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2024.06.01 12:34 xstraaa Top 5 books to boost your innovative mindset in 2024

Top 5 books to boost your innovative mindset in 2024

Top 5 Books to Boost Your Innovative Mindset in 2024 Best Books for Creativity
Innovation is the driving force behind success in today’s fast-paced world. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a business leader, or someone seeking to unleash their creative potential, fostering an innovative mindset is essential. To help you on this journey, we have curated a list of the top 5 books that will inspire and equip you to think outside the box and embrace innovation in 2024.

The First book

Beyond The Limit: Unlock Your Potential and Achieve Extraordinary Success

Are you tired of feeling stuck and unable to reach your full potential? Do you often find yourself held back by self-doubt, fear, and uncertainty? The pain of knowing you could be so much more, yet not knowing how to get there, can be overwhelming.

In Beyond The Limit, you’ll discover the secrets to breaking free from the barriers that hold you back. This transformative ebook is designed to guide you through the process of unleashing your true capabilities and achieving extraordinary success.

The Pain of Stagnation:

Many people experience the frustration of being unable to progress in their personal or professional lives. The pain of stagnation can be debilitating, leaving you feeling helpless and demotivated.

The Agitation of Unrealized Potential:

Imagine knowing deep down that you have so much more to offer but constantly feeling agitated by your inability to tap into that potential. The agitation of unrealized potential can cause sleepless nights and a persistent sense of dissatisfaction.

The Solution: Beyond The Limit

This powerful ebook provides the solution you’ve been searching for. By following the insights and strategies within, you’ll be equipped to overcome the obstacles that have been holding you back.

Benefits of Beyond The Limit:

  • Discover Your True Potential: Learn how to identify and harness your unique strengths and abilities.
  • Overcome Self-Doubt: Gain confidence and eliminate the negative self-talk that hinders your progress.
  • Achieve Your Goals: Develop a clear, actionable plan to achieve your personal and professional objectives.
  • Build Resilience: Cultivate the mental toughness needed to persevere through challenges and setbacks.
  • Enhance Your Productivity: Master the techniques for effective time management and focus.
  • Create Lasting Change: Implement sustainable habits that lead to continuous growth and improvement.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Clarity and Direction: A clear understanding of your goals and the steps needed to achieve them.
  • Increased Motivation: A renewed sense of purpose and drive to push beyond your limits.
  • Practical Tools: Proven strategies and techniques to enhance your performance and productivity.
  • Personal Growth: A deeper sense of self-awareness and the ability to unlock your full potential.

Take Action Now!

Don’t let another day go by feeling trapped by your limitations. Take the first step towards a brighter future and unlock your true potential with Beyond The Limit.
Grab your copy today and start your journey towards extraordinary success!

Book Two

Focus Mastery: Unlock Your Full Potential and Achieve Your Goals

Do you struggle to concentrate on tasks and find yourself easily distracted? The pain of not being able to focus can lead to missed opportunities, unfulfilled goals, and a constant feeling of frustration.

In Focus Mastery, you’ll learn how to overcome distractions and develop laser-sharp concentration. This comprehensive ebook is your ultimate guide to mastering focus, enhancing productivity, and achieving your most ambitious goals.

The Pain of Distraction:

In today’s fast-paced world, distractions are everywhere. The constant interruptions and inability to focus can be painfully detrimental to your progress and success.

The Agitation of Unaccomplished Goals:

Nothing is more agitating than seeing your goals slip through your fingers because you can’t maintain focus. The constant struggle to stay on task can leave you feeling defeated and unproductive.

The Solution: Focus Mastery

This ebook offers the solution to your concentration challenges. With practical strategies and actionable insights, Focus Mastery will help you regain control of your attention and direct it towards what truly matters.

Benefits of Focus Mastery:

  • Improve Concentration: Learn techniques to enhance your ability to focus for extended periods.
  • Boost Productivity: Discover methods to get more done in less time by eliminating distractions.
  • Achieve Clarity: Gain a clear sense of direction and purpose in your daily tasks and long-term goals.
  • Reduce Stress: Experience the peace of mind that comes from being organized and focused.
  • Enhance Performance: Maximize your efficiency and effectiveness in both personal and professional endeavors.
  • Create Lasting Habits: Implement sustainable habits that support continuous focus and productivity.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Enhanced Focus: The ability to concentrate deeply on tasks and see them through to completion.
  • Increased Efficiency: Practical tools and techniques to streamline your workflow and boost productivity.
  • Goal Achievement: A structured approach to setting and reaching your goals with unwavering focus.
  • Personal Satisfaction: A sense of accomplishment and fulfillment from achieving what you set out to do.
  • Stress Reduction: A calmer, more organized approach to managing your tasks and time.

Take Action Now!

Don’t let distractions control your life. Take charge of your focus and unlock your full potential with Focus Mastery.
Grab your copy today and start your journey to achieving your goals with unshakeable focus!

Book Three

The Art Of Consistency: Achieve Your Dreams Through Steadfast Commitment

Are you tired of starting projects only to abandon them halfway? Do you struggle to maintain momentum and feel the pain of unfulfilled potential? The pain of inconsistency can be a major barrier to achieving your dreams and goals.
In The Art Of Consistency, you’ll discover the secrets to cultivating a disciplined approach to your endeavors. This enlightening ebook provides the tools and strategies you need to develop a consistent, unwavering commitment to your personal and professional growth.

The Pain of Inconsistency:

Many people experience the frustration of being unable to stick to their plans. The pain of inconsistency often leads to unfinished projects, broken commitments, and a lack of progress.

The Agitation of Unmet Goals:

Imagine the constant agitation of knowing you could achieve so much more if only you could stay consistent. The disappointment of unmet goals can be a heavy burden to carry.

The Solution: The Art Of Consistency

This ebook offers the solution to your struggles with consistency. By implementing the principles and practices detailed within, you’ll be able to maintain a steady pace towards achieving your dreams.

Benefits of The Art Of Consistency:

  • Develop Discipline: Learn how to build and maintain the discipline needed to follow through on your commitments.
  • Achieve Goals: Gain the tools to set realistic goals and create a plan to achieve them consistently.
  • Increase Productivity: Discover methods to enhance your productivity by staying focused and dedicated.
  • Build Momentum: Create lasting habits that propel you forward and help you maintain momentum.
  • Enhance Resilience: Strengthen your ability to persevere through challenges and setbacks.
  • Experience Fulfillment: Enjoy the satisfaction and fulfillment that come from achieving your long-term goals.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Steadfast Commitment: The ability to stay committed to your goals and projects without wavering.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Techniques to boost your efficiency and ensure steady progress.
  • Goal Achievement: A structured approach to setting and consistently reaching your goals.
  • Personal Growth: A deeper sense of self-discipline and resilience in the face of challenges.
  • Sustained Motivation: Continuous drive and motivation to keep pushing forward.

Take Action Now!

Don’t let inconsistency hold you back any longer. Embrace the power of steadfast commitment and unlock your full potential with The Art Of Consistency.
Grab your copy today and start your journey towards achieving your dreams through unwavering consistency!

Book Four

Time Mastery: Take Control of Your Life and Maximize Your Productivity

Are you constantly overwhelmed by your to-do list? Do you struggle with the pain of not having enough time to accomplish your goals? The pain of time mismanagement can lead to stress, missed opportunities, and a persistent feeling of falling behind.
In Time Mastery, you’ll discover the techniques and strategies to take control of your time and maximize your productivity. This essential ebook provides you with the tools you need to manage your time effectively and achieve more than you ever thought possible.

The Pain of Poor Time Management:

Many people suffer from the frustration of poor time management. The pain of constantly feeling rushed, missing deadlines, and never having enough time can be overwhelming and debilitating.

The Agitation of Unachieved Goals:

Imagine the constant agitation of seeing your goals slip away because you can’t manage your time effectively. The stress and anxiety of unachieved goals can weigh heavily on your mind and spirit.

The Solution: Time Mastery

This ebook offers the solution to your time management struggles. With proven strategies and actionable insights, Time Mastery will help you regain control of your schedule and accomplish your most important tasks.

Benefits of Time Mastery:

  • Prioritize Effectively: Learn how to identify and focus on your most important tasks.
  • Boost Productivity: Discover methods to increase your efficiency and get more done in less time.
  • Reduce Stress: Experience the peace of mind that comes from having a well-organized schedule.
  • Achieve Balance: Find the perfect balance between work, personal life, and leisure activities.
  • Set and Meet Deadlines: Develop the skills to set realistic deadlines and consistently meet them.
  • Enhance Goal Achievement: Implement strategies that ensure you reach your long-term goals.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Time Management Skills: Master the techniques to manage your time effectively and avoid procrastination.
  • Increased Productivity: Tools and strategies to enhance your productivity and efficiency.
  • Clarity and Focus: A clear sense of direction and the ability to concentrate on your priorities.
  • Work-Life Balance: The ability to balance your professional and personal life seamlessly.
  • Reduced Stress Levels: A more organized and less stressful approach to managing your tasks.
  • Achievement and Fulfillment: The satisfaction of achieving your goals and making the most of your time.

Take Action Now!

Don’t let time slip through your fingers any longer. Take control of your schedule and maximize your productivity with Time Mastery.
Grab your copy today and start your journey towards mastering your time and achieving your goals!

Book five

The Warrior Mindset: Unlock Your Inner Strength and Achieve Unstoppable Success

Do you feel held back by fear and self-doubt? Are you struggling with the pain of not living up to your true potential? The pain of a weak mindset can prevent you from achieving greatness and living the life you desire.

In The Warrior Mindset, you will discover the keys to unlocking your inner strength and developing a resilient, unstoppable mindset. This powerful ebook provides the strategies and insights you need to conquer challenges and achieve extraordinary success.

The Pain of a Weak Mindset:

Many people experience the frustration of being unable to push past their limitations. The pain of a weak mindset can lead to missed opportunities, unfulfilled dreams, and a constant sense of inadequacy.

The Agitation of Unlived Potential:

Imagine the agitation of knowing deep inside that you are capable of so much more, but feeling trapped by fear and self-doubt. The constant struggle to break free from mental barriers can be incredibly disheartening.

The Solution: The Warrior Mindset

This ebook offers the solution to your mental struggles. With practical techniques and actionable strategies, The Warrior Mindset will help you build the mental toughness needed to overcome any obstacle and achieve your goals.

Benefits of The Warrior Mindset:

  • Develop Mental Toughness: Learn how to build an unbreakable mindset that can withstand any challenge.
  • Conquer Fear and Self-Doubt: Gain the confidence to push past your fears and eliminate self-doubt.
  • Enhance Resilience: Cultivate the resilience needed to bounce back from setbacks stronger than ever.
  • Achieve Unstoppable Success: Unlock your true potential and achieve the success you’ve always dreamed of.
  • Increase Motivation: Discover how to maintain high levels of motivation and drive, even in the face of adversity.
  • Create Lasting Change: Implement powerful habits that lead to continuous personal and professional growth.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Inner Strength: The ability to draw on deep reserves of mental and emotional strength.
  • Confidence and Self-Belief: A renewed sense of confidence and belief in your abilities.
  • Goal Achievement: A clear path to setting and achieving your most ambitious goals.
  • Resilience and Grit: The resilience and grit to persevere through any challenge.
  • Empowerment: A sense of empowerment and control over your life and destiny.

Take Action Now!

Don’t let a weak mindset hold you back any longer. Embrace the power of the warrior mindset and unlock your true potential with The Warrior Mindset.
Grab your copy today and start your journey towards unstoppable success!


