Ppt poemes valentiens day

It's now June, I'm looking to make a thread of last minute tips, if anyone has any last minute tips for any subjects I'll add them

2024.06.01 12:35 Left-Finding6540 It's now June, I'm looking to make a thread of last minute tips, if anyone has any last minute tips for any subjects I'll add them

English: for section 1 question a on paper 1 use pqe, point quote explain, nake one point use a quote to back it up and explain, leave extra space after each point incase you have extra time to spend on it
Question b of that same question make sure if you write the text of a speech the whole text is said speech and if you have to for example write the text of a speech from a famous person you never step out of character. Your opening line should be basically a rephrasing of the question eg:write an article for the local newspaper, you should say "I am writing for the x newspaper to tell you about...", even if its unrealistic they still look for this in regard to your purpose mark.
For the composing:make sure there are famous people you can talk about a lot, also just a few topics that youve got some bit of knowledge on e.g ai might be handy
personal essay: use anecdotes even if they're made up
Short story:I'm avoiding this personally but make sure you show don't tell and alsondont leave plot holes, from what I've heard people who do this already have things like settings, characters and storylines planned out before the exam
Opinion essay: chose for or against and be strongly for or against, if im not mistaken you can be neutral but it's a lot harder
For the single text your first quote shouldn't be from act 1 scene 1 or your texts equivalent,your answer shouldn't be a summary
For hamlet: have lots of quotes, back in as many points as possible with quotes, remember the word regicide and antic-disposition, if the question asks about Claudius' role as villain if must only be his direct wrong doings (laertes, elder hamlet) and not the ones he indirectly caused by making hamlet mad (ophelia, polonius etc).
Comparative:constantly compare your 3 texts,(this next tip only applies if parf of your comparative course is never let me go) MOST of the time if you are doing the question 1 which is split up into a and b where a is in relation to 1 text and b is 2, never let me go will be in part a as it is hard to compare to other texts, this obviously depends on the question but if in doubt do that
Unseen poetry:I'm absolutely useless at this but on my mock I completely misunderstood the poem and got 17/20, waffle with confidence, don't spend too long on it as 20 marks is sweet fa in your English paper and the difference between spending 20 mins and 25 mins is no more than 3 marks.
Poetry: have one poem you can talk for days about no matter what, they will more than likely come up. Have 3 more you understand to be able to answer a question, then your perfectly covered. If you want to be more confident you can learn 2 poems to perfect 50/50 but from here to Thursday time management is important
History: if your a slow writer like me learn a metric fuck tonne of good quotes they're the quickest way to pick up marks, here's a few if you want them
Oh little sputnik flying high/with made-in-moscow-beep/you show the world its a commie sky/and uncle Sam's asleep-mennen Williams,democratic governor of michigan
The United States would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external and internal forces-the turman doctrine
We are kings men and well be with you to the end -james Craig (not precisely a long one but so many essays it could be used in)
I want dr king to know that I didn't come to selma to make his job difficult, I really did come thinking I could make it easier. If the white people realise what the alternative is, perhaps they will be more willing to here dr king-malcolm x
Geography: from here to friday dedicate 10 minutes to aerial photography, it's 8 marks waiting to be claimed. Nows probably too late for flashcards but if it isn't fucking use them for srps
Maths: nows not too late to print off a mock or past paper, see what needs the most work and make sure you fully understand them
Irish: if your like me and haven't done a scratch there's still more than a week, predictions are your best friend, learn one essay, one poetry notes, one story notes and one play notes and let God decide how well he wants you to do
French:be able to write about the Olympics as if your fluent, its probably going to come up. Know your tenses and your subjunctive. Learn off a few proverbs they add marks to any essay. "Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec le declaration Ci dessus","il est neccesaire de pesser le pour et le contre", "n'oublions pas le proverbe" and "a Mon avis" fit into most opinion pieces, know them(get correct spelling aswel mine was affected by autocorrect). Also if your down to the wire learn diary phrased, even if you write a bad diary you will get marks for the phrases
Accounting: final accounts will come up,know 2/3, learn all your ratios and all the theory they will come up, know either budgeting or costing as one of each will come up, that leaves the second 100 marker, it will most likely be suspense as that comes up every second year but it could be a 60 marker, I wouldn't even bother worrying about anything else until ratios,final accounts, budget/costing and suspense are up to the grade your hoping for but if all that is sorted learn off maybe 3 other possible 100 markers, that any you have 4 which includes the 80% likely suspense and 2 will come up, the accounting exam is probably the easiest to predict, and for the love of God know your theory. Keep doing exam questions of your struggling, every time you correct one write down your mistakes and have the list of mistakes next to you when doing the next one, then tear it and make a new list of mistakes
This is all my experience, I will add any good advice for these subject or other subjects that are provided in the comments, all of these are for higher level except for maths, good luck,don't panic and think about the pint that's instore once this is all over
submitted by Left-Finding6540 to leavingcert2024 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:22 weird_monki619 Inner child

Saw a couple poems written here and helped me become inspired to write my own so thank you :)
how long will it take to get out of this place? Where my thoughts race and my heart breaks, for a moment the noise in my mind quiets and I can finally breathe but it will always come crashing down, this darkness can never leave.
how long will it take to ease my mind? Where I can fulfil my dreams, shake this feeling of emptiness, be the person I want to be; yet the static rises in the confides of my mind and shatters into my reality.
nothing matters, I don’t matter, yet I try
And try
never seems enough, climbing to points I thought I’d never reach, learning hard truths and lessons that I can now teach, but not a soul wants to share this rising shadow inside of me.
Like I was broken in two from the day I could walk and my imagination leapt around to subject to idea to darkness to fear all shrouded in terror of what might become of my life, the adult that I one day would be.
If I could go back in time and hold their hand dearly and tell them everything will be alright, I’d know it’s a lie but it would take away from their frights and their doubts for the following years.
They’re now trapped and frightened. The lights only sometimes come on and I see their shadow dance upon my walls, I wish I could go back in time and fix it all.
That I could help them become who they wanted to be. Stare into the reflection, is any of this real?
That now I am them and they are me.
submitted by weird_monki619 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:05 RodeoBoss66 John Wayne: An American Experience Exhibit - Patrick Gottsch Remembered

