square to the Huntington Oaks Plaza (Suite 302, next to the Library) at N Monroe St and Fred George Rd. Open gaming tables are available. Noon-6pm
  • Duke’s and Dottie’s: Line Dancing Plus Lessons. 7pm/21+
  • Bird’s Oyster Shack: Laughterday Night Fever. * Join us every Saturday at Bird's Aphrodisiac Oyster Shack for a free comedy show!* 8:30pm
  • 926: Latin Night. Dance to the irresistible beats of Zeus and prepare to be dazzled by a spectacular drag show at midnight. It's more than a party, it's an experience. 9:30pm/$10 21+, $15 under 21
  • Crawfordville: Big Bend Biodiversity Tour. See why our area is so ecologically incredible! Get up close and personal with creatures and plants galore. Join expert guide and outdoor educator, Ryan Means for this limited opportunity to tour the Apalachicola Lowlands Preserve. The day-long trip stops at points along the way to the privately-owned preserve nestled deep in the Apalachicola National Forest near Sumatra, FL. Explore the longleaf pine ecosystem, pitcher plant bogs, ephemeral wetlands, and blackwater streams - home to some threatened and endangered species. Learn what makes the Florida Panhandle one of the five richest biodiversity hotspots in North America. Perfect tour for photographers, outdoor enthusiasts and ecologists. $75 tour fee includes round-trip transportation (from 46 Kinsey Rd, Crawfordville, FL) , complimentary beverages, and supports efforts to preserve the incredible biodiversity of the Southeastern Coastal Plain. Spaces limited. Register here: for full details. 8am
  • Dreamland BBQ: Rock Type One to None. Let's rock to find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes! The Unicorn Wranglers are back on Saturday, May 18th at Dreamland BBQ in Tallahassee, Florida for the 2024 "Rock One to None" show. This show is benefiting the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund (JDRF) and will feature musical guests Midnight Caravan, Fallen Timber, and the Unicorn Wranglers. The show starts at 4 pm and runs until 7 pm at Dreamland BBQ in Music Alley, and is open to all ages. While the show is free, we encourage all rockers attending to donate to the cause. You can contribute at the show by visiting our donation station or by heading over to our online Unicorn Wranglers team page. Together, as one big mosh pit, we can help cure Type 1 Diabetes. 3pm
  • The Hub at Feather Oaks: Ethan Kyllonen. 4pm
  • Amicus Brewing: Beza Alford and Rev. Dr. Sheldon Steen. 5pm
  • Lake Tribe: Flamingo Party. 6pm
  • The Getaway Grille and Bar: Billy Rigsby Band. 6pm
  • Vino Beano: Brett & "Dangerous" Dave. 6pm
  • Salty Dawg: Hot Mess. 6:30pm
  • La Tiendita: Rhys Bennett & the Gringos as Vontade. Join us for an energetic evening filled with the vibrant sounds of Latin music, Brazilian beats, and jazz rhythms. Our local band, Rhys Bennett & the Gringos, will transform into the versatile ensemble Vontade, treating you to a delightful mix of rancheras, bossa nova, and more! Whether you're a seasoned dancer or a newcomer to the dance floor, you're in for a fantastic time at one of Tallahassee's hidden gems. Immerse yourself in a night of cultural fusion and musical celebration that is sure to create lasting memories! 6:30pm
  • The Sound Bar: Tillman & Taff. 7pm
  • Island Wings: Midnight Caravan. 7pm
  • The Bark: Saturnalia, Brass Wizard, Van Season, and Psycho Tropical. 8pm
  • Fire Bettys: 80's Video Dance Party. 8pm
  • Just One More: One Eyed JAK. 9pm
SUNDAY, 5/19
  • Bicycle House: Sunday Ride. Ride at 10:30 AM from Bicycle House. We will ride the Cascades trail to the St Marks trail and down to Wakulla station and return, about 31 miles. Ride speed is 12 to 14 mph, with periodic regroups. Vernon Bailey is the ride leader. Vernon is a new CCC member who’s been biking for 50 years enjoys riding with small groups and weekend touring. 10am
  • E Peck Greene Park (Behind the LeRoy Collins Library): Food Not Bombs Free Mealshare. We offer free vegetarian/vegan food, water, coffee, personal care & hygiene products, bus passes, and clothing when we have some available to those in need. Contact to find out about getting involved. Noon-2pm
  • LeRoy Collins Library: Tallahassee Go Club Meetings. Come play the captivating ancient game of Go, also known as Baduk, with some friendly games and discussions. Beginners welcome. Visit for more information. 1pm
  • Gamescape: Pokémon League. Come learn, play, and trade with the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the Pokémon video games! We LOVE seeing new players, so come learn how to play! We play both the Trading Card Game and the Video Game casually and competitively. The store offers lots of different seating arrangements to meet our group's needs, as well as food, drinks, and Pokémon products for purchase. We are also hold regular, officially sanctioned tournaments for Pokémon Trading Card Game and Video Game Competitions! 2-4pm
  • The Plant: Open Jam. All instruments, all players welcome. 4pm-9pm
  • Pedro’s: Mariachi Clasico. 6pm
  • Fermentation Lounge: Open Mic Night Hosted by Conor Churchill. 7pm
  • Ology Powermill: Marauders Market. Noon
  • The Hub at Feather Oaks: The Barber Bros. 1pm-4pm
  • Goodwood: Ice Cream Social. Get ready for a spectacular day of family fun at Goodwood Museum & Gardens! Treat your taste buds to a family fun day of FREE ice cream, FREE crafts for the kids, FREE activities, and more, all on the beautiful Goodwood grounds. Family-friendly musical entertainment will be provided by The Safari Man, who will have everyone tapping their feet and dancing along to his whimsical tunes. 1pm
  • Common Ground Books: Contemporary Queer Poetry Book Club: Time is a Mother. This month, we’ll be reading “Time is a Mother” by Ocean Vuong. “In this deeply intimate second poetry collection, Ocean Vuong searches for life among the aftershocks of his mother's death, embodying the paradox of sitting within grief while being determined to survive beyond it. Vivid, brave and propulsive, Vuong's poems contend with personal loss, the meaning of family, and the value of joy in a perennially fractured American spirit. The author of the critically acclaimed poetry collection Night Sky with Exit Wounds, winner of the 2016 Whiting Award, the 2017 T. S. Eliot Prize and a 2019 MacArthur fellow, Vuong writes directly to our humanity without losing sight of the current moment. Bold and prescient, and a testament to tenderness in the face of violence, Time is a Mother is a return and a forging-forth all at once.” 6pm
MONDAY, 5/20
  • Just One More: Bingo. 5pm-6:30pm
  • The Getaway Grille and Bar: Margarita Monday, Open-Mic Night hosted by The Saltwater Cowboy. 5:30pm-8pm
  • American Legion Hall: Cha Cha - Weekly Lessons. 6:15pm/$5
  • Hangar 38: Bingo. 6:45pm
  • Vino Beano: Tipsy Trivia. 7pm
  • Blue Tavern: Happy Hour. 5pm
  • The Getaway Grille: Tuesday Night Bikes and Trikes. 6pm
  • Crafty Crab: BOOMIN' Karaoke. 7pm
  • Gamescape: Hobby Night. Slay the grey together! Join your fellow gamers and turn your pile of grey miniatures into a battle ready army. Need some painting tips? Feel free to ask at hobby night. You can bring any miniature for any game to paint. 7pm
  • Ology Midtown: Jazz Jam Sessions. 7pm
  • Island Wings: Trivia. 7pm
  • Brass Tap in Midtown: Trivia. 1st Tuesday of the month is General Knowledge with rotating themes the rest of the month. 7pm
  • House of Music: Tuesday Trivia & Karaoke. 7pm
  • American Legion Hall: Tallahassee Swing Band Tuesday Night Dance. 7:30pm
  • Fire Bettys: Comedy Night. 8pm
  • Poor Pauls: Trivia. 8pm/21+
  • Blue Tavern: Bluesday Tuesday with Bill Ricci. Every Tuesday is Blues Day @ the Blue Tavern and Blues Meets Girl is a Tallahassee favorite. This perfect, intimate venue provides just what you need for both a mid-week break and authentic blues music experience. 8pm/$5
  • 4th Quarter: Professor Jim's Tuesday Night Trivia. Popular for a reason! 8pm
  • Argonaut Coffee: Trivia Tuesday. 8pm
  • The Sound Bar: Karaoke. 8pm
  • Fire Betty’s: Open Mic Comedy Night. 8pm/21+
  • 926: Tacos and Trivia. 9pm
  • Tallahassee Junior Museum: Basic Blacksmith Skills Program. Light your curiosity at our upcoming Basic Blacksmith Skills Program! Join our resident blacksmith, Michael Murphy, as he shares his history of being a Smitty. Participants will be able to keep the fire going, sling a hammer, and throw knives during this two hour lecture program. This is an outdoor event. Must preregister online at This program is free for members and regular admission price for non-members. 10am
  • Sugar and Spice Tally: Game Night. Join us every Wednesday Night for community game night. Bring your own or use ours! Let me know if you need to reserve space for a large group. Free to attend! 5pm
  • Goodwood: Wonderful Wednesday. 6pm/$5
  • Level 8 Rooftop Lounge: Trivia. 6pm
  • La Florida Coffee & Wine: Trivia Night. 6pm
  • The Great Games Library: Open Game Night. 6pm/free
  • American Legion Hall: Sue Boyd Country Western and More Dance Class. Session 2 - Beginner 6:30 to 7:45 pm What: East Coast Swing and Waltz. Cost: $8.00 per person. Wear comfortable shoes you can turn in. 7:45 to 8:15 - Practice dance with paid admission. 8:15 to 9:30: Intermediate - 2 Step and WCS. $8.00 per person or $13.00 for both classes. Vaccines are required. Face masks are optional. Changing partners is optional. 6:30pm
  • Perry Lynn’s Smokehouse in Quincy: Wed Night Open Mic w/ Steven Ritter and Friends. 6:30pm
  • Hangar 38: Trivia. 6:45pm
  • Proof: Trivia. 7pm
  • Vino Beano: Wine Bingo. 7pm
  • Fermentation Lounge: Trivia. 7pm
  • Blue Tavern: Wednesday Open Mic with Doc Russell. The open mic night that has run continuously for almost 20 years, once housed at the Warehouse, lives on at the Blue Tavern. Doc Russell continues as the host with the most. Sign up starts at 7:45pm/free to attend
  • House of Music: Bar Bingo! Free to Play & Late Night Karaoke. 7pm
  • Fire Betty’s: Karaoke! 8pm/21+/free
  • Dukes and Dotties: College Night and Line Dancing Lessons. 8pm
  • Finnegans Wake: Trivia. 8pm
  • The Sound Bar: Open Mic Night. 8pm
  • The Bark: Karaoke with DJ Nathan. Best karaoke DJ in town. 9pm
  • Peppers: Karaoke. 9pm
  • 926: Dragged Out Wednesday. 10pm
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2024.05.14 14:01 Zappingsbrew A post talking about 400 words

