Pooja arya marriage

Entitled Aunt Insults my sister.

2024.06.01 08:39 Bulky_Opinion7855 Entitled Aunt Insults my sister.

For a context, we belong to a backward community in Indian society. Despite of this my uncle did well, and he ensured my sister's also got the education they deserve. And after education, as a typical Indian parents, he found a groom for my sister and married her off, without doing a proper background check on him or his family.
Turns out right after the engagement, he left his job and decided to be jamairaja(to live of on in-laws) but he didn't tell us about it till the marriage and after that he started being abusive towards my sister, and finally threatened to harm my uncle's family. Ultimately fed-up, my sister got the divorce. Now here is where things messed up. Despite of knowing everything, and why my sister got the divorce, everyone started to distance us, especially from my sister from functions and all the auspicious occasions saying that now she will bring bad luck to all the good times. In one particular occasion, one of my aunts came to invite my aunt for a Pooja at her place, and she specially mentions not to bring my sister, because 'you know she is the unlucky person and life is spoiled, she is will that dark force with her. So don't bring her.' wth. The people I grew up with and loved, seem disgusting to me now.
Even in 2022, this entitlement still continues. And i hate the fact that my sister is being treated this way. Eventually we are actually lc or nc with such people. But still the question haunts me, when will this so called perfect society accepts the current reality?
submitted by Bulky_Opinion7855 to IndianEntitledStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:27 Lucky-Program7456 +918769142117 Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi

Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi Love is a complex and cherished emotion that we all desire to feel and experience. However, relationships can be challenging, and they come with their own set of problems. If you are facing love problems, you are not alone. Many people in Delhi and around the world are trying to navigate their love life and find a way to overcome love problems. In this blog post, we have the pleasure of speaking with Astrologer Abdullah Khadim, a renowned expert on love and relationships.
He will share his insights on love problems faced by people in Delhi and how astrology can help you understand and solve them. From communication issues, trust problems, to compatibility concerns, read on to discover how you can improve your love life and find the happiness you deserve.

Introduction to Love Problems in Delhi

Delhi, a vibrant and bustling city, is not only the capital of India but also a melting pot of cultures, traditions, and beliefs. In the midst of its fast-paced lifestyle and modern outlook, love problems often find their way into the lives of its residents. From matters of the heart to relationship dilemmas, navigating the complexities of love in Delhi can be a daunting task for many.
In this dynamic city where ancient customs coexist with contemporary values, individuals often seek guidance and solace in astrology to unravel the mysteries of love. Astrologer Abdullah Khadim, a renowned figure in the realm of astrology, offers unique insights and remedies to those grappling with love issues in Delhi.
From broken hearts to star-crossed lovers, the journey of love in Delhi is as diverse as the city itself. The pressures of societal norms, family expectations, and personal aspirations can create a web of challenges for individuals seeking love and companionship. Understanding the nuances of love problems in Delhi is essential to addressing them effectively and finding harmony in relationships.
Through the lens of Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s wisdom and expertise, this blog aims to explore the intricacies of love in the bustling metropolis of Delhi and provide valuable insights into navigating love problems with grace and wisdom. Join us on this enlightening journey as we delve into the realm of love, relationships, and the mystical world of astrology in the vibrant tapestry of Delhi’s love stories. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi

Meet Astrologer Abdullah Khadim: Background and Expertise

Astrologer Abdullah Khadim is a renowned figure in the field of astrology in Delhi, known for his exceptional insights and expertise in navigating love problems. With a background steeped in traditional astrological practices passed down through generations, Abdullah Khadim brings a unique perspective to the realm of relationship astrology.
Having honed his skills over many years of dedicated study and practice, Abdullah Khadim has earned a reputation for his accurate predictions and insightful guidance in matters of the heart. His deep understanding of astrological charts and planetary influences allows him to provide clients with valuable insights into their love lives and relationships.
Whether you are facing challenges in your current relationship, seeking clarity on romantic prospects, or looking to enhance the harmony and connection with your partner, Astrologer Abdullah Khadim offers personalized consultations and remedies tailored to your specific needs. His compassionate approach and profound wisdom make him a trusted advisor for those navigating love problems in Delhi and beyond. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi

Common Love Issues Faced by Delhi Residents

Delhi, a city pulsating with life and energy, also holds within its heart a myriad of love issues that its residents often grapple with. From the bustling streets of Chandni Chowk to the serene gardens of Lodhi, love takes on various forms and faces numerous challenges in the capital city.
One common love woe faced by Delhi residents is the clash of traditional values with modern aspirations. The city’s rich cultural heritage often intertwines with contemporary lifestyles, leading to conflicts in relationships rooted in differing belief systems and expectations.
Another prevalent issue is the struggle for privacy and personal space in a city teeming with people and bustling with activity. Finding moments of intimacy and solitude can be a challenge, impacting the dynamics of relationships and creating tensions between partners. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi
Moreover, the fast-paced life in Delhi, characterized by long working hours and hectic schedules, can strain relationships, leaving little time for meaningful connections and nurturing love bonds. The constant rush and pressure to succeed can take a toll on emotional well-being, leading to misunderstandings and distance between partners.
In the midst of these common love issues faced by Delhi residents, seeking guidance and insights from experts like Astrologer Abdullah Khadim can offer a fresh perspective and valuable solutions to navigate the complexities of love in the vibrant city of Delhi.

Insights and Solutions Provided by Astrologer Abdullah Khadim

Astrologer Abdullah Khadim, a renowned expert in the field of astrology, offers a wealth of insights and solutions to navigate love problems in Delhi. With his profound knowledge and experience, he delves deep into the complexities of relationships, providing valuable guidance to those seeking clarity and resolution.
One of the key insights provided by Astrologer Abdullah Khadim is the importance of understanding the cosmic influences on love and relationships. By analyzing the positions of celestial bodies at the time of birth, he uncovers hidden patterns and energies that impact one’s romantic life. Through this astrological lens, he offers personalized solutions to address specific challenges and enhance harmony in relationships.
Moreover, Astrologer Abdullah Khadim emphasizes the significance of communication and emotional compatibility in fostering lasting love. His guidance encourages individuals to engage in open and honest dialogue with their partners, facilitating mutual understanding and trust. By acknowledging and addressing underlying issues, couples can strengthen their bond and overcome obstacles together. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi
In addition to insights on individual relationships, Astrologer Abdullah Khadim also provides remedies and rituals to attract love, resolve conflicts, and promote harmony in romantic connections. His holistic approach combines astrological wisdom with practical advice, offering a comprehensive toolkit for navigating love problems with confidence and optimism.
Overall, Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s insights and solutions serve as a beacon of hope for those facing challenges in their love lives. With his expertise and compassionate guidance, individuals in Delhi can find clarity, healing, and transformation in their relationships, paving the way for a brighter and more fulfilling romantic future.

Case Studies: Real-life Examples of Love Problems Solved

In this section, we delve into real-life case studies showcasing how Astrologer Abdullah Khadim has successfully navigated and resolved love problems for individuals in Delhi. These stories serve as powerful illustrations of the impact and effectiveness of astrology in addressing complex relationship issues.
Case Study 1: Reuniting Lost Love One client approached Astrologer Abdullah Khadim with a heart-wrenching tale of lost love. Despite facing insurmountable obstacles and misunderstandings, the client was determined to reunite with their soulmate. Through a detailed analysis of planetary positions and personalized guidance, Abdullah Khadim provided a roadmap for reconciliation. With patience and faith in the astrological remedies suggested, the couple eventually found their way back to each other, stronger and more committed than ever.
Case Study 2: Overcoming Family Opposition Another individual sought Abdullah Khadim’s assistance when faced with staunch opposition from family members regarding their choice of partner. Cultural differences and familial expectations seemed to create an unbridgeable divide between the couple. Drawing upon his astrological expertise and deep understanding of human relationships, Abdullah Khadim offered tailored solutions to address the underlying issues. Gradually, the family’s resistance softened, paving the way for a harmonious union that honored both love and tradition.
These case studies exemplify the transformative power of astrology in resolving love problems and fostering enduring connections. By sharing these real-life examples, Astrologer Abdullah Khadim not only provides hope and guidance to those grappling with similar challenges but also underscores the profound impact of cosmic insights on matters of the heart.

Testimonials from Satisfied Clients

Testimonials from satisfied clients play a crucial role in establishing credibility and trust in any service, especially when it comes to navigating love problems through astrology. Hearing about the positive experiences of others can provide reassurance and encouragement to those seeking guidance in matters of the heart.
Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s clients have shared heartfelt testimonials highlighting the accuracy and effectiveness of his readings and remedies. Many have expressed gratitude for his insightful advice, which has helped them navigate through challenging relationship situations with clarity and confidence.
One client, Priya, shared, “I was skeptical at first, but after consulting with Abdullah Khadim, I was amazed at the accuracy of his predictions. His guidance helped me understand my relationship dynamics better and make informed decisions for a brighter future.” Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi
Another client, Rajesh, mentioned, “I was going through a tough time in my relationship, but Abdullah Khadim’s remedies and counseling truly made a positive difference. I am grateful for his support and wisdom.”
Such testimonials serve as a testament to Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s expertise and the positive impact he has had on his clients’ lives. By sharing these success stories, others seeking guidance for their love problems can gain confidence in his services and approach with hope and optimism.

How Astrology Can Help Navigate Love Challenges

Astrology has been a guiding force for centuries, offering insights and solutions to the complexities of love and relationships. In a bustling city like Delhi, where modernity blends with tradition, seeking guidance from an experienced astrologer like Abdullah Khadim can provide a unique perspective on navigating love challenges.
Astrology delves into the cosmic energies that influence our lives, including matters of the heart. By analyzing planetary positions at the time of birth, astrologers can uncover patterns and tendencies that shape our romantic relationships. Whether you’re facing communication issues, trust issues, or compatibility concerns, astrology offers a lens through which to understand the dynamics at play.
Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s expertise in love astrology can help individuals gain clarity on their romantic journey. By examining the positions of Venus, the planet of love, and Mars, the planet of passion, astrologers can offer valuable insights into relationship dynamics and potential challenges.
Through personalized consultations, astrologer Abdullah Khadim can provide guidance on enhancing communication, strengthening emotional bonds, and fostering harmony in relationships. By aligning with the cosmic energies that govern love and romance, individuals in Delhi can navigate their love challenges with a deeper understanding and a renewed sense of direction.

Tips for Maintaining Healthy Relationships in Delhi

Maintaining healthy relationships in a bustling city like Delhi can be challenging, but with the right approach, it is definitely achievable. Astrologer Abdullah Khadim shares some valuable tips to help navigate love problems and foster strong and lasting relationships in the city. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi
  1. Communication is Key: Open and honest communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship. In a city as fast-paced as Delhi, it’s crucial to make time for meaningful conversations with your partner to ensure mutual understanding and harmony.
  2. Respect Each Other’s Space: Delhi can be overwhelming with its hectic lifestyle and traffic jams. It’s essential to respect each other’s personal space and boundaries. Encourage individual growth and interests while also cherishing shared moments together.
  3. Quality Time Matters: Amidst the chaos of city life, make sure to carve out quality time for your partner. Plan date nights, weekend getaways, or simply enjoy a quiet evening together to strengthen your bond and create lasting memories.
  4. Embrace Differences: Delhi is a melting pot of cultures, backgrounds, and personalities. Embrace and celebrate the differences between you and your partner. Learn from each other’s perspectives and grow together as a couple.
  5. Seek Guidance When Needed: Love problems can arise in any relationship, and it’s okay to seek guidance when things get tough. Astrologer Abdullah Khadim suggests keeping an open mind and being willing to explore different perspectives to overcome challenges and nurture a healthy relationship.
By following these tips and embracing the advice of experts like Astrologer Abdullah Khadim, couples in Delhi can navigate love problems with wisdom and grace, fostering strong and fulfilling relationships in the vibrant city.

