Superstitions victorian of era


2008.05.15 00:08 Steampunk

This subreddit is for people interested in the steampunk wether it is clothing, cosplay, fiction, or whatever else you may be interested in around steampunk.

2013.04.14 15:31 An anachronistic place.

This is a place for ladies and gentlemen to discuss news, technology and lifestyles of the period between 1837 and 1901. We are proper and well-versed in conversation but not a novelty. This is for people who enjoy the time period but not necessarily steampunk. It's for a more authentic view of the Victorian era.

2020.11.26 13:47 TheVetheron RandomVictorianStuff

Welcome to Random Victorian Stuff. We strive to be your daily dose of informed distraction. Random Victorian Era images, facts, stories, links to related articles or documentaries etc. We embrace the time period world wide, not just Victorian Britain. We also allow posts about stuff slightly before and after the era. The first rule is be civil!

2024.06.01 11:25 Sassenasquatch Gordon

In the quiet alleys of old London, where the fog hung thick and the cobblestones whispered secrets, there strode Gordon. He was a creature of impeccable taste and profound solitude, his Saville Row suit rivalling the finest of any gentlemen at the Reform Club. Gordon had seen the rise of empires, and anticipated their eventual fall. He witnessed all from the low vantage of alleyways and garden walls. His thoughts meandered to a lady he once had loved, and who perhaps had loved hm back, in a time of warmth and green leaves, but that was a story the night had long swallowed. Now, he roamed the streets, climbed the City’s walls, and waited. The Victorian Era would come to an end, and a financier like him needed to be ready to make the best of the turmoil that would follow. War clouds were starting to coalesce over Europe. Opportunities all around, for a cold-blooded investor like him. His tongue darted out of his mouth, wiping a speck of coal dust that had fallen on his eye. He smiled.
submitted by Sassenasquatch to Microfiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:24 Sassenasquatch G. Gecko

G. Gecko
In the quiet alleys of old London, where the fog hung thick and the cobblestones whispered secrets, there strode Gordon. He was a creature of impeccable taste and profound solitude, his Saville Row suit rivalling the finest of any gentlemen at the Reform Club. Gordon had seen the rise of empires, and anticipated their eventual fall. He witnessed all from the low vantage of alleyways and garden walls. His thoughts meandered to a lady he once had loved, and who perhaps had loved hm back, in a time of warmth and green leaves, but that was a story the night had long swallowed. Now, he roamed the streets, climbed the City’s walls, and waited. The Victorian Era would come to an end, and a financier like him needed to be ready to make the best of the turmoil that would follow. War clouds were starting to coalesce over Europe. Opportunities all around, for a cold-blooded investor like him. His tongue darted out of his mouth, wiping a speck of coal dust that had fallen on his eye. He smiled.
submitted by Sassenasquatch to AIArtwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:23 Sassenasquatch [OC] G. Gecko

[OC] G. Gecko
In the quiet alleys of old London, where the fog hung thick and the cobblestones whispered secrets, there strode Gordon. He was a creature of impeccable taste and profound solitude, his Saville Row suit rivalling the finest of any gentlemen at the Reform Club. Gordon had seen the rise of empires, and anticipated their eventual fall. He witnessed all from the low vantage of alleyways and garden walls. His thoughts meandered to a lady he once had loved, and who perhaps had loved hm back, in a time of warmth and green leaves, but that was a story the night had long swallowed. Now, he roamed the streets, climbed the City’s walls, and waited. The Victorian Era would come to an end, and a financier like him needed to be ready to make the best of the turmoil that would follow. War clouds were starting to coalesce over Europe. Opportunities all around, for a cold-blooded investor like him. His tongue darted out of his mouth, wiping a speck of coal dust that had fallen on his eye. He smiled.
submitted by Sassenasquatch to AICharacterDrawing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:22 Sassenasquatch G. Gecko

G. Gecko
In the quiet alleys of old London, where the fog hung thick and the cobblestones whispered secrets, there strode Gordon. He was a creature of impeccable taste and profound solitude, his Saville Row suit rivalling the finest of any gentlemen at the Reform Club. Gordon had seen the rise of empires, and anticipated their eventual fall. He witnessed all from the low vantage of alleyways and garden walls. His thoughts meandered to a lady he once had loved, and who perhaps had loved hm back, in a time of warmth and green leaves, but that was a story the night had long swallowed. Now, he roamed the streets, climbed the City’s walls, and waited. The Victorian Era would come to an end, and a financier like him needed to be ready to make the best of the turmoil that would follow. War clouds were starting to coalesce over Europe. Opportunities all around, for a cold-blooded investor like him. His tongue darted out of his mouth, wiping a speck of coal dust that had fallen on his eye. He smiled.
submitted by Sassenasquatch to aiArt [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:47 LongDongSamspon Sleeping with someone in a “power imbalance” situation is fine

