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2024.06.01 05:17 Katib-At-Tajjid My story (reposted with updates)

Hello, and assalaamu alaikum all,
I am Damon Stengel. I am posting my story because it will have a significant impact and it will help many who are doubting or hidden ex-Ahmadis among both born and convert Ahmadis.
I am a former convert to Ahmadiyya and I was very passionate in Tabligh. I want to share with you all my story.
I was once a very fanatical and fundamentalist Ahmadi. I would call ex and doubting Ahmadis cowards and munafiqs for speaking out against Jammat. All that changed with the past years. This is the story of my secret ex-conversion. This is the story of how I reclaimed my true self once more:
After I joined the Jammat in my late teens, I was excited. I felt I finally found the truth I've been searching for all my life. I was getting, what I thought were frequent true dreams. I frequently read books so I can debate and refute opponents.
Gradually, and growing older, I slowly ran into a problem: There were some references that seemed to go against Mirza Sahib and it was causing me to doubt. I convinced myself that I can find answers for these allegations because it is true, some objections to Jammat are complete lies (not realizing at the time not all are lies).
I increased my reading of literature, but some of the doctrines of Jammat seemed to conflict with the doctrines of traditional Islam like the seal of Prophethood. Reading Aik Ghalati Ka Azala seemed to clear up my confusion but it began to turn into cognitive dissonance.
I nearly left Jammat in 2019 because I began to embrace my more skeptical side again, but it took a phone call by my mentor to stay with the simple words: "Did Huzoor ever lie once?"
with no Nida audio at the time, I had to say "No.", And then, I had a revival of blind faith, diving deeply into religious fundamentalism of the Ahmadi kind. I was ready to by way of Majazi (pun intended) to throw hands with anyone that spoke out against Jammat or those who are hidden ex Ahmadis. I fed lies to myself that I did find the truth, it was just me hanging out in the company of skeptics so I chose to hang out with fundies on Twitter.
Because I felt this was the truth. These was the lies I constantly told myself. I told myself I am the Prodigal Ahmadi convert and man, did I take Tabligh to the extreme just like Razi does. I can definitely see why some of you may have thought I was a Jammat plant sent after ex Ahmadis
I remember I made a really long article years ago saying converts already explored the world and therefore they're better than ex Ahmadis because they went into the world whereas converts were already in the world, but found the "truth".
How wrong I was! Because as I grew in more knowledge of Ahmadi literature, I also began reading a lot of secular and non-Ahmadi Islamic literature as well.
I consistently found the stuff I've read to not match up with the teachings of Jammat or that there were so many contradictions, I couldn't answer allegations. Part of it was because I didn't know Urdu, and my Arabic was sloppy.
So I began gradually learning Urdu and improving my Arabic. After becoming married, my Urdu improved a lot. a family member from my in laws gave me a hand in pronunciation of Urdu letters and words. I would say Ghora (horse) was the most difficult but I can just barely do it slightly better than a born Ahmadi raised here in American. I picked up on basic Urdu really quick. So it helped me with reading some literature.
I improved my Arabic as well. That's when I realized Jammat was purposely mistranslating some passages such as Haqiqatul Wahi on Majazi prophethood.
Once I asked Razi why we don't have a good translation on a Quranic verse and the Arabic says differently, and he indirectly called me arrogant and accused me of knowing Arabic better than Huzoor so I chose to keep quiet. I started questioning again later
When a Bhai came out to me as an ex Ahmadi, I ran to Razi. Razi told me to cut him off and I did. I continued in my religious fundamentalist phase and then I cut out all the ex Ahmadis in obedience to Jammat saying to not hang out with them.
And I would delete my social media and then come back with new account and make articles refuting allegations. Yet, deep down, that cognitive dissonance I mentioned earlier continued to increase. I studied logic and fallacies to try to help myself, and i slowly realized Ahmadi arguments are ridiculous and Razi is very manipulative in his Tabligh.
Then, Mohammad Abr Razack showed me a different side to Muslim Dawah and he seemed like a very decent man, even if I may not have agreed with him on everything. same with talking with Sohail Ahmed, Reason On Faith, his mannerisms definitely resembled that of an Ahmadi Muslim, socially.
I continue and continued. The homeopathy and other social media controversies rocked my faith as Kashif Bhai can attest. whenever Kashif Bhai would confront me on these things, I would avoid.
when I first started seeing Kashif Bhais posts on homeopathy, I chose to ignore it. but then I saw the backlash of the fundamentalist Ahmadis. I tried to reason with one in that they shouldn't be harsh with Kashif Bhai but I got rebuffed and accused of being a coward and so I chose to retreat and not participate.
wasn't really until a year later, I somewhat got a bit more vocal about my fundamentalism on homeopathy but even then I wasn't directly confrontational. only that me and Kashif Bhai butted heads a lot in DMs, and that's when he told me some stories of his treatment by some figures in Jammat. I chose to ignore at the time.
still, I got married and I had my kid. After another bout on social media, I took a year long break.
I left to focus on family but also because my identity crisis was at an all time high, and my own behaviors were causing problems in my marriage. There was also a point i thought of suicide because I had two conflicting realities and identities (Ahmadi-fused me vs. the real me) in my head. I eventually started seeing a therapist for unaddressed childhood trauma and that changed everything about my perspective on life. I learned new techniques to manage emotions and my relationships.
I returned to social media with newfound empathy for others and I intended to be the perfect Ahmadi. That's when I approached a couple ex Ahmadi brothers I used to talk to before they left and patched things up. I even patched things with Bashir Shah (even if I still don't always agree with his approach).
Little did I know, it would be the end of me being Ahmadi.
When I saw Craig Considine's post about pro Palestinian protesters and accusing them of BS rhetoric, I got mad and so did a buddy of mine from Texas. He published a blog against Craig and I posted it to social media. That's how Craig was able to get a hold of it.
He disassociated himself from Ahmadis and many tried to reason with him and others called him out. I fought with a buddy of mine who kept blindly defending Craig because "Huzoor loves him" (that Muslun guy I had an exchange with today lmao; i called him Batalvi Sahib haha for his religious fanaticism).
Slowly, I realized Huzoor may be misguided.
I spoke with my old ex Ahmadi friend more and more and I spoke with his cousin as well. Both of them I looked up to as role models in my early years of Ahmadiyyat (and I still see them as such) and was sad to hear both of them leaving but with my newfound empathy of seeing good in others from therapy, I knew they both are still great people.
What made me disown Qadiani Khilafat was after reading the Shahatul-Quran or testimony of the holy Quran by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. It presented a very different picture of Khilafat and he said it's eternal and will last until the day of Judgement. That contradicts Jammat doctrine of him declaring prophethood in 1901 and then , contradicts the supposed doctrine from the Wassiyat that Khilafat will be established after his demise.
I told my friend about it and he told me to look at the Lahori versions of Correction of an error and the will. I saw for myself the numerous references where Mirza sahib did not claim prophethood but only by way of metaphor. He was a saint claimant. Nothing more and that it was Khalifatul Masih II that invented the doctrine that his father was a prophet
