Works cited template for internet resources


2008.11.15 00:18 COMMUNISM

For the theory and practice of Marxism.

2008.07.13 22:15 Workers of the world, unite!

**Marxism** is a growing/changing economic/sociopolitical worldview and method of socioeconomic inquiry based upon a materialist interpretation of historical development, a dialectical view of social change, and an analysis of class-relations within society and their application in the analysis and critique of the development of capitalism. Marxism encompasses an economic theory, a sociological theory, a philosophical method and a *revolutionary* view of social change.

2009.11.23 11:30 poofbird Worldbuilding - Explore Every Impossibility

For artists, writers, gamemasters, musicians, programmers, philosophers and scientists alike! The creation of new worlds and new universes has long been a key element of speculative fiction, from the fantasy works of Tolkien and Le Guin, to the science-fiction universes of Delany and Asimov, to the tabletop realm of Gygax and Barker, and beyond. This subreddit is about sharing your worlds, discovering the creations of others, and discussing the many aspects of creating new universes.

2024.06.01 16:00 Arohk Monthly Community Event #1 - Contest! (With Prizes!)

Monthly Community Event #1 - Contest! (With Prizes!)
Hey everyone! And welcome to our very first monthly engagement activity!
Skip to the ***** if you just want the rules and requirements.
I will only be doing this introduction once, but I wanted to give you all an idea about what this is going to be like! :) On the 1st of every month, I will be hosting a 3 week long activity for all of us to enjoy! There will be prizes included, but I ask everyone to remember that these activities will not have any winners or losers, but will concentrate on participation! You do not have to have any skill or compete for the prizes. Everyone who participates will get an entry into a raffle that I will randomly draw and announce near the end of the month. I will include this in the event instructions below. There may be extra prizes for 'the best', or I may put it to a vote so that everyone can decide who earns it.
That being said, I will be choosing a different activity for every event- so if you don't want to participate in one, you can always jump in on the next one! The events will run for the first 2 weeks of every month, and then I will close submissions, so you have plenty of time to participate to your heart's content! The prize winners will then be decided, and I will announce who won at the start of the last week of the month. The announcement will stay until the 1st, when a new event will begin.
I will contact said winners and arrange your prizes during the week. If you win and you happen to not want the prize or to give your address for shipping, that is totally okay! I will arrange an alternate prize for you and randomly draw a new winner. To be clear, the prizes are at NO cost to you. I will handle the shipping, and I will ship anywhere in the world. No one is excluded. If you want to enter the event, you can! That's all there is to it.
All prizes will be official Gurren Lagann merchandise, in brand-new condition. (Unless otherwise stated.)
Some events may be contests, games, or internet scavenger hunts. The rules and requirements and prizes will change based on what the Monthly Event will be. Each time, the conditions and duration will be clearly marked.
Just like with our weekly discussions, I am including a piece of art with each post that will be available for download. They will include both official art and fanart. You will find the credit and link at the bottom of every post.
If anyone ever has any suggestions for an event that they would like to see in the future, my door is always open! Feel free to drop by any time. :) I'm always happy to add to my list of ideas!
Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions! I'm always here to help.
Without any further rambling, here is this month's event! A contest!
★ Grand Prize: Limited Edition Book, The Lights In the Sky Are Stars. Includes concept art, copies of raw frames, storyboards, and full color illustrations.
★ Rules and Requirements:
  1. This is NOT a contest of skill! Even if you can only draw stick men in MS Paint, you are welcome to enter this contest.
  2. The only requirement is that you clearly indicate which character it is. You must draw features that will not leave anyone guessing who it is.
  3. You can use any medium. Pen and paper, digital art, etc., are all acceptable. Whatever you feel you are best at!
  4. For those who do put a ton of effort into their submission, I will have 3 extra prizes for the top 3 submissions. Just as a thank-you for all the time you spent! You can vote for your favorites simply by upvoting them.
  5. AI generated content will not be accepted. It must be drawn BY YOU. I will be checking. This goes for posting someone else's art as well.
★ How to Enter:
  • Picture submissions are enabled in the comments of this post. You can show off your drawing by replying to this post.
  • Each person will get one entry! Your username will go into the drawing pool for this month.(Read below about additional entries.)
  • You can also submit any art you're proud of to the sub itself by making a post! Be sure to select the Flair 'OC'. This will also be counted as an entry.
  • You can earn more than one entry into the drawing, but you cannot spam stick figures or fast drawings for extra tickets. Any extra entries must show that effort and time went into it.
  • I will reply to each submission to confirm that your entry has been counted. If you think I have not seen your entry after 24 hours, please tag me.
After June 16th, no more entries will be accepted. Winners will be announced on June 23rd!
Good luck, everyone! I'm looking forward to seeing all of your submissions! Most importantly, have fun!!
Artwork of the Month: (Fanart) Artist: arsenixc ( Download Link: (If Reddit doesn't work for you.)
submitted by Arohk to gurrenlagann [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:58 landedmist Issues with downloading mame rom set can someone help?

Hello everyone I'm hoping i can get some help here
So to start off I'm new to emulation only done it for a few days to a few weeks, so I'm still learning I wanna give arcade emulation a go but I just can't work it out unfortunately so here I am.
I'm following a video that suggests using launchbox with mame rom set but I just can't find a way to download it, most sites go to Internet archive but I can't find a download link/button/option.
While I'm on the page it'll let me view the content of the file but that's about it, so unless there's something I'm missing here I just don't know what I'm doing any help given is greatly appreciated.
submitted by landedmist to MAME [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:57 AwkwardCopy8 What can I use as a payment method and contracts for different clients all over the world?

