Mama dan kakak seksi

Foto Pelakor di Profil Ponsel Suamiku dari Rina Novita untuk Dibaca Gratis - Pernikahan Cerita Indonesia

2024.06.01 08:41 xoxefo3952 Foto Pelakor di Profil Ponsel Suamiku dari Rina Novita untuk Dibaca Gratis - Pernikahan Cerita Indonesia

Serani Gunawan, seorang wanita yang lebih memilih bercerai dari pada terus dikhianati oleh Agung-suaminya, serta diperlakukan tidak baik oleh mertua dan kakak iparnya. Namun Agung menyesal karena ternyara CEO baru perusahaan tempat dia bekerja adalah mantan istrinya. Karena selama ini Serani merahasiakan semua bisnis dan kekayaannya dari keluarga suaminya Dengan berbagai cara Agung dan sang pelakor terus berusaha untuk merebut harta Serani. Selama berjuang menyelamatkan dirinya dari segala kejahatan, Serani dibantu oleh dua pria tampan dan kaya raya. Bagaimana akhir kisah cinta Serani? Apakah ia dapat menemukan cinta sejatinya? Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:57 nickyauyeung One spat away from my perfect mystic gaming

One spat away from my perfect mystic gaming submitted by nickyauyeung to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:15 ttglilspin5 jaq appreciation letter to dot

jaq appreciation letter to dot submitted by ttglilspin5 to DuvalCounty [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:16 Traditional-Gur-4130 What would you feel in this situation? Am I overreacting? Should I have trust moving forward? Is my anger valid?

I (34f), my boyfriend of 4 years “Marcus” (51m) and our child “Sam” (22mo) had planned a vacation to Mexico with some friends (we live in the states).
I had some declining health issues that was fixable through surgery. I had an opportunity to get the procedure done during our planned vacation time. I opted to stay home and get my surgery and gave my wholehearted blessings to Marcus to continue with the vacation with Sam. I felt it would be ok to recuperate with support from friends at home and give our baby a few days away after my surgery.
Two days into their arrival to Mexico, Marcus told me that he had a slip on a step and fell down. I asked him how serious it was and whether I should postpone my surgery as my surgery would compromise my mobility. He told me that it was just a little fall, and everything is alright. To not worry.
So there was about 3 days in between his “little trip fall” and my surgery. I spoke to him on the phone everyday to check in and each day he spoke about how much they’re enjoying their time in Mexico and that everything is alright. I went in for surgery and it lasted 4 hours longer than planned because there were some complications. They also didn’t call Marcus with a post-op update as they had confirmed. I found out from the doctor that the numbers were written down wrong and that he couldn’t get ahold of Marcus.
Upon finding this out, I called Marcus myself to check in. He got defensive and angry over me not calling him. He was angry before he even knew that it went much longer than planned and there was a mistake in the communication notes. He didn’t stop to listen and understand that I had actually just gotten out of surgery a lot later and that I’m calling him right after.
So he spitefully told me, “I actually broke my leg. Sam and I have been in the states for the last few days and drove up on Sunday (the day after her tripped). Sam is with a friend’s daughter “Whitney” (34f) and I’m at the ER waiting for surgery.” I went into panic mode.
First, I was bedridden and wanted to FaceTime with my child and had no contact to do so. I found out that everyone on the trip had joined in on Marcus’s lie and also didn’t tell me the truth. I panicked because they lied to me about where and what my child was up to. And when I tried to contact the person “Dan” (72m) that was stated to be caring for my child (who is also a person that helped facilitate this lie), he did not answer the phone. I had no information. No contact. I was told a completely false story.
I found that Marcus was making inside jokes with his friends on social media about his injury while he also kept up the lie. I couldn’t get ahold of anybody that was supposed to be responsible or even know who’s caring for my child. So I fearfully called out on social media for any information that someone could give me that could give me peace of mind. Anything.
I called Dan repeatedly hoping he would answer and he did not. He said that I was out of line for calling but he didn’t have his ringer on so it didn’t actually affect him. I asked Dan for an update on Sam and he refused. Dan told me verbatim, “I’m not calling you if there’s any problems with Sam because it’s none of your damn business. I know what I’m doing.” I flew into a pissed off frenzy. I asked Dan, please just give me the contact of Whitney and let me know where Sam is staying. He refused. I told him that at this point, he’s withholding information about my child’s whereabouts and that I was lied to leading up to this. My child can be considered “missing” and “kidnapped” and that I did not give consent for any of this.
Whitney happened to have overheard this conversation and called me back on Dan’s phone. She instantly FaceTimed me with my child. Gave me her contact number and address and a rundown of the entire situation and offered to give me as many updates on Sam that I wanted and opened a line of communication that I could reach out to her at any moment. She then told me she understood how I feel and that I was in Mama bear mode and she apologized to me for how her father Dan was speaking to me. And after that, all was well. She updated, asked questions and was very open.
My anger stayed with Dan and Marcus. Dan defends his actions and mistreatment of me by saying that I was out of line by asking publicly for information about my child’s whereabouts.
Marcus defends his lie by saying that he had his best intentions in doing so because he didn’t want me to postpone my surgery.
I’m angry because he took away the opportunity for me to have that decision and opportunity to communicate. Had he told me the truth but also reassured me to have the surgery, I would have taken his words to heart and listened.
My fear for my child came from the lies that I was told. I wouldn’t have had any issue had I been properly communicated with beforehand. The one person who was a stranger to me was the only one who was communicating with full transparency and that one person is the only person (Whitney) that I haven’t had any anger towards.
When Marcus finally apologized for his lies and took some ownership to his lies and understood the consequences and results, I’ve been able to speak to him and feel rested. But it is still an internal anger and resentment.
I refuse to apologize for having called out on social media for answers, but I did delete that call out when I received answers.
Marcus is angry at me because now his family knows that he lied to me. Which, I’m not going to apologize for his siblings and father finding out that HE lied.
Am I ok to feel this anger? Am I overreacting? Should it be easier to move on? How do I gain trust in Marcus again? Or should I even gain trust at all? I need some insight from an outside source as to how they would feel.
Marcus is accusing me of creating a hostile situation. And yes, I get angry all over again when he says anything about the situation beyond understanding how his lies had consequences. It seems as if he knows what he did was wrong but doesn’t want to be humble enough to accept that.
My biggest worry is how I’m going to care for my child after losing my mobility. And my child’s wellbeing will always come before mine and Marcus’s.
Idk, what are all of your thoughts? How would you feel? Was it a well intentioned plan that was poorly executed? Or was it just straight up deceitful?
The rest of Marcus’s friends (besides Dan) have reached out to me to apologize for not telling me the full story. And Marcus told me that they did encourage him to be honest and upfront about his situation. Dan is sticking to the idea that he didn’t lie in any way. I feel gaslighted because he was the main cohort in the lies. Whitney is upset at Dan for how Dan handled it.
TL;DR: I was lied to about a situation. I don’t know how to trust again. I don’t know if my feelings are valid or if the lies was just a well intentioned but poorly executed idea.
submitted by Traditional-Gur-4130 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 04:47 libertybet kakak bisa coba bermain akan kami bantu kakak untuk mengkaitkan akun kakak ke pusat dengan perkalian 100,250,500 kakak 🎰🪸🌊SITUS SLOT TERGACOR AMAN DAN TERPERCAYA🌊🪸 🎰 🌊🪸💥 SITUS LIBERTYBET🌊🪸💥 ADA BANYAK JUGA BONUSNYAA : 💥BONUS NEW MEMBER 20%

