Lavita l daughrity

$76.50 at Caputo’s in Chicago, IL

2024.02.11 00:55 RoyalBinch $76.50 at Caputo’s in Chicago, IL

$76.50 at Caputo’s in Chicago, IL
Highlights: blood oranges, amazing deal on berries!
submitted by RoyalBinch to whatsinyourcart [link] [comments]

2023.09.19 23:03 apeirophobicmyopic Last night’s dinner - Rare roast beef with au jus from the pan drippings.

Last night’s dinner - Rare roast beef with au jus from the pan drippings. submitted by apeirophobicmyopic to tonightsdinner [link] [comments]

2023.05.03 09:10 Overall_Air9684 [nodemon] app crashed and I'm not able to connect my mongodb (what can I do?)

submitted by Overall_Air9684 to node [link] [comments]

2021.03.27 09:30 Psychedellio Emotions that hamper our psychic abilities: Doubt!

I have been practicing tarot professionally since over an year now and learnt a lot of things. One of the major things that I learnt is that negative emotions hamper our psychic abilities. Last time I told you about fear, but this time we will discuss something that's way worse than fear. It's doubt, rather, self-doubt.
I have observed that I have connected better to my old clients than my new clients. When I realised this, I was pondering why is that the reason? After few days failing to answer it myself, I gave up. In a day or two, a friend cum client who was also is a psychic, came to consult me. As we were conversing, I ended up asking her why? She told me 'you doubt yourself'. Which is true. I do.
If you doubt, you will never be able to harvest your psychic abilities.
3days back my old client Lavita had come along with her friend(new client), Sandra to consult. My predictions for Lavita were 90% accurate where as for Sandra it was 60%. Why? Lavita came to me, because she trusts my predictions(a client comes back to you only if you predicted right for them), hence I end up not doubting myself much. But Sandra was a different ballgame altogether!
So lesson of the day says, whenever there's self doubt, catch hold of it, and banish it. How can we do that? We remember all the times we were right and give gratitude for it. Also, to make life easier, take Bach Flower Remedies, like Cerato and Larch(Only buy UK Based Bach Flower Remedies). Cerato is to trust our intuition, and Larch for combating lack of self confidence. I have just started it and I can feel the difference.
Love and Care, U.L.
submitted by Psychedellio to psychicdevelopment [link] [comments]

2020.10.10 19:24 KingTyson27 [S] King's Survivor: Ghost Island

After quite a while, I have finally released Ghost Island. This time, 20 new contestants will encounter a new twist called Ghost Island, where they could receive an idol or lose their vote in the next tribal council. We will see how this twist will pan out for the season, and whether or not it will be a good one. The artifacts on Ghost Island are from previous seasons, and may cause people to gain or lose power depending on how they use it. Without further ado, let's get into the cast!
Malolo Tribe:
Aly Cortez, 24, Nail Artist, u/Thisaccountishaunted
Aly is from a blended family. Her parents split up when she was 2 and she has an older brother Santos who was 6 years old at the time of the split. Her father remarried to a new stepmother and she had two sons from a previous relationship, Aly’s new stepbrothers. Aly’s stepfamily was nice, but Santos didn’t like the change in family and felt Aly liked them better than her biological family, causing a rift between the two. They now do not speak to each other except on holidays, and only meet up on their biological mother’s side of the family. Aly knows what it’s like to not like someone you’re supposed to love, but also wish they weren’t toxic as well, so she feels she can use that to make people join her alliance and side with her, until the time is right to flip. She also won $100,000 on a game show due to her wit, but will not tell anyone that as she does not want it to deter her away from winning.
Ashley "Ash" Jefferson, 30, Math Teacher, u/acegamer1337
Ashley was always the social kid in school and loves to socialize with anyone she meets so that’s way she became a math teacher so she can meet a bunch of kids and know there backstory she plans to make a bunch of friends on survivor.
Greg Mollins, 26, Surfing Instructor, u/AngolanDesert
Greg is not the brightest bulb. He never did well in school and luckily became a surf instructor because of his athleticism. He may not be the smartest person here, but at least he will make this game a whole lot more interesting.
Hayden Trapp, 28, Attorney, u/TDSwaggyBoy
Working as an attorney for the past 4 years, Hayden is a very goal oriented person. When he has a goal in mind, he'll work his ass off to achieve it. Ever since he was a child, Hayden was interested in becoming a lawyer. Lo and behold, 20 years later, he achieved his goal and is having the time of his life.
An avid SURVIVOR fan, Hayden would like to win the money for him and his girlfriend of one year, Kristina. He thinks it'll be a very good anniversary gift for her, haha.
Juanita "Mama J" Morris, 58, Pharmacist, u/Pgandhguyxc
Kind and giving Mama J will play a heartfelt game and her personality will go well with the rest of the tribe. She wants to show that older African American women can do what they would like in life.
Justine Tyung, 26, Bartender, u/asiansurvivorfan
A French born Vietnamese child, Justine was brought up by a tiger mother and a father that she barely talked to nor cared for. Her mother would always try to push into the route of her choosing, Justine being a free spirit, hated her mother’s ideal future for her so she decided to run away at the age of 16. For the rest of her teen years, she moved from different locations and joined a “gang” where she managed to get money by doing many different things. She then decided to reinvent her image by going full goth and getting tattoos and piercings, something her mother would never approve of. She eventually got a job as a bartender and there she met a coworker with a very similar story to her. They instantly connected and became really close. She doesn’t keep in contact with any of her family members except for her brother from time to time and is completely fine with that.
Lela Walker, 36, School Psychologist, u/dramaking_22
When Lela was 11, she had to deal with a very stressful and traumatic decision, and when her parent's fighting turned physical, she called the police on her own father. Since then, her and her mother had to be strong together, without him. That's when she knew she wanted to help people. When she first told her mom she wanted to be a school psychologist, she didn't really like it, but eventually she decided to follow her dreams and major in psychology. After having a successful career in psychology, Lela's mom still wasn't convinced she was making enough money... so she went on to survivor to prove it!
Miguel Kairon, 47, Resort Owner, u/swoldow
Miguel is a very serious man, who will do anything he puts his mind to no matter the cost. However, this seriousness has come from years of stress. He was raised in a biracial family with an egyptian father and a latin mother, and both believing in hard work pressured him constantly from an early age to study hard for school. They restricted the amount of friends he'd have, labeling them as "distractions" and forced him to stay up every night, at his computer studying for years. This exposure to too much artificial radiation ruined his eyesight, and made him colorblind, unable to see the color red. Taking the drive he had as a child, Miguel now runs a chain of beach resorts on the west coast of the USA, but despite the success and riches, he's just never felt satisfied with life in general. Seeking counseling, Miguel recently realized he has been diagnosed with depression and mild sociopathy, and as a way to fix himself, he has been recommended to take a big risk and delve out of his comfort zone to discover something new. Miguel decided to apply for Survivor as a result.
