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2024.05.06 20:11 Michtrk Robert Alphonso Taft and most important international events 1949-1952

Robert Alphonso Taft and most important international events 1949-1952
In this article we will focus on Robert Alphonso Taft and the major international events of 1949-1952. More detailed history of countries will be provided later. Current plan is: Europe 1949-52, Middle East and Indian subcondinent 44-52, Japan and southeast Asia 1946-1952, Rest of the World (brief) 44-52 (not much changes)... then we will go to another era from 1953 to 1963 (we already did Cuba).
American internal politics 1946-1952
Truman (1944-1948)
Long and exhausting war against Japan. Despite unquestionable support for the war effort, criticism of usage of nuclear weapons emerged from the left (other American war crimes remained secretly covered up). In 1946 a great wave of unemployment came, connected with large labour strikes (1946-1947 strike wave). Another labour strike started as a response to intervention in China, which was perceived very negatively by the public. 1946 midterms gave Republicans control over Congress headed by Taft, who became the most prominent opponent of Truman. Staunch conservative Taft attacked both Truman’s progressive policies and interventionism. In response to strikes Taft created the infamous Taft–Hartley Act in 1947, that heavily restricted work of the unions. Truman tried to veto it, but Congress overridden it. Taft’s Congress also passed Amendment XXII in 1947, not allowing more than two presidential terms (abolished later by MacArthur). Taft also successfully undermined several progressive policies and introduced major tax cuts (again Truman tried to stop it). In November 1947 Taft strongly criticised Truman for China and aggressive foreign policy, he also opposed extend of the Marshall plan, TATO and also American membership in the UN, Taft declared his desire to seek Republican nomination.
In 1948 Truman introduced his policies continuing Roosevelt’s New Deal as the Fair Deal. In 1948 US federal institutions and the US military were desegregated by Truman. Already during 1946 the Second Red Scare started, the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) led by McCarthy gained prominence, in 1947 first hearing of Hollywood suspects. Suspected socialists were purged from unions. “Temporary Commission on Employee Loyalty” was also established by Truman to purge the federal administration of suspected communists. In 1947 US military and intelligence were reorganised, and the CIA formed.
Taft running on conservative (balanced budget, limited spending, pro-business policies and tax cuts, ending of majority of the New Deal social policies, but supported national housing and slum clearance) non-interventionist (retreat from China, non-involvement in Europe, opposing TATO, cutting Marshall plan) platform. Truman is Truman – anti-communist liberalism, interventionism, New Deal progressive policies. Split of Democrats: Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond (racism “state rights”, segregation) and Progressive Wallace (normalisation of relations with USSR, end to anti-communism, “radical” New Deal policies). Wikibox is of course accurate and Taft is elected president.
Taft (1949-1953)
In this part we will focus only on domestic policies of Taft. The international significance of Taft is massive, it forms probably the single biggest shift in international relations in this timeline compared to our reality during these years and he basically did a great job for the Soviets to win the Cold War.
Taft’s domestic policies can be easily predicted from his leadership of conservative-led Congress, turning away from the New Deal and Keynesian economics back to free market capitalism. New Deal social programs were abolished. Taft’s America will be somehow an anomaly compared to other countries going in the direction of Keynesian post-war consensus. Before 1950 mid-terms, when Congress and House were lost to the “Liberal Coalition” (liberal Republicans and Democrats) Taft enjoyed support of both. In 1949 his only progressive initiative Housing Act of 1949 was passed – construction of low-income housing, slum clearance. However, between 1949-1950 the US had housing problems, as rents rose on average by 30% as rent regulations were abolished. Also, other forms of price controls dropped in 1949, this resulted in massive increase in prices, on paper providing economic growth and considered successful. These policies led to dissatisfaction of the working class, however due to strong anti-union laws and anticommunism in society, their protests were met only with negative reaction. Another policy of the Taft presidency was rising tariffs to favour domestic industry and impose limits on immigration. Taft attempted to gain southern votes for Republicans in 1950 by implementing a proto-southern strategy. Other notable would be creation of the Wiley Committee dealing with organised crime (in our reality Kefauver Committee).
Taft was a strong anti-communist, don’t be fooled with his non-intervention. According to Taft: “True dangers of communism don't come from Moscow, but from the big government in Washington D.C.” Red Scare continues, Hollywood witch hunt starts. Senator Joseph McCarthy quickly gets national prominence. After signing the Peace Treaty with Germany McCarthy, who already criticised Taft’s foreign policy, openly attacked the president in June 1950. Allegedly his administration is infiltrated by communists. Taft calls McCarthy a “demagogic lunatic” in response. This creates rift among Republicans, and the majority of them condemn McCarthy, and he is basically shut down. This however makes him even more prominent and popular within the media and population, and he continues to claim that several Republican and Democratic figures are communist sympathisers, citing Republicans turning against him as further proof. McCarthy is touring the country, writing articles, and appearing on radio and wanting to “take the Republican Party back from traitors.” Meanwhile, Taft administration continues with hardline anti-communist policy with McCarran Act of 1950 (forced registration of all members of communist organisations, make possible their detention and barred them from entering US) and Walter Act of 1952 that banned all communist organisations, public hysteria is fuelled further by Rosenberg trial and Mao’s victory in China (1951).
Despite being a rather popular president during his first year, since 1950 Taft’s approval ratings go rapidly downhill, crashing in 1951. After 1951 even former Taft’s staunch supporters – big business – started to look to other horses to back. Taft becomes one of the most disliked incumbent and non-intervention is discredited. Majority of Republicans and Party bosses that backed Taft in 1950, changed their position and distanced themselves from him, in order to prevent the GOP from getting completely destroyed by Democrats in the 1952 election. During this pressure Taft retreats from the hardline isolationist stance and presents “New Foreign Policy Doctrine,” however it is not met with positive response and instead mocked as “late sobering up.”
We still didn’t meet Taft’s biggest hater – Douglas MacArthur. Already in his speech before Congress in May 1949 he attacked Taft’s policy. MacArthur toured America from 1950, visiting big cities, but also small rural towns. Speaking about war, communism, rebuilding of Japan and most importantly attacking the president as a coward. MacArthur pushed a variation of “stab in the back” narrative about China and the rise of communism. In 1951 MacArthur announced he wanted to challenge Taft for the Republican nomination. Already at the beginning he gained support of a large part of the GOP, which feared Taft’s defeat and popular general seemed like a great choice for replacement. As MacArthur adopted McCarthyistic talking points, he also gained his endorsement (many speculated about McCarthy’s own candidature) and both men appeared several times together.
1952 Republican primaries were dominated by MacArthur (3 June 1952), he was not only Taf’s adversary second one was liberal Republican Earl Warren, who strongly opposed both men. It marked the first time an incumbent president lost primaries. This was the largest humiliation Taft had to face. The visibly sad president congratulated the general at the GOP convention and announced that he will retire from politics after his term ends. What historians went to describe as “MacArthur mania” captured the year 1952 in the USA, he was everywhere, and everyone talked about him. Majority of people supported him as a respected war hero, who seems to have point, however the (largely decimated) left strongly warned about him and called him a danger to democracy. Similar position was adopted by President Taft, who stated that “Despite the fact that I have been a proud Republican my whole life, I cannot endorse Douglas MacArthur for President. Man, who wants to enable the rise of a dangerous demagogue without any strong political experience to one of the most prominent positions in this country, I am speaking of Senator Joseph McCarthy, poses a threat to the American values of individual freedom of individual.” The MacArthur campaign also adopted catchy slogans “Mac is back” and “I Back Mac.” MacArthur also gained important support of the working class dissatisfied with free market policies. In November 1952 MacArthur was elected president.
Taft Conciliation 1949-1952
“Taft Conciliation” (also as the British-American Split or the Taft’s Retreat. Conciliation used mostly in socialist bloc, retreat in USA and split in UK) refers to the period of the Cold War, when tensions greatly reduced, occupation of Axis powers and post-WW2 conflicts ended. It completely changed the course of international relations: (Without Taft there would be: Very long China war, Vietnam war, Divided Germany, No French revolution…etc). Let’s first speak about more general issues. Japan will be addressed separately.
TATO – Taft wanted to completely withdraw from TATO, however this motion issued to Congress in August 1949 was rejected, despite conservative majority. Despite this, American withdrawal from Alliance leadership positions and President Robert Taft several times publicly states that the United States will not intervene in any wars TATO may be involved in. Leadership of Alliance shifted to London. British and other members saw this as a betrayal. The Soviets welcomed this move as a significant reduction of tensions. TATO continued to function on paper, but due to the American stance it was almost dysfunctional. American troops withdrew from Europe in 1950.
Marshall Plan and American loans – Taft viewed this as large government spending that has to reason, in 1950 the European Recovery Program was significantly cut off by 50%. Several special promised loans were either cancelled or put on high interest rates to be more profitable for the US, countries were also obliged to use American money only to buy American products. The UK managed to secure better terms, however far from what they had with Truman. Military aid was cut off completely.
Soviet-American Relations – Improvement. Another important document that came out of the Geneva Conference was the Four Powers Treaty of 9th May 1950 (UK, USA, USSR, France) in which all countries agreed to solve all diplomatic disputes amongst themselves by diplomatic means. Post 1950 the US and USSR did not have many relations and communication amongst each other. Despite Soviet pressures, Taft refused to speak about Greenland.
Unification of Germany
Taft changed the policy completely on Germany. He was a man that, both in our reality and here, did not want the US to go to war with Hitler and criticised Nuremberg trials as “victor's justice”. Taft is strongly opposed to the idea of dividing and punishing Germans. First move of Taft is to end the Berlin crisis with his speech from 1st February 1949 Restatement of Policy on Germany, Taft declared that Germany shall not be blindly punished by the victors and shall be quickly re-established as sovereign and united state. Taft also stopped any denazification. This was massive “f*ck you” moment towards Churchill, who wished both to weaken Germany and Soviets by division of Germany. “South German” Mark was withdrawn from West Berlin and the Berlin crisis ended in Soviet victory on 14th February 1949. Bizonia collapsed and both the British and Americans ruled their zones separately. Circulation of new Marks was not allowed in the British zone, while accepted in the American one.
Another point was to elect a new government, as Soviets envisioned in Leipzig notes. General election to the German People’s Congress (Deutscher Volkskongress) on 17th May 1949. This election was held in Soviet, International and American zones, but not in Baden and Wütenberg as the United Kingdom refused to recognise the DVK and instead organised an independent election to Länderrat. That was one controversy, the second one happened in the American zone as openly neo-Nazi parties were allowed to participate (Robert Taft refused to ban any parties from election), this was picked up by socialist bloc and became the main propaganda point. Election results (will be detailed): victory of SED, CSU in Bavaria and CDU in International zone. German People’s Congress declared itself to be constitutional assembly (first session in June 1949) and after heated discussions (despite it was dominated by SED, opposition was still present) delegates drafted the Constitution of German Democratic Republic (24th July), that defined Germany as federative, neutral and democratic state, giving power to unicameral legislative. All states in the Soviet zone agreed to the constitution, Bayern and Franken did not comment and Baden and Wurttemberg rejected it.
Geneva Conference 1st September 1949 to 8th May 1950
Largest conference of the postwar era, last meeting of WW2 Allies. USA (secretary of state William Richards Castle Jr.), USSR (foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov) Britain (prime minister Winston Churchill, foreign minister Anthony Eden), France (foreign minister Schumann) and Germany (represented by chairman of German People’s Congress Max Reimann (SED) and representative of Länderrat.) To discussion about Germany were also invited representatives of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, Norway, Yugoslavia, and Denmark. Other topics discussed were Greece and Austria (later).
Goals: Soviets: Demilitarized, denazified united Germany led by DVK and its proposed constitution, approve eastern and northern border. Americans: just wanted to end occupation and create a united Germany. UK: if possible divided Germany, denazified, democratic, if under Soviet control at least demilitarised, removal of Soviet troops. France: democratic, demilitarised, denazified, French Saarland, removal of Soviet troops. Germans: united denazified Germany led by DVK, vague about borders and military (in best case minimise border losses and remilitarization).
Eventually consensus is reached: Germany would be a united, neutral, democratic, denazified and demilitarised state. Representatives from Länderrat had to attend the People's Congress where a second vote about the constitution shall be held. Polish-German border confirmed, Saarland will become part of France as autonomous regions, similarly with South Schleswig. Kiel Canal shall be administered by the joint German-Danish Commission. Czechoslovakia abandoned claims on Lusatia (due to Soviet pressure and issues of re-igniting issues with the German minority, as nobody agreed to further deportations of Germans), instead the region would be given autonomy and Germany would be obligated to protect Sorbs. Small annexations on the western border were also confirmed.
South German representatives refused to participate, and the constitution and peace treaty draft were approved yet again without them. Britain attempted to use this to break at least Baden-Wütemberg away, but Germans and Soviets made clear they would not sign any treaty that divides Germany. Even large protests are organised by SED to promote German unity. 8.5.1950, the Peace Treaty with Germany is signed. Both Stalin and Taft visited Geneva to sign it (this was the only foreign trip of Taft, but he also stopped in London on the way to Geneva and back, and the last of Stalin). To the German internal situation we will return later on.
Division of Austria
Unlike Germany, the American position towards Austria was a complete lack of interest. Britain wanted to secure a separate West Austria state, while Soviets wanted to do the same thing as in Germany. Americans made an agreement with the British to leave their occupation zone in Austria to British forces during (28 September 1949 Clark-McCreery Agreement). The Geneva summit proposed an election, however Eden objected that elections held in the East would not be democratic, so it would not show the will of the people. After the peace treaty with Germany, 16th May 1950 Britain signed a treaty with the West-Austrian government officially ending the status of occupation and giving its government official recognition. Day later, the USSR did the same in the East with the Koplenig government. 22nd May “Democratic Republic of Austria” promulgated its new constitution (before than both governments adhered to 1929 constitution)
Greek Civil War (1949-1951)
Thing to mention is that another reason for Soviet support to the DSA is Turkey in TATO, which Stalin saw as very provocative action. Already in February 1949 American troops pulled out of Greece. Already the election of Taft was blow for royalist morale, this worsened the situation. Britain reacted with increased presence. DSA commanded switched towards conventional warfare hoping to strike a major victory. Spring offensive of DSA (18th March to 30th May 1949) was major success: DSA captured important cities Kilkís, Sérres, Dráma, Xánthi, Édessa, Komotiní and Kavála – connecting its territories and establishing control over Thrace and large parts of Macedonia, putting Thessaloniki under great danger. Royalist and British forces attempted to counter Greek moves by successful offensive in Thessalia and unsuccessful offensive towards Kavála (June to October 1949). In November 1949 Greece was discussed in Geneva, representatives of governments were invited, however talks collapsed as Provisional Democratic Government representatives walked away after the notion of them putting down weapons. In January 1950 DSA launched a winter offensive towards Alexandropoulos and Thessaloniki (January-March 1950), continuing with guerrilla operations in Pindus. Ending in consolidation of communist territory, however after heavy losses. In summer 1950 royalist forces launched a large counter-offensive, DSA was forced to little retreat, however any major cities weren’t recaptured, to counter this counter-offensive, large guerrilla operations were launched in countryside of central Greece and Peloponnese that were very successful and strongly weakened royalists. Royalist forces reacted with repression against suspected supporters of communists. Winter is difficult for communist guerillas, during winter counter-insurgency operations several of their pockets are destroyed and morale worsens. However, so does morale of royalist and British forces as resources drain and war prolongs.
Change from the established lore is that civil war needs to last longer, as we see. In February 1951 Markos Vafeiadis (he wasn’t purged by Nikos Zachariadis, yet) devised a risky offensive plan, that counted with quick offensive to break and encircle parts of the royalist army backed by guerrilla offensive. Codenamed “OLYMPUS I” (military offensive) and “OLYMPUS II” (guerrilla uprising) plan was approved and coordinated in March. Launched On 7th April 1951 plan started with massive uprising and attacks by guerrilla units, followed after several days by military offensive. DSA forces surprisingly smashed a bulwark of royalist forces in the North and marched southward towards Larissa, key centre. Here DSA was met with royalist defences and a large battle started. Both sides committed everything to Larissa, as both realised this would be the decisive battle. The Battle of Larissa lasted from 21st April to 7th July 1951, it was the largest and deadliest battle of the Greek Civil War and resulted in a decisive communist victory. Royalist forces were decimated and as everything was moved there, meanwhile partisan units managed to secure control of large parts of Peloponnese and Pindus. Royalists regrouped on Lamia-Amfissa fallback line (July-September) but weren’t able to prevent communist forces from breaking them and marched almost unposed to Athens, 20th September 1951. Here, communists proclaimed victory and established the Hellenic People’s Republic. Royalist government relocated to Rhodes and declared evacuation. This is the officially given date to the end of the Greek Civil War. After fall of Lamia-Amfissa line, (British) Royal Navy enacted “Operation Poseidon” (19-30th September) with the help of Turkey, that helped with evacuation of royalist forces and established “Naval Quarantine” over Greece. HPR’s possible naval connection with outside World was closed, any possibilities of Soviet naval presence in Mediterranean prevented and existence of exiled Greece validated.
Taft’s “New Foreign Policy Doctrine”
Robet Taft eventually was forced by circumstances (communist victories in China and Greece were met with very strong response in American media) to reevaluate his stance. 7th of December 1951, on Anniversary of Pearl Harbor, Taft spoke before Congress about “New Foreign Policy Doctrine”, he declared that America cannot and will not let “Stalin take over the World” and while he still opposes confrontational policy that may end up in completely unnecessary war, United States shall protect any country that will face Soviet military aggression. Taft also stated that America shall not oppose countries that choose communism voluntarily and shall not intervene in other countries' politics, as he considers this deeply undemocratic and imperialistic. When PRC landed on Taiwan, Taft was harshly criticised for not helping Chiang Kai-shek, as Taft understood it as what it was – Chinese internal conflict.

Another map of Germany, (1952)
submitted by Michtrk to pobeda1946 [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 16:46 partypastor Unreached People Group of the Week - Jordanian Arabs of Jordan

Welcome back to the Reformed UPG of the Week!
Gonna leave this here because reddit is still a massive pain these days
Slight update, the new reddit UI has made it almost impossible for me to quickly do these, like I used to be able to do. Thus, theres a chance it becomes UPG of the every other week until the problem is fixed. I can't spend every one of my entire Monday mornings working on this for hours with stupid formatting issues.
Now, please meet the Jordanian Arabs of Jordan!

Region: Jordan

Stratus Index Ranking (Urgency): 34
It has been noted to me by u/JCmathetes that I should explain this ranking. Low numbers are more urgent, both physically and spiritually together, while high numbers are less urgent. The scale is 1-177, with one number assigned to each country. So basically on a scale from Afghanistan (1) to Finland (177), how urgent are the peoples physical and spiritual needs.
The Stratus Index - Synthesizes reliable data from different sources to clearly display the world’s most urgent spiritual and physical needs.The vast majority of missions resources go to people and places already Reached by the Gospel, while only 3% of missionaries and 1% of missions money are deployed among the Unreached. This is the Great Imbalance. As a result, there are more people without access to the Gospel today than a decade ago. Stratus seeks to equip the global church with fresh vision to accomplish the Great Commission by addressing some of the factors that perpetuate the Great Imbalance. We hope this tool allows the church to better understand what steps will be required to overcome the barriers that prevent needs from being met, spurring informed and collaborative missions strategy. Stratus Website
Amman, Jordan
Climate: The climate in Jordan varies greatly. Generally, the further inland from the Mediterranean, there are greater contrasts in temperature and less rainfall. The country's average elevation is 812 m (2,664 ft) (SL). The highlands above the Jordan Valley, mountains of the Dead Sea and Wadi Araba and as far south as Ras Al-Naqab are dominated by a Mediterranean climate, while the eastern and northeastern areas of the country are arid desert. Although the desert parts of the kingdom reach high temperatures, the heat is usually moderated by low humidity and a daytime breeze, while the nights are cool. Summers, lasting from May to September, are hot and dry, with temperatures averaging around 32 °C (90 °F) and sometimes exceeding 40 °C (104 °F) between July and August. The winter, lasting from November to March, is relatively cool, with temperatures averaging around 11.08 °C (52 °F).Winter also sees frequent showers and occasional snowfall in some western elevated areas.
Wadi Rum
Terrain: The east is an arid plateau irrigated by oases and seasonal water streams. Major cities are overwhelmingly located on the north-western part of the kingdom due to its fertile soils and relatively abundant rainfall. These include Irbid, Jerash and Zarqa in the northwest, the capital Amman and Al-Salt in the central west, and Madaba, Al-Karak and Aqaba in the southwest. Major towns in the eastern part of the country are the oasis towns of Azraq and Ruwaished. In the west, a highland area of arable land and Mediterranean evergreen forestry drops suddenly into the Jordan Rift Valley. The rift valley contains the Jordan River and the Dead Sea, which separates Jordan from Israel. Jordan has a 26 kilometres (16 mi) shoreline on the Gulf of Aqaba in the Red Sea, but is otherwise landlocked. The Yarmouk River, an eastern tributary of the Jordan, forms part of the boundary between Jordan and Syria (including the occupied Golan Heights) to the north. The other boundaries are formed by several international and local agreements and do not follow well-defined natural features. The highest point is Jabal Umm al Dami, at 1,854 m (6,083 ft) above sea level, while the lowest is the Dead Sea −420 m (−1,378 ft), the lowest land point on earth.
Village in Jordan
Wildlife of Jordan: Carnivorous mammals in Jordan include the striped hyena, caracal, jungle cat, sand cat, African wildcat, Arabian wolf, golden jackal, fennec fox, Arabian red fox, Blanford's fox, Rüppell's fox, Egyptian mongoose, least weasel, caucasian badger, honey badger and European otter. There are about twenty species of bat and a similar number of rodents including the Caucasian squirrel, Asian garden dormouse, Euphrates jerboa, Middle East blind mole-rat, and various voles, jirds, mice, rats, spiny mice, gerbils and hamsters. Other mammals found in suitable habitat are the wild boar, European hare, cape hare, Indian crested porcupine, rock hyrax, European hedgehog, long-eared hedgehog and desert hedgehog. Approximately 426 species of bird have been recorded in Jordan. Some of these are the Atlantic petrel, northern bald ibis, Egyptian vulture, Griffon vulture, lappet-faced vulture, Pharaoh eagle-owl, barn owl, golden eagle, steppe eagle, greater spotted eagle, eastern imperial eagle, MacQueen's bustard, Siberian crane, sociable lapwing, saker falcon, marbled duck, aquatic warbler, Syrian serin, short-toed snake eagle, long-legged buzzard, Barbary falcon and Bonelli's eagle. Five species of turtle are known from Jordan and there are a variety of snakes, mostly colubrids and vipers, but with representatives of seven snake families. The Shaumari Wildlife Reserve, a fenced off area in the deserts of central Jordan, has since been used in a breeding and reintroduction programme for the Arabian oryx, as well as other species such as the Somali ostrich, the Persian onager and gazelles. Other animals that have been released into the wild are the Nubian ibex, wild boar, fallow deer and roe deer
I cannot figure out if there are monkeys in Jordan but it doesn't appear to be the case. Praise the Lord!
The Arabian Oryx
Environmental Issues: Jordan is considered one of the countries most affected by environmental changes, especially those caused by the climate crisis and the resulting drought, desertification and loss of arable lands.
Languages: The official language is Modern Standard Arabic, a literary language taught in the schools. Most Jordanians natively speak one of the non-standard Arabic dialects known as Jordanian Arabic. Jordanian Sign Language is the language of the deaf community. English, though without official status, is widely spoken throughout the country and is the de facto language of commerce and banking, as well as a co-official status in the education sector; almost all university-level classes are held in English and almost all public schools teach English along with Standard Arabic. Chechen, Circassian, Armenian, Tagalog, and Russian are popular among their communities. The Romani people, though they may speak Arabic, speak Domari.
Government Type: Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy

People: Jordanian Arabs

Jordanian Arab woman
Population: 4,717,000
Estimated Foreign Workers Needed: 94+
Beliefs: The Jordanian Arabs are 2.5% Christian, but only 0.3% Evangelical. That means out of their population of 4,717,000, there are roughly 14,151 believers who share their faith. Thats less than 1 believer for every 333.
The state religion in Jordan is Islam. Nearly all of Jordanians are Muslim. The great majority of Arabs practice Sunni Islam. Shi'ites living in the East make up the remainder. Christians account for a small percentage of the population, but the largest churches are Orthodox and not evangelical. There are also a few small Muslim groups who desire to see a more extreme Islamic government. The Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood is gaining support in Jordan. This is an illegal political organization who are known for terrorist actions and violence against Christians.
King Abdullah I Mosque is the most famous Masjid in Jordan. Completed in 1989 as a memorial by the late King Hussein to his grandfather, King Abdullah I Mosque is the largest Masjid in the state.
History: Alexander the Great's conquest of the Persian Empire in 332 BC introduced Hellenistic culture to the Middle East. After Alexander's death in 323 BC, the empire split among his generals, and in the end much of Transjordan was disputed between the Ptolemies based in Egypt and the Seleucids based in Syria. The Nabataeans, nomadic Arabs based south of Edom, managed to establish an independent kingdom in 169 BC by exploiting the struggle between the two Greek powers. The Nabataean Kingdom controlled much of the trade routes of the region, and it stretched south along the Red Sea coast into the Hejaz desert, up to as far north as Damascus, which it controlled for a short period (85–71) BC. The Nabataeans massed a fortune from their control of the trade routes, often drawing the envy of their neighbours. Petra, Nabataea's barren capital, flourished in the 1st century AD, driven by its extensive water irrigation systems and agriculture. The Nabataeans were also talented stone carvers, building their most elaborate structure, Al-Khazneh, in the first century AD. It is believed to be the mausoleum of the Arab Nabataean King Aretas IV.
Roman legions under Pompey conquered much of the Levant in 63 BC, inaugurating a period of Roman rule that lasted four centuries. In 106 AD, Emperor Trajan annexed Nabataea unopposed, and rebuilt the King's Highway which became known as the Via Traiana Nova road. The Romans gave the Greek cities of Transjordan—Philadelphia (Amman), Gerasa (Jerash), Gedara (Umm Quays), Pella (Tabaqat Fahl) and Arbila (Irbid)—and other Hellenistic cities in Palestine and southern Syria, a level of autonomy by forming the Decapolis, a ten-city league. Jerash is one of the best preserved Roman cities in the East; it was even visited by Emperor Hadrian during his journey to Palestine.
In 324 AD, the Roman Empire split and the Eastern Roman Empire, later known as the Byzantine Empire, continued to control or influence the region until 636 AD. Christianity had become legal within the empire in 313 AD after Emperor Constantine the Great converted to Christianity. The Edict of Thessalonica made Christianity the official state religion in 380 AD. Transjordan prospered during the Byzantine era, and Christian churches were built everywhere. The Aqaba Church in Ayla was built during this era, it is considered to be the world's first purpose built Christian church. Umm ar-Rasas in southern Amman contains at least 16 Byzantine churches. Meanwhile, Petra's importance declined as sea trade routes emerged, and after a 363 earthquake destroyed many structures, it declined further, eventually being abandoned. The Sassanian Empire in the east became the Byzantines' rivals, and frequent confrontations sometimes led to the Sassanids controlling some parts of the region, including Transjordan.
In 629 AD, during the Battle of Mu'tah in what is today Karak Governorate, the Byzantines and their Arab Christian clients, the Ghassanids, staved off an attack by a Muslim Rashidun force that marched northwards towards the Levant from the Hejaz (in modern-day Saudi Arabia). The Byzantines however were defeated by the Muslims in 636 AD at the decisive Battle of Yarmouk just north of Transjordan. Transjordan was an essential territory for the conquest of Damascus. The first, or Rashidun, caliphate was followed by that of the Umayyads (661–750).
Byzantine Madaba Map showing the Jordan River and the Dead Sea. Dating to the 6th century AD, it is the oldest surviving depiction of the Holy Land
Under the Umayyad Caliphate, several desert castles were constructed in Transjordan, including: Qasr Al-Mshatta and Qasr Al-Hallabat. The Abbasid Caliphate's campaign to take over the Umayyad's began in a village in Transjordan known as Humayma. A powerful 749 AD earthquake is thought to have contributed to the Umayyads defeat to the Abbasids, who moved the caliphate's capital from Damascus to Baghdad. During Abbasid rule (750–969), several Arab tribes moved northwards and settled in the Levant. As had happened during the Roman era, growth of maritime trade diminished Transjordan's central position, and the area became increasingly impoverished. After the decline of the Abbasids, Transjordan was ruled by the Fatimid Caliphate (969–1070), then by the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem (1115–1187).
The Crusaders constructed several Crusader castles as part of the Lordship of Oultrejordain, including those of Montreal and Al-Karak. The Ayyubids built the Ajloun Castle and rebuilt older castles, to be used as military outposts against the Crusaders. During the Battle of Hattin (1187) near Lake Tiberias just north of Transjordan, the Crusaders lost to Saladin, the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty (1187–1260). Villages in Transjordan under the Ayyubids became important stops for Muslim pilgrims going to Mecca who travelled along the route that connected Syria to the Hejaz. Several of the Ayyubid castles were used and expanded by the Mamluks (1260–1516), who divided Transjordan between the provinces of Karak and Damascus. During the next century Transjordan experienced Mongol attacks, but the Mongols were ultimately repelled by the Mamluks after the Battle of Ain Jalut (1260).
In 1516, the Ottoman Caliphate's forces conquered Mamluk territory. Agricultural villages in Transjordan witnessed a period of relative prosperity in the 16th century, but were later abandoned. Transjordan was of marginal importance to the Ottoman authorities. As a result, Ottoman presence was virtually absent and reduced to annual tax collection visits. More Arab Bedouin tribes moved into Transjordan from Syria and the Hejaz during the first three centuries of Ottoman rule, including the Adwan, the Bani Sakhr and the Howeitat. These tribes laid claims to different parts of the region, and with the absence of a meaningful Ottoman authority, Transjordan slid into a state of anarchy that continued until the 19th century. This led to a short-lived occupation by the Wahhabi forces (1803–1812), an ultra-orthodox Islamic movement that emerged in Najd (in modern-day Saudi Arabia). Ibrahim Pasha, son of the governor of the Egypt Eyalet, rooted out the Wahhabis under the request of the Ottoman sultan by 1818. In 1833 Ibrahim Pasha turned on the Ottomans and established his rule over the Levant. His policies led to the unsuccessful peasants' revolt in Palestine in 1834. Transjordanian cities of As-Salt and Al-Karak were destroyed by Ibrahim Pasha's forces for harboring a peasants' revolt leader. Egyptian rule was forcibly ended in 1841, with Ottoman rule restored.
Only after Ibrahim Pasha's campaign did the Ottoman Empire try to solidify its presence in the Syria Vilayet, which Transjordan was part of. A series of tax and land reforms (Tanzimat) in 1864 brought some prosperity back to agriculture and to abandoned villages; the end of virtual autonomy led a backlash in other areas of Transjordan. Muslim Circassians and Chechens, fleeing Russian persecution, sought refuge in the Levant. In Transjordan and with Ottoman support, Circassians first settled in the long-abandoned vicinity of Amman in 1867, and later in the surrounding villages. The Ottoman authorities' establishment of its administration, conscription and heavy taxation policies led to revolts in the areas it controlled. Transjordan's tribes in particular revolted during the Shoubak (1905) and the Karak Revolts (1910), which were brutally suppressed. The construction of the Hejaz Railway in 1908–stretching across the length of Transjordan and linking Damascus with Medina helped the population economically, as Transjordan became a stopover for pilgrims.
Increasing policies of Turkification and centralization adopted by the Ottoman Empire in the wake of the 1908 Young Turk Revolution disenchanted the Arabs of the Levant, who came to adopt Arab nationalism. These changes led to the outbreak of the 1916 Arab Revolt during World War I, which would end four centuries of stagnation under Ottoman rule. The revolt was led by Sharif Hussein of Mecca, scion of the Hashemite family of the Hejaz, and his sons Abdullah, Faisal and Ali. Locally, the revolt garnered the support of the Transjordanian tribes, including Bedouins, Circassians and Christians. The Allies of World War I, including Britain and France, whose imperial interests converged with the Arabist cause, offered support. The revolt started on 5 June 1916 from Medina and pushed northwards until the fighting reached Transjordan in the Battle of Aqaba on 6 July 1917. The revolt reached its climax when Faisal entered Damascus in October 1918, and established an Arab-led military administration in OETA East, later declared as the Arab Kingdom of Syria, both of which Transjordan was part of. During this period, the southernmost region of the country, including Ma'an and Aqaba, was also claimed by the neighbouring Kingdom of Hejaz.
The nascent Hashemite Kingdom over Greater Syria was forced to surrender to French troops on 24 July 1920 during the Battle of Maysalun; the French occupied only the northern part of the Syrian Kingdom, leaving Transjordan in a period of interregnum. Arab aspirations failed to gain international recognition, due mainly to the secret 1916 Sykes–Picot Agreement, which divided the region into French and British spheres of influence, and the 1917 Balfour Declaration, in which Britain announced its support for the establishment of a "national home" for Jews in Palestine. This was seen by the Hashemites and the Arabs as a betrayal of their previous agreements with the British, including the 1915 McMahon–Hussein Correspondence, in which the British stated their willingness to recognize the independence of a unified Arab state stretching from Aleppo to Aden under the rule of the Hashemites.
The British High Commissioner, Herbert Samuel, travelled to Transjordan on 21 August 1920 to meet with As-Salt's residents. He there declared to a crowd of six hundred Transjordanian notables that the British government would aid the establishment of local governments in Transjordan, which is to be kept separate from that of Palestine. The second meeting took place in Umm Qais on 2 September, where the British government representative Major Fitzroy Somerset received a petition that demanded: an independent Arab government in Transjordan to be led by an Arab prince (emir); land sale in Transjordan to Jews be stopped as well as the prevention of Jewish immigration there; that Britain establish and fund a national army; and that free trade be maintained between Transjordan and the rest of the region.
Abdullah, the second son of Sharif Hussein, arrived from Hejaz by train in Ma'an in southern Transjordan on 21 November 1920 to redeem the Greater Syrian Kingdom his brother had lost. Transjordan then was in disarray, widely considered to be ungovernable with its dysfunctional local governments. Abdullah gained the trust of Transjordan's tribal leaders before scrambling to convince them of the benefits of an organized government. Abdullah's successes drew the envy of the British, even when it was in their interest. The British reluctantly accepted Abdullah as ruler of Transjordan after having given him a six-month trial. In March 1921, the British decided to add Transjordan to their Mandate for Palestine, in which they would implement their "Sharifian Solution" policy without applying the provisions of the mandate dealing with Jewish settlement. On 11 April 1921, the Emirate of Transjordan was established with Abdullah as Emir.
In September 1922, the Council of the League of Nations recognized Transjordan as a state under the terms of the Transjordan memorandum. Transjordan remained a British mandate until 1946, but it had been granted a greater level of autonomy than the region west of the Jordan River. Multiple difficulties emerged upon the assumption of power in the region by the Hashemite leadership. In Transjordan, small local rebellions at Kura in 1921 and 1923 were suppressed by the Emir's forces with the help of the British. Wahhabis from Najd regained strength and repeatedly raided the southern parts of his territory in (1922–1924), seriously threatening the Emir's position. The Emir was unable to repel those raids without the aid of the local Bedouin tribes and the British, who maintained a military base with a small RAF detachment close to Amman.
The Treaty of London, signed by the British Government and the Emir of Transjordan on 22 March 1946, recognised the independence of the state upon ratification by both countries' parliaments. On 25 May 1946, the day that the treaty was ratified by the Transjordan parliament, Transjordan was raised to the status of a kingdom under the name of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Arabic, with Abdullah as its first king; although it continued to be referred to as the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan in English until 1949. 25 May is now celebrated as the nation's Independence Day, a public holiday. Jordan became a member of the United Nations on 14 December 1955.
On 15 May 1948, as part of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, Jordan intervened in Palestine together with many other Arab states. Following the war, Jordan controlled the West Bank and on 24 April 1950 Jordan formally annexed these territories after the Jericho conference. In response, some Arab countries demanded Jordan's expulsion from the Arab League. On 12 June 1950, the Arab League declared that the annexation was a temporary, practical measure and that Jordan was holding the territory as a "trustee" pending a future settlement. King Abdullah was assassinated at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1951 by a Palestinian militant, amid rumors he intended to sign a peace treaty with Israel.
Abdullah was succeeded by his son Talal, who would soon abdicate due to illness in favour of his eldest son Hussein. Talal established the country's modern constitution in 1952. Hussein ascended to the throne in 1953 at the age of 17. Jordan witnessed great political uncertainty in the following period. The 1950s were a period of political upheaval, as Nasserism and Pan-Arabism swept the Arab World. On 1 March 1956, King Hussein Arabized the command of the Army by dismissing a number of senior British officers, an act made to remove remaining foreign influence in the country. In 1958, Jordan and neighbouring Hashemite Iraq formed the Arab Federation as a response to the formation of the rival United Arab Republic between Nasser's Egypt and Syria. The union lasted only six months, being dissolved after Iraqi King Faisal II (Hussein's cousin) was deposed by a bloody military coup on 14 July 1958.
Jordan signed a military pact with Egypt just before Israel launched a preemptive strike on Egypt to begin the Six-Day War in June 1967, where Jordan and Syria joined the war. The Arab states were defeated and Jordan lost control of the West Bank to Israel. The War of Attrition with Israel followed, which included the 1968 Battle of Karameh where the combined forces of the Jordanian Armed Forces and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) repelled an Israeli attack on the Karameh camp on the Jordanian border with the West Bank. Despite the fact that the Palestinians had limited involvement against the Israeli forces, the events at Karameh gained wide recognition and acclaim in the Arab world. As a result, the time period following the battle witnessed an upsurge of support for Palestinian paramilitary elements (the fedayeen) within Jordan from other Arab countries. The fedayeen activities soon became a threat to Jordan's rule of law. In September 1970, the Jordanian army targeted the fedayeen and the resultant fighting led to the expulsion of Palestinian fighters from various PLO groups into Lebanon, in a conflict that became known as Black September.
In 1973, Egypt and Syria waged the Yom Kippur War on Israel, and fighting occurred along the 1967 Jordan River cease-fire line. Jordan sent a brigade to Syria to attack Israeli units on Syrian territory but did not engage Israeli forces from Jordanian territory. At the Rabat summit conference in 1974, in the aftermath of the Yom-Kippur War, Jordan agreed, along with the rest of the Arab League, that the PLO was the "sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people". Subsequently, Jordan renounced its claims to the West Bank in 1988.
At the 1991 Madrid Conference, Jordan agreed to negotiate a peace treaty sponsored by the US and the Soviet Union. The Israel-Jordan Treaty of Peace was signed on 26 October 1994. In 1997, in retribution for a bombing, Israeli agents entered Jordan using Canadian passports and poisoned Khaled Meshal, a senior Hamas leader living in Jordan. Bowing to intense international pressure, Israel provided an antidote to the poison and released dozens of political prisoners, including Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, after King Hussein threatened to annul the peace treaty.
On 7 February 1999, Abdullah II ascended the throne upon the death of his father Hussein, who had ruled for nearly 50 years. Abdullah embarked on economic liberalization when he assumed the throne, and his reforms led to an economic boom which continued until 2008. Abdullah II has been credited with increasing foreign investment, improving public-private partnerships and providing the foundation for Aqaba's free-trade zone and Jordan's flourishing information and communication technology (ICT) sector. He also set up five other special economic zones. However, during the following years Jordan's economy experienced hardship as it dealt with the effects of the Great Recession and spillover from the Arab Spring.
Al-Qaeda under Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's leadership launched coordinated explosions in three hotel lobbies in Amman on 9 November 2005, resulting in 60 deaths and 115 injured. The bombings, which targeted civilians, caused widespread outrage among Jordanians. The attack is considered to be a rare event in the country, and Jordan's internal security was dramatically improved afterwards. No major terrorist attacks have occurred since then. Abdullah and Jordan are viewed with contempt by Islamic extremists for the country's peace treaty with Israel, its relationship with the West, and its mostly non-religious laws.
The Arab Spring were large-scale protests that erupted in the Arab World in 2011, demanding economic and political reforms. Many of these protests tore down regimes in some Arab nations, leading to instability that ended with violent civil wars. In Jordan, in response to domestic unrest, Abdullah replaced his prime minister and introduced a number of reforms including: reforming the Constitution, and laws governing public freedoms and elections. Proportional representation was re-introduced to the Jordanian parliament in the 2016 general election, a move which he said would eventually lead to establishing parliamentary governments. Jordan was left largely unscathed from the violence that swept the region despite an influx of 1.4 million Syrian refugees into the natural resources-lacking country and the emergence of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
King Hussein on 21 March 1968 checking an abandoned Israeli tank in the aftermath of the Battle of Karameh.
Culture: Typical qualification that all people groups can't be summed up in small paragraphs and this is an over generalization.
In the villages, Jordanian Arabs are usually hospitable and friendly. It is common for them to welcome traveling strangers into their homes. A woman's public presence is more accepted than in other Arab countries. However, restaurants may still only welcome men or show the women to a "family room," where ladies and children are allowed.
Education of children begins at five years old and is free. There is a secondary school system for both boys and girls. The brightest students attend one of three Jordanian universities or study abroad.
The economy is centered around the production of phosphates, fertilizers, agricultural products, manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals.
Jordanian folklore band playing bagpipes in Jerash.
Cuisine: As the eighth-largest producer of olives in the world, olive oil is the main cooking oil in Jordan. A common appetizer is hummus, which is a puree of chickpeas blended with tahini, lemon, and garlic. Ful medames is another well-known appetiser. A typical worker's meal, it has since made its way to the tables of the upper class. A typical Jordanian meze often contains koubba maqliya, labaneh, baba ghanoush, tabbouleh, olives and pickles. Meze is generally accompanied by the Levantine alcoholic drink arak, which is made from grapes and aniseed and is similar to ouzo, rakı and pastis. Jordanian wine and beer are also sometimes used. The same dishes, served without alcoholic drinks, can also be termed "muqabbilat" (starters) in Arabic.
The most distinctive Jordanian dish is mansaf, the national dish of Jordan. The dish is a symbol for Jordanian hospitality and is influenced by the Bedouin culture. Mansaf is eaten on different occasions such as funerals, weddings and on religious holidays. It consists of a plate of rice with meat that was boiled in thick yogurt, sprayed with pine nuts and sometimes herbs. As an old tradition, the dish is eaten using one's hands, but the tradition is not always used. Simple fresh fruit is often served towards the end of a Jordanian meal, but there is also dessert, such as baklava, hareeseh, knafeh, halva and qatayef, a dish made specially for Ramadan. In Jordanian cuisine, drinking coffee and tea flavoured with na'na or meramiyyeh is almost a ritual.
Mansaf, the traditional dish of Jordan, originates from Bedouin life and is a symbol of Jordanian hospitality.

