Lexapro and adderall ir

has anyone done that genetic testing and is it worth it?

2024.06.01 06:10 Left-Educator-4193 has anyone done that genetic testing and is it worth it?

i started adderall about a month and a half ago. my first prescription was 5mg IR 2x/day, then we bumped it up to 10 2x/day. both were generic and to be frank i will not pay for name brand unless i have strong enough evidence that it will actually make a difference.
my psych isn’t covered by my insurance and is $169 out of pocket, i actually really like the guy and don’t want to change, but oh my god i cannot afford to have to keep changing my meds every month and i’m worried that it’s gonna be awhile before i find the right solution. psych said i shouldn’t feel a “come down” between doses if i take the second one 4 hours after the first, but i definitely think that’s not true for me. i get to about 2.5-3 hours in and then my brains everywhere again, i’m irritable, and nauseous. it usually takes me until the 3.5 hour mark to realize that i need to eat and take the second dose, and after that i’ll get another maybe 3.5 hours, but most of the time 3. i also feel like it just doesn’t work at all in peak luteal, which i know is common but still sucks lol. so im thinking we need to adjust it but i also have a bad history with trying different medications. this is the first one that hasn’t given me major side effects and hey, at least i have about 6 good hours rather than 0-3 right?
so, has anyone done that genetic testing that tells you what medications will work best for you, and did you feel like it was accurate? i’m willing to dish out the cash if it’ll end up saving me some in the long run, plus i’d really love to not have to go through the absolutely torturous process of trying a billion different meds that make me feel like dogshit all day every day. will appreciate literally any advice you have ❤️
submitted by Left-Educator-4193 to PMDDxADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:01 DalisOlive Critical platelets on lab result, how urgent is this?

30F. I had bloodwork done by my PCP a few days ago and missed his attempts to get me in to his office for a retest before they closed for the weekend. I just got my results today and my platelet count was 14 x10e3/uL.
I am a little concerned, but at this point I can’t get an appointment with a lab directly for another week or so and any of the urgent care facilities I’ve called don’t do blood work. Is this something I need to go to the hospital about or am I fine to wait several days for an appointment?
Not pregnant Only medications are Adderall and I just started Lexapro AFTER this lab work was done. No other medications/substances/known conditions/etc.
submitted by DalisOlive to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:37 Tough-Locksmith-5619 How to make Dyanavel last shorter?

So I’m taking Dyanavel 20mg XR tablet and I was wondering if there’s anyway to make it into an IR? It lasts 13 hours and I want to shorten that time. Towards the last few hours, before it wears off, I get extremely “high” and it’s annoying as hell .
Is there anyway to turn it from XR to IR? With XR adderall, you can crush it up and turn it into IR.
I’ve tried taking lower dosages, tried taking vitamin C/ magnesium towards the end but none of that works.
Tbh, I don’t want to switch to any other medications, this really works for me !
Thankyou In advance!
TLDR: Is there anyway to turn Dyanavel XR tablet into IR form? I don’t like that it lasts for 13 hrs
submitted by Tough-Locksmith-5619 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:22 jakeoptions Day 3 Vyvanse, what to expect?

