Gaby ramirez h externo

Friday team lots!

2024.05.31 17:51 r1ckums Friday team lots!

Friday team lots!
Pretty simple team lots, nothing much crazy - just wanting to get some room back!
Most lots will need BMWT, heftiest lots are Orioles, Mets, Cards, Angels, Reds.
Currently not much for Rangers, Mariners, Phils, but I’m sure I can find stuff if those are your teams. Also willing to dig through some older stuff for folks interested.
Have a stellar Friday, everyone!
submitted by r1ckums to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 04:32 freifraufischer 2024 US Championships Sr MAG Day 1 Results

2024 US Championships Sr MAG Day 1 Results submitted by freifraufischer to Gymnastics [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 01:42 Consistent_Pea_1374 Kenny Kodak and the Dark Side of the Industry: A Collection of Random, Loosely Related Information with Some Sources Part Three (The Outtakes)

DISCLAIMER I know a lot of this post is barely related to the subject or very redundant. The main reason I’m sharing is to get people engaging and maybe help others if they’re at a dead end with their research. I didn’t include any in my original posts for this reason. Please don’t read if you’re going to get pissed and say I wasted your time. I warned you.
One last weird connection with loose ties to Drake
The Drake and Delilah Connection: An Expose on the Hollywood Club Scene and it’s Controversial Connections and History
Before I start I just want to say this is a fraction of the info online, but many articles are behind a paywall on the LA Times site. If anyone is interested and has or wants to buy a subscription feel free to add more in the comments. The price is not too bad, I just don’t need any more links because this post is already insanely long. I’d also be willing to bet there are thousands of court cases related to these clubs that could be relevant.
I think I may have shared this first part or seen it posted, but I have a real weird feeling about the club Delilah in Hollywood. It is located on 7969 Santa Monica Blvd in West Hollywood. I find this interesting because it’s a huge celebrity hotspot and has been shouted out constantly these last couple years. I read an article about AK meeting SixNine’s manager and him saying it felt like some Illuminati shit was going down. A very interesting connection is it used to be called Club 7969. Here’s a quote from a very interesting article about Club 7969 along with a link to the full article. From the looks of it the location has been extremely popular over the last couple decades despite a couple name changes. Excuse the outdated terminology, a lot of sources are from the nineties and early 2000’s.
“Club 7969, at the corner of Santa Monica and Fairfax in West Hollywood, was packed as usual last Friday night. Fridays and Mondays are drag night at the club, and flocks of trannies in full feather turn out for the midnight stage show. The drag revue also draws a large contingent of transsexual prostitutes and their johns, including, until recently, the house celebrity, Atison Seiuli, a.k.a. Shalimar, who was riding with Eddie Murphy in his Land Cruiser when the pair got stopped by the LAPD a year ago this week.
Seiuli died two weeks ago, falling to her death from the roof of her apartment building on South Berendo Street in Koreatown. According to Rampart homicide detectives, Seiuli, wearing only panties and a bra, had locked herself out of her apartment and was trying to lower herself from the roof to her fifth-floor window with a towel tied to a railing.”
Not only does the above quote possibly directly connect to the whole ballroom drag stuff, it may also contribute to rumors of many male rappers and other famous people being caught with trans women. Obviously it’s not a huge deal anymore, but it’s always been a thing. A few more interesting connections are the Drake song 7969 Santa and all the Delilah shoutouts he’s made throughout the years. The owner even calls him family.
I linked a very interesting Reddit post I found from five years ago with more info below. Y’all can thank the Drake sub for digging up dirt in their boy.
Another weird connection is the initials of Santa Monica are S and M, which is interesting considering the past history with Dominatrix shows, which can get fucking nuts apparently. I have a wild theory this may be where Drake got his alleged blackmail on Ye and potentially a lot of other artists. In the description on Delilah’s Instagram page it says, “nothing to see here.”
Delilah is part of a large group of famous nightclubs owned by a company called The h.wood Group, which is owned by Brian Toll and partner John Terzian. Apparently they’re involved with Coachella, Cannes, and F1, along with many others.
Below are two very interesting articles about Terzian.
This one talks about his ambitions to get into the hotel business.
I don’t mean to go to weird here, but does anyone find his love of chicken tenders a little odd? With the tender reference that Kendrick made I’m starting to think there might be something more to this word and chicken tenders could had some other meaning. I know it sounds like some p gate shit, but you never know. Please don’t take the definitions below too seriously odds are the dude just has the pallet of a ten year old or he could be a Wall Street Bets bro 😭
Potential possibilities from urban dictionary:
Chicken Definitions- “A term used to describe a young (generally gay) male; often used with connotations of twink.”
“An underage male who prostitutes himself to middle-age men -- usually married professionals and businessmen -- by standing on certain city streetcorners known for the "chicken trade."
“chicken is an underage boy who older guys like to have sex with.”
“An attractive woman with thighs and breasts (like a real chicken)”
“An attractive woman with thighs and breasts (like a real chicken)”
“A young woman/A young homosexual”
I know there is also the expression “choking the chicken,” so it could be referring to male genitalia. I also see a few people using it as a code word for weed and meth, which are both massively popular in the club scene, LBGTQ community, and LA (also the whole west coast pretty much).
Tender Definitions- “Used to descibe a female who is very good looking in that innocent way.”
“The dating app for underage children”
“A feminine acting male”
“A male’s tender meat, the testicles, the softies, the soft ones”
“Young innocent girl”
“These said "Tendahs" must be of legal age otherwise they're just chicken nuggets.. stay away from chicky nuggets.”
“an adjective describing someone or something being sexually attractive or "hot", this term is especially used in the male gay community”
“A pussy or vagina”
Chicken tender definitions- “Testicles”
“Fat elongated cocks”
A girl under the age of 18, but looks of that to be older.”
“Refers to a man over 40 years old who is sexually appealing to younger females”
“Someone who is especially well skilled with cock”
As I said, there are probably similar definitions for most words on UD, and even if there was some hidden meaning, chances are it’s probably just a gay thing.
The same article also spoke about going into the hotel game. Has anyone made the connection between Hilton hotels and Paris Hilton who inspired the Kardashians and many other families to exploit their daughters to get them famous. Anyone remember her talking about the Elon school recently? She also used to be the OG do nothing celebrity back in the day. It could just be my distaste for most billionaires, but who knows how deep the hotel shit really goes.