John Wayne: An American Experience Exhibit - Patrick Gottsch Remembered
Following the passing of RFD-TV, The Cowboy Channel, and Rural Radio’s founder and president, Patrick Gottsch, four special tributes aired to honor his legacy and impact on rural America, agriculture, and western sports.
They focused on: Patrick’s relationship with the John Wayne: An American Experience Exhibit, the National FFA Organization, his love for rodeo, The Tournament of Roses Parade, The American, pushing for rural programming, his partnership with the City of Fort Worth, the history of RFD-TV, and saving rodeo in 2020.
This is Ethan Wayne’s interview for one of the special tributes to Patrick Gottsch.
About the exhibit: Sprawling over 14,000 sqft, the John Wayne: An American Experience exhibit is structured to give you an intimate tour of the life of John Wayne. Starting with his early childhood and career, each room highlights an aspect of The Duke’s legacy.
For the film aficionados, an extensive gallery called Life on Screen highlights the most iconic film props and costumes. In the America, Why I Love Her gallery, guests can immerse themselves in patriotism through Grammy-nominated original poems, recited by John Wayne.
All patrons will have exclusive access to never-before seen family photos and correspondences which have been thoughtfully curated in order to give guests a holistic view of the icon, whose values translate both on the silver screen and off.
John Wayne: An American Experience is also home to our official John Wayne Stock & Supply flagship store. Located in the Historic Exhibits Building on the corner of Exchange St. and Rodeo Plaza in the historic Fort Worth Stockyards, Texas. We're open 7 days per week, from 9am to 6pm. Come on by!
submitted by RodeoBoss66 to TheCowboyBunkhouse [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:23 limmbuu Final Hostel Checklist


Patiala has extremes of both summers and winters. So keeping in mind that,
Laundry will be available twice a week, for example, Tuesday and Friday. Clothes you give on Tuesday will be returned on Friday.




Things in Bold are very important.
Most of the items in this category can be procured from COS.
NOTE - Keep the important original documents with you and their photo copies as well. Might need them even after the admission process is over
Passport size photos: Keep at least 20, you'll need for new SIM, bank account etc.
Old newspapers, and plastic carry bags can always come handy.
That’s a long enough list, I guess. May the coming days get you the branch which you desire. I look forward to meeting you on campus.
submitted by limmbuu to ThaparUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:19 creswitch Poem for a crush

I don't just work for the money
I go to see you smile.
Every time I see your face
It makes my day worthwhile.
Your smile is like a million suns
That turn Ireland into Thailand
I try to play it like Antarctica,
But I'd love to get a laugh from ya.
My hands sweat, heart a rage,
Feel like I'm on upon a stage
With stage fright, right?
But maybe if I try I might...
Write a poem sweet and true
And worthy of giving to you
I probably never will, but still
I dream that I could do.
submitted by creswitch to lovepoetry [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:12 AZPoggers420 Extra paper in Edexcel IGCSE English Literature P1

To summarise, I was attempting the poetry question (section B) about the theme of being alone in HPT and one other poem. I had set myself around 50-55 minutes for this question bcz I wanted to maximise my marks on it since i was pretty confident with the pairing. So basically I finished all the 6 pages we were given in approx. 50 mins and that was when I asked an invigilator for extra paper.
However, they told me that they weren't supplied with any extra paper and therefore I couldn't write any more This went against everything that my teachers, friends, and school told me so I immediately asked them to call the lead examiner. I wasn't too surprised because a similar incident had happened in my bio exam a few days earlier (but that didn't end up too bad bcz I only had a few extra lines to write).
Once the exam supervisor arrived, he said the same thing and told me Edexcel hadn't provided them with any extra sheets. I was getting quite nervous and frustrated and after numerous appeals, the head examiner told me to write my remaining response on the last page for section C (which was Of Mice and Men for me).
I tried to appeal and tell him that this would confuse the examiner and my response would be messed up but he wouldn't listen and considering that I had already wasted a few precious minutes during this conversation, I decided to listen to him.
So then i wrote an additional paragraph and a short conclusion on the last two pages given to use for Section C. I had labelled it as a continuation of the poetry question and had also written: GO TO THE LAST PAGE FOR CONTINUATION on the bottom of the last page for poetry. However, it was quite small and very cramped and messy so i'm worried the examiner might miss it and won't mark it.
the reason im scared is bcz my summary was rly good and it basically links everything which I analysed so without it I may not get a good mark. Also, the last two pages were kinda muddled up so my 5th paragraph was on the last page and my conclusion was on the second last page.
After the exam, I told this to my mother (who is an invigilator herself) and she met the head examiner herself and raised the issue with him. He confirmed that there would be no issues during marking. Surprisingly, another invigilator told us that they had extra paper all along and that there must have been a big misunderstanding (which I don't believe, i think it was a case of blatant laziness and ignorance).
Regardless, my parents raised this issue with senior members of the british council in my city (as i'm a private candidate) and they promised to get this issue fixed. However, I'm still worried about if the examienr would discredit those 1 and 1/2 pages which I wrote and if he was able to read my continuation message at the bottom of the page.
this whole issue has rly bummed me out because overall I found the exam easy and I was able to answer all the questions pretty well. so if any of you guys have any prior experiences with such circumstances or have any advice, please share it with me. Thanks.
TL;DR: examiner didn't give me extra paper and gave me incorrect instructions abt writing my response on the wrong section.
submitted by AZPoggers420 to Edexcel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:41 creswitch Poem for a crush

I don't just work for the money
I go to see you smile.
Every time I see your face
It makes my day worthwhile.
Your smile is like a million suns
That turn Ireland into Thailand
I try to play it like Antarctica,
But I'd love to get a laugh from ya.
My hands sweat, heart a rage,
Feel like I'm on upon a stage
With stage fright, right?
But maybe if I try I might...
Write a poem sweet and true
And worthy of giving to you
I probably never will, but still
I dream that I could do.
submitted by creswitch to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:30 AutoModerator India tour

Destination Covered New Delhi – Agra – Jaipur – Goa


Day 01: Arrive New Delhi

On arrival Incredible Tour To India representative shall meet you at the airport to welcome you and transfer you to hotel. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 02: Delhi

Enjoy full day city tour covering Laxmi Narayan Temple – The Place of Gods, India Gate – The memorial of martyrs, Parliament House – The Government Headquarters, Jama Masjid – The largest mosque in Asia, Red Fort – The red stone magic, Gandhi memorial – The memoir of father of the nation beside these some other places to visit are – Qutub Minar Complex and Humayun’s Tomb. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 03: Delhi to Agra