So I finally found a client who agreed to my social media marketing services, but the problem is he lives in Germany and I live in Morocco. One of the biggest issues is that he wants to pay with Stripe, but he can only pay into European banks that accept euros.
This is just my first client, and to work with him, I had to create a UK limited company for stripe and open an electronic bank account with services like Wise or Payoneer to accept those transfers.
Additionally, I’m completely new to creating contracts. How do I make them? How do they work? What services should I use? How can I ensure they are legally reliable if something goes wrong on my part or the client's part? Any advice or resources would be greatly appreciated!
My question is: What payment method can work for clients in the US, UK, Russia, Turkey, Lebanon or wherever else in the world without having to take these extra steps of creating new companies and bank accounts?
submitted by AwkwardCopy8 to DigitalMarketing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:57 Ok-Story-9319 MMW: capitalism will collapse within our generation because of the Department of Education’s failure to mandate that basic economics be taught

One thing seemingly unites millennials and Gen Z with respect to their socioeconomic political outlook. That is the younger generation’s consistent trend towards socialist policies. Many younger people today would agree that higher taxes, more government services, a universal income, more regulatory agencies, and debt forgiveness are ideal policies. However, these policies would all need to be carefully administered by a federal bureaucracy already criticized for being bloated and corrupt. Curious then why a society so distrustful of government is demanding that government secure more money and gain more authority to regulate the economy.
The reason for this apparent dissonance is the fact that many, if not most, young people have absolutely no clue about how finance actually works. Federally funded education has failed many generations of students and is a good example of why government programs are inherently bad. Taxpayer funded programs are inherently flawed because there is no private mechanism to ensure success; all public programs are run by people who don’t want to lose their jobs. There is fundamentally no incentive for a public program to solve the problem it was mandated to solve.
Rather, all public programs, including education, are incentivized to follow this cycle: (1) perpetuate low level crises in order to justify the existence of the institution, (2) solve some aspect of the problem, to justify the continued appointment of present leadership, (3) lobby for increased funding to solve the problem during an election/voting cycle, (4) fail to solve the problem while still using limitless tax dollars, (5) repeat. The department of education, along with all other institutions, follow this model. There may be Boy Scouts who work for the government who truly want their agency/department to eventually be shuttered or streamlined due to the unparalleled efficiency, competence, and efficacy of their work. But most bureaucrats simply want to keep their jobs forever.
All this to say that socialist policies which require government oversight are fool’s errands on their face because no public administration can avoid corruption due to the nature of public institutions. Private institutions, which are bound by market forces, may be corrupt, but if there is sufficient competition then corruption is literally impossible. Free, capitalist markets with sufficient competition cannot be corrupt simply because any inefficient allocation of capital via corruption will undermine the company’s ability to compete among other enterprises that dont waste money/resources this way. Obviously reality is more nuanced, but this law is essentially true, also public institutions don’t compete with private ones because public institutions are often funded with infinite public dollars and therefore don’t rely on the “rational consumer.”
The rational consumer is integral to this entire scenario I’m describing. Free market competition cannot exist without a rational consumer who ensures that this competition exists by making reasonable choices about how he spends his hard-earned money. While most economists, have always agreed that the “rational consumer” is a figment of our collective imagination, the premise has always been broadly assumed. The assumption is that people are generally wise enough to understand how finances and market forces work and allocate their money accordingly.
This could not be further from the truth. Scores of youth are suckered by tiktok and YouTube gurus who lie about financial topics to desperate people in to get ad revenue. The youth today are seeing their American dream collapse, in part because most young people graduate high school without even an iota of an understanding about what a “premium” is or how “interest” actually works. People don’t know the difference between a stock and a bond, or that a “401k” doesn’t mean $401,000.
This ignorance of basic economics causes the world’s largest consumer economy, the US, economy to behave monstrously inefficiently because few sectors are competitive and populated by rational consumers. Rather, most markets consist of fools with borrowed money, and corrupt, colluding companies willing to leech and fleece children and adults alike. In turn, this inherent market failure caused by a failed education system, produces a bastardized economy which creates appalling wealth inequality and public hatred of “capitalism” as a concept.
Thus, most young people who are NOT rational economic actors have a tendency to distrust capitalism despite not understanding how finance or “capital” actually works, and therefore they favor socialism or even communism as an answer to a failed economic system despite the fact that public institutions have for more opportunities to be corrupt than competitively private ones do. So you can mark my words, the youth in America will succeed in pushing the US towards socialism, ON BOTH SIDES, because very few people actually understand how finance works yet are enraged by the current order, so the political left and right support candidates who lobby for sweeping political control over the economy.
TL;DR: the DoE has failed several generations and the entire system of American capitalism by not ensuring that graduates understand basic macro/micro economic terms along with personal finance because capitalism requires rational consumers/actors to maintain efficiency yet the average consumer is constantly fleeced out of their money by corporations who are far more sophisticated than zoomer who doesn’t know how compound interest works.
submitted by Ok-Story-9319 to MarkMyWords [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:57 enoumen AI Weekly Recap May 25 - 31 2024: 🔒OpenAI forms an AI safety committee 🤖Mistral AI introduces Codestral, a code-generation AI model 📰OpenAI licenses content from Vox Media and The Atlantic 💻Google infuses Chromebook Plus with powerful AI features 🚀GPT-4 is a better financial analyst than human

AI Weekly Recap May 25 - 31 2024: 🔒OpenAI forms an AI safety committee 🤖Mistral AI introduces Codestral, a code-generation AI model 📰OpenAI licenses content from Vox Media and The Atlantic 💻Google infuses Chromebook Plus with powerful AI features 🚀GPT-4 is a better financial analyst than human

AI Weekly Rundown (May 25 to May 31) Major AI announcements from Microsoft, Google, OpenAI, Mistral AI, and more.

🕵️ Microsoft's Recall AI: Efficiency upgrade or privacy nightmare?

🎧 AI-powered headphones let you listen to one person in a crowd

⚡ xAI’s supercomputer that’s 4x larger than existing GPU clusters

🚨 Google AI Overview gives dangerous and wrong answers

🚀 GPT-4 is a better financial analyst than humans

🎨 Canva redesigned its platform with new AI features

🔒 OpenAI forms an AI safety committee

😲 Shocking details about Sam Altman's firing last year

🔄 Ex-OpenAI safety lead joins rival Anthropic to lead a new team

🤖 Mistral AI introduces Codestral, a code-generation AI model

📰 OpenAI licenses content from Vox Media and The Atlantic

💻 Google infuses Chromebook Plus with powerful AI features

⚠️ OpenAI reports misuse of its AI for "deceptive activity"

🏫 OpenAI introduces ChatGPT Edu, an affordable option for universities

🤝 Tech giants form an industry group to develop next-gen AI chip

Enjoying these daily and weekly AI updates, subscribe to our podcast at

🕵️ Microsoft's Recall AI: Efficiency upgrade or privacy nightmare?

Microsoft has recently released Recall, a controversial AI-powered tool that logs everything you see and do on your computer, including app usage, live meeting communications, websites visited, and more. By simply performing a "Recall" action, users can retrieve any information they've interacted with on their device, presented in the context of a specific time period.
Microsoft assures users that the Recall index remains local and private on-device. Users can pause, stop, or delete captured content and can choose to exclude specific apps or websites. And Recall automatically excludes InPrivate web browsing sessions in Microsoft Edge and DRM-protected content.
Currently, Recall is exclusively compatible with new "Copilot Plus PCs" equipped with Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite chips, which feature the necessary neural processing unit (NPU).