Boss and employee. Lecturer and Student. Doctor and Patient. American President and Intern. American President and Porn Star. Cop and Snitch. Pimp and Slapper.
If both parties are adults and down to fuck then what’s the beef?
Let’s be serious, all this stuff about not being able to consent to someone (or at least it being sleazy), if you have a “power imbalance” with them is coming from deranged Feminists who wish to employ a Victorian era style mentality of women and view them as incapable of making adult decisions and taking responsibility for their own actions, and twist that in a way which benefits them and allows them payback when relationships they chose (and often pursued) end badly.
So what if you want to pump down in or grind over your employee or boss, go right ahead. That’s how loads of people met the loves of their lives in the past. As a Psychiatrist I know that psychologically speaking It’s completely natural for an attraction to form in this situation - especially with women - as they see some man in a situation where he’s competent or has some measure of authority and they think “hmm, that dudes a hot take charge kind of man, I want him to take charge in my knickers” and they get all worked up. It’s a good basis to form a solid relationship on. It’s natural.
Why stand in the way of nature? It’s a beautiful thing. You don’t want to stand in the way of beauty and nature do you?
submitted by LongDongSamspon to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:43 ConfusedEnton Historical Romances (F4ApM)

I am writing this because I have been inspired by my own college studies to get down into this roleplay, and the idea here is a historical romance! That being said, there are many eras that we could go through. Accuracy in terms of culture and historical events is not as important as making a good story, though of course some authenticity to the era would be very welcome. Either way, I will give you some ideas for some eras that I think could be quite fun, but I am happy to hear your ideas as well if you wanted to bring something that I have not thougth of yet!
Disclaimer, this is a guy playing a woman, just to let you know!
  1. The Victorian era: You know it, you love it, the age of Industrialism, the height of aristocratic celebrations and balls and cultures. We could be a pair of young nobles meeting up at a ball and getting it on, falling for each other in such a lovely time to be rich and blue-blooded in. Perhaps you could even be the son of the King coming to one of the balls and finding himself one of the younger girls from one of the lower noble houses. Perhaps even something like a British/French colonial officer in the Middle East finding himself love between the upper class of their Arabian colonies, or anything else that you could think of!
  2. The Ancient Times: This could be both set in the Greek or Roman era, whether it's a Greek commander under Alexander finding himself an Egyptian or perhaps a Persian wife, some Greek city-state intermingling or of course just in the same city state! (Sparta, Athens, Thebes, maybe even Macedon!). As for the Roman Era, could be something like a centurion and one of the locals, (Greek, Gauls, Syriacs, Iberians, Britons), or a Senator falling in love with the daughter from a rich Roman patrician family!
  3. The Medieval/Renaissance Era: Now this might be the most expansive of all the eras, considering the range of opportunities. One of the Danes coming to England in the Viking conquests, or one of the Swedes in the Baltics and the Byzantine Empire finding some love among the local populous, the Rus in the East, or perhaps even something in the Holy Roman Empire, in the city states in Italy, or the Ottoman domain in the Balkans and Anatolia! Something in the wide steppes of Poland-Lithuania or something like that! Either way, I would love to hear your ideas and see where we can get!
  4. Anything else! I can't promise that I will now the era you want to play in if you suggest it, but absolutely do suggest something and I will be happy to look into it!
This Roleplay will take place over Discord, considering that not only one but both of the Reddit chat systems and DMs absolutely bugged out for me and I never get any consistent notifications when someone writes me, so yeah! That was it from me, and I will look forward to your messages! :)
submitted by ConfusedEnton to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:37 CleanMeme129 The Legend of Camp Elliot

