Bb 9000 chanel themes

My little Chia farm is made up of all 10TB Exos all with bad sectors. Over a year and no failures yet.

2024.06.01 02:00 ConnorMackay95 My little Chia farm is made up of all 10TB Exos all with bad sectors. Over a year and no failures yet.

My little Chia farm is made up of all 10TB Exos all with bad sectors. Over a year and no failures yet. submitted by ConnorMackay95 to chia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:19 evil-gummy-bear REHOME (US Only) - mid tier LV and Chanel

REHOME (US Only) - mid tier LV and Chanel
Need to Rehome mid tier LV Alma BB, red caviar Chanel card case (TS) and red lamb skin Chanel double flap bag (dhgate). Proof of purchase available to those interested in purchasing. (The diamonds line up on the flap bag, I just neglected to take a shot of it from a level surface so the angle doesn’t show it.)
Prices include shipping. I can throw in the card case for free if someone wants to purchase both bags.
Chanel flap bag: $95 Chanel card case: $45 LV Alma BB: $160
Both bags come with dust bags, Chanel bag also comes with box. Please do your own QC. Thanks and lmk any questions.
submitted by evil-gummy-bear to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:52 xenizondich23 Kickoff to Pride Month! Engage in Vibrant Discussions, Win Amazing Prizes, and Celebrate LGBTQIA+ Spec Fic

Kickoff to Pride Month! Engage in Vibrant Discussions, Win Amazing Prizes, and Celebrate LGBTQIA+ Spec Fic
Hey everyone,
Happy Pride Month! 🌈 I'm so excited to celebrate with you all and share our lineup of engaging and thought-provoking discussions. This month, we're shining a spotlight on the incredible diversity within speculative fiction in this sub. Whether you’ve been a fan for years or are just diving in, come explore a rich tapestry of narratives that uplift and celebrate LGBTQIA+ voices with us.

Pride Month Topics and Dates

Week 1: Diverse Narratives
  • June 1 (Sat): Kickoff to Pride Month! Intro Post
  • June 3 (Mon): Gender Identity in Spec Fic: Memorable Characters and Stories
  • June 5 (Wed): Hidden Gems: Underrated LGBTQIA+ Spec Fic Books
  • June 6 (Thur): Horror with Heart: LGBTQIA+ Characters in Horror Fiction
Week 2: Diverse Relationships in Fantasy
  • June 10 (Mon): Bisexual Characters in Spec Fic: Who Are Your Favorites?
  • June 12 (Wed): Non-Binary & Trans Heroes in Spec Fic
  • June 13 (Thur): BB Bookclub Midway Discussion: Dionysus in Wisconsin by E.H. Lupton
  • June 14 (Fri): Ace / Aro Visibility and Recommendations
Week 3: Deep Dives and Analyses
  • June 17 (Mon): Science Fiction: Queer Themes in Dystopian Worlds, Post-Apocalyptic Fiction, and World-Building
  • June 19 (Wed): Celebrating Queer Love Stories in Spec Fic
  • June 21 (Fri): Queer Coding in Classic Fantasy & Exploring the Authors that Paved the Way
Week 4: Celebrating Representation
  • June 24 (Mon): Spotlight on Queer Authors & Works: Who & What Are Your Favorites?
  • June 27 (Thur): BB Bookclub Final Discussion: Dionysus in Wisconsin by E.H. Lupton
  • June 28 (Fri): Personal Impact: How Has Queer Spec Fic Influenced You?
  • June 30 (Sun): Reflecting on Pride Month & Queer Futurism: What Do You Want to See? [And announcement of Giveaway Winner(s)]
Join Us!
We encourage everyone to share their thoughts, favorite reads, and personal stories about how queer speculative fiction has impacted their lives. Discussions and posts will be made by your lovely BB Bookclub hosts [u/xenizondich23, u/eregis, and u/tiniestspoon]. All posts will be linked back to this mega thread so you can easily find the discussions again.
Giveaway Information
To make this month even more special, I am hosting a giveaway! A handful of participants who actively join our discussions with insightful, respectful, and engaging comments will be randomly selected to win some exciting prizes. Your participation not only enriches our community but also brings visibility to the diverse and inclusive world of speculative fiction. Prizes will depend a bit on where you live, but I am willing to buy a few copies of queer spec fic books to ship, or to make some fun pride themed accessories (I knit, crochet, weave, sew, embroider, etc. and love making things).
Stay tuned for more posts, and let’s make this Pride Month a celebration of diversity, inclusion, and the power of stories to bring us together.
Happy Pride Month! 🎉
submitted by xenizondich23 to u/xenizondich23 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:33 altermwim2 Reacting to random show #44: 01/22/2017 Penn’s Peak. Lots I could say, but what I’ll leave you with is “evil reggae” during Dump City

Reacting to random show #44: 01/22/2017 Penn’s Peak. Lots I could say, but what I’ll leave you with is “evil reggae” during Dump City
And that’s leaving out the acoustic intro bit! And how fuggin old school Set 2 was! Great show!
You know by now: I’m celebrating 20 personal years of knowing this band, by listening to completely randomly chosen shows (recommendations welcome!) Let’s go!!!


  • We are on acoustics, people! Starting off with one that I am not familiar with. Seems very Brendan Bayliss, though, reminding me a lot of the 30 DB stuff. [This was from Reel to Real, after checking]
  • After some words thrown the crowd’s way, they start an acoustic cover of Where Is My Mind! Beautiful.
  • BB: “Norman. Where are you? It’s your birthday. I wanted to thank you for being a great American.” And then they start the song, still on acoustics. This is likely going to be the prettiest jam of the evening, with the guitars and the piano.
  • After coming back to the song, briefly, they quietly start the Pequod. Incredibly tasteful solo out of Jake, really just nailing it.
  • Back to Great American!
  • Pony slides into Wappy Sprayberry. Crowd loses it. Acoustic guitars are gone. After the first vocal section, as Kris is coming up with his own little bit, Bayliss starts a really interesting oblique little theme counter to this. It’s too bad though, they almost immediately move on from this to something a little bit more aggressive. Cycles thru some cool A and B sections in this space. BB starts to lead back into Wappy and the final verse.
  • Immediately into the extended Believe the Lie intro. Then Lie proper. Song is pretty normal until the buildup section back into the final chorus, which stretches a bit in the best ways!
  • Joel starts something shiny on synth and if I had to guess, we are headed into Nothing Too Fancy. Yep! After several chord cycles, BB starts his intro theme and shortly after Jake follows. Perhaps spurred on by how creatively everyone is playing behind him, Bayliss’s solo has some verve! Jake’s part is more straight ahead.
  • Surprisingly segues into Syncopated Strangers!
  • In another surprise swerve after the first half of Synco, Dump City! Love that they are keeping us on our toes! In the middle of the song everything basically stops until Joel is like “hold my beer” but Pony says “hold my beer” and if there was such a thing as “evil reggae”, that’s what they are now playing. HEAVY return to Dump City!
  • End set, with N2F and Synco still floating…
  • 2x2 set opener! My all time fave UM song. This bodes well. About halfway through, they shift down a couple gears via chords changes…
  • …and there’s the bottom half of Synco! Wonderfully done. I’d love to know if the setlist was planned this way or if they decided on this during the break instead of leaving it dangling! Either way, cool.
  • The way they burst back into 2x2 is kind of making me think the latter…huge reprise!!
  • Ryan is doing something all by his lonesome after the song ends.
  • Just a teaser for August! This part of the set’s been quite old school! After the first chorus, Brendan starts up a nice sounding chord cycle. Joel and Jake really filling it out, good teamwork! Measured rise to a Jake-and-Joel peak and then back into August. Second BB soulo in a row!
  • Brendan: “Thank you all so much for coming out and making it feel like a Friday. We appreciate that! This next one goes out to [can’t hear who], you’re my spirit animal.”
  • HEAVY Robot World intro. Kris not interested in being subtle here. Fuck even the jam is heavy as hell. Joel creating some great texture. There’s a later theme that actually soothes the dynamic way down, a necessary change. You can sense the crescendo nearing though, barely contained behind Joel’s huge organ chords. Then Kris hits a cut time beat and we are in it, more of a jump than a climb. Returns to the quieter section once again - juke!
  • A sustained quiet roll on the drums gives way to Resolution! Still old school AF. With Norwegian Wood quotes! Nah make that a legit NW jam! Back to second verse. The improv refuses to stay in one place, perk world eventually starting up almost an electronic or hip hop beat. Then Joel starts up what sounds like a klaxon over some kind of secret deep sea base…what’s coming??
  • An ankle-breaking lead-in to Bad Poker by Jake is what! Haha! Jaco with the long low note on vox! Quoting Sweet Home Alabama just before his solo. This outro is absolutely, balls to the walls, badass.
  • Crowd loved it! Joel introduces Jake, who in turn provides intros for the rest of the band. Even a heartfelt shout out to the crew! Love it!
  • Divisions! Keeping with the theme I guess- wait….now we are into All in Time? What the fuck is going on?? No for real Bayliss is singing All in Time what was that Divisions business?? First open section is all Kris, nobody quite knows what to make of it, so it smooths out into something quieter, a little eerie. Builds back into the beat Kris started with only THIS time, Jaco is right there. Nobody else can find an in still - it’s kind of funny. Pony just comes in on the one for a while. This is such a fuckin’ drive! The second time they complete a kind of climbing subsection, they end directly back into the final verse of AIT. They’ve had bigger endings for sure, but it doesn’t matter because the classical section hits hard. “Thank you so much for letting us do what we do!”
  • End set
  • After the break, Joel says some heartfelt words to the crowd. I can’t hear all of them on this recording unfortunately, kind of garbled.
  • Miss Gradenko! Gotta love when they do the Police! Song opens up after the lyrics then Jake turns it into a Crazy Train jam. Oh, Jake… things start really building after that homage runs through some chord changes…
  • …yep, back to N2F for a minute to close out. BOOM! Helluva show!
Ngl, the surprises are what put this one up there for me. Love that this band is so dedicated to bringing it. Every. Single. Night!
UMtil next time!
submitted by altermwim2 to Umphreys [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:12 Auroramaki What skills would you recommend? Ayra tank build

What skills would you recommend? Ayra tank build
Hi all! I want to make my Ayra an EP tank, she's been one for a long time but it's starting to be impossible to do anything nowadays. I just got an extra Emblem Ike and I'm planning on inheriting LF4, what other skills should I give her? Her A and C skills in this picture is what her current build is. Thanks~
submitted by Auroramaki to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:47 jatslo 🎓 #NUKK aka $NUKK: 📜

🎓 #NUKK aka $NUKK: 📜
🎓 #NUKK aka $NUKK: 📜
  1. 🛒 Buy Limit Price = 0.8501 (1.00x DCAP)
  2. 🛒 Sell Limit Price = 0.8587 (1.00x DCAP)
✖️ℹ️ℹ️Ⓜ️Ⓜ️ Variables & Navigation:
submitted by jatslo to jatslo [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:11 An0nym0u547 On a scale of 1-10, Should I replace my 8 yo HDD?

It's an age old laptop.....I am planning to install Linux on it...... wondering if it will work for next 1-2 years with the HDD or Not....
submitted by An0nym0u547 to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:16 Purple_Chest One World, One Blood Bowl #46 Return to BB part 1: FUMBBL

One World, One Blood Bowl #46 Return to BB part 1: FUMBBL
Due to work and Real Life issue, One World, One Blood Bowl had to pause.
But over the next few months, things look more Blood Bowly down my endz and its time to for me to gently dip my toe back into Blood Bowl. Is it worth returning to? What's hot and what's not? So loosely theming each show around FUMBBL, Blood Bowl 3 and Table Top (ironically utterly against the entire concept of OWOBB) over the next three weeks i plan to have a good old route around Blood Bowl and Say...
'Wassup to ma Bowldem, is BB peng, basic or fire? no cap'
Oh yes, OWOBB is going to be all modern and stuff. With an exciting new logo, and... er... that's it really, it's still going to be some old bearded bloke chatting with three others about Blood Bowl. I mean, that seemed to work, so it'll be like that. But better, and 2024.
So, this Sunday, 2nd June 2024, at 9pm BST (which i think is 20:00 UTC, but don't trust me, check, 'cos i get that stuff wrong) live on:
Your panel, introduced by way of searingly current cultural reference:
PurpleChest: Jon Snow: He Knows Nothing, and had a saucy Aunt who is now dead.
Bazakastine: Sansa Stark: Long hair and ended up in charge of stuff somehow.
neilwat: Hodor: Pure of heart, gets stuff done.
Elyod: Hot Pie
So this one is going to be very chatty, centering on FUMBBL and no doubt covering Gnomes, the latest errata/FAQ/Changes and other topical musings.
Join us live, we try to include points and questions from chat, or catch the Podcast/Vodcast 24 hours later in all the usual places. YouTube, Spotify etc etc. Also the Twitch Highlight.
submitted by Purple_Chest to bloodbowl [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 08:23 Significant-Tower146 Best 270 Hunting Rifle

Best 270 Hunting Rifle
Get ready to embark on an exciting journey as we explore the world of hunting rifles. In this article, we're diving deep into the 270 Hunting Rifle, a popular choice among avid hunters. From its powerful features to its versatile capabilities, we'll uncover the ins and outs of this exceptional rifle. So sit back, relax, and get ready for some thrilling insights.