Prayer Request:

Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. (Romans 10:1)
Here are the previous weeks threads on the UPG of the Week for Reformed from 2023 (plus a few from 2022 so this one post isn't so lonely). To save some space on these, all UPG posts made 2019-now are here, I will try to keep this current.
People Group Country Continent Date Posted Beliefs
Jordanian Arabs Jordan Asia 04/29/2024 Islam
Bouyei China Asia 04/22/2024 Animism
Arab Libyans Libya Africa 03/25/2024 Islam
Gafsa Amazigh Tunisia Africa 03/18/2024 Islam
Hindi South Africa Africa 03/04/2024 Hinduism
Arabs Iraq Asia 02/26/2024 Islam
Bagirmi Fulani Central African Republic Africa 02/12/2024 Islam
Gujarati Portugal Europe 02/05/2024 Hinduism
Western Cham Cambodia Asia 01/29/2024 Islamc
Yadav India Asia 01/22/2024 Hinduism
Thai (updated) Thailand Asia 12/18/2023 Buddhism
Bayad Mongolia Asia 12/11/2023 Buddhism
Bedouin (Suafa) Algeria Africa 12/04/2023 Islam
Aboriginal (Reached) Australia Oceania 11/27/2023 Christian
a - Tibet belongs to Tibet, not China.
b - Russia/Turkey/etc is Europe but also Asia so...
c - this likely is not the true religion that they worship, but rather they have a mixture of what is listed with other local religions, or they have embraced a liberal drift and are leaving faith entirely but this is their historical faith.
Here is a list of definitions in case you wonder what exactly I mean by words like "Unreached".
Here is a list of missions organizations that reach out to the world to do missions for the Glory of God.
submitted by partypastor to Reformed [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 00:50 ConsciousRun6137 The Irish Origins of Civilization - Conor MacDari

Britain was, indeed, the insula sacra of the West, an island veiled and esoteric, the Egypt of the Occident - Lewis Spence (The Mysteries of Britain, 1905)
The remains of the great Chaldean nation, can be particularly distinguished in Great Britain and Ireland, and these remains have special reference to the religion of the Chaldean and the Hebrew - Anna Wilkes
The great researcher of the occult history of ancient Ireland, Mr. Conor MacDari, wrote two books which have long been suppressed. These book are entitled: Irish Wisdom Preserved in Bible and Pyramids and The Bible: An Irish Book: On this page we provide some excerpts from the latter tome:
The Druid or Aryan Priesthood
The Brehon (Judges) laws of Eire were, without a doubt, the most ancient code of laws on earth. It was under the guidance and instruction of those first great teachers that there developed in the Island of Eire that cult of wise men who are know to us by tradition, and in cryptic lore, as the Ancient Magi or Magician of Eire. This was the great Adept order of priesthood whose history has been suppressed like that of the island itself, but the memory of which is secretly preserved in mythic form in secular or profane history, and in our Irish sacred book, the Bible – Conor MacDari.
The Destruction of the Irish (Aryan) World Church
Rome waged war against the Irish Church colony at Carthage, in North Africa, Spain, Gaul, Britain, Eire and Germany. She seemed to have grasped the idea early that her successful progress to power could be only through the conquest and acquisition of the Irish Church...This warlike spirit, aroused by Rome in the eleventh century, was not allowed to subside in the twelfth and was directed against Eire. As England was Roman Church territory, in due time the crusading spirit of conquest in the interest of the church was directed to that country. The Pope of that day, Adrian IV, an Englishman, who had been chosen pope on the strength of the probability of his being able to induce the English to attack Eire and bring the Irish Church under the sway of the Roman Pontiff, succeeded in enlisting King Henry II of England to undertake the conquest of Eire in the interest of the Roman Church. For this purpose the Pope issued a Bull authorizing Henry to take possession of the country
The story of the Roman Church is quite different and not a pleasant one to dwell upon. She made her advance through the medium of intrigue, war, fire and sword, persecution, torture, confiscations, and death, the exemplification of force and intolerance. By such means she gained control and increase in power and the Irish Church missionaries were gradually forced to withdraw from the continent. It was only by such forcible means that she could make gains against the Irish Church whose representatives surpassed hers in every field of peaceful learning, the sciences, philosophy and spiritual culture
No doubt the clerical scribes who translated and revised the ancient Irish text felt satisfied that, with the Irish language and culture suppressed and destroyed, no one in a future age would be able to discover the deception which was perpetrated in telling the Christian world that the Scriptures were obtained from a tribe of so-called Hebrew people who lived in a desert and mountainous country in Asia, now called Syria. But, as fate would have it, the deception was not destined to go undiscovered Destruction of Ancient Irish Culture The efforts, then, appear ridiculous of obscurantists who, by the destruction of literary works, interpolations and forgeries, have endeavored to make it appear that Irish culture and learning did not antedate the sixth century AD. This was done for the pirposse of making it appear that the beginnings of Irish culture and learning took place some time after the fictitious date which had been set as the advent into Ireland of the spurious Roman St. Patrick
This claim is too absurd today, as we know that up to the date assigned to "Patrick" Rome had been engaged in a crusade of destruction against all learning, books, literature, libraries and culture for a period of at least one hundred years. The libraries of Alexandria had been destroyed about the year 395 or 400 AD. It is certain that whatever literature or learning there was in Greece or in Italy or the adjoining provinces at the time were destroyed
The Roman Church, in her endeavor to blot out the history of the past ages in order to conceal a great deception, destroyed whatever she may have had of literature, and, since her acquisition of the Irish Church and institutions, she has appropriated the names and works of Irish authors to enrich her reputation for learning and culture and to build up a fictitious galaxy of distinguished sons to ornament her escutcheon. In short, the history of Rome is largely fiction
Murderous Allies
The success of the invading force in Eire was aided greatly by the Norman French colony under the leadership of Richard de Clair (Strongbow), which had been planned in Ireland about one hundred years previously, instituting what is known in our day as the "policy of peaceful penetration." As the barbarous Norse and Danes centuries before had been instigated by Rome to war on territory occupied by the Irish Church, it was natural that Duke William of Normandy, of that same racial stock, would be an ally of Rome. He was urged by the pope of his day to attack England in the interest of his church, the secret reason being that the Roman Church could not compete with the Irish Church in England as the Irish were the master scholars of Europe and their spiritual culture, instruction and learning were once more becoming dominant in England, and something had to be done to keep that country under the power of Rome...Duke William invaded England in 1066 AD, and four years later, in the year 1070, a body of seventy knights, adventurers, went to Eire, took part in a quarrel between a provincial king and prince and settled there. They formed marriage alliances with many of the leading families and were the first units sent into the country to prepare the way for the successful invasion of the Island a century later under Henry II of England The Irish Pope This conquest and absorption of the Irish Church was...the most important and momentous event in the whole history of the Roman Church, an event which has changed and affected the entire course of subsequent history even to this day. The conquest enabled the Roman Pontiff to plume himself as the Supreme Pontiff, which distinction was formerly held by the Irish Pope-Kings whose Seat was Tara
Crimes Against Words and Letters
One of the easiest and most effective ways to promote a deception is by the misspelling of words...In the translation from the original Irish scriptures, the Irish names were changed by the practice of the most astute cunning in order to conceal the source from which they were obtained. In many instances these names have been distorted and misspelled to such an extent that it has required long sustained and patient effort to trace them to their true and proper form
This peculiar liability of men to be deceived by words and names when they are presented in disguised and abbreviated, or unfamiliar, forms of spelling has been taken full advantage of by the obscurantists, who have in some ways secreted and in other ways suppressed the history of the past ages.
Reign of Charlemagne
The state of learning on the continent of Europe at that time, wherever the influence of the Roman Church was dominant, was at a very low state or non-existent. It was only in the monastic establishments maintained at different points on the continent by the monks of the Irish Church that learned men were to be found. There were practically no learned men in the Roman Church at that time. Even a century later when the Emperor Charlemagne espoused the cause of the Roman Church, he had to get Irish schoolmen for instructors to teach in the palace school which he established
Ireland and Germany
While it is acknowledged that the renaissance of learning on the continent of Europe in the early medieval period was due to Irish instruction and culture, this acknowledgement comes only in outspoken candor from German rather than from British or Roman sources. These latter have endeavored to minimize the work of the Irish philosophers, schoolmen, and monks and their learning and culture.
No Part of the Crusades
It will be noted that Eire (Ireland) took no part in the wars of the Crusades, a strange thing if she belonged to the Roman Church...The very absence of the Irish from the crusading forces tells the story in itself and is significant evidence that they did not belong to and were not affiliated in any way with the Roman Church at that time, 1096-1099 AD...The fact is, of course, that the Roman Church was an enemy and was at war against the Irish Church and nation.
Bible Off Limits
Even in England, until a late date, comparatively speaking, the Bible was kept exclusively for the clergy. John Wycliff translated a part of the Bible and persecuted by the clergy, and his life was ever in danger afterwards. In 1378, he was brought to trial. One of the charges brought against him was that he made the Bible more "common and more open to lay men and women than it was wont to be to clerks well learned and of good understanding, so that the pearl of the gospel is trodden under foot of swine." When Wycliff died in 1384, a monk denounced him and said that he was "the idol of heretics, the image of hypocrites, the restorer of schisms, the storehouse of lies, the sink of flattery" and all this was because he helped to give the laity an English version of the Bible
The first complete English version of the Bible was published on the basis of Tyndale's translation and appeared in England in 1535, one year before Tyndale's death. So it was at a very late date that the English people were given the Bible. Tyndale had to flee from England and, after traveling about from place to place on the continent of Europe, he was arrested in Antwerp where, after one year of imprisonment, he was strangled to death in his cell. It was only in 1538 that, in response to the clamor of the people for the Bible, King Henry VIII issued a command to all ministers to place "one boke of of the whole Bible, in Englyshe, sett up in summe convenyent place within the churche that ye have cure of, whereat your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and rede it." This Bible was chained to a block or other fixture so that no one could carry it away. The clergy opposed every effort of the people to obtain access to the Bible and it was only after a great struggle that the King James, or Revised Version, was prepared and given to them. In those days very few of the common people had any leisure time and only very few of them could read
The Original Adam and Eve
In the Persian myth of the creation, the first human pair that emerged from the mythical world-tree and were born upon this earth were named respectively Meshia and Meshiane. These are two unmistakable Irish name characters...That the Persians got their chief gods from the Ancient Irish is indubitable
The World's Oldest Laws
The Brehon (Judges) laws of Eire were, without a doubt, the most ancient code of laws on earth. It was under the guidance and instruction of those first great teachers that there developed in the Island of Eire that cult of wise men who are know to us by tradition, and in cryptic lore, as the Ancient Magi or Magician of Eire. This was the great Adept order of priesthood whose history has been suppressed like that of the island itself, but the memory of which is secretly preserved in mythic form in secular or profane history, and in our Irish sacred book, the Bible
The Hebrew Language
The so-called Hebrew is but an artificial sacerdotal dialect of the ancient Irish priesthood, constructed from the Irish language for their own secret or ritualistic use and purpose - Conor MacDari (The Bible: An Irish Book)
Jewish History
All of the extant so-called ancient history of the Jews, such as the "Antiquities of the Jews," supposed to have been written by one "Flavius Josephus," is fictitious. It is a pure invention and was written and compiled to sustain the fiction of the "history" of the so-called "chosen people"
That Christianity came from Judaism is acknowledged by churchmen, but it never has been truthfully divulged before where Judaism had its origins and home, or who were the Hebrews and the Jews. The term “Hebrew” and “Jew” for deceptive purposes has been conferred upon a people of Aramaic race, and it is a misnomer to call this people – the modern so-called Jews
Ancient Greek history is mostly fiction and her classical personages are merely mythical characters taken from Irish culture and ascribed to Greece by the obscurantists to build up a background to correspond to the glorious historic role they have assigned to her as the nursery of letters and genius.
SUGGESTED READING & LINKS Riddle of Prehistoric Britain - C. Beaumont Britain: Key to World History - C. Beaumont Makers of Civilization - L. A. Waddell The British Edda - L. A. Waddell Fir Gods & Stone Faces - C. Irwin Ireland: Ur of the Chaldees - Anna Wilkes History of Ireland - Dr. Geoffrey Keating Saga America - Barry Fell America BC - Barry Fell The Prince of Peace - Stinson Jarvis The Travels in Tartary - Abbes Huc and Gabet Native Races - Hubert Howe Bancroft Atlantis in Ireland - Ulf Erlingsson Journey of Pythias the Greek - Barry Cunliffe
Irish Holocaust Strongbow (Richard de Clare) Dermot MacMurrough Brehon Laws Irish Texts Archive
submitted by ConsciousRun6137 to u/ConsciousRun6137 [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 07:40 GoldenBeliever001 Hey I've posted this before but in case anyone is interested: My Master Omni Timeline List

This is a list of what I personally collect/intend on collecting and they are dated to either the first issue or earliest plot point when possible, everything in bold is what I have currently. I just made this for fun, helps motivate to fill it to the point of collecting all of my main series one day:
Fantastic 4 by Lee/Kirby Vol 1 - Nov 1961
Amazing Spider-Man by Lee/Ditko Vol 1 - Mar 1963
The X-Men by Lee/Kirby/Thomas Vol 1 - Sept 1963
Fantastic 4 by Lee/Kirby Vol 2 - Oct 1964
Untold Tales of Spider-Man by Busiek - Sept 1995
Amazing Spider-Man by Lee/Romita Vol 2 - Aug 1966
The X-Men by Thomas/Adams/Roth/Heck Vol 2 - May 1967
Amazing Spider-Man by Lee/Romita/Kane Vol 3 - Jan 1969
Classic X-Men by Lee/Ditko/Thomas - April 1970
Amazing Spider-Man by Conway/Kane/Andru Vol 4 - Feb 1972
X-Men: The Hidden Years by Byrne - Dec 1999
Thanos: Infinity Origins by Starlin - Feb 1973
Amazing Spider-Man Wein/Andru Vol 5 - Apr 1975
Uncanny X-Men by Claremont/Cockrum Vol 1 - Aug 1975
Spectacular Spider-Man by Mantlo/Buscema Vol 1 - Dec 1976
Amazing Spider-Man by Wolfman/O'Neil Vol 6 - Jun 1978
Daredevil by Miller - May 1979
Uncanny X-Men by Claremont/Cockrum Vol 2 - Apr 1980
Spider-Man by Stern - June 1980
Spectacular Spider-Man by Mantlo Vol 2 - June 1980
Dazzler by Defalco - Mar 1981
Uncanny X-Men by Claremont/Cockrum/Wiacek Vol 3 - Feb 1982
Marvel Super Hero: Contest of Champions - June 1982
The New Mutants by Claremont/Buscema/Sienkiewicz Vol 1 - Mar 1983
Spectacular Spider-Man by Mantlo Vol 3 - July 1983
Uncanny X-Men by Claremont/Smith/Wiacek/Romita Vol 4 - Dec 1983
Marvel Super Heroes: Secret Wars by ShooteZeck - May 1984
Black Costume Saga by DeFalco - May 1984
Amazing Spider-Man by DeFalco - May 1985
Uncanny X-Men by Claremont Vol 5 - June 1985
Secret Wars II by ShooteMilgrom - July 1985
The New Mutants by Claremont/ Vol 2 - Jan 1986
X-Factor by / Vol 1 - Feb 1986
Spectacular Spider-Man by / Vol 4 - Sept 1986
X-Men: Mutant Massacre by Claremont/Romita - Oct 1986
X-Men: Fall of the Mutants by Claremont/Silvestri - Aug 1987
The New Mutants by Simonson/Blevins/Liefeld Vol 3 - Sept 1987
Amazing Spider-Man by Michelinie & Mcfarlane - Jan 1988
Evolutionary War by Various - Apr 1988
X-Men: Inferno Prologue by Claremont/Silvestri/Leonardi - Apr 1988
X-Factor by / Vol 2 - Apr 1988
Excalibur by Claremont/Davis/Various Vol 1 - Oct 1988
Wolverine by Claremont/MilleBuscema Vol 1 - Nov 1988
X-Men: Inferno by Claremont/Silvestri - Dec 1988
X-Men by Claremont/Jim Lee Vol 1 - May 1989
Spectacular Spider-Man by / Vol 5 - June 1989
Marc Spector: Moon Knight by Dixon Vol 1 - June 1989
Atlantis Attacks! By Various - Aug 1989
Wolverine Vol 2 by Claremont/David/Goodwin/Duffy - Sept 1989
Acts of Vengeance by Various - Dec 1989
Acts of Vengeance Crossovers by Various - Dec 1989
Spider-Man by Mcfarlane - Aug 1990 (before bc Spider-Man 1990 coverage)
Amazing Spider-Man by Michelinie & Larsen - Feb 1990
Infinity Gauntlet by / - Feb 1990
The New Mutants by / Vol 4 - Feb 1990
Ghost Rider by Velez Vol 1 - May 1990
Wolverine Vol 3 by / - Sept 1990
X-Tinction Agenda by Claremont/Lee - Nov 1990
X-Men by Claremont/Jim Lee Vol 2 - Feb 1991
Deadpool: Beginnings by / - Feb 1991
Excalibur Vol 2 by / - Mar 1991
Spec Spider-Man by DeMatteis Vol 1 - July 1991
X-Force by / Vol 1 - Aug 1991
Amazing Spider-Man by Michelinie & Bagley Vol 1 - Sept 1991
Marc Spector: Moon Knight by Dixon Vol 2 - Jan 1992
Infinity War by / - June 1992
Wolverine Vol 4 by / - Sept 1992
X-Men: The Animated Series by / - Nov 1992
Venomnibus by / Vol 1 - Feb 1993
Deadpool & X-Force by / Vol 2 - Feb 1993
Amazing Spider-Man by Michelinie & Bagley Vol 2 - Apr 1993
Infinity Crusade by / - June 1993
Excalibur by / vol 3 - Aug 1993
X-Men 2099 by Moore/Lim - Oct 1993
Daredevil by Miller Companion - Oct 1993
Wolverine by / Vol 5 - Dec 1993
Cable & X-Force by / Vol 3 - Mar 1994
Spider-Man vs Venom by McFarlane
Amazing Spider-Man: Clone Saga by / Vol 1 - Oct 1994
Age of Apocalypse by / - Jan 1995
Age of Apocalypse Companion by / - Jan 1995
Road to Onslaught by / - Feb 1995
Amazing Spider-Man: Clone Saga by / Vol 2 - June 1995
New X-Force by / Vol 4 - July 1995
Venomnibus by / Vol 2 - Aug 1995
Captain America by Waid - Oct 1995
Spider-Man 2099 by David Vol 1 - Nov 1995
Amazing Spider-Man: Ben Reilly by / Vol 1 - Jan 1996
Amazing Spider-Man: Ben Reilly by / Vol 2 - May 1996
X-Men/Avengers: Onslaught by / - Oct 1996
Heroes Reborn by / - Nov 1996
Spec Spider-Man by DeMatteis Vol 2 - Dec 1996
Deadpool by Kelly - Jan 1997
Amazing Spider-Man: The Final Chapter by / - Jan 1997
Heroes Reborn: The Return by / - Dec 1997
Avengers by Busiek/Perez Vol 1 - Feb 1998
Marvel Knights by Joe Quesada - Nov 1998
Black Panther by Priest Vol 1- Nov 1998
Amazing Spider-Man by Byrne/Mackie Vol 1 - Jan 1999
X-Men vs Apocalypse: The Twelve by / - Aug 1999
Venomnibus by / Vol 3 - Sept 1999
Deadpool Classic by Various - Nov 1999
Avengers by Busiek/Perez Vol 2 - Jan 2000
Punisher by Ennis - Apr 2000
X-Men: Revolution by Claremont/ - May 2000
Amazing Spider-Man by Byrne/Mackie Vol 2 - July 2000
Daredevil By Bendis Vol 1 - May 2001
Amazing Spider-Man by Straczynski Vol 1 - June 2001
New X-Men by Morrison - July 2001
X-Statix by Milligan/Allred - July 2001
X-Treme X-Men by Claremont/Larroca Vol 1 - July 2001
Black Panther by Priest Vol 2 - Sept 2001
Jessica Jones: Alias MAX by Bendis/Gaydos - Nov 2001
Marvel: The End by Various - Aug 2002
Fantastic 4 by Waid/Wieringo - Oct 2002
Weapon X: The Return by Tieri - Nov 2002
Punisher MAX by Ennis Vol 1 - June 2003
X-Treme X-Men by Claremont/Larroca Vol 2 - July 2003
Deadpool & Cable by Nicienza/Slott - May 2004
Astonishing X-Men by Whedon - July 2004
Daredevil by Bendis Vol 2 - Aug 2004
New Avengers by Bendis Vol 1 - Sept 2004
X-Factor by David Vol 2 - Nov 2004
Wolverine by Millar - Dec 2004
Captain America by Brubaker Vol 1 - Jan 2005
Amazing Spider-Man by Straczynski Vol 2 - Feb 2005
Young Avengers by Heinberg - Apr 2005
House of M by Bendis - Aug 2005
House of M Companion by Bendis - Aug 2005
Decimation by Bendis - Dec 2005
Civil War by / - Aug 2005
Civil War Companion by / - Aug 2005
Planet Hulk by Pak/Way - Jan 2006
Road to War of Kings - Feb 2006
Daredevil by Brubaker Vol 1 - Apr 2006
Punisher MAX by Ennis Vol 2 - May 2006
Annihilation by / - May 2006
Thor by Straczynski/Gillen - May 2006
Moon Knight by Huston/Benson - June 2006
War of Kings by / - Sept 2006
Immortal Iron Fist by BrubakeFraction/Aja - Jan 2007
Captain America: The Death of Captain America by Brubaker Vol 2 - Apr 2007
World War Hulk by / - July 2007
New Avengers: Secret Invasion by Bendis Vol 2 - Aug 2007
Annihilation Conquest by / - Aug 2007
Wolverine by Aaron - Oct 2007
Amazing Spider-Man: Brand New Day Vol 1 by Slott - Feb 2008
Deadpool by Way Vol 1 - Mar 2008
Ghost Rider by Aaron - Apr 2008
Daredevil by Brubaker Vol 2 - May 2008
Thor by Fraction - June 2008
Captain America Lives! by Brubaker Vol 3 - Dec 2008
Punisher by Remender - Mar 2009
Amazing Spider-Man: Brand New Day Vol 2 by Slott - Mar 2009
X-Factor by David Vol 3 - Apr 2009
Secret Warriors by Hickman - Apr 2009
Fantastic 4 by Hickman Vol 1 - May 2009
Deadpool & Co by GhiscleLiefeld - June 2009
Deadpool Minibus by / Vol 0 - June 2009
Shadowland by / - Nov 2009
Punisher MAX by Aaron - Jan 2010
War of Kings: Aftermath - Realm of Kings by / - Jan 2010
Amazing Spider-Man: Brand New Day by Slott Vol 3 - Jan 2010
Captain America: The Trial of Captain America by Brubaker Vol 4 - Feb 2010
X-23 by Liu - Nov 2010 (keep)
Wolverine Goes to Hell by Aaron - July 2010
Deadpool by Way Vol 2 - Nov 2010
Uncanny X-Force by Remender - Dec 2010
Carnage by Various - Dec 2010
Amazing Spider-Man by Slott Vol 1 - Jan 2011
Loki: Journey Into Mystery by Gillen - June 2011
Daredevil by Waid Vol 1 - Sept 2011
Captain America: Return of the Winter Soldier by Brubaker Vol 5 - Sept 2011
Wolverine & The X-Men by Aaron - Dec 2011
Fantastic 4 by Hickman Vol 2 - Jan 2012
Amazing Spider-Man by Slott Vol 2 Mar 2012
X-Factor by David Vol 4 - May 2012
Avengers vs X-Men by / - May 2012
Guardians of the Galaxy Bendis Vol 1 - May 2012
Hawkeye by Aja/Fraction - Oct 2012
Deadpool Minibus by / Vol 1 - Oct 2012
Uncanny Avengers by Remender - Dec 2012
Thor by Aaron Vol 1 - Dec 2012
The Superior Spider-Man Vol 1 - Jan 2013
Captain America by Remender - Jan 2013
Deadpool by Duggan/Posehn - Jan 2013
X-Men Legacy: Legion by Spurrier - Jan 2013
Avengers by Hickman Vol 1 - Feb 2013
Age of Ultron by Bendis HC - May 2013
Death of Wolverine by / - May 2013
Superior Foes of Spider-Man by SpenceLieber - Sept 2013
Daredevil by Waid Vol 2 - Sept 2013
Avengers by Hickman Vol 2 - Feb 2014
Loki: God of Stories by Ewing/Garbett - Apr 2014
Silver Surfer by Slott/Allred - May 2014
Amazing Spider-Man by Slott Vol 3 - June 2014
Thanos: The Infinity Saga by Starlin/Lim - July 2014
Deadpool Minibus by / Vol 2 - Sept 2014
Spider-Man 2099 by David Vol 2 - Sept 2014
Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Verse/Spider-Geddon by Slott - Sept 2014
Spider-Gwen by / - Nov 2014
Secret Wars by Hickman - Nov 2014
Secret Wars: Battleworld by Hickman Vol 1 - July 2015
Secret Wars: Battleworld by Hickman Vol 2 - July 2015
Secret Wars: Battleworld by Hickman Vol 3 - July 2015
Deadpool Minibus by / Vol 3 - Aug 2015
Amazing Spider-Man by Slott/Ross Vol 4 - Dec 2015
Captain America by Spencer Vol 1 - Dec 2015
Guardians of the Galaxy by Bendis Vol 2 - Dec 2015
All-New Wolverine by Taylor - Jan 2016
Daredevil by Soule - Feb 2016
Spider-Man/Deadpool by Thompson -Mar 2016
Miles Morales: Spider-Man Vol 2 - Apr 2016
Gwenpool by Hastings - June 2016
Black Panther by Coates - June 2016
Thor by Aaron Vol 2 - Jan 2017
Captain America by Spencer Vol 2 - Mar 2017
Guardians of the Galaxy by Duggan - July 2017
Infinity Wars by Duggan HC
Spider-Man by Zdarsky - Aug 2017
Venom by Cates - May 2018
Immortal Hulk by Ewing - Aug 2018
Amazing Spider-Man by Spencer Vol 1 - Sept 2018
Marvel Cosmic Universe by Cates - Dec 2018
Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider by / - Dec 2018
Miles Morales: Spider-Man by Ahmed - Feb 2019
Superior Spider-Man by / Vol 2 - Feb 2019
Guardians of the Galaxy by Cates/Ewing - Mar 2019
Daredevil by Zdarsky Vol 1 - Apr 2019
The War of the Realms by Aaron - June 2019
Savage Avengers by Duggan - July 2019
Absolute Carnage by Cates - Sept 2019
Dawn of X by Various Vol 1 - Sept 2019
Thor by Cates - Mar 2020
Avengers/Fantastic 4: Empyre by / - May 2020
Amazing Spider-Man Spencer Vol 2 - Sept 2020
King in Black by Cates - Feb 2021
Daredevil by Zdarsky Vol 2 - Aug 2021
Moon Knight by MacKay - Sep 2021
Amazing Spider-Man Beyond by Wells/Various - Dec 2021
Devils Reign by Zdarsky - Feb 2022
Amazing Spider-Man by Wells/Romita Jr. - June 2022
A.X.E: Judgment Day by / - Sept 2022
Guardians of the Galaxy by Kelly/Walker - June 2023
Ultimate Spider-Man by Bendis Vol 1 - Oct 2000
Ultimate X-Men by MillaKubert Vol 1 - Feb 2001
Ultimates by MillaHitch - Mar 2002
Ultimate Spider-Man by Bendis Vol 2 - July 2003
Ultimate X-Men Vol 2 by MillaKubert - Aug 2003
Ultimate Fantastic 4 by Millar Vol 1 - Feb 2004
Ultimate Spider-Man by Bendis Vol 3 - Apr 2005
Marvel Zombies - Sept 2005
Ultimate Fantastic 4 by Millar Vol 2 - Oct 2006
Ultimate X-Men by MillaKubert Vol 3 - Dec 2006
Ultimate Spider-Man by Bendis Vol 4 - Oct 2007
Marvel Zombies Returns by Various - Sept 2009
Ultimate Comics: Avengers by Millar - Oct 2009
Ultimates by Hickman - Dec 2010
Ultimate Spider-Man by Bendis Vol 5 - Jan 2011
Miles Morales: Spider-Man Vol 1 - Nov 2011
submitted by GoldenBeliever001 to OmnibusCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 21:25 El-Daddy Kaiserreich 1.1 - 'An Isle Alone'

As our second major update for the release version of Kaiserreich, this Easter time we are proud to bring you Kaiserreich Version 1.1 'An Isle Alone', featuring the Ireland rework!
Staying put in Europe after the Germany update, the Emerald Isle is put under the spotlight, as we see the island nation attempt to confront the reality of being a small country in a large world. Will the Irish people maintain their independence, or are they to become the subjects of a foreign power once more? And of course, this release also includes a few of the usual tweaks and changes for elsewhere all around the world.
This rework is filled with content all across the political spectrum, and has been a long time in the making, so we hope you enjoy it!
- The KR4 team


Notable Additions

  • Added coalition indicators to the politics tab, which display other parties in government in addition to the main ruling party.