Percy Cowles, 27, Cop, u/asiansurvivorfan
Raised by a single mother alongside his older brother Nolan, Percy learned to be a lone wolf at a really young age. He always wanted to be a professional athlete and was set up to be a successful baseball player, until during one of his practices, he got the call that his brother had been killed in a tragic accident. He took it really hard due to how close they were and spent a lot of time away from baseball to think if this was the right path for him. He eventually decided to go back to studying law since its what he studied prior to baseball. That then led him to start his police training. He now works as an undercover cop and doesn’t plan on telling anybody his true profession.
Sean "Halo" Jankowski, 35, Videographer, u/SilverOwl24
Halo liked things that others didn't. Punk Music, Tattoos, Piercings. And when you have those all over yourself, it's hard to find a good job and make a living. However, if no one would give him an opportunity to earn money, he'd do it himself by starting up his own video/photo services. Usually he's behind manning the camera, now he's ready to be in front of them and show these other players what he brought to Survivor!
Naviti Tribe:
Bob Jones, 28, Freelance Artist, u/SilverOwl24
Bob has always been the nerdy kid at school. But as he was distancing himself from others, he was either drawing, watching anime or hanging out at home with his Corgi. He's a huge fan of Survivor and he's ready to get out of his comfort zone and bring out the Survivor player inside of him.
Catherine "Cat" McMahon, 25, Children's Entertainer, u/dramaking_22
Note: Cat had already competed in a previous season of King's Survivor, but I completely forgot to check until I had already simmed the season, so just pretend she didn't play in a previous season.
Cat has always been a nice person, and she continues to be one even in her adulthood. She has the time of her life being a Children's Entertainer and loves making children laugh. However, her life came crashing down when her brother was diagnosed with cancer. She immediately shaved her head to donate hair to him, and tried to make him live a happy life. Cat wants to win this game so she pay for cancer treatments.
Debra Brooks, 63, Auditor, u/Pgandhguyxc
Debra is not afraid to play the game. Her old age may fool her opponents into thinking that she will be calm. While still being kind Debra will navigate the game and be strategic to win the game. Her jobs makes her have no problem in justice.
Dixie O'Brien, 28, Fashion Designer, u/dramaking_22
Dixie has grown up with a lot of opinions, and she doesn't hold back on any of them. Growing up in the South, her parents always expected her to eventually take over their small farm. But when Dixie announced to the whole table one night that she wanted to be a fashion designer, her parents were mortified. Dixie was not changing her mind, whether her parents wanted her to or not, and eventually they supported her decision. After she got done college, Dixie has made several successful clothing pieces, under the clothing line "Dixie Chicks". She hopes to win Survivor to promote her company and make her family proud.
Giovanni Moreno, 52, Doctor, u/Twig7665
Giovanni, better known by his moniker Dr. Moreno, was the son of an Italian immigrant, and he had a mostly normal childhood, until his mother fell ill when he was nine. She died not long afterwards, and the young Giovanni did not want to watch people die when he could help them, so he spent as much time as he could preparing to be a doctor in his teens, and when he was in his early 20s, he graduated from medical school and became a doctor, a role which he has held for almost thirty years now. He now has a family of his own, with a wife, three sons, and a grandchild. He is playing Survivor for them.
Guy Bruce, 34, Software Engineer, u/TDSwaggyBoy
Father of two, Guy has worked as a software engineer for quite some time now. He's good at what he does, and he enjoys it. Being a rather brilliant guy, Guy is usually underestimated. People see him as a weak, weasley and paranoid man. But in reality, Guy's a tough guy. He's seen a lot of bad stuff, and has had to work to get to where he is now in life. SURVIVOR? Man, that's just another challenge. And he's ready to conquer.
Jennifer "Jenny" Prince, 42, D-List Actress, u/UltDragon
Jenny has had a great career as a D-list actress (Not that memorable) and loves to mention it. Jenny is most known for playing that one girl in that alright movie. She is playing the game to (hopefully) reclaim some fame and bring a possible role to her acting career.
"Big" Paul Davidson, 45, Trucker, u/UltDragon
Being abnormally big since childhood, people tend to avoid Paul due to his size. Never letting that get to him though, Paul trucked on (pun not intended) through school until he graduated from high school and became a trucker, traveling across the world delivering goods.
Teresa Maybridge, 51, Teacher, u/Pgandhguyxc
Tex Bennett, 32, MMA Fighter, u/wordonthestreet2
Tex is known for his reputation as the bad boy of MMA fighting. He has made a name for himself by using intimidation tactics against his enemies and talking smack through the press. He plans on approaching the game the same way that he has approached his fighting career and is going to use manipulation and intimidation to his advantage.
Link to Season
Episode 1: The 20 new castaways are split into two tribes and then asked to select a leader for the tribe. Mama J is selected for Malolo due to her age, and Bob is chosen as the leader for Naviti. Mama J picks Miguel and Halo to compete in the challenge, while Bob picks Teresa and Guy. The Malolo tribe wins the reward, and Miguel and Halo instantly gain respect within the tribe, while Bob starts to be seen as a pariah already within his tribe. Back at the Malolo camp, Aly and Justine bond strongly, and Justine pulls in Percy, Miguel, and Ash to form a strong five. Percy gets into a fight with Greg, and people start thinking of getting rid of Greg, but realize that his strength in challenges could be useful down the line, so they decide to keep him around. At Naviti, Dr. Moreno bonds with Guy and forms an alliance with him and Paul, and Tex impresses the rest of the tribe with his physicality and work on the shelter. Bob bonds with Dixie, giving him a way out of the mess he put himself in, and soon after the immunity challenge commences. The Naviti tribe wins immunity, and they get to send one person to Ghost Island, and they send Halo to demoralize the losing tribe, which works. Knowing that they now have majority, Justine and Miguel, and the rest of the alliance, work on turning the tribe against Mama J, who blew the challenge for them. Greg and Lela are able to be convinced fast, Hayden wanted to shake up the game and throw a vote, but he ultimately sides with the majority to oust Mama J in a unanimous 8-1 vote. At Ghost Island, Halo decides to wager his vote to earn an advantage, which he does not win, and he loses his next vote. Back at camp, Halo is shocked to see Mama J get voted off, and assumes that she must have done something to get herself voted out. Ash decides to leave the alliance she was in just for kicks, but still chooses to vote with them. Hayden and Lela get into a bit of a disagreement, but it causes them to distrust each other. Miguel and Justine start to bond over having strict parents in their childhoods. The Malolo tribe wins immunity, and they decide to send Debra to Ghost Island to cause chaos at their camp. Guy and Teresa bond over being on the bottom of the tribe, and Jenny impresses the rest of her tribe. Jenny forms a majority alliance with Bob, Dixie, Dr. Moreno, Paul, Teresa, and Tex, and she decides to target Cat for running her mouth at camp, which she was not a fan of. Tex suggests to split the vote between Cat and Guy, since Guy hasn't been pulling his weight in challenges. They decide to do that, and Teresa tells Guy to vote for Cat or he might be going home at the tribal council. At Ghost Island, Debra finds no secret advantage due to Halo losing it. At tribal council, Cat goes home in a 5-3-1 vote over Guy and Jenny.