The Top 13 Best 270 Hunting Rifle

  1. Authentic Western 410 Double Barrel Shotgun - The Denix Replicas 1853 Civil War Enfield Rifle combines the accuracy of the original 1853 Enfield revolver and the historical allure of the American Civil War, crafted as a standout piece for Civil War enthusiasts or collectors.
  2. Authentic Tubular Magazine Lever-Action Repeating Rifle Replica - Non-Firing - Bring home a piece of the Old West with this non-firing M1866 Lever-Action Repeating Rifle, featuring a gray finish, wooden stock, and the iconic lever-action loading system that made it a legend.
  3. Denix 1860 Henry Repeating Rifle Brass Finish Frame - Experience the thrill of the Old West with the Denix 1030L, a brass finish lever action rifle that captures the spirit of the 1860 Henry Repeating Rifle.
  4. Accurate M16A1 Non-Firing Airsoft Gun Replica - Experience authentic M16A1 action with the Denix 1133 Non Firing Replica, perfect for Airsoft enthusiasts.
  5. Non-Firing Winchester Lever-Action Reproducible Rifle - Get your hands on the exquisite Winchester 1873 Lever-Action Repeating Non Firing Rifle, featuring an engraved silver finish receiver and octagonal barrel, for an unmatched shooting experience that's both realistic and safe.
  6. Historical French Carbine Rifle Replica with 28.75" Barrel Length - Experience the power of history with the Denix Replicas 1037 French Carbine Rifle Replica, a perfect piece for collectors and enthusiasts alike.
  7. Camo Kentucky Toy Rifle from Parris Manufacturing Company - The Parris Camo Kentucky Toy Rifle, inspired by the U.S. Army and Navy training rifles, features a camouflage print and authentic one-piece wood stock for an immersive playtime experience.
  8. Authentic 18th Century Kentucky Rifle Replica for Outdoor Enthusiasts - Experience the accuracy and elegance of the past with the Denix 1138 Kentucky Rifle Replica - a piece of American history in your hands.
  9. Kid-safe wooden BB gun toy - Golden Ranger design - The Parris Toys Golden Ranger Toy Rifle, featuring an 1866 Lever Action design, is crafted from wood and golden steel metal, measuring 28 inches long with a full orange tip for safety - making it the perfect choice for kids who love BB guns.
  10. Vintage Kentucky Long Rifle with Rifled Bore - Ideal for Hunting Enthusiasts - Experience the legacy of American frontier heroism with the classic Denix Kentucky Long Rifle: a rare combination of historical accuracy and modern functionality in a limited edition 243 Semi Auto Rifle.
  11. Vintage Camo Hunting Toy Rifle for Halloween Costumes - Experience the thrill of the jungle with this authentic-looking Jungle Kombatter Rifle, perfect for your military or hunting costume this Halloween!
  12. Ravin R29X Sniper Crossbow Package for Unrivaled Hunting Experience - Experience the thrill of high-speed sniping with the Ravin R29X Sniper Crossbow Package, featuring an outstanding 450 FPS velocity and sleek design for unmatched precision and comfort.
  13. Vintage-Inspired Winchester Rubber Band Rifle with Rugged Wood Finish - Experience the thrill of shooting with the Magnum 1873 Winchester Rubber Band Rifle, perfect for target practice or cosplay, and recommended for ages 14+ with adult supervision.
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🔗Authentic Western 410 Double Barrel Shotgun
When I first came across the Denix Replicas 1067 1853 Civil War Enfield Rifle, its authentic design and historical significance piqued my interest. As a history enthusiast, I was excited to have this replica in my possession. The craftsmanship of the wooden and metal construction was impressive, capturing the essence of the era. However, my excitement soon turned into a slight disappointment when I realized that the rifle was just for decoration and didn't shoot.
Despite this minor setback, the replica's ability to transport me back in time and provide me with a tangible connection to history was a positive aspect. The attention to detail and the dedication to preserving its historical significance made the Enfield Rifle a worthwhile addition to my collection. It's a great conversation starter and a visually stunning piece to display in any room.
Nonetheless, I can understand how some collectors might be put off by the fact that the rifle is non-functional. While it doesn't impact the overall design and quality of the product, it may be a deciding factor for those looking for a functional replica. Overall, the Denix Replicas 1853 Civil War Enfield Rifle is an accurate and visually stunning representation of a bygone era, making it a valuable addition for any history enthusiast's collection.

🔗Authentic Tubular Magazine Lever-Action Repeating Rifle Replica - Non-Firing

I've had the opportunity to use the M1866 Lever-Action Repeating Rifle myself, and I have to say, it's a real piece of history. The gun has such a powerful presence, it demands attention wherever you put it up. The gray finish certainly adds an antique touch, and the wooden stock is both sturdy and aesthetically pleasing.
One of my favorite aspects of this replica is the lever-action mechanism. It works just like the original, giving you a feel of the Old West right in your own home. And even though it's a non-firing version, it perfectly demonstrates how the loading system works.
However, there's one thing I would change. At 38 3/4 inches, it's quite a large piece to handle. Despite its grandeur, it can feel a bit unwieldy at times. But overall, this M1866 is a remarkable replica that captures the essence of the legend.

🔗Denix 1860 Henry Repeating Rifle Brass Finish Frame
The Denix 1030L Old West Lever Action with a brass finish frame is a captivating replica of the Henry Repeating Rifle, a revolutionary design from the Civil War era. Standing at an impressive 42.5 inches long, this rifle has its original tubular magazine system and 24-inch octagonal barrel that once held 15 rounds of. 44 caliber metal cartridges.
The brass finish frame adds an authentic touch to this historical weapon and offers a robust feel when held. However, one must remember that although it looks and feels the part, it lacks the necessary components for actual firepower.
It serves as a striking conversation piece or a nostalgic reminder of the Old West, but it comes with its own set of challenges as well. Overall, the Denix 1030L offers a blend of history, aesthetics, and a bit of a learning curve for enthusiasts who appreciate the craftsmanship of the past.

🔗Accurate M16A1 Non-Firing Airsoft Gun Replica
As an airsoft enthusiast, I've had the chance to try out the Denix 1133 M16A1 Rifle Replica. It's a solid piece of equipment, reminiscent of the iconic military rifle used back in the 60s to the 80s.
One thing that immediately caught my attention was its attention to detail - it honestly feels like a real weapon with its working mechanisms. However, one downside that I've noticed is that it's non-firing, which might be a disappointment for some who are looking for a more interactive experience. Overall, though, it has been a great addition to my airsoft collection, and I look forward to using it more in upcoming games.

🔗Non-Firing Winchester Lever-Action Reproducible Rifle
Recently, I had the opportunity to try out this replica Winchester 1873 rifle. As someone who appreciates the craftsmanship that goes into these reproductions, I was pleasantly surprised by the detail and weight of this piece. Holding it, you can feel the authenticity of the design, with its engraved silver finish and octagonal barrel that harkens back to a time when guns were crafted with precision.
However, one thing that stood out in my experience was the non-functioning mechanism. As a replica, it's expected that you can't actually fire it, but I was a bit disappointed that you couldn't simulate the loading process either. Other than that, I think it's an excellent addition to any collection, be it for aesthetic purposes or for use in photoshoots or performances. It certainly adds a touch of authenticity to any setting, and with its sturdy construction, it will likely last quite a while.

🔗Historical French Carbine Rifle Replica with 28.75" Barrel Length
The Denix Replicas 1037 French Carbine Rifle Replica is a fascinating piece to have in your collection. This miniature 1763 Charleville musket replica, crafted in a carbine style, is a perfect representation of the original weapon that made a considerable impact during the Revolutionary War. Standing tall at an overall length of 45 inches and boasting a 28.75-inch barrel, this remarkable replica exudes the look and feel of the genuine article.
From my personal experience, I was genuinely captivated by its meticulous attention to detail - from the flintlock mechanism to the wood finish. It was an absolute delight to hold and examine closely, making it an excellent addition to any history or weapon enthusiast's collection.
However, the size might be somewhat challenging for individuals with smaller displays or limited storage space. Nonetheless, this seemingly small inconvenience doesn't outweigh the satisfaction one would get from owning such a historically significant and well-crafted piece.
Overall, the Denix Replicas 1037 French Carbine Rifle Replica is a must-have for anyone interested in exploring the rich tapestry of weapons history.

🔗Camo Kentucky Toy Rifle from Parris Manufacturing Company
I recently got my hands on the Parris Camo Kentucky Toy Rifle, and let me tell you, it's a fun addition to my collection of retro toys. The camouflage print adds a modern touch while still maintaining that classic feel. The one-piece wood stock and painted steel barrel give it a sturdy feel.
One thing I noticed is that the rifle can shoot caps one at a time for some realistic sounds. It might take a bit of effort to load each cap, but it's all part of the experience. The length of the rifle, 37.5 inches, gives it a considerable presence.
While I enjoy the Camo Big Game Musket, it could be a bit challenging for younger kids to handle due to its size. But overall, it's a fun toy that brings back memories of simpler times.

🔗Authentic 18th Century Kentucky Rifle Replica for Outdoor Enthusiasts
I was able to get my hands on the Denix 1138 Kentucky Rifle Replica, and let me tell you, it's a beauty. With its historical accuracy and intricate details, it really takes you back to the late 1700s.
The shorter version makes it perfect for my home, and it's quite impressive how far off the shot would have been without the "rifled" bore design! . However, I wish it could come with some additional safety features, as some of the moving parts are quite sensitive and may be accident-prone. Nonetheless, the Denix 1138 Kentucky Rifle Replica is definitely a standout for any history enthusiast or collector.

🔗Kid-safe wooden BB gun toy - Golden Ranger design
Imagine sitting around the campfire with your little band of Wild West wannabes, sharing stories of long-gone adventures under a sea of stars. In the center of it all, a shiny golden piece of equipment gleams next to a crackling fire. Your child's eyes light up like an old miner, eager to embark on this fantastical journey. That's the magic of the Parris Toys Golden Ranger Toy Rifle for Kids.
Crafted with precision, this toy has a rich, deep-golden luster that would make the likes of famous frontiersmen like Wyatt Earp or Pat Garrett green with envy. Made of both wood and golden steel, this eye-catching piece exudes an endearing mix of sturdiness and allure. At 28 inches, it's a substantial toy that has an air of seriousness, perfect for your young gunslinger.
This cap rifle features a full orange tip, making it federally regulated and less likely to cause accidents during playtime. However, the lever action has room for improvement. While it's realistic-looking, it doesn't actually do much, making the action feel a bit inadequate. Nonetheless, for the intended purpose, the functionality of firing the caps works perfectly fine.
In terms of reviews, it has received mostly positive feedback, with many parents expressing satisfaction with their purchase. The design appears to impress kids, while the wooden and metal combination gives it a sturdy feel. Some, however, have flagged the toy as cheaply made, which could be disheartening, considering its price.
In my humble opinion, the Golden Ranger Toy Rifle can be a fantastic addition to your little one's cowboy collection. Its charm lies in its combination of style, durability, and a touch of old-western flair. Despite the concerns about the lever action and potential breakability, many seem to appreciate its overall quality and appeal. So, gather your gang and let's embark on this exciting journey together!

🔗Vintage Kentucky Long Rifle with Rifled Bore - Ideal for Hunting Enthusiasts
The Denix Kentucky Long Rifle is a replica of an iconic firearm from the late 1700s, originally designed and built in Pennsylvania. It had a significant role in the Revolutionary War and continued to be popular until the 19th century, becoming synonymous with figures like Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett. The Kentucky rifle was one of the first to feature a "rifled" bore, making it more accurate for its time.
My personal experience with this product has been a mixed bag. On the one hand, I found the Kentucky Long Rifle to be an incredibly accurate replica, complete with a smooth, realistic feel. It's an impressive conversation starter and adds a bit of authenticity to my display. The build quality is excellent, and it looks as close to the original as you can get.
However, I've had some issues with the reliability and durability of the product. On a few occasions, the rifle arrived in less than optimal condition, with broken parts that made it difficult or impossible to fix without further damaging the item. This made me question the overall quality control of the manufacturer.
In conclusion, the Denix Kentucky Long Rifle is undoubtedly a beautiful and historically accurate replica. If you can manage to get a well-maintained unit, it's definitely worth the investment. But, buyers beware: there have been reports of broken and poorly-made units, so it's important to be diligent and possibly consider purchasing in-person to ensure the product is up to standard.

🔗Vintage Camo Hunting Toy Rifle for Halloween Costumes
The Jungle Kombatter Rifle is a perfect addition to your Halloween costume collection. With a wood body painted green and camo stripes, this rifle stands out. The extended barrel is black, while the end and grip are bright orange, making this rifle both stylish and realistic.
Its adjustable strap allows you to carry it effortlessly. Best of all, it makes exciting clicking sounds when you pull the trigger! . Add it to your military or hunter costume for a complete look.