submitted by libertybet to u/libertybet [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:14 Aggressive_Yard2499 Ayuda para mi hermano

Ayuda para mi hermanl
Hola a todos. Intentare ser lo mas breve posible. Muchisimas gracias si se toman el tiempo de leer y ayudarme con un comentario.
Tengo 18 años, vivo con mis padres y mi hermano mayor de 23 años. Tiene autismo, y durante toda su vida tuvo muchos problemas. La paso realmente mal. Con mucho esfuerzo termino el secundario y por consejo de su psicologa estudio historia en una privada no de las mas caras. Pero ahora en el ultimo año esta muy triste. El suele ser alegre pero cuando sale el tema se pone mal. Mis papas son grandes y no colaboran mucho y tienen tambien otros problemas que causan que se adificil hablar las cosas. Mi mama a veces nos grita mucho y aunque yo la entiendo (no digo que este bien), a mi hermano solo le causa rencor y los ve como enemigos pero ellos han ayudado mucho. Con sus errores claro.
El siempre quiso trabajar en una empresa y quiere empezar administracion de empresas en la uba. Ya se gasto mucho dinero como para ir a otra privada o algo x el estilo. A el le cuesta mucho la matematica y su discapacidad lo perjudica mas a la hora de estudiar. Creen que haya una mejor opcion que no considere?
Lo siento si no meexplique tambien. Escribo esto tambien a modo de desahogo porque lo quiero mucho y hoy intente hablar con el y nos peleamos y se quiso ir de la casa. Lo detuve y en el forcejeo se cayo al piso ( un poco a proposito) y rompimos un adorno muy importsnte de mis padres. No se que hacer. Quiero que este bien y sea feliz. Le da miedo morir pobre y a la vez no tiene muchas herramientas para desenvolverse en el mundo. Es manipulable y demas cosas. Porfavor cualquier comentario o experiencia me ayudaria mucho.
Tambien ha estudiado idiomas pero no le fue tan bien.
INFORMACION EXTRA: sufrio mucho bullying. Con los psicologos la paso mal. Se tiro una vez x un balcon del colegio y se armo un despelote barbaro. Me da pena porque de verdad es un chico muy bueno. Suele culpar a los demas pero sacando eso, es alguien sin malicia y me pone muy triste. Haria lo que fuera para que sea feliz. A veces veo las fotos de el y yo cuando eramos niños y lloro mucho en mi habitacion sin decirle a nadie, porque recuerdo los buenos momentos y el tenia una sonrisa tan inocente y linda que me dan ganas de haber sido yo el hermano mayor para poder ayudarlo mucho mas cuando era mas pequeño. Estoy con un nudo en la garganta. Perdon por lo extenso.
submitted by Aggressive_Yard2499 to Desahogo [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:58 Aggressive_Yard2499 Ayuda para mi hermanl

Hola a todos. Intentare ser lo mas breve posible. Muchisimas gracias si se toman el tiempo de leer y ayudarme con un comentario.
Tengo 18 años, vivo con mis padres y mi hermano mayor de 23 años. Tiene autismo, y durante toda su vida tuvo muchos problemas. La paso realmente mal. Con mucho esfuerzo termino el secundario y por consejo de su psicologa estudio historia en una privada no de las mas caras. Pero ahora en el ultimo año esta muy triste. El suele ser alegre pero cuando sale el tema se pone mal. Mis papas son grandes y no colaboran mucho y tienen tambien otros problemas que causan que se adificil hablar las cosas. Mi mama a veces nos grita mucho y aunque yo la entiendo (no digo que este bien), a mi hermano solo le causa rencor y los ve como enemigos pero ellos han ayudado mucho. Con sus errores claro.
El siempre quiso trabajar en una empresa y quiere empezar administracion de empresas en la uba. Ya se gasto mucho dinero como para ir a otra privada o algo x el estilo. A el le cuesta mucho la matematica y su discapacidad lo perjudica mas a la hora de estudiar. Creen que haya una mejor opcion que no considere?
Lo siento si no meexplique tambien. Escribo esto tambien a modo de desahogo porque lo quiero mucho y hoy intente hablar con el y nos peleamos y se quiso ir de la casa. Lo detuve y en el forcejeo se cayo al piso ( un poco a proposito) y rompimos un adorno muy importsnte de mis padres. No se que hacer. Quiero que este bien y sea feliz. Le da miedo morir pobre y a la vez no tiene muchas herramientas para desenvolverse en el mundo. Es manipulable y demas cosas. Porfavor cualquier comentario o experiencia me ayudaria mucho.
Tambien ha estudiado idiomas pero no le fue tan bien.
INFORMACION EXTRA: sufrio mucho bullying. Con los psicologos la paso mal. Se tiro una vez x un balcon del colegio y se armo un despelote barbaro. Me da pena porque de verdad es un chico muy bueno. Suele culpar a los demas pero sacando eso, es alguien sin malicia y me pone muy triste. Haria lo que fuera para que sea feliz. A veces veo las fotos de el y yo cuando eramos niños y lloro mucho en mi habitacion sin decirle a nadie, porque recuerdo los buenos momentos y el tenia una sonrisa tan inocente y linda que me dan ganas de haber sido yo el hermano mayor para poder ayudarlo mucho mas cuando era mas pequeño. Estoy con un nudo en la garganta. Perdon por lo extenso.
submitted by Aggressive_Yard2499 to BuenosAires [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 17:46 nun_atoll 11