I began questioning why we say "alayhi salaam" after the title of promised Messiah, as if he's on the same rank as previous prophets before Rasulullah (saw).
Knowing this as well as previous controversies regarding the 200 million Ahmadis thing in 2001, and then reading the Khilafah nabuwwah minhaj Hadith in depth (which Qadianis use to promote their propaganda), I knew their Khilafat was false.
Then, I finally had the courage to look up the transcript of Masroor's call with Nida Sahiba and I was disgusted. I've read the entire script of that call. Having studied psychology and psychiatry on and off for years, I remember there was a part of the transcript I've read in both English and Urdu where Huzoor told his niece that she should've screamed when one of the people she was accusing raped her.
She thoroughly debunked Huzoor and said that therapists say that everyone has a different trauma response and her trauma response was freezing. Which is true because adrenaline is our evolutionary survival instinct. It is either fight or flight. Many rape victims freeze for safety reasons lest they escalate the situation further. I felt that was very ignorant of Huzoor to say those messed up things to her, and I was happy I disowned the Caliphate because so many convert brothers went up to me to ask about it for years, and I gave unsatisfactory answers or made up excuses. Now I know the truth.
let me make it clear: Some have countered that Nida couldn't prove her case to the courts. however, I would refer them to articles that say we need to change the way courts view rape victims: https://www.uml.edu/news/stories/2019/sexual_assault_research.aspx
"Morabito says more resources, public education and policies that encourage prosecutors to bring cases to trial are needed, although it may take time to change public opinion.
“Maybe if more of these cases were tried, we’d break down those myths and see more of what sexual assault cases really involve,” she says."
I continued to believe in Mirza sahib but held the Lahori position, but I began to question his claim itself. I read about the fabrication of Daru-Qutni and I realized it's actually technically a dishonor to orthodox Islam to quote a fabrication that disrespects the scholars who proved fake Hadiths are not to be used.
my two ex Ahmadi friends continued to share with me their skepticisms in order to show me the falsehood of Mirza sahib. When one of them showed me proof that the red drops revelation happened in a bathroom, I without question, disowned Mirza sahib as well.
I felt relief. As if a heavy weight and burden was lifted off my shoulders after nearly 10 years. The whole reason I was Ahmadi for so long was due to my ego. I didn't want to admit I was duped. I didn't want to admit I converted out of youthful naivety.
when I first started meeting with the Ahmadis, my gut instinct when I originally hung out with the Ahmadis was to read all of Mirza Sahib's literature and then make a decision, but a Murabbi told me if I keep waiting, I'll go to hell. So I made the decision in haste and did bait. Never did I admit this in any of my stories
I've always had a skeptical side of me and I embrace it fully now. this is why my conversion to non-denominational Islam isn't really complete either because I have no intentions in trading one religious dogma for another. I have chosen to embrace my old agnostic atheism once more.
actually, these views of mine were always such for years. unconsciously, I was always an agnostic, but I just chose to not consciously acknowledge it. yet, I'm free at last, my story is very similar to many other ex Ahmadis and doubting/questioning Ahmadis in here.
I'm gonna tell you guys straight up, my soul left jammat a long time ago. I only just admitted it to myself a few weeks ago, and I embraced the true me.
I realized in a sense (even though it was my own choice and free will out of a false passion) that Jammat indirectly used me for their propaganda. I wanted to imitate Razi and be in the same league as him, and damn straight, I sure am in the same league as them from both the perspectives of Ahmadis and those who disagree with them.
Many ex and more open-minded Ahmadis (such as Kashif Bhai) called (indirectly) me ignorant of the facts, naive, head-in-sand, and a product of religious indoctrination. I realized how right they are. I fell for the same cult vibe just as the one I grew up in-Pentecostal Christianity.
Now, the very person that was heavy against ex-Ahmadis and questioning Ahmadis online for years and said he's better than them, has found the truth, is now himself, an ex-Ahmadi because he grew in emotional intelligence and empathy for others.
It's ironic. Both convert Ahmadis and ex Ahmadis have so much in common in regards to opposition. I, out of all people should've understood the most of why ex and doubting Ahmadis think the way they do. But now I truly understand.
Viewing myself as the "Savior and Prodigal Convert Ahmadi" for people who doubt and it was definitely taxing on my mental health. It was just pure ego. Nothing more.
I thought I could "save" other Ahmadis, but I couldn't even "save" myself.
Except I saved myself from religious indoctrination and possible insanity
You can lose friends and family n stuff, but if you lose yourself, that's the worst feeling ever. Ngl
These are my views summarized:
In essence, my views are very similar to my views from before entering the Jammat, in that, I believed all religions had the same amount of gods, same amount of prophets and same amount of books, as if God(s) were in a competition with Him/themselves.
That's my view on this world again, and if anything, history has repeatedly shown religious dogma causes stagnation in communities. openness to other views and perspective and intermixing is key, and I just dislike how Jammat and the nizam say we need to get back to "the core teachings" or "don't worry about what others are doing. focus on yourself and your connection to Allah and Khilafat.", this completely ignores the reality of the problems in Jammat like the rape scandals, rampant and judgemental Desi culture of excessive gossip and defaming, stagnation in the education of its members (being the former Nizam Taleem of MKA Baltimore), most converts leaving after converting because they found no love in the social structure of Jammat or it's too dogmatic, no one is enthusiastic about Tabligh or Taleem, Jammat encourages calling people and "being their friend", but people see through the B.S. behind that. Jammat has grown stagnant and refuses to hold themselves accountable for fear of a ruined reputation despite the fact this philosophy ruins their reputation further. it sounds to me as if Jammat is like an insecure narcissistic man who never takes responsibility for his wrongs and always blames the other person.
Ameer Sahib always lectures the people of Jammat in the Jalsas of how sad he is about the bad tarbiyyat of Ahmadis or those not joining the Wassiyat scheme (and I speak as a former Moosi, so no one can lecture me here), but he only presents himself as someone judgemental and not someone that speaks with humility. it seems it's just another speech about low turnout. maybe instead of lecturing everyone, might be better to reform the institution from ground up? perhaps Musleh Maud's system no longer works in this era. or that it needs great reforms to better progress the community. there is too much of a social hierarchy in this institution and it's filled with those who have no real understanding of the struggles of Ahmadi youth.
don't get me started on the Noah's ark rhetoric and how Jammat presents it. Everytime I would ever read that book or listen to excerpts in speeches or zoom calls, I'd feel guilty and like a peace of trash. especially with Masroor Sahib saying a nuclear war is upon us soon. I feel this is a cult because more chanda is being demanded. more guilt tripping is being made to gaslight members into blindly following. I saw a child cry in their parent's arms upon hearing what Masroor Sahib said about "World War III is here." why would you expose a child to that??? that's terrible mental torture and I felt bad for them.
That's all I got for now.
Everything else has been explained here:
Damon Stengel, The Ex-Ahmadi Convert
submitted by Katib-At-Tajjid to islam_ahmadiyya [link] [comments]

