R.i.p tattoos for guys

stick and pokes!

2012.01.29 05:54 stick and pokes!

The do-it-yourself, machine-free tattoo community dedicated to the education of and participation in the art of stick’n’poke tattoos.

2019.01.31 00:30 TickleMittz Epic Games Store Subreddit

A subreddit for the discussion of all things related to the Epic Games Store for PC.

2014.12.17 08:35 BlackStallion54 justfuckmyshitup

This subreddit is dedicated to jacked up haircuts from all walks of life.

2024.05.17 08:33 LifeKindaSucks_ Life do be sucking

Hey guys, still waiting on the blood work. I drive two hours to see the uveitis specialist tomorrow. I have some new symptoms. My eyes have been looking a lot less red but my tattoos are bumpy and raised. I have a burning rash on my face that comes and goes. I'm coughing constantly and sometimes I can't breathe, and my hair is falling out in clumps. Has anyone experienced this? I feel like everything is blowing up in my face. On top of it all...Today I found out my dad's aggressive cancer has come back and is now in his lungs.
Idk guys, I'm not really looking for sympathy or even advice on this one. Right now this is just my place to throw my problems into the void and have it be heard by someone.
submitted by LifeKindaSucks_ to Uveitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:57 adulting4kids Newsletter #2 January 4, 2024

January 4, 2024
HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎊🕛🥳 I'd like to see how you all are feeling about the content that gets posted here. I sometimes post on my profile,🔥 usually longer articles from scholarly pursuits.
♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓⛎ I have a newer subreddit based on my Tarot content, at tarotjourneys for the most recent content that I have been working on in that subject area. I'm not sure if I will have new subreddits for different subjects, or if I can keep it together here. I am going to be posting and cross posting so join both or don't, just read and connect with me here, or there!
Also next week will be the first contest in the annual anthology📒 that will be good for you guys to start getting involved in this community. Post will go up on the 8th and stay up one week. There is going to be a three week option for submitting and then we will be selecting the first winner 🏆 on February 7th. Announced on February 9th. Next month contest will be February 8th. And so on.🏆🪶🥠🥡
🌹🌹🌹Prizes for the short story and poetry is $100 cash and promotions, as well as a place in the annual anthology! Our artwork is going to be a prize of $50 and featured in materials and online, then it will be a 🌹🌹🌹Anthology chapter👀 introduction, and compete for the cover, with the monthly winners. The same dates apply to the three different contests.👀🌹
Anyone can enter, up to three submissions in each category! First entry in each category is free. Each additional entry is just $10 via PayPal or Cash App. If you don't have the ability to pay, we have a few waiver.
Our sponsors will be featured in the first post so even if you don't want to enter, read about us then!!!🕛❤️‍🔥
🔥This will be a great way to get published! I can't wait to see you guys enter!🔥
This is January 4, 2024 newsletter #2.
This is our featured subject for January. We are going to focus on getting ready for working towards sobriety, if you struggling with bad habits or are addicted to something that's causing you more harm than good - check out the resources, articles and readings that are designed to accomplish the initial assessment of getting clean 🫧🪥. No judgement, no mandatory participation, just some things that are designed to make it easier to start that process.
January 4, 2024
🏠🏡 JANUARY = CLEAN UP YOUR HOUSE MONTH You are the house!🏠🏡

Quotes from Individuals in Recovery:

  1. Russell Brand:
    • "The mentality and behavior of drug addicts and alcoholics are wholly irrational until you understand that they are completely powerless over their addiction and unless they have structured help, they have no hope."
  2. Robert Downey Jr.:
    • "Job one is get out of that cave. A lot of people do get out but don't change. So the thing is to get out and recognize the significance of that aggressive denial of your fate, come through the crucible forged into a stronger metal."
  3. Eminem (Marshall Mathers):
    • "I knew that my first thought was always negative. But now I have learned to just brush it off."
  4. Demi Lovato:
    • "I had to learn the hard way that I can’t do parties anymore. Some people can go out and not be triggered, but that’s not the case for me."

Cited Readings on Addiction and Recovery:

  1. "In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction" by Gabor Maté:
    • This book provides a compassionate and holistic understanding of addiction, exploring its biological, psychological, and societal roots.
  2. "Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction" by David Sheff:
    • A memoir that chronicles a father's struggle to understand and support his son through addiction and recovery.
  3. "Recovery: Freedom from Our Addictions" by Russell Brand:
    • Russell Brand shares his personal journey through addiction and recovery, offering insights into the 12-step program and mindfulness practices.
  4. "The Big Book" (Alcoholics Anonymous):
    • The foundational text of Alcoholics Anonymous, providing guidance, stories of recovery, and the principles of the 12-step program.
  5. "Clean: Overcoming Addiction and Ending America's Greatest Tragedy" by David Sheff:
    • David Sheff explores the science of addiction and potential solutions, examining both personal and societal perspective.
  6. Anthony Hopkins:
    • "I believe that we all have a basic need to feel safe. And when we don’t feel safe, we feel threatened, and when we feel threatened, we tend to react in various ways."
  7. Nicole Richie:
    • "I have to be careful. I have to live in balance. I can’t stay up all night but then need to be on time in the morning. But I’m finding my way."
  8. Elton John:
    • "I am a survivor. I’ve survived a lot of things. Life is full of pitfalls, even for someone like me."
  9. Jamie Lee Curtis:
    • "I was the wildly controlled drug addict and alcoholic. I never did it when I worked. I never took drugs before 5 p.m. I never, ever took painkillers until 5 p.m."
  10. "Unbroken Brain: A Revolutionary New Way of Understanding Addiction" by Maia Szalavitz:
    • This book challenges traditional views on addiction, exploring the role of learning and choice in the development and treatment of addiction.
  11. "Memoirs Aren't Fairytales: A Story of Addiction" by Marni Mann:
    • A personal memoir that offers a raw and honest account of addiction, detailing the author's journey from addiction to recovery.
  12. "Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company that Addicted America" by Beth Macy:
    • This investigative work explores the opioid crisis in America, shedding light on the complex factors contributing to addiction.
  13. "Clean: The Journal" by Chris Niosi:
    • This interactive journal provides prompts, exercises, and reflections for individuals in recovery, helping them navigate their journey.
  14. "Ninety Days: A Memoir of Recovery" by Bill Clegg:
    • Bill Clegg shares his personal experiences of recovery in this memoir, offering insights into the challenges and triumphs of rebuilding one's life.
Remember that these quotes and readings reflect the experiences and perspectives of individuals in recovery, and different people find inspiration and support in various sources. Always consider seeking professional guidance and support in addition to personal insights gained from shared experiences.

More Quotes from Individuals in Recovery:

  1. Matthew Perry:
    • "I've had a lot of ups and downs in my life. I've learned a lot from my failures, but the best thing about failure is you get to learn from it."
  2. Drew Barrymore:
    • "Recovery is an acceptance that your life is in shambles and you have to change it."
  3. Rob Lowe:
    • "I'm nearly nine years sober, and there's a great quote I read about three years ago that had a huge impact on me. It's from the great Winston Churchill, who said, 'Success is never final, and failure is never fatal.'"
  4. Kristen Johnston:
    • "I’ve been sober for over 14 years now, and the way I live my life is, I don’t think of it like I stopped drinking; I think of it like I started living."
  5. "High Achiever: The Incredible True Story of One Addict's Double Life" by Tiffany Jenkins:
    • A memoir that provides a gripping account of addiction and recovery, exploring the author's journey to rebuild her life.
  6. "Recover to Live: Kick Any Habit, Manage Any Addiction" by Christopher Kennedy Lawford:
    • This book offers a comprehensive guide to various forms of addiction and provides practical strategies for recovery.
  7. "The Sober Diaries: How one woman stopped drinking and started living" by Clare Pooley:
    • A personal and humorous account of one woman's journey to sobriety, sharing insights and reflections on life without alcohol.
  8. "Guts" by Kristen Johnston:
    • Kristen Johnston's memoir delves into her experiences with addiction and recovery, providing a candid and humorous perspective.
  9. "This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol, Find Freedom, Discover Happiness, and Change Your Life" by Annie Grace:
    • Annie Grace explores the psychology of alcohol consumption and provides insights to help individuals change their relationship with alcohol.
These quotes and readings offer diverse perspectives on addiction and recovery, and they can serve as sources of inspiration, reflection, and guidance for those navigating their own journeys. Always seek professional support if needed and consider these resources as complementary to a comprehensive recovery plan.

More Quotes from Individuals in Recovery:

  1. Craig Ferguson:
    • "I had a simple perception of success as getting things that I thought I needed to be happy. I thought that happiness was success. I don’t think that anymore."
  2. Anthony Kiedis (Red Hot Chili Peppers):
    • "I've made a lot of mistakes and I don't regret any of them. Sometimes those things take you to the most amazing places."
  3. Jamie Lee Curtis:
    • "I know my limits. I know that if I drink again, I will die. Every morning I wake up, I make that choice."
  4. Steven Tyler (Aerosmith):
    • "It’s not about how much you drink. It’s about why you drink. It’s when life gets good, do you celebrate? Or when life gets tough, do you drink?"
  5. "In My Skin: A Memoir of Addiction" by Kate Holden:
    • A memoir that explores the author's experience with addiction and her journey toward recovery.
  6. "Recovery: A Guide for Adult Children of Alcoholics" by Herbert L. Gravitz and Julie D. Bowden:
    • This book addresses the specific challenges faced by adult children of alcoholics and provides guidance on healing and recovery.
  7. "The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober" by Catherine Gray:
    • A personal and practical guide to quitting alcohol, sharing the author's journey to sobriety and the positive changes it brought to her life.
  8. "The Recovering: Intoxication and Its Aftermath" by Leslie Jamison:
    • Combining memoir and research, this book explores the cultural and personal aspects of addiction and recovery.
  9. "Girl Walks Out of a Bar: A Memoir" by Lisa F. Smith:
    • Lisa Smith's memoir chronicles her journey from high-functioning addiction to recovery, shedding light on the challenges and triumphs of sobriety.
Newsletter Repeat 🔁 TL:DR These quotes and readings provide diverse perspectives on addiction and recovery, and they offer valuable insights for individuals seeking inspiration and understanding. Always consider these resources in the context of individual needs and consult with professionals for personalized support.
I'd like to see how you all are feeling about the content that gets posted here. I sometimes post on my profile,🔥 usually longer articles from scholarly pursuits. I have a newer subreddit based on my Tarot content, at tarotjourneys for the most recent content that I have been working on in that subject area. I'm not sure if I will have new subreddits for different subjects, or if I can keep it together here. I am going to be posting and cross posting so join both or don't, just read and connect with me here, or there!
Also next week will be the first contest in the annual anthology that will be good for you guys to start getting involved in this community. Post will go up on the 8th and stay up one week. There is going to be a three week option for submitting and then we will be selecting the first winner 🏆 on February 7th. Announced on February 9th. Next month contest will be February 8th. And so on.
Prizes for the short story and poetry is $100 cash and promotions, as well as a place in the annual anthology! Our artwork is going to be a prize of $50 and featured in materials and online, then it will be a Anthology chapter introduction, and compete for the cover, with the monthly winners. The same dates apply to the three different contests.
Anyone can enter, up to three submissions in each category! First entry in each category is free. Each additional entry is just $10 via PayPal or Cash App. If you don't have the ability to pay, we have a few waiver.
Our sponsors will be featured in the first post so even if you don't want to enter, read about us then!!!
This will be a great way to get published! I can't wait to see you guys enter!
This is January 4, 2024 newsletter #2.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:32 sattukachori Animal cruelty is symptom of a sick society.

