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A Beginner’s guide to NXT

2024.05.27 08:05 Kairopractor_ A Beginner’s guide to NXT

The Beginner's Guide to Modern NXT
Originally posted by u/odanobunaga24 on squaredcircle
NXT has undergone a pretty sweeping shift recently, with the top stars of the brand (and even some midcard stars) having made the jump to the main roster. NXT has now switched to a more character-building mode, which means now is a great time to jump into the developmental brand and learn from fresh.
First up, NXT 2.0 has been dead for a WHILE now, but in the last calendar year NXT has strongly stripped away the odd booking that permeated the colour era. White and Gold NXT is very firmly a developmental brand, so it’s worth going into it knowing that the stars on the show are not finished products. Fans of the show are much more forgiving to its stars and adopt a much stronger “wait and see” attitude to that of fans of the main roster. The intimate setting of NXT also hugely helps with crowd interaction, and fans will have some unique crowd chants for stars very early on. The entire atmosphere has a very “college” feel, tends to be more lighthearted and seems much more specifically catered towards young adults. With Ilja Dragunov and Carmelo Hayes at the helm, NXT White and Gold had the best year in NXT’s history, and with those two stars moving up, NXT has changed drastically.
NXT actually has 2 shows; NXT and NXT Lvl Up. Both shows are filmed in the Performance Centre every week, fostering a specific fanbase for the brand in the same way that a territory like ECW did. Lvl Up, formerly 205 Live, is basically developmental for the developmental, with lowercard and midcard talents that may not otherwise get large amounts of ring time being afforded a spotlight. Lvl Up stories do not usually translate over to NXT proper.
NXT’s specials format is split between 2 week TV events and PLEs, alternating between the two every month. Almost all these events use old PLE names that were used in WWE, WCW or ECW but have been since discontinued by WWE’s main roster, such as Battleground, The Great American Bash, Heatwave, Vengeance Day, etc. Stand and Deliver is NXT’s Wrestlemania, and takes place on Mania Saturday Morning.
Last year’s event list was:
  • Spring Breakin’ (Special)
  • Battleground (PLE)
  • Gold Rush (Special)
  • The Great American Bash (PLE)
  • Heatwave (Special)
  • No Mercy (PLE)
  • Halloween Havoc (Special)
  • Deadline (PLE)
  • New Year’s Evil (Special)
  • Vengeance Day (PLE)
  • Roadblock (Special)
  • Stand And Deliver (PLE)
NXT, just like the main roster, has its own special prizes to be won. The biggest of these are the Breakout Tournaments, the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, and the Iron Survivor Match.
  • The Breakout Tournaments are 2 tournaments, one male and one female, held between 8 rookies each, all of whom have only been on NXT TV for less than a year. The winners of these tournaments receive a contract that is basically NXT’s Money in the Bank; they can get a title shot for a championship of their choosing at any time. The main difference is that Tag Championships are also on the table, and midcard belts are frequently selected for cash-ins.
  • The Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic is a tag team tournament, and the rules change ALL the time, but presently, 8 male teams go into this single elimination tournament, and if the winners are not already the NXT Tag Team Champions, they receive a shot at the championships at Vengeance Day (January).
  • The Iron Survivor match happens at the Deadline PLE (December) every year and is an absolutely electric match type. 5 superstars compete, and 2 start in the ring, with a new one entering every 5 minutes until all are in the ring. The time limit is 25 minutes and whoever scores the most falls will win the match. There’s an added twist however; if you give up a fall, be it through pinfall or submission, you are sent into a penalty box and are unable to pick up any falls for 90 seconds. The winner receives a championship match at the TV special New Year’s Evil.
Ava is the dominant onscreen authority figure of NXT. She was initially part of a cult in NXT led by Joe Gacy (I’ll get to that), but after its end, Ava slowly found herself getting power before being officially given the reins to the brand by William Regal (former NXT GM) and Shawn Michaels (effectively the NXT Commissioner). Ava is now the youngest GM in the brand’s history and while her relationship to her father (The Rock) is acknowledged much more rarely on screen than it as during her cult days, she is still an on-screen Anoai. Ava provides a strong but fair guiding arm to the rowdiness of NXT.
Shawn Michaels and William Regal are the two other heads of NXT, but neither have any sort of strong on screen presence anymore. They are still always options to show up if things get crazier than usual.
NXT has 5 major championships with a 6th on the way very soon.
  • The NXT Championship
  • The NXT Women’s Championship
  • The NXT Tag Team Championship
  • The NXT North American Championship
  • The NXT Heritage Cup Championship
  • The soon to be created NXT Women’s North American Championship
The current NXT Champion is Trick Williams. Trick Williams’ ascendancy has been the story of NXT in the last year, with it culminating with back to back wins over Carmelo Hayes and Ilja Dragunov to claim the biggest prize in developmental. “Whoop that Trick” chants are his calling card, and no one else in NXT is as popular. Trick’s mic work is perfect, but his ring work needs some polish. Nevertheless, Trick has been tasked with leading the brand into the new era, and he’s doing it, one pearly white smile at a time.
Crowd Reaction: Hugely Positive
The current NXT Women’s Champion is Roxanne Perez. Perez is The Prodigy of NXT, and while she began as a wholesome happy-to-be-here babyface, a series of unfortunate events involving her losing the Women’s Championship and failing to regain it led to a heel turn and a consistent string of solid matches en route to recapturing the belt from Lyra Valkyria. Now champion again, Roxanne has become convinced Ava has some kind of issue with her and is obsessed with using the NXT Women’s Championship to improve her star power. Roxanne is a fantastic in-ring competitor and has basically only remained in NXT to flesh out her character work. Fans have cooled a little on her in recent times, but she’s still phenomenal in my eyes.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
The current NXT North American Champion is Oba Femi. Oba Femi is a Nigerian athlete who is the first WWE superstar to enter the company through its new NIL program and win a championship. Oba Femi is backed by destiny and speaks with all the gravitas of an ancient king or warrior. A dominant powerhouse, Oba has consistently impressed for someone less than a year into their career. The crowd has responded in kind by adding war cries to go along with his promos, making him seem even cooler. You’d be forgiven if you forgot he was a heel when watching him.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
The current NXT Heritage Cup Champion is Tony D'Angelo. Tony is the Don of NXT, a strange nickname for someone who runs a very respectable restaurant and dry cleaning franchising business. Tony is backed by the Family, all of whom are completely loyal to him. Tony D’Angelo also fully returns that loyalty by taking care of his own. Tony D’Angelo’s outside ventures have also given him a sizeable cash flow, which he makes use of by doing things like donating to people and kidnapping his competition in the wrestling business, and JUST the wrestling business. Tony D’Angelo is considered a highlight of NXT whenever he and the Family are on screen.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
The current NXT Tag Team Champions are Axiom and Nathan Frazer. Axiom is a hyper-intelligent superhero gimmick who seems fundamentally unable to comprehend that no one can see the expressions on his face. Nathan Frazer is the combination of John Oliver and Wally West’s Flash, having his own talk show segment called Hard Hitting Home Truths where he basically calls people out for being stupid. Frazer often lets his mouth get him in a LOT of trouble. Together, the two have created a team which is basically “intelligent and likeable speedforce users” and their recent championship win following Stand and Deliver has given them a lot of momentum.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
As previously mentioned, Tony D'Angelo is supported by The Family.
Channing 'Stacks' Lorenzo is The Underboss, Tony’s second-in-command, and is a solid competitor in his own right. He’s a former Tag Team Champ alongside Tony.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Adriana Rizzo is a feminine touch to the group and a somewhat recent addition. She handles the business side of affairs for the Family and isn’t half bad in the ring, though of late she’s lacked the opportunity to show it.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Luca Crusifino is the Family Consigliere, its newest addition and has a legal background to go with his solid ring skill. Wrestling lawyers are always fun and the fans have responded in kind to the lad.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
NXT may be the college show, but it also has a literal college it is affiliated with on the show, that being Chase University. The university has its own section in the seats and Chase U classes are often used to give exposition to big stipulation matches or small storyline beats. There’s 4 people part of Chase U:
Andre Chase is the dean of Chase U, a gambling addict, and one of the most wholesome characters on the show. He loves his University, his students, and his swearing. Dude swears SO MUCH. Endlessly funny, Chase is perfect in NXT.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Duke Hudson is the MVP of Chase U, a title he convinced everyone he earned after his impressive wins for the University. Duke towers over most of NXT (he’s 6’5”) and has a build to match, and as such often gets opportunities for titles more so than the others in Chase U. An oddly egotistical man, Duke legitimately loves the institution.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Thea Hail is the firecracker of NXT and by far its youngest member, having legitimately not even graduated high school when she joined WWE. She’s a natural talent and has been the storyline focus of Chase U recently with a character arc of wanting to grow up, only to learn that growing up is accepting herself for herself. The heart of the group, Thea’s aggressive cheerleader gimmick has landed her the spot of the most over woman in NXT.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Riley Osborne is the newest member of Chase U, a high flying Brit with a down-to-earth personality thankful for the opportunities Chase U gives him. A potential love story is blossoming between him and Thea, and Riley has become a neat addition to the Chase U dynamic.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
You remember how Noam Dar had a thing with Alicia Fox back when 205 Live was a thing? The NXT Writing Staff doubled down on that and gave Noam Dar the trait of “loves black people”, stocking his personal faction up with black prospects. Meta Four is a faction of 4 goofy ass people who have established a creed of being the perfect kind of annoying to make you like them.
Noam Dar is the faction leader and easily the best wrestler of the 4. His Scottish accent, body hair and dorky moon-related bullshit have given him a neat niche as the jackass who’s just about good enough to back up his words, but not SO good that he can beat you clean. The most prominent and prolific Heritage Cup Champion of all time, Dar has since moved up the card and is presently challenging for the NXT Championship, which makes things slightly more complicated for a certain member of his faction.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Oro Mensah is the midcard man in the faction. A Ghanaian dude who loves to party, Oro Mensah didn't connect as a babyface but found his footing as a heel playing second fiddle to his “brother” Noam Dar. Mensah is loyal, a good friend, and easily the least annoying of the faction.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Lash Legend is the Women’s Ace of this faction. She towers over the entire division and while she’s very athletic, she’s toned down her style to wrestle a little closer to classic Kane and it’s done wonders for her perception. Lash is LOUD but she seems to mostly care about her faction. She’s currently dating Trick Williams in real-life, and that relationship seems to be making the jump to the screen, so she’s doing great character work right now too.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Jakara Jackson is Lash’s best friend and the most inexperienced member of the group. Injuries have mostly made her into a manager, but she’s had a handful of matches under her belt and is seemingly willing to put in the work to get better. She’s got a decent upside and her association with Meta Four has helped her crowd reaction.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
3 rough Scottish bastards who like pints and pounding the shit out of other people. Gallus are easily the biggest heel faction on NXT right now, and have just returned after an absence from TV to help The Rock train for Wrestlemania. Expect them to make a big impact on the show’s main event scene until more stars are pushed to the top. They’re not a super over group, but they’re very talented nonetheless.
Joe Coffey is the group’s de facto leader, the singles guy, and the angriest one of the 3. He’s the guy who keeps the boys on top, ensuring they’re all working hard for the benefit of the group. He’s the most no-nonsense.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Mark Coffey is the brother of Joe and one of the tag guys. Yes, it’s a little weird that the brothers aren’t the tag guys but Joe is better in singles and Mark and his mate Wolfgang are a fantastic team so it works. Mark is notably more chill than the other two but in the same way that a hammerhead shark is more chill than a great white.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Wolfgang is the other tag guy and the powerhouse of this trio of powerhouses. Wolfgang is also pretty chill and enjoys any type of fight, from darts to pool, but it’s clear the best fights are between the ropes. Expect Gallus to try and go after the Tag Titles sooner rather than later.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Unlike Gallus, who are basically a suplex bargain sale, the NQCC specifically specialise in amateur and catch wrestling. The NQCC have their own rule called the Catch Clause, whereby if they are scheduled for a match where they are not all involved, any member(s) of the group may choose to take part and we only find out who right before the bell rings. They hover mostly around the Heritage Cup scene.
Charlie Dempsey is the son of William Regal, though they only ever wink wink acknowledge it despite the two having the exact same face. Dempsey is a hard bastard who trains almost religiously and does not take kindly to people disrespecting the mat. While good facial expressions will get you far, Dempsey has a bit of a way to go before he’s at his father’s level.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Damon Kemp is the brother of Gable Steveson, and if that sours you on him, rethink your stance. Kemp is LEAGUES better than his brother and has no murky record to go along with it. A former Diamond Mine member (of which the Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile were part), Kemp has a somewhat barebones character and yet still does a decent job of being a dick.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Myles Borne is the rookie of the faction and currently the weakest member. He has a strong lisp, which is actually helping him along. While he started out with an abusive mentomanatee relationship with former leader Drew Gulak, Borne has since received much more freedom. Just gotta show us what you can do, bud.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
  • OTM
Out Tha Mud is the full name of this faction, and their gimmick is essentially that of a group of GTA characters; low income backgrounds who have moved up in the world thanks to their athletic prowess but still retaining the personality traits gifted to them by their rough upbringings. Fans of kicking ass, gambling you out of your money, and kicking ass again, these guys have a ton of upside.
Lucien Price and Bronco Nima are the tag team of this group. If you can’t yet remember which of the two is which, Lucien Price has a bit of a rat face, so remember that “Price likes Mice.” Both are powerhouses, but Lucien is more of a jackal with great face expressions, while Bronco has more power and a certain cool factor to him. The duo have gained solid steam recently.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Jaida Parker is a new recruit to NXT, having competed in its most recent Breakout Tournament. Jaida is a powerhouse just as much as the boys are, and also is effortlessly pretty. More than happy to break a nail off while she’s beating you, Parker has gotten over in NXT MUCH faster than her cohorts.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
The least faction-y faction and more so a loose alliance between a tag team and a girl who wants to help them, this trio is currently seen as jobbers. They’re quite funny in their own ways, and have been starting to run an angle where they’ve been cursed with bad luck, which has been getting them more screentime and personality.
Malik Blade and Edris Enofe have been around NXT for a while now, and never truly been given anything to sink their teeth into. They’re high-flyers, and they’re easy to tell apart; Blade has the babyfaciest of baby faces, and Enofe has dyed hair and wears a crown. Fun dudes who need more.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Brinley Reece is a new add to the roster and basically her gimmick is ‘Bo Dallas, but she’s able to show other emotions every now and then’. A relentlessly positive and upbeat girl who can get angry if disrespected, Reece takes her losses in stride and always learns from the good things she did while improving for the next opportunity, a personality that shines next to the more downtrodden jobbers of Blade and Enofe.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Wes Lee is the biggest star NXT has not named Trick Williams. A recent injury robbed almost all the feeling in his legs only for him to make a miraculously quick recovery and immediately reinsert himself into the NA Title picture. Wes is forever linked to this championship; he had the most defences and longest reign with his single run with the title and etched his name into history as the greatest North American Champion of all time. Am endlessly likeable hard worker with a heart of gold and a a vicious aerial offence, Wes will be a fixture of NXT for a while yet.
Crowd Reaction: Hugely Positive
Lexis King is the asshole that even the OTHER assholes look at and say “he’s a bit much for me”. Arrogance, blind luck, sleaziness, and terrible beards are the ingredients that make up this fuckhead cocktail, and his character work is years ahead of his AEW work as Brian Pillman Jr. Fun to watch and fun to hate.
Crowd Reaction: Hugely Positive
Josh Briggs is so god damn good. A cowboy to his soul, Briggs has slowly evolved from his big brother character alongside former stablemate Brooks Jensen into an APA JBL-tinged roughhouser with a mean streak. A tweener in NXT, Briggs has been hunting the North American Title for a while and is crushing the chase.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Je'Von Evans is really new to NXT TV but you’d be forgiven for thinking he’d been around for half a decade with how quickly the fans took to him. The Young OG is infectiously fun and loves getting bouncy in his matches. A future star in the making.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Ridge Holland came down from the main roster to find redemption after his string of injuries he caused. NXT turned this into a storyline whereby Ridge cannot seem to shake off his terrible luck with injuring people as well as his own personal bad temper. It was coldly received at first but it’s slowly been getting better as the string of mishaps has grown more comedic even if they’re still resulting in injuries. Ridge’s struggle against his own violent tendencies is one of the few storylines where the fans are actively hoping the good guy loses, but it’s too early to tell where Ridge will end up.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Shawn Spears has carried his character work from AEW over to NXT and has become this kind of Devil’s Advocate Sean O’Haire character where he wants people to give into their darkest impulses. A solid hand in the ring who has become a creepy midcard presence, Spears is intriguing to say the least.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Brooks Jensen is a lost soul. Formerly in a faction with Josh Briggs and Fallon Henley, the two were clearly hungry for singles gold, leading to the faction's dissolution. Jensen has since been drifting, unsure of what to do with himself. This may lead to a reinvention, so keep an eye out for his return. Brooks has a lot of potential. Also, he used to date Kiana James!
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Joe Gacy is the former cult leader of Schism (remember how Ava was in a cult?) who went insane and became an avatar of chaos. A crazy gremlin who can’t quite comprehend what his place in NXT is, Gacy’s run in NXT has actually won him a lot of fans, especially after a stellar match with Dijak.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Eddy Thorpe is formerly known as NJPW’s Karl Fredricks, but in NXT he’s incorporated a strong amount of his Native American heritage into his persona. NXT fans seem to have not quite taken to the guy for some reason (I think because his big feud involved Dijak and everyone in NXT fuckin loved Dijak), but Thorpe is a great in-ring talent with a ton of upside and a unique character. Expect his return to NXT sometime soon as Thorpe has been off with an injury that has now recuperated.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Mr Stone is a manager, yes, but he’s jacked beyond comprehension and has had more matches than usual as of late. Attached to Von Wagner for a while prior to Wagner’s release, Mr Stone has recently acquired a new client. Stone is able to do everything; comedy, serious, graps, high-flying, the only thing he can’t do is win a match, and that’s okay!
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Dante Chen is Mr Stone’s new client, and you might recognise him from when he got merked by Bron Breakker on Smackdown. Chen has a poor win-loss record, but has a great look and has found a way to connect with the crowd with almost no promo time, and with his new partnership with Mr Stone, Dante might be on an upward trajectory!
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Javier Bernal, also known as Big Body Javi, is easily the lowest rung in the entirety of NXT’s men’s division. A jobber with an abysmal record and a surprising skill at merchandising his own name, Javi is good for getting a quick laugh before immediately eating shit.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Hank N Tank are a team comprised of Hank Walker and Tank Ledger. Hank is a former security guard turned wrestler after impressing management, and Tank is his best friend who found common ground with him through their mutual desire to prove themselves. The duo are low on the pecking order but Tank’s more manic energy combined with Hank’s decent connection to the crowd let’s the pair cover each other’s weaknesses.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Tyriek and Tyson (Igwe and Dupont, respectively) are a very new tag team. So far they have a chip on their shoulder and a love for Timbs. Too early to tell how good they are or will become.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Meiko Satomura is WWE’s original final boss, having taken that moniker while in NXT UK. Satomura is a legend of the Joshi scene and within NXT she’s basically face Brock Lesnar; a part-timer who will immediately challenge for the top prize when she rocks up. Expect her to push any and every woman to their limit… when she feels like rocking up.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Sol Ruca has rapidly improved since her return from injury, and after kicking Blair Davenport out of NXT, Sol seems like the safest bet to become the new NXT Women’s North American Championship. Her finisher is a flip cutter that might genuinely give Randy Orion’s RKO a run for its money with how outta nowhere she can make it hit from.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Tatum Paxley recently got to sink her teeth into a proper story and made the absolute most of it, getting insanely over through her clever use of the lesbian-to-batshit-insane pipeline that most women use at some point. A stalker character who gives a level of grounded spooks to the proceedings of NXT, Paxley is really good at making you forget she can do a crisp 450 Splash right up until she does it.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Fallon Henley has the gimmick of a bartender and stablehand and made her mark in NXT as a solid midcard hand who was busy being a mother hen to the NXT locker room. The hen however has been executed with Henley’s recent heel turn and she’s looking out for herself first and foremost now. The former Tesha Price is fantastic in the ring, although she needs to tone down the screaming a scooch.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Kelani Jordan is a natural babyface and a highly athletic talent; a former gymnast background colours her style and shes already got a solid grasp of character work for a young talent. Expect her to rise through the ranks fast.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Wendy Choo is the perfect kind of silly gimmick for NXT; a narcoleptic sleepover obsessed girl who lives for fun. A banger theme and a shockingly good wrestling ability should hopefully help Wendy overcome her recent knee troubles and get back to being a solid lower card to midcard face.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Lola Vice is awesome for so many reasons, none of which make any sense next to each other. Vice, more than literally any other women’s wrestler I’ve ever seen, LOVES shaking her ass. Like, it’s her thing; she will win a match with her impressive martial arts skills, and then, with her jaw in pain from the fight, she will shake her ass over her opponent, which is hysterical to me and my brother. Fans like her, and Lola Vice makes it so that any reason you like her is a good reason.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Karmen Petrovic is a love letter to Kill Bill, and after Xia Ali’s release the company was due a new character wielding a weapon that can literally kill people. Katana in hand and guidance from Natalya in mind, KarmeNXT is a matter of when, not if. Also, she’s unfathomably attractive. How fucking DARE someone be that attractive while I’m slumming it.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Gigi Dolin is the alt girl of NXT. Positioned as the face following the breakup of Toxic Attraction and Jacy Jayne’s betrayal, Gigi has a depressing past and seeks to paint her pain away on the ring canvas. Gigi has struggled to make a connection with the crowd in recent months, but her most recent storyline with receiving a makeover might be the perfect hook.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Arianna Grace is the daughter of Santino Marella, and the comedy apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Grace is a pageant queen who wants NXT to be civilised and has an aversion to fighting, and yes, it’s exactly as wonderful as it sounds. She recently won a match to makeover Gigi, and is getting incredibly popular as a result of these heightened gimmicky segments.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Wren Sinclair is a newish addition to NXT, and while she’s likeable, she hasn’t got a distinct gimmick nor has she shown much of her personality. Formerly Madi Wrenkowski in NWA, Sinclair has potential.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Stevie Turner is basically a Twitch Streamer who’s content is watching people on NXT fail. Turner has made scant few appearances on NXT proper, which is weird as hell, since she’s definitely ready for the show. She might show up to bolster the undercard soon, but she’s virtually nonexistent (do you get it? Virtually? Do you get it?)
Crowd Reaction: N/A
Izzi Dame is a business associate of Kiama James and seems poised to do something bigger than expected on NXT TV, but she’s yet to establish a character or do any major story work. Seems like a WIP but has an upside as a possible powerhouse.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Jazmyn Nyx is a rookie and Jacy Jayne’s best friend. Nyx is a former soccer player and is supremely athletic, with an incredible Pele kick and a graceful kip up. With Jacy out injured, Nyx has had more of an opportunity to do character work of late and has scored goal after goal.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Carlee Bright is the newest member of NXT’s women’s division and basically has the happy-go-lucky-o-meter turned up to 14. Her most recent outing wasn’t half bad, so she could be something in the future.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Cora Jade is easily the biggest injured star they have. Jade is Roxanne’s ex-tag partner and had a skater girl gimmick before turning heel and trading boards in for kendo sticks. Cora, along with Roxanne, are considered AJ Lee’s children due to how much she inspired them. If AJ Lee ever returns, it’ll be because of Cora Jade.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Jacy Jayne has the gimmick of toxic sorority sister and she nails every single second of it. Currently out after Thea Hail broke her nose by accident, Jacy is a toxic treat every time she’s on screen. She revels in her evil and makes no apology for it. Expect her to be a major player in the division once again when she’s back.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Nikkita Lyons might be unpopular politically online (I personally hate her for being younger than me) but she’s most assuredly well-liked within NXT. A taekwondo black belt, model and rapper (all of that is true), Nikkita channels her sex appeal into every aspect of her character. It’s clear that WWE had high hopes for her, but whether her body holds up after her knee injury is another question.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Dani Palmer is currently recovering from double hip surgery, but her high flying is really impressive and her babyface fire is fairly solid. She needs more of a character but that comes with TV time.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
NXT of course has its own broadcast team, all with their own flavours.
  • The commentary team is Vic Joseph on play-by-play and Booker T on colour. Vic Joseph reins in Booker T's more insane commentary and skillfully carries the broadcasting duties with a crystal clear narrative, and he's slowly become one of the best commentators in WWE.
  • Mike Rome has been moved back down to NXT for ring announcing, with Alicia Taylor moving up to replace him on Smackdown. Rome has a proven track record as an announcer.
  • Kelly Kincaid and Sarah Schreiber are the backstage interviewers and are both quite enjoyable on-screen. Sarah also doubles as the ring announcer for Lvl Up.
  • Blake Howard is the commentator for NXT Lvl Up and also commentates Main Event for the main roster. On Lvl Up he is joined by Byron Saxton.
And that should be absolutely everything you need to know about NXT for its current era! If I missed anything, let me know!
submitted by Kairopractor_ to WWE [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 19:05 lakesidethrasher Hopkins County Dairy Festival

June 7th - 8th (Friday and Saturday) there will be the annual Dairy Fest including Hot Air Balloon rally/glow up, and an ice cream "Freeze Off" located at the Shannon Oaks Church, a milking contest and a Jr. Dairy Show at the Civic Center and of course the Dairy Parade through downtown.
Dairy Fest Schedule:
There will also be Celebration Market in the Plaza @ 6 pm and at 5 pm there is the Juneteenth pageant @ Main Street Community Theatre.
submitted by lakesidethrasher to SulphurSprings [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 10:55 OdaNobunaga24 The Beginner's Guide to Modern NXT