🔗Ravin R29X Sniper Crossbow Package for Unrivaled Hunting Experience
Trying out the Ravin R29X Sniper Package was like stepping into a new realm of precision hunting. The fully-integrated Silent Cocking System made every pull a breeze, and the Adjustable Turret Scope allowed for quick and easy yardage adjustments. The unparalleled velocity of 450 FPS proved its speed and accuracy, while the ergonomic grip offered great control without sacrificing comfort.
The only downside was its weight, at a slight 6.75 pounds, but that didn't hold me back when I needed to unleash my inner sniper.

🔗Vintage-Inspired Winchester Rubber Band Rifle with Rugged Wood Finish
The Magnum 1873 Winchester Rubberband Rifle is a nostalgic nod to the past, inspired by "The Gun that Won the West. " It mirrors the versatility and popularity of the original, making it a must-have for any cowboy-themed adventure. With a 28.5" gun length and a rubber band stretch of 16.5", this toy provides a fun, safe shooting experience for kids and adults alike.
Though the ammunition isn't included, it's compatible with our BLUE rubber band ammunition, adding an extra layer of authenticity. Proudly made in the USA, this wooden rifle is not just a toy, but a piece of history that can be passed down for generations.

Buyer's Guide

With a wide variety of hunting rifles available, the 270 Winchester remains a popular and versatile choice. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or a novice shooter, this semiauto rifle is designed to meet your needs. However, to get the most out of your investment, there are several factors you should consider before making your purchase.

Caliber and Accuracy
The 270 Winchester caliber is a powerful, yet relatively lightweight option for hunting big game. Ensuring that the bullet you choose is accurate and well-suited to your prey is crucial. The most popular choices include the Whitetail Hunter, Big Game, and Black Belt varieties. Research and choose the bullet that offers the best balance between speed, penetration, and accuracy for your specific hunting situation.

Barrel Length

The ideal barrel length for a 270 hunting rifle can vary depending on your preferences and the size of the game you are hunting. Generally, longer barrels offer more stability, accuracy, and range, but they can also be heavier and harder to carry over long distances. Consider the type of hunting you will be doing and choose the barrel length that best fits your needs.

Stock Design

Choosing the right stock design is essential for recoil management and comfort during extended hunting sessions. Stock materials, such as plastic or wood, can impact durability, weight, and the overall feel of the rifle. Adequate padding and checkering on the stock's surface can help maintain your grip during recoil. Consider these factors when selecting the right stock for your 270 hunting rifle.

Scope and Sight

Whether you prefer open or closed scopes, selecting the right sight for your 270 rifle is vital for precision and accuracy. Factors to consider include the reticle type, magnification, and optical quality. Consider the terrain and distance you'll be hunting when selecting the right sight for your rifle.

Maintenance and Durability

Hunting can take a toll on your equipment, so it's essential to invest in a 270 rifle that can withstand the wear and tear of the outdoors. Choose materials that are resistant to moisture, extreme temperatures, and UV rays. Consider the level of maintenance required for the rifle, such as cleaning and oiling, to ensure it functions smoothly and accurately over time.

Price and Features
When purchasing a hunting rifle, it's important to consider the price and features that are most important to you. Many mid-price range 270 rifles offer high-quality performance and durability without breaking the bank. Research various models to find the balance between features and cost that works best for your budget.


What is a 270 hunting rifle?

A 270 hunting rifle is a type of firearm specifically designed for hunting purposes. It is chambered for the. 270 Winchester cartridge, which is a versatile and powerful round that can be used for a variety of game, including deer, elk, and antelope.

What are the benefits of using a 270 hunting rifle?

A 270 hunting rifle offers a number of benefits, including:
  • Versatility: The. 270 Winchester cartridge is suitable for a wide range of game, making it a popular choice among hunters.
  • Power and accuracy: The 270 hunting rifle is known for its accuracy and stopping power, making it an effective choice for hunters who want to ensure a clean and quick kill.
  • Versatile ammunition options: The. 270 Winchester cartridge is available in a variety of bullet types and weights, allowing hunters to customize their load to suit their specific needs.

Are there different types of 270 hunting rifles?

Yes, there are several different types of 270 hunting rifles, including bolt-action, semi-automatic, and lever-action models. Each type offers its own unique advantages and features, so it's important to choose the one that best suits your needs and preferences.

What features should I look for in a 270 hunting rifle?

When selecting a 270 hunting rifle, consider the following features:
  • Accuracy: A hunting rifle should be accurate and reliable, even when shooting at long distances.
  • Durability: A high-quality hunting rifle should be built to last, with rugged materials and a solid construction.
  • Ergonomics: The rifle should fit comfortably in your hands and be easy to handle, even after extended periods of use.
  • Aesthetics: While not a necessity, many hunters appreciate a rifle that looks good and is well-suited to their personal style.

What is the best 270 hunting rifle for the money?

The best 270 hunting rifle for the money will vary depending on your specific needs, preferences, and budget. It's important to do your research and compare different models to find the one that offers the best combination of features and value.

What is the average cost of a 270 hunting rifle?

The cost of a 270 hunting rifle can vary widely, depending on factors such as brand, build quality, and features. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $300 to $1,500 or more for a quality 270 hunting rifle.

Where can I find reviews for 270 hunting rifles?

To find reviews for 270 hunting rifles, you can search online retailers such as Bass Pro Shops, Cabela's, and Amazon. You can also check hunting forums and websites, such as GunBroker. com and HuntingRifleForums. com, for user reviews and feedback.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:02 catpilled_af Modded bug that makes zombies become naked after being killed (Multiplayer)

Hi, my gf and I are hosting a multiplayer server for us and whenever we kill zombies, they become naked. At first it seemed to be a problem with the first responders mod, so we disabled it, but the zombies are still fully nude after they are killed. We'd appreciate some help with figure out what is causing it. Thanks
Mods=modoptions;tsarslib;TKS;damnlib;49powerWagon;59meteor;63beetle;63Type2Van;67commando;67gt500;69camaro;69mini;69mini_PitbullSpecial;70dodge;70barracuda;74amgeneralM151A2;75grandPrix;76chevyKseries;78amgeneralM35A2;78amgeneralM49A2C;78amgeneralM50A3;78amgeneralM62;81deloreanDMC12;82jeepJ10;82jeepJ10LFS_NoVanilla;82oshkoshM911;83amgeneralM923;84gageV300;84merc;85merc;86fordE150;86fordE150LFS_NoVanilla;86oshkoshP19A;87buickRegal;87chevySuburban;87fordB700;87toyotaMR2;88chevyS10;89dodgeCaravan;89fordBronco;89trooper;90fordF350ambulance;90pierceArrow;91geoMetro;91range;92amgeneralM998;92nissanGTR;92fordCVPI;93chevySuburban;93fordElgin;93fordF350;93mustangSSP;93townCar;93fordTaurus;99fordCVPI;97bushmaster;MCM;4ColorBicPen;agrotsar;blkt_fonts;AllMushroomsModels;blkt_invtrack;LitSortOGSN;AnotherPlayersOnMinimap;Arsenal(26)GunFighter[MAIN MOD 2.0];AuthenticAnimations;autotsartrailers;BecomeDesensitized;VISIBLE_BACKPACK_BACKGROUND;BarricadeHurtZombies;BetterBatteries;DecayedCorpses;BetterFlashlights;ProfessionFrameworkB41Patch;nbrc;BetterSortCC;Betterhandwash;BiofuelPlus;blankets;SM4BootsExpanded;BoredomTweaks;Brita_2;Brita;FancyHandwork;BulletproofVestsUnderClothing;CanRepairDoors;chonker;CanteensAndBottles;CleanDirt;cleanashes;CollectibleCarsfhq;CollectibleCarsLoreFriendlyMZfhq;ContainerTooltips;CCSFixed;darkerMap;DLTS;Diederiks Tile Palooza;digworms;EasyConfigChucked;DylansTiles;eris_nightvision_goggles;waterPipes;DRAW_ON_MAP;TchernoLib;diveThroughWindows;EasyPacking;IMWSEnergyDrinks;PictureThis;EntertainYourself;EQUIPMENT_UI;EveryKatanaXSheaths;ExpandedHelicopterEvents;en91Legacy;radialmenuapi;FWOFitnessWorkoutOverhaul;FWOBenchPress&Treadmill;FireResistence;FixCapacityOverlap;FixFloor;FixTooltipLag;FixInsidePlayerBuilding;FH;ForagingZ;FunctionalAppliances2;fuelsideindicator;BetterContainers;GenRange;GeneratorTimeRemaining;GetUpQuick;BION_DropBags;GunSuicide;GunFighter_Radial_Menu;HHComplexion;IMightNeedALighter;Improved_Fire_And_Smoke_Ffects;improvedhairmenu;ImprovedProjectile;Improved_Blood_Ffects;ImprovisedBandage;IndustrialOvenFix;invisibledenimpatches;invisibleleatherpatches;invisiblesheetpatches;TheStar;ItemStories_Framework;ItemStories_PillowsOnBeds;ItemStories_PropaneTanksInGarages;ItemStories_RoomLoot;TMC_Trolley;ItemStories_ZupercartsTrolleys;ItemTweakerAPI;ItemTweakerAPIExtraClothingAddon;jumpThroughWindows;KI5VehiclesLF;KitdeCostura;KillCount;KeyRing's;Ladders;Lifestyle;LightSwitchOverhaul;LingeringReflexes;Lingering Voices;MaDZombieLoot;MaintenanceImprovesRepair;MakePaths;LongStandingMetalConstructions;MapLegendUI;P4MedicalMeister;MediumProgressIndicator;melos_tiles_for_miles_pack;MiniHealthPanel;MoodleFramework;MoonshineMod;DG_MIVehicles;MorePlushies;MoreSmokes;More_Zombie_Death_Animations;MoreZombieDeathSounds;MultipleGenerators;truemusic;MusicfortheEndOP;MutiesContextMenuIcons;Named Literature;NepBatteryColor;NMWTP;NoVanillaVehicles;nattachments;noirblacksling;noirrsling;BB_Foraging;OutTheWindow;serellanpillowsleep;HarmonicaLS;PwSleepingbags;MilPoncho;tkTiles_01;PertsPartyTiles;BB_SecureAccess;ugPHP;Kaldo_RadioFrequencyManager;RainCleansBlood;RainWash;ReactiveSoundEvents;ReduceLagofCraftingMenu;ReducedWoodWeight2x41;ReLght;ReloadAllMagazines;RemoveDebris;RenameContainers;REORDER_CONTAINERS;ReorderDuplicatesByCondition;REORDER_THE_HOTBAR;SheetRopeClimbingJumping;RoundPlushies;sapphcooking;ServingPlates;ServingPlatesBS;shine_together;SimpleOverhaulTraitsAndOccupations;SimpleRetexturesMakeup;SkillRecoveryJournal;Skizots Visible Boxes and Garbage2;RepairWallCracksExtended;SleepWithFriends;SmokingSoundsOverhaul;Smoker;AwesomeTime;TieOnSpearheads;spiffotradingcards;SplitItems;SpnCloth;SpnClothHideFix;SpnHair;SpnHairAPI;SpnOpenCloth;stack_all_41;StalkerLifestyleAddon;StaIte;DropRollMod;TEDSKINFIX;SwapIt;AnimSync;TsarcraftCache2;tailoringfix41;TakeAnyAmount;BastardSword;TheEngineer;Threads;P4TidyUpMeister;TPAM;TreesHaveLoot;TrueCrouching;TMC_TrueActions;TrueActionsDancing;TrueActionsDancingVHS;TrueActions4Talking;UnderCoverOfDarkness;KI5CraftingUnifiedUpdated;82jeepJ10LFS;mrnvsbhltr;mrnvsbhltr_Optimized;WalkieTalkieModelsB41;WaterDispenser;WearableLeashes;WeldingGoggles;wellsConstruction;MattSimpleAddonsFriuts;WorkingMasks;wringclothes;BB_WriteOnWorld;YakiHR;YakiHSBasegameTexture;AkyFingersFem;AkyFingers;ArsenalOpenAmmoWalk;KAMER_RepairWall;addTransferItemSounds;addForceRespawnToCar;rSex;zReBetterLockpicking;QNW_QNWLibrary;ChangeSandBox;STowTruck;simpleStatus;ETO_FPS;SpiffUI-Inv;SUI_Theme;SpiffUI-Rads;BrutalHandwork;KnownAndCollected;CatsReadMod;Sheath on thigh;TLOULevelUpSound;gamenight;gamenight_Catan;gamenight_Monopoly;gamenight_Uno;TheyKnew;NestedContainer01;Respawn;NightVisionChucked;HomemadeConcretePlasterPowder;HomemadePaints;CoolBag;ProximityInventory
submitted by catpilled_af to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:21 oluwa83 Simcity Buildit Mayor's Pass Season 42 - Route 66 (Summer Road Trip) - Tiers, rewards and points per tier / Additional info on War Vu-pass and the planning of future seasons and design events