Following is the copy paste of a Facebook letter written by a Chinese cat abuser. This is a vent, trauma dumping as you can see from reading it. There is so much vent about education, income, social status and calling uneducated people cockroach. This is symptom of social pressure and social hierarchy that results in mental illnesses like this. There is a book called tyranny of meritocracy about this issue. https://www.reddit.com/AnimalRights/comments/1coy03abuser_made_a_new_yt_a_channel/
Translated Post 2 Dated 12/18/23. This guy serves as a great example of how people who discriminate against animals usually discriminate against people too, due to reasons like race, level of education, nationality, sex, religion, etc. How a person treats animals tells you everything you need to know about their values, moral code, and personal ethics.
There is nothing wrong with discrimination based on educational background - people with low educational background have no right to life. Educational discrimination is correct
I am working hard (studying) in the following order: graduate school graduate > undergraduate graduate > vocational school graduate > high school graduate.
There are some retarded people who make nonsense of nonsense like There are criminals even among highly educated people'' andThere are successful people even after high school graduates.''
There is no doubt that the percentage of decent people who are highly educated is overwhelmingly higher. Although there are rare people with low educational background who are successful, the proportion is almost an exception.
And even if a person is successful, a person with a low educational background will only have the characteristics that are appropriate for a person with a low educational background.
Junior high school graduation is out of the question. They probably don't even understand whether it's okay or wrong to kill someone. Unlike you low-educated people, I have never interacted with high school graduates and junior high school graduates. I honestly don't know the details
Another nonsense is ``I couldn't go to university because my family was poor.'' All I can say is, "What is this scholarship system for? Garbage."
By the way, overseas societies have higher educational backgrounds than Japan. It can be said that life is determined by educational background in the United States, Britain, China, and South Korea as well. In fact, Japan is by far the most undervalued country among developed countries.
A cockroach, a weakling with no talent or educational background, is barking "Japan is..." Even in Japan, Japs are a loser, and if they were born in Europe, America, China, or South Korea, they would just die or become criminals. A little yellow monkey wouldn't even be able to be used as a criminal. Japan itself is declining because people are talking about rescuing such garbage weak people.p
There is a correlation between educational background and life expectancy, but this is more pronounced in the United States. Black people have significantly shorter lifespans than white people. This can be said to be because so many black people have low levels of education. This proves that America is a society with an academic background that cannot be compared to Japan. I mean, black people are just an inferior species lol
What is Japan's educational society that allows junior high school graduates to live a leisurely life? There is no need for people with low education to have the right to live. It would be better to send the pests known as low education that live in Japan to developing countries. And it would be good to only recruit people with talent and academic background from overseas.
Japan will definitely enter its golden age again.
The true story of Uncle Cal ~Abuse of feeding a cat~
A story of the good and evil of a pest
I can't stop crying lol
Then there is a dead link to a YT video, which I assume was removed when this creep's last account got deleted.
The more text:
You pathetic cockroach with a low education level is pathetic lol
It's fun to use Tor to troll the cat-loving community lol
Life with cats #I want to connect with cat lovers #Makoto Oya #Cat abuse #Cat abuse incident #Animal welfare #Animal love error #Cat #Cat #Uncle Cal
The world would be a little better if there were no less educated people.
The author has a Ph.D. degree from the University of Tokyo → PU I have never had any attachment to anyone else. Unless you have a standard deviation score of 80 or higher, a science major, >and a Ph.D. degree, you will not be recognized as a human being.
Animal lover (cat lover) Disabled/Black people the weak/poor Such things are filth that is not worth living.
Diversity and preferential treatment of inferior species rots society. In a world where only the strong exist, living things are what make the species better. Inferior genes should be eliminated
Apparently a cat abuse group is organized in China. These guys are really crazy (compliment)
He says he makes a lot of money by selling videos. Their monthly income is definitely higher than your annual income. If I'm not good at it, it could be more than my lifetime wage.
Ah, the majority of cat lovers are trash and unemployed to begin with lol What? You're saying that a lot, low-educated people. Sex cannot be corrected even if it is regulated.
No matter what, there is a demand for sadistic content. Moreover, the members are openly using SNS. It feels real when you say things like "I love dogs" However, when I tried to interact with him a little, he seemed more decent than the less educated Japs. Abusers can respond in a much more normal way than basic love and error. I'm not justifying abuse, but when I look at it as a human being. Love and error is at a level that can be said to be less than an animal than a member of society.
Social misfits should be filial to their parents before protecting animals, shame on them. There isn't even a single tall, highly educated person working on animal welfare. There are an overwhelming number of small people, low education, low income, and ugly people. In fact, you're the one being protected. Well, won't anyone take away filth like you guys?
submitted by sattukachori to Vystopia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:28 CoughinNail Vendor Relations

I’m not sure who needs to hear this, but if you interact with the companies that you buy your food from, this is for you!! You work in a high pressure environment, most of the time. You are watching the clock, you are watching costs, you are watching it simme bake/ caramelize or you are watching your staff make it nice or make it twice. It’s not an easy job, and I know it’s not easy because I spent 15 years working from one end of it to the other. From paper napkins to three pro sommeliers on the floor for every dinner shift.
Be nice to your rep. Be courteous. Yea, you ARE the customer. Be kind. You don’t have to be patient, you don’t have to settle on quality and consistency and you don’t have to buy whatever bullshite they’re trying to peddle. But be nice, be polite. Even if it’s their mistake, be nice. ESPECIALLY IF IT’S YOUR FAULT; say please, say thank you. Be nice. I’m currently working in a large city with high-level customers. I am SOOOO happy to help out the kitchens with manners. If you spend $412/ week with us and you are nice, I will do everything for you. If you spend $10k/week with us and you are an asshole… fuck off. I don’t need it. I would rather take the financial hit than deal with your drama and narcissism.
This one’s important: if you’re not a REGULAR customer and you want a HUGE favor, you should approach your rep like they are the only savior in existence. These are basic human interactions that most adults can easily understand. I first read about these relationships in a dirty book borrowed from a guy named Mark that was a 7th year philosophy major who taught me to get the pan hot first. I think it was written by someone in NYC named Tony. Now that my rant/PSA is over, I am going to get some sleep. I have some baby carrot/beet tattoos to peel off of a 24 year old in an alley in the morning.
submitted by CoughinNail to KitchenConfidential [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:09 adonlo Am I the toxic ex-best friend?

I had a best friend who I'll in highschool, and we had some sort of slow burn falling out recently. We spent a lot of time together at first, but I randomly started believing she didn't like having me around about a year into our friendship. To cope with that, I'd try to balance talking with her and then distancing myself and talking to other people instead of her. She would tell me she felt I was replacing her sometimes and I would tell her I wasn't, but deep down I think I knew I was lying. I was conflicted the whole time I was doing this. I wanted to be her closest friend honestly but I'm just insanely insecure. Whenever we were together though it felt really nice. We had a lot of the same interests and humor. I just couldn't help feeling like she didn't like having me around and the turning point was when this guy who had previously spoke ill of her behind her back started coming back into her life. She went to me for advice, I was against it, but they started dating. I took it very personally and decided to slowly cut her out of my life despite trying to think rationally. I mean, I've done the same thing. I'd still talk to her from time to time, I'm not the type to blatantly ignore people, but other than that I tried my best to not interact with her. I did really like her (purely platonically) so of course I'd still spend time with her, sparingly.
After we graduated we rekindled a bit and talked thru snapchat. I live in a different city now so I don't see her anymore, but I did visit once. She and another friend of ours drew temp tattoos on me :) I had been falling into substance abuse issues for quite sometime and had a breakdown one night, and I scared her pretty badly when I called her about it. A few days later I asked her what she thought about me and she said she was worried about me. That was the last time we spoke.
Later on I had sent her a video of a plushie I thought she would like and it stayed on delivered for months, which was very unlike her. I had a hunch that she cut me off somehow, because her boyfriend had unadded me on snapchat. She hadn't unadded me though. I can't remember which came first, but eventually I found out that she had made separate instagram and snapchat accounts. I didn't do any digging to find this out since I knew it would just hurt me, it was suggested to me because of mutuals. To me, this meant she told others/followed others and not me, meaning she cut me off. Then I found out that she was matching profile pictures with another girl from hs. I didn't dig to find this info either, I'm following the girl, me and her send eachother reels sometimes. I can't help but feel like that should've been us lol, they have Nana profile pics and that aesthetic and situation perfectly fits us but ig that's besides the point 😒. I guess this is how she felt when she told me she thought I was replacing her.
I feel like the bad guy of sorts now. Like her new friend is the hero and I'm the villain. Honestly, I'm not really mad that they're friends. I was friends with the girl too and we got along great. She was one of the first people who talked to me when I transferred to their school. But I have this picture of all three of us together and I'm right in the middle of them. I feel like I was in the way of them being friends or something. And now that I'm gone everything's better. I just wish I knew I had bpd when everything was happening. I got diagnosed months after we stopped talking Maybe at least she could've had a reason as to why I acted the way that I did.
Am I the toxic ex best friend? Do I have a right to feel the way that I feel? I want to talk to her so badly but I know it would be useless. I guess I want closure but even then I would still feel like shit.
submitted by adonlo to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:22 BhmJeep Tell me what you guys think. Suggestions?

Tell me what you guys think. Suggestions?
Took several tattoos I found online (no artist info, very sorry) Anyway it will go on the inside of my forearm. For reference I am 6' 260lb guy. I am not religious but have always liked crosses and collect them. This would be my first cross tattoo.

