Debt bankruptcy in airlines

Let's fight back against student loan debt servitude

2014.09.14 12:21 daiyuesen Let's fight back against student loan debt servitude

Student Loans Defaulters

2014.04.10 21:31 RicFeinberg Debt Relief Legal Group

Welcome to the Debt Relief Legal Group LLC website. We are one of the largest filers of bankruptcy cases in the state of Florida and have handled thousands of cases filed under chapter 7, 11 and 13 of the Bankruptcy Code. My name is Richard B. Feinberg Esq., and I am the managing partner of Debt Relief Legal Group.

2014.01.13 19:37 afarber Debt Management Tips

Debt Management Tips from Debt Solutions managers.

2024.06.01 15:10 Outrageous-Low-6495 Need help improving a credit score of 470

So my credit took a massive hit in the past 18 months due to divorce. Unfortunately this ended up with one 13,000 credit card being charged off as well as a 3000 dollar one. I have a few other small items in collections the amounts (250,300,1300) all personal loans. I absolutely have the income to get these smaller things paid off almost immediately. I’m very embarrassed and want to work toward a better future credit score. I’m a veteran and bring home VA benefits as well as having a good job where I make about 60k a year. I have wrote out all my debts and I am diligently working to pay off these debts as fast as possible. How quickly can I regain my credit score? I’d like to buy a house next year. I know for a fact I will never find myself in this position again. Also what do I do about these charge offs, I do not see them in my credit reports. My vehicle loan is being paid as well but that is the last debt I intend to pay off. There’s really no concern for bankruptcy or myself being able to pay these things off quickly, it’s just a time thing and I believe I can have almost everything besides my truck paid off by January 1.
submitted by Outrageous-Low-6495 to CRedit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:49 CarryUnlucky5784 Getting married and prepping for the seemingly inevitable

I've lived in Louisiana for 2 years now, but I'm from California.
To make a long story short, through some bad accidents and freak happenings, my family had to spend quite a bit of money to save my life. In addition to that, I had a car breakdown almost immediately and in a panic, I had to roll over a ton of negative equity for a different one (I now know that was a terrible decision, but the area I live is not walkable at all and given the nature of the new work I found, I was driving 400+ miles per week sometimes).
My family is asking I begin to pay them back, which I've started doing, but I also had to take out a personal loan in addition to my auto loan. My obligations all coming together are close to what I make, with food and household bills sometimes causing me to go over.
I'm feeling quite hopeless with the car and personal loan but had no other way as I now have obligations keeping me here with caring for family members. I also made a ton more in California, but my industry has suffered greatly and I struggle finding a role paying enough to justify moving back. That same industry is almost non-existent in Louisiana.
My girlfriend and I have both expressed interest in marriage and I spoke with an attorney who stated that we could keep my individual bankruptcy separate from her if I wished to and marriage would still help the means test greatly given that my girlfriend doesn't make much.
She's understanding of my situation and we both want to get married greatly with no need for a fancy wedding, only the bond itself.
I was offered the ability to settle on my car for 22k and personal loan for 12k. The payments on those are 750 and 480 respectively.
Settling in these would necessitate I completely clean house of the antiques and heirlooms owned by my grandparents, obliterate my savings, and possibly have take out more debt. Additionally, I'd only be able to settle on one if it's possible to settle.
I'm completely unsure of any other options, but I'd like to know how best to soften the landing if bankruptcy proves to be the only option. I'd also love to know what the community would do in my situation.
Tl:Dr My credit balance is rising higher and higher from my obligations due to emergencies a while ago, I make less than half of what I made years ago, my girlfriend wants to get married and doesn't mind my situation, my attorney says marriage is a good idea as it will help with the means test given what we both make and I can still be the only one to go bankrupt, I can settle my car OR personal loan to ease my budget for more than what I currently have saved.
submitted by CarryUnlucky5784 to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:24 whattheduck0_0 Looking for recommendations for a bankruptcy lawyer