Reworked Focus Trees

  • Ireland

New Focus Trees

  • Northern Ireland
  • Northumbria (releaseable puppet tree)

Tweaked Focus Trees

  • Bharatiya Commune, Insulindia, Persia, Tibet, Siam - adjusted the foreign policy foci
  • Bolivia - can now form the Peru-Bolivian Confederation
  • Union of Britain - tweaked the national focus tree to account for new Ireland content

New Events

  • Added annexation events for Abkhazia, Limburg and Westerscheldt.
  • Added an event for Armenia capturing Constantinople.
  • Added an event for Japan, regarding the Taihoku City Public Auditorium.
  • Added a white peace with Paraguay, that gives the Chaco to Bolivia or Peru-Bolivia, after a 7 month stalemate.
  • Added an event for the Ottomans, should they successfully intervene against Bulgaria during the Fourth Balkan War.
  • Added an event for the Ottomans at the start of the War in the Desert, where they can potentially increase their conscription law at the cost of some stability.
  • Added an event for Serbia, regarding the birth of Petar II’s heir.
  • Added an event for Shandong, where some Manchu flee Beijing to Shandong if they back the Manchu Coup and it fails.

New Decisions

  • Added decisions for Burma, Indochina, Insulindia, the Philippines and Siam to join the Left Kuomintang’s faction, if it exists.
  • Added decisions for NatPop Mexico and Peru-Bolivia to proclaim their victory after the Reconquista, and becoming the new hegemon of South America, respectively.
  • Added a player-only decision to clear previously-occupied annexations, allowing a player to decide again what to do with the territory.

New Custom Country Paths

  • Argentina (expanded current options)
  • Costa Rican Foreign Policy (altered current options)
  • Cuba (expanded current options)
  • Haiti (expanded current options)
  • Haitian Foreign Policy
  • Insulindia (expanded current options)
  • Ireland
  • Irish Elections
  • Irish Foreign Policy
  • Mittelafrika (removed deprecated options)
  • Persia (expanded current options)
  • Siam (expanded current options)
  • Ukraine (expanded current options)
  • Uruguay (expanded current options)
  • Yunnan (expanded current options)


  • New portraits
    • Afghanistan: Ali Ahmad Khan, Inayatullah Khan, Nasrullah Khan, Abdul Rahman Mahmoodi
    • Assyria: Freydun Atturaya
    • Burma: Joseph Augustus Maung Gyi
    • El Salvador: Osmín Aguirre y Salinas, Andrés Ignacio Menéndez
    • Eritrea: Woldeab Woldemariam
    • Commune of France: François Darlan
    • Guinea: Elhadj Camara Baba, Elhadj Abdoulaye Diallo, Barry Diawadou, Koumandian Keita, Albert Liurette, Aguibou Mody, Georges Olivier
    • Iceland: Stefán Jóhann Stefánsson, Ólafur Thors
    • Ireland: W.J. Brennan-Whitmore, Cathal Brugha (civilian & military), Erskine Childers, Kathleen Clarke, Michael Collins (civilian & military), Michael Donnellan, Eric Dorman O’Gowan, Neven Hénaff, Douglas Hyde, Frank MacDermot (two variants), Seán Murray (civilian & military), William O’Brien, Rory O’Connor, Séamus O’Donovan, John J. O’Kelly, Ernie O’Malley, Aodh Ó Néill, Seán Russell, Frank Ryan, Owen Sheehy-Skeffington, James Steele, Henry H.G. Stoker, Jack White
    • Italian Republic: Carlo Bergamini, Gino Pavesi
    • Socialist Republic of Italy: Randolfo Pacciardi, Giuseppe Di Vittorio
    • Kumul Khanate: Mahmut Muhiti
    • Latvia: Jēkabs Peterss
    • Liberia: Frank Emmanuel Tolbert
    • Liangguang: Lu Yuguang
    • Ma Clique: Ma Biao
    • Mauritania: Horma Ould Babana, Ahmed al-Hiba, Sidi el-Mokhtar N’Diaye, Merebbi Rebbu
    • Najd and Hasa: Khalid ibn Abdulaziz al-Saud
    • Niger: Sultan Barma Mustapha, Ibrahim Niass
    • Northumbria: Ernest Bulmer, Joseph Frederick Laycock, Arthur Munro Sutherland
    • Nyasaland: Hastings Banda, Ziwange Chikulamayembe, Flax Katoba Musopole, Elliot Kenan Kamwana, Kawinga IV
    • Pacific States of America: Frank Finley Merriam
    • Portugal: Maria Adelaide de Bragança
    • Russia: Mikhail Drozdovsky, Vasily Shulgin
    • Shandong: Zhang Zongchang
    • Spain: José María Gil-Robles y Quiñones
    • Switzerland: Jules Borel, Gustave Combe, Jakob Labhart
    • Tibet: Yuthok Tashi Dhondhup
    • Turkestan: Kurshirmat
    • Kingdom of Two Sicilies: Ubaldo Soddu
    • Yunnan: Chen Cheng
  • Tweaked portraits
    • Eoin O’Duffy (added new variant)
    • Shandong: Li Zaolin
  • New advisor portraits
    • Haiti: Cléante Valcin
    • Dominion of India: Iskander Ali Mirza
    • Ireland: Frank Aiken, Patrick Belton, Aodh de Blácam, Joseph Blowick, Gerald Boland, Harry Boland, Winifred Carney, Bryan Cooper, Richard Corish, Ned Cronin, Paddy Daly, Eric Dorman O’Gowan, Dáil Éireann, Denis Fahey, Rupert Guinness, John Hayes, Rosamond Jacob, Jim Larkin Jnr., Patrick McGilligan, Frank Macdermot, Seán MacBride, Seán Mac Eoin, Seán MacEntee, Joseph MacRory, Liam Mellows, Richard Mulcahy (civilian), Seán Murray, William Norton, Thomas J. O’Connell, Eoin O’Duffy (civilian), Michael O’Flanagan, Brian O’Higgins, Kevin O’Higgins, Gearóid O’Sullivan, Frank Ryan, D.D. Sheehan, Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington, Betty Sinclair, R.M. Smyllie, Francis Stuart, Michael Tierney, Liam Tobin, Robert N. Tweedy, J.J. Walsh, Thomas Westropp Bennett
    • Princely Federation: Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya
  • Added new British and French generic General portraits.
  • Updated an existing Arabian generic portrait, and added an Asian generic portrait that was previously used as a stand-in.
  • Added new flags for socialist Danubian Federation, Ireland, Mozambique and Zambesia.
  • Added new national focus icons for Ireland and Northern ireland.
  • Added new generic national focus icons.
  • Added new national spirit icons for Ireland.
  • Added new news event pictures for Ireland.
  • Added new event pictures for Ireland.
  • Added a new icon for Socialist Italian infantry equipment.
  • Updated the flag renders for Afghanistan, Assyria, and Portugal.
  • Updated national focus icons for China and Portugal.
  • Updated multiple event pictures for the Left Kuomintang and Shanxi, and added a few more.
  • Fixed Germany’s portrait for general Walter Model not actually being him, by re-adding the previous portrait.
  • Fixed missing small versions of the monarchist Finland flag.

Music Mod

  • Added “Down by the Salley Gardens”, “The March of the King of Laois”, “Merrily Kissed the Quaker”, “O’Sullivan’s March”, “Planxty Irwin”, “The Rocky Road to Dublin”, “Roddy McCorley”, and “Wildgeese” for Ireland.
  • Added "Das liebe alte Bern" (Old Beloved Bern), "Marsch der Grenadiere" (March of the Grenadiers), "Mit wehenden Fahnen" (With Flying Colours), "Roulez Tambours" (Roll the Drums), and "Schützenmarsch" (Soldiers’ March) for Switzerland.
  • “Waltzing Matilda” no longer plays for India or South Africa, if they leave the Entente.

Modelling Mod

  • Added a compatibility submod for the “Trial of Allegiance” DLC.


  • Added a Serbian endonym for Shkoder.
  • Added Siem Reap and Kampot as victory points in Cambodia.
  • Updated the borders around Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
  • Added multiple new victory points to China, and extensively reviewed the values given to existing victory points.
  • Merged Kuaiji into Jinhua in China.
  • Tangshan was split into Qinhuangdao and Tangshan along the river line.
  • Cangzhou was renamed Dezhou.
  • Baoding, Daming, and the new Dezhou state were redrawn to better represent the shapes of Chinese provinces.
  • Renamed the “Karelia” airzone to “Lapland”.
  • Updated multiple provinces in Georgia.
  • Added new provinces to the Najran state in Yemen, and multiple new victory points to southern Arabia in general.
  • Corrected and updated several Korean endonyms both in Korea and Manchuria.
  • Changed the default endonym of Mongolia’s capital “Urga” to “Niislel Khuree”.
  • Added Oujda and Tindouf as states in Morocco.
  • Removed the strait in Westerscheldt.
  • Added Simferopol as a victory point in Ukraine.
  • Najran in Yemen is now passable.
  • Fixed the locations of multiple victory points.
  • Fixed position of Ouro Preto in Brazil.
  • Fixed position of Daejeon in Korea.
  • Fixed a glitched frontline in Tuva.

Other Changes

  • North America
    • Removed the “American Civil War Mobilisation” decisions as they disproportionately benefited the Combined Syndicates of America, resulting in an unbalanced win rate among the American Civil War participants.
    • Decreased how much the Entente will attempt to perform naval invasions on India.
    • Updated Canada’s interactions with Ireland, to account for the new content.
    • Improved the Entente’s AI in coordinating naval invasions during the Weltkrieg.
    • Updated the name of the Combined Syndicates of America’s general Campbell Johnson to include his middle name.
    • Updated the effects of several national foci and national spirits for AutDem, PatAut and NatPop Mexico.
    • Updated Mexico’s national focus filters.
    • Altered when Mexico’s elections take place.
    • American Field Marshals that defect to join New England are now demoted to general.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Ferrer-led Costa Rica can now form the Democratic Alliance of the Caribbean upon his takeover of Costa Rica, as opposed to at the end of his focus branch.
    • Ferrer-led Costa Rica can now attack a non-democratic Mexico that controls land in Central America.
    • Added “CODOTEL” as an electronics concern for the Dominican Republic.
    • Clarified the tooltip for El Salvador’s “Snap Elections” national focus.
    • Added Cléante Valcin as an advisor for Haiti.
    • Nicaragua’s “The Fate of Moreno” event will now only fire once, instead of after every election.
    • Buffed the effects of multiple national foci and national spirits for Nicaragua.
    • Added “Puerto Rico Ironworks” as an industrial concern for Puerto Rico.
  • South America
    • Buffed the effects of Argentina’s democratic national foci, while decreasing their stability gain.
    • Added some tooltips to Argentina’s national foci, clarifying faction-joining options.
    • PatAut GOU Argentina can now also join the Reichspakt if at war with the same enemies, rather than only if at peace.
    • Updated the effects of much of Bolivia’s political national foci.
    • Bolivia now starts with the SocDems and SocLib in the ruling coalition.
    • Updated Bolivia’s starting party popularities.
    • Brazil can now form the Montevideo Treaty with Uruguay, if both countries are socialist and Argentina is NatPop.
    • Updated the text for multiple Paraguayan events.
    • Paraguay is now less likely to attack Bolivia/Peru-Bolivia after the Non-Aggression Pact runs out.
    • Updated the effects of several national foci and national spirits for Peru.
    • Updated Peru’s national focus filters.
    • Suriname can now be given to the Netherlands in its annexation event.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Belgium and the Netherlands, either neutral or part of BeNeSam, will temporarily join the Reichspakt if they are at war with the Third Internationale during the Weltkrieg.
    • When the Union of Britain, Commune of France or Italian splinters surrender by event, their capitulated puppets are now also seen in the Peace Conference.
    • Removed the option to give Northern England to Scotland in the annexation event.
    • The Commune of France’s navy is now transferred to the Union of Britain upon final capitulation.
    • Buffed the forts given by the “Fortify the German Border” and “Extend the Line” national foci for the Commune of France.
    • Added a “Polish Exile” trait to the Commune of France’s Konstanty Rokossowski.
    • The country that hosts the exiled Pope will now receive a small attack bonus against the Socialist Republic of Italy.
    • Reduced the amount of volunteers sent to Italian splinters.
    • Tweaked the effects of national foci and national spirits for the non-socialist political paths for the Netherlands, as well as a few economic national foci.
    • Added the option in the Netherlands annexation event to decide if the country is to be released as a kingdom or republic.
    • Rebalanced multiple party popularity, political power, and stability effects for the Netherlands.
    • Added a port to Terneuzen in the Netherlands.
    • SocCon Netherlands is no longer stuck with the “Negotiating with Extremists” national spirit, or blocked from completing national foci, if they fail both of their coalition negotiations.
    • Updated the Netherlands’ national focus filters.
    • Added Northumbria as a releasable puppet in the “Fate of Great” Britain annexation event.
    • Slightly restructured Portugal’s national focus tree.
    • Field Marshals that defect to Sardinia or the Kingdom of Two Sicilies are now demoted to general.
    • Reduced the amount of volunteers sent to the Kingdom of Spain and Carlist Spain in the Spanish Civil War.
    • Increased how frequently the Kingdom of Spain joins a faction.
    • The United Kingdom asking for control over Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales will now directly annex them, rather than transferring the puppet. Allies who refuse to hand over the land are now removed from the Entente.
    • Buffed the effect of the United Kingdom’s “Germanophobic Businessman” advisor trait.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • AI-controlled Austria will temporarily no longer go down the “End the Dual Rule” path, unless set to do so in the game rules.
    • Added a failsafe for Austria to join the Reichspakt if Germany is threatened during the Weltkrieg, if no longer a faction leader.
    • Austria now loses any claims or cores on Galicia and Lodomeria, upon transferring to Poland and/or Ukraine.
    • Trieste is no longer retained in the Treaty of Budapest, if Germany intervenes.
    • East Prussia can now be annexed by Russia, if Russia has annexed Poland.
    • Added traits to Galicia and Lodomeria’s generals, indicating if they are more aligned with Poland or Ukraine.
    • Updated Germany’s decision to promise greater autonomy to Poland after the Second Weltkrieg, so that it is now slightly more expensive, is available to every German government, and now makes Poland less likely to revolt.
    • Germany will now always grant full independence rather than more autonomy to player-controlled Poland post-war, should they have promised it during the war. Democratic Germany will always also grant full independence, while authoritarian Germany will change Poland’s puppet type.
    • Germany will now receive 25 political power if they have completed the “Second Expedition to China” national focus, and the League of Eight Provinces wins the League Collapse War.
    • Germany’s “Clash of Civilisations” national focus will now also add a claim on Latgale.
    • The Treaty of Moscow now also gives Germany its claims, if it should happen to have any.
    • Germany will no longer call in puppets to minor wars, assuming there is no stake in said war.
    • Updated the decision category text for Germany’s Black Monday minigame to show the correct duration of Black Monday turns.
    • Improved AI-controlled SocDem Germany’s war support situation.
    • Added a tooltip informing a player of the consequences of forming the Nordic Federation.
    • Updated Poland’s “TKS” tank template, and renamed it to the “TK-4”.
    • Updated the names of Poland’s first two tank technologies.
    • Poland’s “Centralne Warsztaty Samochodowe” Military Industrial Organisation is now available from game start.
    • Added Jules Borel as a commander for Switzerland.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Bulgaria’s “Mission to Konstantiniyye” national focus now grants them military access through Ottoman territory and the Bosphorus straits.
    • Updated Artur Sirk’s leader description for Estonia, and added leader descriptions to all other leaders.
    • Estonia or Latvia joining a faction will now remove their mutual guarantees.
    • Updated the effects of several national foci and national spirits for Greece.
    • Clarified and streamlined how Latvia removes its “Desperate Situation” national spirit.
    • Bialystok will no longer defect to Poland controlled by Generalgouvernement Warschau.
    • Added Vasily Shulgin as a potential AutDem/PatAut puppet leader for Russia.
    • Tweaked Russia’s AI with how it handles its front against the Reichspakt during the Weltkrieg.
    • Added a leader description to Russia’s Grigory Zinoviev.
    • If Russia attacks a neutral Latvia, Germany and Riga will annex the Courland state from Latvia.
    • Removed the attack bonus from Russia’s “Great Patriotic War” national spirit in most circumstances.
    • Buffed Socialist Russia's stability.
    • Improved how AI NatPop Ukraine manages its political power.
    • Ukraine’s “Emergency Recruitment” decision will now only be available for socialists.
    • White Ruthenia’s Military Industrial Organisations are now unlocked from day one, and instead improved by the relevant national foci.
  • Africa
    • The Congo can now be given to Belgium or France in the annexation event.
    • Guinea now starts as SocLib.
    • Yacine Dialle is now the SocLib leader for Guinea, rather than AutDem.
    • Added Horma Ould Babana, Sidi el-Mokhtar N’Diaye, Merebbi Rebbu and Ahmed al-Hiba as the Totalist/Syndicalist/RadSoc, SocDem/SocLib/MarLib/SocCon, AutDem and PatAut leaders for Mauritania, respectively.
    • The national focus causing Mittelafrika’s collapse will now continue even if its requirements are not met.
    • Added Elhadj Abdoulaye Diallo, Koumandian Keita, Albert Liurette, Georges Olivier, Elhadj Camara Baba, Aguibou Mody and Barry Diawadou as the Totalist, Syndicalist, RadSoc, MarLib, SocDem, SocCon and AutDem leaders for Guinea, respectively.
    • Mittelafika can now only send volunteers to countries in Africa.
    • Morocco can now only break free from Germany, if Germany is at war.
    • Niger now starts as SocDem.
    • Boubou Hama is now the SocDem to Totalist leader for Niger, rather than PatAut.
    • Added Ibrahim Niass and Sultan Barma Mustapha as the PatAut and NatPop leaders for Niger, respectively.
    • Added Ziwange Chikulamayembe and Kawinga IV as the AutDem and PatAut leaders for Nyasaland, respectively.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Renamed Armenia’s Christophor Araratov to Christophor Araratyan.
    • Socialist Armenia can now join the Eastern Syndicalist Union, if it contains Persia.
    • Rebalanced the number of volunteers received by both sides in the War in the Desert.
    • Slightly buffed the effects of Egypts initial Black Monday recovery national focus branch.
    • Renamed Georgia’s Iosif Baratashvili to Iese Baratashvili.
    • Buffed the effect of the Ottomans’ “Centralised Military Production” national spirit.
    • Increased the additional resistance for the Ottoman Empire, that is given by an area having “High” or “Very High” revolt risk.
    • Persia can no longer complete the “Revoke the 1913 Shatt al-Arab Protocols” decision, if the Russo-Ottoman Convention has been ratified.
    • Clarified the requirements for Persia’s “Reassert Claims on Iraq-i-Arab” national focus.
    • RadSoc Persia can now join the Internationale.
    • Persia will now only claim Baluchistan via event if the Dominion of India exists.
    • Improved Russia’s AI in handling defence in Central Asia.
    • Should Tripolitania somehow become independent prior to the War in the Desert, they will now preferentially align with the Ottomans over the Cairo Pact.
  • East Asia
    • Anqing's default government name is now “Anqing Government” and it will now use “Nanjing Government” if their capital is in Nanjing.
    • Updated the traits for Anqing’s Liu Heding.
    • Unified China will now greatly increase the victory points of its new capital, should it be one of the four major alternate capitals.
    • Forming the National Protection Alliance now clears the leader's Chinese Alignment.
    • Chinese splinters that can join the National Protection Alliance via national focus will now create a national government upon taking the focus, if the National Protection Alliance has formed and already died.
    • Chinese splinters can only demand annexation of Tibet, Mongolia, and Xinjiang’s splinters, if the Northwest Conflict has ended.
    • Clarified the effects of several Chinese events involving going to war for the control of the concessions.
    • Chinese splinters set to join the National Protection Alliance in the game rules will now only submit to the NPA leader, not any non-aligned Chinese splinter.
    • Fengtian now starts with access to the Japanese arms market, for players with the Arms Against Tyranny DLC active.
    • Implemented Japanese naval icons for Fengtian.
    • Fengtian will wait to call in Japan if it has cored Beijing.
    • Fengtian can no longer finish the national focus to core Beijing if they do not own it.
    • Fengtian must now fully unite China before it can take the “The Ultimatum” national focus.
    • Hunan will now actually submit to Yunnan if they fully surrender to them.
    • Hunan’s Cheng Qian now changes his Kuomintang Officer trait if he aligns with the Right Kuomintang.
    • Hunan will not surrender Zhenyuan to Yunnan if it is a subject.
    • Hunan will now submit to Right Kuomintang-led Yunnan via the “Enter the Yangtze Valley” national focus if they are also led by the Right Kuomintang, and not a subject.
    • AI-controlled Hunan is now more likely to join the National Protection Alliance.
    • Hunan will now prefer to seek an alliance with Left Kuomintang-led Liangguang, over Right Kuomintang-led Yunnan.
    • Japan will now get a wargoal on the Chinese splinter that annexed Fengtian, regardless of whether they broke away from them or not.
    • Left Kuomintang-led Hunan can now align with a Left Kuomintang-led Liangguang if the Left Kuomintang lost the League Collapse War.
    • Kuomintang-led Hunan can now submit to other Kuomintang-aligned Chinese splinters via decision, regardless of their alignment within the Kuomintang.
    • Japan will now take the “Continental Warfare” national focus under more conditions.
    • Japan can now send an ultimatum more than once, if Fengtian backs down. Accepting the ultimatum now increases MarLib popularity.
    • Updated the traits for League of Eight Provice’s Zhou Fengqi, Zheng Junyan, Zhou Yinren and Shangguan Yunxiang, and gave Yinren a Military High Command role.
    • Implemented German plane icons for the League of Eight Provinces, and Qing.
    • Updated several technology names and icons for the Left Kuomintang.
    • The "Soul of Whampoa" song now plays for the Left Kuomintang, when completing the "Soul of Whampoa" national focus.
    • Liangguang will now offer an alliance to Hunan and Yunnan if they are compatible governments, instead of demanding submission.
    • Liangguang's “Western Expedition” national focus now accounts for if Sichuan has a government it can ally with, and will now puppet Yunnan if both are led by the Right Kuomintang, even if they have already formed a government. It also accounts for when Long Yun is leader of Yunnan.
    • Kuomintang-led Liangguang will now get its government name at the same time it becomes a Chinese national government, instead of from an earlier national focus.
    • Kuomintang-led Liangguang will now rename itself at appropriate times.
    • Liangguang’s Li Zongren and Yunnan’s Zhu Peide will no longer gain the "Generalissimo" trait if they are subjects.
    • Updated the Yiguandao's description in Liangguang.
    • Kuomintang-led Liangguang will still get its “Government” cosmetic name, if they were a puppet and later broke free.
    • Improved Mongolia’s AI in declaring wars, and Russia’s AI with handling Mongolia.
    • Added coalitions to several event effects for Mongolia.
    • Rebalanced a few Mongolian national spirits.
    • Qu Yingguang now starts as a field marshal in Shandong in 1936.
    • Qu Yingguang-led Shandong can now get Dezhou back from the Qing, if they submit.
    • Qu Yingguang can no longer get away with trying to coup the Zhili Government by being a subject before the coup happens.
    • Qu Yingguang can no longer very politely ask to join the government he just tried to coup.
    • Qu Yingguang can now join a Zhili Republic Qing, if he didn't back the Manchu Coup.
    • Qu Yingguang will no longer join Qing on his own accord or back the Manchu Coup, if Qing doesn't send them aid upon him taking power in Shandong.
    • Edited Qing’s “Fangs on the Border” mission during the Central Plains War, so as an intermediary step between seizing Shanhaiguan and declaring war, Fengtian will move into Tangshan.
    • Puyi gets his uniform if puppeted by Russia.
    • Very slightly edited the position of Qing’s national focus tree.
    • Shanqing Tianguo now keeps its name when puppeted.
    • Renamed the “Zongchang Clique” in Shandong to “Zhang Clique”.
    • Shanxi will no longer lose their neutrality national spirits if they are in a defensive war. These national spirits will now also boost their surrender limit, and are removed if Shanxi unites China.
    • Zhili-aligned Sichuan can now join the Reichspakt in some circumstances.
    • Doubled the stability benefit from Sichuan’s “Set Up Treatment Clinics” decision.
    • Sichuan’s “Battle of Shihe” no longer affects claims or cores.
    • Sichuan’s Industrial Corps now loses all popularity when Liu Xiang fails in “The Xikang Rout” event.
    • Re-added Yuthok Tashi Dhondhup as a general for Tibet.
    • Totalist Tibet can now join the Eastern Syndicalist Union after the Northwest Conflict has ended.
    • Burhan Shahidi now joins SocDem Xinjiang.
    • Renamed Yunnan’s four warlord clique names.
    • Added Chen Cheng as a commander for Yunnan.
    • Upgrading Yunnan’s Kunming Arsenal now upgrades a support equipment Military Industrial Organisation, instead of small arms.
    • Yunnan can now only be targeted for an alliance by other Chinese splinters, if it has finished its civil war.
    • Yunnan will now bypass its committee and government national foci if it is a subject.
    • Yunnan’s national focus to deal with the Left Kuomintang will now instead target whoever is the owner of Nanjing, after the League Collapse War has ended.
    • Yunnan's “Ultimatum to Sichuan” national focus will now offer an alliance, demand submission, or give a wargoal when appropriate.
    • Kuomintang-led Yunnan will now only ally with Sichuan if Chen Jiongming is dead.
    • Increased Tang Jiyao-led Yunnan's likelihood of doing their foreign policy national foci.
    • Tang Jiyao-led Yunnan will no longer declare war on Tibet via national focus, unless he has united China first.
    • Long Yun-led Yunnan now has the ability to form the National Protection Alliance, and all of the same foreign policy decisions as Tang Jiyao.
    • Long Yun now purges all Left and Right Kuomintang Officers in Yunnan after coming to power via civil war or couping the Left Kuomintang.
    • Long Yun couping Zhu De now removes 30% RadSoc popularity.
    • Tang Jiyao, and Long Yun's isolationist path for Yunnan can now remove the “German Economic Control over Gejiu's Tin” national spirit.
    • Added the “Left Kuomintang Officer” trait to Yunnan’s Zhu De and Chen Yi.
    • Updated the text and effect of the “Zhu De’s Proposal” event for Yunnan.
    • Left Kuomintang-led Yunnan can now submit to Right Kuomintang-led Liangguang if they come to power without the game rule being set.
    • Zhu Peide's “Cult of Personality” national focus for Yunnan now renames Yunnan’s NatPop party and adds them to the ruling coalition.
    • The starting political national foci for Kuomintang-led Yunnan now add political power, instead of removing it, and the likelihood of how Kuomintang-led Yunnan are to try to form a Chinese government has increased.
    • Increased the political power reward for Long Yun’s political national foci.
    • Adjusted the priority Yunnan gives to completing the “Deal with Nanjing” national focus, and the focus now gives a wargoal on Shandong, if it exists.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Added Abdul Rahman Mahmoodi as the SocDem, RadSoc, Syndicalist and Totalist leader of Afghanistan.
    • Afghanistan’s Mohammad Nadir Khan is now a field marshal, and starting Chief of Army.
    • Afghanistan’s Nasrullah Khan is now a field marshal as well as second-in-command.
    • Afghanistan’s Ali Ahmad Khan is now also a general, as well as political advisor and Military High Command member.
    • Renamed Afghanistan’s AutDem and NatPop parties.
    • Demoted Afghanistan’s field marshal Ali Khan.
    • Decreased the skill and improved the traits of Afghanistan’s commander Mohammad Daoud Khan.
    • Tweaked the effects of several events for Afghanistan.
    • Updated the effects of multiple political national foci and national spirits for Australasia.
    • AI-controlled Australasia will now refrain from seizing Hong Kong if the Legation Cities have gone, or may still go, pro-British.
    • Clarified the tooltips in Australasia’s trade missions.
    • The Bharatiya Commune will now always join the Internationale, unless RadSoc or a differing game rule is active. If RadSoc, the Bharatiya Commune will always go Isolationist.
    • The Bharatiya Commune will now create the Eastern Syndicalist Union with any country that seeks an alliance with it, if the faction has not already been made.
    • Members of the Bharatiya’s Commune Eastern Syndicalist Union faction will now all join the Third Internationale, if the Bharatiya Commune later becomes Isolationist and dissolves the faction.
    • Countries rejected by the Bharatiya Commune into the Eastern Syndicalist Union will now all join the Third Internationale.
    • Adjusted the political power and stability cost to multiple faction-related events regarding the Eastern Syndicalist Union and related countries.
    • Burma is now more likely to be taken by the Dominion of India in Peace Conferences, and Canada more likely to give it to them.
    • AI-controlled RadSoc Burma, Indochina and Philippines will now always join the Eastern Syndicalist Union over the Third Internationale, unless the game rules are set otherwise.
    • The Dutch East Indies can now be offered to the Netherlands in its annexation event, in exchange for an alliance.
    • The Dutch East Indies cannot now be restored after being abolished by the Congress of Batavia.
    • German East Asia can now only send volunteers to countries in Asia and Oceania.
    • Added Iskander Ali Mirza as an advisor for the Dominion of India.
    • Increased the penalty for occupying Insulindia.
    • Socialist Insulindia and Siam can now join the Third Internationale, in addition to the Eastern Syndicalist Union with the Bharatiya Commune.
    • Added more initial arms market access for Siam, for players with the Arms Against Tyranny DLC enabled.
    • Siam now gets an event to peace out with Burma, if they have their revolution mid-war.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Added quotes by Michael Collins, Jim Larkin and Eoin O’Duffy to the loading screen quotes.
    • Updated the quote by James Connolly in the loading screen quotes.
    • Added a loading screen quote from John McCrae’s poem “In Flanders Fields”.
    • Removed the “Dismantle Faction” button.
    • Countries turning socialist will now automatically return volunteers sent to non-socialists, and vice-versa.
    • Volunteers are now recalculated if a government change happens.
    • Increased the cost of taking ships in Peace Conferences.
    • Liberating countries in peace conferences will now release them with a suitable government.
    • Slightly nerfed the AI’s 1940 fighter designs.
    • Implemented several new national focus icons from vanilla for many countries.
    • Updated a few of the national focus and national spirit icons for Germany, Hunan, Mittelafrika, Portugal and Yunnan.
    • Added a path guide for the Legation Cities.
    • Updated the path guides for the Second American Civil War participants, Argentina, Austria, Burma, German East Asia, the Ottoman Empire, the Netherlands, Siam and Turkey.
    • Reformatted the Leader Descriptions for Assyria, Bharatiya Commune, Bhutan, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dutch East Indies, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Dominion of India, Indochina, Insulindia, Kachin, Korea, Morocco, Mysore, Nepal, Nicaragua, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Princely Federation, Puerto Rico, Scotland, Senegal, Somalia, Transamur, Wales and West Indies Federation to include date and place of birth.


Notable Fixes

  • Fixed problems that occur on ideology change, based on an updated script from the latest release from base game HOI4.