NXT has undergone a pretty sweeping shift recently, with the top stars of the brand (and even some midcard stars) having made the jump to the main roster. NXT has now switched to a more character-building mode, which means now is a great time to jump into the developmental brand and learn from fresh.
First up, NXT 2.0 has been dead for a WHILE now, but in the last calendar year NXT has strongly stripped away the odd booking that permeated the colour era. White and Gold NXT is very firmly a developmental brand, so it’s worth going into it knowing that the stars on the show are not finished products. Fans of the show are much more forgiving to its stars and adopt a much stronger “wait and see” attitude to that of fans of the main roster. The intimate setting of NXT also hugely helps with crowd interaction, and fans will have some unique crowd chants for stars very early on. The entire atmosphere has a very “college” feel, tends to be more lighthearted and seems much more specifically catered towards young adults. With Ilja Dragunov and Carmelo Hayes at the helm, NXT White and Gold had the best year in NXT’s history, and with those two stars moving up, NXT has changed drastically.
NXT actually has 2 shows; NXT and NXT Lvl Up. Both shows are filmed in the Performance Centre every week, fostering a specific fanbase for the brand in the same way that a territory like ECW did. Lvl Up, formerly 205 Live, is basically developmental for the developmental, with lowercard and midcard talents that may not otherwise get large amounts of ring time being afforded a spotlight. Lvl Up stories do not usually translate over to NXT proper.
NXT’s specials format is split between 2 week TV events and PLEs, alternating between the two every month. Almost all these events use old PLE names that were used in WWE, WCW or ECW but have been since discontinued by WWE’s main roster, such as Battleground, The Great American Bash, Heatwave, Vengeance Day, etc. Stand and Deliver is NXT’s Wrestlemania, and takes place on Mania Saturday Morning.
Last year’s event list was:
  • Spring Breakin’ (Special)
  • Battleground (PLE)
  • Gold Rush (Special)
  • The Great American Bash (PLE)
  • Heatwave (Special)
  • No Mercy (PLE)
  • Halloween Havoc (Special)
  • Deadline (PLE)
  • New Year’s Evil (Special)
  • Vengeance Day (PLE)
  • Roadblock (Special)
  • Stand And Deliver (PLE)
NXT, just like the main roster, has its own special prizes to be won. The biggest of these are the Breakout Tournaments, the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, and the Iron Survivor Match.
  • The Breakout Tournaments are 2 tournaments, one male and one female, held between 8 rookies each, all of whom have only been on NXT TV for less than a year. The winners of these tournaments receive a contract that is basically NXT’s Money in the Bank; they can get a title shot for a championship of their choosing at any time. The main difference is that Tag Championships are also on the table, and midcard belts are frequently selected for cash-ins.
  • The Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic is a tag team tournament, and the rules change ALL the time, but presently, 8 male teams go into this single elimination tournament, and if the winners are not already the NXT Tag Team Champions, they receive a shot at the championships at Vengeance Day (January).
  • The Iron Survivor match happens at the Deadline PLE (December) every year and is an absolutely electric match type. 5 superstars compete, and 2 start in the ring, with a new one entering every 5 minutes until all are in the ring. The time limit is 25 minutes and whoever scores the most falls will win the match. There’s an added twist however; if you give up a fall, be it through pinfall or submission, you are sent into a penalty box and are unable to pick up any falls for 90 seconds. The winner receives a championship match at the TV special New Year’s Evil.
Ava is the dominant onscreen authority figure of NXT. She was initially part of a cult in NXT led by Joe Gacy (I’ll get to that), but after its end, Ava slowly found herself getting power before being officially given the reins to the brand by William Regal (former NXT GM) and Shawn Michaels (effectively the NXT Commissioner). Ava is now the youngest GM in the brand’s history and while her relationship to her father (The Rock) is acknowledged much more rarely on screen than it as during her cult days, she is still an on-screen Anoai. Ava provides a strong but fair guiding arm to the rowdiness of NXT.
Shawn Michaels and William Regal are the two other heads of NXT, but neither have any sort of strong on screen presence anymore. They are still always options to show up if things get crazier than usual.
NXT has 5 major championships with a 6th on the way very soon.
  • The NXT Championship
  • The NXT Women’s Championship
  • The NXT Tag Team Championship
  • The NXT North American Championship
  • The NXT Heritage Cup Championship
  • The soon to be created NXT Women’s North American Championship
The current NXT Champion is Trick Williams. Trick Williams’ ascendancy has been the story of NXT in the last year, with it culminating with back to back wins over Carmelo Hayes and Ilja Dragunov to claim the biggest prize in developmental. “Whoop that Trick” chants are his calling card, and no one else in NXT is as popular. Trick’s mic work is perfect, but his ring work needs some polish. Nevertheless, Trick has been tasked with leading the brand into the new era, and he’s doing it, one pearly white smile at a time.
Crowd Reaction: Hugely Positive
The current NXT Women’s Champion is Roxanne Perez. Perez is The Prodigy of NXT, and while she began as a wholesome happy-to-be-here babyface, a series of unfortunate events involving her losing the Women’s Championship and failing to regain it led to a heel turn and a consistent string of solid matches en route to recapturing the belt from Lyra Valkyria. Now champion again, Roxanne has become convinced Ava has some kind of issue with her and is obsessed with using the NXT Women’s Championship to improve her star power. Roxanne is a fantastic in-ring competitor and has basically only remained in NXT to flesh out her character work. Fans have cooled a little on her in recent times, but she’s still phenomenal in my eyes.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
The current NXT North American Champion is Oba Femi. Oba Femi is a Nigerian athlete who is the first WWE superstar to enter the company through its new NIL program and win a championship. Oba Femi is backed by destiny and speaks with all the gravitas of an ancient king or warrior. A dominant powerhouse, Oba has consistently impressed for someone less than a year into their career. The crowd has responded in kind by adding war cries to go along with his promos, making him seem even cooler. You’d be forgiven if you forgot he was a heel when watching him.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
The current NXT Heritage Cup Champion is Tony D'Angelo. Tony is the Don of NXT, a strange nickname for someone who runs a very respectable restaurant and dry cleaning franchising business. Tony is backed by the Family, all of whom are completely loyal to him. Tony D’Angelo also fully returns that loyalty by taking care of his own. Tony D’Angelo’s outside ventures have also given him a sizeable cash flow, which he makes use of by doing things like donating to people and kidnapping his competition in the wrestling business, and JUST the wrestling business. Tony D’Angelo is considered a highlight of NXT whenever he and the Family are on screen.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
The current NXT Tag Team Champions are Axiom and Nathan Frazer. Axiom is a hyper-intelligent superhero gimmick who seems fundamentally unable to comprehend that no one can see the expressions on his face. Nathan Frazer is the combination of John Oliver and Wally West’s Flash, having his own talk show segment called Hard Hitting Home Truths where he basically calls people out for being stupid. Frazer often lets his mouth get him in a LOT of trouble. Together, the two have created a team which is basically “intelligent and likeable speedforce users” and their recent championship win following Stand and Deliver has given them a lot of momentum.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
As previously mentioned, Tony D'Angelo is supported by The Family.
Channing 'Stacks' Lorenzo is The Underboss, Tony’s second-in-command, and is a solid competitor in his own right. He’s a former Tag Team Champ alongside Tony.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Adriana Rizzo is a feminine touch to the group and a somewhat recent addition. She handles the business side of affairs for the Family and isn’t half bad in the ring, though of late she’s lacked the opportunity to show it.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Luca Crusifino is the Family Consigliere, its newest addition and has a legal background to go with his solid ring skill. Wrestling lawyers are always fun and the fans have responded in kind to the lad.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
NXT may be the college show, but it also has a literal college it is affiliated with on the show, that being Chase University. The university has its own section in the seats and Chase U classes are often used to give exposition to big stipulation matches or small storyline beats. There’s 4 people part of Chase U:
Andre Chase is the dean of Chase U, a gambling addict, and one of the most wholesome characters on the show. He loves his University, his students, and his swearing. Dude swears SO MUCH. Endlessly funny, Chase is perfect in NXT.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Duke Hudson is the MVP of Chase U, a title he convinced everyone he earned after his impressive wins for the University. Duke towers over most of NXT (he’s 6’5”) and has a build to match, and as such often gets opportunities for titles more so than the others in Chase U. An oddly egotistical man, Duke legitimately loves the institution.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Thea Hail is the firecracker of NXT and by far its youngest member, having legitimately not even graduated high school when she joined WWE. She’s a natural talent and has been the storyline focus of Chase U recently with a character arc of wanting to grow up, only to learn that growing up is accepting herself for herself. The heart of the group, Thea’s aggressive cheerleader gimmick has landed her the spot of the most over woman in NXT.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Riley Osborne is the newest member of Chase U, a high flying Brit with a down-to-earth personality thankful for the opportunities Chase U gives him. A potential love story is blossoming between him and Thea, and Riley has become a neat addition to the Chase U dynamic.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
You remember how Noam Dar had a thing with Alicia Fox back when 205 Live was a thing? The NXT Writing Staff doubled down on that and gave Noam Dar the trait of “loves black people”, stocking his personal faction up with black prospects. Meta Four is a faction of 4 goofy ass people who have established a creed of being the perfect kind of annoying to make you like them.
Noam Dar is the faction leader and easily the best wrestler of the 4. His Scottish accent, body hair and dorky moon-related bullshit have given him a neat niche as the jackass who’s just about good enough to back up his words, but not SO good that he can beat you clean. The most prominent and prolific Heritage Cup Champion of all time, Dar has since moved up the card and is presently challenging for the NXT Championship, which makes things slightly more complicated for a certain member of his faction.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Oro Mensah is the midcard man in the faction. A Ghanaian dude who loves to party, Oro Mensah didn't connect as a babyface but found his footing as a heel playing second fiddle to his “brother” Noam Dar. Mensah is loyal, a good friend, and easily the least annoying of the faction.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Lash Legend is the Women’s Ace of this faction. She towers over the entire division and while she’s very athletic, she’s toned down her style to wrestle a little closer to classic Kane and it’s done wonders for her perception. Lash is LOUD but she seems to mostly care about her faction. She’s currently dating Trick Williams in real-life, and that relationship seems to be making the jump to the screen, so she’s doing great character work right now too.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Jakara Jackson is Lash’s best friend and the most inexperienced member of the group. Injuries have mostly made her into a manager, but she’s had a handful of matches under her belt and is seemingly willing to put in the work to get better. She’s got a decent upside and her association with Meta Four has helped her crowd reaction.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
3 rough Scottish bastards who like pints and pounding the shit out of other people. Gallus are easily the biggest heel faction on NXT right now, and have just returned after an absence from TV to help The Rock train for Wrestlemania. Expect them to make a big impact on the show’s main event scene until more stars are pushed to the top. They’re not a super over group, but they’re very talented nonetheless.
Joe Coffey is the group’s de facto leader, the singles guy, and the angriest one of the 3. He’s the guy who keeps the boys on top, ensuring they’re all working hard for the benefit of the group. He’s the most no-nonsense.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Mark Coffey is the brother of Joe and one of the tag guys. Yes, it’s a little weird that the brothers aren’t the tag guys but Joe is better in singles and Mark and his mate Wolfgang are a fantastic team so it works. Mark is notably more chill than the other two but in the same way that a hammerhead shark is more chill than a great white.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Wolfgang is the other tag guy and the powerhouse of this trio of powerhouses. Wolfgang is also pretty chill and enjoys any type of fight, from darts to pool, but it’s clear the best fights are between the ropes. Expect Gallus to try and go after the Tag Titles sooner rather than later.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Unlike Gallus, who are basically a suplex bargain sale, the NQCC specifically specialise in amateur and catch wrestling. The NQCC have their own rule called the Catch Clause, whereby if they are scheduled for a match where they are not all involved, any member(s) of the group may choose to take part and we only find out who right before the bell rings. They hover mostly around the Heritage Cup scene.
Charlie Dempsey is the son of William Regal, though they only ever wink wink acknowledge it despite the two having the exact same face. Dempsey is a hard bastard who trains almost religiously and does not take kindly to people disrespecting the mat. While good facial expressions will get you far, Dempsey has a bit of a way to go before he’s at his father’s level.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Damon Kemp is the brother of Gable Steveson, and if that sours you on him, rethink your stance. Kemp is LEAGUES better than his brother and has no murky record to go along with it. A former Diamond Mine member (of which the Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile were part), Kemp has a somewhat barebones character and yet still does a decent job of being a dick.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Myles Borne is the rookie of the faction and currently the weakest member. He has a strong lisp, which is actually helping him along. While he started out with an abusive mentomanatee relationship with former leader Drew Gulak, Borne has since received much more freedom. Just gotta show us what you can do, bud.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
  • OTM
Out Tha Mud is the full name of this faction, and their gimmick is essentially that of a group of GTA characters; low income backgrounds who have moved up in the world thanks to their athletic prowess but still retaining the personality traits gifted to them by their rough upbringings. Fans of kicking ass, gambling you out of your money, and kicking ass again, these guys have a ton of upside.
Lucien Price and Bronco Nima are the tag team of this group. If you can’t yet remember which of the two is which, Lucien Price has a bit of a rat face, so remember that “Price likes Mice.” Both are powerhouses, but Lucien is more of a jackal with great face expressions, while Bronco has more power and a certain cool factor to him. The duo have gained solid steam recently.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Jaida Parker is a new recruit to NXT, having competed in its most recent Breakout Tournament. Jaida is a powerhouse just as much as the boys are, and also is effortlessly pretty. More than happy to break a nail off while she’s beating you, Parker has gotten over in NXT MUCH faster than her cohorts.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
The least faction-y faction and more so a loose alliance between a tag team and a girl who wants to help them, this trio is currently seen as jobbers. They’re quite funny in their own ways, and have been starting to run an angle where they’ve been cursed with bad luck, which has been getting them more screentime and personality.
Malik Blade and Edris Enofe have been around NXT for a while now, and never truly been given anything to sink their teeth into. They’re high-flyers, and they’re easy to tell apart; Blade has the babyfaciest of baby faces, and Enofe has dyed hair and wears a crown. Fun dudes who need more.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Brinley Reece is a new add to the roster and basically her gimmick is ‘Bo Dallas, but she’s able to show other emotions every now and then’. A relentlessly positive and upbeat girl who can get angry if disrespected, Reece takes her losses in stride and always learns from the good things she did while improving for the next opportunity, a personality that shines next to the more downtrodden jobbers of Blade and Enofe.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Wes Lee is the biggest star NXT has not named Trick Williams. A recent injury robbed almost all the feeling in his legs only for him to make a miraculously quick recovery and immediately reinsert himself into the NA Title picture. Wes is forever linked to this championship; he had the most defences and longest reign with his single run with the title and etched his name into history as the greatest North American Champion of all time. Am endlessly likeable hard worker with a heart of gold and a a vicious aerial offence, Wes will be a fixture of NXT for a while yet.
Crowd Reaction: Hugely Positive
Lexis King is the asshole that even the OTHER assholes look at and say “he’s a bit much for me”. Arrogance, blind luck, sleaziness, and terrible beards are the ingredients that make up this fuckhead cocktail, and his character work is years ahead of his AEW work as Brian Pillman Jr. Fun to watch and fun to hate.
Crowd Reaction: Hugely Positive
Josh Briggs is so god damn good. A cowboy to his soul, Briggs has slowly evolved from his big brother character alongside former stablemate Brooks Jensen into an APA JBL-tinged roughhouser with a mean streak. A tweener in NXT, Briggs has been hunting the North American Title for a while and is crushing the chase.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Je'Von Evans is really new to NXT TV but you’d be forgiven for thinking he’d been around for half a decade with how quickly the fans took to him. The Young OG is infectiously fun and loves getting bouncy in his matches. A future star in the making.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Ridge Holland came down from the main roster to find redemption after his string of injuries he caused. NXT turned this into a storyline whereby Ridge cannot seem to shake off his terrible luck with injuring people as well as his own personal bad temper. It was coldly received at first but it’s slowly been getting better as the string of mishaps has grown more comedic even if they’re still resulting in injuries. Ridge’s struggle against his own violent tendencies is one of the few storylines where the fans are actively hoping the good guy loses, but it’s too early to tell where Ridge will end up.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Shawn Spears has carried his character work from AEW over to NXT and has become this kind of Devil’s Advocate Sean O’Haire character where he wants people to give into their darkest impulses. A solid hand in the ring who has become a creepy midcard presence, Spears is intriguing to say the least.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Brooks Jensen is a lost soul. Formerly in a faction with Josh Briggs and Fallon Henley, the two were clearly hungry for singles gold, leading to the faction's dissolution. Jensen has since been drifting, unsure of what to do with himself. This may lead to a reinvention, so keep an eye out for his return. Brooks has a lot of potential. Also, he used to date Kiana James!
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Joe Gacy is the former cult leader of Schism (remember how Ava was in a cult?) who went insane and became an avatar of chaos. A crazy gremlin who can’t quite comprehend what his place in NXT is, Gacy’s run in NXT has actually won him a lot of fans, especially after a stellar match with Dijak.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Eddy Thorpe is formerly known as NJPW’s Karl Fredricks, but in NXT he’s incorporated a strong amount of his Native American heritage into his persona. NXT fans seem to have not quite taken to the guy for some reason (I think because his big feud involved Dijak and everyone in NXT fuckin loved Dijak), but Thorpe is a great in-ring talent with a ton of upside and a unique character. Expect his return to NXT sometime soon as Thorpe has been off with an injury that has now recuperated.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Mr Stone is a manager, yes, but he’s jacked beyond comprehension and has had more matches than usual as of late. Attached to Von Wagner for a while prior to Wagner’s release, Mr Stone has recently acquired a new client. Stone is able to do everything; comedy, serious, graps, high-flying, the only thing he can’t do is win a match, and that’s okay!
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Dante Chen is Mr Stone’s new client, and you might recognise him from when he got merked by Bron Breakker on Smackdown. Chen has a poor win-loss record, but has a great look and has found a way to connect with the crowd with almost no promo time, and with his new partnership with Mr Stone, Dante might be on an upward trajectory!
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Javier Bernal, also known as Big Body Javi, is easily the lowest rung in the entirety of NXT’s men’s division. A jobber with an abysmal record and a surprising skill at merchandising his own name, Javi is good for getting a quick laugh before immediately eating shit.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Hank N Tank are a team comprised of Hank Walker and Tank Ledger. Hank is a former security guard turned wrestler after impressing management, and Tank is his best friend who found common ground with him through their mutual desire to prove themselves. The duo are low on the pecking order but Tank’s more manic energy combined with Hank’s decent connection to the crowd let’s the pair cover each other’s weaknesses.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Tyriek and Tyson (Igwe and Dupont, respectively) are a very new tag team. So far they have a chip on their shoulder and a love for Timbs. Too early to tell how good they are or will become.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Meiko Satomura is WWE’s original final boss, having taken that moniker while in NXT UK. Satomura is a legend of the Joshi scene and within NXT she’s basically face Brock Lesnar; a part-timer who will immediately challenge for the top prize when she rocks up. Expect her to push any and every woman to their limit… when she feels like rocking up.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Sol Ruca has rapidly improved since her return from injury, and after kicking Blair Davenport out of NXT, Sol seems like the safest bet to become the new NXT Women’s North American Championship. Her finisher is a flip cutter that might genuinely give Randy Orion’s RKO a run for its money with how outta nowhere she can make it hit from.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Tatum Paxley recently got to sink her teeth into a proper story and made the absolute most of it, getting insanely over through her clever use of the lesbian-to-batshit-insane pipeline that most women use at some point. A stalker character who gives a level of grounded spooks to the proceedings of NXT, Paxley is really good at making you forget she can do a crisp 450 Splash right up until she does it.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Fallon Henley has the gimmick of a bartender and stablehand and made her mark in NXT as a solid midcard hand who was busy being a mother hen to the NXT locker room. The hen however has been executed with Henley’s recent heel turn and she’s looking out for herself first and foremost now. The former Tesha Price is fantastic in the ring, although she needs to tone down the screaming a scooch.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Kelani Jordan is a natural babyface and a highly athletic talent; a former gymnast background colours her style and shes already got a solid grasp of character work for a young talent. Expect her to rise through the ranks fast.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Wendy Choo is the perfect kind of silly gimmick for NXT; a narcoleptic sleepover obsessed girl who lives for fun. A banger theme and a shockingly good wrestling ability should hopefully help Wendy overcome her recent knee troubles and get back to being a solid lower card to midcard face.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Lola Vice is awesome for so many reasons, none of which make any sense next to each other. Vice, more than literally any other women’s wrestler I’ve ever seen, LOVES shaking her ass. Like, it’s her thing; she will win a match with her impressive martial arts skills, and then, with her jaw in pain from the fight, she will shake her ass over her opponent, which is hysterical to me and my brother. Fans like her, and Lola Vice makes it so that any reason you like her is a good reason.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Karmen Petrovic is a love letter to Kill Bill, and after Xia Ali’s release the company was due a new character wielding a weapon that can literally kill people. Katana in hand and guidance from Natalya in mind, KarmeNXT is a matter of when, not if. Also, she’s unfathomably attractive. How fucking DARE someone be that attractive while I’m slumming it.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Gigi Dolin is the alt girl of NXT. Positioned as the face following the breakup of Toxic Attraction and Jacy Jayne’s betrayal, Gigi has a depressing past and seeks to paint her pain away on the ring canvas. Gigi has struggled to make a connection with the crowd in recent months, but her most recent storyline with receiving a makeover might be the perfect hook.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Arianna Grace is the daughter of Santino Marella, and the comedy apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Grace is a pageant queen who wants NXT to be civilised and has an aversion to fighting, and yes, it’s exactly as wonderful as it sounds. She recently won a match to makeover Gigi, and is getting incredibly popular as a result of these heightened gimmicky segments.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Wren Sinclair is a newish addition to NXT, and while she’s likeable, she hasn’t got a distinct gimmick nor has she shown much of her personality. Formerly Madi Wrenkowski in NWA, Sinclair has potential.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Stevie Turner is basically a Twitch Streamer who’s content is watching people on NXT fail. Turner has made scant few appearances on NXT proper, which is weird as hell, since she’s definitely ready for the show. She might show up to bolster the undercard soon, but she’s virtually nonexistent (do you get it? Virtually? Do you get it?)
Crowd Reaction: N/A
Izzi Dame is a business associate of Kiama James and seems poised to do something bigger than expected on NXT TV, but she’s yet to establish a character or do any major story work. Seems like a WIP but has an upside as a possible powerhouse.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Jazmyn Nyx is a rookie and Jacy Jayne’s best friend. Nyx is a former soccer player and is supremely athletic, with an incredible Pele kick and a graceful kip up. With Jacy out injured, Nyx has had more of an opportunity to do character work of late and has scored goal after goal.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
Carlee Bright is the newest member of NXT’s women’s division and basically has the happy-go-lucky-o-meter turned up to 14. Her most recent outing wasn’t half bad, so she could be something in the future.
Crowd Reaction: Neutral
Cora Jade is easily the biggest injured star they have. Jade is Roxanne’s ex-tag partner and had a skater girl gimmick before turning heel and trading boards in for kendo sticks. Cora, along with Roxanne, are considered AJ Lee’s children due to how much she inspired them. If AJ Lee ever returns, it’ll be because of Cora Jade.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Jacy Jayne has the gimmick of toxic sorority sister and she nails every single second of it. Currently out after Thea Hail broke her nose by accident, Jacy is a toxic treat every time she’s on screen. She revels in her evil and makes no apology for it. Expect her to be a major player in the division once again when she’s back.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Nikkita Lyons might be unpopular politically online (I personally hate her for being younger than me) but she’s most assuredly well-liked within NXT. A taekwondo black belt, model and rapper (all of that is true), Nikkita channels her sex appeal into every aspect of her character. It’s clear that WWE had high hopes for her, but whether her body holds up after her knee injury is another question.
Crowd Reaction: Very Positive
Dani Palmer is currently recovering from double hip surgery, but her high flying is really impressive and her babyface fire is fairly solid. She needs more of a character but that comes with TV time.
Crowd Reaction: Positive
NXT of course has its own broadcast team, all with their own flavours.
  • The commentary team is Vic Joseph on play-by-play and Booker T on colour. Vic Joseph reins in Booker T's more insane commentary and skillfully carries the broadcasting duties with a crystal clear narrative, and he's slowly become one of the best commentators in WWE.
  • Mike Rome has been moved back down to NXT for ring announcing, with Alicia Taylor moving up to replace him on Smackdown. Rome has a proven track record as an announcer.
  • Kelly Kincaid and Sarah Schreiber are the backstage interviewers and are both quite enjoyable on-screen. Sarah also doubles as the ring announcer for Lvl Up.
  • Blake Howard is the commentator for NXT Lvl Up and also commentates Main Event for the main roster. On Lvl Up he is joined by Byron Saxton.
And that should be absolutely everything you need to know about NXT for its current era! If I missed anything, let me know!
submitted by OdaNobunaga24 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 08:28 Zhenxiang_shizhe The First Black Filipino American to Represent the Philippines in the Miss Universe Pageant Kevin Dewayne Hughes - Life in the Philippines - Wild Philippines Adventures

The First Black Filipino American to Represent the Philippines in the Miss Universe Pageant Kevin Dewayne Hughes - Life in the Philippines - Wild Philippines Adventures
The First Black Filipino American to Represent the Philippines in the Miss Universe Pageant
Kevin Dewayne Hughes - Life in the Philippines - Wild Philippines Adventures

kdhughes #wildphiladv #Philippines

Chelsea Anne Manalo was born to a Filipina mother and an American father. She is the first black fil-am (Filipino-American) to win the Miss Universe Philippines and thus the first to represent the Philippines at the Miss Universe Pageant.
Manalo, who is from Bulacan, will be in the 73rd Miss Universe Pageant later this year in Mexico.
Manalo, who is turning 25 this year, bested 52 contestants during the coronation night at the SM Mall of Asia Arena on Wednesday.
submitted by Zhenxiang_shizhe to KevinDewayneHughesKDH [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 06:17 ExcitingSink4272 Logged into Twitter and first thing I saw this gem of an argument

Logged into Twitter and first thing I saw this gem of an argument submitted by ExcitingSink4272 to facepalm [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 07:46 Kicker774 365 Reasons to Party

How many remember reading this entire poster while waiting on your parents at KMart?
January 1 - New Year's Day (as if you needed an excuse to party.)
January 2 - Maui International Surf Championships begin.
January 3 - Super Soakers appear on the market, 1991.
January 4 - The blender is invented, 1910.
January 5 - Tony Ferko sets a world record by juggling 7 ping pong balls with his mouth, 1987.
January 6 - The dorm room refrigerator is invented, 1956.
January 7 - The first ant farm is sold in America, 1958.
January 8 - Elvis Presley's birthday.
January 9 - Richard Nixon's birthday, 1913.
January 10 - In 1984, Wendy's spokesperson Clara Peller first asks, "Where's the beef?"
January 11 - Annual Snow Shovel Riding Contest, Ambridge, PA.
January 12 - The first Super Bowl occurs, 1967.
January 13 - Benedict Arnold's birthday,
January 14 - The Simpsons premiers, 1990.
January 15 - Chuck Berry's birthday, 1926.
January 16 - National Nothing Day, a day where you can celebrate not having to celebrate anything.
January 17 - The final episode of Bonanza airs, 1973.
January 18 - The original Morris The Cat dies, 1975.
January 19 - The front-hook bra is invented, 1951.
January 20 - George Burns' birthday, 1896.
January 21 - The microwave oven is invented, 1967.
January 22 - The first nude beach opens in the U,S.,1952.
January 23 - Tupperware is invented, 1942.
January 24 - John Belushi's birthday, 1949.
January 25 - Grand Rapids, MI becomes the first city to add fluoride to its water supply, 1945.
January 26 - Eddie Van Halen's birthday, 1957.
January 27 - Laverne and Shirley premiers, 1976.
January 28 - We Are The World raises hundreds of millions of dollars for starving Africans, 1985.
January 29 - Sweden becomes the first nation to curb the use of aerosol cans, 1978.
January 30 - The first fist fight in the U.S. House of Representatives occurs, 1798.
January 31 - The twist-off bottle top is invented, 1956.