🎧 AI-powered headphones let you listen to one person in a crowd

AI-powered headphones let you listen to one person in a crowd

Researchers at the University of Washington have developed a groundbreaking artificial intelligence system called "Target Speech Hearing" that allows headphone wearers to isolate and listen to a single speaker in a noisy environment. By simply looking at the desired speaker for three to five seconds, the user can "enroll" them, and the system will cancel out all other sounds, playing only the enrolled speaker's voice in real-time, even as the listener moves around.
The proof-of-concept device, which uses off-the-shelf headphones fitted with microphones and an on-board embedded computer, builds upon the team's previous "semantic hearing" research. The system's ability to focus on the enrolled voice improves as the speaker continues talking, providing more training data. While currently limited to enrolling one speaker at a time and requiring a clear line of sight, the researchers are working to expand the system to earbuds and hearing aids in the future.

⚡ xAI’s supercomputer that’s 4x larger than existing GPU clusters

Elon Musk has recently disclosed plans to build a groundbreaking supercomputer to power the next iteration of xAI’s chatbot, Grok. According to a presentation made to investors in May, as reported by The Information, Musk aims to have this computing system operational by the fall of 2025. The ambitious project may involve a collaboration between xAI and Oracle to develop this massive computing infrastructure.
The proposed supercomputer will consist of interconnected clusters of Nvidia's state-of-the-art H100 graphics processing units (GPUs). Musk revealed that upon completion, the scale of this system will surpass the largest existing GPU clusters by at least fourfold!

🚨 Google AI Overview gives dangerous and wrong answers

Google's AI Overviews feature, which generates AI-powered responses to user queries, has been providing incorrect and sometimes bizarre answers. From suggesting glue on pizza, staring at sun for health benefits to claiming that former US President Barack Obama is Muslim, the feature has left users questioning the reliability of AI-generated search results.
While Google maintains that these mistakes result from uncommon queries and are being used to refine the product, the technology's widespread deployment has highlighted the challenges and risks of integrating AI into search engines.

🚀 GPT-4 is a better financial analyst than humans

In a groundbreaking study, researchers at the University of Chicago have discovered that GPT-4, a large language model, can analyze financial statements and predict future earnings direction with remarkable accuracy. Even without narrative context, GPT-4 outperforms human financial analysts and achieves prediction accuracy on par with state-of-the-art machine learning models.
The AI model's success is not simply a result of its training memory but rather its ability to generate valuable narrative insights about a company's future performance. Notably, trading strategies based on GPT-4's predictions yield higher returns and risk-adjusted performance than those based on other models, especially for small companies.

🎨 Canva redesigned its platform with new AI features

Canva is launching a redesigned platform with new AI features and tools for professional teams and workspaces. The company has introduced Canva Enterprise, a specialized tier offering more control over collaboration, brand management, and security for larger organizations.
Ad Tech integrations with Google, Meta, and Amazon streamline the ad creation process within Canva. Data autofill automates the creation of data-driven designs by integrating with sources like Salesforce and MLS.
New features include AI style matching for brands, customizable folder displays, and the ability to "star" designs and templates for easier access. Canva Docs now has a suggestion mode for editors and colorful highlight blocks for text emphasis. New "Magic Studio" AI tools include:
  • Automatic clip highlighting.
  • Background noise reduction for video editing.
  • A text-to-graphic image generator.

🔒 OpenAI forms an AI safety committee

OpenAI Board formed a Safety and Security Committee led by directors Bret Taylor, Adam D’Angelo, Nicole Seligman, and Sam Altman. Over the next 90 days, the committee will evaluate and further develop OpenAI’s processes and safeguards. Then, the committee will share its recommendations with the full Board.
Following the full Board’s review, OpenAI will publicly share an update on adopted recommendations. OpenAI has recently begun training its next frontier model, and the resulting systems from the Safety and Security team’s recommendation may bring it safely to the next level of capabilities on its path to AGI.

😲 Shocking details about Sam Altman's firing last year

Former OpenAI board member Helen Toner revealed shocking details about Sam Altman’s firing in November 2023. The board had found it difficult to trust Altman after he failed to disclose he owned the OpenAI Startup Fund, gave inaccurate information about the company's safety processes, and tried to push Toner off the board after she published a critical research paper. She claims the board found out about the launch of ChatGPT on Twitter, not from Altman.
Video Source
Toner also pointed to Altman's history of being fired from previous jobs for "deceptive and chaotic behavior." (Find the full TED AI episode linked below.)
After Altman was initially fired, there was a lot of backlash from OpenAI employees who wanted him reinstated. A week later, he was reinstated as the CEO and a new board was formed.

🔄 Ex-OpenAI safety lead joins rival Anthropic to lead a new team

Jan Leike, a former co-head of the OpenAI safety team, has joined Anthropic to lead a new "superalignment" team. Leike left OpenAI earlier this month after the team he co-led, which focused on long-term AI safety risks, was dissolved.
At Anthropic, Leike's new team will focus on various aspects of AI safety and security, including "scalable oversight, weak-to-strong generalization, and automated alignment research”. This is similar to the mission of OpenAI's former Superalignment team, which Leike previously led.

🤖 Mistral AI introduces Codestral, a code-generation AI model

Codestral is a 22B parameter generative AI model designed specifically for code generation tasks. It is trained in over 80 programming languages, including popular ones like Python, Java, C++, and JavaScript. It excels at code completion, writing tests, filling in partial code, and testing code, thereby improving developer productivity and reducing errors.
The model sets a new performance/latency standard for code generation tasks compared to previous models. It can be downloaded on HuggingFace and is available on Mistral’s API platform through instruct and fill-in-the-middle endpoints. It can be easily integrated into VScode plugins and used for free on Le Chat.

📰 OpenAI licenses content from Vox Media and The Atlantic

OpenAI has formed content and product partnerships with Vox Media and The Atlantic. OpenAI will license content from these media powerhouses for inclusion in the chatbot’s responses.
In turn, The Atlantic’s product team will have privileged access to OpenAI tech, give feedback, and share use cases to shape and improve future news experiences in ChatGPT and other OpenAI products. Vox and OpenAI will also collaborate using OpenAI’s technology to develop innovative products for Vox Media’s consumers and advertising partners.