I also found a high end hotel in Hollywood that may be for swingers, but also may be into some weird shit behind closed doors. I was going to post the link, but their site conditions were so strict and scary I’m not even mentioning their name. It is in LA, as are pretty much all the places I mention below. I tried to narrow things down to West Hollywood which is where Delilah is located and where Drake and Ye used to live, along with tons of other hugely influential people. I never knew until recently, but there are two other Delilah locations in Miami and Vegas. All three cities are known for a lot of debauchery and they all tend to be celebrity hotspots.
LA articles- Background of club mentions a TON of relevant people.
Apparently no phones allowed, maybe unless you’re considered family.
Vegas Articles- Mentions a lot of h.wood clubs and more attached celebrities.
Another article with more info.
Miami Article- Discusses the opening of new location and history of club
Some more articles about the previous clubs at 7969 Santa Monica, the owners, LGBTQ community connections, and some sex/fetish clubs that are still operating to this day. This whole section is going to be NSFW. I tried avoiding any direct links to anything super explicit, but I’ll make another warning before the link if I think it’s important enough to post. I can’t promise what you’ll come across if you research further into this subject. Please be careful going on any direct sites tied to any sex related organizations and if you find something sketchy at least read the user conditions on the site before posting or sharing any info. You never know if they’re doing everything by the book, and one of the sites I visited seemed to be trying very hard to download malware on people’s devices. They even mention they can’t be held liable if anything you click on their site happens to give you a virus.
I found that kind of odd considering the rest of the site looked like a p gate researchers wet dream lol. There is always the chance they could just be trolling that exact same crowd. The one thing that made me take it at all somewhat seriously was the fact that the site belonged to a pretty high end location. The owners could also just be quirky, but I’m definitely being more careful to make it clear that my claims are just theories from now on. The way the sub is going lately it couldn’t hurt. One last thing please don’t harass any businesses or people related to them for any reason, even if they seem sketchy. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty and it’s not fair to accuse someone of anything unless you have irrefutable evidence. This is one of the biggest reasons I believe that there is more to the story. I really don’t think Kendrick would have said what he said if he didn’t know at least something for certain.
Ok last thing I promise, another important thing to remember is just because you see some freaky ass shit doesn’t mean it’s illegal. Some BDSM stuff can seem really fucked up to someone who is more reserved or has no experience with these types of kinks and fetishes. As long as everyone is of age, chances are it’s all consensual and no one should be shamed for their kinks. These connections are more for people to see how heavily sex influences Hollywood. Please don’t harass or kink shame some innocent people trying to get their freak on. I know there’s a big gray area here, but it’s always best not to antagonize anybody unless you want to pay to back it up in court. It also makes it fair game for them to do the same to you and things may not always end up going in you favor.
Another article about h.wood and it’s connection to Hakkasan group. Hakkasan is now owned with Mohari which has a massive portfolio of hotels, apartments, yachts, and restaurant groups.
Warning there is a lot of policitcal incorrectness or generally offensive shit in some of these articles and quotes. Please try to just look at the facts and avoid any anti-LBGTQ language or conspiracies. A ton of different rappers and famous black men have been accused of or have been caught with men or trans women. It really shouldn’t be that big of a deal, but I get why it is for some people. There is no excuse for any type of ignorance and I will gladly remove some of these links if people think they’re harmful.
Club 7969 has a very wild history, and was formerly known as Peanuts. Here are a few more related articles I found aside from the Eddie Murphy one.
An article from 95 about club 7969
Articles describing area around Club 7969 as a hotspot for trans folk and further discusses a famous hate crime murder in the area. This is still a HUGE issue today.
Article going in to the club’s history and some of it’s many name changes. Apparently it used to be a jazz club at first, then it turned into The Pink Pussycat which was apparently super popular with The Rat Pack. I find it interesting some members were known for having some interesting sexual proclivities. After it closed it was bought again and renamed Peanuts, which was primarily targeted towards lesbians for a while. After Peanuts came Club 7969.
An article related to the one above that may have a House of Ebony connection. I honestly can’t understand more than half of it lol
Another article mentioning two more clubs previously located at 7969 Santa Monica, this is like five now and some appear pretty kinky. Voyeur came after Club 7969 and was followed by The Box, which became DBA then Delilah. I may be missing some, but I think I covered them all.
Some random magazine saying Voyeur was one of the top five LA party spots.
Here is an article about Voueur saying it was inspired by the movie Eye’s Wide Shut. Jesus Christ! Stanley Kubrick probably did get killed.
Article mentioning political scandal attached to Voyeur club.
NSFW Only video ever filmed inside the club Voyeur, I thought I was about to watch someone get murdered at first, but it’s just a weird, five minute commercial with tons of boobs.
Articles about DBA which only was open for like two years before it was taken over by owners of Delilah. Apparently DBA was one of the best fetish clubs in Hollywood.
When I was looking up more about Voyeur, which was also a huge celeb hotspot, a lot of other really sketchy looking results popped up with direct links to current sex clubs. I’m not gonna link any and I’d stay away from most of them besides the SNCTM one that seems to be pretty mainstream knowledge and has a Showtime series dedicated to it. Regardless there probably are a lot of very risky clicks on all these sites.
I advise people to stay away from any direct sites and stick mostly to articles. The LA times has more than enough. Trust me I’m sure some of these sites also contain shit you wouldn’t want to see or have in your search history.
I also found a few links to a couple very well funded, massive swinger groups with tons of connections all over the world. I would hope it’s just a lot of rich and horny old people, but this whole industry tends to attract some unsavory people as well. I never expected this LA sex club rabbit hole to go so deep. It all started with the Eddie Murphy connection.
Articles about a VIP Hollywood sex club called SNCTM. Apparently the founder got blacklisted for revealing Hunter Biden is a member lol no wonder all the republicans want what’s on his laptop! You really can’t make this shit up.