Due to unfortunate circumstances with my spouse having health issues and being unable to work, we've wracked up credit card debt that we just can't get ahead on. Does anyone have any recs for a good bankruptcy lawyer? Thank you in advance.
submitted by whattheduck0_0 to StLouis [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:48 IllFeature3952 This quote “I wish everyone should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer” feels like the only truest thing ever

I’m 28M, I think I’ve seen some hardships for my age. I saw my family losing all money and house because of relatives’ stab in the back, I went from irresponsible 20 yr old to becoming so responsible I was sleeping only 3 or 4 hrs everyday for 2 years and it spoiled my health so much that I was afraid I was not going to make it for very long. And had to go through ADHD for next couple of years and got out of that in silence by myself, without telling anyone. I have seen effects of debt, got my family out of bankruptcy and bought them a house recently, after so much hard work. In the process I had to let go the only love of my life for over 6 years, ghosted her and asked her to look after her life because of religion, caste and social status problems(I’m from India and caste is a major problem here, it might even get you and your parents killed). This is the greatest regret of my life and it hurts everyday.
At every stage in my years of hardship, I always thought, If I get more money, switch career, leave the town or something and the problem will be over. That’s not true at all. At every stage no matter what you are, something new keeps coming. And I slide right into the regular imagination, childhoods were awesome, wish I was a low salary employee again, life was so simple. And I know that’s not practical at all.
How did you people in the 30s, 40s, 50s and above handle this realisation? I know all of you have gone through more hardships, what are your thoughts now? Any advice or anything you’d give someone like me?
P.s: Before someone thinks I’m disturbed and feel bad for me. I’m totally normal, I’m just wondering how to deal with all these as a man and just seeking wisdom from people who have seen it all.
submitted by IllFeature3952 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:12 These_Pineapple8447 Student Loan Bankruptcy

I am looking for student loan advice for federal and private student loans. I have included my original and current balance and payment plans below. I make over $100,000 with my current career which means I do not qualify for claiming student loan interest on my taxes anymore. I have been paying on my loans for over 10 years and have already paid more than what was originally taken out for my education. I was an out-of-state student which increased my tuition for my undergraduate and 2 masters degrees. My co-signer on all of my private loans passed away last year and I am looking for options on how to handle the debt to plan for my future as I recently turned 32. I am looking to see if there are any non-profit companies that offer support or help negotiate loans to get rid of them. I have rarely missed a loan payment and made payments all through COVID to try and help pay down the balance.
Original Balance Federal: $190,000 Private: $54,400
Current Balance Federal: $315,000 Private: $81,000 (interest rates in these loans have recently ballooned to +15% on the loans)
Current Payments Federal: $383 per month on IBR repayment plan. Private: $1,020 per month on interest only payments. Standard payment options increased payment to $3,000 per month.
I wish there would have been better resources when I was in school about 15 years ago. Student loan debt is not something that is easy to understand and I have not found much luck with support from any of the loan companies servicing the loans.
The other option i have been considering is bankruptcy.
submitted by These_Pineapple8447 to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:19 Anothersadwife Husband still keeps lying after 20 years.