Consultation Process with Astrologer Abdullah Khadim

Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s consultation process is a deeply personalized and insightful experience that aims to provide clarity and guidance on matters of the heart. From the moment you reach out to schedule a consultation, you will be met with a warm and welcoming approach that sets the tone for the entire session.
During the consultation, Abdullah Khadim takes the time to listen attentively to your concerns and questions, creating a safe and open space for you to share your thoughts and feelings. His empathetic nature and deep understanding of astrological principles allow him to analyze your situation with precision and offer valuable insights that can help you navigate through your love problems. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi
Using a combination of astrological charts, planetary positions, and his intuitive abilities, Abdullah Khadim provides a detailed analysis of your current circumstances and offers practical advice on how to address any challenges you may be facing in your relationships. Whether you are seeking answers about love compatibility, marriage prospects, or overcoming obstacles in your romantic life, his consultation process is designed to empower you with the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions.
By the end of the session, you will walk away feeling enlightened, inspired, and equipped with the tools needed to approach your love problems with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose. Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s consultation process is not just about predicting the future but also about empowering you to create the love life you truly desire.

Conclusion: Empowering Delhi Residents to Overcome Love Problems

In conclusion, Astrologer Abdullah Khadim provides valuable insights and guidance for Delhi residents facing love problems. His expertise and deep understanding of astrology offer a unique perspective on navigating relationships and overcoming challenges in matters of the heart. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi
By seeking the advice of a skilled astrologer like Abdullah Khadim, individuals can empower themselves with the knowledge and tools to address their love problems effectively. Whether it’s issues related to compatibility, communication, trust, or any other aspect of a relationship, astrology can provide valuable insights and solutions.
Delhi residents can benefit from Abdullah Khadim’s wisdom and guidance to gain clarity and direction in their love lives. Through his guidance, individuals can make informed decisions, cultivate stronger relationships, and ultimately find happiness and fulfillment in their romantic pursuits.
Navigating love problems in Delhi may seem daunting, but with the support of an experienced astrologer like Abdullah Khadim, individuals can approach their challenges with confidence and optimism. By embracing the insights and advice offered, Delhi residents can overcome love problems and create a more harmonious and fulfilling love life.
In the bustling city of Delhi, matters of the heart can often be complex and challenging. Astrologer Abdullah Khadim shares valuable insights on navigating love problems, offering guidance rooted in ancient wisdom and celestial observations. Through his expertise, readers gain a deeper understanding of how astrology can illuminate paths to resolution and harmony in relationships. As you navigate the intricate terrain of love in Delhi, may Abdullah Khadim’s wisdom serve as a guiding light, illuminating the way towards love’s true essence and fulfillment.


What are common love problems people face in Delhi? Common love problems in Delhi include misunderstandings, lack of communication, interference from family or society, trust issues, long-distance relationships, and compatibility issues.
How can I find a reliable love problem solution in Delhi? Look for experienced and reputed astrologers, relationship counselors, or therapists who specialize in resolving love-related issues. You can ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have used such services before.
What methods are used for love problem solutions in Delhi? Love problem solutions in Delhi may involve astrology, tarot card readings, counseling sessions, meditation, mantra chanting, and various rituals aimed at strengthening relationships and resolving conflicts.
Is it possible to solve love problems through astrology? Astrology is believed to provide insights into relationship dynamics and compatibility. Astrologers analyze birth charts to identify potential challenges and offer remedies such as gemstone recommendations, poojas (rituals), and mantras to improve the relationship.
How long does it take to solve love problems through counseling? The duration of counseling sessions depends on the complexity of the issues and the willingness of both partners to work on the relationship. Some problems may be resolved in a few sessions, while others may require ongoing therapy.
Can love problems be solved without the consent of both partners? While it’s ideal for both partners to participate in the problem-solving process, it’s possible to work on individual issues through self-reflection, therapy, and personal growth. However, the effectiveness of the solution may vary depending on the nature of the problem and the level of cooperation from both parties.
Are love problem solutions in Delhi guaranteed? No, love problem solutions cannot be guaranteed as they depend on various factors such as the willingness of both partners to work on the relationship, the severity of the issues, and external influences. However, seeking help from professionals can increase the chances of resolving conflicts and improving the relationship.
How much does it cost to avail love problem solutions in Delhi? The cost of love problem solutions varies depending on the service provider, the duration of the sessions, and the complexity of the issues. It’s advisable to inquire about the fees upfront and discuss any payment plans or packages available.
Are there any online options available for love problem solutions in Delhi? Yes, many astrologers, counselors, and therapists in Delhi offer online consultations for love problem solutions. This allows individuals to seek help from the comfort of their homes and access services from professionals located in different areas.
What should I consider before choosing a love problem solution provider in Delhi? Before choosing a love problem solution provider, consider factors such as their experience, reputation, approach to problem-solving, confidentiality policies, and cost. It’s alsov read reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge the effectiveness of their services.
submitted by Lucky-Program7456 to u/Lucky-Program7456 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:30 Flat-Attitude-191 I(19M) need advice on how to go bout this situation with her(20M)

Hey there! Hope y'all are doing well. I recently met this girl through my best friend and we first met at a Pooja at my bestfriend's house. She was dating back then and then we just started texting out of the blue. Soon enough, she broke up with him and we started texting vigorously once again. We started flirting with each other and we hit it off and eventually i confessed to her over text to which she reciprocated positively and we began dating. Initially she showed the same enthusiasm as I did while we first started off but then later she said she wanted to go slow to which I agreed. I tend to get attached too quickly to someone and I feel I came off as overwhelming. I want to prioritise her comfort and I agreed with her right away. Skip to 15 days after, I return from Kerala (I had gone there for a vacation and i live in thane and she lives in Dombivli ) and we decided to meet up. It went really well and i quite enjoyed it. We saw a movie, went to a nice restaurant, hung out at a garden and she eventually went back home. The next day she texted me this: "It's just that on text it gets overwhelming at times, but it's manageable because I can just come back to it taking my own time. Although in person, even though you are exactly the same as you are one text, for me, it's even more overwhelming. You are very sweet, but I'm just not ready for any of it, honestly, and i don't wanna snap at you unnecessarily . For me to figure out everything, I need my space. In the mean time I don't want you to get way too attached, this marriage and kids and sex and future planning is fun and wholesome when you're actually there mentally..I'm merely able to digest the reality of all of it. Don't get me wrong, it's very adorable, but I don't see it the way you do. I love planning about the future, but in this case, I'm not even sure about relationships and intimacy in the first place."
I was slightly upset but like i said her comfort mattered quite a bit to me and i asked her to take all the time and space she needs and i also apologised in advance if there was anything i was doing from my end to make her feel uncomfortable. We didn't talk much after partially because she was busy and I was scared that i was losing her to which she responded: "I know these couple of days we haven't really talked as such, but it's not that I'm mad or cutting you off or anything. It's actually nothing of that sort. And I know I am very chaotic .. but just bare with me for a while. I sometimes like to just do me, and it may seem like I'm being distant, but I'm just simply trying to hang in there..so when it gets too much to deal with..like when my own stuff is a lot to deal with, I might take time off of everything. For introspection and just normally living life and also because I absolutely love my me time. I'm telling you all this because I really need you to understand that , it's just how I am and that you don't need to worry about it."
Please help me out as to what I'm supposed to make out of this situation and how should I proceed. What are some things I should keep in mind while giving space? Do y'all think there's any hope here? Thank you so very much for taking the time to read this and i hope you have a wonderful day!
Met a girl through a friend, started texting, and began dating after she broke up with her boyfriend. Things went well initially but she wanted to take it slow. After a date, she expressed feeling overwhelmed by the intensity and needed space to figure things out. She reassured me she wasn't cutting me off but needed time for herself. I'm unsure how to proceed, wanting to respect her need for space while hoping for a future together. Looking for advice on managing this situation and if there's hope for the relationship.
Edit: I had a very severe anxiety attack last night and I'm feeling really lost
submitted by Flat-Attitude-191 to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:39 Brilliant_Shop61 Arya Samaj Marriage in Bareilly Procedures & Documents Required

Arya Samaj Marriage in Bareilly Procedures & Documents Required submitted by Brilliant_Shop61 to u/Brilliant_Shop61 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:34 Brilliant_Shop61 Best Arya Samaj Marriage in Aligarh

Arya Samaj Marriage in Aligarh: People in Aligarh who belong to the Arya Samaj movement’s tenets often choose to get married in an Arya Samaj wedding. Numerous Arya Samaj mandirs are available in the city to perform marriage rituals, offering a convenient and culturally rich setting to them. Arya Samaj marriages in Aligarh are a perfect example of tradition and spiritual significance because of their focus on simplicity and devotion to Vedic procedures. Knowing the specifics of an Arya Samaj marriage will help you organize the big event so that it is meaningful, memorable, and in line with your values.
submitted by Brilliant_Shop61 to u/Brilliant_Shop61 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:36 Affectionate-Sea4840 Dad wants to break up mine (26F) and boyfriends (29M) relationship over religion