Google infuses Chromebook Plus with powerful AI features

Google’s Chromebook Plus has new built-in Google AI and gaming features, Help me write, Chat with Gemini, Magic Editor, and more.
  • “Help me write” allows users to get AI-generated text suggestions, tone changes, rewriting, and more right within their writing apps on the Chromebook.
  • Generative AI wallpaper and video call backgrounds are built into the OS for customization, no matter what video conferencing app you’re using.
  • Magic Editor on Google Photos for laptops exclusively on Chromebook Plus will reimagine your photos with a few easy clicks.
  • Chat with Gemini on the home screen helps plan, write, learn, and more.
Chromebook Plus laptops are starting at $350 USD. Google is also launching new features that integrate more of Google across all Chromebooks to help users work better and get things done faster.

⚠️ OpenAI reports misuse of its AI for "deceptive activity"

OpenAI identified and disrupted five covert influence operations that used its generative AI models for "deceptive activity" across the internet.
OpenAI said the threat actors used its AI models to generate short comments, longer articles in various languages, made-up names, and bios for social media accounts over the last three months. These campaigns included threat actors from Russia, China, Iran, and Israel. It focused on issues including Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the conflict in Gaza, the Indian elections, and politics in Europe and the United States, among others.
OpenAI has also published a trend analysis report that describes the behavior of these malicious actors in detail.

🏫 OpenAI introduces ChatGPT Edu, an affordable option for universities

OpenAI announced ChatGPT Edu, a ChatGPT version custom built for universities to responsibly deploy AI to students, faculty, researchers, and campus operations. It is powered by GPT-4o and can reason across text and vision. It also includes:
  • Enterprise-level security and controls affordable for educational institutions
  • Improved language capabilities across quality and speed supporting over 50 languages supported
  • Advanced capabilities like data analytics, web browsing, and document summarization
  • Ability to build GPTs, custom versions of ChatGPT, and share them within university workspaces
  • Significantly higher message limits
  • Conversations and data are not used to train OpenAI models

🤝 Tech giants form an industry group to develop next-gen AI chip

Intel, Google, Microsoft, Meta, and other tech heavyweights are establishing a new industry group called the Ultra Accelerator Link (UALink) Promoter Group to guide the development of the components that link together AI accelerator chips in data centers. The group also counts AMD, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Broadcom, and Cisco among its members.
It is proposing a new industry standard to connect the AI accelerator chips found within a growing number of servers. It’s version one, UALink 1.0, will connect up to 1,024 AI accelerators — GPUs only — across a single computing “pod.” It is set to arrive in Q4 2024.

Enjoying these daily and weekly AI updates, subscribe to our podcast at

submitted by enoumen to u/enoumen [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:57 StunningWish5637 I'm a deceptive liar, mentally unstable and an addict which I hide from everyone around me.

I have an issue with abusing caffeine which is considerably milder than alcohol which is what my step-dad abuses. I constantly twist the truth and lie to people, abuse their trust in me to get him alcohol- I have no other choice as I'm incompetent and unable / unwilling to find a job. On a daily basis for years now he either ignores me, insults me to the ground or threatens to hurt/kill me which is becoming less scary with how much he uses that. I took up the role of cleaning the house, mopping the floor etc because my mother is working a job to keep the house paid for. He sits at home or goes out looking for more alcohol.
Recently he demanded me to get a job at a bakery which I was heavily opposed to but went with it out of fear. I wanted to tell him he could get a job instead, to fuck off or anything of that sort. He asks me if I love him- I hold back the desire to tell him i want him to commit suicide to leave me and my mom alone. I hate him- I hate how he stole my childhood. I had violent thoughts of murdering or hurting him, stabbing him or ripping his entrails out. They haunt my dreams and I escape to my addiction for pornography, which I consumed for over 5 years- and I am 19 now. All this is something I could never reveal to anyone on the internet on my personal accounts- That's one reason why I'm posting this on a burner account.
I've not been to a therapist in my life, and my mental state was left up to me to be fixed after various incidents- constant running away from home when he got super violent, constant fear of getting hurt, constant going to the store for alcohol, and all the events sticking in my head. I can't forget. I can't but he did.
It's not as bad as many others had it, but I don't care. I never deserved this. I will also tell one story- back when I lived in england, on a Thursday I can home from school and he was hyper agressive. I think he took drugs. I was screamed at to go downstairs, and he accused me of being with ISIS. I denied and he slapped me across the face twice after I cried. He told me to get in the car and we drove to get my mom from work. He told me I was going to tell her I was with ISIS. We started driving home and he became physical with her. She took her seat and pushed it forward (it was one of those cars that has the back seats without doors) and told me to run. He grabber her hair and I desperately dragged her out ( IN FUCKING PUBLIC ) before he drove off in anger. I cried because I had my mom with me. She didn't leave him yet. I missed school on Friday but I used to do that without a reason so no questions were asked.
I wish he just would die from his alcohol abuse. I want him to finally die and leave us alone. I want him to kill himself. I just want peace.
submitted by StunningWish5637 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:56 Trezker [PC][199X]Old Dungeon Crawler

Platform(s): PC
Genre: First person dungeon crawler
Estimated year of release: I think late 90s.
Graphics/art style: A lot of gray. The dungeon was all under ground, rock walls, masonry, traps and doors. I believe there was a map shown at all times helping navigation.
Notable characters: You're a solo dungeon diver, not a group of characters. But IIRC you could buy monsters in town to bring as a helpepet. I can barely remember the monsters but goblins stand out. Most likely skeletons, rats and such but I'm really not sure.
Notable gameplay mechanics: Dungeon movement was tile by tile, 90 degree turns. I remember memorizing a path I would always take. I hammered in all the moves and the game took the steps lagging behind until I arrived where I could continue exploring. I would often return to town and sell stuff. There was a store for equipment, a bank and a "pet" store that I can remember.
Other details: I only ever played the demo which I most likely got off a magazine CD. I used to buy PC Gamer (Swedish edition). If someone could point to where one can browse all the software they put on those old CD's I'd love to have that resource.
I also can't remember this ever being a famous game. No one I knew ever talked about it and it's never come up randomly on the internet and clearly I haven't been able to find it by searching.
submitted by Trezker to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:56 mantisghost Is there finally working Mozilla Accounts Server (FxA)?