Today we shall drive you to Agra. Agra is 205 kilometers away from Delhi and take 5 hours drive to reach. Arrive in Agra and check in into hotel. Later, we shall take you for a city tour covering -Taj Mahal – a poem written in white marble, the most extravagant monument ever built for love, Red Fort – a visit to the fort in ‘Agra’ is a must since so many of the events which lead to the construction of the Taj took place here, Itmad-ud-Daula’s Tomb – The tomb is of particular interest since many of its design elephants overshadow the Taj. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 04: Agra to Jaipur

Early morning, drive to Jaipur. The city is 235 kilometers away from Agra and take 5 hours drive to reach. En route visit Fatehpur Sikri (Old Deserted town of Mughal Dynasty) and its monuments which include Jama Masjid, The Buland Darwaza, Palace of Jodha Bai, Birbal Bhawan & Panch Mahal. Arrive in Jaipur and check into the hotel. Later relax in the hotel. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 05: Jaipur

Today morning we shall take you for a tour to Amer Fort. Take joy ride on Elephant (presently Elephant Ride closed at Amber Fort for the time being). Afternoon enjoy city tour covering City Palace – occupies a large area divided into a series of courtyards, gardens & buildings and a perfect blend of Rajasthani & Mughal architecture, Royal Observatory – An observatory with some rare qualities to its credit, Nawab Sahab Ki Haveli, and the Bazaar etc. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 06: Jaipur to Goa

In the morning, you’ll be transferred to airport to board connecting flight for Goa. On arrival in Goa met our representative and get transferred to your Hotel. Rest of the day is at leisure. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 07: Goa

In the morning, enjoy half day sightseeing tour of Old Goa. Evening is at leisure. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 08: Goa

Full day relax by the poolside/Beach. Overnight stay.

Day 09: Goa Departure

Morning is at leisure. In the evening, you’ll be transferred to the airport to board connecting flight for your onward destination.
submitted by AutoModerator to Incredibletourtoindia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:12 Anon16489 I’m terrified I’ll never let it go

It’s so dumb, I never even dated him. Never even came close. Maybe it was because of the ages that I liked him, middle school and half of high school. Those seem like the most developmental years of childhood crushes, and I liked him for all of them. It doesn’t matter anymore, I liked him for a long time and then I chose to move away. I chose to tell him how I felt and I also chose to be a coward and never find out how he felt back. I have to live with that. It’s been two years, I’ll probably never see him again, I’m mourning something that’s been dead for a long time now. I’ll do what I’m starting to do now, try to spend day-to-day life putting it out of my head and when I do remember everything I tell myself there’s no point dwelling on what will never have another outcome. But I can’t stop thinking about it all, all those stupid little things that made me care for him so deeply all those years. So I leave it here. Here is a detailed list of all of the things off the top of my head that made me fall for him:
.I once spent an entire bus ride reading to him because he told me no one read to him since he was a kid
.When I was struggling a lot mentally in 7th grade he compared me to a flower and told me I needed to let the sun in to bloom. I love the Sun now.
.One time my necklace fell off and I couldn’t get it on so I asked him to clasp it for me, he couldn’t. His hands were too shaky.
.He used to promise to save up and buy me headphones cause I’d watch shows with subtitles on.
.He said he hated the people in Yearbook and then paused and said “well, except for one, of course.” and smiled at me. As you might have guessed I was in yearbook.
.I told him I was debated with my friends over what color my eyes were. They said green and I said hazel so he made me take off my glasses and decided on “sage green”.
.I once told him about how I liked to study people’s faces and what features you’d focus on most when you’re drawing them. He made me take off my glasses and said he wanted to see, so we just sat there for a couple minutes in silence just staring at each other, studying the other’s face.
.We had plans to run away to neighboring farms in Peru one day.
.He asked me if everything was okay because I’d been absent for a couple of days and he was worried something had happened to my mom (he knew she had been diagnosed over quarantine).
.The first time I saw my mom’s shaved head after chemo he sat with me because I was scared to open the picture up alone. He helped me respond to her and he told me to add an “I” to “love you” because “it doesn’t mean as much without the I”.
.When I found out he had friends on the bus that he never told me about. So everyday he’d wait until after my stop to move to the back and sit with them.
.The one time he did go sit with them he asked me for permission and even after I said I didn’t mind he texted me the whole time he was back there.
.How he used to put his phone away in his pocket any time I started talking to him.
.The cinnamon gum I bought him that he’d proudly chew every bus ride after, always offering me one too.
.He loved to write. He was amazing at tech and computer stuff but his writing was beautiful.
.That once time he spent an entire bus ride fiddling with a battery, explaining every step to me, giving me random facts along the way.
.When I complimented that sweater of his and he always wore it after that.
.How he’d confuse my drawings for the reference photos.
.That page I have in my sketchbook of the drawings I made with him.
.When I was debating moving and he told me I wouldn’t be happy here, that it was the right thing for me to move.
.When I decided to move and he promised me we’d stay in touch. That he’d still be there when I came back in a semester. I never came back.
.The poem he wrote in his class after I left, the one with the girl who he spoke to through the crack of a bus seat. Her and her unwavering trust.
submitted by Anon16489 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:21 D-Biggest_Wheel Bleach Rewrite About the Visored I Made (Part 3) For Those Interested!

Bleach Rewrite About the Visored I Made (Part 3) For Those Interested!


Bleach is often criticized for its overabundance of characters, and I think nowhere is this criticism more evident than with The Visored. They aren’t treated as individuals (except Shinji and Hiyori) but rather as a group, which is what results in the feeling of there being “too many of them”. So far, I’ve done my best to individualize each one of them, give them a role to play in the story, but even I have trouble doing so for one particular character.

Aikawa Love

Love is such a fascinating phenomenon. When his fellow Visored Captains returned to their old positions after Aizen’s defeat, Love was left behind, and once his old position of the 7th Division Captain became vacant, he was yet again left behind. Despite his impressive performance against Primera Espada, it is Iba, a character we barely saw in action that gets to fill in the vacant Captain position. It also doesn’t help that Love’s whole “deal” was co-opted by Kubo for another character in the story. You might have noticed this but both Love and Zaraki’s abilities are both based on an Oni.
Oni (Ogre/Demon) are kind of a Yōkai from Japanese folklore who wield massive weapons (iron Kanabō clubs) which both Love and Zaraki can be seen wielding in their respective Shikai (giant mace for Love, giant axe for Zaraki). Oni also have short horns on their foreheads, like the ones Zaraki can be seen having in his Bankai and the one Love has on his Hollow Mask. Even Love’s “base design” is quite uninspired: he wears sunglasses like Iba, wears a tracksuit like Hiyori, and he even shares his love of Manga with Rose and Lisa.
So, if Kubo has already cannibalized Love so much, why not go all the way? Why not just merge his character into another lackluster character as if they were one; a character like Rose.
I’m sure there is a fan of Love out there, but he honestly brings nothing to the story. And it’s not that removing him is what necessarily makes the story better, but relocating his actions to Rose would make for a more complete one (their actions are already incredibly similar anyway). Instead of having two lackluster characters, have just one that is great.