The website is Illuminati as hell, also extremely NSFW. How the fuck does a sex cult have m a full product line? The founder’s website also looks like it belongs to a 60’s sex cult. He kinda reminds me of Jared Leto. If this is what they’re willing to show the public I can not imagine how wild shit gets behind closed doors. Apparently, SMCTM hosts events in LA, NYC, Miami, Moscow, Kiev, and other places around the world.
I find the political ties here very interesting. I wonder who else might be a member? Apparently it’s based out of NYC, but it’s flagship club was in LA. Anyone want to start a Gofundme to try and raise a million dollars so someone in the sub can become a Violet Key Benefactor and collect some more dirt? Kidding please don’t.
It reminds me a lot of NXIVM cult with the celebrities that got busted not too long ago.
Some more popular Hollywood nightclubs that were notorious or very sketchy
Article about Fake club
The Chapel in The Abbey is a popular LGBTQ club in West Hollywood that seems to be connected to the culture.
An article from late 2023 about the history of the bar
Another interesting article from a few months later about The Abbey’s sudden closing. Good think it only took 17 years of allegations for them to get shut down 🙃
The Odyssey club’s owner John Nash was allegedly the mastermind behind the Wonderland murders and a huge celebrity drug dealer. He also owned the Starwood Club in West Hollywood, the Soul'd Out club in Hollywood, Paradise Ballroom, the Seven Seas, Ali Baba’s and The Kit Kat strip club. Celebrity dealers are another really interesting rabbit hole to go down as well.
Two more articles about the famous Viper Room where River Phoenix died.
NSFW More about all types of fetish clubs and communities in LA
One group claims to host a Dominatrix convention at the Hilton near LAX and also claims to have worked with HBO, Netflix, Showtime, Epix, and VH1. “Hotel parties” also seem to be a common trend amongst these very sex-positive communities. Renting out cruise ships and resorts all over the world seems to be common as well. To me this shows they are at the very least well funded and have a global reach. Chances are it’s a bunch of fat, old, married couples who no one would want to watch get down like at The Villages in Florida. It seems like many of the more exclusive ones could potentially have some influential members.
Article about sex club The Vault and it’s celebrity guests including Naomi Campbell. Looks like it’s from an old ass gossip site though so I would do further research.
Unfortunately homophobia was always been prevalent in the industry and the source of lots of gossip. It was definitely very prevalent in the rap game in the nineties and early 2000’s. For those who don’t know Ma$e was part of Bad Boy Records. Considering the blackmail allegations against Diddy, and how Ma$e seems to have a vendetta against the guy, I wonder if this info hitting the public had anything to do with him.
I also stumbled onto the song Disguise by Skepta, it’s super offensive, but weirdly on the number one related song is Pi by J. Cole and Daylyt, which has been mentioned on the sub a few times. I just thought it was interesting because it just randomly popped up in my searches while looking into this whole subject. I looked into Skepta and saw he was a British rapper who once did a song with a Nigerian rapper named Wizkid and Drake. It’s funny when you read the Wizkid wiki he also got caught denying a son. Skepta also did a few songs with the A$ap crew including A$ap Bari, who got kicked out of the crew a few years later. Lastly he also did a whole private show with Ye, so he could have connections to the whole blind item thing with the British rappers.
This next section is mostly for education, entertainment, and engagement so free to skip this one, especially if you though the rest was a waste of your time lol
Dolph Theory Continued…
I forgot to add something to my Young Dolph conspiracy in the last post. I find it very interesting that his song “Hall of Fame” came out in 2022, after his death. He also just so happens to directly call out Diddy and Jay Z. Considering the timeline it seems like he died not long after recording it unless it was just part of his catalogue of unreleased songs. He also calls himself “the Frank Lucas of the south” which might have also pissed Diddy off considering who his father is. I attached the lyrics of the first part below.
“Ha, I see you niggas goin' broke tryna keep up with me (I see you)
Bad boy spendin' millions out here like I'm signed to Diddy (it's Dolph)
Showed up plain jane Rolex, had a meetin' with Roc Nation (okay)
But they got 'bout four, five, six rap niggas over there that be hatin' (on God)
But I still fuck with Jigga, tell him I got two million for him (for what?)
To do a verse, and if he don't, I still got love for him (on God)“
In my opinion he’s implying that he’s above both of them and has more power in the south than they do up north. I’m sure neither appreciated the shout out considering their past histories. It makes me wonder if this whole beef with Yo Gotti was started as an excuse to take Dolph out. Hilariously it ended up backfiring and making him even more famous and their own artist look like the bitch he is. That would explain the many broad day assassination attempts following a relatively tame diss track compared to “Not Like Us” or some others in the last. I always loved Dolph because he never had any real dirt come out about him despite his past and long history in the rap game.
Another Disclaimer I’m not super into all of these artists and I know very little about most of their backgrounds. Honestly some of them are pretty corny in my opinion, but seem to connect with a lot of people. Please don’t attack me here, I’ve just been pretty good at finding artists with mainstream potential. I’m getting old and I’m sure it shows, but if you do agree or disagree I’d love to hear why. I hope all of this could possibly lead to changes in the industry that will allow some of these artists to get the attention they deserve. Maybe if Drake isn’t able to manipulate the algorithms and hog the spotlight it will open up some room for new talent.
I also tried making a separate list of as many people I could think of that I see possibly making waves in the future. I tried including artist’s that might not be on everyone’s radar for anyone in the same boat as I am. If you’re a rap fan I’m sure you know the majority though. The list includes some independent, some local, a few underground, and a couple brand new artists who I think are slept on or that might have mainstream potential. The list contains mostly rappers or artists who I consider at least somewhat adjacent to the rap game (they are in no particular order).