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2024.05.31 21:25 culieau [VENDO] Galaxy S23 USD 500 Galaxy Note20 USD 300

Hola! Estimados mercado-rediturros
Me complace poner a vuestra disposición las siguientes dos unidades, las cuales se encuentran en un muy buen estado de cuidado y excelente funcionamiento:

Samsung Galaxy S23

Samsung Galaxy Note20

Los dos están liberados para todas las compañías, en sus cajas originales.
El S23 vino sin accesorios. El Note 20 viene con auriculares originales AKG de cable ficha USB tipo C y con el cargador original de carga rápida 25 wats.
Ambos habían sido publicados hace 15 días al monto que se encuentra en el título de las publicaciones de Imgur, pero el precio oficial y actual es el aquí publicado: estoy cambiando de equipo y deseo recuperar algo de dinero, por eso los estoy rematando.
Espero tener suerte con esta publicación. Saludos!
submitted by culieau to Mercadoreddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:08 ComfortableHippo4815 Informações sobre os 497 municípios do Rio Grande do Sul (Parte 2/25)

Informações sobre os 497 municípios do Rio Grande do Sul (Parte 2/25)
Segunda parte das informações sobre os municípios do Rio Grande do Sul. Caso queira algum contexto, entre na minha conta e veja a primeira parte disso porque eu explico sobre o que é isso.
Devo avisar que, todas as informações foram pegas da Wikipédia, mas que: Primeiro, a população não está correta, todas as informações sobre a população de TODOS os municípios são de 2020, 2021 ou 2022. Segundo, não foram todas as bandeiras que consegui achar de boa qualidade, então, várias bandeiras eu peguei no MBI, peço desculpas que, esteja com o símbolo da MBI, mas não irei pagar apenas para ter as mesmas imagens com a única diferença sendo que estará sem símbolo.
Continuando do Aratiba até Barra Funda
submitted by ComfortableHippo4815 to brasilivre [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:56 humidtropic Last 15 days! Check this out! (If this is not your first attempt)

Its almost sure that atleast 4X (where X is people who cross prelims cut offs) will be well versed with stuffs like- STATIC and PT 365's of 2024. The presence of mind during those 2+2 hours (plus definitely the CSAT) will determine who the X are. Having said this, one cannot sit idle for next 14 days. One should peak his/her confidence around the time of prelims. Funda statics tho everyone will know. And believe me, only less than 10 questions will surface from the tedious PT 365s-2024. Rest 90 questions will be from proper static and from the applied areas of the Current Affairs that has been in news for last 2-3 years. If you are someone who has read 2024's PT 365's( or similar magazines), I would strongly recommend you to go through a 2 test series sourced from PT 365's of 2022 and 2023. This will give you that confidence over Economy, Environment and ST (subjects on which these tests are based on and which constitute around 50% of prelims questions) and a revision of the areas that has been in news for some time. Here is the link, www.cultedu.com/learn/PT365---CSAT-Test-Series.
Also, an issue with all the test series (including the above one(whose intention was not to give you a mock of the original UPSC prelims)) is that they train you to the coaching institute way of things. THIS IS OF NO USE FOR UPSC ORIGINAL PRELIMS. So what ideally one must do is to practise original UPSC PYQ's. This is to learn the behaviour of the original UPSC Prelims questions. You can also try UPSC (2021-23) original exam micro analysis based mock tests www.cultedu.com/learn/UPSC--Full-Bundle-/UPSC-Full-Combo. This is carefully crafted to mimic the exact subject proportion of the respective year with exact proportion within each of the subjects - easy, medium, tough, black box questions(which you SHOULD leave) and seca questions ( socio economic cultural aptitude questions - eg) orangutan using sticks, pressure cooker boiling point, honeybee waggle dance question etc) of the respective year. Why is this important? Because you don't know whether this year will be polity>environment>ST...or history>environment>ST>polity....So the only humanely possible thing is to get ourselves used to what UPSC has asked.
PS: Consider this message only if this is not your first attempt. Because this comes from experience, from failures, brisk misses, final success after numerous failures & moreover from the heart.
submitted by humidtropic to UPSC [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:18 False-Manager39 Hattho'n / Sago'n (Theth words for "Rather/Balke")