Other Fixes

  • North America
    • Fixed Mexico being able to declare war when under non-aggression pacts or against countries that they guarantee, or when a puppet.
    • Fixed Canada attempting to take territory of the former British Empire, after the United Kingdom has already been restored.
    • Fixed carrier national foci for the United States not giving technology bonuses towards aircraft carriers.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Fixed multiple broken naval national foci for democratic Centroamerica.
    • Fixed Cuba's game rule for later elections for dems and RadSocs.
    • Fixed Cuba's game rule for the AutDem American Lapdog path potentially changing ideology later on.
    • Fixed Cuba's game rule for joining the Entente potentially occasionally not working.
  • South America
    • Fixed Argentina’s peace deal with Paraguay never firing.
    • Fixed puppet NatPop Brazil having the wrong leader and never turning into the Empire.
    • Fixed not being able to invite Brazil to the Reichspakt, if it is leader of the Montevideo Treaty with Uruguay.
    • Fixed Chile being unable to return the Galapagos to a conquered Ecuador.
    • Fixed Colombia’s national focus adding rubber to Pastaza if it doesn’t own the state.
    • Fixed Ecuador getting a claim on the Galapagos instead of Chile.
    • Fixed Camilo Recalde not being added to the socialist roster in Paraguay.
    • Fixed puppet Patagonia still trying to gain the claims of Andesia.
    • Fixed South American countries losing the appropriate leaders for their ideology.
    • Fixed Uruguay’s game rules being disregarded in later elections.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Fixed the release of the Basque Country giving Labourd to Spain.
    • Fixed the Union of Britain’s “Worker’s Palace” event being a news event.
    • Fixed British or French puppets inheriting the division templates of their overlord.
    • Fixed the Dunkirk annexation mission not firing, if Flanders is given to the Netherlands.
    • Fixed the Italian Republic being automatically released with Trieste and Trentino.
    • Fixed the Italian Republic’s “Avenge Caparetto” national focus bypassing for united Italy.
    • Fixed Angelo Iachino being recruited by the Socialist Republic of Italy, while Sardinia is still independent.
    • Fixed the event for Wilhelmina’s abdication not firing for the Netherlands, potentially locking them out of a political path.
    • Fixed the socialist Netherlands not receiving the “Batavian Resistance” national spirit, if Germany never attacks.
    • Fixed multiple events for the Papal States not firing, due to them only firing if the Najran state in Arabia is owned.
    • Fixed Portugal spawning units in states it doesn’t own.
    • Fixed land being returned to the wrong country, when British states are due to be returned to the restored United Kingdom.
    • Fixed the United Kingdom being unable to demand Northumbria from Scotland.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Fixed Austria getting a claim on Burgenland when it already has a core.
    • Fixed Austrian allies offering Transylvania to Romania.
    • Fixed Austria’s “End the Dual Rule” national focus continuing if puppeted.
    • Fixed the Treaty of Budapest not firing, due to capitulated Serbia still counting as the leader of the Belgrade Pact.
    • Fixed Germany’s anti-partisan decision not removing the Partisan’s resistance target.
    • Fixed Germany’s “Restore Civilian Administration” national focus not clearing claims correctly, or the last level of the military occupation national spirit.
    • Fixed Germany's “Minority Bloc: All Demands Fulfilled” national focus having the incorrect icon.
    • Fixed Germany’s “Z: All Demands Fulfilled” national focus being inappropriately available.
    • Fixed Germany’s “Harbinger of Normalcy” effect not being removed if Ewald von Kleist-Schmenzin is dismissed
    • Fixed Germany’s von Batocki-Frieve having a combined trait from the “Shuffle Prussian Ministries” national focus, instead of removing the old one.
    • Fixed puppet Germany’s government having an incorrect ideology compared to their overlord.
    • Fixed faction members that are not faction leaders, not getting the “Fate of Germany” annexation mission.
    • Fixed Germany losing its claim on Verviers even if Belgium didn't claim it.
    • Fixed the effect of Poland’s “Centralisation of Power” national focus potentially leaving Poland with two “The Polish Shogunate” national spirits.
    • Fixed Carlo Mierendorff not becoming country leader for SocDem Germany when elected President.
    • Fixed Poland’s “Organise Mass Protests” decision continuing while at war with the Commune of France.
    • Fixed the effects of Poland’s Military Exercises with allies.
    • Fixed Switzerland getting the “Fate of Savoy” mission too early.
submitted by El-Daddy to Kaiserreich [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 17:50 spartachilles Summary of President Alvin York's First Term (March 6th, 1947 - May 4th, 1948) A House Divided Alternate Elections

Summary of President Alvin York's First Term (March 6th, 1947 - May 4th, 1948) A House Divided Alternate Elections

Alvin York, the 36th President of the United States
Vice President:
  • Charles Edward Merriam (1947-1948)
Secretary of State:
  • W. Averell Harriman (1947-1948, resigned),
  • Joseph Grew (1948, acting)
Secretary of the Treasury:
  • Dean Acheson (1947-1948, resigned),
  • Franklin W. Hancock (1948, acting)
Secretary of War:
  • Kenneth C. Royall (1947-1948)
Attorney General:
  • Jack Tenney (1947-1948, resigned)
  • Charles Fahy (1948, acting)
Secretary of the Navy:
  • James V. Forrestal (1947-1948)
Postmaster General:
  • Thomas Perkins Henderson (1947-1948)
Secretary of the Interior:
  • Edwin W. Pauley (1947-1948, resigned)
  • Charles W. Jewett (1948, acting)
Secretary of Education:
  • Orland K. Armstrong (1947, resigned),
  • Jay Bryan Nash (1947-1948)
Secretary of Labor:
  • Howard W. Smith (1947, resigned)
  • John L. Lewis (1947, acting, appointment rejected)
  • William Morris Leiserson (1947-1948)
Secretary of Agriculture:
  • Chester C. Davis (1947, resigned)
  • John Marvin Jones (1947-1948)
Secretary of Commerce:
  • Leon Henderson (1947-1948)
Changing of the Guard
When Alvin York finally assumed the presidency after weeks of national debate, he found himself the heir to an administration in chaos. In the twilight of the Hughes presidency, scandals had sunk two of his former colleagues and left their cabinet positions vacant, while another was vacated at the beginning of York’s term when Secretary of Commerce Jesse H. Jones resigned in protest at the public treatment of former President Howard Hughes. Seeing what remained of the cabinet as a pit of vipers that might consume him the same way it had Hughes, York drew an old ally from Tennessee into his administration by appointing state party chairman Thomas Perkins Henderson as his Postmaster General. In a similar move to earn more allies in the administration, York promoted Assistant Secretary of War Kenneth C. Royall as his Secretary of War ahead of several more senior officials in the War Department. To round out his selection of new cabinet officers, York appointed Price Administrator Leon Henderson as his Secretary of Commerce in a bid to build a base of support among Federalist Reformists skeptical of the pro-trust majority in the party. But one more glaring vacancy would remain after this reshuffling: the Vice Presidency. Seeking a respectable figure who could help to unify the party after its factional turmoil and help him navigate Washington, York turned to the elder statesman Charles Edward Merriam to fill this crucial position. Merriam, who had privately hoped that he would be called back into service since the end of his term as Censor, readily accepted the position.
However, these initial appointments would hardly spell the end of the turnover within York’s new administration. It soon became apparent that much like his predecessor, York was a chronic micromanager who frequently interfered with the responsibilities of his subordinates. Struggling to operate under a president who remained deeply invested in educational issues Secretary of Education Orland K. Armstrong would be the first of his administration to resign, albeit justifying it by accepting a university presidency. Almost as soon as York had replaced Armstrong, he found himself bereft of a Secretary of Agriculture as Chester C. Davis resigned amid his frustrations at York’s insistence on personally managing the details of a farm credit program passed by Congress. When Davis publicly criticized York as unreasonably inserting himself into areas he had no serious expertise in, it was initially dismissed as the musings of a resentful cabinet member. Yet the report of the Council of Censors in the summer of 1947 painted a picture of gross mismanagement in the York administration that helped to confirm Davis’s statement, with the administration being riddled by redundant committees constructed by a President apparently unaware of the complexities of a government mobilized for war.

Secretary of War Kenneth C. Royall during his confirmation hearings before the Senate.
An End to War?
For more details, see The Second World War, Part XI .
After seven and a half long years at war, the American people placed their hope in President York to finally bring them victory. While York hoped that nuclear fire would be the ultimate weapon to bring the fearsome Russian State to its knees and commissioned the atomic bombing of four of its cities, the reality proved to be far less simple. Unbeknownst to the outside world as virtually all diplomatic missions had been withdrawn from Moscow amid the failure of the Russian government to protect them from violent bread riots, the Russian government had in fact collapsed and the county had disintegrated into warlordism in the aftermath. With the truth only revealed upon the surrender of forces under the command of General Andrey Vlasov, President York was quick to present this development to the American people as a point of victory in the war and began the withdrawal of the American Expeditionary Force from the Russian frontlines much to the chagrin of his German allies. Instead concentrating on securing the final defeat of Imperial Japan, York oversaw the implementation of an enormous firebombing campaign to level its cities while campaigns stretching across the many islands of the Asian continent provided victory after victory on the battlefield. Once sufficient air supremacy and nearby staging bases had been secured, President York dealt the final coup de grâce by ordering the atomic bombing of four Japanese cities to trade the lives of the millions of civilians therein for an immediate surrender by the Imperial Japanese government.
While President York declared victory abroad, the end of the Second World War created as many new problems as it did solutions. For nearly a decade the American economy had been mobilized for war and millions of its young men who had been sent abroad to die for their country were now returning in droves to a deeply uncertain future. To help address their plight as the war was in its final months, President York successfully shepherded the passage of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act through Congress providing all returning soldiers with an immediate and very generous cash payment alongside substantial benefits in securing low-interest loans from the federal government for starting businesses and purchasing homes as well as assistance with pursuing educational opportunities. Yet even this monumental act only touched on one of the myriad issues of the demobilizing economy. The federal debt had rapidly ballooned in the war years to hundreds of billions of dollars and efforts to alleviate the burden of wartime taxation were deeply frustrated by the competing priorities of the deeply divided House of Representatives. Wielding more executive control over the matter of price controls, President York opted not to lift most of the controls in order to avoid further financial stresses on the American people amid persistent inflation stemming from the war years. But a more hopeful note came for the Congolese people as their appointed day of independence had finally arrived and President York presided over the proclamation of the United States of the Congo.

Advice pamphlet distributed as part of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act
The Red Summer
Throughout the two terms of President Howard Hughes, labor relations throughout the country had gradually unraveled with the federal government resorting to increasingly coercive measures to ensure the cooperation of the national workforce in the war effort. In particular, a clause in the 24th amendment allowed the federal government to curtail the right to strike during times of war, which President Hughes had used to force binding pro-business arbitrations on defense-related workers throughout the country. Although President York initially continued these policies, the end of the war undermined the constitutional basis of his actions and resulted in a surge of unemployment and labor demands that presaged a tidal wave of strikes throughout the country. Despite his efforts to take to the bully pulpit and demand the passage of the full Federalist Reform economic agenda, the House remained too divided to make any consensus on the brewing labor crisis. Thus, cities across the United States became embroiled in seemingly interminable general strikes ranging from those calling for reduced working hours and higher pay to those espousing overtly syndicalist rhetoric, with violent clashes between strikers, veterans, and local authorities becoming par for the course. In a clumsy attempt to assuage labor concerns, President York requested the resignation of the unpopular wartime Secretary of Labor Howard Y. Smith and attempted to nominate sympathetic labor leader John L. Lewis in his place. Such an ambition was quickly dashed in the Senate, where Senate Leader Sherman Minton decried Lewis’s lack of patriotism due to his well-documented opposition to the war and openly questioned whether this might be a corrupt racketeering deal and engineered the rejection of his nomination. In the end, York was forced to appoint the moderately conservative William Morris Leiserson instead which hardly abated the ongoing strikes.
With the pressure from the strikes increasing over several months, Speaker of the House Wright Patman was successful in crossing party lines to pass several bills including a federal commitment to full employment, additional federal assistance towards the creation of credit unions, and regulations on anti-competitive practices, all of which easily passed through the Senate as well. Yet one bill would stand above all others passed by Congress during President York’s Term: the National Labor Arbitration Act of 1947. Claiming the domestic situation to be a national crisis warranting restrictions on the right to strike, the act extended many wartime powers to forcibly arbitrate labor disputes until the passage of a resolution by Congress declaring the crisis resolved. Although wide sections of the labor movement reviled this Act, an insurgent faction within the American Federation of Labor led by George Meany seeking to bring the AFL behind the Federalist Reform Party scored an upset victory in the union’s leadership elections. Yet this victory would soon prove hollow as Walter Reuther staged a split with many pro-Social Democratic unions walking out to form the Congress of Industrial Organizations in opposition to the York administration. Meanwhile, as the Council of Censors failed to pass a motion to declare the Act unconstitutional, the Supreme Court took up the issue in the United States vs. Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. Despite the court’s ostensible Social Democratic majority, Associate Justice Marcus C. Sloss shocked the country by concurring with the Federalist Reform minority in upholding the constitutionality of the act in a refusal to expand the power of the court at the expense of the legislature.

Associate Justice Marcus C. Sloss, lauded by some as the epitome of judicial integrity and reviled by others as a betrayer of the workers.
A New Enemy
For more details, see Gotterdammerung.
While citizens around the world rejoiced at the end of the all-consuming Second World War, the chessboard of world politics had shifted from the battlefield to the diplomatic arena. During the twilight years of the war, Secretary of State W. Averell Harriman had grown increasingly skeptical of the intentions of the country’s German allies and pivoted towards a policy of containing their rampant expansionism. Such a policy was further buttressed by George F. Kennan’s analysis in his so-called “Long Telegram” which suggested that the Kaiser and the Junker class supporting him were motivated into a highly bellicose foreign policy in order to maintain their political power amidst severe domestic unpopularity. However, the increasingly brazen provocations of the German Empire in dismantling the Kingdom of Hungary, annexing Czechia, and creating a puppet state to manage the ethnic colonization of its occupied Russian lands drew the personal attention of President Alvin York. While York commissioned the reconstruction of Japan and the creation of a Manchurian state without consultation of the German Empire, he more harshly expressed his reaction in a scathing rebuke in his 1948 State of the Union Address declaring “we have to take a firm stand with Germany. We found out what appeasement got us from Japan and we cannot allow it to happen again.”
Thus, when the Greek King Constantine II and his heir presumptive Prince Paul were assassinated by a communist rebel, York plunged the United States headfirst into the ensuing civil war despite the protestations of his diplomatic advisors. Ruling out support for either the German-backed government of Prime Minister Konstantinos Kotzias or the leftist resistance of Alexandros Svolos, York ordered diplomatic and military assets to back the Venezelist resistance movement led by Colonel Dimitrios Psarros in a direct confrontation against the German Empire. In retribution, Kaiser Wilhelm III ordered the release of leftist political prisoners from France and Italy with arms in order to foment rebellion against American occupation forces in both countries and weaken their position in long-stalled negotiations for a final peace with both countries. Furious at what he saw as a direct attack on the American people, York was growing convinced that this was the final trial in his God-given mission to rid the Earth of the Old World’s corruption. His cabinet got the first inkling of what was to come when he stated “I wouldn’t give one American boy for everything I’ve seen in Europe. We have to let the atomic bomb do the job,” but only his Secretary of War Kenneth C. Royall and a circle of high-level military officials were truly in-the-know about his future plans.

Greek partisans during its Civil War.
The Winds of Winter
On April 17th, 1948, President Alvin York privately spoke to General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Commander of American forces in Europe, and told him that “we must wipe the Germans from the face of the Earth in one terrific blow and let’s do it in time to save ourselves. Start at Wilhelm’s and go on down until we burn ‘em all up — atomic bomb and all.” When MacArthur attempted to convince the President that the tactical use of nuclear weapons against the Germans in a more conventional war would be a sufficient show of force, York simply replied: “If you can’t find anyone else to push the button, I will.” With such a direct order from his commander-in-chief, General MacArthur had no choice but to put Operation Halfmoon, the planned annihilation of all major German cities using 243 atomic bombs, into motion. Despite the acquiescence of MacArthur and the relevant officer corps, the effort ran into serious opposition in the enlisted ranks. Under the influences of military justice policies of President Tasker H. Bliss calling for resistance against unlawful orders and the educational principles promulgated by President John Dewey urging critical action against unjust social orders, many enlisted men refused to carry their orders and some even went so far as to actively sabotage bombing missions to ensure they could not go forward. Yet despite these efforts, many warplanes still managed to get into their air with their nuclear payloads. Thus, in a monstrous demonstration of the raw power of splitting the atom and the willingness of the American government to use it, 37 atomic bombs struck cities across Germany and reduced everything and everyone therein to ashes.
While President York was successful in ensuring the total surrender of what authorities still remained in Germany, whether such a horrific act could be declared a victory for America remained deeply in doubt. In one stroke, the United States of America had simultaneously cowed the world into submission while making itself a global pariah excoriated for its wanton slaughter of the German people. Brave enough to stand as the international leader of the denunciation of America’s conduct was newly elected Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Aneurin Bevan and his Foreign Minister Harold Nicolson, though the most pertinent opposition would come from within the United States itself. Throughout its history, the United States had become home to a large number of German immigrants and its ethnic tradition remained proud and strong within the country. Thus, the total destruction of their homeland shocked and horrified many German-Americans into action, with nationwide demonstrations led by former General Herbert C. Heitke and many German-American politicians joining hands with other opponents of the York administration to demand his impeachment and removal. Yet perhaps most concerning of all would be the response of the Earth itself, with scientists across the world recording a substantial drop in global temperatures as the sky itself visibly darkened after the bombings.

The apocalypse, as wrought on the city of Dresden.
God’s Instrument No More
In the days immediately following the bombing, it quickly became apparent that the York administration was rapidly collapsing. Secretary of State W. Averell Harriman and several other cabinet members resigned in a collective move, no longer holding confidence in a President who had failed to consult his whole cabinet on such a momentous decision. Shortly thereafter, the Council of Censors unanimously passed a resolution spearheaded by William Simon U’Ren and John Dewey to censure President York and denounce him for crimes against humanity. Although the Censors held the power to impeach, they opted to allow the House of Representatives to proceed with its own articles of impeachment in order to further shatter York’s credibility. Amidst all of this, President York suffered a major stroke that left him bedridden and partially paralyzed, no doubt aggravated by the severe stress of the government crashing in around him. With an impending Senate trial seeming likely to convict him and May Day heralding the greatest yet wave of protests and strikes during his term, it became clear to the ill President that his time in office was quickly coming to a close. Thus, hoping to preserve what remained of his legacy, York signed a letter to acting Secretary of State Joseph Grew announcing his immediate resignation on grounds of ill-health and bringing an end to his ignominious presidency.

Charles Edward Merriam, the elder statesman handed the poisoned chalice of becoming the 37th President of the United States.
How would you rate President Alvin York’s first term in office?
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submitted by spartachilles to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.03.11 07:14 blackpowder320 Suggestions for a Southeast Asia DLC (Part 1) - Democratic and Non-Aligned Philippines Paths

Hello everyone! Long time HOI4 player here. Now that I have played the three major players in Trial of Allegiance (Novo Estado Brazil, Edelman's Argentina Popolares, and Mapuche Chile), I think it would be good to brainstorm and provide more info for (what I believe SHOULD BE) the next DLC. Yes, I am talking about improving the Pacific War and more unique content for Southeast Asia. Japan deserves to be reworked first of all the Major Powers and bring its Focus Tree to the size of Italy's (or bigger), and SEA is the perfect complement if it does happen.
I'm from the Philippines myself and if HOI4 deems it worthy of giving us a proper DLC, then here are some ideas they can use to make a more historically immersive and fun gameplay ahead.
(For everyone reading this, perhaps tagging the community ambassadors would be nice too)
I will start with...
A. Democratic Paths:
Democratic Leaders for the Philippines:
Aguinaldo, Sumulong, and Recto will be the anti-American democratic leaders. Nacionalistas will remain pro-American like they did historically, while Liberals will exercise a middle ground.
B. Non-Aligned Paths:
Aguinaldo can strike a deal with the Moros and create a federal government if he maintains a secular dictatorship, while RCC and IFI Paths will inevitably lead to a civil war instead since the more theocratic paths will clash with the Muslim-dominated Bangsamoro.
These are all I have in mind for now. Next will be suggestions for Communist and Fascist paths. Again, I REALLY hope the HOI4 devs will see this. They can use all these ideas if they will push for a Southeast Asia DLC for good. Enjoy guys!
EDIT: Secret Imperator MacArthur meme path where he seizes control of the Philippines
submitted by blackpowder320 to hoi4 [link] [comments]

2024.03.01 19:50 spartachilles Gotterdammerung A House Divided Alternate Elections

Ragnarok. Frashokereti. Aharit Ha-Yamim. Yawm Al-Qiyamah. Armageddon.
Since time immemorial, the human race has considered meeting its end in a world-consuming apocalypse. But having split the atom, it now finally had the capacity to inflict such an end upon itself. The world bore witness while the United States unleashed eleven nuclear bombs during the Second World War and destroyed the lives and livelihoods of countless thousands of civilians in a bid to end the global conflict and demonstrate the sheer power of the weapon it now possessed. Yet while jubilant crowds celebrated the surrender of Imperial Japan and the collapse of the Russian State as the end of the catastrophic war that threatened an end to human civilization, a new gathering storm was approaching.
For months while the end of the war was in sight, negotiations between German Foreign Minister Herbert von Dirksen and American Secretary of State W. Averell Harriman had grown increasingly torturous as the pair failed to agree on even the fundamental precepts of the post-war peace. At first able to settle minor details such as the re-establishment of the Tsardom of Bulgaria, recognition of the Mannerheim government of Finland, and an attempt to discern the legitimate government of Russia, larger questions surrounding the sovereignty of the surrendered European nations and their African colonies proved impossible to answer by consensus. Soon, the German Empire incensed the American leadership by making increasingly brazen unilateral declarations to enforce their preferred terms of peace, including the dismemberment of the Kingdom of Hungary by recognition of puppet states ruled by ethnic minorities, the full-blown annexation of Czechia, and the creation of the quasi-independent Reichskommissariat Muskowien which rapidly acquired a reputation for brutal colonization of former Russian lands.
Yet where these confrontations proved indirect, the flashpoints that erupted thereafter had no such luxury. In Greece, the peace was thought to have been settled by the German-driven Treaty of Aachen which allowed King George II and his Prime Minister Konstantinos Kotzias to remain in power at the cost of ceding the region of Macedonia to Bulgaria and agreeing to various punitive measures. However, after the assassination of King George II and Prince Paul by a communist rebel, the country descended into a tripartite civil war between British- and American-backed Venizelist rebels under the command of Colonel Dimitrios Psarros, the German-backed administration of Prime Minister Kotzias, and a diverse leftist resistance under the leadership of Alexandros Svolos. While this conflict was the first incident that pitted the former Allies of the Second World War against one another, it would not be the only one. With peace conferences surrounding the fate of the major combatants of France and Italy still hamstrung by the German insistence on the wholesale abolition of both states while the Americans sought the legal continuity of both kingdoms, a seemingly bizarre alliance arose between the German Kaiser and the leftist resistance movements in both countries. Hoping to force the hand of his rivals in accepting a lasting military occupation of both countries, the Kaiser secretly released various political prisoners and dispatched them with arms and funding to start uprisings in American- and British-occupied territories.
Already seeing the German Empire as a potential threat to national security, shortly after he assumed the presidency Alvin York commissioned war plans in preparation for the possibility of an aggression on their part. The first hints of what was to come came with President York’s 1948 State of the Union Address, as he declared that “we have to take a firm stand with Germany. We found out what appeasement got us from Japan and we cannot allow it to happen again.” But he only grew more furious as he learned that American men were dying at the hands of German-backed forces in Greece and Italy, telling his cabinet that “I wouldn’t give one American boy for everything I’ve seen in Europe. We have to let the atomic bomb do the job.” While deeply pious throughout his life, Alvin York had long since eschewed the trappings of the pacifistic farm boy and now became convinced that Germany was a final trial sent by the Lord above and that he must serve as God’s instrument in cleansing the corruption of the Old World as manifested by the Kaiser. Thus, on April 17th, 1948, President Alvin York took General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Commander of American forces in Europe, into a private room and told him that “we must wipe the Germans from the face of the Earth in one terrific blow and let’s do it in time to save ourselves. Start at Wilhelm’s and go on down until we burn ‘em all up — atomic bomb and all.” When MacArthur attempted to talk the President down to just the tactical use of nuclear weapons against the Germans in a more conventional war, York simply replied: “If you can’t find anyone else to push the button, I will.”
Thus began Operation Halfmoon. While the President justified the order as within his powers as Commander-in-Chief to retaliate against attacks orchestrated by the German Empire, the officers systematically promoted by his administration held little interest in civilian controls let alone Congressional ones and moved quickly to bring the war plan into motion. However, where the officer corps proved remarkably compliant with the orders, the same could not be said of the enlisted classes tasked with carrying them out. Underpinning the entire plan was an enormous air offensive against the German Empire spearheaded by nuclear-armed bombers. As marvels of technical sophistication, the planes required a large and complex crew both to fly the planes and prepare them for their missions. But enlisted men ranging from airmen to mechanics to fueling crews refused to obey their orders, taking inspiration from codes of military justice first promulgated by President Tasker H. Bliss compelling them to resist illegal orders, an education system instituted by President John Dewey urging them to question the justice of the social order, and the widespread social unrest consuming the country after the end of the war. Thus, only a fraction of the 243 atomic bombs that were planned to be dropped on the German Empire ever made it airborne.
Yet those that did were enough to create a holocaust of unspeakable proportions. Five nuclear bombs were dropped on Berlin alone, wiping out men, women, and children alike in successive blasts that destroyed virtually all signs of human civilization in the area. Major cities such as Hamburg, Munich, Konigsberg, and Cologne likewise were leveled by multiple bombs that annihilated millions of civilians. Yet the horror did not end there, as dozens more German cities and their inhabitants were erased from the face of the Earth in one fell swoop. The death and destruction hardly ended in the initial explosions, as all-consuming fireballs lit the country ablaze while the utter destruction of all infrastructure made it virtually impossible for rescue services to even attempt to save civilians. More pernicious was the as-yet poorly understood radiation sickness that wrought horrific deaths even upon those who appeared to emerge from the bombings without serious injury. With the German government completely obliterated and its military powerless to defend itself anymore, the once mighty Empire had been brought to its knees. Yet with the nuclear fires blackening the very skies of the Earth, perhaps a renewed global war was the least of the world’s concerns.
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2024.02.01 01:46 Kapples14 A New Era: 1952 Democratic Presidential Primaries

A New Era: 1952 Democratic Presidential Primaries
Background: After 24 consecutive years of Republican dominance within the White House, the Democrats now see 1952 as the golden year to finally retake the presidency. With the failure of the Korean War, rising national debt, General MacArthur's removal, and low approval ratings for President Dirksen, party leaders argue that the cards have been set for what may be close to a landslide victory for the party.
Within the International Amphitheatre in Chicago, Illinois, four major candidates would come to showcase their capabilities in order to finally win back the presidency. While each major candidate either stands in the party's liberal or economic wings, they each stand differently on civil rights, a key issue within the race.
The liberal wing of the party has been split between Minnesota Senator Hubert Humphrey and Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson; meanwhile, Senators Estes Kefauver and Richard Russel Jr. have each campaigned for the Southern Democrats' support.


Adlai Ewing Stevenson II: 31st Governor of Illinois (1949-present),
Adlai Stevenson: After defeating the Republican incumbent, Dwight H. Green, in an upset victory, the political newcomer has managed to build a strong resume based on his liberal and reform policies. Adlai Stevenson II, the son of former Vice President Adlai Stevenson, has been able to instill police reform, crack down on illegal gambling, improved state highways, and saw mixed success with his attempts to implement new crime bills through the state legislature. While some in the party worry that his intellectual and aristocratic air would be off-putting to working-class Democrats, he has gained strength throughout the nomination process.
While moderate on civil rights, Stevenson has been seen as a popular-enough candidate to win over labor and urban machines, as well as the crucial Southern vote. His biggest strength would come from his popularity in the Midwest, with the focal point being President Dirksen's own home of Illinois, a highly competitive swing state that may very well be the key to winning the presidency.

Hubert Horatio Humphrey: Senator from Minnesota (1949-present), 35th Mayor of Minneapolis (1945-1948)
Hubert Humphrey: After being elected to the Senate in a blue wave during the 1948 elections, the Minnesota senator has risen to prominence as a rising star among liberal politicians. Humphrey is the first Democratic senator to represent the state since before the Civil War. Despite his youth, he has been building a reputation built upon by his integrity, passion, wit, and eloquence. His presidential campaign has focused on continuing humanitarian foreign aid, food stamps, pushing for civil rights, arms control, and banning nuclear testing. While being a self-proclaimed anti-Communist, he has been critical of Dirksen's decision to pass the Internal Security Act, instead proposing a substitute bill that would allow the president to lock up subversives without trial in the midst of a national emergency.
Humphrey, as the favorite son of Minnesota, is widely expected to hold a solid grounds with unaffiliated voters in the Midwest. He has also gained popularity with young voters due, especially those who have protested the Korean War. His greatest opposition, however, would come from the South as fellow candidate Richard Russel Jr., the elder senator of Georgia, who has actively campaigned against the liberal politician by trying to paint him out as too soft and ill-fitted for the presidency.

Carey Estes Kefauver: Senator from Tennessee (1949-present), Representative for TN-03 (1939-1949).
Estes Kefauver: After leading the Kefauver Committee, a series of hearings on organized crime that confronted numerous infamous crime lords, as well as corrupt politicians Governor Harold Hoffman and New York City Mayor William O'Dywer, Kefauver has seen his national profile skyrocket to the point of becoming an early frontrunner for the presidential nomination. This campaign all but solidified his frontrunner position after winning the New Hampshire primary in a blowout victory.
During his tenure in Congress, Kefauver has concentrated on congressional reform, anti-monopoly measures, and consumer protection laws. On the matter of civil rights, a key issue in the race, Kefauver has been mostly neutral, supporting civil rights measures in Congress despite his own admittance to having difficulty adjusting to concepts like racial desegregation. As a liberal Southerner, Kefauver has been seen as the compromise candidate who may be able to keep the Southern vote while still being able to get civil rights legislation passed.

Richard Brevard Russell Jr.: Senator from Georgia (1933-present), 66th Governor of Georgia (1931-1933), Vice Presidential Nominee in the 1944 Presidential Election.
Richard Russell Jr.: A senior power in Congress, the Southern senator has amassed near-full support from Southern conservative delegates in his bid for the presidency. Throughout his political career, Russell has been a supporter of New Deal legislation, being one of the key Democrats to help President McNary in orchestrating the New Deal policies across the South. Remaining an economic progressive, even after the end of World War II, he has tackled major issues including rural poverty and providing economic support for farmers. Through the 1946 National School Lunch Act, a bill named after him, he was able to create the national program and distribute surplus food to poor families in Georgia through food stamps and school lunch programs.
While a moderate on civil rights, Senator Russell has been the most consistent opponent of every desegregation bill brought to the Senate despite his fervent loyalty to the party. He faces heavy opposition from the mainstream party due to his opposition against civil rights. In order to defend this stance, he has positioned his campaign around "local self-government" in order to showcase the Southern Democrats' ability to stand against the Northern political powers.

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Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-shot Adventure W 50% $4.99 £3.99 4,99€ 4,99€ Steam
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands W 76% $14.50 £13.29 14,50€ 14,50€ Steam
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Chaotic Great Edition W 76% $18.99 £16.62 18,99€ 18,99€ Steam
Turbo Golf Racing W 75% $4.50 £3.75 4,50€ 4,50€ Steam
Urban Trial Freestyle W 90% $0.70 £0.55 0,70€ 0,70€ Steam
Urban Trial Playground W / M / L 90% $0.70 £0.55 0,70€ 0,70€ Steam
V Rising - Dracula's Relics Pack W 24% $6.99 £5.50 6,99€ 6,99€ Steam
V Rising - Sinister Evolution Pack W 26% $6.99 £6.25 6,99€ 6,99€ Steam
V Rising W 30% $13.99 £10.84 13,99€ 13,99€ Steam
Voodolls W 55% $6.75 £5.76 6,75€ 6,75€ Steam
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr - Sororitas Class W 33% $9.99 £8.52 9,99€ 9,99€ Steam
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr Definitive Edition W 80% $17.99 £14.99 17,99€ 17,99€ Steam
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr W 80% $9.99 £6.79 9,99€ 9,99€ Steam
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Prophecy W 80% $4.99 £3.89 4,99€ 4,99€ Steam
Wildermyth W / M / L 40% $14.88 £11.61 12,50€ 12,50€ Steam
Wobbledogs W / M 75% $4.99 £3.99 4,99€ 4,99€ Steam
WWE 2K23 Deluxe Edition W 62% $37.99 £34.19 37,99€ 37,99€ Steam
WWE 2K23 Icon Edition W 53% $56.99 £49.87 56,99€ 56,99€ Steam
WWE 2K23 W 68% $18.99 £15.82 18,99€ 18,99€ Steam
XCOM 2 Collection W 92% $7.77 £5.67 6,99€ 6,99€ Steam
XCOM 2 W 95% $2.99 £1.75 2,50€ 2,50€ Steam
XCOM 2: War of the Chosen W 90% $3.99 £3.49 3,99€ 3,99€ Steam
XCOM: Chimera Squad W 85% $2.99 £2.54 2,99€ 2,99€ Steam
XCOM: Enemy Unknown - The Complete Edition W 80% $9.98 £4.99 5,99€ 5,99€ Steam
XCOM: Ultimate Collection W 88% $18.63 £12.99 16,50€ 16,50€ Steam
ZONE OF THE ENDERS: The 2nd Runner - M∀RS W 83% $4.99 £4.16 4,99€ 4,99€ Steam
Zool Redimensioned W 70% $2.99 £2.40 2,40€ 2,40€ Steam
W = Windows / M = Mac / L = Linux
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2023.10.06 03:03 CP4-Throwaway Reasons why _ borns are definitely Generation _ By Life Stages: Analysis (Series #6: Reasons why 1958 borns are definitely Baby Boomers)

Reasons why _ borns are definitely Generation _ By Life Stages: Analysis (Series #6: Reasons why 1958 borns are definitely Baby Boomers)

Reasons why 1958 borns are definitely Baby Boomers

Life stages (these are not objective life stages but just what's going to be used for this analysis):
0-4 = Unconscious child
4-10 = Conscious child
10-18 = Adolescent (child by legality)
18-34 = Young adult
34-50 = Average adult
50-65 = Middle-aged adult
65+ = Old adult/elderly (*this cohort has officially reached this milestone this year)

Life Stage #1: Unconscious child = c. 1958-1962
They were born in the midst of the demographic US baby boom, which was starting to slowly decline, after the launch of the first ever satellite, Sputnik-1, created by the Soviet Union. Their unconscious childhood years were in the late '50s and early '60s, during the post-World War II era of prosperity, rise of the Civil Rights movement, early golden age of rock and roll, "The Day The Music Died", the Nixon v. Kennedy election of 1960 (which showed represented the shift from the Lost Generation to the GI Generation of political leaders), 'Greaser' and 'Surfer' subcultures, the death of Marilyn Monroe, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. They were born during the Eisenhower administration. They definitely fall within the Baby Boomer generation.
Age 0 - 1958/1959
Age 1 - 1959/1960
Age 2 - 1960/1961
Age 3 - 1961/1962
Age 4 - 1962

Life stage #2: Conscious child = c. 1962-1968
They were a conscious child throughout the 1960's, both numerical and cultural. Their first memory might have occurred around the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the "I Have A Dream" speech, or the JFK assassination, give or take. They were children during the height of the Hanna-Barbera era, with shows such as The Flinstones, The Jetsons, Jonny Quest, Top Cat, Space Ghost, and more, as well as the last time Walt Disney was still alive, and the beginning of the Marvel superhero comics. Their childhood was a very societally and politically tumultous time, and experienced arguably the most radical changes that has been seen to this day in the modern post-WWII era, with events (not counting the already mentioned three) such as the British Invasion wave in the US (think Beatles, Rolling Stones, The Who), the Civil Rights Act of 1964 being passed, the US involvement in Vietnam, the "Assassination Decade" (JFK, Malcolm X, MLK, RFK), the Flower Power movement being manifested with the Summer of Love in 1967, the Watts riots of '65, the Detroit riots of '67, and the societal turmoil in the summer of '68. Majority of these events that they probably recall. Very much a Baby Boomer childhood, but specifically of the latter wave, Generation Jones.
Age 4 - 1972/1973
Age 5 - 1973/1974
Age 6 - 1974/1975
Age 7 - 1975/1976
Age 8 - 1976/1977
Age 9 - 1977/1978
Age 10 - 1978