The following list gives an overview for the 42nd Mayor's Pass Season Route 66 - Summer Road Trip, of Simcity Buildit, which runs for 4 weeks, starting on Wednesday 29nd of May 2024. The Mayor's Pass has 38 tiers for the free and premium passes. The premium-plus pass, which was introduced during season 21, has 48 tiers.
A premium pass or a premium-plus pass can be bought at any moment during the season. When the season ends, the option to buy is closed at the same moment.
When buying a premium pass, the player has to choose between the 'basic" premium pass and the premium-plus pass. It is not possible to "upgrade" from a premium pass to a premium-plus pass once the premium pass has been bought.
Buying a premium pass or a premium-plus pass will immediately unlock all premium/plus rewards of the tiers that already have been finished at the moment of buying. The premium plus pass will also unlock the next 5 tiers (for more specific info: read the premium plus section).
The first 16 seasons were officially numbered. Uptil season 16 the reward items in the mayor's pass specialisation section were numbered according to their original seasons. Since the 17th season these numbers have disappeared. Instead of the season number the name of the season is now shown in the building information.
The unique new reward buildings are indicated in bold in the rewards columns.
Most of the rewards are the same but less in quantity compared to the rewards prior to Mayor's Season 34.
The number of unique new buildings from the free pass has steadily gone down since the mayor's passes were originally introduced.
The free pass gave 10 unique new buildings in the first 2 seasons. From season 3 to 6, the free pass gave 5 unique new buildings. From Season 7 to 10, the free pass only gave 4 unique new buildings. From Season 11 to 33, the free pass only gave 3 unique new buildings. Now, you can only get 2 free unique new buildings.
Tier points
It is my assumption that this season will feature the same set of tier points as the last pass. This set of tier points was introduced in Season 34: Tokyo.
The list contains the number of plumbob points that are needed for each tier and the rewards from the free pass, the premium pass and the premium-plus pass.
Double points week
*During a Double points week, the regular assignments as well as the milestone tasks give double points. In Mayor's Passes prior to Season 34, there was a "double points week" in the 6th week (which only lasted 5 days for 6-week passes because the season ends when the 6th CoM week ends). Since Mayor's Pass Season 34, the double points week happens during the 4th week. *
Lightning CoM week
During season 25 there was a "Lightning CoM week" in week 5 for the first time: each CoM lasted 48 hours, and there were 3 CoM's during this week. Each CoM had 20 tasks less than the usual amount, and the targets for the milestones were lower (as well as the points for the milestones). But adding those 3 CoM's together, there were more tasks to complete and more points from milestones to gain, than during a regular week.
The Lightning CoM week wasn't repeated during seasons 26 and 28. Lightning CoM weeks did return in the 5th week during seasons 27 en 29, this time with 2 CoM's that each lasted 72 hours. In season 27 the second Lightning CoM had double points; probably due to a mistake by the developers.
Free and premium pass
In the table below, "tier points" indicate the number of plumbob points needed to get to the indicated tier from the previous tier. "Total points" gives the number of plumbob points from start upto the indicated tier.
Calculation for the weekly average points: The "weekly av." number indicates what your weekly plumbob points score should be if you want to reach that tier by the end of the season. Taking a double point week into consideration, in order to get to tier 38, you will need 86k during the first 3 weeks and 172k in the final week.
Premium-plus pass
There is no weekly average calculated for the tiers of the premium-plus pass, because the average that you need depends on when you buy the premium-plus pass.
Buying it at the start of the season will let you advance the first 5 tiers (14,000 points). Buying the premium-plus pass at a later moment will let you advance 5 tiers from your position at the moment of buying.
When you don't buy the pass when you have reached tier 38, you will still accumulate points but you no longer advance in tiers. Buying the premium-plus pass after reaching tier 38 will first advance you to tier 43. Then the extra points that you may have got after tier 38 will be taken into account and (if you have enough) will advance you further in the tiers.
Going from tier 38 to tier 43 will only save you 104k points. It is more profitable to buy the premium-plus pass when you have completed tier 33. That will bring you to tier 38, saving 138,500k points.
Taking a double points week into account, you need 131,700 weekly and 263,400 during the double points week to reach tier 48, when you buy the premium-plus pass at the start of the season. When you buy it immediately after having completed tier 33, you need 107k weekly and 214k during the double points week to finish tier 48.~~
Additional info
- Pictures of the Mayor's Pass buildings in this season (42) can be viewed in the Mayor's Pass or City Album. Most of the older buildings in the game can be viewed here:
- The new season was discussed in [this topic] (
- A video of the new buildings in this season (42) and other upcoming buildings can be found here.
- An updated chart of the War Vu - pass tier points can be found here. The Vu-pass tiers were changed during Mayor's Pass season 28.
- The most likely future planning for upcoming seasons, design events and war vu-pass periods till the end of 2024 can be found here
Tier Tier points Total points Weekly av. (based on four weeks without double points week) Free pass rewards Premium and premium-plus pass rewards
1 2000 2000 <600 3000 simoleons Blue Llama Market
2 3000 5000 1,250 (This was a new reward building uptil season 34) 250 SimCash
3 3000 8000 2,000 City Expansion Deed
4 3000 11,000 2,750 10 Temporary Storage Boost 2500 NeoSimoleons
5 3000 14,000 3,500 15,000 Simoleons
6 3000 17,000 4,250 Flip-Flop Motel 10 Temporary Storage Boost
7 4000 21,000 5,250 15 Platinum Keys
8 4200 25,200 6,300 20 SimCash 500 Regional Simoleons
9 4400 29,600 7,400 2000 War Simoleons
10 5,100 34,700 8,675 3 Llama Speed-Up Tokens (This was a new reward building from season 3-33)
11 4900 39,600 9,900 Random Landscape Building (This was a new reward building uptil season 10) 10 Golden Tickets
12 5000 44,600 11,150 Beach Expansion Deed
13 5400 50,000 12,500 Deed: Mountain Expansion 3 of each Vu Item
14 5800 55,800 13,950 10 Tentacle Vortex War Cards
15 6000 61,800 15,450 60% Sale on SimCash 25 Golden Keys
16 6500 68,300 17,075 3 of each Storage Item
17 7500 75,800 18,950 Random Landscape Building 500 Soda Stop
18 6900 82,700 20,675 10 Temporary Storage Boost
19 8100 90,800 22,700 Item Box (3 diff. War Items) 5 Cheetah Speed-Up Tokens (this was a new reward building in seasons 3-33)
20 9000 99,800 24,950 (this was a new reward building in the seasons 3 - 6 and seasons 11-33) 8,000 NeoSimoleons
21 9200 109,000 27,250 Silver War Chest 3000 Regional Simoleons
22 9500 118,500 29,625 1 of each War Item
23 10,000 128,500 32,125 Random Landscape Building 25 Platinum Keys
24 12,000 140,500 35,125 6 of each Expansion Item
25 12,500 153,000 38,250 2 of each Expansion Item 40 Fishaster War Cards
26 13,000 166,000 41,500 5 of each Beach Item
27 14,000 180,000 45,000 5 Golden Tickets Blue Butterfly Motel
28 13,000 193,000 48,250 15 Golden Keys
29 17,000 210,000 52,500 Random Landscape Building 24,000 NeoSimoleons (this was a new reward building uptil season 34)
30 18,000 228,000 57,000 (this was a new reward building uptil season 10) 15 Temporary Storage Boost
31 14,500 242,500 60,625 5 Common War Cards 60,000 Simoleons
32 23,000 265,500 66,375 5 of each Storage Item
33 25,500 291,000 72,750 15 Golden Keys Deed: City Expansion
34 25,500 316,500 79,125 10 Golden Tickets
35 26,000 342,500 85,625 UFO Estate 45 Platinum Keys
36 27,000 369,500 92,375 25 Platinum Keys 13 Cheetah Speed-Up Tokens
37 29,000 398,500 99,625 10,000 War Simoleons
38 31,000 429,500 107,375 550 SimCash Cucamonga Station
Premium-plus pass extra rewards
39+ 18,000 447,500 10 Golden Tickets (this was a new reward building uptil season 34)
40+ 19,000 466,500 (this was a new reward building uptil season 34) 10x3 Mountain Items
41+ 21,000 487,500 10 Cheetah Speed-Up Tokens
42+ 21,000 508,500 3000 Regional Simoleons
43+ 25,000 533,500 16,000 NeoSimoleons
44+ 25,000 558,500 7 of each Expansion Item
45+ 27,000 585,500 30 Platinum Keys
46+ 27,000 612,500 10 Blizzaster War Cards
47+ 30,000 642,500 25 Golden Keys
48+ 30,000 672,500 12,000 War Simoleons
submitted by oluwa83 to SCBuildIt [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:39 altermwim2 Reacting to random show #43: 03/19/2011 in Tempe AZ. Just a fantastic show. I highly recommend you listen.

Reacting to random show #43: 03/19/2011 in Tempe AZ. Just a fantastic show. I highly recommend you listen.
Seriously, find it! Higgins, GA, the entire ending from August thru 1348 - this is the everyday throwdown more people don’t talk about!!!
:: AHEM :: My favorite band! For 20 years! Random shows! Let’s go!


  • Mulche’s Odyssey. HEAVY opener! Typical extension of the post-lyrics theme, running it through all sorts of key changes, still HEAVY af. Rapidfire harmonics outline this next improv section, but Stasik and Kris are the ones really dialed in. Dynamics get real low and things begin to sound mysterious… A slight build back to a normal peak but then another left to keep tension rising…now back into Mulche’s proper ending!
  • “How you guys doing out there? It’s been 5 and a half years since we’ve been in this room. We’ll make it up to you tonight”
  • Higgins. SIR! Always welcome, especially if they are about to make it straaaange. Yep there it is! It’s kind of got a cool punk/new wave thing going. Big angular chords out of Jake like he’s in the Police or something. Kris keeping an incredibly driving beat in 4 going through all of these different movements. Got DAMN does this reach a peak! Breaks like a wave and now everyone is regrouping. A slight return to that new wave type theme from early in the jam, everything real soft. Back into Higgins’ second verse. Jake taking off to the stratosphere on this solo! What an effort!
  • “Andy Farag got to see his beloved White Sox today.” Cue Joel talking about the Cubs as well, to general booing from the AZ crowd. Haha
  • Conduit up next! A natural extension of the bridge becomes the open canvas, upon which they start to paint methodically. Slowly back into Conduit. I really dig this slow in, slow out that they accomplished here. Makes the whole thing seamless.
  • Brendan and Joel showing love to Big Gigantic, they bring Dominic up on stage for what’s next.
  • Great American! GA with sax is a whole nother beast! Barely even begins before improv starts. He’s a good listener, cottons on to Joel’s business real quick. Most straight ahead jazzy vamp I think I’ve ever heard out of them, and then back into Great American!
  • Music ramps up into Pipeline for a little bit. Kris all over the kit. Now Jake starts outlining chords in an aggressive way while BB’s more doing the Pink Floyd soft arpeggios. Dominic back in the mix.
  • BACK into Great American! I thought it was already over! Always a surprise in store!
  • You just know Brendan’s in a good mood when they bust out Beatles - I’ve Got a Feeling! Crowd’s got to be feelin it too at this point!
  • During the break, Jake fucks around with something in a rag style…
  • …then crash through the walls with a sloppy 40s Theme intro! Haha. Joel is right in the middle of some cool stuff and they stop absolutely cold to sing Happy Birthday to Robbie Williams. Try getting back into the flow of the song after that! Joel’s right back in it though. Killer beat outta Kris.
  • “Alright it’s recess.” End set! HEATER!
  • House music was Welcome to the Machine as they came back on. Big evil 1348 kickoff. The minute the vocals end, Stasik holds down a very solid beat over like a march/shuffle. Secondary theme pops up within this beat that climbs up the scale about five notes. Things gets a lot funkier. Energy VERY high. After the vibe simmers way down, they quietly reach into the pocket for…
  • …Walletsworth! Great 1-2 punch! They make the final bars true babymaking music, thanks to Joel. Crowd loved it!
  • Stasik hits some notes and we are Running With the Devil! I swear they have this crowd in the palm of their hand.
  • Prrrrrowler… Jaco throws an Ain’t Talkin Bout Love run in the intro, as we’ve already sampled Van Halen.
  • Resolves directly into Thin Air, great juxtaposition of dynamics there. Joel has been throwing down this entire show so far and I am here for it! Andy featuring back there in perk world. Before Bayliss submits his own weirdness. Then Jake is off to what I can only describe as the jazz races. Then BB makes it weird, then Jaco, ad nauseum - big peak and then Mountain King.
  • After a break, Stasik starts August. This jam in the middle has a good bounce to it. Couple rounds of A and B sections. Sounds a little too bluesy to count as a Jimmy Stewart but maybe? Actually the longer they play it, the more familiar it sounds. Abruptly back into August’s verse.
  • Triple Wide! Now it’s a party! Stasik again leading the charge. It’s simple stuff, but it’s giving a shitload of direction. Jake starts singing Dreams by Fleetwood Mac over this. Cool mashup vibe, the music stays dancey. In the bizarre combination we all know and love so well, Jake somehow makes it metal over an electronic vibe, after faithfully quoting a 70s classic, and Joel with 80s noises. I fucking love this band!!!! This next bit could possibly be the heaviest they’ve been all show… tension! TENSION!!
  • Oh it was a drop back into 1348 to complete the sandwich, but someone fucked up and went back into 3x at the same time but IT DIDN’T MATTER because it sounded so appropriately evil!!
  • End set! Crowd is on FIRE!
  • Joel comes out and thanks the crowd, this is the last show of the tour apparently, hence the HEAT! There’s delay on his mic, kind of hard to hear.
  • Encore is Mantis, including Preamble of course. Such a cool track, easy to downplay its epicness!
This was incredibly enjoyable for all the classic reasons. Top shelf stuff! You should listen!
UMtil next time!
submitted by altermwim2 to Umphreys [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 02:29 shinebrida Tiny foreshadowing I never noticed