I (26F) have been with my boyfriend (29M) for a year now. Half my life I grew up in America and the other half in India. Now I’m back in the states for work. I have had exposure to both worlds and lifestyles. I met my boyfriend after moving back to the states. He is also Indian, however he grew up in America his whole life. I am Hindu and he is Muslim. Usually I never even thought to date outside my religion because it was just an automatic response to only consider people within my religion romantically. But when I met my boyfriend our connection was so beautiful that before we knew it we had fallen in love with each other. It was to the point that I forgot this difference even existed because our compatibility reached new heights.
For context I personally don’t care to be religious and even he is not religious at all. Nor is his family. In the year I’ve been with him I haven’t seen him celebrate anything religious. In fact him and his father even consider themselves atheist. I have always figured in my future I will let my parents carry on traditions do poojas and whatnot but never expected myself to learn them. And this would’ve been the case regardless of who I married. What I truly believe is the foundation for a happy relationship is the personalities, core values, how well they work together. And that is what I prioritized in this relationship.
He has told his family and they didn’t have any objections. They didn’t even flinch at the mention of my name or background. They were just happy their son was happy. I have even met them and they are wonderful people. Now I’ve told my parents. My mother at first had her worries but very soon came around after seeing how happy he made me. That’s because she took her time to listen to me and learn about our relationship and understand how strong our foundation is. She is also ready to embrace the beauty of merging two cultures.
My dad on the other hand - my father and I have never EVER gotten along. Truthfully. He is the typical old old fashioned desi father stuck in the 1900s with the MOST backward mindset ever. As a man he has only played his biological role of being a father and carried out the expected duties - provide food, shelter, good health, education for his daughters. Beyond that I have NEVER felt an ounce of compassion and love from him. We have never gotten along. Since my earliest memories as a child I only remember him shouting and hitting me (he is HORRIBLY temperamental, anything can set him off into full blown tantrum). I genuinely cannot remember a happy memory with my father. I only remember crippling fear. Me my mom and my sister were best friends and that’s all I needed. I am literally a doctor today and just yesterday night he told me anybody could’ve done what I’ve done and there’s nothing for me to feel great about (just to give you a taste of what his mindset is like). And the worst of all - he is OBSESSIVELY religious. I’m not talking about the actual religious people who wholeheartedly understand and learn from religion. No I’m talking about the ones who just want to show they’re religious. Do mindless poojas day in and day out force his children to be religious in such a way that it made us hate religion. He would force feed us religion growing up.
Now I’ve told him about my bf and how happy he makes me. And that this isn’t some immature decision - I have recognized the kindheartedness, his career success, his financial stability, his family values, his respectfulness, everything. The only thing I can’t give in this relationship is common religion. But even that we’ve discussed that we are excited to embrace both our cultures together. And I assure you these are not empty promises. And now my father who has never once cared about my happiness suddenly is giving me an ultimatum that he cannot approve this marriage for “my own good.” He chooses to be so stubborn beyond sense. I tell him everything about my bfs values his family everything. I tell him the joy he brings me and the confidence I have in our future together. My bf already treats my sister like his own sister and is so excited to get close to my family. What more can you ask for from your partner. And still my dad says let this go we’ll find someone for you later. He just wants to marry me off through arranged marriage and from the same community. The fights are getting so so so bad. Both of us have said extremely hurtful and unforgivable things to each other. Now It looks like we’re coming to the point that if I continue to pursue this my dad is no longer going to be involved in my life. Fine but on top of that I know he will tell everyone that I’m marrying a Muslim and will villainize me. Why should I let this man who never once carried about my happiness, now determine my whole future. But also I am so scared to break up our whole family over this. My mom and sister have clearly stated that they are by my side but this will put us in a very awkward situation with the extended family (which isn’t even fair because two of my cousins are in an interfaith relationship themselves, but it’s just that their partners are Christian and not Muslim).
I don’t know what to do I feel so stuck. I really love my boyfriend and I know he is the one for me. But also how terrible would it for me to ruin my family over this?
P.S. my bf doesn’t want to give up on my father and still wants to try to convince my father. He is asking to meet my father so he can speak to him and show he has no ill intentions and just wants to be happy with me. (Because my father’s biggest argument is that they’ll convert me and I will have zero identity within a few years) but my bf and his family are not such type of people!!! But my father refuses to talk to my bf and says if my bf comes, he’ll tell him these same things but on his face.
submitted by Affectionate-Sea4840 to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 20:30 Equivalent-Gear6257 Taxation for a priest in India

Hypothetical question, what will be the taxation for a hindu priest who earn say around 18 Lakhs per year, by conducting poojas and marriages like functions and all earnings are through cash?
submitted by Equivalent-Gear6257 to IndiaTax [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 14:43 Glittering_Garden_74 S+N=PL: A tinfoil read of the pink letter

Recently, this line in Varamyr’s prologue in ADWD was brought to my attention:
One by one they fell behind or forged ahead, making for their old villages, or the Milkwater, or Hardhome, or a lonely death in the woods. Varamyr did not know and could not care. I should have taken one of them when I had the chance. One of the twins, or the big man with the scarred face, or the youth with the red hair.
Who are these people Varamyr could have taken? Why would George give us descriptions of those people? Why have Varamyr remember these people specifically? Why have Varamyr remember anything about the people when he’s fucking starving and malnourished and delusional?
Because they’re going to be important later.
While I have some ideas on who “The twins” and “The youth with the red hair” are, in this post I’m going to be focusing on “the big man with the scarred face”.
A big man with a scarred face, now, who could that be? Sandor motherfucking Clegane of course! I can already hear you saying “But he’s at the quiet Isle! He can’t be in the north!”, but as is shown in this revolutionary new timeline, our timeline of a lot of the events, especially those in the north, is wrong, so it is possible Sandor took a ship to the north soon after Brienne left (or maybe during Brienne’s stay since the last time she sees him is when she has lunch in the septry). Cat’s skiff got from White Harbor to KL in a week or so, so it is completely possible Sandor went North and reached there a few months after the battle on the wall.
Ok, you say, He might be in the north, but what could that mean for the plot?
Why, because it means he sent the pink letter, of course.
The new timeline shows that Jon’s assassination took place a full month before Theon and Jeyne escape, so none of the suspects, other than maybe Stannis could have any reason to send the letter.
So the pink letter:
Bastard, Your false king is dead, bastard. He and all his host were smashed in seven days of battle. I have his magic sword. Tell his red whore. Your false king's friends are dead. Their heads upon the walls of Winterfell. Come see them, bastard. Your false king lied, and so did you. You told the world you burned the King-Beyond-the-Wall. Instead you sent him to Winterfell to steal my bride from me. I will have my bride back. If you want Mance Rayder back, come and get him. I have him in a cage for all the north to see, proof of your lies. The cage is cold, but I have made him a warm cloak from the skins of the six whores who came with him to Winterfell. I want my bride back. I want the false king's queen. I want his daughter and his red witch. I want this wildling princess. I want his little prince, the wildling babe. And I want my Reek. Send them to me, bastard, and I will not trouble you or your black crows. Keep them from me, and I will cut out your bastard's heart and eat it. Ramsay Bolton, Trueborn Lord of Winterfell
Why send the letter? To bring Jon south of course and hopefully draw Ramsay away, the original spearwife plan was originally to rescue Jeyne when the armies were outside battling, but they had to abandon that plan when no army came after a month and do the next best thing.
One of the first things you notice on your first read of the letter is the repetition of Bastard, and since it makes no sense for Ramsay to write it, it must be some other character who wrote it, and who do we know in the series who loves to curse? Sandor. He might have changed a lot on the quiet isle but cursing a hard habit to drop. Sandor probably really does think of Stannis as a false king with no claim, since it’s unlikely he knew about the twincest considering he spends most of his time in KL around Joffrey or being a regular Lannister guard. He also probably became more religious at the quiet isle and genuinely despises Stannis for turning to R’hllor.
So how does he know about the spearwives? Because he’s in winterfell of course. My guess would be he went to Eastwatch after his original ship crashed north of the wall and managed to smuggle himself on a ship and go to White Harbor, where he went into Wyman’s service, maybe he even went and specifically told Wyman about his mission to rescue Arya, and since most people in the North haven’t seen the hound before, it’s unlikely they would know who he was, or even think about it, considering the rumors that he’s around Saltpans. Only the Freys might know him, being from farther south, but they probably wouldn’t pay attention to a random Manderly guard.
Why would the spearwives let Sandor know who they are? Because Mance recognized him from his previous visit to Winterfell. This would also explain why grrm retconned Mance into winterfell in asos.
Why would Mance trust Sandor? He’d probably do what he did with Theon and have the spearwives bring him and interrogate Sandor, Mance is a pretty good judge of character
As for ‘your false king’s friends are dead’, Sandor from what he knows of Stannis thinks that Stannis has no friends, so he’s just having a jape, something he does continuously through the letter.
Sandor has also become far more religious at the quiet isle, so he thinks of all other religions (except the old gods) as false and sorcerous. His experience with the BwB also put his opinion of red priests down, making him call Mel a red witch.
How did Sandor send the letter? Probably with Wyman’s help, or maybe there’s a dead maester who’s gone missing in all the chaos at winterfell.
As for the signature pink wax, the quiet isle does have some trade, so the most likely scenario some ship carrying sealing waxes for trade came and Sandor asked the elder brother to buy him the pink one because it reminded him of the girlish stuff Sansa likes, along with kinda resembling the color of the weirwood (remember that the first time Sandor saved Sansa was when she almost fell on the serpentine steps coming back from the godswood.). In fact, since none of ‘Ramsay’s’ letters have a seal, it’s actually been Sandor, with Wyman and Mance sending the letters.
But why? He obviously came to winterfell hearing of Arya’s marriage and to save her, but it must have been clear during the wedding and after that the girl was not Arya, but someone else, namely Jeyne Poole, Sansa’s close friend *who was *taken away from her.
Sandor clearly thinks of himself as Sansa’s ‘protector’, and his time at the quiet isle has probably made him take that role even more seriously, so when he sees that Sansa’s close friend has been married off to a raving lunatic who’ll ruin her, he’d immediately think of Sansa and decide to save Jeyne, since he doesn’t know the spearwives or Mance well, he’d definitely not tell them and jeopardize the rescue.
As for the line, ‘the skins of the six whores’, I think Sandor’s increasing religiosity has made him increasingly take a line against alcoholism, which is probably pretty common in wildling culture, so he made them give him their wineskins and turned that into a cloak. But why hasn’t Theon seen him, you ask? Well, actually, he has:
Outside the snow was coming down so heavily that Theon could not see more than three feet ahead of him. He found himself alone in a white wilderness, walls of snow looming up to either side of him chest high. When he raised his head, the snowflakes brushed his cheeks like cold soft kisses. He could hear the sound of music from the hall behind him. A soft song now, and sad. For a moment he felt almost at peace. Farther on, he came upon a man striding in the opposite direction, a hooded cloak flapping behind him. When they found themselves face-to-face their eyes met briefly. The man put a hand on his dagger. "Theon Turncloak. Theon Kinslayer." "I'm not. I never … I was ironborn." "False is all you were. How is it you still breathe?" "The gods are not done with me," Theon answered, wondering if this could be the killer, the night walker who had stuffed Yellow Dick's cock into his mouth and pushed Roger Ryswell's groom off the battlements. Oddly, he was not afraid. He pulled the glove from his left hand. "Lord Ramsay is not done with me." The man looked, and laughed. "I leave you to him, then." -ADWD, The Ghost in Winterfell
‘False is all you ever were.’ We know Sandor’s dislike of lordlings and knights, thinking them false fakers who break vows easily, and he must’ve seen a lot of Theon while watching Joff in the yard and seen his shallowness. Sandor’s parallel for Theon’s situation with the Starks is being saved by the Elder Brother, who has become his brother in all but biology to him, and he saw how good Theon had it with the Starks, so he thinks of Theon as a kinslayer. There is also a moment of sympathy when he sees what has been done to Theon, seeing a bit of what he did to himself and turned himself into due to his hatred of Gregor.
Since Sandor came to Winterfell as a Manderly guard, it’s safe to assume he’s outside winterfell with the rest of the Manderly host, which might complicate Wyman’s defection to Stannis, because even if Stannis believes that he wasn’t involved in Saltpans (which is a pretty hard sell, especially since Wyman also has to convince Stannis that he didn’t kill Davos.), Sandor still deserted on the battle of the blackwater, and Stannis is not going to let desertion pass with no punishment, this is the dude who cut off Davos’ fingers after all. So Wyman will probably have Sandor mysteriously disappear and make it look like he deserted a few days before the defection. Most likely, Sandor will go to the wall to check what the fuck is going on and why Jon hasn’t come yet, which might mean he’ll be the one who reminds (or informs) Mel that she can resurrect people.
Tl;dr: Sandor sent the pink letter, and might be at the wall.
submitted by Glittering_Garden_74 to darkwingsdankmemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 11:57 GuruMaaVidyavati Best astrological tips for convincing your parents to love marriage

