Colin cowherd wife picture

AITAH for leaving the family group chat?

2024.06.01 11:40 tastwright11 AITAH for leaving the family group chat?

Am I the asshole for leaving the family group chat? My (33) younger sister (J 24) recently eloped. J and her now husband have been together close to three years, and have been engaged since shortly after finding out she was pregnant (my nephew is now 2) When the two first got engaged, J asked me to be her MOH. I was extremely happy and excited for her and looking forward to helping her plan the wedding and other events associated with a wedding (bridal shower, ect). A few weeks ago I woke up to several notifications on my phone from the family group chat. Opening the chat up and scrolling up, I get to a group of photos. One snapchat photo above the group photos of J and her new husband standing in front of the preacher in the church that said “SURPRISE” was all the information I needed. J had eloped. And our mother was present. My initial reaction was a tornado of emotions; on the one hand I was happy for my sister and new brother in law! Glad they were finally able to accomplish a goal of theirs. On the other hand, I was sad and hurt. I was hurt for a couple reason; 1) as mentioned, J had asked me to be her MOH when they first got engaged and I was very much looking forward to helping her with all of that. Thinking that process would be a great bonding experience for us and bring us closer together. Second (the big reason) I was left out. This brought up issues from my childhood. For some context, my mother, sister and I are not exactly close. My mother got pregnant at 13, had me via cesarean at 14, and by the time she was in a stable situation of her own, I had been raised by my grandparents and considered them to be my parents. I would always go and stay the weekends with my mother, when I was younger I stayed most of the summer with her. She had my sister J when I was nine. Growing up I always held a bit of animosity towards J because of the fact that she got to be raised by both her biological parents while I was raised by my grandparents (who are amazing parents! Don’t get me wrong, it’s just that teenage minds don’t take things like that into consideration whenever their so focused on the negative). But the big thing that impacted me as a kid regarding my mother and sister was what happened whenever my mom and stepdad took in my stepdad’s nephew for several years (I believe they had him as an infant until he was about three or five). During the time that they were raising this little boy, my mother had arranged for ‘family’ photos to be taken. Now, I talked to my grandparents about this after the fact and TO THIS DAY they say that my mother never mentioned this to them. I didn’t find out about the photos until we got to the department store where they were being taken. I said something to my mother along the lines of ‘mom, why didn’t you tell me we were taking pictures today? I would have brought nice clothes and done something with my hair.’ To which my mother responded something along the lines of ‘I told your grandparents what I was planning today.’ Me: ‘well, why didn’t you say something last night? I would have worn something different and looked nice’ mom: ‘it’s no big deal, I had planned on the pictures just being the three of us today anyway (mom, J, and the little boy), we’ll have pictures taken another time’ (we never did). So I proceeded to stand off to the side while my mother, sister and this little boy took ‘family’ photos. I tell you this to help you understand the ‘childhood issues’ I mentioned. So, I was trying to sort through a LOT of emotions at the time. My main thing was (and still is) the fact that my mother and sister had no consideration for me at all. They didn’t think to try to tell me. It’s things like this, and the ‘family photo’ from when I was a child that make me feel like they don’t see me as family, and that’s what hurts the most. I don’t mean to sound selfish, that’s not my intention, I just want to be given the basic common courtesy I’ve always thought was basically given between family members, especially mothers and sisters. At this time, one of my uncles (R) was in the group chat stirring the pot. R was insinuating that he and his fiancé had been in attendance during the ceremony. My other uncle (T) was going along with this as a joke. (T recently lost his wife). While I understood that R and T were joking, not being serious (R trying to lighten the mood due to T’s recent loss) I simply was not in the right head space to sit there and listen (or rather ‘read’ I suppose) their little back and forth banter. I didn’t want to accidently say something in my emotional state that would make things worse. So I made the decision to leave the group chat. I had every intention of having someone add me back a day or so later once the hurt wasn’t as raw and I had a better handle on my emotions. The next day, my mother called to inform me that I didn’t need to be upset over what had happened as I was not the only person that hadn’t been told of the ceremony. She informed me that the only reason she had been there was because it was on a Saturday, and she babysits for them on Saturdays.
submitted by tastwright11 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:45 Ready-Bat-8824 May 2024 Hilaria Baldwin’s IG Recap = 5 Posts or “The Baby Also Has Sewer Slippers?!?”