Life stage #3: Adolescent = c. 1968-1976
Their adolescence started during the civil unrest of 1968, followed by the election of Richard Nixon, and continued with events such as the moon landing, Woodstock '69, the Kent State shootings of '70, the US government taking the US Dollar off of the Gold Standard, the miltary draft being abolished, the US leaning Vietnam, the Watergate scandal (most importantly), Roe v. Wade being passed, the Oil Crisis of 1973, stagflation, and Nixon resigning from presidency with George Ford taking his place. Their adolescence was filled with drastic social change (practically their entire formative years were transformative). They were heavily influenced by the emergence of disco in the mid '70s, as well as the punk rock movement going on during that period (fellow '58 cohort Joan Jett being a notable punk rocker). Hip-hop was born in this period and would emerge later on (with many of this cohort being at the forefront of it). Their adolescence also experienced a few technological innovations with the first seeds of the internet in the form of Arpanet, the 1st generation of video games (Magnavox Oddysey console; Pong game), the world's first general microprocessor (Intel 4004) being released, and the C programming language being developed along with the Unix operating system which was rewritten into it. Artists like the Jackson 5, the Osmonds, Queen, David Bowie, ABBA, Elton John, etc. were prominent during this time. Very much a stereotypical Baby Boomer upbringing.
Age 10 - 1968/1969
Age 11 - 1969/1970
Age 12 - 1970/1971
Age 13 - 1971/1972
Age 14 - 1972/1973
Age 15 - 1973/1974
Age 16 - 1974/1975
Age 17 - 1975/1976
Age 18 - 1976

Life stage #4: Young adulthood = c. 1976-1992
Their young adulthood was a very interesting time, spanning from the mid '70s to the early '90s. With events such as the United States Bicentennial, Ford v. Carter presidential election (the first one where most of them were eligible to vote in), the '77 NYC blackout, the Jonestown massacre, the disappearance of many children (Etan Patz as a prime example), Disco Demolition Night, the Iran Hostage crisis, the assassination of John Lennon, the conservatism wave of 1980, Ronald Reagan being elected as POTUS, Reagan being shot, Reaganomics, the birth of MTV, the release of the personal computer & MS-DOS, stagflation coming to an end, yuppies, Morning in America, the Iran-Contra scandal, the Challenger explosion, Chernobyl, Black Monday. the Fall of the Berlin Wall and USSR collapse to end the Cold War, and the Rodney King beatings which led to the LA Riots. So much happened in that 16-year period. Music genres relevant during this time were disco, punk, new wave, dance pop, Hi-NRG, new jack swing, hair metal, heavy metal, grunge, hip-hop, etc. This would be the prime of their cohort influencing pop culture, with fellow '58 cohorts Michael Jackson, Madonna, and Prince being at the forefront of popular music. Pieces of media that most likely speaks to their experience the most would be Seinfeld, Thirtysomething, and Full House. They would most likely become parents during this period and start a family. This is very quintessentially Baby Boomer, albeit of the latter variety.
Age 18 - 1976/1977
Age 19 - 1977/1978
Age 20 - 1978/1979
Age 21 - 1979/1980
Age 22 - 1980/1981
Age 23 - 1981/1982
Age 24 - 1982/1983
Age 25 - 1983/1984
Age 26 - 1984/1985
Age 27 - 1985/1986
Age 28 - 1986/1987
Age 29 - 1987/1988
Age 30 - 1988/1989
Age 31 - 1989/1990
Age 32 - 1990/1991
Age 33 - 1991/1992
Age 34 - 1992

Life stage #5: Average adulthood = c. 1992-2008
Their regular adult years (mid 30s to 40s) spanned entirely within the post-Cold War, pre-Recession era, generally considered to be a transition between the 20th and 21st centuries. Their core prominence on pop culture was behind them since they already left a huge mark, but now they are starting to drive and control what is the pop culture of our era. Their generation started to become the main adult generation by the 1990s and 2000s (the 2010s as well). Most of the people their age should definitely be starting and raising families by now if they haven't already. They were impacted by huge events such as the Clinton v. Bush election (which began the era of their generation leading the country on a national level), the Waco shootings, the WTC bombings of '93, the OKC bombings, the OJ Simpson trials, the release of Windows 95 (which helped popularize the internet among the masses and really change the landscape of our world), the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the Unabomber capturing, the assassinations of Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls, the death of Princess Diana, the Monica Lewinsky scandal, the Y2K scare and the turn of the new millennium, the DotCom burst, the September 11th attacks and the anthrax scares, the introduction of the Euro, the No Child Left Behind Act, the D.C. Sniper shootings, the establishment of the Patriot Act, TSA, & Homeland security, the Afghanistan & Iraq Wars, the rise of social media, Hurricane Katrina, the advent and rise of smartphones, the Great Recession (when they were pushing 40), and last but not least, the 2008 election. the older Boomers were hitting middle-age, but the younger ones (Generation Jones) were the average adults back then.
Age 34 - 1992/1993
Age 35 - 1993/1994
Age 36 - 1994/1995
Age 37 - 1995/1996
Age 38 - 1996/1997
Age 39 - 1997/1998
Age 40 - 1998/1999
Age 41 - 1999/2000
Age 42 - 2000/2001
Age 43 - 2001/2002
Age 44 - 2002/2003
Age 45 - 2003/2004
Age 46 - 2004/2005
Age 47 - 2015/2016
Age 48 - 2006/2007
Age 49 - 2007/2008
Age 50 - 2008

Life stage #6: Middle adulthood = c. 2008-2023
They were in their middle adulthood within this stage since they were over the age of 50. They were most likely going through their mid-life crises at this point. Most of their children were either grown or were not too far from adulthood at this point. The biggest events they witnessed in this period were the Great Recession, the election of the first black president (Barack Obama), the H1N1 scare, the Obamacare Act, Occupy Wall Street, multiple school shootings (that made them fear and worry about if their own kids will face that in school eventually), multiple movements (SJW, BLM, Women's), the 2016 election, the attacks of many churches, the climate strikes, the Trump impeachment (both), the 2020 election, the Capitol Building riots, the COVID-19 pandemic, the threat of WW3, Kobe Bryant dying, BLM at its peak with the death of George Floyd, the infamous 2020 election, vaccine rollout, polarization increasing, Russia-Ukraine wars, death of Queen Elizabeth and coronation of King Charles, rise of AI with the launch of ChatGPT, popularity of NFTs and the rise of the "Metaverse", an incoming recession thanks to the Silicon Valley Bank going bankrupt and the rise of Central Bank Digital Currency with the FedNow releasing in July 2023, and the Trump indictment. Boomers were largely middle aged but many were hitting that retirement stage, one-by-one, but many were still hitting their mid-life crises.
Age 50 - 2008/2009
Age 51 - 2009/2010
Age 52 - 2010/2011
Age 53 - 2021/2012
Age 54 - 2012/2013
Age 55 - 2013/2014
Age 56 - 2014/2015
Age 57 - 2015/2016
Age 58 - 2016/2017
Age 59 - 2017/2018
Age 60 - 2018/2019
Age 61 - 2019/2020
Age 62 - 2020/2021
Age 63 - 2021/2022
Age 64 - 2022/2023 (currently)

Life stage #6: Elderhood = c. 2023-present
They just currently entered the stage of life where they are starting to settle down and retire, with most of them being grandparents and the Social Security is coming in so they can finally cash out (for some of them, at least, most are probably still working). They are experiencing elderhood during the rise of AI, an impending recession, the indictment of former president Donald J. Trump, and the hype of the 2024 presidential election. That's all there is to say about this stage of their life right now as it has just begun.
Age 65 - 2023 (currently)

Good representations of the 1958 cohort:
Michael Jackson
Ellen DeGeneres
Tim Burton
Terry Fox
Jamie Lee Curtis
Alec Baldwin
Ice T
Angela Bassett
Jennifer Tilly
Kevin Bacon
Gary Oldman
Joan Jett
Nikki Sixx
Ned Luke
Mark Cuban
Carl Judie
Alan Jackson
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Scott Patterson
Michelle Pfeiffer
Darby Crash
Andrea Swift
Andrea Bocelli
Ellen Ochoa
Peter Capaldi
Sharon Stone
Giancarlo Esposito
Drew Carey
Anita Baker
Rey Misterio Sr.
Andy Reid
Ana Maria Polo
Tommy Lister
Chris Columbus
Billy Mays
Scott Hall
Lisa Loring
Andie MacDowell
Belinda Carlisle
Viggo Mortensen
Patricia Heaton
Bruce Dickinson
Jennifer Saunders
Emory Tate
Grant Cardone
Holly Hunter
submitted by CP4-Throwaway to generationology [link] [comments]

2023.09.20 03:42 FrameworkisDigimon Third MCU X-Men Plan

The Brotherhood of (Evil) Mutants
In the late 60s, a private lab owned by Sebastian Shaw employing geneticists Charles Xavier and Moira MacTaggert wins a contract to study the genetic material of federal convicts in the hopes of discovering a genetic origin for crime. Shaw applies pressure on Charles and Moira to betray the government and use the genomic information to produce an anti-ageing serum, while Charles jealously hides his discovery that some of the convicts share the X gene he believes to responsible for his own telepathy. Charles grows suspicious of new employee Erik, a Jewish German geneticist whose mind Charles mysteriously cannot read, and suspects him of wishing to steal Charles' research into the X-Gene, so he decides to obfuscate his research by embracing Shaw's mission...
(Magneto obviously eventually allies himself with the nearest mutants Charles has found in the genomic data, who happen to be in a men's prison. I suggest that Magneto paralyses Charles to trick Shaw into thinking the serum is too dangerous to be profitable but by this time Shaw, Moira, Charles and Erik have all taken it... the latter three as test subjects. Magneto then gathers as many of the convicted mutants as possible and leaves... er... aboard Asteroid M, to impress upon Charles just how dangerous Erik believes studying mutant genetic material to be.)
Uncanny X-Men: First Class
Having failed to help Moira's son Kevin, Charles realises that his decades old promise to Erik to not conduct research into the X-Gene has its challenges. Guilt ridden, Charles decides to seek redemption by finding a group of young mutant whom he can help. Choosing not to enrol his own son, David, Xavier welcomes Scott Summers, Hank McCoy, Jean Grey, Warren Worthington III and Bobby Drake, intending them to represent the first, friendly faces of mutantkind when they're ready to graduate. As this First Class of Charles Xavier's private college are aided in their control over their abilities, they begin to penetrate Charles' backstory... ultimately discovering Kevin, suspended in a vat in the Mansion/school's basement, his mutation into Proteus now complete...
(As will probably become clearer, the fact that the O5 are all white, human passing mutants is quite deliberate on Charles' part; David is much younger than they are but Charles will already be aware he is a mutant. I have a much less clear sense of how this premise plays out, but a post credits sequence is very much Scott's return alone from Krakoa.)
Wolverine: the Red Right Hand
Haunted by half remembered dreams of a redheaded woman and a giant, scarred man, the amnesiac mutant Wolverine, calling himself only Logan, finally identifies the owner of a severely damaged dog tag he's carried for years. Discovering the soldier was murdered decades earlier, Logan thinks he's encountered a dead end, until he catches a half-familiar scent off a stunning, statuesque, redhead in the bar of the hotel Logan's staying in. Making his introductions, Logan quickly realises Remus is not the woman in his dreams but they hit it off. Logan begins to enjoy his new life in Kentucky and when he begins to put down roots Remus decides to introduce Logan to her brother, Romulus. However, Romulus is immediately hostile to Logan for seemingly no reason, which gets Logan interested and he discovers that Romulus is part of an organisation calling themselves "the Red Right Hand" and their only mission is Logan's death. Caught between the future (Remus) and the past (Romulus), Logan makes a fateful choice...
(This is a mash up of Origin II and the Red Right Hand storyline because in this version, Romulus and Remus are the children of Sabretooth, which is why Remus smells vaguely familiar to Logan. Romulus being just as sick and twisted as his father blames Logan for Victor's killing their mother, while Remus does not, which is why Romulus is trying to form the Red Right Hand while Remus kinda even likes Logan. Obviously in terms of Origin II, Remus is Clara and Romulus is Saul. However, the roles are reversed at the end; rather than Logan drowning Saul and Clara finding this unforgivable, Remus drowns Romulus to save Logan... who refuses to believe that Romulus was lying about knowing the secrets of Logan's past and therefore abandons Remus. Ultimately he comes to regret this choice, which is the lowpoint our problematic fave Charles exploits to get Logan to sign up...)
Uncanny X-Men: Grad School
With the First Class, other than Scott Summers, trapped on the island of Krakoa, Professor X reaches out to many of the mutants he initially dismissed as unsuitable for the First Class to rescue them. These characters and the reasons Xavier felt they couldn't serve as the friendly, acceptable faces of mutantkind are:
Charles also recruits Kitty Pryde, believing that her powers will be necessary to the rescue mission, despite her youth. After some initial personality clashes as Storm and Cyclops contest the leadership and training mishaps like you'd expect, especially given Xavier's extreme agitation, the team is ready to confront the island that walks like a man and rescue the trapped First Class.
(Obviously Charles isn't actually racist, homophobic, xenophobic and, er, demonophobic, but he is precisely the sort of person who has decided that the nice friendly faces of mutantdom have to be white American friendly faces. I'm not sure if Bobby should be closeted or if Charles should decide a token gay was good marketing strategy. In terms of omitting Thunderbird... I need Kitty to appear here, which means we're at five new characters plus the three we've previously met in Charles, Scott and Logan, but maybe it would be practicable to have nine characters given the Island that Walks Like a Man isn't likely to get too much screentime. I would exclude Scott and have just Thunderbird and Storm bristle, indeed that was my original plan, but I decided people wouldn't see foreshadowing for the fact a version Deadly Genesis happened in this universe without having someone offer an unconvincing escape story. Also, I went with Exiles Sunfire over normal Sunfire because normal Sunfire is a stranger to me.)
New Mutants: Illyana
"Professor X is a jerk" is Kitty's verdict when he forces her to join the "New Mutants" (teenagers Karma, Mirage, Cannonball, Sunspot, Doug and Rahne) whilst Colossus, barely older than her (according to Kitty, anyway), gets to stay with the main team. With Professor X unable to devote much attention to the New Mutants, Kitty convinces Logan to undertake the training of the team. But when Colossus' little sister Ilyana discovers her therapist Emma Frost's dark secrets, Piotr doesn't turn to his older team-mates, but instead to Kitty for advice... who decides to lead the teen team to infiltrate the Hellfire Club and prove Illyana isn't safe.
(There is possibly far too much Colossus and, especially, Kitty for a New Mutants movie but I think that's more a function of where I think the plot agency is in this storyline rather than how a film with this premise would work; see also where I straight up describe an Avengers movie from the POV of the antagonists. The actual thing, I am sure, would focus more on Dani's perspective... whom I see as the "main character" of the New Mutants. In terms of Dani/Rahne, it's a straight up sister thing... I'm a 21st Century reader and the Rahne I recognise is not a good person. Also, in a storyline which is partly about Logan convincing Kitty that Piotr is too old for her and that Charles was right that there's an age gap, any insinuation of Dani and Rahne would be wildly inconsistent. The couple here is Dani and Xuan... still not used to that spelling.)
Weapon X
Kitty's desire to give Logan a meaningful present unintentionally results in her mentor's leaving the X-Men when she gives him a clue to his mysterious past. His desire to know his own story reignited, Logan tracks down the other two men in the photograph Kitty found and discovers CIA agent Christoph Nord, aka Maverick aka Agent Zero. Forcing an unwilling Nord to co-operate, the pair begin a dangerous mission to hunt down Victor Creed, the dangerous and unpredictable Sabretooth! Seemingly moved by Wolverine's wish to discover his memories, Sabretooth reveals he remembers their abortive final mission for the black ops unit Team X: a mission to hunt a Soviet Assassin codenamed Omega Red. Resuming a mission from 1984 proves no easy task.
(Obviously Sabretooth isn't remotely interested in Logan's sob story; he just wants to torture Logan with the revelation "you signed up for this". Equally obviously Sabretooth eventually becomes the actual finale of this film rather than Omega Red, and we'll be doing a "you have to cut the head all the way off" fake out death. Sabretooth's seemingly final reveal will be why Logan signed up, i.e. "you had a wife". It's lacking in information because we need Logan's next appearance to occur in the present day so whatever Victor tells Logan must be suitably vague to explain why it takes Logan years to get any useful intel from this reveal.)
Avengers: Wolverine
After years of searching, Wolverine finally solves the mystery of Sabretooth's final taunt and discovers the murderer of his long-forgotten pregnant wife Itsu to be none other than Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier aka the White Wolf aka a respected Avenger. Consumed with a desire for revenge, Wolverine begins the hunt and he is not going to let anyone stop him, not even the Avengers. Bucky Barnes is a dead man. It's just a matter of time.
(This was actually my original idea for a first X-Men/mutant related movie... from before even the Fan Pitch Universe... with a few tweaks, e.g. no Magneto recruits Wolverine to spy on the X-Men bits this time. Naturally the story is about Logan realising he can't kill someone in a very similar position to himself. I think at one point I was thinking of this as "The Avengers discover the true legacy of Captain America" and while I guess that would be the case, in principle that was the function of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.)
Uncanny X-Men: Fraternity
Restored to the X-Men proper, Kitty uses her computer skills to help Professor X make Cerebro work properly, leading to the discovery of a hidden cluster of mutants in London... including Scott Summers' own brother, Alex, whom he has not seen since he was adopted out of the foster system years earlier. His confidence in the Professor shaken by the Hellfire debacle (see: New Mutants: Illyana), Scott recruits Jean, Kurt, Storm, Kitty and Sunfire (Mariko Yashida) to go to London and attempt a reconciliation. However, Alex and his partner Polaris rebuff Scott's overtures. Perturbed, Cyclops and his companions discover a quite Sinister agenda and a very much alive Sabretooth... working once again with the deadly Mystique.
(Sinister as in Mr Sinister, obviously. Cerebro has always been working properly; Xavier just lies about its limited functionality so that he retains more control over who's invited to the X-Men. I know that the comics are sort of moving on from Alex and Polaris, but I'm not. Obviously Sinister's plan is to use the Summers bloodline to escape from the clutches of Apocalypse; this movie is where Cable will be created. Since I'm going to be killing Jean off to facilitate Scemma, either Cable is grown in a vat by Sinister or he doesn't happen. I guess maybe Madelyne Pryor could be on the cards, also thanks to Sinister, but I don't really feel her as a character.
As to why Havok and Polaris are happily working with Sinister... they're quite messed up people, especially Polaris... who, due to how Magneto left for space in the 1960s, was created by Sinister using genetic material from Magneto, to serve as a honeypot to attract a Summers. Given that backstory, I guess we'll have to break Alex and Lorna up at some point. This history with Sinister is obviously why Magneto is so strongly convinced of the dangers of investigating the mutant genome in that first film. Also, I will be sticking with my FPU idea... and Hope is grown from the genetic material of Alex and Lorna, a la this version of Cable. Mystique's purpose in this plot is to steal the embryonic Hope so that she's born at the right time.
Sinister's links with Apocalypse would explored in the only television show idea... not sure what to call it but probably something like "Blink, of the Akkaba". I made a post about that, too. Per Iger's directives, I've currently only got the one television show, whereas the old Fan Pitch Universe had heaps.)
Nightcrawler: Bloodlines
Shaken by his experiences in space, Kurt Wagner, the tragic but usually upbeat, demonic mutant Nightcrawler, seeks out Mystique, now convinced their physical resemblance speaks to a biological connection. Complicating matters, Nightcrawler discovers that each time he teleports miniature versions of himself, albeit red and incapable of speech, emerge. Dubbing these creatures "bamfs", Kurt's fixation on Mystique intensifies, especially when a blue bamf appears and leads Kurt to Mystique. At which point Azazel emerges from the Brimstone dimension and abducts both of them.
In the Brimstone dimension, Kurt finds himself aboard a pirate ship in a demonic sea captained by none other than Azazel, who resembles Kurt enormously, albeit red. Azazel reveals that he's Mystique's father and, therefore, Kurt's grandfather, and he's very keen to get to know everything there is to know about his long lost grandson. He introduces Kurt to the other crewmembers of "Redemption", who are all, often distant, descendants of Azazel. These include Kurt's uncles Kiwi Black (the bosun) and Abyss (the cook), and Azazel's three times great grandaughter Jillian (first mate), who is attracted to Kurt. Mystique, however, wants nothing to do with her father, siblings, extended family or, even, at first, her son and is desperate to return to Earth, a request Azazel refuses to oblige. Set on returning, Mystique begins to manipulate Kurt, intent on turning him against Azazel...
(You might recall I made a post about this concept ages ago. The only innovation now is that I've introduced Jillian, Kiwi Black and Abyss from The Draco for greater comics authenticity. I have to say, when I came up with that other idea I hadn't read The Draco and I am once again struck by the similarities between my version of "thing I hadn't read" and "actual version". Of course, as per my prior scheme, Mystique's the villain here and Azazel is a greater good guy... that's why his ship is called Redemption... if Azazel can keep Mystique trapped in the Brimstone dimension, her plan to resurrect Destiny will never result in Decimation. This is probably the most confusing film timeline wise because it's the only instance where we see a character out of their own linear chronology: the next time Kurt appears, it will be set before this movie.)
Wolverine: Family Ties
In the late 1940s, a Japenese woman named Itsu was murdered by the Winter Soldier in a failed attempt to recruit her (Canadian) husband Wolverine to HYDRA. As Itsu was eight and a half months pregnant, Wolverine assumed that the baby died, too, and eventually forgot either even existed after rejoining Weapons Plus, thinking they'd help him avenge Itsu and the baby's death. In reality, the child survived thanks to a healing factor inherited from his father, and Akihiro was raised as an outcast by his mother's (adoptive) father, Muramasa, a swordmaker. Dubbed Daken, Akihiro grew to resent both his father and grandfather, the latter of whom came to regret the way he raised Akihiro and in an act of repentance forged a sword. After briefly falling in with Romulus, Akihiro discovered that his father was ignorant of his existence and was, in his head, reconciled to him, abandoning Romulus and his Red Right Hand.
However, Akihiro has just discovered that Wolverine decided to spare Itsu's killer (Bucky Barnes, see: Avengers: Wolverine) and he finds himself unable to tolerate this post-humous betrayal. Wielding Muramasa's sword, a weapon capable of nullifying healing factors and therefore killing Logan, Akihiro sets out... having already dug the two graves ("if you seek revenge, first dig two graves").
(I intended this to be from Logan's perspective more but it might be more interesting to follow Daken's. The Muramasa blade is obviously such an important part of the lore but I have no idea how to get it in without doing something like this. I know some people here don't like the comics' tendency to make everyone blood relatives and since I share that tendency, I decided that Muramasa didn't have to be biologically related to Itsu. In order to make Daken less reprehensible for his inevitable shift to the contemporary "disaster bisexual" characterisation, I suggest the answer to what he's been doing for the first eighty years of his life is struggling to find his own identity rather than doing many decades of evil crimes.)
Astonishing X-Men: the Brood
In the aftermath of the Snap, Charles has realised that not a single known mutant has been Snapped. Theorising that mutants are immune to the Snap, Charles decides the only possible way the world will ever be ready to learn about them is if the X-Men are responsible for restoring everyone lost to the Snap. And so all of the Mansion's occupants, the First Class, the Post-Grads (bar Logan who left the Mansion), the New Mutants, Sage, Havok and Polaris have gone to space to fulfil this mission. However, they're about to encounter another race that's thriving in the aftermath of Thanos' insane plan: the terrifying Brood.
(Sage will have been introduced in New Mutants: Illyana as part of Charles' scheme for handling the Hellfire situation, a scheme which is interrupted by the actions of Kitty and the New Mutants. Anyway, this is pretty straightforward, I think. I guess the only things to note are that they quickly run into the Shi'ar, it's the Shi'ar ship that the Brood are targeting and that the resolution to the Brood plot is "Jean saves the day thanks to the Phoenix force". Honestly, this might need to be a two parter to really do it justice.)
New Mutants: Smasher
Having saved the Shi'ar from the Brood incursion thanks to Phoenix (Jean), the X-Men including the mutants are welcomed by the entrancing empress Lilandra, the only one of her three siblings to survive the Snap. Keen to advance his students' training, Charles convinces Lilandra to allow them to train with the surviving Imperial Guard. The leader of the Guard, Kallark, aka Gladiator, decides that the New Mutants are unworthy of training with the Guard themselves and sends them to "Smasher school"; a training programme for candidates wishing to wield one of several exoskeleton suits used by the Imperial Guard. It's a high turnover role as possessors of the exoskeletons have short life expectancies but the candidates are dedicated and honourable. And in the case of Izzy, eye catchingly attractive. Strangers in a strange world that's stranger than it should be, can the New Mutants survive as a unit if Cannonball decides he wants to stay?
(Spoiler: Cannonball will want to stay, but his place is taken by Warlock. Izzy will be Shi'ar rather than human in this version because we need someone who recognises that the strange world is stranger than it should be... which is the key discovery which sparks in motion a plot that gives rise ultimately to Warlock. The stay behind framing is a bit misleading, actually, because the X-Men won't be leaving space for a while. Note: the Smashers and similar tech based Imperial Guardsmen have a high mortality rate so that we can have Izzy and that hilarious joke from Rise and Fall about having to find another Smasher without also having to have Vulcan kill her. You will note that I'm sort of using the New Mutants movies to ensure a given status quo has room to breathe.)
Avengers: Rogue
Having manipulated Nightcrawler into ensuring her escape from the Brimstone Dimension, Mystique resumes the plan that Azazel was so desperate to prevent... and her first stop is her estranged foster daughter Rogue's good-for-nothing boyfriend, the charming Cajun thief, Gambit. Convincing lover boy that Rogue's difficulties controlling her powers could be solved with the use of Kree technology proves simplicity in itself and the two of them manage to bring Rogue around as well. Together the three of them set off on a collision course with the Avengers and Rogue's about to be forced to use her powers in a way that'll change her forever. Mystique doesn't care, though, she's got what she actually wanted, and if the Avengers are coming after Rogue (and Gambit), who cares?
(Naturally, this is mostly from the perspective of the Avengers... Rogue and co. are the antagonists. The technology that Mystique wants is an artificial womb or something analogous. Mystique obviously finds that, unlike Nightcrawler, she can't just use Rogue and abuse her trust... on some level, Mystique cares about Rogue, so she will go back in to extricate Rogue from the situation. I have no idea how that might be achieved... possibly Mystique will have to fake her own death, or pretend to be some architect pulling the strings and fake that person's death. This is clearly the Rogue versus Carol Danvers storyline but I suggest Carol isn't put into a long term coma; perhaps a temporary coma caused by feedback with Rogue's powers, i.e. Carol gets some of Rogue's memories, and she returns for the finale to convince the Avengers that Rogue was tricked? Maybe Mystique knows a way of waking Carol up??? In any case, Gambit gets to be the Cajun in distress a lot in this film... in particular, stopping Carol from hurting Gambit will be why Rogue both touches her and does so for too long.)
Astonishing X-Men: the Trial
Professor X's attempts to train Jean to use the Phoenix Force to undo the Snap pushes her into darker places, threatening Charles' relationship with Lilandra, who is already suppressing a lifetime of complex feelings about the Phoenix for Charles. After Jean's biggest show of power so far on a mission with the Imperial Guard, Gladiator realises that Jean isn't merely an omega mutant but, in fact, a Phoenix host. Unable to suppress the discovery when Chancellor Araki overhears Gladiator's report, Lilandra chooses her people over Charles and so begins the Trial of the Phoenix through the ancient Shi'ar rite of Arin'n Haelar, an unrefusable duel of honour.
(There's a couple of points here that I'm not totally sold on. For one, much like the Brood film, I do wonder if it needs to be a two parter. That is, even with the New Mutants movie where we have good Phoenix Jean in the background, if we don't get to spend long enough with good Phoenix and jump to Dark Phoenix too soon, I wonder if it will feel unearnt like the other two Dark Phoenix films do. Similarly, I'm not sure if Jean should realise that Dark Phoenix will happen... thanks to Charles' "help"... or if what Gladiator witnesses is the Dark Phoenix planet eating moment. And the final point is whether to follow the Exiles' version... if you're unfamiliar, Angel and Wolverine have to team up to kill Jean... or the original version... where Jean commits suicide, until it's retconned. In any case, Nightcrawler will be instrumental to the resolution. Obviously there are some logistical challenges if these films do have to be two parters.)
Wolverine: NYX
A series of murders in New York attract the attention of the Avengers when the assailant survives a hail of gunfire. Suspecting Wolverine to be the architect of the deaths, the Avengers are surprised to discover his ironclad alibi: still in hospital recovering from the wounds inflicted by the Muramasa blade (see: Wolverine: Family Ties). Fearing that Daken has succumbed to the darker parts of his personality, despite the understanding they'd reached, Logan discharges himself and begins to investigate. However, he discovers the one responsible is not Daken but X-23! As Logan gets to know another child he knew nothing of, he sees in Laura's plan to dismantle the crime empire of Zebra Daddy by killing everyone responsible for it a woman after his own heart and offers a team up. However, will Logan realise that while Laura kills like a woman, she breaks like a little girl because she is a little girl (well, a teenager)?
(This is not NYX but more a mash up of NYX, just made way less NC17, and Claremont's first Laura story... the one where she's dressed as Fang... under the title NYX, which is a great name. The answer to that final question is "no". Logan does not appreciate just how young Laura is and he will mistake her reaching the same conclusions he does for emotional maturity, rather than immaturity. This ties back in to the earlier relationship between Kitty and Wolverine from New Mutants: Illyana, where while he does acknowledge Kitty's age in some important ways, he also still teaches her to become a ninja and, consequently, emboldens Kitty to lead a team of teenagers to take on the Hellfire Club. While this is the film where Logan finally recognises that his future matters more, it's also where we discover his next character trajectory... learning that it's very important to let children and teenagers be children and teenagers.)
From Ashes
Reawakened by the Snap, the first team Professor X sent in to rescue the First Class from the grip of Krakoa (the island that walks like a man) roams Alaska, looking for answers to the mysterious past of one of their own: the volatile Vulcan. As Petra (in love with Vulcan; it's her primary character flaw), Sway (in love with Petra; it's her primary character flaw) and Darwin (adapting to the situation; it's what he does), try to manage their teammate, the trauma of years in Krakoa's embrace lies between them, unspoken but unavoidable. However, when Vulcan discovers the answer he was after, he flies off in a rage: unable to handle that one of the three men his all consuming rage is directed towards is his own father, Christopher Summers aka Corsair. Convinced Vulcan's turmoil is proof that he's not too far gone (despite Sway's protests otherwise), Petra sees an opportunity to bring Vulcan back from the brink and offers a mission to affirm that who he truly is, is a hero... all he has to do is embrace justice, not vengeance. When Petra and Sway are killed on the mission, the film ends with Vulcan reflecting to Darwin, "there can be no justice" before flying off into space.
(I just really like this idea and, as mentioned, constructed this entire concept around allowing this film to happen as I originally conceived it. There is one issue in that the finale rests on the use of a Shi'ar autopilot, but Charles hasn't met Lilandra until they go to space, so obviously this needs to be the autopilot Corsair used to take Vulcan to Earth... ignorant of their relationship, of course. Obviously the main objective is to have The Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire happen, but with Darwin stuck on Earth and no Rachel in these movies, you can imagine it'll be quite different.)
Astonishing X-Men: the Empire
Vulcan arrives in a Shi'ar Empire in the midst of turmoil given the return of the dead (snapped) Emperor D'Ken during the reign of his successor Lilandra, hailed as a hero for defeating the hated Phoenix (see: Astonishing X-Men: the Trial), but loathed for marrying a human mutant, Charles Xavier. Seeing an opportunity for vengeance against his hated enemies, Vulcan allies himself with the third claimant to the throne, the outcast, imprisoned, "Butcher of the Stars" Deathbird, the eldest child and deposed former Majestrix (Empress). As the Shi'ar Empire descends into Civil War, the X-Men struggle to keep the peace as they, themselves, become a political flashpoint in the imperial struggle. The film culminates with the wedding of Vulcan and Deathbird, which both D'Ken and Lilandra attempt to stop... resulting in their deaths at the hand of Vulcan, who crowns himself the new Majestor (Emperor) of the Shi'ar.
(Obviously this is a take on Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire. Vulcan's hated enemies are D'Ken, who killed his mother and enslaved him; Corsair, who sent him to Earth... n.b. this Vulcan feels more Shi'ar than human... and thus began the chain of events leading up to Vulcan's being trapped in Krakoa for years; and Charles, who left him in Krakoa for years. Obviously some of the X-Men will feel obliged to stay behind and deal with Emperor Vulcan, but a lot of them are sufficiently disgusted with Charles... not just over Deadly Genesis but also what happened to Jean... cognisant that the Shi'ar mostly don't want the X-Men around and sympathetic to the argument that Deathbird is the rightful ruler of the Empire, that most of them don't. If The Brood and The Trial films are both turned in to two parters, I guess either this has to be as well or a means of turning From Ashes into Part One would need to be found, too. As I've already said, I'm way too attached to From Ashes so...
I guess the characters that stay will be Havok, Polaris, Cannonball, Charles, Colossus, Sage and Sunfire. That means the ones that go back are Hank, Scott, Kitty, Storm, Dani, Karma, Magik, Warlock, Doug, Kurt, Angel, Bobby, Roberto and Rahne. 2/3 go, 1/3 remain. I guess, you'd expect that Sage would be one of the last people to stay with Charles but it's a necessary decision.)
New Mutants: Jubilee
Returning with the bulk of the X-Men to Earth, the New Mutants sans Cannonball (who remained in space with Izzy and the X-Men who stayed to fight Vulcan) but plus Warlock discover a new generation of mutants, exemplified by the charismatic Jubilee. As the New Mutants try to redefine themselves now that they're no longer either teenagers (well, most of them) nor even the most recent cohort of X-Men, they discover a world where shadowy forces have grown conscious of the existence of the mutant question... and that some of them have decided the solution is giant killer robots: the Sentinels. When they start looking into this new threat, they find all roads lead back to the Hellfire Club, prompting a reluctant reunion with Illyana's sketchy former therapist, the former White Queen: Emma Frost.
(I feel like the plot of this is fairly self-explanatory... Shaw tries to profit off mutants again, this time by selling anti-mutant defensive technology to the elite few who have learnt about mutants from the Avengers. This is why Sage had to remain in space because why else would they go to Emma if they could go to Sage? And if they don't go to Emma, we can't do a redemption story. And it's in Illyana's eyes that Emma needs the most redeeming. This is a little different to the other New Mutants movies because we're using it to establish the new status quo more than give it a sense of permanence. As to the new generation of mutants... we're going to skip Generation X entirely, with the exception of Chamber and Jubilee. These younger mutants are the Riot at Xavier's set, i.e. Quentin, Glob, the Cuckoos, Beak and Angel Salvadore, along with some background characters from Academy X... Match, Quill, Melody Guthrie... as the token passing background character... Bling!, Indra and Onyxx. However, it's really just Jubilee that the New Mutants initially interact with because she's the first one to come to the Mansion. At this point, the only teenage New Mutants are Rahne, barely, and Illyana.
I guess Magma and Selene could appear...)
New X-Men: Unbreakable
Reeling from the loss of Jean and the revelations of Charles' betrayals, Scott Summers aka Cyclops is unable to remain in Shi'ar space and returns to Earth, intent on finally embodying the dream he's now not sure Charles Xavier ever really cared about. Convincing, Storm, Kitty Pryde and Beast to join his New X-Men, but failing to recruit Nightcrawler, Cyclops turns to one time X-Man Wolverine, who agrees to sign up, hoping to set a positive example for Akihiro and Laura. When a skyscraper suddenly collapses in New York, the X-Men spring into their first public mission, ever, hoping to rescue as many trapped victims as possible... a mission Rogue has independently undertaken... while the Avengers combat the one responsible: the Juggernaut. When the team digs Emma Frost out of the destruction, she uses her psychic powers to stop the rampage... discovering an evil but, she says, familiar presence running around inside Cain's head. As the New X-Men, joined by Rogue and Emma, investigate, they discover a most disturbing agenda: Charles Xavier's secret twin sister Cassandra Nova intends to use her incredible telepathic abilities to reveal the existence of mutants to the world and then turn the world against them...
(Spoiler: they stop Cassandra Nova from completely framing mutants but they can't stop the truth that Avengers bad guys "Wolverine", "Rogue" and "Gambit" were mutants from escaping. The fact that Wolverine and Rogue are on this New X-Men team just plays into Cassandra's hands. I'm not sure what Gambit's up to at this point... probably either tracking Mystique or fallen in with Sinister again.)
Having blipped, Magneto decides that humanity has suffered a common experience that will allow mutants to be accepted by humanity, and accelerates the return of Asteroid M to Earth, decades after it first departed carrying the original Brotherhood and all the other mutants unearthed by Charles Xavier's genetic study away. When Magneto arrives with the descendants of his original companions, he discovers a world that's only just learnt about mutants (due to the failure of the New X-Men to fully defeat Cassandra Nova) but already building robots designed to kill mutants. Horrified, Magneto decides to turn Asteroid M into a threat, demanding that the world cease production Sentinels and hunt their makers, or he'll vapourise Tokyo. The Avengers decide this won't stand and ride out to stop the second mad man threatening to use a giant floating rock to end the world... but this time they don't stand alone: enter the New X-Men.
(Obviously Tokyo can be subbed out for any world city willing to stump up tax rebates. Maybe Magneto even goes for Nuremberg just to hammer home his point; he's not a subtle man.)
Trusted Avengers ally Hank Gyrich manipulates the Avengers into attacking the Mansion after it's revealed that Magneto and the X-Men's founder Charles Xavier were former colleagues. As the Avengers penetrate deeper into the Mansion, they discover that the New X-Men aren't the only ones willing to fight to protect what is now a fully functioning school, when teenage student Quentin Quire unleashes a psychic assault on them. Unfortunately, the vehemence of this defence serves only to allow Gyrich and his allies to deepen the manipulation... worsening the conflict.
(It may be necessary for Gyrich and his allies to orchestrate... or at least fake... Magneto's escape and frame the X-Men for it; that's the most natural manipulation. In any case, dedicates readers of Ultimate Marvel may recognise large parts of Ultimate War in this plot and no elements of AvX. Like I said, while AvX is better than we remember, I do vastly prefer how Ultimate War contrived the Ultimates versus X-Men conflict to how AvX managed it. The actual film itself would track as close to Ultimate War as possible but the Avengers will be much better prepared to fight Wolverine and Rogue than the others. However, the day will definitely still be saved by Bobby. Kamala obviously plays the part of Wasp as the token mutant... I suggest the ease at which the Avengers are manipulated be the basis for her Champions moment, i.e. she decides the Avengers are the Wrong Way.)
In terms of what's next... there will naturally be two more New X-Men movies with themed titles. I'm thinking: Unbreakable -> Unforgiveable -> Unsolvable. I suppose the way forwards here is Cassandra Nova -> Xorneto -> Riot at Xavier's. However, in terms of timing Cassandra Nova -> Riot at Xavier's -> Sublime would work a lot better. Yeah, so that.
War of Kings is what I'd like to be happening in space but how would you motivate the Inhuman side of that with Secret Invasion? Somehow I doubt my Captain Marvel 2 pitch will resemble The Marvels because it doesn't resemble the trailers, but it would've worked.
House of M is straight from the Fan Pitch Universe, i.e. Mystique manipulates events to ensure that House of M is how Apocalypse is defeated. Naturally we don't want to waste too much time getting to it.
Once House of M is done, we can X-Force our way into Messiah War and from there arrive at the Schism era. Then we just need something to bridge to Krakoa. But by that time these actors would've been playing their characters for soooo long.
submitted by FrameworkisDigimon to u/FrameworkisDigimon [link] [comments]