Both words are used in Punjab to mean "RatheIn fact"
In Urdu/Hindi we say "Balkay", (Persio-Arabic) It has also become common in modern Punjabi
Here are examples of both from Jatki/Shahpuri Punjabi:
Shahpuri Punjabi Drama WP: "Meri Taa'n JoRi RaL Gyii, Menu KehRI Tension Ae? Hattho'n Ghaaray Khushiyaa'n Ee Khushiyaa'n Hosan"
Fazilka East Punjab Jatki Punjabi: "Haa'n Taa'n Chupp Kar! Hattho'n Changgi Gall Ae, AapNi KaNak Bach Gyii"
Jatki Punjabi Drama: "Theek Thaak Duddh Honda AeDaa GhaaTHaa, Sutthraa Duddh Deyndi Aa, Sago'n SaaDi Chaa' Bahoo'n GhaaTHi BaNdi!"
BhaiMaya Gurmukhi-English Dictionary for Hattho'n BhaiMaya Gurmukhi-English Dictionary for Sago'n
Iqbal's Shahmukhi Dictionary for Hattho'n Iqbal's Shahmukhi Dictionary for Sago'n
Punjabi Pedia on "Sago'n" also gives "Hattho'n" in the meaning.
In Indian Punjab the Standard Punjabi almost always uses "Sago'n" Even Google translate gives this word for Balke/Rather A google search on Sago'n in Gurmukhi gives a lot many search results
Eastern Punjabis please give video examples for Sago'n! I could not find any good-natural ones myself
submitted by False-Manager39 to ThethPunjabi [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:07 Deftlithe ASMR: Snore Sleep Stream 2024 #snoringsleepstreamnew2024 #snoringasmr

Snoring Sleep Stream New 2024 #snoringsleepstreamnew2024 #unitedstates #india #urdu #bearsbigdick #beardedgayman #powertop #datingapps #omg #sleepapnea #cpap #medical #pridemonth #DC #dmv #capitalpridealliance #LGBTQ沖縄 #grindr #men #plussize #va #capitalprideparade #march https://www.youtube.com/live/XoPV0J
submitted by Deftlithe to cryogenicsleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:49 LearnQuester How can one tell apart Urdu from Hindi?

My apologies if this is a silly question. I am not quite fluent in Urdu. And didn't know where else to ask this.
For example, is this Hindi or Urdu? https://www.instagram.com/darkesticx_4u?igsh=ejFsb3oyNGZkbmtq
submitted by LearnQuester to Urdu [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 02:00 Vessel_soul Apostates in islam.