That Mexican OT, Key Glock, Peso Peso, Lil Darkie, Lil Boondang, Azizi Gibson, Paris, Texas, Kurffew, Lil Ugly Mane, RXKNephew, Tom the Mailman, ilyTOMMY, Lil Toe, Curtis Waters, ICECOLDBISHOP, 1nOnly, Mick Jenkins, Injury Reserve, Danger Incorporated, Alex Wiley, Finesse2Tymes, Mach Hommy, Navy Blue, 42 Dugg, Teezo Touchdown, AM, TrippyThaKid, MIKE, Chester Watson, Tabby, Shy Glizzy, Jakey, Savage Ga$p, BigXthePlug, Hunxho, Kenny Mason, Billy Marchiafava, Jean Dawson, Daylyt, SpotemGottem, Pooh Shiesty, Victor Internet, Kevin Abstract, KYLE, Powfu, Shrimp, NF, Tiagz, Lentra, Michael Motorcycle, Oh Geezy, L’Orange, Jeremiah Jae, Hoodrich Pablo Juan, Ramirez, Ghostmane, Witchhouse 40k, Kxllswxtch, Haarper, Yunggoth, Dom McLennon, Merlyn Wood, Woodie Smalls, Sniper2004, Teejayx6, Kasher Quon, BabyTron, Polo G, Famous Dex, Felix Flexin, Hemlock Ernst (Sam Herring), 83 Cutlass, Snupe Bandz, Big Moochie Grape, Sikworld, Futuristic, Dash, Hooligan Chase, Freddie Sunshine, Triple One, Roy Blair, OG Maco, Cousin Stizz, Desiigner, Nebu Kiniza, Bas, KAYTRANADA, DRAM, $NOT, The Buttress, Rav, NADA5150, Tierra Whack, Father, IDK, Rich Brian, Lil Wop, Bill $aber, Warhol.SS, Mike Lolli, Lil Tecca, August 08, Rejjie Snow, Princess Nokia, Lil Mariko, Fukkit, Guapdad 4000, Key!, 24kGoldn, Salami Rose Joe Louis, Terror Reid, Ameer Vaan, ITSOKTOCRY, Divine Council, Rob $tone, Hozzy, Yung Scandoo, Clipping., Junglepussy, Kenny Beats, Zack Fox, UnoTheActivist, Hodgy, Left Brain, GERM, Al Wonder, SBTRKT, Gao the Arsonist, Christ Dillinger, BRUHMANEGOD, Armand Hammer, Manny Sanchez, Big Baby Scumbag, Bishop Nehru, Allan Kingdom, Nosaj Thing, Bobby Raps, Earthgang, SadBoyProlific, Milkavelli, Zzz., Lilbootycall, and Higher Brothers if they can improve their English.
RIP Cloudy Nueve, Lil Keed, and Sad Frosty *Update I forgot Injury Reserve broke up after Groggs died. I don’t want to start any conspiracies, but they’re another example of a group that was hit by tragedy when they were possibly on the verge or taking off. I always felt like they could have taken some of the spotlight off of Migos and I know they both recorded in LA a lot around the time. My ex’s brother used to intern at a studio where Quavo and some other QC artists frequented and he said they were all kinda shady. Also another friend of mine with close industry ties has been saying QC was shady for almost a decade now.
And last but not least…Captain Murphy if Flylo hasn’t abandoned the project or rapping entirely and he doesn’t retire first or switch entirely to soundtracks and directing movies. It was released in the form of a 35 minute music video made by Xavier Wulf. Along with the music it includes a step by step guide to becoming a cult leader. I highly recommend it for anyone who enjoys MF Doom or other sample heavy rappers. I won’t include the link because it is EXTREMELY NSFW, but the album/video is called Duality. The version on Vimeo is the full uncensored version, but I’m pretty sure you can find an edited version on YouTube that doesn’t contain the graphic sex scenes.
For those who don’t know Flylo and Kendrick are frequent collaborators. My wet dream collab would be the two of them with Flylo rapping alongside Kendrick. If I could bring one rapper back from the dead to make it a trio, it would without question be Doom. It can’t be AI generated though because we all saw how that went for Drake. On top of that Doom’s wife already lost her husband and son and one of his past collaborators stole all his journals. Last I heard still hasn’t returned them, but I could be wrong. It might be a good thing this collab is no longer possible. I doubt anyone would ever be able to top it in my eyes and even if they did fifty full albums it would never be enough. I’d probably never feel music the same again.
My big three rappers who are still alive include Kendrick, Flylo, and probably Earl Sweatshirt. My big three dead rappers I’d want to see collaborate would probably be Young Dolph, MF Doom, and probably Mac Miller. My alternates would probably be Ye, Bone Thugz, and maybe Tyler the Creator on team Earth, along with Lil Peep, Xxxtentacion, and Juice Wrld on team Universe. Also RIP Lil Bo Weep, the poor girl was clearly a victim of the industry and I think she could have been huge, especially with the Tumblr crowd, if her mental health didn’t get in the way.
Below are some more artists I see being very competitive or marketable in the future. It mostly contains musicians who are already pretty well established, but still not really considered mainstream.
03 Greedo, Jasiah, JID, Khalid, Curren$y, Big K.R.I.T., Oliver Tree, Ski Mask The Slump God, slowthai, Steve Lacy, YG, Jay Electronica, Lil Tjay, G Herbo, Maxo Cream, D4VD, Danny Brown, A$AP Ferg , Action Bronson, Kevin Gates, MadeinTYO, Yung Lean, Thundercat, Cuco, Sheck Wes, FKA twigs, Baby Keem, Jpegmafia, Joey Bada$$, Rico Nasty, Freddie Gibbs, Shakewell, Cordae, Rx Papi, Isaiah Rashad, Flatbush Zombies, Freddie Dredd, bbno$, Yeat, Death Grips, Yung Gravy, Smino, Pouya, Fat Nick, Corbin, Goldlink, BIA, Joji if he starts rapping again and actually takes it seriously.
For my bilingual people I’m not sure how mainstream these guy are outside the states so if any are already major league, retired, or horrible people let me know. Same goes for all the rappers above.
Kaktov, Happy Colors, Santa Fe Klan, Jackson, Gig Yag, Mora, and Big Soto
Some potential producers that I could see making a name for themselves
Shlomo, TNGHT, XXYYXX, Psymun, Giraffage, Getter, NxxxxxS, and Nedarb
Unfortunately I ran out of room for some additional info about Kodak Black, substance use disorders, psychology, and recovery options anyone can use. If anyone is interested I can send it. I know I’m already gonna get shit all the tangents. I also have another in depth essay I recently wrote outlining my conspiracy about the US opioid epidemic. Again I won’t attach it here, but if these type of subjects are relevant or interesting to you I can send it through private messages. I hope some of this knowledge may be helpful to someone struggling or helping someone who’s struggling with their mental health or substance abuse issues.
Last thing I want to talk about is the current issue I’ve seen a lot of people being threatened, doxxed, and harassed. I know how much this can suck, so everyone who has avoided it thus far please be thoughtful about what your posting here. I always try to make it clear everything I post are theories strung together by facts or coincidences. Every single thing I claim that can’t directly be backed up by a legitimate source is just my personal opinion or theory. There are also a lot of ways you can avoid any issue. Don’t be dumb, but also don’t let anyone intimidate into staying silent.
If there are any lawyers in this sub or possibly reading this post, it would be very helpful if you could share some guidelines for what is ok and what to be careful about posting. Most people including myself probably aren’t aware about the specifics of these types of things and what would qualify as defamation vs. what’s protected by free speech. Even if you’re on the other team and here to build a case against a user in this community, if you took a minute or two to share some advice you’d gain a lot of my respect.
If you made it this far I hope you were able to gain something from this little bonus section. If you feel like I wasted your time I apologize, but I did warn you. I encourage people to keep criticism productive or at least keep the trolling to a minimum. Feel free to downvote me to hell, it’s really not important to me and you guys also shouldn’t let things like Karma influence what you share and what you don’t. If you see something good or bad speak up and don’t be afraid of negative feedback. Not everyone is going to agree with everything you say, especially when it’s important. Having the bravery to say it anyway is what separates leaders from followers and often the good from the bad. It may be more important than anyone realizes.
Thanks again for sticking around,
The Randomest Moniker
submitted by Consistent_Pea_1374 to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:57 BigMcGwire85 My 1st blaster of 2024 Bowman