I need some real advice here. This will be kind of long, stay with me if you can. I don’t think I’m overreacting but my spouse continues to gaslight me- and when I say that, I think our picture is in the dang dictionary next to the definition. I feel so gosh darn dumb. If you saw my previous posts at all, I’ve had issues with him pretty much our whole marriage about 20 years. Mostly revolving around money. He spends a lot and doesn’t tell me. Then does things like takes out 401k loans or way back in the day he had payday loans all over town. I’ve always been able to figure it out and clean it up. In December he lost his job, he had a 6 figure income and admittedly we were living beyond our means. We have a large amount of debt (around 50k). When he got fired he told me that due to his contract he isn’t vested and some weird clause in the contract made us have to pay taxes on the whole amount. So we now have a loan with a $500/month payment. Between his new job and me going full time, we are making about 3/4 what he was making. So I’m scarping by, barely able to buy groceries but we’re making it. Last week, I found out he was drinking in private. I tried to approach the situation and he shrugged it off, said “it’s not like I do it all the time” but I’ve had that lingering feeling of being lied to. He had hid it in a Mountain Dew bottle and was drinking it while I was driving without my knowledge. He also had to work within about 3 hours of that so I’m annoyed he is risking another job. I’ve been trying to figure out how to handle the situation. We have 2 kids and anytime I try to talk about anything with him, he gets loud and then the kids get upset. I’m trying to be a reasonable person and good mom but if I didn’t have kids I’d be long gone. About a month ago, some of his mail showed up at my brothers house (where we stayed temporarily) when he opened it in front of me, he said it was junk. Well another envelope from that company showed up today so I opened it. It’s for a insurance claim over a quad- that I don’t even know about. I remember about a year or longer ago, he got a card in the mail thanking him for buying this quad and when I approached him, he convinced me that I was crazy and he didn’t buy no quad. Anyone else feeling the trend yet!? I can’t trust him for anything, hes quite awful to my youngest son who has adhd. But financially, I think I’ll have to file bankruptcy if I leave him. And my kids will hate me. Not him- me! It’s not fair, I’m not the one lying and hiding things but I’m in constant stress. Please give some guidance if you have any. I’m literally lost on being selfish and giving up on him vs staying until my kids are out of the house.
submitted by Anothersadwife to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:19 leelagame Felony Theft Charge Even though this individual got his money back.

Here it goes, I have had a very complex bankruptcy case. Part of the case I needed to refund people who paid money for a contract to start construction work. All customers where paid back and signed documentation that its all free and clear.
One customer in particular wanted 15k over the refund about. His refund was $30,400 He did file a criminal complaint then after he received the money the complaint was removed. The refund did not come from my account but another person's account that paid the debt.
I refunded to them in December of 2023
Yesterday I was arrested for a warrant for felony theft related to this customer.
I have not gotten my discovery paperwork yet, but I told the DA he was refunded he told me that it didn't matter.
This is a serious aligation for me, I know that the DA will need to prove that a crime was committed.
Can a DA still file charges even though I have a contract that says it releases against all clames?
I do not have any prior history or other prior charges.
submitted by leelagame to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:59 Exotic_Buffalo_2371 Owe $23-25k, Thats My Net In A Year