I'm watching through for the 2nd time because BB and BCS have ruined tv for me and apparently I don't like anything else now, but I just noticed in season 4 episode 11 "crawl space" when Skyler goes to see Ted, he trips on his rug when he goes to answer the door to her, foreshadowing what happened to him in the end when Kuby and Huell pay him a visit. Ted is quite infuriating at this point. He really just needed to pay his taxes! He fits in the general karmic theme of the show because he would never have got that visit from Saul's henchmen if he'd just done what he should have done.
submitted by shinebrida to breakingbad [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:49 GreyGooseLover DH Gate Find List - 500+ Items - Various Categories and High Quality

Hey guys i hope you are well, here is a new DH Gate find list , please watch carefully before you pick an item and always check twice for the size chart and the reviews! NOTE: I have not bought all of the items on the list, but all of them are manually collected from positive reviews and from different dhgate hauls. (Check the reviews of each item or massage the seller for QC pictures before you buy.)
  2. Nike Dunks
  3. Dior B22 1
  4. Dior B22 2
  5. Jordan 11
  6. Balenciaga Triple S 1
  7. Balenciaga Triple S 2
  8. Balenciaga Track 2
  9. Balenciaga Slides
  10. Christian Louboutin
  11. Nike Tuned Air
  12. Burberry Pattern Shoes
  13. Revenge Storms
  14. Yeezy 350 v2
  15. Kobe 6
  16. Yeezy 500 TSM
  17. More Off-White Sneakers
  18. Yeezy 500
  19. Yeezy 450
  20. Yeezy 350
  21. Yeezy Slides
  22. Yeezy Foamrunners
  23. Crocs
  24. Cristian Loub Spike Low Sneakers
  25. Cristian Loub Spike High Sneakers
  26. Nike Dunks
  27. Nike Shox TL
  28. Nike Tn
  29. Nike Skeleton AF1
  30. Nike AF1
  31. Nike Air Max 1
  32. Nike Air Max 95
  33. Nike Nocta Glide
  34. Nike Nocta Hot Step Air Terra
  35. Nike Uptempo
  36. Jordan 1's
  37. Jordan 4's
  38. Jordan 11's
  39. Versace Chain Reaction
  40. Alexander Mcqueen's
  41. Balenciaga Track
  42. Balenciaga Triple S
  43. Balenciaga Runners
  44. Birkenstocks
  45. Burberry Vintage High Sneakers
  46. Prada Loafers
  47. Prada Boots
  48. Gucci Slides
  49. Gucci Horsebit Sandals
  50. Maison Mihara Yasuhiro Sneakers
  51. Timberland Boots
  52. Golden Goose Sneakers
  1. Stone Island Hoodie
  2. Stone Island T-shirt
  3. Palm Angels Tracksuit
  4. The North Face Puffer Jacket
  5. Balmain T-shirts
  6. Canada Goose Vest
  7. Balenciaga BB Logo T-shirt
  8. Nike Tech Fleece
  9. Gucci Spray Letters T-shirt
  10. LV Skeleton T-shirt
  11. Ralph Laurent Bear T-Shirt
  12. Ralph Laurent Polo T-shirt
  13. Off-White T-shirts
  14. Stussy Hoodie
  15. Lacoste T-shirt
  16. Vlone Friends T-shirt
  17. Vlone Flames Logo T-shirt
  18. More Vlone T-shirts
  19. Rhude T-shirt
  20. The North Face Vest
  21. The North Face x Brain Dead Jacket
  22. Fendi Puffer Jacket
  23. Prada Zip Pocket T-shirt
  24. Prada Puffer Jacket
  25. Drew House Hoodie
  26. Louis Vuitton Patch T-shirt
  27. Palm Angels Pattern Tracksuit
  28. Palm Angels Bear T-shirt
  29. Palm Angels Back Logo T-shirt
  30. Palm Angels Spray Heart T-shirt
  31. More Palm Angels T-shirts
  32. Sp5der 555 Hoodie
  33. Sp5der T-shirt
  34. The North Face Light Jacket
  35. Moose Knuckles Jackets
  36. Ralph Lauren Zip Hoodie
  37. Polo Ralph Lauren Jumper
  38. Ralph Laurent Collared Shirts
  39. Lacoste Polo T-Shirt
  40. Balmain Sweatshirt
  41. Burberry Rider T-shirt
  42. Bottegga Veneta T-shirt
  43. Canada Goose Jacket
  44. Trapstar Irongate Jacket
  45. Trapstar Tracksuit Set
  46. Trapstar Black And Yellow Set
  47. Trapstar Shooters Tracksuit Set
  48. Trapstar Summer Set
  49. Gucci Tiger T-shirt
  50. Fendi T-shirts
  51. Bape Shark Hoodie
  52. Bape Camo Logo T-shirt
  53. Bape x Undefeated T-Shirt
  54. Bape x Heron Preston T-shirt
  55. Nike x Fear Of God T-shirt
  56. FOG Essentials T-shirt
  57. Gucci Snake Polo T-shirt
  58. Gucci Bear T-shirt
  59. Comme Des Garcons Hoodie
  60. Comme Des Garcons Sweatshirt
  61. Comme des Garçons T-shirt
  62. More cdg T-shirts
  63. Gap x Balenciaga Hoodie
  64. Balenciaga Sweater
  65. Balenciaga Hoodies
  66. Balenciaga Reflective Logo T-shirt
  67. Adidas x Balenciaga T-shirt
  68. Balenciaga Logo Hoodie
  69. Balenciaga Spray Logo T-shirt
  70. Balenciaga I Love Paris T-shirt
  71. More Balenciaga T-shirts
  72. Kenzo Flower T-shirt
  73. Boss T-shirt
  74. Celine Hoodie
  75. Chrome Hearts Dagger Hoodie
  76. Chrome Hearts Longsleeve
  77. Gallery Dept T-shirt
  78. Gallery Dept Hoodie
  79. Stone Island Longsleeve
  80. Stone Island Zip Hoodie
  81. Trapstar Summer Outfit
  82. Louis Vuitton T-shirts
  83. Louis Vuitton Camo Logo T-shirt
  84. Nocta Jacket Nike
  85. Fendi Eyes T-shirt
  86. More Fendi T-shirts
  87. Rhude Racing Team T-shirt
  88. CPFM YE Must Be Born Again Hoodie
  89. Kids See Ghosts Hoodie Kanye West
  90. Amiri T-shirts
  91. Bape Shoes
  92. More Amiri T-shirts
  93. Moncler Polo T-shirt
  94. Moncler Sweatshirt
  95. Versace Robe
  96. Balmain Denim Jacket
  97. C.P Company Zip Up
  98. Represent T-shirt
  99. Gucci Polo T-shirt
  100. Gucci T-shirt
  101. More Gucci T-shirts
  102. Kith T-shirts
  103. Prada Triangle Logo T-shirt
  104. Prada Sweater
  105. Paris Shirt
  106. Prada Vest
  107. More Moncler Jackets
  108. Palm Angels T Shirt
  109. Gucci Pattern Polo T-shirt
  110. Another Ralph Laurent Hoodie
  111. Moschino Italy Bear T-shirt
  112. More VLONE T-shirts
  113. Christian Dior Atelier T-shirt
  114. Prada Puffer Jacket
  115. Louis Vuitton Puffer Jacket
  116. Louis Vuitton University Jackets
  117. Revenge Hoodie
  118. Revenge T-shirts
  119. Philip Plein T-shirts
  120. Nike x Fear Of God T-shirt
  121. Louis Vuitton Knit T-shirt
  122. Drake Nocta Hoodie
  123. PSG Tracksuits
  124. The North Face x Gucci Jacket
  125. North Face Puffer Jacket
  126. Stone Island Longsleeve
  127. Bape Shark Hoodie
  128. Trapstar Irongate Jacket
  129. Nike Tech Fleece
  130. Prada Jacket
  131. LV University T-shirt
  132. Canada Goose Jacket
  133. Amiri T-shirt
  134. Ralph Lauren Polo
  135. The North Face x Gucci Jacket
  136. Bottega Veneta T-shirts
  137. Supreme x The North Face Jacket
  138. Balenciaga Chrome Letters Hoodie
  139. Celine Zip Hoodie
  140. Prada T-shirt
  141. Rhude T-shirt
  142. Trapstar IRONGATE T-shirt
  143. More Gucci T-shirts
  144. Balenciaga Hoodies
  145. Vlone Flames T-shirt
  146. Balenciaga Print Logo Hoodie
  147. Gucci T-shirt
  148. Balmain T-shirt
  149. Palm Angels T-shirt
  150. Fendi T-shirts
  151. Celine Tie Dye T-shirt
  152. Bape Flowers T-shirt
  153. More Vlone T-shirts
  154. Balenciaga Sweater
  155. Amiri T-shirt
  156. Astroworld Hoodie
  157. Pian Sicko T-Shirt
  158. LV x NBA Jacket
  159. LV Varsity Jacket
  160. LV Skeleton T-Shirt
  161. LV Patch T-Shirt
  162. LV Blue Bubble Font T-Shirt
  163. Burberry T-Shirt
  164. Bape Hoodie
  165. Bape Black Head T-Shirt
  166. Bape Alphabet Crystal T-Shirt
  167. Bape X Warrior T-Shirt
  168. The North Face 700 Nuptse Jacket
  169. The North Face Nuptse Fleece Jacket
  170. The North Face Light Jacket
  171. Canada Goose Wyndham Jacket
  172. Lacoste Jacket
  173. Moncler Maya
  174. Moncler Montca Jacket
  175. Polo Raulph Lauren Sweater
  176. Polo Raulp Lauren Tracksuit
  177. Stone Island Long Sleeve
  178. Stone Island Hoodie
  179. Stone Island T-Shirt
  180. Vlone Friends T-Shirt
  181. Fear Of God Tracksuit
  182. Prada Puffer Jacket
  183. Syna World Tracksuit
  184. Trapstar set summer
  185. Gucci Tracksuit
  186. Spider Hoodies - Tracksuit
  187. Spider T-Shirt
  188. Gallery Dept T-Shirt
  189. Trapstar Irongate Jacket
  190. Trapstar T-Shirt - Summer set
  191. Trapstar Shooters Tracksuit
  192. Trapstar Irongate Tracksuit
  193. More Trapstar Tracksuit
  194. Balenciaga Hoodie
  195. Balenciaga Sweater
  196. Balenciaga Print Logo Hoodie
  197. PSG Tracksuit
  198. Palm Angels T-Shirt
  199. Palm Angels Bear T-Shirt
  200. Amiri 22 Hoodie
  201. Amiri T-Shirt
  202. Amiri Cupid T-Shirt
  203. Nike Windbreaker
  204. Nike X Nocta Techfleece
  205. Nike Techfleece set
  206. Corteiz Tracksuit
  1. Eric Emanuel EE Shorts
  2. Corteiz Cargo Pants
  3. Essentials Sweatpants
  4. Rhude Shorts
  5. Gallery Dept. Sweatpants
  6. Stone Island Cargo Pants
  7. Lululemon Yoga Pants
  8. Flower Jeans
  9. True Religion Jeans
  10. Gucci Shorts
  11. More Amiri
  12. Stone Island Sweatpants
  13. Stone Island Shorts
  14. Balmain Jeans
  15. DSQARED2 Jeans
  16. Amiri Jeans
  17. Amiri Angel Jeans
  18. Dsquared2 Jeans
  19. Bape Shorts
  20. Palm Angels Shorts
  21. Eric Emanuel EE Shorts
  22. Essential Sweatpants
  23. Essential Shorts
  24. Stone Island Shorts
  25. Spider Sweatpants
  26. Trapstar Shorts
  27. Gucci Shorts
  28. Burberry Shorts
  29. LV Carpenter Pants
  30. LV Carpenter Pants Black
  31. Corteiz Cargo Pants
  32. Gallery Dept Sweatpants
  33. Flower Jeans
  34. Flower Shorts
  35. Palm Angels Shorts
  36. Bape Shorts
  37. Amiri Jeans
  38. Amiri x Skull Jeans
  39. Purple Jeans
  40. Polo Swimshorts
  41. Chrome Hearts Jeans
  42. Amiri Jeans
  43. Stone Island Shorts
  44. Dsquared Jeans
  45. Bape Shark Shorts
  46. Rhude Shorts
  47. Palm Angels Track Pants
  48. Palm Angels Shorts
  49. Corteiz Cargo Pants
  50. Amiri Stars Jeans
  1. Louis Vuitton LV Belt With Box
  2. Rolex Watch With Box and Receipts
  3. AP Watch With Box
  4. MCM Backpack
  5. Swatch x Omega Planets Watch
  6. Gucci Shoulder Bag
  7. Prada Shoulder Bag
  8. BB Simons Belt
  9. LV Gradient Belt
  10. LV Pattern Belt
  11. Yves Saint Laurent Wallet
  12. Yves Saint Laurent Cardholder
  13. YSL Bifold Wallet
  14. Trapstar Irongate Shoulder Bag
  15. PSD Boxers
  16. Louis Vuitton Messenger Bag
  17. Salvatore Ferragamo Belt
  18. LV Wallets with box
  19. Hermes Wallet
  20. Louis Vuitton Cuban Link Bracelet With Box
  21. LV Women wallet with box
  22. LV Scarf And Beanie set
  23. Burberry Scarf
  24. Iced Out Cuban Link
  25. Goyard St. Louis Tote Bag
  26. Christian Dior Saddle Bag
  27. Gucci GG Belt
  28. Gucci Snake Belt
  29. Gucci Snake Printed Belt
  30. Gucci Ring
  31. Gucci Keychain
  32. Dior Pattern Belt
  33. MCM Pattern Belt
  34. Hermes Belt
  35. Versace Belt
  36. Nike Socks
  37. Supreme Backpack
  38. Louis Vuitton Backpack
  39. Alyx Backpack
  40. Supreme Shoulder Bag
  41. Supreme Face Mask
  42. Supreme Dice
  43. Air Pods Max
  44. Balenciaga Socks
  45. Prada Necklace
  46. Prada Bucket Hat
  47. Marc Jacobs The Tote Bag
  48. Chanel Flap Bag
  49. Louis Vuitton Card Holder
  50. Louis Vuitton Pattern Duffle Bag
  51. Louis Vuitton Transparent Duffle Bag
  52. Louis Vuitton Chain Wallet
  53. Lv Purse
  54. LV Waist Bag
  55. LV Alpha Messenger Bag
  56. Hermes Blanket
  57. Hermes Pillows
  58. Gucci Towel Set
  59. Louis Vuitton Wool Blanket
  60. Chanel Bath Towels
  61. Chanel Sunglasses
  62. Celine Cat Eye Sunglasses
  63. Celine Hat
  64. MCM Leather Hat
  65. ICON Hat
  66. Amiri Hat
  67. Gucci Hat
  68. Gucci Snake Hat
  69. Prada Hat
  70. Burberry Hat
  71. Coach Tabby Pillow Bag
  72. Bottega Cassette Crossbody Bag
  73. Vevine Westwood Necklace
  74. LV Millionaire Sunglasses
  75. LV Cyclone Sunglasses
  76. LV Ring
  77. LV Earrings
  78. LV Emilie Wallet
  79. Various LV Bags
  80. LV Sunglasses
  81. LV Keychain
  82. Chanel Earrings
  83. Clear Cartier Glasses
  84. Cartier Nail Bracelet
  85. UGG Gloves
  86. Tiffany Bracelet
  87. Tiffany Hearts Ring
  88. Tiffany Solitaire Ring
  89. Tiffany Earrings
  90. C.P COMPANY Beanie
  91. Canada Goose Beanie
  92. Prada Beanie
  93. Louis Vuitton Beanie
  94. Balenciaga Beanie
  95. Gucci Shocks
  96. Balenciaga Side Logo Hat
  97. BB Simons Belt
  98. Gucci Shoulder Bag (MEN)
  99. Trapstar Ironsgate Shoulder Bag
  100. LV Scarf & Beanie Set
  101. Airpods Pro / 2nd Gen / 3d Gen
  102. LV Gradient Shiny Belt
  103. Hermes Belt
  104. Balenciaga Hat
  105. Gucci Pattern Hat
  106. Gucci GG Belt
  107. Unisex Prada Sunglasses
  108. Rolex Watch (With Box & Receipt)
  109. Cartier Clear Glasses
  110. Dsquared ICON Hat
  111. Rolex Watch (With box)
  112. Rolex Datejust (With box)
  113. Rolex Daydate (With box)
  114. Patek Phillipe Watch (With box)
  115. AP Watch (With box)
  116. BB Simons Belt
  117. LV Crossbody Purse
  118. LV Messenger Bag
  119. LV Messenger Bag 2
  120. LV Cardholder
  121. LV Sling Backpack
  122. LV Wallet
  123. LV Scarf
  124. LV Sunglasses
  125. MCM Backpack
  126. Gucci Belt
  127. Gucci Snake Belt
  128. Gucci GG Wallet
  129. Gucci Wallet
  130. Gucci Pouch
  131. Goyard Cardholder
  132. Goyard Wallet
  133. OFF-White Rug
  134. Prada Hats
  135. Prada Phonecase
  136. Prada Messenger Bag
  137. More Prada Bags
  138. Prada Sunglasses
  139. New Era 59FIFTY Hat
  140. Nike Socks
  141. Cartier Glasses
  142. Crease Protectors
  1. Gucci Chevron Espadrilles $69.49 ( goes up to size 42)
  2. LV Lace-Up Winter Fur Boots $79.65 (goes up to size 42; cute boots, I’m not sure if these are fantasy?)
  3. Christian Louboutin Pira Ryad Wedge Sandals 6cm/12cm heel both $69.41 (loads of different color-ways)
  4. Christian Louboutin Suede Pumps 8cm/10cm/12cm heel $76.36 (only comes in black)
  1. Balenciaga Logo T-Shirt $22.66
  2. Balmain Crewneck Sweatshirt
  3. Polo Bear T-shirt
  4. Versace Medusa Top
  5. YSL Star Crewneck Pullover
Headwear and Accessories
  1. Bulgari Serpent Ring
  2. Pandora Charm Bracelet
Here are some extra Items
  1. Nike x Drake Hot Step Air Terra nocta
  2. Essentials Hoodie
  3. Trapstar Shooters Tracksuit
  4. The Tote Bag
  5. Prada Loafers
  6. Iced Out Cuban Link
  7. Gucci Hat
  8. MCM Hat
  9. Nocta Hoodies
  10. Louis Vuitton Ring
  11. Nike Socks
  12. PSG Tracksuit
submitted by GreyGooseLover to CoutureReps [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:06 jatslo 🎓 #ABT aka $ABT: 📜