February 1 - Fred Flintstone's birthday, 2 million B.C.
February 2 - Ground Hog Day.
February 3 - Thomas Crapper invents the first flush toilet,1837.
February 4 - Dan Quayle's birthday, 1947.
February 5 - New York becomes the first city to adopt 3-color traffic lights, 1952,
February 6 - Ronald Reagan's birthday, 1911.
February 7 - National Hangover Awareness Day.
February 8 - James Dean's birthday, 1931.
February 9 - The G.I. Joe doll is introduced, 1964,( Ken doll was invented, 1974) " F- G.I.Joe "
February 10 - The styrofoam cooler is invented, 1957.
February 11 - The "La-Z-Boy" chair is invented, 1948.
February 12 - Abraham Lincoln's birthday,1809.
February 13 - VJ Martha Quinn of MTV appears on the TV show The Bradys as Bobby Brady's fiancee,1990.
February 14 - Valentine's Day. (Go find someone to party with.)
February 15 - Valentine's candy goes on sale.
February 16 - Zsa Zsa Gabor's birthday (or National "Slap A Cop" day.)
February 17 - Michael Jordan's birthday, 1963.
February 18 - Vanna White's birthday,1957.
February 19 - The very first prize is inserted into a Cracker Jack box, 1913.
February 20 - Northern Hemisphere Hoodie-Hoo Day, when citizens are asked to go outside at noon local time and yell "Hoodie-Hoo" to chase winter away.
February 21 - Alka Seltzer is introduced, 1931.
February 22 - Julius Irving's birthday, 1950,
February 23 - The Tootsie Roll is introduced,1896.
February 24 - Wayne's World opens in American theatres,1992.
February 25 - Milli Vanilli wins a Grammy for "Best New Artist." (Oops.)1990.
February 26 - The first cartoon is shown in a movie theatre,1909.
February 27 - Elizabeth Taylor's birthday,1932.
February 28 - The last episode of M*A*S*H airs, with over 121 million viewers,1983.
February 29 - Leap Day.

March 1 - Roger Daltrey's birthday, 1944.
March 2 - In 1962, Wilt Chamberlain scores 100 points in one basketball game.
March 3 - Harvard freshman, Lothrop Withington, Jr,, becomes the country's first goldfish swallower, 1959.
March 4 - Toothbrush bristles are changed from badger hair to nylon, 1938.
March 5 - The first breeding of a Great Dane and a Dachshund is performed, creating a "Great Dachshund", 1972.
March 6 - Ed McMahon's birthday, 1923.(I don't know how that is!)
March 7 - The Fourth Of July, Warsaw, Poland.(I wonder what part of "Fourth Of July" they didn't understand?)
March 8 - National Girl Scout Week begins.
March 9 - The Department of Agriculture declares ketchup a vegetable, 1981.
March 10 - The first confirmed octuplets are bornin Mexico, 1967.
March 11 - Lawrence Welk's birthday, 1903.
March 12 - The "Hell's Angels" are created, 1948,
March 13 - U2's Adam Clayton's birthday, 1960.
March 14 - The baseball cap is invented, 1860.
March 15 - The first baseball cap is worn backwards, 1860.
March 16 - Jerry Lewis' birthday, 1925.
March 17 - St. Patrick's Day.
March 18 - Leona Helmsley is sentenced to 4 years in prison for tax evasion, 1992.
March 19 - Chewing gum is invented,1871.
March 20 - The first official sighting of Elvis occurs, Butte, Montana, 1980.
March 21 - The first day of spring.
March 22 - New Kids On The Block and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles doll - sales exceed $1,8 billion, 1990.(Do you beleave that these caught on!)
March 23 - The Dixie Cup is invented, 1912.
March 24 - The first pine tree air freshener is introduced, 1971.
March 25 - Elton John's birthday, 1947.
March 26 - Martin Short's birthday, 1950.
March 27 - Liz Taylor's wedding anniversary.
March 28 - Liz Taylor's wedding anniversary.
March 29 - Liz Taylor's wedding anniversary.
March 30 - Eric Clapton's birthday, 1945,
March 31 - An easy listening radio station in Annandale, VA, is blown up, 1978.

April 1 - April Fool's Day.
April 2 - Velcro is introduced, 1978.
April 3 - Eddie Murphy's birthday, 1961.
April 4 - Tater Day (a day that celebrates the potato), Benton, Kentucky.
April 5 - The first issue of TV Guide goes on the market,1953.
April 6 - Bob Marley's birthday, 1945.
April 7 - The final episode of Star Trek airs, 1969,
April 8 - Hank Aaron hits his 715th home run, breaking Babe Ruth's record, 1974.
April 9 - Dennis Quaid's birthday, 1954.
April 10 - World Crits Festival, St. Ceorge, South Carolina, 1992.
April 11 - The Equal Opportunity Commission regulates that sexual harassment of women is illegal in the work place, 1980.
April 12 - David Letterman's birthday, 1947.
April 13 - World Cow Chip Throwing Championship, Beaver, Oklahoma.
April 14 - Dungeons and Dragons is invented, 1974.
April 15 - The bottle opener is invented, 1738.
April 16 - The first test-tube baby is born, 1986.
April 17 - The Ford Mustang makes its debut, 1964.
April 18 - The first "Walk/Don't Walk" signs are installed in a city, 1955.
April 19 - Reading Is Fun week begins.
April 20 - National Lingerie week begins.
April 21 - Iggy Pop's birthday, 1947.
April 22 - Jack Nicholson's birthday, 1937.
April 23 - Summer begins in Ireland.
April 24 - Rattlesnake Derby (a snake racing contest), begins in Mangum, Oklahoma.
April 25 - Elvis Presley hits number one with Heartbreak Hotel, 1956.
April 26 - The largest bank robbery in the U.S.-$3.3 million-occurs in Tucson, Arizona, 1981.
April 27 - Wide World Of Sports premiers on TV, 1961.
April 28 - Jay Leno's birthday, 1950.
April 29 - Michelle Pfeiffer's birthday, 1962.
April 30 - National Honesty Day.

May 1 - May Day.
May 2 - Engelbert Humperdinck's birthday, 1936.
May 3 - James Brown's birthday, 1934.
May 4 - The final episode of Laverne and Shirley airs, 1983.
May 5 - 1,904 pound "Big Boy," the world's largest pig, is born, 1939.
May 6 - Babe Ruth hits his first major league home run,1915.
May 7 - Hard Rock Cafe's World Cup of Windsurfing Championships, Maui.
May 8 - Jim Morrison's birthday, 1943.
May 9 - The FDA approves the first public sale of contraceptive pills, 1960.
May 10 - U2's Bono's birthday (b.Paul Hewson), 1960.
May 11 - The chair is invented, 2181 B.C.
May 12 - George Carlin's birthday,1937.
May 13 - The U.S. Postal Service introduces postcards,1873.
May 14 - David Byrne's birthday,1952.
May 15 - DuPont announces "Nylon Day" where nylons replace silk stockings, 1940.
May 16 - Janet Jackson's birthday, 1966.
May 17 - The rubberband is invented,1845.
May 18 - National Visit Your Relatives Day.
May 19 - The first department store opens,1848.
May 20 - Cher's birthday,1946.
May 21 - Mr. T's birthday, 1952.
May 22 - The lucky rabbit's foot is first used, 600 B.C.
May 23 - The first Cliff Notes appear in schools,1953.
May 24 - Mary Had A Little Lamb is written,1830.
May 25 - The movie Star Wars is released,1977.
May 26 - John Wayne's birthday,1907.
May 27 - The first black light is sold in a novelty shop, 1961.
May 28 - The first Batman comic book is introduced, 1939.
May 29 - The first people reach the top of Mt. Everest, the world's highest mountain, 1953.
May 30 - The compact disc is introduced, 1981.
May 31 - Clint Eastwood's birthday, 1930.

June 1 - The first Superman comic book is published, 1938.
June 2 - Jerry Mathers'(Beaver Cleaver) birthday, 1948.
June 3 - The world's first tattoo is performed, 208 B.C.
June 4 - The world record for Hackey-Sacking is set: 48,825 consecutive times, 1988.
June 5 - The first drive-in theatre opens, 1933.
June 6 - Dana Carvey's birthday,1955.
June 7 - (the artist formaly known as) Prince's birthday,1958.
June 8 - The first stolen car is reported,1896.
June 9 - The NFL and the AFL merge,1966.
June 10 - The first drive-thru restaurant opens in America, 1952.
June 11 - The first teenager drives backward through a drive-thru restaurant, 1952.
June 12 - Jim Nabors' birthday.
June 13 - The Ford Foundation launches a study to raise the cultural level of TV shows, 1951.
June 14 - Mr. Ed premiers, 1951.
June 15 - Jim Belushi's birthday, 1954.
June 16 - The first baseball game is played,1846.
June 17 - The Broadway musical "Oh! Calcutta!" opens, using the naked human body for the first time as a stage costume, 1969.
June 18 - Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space, 1983.
June 19 - Batman Returns opens in U.S, theatres,1992.
June 20 - Noxema is named, because it "knocks eczema" out, 1914.
June 21 - CBS introduces the first long-playing record, 1948.
June 22 - The day disco officially died, 1979.
June 23 - The day disco should have died, 1974.
June 24 - A new world record is set for spitting a watermelon seed 68 feet,9 1/8 inches, 1989.
June 25 - The tennis shoe is invented,1947.
June 26 - The first movie theatre in the U.S. opens, with 10 cent movies, 1896.
June 27 - The first sighting of flying saucers is reported in the U.S., 1947.
June 28 - The first dog show is held, Newcastle, England, 1859.
June 29 - The first remote control is sold with a TV, 1964.
June 30 - Mike Tyson's (#316394) birthday, 1966.(also my mom's)

July 1 - Dan Aykroyd's birthday, 1952.
July 2 - A new record is set for throwing a Frisbee 623.6 feet, 1988.
July 3 - The last episode of Bewitched airs, 1972.
July 4 - The Fourth Of July.
July 5 - The bikini makes its debut at a fashion show in Paris, 1945.
July 6 - Elvis Presley, 19, makes his first record, 1954.
July 7 - Rodger Woodward, 7, falls out of a boat and becomes the first person to survive going over Niagara Falls, 1960.
July 8 - Annual Chesapeake Turtle Derby (turtle races), Baltimore, Maryland,1992.
July 9 - Tom Hanks' birthday, 1956.
July 10 - Fred Gwynne's (Herman Munster) birthday, 1926.
July 11 - Nolan Ryan is the first major league pitcher to strike out 4,000 batters, 1985.
July 12 - For the first time, a woman is ordered to pay alimony to her husband, 1981.
July 13 - Live Aid raises money for Africa's starving people, 1985.
July 14 - Lightning strikes New York City power lines and leaves the city in the dark for 25 hours, 1977.
July 15 - Law is passed requiring health warnings on cigarette packages, 1965.
July 16 - The safety pin is invented,1849.
July 17 - Soviet and American astronauts meet in space to shake hands, 1975.
July 18 - A world record is set for catching a grape in your mouth: 319 ft,8in., 1980.
July 19 - The first personal ad looking for a spouse is printed,1695.
July 20 - Madonna poses nude in Playboy, (What else is new?) 1992.
July 21 - Robin Williams' birthday, 1952.(also mine different year)
July 22 - The first Sony Walkman goes on sale, 1979.
July 23 - Mel Gibson decides to become an actor, 1960.
July 24 - Instant coffee is invented, 1938.
July 25 - The lowest temperature ever recorded is noted, -129 deg,in Antarctica, 1983.
July 26 - The Hula Hoop becomes popular, 1958.
July 27 - The 1ast episode of Taxi airs, 1983.
July 28 - The Hustle hits #1 on disco charts, 1975.
July 29 - Don Juan opens, with the most kisses (127) in a single movie, 1926.
July 30 - The last reported sighting of Jimmy Hoffa is recorded, 1975.
July 31 - America's last Playboy Club closes, in Lansing, Michigan, 1988.

August 1 - The song Chopsticks is written, 1877.
August 2 - The elevator is invented,1743.
August 3 - Jay North's (Dennis The Menace) birthday, 1952.
August 4 - Federal income tax is first collected, 1862.
August 5 - American Bandstand premiers, 1957.
August 6 - Santa Monica Skate Board Championships begin.
August 7 - Borden is sued for a Cracker Jack box containing no prize, 1982.
August 8 - The All-American Polka Festival occurs in Vernon, New Jersey, 1992.
August 9 - The first Guinness Book of World Records is released, 1955.
August 10 - Minimum wage jumps from 75 cents to a dollar an hour, 1955.
August 11 - Hulk Hogan's birthday, 1953.
August 12 - The first issue of Sports Illustrated is published,1954.
August 13 - A world record is set for throwing a cow chip 266 feet,1981.
August 14 - Magic Johnson's birthday, 1959.
August 15 - Woodstock festival begins, 1969.
August 16 - Madonna's birthday (Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone), 1959.
August 17 - Woodstock festival ends, 1969.
August 18 - People who passed out at Woodstock realize the festival ended yesterday, 1969.
August 19 - Bill Clinton's birthday, 1946.
August 20 - Robert Plant's birthday, 1948.
August 21 - The first house made entirely of recycled products is finished, Richmond, Virginia, 1973.
August 22 - Nolan Ryan is the first major league pitcher to strike out 5,000 batters, 1989.
August 23 - Supermodel Paulina marries Ric Ocasek. (Go figure.) 1989.
August 24 - Music videos are now on MTV, 1981.
August 25 - Elvis Costello's birthday, 1954.
August 26 - The first roller coaster is built in America, 1929.
August 27 - The first American vomits after riding a roller coaster,1929.
August 28 - Cher gets her third tattoo. (Location unknown.) 1990.
August 29 - Michael Jackson's birthday, 1958.
August 30 - The last episode of The Brady Bunch airs, 1974.
August 31 - The Beatles make their last concert appearance, 1966.

September 1 - National Chicken Month begins.
September 2 - The bowling shirt is invented, 1921.
September 3 - The first bowling league is formed in America, 1921.
September 4 - Dick York's (the first Darrin Stevens) birthday, 1928.
September 5 - Hijacking planes becomes illegal, 1961.
September 6 - The last episode of The Alfred Hitchcock show airs, 1965.
September 7 - The last episode of the Beverly Hillbillies airs, 1971.
September 8 - The first Miss America Pageant takes place, 1921.
September 9 - Elvis sings on The Ed Sullivan Show, but is only shown from the waist up, 1956.
September 10 - The last episode of Mr. Ed airs, 1965.
September 11 - Mork and Mindy premiers, 1978.
September 12 - The last episode of Leave It To Beaver airs, 1963.
September 13 - M*A*S*H premiers, 1972.
September 14 - Pope John IV abolishes the 1500-year-old custom of the circular haircut for monks, 1972.
September 15 - In 1968, Presidential candidate Richard Nixon goes on Laugh-In and says, "Sockit to me!"
September 16 - The first baboon heart is transplanted into a human, 1984.
September 17 - Gilligan's Island premiers, 1964.
September 18 - Adam West's (television's Batman) birthday, 1928.
September 19 - National Singles Week begins,
September 20 - The Addams Family premiers, 1964.
September 21 - Bill Murray's birthday, 1950.
September 22 - The ice cream cone is invented, 1903.
September 23 - Ray Charles' birthday, 1930.
September 24 - A world record is set for the longest kiss:17 days, 10 1/2 hrs., 1984.
September 25 - Heather Locklear's birthday, 1961.
September 26 - The Brady Bunch premiers, 1969.
September 27 - The answering machine is invented, 1950.
September 28 - The Beverly Hillbillies premiers, 1962.
September 29 - The Munsters premiers, 1964.
September 30 - The Flintstones premiers, 1960.

October 1 - NASA discloses that each astronaut's suit costs $3.4million.
October 2 - The first cartoon strip appears in a newspaper, 1896.
October 3 - A 327 gallon Pina Colada becomes the world's largest cocktail, 1988.
October 4 - Leave It To Beaver premiers, 1957.
October 5 - Ashley-Whippet Dog Frisbee Championships, Washington, D.C.
October 6 - Reverend Jim Bakker is found guilty, 1989.
October 7 - The first perfect World Series game is pitched by Don Larsen of the NY Yankees, 1956.
October 8 - Chevy Chase's birthday,1948.
October 9 - Clarence Birdseye, inventor of the frozen dinner, dies, 1956.
October 10 - David Lee Roth's birthday,1955.
October 11 - Saturday Night Live premiers, 1975.
October 12 - Columbus Day.
October 13 - Sammy Hagar's birthday, 1949.
October 14 - Chuck Yeager breaks the sound barrier for the first time, 1947.
October 15 - The first televised weather report airs, 1953.
October 16 - The first correct televised weather report airs, 1953.
October 17 - George Wendt's (Norm from Cheers) birthday, 1948.
October 18 - The FDA declares marijuana to be as dangerous as alcohol, 1967.
October 19 - End-Of-Hurricane-Season Celebration, Virgin Islands.
October 20 - The world's largest popsicle is assembled: 5,7501bs., 1975.
October 21 - The annual 48-hour Marx Brothers Film Festival, Tampa, FL.
October 22 - The first used-car dealership opens, London,1897.
October 23 - Johnny Carson's birthday, 1925.
October 24 - Int'l Red Bean & Rice Festival, Jackson, Mississippi, 1992.
October 25 - The Twilight Zone premiers, 1959.
October 26 - Minimum wage is raised from 40 cents to 74 cents an hour, 1949.
October 27 - Boxer shorts are introduced, 1901.
October 28 - The first ticker tape parade is thrown; it honors The Statue of Liberty,1886.
October 29 - The first American ballpoint pen goes on sale, NYC, 1945.
October 30 - World's Ugliest Pick-Up Truck Parade occurs in Chadron, Nebraska, 1992.
October 31 - Halloween.

November 1 - The first issue of Playboy is published in Chicago by Hugh Hefner, 1953.
November 2 - The first radio program airs, Pittsburgh,1920.
November 3 - Roseanne Barr Arnold's birthday, 1952.
November 4 - "Laika," becomes the first dog launched into space, 1957.
November 5 - A world record is set for 106 hours of belly dancing, 1984.
November 6 - Saxophone Day.
November 7 - Sadie Hawkins Day.
November 8 - The tube top is invented, 1975.
November 9 - The Berlin Wall is opened, and hundreds of thousands of East Germans run into West Germany, 1989.
November 10 - Sesame Street makes its TV debut, 1969.
November 11 - Demi Moore's birthday, 1962.
November 12 - The first known Happy Hour is held, Ireland,1745.
November 13 - Press-on fingernails are introduced, 1952.
November 14 - The juke box is invented, 1883.
November 15 - The annual Three Stooges Festival, Harrisburg, PA.
November 16 - The touch-tone phone is introduced, 1963.
November 17 - Danny Devito's birthday, 1944.
November 18 - Mickey Mouse's birthday, 1928.
November 19 - The pop tart is invented, 1965.
November 20 - Bo Derek's birthday, 1956.
November 21 - Emilio Onra, the first human cannonball, is launched, 1871.
November 22 - Rodney Dangerfield's birthday, 1921.
November 23 - Vincent Paxton sets a new world record by playing his guitar for 300 continuous hours, 1986.
November 24 - The "Who Shot J.R." episode of Dallas airs to an audience of 83 million, 1980.
November 25 - Christina Applegate's (Kelly Bundy) birthday, 1972.
November 26 - Tina Turner's birthday.
November 27 - The first 3-D movie, Bwana Devil, premiers, 1952. It's Thanksgiving
November 28 - Enrico Fermi, inventor of the atom bomb, dies, 1954.
November 29 - The first Army-Navy football game is played,1890.
November 30 - Dick Clark's birthday, 1929.

December 1 - The Pope declares that Catholics are allowed to eat meat on Fridays, except during Lent, 1966.
December 2 - Barney Clark receives the first artificial heart, 1982.
December 3 - The world's largest bar opens,1829.
December 4 - Deely Bobbers become one of the holiday's hottest selling items, 1982.
December 5 - Blue jeans are invented, 1880.
December 6 - In 1983, a world record is set for continuous whistling: 45 hours, 20 minutes.
December 7 - The first instant replay airs during a TV sports event, 1963.
December 8 - Kim Basinger's birthday, 1953.
December 9 - A total lunar eclipse occurs, 1992. (Go moon somebody.)
December 10 - The Mighty Mouse show premiers, 1955.
December 11 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles becomes one of the top money-making movies of 1990.
December 12 - Bob Barker's birthday, 1923.
December 13 - The clip-on tie is invented, 1928.
December 14 - The South Pole is discovered, 1911.
December 15 - Christine Jorgenson becomes the first person in history to have a sex-change operation, 1952.
December 16 - The first color TV program goes on the air,1953.
December 17 - The Wright Brothers make their first flight,1903.
December 18 - Steven Spielberg's birthday, 1947.
December 19 - The "I've-fallen-and-I-can't-get-up" commercial first airs, 1985.
December 20 - Louisiana Purchase Day, 1803.
December 21 - Phil Donahue's birthday, 1935.
December 22 - "Colo" becomes the first gorilla born in captivity, 1956.
December 23 - Congress passes a tax simplification guide which is 1,379 pages in length, 1985.
December 24 - Christmas Eve.
December 25 - Christmas.
December 26 - National "Return-All-Of-Your-Ugly-Christmas-Gifts" day.
December 27 - The last pair of bell-bottoms is sold, Wichita, Kansas, 1981.
December 28 - Snowboarding Championships, White Bluff Mountain, Colorado.
December 29 - The bowling ball is invented, 1862.
December 30 - The leisure suit officially goes out of style, 1976.
December 31 - New Year's Eve.
submitted by Kicker774 to 80s [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 16:28 AgesofFury An expansive list of interesting plots that the series could still do (and the overwhelming amount of untapped potential it still has)