As a precursor, I want to say that I’m 95% certain that I have either autism or asbergers though never diagnosed.
Like the title says, I owe somewhere between $20-$25k, with $23-25 being my realistic best guesstimate. I barely make $30k a year gross, more like my actual net in a year in debt. I’ve fought this for years, and gotten within a few grand just to lose jobs, and have it spiral back out of control again.
I’ve havent been debt free since early 2019, slowly keeps just getting worse and worse. I finally had to break down and accept help for food stamps so I wouldn’t starve to death. This last time, (3 week stint), I ate a total of 6-7 times, not times per day, 6-7 times total in 3 weeks. I had to call my father so I wouldn’t pass away from malnutrion.
I have job experience as a waiteserver, food delivery, warehousing, clean health care pill bottle plants, John Deere world headquarters, janitor, you name almost any every level job, and I’ve probably done it or 90%+ of them.
I’m lost on how to get out debt. Probably be way easier if I could get a work from home job, but I’ve never gotten that chance. I used to work 70+ hours a week, and it burned me out to the point I did collapse a couple times though I don’t tell people that.
My uncle is a very vey rich man, I’ve tried to ask for for help and his answer is to make it on my own. Clearly, I haven’t been and I doubt that I’m capable of such :( I’ve even asked for just food help and he doesn’t want to.
What should I do guys? The last several years I was working pizza delivery, I was making abut $650-$1000 per week, but a good $175-$200 of that was going to gas, then minus taxes on top of that. All of a sudden, that $30-$37k, shrinks rapidly.
I used to want to fix this I really did, I feel like I’m in a impossible spiraling black hole of debt. No matter how much extra power I find to throw at this to try to correct the path I keep getting sucked back in & into the dark void. I really don’t want to end things, but is reached a point where it might come to it. In addition to being in debt, I also have 2 payday loans I owe a grand on,I had spoke to a manager tried asking them to forgive the loan since I’ve already paid over 300% or 3x initial amount borrowed, and they kept cycling back to “well you agreed to the terms” yes, I did, but it’s created the black hole of debt and they laughed when I tried to first ask them, then played hardball with them and said I don’t have to pay this I could just go through bankruptcy again when eligible.
Oh I also owe like $3000 from 2020 taxes never paid, and I almost went to jail for 3 months for failure to register my vehicle that I’ve since sold to get by… I almost went to jail because I’m so poor…
I’ve got three options: 1-Ask my millionaire uncle whose son SA’d me 20+ times growing up for help but I’ve tried in the past and his answer has been no, 2-I work 3 jobs if I can even get hired to that many, at 80+ hours a week & work until I pass away from exhaustion 3-I just give up and call it a life.
I read all these stories about people getting out of worse, but most of them seem to make double or more what I do. I kinda barely make enough to cover the interest payments. I’m so lost I think I may just give up this time 😭 ,
submitted by Exotic_Buffalo_2371 to Debt [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 00:02 AnythingFar1505 University has been withholding my degree replacement and transcripts for 14 years

I received OSAP funding of $56,000 while attending University. They paid the full amount of my tuition and I graduated with no amount owing in 2010.
In 2015 I lost my physical diploma and requested a replacement. I was denied a replacement diploma or access to my personal transcripts because of a $3,000 debt that had been sent to a collection agency without notifying me. They did not explain where the debt originated. The collection agency itself had no record. I paid the University the amount claimed in the form of a check, which they did not cash. I called OSAP and confirmed that they had paid all requested tuition and fees directly. There should not be an amount owing as far as they knew.
Despite paying the amount twice and recently declaring bankruptcy on the outstanding balance of the loan, the University has refused to release my transcripts.
I was asked to visit the office of the registrar in person and show my ID. I did so. It is a 4.5 hour commute to my Alma Mater, where I was told to send an e-mail to the person who told me to come in person. I've now been through this exact same process at least 7 times.
What legal options do I have in this situation? Can they legally withhold my diploma and transcripts? Can I take legal action to obtain them? Can they claim I owe an amount and refuse to tell me what it is for? Can they continue to claim an amount owing after a bankruptcy?
Do I honestly have to sue a University in small claims court just to get a copy of my B-level humanities diploma? Or is there any civil way to get them to give it up?
Please don't suggest paying them off and letting them shake me down. For one thing I've already tried it and it didn't help. For another thing I wouldn't be so desperate to obtain my transcripts if I wasn't flat broke and desperate for a job.
I'm trying to do the right thing but...this is crazy.
submitted by AnythingFar1505 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:33 Korkio Builder stole my money and then filed for bankruptcy. Is there any way to get my money back?