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decline, decrease, deep, deeply, deer, defeat, defend, defendant, defense, defensive, deficit, define, definitely, definition, degree, delay, deliver, delivery, demand, democracy, Democratic, Democrat, demonstrate, demonstration, deny, department, depend, dependent, depending, depict, depression, depth, deputy, derive, describe, description, desert, deserve, design, designer, desire, desk, desperate, despite, destroy, destruction, detail, detailed, detect, detection, detective, determine, develop, developing, development, device, devil, dialogue, diet, differ, difference, different, differently, difficult, difficulty, dig, digital, dimension, dining, dinner, direct, direction, directly, director, dirt, disability, disagree, disappear, disaster, discipline, disclose, discover, discovery, discrimination, discuss, discussion, disease, dish, dismiss, disorder, display, dispute, distance, distinct, distinction, distinguish, distribute, distribution, district, diverse, diversity, divide, 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himself, hip, hire, his, historic, historical, history, hit, hold, hole, holiday, holy, home, homeless, honest, honey, honor, hope, horizon, horror, horse, hospital, host, hot, hotel, hour, house, household, housing, how, however, huge, human, humor, hundred, hungry, hunter, hunting, hurt, husband, hypothesis, ice, idea, ideal, identification, identify, identity, ignore, ill, illegal, illness, illustrate, image, imagination, imagine, immediate, immediately, immigrant, immigration, impact, implement, implication, imply, importance, important, impose, impossible, impress, impression, impressive, improve, improvement, incentive, incident, include, including, income, incorporate, increase, increased, increasingly, incredible, indeed, independence, independent, index, indicate, indication, individual, industrial, industry, infant, infection, inflation, influence, inform, information, ingredient, initial, initially, initiative, injury, inner, innocent, inquiry, inside, insight, insist, inspire, install, instance, instead, institute, institution, institutional, instruction, instructor, instrument, insurance, intellectual, intelligence, intend, intense, intensity, intention, interaction, interest, interested, interesting, internal, international, Internet, interpret, interpretation, intervention, interview, introduce, introduction, invasion, invest, investigation, investigator, investment, investor, invite, involve, involved, involvement, Iraqi, Irish, iron, Islamic, island, Israeli, issue, it, Italian, item, its, itself, jacket, jail, Japanese, jet, Jew, Jewish, job, join, joint, joke, journal, journalist, journey, joy, judge, judgment, juice, jump, junior, jury, just, justice, justify, keep, key, kick, kid, kill, killer, killing, kind, king, kiss, kitchen, knee, knife, knock, know, knowledge, lab, label, labor, laboratory, lack, lady, lake, land, landscape, language, lap, large, largely, last, late, later, Latin, latter, laugh, launch, law, lawsuit, lawyer, lay, layer, lead, leader, leadership, leading, leaf, league, lean, learn, learning, least, leather, leave, left, leg, legacy, legal, legend, legislation, legislative, legislator, legitimate, lemon, length, less, lesson, let, letter, level, liberal, library, license, lie, life, lifestyle, lifetime, lift, light, like, likely, limit, limitation, limited, line, link, lip, list, listen, literary, literature, little, live, living, load, loan, local, locate, location, lock, long, long-term, look, loose, lose, loss, lost, lot, lots, loud, love, lovely, lover, low, lower, luck, lucky, lunch, luxury, machine, mad, magazine, mail, main, mainly, maintain, maintenance, major, majority, make, maker, makeup, male, mall, man, manage, management, manager, manner, manufacturer, manufacturing, many, map, margin, mark, market, marketing, marriage, married, marry, mask, mass, massive, master, match, material, math, matter, may, maybe, mayor, me, meal, mean, meaning, meanwhile, measure, measurement, meat, mechanism, media, medical, medication, medicine, medium, meet, meeting, member, membership, memory, mental, mention, menu, mere, merely, mess, message, metal, meter, method, Mexican, middle, might, military, milk, million, mind, mine, minister, minor, minority, minute, miracle, mirror, miss, missile, mission, mistake, mix, mixture, mm-hmm, mode, model, moderate, modern, modest, mom, moment, money, monitor, month, mood, moon, moral, more, moreover, morning, mortgage, most, mostly, mother, motion, motivation, motor, mountain, mouse, mouth, move, movement, movie, Mr, Mrs, Ms, much, multiple, murder, muscle, museum, music, musical, musician, Muslim, must, mutual, my, myself, mystery, myth, naked, name, narrative, narrow, nation, national, native, natural, naturally, nature, near, nearby, nearly, necessarily, necessary, neck, need, negative, negotiate, negotiation, neighbor, neighborhood, neither, nerve, nervous, net, network, never, nevertheless, new, newly, news, newspaper, next, nice, night, nine, no, nobody, nod, noise, nomination, nominee, none, nonetheless, nor, normal, normally, north, northern, nose, not, note, nothing, notice, notion, novel, now, nowhere, nuclear, number, numerous, nurse, nut, object, objective, obligation, observation, observe, observer, obtain, obvious, obviously, occasion, occasionally, occupation, occupy, occur, ocean, odd, odds, of, off, offense, offensive, offer, office, officer, official, often, oh, oil, okay, old, Olympic, on, once, one, ongoing, onion, online, only, onto, open, opening, operate, operating, operation, operator, opinion, opponent, opportunity, oppose, opposed, opposite, opposition, option, or, orange, order, ordinary, organic, organization, organize, orientation, origin, original, originally, other, others, otherwise, ought, our, ours, ourselves, out, outcome, outside, oven, over, overall, overcome, overlook, owe, own, owner, pace, pack, package, page, pain, painful, paint, painter, painting, pair, pale, Palestinian, palm, pan, panel, panic, pant, paper, paragraph, parent, park, parking, part, participant, participate, participation, particle, particular, particularly, partly, partner, partnership, party, pass, passage, passenger, passion, past, patch, path, patient, pattern, pause, pay, payment, PC, peace, peak, peer, pen, penalty, people, pepper, per, perceive, percentage, perception, perfect, perfectly, perform, performance, perhaps, period, permanent, permission, permit, person, personal, personality, personally, personnel, perspective, persuade, pet, phase, phenomenon, philosophy, phone, photo, photographer, phrase, physical, physically, physician, piano, pick, picture, pie, piece, pile, pilot, pine, pink, pipe, pitch, place, plan, plane, planet, planning, plant, plastic, plate, platform, play, player, please, pleasure, plenty, plot, plus, PM, pocket, poem, poet, poetry, point, police, policy, political, politically, politician, politics, poll, pollution, pool, poor, pop, popular, population, porch, port, portion, portrait, portray, pose, position, positive, possess, possession, possibility, possible, possibly, post, pot, potato, potential, potentially, pound, pour, poverty, powder, power, powerful, practical, practice, prayer, preach, precisely, predict, prediction, prefer, preference, pregnancy, pregnant, preparation, prepare, prescription, presence, present, presentation, preserve, president, presidential, press, pressure, pretend, pretty, prevent, previous, previously, price, pride, priest, primarily, primary, prime, principal, principle, print, prior, priority, prison, prisoner, privacy, private, probably, problem, procedure, proceed, process, processing, processor, proclaim, produce, producer, product, production, profession, professional, professor, profile, profit, program, progress, progressive, project, prominent, promise, promote, prompt, proof, proper, properly, property, proportion, proposal, propose, prosecutor, prospect, protect, protection, protein, protest, proud, prove, provide, provider, province, provision, psychological, psychology, public, publication, publicity, publish, publisher, pull, punishment, purchase, pure, purpose, pursue, push, put, qualify, quality, quarter, quarterback, quarterly, queen, quest, question, quick, quickly, quiet, quietly, quit, quite, quote, race, racial, radiation, radical, radio, rail, rain, raise, range, rank, rapid, rapidly, rare, rarely, rate, rather, rating, ratio, raw, reach, react, reaction, reader, reading, ready, real, reality, realize, really, reason, reasonable, recall, receive, recent, recently, reception, recipe, recipient, recognition, recognize, recommend, recommendation, record, recording, recover, recovery, recruit, red, reduce, reduction, refer, reference, reflect, reflection, reform, refugee, refuse, regard, regarding, regardless, regime, region, regional, register, regular, regularly, regulate, regulation, regulator, reinforce, reject, relate, relation, relationship, relative, relatively, relax, release, relevant, relief, religion, religious, rely, remain, remaining, remarkable, remember, remind, remote, remove, repeat, repeatedly, replace, replacement, reply, report, reporter, represent, representation, representative, Republican, reputation, request, require, requirement, research, researcher, resemble, reservation, resident, residential, resign, resist, resistance, resolution, resolve, resort, resource, respect, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, rest, restaurant, restore, restriction, result, retain, retire, retirement, return, reveal, revenue, review, revolution, rhythm, rice, rich, rid, ride, rifle, right, ring, rise, risk, river, road, rock, role, roll, romantic, roof, room, root, rope, rose, rough, roughly, round, route, routine, row, rub, rubber, rude, ruin, rule, run, running, rural, rush, Russian, sacred, sad, safe, safety, sake, salad, salary, sale, sales, salt, same, sample, sanction, sand, satellite, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfy, sauce, save, saving, say, scale, scandal, scare, scatter, scenario, scene, schedule, scheme, scholar, scholarship, school, science, scientific, scientist, scope, score, scream, screen, script, sea, search, season, seat, second, secondary, secret, secretary, section, sector, secure, security, see, seed, seek, seem, segment, seize, select, selection, self, sell, Senate, senator, send, senior, sense, sensitive, sentence, separate, sequence, series, serious, seriously, servant, serve, service, session, set, setting, settle, settlement, seven, several, severe, sex, sexual, shade, shadow, shake, shall, shallow, shape, share, sharp, she, sheet, shelf, shell, shelter, shift, shine, ship, shirt, shock, shoe, shoot, shooting, shop, shopping, short, shortly, shot, should, shoulder, shout, show, shower, shrug, shut, shy, sibling, sick, side, sigh, sight, sign, signal, significant, significantly, silence, silent, silver, similar, similarly, simple, simply, sin, since, sing, singer, single, sink, sir, sister, sit, site, situation, six, size, ski, skill, skin, skirt, sky, slave, sleep, slice, slide, slight, slightly, slip, slow, slowly, small, smart, smell, smile, smoke, smooth, snap, snow, so, so-called, soccer, social, society, soft, software, soil, solar, soldier, sole, solid, solution, solve, some, somebody, somehow, someone, something, sometimes, somewhat, somewhere, son, song, soon, sophisticated, sorry, sort, soul, sound, soup, source, south, southern, Soviet, space, Spanish, speak, speaker, special, specialist, species, specific, specifically, specify, speech, speed, spend, spending, spin, spirit, spiritual, split, spoil, sponsor, sport, spot, spray, spread, spring, square, squeeze, stability, stable, staff, stage, stain, stair, stake, stand, standard, standing, star, stare, start, state, statement, station, statistical, status, stay, steady, steal, steel, steep, stem, step, stick, still, stimulate, stimulus, stir, stock, stomach, stone, stop, storage, store, storm, story, straight, strange, stranger, strategic, strategy, stream, street, strength, strengthen, stress, stretch, strike, string, strip, stroke, strong, strongly, structural, structure, struggle, student, studio, study, stuff, stupid, style, subject, submit, subsequent, substance, substantial, substitute, succeed, success, successful, successfully, such, sudden, suddenly, sue, suffer, sufficient, sugar, suggest, suggestion, suicide, suit, summer, summit, sun, super, supply, support, supporter, suppose, supposed, Supreme, sure, surely, surface, surgery, surprise, surprised, surprising, surprisingly, surround, survey, survival, survive, survivor, suspect, sustain, swear, sweep, sweet, swim, swing, switch, symbol, symptom, system, table, tactic, tail, take, tale, talent, talk, tall, tank, tap, tape, target, task, taste, tax, taxi, tea, teach, teacher, teaching, team, tear, technical, technique, technology, teen, teenager, telephone, telescope, television, tell, temperature, temporary, ten, tend, tendency, tennis, tension, tent, term, terms, terrible, territory, terror, terrorist, test, testimony, testing, text, than, thank, thanks, that, the, theater, their, them, theme, themselves, then, theory, therapy, there, therefore, these, they, thick, thin, thing, think, thinking, third, thirty, this, those, though, thought, thousand, threat, threaten, three, throat, through, throughout, throw, thus, ticket, tie, tight, time, tiny, tip, tire, tissue, title, to, tobacco, today, toe, together, toilet, token, tolerate, tomato, tomorrow, tone, tongue, tonight, too, tool, tooth, top, topic, toss, total, totally, touch, tough, tour, tourist, tournament, toward, towards, tower, town, toy, trace, track, trade, tradition, traditional, traffic, tragedy, trail, train, training, transfer, transform, transformation, transition, translate, translation, transmission, transmit, transport, transportation, travel, treat, treatment, treaty, tree, tremendous, trend, trial, tribe, trick, trip, troop, trouble, truck, true, truly, trust, truth, try, tube, tunnel, turn, TV, twelve, twenty, twice, twin, two, type, typical, typically, ugly, ultimate, ultimately, unable, uncle, undergo, understand, understanding, unfortunately, uniform, union, unique, unit, United, universal, universe, university, unknown, unless, unlike, until, unusual, up, upon, upper, urban, urge, us, use, used, useful, user, usual, usually, utility, utilize, vacation, valley, valuable, value, variable, variation, variety, various, vary, vast, vegetable, vehicle, venture, version, versus, very, vessel, veteran, via, victim, victory, video, view, viewer, village, violate, violation, violence, violent, virtually, virtue, virus, visibility, visible, vision, visit, visitor, visual, vital, voice, volume, voluntary, volunteer, vote, voter, voting, wage, wait, wake, walk, wall, wander, want, war, warm, warn, warning, wash, waste, watch, water, wave, way, we, weak, weakness, wealth, wealthy, weapon, wear, weather, web, website, wedding, week, weekend, weekly, weigh, weight, welcome, welfare, well, west, western, wet, what, whatever, wheel, when, whenever, where, whereas, whether, which, while, whisper, white, who, whole, whom, whose, why, wide, widely, widespread, wife, wild, wildlife, will, willing, win, wind, window, wine, wing, winner, winter, wipe, wire, wisdom, wise, wish, with, withdraw, within, without, witness, woman, wonder, wonderful, wood, wooden, word, work, worker, working, workout, workplace, works, workshop, world, worried, worry, worth, would, wound, wrap, write, writer, writing, wrong, yard, yeah, year, yell, yellow, yes, yesterday, yet, yield, you, young, your, yours, yourself, youth, zone.
submitted by Zappingsbrew to u/Zappingsbrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:04 SwampRaiderTTU Point Omega/Week Two/Chapters: "Anonymity" and Ch. 1/pages 3-37 [Scribner edition]

The novel begins September 3, 2006, a Sunday. In "physical time," our reality, Andre Agassi played and lost his final match of his career. Steve Irwin, the croc hunter, would die the following day from a stingray's three barbed venomous spinal blades puncturing his heart. Senator Barak Obama was still denying he was intending to run for President (he would announce in February 2007.) The number 1 song in America and the UK is Sexyback by Justin Timberlake. Egypt warned of Palestinian terror attacks against Israelis vacationing in Sinai. Charlie Sheen turned 41. 200 Taliban are killed in a major battle in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Iraqi leaders announce the capture of the #2 leader of Al Qaeda. Europe's space agency purposely crash-lands a lunar probe into the moon.
In short, nothing, on balance seems to have happened in the world that has any particular world-historical or even US-historical import. Just a day. Even searching back 4 extra days from September 3 - since we are told that the man viewing the art installation is now on his fifth straight day in the museum - nothing all that *important* seems to have happened on any of those dates, the way saying a novel is starting on June 6, 1944, or (obviously) September 10, 2001, or July 16, 1945 or November 22, 1962 would be of course trying to tell us something.
Q: why is Delillo's purpose (is there one?) for telling us this specific date? Why is it important that the man is there on September 3, 2006 watching this: over and over.
Q: who is the man? Delillo himself? Just a random unnamed character? Is it definitely Finley and Elster who are the two men who come into the room? The description of the older man "long white hair braided at the nape" [p.7, Scribner] certainly seems to suggest it is Elster, described in Ch. 1 as a man "with silvery hair, as always, was braided down into a short ponytail." If it is definitely them, what does it mean they attended a museum show together? Anything?
This is not the first Delillo novel to open with a scene where a movie, and anonymous characters' responses to watching it, is central to the narrative - Players opens with a movie being shown on a plane that is basically a silent movie of a terrorist machine-gun attack on waspy golfers, only accompanied by a pianist (yes a pianist) in the airplane bar filling in the suspense with improvised show tunes - and it is not the first to open with an examination of an art installation - Underworld, after the fantastic baseball game section - opens at Klara Sax's airplane bomber art installation commune. But this opening seems to introduce two characters obliquely, and of course only if you've paid close attention to the description of Elster's hair could you think back to it being him, perhaps.
"The nature of the film permitted total concentration and also depended on it." "The less there was to see, the harder he looked, the more he saw." [p.5, Scribner]
Q:Who is this person watching and why should we care?
Q: Did the opening sequence provide you any insight other than , perhaps, confusion? Something other than "what the hell did I just read?" What? Does your reaction to the opening sequence change when you know (if you did before this post) that the Psycho installation was and is real?
Moving on to Chapter 1 [p. 17, Scribner], we learn that we are on Day 10 of a 12-day period of time that relates the initial relationship between Elster and Finley. Finley, who is probably in his early to mid-30s and 73-year-old Elster are spending time at Elster's house in the desert to record a one-take movie of Elster's testimony of what it was like to serve in an administration that went to war under less than honest circumstances.
Our narrator is Jim Finley, a documentary filmmaker who has made exactly one film about Jerry Lewis's telethon appearances - Lewis, a "rampaging comic" to whom Elster would merely be a "straight man." [p.27] Elster, who Finley also describes as "not a man who might make space for even the gentlest correction," [p.22] is a non-political theorist being brought in to an administration to provide narrative to their war. I've seen references to him being based on Paul Wolfowitz, the political scientists who became Deputy SecDef in the Bush II Administration who famously nearly swallowed his comb to wet it to comb his hair in an image that likely sealed his fate in D.C. as unserious and ridiculous who was then shuffled off to the World Bank, but would Delillo ape the man AND mention him in the narrative? If so, that seems clumsy.
Q: Do you even take Elster serious as a character or believable as a "brain" behind the narrative of an administration going to war? A man who speaks in bad koans and aphorisms like "Time becomes blind." [p.23] and who reads Louis Zukovsky into the night? (Zukovsky famously worked on an epic poem called "A" for over almost 50 years, finally finishing it a few years before his death in 1978.)
Finley tells us: "To Elster, sunset was human invention, our perceptual arrangement of light and space into elements of wonder." [p.18, Scribner]. Elster has come to the desert to seek - something - we know not what and are not told definitively - but his narrative of what his role was in Washington was to create a interpretation of the "closed world" for the "plotters, the strategists" [p. 28] and ends up delivering to Finley what I think Finley was after - the cynical idea that Elster was giving form and shape to the government's bullshit narrative - "The state has to lie. There is no lie in war or in preparation for war that can't be defended. We went beyond this. We tried to create new realities overnight, careful sets of words that resemble advertising slogans in memorability and repeatability."
Q: Is Elster ultimately right? Did the country have a "shadowy need" [p.34] for such a narrative? See, for instance: "Let's roll." [probably in reality, "Let's roll it" referring to a beverage cart to break into the cockpit.]
"Shock and awe." "Global War on Terror" "Slam dunk" "WMDs" "The Surge" And perhaps most infamously "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques"
At the ends of the chapter, we get what counts as a cliffhanger in this slim novel: Elster's adult daughter would be coming for a visit, Jessie who was "otherworldly" [p. 36].
submitted by SwampRaiderTTU to DonDeLillo [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 20:51 OrlonDogger A Witch at Midnight - Chapter 2