Unnamed episode idea: A group of Loud siblings and side characters end up trapped in an abandoned house together and have to fight their way out of a series of traps and pranks. Kind of like SAW but more light-hearted and kid-friendly. However, Luan is also captured, seemingly meaning the master prankster is somebody else. SPOILER: Possibly a story I'll be writing soon.
An unnamed sequel to "One of the Boys": Yeah, I know the episode sucked. But let's be fair. The premise of that episode still has so much untapped potential. With better writing and a better execution, a story focusing more in-depth on Linka and the Loud brothers could be very interesting and fun to see.
More episodes where members of the friend group/s interact with the Loud siblings: I will agree that there perhaps are just a few too many episodes focusing on the friend groups (especially Lincoln's), even if some of them are good characters and some of the episodes themselves can actually be quite strong sometimes. But if the show is going to include them a lot more, maybe it would be more efficient to mix and match some of the friends with some of the Loud sisters. For example, mixing up Lynn and Liam has been very successful so far. I also did a story that mixed up Lucy with Stella ("Leaf Our Town Alone"), so maybe this could be an efficient way to keep including the friends while not ignoring the fact that this show is still supposed to be about the Louds.
An episode where all the main characters are either David Steele characters or Ace Savvy characters: Basically, Lincoln and his sisters (and/or friends) are all superheroes or spies for an episode and they embark on an adventure together. It certainly could be a lot of fun.
An episode where Luna shows off a new talent, hobby, or interest: Luna is a good character, but why does it feel like she still has such limited range after 7 SEASONS? Aside from briefly being shown to be good at laser tag in "Racing Hearts", the only thing she's really into is music (singing and dancing also kinda fit into that same niche). Let's flesh her out some more, because it's embarrassing that she doesn't have more character range by this point. It's not believable that a character wouldn't have a wider amount of things that she's into. The rest of the sisters have other things that they like or do outside of their core shtick. Why not Luna?
An episode where Luna and Sam bond over common interests: Building on the previous idea, remember when Luna and Sam said they'd start seeking out mutual interests so that they could do stuff they liked together (aside from music, obviously) at the end of "Racing Hearts"? Well, we're over 4 seasons later, and that STILL hasn't happened. Come on, show. Get on with that.
An episode where Lana meets Becca Chang at the zoo: Maybe they come into conflict because Lana believes animals shouldn't be locked up in cages, but comes to realise that Becca and her colleagues take good care of the animals and they don't mind it, plus sometimes animals running wild can cause chaos. I don't know, but I think there's potential there between Lana and Becca.
An episode (or multiple episodes, actually) where Lynn uses her strength and aggression to do something noble: One of the things that contribute to this unfortunate never-ending level of hate that Lynn gets is the fact that her toughness and strength are only ever used for a quick gag or to make her an antagonist like in "Snow Escape". Whenever it could be used to help somebody out, she's either written out of the plot entirely ("No Bus No Fuss" writes her out when she could have been involved somehow in helping Lincoln and friends overcome the bullies), or she's nerfed to the point of being useless ("Lynn and Order" has her unable to overpower a little cat less than half her size for some reason, despite the immense strength she has shown in other episode). Let Lynn save Lincoln from bullies, or do something really badass in some episodes that shows that her brawn can be used for good, noble acts that benefit her siblings, and that she's not just a nuisance to them. My superior re-write of "Lynn and Order" would be a great example of this. For me, this is one of the absolute most important things for the show to do that it STILL hasn't done yet. Honestly, it's ridiculous that this hasn't happened after 7 seasons. It's far more important that the show does this than it does an episode about Dante burying a secret or Gus being a great singer, for Christ's sake. We need to get rid of the Lynn hate, once and for all.
A Sequel to "Lynn and Order": Building on the last point, maybe there could be an episode where an out-of-control bullying problem occurs, and the students need tough and badass hall monitor Lynn Jr to come and save the day by taking down all the bullies. Sort of similar to the "Lynn and Order" rewrite I did, but different since this would be a sequel to that episode rather than a rewritten version of it.
A Sequel to "Sitting Bull": Like the episode or not, the premise of the rough and abrasive Lynn being a babysitter is one that is filled with comedic potential. The former episode capitalised on some of it, but more comedy (and maybe even some solid character development this time) could be derived from it.
An episode focusing on Luan and influencer boxing: YouTuber boxing is quite a big thing these days, and a lot of recent episodes seem to be drawing attention to the fact that Luan is probably a lot stronger than she looks (look at those legs in "Dread of the Class", man XD). Luan is a bit of an online star, if her whole "Luan Out Loud" thing is any indication, so maybe Luan gets into some beef with a rival online persona, and things kick off. It could potentially be funny.
An episode pairing up Lynn with Luan: I don't know what it would be about, but since they're two of my favourite siblings, it's a shame we haven't really had an episode focusing on these two together (the closest we've had is that short where Leni is a detective and they are the two antagonists who frame Lincoln).
An episode where the Loud cousins get a better chance to interact with the main Louds: While I liked "Twas the Fight Before Christmas", it did suffer a similar problem to "The Loudest Thanksgiving" from season 3. There was so much focus on Lynn Sr and Lance's tiresome rivalry that the new characters got a limited amount of time to shine. Also, there is so much more they could do when it comes to their potential interactions with the main Loud family. For example, an interaction between Lynn Jr and Lance, Sharon, and/or Shiloh could be cool considering Lance's side of the family shares a passion for athleticism and fitness with LJ. Her beating Lance at one of his own strength records would be particularly hilarious.
More episodes where Lincoln and Lynn bond: Because why not? Don't know what the episodes would be about. But episodes where they get along and/or work together (i.e. "Can't Lynn Em All", "Diss the Cook", "Sofa so Good", "Middle Men", etc..) are also great, so yeah.
Episodes where certain characters come back like Rocky, Cricket, Meli, Darcy, etc: There are so many underused characters that could be given a bit more spotlight somehow.
Voided: Speaking of Rocky, maybe the show does something similar to "The Amazing World of Gumball" where it turns out there is a void or alternate pocket of reality where unwanted or forgotten characters are sent to, because why not? XD Maybe Lincoln, Rusty, and Lucy go into the void to rescue Rocky from being forgotten/non-existent. That would explain why he's mysteriously never in the show anymore despite the fact that his brother and father appear all the time.
Cutting Loose: Also, speaking of Cricket, what about an episode that shows how she likes to "cut loose" in her downtime when not being a prim and proper pageant legend? Maybe she's actually a super rough underground roller derby player or something that Lola doesn't know about. Such a reveal could be hilarious. XD
Misfits: Lynn decides to invent a new sport. She gathers a group of people who she knows excel at a particular sport (i.e. Lori with golf, Lucy with volleyball or basketball, Clyde with dodgeball when he's mad, Liam with baseball, etc..) and puts them into a group and has them compete against another team. Not sure exactly how this would play out (yet), but it's a concept that has some potential if done in a good way.
Snow Wars: Lynn and her excessive brawn goes up against Lisa and her tech/robotics in a snow battle of epic proportions, much to the dismay of the rest of the family. Basically "Snow Escape" meets "Snow Bored".
Nice Guys Finish First: When people have finally had enough of Scoots being an abrasive jerk, she realises she needs to change her attitude and turns to Royal Woods's resident sweetheart, Leni Loud. Leni tries to teach Scoots to be nicer to people, with naturally amusing results. She also likely employs the help of her friends and/or family for the job.
She's a Natural: An episode idea where Lucy Loud really dedicates herself to a particular sport. Aside from being Lynn's roommate and probably having picked up a few things from her over the years, Lucy has demonstrated that even without proper effort, she has some natural athletic sports talent. In one episode, she quickly became a great basketball player. Then there's "Sand Hassles" where she's shown to be naturally good at volleyball, despite seemingly never playing it. This suggests that she has natural gifts at sports. Maybe we could get an episode exploring this. Feel free to provide suggestions as to what sport she should take up for this plot.
Future Frenzy: An episode showing the Loud family 20 or so years into the future, when all the kids are grown up and most of them have partners and/or children of their own. It could be very fun and interesting to see. However, a concept like this could be saved for the grand finale of the series.
Game Gear: Lincoln and Lana enter a video game tournament together. Could be a great sequel to "Game Off" and a really fun story where they bond. That's it, really.
Code Monkeys: An idea FictionalMediaBully had about Lincoln and Lana becoming young game developers/programmers. Another potential "Game Off" sequel story. Speak to him about further details.
Lynnception: A sequel to "Dream a Lily Dream". Lynn Sr has recurring nightmares due to an old traumatic memory and becomes a nervous wreck, so his children use Lisa's machine and enter his dreams and fight off whatever terrors await there.
22 Short Stories About Royal Woods: Similar to the famous episode of a similar name from "The Simpsons". A 22-minute episode focusing on the lives and escapades of various supporting and underexposed minor characters from the show. Sadly, you can tell the show's crew would like to use Flip, Scoots, Bolhofner, etc... I was thinking of less overused characters for such an idea, but hey, what can you do? XD Maybe this is another idea I could write at some time.
Lola in London: Based on another idea FictionalMediaBully previously shared with me about Lola and the Louds going to London and doing some stuff. Maybe it could be a fun episode. I don't know. Ask him for the details more about that one.
A Way With Words: Given their mutual interest in writing, Rita convinces Jesse to hire Lucy as a junior writer. Something good could potentially come from this premise.
Love Blossoms: An episode focusing on the details of Lynn Sr and Rita's relationship. We know some details about how they first met and fell in love, but there could be a very touching episode that expands on it at some point. Maybe the parents tell their kids about the story and they frequently interrupt with funny quips and one-liners to add to the humour of the story.
After Hours: Perhaps the show could do an episode about one, some, or all of the Loud siblings staying up too late at night, and the hilarious consequences that could ensue from such a simple scenario. Sometimes some of the show's best episodes are the simple ones, after all. Just look at "Space Invader".
Trapped: The Loud family are in an escape room. This is a less hectic version of the idea I have above, but while that's a big prank threat, this is just a more relaxed and casual escape room endeavour featuring the titular family.
Flipped: Having finally had enough of his scamming, cheating ways, the Loud family reports Flip and his business goes under. However, they feel sorry for him as he quickly becomes a penniless, homeless wreck. They help him regain his business, but only if he promises to be a more clean-cut, honest, and fair businessman.
At Long Last Leave: Based on the Simpsons episode of the same name, Royal Woods becomes fed up with the antics and chaos of the Loud family, and force them out. They go and live somewhere else, but hate it. Eventually, they return to Royal Woods and try to prove to the townsfolk that they're an okay family to live around. Plenty of comedy and good character moments could possibly be derived from this narrative scenario.
Black Magic: Lincoln is doing his first big performance as a magician. However, when he discovers the extent to which his sister Lucy and her fellow Morticians are capable of performing REAL magical spells, he employs their help to make his stage performances more spectacular.
A Real Boy: As the name implies, Lisa Loud does a Pinnochio on her robot, Todd, and turns him into a real human being. Who knows what could come out of such a scenario?
Michigan's Got Talent: The citizens of Royal Woods all compete against each other in a general talent show to see who can impress the judges the most. Plenty of hi-jinks, hilarity, and conflict all ensue as a result.
Chitty Chitty Chang Bang: Okay, apologies. That title is probably a bit cringe. XD To be fair, I actually didn't come up with it. But in the event that "The Casagrandes" doesn't get renewed, maybe TLH doing a full episode focusing on arguably the most popular characters to come out of the spin-off in the Chang family would be a nice thing to see.
Karate Kicks: A spiritual successor of sorts to the spinoff's "Karate Chops". I don't know how you'd set it up, but let's be fair... who wouldn't want to see a scenario where Lola Loud and Adelaide Chang square off in a Karate match? Actually, who wouldn't want to see them just interact in general? Speaking of which...
Tea Parties, Toads, and Trouble: An event of some kind brings Carl and Adelaide to Royal Woods (or Lana and Lola to Great Lakes City), and the four of them have some interactions and potentially get into some kind of conflict. Whatever the setup is, let's face it. We just want to see these 4 mix. XD
Bella Big Bucks Strikes Back: A sequel to "Can't Lynn Em' All" where Bella gets her daughter Becky (because I don't care what any dosser says, Becky and Bella are related, just LOOK at them) to challenge Lynn to an intense wrestling match as revenge for when Lynn left Bella high and dry. Becky beats her up at first but Lynn manages to overpower and defeat her in the end. Lynn then makes up with Bella and Becky and the two girls agree to be sparring buddies.
Measuring Up: Another Casagrandes idea. Punguari visits Ronnie Anne and her family in Royal Woods, where Ronnie introduces her to Sid and her other friends. However, Sid feels a bit insecure that Punguari might replace her as Ronnie's bestie, and given that Punguari is a deity, Sid feels she just can't compete. Of course, she learns that it doesn't matter and that she's still her bestie and everything, but still, it could make for an interesting tale. After all, episodes focusing on the friendship between Ronnie and Sid sometimes resulted in the best output from "The Casagrandes" ("The Two of Clubs" is still probably my favourite from that show).
But really, most of all... THE ENTIRE B-CANON TIMELINE. Because come on!
Tell me you wouldn't want to see all THESE stories be made into official episodes: https://www.fanfiction.net13150246/Tales-of-Interest I mean, they were specifically created to be like real episodes of the show, while also actually focusing on the characters and narratives that people are interested in seeing. The B-Canon stories are the show itself, but finally perfected.
Also, I will continue to add ideas to this post in the comments section in the coming days and weeks as I continue to come up with more of them. lol
But yeah, when some people say the show is running out of ideas and there is only so much more that it could do that would actually be interesting... yeah, clearly that's not true. Also, if you want to chip in with any ideas of your own, go for it.
Added April the 25th:
Keyboard Warrior: An episode about internet trolling. Maybe it centers around Luan since she's an internet star of sorts. Alternatively, it could be about Lincoln or one of his friends. But whoever the protagonist is, they have to deal with the consequences (reputational and emotional) of being picked on online.
The Magician's Apprentice: Lincoln is doing a stage performance with his magic tricks, and Ronnie Anne is in town, volunteering as his assistant.
Banded: The Moongoats get an injury, barring Luna herself. As a result, she has to turn to a small group of her siblings for the next event they're scheduled for. Maybe Lynn, Lisa, Lincoln, and Leni join her, for example.
Black Hearts: Assuming Rocky hasn't returned and isn't in a relationship with Lucy at this particular point in the series, maybe there could be an episode about Lucy and Haiku both becoming infatuated with the same boy, and a conflict arises between them as a result.
Things are Peachy: The Millers return with an even grander and more devious scheme than the last to rid Michigan of all its cherries and cripple the economy. Lincoln uses his David Steele skills (and the help of his siblings) to foil them a second time.
Cast-off: Fed up with it taking forever for her broken leg to heal, Paula turns to the Mortician's Club to cast a spell to get it fixed. Now she is back to her full potential, but Lynn and the others grow jealous when she begins outperforming them at sports.
Frogs in Fashion: When a bizarre fashion trend occurs, Leni signs up Lana for a fashion show (and since Adelaide also likes frogs, maybe she could be involved, with Sid being there to help her and Lola being there to help Lana... just another way to get all these characters interacting with each other, really. XD)
Deep Heat: Royal Woods gets hit with a heatwave, and the consequences become unbearable. School gets canceled, and the Loud siblings are shown struggling to deal with it (e.g. Lynn is bummed out because it's too hot to play sports, Lola and Leni hate it because all their make-up keeps melting, Lana can't go outside and her animals are all struggling with the heat as well, etc..), could possibly make for an interesting tale focusing on the family and the town.
House of the Dragon: An episode focusing on the Loud ancestors (ghosts), as well as Angus, Lela, and Morag back in Loch Loud. It could be an interesting story that focuses on a new environment.
Lynn a Wheelchair: While Cast-off is about an athlete regaining their physical abilities, this episode would be as the name implies; Lynn suffers a horrible injury that leaves her unable to play sports for a while. This could be an interesting story and possibly one with some solid character development for her.
Martian Melee: Lisa and Zach (and possibly a few others like Todd, Rusty, or Lincoln) take a trip in one of Lisa's rocket ships to Mars, where they meet alien life. Zach's theories about aliens are finally proven correct... though these aliens don't seem too friendly.
Distasteful: In one scene from a previous episode, Lana demonstrated solid ability as a food critic. How hilarious would it be that the dirty tomboy kid, who normally likes putting worms and dirt in her mouth, became a food critic? It could be a very amusing scenario if done well.
Pure Cupidity: Why not do a third Lynn and Liam episode? Complete the trilogy. Maybe someone in Lincoln's friend group, or Lynn's friend group, or a mix of both, thinks that Lynn and Liam would be perfect together, and tries to fix them up as a couple. Not sure it would actually end up happening, but just toying around with the idea might make for a fun story. Lynn and Liam episodes usually are pretty good.
Lincoln's Friend Dates a Robot: Yes, this plot is based on the Batman Beyond episode of a similar name. Fed up with not being able to be the ladies' man that he wants to be, Rusty asks Lincoln to get his sister Lisa to help him appear to be more of a stud. Lisa builds him a really attractive-looking robotic young girlfriend, which Rusty hopes to use to show off to everyone at school and possibly make the other girls jealous. Of course, things go wrong and hi-jinks ensue. XD
Sliced: A bigger and more extended version of some of the early shorts and comic book strips that the show used to do. The siblings all eat the most delicious pizza they've ever tasted, but then there's only one slice left. Since this one would be 11 minutes long, there could be more entertaining and more extravagant ways that the siblings could one-up each other in an effort to get the last slice. Of course, it would be important for the rivalry here to not be presented in too mean-spirited a way, as you know how some fans get...
Out of Practice: When Lynn Sr and Rita go away for a romantic weekend, and Leni has too many shifts at work to cover for them, Lori agrees to return home for the weekend to look after her younger siblings. However, given how much softer and more relaxed Lori has become in recent seasons, she now struggles to control and dominate the chaotic nature of her siblings the same way she used to. Could be a nice episode that strikes a fitting balance between "No Guts, No Glori" and "The Boss Maybe".
And... even more ideas. XD (added on the 8th of May)
Boy Story: A story set between seasons 4 and 5, around the time Lincoln started being more interested in David Steele compared to Ace Savvy. Let's see Lisa did an experiment involving some toys (including an Ace Savvy and David Steele action figure) and a plot similar to Toy Story plays out, where the Ace Savvy toy becomes jealous that David Steele is now Lincoln's new fave.
Treehouse Tussle: When Lincoln gets the idea to build a treehouse in the backyard, some of his siblings dispute with him over who should be the one to have a treehouse.
Oh, Mother: A Rita and Luan episode. These two definitely don't feel like they've had enough interaction in the series. Even in "Undercover Mom", it felt like Rita bonded more with Luna and Leni compared to Luan. Maybe the plot could be Rita taking her daughter out somewhere and trying to get her to behave, or them trying to bond over something they discover they have in common. Who knows?
An episode where Lana has to deal with the loss of one of her pet animals: This could make for a surprisingly dark and/or emotional episode of the show (without going too far and still balancing it out with some humour, of course).
Moongoats at Midnight: Luna and the Moon Goats enter a band competition and find out that the biggest threat they're up against is... Twelve is Midnight, the band from "The Casagrandes". Also, some of the Loud House and Casagrandes could be watching in the audience, allowing for another chance where the members of the two different casts can interact with each other. Maybe this would be a bit of a stretch since it seems like 12 is Midnight is on a much higher level of status than Luna's group, but hey, the show has done things far less realistic than this, so who even cares?
These ideas just keep coming...
submitted by AgesofFury to theloudhouse [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 14:01 ThrowAway7s2 "April Fool Weather, Skunks, Club Events, News in Ephraim" from the April 6, 1950 Door County Advocate

April Fool Weather, Skunks, Club Events, News in Ephraim

April Fool Weather, Skunks, Club Events, News in Ephraim

Verra Sauer, Corres.
EPPRAIM — Apr. 4, and all the month to date has been April Fool's day for we have been having March instead of April weather. Snow and more snow with Palm Sunday more like Christmas in its whiteness.
We do have evidences of spring for the tulips are up at the south of my house, and the Bill Sohns had a bluebird, visit their feeding station twice on the first of the month.
We are also having an epidemic of skunks these days.
Dicky Olson tried the time honored stunt of picking one up by its tail, but he wasn't quick enough. It is obvious what happened to his clothes.
Saga, Elsie Helgerson's nice dog, was also a little too slow one night this past week. After two days out in the cold with little result, Elsie bathed Saga in tomato (she found later that vinegar would have been just as good) which took the odor. That is, plus a bath — a job on a long haired dog.
Palm Sunday services at the Moravian church were very inspiring with the Rev. Wilbur Behrend's sermon "Fight The Good Fight," addressed especially to the confirmation class. The sermon was the subject of much conversation this week for the earnestness and sincerity of his talk impressed everyone.
The following, young people were confirmed: Evelyn Knutson, Carol and Patricia Mozal, William Knutson and Norman Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Larson Sr. and Carl Olson were readmitted to church membership. White carnations on the pulpit were in memory of Patricia and Carol Mozal's mother.
After the Easter Sunrise service all the young people are invited to have breakfast in the church. Sunday school will be at 9:00 o'clock and the regular church services at 10 o'clock.
Two future events to remember are the regular ladies aid meeting in the church parlors Thursday afternoon, Apr. 13, at 2:00 o'clock and the concert by the Moravian College Glee club at 2:30 o'clock Sunday, Apr. 16, in the Ephraim village hall.
Circle 3 had a gay time at the potluck supper held at the J. C. Langemak's last Thursday. It was an April Fool's party with everything scrambled. When Mary Lou Langemak was to play two selections on the piano, Tom Mayhew was called upon. He was the one who fooled the planning committee for he did play. And thus the program proceeded with Frank Brandt, Sheboygan and Ephraim, and Mrs. H. L. Livesay, Gloria Koehler, Mary Lou Langemak, Sam Hogensen and Janie Stenzel as the others who took part in adding to the fun.
Games were played after the program, and the one which caused the most laughter was the one when everyone dressed in the package of old clothes which fell to his or her lot. Thus clad, they marched two by two around the room while Sharon Wagner sang "Easter Parade." The evening ended with cake and coffee as a birthday surprise for Eddie Valentine, who celebrated his real birthday on Saturday, Apr. 1.
The PTA meeting was well attended in spite of the snow storm. Everyone enjoyed the potluck. supper. The food committee was Mrs. Floyd Knutson, Mrs. Norman Larson and Mrs. H. Wheelock. Everett Valentine. led community singing which the children particularly welcomed. Harold Wilson showed his pictures of the birds and animals at Three Springs. Mrs. William Sohns was in charge of the program and games.
After the pictures everyone entered the grand march led by Mr. and Mrs. Langemak with those present breaking up into four groups, each one putting on a pageant representing a month of the year. The June group won first place with a wedding scene, and the December group representing the trimming of a tree (Martin Olson Jr.) and the coming of Santa Claus with his reindeer (Tommy Mayhew and six reindeers) won second.
Mrs. Thor Erickson and Mrs. Thorwald Hanson are spending the week in LaGrange, Ill., visiting relatives. They will also take one day to visit the furniture, china and other special departments in Marshall Fields (don't you envy them?) and also to see what new things are offered at Dennisons.
Mr. and Mrs. William Cribbs and son were in Ephraim over Palm Sunday weekend.
Two of our students came home this past week, Johnny Wheelock from New Orleans where he is studying music and Eunice Seiler from Evanston, Ill., where she is a freshman at the National College of Education.
Joyce Knutson, a student at the Door-Kewaunee school, Algoma, has been practice teaching at the village school these past two weeks.
The traditional Easter Egg hunt was held on the school grounds Thursday afternoon. Each child found a colored egg with his or her name on it and was given candy eggs and a chocolate Easter rabbit. A friend of the children started a renewal of this practice three years ago.
The Herman Hogensens celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary Palm Sunday.
Meryle and Laurie Rasmussen have a new baby, Richard William (Ricky), who was born on Mar. 28. This means another great-grandson for our Mr. Rasmussen.
Gayle and Bonnie Clough have named their baby, Richard Allen.
Courtesy of the Door County Library Newspaper Archive
Articles relating to animals https://doorcounty.substack.com/t/animals
Articles relating to churches https://doorcounty.substack.com/t/churches
submitted by ThrowAway7s2 to DoorCountyALT [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 21:45 yawningvoid28 The Full U.S. Wide-Release Theatrical Schedule For The Year 2024.