Hey y’all, Day 3 in. I was prescribed Adderall 30mg a very long time ago and it worked well, although I do remember a few days being “laser focus”. I’ve been diagnosed 3x for ADHD.
Back in April to mid - May I tried generic Concerta and then Focalin XR generic. They were okay but didn’t last that long. My doc let me titrate on my own with the Focalin while I got the Vyvanse prescription hashed out. I noticed at the lowest dosages it’s like my body had to get used to it, I was beyond zapped. A waited about 3 weeks to titrate up and landed near 25mg Focalin, and for the first time I felt like the med was truly working. And then I got prescribed Vyvanse.
What a pain in the ass it was to get this Vyvanse filled. Pharmacy ended up getting generic chewables and I paid oop for them. 40MG is what my shrink NP gave me. She said to start with 20 to see how I would react and then to move to 30, 40, 50 to see where I land. Mind you - I took very detailed note s with the Concerta and Focalin generics regarding what I ate, how I felt, duration. I feel like that allowed her to have faith that I’m responsible. For back ground I also use a food scale for pretty much most meals, keep workout logs, and keep track of protein throughout the day with approximate calories. (I’m down ~30lbs from December to today intentionally)
Day 1 I split the dosage in half. A bit less than 20MG. Felt just like the Focalin in the beginning. zapped and agitated, irritated, but not as bad as Focalin.
Day 2 got 6ish hours sleep, worked out before work- weigh out close to 30mg, no irritation, also no therapeutic benefits either. Felt like a very very mild cup of coffee with no symptom management. Worried that maybe I’m on the wrong medication.
Day 3 (today) 7.5 hours sleep, less than 60g carbs day before. instead of dicking around with splitting and weighing the chewable in parts, I just took the whole chewable. Then ate a steak, salad, and had some Greek yogurt for breakfast. Onset was within an hour and holy shit I was on fire. In a good way. I got the hell out of my house and didn’t look for random shit to do to ‘eat up time’, I was early to work for a change. Work was controlled and even though I was energized, it wasn’t like nitro cold brew energy, more like something else. Energized but not like jittery or cracked out. Elevated mood vs Concerta super dulled. I was able to control impulses to fuck off better and focus on what actually needed to be done for the most part. Email responses concise and succinct. Verbal fluency up. Only thing is that the peak effects started petering out at 1 1:30ish. I had a dental appointment and was tired at the appointment. I still feel the effects now but more of like background. No real “crash” more of like no longer peak effects and was a bit tired. The wall of text I just wrote isn’t indicative of active medication because I can write a wall of text easier unmedicated than medicated. So from 8am (onset) to 1-1:30ish symptoms were managed well. With Concerta generic it would last until 3:30 -5ish, with onset around 10am ish.
1) do the capsules last longer than chewables? Currently taking the tablet like I would any other.
2) will the longevity/duration increase as I ‘get used to’ the medication?
3) what else can I do to extend the duration of the “active” window?
4) any foods/supplements I can use to extend symptom management window?
I weigh 206-208lbs and built.
Asking these questions as I’d like to make the best of what I have. I took 30s IR a long time ago and they lasted all day 1x day. I prefer to stay with extended release, no boosters or anything like that.
Yes I understand I’m asking Reddit for advice. My doc doesn’t take meds and she’s awesome. Wanting to hear from people who have firsthand experience.
submitted by jakeoptions to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:13 Far-Stop-4631 Do you feel like your behind in terms of career and that everyone around you is doing better?

26M, dropped out of college 2 years ago because I just couldn't take it anymore. I'm back now and I have 1 more year left until I graduate with my bachelor's in business management (no clue what to do with it I'm just getting it to have it tbh). I have been working a retail sales job for 4 years now with no hopes of moving up since I'm part time and don't think I can handle being full time let alone being a store manager (even though people think I am capable.)
So far my career plans are graduate ASAP, work this job part time and save up as much money as I can to get married to my girlfriend, and eventually get a "good corporate job" whatever that means, I guess something that's stable and gets me respect/approval from my family and peers?
Im good at other things too, I have a YouTube channel with 800 subs so far where I talk about men's mental health and self improvement stuff. I'm also skilled in stock/crypto trading, in fact just this year alone so far I've made 40k from it, but when I tell my family it's like "okay good you have enough for a wedding but why would your girlfriends dad let you marry her if you don't have a stable career?".
As far as adhd is concerned, I've been diagnosed since I was 18. Started strattera 25 mg in Oct 2020, then lexapro 10mg in May 2021, and eventually I was given adderall which I love but ofc it comes with it's good and bads.
I always feel like my peers and family members are doing "better" than me, in terms of career and finances go, and I have this chip on my shoulder to just get a good corporate job and that's the definition of "successful". Idk does anyone else feel this way?
submitted by Far-Stop-4631 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:31 aviationchameleon Did Prozac cause my ADHD diagnosis?