2023.07.29 11:38 Justwonderinif Post Conviction V

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submitted by Justwonderinif to adnansyed [link] [comments]

2023.06.03 08:30 BruhEmperor Presidential Term of Thomas Custer (1889-1893) American Interflow Timeline

Presidential Term of Thomas Custer (1889-1893) American Interflow Timeline
After 12 years of trials and errors, Thomas Custer would finally rise and claim the presidency in a Post-Barnum era. With the nation being fundamentally changed in the past 8 years and with the effect of Barnum’s administration still very prevalent, like the still persistent Revelationist and Communard issues, Custer would need to uncharacteristically tread carefully to prevail in such a climate.
President Thomas Custer’s Cabinet
Vice President - Alfred A. Taylor
Secretary of State - Francis Cockrell
Secretary of the Treasury - Adlai Stevenson I
Secretary of War - John Potter Stockton
Secretary of the Navy - Arthur Sewall
Secretary of the Interior - Thomas Goode Jones
Attorney General - Jesse Root Grant II
Secretary of Sustenance - Sylvester Pennoyer
Secretary of Public Safety - Lyon G. Tyler (resigned May 1891), John R. McLean
(read about the campaigns against the radicals here)Left? Right? No, Custerite!
During his election campaign, the president promised a wide-range of groups things he would do in a future administration. Appealing to liberals, conservatives, nationalists, populists, militarists, anti-imperialists, and pro-reconciliationists, Custer would be flexible and non-partisan in his policies in order to fulfil such promises. Custer would first appeal to the anti-imperialist wing of his support by renegotiating to United States' promised port in the Congo during the Berlin Conference, crafted by Secretary Francis Cockrell, the United States would sell their land claims to the French on August 1889 for $1,250,000. The move would receive praise from anti-imperialists like Senators George Boutwell (F-MA) and Grover Cleveland (C-NY), and Representatives Edward Atkinson (C-MA) and John Wanamaker (P-PA), although opposition was brought in by some Commons and the old Barnumites like Representative William McKinley (F-OH).
Land designated for the United States (dark blue) were sold to the French Empire
Appealing to the pro-reconciliationists would be a harder feat than any of this. Ever since the end of the Civil War, stigmatism between the black and white communities in the south grew, it was further boosted by the barring policy of the Davis and Hamlin administrations which divided communities between whites and blacks to prevent violence. Forced integration was implemented by Custer with the Integration and Co-operation Act of 1889 which merged local segregated communities and forced some citizens living in those communities to live within the other group's area. Anti-reconciliationists like Senator Arthur Pue Gorman (C-MD) and Representative Benjamin Tillman (C-SC) opposed the bill, as they were elected within or with the backing of a white-only segregated community, though the pro-reconciliationists, which composed of both of the old pro and anti Barnumites, populists, salvationists, and progressives pushed the bill to pass Congress.
Capitol Building 1889
The act faced major scrutiny from both black and white anti-reconciliationists, which pushed it as dictatorial and a breach of their civil liberties. The case made it all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States in the case Jennings v. Gibbs, in which Florida county lawyer William Sherman Jennings sued Representative Thomas Van Renssalaer Gibbs (F-FL) for 'infringing on and decrying civil liberties' by his support of the act. Gibbs' lawyers sighted the act was to end possible future violence between the two groups and claimed it was for the overall wellbeing of the country and to the citizen as their move was paid for by the government itself and that it was within the government's authority to enforce such acts, while Jennings sighted the First Amendment, claiming to this act violated the right of petition the government as the citizens were more or less forced into integrating without a say. The court decided on June 10th, 1890, and sided 5-4 in favor of Gibbs, claiming that it was within the government's right to enforce such an act. Although the court did also sort of sided with Jennings, pushing that the citizens moved out of their communities must give their consent and approval of moving out. Justice Robert Roosevelt wrote the majority opinion: "It is within Congress' right to enforce such laws that they apply, although it is also important to receive the consent and approval of those being affect by the laws they apply, as without it is simple tyranny.". The Supreme Court just marked pro-reconciliation acts as constitutional.
Lawyer William Sherman Jennings and Representative Thomas Van Renssalaer Gibbs
With Custer getting the greenlight on reconciliation, he began to deal with those dissenting on his new laws. Some violence and unrest arose from anti-reconciliation protestors causing riots and clashes with the police, in one incident, an anti-reconciliation mob beat one police officer to death and threw in body in the streets. The incident shocked the nation and many demanded justice, this gave Custer the backing to enact another plan he had. In the span of June-August, thousands of anti-reconciliationist rioters were arrested and sent to 're-education facilities' to be 're-educated' about their beliefs, those re-educated would be release after a month and if they caused more dissent they would be thrown back into the facilities to be 're-educated' once again. No one exactly knows what happens in the facilities but rumors going from torture to brainwashing are common, but those released from the facilities never talk about their experience there. Although, anti-reconciliation violence has been significantly reduced ever since the program was created.
Custer's Politics for Dummies
The Presidential Cabinet has always been more or less been aligned with the president's beliefs, although in this case, with the president's beliefs all over the place, the cabinet would be quiet diverse. Some would have quite populistic beliefs like Treasury Secretary Stevenson and Sustenance Secretary Pennoyer, some would be traditionally conservative like Navy Secretary Sewall, War Secretary Stockton, and Secretary of Public Safety Tyler, and some would be considered more liberal like Secretaries Cockrell and Jones, and Attorney General Grant. This caused some division in the cabinet, with many members having different opinions on issues, like the admission of more states in the plain, with the more populistic members being for it and the conservative ones being against it. Vice President Alfred A. Taylor, who was often the most moderate within the cabinet, often had headaches due to the amount of bickering in the cabinet, privately saying, "I would rather have been the presidential cook than a member of this cabinet.". Taylor was known for serving delicious Tennessee Cornbread during cabinet meetings and public events, which were from his own recipe.
On the Congressional front, politics there too was starkly changing. The Radical People's and Christian Salvation Parties had faced a significant decline over the last election and were facing even complete dissolution. The bells did toll for the Salvationists, as on June 1, 1889, waiting for a train going from his hometown of Freeport, Illinois to Chicago, Senator Charles J. Guiteau was shot by an assailant who was connected to the Salvationists. The bullet did not puncture his heart though and he was immediately treated by doctors. The doctors, however, operated on him with unsterilized fingers and tools trying to find the bullet, and Guiteau contracted an infection which slowly weakened his health. Guiteau would pass away on June 30th, which ended a major figurehead for the Salvationists. With their main leader gone, the Salvationists and their party were now certainly going to fall, so once again they turned to the Populists to help, they proposed a merge of their parties, unlike the Visionary Alliance back in 1884, this move would be permanent. A joint Radical People's-Christian Salvation convention was called in D.C., in which they decided to form the Reformed People's Party which would incorporate both Populist and Salvationist agendas. All Salvationists and Populists would run on this party's banner starting on the 1890 midterms, causing a wave of new support of their joint movements to grow. Representatives like Jerry Simpson (RP-KA), Charles Tupper (CS-NS), and Marion Butler (RP-NC), and Senator John P. St. John (CS-KA), although notably the party leader Senator James B. Weaver (RP-IA) did not outright support the merger.
Representative Jerry Simpson and Senator John P. St. John.
Troubles also arose within the ruling party itself. With Custer's moves in office being controversial not only nation-wide but also within his own party. Many Commons were repulsed by Custer's appeal to nationalists and populists, like his push for isolationism, labor reform, free trade, and anti-gold standard policies, which saw as the reason why the current economy was entering a small recession. The Custer administration was also known as notoriously corrupt, though Custer himself was more blind to the issue than actually involved in it, it was well-known that politicians like Secretary Tyler were making backdoor deals with businessmen like J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie, even personally aiding in putting down worker strikes. Representative William Kissam Vanderbilt (P-NY) even once said, "The difference between a crafty serpent and a pro-big business politician? They have heels, I suppose.". These anti-reform and anti-Custerite politicians within the Commonwealth Party were called 'Reactionaries'. The reactionaries would included members like Senators Arthur Pue Gorman and John M. Palmer (C-IL) and Representatives like John Carlisle (C-KY). The reactionaries would form a major bloc within the party, often favoring militarism and traditional values in Congress, as seen from there opposition of the pro-reconciliation bills and their support for things like the gold standard and imperialism. But also from the other side of the spectrum are the people who see Custer as not reforming enough. Although they weren't as loud as the reactionaries and still mainly accept the situation, many still want more reform coming from the high office. The groups members included the likes of Representatives Samuel M. Jones (F-OH) and Charles N. Felton (C-CA), advocating mostly for internationalism, taxes, anti-corruption measures, and tariff reduction. Though more extreme politicians like Jones would call for monopoly busting, strong regulation, and direct elections.
Senator Arthur Pue Gorman and Representative Charles N. Felton would represent two very different sides of the same party
The Freedom Party had faced its largest split since the Federalist-Freedomite split during Henry Clay’s term. After the elections of 1888, the former Anti-Barnumites had taken control of most major positions in the main Freedom Party after the Conservative Freedom Party remerged with them. Staunch Anti-Barnumites like the pragmatic Representative Thomas Brackett Reed and stanch conservative Senator William Pierce Frye (F-MA) would all head their party in Congress. The remaining former Barnumites such as Representative William McKinley sought to amend the wounds between their counterparts and began the works to begin reconciling between the factions. Though many Freedomites were unsure about reconciling with the other faction, members like McKinley, Reed, and Representative Henry Clay Evans (F-TN) were influential in eventually mending their relations by the 1890 midterms, showing a mostly fully united party. This also was partly helped by the fact that former President Phineas Taylor Barnum would call for his old party’s unification, which had some mixed reactions in the party.
The aging former President P.T. Barnum who would later die on April 1891
(read here about the Military Crisis of 1890 here)
The Military's Resolve
The government would once again refused the military extremists' demands of increased power. As such, the 700 or so extremists would attempt to storm the White House, with others were sent to seize government buildings and offices against the capitol. The D.C. police was immediately called to hold back the group and a shootout immediately ensued outside the White House. 2 hours passed as the shootout continued and both rebels and police were shot dead, the White House received significant damage due to artillery brought by the rebels, with some rebels even entering the now evacuated building. As the 3rd hour mark hit, military loyalist finally arrived at the scene, led by Harrison Gray Otis and Arthur MacArthur, the 3,000 loyalists sent engaged the rebels who were now resorting to guerilla warfare. 3 more hours would pass as the loyalists would trek to find the rebels scattered around Capitol Hill, it finally cease as the loyalists would find and capture both Jacob H. Smith and J. Franklin Bell hiding in an abandoned building, the remaining rebels would surrender in the 7th hour. Over 500 people would die in the so-called "Battle of Capitol Hill".
Government loyalist in the outskirts of D.C. looking for rebels
The affair caused a uproar across the nation, with some siding the government claiming the military was being spoiled, while some supported the rebel's calls claiming the remaining restrictions were still ruining their careers. It also divided the military more, with some siding with the loyalists and some adhering to the rebel's calls. Fears began to rise of a second Civil War due to such divisions, as some Reactionary politicians began to support the militarist cause. Immediate calls within the government were pushing for appeasement to the militarists to avoid another rebellion. Thus negotiators began to work on something to ease the stress of the military resulting in quite the controversial move.
The 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution would add 9 seats to the House of Representatives that would be designated for the military. Called the 'Military Representatives', 9 servicemen would be chosen from either branch of the military to serve as Representatives for the military's interests. The Representatives would be appointed by the president and approved by the Senate and members could be removed by the president during House elections. The amendment was ratified with astonishing speed, being ratified only two months after it was proposed on February 23, 1891 right before the 52nd Congress met on March 4th. Custer also personally backed the amendment, with others like Representative Thomas B. Reed and William Kissam Vanderbilt supporting it. The 9 Military Representatives were sworn in along with the other 349 normally elected Representatives. Despite the amendment being quickly ratified, it still faced major opposition from anti-militarists and especially the remaining Populists and Salvationists. Representative Henry Clay Evans about the amendment, "If this amendment were to pass, we would be nothing but lapdogs to the armed forces, always in fear of a military rebellion.". Senator Daniel W. Voorhees (P-IN) stated, "Giving any more powers to the military would strip our fairly elected government of independence and reason, as fear would now dominate our politics.". Speaker Alexander S. Clay (C-GA) would be ousted as Speaker by John Wanamaker after the midterms in an anti-Commonwealth vote, Clay would later state, "Was supporting the amendment to the Constitution the right action? I do not know that answer. Yet I know one thing. It was the only action there was."
Results of the 1890 House of Representatives Elections
Results of the 1890 Senate Elections
Tommy the Man
After the meltdowns of the past two years, Custer would focus in his domestic and foreign policy. Custer would continue his pro-reconciliation policies, achieving slow success across the south, with some forcefully integrated communities prospering and with some having being burnt to the ground. Both pro-labor and pro-business policies would be implemented, such as an 8-hour work day and a shorter work week, other than this, businesses would be usually deregulated and were given reigns in handling any of their practices, with businessmen such as J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, and John D. Rockefeller emerging as powerful figures nationally, with their monopolies being wide reaching. Economically, Custer would facilitate a bimetallist economic system, which backed the US dollar on both gold and silver as an unrestricted currency at a fixed ratio of 1:18, just incase gold supply would deplete. This would anger many of the pro-gold standard Reactionaries who fear this would cause the dollar to devalue.
Cartoon mocking the rise of corporations and their growing power over politics
Custer's more reformist policies would deter some of his allies against him, as the likes of Public Safety Secretary Lyon G. Tyler, who disliked Custer's rowdiness in politics in general. Tyler basically had enough went Custer vetoed many legislations that were drafted by the Commons themselves. Tyler resigned as Secretary on May 1891, being replaced by the more moderate John R. McLean. Despite being bashed for his reforms, Custer would also be criticized for his more conservative policies too. A believer in laissez-faire economics and free trade, Custer would refuse to intervene in the economy even when it entered a recession during 1890-91. Custer would often get criticized for allowing big business to skyrocket out of control with their monopolies and trusts, though he would claim his concern was only of the workers' well being. Governor Nathan Goff Jr. (P-VA) would criticize Custer's domestic policies by stating, "Protectionism, direct elections, and internationalism are core things we need in this day and age, not only in Virginia but nationally, yet the president has rejected all of them.". Custer's domestic policies would see opposition from the new reformed populists, which called the Commonwealth Party the party of 'Business, Booze, and Boors'.
Custer, despite being a self-proclaimed 'isolationist', often had interest in foreign affairs yet couldn't act on them as fearing it would deter his supporters. When war broke out in South America in December 31, 1891, when Argentina, who is run by the dictator Nicholas Levalle who recently staged a coup against the government, and Bolivia invaded Chile and Paraguay (more on in the foreign events section), Custer privately sought intervention in favor of Chile and Paraguay to preserve their democracies. Yet Congress and the general public were staunchly against any intervention in South America as they saw as another foreign war. Anti-intervention sentiment grew even further when the Empire of Brazil intervened in favor of Chile and Paraguay on April 1, 1892, their force now being called the 'Continental Alliance', causing the scale of the war to increase and the death toll to grow. Though the public opinion was firmly sympathetic to the Continental Alliance, some in government sought to aid the 'Golden Alliance' of Argentina and Bolivia, as they saw helping them as a way to control their economy and politics, though yet again the majority rejected intervention. Custer did consult his cabinet on what to do on the matter, which Secretaries Sewall and Jones were in favor of intervention, though other like Secretary Cockrell and Attorney General Grant were against it which ultimately led Custer to not intervene for the time being. The US did sell highly demanded imports to both sides of the conflict, which yielded major profit.
- Major Foreign Events -
The War Down Even More South
High inflation, corruption, and bad worker rights in Argentina caused major unrest against the government. The Revolution of Park broke out against the government then run by the conservative National Autonomist Party on July 26, 1890. The rebels captured an arms and ammunition facility in the city and began to arm themselves as government began to apprehend them. The government forces were caught off guard by the now armed rebels and were forced to retreat, the rebels then turned to the Casa Rosada and the president, the revolutionaries successfully broke through the guards and stormed the building, forcing President Manuel Celman to resign. A revolutionary junta was put in place of the government as a new larger government loyalist force was organized to recapture the capitol, which led was by General Nicholas Levalle. The loyalist force successfully defeated revolutionary resistance in the capitol and entered the Casa Rosada, the revolutionary junta was defeat although President Celman had been executed and Vice President Pellegrini had fled the city. Levalle, seeing an opportunity, declared himself emergency president, even rejecting Pellegrini when he returned to the city. Over the past months, Lavalle would style himself with dictatorial powers over the Argentine government, which only fueled his ego.
General Nicholas Levalle of Argentina
Lavalle was a man who opposed the resolve of the border dispute between Chile in Patagonia which restricted Argentina outside the Pacific Ocean. In tandem, Bolivia's Gregorio Pacheco, who succeeded his very pro-Chile predecessor, had designs on Chile after Bolivia had lost the War of the Pacific, as well as Paraguay. Lavalle had secret meetings with Pacheco regarding their plan on Chile, later including Paraguay to the discussion, many meetings later and they decided on a plan to demand land from both nations. Their militaries were built up in the coming months to prepare for the incoming conflict. On December 26, 1891, Bolivia sent an ultimatum to Chile demanding their coastal provinces lost in the War of the Pacific to be returned, Argentina would back them the next day. On the 27th, Bolivia demanded full recognition of the control of the Chaco region from Paraguay, which Argentina backed the same day. Given until the 31st to respond, the Chilean and Paraguayan governments refused to respond to the ultimatums, so on the 31st, Bolivia declared war on Chile and Bolivia, Argentina would declare war on January 2nd.
The campaigns at first favored the 'Golden Alliance' of Argentina and Bolivia, which saw advanced in the north of Chile and southern Paraguay. By February, the Golden Alliance would be nearing the Paraguayan capital of Asuncion, which worried their neighbor to the east, the Empire of Brazil. Empress Isabel I was facing a waning popularity, especially after her father abolished slavery, and the public were firmly against the Golden Alliance. Fearing Argentina's and Bolivia's victory would shatter trust in her even more, she decided to intervene. An ultimatum was sent to Argentina, dictating to end the war or face a blockade, the Argentinians ignored the order. Brazilian ships would begin a naval blockade against Argentina, but oddly some ships were ordered to go dangerously close to the Argentina coast on February 25th. As the ships grew near, the Argentine coast guard were unable to recognize the vessels and assumed they were Chilean and open fired. Despite Argentina apologizing for the incident, the affair caused enough outrage in Brazil to secure that a war was a certain. Brazil declared war on both Argentina and Bolivia on April 1st, forming the 'Continental Alliance' with Chile and Paraguay. The war would rage on from April-August as many foreign nations watched, with both sides gaining the upper hand many times and thousands dead or wounded. By August, both sides would be exhausted by war and bloodshed and needed something to tip the scales.
Empress Isabel I of Brazil
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submitted by BruhEmperor to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2023.05.14 02:31 Gunzerker832270 [USA-TX] [H] Nintendo Switch Collection, Gamecube Collection, DS Collection, PS2 Games, Elden Ring PS5 Collectors Edition and more [W] PayPal F&F

More Games In the Comments! Feel free to throw out offers if its reasonable ill make a deal! also not everything can fit in my post so please check the comment for more items as they will be listed there!

Game Boy Advance

- Classic NES Series: The Adventure of Link (CIB) $110.00

- Dragon Ball: Advance Adventure (CO) $120.00

- Gameboy Advance Console (Missing Backplate) $75.00

- Mario Kart Super Circuit (CO) $25.00

- Pokémon Emerald Version (Cartridge Only) $210.00

- Pokemon Ruby Version (Cartridge Only) $95.00

- Pokémon Sapphire Version (Cartridge Only) $100.00

Game Boy

- Pokemon Blue (CO) $60.00

- Pokemon Gold (CO) (NO LABEL) $55.00

- Pokemon Pinball (CO) $30.00

- Pokemon Silver (CO) $75.00

Nintendo Entertainment System

- NES Classic Edition Console (NEW) $140.00

Super Nintendo Entertainment System

- Super Nintendo Entertainment System Classic Edition (NEW) $150.00


- Eternal Darkness Sanitys Requiem (CIB) $110.00

- Fire Emblem Path of Radiance (CIB) $350.00

- Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventure (CIB) $95.00

- Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventure (DISK ONLY) $65.00

- Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (CIB) $135.00

- Legend of Zelda The Windwaker (CIB) $78.00

- Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker (CIB NO MANUAL) $65.00

- Mario Kart Double Dash (CIB NO MANUAL) $85.00

- Mario Party 7 (CIB TEAR ON MANUAL) $70.00

- Metroid Prime (CIB NO MANUAL) $32.00

- Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes (CIB) $140.00

- NBA Street (CIB) $22.00

- NBA Street Vol. 2 (CIB) $45.00

- Shadow The Hedgehog (CIB) $65.00


- Sonic Heroes (CIB) $25.00

- Super Mario Sunshine (CIB) $50.00

- Tony Hawks Underground (CIB) $20.00

- Tony Hawks Underground 2 (CIB) $30.00

- Viewtiful Joe (CIB) $45.00


- NES Classic Edition Console (NEW) $140.00

Nintendo Switch

- 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim (CIB) $40.00

- 2k Battle Grounds (CIB) $15.00

- Aegis Defenders (CIB) $38.00

- AfterParty (CIB) $50.00

- Assassins Creed Ezio Collection (CIB) $28.00

- Assassins Creed the Rebel Collection (CIB) $22.00

- Astral Chain (CIB) $49.00

- Atelier DuskTriology Deluxe Pack (CIB) NEW $110.00

- Axiom Verge & Axiom Verge 2 (CIB) $85.00

- Baldo The Guardian Owls The Three Fairies Edition (CIB) $35.00

- Baldurs Gate & Baldurs Gate II Enhanced Editions (CIB) $60.00

- The Banner Saga Trilogy (CIB) $15.00

- Battle Chasers Night War (CIB) $25.00

- Bendy and the Ink Machine (CIB) $30.00

- Big Brain Academy Brain Vs Brain (CIB) $25.00

- Blasphemous Deluxe Edition (CIB) $70.00

- Blasphemous (CIB) $40.00

- BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites (CIB) $42.00

- Burnout Paradise Remastered (CIB) $20.00

- The Caligula Effect Overdose (CIB) $90.00

- Captain Tsubasa Rise of New Champions (CIB) $15.00

- Carto (CIB) $40.00

- Catherine Full Body (CIB) $32.00

- Cat Quest (CIB) $15.00

- Cave Story (CIB) $45.00

- Celeste (CIB) $120.00

- Chasm (CIB) $50.00

- Child of Light Ultimate Edition + Valiant Hearts the Great War (CIB) $40.00

- Children of Morta (CIB) $23.00

- Citizens Unite (CIB) $40.00

- Civilization VI (CIB) $17.00

- The Classic Collection DOOM (CIB) $50.00

- ClubHouse 51 Games Worlwide Classics (CIB) $30.00

- Crash Bandicoot 4 Its about Time (CIB) $25.00

- Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled (CIB) $25.00


- Cris tales (CIB) $15.00

- Cruis'n Blast (CIB) $25.00

- Crypt of The Necrodancer Switch Edition (CIB) $35.00

- Darksiders War Mastered Edition (CIB) $30.00

- Darksiders: War Mastered Edition (CIB) (BLACK SPINE MISPRINT) $60.00

- Dark Souls Remastered (CIB) $38.00

- Darq Complete edition (CIB) $30.00

- DC Super Hero Girls Teen Power (CIB) $20.00

- Deaths Door (CIB) $30.00

- Death End Re;Quest (CIB) $30.00

- Destroy All Humans (CIB) $18.00

- Disgaea 5 Complete (CIB) $35.00

- Disgaea (CIB) $30.00

- Disney Classic Games Collection Aladdin-Lion King (CIB) $15.00

- Divinity II Original Sin Definitive Edition (CIB) $150.00

- Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze (CIB) $40.00

- DOOM (CIB) $35.00

- DOOM 64 (CIB) $38.00

- Dragon Ball Fighter Z (CIB) $20.00

- Dragon Ball Z Kakarot A New Power Awakens Set (CIB) $30.00

- Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (CIB) $22.00

- Dragons Dogma Dark Ariser (CIB) $25.00

- Dragon Quest Builders (CIB) $80.00

- Dragon Builders 2 (CIB) $40.00

- Dragon Quest XI Echoes of an Elusive Age S Definitive Edition (CIB) $50.00

- Eastward Asian Version (CIB) $20.00

- Eastward (CIB) $25.00

- Ender Lilies Quetus of the Kniight (CIB) $45.00

- Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force (CIB) $45.00

- Fifa 18 (CIB) $10.00

- Fire Emblem Warriors (CIB) $28.00

- FIST Forged In Shadow Torch (CIB) $30.00

- Forager (CIB) $28.00

- For the King (CIB) $33.00

- Forgotten Anne (CIB) $50.00

- The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa (CIB) $35.00

- Game Builder Garage (CIB) $20.00

- Ghostbusters The Video Game Remastered (CIB) $20.00

- God Eater 3 (CIB) $25.00

- Golf Story (CIB) $75.00

- Grand Theft Auto the Trilogy (CIB) $45.00

- Grand Theft Auto the Trilogy (CIB) $45.00

- Grandia HD Collection (CIB) $85.00

- Gris (CIB) $30.00

- Hello Neighbor (CIB) $10.00

- Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity (CIB) $40.00

- Hyrule Wariors Definitive Edition (CIB) $75.00

- Immortals Fenyx Rising (CIB) $15.00

- Katamari Damacy Reroll (CIB) $20.00

- Kirby Star Allies (CIB) $35.00

- The Last Kids on Earth and the Staff of Doom (CIB) $10.00

- Little Inferno (CIB) NEW $50.00

- Maneater (CIB) $20.00

- Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (CIB) $25.00

- Mary Skelter 2 (CID) $50.00

- Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 The Black Order (CIB) $34.00

- Max the Curse of Brotherhood (CIB) $20.00

- Metro Redux (CIB) $18.00

- Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom (CIB) $70.00

- Monster Hunter Rise (CIB) $25.00

- Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (CIB) $20.00

- Mortal Kombat 11 (CIB) $20.00

- Moonlighter (CIB) $20.00

- Moving Out (CIB) $25.00

- Mud Runner American Wilds (CIB) $25.00

- Mutant Year Zero Road to Eden (CIB) $15.00

- My Friend Pedro (CIB) $25.00

- My Hero Ones Justice (CIB) $10.00

- NBA 2K Playgound 2 (CIB) $10.00

- NBA 2K18 (CIB) $5.00

- Need for Speed Hot Pursuit (CIB) $20.00

- Neo the World Ends with You (CIB) $23.00

- Neon Abyss (CIB) $35.00

- Nier Automata The End of Yorha Edition (CIB) $30.00

- Nintendo Switch Adjustable Charging Stand (CIB) $15.00

- Nintendo Switch Console Red & Blue Joycons Low Serial Number Moddable (CIB) $275.00

- Nintendo Switch Fortnite Wildcat Bundle NO DLC CODE (CIB) $230.00

- Nintendo Switch The Legend of Zelda Skyword Sword Joycons (SEALED NEW) $115.00

- Nintendo Switch SNES 8BitdDo Controller SN30 Pro (WORKS WITH STEAM,MAC OS, WINDOWS, ANDROID, CIB) $45.00

- No More Heroes 2 Desperate Struggle (CIB) $28.00

- No More Heroes (CIB) $35.00

- Oddworld Collection (CIB) $25.00

- Outer Worlds (CIB) $25.00

- Owlboy (CIB) $20.00

- Overcooked 2 (CIB) $20.00

- Overcooked All you can Eat (CIB) $25.00

- Paper Mario The Oragami King (CIB) $40.00

- Pathway (CIB) $35.00

- Persona 5 Royal (CIB) $38.00

- Persona 5 Strikers (CIB) $28.00

- Planescape:Torment & Icewind Dale:Enhanced Edition (CIB) $25.00

- Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX (CIB) $40.00

- Portal Knights (CIB) $20.00

- Quake (CIB) $38.00

- Rayman Legends Definitive Edition (CIB) $19.00

- RBI 19 Baseball (CIB) $20.00

- Resident Evil Origins Collection (CIB) $30.00

- Resident Evil Revelation Collection (CIB) $20.00

- Resident Evil Triple Pack (CIB) $45.00

- Return of the Obra Dinn (CIB) $43.00

- Risk of Rain (CIB) $15.00

- River City Girls ZERO (CIB) $48.00

- Rune Factory 5 (CIB) $35.00

- Ruiner (CIB) $50.00

- Rustler (CIB) $15.00

- Saints Row the Third The Full Package (CIB) $25.00

- Saints Row IV Re-Elected (CIB) $20.00

- Samurai Shodown (CIB) $150.00

- Sega Genisis Classics (CIB) $30.00

- Scott Pilgrim VS the World: the Game Complete Edition (CIB) $35.00

- Scribblenauts Mega Pack (CIB) $13.00

- Scibblenauts Showdown (CIB) $6.00

- Shin Megami Tensei V (CIB) $30.00

- Shinning Resonance Refrain Draconic Launch Edition (CIB) $50.00

- Shiren the Wanderer The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate (CIB) $50.00

- Shovel Knight Treasure Trove (CIB) $35.00

- Sine Mora FX (CIB) $15.00

- SnipperClips Plus (CIB) $30.00

- Snow Runner (CIB) $28.00

- Sonic Colors Ultimate (CIB) $15.00

- Sonic Mania Plus (CIB) $40.00

- Sparklite (CIB) $20.00

- Splatoon 2 (CIB) $15.00

- Spyro Reignited Trilogy (CIB) $22.00

- Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (CIB) $15.00

- Streets of Rage 4 (CIB) $26.00

- Streets of rage 4 (CIB) $25.00

- Star Wars Jedi Knight Collection (CIB) $22.00

- Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (CIB) $70.00

- Star Wars Racer & Commando Combo (CIB) $25.00

- Steam World Dig 2 (CIB) $40.00

- Story of Season Friends of Mineral Town (CIB) $25.00

- Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town (CIB) $22.00
​ ​
- Super Bomber Man R (CIB) $20.00

- Super DragonBall Heroes: World Mission (CIB) $25.00

- Super Mario Party (CIB) $40.00

- Super Meat Boy (CIB) $30.00

- Super Meat Boy Forever (CIB) $35.00

- Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania (CIB) $20.00

- Tactics Ogre Reborn (CIB) $30.00

- Tails of Iron Crimson Knight Edition (CIB) $25.00

- The Takeover (CIB) $40.00

- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Cowabunga Collection (CIB) $25.00

- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredders Revenge (CIB) $35.00