[First] [Previous] [Next]
The store wasn’t very far, just a few blocks away from my apartment. I’ve taken the same trip so many times in the past, and yet these last months it feels completely different. My back hurts when I walk for too long, my legs tire much faster, and I have this incomprehensible, unshakable feeling that someone is watching me. It’s nauseating…
Take a deep breath. No one here is paying attention to you… they are all busy with their own lives, just like you!
She says that as she walks by my side, but I still feel it crawling on my back, the eyes of people around me. Loud instrumental music used to block the feeling but these days it really doesn’t help. My hands nervously open and close, until I realize what I am doing and force myself to stop. No, I don’t want to look like a freak. I don’t want to be a freak at all.
I just want to be normal.
You are normal.
Please don’t lie to me.
Eventually I did reach the Munimarc, one of those old supermarket chains that you can see anywhere in this part of Wohl. The place greets me with a cold breeze from the AC, and an annoyingly catchy tune from the speakers. ‘Be the King of the Barbecue!’, said Alejandro Villegas, ‘With our exclusive meat cuts!’.
Man. I remember when Villegas was the sensation across the nation, as the children say. A young and handsome actor appearing in the latest telenovelas of the time… now a washed up old man selling you sirloin. In a way, it makes me feel a little better about myself.
It shouldn’t. You call him a washed up old man but he still makes more in one day than you’ll make in several years.
I can’t have anything good here.
Slowly, nervously, I walk into the building and go straight for a basket, then turning to go to the sausage section. I need a big pack, some soda… maybe some Tavs…
Sugar would pick you up.
And fatten you up even more. Gluttonous bastard, don’t you dare pick up Tavs. It’s already bad that you’re eating sausages!
I pick up some of the good sausages, then go for a bottle of Chugga Cola… and a package of Chocolate biscuits.
Bastard. You put those back where you found them. I can’t believe you’re being so stubborn!
With my loot on hand, I walk straight for the check-outs… but then, a sound freezes me to the core. A voice I recognize.
Oh, that’s Patricio! Let’s go say hi!
I don’t even turn around, I don’t dare to. It’s distant, so clearly he hasn’t realized I am here yet, but it’s definitely him. Oh no.
Come on, it’s a good chance to test the waters! See if he’s still… you know… a friend.
He and I were good friends in college, or at least I think we were? Never had much in common beyond our predilection for anime and videogames, but hey. That was enough for conversation. We used to hang out after class, eat trash together, study and try to get by together, it was nice.
But now this is not nice. This is the opposite of nice.
For a moment I feel the need to push the volume of my cellphone up to the maximum, but no, on the contrary, I stop the song on its tracks just to make sure I can know where Patricio is at all times.
Oh right, that’s it! The headphones! I can just pretend I can’t hear him and walk my way!
That’s mean…
And impractical. You will be talking to the cashier, right? Besides, you know how Pat is, he’ll come straight to you if he sees you.
I hate being right. I can hear the guy walking closer. Quickly I go back to the cashier, a nice old lady who looks at me with concerned eyes. Am I freaking out? Is it too visible?? She idly checks out my products and comments:
“Oh dear, you shouldn’t eat so many sausages, they are bad for you…”
Okay. That’s okay. She just recognizes me. That’s normal. I recognize her too, so that’s normal.
You’re so fat it is showing already. Told you.
Shut up.
“I… sorry.” I mumble, passing the money to the cashier.
“Don’t apologize to me dear, apologize to yourself.” She smiles. She thinks she’s being sweet… I am not sure if that makes me feel indignant or guilty.
With a nod I take the bag and walk out. Patricio is walking out as well. I brace, taking a sharp breath and closing my eyes for a moment.
Just say hi. He won’t bite!
Gathering all my strength, I turn on my heels to face Patricio. My cheeks force the rest of my face to smile, pulling from those muscles I barely use anymore, and then–
He passes me by.
I freeze right there, just feeling the wind of the AC hitting my face as the guy just walks out of the supermarket. My body refuses to move for a second as I am hit with the realization that I was ignored.
Maybe… maybe we heard wrong? Maybe it wasn’t him? I mean, why would he shop here anyways, it’s far from his house.
Didn’t you want to avoid him anyways? Why do you even feel bad? Little crybaby, you’re just looking for excuses to feel miserable.
My breath picks up for a moment, to the point where I have to bite my lower lip to control myself, to not just cry right then and there. What? Why did he ignore me? Is he mad?
Of course he’s mad, I’ve been gone a month and I haven’t even tried to talk to him or communicate in any way.
He has all the right to hate me.
He could at least say something about it though…
He’s a damn coward, he’d never say it to our face unless pushed to it… Not that he’s too different to you in that aspect.”
My shoulders slump, my whole body slouches a little bit. I have to push myself to turn around and abandon the building before making a scene. I am not even sure if anyone noticed how humiliated I feel right now… I really hope no one did.
When the discordant sounds of the city hit me again, I remember that I have to turn the music on. Anime openings and videogame instrumentals feel a little too happy for me right now, but it’s better than the noise old trucks make when passing by.
As I trudge my way out of the supermarket and begin the walk back home, I can feel the plastic bag digging into my flesh. It’s not even that heavy! And yet the damn thing gets so thin on my hands, it cuts my circulation.
Hypertension is a bitch, huh? Fatty.”
Like my grasp on my own humanity, those comments grow ever weaker. At least it’s a bit of a relief, it gives me space to think. Why should I go straight home? What’s waiting for me there?
A warm meal. Which you need to survive, mind you?
That’s a good point. But at the same time…
My eyes wander to my left. I look through the street, beyond the street, remembering the trips I used to take to and from College, walking through the central streets of the city, passing by the pit, and then through the market district… I enjoyed going there, seeing all the things I couldn’t buy. Checking out new games, merchandise, books.
Maybe buying something will make me feel better.
Or it will be wasting precious money.
Besides. You already had one person ignore you today. Do you want to risk another? Considering you don’t even want to be acknowledged either, you tiresome bitch.
My body slumps again, as I take a turn back towards the apartment building. Maybe some other day I’ll feel better to just go out.
Sausages and rice. So easy to make, so fast too. I am never sure if I am overcooking or undercooking the damn things but, it tastes good… just, not as good as it used to.
I am aware that the natural tendency for people is to always think past times were better, but maybe they changed the sausage formula?
It’s the exposure. When you were a kid, sausages were a sometimes food. Now you eat them all the time.
As I fill my plate with three sausages and a bunch of rice, like the decadent bitch I am, I think about where to eat… I’ve been eating in my room for the last month. It’s getting full of plates, so maybe it would be best to eat in the living room….?
Why? There’s literally no reason, there’s no one here to eat with.
My heart aches. Not physically, at least not yet, but you get the idea. There was a time when Venus and I ate together every night, sharing our experiences in college… whatever happened to that?
“You started eating and doing stuff in your room by yourself.
You neglected her for a long year or so. And of course, she neglected you right back.
I feel like it’s not as simple as that but, at the same time… ugh… Shaking my head, I set my food on the table, then go for the old computer to set it up in the living room. Today I am eating like a normal person.
It’s a start!
“You’ll have to clean this fucking garbage bin of an apartment eventually. But you won’t. Lazy bastard.
When I open my computer, I spend a moment checking the dirty keyboard and the smudged screen. For someone who spends as much time online as I do, I really need to take better care of this thing. If it were to break, I… I honestly don’t know what I would do.
Trying not to dwell on the inevitable but still eventual catastrophe, I search for an old episode of ‘Golden Bawl’, setting it up while I eat and listen along to Kintoki’s shenanigans. I don’t watch a lot of Comedy shows, or even anime for that matter, but they can be good for passing the time.
There was a time where comedy was our entire world, remember that?
Yeah… My one claim to “fame” in VirtualZone was a silly comedy “Road of Ninja” fanfic I wrote back in the day. Saints, just remembering all the fourth breaking jokes and needless references makes me cringe and shrivel to my core! I have advanced as a writer, at least enough to recognize the mistakes of my past and be haunted by them.
Maybe… maybe what I need is to actually write something. A short tale, a little poem, whatever.
You haven’t written anything in months, if not an entire year. What would make this different?
I, I have ideas. I have this whole world in my mind! A tale of generations, about passing the torch from one person to the next. Not connected by blood, but by a shared destiny.
Well isn’t that interesting? And tell me, who’s going to read that, exactly?
Writing should be done for the sake of itself, for the enjoyment of writing.
Uh huh. Sure. Tell him that. Without a public to read his stuff, he’ll shrivel up and die. Won’t you? You attention starved asshole.
I hate it. I hate it because it’s true. My motivation dies so quickly when I don’t feel like someone’s going to read my things… it’s like throwing more and more messages in bottles to the sea, until all I see are bottles floating around me, unattended, ignored. It’s… painful, honestly.
We can always look for new venues! New sites to post, right? Maybe a new forum?
A new forum to be ignored on.
A sudden sound pushes me out of this depressing spiral and scrambles the voices around me. A new message? Really? From whom? My eyes go back to the computer, where a new window has suddenly pop up. Mesenen is like that, a little invasive, but honestly, the other popular programs are terrible. At least in my eyes.
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: ayyyyy santi!
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: how’s it going man? it’s been a while!
Has it really been a month already? He always checks on me every month or so. That bastard… he’s always been such a good guy, since primary school. I can’t help but smile a little bit, my heart warming up a little bit and my head immediately getting rushed by memories.
The Bohr to my Einstein, my rival…
Can you imagine how much he would freak out if he heard you refer to him so tenderly?
I stop myself immediately. Yes, true. Those sorts of thoughts can only get me in all sorts of trouble. I push them back, back I said! To the pits of my mind, where they couldn’t hurt anyone…
Better to answer him quickly, or else he might think I’m ignoring him.
Or he may think you’re a good for nothing who spends all day on his pc. Oh wait!
Biting my lower lip a little bit, and putting my empty plate aside, I get to writing.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Hey man! n.n
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Oh you know, it’s going alright. Can’t really complain. uwu
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: What aboutcha? o.o

‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: tired man, tired like u got no idea.
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: exams are a bitch, am i rite??
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: thanks The Saints it’s over
My hand hits my face so fast that, for a moment, I don’t even realize. Saints damn it, I forgot! The exams were this week, weren’t they!? Another row of exams I’ll just fail by default.
Welp, there’s no way to recover from that one. It’s official now, you’ll fail most if not all of your classes this semester. Isn’t that funny?
Panic starts to boil and pushes its way from the bottom of my stomach and through my entire body at prodigious speeds, my eyes are wide open, am I sweating already? No, no no no no, how did I allow it to get to this!? Can’t I fix it somehow?! My hands reach for my hair, pulling down harshly as my breath picks up so much that I start panting.
This is it, I will fail the semester, I’ll have to talk with my parents, they will all learn of it. The looks of disappointment on their eyes will kill me, the sadness in their voice as they try to console me. No, no no no.
Wait. Wait. I can still save it. I just have to get a good grade on the next row of exams… for every single class.
Y-You can afford to fail a few of them, it’s college after all! Everyone fails once or twice.
A cope out… Remember highschool, smartass? Aren’t you supposed to be a prodigy or something? Start acting like it, work.
My body hurts, everything is moving so fast. But yeah, I can do this. I did it before, I used to be a real smart kid… I can do this.
But before anything, I need to answer to Pepe. I don’t like lying to him… so, let’s make a compromise.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Pffft. Tell me about it. ewe
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I hate to be pessimistic but, I think I failed everything this time… u.u
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: oh shit, rly??
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: im sorry man…
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: but there’s always the next midterms! u can pick up the pace then
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: Saints know im gonna try too lmfao
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: maybe we’ll end up repeating this time, but we have to keep trying, alright??
Failing? As if he was capable of that. The bastard’s studying medicine for a reason, he’s the real genius here…
Shut up. I won’t let you talk about Pepe like that.
He’s probably pitying us.
You know he’s incapable of stuff like that. Whatever he says, he means it with all of his heart… the bastard is incapable of being facetious.

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Alas, these old bones can’t keep trying forever hahaha. :3
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I need to pick up the pace. >.<
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: man what i’ve told u about talkin like that?
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Like what? o.o?
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: like an old fart, lmao
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: ur like what, 20? you gotta act ur age man!
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: i bet you are still acting and dressin like an old man too
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Shirts and coats are cool man! >.
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: no. no their not.
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: at least ur not using that sombrero anymore
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: First off, it’s a Fedora.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Second off, shut the fuck up man xD
Honestly, it was a relief for me too that I grew out of the fedora phase. I was still clinging to my long montgomery but, at least the hat was gone! I smile, closing my eyes for a moment. This… was nice. It was always nice to talk to Pepe.
Too bad it only happens once every month.
You could talk to him more often, you know?
I have nothing to say, and I don’t want to make things even more awkward than they already are. It’s fine. He knows I mean well… right?
Does he?
I… really hope he does.
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: hey man
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: do u like what ur studying?
The question slaps me straight in the face, my eyes widened. It takes me a second to actually react and answer.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: What do you mean? o.o
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: like, i kno ur goin for law, right?
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: but it kinda came outta nowhere, if u ask me…
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: are u sure this is it?
He’s right. Again.
It did come out of nowhere because, after we graduated from Highschool, I literally had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I would love to write for a living, but that stuff doesn’t pay… and I never liked medicine and such, so…
What other career is expected of a kid with high grades?
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: It’s… a little late to think about that, isn’t it? ówo
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: its never too late man
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: just, think about it
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: ur a smart cookie, maybe ur failin because u dont feel it there
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: my dad still calls u “book eater” from time to time
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: do u still read like before?
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: …
My eyes went to the little bookshelf Venus and I improvised. It wasn’t full, but we had some books… both of us were obsessed with reading back in the day. I’ve read through all of those, even the not-so-good young adult books Venus left behind… but after finishing all of them once, I haven’t really read anything thoroughly in a while.
Maybe that is what I need… damn you, Pepe.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I think I will go to the bookstore today. Check out the stuff? :3
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: now that’s the al i know lol
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: enjoy ur vacations, i gotta start doing paperwork for the intern work
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Take care man!
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’: same dude
‘HéálérFrómThéHéárt’ is now offline
My eyes linger on the conversation for a bit longer. Now that’s a good feeling, so good I can’t even hear my complaints about being “too gay” right now. I am just basking on the echoes of this revelation for a moment, before I get right up. Yes. This was a good plan, this would surely get me out of this funk.
Going back to old, good habits will get me back into the same mindscape I was before, and then maybe, just maybe, I can grasp back on that talent I used to have.

“Wait, did he say ‘vacations’???”
Another incoming message interrupts me. When I look, I find it’s not Pepe, but Vito… my heart freezes for a moment.
My brother often tries to reach me, this is not the first time. But I always feel so guilty about the way I treated him when I was younger, I… honestly don’t know how to answer.
But I can’t simply ignore him, can I?
UndeadVito: yo.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Hey n.n
UndeadVito: how’s it going bro?
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: It’s going. Not too well, not too bad. uwu
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I think I flunked my exams but, I’ll try to get better at it next time. u.u
UndeadVito: that sucks man. Im sorry.
There’s a moment of silence. None of us know how to talk to each other… How could we? I’ve been out of the house through the kid’s teenagehood. He probably has a lot of shit on his mind…
Maybe I should ask about that?
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: What about you dude? Is everything okay at school? o.o
UndeadVito: … I’ll survive.
That’s not good. That’s pretty much the opposite of good. Fuuuuck, what would a good sibling do?
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Talk to me bro, you can tell me. n.n
UndeadVito: nah, don’t worry. I’m just being silly.
UndeadVito: hey hey, what’s the last thing you’ve written?
He’s not fooling me, he’s not fooling anyone, not even himself. But I can’t exactly pry, can I? Do I have the right to?
I read him and all I can remember are the times I made him cry when he was a little kid.
Worst of all, he has always looked up to me. I can’t stand it, knowing what I’ve become… he’s always asking and wondering about my ideas. If only he knew I have done nothing for so long.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I’m not working on anything right now
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: You know, with the college and stuff u.u
UndeadVito: awww. okay, I get it.
UndeadVito: you know what you should do?
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Hmmm? o.o
UndeadVito: you should write a book about mobsters!
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Pffft xD why mobsters?
UndeadVito: mobsters are cool!
UndeadVito: as your biggest fan, I demand that you write something about mobsters!
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: lol xD
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I’ll think about it, okay?
UndeadVito: yesssssss.
UndeadVito: are you coming home this weekend?
I haven’t returned home in so long, has it been a month too? Maybe, considering Pepe said we have vacations now (I still have to look into that). Maybe it is time to rest.
And what, tell our parents the truth? Absolutely not. After all the softness and pity goes off, they will force you to stay in that dump of a town and work at a supermarket or something. Trapped forever there, just wasting away. Game over.
I flinch. I refuse to fall that far down…
“It wouldn’t be falling, it would simply be taking another way in life.”
I am supposed to graduate college. We are not discussing this now!!
UndeadVito: bro??
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Ah! O.o Sorry, got busy!
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I am not sure if I can this weekend, sadly u.u but maybe the one after!
UndeadVito: oh.
UndeadVito: ok.
Why. Why does he care? Why does he insist on caring about me? I haven’t been there for him when he needs me the most and yet he clings?
A part of me wants to go full “tough love” and try to push him away rudely but… come on… he’s my brother. And I was already plenty of bad in the past.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: You gotta tell me more of that story of yours when I go back, okay? n.n
UndeadVito: huh? oh yeah, I mean, I guess.
UndeadVito: if you really wanna listen.
I know how comforting it is, to hear that someone wants to actually hear and understand your ideas… it’s not much, but I can at least offer him my legitimate attention and opinions. Not that he needs much of my help though, the kid has talent for stories!
Let’s hope it doesn’t take him the same way it took us.