Best astrological tips for convincing your parents to love marriage
Love marriage, while increasingly accepted, can still be a challenging prospect for many, especially when it comes to gaining parental approval. Astrology offers unique insights and remedies that can help smooth the path. Here are the best astrological tips for convincing your parents to love marriage, helping to align the stars in your favor, and winning your parents’ hearts.
1. Understand Your Horoscope and Your Partner’s
The first step in using astrology to aid in convincing your parents to love marriage is to thoroughly understand both your horoscope and your partner’s. Analyzing the compatibility between the two charts can reveal strengths and potential challenges in your relationship. A favorable compatibility reading can be a strong point in your favor when discussing your relationship with your parents.
2. Perform Graha Shanti Pooja
Graha Shanti Pooja is a powerful ritual aimed at pacifying the planets and removing obstacles from your path. Performing this pooja can help mitigate any planetary influences that might be causing resistance from your parents. Consult with a knowledgeable love marriage specialist astrologer to find an auspicious date and time for this ritual.
3. Wear the Right Gemstones
Astrologers often recommend specific gemstones to enhance planetary support and attract positive energy. For example, if Venus (the planet of love) is weak in your chart, wearing a diamond or opal can strengthen it, promoting love and harmony. Similarly, other gemstones can be prescribed based on your horoscope to aid in convincing your parents to love marriage.
4. Chant Mantras and Practice Meditation
Mantras hold significant power in astrology. Chanting specific mantras can help in aligning your energies and attracting positive outcomes. The mantra “Om Chamundaayai Viche” is particularly effective for removing obstacles. Additionally, practicing meditation can help you remain calm and composed, which is crucial when discussing sensitive topics with your parents. For further assistance, seeking help from a vashikaran specialist in Mumbai can provide added support.
5. Perform Vastu Corrections
Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture, can also play a role in convincing your parents to love marriage. Ensure that your living space is aligned with Vastu principles to promote peace and harmony in your home. Small changes, like placing a picture of a happy couple in the southwest corner of your home, can subtly influence the mindset of your parents.
6. Seek the Blessings of Family Deities
Family deities or Kuldevi/Kuldevta hold a special place in Hindu households. Seeking their blessings before approaching your parents can help in gaining their approval. Regularly offering prayers and seeking blessings from these deities can create a positive atmosphere and reduce resistance from your parents.
7. Astrological Timing
Timing is everything in astrology. Plan to discuss your love marriage during an auspicious period as indicated by your astrological chart. Avoid periods when planets like Mars or Saturn might be casting a malefic influence, as this can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings. Famous lady astrologer can help you determine the best time for such discussions.
8. Use Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations, when used consistently, can change your mindset and influence those around you. Affirmations like “My parents are accepting and supportive of my love marriage” can help in creating a positive energy around the idea of your marriage. Combine this with the astrological remedies for maximum effect. Additionally, consulting a vashikaran specialist in Delhi can offer further insights and solutions tailored to your situation.
Final Thoughts
Convincing your parents to love marriage can be a delicate process, but with the right astrological guidance, it becomes much more manageable. By understanding your horoscope, performing specific rituals, wearing the right gemstones, and choosing the right time, you can align the cosmic energies in your favor. Remember, patience and perseverance, combined with these astrological tips, can help you achieve your goal and gain your parents’ heartfelt approval.
For personalized astrological advice tailored to your unique situation, consider consulting a professional love marriage specialist in Delhi. With the right guidance, you can navigate this challenging journey and find happiness in your love marriage.
submitted by GuruMaaVidyavati to u/GuruMaaVidyavati [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:21 Kind-Answer6960 My ramblings for the book series ending. (Spoilers)

That's enough for one post. Will post the remaining later. Had these notes saved for a while
submitted by Kind-Answer6960 to u/Kind-Answer6960 [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 06:46 Glittering_Garden_74 (Spoilers Extended) Sandor did everything

Recently, this line in Varamyr’s prologue in ADWD was brought to my attention:
One by one they fell behind or forged ahead, making for their old villages, or the Milkwater, or Hardhome, or a lonely death in the woods. Varamyr did not know and could not care. I should have taken one of them when I had the chance. One of the twins, or the big man with the scarred face, or the youth with the red hair.
Who are these people Varamyr could have taken? Why would George give us descriptions of those people? Why have Varamyr remember these people specifically? Why have Varamyr remember anything about the people when he’s fucking starving and malnourished and delusional?
Because they’re going to be important later. While I have some ideas on who “The twins” and “The youth with the red hair” are, in this post I’m going to be focusing on “the big man with the scarred face”.
A big man with a scarred face, now, who could that be?
Sandor motherfucking Clegane of course!
I can already hear you saying “But he’s at the quiet Isle! He can’t be in the north!”, but as is shown in this revolutionary new timeline: https://www.reddit.com/pureasoiaf/comments/1cwuytvproposing_a_new_timeline_for_the_adwd_north/, Our timeline of a lot of the events is wrong, so it is possible Sandor took a ship to the north soon after Brienne left (or maybe during Brienne’s stay since the last time she sees him is when she has lunch in the septry). Cat’s skiff got from White Harbor to KL in a week or so, so it is completely possible Sandor went North and reached there a few months after the battle on the wall.
Ok, you say, He might be in the north, but what could that mean for the plot?
Why, because it means he sent the pink letter, of course.
The new timeline shows that Jon’s assassination took place a full month before Theon and Jeyne escape, so none of the suspects, other than maybe Stannis could have any reason to send the letter. So the pink letter:
Bastard, Your false king is dead, bastard. He and all his host were smashed in seven days of battle. I have his magic sword. Tell his red whore. Your false king's friends are dead. Their heads upon the walls of Winterfell. Come see them, bastard. Your false king lied, and so did you. You told the world you burned the King-Beyond-the-Wall. Instead you sent him to Winterfell to steal my bride from me. I will have my bride back. If you want Mance Rayder back, come and get him. I have him in a cage for all the north to see, proof of your lies. The cage is cold, but I have made him a warm cloak from the skins of the six whores who came with him to Winterfell. I want my bride back. I want the false king's queen. I want his daughter and his red witch. I want this wildling princess. I want his little prince, the wildling babe. And I want my Reek. Send them to me, bastard, and I will not trouble you or your black crows. Keep them from me, and I will cut out your bastard's heart and eat it. Ramsay Bolton, Trueborn Lord of Winterfell
Why send the letter? To bring Jon and hopefully draw Ramsay away, I believe that the original spearwife plan was originally to rescue Jeyne when the armies were outside battling, but they had to abandon that plan when no army came after a month and do the next best thing.
One of the first things you notice on your first read of the letter is the repetition of Bastard, and since it makes no sense for Ramsay to write it, it must be some other character who wrote it, and who do we know in the series who loves to curse? Sandor. He might have changed a lot on the quiet isle but cursing a hard habit to drop. Sandor probably really does think of Stannis as a false king with no claim, since it’s unlikely he knew about the twincest considering he spends most of his time in KL around Joffrey or being a regular Lannister guard who doesn’t know. He also probably became more religious at the quiet isle and genuinely despises Stannis for turning to R’hllor.
So how does he know about the spearwives? Because he’s in winterfell of course. My guess would be he went to Eastwatch and managed to smuggle himself on a ship and go to White Harbor, where he went into Wyman’s service, maybe he even went and specifically told Wyman about his mission to rescue Arya, and since most people in the North haven’t seen the hound before, it’s unlikely they would know who he was, or even think about it, considering the rumors that he’s around Saltpans. Only the Freys might know him, being from farther south, but they probably wouldn’t pay attention to a random Manderly guard.
Why would the spearwives let Sandor know who they are? Because Mance recognized him from his previous visit to Winterfell. This would also explain why grrm retconned Mance into winterfell in asos.
Why would Mance trust Sandor? He’d probably do what he did with Theon and have the spearwives bring him and interrogate Sandor, Mance is a pretty good judge of character As for ‘your false king’s friends are dead’, Sandor from what he knows of Stannis thinks that Stannis has no friends, so he’s just having a jape, something he does continuously through the letter.
Sandor has also become far more religious at the quiet isle, so he thinks of all other religions (except the old gods) as witches. His experience with the BwB also put his opinion of red priests down, making him call Mel a red witch.
How did Sandor send the letter? Probably with Wyman’s help, or maybe there’s a dead maester who’s gone missing in all the chaos at winterfell. As for the signature pink wax, the quiet isle does have some trade, so the most likely scenario some ship carrying sealing waxes for trade came and Sandor asked the elder brother to buy him the pink one because it reminded him of the girlish stuff Sansa likes, along with kinda resembling the color of weirwood (remember that the first time he saved Sansa was when she fell on the serpentine steps coming back from the godswood.)
But why? He obviously came to winterfell hearing of Arya’s marriage and to save her, but it must have been clear during the wedding and after that the girl was not Arya, but someone else, namely Jeyne Poole, Sansa’s close friend who was taken away from her.
Sandor clearly thinks of himself as Sansa’s ‘protector’, and his time at the quiet isle has probably made him take that role even more seriously, so when he sees that Sansa’s close friend has been married off to a raving lunatic who’ll ruin her, he’d immediately think of Sansa and decide to save Jeyne, since he doesn’t know the spearwives or Mance well, he’d definitely not tell them and jeopardize the rescue.
As for the line, ‘the skins of the six whores’, I think Sandor’s increasing religiosity has made him increasingly take a line against alcoholism, which is probably pretty common in wildling culture, so he made them give him their wineskins and turned that into a cloak.
But why hasn’t Theon seen him, you ask? Well, actually, he has:
Outside the snow was coming down so heavily that Theon could not see more than three feet ahead of him. He found himself alone in a white wilderness, walls of snow looming up to either side of him chest high. When he raised his head, the snowflakes brushed his cheeks like cold soft kisses. He could hear the sound of music from the hall behind him. A soft song now, and sad. For a moment he felt almost at peace. Farther on, he came upon a man striding in the opposite direction, a hooded cloak flapping behind him. When they found themselves face-to-face their eyes met briefly. The man put a hand on his dagger. "Theon Turncloak. Theon Kinslayer." "I'm not. I never … I was ironborn." "False is all you were. How is it you still breathe?" "The gods are not done with me," Theon answered, wondering if this could be the killer, the night walker who had stuffed Yellow Dick's cock into his mouth and pushed Roger Ryswell's groom off the battlements. Oddly, he was not afraid. He pulled the glove from his left hand. "Lord Ramsay is not done with me." The man looked, and laughed. "I leave you to him, then." -ADWD, The Ghost in Winterfell
‘False is all you ever were.’ We know Sandor’s dislike of lordlings and knights, thinking them false fakers who break vows easily, and he must’ve seen a lot of Theon while watching Joff in the yard and seen his shallowness. Sandor’s parallel for Theon’s situation with the Starks is being saved by the Elder Brother, who has become his brother in all but biology to him, and he saw how good Theon had it with the Starks, so he thinks of Theon as a kinslayer. There is also a moment of sympathy when he sees what has been done to Theon, seeing a bit of what he did to himself and turned himself into due to his hatred of Gregor. So what would this mean for the story? Well, all the Manderly guardsmen are outside the castle and probably planning to defect to Stannis, so the future depends a lot on the outcome of the battle of Ice, which is too much for this post, but I might address it in another. Tl;dr: Sandor Clegane went to Winterfell to save Arya, and is currently outside winterfell with the Manderly host.
submitted by Glittering_Garden_74 to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 08:39 Bulky_Opinion7855 Entitled Aunt Insults my sister.