🎓 #ABT aka $ABT: 📜
🎓 #ABT aka $ABT: 📜
  1. 🛒 Buy Limit Price = 4.1751 (1.00x DCAP)
  2. 🛒 Sell Limit Price = 4.2170 (1.00x DCAP)
  3. 🛒 Buy Limit Price = 3.4993 (1.00x DCAP)
  4. 🛒 Sell Limit Price = 3.5344 (1.00x DCAP)
✖️ℹ️ℹ️Ⓜ️Ⓜ️ Variables & Navigation:
submitted by jatslo to jatslo [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 15:24 rjm101 Sealed collection since early this year

Sealed collection since early this year
I won the 151 booster bundle box in a raffle (previously posted) and the chilling reign booster box in a different raffle for £20 and 1 for £10 where didn't win anything. I'm kinda on a roll with these raffles not gonna lie.
Jungle and fossil theme decks are more for my own nostalgia. Always wanted these as a kid but if you want to know I paid £80 & £90.
All of fusion strike, brilliant stars and 1 chilling reign BB was from PC at £143 each.
Bought the Japanese stuff from japanzon which took like a month and a half to get here. Think in hindsight I should've just bought 151 stuff as this was when it dipped to £68 (didn't get import duty luckily).
For cases I have the cheap ones which are like £3 each. Obviously not as good but it's better than nothing as I don't think spending £20 for a case on BBs which are like 15% of its value don't makes much sense.
submitted by rjm101 to PokeInvesting [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 07:16 wsppan Today In Phishstory - May 29th

# Today In Phishstory - May 29th Brought to you by tiph-bot. Beep.
All data extracted via The Phishnet API.


Phish, Sunday 05/29/2022 (2 years ago) The Wharf, Orange Beach, AL, USA
Gap Chart, Tour: 2022 Spring Tour
Set 1 : Character Zero > Mike's Song > Bouncing Around the Room , Kill Devil Falls , Winterqueen , Funky Bitch , NICU > Carini -> Weekapaug Groove
Set 2 : The Landlady , Tweezer > Plasma > Wolfman's Brother , Miss You > Maze , Harry Hood
Encore : A Life Beyond The Dream , Tweezer Reprise
Jamchart Notes:
Character Zero - Surprise show opener (take a look at 7/3/10 for kicks), the band shows their renewed interest in what, since 96, has primarily been a set, however rocking, holder. Fun, focused, and effects-laden, the improvisation is what we've come to expect from Phish: Effortless. Cool, introspective play seems built to spill to inform a notable "Mike's Song."
Mike's Song - > from an unexpected, massive "Character Zero." Fish hits the "Beaver" sample early and that kicks off a "Mike's Groove" that will last the rest of the set. The jam gets to an upbeat, feel-good bliss place before returning to what you'd expect from a Mike's jam. > to "Bouncing Around the Room."
Kill Devil Falls - Do not let the time stamp or placement fool you. Around 6:30 in, the jam shifts to light and airy interplay with major key dominance that then turns to effects-and-synth-driven goop and grime. Eventually comes back to finish and end on the "Kill Devil Falls" theme.
Tweezer - Jam is fairly straightforward for the first few minutes, but then there's a key modulation (type II activity afoot) and a funkaliciously melodic bridge of sorts occurs, before Page hops on the synth and Trey deploys some echoflex and then envelope filter effects. Soon melodic tension builds--slllowwwly though--courtesy of Page Mike and Trey, until there's a massive Floyd-esque echoplextastic dissonant sustained release/peak, of sorts. OF SORTS. Make no mistake: communities of ALIENS were contacted during this jam.
Show Notes:
Trey teased San-Ho-Zay in Weekapaug Groove.
Listen now at!
Phish, Sunday 05/29/2011 (13 years ago) Bethel Woods, Bethel, NY, USA
Gap Chart, Tour: 2011 Early Summer Tour
Set 1 : AC/DC Bag > Sample in a Jar , Rift , Ocelot , Ya Mar , Timber (Jerry the Mule) > The Oh Kee Pa Ceremony > Suzy Greenberg > 46 Days > Twenty Years Later , The Ballad of Curtis Loew , Run Like an Antelope
Set 2 : Mike's Song > Simple -> Weekapaug Groove , Meatstick > Fluffhead > Joy , Also Sprach Zarathustra > Light > Slave to the Traffic Light
Encore : Loving Cup > Tweezer Reprise
Show Notes:
Ya Mar included Express Yourself (Charles Wright & the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band) teases from Mike. Antelope contained a Curtis Loew tease from Trey and Manteca teases from Trey and Page. A fan ran across the stage during Tweezer Reprise.
Listen now at!
Phish, Sunday 05/29/1994 (30 years ago) Laguna Seca Raceway, Monterey, CA, USA
Gap Chart, Tour: 1994 Spring Tour
Set 1 : Divided Sky , Guelah Papyrus 1 , Halley's Comet > Down with Disease > Sparkle , Julius , I Didn't Know , David Bowie
Set 2 : Nellie Kane > Split Open and Melt , Esther > Chalk Dust Torture , Horn > McGrupp and the Watchful Hosemasters > The Oh Kee Pa Ceremony > Suzy Greenberg > Run Like an Antelope , Free Bird
Encore : Wilson > Golgi Apparatus > Rocky Top
Encore 2 : Jam , Harry Hood , Good Times Bad Times
1 Simpsons signal.
Jamchart Notes:
David Bowie - Great version with serious improvisation. A very exciting jam that is well orchestrated.
Split Open and Melt - Classify this one in the extreme "Anarchy" jamming category. Jam includes Trey chanting, Fish yelling, a largely dark vibe, slow pulsing power rocking, rhythmic-driven jamming, more screaming, etc.
Esther - Terrific Page. Outstanding Trey (whose solo departs from that sound characteristically "emotive" to become something more "musical"). Fish is the surpirse, here, though. Rim shots, extra floursihes and fills really work to bring this version to a fun and fiery close.
Run Like an Antelope - Chaotic, frenzied, and blistering jam. Insane buildup to the peak with excellent screaming by Fish.
Jam - The "Guitar Man Taking A Leak" jam with Page, Fish and Mike starts the 2nd Encore, while Trey was in the bathroom.
Show Notes:
This performance was part of the Laguna Seca Daze Festival that also included Four Non Blondes, Big Head Todd and the Monsters, The Mother Hips and Meat Puppets. Julius included a Buried Alive tease from Trey. Fish was introduced during I Didn't Know as Mr. Al Unser, Jr. (who had won the Indianapolis 500 earlier in the day). Guelah contained a Simpsons signal. The jam at the start of the second encore is often labeled as "Trey Taking a Leak Jam" because Trey was in the bathroom when the band took the stage. Wilson was played by request.
Listen now at!
Phish, Saturday 05/29/1993 (31 years ago) Laguna Seca Raceway, Monterey, CA, USA
Gap Chart, Tour: Not Part of a Tour
Set 1 : Chalk Dust Torture , Bouncing Around the Room , Rift , Stash , The Squirming Coil > Sparkle > Cavern > Vacuum Solo > Cavern > Big Ball Jam > You Enjoy Myself > Runaway Jim , Amazing Grace
Encore : Good Times Bad Times
Show Notes:
This single-set performance was part of the Laguna Seca Daze festival that also included The Allman Brothers Band, Shawn Colvin, and Blues Traveler. Trey teased Fire (Ohio Players) in Stash and Can't You Hear Me Knocking in YEM.
Listen now at!