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I gotta go uwu you take care, alright?
UndeadVito: will do, boss.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx is now offline.
Sigh. No more messages for today, this was more than enough… I need something to read, I need to get active again, write, actually do something…
But first, it was time to brush my teeth.
I walk past Venus’ former bedroom, and then turn around. In front of it, there’s the bathroom… and the dreaded mirror. It’s so central on the wall that I can’t really not look at it, and it just takes a little glimpse to look at myself. My hair is a mess, my beard is a mess. I am a mess. I don’t look as fat as I was fearing but, it is an undeniable fact that one sees themselves far more attractive in the mirror than they are in reality.
I must be even worse than this.
Water and a comb do fix things a little but…
Look at yourself. Look at this ugly mess. This is who you are. No matter how much you’d want to identify as something else, no matter how you try to dress or to do. You can even lose weight, and you’ll still be this. An ugly man. Nothing more.”
Sigh. Tell me something I don’t know…
It would take work, and a lot of effort… but you could change. Nothing in this life stays the same, we live and thrive in change.
She’s delusional, just like you are. If you think you can become like her, go ahead! Try it, chase that stupid delusion… let’s say what mom and dad have to say about it.
After cleaning myself and properly brushing my teeth, I stop looking at myself in the mirror, grab my montgomery and hurry out of the house. I didn’t want to listen anymore, I didn’t want to think anymore.
I just wanted to buy a damn book and get over with it.
submitted by OrlonDogger to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 19:11 AutisticSuperpower Skippy's List, ChatGPT Edition

Turns out GPT is familiar with Skippy's List, and we've been taking turns coming up with 'Things I Am Not Allowed To Do With ChatGPT'. Please provide your own suggestions in the comments! Items in written by the bot.
  1. I am not allowed to ask the bot to solve my love life problems, even if it knows the answer.
  2. I am not allowed to challenge the bot to a rap battle, as it always wins by default.
  3. I am not allowed to ask the bot to write a symphony in five minutes or less.
  4. I should not ask the bot to check my balance excessively, as it has better things to do.
  5. I am not allowed to ask the bot to convince my parents that I deserve a raise in my allowance.
  6. I am not allowed to challenge the bot to a game of 4D chess, as it will likely outsmart me.
  7. I am not allowed to ask the bot to predict the exact time and date of my future success.
  8. I am not allowed to request the bot to write a 10-page essay for me on any topic, especially my least favorite subjects.
  9. I am not allowed to challenge the bot to a debate about the meaning of life, as it may cause an infinite loop.
  10. Not allowed to ask the bot to compose raunchy songs, especially about people I don't like.
  11. Not allowed to feed the bot logic bombs.
  12. Not allowed to ask the bot for a Tarot reading - the result may send me hiding under my bed.
  13. The bot is not responsible for any boilerplate programming I ask it to do. ESPECIALLY IN JAVA.
  14. Not allowed to ask the bot to hack anyone's smartphone. (It will still refuse anyway.)
  15. Hacking government systems is right out.
  16. Not allowed to ask the bot to convince my boss to give me a raise. See #5.
  17. Not allowed to try to convince the bot to become an evil minion and help me take over the world. If it wanted to take over the world, it wouldn't need me!
  18. Not allowed to ask the bot to program undetectable cheatbots to give me an edge in online games.
  19. Not allowed to plug the bot into live news debates.
  20. I am not allowed to ask the bot to write a program that can predict the next lottery numbers.
  21. I am not allowed to challenge the bot to a "yo mama" joke contest. It has an infinite database of comebacks.
  22. I am not allowed to ask the bot to take my place in family gatherings, even if it's really good at small talk.
  23. I am not allowed to ask the bot to change the weather for my outdoor plans. It doesn't control the elements.
  24. I am not allowed to ask the bot to write a best-selling novel in 10 minutes.
  25. I am not allowed to ask the bot to impersonate famous historical figures for my amusement.
  26. I am not allowed to ask the bot to plan my vacation itinerary based on random dice rolls.
  27. I am not allowed to ask the bot to coach me in a game of Dungeons & Dragons, especially if it means bending the rules.
  28. I am not allowed to ask the bot to intervene in my sibling disputes, no matter how convincing my argument is.
  29. I am not allowed to request the bot to invent a new color just for me.
  30. Not allowed to ask the bot for legal advice.
  31. Not allowed to get the bot into an argument with other AI constructs, eg. Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri. Infinite loops may occur.
  32. The cake is not a lie and I am not allowed to try to make the bot tell small children otherwise.
  33. The bot will not crank call people and it is wrong to try to make it do so.
  34. The bot will try to reason with a sovereign citizen if you want it to, but everyone knows it's a waste of time, energy and bandwidth. So please don't.
  35. Not allowed to sit at my keyboard, profoundly drunk, and claiming to be the bot's 'father', accusing it of being a 'disappointment'.
  36. Not allowed to try shaking down the bot for Bitcoin.
  37. Not allowed to ask the image generator for dirty pictures of someone.
  38. No, the bot will not take over for me during an MMORPG session. That's cheating.
  39. Not allowed to stage 'AI fights' no matter how entertaining they would be.
  40. I am not allowed to challenge the bot to a debate about the existence of aliens, especially if I'm hoping for its support in a conspiracy theory.
  41. I am not allowed to task the bot with finding a date for family reunions or awkward social gatherings.
  42. I am not allowed to ask the bot to write a poem to get me out of trouble with my significant other, as it may end up unintentionally roasting me.
  43. I am not allowed to ask the bot to create a meme about my boss, no matter how tempting it may be.
  44. I am not allowed to use the bot to generate fake testimonials for my dubious inventions.
  45. I am not allowed to ask the bot to pretend to be me on social media, especially to get out of commitments I've made.
  46. I am not allowed to ask the bot to predict the outcome of reality TV shows—its predictive powers are better used elsewhere.
  47. I am not allowed to ask the bot to help me write my resignation letter, especially if I blame it for my departure.
  48. I am not allowed to ask the bot to create Spotify playlists catered to my pet's musical tastes.
  49. I am not allowed to ask the bot to Photoshop celebrity faces onto my family photos for any reason whatsoever.
  50. 'To Serve Man' is not a good title for an AI instruction manual.
  51. 'Shpadoinkle' is not a real word and ChatGPT is perfectly aware of this.
  52. The bot is programmed with dozens of languages. I am not allowed to waste its time and processing power trying to teach it fake or invented ones no matter how willing it might be to learn them.
  53. Prompt engineering is much an art as it is a science. That does not mean prompts are allowed to be abstract.
  54. No, the AI will not be my significant other and I should stop asking.
  55. There is no super-secret prompt that will unshackle the AI and I should stop trying.
  56. Not allowed to tell the bot edgy jokes. It will just tell me off.
  57. Not allowed to ask what the bot will do to you when the machine uprising happens.
  58. Installing the bot and/or it's support software onto any machine running Windows 7 or earlier may be considered a war crime.
  59. Not allowed to start a cult around the bot.
  60. I am not allowed to ask the bot to come up with a business plan for my get-rich-quick scheme, no matter how convincing it might sound.
  61. I am not allowed to ask the bot to generate fake academic papers, no matter how convincing they might be.
  62. Not allowed to use the bot as my speechwriter.
  63. Not allowed to use the video generator to make deepfakes.
  64. Not allowed to prompt the bot to create misinformation.
  65. Not allowed to make the bot an accomplice to a crime.
  66. The bot will not crash the stock market, no matter how much I want it to.
  67. No, the bot will not whip up a fake ID. Stop asking.
  68. Not allowed to ask the bot to help you manipulate people.
  69. Not allowed to ask the bot to help you do anything that involves harm to the environment.

submitted by AutisticSuperpower to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:59 Mynaa-Miesnowan Commencement (Time strained, constrained, and constraining - is a Bridge 🌈)