My 1st blaster of 2024 Bowman
Nothing to sneeze at. Don't know if I'll buy another one.
submitted by BigMcGwire85 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:30 j_dubb888 INSANE First Inning Hit

INSANE First Inning Hit
This HR Parlay hit in the first inning. I can’t believe it !!
submitted by j_dubb888 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

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2024.05.30 04:54 ketelmartepc Some Manny Ramirez Refractors

Some Manny Ramirez Refractors submitted by ketelmartepc to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 01:58 lYriCAlsSH Does any one know what (B, 1) means in the ESPN baseball app?

Does any one know what (B, 1) means in the ESPN baseball app? submitted by lYriCAlsSH to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:44 FriarBot [Post Game Thread] Miami Marlins (19-37) @ San Diego Padres (30-28) 5/28

Miami Marlins 0 @ San Diego Padres 4

Line Score

Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E
Marlins 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0
Padres 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 9 0

Box Score

Marlins Batters AB R H RBI BB K LOB AVG OPS Padres Batters AB R H RBI BB K LOB AVG OPS
1 Chisholm Jr. CF 4 0 0 0 0 2 1 .260 .777 1 Arraez 1B 4 1 1 0 0 1 2 .332 .775
2 De La Cruz, B DH 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 .253 .726 2 Tatis Jr. RF 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 .249 .744
3 Bell 1B 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 .233 .673 3 Profar, J LF 4 1 2 3 0 0 0 .323 .916
4 Sánchez, J RF 4 0 0 0 0 2 3 .224 .567 Merrill CF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .275 .676
5 Burger 3B 4 0 2 0 0 2 0 .199 .550 4 Machado, M DH 3 1 1 0 1 1 2 .237 .653
6 Gordon LF 4 0 0 0 0 3 4 .222 .618 5 Cronenworth 2B 4 0 0 0 0 1 4 .266 .791
7 Anderson, Ti SS 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 .199 .454 6 Solano 3B 4 0 3 1 0 0 0 .375 1.005
8 Lopez, O 2B 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .260 .720 7 Kim, H SS 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 .212 .678
9 Fortes C 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 .162 .444 8 Azocar LF 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 .246 .558
9 Higashioka C 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 .128 .380
Totals 33 0 6 0 0 11 8 Totals 32 4 9 4 2 6 12
2B: Bell (9, Waldron). 2B: Solano (2, Ramirez, E).
TB: Bell 4; Burger 2; Fortes. HR: Profar, J (8, 1st inning off Luzardo, 1 on, 1 out).
Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Gordon 2; Sánchez, J. TB: Arraez; Machado, M; Profar, J 5; Solano 4; Tatis Jr. 2.
Team RISP: 0-for-3. RBI: Profar, J 3 (35); Solano (3).
Team LOB: 6. 2-out RBI: Solano.
Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Cronenworth; Arraez; Kim, H.
GIDP: Kim, H.
FIELDING Team RISP: 2-for-6.
DP: (Anderson, Ti-Lopez, O-Bell). Team LOB: 6.
Marlins Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR ERA Padres Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR ERA
Luzardo (L, 2-4) 6.0 7 3 3 2 4 1 4.18 Waldron (W, 3-5) 7.0 6 0 0 0 8 0 4.26
Nardi 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5.14 Peralta, Wa (H, 7) 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.82
Ramirez, E 1.0 2 1 1 0 1 0 1.59 Estrada 1.0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0.55
Totals 8.0 9 4 4 2 6 1 Totals 9.0 6 0 0 0 11 0

Scoring Plays

Team Inning Play MIA SD
SD ▼ 1 Jurickson Profar homers (8) on a fly ball to center field. Fernando Tatis Jr. scores. 0 2
SD ▼ 5 Jurickson Profar singles on a ground ball to left fielder Nick Gordon. Luis Arraez scores. Fernando Tatis Jr. to 2nd. 0 3
SD ▼ 8 Donovan Solano doubles (2) on a ground ball to left fielder Nick Gordon. Manny Machado scores. 0 4


Highlight Duration
Matt Waldron K's De La Cruz 00:19
Jurickson Profar's two-run home run (8) 00:29
Jesús Luzardo K's Arraez 00:16
Matt Waldron strikes out eight across seven innings 01:20
Jesús Luzardo K's four 01:14

submitted by FriarBot to Padres [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:50 Realistic_Pirate_970 A townie named Richard Ramirez showed up at the lot…

A townie named Richard Ramirez showed up at the lot…
I did not make this townie. I have a mod the adds story progression, but I don’t know why this person would show up in the likeness of the actual murderer Richard Ramirez, and be named Richard Ramirez. High key freaky. I looked it up and there’s no family with this name or Sims with his name that are made in a game. Anyways, it appears he likes my sim lol.
submitted by Realistic_Pirate_970 to sims2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:35 loslosati Two blasters of 2023 Topps Chrome Platinum. All FT. LF Comparable White Sox parallels from the same set.

Two blasters of 2023 Topps Chrome Platinum. All FT. LF Comparable White Sox parallels from the same set.
Palmeiro /150 auto was in the first pack. On the fence about trading it, but I'd do it for the right card. Altuve /199. Home /75.
submitted by loslosati to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:40 BaseballBot Game Thread 5/28 ⚾ Marlins (19-36) @ Padres (29-28) 9:40 PM ET

Join us on Discord!

Marlins (19-36) @ Padres (29-28)

First Pitch: 9:40 PM at Petco Park
Team Starter TV Radio
Marlins Jesús Luzardo (2-3, 4.14 ERA) BSFL FOX940AM, WAQI (ES)
Padres Matt Waldron (2-5, 4.86 ERA) SDPA KWFN, XEMO (ES)
MLB Fangraphs Reddit Stream IRC Chat
Gameday Game Graph Live Comments Libera: ##baseball

Line Score - Game Over

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
MIA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6
SD 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 4 9 0 6

Box Score

1B Arraez 4 1 1 0 0 1 .332
RF Tatis Jr. 4 1 2 0 0 0 .249
LF Profar, J 4 1 2 3 0 0 .323
CF Merrill 0 0 0 0 0 0 .275
DH Machado, M 3 1 1 0 1 1 .237
2B Cronenworth 4 0 0 0 0 1 .266
3B Solano 4 0 3 1 0 0 .375
SS Kim, H 4 0 0 0 0 0 .212
LF Azocar 3 0 0 0 0 1 .246
C Higashioka 2 0 0 0 1 2 .128
Waldron 7.0 6 0 0 0 8 85-67 4.26
Peralta, Wa 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 13-8 2.82
Estrada 1.0 0 0 0 0 3 12-10 0.55
CF Chisholm Jr. 4 0 0 0 0 2 .260
DH De La Cruz, B 4 0 0 0 0 1 .253
1B Bell 4 0 3 0 0 0 .233
RF Sánchez, J 4 0 0 0 0 2 .224
3B Burger 4 0 2 0 0 2 .199
LF Gordon 4 0 0 0 0 3 .222
SS Anderson, Ti 3 0 0 0 0 1 .199
2B Lopez, O 3 0 0 0 0 0 .260
C Fortes 3 0 1 0 0 0 .162
Luzardo 6.0 7 3 3 2 4 94-55 4.18
Nardi 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 8-7 5.14
Ramirez, E 1.0 2 1 1 0 1 19-10 1.59

Scoring Plays

Inning Event Score
B1 Jurickson Profar homers (8) on a fly ball to center field. Fernando Tatis Jr. scores. 2-0
B5 Jurickson Profar singles on a ground ball to left fielder Nick Gordon. Luis Arraez scores. Fernando Tatis Jr. to 2nd. 3-0
B8 Donovan Solano doubles (2) on a ground ball to left fielder Nick Gordon. Manny Machado scores. 4-0


Description Length
Jesús Luzardo against the Padres 0:09
Bullpen availability for San Diego, May 28 vs Marlins 0:07
Bullpen availability for Miami, May 28 vs Padres 0:07
Bench availability for San Diego, May 28 vs Marlins 0:07
Fielding alignment for San Diego, May 28 vs Marlins 0:11
Bench availability for Miami, May 28 vs Padres 0:07
Fielding alignment for Miami, May 28 vs Padres 0:11
Starting lineups for Marlins at Padres - May 28, 2024 0:09
Analyzing Jurickson Profar's home run through bat tracking 0:11
Measuring Jurickson Profar's homer 0:13
Breaking down Jesús Luzardo's pitches 0:04
Jesús Luzardo's outing against the Padres 0:23
Breaking down Matt Waldron's pitches 0:04
Breaking down Matt Waldron's start 0:23
Matt Waldron K's De La Cruz 0:19
Jurickson Profar's two-run home run (8) 0:29
Jesús Luzardo K's Arraez 0:16
[Jurickson Profar's RBI single]() 0:21
Donovan Solano's RBI double 0:21
Matt Waldron strikes out eight across seven innings 1:20
Jesús Luzardo K's four 1:14
Nick Gordon strikes out swinging. 0:06