Forearm Tattoo
submitted by BhmJeep to TattooDesigns [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:20 YeehawBebop 23 northwest Georgia/Florida [TF4M] sleepy and bubbly girl looking for a cute boy to take naps with <3

Howdy everyone, it’s my cake day :D and I’m posting this kinda late lmao so if I don’t respond for a few hours don’t be discouraged, I probably fell asleep. I’m Artemis or Artie for short. I’m a 5’5 trans woman who is pre op everything meaning that I haven’t medically transitioned so I still am physically a guy but I’m planning on getting all the surgeries and hormones once I’m more financially stable. I’d also prefer if you live in Georgia as well, I can’t do long distance but I’m starting online college in May and then moving to Winter Park, Florida in October to be on campus! I’d really like to be friends at first and slowly develop a romantic relationship, I don’t want to rush into a relationship but hey anything can happen. I’m super bubbly, optimistic, funny, open minded, kind, clingy and hella sensitive (I’m a crybaby) and I will always try to spread positivity and kindness. I grew up around a lot of negativity and hatred so I strive to be the opposite of that and always wear my heart on my sleeve no matter how much being too nice hurts me. I want to mention I am mentally ill and that includes have BPD (borderline personality disorder) so it can be rough being with me so if you don’t think you can handle it that’s okay! I’ll text you back pretty much immediately if I’m not busy, I love music and sharing/discovering music, I absolutely love horror movies and all things Halloween/spooky, I have 6 tattoos and planning on getting a lot more. I have two cats, Salem and Beetlejuice who is but a wee kitten. I’m a huge stoner and I sometimes take acid/shrooms so I ask that you’re okay with that. I play a lot of video games but mostly overwatch. I play dead by daylight, Ghost Of Tsushima, apex legends but I desperately need to finish Sekiro. I recently got a ps5 as well! If you decide to message me please send a small introduction about yourself, it doesn’t have to be an essay, just a few sentences :) Hope to fear from you!
submitted by YeehawBebop to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:06 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events Friday May 17th

Live Music

First Coast Opera: The Stranger's Tale

Romanza Festivale: Author Visit with Elizabeth Randall

Before Juneteenth: Emancipations in Florida

St. Augustine Concert Band Season Finale

Megan Moroney at The Amp

Romanza Festivale: Con Brio

Dustin Sims at Cafe Eleven

Sampoorna Hatha Yoga and Japa Meditation at Essential Energy Spa

2025 Pin Up Paws Calendar Contest

I am unable to post the sources because they are getting flagged as spam since they are all similar in name. So please visit this site for the list.
Written out urls here tinyurl.com/yjkw32kd

For future events please visit the Discord.

submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustineBeach [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:06 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events Friday May 17th

Live Music

First Coast Opera: The Stranger's Tale

Romanza Festivale: Author Visit with Elizabeth Randall

Before Juneteenth: Emancipations in Florida

St. Augustine Concert Band Season Finale

Megan Moroney at The Amp

Romanza Festivale: Con Brio

Dustin Sims at Cafe Eleven

Sampoorna Hatha Yoga and Japa Meditation at Essential Energy Spa

2025 Pin Up Paws Calendar Contest

I am unable to post the sources because they are getting flagged as spam since they are all similar in name. So please visit this site for the list.
Written out urls here tinyurl.com/yjkw32kd

For future events please visit the Discord.

submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustine [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:02 AC_the_Panther_007 SNES: On the list, which SNES games in North America are your favorites in each year?