I have been reading so much on Reddit and trying to find the right answers but I fear I just need to explain my own situation lol. I hope someone has been through a similar situation and can help me.
My dad died when I was 10, ruined my life, caused me to have the worst severe anxiety, PTSD. I remember a lot of suffering age 10-19 when I was completely unmedicated.
However, I was never super tired or unmotivated.
I got put on citalopram (20-40mg) or something 10 years ago and then a few years later switched to fluoxetine (Prozac) 40mg.
I remember in the last 5 years or so telling my doctor I am unmotivated, feel half asleep most the time, want to lay in bed all day, etc. and he told me I probably have ADHD. I almost feel gaslit because I 100% believed it. I’m starting to think the Prozac caused it.
The combination of 40mg of Prozac and 30mg XR Adderall plus a 15mg IR a day was incredible. I loved the feeling and I was happy, not anxious, awake, motivated, felt on top of the god damn WORLD. This caused me to abuse adderall and always take more. And it felt great… continuously. Because I hadn’t dealt with anxiety or my panic attacks in years.
To me it seems like… here’s a medication to take so I can make money… and it’s going to cause another issue… so here’s another medication to fix that. And the doctor makes more money.
I made a stupid choice, quit Prozac cold turkey a little over 2 months ago. Just from forgetting to refill and thinking “do I even need it anymore?” I told my doctor so he is aware. The first couple weeks were weird sensations (brain zaps, muscle jolts) but I still felt “normal”.
Fast forward to the second month and now almost 3 months… I am having the worst time ever. My panic attacks can be silent, but it’s like the impending doom world ending feeling. Like when you miss a step and your heart drops. Often. I have been crying, a lot. And easily again. Which is kind of nice..
The worst side effect has been anger. I have always been a kind person and got walked all over because I’m always nice. I have been exploding with anger… at work, at my management, my mother, over random things like being out of an ingredient while cooking.. I feel so much rage.
I don’t think my adderall is working anymore. It doesn’t feel enjoyable. It seems to cause me to have high anxiety and I don’t get that euphoric feeling anymore. The worst part is I miss it and kinda wish I stayed on Prozac because the combo made everything sunshine and rainbows.
I’m afraid I never even had adhd. I’m afraid my Prozac made me seem like I had adhd. I keep trying to take even half a dose of adderall and it kind of makes me awake but doesn’t feel as good anymore. It makes me nervous and not productive.
Has anyone been through an experience like this? I’ve heard some people say if you’ve been on SSRI’s for 10+ years coming off them can take months of recovery. I wish I knew what my timeline was and what to expect at this point. I’d love to hear from people. Thank you.
submitted by aviationchameleon to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:51 Sufficient_Delivery9 This post might make it clear I have ADHD

Yeah I'm not great with my thoughts so here we go. Diagnosed like 2 weeks ago. I'm 39 and autistic too. Put on IR adderall 10mg. Worked well first and second day. Sadly started my period the 3rd day and it all went downhill from there.
I've been kind of experimenting with how I take it. So like I make sure to be done with my coffee an hour before I take my meds. I am an avid runner so I am heavy on protein so I always drink my protein shake and eat a protein bar right before taking it. I also eat a laughing cow snack right after i take this. I started doing this BECAUSE I can't eat lunch right now. Adderall literally is giving me zero appetite and I've always had issues with stomach so the times when I force myself to eat I end up puking up most of it. (Sorry that is a bit of a random part)
I do not take my vitamin c until bed and since I read citric acid can impact it I make sure not to take my hyradtion tablet until night either.
My first question on this is there anything else I'm missing? Any other tips for food/hydration etc?
My second question is what does everyone do to manage their depression/anxiety? My psych is back in the office Monday so I'm going to following up with him in detail but my god am I mess. I do have diagnosed ptsd but this was/had been under control for years. And with the adhd medication now, specifcially at night, I'm such a depressed mess. All I do is sit in my room and I feel like nothing is going to be okay. (Should be noted I am going through some messy things with my carreer right now too on top of all this)
Sorry I know this post is a bit scattered brain but I know most of you can relate to that feeling!
submitted by Sufficient_Delivery9 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:57 New-Abrocoma258 Lexapro only feels like it worked short term

I started lexapro back in march and it worked a little at first then increased my dose, at 10mgs i felt great at first fast forward to today i don’t feel like it’s working at all again. i don’t want to go to work and really do much of anything i feel like it makes me super hungry and lazier. I’m also on vyvanse and adderall and those are for my adhd but i’m thinking of asking my dr to switch me to wellbutrin especially due to the increase in appetite. any thoughts or suggestions??? also have been getting bad headaches
submitted by New-Abrocoma258 to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:36 levitatingj Positive experiences?

Tried Lexapro, then Zoloft, Wellbutrin helped, then the effectiveness wore off, upped the dose to 300mg, then wore off again. Back down to 150mg of Wellbutrin, switched from Zoloft to 20mg of Viibryd, 20mg of Adderall every other week day.
I guess I feel a bit more motivated and less anxious? My wife says she hasn’t noticed a difference.
This was all to be temporary for me as I improve my physical health and learn better coping mechanisms.
The change to Viibryd feels like a last ditch effort. It’s only been about a week, haven’t felt too much positive change. I feel dizzy most of the day which causes me to get a little nauseous.
This sub feels like mostly discussion around side effects and coming off the meds. Can anyone share a positive experience with Viibryd? How long do I give it?
submitted by levitatingj to Viibryd [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:48 Ginkachuuuuu Friends who are taking an Adderall XR (and IR) generic that DOES work, what manufacturer is it?