1853; the west was still to be tamed.
It was in this year we find the establishment of Camp Elliot. As you might know through some knowledge of niche history, this camp was founded by a caravan composed of twelve men all looking to set up their own settlement. The caravan was led by a “Jonathan Elliot”. He came from Seattle, back before it had even known that name. Since leaving the freshly dug out city, ambitions set on their own prospect, the company had already been travelling for about 3 days. In their overt ambition, they became careless. They had run low on fresh water, heads pounding and tongues gone dry.
So, temporarily pitched in the wilderness, Mr. Elliot decided to send out a six-man party to search for some. He told them to stay together and not to come back until they found at least a pail’s worth of water. The six men went out. They stayed out for some three hours, until the sun was in its crimson crest; and the search was becoming hopeless.
“We have to go back!” some had said. Others argued otherwise, sticking to what Mr. Elliot had instructed. To the latter, they caved; and it came to be a mistake.
It soon got pitch dark and they had nothing but matches to see some inches past their faces. A panic quickly ensued. Many were on the verge of a breakdown, almost certain they were lost.
Suddenly, there was a light. It was spotted first by the chief of the party. It was some ways off in the distance, pulsing in the night.
They quickly calmed, believing they had found their caravan once again. They approached, clambering over branches and rocks, scraping more than just their knees.
Before long, the light had become much more recognizable. It was a torch. The party chief ordered the other five men to prepare their rifles. They feared it to be anything. Hostile prospectors, moonshiners, perhaps a native tribe that had been left undisturbed or for that matter discovered. They walked covertly; coming to the edge of what turned out to be a clearing in the trees. In the clearing was a lake; Arrowhead Lake it would come to be known as.
Standing on its shore, there were people; practically a riot. A group of shirtless men were seen dancing around a fire, reciting chants and rhymes in their own special tongue. One of them held a large rock in their right hand, a pointed arrow in his left. The rest of the men seemed to be goading him, applauding him in this bizarre ritual.
These weren’t natives. They were pale as ice, eyes surrounded by darkness. Their hair was all but present. They almost didn’t seem human.
Just then, one of the party members fired. The battle was short, but one of the so-called “drunks” managed to take down one of the six men with a bow-and-arrow.
That is where the Arrowhead Lake received its name.
The remaining five of the party slept by the fire until dawn, not bothering to look over their attackers’ belongings until then. They were too busy in mourning over the loss of their companion.
The next day, what they found was, for lack of a better word, disturbing.
What they had thought was a rock in the hand of one of their attackers was actually a small green turtle. The man who had held it had cut it open with the arrow, leaving it limp, distorted, and bloody.
But that wasn’t the most unsettling aspect. The blood on its body wasn’t red. It was pitch black. Black as ink. As black as the night upon which it was gutted.
Believing it to be poison, the men threw the mangled turtle’s corpse into the lake; tossing it as far out as they could. A couple of hours went by, and Jonathan Elliot with the other six in the caravan had then found the party and the lake. A brief funeral and burial were held for their one fallen man as well as his attackers.
What followed was a conversation, a debate over what to do next. In the end, plans for a cabin were sorted out. The cabin was finished in 1855 and still stands on the Camp Elliot grounds to this day.
That is not where this tale ends, however.
After about a month of it being open, a strange power came over the camp. Each time that a caravan would stop to do business or even rest awhile, another person from the original founding group would have gone missing. They hadn’t died, they hadn’t moved on to elsewhere. They would just vanish.
Then another would follow. Then another, and another, and another. With each time someone would visit, the camp would be found in worse shape than it was before.
Then came one day in 1856: a caravan of travelling salesmen had come to the camp, looking to do some trade. What they found was a single person: Jonathan Elliot, the titular founder of Camp Elliot. He was found tucked beneath his bed, cradled himself into a ball, malnourished and in bad health. Members of the caravan described a look of pure madness in his eyes as he said something over and over. It was a single phrase, hard to make out, but it was something like, “NO GOLD HERE! NO GOLD HERE!”
He never spoke any other words beside these. What with it being the era of the gold rush, the claim from the sales caravan upon returning to Seattle was that a group of maddened prospectors had attacked the camp in search of gold, killing all except for himself. They would have brought him back to Seattle with them, but in a fit of hysteria, he put a rifle in his mouth before they could.
In the passing of time since then, the camp has been claimed by many other groups, each coming and going. At one time, it was a trading post. Then it became a mine again but no ores were ever unearthed. So it seemed that Elliot was right. Then finally, in 1916, it became a Boy Scout camp; and so it has been ever since.
As for the mystery of this place, there is something about it they often say. On certain nights, ones where the lake is its darkest and the moon and stars are almost extinguished, a shadow arises.
Nobody knows who of. Nobody knows what of. All they know is that it utters an ungodly sound, a sound that resembles nothing of this earth; nothing of this reality.
Some who have seen the shadow are often too afraid to describe what it looked like. Others have not even lived to tell others. But their suicides have confirmed their experience.
Now why do I write all of this? Because I have seen it. I was a counselor at Camp Elliot. The night that I saw it, it was just outside my window; staring me down like a wolf as I lay in my cot. Though I apparently had the mental strength to take it, to describe it in full would go against my superstitions. I care too much for others to risk you all sharing in my experience. But I will admit this: that no primal beast on this earth can bring such feelings of helplessness and desolation as the crimson gaze of its plate-like eyes.
And I felt all the more helpless the next morning when I came to find that another child had gone missing. They searched in all manner of ways for months and the case remains open; as do the others that preceded it.
The shadow exists. Likely borne of whatever unnatural and unholy ritual was performed at Arrowhead Lake; a ritual the caravan had unknowingly completed. It has taken men, women, and children; and it will continue to take more. That’s why now, all I can do is lobby to finally close that damned camp for good. It is the one piece of land I think in all the West that can never be tamed…and it never should be.
Knowing all these things, I realize now that Jonathan Elliot was right.
There is no God at Camp Elliot. Not until Judgment Day.
submitted by CleanMeme129 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:08 ponyboysrightnipple Suggestions for someone who likes Victorian/gothic horror and medicine? Or medical history around that time?