For a context, we belong to a backward community in Indian society. Despite of this my uncle did well, and he ensured my sister's also got the education they deserve. And after education, as a typical Indian parents, he found a groom for my sister and married her off, without doing a proper background check on him or his family.
Turns out right after the engagement, he left his job and decided to be jamairaja(to live of on in-laws) but he didn't tell us about it till the marriage and after that he started being abusive towards my sister, and finally threatened to harm my uncle's family. Ultimately fed-up, my sister got the divorce. Now here is where things messed up. Despite of knowing everything, and why my sister got the divorce, everyone started to distance us, especially from my sister from functions and all the auspicious occasions saying that now she will bring bad luck to all the good times. In one particular occasion, one of my aunts came to invite my aunt for a Pooja at her place, and she specially mentions not to bring my sister, because 'you know she is the unlucky person and life is spoiled, she is will that dark force with her. So don't bring her.' wth. The people I grew up with and loved, seem disgusting to me now.
Even in 2022, this entitlement still continues. And i hate the fact that my sister is being treated this way. Eventually we are actually lc or nc with such people. But still the question haunts me, when will this so called perfect society accepts the current reality?
submitted by Bulky_Opinion7855 to IndianEntitledStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 15:13 LChris24 I See a Red Door but I'm Not Painting it Black (Spoilers Extended)

"I was looking for a house with a red door, but by night all the doors are black." -ASOS, Daenerys VI
In this post I thought it would be fun to discuss Dany and her thoughts on her childhood home in "Braavos". GRRM has mentioned it so many times throughout the series that we will likely see this plot point come to a head at some point (maybe upon her return to Westeros).
A Game of Thrones
Back in A Game of Thrones, GRRM really hits down heavy with the mentions of the red door:
She remembered Ser Willem dimly, a great grey bear of a man, half-blind, roaring and bellowing orders from his sickbed. The servants had lived in terror of him, but he had always been kind to Dany. He called her "Little Princess" and sometimes "My Lady," and his hands were soft as old leather. He never left his bed, though, and the smell of sickness clung to him day and night, a hot, moist, sickly sweet odor. That was when they lived in Braavos, in the big house with the red door. Dany had her own room there, with a lemon tree outside her window. After Ser Willem had died, the servants had stolen what little money they had left, and soon after they had been put out of the big house. Dany had cried when the red door closed behind them forever. -AGOT, Daenerys I
"We will have it all back someday, sweet sister," he would promise her. Sometimes his hands shook when he talked about it. "The jewels and the silks, Dragonstone and King's Landing, the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms, all they have taken from us, we will have it back." Viserys lived for that day. All that Daenerys wanted back was the big house with the red door, the lemon tree outside her window, the childhood she had never known -AGOT, Daenerys I
Dany had only meant their rooms in Illyrio's estate, no true home surely, though all they had, but her brother did not want to hear that. There was no home there for him. Even the big house with the red door had not been home for him. -AGOT, Daenerys I
She did take a dozen flasks of scented oils, the perfumes of her childhood; she had only to close her eyes and sniff them and she could see the big house with the red door once more. -AGOT, Daenerys VI
A Clash of Kings
In ACoK we only see it mentioned (twice) during her visit to the House of the Undying:
I know this room, she thought. She remembered those great wooden beams and the carved animal faces that adorned them. And there outside the window, a lemon tree! The sight of it made her heart ache with longing. It is the house with the red door, the house in Braavos. No sooner had she thought it than old Ser Willem came into the room, leaning heavily on his stick. "Little princess, there you are," he said in his gruff kind voice. "Come," he said, "come to me, my lady, you're home now, you're safe now." His big wrinkled hand reached for her, soft as old leather, and Dany wanted to take it and hold it and kiss it, she wanted that as much as she had ever wanted anything. Her foot edged forward, and then she thought, He's dead, he's dead, the sweet old bear, he died a long time ago. She backed away and ran. -ACOK, Daenerys IV
Faster and faster the visions came, one after the other, until it seemed as if the very air had come alive. Shadows whirled and danced inside a tent, boneless and terrible. A little girl ran barefoot toward a big house with a red door. -ACOK, Daenerys IV
A Storm of Swords
In ASoS it is only mentioned once while Dany peers out over Meereen:
"Your Grace?" Missandei stood at her elbow wrapped in a bedrobe, wooden sandals on her feet. "I woke, and saw that you were gone. Did you sleep well? What are you looking at?""My city," said Dany. "I was looking for a house with a red door, but by night all the doors are black.""A red door?" Missandei was puzzled. "What house is this?""No house. It does not matter." Dany took the younger girl by the hand. "Never lie to me, Missandei. Never betray me." -ASOS, Daenerys VI
A Dance with Dragons
With no Dany chapters in AFFC there are no mentions, but ADwD is full of them:
Dany clutched her lion pelt to her chest. Underneath, a sheer white linen tunic covered her to midthigh. She had been dreaming of a house with a red door when Missandei woke her. There had been no time to dress. -ADWD, Daenerys I
It was the black of night outside. Something is wrong, she knew at once. "Is it Daario? What's happened?" In her dream they had been man and wife, simple folk who lived a simple life in a tall stone house with a red door. In her dream he had been kissing her all over—her mouth, her neck, her breasts. -ADWD, Daenerys II
Dany had never known a home. In Braavos, there had been a house with a red door, but that was all. "Beware of Qartheen bearing gifts, especially merchants of the Thirteen. There is some trap here. Perhaps these ships are rotten, or …" -ADWD, Daenerys III
Dany unrolled the parchment and examined it again. Braavos. This was done in Braavos, while we were living in the house with the red door. Why did that make her feel so strange? She found herself remembering her nightmare. Sometimes there is truth in dreams. -ADWD, Daenerys VII
She would rather have drifted in the fragrant pool all day, eating iced fruit off silver trays and dreaming of a house with a red door, but a queen belongs to her people, not to herself. -ADWD, Daenerys IX
The sight of all that grass stretching out before her had taken her breath away. The sky was blue, the grass was green, and I was full of hope. Ser Jorah had been with her then, her gruff old bear. She'd had Irri and Jhiqui and Doreah to care for her, her sun-and-stars to hold her in the night, his child growing inside her. Rhaego. I was going to name him Rhaego, and the dosh khaleen said he would be the Stallion Who Mounts the World. Not since those half-remembered days in Braavos when she lived in the house with the red door had she been as happy. -ADWD, Daenerys X
So Spake Martins
We also have George's comments when it was brought up a few times:
QUESTION: How old was Daenerys when she left the house with the red door, was it located close to the palace of the Sealord of Braavos?
GRRM: That's an interesting question. But I don't think I'm going to answer it. There's certain revelations about the red door that will come in the books that I still have yet to write, so um we'll get to that eventually. -SSM, St. Petersburg Interview 2017
GRRM: ... the red door, what's going on with that, it's a very common question I haven't revealed that, you have to wait for these last two books. -SSM, Reginald's Book Club: 2023
Changed Lines
From u/gsteff's visit to Cushing: Secrets of the Cushing Library: Daenerys, the Ironborn and Jaime
we find out tha the ADWD sentence that as published read "In Braavos, there had been a house with a red door, but that was all" originally was this:
In Braavos, there had been a house with a red door, but only for a little while.
The Winds of Winter
From TWoW Mercy (an extremely old chapter that GRRM has revised from a post 5 year gap chapter to its current version, and may keep revising) we find out that GRRM really doubles down on this lemon tree/Braavos stuff:
“Seven hells, this place is damp,” she heard her guard complain. “I’m chilled to the bones. Where are the bloody orange trees? I always heard there were orange trees in the Free Cities. Lemons and limes. Pomegranates. Hot peppers, warm nights, girls with bare bellies. Where are the bare-bellied girls, I ask you?”
“Down in Lys, and Myr, and Old Volantis,” the other guard replied. He was an older man, big-bellied and grizzled. “I went to Lys with Lord Tywin once, when he was Hand to Aerys. Braavos is north of King’s Landing, fool. Can’t you read a bloody map?” -TWOW, Mercy
Tinfoil (Small Blackfyre Connection)
By night all doors are black. Even red ones. We also know that lemons grow in Tyrosh (which is a stronghold for the Black Dragon). We also know that Dany has at least encountered the Golden Company before (in an unconfirmed location):
Her brother Viserys had once feasted the captains of the Golden Company, in hopes they might take up his cause. They ate his food and heard his pleas and laughed at him. Dany had only been a little girl, but she remembered. "I have sellswords too." -ADWD, Daenerys III
If interested: Tyrosh: A Safe Haven for the Black Dragon
Other tinfoil about Dany's parentage exists, but I just wanted to mention the one that gave me the clickbaity title.
The Braavos/Dorne Connection
The main place in Westeros that is constantly mentioned is Dorne:
"Lemons. And where would we get lemons? Does this look like Dorne to you, you freckled fool? Why don't you hop out back to the lemon trees and pick us a bushel, and some nice olives and pomegranates too." -ASOS, Arya II
The cake had required every lemon in the Vale, but Petyr had promised that he would send to Dorne for more. -TWOW, Alayne I
This was a curious kingship, for whenever a king died, his successor was chosen by election from amongst a dozen noble families that had settled along the river or the eastern shores. The Wades, Shells, Holts, Brooks, Hulls, Lakes, Brownhills, and Briars all threw up kings who ruled from the high hall amongst the lemon trees, but in the end this curious system broke down when a disputed election set the royal houses to warring against one another. -TWOIAF, Dorne: Kingdom of the First Men
but we also find out that that while Dany was in Braavos, that someone from Dorne (Oberyn) visited (knowing she was there) to sign a secret pact:
"It is a secret pact," Dany said, "made in Braavos when I was just a little girl. Ser Willem Darry signed for us, the man who spirited my brother and myself away from Dragonstone before the Usurper's men could take us. Prince Oberyn Martell signed for Dorne, with the Sealord of Braavos as witness." She handed the parchment to Ser Barristan, so he might read it for himself. "The alliance is to be sealed by a marriage, it says. In return for Dorne's help overthrowing the Usurper, my brother Viserys is to take Prince Doran's daughter Arianne for his queen."
The old knight read the pact slowly. "If Robert had known of this, he would have smashed Sunspear as he once smashed Pyke, and claimed the heads of Prince Doran and the Red Viper … and like as not, the head of this Dornish princess too." -ADWD, Daenerys VII
If interested: Oberyn Martell's Whereabouts
Dany's Return to Westeros
As Dany returns to Westeros, I think she could find out about the climate level of Braavos as compared to the other free cities she will have experienced. Lemon Trees grow in Slaver's Bay as well:
Afterward her lord husband led his guests onto the lower terrace, so the visitors from the Yellow City might behold Meereen by night. Wine cups in hand, the Yunkai'i wandered the garden in small groups, beneath lemon trees and night-blooming flowers, and Dany found herself face-to-face with Brown Ben Plumm. -ADWD, Daenerys VIII
this will likely have some effect on her psyche, especially as she comes face to face with the fact that she is invading Westeros with an army made up of eunuchs, sellswords, former slaves and savage Dothraki.
TLDR: The red doolemongate has been the source of plenty of tinfoil over the years and while I do think it is well deserved (due to it being obvious that either the memory wasn't in Braavos or she was conflating multiple memories), I don't think it is necessary for it to be as large a reveal as say a potential different parentage. From looking over all of this, I think that it can easily be as small as her spending time (say in Dorne or one of the Three Daughters) and conflating it with time spent in Braavos.
submitted by LChris24 to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:12 astrobabag World Famous Vashikaran Love Marriage Specialist