Trey Anastasio

Trey Anastasio Band, 2020-05-29 Bethel Woods, Bethel, NY, USA
Tour: Not Part of a Tour
Show Notes: This performance was cancelled as a result of the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak and would have been part of Mountain Jam.
Trey Anastasio Band, 2019-05-29 St. Augustine Amphitheatre, St. Augustine, FL, USA
Tour: Not Part of a Tour
Show Notes:
Trey Anastasio Band, 2002-05-29 Greek Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Tour: TAB - The Dectet Summer 2002 Tour
Show Notes:

Mike Gordon

Mike Gordon and Ramble Dove, 2006-05-29 Toad's Place, New Haven, CT, USA
Tour: Mike Gordon and Ramble Dove Summer 2006 Tour
Show Notes: This was the first public performance of Ramble Dove. Grace Potter & The Nocturnals opened. This gig featured the debuts of the Mike Gordon originals "Ramble Dove" and "Loosening Up the Rules." Mark Mercier sat in on keyboards for "About Time" and "Columbus Stockade Blues."

John Fishman

Jazz Mandolin Project, 2004-05-29 Chevrolet Amphitheatre, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Tour: Fish - Jazz Mandolin Project Summer 2004 Tour
Show Notes: This performance was part of the Pittsburgh Folk Festival.


John Entwistle Band, 2001-05-29 B.B. King's, New York, NY, USA
Tour: Not Part of a Tour
Show Notes: This setlist is incomplete and possibly out of order. Page, along with Gov't Mule drummer Matt Abts, sat in with John Entwistle's band for "Long Live Rock" and "Johnny B. Goode." Mike then took over for John Entwistle on bass for a portion of the set including on "Red House."
submitted by wsppan to phish [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:17 SuperiorArty [USA] [H] Pokemon Black 2, GBA SP 101, Nintendo Switch games, 3DS games, PS4 games, Halo Infinite Cosmetics, Xbox One/Xbox 360 games [W] PayPal

Hello! I had a some games that I’m looking to offload at the moment. Please comment before PMing. Feel free to ask for images. Prices not shipped unless stated otherwise. If a game is pictured but not listed, it is no longer available
Pokemon Black 2 (CiB and authentic): $175
Pink GBA SP: $120
Switch (All CiB)
Power A Pokémon Espeon Themed Wireless GameCube controller (NiB): $75
The Lost Child (CiB): $110
Blossom Tales (CiB w/ card): $130
Scott Pilgrim vs the World (BB retail edition, NiB. 2x copies): $25 each
Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles (3x available): $25 each
Smash Chrom Amiibo (NiB, have a few): $20 each
3DS (All CiB)
Dragon Ball Fusions: $45
Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney: $110
Spartan: Total Warrior (missing manual): $20
Xbox 360:
Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions (CiB): $70
Just Dance 2019: $30
X-Men Origins Wolverine (CiB): $60
X-men Origins Wolverine (Case and disc but no Manual): $50
Naruto: Broken Bond (Missing Manual): $35
PS4, I have:
Lego Dimensions (Just the game, no portal): $20
PS4 back button attachment (NiB): $15
Godzilla (CiB but disc wont load besides menu on dashboard. Dunno if its my PS4 or game, as is): $125
Also have Def Jam; Fight for NY for PSP loose, asking $60
Digimon World (No Manual): $50
Gex CiB: $20
For Xbox One, I have:
Skylanders Swap Force and Superchargers bundle: $40 shipped
Monster Prom XXL (digital): $5
Halo 5 Guardian (Xbox One, Digital): $10
Halo Infinite Rockstar AR skin + 2x XP: $10
Halo Infinite Rockstar Warthog Skin + 2x XP: $15
Halo Infinite Rockstar Emblem + 2x XP: $5
submitted by SuperiorArty to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 08:22 nusarat Newbie and overwhelmed trying to get new brushes!

Hey guys! I wanted to fill in some gaps for makeup brushes that I don’t have. I am a bit overwhelmed with trying to choose what’s best. Admittedly, I sometimes don’t feel the difference between the synthetic and goat hairs…it might have been because my first makeup brushes were the Surratt lol. But I like to invest in the best tools/products to get the best application and look. I don’t mind splurging if it actually makes a difference.
I wear a lot of cream products and prefer dewy makeup. I live in LA, but travel a lot. I don’t wear a full face everyday, but maybe 2-3x a week. I do wear concealer almost daily.
Brushes I Own:
Tom Ford (OGs not synthetic): Smokey Eye Brush, Eye Contour Brush (I feel like this one isn’t sharp enough when I’m trying to use it to line my eyes with powder shadows), Cream Foundation Brush (I use this to just apply my contour but I blend with the Westman).
Surrat: Face Brush, Cheek Brush (I love this for powder blush, but for cream blush I can never find a brush that works and end up using my fingers), Sculpting Brush (this gets the least use since it’s mainly for powder), Eye Shadow Moyenne, Smokey Eye Brush Petite
Westman Atelier: Blending Brush (I use this to blend my cream contoubronzer)
CT: Hollywood Complexion Dual Brush (I use this everyday and have rebought this after the hairs split. It’s just convenient to grab for concealer, but lately I’ve been feeling it feels a little rough and comes out streaky)
What I Am Looking For:
-Foundation brush. Tbh I have always found using a brush to be streaky and have always used a beauty blender. I don’t like using my TF one because it’s so small and pain to blend. I want to try a brush since everyone says it uses less product than a BB. -A concealer brush -A eyeliner brush. I am TERRIBLE at any sort of eye look and don’t know if this is even worth it. It would be strictly for lining with powder shadow. -A smaller precision brush for setting powder. -Another eyeshadow brush. I would like another one for application/blending. -A cream blush brush. Tried the popular Chanel one and did not understand the hype. Tried the Saie dual-ended brush, same result. As mentioned, love the Surratt one for powder.
I have been reading about Hakuhodo and simultaneously seeing things about BK Beauty (I know completely different). I don’t know which brushes I should splurge on and vice versa. I was considering buying the BK Beauty 101 Foundation Brush, and the Angie Hot and Flashy. I don’t know where to begin with Hakuhondo and find it overwhelming or if there is a better brand I should consider. I’ve read mixed things about Rephr on here. On the synthetic side, I’ve seen Saie, Hourglass, and the popular It Cosmetics one, having good foundation brushes.
I’ve also read on here that the Surratt highlighter brush is one of the most versatile brushes and worth investing in. Their large Smokey eye brush might also be useful as a precision setting powder brush.
submitted by nusarat to Fude [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 01:30 Working-Buffalo3098 When do yall think we will get this shanks?

When do yall think we will get this shanks?
Yes we got fr shanks currently active but every new unit we get has atleast one way of countering him whether its removing his haki state or something else. I feel like the 5.5 or 6th anniversary theme will be about the new yonko and all. It also kinda adds up since they aint add v2 blackbeard yet even at the best convenient times like 5th anni or recent livestream (when we got s-snake) not to also mention that s-hawk drops tomorrow and bb and him both clashed n all which is another good reason to add him too. So yh to sun things up i feel like shanks should and i hope comes next anni. (Lucci and stuff can wait fr)
submitted by Working-Buffalo3098 to OPBR [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 19:02 FIGJAM17 Javier Zanetti Birthday ICON SBC

submitted by FIGJAM17 to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 18:18 Suspicious-Shame475 DH Gate Find List - 500+ Items - Various Categories and High Quality