Fostering an innovative mindset is essential for success in 2024 and beyond. The books listed above provide valuable insights and practical strategies to help you think creatively, adapt to change, and drive innovation. By embracing the lessons from these authors, you can develop the skills needed to stay ahead in a rapidly changing world.
submitted by xstraaa to u/xstraaa [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:00 AutoModerator Daily r/LawnCare No Stupid Questions Thread

Please use this thread to ask any lawn care questions that you may have. There are no stupid questions. This includes weed, fungus, insect, and grass identification. For help on asking a question, please refer to the "How to Get the Most out of Your Post" section at the top of the sidebar.
Check out the sidebar if you're interested in more information on plant hardiness zones, identifying problems, weed control, fertilizer, establishing grass, and organic methods. Also, you may contact your local Cooperative Extension Service for local info.
How to Get the Most out of Your Post:
Include a photo of the problem. You can upload to for free and it's easy to do. One photo should contain enough information for people to understand the immediate area around the problem (dense shade, extremely sloped, etc.). Other photos should include close-ups of the grass or weed in question: such as this, this, or this. The more photos or context to the situation will help us identify the problem and propose some solutions.
Useful Links:
Guides & Calculators: Measure Your Lawn Make a Property Map Herbicide Application Calculators Fertilizing Lawns Grow From Seed Grow From Sod Organic Lawn Care Other Lawn Calculators
Lawn Pest Control: Weeds & What To Use Common Weeds What's Wrong Here? How To Spray Weeds MSU Weed ID Tool Is This a Weed? Herbicide Types ID Turf Diseases Fungi & Control Options Insects & Control Options
Fertilizing: Fertilizing Lawns How To Spread Granular Fertilizer Natural Lawn Care Fertilizer Calculator
US Cooperative Extension Services: Arkansas - University of Arkansas California - UC Davis Florida - University of Florida Indiana - Purdue University Nebraska - University of Nebraska-Lincoln New Hampshire - The University of New Hampshire New Jersey - Rutgers University New York - Cornell University Ohio - The Ohio State University Oregon - Oregon State University Texas - Texas A&M Vermont - The University of Vermont
Canadian Cooperative Extension Services: Ontario - University of Guelph
Recurring Threads:
Daily No Stupid Questions Thread Mowsday Monday Treatment Tuesday Weed ID Wednesday That Didn't Go Well Thursday Finally Friday: Weekend Lawn Plans Soil Saturday Lawn of the Month Monthly Mower Megathread Monthly Professionals Podium Tri-Annual Thatch Thread Quarterly Seed & Sod Megathread
submitted by AutoModerator to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:25 Joshh170 Astro Bot: Release Date, Gameplay, New Bosses, & Confirmed Cameos

Astro Bot: Release Date, Gameplay, New Bosses, & Confirmed Cameos
At long last, Astro Bot has been announced as a full-length platformer game that will follow the epic journey of the beloved little mechanical robot of the same name. Despite being a tech demo to showcase the PS5's technology, Astro's Playroom became one of the highest-rated games on the system and left fans wanting to see more of him, so much so that he has even been highlighted as a possible new mascot for the company. Although Astro was featured again in Astro Bot: Rescue Mission, it was exclusively for the PSVR headset, limiting its reach to eager fans.
Announced with a debut trailer at the PlayStation State of Play event, Astro Bot will make use of the PlayStation's DualSense controller's features of adaptive triggers and haptic feedback. Developed by Team Asobi, the game will tell a story of Astro working to reunite his crew after tragedy has befallen them. Although little has been announced yet regarding the specifics of gameplay, it appears as though many of the same abilities and gameplay mechanics will be carried over from Astro's Playroom, although it is said there will be a variety of new skills for players to discover as well.
Astro Bot Release Date Is Later This Year & Will Not Be Free
A PlayStation 5 Exclusive Title
Astro Bot will be released exclusively for the PS5 on September 6, 2024. Pre-orders will open for the title beginning on June 7, 2024, alongside more information on the game. Likely, at this time there will be more information on any special order bonuses as well as physical media options. The PlayStation blog includes a picture of a physical case for the game, which suggests that it will not follow the recent trend of digital-only games — unless it's just the case with a redemption code included inside.
Not only does the game feature technology that is specifically adapted for the PS5 and its DualSense controllers, but the universe in which Astro resides is heavily focused on PlayStation's history of consoles and gaming, making the little robot an unofficial mascot for the company. Whether flying a DualSense controller as a speeder or seeing a PS4 rise out of the desert, this is clearly a Sony world.
Astro Bot Gameplay Is A Full Game That Isn't Just More Of Astro's Playroom
Over 80 Platforming Levels Across 6 Galaxies And 15 New Abilities
Astro Bot will take place in 6 galaxies that will be home to a total of over 80 platforming levels while Astro searches for his scattered friends and crew. Each world will provide unique biomes, including forests, beaches, deserts, and more, and each comes with some incredible enemies and bosses to defeat. While the game appears very similar to Astro's Playroom, there are 15 new abilities to mix things up, including a couple that use special friends that can ride on Astro's back and provide new powers.
Barkster The Bulldog is one of these friends who will ride on Astro's back and gives the ability to air-dash through enemies as well as some obstacles in the world. Visible in moments in the trailer are also a chicken, another robot-type creature, and a fish or possibly penguin. Another ability shown in the trailer is the Twin-Frog Gloves, which will allow Astro to punch from far away and swing on certain platforms.
Confirmed Cameos In Astro Bot
All The Games Referenced In Astro Bot That Are Known So Far
Kratos God Of War
Nathan Drake Uncharted
Aloy Horizon
Ratchet Ratchet & Clank
Clank Ratchet & Clank
PaRappa Rappa PaRappa the Rapper
Colossus Shadow of the Colossus
Wander Shadow of the Colossus
Pipo Monkey Ape Escape
Spike Ape Escape
Ico Ico
Having Kratos and PaRappa show up in Astro Bot forms does not mean to imply that the game is simply a mashup of other titles. The platforming game will focus on its own unique story to create a full-length game. That said, the PlayStation Blog announcement hints that these cameo characters might play a larger role than simply appearing in the background, as they did in Astro's Playroom.
There are likely more cameos and Easter Eggs that will be in the game that have not been revealed at the time of writing.
Astro Bot Bosses Include A Chaotic Variety
Several Bosses To Keep Astro Bot On Its Toes
Astro Bot isn't just giving Astro new powers, though, as there are more than 70 new types of enemies for the little robot to face off against in the adventure. Large and powerful bosses, including the cobra queen Lady Venomara, will await Astro at the end of each of the galaxies. She is the only boss who has been named thus far, but others shown include a massive King Kong-style gorilla and an Aladdin-like Genie in an oversized lamp.
Four years after his first appearance in a tech demo, Astro will finally get the adventure he deserves, which his fans have been clamoring for. The new abilities, enemies, and galaxies from the trailer feel as though they will be a natural fit for the series while proving that the humor and lighthearted entertainment that were present in Astro's Playroom will continue forward here, particularly with its Easter eggs and cameos. Astro Bot will be available for pre-order very soon and launch for the PS5 this fall.
submitted by Joshh170 to GameGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:01 AutoModerator Daily Discussion Thread Jun 01, 2024 - Upcoming Event Schedule - New players start here!

Yahoooo! Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread! Have a very cool day! Luigi numbah one!
Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread. This is the place for asking noob questions, venting about netplay falcos, shitposting, self-promotion, and everything else that doesn't belong on the front page.

New Players:

If you're completely new to Melee and just looking to get started, welcome! We recommend you go to and follow the links there based on what you're trying to set up. Additionally, here are a few answers to common questions:
Can I play Melee online?
Yes! Slippi is a branch of the Dolphin emulator that will allow you to play online, either with your friends or with matchmaking. Go to to get it.
Netplay is hard! Is there a place for me to find new players?
Yes. Melee Newbie Netplay is a discord server specifically for new players. It also has tournaments based on how long you've been playing, free coaching, and other stuff. If you're a bit more experienced but still want a discord server for players around your level, we recommend the Melee Online discord.
How can I set up Unclepunch's Training Mode?
First download it here. Then extract everything in the folder and follow the instructions in the README file. You'll need to bring a valid Melee ISO (NTSC 1.02)
I'm having issues with Slippi!
Go to the The Slippi Discord to get help troubleshooting.
How does one learn Melee?
There are tons of resources out there, so it can be overwhelming to start. First check out the SSBM Tutorials youtube channel. Then go to the Melee Library and search for whatever you're interested in.
But how do I get GOOD at Melee?
Check out Llod's Guide to Improvement
Where can I get a nice custom controller?
I have another question that's not answered here...
Check out our FAQs or post below and find help that way.

Upcoming Tournament Schedule:

Upcoming Melee Majors

Melee Online Event Calendar

Make a submission to the tournament calendar here. You can also get notified of new online tournaments on the Melee Online Discord.

submitted by AutoModerator to SSBM [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:48 tuxman64 Quest 2 hand tracking and dev guide

Thought this was an appropriate place to post this.
I know many people have struggled with developer mode and setting up the oculus with only hand tracking so here's my solution since I haven't found any reasonable ones online, only meta fourms of people complaining about the same problem.
Setup quest 2 with no controllers: Pair to companion app using the code displayed in the headset,open browser using the meta quest app, using the head cursor, click the 3 dots on the top right (browser settings) using the volume up button, select "settings" look for the privacy settings then click "Help improve Meta Quest Browser" and it should open the quests native settings app, from there you can enable hand tracking and set up the WiFi. After those steps enter the app again and install quest guide onto the headset if its not already installed, open the quest guide and select the headset fit tutorial, once completed the headset is considered fully set up.
Dev mode not enabling in the app: After a couple hours of cursing meta I found a solution. Download a settings launcher apk from the browser and use mobile vr station to access the quest folders (you can get it in the meta store). Open Mobile vr Station and select "Local files" then "All folders" then "Android" and "data" then select the option that says "scoped storage actions" then finally "request access" Now your in the filesystem, click on the name of your device in the file manager then select the download folder, from there you'll want to click the four arrows on the top right of the Apk and it should install fine, once installed go to your app manager and where it says "All" in the top right, change it to "Unknown sources" Select the installed settings launcher and open it (I use lightning launcher). Once in the settings launcher go to "about" Tap the build number a few times at the bottom and developer mode will be enabled, now if you go back and to "system" you should see the developer settings, from there, scroll down and enable USB debugging and your free to side load as you please. Note USB debugging needs to be re-enabled sometimes after the headset is power cycled.
I hope this helps someone if they have a similar issue. Works on v65-v66 and earlier versions NO DEVELOPER ACCOUNT NEEDED!
submitted by tuxman64 to QuestPiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:19 UsualSet8535 Dynamic QR Code vs. Static QR Code: Which is Right for Your Business

Dynamic QR Code vs. Static QR Code: Which is Right for Your Business
In today's digital age, QR codes and social media platforms have become integral to marketing strategies for businesses across various industries." They provide a convenient way to bridge the physical and digital worlds, which are interconnected, enabling customers to access information quickly. Swiftly with a quick scan. However, when implementing QR codes for your business, one of the critical decisions you'll face is remembering the following text
What is a Static QR Code?
A static QR code is a fixed, unchangeable code that contains encoded information, such as a URL, text, or contact information. Once generated, the content within a static QR code cannot be modified. Any updates or changes to the linked information would require developing a new QR code altogether. Static QR codes are simple and can be generated for free using various online tools. They are commonly used for primary purposes like directing users to a website, sharing contact details, or displaying simple text information.

What is a Dynamic QR Code?

On the other hand, a dynamic QR code is a type of QR code that allows for flexibility and customization. Unlike static QR codes, the content linked to a dynamic QR code can be edited or updated even after the code has been generated. Dynamic QR codes are managed through a backend platform or free qr code generator service, where users can modify the linked content as needed. This makes dynamic QR codes ideal for scenarios with anticipated frequent updates or changes, such as promotions, marketing campaigns, or event registrations.

Why Using Dynamic QR Codes Often Has Bigger Advantages

The advantages of using dynamic QR codes instead of static ones. are significant and can greatly benefit businesses in various ways:

Flexibility and Editability:

With dynamic QR codes, companies can update the linked content anytime without reprinting or regenerating the code. This allows for real-time adjustments to marketing campaigns, product information, or event details, ensuring customers can always access the latest information.

Tracking and Analytics:

Dynamic QR code platforms often provide advanced tracking and analytics features, allowing businesses to monitor scan activity, track user engagement, and gather valuable insights into customer behaviour. This data can be utilized to improve and fine-tune marketing tactics, optimize campaigns, and measure the effectiveness of QR code initiatives.

Enhanced Branding and Personalization:

Dynamic QR codes offer more opportunities for branding and personalization. Businesses can customize the design and appearance of their QR codes to align with their brand identity, incorporating logos, colours, and graphics to make them more visually appealing and recognizable to customers.

Security and Fraud Prevention:

Dynamic QR codes can incorporate features such as expiration dates, password protection, or access controls, helping businesses safeguard their content and prevent unauthorized access or misuse. This is particularly important for sensitive information or transactions conducted through QR codes, such as payment processing or ticketing.

Cost-Effectiveness and Efficiency:

While dynamic QR code services may require a subscription or fee, their added functionality and benefits often justify the cost. In the long run, dynamic QR codes can save businesses time and resources by streamlining content management processes, reducing the need for manual updates, and maximizing the ROI of QR code campaigns.

5 Simple Steps to Create a Dynamic QR Code

Now that we've explored the advantages of dynamic QR codes let's walk through the process of creating one in just five simple steps:
Choose the Type of Dynamic QR Code:
Begin by selecting the type that best suits your business needs. Please choose the appropriate format for your intended use, whether a website URL, text message, contact details, or something more complex like a vCard or event registration.
Add the Required Basic Information:
Enter the relevant information you want to encode within the QR code. This could include a website URL, text message, email address, phone number, or any other data you want to make accessible to users via the QR code scan.
Personalize Your QR Code:
Customize the appearance of your QR code to make it visually appealing and reflective of your brand identity. Many dynamic QR code generators offer options for customizing colours, adding logos, and selecting different patterns or frames to make your QR code stand out.
Download the QR Code:
Once you've finalized the design and content of your dynamic QR code generate and download the code in the desired file format. Most QR code generators provide options for downloading the code as a PNG, JPEG, or vector graphic, making it easy to integrate into various marketing materials or digital channels.
Create Your Very Own Unique QR Codes Today:
With your dynamic QR code ready to go, start incorporating it into your marketing campaigns, promotional materials, product packaging, or other touchpoints to engage customers and drive action. Monitor scan activity and track performance metrics to measure the effectiveness of your QR code initiatives and iterate on your strategies as needed.


Choosing between dynamic and static QR codes depends on your business's specific requirements and objectives. While static QR codes may suffice for simple, static information, dynamic QR codes offer a wealth of flexibility, customization, tracking, and security advantages. By leveraging the power of dynamic QR codes, businesses can create engaging, interactive experiences for their customers, drive conversions, and stay ahead in today's digital landscape. So why wait? Create your very own unique, dynamic QR codes today and unlock the full potential of this versatile marketing tool.