"Deacon! Deacon Issac get out here right this minute!"
With a small groan, Deak stood and hurried out of the RV as quietly as possible. He was amazed but grateful that Mom's screaming hadn't woken Davie up; poor kid was having a rough tummy afternoon, and he needed all the sleep he could get.
Mom was standing near the big trash barrel that was at the end of their spot.
"Deacon, move this barrel! I can't have it in my shot."
"I'm sorry, Mama. I can't move the barrel; it's cemented down."
"Well then get that big overflowing mess of garbage out of it!"
"Yes ma'am."
The garbage was not overflowing. They had actually made surprisingly little trash so far during their stay here. Still, Deak hauled the bag up out of the barrel and looked around a moment, finally spotting a barrel near an empty spot across a little stretch of grass. Sighing carefully, so Mom wouldn't hear and take it for sass, he started to trek across with the garbage. It was sort of nice to get to wander off for a bit on his own, even if it was only a few yards away, still within sight of Mom.
Lumbering on, Deak reached the far barrel and heaved his burden in.
Turning sharp, Deak saw a boy about his own age leaning against a tree near a van-and-trailer setup nearby.
"Hi," he said.
"Is this place fuckin' boring or what?"
Deak shrugged.
"It's all right. I been worse places."
The other boy laughed, sneezed, and then smiled at Deak.
"Well shit, man, I feel bad for you."
"Ah, it's... It's not so bad."
Then Deak just sort of stood there feeling stupid. He wanted to say something clever, or funny, but he couldn't think of what a regular guy might think was clever or funny.
He was saved when he heard a distance bi-biiip and looked across the way to see the car pulling up beside the RV. Dad and Dan were back from their grocery trip.
"I gotta go," he muttered, waving vaguely to the boy by the tree and starting back to the homespot.
Deak turned back.
"My name's Mike."
"Oh, I'm... I'm Deak."
Mike nodded and snapped him a sort of salute.
"See ya 'round, Deak."
10 Table of Contents
submitted by nun_atoll to liulfr [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:01 mintyst Zna li netko ime dokumentarca o siromastvu u Jugi?

Prije x godina sam na HRT 1 gledala dokumentarac u kojem mlada jugoslavenska mama stavlja dijete u krevetic i odlazi u neku tvornicu dok on ostaje sam po cijeli dan. Jako mi se urezala ta slika u pamcenje i zelim to podijeliti sa kolegicama, ali nema sanse da se sjetim imena. Je li nekome poznato?
submitted by mintyst to askcroatia [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:57 Persefonia2 Slovenska priredba pesmi When I’m sixty-four

Iščem slovensko priredbo pesmi od Beatlesov, When I’m sixty-four.
Moja mama jo je poslušala v mladih letih. Čez slab mesec bo dopolnila 64 let in si jo je zaželela slišati za rojstni dan. Ne ve, kdo je izvajal priredbo, del besedila, ki se ga spomni pa gre takole:
“Ko bom starejša, čez veliko let, me boš še ljubil, ko jih bom štela štiri in šestdeset.“
Cela družina že 2 meseca išče to slovensko priredbo. Kontaktirali smo tudi RTV in nekaj radiev, a zaenkrat brez uspeha.
Preden povsem obupamo se obračam še na vas slovenia.
Pozna kdo to priredbo, slovenskega izvajalca oziroma besedilo pesmi?
submitted by Persefonia2 to Slovenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:54 xoxefo3952 My Lovers An Arrogant Man dari Miss Yuka 85 untuk Dibaca Gratis - Romansa Cerita Indonesia

Yusuf laki-laki ganteng idola di kampusnya. Namun Dia tergolong laki-laki yang sombong angkuh dan super dingin terhadap wanita. Anak pengusaha kaya namun kurang kasih sayang dari orang tuanya, terlebih Mamanya yang telah lama meninggal dan Papanya menikah lagi dengan wanita lain. Sementara Mama tirinya memiliki anak bernama Rio. Akankah Yusuf dan Rio bisa rukun? Mengingat Yusuf tidak menyukai Rina Ibu kandung Rio.. Sementara Yumna wanita Solehah dengan jilbab besar ditugaskan untuk mengubah perilaku Yusuf padahal hatinya sudah memiliki nama lain. Mampukah Yumna mengubah Yusuf? Kita lihat perjalanannya. Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 22:33 xoxefo3952 Fantasi Baru Suamiku dari Nurul Fatimah untuk Dibaca Gratis - Pernikahan Cerita Indonesia

Sandra adalah wanita sempurna bagi kebanyakan laki-laki. Ia tetap cantik dan memiliki tubuh mempesona meski sudah melahirkan dan memasuki kepala tiga. Namun, bagi Alan--suami Sandra, kecantikan dan tubuh indah wanita itu tidak bisa lagi membuatnya tertarik. Sandra tak ubahnya sudah jadi makanan sehari-hari yang terasa hambar. Dibandingkan tubuh seksi Sandra, Alan lebih tertarik pada tubuh gemuk Lastri, pembantu mereka. Ketimbang penampilan modis Sandra, daster sederhana yang digunakan Lastri jauh lebih terlihat menggoda. Alan tidak ingin menghianati Sandra. Namun, apa yang mau dikata jika selera Alan terhadap wanita sudah berubah seratus delapan puluh derajat? Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:26 Specialist_Gas5134 Mi novia me termino y me complica mi proceso de contacto Cero.