Episode 2: When the tribes are brought in, they expect a reward challenge, but are surprised with a tribe shuffle. One the new Malolo is Aly, Ashley, Bob, Debra, Greg, Jenny, Miguel, Paul, and Tex. The new Naviti tribe has Dixie, Dr. Moreno, Guy, Hayden, Justine, Lela, Percy, Halo, and Teresa. At the new Malolo tribe, Ashley and Jenny, despite starting on different tribes, start to bond. Meanwhile, Tex leaves his seven-person alliance, intending on flipping to the other side. At Naviti, Dr. Moreno bonds with Justine, and despite having a fight with Dixie, Lela starts to impress her tribemates. A bald guy alliance between Halo and Guy forms as well. The Malolo tribe wins immunity, and Hayden is sent to Ghost Island. There was no secret advantage waiting for him, so he just spends his time there just waiting for his tribe to finish tribal council. Justine and Percy, despite knowing that going with Lela would be a bad mistake, due to her being a sinking ship, but do it anyway, as Dr. Moreno and Dixie plan to vote her out. Tribal council occurs, and Lela gets the boot in a 4-3 vote, due to Hayden not being there and Halo's inability to vote.
Episode 3: At the first reward challenge of the season, the Malolo tribe wins, and they send Halo back to Ghost Island. Learning from his past mistake, he chooses not to wager his vote. Back at camp, Dixie finds an idol and shows it to her close ally Dr. Moreno, and they try to pull in Justine and Guy into their alliance which works, and Percy joins their alliance as well. Guy leaves his alliance with Halo, and Halo and Hayden talk about going to Ghost Island, and start to bond. They both agree that Dr. Moreno is in control of the tribe, and that he needs to go as soon as possible. At Malolo, Bob and Paul bond strongly, and the alliance Dr. Moreno was in kicks him out, without him knowing. Malolo wins immunity yet again. Dr. Moreno, wanting to get Teresa on board, tells her about the plan to vote out Hayden, which she agrees to. At tribal council, Hayden makes a desperate plea to the rest of his tribe that he does not have an idol, he's been playing a loyal game, and that he deserves to be in the game. This does not work, and Hayden is voted out 6-2, with only Halo voting to keep him.
Episode 4: Naviti wins their first challenge as a swapped tribe, winning the reward challenge. Miguel is sent to Ghost Island, where he finds nothing, because apparently Halo refusing to take the test ruins it for subsequent visitors to Ghost Island. At Malolo, Aly and Bob bond very strongly, and Debra has a fight with Paul over the latter's tendency to ramble. Miguel forms a new alliance with Tex and Ash, and tells them that he's planning to bring them to the final three, a promise he wants to keep. At Naviti, Halo tries to flip the tribe against Dr. Moreno, he begins with Teresa, who also wanted to take him out, then talks to Dixie and Guy, who also agree to it. Percy impresses the rest of the tribe with his survival skills, and he reveals to Justine that he's an undercover cop, but no one else. Naviti loses their third immunity in a row, and they are very demoralized when it happens. Dr. Moreno insists that Guy has to go, but at this point, no one is with him, as even Justine and Percy have flipped, but agreed to vote with Dr. Moreno to make sure he thinks he's still in power. The plan works, and Dr. Moreno is blindsided in a 4-3 vote.
Episode 5: A second swap occurs, this time the Yanuya tribe got added to the two tribes, making three tribes of five. The new Malolo tribe consists of Debra, Jenny, Justine, Miguel, and Greg. On the new Naviti tribe is Bob, Percy, Halo, Teresa, and Tex, while the new Yanuya tribe has Aly, Ash, Dixie, Guy, and Paul. Greg starts to lose his grip on the game, having fights with Debra and Miguel and generally making the tribe hating him, and he has a meltdown as a result. He forms an alliance with Debra and Jenny, intending on bringing the two to the end, but Debra doesn't want to work with him, so Debra instead flips to Miguel and Justine's side. At Naviti, people begin to see Teresa as a physical liability and a threat, so they begin to want to vote her out. Teresa also leaves the alliance she was in, causing her to lose trust with her former allies. At Yanuya, Dixie pitches in the most while building the shelter, and she gets respect from most of the tribe, besides Guy, who she has a fight with. Malolo and Yanuya wins immunity, and at Naviti, Bob and Tex, despite being rivals, decide to work together for one vote to take out Teresa, and Tex, wanting to secure himself another ally, convinces Percy that Teresa was gunning for him, which was actually the case, and Percy joins Bob and Tex. Halo and Teresa vote for Percy, but it isn't enough, and Teresa is blindsided 3-2.
Episode 6: Halo is distraught when he gets back to camp, but isn't shaken and does not show emotion about getting blindsided, but not much else occurs after tribal council. At Malolo, Debra finds the hidden immunity idol, and flips from her alliance with Jenny and Greg, and grows close to Justine and Miguel. At Yanuya, Dixie finds her second idol, and does not tell anyone about it. She does impress the rest of her tribe soon afterwards, as does Paul. Malolo and the all-male Naviti tribe win the reward challenge, and Guy goes to Ghost Island, where he plays it safe and doesn't wager his vote. Yanuya and Naviti win immunity, and Malolo goes to tribal council. There, Greg is blindsided for being a loose cannon in a 3-2 vote, leaving Jenny on the bottom.
Episode 7: After 20 days and 7 eliminations, the tribes merge into the Lavita tribe. The players remaining are Aly, Ash, Bob, Debra, Dixie, Guy, Jenny, Justine, Miguel, Paul, Percy, Halo, and Tex. On their first day as a new tribe, Jenny finds a note in her new buff and is sent to Ghost Island, and she chooses to wager her vote and wins the advantage, but due to the Ghost Island simulator not having advantages added in yet, she is not able to use her advantage. Knowing the potential of Jenny having an advantage, the five of Miguel, Aly, Debra, Justine, and Percy work together to try and take out Jenny, while Tex tries to form a complex split vote between Bob and Ash, by making the two vote for each other, while leaving Jenny out of the loop in order to cause chaos. Dixie and Tex bond a bit, and Halo becomes respected by his tribemates. Guy wins immunity, much to the surprise of his tribemates, and people start to see him as a bit of a threat in the future. When tribal council occurs, Jenny is voted out in a 5-4-3-1 vote over Bob, Ash, and Percy, and she becomes the first member of the jury.
Episode 8: Halo and Tex begin to bond, causing the other tribe members to grow suspicious of the two. Tex also bonds with Ash, and people begin to think that they are working together. Debra starts wanting to target Halo, and Guy and Paul join her cause. Bob and Dixie grow increasingly disdainful towards Percy, and begin to want to target him. A group of Aly, Debra, Justine, Dixie, Paul, and Percy win the reward and send Guy to Ghost Island, where nothing awaits him. Ash wins the immunity challenge, making her be seen as a physical threat. The Malolo four, plus Ash, Halo, and Tex, vote for Guy, as he is seen as more shifty and untrustworthy by the day. At tribal council, Guy becomes the second juror in a 7-3-2 vote.