1991 (Aug. 13, 1991-Dec. 31, 1991):
  1. F-ZERO (Launch Title)
  2. Gradius III (Launch Title)
  3. Pilotwings (Launch Title)
  4. SimCity (Launch Title)
  5. Super Mario World (Launch Title)
  6. Drakkhen
  7. Final Fight
  8. HAL's Hole in One Golf
  9. HyperZone
  10. Populous
  11. Super Bases Loaded
  12. Super R-Type
  13. The Chessmaster
  14. U.N. Squadron
  15. Ultraman
  16. Final Fantasy II
  17. ActRaiser
  18. Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball
  19. Darius Twin
  20. John Madden Football
  21. Paperboy 2
  22. Radical Psycho Machine Racing
  23. Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts
  24. Super Tennis
  25. True Golf Classics: Waialae Country Club
  26. Super Castlevania IV
  27. D-Force
  28. Home Alone
  29. Lagoon
  30. Super Baseball Simulator 1.000
  31. Super Off Road
  32. The Miracle Piano Teaching System
1992 (Jan. 1, 1992-Dec. 31, 1992):
  1. Earth Defense Force
  2. Joe & Mac
  3. Ys III: Wanderers from Ys
  4. Nolan Ryan's Baseball
  5. Super Scope 6
  6. Super Smash TV
  7. The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
  8. Extra Innings
  9. Lemmings
  10. PGA Tour Golf
  11. Pit-Fighter
  12. Smart Ball
  13. The Addams Family
  14. WWF Super WrestleMania
  15. Contra III: The Alien Wars
  16. Raiden Trad
  17. Rival Turf!
  18. Super Adventure Island
  19. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
  20. Top Gear
  21. True Golf Classics: Pebble Beach Golf Links
  22. World League Soccer
  23. Xardion
  24. Arcana
  25. Jack Nicklaus Golf
  26. Mario Paint
  27. Romance of the Three Kingdoms II
  28. Super Soccer
  29. The Rocketeer
  30. Garry Kitchen's Super Battletank: War in the Gulf
  31. Krusty's Super Fun House
  32. Space Football: One on One
  33. Super Soccer Champ
  34. Thunder Spirits
  35. Clue
  36. Spanky's Quest
  37. Street Fighter II: The World Warrior
  38. Ka-blooey
  39. Magic Sword
  40. Rampart
  41. Soul Blazer
  42. Strike Gunner S.T.G.
  43. Super Play Action Football
  44. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time
  45. Axelay
  46. DinoCity
  47. F1 ROC: Race of Champions
  48. Faceball 2000
  49. George Foreman's KO Boxing
  50. Monopoly
  51. RoboCop 3
  52. Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball
  53. Super Bowling
  54. Super Mario Kart
  55. The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare
  56. Wheel of Fortune: Featuring Vanna White
  57. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
  58. Battle Clash
  59. BlaZeon: The Bio-Cyborg Challenge
  60. David Crane's Amazing Tennis
  61. Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf
  62. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
  63. Hook
  64. James Bond Jr.
  65. King of the Monsters
  66. NCAA Basketball
  67. Phalanx
  68. Q*bert 3
  69. Race Drivin'
  70. Sküljagger: Revolt of the Westicans
  71. Space Megaforce
  72. Super Batter Up
  73. Super Buster Bros.
  74. Super Double Dragon
  75. The Irem Skins Game
  76. TKO Super Championship Boxing
  77. Wings 2: Aces High
  78. Bazooka Blitzkrieg
  79. Best of the Best: Championship Karate
  80. Captain Novolin
  81. Chuck Rock
  82. Cyber Spin
  83. Firepower 2000
  84. GunForce
  85. Imperium
  86. John Madden Football '93
  87. On the Ball
  88. Out of This World
  89. Prince of Persia
  90. Road Riot 4WD
  91. Road Runner's Death Valley Rally
  92. Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge
  93. Super Star Wars
  94. Wing Commander
  95. Wordtris
  96. X-Zone
  97. Bulls vs. Blazers and the NBA Playoffs
  98. Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball
  99. Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool
  100. Gemfire
  101. Goal!
  102. Gods: The Bitmap Brothers
  103. Jeopardy!
  104. Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour
  105. Lethal Weapon
  106. Musya
  107. NBA All-Star Challenge
  108. NHLPA Hockey '93
  109. Pro Quarterback
  110. Push-Over
  111. Test Drive II: The Duel
  112. The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse
  113. WarpSpeed
1993 (Jan. 1, 1993-Dec. 31, 1993):
  1. California Games II
  2. Power Moves
  3. The Hunt for Red October
  4. Uncharted Waters
  5. Aerobiz
  6. Cool World
  7. Dragon's Lair
  8. Harley's Humongous Adventure
  9. Hit the Ice
  10. Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye
  11. SimEarth: The Living Planet
  12. Sonic Blast Man
  13. Super Valis IV
  14. The Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt
  15. Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose!
  16. Doomsday Warrior
  17. Inindo: Way of the Ninja
  18. King Arthur's World
  19. Spindizzy Worlds
  20. Star Fox
  21. Super Conflict: The Mideast
  22. Super Strike Eagle
  23. Tecmo Super NBA Basketball
  24. The Combatribes
  25. American Gladiators
  26. Batman Returns
  27. Battle Grand Prix
  28. Brawl Brothers
  29. Cybernator
  30. Fatal Fury
  31. Outlander
  32. Street Combat
  33. Super Ninja Boy
  34. The Lost Vikings
  35. The Terminator
  36. Tom and Jerry
  37. Toys
  38. Wayne's World
  39. Alien³
  40. Bubsy in: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind
  41. Congo's Caper
  42. MechWarrior
  43. Shadowrun
  44. Super Black Bass
  45. Super Turrican
  46. Taz-Mania
  47. Vegas Stakes
  48. Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?
  49. Rock n' Roll Racing
  50. Run Saber
  51. B.O.B.
  52. Battletoads in Battlemaniacs
  53. Cacoma Knight in Bizyland
  54. Dungeon Master
  55. Family Dog
  56. Kawasaki Caribbean Challenge
  57. Mario is Missing!
  58. Pocky & Rocky
  59. Super High Impact
  60. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends
  61. The Blues Brothers
  62. The Great Waldo Search
  63. Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
  64. Wolfchild
  65. WWF Royal Rumble
  66. Yoshi's Cookie
  67. E.V.O.: Search for Eden
  68. First Samurai
  69. Disney's Goof Troop
  70. NFL Football
  71. Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing
  72. Super Baseball 2020
  73. Super James Pond
  74. Super Slam Dunk
  75. Final Fight 2
  76. Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting
  77. Super Mario All-Stars
  78. Super Slap Shot
  79. Mortal Kombat: Competition Edition
  80. Alien vs. Predator
  81. Boxing Legends of the Ring
  82. Bram Stoker's Dracula
  83. Captain America and the Avengers
  84. Cool Spot
  85. GP-1
  86. Mecarobot Golf
  87. Operation Logic Bomb: The Ultimate Search & Destroy
  88. P.T.O.
  89. Plok
  90. Redline F-1 Racer
  91. Rocky Rodent
  92. Super Bomberman
  93. Super Off Road: the Baja
  94. Super Widget
  95. The 7th Saga
  96. Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends: Adventure Series
  97. Top Gear 2
  98. Tuff E Nuff
  99. Utopia: The Creation of a Nation
  100. Wing Commander: The Secret Missions
  101. World Heroes
  102. Yoshi's Safari
  103. Zombies Ate My Neighbors
  104. Aero the Acro-Bat
  105. Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team
  106. Capcom's MVP Football
  107. Cliffhanger
  108. Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions
  109. Family Feud
  110. Football Fury
  111. Kendo Rage
  112. Last Action Hero
  113. Lock On
  114. Madden NFL '94
  115. NBA Showdown
  116. NHL '94
  117. Pac-Attack
  118. Paladin's Quest
  119. Secret of Mana
  120. SimAnt
  121. Sunset Riders
  122. Super Caesars Palace
  123. Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
  124. The Incredible Crash Dummies
  125. The Ren & Stimpy Show: Veediots!
  126. The Super Aquatic Games Starring the Aquabats
  127. The Wizard of Oz
  128. Troddlers
  129. True Golf Classics: Wicked 18
  130. ActRaiser 2
  131. Disney's Aladdin
  132. BioMetal
  133. Championship Pool
  134. ClayFighter
  135. International Tennis Tour
  136. Jurassic Park
  137. Lamborghini American Challenge
  138. NHL Stanley Cup
  139. Out to Lunch
  140. Pink Goes to Hollywood
  141. Ranma ½: Hard Battle
  142. RoboCop Versus The Terminator
  143. Steel Talons
  144. Super Battleship
  145. Super Putty
  146. Tecmo Super Bowl
  147. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
  148. The Lawnmower Man
  149. Time Slip
  150. Tony Meola's Sidekicks Soccer
  151. Total Carnage
  152. We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story
  153. ABC Monday Night Football
  154. Art of Fighting
  155. Barbie: Super Model
  156. Battle Blaze
  157. Battle Cars
  158. Beethoven: The Ultimate Canine Caper
  159. Dennis the Menace
  160. Dig & Spike Volleyball
  161. F1 Pole Position
  162. Genghis Khan II: Clan of the Gray Wolf
  163. Inspector Gadget
  164. Jim Power: The Lost Dimension in 3-D
  165. Lufia & the Fortress of Doom
  166. Mario's Time Machine
  167. Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge
  168. Metal Marines
  169. Nobunaga's Ambition
  170. Romance of the Three Kingdoms III: Dragon of Destiny
  171. Side Pocket
  172. Soldiers of Fortune
  173. Super Chase H.Q.
  174. Super Nova
  175. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
  176. The Adventures of Dr. Franken
  177. World Soccer '94: Road to Glory
1994 (Jan. 1, 1994-Dec. 31, 1994):
  1. Brett Hull Hockey
  2. Choplifter III
  3. Lester the Unlikely
  4. Lethal Enforcers
  5. Mega Man X
  6. Riddick Bowe Boxing
  7. Skyblazer
  8. Super Battletank 2
  9. Super Solitaire
  10. Zool: Ninja of the Nth Dimension
  11. Ardy Lightfoot
  12. Bill Walsh College Football
  13. Bugs Bunny: Rabbit Rampage
  14. Flashback: The Quest for Identity
  15. Mickey's Ultimate Challenge
  16. Ninja Warriors
  17. Pro Sport Hockey
  18. Sports Illustrated: Championship Football & Baseball
  19. Super Alfred Chicken
    1. Super Bases Loaded 2
  20. Super Troll Islands
  21. T2: The Arcade Game
  22. Turn and Burn: No-Fly Zone
  23. Winter Olympic Games: Lillehammer '94
  24. X-Kaliber 2097
  25. Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest
  26. Claymates
  27. Equinox
  28. Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball
  29. MLBPA Baseball
  30. NBA Jam
  31. Star Trek: The Next Generation - Future's Past
  32. The Flintstones: The Treasure of Sierra Madrock
  33. The Peace Keepers
  34. Wolfenstein 3D
  35. Young Merlin
  36. Super Metroid
  37. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder
  38. Bébé's Kids
  39. Champions World Class Soccer
  40. Dream T.V.
  41. Fatal Fury 2
  42. Joe & Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics
  43. King of Dragons
  44. Knights of the Round
  45. Legend
  46. Liberty or Death
  47. Mega Man Soccer
  48. Pinball Dreams
  49. Rocko's Modern Life: Spunky's Dangerous Day
  50. SOS
  51. Super Goal! 2
  52. Time Trax
  53. Ultima: The False Prophet
  54. Wheel of Fortune: Deluxe Edition
  55. Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom
  56. Andre Agassi Tennis
  57. ClayFighter: Tournament Edition
  58. ESPN Baseball Tonight
  59. FIFA International Soccer
  60. Jeopardy! Sports Edition
  61. Relief Pitcher
  62. Rex Ronan: Experimental Surgeon
  63. Space Ace
  64. Spectre
  65. Suzuka 8 Hours
  66. The Pirates of Dark Water
  67. ESPN SpeedWorld
  68. Barkley: Shut Up and Jam!
  69. Capcom's Soccer Shootout
  70. Championship Soccer '94
  71. Final Fight Guy
  72. HardBall III
  73. Hyper V-Ball
  74. Jeopardy! Deluxe Edition
  75. King of the Monsters 2
  76. Natsume Championship Wrestling
  77. Operation Europe: Path to Victory 1939-45
  78. Saturday Night Slam Masters
  79. Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers
  80. The Jetsons: Invasion of the Planet Pirates
  81. The Ren & Stimpy Show: Fire Dogs
  82. The Twisted Tales of Spike McFang
  83. Tommy Moe's Winter Extreme: Skiing & Snowboarding
  84. Ultimate Fighter
  85. World Cup USA '94
  86. Disney's Beauty and the Beast
  87. F1 ROC II: Race of Champions
  88. Stunt Race FX
  89. Super Godzilla
  90. Breath of Fire
  91. Aerobiz Supersonic
  92. An American Tail: Fievel Goes West
  93. Brain Lord
  94. Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls
  95. Eek! The Cat
  96. Elite Soccer
  97. Fighter's History
  98. Fun 'n Games
  99. Mr. Nutz
  100. Tetris 2
  101. The Adventures of Kid Kleets
  102. The Death and Return of Superman
  103. The Incredible Hulk
  104. Disney's The Jungle Book
  105. The Untouchables
  106. Troy Aikman NFL Football
  107. Kid Klown in Crazy Chase
  108. Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage
  109. Blackthorne
  110. Illusion of Gaia
  111. Mario's Early Years: Fun with Numbers
  112. Michael Andretti's Indy Car Challenge
  113. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
  114. Mortal Kombat II
  115. Obitus
  116. Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures
  117. Super Bomberman 2
  118. Tecmo Super Baseball
  119. Virtual Bart
  120. Vortex
  121. WildSnake
  122. World Heroes 2
  123. Final Fantasy III
  124. Adventures of Yogi Bear
  125. Disney's Bonkers
  126. Bubsy II
  127. Earthworm Jim
  128. Firestriker
  129. HammerLock Wrestling
  130. Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures
  131. J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings: Volume 1
  132. Lord of Darkness
  133. Mario's Early Years: Fun with Letters
  134. Math Blaster: Episode 1
  135. Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse
  136. NBA Live '95
  137. NCAA Football
  138. Operation Thunderbolt
  139. R-Type III: The Third Lightning
  140. Radical Rex
  141. Robotrek
  142. Shaq-Fu
  143. Shien's Revenge
  144. Snow White in Happily Ever After
  145. Sparkster
  146. Super Adventure Island II
  147. Super Punch-Out!!
  148. Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
  149. The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie
  150. Disney's The Lion King
  151. Uncharted Waters: New Horizons
  152. Donkey Kong Country
  153. 3 Ninjas Kick Back
  154. ACME Animation Factory
  155. Aero Fighters
  156. Aero the Acro-Bat 2
  157. Al Unser Jr.'s Road to the Top
  158. Animaniacs
  159. Ballz 3D
  160. Bassin's Black Bass with Hank Parker
  161. Beavis and Butt-Head
  162. Cannondale Cup
  163. Demon's Crest
  164. Dragon View
  165. ESPN Sunday Night NFL
  166. Ghoul Patrol
  167. Home Improvement
  168. Jammit
  169. Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues
  170. Lemmings 2: The Tribes
  171. Madden NFL '95
  172. Mario's Early Years: Preschool Fun
  173. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
  174. Michael Jordan: Chaos in the Windy City
  175. Newman/Haas Indy Car featuring Nigel Mansell
  176. NHL '95
  177. Nickelodeon GUTS
  178. No Escape
  179. Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure
  180. Pocky & Rocky 2
  181. Samurai Shodown
  182. Sonic Blast Man II
  183. Speed Racer in My Most Dangerous Adventures
  184. Stone Protectors
  185. Street Hockey '95
  186. Super Bonk
  187. Super Pinball: Behind the Mask
  188. The Pagemaster
  189. The Ren & Stimpy Show: Time Warp
  190. Tin Star
  191. TNN Bass Tournament of Champions
  192. Ultima: Runes of Virtue II
  193. Ultima: The Black Gate
  194. WCW SuperBrawl Wrestling
  195. Wolverine: Adamantium Rage
  196. WWF Raw
  197. X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse
  198. Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel
  199. Biker Mice from Mars
  200. Brutal: Paws of Fury
  201. ESPN National Hockey Night
  202. GP-1: Part II
  203. Hurricanes
  204. Metal Morph
  205. Micro Machines
  206. NFL Quarterback Club
  207. Pieces
  208. Power Instinct
  209. Rise of the Robots
  210. Star Trek: Starfleet Academy – Starship Bridge Simulator
  211. Street Racer
  212. Tetris & Dr. Mario
  213. The Adventures of Batman & Robin
  214. The Tick
  215. Tiny Toon Adventures: Wacky Sports Challenge
  216. Uniracers
  217. Wario's Woods
  218. Super Game Boy (if counts)
1995 (Jan. 1, 1995-Dec. 31, 1995):
  1. A.S.P. Air Strike Patrol
  2. BreakThru!
  3. Brett Hull Hockey 95
  4. Carrier Aces
  5. ClayFighter 2: Judgment Clay
  6. Full Throttle: All-American Racing
  7. Mega Man X2
  8. Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra
  9. Pac-In-Time
  10. Rap Jam: Volume One
  11. seaQuest DSV
  12. Tecmo Super Bowl II: Special Edition
  13. The Ignition Factor
  14. NBA Jam: Tournament Edition
  15. Addams Family Values
  16. The Adventures of Mighty Max
  17. Brandish
  18. Kirby's Avalanche
  19. Kirby's Dream Course
  20. Looney Tunes B-Ball
  21. NCAA Final Four Basketball
  22. Pinball Fantasies
  23. Rise of the Phoenix
  24. Spider-Man: The Animated Series
  25. Super Bases Loaded 3: License to Steal
  26. The Flintstones : The Movie
  27. Top Gear 3000
  28. True Lies
  29. Bust-A-Move
  30. Sterling Sharpe: End 2 End
  31. The Itchy & Scratchy Game
  32. Warlock
  33. Fatal Fury Special
  34. Kyle Petty's No Fear Racing
  35. Metal Warriors
  36. Stargate
  37. The Ren & Stimpy Show: Buckaroo$!
  38. Timecop
  39. Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen
  40. EarthBound
  41. Air Cavalry
  42. Bass Masters Classic
  43. Hagane: The Final Conflict
  44. International Superstar Soccer
  45. Judge Dredd
  46. Jungle Strike
  47. Justice League Task Force
  48. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
  49. Packy & Marlon
  50. Phantom 2040
  51. Super R.B.I. Baseball
  52. The Sporting News: Baseball
  53. Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story
  54. King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
  55. Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV: Wall of Fire
  56. Tecmo Secret of the Stars
  57. Wild Guns
  58. Ninja Gaiden Trilogy
  59. Chrono Trigger
  60. Primal Rage
  61. Batman Forever
  62. Captain Commando
  63. Demolition Man
  64. Killer Instinct
  65. Speedy Gonzales: Los Gatos Bandidos
  66. SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron
  67. DOOM
  68. Mega Man 7
  69. Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus
  70. Castlevania: Dracula X
  71. Foreman For Real
  72. Head-On Soccer
  73. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Fighting Edition
  74. NHL '96
  75. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – Crossroads of Time
  76. WeaponLord
  77. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
  78. Mortal Kombat 3
  79. Big Sky Trooper
  80. MechWarrior 3050
  81. NBA Live '96
  82. Nosferatu
  83. Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday
  84. Secret of Evermore
  85. Spawn: The Video Game
  86. Tecmo Super Bowl III: Final Edition
  87. The Mask
  88. Madden NFL '96
  89. AAAHH!! Real Monsters
  90. Dirt Trax FX
  91. Doom Troopers
  92. Earthworm Jim 2
  93. Emmitt Smith Football
  94. FIFA Soccer '96
  95. Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball
  96. International Superstar Soccer Deluxe
  97. Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings
  98. Jimmy Houston's Bass Tournament U.S.A.
  99. NBA Give 'N Go
  100. NFL Quarterback Club 96
  101. Scooby-Doo Mystery
  102. Sid Meier's Civilization
  103. Venom/Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety
  104. Super Turrican 2
  105. Urban Strike
  106. Wild C.A.T.s
  107. WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game
  108. Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure
  109. Breath of Fire II
  110. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
  111. Kawasaki Superbike Challenge
  112. P.T.O. II: Pacific Theater of Operations
  113. Revolution X
  114. Syndicate
  115. Disney's Toy Story
  116. War 2410
  117. Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars
  118. Zoop
  119. Final Fight 3
  120. Mega Man X3
  121. PGA Tour 96
  122. Prehistorik Man
  123. Sink or Swim
  124. College Slam
  125. Cutthroat Island
  126. Frantic Flea
  127. Mark Davis' The Fishing Master
  128. The Brainies
1996-1998 (Jan. 1, 1996-Dec. 31, 1998):
  1. Power Piggs of the Dark Age
  2. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
  3. Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run
  4. Olympic Summer Games: Atlanta 1996
  5. Bass Masters Classic: Pro Edition
  6. Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
  7. Magic Boy
  8. Mohawk & Headphone Jack
  9. Tetris Attack
  10. Kirby Super Star
  11. Ms. Pac-Man
  12. PGA European Tour
  13. Power Rangers Zeo: Battle Racers
  14. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
  15. Madden NFL '97
  16. NHL '97
  17. Oscar
  18. Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame
  19. War 3010: The Revolution
  20. Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits
  21. Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble
  22. Marvel Super Heroes in War of the Gems
  23. Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow
  24. NBA Hang Time
  25. Disney's Pinocchio
  26. SimCity 2000
  27. Street Fighter Alpha 2
  28. Whizz
  29. Casper
  30. College Football USA '97
  31. Incantation
  32. Mr. Do!
  33. NBA Live '97
  34. Realm
  35. FIFA Soccer '97
  36. Lost Vikings 2
  37. Harvest Moon
  38. Brunswick World: Tournament of Champions
  39. Midway Presents Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 1
  40. Kirby's Dream Land 3
  41. Arkanoid: Doh It Again
  42. Madden NFL '98
  43. Space Invaders
  44. Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games
  45. NHL '98
  46. NBA Live '98
  47. Frogger
Plus, there are 716 Super Nintendo Entertainment System video games in North America.
submitted by AC_the_Panther_007 to retrogaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:17 MFHOLE Help me find a good tatto place+ extra