World Famous Vashikaran Love Marriage Specialist
Vashikaran love marriage specialist
This is a practice that originated among Hindus, whereby special mantras as well as certain activities are performed in an attempt at controlling a given individual’s actions or even their thoughts. In the context of marriage, vashikaran is used to attract the spouse of own choice, to force parents to accept the love marriage or for sorting out any problems that crop up in a marriage. Specialists in vashikaran associated majorly with love marriage offer a few vashikaran mantras and practices to the clients and so they can enjoy married life to the fullest.
Vashikaran Love Marriage is a team of Vashikaran experts and Introducers who are involve in solving all sort of marriage related problems of the people.
Vashikaran specialist in love marriage are such people as vashikaran is the act of controlling the mind of any person or making him/her do as one wishes and they are the astrologers specialized in the field of spirituality. As has already been mentioned, these priests possess vast knowledge about the various vedic sciences and they are perfectly aware of the spells and ways of vashikaran vidhis which are mentioned in the Hindu scriptures. Some of their common specializations include:Some of their well-known concentrations are:
  • Horary astrology: its involvement in pairing and compatibility specifically in marriage based on horoscope signing.
  • First of all, it is important to understand that vashikaran procedures are individual and the corresponding vashikaran can help a person attract and influence the right kind of a partner in the life.
  • This is even worse if the person has to convince parents, relatives or elders of the intercaste or love marriage.
  • Only some of the vashikaran and mantras are useful in resolving the post-marital disputes and conflicts.
  • The impact made through this technique is to measure the extent of saving married couples from evils eye, negative energies and other obstacles in married life.
The first reason why people may decide to seek help from psychologists is that they are diagnosed with a mental disorder.
It is now a common knowledge that those who get involved in love marriages face some hardships because of the resistance from family or any other factor, or even self-created barriers within the couple. When they have no other way to overcome a problem, they have to consult Vashikaran Love Marriage Specialist who can solve the matter through Black Magic, Mantras, etc. Some common reasons why people seek their help include:Here are some possible scenarios as to why individuals may opt to turn to them for assistance:
  • Your partner does not love you back as you want, and he or she is not ready to settle down for a lifetime commitment which is marriage.
  • Even if the parents have a problem with this alliance based on caste or religious differences, it is a big No.
  • Patients having marital conflict but are still married and whose marital conflict could reach a boiling point and results in a divorce or separation.
  • Comparing and believing there might be black magic or curses by jealous people on the relationship.
  • Like with any normal social occasion, there are bound to be standard issues and arguments that couples face when tasked with the responsibilities of fixing their weddings.
Services provided by vashikaran specialists are designed to solve such issues that the clients can have in their lives.
Vashikaran specialists offer customized services as per the specific love marriage requirements of couples:Love marriage specialists are available to provide vashikaran solutions according to the individual needs of the couples who are seeking a love marriage.
Matching Horoscopes: They also try to analyze the horoscope of boy and girl to know about manglik dosha or any other aspect that may affect the compatibility of marriage. Possible solutions are then provided depending on the deficits depicted in the former step.
Vashikaran Puja and Rituals: In this regard various types of Vashikaran pooja, havan and other rituals are performed so that the partner should become willing to marry. These pujas would mean that the specialist would have to chant some vashikaran mantras thousands of times to get enhanced outcomes.
Tantra-Mantra Services: Besides, the Aghori tantrik vashikaran is also recommended when no other treatments for vashikaran have proven useful. But such tantras should be tread with a lot of caution and for this reason, one should seek the service of a qualified practitioner.
Besides the stated services, there are other services that some vashikaran specialists recommend to get rid of negative energies and evils affecting the couples; they include astrology gemstones, spiritual healing, yajñas, and prayers. It also effectively guides the couple on how to approach issues that may arise after marriage as well as how to tackle marital problems.
Conclusion About Vashikaran Love Marriage Specialist
The Vashikaran Love Marriage Specialist hold a strong status in the social stratum since they intervene in the protracted love affairs of two partners who are destined to marry each other despite caste barriers or excerpts from their side. They are quite accomplished in the use of vashikaran and astrology to bring lovers together and marry them.
Nevertheless, the general public, especially the people who seek the services of vashikaran experts, should be very cautious when trying to identify fake people in the business, and it is recommended that they seek the service of professional vashikaran experts who can provide acceptable proof of their work.
Online Free Consultation With Baba Ji Please Visit:

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2024.05.22 23:20 EducatorDependent240 My mom doesn't want to talk to my in-laws and it's ruining my 6-month old marriage. Advice please!

Hi all, please offer me your valuable advice here. I dated my now-husband for 2 years and we had a blissful time. His extended family is from Orissa (parents stay in Vizag) and I am from Delhi. Husband and I live in Bangalore. I lost my dad 6 years ago and I am still not over it.
When marriage talks started happening between the parents, his dad never spoke to my mom and his mom also kept making my mom feel less capable of managing and affording a wedding implying (albeit in over-sweet words) that she's a widow. My mom is a strong woman and we're quite rich and my mom instantly told me she feels really negative talking to my MIL. I told my mom I'll coordinate with my husband and she doesn't need to get in the nitty gritties of the wedding (I felt guilty when my mom felt triggered)
My side of the family wanted the wedding to be in Bangalore but his family made all sorts of excuses and I had to give in to having the wedding at Vizag (since my family was only 15 people).
When we arrived at Vizag, things started off on a bad note as MIL was coordinating for my Mehndi and the guy came 3 hours late after all the mehndi in their house was done. Husband was told that another mehndi guy was reaching my place and his phone was taken away as he was also getting mehndi done. MIL was rude to me then (she never raises her voice tho). Husband was quite ashamed of this incident.
For Sangeet, his sister told me if I can get my make-up done fast (I had specially flown in the artist from Bangalore and she required minimum 3 hours) as they have another unplanned Pooja and tried her best that my family performs their dance after alll their non-important relatives are also done. I found out about this last minute and spoke to husband about it and he got it changed.
This is not even the bad part. Husband's maama from Orissa shouted at my mom twice during the ceremonies that she cannot do my kanyadaan as she is a widow. MIL took the thali from my mom's hand when she was welcoming husband after the Barat and gave it to my maami (again coz she is a widow). My mom ended up doing the kanyadaan but my whole family was shattered during my wedding thinking I have made a very wrong decision. Worst thing, I came to know about all this next day of the wedding.
I was so so distraught and felt like undoing the wedding. When I told husband about the kanyadaan incident he also got really upset and called his mom instantly. His mom started crying on the phone and said I have no idea what you are saying. I only took the thali from her mom because of some stupid superstition, mother is the best well-wisher of the child. If your maama behaved badly I will never talk to him.
I spoke to my family and they said MIL was right there when maama was shouting. But now she is trying to make my husband believe that she is completely innocent and he believes so. My mom is saying you need to be careful of this dangerous family and don't interact with them. So I interact with them very very selectively but I know husband is not happy about it. MIL tries to message my mom but my mom does not want to interact with her.
I feel extremely triggered when anything about the wedding comes up. Sometimes I wish my mom didn't give me such negative insights about a family I have just entered. Other times I feel how to convince husband that his mom is wrong. And sometimes I just feel like escaping from all of this. My body starts shaking if my in-laws try to interact with me. More than anything, I really miss my dad. Please share your thoughts on this situation.
submitted by EducatorDependent240 to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 11:43 BusyyThinking Just normal MIL and family issues

Family of 8 with MIL, FIL, two sons, elder one with two kids and younger with no kids yet. 2 Sons and DILS are earning . but all the earnings should be at one place, maintained by FIL and MIL. No individual rights to spend any. MIL and FIL stays with elder family because of Kids, and younger son family stays near her Wife's office as the elder ones stays near his wife's office. This also they were not agreeing and everyone should stay near but only younger one has to travel as she doesn't had WFO. Elder family spends are more as its obvious because of more family members. Younger DIL is worried about the future as they are spending more money and she may face financial issues in the future if they get separated. Now we had a family gathering and younger one visited the family. 5 sets of food was offered to god. But MIL gave one set after pooja to younger family and remaining were has by MIL, FIL, Elder son and elder DIL. Younger DIL is saying to husband this is the same way she will distribute property. Is she overthinking . FIL and MIL spent money on elder son education, marriage, onsite trails etc.The sole decision maker mostly is MIL and she favors only his elder son. In talking terms she is good with both sons. but when we have to spend something or cook something , simply when it comes to actions only elder son comes. But nothing on younger son. Please give honest opinions.
submitted by BusyyThinking to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 09:32 peortega1 Sex before and outside of marriage in the series

Did you notice that almost all the main characters of ASOIAF, despite the social and religious rules of Westeros -north included-, have had pre-marital sex and/or have been unfaithful to their spouses?
Even Davos confesses to having been unfaithful to Marya and it is rumored about Ned that he was unfaithful to Catelyn. Well, and maybe Sansa, and that remains to be seen. Arya is very likely that she loses her virginity out of wedlock as happened in the show, also Brienne.
But even counting Ned, the only major characters in the saga to have fulfilled their vows, be it marriage or celibacy, are Ned, Catelyn, Barristan, and Quentyn.
And all of them are there precisely to PROVE the bad of being a virgin and/or faithful to keep your vows at any cost.
That it`s the reason why HOTD -and the audience- painted Alicent Hightower as a sexual repressed in front of Daemon and Rhaenyra fucking on the beach of Driftmark
submitted by peortega1 to HOTDGreens [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 08:39 Bulky_Opinion7855 Entitled Aunt Insults my sister.

For a context, we belong to a backward community in Indian society. Despite of this my uncle did well, and he ensured my sister's also got the education they deserve. And after education, as a typical Indian parents, he found a groom for my sister and married her off, without doing a proper background check on him or his family.
Turns out right after the engagement, he left his job and decided to be jamairaja(to live of on in-laws) but he didn't tell us about it till the marriage and after that he started being abusive towards my sister, and finally threatened to harm my uncle's family. Ultimately fed-up, my sister got the divorce. Now here is where things messed up. Despite of knowing everything, and why my sister got the divorce, everyone started to distance us, especially from my sister from functions and all the auspicious occasions saying that now she will bring bad luck to all the good times. In one particular occasion, one of my aunts came to invite my aunt for a Pooja at her place, and she specially mentions not to bring my sister, because 'you know she is the unlucky person and life is spoiled, she is will that dark force with her. So don't bring her.' wth. The people I grew up with and loved, seem disgusting to me now.
Even in 2022, this entitlement still continues. And i hate the fact that my sister is being treated this way. Eventually we are actually lc or nc with such people. But still the question haunts me, when will this so called perfect society accepts the current reality?
submitted by Bulky_Opinion7855 to IndianEntitledStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:32 Kontosouvli333 Robb, the Lannisters and Plot Armor.