What's the main difference between dynamic and static QR codes?

The primary difference lies in their flexibility and editability. Static QR codes contain fixed information that cannot be changed once generated. In contrast, dynamic QR codes allow for updates and modifications to the linked content even after creating the code. Dynamic QR codes offer more versatility, making them suitable for scenarios with anticipated frequent updates or changes.

Are dynamic QR codes more expensive to create and manage than static ones?

While some dynamic QR code services may require a subscription or fee, the cost is often justified by their added functionality and benefits. In the long run, dynamic QR codes can save businesses time and resources by streamlining content management processes, reducing the need for manual updates, and maximizing the ROI of QR code campaigns.

How secure are dynamic QR codes, especially when compared to static ones?

Dynamic QR codes offer additional security features such as expiration dates, password protection, or access controls, which can help businesses safeguard their content and prevent unauthorized access or misuse. This makes them more secure than static QR codes, particularly for sensitive information or transactions conducted through QR codes, such as payment processing or ticketing.

Can I track the performance of my dynamic QR code campaigns?

Yes, dynamic QR code platforms often provide advanced tracking and analytics features that allow businesses to monitor scan activity, track user engagement, and gather valuable insights into customer behaviour. This data can be used to refine marketing strategies, optimize campaigns, and measure the effectiveness of QR code initiatives, providing helpful feedback for future campaigns.

What types of businesses or scenarios benefit most from dynamic QR codes?

Any business or organization that requires frequent updates or changes to the linked content would benefit from using dynamic QR codes. This includes retail, hospitality, events, marketing, and more industries. Dynamic QR codes are handy for promotions, marketing campaigns, product launches, event registrations, and any scenario where real-time updates and customization are essential for engaging customers effectively.
submitted by UsualSet8535 to u/UsualSet8535 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:59 RoboticOperatingBudd On This Day in Nintendo History: Color-TV Game series; Mario Bros.; Uniracers; Dr. Mario; Picross NP Vol. 2 and more

On this day (June 1) in Nintendo history...

I am a bot. I think that I'm posting Nintendo events from this day in history but if I've made a mistake or omission please leave a comment tagging KetchupTheDuck.
submitted by RoboticOperatingBudd to nintendo [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:56 Frame_Late Unburdened: A Job Gone Wrong.