Episode 9: After Guy's blindside, the next major target becomes Ash, who not only splintered off from the Malolo four, but also proved to be strong in challenges. At the reward challenge, a group of Debra, Dixie, Justine, Miguel, and Tex win the reward, and sends Paul to Ghost Island, where he does not wager his vote. Paul also leaves his alliance with Bob and Dixie. Bob then becomes somewhat of a pariah for his quiet nature, and people begin to wonder how he's still in the game. Justine wins immunity. Ash, Debra, Justine, Miguel, Percy, and Tex vote for Bob, while Aly goes rogue and vote Tex. Bob, Dixie, Paul, and Halo, the outsiders, vote for Ash to demoralize the majority, and Dixie plays one of her idols for Bob, and Ash is voted out in a 4-1 vote.
Episode 10: The ten remaining contestants are informed that a de-merge will occur, that they will be split into two tribes, and both will go to tribal council. One person per tribe will win individual immunity. Going to the old Malolo camp is Bob, Debra, Dixie, and Miguel, while Aly, Paul, Percy, Halo, and Tex go to the old Naviti camp. Justine and Paul win immunity for their tribes, and they go their separate ways. At Malolo, Dixie and Justine have a disagreement that escalates into Justine talking wiith Debra and Miguel about getting out Dixie. Miguel agrees to it, but Debra tries to split the votes, knowing that there will be two idols in play. At tribal council, Dixie plays her idol and Debra plays her idol on Miguel, and Bob receives the only vote of the night, sending him to the jury. Back at Naviti, Halo and Tex decide to break ranks and vote out Percy, seeing him as too close to Justine and Miguel. Percy finds out about this, and he talks to Aly and Paul about blindsiding Halo. They agree, and at tribal council, Halo sees Bob on the jury, panics, tries to blow up the other sides' games, and in the end, is voted out 3-2 and becomes the fifth member of the jury.
Episode 11: After two tribal councils, only eight players remain. They re-merge, and Debra finds an idol. Percy goes on to win the reward challenge, and he brings along Aly, Miguel, and Justine, and he sends Tex to Exile Island, hoping he'll find an idol or something for the alliance. Feeling alienated, Tex risks his vote and loses. He goes back with a vengeance, hoping to cause chaos. His and Miguel's alliance dissolves after Miguel realizes Tex is no longer with him. Miguel bonds with Percy, and Justine and Paul bond as well. Justine, realizing that they need Paul's vote tonight, talks to him and they figure out a plan. Guessing that Dixie already played all her idols, the five would stack their votes onto her, while Debra and Dixie would vote who they feel like voting, and they decide on Tex. Percy wins immunity, and at tribal council, Dixie becomes the sixth jury member in a 5-2 vote.
Episode 12: The final seven compete in one last reward challenge, which Aly and Tex win. They bring Debra along to the reward, and they send Miguel to Ghost Island. Miguel chooses not to wager his vote, and he goes back empty handed. Debra forms an alliance with Tex, and Debra and Miguel bond. Justine and Percy, already close, tighten their bond by forming a final two deal. Tex wins immunity, and the outsiders in Tex, Paul, and Debra try to vote off Percy, but the majority see Big Paul as the biggest challenge threat, so they vote him out mercilessly by a 4-3 vote.
Finale: The final six consists of Aly, Debra, Justine, Miguel, Percy, and Tex. Tex becomes the main target for being in the minority and for being a huge physical threat, so he tries his hardest to win the immunity challenge. He loses closely to Percy, who brings his two closest allies Justine and Miguel with him. Tex gets into a fight with Aly at camp, causing the tribe to no longer trust him. The majority four decide to split the votes between Debra and Tex, in case one of them had an idol, and Debra plays that idol, and it leads to a 2-2 tie between Tex and Aly. The other three in the Malolo four vote Tex out, while Debra votes for Aly, and Tex is voted out and becomes the eighth juror. After they get back to camp, Miguel searches for and finds the immunity idol, so that Debra doesn't have it, and Debra bonds with Percy very strongly, but starts seeing him as a threat. Unfortunately for her, talks with any other contestants does nothing but sink her game further, as the Malolo four see her as too big of a threat to take any further. Justine wins her third immunity challenge, and at tribal council, Miguel plays his idol, and he negates no votes, but he'd rather be safe than sorry. Debra is voted out 4-1. In the last immunity challenge of the season, Justine wins for a fourth time, and the final four are informed that they will be going to Ghost Island together. Justine gets a note telling her that she needs to pick two people to make fire, and the person that makes fire the quickest will earn their spot in the final three. She chooses to save Percy, seeing him as the easiest to win against. Miguel and Aly compete in the fire making challenge, and after only a few minutes, Miguel's flame burns through the rope, ensuring his spot in the final three. Aly becomes the tenth jury member, and wishes the final three well. At final tribal council, Percy tries to explain his game as being subtly strategic, but is shut out by the jury, believing he did nothing the whole game. He does get two pity votes from Paul and Halo, but no more. Justine and Miguel were both seen as villains the entire game, and plus Miguel misplaying an idol didn't win him much respect from the jury. Justine gets praised for her four immunity wins and for not receiving a vote the entire game, and in the end, that won out, as Justine wins in a 5-3-2 vote, receiving Aly, Bob, Debra, Guy, and Jenny's votes. Miguel got Ash, Dixie, and Tex's votes. It is also revealed that Bob won Fan Favorite for surviving a couple rounds when almost everyone was against him, similar to SS from Worlds Apart.
Winner: Justine Tyung, u/asiansurvivorfan
Fan Favorite: Bob Jones, u/SilverOwl24
Next season will be a rehash of the fourth season, which was Champions Vs Contenders, this time with a new name, it will be King's Survivor: David Vs Goliath!
submitted by KingTyson27 to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2019.11.30 07:30 diyobd2 What is difference Xhorse Condor XC-MINI Plus VS Xhorse Dolphin

Condor XC-MINI Plus and Condor Dolphin XP-005 Key Cutting Tool,both of them are new arrival machine. Condor XC-MINI Plus and Condor Dolphin accessories are compatible,like probe,cutter,clamp,power adapter.etc
Condor Dolphin VS Condor XC-MINI Plus
ItemCondor Dolphin XP-005Condor XC-MINICondor XC-MINI PlusPic📷📷📷ScreenNo touch screen,only display battery,bluetooth status.Fixed touch screen.Screen with adjustable angle, easier to adjust proper viewing angleSpindleMechanical shaft +60W DC motor (with a foreign model)” “Electric spindle brushless 300W, built-in angular contact bearingElectric spindle brushless 300,built-in angular contact bearingElectric spindle brushless 300,built-in angular contact bearingTransmission mechanism“T-shaped screw + anti-backlash nutBall screw3-Axis precision ball screw,more accurate and stable than T Screw transmissionguideRoller guideCross-trackCross-trackshellBase aluminum alloy die-casting, the upper body is made of plastic shell and the body is made of integrated aluminum alloy die-casting.Plastic outer casing body is formed by body alloying die casting.All aluminus main body,plastic shell, larger space than condor mini.FixtureStandard fixture(M1,M2) (M3 M4 Optional Clamp)Standard fixture(M1,M2) (M3 M4 Optional Clamp)Standard fixture(M1,M2) (M3 M4 Optional Clamp)ManipulationNo touch screen, no built-in database, operate on Phone APPQuick start, with touch screen, built-in databaseQuick start, with touch screen, built-in databaseOffline operationnot supportstand bysupportDedicated appSupport dedicated mobile phone APPINSTACODE Software APPINSTACODE Software APPBuilt-in batterybuilt-in lithium battery one-time full chargeOptional Accessory:Power Supply Adapter with Built-in BatteryOptional Accessory:Power Supply Adapter with Built-in Batteryprotecting mask Comprehensive protectionComprehensive protectionVVDI MB bindingYes. After bind,VVDI MB is one token free everyday.Yes. After bind,VVDI MB is one token free everyday.Yes. After bind,VVDI MB is one token free everyday.Cutting speed1X SPEED2X SPEED2X SPEEDUpdateDatabase update in APPOnline UpdateOnline Update, support offline file update.weight18Kg21Kg22.9KgWarranty1 year3 years3 years
How to Choose Condor XC-MINI Plus and Condor Dolphin Key Cutting?