So, I just reread the books for Easter and I realized something.
The Lannister Plot Armor is insanely huge in the first three books.
While it may be said, and rightly so, that Robb made plenty of mistakes, there's a massive disparity in ACOK in the rate with which Robb gets punished for those mistakes relative to people like Tywin that can be described in itself as bad luck.
(Ignoring Tywin's Blitzkrieg of the Riverlands)
Tywin appoints an idiot in charge of his westerlands army and loses 10,000 men? No problem, he'll just fall ass-backwards into an alliance with the Tyrells and get hundreds of thousands of troops.
Tywin commits his troops west just as Storm's End falls and Stannis marches on king's landing? No problem, a freak storm will delay Stannis's fleet for just long enough that Tywin can march back and save the city.
Tywin allowing KL to be split between Cersei and Tyrion, who are pathalogically incapable of working together. No problem, their dysfunction will manage itself precisely long enough to doom Robb, before it all implodes.
Meanwhile Robb:
Sends Theon away. It's worth noting that Balon was planning to attack the North already. But the ironborn invasion is only an annoyance, as they take 2 minor castles... until Rodrik Cassel decides to leave the CAPITAL OF THE NORTH undefended to respond to raids on Torrhen Square and costs Robb both his heirs. Not only that, but a series of incredibly contrived circumstances allow Ramsay to escape captivity and bring in 600 men who then kill Rodrik's 2000 men and prevent him from recapturing Winterfell.
Doesn't tell Edmure his whole plan, instead giving him a generalized directive to "hold riverrun". This is just stupid and a complete plot point for Lannister Plot Armor in my opinion. Why would Robb give such vague orders to Edmure, it makes no sense
Not only will Edmure fail to understand the strategic implications of Storm's End falling, but he will muster together a bunch of troops Robb had no way of knowing he would have access to in order to pick a risky river battle against Tywin, delaying him just long enough for the Tyrells to reach him and him to turn around and win the blackwater.
Marries Jeyne. But it's worth noting that the Boltons and Frey's are already planning to betray him before this. We see in Arya's last chapter in ACOK that the Frey's are already discussing 'putting weight on our young boy king' and Roose has already given the treasonous order for Northmen to march on Duskendale and bleeding Stark loyalists well before news of the Westerling marriage comes in.
And about Rickard Karstark, I've seen many people criticizing Robb for killing him, but Karstark was the correct decision. The two situations aren't comparable. Catelyn freed a single high-value hostage. Rickard executed two child hostages, killed men sworn to Robb guarding those hostages, publicly commanded his own men to desert, and then publicly refused to follow any further orders of Robb in front of all of Robb's lords, all before Robb pronounced a sentence.
Robb was more of a victim of the plot than any other character.
submitted by Kontosouvli333 to TheCitadel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 10:05 Existing-Area-9093 Baradwaj Rangan's interview of Iraivi (lengthy, with spoilers)

Spoilers ahead…
Dear Karthik Subbaraj,
Congratulations on yet another interesting movie, and for resisting the impulse to name this one, too, after a food item. Iraivi is an unusual feminist film, in the sense that it’s seen entirely through the prism of sympathetic male characters. Your men aren’t monsters who drink or cheat on their wives or subject them to torture. They do these things, yes, but… differently. Arul (SJ Surya) drinks, but only to drown out his sense of failure – he’s a director and his film is in the cans, being held hostage by a sadistic producer. Michael (Vijay Sethupathi) has sex with Malarvizhi (Pooja Devariya), and he continues to lust after her after his marriage to Ponni (Anjali) – I love that all your women have names that suggest classical heroines, including Arul’s wife Yazhini (Kamalini Mukherjee) – but it’s a marriage he committed to in a hurry and he still hasn’t reconciled himself to it. He’s being a bastard, certainly, but he’s not a one-note villain. And the torture they inflict isn’t the stubbing-a-cigarette-into-the-wife’s-bare-arm variety. It’s more mental than physical.
So we get women who are collateral damage – and I include Arul’s comatose mother (Vadivukkarasi), and the nurse who’s not allowed to do her duty – of men being men. They’re being babies, really. Yazhini tells Arul that he should get on with his life, write another story, make another movie. He says it’s like her trying to have another child while still pregnant with their daughter. (Yes, all these men end up with girl children.) He’s a wallower – but maybe all artists are. You like to do that, don’t you Karthik? Even in a film like this, you deliver a commentary about filmmaking and the artist. Why, even Arul’s father is a sculptor, and though we never see him ill-treating his wife (thank you for sparing us the clichés of raised hands and raised voices), we’re informed that he’s responsible for her state. His son’s following the father’s footsteps. Maybe you’re trying to say that the wives of obsessed artists are doomed to become collateral damage. Your films make us think, Karthik, so thank you for that.
All your stories have at their centre a filmmaker, or at least (in the case of your first film, Pizza) a storyteller. And through them, we seem to hear your voice. “Works of art should not be in places where they are not respected.” “Namma padam pesanum, naama pesa koodadhu.” You compare masala movies to a massage with a happy ending. (I laughed, but please don’t judge me when I say I rather like massages with happy endings – I refer to masala movies, of course.) We even get a line of dialogue about Dolby Atmos. (What will the B/C-centre audience make of this, Karthik? But then you don’t really give a shit, do you? More power to you.) And you like your insider jokes. That crass, egoistic producer who does not care about art – he reminded me of the crass producer from your earlier film, Jigarthanda. You like Rajinikanth too. You referenced Thillu Mullu in Pizza, Thalapathi in Jigarthanda, and now you have Arul singing Malayala karayoram, Michael singing Oorai therinjikitten.
Or is that more of an Ilayaraja homage? You like to keep the audience guessing, right? When the Bobby Simha character in Jigarthanda said he was a Shankar-Ganesh fan, it appeared that you were mocking the endless Ilayaraja nods in Tamil cinema, but here you are, doffing your hat to the maestro. “Raja Raja dhaan.” Arul says this… twice. (By the way, which is that nightclub which plays Maanguyile poonguyile? Do let us know.) And the reuse of Unnai thaane – first in a scene between Michael and Malarvizhi; later in a scene between Michael and Ponni – is the kind of Easter egg we come to your films for. Let me list some others, though I’ll probably need to watch the film a second (or third) time to get them all. The name of the bachelors’ quarters is Ambal Mansion – it goes with your theme and title. I didn’t get the bit about the windmills (something connected to the gust of wind that makes the row of cycles fall over in the first scene?), or why you showcased the book of Shanta Shishunala Sharif’s poems. (I confess. I Googled up that name. I can’t remember the last time a Tamil film made me Google something up. Madras, maybe.) And despite your note at the beginning that Iraivi is inspired by the works of K Balachander (he made female-centric films, but I don’t know if I’d call them feminist films), this is really more of an ode to Mani Ratnam, isn’t it? Specifically, Aayidha Ezhuthu. The three men, one of them – the impulsive one – named Michael. The film starting out as Arul’s story, then becoming Michael’s story, and finally Jagan’s (Bobby Simha) story. The finale with the woman on the train. Plus, the arc of the Madhavan-Meera Jasmine plot was essentially about being easily misled (in the case of the man) and becoming collateral damage (in the case of the woman.) And yes, the rain. All that rain. As though the skies were weeping for these women.
Am I digressing, Karthik? If I am, I’m just following your style, which is the opposite of simple and linear. As a result, I find your films longer than they need to be. (You may feel the same about my reviews.) For instance, I did not care for the scene in the nightclub where a director is felicitated. I realise it was there as a last straw for Yazhini, but it felt redundant. But I suppose they couldn’t be any other way, because you like these shaggy-dog stories that you then embellish with novelistic detail. I love the way you introduce your characters, the time you take with them. Our films lay out characters and their relationship to each other the minute we set eyes on them, but you make us wait to know how Arul is related to Jagan and where Michael fits in and so on. And when it appeared that a semblance of a plot was kicking in (something about Arul needing money to buy back his film), I dug out my phone and checked: it was a whole hour into the movie. Borrowing an image from Malarvizhi’s profession (oh wait, she’s an artist too; she’s literally an artist), it’s like daubs of paint slowly forming a bigger picture.
And you really like an expansive canvas. Not only does the crass producer have a brother, you also bring in his wife later on, to conclude a deal he began making. These segments practically form a mini-movie, with another woman left reeling by the actions of her man. Your films have this… density. They’re packed – with characters, with complications, with information doled out in bits and pieces. (A character says, “Un kitta onnu sollanum.” And instead of hearing what he has to say, we cut to someone else.) Take the scene where Michael asks Arul for money he is owed. You just need to get Michael to Arul’s antiques shop, so the next part of the plot can be staged. Arul could have told Michael to collect the money at the shop. Instead, this is what we get. Arul tells Michael to wait for a week, when he can get the 50 lakhs he is owed. Michael says he wants only 10 lakhs. Arul says he has only 8 lakhs, he’ll give the remainder later. Michael goes to Arul’s father, in the hospital. He has only 5 lakhs. And he directs Michael to the shop, to get the remaining 3 lakhs. Your signature intercutting adds to this texture, Karthik. Shots of Michael and Arul’s father in the hospital are intercut with shots of Arul hunting for booze. Shots of Michael and Jagan outside a courtroom are intercut with shots of Arul being consoled by his father. Happenings are stretched and meshed the way they would be in real life, and not compacted according to the page-per-minute requirement of screenplay-writing textbooks.
I could never predict where the film was going (win!), what these people were going to do (again, win!) –though I must admit I found this to be the weakest of your “twists.” The subplot about stealing sculptures, too, I found rather conceit-y, something half-heartedly cooked up to fit with the title and the theme, rather than something plausible, something these people would do. When Michael, here, commits murder, with a hammer, I went, “This mild-mannered chap? Really?” But then, even in Jigarthanda, I wasn’t quite convinced that the characters would do the things they did. They seemed to be puppets of a screenplay rather than credible human beings, whose actions evolve organically from who they are (or at least, who they seem to be).
But even if I am not convinced by the overall trajectory of your characters, I love how fleshed-out they are on a moment-to-moment basis. I loved the scene where Arul barges into Yazhini’s house, after their separation, on the day of her engagement to someone else. In a lesser film, she would have asked him to get out, and he’d have dug his heels in, and she’d have cooled down and… But here, she rushes straight into his arms. And you make us see why. She was frustrated, fed up with him. But she’s also confused. Was she hasty in abandoning this man? Should she move on with another man? Does she even need a man? With just this one scene, you’ve compensated for the underwritten heroine of Jigarthanda. The story arc may be Arul’s, but Yazhini registers as a fully formed character. Similarly, Michael’s arc allows for the delineation of Ponni and Malarvizhi, and through Jagan, we get glimpses of his mother, and possibly of all womanhood as viewed by a compassionate man. And then you say that women don’t need even this compassionate man (poor chap!), that they have to emancipate themselves instead of looking for a penis-wielding emancipator. What delicious irony, given that you begin the film with women talking about marriage, tying themselves to a man!
Or not, in the case of Malarvizhi, who is easily the film’s most interesting character. Her husband is dead, and she doesn’t want love anymore – only sex. When Michael buys her a diamond necklace, she gives it back to him – she can buy her own trinkets, thank you very much. But the character feels shoe-horned into the film, Karthik. I felt betrayed – and I bet she did too – that after a point, she was used simply as a plot device to get Michael and Ponni together, and also to illustrate Michael’s (who is now standing in for all of mankind) hypocrisy. I felt she deserved more. And yet, I appreciated your generosity in fleshing her out like all the others, without judging her. She gets to be the rare woman in Tamil cinema who dumps the man, and the way she lets go of Michael is echoed in the way Arul lets go of Yazhini, with a heavy heart and some playacting. A side effect of the Malarvizhi subplot is the reassurance that Vijay Sethupathi is still interested in making cinema, rather than just massy entertainers targeted at the box office.
Ponni gets a better deal (and Anjali is terrific, raw and expressive in a way she has never been). In a great scene – rather, a set of book-ending scenes – Michael tells Ponni that he was forced to marry her, and she’s going to have to “adjust” to this if she wants to be with him. Much later, she throws the “adjust” word back on his bearded face when he asks her if she slept with someone else. In a different kind of movie, we’d be invited to see this symmetry, stand up and applaud. But you’re too subtle for that, Karthik. Iraivi is your subtlest film. Which is why I winced at the melodramatic lines about men and women, most of which came towards the end. Aan, using the long-sounding vowel, versus penn, with the shorter one – for such a visual filmmaker (this is another outstandingly shot film, less showy than Jigarthanda and probably richer for that), do you really need the crutch of linguistic special effects from another era of filmmaking? Also, when the rest of your film is so allusive, isn’t there another way you can explain the twist without having a character resort to such an inelegant information dump?
And why is it that your films come together more in the head than in the heart? Why are they easier to admire than love wholeheartedly? I used to think it was because your characters are essentially deceitful, self-serving and unsympathetic, so though we were invested in what they did, we didn’t really warm up to them. But here, you have Ponni and Yazhini and Malarvizhi – and they’re still remote. But perhaps this is bound to happen when there are so many people, so many strands, when we don’t follow one person’s simplistic “you go, girl” journey like we do in, say, 36 Vayadhinile? But when the parts are so well-crafted, we don’t complain as much about their sum not adding up to a satisfying whole. I am sure that you will, one day, make that wholly satisfying film, but for now, thank you for these parts. Thank you for the ambition. I felt there were too many songs (some good work by Santhosh Narayanan), but thank you for ensuring that they don’t break character, the way songs usually do when a character speaking in his or her voice suddenly segues into the playback singer’s voice. Thank you for giving us SJ Surya, the actor – I never dreamed he had such a capacity to hold a scene, to hold the screen. Thank you for continuing not to sell out. Thank you for trying to do so much, even if not all of it needed to have been tried. And thank you for making me fight with myself, for not making it easy to decide if you’ve made a “good” film or a merely “okay” film. For now, Iraivi is a fascinating film, and that’s enough.
Sincerely, etc.
submitted by Existing-Area-9093 to kollywood [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:35 BorderlineMoana Friend doesn't want to divorce abusive husband. What else can she do legally?