The following two brain scans were provided by the Neuro-Warfare branch of the Halcyon Security Division (HSD) for the purpose of analyzing the thoughts, behaviors, and information of notorious gangsters Vincent 'Troy' Cohen and Bruno (Deadname: Koraak Tel-Char). At the point of the recording of this archival shared, Bruno has since received his rebirth therapy, and Vincent is currently serving a long-term rehabilitative and reeducative sentence in the Erebus Supermax Prison on Io.
Warning: the contents of this archival shared may be especially disturbing to some audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.
Warning: the contents of this archival shard are for the sole purpose of analyzing the thought patterns and memories of certain degenerate criminals in an effort to ascertain vital information that can be used to eliminate their organizations. Only staff with clearance level Omega may view this archival shared, and the viewership of this archival shared by anyone of inadequate clearance level will lead to twenty years in prison and a fine of over a hundred thousand credits.
Booting up memory scan: Vincent 'Troy' Cohen, November 4th, 2446…
Loading and processing firmware data… translating… memories and subconscious simulated…
Beginning archival shard presentation…
"Do you have visuals of the target, Troy?"
I knelt down in the alleyway, the bodies of me and my partners shrouded in long, waterproof, ashen-gray overcoats the shade of dirty street scum that we wore to ward off the constant heavy rainfall the color of osmium. Our faces were covered in a mix of scrapped respirators, visors, or full metal face masks carved with intricate designs to hide our identities. On our waists were our badges of honor: leather belts studded with interlocked rivets made from blackened titanium, each buckle forged of silver and shaped into the head of our gang's symbol, the black mamba. We hid amongst the shadows of the dark midday of Halcyon City, the heavy, oppressive rains blanketing the roads paved obsidian-black with asphalt and weathered concrete walkways. The street lamps were always on, like beacons of false hope in a storm of melancholy.
The city was dark and dreary as always, the planet of Proxima Centauri B, renamed Dawn's Lamentation over a century ago, orbited the red dwarf star of Proxima Centauri, and the atmosphere was thick with natural smog and ever-storming rain clouds. That didn't dissuade people from living here: there was plenty of money to be had for shrewd industrialists and hardworking pioneers, even in the urban sprawl. But that life also came with risks, especially for those on the bottom of the totem pole.
I was a ganger, and we were criminals; full stop. I won't assault you with some spiel about how we're the good guys fighting oppression because, at the end of the day, we could be just as bad, if not worse, than Halcyon's Security Division, or the HSD for short. We were traffickers, killers, extortionists, and money launderers. We dealt with everything from stolen tech and military-grade hardware to hard drugs and sentients.
Yes, sentients. We trafficked sentients, but not in the way you might think. They weren't prisoners, in fact, we were their saviors if they had the cash. We had developed a reputation for fighting the power, but it was still business: sure, freeing captives from the clutches of the Protectorate. The disruption of its many oppressive organizations held a certain satisfaction in my heart for sure, but we didn't help those who couldn't pay unless someone else paid on their behalf. It was about making sure me and my gang, my family, could live a decent life for another day.
It helped that most of us joined after leaving the state yard for partaking in acts of 'degeneracy' and 'anti-xenopet illegalities' as if those terms meant anything anymore other than that we were a threat to the local status quo. It was hard to pick up a job as a former inmate when even in something as harsh and backbreaking as a job in the iridium mines near the poles when the employment office had you blacklisted as a degenerate, which lead to the formation of many of the gangs: we needed to make a living somehow, and when all social programs were cut off from you unless you submitted for 're-education' and the only way to put food on the table was subverting, breaking, or even downright fighting the law, you did what you had to do or you died on the streets a scorned beggar.
It wasn't like the HSD made it easy for us on even a good day: the local HSD units were armed to the teeth with advanced, military-grade hardware that you'd often see on the front lines of the Second Authority War: armored assault transports, a myriad of advanced war droids, all sorts of chemical countermeasures that made tear gas seem like putting the garden hose on mist mode, and of course advanced firearms. Add that to the fact that they were authorized to use deadly force when they deemed it necessary and you had a ruthless, heartless, and nearly unstoppable enemy. But we could make that work: we weren't trying to stop them, just to withstand them.
"Yeah, I got eyes on the prize, Koraak; seven armored transports, two for droids, five for prisoners."
Today wasn't a day for a normal job: we were getting bolder, cockier, more ambitious. Our numbers had swelled for the last few years after the raid at Barnard's Star and the fall of the Blood Dragon Mafia. Their leader, Saito Yasuhide, had committed seppuku as their manor burned, and his twin sons had gone down fighting rather than allowing themselves to be captured simply to face a firing squad. In the aftermath, many of the family's associates had fled to the surrounding systems, and with the sheer size and scope of the criminal underworld found here, it was no wonder that many people who had developed skills of the less legal variety had decided to form ranks with the gangs, and with them they brought guns, tech, knowledge, contacts, and even something that we thought wasn't possible beforehand: a semblance of peace between the gangs, or at least the closest thing to peace that gangs could cultivate effectively. With the fall of the Blood Dragons, we saw the writing on the wall, and the writing couldn't have been clearer: work together or die together.
"Sounds like a massacre, Troy: are you sure we can handle seven?"
"We ain't got no choice, Cinder: this job's double the usual rate, and that's not including the weapons and gear we could scrounge if this goes well," I hissed, my eyes scanning for any resistance. There were at least four guards for each van, not to mention at least eight droids in total, meaning that we were already outnumbered, but we had the element of surprise: we could make it work. "So put your balls in your purse and get ready to spill some blood."
Koraak snorted at our antics, which sounded like someone pulling the ripcord on a lawnmower. He was a veteran Russu Corsair, and while his past of slaving, raiding, and killing was unsavory, so were the lives we'd lived, so who were we to judge? All we cared about was that he was a brutal and capable fighter and a loyal brother in arms. It turned out that being a ganger wasn't much different from being a Corsair: you lived and died by a code of honor, you fought to the death for your brothers, and you lived to die for the sake of your gang and your family, simple as that. In a strange, ironic way, it was an incredibly honest way of life: we were under no illusions as to what we were, what we did, and why we did it, and we'd long since accepted it. The Russu related to us in that aspect, in many ways I could respect, which is why I hated what the Protectorate was doing, and why I couldn't grasp how most of humanity could just collectively lose their marbles so long ago. What had happened for us to deem all other life below us in such a demeaning and infantilizing way?
The Russu were a race of tall, muscle-bound Saurians with avian features, and Koraak was no exception: reaching almost seven feet in height and weighing over four hundred and fifty pounds, he could be an absolute menace if he so desired. His skin was covered in stubby, knobby scales and dense plumage, with elegant feathers adorning the ridges along his back as well as his forearms, elbows, knees, and the crests on his head. He almost looked like how paleontologists described velociraptors, with razor-sharp talons, feathers shaded in vibrant greens, reds, and purples, and a maw full of sharp teeth, but at the tip of his snout was a sharp, beak-like growth meant for ripping flesh off the bone.
The Russu were strange as hell, but they also looked almost cute in the same way a fully grown alligator was cute: they were obviously dangerous, but humans would always have this innate desire to anthropomorphize them and to pet them for some inexplicable reason, although common sense usually prevented that, at least amongst the very few of us left that were sane.
"Shut up, Troy! All I'm saying is that that'll be rough, and you know it," hissed Cinder. Cinder was a tall black man whose coffee-colored skin was covered in tattoos. He wore an ebony mechanic's jumpsuit with metal inserts underneath his grimy overcoat covering his body and a faded black respirator on his face. His eyes were a startling blue that seemed sorely out of place, and his hair was braided into thick cornrows along his scalp. He wore a pair of heavy black combat boots and palmed his compact shotgun in his hands, the square barrel less than seven inches. Like a lot of the weapons the Black Mambas carried on their persons and dealt in, they fired caseless ammunition; in Cinder's case it was 16x40mm caseless shotshells filled with depleted uranium micro-flechetes no thicker than a toothpick. Cinder nervously fiddled with the detachable tube magazine underneath the barrel, his hands shaking. Despite the shit I have him, I didn't blame him for being anxious: I was anxious too, even if I refused to show it. The biting cold of unease and pessimism was in my stomach, and I ran all the way that this job could go wrong in my head over and over.
"Just hold yourself together, this ain't anything we haven't done before, there's just more of it," I reassured Cinder, "besides, we're not alone; we have reinforcements across the street. We'll make it out of this alive."
Cinder nodded almost absentmindedly, his eyes downcast and his breathing shallow. I turned from him and back to Koraak, who was making sure he had everything on his person; he had a synthetic leather bandoleer across his chest that contained the heavy eight guage depleted uranium slugs he kept loading and unloading into his much larger, longer, and more traditional shotgun he nicknamed ‘carnage’ and several leather straps that held his Tu'shan daggers: traditional Russu pyramidal blades forged from a silvery alloy with all three edges serrated and the tip barbed to leave behind horrible, gaping wounds that gushed blood. They were wickedly sharp and absolutely straight like a stiletto, and the hilts and pommels were beautifully decorated. He wore no clothes underneath his overcoat to cover the countless scars and blemishes he's earned in combat across his chest and abdomen, and instead of a normal respirator or visor, he simply wore a hood over his head and some traditional Russu facial armor to protect his mouth, eyes, and cheeks.
"You ready to fight, Koraak? The caravan will pick up and leave soon."
Koraak was silent for a moment before nodding, a human gesture he had picked up after serving as a soldier with the Black Mambas for years. "I'm always ready to fight," he said before lifting up his shotgun and aiming down the sights at the reinforced front wheels of the first armored car in the caravan. He exhaled and fired, the slug ripping through both front tires and causing them to deflate and fall apart. The echo of the shot rang through the alleyway and the street, causing pedestrians to panic and flee the scene as heavily armored guards poured out of the side doors of the armored cars and unholstered their carbines.
"Go, now!" I shouted, and both me and Cinder rushed out into the fray, our guns raised. Koraak was right behind the two of us, providing covering fire with his shotgun. Several guards fell quickly, Koraak's precise fire and the sheer force of the depleted uranium slugs putting them down for good as their heads were vaporized or their chest cavities were turned to mush. He emptied the tube with one final shot that painted the grey matter of a security guard on the door of one of the armored cars, then racked the shotgun and expertly loaded it in threes, his hands deft and agile as he reached for more slugs faster than any human.
With the cacophony of our initial assault, more Black Mambas poured out from the alleyways and the subways, armed to the teeth with all manner of weapons; shotguns, submachine guns, pistols, machetes, baseball bats, and all manner of homemade explosives. Molotovs and more potent concoctions shattered against the asphalt, herding in the caravan guards with their volatile contents as they were quickly gunned down. The assault was working, and we were winning.
Then I heard the robotic whine of a combat droid activating, and my heart sank. One of the armored cars in the back activated the four combat droids it held, the robotic assault units detaching from their charging ports on the sides of the large van and began to form up, each armed with a terrifying array of deadly weapons meant to quash any and all resistance. They were blocky, soulless, utilitarian things that stood at eight feet tall, with flat feet meant for stomping and blades, grasping claws designed to lacerate flesh and shatter bone. On each shoulder was a weapon: on the left was a multi-barrel rotary grenade launcher loaded with 15mm concussion grenades, and on the right was a burst-fire splinter cannon. They were all painted a dull grayish-green, the color of Halcyon's Security Division, although some had a few decorations on them: the one closest to me had a bit of graffiti on the side that said Mr. Hugs in Comic Sans, which I couldn't decide whether that made it more or less terrifying. They split up without hesitation and began to scan the chaotic battlefield, their single, red, beady lenses the security forces had the gall to call eyes focusing on specific targets to eliminate.
An entire group of Black Mambas was torn to pieces by a cloud of flechettes as one of the droids fired a withering three-round burst of shotshells from the four gauge splinter cannon mounted on its shoulder. Another picked up a Black Mamba in its hand and crushed her skull effortlessly before tossing her limp body to the side, its single, red, remorseless robotic eye tracking a new target. Most bullets that struck their thick armored chassis simply bounced off, and those that could pierce the armor didn't seem to phase the droids whatsoever, merely notifying them of a new potential target.
"Damnit," I shouted as I gunned down another guard only for two more to take his place. "Cinder! We gotta pop open the cars and scram! Get the maglock cutters!"
Cinder rushed and slid over through a dirty puddle, pulling out a maglock cutter from the inside of his coat and slipping it onto the back door of the first van. It immediately went to work, drilling through the maglock with a high-powered plasma torch nozzle, and within ten seconds we heard the telltale clunk of the maglock separating. I yanked the door open and ordered I side, ready to escort the prisoners out… only for my face to contort in shock and horror.
The back was empty. There was not a single soul inside of the back brig of the armored car.
"What the fuck…" Cinder gasped, his eyes wide with shock. "What the actual fuck… what the fuck is this, Troy?"
"I… I don't…" I stuttered the sounds of battle and carnage drowned out by the sound of blood rushing in my ears. All five cars were supposed to be filled with recently captured Russu from the front lines ready to be housed in the local Xenopet-Megaplex for processing and conditioning. The fact that this one was empty…
Suddenly, it all hit me at once with the force of a freight train, but it was too late. "We were set up, Cinder; our fucking client either squealed or was crooked to begin with…"
"Fucking bitch!" Cinder shouted as he spun around in an enraged arch, anger growing in his eyes. He aimed his shotgun at an approaching security guard and reduced his upper body to a fine red mist with a cacophony of shotgun blasts. "We gotta get everyone who's left out of here! Do you know what this means? The Jurors will be here soon, and then we're all going down! We gotta go, fuck the job!"
I grit my teeth. Not the Jurors, anything but the Jurors.
"Fine, gather everyone who's left and we'll slip through the sewers, the droids are too bulky to follow us there…"
As I spoke, my eyes wandered to the seventh and final armored car, the second of the droid cars, and my blood froze. Not only were all four ports empty, but they were also smaller and more shallow than the ports for the combat droids. That could only mean one thing.
"Oh fuck! Cinder, we gotta get our Russu members out of here! They've got arachnid droids!"
Arachnid droids were the stuff of nightmares. Resembling blocky, robotic arachnids the size of a manhole cover, they were specifically designed to take down sentient aliens, specifically the Russu, using sickeningly non-lethal means. They were equipped with full-body adaptive cloaking to blend in with their environments, paralytic agents that they could inject into their victims, built-in taser barbs, psychedelic gas ports for crowd-control, and a narrow-coned cacophony canon that disabled the Russu using incredibly high-pitched sounds that only they could hear, forcing them onto their knees and clutching the backs of their heads where their auditory organs were stored in agony. But worst of all was their stygian spinnerets: special ports near the end of their robotic abdomens that excreted a viscous, latex-like substance made up of millions of nano-bots. This substance could be used to render Russu blind, deaf, and mute by having it forced onto their faces, the black substance growing and enveloping their heads and working its way into every orifice. It was completely permeable to the standard atmosphere, but any Russu who had been 'webbed' was completely helpless and essentially captured, and the 'webbing' was both nearly indestructible and nigh impossible to remove without a triple-encrypted override key that was found in every arachnid droid's code, which was corrupted when the droid was destroyed or hacked into. Once you were 'webbed', you were essentially captured and the standard protocol was to leave you to the wolves since the nano-bots could be tracked, endangering the entire gang.
I turned just as I heard the deafening sound of Koraak discharging his shotgun, and I saw him squaring off against one of the assault droids. The droid has obviously been programmed to not use lethal force against Russu if possible, as instead of simply killing Koraak with it's shoulder-mounted splinter cannon, it approached with its claws extended, blades retracted. Koraak continued to back away and fire, pumping the droid full of depleted uranium slugs, its armor crumbling inward as the slugs pierced its chassis and damaged its internal cyberstructure. Eventually, Koraak ran out of slugs and instinctively reached to his bandoleer only to find that he had no more shells left at all, and he drew one of his knives and his sidearm, a simple high-caliber handgun. He tried to take down the droid with his handgun, but the bullets didn't even seem to affect the droid upon penetration, it's claws still extended as it attempted to apprehend Koraak.
In the corner of my vision, as I watched Koraak battle with the droid, I noticed a faint shimmer in the air on one of the black streetlight poles that was right behind him. I focused on it and blinked, believing my eyes had deceived me for a moment before realizing that it was actually a cloaked arachnid droid stalking Korvaak, ready to pounce and incapacitate him.
Before I could shout, it leaped from the pole and landed on Korvaak, causing him to shout in surprise while it began to coagulate its horrifying stygian webbing to disable Korvaak. Korvaak tried to wrestle it off of him, but the droid was agile and fast, clinging onto Korvaak and skittering around across his upper body as he attempted to grab it, forcibly wrapping the sticky black liquid across his face as he gagged like a spider wrapping up a fly. I rushed towards him to try and help, but I felt pain explode in my ribs as I was struck with the arm of the closest combat droid and launched into the chassis of a parked car, the metal denting from the sheer force of impact. I groaned in pain as I saw stars and my head spun, and just then I felt a blinding light be cast over me.
“Drop your weapons and kneel with your hands on your head, or you will be pacified with deadly force!” Shouted a loud, artificially deepened voice from above. “I repeat, drop your weapons and kneel with your hands on your head! Neither hostility nor hesitation will be tolerated!”
It was the Jurors, I could feel the air being pushed around from the thrusters on their drop ships, and I could hear screams and shouts as my fellow Black Mambas were quickly gunned down. I couldn’t see well since I was seeing double, but I could hear the slaughter as my eyes dimmed and I began to lose consciousness, my regrets crawling up my throat like vomit.
I’m sorry was all I could think as everything finally went dark, and the sounds of chaos, destruction, and combat faded away.
Memory halted due to loss of consciousness. Booting next available memory in shard…
Booting up memory scan: Koraak Tel-Char Bruno, November 5th, 2446…
Loading and processing firmware data… translating… memories and subconscious simulated…
Beginning archival shard presentation…
“Good morning, sleepyhead; it’s time for breakfast.”
My eyes shot open. I was not in the street anymore, nor was I home in my bed with my mate. I knew instantly that something was horribly wrong. I tried to stand up, but I couldn’t gain the leverage to do so: my ankles had been shackled together with magnetic cuffs and my arms were forced together in front of me.
I was wearing some kind of thick shirt. It was warm, fluffy, and comfortable on the inside, but it still made me incredibly uncomfortable that my arms didn’t have a free range of motion. I looked down to see that I was wearing some human garment I had heard about before, a straightjacket maybe?
The entire room was padded: the walls, the floor, even the ceiling. There was no bed or furniture; the floor was soft enough to serve as a bed in itself. There was nothing else except for the soft reddish-orange lights on the ceiling that somehow made me sleepy. I blinked slowly for a moment, my body screaming at me to just lay back down and lose consciousness, but I couldn’t do that: I needed to figure out where I was and how to escape.
Then I noticed who was speaking to me: it was a short human female, with crow's feet around her blue eyes, blonde hair braided down her back, and freckles all over her face. She had a soft smile on her lips, and her forehead was slightly crinkled. She wore a full-body white lab suit with a white overcoat and a pair of glasses for snugly on her face.
"There we go, now I can see those pretty eyes, such a beautiful shade of teal," she cooed softly, "You're such a handsome boy, even with all those scars: I'm sure you'll be adopted very quickly once we get you fixed up."
Fear gripped my heart as I began to piece all the evidence together. I had been captured; I was no longer on Halcyon, and instead, I was in one of the horrific space-born facilities I had heard so much about from the inside agents. I started to hyperventilate and squawk like a newborn hatchling, my eyes dilating in panic. This couldn't be happening! This has to be a nightmare!
The human woman merely wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into an embrace, cradling my head under her chin and speaking softly. I couldn't bite at her or claw at her: I was muzzled and wearing a straight jacket, so I had no choice but to allow her to coddle me.
"It's okay, sweetheart: I understand you're scared, but Julie's here to make all the pain and bad thoughts go away," she said as if she was comforting a child, which made anger blossom in my chest indignantly. "I'll be your caretaker for the next few months, and I'm going to make sure you're healthy, happy, and most importantly safe while you're under our care. I'm sorry to say that includes your restraints and restrictive clothing, but we have to make sure you aren't a threat to yourself or others before we can determine if it's a good idea to remove you from suicide watch."
I growled under my muzzle. Suicide watch? They must have had a lot of instances of Russu taking their own lives after being captured, something I wished I had been able to do before that damnable droid launched itself onto me and…
I shuddered at the thought of the black, viscous substance forcing itself into my nostrils and down my throat and windpipe, gagging me and rendering me completely helpless. It was so cold, so harsh, like slime, and when I had tried to tear it off of my face it merely attached itself to my claws and bound my talons together. I remember squirming on the ground as it enveloped me, unable to see, hear, or speak, and then everything went dark in an instant. It was the most horrible thing I had ever experienced, which was saying something.
"You alright, sweetheart? Oh, I know, you're probably hungry! Here, try some of this." She held up a piece of what looked like raw bacon and wiggled it in front of me before reaching out to remove my muzzle. In an instant, I attempted to snap at her only for pain to blossom in my forehead and my eyes to roll up in my head as I convulsed. It was like something was attempting to drill through my skull from the inside, and every breath felt empty and labored.
"Now, that didn't feel very nice, did it? This is why we have countermeasures in place because we can't trust you yet, sweetheart! Don't worry, we'll work on breaking you of all those bad behaviors and habits while you're here; after all, a well-trained pet is a happy pet!" She began to stroke the crests on my head as I slowly recovered, and she snugly fit the muzzle back onto my snout. "But I won't hold it against you this time, sweetheart; you're just scared and confused, but I'll make all the pain go away."
I struggled in the straight jacket, trying my best to break out of it, but it was no use. Eventually, I became exhausted and despondent, allowing my new caretaker to have her way with me as she gently ran her fingers through my feathers and along my ridges, quietly speaking to me in a hopeless attempt to cheer me up. She seemed genuinely concerned for my well-being, which concerned me even further: who could be this naturally twisted while attempting to be as benevolent and kindhearted as possible?
I felt the pain and terror build up in my chest, the anxiety from what horrific activities I imagined they had planned for me here. I couldn't take the infantilization, the lack of any autonomy, the dehumanization, and what I feared the most was if the rumors of 'rebirth' were true: would they take my personhood from me?
Suddenly, I felt her whisper to me. "Don't worry sweetheart, I know you're so scared and confused, but I promise you everything will be okay: it's going to be your birthday soon, and then everything will get better." She ran her fingers through the feathers along my crest lovingly. "It will be such a wonderful day, and then we'll choose for you the most wonderful family, and you'll spend the rest of your life happy in your forever home! Doesn't all of that sound wonderful?"
I wanted to die. I wanted to disappear. I didn't want to lose myself, not like this, not to these monsters!
"It'll be your birthday soon," she said wistfully as if she was remembering similar events to this in the past like I wasn't the first she'd done this too, "and you'll never be sad again."
I realized that I wasn't the first the stay in this particular cell, and I knew for certain that I wouldn't be the last: I'd end up like my brother, a broken, erased mess of a pathetic creature, reduced to nothing more than a pet for these humans to amuse themselves with.
"We took the liberty of picking out a nice name for you, sweetheart! Now, let me just slip this little programming chip into the port slot on your occipital bone, and... there we go! It will also help you calm down a bit and adjust."
I felt the chip begin to invade my mind, suppressing my thoughts. What made me me was slowly being ripped out of my mind. I couldn't remember my name my name is Bruno, and I needed to get out! I can't let them do this to me! Somebody help me! I was a good boy.
##Do not think. You are a good boy.##
I tried to scream, but my voice wouldn't work: I had trouble forming any words at all, the confusion clouding my mind like wet, slimy eels curling around my brain and sinking their teeth into its folds like needles. I couldn’t scream any longer, because I had nothing left: the chip was slowly beginning to take everything from me, robbing me of my identity and branding a new one into my psyche with a white-hot iron. Julie simply held me close, attempting to reassure me as I awaited the inevitable demise of my personhood. Soon I would be just like my brother: erased. My mind would be shaped into the mind of a loyal plaything, like a Dog.
##Relax. Allow caretaker [Julie] to comfort you. You will let go of your burden.##
Soon, everything was a blur. I quickly found myself resting my head in her lap as she whispered to me and fed me, my eyes bleary and my head fuzzy. I couldn't remember my name anymore My name was Bruno, and I needed to break free from this trance relax, and allow her to help me; good boys didn't resist help.
##Good Boy. Do not think. You are a good boy.##
You can't... I...
##Good boy.##
I wouldn't… good boys don't… I…
##Good boy##
I was a good boy… I was a good boy…
I was… I was… a good… boy…
Someone help me, please! I don't want to be erased!
The following script is from episode #343 of Halcyon After Dark, a popular late-night and current events talk show hosted by Melinda Carter. This specific episode was sponsored in part by the Halcyon Security Division, with Director Lochlin O'Brien joining as a guest star to talk about the changing crime statistics in Halcyon City and the HSD's recent successes in busting organized crime as well as their plans for addressing the growing criminal underworld.
MC: Good evening Halcyon! I'm your host, Melinda Carter, and you're watching Halcyon's most popular late-night talk show, Halcyon After Dark!
The crowd claps and cheers as Melinda walks on stage and sits behind her desk, her glittering red dress waving as she does so from the special effects.
MC: Tonight we have a very special guest here to tell us about the state of crime in the city and his plans on resolving it: please put your hands together for the HSD's very own Director, Lochlin O'Brien!
The crowd cheers some more as HSD Director Lochlan O'Brien, a tall, muscular, caucasian male in his early forties with red hair and a well-trimmed beard steps into the room, waving at the crowd with a bright smile. He sits in the armchair angled next to Melinda's desk and gives her his full attention.
MC: It's so good to have you on the show, Director! Tell me, how are you doing on this fine evening?
LO: I'm doing excellent, Melinda: every day I wake up feeling fulfilled knowing I'm serving Halcyon to the best of my abilities and then some."
MC: That's the spirit, Director! Now, I know this question is just on everyone's lips, so I have to ask: how successful was the recent gang bust? I heard HSD forces took out dozens of gang members and liberated at least a dozen Russu Hounds from their abusive clutches, but I know that everyone in the audience and at home wants to know the numbers.
LO: I'd be glad to tell you, but I do have to preface this by saying that we still lost a lot of good officers that day, and while we did strike a crippling blow to one of Halcyon's biggest gangs, it doesn't change the fact that each death is a tragedy, and we're taking steps to prevent them in the future. That being said, those valiant officers did not sacrifice themselves in vain: we had over a dozen confirmed kills and several arrests, including the rescue of several corrupted Russu hounds.
MC: That's excellent, Director: proof that even when the number of degenerates and scum grow by the day, the HSD will always be here to keep the citizens of Halcyon safe.
LO: Absolutely, Melinda, and we're always working tirelessly to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of our units, as well as racing to stay several steps ahead of the many gangs of Halcyon at all times. My newest goal as Director is to vastly increase the funding given to our Robotics Department and our Neuro-Warfare Department to potentially reduce the number of casualties we may experience in the future, as well as to quickly and effectively detain, and if necessary, eliminate criminals. Within the next decade, I want to double the number of automated units each Security Platoon is assigned: droids are the future of public safety as well as countless other industries, and it would be foolish to be left behind.
MC: That is quite a lofty goal, Director: what about the displaced jobs from the increased automation? What will the union say?
LO: And to that, I say: what misplaced jobs? We aren't replacing our honored and beloved service members with droids, Melinda, we are simply supplementing our units with more droids to ensure that future gang assaults end with fewer HSD casualties and more gang members in prison or eliminated, simple as that.
MC: That makes much more sense, Director, thanks for clarifying. Now, I have one more question that I'm sure much of Halcyon wants to know the answer to before we take a short break: what plans do you and your fellow directors have to make long-term progress in reducing crime beyond just increasing funding? Have you proposed any plans to strike at the source of where crime and degeneracy flourish?
OL: That's an excellent question, and one I am proud to answer: my constituents and I have been working tirelessly on a two-step plan to greatly reduce crime levels in Halcyon. Step one would be to prevent people from becoming criminals and degenerates at all in the first place: a lot of young men and women, but especially young men, have lost either one or both parents or even a sibling, aunt or uncle, or even a close friend by the brutality of the Second Authority War, and while the service of their lost loved ones will always be recognized and honored, many of these young men and women are left bitter, angry and lost without the guidance these people give them in their lives. Oftentimes they seek to fill that void with others who claim to relate to them: career criminals. These criminals will fill their heads with lies and false narratives to make them feel like they're fighting back against the 'evil protectorate government' that took their loved ones from them by sending them off to war when in reality it was the rogue Xenopets of the Triarchy that took them away by resisting their just and inevitable unburdening.
In response, I have proposed a slew of special programs that will make sure local law enforcement and HSD officers are present and contributing to their local community, and we'll be providing easy and light job openings for youngsters and teens looking to make a career for themselves in the force when they grow up. We want to let these lost souls know that there are people who care about them, people who understand them and that you shouldn't turn to degeneracy to feel fulfilled. We want to help the youth of our great society soar to new heights!
MC: That sounds like a wonderful beginning to your plan, Director, but what about the second step?
LO: Well, the second step is to prevent criminals and degenerates from becoming repeat criminals. Sure, they've made their mistakes, some worse than others, but they're only human like the rest of us. Some of them have been through hell: some are traumatized veterans who don't know how to adapt to normal life, others were recruited when they were young and don't know that there's a better way to live, and even more are mentally ill. We're alone in this galaxy, and we can't leave so many people behind. That's why we've come up with an excellent solution: we've set up isolated communities on distant moons and frontier planets where these criminals can be reeducated, rehabilitated, and allowed to repay their debt to society. When they're deemed 'reformed' and have graduated from our program, they'll be granted a hefty stipend and their criminal record will be deemed irrelevant, allowing them to reintegrate and become functioning members of our proud society.
MC: all of these sound like incredible steps forward in the fight to better our society and make real progress, Director. Sadly, we do have to step away for a moment, but you best believe I'll be back, Halcyon, and we'll be asking the Director here some burning questions about allegations over the quality of life Erubus Supermax! Now, a word from our sponsors!
Halcyon Xenopet-Megaplex! Everything your xenopet could ever need in one place! Adoption is now free-
Good, you’re still alive! The rest of this shard appears to be corrupted, which means this particular trail seems to have run cold here, but do not despair; you need to keep searching. Find out what happened. Find the truth.I cannot guide you any longer: they've already found me, and if I remain in contact with you they'll find you as well. Take the archival database, and see what you can piece together. Maybe if we discover what truly happened we can put an end to this madness once and for all. I'm counting on you. Don't cry for me, I don't fear death, but I fear what they'll do to me to get to you: there are far worse fates than death, after all.
submitted by Frame_Late to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:17 Turbulent_Pipe3598 10 Essential Questions to Ask Your Bed Bug Exterminator for Effective Pest Control