Apostates in islam.
salam I have collected evidence on apostates on this sub to help new muslim and ex-Muslim and none-muslim that have this view on Islam due to traditional/extremist Muslim.
Dissertation on apostasy and how to deal with them check u/Connect_Ad_1401 comments
read Taqwacore comments
Did prophet muhammad actually order the killing of people who leave islam? read by u/woodmax764
as he provided evidence from scholars from the past and today.
Is apostasy punishable by death read by u/Khaki_Banda
There is no authentic evidence for the execution of Apostates - this is good
Why I believe there is no apostasy law in Islam read the post and u/Khaki_Banda comments
Did the Prophet kill apostates who renounce Islam? by Abu Amina Elias
Deep Dive on the well-known Punishment for Apostasy Hadiths (Opinion/Research Piece)
Apostasy in Islam - Punishable By Death? - Mufti Abu Layth:
Q&A: Isn't it Death Penalty for Apostasy in Islam? Answer: NO! - Dr. Shabir Ally
The Reality of Apostasy in Islam by Dar al-Ifta al-Missriyya's
Apostasy in Islam - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
No Capital Punishment for Apostasy in Islam by Azhar Goraya
Problematic Hadith about Apostasy Part 13 Dr. Shabir Ally
Grand Ayatollah Reza Hosseini Nassab says in a fatwa on his website: http://hoseini.org/Esteftaat-English.asp#E1…
Question: Is the perfect Muslim Jurist allowed to alter the legal provisions such as stoning and execution to other provisions such as imprisonment and a fine?
In field of governmental chapters of Islamic Jurisprudence, the prophet (s.a.w.a) and the infallible Imams and the perfect and just jurists are allowed to alter those provisions, based on the general rules of Islamic jurisprudence and according to the general interests of Islamic Umma
He also does not believe not hijab is a requirement.
Argument that Apostates Should Not Be Sentenced to Death by Ahmad Muntaha AM (note use translation as it is in Indonesia language)
there is already Quranic evidence disproving apostasy law and hadiths said likewise.
if I'm missing anything plz let me know and I will add it here. I hope my research of findings these things help you guys greatly as well as near future and fight off these extremist Muslims and islamophobia.
Is there a punishment for apostasy? - Listen to the Quran (eng sub) by dr Adnan
Apostasy in Islam - The Truth
Why Takfiring and Death for apostasy is a BAD thing.
The Punishment for Apostasy by Dr. Shehzad Saleem
Blasphemy And Apostasy Laws: Islam or Hislam?
The Death Penalty, Mercy and Islam: A Call for Retrospection
here what find that wiki page:
"Ibrahim al-Nakha'i (d. 95 H) and Syfyan al-Thawri (d. 162 H) have held that the apostate should be invited to Islam and should never be condemned to death. The Maliki jurist Ibn al-Walid al-Baji (d. 494) and the Hanbali jurist Ibn Taymiyyah have held that apostasy is a sin which carries no hadd punishment and that a sin of this kind may be punished only under the discretionary punishment of ta'zir." - 23 Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Sarim al-Maslul, Muhayy al-Din 'Abd al-Hamid, (ed.), Beirut: Dar al-Kitab, source: Kamali, Mohammad Hashim (1998). "Punishment in Islamic Law: a Critique of The Hudud Bill of Kelantan, Malaysia". Arab Law Quarterly.
Mahmud Shaltut, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar: "The late Shaykh of al-Azhar, Mahmud Shaltut, analysed the relevant evidence in the sources and drew the conclusion that apostasy carried no temporal punishment because in reference to apostasy the Qur'an only speaks of punishment in the hereafter. Shaltut also concurred with the analysis that the key factor in the Hadith which prescribed the death penalty for apostasy was "aggression and hostility against the believers and the prevention of a possible fitnah (sedition, civil strife) against the religion and state" - 24 Mahmud Shaltut, Al-Islam Aqidah wa Shari'ah, Kuwait: Dar al-Qalam (c. 1963), pp. 292-293.
Subhi Mahmassa said: "Mahmassani has also made a similar observation saying that "the death punishment was not meant to apply to a simple change of faith but to punish acts such as treason, joining forces with the enemy, and sedition" - 25 Subhi Mahmassan, Arkan Huquq al-Insan fi'l-Islam, Beirut: Dar al-'Ilm lil-Malayeen, 1979, pp. 123-124
source: Kamali, Mohammad Hashim (1998). "Punishment in Islamic Law: a Critique of The Hudud Bill of Kelantan, Malaysia". Arab Law Quarterly.
Ali Gomaa, Grand Mufti: Gomaa's Statement on Apostasy and 'Whosoever will, let him disbelieve' "...the essential question before us is can a person who is Muslim choose a religion other than Islam? The answer is yes, they can because the Quran says, 'Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion,' [Quran, 109:6], and, 'Whosoever will, let him believe, and whosoever will, let him disbelieve,' [Quran, 18:29], and, 'There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is distinct from error,' [Quran, 2:256].... [thus] the matter is left until the Day of Judgement, and it is not to be dealt with in the life of this world. It is an issue of conscience, and it is between the individual and Allah."
Mohsen Kadivar: Blasphemy and Apostasy in Islam: Debates on Shi’a Jurisprudence by Professor Mohsen Kadivar
Hossein-Ali Montazeri; https://www.bbc.com/persian/iran/story/2005/02/050202_mj-montzari-renegade (note use translation as it is in Persia)
Hussein Esmaeel al-Sadr: REPORT – Definition of Islamic Law and the Crime of Apostasy in Islam "Numerous Islamic scholars contend that the Qur’an does not support imposing the death penalty for apostasy. A treatise by Mohsen Kadivar discusses apostasy and the death penalty in detail. Verse 2:256 states, “Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.” Kadivar argues that the enjoinment against compulsion in religion expressed in this verse means that individuals should be free in both accepting and leaving Islam. Ayatollah Seyyed Hossein Sadr, a Shi’a cleric based in Iraq, has also stated that Verse 2:256 was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad regarding Muslims who had converted to Christianity, and that the Prophet Mohammad advised against forcing them to return to Islam.
Verses 10:99 and 11:28 are among other passages that Kadivar relies on to make his argument. In addition, Kadivar points out that while several verses in the Qur’an declare that apostates will be punished in the afterlife, the Qur’an does not prescribe any punishment that should be carried out on earth."
Taha Jabir Alalwani: "Freedom of belief is protected and preserved in the Qur'an. Moreover, given that this is the stance of the Qur'an, it is likewise the stance of the Sunnah. The Qur'an makes clear that the punishment for a change in belief is one that will take effect in the life to come, while the Sunnah likewise makes clear that although a change in belief unaccompanied by anything else may have been interpreted to imply hostility against the Ummah and as a threat to its citizens and interests, there is, never-theless, no prescribed punishment for it in this earthly life" source: "Apostasy in Islam"
Why Blasphemy Laws Are Actually Anti-Islamic couldn't find intisar rabb words but this link stated her claim and mention her.
Apostasy & Blasphemy Law in Islamic Shari'ah ارتداد اور توہین رسالت کا قانون Javed Ahmad Ghamidi it in urdu and there no English subtitle
Apostasy in Islam - Tariq Ramadan
Ahmed Mohamed does but he is very controversial person https://www.memri.org/tv/sheikh-al-azhar-ahmad-al-tayyeb-islam-unrepentant-apostates-should-be-killed-homosexuality
"Al-Azhar opposes declaring certain groups or individuals as apostates, even IS, and in this regard practices what it preaches. In May 2018, the head of al-Azhar University, Ahmed Hosny, was replaced. Hosny had declared TV presenter Islam el-Beheiry, who often voices criticism of certain Islamic teachings and al-Azhar as an institution, an apostate." https://fanack.com/faces/features-insights/grand-imam-ahmed-el-tayeb~104166/
nevermind https://www.copticsolidarity.org/2019/03/24/a-glimpse-into-the-mindset-of-sheikh-ahmed-al-tayeb-the-grand-imam-of-al-azha
Mirza Tahir Ahmad: The Truth about The Alleged Punishment for Apostasy in islam
THE HOLY QUR’AN’S VERDICT ON THE IDEA OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT FOR AN APOSTATE I will now present a few verses that exemplify Islam’s marvelous teaching regarding freedom of religion and, subsequently, I will advert to those arguments that are advanced by the ulema to legitimize capital punishment for an apostate.
FIRST VERSE: Allah the Exalted says: "There should be no compulsion in religion. Surely, right has become distinct from wrong; so whosoever refuses to be led by those who transgress, and believes in Allah, has surely grasped a strong handle which knows no breaking.22 And Allah is All-Hearing, AllKnowing."23
This verse presents a profound piece of wisdom. The theme presented here is directly opposite to the contemporary practice. Allah has not stated here that: 'You have a right to prevent people from becoming apostates.' Rather, Allah has said: 'Nobody has the right to force you to give up your faith.' Allah says: 'Since the truth has become manifestly obvious, and since there is no compulsion in matters of religion, you [O people of faith!] are not expected to use
I have already given an argument against this Ijma‘ that in the era of Hadrat Abu Bakrra, apostates were caught but not killed.128 Therefore, the Ijma‘ of that time was against the death penalty of apostates. If there was an Ijma‘ on the subject, then it was not possible for Hadrat Abu Bakrra not to kill the apostates. Not a single Companionra of the Prophetsa objected and told Hadrat Abu Bakrra that the commandment of the Holy Qur’an was to kill the apostate, it was an established law, and it was obligatory for him to put it into practice; that he did not have permission to inflict any punishment to the apostates other than their death; that he did not have a right to make them slaves. This was the Taqriri* Ijma‘ of the Companions. Not a single voice was raised against the decision (of Hadrat Abu Bakr) and it proves that if there was any consensus of opinion it was on the point that Islam does not permit death as punishment for an apostate.
FOURTH ARGUMENT: Similarly, a great jurist, Imam Ibnul Humam (d. 681 AH) writes in his book Fathul Qadir:
"The reason to kill an apostate is only with the intent to eliminate the danger of war, and not for the reason of his disbelief. The punishment of disbelief is far greater with God. Therefore, only such an apostate shall be killed who is actively engaged in war; and usually it is a man, and not a woman. For the same reason, the Holy Prophetsa has forbidden to kill women. And for this very reason, an apostate female could be killed if she in fact instigates and causes war by her influence and armed force at her disposal. She is not killed because of her apostasy, but for her creating disorder (through war) on earth."
(note idk how accurate it is and when this was made & update this could old and haven't been updated recently so there could be mistake as wiki aren't always reliable) source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostasy_in_Islam
submitted by Vessel_soul to progressive_islam [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:12 Sanfilippo94 De todo un poco: Kamado, mesa de pool, camaras nikon, filmadora sony 4k, escritorios, notebooks, motherboard, microfonos, interfaz de sonido, guitarra, amplificador, router microtik, ssd, monitores, hornalla electrica, hornalla a butano, colchones inflables, lijadora