- Terraria (CIB) $15.00

- Tiny Barbarian DX (CIB) $25.00

- Tiny Metal Ultimate (CIB) $50.00

- Tokyo 2020 (CIB) $15.00

- Transistor (CIB) $75.00

- Trials Rising Gold Edition (CIB) $20.00

- Trine Ultimate Collection (CIB) $15.00

- Ultra Street Fighter II The Final Challengers (CIB) $40.00

- Undertale (CIB) $35.00

- Untitled Goose Game (CIB) $25.00

- Valkyria Chronicles 4 (CIB) $35.00

- valkyria Chronicles 4 (CIB) $35.00

- WarioWare Get It Together (CIB) $33.00

- WarGroove Deluxe Edition (CIB) $45.00

- Windjammers (CIB) $35.00

- WindJammers 2 (CIB) $32.00

- Witcher III Complete edition (CIB) $40.00

- Wizard of Legend (CIB) $60.00

- WonderBoy the Dragons Trap (CIB) $32.00

- Wonderful 101 (CIB) $20.00

- Yomawari the Long Night Collection (CIB) $75.00

- Yonder The Cloud Catcher Chronicles (CIB) $15.00

- Yoshis Crafted world (CIB) $38.00

- Zombies Ate my Neighbors + Ghoul Patrol (CIB) $60.00


- Game & Watch Color Screen The Legend of Zelda (NEW) $50.00

- Game & Watch Color Screen Super Mario Bros (NEW) $50.00

- Sega Genesis Mini (NEW) $120.00

Nintendo DS

- Nintendo DS Console Pink (No stylus comes with charger) $45.00

- Nintendo DSi XL Dark Red (No Stylus Comes with Charger) $80.00

- Pokemon Soulsilver (Cartridge Only) $120.00

- Pokemon Platinum (Cartridge Only) $90.00
submitted by Gunzerker832270 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2023.05.10 22:37 Gunzerker832270 [USA-TX] [H] Nintendo Switch Collection, Gamecube Collection, DS Collection, PS2 Games, Elden Ring PS5 Collectors Edition and more [W] PayPal F&F

Feel free to throw out offers if its reasonable ill make a deal! also not everything can fit in my post so please check the comment for more items as they will be listed there!
Game Boy Advance
- Classic NES Series: The Adventure of Link (CIB) $110.00
- Dragon Ball: Advance Adventure (CO) $120.00
- Gameboy Advance Console (Missing Backplate) $75.00
- Mario Kart Super Circuit (CO) $25.00
- Pokémon Emerald Version (Cartridge Only) $210.00
- Pokemon Ruby Version (Cartridge Only) $95.00
- Pokémon Sapphire Version (Cartridge Only) $100.00
Game Boy
- Pokemon Blue (CO) $60.00
- Pokemon Gold (CO) (NO LABEL) $55.00
- Pokemon Pinball (CO) $30.00
- Pokemon Red (CO) $65.00
- Pokemon Silver (CO) $75.00
Nintendo Entertainment System
- NES Classic Edition Console (NEW) $140.00
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
- Super Nintendo Entertainment System Classic Edition (NEW) $150.00
- Eternal Darkness Sanitys Requiem (CIB) $110.00
- Fire Emblem Path of Radiance (CIB) $350.00
- Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventure (CIB) $95.00
- Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventure (DISK ONLY) $65.00
- Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (CIB) $135.00
- Legend of Zelda The Windwaker (CIB) $78.00
- Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker (CIB NO MANUAL) $65.00
- Mario Kart Double Dash (CIB NO MANUAL) $85.00
- Mario Party 7 (CIB TEAR ON MANUAL) $70.00
- Metroid Prime (CIB NO MANUAL) $32.00
- Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes (CIB) $140.00
- NBA Street (CIB) $22.00
- NBA Street Vol. 2 (CIB) $45.00
- Shadow The Hedgehog (CIB) $65.00
- Sonic Heroes (CIB) $25.00
- Super Mario Sunshine (CIB) $50.00
- Tony Hawks Underground (CIB) $20.00
- Tony Hawks Underground 2 (CIB) $30.00
- Viewtiful Joe (CIB) $45.00
- NES Classic Edition Console (NEW) $140.00
Nintendo Switch
- 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim (CIB) $40.00
- 2k Battle Grounds (CIB) $15.00
- Aegis Defenders (CIB) $38.00
- AfterParty (CIB) $50.00
- Assassins Creed III Remastered (CIB) $15.00
- Assassins Creed Ezio Collection (CIB) $28.00
- Assassins Creed the Rebel Collection (CIB) $22.00
- Astral Chain (CIB) $49.00
- Atelier DuskTriology Deluxe Pack (CIB) NEW $110.00
- Axiom Verge & Axiom Verge 2 (CIB) $85.00
- Baldo The Guardian Owls The Three Fairies Edition (CIB) $35.00
- Baldurs Gate & Baldurs Gate II Enhanced Editions (CIB) $60.00
- The Banner Saga Trilogy (CIB) $15.00
- Battle Chasers Night War (CIB) $25.00
- Bendy and the Ink Machine (CIB) $30.00
- Big Brain Academy Brain Vs Brain (CIB) $25.00
- Blasphemous Deluxe Edition (CIB) $70.00
- Blasphemous (CIB) $40.00
- Bravely Default 2 (CIB) $25.00
- BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites (CIB) $42.00
- Burnout Paradise Remastered (CIB) $20.00
- The Caligula Effect Overdose (CIB) $90.00
- Captain Tsubasa Rise of New Champions (CIB) $15.00
- Carto (CIB) $40.00
- Catherine Full Body (CIB) $32.00
- Cat Quest (CIB) $15.00
- Cave Story (CIB) $45.00
- Celeste (CIB) $120.00
- Chasm (CIB) $50.00
- Child of Light Ultimate Edition + Valiant Hearts the Great War (CIB) $40.00
- Children of Morta (CIB) $23.00
- Citizens Unite (CIB) $40.00
- Civilization VI (CIB) $17.00
- The Classic Collection DOOM (CIB) $50.00
- ClubHouse 51 Games Worlwide Classics (CIB) $30.00
- Crash Bandicoot 4 Its about Time (CIB) $25.00
- Crash Bandicoot N Sane Trilogy (CIB) $23.00
- Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled (CIB) $25.00
- Cris tales (CIB) $15.00
- Cruis'n Blast (CIB) $25.00
- Crypt of The Necrodancer Switch Edition (CIB) $35.00
- Darksiders War Mastered Edition (CIB) $30.00
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- Deaths Door (CIB) $30.00
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- Destroy All Humans (CIB) $18.00
- Disgaea 5 Complete (CIB) $35.00
- Disgaea (CIB) $30.00
- Disney Classic Games Collection Aladdin-Lion King (CIB) $15.00
- Divinity II Original Sin Definitive Edition (CIB) $150.00
- Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze (CIB) $40.00
- DOOM (CIB) $35.00
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- Dragon Ball Fighter Z (CIB) $20.00
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- Dragon Builders 2 (CIB) $40.00
- Dragon Quest XI Echoes of an Elusive Age S Definitive Edition (CIB) $50.00
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- Eastward (CIB) $25.00
- Ender Lilies Quetus of the Kniight (CIB) $45.00
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- Nintendo Switch Adjustable Charging Stand (CIB) $15.00
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- Nintendo Switch The Legend of Zelda Skyword Sword Joycons (SEALED NEW) $115.00
- Nintendo Switch SNES 8BitdDo Controller SN30 Pro (WORKS WITH STEAM,MAC OS, WINDOWS, ANDROID, CIB) $45.00
- No More Heroes 2 Desperate Struggle (CIB) $28.00
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- Oddworld Collection (CIB) $25.00
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- Planescape:Torment & Icewind Dale:Enhanced Edition (CIB) $25.00
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- Quake (CIB) $38.00
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- Scibblenauts Showdown (CIB) $6.00
- Shin Megami Tensei V (CIB) $30.00
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- Shiren the Wanderer The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate (CIB) $50.00
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- Sparklite (CIB) $20.00
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- Spyro Reignited Trilogy (CIB) $22.00
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- Windjammers (CIB) $35.00
- WindJammers 2 (CIB) $32.00
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- Zombies Ate my Neighbors + Ghoul Patrol (CIB) $60.00
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Nintendo DS
- Nintendo DS Console Pink (No stylus comes with charger) $45.00
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- Pokemon Soulsilver (Cartridge Only) $120.00
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submitted by Gunzerker832270 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2023.05.02 15:54 Gunzerker832270 [USA-TX] [H] HUGE Nintendo Switch Collection, Nintendo Switch Consoles, DS Pokémon Games, GBA Pokémon games, PS5 Games, PS5 Elden Ring Collectors Edition New in box, (PS4) Dying Light 2 Stay Human new in box [W] PayPal F&F

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2023.04.23 14:22 Significant-Notice- War by Other Means

In The Trial of The Chicago Seven, the Aaron Sorkin movie about the group of anti–Vietnam War protesters charged with inciting riots at the 1968 Democratic National Convention, the focus is on the antics of Abbie Hoffman (Sacha Baron Cohen) and Jerry Rubin (Jeremy Strong). It’s a good movie but their story is not the only story. Among the Chicago Seven was an older, quieter, more bemused David Dellinger (played in the movie by John Carroll Lynch). It was not Dellinger’s first trial. In 1940 Dellinger had refused to register for the then-new draft, the first peacetime draft in America’s history, and he had been imprisoned as a conscientious objector and pro-pacifism protester. Dellinger served a year in federal prison in Danbury, CT, and upon his release, he adamantly refused to register once more. He was imprisoned for an additional two years in the maximum-security facility at Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, where he engaged in hunger strikes and endured periods of solitary confinement. Dellinger was the real deal.
In War by Other Means, Daniel Akst recaptures an older generation of anti-war, pro-pacifism protesters; people like Dellinger, the radical Catholic Dorothy Day, Bayard Rustin, Dwight MacDonald and others. This earlier group grew out of the disillusionment that many Americans felt after World War One–they resolved to never again be entangled in European death and destruction.
During the interwar period, moreover, the United States had developed perhaps the largest and best-organized pacifist movement in the world. Pacifism was part of the curriculum at some schools and firmly on the agenda of the mainline Protestant denominations that were such important institutions in the life of this churchgoing nation at the time….Pacifism was well established on campuses thanks to a massive and diverse national student anti-war movement….During the thirties pacifism, probably surpassed even the Depression as the dominant social issue in American liberal Protestantism…
It wasn’t just liberal Protestants, Pacifism also drew on the isolationist tradition:
…isolationism simply wanted to keep America out of other peoples’ bloody conflicts; it advocated strength through preparedness and put faith in the vastness of the oceans to keep us safe. “Isolationism” has become a dirty word since its heyday in the thirties, when it came into common usage. But in fact it started life as a pejorative, one used by American expansionists in the late nineteenth century to tar the righteous killjoys who objected to burgeoning US imperialism…
Regrettably, the unique blend of “left-wing” pacifism and “right-wing” isolationism, once prevalent in America, has largely vanished. Mostly vanished also is–for want of better terms–the Christian and left-wing libertarianism of people like Dellinger, Day and MacDonald, who although being on the left and hardly pro-market had a deep appreciation for individualism and civil society and a fear of the homogenizing and brutalizing role of the state.
Daniel Akst’s War by Other Means is an important and engaging look at a cast of remarkable American characters and their unique blend of ideological pacifism.
Addendum: Nick Gillespie at Reason has a very good interview with Akst.
The post War by Other Means appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.


]( - Interwar pacifism directly led to the horrors of World War II Hadur

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2023.04.04 23:20 PleaseClap2022 List of achievement suggestions from Discord

That was useless - Visit Wyoming
Hello, Lyndon - Win texas as the democrat in 1968 1976 1988 2016 and 2020
Dole now dole tomorrow and dole forever! - Win as Ford and bush with dole as your running mate
F**k**g Mormons... - Win every state except Utah
Mondale's Mimic - Only win your home state
Swag Like Ohio - Visit Ohio every single time in any scenario (addendum: and still lose it)
Failure - As a major party candidate who won 100 or more electoral votes in the "canon" election, win zero or less electoral votes on Normal or easier.
"That was Easy" - Win a game on Easy difficulty
"Piece of cake" - Win a game on Cakewalk
"What next?" - Win a game on Normal
"Southern Strategy" - As any Democratic candidate in 1988 and beyond carry at least 5 States that comprised the Confederacy
"Another for the tally" - Lose a election while having a larger share of the popular vote
"The pigs are flying" - As any Democrat in 2000 and beyond win Wyoming
"The West is East" - As Nixon win either 1960 or 1968 with Rockefeller as your running mate
"I can see Russia from my house" - Win with Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania with Palin as running mate
The kennedys for me - Win as JFK in 60 and 64 RFK in 68 and 72 and Ted Kennedy in 80
When the function has hennesy - play as im Eisenhower and win
As Maine goes, so goes Vermont win vermont as HHH or win maine as nixon (any difficulty)
That s why I am here - win as ross perot (or winning the most EV out of 3)
Mod mics - Ronald Reagan??? The actor??? - Win as Reagan 1972, 1976, 1980 and 1984
I Like Alf - win all 3 1936 mods as Alf Landon
Wave of Change - win as Ross Perot
Midwest is Best - Win an election by solely focusing on the Midwest, pander to its every whim -
(Not sure as to which elections this could apply to but it does impact the 1896, 1960, 1968, or really most elections) (Because we all know the Midwest is important to any electoral victory
Michigan is based - Best State Michigan
Astro's Astounding Alabaman Apothecary
Win Alabama as every candidate in every scenario - just the gops and dems if it's too hard for 3rd parties
Demands of Real Reform - Deadlock the 1992 or 96 election as Perot
There is Power in a Union - Promise to Overturn Taft-Hartley or Pander to Unions extensively during the Campaign (Wallace, Truman, Kennedy, Reagan)
Bush Buchanan Bush - Play and win 1988, 1992, 1996, and 2000 as republicans in that order
No For Industrial Midwest - Win any official scenarios possible without carrying Industrial Midwest states (a.k.a. Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania)
The Midwest is Best - Win every official scenario while carrying every Industrial Midwest state
D--n Spoilers - Lose a state by a very small margin (maybe smaller than Florida 2000) in an election with a third party candidate.
You Can't Change Fate - Get OTL results for the vanilla scenarios.
NPPFunny - Win both TNO scenarios as the NPP candidate with landslides
Come Home America - Win as Nixon in 1972 while being anti-war
We don't like Eik!!! - Lose as Eisenhower and get under 100 EV
COPE MARTHA - Win Maine as the Democrat in every possible scenario with a playable democratic side. (Mods included, all difficulties allowed.)
Go Outside - Win every achievement
Old Times There Are Not Forgotten - As a Democrat, only win the states that joined the Confederacy (any post civil war election)
"We're going to win so much" - Win in every base scenario
Troll Astro - Win PA with Dr. Oz and Doug Mastriano.
A Childish Fantasy - Win every vanilla scenario as the candidate who lost irl (Or deadlock in the case of 1860) (Trump 2016a winning requirement could also be a possibility)
The Four Georges - Win as Wallace, McGovern, Bush Sr. and Jr. in their respective scenarios (first terms only)
Skill Issue - Lose every scenario (including mods)
Cross of Ws - Win as WJB in 1896, 1900 and 1908
Crucified - Defeat WJB in 1896, 1900, and 1908
"F*ck them Kids" - Support Child Labor in every possible scenario
Liberal Answer - Win DC as a Republican.
Bipartisan B*llsh*t - Win both California and Texas but still lose
Squeaker - Win with 272 electoral votes
Mortis - Die in every scenario where you can die
Snap back to reality: - Get every real life ending to every base game scenario as either candidate.
What If? - Win every real election as the candidate who lost the election.
Obsessed - Win as Sanders in any scenario while having the Bernie theme active
The best result ever, believe me Win with 358+ Electoral Votes with Donald Trump
A Tired Old Trope - Defeat George HW Bush and William Jennings Bryan in every scenario they are present in as a major candidate.
It's unbelievable! - Play NCT 1000 times
It's truly unbelieable - Play NCT 2000 times
Go Outside Please - Play Every Single TCT game
Die in all possible mods
Malarkey Detected. Malarkey Eradicated
Win 500+ EVs as Biden - all difficulties allowed.
Malarkey, What's that? - Win as dark brandon in 1988, 2016c, and 2020 with a 344+ ev (
Where's The Beef Now, Republicans?! - Win as Walter Mondale in 1972 Nixon v Mondale, 1984, and 1984 Mondale v Bush
Base Scenarios & 1964
"Let's get this over with" - Win 1844 with John Seargant as running mate, endorsing abolition and consistently supporting annexation
Cactus Clay (win 1844 as Clay, supporting Texas)
Peak Whiggery — win as Henry Clay in 1844 on impossible
"Polk a fork in it" - Lose as polk in the 1844 election
1856 All Over Again - As Stephen Douglas, win Illinois, deadlock the electoral college, and land in the Top 3 to (eventually) win the election.
The Ballot is stronger than the Bullet - As Stephen A. Douglas, deadlock the 1860 election whilst running with either Herschel Johnson or James Guthrie. (any difficulty
Squatters Rights!!1! - As Lincoln in 1860, win without leaving Springfield, but lose Illinois anyway
Not so little Giant or Douglas Two, Lincoln Zero - As Stephen Douglas, deadlock the 1860 election. (
The Great Commoner - Win as Bryan in 1896 on easy with a pro-civil rights platform
"You can vote for me now, you can vote Republican anytime" - As William Jennings Bryan win the 1896 election in a landslide
A lot of things will need to go right for you to win there this year - Win New York as Bryan in 1896
win wisconsin as william jenning brayan in 1896 (normal)
"Flopulist" - win nebraska as mckinley 1896 (easy)
Death to Gold (win 1896 as WJB)
Cross of Gold - Win 1896 as a Pro-Gold Bryankout
William Judas Bryan - Crucify mankind upon a cross of gold Win the popular vote as WJB in 1896 while supporting the gold standard
Race to the Bottom - (Something similar could be winning while advocating against Labor Unions, Farmers, and supporting Tammy Hall idk but just a corrupt run)
I Shall Crucify Humanity Upon a Cross of Gold- Win as WJB while picking every answer that supports the gold standard (maybe on an easier difficulty)
"Haram" Win as WJB while being as Un-Evangelical as possible
He Won’t Keep Us Out Of War! - In 1916, win as Woodrow Wilson while being interventionist on normal mode or harder
Teddy Who? (Win 1916 as conservative CE Hughes)
Wow, that brainy quote backfired didn't it? - In 1916, win over 300 EV's as Charles Evans Hughes.
"The ride never ends" - Lose every official scenario past 1948 with 232 electoral votes
Dewey Defeats Truman? - As Dewey in 1948, win the election and loose the popular vote
Dewey or Don't We? - win popular vote as dewey 1948 (normal)
Staying in the shadows - Win as Truman while Humphrey as your running mate WHILE also preventing a southern walkout
Dewey Defeats Truman - that one's obvious, maybe on higher difficulty?
Give em' hell Harry! - win the maximum amount of electoral votes as Truman in 1948(i don't know what that number is)
Edmund Blackadder#8331 - win over 400 electoral votes in 1948 as dewey
Tricky Dick Perserves! - As Nixon in 1960, pick Rockefeller as your Vice President and decry civil rights, but still win
Southern Midwestern strategy - As JFK pick Humphrey as your running mate and oppose more civil rights legislation
Storm the Vatican and Stop the Steal - As JFK win 270 in 1960
Kennedy Came A Lot Didn't He - As JFK, visit every Solid South State
Nixon, Now wants Civil Rights! - Win as Nixon/Rockefeller winning 350 EVs or higher while winning the popular vote and picking the most pro-civil rights answers in 1960; normal or harder. (
"Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy" - Win as JFK in 1960
JFKKK - win as JFK in 1960 while going against civil rights
The Washington Way - Win 1960 as Kennedy and Nixon running on the same platform
John F. Cringe (win the debates as Nixon)
Box 13 - As LBJ in 1964, win by less than 280 EVs
In Your Heart, You Know He’s Right - Win 290 or more electoral votes as Goldwater in 1964.
"Goldwater 64" - win as goldwater in the 1964 scenario(any difficulty)
Let's carry Barry to the White House - Win as Barry Goldwater in 1964 - Cakewalk allowed
Go with Lyndon! - Win Arizona as Lyndon Johnson (Any Difficulty)
Go Goldwater! - As Barry Goldwater, win the election.
In Your Heart, You Know He’s Nuts - Win the OTL result as Goldwater (or no states as Goldwater)
Yes to Nukes, no to Social Security (win as Goldwater)
I'm glad I'm back in Dixie - Deadlock the EC as Wallace
Tricky Dick Perseveres… again! - As Nixon in 1968, pick Rockefeller as your Vice President and decry Civil Rights… but still win.
The Darkness of State's rights. - As Humphrey in 1968- win the election on Normal or Harder while opposing states rights. [if it's impossible on normal, try easy] (
Nixon Now! - Win as Nixon in 1968 with more than 300 electoral votes.
Wallace Wave... or Segregation Now, Segregation Tomorrow, and Segregation Forever! - As Wallace in 1968, win 300 or more electoral votes.
"Its Kennedy for me" - As Humphrey win with Ted Kennedy as your running mate
"Don't mess with Texas" - As Humphrey lose the election with LBJ going against you
Dixieland - Deadlock the electoral collage as Wallace
King Cotton - Deadlock the 1968 election as George Wallace.
Segregation Forever! Deadlock the election as George Wallace
Where's Wally? - Fail to win a single state as George Wallace in 1968
i hate black people - win as WaIIave
"LBJ all the way!" (As Humphrey, stand behind all policy of the Johnson Administration including on Vietnam and win the election)
A Southern Flopulist - Lose every state apart from Alabama as George Wallace on Disaster difficulty
Ronald Reagan? The Actor? Hes the Vice President? - Win as Nixon with Reagan as his runningmate in 1968
LBJ's Stooge - Win as Humphrey without ever choosing any answer that contradicts Johnson on Vietnam/calls for a peace agreement or ending the war
"A bit too conciliatory" - As Gerald Ford win the 1976 election while supporting McGoverns $1000 a year and Abortion
Give 'em Hell, Jerry! - win new york, pennsylvania, and texas as gerald ford 1976 (normal)
Why Not the Best? - win michigan as jimmy carter 1976 (normal)
Moderate Showdown - Deadlock the Electoral College in 1976 (They are both Moderates so its kinda weird)
Impossible - Win Georgia as Gerald Ford in 1976 (Cakewalk Allowed)
Lust in my heart (as Carter, stand by the Playboy interview)
Give 'em hell, Jerry! - As Gerald Ford, win the 1976 election with at least 400 Electoral Votes.
NotGeraldFord - As Ford in 1976: win while opposing the Equal Rights Amendment
I'm Gerald Ford and You're Not - As Ford, win over 320EVs
A True Bailout - As Ford in 1976, win New York
Wimp Factor: As Bush, avoid the debates and beat Dukakis on impossible
Massachusetts conservative - As Dukakis promise to cut taxes
A kindler gentler victory - As bush don't attack dukakis and win the election
Tank You Very Much! - win everything except idaho wyoming and utah as mike dukakis 1988 (easy)
What About Kitty? - In 1988, win as Dukakis on normal (or harder) while still loosing the debate
Bush Just Got Tanked - Lose as Bush to Dukakis in 1988 with 50 or less electoral votes.
Finally, Not Stupid Quayle - Win as Bush with your running mate anyone other than Quayle.
A more gentler, Honorable Era - Win as H.W Bush in 1988 on Impossible or Harder while avoiding direct attacks on Dukakis
Yes I would support the death penalty in that case (win the debates as Dukakis)
Radical Moderate Michael Dukakis - As Dukakis in 1988, win while being pro life, pro death penalty, and pro gun.
F--k Life - As Dukakis, be pro-choice, pro-gun and pro-death penalty
OwO Dukakis-San -As Dukakis recommend renegotiating certain aspects of trade with Japan and ushering in an age of Weebism in America
Win as Bush against Dukakis while promosing to raise taxes
Losing is Tough, but so is Winning - Win with 426 Electoral Votes as George H. W. Bush on Impossible Difficulty (
Voters want solutions, not petty attacks -Win over as H. W Bush without attacking Dukakis in any way.
Painbow Coalition - Win as Dukakis/Jackson in a landslide (On impossible perhaps)
Kill Me - As Dukakis win despite riding the tank, pledging to raise taxes and have your running mate be Jesse Jackson
Gud Liberal Answer - As Gore in 2000, win without Florida
This is a good, liberal answer... - In 2000, win as Gore/Kerry by embracing liberalism(in questions 1 and 2)
Kentucky Fried Chicken Hawk - Win KY as Gore on normal
Bushwhacked - Get 363 EVs as Bush in 2000 on normal
537 of what? (Or: Who cares about 537 votes anyways?) - While playing 2000 as Bush, win the election without carrying Florida
A taste of his own medicine - Win Florida and the election as Al gore but lose the popular vote
Worst campaign ever - Get zero votes as Nader
How's This For A Spoiler! - As Nader, make Al Gore win the 2000 election
Uhhhhhhhhh........... - In 2000, win as Ralph Nader
Does this give me a Chance at Federal funds? - On Proportional mode, win 5 Electoral votes as Ralph Nader in 2000
Southern Strategy - Do well as Al Gore
"Naders Horde" - As Nader in the election of 2000
"I'm learnding!" - As Nader fail to gain a single popular vote
Lockbox. - As Al Gore, win the election with 350 or more electoral voted on normal mode or harder.
Good Liberal Answer - Win with 300+ electoral votes with Gore in 2000.
Uno Reverse Card - Win as Al Gore with 271 electoral votes and lose the popular vote
Base Sufficiently Motivated - Win as Al Gore after giving the most liberal answer for every policy question
BAYH GOD!! - Win Indiana (or Kentucky) in 2000 as gore on normal
It's Gonna Get Gore-y! - Win as Al Gore in 2000, While promising to unseat International Dictators. (
Naders Failures - Sabotage the Green Party and have gore win 400+ electoral votes.
Crisis Averted - Win 2000 while losing Florida by more than 1%
A good, independent thinker - Win as any character in the 2000 election by picking all of the "This will establish you as an independent thinker" answers.
ROMNEY STYLE - Win 2012 as mitt romney
Yes, We Can? - As Obama in 2012, win 365 or more electoral votes.
No, You Can’t. - In 2008 or 2012, win as McCain or Romney with 300+ electoral votes on normal or harder.
Obamacaren't - As Obama, oppose Obamacare and win.
Romney Cares - As Romney, support Obamacare and win.
Right Man for the Job - Win as Mitt Romney suggesting declaring Social Security bankrupt
Romneycare - Win as Mitt Romney in 2012 by embracing Obamacare.
Yes we can! - Win as Obama with NC, MT, MO, OH, FL, NC, GA, IN and ND
The Unwinnable 47% - As Romney on normal, make Obama win less than 47% of the popular vote (
Trump?! The President? - Win as Donald Trump in 2016a
"Mirror Mirror on the Wall" (As Trump in 2016a, get the OTL 2016 result)
MAGA - Win as Trump in 2016 with 314 or more electoral votes.
"I can see Russia from my house!" - Win the popular vote with Palin as VP in 2016
As Hillary Clinton, win the election but lose popular vote
Anything is Possible in Jersey - Win New Jersey as Trump/Christie in 2016
Destiny Transcends Playstyle - Get 306-232 while playing with proportional EV count
on 2016
Trumped! - Win New York as Donald Trump in 2016 (any difficulty)
Death Swap II: Win as Hillary Clinton while losing the popular vote - Actually better name: The Electoral College is a Disaster for a Democracy
Blexas - Win Texas as Hillary in 2016
Cause this whole systems rigged and we all know the riggers for the last 4 years this country been run by - Lose as Biden after saying that It's the Democrats who should be worried about trump stealing the election
Social distancing -Win the 2020 election as Biden while only campaigning in Alaska and promising a national lockdown (Could be something like win at least 350 EV Or something appropriate)
Win as Biden while being a COVID denier
Sleepy Joe: Win in 2020 while visiting one state the entire election
"Its Joever..." Win Deleware as Donald Trump (all difficultys allowed)
Got Some Serious Deja Vu - As Trump, get the same 2016 results in 2020 (
Make America Woke Again - Win as Trump in 2020 while supporting BLM
History reverses itself. As trump, win with 306-232.
ITS FOR THE 3-6 232 - actually just reverse the NE and the ME one (same as the above, but NE-02 and ME-02 reversed)
"Corn Pop Was a Blue State!" - Win with Biden in 2020 carrying Iowa.
No dream is too big, no challenge is too great. - Win as Donald Trump in 2020 on Impossible difficulty
1796 is a perfectly balanced mod with no exploits - As Thomas Jefferson in 1796, win New York.
DeWitter (or JUST DEWITT) - As Dewitt Clinton, win the 1812 election in a landslide victory.
The Northern Democrats - As Andrew Jackson, win the 1828 election after splitting from Calhoun
Elitist Populism (?) - As John Quincy Adams in 1828, lose the electoral vote and win the popular vote.
The Van Behind The Slaughter - As Martin Van Buren, win all electoral votes (cakewalk and over allowed)
It all comes down to Michigan - Win 149-150 (or 148-151?) electoral votes in 1836.
You vs America - Survive 1844c
There must be, 50 Ways to die in 1844c - Die in all possible ways as Joseph Smith in 1844c.
1848 Cass v. Clay
Henry in Dixieland - Win 1848-Clay by being a hardliner for slavery
Freesoil - Freeclay - Win 1848-Clay by being a hardliner abolitionist
An Uncompromising Comeback - As Clay(in 1848 clay mod), win on disaster (
The Biggest Political Fumble ever - As Henry Clay in 1848, lose on cakewalk difficulty.
How Do You Do, Fellow Pioneers? - Win 1848Clay after trying to portray yourself and your running mate Abott Lawrence as a rugged frontiersma
A More Perfect Union (this is for when the 1864 mod releases) - Win in a landslide (190+ electoral votes) as Lincoln.
Dark Lincoln - As Abraham Lincoln in 1864, side with the Radical Republicans as many times as possible, choose the most aggressive war options possible, and win re-election.
1868 Sumner
Peak of Modding - Play sumner 68
(500) Days of Sumner: Play Sumner 1868 500 times
"Land of the Free" - As Rutherford B Hayes, win the 1876 election with Blanche Bruce as your running mate
Compromise? Never Heard of it. - As Samuel J. Tilden, win 316 electoral votes on hard (or above)
Land of the Free - As Rutherford B Hayes win with Blanche Bruce as your running mate on Impossible
What's the South Gonna Do, Vote Hayes? - Win as Tilden on Normal in 1876 after taking the hardest possible pro-Reconstruction stance, supporting women's suffrage, and calling for Native autonomy
Return of the Bull Moose! - Win as Teddy Roosevelt in 1912 with LaFollete as your runningmate
BeTRayal - As Theodore Roosevelt in 1916b, attempt to assassinate William Jennings Bryan.
BBB and a Chaotic Mess -As Bryan in 1920b, win outright while supporting civil rights (name should be changed later, best i got rn)
1920b: Black Backed Bryan - Win as Bryan in 1920 whilst embracing Civil Rights
The Great Commoner and the Grand Wizard (or The Cowardly Lion and the Wizard of Oz) - As Bryan in 1920b, win with William Gibbs McAdoo as your running mate after causing a southern walkout
Can McAdoo! - Win 1920b with William McAdoo as your runing mate
Achievement: “Hoosier Salad!” (Or “A Taste of the Hoosier Salad”) - Description: Win as Thomas Marshall in 1920m (
I’ve won, but at what cost? - As Leonard Wood in 1924b, oversee the start of World War 2 and still win.
Hoover Heads rise up! - As Hoover in 1928, Win on Disaster (
Shake and Burn! - As Alf Landon win the 1936 election (any difficulties allowed)
Rooseveltian Sweep - As Franklin Roosevelt in 1936, win all 48 states
A Bigger Deal - As FDR in 1936, win all 50 states
A Deal to a New Deal - As Alf Landon in 1936, Win!!!!
Choose your Own Adventure - Get the secret ending in "A totally normal 1948 mod"
Ten Star Ticket - Win as Eisenhower with MacArthur as VP
Goal! Wait, why are we killing soccer? - Have "Other candidates" win in 1952
MacArthur Does Big Boomo - Win 1952 mod with MacArthur on your ticket, campaigning for nuclear war
Hard Boiled Egg - As Eisenhower - defeat Adalai Stenveon II in 1952 and have him win no more than 2 states.
In a squeaker! - As Adlai Stevenson II win the 1952 election by less than 10 electoral votes
The Egghead and the Happy Warrior - Win as Stevenson/Humphrey
The Right Solution - Win 1964 VK promising to nuke poverty
JFK was a proud Confederate - As JFK: Win all 11 former states of the Confederacy and win the election after equivocating/flip-flipping on civil rights
Great Society, Great Trial - In the TNO1964 scenario, support Omsk as LBJ
Nixon Now! - As Nixon in 1964N, Lock LBJ in the South and sweep New England
The Wallace wave - Win as Wallace in VK 68 on easy
Wallace is the New Davis - Win the election outright as Wallace with Happy Chandler as your runningmate (all difficulties allowed)
W-ll-ve - Get the secret bigshot ending with George Wallace in VK 1968
A Change of Heart - In VK68, Deadlock the election as George Wallace while saying you had a change of heart on the civil rights act
Happy Warrior - Win in 1968VK, as Johnson/Humphrey, after calling RFK a sh*t*ss (all difficulties allowed)
DSRFunny - As Micheal Harrington in 1968 win the South while losing the Midwest
Harrington, what did you do to the code? - As Michael Harrington [In 1968 TNO] win over 420 EV with Robert Byrd as your running mate
"AMNESTY ACID AND ABORTION" - As McGovern win via an electoral landslide (350+ electoral votes)
"Amnesty acid and fallout" - As McGovern win the 1972 election while threatening to nuke Vietnam
A changed man (or"Radical Liberal Wallace") : win as wallace in 1972 while supporting busing and universal healthcare
McGoverning - Win 1972 as McGovern without Ted Kennedy (Easy and Very Easy allowed)
Come Home America -As McGovern in 1972, win the election (easy mode allowed)
1000% behind Eagleton - Win as McGovern/Eagleton without dropping him and promising to stay behind him "1000%". All difficulties allowed
Hanoishima - Win as McGovern after pledging to use nuclear weapons in Vietnam(all difficulties allowed)
Fear, Loathing and Gumbo - Win 400+ electoral votes as George Wallace in 1972b.
Scoop for Success - Win as Wallace in 1972 with Scoop Jackson as your running mate
1972 Agnew
P*ssyfootin' - Win 400 EVs as Agnew (maybe on hard)
A NEW REVOLUTION - as Hall in 1972d win over 5% of the popular vote (all difficulties allowed)
"Death Of An Old World. Birth Of A New One." - As Gus Hall in 1972, Win 5% of the vote or more on normal.
What is this? Some kind of 1972d? OR 1972deeznuts - Win over 330 electoral votes as Gus Hall (all difficulties allowed... ALL of them (
Good Morning America - Win 5% with Kovic as running mate
New Left, Newer World - Win 5% with every Hall VP
Italy 1976
A Las Barricadas - Win an outright majority as Communists in 1976 Italy. (Any difficulty)
A Historic Compromise - As CD, accept the Historic Compromise.
1976 Reagan
You And I Have A Rendezvous With Destiny - In 1976 Reagan, win in an electoral landslide (325+) (on normal)
There You Go Again, Truly. - In 1980, win as CarteMondale on hard mode or harder.
Fear, Loathing and Anderson in 1980 - Deadlock the 1980 election as Anderson on Normal.
Liberalism back on the Menu - Receive electoral votes as Anderson while deadlocking the electoral college in 1980
There you go again... - As Carter 1980, win by the same EV margin as in 1976 (297 - 241)
Killer Rabbit Attack - Win as Carter in '80 while losing both debates and failing to rescue the Iranian hostage. (All difficulties allowed)
Last Respects - Lose 1980 as Reagan 98 times
Wait, a Reverse 1984? - As Reagan, lose with 12 or less electoral votes.
Well Minnesota Would’ve Been Nice - As Reagan, win all 50 states in 1984 on normal mode or harder.
Our long national nightmare is never over” As any candidate in 1984, Make Lyndon LaRouche Win
Mr. Reagan Will Raise Taxes, And So Will I - In 1984, win as Mondale on normal while promising to raise taxes
Shook Hands With Both Ronalds, Reagan and McDonalds! - As Reagan in 1984, win against Walter Mondale as a dove on normal mode or harder.
"Humphreys protégé" or "fought the good fight" - win as mondale in
Beat Ronald Reagan as Walter Mondale with any running mate
Walter Mondale??? The janitor??? - Win 1984 as Mondale
Henry "Skinwalker" Jackson Consume Mondale's soul. - Win as Mondale in 1984 while choosing every warhawk answer
Blue the Colour of Reagan - Win the 1984 election by being as liberal as possible
Happy Warrior Rests - Win 1984 as Mondale
Youth and experience - Win as Mondale in 1984
Radical Liberal Walter Mondale: Win in 1984 as Walter Mondale
taxes now taxes tomorrow taxes forever - Win Alabama as Mondale on Normal
Achievement Idea: Mondaleville - In 1984, win with all of Mondales running mates
A tax man through and through! - Win as ronald reagan while pledging to raise taxes and end reaganomics
Death Swap 2 - As Reagan in 1984, only win California
Well, Utah would have been nice - Win every state except Utah as Mondale in 1984
Disaster Averted: - Win 1984 as Reagan on disaster (
Who are you and what have you done with Reagan? - Win as Reagan in 1984 while opposing Reaganomics
Literally 1984: As Ronald Reagan in 1984, win every state
Winning 1984 on Disaster
Mondaleville has arrived: - Win as Mondale in 1984 while calling for a new state called Mondaleville -
Biden 88
ROUNDABOUT - Get an ending of 306-232
Death to malarkey! - Win >500 ev as Biden and choosing No Malarkey answer (Easy difficulty allowed)
Dark Brandon Secret Time Police - Sweep 50 state as Joe Biden
History Precedes Itself - As Joe Biden in 1988, win 306 electoral votes.
Death to Malarkey! - As Joe Biden, theme your campaign against malarkey(if you do this I’ll send you the PKs to require), and win at least 400 electoral votes.
It Ain’t The Economy, Stupid! - In 1992, win as Bush with 300+ electoral votes on normal or harder.
I did have sexual relations with that woman - Win 1992 as Clinton saying that the allegations are true on impossible
Don't read my lips, just vote - Reelect Dan Quale as Vice President in electoral landslide
The Real Third Way - Win the 1992 election as Perot
Perot For President! - In 1992 Perot, Win as Ross Perot. (Cakewalk allowed)
It's the economy, stupid - As Bill Clinton, win the 1992 election with over 400 electoral votes (
Why ya little! - Prevent Bush and Clinton from reaching a majority in 92 Perot
Bigly Much Voodoo - Win as Perot/Trump in 1992.
Billionaire buys election - Win as Ross Perot in any difficulty in the 1992 mod
THE VOTER VACUUM - As Perot in 1992 Perot, win (all difficulties allowed). This is possible on cakewalk to very easy.
"The frogs are gay" - As Pat Buchannan in 1992b win with David Duke as your running mate
I did not nazi that coming - As Pat Buchanan, win with David Duke as your running mate
Dark Dukakis - As Dukakis: lose the popular vote to Buchanan, but win the election
Still on your side - Win as Dukakis in 1992b
Oh no! - Win as Buchanan/Duke
Bob Dole Needs This - As Bob Dole in 1996, win the election against Bill Clinton
Bob Dole Cult - Get 538 votes as Bob Dole (bigshot allowed)
Bob Dole Cult - Get 538 electoral votes as Bob Dole (bigshot not allowed)
Rescuing the Frog - As Al Gore, win every state east of Texas in Gore/Dole 1996.
“Powell's Gate“ - Get the Heaven's Gate ending in 1996Powell
2000b - Pizza Time - elevate pizzaman to office while spending campaign funds on congressional races to enact proper pizza legislature
The Great Detective (or Searcher?) - Get every ending in 2000N ( OR ( OR (
Rancid, Warranty, and Extortion - Win as Ted Turner in Powell 2000.
Hail To The Thief - Win as Bush in 2004 with over 300 electoral votes
Again?! - As George W. Bush, win the 2004 election but lose the PV
Like Father Like Son - As Bush in 2004, lose against Kerry by 370+ EV.
Massachusetts Liberal Curse - In 2004 As Kerry, lose to Bush by 426 or more EV.
No thanks to you Ohiah and scr*w you brother Jedediah!: - Lose both Ohio and Florida as George W Bush in 2004, but still win the election.
Did You Know I Won Three Purple Hearts? - As Kerry, mention your three purple hearts every chance you get and win. (
I didn't raise my son to lick feet - In the 2004 scenario as George Bush, win after denouncing civil unions for gays and taking on a pro-choice rhetoric (all difficulties allowed) (This sounds NSFW, though)
“Al gore forever” win re-election as Al gore in 2004b with 385 or more electoral votes
Familiar...isn't it? - Lose as McCain in 2008 despite winning the popular vote
McCain meets Palin - Win 2008 as McCain with Palin.
McCain’s Dream - Win 2008 as McCain with Lieberman.
No you can’t! - Win as John McCain in 2008.
2008b (Clinton vs. Giuliani)
THE GREAT UPSET - Win as Giuliani 2008b on Blowout. (Only possible with Huckabee as far as I know. Snowe might be possible because I got close. Idk about the others VPS because I’m too lazy to check.)
Trump 2008
Madison Cawthorn Meets John Ewards - Win Trump 2008 with John Edwards
YES WE CAN, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! - Win 410 EVs or higher as Trump/Obama on normal in the 2008 trump mod; Normal or Harder. (
Trump2008 - Clearly this is all a joke, they can't possibly get elected, right? - win with Stephen Colbert as your running mate with him doing comedy on THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL and during debate
Cope! Cope and seethe, alright? - win as trump/colbert on normal after telling dean to cope
Trump? How'd you f*ck it up so badly -As Democratic Trump in 2008, lose by over 500 EV (
Senator McCain, you’re fired! (or People who don't get captured) (or John, you're fired!) - In Trump 2008, get 427 Electoral Vote (
The America We Deserve - As Trump in 2008, win at least 400 EVs while supporting universal healthcare
2008 Breaking Bad
“Better call Saul” - Win as Saul Goodman 2008 on Unthinkable difficultly.
2016 4-way
Can't Stump the Trump - Win outright as Trump in 4-way.
2016 Jeb
JEB! - (bigshot allowed obviously) - As JEB, get 538 EVs
They Clapped! Win as Jeb Bush with over 400 EV. (
In Jeb We Trust - As Jeb in 2016, win with over 400EVs
This is a Big F**k**g Deal - In 2016c, win 340 electoral votes or more as Joe Biden while supporting Universal Healthcare (
2018 Senate
We are so back, we never left - As the Democrats in 2018, win 55 senate seats
2019 NK
Godbless Our Glorious Leader - In the 2019 North Korean election, win as Kim Jong-Un
2021 VA
FDCdeeznuts - Win as Glenn Youngkin while calling Fauci a war criminal
Young Kin? That sounds Chinese. - Win as Youngkin while calling Fauci a war criminal
2022 PA Governor
Wholesome wwc - as Josh Shapiro, win Luzerne County, get over 60 % in Allegheny County and win any other County in southwestern pennsylvania
What the f**k did you do?! - as Mastriano, lose so badly that you break the ending codes (possible on Disaster)
T*ck*d™️ - Win the 2024 election after advocating the Great Replacement Theory
Live Tucker Reaction - As Tucker Carlson in 2024g, Win Vermont while losing Texas (you must also lose the election)
Apocalypse Now! (SoL achievement, adjust for future toosers) - As Biden in 2050, Nuke whatever you can and win (
submitted by PleaseClap2022 to thecampaigntrail [link] [comments]