This is a long and involved story, but I'll do my best to keep it short. I am in Oklahoma.
5 years ago I hired a builder to build a house for me. I couldn't fund the whole thing, so we wrote up a contract for him to build it on land he bought and then sell it to me. I paid a $45k down payment. Half way through he abandoned the project. I sued him for violating the contract and won a judgement lien on the property plus any property he owns for my down payment, legal fees, and accruing interest, totaling about $85k by the time it was done. The property went into foreclosure and it didn't sell for more than his loan on it, so the bank got all the money.
The builder filed for divorce before my lien went through, and his ex got ownership of their personal property. Multiple clients of his sued him for similar issues with their houses and won. During one of those cases, the builder was caught transferring property to his parents so it couldn't be used to pay his debts. About a year and a half ago, the builder filed for bankruptcy, but never named his debt to me in the bankruptcy as far as I know (I never got a notice of the bankruptcy, but other people that had lawsuits against him were notified, which is how I found out). My real estate lawyer that handled the initial lawsuit said there's nothing I can do at this point.
Do I really have no way to get my money back? Is the debt really cancelled even though I never got a chance to make my case during his bankruptcy filing? I'm happy to contact a lawyer if there's a chance I have some kind of case here, but I can't afford to pay a lawyer just to look into it if I'm not going to get my money back. The builder is out there living the high life, driving expensive cars and putting all of his new properties into his girlfriend's name, while I'm stuck over here just trying to make ends meet. Help!
submitted by Korkio to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:56 Next_Cover Consumer Proposal Acceptance Rate/Creditor Meeting

Hi there,
Going through a rough patch financially (lost my job a while ago - I do have one now) and I contacted a LIT to do a CP. I have approx. $40k in debts and we'll ask for approx. $20-21k ($350/375 per month) and see if it's accepted. BMO is the majority holder.
  1. Do creditors usually request a creditor meeting for $40k in debts?
  2. Does BMO (Bankruptcy Highway) usually reject CPs or question transactions made before the CP? I had to do a cash advance to pay for my rent and bills unfortunately...
I already have a budget set up so really hopefully it goes through.
submitted by Next_Cover to povertyfinancecanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:03 valeri0_ What happens after a court order?

Hello, I hope I might get some help here regarding the law procedure in Switzerland because I don’t know where else to ask except paying at least 100 CHF for a legal advice.
I was robbed around a year ago and I reported it to the police. The thieves were caught soon (a big shout-out to the Swiss police) and it became evident that I was not the only one who they robbed. The thieves had a trial in the meantime, were convicted and also ordered to pay me for the value of my stolen items (a big shout-out to the Swiss courts).
Now, I am interested in what happens after the court order which happened a few weeks ago. Out of two thieves, one is in prison, while another one is in Spain and is banned to enter Switzerland. Will the court ensure that I get paid, or do I have to go through a certain procedure? I found but I am not sure it is the right approach.
Would you be able to provide me some suggestions, please?
PS I am on a way of getting legal insurance, but it cannot be valid for this case
EDIT: The exact wordings are the following: “Der Beschuldigte wird unter solidarischer Haftung mit allfälligen haftpflichtigen Mittätern / Mittäterinnen verpflichtet, dem xxx, Schadenersatz in Höhe von Fr. 1530.- zzgl. Zins von 5% seit dem 13. März 2023 zu bezahlen”
submitted by valeri0_ to Switzerland [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:46 SaggyGuy84 My Bank Mortgage Lender Messed Up My FHA Loan

We are 2.5 years out of bankruptcy. We apply for an FHA loan, get pre-approved. I tell the mortgage officer at the bank that in our bankruptcy we have a car that we did not reaffirm but just make monthly to monthly payments. I tell him the amount, and he says no big deal. If I needed to would voluntarily surrender that back? I said sure but he says don’t worry it probably won’t come to that.
So we find the house, put money in escrow, pay for inspections, appraisals, all good. The loan officer says FHA is worried that car payment they saw in my bank statements puts me over the credit to debt ratio they require. I ask how because he said at the beginning it wouldn’t. He said he made a mistake and approved us using my wife’s 1099 BEFORE her schedule C and FHA looks at it after all the tax write offs. He claims “he forgot” so for a loan for this size with that extra car payment we are over the debt to credit limit. I said if necessary I will turn the vehicle over, he said FHA won’t accept that. He said unless I can pay it off completely, FHA is turning down my loan. This is 6 days before closing.
He had ALL of this info months ago. Before we spent a dime and told the seller. On top of that, we are scheduled to move out where we rent from and they already rented the place end of next month.
Is he just incompetent? I am under no legal obligation to pay my car. I can get out of it today if I wanted. Do I have any options or did my lender screw us?
submitted by SaggyGuy84 to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:28 DISANews Student loan servicer illegally collecting on debt that was discharged in bankruptcy, CFPB alleges

submitted by DISANews to StonkFeed [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:02 onerm Stand with Mike Against Financial Crisis