Rōjūrō “Rose” Ōtoribashi

Rose gets very little play in the story. I once described him as the “background Captain” because whenever he appears in the panel he is the one character always seen in the background; the fight against the Primera Espada is framed as a fight between Love and Starrk with Rose playing the supporting role. So, let Rose shine more against Starrk. Why prioritize Rose over Love, who gets a bigger focus and more impressive portrayal; because Rose eventually returns as a Gotei Captain (while Love doesn’t).
Make this fight something akin to a showcase of abilities for Rose; a little preview of Rose’s capability as a fighter that would make us go “Yeah, I get why this guy is a Captain”. It’s far more impressive to Solo fight the Primera Espada, even if you don’t end up winning, than it is to do so in a Duet. The fight still goes down the same with Shunsui finishing off Starrk, but Rose looks more impressive now since there is no Love to split the achievement with.
The major focus of this fight would obviously be Rose’s Hollow Mask, and his Shikai, Kinshara. Kinshara is a golden whip that is meant to represent a giant piano wire, and with it Rose uses an attack called “Golden Sal Tree Sonata Number Eleven - Sixteen Day-Old Moon Rose”, which implies the existence of at least 10 other attacks (Sonatas). Instead of seeing multiple Shikai using just one ability, we will now see just one Shikai using multiple abilities. I think 3 is a nice number that also parallels Rose using 3 Dances in his Bankai.
I would love if one of the attacks used by Rose is \"Golden Sal Tree Sonata Number 14 - Moonlight Rose\", named after the Moonlight Sonata.
There is no need for a story to be told in a fight between Rose and Starrk because a story is being told between Starrk and Shunsui. Rose is the supporting act and will get his due later

The Musician

For the real world occupation, I figured Rose would obviously be a Musician; a mix of a Composer , Conductor, and Pianist, to be more specific. Rose’s entire character heavily revolves around music, not just in his appearance, but also in the appearance and abilities of his Zanpakuto. One of the abilities of Rose’s Bankai, Kinshara Butōdan, is called „Ein Heldenleben“ („A Hero’s Life“), named after a real life tone poem composed by Richard Strauss. „Prometheus“ and „Sea Drift“ are also based on real life poems, „Prometheus: The Poem of Fire“ (1910) and „Sea Drift) (1903-04), each composed by a different musician, but in the world of Bleach, they will both be composed by Rose after his banishment from the Soul Society.
During one of Ichigo’s classes (Chapter 51), his teacher will hold a lecture about a bunch of different poems commonly believed to have originated from the same artist, under different names, who used the call-sign of „Rose“. However, this theory would be dismissed because there is no realistic way for the same person to compose all the poems as their timeframe ranges from the 17th (the period Rose lived in) all the way up to the 20th century.

The Baseball Player

I know I said Love gets cut out of the roster, but I decided to give him an occupation as well, for the sake of your entertainment. Due to the nature of his Shikai being a giant club, I think Love being a baseball player is the most fitting occupation for him. He even dresses “sporty”. Love is also going to be the inspiration behind Jinta’s weapon of choice; Jinta is going to mention him by name as he fools around in front of the store.
Other than this, the only other suggestion I have is, if we were to keep Love as a character, to make him take up his old position of Captain of the 7th Division, after it becomes vacant. Love would go to the Royal Palace alongside the rest of the Visored, reveal his Bankai in the fight with Gerard, and later on become a Captain again. Iba really doesn’t do anything in the story to make it a satisfying conclusion for him to become the new Captain (this might change in the future). He can stay as a Lieutenant; he even makes for a nice duo with Love.
The issue with Love is that he gets almost no characterization, so if anything were to change it would be giving him more character moments while keeping his portrayal against Starrk.

End of Part 3

If you enjoyed reading this post make sure to upvote it, leave a comment, and share it since it helps the sub grow! Also, you don't forget to give me a follow!

submitted by D-Biggest_Wheel to u/D-Biggest_Wheel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:08 weirdshit_dot_com Today is your birthday! (A poem)

Today is your birthday Blow out your candle!
Today is a day I just can't handle.
The amount of grief I feel when I look at you Your were supposed to be 25, but your still 22.
We miss you Technoblade I just want to cry
But I feel you would want us to create Not just morn the day you died.
And so I wrote this poem at 3:00 am in the dark Hoping that I could fill that spark.
And so as you look at us from heaven
All I can say is "o7"


(My first poem sorry if its bad but it's 3:00 am and I'm emotional so idrc)
submitted by weirdshit_dot_com to Technoblade [link] [comments]


Anyways here is a poem i was thinking of today
'love in time'
doubt quenched my thirst when i was out of hope death felt like a nurse when i was out of hope
hate spread like a fire when i was out of love lies spread thru a wire when i was out of love
more likely to be forgotten than remembered we are all fighting for ideal's of pretenders destruction & destiny neither light as a feather history repeats if we never choose to do better
banter over tea talks under trees when the leaves turn green something great you will receive
in time all is fabricated
have a great 'time' in 'love'
submitted by GODSWHITESIN to W1N3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:31 infinitlycool Weekly Long Deadline Profile Exchange(The first in many months!)