May 2024 Hilaria Baldwin’s IG Recap = 5 Posts or “The Baby Also Has Sewer Slippers?!?”
~Hillary & Alec’s IG Stats~
  • January 2024 = Hillary 17 posts & Alec 28 posts
  • February 2024 = Hillary 8 posts & Alec 20 posts
  • March 2024 = Hillary 2 posts & Alec 21 posts
  • April 2024 = Hillary 4 posts & Alec 15 posts
  • May 2024 = Hillary 5 posts & Alec 28 posts
Hillary’s IG Stats Overview
  • May 2022 = 433 posts including the Chantecaille Episode = Hilz received lotions from luxury brand Chantecaille and posted a pic of Edu in a diaper with said lotions. The company didn’t repost, nor did they partner with her. Two days later, she donned her sewer slippers and accosted unsuspecting “needy” people, handing them gifts bags filled with Chantecaille lotions and $50 bills (and recorded herself doing so).
  • May 2023 = 18 posts including the infamous “humpy yoga” fiasco featuring unnerving eye contact.
Every choice in this video was wilder than the last.
  • May 2024 = 5 posts
  • May started with Alec appearing on the “Our Way with Paul Anka and Skip Bronson” podcast. I tried recapping it, but it was basically three boring privileged old white men rambling about their wealth and privilege. Anka’s description of living in a “Murdoch created” gated community near Malibu near the “good airport” – to avoid the unwashed masses at LAX one presumes – was where I gave up on the recap idea and just listened with a scowl.
  • Some lowlights:
On Having More Kids & Moving to Vermont
Alec: Well, in my family now, I'm the only person I know who drops four kids off at school in the morning and comes home and I still have three kids waiting for me. When I get home, I have seven - I have eight children. Ireland, my oldest daughter who's married, Ireland has a baby, and she and her boyfriend are living in Oregon. And I met my wife and I got remarried and I had seven kids in nine years. It's crazy. (I think you meant to say, “my wife is batshit crazy.” The devil is in the details, Zander)
And then, all of a sudden, I met my wife, who I love dearly, (I think he repeats this in virtually every interview to counter the years of talking shit about Kim Basinger) every time the baby would get to be two years old, we’d go, maybe it's time for one more baby, one more baby, so we have seven kids. But we're actually selling our house, moving to Vermont. We bought a place in Vermont, and I'm trying to get everybody to start to acclimate up there…I think my wife wants a little change of scenery now, it's so crowded out here…I love Vermont. It's so peaceful. We got a great deal. We got fifty-five acres; house was built in 1792. It's very pretty.
The Kids Want Alec Around All the Time
Host: What do you do away from your family? Meaning, do you play golf? Do you play tennis?
Alec: I play tennis all summer...The thing that's happened in these last ten years, especially the last three or four years, is my kids are used to me being around…I mean they really rely on that… when I'm gone, they're like, you know, they're on FaceTime. If I travel to go away for a couple of days to get a paycheck, they’re on my FaceTime going you know, where are you? What are you doing? You know, they're completely baffled when I go away. (God bless those kiddos and I’m preeetttttty sure they rely on Leonela/Leonetta a whole lot.)
Drug & Alcohol Use
Alec: Every day for two years, I think I snorted a line of cocaine from here to Saturn. We did one on the rings of Saturn. Then we came home. We took it back home. I mean, cocaine was like coffee back and everybody was doing it all day. I did a lot of coke and then I and then February 23rd, 1985…I stopped doing drugs and my drinking increased, which is they tell you that's going to happen, and that did happen. I just started drinking. I mean, and the thing, I miss drinking. I don't miss drugs at all, but I do miss drinking. I like to drink. (I appreciate next to nothing about this man, but I appreciate the honesty of this statement).
Host: But because you don't drink, and because you don't do drugs, what do you do? Do you meditate? What do you do to deal with the pressures of the outside, you know, forces, (I think you mean “lawsuits”, Paul) what do you do to get away from that?
Alec: (deadpan) Drink. I drink. I lied; I've been drinking nonstop since 1985. I lie. I tell people I'm sober and I drink my balls off. (Laughs) But no, I do miss drinking, I must say…New York relaxes me. I walk around and I see aspects of it that I've never seen before. I look at a building and I'll go, my god, I never noticed that about that building. Those doors. You know. New York is like a European city. You walk around and keep your eyes open. And I have lunches and coffee with my friends. (Um is he talking about the owner of Madman Espresso? Because that’s the only coffee related person we’ve ever seen him around.) And, I'd like to get out of here because the city is chaotic. (But also relaxing? What the hell?) But we live in the village. It's a little bit more residential. I love New York. I go to the symphony and the opera and the ballet all the time, you know, pretty regularly. But I do try to meditate. Meditating with seven children is like trying to play ping pong on the deck of an aircraft. It's a real pain in the ass. (But they rely on you, Alec?!?!)
  • Back on IG, Alec commented on a video that Ireland posted of Kim Basinger and Ireland’s partner, André, playing with baby Holland, apparently in the backyard of Kim’s home. The doting abuelo’s comment was “I know that pool deck!” – dude, say something, ANYTHING, about your daughter’s child.
He probably screamed at poor Kim on that pool deck.
An irate comment on Alec's IG: \"I cannot believe he is wearing street shoes on those floors!\" Now deleted.
  • People magazine published a puff piece entitled “Alec Baldwin Is 'Understandably Worried' as His Rust Involuntary Manslaughter Trial Looms” (Exclusive Source). Here’s the entirely of what the exclusive source Yoel had to say:
    • "Alec is stressed. He is understandably worried."
    • "He has an excellent legal team. I don't think anyone is thinking jail time but given the decision for Ms. Gutierrez-Reed it’s hard to know."
    • "You have to understand that at the end of the day Alec is a professional actor, so when he's on set, you wind him up, you say action, he pulls out the gun and does whatever he's supposed to do on his job. Then suddenly he's facing criminal charges. It's like, how did that even happen?"
  • In real news, the manslaughter charging document was released – interesting read!
  • Surprisingly, Alec did not post a tribute to his wife to honor her “mi cultura upbringing” on the first Sunday in May - when it's celebrated in Spain.
  • On May 6th, Alec’s lawyers vultures-for-hire filed additional motions to have the case dismissed while Said the Pap for hire posted a pic of himself with Crackhead Barney (who was wearing not much besides some Daisy Dukes a la Hillary Lynn) and Alec was spotted in the wild (with a nanny in tow, because only the peasants walk around without staff).
Imagine having to listen to this guy bloviate in addition to raising his kids.
A pepino prayer: Lord, keep the nannies safe and sane. Amen.
  • Over on his scintillating IG account, Alec posted the news that he will be co-directing a production of Macbeth with Geoffrey Horne for Shakespeare Downtown this summer. Good thing this will be in June, because there might be a bit of a scheduling conflict for Alec in July.
  • Alec posted two pictures of Edu: one totally scrunched in a too-small stroller and one making the patented Baldwin duck lips. Against all logic, the pic of the kid perched on a tiny stroller became the picture Alec chose as his new profile pic.
  • On Mother’s Day, Alec dug deep, looked back on his grid, landed on this picture he first posted in December 2023 and said, “this is the one!” It features Alec, his wife, one of their 7 kids, two very hungry caterpillars, and stars the ubiquitous Madman Espresso single use coffee cup. ¡Feliz día de la madre, Híláríá!
Low effort personified.
Obsessed with the one and only comment this video garnered: “what’s the stethoscope for?”
Oh Daniel, where to begin?
\"To be honest\" is not a phrase typically associated with Grifty McGrifter.
  • The day a judge heard the motion to throw out Alec’s indictment was also Romeo's birthday so Hillary posted a story (#2 of 5 posts) of her, Alec, and the birthday boy as well as a grid video collage set to John Lennon’s “Beautiful Boy” (#3 of 5 posts) – a solid choice, nothing bad to say here. Alec, on the other hand, did not make a happy birthday post but found time to repost a “Crush the Can” fundraising campaign video from the Baldwin Fund. These videos are not good, if only they had connections to folks the filmmaking industry…
Bye, Wig!
  • A public service announcement for the Reddit Cares brigade: not posting about a kid’s birthday on IG or not liking a family member’s IG post is not usually an issue. I am well aware that countless people live offline and exchange private messages; however, we are gathered here today and most days to talk about Alec and “Hilaria” Baldwin. They use social media, and IG in particular to cultivate a brand/façade/public persona. Given that, liking/not liking or posting/not posting is of note. This concludes our announcement.
  • Listen, at this point in the game, I am HERE for Said the Pap. I am just going to lean into the theory that he’s an agent of chaos and a savvy social critic because this picture is a true gift to this sub. Live long and prosper, amigo.
Tiny. Baby. Sewer. Slippers. And is she holding a phone?? Call for help, sweet pea.
  • On the day of Holland's first birthday, StepAbuela Hilly posted a “candid” shot of her and her three oldest boys, skipping through NYC in a light rain (post #4 of 5). When I tell you I cranked up the Gypsy Kings, poured a sangria, and flamenco flurried my way over to the comments – and was delighted:
    • u/FamousOhioAppleHorn: When I see a woman dressed like that in FL, I know she's gonna buy 5 Hour Energy, cigs and scratch off tickets while telling everyone her entire life story.
    • u/NightOwlsUnite: fucking slippers. She's a walking germ factory. If and when the next pandemic hits, thank her.
    • u/smallpepino: Typhoid Larry.
    • u/Sun_will_rise_again: Those slippers are going to walk themselves to the trash…. They’re DONE, they’ve been through enough 🚮 Also this looks like something Britney Spears would write…. Just a jumble of random shit.
    • u/ ca17miledrive: There she is again. The Dope of Greenwich Village.
    • u/MallorcanMalarkey: The rain in Spain falls mainly on the insane.
So many pockets, so little sense.
  • Since Hilly is being so shy about showing her face. It’s a good thing the trusty folks at the Daily Mail have no such qualms. Alec and Guest Baldwin attended the 25th anniversary of a pretentious restaurant that gleefully reposted a picture of the duo calling them “amazing stars.” Restaurant Sirs, you have been bamboozled.
Maybe she should have kept the sweatshirt from the other day on her head?
MichWho was also there- if only Hillary's mallet could tap some life into the frozen tundra of Mich's mask/face.
  • Also, is this iteration of Hillary’s face giving Danielle Staub and/or Countess LuAnn vibes, or no?
Does one just ask for the squinty and taut special?
\"PeePaw\" just about took me out.
  • The next day a New Mexico judicial district judge denied the motion to dismiss the involuntary manslaughter case. This means that Alec must stand trial in July; sometimes the judicial system works in the interest of fairness. If nothing else, it is gratifying to know that he is spending through the nose to mount this legal defense.
  • With her usual ham-fisted timing, Hilz got to work and posted a grid video of Alec showing his phone to Ilaria Sin Hache (props to u/Longjumping-Stage647 for the moniker). It’s cute – who doesn’t love a baby in a onesie trying to talk and toddling around? Hilz for damn sure knows the value of her “vending machine of joy” and captioned her video: “I want dada, I want dada”….shes talking more and more. This is her first sentence 🤍. They love watching puppies together. The sweet things we are grateful for…that laughter. It calms the heart ⛅️”
23,791 of Hillary’s 989K followers liked this video.
  • Hilz responded to some comments and then a few zingers found their mark:
    • Commenter 1: Daddy’s little girl 💕💜💕💜
    • Hillary: “def…I was a little jealous…all our other 6 said mama first, but this one said dada 😂. All kidding aside…it’s such a beautiful relationship. Gives him life and strength ❤️”
    • Commenter 2: Such a sweet little one. I miss your updates. Come back ❤️
    • Hillary: I will…I promise 💚
    • Commenter 3: This is a cute sitcom. Far from reality as many things on social media. But cute and happy, and that is what we want to see. Not the maids, fights, and tantrums
    • Commenter 4: Awe so cute! Grandparents are the best!!!
  • May 26th was the two-year anniversary of Carol Baldwin’s passing and Alec posted a picture of the two of them captioned (verbatim): “two years ago today Your work continuesWe all miss you”
Alec was more effusive in his RIP post about Sam Rubin, an LA entertainment reporter who passed, than about Carol.
  • I offer you Billy Baldwin’s caption for the picture of himself and his mother the same day:
    • My Mom: Honey... HOOOOONNEEEEYY!!!
    • Me: Yeah Mom!!!
    • My Mom: Do me a favor??
    • Me: Sure Mom.
    • My Mom: Go grab me the... the... the whatchamacallit?
    • Me: The what?
    • My Mom: You know... the thingamajig that has that little doohickey on the side. It's in the kitchen junk drawer next to the whooziwhats!!!
    • This never meant the same thing twice but every time she said it... I knew exactly what she wanted. Gone two years today. Smart, funny, tough, wacky, wild... and a heart of gold. Miss you dearest Mama!!! ♥️
  • Maybe Alec couldn’t focus on a more heartfelt tribute to his mother because was distracted by his wife’s unusual move of taking an Uber – quite normal for many but for Hillary My Ancestors Arrived on the Mayflower Hayward- Thomas, it’s usually a private car double parked for maximum chaos or sewer slippers slapping against the grime of NYC sidewalks, so this middle ground must have been confusing for PeePaw.
Your body is nice, Hillary. You don't need the alien appendages on the right or the multiple bras at once on the left.
  • Alec’s defense team added 9 new witnesses on the last day they were permitted to do so (5/6/24) and did not provide witness statements. Prosecutors argued that this was done in bad faith and that “the State has now been prejudiced by the defendant's strategy to gain a tactical advantage as the State is unable to file pretrial motions as it relates to the new witnesses, is unable to properly investigate the statements of the witnesses and list its own new witnesses to refute the testimony of the belatedly disclosed witnesses.” So on 5/31, the prosecutors moved to exclude the witnesses from the trial. Stay tuned…
  • As this legal mess was going down, Alec and Hillary made their signature move: a staged pap walk in NYC wearing ill-fitting clothes, clutching phones and Madman Espresso products. How the mightily mediocre have fallen…
The unfiltered images must be...something else.
submitted by Ready-Bat-8824 to HilariaBaldwin [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:54 stella_cd Time to share my first pic here as a CD

Time to share my first pic here as a CD
Hello everyone,
I started crossdressing a month ago, with a professional makeover. My wife was there and we had a lot of fun.
Yesterday, I had my second makeover. This time alone, because my wife could not come, but she wanted to.
This second makeover was amazing, we started with the makeup, then we tested some of my outfits I brought with me and made many pictures.
Crossdressing is so funny
After this, it was time to go to the shopping mall together. This was my first time going out as a CD. And strangely, I was not scared. Also, to my biggest surprise, people did not notice! I got compliments from men and women. That was funny.
I came back at home, driving as a woman with heels. My wife saw how good it was made and was shocked!
If you like it, I will post other pictures in the future.
Enjoy everyone, and have fun!
submitted by stella_cd to crossdressing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:51 Restrest11 Sci-fi,fantasy,virus book from possibly 2010-2013