Hace tres meses mi novia me termino porque no se sentía cómoda en nuestra relacion, ya que según ella yo no cuidaba sus sentimientos. Nunca nos pudimos de acuerdo en muchas cosas… ella es muy poco familiar y yo si lo soy, durante el tiempo que duramos juntos ella nunca trabajo (no me importaba pagar por todo) el problema es que ella nunca supo comprender lo ocupado que yo estaba en el área laboral, yo debo aceptar que cometí el error de no darle importancia a las cosas que ella me reclamaba, el problema es que eran tantas y tan mínimas que terminaron desgastando la relación (tuve que pedir perdón porque compre unos boletos para un evento sin avisarle a ella… ósea era un regalo para ella y se molestó).
Ella me termino y siento que ha sido algo muy beneficioso para ambos, ya que he aprovechado el tiempo libre que ahora tengo y he visto que ella ha conseguido hacer más amig@s cosa que estando conmigo se le dificultaba, nunca le prohibí tener amistades.
Ella nunca se llevó bien con mi familia, ósea mi familia le cayó mal en lo que le dijeron “mucho gusto”, y ahora que terminamos los trata bien -.- y aparte está ayudando en la organización de una fiesta de despedida de soltera de mi hermana (cabe destacar que tengo en común con mi ex que vamos a la misma iglesia), el problema no es que ella ayude… el problema está en que me entero de todo esto porque le mando la invitación a mi mama, y es como que really? De todas las mujeres que están involucradas en esa sorpresa te vas a encargar de escribirle a tu ex suegra que nunca le respondiste un mensaje?… yo no le he reclamado ni nada eso, me he tomado enserio lo del contacto 0 hasta ya voy para un mes desde que elimine las redes sociales de mi telefono solo me quede con Reddit. Que consejo me dan?
Es doloroso para mi, ya que no terminamos en malos términos, pero ella fue la que dio el paso para terminar… yo no insistí porque se que era lo mejor para ambos…. Pero que ella haga ese tipo de cosas me confunde mucho.
submitted by Specialist_Gas5134 to relaciones [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 17:25 Army_OT_7 June and Dan’s funding

Who else here think papa and mama Quan funded their businesses as well as their houses?!
I guess they do it your all image works when you have no financial responsibility and stress bc knowing if you failed anything, there is always papa and mama back you up.
submitted by Army_OT_7 to junequansnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 15:51 ParkingBee1509 Trade