Condor Dolphin XP-005 is operated on mobile application online, and it is much smaller, lighter and cheaper.
Condor XC-Mini Plus can operate offline,which is more powerful and faster than Condor Dolphin XP-005 key cutting machine.
Their accessory is same,firmware both support update online via xhorse update kit software.Choose the suitable one depend on your budget. Both of them are in best quality.
Here is some details introduction:
Condor XC-MINI Plus advantages:
1.The screen is adjustable, there are three specifications, it is more user-friendly, can be adjusted to the appropriate height, to prevent the problem of reflection in the sun. But condor mini is fixed.
2.Condor mini plus dust cover is larger, the bottom tray is larger, and safer to use with.
3.Condor XC-MINI Plus added organ cloth to prevent key debris from entering the machine and avoid short circuit after power on.
4.There is an opening at the bottom of the device, and there is also a receiving tray for receiving debris, which increases the protection mechanism and prolongs the service life of the device.
  1. The Condor XC-MINI Plus PCB is with new design.
  2. The gap between the movable part of the Condor MINI Plus and the machine is smaller than that of the old condor mini machine, which can help prevent debris from flying into the inside of the device.
7.Condor MINI Plus can do all the lost without internet. Condor Dolphin needs your phone with internet.
Condor XC-MINI Plus Car List
1st table: Condor XC mini Plus international car brands and models list
BrandCar TypeAcuraCL CSX Integra Legend 2 Door Coupe Legend Sedan MDX NSX Other RDX RL RSX SLX TL TSX Vigor ZDXAlfa Romeo105GTV 145 146 147 155 156 156 Wagon 164 166 33 75 90 Alfasud Alfasud Series 3 Affetta 4 Door Sedan Alfetta GTV 2 Door Coupe Alfetta GTV6 2 Door Coupe Ama Giulia GT Giulietta 4 Door Graduate GTV MiianoMiTo OtherSpiderAudi100 200 400 4000 500 5000 80 90 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A6 Allroad Quattro A7 A8 Allroad Quattro Fox Other Q5 Q7 Quattro V8 Sedan S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S8 TT V8 SedanBajajPulsarBMW125 135 315 316 318 320 323 325 328 330 333 335 518 520 523 524 525 528 530 533 535 540 545 550 628 630 633 635 645 650 725 728 730 732 733 735740 745 750 760 840 850 M3 M5 M535 M6 Other X3 X5 Z3 Z4 Z8BUICKAllure Apollo Centurion Century Electra Enclave Estate Wagon Excelie LaCrosse LeSabre Lucerne Most Models Opel Other Park Avenue Rainier Reatta Rh/iera Regal Rendezvous Riatta Riviera Riviera Roadmaster Signia Skyhawk Skylark Terraza Verano WildcatCadillacAllante Brougham Fleetwood Calais Catera Cimarron Concours CT$ DevILLe DTS Eldorado Escalade ESV EXT Fleetwood Most Model Other Seville Seville SLS Seville STS SRX SUT Various Models XLRCADMANCDM083 CDMRS6Chevrolet4000*7000 Trucks Alero Astro Avalanche Aveo Beat Bel Air Beretta Biscayne Blazer C40-C70 Caballero Camaro Caprice Captiva Cavalier Celebrity Chevelle Chevette Chevette Pickup Chevy H Citation Classic Cobalt 2 Door Cobalt 4 Door Colorado Corsica Corvair Corvette Cruze Denali El Camino Epica Equinox Express FRR FSR FTR HHR Impala Kodiak Lacetti Lumina (Australia) Lumina Coupe Lumens Sedan Lumina Ute Lumina Van APV LUV Pickup Malibu Malibu Maxx Metro Monte Carlo Monza Most Models Nova NPR NQR NRR Nubira Optra Other PrizmChevroletRallye S10 Pickup S15 Pickup Sonoma Pickup Savanna Silverado Sonic Sonoma Spark Spectrum Sprint SSR Suburban Swift Tahoe Tahoe Pickup TiltmastefTop Kick Tracker TraILblazer Trans Sport Van Traverse TrucksMost Modelos Typhoon Uplander Van Vandura Vega Venture Vivant Voh W4 W5 W6 W7 YukonChrysler200 300 300C 300M Acclaim Aspon Breeze Caravan Cirrus Concorde Conquest Crossfire Daytona Diplomat Dynasty Fifth Avenue Horizon Imperial Intrepid Landau Le8aron Lh)S Neon New Yorker Omni Other Facifica Prowler PT Cruiser Saratoga Sebring 2dr Coupe Sebring 4dr Sedan Sebring Convertible Shadow Spirit Stratus 2dr Coupe Stratus 4dr Sedan Sundance Town & Country Van Valiant Viper Vision VoyagerCitroenAX Berlingo C-Crosser C1 C2 C25 C3 C4 C4 Picasso C5 C6 C8 Dispatch Evasion Jumper Jumpy Other Relay Saxo Synergie Xantia XM Xsara Xsara PicassoDaihatsuApplause Atrai Centro Charade Charmant Copen Cuore Delta Truck Domino Feroza Fourtrak Gran Move Handi Van Hi Jet Leeza Midget Mira Move Opti Other Pyzar Rocky Rugger Sirion Social Sportrak Storia SX Terios YRVDodge600 Atos Attitude Avenger Brisa Caliber Caravan & Grand Caravan Challenger Charger Colt Colt Hatchback Colt Vista Colt Wagon Conquest D50 Pickup Dakota Daytona Durango Dynasty Intrepid Journey Light Trucks & Vans Magnum Neon Nitro Omni Other Raider Ram Charger Ram Pickup Ram Van Shadow Some Models Spirit Sprinter SRT4 Stealth Stratus Coupe Stratus Sedan Vans (Full Size) Verna ViperDucati1000 DS 125 Regolarita* 2T 250 Scrambler 350 F3 Desmo 350 GTL 350 Scrambler-GTV 350 TL Desmo 350 XL-SL-TL Pantah 350-400 S Sport 450 Scrambler 500 2 cil 500 GTV-SL Pantah 500 SL Pantah 500 Sport Desmo 600 S Sport 600 SL Pantah 600 TL Pantah 620 Sport 696 749 750 F1 Desmo 750 GT-SS-Sport 750 Indiana 750 Sport R 750 SS 800 Sport 848 851 S 851 Sport 860 GT-GTS 888 S 900 2 CiL 900 Darmah 900 Replica 