So For my birthday I'm getting a tattoo. I'm debating on different ones from the Jojo star, to the mark of the outsider from dishonored to just a spider lily or barbed wire. I'm not sure what to get so I wanted to ask for your guy's opinion, as well as where to go for the tattoo. I know there's a tattoo shop Almost every where but I need one that'll do me right and won't mess up or make it look like it melted. Any ideas?
submitted by MFHOLE to Tucson [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:05 cl00006 Tattoo by ParkKaro at Gristle Tattoo (Brooklyn, NY)

Tattoo by ParkKaro at Gristle Tattoo (Brooklyn, NY)
I would love to hear what you guys think of my first tattoo. I’ve wanted a tattoo for a really long time, but s someone in design, I’ve always been too picky about both my own designs for them and the potential shortcomings of any artist I’d use.
I drew up this composited map design of the constellation Taurus, fell in love with it, and got it done 2 days later for my birthday by ParkKaro at Gristle Tattoo in Brooklyn. She specializes in work that is scientific-figure-adjacent, and I thought she did an absolutely incredible job!
Glad to be a part of the group!
submitted by cl00006 to tattoo [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:04 Atomoroxo [FOR HIRE] Hi guys! My tattoo style commissions are now open! Dm me if interested :)

[FOR HIRE] Hi guys! My tattoo style commissions are now open! Dm me if interested :) submitted by Atomoroxo to DnDart [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:57 dtb1987 My first world inferno show

When I was in my 20s I was more of a metal head but had a lot of punk friends. There was this one girl I was kinda interested in who was heavy into punk. Anyway, one night I get off a very long day at work and I'm home and I'm getting changed and V (the girl I mentioned) texted me. She said "come down to (local bar that has shows)" to which I replied "what's happening there?" She said "there is a show, get down here" I replied "who's playing?" She said "World inferno friendship society" and I said "that's a hell of a name, what kind of music do they play?" She said "it's hard to explain just get the fuck down here". I almost said no because I was very tired but I changed and headed down there anyway. I get there and the place is packed wall to wall. The opening band is playing and I chatted with V and a few other people there then got a beer. After drinking for a bit and chatting I needed to pee so I went to the bathroom. I get into the bathroom and there is this group of people hanging out next to the urinals. One of them (just so happened to be Jack Terricloth) said to me "oh hey man we were just trying to get away from the crowd for a bit to which I said "oh ok, I need to pee" jack replied "oh sure" and he and the rest of world inferno moved out of the way and stood there silently while I peed and washed my hands (I had no idea who they were, this was the first time I had ever heard of them) I get out of the bathroom and mingle again for a bit and then the guys from the bathroom start coming on stage and they start playing tattoos fade and the crowd went nuts. It was a great show. I was in a waltz pit during heart attack '64 with V and heard velocity of love for the first time (both songs played at my wedding years later (didn't marry V)). I don't say this ever but it was a world altering experience and I almost didn't go. I loved that night and over the years I fell in love with that band. I miss Jack and the world inferno.
submitted by dtb1987 to theworldinferno [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:52 Boaring1 21 [M4F] Ontario/Anywhere I want a long lasting connection that will develop into something beautiful

Hi! My name is Carson, I’m from Ontario Canada!
I love gaming on PC, horror of any kind is so much fun, I love D&D and other TTRPGS like it, I love watching YouTube videos about almost everything, I adore Magic the Gathering only really playing commander, I love animals and taking care of them, I love music, I really like Pokemon games with my fav being legends arceus, I love piercings and tattoos (still have yet to get my first one lol), I collect action figures like the giga geek that I am! I can’t think of any more interests that I have but I assure you I have more!
I plan on going to school in the winter for journalism, I want to become a games journalist!
I do smoke weed from so if thats not for you I apologize.
Physically speaking, I can be described as an actual dwarf. Like from LotR or any other type of fantasy genre! I’m short, stout and am growing a large beard!
About you! All I care about is that you don’t want kids!
If you’re at all interested, please send me a message!
P.s. I do have a lot of anxiety so it may take me a little bit to hype myself up to respond lol!
submitted by Boaring1 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:41 Appa-LATCH-uh Potential Midlife Crisis

Hey y'all.
I'm a 36 year old white dude living in suburban Virginia. Part of me wants to get my nose pierced, for a hoop. I think it looks cool. I'm also aware of my youth slipping away and most guys I see with these are comfortably gen z. I guess I'm worried everyone's just going to assume I'm going through a midlife crisis. (Maybe I am, I did get a divorce a couple of years ago and am motorcycle shopping 🤣)
My ears are pierced (though that was the first thing I did after the divorce lol). I wear fake gauges in them, mostly just because I'm concerned about the smell associated with stretching and am content with the look. I have multiple tattoos on my arms and back.
What do y'all think? Cool or just another millennial midlife crisis?
And I know I shouldn't care what anyone thinks, but c'mon, we all struggle with anxiety in one way or another lol
submitted by Appa-LATCH-uh to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:29 JamFranz I’m calling about a past due balance on your account (Part 13) - That one time we went to Canada