Up-to-date as of April 27, 2024
January 5, 2024
Night Swim (HorroWith: Wyatt Russell, Kerry Condon, Amélie Hoeferle, Gavin Warren/PG-13/1 hr 38 min/Universal Pictures/d: Bryce McGuire)
January 12, 2024
Mean Girls (2024) (Musical/With: Angourie Rice, Reneé Rapp, Auli'i Cravalho, Jaquel Spivey/PG-13/1 hr 52 min/d: Samantha Jayne and Arturo Perex, Jr./Paramount Pictures)
The Beekeeper (Action/With: Jason Statham, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Bobby Naderi, Josh Hutcherson/1 hr 45 min/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayed: David Ayer)
The Book of Clarence (Drama/With: LaKeith Stanfield, Omar Sy, Anna Diop, RJ CylePG-13/2 hr 9 min/Sony Pictures Releasing/d: Jeymes Samuel)
January 19, 2024
I.S.S. (Sci-Fi/With: Ariana DeBose, Chris Messina, John Gallagher Jr., Masha Mashkova/1 hr 35 min/Bleecker Street Media/d: Gabriela Cowperthwaite)
February 2, 2024
Argylle (Action/With: Catherine O'Hara, Henry Cavill, Sofia Boutella, Ariana DeBose/PG-13/2 hr 15 min/Apple Original-Universal Pictures/d: Matthew Vaughn)
February 9, 2024
Lisa Frankenstein (HorroWith: Carla Gugino, Kathryn Newton, Cole Sprouse, Jenna Davis/PG-13/1h 41m/Focus Features/d: Zelda Williams)
February 14, 2024
Madame Web (Fantasy/With: Sydney Sweeney, Isabela Merced, Emma Roberts, Dakota Johnson/PG-13/1h 56m/Columbia Pictures/d: S.J. Clarkson)
Bob Marley: One Love (Biography/With: Kingsley Ben-Adir, James Norton, Lashana Lynch, Michael Gandolfini/PG-13/1h 44m/Paramount Pictures/d: Reinaldo Marcus Green)
February 23, 2024
Ordinary Angels (Drama/With: Alan Ritchson, Hilary Swank, Amy Acker, Nancy Travis/PG/1 hr 56 min/d: d: Jon Gunn)
Drive-Away Dolls (Comedy/With: Margaret Qualley, Geraldine Viswanathan, Beanie Feldstein, Joey Slotnick/1 hr 24 min/Focus Features)
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba - To the Hashira Training (Animation/With: Natsuki Hanae, Kengo Kawanishi, Akari Kitô, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka/1 hr 44 min/Sony Pictures Releasing/d: Haruo Sotozaki)
March 1, 2024
Dune: Part Two (Fantasy/With: Florence Pugh, Timothée Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson, Zendaya/Warner Bros./PG-13/2 hr 46 min/d: Denis Villeneuve)
March 8, 2024
Imaginary (HorroWith: DeWanda Wise, Tom Payne, Betty Buckley, Veronica Falcón/PG-13/1 hr 44 min/Lionsgate Films/d: Jeff Wadlow)
Kung Fu Panda 4 (Animation/With: Lucy Liu, Angelina Jolie, Seth Rogen, Jack Black/PG/1 hr 34 min/Universal Pictures/d: Mike Mitchell and Stephanie Stine)
Cabrini (Inspirational/With: Cristiana Dell'Anna, John Lithgow, David Morse, Giancarlo Giannini/PG-13/2 hr 25 min/Angel Studios/d: Alejandro Monteverde)
March 15, 2024
The American Society of Magical Negroes (Comedy/With: Rupert Friend, David Alan Grier, Justice Smith, Michaela Watkins/PG-13/1 hr 44 min/Focus Features/d: Kobi Libii)
Arthur the King (Adventure/With: Mark Wahlberg, Nathalie Emmanuel, Simu Liu, Michael Landes/PG-13/1h 30m/Lionsgate Films/d: Simon Cellan Jones)
Love Lies Bleeding (Crime/With: Anna Baryshnikov, Kristen Stewart, Dave Franco, Katy O'Brian/1 hr 44 min/A24/d: Rose Glass)
March 22, 2024
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (Fantasy/With: Carrie Coon, Mckenna Grace, Annie Potts, Paul Rudd/PG-13/2h 5m/Sony Pictures Entertainment/d: Gil Kenan)
Problemista (Adventure/With: Julio Torres, Tilda Swinton, RZA, Greta Lee/1 hr 38 min/A24/d: Julio Torres)
Immaculate (HorroWith: Sydney Sweeney, Simona Tabasco, Álvaro Morte/1 hr 29 min/NEON/d: Michael Mohan)
Last Night With The Devil (HorroWith: David Dastmalchian, Laura Gordon, Ian Bliss, Fayssal Bazzi/1h 33m/IFC Films/Cameron Cairnes and Colin Cairnes)
March 29, 2024
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (Fantasy/With: Rebecca Hall, Dan Stevens, Rachel House, Mercy Cornwall/PG-13/1h 55m/Warner Bros./d: Adam Wingard)
Asphalt City (ThrilleWith: Sean Penn, Tye Sheridan, Katherine Waterston, Mike Tyson/2h 0m/Vertical-Roadside Attractions/d: Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire)
April 5, 2024
Monkey Man (Action/With: Dev Patel, Sharlto Copley, Pitobash, Sobhita Dhulipala/1 hr 53 min/Universal Pictures/d: Dev Patel)
The First Omen (HorroWith: Bill Nighy, Ralph Ineson, Nell Tiger Free, Sonia Braga/2h 0m/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/d: Arkasha Stevenson)
April 12, 2024
Sting (HorroWith: Penelope Mitchell, Silvia Colloca, Ryan Corr, Jermaine Fowle1 hr 31 min/Well Go USA Entertainment/d: Kiah Roache-Turner)
Civil War (Action/With: Jesse Plemons, Cailee Spaeny, Kirsten Dunst, Nick Offerman/1h 49m/A24/d: Alex Garland)
Arcadian (HorroWith: Nicolas Cage, Jaeden Martell, Maxwell Jenkins, Sadie Soverall/1h 32m/RLJE Films/d: Benjamin Brewer)
April 19, 2024
Abigail (HorroWith: Kathryn Newton, Dan Stevens, Kevin Durand, Giancarlo Esposito/Universal/1h 49m/d: Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett)
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (Action/With: Henry Cavill, Eiza González, Alan Ritchson, Alex Pettyfe2h 0m/Lionsgate/d: Guy Ritchie)
April 26, 2024
Challengers (Romantic Drama/With: Zendaya, Josh O'Connor, Mike Faist, Andre Gadbois/2h 11m/United Artists Releasing/d: Luca Guadagnino)
Unsung Hero (Inspirational/With: Daisy Betts, Joel Smallbone, Kirrilee Berger, Jonathan Jackson/Lionsgate Films/PG/1h 52m/d: Richard L. Ramsey and Joel Smallbone)
Boy Kills World (Action/With: Bill Skarsgård, Michelle Dockery, Jessica Rothe, Famke Janssen/1h 55m/Lionsgate-Roadside Attractions/d: Moritz Mohr)
May 3, 2024
The Fall Guy (Action/With: Emily Blunt, Ryan Gosling, Aaron Taylor-Johnson Hannah Waddingham/PG-13/1 hr 54 min/Universal Pictures/d: David Leitch)
Tarot (HorroWith: Avantika, Harriet Slater, Jacob Batalon, Humberly González/Screen Gems/PG-13/1h 32m/d: Spenser Cohen and Anna Halberg)
Dragonkeeper (Animated/With: Billy Nighy, Anthony Howell, Bill Bailey, Mayalinee Griffiths/PG/1h 39 min/Viva Kids/d: Jianping Li and Salvador Simó
May 4, 2024
Sight (Inspirational/With: Greg Kinnear, Fionnula Flanagan, Terry Chen, Ben Wang/PG-13/Angel Studios/d: Andrew Hyatt)
May 10, 2024
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (Fantasy/With: Freya Allan, Kevin Durand, William H. Macy, Dichen Lachman/PG-13/2h 25m/20th Century Studios/PG-13/d: Wes Ball/Wide)
May 17, 2024
IF (Dramedy/With: Ryan Reynolds, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Emily Blunt, Matt Damon/Paramount Pictures/d: John Krasinski)
Back To Black (Biography/With: Marisa Abela, Jack O'Connell, Eddie Marsan, Lesley Manville/2h 2m/Focus Features/d: Sam Taylor-Johnson)
The Strangers (Chapter One) (HorroWith: Madelaine Petsch, Froy Gutierrez, Gabriel Basso, Richard Brake/1h 31m/Lionsgate/d: Renny Harlin)
May 24, 2024
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (Action/With: Anya Taylor-Joy, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Burke, Nathan Jones/Warner Bros./d: George Miller)
The Garfield Movie (2024) (Animation/With: Hannah Waddingham, Nicholas Hoult, Chris Pratt, Samuel L. Jackson/PG/1h 41m/Sony Pictures Entertainment/d: Mark Dindal)
May 31, 2024
The Dead Don't Hurt (Western/With: Vicky Krieps, Viggo Mortensen, Solly McLeod, Garret Dillahunt/2h 9m/Shout Studios/d: Viggo Mortensen)
Summer Camp (Comedy/With: Diane Keaton, Kathy Bates, Alfre Woodard, Eugene Levy/Roadside Attractions/d: Castille Landon)
June 7, 2024
Bad Boys: Ride Or Die (Action/With: Will Smith, Alexander Ludwig, Vanessa Hudgens, Rhea Seehorn/Sony Pictures Entertainment/d: Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah)
The Watchers (HorroWith: Dakota Fanning, Georgina Campbell, Olwen Fouéré, Siobhan Hewlett/Warner Bros./d: Ishana Shyamalan)
June 14, 2024
Inside Out 2 (Animation/With: Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Lewis Black, Tony Hale/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/d: Kelsey Mann)
June 21, 2024
The Bikeriders (Drama/With: Austin Butler, Jodie Comer, Tom Hardy, Michael Shannon/1 hr 56 min/Focus Features/d: Jeff Nichols)
Thelma (ActionComedy/With: June Squibb, Parker Posey, Clark Gregg, Malcolm McDowell/1h 37m/Magnolia Pictures/d: Josh Margolin)
Kinds of Kindness (Dramedy/With: Emma Stone, Jesse Plemons, Willem Dafoe, Margaret Qualley/Searchlight Pictures/d: Yorgos Lanthimos)
June 28, 2024
A Quiet Place: Day One (HorroWith: Lupita Nyong'o, Djimon Hounsou, Alex Wolff, Denis O'Hare/Paramount Pictures/d: Michael Sarnoski)
Horizon: An American Saga (Chapter 1) (Western/With: Jena Malone, Abbey Lee, Kevin Costner, Sienna MilleWarner Bros./d: Kevin Costner)
July 3, 2024
Despicable Me 4 (Animation/With: Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Miranda Cosgrove, Steve Coogan/PG/Universal Pictures/d: Chris Renaud and Patrick Delage)
July 4, 2024
Possum Trot (Inspirational/With: Elizabeth Mitchell, Demetrius Grosse, Carlos Aviles/Angel Studios/d: Joshua Weigel)
July 5, 2024
MaXXXine (HorroWith: Mia Goth, Elizabeth Debicki, Bobby Cannavale, Kevin Bacon/1h 45m/A24/d: Ti West)
Kill (Action/With: Lakshya, Raghav Juyal, Tanya Maniktala, Abhishek Chauhan/1h 55m/Roadside Attractions/d: Nikhil Nagesh Bhat)
July 12, 2024
Fly Me To The Moon (RomCom/With: Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, Jim Rash, Ray Romano/Sony-Apple Original/d: Greg Berlanti)
July 19, 2024
Twisters (Adventure/With: Glen Powell, Kiernan Shipka, Maura Tierney, Daisy Edgar-Jones/Universal Pictures/d: Lee Isaac Chung)
July 21, 2024
Deadpool and Wolverine (Fantasy/With: Emma Corrin, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/d: Shawn Levy)
July 26, 2024
Didi (Dramedy/With: Izaac Wang, Joan Chen, Chirley Chen, Chang Li Hua /1h 31m/Focus Features/d: Sean Wang)
August 2, 2024
Harold and the Purple Crayon (Animation/With: Zooey Deschanel, Zachary Levi, Lil Rel Howery, Camille Guaty/PG/1 hr 32 min/Columbia Pictures/d: Carlos Saldanha)
Cuckoo (HorroWith: Hunter Schafer, Dan Stevens, Jessica Henwick, Marton Csokas/1h 42m/d: Tilman SingeNEON)
August 9, 2024
It Ends with Us (Romantic Drama/With: Blake Lively, Jenny Slate, Brandon Sklenar, Justin Baldoni/Sony Pictures Entertainment/d: Justin Baldoni)
Trap (HorroWith: Josh Hartnett, Hayley Mills, Cali Lorella, Saleka Shyamalan/Warner Bros./d: M. Night Shyamalan)
Borderlands (Fantasy/With: Olivier Richters, Ariana Greenblatt, Cate Blanchett, Jamie Lee Curtis/Lionsgate Films/d: Eli Roth and Tim Miller)
The Fire Inside (Biography/With: Brian Tyree Henry, Jessica Grossi, Ryan Destiny, Amanda BarkePG-13/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayed: Rachel Morrison)
My Penguin Friend (Drama/With: Jean Reno, Adriana Barraza, Rocío Hernández, Nicolás Francella/Roadside Attractions/d: David Schurmann)
August 16, 2024
Alien: Romulus (HorroWith: Isabela Merced, Cailee Spaeny, Archie Renaux, David Jonsson/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/d: Fede Alvarez)
Horizon: An American Saga (Chapter 2) (Western/With: Kevin Costner, Sienna Miller, Isabelle Fuhrman, Giovanni Ribisi/Warner Bros./d: Kevin Costner)
August 23, 2024
The Crow (2024) (Fantasy/With: BIll Skarsgård, FKA Twigs, Danny Huston, Laura Birn/Lionsgate/d: Rupert Sanders)
Blink Twice (ThrilleWith: Kyle MacLachlan, Geena Davis, Adria Arjona, Christian SladeAmazon MGM/d: Zoë Kravitz)
The Forge (Inspirational/With: Karen Abercrombie, Priscilla C. Shirer, Cameron Arnett, Aspen Kennedy/PG/Affirm Films/d: Alex Kendrick)
September 6, 2024
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (Comedy/With: Catherine O'Hara, Jenna Ortega, Monica Bellucci, Winona RydeWarner Bros./d: Tim Burton)
September 13, 20
Speak No Evil (HorroWith: Mackenzie Davis, James McAvoy, Scoot McNairy, Alix West LefleUniversal Pictures/d: Wide)
September 20, 2024
Transformers One (Animation/With: Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, Jon Hamm, Keegan-Michael Key/Paramount Pictures/d: Josh Cooley)
Wolfs (ThrilleWith: George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Amy Ryan, Austin Abrams/Sony-Apple Original/d: Jon Watts)
September 27, 2024
Never Let Go (HorroWith: Halle Berry, Matthew Kevin Anderson, Christin Park, Stephanie Lavigne/Lionsgate/d: Alexandre Aja)
The Wild Robot (Animation/With: Lupita Nyong’o, Pedro Pascal, Catherine O’Hara, Mark Hamill/DreamWorks/d: Chris Sanders)
October 3, 2024
Joker: Folie à Deux (Fantasy/With: Joaquin Phoenix, Lady Gaga, Zazie Beetz, Brendan Gleeson/Warner Bros. Studios/d: Todd Phillips)
October 11, 2024
Piece By Piece (Biography/With: Pharell Williams/d: Morgan Neville/Focus Features)
October 18, 2024
A Real Pain (Dramedy/With: Kieran Culkin, Jesse Eisenberg, Olha Bosova, Banner Eisenberg/1h 30m/Searchlight Pictures/d: Jesse Eisenberg)
October 18, 2024
Smile 2 (HorroWith: Kyle Gallner, Naomi Scott, Lukas Gage, Rosemarie DeWitt//Paramount Pictures/d: Parker Finn)
October 23, 2024
Terrifier 3 (HorroWith: Lauren LaVera, David Howard Thornton, Samantha Scaffidi, Elliott Fullam/Cin-everse/d: Damien Leone)
October 25, 2024
Venom: The Last Dance (Fantasy/With: Juno Temple, Tom Hardy, Chiwetel EjiofoSony Pictures Entertainment/d: Kelly Marcel)
November 8, 2024
Conclave (ThrilleWith: Ralph Fiennes, Stanley Tucci, Isabella Rossellini, John Lithgow/Focus Features/d: Edward Berger)
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (Adventure/With Lauren Graham, Kirk B.R. Woller, Vanessa Benavente, Elizabeth Tabish/Lionsgate/d: Dallas Jenkins)
November 15, 2024
Red One (ActionComedy/With: Dwayne Jonson, Chris Evans, J.K. Simmons, Kiernan Shipka/1h 42m/Amazon MGM/d: Jake Kasdan)
November 22, 2024
Gladiator 2 (Action/With: Pedro Pascal, Denzel Washington, Connie Nielsen, Paul Mescal/Paramount Pictures/d: Ridley Scott)
Bonhoeffer (Inspirational/With: Jonas Dassler, Phileas Heyblom, August Diehl, Moritz Bleibtreu/Angel Studios/d: Todd Komarnicki)
November 27, 2024
Moana 2 (Animation/With: Auli'i Cravalho/Walt Disney Motion Pictures/d: Dave Derrick, Jr.)
Wicked (Part 1) (Musical/With: Cynthia Erivo, Ariana Grande, Jonathan Bailey, Marissa Bode/Universal Pictures/d: Jon M. Chu)
Here (Drama/With: Tom Hanks, Kelly Reilly, Robin Wright, Paul Bettany/TriStar Pictures/d: Robert Zemeckis)
December 6, 2024
Nightbitch (HorroWith Amy Adams, Scoot McNairy, Mary Holland, Zoë Chao/Searchlight Pictures/d: Marielle Heller)
December 13, 2024
The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim (Animation/With: Brian Cox, Miranda Otto, Shaun Dooley, Luke Pasqualino/2 hr 10 min/Warner Bros./d: Kenji Kamiyama)
Kraven the Hunter (Fantasy/With: Ariana DeBose, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Russell Crowe, Christopher Abbott/Sony Pictures Entertainment/d: J.C. Chandor)
December 20, 2024
Mufasa: The Lion King (Adventure/With: Seth Rogen, Billy Eichner, Aaron Pierre, Kelvin Harrison, Jr./Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/d: Barry Jenkins)
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Family/With: Idris Elba, James Marsden, Ben Schwartz, Colleen O'Shaughnessey/Paramount Pictures/d: Jeff Fowler)
Homestead (Inspirational//With: Neal McDonough, Dawn Olivieri, Currie Graham/, Susan MisneAngel Studios/d: Ben Smallbone)
December 25, 2024
Nosferatu (2024) (HorroWith: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Willem Dafoe, Emma Corrin, Nicholas Hoult/Focus Features/d: Robert Eggers)
submitted by yawningvoid28 to movies [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 10:38 Mmay333 Shreveport letter update

Link to my previous post on the matter: https://www.reddit.com/JonBenet/s/YBnmv4ALqT
After urging the public to identify the author of this letter via an immediate press release, it appears as though the author was identified and it wasn't who the BPD claimed.
The 1997 BPD press releases states:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Feb. 6, 1997, Contact: Leslie Aaholm/Kelvin McNeill RAMSEY CASE NEWS RELEASE 23
Police Seek Information on Author of Letter Boulder Police today requested assistance from the Shreveport, Louisiana Police Department in attempting to locate the author of an anonymous letter sent to Boulder Police earlier this week. The letter was postmarked in late January, 1997 in Shreveport. The letter contained potentially significant information which is of interest to Boulder investigators. Boulder Police have not determined if any field investigation trip to Louisiana will be necessary and at this point Boulder police simply want to make contact with the author of the letter to ask some follow-up questions. The letter was one of the 600 letters Boulder Police have received regarding the Ramsey case. Police also have received over 1300 telephone calls regarding the case. These calls and letters are logged and assigned to follow-up as necessary. To date only 5% of the calls and letters have warranted some form of follow-up. The author of this letter is asked to contact Boulder Police Detectives.
Another article on the matter: Letter may shed light on murder mystery By ALLI KRUPSKI Camera Staff Writer Friday, February 7, 1997
Boulder Police are seeking the author of an anonymous, handwritten letter that may provide insight into the murder of JonBenet Ramsey.
The letter - mailed from Shreveport, La., and postmarked Jan. 27 - apparently reports details relevant to the homicide, sources said.
"There's a good possibility that it has facts in it that the media haven't reported yet," a source said. "It'd be very helpful to find out what exactly the author knows so we can use the information, along with things like DNA test results, and arrest a suspect."
Police began investigating the slaying after John Ramsey, JonBenet's father, and a friend discovered the 6-year-old strangled in the Ramseys' home at 755 15th St. on Dec. 26. About eight hours earlier, Patsy Ramsey, JonBenet's mother, found a ransom note demanding $118,000 and called police.
As authorities continue to search for clues, Boulder Police detective Steve Thomas called the Shreveport Police Department Wednesday. "He said the letter contained information that could be important to the case," said Cindy Chadwick, spokeswoman for the Louisiana department.
Police have asked people not to respond to the plea unless they wrote the letter. "This is not a request for unsolicited or psychic information," Thomas said in a press release from the Shreveport Police Department.
Boulder Police have not contacted Chadwick about sending an investigator to Louisiana, she added.
"We probably won't fly someone down there unless something major turns up," one source said. "There's a chance that the person who wrote this letter just mailed it from Shreveport and doesn't live there, so flying someone there could be a waste of time. Hopefully, we'll find the person, because on the surface, the letter seems very interesting."
Sources said the department does not immediately plan to submit the letter for handwriting analysis.
City spokeswoman Leslie Aaholm declined to comment on the contents of the letter. "The police want to find the author to ask some follow-up questions," Aaholm said. "We hope the person will come forward. But I guess the opposite could happen: If they were hesitant to sign their name in the first place, this (media attention) may convince them that they made the right decision."
The department has received 600 letters and more than 1,300 calls about the murder, Aaholm noted.
"I'm sure the police have gotten a lot of letters, and I hope they find who wrote the Shreveport letter," a Ramsey family friend said. "It could be anyone, even someone at the Miss USA contest (held Wednesday) in Shreveport. I mean, JonBenet and Patsy were in beauty pageants, so the author might be someone from those contests or other contests."
Meanwhile, police continue to await complete DNA test results from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation.
"They're done with some of the preliminary processing," a source said, noting that investigators recently returned to Georgia to interview Nedra Paugh, Patsy Ramsey's mother. "Everything could come back as early as (today), or it may be a little while longer. Those tests, other evidence and interviewing people will help us build a really strong case.
*side note of mine: CBI returned the DNA report 1/15/1997
In 2000, Thomas was asked about the letter. This was his response:
crimeADM: "There was a letter from Shreveport LA from a pageant mom; how far was that investigated?"
SteveThomas: "Shreveport letter - short and sweet, a former friend of Patsy's, she wrote, saying we needed to look more at JR and PR early in the case. Some hints and innuendoes. nothing case breaking"
Recently, I came across the following information. I was somewhat surprised to see that the author had been identified and was actually a man with, what appears to be, a questionable past. Please note I decided to remove the man's name from the article below
By Marilyn Robinson Denver Post Staff Writer, 1998
Feb. 14th- The father of a child beauty pageant contestant has been arrested in Louisiana on suspicion of indecent behavior with children, but authorities say there's nothing to link him to the murder of Little Miss Colorado JonBenet Ramsey.
____, 42, was arrested earlier this week in West Monroe, a city of 18,000, about 100 miles from Shreveport.
Boulder police investigating 6-year-old JonBenet's murder recently received an anonymous letter with a Shreveport postmark. Investigators said the letter contained information that could be important to the case and pleaded for the writer to come forward. No one has.
"We have not developed any information, none, to connect him (____) to the letter from Shreveport or to the case in Boulder," said West Monroe Police Chief Larry LaBorde. "This man is associated with beauty pageants, but our investigation did not indicate any problems associated with beauty pageants. Our investigation centered on things that were happening in this city and at his residence."
____, a West Monroe resident, is suspected of indecent behavior with teenage boys, LaBorde said.
Boulder authorities also don't think there's any connection.
"That incident doesn't appear to be related to the JonBenet Ramsey case, and we don't plan to send anyone to Louisiana," said Boulder police spokesman Kelvin McNeill.
___ and his young daughter - somewhat older than JonBenet - have been heavily involved in children's beauty contests for years, according to Louisiana sources.
A former attorney and regional Parent-Teacher Association officer, ____ was on probation in a forgery case. He was accused of using former clients' money and forging endorsements on checks.
submitted by Mmay333 to JonBenet [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 07:57 Whittle_Willow Did you read the entire body of this post? Every last word?

Will you read all this? It's just a collection of the opening part of random Wikipedia articles copy and pasted. I haven't read any of them, it's probably pretty boring.
Priyanga Amarasekare is a Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and distinguished Fellow of the Ecological Society of America (ESA). Her research is in the fields of mathematical biology and trophic ecology, with a focus on understanding patterns of biodiversity, species dispersal and the impacts of climate change.[1] She received a 2021 Guggenheim Fellowship[2] and received ESA's Robert H. MacArthur Award in 2022.
Tatiana Georgette Kalil Roha (born June 8, 2002) is an Ecuadorian model and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss International Ecuador 2023. She represented Ecuador at the Miss International 2023 pageant.[1]
MasterChef Myanmar is a Burmese competitive cooking show. It is based on the UK Cooking show MasterChef produced by Endemol Shine Group. It is airing on MRTV-4.[1][2][3][4][5]
The Growl is a band from Fremantle, Western Australia, formed by Tame Impala bass guitarist, and vocalist Cam Avery.
The simple-station De La Sabana is part of the TransMilenio mass-transit system of Bogotá, Colombia, opened in the year 2000.
Romeo Bertani (born 17 May 1999) is an Italia footballer who plays as a midfielder for Serie D club Corticella.
The Vinkt massacre (Dutch: Bloedbad van Vinkt) was a war crime committed by German soldiers in the villages of Vinkt and Meighem in East Flanders on 26–28 May 1940 during the Battle of the Lys. Between 86 and 140 civilians were deliberately killed by Wehrmacht troops from the 377th Infantry Regiment of the 225th Infantry Division, supposedly in retaliation for the Belgian Army's resistance in the village.
Martine Billard (born 7 October 1952 in Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine) is a French politician and a deputy to the National Assembly of France. She is a member of the Parti de Gauche.[1]
Rawhitiroa is a locality situated in South Taranaki, New Zealand. It is positioned approximately 6.5 km east of Eltham.[3][4] According to the New Zealand Ministry for Culture and Heritage, Rāwhitiroa translates to "long-shining sun".[5]
Jeanne M. Giovannoni (1931-2009) was an author, professor, and associate vice chancellor at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Social Welfare. Her research focused on child abuse and how community members, social workers, and law enforcement respond.[1]
Mika Lipponen (born 9 May 1964) is a Finnish former footballer.
The 240 mm trench mortar, or Mortier de 240 mm, was a large calibre mortar of World War I. An original French design, it was developed by Batignolles Company of Paris and introduced in 1915.
Aṉangu is the name used by members of several Aboriginal Australian groups, roughly approximate to the Western Desert cultural bloc, to describe themselves. The term, which embraces several distinct "tribes" or peoples, in particular the Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara groups, is pronounced with the stress on the first syllable: [ˈaɳaŋʊ].
Dryden Brook is a river in Delaware County, New York. It flows into Cannonsville Reservoir west-northwest of Rock Rift.[1]
The Alexandria International 2015 is the women's edition of the 2015 Alexandria International, which is a tournament of the PSA World Tour event International (Prize money : 100 000 $). The event took place at the Library of Alexandria in Alexandria in Egypt from 4 June to 10 June. Raneem El Weleily won her first Alexandria International trophy, beating Omneya Abdel Kawy in the final.
The N26 road is a national primary road in northeast County Mayo in Ireland connecting the N5 road at Swinford with the N58 at Foxford and then on to the N59 road at Ballina.[1] The road also meets six regional roads along its route, and it is 29.79 kilometres (18.51 mi) long (map).
Cheryl Hardcastle is a Canadian politician and former member of Parliament in the House of Commons of Canada for the federal electoral district of Windsor—Tecumseh, first elected during the 2015 Canadian federal election.[1] She is a member of the New Democratic Party. During the 42nd Canadian Parliament, NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair appointed Hardcastle to be the party's critic for Sports and Persons with Disabilities. After Mulcair was replaced Jagmeet Singh, he added "International Human Rights" to her critic duties, where she now sits as Vice-Chair to the Subcommittee for International Human Rights.[2] She lost her re-election bid in the 2019 Canadian federal election, having come second in what was considered a surprise upset to the Liberal candidate Irek Kusmierczyk. She introduced one private member bill, C-348, which sought to make Employment and Social Development Canada responsible for providing information and guidance to persons with disabilities on all federal applications for grants, benefits, compensation and any other programs and services, as a means of reducing the administrative burden on applicants. The bill was debated at second reading but defeated with the Liberal Party majority voting against it.[3]
Three Months is a 2022 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Jared Frieder, and starring Troye Sivan, Viveik Kalra, Brianne Tju, Javier Muñoz, Judy Greer, Amy Landecker, Louis Gossett Jr. and Ellen Burstyn. It was released on Paramount+ on February 23, 2022.
The Railway Owner (Italian title:Il padrone delle ferriere) is a 1919 Italian silent drama film directed by Eugenio Perego and starring Luigi Serventi, Maria Caserini and Amleto Novelli.[1] It is based on Georges Ohnet's novel Le Maître de Forges.
That's it. Did you read it?
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submitted by Whittle_Willow to polls [link] [comments]

2024.02.29 03:37 lovelornroses Moments that hit different as an adult.