Winning Pitcher Losing Pitcher Save
Waldron (3-5, 4.26 ERA) Luzardo (2-4, 4.18 ERA)
Attendance Weather Wind
63°F, Partly Cloudy 8 mph, L To R
HP 1B 2B 3B
Paul Clemons Carlos Torres Ryan Wills Chad Fairchild
Game ended at 11:42 PM.
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by BaseballBot to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 01:53 ABIVII Not a lot of HOME RUNS in the early games on 2 late games

Not a lot of HOME RUNS in the early games on 2 late games
submitted by ABIVII to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:40 MarlinsBot Game Thread: 5/28 Marlins (19-36) @ Padres (29-28) 9:40 PM

Marlins (19-36) @ Padres (29-28)

First Pitch: 9:40 PM at Petco Park
Team Starter TV Radio
Marlins Jesús Luzardo (2-3, 4.14 ERA) BSFL FOX940AM, WAQI (ES)
Padres Matt Waldron (2-5, 4.86 ERA) SDPA KWFN, XEMO (ES)
MLB Fangraphs Reddit Stream IRC Chat
Gameday Game Graph Live Comments Libera: ##baseball

Line Score - Game Over

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
MIA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6
SD 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 4 9 0 6

Box Score

1B Arraez 4 1 1 0 0 1 .332
RF Tatis Jr. 4 1 2 0 0 0 .249
LF Profar, J 4 1 2 3 0 0 .323
CF Merrill 0 0 0 0 0 0 .275
DH Machado, M 3 1 1 0 1 1 .237
2B Cronenworth 4 0 0 0 0 1 .266
3B Solano 4 0 3 1 0 0 .375
SS Kim, H 4 0 0 0 0 0 .212
LF Azocar 3 0 0 0 0 1 .246
C Higashioka 2 0 0 0 1 2 .128
Waldron 7.0 6 0 0 0 8 85-67 4.26
Peralta, Wa 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 13-8 2.82
Estrada 1.0 0 0 0 0 3 12-10 0.55
CF Chisholm Jr. 4 0 0 0 0 2 .260
DH De La Cruz, B 4 0 0 0 0 1 .253
1B Bell 4 0 3 0 0 0 .233
RF Sánchez, J 4 0 0 0 0 2 .224
3B Burger 4 0 2 0 0 2 .199
LF Gordon 4 0 0 0 0 3 .222
SS Anderson, Ti 3 0 0 0 0 1 .199
2B Lopez, O 3 0 0 0 0 0 .260
C Fortes 3 0 1 0 0 0 .162
Luzardo 6.0 7 3 3 2 4 94-55 4.18
Nardi 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 8-7 5.14
Ramirez, E 1.0 2 1 1 0 1 19-10 1.59

Scoring Plays

Inning Event Score
B1 Jurickson Profar homers (8) on a fly ball to center field. Fernando Tatis Jr. scores. 2-0
B5 Jurickson Profar singles on a ground ball to left fielder Nick Gordon. Luis Arraez scores. Fernando Tatis Jr. to 2nd. 3-0
B8 Donovan Solano doubles (2) on a ground ball to left fielder Nick Gordon. Manny Machado scores. 4-0


Description Length
Jesús Luzardo against the Padres 0:09
Bullpen availability for San Diego, May 28 vs Marlins 0:07
Bullpen availability for Miami, May 28 vs Padres 0:07
Bench availability for San Diego, May 28 vs Marlins 0:07
Fielding alignment for San Diego, May 28 vs Marlins 0:11
Bench availability for Miami, May 28 vs Padres 0:07
Fielding alignment for Miami, May 28 vs Padres 0:11
Starting lineups for Marlins at Padres - May 28, 2024 0:09
Analyzing Jurickson Profar's home run through bat tracking 0:11
Measuring Jurickson Profar's homer 0:13
Breaking down Jesús Luzardo's pitches 0:04
Jesús Luzardo's outing against the Padres 0:23
Breaking down Matt Waldron's pitches 0:04
Breaking down Matt Waldron's start 0:23
Matt Waldron K's De La Cruz 0:19
Jurickson Profar's two-run home run (8) 0:29
Jesús Luzardo K's Arraez 0:16
[Jurickson Profar's RBI single]() 0:21
Donovan Solano's RBI double 0:21
Matt Waldron strikes out eight across seven innings 1:20
Jesús Luzardo K's four 1:14


Winning Pitcher Losing Pitcher Save
Waldron (3-5, 4.26 ERA) Luzardo (2-4, 4.18 ERA)
Game ended at 11:44 PM.
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by MarlinsBot to MiamiMarlins [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:48 FriarBot [Game Thread] Miami Marlins (19-36) @ San Diego Padres (29-28) 6:40 pm (Tuesday, May 28)

Miami Marlins (19-36) @ San Diego Padres (29-28) Tuesday May, 28 6:40 PM

Pick-The-Stick Top 10

Sign up at Be sure to get your picks in before the first pitch.
Rank User Points Total Picks Position Change
1 Lingererrrrrrr 155 56 0
2 Edoz10 153 55 0
3 bewilderedenthusiast 149 55 +7
4 Gotbeers 148 57 -1
5 jsparbs 148 56 -1
6 enginedown 146 56 -1
7 grayson-gregory 146 55 -1
8 cescEC 144 57 -1
9 Savvmcnasty 144 53 -1
10 bag_of_bricks 144 50 -1

Team TV Radio
MIA Bally Sports Florida FOX Sports 940AM (WINZ),WAQI 710 (es)
SD San Diego Padres KWFN 97.3,XEMO 860 (es)

Starting Pitchers

Team Pitcher Record ERA IP H ER BB SO WHIP
Jesús Luzardo 2-3 4.14 45.2 36 21 14 46 1.09
Matt Waldron 2-5 4.86 50.0 53 27 19 52 1.44

Starting Lineups - Season Stats

# Player Pos. Avg AB H 2B HR RBI # Player Pos. Avg AB H 2B HR RBI
1 Jazz Chisholm CF .265 204 54 11 8 27 1 Luis Arraez 1B .299 137 41 8 0 5
2 Bryan De La Cruz DH .258 217 56 9 9 25 2 Fernando Tatis RF .244 221 54 8 9 28
3 Josh Bell 1B .223 206 46 8 6 27 3 Jurickson Profar LF .319 191 61 10 7 32
4 Jesús Sánchez RF .231 143 33 3 2 18 4 Manny Machado DH .235 204 48 11 5 28
5 Jake Burger 3B .189 132 25 4 4 19 5 Jake Cronenworth 2B .271 203 55 12 8 35
6 Nick Gordon LF .229 131 30 5 5 18 6 Donovan Solano 3B .321 28 9 1 1 2
7 Tim Anderson SS .203 143 29 3 0 6 7 Ha-Seong Kim SS .217 189 41 5 6 23
8 Otto Lopez 2B .271 70 19 3 3 14 8 José Azocar CF .259 54 14 1 0 2
9 Nick Fortes C .156 96 15 2 2 8 9 Kyle Higashioka C .133 45 6 2 1 3