Melodic Techno
  1. Ivory - Identity
  2. Ivory (IT), Tal Fussman - Labyrinth
  3. Shinedoe - Phunk (Beswerda Edit)
  5. The System w_ Right Here, Right-1
  6. Adam Ten - Kepler
  7. Rhye - 3 Days (Adam Ten Edit)
  8. Adam Ten - Cold Summer
  9. Solique - Heat Of The Moment
  10. Solique - Mood In The Jungle
  11. Pumped Up Kick - Foster The People (Notre Dame Edit)
  12. NOTRE DAME - Think about
  13. Notre Dame - Frankenstein
  14. Mind Against - Love Seeking
  15. Eagles & Butterflies - ITALO
  16. Yotam Avni - Island Hopper (Frankey & Sandrino Remix)
  17. Toto Chiavetta - Acqua (Original Mix)
  18. Jimi Jules - Palpitations
  20. Rüfüs Du Sol - New Sky (Colyn Sunrise Remix ) 6A
  21. Lil Yachty - I've officially lost vision (Tim Engelhardt Edit)
  22. Massive Attack - Teardrop (Antony Toga Remix)
  23. The XX - Fiction (Eagles & Butterflies Remix)
  24. Mind Against & Aether - Black Museum
  25. Imperieux - Agani
  26. OPUS III - It's A Fine Day (Aera's Finite Edit)
  27. Schneider TM, Kptmichigan - The Light 3000 (Aera Private Edit)
  28. Selim Sivade - Don't Speak (Original Mix
  29. Kevin di Serna - Amapola (Toto Chiavetta Remix)
  30. Ditian - Save The Love
  31. Colle - Thoughts (Original Mix)
  32. Colle - Something to Believe (Original Mix)
  33. Coeus - ID
  34. Cassius - The Sound Of Violence (Antony Toga Background DiscoVox Version)
  35. Santiago Garcia - You In The Sky (Original M
  36. Tiello - Triton
  37. gleb filipchenkow - Toxico Love
  38. Yet More - Don't Let Go
  39. Yet-More_-Assayag-Look-At-My-Ass
  40. Echonomist - Ikaros
  41. Echonomist - Lullaby
  42. The Prodigy - No Good (Start to Dance) (Joe Mattei Edit).mp3
  43. Simian Mobile Disco - Caught in a Wave (&ME Remix)
  44. Animal Picnic - Martini
  45. Animal-Picnic-Santiago-Garcia-You-Are-Around-Original-Mix
  46. Billie Eilish - Everything I Wanted (Ivory Head Underwater Remix)
  47. Ego-Maria-T-Mapper-Native
  48. Luke Garcia, Th3 Oth3r ft. Strings Bit - Citara (Original Mix)
  49. Luke Garcia, Th3 Oth3r ft. Strings Bit - Lira (Original Mix)
  50. Rebuke Und Off The Meds Along Come Belter Underspreche Experiment
  51. Dan Сroll - From Nowhere (Ame Remix)
Afro (keine)
  1. Kazy Lambist - Headson ( Bensy Remix )
  2. Jardin Du Son & Anton Khabbaz - DiDi
  3. Empire_Of_The_Sun_We_Are_The_People_Nacho_Varela_&_Cruz_Vittor_Edit
  4. Lazare - Not Control
  5. Fake Mood & Soul Of Void - Сonclusive (Original MIx)
  6. Alex Wann - Mayne (feat. Jo Elle)
  7. ANOTR - Vertigo (Carlita Remix)
  8. Maxi Meraki - You Are My High
  9. Ankhoï - Sandiya
  10. Ankhoï - CloudV3
  11. Ankhoï - No Sleep (Original Mix)
  12. Ankhoï - After All Night Shift
  13. Bleeding Love (&friends & Lilya Mandre)
  14. &friends, Byanni (Extended) - Ta Ta Ta
  15. Jackie Brow - &friends, Joseph (CH)
  16. Oya Jo - &Friends
  17. Victor Alc - I Know You Know
  18. Victor Alc - Hanging Tree
  19. Lakou_Mizik_&_Joseph_Ray_Sanba_Yo_Pran_Pale_Ankhoï_Remix
  20. Key Notez - Your Love Ain't The Same ( Maz Remix )
  21. Amy Winehouse Back To Black ( DSF Edit )
  22. Donna Summer - I Feel Love ( VXSION Edit )
  23. Collé - Kupata feat Nes Mburu
  24. FCL - It's You (Alex Wann Remix)
  25. Mwaki - Zerb ft. Sofia Nzau ( &Friends Remix )
  26. Time - PACHANGA BOYS ( Roy Rosenfeld Private Mix )
  27. Moojo, Demayä feat. Arkadyan - Desperado (Besh Remix)
  28. who is he - bill withers (victhor remix)
  30. Francis Mercier, Frigid Armadillo, Luedji Luna - Uiara
  31. Nico De Andrea - My Everything (Bohemian Extended Remix)
  32. Yamil - Amonunde
  33. Yamil - Cotonú
  34. Yamil - Nimbe
  35. Camelphat - What a Day (Marten Lou Remix)
  36. Luchii - Vertebrea (SOMMA Remix)
  37. Folamour, Amadou & Mariam - Voyage (Antdot remix)
  38. Guapo & Peaty - 6pm In Casablanca
  39. Juan Yarin - Sun WLimiter
  40. KURA - Sentir Saudade (GUAPO & Antdot Remix)
  41. Peaty, Soldera - Niafunke
  42. Ajna & Jamiie ft Nomvula - ID DEMO NEW
  43. Alok - Yawanawa Sina Vaishu (Maz Remix)
  44. QUENTRO & Tuna - Soro Soke
  45. Raffa Guido - Preguntas
  46. PEATY - Ouda
  47. Peaty - KILOSA
  48. Chouja - Nyu Bi Woni
  49. Ah Ya Alby (Ajna & Samm Edit)
  50. Rockin Moroccan - All that she wants
  51. Raffa Guido - Famax (Jerak Remix)
  52. Cloonee Wade - Mi Amor (VXSION Remix)
  53. DOT (BR), Rachel Reis - Eu Vou Pra Bahia (DSF Remix)
  54. The Weeknd - Save Your Tears (DSF Edit)
  55. Marasi - Sweet Dreams
  57. Joris_Voorn,_Matthew_Dear_Homeland_&ME_Remix_Jinadu_Vocal_Edit
  58. Maz,_Bakka_BR,_Berimbouse_A_Hora_é_Agora_Ft_Rafa_Unreleased
  59. Raffa Guido - Yo ma Love (Original mix)
  60. Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence (DSF Edit)
  61. Liva K - True Story
  63. Candi Stanton - Hallelujah Anyway (Larse 2024 Edit)
  65. Cesaralina [Darmon Edit] ( Montrouge Remix )
  66. Naomi Sharon - Definition Of Love ( Alex Kósh Remix )
  67. Cheb Khaled - Abdel Kader (Mont Rouge Remix).wav
  68. Maz, APACHE, Maxi Meraki (feat. Tabia) - Nothing On Me (&ME Edit).mp3
  69. Harry Styles - Sign Of The Time (DSF Remix).wav
  70. Janet Jackson – Together Again (Rampa Edit)
  71. Lemon Glow - Beach House (Marten Lou Remix).wav
  72. Frank Ocean – Lost (Beswerda Remix).mp3
  73. Moojo, AWEN – Giant [Master].wav
  74. Adassiya - Sa Ansa (Alex Twin Remix)
  75. Anastacia - Left Outside Alone (DSF Edit)
  76. Dennis Ferrer - Hey Hey (Da Capo Dub)
  77. Caiiro, Moojo – Here We Are V1 Master.wav
  78. Bob Marley - Is This Love (DSF's Believe In U Edit).flac
  79. Reamonn - Supergirl (DSF Edit).mp3
  80. Chris IDH - Sunray
  81. Da Capo Ft. Toshi - New Sun (Original Mix)
  82. Uncle Waffles - Tanzania (Rampa Remix)
  83. Drake - A Keeper (Moojo Remix)
  84. Marten Lou - Radiohead 40
  85. Rihanna - Stay (Moojo Remix)
  86. Omah Lay & Naomi Sharon - Push ( BLK Remix )
  87. Samm (BE) & Ajna (BE) - Move V2
  88. Brandy - Almost Doesn’t Count (&ME Edit)
  89. Da Africa Deep - Humans (&ME Edit)
  90. Mano, Ajna - Bottom
  91. Samm & Ajna - A Frenchie Thing
  92. Ajna (BE) - Astro
  93. Alex Wann, Soubeiran, Nes Mburu - N’Gele
  94. Bun Xapa - La Mezcla
  95. Keinemusik - Muye (Enoo Napa Remix)
  96. MoBlack, Santiago Garcia ft. Yung Wylin - Good Energy
  97. Moojo - Swing My Way
  98. Samm & Reyou - Mama Hoekanda
  99. Ilanga - Masšh (&Me Edit)
  100. Masšh___Adam_Port_feat_Ninae_All_I_Got_Original_Mix
  101. Rui Da Silva - Touch Me (Peace Control Remix)
  102. Franc Fala - MoBlack, Benja, Franc Fala - Yamore (FF Master)
  103. Downstream - MakeÌ_z, Life on Planets (Lazare Remix)
  104. Billie Eilish - Everything I Wanted (Marten Lou Remix)
  105. Cher - Believe (Super Flu Remix)
  106. Drake - Get it Together (VXSION Remix)
  107. Feid - Classy 101 (Maz, VXSION Edit)
  108. Antdot & Maz - Corpo e Canção
  109. Maz - Ndaciii
  110. Maz (BR) & Antdot - Run (Original Mix)
  111. Samm (BE) - Troy
  112. Innerbloom - RÜFÜS DU SOL (Dennis Louvra Remix)
  113. Samm & Maxi Meraki - Everybody Get Up
  114. VXSION, Peace Control - Back To Life
  116. Toto - Africa (Rampa Remix)mp3
  117. Chris IDH – 7Nation.wav
  118. Naomi Sharon - Another Life (DSF Remix).wav
  119. Abra - Feel (&ME Remix).wav
  120. Pablo Fierro – Kababo (Unreleased Edit).wav
  121. Future & Tems - Wait 4 U (Mont Rouge Remix).wav
  122. France Gall – Ella, Elle L’a (Rampa Edit).wav
Only vinyl
  1. Toto chiavetta _thank you in all languages (vinyl edition)
  2. Auggie - Kithanda
  3. Ego Maria - Anarchico
  4. Ikaro Grati - Yan Bapala
  5. Oyuki - Desaparecidos
  6. Sobek X Colossio - Tatras (Vinyl Edit)
  7. Trommer - Metalized
  8. John Talabot - Machine (John Talabot's Synthedit
  9. echonomist _overseas
  10. eri _lapsed technology
  11. olaaf stuut ft marlon penn _run_ (toto chiavetta edit)
  12. Agoria - Remedy (Frankey & Sandrino Remix)
  13. leafar legov - Alone
  14. The Alan Pearsons Project - Sirius (Innellea Remix)
  15. Tocotronic - Die Unendlichkeit (Roman Flügel Club Mix)
  16. Kavinsky - Nightcall (Dixon's Private Edit)
  17. Pergola ft lygdamo _rockin' in the free world
  18. Eliot Sumner - After Dark (Dixon Edit)
  19. Machine (Bodi Bill Version Dixon Edit)
  20. Lykke Li - Dance Dance Dance (Dixon Edit)
  21. Batongo Equation 2
  22. CV - Fish Liquor
  23. Khidja-Haetrin-John-Talabots-Late-Remix
  24. Little-Dragon-Thunder-Love-Mario-Basanov-Vidis-Redo
  25. Nils Frahm - Peter (The Drifter Edit)
submitted by ParkingBee1509 to AfroHouseUnreleased [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:21 Speech-Strange Praktische aanpak trap schilderen