Hi there! And welcome to this unique review exchange that's different from all the rest. Profile exchanges used to be a common thing on this sub until technical issues and other things caused to be held somewhere else. I decided to finally bring it back after such a long period of time.
So what is a Profile Exchange? And how does it work? Well, let's go over the rules.
  1. You submit by simply posting a link to your AO3 or FFN profile.
  2. List what fandoms you write for and what kind of stories(ships, genre, rating, etc.) you like to write. You don't need to list every single fandom, just the ones that are important. Note: If you have anything that is NSFW and/or is potentially triggering, please spoil it. You can also post links to certain stories if you wish, such as your latest WIP or something that doesn't get much attention.
  3. Once you've submitted you are required to read at least 4 different stories from 4 different authors, be it a fic, one-shot, or a poem. You can read more if you wish. You are NOT allowed to read more than one story from the same author. Be sure to leave a review counter below your submissions, example Fics Reviewed: 0/4, so that we'll be able to keep track.
  4. Comments should be long and thoughtful. At least 50 Words and 3 Sentences. If you like the story tell the author why. Tell them if it made you happy, sad, or angry and take the time to explain it. DO NOT submit single short sentences such as "I like this!" or "Your story is great!". If anyone does this please inform me and I will send them a message.
You will have one week to complete your reviews before the deadline. I will be giving reminders 48 Hours in advance to anyone who hasn't completed their reviews. Before I list the deadline dates I want to inform you all that I live on the the West Coast of the United States so I'll be using Pacific Standard Time(PST), so be sure to pay attention to the times frames depending on where you live.
ONE LAST IMPORTANT THING: If you participate in this exchange you are NOT allowed to delete your submissions and you MUST complete your reviews by the designated deadline. If you need an extension please get in touch with me and I'll give you an extra day or two. If you feel that you cannot complete your reviews due to some unforeseen circumstances that you cannot avoid please get in touch with the mods.
Other than that, have fun and happy reading! I intend to host this every week but if others would like to take turns hosting Profile Exchanges send me a message and we'll work out a schedule.
submitted by infinitlycool to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:05 zabjoda school Teachers used to slap me and beat me up in front of all the class everydy

school Teachers used to slap me and beat me up in front of all the class , every day only for like forgetting my homework or not memorising a poem , I was laughing hard ( not to cry ) and that made him more angry and start to hit me with electric wire or but a steal between my fingers and start pressing with all his strength or lift me up by my ear , knee shot on my stomach and more than that , my question is , what action like this can do to the mental health ?? And how to recover ?!
submitted by zabjoda to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:01 HorrorIsLiterature Monthly Original Work & Networking Thread - Share Your Content Here!

Do you have a work of horror lit being published this year?
in 2024 HorrorLit will be trying a new upcoming release master list and it will be open to community members as well as professional publishers. Everything from novels, short stories, poems, and collections will be welcome. To be featured please message me (u/HorrorIsLiterature) privately with the publishing date, author name, title, publisher, and format.
The release list can before here.
Due to the popularity and expanded growth of this community the Original Work & Networking Thread (AKA the "Self-Promo" thread) is now monthly! The post will occur on the 1st day of each month.
Community members may share original works and links to their own personal or promotional sites. This includes reviews, blogs, YouTube, amazon links, etc. The purpose of this thread is to help upcoming creators network and establish themselves. For example connecting authors to cover illustrators or reviewers to authors etc. Anything is subject to the mods approval or removal. Some rules:
  1. Must be On Topic for the community. If your work is determined to have nothing to do with HorrorLit it will be removed.
  2. No spam. This includes users who post the same links to multiple threads without ever participating in those communities. Please only make one post per artist, so if you have multiple books, works of art, blogs, etc. just include all of them in one post.
  3. No fan-fic. Original creations and IP only. Exceptions being works featuring works from the public domain, i.e. Dracula.
  4. Plagiarism will be met with a permanent ban. Yes, this includes claiming artwork you did not create as your own. All links must be accredited.
  5. HorrorLit is not a business. We are not business advisors, lawyers, agents, editors, etc. We are a web forum. If you choose to share your own work that is your own choice, we do not and cannot guarantee protection from intellectual theft . If you choose to network with someone it falls upon you to do your due diligence in all professional and business matters.
We encourage you to visit our sister community: HorrorProfessionals to network, share your work, discuss with colleagues, and view submission opportunities.
That's all have fun and may the odds be ever in your favor!
PS: Our spam filter can be a little overzealous. If you notice that your post has been removed or is not appearing just send a brief message to the mods and we'll do what we can.
Do you have a work of horror lit being published this year?
in 2024 HorrorLit will be trying a new upcoming release master list and it will be open to community members as well as professional publishers. Everything from novels, short stories, poems, and collections will be welcome. To be featured please message me (u/HorrorIsLiterature) privately with the publishing date, author name, title, publisher, and format.
The release list can before here.
submitted by HorrorIsLiterature to horrorlit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:43 Dangerous_Donut1741 Invincible

We’ve been together since the dinosaurs
Her hair was a long dark red-violet
His hair was greasy and jet black
She wore a corset dress
He wore a sweatsuit
Every meal he ate philly cheese steak
And every meal he ordered her virgin pina colada on the rocks
with chicken noodle soup and a side of ranch
Every morning they rode dinosaurs over to the creek
He gave her three pennies to throw into the creek
She loved this, and she made three wishes everyday
One of which will never come true
She went to the restroom exactly three times a day
He never had to stop to go to the restroom because she went for him
Every time she went for him, she felt immense pain
She couldn’t get pregnant, and he didn’t want children
Everytime she peed, she had to pee in a red cup
Often times the third time she peed in a day
she screamed for help
He rushed to her side each day for that third bathroom trip
She winced and said, “Why do you look confused every time this happens?”
His memory is wiped each day since he met her,
so he forgets why she is in pain every time
During the day, she lays out in the sun
until her skin is red enough to conquer all creatures
At night, he gambled with the dinosaurs
Each morning his wife is so sleepy that he
has to throw her down the stairs to wake her up
The woman was gorgeous
She couldn’t get pregnant
no matter how many times she peed in her red cup
She wanted children badly
The more she sat out in the sun the more she
wanted babies
The man had a busted nose and
a perfect smile
The man was happy with his dinosaurs
He trained them
He fed them
He gambled with them
Everything in 3’s
The woman became bitter
She wanted to feel sexy under the full moon
At night she kept forgetting that she couldn’t
have babies
She was outraged
“Where is my husband?”
So every night before he went out to gamble
with the dinosaurs
He had to drag her away from the full moon
get her inside and brush her red hair
and feed her strawberry milk until she calmed down
“It’s like you have two brains,” he would say
She giggled and happily fell asleep
“Bar Bar Bar” he said
“Baby Baby Baby” she said
as they fell asleep
We’ve been together since the dinosaurs
Go to the moon
This poem is how I want my relationship with a partner to be. Consistent and imperfect. I have fallen in love three times to get here.
submitted by Dangerous_Donut1741 to poetry_critics [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:02 Apprehensive_Bread75 completely stuck