Line Score

Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E
Marlins 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0
Padres 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 9 0

Box Score

Marlins Batters AB R H RBI BB K LOB AVG OPS Padres Batters AB R H RBI BB K LOB AVG OPS
1 Chisholm Jr. CF 4 0 0 0 0 2 1 .260 .777 1 Arraez 1B 4 1 1 0 0 1 2 .332 .775
2 De La Cruz, B DH 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 .253 .726 2 Tatis Jr. RF 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 .249 .744
3 Bell 1B 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 .233 .673 3 Profar, J LF 4 1 2 3 0 0 0 .323 .916
4 Sánchez, J RF 4 0 0 0 0 2 3 .224 .567 Merrill CF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .275 .676
5 Burger 3B 3 0 2 0 0 1 0 .200 .555 4 Machado, M DH 3 1 1 0 1 1 2 .237 .653
6 Gordon LF 3 0 0 0 0 2 4 .224 .623 5 Cronenworth 2B 4 0 0 0 0 1 4 .266 .791
7 Anderson, Ti SS 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 .199 .454 6 Solano 3B 4 0 3 1 0 0 0 .375 1.005
8 Lopez, O 2B 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .260 .720 7 Kim, H SS 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 .212 .678
9 Fortes C 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 .162 .444 8 Azocar LF 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 .246 .558
9 Higashioka C 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 .128 .380
Totals 31 0 6 0 0 9 8 Totals 32 4 9 4 2 6 12
2B: Bell (9, Waldron). 2B: Solano (2, Ramirez, E).
TB: Bell 4; Burger 2; Fortes. HR: Profar, J (8, 1st inning off Luzardo, 1 on, 1 out).
Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Gordon 2; Sánchez, J. TB: Arraez; Machado, M; Profar, J 5; Solano 4; Tatis Jr. 2.
Team RISP: 0-for-3. RBI: Profar, J 3 (35); Solano (3).
Team LOB: 6. 2-out RBI: Solano.
Runners left in scoring position, 2 out: Cronenworth; Arraez; Kim, H.
GIDP: Kim, H.
FIELDING Team RISP: 2-for-6.
DP: (Anderson, Ti-Lopez, O-Bell). Team LOB: 6.
Marlins Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR ERA Padres Pitchers IP H R ER BB K HR ERA
Luzardo 6.0 7 3 3 2 4 1 4.18 Waldron 7.0 6 0 0 0 8 0 4.26
Nardi 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5.14 Peralta, Wa 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.82
Ramirez, E 1.0 2 1 1 0 1 0 1.59 Estrada 0.1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.57
Totals 8.0 9 4 4 2 6 1 Totals 8.1 6 0 0 0 9 0

Scoring Plays

Team Inning Play MIA SD
SD ▼ 1 Jurickson Profar homers (8) on a fly ball to center field. Fernando Tatis Jr. scores. 0 2
SD ▼ 5 Jurickson Profar singles on a ground ball to left fielder Nick Gordon. Luis Arraez scores. Fernando Tatis Jr. to 2nd. 0 3
SD ▼ 8 Donovan Solano doubles (2) on a ground ball to left fielder Nick Gordon. Manny Machado scores. 0 4


Highlight Duration
Matt Waldron K's De La Cruz 00:19
Jurickson Profar's two-run home run (8) 00:29
Jesús Luzardo K's Arraez 00:16
Matt Waldron strikes out eight across seven innings 01:20

submitted by FriarBot to Padres [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:22 ABIVII The millie $$ meal 🍽️ 🙏🏿

The millie $$ meal 🍽️ 🙏🏿
I got couple up my sleeve ! 😬
submitted by ABIVII to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:04 SteveLovesSkunk Steve’s Seed Vault. #2024

Steve’s Seed Vault. #2024 submitted by SteveLovesSkunk to brothersgrimmseedbank [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 11:28 Previous-Shoulder-79 Crisis Bench

Crisis Bench
Im a little confused on crisis bench. Minus olson is this right?
submitted by Previous-Shoulder-79 to MLB_9Innings [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:30 Daddymx87 Gaby Ramirez.

Gaby Ramirez. submitted by Daddymx87 to piesfamosas [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 06:30 Daddymx87 Gaby Ramirez.

Gaby Ramirez. submitted by Daddymx87 to bikinifamosasmx [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:18 No_Parfait7443 ABYG for not letting my son see his grandmother?