I'm curious if any of them actually DO work. So far it seems at least Burel, Elite, Teva and Lannett are garbage.
submitted by Ginkachuuuuu to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:04 UrFutureStepmom18 Adderall

Anybody know what pharmacy in town has Adderall in stock? Either ir or xr? I used to take 50-60 mgs a day and I’ve been out for almost 2 months. It’s killing me and my productivity, my work is suffering a lot. Thank you for your responses.
submitted by UrFutureStepmom18 to Bakersfield [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:44 Adventurous_Bid_1982 Everything (meds, routine, music, etc) just...stopped helping?

I used to be the world's most productive person. I had a million systems designed to help me navigate everything that is ADHD.
I had a hard year and feel like I've just kind of lost my mojo. I think some is maybe depression/burnout. And I'm not as excited about my job as I used to be.
But it also feels like my meds just don't work anymore. (20mg of IR Adderall, twice a day- 8am and noon. It's worked for 2+ years!)
I used to crank up my music and power through. Nothing now.
I used the Pomodoro method. No more. To-do lists? Meh.
I can get in the groove-ish after 10pm and get some stuff done, but i am just struggling SO MUCH during the day. I'm honestly paranoid that my boss things I have another job during the day because I'm up late working every night and not pumping out nearly enough work to make it look like i'm pulling 12+ hour days.
How do I shake this funk?
submitted by Adventurous_Bid_1982 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:36 Creative-Industry978 Achilles or calf issues

33F, USA
Diagnoses: ADHD, MDD, recurrent, Costochondritis
Meds: Adderall XR and IR, Lexapro, Morena Last labs were literally perfect, except for a critically low ALP, but PCP is not concerned.
February 2023, I was coaching rec soccer and stepped backward and my Achilles popped. I went to the ER and they only did an X-ray but said nothing was torn or broken.
PCP referred to ortho, who didn't order an MRI and put me in a boot for 6 weeks. No physical therapy was ordered at that time.
In November 2023, I requested a referral to PT because I still could not elevate(? in ballet we call it relevé) on my left leg. I ended up having to cancel my appointment because I had COVID and haven't been able to get them to call back to reschedule. I've been slowly retraining in ballet and getting some strength back, but the ankle joint (perhaps just the back?) still feels really weak.
I can do theraband exercises with the black band and the wobble board fine. It's not an issue of mobility or pushing forward. However, I cannot lift my body weight with my left ankle. There's also a weird tightness on both sides of the Achilles right above the heels. It kind of feels like there's too much tissue there.
Since restarting ballet training, I have noticed a weird ledge on both sides (see pics). I want to make another appointment with my ortho but want to go in with some ideas as to what may be going on, as I felt kind of brushed off last time.
Throw me some ideas (as well as recommendations, because I'm kinda pissed I never got an order for an MRI).
Here are the pics: https://imgur.com/gallery/8GKzD69
Thank you so much!
submitted by Creative-Industry978 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 22:34 Creative-Industry978 Achilles/Calf issue

Diagnoses: ADHD, MDD, recurrent, Costochondritis Meds: Adderall XR and IR, Lexapro, Morena Last labs were literally perfect, except for a critically low ALP, but PCP is not concerned.
February 2023, I was coaching rec soccer and stepped backward and my Achilles popped. I went to the ER and they only did an X-ray but said nothing was torn or broken. PCP referred to ortho, who didn't order an MRI and put me in a boot for 6 weeks. No physical therapy was ordered at that time.
In November 2023, I requested a referral to PT because I still could not elevate(? in ballet we call it relevé) on my left leg. I ended up having to cancel my appointment because I had COVID and haven't been able to get them to call back to reschedule. I've been slowly retraining in ballet and getting some strength back, but the ankle joint (perhaps just the back?) still feels really weak.
I can do theraband exercises with the black band and the wobble board fine. It's not an issue of mobility or pushing forward. However, I cannot lift my body weight with my left ankle. There's also a weird tightness on both sides of the Achilles right above the heels. It kind of feels like there's too much tissue there.
Since restarting ballet training, I have noticed a weird ledge on both sides (see pics). I want to make another appointment with my ortho but want to go in with some ideas as to what may be going on, as I felt kind of brushed off last time.
Throw me some ideas (as well as recommendations, because I'm kinda pissed I never got an order for an MRI).
Here are the pics: https://imgur.com/gallery/8GKzD69
Thank you so much!
submitted by Creative-Industry978 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:28 EasternRestaurant763 I’m so happy