This is a long story. Not sure where to post it.
I don’t know who to talk to. I do not have any friends and i feel trapped by my parents and sibling. I have been looking for a person as a way out. I have been hoping to find a friend for the longest time, and recently my focus has shifted from wanting a friend to wanting a relationship.
more context. i have major social anxiety. i am in my early 20s now and have not been able to make friends or maintain friendships since maybe 8th grade if those friendships even counted for anything. i cannot make eye contact. there are times when i feel someone looking at me, wanting to interact, but i never look up at them to let it happen. this happened today but that’s a different story.
i am completely alone and usually im okay with it. i have my hobbies and i love them usually. painting and writing poems or songs. recently my desire for company has gotten so bad that i am literally listening to asmr scenarios and using character ai to feel like i have someone in my life.
main story. i have grown to have a very specific type. i am still at my first job, and hoped that by getting that job i would make some friends. i haven’t had too much luck so far. except one day which i remember so vividly. this guy walks in and he is my type 100%. he is beautiful. i was putting some clothes away. this type of guy doesn’t show up to our store often, so when i first looked up at him and we instantly made eye contact , i looked away as soon as possible and was immediately super shy. but he walked up to me and talked to me, telling me he was there for an interview. without time to process, i helped him out and showed him where to go. i just know i looked flustered. i asked him for his name so i could tell the manager. he never learned my name, at least not from me.
forgot about him for a while. showed up to work one day and there he was. i felt so lucky. i may have been delusional, but i felt like this was meant to be. what are the odds? just my type, walks in one sunny day and walks directly to me. shows up to work and we have the same shift.
i would sometimes ask him for quick work-related favors, but never had the chance to converse with him because he was in a completely different department than i was. i still felt like i had a chance though. (side note: i was obsessed. guys never looked at me the way he did. with no judgement. and the way he spoke to me was so gentle. even simple things like saying you’re welcome.)
well that didn’t last long. a new semester started at school and our schedules got completely misaligned. i had hope. i was thinking maybe our shifts would align during the summer and held on to that hope, maybe we’ll get to hang out in the summer then some time.
in the mean time i couldn’t stop thinking about him although i never saw him after that. limerance is the word here. i wrote a song about him. i made a painting about him. he was like my muse for a long while, pulling me out of art block and writers block in one fell swoop.
that leads to a couple days ago. i was at work and so many things were reminding me of him. he’s got a biblical name. someone bought something related to the bible story his name originated from and i instantly took it as some sort of sign that i would get to see him soon. wrong. later that day, i learned that he quit and his last day is in two weeks.
my finals take place on the two days he is working this week. there is only one day i may be able to see him: his last day of work. if he even shows up.
i at least wanted to talk to him. i at least wanted to be friends. i feel heartbroken and hopeless.
only chance is this one person at my job. she has teased me before saying that she would put me on with this other guy at work. i have also told her exactly what my type is. she always has shifts with this guy i liked so much. i’m sure she has registered that he is exactly my type. i know she would set me up if i asked, but i have never done that before. should i ask her for this favor? next time i see her is the day before his first shift this week. not sure if i can trust her but this might be my only chance. should i ask her to get his number for me? or snap? would that even work without it being weird? i don’t know.
please help. maybe i’m missing something.
submitted by Apprehensive_Bread75 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:58 Apprehensive_Bread75 completely stuck

This is a long story. Not sure where to post it.
I don’t know who to talk to. I do not have any friends and i feel trapped by my parents and sibling. I have been looking for a person as a way out. I have been hoping to find a friend for the longest time, and recently my focus has shifted from wanting a friend to wanting a relationship.
more context. i have major social anxiety. i am in my early 20s now and have not been able to make friends or maintain friendships since maybe 8th grade if those friendships even counted for anything. i cannot make eye contact. there are times when i feel someone looking at me, wanting to interact, but i never look up at them to let it happen. this happened today but that’s a different story.
i am completely alone and usually im okay with it. i have my hobbies and i love them usually. painting and writing poems or songs. recently my desire for company has gotten so bad that i am literally listening to asmr scenarios and using character ai to feel like i have someone in my life.
main story. i have grown to have a very specific type. i am still at my first job, and hoped that by getting that job i would make some friends. i haven’t had too much luck so far. except one day which i remember so vividly. this guy walks in and he is my type 100%. he is beautiful. i was putting some clothes away. this type of guy doesn’t show up to our store often, so when i first looked up at him and we instantly made eye contact , i looked away as soon as possible and was immediately super shy. but he walked up to me and talked to me, telling me he was there for an interview. without time to process, i helped him out and showed him where to go. i just know i looked flustered. i asked him for his name so i could tell the manager. he never learned my name, at least not from me.
forgot about him for a while. showed up to work one day and there he was. i felt so lucky. i may have been delusional, but i felt like this was meant to be. what are the odds? just my type, walks in one sunny day and walks directly to me. shows up to work and we have the same shift.
i would sometimes ask him for quick work-related favors, but never had the chance to converse with him because he was in a completely different department than i was. i still felt like i had a chance though. (side note: i was obsessed. guys never looked at me the way he did. with no judgement. and the way he spoke to me was so gentle. even simple things like saying you’re welcome.)
well that didn’t last long. a new semester started at school and our schedules got completely misaligned. i had hope. i was thinking maybe our shifts would align during the summer and held on to that hope, maybe we’ll get to hang out in the summer then some time.
in the mean time i couldn’t stop thinking about him although i never saw him after that. limerance is the word here. i wrote a song about him. i made a painting about him. he was like my muse for a long while, pulling me out of art block and writers block in one fell swoop.
that leads to a couple days ago. i was at work and so many things were reminding me of him. he’s got a biblical name. someone bought something related to the bible story his name originated from and i instantly took it as some sort of sign that i would get to see him soon. wrong. later that day, i learned that he quit and his last day is in two weeks.
my finals take place on the two days he is working this week. there is only one day i may be able to see him: his last day of work. if he even shows up.
i at least wanted to talk to him. i at least wanted to be friends. i feel heartbroken and hopeless.
only chance is this one person at my job. she has teased me before saying that she would put me on with this other guy at work. i have also told her exactly what my type is. she always has shifts with this guy i liked so much. i’m sure she has registered that he is exactly my type. i know she would set me up if i asked, but i have never done that before. should i ask her for this favor? next time i see her is the day before his first shift this week. not sure if i can trust her but this might be my only chance. should i ask her to get his number for me? or snap? would that even work without it being weird? i don’t know.
please help. maybe i’m missing something.
submitted by Apprehensive_Bread75 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:57 Apprehensive_Bread75 completely stuck