Buenas, dado que alguna de las fotos me las borro reddit, otros post salieron duplicados y me comi el ban. Posteo aca todo junto, de algunas cosas me falta definirle el precio (hay fotos en el album pero no en la descripcion aca) y de otras me faltan fotos que voy a subir al album. Se retira por alto palermo/envio a cargo del comprador. Estoy en planta baja, lo aclaro para la parte de muebles.
Fotos (Reddit no me borres las fotos lpm)
Tengo un par de notebooks viejas para regalar esas probablemente, son i3 de tercera generacion o por ahi (algunas no tienen disco/ram).
EDIT: LA LISTA SE DESLIZA, A LA DERECHA ESTAN LOS PRECIOS, lo aclaro por que vi que algunos no la habian visto.
Item Descripcion Precio (usd/usdc)
Mesa De Pool (2.5 x 1.5) Mesa de pool almorzar y ping pong de madera dura 2.5 x 1.5 (medida de la mesa con tapa) + set de palos, paletas y bolas $400
Microfono + Pie + cable + Interfaz de audio ( se vende todo junto) Interface De Audio Usb Focusrite Scarlett Solo 3ra Gen. - - -
Cable Microfono Western Cable Microfono Rock N Connecting Canon 3mts - - -
Microfono Audio Technica At2035 + Pie de escritorio Microfono Audio Technica At2035 Condenser Cardioide $350
Guitarra SX EF3 CS Les Paul Cherry Encolada 2010 La compre en el 2009/2010 aproximadamente, casi no se uso, tiene todavia los nylons protectores + funda $300
Amplificador Fender Frontman 15W (Mexico) Amplificador Fender 15W mexico 2009/2010 tiene el mismo poco uso que la guitarra $120
Router Microtik hAP ac lite RB952Ui-5ac2nD Lo compre y nunca lo use $50
MotherBoard Asus Prime Z390-P-SI OEM, la compre y nunca la use, sigue en la caja $100
Ssd M2 120gb Kingston A400 Sa400m8/120g Lo compre y nunca lo use $15
Microfono Behringer USB C1-U 2 años de uso para meetings de trabajo $60
Filmadora HandyCam Sony 4k FDR-AX53 + tripode + 2 baterias La use viaje, tiene dos baterias, una no tiene ni dos ciclos de uso y la otra tendra 2 ciclos viene con tripode. Sony Grip Tripode Gp-vpt1 Zv-1 A6400 A7iii Baterias SONY NP-FV100 y NP-FV70 $1,200
Camara Nikon D3400 18-55 Tiene estuche y 3 baterias pero duran muy poco, no se si es el cargador o las baterias (una bateria era nueva cuando la compre e igual se descarga, tiene menos de 3000 disparos creo) $350
Cama Algarrobo 1 1/2 Plaza y media Para colchon de 190x100 $100
Sommier con 2 cajones internos Para colchon de 190x100 $20
Escritorio Algarrobo 140x65 Laterales y parte trasera con molduras $200
3 monitores Benq Gw2780 27 Pulgadas Ips Full Hd 60hz 5ms Negro + soporte klip xtreme kpm 321 Tienen 3 años de uso. El soporte se apoya sobre el escritorio, no hace falta perforar nada ni apretar nada. Los 3 monitores se pueden rotar independientemente. $800
Kamado 26" Kamado el mas grande que viene, con doble parrilla, limpia parrilla, funda $750
Go Pro 11 black + 3 baterias enduro (en total) + cargador + carcaza para sumergir hasta 60m La use para bucear, las baterias estan practicamente nuevas (al estar en agua fria no se calienta y duran muchisimo mas) $550
Kindle Paperwhite Gen 11 2021 8GB + funda Creo que leí 2 o 3 libros y quedó guardado. 200
Tablet Xiaomi MiPad 2 16gb MiPad 2, la bateria dura 3 horas y media de stremio, tiene android 6
Webcam Logitech Full Hd C920s 1080p 30 Fps $70
Lijadora Roto Orbital Black & Decker Bdero100 La termine usando para pulir zapatos, y quedo ahi (?) 40
Equipo De Pintar Electrico 500w Gamma Nunca se uso. 55
Edit: despues me fijo cuantas notebooks son, y las voy a ir entregando al primero que hable/la pase a buscar, una por persona.
Edit: no hay más Notebooks, les mandé privado a las 4 personas, si no las vienen a buscar en una semana, les aviso a los siguientes.
submitted by Sanfilippo94 to Mercadoreddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 13:37 smartybrome Udemy Free Courses for 29 May 2024

Udemy Free Courses for 29 May 2024

Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE.

submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreeebies [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 13:36 smartybrome Udemy Free Courses for 29 May 2024

Udemy Free Courses for 29 May 2024

Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE.

submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:09 Cheap_Cauliflower_46 Problem with my voice or gear