It starts of following multiple people; a pair of cops, an alcoholic woman, and a man who can camouflage his skin color like a octopus, and a fat man. There is genetic modification in this book as well as a virus or epidemic going around as the plot point. I read this book maybe around 2010-2013 it had a very shiny book cover that was blue and white where I think the white was the name of the book and authors name and that part was slightly raised. I remember buying it at a dollar general with the spinning racks of books for maybe 5 dollars. I read this book like 5 times because it was so confusing and I think that's why I remember so much but can't quite put it together. The cover also might have been an picture of earth but I'm not sure I just remember if light hit that book at a certain angle it would shine. It was a paperback book that was really thick must have been like 500 pages it wasn't long more short and wide.
• The pair of cops are both male. One is an older overweight married man and the the other a younger fit male. The younger guy comments about how the older male should watch his weight since if he is found to be overweight he will be sent to this type of encampment rehabilitation type thing where he will have to lose the weight. He also seems to hint that his figure gaining this much weight is due to his wife's cooking and the cop not looking out for his figure. The older cop does not go to the encampment thing for his weight in the end.
• The alcoholic woman is in a messy apartment surrounded by empty bottles of alchol hiding when she is taken by force by some type of law enforcement. The sent her to the encampment rehabilitation type thing to solve her drinking problems. She is described to be very thin and have pink hair and has been sent to this rehabilitation camp multiple times. She seems angry because she knows that the only reason she is sent this time was because of the person in charge of the encampment so that might mean there is a limit to how many times they can go. The girl ends up being called to the person in charges office, during the physical exercise time, were she proceeds to have sex with him and it is discovered he had her sent here so he can keep seeing her. While they are in the office people rush in and say there is a weird fog approaching that's affecting everyone. She runs away somehow with the fat guy from the camp to the area where his parents live because that area seems to not yet be affected.i think the cop pair shows up for a brief part when the camp was about to be affected but I'm not sure.
• The camouflage guy I don't thing was sent to the encampment thing but he did seem to be hiding from the cop pair earlier. He did have daddy issues since his dad was a magician and used to use the camouflage ability of his as a part of his act but when his son couldn't control his well and his comflouage colors changed based on his mood he would get mad. So to hide in society he uses face or body paint since he can't control his camouflage skills well.
• The fat man seems to be a recluse he gets sent to the encampment thing to lose weight. During the encampment he stares a lot at the alcoholic girl will they do physical exercise and she straight up asks him if he wants to fuck her. His parents are also well of in this sorta gated community. His mother is a scientist or bioengineer. His dad I don't remember to well what he does but he plays a big part in solving the epidemic that spreads.
We find out later the mother is part of the cause of the disease. The father finds out the gated community is producing these intelligent generation of kids by genetically modifying them when they are still in the womb. The are ranked the top out if all schools no one is below a certain level in that school and if they are they get kicked out (might be just the school or even the gated community I don't remember). Somehow though there is this virus in a test tube that is the cause of it and I believe she is on the team to find the cure. The husband tries to get into her work building and talks with the wife's boss, once inside, and is held at gunpoint while the boss turns out to be evil and explains why this is happening but they end up in a fight the husband ends up shooting the boss fatally. The boss does not instantly die but pees his dress pants and says he doesn't want to die. The husband moves on to the lab of his wife and she is in a hazmat suit with the vial of the virus in her hand. I believe she's alone I don't know if it's because she was left alone or everyone else died on the research team. Stuff happens as they confront each other but I remember for some reason she takes of her hazmat suit to save him for some reason. Than it does a time jump were it seems to imply the man was able to live a very long life (thanks to bioengineering) and is pushed in a wheelchair by a pink haired girl (not sure if it's the alcoholic girl or her decendant). It also implies he is the savior of humanity. No one else from before is mentioned this time jump was about a page and that's it most of it is very vague.
Please help me find this. The amount of times I've tried to find this and have come up empty makes me feel like I legitimately just made this up.
submitted by Restrest11 to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:38 EggplantLow6803 Have any of you ever known a murderer? What were they like beforehand?

I knew the murderer AND the victim! WILD STORY! This year is the 5th anniversary of a boy I went to HS w/ murdering his pregnant fiancé, putting her in a suitcase (that they had just borrowed from HER SISTER for their vacation), and placing it in a river a few towns over. -The boy, let’s call him J, was a Senior when I was a Sophomore. He was a Tri-Athlete so he was pretty popular. Came from a well off family that went to church FAITHFULLY. He was the apple of his family’s eye. All they did was brag about him to anyone who would listen. He was nice, kinda handsome, and a clown w/ his friends. But to me it seemed like it was an act to seem “normal”. He was eerily quiet at times but I couldn’t judge bc I’m quiet around ppl I don’t really know as well. I’d see him at a party here & there but we didn’t talk much. Something about him was just OFF to me. At my HS, when a senior had all their credits, they allowed them to shadow a teacher. He wanted to be a personal trainer so they allowed him to shadow my gym teacher (which was also his coach). I don’t remember him dating anyone in HS but after he graduated I forgot all about him until I started college. He took a few classes at my school. - I was studying to be a CNA at the time and in training I met a VERY smart & sweet girl🥺Let’s call her S. Top of her class & very helpful. She did a TON of volunteer work at the same church J went to and her family was VERY close to the pastor ever since she was little. He was her “mentor”. We became FB friends and I saw she had just gotten engaged to J after a few yrs of dating. They met at church and seemed happy. Closer to graduation, I saw that her & J were supposed to go on vaca w/ her family after she graduated….And then she just disappeared. Missed graduation & everything. She was VERY dedicated and had perfect attendance so it was VERY odd. Everyone on FB and in town was searching for her. J was accused of having something to do w/ her disappearance from the very start even tho he was acting concerned. After she had been missing for about 2 weeks. J randomly posted a LOONG fb post about repenting sins & forgiveness. S’s sister commented “where tf is my sister!” On his post. THE NEXT DAY his picture is ALL OVER the news. S was found in her sisters suitcase that he attempted to anchor down w/ rocks in a river about an hour away from our town. After being questioned. He confessed. Apparently, S had revealed she was pregnant…but it wasn’t J’s baby. IT WAS THE PASTORS! She confided to him that he had been molesting her since she was a little girl. Her family trusted him enough to leave her alone w/ him. This was NOT the 1st time she had gotten pregnant by the pastor. When she was in HS he got her pregnant twice and the PASTOR forced her to get abortions despite it being against what she believed. The pastor and her family were so close he would help them w/ money and he convinced her to keep quiet. When she told J, she just couldn’t bear to have a 3rd abortion. He lashed out, accused her of cheating and strangled her! Put her body in the suitcase & drove it out of town. The DNA from the baby indeed proved it was the pastors. The pastors wife admitted the pastor had an affair and was willing to forgive him, but denied him molesting her when she was little. THIS is when other girls, INCLUDING S’s sister came forward and admitted they TOO had been molested by this “Godly Man”. SMH
submitted by EggplantLow6803 to SeriousConversation [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:30 jazzgrackle The little man by the tall reeds.