This is a long story. Not sure where to post it.
I don’t know who to talk to. I do not have any friends and i feel trapped by my parents and sibling. I have been looking for a person as a way out. I have been hoping to find a friend for the longest time, and recently my focus has shifted from wanting a friend to wanting a relationship.
more context. i have major social anxiety. i am in my early 20s now and have not been able to make friends or maintain friendships since maybe 8th grade if those friendships even counted for anything. i cannot make eye contact. there are times when i feel someone looking at me, wanting to interact, but i never look up at them to let it happen. this happened today but that’s a different story.
i am completely alone and usually im okay with it. i have my hobbies and i love them usually. painting and writing poems or songs. recently my desire for company has gotten so bad that i am literally listening to asmr scenarios and using character ai to feel like i have someone in my life.
main story. i have grown to have a very specific type. i am still at my first job, and hoped that by getting that job i would make some friends. i haven’t had too much luck so far. except one day which i remember so vividly. this guy walks in and he is my type 100%. he is beautiful. i was putting some clothes away. this type of guy doesn’t show up to our store often, so when i first looked up at him and we instantly made eye contact , i looked away as soon as possible and was immediately super shy. but he walked up to me and talked to me, telling me he was there for an interview. without time to process, i helped him out and showed him where to go. i just know i looked flustered. i asked him for his name so i could tell the manager. he never learned my name, at least not from me.
forgot about him for a while. showed up to work one day and there he was. i felt so lucky. i may have been delusional, but i felt like this was meant to be. what are the odds? just my type, walks in one sunny day and walks directly to me. shows up to work and we have the same shift.
i would sometimes ask him for quick work-related favors, but never had the chance to converse with him because he was in a completely different department than i was. i still felt like i had a chance though. (side note: i was obsessed. guys never looked at me the way he did. with no judgement. and the way he spoke to me was so gentle. even simple things like saying you’re welcome.)
well that didn’t last long. a new semester started at school and our schedules got completely misaligned. i had hope. i was thinking maybe our shifts would align during the summer and held on to that hope, maybe we’ll get to hang out in the summer then some time.
in the mean time i couldn’t stop thinking about him although i never saw him after that. limerance is the word here. i wrote a song about him. i made a painting about him. he was like my muse for a long while, pulling me out of art block and writers block in one fell swoop.
that leads to a couple days ago. i was at work and so many things were reminding me of him. he’s got a biblical name. someone bought something related to the bible story his name originated from and i instantly took it as some sort of sign that i would get to see him soon. wrong. later that day, i learned that he quit and his last day is in two weeks.
my finals take place on the two days he is working this week. there is only one day i may be able to see him: his last day of work. if he even shows up.
i at least wanted to talk to him. i at least wanted to be friends. i feel heartbroken and hopeless.
only chance is this one person at my job. she has teased me before saying that she would put me on with this other guy at work. i have also told her exactly what my type is. she always has shifts with this guy i liked so much. i’m sure she has registered that he is exactly my type. i know she would set me up if i asked, but i have never done that before. should i ask her for this favor? next time i see her is the day before his first shift this week. not sure if i can trust her but this might be my only chance. should i ask her to get his number for me? or snap? would that even work without it being weird? i don’t know.
please help. maybe i’m missing something.
submitted by Apprehensive_Bread75 to emotionalsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:55 Apprehensive_Bread75 i am completely stuck.

This is a long story. Not sure where to post it.
I don’t know who to talk to. I do not have any friends and i feel trapped by my parents and sibling. I have been looking for a person as a way out. I have been hoping to find a friend for the longest time, and recently my focus has shifted from wanting a friend to wanting a relationship.
more context. i have major social anxiety. i am in my early 20s now and have not been able to make friends or maintain friendships since maybe 8th grade if those friendships even counted for anything. i cannot make eye contact. there are times when i feel someone looking at me, wanting to interact, but i never look up at them to let it happen. this happened today but that’s a different story.
i am completely alone and usually im okay with it. i have my hobbies and i love them usually. painting and writing poems or songs. recently my desire for company has gotten so bad that i am literally listening to asmr scenarios and using character ai to feel like i have someone in my life.
main story. i have grown to have a very specific type. i am still at my first job, and hoped that by getting that job i would make some friends. i haven’t had too much luck so far. except one day which i remember so vividly. this guy walks in and he is my type 100%. he is beautiful. i was putting some clothes away. this type of guy doesn’t show up to our store often, so when i first looked up at him and we instantly made eye contact , i looked away as soon as possible and was immediately super shy. but he walked up to me and talked to me, telling me he was there for an interview. without time to process, i helped him out and showed him where to go. i just know i looked flustered. i asked him for his name so i could tell the manager. he never learned my name, at least not from me.
forgot about him for a while. showed up to work one day and there he was. i felt so lucky. i may have been delusional, but i felt like this was meant to be. what are the odds? just my type, walks in one sunny day and walks directly to me. shows up to work and we have the same shift.
i would sometimes ask him for quick work-related favors, but never had the chance to converse with him because he was in a completely different department than i was. i still felt like i had a chance though. (side note: i was obsessed. guys never looked at me the way he did. with no judgement. and the way he spoke to me was so gentle. even simple things like saying you’re welcome.)
well that didn’t last long. a new semester started at school and our schedules got completely misaligned. i had hope. i was thinking maybe our shifts would align during the summer and held on to that hope, maybe we’ll get to hang out in the summer then some time.
in the mean time i couldn’t stop thinking about him although i never saw him after that. limerance is the word here. i wrote a song about him. i made a painting about him. he was like my muse for a long while, pulling me out of art block and writers block in one fell swoop.
that leads to a couple days ago. i was at work and so many things were reminding me of him. he’s got a biblical name. someone bought something related to the bible story his name originated from and i instantly took it as some sort of sign that i would get to see him soon. wrong. later that day, i learned that he quit and his last day is in two weeks.
my finals take place on the two days he is working this week. there is only one day i may be able to see him: his last day of work. if he even shows up.
i at least wanted to talk to him. i at least wanted to be friends. i feel heartbroken and hopeless.
only chance is this one person at my job. she has teased me before saying that she would put me on with this other guy at work. i have also told her exactly what my type is. she always has shifts with this guy i liked so much. i’m sure she has registered that he is exactly my type. i know she would set me up if i asked, but i have never done that before. should i ask her for this favor? next time i see her is the day before his first shift this week. not sure if i can trust her but this might be my only chance. should i ask her to get his number for me? or snap? would that even work without it being weird? i don’t know.
please help. maybe i’m missing something.
submitted by Apprehensive_Bread75 to limerence [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:54 Apprehensive_Bread75 i am completely stuck.