Hey there, I am now singing for 4 years at the minimum, I can sing high notes with power and everything is just fine however, whenever I try to record it using any kind of device the high notes are distorted and the audio is unclear, in Urdu we say "awaz phat gayi hai" ,or the tone is just gone in the recordings not irl. I used to record with my phone which is old so I bought a microphone named bm800 compressor mic and that still didn't get rid of all the problem and currently I am using a razor barracudas microphone directly attached to my phone with a headphone jack splitter. I am now getting frustrated, it's my passion to sing and after singing for 4 years and uploading my videos for 2, I only managed to get around 2000 followers on Instagram. Also the other problem I am facing is I can't sing properly with background music during recording, the rhythm and tone and pitch adjustment is just gone. I can't afford to buy guitar right now as I have to pay my uni fee. And whenever I add karaoke music in post processing it just doesn't sound good. Any help will be appreciated. It's now do or die situation. I can provide a link to my cover Following is the link to my Instagram reel. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7hGIW7tfwO/?igsh=a3hrYXJheTNyOTV6
submitted by Cheap_Cauliflower_46 to singing [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:08 Cheap_Cauliflower_46 Problem with my voice or gear

Hey there, I am now singing for 4 years at the minimum, I can sing high notes with power and everything is just fine however, whenever I try to record it using any kind of device the high notes are distorted and the audio is unclear, in Urdu we say "awaz phat gayi hai" ,or the tone is just gone in the recordings not irl. I used to record with my phone which is old so I bought a microphone named bm800 compressor mic and that still didn't get rid of all the problem and currently I am using a razor barracudas microphone directly attached to my phone with a headphone jack splitter. I am now getting frustrated, it's my passion to sing and after singing for 4 years and uploading my videos for 2, I only managed to get around 2000 followers on Instagram. Also the other problem I am facing is I can't sing properly with background music during recording, the rhythm and tone and pitch adjustment is just gone. I can't afford to buy guitar right now as I have to pay my uni fee. And whenever I add karaoke music in post processing it just doesn't sound good. Any help will be appreciated. It's now do or die situation. I can provide a link to my cover Following is the link to my Instagram reel. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7hGIW7tfwO/?igsh=a3hrYXJheTNyOTV6
submitted by Cheap_Cauliflower_46 to singing [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 13:58 gncfarmacia GNC Farmácia

Como almacén farmacéutico GNC, le servimos como un mayorista farmacéutico internacional con nuestra amplia gama de productos y áreas de servicio bajo el nombre de GNC.

Como almacén farmacéutico GNC, le servimos como un mayorista boticario internacional con nuestra amplia variedad de artículos y áreas de retrete bajo el prestigio de GNC.
Priorizamos su sabora y lozanía con nuestro empiece de que nuestro objetivo es liquidar todas sus privaciones de lozanía. Exportamos una amplia tonalidad de más de 10,000 bálsamos recetados, vacunas, géneros de cesión libre, artefactos cirujanos, artículos de dictamen, artículos dietéticos a más de 35 países en las divisiones de Europa, África, Asia, Medio Oriente, América Latina y Lejano Oriente.
Las áreas que atendemos son mayoristas licenciados, estructuras favorecedoras, hospitales públicos y íntimos en todo el cosmos. Además, todos los géneros que exportamos son de suscripción calaña, absolutamente confiables y originales. Somos conscientes de que tenemos una gran aceptación con nuestros ungüentos que afectan sin rodeos la lozanía humana. Mantenemos todas nuestras obras actualizadas de ortodoxia con los estándares locales y totales y brindamos capacitación consecuente a nuestro personal en todos los escalones.
Con nuestras áreas de almacenaje con aire ponderado (2-8 ° C), para proveer una elegante ralea y una formidable funda, las personalizamos absolutamente desde el embalaje aun el giro para hastiar las indigencias de nuestros clientes. Gracias a nuestros socios locales y multinacionales con patente oficial en sus zonas y bordes, ofrecemos el beneficio de más adhesión ralea a nuestros clientes con diferentes prisas de desiguales partes del cosmos. Utilizamos razonamientos innovadores, actualizados y confiables para jurar la confiabilidad de cada producto licenciado en la distancia de armonía. Como GNC, tomamos en serio la salubridad humana y reflejamos nuestra ceremonia en nuestro labor. Nos enorgullecemos de brindarle el mejor y más rápido excusado para ceder nuestro objetivo integral saludable.

Almacén Farmacéutico GNC

submitted by gncfarmacia to u/gncfarmacia [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 12:08 MichelleMushtaq Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or lost? You're not alone, we are here to help you through your journey to healing! Only at $60 AUD Book a session with a qualified counsellor or life coach at The Healing Journey and start feeling better today! www.thehealingjourney.com.au

Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or lost? You're not alone, we are here to help you through your journey to healing! Only at $60 AUD Book a session with a qualified counsellor or life coach at The Healing Journey and start feeling better today! www.thehealingjourney.com.au submitted by MichelleMushtaq to HopefulMentalHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 12:05 MichelleMushtaq Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or lost? You're not alone, we are here to help you through your journey to healing! Only at $60 AUD Book a session with a qualified counsellor or life coach at The Healing Journey and start feeling better today! www.thehealingjourney.com.au

Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or lost? You're not alone, we are here to help you through your journey to healing! Only at $60 AUD Book a session with a qualified counsellor or life coach at The Healing Journey and start feeling better today! www.thehealingjourney.com.au submitted by MichelleMushtaq to MentalHealthPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 12:00 MichelleMushtaq Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or lost? You're not alone, we are here to help you through your journey to healing! Only at $60 AUD Book a session with a qualified counsellor or life coach at The Healing Journey and start feeling better today! www.thehealingjourney.com.au

Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or lost? You're not alone, we are here to help you through your journey to healing! Only at $60 AUD Book a session with a qualified counsellor or life coach at The Healing Journey and start feeling better today! www.thehealingjourney.com.au submitted by MichelleMushtaq to Counselling_Psych [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 01:53 DepartureHonest7948 The Uncompromising Blissful Extravagance of His Presence!

CMM.World & CMMTheology.org
The Great Harvest is here. Christ's Mandate for Missions and CMMTheology build strong, organic relationships globally as we worship, grow and equip together. Like Joshua and Caleb and the Apostle Paul, we see with faith what He sees in each person (to help each reach fullness), group (many streams and backgrounds in unity) and nations (sheep vs. goat nations). Our passion is to love, connect, equip and send with the simplicity, fullness, and power of the Gospel.
The Uncompromising Blissful Extravagance of His Presence! Inbox
By CMM.World CMMTheology.org - November 10, 2022
Dear Mighty One,
I see the Lord's eye upon us we discover by revelation the 'new thing' He is doing in our lives and of those of us who, beyond the present darkness, gaze into His eyes. The 'tuning fork' of Yahweh is orchestrating the sons and daughters of our living God in growing holy remnant unity to withstand as we stand with Him fearlessly in the boldness of the faith of God in this hour. Egypt is behind us, and the covenantal promises and prophetic words we have received (1 Tim. 1:18) empower us by His Holy Spirit to advance in warfare, humbly growing in the spirit of wisdom and revelation.