I know all of you like to tell your scary stories, I like them too. Way back when my voice was still high-pitched I knew a man who told the scariest stories you'd ever hear, well he wasn't a human exactly, but he sure was a man. A good man by estimation, but you can be the judge of that. See, my mama used to live way down in the rural bits of Texas. Ain't nothing much down there 'sides toads and mosquitos. Fireflies would light up the night sky, and once in a while you'd see a couple eyes comin' up from the water. We lived in a small house, a bedroom, a kitchen, nothing special, but nothing shameful neither. It was just me and mama, papa left a long time ago, mama says he was out on the lake and got eaten by one of them gators. I believed it, he was always drunk and on a tear. He'd go out into the reeds until they got as high as his head. He was big a fella, too. That man'd go out there and throw meat to the alligators, meat my mama said we couldn't afford. And he'd come back scratching from the mosquitos and what else was in those high reeds. He'd stumble into the house and fall asleep somewhere round the door.
None of that may seem wholly pertinent, but it will be, just give it some time. I was outside one evening, mama was asleep. Mama was a hard sleeper, I think she grew up by a train track - Chicago she said, mama was a city girl that came out to the country to raise a big family. It was just me though, I never asked why, but it was always just me. It was a gorgeous evening, the ones you see in those little photo booklets that advertise how beautiful the town is. Fireflies dotted the sky, and a big yellow moon lit the whole way down to the lake. As much as a lake as you could call it, the critters sure did like the water. Bugs, frogs, gators, big and little fish; you could stick a net in the water and be sure something'd be stuck in there.
So, I walked throught the reeds, taking little chunks off the ones nearest me so I could find my way back. It was just a straight walk, but you try walking in a straight line when you're blind. You'll end up going in a circle - I think that's why they say we have a circulatory system. As I'm just near the water, pullin' reeds, and swattin' mosquitos, I see a kid with a lantern, about my height. The lantern was half the size of his body, big flame in the middle of glass, the orange waves danced and flickered lighting everything it touched, and casting shadows where it didn't. The kid beckoned me too him: "Hey, come here" he said. Well, it wasn't a kid, it was a very adult voice. "Little person" I thought, that's what they liked to be called. Just the same I didn't feel too comfortable approaching a man I didn't know.
"Come here, it's all right." And he beckoned again. Something about him, seemed - familiar. I didn't need much convincing, I headed over to him, and he gestured with his hand for me to sit. I sat, and he sat beside me. Wasn't much of a man either, he had a bulbous yellow eyes that searched around and never found anything. Big lips, red splotches just about everywhere. He was fat too, well not quite fat, but somehow, inflated. He was barefoot, and smelled like old hamburgers. I breathed through my mouth, and waited for him to speak again.
"I've got tell you a story about that house you're living in" he said. He paused, just waiting for it to sink in. Somewhere I was livin'. Now, I loved my house, and I loved my mama, but there weren't nothing worth telling a story about there. And everyone in town knew about papa, so it couldn't be that.
"Just me and my mama here" I replied, shifting a bit on the dirt as the small tide lapped close to my sneakers, the shadows from the lantern playing on the water. I had my eyes fixed on the water, always expecting a couple of eyes and a big alligator mouth.
"Just hold on there, I've been around this place a long time, I might know something you don't." He waited again, his eyes whirling, and his hands shuffling around the dirt, like he was lookin' for something on either side.
"Okay, go ahead then."
"There's a woman in that house, sometimes thin, sometimes big. Sleeps heavy, talks about the trains in Chicago"
"That's my mama"
"It is?"
"yes sir"
"She good to you?"
I hesitated. Mama was good, but she was rough sometimes. Sometime she'd get sick, and, well, irrational. She'd yell about how people in the house tryin' to talk to her, wanted to 'get' her. Eventually she'd tire herself out, and then she was a sweet mother then. Cooked the best beef stew you'd ever had, I never had any other beef stews, but her's was real good all the same: "yeah, she's good" I said.
The little man waited again, then continued on: "Well, maybe I'm talkin' about another woman. I couldn't know, your mama seems a wonderful gal."
"Tell me the story" I said. My fingers were tapping on the ground, along the dancing shadows, under that big yellow moon. I could hear the plop of a fish flying out out of the water and right back in. That siren eek of a mosquito came by my air and I shooed it away. And I looked at the water, where it was lit by the flame I could still see the little man. His eyes still whirling, his hands still digging.
"Well, some woman lived in that house. And she had a husband, handsome fellow, maybe a little too hard on the bottle, but he got done what needed to be done. For years the two of them would talk about havin' kids, and it just never happened, well almost never. Don't worry - I'll get to that. Now I want go too into the details because you're so young, but boy did those two try. And sometimes, like woman do when they're ready to become mamas, she'd get nice and big. Then she'd get thin again. Now, her husband was confused to say the very least. His wife'd cry, say the child was taken by the Lord, and they'd continue on about their lives, alone, in that little house by the lake. But funny enough how God works, like a miracle, when they were at their saddest - plenty would come in. See, the woman had a sister from the city who'd send her big packages full of meat and she'd make that meat into a nice stew. Sometimes they even had a little extra, you know what they'd do with it?"
I paused, I knew, I heard the stories. "He'd go throw it to the alligators"
"You're right, he'd throw it right to the alligators, now I don't know if gators can taste spice, but if they can they're mighty tough. That stew was always filled with the habaneros and all sorts of chilis, something you gotta stop and sweat for every few bites. Not those gators though, they'd gobble them right up. I'll tell you though, one day those two did have a child, handsome one too. Fuzzy brown hair, and cute as all get out. Looked' something like you matter of fact. Named him Matthew."
"My name is Matthew" I knew what was going on, I did, and I felt something like fear and something like comfort. Knowing just who this man was saying he was.
"Is it? Well, that can't hardly be a coincidence. I'll tell you something though, Matthew, I lied earlier in the story, I s'pose I should go ahead and tell you the truth."
"What's that?"
"Well, you already figured out, wasn't too hard, that's your mama I'm talkin' about, and yes, I'm your papa. I'm sure you figured that out too. I know I don't look like much not after you know what happened, but I didn't die. I've been living around this here lake since you was born. Your mama says she don't want me back in the house account of how I look. I don't blame her, but it sure is frustrating." there was some rustling in the reeds behind us, and the croak of some old frogs - they always sounded old to me at least.
"And that meat, ain't no packages from Chicago, I don't think Carol ever lived in Chicago, maybe she did, but I never heard from anyone there. And there wasn't so much as a picture to prove it. Those was those little miracles from the Lord. Yes I'd put one in your mama, we'd wait a few months, and we'd have ourselves a nice meal. The first one really was a miscarriage, and we were hungry, so we tried just a bite. Maybe we were both a little too much on the whisky, but we were very hungry. And boy - it tasted good. Best meat I'd ever had. And as long as I could keep fishin' by that lake I could give your mama the energy she needed to make that delicious beef stew."
I got up as fast as I could muster, I tried to run, took a few good strides, and then felt arms on my shoulders, locking me in place, and shoving me down onto the floor. I squirmed and screamed: "Let me go, no!" I cried, and I hollered, but it was no use. It was my mama, she straddled me with her legs, and pinned my arms down so I couldn't move a muscle. She smelled like those old hamburgers. And she smiled the sweet smile she always smiled when she was in one of her better moods.
"We waited a bit longer with you, wanted you to be nice and ripe, and now I think you're ready. Don't you think he's nice and ready, Carol?"
Mama took one hand off me, whipped it behind her back, and pulled out a big kitchen knife. She held it in front of me, and I could say my eyes in the metal, tears were rolling, and my face was red and screaming. Can't say I'd been that scared since.
"Carol, darlin', before we make our meal, how bout' we kiss like we used to. It'd be nice for him to see what a happy family looks like"
"Kiss you?" Mama spat. "You ugly little drunk, not even the alligators would want to kiss your mouth. Last one tried to kiss you spat you right out. I ain't want nothin' to do with that."
"Darling, I missed you."
"I didn't miss you, I ain't lettin' you back in the house neither. You think I can't find another man? Just past this lake I've got a hundred suitors just waitin' to take a gal like me. Bet they have big cocks too, not like your little pecker."
That was enough for papa, He ran right toward mama, I don't know how he did it with those whirlin' eyes, but he did it. He came and pushed mama right off me. I started crawling away as quickly as I could. Papa bit her and mama let out a big yelp: "Fuck!" she screamed; mama didn't cuss much 'less she was real mad. And boy was she real mad. I crawled into the reeds and hid there, lookin' through to see what was gon' happen.
She stabbed him, right in his arm when he tried to block her form his stomach. Big nasty gash, blood running everywhere, a little brown, a little green, but still mostly red. But he kept just goin' kickin' and bitin'. "I'll kill you!" she screamed and slashed, and they both yelped and hollered.
Then, I swear, he started hummin' a little tune, sounded like a nursery rhyme, and the water started to bubble, and I saw two big eyes out of the water, and then that mouth, and a big gator came right up. whappin' his tail, snortin' and groanin' in that way gators do. Bit mama on the leg, and started draggin' back to the water, mama screamed, and kicked, but that gator hung on. Bit up on her thigh, boy was she bleeding, strips of meat, and bone cracked and split. That gator dragged mama right down into the water. There was some splashin' and the gators back would come up and then back down into the water, and occasionally I heard a gurgly scream, but before I knew it the whole thing was over.
My papa sat there, I have to say, even then I felt a bit bad for him. "Son come out of those reeds, I promise I ain't gonna eat you no more."
I came and sat by papa and papa started hummin' again. I started to get up, but he put his hand on me. "Don't worry, she ain't gon' hurt you. I just gotta go away for a while."
The alligator came back on to the land and papa sat right down on her back, she crawled into the water until just her back and his upper body were above the water. "I gotta go son, I'm sorry. One day we might see each other again."
I didn't say a word, what was there to say? I met my papa, and he tried to eat me, now he wasn't, and now he was riding an alligator. So, I just nodded, and secretly hoped that maybe I wouldn't see him again.
And then off he went across the lake until I couldn't see him no more, haven't seen him since either. I went back to the house, and I'll tell you, I heard those voices my mama used to hear, too. But they wasn't mad at all, they was saying thank you. I think those are my brothers and sisters, and I think they thought I did something right. I whispered, "Don't thank me, thank papa, he saved us after all." And then, I'll tell you, nobody ever heard those voices again.
submitted by jazzgrackle to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:28 Brief-Brush-1779 What a turn of events