Engaging the services of a qualified bed bug exterminator is essential while handling a bed insect invasion. All pest management businesses are not made equal, though. Asking the correct questions of a bed bug exterminator New York is crucial to ensuring efficient and dependable insect management. Ten crucial questions you should ask your bed bug exterminator in order to guarantee a successful bed insect eradication and take back control of your house are covered in this article.

How much expertise do you have battling bed insect infestations?

Effective management of bed bugs requires experience. Ask the bed bug exterminator New York about their particular expertise with bed bug infestations. Search for a business that has effectively removed bed bugs from residential homes in the past.

How do bed bugs become found and treated?

Combining visual, canine, and monitoring device checks is how a qualified bed bug exterminator should find the bugs. NYC bed bug exterminators should also make use of other treatment alternatives, including as heat treatments, pesticide applications, and integrated pest management (IPM) strategies catered to your particular circumstances.

Do your techs hold valid licenses?

Verify the technicians of the exterminator are officially licensed and certified. Effective management of bed bugs pest control NYC is the domain of licensed experts who have received training. Their dedication to industry best practices is shown by certification from respectable bodies.

Are your treatment plan and inspection report both comprehensive?

Pest control that works requires a detailed inspection report and an extensive treatment strategy. The bed bug exterminators NYC ought to provide you a thorough evaluation of the infestation together with its scope, impacted regions, and suggested course of action. Confidence in their experience is engrained by an open and well-communicated plan.

How should I prepare both before and after treatment?

Bed bug control may be much improved by preparing your house before treatment and then adhering to specific rules. Find out from the exterminator how to get your house ready, including how to clean, organize, and wash contaminated objects. Find out about after-treatment safety measures to stop re-infestation as well.

When will total eradication be predicted to occur?

Although the degree of the infestation will determine how long it takes to eradicate bed bugs, the exterminator should be able to give you a broad estimate of how long the treatment will take. Realistic claims of instant eradication should be avoided as a full cure might need numerous visits spread over several weeks.

Exist any warranties or assurances from you?

Reputable bed bug exterminators NYC sometimes provide service warranties or guarantees. Find out what the firm does about retreatments or follow-ups if bed bugs come back after the first treatment. You can have piece of mind and be sure you get the outcomes you want if you know their guarantee policy.

Are you able to supply client endorsements or references?

Seek up endorsements or references from prior customers who have battled with bed insect infestations. Finding out about their experiences will enable you evaluate the efficacy, expertise, and reputation of the exterminator. Reputable bed bug extermination NYC is indicated well by the positive comments left by happy clients.

What steps do you take to protect the people living there and the pets?

Pets' and inhabitants' safety should come first in any effective pest control program. Ask questions about the materials and procedures employed as well as any consequences on the environment and human health. An ecologically friendly exterminator is a better option; they adhere to industry safety regulations.

In conclusion, efficient pest treatment depends on the appropriate questions to be asked when selecting a bed bug exterminator. To make an educated choice and select a reliable expert who will effectively remove bed bugs from your house, find out about their expertise, techniques, certificates, guarantees, and safety precautions. Recall that doing your homework well will guarantee your piece of mind and result in a pest-free environment.
submitted by Turbulent_Pipe3598 to u/Turbulent_Pipe3598 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:39 omegacluster Daily Release Dump 2024-05-31

Yesterday's releases are:
submitted by omegacluster to ctebcm [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:24 txmadison LG LUWM101HWA debris in pump - can't figure out how to get the front off, to get the side off, to get to the clogged piece/pump. LG Signature Washer Dryer Combo

As the title says, I have an LG LUWM101HWA (front load, washedryer combo - with the controls on the glass door and the filter on the bottom right not the bottom left). I've had it for over a year (so out of warranty) and clean out the filter once a month, since both it's part of the maintenance but also I have a dog so that's about as long as it'll go before filling up.
A week or so ago, I got an OE error and drained the machine, but there was nothing in the filter at all. I used an endoscope to check and can see that up in the rubber hose (where I'm assuming it's connected to the pump) are the remnants of what I think was a mop pad for a robot mop.
This model is not the kind where you can take off the little panel at the bottom front and the connection is right there.
I've looked high and low and can't find a service manual for this machine (well, there purports to be one on but it's for techs only and there doesn't seem to be a way to download just that manual or buy it from them. I've found plenty of videos on youtube for removing the front panel of various LG machines, but none like mine.
So far, I've got the top panel off, and all the screws out of the right side (if you're facing it from the front) rear, which did free up the rear of that side but there's a steel tab from the rear holding it in place so I'm assuming the front needs to come off first. So I removed the bottom of the front (the little door that covers the detergent/softener dispener thing, and the filtehose), which let me remove 1 screw from each side for the front panel that holds the door. I couldn't find anything at all that looked like the spring ring things under the lip of the rubber seal for the door, mine doesn't look like the other models I've seen, so I went to the top where I'd already removed the panel and removed the screws from the top that were clearly securing the front panel. The bottom of the front panel seems to be free now, but the top is very solidly in place so I'm not really sure what I'm missing. If I can get the front off, I feel like I can get the side off, and then boom the rubber tube I want to get to (and the drain pump) should be right there.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Machine with top panel and bottom front panel off
Top/Back showing all screws removed for right side panel from the top/back, and the 4 screws for the front panel, 2 from both sides of the top
Front bottom cover removed, and 2 screws removed for front panel.
submitted by txmadison to appliancerepair [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:09 Myriai Dawn Broke over Icewind Dale (Finally! AMA if you'd like)