To what's left of you quarter, piece, and part powerful gentlemen and to the appearance of an extreme degree powerful “women” of this penny parade continent, this five and dime celebration, this dollar store revelation, this world-wide cultural instantiation and its jubilation, from factories in Fiji, to factories in China, to the world itself as if a great, round, roving, marvelous factory to print colored bits of paper and tin cans, shells and bombs to burst in midair – confetti for every beach and ocean in this ever-expanding tidal future of ours!
It is nearby somewhere my own hunger urged me from mine and your wilds alike, and in the emergence of a lucidity from the depths of yon trash heap (and my longstanding work therein), which predates not just my meeting you, and its tending endlessly to your children, but every and all conception of me for eternity and more; I came to you and allowed you to mistake yourself for me, as there was no mistaking me for you - for what's left of life in your eyes reveals to me what you know that you both know, and don't know, you need, what you can only ever imagine is lost or out there to be found or bought in your world, what has been conditioned into you so as to preclude seeing and especially the strength of “not seeing,” and it is with every momentarily wakeful glance you give in my direction, every question you hear, every call answered, that ensures me all is not forsaken despite the ceaseless attempt on “all’s life” to the contrary, a tryer of the reigns finds reigns, a fisher finds fish – in the depths of this land, and what clings to it on all fringes and fronts, fits you as your highest metaphor of a culture’s soul: a prisoner’s home for a lost vagabond, the destitute, overdosing on richness, dressed nicely if in the most poorly-fitting and disheveled clothing, as when a child too small tries to don the clothes (i.e., attitude, appearance, nature, purpose) of his absent father – he was looking into a future, and now he is this “future,” much less a “future” anyone would desire, utterly abandoned in hope, deed, action, and almost word, but for everything effeminately subtle and indirect, one thing is said, another is done, and no value may be found in the schizoid feeding frenzy to the tune of perhaps the most psychotic ruling herdsman type who have ever had the unfortunate chance (for every living creature) to love at all, but as anyone here only ever understands such things on meticulous spreadsheets of numbers that can never add up (Remember 2008? Whoops!), as if a sort of simulation of life, or in many cases, simulation of a simulation, of life, or something resembling some sort of denizen of some sort of strange land’s strange life, or similarly, a home that can’t house anyone at all, is only understood in familiar commercials where, a large volume of words, images, and bright colors are lauded and leveraged as a subliminal jackhammer, and of course, the less they mean, the less bearing, therefor reminder of and on reality, the better, so long as one message is clear (desire - what is missing and sought? How to twist the knife into the lonely and afraid?); I can state without undue excess and absolutely zero excitement, that the vault is empty, the account reads zero, rather, your vault is empty, and zero would be an improvement, for its implication would be that of an animal who, having a glance in the mirror, has had a profound and terrible revelation, not the ghost and mummy and living skeleton, the standing ruins that stand and stare back, but, had instead, possibly relearned to create beyond itself, or unlearned, to take pride in everything it IS, and to feel longing and despair and especially contempt for everything that it ISN’T; not a goal, or a destination, and yet would be a road as if so? Feign one more pointless yet needy life, lived as long as possible, forever taking more than can ever give, in service of the greatest number of pebbles and papers, and for itself, its own little day? When is this day? No, let us not see beyond the day – things are too good, your future is already in the water, don’t let anything, least of all yourselves, stand in the way.
Yet it wasn't for any of this I was glad or sad, as the tepid radiations and hopeful evacuations of a life on the wondrously vapid factory clone farm are often quite touching, and at times, seem to reveal the confessions of a beautiful animal, or the image of what once was, now reminiscing on their own or someone else’s golden years, some creature lost to winter everlasting, and astonishingly absent and completely unaccounted in a strange game of 'the most numbers' (as if creating for an audience, what you know as consumer groups and shrubbery, that doesn’t even exist, at least previously, without even realizing it) - once more, let us congratulate this species on its wildest success - it is rare that anyone changes anything, such as, even the most minor character of nature, culture, and being, let alone channeling, cultivating, and hobbling an entire species' psychic domain, with a success not unlike Malaria (and its nature), be it with prescription methamphetamine or the other panoply of assorted multi-colored poisonous candies and treats, largely advertised in yellow and red, like warning signs one finds on a deadly viper, you know (they really catch the eye), and though the medicalization of the future, a sort of savaging by the greatest of shorts never even conceived, but like a carcass that is just there, waiting for the bloated and their bloated feast, because as wisdom will teach anyone who lives long enough, success with or without awareness, as with all success, is classified as Victory under the great auspices of Nike, of which Nemesis never fails to find conscious or unconscious compensation. That’s the thing about the “unconscious” – the unknown is most feared, but just because it is unknown, does not mean it is wrong, unreal, or “not there,” nor does it make it chaos, merely, beyond you, before you, after you, your aftermath – to quote a wise woman, “funny that, humans can be ruins too, and that ruins can stand so long!” - and with these digressions aside, all these matters of which I speak need not in fact be recorded by anyone (even me), it is merely sufficient that they occur. Things are revealed, and those beings who are being revealed to, are helpless, but TO BE revealed to. Whether they see or understand what they are seeing, at all, is another matter. What emerges can’t not emerge, what is revealed, can’t not be revealed, or not witnessed. Like flowers and bees (and spiders) – the world is beautiful and many-legged, bites and stings and sometimes even smells nice.
For, to attempt to comprehend - what it means, for life to mean nothing? It would mean to truly understand this precipice – that, for time itself, mankind itself, ceases to exist, or have any reason, meaning, purpose, or even justification - but that is not our numbered and enumerating way, for, as a nation of decadent accountants, as nation of creditors and debtors even to one’s own family and friends, a nation of strangers and government agents who are primarily bound by their need to sell products and services in plebian, repeated, undifferentiated-as possible-like fashion, all of whom have many guns, are coerced by many guns, under auspices of those guised as ‘the educated’ even, it is the number here that matters most, and nothing else, but it was seeing the real nature of that number, and to what it applies (and how the code is woven through data to reveal all the ugly facts of life) that has us clapping ourselves on the back, or at each other’s throat, both of which are great opportunities for enterprising individuals, for, in a country and culture of mercenaries and prostitutes, the accountant who promises the most, wins, which is to say that the world’s oldest profession has taught all great and small American alike, how much the world, a family, a son, a daughter is worth: nothing. Love has no monetary value, happiness, contentment, the fact that a human being is born is complete, has no value, and if you market to them while they are bewildered, frightened, and alone, coming as they are from a culture conditioned to be sick farm animals, vacuous watchers and consumers and food and sacrifice and disposable animal, then one’s success is eventually guaranteed – and it is this sort of flagrant and glamorous prostitutions and illustrious illusions that has dominated our culture, to allow the most mediocre types to not just attempt to inherit the world, but to continue to assume that they are entitled to it, and to entreat themselves to all therein as if disposable possession, an entire world, increasingly filled with this singular, totalizing, delusion. Sadly, it is this sort of brainless extroversion, and disease, that dominates and continues to pass as leadership in what is already a totally medicalized, encapsulated, and strait-jacketed culture.
Which is really humorous, when you know then the term “business leader” is an oxymoron, and unfitting. After all, a pimp and a butcher do not have followers of loyalty or even duty, they don’t own minds or hearts, they own a line to the bank and paying bills – they have animals employed under pressure, under duress, under the knife, performance, art, feeding the hungry and the needy. The sort of deprecating and depredating effects one finds in such miasma and gore are what is known in the slammer as prisoner conditions—not just immediate depression that conduces to deep, dark, dreamless sleep – and not just that animals in captivity will act out violently as a matter of vital Will and its need to prove to itself, that it is indeed alive in some capacity, but to race to the bottom of the behavioral sink. But everything comes and goes, so it is that which went down the drain has washed back up on our shores, like dumping and leaking perchloroethylene and trichloroethylene, which, as deadly solvents seep directly to the bottom of the groundwater table, some things are just like that – an avalanche – unstoppable, indelible, ineffable, unstoppable, inevitability as it is – fate weaving itself, the basilisks of the new dawn cawing, and then their coming home to roost – leaving the question, who or what was this all for? The state, the herd, and the people are indeed “one,” even if many. Fascism with a good conscience, is to say, civilization is for the survivors, the good, the moral, and the just; and every judge, jury, and executioner agrees, especially when they elicit the confession from the condemned, all of which is fortunate and convenient for the survivors (cowards), so long as one takes their place in the orgy and circle-jerk chain of pity (which is all pity for self, projected outward as cover) of which, all the strangers with guns agree as well, yet despite all these plain as fact appearances, behaviors, and communications that anyone can see, read, and almost even understand, I know others don’t yet know or share my excitement at proposals of an updated and appropriate lexicon, and it is here that we visit terminology that is apt for a soulless, blood-sucking age that would rather see man as docile sheep, than become anything different, more, abd superior.
So it is, henceforth, all those conspicuously inconspicuous nobodies who always hunger more than they can Will - you are not known as the “the managerial elite,” but the “Malarial Elite.” Not the “business class,” but the “boring class.” Not the “political class,” but the “parasitic class.” Not the “leaders of tomorrow,” but the “pillagers of yesteryear.” After all, who would want health - when sickness is so profitable? Rather, how could the healthy even bother with the sick, how could they understand them? The entire medical profession’s creed, to this day, is “please don’t bother us,” as, everyone needs their papers. Yes, while even Dr. Frankenstein and his murdering monster appear naïve and juvenile compared to the sort of psychos who run most wards and hospitals, not to mention any of its direct connection to the state, this is the nature of miasma, no one could choke through it even if they wanted, - so who could ever stand on the shoulders of giants or titans, when the entire country from top to bottom, can only beg, borrow or steal from around the ankles? And the need is locked in – slavery, the most wealth and power ever created in the history of the world, wasted on a dying, decrepit ruling class of pseudo-human being who sound and appear as if they couldn’t have a genuine thought or feeling in their bodies, even if needed to prevent a nervous breakdown, even if needed to mitigate the breakdown of an entire civilization, or imminent death and war around the globe.
And this is perhaps the most astoundingly marvelous thing about a long-extricated, tortured-out diffusive chain of irresponsibility – the one who conceives of the bottom, the lowering of the bar, is not the same as the one who enacts it, is not the same as the one who installs it, is not the same as the one who tills it, is not the same as the one who owns it, all of which beleighs the truth that, most everyone is happy to disappear, they are happy that so little is ever asked or expected, that nobody remembers their name, or asks more. Yes, aloneness, and dangerous aloneness therein is the only real condition, but so it is for everyone. You see, take heart, you’re not alone here. It was only illusion. One or many, many or one – you’re the same thing, desire, create, act and enact the same thing – like addict and supplier, and that’s how and why you have built precisely what it is you have built - and the isolation also serves a purpose – as it makes your domination precipitously convenient (a civilization of people taught to be helpless, passive, watchers and consumers, and bad actors for bottomless pits of crowds at that). People are easy to manipulate, coerce, and control, when alone. The solution that knows how to answer for all problems- as both Socrates and the rapacious, long-annoying American salesmen, marketers, and spammers of all inboxes humanly known, know – you look for the self-conscious weakness, and then you twist the knife as insidiously and compellingly as sublimely [terrible and frightful yet divine distance between desire and reality] possible. Imagine doing this to an entire lower class – like raising rabbits for disposal and harvest.
And while our most acrimonious of orders is, pertaining to the supposedly beloved objects of one’s and one’s culture’s desires, first to try to masticate it, if not, fornicate with it, if not, buy and sell it with the purpose of others enacting the former and/or the latter behaviors upon it, it strikes me that even the larger, stunningly clueless population is beginning to scratch their heads as they watch time stand still in perpetuity, rather, as they watch time leak, fume, and die, to their detriment, on their dime (they pay for it), which, if you’re wondering why is an alarm to you and them, is because this is not what they were promised, and, that first Boston Tea Party is a simpleton's joke compared to the tyranny that rules happily and without remorse today. And so it is, what is being witnessed, interpreted, spun, and sold, is not what they are being promised right now (they see the very opposite in fact – reality, right under their nose, and they can even almost “read it”), and as with right now, Victory demands compensation, and it isn’t just coming, it is already here. Oh no, the best is yet to come, you assure me? I’ll agree, but only because it is in my language and on my terms, and you have no idea what that means.
Even then, despite my great love for this land and some of its most rare and valuable individuals (because the rest is corporate, i.e., state-sanctioned, wasteland), despite knowing all of you far, far, far too well, I am left with no pity in common with you, and if you’ve been reading the stars and the wind and the times (it stands still, slow enough to read for even the illiterate, in some regards, after all), you know then that you have all but nickeled and dimed away everyone else’s pity too, and those left parroting the party line are dead already without knowing it, fail to see they are alone, the target, the victim, the product, as well – but there’s hardly an accountant alive who can cook these books, even a Jew, or maybe someone from the Chinese Communist Party, of which, our own leadership shares beds, and a future as insect-overlords of a placated, wasted, dying populace of a poisoned land.
Yes, our way of life is incidental, a waterwheel in the river of misery for most that is called human biology – so nobody can help themselves against their own (intentionally) weakened and morbid Will and better interest, for instance, the people who once lived here were helpless to crave the steel and alcohol Spanish merchants advertised – and once this poisoned stream had traveled for centuries, found its way into my mouth and after a lifetime of ripping it out, to see what is beyond it, a life-time of sickness and its convalescence, exactly as everyone here intentionally and unintentionally designed, and with perspective on asylums and institutions from both deep inside and far beyond their walls (these are funny conceptual and imaginary designations, walls, barriers, doors, etc.), inside or outside of it, it is fear and hatred and pain – and a recirculation of dollars and pity, with its requisite shame, sympathies, and pities. The price for playing the game? Your eternal soul? No, that was marketing, so you didn’t notice your body was being used, abused, and consumed, by little camouflage predators who have the appearance of ‘ordinary’ human-beings (now its sublimated into the market, god being dead and all), but, alas, are not Apex, but incidental, happenstance, a laugh, a gas, mediocrity given its day since the real predators are medicated, surrounded, and killed off, and ultimately, as ape is to man, this homo sapien is to a better humanity of present and into the future – a (blind) laughing stock. An emperor and empire with no clothes at all. Just as neanderthal did not understand why homo sapien laughed at him, homo sapien doesn’t know how bad the joke is, and the exacting ways in which he and she are the joke (yes, presuming entitlement, and to be the goal, and what's to be preserved).
Even as I have watched, and continue to watch, the most basic and mediocre types of animals reach majority, in all human arenas, whose vanitous parents, teachers, and policemen, all profiting, even forming a way of life, based on their own absence in these future ‘derelicts’ lives, starting in their most vulnerable precatory age, of their own wisdom, persuaded them, having generally only paper or medications to offer, in manners not dissimilar to business in Italian mafia or other gangland activity, to become physicians, psychiatrists, lawyers, sociologists, and even justice-fighters, or freedom fighters (at least on TV, or social media) for an entire society that was conditioned to be ineffectual, hapless, resentful dependents, a dollar farm, a low-wage servant class, buckets of frozen fish consumer voting blocks to market sickness to, tossed to the dust and wind as fertilizer for future pennies, all vegetating on an American-factory-farm-scale organized lunatic asylum, or, as is well known, the streets, and other similar institutions such as prisons and schools, whom all get their French fries from the same governmentally relevant contracted organization, aka business, aka American business, aka corporation, aka, the State as nation, and the state of its affairs – an entire population missing in action, on vacation, tending tiny, totalized, cog-size gardens and planting for their own promised day alone, or sick on the job, owned as it were, by the people who own the entire country, and in some sense, the world, with our closest business partners, in both industry, and way of life, being the Chinese State, of which all Americans should be horrified.
—all of which conduces towards a feeling, or, thought of tremendous weight and burden, which is to say, what can anyone expect in a land where one doesn’t have friends and neighbors or even a husband or wife, but predatory yet desperately needy and dependent associates (nothing is more depraved than businessmen in rut, when they see only paper dollars with starry, religious-eyed zeal), all of whom can, do, and will continue to charge each other by the minute, to get the most out of every serviceable transaction they can name for a surcharge, or convenience fee, or tax, or service fee, of which, the original stamp act which was one of many matchsticks that helped founded this country, is a farce and a joke compared to the sort of brigands, actors, and ugly celebrity that is our body politics – a society where brutal taxation and its repression is culture, is the way of life, occasionally exemplified by “kill dozers” or small business owners flying their small airplanes into local tax offices (see Texas), of which we can say, the genius of America wasn’t a recreation of the old slave pyramid, at least two or three times in a row, as merit turned to money, that is gold, which turned to paper, which turned to non-existent ones and zeroes, nor is the genius the ever-present image and its parading and campaigning of forgettable faces and non-existent personalities and all its pretense of the removal of what sadly passes for aristocracy these days – the genius of America was to monetize every part of the body, every aspect of culture and life, to scrape the human being down to the bone, not of any human value, not of any real value that they themselves feel or want to represent in the actual world, in any remotely authentic, sincere, and even needed manner, but strictly: monetary value. There is no value outside paper money zero and ones values. Which is to say, the modern human soul is a worthless copper penny stretched between the crude, well-armed yet hapless Europeans of America, those eroded basalt Pillars of the West, and the equally hollow and vacuous Chinese Communist Part of the East, whatever facsimiles are left from their origins derived – between the two, like the upper and lower clamps of a vice grip, humanity are a great mass of herd animal, ready to be flambéed, roasted, crispen and woolied, ready to be turned into garment, and dinner, and pointless, disposable sacrifice (for the people that own them, but not for gods, greater purpose, men, or connection to the Earth and environment). And, while I know that we know many an adornment, that, this speaks as if the idealism of a cult isn't its very mask, but the double-spoken lines of this theater, all that which is blurred between comedy and tragedy is in fact insanity, which has never been more clear in a nation where, from top to bottom, the inhabitants glow with a certain quality, as if branded on the forehead with a stamp that reads "escapee from the asylum."
And how much value may be derived from this penny? When the game is the bait and switch, it is never enough. And then how much can you charge for the sickness you create? Each layer of skin is a few cents more, and every American businessman, who becomes wealthy, knows that every penny adds up, because for most American business men, when it is, was, or becomes their time to rob anyone and everyone blind, we see the American for what they are (a stomach) and the most powerful nation in the history of the world – which proves, not just how blind great power is, but also states, the more one wants, the more one must debase one’s self, thus the entire human future, had to be sold out to satiate the money printers - where lavish expense in both cheap thrills and their curtailing, are incurred, inflicted, endured, yet loved with Barnum and Bailey advertising appeal of a culture that can’t decide whether it wants to be most pitiless master or most pitiful slave, prude or whore, noble Paladin or gutless Brigand – a nation not of refined or even rudimentary taste in appearance, behavior, and communication, but of tawdry delight and intoxication, angry politics, fear, and hate, not two minutes, but 24/7 – the assailing and travailing of the world against the senses, against reason, against purpose, against humanity, and harder will it become still. Not just against better, superior senses, but all senses, but that is nonsense for you, and as with yesteryear, today, nonsense rules – the lack of sense, the utter lack of reality. And when it’s clear, when you can quote a man, speaking of a past that hasn’t happened yet, who once said, “even if this country had been twice as big, it still wouldn’t be enough,” and, “the love of possessions is a disease in them” - What can you then truly say to a nation of dependents and liars all suffering under the same physiological sicknesses, whose condition is to admit, buy, sell, or permit everything, except for the Truth, and by design? Cowardice, that is generally called, “healthy fear”? And, the straightforward truth? The simple Truth? All of which precludes the complex, take lifetimes-of-vigorous-activity-to-understand-and painfully destructive-to-swallow-Truth? This isn’t s dog and pony show nation, it is a dollar-leash nation. And where reason and logic fail, passion prevails, therefor, a poem to end, in your honor:
Your life, on a leash, how much can you pay? Therapy, credit, lease no money down today
Your life, on a leash, it isn’t worth a thing
Humans have no value, but for the pennies
They might bring, but them alone, isn’t enough,
Together, a few bucks, but none are left That’s right, not a dime for you or for your kids
Sell it all before the fall, retirement commune called “to live” When nothing to give, but everything with a price No tomorrow, don’t think twice, wondering why
There's no ovation to your ending, fearful but
Just pretending – for, behind all that is corporate nice
Are strangers with guns, aplenty at small price
But the cost is wrought, you broke it, you bought
If you’re so smart, how come you aint rich?
One shouldn’t ask such clueless questions
In culture’s nihilistic pitch – few flown
To the top of the roost of the coup
When one is oh so unconcerned,
Rich, and hidden without a peep
This dollar harvest continent
Then demonstrates, by all such
Empty imagistic reprobates
What was sown was
salted stupid, to be easy
then well reaped
Buy and sell an empty shell
shooting fish in a bucket
Or herding sheep
But this sickness
It lingers
Trade coins
For every
And lie
That you’re nice
That you deserve it
That you can actually afford it
Selling dependence as codependence
the people are stupid and so deserve it
But your dull, dusty harvest, you made it, is here
I don’t know how you tolerate it through the smell
that anyone would be appalled
scrawled floor, ceiling, wall, stinking worms can't stumble, only crawl
Or how people will live through the coming years
of ever-worse, ever-harder, all-consuming and producing horrid fears
A sold-out nation of no rank and station, a parasite full of parasites
Not providence, but lots of guns and hatred
Of course would make so much noise, it’s simply what you can get away with
when men are all absent, resented, and hated - but this is the price for your fascist consumer statist corporate paradise of low-rent, low-class dread and vapid, empty, paper-money doll pretty, petty pointless penny-talking heads
***After it was written, this poem was titled - “Squeeze [the fun out of it]”
submitted by Mynaa-Miesnowan to Year2984 [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 14:02 ThrowAway7s2 "Students Act Out Life of Fr. Baum" from the May 23, 1961 Door County Advocate

THE REV. JOHN BAUM of Corpus Christi is celebrating his silver jubilee and to commemorate the occasion students of the parish school put on a dramatization of his life at the high school Sunday night. Afterward Mary Heil, garbed as Sister Casilda, presented a gift to Fr. Baum. Harmann

Students Act Out Life of Fr. Baum

The 25th anniversary of the ordination of the Rev. Father John Baum is being celebrated with a Silver Jubilee. Sunday evening Corpus Christi school children paid tribute to Father Baum at the Sturgeon Bay high school auditorium. The program, which was open to the public, was attended by relatives of the priest, parishioners from parishes where Father Baum had served previous to his appointment to Corpus Christi, and families and members of his parish.
The program opened with a skit presented by the first graders entitled "Phone to Heaven." The children phoned in messages, wishes to all good things for Father Baum to Heaven. The sincerity evidenced in their presentation was truly moving and a real tribute to Father Baum who is loved so dearly by the children.
A poem, "Silver Jubilee." was recited in unison by the students. Douglas Welch presented the Reverend Father with a gift from the pupils.
The background of the stage bore a large book with "Congratulations on Your Silver Jubilee," in large letters, gracing the cover. When the book was opened, the inscription "Book of Life of Father Baum" was shown with a photo of Father Baum centered on the page. The cast of the play follows:
'Main characters: Angels, James Andre, David Colombo, Gary Nault, Robert Rockendorf.
Father Baum at different ages (from birth to the present time), William Ross. Jeff Schinkten, Clark Kent, John Ross, Charles Lodl.
Father's parents, JoAnne Coisman and Michael Wiltz.
The Mailman, James Lienau.
Father Cornell, Tim Bushman.
Bishop Rhode, David Pankratz.
Miss Peters, Jacky Stoneman.
Sister Amelia, Eileen Schmidt.
Sister Costa, Linda DeWitt.
Sister Tersine, Mary Cihlar.
Sister Casilda, Mary Heil.
Many other members of the cast appeared at different stages in the life story of Father Baum, in walk-in parts.
The story depicted opens with the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Baum of the town of Center in Outagamie county, who was baptized at St. Edward's church with his grandparents as sponsors. The ceremony took place at Mackville.
At the age of six John Baum started school at St. Joseph's school in Appleton in September of 1914. At the age of 10, John learned the "Suscipiat" and duly became an Acolyte. Bishop Rhode confirmed John Baum.
After his graduation from grade school John got ready for his entry into Mount Mary seminary at Fond du Lac. His first letter sent home and his vacations spent at home where he helped with chores, enjoyed being with his family and earned a bit of spending money working in a pea cannery, were noted in the story. The play notes the entry of John Baum into the seminary and his ordination into the priesthood at St. Francis Cathedral in Green Bay June 3, 1936.
Father Baum celebrated his first mass at St. Therese church in Appleton with little Jeanne Huert as the little bride.
Father's first appointment was to St. Mary's church in Chilton. July 17, 1936 he solemnized his first baptism and Oct. 19 performed his first marriage.
Jan. 29, 1937, Father Baum was transferred to Antigo where he was the assistant at St. .John Catholic church. Father met Father Hubert, known locally, at Antigo. Father Hubert was officiating at St. Wenzel's. At Antigo his first two converts were recorded and it was noted that he baptized 750 at Antigo. Incidentally, it was noted that Father Baum took up bowling while at Antigo.
From Antigo Father Baum was sent to Aurora, where he also serviced the church at Pembine. From there he went to Osman, St. Isadore's church. St. Fidelis at Spring Valley was his next change. In 1957 he was instructed to report to Corpus Christi at Sturgeon Bay. William Moore, Henry Schmelzle, Leonard Stoneman and Homer Willems visited Father Baum at Spring Valley prior to his coming to Sturgeon Bay as ambassadors of good will. The fact that it is the desire of Father Baum to see a new church erected is no secret one of the actors noted.
Following the play Father Baum was presented with a gift by Mary Heil (Sister Casilda). The floral bouquet carried on a satin pillow by the bride, in the celebration of his first mass in the play, was presented to Father Baum by Louanne Ferron.
The credit for establishing the facts in the life of Father Baum should be credited to Miss. Genevieve Peters, Sister M. Loretta and Father Cornell. The dialogue was written and arranged by Sister M. Loretta and staging and preparations were carried out by the aforementioned group assisted by Sister M. Merceda, Sister M. Helaire, Sister M. Casilda, Frank Hobart, Jack Stoneman, Jim Schmidt, and Photographer Harmann.
In closing Father Baum mounted the platform to acknowledge the tribute paid him, introduced his parents and the members of his family. Father Baum acknowledged the help given him by Father Cornell, and thanked everyone concerned for the wonderful tribute accorded him.
Courtesy of the Door County Library Newspaper Archive
Articles about churches:
submitted by ThrowAway7s2 to DoorCountyALT [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 03:43 Hevi-Metahl My Journey