So this might come out a little sporadic but I'm typing as it the conversations come out. Also on mobile apologies for format. Also I've tried to talk to them about my wife's feelings about being here but they brush it off and said well suck it up.
So after struggling to keep up with rent our landlord said to have 1300 by last friday or be gone. We had no way of coming up with 1300 in 5 days (she told us the monday of that week). So we told her we would be gone so we started packing. Called my parents to see if we could temporarily move in with them and they said yes, it should be noted they have spent the better part this year pushing to have me, my wife and our daughter move in with them rent free. My wife and I are both pretty private so the thought of living with other people was too much even if it was family. Being our only choice I had to reach out, we spent monday afternoon through Wednesday night packing our home of 3.5 years. They came down thursday and we started loading the truck (just my wife and i) while they kept our daughter busy. After the truck is loaded and they have our mattress and a few other items loaded in their truck they take us out to eat, we then take the truck to the storage unit, unload and make our way to their house 2.5 hours away.
My parents and I have a semi strenuous relationship, being they like to control and guilt trip me since I'm a only child and my dad is now disabled. Their on fixed income. My wife and I spent the better part of the next 4 days applying for jobs through various job websites. It's been fine up until Tuesday when we head 45 minutes away to the nearest town with staffing agencies. We fill out info and were told to wait for a call. That was about 3 or 4 hours, knowing we did all we could we headed back. We get back to my parents house(really a trailer on some land) the first thing out of my moms mouth was "yall are back already. I figured you would make a day of it" mind you we've been applying online to anything and everything but so far no calls. As I've already checked the jobs in town (as small as it is) only accept online applications, it's not like we could fill out paper ones and et hired on the spot. My wife and I spend the rest of the day in our room still applying for what we can find. My parents want us to sit out in the living room with them, we do for a little bit until it's time to put our daughter to sleep.
Wednesday comes and it goes pretty much like tuesday, along with the sly comments when we get back, except this time we head another 30 minutes away to another town and we have a interview set for this coming monday.
Thursday comes and we dont go out because we've already hit the staffing agencies even remotely close to us, which any job we get requires up to a hour of driving one way. Now this trailer is hoooot and the ac doesnt work all that well on our side so my dad and I take a window unit out of his work shed and fit it in the window of our room. All that was said before we spent half a day getting to this point was any extra electricity we use we would pay the difference, that was fine with me. My parents are older and get cold easily so setting the ac temperature to 78 is normal for them but again the ac sucks on our side and we're sweating our asses off the previous nights.
Meanwhile they have been pressuring us to spend our free time in the living room to watch movies with them, while they have their faces buried in their phones and not paying any attention to anything else.
So now its Friday, exactly 1 week from our first full day out here. We're down to 1 vehicles right now and the engine temp gauge starts going out as we ran into town for baby stuff. We make it home and I noticed I missed a call from my mom. I call her back and she asks where we are at, I said we just got back because the car was acting up. " well I thought yall would he out applying for jobs" I said again we've been applying for jobs for a week now. "Well you need to figure something out soon especially since your car is messing up". So then I spend the next 4 hours helping my dad around the property and listen to him complain that we've been using too much electricity with the window unit and they cant afford a $500 electric bill. We've kept the ac at 70 and it barely comes on with 2 fans going. We have a 2 year old and she doesnt need to be sweating in her sleep. I say ok and try to move on. After taking a shower and laying down to rest I get up and grab some leftovers from the previous night. Now before I continue I should mention that when I was still living at home while my wife and started dating, my parents would ambush me after getting home with 2 or 3 hour discussions on how my behavior is unacceptable. Meaning me going out with my girlfriend at the time, now wife and walking through the park after work or going on a date on our days off. This continued until we moved in together. Even me moving out was a problem when I didnt want to take towels and cookware with me because we already bought some. They always guilt trip me into helping them with something. Now after a 1.5 years of my wife and I living together my parents lost their house(my mom didnt tell my dad until a week before they had to leave) she knew for a while but never got a job or asked for help. So my wife and I got 1k each loans from work to help them move(which they have paid back) but then spent the next 3 days helping them move 20 years worth of living 2.5 hours away.
My wife has tried to get along with them but they just rub her the wrong way with comments, behavior and attitudes.
But now we have a kid so I feel compelled to go out there as often as possible so they can spend time with their grandchild.
Now cut to friday(yesterday now) and I'm heating up leftovers. As soon as I set my bowl on the table they come sit down, oh joy another round table discussion. They start off with how we sleep in too late(9 or 10am is too late I guess) we dont spend time with them, also a lie because we spent 6 hours in the living room the day before and they barely acknowledged us, we dont seem to be doing anything. Also a lie, coming straight from their mouths, they dont believe we have been putting any effort to find a job since we dont do it in the living room and tell them watch what yall want we're putting in applications. I cannot make this up. How I have to ask if they need any chores or anything done around the house to help out. Also a lie because I ask do you need help with dinner, do you need help with cleaning up, and my dad has been asking for my help for every little job he wants to do around the house. I may be your child but I'm not a child. They dont like how we sit in our room, for maybe half a day, I've spent more time doing shit around the house or looking for a job than I have spent chilling with my wife and daughter. How we dont seem to have a plan and their not going to be paying our way, now mind you they've been hounding us to move in, we have to find jobs, shit doesnt come by easily anymore. One thing they kept saying before was yall dont have to come in the living room with us, you can come and go as you please, that was bullshit. As far as places reaching out to us for interviews it's only been 5 business days since we've been here, between the 2 of us we have nearly 150 applications out and nearly all of those are 45-1.5hrs away. We do have 2 interviews set for monday.
So they wait until I've sat down to eat since I've been busy all day and haven't eaten to ambush me again with a talk. They love to control me by guilt, before it was fine because it was just me dealing with them since my wife refuses to play their games but now your trying to do this shit in front of my wife and daughter.
Side note I told my mom not to feed our daughter with her spoon the night before, " well we've been doing you just havent been here to see it" and continued to do it. I started to raise my voice but my wife shook her head no.
Where did all the promises before go to? Why is it now we're just lazy bums sleeping all day(lie). I have a plan, I know what I need to do, as I'm telling them this I get the "dont be so defensive"line. I'm not being defensive, I'm telling you we have interviews set and applications out, it's a waiting game. Anytime in that discussion I say something that disproves what their saying they turn it around to well that's not the point that's exactly the point, what I said proves that your talking out your ass but you sont see it that way. Earlier in the day for the 3rd time in 2 days they berate me about the extra electricity. Why offer to have a window unit put in if you sidnt expect us to use it. We're not talking 60 degrees 24/7. 70 at night(which is still hot in the room but bearable and off during the day.
Also my wife doesnt feel comfortable eating around people, so really the only time she eats is dinner at the table(mandatory apparently) or if I bring food in the room, with my parents behavior its makes her uncomfortable to be out in the living room(where the spend nearly all day) to grab a snack. I get it, your in someone else's house you dont want to dig around the fridge. So now my wife is barely eating.
I've been trying to keep a relationship going for the sake of my daughter but this shit is the last straw. I feel like your trying to drive a wedge between my wife and I(like they've been trying to under the guise of have we want to spend time with yall but making sly comments to piss us off) my wife is ready to leave and I'm with her. I cant do this game with them anymore.
Yall offer help with one hand and have a knife in the other. Everything has strings attached to it.
Over the years my dad has giving me some thing she doesnt use anymore. A old laptop (by today's standards but usable) Xbox one which I still use A old digital camera Old tablet with cracked screen Set of battery powered drills(heavily used) These are the only items they bring up and ask if I still have them or I sold them. They are all in storage, I should know by now any gift will be used against me later on by accusing me of selling them.
So now I'm on reddit after my wife and I talking about the entire week, 1 week, 7 days of being here. Until she fell asleep about 1am. I'm still up pissed off and typing this. I'm not sure what to do, we talked about gettig 2 checks and getting a pay by the week hotel to get out of here quickly or try to deal with it for 2 months until we save enough to rent a place(security and at least 2 months rent)
I'm ready to ghost them and move on, my behavior is suddenly a problem when it doesnt involve them.
Side side note, for our daughters birthday we decided not to do a party and just the 3 of us go to zoo. We had a blast, lot of laughs and pictures, it was a great day until my dad took offense that he wasnt invited. Nobody wss invited because it was the 3 of us. But again everything has to be about them.
So thank you if you made it this far, I may add more as it comes to me but this is the basic idea of my situation.
submitted by Brief-Brush-1779 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:34 Ki2525_ In too deep…

In too deep to leave him
I(24F) started an affair with MM(40)
So, we met a couple months back. Started off as just friends then it quickly evolved into something else. He looks younger than his age so when he first told me he was single, I believed him. I’ve always had a thing against dating married or attached men, haha here I am now.
Subsequently, he told me his age around my birthday and at first I thought he was joking then he showed me his drivers license. Then I thought, there’s no way he’s not married and I asked him, he said no. Denied it.
What made me start doubting him was the persistent calls from someone he saved as his mum on his phone. And he would always go out of hearing to answer the calls. I know when his actual mum calls him they speak in a different language. So I went online and literally two minutes later, I see a picture of him and his wife dating back to 2015. I took a screenshot and showed him.
I guess if I hadn’t fallen for him so much I would have blocked him then and there but when he asked to meet up and talk about it, I agreed and went to see him. I asked him why he lied to me when I asked if he was married and said “You asked if I am married not if I was married” (We’re both lawyers so that was something “lawyerly” he said and we ended up laughing. I believe him, though I was still skeptical.
When I asked for more context he said they have two kids together but they’re separated and only stay in contact because she has the kids(both below 7). I guess that was to explain the constant calls but again, it didn’t feel or sound right. MM and I spent almost every day together, he lives about six hours away and is in my state for some work and he’s gotten an apartment close to mine.
Because of how doubtful I was, I would ask him questions he said they separated because she had cheated multiple times and he couldn’t take it anymore. The conversations were never really fleshed out and he answered more because he didn’t want to upset me by not replying.
This all happened January by the way. Fast forward to now, he has to go back to his state for a couple of weeks for family reasons. Seems legit, I have spoken to his brothers a couple of times. He’ll be back mid June. He left a couple days back and what really made me get stern with him was when he called me to let me know he had gotten home but not inside the house yet. I assumed he would tell me he would send me an iMessage or call me after he had taken a shower and had his dinner but then he just said the normal goodnight routine. Talk to you in the morning, I love you, the regular way we send each other to bed.
That was when I knew he had lied to my face for months and. I was pissed. The next morning when he called I asked him in all seriousness if he was truly married and if he lied to me I would block him and never speak to him again. Only then did he finally admit and say yes. He’s married, no separation or anything like that. A real little family with two cute little kids. He called and texted , it was a bombardment of apologies and pleas, begging me not to leave him and telling me how much he loved me.
But now I’m in too deep to leave . I love him, I don’t feel shitty that I’m the OW, I feel shitty because I. Am a hypocrite. I don’t want to take him from. His wife, I don’t want to ruin his marriage, I know he’s not leaving her, none of that bothers me. I should hate him for being such a lying manipulating son of a bith. But I don’t. He treats me nice, he makes me happy, he’s funny, he’s beautiful.
Just yesterday we were on a call when he told me his son wanted to speak to me. I didn’t tell him my name or anything but it was just a cute moment.
submitted by Ki2525_ to theotherwoman [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:19 NervousBranch I (27M) found out my friend (27M) has been going to sex workers. How do i tell his wife (28F)?