2023.01.04 13:53 USSBurritoTruck Canon Connections: Prodigy 1x20 - Supernova, Part 2

submitted by USSBurritoTruck to startrek [link] [comments]

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2022.12.05 03:39 Dr_Occisor The 1912 Election - PSUS History - Part One

The 1912 Election - PSUS History - Part One
The post was too long, and had to be seperated in two. Part Two, which contains the poll, is available Here, however I recommend reading Part One in order to get sufficient context as to the events of the second Debs Administration
Correction: The year is 1916, not 1912
Map of the United States, 1916
A summary of the Second Term of President Eugene V. Debs
President Eugene V. Debs (1909-1917)
Vice President George MacGilliam (1909-1910), Vacant (1910-1913), John McCarthy (1913-1917)
Secretary of State Charles A. Vulpes (1909-1917)
Secretary of the Treasury William Borah (1909-1917)
Secretary of Commerce George W. Norris (1909-1917)
Undersecretary of Commerce for Labour Robert F. Wagner (1909-1917)
Secretary of War Orville O'Kennobey (1909-1917)
Secretary of the Navy Darrel Dutch Jr. (1909-1917)
Attorney General Henry Ford (1909-1915), James Smith (1915-1917)
Postmaster General Kian Booth (1909-1917)
Secretary of the Interior James Perkins (1909-1914), Robert Henderson (1914-1917)
Secretary of Agriculture Gifford Pinchot (1909-1917)
Undersecretary of Agriculture for Health Richard T. Ely (1909-1917)
Undersecretary of Agriculture for Transportation Edward Alsworth Ross (1909-1917)
Secretary of Immigration Grace Abbot (1909-1917)
Minister to Britain Joseph Choate (1898-1917)
Minister to France Robert S. McCormick (1898-1917)
Minister to Germany Andrew White (1898-1917)
Minister to Mexico David Thompson (1898-1917)
Debs Defeats Bryan, 1912
On November 5th, 1912, taking advantage of a split vote, Eugene V. Debs was elected to a second full term, however with the House and Senate in Liberal hands, it seemed the Democratic-Labourite hopes of passing significant legislation were grim. Despite the chances, President Debs remained determined and motivated. So, it seemed, was the Liberal Party. Livid over their defeat from the jaws of victory, the Party, headed by Senate Majority Leader Aurelian Shaft, sought radical action in order to prevent the Second Debs Administration.
Soon following Debs’ victory, Senate Majority Leader Shaft used his legislative powers to introduce the Congressional Petitioning Act, an act to lobby the Supreme Court to overturn the 1912 Election on the basis of fraudulent ballots in crucial swing states. The 12th Amendment, which granted the Supreme Court the powers to overturn democratic elections if said elections were “tied into a larger question of validity” had never been used. While awaiting the response from the Supreme Court, Shaft, with collaboration from other Senators, would write a document detailing the grounds to impeach Eugene V Debs.
In the United States of America, it is of questionable constitutional merit to impeach under the grounds of maladministration. However, by precedent, several Presidents had been impeached for such behaviour. President Ulysses Luther was the first President to be impeached and removed from office, and it was simply due to his relative inactivity regarding governmental matters. This precedent had effectively meant that as long as the House of Representatives filed adopted the articles of impeachment against a President, the President would effectively, henceforth, serve at the pleasure of the Senate, which historian and Senator for New Jersey, Thomas Woodrow Wilson, says is "another consequence of the several eras of Congressional government that had plagued the federal government, the people, and the commonwealth of these United States."
Thus, despite a 40% victory in the popular vote by Debs, and furthermore, his victory over 298 electors, it soon became projected that if the House of Representatives was to adopt the articles of impeachment; the articles adopted were abuse of power and, by precedent, maladministration, both referring to his executive orders pertaining against the Ku Klux Klan, which had him accused of only "increasing tensions, as ordinary citizens affected by the impounding of federal funding began to riot as well," then Debs would be convicted by the Senate. It soon became unsure if Debs, who had been elected, would remain President for much longer.
Willis C. Hawley, a member of the Liberal Party and speaker of the United States House of Representatives, had received Shaft's document, and thus began the inquiry stage of Eugene V Debs' impeachment. However, the Liberal Party only had a plurality in the House, and they did not have the Senators required to impeach. To submit the Articles of Impeachment and begin Debs' trial, then they would have to win over the Dixie Caucus of the Democratic-Labour Party, more colloquially known as the Dixie Caucus, or the Blue Labour Movement, in the House of Representatives. The Blue Labour Group are Democratic-Labourites who oppose the social progressivism of their party, and the almost Austrian economic views of the Liberal Party. However, Debs was known for being recklessly hard on the south during the Southern Crisis, so the trial of Eugene V Debs became nearly inevitable in the eyes of his opponents.
To summarise the success of the impeachment, it is best to take the subtitle from the front page of The Republican, one week following the introduction.
“The Liberals once again managed defeat from the jaws of victory.”
Debs' trial never began, and the House would never submit the articles of impeachment against President Debs. In the Senate, the Liberal Party took a hardliner stance against the Democratic-Labour Party. Senator Aurelian Shaft was the face of this hardliner stance. Nicknamed "Stonewall Shaft" for his controversial efficiency at blocking "socialist" legislation. To him, this also applied to the New Zion Initiative, a popular initiative to settle Madagascar with Jews, which had partial support among atheistic Jews, due to the blatantly unconstitutional trend of taxation on account of race within the United States, and the Fourth Homestead Act, which Shaft deemed as "too handicapping of the private corporations west of the Mississippi, especially to their ability to expand and profit." This hardliner stance scared the Blue Labour Group from voting to submit the articles to the Senate. Without Debs, then, the group feared, the Liberal domination over government would simply be too powerful.
Furthermore, the Vice President of Eugene V. Debs, McCarthy, was an opponent of segregation and a proponent of full civil rights and integration. If Debs was convicted, he would then rise to the Presidency.
Unfortunately for the Liberal Party, the Supreme Court rejected their petition, refusing to even consider the motion without proper investigation beforehand. The rest of the Liberal Party fell in line with Stonewall Shaft, who was quoted as saying, “We as a party shall not prohibit ourselves from radical action to prevent radical ideas from obtaining a stronghold in this country”.
With political polarisation of the people in the United States ever higher, confidence in Congress and the Government plummeted. However, two opposing factions would find unity against a common enemy.
Image of the House Chambers during voting on the Petitioning Act, c. 1912
The Washington DC Riots, 1913
Other groups, in their aggressive opposition to President Debs, did not turn to bureaucratic means of political hinderacy, but to violent means to prevent President Debs. One of such groups had already been considered an enemy of the United States for half a century, but remained prosperous in the South despite attempts made to eradicate it. The Ku Klux Klan, the bigoted hate-fueled violence machine which had existed since the surrender of the South in the Civil War and had terrorised black communities in the south, elected to directly prevent the confirmation of the votes.
On January 6th, 1913, during the joint Congressional Session to elect the President, a Virginia branch of the Klan, with aid from other branches, marched on Washington. Unlike earlier attempts to prevent the certification of the electoral votes, the Virginians intended to simply occupy the streets of Washington, preventing congressmen from reaching the Capitol. Unlike earlier attempts, however, this one would end in more bloodshed.
In a stroke of fate, on the same day of the Virginian protest, another group, similar in size to the Capital occupiers, would also come to Washington. The Grand Workers Union, a socialist activist group known for organising frequent and violent strikes and riots across the United States, was, at the time, hosting a celebratory convention in the same City. Vice President-Elect McCarthy, at the convention to give a speech, was informed of the events going on outside. McCarthy reportedly said to the crowd “Come on, my fellow Americans! Let us march to face our opposition, and watch them scared shitless once they see us!”. After reported cheers, a march began.
Unbeknownst to McCarthy, members of the Red Guard, an infamous communist terrorist group responsible for an attempted bombing of Wall Street in 1897, was among the crowds. Members of this group, hatching a plan to assassinate the leader of the Virginian Klan during the events, had brought plenty of weaponry. Sensing a perfect opportunity, guns were brought from the RG Safehouse to the scene of the riot.
The exact beginning of the violent brawls is unknown, however it reportedly started after one Klansman, Hiram Richards, pistol-whipped a member of the GWU in the head, knocking the aforementioned member out. Physical brawls began, with dangerous gunfights beginning once a Red Guard member, perched upon the rooftop of a building, successfully landed a hit on the leader of the Virginian Klan, killing him instantly. The Virginians, mistaking this as aggression from the GWU, began using deadly force on the crowd, to which they responded.
Congress and the White House were evacuated to the Emergency Government Building in Baltimore, continuing the certification of the votes. The military was brought in to quell the fight. In the meanwhile, gunfire was heard across the city, most prominent in front of the Capitol. U.S. Senator Charles Winton, who had refused evacuation in order to fight on the side of the Klan, was placed under arrest after reportedly chanting “Light ‘em communist bastards up”, egging on the violent crowd. Vice President-Elect McCarthy was also placed into custody in Baltimore.
A combination of delayed military forces and paranoia that the other side would simply continue attacking in the event of a cease-fire, the battle dragged on throughout the day. By the time the city was placed under occupation, a whopping 1.2k people were estimated to have perished, including 650 civilians, with thousands more injured or wounded. Key figures involved in the attack, such as the leader of the GWU, James McKunry, the aforementioned Hiram Richards, and the “Imperial Wizard” of the Virginia Klan, were arrested and charged with Treason. However, Vice-President Elect McCarthy was let free, along with Senator Winton, with no charges pressed against either men for their involvement. McCarthy’s lack of punishment has placed significant criticism onto the shoulders of Debs.
As of November, 1916, the city of Washington DC is still repairing damage and recovering from the event.
Following this event, numerous Klan groups in the south banded together to form a united group, in order to “More Effectively combat the plague that is socialism”, as one high ranking member described. The united group, known as the UKA, successfully unified the remaining groups under one leadership divided into autonomous sectors, headquartered in Grantsville, Alabama.
The Virginian organisation blocking the streets to the Capitol, c. 1913
March of the Suffragettes, 1913
Due to the continued refusal of the Senate to address the issue of Women's suffrage, in 1913, women across the nation took to the streets to call for their rights to be guaranteed in law. Demanding universal access to the ballot, these activists arranged massive parades across the nation - with hundreds of thousands of supporters turning out in the major cities. In the North, many threatened to go further, proposing massive strikes in textile factories across the Rust Belt, which would grind the industry to a halt.
Prominent politicians on both sides had refused to even entertain the idea of universal suffrage, with the majority Liberal party, aided by members of the Democratic-Labour ‘Dixie Caucus’ preventing an amendment supported by President Debs from passing. Debs, a long-time supporter of constitutional amendment, was determined to pass the amendment, however, despite White House sources reporting “frustration” at the actions of the Senate.
Several states, in defiance of the Senate, chose to legalise women's suffrage, namely Gerry, New York, Hochunk, California, Illuvia, Cheyenne, Washoe, Washington, and Arizona. Despite the guarantee to vote in municipal and state elections, they were still unable to vote for the President - though they were able to elect both their Senators and members of the House of Representatives.
Protest criticising the Liberal Party for their opposition to Woman suffrage, c. 1913
Formation of the Entente Cordiale, 1913
Across the sea on the European continent, tensions rose once more as France, Austria, and Russia announced the signing of the Entente Cordiale, ostensibly to band together against quoted “Anglo-German Aggression.” President Eugène Schueller of France announced the signing of the arrangement in Paris, flanked by Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and Prime Minister Ivan Goremykin of Russia
In private statements to the press, French Foreign Minister Raymond Poincaré declared the new alliance to be "a new bastion of security and stability in Europe," and elaborated its chief foreign policy goals as "containing the reckless Hohenzollern regime" and "fostering amicable relations between the Great Powers of Europe."
Prime Minister Herbert Henry Asquith of Britain soon after decried the move as "blatant fear-mongering by the Gallo-Mongol-Habsburg trifecta," warning that the formation of the alliance at such a dangerous time in Europe would destabilise the continent further and push it closer to war. His ally in Germany, Prime Minister Bernhard von Bülow, denounced the French announcement just before recently inaugurated Vice President McCarthy was set to visit - Bülow calling the Entente a "transgression on German interests and sovereignty."
The Anglo-German Vertag alliance, tenuously held together after the Ninth Coalition War due to their mutual opposition to French revanchism and growing liberalism across the continent, has only seen its necessity increase in recent years with the signing of the Entente and the Ottoman revolt in Anatolia. Across Europe, battle lines were being drawn as the Great Powers cast their lots.
Left to Right: Prime Minister Ivan Goremykin, President Eugène Schueller, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, c. 1913
Map of Europe's Alliances as of 1914
William J. Simmons and Grantsville, Alabama attacks, 1913
The Socialist terrorist group known as the “Red Guard”, previously mentioned as the catalyst for the DC Riots, launched an assassination attempt on the leader of the United Klans of America, William J. Simmons, shortly following the second inauguration of President Debs. A shootout occured at the dead of night outside Simmons’ Georgia compounds, with a force of UKA members successfully preventing Guard members from assassinating Simmons. The Red Guard, following the failed attempt, ransacked two smaller UKA outposts before attacking two Georgia Democratic-Labour state legislators.
Just weeks following the attack on Simmons, one was organised and conducted against a large UKA rally in Alabama. Several vehicles, with four Guard members each, attempted to surround the UKA rallies, before the vehicles were fired upon by armed UKA members suspecting an attack due to the recent attack on the Simmons compound. A fight ensued, with several men on both sides injured. The UKA eventually managed to subdue the forces due to superior numbers, after heavy injury.
In response, Simmons launched an attack on a pro-socialism group’s headquarters in Tennessee, bombing the building. Simmons threatened that ”For every white man that be killed by these socialists, seven [RACIAL SLUR]s and seven communists will be to”. It is unknown if the pro-socialism group had any connection to the Red Guard, however, since the attack, it has been disbanded.
This attack has been viewed by many as the beginning of the unofficial ideological war between the Red Guard and UKA.
Chaos in Anatolia, 1913
As the newspaper sat on King Nicholas's VI of Greece’s desk. The Turkish populace, tired of the Greek oppression, were up in arms over his newest decree declaring that all mosques will be turned into Churches. The leader of the movement, one Mustafa Atatürk, and a group of young revolutionaries named The New Turks, had marched on Ankara with an army of angry civilians, quickly overwhelming the small Garrison and taking over a weapons depot in the city. In what seems to be an organised resistance, many internal cities in Greek-occupied Turkey have already fallen to the revolutionary front. Arming themselves with foreign weapons from the Hashemite and unknown support it seems revolution in the occupied Eastern Anatolia is imminent.
Soon following, it was reported that the King fired the general in charge of the Anatolian Garrison and that a “sizable force”, as one Greek official said, was en route to suppress the rebellion.
Russian Emperor Tsar Nicholas II stayed quiet on the conflict, stating only that his cousin will have “no problem” putting down the Rebellion. Internationally, the German Empire and British Republic have given candid support to the Turkish Rebellion, further straining the tense relations of Eastern Europe.
Completion of the Panama Canal, 1914
A long standing dream of President Theodore Roosevelt was realised in 1914, as an American vessel with Vice President McCarthy onboard became the first to travel across the Panama Canal in early 1914. The canal, built by the Golden Circle Company in cooperation with the United States, had been under construction since Theodore Roosevelt’s first term in the late 1890s.
Soon following the opening, questions about the intended usage of the canal were brought into the spotlight. As tensions rose across Europe, and as war seemed ever more likely, many questioned if the canal was to be used for military purposes as well. America, which maintained a pact with Britain, had committed to neutrality, however had not declared its intention to stop aiding Britain economically, leading to the Pro-Entente faction in Government pulling out of continuing to support the program. The Pro-Vertag faction, however, continued its support of the canal.
The Vessel carrying Vice President McCarthy travelling through the Canal, c. 1914
The Hatian-American War, Part I, 1914
Despite President Roosevelt declaring war on the secessionist state of Haiti during the latter half of his third term, which had seceded from the U.S. in 1895, it was not until the second Debs administration that military action would ramp up.
The U.S. would see considerable gains in the relatively unpopulated and unguarded South, while facing heavy resistance in the North. A landing attempt at Cap-Haïtien proved unsuccessful, with the U.S. shifting attention to the south
The Haitian-American War at the beginning of Debs' second term
Heir to the German Throne shot, the Great War begins, 1914-Current
After the relatively uneventful ending of the Mozambique Strait crisis many had thought the recent tensions that had boiled over Europe would eventually simmer to a cool. This cooldown in relations though had not happened. After a string of diplomatic manoeuvring between the British Republic, The German Empire, The French Republic, and The Russian Empire. Europe would see the rise of a string of alliance networks unseen since the 1880s. With it two spheres had emerged that of the Anglo-German Triple Vertag and the Franco-Russian Entente Cordiale.

Vertag Alliance Poster, c. 1908
The Coming war that would erupt all of Europe into flames would start on a peaceful summer day in Germany. The German heir to the throne Prince William would see his shocking death along the Westphalian city of Dusseldorf. There he would be murdered in a open car along with his wife Princess Mary by a gang of radical French revolutionaries under the "White Glove Society". This bullet shot would spiral into a ever ticking time bomb for Continental warfare. German demands of demilitarisation of the border and a crack down on Militant French Nationalism would be ignored.
In Early September, Germany and her allies would declare various forms of mobilisation and by September 5th, Germany would declare war on France and with it Europe was on fire. Immediately the French Allies of Russia and Austria would enter the war, seeing the move as an act of aggression and an obligation as members of the Entente Cordiale. Within the following days various skirmishes and battles would grip the borders of the nation. With Bavaria quickly entering a state of near chaos as German and Austrian aligned partisans threw the country into chaos. Within the first week of the Great War German troops would find themselves in the heart of Franconia fighting Austrian aligned Bavarian partisans
The war would rage the following short months following a familiar conventional that would only briefly last. In the opening days of the New Year, Parisian citizens would awaken at midnight to German bombs dropped by newly militarized Zeppelin technology. With that the recently named Great War would see the awakening of a military arms race. As British Diplomats would request American aid in the form of state of the art Aeroplane technology. French Armored Cars developed for high speed desert conquests would see easy victories along the British colony of West Africa.
With the Technological arms race at foot and multiple fronts contracting and expanding on all sides. The German Empire would gamble on the opening of another front as German-Aligned Dutch Nationalists would successfully coup the neutral Dutch government. Queen Wilhelmia would flee to Brussels and with it a rallying call that would start the Dutch Civil War along a backdrop of a war between greater powers.
On the Eastern front German troops would find defeat after defeat by a quickly approaching Russian advance, until eventually authorised by King Wilhelm II, Russian momentum would nearly shatter overnight. The Battle of Silesia would see the first use of Chemical Weapons within the war and with it the farthest Russian Advance into German Land. By the end of 1915 German troops would take back Warsaw, and in the spring of 1916 the Russian Army would face a devastating blow in the Russian Border City of Brest-Litovsk giving Germany a much needed victory.
The Great War shortly after beginning
The Great War on Election Day, 1916
German gas attack on French soldiers, c. 1915-16
Revolution in China, 1915-Current
A great uprising began in the southern Chinese city of Wai-chow in February of 1915, representing the culmination of years of tension. Local citizens and soldiers reportedly seized firearms from the municipal constabulary following widespread protests over a recent railway edict by the city's governor, Chang Ming-chee, who has fled the province. The uprising was sparked after demonstrations against the recent railroad policy suffered casualties from an unknown cause - reported to be an explosion at the municipal office.
In Wai-chow, Revolutionary Committee of China (Kuomintang) local leader Chen Chiung-ming announced the formation of the Revolutionary Government of the Republican Province of Guangdong. Reports from the city indicate that the outbreak of the revolution may have been accidental, with conflicting stories from local sources on what triggered the uprising and whether or not it was prepared. Given that the revolution is said to have started just two days before Chinese New Year, it is thought that authorities mistook the gunfire and explosions of revolution as celebrations traditionally held in China.
Following the spread of news of Wai-chow's revolt, similar uprisings were carried out across other Chinese cities, indicating a degree of preparedness to repeat the success in Wai-chow. The city of Wuchang followed immediately, led by Hsiong Bing-kun, Jiang Yiwu, and Sun Wu. In that city, it is reported that the Chinese Army defected to the revolution en masse, and retributions were carried out against Manchu commanders Prince Duanfang and Zhao Ar-feng. Landlocked towns in Jiujiang province rebelled in sequence, along with a greater spread of the uprising in the South. Nanchang was seized by revolutionaries, who proclaimed the Jiujiang Military Government under Li Liejun, Lin Sen, Jiang Qun, Cai Hui, and others.
The atmosphere in major Chinese cities still under the current government is one of unease, with Peking, Canton, Shanghai, and Nanking all under a hastily-installed martial law.
Following the revolution in Wai-chow, several more towns fell to Revolutionary control. After the revolution started in Wai-chow, Wuchang overthrew the Manchu government the same day. The next city to fall was Changsha in Hunan Province, led by Jiao Da'feng and Chen Zuo-hsin, the following day. Concurrent, it is reported that Hsi'an of Sha'anhsi Province, a major municipality in central China, rose up in armed rebellion under guidance of commander Zhang Fenghwei, Jing Dingcheng, Qian Ding, and Jing Wumu - with the city falling under Revolutionary control just one day later. The mountainous regions of Shanxi and Yun-nan joined the revolution around the same time, with the Shanxi and Yun-nan Military Governments each proclaimed under Generals Yan Xishan and Cai E respectively.
Most significantly, the great Chinese metropolis of Canton fell to Chinese revolutionaries led by Sun Yat-Sen and Chen Chiung-ming, where the National Committee of the Revolution was organised with delegates from across the country, and where a provisional government was formed under the same name.
Throughout the revolution, casualties have been naturally significant, with Chinese deaths in the thousands already, while confirmed western deaths are nearing one hundred. American missionaries were reported killed in the violence in Hsi-an, German arms-traders were reported killed in Wuchang, and French and British merchants were reported killed in Wuchang and Canton.
As of election day, 1916, the revolution is ongoing.
The Revolution as of Election Day, 1916
The Hatian-American War, Part II, 1915-Current
The American offensive in the South had been proven to be quite successful, as troops marched into areas around Port-au-Prince with relative speed. However, the suppression of the pockets of resistance, especially in Petit Trou De Nippes, had been quite difficult to combat, as locals and Haitian troops turned to guerrilla warfare. The American focus on a quick offensive to the capital also limits resources in those areas. Taking advantage of rivers, lakes and terrain, American troops crossed into Port-au-Prince soon after and occupied large parts of the city. However, they failed to quickly overwhelm the city as hoped, especially when Haitians could hide from American troops by firing on them in buildings. The United States had requested a treaty with Haiti, which contained absolute surrender and annexation of Haiti, and pardons for those who swear allegiance to the U.S. This was flatly declined by the Haitian government, with its leader proclaiming in a speech, "It is better dead than American, those imperialist pigs can only annex Haiti over our dead bodies!".
New plans by the American military focused on crushing the pockets of resistance across the northern and southern parts of Haiti. In the south, this tactic saw relative success, with a significant minority of the remaining pockets surrendering to the United States, and with others fleeing to peninsulas and islands still under Haitian control. As more and more Haitians fled into smaller and smaller areas, capturing these areas became increasingly difficult. American forces soon after began a massive bombardment of the capital. Despite American forces giving a 12-hour window for civilians to escape, most were not able to leave due to American occupation of the lands around the capital, miscommunication due to destroyed infrastructure, and a language barrier. Although this helped American forces gain territory in the city, thousands of civilians died, and entirely civilian areas, such as suburban villages, were met with unforgiving fire bombing. Led by the Dominican Republic, the countries of Dominica, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Uruguay jointly released a condemnation of the United States for its "barbaric, unprovoked, and sickening massacre of the peaceful people of Port-au-Prince.” The Dominican Republic began welcoming those who surrendered to the United States to flee to their country, most notably the surrendering force in the far East of Haiti.
The U.S. made slow gains in the north, but bombings in the northern peninsula had set fire to a few forests, suffocating a number of American soldiers due to the unexpected growth of the forest fires. Many of the locals, who lived in villages and were isolated from the rest of Haiti, had their homes set on fire and their neighbourhoods destroyed. Despite the American troops warning a number of local villages, these locals, who haven't even heard of the war, refused to leave because they felt they were being lied to.
As of election day, 1916, the war drags on.
The Haitian-American War as of Election Day, 1916
Division in the World Labour Movement, 1915
With the ever increasing turmoil of the Great War, the leading global Left-Wing organisation, the Second International, announced its dissolution in Chicago. This news shocked many, particularly due to the organisation's recent ascent with political victories in the United States and Great Britain. Various reports widely attributed this to the complete polarisation caused by the Great War. Even with the large imposing control of the American delegation, which commanded a belief of neutrality and non-commitment to the war, this outcome was not avoidable. Multiple spats between the largest of French and German delegations had nearly caused a floor fight between the leaders of the Largest German and French labour unions in the Internationals congress.
With the GCF and other Entente aligned groups committing to a Pro-Entente narrative within the organisation, Triple Vertag aligned labour unions had declared Entente allies “an enemy of labour”. This move only further divided cohesion among various delegations themselves when popular Russian Bolshevik Vladimir Lenin declared the creation of an Anti-War caucus within the International congress, opposed to both sides, supporting neutrality of Debs and the larger American delegation.
By the end of the meeting, the end of the Second International was certain with each faction leader already preparing speeches in their respective regions. President Debs himself would appear to what many reporters could only say was a solemn look as he talked about the dangers of intra-class warfare caused by the Great War. His speech though would not be printed at the top of the Headlines. The headlines would be reserved to the firebrand Vladimir Lenin and his faction of astute anti-war radicals.
Second International Meeting opening in Amsterdam, c. 1915
The Suffrage Amendment, 1916
Since the meeting in Seneca Falls, and the daring speech of the movement's earliest signs of victory, the continued march of Women have finally won the constitutional victory in the form of the Federal adoption of the Women's Suffrage Amendment. Cheers from multiple groups sprung across the nations as Suffrage marches were planned in cities all across the Nation. From California to New York a wave of excitement and glee had taken the air.
The victory was a fight long fought, from the Suffrage Amendments first ever entering in the senate in the 1860's it would see varying rises and fall in popularity throughout the 1800s. That was until the recent ascension of the Progressive Movement, starting in the 56th congress. The Suffrage amendment would be continuously brought to a vote at least once a year. With each vote ever increasing its support as rallies outside of congress only brought the issue to national relevance. The Amendment would almost see its passage two years ago, at the start of the 62nd congress only failing by 4 votes.
Finally, a new Tri-Partisan super majority in the senate had finally arrived for these amendments to pass. In a shocking 75 - 29 vote the Amendment would pass well beyond the Super-Majority required, forever changing the future of the nation.
Suffragette celebrations, c. 1916
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