Vorig jaar half over kop begonnen met het verwijderen van de halve maan tapijtjes die aan de trap geplakt zaten met het idee dit klusje wel even te klaren. Hippety hoppety life happend ik zit al meer dan een jaar met een lelijke trap. 4 persoons huishouden( mama, papa, 2 kids 2 katten.) hoe ga ik praktisch en tactisch de beide trappen aanpakken en schilderen/verven. Ik ben op zoek naar tips voor de aanpak, en mogelijk tips voor de te gebruiken verf.
Wat is de beste tijd om dit te gaan aanpakken? Welk tijdsbestek moet ik rekenen? Welke verf wordt aangeraden voor een trap? Ik was zelf van plan er na de verf anti slip strips op te plakken? Is dit duurzaam? Doe ik om en om een trede? Kan ik nog iets versnellen in de droogtijd of beloop waarheid?
Ik hou van het zelf aanpakken omdat de kosten van een volledige "traprenovatie" mij te hoog liggen.
submitted by Speech-Strange to Klussers [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:55 TheAlpacaAnalysis [Complete][22k][Comedic, Dystopian, Sci-Fi] The Story de Pedro O’Brien

When a scrappy reporter joins a crafty immigrant on his journey of legally/illegally migrating from Mexico into four of the countries that formed after America fell so that they can make money and save their families by hunting down a key executive from a multinational corporation that is hell bent on turning them, their families and their towns into resources to feed its bottom line.
Excerpt Below!
This is NCPR
Interviewed by Dan Rather - Bad Land / Good Press - November 15th, 2166.
Hello, and Thank you for joining us. Today, I must announce that my son, Dan Rather, has delivered his first investigative report and, by doing so, is giving us all the first-ever full reporting behind just what is going on with these armored trains that seem to span from Mexico through the Navajo Nation to JAWS. As advertised, these trains are bringing with them thousands of immigrants from Central and South America, daily, under the guise of humanitarian aid and so are being brought in as refugees from the ongoing Cartel conflicts to our South. Testing this narrative, Dan joined up with a local guide in Mexico City in order to smuggle himself into Jaws in the same way as a local would. While we all expected something was up with this, and I've gotta be honest, I'm a little worried the interest groups involved in this story are going to get a little bit droney with us, the sheer scale and what actually fuels this is something that should give all of us pause. Dan's story was dangerous, so it seems he felt the need to send his recording on a single-use drive, so I'm playing it for the first time live with you all. We're all listening to this one together! It's stories like these that we are most proud of exposing. Please donate today so we can afford another batch of anti-drone missiles and ordinances. Without supporters like you, our iron dome will implode and, with it, the last bastion of free and full journalism. This is NCPR. 
The Motor
I sit with Pedro at a Taqueria across the street from the brick plaza where a convoy of migrants has been camped for days, waiting for the train that will bring them to the Jaws border town of Bakersfield. The taqueria is owned and run by a raisin-like-skinned Hispanic woman, given how she sasses and waves her finger at people, not that they mind and, in fact, smile back at her. "Abuela - Mama," I'm pretty sure is the name of the place. The lettering of the signs hasn't been tended to in seemingly a decade or more, same for the rest of the place, but strangely, even if nothing worked correctly, none of it was truly broken either and definitely not neglected. The tortillas, however, were clearly made that morning, and the spices are like nothing I've ever had in the Badlands. While delicious, my mouth is on fire, and I dip my head into my t-shirt due to the sweat. I've been slowly getting used to the spices over the past few weeks while staying here. While I know zero Spanish, I was able to rope a job with Abuela Mama. It was more like Abuela grabbed me off the street, threw a screwdriver in my hand, and started pointing at all the broken things. They've kept me ever since. I'm pretty handy from growing up in the Badlands, and there's no shortage of things that need tightening. So I fix, they feed. It works for now while I wait for Pedro to finally take whatever the train is into JAWS, California, from here, even though there's one going out every couple of days.
submitted by TheAlpacaAnalysis to BetaReaders [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:28 Motionez Monthly festival discussion JUNE