900 SD-Darmah 900 SS 900 SS-M 900 Super Light 900 Super Sport 907 I 907 IE 999 999 R 999 S Desmo 750 Desmo 900 Super Sport Monster Other Paso 350 Paso 750 Paso 750 Ltd Paso 906 Sport 851 S ST2 ST3 Superbike Various ModelsFerrari308 328 348 512TR Other TestarossaFiat131 500 Argenta Barchetta Brava Bravo Cinquecento Coupe Croma Daily Doblo Ducato Duna Duna Weekend Elba Fiorino Grand© Punto Idea Marea Marengo Mirafiori Multipla Nuova 500 Other Palio Panda Premio Punto Qubo Regata Ritmo Scudo Sedici SedicI (Diesel) Seicento Stilo Strada Superbrava Supermirafiori Talento Tempra Tipo Ulysse Uno 3 Door Uno 5 DoorFordAerostar Aspire Aztec B Series Bus Bronco Bronco M C Series Truck C-Max Capri Cargo Truck Chateau Club Wagon Consul Contour Corsair Cortina Cougar Courier Crown Victoria E Series Van Econoline Econovan Edge Escape Escort Excursion Expedition Explorer F Series Pickup F Series Truck Fairlane Fairmont FalconFordFalcon Van Festiva Fiesta Five Hundred Rex Focus Freestar Freestyle Fusion Galaxy Gran Torino Gran Torino Elite Granada GT Heavy Trucks Ka Kuga L Series Truck Laser Liata LTD LTD II Lynx Marquis Maverick Meteor Mondeo Montego Mustang Orion Other Pinto Probe Puma Raider Ranger S-Max Sapphire Scorpio Sierra Spectron Van Super Duty Taunus Taurus Telstar Tempo Tempo 2 Door Tempo 4 Door Territory Thunderbird Torino Trader Truck Transit Transit Connect Tribute TX3 Various Models W Series Truck Windstar ZX2GMCAcadia Canyon Denali Envoy EV1 Jimmy Other Safari Saturn Savana Sierra Terrain Topkick W Series YukonHeroSplendorHoldenAdventra Apollo JK-JL Apollo JM Astra Barina Barina Spark Calibra Camira Caprice Captiva Colorado Combo Commodore Crewman Cruze Deville Drover EJ-HG Epica Frontera Gemini Gemini Station Wagon HQ-HZ Jackaroo Kingswood Monaro Nova LE-LF Nova LG Other Piazza Rodeo Shuttle Statesman Suburban Sunbird Tigra Torana Various Models Vectra Viva ZafiraHondaAccord Acty Aerodeck Ascot Ascot Innova Avancier Ballade Ballade Sport Beat City Civic CL Concerto Concerto Europe Coup© Crossroad CRV CRX CRZ Del Sol DomaniElement Fit FRV Horizon HRV Innova Insight Inspire Integra Jazz Legend Legend 2 Door Legend 4 Door Logo MDX (Australia) NSX Odyssey Other Passport Pilot Prelude Quint Quintet Rafaga Ridgeline RL S2000 Saber Shuttle SLX Stream TL Today Tomeo Various Models VigorHondaCycles125 125 E 125S 125 Silhouette 200 R 500 CBT Big Red 125 Big Ruckus Camino 50 CB CB 350 Four CB 400 Four CB 500 Four CB 500 Four K CBF 400 CBR CHF 50 CM CMX250C CR 500R Crea Scoopy CX Elite Firestorm Fourtrax FT500 Ascot GL 650 SilverWing GL Gold Wing Gyro (Scooter) Hawk Hornet Jazz Metropolitan Nighthawk NSS 250 NT 650 Pal (Scooter) Rebel Reflex Ruckus Scoopy SH 300 Shadow Silver Wing Super Blackbird SuperHawk Trail 90 V65 Sabre Varadero Various Models VF VFR VFR 600 Pro Arm VT 750 C4 VT500C VTR 1000 F VTX X11 XL 600 V Transalp XR XRV 750 Africa Twin Zoomer Active Activa 3G Shine UnicomHummerAll models H1 H2 H3HyundaiAccent Arnica Atos Atos Prime Avant© Azera Brio Click Coupe Elantra Elantra Touring Entourage Equus Exceed Excel Galloper Genesis Getz Getz Prime Grandeur HI H1 Bus H100Van HY18R i10 i20 i30 i45 iLoad iMax Innovation ix35 Lantra Lavita Matrix Neos Other Pony Presto Santa Fe Santamo Santro Xing Satellite Scoupe Sonata Sonica Starex Stellar TB Terracan Tiburon Trajet Tucson Various Models Veloster Veracruz Vema XG XL Yuedong VERNAInfinitiEX FX G I30 I35 IPL J M Other Q QXIvecoAll Models AR8 Daily Eurocargo Eurostar Eurotech MP Eurotech MT Eurotrakker OMIvecoGrinta Other Turbostar Turbotech TurboZeta ZetaJaguarOther S-Type Sovereign Vanden Pias X-Type XF XJ-12 XJ-6 XJ-8 XJ-R XJ-S XKJeepCherokee CJ5 CJ7 Comanche Commander Compass Grand Cherokee Grand Wagoneer J10 Pickup Laredo Liberty Other Patriot Wagoneer WranglerKIAAmanti Avella Bests Van Borrego Carence Carens Carnival Ceed Cerato Ceres Clarence Ciarus Credos Joice Magentis Mentor Mohave Morning Opinie Optima Other Picanto Pregio Pride Rio Rio Cinco Rio RX-V Rio5 Rondo Rondo7 Sedona Sephia Shuma Sorento Soul Spectra Sportag© Various Models VistoLanciaDedra Delta K K Coupe Lybra Other Phedra Prisma Thema Thesis Y (Ypsilon) Y10 Z2000LandRoverDefender Discovery Evoque Freelander LR2 LR3 OtherLDVConvoy Cub MaxusLexusCT ES GS GX HS IS LS LX Other RX SCLincolnAviator Blackwood Continental LS Mark MKS MKT MKX MKZ Navigator Town Car Versailles ZephyrMahindraSCORPIO XUV500 XYLO DuroMANOtherMazda121 2 3 323 323 (Hatch & Sedan) 323 Station Wagon 323F 5 6 626 626 Coupe 727 8 929 Astina Autozam AZ-3 B Series Pickup B Series Pickup (USA) B Series Truck B2300 B2500 B3000 B4000 Bongo Bounty Bravo Bravo Pickup Brawny BT-50 Capella Capella Coupe Cosmo Cronos CX5 CX7 CX9 Demio E Series Van Etude Eunos 30X Eunos 500 Eunos 800 Eunos Presso Eunos Roadster Familia Familia (Hatch & Sedan) Familia Station Wagon GLC (Hatch & Sedan) GLC {Station Wagon) Lantis Levante Luc© Marvie Miata Millenia Montrose MPV Van MX3 MX5 MX6 Mystere Navajo Other Precidia Premacy Proceed Protege RX4 RX5 RX7 RX8 Savanna Sentia T Series Truck Titan Truck Tribute Xedos 6 Xedos 9Mercedes1117 1300 1500 190D 190E 200 200D 207 208 209 220D 230 240D 260 280C 28CX:E 280E 280S 280SE 280SEL 300CD 300CE 