I work for a ‘special collections’ agency and I don’t think our customers are human.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
I wasn’t exactly thrilled when, on the first night P’uy̓ám stayed with me, the moment we sat on the sofa he turned to me and asked, “Can we talk?”
I was tempted to sprint out the front door (like any perfectly reasonable and emotionally stable person would), but I’m proud to say that I managed to fight that instinct. The talk ended up basically being ‘did I mind that he wasn’t human’. I told him no, he’s the smartest, nicest person I know, and I think he’s amazing. I asked him if he minded that I am human, and he told me he didn’t care about that. He said I make him laugh, and spending time with me makes him happy and want to be the best version of himself. He did also say that I’m beautiful and a lot smarter than I claim I am, but I chalk up those last two to him being super nice, because if asked to describe myself, the two words I’d probably use would be, ‘loud’ and ‘confused’.
We just stared at each other awkwardly for a moment after that, neither of us seemed entirely sure what to do – it was the first time we’d actually been alone together since ‘the kiss’.
Just when we’d figured it out (and no, internet stranger, I’m not going to be sharing any more specific details, thanks), a knock on the door and the sound of Sandy’s voice outside interrupted us.
“Oh hey hon. I just wanted to make sure you were still alive.” She smiled once I jumped up to open it.
Her eyes drifted to P’uy̓ám who waved awkwardly from the couch, glasses askew.
“Well alrighty then, I guess I’ll be going.” She just stood there, looking a bit lost.
I realized that was the first night she’d come home to any empty house after having company for a month straight – I guess even unspeakable horrors get lonely too.
“Sandy, do you want to come in and watch a movie with us?” I offered after a moment.
“Oh, you betcha!” she brightened and then proceeded to choose the seat between us. I swear she’s got psychic chaperone powers or something.
I suggested that maybe the three of us could do a game night every month, since we figured it’d be nice to catch up outside of just when we were trying to prevent the world was ending. I must say though, I thought Sandy was intense as a supervisor but she is a thousand times more frightening as a poker player – and we don’t even play for money.
I joked that we needed to take her to a casino, but she very seriously replied, “Oh I’m banned from every one in the state.”
I moved apartments after a month had passed without hearing from Yyohn. I’d been waiting to be absolutely sure, because I didn’t want to saddle a new renter with the whole, ‘you might be pulled into a nightmare world and sacrificed to an interdimensional entity’ thing – that would’ve been really inconsiderate.
I was so appreciative that P’uy̓ám stayed with me for a while. I may write with bravado when describing things in retrospect, but the very real possibility of being dragged through a reflective surface silently in the night never to be seen again, did freak me out.
It was also nice to finally spend some time together where we weren’t worrying about the imminent demise of either myself or our plane of existence (well no more than we usually have to worry, at least).
We decided not to tell anyone at the office that we're dating, it's easier that way. Well, I mean, Sandy knows since she did witness our first kiss whilst they were burying me alive.
As the time approached for our trip, I just really hoped that after not seeing P’uy̓ám for decades, maybe his family would welcome him back this time, forgive him for the minor transgression of ‘leaving home’ (yes, I’m still salty that they pretty much disowned him for that.) I figured if he didn’t, maybe he could get some closure, he could at least see the places where he grew up – homesickness had very clearly been really eating at him ever since we went into the woods for team building.
When we were planning our trip, he told me he’s never liked planes and was hoping to avoid flying. Considering ‘traveling on business’ in our line of work isn’t exactly defined as moving across physical space, it made some sort of sense.
He said it was something about not having solid ground under his feet, but when we mapped it out, it was over 5,000 miles round trip – so we could either spend 40 hours in a car, or 6 hours on a plane, each way.
He decided to give flying a shot.
People sometimes struggle to pronounce my first and last names off my driver’s license or credit cards, but they’ll at least try. As we were checking in the lady at the desk ended with, “Thank you Mr….” and then after staring at his driver’s license in silence for a few moments just gave up and handed it back to him.
I get it though, I mean, if I hadn’t heard him pronounce his last name, I would’ve never guessed it on my own – I’d just never encountered a ‘7’ in a name before I met him.
The security guy at the airport spent a long time studying P’uy̓ám’s passport. He stared at P’uy̓ám, then the passport with narrowed eyes. Back to him, then the passport, several times before eventually shrugging and handing it back over. I peeked at it before he put it away and noticed it said he was born in 1960 – and he may be 233, but he looks like he’s in his early thirties at most, so that explained the look of disbelief written on the agent’s face.
When I asked him about it, he said it’s a lot of work to fake all the documents needed to make the date match his outward appearance.
“It was a lot easier before there were electronic records.” He smiled.
I warned him that he should probably update that soon – bureaucratic apathy would only get him so far.
As we waited in the security line, his eyes widened when he saw people go through the body scanner, and he asked me what it was. When I told him, he turned pale and said he couldn’t go through it.
That left me with some questions.
“P’uy̓ám, when was the last time you flew?”
He had to think about that for a moment. “1986?”
“Yeahhhh… I’m pretty sure you can ask not to, but they’ll probably pat you down if you skip it.”
He grew even paler at that.
“Do you want the scan, or the hands?”
He ran his fingers through his hair and shook his head, indicating that he wanted neither, which unfortunately for him was not an option.
I squeezed his hand, which helped calm him down – only letting go when it was time to show our IDs, and even then, only after the TSA officer glared at us
It’s a good thing we got there early, because when they asked if he’d emptied his pockets, he said no.
So, I watched him remove:
We both got out of line so he could check his bag and keep his tools – and I didn’t want him to have to go through it again by himself.
I hated seeing that look of misery on his face – I tried to maintain comforting eye contact with him as they patted him down.
They did let him keep the dirt with him, after scanning it since it’s apparently not prohibited, (just weird). He proceeded to stick it in one of his beat-up Converse before putting his shoes back on.
I understood the dirt – since he mentioned something about solid ground, I guessed it was as close as he was going to get on a plane – and even the multitool and knife.
But, when I asked him why he was trying to bring 16g of RAM into rural Canada in his pockets he just smiled, “You never know when you might need it.”
As soon as we boarded, I realized flying had been a terrible idea. He had a hard time fitting his legs in since he’s so tall – his knees were just jammed in there the whole time. Before we took off, some guy elbowed him in the face while trying to load a bag into the bin and P’uy̓ám said ‘I’m sorry’ to him. I glared at the guy until he apologized.
Everything freaked him out and he gripped the arm rests for dear life the entire flight. The sound of the wheels, staring out at the wings and the little flaps every time they moved (“Are those supposed to be doing that?” to which I could only unhelpfully shrug), the turbulence. I was just glad they let him keep the dirt.
He looked so absolutely horrified during the entire flight and I felt so bad for him. Before we even landed, I asked him if he wanted to drive on the way back instead of flying and he instantly said yes, relief written across his face.
We had to rent a car to get to his hometown, and it took us an extra two hours to get there because there were so many places he wanted to stop and show me, like this amazing waterfall off highway 99. I could’ve done without the constant feel of eyes on us despite us being alone, but it was definitely beautiful, at least.
We began to see signs for this little touristy shop. As we kept driving, the billboards seemed to multiply, until they were at almost every mile. At my insistence, we stopped.
I regretted that decision as soon as we walked in – the place was devoid of life, there were no other customers, no employees – and something about how the dim, blueish lights cast shadows across the shelves gave me a searing headache.
Not to mention the items on the shelves themselves – a mildewy hoodie, that had ‘Someone who loves me visited Oklahoma and bought me this sweatshirt!’ written in fading letters.
It seemed more like a second hand shop than a tourist trap.
I’d found a beaded purse, but it had a wallet and driver's license still in it.
As we wandered, a case of jewelry across the store caught my eye and drew me towards it – it was insane how beautiful each piece was – all so captivating, and each one was totally unique. They looked almost like blown glass – swirling golds and blues in one, sharp magentas with specs of green in another.
As I was leaning in closely, studying them – it almost looked as if they were moving a bit in their case – someone whispered directly into my ear from over my shoulder, “Thanks for stopping in”
The guy appeared out of nowhere to lean in over my shoulder, causing me to scream (just a reasonable amount).
Creeper dude walked around to position himself behind the counter, asked if I wanted to see anything, before pausing to study my face for a moment. His eyes drifted down to the pendant that P’uy̓ám made me, the one for ‘I’m totally not a human, please don’t eat me’ purposes.
“Oh, this is beautiful”, he whispered, before deciding to violate my personal space by lifting it up and holding it.
His demeanor instantly changed from a handsy salesperson to something else entirely – his grin widened and he looked a little too excited.
“Have you signed our guest book?” He gripped my left wrist tightly, shoved a pen into my right, and studied me in a way that told me he wouldn’t let go until I signed it.
“Can I switch hands please?”
He had the audacity to look at me as if I had mildly inconvenienced him, but did let me switch after I told him that was the only way he’d get actual, readable, words.
I flipped through the thick, yellowing pages to find a blank one and signed it ‘Mikayla G. and P’uy̓ám K.’
“Last names too.”
I sighed and wrote ‘Mikayla Garabedian and P’uy̓ám K--’ (I just wrote random letters after the K because I didn’t like how pushy he was being. )
“Exquisite, aren’t they?” he asked me with a smile, gesturing down at the jewelry. The small piece streaked with yellow and pinks was definitely shuddering in response to him pointing at it.
I nodded, but more out of politeness at that point, because he still had my wrist in a death grip.
“Mikayla, Wait.” I could hear P’uy̓ám call out in the distance, but I felt frozen there – it sounded like he was miles away
“Would you like to see how they’re made?”
Before I could answer, he leaned in and put a stone that resembled the others in shape and size, the only difference is that it was just plain, totally clear – into my hand, which he closed around it. It was like glass, but weightier, and where it touched my skin it burned slightly.
I could hear P’uy̓ám calling my name as he came sprinting over, right as the guy read my name off the guestbook.
P’uy̓ám gasped, but I didn’t understand why he was so freaked out.
Literally nothing happened.
P’uy̓ám helped me free my wrist from creepy guy’s crazy strong grip and sassily smacked the book out of his hands, before he could read it again.
And still, nothing happened.
The guy looked at us with narrowed eyes – a look P’uy̓ám returned, with even more intensity. The guy hissed at us as P’uy̓ám guided me out of the store.
Once we got to the parking lot, P’uy̓ám pulled me close to him and put his chin on the top of my head while quietly muttered that he wasn’t sure how I was unaffected – calling someone their true name is how all those other pendants got filled.
He hadn’t realized at first, but when he saw another collection of ‘items made from tourists’ (I made him repeat that to ensure I’d heard that correctly but he didn’t expound on what the ‘items’ were and I was a bit afraid to ask) in the back, he knew.
That was when P’uy̓ám ran over to me, but the guy already begun to read my name, so he was worried it was too late.
He was relieved when I saw that I didn’t provide either of our actual full names – I’ve learned that sharing your entire, true name isn’t a great idea, not with non-humans, probably not with the internet in general.
Mikayla is what I go by, but it’s my middle name – I mean, my sister’s name is ‘Hasmig’, so yeah, I have a fairly traditional first name, too. And no, I’m not sharing it here.
Look, I’m not saying that you’re going to come track me down and try to bind my soul to an inanimate object to then sell to tourists. But, after that ordeal, I’d rather not take that risk.
When I turned back around, the entire store was just … gone.
Apparently since I’m subletting a part of my soul (or as I like to say, ‘mildly possessed’), P’uy̓ám says mine was probably even more fascinating to the guy.
Due to our detours, it was getting dark by the time we reached P’uy̓ám’s family home.
Even in the low light, I could see the apprehension clearly written across his face. I wondered if he thought I was kidding about pummeling his family with my thousand page book if they were shitty to him. (Because I wasn’t)
The entire time, I’d thought that the worst thing that could happen would be that they rejected him – as we pulled up to the dark house, I realized just how very wrong I was. _
If you want me to let you know when the next part is posted, just comment that you want me to update you, and I'll tag your user name in a comment, when I post the next part :)
submitted by JamFranz to JamFranz [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:23 Zoeee2006 [17/F] - In the UK, looking to meet someone great nearby