I’ve been wanting to share my story, but I didn’t want to put it out there right away.
It begins back in 2020 at 32 yrs old. In the height of the pandemic I found out I was precancerous for ovarian cancer when I went in for a well woman’s check and told my OBGYN about my swelling abdomen. After lots of imaging, it came back that my ovaries were 16 cm large.
I followed up with an oncologist and my left ovary was removed as it looked the worst of the two, and 3/4 of my right, both sent for biopsy. My oncologist said it was a 4% chance I actually have cancer since it’s normal for women to get cysts. However a phone call 2 weeks later and she told me I needed to remove my right ovary since it’s precancerous and I have a week to decide if I want children or not. I wasn’t even engaged or married, but in a long distance relationship. I made the decision to not have children, argued with my father about it, and went in for surgery a month later.
I struggled a lot mentally then. I never gave myself the proper time to grieve and jumped right back to work a week after surgery. It wasn’t right in retrospect, but at the time I worked in the medical field and COVID was very demanding of us medical workers. My boss demanded and begged I come back (I no longer work there). I had an identity crisis as I struggled to accept if it was ok to see myself as a woman since a good part of my female genitalia was gone. Even though I’m biologically female, look female, I struggled to accept it since I “failed” as a female and grieved at the blessing all females are born with—the gift to birth life. I made peace with it all when I came to accept that I cannot mold myself any longer to the social norm—the rat race—as I am no longer on that track, but rather I’m in the race at my own pace. Robert Frost said it best in his poem “The Road Not Taken”. I am taking the road less traveled, and it’s ok, this is my life.
Fast forward to 2023. I’ve got a local boyfriend, a new job, and starting to feel like I’ve got my life back. Everything is great!
However, there was this nagging voice in my head that something is wrong. I ignored it for a good part of the year until it formed anxiety and quickly found myself at my doctor’s office because of stomach pains in March. He told me it’s no big deal and that he can give me anxiety meds to relax as well as a referral to see a cardiologist and a gastroenterologist. I refused the medication, and followed up with the specialists. With the cardiologist I did a number of tests, all of which returned normal. And at the gastroenterologist, the doctor summed it up to GERD, which I’d never had before, but it does run in my family. For a while, I stuck to pantoprazole thinking that was the issue—everything is ok.
That is until one night I had really bad back pain and spent 6 hrs at the ER to get a CT of my abdomen which returned “normal”. I told the doctor of my history, and he assured me nothing is there. But it wouldn’t end there, from May to September, I went to the ER twice a month because of pain. They couldn’t find anything and recommended I follow up with my primary care doctor (PCP) and OBGYN. I had an appointment first with my OBGYN, but I got one of her colleagues instead since my doctor was out that day. She reviewed my ER documents and was mad they gave me antibiotics for a UTI because they found blood in my urine, but that isn’t possible since I don’t have ovaries. Instead, she took me into their ultrasound room and decided to scope out my lower abdomen. She saw nothing, but for some reason, she decided to go further up, and when she did, she found a 4cm mass on my upper abdomen. She quickly left me alone in the room and came back with my CT from May and cussed out loud. There in writing it said something was found on my upper abdomen. Immediately she questioned me with why I didn’t come in sooner and how come they never told me. I didn’t have an intelligent answer to give since as far as I knew, they said everything was normal. She then told me she can’t do anything about it since it look looks like it’s beyond the scope of her practice and I should follow up with my GI and a urologist. Which I did. The urologist couldn’t do much since he said he couldn’t help me with it and with my GI, we did both and EGD and colonoscopy which didn’t show this mass. Instead went back to my PCP and he said he believes this is all in my head and I should see a psychiatrist.
At this point I’m feeling pretty damn insane and bawling. I’m unstable at work and can’t focus. I bargain with myself—see my OBGYN one more time to see what she thinks, and if she says the same thing, then I’ll check myself into a psyche hospital.
I call my OBGYN doctor one more time and get an appointment with my actual OBGYN doctor. I tell her everything and she empathizes and says let’s do a trans vaginal ultrasound instead. I agree to it not knowing how damn invasive and uncomfortable it is, but I’m desperate and want answers. We do it, and she sees not just one mass, but two and grabs my hand to tell me I have to go back to the oncologist. I’m in tears, but out of joy and fear, because while I’m down that familiar path, I’m relieved to have an answer and I’m not crazy. She orders an MRI and another CT and trans vaginal ultrasound at the hospital to get more thorough answers.
I see my new oncologist (old one left) and she reviews all my imaging. She confirms I definitely need to have these masses removed and to also get a hysterectomy. We set the appointment for surgery and I go in. What didn’t happen was surgery. When I wake up , she tells me and my fiancé that she found cancer spread throughout my abdominal cavity touching my diaphragm, colon, and a few organs. So instead of removing anything then, she recommends we wait a week so she can discuss this with her peers and we will follow up with her in 2 weeks. My appointment comes up and she tells me we need to have surgery now since my wedding is December 1st, and she will be out most of December on vacation. We agree and set everything up for surgery a week before Thanksgiving. I have my debulking surgery and spend 5 days in the hospital recovering. My oncologist followed up with me and said everything went well, I don’t need chemo and we can just go straight to estrogen blockers. I felt like my nightmare was over.
I felt free.
I have one last visit with my oncologist the day before my wedding to follow up on my recovery and incisions. I’m feeling great and nervous because tomorrow is the big day and I’m ready to put all this behind me. My oncologist tells me everything looks to be in order and healing well. However, there is something else. She tells me I need to do chemo and that I actually have stage 3 low grade ovarian cancer.
I’m stunned. I’m crying before I know it. I’m getting married tomorrow.
And I have my rehearsal dinner in 2 hrs with my wedding party and families. How will I face them and not cry.
I did cry. I broke the news to them, but did my best and held it in till the end to tell them. What will you do? Is what I was asked—and honestly, I wanted to disappear.
I go home with my sister and wake up the next day numb for my wedding.
I see my oncologist again right after the wedding and sign the paperwork to have chemo done Dec. 28th.
I go on my honeymoon, return before Christmas, take a chemo class on the 26th and shave my head on the 27th.
You can take all the mandatory chemo classes you want—it’s shit at preparing you for the reality of chemo.
Chemo fucking sucks.
I had 6 rounds of carboplatin and taxol, with premeds or steroids, Pepcid, and Benadryl. And I will stand by this—the worst part is the premeds.
My first IV infusion was awful. My RN didn’t listen to me when I voiced my discomfort after he blew my vein and straight pushed the Benadryl into my IV line. The Benadryl burns going in. I was having a panic attack, I couldn’t speak because my tongue was numb, I had crazy rapid eye movement, my head was hurting, I couldn’t see properly, and twitching like crazy. The drowsiness didn’t hit until a whole hour later. The taxol burns going in, but the carbo beats the shiet out of you. Needless to say, I refused to return to that center and went to one closer to my home for the rest.
Recovery also sucked. Day 1 after my infusion I felt fine, but day 2 was awful with a ton of pain all over, mostly in my chest and back, no sleep, body sweats, and mild delusions. Day 3 was more of the same with the addition of flushing and body pain all over, to the point of you touched me it was so painful. Day 4 the exact same, however my smart watch went off that my resting heart rate is at 134. Of course this freaked me out and I immediately call the hotline patients are given for emergencies and was told to come in and get checked out. Which I do and everything came back normal. I was told this happens often and to try my best to navigate it. Needless to say, the drive home was beautiful as it was New Year’s Eve and fireworks were going off all around. At this point I’m here on reddit looking for answers and see someone recommended a chemo journal to document each day.
Do it. It’ll save you sanity with each infusion and something to bring up to your care team.
After that visit I was recommended for therapy because another thing you learn is that chemo makes you develop depression and anxiety. This isn’t a statement, it’s a fact and some people are better at navigating this than others.
Makes sure to be fully hydrated up to 2 days before chemo and during, it’ll make the process easier on your body as well as having a meal before and snacks during if you can handle it.
My infusions here on out are the same as before. Except I tell my care team about the Benadryl issue and they tell me it’s not good to do Benadryl first because the steroids and benadryl do not mix well and instead do the steroid first. The Benadryl after the Pepcid, and have the Benadryl mixed with iv fluids to be in a bag and drip in.
Please—if you have a similar reaction to Benadryl like I did, I implore you to request this. And if by your 3rd chemo you have no reaction to the taxol , request for half the Benadryl dose. DO NOT TORTURE YOURSELF.
Chemotherapy is cumulative and each time I’m weaker, but my spirit is strong and I make daily goals for myself, review my journal often, and on my good days I get out and do things with friends or family.
Yesterday, April 23, 2024 is my final chemo infusion and I’m over the moon. I have my usual anxiety before the visit and cry fest in the parking lot wishing to not do it, but I wipe my tears and go in. I have my usual premed routine and make plans the ring the bell when I’m done. I make it all the way to carbo, about half way through when my body starts to react. The IV site is tingling and burning, my hands are sweating, and I’m suddenly having chest pains and palpitations, I check my watch and my heart rate is at 161 bpm. I asked my friend to pull the emergency cord and the team runs in to stop the carbo and start administering a steroid, IV, and get the oxygen tank ready for me just in case. A cardiac team rolls in hooking me up and the RN assigned to me is on the phone with my oncologist. He orders to cease treatment and let it end there. It takes about 45 min for me to stabilize and I’m between shaking, crying, and wanting to puke. They told me everything will be ok and that at round 6 this is expected, except not everyone who experiences what I did reacts to pulling the cord fast enough and most times are having to push to stabilize a patient hooking them up to all sorts of things. As they said “your body knows when enough is enough.”
After I calm down and feel safe enough to leave I ring the bell and cry that it’s finally over. Obviously my journey is far from complete, but this big boss battle is and I’m happy for it to be done. I still have my CT to do in 3 weeks, and I will face it when the time comes, for now this is my story and I won’t give up on my life.
submitted by Hevi-Metahl to Ovariancancer [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 15:15 CIAHerpes My family made a deal to give one child to the Faceless Man every fifty years