I have a friend, muslim, 31 female who married a Hindu, 31 male during covid at Arya samaj against his parents wish. Her parents were supportive.
  1. The guy's family humiliated my friends family a lot and she was unable to take it so she didn't entertain their family for the longest time
  2. The first few years of the marriage were seemingly ok.
  3. Friend had a baby through IUI after 3 years of marriage. (He donated his sperm dunno why he was shocked when she got pregnant)
  4. The guys parents did not know they were married for over 3 years and the found out after she got pregnant and they immediately had a wedding reception for them. (There was hostility and hatred)
  5. Friend husband turned incredibly abusive, strangling her, kicking her when she was pregnant, cursing her, calling her names, locking her in the bathroom, forcing her to have sex and a hundred other things I don't have the energy to type. (She says she has no proof of the abuse except one or two photos)
  6. Friend moved to parents house for pregnancy and child birth.
  7. He is forcing her to come back to their house or move to his parents house and is picking up huge fights with her and her family. He tried to take the baby away on multiple occasions since she refused. He is blackmailing her.
  8. Now her family is blaming her that she married him of her own accord. She should bear the consequences.
Now the baby is 4 months old. She doesn't want to move back with him. She doesn't want to divorce him either. She doesn't want to file a police complaint. What are the best options she has? She has a WFH job that pays 40K per month.
submitted by BorderlineMoana to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:40 237SnK [Spoilers Extended] What I think will happen in Winds of Winter

This is what I think will happen and what I would like to happen in Winds of Winter.
Stannis wins, but loses almost all his forces and in Winterfell there are no resources left, so he is forced to return to the wall leaving a few men in Winterfell. Ramsey had sent the false pink letter to provoke Jon, because Stannis used Theon and the false Arya as bait, making Ramsey go out with a few men to capture them (against the orders of his father Roose). Ramsey wanted to provoke Jon to make him leave Castle Black (knowing that Jon was his Lord Commander) and thus turn the Night's Watch against him. Ramsey eventually captures Theon and the fake Arya, but on his way back he finds the castle taken by Stannis, so he flees to Dreadfort. Jon is dead, and Selysse, upon learning of the pink letter, proposes to Melissandre to burn Shireen in order to help Stannis, and she accepts. By burning Shireen, Jon is resurrected. A second letter arrives, and this one says that Stannis has taken Winterfell but that he must return to consolidate the supply line (since Winterfell has no supplies to feed the survivors of his army). Jon, upon learning what has happened, with the help of the wildlings and those still loyal to him in the guard, imprisons Selysse along with all those who were part of his murder.
However, Jon decides to let Melissandre escape knowing that Stannis would kill her for what she did, and he does so because as much as it disgusts him that she burned Shireen, there is a power in her or her Red God or whatever that may be necessary for the war against the Others. Stannis returns and learns what has happened from Jon's words (I think this would be a very good moment to see Stannis in a moment of great vulnerability, to see a man like him break). Stannis decides to execute Selysse, and Jon executes all those responsible for his murder. Jon proposes to Stannis to join him this time as Jon Stark (leaving everything related to the Watch, including the Hardhome issue) to save Arya along with the help of the wildlings. Stannis accepts, knowing that the girl Ramsey has is not really Arya, omitting the truth out of interest. This time the North joins Stannis' cause for Jon Stark, and they march to Dreadfort. The battle of the bastards occurs, Jon, Stannis and Mance Ryder win handsomely saving Theon and Jeyne Poole (Jon realizing it wasn't Arya). This is when the wall is destroyed or the Others have somehow gotten through (as by Eastwatch freezing the sea itself). Jon realizes that he abandoned his guard and his brothers for nothing. (At this point the Iron bank funding comes to Stannis, but I doubt very much that it would do much good. Maybe for a large fleet in White Harbor, which would serve to evacuate the north to the free cities).

Aegon conquers the Stormlands and marries Arianne Martell. The attempted coup of the Sand Snakes at King's Landing fails (Ser Robert Strong, the Mountain, protects Cersei and Tommen by killing the Sand Snakes). Dorne, the Stormlands and the golden company led by Aegon and Jon Connington invade Highgarden. Cersei asks Littlefinger for help in the Vale, and he accepts, but meanwhile Littlefinger agrees to an alliance with Aegon and swears allegiance to him if he makes him Warden of the East and Warden of the North through Sansa Stark, thus him marrying her (Robert Arryn dies in an “accident”). Aegon accepts because he knows about Stannis' advance in the North. Cersei opens the gates to the army of the Vale, and it sacks King's landing. Cersei talks to the pyromancer and tells him to burn the whole city while she plans to flee with Tommen. He obeys and begins the process. Then Arya (who has already had her development in Braavos) shows up and in some spectacular way from what she has learned in the Faceless Men kills the Mountain, and then Arya goes after Cersei and Tommen. Cersei begs Arya to spare Tommen's life, to kill her but not to kill Tommen. Arya then slowly kills Tommen in front of Cersei, and then kills her. The whole city starts to burn from the valyrian fire, but Arya escapes (She heard Cersei's orders she gave to the pyromancer being with another face, but she doesn't bother to stop him, she is totally indifferent about it). King's Landing ends up completely in ruins, exploding and burning everything and everyone who fails to escape. Aegon is left without capital and without an iron throne (Varys is also saved thanks to the secret passages).
Euron conquers Casterly Rock with the intention of plundering the gold and finds that there is nothing. In addition, Lady Stoneheart (Catelyn) kills Jaime in front of Brienne (who accepts because she swore to obey Catelyn, even knowing that Jaime had changed and still loving him, she does it out of honor). Catelyn leading the brotherhood without a banner kills and hunts down all the Freys, including Walder Frey, causing the riverlands to end in anarchy. Catelyn, for the intel she got from Jaime, goes to the westerlands to save Jeyne Westerling (Robb's Wife) in The Crag and Edmure on Casterly Rock (along the way she meets Brynden, the Blackfish). Once Catelyn saves Jeyne at The Craig she and her family tell her that they hid Robb's son in the riverlands, pretending that Jeyne had miscarried. She also learns that the Ironborn have captured Casterly Rock, where Edmure is. Catelyn is at the crossroads of going west to try to save her brother or going east to look for Robb's son.

Barristan Selmy meets Jorah and Tyrion, and initially Barristan wants to kill Jorah for bypassing the exile but Tyrion intervenes and they focus more on finding Daenerys. The three go on an expedition in search of Daenerys (leaving the Unsullied and the Second Sons in charge of Meereen). Daenerys is trapped in the Dosh Khaleen, and Jorah, Tyrion and Barristan end up finding out somehow, so they plan to save her (Jorah knows the city will be deserted). After they are gone, Victarion and his fleet arrive in Meereen, and Moqorro sounds the horn after making sacrifices to R'hllor (thus avoiding his own death). Moqorro gains control over Viserion and Rhaegal. The Ironborn take over Meereen with the help of the dragons, and Victarion, not finding Daenerys, tells Moqorro that two dragons are enough and that they should return to Westeros. Moqorro objects, and then performs a ritual in his flames that makes him see where Daenerys is. Victarion, Moqorro and the Ironborn make an expedition to go after Daenerys to Vaes Dothrak.
The Dothrakis realize that there is an army heading towards Vaes Dothrak, so all the Khals go there to protect their holy city. Jorah, Tyrion and Barristan at first find the city completely deserted, but when the Khals arrive everything fills up and they must flee and hide. Then the Ironborn arrive, led by Victarion. The Dothrakis charge the Ironborn, and then Moqorro uses the dragons and the dragons burn them. In the midst of the chaos, Jorah, Tyrion and Barristan manage to reach Daenerys along with the other Khaleesis, but Drogon appears. Daenerys controls Drogon as best she can (he isn't under Morroqo's influence), and tells Jorah, Tyrion and Barristan to run away. Drogon then burns Dosh Khaleen along with all the Khaleesis. This is a catastrophe for all the Dothrakis, but then among the flames Daenerys appears. The Dothrakis consider this a prophecy, so all the khals prostrate themselves before her and join her army. Moqorro, Victarion and Daenerys meet, and then Moqorro gives the horn to Daenerys. Victarion objects, but being surrounded by Dothrakis and now without power over the dragons, he decides not to exert force also at Moqorro's persuasion. Moqorro tells Daenerys that death is marching on Westeros, that the wall has fallen. It is then that Daenerys decides to leave with the Dothrakis, the Unsullied and the Ironborn with Victarion's fleet to Westeros (it may be that the Dothraki went overland to the free cities and then embarked from there).
So, this would be in summary what I think would happen without reaching the end and skipping many things. Daenerys would take many months to reach Westeros, she would stop by other slaver cities to feed her great army. Meanwhile, the North led by Stannis as King, Jon Stark as guardian of the North and Mance Ryder leading the wildlings, would have to organize a massive evacuation of the entire North to below the neck. Thousands of ravens would fly. Jon, Stannis and Mance would be on the front lines fighting Aegon's army, being the golden company, dorne, the knights of the valley, what's left of the stormlands and probably also part of the tyrell (who I assume would eventually surrender to Aegon). Stannis' conquest to the south would not so much be a war as a desperate flight, Aegon would not believe anything about the others and would see Stannis only as the brother of the man who killed his father. Aegon's army is much larger, has far more supplies (the north is in ruins) and his army of far, far higher quality (the golden company and the knights of the valley are some of the best). So I would guess that Stannis would lose against the Vale and would have to decide to maneuver to the twins (which are abandoned by the passing of Lady Stoneheart). The goal would not be to win battles, but to flee from the Others. It would be like what Mance Ryder did beyond the wall but all the way north to the south. (I assume at some point Daenerys would land at Dragonstone and fight Aegon, a marriage between them would no longer be viable) Something I forgot about: I assume Davos would eventually find Rickon with Osha. White Harbor would be the most important place to evacuate the north, sending as many refugees as possible to the free cities. Now, I don't quite know what would happen with Bran really. He might be a good point of view from which to see the mass evacuation of the north, with him fleeing to the south as well. I think that the advance of the others should take over all of Westeros and even advance towards Essos through the sea of stepstones but frozen. Let it be a real massive apocalyptic event.
submitted by 237SnK to asoiaf [link] [comments]