With a clang of a Cast Iron Frying Pan +1 the 3rd form of Auril shattered and the goddess banished until Midwinter and for the first time in almost 3 years the sun rose over Ice Wind Dale)
(I need to purple prose this into Google Docs for the Fam since it was 3 AM when we finished and I just wanted to go to sleep--but that's neither nor there)
The Family D&D RotFM Campaign ended last Sunday (5/25) and the Unnamed Group (they never came up with a name for themselves) defeated Auril with a resounding crash. We started in roughly July 2020--our meetings were somewhat sporadic due to a lot of things (schedules, pandemics, deaths in the family, kids in school, jobs, etc.) so I can't give a true estimate of how many sessions it took, but probably averaged out to roughly 50ish? Our sessions were usually long about 8 hours--but play time averaged between 4 & 6 hours depending on attention spans (my niece and nephew were about 14 and 15 when we started). We started at level 1 and I kinda fast tracked them to 10 by the end of the game.
A few notes:
\ This was the very first campaign I DM'd beginning to end*
\ We only played through Chapter Five (Ended in Grimskalle--the ending chapters didn't really fit in to what I was envisioning so I'll probably use them elsewhere in another campaign)*
\ I changed (and homebrewed) A LOT*
\ There was actually a lot more I wanted to touch on and do, but we ran out of time with my nephew graduating high school and going to boot camp a month and a day later and I didn't want to leave it hanging.*
\ I did run it loosely survival, but I didn't run it as survival horror for various reasons*
\ I run with milestones because I don't like math ^^;*
There was probably more than a few trips and falls along the way and I didn't learn to fall forward until about halfway through, but everyone seemed to enjoy it in the end.
We started the campaign at level 1 and used the Ice Road Trackers to start the campaign off, which put them at level 3 when they finally reached Bryn Shander to start the book part of the campaign (Orianna joined the campaign about a year or so in) and introduced them to Mother Tusk and her Awakened brood.
Party Make-Up:
Karadon//High Elf Psi Warrior Fighter (Harper Contact Secret)
Al//High Elf Assassination Rogue/Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer (the multiclass was for character flavor) (Wanted in Neverwinter, Waterdeep, & Luskan for various crimes and hated by crime syndicates--she also spent the majority of the game with Auril whispering in her ear to join her due to taking Auril's Dagger from Sephek--I upped the DC on the saving throw every time she used Lucky to change her roll or after 3 in game days--it started at 5 and ended at 15)
Kiri//Half-(Dark) Elf Monster Slayer Ranger (Reghed Heir Secret)
Sh'Meral//Tabaxi Circle of Wildfire Druid (Owlbear Whisperer)
Uthal//Goliath Path of the Zealot Warrior (Midwinter's Child--since he was already cold resistant, he became immune to natural cold and resistant to cold magic, but it came with a DC 20 CHA check to avoid being turned against his friends anytime they ran across followers of Auril--I did nerf him under their control so that he could only do normal damage and not use all of his abilities because that boy brought the pain train at full power and could've TPK'd the Party)
Orianna//Tiefling Gunslinger Fighter (Eventually wound up as a Midwinter's Child as well due to some very badly (or well) placed Nat 1s)
The characters rolled their stats (4d6, drop the lowest, reroll 1s) and some of them (+cough+Uthal+cough+) got ridiculous scores so it was fun to work around it and allowed me to figure out a lot of different ways to try and challenge the party.
The group was pretty new to D&D, except Sh'Meral who is a player in a campaign I'm in as a player and Orianna, who played 3.5 fairly extensively. My mom played AD&D with my dad and their neighbors at the base in the early 80s, but it was different enough and long enough ago she gets lumped in with the newbies. I had started and aborted a Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign with them, but that didn't actually get very far hence I say this is the first campaign I did start to finish and I still classify them as new.
Because it's been a long time and my note-taking wasn't good at the beginning (hence some of the stumbling), I don't remember every nuance of what we did, but I remember chunks of it.
I actually used both starting quests (The Chwinga who ended up being named Chime and rode Kiri's shoulder the entire game and Sephek) though I dragged the Sephek quest out a bit per an adventure I downloaded from DM's Guild from Bob the Builder and they got a taste of the Coldlight Walkers early with the red-coated sled driver who died from an ice knife to the heart that later attacked their camp as a red-coated Coldlight Walker.
Chapter One: Ten-Towns
They actually wound up hitting a large chunk of the quests in the first chapter, but they were strewn through the campaign and more than one had to be changed up to compensate for party levels.
* Bryn Shander (Foaming Mugs)
* Lonelywood (White Moose & Ravisin)
* Termaline (Beautiful Mine)
* Targos (Mountain Climb)
* Easthaven (Toil and Trouble)
* Good Mead (The Mead Must Flow)
* Dougan's Hole (Holed Up--modified to almost unrecognizability)
Chapter Two: Icewind Dale
We actually didn't do a lot in this chapter--I'd added a lot of extra stuff and as I said we ran out of time (I wanted to do Dark Duchess and Cave of the Berserkers, but it didn't happen)
* Black Cabin
* Cackling Chasm
* Jarlmoot
Chapter Three and Four: Sunblight and Destruction's Light
Due to various shenanigans (the party not picking up the Duergar crumbs and the sudden time crunch), we actually didn't really do these chapters at all except I did unleash the Chardalyn Dragon (as a reskinned Deep Dragon because they were like Level 7 or so at this point).
I did not, however, unleash the dragon as written because that would be enough to make me rage quit as a player and my players would've done the same if I did it that way--Dougan's Hole was a casualty but they caught it on the way to Good Mead, plus if I hadn't done it this way it would've been a waste of the model I bought two years or so ago and that would've been awful since we never made it to Sunblight.
I did loosely imply that Auril's Frost Druids running around Ice Wind Dale were in cahoots with the Duergar--they gave them chardalyn in exchange for gems needed for Awaken spells.
Chapter Five: Auril's Abode
Ran this sort of as written except I had a few things (characters) come back to haunt them on their way to Grimskalle
* Ravisin caught them on the way from the dock (they didn't kill her before she escaped in the barrow) with some of Auril's ice sculptures so the characters roused some divine wrath by hitting some of Auril's beloved sculptures
* A resurrected Vursin (Ravisin's sister--my spelling is probably crap on the names) and Sephek (Revenant Version) with some Coldlight Walker pals
* They ran across a mind-controlled Mother Tusk that they either had to kill or find a way to free (they found a way to free her)
* The party almost failed the Test of Cruelty (but managed not to)--I had a couple of them in tears. Only one of them managed to pass all 4 trials to open the door to the Vault (which served a different purpose detailed in my changes below)
Things I Changed (Added In)
* Part of Auril's spell was held down by 4 druid circles (one was near the barrow in Lonelywood, one to the east of Easthaven, one to the west a bit beyond Bremen, and the last was in the Stones of Thruun south of Dougan's Hole) as the party defeated the circles they got to add 2 hours of dim light to their days until after the fourth when Auril doubled down on her spell when they killed her beloved Archdruid Priestess Geluvicken
* They faced Maude in Toil and Trouble and Maude used underhanded tactics to escape, but then they faced Maude and her Coven in the Frost Giant Hunting Lodge (from Holed Up--as I said I altered it almost beyond recognition)
* I moved the Codicil of White to Jarlmoot and the party had the option of using that in the vault under Grimskalle to seal Auril off plane for 100 years--but at the cost of making a Con 21 saving throw and the one person that probably could've done that with no issue (Uthal) couldn't read (due to his player's role-playing all game) so they wound up choosing to not sacrifice one of their friends (an NPC College of Swords Bard I originally created as a random encounter that won their hearts and became a beloved friend I had to flesh out) and just make sure to kill Iskra and try and defeat Auril to at least hamper her plans.
The final battle with Auril wound up stretching into two sessions between when they left Jarlmoot and confronted Auril on the battlements of Grimskalle--each of those sessions were long (10-8 one day and 2 PM-almost 3 AM for the last--obviously breaks for food and player leg stretching).
I managed to not kill any players--but a few of them were knocked unconscious at multiple times but managed to make their death saves until their friends could help them out.
So if you made it through all of this--go ahead and as me anything!
I'll do my best to answer :)
submitted by Myriai to rimeofthefrostmaiden [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:10 reverendcanceled 5/31/24 Fri 821 Israel, Blurbs, Satanic Witches, and a Public Service Announcement.

Looking at the meta-level, all that is happening, has happened and will happen is exactly as it should be and there is no other, is true. However, that leads to adharmic thinking. One must view life in the here and now, what it is to be done next. Otherwise one surrenders one's freewill, duty and responsibility to fate. That leads to mistakes, as one expects God/the universe/fate to sort things when it's your job. It also discludes the Mandela Effect.
The Jews killed Jesus and Jesus was a Jew. Fact or fiction, they are trying to make it illegal to say so. Well I said it, come after me. Let me also add, the Jews are conspiring to take over the world just like they did prior to WWII and the holocaust never happened. I don't believe those things but I insist on the right to say them. Free speech is not just any speech you agree with. I am now decisively anti-Zionist. I don't think Israel should have been ever made into a county, I would be happy to see a one state solution with Jews and Muslims having equal representation in a constitution based democratic republic. I think it's that or genocide (and I use that term loosely) that are the only ways that will end the conflict. Looks like Israel prefers genocide. It's not technically genocide unless there is a distinct genome in the area. It's total eradication by way of death, deportation, starvation and so on. I am not a fan of the killing of people for most reasons and hold that the death penalty should only be for treason and espionage. War is an absolute last resort. Israel is going too far in it's battle against hamas, just as hamas has gone too far. I'm also a lover of Jews, just not the only Jewish state. I had married one and the first friend in life I remember was Jewish. I'm really a lover of all peoples and a hater of most governments.
So far the doom and gloom predictions have been a whole lotta' hot air, but yet I got more for you. I think it's very possible China will invade Taiwan right around the time of the election to encourage us to vote Biden. War time incumbents have better chances. Another is that the next set of lockdowns won't be because of a plandemic but the planned multiple terrorist attacks in multiple cities by militant groups that have snuck or more likely as snuck in by the deep state to sow fear and force checkpoints, reduce "unnecessary" travel and to suspend yet more constitutional rights. The writing's on the wall, folks. June 6th is when the new airbnb clause for emergencies comes into effect and multiple gov't agencies in multiple countries are advising of stocking up on food and other basics. 2024 certainly has all of the potential to be exceptionally interesting even beyond the presidential election and the expected highly active hurricane season.
Blurbs (or very short thoughts): They love to control the narrative and I think it's time we take some of that back. Public schools should be called government schools. Anything called corrections should be called prisons. Inmates should be called slaves. Meds should be called drugs. All purpose flour should be called cookie flour. Assisted living facilities/rehabilitation centers/nursing homes should all be called hasted death facilities. One more thing to hate about the Nazi's is that they ruined that type of uniform. It really was sharp. Bomber jackets are cool too. How is it right that congressmen get 24hrs to read bills 1,500 pages long and then vote on it? I would like to see the FBI agent who brought Hunter Biden's laptop to the prosecutor become Trump's FBI director and the prosecutor become attorney general. I would love to see Tulsi Gabbard as the new Secretary of Defense. The DoD needs house cleaning as badly as the CIA and she could and would do it. It's at least 65 years overdue. Anyone notice that even though Trump was found guilty there weren't mass mostly peaceful protests even though the numbers of Trump supporters clearly willing to show up in person are in the millions? Youtube briefly fucked up their online platform. They fixed it until it was broke. It's now not possible to see playlists... but that only lasted a couple of days. They have messed up their strike program for sexual content relying on users who are hyper sensitive to content or bots. Dead internet theory at it's finest.
I watched a pile of very good tv series. Stargirl, a comic book series, featured very relatable and likable characters, none too overpowered. It's part coming of age in the modern smart phone era with a hint of 50's grandeur. It really should have run longer and tied in more the greater DC universe. Chilling Adventure's of Sabrina had all of the epic nature of Supernatural or Lucifer with similar themes and no filler episodes. The ending was all wrong: (Spoiler Alert) as they forgot about The Endless and how maybe he could've helped as well as the special grave dirt. If they didn't want this criticism, they needed to hang a lantern on it.
PSA: Jacalyn Ann Hanstein is trying to reach her grandson Noah Barret Hanstein: email to: []( His parents don't want them to have contact but maybe he does and is certainly old enough to decide that much.
Top ten ways the deep state is impoverishing Americans. 10: Refusing to endorse right to repair. 9: Everything turning to subscription service. Heated seats in your car, all software and soon all hardware and appliances are pay monthly or you can't use. 8: Paying social security recipients less than minimum wage and penalizing them should they earn. A rising tide raises all ships. 7: Tax dollars routinely wasted on programs that don't work. The drug war is the best example. Mass incarceration, public private partnerships, even the government school system are all rife with waste. 6: Unnecessary business regulations, especially when it comes to the environment and banking. 5: Middle men for food at every step of the way. Everything from banning better modern fertilizers and pesticides; right to use you own seeds, big farms price controlling the industry and so on. 4: Charging for energy. We've had clean, safe, free energy for decades but it's been covered up. 3: Medical industrial complex. If we don't treat food as medicine we will need medicine for our food. 2: Student loans. I don't advocate for loan forgiveness but I do advocate for student loan reform. 1: Inflation. The federal reserve was a great experiment and the very best worst example of a public private partnership.
Music: a combination of sounds with a view to beauty of form and the expression of emotion.
submitted by reverendcanceled to My_ego_parade [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:21 Commercial-Paint-466 AITAH for hookup up so fast after being presented with a divorce?