Hey guys i hope you are well, here is a new DH Gate find list , please watch carefully before you pick an item and always check twice for the size chart and the reviews! NOTE: I have not bought all of the items on the list, but all of them are manually collected from positive reviews and from different dhgate hauls. (Check the reviews of each item or massage the seller for QC pictures before you buy.)
  2. Nike Dunks
  3. Dior B22 1
  4. Dior B22 2
  5. Jordan 11
  6. Balenciaga Triple S 1
  7. Balenciaga Triple S 2
  8. Balenciaga Track 2
  9. Balenciaga Slides
  10. Christian Louboutin
  11. Nike Tuned Air
  12. Burberry Pattern Shoes
  13. Revenge Storms
  14. Yeezy 350 v2
  15. Kobe 6
  16. Yeezy 500 TSM
  17. More Off-White Sneakers
  18. Yeezy 500
  19. Yeezy 450
  20. Yeezy 350
  21. Yeezy Slides
  22. Yeezy Foamrunners
  23. Crocs
  24. Cristian Loub Spike Low Sneakers
  25. Cristian Loub Spike High Sneakers
  26. Nike Dunks
  27. Nike Shox TL
  28. Nike Tn
  29. Nike Skeleton AF1
  30. Nike AF1
  31. Nike Air Max 1
  32. Nike Air Max 95
  33. Nike Nocta Glide
  34. Nike Nocta Hot Step Air Terra
  35. Nike Uptempo
  36. Jordan 1's
  37. Jordan 4's
  38. Jordan 11's
  39. Versace Chain Reaction
  40. Alexander Mcqueen's
  41. Balenciaga Track
  42. Balenciaga Triple S
  43. Balenciaga Runners
  44. Birkenstocks
  45. Burberry Vintage High Sneakers
  46. Prada Loafers
  47. Prada Boots
  48. Gucci Slides
  49. Gucci Horsebit Sandals
  50. Maison Mihara Yasuhiro Sneakers
  51. Timberland Boots
  52. Golden Goose Sneakers
  1. Stone Island Hoodie
  2. Stone Island T-shirt
  3. Palm Angels Tracksuit
  4. The North Face Puffer Jacket
  5. Balmain T-shirts
  6. Canada Goose Vest
  7. Balenciaga BB Logo T-shirt
  8. Nike Tech Fleece
  9. Gucci Spray Letters T-shirt
  10. LV Skeleton T-shirt
  11. Ralph Laurent Bear T-Shirt
  12. Ralph Laurent Polo T-shirt
  13. Off-White T-shirts
  14. Stussy Hoodie
  15. Lacoste T-shirt
  16. Vlone Friends T-shirt
  17. Vlone Flames Logo T-shirt
  18. More Vlone T-shirts
  19. Rhude T-shirt
  20. The North Face Vest
  21. The North Face x Brain Dead Jacket
  22. Fendi Puffer Jacket
  23. Prada Zip Pocket T-shirt
  24. Prada Puffer Jacket
  25. Drew House Hoodie
  26. Louis Vuitton Patch T-shirt
  27. Palm Angels Pattern Tracksuit
  28. Palm Angels Bear T-shirt
  29. Palm Angels Back Logo T-shirt
  30. Palm Angels Spray Heart T-shirt
  31. More Palm Angels T-shirts
  32. Sp5der 555 Hoodie
  33. Sp5der T-shirt
  34. The North Face Light Jacket
  35. Moose Knuckles Jackets
  36. Ralph Lauren Zip Hoodie
  37. Polo Ralph Lauren Jumper
  38. Ralph Laurent Collared Shirts
  39. Lacoste Polo T-Shirt
  40. Balmain Sweatshirt
  41. Burberry Rider T-shirt
  42. Bottegga Veneta T-shirt
  43. Canada Goose Jacket
  44. Trapstar Irongate Jacket
  45. Trapstar Tracksuit Set
  46. Trapstar Black And Yellow Set
  47. Trapstar Shooters Tracksuit Set
  48. Trapstar Summer Set
  49. Gucci Tiger T-shirt
  50. Fendi T-shirts
  51. Bape Shark Hoodie
  52. Bape Camo Logo T-shirt
  53. Bape x Undefeated T-Shirt
  54. Bape x Heron Preston T-shirt
  55. Nike x Fear Of God T-shirt
  56. FOG Essentials T-shirt
  57. Gucci Snake Polo T-shirt
  58. Gucci Bear T-shirt
  59. Comme Des Garcons Hoodie
  60. Comme Des Garcons Sweatshirt
  61. Comme des Garçons T-shirt
  62. More cdg T-shirts
  63. Gap x Balenciaga Hoodie
  64. Balenciaga Sweater
  65. Balenciaga Hoodies
  66. Balenciaga Reflective Logo T-shirt
  67. Adidas x Balenciaga T-shirt
  68. Balenciaga Logo Hoodie
  69. Balenciaga Spray Logo T-shirt
  70. Balenciaga I Love Paris T-shirt
  71. More Balenciaga T-shirts
  72. Kenzo Flower T-shirt
  73. Boss T-shirt
  74. Celine Hoodie
  75. Chrome Hearts Dagger Hoodie
  76. Chrome Hearts Longsleeve
  77. Gallery Dept T-shirt
  78. Gallery Dept Hoodie
  79. Stone Island Longsleeve
  80. Stone Island Zip Hoodie
  81. Trapstar Summer Outfit
  82. Louis Vuitton T-shirts
  83. Louis Vuitton Camo Logo T-shirt
  84. Nocta Jacket Nike
  85. Fendi Eyes T-shirt
  86. More Fendi T-shirts
  87. Rhude Racing Team T-shirt
  88. CPFM YE Must Be Born Again Hoodie
  89. Kids See Ghosts Hoodie Kanye West
  90. Amiri T-shirts
  91. Bape Shoes
  92. More Amiri T-shirts
  93. Moncler Polo T-shirt
  94. Moncler Sweatshirt
  95. Versace Robe
  96. Balmain Denim Jacket
  97. C.P Company Zip Up
  98. Represent T-shirt
  99. Gucci Polo T-shirt
  100. Gucci T-shirt
  101. More Gucci T-shirts
  102. Kith T-shirts
  103. Prada Triangle Logo T-shirt
  104. Prada Sweater
  105. Paris Shirt
  106. Prada Vest
  107. More Moncler Jackets
  108. Palm Angels T Shirt
  109. Gucci Pattern Polo T-shirt
  110. Another Ralph Laurent Hoodie
  111. Moschino Italy Bear T-shirt
  112. More VLONE T-shirts
  113. Christian Dior Atelier T-shirt
  114. Prada Puffer Jacket
  115. Louis Vuitton Puffer Jacket
  116. Louis Vuitton University Jackets
  117. Revenge Hoodie
  118. Revenge T-shirts
  119. Philip Plein T-shirts
  120. Nike x Fear Of God T-shirt
  121. Louis Vuitton Knit T-shirt
  122. Drake Nocta Hoodie
  123. PSG Tracksuits
  124. The North Face x Gucci Jacket
  125. North Face Puffer Jacket
  126. Stone Island Longsleeve
  127. Bape Shark Hoodie
  128. Trapstar Irongate Jacket
  129. Nike Tech Fleece
  130. Prada Jacket
  131. LV University T-shirt
  132. Canada Goose Jacket
  133. Amiri T-shirt
  134. Ralph Lauren Polo
  135. The North Face x Gucci Jacket
  136. Bottega Veneta T-shirts
  137. Supreme x The North Face Jacket
  138. Balenciaga Chrome Letters Hoodie
  139. Celine Zip Hoodie
  140. Prada T-shirt
  141. Rhude T-shirt
  142. Trapstar IRONGATE T-shirt
  143. More Gucci T-shirts
  144. Balenciaga Hoodies
  145. Vlone Flames T-shirt
  146. Balenciaga Print Logo Hoodie
  147. Gucci T-shirt
  148. Balmain T-shirt
  149. Palm Angels T-shirt
  150. Fendi T-shirts
  151. Celine Tie Dye T-shirt
  152. Bape Flowers T-shirt
  153. More Vlone T-shirts
  154. Balenciaga Sweater
  155. Amiri T-shirt
  156. Astroworld Hoodie
  157. Pian Sicko T-Shirt
  158. LV x NBA Jacket
  159. LV Varsity Jacket
  160. LV Skeleton T-Shirt
  161. LV Patch T-Shirt
  162. LV Blue Bubble Font T-Shirt
  163. Burberry T-Shirt
  164. Bape Hoodie
  165. Bape Black Head T-Shirt
  166. Bape Alphabet Crystal T-Shirt
  167. Bape X Warrior T-Shirt
  168. The North Face 700 Nuptse Jacket
  169. The North Face Nuptse Fleece Jacket
  170. The North Face Light Jacket
  171. Canada Goose Wyndham Jacket
  172. Lacoste Jacket
  173. Moncler Maya
  174. Moncler Montca Jacket
  175. Polo Raulph Lauren Sweater
  176. Polo Raulp Lauren Tracksuit
  177. Stone Island Long Sleeve
  178. Stone Island Hoodie
  179. Stone Island T-Shirt
  180. Vlone Friends T-Shirt
  181. Fear Of God Tracksuit
  182. Prada Puffer Jacket
  183. Syna World Tracksuit
  184. Trapstar set summer
  185. Gucci Tracksuit
  186. Spider Hoodies - Tracksuit
  187. Spider T-Shirt
  188. Gallery Dept T-Shirt
  189. Trapstar Irongate Jacket
  190. Trapstar T-Shirt - Summer set
  191. Trapstar Shooters Tracksuit
  192. Trapstar Irongate Tracksuit
  193. More Trapstar Tracksuit
  194. Balenciaga Hoodie
  195. Balenciaga Sweater
  196. Balenciaga Print Logo Hoodie
  197. PSG Tracksuit
  198. Palm Angels T-Shirt
  199. Palm Angels Bear T-Shirt
  200. Amiri 22 Hoodie
  201. Amiri T-Shirt
  202. Amiri Cupid T-Shirt
  203. Nike Windbreaker
  204. Nike X Nocta Techfleece
  205. Nike Techfleece set
  206. Corteiz Tracksuit
  1. Eric Emanuel EE Shorts
  2. Corteiz Cargo Pants
  3. Essentials Sweatpants
  4. Rhude Shorts
  5. Gallery Dept. Sweatpants
  6. Stone Island Cargo Pants
  7. Lululemon Yoga Pants
  8. Flower Jeans
  9. True Religion Jeans
  10. Gucci Shorts
  11. More Amiri
  12. Stone Island Sweatpants
  13. Stone Island Shorts
  14. Balmain Jeans
  15. DSQARED2 Jeans
  16. Amiri Jeans
  17. Amiri Angel Jeans
  18. Dsquared2 Jeans
  19. Bape Shorts
  20. Palm Angels Shorts
  21. Eric Emanuel EE Shorts
  22. Essential Sweatpants
  23. Essential Shorts
  24. Stone Island Shorts
  25. Spider Sweatpants
  26. Trapstar Shorts
  27. Gucci Shorts
  28. Burberry Shorts
  29. LV Carpenter Pants
  30. LV Carpenter Pants Black
  31. Corteiz Cargo Pants
  32. Gallery Dept Sweatpants
  33. Flower Jeans
  34. Flower Shorts
  35. Palm Angels Shorts
  36. Bape Shorts
  37. Amiri Jeans
  38. Amiri x Skull Jeans
  39. Purple Jeans
  40. Polo Swimshorts
  41. Chrome Hearts Jeans
  42. Amiri Jeans
  43. Stone Island Shorts
  44. Dsquared Jeans
  45. Bape Shark Shorts
  46. Rhude Shorts
  47. Palm Angels Track Pants
  48. Palm Angels Shorts
  49. Corteiz Cargo Pants
  50. Amiri Stars Jeans
  1. Louis Vuitton LV Belt With Box
  2. Rolex Watch With Box and Receipts
  3. AP Watch With Box
  4. MCM Backpack
  5. Swatch x Omega Planets Watch
  6. Gucci Shoulder Bag
  7. Prada Shoulder Bag
  8. BB Simons Belt
  9. LV Gradient Belt
  10. LV Pattern Belt
  11. Yves Saint Laurent Wallet
  12. Yves Saint Laurent Cardholder
  13. YSL Bifold Wallet
  14. Trapstar Irongate Shoulder Bag
  15. PSD Boxers
  16. Louis Vuitton Messenger Bag
  17. Salvatore Ferragamo Belt
  18. LV Wallets with box
  19. Hermes Wallet
  20. Louis Vuitton Cuban Link Bracelet With Box
  21. LV Women wallet with box
  22. LV Scarf And Beanie set
  23. Burberry Scarf
  24. Iced Out Cuban Link
  25. Goyard St. Louis Tote Bag
  26. Christian Dior Saddle Bag
  27. Gucci GG Belt
  28. Gucci Snake Belt
  29. Gucci Snake Printed Belt
  30. Gucci Ring
  31. Gucci Keychain
  32. Dior Pattern Belt
  33. MCM Pattern Belt
  34. Hermes Belt
  35. Versace Belt
  36. Nike Socks
  37. Supreme Backpack
  38. Louis Vuitton Backpack
  39. Alyx Backpack
  40. Supreme Shoulder Bag
  41. Supreme Face Mask
  42. Supreme Dice
  43. Air Pods Max
  44. Balenciaga Socks
  45. Prada Necklace
  46. Prada Bucket Hat
  47. Marc Jacobs The Tote Bag
  48. Chanel Flap Bag
  49. Louis Vuitton Card Holder
  50. Louis Vuitton Pattern Duffle Bag
  51. Louis Vuitton Transparent Duffle Bag
  52. Louis Vuitton Chain Wallet
  53. Lv Purse
  54. LV Waist Bag
  55. LV Alpha Messenger Bag
  56. Hermes Blanket
  57. Hermes Pillows
  58. Gucci Towel Set
  59. Louis Vuitton Wool Blanket
  60. Chanel Bath Towels
  61. Chanel Sunglasses
  62. Celine Cat Eye Sunglasses
  63. Celine Hat
  64. MCM Leather Hat
  65. ICON Hat
  66. Amiri Hat
  67. Gucci Hat
  68. Gucci Snake Hat
  69. Prada Hat
  70. Burberry Hat
  71. Coach Tabby Pillow Bag
  72. Bottega Cassette Crossbody Bag
  73. Vevine Westwood Necklace
  74. LV Millionaire Sunglasses
  75. LV Cyclone Sunglasses
  76. LV Ring
  77. LV Earrings
  78. LV Emilie Wallet
  79. Various LV Bags
  80. LV Sunglasses
  81. LV Keychain
  82. Chanel Earrings
  83. Clear Cartier Glasses
  84. Cartier Nail Bracelet
  85. UGG Gloves
  86. Tiffany Bracelet
  87. Tiffany Hearts Ring
  88. Tiffany Solitaire Ring
  89. Tiffany Earrings
  90. C.P COMPANY Beanie
  91. Canada Goose Beanie
  92. Prada Beanie
  93. Louis Vuitton Beanie
  94. Balenciaga Beanie
  95. Gucci Shocks
  96. Balenciaga Side Logo Hat
  97. BB Simons Belt
  98. Gucci Shoulder Bag (MEN)
  99. Trapstar Ironsgate Shoulder Bag
  100. LV Scarf & Beanie Set
  101. Airpods Pro / 2nd Gen / 3d Gen
  102. LV Gradient Shiny Belt
  103. Hermes Belt
  104. Balenciaga Hat
  105. Gucci Pattern Hat
  106. Gucci GG Belt
  107. Unisex Prada Sunglasses
  108. Rolex Watch (With Box & Receipt)
  109. Cartier Clear Glasses
  110. Dsquared ICON Hat
  111. Rolex Watch (With box)
  112. Rolex Datejust (With box)
  113. Rolex Daydate (With box)
  114. Patek Phillipe Watch (With box)
  115. AP Watch (With box)
  116. BB Simons Belt
  117. LV Crossbody Purse
  118. LV Messenger Bag
  119. LV Messenger Bag 2
  120. LV Cardholder
  121. LV Sling Backpack
  122. LV Wallet
  123. LV Scarf
  124. LV Sunglasses
  125. MCM Backpack
  126. Gucci Belt
  127. Gucci Snake Belt
  128. Gucci GG Wallet
  129. Gucci Wallet
  130. Gucci Pouch
  131. Goyard Cardholder
  132. Goyard Wallet
  133. OFF-White Rug
  134. Prada Hats
  135. Prada Phonecase
  136. Prada Messenger Bag
  137. More Prada Bags
  138. Prada Sunglasses
  139. New Era 59FIFTY Hat
  140. Nike Socks
  141. Cartier Glasses
  142. Crease Protectors
  1. Gucci Chevron Espadrilles $69.49 ( goes up to size 42)
  2. LV Lace-Up Winter Fur Boots $79.65 (goes up to size 42; cute boots, I’m not sure if these are fantasy?)
  3. Christian Louboutin Pira Ryad Wedge Sandals 6cm/12cm heel both $69.41 (loads of different color-ways)
  4. Christian Louboutin Suede Pumps 8cm/10cm/12cm heel $76.36 (only comes in black)
  1. Balenciaga Logo T-Shirt $22.66
  2. Balmain Crewneck Sweatshirt
  3. Polo Bear T-shirt
  4. Versace Medusa Top
  5. YSL Star Crewneck Pullover
Headwear and Accessories
  1. Bulgari Serpent Ring
  2. Pandora Charm Bracelet
Here are some extra Items
  1. Nike x Drake Hot Step Air Terra nocta
  2. Essentials Hoodie
  3. Trapstar Shooters Tracksuit
  4. The Tote Bag
  5. Prada Loafers
  6. Iced Out Cuban Link
  7. Gucci Hat
  8. MCM Hat
  9. Nocta Hoodies
  10. Louis Vuitton Ring
  11. Nike Socks
  12. PSG Tracksuit
submitted by Suspicious-Shame475 to fashionreps2 [link] [comments]