Hello, my name is Linda and I am creating this campaign for a dear friend who is experiencing serious impossible financial problems. He is almost 70 years old, a hard worker who finds himself in this place due to increasing taxes, unpayable loans, an error in securing a loan and a business monopoly over taking small business. Here is Mike’s story:
In 2006 Mike purchased a hardware business in a small town in Northern Indiana that had been in business for 90 years. The store was built in 1910, a spectacular, 3 story, brick and limestone building, built as a hardware store. It had ceiling to floor cabinets with rolling ladders. The integrity of the store had been maintained over the years. After building a home near the town, he decided to purchase the business as a vehicle to retirement. His home was paid off, so he was set up well to begin this business venture, He wanted to work hard, live his passion, have fun and make money. For three years business prospered. Bills were paid within the window to maintain excellent credit and discounted supplies. A secure back stock was being created.
Soon after 2008, the housing bubble burst and the financial sector found itself in a downturn. Mike found his business declining. Although bills were being paid within 30 days, his routine of money disbursement was disrupted. The cash flow and regular customers just weren’t there. The suppliers demanded immediate payment which Mike could not secure, so he was cut off from purchasing any additional stock. Attempted remedies over the next few years were numerous.
Initially, Mike stayed liquid by selling back stock. However, with two other hardware stores in town, all selling the same inventory, Mike decided to switch his focus to hunting and fishing. Immediately, this provided a great income and a myriad of interested customers. So good that it caught the attention of a big box store which soon opened at a nearby interstate exchange with prominent visibility. This store opened with a huge, well stocked hunting and fishing department which undercut Mike's prices due to purchasing power. Once loyal customers left to support the big box store.
Mike attempted to sell the business, and to sell the building but to no avail. Prior to bank foreclosure which occurred in 2015, he went to the bank to attempt resolution. Originally purchasing inventory using the equity in his home. Mike had very small second mortgage for running capital. He inadvertently used his home as a guarantee on the building loan, over and above the security of the building itself. This was built into the building mortgage. Since a new big box store opened in town, he could no longer cover building payments. He went to the bank to try a deed in lieu of foreclosure. They declined. At foreclosure the building was put up for auction and the bank was the only bidder, they purchased the building far under market price.
Moving forward to 2024, Mike still owes three loans. Mortgages on his home, second mortgage which was paid off by a friend, but money is still owed to that person and a third mortgage for balance of building mortgage which is currently in default. This business failure leaves a deficit of $191,000. With increasing taxes and other financial commitments, his current income from Social Security cannot cover payments. If he sells his home and contents, which the bank has attached, he will not only be homeless, but will still be in debt to the bank.
As you have concluded while you read the above, Mike has attempted to pay off his debts. Due to no fault of his own, big business and the banking industry made resolving this issue an impossible task. Mike has always been a hardworking, dependable citizen. Unfortunately, this made no difference in the end. Bankruptcy is not an option since you cannot file on a second mortgage which if he could would still result in homelessness and debt. As he continues to age and the debt increases, with time, he finds himself in a no win situation. Honestly, he was only trying to contribute to his community through small business. Once again, a local guy and a local business is penalized by a larger syndicate. I hope you can help him in some way. Your support to his cause will help him financially and emotionally. This venture has left permanent scars. Thank you very much for your consideration.
submitted by onerm to gofundme4everyone [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:58 Smooth-br_ain Company screwed me over on compensation + taxes