The beauty pageant episode where Fu goes undercover has so much adult humor that went over my head as a kid, and the entire forbidden love between Jake and Rose definitely come to mind. The love cruise episode with all the angst and miscommunication between Jake and Rose, the homecoming episode, and Jake’s flash forward with Jake Jr.
And when Jake saves Haley from the hobgoblins? I rewatched it recently and I was like, “…Did they just kill that guy? 😭”
There’s definitely more, but I’m curious what you guys think.
submitted by lovelornroses to AmericanDragon [link] [comments]

2024.02.22 04:09 NeedleworkerPlenty89 What if John Ramsey didn't know?

Lately, I've had the question, what if John didn't know what happened on Christmas night in 1996? Evidence shows that John went to sleep that night whereas, Patsy did not. Patsy was wearing the same clothes on December 26th as she wore on December 25th at the Fleet's Christmas party. The next morning, John woke up, showered, shaved, and got dressed for the day. Patsy had never been to bed. She (allegedly) arranged the ransom note on the spiral staircase that led from their master bedroom to the lower floor. When she went downstairs to make coffee, she screamed and called for John. Was she thinking that she would be able to convince John that this ransom note was real? They called 911 shortly after and waited around while friends and police arrived. John and Fleet White searched the house and found nothing. There was a time that morning when Linda Arndt noted John's absence for perhaps 30-40 minutes (was he checking the mail, perhaps?). When he returned, she noticed a profound difference in his demeanor (reserved, stunned). Not much later, she suggested that John and Fleet search the house again, and this time, John found JonBenet in the wine cellar. Is it possible that JR didn't know JBR was in the house (in the wine cellar) until either A) he stumbled upon her while being absent from the group, or B) he found her for the first time when asked to search with Fleet later by Linda Arndt? Either is possible. The more I learn about Patsy, her family, her idyllic childhood, teen years, and life up to the point where the tragedy occurred, I learn her life was a protected and privileged one. She was well-educated, participated in beauty pageants, and won Miss West Virginia in 1977. She and her family were very religious as well. She believed that the priest could "raise" JonBenet from death when he visited their home in Boulder the day JBR was found dead. I truly believe Patsy lived in a surreal existence where things were near perfect as she strived to be the perfect daughter, wife, mother, socialite, and more. She strove to protect John from any imperfections in their home life or family as she saw this as her role as his wife and mother to his children. Please share your thoughts about this theory.
submitted by NeedleworkerPlenty89 to JonBenetRamsey [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 05:18 yawningvoid28 The Full U.S. Theatrical Wide-Release Schedule For The Year of 2024.

Up-to-date as of April 27, 2024
January 5, 2024
Night Swim (HorroWith: Wyatt Russell, Kerry Condon, Amélie Hoeferle, Gavin Warren/PG-13/1 hr 38 min/Universal Pictures/d: Bryce McGuire)
January 12, 2024
Mean Girls (2024) (Musical/With: Angourie Rice, Reneé Rapp, Auli'i Cravalho, Jaquel Spivey/PG-13/1 hr 52 min/d: Samantha Jayne and Arturo Perex, Jr./Paramount Pictures)
The Beekeeper (Action/With: Jason Statham, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Bobby Naderi, Josh Hutcherson/1 hr 45 min/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayed: David Ayer)
The Book of Clarence (Drama/With: LaKeith Stanfield, Omar Sy, Anna Diop, RJ CylePG-13/2 hr 9 min/Sony Pictures Releasing/d: Jeymes Samuel)
January 19, 2024
I.S.S. (Sci-Fi/With: Ariana DeBose, Chris Messina, John Gallagher Jr., Masha Mashkova/1 hr 35 min/Bleecker Street Media/d: Gabriela Cowperthwaite)
February 2, 2024
Argylle (Action/With: Catherine O'Hara, Henry Cavill, Sofia Boutella, Ariana DeBose/PG-13/2 hr 15 min/Apple Original-Universal Pictures/d: Matthew Vaughn)
February 9, 2024
Lisa Frankenstein (HorroWith: Carla Gugino, Kathryn Newton, Cole Sprouse, Jenna Davis/PG-13/1h 41m/Focus Features/d: Zelda Williams)
February 14, 2024
Madame Web (Fantasy/With: Sydney Sweeney, Isabela Merced, Emma Roberts, Dakota Johnson/PG-13/1h 56m/Columbia Pictures/d: S.J. Clarkson)
Bob Marley: One Love (Biography/With: Kingsley Ben-Adir, James Norton, Lashana Lynch, Michael Gandolfini/PG-13/1h 44m/Paramount Pictures/d: Reinaldo Marcus Green)
February 23, 2024
Ordinary Angels (Drama/With: Alan Ritchson, Hilary Swank, Amy Acker, Nancy Travis/PG/1 hr 56 min/d: d: Jon Gunn)
Drive-Away Dolls (Comedy/With: Margaret Qualley, Geraldine Viswanathan, Beanie Feldstein, Joey Slotnick/1 hr 24 min/Focus Features)
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba - To the Hashira Training (Animation/With: Natsuki Hanae, Kengo Kawanishi, Akari Kitô, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka/1 hr 44 min/Sony Pictures Releasing/d: Haruo Sotozaki)
March 1, 2024
Dune: Part Two (Fantasy/With: Florence Pugh, Timothée Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson, Zendaya/Warner Bros./PG-13/2 hr 46 min/d: Denis Villeneuve)
March 8, 2024
Imaginary (HorroWith: DeWanda Wise, Tom Payne, Betty Buckley, Veronica Falcón/PG-13/1 hr 44 min/Lionsgate Films/d: Jeff Wadlow)
Kung Fu Panda 4 (Animation/With: Lucy Liu, Angelina Jolie, Seth Rogen, Jack Black/PG/1 hr 34 min/Universal Pictures/d: Mike Mitchell and Stephanie Stine)
Cabrini (Inspirational/With: Cristiana Dell'Anna, John Lithgow, David Morse, Giancarlo Giannini/PG-13/2 hr 25 min/Angel Studios/d: Alejandro Monteverde)
March 15, 2024
The American Society of Magical Negroes (Comedy/With: Rupert Friend, David Alan Grier, Justice Smith, Michaela Watkins/PG-13/1 hr 44 min/Focus Features/d: Kobi Libii)
Arthur the King (Adventure/With: Mark Wahlberg, Nathalie Emmanuel, Simu Liu, Michael Landes/PG-13/1h 30m/Lionsgate Films/d: Simon Cellan Jones)
Love Lies Bleeding (Crime/With: Anna Baryshnikov, Kristen Stewart, Dave Franco, Katy O'Brian/1 hr 44 min/A24/d: Rose Glass)
March 22, 2024
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (Fantasy/With: Carrie Coon, Mckenna Grace, Annie Potts, Paul Rudd/PG-13/2h 5m/Sony Pictures Entertainment/d: Gil Kenan)
Problemista (Adventure/With: Julio Torres, Tilda Swinton, RZA, Greta Lee/1 hr 38 min/A24/d: Julio Torres)
Immaculate (HorroWith: Sydney Sweeney, Simona Tabasco, Álvaro Morte/1 hr 29 min/NEON/d: Michael Mohan)
Last Night With The Devil (HorroWith: David Dastmalchian, Laura Gordon, Ian Bliss, Fayssal Bazzi/1h 33m/IFC Films/Cameron Cairnes and Colin Cairnes)
March 29, 2024
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (Fantasy/With: Rebecca Hall, Dan Stevens, Rachel House, Mercy Cornwall/PG-13/1h 55m/Warner Bros./d: Adam Wingard)
Asphalt City (ThrilleWith: Sean Penn, Tye Sheridan, Katherine Waterston, Mike Tyson/2h 0m/Vertical-Roadside Attractions/d: Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire)
April 5, 2024
Monkey Man (Action/With: Dev Patel, Sharlto Copley, Pitobash, Sobhita Dhulipala/1 hr 53 min/Universal Pictures/d: Dev Patel)
The First Omen (HorroWith: Bill Nighy, Ralph Ineson, Nell Tiger Free, Sonia Braga/2h 0m/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/d: Arkasha Stevenson)
April 12, 2024
Sting (HorroWith: Penelope Mitchell, Silvia Colloca, Ryan Corr, Jermaine Fowle1 hr 31 min/Well Go USA Entertainment/d: Kiah Roache-Turner)
Civil War (Action/With: Jesse Plemons, Cailee Spaeny, Kirsten Dunst, Nick Offerman/1h 49m/A24/d: Alex Garland)
Arcadian (HorroWith: Nicolas Cage, Jaeden Martell, Maxwell Jenkins, Sadie Soverall/1h 32m/RLJE Films/d: Benjamin Brewer)
April 19, 2024
Abigail (HorroWith: Kathryn Newton, Dan Stevens, Kevin Durand, Giancarlo Esposito/Universal/1h 49m/d: Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett)
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (Action/With: Henry Cavill, Eiza González, Alan Ritchson, Alex Pettyfe2h 0m/Lionsgate/d: Guy Ritchie)
April 26, 2024
Challengers (Romantic Drama/With: Zendaya, Josh O'Connor, Mike Faist, Andre Gadbois/2h 11m/United Artists Releasing/d: Luca Guadagnino)
Unsung Hero (Inspirational/With: Daisy Betts, Joel Smallbone, Kirrilee Berger, Jonathan Jackson/Lionsgate Films/PG/1h 52m/d: Richard L. Ramsey and Joel Smallbone)
Boy Kills World (Action/With: Bill Skarsgård, Michelle Dockery, Jessica Rothe, Famke Janssen/1h 55m/Lionsgate-Roadside Attractions/d: Moritz Mohr)
May 3, 2024
The Fall Guy (Action/With: Emily Blunt, Ryan Gosling, Aaron Taylor-Johnson Hannah Waddingham/PG-13/1 hr 54 min/Universal Pictures/d: David Leitch)
Tarot (HorroWith: Avantika, Harriet Slater, Jacob Batalon, Humberly González/Screen Gems/PG-13/1h 32m/d: Spenser Cohen and Anna Halberg)
Dragonkeeper (Animated/With: Billy Nighy, Anthony Howell, Bill Bailey, Mayalinee Griffiths/PG/1h 39 min/Viva Kids/d: Jianping Li and Salvador Simó
May 4, 2024
Sight (Inspirational/With: Greg Kinnear, Fionnula Flanagan, Terry Chen, Ben Wang/PG-13/Angel Studios/d: Andrew Hyatt)
May 10, 2024
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (Fantasy/With: Freya Allan, Kevin Durand, William H. Macy, Dichen Lachman/PG-13/2h 25m/20th Century Studios/PG-13/d: Wes Ball/Wide)
May 17, 2024
IF (Dramedy/With: Ryan Reynolds, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Emily Blunt, Matt Damon/Paramount Pictures/d: John Krasinski)
Back To Black (Biography/With: Marisa Abela, Jack O'Connell, Eddie Marsan, Lesley Manville/2h 2m/Focus Features/d: Sam Taylor-Johnson)
The Strangers (Chapter One) (HorroWith: Madelaine Petsch, Froy Gutierrez, Gabriel Basso, Richard Brake/1h 31m/Lionsgate/d: Renny Harlin)
May 24, 2024
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (Action/With: Anya Taylor-Joy, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Burke, Nathan Jones/Warner Bros./d: George Miller)
The Garfield Movie (2024) (Animation/With: Hannah Waddingham, Nicholas Hoult, Chris Pratt, Samuel L. Jackson/PG/1h 41m/Sony Pictures Entertainment/d: Mark Dindal)
May 31, 2024
The Dead Don't Hurt (Western/With: Vicky Krieps, Viggo Mortensen, Solly McLeod, Garret Dillahunt/2h 9m/Shout Studios/d: Viggo Mortensen)
Summer Camp (Comedy/With: Diane Keaton, Kathy Bates, Alfre Woodard, Eugene Levy/Roadside Attractions/d: Castille Landon)
June 7, 2024
Bad Boys: Ride Or Die (Action/With: Will Smith, Alexander Ludwig, Vanessa Hudgens, Rhea Seehorn/Sony Pictures Entertainment/d: Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah)
The Watchers (HorroWith: Dakota Fanning, Georgina Campbell, Olwen Fouéré, Siobhan Hewlett/Warner Bros./d: Ishana Shyamalan)
June 14, 2024
Inside Out 2 (Animation/With: Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Lewis Black, Tony Hale/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/d: Kelsey Mann)
June 21, 2024
The Bikeriders (Drama/With: Austin Butler, Jodie Comer, Tom Hardy, Michael Shannon/1 hr 56 min/Focus Features/d: Jeff Nichols)
Thelma (ActionComedy/With: June Squibb, Parker Posey, Clark Gregg, Malcolm McDowell/1h 37m/Magnolia Pictures/d: Josh Margolin)
Kinds of Kindness (Dramedy/With: Emma Stone, Jesse Plemons, Willem Dafoe, Margaret Qualley/Searchlight Pictures/d: Yorgos Lanthimos)
June 28, 2024
A Quiet Place: Day One (HorroWith: Lupita Nyong'o, Djimon Hounsou, Alex Wolff, Denis O'Hare/Paramount Pictures/d: Michael Sarnoski)
Horizon: An American Saga (Chapter 1) (Western/With: Jena Malone, Abbey Lee, Kevin Costner, Sienna MilleWarner Bros./d: Kevin Costner)
July 3, 2024
Despicable Me 4 (Animation/With: Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Miranda Cosgrove, Steve Coogan/PG/Universal Pictures/d: Chris Renaud and Patrick Delage)
July 4, 2024
Possum Trot (Inspirational/With: Elizabeth Mitchell, Demetrius Grosse, Carlos Aviles/Angel Studios/d: Joshua Weigel)
July 5, 2024
MaXXXine (HorroWith: Mia Goth, Elizabeth Debicki, Bobby Cannavale, Kevin Bacon/1h 45m/A24/d: Ti West)
Kill (Action/With: Lakshya, Raghav Juyal, Tanya Maniktala, Abhishek Chauhan/1h 55m/Roadside Attractions/d: Nikhil Nagesh Bhat)
July 12, 2024
Fly Me To The Moon (RomCom/With: Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, Jim Rash, Ray Romano/Sony-Apple Original/d: Greg Berlanti)
July 19, 2024
Twisters (Adventure/With: Glen Powell, Kiernan Shipka, Maura Tierney, Daisy Edgar-Jones/Universal Pictures/d: Lee Isaac Chung)
July 21, 2024
Deadpool and Wolverine (Fantasy/With: Emma Corrin, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/d: Shawn Levy)
July 26, 2024
Didi (Dramedy/With: Izaac Wang, Joan Chen, Chirley Chen, Chang Li Hua /1h 31m/Focus Features/d: Sean Wang)
August 2, 2024
Harold and the Purple Crayon (Animation/With: Zooey Deschanel, Zachary Levi, Lil Rel Howery, Camille Guaty/PG/1 hr 32 min/Columbia Pictures/d: Carlos Saldanha)
Cuckoo (HorroWith: Hunter Schafer, Dan Stevens, Jessica Henwick, Marton Csokas/1h 42m/d: Tilman SingeNEON)
August 9, 2024
It Ends with Us (Romantic Drama/With: Blake Lively, Jenny Slate, Brandon Sklenar, Justin Baldoni/Sony Pictures Entertainment/d: Justin Baldoni)
Trap (HorroWith: Josh Hartnett, Hayley Mills, Cali Lorella, Saleka Shyamalan/Warner Bros./d: M. Night Shyamalan)
Borderlands (Fantasy/With: Olivier Richters, Ariana Greenblatt, Cate Blanchett, Jamie Lee Curtis/Lionsgate Films/d: Eli Roth and Tim Miller)
The Fire Inside (Biography/With: Brian Tyree Henry, Jessica Grossi, Ryan Destiny, Amanda BarkePG-13/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayed: Rachel Morrison)
My Penguin Friend (Drama/With: Jean Reno, Adriana Barraza, Rocío Hernández, Nicolás Francella/Roadside Attractions/d: David Schurmann)
August 16, 2024
Alien: Romulus (HorroWith: Isabela Merced, Cailee Spaeny, Archie Renaux, David Jonsson/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/d: Fede Alvarez)
Horizon: An American Saga (Chapter 2) (Western/With: Kevin Costner, Sienna Miller, Isabelle Fuhrman, Giovanni Ribisi/Warner Bros./d: Kevin Costner)
August 23, 2024
The Crow (2024) (Fantasy/With: BIll Skarsgård, FKA Twigs, Danny Huston, Laura Birn/Lionsgate/d: Rupert Sanders)
Blink Twice (ThrilleWith: Kyle MacLachlan, Geena Davis, Adria Arjona, Christian SladeAmazon MGM/d: Zoë Kravitz)
The Forge (Inspirational/With: Karen Abercrombie, Priscilla C. Shirer, Cameron Arnett, Aspen Kennedy/PG/Affirm Films/d: Alex Kendrick)
September 6, 2024
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (Comedy/With: Catherine O'Hara, Jenna Ortega, Monica Bellucci, Winona RydeWarner Bros./d: Tim Burton)
September 13, 20
Speak No Evil (HorroWith: Mackenzie Davis, James McAvoy, Scoot McNairy, Alix West LefleUniversal Pictures/d: Wide)
September 20, 2024
Transformers One (Animation/With: Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, Jon Hamm, Keegan-Michael Key/Paramount Pictures/d: Josh Cooley)
Wolfs (ThrilleWith: George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Amy Ryan, Austin Abrams/Sony-Apple Original/d: Jon Watts)
September 27, 2024
Never Let Go (HorroWith: Halle Berry, Matthew Kevin Anderson, Christin Park, Stephanie Lavigne/Lionsgate/d: Alexandre Aja)
The Wild Robot (Animation/With: Lupita Nyong’o, Pedro Pascal, Catherine O’Hara, Mark Hamill/DreamWorks/d: Chris Sanders)
October 3, 2024
Joker: Folie à Deux (Fantasy/With: Joaquin Phoenix, Lady Gaga, Zazie Beetz, Brendan Gleeson/Warner Bros. Studios/d: Todd Phillips)
October 11, 2024
Piece By Piece (Biography/With: Pharell Williams/d: Morgan Neville/Focus Features)
October 18, 2024
A Real Pain (Dramedy/With: Kieran Culkin, Jesse Eisenberg, Olha Bosova, Banner Eisenberg/1h 30m/Searchlight Pictures/d: Jesse Eisenberg)
October 18, 2024
Smile 2 (HorroWith: Kyle Gallner, Naomi Scott, Lukas Gage, Rosemarie DeWitt//Paramount Pictures/d: Parker Finn)
October 23, 2024
Terrifier 3 (HorroWith: Lauren LaVera, David Howard Thornton, Samantha Scaffidi, Elliott Fullam/Cin-everse/d: Damien Leone)
October 25, 2024
Venom: The Last Dance (Fantasy/With: Juno Temple, Tom Hardy, Chiwetel EjiofoSony Pictures Entertainment/d: Kelly Marcel)
November 8, 2024
Conclave (ThrilleWith: Ralph Fiennes, Stanley Tucci, Isabella Rossellini, John Lithgow/Focus Features/d: Edward Berger)
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (Adventure/With Lauren Graham, Kirk B.R. Woller, Vanessa Benavente, Elizabeth Tabish/Lionsgate/d: Dallas Jenkins)
November 15, 2024
Red One (ActionComedy/With: Dwayne Jonson, Chris Evans, J.K. Simmons, Kiernan Shipka/1h 42m/Amazon MGM/d: Jake Kasdan)
November 22, 2024
Gladiator 2 (Action/With: Pedro Pascal, Denzel Washington, Connie Nielsen, Paul Mescal/Paramount Pictures/d: Ridley Scott)
Bonhoeffer (Inspirational/With: Jonas Dassler, Phileas Heyblom, August Diehl, Moritz Bleibtreu/Angel Studios/d: Todd Komarnicki)
November 27, 2024
Moana 2 (Animation/With: Auli'i Cravalho/Walt Disney Motion Pictures/d: Dave Derrick, Jr.)
Wicked (Part 1) (Musical/With: Cynthia Erivo, Ariana Grande, Jonathan Bailey, Marissa Bode/Universal Pictures/d: Jon M. Chu)
Here (Drama/With: Tom Hanks, Kelly Reilly, Robin Wright, Paul Bettany/TriStar Pictures/d: Robert Zemeckis)
December 6, 2024
Nightbitch (HorroWith Amy Adams, Scoot McNairy, Mary Holland, Zoë Chao/Searchlight Pictures/d: Marielle Heller)
December 13, 2024
The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim (Animation/With: Brian Cox, Miranda Otto, Shaun Dooley, Luke Pasqualino/2 hr 10 min/Warner Bros./d: Kenji Kamiyama)
Kraven the Hunter (Fantasy/With: Ariana DeBose, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Russell Crowe, Christopher Abbott/Sony Pictures Entertainment/d: J.C. Chandor)
December 20, 2024
Mufasa: The Lion King (Adventure/With: Seth Rogen, Billy Eichner, Aaron Pierre, Kelvin Harrison, Jr./Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/d: Barry Jenkins)
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Family/With: Idris Elba, James Marsden, Ben Schwartz, Colleen O'Shaughnessey/Paramount Pictures/d: Jeff Fowler)
Homestead (Inspirational//With: Neal McDonough, Dawn Olivieri, Currie Graham/, Susan MisneAngel Studios/d: Ben Smallbone)
December 25, 2024
Nosferatu (2024) (HorroWith: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Willem Dafoe, Emma Corrin, Nicholas Hoult/Focus Features/d: Robert Eggers)
submitted by yawningvoid28 to movies [link] [comments]

2024.02.08 18:14 lakewanderer082 Twin Cities Weekend Event Preview


Here is what’s going on in the Twin Cities this weekend.

Celebrate the Lunar New Year 🐲

✔ Stay in the know: The Lunar New Year, which marks the first new moon of the lunar calendar, falls on February 10, kicking off the 15-day Spring Festival. This year is the year of the dragon which is traditionally a symbol of strength and power. It is also associated with good fortune, wisdom, and success. Learn more here.
Where to celebrate in the Twin Cities:
Minneapolis Institute of Art: Celebrate the Year of the Dragon with a captivating dance performance by CAAM Chinese Dance Theater, featuring traditional and stylized Chinese dances. February 10th @ 11am. FREE. More info.
Midtown Global Market: Take the family to Midtown Global Market for a celebration featuring live dance performances, music, kids crafts, food, and more. February 10 from 12-3 PM. FREE. More info.
Mall of America: Head to the Huntington Bank Rotunda in the MOA for a day featuring instrumental music, traditional dance, martial arts, Princess of Asia Pageant, and a Manchurian Qipao fashion. February 10th and 11th from 12:30 to 5 p.m. FREE. More info.
Orchestra Hall: On Saturday, the Minnesota Orchestra will be performing music that honors family traditions and themes of unity and health in honor of the Lunar New Year. February 17th, 7pm. $43+ More Info
🍜 Make sure to check out some of the Twin Cities local restaurants to get traditional Lunar New Year dishes. Eater Twin Cities has a great list to get you started.

Love is in the air – check out these Valentines themed events 💞

Jigsaw Dating Singles Happy Hour Sociable Cider Works Feb 10 $19.99 More Info
Mistress Ginger's V-Day Soirée Bryant-Lake Bowl Feb 9 $20 More Info
For the Love of Cider Food & Drink Special Number 12 Cider Feb 9 - Feb 14 $22 More Info
Institute of Hearts Minneapolis Institute of Art Feb 10 - Feb 15 FREE More Info
Art and Craft Market Broken Clock Brewing Feb 10 FREE More Info
Romeo and Juliet Minnesota Orchestra Feb 9 - 10 $36+ More Info
♥ Need some ideas for the actual day of Valentines (Wednesday)? Check out these lists from Visit St. Paul, Meet Minneapolis, and Mpls St. Paul Mag.
💍 Looking to tie the knot this Valentines Day? Ramsey County will be offering free nuptials on Feb. 14.
Not celebrating Valentines? Check out these Galentines events
Galentine’s Day 2024 Malcolm Yards Feb 10 FREE More Info
Galentine's Weekend at AxeBridge Wine Co AxeBridge Wine Co Feb 10-11 More Info
Galentine's Day at Punch Bowl Social Punch Bowl Social Feb 9 $15 More Info

Food & Drink 🍔

🍻 Head over to St. Paul this weekend for “1-mile of chilled cheer.” Downtown STP will have 10 different ice bars and select restaurants in coordination with the Red Bull snowboarding event. Each location will feature a specialty menu for guests. Check out the full list of ice bar locations.
There are a few new restaurant openings in the Twin Cities:
🍝 Gia is a new italian restaurant that opened in SW Minneapolis. View the menu here.
🎺 A jazz club called “Berlin” opened in North Loop that promises to offer a German inspired menu and plenty of live music. Learn more here.
🌮 Nico’s Tacos has opened its third location on 50th and Penn in SW Minneapolis in the building that was formerly home to Tinto. Learn more here.