I probably did try every guide posted in the internet to make this abomination work, without success. Does someone know if this project will finally be usable for people or is it just abandoned open source project?
Not going to lie but Mozilla documentation is truly terrible too. Today I once again tried to check the progress of official FxA. Well no suprise here, still does not work. I honestly do not know how Mozilla devops are even able to run and support their own creation in the cloud at this point.
This time it failed for me at api start after running yarn start command from the docs. I am just too devastated by multiple tries to even check what did go wrong this time and what else will still fail after fixing this issue. That said, does anyone know how to self host Mozilla Accounts Server?
As a bonus, terminal output by following step by step firefox guide from the link above:
sudo yarn start nps is executing `start.default` : _dev/pm2/ && _scripts/ start && pm2 restart sync && echo "Use 'yarn stop' to stop all the servers" fxa docker network doesn't exist. creating fxa network 41ad9dad4bb7c83f924d0fdaa0fff0d18fc705461b00a986af7a645a6912bfc7 ✔ nx run fxa-admin-panel:gql-extract (2s) ✔ nx run fxa-settings:gql-extract (2s) ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— NX Successfully ran target gql-extract for 2 projects (2s) ✔ nx run fxa-settings:gql-extract [existing outputs match the cache, left as is] ✔ nx run fxa-admin-panel:gql-extract [local cache] ✔ nx run fxa-graphql-api:gql-copy (2s) ✔ nx run fxa-admin-server:gql-copy (2s) ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— NX Successfully ran target gql-copy for 2 projects and 2 tasks they depend on (2s) Nx read the output from the cache instead of running the command for 2 out of 4 tasks. __/\\\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\\____________/\\\\____/\\\\\\\\\_____ _\/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\\\\________/\\\\\\__/\\\///////\\\___ _\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\//\\\____/\\\//\\\_\///______\//\\\__ _\/\\\\\\\\\\\\\/__\/\\\\///\\\/\\\/_\/\\\___________/\\\/___ _\/\\\/////////____\/\\\__\///\\\/___\/\\\________/\\\//_____ _\/\\\_____________\/\\\____\///_____\/\\\_____/\\\//________ _\/\\\_____________\/\\\_____________\/\\\___/\\\/___________ _\/\\\_____________\/\\\_____________\/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_ _\///______________\///______________\///__\///////////////__ Runtime Edition PM2 is a Production Process Manager for Node.js applications with a built-in Load Balancer. Start and Daemonize any application: $ pm2 start app.js Load Balance 4 instances of api.js: $ pm2 start api.js -i 4 Monitor in production: $ pm2 monitor Make pm2 auto-boot at server restart: $ pm2 startup To go further checkout: [PM2] Spawning PM2 daemon with pm2_home=/root/.pm2 [PM2] PM2 Successfully daemonized [PM2][WARN] Applications mysql, redis, sns, firestore, sync, jaeger, otel-collector, cloud-tasks-emulator not running, starting... [PM2] App [mysql] launched (1 instances) [PM2] App [redis] launched (1 instances) [PM2] App [sns] launched (1 instances) [PM2] App [firestore] launched (1 instances) [PM2] App [sync] launched (1 instances) [PM2] App [jaeger] launched (1 instances) [PM2] App [otel-collector] launched (1 instances) [PM2] App [cloud-tasks-emulator] launched (1 instances) ┌────┬────────────────────┬──────────┬──────┬───────────┬──────────┬──────────┐ │ id │ name │ mode │ ↺ │ status │ cpu │ memory │ ├────┼────────────────────┼──────────┼──────┼───────────┼──────────┼──────────┤ │ 7 │ cloud-tasks-emula… │ fork │ 0 │ online │ 0% │ 3.6mb │ │ 3 │ firestore │ fork │ 0 │ online │ 0% │ 3.5mb │ │ 5 │ jaeger │ fork │ 0 │ stopped │ 0% │ 0b │ │ 0 │ mysql │ fork │ 0 │ online │ 0% │ 3.6mb │ │ 6 │ otel-collector │ fork │ 0 │ stopped │ 0% │ 0b │ │ 1 │ redis │ fork │ 0 │ online │ 0% │ 3.4mb │ │ 2 │ sns │ fork │ 0 │ online │ 0% │ 3.4mb │ │ 4 │ sync │ fork │ 0 │ online │ 0% │ 3.5mb │ └────┴────────────────────┴──────────┴──────┴───────────┴──────────┴──────────┘ waiting for containers to start Checking for response from: localhost:4100/health localhost:4100/health responded in 16 seconds Checking for response from: localhost:9299/api/config Giving up after 241 seconds. Failed to get response from: localhost:9299/api/config The script called "start.default" which runs "_dev/pm2/ && _scripts/ start && pm2 restart sync && echo "Use 'yarn stop' to stop all the servers"" failed with exit code 1 
submitted by mantisghost to firefox [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:55 North_Chance_5176 Still experiencing party issues after outage

Hey guys, so for the past 3 days or so, I’ve been unable to use party chat, or in game chat. Multiplayer games (mostly) work fine, my Xbox has wired internet, every other device in my house works fine. I assumed that when that outage happened, it would likely fix it, but this morning I’m still having the same issues. Can’t use voice chat in any games, and when I join an Xbox party it says everyone is disconnected and then I get an error code saying my network settings block this (UPNP is enabled, open NAT type). Discord works fine oddly enough, is there anything I can do to fix this? I’ve tried just about everything I can think of so far- resetting my Xbox, my router, switching to wireless, trying a different account
submitted by North_Chance_5176 to XboxSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:54 AlmightyK [online] [other] [YuGiOh Inspired] Duel Monsters: Stuck in the Shadow Realm, June 13, 2024 12:00 PM (AEST), 3-4 players wanted

You play a magus, one of the gifted few with the natural ability to cast spells, summon dark entities from another dimension, and create magical items.
When discovered, most are promoted to a high station on an Egyptian council for training, coming with it is the power and responsibilities. Some use the power for personal gain, becoming bandits and remaining in the dark under the radar.
This adventure will involve you and your group being transported from Ancient Egypt into the Shadow Realm, the dimension the monsters come from. You will need to find a way to survive, find food and resources, make allies, and find a portal home. All you have with you is a limited amount of equipment, your spell book, and any weapons and armour you would normally carry.
Duel Monsters is a system I have made myself and have been working on and off for years. It has gone through many changes and I am open to alterations as need be. The mechanics are pretty simple and easy to learn, with some basic resource management and maths. There are many options for Spell, Summons, and Equipment, and even the possibility of going toe to toe with monsters.
You will be able to summon monsters and cast spells taken from the classic YuGiOh sets up to Labyrinth of Nightmare (mostly for balance reasons, future stuff allowed by request), as well as join the fight yourself with some basic equipment. The newest edition also includes mechanics for Fusion monsters, combined entities granting high power in exchange for requiring multiple spells.
I am hoping for a multi session adventure with length dependent on player interest. Play will be through Roll20 and a Discord group for character and system discussion.
A copy of the rules can be found here. Please read them before contacting me and then let me know if it takes your interest.
submitted by AlmightyK to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:54 Longjumping_Pen_9131 [CAN-ON] Any tips on how to get an entry level job in HR?