Okay first off, goes without saying. If you’re like 35, please don’t message me. I’m sure you’re lovely but I’m not interested in that. Also if your post history is filled with loads of sexual stuff, also please don’t message me, sorry lol but that puts me off.
So, now that’s out the way lol. I’m Zoe, I’m 17, live in England. I’m in college, doing history, psychology and English lit. I hate it so much and cannot wait to be done with it. I’m also a gymnast, nearly made it to team GB before but I got injured and lost my chance. Hopefully will get back there this year though 🙏
Gymnastics keeps me pretty busy, I have a lot of two a days and when I’m not training, I’m in the gym but I do try and have a life outside of that. I have two dogs who need a lot of cuddles and walks, I also like to go out a lot. I go clubbing sometimes (yes mr bouncer that ID saying I’m 20 is real I promise) and I go out with friends a lot too.
Looks wise I don’t know how to describe myself, I’m happy to just send pics but I’m like 5’2. Blonde, good shape. I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ I have three tattoos too lol, yes not very legal but one of my friends is a tattoo artist so he did it for me lol.
I don’t know exactly what sorta guy I’m looking for, would prefer someone confident and active I guess, as most of what I do is outside. Also don’t be younger than me please lol. Outside of that I don’t mind.
Also, please say more than hey 🙏 effort is really attractive so please introduce yourself properly! :)
submitted by Zoeee2006 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:47 LimbonicArt03 I need advice on how to be more proactive

So, I (21M) and a girl (18F) I've been talking with for a bit more than a month and the conversation has been openly sexual. Today she bought some temporary tattoos (cuz she wanted to see how it could look like) and she placed them on the area between her thigh and her belly, so she sent fully naked pics (which were zoomed in enough so that her crotch wasn't visible), and she was on the fence about sending a more zoomed out pic where it is (she said "I'd show that as well, I don't have a problem with my body and I know you're an intelligent guy who wouldn't see me just as a sexual object but idk, in my mind I fear the communication could become awkward on my end") and ultimately I told her not to if she's worried (since if something isn't "fuck yeah", it should be a no when it comes to sex). However, she also followed it up with "these things don't automatically mean I want something to happen, just saying. I'm not feeling like I want sex yet but I feel comfortable with us sharing stuff about each other".
So I asked: "do you think that a factor for that is my overall shy irl behavior? Kinda like "alright, I see you're a safe person but that doesn't elicit desire"" and she replied "maybe, yeah".
So a more detailed conversation followed as to what's going on in my head, why I'm more passive and reciprocal rather than proactive, whether I should try to force myself into that, etc., including her guessing "maybe when you have a bigger desire for someone, it would be different, you'd take the initiative" and me saying "unfortunately, my brain isn't wired like that, the more I desire someone, the more I'll want it to happen - the higher the stakes, the more I could lose, thus I'd be even more cautious and passive compared to someone I'm less interested in"
All of the times we've met has been with her best friend (another girl), whenever she's out to just hang out, they're together, however I'm from a different city (150 km away) and meeting up isn't easy. So the presence of another girl there (who I suspect is bi or lesbian) definitely doesn't help to relax and be more initiative, quite the opposite. On Saturday we'll spend a lotta time again (we'll be attending a concert and I'll arrive earlier just to hang out) so any advice for my clumsyass neurodivergent body language? Would it be weird sometime at the concert to just go for a kiss?
submitted by LimbonicArt03 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:47 Livepdismyjam (SELLING) Batwoman Season 1, Aladdin, Amsterdam, Anchorman 2, Another 48 Hours, Ant-Man, Lilo and Stitch, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Atlantis: Milo's Return, and much more...

Please be kind to yourself and each other. You never know what someone else maybe going through.

I accept PayPal F&F, Venmo, Cash App, or Amazon GC's.

Assume the codes come with no points or rewards.

Please scroll over for Format, Vendor, and Pricing.