Music 🎤

Bob Marley Remembered Feb 9 - 10 Hook & Ladder Theater $20+ More Info
Mason Jennings Feb 10 Dakota $40+ More Info
JT Bates Quartet Feb 9 Berlin No Cover More Info
Briston Maroney Feb 10. First Avenue $25 More Info
Malamanya Feb 10 Uptown VFW $15+ More Info
Valentino Khan Feb 10 Uptown VFW $15+ More Info
Anees Feb 9 First Ave $25 More Info
Wolves of Glendale Feb 10 7th st entry $18+ More Info
Arkansauce Feb 10 Turf Club $12+ More Info
PFR Feb 10 Fine Line $20+ More Info
Emo Night Feb 9 Fine Line $16+ More Info
R&B Only Live Feb 9 Varsity Theater $40+ More Info
St Paul Chamber Orchestra Feb 9 - 10 Ordway $32+ More Info
The Erratix Feb 9 The Palmer $10+ More Info

Shows 🎤

Roy Wood Jr Fillmore Feb 9 $55+ More Info
Dial M for Murder Guthrie Theater Feb 6-25 $53+ More Info
Mamma Mia! Orpheum Theatre Feb 6-11 $50+ More Info

Sports 🏂

🏂 The Red Bull Heavy Metal event is returning to the St.Paul Capitol Building steps this weekend. The street snowboard contest features snowboarders riding the railing on the capitol steps. If you’re having a hard time visualizing what this actually will look like, check out the highlight video from last year’s event. The event is on Saturday and viewing is FREE.
🏒 Gopher Hockey vs Penn State Feb 9 & 10 3M Arena $27+ More Info
🏒 Gopher Women’s Hockey vs St. Cloud Feb 10 Ridder Arena $6+ More Info
🏒 Wild vs Penguins Feb 9 Xcel Arena $100+ More Info

Miscellaneous…Something For Everyone

Hosted Sauna Sessions Lebanon Hills Feb 9-11 $38 More Info
Stupor Bowl Venture Bikes Feb 10 FREE More Info
Minneapolis Golf Show Minneapolis Convention Center Feb 9-11 $15 More Info
Utepils 7th Anniversary Party Utepils Brewing Feb 10 Free More Info
Puppy Yoga Carpe Diem Studio Feb 10 $30 More Info
Super Bowl Party Brit’s Pub Feb 11 FREE More Info
Candlelight Trail and Community Night MN Valley Wildlife Refuge Feb 10 FREE More Info
Frost Fest Pearl Park Feb 9 FREE More Info
Spring Flower Show Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Feb 9 $15+ More Info
submitted by lakewanderer082 to uofmn [link] [comments]

2024.02.08 18:12 lakewanderer082 Twin Cities Weekend Events Preview


Here is what’s going on in the Twin Cities this weekend.

Celebrate the Lunar New Year 🐲

✔ Stay in the know: The Lunar New Year, which marks the first new moon of the lunar calendar, falls on February 10, kicking off the 15-day Spring Festival. This year is the year of the dragon which is traditionally a symbol of strength and power. It is also associated with good fortune, wisdom, and success. Learn more here.
Where to celebrate in the Twin Cities:
Minneapolis Institute of Art: Celebrate the Year of the Dragon with a captivating dance performance by CAAM Chinese Dance Theater, featuring traditional and stylized Chinese dances. February 10th @ 11am. FREE. More info.
Midtown Global Market: Take the family to Midtown Global Market for a celebration featuring live dance performances, music, kids crafts, food, and more. February 10 from 12-3 PM. FREE. More info.
Mall of America: Head to the Huntington Bank Rotunda in the MOA for a day featuring instrumental music, traditional dance, martial arts, Princess of Asia Pageant, and a Manchurian Qipao fashion. February 10th and 11th from 12:30 to 5 p.m. FREE. More info.
Orchestra Hall: On Saturday, the Minnesota Orchestra will be performing music that honors family traditions and themes of unity and health in honor of the Lunar New Year. February 17th, 7pm. $43+ More Info
🍜 Make sure to check out some of the Twin Cities local restaurants to get traditional Lunar New Year dishes. Eater Twin Cities has a great list to get you started.

Love is in the air – check out these Valentines themed events 💞

Jigsaw Dating Singles Happy Hour Sociable Cider Works Feb 10 $19.99 More Info
Mistress Ginger's V-Day Soirée Bryant-Lake Bowl Feb 9 $20 More Info
For the Love of Cider Food & Drink Special Number 12 Cider Feb 9 - Feb 14 $22 More Info
Institute of Hearts Minneapolis Institute of Art Feb 10 - Feb 15 FREE More Info
Art and Craft Market Broken Clock Brewing Feb 10 FREE More Info
Romeo and Juliet Minnesota Orchestra Feb 9 - 10 $36+ More Info
♥ Need some ideas for the actual day of Valentines (Wednesday)? Check out these lists from Visit St. Paul, Meet Minneapolis, and Mpls St. Paul Mag.
💍 Looking to tie the knot this Valentines Day? Ramsey County will be offering free nuptials on Feb. 14.
Not celebrating Valentines? Check out these Galentines events
Galentine’s Day 2024 Malcolm Yards Feb 10 FREE More Info
Galentine's Weekend at AxeBridge Wine Co AxeBridge Wine Co Feb 10-11 More Info
Galentine's Day at Punch Bowl Social Punch Bowl Social Feb 9 $15 More Info

Food & Drink 🍔

🍻 Head over to St. Paul this weekend for “1-mile of chilled cheer.” Downtown STP will have 10 different ice bars and select restaurants in coordination with the Red Bull snowboarding event. Each location will feature a specialty menu for guests. Check out the full list of ice bar locations.
There are a few new restaurant openings in the Twin Cities:
🍝 Gia is a new italian restaurant that opened in SW Minneapolis. View the menu here.
🎺 A jazz club called “Berlin” opened in North Loop that promises to offer a German inspired menu and plenty of live music. Learn more here.
🌮 Nico’s Tacos has opened its third location on 50th and Penn in SW Minneapolis in the building that was formerly home to Tinto. Learn more here.

Music 🎤

Bob Marley Remembered Feb 9 - 10 Hook & Ladder Theater $20+ More Info
Mason Jennings Feb 10 Dakota $40+ More Info
JT Bates Quartet Feb 9 Berlin No Cover More Info
Briston Maroney Feb 10. First Avenue $25 More Info
Malamanya Feb 10 Uptown VFW $15+ More Info
Valentino Khan Feb 10 Uptown VFW $15+ More Info
Anees Feb 9 First Ave $25 More Info
Wolves of Glendale Feb 10 7th st entry $18+ More Info
Arkansauce Feb 10 Turf Club $12+ More Info
PFR Feb 10 Fine Line $20+ More Info
Emo Night Feb 9 Fine Line $16+ More Info
R&B Only Live Feb 9 Varsity Theater $40+ More Info
St Paul Chamber Orchestra Feb 9 - 10 Ordway $32+ More Info
The Erratix Feb 9 The Palmer $10+ More Info

Shows 🎤

Roy Wood Jr Fillmore Feb 9 $55+ More Info
Dial M for Murder Guthrie Theater Feb 6-25 $53+ More Info
Mamma Mia! Orpheum Theatre Feb 6-11 $50+ More Info

Sports 🏂

🏂 The Red Bull Heavy Metal event is returning to the St.Paul Capitol Building steps this weekend. The street snowboard contest features snowboarders riding the railing on the capitol steps. If you’re having a hard time visualizing what this actually will look like, check out the highlight video from last year’s event. The event is on Saturday and viewing is FREE.
🏒 Gopher Hockey vs Penn State Feb 9 & 10 3M Arena $27+ More Info
🏒 Gopher Women’s Hockey vs St. Cloud Feb 10 Ridder Arena $6+ More Info
🏒 Wild vs Penguins Feb 9 Xcel Arena $100+ More Info

Miscellaneous…Something For Everyone

Hosted Sauna Sessions Lebanon Hills Feb 9-11 $38 More Info
Stupor Bowl Venture Bikes Feb 10 FREE More Info
Minneapolis Golf Show Minneapolis Convention Center Feb 9-11 $15 More Info
Utepils 7th Anniversary Party Utepils Brewing Feb 10 Free More Info
Puppy Yoga Carpe Diem Studio Feb 10 $30 More Info
Super Bowl Party Brit’s Pub Feb 11 FREE More Info
Candlelight Trail and Community Night MN Valley Wildlife Refuge Feb 10 FREE More Info
Frost Fest Pearl Park Feb 9 FREE More Info
Spring Flower Show Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Feb 9 $15+ More Info
submitted by lakewanderer082 to minnesota [link] [comments]

2024.02.07 00:09 stickerhighway The Attack on Our Children Don't Let GOP Distract You Protect Kids From Alleged Predators

The GOP wants to distract us with harmful anti-LGBTQ bills while accused child sex offenders hold power in their party. Their performative outrage over drag shows and story hours conveniently thwarts the hypocrisy of their own actions and party.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders appoints man who had sex with a minor to top state post

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R), who has repeatedly pledged to “protect kids” with anti-LGBTQ+ laws, appointed a man to a top state prison post even though he had previously been fired from a local police force for receiving oral sex from a teen girl in a post office parking lot. Jamol Jones, who Sanders appointed as chairman to the Arkansas Post-Prison Transfer Board in January, resigned last Friday after news agencies reported that the Benton Police Department fired him after he admitted to an internal affairs investigator that he had sexual relations as an adult with a 17-year-old girl, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported.

Don't fall for smokescreens - the safety of children and their education is what matters. Research the extensive charges against Republican officials and activists. Then vote to remove enablers of abuse from office. Protect kids from predators, period. The GOP's bigoted agenda can't obscure their own crimes against children.

submitted by stickerhighway to conservativeterrorism [link] [comments]

2024.01.30 22:20 Dogdaysareover365 What was the first show you were in?

Unless you count church Christmas pageants, my first one would be a high school production of Oliver were I was in the offstage chorus(I was in seventh grade at the time, but since the middle school chorus teacher was also the high school drama director, he had us in the show).
First show I was actually onstage for was my freshman year of high school. I played a townsperson and summer ensemble in frozen jr.
submitted by Dogdaysareover365 to musicals [link] [comments]

2024.01.26 10:04 sickleandpeace my R.E.M. album ranking

I've been doing a relisten to the discography and, as it seems to be the rite of passage for REM fandom, here's how I would rank the albums:
  1. Murmur 5/5
  2. Automatic for the People 5/5
  3. New Adventures in Hi-Fi 5/5
  4. Lifes Rich Pageant 5/5
  5. Reckoning 4.5/5
  6. Document 4.5/5
  7. Green 4.5/5
  8. Up 4.5/5
  9. Fables of the Reconstruction 4.5/5
  10. Monster 4.5/5
  11. Accelerate 4/5
  12. Out of Time 4/5
  13. Reveal 4/5
  14. Collapse Into Now 2.5/5
  15. Around the Sun 2/5
Any of the top 4 are viable as my favorite on any given day. I give Murmur the top spot mainly due to nostalgia since it was the first REM album I fell in love with. I found it in my parents CD collection when I was 11, thought the cover looked cool, and ended up listening to it all the time on my Discman on the way back and forth from school during Jr High.
A few other notes:
1) Out of Time has some of the highest peaks in the band's history (Losing My Religion, Near Wild Heaven, Country Feedback) but is an uneven whole experience.
2) Reveal has the highest future potential. Every time I listen to it I feel like it's hiding some goodies that will become more apparent on the next listen.
3) Around the Sun is the only record I don't really return to. Collapse Into Now has Discoverer and one or two other tracks that are solid/good, but the band sound tired. I consider NAIHF to be the unofficial "goodbye" album, both their Abbey Road & White Album. Everything after UP is the band searching for the spark. Sometimes they found it (Accelerate & Reveal), sometimes they were lost (Around the Sun & Collapse).
Regardless, they were together 30 years, put out 15.5 albums, and 13.5 of them are great. That's maybe the most impressive discography in rock history.
submitted by sickleandpeace to rem [link] [comments]

2024.01.24 06:31 CauliflowerMother708 𝙒𝙃𝙊 𝙄𝙎 𝙄𝙈𝙀𝙀 𝙈𝘼𝙍𝘾𝙊𝙎’𝙎 𝙍𝙀𝘼𝙇 𝙁𝘼𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍?

What are your thoughts about this?
submitted by CauliflowerMother708 to ChikaPH [link] [comments]

2024.01.24 03:52 LivesInTheBody 2024 Tour Dates! 🚍🎸

Upcoming 2024 Tour Dates!
(Follow Facebook’s Misfits & Lovers group for breaking show announcements)
4/21 - N. Charleston, SC - Day 2 of the High Water Festival
4/23 - Orlando, FL - Plaza Live
4/24 - Ponte Vedra, FL - Ponte Vedra concert hall
4/26 - Key West, FL - Key West Theater
4/27 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL - culture room
4/28 - Clearwater, FL - Capitol Theatre
4/30 - Destin, FL - Club LA
5/1 - Mobile, AL - Soul Kitchen
5/3 - Little Rock, AR - The Hall
5/4 - Choctaw, MS - Pearl River Resort
5/5 - New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival
5/22 - San Luis Obispo, CA
5/24 - Monterey, CA - Golden State Theater
5/25 - Lake Tahoe - Harrah’s
5/26 - Sacramento, CA - Crest Theatre
5/28 - Portland, OR - The Aladdin
5/29 - Edmonds, WA
5/31 - Mt Baker Theater, Bellingham, WA
6/1 - Spokane, WA - Knitting Factory
6/4 - Boise, ID - The Egyptian Theatre
6/5 - Park City, UT - The Marquis Wednesday
6/7 - Loveland, CO - Blue Arena - with Big Head Todd and the Monsters
6/8 - Red Rocks Ampitheatre, CO - with Big Head Todd and the Monsters
6/24 - Alexandria, VA - The Birchmere
6/25 - Alexandria, VA - The Birchmere
6/27 - Lancaster, PA - American Music Theatre
6/28 - Marietta, OH - The Adelphia Music Hall
6/29 - Flint, MI - FIM Capitol Theatre
6/30 - Columbus, OH - The Bluestone
7/2 - Chicago, IL - Thalia Hall
7/5 - Milwaukee, WI - Summerfest headlining 9:30pm at Uline Warehouse Stage at north end of grounds
7/6 - Minneapolis, MN - Taste of Minnesota 2024
7/7 - Fargo, ND - Fargo Theatre
7/9 - Davenport, IA - Capitol Theatre
7/11 - Omaha, NE - The Astro in La Vista
7/12 - Lawrence, KS - Liberty Hall
7/13 - Wichita, KS - TempleLive Wichita
7/14 - Springfield, MO - Gillioz Theater
7/16 - St. Louis, MO - The Pageant
7/18 - Grand Rapids, MI - Fifth Third Bank Summer Concerts
7/19 - Champaign, IL - The Virginia Theatre
7/20- Somerset, KY - headlining Master Musicians Festival
8/8-10 - Three Forks, MT - Rockin’ the Rivers Festival
9/1 - Weston, CO - Caveman Muisc Festival - headlining Sunday 9/1
9/11 - Augusta, GA - Miler Theater
9/12 - Montgomery, AL - Montgomery Performing Arts Centre
9/13 - Peachtree City, GA - Frederick Brown Jr. Ampitheatre
9/14 or 9/15 - Bristol, TN - Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion
9/16 - Columbia, SC - The Senate
9/17 - Chattanooga, TN - Walker Theatre
9/19 - Louisville, KY - Bourbon & Beyond Festival
9/20 - Memphis, TN - Graceland Soundstage
9/21 - Fort Smith, AR - TempleLive Fort Smith
9/22 - Tulsa, OK - Tulsa Theater
9/24 - Houston, TX - House of Blues
9/26 - New Braunfels, TX - Gruene Hall
9/27 - Odessa, TX - Ector Theatre
9/28 - Santa Fe, NM - Lensic Theatre
Total shows 58
Listed on Bandsintown 51
Missing from Bandsintown 7
These are the ones not on Bandsintown/wallflowersmusic.com:
7/5 - Milwaukee, WI - Summerfest headlining 9:30pm at Uline Warehouse Stage at north end of grounds
7/6 - Minneapolis, MN - Taste of Minnesota 2024
7/20- Somerset, KY - headlining Master Musicians Festival
8/8-10 - Three Forks, MT - Rockin’ the Rivers Festival
9/19 - Louisville, KY - Bourbon & Beyond Festival
9/26 - New Braunfels, TX - Gruene Hall
9/27 - Odessa, TX - Ector Theatre
submitted by LivesInTheBody to thewallflowers [link] [comments]

2024.01.01 19:00 yawningvoid28 The complete 2024 U.S. theatrical release schedule.