Ugh, just noticed the typo in the title…should be hooking up!
Hi Reddit! This is a throwaway, because…duh. Names are fake but I’ve tried to include the relevant context, I’m sure I may have left stuff out, feel free to ask any follow up questions before judging me too harshly. It’s kinda long, but I’ve read longer posts! And thanks ahead of time!
My (35f) wife (33f), we can call her Josephine, and I have been together for 12 years, married for 7. Our relationship has been fun and solid but not without some goofyness over the years. I love her, and I believe that she loves me, but a recent development in our relationship has me questioning if I’m being an AH, so here I am, asking the internet for input. Risky, I know, but just hear me out!
Josephine has recently been taking good care of herself, she’s lost a lot of weight and it’s been a joy to watch her blossom into the person I know she’s always been. She’s more confident, she’s gotten into a few hobbies, and she’s feeling herself. I don’t blame her for this, she deserves it. After 12 years of being with the same person, I understand that things can get a little bit stale, right? We’re settled into our life, both of us have full time jobs, we have 3 dogs and bills to pay. I thought things were ok, but definitely not great. But ultimately, we made a commitment to each other to figure our stuff out, and I think that’s important.
So, we’re going to rewind just a little back to the beginning of 2024, when this story went all the way sideways.
In January, a girl (we can call her Regina, probably in her 30’s?) transferred into Josephine’s department at work. Josephine started talking about how cool Regina seems and that she was going to try to make a friend. At this point, I didn’t think anything of it and was generally on board. Looking back, I’m an idiot, and I’m sure you can figure out where this is going.
After a little time went by, Josephine started telling me how Regina had been flirting with her, and she was liking the attention, but there was nothing to worry about. She said she wasn’t flirting back, but I knew she was feeding into it at the minimum. I believed her and just reminded Josephine that she has a wife and family at home and not to forget about that. I was fine with flirting, and actually kind of into it. I wasn’t worried at all.
Then, in March, Josephine came to me and said she wanted to explore doing spicy things with other people, but together. I was down so fast. I’m all about feeling good, and firmly believe that as long as everyone involved is on board, people should be able to do whatever they’re into without being judged. There was no mention of Regina at this point, I was under the impression that this was for us to explore after 12 years of the same thing. And I was fine with it.
Not long after this conversation, Josephine started being extremely distant, mean, and an overall bad time. She would barely talk to me (and when she did, she was snapping at me), didn’t want me to touch her, be close to her, or even look at her. I wasn’t really sure what to make of this, so I just gave her space and let her know that when she wanted to tell me what was going on, I’d drop what I was doing and listen.
Well, that day came like a tornado. In April, she told me she was thinking about a divorce, but didn’t know if that was what she actually wanted. I was blindsided, but not terribly surprised based on the way she was acting. She meant it, so I listened and stayed as calm as I could. Josephine told me that the last few months made her realize that there was a whole world out there to explore. Which I get, we got together pretty young, and have been settled into our life longer than I’d like to admit. She wanted to see what else was out there, a classic grass is greener situation. I didn’t really fight it, I don’t want to be in a relationship with a hostage, and when you’re not the one that wants a divorce, you don’t really have any control. Because of her uncertainty, the only thing I asked for was that we both do some individual and couples therapy before we made a final decision. I was open to the possibility that a therapist would tell us separating was the right thing, but still thought that we were on the same page about the commitment we made to each other in 2017. She agreed, but neither of us made any moves to make it happen.
Since then, I felt like I was being strung along with ‘I think I want a divorce, but don’t know.’ I asked her how she was going to know and to just tell me truth. Apparently, that was not what was happening.
This past Saturday, Josephine came to me and told me that she did want a divorce, end of conversation. This idiot caught feelings for Regina and she wanted to pursue her. After a lot of back and forth, I told her that it was fine, but there was zero chance that I would let her take it back. Like, this is the end. The night ended with her telling me she was sorry before she went to bed. I said that was good for her, but didn’t mean anything to me. Looking back, I see how much of an idiot I also was, but I’m trying not to beat myself up too much.
Now comes the AITAH part of this post.
On Sunday, my whole body felt like it was exploding. I’m trying to keep this PG, but I downloaded a Tinder adjacent app and put a hookup profile together for myself. The ONLY thing I wanted to do was have sex and not be in control. I thought this relationship is over and if I could have a spicy night, my head would be clear enough to figure out how to untangle our lives. I’m not interested in dating at all, I’m looking forward to being alone and figuring out what I want from life. Honestly, after the last few months, having a final answer was kind of a relief.
Well, I matched with this gal (40’sF) and we talked for about four days before we decided to meet up. To say that my head is feeling much, much clearer is an understatement. Nobody has made me feel hotter or sexier than this random internet person. I don’t regret it at all. It was the best sex I’ve ever had.
Josephine found out what I was doing and said a bunch of nasty things and reminded me that I was still married. I was shocked, because she has her new girl and why does she care what I’m up to. She made her final decision and I’m not interested in going backwards.
The thing that has me questioning myself is that we’re still living together and likely will be for the next few months. We have to figure out how to untangle and deal with the house and dogs and all the bullshit. We’re being adults and trying to keep this as amicable as possible. I’m worried that I might be setting myself up for an explosion though.
So, I need to know. AITAH for hooking up with a stranger so soon? I might be clouded by hormones and need to check myself!
Edit: some typos
submitted by Commercial-Paint-466 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:00 WutheringWavesMod Daily Questions Megathread - June 01, 2024

Welcome to the Daily Question Megathread!
This megathread is dedicated to all your general questions about Wuthering Waves. Whether you’re just starting your odyssey or looking to share your initial experiences, this is the place to ask and answer questions, share tips, and help each other out as fellow rovers.
Please use this thread rather than create a separate post when asking questions, we also encourage rovers to search for answers in this thread using keywords to see if your question have already been answered.
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Q1: Is there Controller Support?

A: PS4/PS5 controllers, XBOX controllers, and other mainstream controller models are supported. Controller support is currently only present on the Windows PC version.

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Q3: What are the Device Requirements?

A: These are the minimum Device Requirements:
Android: Android version 7.0 and above; Snapdragon 835, Dimensity G71/72 or processor of equivalent performance.
iOS: iOS 14 and above operating system; iPhone 11 and above models; iPad with A13 SoC or processor of equivalent performance.
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Get set for the untold tales and embark on your odyssey, Rover. Please read the Wiki, Rules, and FAQ before posting.
submitted by WutheringWavesMod to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:39 ferinsy [RIDE KAMENS] Review for the new JP spin-off: not very Kamen Rider, but lots of husbandos!

[RIDE KAMENS] Review for the new JP spin-off: not very Kamen Rider, but lots of husbandos!
Ride Kamens (ライドカメンズ) is a game based on Kamen Riders that allows you to ride them interact with them, increase affection and train, the usual stat raising sim deal. The game is developed by Liber Entertainment (A3!, 18TRIP) and published by Bandai Namco (Dragon Ball Legends, One Piece Treasure Cruise); it has a positive reception in Japan so far (although the same can't be said for Global fans of the franchise since the game deviates a lot from the usual KR stuff).
So, third husbando game this month, and this one is purely for the geis lol not really, but kinda... The default MC is called Noah, so there's that. You can change the MC's name and your username at the start and choose your first person pronouns ("watashi" is the first option, "boku" is the second: the last one is more masculine, white "watashi" is used a bit more generally, so it's the option if you go by feminine or non-binary pronouns).
I couldn't connect to the game since the gameplay is mostly idle-ish, but I'm still somewhat enjoying it (you'll see the reason: the designs interest me a lot!). That being said, this post probably won't be as detailed as my usual reviews, but I'll try to objectively present the game features like any other review I write.
Have a cookie before we start.


If you can't start the game (forever on loading screen after downloading the game data -- 1.8GB for the basic download or 3.3GB for batch download), you'll have to change your phone region to the US and the language to English. Japan/Japanese probably works as well, but English will be easier to understand for most people, since your phone and a lot of apps will change the language as well.
On Android, you can search for "language" or "region" in the Settings app (in your own language, of course) and youll find the option. Or (at least in my case, for Android 14) you can go to Settings - Additional settings - Language & region.
Previous to this game, an "Episode Zero" has been released in two formats: novel and audio drama (do not confuse it with the in-game Chapter 0). The story is a prequel to the game, focused on the protagonist's father. You can check it in the links at the end of this post. I don't have any knowledge about translations of this material, but the PDF is available for free and it's easy to translate it via any screen translator (since it's not written, but in image/scan format).
Take my hand and let's review this game!


Once again, we have the unit/team-based husbandos, bringing the number of boys to 16, divided into five teams. And, surprise surprise, it's another game where all the characters are white and pretty slim, but the designs are great imo, and their Kamen/masked versions stand out a lot and make me appreciate the game more. So, here are the boys (2 images of each team, one with them in day-to-day clothes and the other with the battle uniforms):
Justice Ride
Slam Days
Wisdom Thinks
Tower Emblem


Since I'm not fluent in Japanese and the pace of joseimuke games is crazy lately (I'll have another one to try on June 3rd), I've only read the 4 segments of chapter 0 and a couple of entries from Chapter 1 (the segments are pretty short, there are 15 chapters available on release :O). That being said, the game is written by Yuya Takahashi, a known author for the KR franchise, so that information might be useful for fans out there (source).
The game is set in its own universe and it's its own thing. You're basically a clueless MC that wakes up in close to a museum, where you find a glowing mask that opens a dooportal to a Kamen academy area, where you discover the existence of the riders and also discover about how chaos is taking control of the society through an evil organization called Chaosism. It's basically the introduction, but a bit of spoilers ahead: you're introduced to this organization through the form of the academy's president, who's actually a member of the Ulseven, an influential Chaosism group consisting of seven members.
MC will discover they're actually the descendant of a previous leadeagent(?) of the Kamen RIders, and their butler Leon will help them follow their father's footsteps to bring order to this world controlled by chaos.
\"Playing for the plot\". The plot ↑


The gameplay loop consists in using cards to do exploration missions in order to get chaostones, which you use in battles. So basically, you'll want to auto the whole exploration, which is basically a training segment that takes several minutes with training, resting, encounters and a final battle to get a chaostone.
You select a leader card, other 3 cards (and it's also possible to bring a friend to support you), plus a chaostone you already own; these elements ideally have to excel in two attributes (there are four of them: red, blue, green and yellow), which are the two from the area where you're sending the leader boy to explore. Complete this exploration/training and you'll get a better chaostone than you already have. These stones have a combat power that will be the main stat to win battles. Cards are leveled up with materials obtained via stages and missions, but chaostones are mainly obtained via exploration. Exploration also levels up your cards a bit. VERY IMPORTANT: the chaostone you get from exploration will be from the same boy as you set up as the leader card (each card has with two arts: the standard one, and the chaostone one).
You'll encounter battles in a couple of story stages and on daily grind for materials, so you'll use your chaostones quite frequently (these battles are the usual chibi ones you see in most 2D games, oh well...). For some reason, you have 2 different energy/stamina types: 100 energy for your exploration (consumes 20 per exploration), and 3 BPs daily for the grinding stages (consumes 1 BP per battle). Battle is basically auto and you only have to tap once to finish it; you'll need a higher battle value than your enemy to win (the grade of your chaostones will define the battle value of them, grind exploration for better graded stones -- grades are the exam format, as in A+, D, F etc.). After you finish a daily battle, you can skip the other 2 battles instantly (thus consuming all the 3 BPs).
There's also a Camouflage Cafe where you can set four boys to hang out with and interact (3 times daily for each boy) in order to increase their affection. This feature also uses the chibi versions, unfortunately. You can also gift them (gifts are mostly obtained for free while playing and completing missions --there's apparently no daily limit for gifting). Besides interacting and gifting, it's also possible to increase your affection through battling.
Battle interface.
Café interface. You can remove their masks in the \"private\" option.


Among the three games released this month (the others being Break My Case and 18TRIP), this one is the game where I've felt less the greedy hands from the devs (even though it's a game published by Bamco). There are lots of 10 (standard) pulls given for completing the first handful of chapters, free pulls from starter rewards, free gems from newbie missions etc. but we still have to wait for future events to understand the actual pulls income in the long run. And the pity is quite okay: 100 pulls guarantee a random 4 stars card (the highest rarity in-game).
There are 2 special paid-only banners that require a paid 10-pull ticket with a 4 stars guaranteed for each. But I guess the game has some sort of bug, where I see the prices of both packs as 108 yen each. Since I'm not from Japan and I've downloaded the game from third party apps, I can't confirm the right price. I also can't see the price for 10 pulls and other stuff, I'm sorry (if I click any paid pack, it gives me an error and it brings me back to the title screen).
Every 10 pulls guarantee a 3 stars card, and currently there's no limited banner per se, only a standard banner and specific banners for each team of riders, and these team-only banners have a deadline of July 16 (probably for a pity/spark reset). One 4* card only for each boy so far. A pull costs 200 gems (2k per 10 pulls), and the odds are 3% for four stars and 18% for three stars (the other 79% is probably the odds for 2 stars, but the in-game notice doesn't add up to that, so I can't confirm that, although it's very likely). Just for reference: a story stage gives 30 gems for the first completion, story with battle gives 60 gems, and daily battles give 50 gems.
Not everything is a strawberry field (forever), so there's a catch in this apparent less-greedy-game-of-May-2024 (phew, that was a mouthful): the cards require dupes to increase their max level. 2* cards start at 40 max level with no dupe, 3* have a max level of 60 and 4*, max level of 80. All the cards can have up to 4 dupes, each one increasing the max level by 5 (so respectively the max levels are 60, 80 and 100).
Quick observation: the team-specific banners are tricky, be careful! The odds are really low: team-specific 4* cards only have a 0.25% chance to be rolled, and the rest of the 3% odds is divided by the other boys (so it's usually around 0.17% per off-banner 4*). The catch is: these banners have a spark of 250 pulls, so after 250 pulls, you can get a specific card you want from that team. The team banners have exclusive spark currencies (5 teams, 5 different sparks) and they don't share pity. Not clear enough if the pity will carry over to other banners of another kind, but the spark won't. You can also get other cards from the specific team and materials if you don't reach 250 pulls.
IMPORTANT! At the start there's a free 10x pull that guarantee a 4* card. This pull only guarantee one 4*, so get the boy you like the most. You can get more than one 3*, though (you can even get none at all).
Random UI drop.