Yesterday as I encouraged some friends, I said, 'stay in the blissful extravagance of His presence.' Today I saw in Psalm 34 His eyes are upon us in vs. 8 & 9 and v:15 about the 'uncompromisingly righteous.' We are to be holy as He is holy. That leaves no room for any more compromise or seeking to please man or the traditions of men, being free of the fear of man, the religious spirit, and any demonic activity. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Lord, help us understand by revelation to walk in all the authority we have been given by Jesus Christ.
Psalm 34:8-9 'O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good! Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him. O fear the Lord, you His saints [revere and worship Him]! For there is no want to those who truly revere and worship Him with godly fear.'
v. 15 'The eyes of the Lord are toward the [uncompromisingly] righteous and His ears are open to their cry.'
Chuck Pierce shared this amazing word from Penny Jackson that is right on for this season: https://christsmandate.blogspot.com/2022/11/chuck-pierce-shares-powerful-word-from.html
May YOUR November be full of Thanksgiving and Praise for you and yours as YOU enjoy The Uncompromising Blissful Extravagance of His Presence!
Thank you for praying for CMM and all your fellow CMM Global Family worldwide. Pray for all the missionaries, schools, and students in CMM College of Theology in the US, Ecuador, Canada, Cuba, Myanmar, Nigeria, and Thailand.
Pray for the new wells and the living water and safe water recently drilled or soon to be drilled in Tanzania, India, Malawi, and Pakistan.
Pray for our upcoming Christmas gift campaigns to bless children and youth in many nations. Many of them are precious, beautiful children (orphans). As the Lord leads, pray about giving any amount to bless dear CMM children this Christmas. https://cmmworld.kindful.com/
Pray for each other, dear friends. We all know we each need prayers going up to Heaven for all those on the front lines. We each are on the front lines!
Please pray for me as I speak tomorrow online to a crusade with 8,000 expected to attend in Pakistan. In December, I will speak at conferences in Liberia and Kenya with fellow CMM Ordained ministers Robert Bimba (Liberia), Tom Omukhobero, and Daniel and Christine Oyoko (Kenya).
We are working on plans and trips for 2023. If you would like to have some of our awesome CMM family speakers for a conference in your area or would like to join or lead a missions trip, we would love to hook you up with dear friends in many nations.
Please join me in welcoming Dr. Louis Blom of Judea Harvest as Associate Director of Missions at CMM. This strategic alliance multiplies the efforts and impact in building the Kingdom of our God, for His glory. https://youtu.be/HXfP8tCySRc

Many blessings and shalom from us all here at the home office and around the world.
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Honoring and Celebrating the Class of 2022's 196 Graduates of CMM College of Theology Global Schools
By CMM.World CMMTheology.org - June 15, 2022

We are rejoicing! We just celebrated two of our six schools' graduations on June 4th in the US and June 11th in Ecuador and we thank the Lord for all He has done in their lives and will do in this new era. We honor the faith in action of each of the seventy-eight students (in the USA and Ecuador schools this year)of all ages and from different streams and backgrounds. We thank the Lord for the hunger, perseverance and faith to finish strong. Each one encountered the Lord in fresh new ways as their hunger and perseverance in faith reaped eternal change as evidenced in their dissertations and heavenly encounters. In the last few months we have graduated 196 students from our global schools. All glory to the Lord as we enter our 16th year of offering affordable, life changing accredited degrees around the world. Each year our school is led by the Holy Spirit to go higher and deeper in excellence in academic standards and spirit-led equipping in a truly experiential, interactive, a
Prophetic Encouragement for 2022 by Jorge Parrott
By CMM.World CMMTheology.org - January 02, 2022

Prophetic Encouragement for 2022 By Jorge Parrott (all scriptures NKJV) (Graphic art by Nancy G. Daniel) Despite the impending wars, division, chaos, calamity, and deceptive controls we hear the voice of our Lord at times speaking, or roaring, or whispering, and breathing on the sons of God. Are we listening yet? Heaven’s roar is clear to those with an ear to hear what the Spirit of the Living God is saying. This year holds untold opportunities, many answered prayers, and the cries of many hearts if we arise to walk obediently in His fullness, not growing weary in well-doing, nor fainting in the heat of this fiery battle. Deut. 6:4 ‘ The Lord our God, the Lord is one! 5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.’ Jesus was asked many questions. What should you ask
Highlights Of Our Amazing Trip To The Holy Land With Chris Reed And Bart Peacher
By CMM.World CMMTheology.org - July 19, 2022

Highlights Of Our Amazing Trip To The Holy Land With Chris Reed And Bart Peacher Prov. 16:9 ' A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure.' We are continually blessed and in awe of how the Lord breathes and moves in our lives. As we press into the high calling of Jesus Christ and we grow in intimacy and trust by faith, His love, grace, and mercy unfold in surprising ways. I had not been to Israel since 2017. So much has changed in the world since then as we see the tremendous acceleration of the times and seasons. Chaos, control, and corruption are increasing at an alarming rate. Our only hope is in Jesus Christ and His righteousness. Divine Encounters Abound As We Are Led By Holy Spirit And Make Ourselves Available Many churches are led by their pursuit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil instead of the knowledge of the Tree of Life. As we surrender fully to the Holy Spirit, we learn to walk in deep humility and attenti
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CMM is a 501c3 founded in 1978. We also handle donor relations for approximately 500 missionaries globally, ordained ministers, as we enjoy the Lord in fellowship, offering Christian accredited degrees globally, church planting, healing, counseling, orphanages, and prayer centers, creative arts, prophetic, humanitarian aid and disaster relief, medical, stopping human trafficking, leadership training and creative incubators for entrepreneurs, disaster relief, and connecting destinies.
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