Hi everyone, so my friend who i've known since middle school has been cheating on his pregnant wife with sex workers.
I actually have never met his wife. I did not even know he was dating again and only found out they had their first child when he posted a picture of their baby in our group chat. Like no one knew he was dating and literally had a baby in the middle of the pandemic.
Dan and I have lived in different cities since graduating high school. We are in the same friend group, and we see each other maybe once a year when he comes visit me vice versa.
A couple of weeks ago, he came to my city and caught up with me and my fiancee (29F). We talked about work and life. He congratulated me and fiancee regarding our engagement and we found out he and his wife were expecting another baby! We also asked him if he could help us with wedding logistics as we were planning ours. So he called his wife and we talked to her on the phone. It was nice to meet her over the phone call as i was unable to come to their wedding before.
The next day, he sent me a message saying how jealous he is of me since i'm single and was wondering why I wanted to get married. He said he was looking out for me since i should think "hard" before getting married and that he didn't want me to make the same mistakes. Even though I didn't agree, I was curious as to where he was coming from.
I asked him to open up and he told me that as a man of the household, there's a lot of things to decide on as he can't talk to his wife about them and that he has to work a lot since his wife is a stay at home mother. I asked him why can't he talk to his wife about his problems and he said that he does not want to dump his problems on her and want to come home as a happy husband and father.
So i asked him what he does to lessen the load of stress and he said he's been seeing prostitutes. From our conversation he's seen them prior to getting married and has done it multiple times after marriage.
So obviously i knew i had to let her know as it is unsafe for their current child and unborn child. I want to tell his wife but 1. I don't know her 2. She's pregnant and 3. She does not have a job. I don't know her situation very well and not even sure if she has money since she's never had a job. I'm also scared that the situation will stress her out and she might get a miscarriage.
So what do I do? Should I just tell her anonymously and hopefully it turns out well?
TLDR: I found out my friend has been cheating on his wife. How do i tell her?
submitted by NervousBranch to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:06 ruinedjeans Take the junk out of my favorite photo of when my wife and I met

Take the junk out of my favorite photo of when my wife and I met
I love this picture of me and my wife. It’s maybe two or three months after we met. Could someone please take all of the other people and stuff out of the pic? Thank you!!
submitted by ruinedjeans to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:04 ThatsTrent4Ya Can Someone Help?

Can Someone Help?
Hey everyone!
I recently got married and my wife, I, and our children took pictures with their grandparents. Mind you my littlest was not feeling these pictures at all! (Not sure how that can be fixed) lol, but my parents aren’t on good terms at all. I wanted to ask if someone can adjust this picture to have my father standing closer to my mother so where it’s not as awkward as it is now?
Thank you so much! 💯
submitted by ThatsTrent4Ya to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:02 SharkEva AITAH after leaving my wife after my stepson falsely accused me of hitting him. A marriage and family implodes.

I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/coldmountainde posting in AITAH
Ongoing as per OOP
1 update - Medium
Original - 14th February 2024
Update - 30th May 2024

AITAH for not wanting to go back to my wife until she has custody of her children (from her previous marriage) after her son falsely accused me of hitting him?

Bit of background, I(40m) have been married to my wife(40f) for 5 years, she has a son(10m) and a daughter(8f) from her previous marriage I have one daughter(7f) from my previous marriage. About a month ago her son accused me of hitting him. I NEVER put my hands on him or anyone. My wife confronted me and I denied it. She didnt believe me. After the argument I went to cool off and talk to my friend. He was worried, very worried and said that I should get the fuck out of the house with my daughter.
He said that I am a man and no one is gonna believe me and I could lose my daughter if things escalate. I finally understood the gravity of situation I am in. After a long walk I made up my mind. I went to my house and asked my wife to come talk to me. I said that I never hit him, I don't know why he said it and I don't wanna know anymore. I told her that I am not feeling safe in this house, and I dont wanna risk my future and my daughters future. I told her I understand her mama bear mindset so I wont blame her for not believing me but last place I want to be is anywhere near a "Mama Bear".
I packed my bags and my daughter's bag and we left for my parents house. I refused to take her calls and asked her to only contact me through messages(since its not legal in my state to record without consent of both parties). Her messages ranged from blaming me to blaming herself and wanting to talk in person.
Three week later she messaged me and told me that she believes me. When I left she actually started to question her son's allegations and obvious inconsistencies started to emerge. She realized that her son is full of shit. She apologized profusely and begged me to come back. I refused I told her that I cant risk it anymore.
I dont trust her children and I dont trust her to believe me. I cant risk it. She asked me what I want her to do, give up her kid's custody and I said, honestly, I do love her and I do want to stay with her but I cant risk it to be with her anymore if her kids are staying with us. I told her I am sorry and I dont expect her to leave her kids so I think its best if we move forward with separation.
Turns out she is actually considering giving up the custody of her kids. He ex-husband called me and asked me why his ex-wife is talking about giving up custody. I told him the truth and he was very angry with her son but more angry with my wife. He respected me enough to not push it further when I told him to sort it out with my wife.
so we are in middle of shit storm and I am not budging. I cant stay in same house as her children. I am getting bombarded by phone calls of people blaming me for making my wife abandon her children. But what other choice do I have, I cant risk going back now.


NTA - How does she go from “mama bear who will do anything to defend her children” to, “if you’ll come back to me, I’ll ditch the kids”? Really disturbing.
OOP: "Mama Bear" were my words, I was trying to tell her that I dont blame her for believing her son and I understand her perspective. She didnt use those words.

I’d make sure to keep all texts and voicemails of her admitting that she found out the kid was lying. You never know how a divorce will turn out. She may get spiteful and try to use this against you.

**Judgement - NTA*\*

Update - 3.5 months later

After I made the previous post, I made the decision to file for divorce and told my wife. Literally the next day my wife told me that she is pregnant. I am gonna be honest I didnt believe her. It was too convenient of a time. I took some time to process it and asked her if she would agree for me to accompany her to the doctors appointment. She agreed. She was 12 weeks pregnant.
We had a talk and I told her that we gonna have to do our best to coparent the baby. She made promise that she will make sure her son behaves from now on, that I will not have to worry about anything. I told her that I am not risking my future on her word considering how easily she believed her son over me. I told her that I am not even blaming her, its not like she was wrong in doing so.
So we are definitely getting a divorce. She is scared to go through pregnancy all alone but what other choice do we even have. We gonna have to do our best. Another child will be raised in a broken family.
Her relationship with her son has gone to the dogs, he is currently living with his father and she refusing to talk to him. I cant find it in myself to judge her. She is going to have to go through pregnancy in her 40s which in itself is complicated enough. On top of that she is gonna have to navigate her divorce. Add her pregnancy hormones to the mix and its just easier to just not talk to her son. All because she believed her lying son.
I did talk to her ex-husband and he and his wife are also struggling. His son is not doing well by his mother basically ghosting him. I guess the 'stern talking to" that one person recommended in my previous post is not needed anymore. He has gotten pretty good idea of how much he messed up.
I guess we are in the situation where everyone loses.
My daughter is only one who is left relatively unscathed, she is adjusting pretty well to the new apartment. She is getting into new routine. All thanks to my friend who warned me in time and helped me shield her from the shit show.
PS: People who were sent me DMs to see how I was doing and for updates etc. Forgive me for not replying, I was very preoccupied with all things going on. I logged on to this account for the first time since I made the earlier post


I’m sorry you’ll be stuck dealing with these dynamics for the next 18 years of your life.
OOP: Its fine, i will do my best

I'm thinking son was looking to get you out of the picture. It worked.

It did, but it also cost him what he wanted which was his mom's undivided attention. Now she's gone, too. He's learned a painful lesson at a very young age about actions and consequences.

"Did you do it?"
"What did it cost?"

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP.
Please remember the No Brigading Rule and to be civil in the comments
submitted by SharkEva to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:01 RadiantWombat Ran across these on clearance at Walmart last night.