SUPER LONG POST AHEAD. Thanks in advance sa mga magtiya tiyaga to read.
32F - mom of a 6 year old handsome boi.
Anyway, never ako naging okay sa mom ng husband ko dahil ayaw niya na sakin 14 years ago pa lang. Yung mga naging ex kasi ni H ay kung hindi doctor ay lawyer na ngayon. Meanwhile, when we first met before, I was 1st year college in BA Communications and he just finished college. Hindi ako nakapagtapos nang pag aaral dahil nag handle ako ng family business namin, which is during that time, pawnshop. Pag pumupunta ako sa kanila noon, hindi ako pinapansin ng mom ni H or pinagmamano man lang. Kinakausap ako ng ate ni H na hayaan ko na lang raw at ganon daw talaga ang ugali ng mom nila. I refused and continue pleasing her with every chance I got. Kailangan ng gamit sa bahay na wala sila, meron kami, generator, kakilalang electrician, bibilhan ng murang ganito, murang ganyan, pagawa ng cake or ng ganito, lahat inoffer ko. Dating municipal councilor ang dad ko kaya marami rin kaming connections kahit papano.
Then some time at 7 years na pagsasama namin, naghiwalay kami ni H dahil sa maraming bagay, during that time, pinipilit niya kong mag aral, hindi niya na ko mapagtanggol sa mom niya for i don’t know reasons kahit palala na nang palala yung mga sinasabi about me kahit wala naman akong ginagawa. Gusto ko rin naman mag aral nung time na yon but I cannot afford to dahil pa take off yung business namin and we were earning 6 digits that time in 2 weeks alone so it was really hard for me to let go dahil yung mga kapatid ko ay may mga pamilya na. Akala ko, for good na ang break up namin dahil napagod na rin ako kakapaintindi sa kanya ng mga bagay bagay, isa na ron ang time na hindi niya mabigay, gets ko yung busy sa work pero yung 4 na sunod sunod na okasyon (anniversary, birthday, christmas, at new year) na walang kahit isang tangkay ng rose or kahit samahan man lang ako magblow ng candle cake sa birthday ko, pulled the trigger on me. Money was not an issue because he was earning so good na nung mga panahon na yon. Isa pa yung continuous na pagsasabi sakin ng mom niya ng kung ano ano na kesyo baka raw inuubos ko yung savings niya at siya raw ang gumagastos saming dalawa, which was never true, he continuously asked me to let him handle it and hanggat kaya ko raw, wag ko na munang kausapin yung mom niya para daw mas lalong di mag init. As much as I wanted to, mas pinili kong irespeto yung desisyon niya as a partner at yung mom niya as a mother. Kahit alam ko yung capability ko into handling things and speaking in a well mannered way. So, we broke up dahil nagheld lang nang matagal yung mga bagay bagay.
The business was doing so well, nag expand na rin kami, may namet akong guy somewhere and we went on a couple of dates dahil gusto ko na makamove on agad, then one day, nagkita kami ni H sa isang kainan and kasama ko yung guy so nagalit siya kaagad because, tbh, wala pang 2 months yung breakup. Sinabi niya yon sa lahat ng family members nila and the next thing I know, galit na silang lahat sakin pati ate niya. After few months ulit, nagkausap kami ni H and wala na rin kaming strings pa nung guy because bumalik na siya sa ex niya. We fixed our relationship and realized that we really want to be together. It took a lot of efforts sa pagwowork out ng mga bagay bagay at pagtatago sa mga tao because ayaw niya pa na malaman ng family niya na nagkabalikan na kami because galit na galit sila sakin. 1 year after, binati ko yung ate niya thru sms ng “happy mother’s day ate, pati kay tita”, because I thought it’s about time. Sinabi ko naman yun kay H and akala niya it wouldn’t matter pero nag fire yun ng malaking issue sa family niya because nalaman na nagkabalikan kami. Maraming sinabing masasakit na salita yung ate at mom niya sakin, like hindi raw ako nakapagtapos nang pag aaral at iyon raw ba ang ituturo ko sa magiging anak ko, turns out nalaman pa pala nila yung about sa SA case ko before at kasalanan ko raw yun dahil kung kani kanino raw ako sumasama, padalos dalos daw ako sa mga desisyon ko at hindi raw nila gusto kung paano ako mag isip, just because I went out on a date with a guy after we broke up. All I said was hindi naman nila alam kung anong mga pinagdaanan namin sa relasyon kaya wala silang karapatang husgahan ang buong pagkatao ko.
They asked me to stay away from Husband and their family. Madugong usap ang nangyari samin ni H, I asked him to make up his mind dahil naiintindihan ko na pamilya pa rin sila at ayokong gumawa siya ng desisyon na pagsisisihan niya rin sa huli. After all, sinabihan siya ng kapatid niya na sarili lang ang iniisip when all he did was return the favors to his parents and support them financially. He was indeed a good son. But, nagmatigas na siya that time and he chose me. We went on our lives, nagbibigay siya sa parents niya ng monthly financial support and made sure na di naman sila deprived of anything dahil pareho naman silang well off na ng ate niya. We got married and tried to invite them pero dad niya lang ang umattend who never got involved sa mga past issues, mabait naman dad niya pero sadyang tahimik lang talaga at hindi na piniling makisali pa noon, hindi ko na masyadong ginawang big deal dahil nakita ko kung paano siya makipag usap sa mom ni H noon na parang sumuko na lang siya sa ugali at hinayaan na lang na siya ang mag desisyon ng lahat. Anyway, wala na silang narinig sakin after nila ko sabihan nang mas marami pang masasakit na salita mismong araw ng kasal namin, lahat yon thru facebook messenger or sms, at wala silang ni ho or ni ha natanggap mula sakin dahil hindi ako pinalaki ng magulang ko na pinipilit ang mga taong may ayaw sakin sa mga dahilan na sila lang ang may gawa. Okay na okay si Hubby ko sa parents ko, lalo sa dad ko.
Fast forward, nagkaroon na kami ng pamilya. Si Hubby, tuloy pa rin ang pag iinvite sa pamilya niya na dumalo sa mga okasyon ng pamilya namin. Nakabili na kami ng lupa, sariling bahay, masasabi naming comfortable kami sa buhay na meron kami, at lahat yon pareho naming pinaghirapan habang tumutulong kami pareho sa mga kanya kanya naming pamilya. Never ko siyang pinigilan na mangumbida sa pamilya niya sa mga celebrations namin, pero never naman silang umattend, except sa father in law ko. Hanggang sa last year, Christmas, kinumbinsi ako ng asawa ko na mag celebrate ng christmas eve sa family house nila, tumanggi ako, niluhuran niya pa ko at araw araw akong kinukumbinsi, binibigyan ng kung ano ano bago mag christmas eve mismo. Hindi pa nakikita ng anak ko ang mother and sister in law ko, nang personal, kaya kahit masama sa loob ko, pumayag na ko pero hindi ako nangako na lahat ng mangyayari sa gabi na yon ay aayon sa kagustuhan niya. We went there and nameet ng anak ko yung mga pinsan niya from sis in law, pinakilala rin niya siya sa mga pinsan ni H, ate at mom niya, hindi ko maalis yung mata ko sa anak ko kung paano nila iwewelcome. Binigyan ng sobre ng mom in law ko yung anak ko, ampao, at pinagmano, samantalang yung sis in law ko naman ay walang kibo. Pinalipas ko yung gabi na yon at kating kati umalis, father in law ko lang at ilang mga pinsan niya ang nakakausap ko non. Hanggang sa, tahimik na naglalaro ang anak ko sa iPad niya, sinita ni mother in law ng “masama yan sa mata mo, hinahayaan ka lang ba ni mommy mo dyan?” Tiningnan ko yung Husband ko nang masama, sumagot naman siya agad ng “kahahawak lang ng iPad, may screen time yan na 30 minutes per umaga, tanghali, at gabi lang”. Binigay sakin ng anak ko yung iPad niya at tumabi sakin, sumagot yung mom niya ng “kahit na, hinahayaan niyo yung bata, lalabo mata nyan. kaya yata mahina e. para kayong mga..” hindi niya na tinuloy, wala nang sinabi yung asawa ko. Lumabas na ako, sinama ko yung anak ko at nagdrive ako pauwi. Iniwan ko yung asawa ko don sa sobrang inis ko kahit alam kong mali. Sinabihan raw akong bastos ng mama at ate niya, at mayabang na raw ako porke raw nakaangat ako ng konti sa buhay. Hindi man lang daw ako humingi ng sorry sa kanila kahit kailan at hindi man lang daw ako nag effort man lang na subukang makipag usap. Wala na lang talaga akong nasabi sa kakapalan ng mga mukha nila. After ng completion ceremony ng anak ko sa preparatory level, ipinost ko lahat ng achievements niya sa facebook, in public, from best in English and Math, to best in Art, Most Honest, Most Friendly, Most Inquisitive, Most Helpful, at yung award niya for being 2nd Honor in class wherein 16 sila.
Ngayon, nalaman namin na may sakit daw si mother in law at gustong makita ulit ang apo, ang tanging message niya lang kay H ay “gusto kong makita si son’s name”, walang sorry at walang anything, wala nang ibang sinabi. Now, ABYG for saying I won’t let my son see his grandmother sa father side, kahit mamatay pa siya?
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2024.05.28 02:13 Advanced-Mail-1080 Houston Astros Fans?

Houston Astros Fans?
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