Hello there! Another month, another festival discussion. Here to inform you on some of best there is in June. Am I missing something? Share it in the comments!
The battle for Pentecost is over. Awakenings Upclose, Lentekabinet, De Zon, Komm Schönn Alter and more. Where did you go and how was it? I went to Awakenings Upclose and Kraft und Licht festival. Wildly different, but both great experiences. Musically Awakenings Upclose (only Saturday for me) was outstanding with mesmerizing sets by Polar Inertia, Jeans, Yanamaste, Norbak x Quelza and Spekki Webu. Read mostly positive reviews on here as well. Der Hintergarten’s summer opening turned out to be a very social affair for me, lovely vibes all around with a lot of known faces. CEM hadme dancing my ass off front row for the last hour. Had to cancel my trip to Horst but only heard very positive feedback so will give it another try next year.
What’s next?
JUNE – the festivals_all_over_the_netherlands edition Where May was mostly an Amsterdam based affair, June takes you all over our country with 7 (!) different cities hosting a festival mentioned in this discussion. Out of the seven highlighted, only one is actually located in Amsterdam. Good thing we are lucky with so many amazing clubs, so if you are afraid to travel beyond the ring to satisfy your knaldrang you’ll be finding plenty of opportunities in 020.
Let me preface that in this case I haven’t been to most festivals in this list (yet) so cannot account for the crowd and vibe. If you want to chime in, please do!
909 festival (Amsterdam) Saturday & Sunday 1st and 2nd of June – Saturday sold out, Sunday NOT sold out (42 €)
Two days of techno in Amsterdam’s greatest park, Amsterdamse Bos. 909 brings a minimalistic festival and stage design and a (very) mature crowd, which shows in the lineup with a lot of oldskool legends. Fortunately also some younger talent to attract some new visitors. On Saturday Chlär, D.Dan, Lobster, Beste Hira and more are playing alongside oldies Adam Beyer, Bart Skills, Octave One and Speedy J. Sunday musically offers a more diverse lineup with Mathew Jonson live, Jennifer Cardini, Maceo Plex and Elias Mazian playing besides Liebing b2b Slater, Dettmann b2b Klock and Rødhåd (unfortunately isn’t closing u/MrPotatooo ☹ if only you could see him play somewhere soon)
The Crave (The Hague) Saturday 1st of June – sold out (67€)
Probably the most exciting electronic festival of the Westcoast for June. Quality artists across five stages, mesmerizing light installations, forest into crosswalks into simple but effective stage designs. Don’t be late, some festival openers are worth the visit themselves: Spekki Webu, Agy3na, Lobster are all opening stages. Interesting choice by Daria Kolosova for her stage: VEL > Kettama > Francois X > SPDFJ & Kolosova. Techno meets poppy high bpm edits. Good luck choosing a where you end your day with Hector Oaks, Mall Grab, SPFDJ/Kolosova, Jeans and Fafi Abdel Nour all getting the honor to close a stage, can’t go wrong.
TikTok Techno rivals Free Your Mind & Verknipt Festival
Two of hardtechno’s biggest torch bearers are hosting two festival weekends. Saturday’s FYM festival seems, similarly to 909, be focusing on some older artists and perhaps crowd. Chris Liebing, Joris Voorn, Jamie Jones, Len Faki, Maceo Plex, Loco Dice and Richie Hawtin. What is this, Ibiza in 2015? Sunday its all out on the harder styles with 6EJOU, 9x9, Dyen, Fatima Haji, I Hate Models, Kobosil, Paul Kalkbrenner (not hard I know), Reinier Zonneveld, Shlomo, TRYM and much more. PLEASE if someone knows how much their total programming costs tell me, this looks like one of the most expensive weekends bookingwise I’ve ever seen for electronic music in NL.
Verknipt: I don’t know many artists in this genre so I’ll just sum up the once I do know by name to give an impression. Saturday: Funk Tribu, Dion, Shlomo, Stan Christ, AnD b2b Don Woezik. Sunday: Anxhela, Alignment, 6EJOU, Oguz, Sara Landry, Raxeller, Ketting. As expected, a very young crowd, quite simple stage design and a bit of an unpractical layout of the venue.
Plenty of hardtechno sets to choose from
Free Your Mind Festival (Arnhem) Saturday & Sunday 1st and 2nd of June – Saturday sold out, Sunday available for € 54
Verknipt Festivalv (Utrecht) Saturday & Sunday 8th and 9th of June – Saturday sold out, Sunday available for € 80
Ohm Festival (Delft) Saturday 8th of June – NOT sold out (50€)
Ohm is Zeezout’s spiritual sibling in Delft. Expect a younger, student crowd which the lineup is perfectly curated for. Your hip bouncy and trancy stage with Benwal, Bad Boombox and more, a(nother) TikTok techno stage with Cynthia Spiering, CLTX and others. Heavy hitters Carista & Skin On Skin are there as well. Oh and a stage with Lola Edo, DJ Europarking and then Floid (live) closing? Not sure how that works out but all three are talented within their own genre.
Lago Lago (near Doetinchem) Friday 28th – Sunday 30th of June (weekender sold out, Sunday ticket available for 70€)
“A multi day festival holiday” is perfect advertisement for Lago Lago. Love to party a few days in a row, but enjoy some of the more luxurious amenities? Or simply on the boomer side of life and can’t handle a rough-in-the-mud 4-day festival experience? At Lago Lago you can sleep in bungalows, dine at restaurants, go to a bowling alley and even go to the spa. All this next to a serene lake and a killer programming (for those that are OK without techno on the lineup)? I haven’t been myself but have heard great things from friends. And as the organization is also behind Georgie’s Wundergarten, I am convinced they know how to work their magic with the festival site.
Personally I am a big sucker for all things Giegling, so seeing Dustin, Map.ache, Leafar Legov and Konstantin spread out on the line-up is a big appeal, iykyk. Other artists worth checking out: Roi Perez (last year ADE’s musical highlight for me on the Sunday of DS at Het Muzieklokaal), DJ Seinfeld, Trouw legends Olaf Boswijk & Elias Mazian, trance queen Courtesyv, daytime happiness with Kamma & Masalo into David Vunk B2b Dj Sweet6teen, visual installation by Boris Acket and a lot of live acts that I’ve never heard about.
Drift (Nijmegen) Saturday 8th of June – NOT sold out (49€)
Another great festival outside of the Randstad. Progressive sounds, unique stage designs and A/V installations (according to their website, haven’t been myself). FreddyK, Nijmegen resident Tripeo, Vladimir Dubyshkin, ROD and Lady Starlight will bring their signature sounds. Other high BPM styles will be brought to you by Eva Vrijdag, Julian Muller and Sensation White-like trance band SUPERSTRINGS. And then there is Sochi Terada’s live act, Hunee and Fafi Abdel Nour to elevate you to high levels of happiness.
Beyond our borders I am going to use a metaphor to tell you something about these festivals. Michelin is a tire company that started an award system for the best restaurants in the world ranging from one to three stars. They used to have a simple explanation on the differentiation of the award system. One star: A very good restaurant in its category and worth the visit if you’re in town. Two stars: Excellent cooking, worth a detour on your way to a different destination. Three stars: Exceptional cuisine, worth a special journey of itself. The two festivals below are a very special journey and if you haven’t made any holiday/festival plans yet these are worth considering.
Fusion Festival – Northeastern Germany Wednesday 26th- Sunday 30th of June sold out (220€)
Berlin’s (club) culture embodied into a gigantic festival. Free spirited, slightly anarchistic/political in vibes, edgy, alternative and absolutely overwhelming. If you don’t like parties that are too big, don’t go here. I went to Fusion in 2016 and there were more than 15 stages back then I believe, absolutely ridiculous. But man, was it a magnificent experience. The no-security-guards/’open’ medicine usage policy was something I hadn’t seen before. The stage design was very diverse and in some cases phenomenal. Seeing the dragons on the Turmbuhne stage spitting fire for the first time was magical. The crowd is alternative and all over the places, but energetic, enthusiastic and devoted to what Fusion stands for. Even the (all veggie) food was fantastic, freshly made pizza slides for breakfast, lunch and dinner. No line-up announcement yet, but expect a wide spectrum of electronic and alternative music. The festival rewards those who just wander around!
No artists announced yet, no aftermovies available. After a quick search this old video showcases the diversity in sound, stages, people and art at least for a little bit.
The festival always works with a raffle, similar to Wildeburg, and it is sold out. Only through their own website you can obtain a ticket by using their reselling system. GL !
Waking Life Festival – Crato, Portugal Wednesday 19th to Monday 14th of June NOT sold out (250€)
A community driven, creative and experimentative midsummer festival located at a lake in inlands Portugal. I haven’t looked forward to a festival this much since forever. The festival brings a free spirited people, an intimate location and musically a beautiful experience. Personally really excited to go to one of the ‘homes’ of Giegling, who are hosting a stage all week long. If I am already excited with what they do for a first time experience with a location like Noordwaards, then I can’t imagine the height’s of quality they’ll bring here. Map.ache and Leafar Legov’s live sets are always must-sees for me. But there is a LOT more to discover. I will 100% be checking out Dasha Rush, Garçon (heard great things after the last edition of Ratherlost), Gigi FM, Marco Shuttle and Mama Snake (<3) on the techno side of things. And I will finally see an artist that has eluded me for far too long, Pano legend Cormac. I’ve listened to this Cormac essential mix at least 20 times, especially the first hour is pure ecstasy. Upsammy, Livwutang, Mad Miran, Djrum, Ben Ufo and more will be bringing you non-traditional rhythms. Curious if Kamaal Williams will appear on the timetable… And so much more to discover that I’ve never heard about. Also excited about their no video policy, should create an intimate and freeing setting.
That’s it for June! If I’ve missed out on a festival let me know in the comments. And in general curious to know what everyone’s plans are !