Ran across these on clearance at Walmart last night.
My wife has been bugging me for a storage device for her insane amount of pictures from vacations, seemed like an okay deal.
submitted by RadiantWombat to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:48 Head_Heron_3768 01.06.2024 Just wanting to put everything out there

I don’t know why I feel like I need to write all this down, but I do. After all this shit I’m just tired and I don’t know how to describe it. I forgot to take my ADHD medicine before work so it’s gonna be a disorganized mess of a post.
March 2020 the girl I was with for almost 8 years (I’m 31 this year) left me, pretty sure it was for another guy since they started dating roughly 2 or 3 weeks later, so I had to move back home. No big deal I wasn’t very broken up about it. April 2020 rolls around and my granddad finally loses the fight with dementia and end stage kidney disease. That hurt and I still feel it from time to time.
A few months later I started dating a girl I knew from high school around the time I turned 26. She had a daughter with a guy that wasn’t in the picture. I was wary about that but talked to my cousins wife about it (she doesn’t pull punches when she talks to me plus he has a daughter from a previous marriage) and decided to try the relationship anyway.
So we decide to become a family and move in together. Huge mistake. It doesn’t take long for the strings to start unraveling after that. Nasty ass fights constantly. It was bad enough I could time it like clockwork. Every 3 days. Of course I would be the source of all the worlds evil, selfish, narcissistic, and her ex was so much better than me at everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. Got told she would set my truck on fire in the yard and all that lovely stuff. But when it was good it was good.
2022 my grandmother, the wife of the granddad that passed 2 years before, died of kidney failure during chemo treatments. The girl was kind enough to hold me up in the hallway when I got the call because my legs completely gave out. This would be used against me in an argument later.
Fast forward to the beginning of 2023 and my life as I knew it completely dissolved. We started sleeping in separate rooms, didn’t really talk to each other stuff like that. She decided she was going to take her daughter and rent a house to try and fix her relationship with her daughter and we would try and start our relationship over. According to her we could still have sex though. Got told she was obligated to spend time with me on my birthday. Finally she just started staying at her parents house about 10 minutes away. That lasted for maybe a month.
My hand got injured about the same time, so I had to quit working out too which didn’t help my plummeting mental health. Had my first mental breakdown then, and she told me I wasn’t a man because I was too weak for her and the whole situation. Had my second mental breakdown at work a month later and had to take a mental health leave, get put on antidepressants and start cognitive behavioral therapy. Then start seeing a psychiatrist too to see if I also have dipolar disorder. So that’s depression, anxiety, adhd, bipolar disorder, emotional dysregulation, and executive dysfunction.
Losing her didn’t hurt. Losing a daughter that wasn’t mine damn near killed me. I was the only dad she ever had. I saw a whole new side of life I’d never even thought about before.
Here I am a year later and the depression has gotten better, but now my self esteem is in the negative. I never had a sense of self worth but that got worse too. I did realize though that I dealt with what I’ve dealt with because I didn’t want to be alone so bad. From what I’ve learned, that ties back to not having a sense of self worth thinking so negatively about myself. I guess I just wanted someone to love me so bad I’d deal with whatever I had to even if I knew I shouldn’t have been in the relationship to start with. Now I have a house that I hate in a city away from my friends and family, financial problems left to me by my ex fiancé, and Im internally a mess.
I’m lonely but I love the freedom of being alone. I can’t look at women at all anymore. I’ll do anything to avoid having to look at a woman I’m not related to, and I do it subconsciously even though I’m aware it happens. Can’t do anything to stop it though. But I’m trying to discover old things I used to enjoy like anime and drawing and reading. Trying to make myself better inside and out. Everything feels hollow though. The only positive I’ve gotten out of this is an extremely low tolerance for disrespect.
Also, I don’t think I didn’t do anything wrong in that last relationship either. I did make mistakes and mess up too. I’ve never been silent about what I did wrong, or what I could’ve done better. I’m not trying to play saint on it. I’m self aware enough and I do hold myself accountable for my thoughts and actions. I realize the post reads like I’m trying to paint her as the villain, but I’m not.
submitted by Head_Heron_3768 to TheBigGirlDiary [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:33 FarthingWoodOath AITAH for telling my cousin that he should love his stepdaughter more by now?

Recently, my youngest cousin [32M] and I [45M] were having a chat while we were visiting our grandma about parenthood. My cousin and his wife [~30F] are expecting their first biological child together, but my cousin is also the stepfather to his wife's daughter [10F].
I am also a stepparent, my wife [42F] had a son [25M] when she was just 17. His biological father is not in the picture at all and never has been (for very good reason), and I came into the picture when he was just 5 years old. He calls me his dad, I call him my son, and we love each other as such because that it what we are to each other. I don't ever mention that I'm technically his stepfather (though I have adopted him too) unless it's necessary. My wife and I also have biological children together [9M, 7F, and 3M].
Anyway, my cousin was asking me questions about being a parent to a baby, ways to support his wife during the last trimester and after she gives birth, and about handling being a stepparent and a biological parent to a new baby at once. Although my cousin has been in his stepdaughter's life since she was about 5, the two of them have not bonded much. Her father is also largely out of the picture and my cousin's wife has encouraged my cousin to bond more with his stepdaughter, but he has found that his attempts to get closer aren't going well.
Although I've not been in that situation (my son was keen on bonding with me from the jump, thanks in large part, I think, to the sorts of activities we began with and the way they were introduced to him), I do understand that children all have their own pace at which they're ready for a parental relationship with someone new. However, my cousin also shared with me that he's had trouble growing more affectionate for her.
He cares about her and generally likes her, but he disclosed to me that he isn't quite sure if he loves her yet and that he feels far more strongly about his unborn child than about her. Personally, I really can't relate to that feeling at all. I love all of my children the same, whether I am the source of some of their DNA or not. That said, I didn't have biological children until I'd been in my oldest son's life for a while longer, but even so, by the time I'd been in my son's life for 5 years, I loved him as any parent would and had for years at that point.
I said that in fairly gentle language to my cousin, then said he needs to make a greater effort to build a relationship with her and to build love for her. He agreed with that. I then said that he probably should love her more by now, and when I said that his demeanor changed entirely, and he said that that was a callous thing to say.
I apologized, of course, I didn't mean to upset him, but frankly, I don't think I was wrong and I'm unsure if the statement was generally an asshole-ish one.
submitted by FarthingWoodOath to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:31 want_to_help_u The Pictures

A New York attorney representing a wealthy art collector called his client and said to him, “Saul, I have some good news and I have some bad news.” The art collector replied, “I’ve had an awful day; let’s hear the good news first.” The attorney said, “Well, I met with your wife today, and she informed me that she invested $5,000 in two pictures that she thinks will bring a minimum of $15-20 million. I think she could be right.” Saul replied enthusiastically, “Well done! My wife is a brilliant businesswoman! You’ve just made my day. Now I know I can handle the bad news. What is it?” The attorney replied, “The pictures are of you with your secretary.”
submitted by want_to_help_u to cleanjokes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:27 oldschooldaw Gun + katana sticks I saw on my old man’s boat

I just learnt this sub exists and it seems the only place to share this picture, my wife didn’t get what I was so happy about when I showed her the picture. It pales to some of the sticks here but it was a good day made better by the sticks.
submitted by oldschooldaw to Sticks [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:00 AutoModerator Anno Dualwheelius 2023. And there were spokes. Amen.

We welcome the newest overlord of our p̵̝̎r̶̥͛e̴̫͆c̷̡̒î̷̜o̸̧͝u̵͖̔s̴͎̄ circle. u/kawaiikitty96 is a leader in avant garde intellectualism. Please bow your heads in silence and pray to your new god.

Start 2023 off right!

Tips to ensure that we succeed in accomplishing a global social change this year:
Tell your wife's boyfriend I said hi. Also my wife's boyfriend told me to tell you to tell your wife's boyfriend that the wife's boyfriend's club meeting is cancelled this week since they all have hangovers from partying all NYE with our wives.

Our Undersub's brigadery

With 363k deranged karma whores, our undersub continues flooding the moderators with reports about how they are a vulnerable group being persecuted by our intellectual might. Their toxicity shall not prevail. We will upvote harder, post creativer, and fuck cariester. Their pathetic attempts to end car-dependent infrastructure are nothing compared to the truth and light that emanates from the hearts of our p̵̝̎r̶̥͛e̴̫͆c̷̡̒î̷̜o̸̧͝u̵͖̔s̴͎̄ circle

Accommodating the Mentally Disabled

Use the /uj /rj tags more frequently. Remind each other to use these tags. Being serious on a circle jerk sub without proper use of /unjerk is dangerous to you and the people around you. It is a leading cause of angry-jerking, which leads to further brain damage if left untreated.

Ę̸̮͓̰̖̺̲̫̳̺͇͖͋̎̏̋͋̏̿̿́̋̔͠N̵̖̺̣̜͔̻͙̺̖̱͖̈̇͋̾̒͘͜ͅT̶̨̥͙̤͍̤̀̊͐͑̉̚ͅͅE̴͇̭̥͙̰̺̹̺͕̪̘̰͖͊͌̎̒͛̓͐̅̊̽̈́͝͝R̷̛͇̃͛̿̏̔͂̚͘ ̸̢̡̛͈̟̗͔̺̜̫́͗̾̂̓͛̕T̶̨̤̲̬͍̠̻͊̐̈́͆̋̃̾͊̃͑̍̋͘̕͝H̶̡͓͚̮̬̽̓͠ͅȨ̴̲͉̤̗̹͍̣̘̈́̈́͘͜ͅ ̶̡͍̻̲̖̖̖̪̮̇̽̋͗͜C̴̡̗͍̙̩̔̀̿͛̚͜͝ͅͅI̷̧̲͇̽̃R̴̬̦̖̲̅̾́̈́͑̾͌̃̈́̇͘͠͠L̷̡͕̯̪̰͈̣͈͎̜͓̻̫̦͐͑̑̂̿̂̕͝Ć̷̮͖͇͇͍͇͉͍̳̺̯̩͍͈̙̿͛͗͌̽̓̽̏̓̒́̃̇E̶͙͖̻̰̎̓̆͒͂̀͗̈́́̃̀͛͝

Last month's entry into the immutable jerkchain
submitted by AutoModerator to FuckCarscirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:00 Ill-Republic-4136 AITAH for wanting my partner to work?