Up-to-date as of February 1, 2024
January 1, 2024
M A S H: The Comedy That Changed Television (Documentary/With: Alan Alda, Allan Arbus, G.W. Bailey, Sorrell Booke/1 hr 29 min/Twentieth Century Fox/d: John Scheinfeld/Limited)
January 5, 2024
Night Swim (HorroWith: Wyatt Russell, Kerry Condon, Amélie Hoeferle, Gavin Warren/PG-13/1 hr 38 min/Universal Pictures/d: Bryce McGuire/Wide)
Weak Layers (Comedy/With: Katie Burrell, Jadyn Wong, Chelsea Conwright, Evan Jonigkeit/1 hr 39 min/Greenwich Entertainment/d: Katie Burrell/Limited)
Mayhem! (Action/With: Nassim Lyes, Loryn Nounay, Olivier Gourmet, Chananticha Chaipa/1 hr 39 min/IFC Films/d: Xavier Gens/Limited)
Memory (Drama/With: Jessica Chastain, Peter Sarsgaard, Brooke Timber, Blake Baumgartne1 hr 39 min/Ketchup Entertainment/d: Michel Franco/Limited)
Anselm (Documentary/With: Anselm Kiefer, Daniel Kiefer, Anton Wenders, Ingeborg Bachmann/1 hr 33 min/Janus Films/d: Wim Wenders/Limited)
Questions (Comedy/With: Carmen Serano, Greg Serano, Cynthia Rodriguez, Lou Richards/1 hr 40 min/Entertainment Squad/d: Avery Kidd Waddell/Limited)
Noryang: Deadly Sea (Biography/With: Jeong Jae-yeong, Yeo Jin-goo, Huh Joon-ho, Ahn Seong-bong/2 hr 32 min/Well Go USA Entertainment/d: Han-min Kim/Limited)
The Bricklayer (Action/With: Aaron Eckhart, Nina Dobrev, Clifton Collins Jr., Tim Blake Nelson/1 hr 50 min/Vertical Entertainment/d: Renny Harlin/Limited)
He Went That Way (Crime/With: Jacob Elordi, Patrick J. Adams, Zachary Quinto, Erin Moore/1 hr 35 min/Vertical Entertainment/d: Jeffrey Darling/Limited)
The Bastard Sons (Crime/With: Kevin Interdonato, Charles Malik Whitfield, Frankie Edgar, Al Sapienza/1 hr 24 min/Vertical Entertainment/d: Kevin Interdonato/Limited)
January 6, 2024
A Storm Foretold (Documentary/With: Christoffer Guldbrandsen, Roger Stone, Joe Biggs, Kristin Davis/1 hr 30 min/Abramorama/d: Christoffer Guldbrandsen/Limited)
January 12, 2024
Mean Girls (2024) (Musical/With: Angourie Rice, Reneé Rapp, Auli'i Cravalho, Jaquel Spivey/PG-13/1 hr 52 min/d: Samantha Jayne and Arturo Perex, Jr./Paramount Pictures/Wide)
The Beekeeper (Action/With: Jason Statham, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Bobby Naderi, Josh Hutcherson/1 hr 45 min/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayed: David AyeWide)
The Book of Clarence (Drama/With: LaKeith Stanfield, Omar Sy, Anna Diop, RJ CylePG-13/2 hr 9 min/Sony Pictures Releasing/d: Jeymes Samuel/Wide)
Soul (Animation/With: Jamie Foxx, Tina Fey, Graham Norton, Rachel House/PG/1 hr 40 min/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/d: Pete Docter and Kemp Powers/Wide)
Driving Madeleine (Drama/With: Line Renaud, Dany Boon, Alice Isaaz, Jérémie Laheurte/1 hr 31 min/Cohen Media Group/d: Christian Carion/limited)
T.I.M. (Sci-Fi/With: Georgina Campbell, Eamon Farren, Mark Rowley, Amara Karan/1 hr 41 min/Brainstorm Media/d: Spencer Brown/Limited)
I Did It My Way (Action/With: Andy Lau, Ka-Tung Lam, Eddie Peng, Simon Yam/1 hr 55 min/Well Go USA Entertainment/d: Jason Kwan/Limited)
The Settlers (Western/With: Sam Spruell, Mark Stanley, Alfredo Castro, Benjamin Westfall/1 hr 37 min/MUBI/d: Felipe Gálvez Haberle/Limited)
Inshallah a Boy (Drama/With: Mouna Hawa, Haitham Alomari, Yumna Marwan, Salwa Nakkara/1 hr 53 min/Greenwich Entertainment/d: Amjad Al Rasheed/Limited)
Occupied City (Documentary/With: Melanie Hyams/PG-13/4 hr 6 min/A24/d: Steve McQueen/Limited)
The Windigo (HorroWith: Marco Fuller, Fivel Stewart, Tonantzin Carmelo, Casey Camp-Horinek/1 hr 25 min/Indican Pictures/d: Gabe Torres/Limited)
Bye Bye Tiberias (Biography/With: Hiam Abbass, Um Ali, Nemat Abbass, Said Abbas/1 hr 22 min/Women Make Movies/d: Lina Soualem/Limited)
January 18, 2024
Queen Rock Montreal (Music/feat. Queen/N/A/Limited)
January 19, 2024
I.S.S. (Sci-Fi/With: Ariana DeBose, Chris Messina, John Gallagher Jr., Masha Mashkova/1 hr 35 min/Bleecker Street Media/d: Gabriela Cowperthwaite/Wide)
Founders Day (HorroWith: Naomi Grace, Devin Druid, William Russ, Amy Hargreaves/1 hr 46 min/d: Erik Bloomquist/Wide)
Origin (Drama/With: Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor, Jon Bernthal, Niecy Nash, Emily Yancy/PG-13/2h 15m/NEON/d: Ava DuVernay/Wide)
Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell (Drama/With: Dylan Besseau, Le Phong Vu, Vu Ngoc Manh, Nguyen Thinh/2 hr 59 min/Kino Lorbed: Thien An Pha/Limited)
Pasang: In the Shadow of Everest (Documentary/With: Pasang Lhamu Sherpa, Marc Batard, Norbu Tenzing, Vincanne Adams/1 hr 12 min/Slice of Pie/d: Nancy Svendsen/Limited)
The Hunted (HorroWith: Ayman Al Aboud, Daphne Alexander, Raj Bajaj, Lily Banda/1 hr 34 min/Vertical Entertainment/d: Louis Lagayette/Limited)
Which Brings Me to You (Romance/With: Lucy Hale, John Gallagher Jr., Nat Wolff, Genevieve Angelson/1 hr 38 min/d: Peter Hutchings/Limited)
The Breaking Ice (Drama/With: Dongyu Zhou, Haoran Liu, Chuxiao Qu, Ruguang Wei/1 hr 37 min/Strand Releasing/d: Anthony Chen/Limited)
Time Still Turns the Pages (Drama/With: Chun Yip Lo, Ronald Cheng, Charm Man Chan, Hanna Chan/1 hr 35 min/d: Nick Cheuk/Limited)
January 23, 2024
New Blue Sun (Listening) (With: André 3000/IMAX/d: Terence Nance/Limited)
A Case for Love (Documentary/With: Michael Curry, Sam Waterston, Al Roker, Pete Buttigieg/Fathom Events/d: Brian Ide/Limited)
January 25, 2024
Fighter (Action/With: Deepika Padukone, Hrithik Roshan, Rishabh Sawhney, Anil Kapoo2 hr 46 min/Viva Pictures/d: Siddharth Anand/Limited)
January 26, 2024
American Star (ThrilleWith: Ian McShane, Thomas Kretschmann, Nora Arnezeder, Adam Nagaitis/IFC Films/d: Gonzalo López-Gallego/Limited)
Totem (Drama/With: Naíma Sentíes, Montserrat Marañon, Marisol Gasé, Saori Gurza/1 hr 35 min/Janus Films/Lila Avilés/Wide)
The Seeding (HorroWith: Scott Haze, Kate Lyn Sheil, Alex Montaldo, Charlie Avink/1 hr 34 min/Magnet Releasing/d: Barnaby Clay/Limited)
Sometimes I Think About Dying (Dramedy/With: Daisy Ridley, Dave Merheje, Parvesh Cheena, Marcia DeBonis/PG-13/1 hr 31 min/Oscilloscope/d: Rachel Lambert/Limited)
Alienoid: The Return to the Future (Fantasy/With: Ryu Jun-Yeol, Kim Tae-ri, Kim Woo-bin, Kim Eui-sung/2 hr 2 min/Well Go USA Entertainment/d:Dong-hoon Choi/Limited)
Hundreds of Beavers (Comedy/With: Ryland Brickson Cole Tews, Olivia Graves, Wes Tank, Doug Mancheski/1 hr 48 min/SRH/d: Mike Cheslik/Limited)
The Peasants (Animation/With: Kamila Urzedowska, Robert Gulaczyk, Miroslaw Baka, Sonia Mietielica/1 hr 54 min/Sony Pictures Classics/d: DK Welchman and Hugh Welchman/Limited)
The Underdoggs (Comedy/With: Snoop Dogg, Tika Sumpter, Mike Epps, Andrew Schulz/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayed: Charles Stone III/Wide)
Cold Copy (ThrilleWith: Bel Powley, Tracee Ellis Ross, Jacob Tremblay, Nesta Coope1 hr 36 min/Vertical Entertainment/d: Roxine Helberg/Limited)
Miller's Girl (Dramedy/With: Martin Freeman, Jenna Ortega, Bashir Salahuddin, Gideon Adlon/1 hr 33 min/Lionsgate Films/d: Jade Halley Bartlett/Limited)
Junction (ThrilleWith: Sophia Bush, Michaela Conlin, Jamie Chung, Yara Martinez/1 hr 38 min/VMI Worldwide/d: Bryan Greenberg/Limited)
February 1, 2024
The Chosen: S4 Episodes 1-3) (Drama/With: Shahar Isaac, Paras Patel, Elizabeth Tabish, Austin Reed Alleman/Fathom Events/Limited)
February 2, 2024
Argylle (Action/With: Catherine O'Hara, Henry Cavill, Sofia Boutella, Ariana DeBose/PG-13/2 hr 15 min/Apple Original-Universal Pictures/d: Matthew Vaughn/Wide)
The Monk and the Gun (Drama/With: Tandin Wangchuk, Harry Einhorn, Tandin Phubz, Tandin Sonam/1 hr 47 min/A Contracorriente Films/d: Pawo Choyning Dorji/Limited)
Disco Boy (Drama/With: Franz Rogowski, Morr Ndiaye, Laetitia Ky, Leon Lucev/1 hr 32 min/Big World Pictures/d: Giacomo Abbruzzese/Limited)
Scrambled (RomCom/With: Leah McKendrick, Ego Nwodim, Clancy Brown, June Diane Raphael/1h 37m/Lionsgate-Roadside Attractions/d: Leah McKendrick/Limited)
Somewhere Quiet (HorroWith: Marin Ireland, Micheál Neeson, Kentucker Audley, Jennifer Kim/1 hr 42 min/Vertical Entertainment/d: Olivia West Lloyd/Limited)
Skin Deep (Drama/With: Mala Emde, Jonas Dassler, Dimitrij Schaad, Maryam Zaree/1 hr 43 min/Kino Lorbed: Alex Schaad/Limited)
Fitting In (Dramedy/With: Maddie Ziegler, Emily Hampshire, Djouliet Amara, D'Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai/1 hr 45 min/Blue Fox Entertainment/d: Molly McGlynn/Limited)
Jungle Bunch: Operation Meltdown (With: Wyatt Bowen, Holly Gauthier-Frankel, Arthur Holden/PG/1 hr 29 min/Viva Pictures/d: Laurent Bru, Yannick Moulin, Benoît Somville/Limited)
Departing Seniors (HorroWith: Ignacio Diaz-Silverio, Yani Gellman, Ireon Roach, Cameron Scott Roberts/1 hr 25 min/Dark Sky Films/d: Clare Cooney/Limited)
February 7, 2024
Perfect Days (Drama/With: Miyako Tanaka, Koji Yakusho, Long Mizuma, Tokio Emoto/PG/2 hr 3 min/NEON/d: Wim Wenders/Limited)
February 9, 2024
Float (RomDram/With: Robbie Amell, Sarah Desjardins, Andrea Bang, Rukiya Bernard/PG-13/1h 40m/Lionsgate/d: Sherren Lee/Wide)
Lisa Frankenstein (HorroWith: Carla Gugino, Kathryn Newton, Cole Sprouse, Jenna Davis/PG-13/Focus Features/d: Zelda Williams/Wide)
Turning Red (Animation/With: Rosalie Chiang, Sandra Oh, Ava Morse, Hyein Park/PG/1 hr 40 min/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/d: Domee Shi/Wide)
The Taste of Things (History/With: Juliette Binoche, Benoît Magimel, Emmanuel Salinger, Patrick d'Assumçao/PG-13/2 hr 25 min/IFC Films/d: Anh Hung Tran/Limited)
Popular Theory (Adventure/With: Sophia Reid-Gantzert, Lincoln Lambert, Chloe East, Cheryl Hines/PG/Blue Fox Entertainment/d: Ali ScheLimited)
Ennio (Documentary/With: Quentin Tarantino, Clint Eastwood, Oliver Stone, John Williams/2 hr 36 min/Music Box Films/Limited)
Lola (Drama/With: Nicola Peltz Beckham, Virginia Madsen, Will Peltz, Raven Goodwin/Vertical Entertainment/d: Giuseppe Tornatore/Limited)
February 13, 2024
Gloria Gaynor: I Will Survive (Documentary/With: Gloria Gayno1 hr 39 min/Fathom Events/d: Betsy SchechteLimited)
February 14, 2024
Madame Web (Fantasy/With: Sydney Sweeney, Isabela Merced, Emma Roberts, Dakota Johnson/PG-13/1h 56m/Columbia Pictures/d: S.J. Clarkson/Wide)
Bob Marley: One Love (Biography/With: Kingsley Ben-Adir, James Norton, Lashana Lynch, Michael Gandolfini/PG-13/1h 44m/Paramount Pictures/d: Reinaldo Marcus Green/Wide)
What About Love (Romantic Drama/With: Sharon Stone, Andy Garcia, Iain Glen, Rosabell Laurenti Sellers/1 hr 54 min/d: Klaus Menzel/Wide)
Adam the First (Drama/With: David Duchovny, T.R. Knight, Oakes Fegley, Larry Pine/Nova Vento Entertainment/d: Irving Franco/Limited)
February 15, 2024
The Chosen: S4 Episodes 4-6 (Drama/With: Austin Reed Alleman, Hannah Barefoot, Reza Diako, Jordan Walker Ross/Fathom Events/Limited)
February 16, 2024
Land of Bad (Action/With: Liam Hemsworth, Russell Crowe, Luke Hemsworth, Milo Ventimiglia/1h 50m/d: William Eubank/The Avenue Entertainment/Wide)
God & Country (Documentary/Oscilloscope/PG-13/d: Dan Partland/Limited)
Altered Reality (ThrilleWith: Lance Henriksen, Tobin Bell, Edward Asner, Phuong Kubacki/1 hr 39 min/K Street Pictures/d: Don E. FauntLeRoy/Limited)
February 23, 2024
Ordinary Angels (Drama/With: Alan Ritchson, Hilary Swank, Amy Acker, Nancy Travis/PG/1 hr 56 min/d: d: Jon Gunn/Wide)
Drive-Away Dolls (Comedy/With: Margaret Qualley, Geraldine Viswanathan, Beanie Feldstein, Joey Slotnick/1 hr 24 min/Focus Features/Wide)
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba - To the Hashira Training (Animation/With: Natsuki Hanae, Kengo Kawanishi, Akari Kitô, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka/1 hr 44 min/Sony Pictures Releasing/d: Haruo Sotozaki/Wide)
Stopmotion (HorroWith: Aisling Franciosi, Stella Gonet, Tom York, Caoilinn Springall/1 hr 33 min/IFC Films/d: Robert Morgan/Limited)
The Stolen Valley (Western/With: Briza Covarrubias, Allee Sutton Hethcoat, Micah Fitzgerald, Paula Miranda/PG-13/1 hr 45 min/Blue Fox Entertainment/d: Jesse Edwards/Limited)
Thabo and the Rhino Case (Adventure/With: Litlhohonolofatso Litlhakayane, Andrea Sawatzki, Ava Skuratowski/1 hr 33 min/Purdie Distribution/d: Mara Eibl-Eibesfeldt/Limited)
The Invisible Fight (Action/With: Ursel Tilk, Ester Kuntu, Kaarel Pogga, Indrek Sammul/1 hr 55 min/Kino Lorbed: Rainer Sarnet/Limited)
Isle of Hope (Drama/With: Diane Ladd, Mary Stuart Masterson, Sam Robards, Andrew McCarthy1 hr 36 min/d: Damián Romay/Limited)
Golden Years (Comedy/With: Esther Gemsch, Stefan Kurt, Ueli Jäggi, Gundi Ellert/1 hr 32 min/Music Box Films/d: Barbara KulscaLimited)
About Dry Grasses (Drama/With: Deniz Celiloglu, Merve Dizdar, Musab Ekici, Ece Bagci/3 hr 17 min/Sideshow Releasing/d: Nuri Bilge Ceylan/Limited)
Cinderella's Revenge (HorroWith: Lauren Staerck, Natasha Henstridge, Stephanie Lodge, Beatrice Fletched: Andy Edwards/Limited)
February 29, 2024
The Chosen: S4 Episodes 7-8 (Drama/With: Austin Reed Alleman, Reza Diako, Catherine Lidstone, Jordan Walker Ross/Fathom Events/Limited)
March 1, 2024
Dune: Part Two (Fantasy/With: Florence Pugh, Timothée Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson, Zendaya/Warner Bros./d: Denis Villeneuve/Wide)
Problemista (Adventure/With: Julio Torres, Tilda Swinton, RZA, Greta Lee/1 hr 38 min/A24/d: Julio Torres/Limited)
March 8, 2024
Imaginary (HorroWith: DeWanda Wise, Tom Payne, Betty Buckley, Veronica Falcón/Lionsgate Films/d: Jeff Wadlow/Wide)
Kung Fu Panda 4 (Animation/With: Lucy Liu, Angelina Jolie, Seth Rogen, Jack Black/PG/1h 34m/Universal Pictures/d: Mike Mitchell and Stephanie Stine/Wide)
Cabrini (Biography/With: Cristiana Dell'Anna, John Lithgow, David Morse, Giancarlo Giannini/PG-13/2 hr 25 min/Angel Studios/d: Alejandro Monteverde/Wide)
Love Lies Bleeding (Crime/With: Anna Baryshnikov, Kristen Stewart, Dave Franco, Katy O'Brian/1 hr 44 min/A24/d: Rose Glass/Limited)
Glitter & Doom (Musical/With: Alex Diaz, Alan Cammish, Ming-Na Wen, Missi Pyle/1 hr 55 min/Music Box Films/d: Tom Gustafson/Limited)
March 11, 2024
Forty-Seven Days with Jesus (With: Yoshi Barrigas, Catherine Lidstone, Cameron Arnett, Alican Barlas/Fathom Events/d: David M. Gutel and Emilio Palame/Limited)
March 15, 2024
The American Society of Magical Negroes (Comedy/With: Rupert Friend, David Alan Grier, Justice Smith, Michaela Watkins/1 hr 44 min/Focus Features/d: Kobi Libii/Wide)
Arthur the King (Adventure/With: Mark Wahlberg, Nathalie Emmanuel, Simu Liu, Michael Landes/PG-13/Lionsgate Films/d: Simon Cellan Jones/Wide)
Love Lies Bleeding (Crime/With: Anna Baryshnikov, Kristen Stewart, Dave Franco, Katy O'Brian/1 hr 44 min/A24/d: Rose Glass/Wide)
1992 (Action/With: Ray Liotta, Scott Eastwood, Tyrese Gibson, Tosin Morohunfola/Lionsgate Films/d: Ariel Vromen/Limited)
The Prank (Comedy/With: Rita Moreno, Connor Kalopsis, Ramona Young, Keith David/1 hr 30 min/d: Maureen Bharoocha/Limited)
The Shadowless Tower (Drama/With: Bai Qing Xin, Yao Huang, Zhuangzhuang Tian, Gaowa Siqin/2 hr 24 min/Strand Releasing/d: Lu Zhang/Limited)
Knox Goes Away (ThrilleWith: Al Pacino, James Marsden, Michael Keaton, Marcia Gay Harden/1 hr 54 min/Saban Films/d: Michael Keaton/Limited)
Remembering Gene Wilder (Biography/With: Alan Alda, Mel Brooks, Harry Connick Jr., Burton Gilliam/1 hr 32 min/Kino Lorbed: Ron Frank/Limited)
March 18, 2024
Irena's Vow (Drama/With: Sophie Nélisse, Dougray Scott, Andrzej Seweryn, Maciej Nawrocki/2 hr 1 min/Fathom Events/d: Louise Archambault/Limited)
March 20, 2024
The Ark and the Darkness (Documentary/Fathom Events/Limited)
March 22, 2024
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (Fantasy/With: Carrie Coon, Mckenna Grace, Annie Potts, Paul Rudd/Sony Pictures Entertainment/d: Gil Kenan/Wide)
Problemista (Adventure/With: Julio Torres, Tilda Swinton, RZA, Greta Lee/1 hr 38 min/A24/d: Julio Torres/Wide)
Luca (Animation/With: Jacob Tremblay, Jack Dylan Grazer, Emma Berman, Saverio Raimondo/PG/1 hr 35 min/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/d: Enrico Casarosa/Wide)
Immaculate (HorroWith: Sydney Sweeney, Simona Tabasco, Álvaro Morte, Benedetta Porcaroli/1 hr 29 min/NEON/d: Michael Mohan/Limited)
Late Night with the Devil (HorroWith: David Dastmalchian, Laura Gordon, Ian Bliss, Fayssal Bazzi/1 hr 26 min/IFC Films/d: Cameron Cairnes and Colin Cairnes/Limited)
Limbo (Crime/With: Simon Baker, Rob Collins,Natasha Wanganeen, Nicholas Hope/1 hr 48 min/Music Box Films/d: Ivan Sen/Limited)
March 29, 2024
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (Fantasy/With: Rebecca Hall, Dan Stevens, Rachel House, Mercy Cornwall/Warner Bros./d: Adam Wingard/Wide)
Asphalt City (ThrilleWith: Sean Penn, Tye Sheridan, Katherine Waterston, Mike Tyson/2h 0m/Vertical-Roadside Attractions/d: Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire/Wide)
On the Adamant (Documentary/With: Mamadi Barri, Walid Benziane, Sabine Berlière, Romain Bernardin/1 hr 49 min/Kino Lorbed: Nicolas Philibert/Limited)
La Chimera (Fantasy/With: Josh O'Connor, Carol Duarte, Vincenzo Nemolato, Isabella Rossellini/2 hr 10 min/NEON/d: Alice RohrwacheLimited)
April 5, 2024
Monkey Man (Action/With: Dev Patel, Sharlto Copley, Pitobash, Sobhita Dhulipala/1 hr 53 min/Universal Pictures/d: Dev Patel/Wide)
Dragonkeeper (Animation/With: Bill Nighy, Anthony Howell, Bill Bailey, Mayalinee Griffiths/PG/Viva Pictures/d: Jianping Li and Salvador Simó/Wide)
The First Omen (HorroWith: Bill Nighy, Ralph Ineson, Nell Tiger Free, Sonia Braga/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/d: Arkasha Stevenson/Wide)
Housekeeping for Beginners (Dramedy/With: Rozafa Celaj, Sara Klimoska, Anamaria Marinca, Mia Mustafi/1 hr 47 min/Focus Features/d: Goran Stolevski/Limited)
April 12, 2024
Sting (HorroWith: Penelope Mitchell, Silvia Colloca, Ryan Corr, Jermaine Fowle1 hr 31 min/Well Go USA Entertainment/d: Kiah Roache-TurneWide)
Civil War (Action/With: Jesse Plemons, Cailee Spaeny, Kirsten Dunst, Nick Offerman/1h 49m/A24/d: Alex Garland/Wide)
April 19, 2024
Abigail (HorroWith: Kathryn Newton, Dan Stevens, Kevin Durand, Giancarlo Esposito/Universal/d: Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett/Wide)
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (Action/With: Henry Cavill, Eiza González, Alan Ritchson, Alex PettyfeLionsgate/d: Guy Ritchie/Wide)
Egoist (RomDram/With: Ryohei Suzuki, Hio Miyazawa, Yûko Nakamura, Iori Wada/2 hr 0m/Strand Releasing/d: Daishi Matsunaga/Limited)
April 26, 2024
Challengers (Romantic Drama/With: Zendaya, Josh O'Connor, Mike Faist, Andre Gadbois/United Artists Releasing/d: Luca Guadagnino/Wide)
Unsung Hero (Drama/With: Daisy Betts, Joel Smallbone, Kirrilee Berger, Jonathan Jackson/Lionsgate Films/d: Richard L. Ramsey and Joel Smallbone/Wide)
Boy Kills World (Action/With: Bill Skarsgård, Michelle Dockery, Jessica Rothe, Famke Janssen/Lionsgate-Roadside Attractions/d: Moritz MohWide)
May 3, 2024
The Fall Guy (Action/With: Emily Blunt, Ryan Gosling, Aaron Taylor-Johnson Hannah Waddingham/PG-13/1 hr 54 min/Universal Pictures/d: David Leitch/Wide)
Wildcat (Biopic/With: Maya Hawke, Philip Ettinger, Rafael Casal, Cooper Hoffman/1h 43m/Oscilloscope Laboratories/d: Ethan Hawke/Limited)
May 10, 2024
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (Fantasy/With: Freya Allan, Kevin Durand, William H. Macy, Dichen Lachman/20th Century Studios/d: Wes Ball/*Wide)
Tarot (HorroWith: Avantika, Harriet Slater, Jacob Batalon, Humberly González/Screen Gems/d: Spenser Cohen and Anna Halberg/Wide)
May 17, 2024
IF (Dramedy/With: Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Emily Blunt, Ryan Reynolds, Matt Damon/Paramount Pictures/d: John Krasinski/Wide)
Back To Black (Biography/With: Marisa Abela, Jack O'Connell, Eddie Marsan, Lesley Manville/Focus Features/d: Sam Taylor-Johnson/Wide)
The Strangers (Chapter One) (HorroWith: Madelaine Petsch, Froy Gutierrez, Gabriel Basso, Richard Brake/Lionsgate/d: Renny Harlin/Wide)
May 24, 2024
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (Fantasy/With: Anya Taylor-Joy, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Burke, Nathan Jones/Warner Bros./d: George MilleWide)
The Garfield Movie (Animation/With: Hannah Waddingham, Nicholas Hoult, Chris Pratt, Samuel L. Jackson/Sony Pictures Entertainment/d: Mark Dindal/Wide)
June 7, 2024
The Watchers (HorroWith: Dakota Fanning, Georgina Campbell, Olwen Fouéré, Siobhan Hewlett/Warner Bros./d: Ishana Shyamalan/Wide)
Ballerina (Action/With: Ana de Armas, Keanu Reeves, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Lance Reddick/Lionsgate Films/d: Len Wiseman/Wide)
June 14, 2024
Inside Out 2 (Animation/With: Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Lewis Black, Tony Hale/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/d: Kelsey Mann/Wide)
Bad Boys 4 (Action/With: Will Smith, Alexander Ludwig, Vanessa Hudgens, Rhea Seehorn/Sony Pictures Entertainment/d: Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah/Wide)
June 21, 2024
The Bikeriders (Drama/With: Austin Butler, Jodie Comer, Tom Hardy, Michael Shannon/1 hr 56 min/Focus Features/d: Jeff Nichols/Wide)
It Ends with Us (Romantic Drama/With: Blake Lively, Jenny Slate, Brandon Sklenar, Justin Baldoni/Sony Pictures Entertainment/d: Justin Baldoni/Wide)
June 28, 2024
A Quiet Place: Day One (HorroWith: Lupita Nyong'o, Djimon Hounsou, Alex Wolff, Denis O'Hare/Paramount Pictures/d: Michael Sarnoski/Wide)
Horizon: An American Saga (Chapter 1) (Western/With: Jena Malone, Abbey Lee, Kevin Costner, Sienna MilleWarner Bros./d: Kevin CostneWide)
June Zero (Drama/With: Koby Aderet, Adam Gabay, Tzahi Grad, Tom Hagi/1 hr 45 min/Cohen Media Group/Limited)
July 3, 2024
Despicable Me 4 (Animation/With: Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Miranda Cosgrove, Steve Coogan/Universal Pictures/d: Chris Renaud and Patrick Delage/Wide)
July 12, 2024
Project Artemis (working title) (RomCom/With: Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, Jim Rash, Ray Romano/Sony-Apple Original/d: Greg Berlanti/Wide)
Touch (Drama/With: Egill Ólafsson, Palmi Kormákur, Kôki, Masahiro Motoki/Focus Features/Baltasar KormákuLimited)
July 19, 2024
Twisters (Adventure/With: Glen Powell, Kiernan Shipka, Maura Tierney, Daisy Edgar-Jones/Universal Pictures/d: Lee Isaac Chung/Wide)
July 21, 2024
Deadpool 3 (Fantasy/With: Emma Corrin, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/d: Shawn Levy/Wide)
August 2, 2024
Harold and the Purple Crayon (Animation/With: Zooey Deschanel, Zachary Levi, Lil Rel Howery, Camille Guaty/PG/1 hr 32 min/Columbia Pictures/d: Carlos Saldanha/Wide)
Trap (HorroWith: Josh Hartnett, Hayley Mills, Cali Lorella, Saleka Shyamalan/Warner Bros./d: M. Night Shyamalan/Wide)
August 9, 2024
Borderlands (Fantasy/With: Olivier Richters, Ariana Greenblatt, Cate Blanchett, Jamie Lee Curtis/Lionsgate Films/d: Eli Roth and Tim MilleWide)
Flint Strong (Biography/With: Brian Tyree Henry, Jessica Grossi, Ryan Destiny, Amanda BarkePG-13/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayed: Rachel Morrison/Wide)
August 16, 2024
Alien: Romulus (HorroWith: Isabela Merced, Cailee Spaeny, Archie Renaux, David Jonsson/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/d: Fede Alvarez/Wide)
Horizon: An American Saga (Chapter 2) (Western/With: Kevin Costner, Sienna Miller, Isabelle Fuhrman, Giovanni Ribisi/Warner Bros./d: Kevin CostneWide)
August 23, 2024
The Forge (Religious/With: Karen Abercrombie, Priscilla C. Shirer, Cameron Arnett, Aspen Kennedy/Affirm Films/d: Alex Kendrick/Wide)
August 30, 2024
Kraven the Hunter (Fantasy/With: Ariana DeBose, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Russell Crowe, Christopher Abbott/Sony Pictures Entertainment/d: J.C. ChandoWide)
September 6, 2024
Beetlejuice 2 (Comedy/With: Catherine O'Hara, Jenna Ortega, Monica Bellucci, Winona Ryded: Tim Burton/Wide)
September 13, 2024
Transformers One (Animation/With: Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, Jon Hamm, Keegan-Michael Key/Paramount Pictures/d: Josh Cooley/Wide)
Speak No Evil (HorroWith: Mackenzie Davis, James McAvoy, Scoot McNairy, Alix West LefleUniversal Pictures/d: Wide)
September 20, 2024
The Wild Robot (Animation/With: ?/DreamWorks/d: ?/Wide)
Wolfs (ThrilleWith: George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Amy Ryan, Austin Abrams/Sony-Apple Original/d: Jon Watts/Wide)
September 27, 2024
Saw XI (HorroWith: ?/?/?/?/Lionsgate Pictures/d: ?/Wide)
October 3, 2024
Joker: Folie à Deux (Fantasy/With: Joaquin Phoenix, Lady Gaga, Zazie Beetz, Brendan Gleeson/Warner Bros. Studios/d: Todd Phillips/Wide)
Smile 2 (HorroWith: Lukas Gage, Naomi Scott/Paramount Pictures/d: Parker Finn/Wide)
October 11, 2024
Piece By Piece (Biography/With: Pharell Williams/d: Morgan Neville/Focus Features/Wide)
October 18, 2024
Smile 2 (HorroWith: Lukas Gage, Naomi Scott/Paramount Pictures/d: Parker Finn/Wide)
October 23, 2024
Terrifier 3 (HorroWith: Lauren LaVera, David Howard Thornton, Samantha Scaffidi, Elliott Fullam/Cineverse/d: Damien Leone/Wide)
October 25, 2024
The Wolf Man (HorroWith: Christopher Abbott, Julia GarneBlumhouse-Universal Pictures/d: Leigh Whannell/Wide)
November 8, 2024
The Amateur (Action/With: Caitríona Balfe, Rachel Brosnahan, Julianne Nicholson, Rami Malek/20th Century Studios/d: James Hawes/Wide)
Venom III (Fantasy/With: Juno Temple, Tom Hardy, Chiwetel EjiofoSony Pictures Entertainment/d: Kelly Marcel/Wide)
November 15, 2024
Alto Knights (History/With: Robert De Niro, Cosmo Jarvis, Debra Messing, Kathrine Narducci/Warner Bros./d: Barry Levinson/Wide)
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (Adventure/With Lauren Graham, Kirk B.R. Woller, Vanessa Benavente, Elizabeth Tabish/Lionsgate/d: Dallas Jenkins/Wide)
November 22, 2024
Gladiator 2 (Action/With: Pedro Pascal, Denzel Washington, Connie Nielsen, Paul Mescal/Paramount Pictures/d: Ridley Scott/Wide)
November 27, 2024
Wicked (Musical/With: Cynthia Erivo, Ariana Grande, Jonathan Bailey, Marissa Bode/Universal Pictures/d: Jon M. Chu/Wide)
December 13, 2024
The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim (Animation/With: Brian Cox, Miranda Otto, Shaun Dooley, Luke Pasqualino/2 hr 10 min/Warner Bros./d: Kenji Kamiyama/Wide)
Untitled Karate Kid Movie (Drama/With: Jackie Chan, Ralph Macchio/Sony Pictures Entertainment/d: Jonathan Entwistle/Wide)
December 20, 2024
Mufasa: The Lion King (Adventure/With: Seth Rogen, Billy Eichner, Aaron Pierre, Kelvin Harrison, Jr./Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/d: Barry Jenkins/Wide)
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Family/With: Idris Elba, James Marsden, Ben Schwartz, Colleen O'Shaughnessey/Paramount Pictures/d: Jeff FowleWide)
December 25, 2024
Nosferatu (2024) (HorroWith: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Willem Dafoe, Emma Corrin, Nicholas Hoult/Focus Features/d: Robert Eggers/Wide)
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