300D 300E 300SD 300SDL 300SE 300SEL 300SL 300TD 300TE 320 350SDL 350SL 350SLC 380SE 380SEC 380SEL 380SL 380SLC 400 450SL 450SLC 500 560 600 814 815 816 817 Actros Truck C160 C180 C200 C220 C230 C240 C250 C270 C280 C320 C350 CL420 CL500 CL55 CL600 CL63 CL65 CLK200 CLK220 CLK230 CLK240 CLK270 CLK280 CLK320 0X350 CLK430 CLK500 CLK55 CLK63 CLS250 CLS320 CLS350 CLS500 CLS55 CLS63 E200 E220 E280 E300 E320 E420 E500 E55 E550 E63 ML230 ML270 ML280 ML320 ML350 ML400 ML420 ML430 ML500 ML55ML550 ML63 Other S250 S260 S280 S300 S320 S350 S380 S400 S420 S430 S450 S500 S55 S550 S560 S600 S65 Sprinter Sprinter Truck U1700Unimog U900 Unimog V-ClassVan VitoMercuryBobcat Capri Comet Cougar Cougar 2 Door Cougar 4 Door Cougar XR7 Grand Marquis LN7 Lynx Marauder Mariner Marquis Meteor Milan Monarch Montego Monterey Most Models Mountaineer Mystique Other Sable Some Models Topaz Topaz 2 Door Topaz 4 Door Tracer Villager ZephyrMiniClubman Convertible Cooper Cooper S Hardtop Hatch Mini OneMitsubishi3000GT 380 Airtrek Canter Carisma Celeste Challenger Chariot Colt Cordia Debonair Delica Diamante Eclipse Endeavor Etema Expo Expo LRV Express FTO Fuso Trucks Galant Galloper Grandis GTO i i-MiEV L100 L200 L300 L400 Lambda !« Lancer Legnum Magna Mighty Max Minica Minicab Mirage Montero Nativa Nimbus Orchid Other Outlander Pajero Pinin Precis Raider RVR Sapporo Scorpion Shogun Sigma !2 Space Gear Space Runner Space Star Space Wagon Spyder Starion Starwagon Strada Tredia Triton V3000 Various Models Verada VientoNissan100NX 1200 120Y 140J 140Y 160J 180B 180SX 200B 200SX 200ZR 210 240C 240K 240SX 240SX (North America) 2402 260C 260Z 280C 280Z 280ZX 300C 300ZX 310 350Z 370Z 510 610 620 710 720 810 AD Resort AD Wagon Almera Almera Tino Altima Armada Auster Axxess B110 B210 Bluebird Bolero Cabstar Cabstar Truck Caravan Cedric Cefiro Cherry Cherry Europe CIma Cube Elgrand EXA F10 Fairlady Z Florida Frontier Gazelle Gloria Hardbody Homy King Cab Laguna Langley Largo Laurel Laurel Spirit Leopard Coupe Lucino March Maxima Micra Mistral Multi Murano Murano (North America) Navara Nomad Note NX Other Pathfinder Patrol Pickup Pickup 620 Pickup 720 Pickup Roadstar Pintara Prairie President Primera Pulsar Pulsar NX Qashqai Quest Roadstar Rogue Rumba S-Cargo Safari Sakura Samurai Sentra Serena Silvia Skyline Sportstar Stanza Stanza (North America) Stanza Wagon (North America) Sunny Sunny Pickup Terrano Terrano II Tiida Tlida Latio Tino Titan Trade Europe Tsubame© Tsuru Tsuru 11 Urvan Van Vanette Vector Versa Violet Wingroad X-Trail XterraOpelAgila Antara Arena Ascona B Ascona C Astra Calibra Campo Celta Combo Corsa Frontera GT Insignia Kadett Kadett C Kadett D Kadett E Manta B Meriva Midi Van Monterey Monza Movano Omega Other Pickup Truck Rekord E Rodeo Senator Sintra Speedster Tigra Various Models Vectra Vectra B WFR Van ZafiraPeugeot1007 104 106 107 205 206 207 305 306 307 308 309 4007 405 406 407 505 604 605 607 806 807 Bipper Boxer J5 Other Partner RanchPiaggioBeverly 200 Fly Other Porter Tourer Various ModelsPorsche911 912 914 924 924,944 928 930 944 968 987 993 997 Boxster Carrera Cayenne Cayman Coupe Other Various ModelsProton415 416 M21 Saga Satria WiraRenault18i Alpine Avantime Clio Coach Encore Espace Express Fuego Kangoo Laguna Master Megane Nevada Other R11 R11 Encore R12 R14 R15 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 Medallion R21 Wagon R25 R30 R4 R5 R9 R9 Alliance Rapid Rodeo Safrane Savanna Scenic Super 5 Traffic Twingo VirageRover100 200 400 45 600 75 800 Maestro Metro Montego Other Various ModelsSaab9-2X, September 3, September 5, 9-7X 900 9000 900S 900SE 99 Various ModelsScania112 H 142 H Other P113 EL P82 P92 P93 H-HL-ML R112 H R113 E-ES-HL-HS-M-MA R142 E R142 H R142 M R143 MA-HL-HS-EL-ES R144 NASeatAlhambra Altea Arosa Cordoba Ibiza Inca Leon Marbella Other ToledoSkodaFabia Felicia Octavia Other Praktik Roomster SuperbSsangyongKorando Kyron Musso OtherSubaruAlcyone B9Tribeca Baja Brat DL Domingo Van E10 F10 Forester GL Hunter Impreza Impreza WRX Justy Justy Europe Justy G3X Legacy Legacy Outback Leone Liberty Loyale Omega Other Outback STD SVX Tribeca Vivio WRX XT XVSuzukiAerio Alto Baleno Cappuccino Carry Cervo Cino Column Cruze Cultus Epo Equator Escudo Esteem Every Forenza Forsa Fronte Grand Vitara Ignis Jimny Liana Other Reno Samurai Sidekick Sierra SJ Splash Super Carry Swift (Australia) Swift (Europe) Swift (Japan) Swift (North America) SX4 Verona Vitara Vitara X90 Wagon R X90 XL7Toyota1000 4Runner 86 Altezza Aristo Aurion Avalon Avensis Avensis Verso Aygo Blizzard Caldina Camry Carib Carina Cavalier Celica Celica Supra Celsior Ceres Chaser Corolla Corolla Corolla2 Corona Corona EX(V Corsa Corsa Liftback Cressida Cresta Crown Crown Comfort Crown Majesta Curren Cynos Dyna Echo Echo Verso Emina Estima Estima Hybrid Fun Cargo Gaia Harrier Hiace Highlander Hilux Hilux Surf Ipsum Kluger Landcruiser Levin Lexcen Liteace Lucida Mark II Matrix MR2 Nadia Other Paseo Pickup Picnic Platz Prado Previa Prius Progr” s Publica Raum RAV4 Sequoia Sera Sienna Soarer Solara Space Cruiser Spacia Spacio Sprinter Sprinter Carib Sprinter Marino Starlet Supra Surf Symphony Van T100 Pickup Tacoma Pickup Tarago Tercel Townace