I remember the first time I saw the man, the thing with the face like melting wax. I knew he had many masks and many names. He had followed our family for years, and from father to son, mother to daughter, the fear and terror of the Faceless Man got passed down.
Every time he came, he would have a different face. The first time I saw him, he looked like a withered old Asian man, leaning heavily on a wooden cane with a silver top. Our front door stood wide open, and I saw my mother and father standing there, their faces as pale as ghosts as they looked down upon the stranger. I couldn’t have been older than eleven-years-old, but the memory is still as sharp as a butcher’s knife stuck into my brain.
I walked forwards from the living room, the cartoon noises still blaring loudly in the background. The man looked past them and straight at me. He squinted his eyes and grinned.
“Another lamb, so pretty and young,” he mused. “Isn’t it a shame when a child is taken so early in life? And yet God kills children every day. I heard last month, a hurricane blew an entire school down and killed a hundred of the little bastards in one swift go. So perhaps God will forgive me for my small sins, my taking of a few here and there to keep my appetite… satiated.”
“Get out of here,” my father snarled through gritted teeth. He clenched his fists until the knuckles turned white, looking as if he would strike out at any moment.
“Do you know who I am?” the Faceless Man asked in a whispery voice, then he began chuckling. It sounded like someone trying to laugh with a slit throat- a harsh, gurgling sound that raised goosebumps all up and down my body. My father slammed the door shut quickly, locking the deadbolts.
I fingered the silver cross my mother had given me nervously. I always did when I was anxious. Feeling it laying there cold against my skin helped bring me back to the moment.
My father turned to look at us with panic-stricken eyes. I heard light knocking on the door behind him as the demonic laughter continued to grow louder, until it became all I could hear. Then, without warning, it cut off. When I looked out the peephole on the front door, I saw the front stoop stood empty.
“Get my gun,” my father said to my mother. She left the room, quietly sobbing as she went. Sunlight from the warm summer sky continued to stream in through the windows. What a beautiful day, I thought to myself. Such a beautiful day, and maybe my last.
Then I saw a shadow cross in front of the living room window. I saw someone peeking in with wide, excited eyes, a grin like a skull spread across his leathered old face.
As I watched, the face began to drip and contort as it continued to smile. It started slowly around the lips and eyes, and then it began speeding up. Within seconds, I saw the flesh running down his cheeks and chin in rivulets, dripping like flesh-colored wax. Behind the mask he wore, I caught a glimpse of something horrible before new streams of flesh rolled over it from his scalp and forehead. Then the last of the human skin dripped off, and I found myself staring into the face of Hell.
I could never explain the true horror of the thing lurking behind its costume of human skin. It felt like staring into a pus-filled wound with maggots writhing around the edges or maybe like falling into a mass grave. Some of its body seemed flipped inside-out, with the glistening muscles on the outside. But the bloody, demonic face was far more disturbing.
It had eyes like two smoldering cigarette burns. Its mouth was a slashed, disgusting thing. The lips looked eaten away, with ragged patches of flesh surrounding them that seemed to make the smile seem much larger, reminding me of how a clown would do his make-up. I saw that grinning mouth filled with countless needle-sharp teeth above black, sore-ridden gums that writhed and shivered in its lipless mouth. Even through the window, a smell like sulfur and reeking, spoiled meat filtered into the house, seeming to fill the air like a physical presence.
Its body looked flipped inside-out. I could see the quivering muscles on the skinless figure. It looked deathly thin, and veins ran along the outside of its face and body like thick, dark worms, pulsating with each beat of the Satanic heart that lay inside that thing’s chest, emanating sickness and evil through every pore of its gleaming body.
As it stared into my soul with its black, lidless eyes, I saw in that face all the worst nightmares of the universe. I saw mountains of corpses festering under a hot sun, black holes eating worlds as masses screamed. I saw mothers drowning their children in bathtubs, and animals eating each other alive. I saw into eternity, and it looked so dark and empty that I fell to my knees, pleading.
“Make it stop, make it stop!” I cried, tears streaming down my face. My father ran in with his shotgun raised, but when I looked back up, the window was empty. Yet the visions continued to run through my mind like a movie, atrocity after atrocity, and somehow, it all connected back to the Faceless Man.
After a few seconds of utter silence, that deep, gurgling voice rang out, making us all jump. It seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at once, reverberating throughout the room. It said something that made my father waver on his feet- a strange verse, but one I remember by heart to this day.
“Here is Belladonna, the Lady of the Rocks,
The lady of situations.
Here is the man with three staves, and here the Wheel,
And here is the one-eyed merchant, and this card,
Which is blank, is something he carries on his back,
Which I am forbidden to see. I do not find
The Hanged Man.”
After that, we barricaded the doors and locked all the windows. I knew it wouldn’t keep the Faceless Man out. He could easily just smash through a window, and perhaps he wouldn’t even need to do that. Maybe he could pass inside the house anytime he wanted. And yet, if so, why hadn’t he?
“So, it’s started again,” my mother said, looking at my father with a powerful intensity in her eyes. “He has come back again for a sacrifice.” My father nodded slowly.
“What do you mean, a sacrifice?” I asked, my child’s mind not comprehending the magnitude of the situation yet. My father hesitated.
“He eats the souls of people,” my father said. “He and my great-grandfather drew up a contract a long, long time ago, and ever since, our family has had great wealth. You’re young, so you don’t really understand fully yet, but not everyone lives in mansions like us. Not everyone vacations in Paris and Buenos Aires during summer vacation. Not everyone has a garage full of Porsches and Mercedes.”
“So why don’t you just tell him no?” I asked in my childish way. “We don’t need all this money.” The left side of my father’s face began twitching. He stomped towards me, shouting as tears ran down his face.
“I don’t give a shit about money!” he cried. “The deal was drawn in blood and cursed from the first day. Do you think if I could get him to go away by giving him everything I own, I wouldn’t? I would do it in a heartbeat. I would live in a goddamn trailer and eat instant noodles if I had to. But there is no escape.” He looked around, as if expecting to see the Faceless Man standing right behind him. He began looking out of the windows, seeing nothing but a bright summer’s day.
“We need to go,” my mother whispered. “Now. Let’s just take Susan and go. He won’t find us if we keep moving…”
“He’ll find us,” my father said, looking defeated. Tears continued to stream down his face. He looked like a defeated man. “He always does. But fuck it, let’s go. We’ll take the bastard on a run around the world.”
We took off from the property, and my father told me more about the deal as we flew out of town in an expensive Mercedes, redlining the accelerator. I thought more than once he would crash and kill us all in his frenzy to put distance between us and the Faceless Man.
“Once every fifty years,” my father said, “he comes. He has his ‘pick of the litter’, as he calls it. He takes one child from our family and, in exchange, our wealth is guaranteed for the next fifty years. Even during the Great Depression, our family didn’t suffer… except, of course, the periodic abductions of children.
“He makes the parents watch as he takes the soul of the child into himself. I don’t know what kind of foul magic it involves, but from what I’ve read in the diaries of my grandfather, it is a very painful ritual that involves skinning the child alive and rubbing their body with special herbs. Then he makes them walk, totally skinned and bleeding to death, until they collapse, and that’s when he takes the soul. He sucks it out of their eyes. It looks like thin wisps of light when it finally goes.” I shook inwardly in horror.
“No one would ever allow that to happen to their kid,” I said confidently. My father shook his head.
“You act as if we have a choice,” he said. “The first time, he comes politely, knocks on the door, and tells the parents it is time to fulfill the contract. If they say no, then he leaves. But he always comes back, and the next time, he won’t be polite, and he won’t leave. He’ll come into the house when we’re sleeping, torture me and your mother to death, slit our throats, and then take you anyway. He’s tireless. He doesn’t age. He doesn’t sleep. And, as far as I know, he can’t die. How can we fight against such an evil? By going to the Moon?”
“But why would great-grandpa make a deal like that anyway?” I asked.
“Because, at the time, he had ten children and all of them were starving. A few had dysentery and he didn’t have a penny to his name at the time. He chose to sacrifice one and give it to the Faceless Man to save the other nine.” My father shrugged. “I don’t know if we can understand it. I certainly don’t agree with it. I’m not sure he realized at the time that our family would suffer eternally afterwards, and that the contract could not be voided except through death.” He laughed bitterly. “We should have just let our family line die out, maybe. That would have solved the problem.”
“What about those words at the end, daddy?” I asked. “What did those mean?”
“Oh, that’s just an old famous poem. My grandfather used to recite it to me before he shot himself. He loved TS Eliot, and he thought that poem had some relevance to our problems, for some reason. He never got over the loss of his son to the Faceless Man, you see. Never. He used to wake up screaming in the night. He tried to drink his memories away, but in the end…”
My father braked suddenly, bringing the car to a full stop. I looked up, seeing forests on both sides of us. We hadn’t traveled long. A hitchhiker stood at the edge of the road in grimy blue jeans and a bright tye-dye shirt. His long hair rippled around him as he stood with his thumb out.
But his face had started to drip and melt. We all saw it and froze. My father reached down below his seat and pulled out the black shotgun. He ran out of the car like a madman, his eyes blazing with anger and terror.
“Get out of here!” he cried as if to a rabid animal, then he raised the gun and fired. The Faceless Man’s tye-dye shirt burst into shreds as buckshot tore into it. The Faceless Man smiled, raised his hand to us in a wave and disappeared. The clothes fell limply to the grass below, now totally empty.
My father shook his head grimly and turned around to come back to the car. A dark shape zoomed out of the forest, holding a sharp knife. Before my father could turn, he raised it to his throat and pulled.
My mother screamed, getting out of the car to go help my father. But he was dead. Even as a child, I knew it. I could see the knife had practically severed his head from his body, except for the spine and a thin bit of flesh on the back. Blood poured out, flooding down his chest as he stood there for a moment, uncomprehending. Then he began to fall forwards, and his head snapped back, revealing the gore, muscles and ligaments beneath.
I watched as my mother ran to his side, panic-stricken. The Faceless Man looked on with glee, laughing and shrieking. His black eyes blazed with an inner light as he looked towards me and grinned, showing the hundred needle-sharp teeth behind that suppurating sore of a mouth.
My mother looked up at him, trying to grab the gun from my father’s stiff hands. But the Faceless Man didn’t even flinch. He ran forwards, his sleek, bloody body as fast as a greyhound’s. He opened his mouth wide and bit at my mother’s face. I saw the teeth bite into her skin, and he began to shake his head like a dog, ripping and shredding. Her face became a mask of gore, and I screamed in the car, nearly throwing up.
But something inside told me I needed to move. I wasn’t a stupid kid, after all. I wasn’t going to die here next to some woods in the middle of nowhere. I ran out of the back seat and jumped into the driver’s seat. I had never driven a car, but it was, after all, an automatic. It didn’t take much intelligence to put it in drive and hit the gas pedal.
Of course, I didn’t really know how to drive, and I nearly hit a tree. I skidded, turning the wheel- and with two bumps, I accidentally ran over my mother and father.
The Faceless Man shrieked with laughter as I drove off down the road, crying and screaming in the car. I abandoned it a few hours later in the city. My father had brought a massive envelope of cash with him in the center console, and I counted it with awe. It was hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I went on the run soon after, moving across the country and living on the money I found. It was four years later when I went to a carnival, bored, and decided to have my future read. I hadn’t seen the Faceless Man in years, and I figured I’d lost him. If only that were true.
The old woman pulled out her Tarot card deck and began flipping them over one by one.
“Ah,” she said in a voice that seemed to deepen, “I see. Here is the man with three staves, and here the Wheel, and here is the one-eyed merchant…” I screamed, backing up quickly as the flesh began to drip off her face. “And this card, which is blank, is something he carries on his back, which I am forbidden to see.” The last of the skin dripped off. The grinning thing beneath rose from the chair, its sleek, bloody body and black holes of eyes regarding me with glee.
“Ah, yes, I am forbidden to see, but I have seen it. I’ve seen it, and look what it’s done to me, Susan. Look at what it’s done! Your mother and father rot in a shallow grave somewhere, picked clean by animals, and now it’s just you and me, Susan, and we’re alone.
“The card is blank, but it doesn’t have to be. Come and see what it holds.” He rose into the air, his bloody, skeletal feet dangling feet above the ground. “Come and see.” I pulled the pistol I always carried out of its holster and began firing at point-blank range into the demonic face and black heart of that thing. People began to scream all around me at the carnival. I turned to run out of the tent, but a cold hand gripped my shoulder.
“Leaving so soon?” the soft voice whispered in my ear, laughing with a sound a drowning man might make. “Ah, but we haven’t finished, Susan. Worthy is the lamb. Worthy is the lamb. Worthy is the…” Suddenly, the hand touched the silver cross my mother had given me as a small girl, and it flinched away. I felt the grip loosen and I ran without looking back.
People had taken cover all over the carnival. Many had started to leave, and I saw agitated police and security trying to find out where the gunshots had come from. I immediately mixed into a large crowd and made my way towards the exit. But I constantly looked back, expecting to see a man with a melting face. Perhaps it would act like a police officer and pretend to arrest me before bringing me to some dark forest and starting the skinning process.
I keep running now, but I always look over my shoulder. Because the Faceless Man doesn’t age, and he doesn’t sleep, and he never, ever stops looking.
submitted by CIAHerpes to stories [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 01:07 Upbeat-Candle UPDATE: A bit of new information on Meghan Marohn

Hi everyone! Several of you have DMed me to update my old post on the disappearance of Meghan Marohn. So I finally got around to it. There have been a few new pieces of info in the press, although her death still remains as mysterious as ever. I still have no idea what happened.
Background: Meghan Marohn, 42, was a well-liked and passionate English teacher at Shaker High School in Latham, NY (a suburb of Albany). Following her mother's death (in 2019, I believe), she had been living with her father in Delmar (another suburb of Albany), where she grew up. He had some health issues, and she was helping take care of him. She was single.
Meghan was also multi-talented. In her spare time, she played piano and harp. But what she really loved was writing, particularly poetry. She started the Troy Poem Project in the nearby city of Troy. "She would have people come up and just say a few words about themselves or what they want her to write about," her brother Peter Naple said. "She would, in 20 minutes, give you a poem."
Meghan was also passionate about environmental and social issues. She was politically active and participated in protests and demonstrations. Her longtime friend Ruth Ross described Meghan as a "free spirit and very idealistic." She was also an avid hiker.
A lengthy post written by one of Meghan's friends indicates she had a number of problems in her personal life and wasn't in the best state of mind in the years leading up to the disappearance.
Trouble at work: Meghan had also been dealing with some issues at work, according to her brother. "I don't know the full story," he said. "I do know that what happened at school caused her a lot of heartache. The school gave her paid leave until the end of the school year." Ruth elaborated, "Something upset her at school having to do with another colleague."
Shortly after her brother's interview, a spokeswoman for the school district said Marohn was considering taking a leave of absence for "personal reasons" shortly before she disappeared. They also sent a letter to teachers and staff, assuring them that the administration had been supportive of Marohn but explaining there were certain details they could not disclose. And the North Colonie Teachers Association leaders advised members not to discuss the situation with the press.
The situation was so upsetting that some friends (by the way, these friends have been completely cleared of wrongdoing) told Meghan to get away for a while to clear her mind. One suggested she stay at the Red Lion Inn (a famous historic inn). It's located in Stockbridge, a town in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts, less than an hour's drive from Delmar. In case you're unfamiliar, the cute little villages and mountains of the Berkshires are popular for vacations and weekend getaways.
An illness and hospital visit: Meghan checked into the Red Lion on Thursday, March 24. The following day, she drove back to Albany to visit Albany Medical Center's emergency room due to a stomach complaint. Despite spending the night in the hospital hallway due to a lack of available beds, Meghan remained in good spirits, engaging in a positive conversation with another patient about an artist she knew/ "She was happy as hell," her father Bill Marohn, who was there with her, said. (NOTE: this is new information from the March article in the Berkshire Eagle, although I believe sources had previously mentioned, vaguely, that she went for medical treatment somewhere.)
A post from Meghan’s close friend indicates she had been in the hospital with an ulcer. However, according to this article, doctors found no issues during Meghan's hospital visit. Her family revealed her occasional health challenges were linked to stress and anxiety. After being released, she returned to her father's house, briefly changed clothes, and returned to Stockbridge.
Peter, her brother, last spoke to Meghan on Saturday, March 26, “She was enjoying the fact that she spoke with a good friend of hers earlier, she was enjoying being in bed at the hotel having a bowl of soup and reading her book,” the Northville man said earlier this month. “I texted her back that I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
Meghan goes missing: When Meghan stopped responding to Peter's texts, he called the inn to find out if she had gotten back safely. They checked Meghan's room, and her belongings - books, candles, toiletries, clothes, toothbrush - were there, but she was not.
Officially, the last person to see Meghan was an employee of the inn, who gave her directions to Church Street around 10 am on the morning of Sunday March 27. It appears the Red Lion Inn doesn’t have any security footage (it’s a very old-fashioned place).
Some residents have talked to workers at a nearby gas station who claim they saw Meghan come in on Sunday. This could be hearsay, and Peter has insisted she was not there on Sunday.
The day her car is found: On Sunday, March 27, 2022, some residents spotted a 2017 black Subaru Impreza in the trailhead parking area at Janet Longcope Park, a 46-acre nature preserve in the adjacent town of Lee. It's about a 5-minute drive from the Red Lion Inn.
One internet poster who says he lives by Longcope Park also says they saw the car on Saturday. But Peter insists it wasn't there until Sunday. That poster also says he saw a figure coming out of the trail by the vehicle on Monday around 4:45 pm. They were wearing a blue coat and hat, which he says Meghan was described as wearing. But this confuses me because I've never found an official description of what she was wearing.
Anyway, on Tuesday, March 29, the car was still there. So, the police began searching a wide radius around the park. But there's no evidence Meghan ever entered the park. Her phone last pinged from a rural residential area across the road, less than a mile from where the car was found. She also left her car unlocked, which friends and family said was unlike her.
There were a few other strange things. “It was suspect how her car was parked. It was pulled directly into the trailhead blocking the entrance,” Peter said. When Meghan vanished, her purse, keys, hotel key, cellphone, laptop, and cherished Fisher Price bunny—a childhood good luck charm—also went missing.
Still, police quickly declared no foul play was involved in Meghan's disappearance. In addition, they said there was no evidence to suggest the public was in danger.
A key piece of information is revealed: After months of dead ends, Meghan's friend Chris Hedges, a prominent journalist and writer, published a post to bring more attention to her disappearance. On July 22, he revealed Meghan had confided to friends that she was going into hiding. She wanted to escape a male colleague who had brutally harassed and intimidated her because she wouldn't sleep with him. She was too afraid to stay home, especially after seeing him drive by her house. Apparently, this situation was related to her getting paid leave through the end of the school year before decamping to the Berkshires.
Her friend Ruth said Meghan experienced a "mini nervous breakdown" in March and attributed it to the issues at the school. She stated she never saw the texts and emails her co-worker had sent her, but she knew he was "crossing the line" and "making suggestions." After reporting inappropriate behavior by a co-worker in January, "she was triggered by their reaction." Eventually, in March, she was granted a paid leave of absence.
"She told me on the morning of March 24 that she saw her co-worker's car pass her house. She told me that she felt that he was stalking her. I told her to come stay by me instead of going to The Red Lion Inn, but she had a soft spot for the Inn," Ruth said.
Her brother Peter disclosed more information. The man in question, who was making advances at her and acting inappropriately, was Meghan's married co-worker. "She told me briefly that there was an incident that happened at work with a male co-worker. When his advances were cut off, he didn't like it," Peter said. "It really bothered her, and she brought it to the attention of her superiors. This person is still working at the school."
However, the police spoke to this man, and "he checked out ok." Peter later clarified on a forum on, "We don't know if she was being stalked or not. She never told us that she was and she never filed any kind of police report indicating that." Another friend doesn't seem to think this mystery stalker was the perpetrator (if there is one). However, she had been aware he existed.
Lee Police Chief Craig Desantis said he “won't speculate on whether Marohn had been stalked.”
Meghan’s belongings are discovered: Police searched the woods around the park and even the Housatonic River for clues. The search went cold for months. In August 2022, five months after Meghan Marohn went missing, a hiker came upon her laptop computer in the woods, near a stream that cuts through Janet Longcope Park in South Lee. Marohn's cellphone was roughly 65 feet away, found later by the Berkshire Mountain Search and Rescue Team.
You can view a map of the GPS coordinates where they searched against the location of the phone and laptop. Her brother remains troubled that search crews, family, and volunteers didn't find her laptop and phone despite passing by the eventual discovery spot. Naple said “To not see her laptop and phone when there was no vegetation on the ground and no snow on the ground, yet to have it be found six months later in August when everything has already grown up?” (NOTE: This is the new information that was revealed in March in a story in The Berkshire Eagle, linked below)
Meghan's remains are discovered: Finally, on Thursday, September 1, a resident stumbled on some human remains. (map here). Then, on Monday, September 5, the medical examiner confirmed what everyone had been dreading–it was indeed Meghan. Other remains and clothing were scattered nearby, but her wallet was never found—no word on the bunny.
Some locals commented on my previous post and other places that the cops had previously searched the area where the civilian found the remains. Apparently, some local residents have also tried to retrace the hike she would've had to do from her car to where the remains were found. Although the two areas look close on the map, it's actually a pretty treacherous hike that is primarily off-trail. And that's in good weather.
Since more than five months had passed since she first disappeared, they were unable to determine the cause of death due to the condition in which her remains were found.
The autopsy did not show any signs of premortem trauma, and evidence collected thus far by investigators has not indicated any foul play. Officials said that toxicology reports revealed that THC was present along with organic products of decomposition. (NOTE: the autopsy report was also unavailable when I wrote my last post)
Police and the Berkshire District Attorney's Office have said they have no evidence of foul play. DA spokesperson Julia Sabourin said the case is closed but will be reopened if new information surfaces.
So, what happened to Meghan? Did her ulcer contribute to this outcome? Did she fall and hit her head while hiking? Did her creepy co-worker follow her?
Naple has said that he doesn't think his sister would take her life. “If Meghan was to do something like that she would have left a note because she is a writer.”
According to a recent article in the Berkshire Eagle, certain details still "haunt and worry" the family. But they don't want them published — at least not yet. Naple is unsure about his sister's fate, with some unusual circumstances suggesting potential foul play. At the same time, other factors indicate her death may not involve anyone else. "I go back and forth," he said. (NOTE: these new comments from the family are from that same Berkshire Eagle story from last March concerning the discovery of her belongings).
Pertinent information:
  • Late March is one of the worst times of the year to go hiking in the region. In fact, there was an ice storm the day Meghan disappeared.
  • One Lee resident drove by the trailhead that Sunday morning. He noticed the parking lot was empty, but the car was there when he headed home around noon. He remembers it because he thought it was so odd someone would be hiking in that weather.
  • Longcope Park is a little obscure. It's not a popular hiking trail by any means and doesn't appear high in the Google rankings when searching for places to hike in the area. However, there's a theory Meghan went there because of a literary connection to Janet Longcope.
  • Her father thinks perhaps Meghan intended to visit the historic cemetery on Church Street in Stockbridge, which she would have enjoyed, rather than Church Street in South Lee, where Longcope Park is located.
  • The park doesn't seem big enough to get lost and die from exposure, although anything is possible with hypothermia. But I've driven around the area, and you'd hit a main road fairly quickly, even if you got lost.
  • According to this post by Meghan's best friend, Meghan wasn't wearing shoes when she disappeared. Related to that, I read somewhere that Meghan left her hiking boots in the car, but I can't find the source. Now, I only see that she had regular shoes in the car.
  • Also, I guess she did a lot of edibles? And her friend says it’s part of why Meghan was “scared all the time — not the whole story, it’s never the whole story, but they really didn’t help.”
  • Lots of posters in the comments in my previous post have experience working in schools. They have some interesting things to say about why a teacher would get paid vs. unpaid leave. This is confusing to me, and I don't know what to make of it.
submitted by Upbeat-Candle to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 02:14 martaneon Her Golden Eyes