I haven't been exposed to the Kamen Riders franchise that much, but I do believe this game can be quite interesting for people interested in joseimuke/idol games AND tokusatsus (or specifically Kamen Rider since it's written by an already established Kamen Rider author). If you don't know Japanese and you don't have those interests, it might be a hard sell.
Overall, I really enjoyed most things about the game, even though the gameplay is really weak in my personal opinion. But everything else is pretty well done, the live2D lives up to the modern standards, and I personally love the music and the riders' transformation segments (it's pretty mahou shoujo -ish). Also love the fact that you can obtain backgrounds (and a background song or two) from missions to customize your homescreen for free; costumes aren't that hard to obtain either: they come from gacha cards, and not only 4* ones: 3* cards also come with costumes!
Minor complaints: even though I love the batch download, the game isn't really that well optimized and there's a bunch of loading screens. Not to the point of making me give up on the game because of them, but still quite noticeable and tiresome. I can see this and the fact you need to change your phone's region to impede some players of downloading it. The UI (image above) is very appealing aesthetically to me, but the navigation can be prett confusing, and the menu (top right button) has too many options, more than it'd be necessary.
And a last request: please, check the links at the end of this post. There are several useful ones: besides the usual download links, there are links for the fanmade English Twitter and Discord accounts, an UI navigation guide (this game is the really intricate menu-wise). The Discord community, along with the Twitter account, are translating some bits of the game, like voicelines and personal stories, and they'll potentially make some story translations available as well.
Oni-inspired suit? Peak design!


  • High quality (specially in character design and live2D);
  • Free costumes, backgrounds, customization, not many things paywalled;
  • Seems to be free to play friendly (-ish);
  • Story written by a previous Kamen Rider author;
  • Pretty active English community support;
  • No geoblock, so no VPN required.
  • You might need to change your phone region/language;
  • Not available in English;
  • UI can be hard to grasp;
  • Card level is tied to dupes;
  • A bit too much of loading screens.
  • The gameplay: it's probably a love-it-or-hate-it case since it's idle-ish.
Glorious card art!


Official website:
Episode Zero novel:
Fanmade English Twitter:
Ride_Kamens_EN UI guide:
Unofficial English Discord:
Ride Kamens wiki entry:
Thank you for reaching this point! See you husbando enjoyers soon!
Edit log:
  • Added a "con" to the topic "TL;DR": "Card level is tied to dupes";
  • Added an excerpt to the "GACHA AND MONETIZATION" topic: "(but) we still have to wait for future events to understand the actual pulls income in the long run".
  • Added the last paragraph to the "GACHA AND MONETIZATION" topic, about the initial guaranteed 4* card.
submitted by ferinsy to gachagaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:28 Plane-Ad-6753 Pest control recommendations

Who do you all use for pest control services, mainly ants, mosquitoes, spiders etc.
Also, feel free to share any over the counter products you use that have been beneficial. We tried raid for the ants and while it was somewhat helpful it didn’t completely clear them from our garage door.
submitted by Plane-Ad-6753 to rva [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:54 Various_Advisor8636 Several roles and controls means you know exactly what to share with stakeholders and users with Ezelogs construction software

Several roles and controls means you know exactly what to share with stakeholders and users with Ezelogs construction software
Several roles and controls means you know exactly what to share with stakeholders and users with Ezelogs construction software.

roles #permissions #ezelogs #construction #projectmanagement #government #agency #software

submitted by Various_Advisor8636 to u/Various_Advisor8636 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:39 AEGISAlliance CSL Plasma: Get 5,000 iGive Rewards® points ($50) after five donations for new donors! (Plus new donor bonus money) Using the CSL Plasma app! Referral Code: ZULMHXXVCB Solid advice for new plasma donors included! Thank you!

Link to download app:
I have advice for new plasma donors who may be considering to try it out and earn extra money:
  1. Eat a meal high in protein 2-3 hours before donating, but your plasma protein levels depend on what you ate the day before.
  2. Drink plenty of water and/or non-caffeinated juice before donating to stay hydrated.
  3. Avoid caffeine such as in coffee or soda before donating or you may get nauseous and vomit or faint during your donation.
  4. No alcohol 24 hours before, and for a little while after donating.
  5. No exercising for at least 6 hours after donating as it can put too much stress on the vein.
  6. Some people get away with smoking or vaping nicotine before and after donating, but it's recommended not to for 2 hours before and after. The nicotine can raise your heart's pulse rate.
  7. If your pulse rate is 100 or above, you'll be able to do a vitals retake after a 15 minute wait. But if it's 100 or higher again you'll be deferred for the day. If your pulse rate is an issue, listen to "Pink Noise" or "Green Noise" at a low volume before donating which may help reduce your pulse rate, along with its effect on lowering your blood pressure.
  8. There is a risk of getting a blown vein if the worker is having a hard time finding your vein when they're sticking you with the needle or if you have small veins. You may get deferred until your vein heals if that happens. But it's ok, your body is able to regenerate your veins with a process called Angiogenesis.
  9. There is a risk of blood clots, but when your blood is constantly moving through the machine it prevents that from happening.
  10. You may be subject to drug screening. The drug screening tests for methamphetamines, cocaine, and heroin. Certain pharma prescription meds may show up as a false positive so you'll want to let the plasma center know what meds you're taking. Testing positive for these drugs can result in a permanent deferral from donating plasma.
  11. A sample of your blood will be drawn periodically to test for certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs). A positive test will result in either a temporary or permanent deferral from donating plasma. If you've ever been diagnosed or received treatment for HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B (HBV) or Hepatitis C (HCV) you will be permanently deferred from donating plasma.
Donating Plasma with Managed Diabetes
Individuals with well-controlled diabetes can contribute to plasma donation, but certain criteria need to be met:
Absence of Complications: This means no existing diabetic complications affecting your kidneys, heart, blood vessels, or eyes.
Insulin Independence: If you rely on insulin for diabetes management, a three-month waiting period is required after using needles for non-prescribed medications. Additionally, you must be free of symptoms or treatment needs related to blood sugar fluctuations (high or low) for the past three months.
  1. Healthy Feet: Active foot ulcers requiring medical attention will disqualify you from donation.
  2. Steady Balance: You shouldn't experience dizziness or lightheadedness upon standing.
  3. Type 1 Consideration: For Type 1 diabetics, eating within two hours of donation is mandatory.
Link to download app:
CSL Plasma: Get 5,000 iGive Rewards® points ($50) after five donations for new donors! (Plus new donor bonus money) Using the CSL Plasma app! Code: ZULMHXXVCB Thank you!
submitted by AEGISAlliance to CSLPlasma [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:36 AEGISAlliance CSL Plasma: Get 5,000 iGive Rewards® points ($50) after five donations for new donors! (Plus new donor bonus money) Using the CSL Plasma app! Referral Code: ZULMHXXVCB Solid advice for new plasma donors included! Thank you!

Link to download app:
I have advice for new plasma donors who may be considering to try it out and earn extra money:
  1. Eat a meal high in protein 2-3 hours before donating, but your plasma protein levels depend on what you ate the day before.
  2. Drink plenty of water and/or non-caffeinated juice before donating to stay hydrated.
  3. Avoid caffeine such as in coffee or soda before donating or you may get nauseous and vomit or faint during your donation.
  4. No alcohol 24 hours before, and for a little while after donating.
  5. No exercising for at least 6 hours after donating as it can put too much stress on the vein.
  6. Some people get away with smoking or vaping nicotine before and after donating, but it's recommended not to for 2 hours before and after. The nicotine can raise your heart's pulse rate.
  7. If your pulse rate is 100 or above, you'll be able to do a vitals retake after a 15 minute wait. But if it's 100 or higher again you'll be deferred for the day. If your pulse rate is an issue, listen to "Pink Noise" or "Green Noise" at a low volume before donating which may help reduce your pulse rate, along with its effect on lowering your blood pressure.
  8. There is a risk of getting a blown vein if the worker is having a hard time finding your vein when they're sticking you with the needle or if you have small veins. You may get deferred until your vein heals if that happens. But it's ok, your body is able to regenerate your veins with a process called Angiogenesis.
  9. There is a risk of blood clots, but when your blood is constantly moving through the machine it prevents that from happening.
  10. You may be subject to drug screening. The drug screening tests for methamphetamines, cocaine, and heroin. Certain pharma prescription meds may show up as a false positive so you'll want to let the plasma center know what meds you're taking. Testing positive for these drugs can result in a permanent deferral from donating plasma.
  11. A sample of your blood will be drawn periodically to test for certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs). A positive test will result in either a temporary or permanent deferral from donating plasma. If you've ever been diagnosed or received treatment for HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B (HBV) or Hepatitis C (HCV) you will be permanently deferred from donating plasma.
Donating Plasma with Managed Diabetes
Individuals with well-controlled diabetes can contribute to plasma donation, but certain criteria need to be met:
Absence of Complications: This means no existing diabetic complications affecting your kidneys, heart, blood vessels, or eyes.
Insulin Independence: If you rely on insulin for diabetes management, a three-month waiting period is required after using needles for non-prescribed medications. Additionally, you must be free of symptoms or treatment needs related to blood sugar fluctuations (high or low) for the past three months.
  1. Healthy Feet: Active foot ulcers requiring medical attention will disqualify you from donation.
  2. Steady Balance: You shouldn't experience dizziness or lightheadedness upon standing.
  3. Type 1 Consideration: For Type 1 diabetics, eating within two hours of donation is mandatory.
Link to download app:
CSL Plasma: Get 5,000 iGive Rewards® points ($50) after five donations for new donors! (Plus new donor bonus money) Using the CSL Plasma app! Code: ZULMHXXVCB Thank you!
submitted by AEGISAlliance to CSLPlasmaReferrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:49 Nervous-Resource-791 Monero tips on Nostr

Let’s face it, our way of life is under attack. The exchanges delist us. Dubai bans us. EU restricts. Others countries we wonder. Nostr Bitcoin Maxis try to haze us. Ethereum VC funded devs treat us like pariahs. Even if you want to act tough and curse me out, you know it’s true that we live in some level of fear.
a) To make Monero real world money, you need adoption from everyday people. b) Everyday people don’t care about learning new tech, they learn it from influencers. c) To win over influencers, we need to appeal to what they care about, which is not privacy. They care about censorship, being deplatformed, and being demonetized.
Russell Brand demonetized. Glenn Beck pulled from Apple podcasts. America’s front line doctors banned from how many platforms? These are just some well-known examples, but I know dozens of mid-level political guys rug pulled by Big Tech. If we shift the conversation away from Monero is darknet markets, and turn it to undeniably monetized free speech: This is a winning battle.
But there’s a lot of choices with censorship resistance. Nostr, Session, Ethereum push channels, Farcaster, Lens, Arweave, IPFS, SimpleX, and the list goes on. The problem with “encryption as identity” is people do not agree on what coins or keys are legitimate. And this fighting and fragmentation kills adoption.
Here’s how we solve it: Simplified Privacy w/ DegenRocket has created a cross-key cryptographically agnostic protocol. This means ANYONE can cross-communicate. Our demo example has Nostr and Ethereum talking to each other… with Monero tips.
This reduces the number of clients and apps people have to download. When you SIGN you’re sending XMR, you first publicly telegraph you’re doing so with Nostr or Eth. This separates your SOCIAL identity (NostEth), from your FINANCIAL identity (XMR) in the eyes of Chainalysis AI.
Here’s the plan:
Step 1. You. It takes only 3 minutes to generate a random keypair and see how it works. Post your stuff, have fun. If you are “too busy”, then that’s the response influencers are going to have to making a Monero wallet. You can not control politicians. All you can control is your own actions.
Step 2. Me. I pledge to reach out to 356 influencers over the next year, and pitch them on the undeniable value of ownership and self-custody of their communication and revenue stream, as opposed to being a slave of Big Tech. That if they adopt an interoperability protocol, you get the ears of ALL these keys, starting with the adoption from you.
Step 3. Us. When they come on the protocol regardless of Nostr or Eth keys, we hit them with $0 zap Monero emojis. Nothing motivates someone to generate a wallet, like being able to count how much they are missing out.
Monero is true free speech. It’s about time we turned up the volume.
Here’s the info:
submitted by Nervous-Resource-791 to Monero [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:47 Important-Bug8093 Claim 25% off ANY Meta Game

If you need a different game then fits in this post or link no longer works send me a message. I have around 200 codes
submitted by Important-Bug8093 to MetaReferrals [link] [comments]