Trueno Tundra Venza Verossa Vista Vitz WiLL Windom Yaris Yaris VersoVauxhallMonaro VXR OtherVolkswagen411 412 Beetle Bora Cabrio Cabriolet Caddy Caravelle Citi Golf Coccinelle Combi Van Corrado Crafter Dasher Derby Eos Eurovan Fox Glove Box Locks Gol Golf Jetta Kafer Logus LT28 Lupo Other Passat Phaeton Pointer Polo Quantum Rabbit Saveiro Scirocco Sharan Taro Touareg Touran Transporter VentoVolvo142 144 145 164 1800 240 242 244 245 340 343 345 360 440 460 480 740 760 780 850 940 960 C70 DL GL GLE GLT Other P120 PV544 S40 S60 S70 S80 S90 V40 V50 V70 V90 XC70 XC90YAMAHAC3 Scooter F1 FJR1300 FZ1 FZ6 GTS 1000 GTS1000ABS Majesty Morphous Other Road Star Roadliner Royal Star Seca Stratoliner T-Max 500 V Max V Star Various Models Venture Vino Warrior ZumaTVSWegoTATAIndica Vista Ace
2nd table: Xhorse Condor Mini Plus Chinese car brands and models list
Domestic car brands and modelsBaojun 630ZH30 zhonghuaGeely Englon SC615Cheetah CS10BT74 Besturn B50Baojun 730JAC Refine S3Zhengzhou OTINGBT74 Besturn B70 newBAW E seriesJAC Refine S5zhonghua H230BYD56 byd F3BAW huansu H2landwind X7zhonghua H330BYD66 byd F0BAW huansu H3landwind X8zhonghua H530CC15 Great Wall Hover h3BAW saabInternal milling motorbikezhonghua V3CC31 Great Wall Voieex C30BAW saab D50Chery A5zhonghua V5DF Dong Ling WisdomBAW wei wangChery E3zotye T600HM16 haimaBesturn B50Chery QQ3zotye DamaiJB05 faw jia baoBesturn B70Chery Arrizo 7H〇W〇JF56 lifan 620Besturn X80Chery cowin 317 ElyseeJH76 JAC heyueDongfeng sceneryChery Tiggo 5Benz truckJH76 JAC heyue 8 teethFoton MP-XWuling Hong Guang S80 hongguang SJL56 geely emgrandGAC TrumpchiFaw weizhijiefang J6JL56 geely englonhaima M3Changan CS75Saab D20JL56 geely visionhaima S5Changan Benben MINIcheetahThe JL83 pandaGENLYONChangan HonorReading electricQR51 cheryA3Huang LandscapeChangan EADO46 t hongguangQR51 cheryA5Geely emgrandChangan ALSVIN V3Foton pickupQR51 chery EastarGeeiy emgrand EC8Great Wall M4CS75 smartQR51 chery TiggoGeely kingkongGreat Wall Wingle 3Damai X5QR55QQ Chevrolet sparkGeely kingkong 16Great Wall Wingle 5Solar powerWL03 Wuling SunshineGeely kingkong 1th generationGreat Wall Hover H2 WL80 Wuling SunshineGeely panda 7 teethGreat Wall Hover H5 ZH15 zhonghuaGeely panda 8 teethGreat Wall Hover H8
submitted by diyobd2 to u/diyobd2 [link] [comments]

2018.06.01 20:44 thekyledavid /r/Survivor's Choice: Ghost Island: Final Tribal Council

For the last time, it is time to vote. Boycu50, you are up first
cooperwildworld: Stephanie. This is looooong overdue
BrotherKint: Domenick You're a threat, this is probably the only shot we get at getting rid of you. God, I hope this works.
I'll go tally the votes.
With 8.7% of the vote, the first person advancing to the Final 4 will be.....
With 13% of the vote, the 2nd person advancing to the Final 4 will be.....
With 17.4% of the vote, the 3rd person advancing to the Final 4 will be.....
This means either Domenick or Michael will be eliminated from the game.
With 34.8% of the vote, the 16th person voted out of /Survivor's Choice will be.....
The Final 4 is now down to Stephanie, James, Jenna, and Michael, however, only 3 of them will get to advance to the Final Tribal Council.
In the Final Immunity Challenge of the season, we had a 3-way tie for first (each of whom predicted that Domenick would be voted out with 34% of the vote). Fortunately, all 3 of them had a different choice for who they wanted to save. I will now reveal with 3 people they have decided to bring to the Final Tribal Council.
The first person advancing to the Final Tribal Council will be.....
Michael (Michael was saved by BrotherKint, who says "He deserves to win this game.
The second person advancing to the Final Tribal Council will be.....
Stephanie (Stephanie's savior chose to remain anonymous)
The third person advancing to the Final Tribal Council will be.....
Jenna (Jenna' savior chose to remain anonymous)
This means James has been eliminated from the game.
Final Tribal Council
It is time for the Final Tribal Council. The subreddit will now vote for whether they want to see Jenna, Michael, or Stephanie win /Survivor's Choice.
After narrowly avoiding elimination 5 times, including a tie vote, will Jenna be able to pull out the win? Will Michael reverse the curse of /Survivor's Choice never being won by a man? Will Stephanie be the first pre-merge boot to win it all? Will Probst force the Final 3 into teams to eliminate Jenna and Michael in one fell swoop? If Stephanie wins, how will the subreddit react to a reunion where the winner doesn't show up? With an all-Malolo Final 4, has Jacob finally been proven right all along?
Link to Voting
Jenna Bowman
Michael Yerger
Stephanie Johnson
James Lim (4th)
Domenick Abbate (5th)
Desiree Afuye (6th)
Donathan Hurley (7th)
Sea Bass Noel (8th)
Laurel Johnson (9th)
Brendan Shapiro (10th)
Wendell Holland (11th)
Chris Noble (12th)
Angela Perkins (13th)
Pre-Merge Boots
Morgan Ricke (14th)
Kellyn Bechtold (15th)
Chelsea Townsend (16th)
Bradley Kleihege (17th)
Jacob Derwin (18th)
Libby Vincek (19th)
Stephanie Gonzalez (20th)
Thanks to everyone for making this a great season of /Survivor's Choice
submitted by thekyledavid to survivor [link] [comments]