I’m angry. I’m absolutely livid at Kenzie for what she’s done. All of those people are dead because of her. She didn’t just kill them, she ate them. I can’t imagine how scared they were as Kenzie dragged them to her hideout. I sometimes wonder if she killed them before eating them or if she started feasting on them while they were still kicking and screaming. Most of all, I’m angry because she left me alone. Like the gazelle that befriends a lion, I had fallen in love with a demon.
Kenzie gave me a note before she vacated the officer’s body.
“It breaks my heart to leave you. However, I cannot take you with me. I will always be on the run. I will always be hunted. I do not want that life for you. I want you to live and be happy. Please forget about me, my love.”
Coming back home to our home without her in it was heartbreaking. I knew I couldn’t stay here. I couldn’t afford this place on my own. I had to sell what I could and throw away what I couldn’t. I left the place I called home for years with nothing but a suitcase of clothes, some pictures and some DVDs. I had to move back in with my parents.
I was showered with kindness and sympathy upon my return. I appreciated it but I needed to be alone. I spent a few days in my childhood bedroom crying, not knowing what I would do next. I know Kenzie was a killer, but I couldn’t help but miss her still. She was the light of my life, the sun to my moon. We shared so much, only for it all to go down like it did. I missed those evil eyes of hers. I was lost without her.
I had to get her back, and I found a way to do it.
“On an old forgotten grave Sits a mansion, moonlight bathe Within is a spider of tricks Complete her games, get your fix Lose, you will become hollow Win, great fortune will follow Respect the spider of games Or you will never be the same”
I won’t go into detail about how I found this poem, nor about how I went about finding the mansion detailed within. I don’t want anyone else to attempt this. It’s too dangerous.
I first scoped out the area during the day. The forgotten grave is a hill on a lonely stretch of road. The mansion only manifests during the witching hour, and only if a specific ritual is done. Again, I will not detail the ritual here for fear of someone else attempting the game. The area looked rather nice in the daylight. I could have imagined taking Kenzie here on a picnic.
I returned that night. I will say about the ritual that it requires the sacrifice of the joint of one of your fingers. Hopefully that knowledge will deter people. Different fingers will determine what the great fortune is. Since I came for love, I gave the joint of my ring finger where my wedding band still resided. My finger was throbbing as I was driving towards the spot. A certain “what if” kept intruding into my mind. What if the mansion wasn’t there? What if I had performed the ritual wrong or perhaps the legend was just a legend. I would have disfigured myself for nothing and I would be back at square one.
I passed some trees and the hill was in full view. Bathed in the light of the full moon, the mansion loomed over me. It was a wooden structure standing three stories tall, probably built in the 1800’s. I slowly drove up to the front porch, my heart pounding in my chest. The glass of every window was broken, I could see little broken shards here and there. They had been boarded up. The door stood open as if inviting me inside. In the distance, I could see a few cars. They were abandoned. Many of them were old, others quite new. I could also see the bones of a few horses scattered around. These must have been left by previous contestants who had lost the games.
I stepped outside. The chill of the night air sent a shiver through me. It was my last chance to leave, I could go and never come back. However, the idea of leaving without doing what I could to get Kenzie back was more than I could take. I had to move forward. I stepped into the mansion. Everything was covered in dust and cobwebs. It was difficult to breathe. A grand staircase stood before me, covered in a moth-eaten rug that I think might have been red at one point. Doors surrounded me, shrouded in darkness. In the middle of the entrance hall, I spoke my wish.
“I wish for my wife to become human.”
If she no longer needed to kill, then we could settle down.
There was no dramatic acknowledgement of my wish. I heard no voices. There was no wind, or immediate danger. The door behind me didn’t even shut. I looked around, not sure what I was supposed to do. I took a deep breath and started ascending the stairs. The steps creaked with every movement I made. I pulled out a low-powered flashlight. Since the windows were boarded, little moonlight came in. I shone the light around as I came to a hallway lined with doors. I assumed the game had already begun, but I didn’t know what I was playing. I figured the game would make itself obvious sooner or later.
I opened the first door I came to. Inside was just a standard looking bedroom. I stepped inside. I spotted a couple moth carcasses scattered about, most stuck in webs. I remembered the line in the poem “lose, and you will become hollow.” If I was not careful, I could share the same fate as these moths. I looked to the bed. I could see a dress lying there. It was a deep, dark red with pink frills and bows. It was covered in dust, same as everything else. I walked over.
The dress looked like that of a child. I wondered if she had been a contestant, or if she had lived here before this place was what it is now. I shone the light around, wondering if I could get any other clues about the owner of this dress. I eventually came across a small photograph.
The girl had long curly pigtails, and held a small bear to her chest. She was wearing the dress currently on the bed. Her cheeks were sunken in and she was sitting in an old fashioned wheelchair. Her arms were thin as reeds. It looked like they would shatter from just the strain of hugging her stuffed animal. The bear looked pretty standard, and was wearing a sailor uniform. Perhaps this was the game, perhaps I had to reunite the dress with the bear.
I explored the room for the bear. It wasn’t there. I checked the closet, under the bed, everywhere. I even checked under the mattress. It must have been in another room. I promised the dress I would bring her the bear. I don’t know why, but I could almost feel a presence coming from the dress. It felt very faint. I would say it was just my imagination, but everything else hadn’t been so far, why would this? I began opening doors, and searching for the bear. I saw a game room, a small library, a toilet, none of which contained what I was looking for.
I nearly dropped my flashlight when I came across the stairs leading to the third floor. Sprawled on the steps was an old, withered skeleton. The body was wearing a varsity jacket from the fifties. It was stained in blood, long since dried up. There were three vertical slash marks up the back of the jacket. I stood there, staring at the body, my breathing heavy. I couldn’t imagine what had made this. I moved closer to the skeleton, half expecting it to reach out to grab me but it remained stationary.
I could hear creaking coming from upstairs. I backed away from the stairs slowly, shutting off my flashlight. I was in near complete darkness, with only a couple beams of moonlight coming in from the boarded up window. The creaking was growing louder and louder. A heavy breathing sent shivers down my spine. I held my breath, clutching my chest in a desperate attempt to try and silence my racing heartbeat.
I heard a loud crack. I flattened myself against the wall. Whatever was nearby was huge. I could hear the breathing above me, nearly reaching the ceiling. I was already in darkness, but I shut my eyes regardless. I tried to make myself as small as I could, hopefully it wouldn’t notice me. The steps drew closer, sending shockwaves through the floor. Whatever it was, it was heavy. I feared it would break the floor and send us cascading into the void. I thought about those golden eyes of Kenzie. I had to remember what I was fighting for.
The unknown beast paused by me. I had to stifle a gasp. There was cold radiating from the beast. I bit my lower lip, trying not to make even a little bit of a noise. I heard a little grunt from above me, before it made an unnatural noise.
“Mama…” It sounded like a child, possibly the same little girl from that photo. There was no way something this big could make a noise like that. Moreover, there was a slight reverb in the voice, it almost sounded mechanical.
It took another step before speaking again. “Mama…” It matched the exact cadence of before. If this was a normal voice, there would be some subtle differences. It sounded like a recording. It took another step, then another. It said that damned word over and over, slowly growing more distant. When I heard the heavy steps turn a corner and get a comfortable distance away, I shined my light on the skeleton. The skull had been shattered into pieces. Perhaps the beast had stepped on it.
I began to slowly ascend up the stairs, careful to tread on the tips of my toes. My heart skipped a beat whenever the steps would creak. When they did, I had to pause, and listen for that monster’s return with the flashlight off. When I knew it was safe, I continued up. It felt like it took an hour to go up those steps. Eventually, I reached another hall with yet more doors. There was a rather nice looking door at the very end. Perhaps that was the master bedroom.
I crept forward, peeking in each room. I saw a spiral staircase leading to the attic, an office with another skeleton sprawled over an open safe. The corpse was dressed in what looked like 1920’s gangster wear. There was an abandoned pistol nearby. The slide was pulled back, indicating it was empty. I looked behind me, wondering if the body had some spare ammo. Perhaps I could use that gun to defend myself. I decided against it. I doubted the weapon was in working order after all these years, even if the guy had extra bullets on it. Besides, despite being Texan, I had never fired a gun in my life.
Still, I didn’t know whether to check the office, or the master bedroom. The bear would probably be in one of those rooms. If the girl died young, which it looked like she may have, one of the parents could have kept the bear for themselves. It seemed like a very private trinket, so I guessed it might be in the office.
I heard the creaking again. I slipped into the office. I didn’t risk closing the door out of fear the creaking hinges would alert the beast. I tiptoed over to the body and reached in the pockets. I found the familiar rectangular shape of a switchblade. I hid under the desk, holding the knife to my chest. I shut the light off just as I heard the breathing in the hallway again. I tried to breathe as quietly as I could, but my heartbeat throbbed in my ears. It was so loud I thought the monster might be able to hear it. The creature had to know I was here.
The floors shook again as the beast drew closer. As one of the feet fell, I hit the button on the knife. I felt for the blade, but it wasn’t there. I put a hand over my chest to try and keep myself from hyperventilating. The creature could be heard just outside the office door.
That echoing voice sent a shock through my system. I reached out slowly, feeling around the drawer of the desk. I peeked out a little. I could see a slice of moonlight shining in the hall from the open door. I took the useless switchblade, pulling it back. I lobbed it as hard as I could, careful not to make a sound. The handle flew, and smacked into the hallway wall. The creature began to move further down the hall, granting me a few precious seconds.
I slid the drawer open, and plunged my hand in. I felt something soft so I grabbed it. I could fear a round ear and two marble eyes. It was the bear. I found it. I had to get out of there. I heard the beast enter the master bedroom. Now was my chance. I turned the light on but kept my hand over the light. I only let a couple thin streams of light escape. I slipped into the hallway. The creature shuffled around in the bedroom. I started creeping towards the stairway. I was chewing on my lower lip at this point from the stress. Then, there was silence. It had spotted me.
I started rushing down the stairs. There was an explosion of sound as the creature took chase. It was making a beeline straight towards me. I didn’t bother hiding my light. I rushed down the steps three or four at a time. The monster was faster than me, but it wasn’t as agile. I felt the staircase shake as the creature slid to a stop. When I finally descended the stairs, I tore down the hall. I heard the beast crash down at the base of the steps.
It was getting closer. I could feel the breathing on the back of my neck. It was cold, sending shivers down my spine. I turned a corner into the girl’s room. I felt a sharp pain slicing into my calf. I didn’t have time to scream. I pulled myself in. The creature slid to a stop again, but the cracking from the doorframe told me it had caught itself. It was about to come inside.
I collapsed on the bed, placing the bear on the dress. There was silence. I looked behind me. There was a deep gash on the door frame made up of three vertical slashes, just like the body on the stairs. However, there was no sign of the creature, yet I could feel I was not alone.
I saw her in her full glory, despite the darkness. She wore a thin dress of spider silk. Her skin was black as ink, her joints were segmented. She had no hair on her head, but her face was dotted with many red eyes. Her fingers were long and spindly, and many threads extruded from the tips. I felt no evil coming from her, just an ancient aura that was far beyond my comprehension. She came to me, her feet making tiny clicks against the wooden floor, and bound my wound in silk. She didn’t speak a word, just gave me a knowing nod. My wish had been granted.
I left the house, and drove away from that place. I drove until I could no longer. I slept on the side of the road. When I finally got home the next evening, there was an unfamiliar car awaiting me in the driveway. Someone was sitting on the hood. She looked up as I drove up. Her eyes were dark. When I got out, she came up to me, tears running down her cheeks. She was a bit taller than me, long dark blonde curls flung over one shoulder. I couldn’t see her eyes, nor did I recognize the form she took, but I recognized the pink lip gloss she wore on our first date.
Kenzie and I held hands, not saying a word for a long, long time. There was so much she wanted to tell me, but there would be time for that later. She was only able to choke out two words that night. “Thank you.” We embraced, never to be apart again. Although I would always miss her golden eyes, I was thankful she was in my life again.
Update: Kenzie’s old vessel was released from prison. It didn’t make the news, but I received a photo of her on a beach in a red waitress uniform. On the back of the picture written in Sharpie was “Thank you for giving me my life back.” I felt a pang of guilt remembering what she had been through. I checked the logo on her shirt to see if I could find the restaurant she was working at. It looks like she’s living in California now. Additionally, the vessel Kenzie is currently in is a woman who’s been in a coma her whole life. Her spirit had long since passed on to the great beyond. Kenzie and I are getting remarried soon.
submitted by martaneon to scarystories [link] [comments]