This is a long story. Not sure where to post it.
I don’t know who to talk to. I do not have any friends and i feel trapped by my parents and sibling. I have been looking for a person as a way out. I have been hoping to find a friend for the longest time, and recently my focus has shifted from wanting a friend to wanting a relationship.
more context. i have major social anxiety. i am in my early 20s now and have not been able to make friends or maintain friendships since maybe 8th grade if those friendships even counted for anything. i cannot make eye contact. there are times when i feel someone looking at me, wanting to interact, but i never look up at them to let it happen. this happened today but that’s a different story.
i am completely alone and usually im okay with it. i have my hobbies and i love them usually. painting and writing poems or songs. recently my desire for company has gotten so bad that i am literally listening to asmr scenarios and using character ai to feel like i have someone in my life.
main story. i have grown to have a very specific type. i am still at my first job, and hoped that by getting that job i would make some friends. i haven’t had too much luck so far. except one day which i remember so vividly. this guy walks in and he is my type 100%. he is beautiful. i was putting some clothes away. this type of guy doesn’t show up to our store often, so when i first looked up at him and we instantly made eye contact , i looked away as soon as possible and was immediately super shy. but he walked up to me and talked to me, telling me he was there for an interview. without time to process, i helped him out and showed him where to go. i just know i looked flustered. i asked him for his name so i could tell the manager. he never learned my name, at least not from me.
forgot about him for a while. showed up to work one day and there he was. i felt so lucky. i may have been delusional, but i felt like this was meant to be. what are the odds? just my type, walks in one sunny day and walks directly to me. shows up to work and we have the same shift.
i would sometimes ask him for quick work-related favors, but never had the chance to converse with him because he was in a completely different department than i was. i still felt like i had a chance though. (side note: i was obsessed. guys never looked at me the way he did. with no judgement. and the way he spoke to me was so gentle. even simple things like saying you’re welcome.)
well that didn’t last long. a new semester started at school and our schedules got completely misaligned. i had hope. i was thinking maybe our shifts would align during the summer and held on to that hope, maybe we’ll get to hang out in the summer then some time.
in the mean time i couldn’t stop thinking about him although i never saw him after that. limerance is the word here. i wrote a song about him. i made a painting about him. he was like my muse for a long while, pulling me out of art block and writers block in one fell swoop.
that leads to a couple days ago. i was at work and so many things were reminding me of him. he’s got a biblical name. someone bought something related to the bible story his name originated from and i instantly took it as some sort of sign that i would get to see him soon. wrong. later that day, i learned that he quit and his last day is in two weeks.
my finals take place on the two days he is working this week. there is only one day i may be able to see him: his last day of work. if he even shows up.
i at least wanted to talk to him. i at least wanted to be friends. i feel heartbroken and hopeless.
only chance is this one person at my job. she has teased me before saying that she would put me on with this other guy at work. i have also told her exactly what my type is. she always has shifts with this guy i liked so much. i’m sure she has registered that he is exactly my type. i know she would set me up if i asked, but i have never done that before. should i ask her for this favor? next time i see her is the day before his first shift this week. not sure if i can trust her but this might be my only chance. should i ask her to get his number for me? or snap? would that even work without it being weird? i don’t know.
please help. maybe i’m missing something.
submitted by Apprehensive_Bread75 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:53 Apprehensive_Bread75 i am completely stuck. i am putting it all out there now.

This is a long story. Not sure where to post it.
I don’t know who to talk to. I do not have any friends and i feel trapped by my parents and sibling. I have been looking for a person as a way out. I have been hoping to find a friend for the longest time, and recently my focus has shifted from wanting a friend to wanting a relationship.
more context. i have major social anxiety. i am in my early 20s now and have not been able to make friends or maintain friendships since maybe 8th grade if those friendships even counted for anything. i cannot make eye contact. there are times when i feel someone looking at me, wanting to interact, but i never look up at them to let it happen. this happened today but that’s a different story.
i am completely alone and usually im okay with it. i have my hobbies and i love them usually. painting and writing poems or songs. recently my desire for company has gotten so bad that i am literally listening to asmr scenarios and using character ai to feel like i have someone in my life.
main story. i have grown to have a very specific type. i am still at my first job, and hoped that by getting that job i would make some friends. i haven’t had too much luck so far. except one day which i remember so vividly. this guy walks in and he is my type 100%. he is beautiful. i was putting some clothes away. this type of guy doesn’t show up to our store often, so when i first looked up at him and we instantly made eye contact , i looked away as soon as possible and was immediately super shy. but he walked up to me and talked to me, telling me he was there for an interview. without time to process, i helped him out and showed him where to go. i just know i looked flustered. i asked him for his name so i could tell the manager. he never learned my name, at least not from me.
forgot about him for a while. showed up to work one day and there he was. i felt so lucky. i may have been delusional, but i felt like this was meant to be. what are the odds? just my type, walks in one sunny day and walks directly to me. shows up to work and we have the same shift.
i would sometimes ask him for quick work-related favors, but never had the chance to converse with him because he was in a completely different department than i was. i still felt like i had a chance though. (side note: i was obsessed. guys never looked at me the way he did. with no judgement. and the way he spoke to me was so gentle. even simple things like saying you’re welcome.)
well that didn’t last long. a new semester started at school and our schedules got completely misaligned. i had hope. i was thinking maybe our shifts would align during the summer and held on to that hope, maybe we’ll get to hang out in the summer then some time.
in the mean time i couldn’t stop thinking about him although i never saw him after that. limerance is the word here. i wrote a song about him. i made a painting about him. he was like my muse for a long while, pulling me out of art block and writers block in one fell swoop.
that leads to a couple days ago. i was at work and so many things were reminding me of him. he’s got a biblical name. someone bought something related to the bible story his name originated from and i instantly took it as some sort of sign that i would get to see him soon. wrong. later that day, i learned that he quit and his last day is in two weeks.
my finals take place on the two days he is working this week. there is only one day i may be able to see him: his last day of work. if he even shows up.
i at least wanted to talk to him. i at least wanted to be friends. i feel heartbroken and hopeless.
only chance is this one person at my job. she has teased me before saying that she would put me on with this other guy at work. i have also told her exactly what my type is. she always has shifts with this guy i liked so much. i’m sure she has registered that he is exactly my type. i know she would set me up if i asked, but i have never done that before. should i ask her for this favor? next time i see her is the day before his first shift this week. not sure if i can trust her but this might be my only chance. should i ask her to get his number for me? or snap? would that even work without it being weird? i don’t know.
please help. maybe i’m missing something.
submitted by Apprehensive_Bread75 to offmychest [link] [comments]