I (male in 30s) have been with my partner (female in 30s) for a few months. Things have been going great, we just had our first trip together and typically spend 4 nights together per week. Our values and goals seemed to align well.
Currently we are living separately and both working 40-50 hours per week. We both have solid careers, but it is relevant to say that I make over 3x her yearly salary. Although we’ve never talked about specific numbers, I am sure that she has an idea that I make substantially more money.
We started broaching some uncomfortable, but important topics tonight. We eventually got to talking about how our life would work if we were hypothetically to be married in the future.
She mentioned that she missed her previous work schedule, which consisted of 20-30 hours of work per week. Said that she has a strong desire to get back to that so that she can focus more time on what’s important to her - health, family and friends. She explained that she was able to do this and still make enough money to support herself. It is relevant that she lives with 4 roommates in a budget friendly building.
I mentioned that I too would love to work part time like that, but unfortunately there’s no option to do so at my workplace. I was also very transparent with her in saying that I was a bit concerned that I would potentially feel jealousy of her part time work scenario while I was working full time at a much more stressful job.
She said that I could do the same and work part time and find a new job. Thing of it is though that there is no way I’d find a job paying anywhere near what I’m making per hour if I were only putting in 20 hours per week. So if we were to hypothetically do that, then we would be extending our retirement timeline (which is both of our ultimate goals) by decades.
She became noticeably upset and started tearing up at this point saying that she didn’t believe a marriage should be something that is measured and everything needed to be equal. She went on to say “What about if we have kids, and I’m responsible for tending to them 24/7? I feel like this would be my turn for a break before kids.”
I told her that she can work as little or as much as she wants, that’s her choice, as we are not married or even living together. That said, if we were to become married in the future, I do not believe that it would be fair to work half the amount of time before we even have kids in the picture, in order to even things out in anticipation of potential kids in the future. I went further to say that I want to be an active parent in my hypothetical kids lives and I do not expect her to be taking care of everything child and household related. I even said that I was fully on board with hiring a nanny.
Ultimately I am not looking for things to be exactly even, but I want my future wife to be an equal partner with me that is putting in as much effort as I am. This doesn’t mean she need to make as much money, but I do have an expectation that she would work a full time job, or if she wanted to do a 20-30 hour job, I feel that it would be fair for her to spend the other 10-20 hours taking care of things around the house.
Girlfriend and I have only been dating for a few months but started hitting on some hard topics regarding how life would look during a hypothetical future marriage and she wants to work part time and feels that this is a reasonable ask, even knowing I would need to stay full time. I am concerned about harboring resentment if she is working half as hard as I am, especially if she isn’t even willing to put in more time helping with household chores.
What do you guys think? Is this an unreasonable expectation? Am I the asshole? Am I looking at this hypothetical marriage too “transactionally”?
I left out an important piece of info - she has anxiety and is on meds. Much of her anxiety is work related, but she is stable, though a bit stressed about her new job in a new industry. I told her that if we were married and she had a mental or health issue that warranted taking time off work, of course I would support her.
submitted by Ill-Republic-4136 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:52 Dodging-Wrenches [TX] Co-parent hated outcome of divorce now I'm paying for it.

Divorced since last August and trying to co-parent has been hell. During a very highly contested divorce, the Judge ordered 50/50 custody, and since my ex-wife made substantially more money she was placed on child support and ordered to pay me a portion of the equity of the shared home and her retirement. Before the divorce, she anticipated getting custody of the kids and placing me on child support per Texas law (her words in a no-contest write-up).
She’s taken me back for contempt due to late payments for child care that was paid up to date 2 months before I was served, and other issues. The judge did give me a fine which I was not worried about but the judge understood why I was late. During that court hearing, we discovered that my ex chose my lawyer's former law firm (I didn’t reach out to my lawyer there so there is no conflict of interest). My ex wanted 20k and me to serve 8 months in jail for contempt of being late for payments that have already been up before the hearing. The judge even said it was a waste of the court's time.
Well currently my ex has scheduled numerous Dr. appointments and today I attended our child’s pediatrician appointment dealing with an eczema breakout. Well, my son scratches uncontrollably even with different types of creams and ointments. During the appointment I had my recorder going on as Texas is a one-party state and the ex makes up stories. The physician stated it was an eczema breakout, the skin site was healing, and wasn’t worried since he was not cringing when touched. Hours later I got a message on the parenting app stating that the doctor said "The eczema went untreated for days." I reviewed the recording and the doctor said nothing to that effect. I let her know from my notes that the physician did not say that. I let her know that I use advanced healing ointment for his eczema and took a picture of the numerous eczema creams and scratching ointments for her awareness. This is so exhausting is there anything I can do?
submitted by Dodging-Wrenches to FamilyLaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:33 FickleVariation4513 Was stood up by POT. Now what?

New baby to the bowl. Been reading this subreddit for weeks and done my homework reading all F&Q and wiki. THANK YOU BTW. So- Been on Seeking for a month, looking for a right match, chatting with a few etc. Met someone on there who was interesting, very polite, direct - and - oh lord, VERY attractive. Jackpot. On top of all my research as well as taking my time exploring the "marked"- I felt ready to go forward with him. He told me he was looking for a weekly datenight (3-4 times a month) and allowance of mid xx,xxx (which made me think he was a experienced SD.)
Last week we planned a M&G at a public cafe. The morning of our date, he cancelled due to work emergency. That was totally okay and he literally wrote me first thing in the morning. All forgiven and didn't think much of it. Monday this week, we arrange a new M&G for Thursday, same time and place. Thursday (yesterday!) at 7pm I show up at the cafe. And I sit there for a full hour....waiting. He does not text or call - nor reply to my messages asking where the hell he is. I leave feeling mortified. I write him a bitchy message and head home to try to figure out if he is a scam. I google his number, find out his address (5th avenue apartment and house in hamptons - ok he is wealthy). I also find out his real name - alongside his wife's name and their son. There is no digital traces of my POT. But I do find the social media of his wife (woman in her 50s, very gorgeous!) and their son too (whom is biracial. which confirms the pics of my POT are real). So he IS wealthy and I'm almost 100% sure the pictures he sent me are real. So I know he at least is not a catfish.
This morning I wake up to a message where he writes that he is sorry and that his friend had committed suicide. Well DAMN okay. Now that's an excuse I defiantly can't question. But a part of me was also this man just lying to me??? idk.....I wan't to give him the benefit of the doubt but something also seems fishy. I don't know what to think.
I need your hot take on this one. Is he legit? Do I give him another chance? He is so hot and seems like the perfect SD...but then again, this man left me hanging in a cafe without letting me know he wasn't coming. Brutal. Do we believe his story? Is he a scammer? Or what's going on? I need you're 2 cents on this one. WHATS THE STORY HERE
submitted by FickleVariation4513 to sugarlifestyleforum [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:30 AestheticGamer The 10 most interesting things I found from all the new Silent Hill 2 Remake footage

The 10 most interesting things I found from all the new Silent Hill 2 Remake footage
Here's the 10 most interesting things I found analyzing all the new Silent Hill 2 Remake media released for the last State of Play, Silent Hill Transmission, etc.

10 - James pulls out his map & writes on it with sharpie when making some notable additions to the player's map.

9 - Enemies (or at least the Nurses) can cancel and counter your attacks if you spam the same attack against them multiple times, seen below with the Nurse grabbing James' pipe when he tries to spam the normal attack.

8 - All the weird shops you saw around while exploring the South Vale part of town in Silent Hill 2 are also back & reimagined.

7 - In the original Silent Hill 2, there was a closed off path you could never access which had school buses store behind a gate you could barely see for some reason. This part of South Vale has been expanded into an all-new location with new places within it in the remake.

6 - Not only are there all-new puzzles in Silent Hill 2 Remake, but a video on the SH2R website showing off the puzzles is titled "Beginner" within the files, maybe implying there's puzzle difficulty options in the remake just like the original game.

5 - When James takes heavy damage & needs to heal badly, a red cross actually appears within the "damage aura" covering the screen, a way to have the Red Cross that appeared in the original without breaking the Geneva convention.

4 - The enemies of Silent Hill 2 Remake change over the course of the game, getting "sickly" looking variants, with the first versions resembling old concept art Masahiro Ito drew for the original SH2 monsters, the "sickly" versions more similar to the original SH2's monsters.

Pictured below is the "Normal" Nurse the "Sickly" Nurse, but there's similar variations also for the Lying Figures you can spot at different points in the trailer.

3 - A later "sickly" variation of the Mannequin enemies found in the Historical Society Prison Labyrinth Otherworld get a creepy new ability to scamper up walls, which may be a reference to all the Mannequins weirdly on the ceiling on the original Silent Hill 2 manual cover.

2 - After killing the first enemy in the game, the reflection on the backdoor of a vehicle reflects' James to subtlety show his head as a giant triangle. James also breaks into the back of the car, where he before coming to town put his wife's corpse in the backseat of his car

1 - There appears to be a gentle drone that plays when you enter into "Safe" rooms with Red Squares to save in, which stops when you exit the room. A darker slowed down version of that drone played with Piano over it is played for Angela, because you cannot "Save" her.
Timestamped Link to the slowed down version with piano playing with it used for Angela in the newest trailer.
I hope these little observations of mine were interesting!
submitted by AestheticGamer to silenthill [link] [comments]