x Motionez
submitted by Motionez to amsterdam_rave [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 11:42 PASPulauPinang Tahniah atas pencapaian anda, bro! Bukan tentang di mana kamu duduk di dalam kelas, tetapi kesungguhan yang kamu curahkan, beserta doa ibu dan ayah. Mesti kakak ni bangga!

 Tahniah atas pencapaian anda, bro! Bukan tentang di mana kamu duduk di dalam kelas, tetapi kesungguhan yang kamu curahkan, beserta doa ibu dan ayah. Mesti kakak ni bangga! submitted by PASPulauPinang to u/PASPulauPinang [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:18 xoxefo3952 Wanita Simpanan Mafia Kejam dari APStory untuk Dibaca Gratis - Romansa Cerita Indonesia

Katakan, berapa harga yang harus aku bayar untuk mencium bibirmu? Pertanyaan songong Zach dibalas oleh Evelyn dengan kekehan angkuh. Cukup dengan menyerahkan kedua bola matamu, balasnya. Dada Zach bergemuruh. Evelyn baru saja mempermainkannya. Seketika timbul rasa kesal yang begitu besar di balik rongga dada pria itu. Kau benar-benar tidak takut mati. Ia mendesis. Jika mati menjadi satu-satunya cara untuk terbebas darimu, maka bunuhlah aku! tantang Evelyn. *** Kehidupan Evelyn berubah mengerikan setelah diculik oleh dua orang tak dikenal. Ia dibawa ke mansion gelap dan penuh rahasia, dikurung di ruang tahanan, lalu dilempar ke ruang harem yang dihuni oleh wanita-wanita cantik dan seksi yang merupakan selir penghangat ranjang bagi para bangsawan. Semua berawal dari penolakan Victor—ayahnya Evelyn—karena tidak mau menyuarakan dukungan terhadap Zachary Muller, seorang calon pemimpin negara sekaligus bos mafia yang bersembunyi di balik topeng politik, sehingga Zach memperalat Evelyn untuk melemahkan Victor. Dalam upaya melarikan diri, Evelyn harus mendapati kenyataan bahwa dirinya sedang mengandung janin dari sang mafia kejam dan licik tersebut. Segalanya menjadi rumit ketika Evelyn berhasil kabur dan mendengar kabar mengenai kematian ayahnya di tangan anak buah Zach. Saat tahu Evelyn hamil, Zach terus mencarinya karena merasa telah menghancurkan masa depan wanita yang tak bersalah. Akankah Zach berhasil menemukan Evelyn dan bertanggung jawab atas perbuatannya? Lalu bagaimana cara Zach memadamkan dendam dan kebencian Evelyn yang membara? Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 01:46 Assassinfire074 Qu'elle site pour baiser des Mama Africaine, Grosse Noir et des femmes potelé, grosse et grasse avec un gros cul gras, moelleux ou rond vous me conseiller, je vie dans le 78 à Conflans Sainte Honorine.

submitted by Assassinfire074 to u/Assassinfire074 [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 21:58 ssmqt Para los que trabajan: Le dan una mensualidad a sus padres ¿?

¿Tienen que aportar económicamente a su casa o le dan "gasto" a su mama y papa y cuánto dan?
submitted by ssmqt to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]