I started 15mg adderall ir today and I didn’t experience “euphoria” or anything like that but I did experience what I would say is the closest thing I could think of to a regular person it was amazing I didn’t have 1000 thoughts or conversations in my head or wasn’t distracted by every little thing around me it was just incredible and I’m so happy I finally found one that works for me.
submitted by EasternRestaurant763 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:26 cherrybxmb- Daily heartbeat pauses - please help

28, F. Concerned with heart beat pauses. Diagnosed w/ ADHD, anxiety, depression. Prescribed adderall IR, 10mg, twice a day. I’m 4’11” and about 110 lbs.I consume nicotine via vaping- have been doing so since about 2015. I also drink alcohol often (used to be a daily drinker from 2020-2023 ~1-2 bottles of wine per day), but now only drinking maybe 1-2 seltzers per day (5% alcohol), but will have times regularly where I drink only half of one seltzer, or drink no alcohol for a few days at a time with no sort of withdrawal symptoms at all.I drink one cup of coffee in the morning (just regular coffee, not a latte/espresso/etc) usually 5-6 days of the week. No other caffeine.I went through a bad period of health anxiety, sepcifically around my heart about a year ago after being diagnosed with COVID. I was having daily panic attacks at that time but haven’t had any bad panic attacks in months now. My blood pressure was high-ish at the time last year. This is also around the time where I started wearing an Apple Watch and tracking my heart rate, which was always high. I saw my doctor about these issues, temporarily was on a beta blocker but only for a few months then stopped as my blood pressure was getting too low. Blood pressure is usually normal or high-normal. I stopped wearing my Apple Watch as doctor said it was only increasing my anxiety and obsession with my heart rate so I don’t track my heart rate anymore but typically it was in the 90s-110 range at rest, 120-140ish range after a meal or when doing any sort of physical activity (even such as just walking around the house, cleaning, etc).I had bloodwork done last April, along with an EKG last June. Both came back perfectly normal. Except for having a high heart rate. I have been experiencing heart beat pauses now like once or a few times per day for like a few months now at least- sometimes I don’t notice them happening at all so maybe not every day but it’s hard to say for sure. It only happens for like a few seconds at a time then goes back to normal. I only notice the pauses when I’m checking my pulse by placing my fingers on my neck. So maybe it’s happening more (or less) than I even realize, because it does not cause me any physical symptoms such as dizziness, shortness of breath, etc. It does not seem to pause then best fast to “make up for” the missed beat, I don’t think? Just seems like it literally just pauses for a second then goes back to normal for a few beats, then will pause again once, etc. Never for extended periods of time. Doctor acts like this is not a concern unless it starts causing me physical symptoms. She has listened to my heart beat w stethoscope a few times since the EKG and said my heart sounds fine. Just wanted to get some more opinions on this and see if I should be asking for additional testing or just continue to try not to worry about it unless it is causing me other symptoms. I will bring up to my doctor when I see her again in July. I typically only go in once every 3 months for a med check since I don’t have insurance.
submitted by cherrybxmb- to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 22:51 EasternRestaurant763 What’s the difference between generic and brand name adderall?

Hi I’m 16m and was on 30mg vyvanse( name brand )and I had side effects so my doctor switched me to 15mg adderall ir but my mom picked up and it was generic and I’m just worried that I might get false negative feelings from it since it’s generic but idk can someone tell me what the difference is?
submitted by EasternRestaurant763 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 21:08 AdFew5528 How do you know if your medication is working?

I’ve been titrating up on Adderall for several months now. I’m currently taking 20mg IR twice a day, but I still feel like it isn’t helping me that much. I’m more calm and I can focus on single task better than before, but I still have bad executive dysfunction and my thoughts still run a mile a minute. Also my memory isn’t any better than it was before. I’m bummed out because I’ve been reading about how life changing medication has been for some people. Am I missing anything?
submitted by AdFew5528 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 18:18 Ru1384 New to concerta