Hello, I am 38 female mother of three Children recently graduated with a Human Resources management graduate Certificate from Algonquin college in Ottawa and actively looking for any entry level position in HR, I have been searching for job for a while I tried to look for an internship/volunteering job in HR but still no luck, my question is how I am supposed to have an experience in HR if I will not get a chance to start my career in HR all the positions required 1-2/2-3 years of experience or a full cycle of recruitment experience even for entry level? Despite I am Trilingual (French English and Arabic) with 5 years experience in the administration outside of Canada but I feel really upset for not getting any answers/chances, I even worked hardly on my resume... Please any leads , tips advices that can help me, my husband lost his job rland we both are looking for a job
submitted by Longjumping_Pen_9131 to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:50 -Emilion- What language would y'all recommend me as my third one? *Please one I can learn with internet resources*

I'm a 14 y/o boy from Bolivia, and I speak English and Spanish as of 2024, I think I'm now good enough at English to take on another language, and I'd like to know what languages could be useful or easy to learn for me. I'm taking a paid English course right now, so my mom can't afford to help me learn another language, and thus I have to use internet and just manage to learn one by myself. Any resource reccomendations will help me a lot, thanks!
submitted by -Emilion- to languagelearning [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:48 Dantropy 24M Looking for someone to have small daily adventures with!

Hey there! My name is Nush, 24M. I’m someone who believes that life is an adventure meant to be lived to the fullest. My friends describe me as a warm, genuine person with a contagious zest for life. Here’s a bit more about me:
I'm 6 feet, Indian. I have dark brown eyes, short wavy black hair with brown streaks, I'm pretty athletic in my build, broad shoulders, long legs. My aesthetic constantly oscillates between nerd and stripper – think smart jeans and a well-fitted shirt for everyday wear, but I clean up nicely for a night out or a special occasion.
🖋 I'm an author and a poet. I like keeping things, ideas and people immortal in my work. I'd like to think of myself as a hope collector, who likes to collect abandoned hope, repurpose it, and make it into something you would want to have in your life.
🤯 The only high class meme enthusiast. This is a consequence of being on the internet for far too long. From tacky Facebook memes to Gen Z humor, you can bet I will be gasping for air.
👟 I'm really passionate about the environment, and I'm very eco-friendly. I love guerilla gardening and being a rebel against the capitalist system. I'm always open to having a healthy discussion/debate even on things I don't agree upon.
🍮 I love cooking! I'm always looking forward to learning new cuisines! I also like to grow most of my ingredients. I'd say food is one of my love languages!
⭐ I really like anime, I've had this weird generational habit of collecting different rocks (Rockhounding), I hit the gym everyday, I try to be spiritual, and read. One of my recent obsessions has been chess! I'm also fascinated by history and art.
🏳️‍🌈 I'm bisexual and an LGBT ally! I've been in the worst depression and I've made it out. Here to give away all my love. ❤️
What I’m Into:
I’m drawn to people who are open-minded, adventurous, and have a positive outlook on life. Someone who can enjoy both the simple pleasures and the grand adventures. If you love spontaneous trips, deep conversations, and laughter until it hurts, we’ll get along just fine.
submitted by Dantropy to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:48 phlgorl Jobs

If I were looking to work for a company with a government contractor is there a database/ resource that I could check out?
submitted by phlgorl to GovernmentContracting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:48 rasputinismydad Some Pre Quitting Thoughts

As I’m on the cusp of putting in my notice for a family who I’ve worked for for some time, I would like to share some of the weirdest and worst things I, and their child, have had to endure for the past few years. The joy I’ve found from this job has come strictly from my NK and the family dog, and the parents have brought to me finally quitting. I’ve felt a lot of Nanny Guilt because I feel like I’m abandoning my NK, but it needs to happen and honestly, it was long overdue. This is definitely a throwaway post but I’m kind of in my feels rn and I want to share some of the stuff that just, kind of put me over the edge lol. Let this be a warning to other nannies to look out for this stuff.
-NK is four and a half and still sleeps in diapers. This wouldn’t be that bad if NPs were actively potty training them. They are not!!! When met with resistance from my NK, NPs immediately told me that “they’ll let us know when they’re ready” which is absolutely not true for my NK. They are not an independent child and rely strongly on cues from adults, and I’ve worked super hard on helping them do things by themself (and it was a long ass road). So NPs have literally just stopped entirely, and then if my NK poops their pants, they’ve told me that they “punish” them for “doing it on purpose” (when your kid isn’t potty trained???) On top of this, they still have a training toilet in the living room and allow NK to use it during the day when they absolutely do not need to- they NEVER have accidents during the day with me. It’s been absolutely wild dealing with this.
-NK expects help with nearly everything and will scream for NPs to help on a regular basis (both are WFH and it has driven me up the wall). They interfere at the slightest hint of distress and I’m like…why did you hire me again????? They know how capable I am and it’s like they have zero sense of boundaries.
-NK is very likely autistic and has not gotten proper support. There are many signs that my NK is autistic. I don’t fancy myself an “internet medical sleuth” but as a neurodivergent person myself with friends who are autistic, the signs are impossible to ignore. Major sensory issues. A lot of trouble finding their place socially. Meltdowns over slight routine changes or something unexpected. The list goes on. When I casually brought up to MB that NK is neurodivergent, she got extremely weird and insinuated I was projecting neurodivergence onto her child “bc they’re a pandemic baby”. Idk how to tell ableist parents this, but neurodivergent babies were born during the pandemic!!! It’s very clear to me they view NK’s neurodivergent behavior and needs as a “parenting failure”.
-No swimming lessons. NK has not had a single swimming lesson despite me offering to take them many, many times. Why this fills me with particular concern is because on a regular basis, the NPs take NK out on their sailboat. Idk if they realize that a life jacket is not going to guarantee the safety of a child who accidentally falls overboard, but I consistently feel nervous and upset at the fact that they’re more concerned with this rich ahole recreational activity than they are with the safety of their kid. To top it off, NK told me they’re afraid of the waves/water. So like….what are we doing here?
So! That’s a shortened list of the lengthy bs from a position that went from chill to no chill in the span of a few years. I am beyond relieved I’m putting in my notice tomorrow (you have no idea) but heartbroken at having to tell NK I’m leaving.
Please leave when you feel like something is off bc your intuition knows! I want all of us to be happy and respected, always.
Au revoir, bad NPs!!!!!! Smell ya later.
submitted by rasputinismydad to Nanny [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:47 teamcrazymatt The Nineteenth r/AceAttorney Case Maker Contest