I work in a sales capacity for a company that pays barely enough for where i live. On top of that i have a lot of medical expenses that our company/insurance company won’t cover and these medical expenses are life saving and not optional for me so I end up paying most of my disposable income out of pocket for healthcare. I’ve been able to make things work on a paycheck to paycheck basis for a while able to squirrel away a little bit of money each month. The first kick in the gut from them was the way they structured my meager commission. The way they have it set up and taxed means that barely any money is taken out in taxes every time I get this commission meaning I ended up owing thousands of dollars between state and federal this year which decimated what savings I had. I’ve been trying to save back up what I lost and prepare myself for the massive tax bill next year, and this month I didn’t get a commission check. I ask around and it turns out they restructured out commission plans without telling us, retroactively clawed back money they said I owed them from the restructured commission, and now I’m IN DEBT to my company and they’re cannibalizing my commission until I’m out of “debt” This is also the same company that uses a travel platform that scrapes our airline points so we don’t even get those anymore. I’m so beyond frustrated but since my industry is experiencing a recession right now there’s literally nothing I can do about it. I got a job offer from a friend for a lot more money but I’d have to pack up my life and move cross country which I cannot afford to do nor do I want to be uprooted from my community. I dont really know what to do they’re really kicking us while we’re down. The big kicker is that we made a PROFIT last year. How much do our investors really need 🤦‍♀️
submitted by Smooth-br_ain to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:26 Existing-Battle-3366 [OH] Simmons response time

[OH] I received a summons regarding a credit card debt that is not paid. I live in Ohio. It says I have 28 days to respond. The wording is a bit confusing regarding when that 28 days starts. The letter was mailed on 5/22/24 but I didn’t pick it up from the post office until 5/30/24 as they left me a “we attempted to reach you” letter dated 5/24/24 in the mail box for me to pick it up. No one tried to drop it off to the door as I have a Ring camera. It says it required a signature but they simply left the pick-up at the post office note in the mailbox so I was not aware. What date do I have until I have to respond to this? I am attempting to file bankruptcy but my consultation is not for a few weeks so I am trying to postpone the summons response until I meet with the bankruptcy lawyer.
submitted by Existing-Battle-3366 to AskLawyers [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:25 Existing-Battle-3366 Summons response time

I received a summons regarding a credit card debt that is not paid. I live in Ohio. It says I have 28 days to respond. The wording is a bit confusing regarding when that 28 days starts. The letter was mailed on 5/22/24 but I didn’t pick it up from the post office until 5/30/24 as they left me a “we attempted to reach you” letter dated 5/24/24 in the mail box for me to pick it up. No one tried to drop it off to the door as I have a Ring camera. It says it required a signature but they simply left the pick-up at the post office note in the mailbox so I was not aware. What date do I have until I have to respond to this? I am attempting to file bankruptcy but my consultation is not for a few weeks so I am trying to postpone the summons response until I meet with the bankruptcy lawyer.
submitted by Existing-Battle-3366 to CRedit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:24 Existing-Battle-3366 Summons response time

I received a summons regarding a credit card debt that is not paid. I live in Ohio. It says I have 28 days to respond. The wording is a bit confusing regarding when that 28 days starts. The letter was mailed on 5/22/24 but I didn’t pick it up from the post office until 5/30/24 as they left me a “we attempted to reach you” letter dated 5/24/24 in the mail box for me to pick it up. No one tried to drop it off to the door as I have a Ring camera. It says it required a signature but they simply left the pick-up at the post office note in the mailbox so I was not aware. What date do I have until I have to respond to this? I am attempting to file bankruptcy but my consultation is not for a few weeks so I am trying to postpone the summons response until I meet with the bankruptcy lawyer.
submitted by Existing-Battle-3366 to Debt [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:24 DefiantEvidence4027 CU’s Shilo Sanders, Son Of Deion, Files For Bankruptcy; The debt stems from 2016, when a former Security Guard at Triple A Academy in Dallas, Texas, filed a lawsuit against Sanders