Title Format Vendor Price
13 Hours: Secret Soldiers of Benghazi HD Vudu $2
3 From Hell 4K iTunes $5
Aladdin (1992) HD GP $3.50
Aladdin (1992) HD MA $4
Aladdin (2019) HD GP $2
Aladdin (2019) HD MA $3
Aladdin (2019) 4K MA $4.50
Alex Cross SD Vudu or iTunes $.75
Alien: Covenant (2017) 4K iTunes $4.50
All is Lost HD Vudu $4
Amazing Spider-Man (The Amazing Spider-Man) SD MA $0.50
American Underdog 4K iTunes $5
Amsterdam HD MA $4
Amsterdam HD GP $3
Anchorman 2: Legend Continues HD Vudu or iTunes $2.50
Another 48 Hours 4K Vudu or iTunes $5
Ant-Man HD GP $4
Ant-Man and the Wasp HD GP $4
Arrival 4K iTunes $4
Assassin's Creed 4K MA $4.50
Assassination Nation HD Vudu $4
Atlantis: The Lost Empire HD MA $7
Atlantis: Milo's Return HD MA $7
Avengers: Age of Ultron HD GP $2
Avengers: End Game HD GP $2
Avengers: Infinity War 4K MA $4
Avengers: Infinity Wars HD GP $2
Batwoman Season 1 HD Vudu $6
Beauty and the Beast (1991) HD GP $2
Beauty and the Beast (2017) HD GP $2
Beauty and the Beast (2017) HD MA $3
Big Hero 6 HD GP $2
Big Hero 6 4K iTunes $5
Black Panther HD MA $3.50
Black Panther HD GP $2.50
Black Panther 4K Vudu $5
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever HD GP $2.50
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever HD MA $4
Bohemian Rhapsody HD MA $4
Bolt HD MA $7
Bourne Identity HD MA $3
Bourne Ultimatum HD MA $3
Bridesmaids HD iTunes $4
Bullet Train HD MA $4
Cabin in the Woods 4K iTunes $4
Call of the Wild HD GP $2
Call of the Wild HD MA $3
Captain America: Civil War 4K iTunes $4.50
Captain Marvel HD GP $2
Cars 3 HD GP $2
Cars 3 4K iTunes $4
Cinderella II: Dreams Come True HD MA $6
Cinderella III: A Twist in Time Dreams Come True HD MA $6
Cinderella (Live Action) HD GP $3
Coco HD GP $2.50
Concussion 4K MA $5
Cruella HD GP $2
Cruella HD MA $3
Deadpool 4K iTunes $3
Despicable Me 2 HD MA $2
Despicable Me 2 4K iTunes $4
Despicable Me 3 HD MA $3
Die Hard 4: Live Free or Die Hard HD MA $3.50
Die Hard 5: A Good Day to Die HD MA $3.50
Dirty Dancing HD iTunes or Vudu $4
Divergent SD Vudu $0.50
Doctor Strange HD GP $2
Doctor Strange HD MA $4.50
Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness HD GP $3
Don’t Breath HD MA $4
Dr. Seuss’ Lorax HD MA $4
Edward Scissorhands HD MA $3
Encanto HD MA $4
Enter the Dragon 4K MA $4
Epic HD MA $3
Expendables 2 SD Vudu or iTunes $0.50
Expendables 2 HD Vudu or iTunes $1
Extreme Prejudice HD Vudu $4
Fast & Furious 6 HD MA $2
Fast & Furious 6 (Extended Edition) HD MA $3
Fast & The Furious HD Vudu $2
Fast Five: Extended Edition HD MA $3
Fate of the Furious HD Vudu $2
Fault in Our Stars 4K iTunes $4
Fifty Shades of Grey HD MA $3
Finding Dory HD GP $2
Finding Dory 4K iTunes $4.50
Finding Nemo HD GP $4
Fox and the Hound 2 HD MA $5
Fox and the Hound 2 HD GP $4
Friday the 13th Part 3 HD Vudu or iTunes $4
Friday the 13th Part 4 HD Vudu or iTunes $4
Fright Night (1985) 4K MA $5
Free Guy HD GP $2
Frozen HD GP $1
Frozen HD Vudu $2
Frozen 2 4K MA $4
Frozen 2 HD GP $2.00
Frozen Sing Along HD GP $2
Frozen Sing Along HD MA $3
Furious 7 4K iTunes $3
G.I. Joe: Retaliation 4K Vudu or iTunes $5
Ghost in the Shell 4K iTunes $4
Good Boys HD MA $4
Good Dinosaur HD GP $3
Good Dinosaur HD MA $4
Greatest Showman HD MA $4
Guardians of the Galaxy HD GP $3
Guardians of the Galaxy 4K MA $6
Guardians of the Galaxy v2 HD MA $4
Guardians of the Galaxy v2 HD GP $3
Guilt Trip HD iTunes $4
Halloween Ends (2022) HD MA $4.50
Hell or High Water HD Vudu $5
Hellboy (2019) 4K Vudu or iTunes $5
Hidden Figures 4K iTunes $3
Hitman: Agent 47 4K iTunes $5
Hocus Pocus HD GP $2
Home HD MA $3
How to Train Your Dragon 2 HD MA $3
How to Train Your Dragon 1-3 HD MA $8
Hunchback of Notre Dame 2 HD MA $6.25
Hunger Games SD Vudu or iTunes $0.50
Hunger Games HD Vudu $1
Hunger Games: Catching Fire SD Vudu $0.50
Hunger Games: Catching Fire HD Vudu $2
Hunger Games Mocking Jay Part 1 HD Vudu $2
Ice Age: Collision Course 4K iTunes $5
I, Frankenstein HD Vudu or iTunes $3
Incredibles 2 HD GP $2
Incredibles 2 HD MA $3
Independence Day: Resurgence 4K iTunes $3.50
Inside Out HD GP $2
Inside Out 4K iTunes $5
It’s a Wonderful Life HD Vudu $4
Iron Man 3 HD MA $3
Iron Man 3 HD GP $2
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit 4K iTunes $3
Jexi 4K iTunes $3
Jigsaw HD Vudu $3
Joy 4K iTunes $4
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle HD MA $3
Jungle Book (Live Action) (2016) HD GP $2
Jungle Cruise HD MA $3
Jungle Cruise HD GP $2
Jurassic Park HD Vudu $4
Jurassic Park 4K iTunes $4
Jurassic Park 4K MA $5
Jurassic World HD MA $3
Jurassic World 4K iTunes $3.50
Justin Bieber Never Say Never SD Vudu $1
Lady and the Tramp HD GP $4
Lady and the Tramp HD MA $5
Lawrence of Arabia 4K MA $5.50
Les Miserables (2012) HD MA $4
Lightyear HD MA $4
Lightyear HD GP $3
Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch HD MA $5
Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch HD GP $4.50
Lion King (Animated) HD GP $3
Lion King (Animated) HD MA $4
Lion King (Live Action) HD MA $4
Lion King (Live Action) HD GP $3
Lone Survivor 4K iTunes $4
Longest Ride 4K iTunes $3.50
Luca HD MA $4
Luca HD GP $3
Maleficient HD MA $4
Maleficient HD GP $3
Maleficient 2: Mistress of Evil HD GP $3
Mary Poppins HD MA $3
Mary Poppins HD GP $2.50
Mary Poppins Returns HD GP $3
Megan + Megan Unrated HD MA $4.50
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children HD Vudu $2
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children 4K iTunes $3.50
Mission Impossible 4K Vudu or iTunes $5.50
Mission Impossible 2 4K Vudu or iTunes $65.50
Mission Impossible Fallout HD iTunes $2
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (4) 4K iTunes $4.50
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation 4K iTunes $4.50
Moana HD GP $2
Monsters University HD GP $4
Mother's Day HD MA $3
Mountain Between Us 4K iTunes $3
Mud HD Vudu or iTunes $4
Mulan (Live Action) HD GP $2
Mulan II HD GP $4
Mulan II HD MA $5
Mummy Tomb of the Dragon HD MA $3
Muppets Most Wanted HD MA $4
Murder on the Orient Express HD MA $3
My Best Friend is a Vampire HD Vudu $4.50
National Lampoon's Vacation 4K MA $5
Noah HD Vudu $3
Now You See Me SD Vudu $1
Now You See Me HD Vudu $2
Nurse Jackie Season 7 HD Vudu $3
Nutcracker and the Four Realms HD GP $3
Onward HD GP $3
Oz the Great and Powerful HD MA $3
Oz the Great and Powerful HD GP $2.50
Patriot's Day 4K iTunes $4
Paws of Fury: Legend of Hank 4K iTunes $5
Perks of Being a Wallflower SD iTunes $0.50
Peter Pan (1953) HD GP $4
Pinocchio (1940) HD GP $4
Pirate Fairy, The HD MA $4
Pirate Fairy, The HD GP $3
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales HD MA $4
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales 4K MA $5
Pitch Perfect HD MA $2
Pitch Perfect 4K iTunes $3
Pitch Perfect 2 HD MA $2
Planes HD MA $4
Planes: Fire & Rescue HD MA $4
Pocahontas 2 HD MA $4.50
Pocahontas 2 HD GP $4
Poltergeist 4K MA $5
Power Ranger 4K iTunes $4
Power Ranger HD Vudu $3
Primal 4K iTunes $5
Project Almanac Vudu or iTunes $3
Prometheus HD MA $3
Psycho (1960) HD MA $3.50
Purge: Election Year HD MA $3
R.I.P.D. HD MA $4
Ralph Breaks the Internet HD Vudu $3
Ralph Breaks the Internet HD GP $2
Raya and the Last Dragon HD GP $3
Raya and the Last Dragon HD MA $4
Rebel Without a Cause 4K MA $5.50
Redemption HD Vudu $2.50
Resident Evil: Retribution SD MA $1
Robin Hood HD GP $3
Robin Hood HD MA $5
Rogue Wars: Star Wars Story HD MA $3
Rogue Wars: Star Wars Story HD GP $2
Ron's Gone Wrong HD GP $3.00
Safe SD Vudu $0.50
Santa Clause HD GP $3.50
Santa Clause 3: Escape Clause HD GP $3.50
Santa Clause 3: Escape Clause 4K iTunes $5
Saving Mr. Banks HD MA $4
Saw 4K iTunes or Vudu $4.25
Schindler's List HD Vudu $4
Secret Life of Pets HD iTunes $3
Secret Life of Pets HD MA $2
Selma HD iTunes $3
Sherlock Gnomes HD iTunes $4
Sicario 4K iTunes $4
Silver Linings Playbook HD Vudu $3.50
Sinister SD Vudu $.75
Skyfall HD Vudu $4
Snow White and the Huntsman 4K iTunes $3.50
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 4K MA $5.50
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs HD MA $4
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs HD GP $3.50
Soul HD MA $3
Soul HD GP $2
Spider-Man HD MA $4
Spider-Man 2 + Extended Edition (2 Films) HD MA $4
Spider-Man 3 HD MA $4
Spiderman: Homecoming HD MA $3
Spiderman: Far From Home HD MA $3.50
Spies in Disguise HD GP $2
Star Trek Beyond HD iTunes $3
Star Trek: Into Darkness SD Vudu or iTunes $1
Star Trek: Into Darkness HD Vudu or iTunes $3
Star Trek: The Motion Picture 4K iTunes or Vudu $5
Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back HD GP $5
Star Wars: Force Awakens HD GP $2
Star Wars: Force Awakens 4K iTunes $5
Star Wars: Last Jedi HD MA $3
Star Wars: Last Jedi HD GP $2
Star Wars: Last Jedi 4K iTunes $5
Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker 4K iTunes $4
Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker HD GP $3
Star Wars: Rogue One 4K iTunes $4
Star Wars: Rogue One HD GP $2
Sword in the Stone HD MA $5
Taken 2 HD MA $2.50
Tangled HD GP $4
Tangled HD MA $5
Ted HD Vudu $3
The Artist HD MA $5
The Door 4K MA $5
The Fate of the Furious HD MA $3
The Fate of the Furious (Directors Cut) HD MA $3
The Greatest Showman HD MA $3
The Impossible HD Vudu $3
The Man Who Shot Valance 4K iTunes or Vudu $5
The Monuments Men HD MA $3
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor HD MA $3
The Night Before HD MA $4
The Possession HD Vudu or iTunes $4
The Predator HD MA $4
The Purge HD MA $3
The Shack HD iTunes or Vudu $3
The Woman King HD MA $5
Thor: Love & Thunder HD MA $4
Thor: Love and Thunder HD GP $3
Thor: Ragnarok HD MA $3
Thor: Ragnarok HD GP $2
Thoroughbreds HD MA $4
TMNT: Out of the Shadows HD Vudu $3
TNMT HD Vudu $3
To Kill a Mockingbird HD MA $3.50
Top Gun 4K iTunes $4.50
Top Gun: Maverick 4K iTunes $4.50
Toy Story 4 4K MA $4
Toy Story 4 HD GP $2
Toy Story 4 HD MA $3
Transformers The Last Knight HD Vudu $3
Transformers: The Last Knight 4K iTunes $4
Trolls HD MA $3
Turning Red HD GP $3
Turning Red HD MA $4
Twilight Complete Saga 1-5 4K Vudu $23
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 SD Vudu or iTunes $0.50
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 HD Vudu $1
Tyler Perry's Witness Protection HD Vudu $1.50
Venom 4K MA $4.50
Walking Dead Season 5 HD Vudu $6
Walking Dead Season 7 HD Vudu $6
Walking Dead Season 11 HD Vudu $8
Warm Bodies SD Vudu or iTunes $0.50
Where the Crawdads Sing HD MA $4
Wolf of Wall Street 4K iTunes $4.50
X-Men Days of Future Past 4K iTunes $5
X-Men Apocalypse 4K iTunes $5
Zero Dark Thirty HD MA $3.50
Zootopia HD GP $3
Zootopia 4K iTunes $4.50
submitted by Livepdismyjam to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:28 Downtown-Record-1893 Looking for piercing apprenticeship

Hey guys I'm currently looking for a piercing apprenticeship in nyc. I know this is for tattoo apprenticeships but I figured I might ask anyway in case anyone’s shop was looking for a piercing apprentice aswell. college semester is over and I finally have open availability to start apprenticing. I've been wanting to do piercings for years, I'm very out going and extroverted. I've pierced myself and some of my friends but I want the chance to finally learn to perfect my skills under the guidance of a professional!! Please comment if you or anyone you know is looking for an apprentice I'm willing to travel :)
submitted by Downtown-Record-1893 to TattooApprentice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:15 _Scarlett_f Doubting

First and foremost I'm sure this would be better to be spoken about with my therapist, although she isn' trans and I you guys will have a shared experience she will not.
So I'm may last year I (21mtf) came out to my partner (20f) after a long time of repressing. It went well she's super supportive, she put me in makeup and dresses and it all felt great. I also came out my parents who we live with on holiday, my mother has done her best with understanding but reads far too much terf material on twitter. My dad took it horribly and we didn't speak for a while after, I still haven't had another convo with him about it and it's been a year.
I've been seeing a therapist who I have been seeing once a week for the past year as well and she's helped a lot with my general anxiety.
Ever since that first moment of shame from my father it seeded doubt in my mind, some friends found out too after I told one of them which has been mixed. I've ended up rather socially isolated living in a small area, I avoid my favourite bar because my ex that cheated on me frequents there, I no longer speak to the majority of my previous friendship group. My only real social life is working in a tattoo studio, all of the artists are foreign and some rather judgemental. My problem is I feel suffocated, I'm not sure if it's the political climate, my families doubt, the loss of my friends or what but as time has progressed my want to dress up has faded, I'm still yet to sign up to a gender service due to only working part time.
It feels as if I transition I will lose everything, my job and colleagues will not like me, clients (who all trend to be older white men) wouldn't understand. No where feels safe, my grandparents on my dad's side would disown me and I'm there only grandchild.
Everything feels so uncertain. Am I trans, am I not trans, am I putting myself back in the closet due to fear, was it a lie to begin with.
It feels like there's is no way forward, I want to move to Scandinavia but I lack any qualifications for a skilled workers visa ect. I'm stuck and in limbo.
Does anyone have any advice?
submitted by _Scarlett_f to transgenderUK [link] [comments]