My psychiatrist is starting me on concerta and I'm a bit worried.....
I was prescribed Adderall 30mg back in November, then was taken up to 50mg daily. 30mg XR, 20mg IR. It's honestly just not working.... I suffer extremely from anxiety and depression, so my new Psychiatrist wants me to start concerta.
Has anyone experienced going from adderall to concerta? If so, could you share your experience?
I'm not asking for professional advice or reasons, just a "what was it like for you", "how are you on it"? etc....I know EVERYONE is different, but I'd still like to hear how it went for you!
submitted by Ru1384 to Concerta [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 16:52 Link9454 Medication dosages

Just a quick question for those who switched from IR to XR adderall. Recently switched from 10mg of IR twice a day to 15mg of XR once a day. Doctor told me that even a 10 XR would give equivalent dosage through the day as the 10 IR twice a day, just stays in the system longer.
I was somewhat dubious which is why I asked for 15 mg. So far, it seems to be doing less to control my symptoms then I’d hope, and obviously less than the IR dosage. I’ve had people (partners, co-workers) ask if I forgot my meds several times since.
Do y’all find that XR dosages work differently, more or less effective?
submitted by Link9454 to ADD_ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 07:02 Klutzy_Reindeer3781 Ritalin Dosage coming from Adderall

I was taking Adderall IR (15mgx4/day) for a total of 60mg/day for about 2 years. I had been on Adderall for an additional 4 years prior at dosages of 20-40mg per day. I found that the Adderall 60mg per day would essentially last me from 8am to 12am, which is a considerably long time and something I prefer since I like to spend my time learning after work. However, for the last 4 months I have been on Ritalin IR 20mgx3/day for a total of 60mg/day and I find that this dosage only lasts me about 7-8 hours max. I also find that the Ritalin isn't as motivating or mood enhancing, but it has increased my memory for longterm events; things I had forgotten about my past before I was on Adderall. In addition, I asked my doctor if he could prescribe me more than 60mg/day of the Ritalin, but he told me that the FDA doesn't approve dosages past 60mg/day (in the U.S. at least). Has anyone else had this issue? I am considering switching back to Adderall, but I am thinking that although Adderall has many benefits, it might have been fooling me into thinking it was better than it really was because I am definitely remembering a lot more about my past on the Ritalin. It's very weird. Thanks
submitted by Klutzy_Reindeer3781 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 04:49 Kennedy911 I think my ADHD is what’s causing my depression.

Hey all.
Let me preface by saying I’m not asking for medical advice. I have been diagnosed with PI ADHD, depression, and having an anxiety disorder for maybe 2 years now.
I’ve recently come to the realization that I think my depression is a symptom of my ADHD. I started to think this because my depression isn’t and has never been constant. It seems to come and go. I also came to the realization that it’s not normal to constantly depend on stress to get anything done. Also, the fact that I want to be productive so badly but never accomplish what I want to is starting to get to me.
Quick story. Now, I did go to the Indy 500 yesterday. My brother in law asked if anyone needed an Adderall to get through the day. I’m a nurse and have been working a ton and I hadn’t slept the night before, as I needed to get a paper done or I would’ve been dropped from the class. I knew I’d be exhausted so I eventually asked if I could have one and he did give me one. I asked him later on in the day what dose it was and it was 30mg XR. Now, I was a little taken aback by how it affected me. I felt very calm, not as irritable as I usually am, and felt awake and not groggy or fatigued like I usually am most days.
Right now, I’m currently on Strattera 40mg, Wellbutrin 150mg XR, and Lexapro 15mg (recently increased from 10mg but truthfully haven’t been taking it at night since I have to split it lol)
Here’s a list of symptoms I experience: - [ ] Rely on stress to get things done. School work, cleaning, etc. - [ ] Forgetful/bad memory. Locked myself out of cahouse, bad working memory - [ ] Disorganized/messy home/car. - [ ] Can be talking to someone and trying to actively listen but can’t focus on what they’re saying/attention will shift to background noise - [ ] Difficulty focusing on things I’m not interested in - [ ] Paralysis-starting tasks. Stuck in bed scrolling on phone for hours despite wanting to get up and be productive. Feel stuck. Explains waves of depression? - [ ] Constantly picking at picking skin on fingers/bouncing legs/wiggling toes/twirling hair - [ ] Trouble with sleep when not exhausted. Internal monologue/thoughts don’t stop - [ ] Butting I’m on nearby conversations or not letting someone finish their sentence/question - [ ] Mouth doesn’t move as quickly as my thoughts, stutter at times? Not sure if that’s a symptom?
I have an appointment next week with my NP but I feel compelled to try to get in sooner.
I’d appreciate any thoughts/advice anyone may have. Thanks!
submitted by Kennedy911 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]