CU’s Shilo Sanders, Son Of Deion, Files For Bankruptcy; The debt stems from 2016, when a former Security Guard at Triple A Academy in Dallas, Texas, filed a lawsuit against Sanders
Colorado defensive back Shilo Sanders, son of former NFL cornerback Deion Sanders, is $11 million in debt and filed for bankruptcy in 2023. The petition for relief, which was filed under Chapter 7 of the bankruptcy code, states that Sanders’ debt stems from a civil trial in Texas. The filing also illustrates that Sanders’ assets were valued at $420,000; however, that figure was revised down to $320,000 in December. The debt stems from 2016, when a former Security Guard at Triple A Academy in Dallas, Texas, filed a lawsuit against Sanders and his family. The lawsuit alleges that Sanders assaulted the Security Guard, John Darjean, by slamming his elbow in Darjean’s chest and hospitalizing him. Sanders’ family would later be dropped from the suit after winning a summary judgment, with the player’s lawyer also withdrawing from the case. The 24-year-old failed to update his mailing information and, therefore, was unable to be notified of a new trial date for the case. Sanders also had no representation present at the trial, prompting the court to enter a default judgment and award Darjean $11.89 million.
submitted by DefiantEvidence4027 to Secguards [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:58 Own-Umpire-9736 Estranged Husband in serious debt (England)

I’m looking for some legal advice.
I separated from my husband in 2019. Filed for divorce in 2021 but he didn’t sign. Funds were tight so I didn’t involve a solicitor. When he didn’t sign, the next step forms were quite complicated and I never got round to pursuing it. Plus I was still living in the family home with our kids (one of them under 18). My plan was to wait until the end of the mortgage term when our youngest would be 19 but at least they would have some stability with living arrangements while they were going through exams.
Additionally, we used to run a business together. When we separated in 2019 he removed me as a director and I found employment elsewhere and tried to rebuild my life. My income reduced enormously.
Recently the business has failed and I have my ex’s creditors contacting me looking for him. I’ve had them turn up in person, telephone calls from my prior involvement with the business, letters turning up daily for him clearly from unpaid finance. Some of them are not reputable companies and are threatening me with bankruptcy.
We have equity in the house, my question is, can his creditors come after him for the full equity? I assume they can force the sale of my house. Is any of my equity safely mine?
I’ve restarted the original divorce proceedings and hope he will sign this time. If he doesn’t, I need to cancel the first application and pay another £600 for a new one that is (I think) far more simple and doesn’t require his signature.
To clarify, at the moment we are not legally separated.
I have no idea of the extent of his debts and whether I will be liable for them as his legal spouse. I’ve already received a court summons for something that was in our joint names in 2021 that he didn’t pay.
He rarely answers his phone even to our 4 children. He reads my messages but doesn’t respond or says he’s going to call back but doesn’t. He’s living with his new girlfriend but won’t share her address. He isn’t answering any of his creditors.
I accept that I have a lot more shit coming my way and would be grateful to know just how bad it might be.
submitted by Own-Umpire-9736 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:58 silly_willy1234 Boards and Commissions, How to Join?

Hey Yall,
I was doing some research about the city and the surrounding areas. There are a lot of Bad(Mile Island, Bankruptcy) and good times(Formation of the senators, PA Farm Show Complex, Pride Festival, and Broad Street Market/Strawberry Square) in history in Harrisburg that I saw. But a lot of good has sprouted since the city’s paid off its debt last year. There’s more of a surplus to reinvest in broad market, more plans for AH, and more(Water, Education, Engineering). I know I am new to the city but does anyone know potentially if I can join a commission or board at the age of 22? I got a lot of experience working with municipalities in my finance line of work and would love to actually be apart of the growth of the city then sitting on the coach all day.
submitted by silly_willy1234 to Harrisburg [link] [comments]