As promised, back on the quarterly schedule for another Case Maker Contest!
Your task is to write up an Ace Attorney case where a noun I supply below is an important part of the case. After the deadline passes (see below), submissions will no longer be taken and the community will vote for submissions in a Google Form. The top three submissions will move to the second round and community members will vote on which will win first, second, and third place.
Prizes are as follows:
1st Place: buy you a pizza ($15)
In addition, u/tenetox will compose a custom soundtrack piece specific for your case!
2nd Place: buy you a burger ($10)
3rd Place: buy you a coffee ($5)
In the comments, I will make a post that will give a template of what your submission should look like. If possible, please fill in all the sections in the template, including N/A if needed.
Regarding the description area, feel free to be descriptive as possible! If you fear the post is too long, you may post the description over several comments or through another source such as Pastebin or Google Docs. There is no word limit, so please do not worry about such.
The comment I’ll supply below, feel free to reply to it in regards to questions or general discussion. The rest of the thread is for submissions only.
And remember, don’t hold back your creativity! Your case can be a standard AA case, it can be a reminiscence case, or an Investigations-styled case! However, there are some limitations.
Firstly, your case shouldn’t involve any explicit topics of sexual abuse of any kind. If your case does involve so, you’re disqualified. Overly gory cases are allowed, but make sure there’s a reason for that, and don't have it be gory just for the sake of being so. You won’t be disqualified, but you may lose some credibility points. Also, joke posts are allowed, but only ones that are well-thought out, clever, and/or high-quality. Anything like “ThE PHoEnIX wiRIGHT TUnraBOOT: sOMEONE DIED aND phEENIX HAd TO dFEENdED THem!!!1!" is not allowed.
If you're concerned about crossing one of these lines, message me and I'll work with you to make sure your case abides by the guidelines.
Other than those limitations; don’t hold your creativity back!
The noun for this contest is: Goddess
The deadline for this contest is Saturday, July 6, at 11:59 PM EDT. This gives entrants a month to plan and write their cases.
Good luck, everyone!
submitted by teamcrazymatt to AceAttorney [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:46 Remarkable_Sir4431 JEE is not the end - My Story

I'm not an active member of this community, in fact I finished college few years back and i am working now, I frequently use reddit and saw few recommended posts in this sub where some people were feeling bad because of their JEE scores or ranks and were feeling suicidal. I was in the same path as you guys and want to tell how I dealed with the same situations in my life. I was living abroad from my childhood, and after 8th grade my parents decided to make me prepare for JEE, I had minimal idea abnout it, I left my happy life with parents abroad and came to India and joined a integrated classroom program for 4 years, During 9th and 10th i was a good student, I was scoring decent in Coaching tests and Great marks in NCERT exams. After 11th my life went to shit, Everything suddenly became hard, I couldnt score marks in anything, I was thrown to the last bath in my coaching with the ones that have no hope in life, I knew i was not going to crack JEE in the last 6 months of my 12th grade, as predicted I flunked JEE, my rank in mains was some 200,000+ I cried so bad that day because I just lost 4 years of my life where i was not with my parents and lived in a hellhole hostel for nothing. After this I got my second biggest blow, my board scores were 59%, I was super passionate about coding and wanted to sutudy computer science in some college, my dad had booked seat in VIT under NRI quota and even they rejected me due to my scores, This was the worst day in my life, my whole life shattered in front of me, I had no forseeable future.
I was feeling like shit only because i dissapointed my parents but i had some hope in myself for some wierd reason which did not let me kms, I got into an electronics course in some college because that is all i gotr for my marks, I couldnt follow my passion of copmputers, but i started putting the efforts to follow my passion, i did anything and everything that came my way, i used every resources that was avaliable to study coding, participated in hackathons, learnt so many random skills, dropshipping, trading, etc. Nothing made me a million dollars but i had the unquenchable thirst for knowledge because i wanted to prove myself, all my friends were in IITs and NITs but i was the loser.
I wanted to change this, so i started consuming random knowledge, upskill myself, but did not care about my actual course and had 15 backlogs in 3rd year, during covid my only source of entetainment was coursera and udemy, i have over 50+ certifications at this point. In my final year i cleared al my backlogs, came out of college, I had so much confidence in me and my skills that I chose not to sit for placements and started my own startup with 0 capital, scaled it to multiple users, met amazing people with it and then shut it down due to some issues, and then was offered admissions into world's top 10 universities in UK and US for my masters, deferred the admissions and chose to accept an offer from a Investment firm in India and joined them having no knowledge in finance, but i knew i could learn anything, and in a very short span of time i became the youngest VP in the company. was invited to give talks in multiple IITs, NITs, and the same VIT that rejected me. Today I can say that I am technically the most successful out of the whole batch of students in my school and college combined all because i did not give a fuck about marks and focussed on my skills.
This is a short version of my life, Im sure your life is not as bad as my life at this point, marks and college is not everything and it wont be shit in the next few years with how AI is growing so please dont take stupid decisons and focus on yourself instead of trying to make others happy.
submitted by Remarkable_Sir4431 to JEE [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:43 Chance-Farm1107 Advice needed: Starting my own software development company

Hi everyone,
I’m in the process of starting my own software development service company and could really use some advice from those who have experience in this field. Here’s a bit about my background and what I’m aiming to do:
Current Plan:
Areas Where I Need Advice:
  1. Finding Clients: What are effective strategies for acquiring our first clients? Any platforms or networks that are particularly useful?
  2. Recruitment: Can i recruit freelance developers after finding and discussing the project with clients ? or is it better to hire fulltime employees ? I'm being careful here because I don't have much to invest.
Any insights, experiences, or resources you can share would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance for your help!
submitted by Chance-Farm1107 to advancedentrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:42 ThisIsWhatLifeIs I want to buy a gaming router. Which one should I purchase?

So I just upgraded my internet where I now receive 1000Mbps upload and 100Mbps upload on fibre optic broadband through Virgin Media (in the UK).
I want a gaming router that would make my experience of gaming better.
I only game on console, PS5 and Xbox Series X if that matters. I do not game on PC.
Currently I have 3 Ubiquiti Access Points set up on each floor via ethernet cable. It used to be a mesh system but now after it crashing and multiple resets it's basically bugged out and it's now 3 separate "routers" around the house and I can't get it back to a mesh system no matter what I try. it's not really a big deal as I just connect to my downstairs router when I'm on my bottom floor and then it (usually) connects to the other routers when I move between floors.
My devices are the 2 consoles, a personal laptop, 2 phones ( for me and my partner), 2 work laptops. Google doorbell, thermostat, smart speakers etc. Set top box which is normally for streaming Netflix and a bunch of other stuff that I'm forgetting about. Basically whenever I'm gaming there's a good chance that my partner is streaming a 4k movie on Prime or Netflix whilst also watching YouTube videos or Instagram stuff. We both work from home basically 98% of the month.
I want a router that can handle my speeds but that's best for giving me the lowest ping possible in gaming with no lag and no bufferbloat.
Also another question is: will any of these routers help combine the ubiquiti access points and make them into a mesh WiFi system?
What router would be best for me to purchase? I don't really want to spend anything more than £300 however please mention any at any price so I can get a good idea of what I need and how much it will cost.
Thank you
submitted by ThisIsWhatLifeIs to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:41 SamLanner Reflavoring Spells and Interaction with Reality - How to Balance?

I always hear, "Just reflavor it and it works," and personally, I really like the idea that you can reframe the explanation of something to suit and personalize your character. It’s really useful, but considering magic in the Forgotten Realms (and in other realities that use the D&D magic system), doesn't it become a bit conflicting? Or at least, doesn't it spoil the reflavoring in a certain way, turning it into something merely "decorative" within the narrative perspective?
Let's start with the fact that when you cast a specific spell, you are casting "that" spell, not exactly the reflavored one. This means that any other resource or "source" that can determine which spell was used will say you cast spell X, not Y as the player wanted.
I'll try to give an example: let's say a player creates a chronomancer who, when casting "Ray of Frost," has reflavored it to "Ray of Deceleration." The idea is pretty cool, but if any other resource, like an item that can reveal cast spells, or an archmage investigating the area to discover the type of magic used, wouldn't they identify the spell itself? "Ah, yes, he used Ray of Frost; you can tell by the freezing effects on the body. It’s a common trick, so we're probably dealing with a not-so-experienced mage."
My point is: reflavoring, at least in terms of spells that have a system more or less translatable into the fictional reality, kind of kills the idea of the spells, doesn't it? Yes, you can describe what the spells look like; in Tasha's, if I remember correctly, this is mentioned. But the spells are still traceable, understandable. They have an identification that makes them what they are, which makes the reflavoring just an appearance within the game’s reality. So, even if an NPC says, "No, he used a translucent thing that made the Goblin move entirely slowly, as if he were slow in time itself!" it would just be responded with: "That was just the appearance of the magic being manifested, it has nothing to do with time. The original form of that spell is still Ray of Frost; do you want me to demonstrate it for you?"
Don’t get me wrong, I find it harder to allow this kind of thing when it comes to spells. One of my players has an Eladrin who is a Half-Elf, and his teleportation is described as "he puts himself in another timeline and establishes it in the present so briefly that only he moves." And that’s fine — racial ability, item, or any other thing like that, I find much easier, because he’s not following a parameter like a spell that has V, S, M components. Any of these can reveal what the spell really is, not the player’s flavor. This makes the player more of a "cosplayer" than what they determined they are.
This thought came up when my player and I were discussing what he would do at higher levels since there aren't many Dunamancy spells available, and there are other Wizard spells that can't be ignored. So, it’s something that’s been on my mind since then.
Have any of you dealt with this in your games? Again, I’m very much in favor of reflavoring, but I find spells much more limiting in this regard, and I always think that if they ever conflict, it would be horrible. So, how would you handle this?
submitted by SamLanner to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:41 Intelligent-Plate777 Worst type of clients to work with?

And why are they ADHD? lol…maybe it’s just been an influx lately, or my lack of skills but I find non-motivated ADHD clients so hard to work with. Every strategy is shot down, every suggestion rebuffed. If we turn to simple talk therapy they have nothing to say. I have a female client who says she wants to do EMDR and she has been stuck in phase 2 for weeks because every single resource “doesn’t work for her.” I have done supervision, consultation, read books and completed trainings on how to work with ADHD and tailor these approaches for her and yet nothing works. MI, CBT, DBT, strengths based…I’m at the end of my tether and I can’t refer her because I work in a setting where that isn’t feasible or easy to do. I’m at a loss- the last session I literally asked her why she was coming to therapy and she said it was helpful?!? It’s helpful? Ok…take the win I guess, but it’s draining for me. Doesn’t help that this particular client is my last client of the week and I dread her all week…so I tried to move her and she didn’t want to be earlier in the week because “I’m more motivated earlier in the week.” More motivated!?! So come to therapy and maybe something will happen? Mind you she’s unemployed so there are no conflicts. Anyway- not looking for critiques on my skills, I’m interested in actual advice about how to help these clients. I feel like I’ve done it all…is there something I’ve missed?
submitted by Intelligent-Plate777 to therapists [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:40 Internal-Finding-126 After distro hopping for 4 months I found Zorin to be the most stable and professional Linux OS

I want to thank the devs if they are here for the great OS.
I was looking for a stable distro with good Nvidia support, to produce music and graphic design with as little interruption as possible.
All other distros had at least one weird quirk or bug or performance issue that was ruining the experience or making it unusable for daily driver. Some distros introduced bugs only in specific softwares.
Zoris was the only one to work flawlessly out of the box,with Nvidia drivers and good support to all the software I need. Not to mention while still looking beautiful and not using too many resources.
For example Ubuntu studio which is supposed to be "geared towards artists", broke down on me after a clean install, going into a blank black screen on boot up. Fedora had issues with UI glitching and disappearing after installing Nvidia drivers with no apparent solution online. Debian didn't recognize my USB wifi adapter. I've also tried Linux Mint both the XFCE and MATE editions and experienced slowdowns in both, and overall not so smooth behavior performance wise. I really love mint but I won't waste time figuring out the issues because I believe they're on Mint's side because I don't experience any performce issues in Zorin or MX Linux.
MX Linux was a close second due to great performance and good stability but I don't like their package manager and overall software installation feels clunky and dated.
My system: Intel I3 6100 Nvidia 730gt 8gb ram ddr4
submitted by Internal-Finding-126 to zorinos [link] [comments]