I thoroughly enjoyed the classics; Dracula, Frankenstein, Jekyll & Hyde, etc, and would love something similar! I would also love anything related to the history of the Victorian era.
I also really enjoyed The Seven and a Half Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle and The Picture of Dorian Gray, neither of which are really medicinal history or horror, but I think they would be considered gothic?
The current books on my “To Read” list are:
The Butchering Art by Lindsey Fitzharris
Herbert West - Reanimator by Lovecraft
The Emperor of All Maladies
As you can see, there are… very few books on my list, lol.
Any and all suggestions welcome; I’m open to most genres.
submitted by ponyboysrightnipple to booksuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:28 Kotiiiiiiiii [M4F] Looking for a rp partner

First off! must be -18! As per the fact I am. No exceptions!
Now! As said above; I'm lookin' for an rp partner, so, here's a couple things as a sort of rule set:
  1. Please be kind
  2. Don't be weird (Or anything like it at all)
  3. Please be patient, I can get overwhelmed sometimes
  4. Please be at least a bit literate, and not a one liner!
  5. Less than 18 yo!
And, now that that's wrote, I'm looking for someone to roleplay really anything, fandoms, original worlds/ideas, etc.! And generally like OC's, but I'm also happy with canon characters. But here's a few fandoms/worlds of interest for me (Though I love a lot more, these are just what come to mind):
  1. HoriMiya
  2. Arcane
  3. AOT
  4. Children of The Whales
  5. Kimi Ni Todoke
  6. AvataKorra
  7. Bubble
  8. Little Witch Academia
  9. A Whisker Away
  10. A Lull In The Sea
  11. Suzume
  12. ZOM 100: Bucket List of The Dead
  13. MHA
  14. TLOU
  15. Nimona
  16. Fallout
  17. Star Wars
  18. Cyberpunk 2077/Edgerunners
  19. Guardians of The Galaxy
  20. Harry Potter
  21. Extraordinary Attorney Woo
  22. And much more!
And now some settings outside of fandoms:
  1. 1920's-'60s
  2. Victorian Era
  3. Space/Futuristic setting
  4. Modern Day
  5. And more!
I'm looking for this to be more on the wholesome side, and also romance is optional but preferred! That's all I can think of listing, and or saying right now, so if any of this interests you or anything, please, lemme know!
submitted by Kotiiiiiiiii to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:17 amorealty Nashville's Architectural Melting Pot: A Journey Through Time and Style
Nashville's architectural landscape is a vibrant tapestry that reflects the city's rich history, diverse culture, and rapid growth. From antebellum mansions to sleek modern designs, Nashville boasts a wide array of architectural styles that contribute to its unique charm and character. Exploring these architectural styles offers a glimpse into the city's evolution over time and the various influences that have shaped its built environment.
One of the most prominent architectural styles in Nashville is Greek Revival, which gained popularity in the mid-19th century. This style is characterized by grandeur, symmetry, and ornate detailing, often featuring prominent columns, pediments, and elaborate friezes. The Tennessee State Capitol, completed in 1859, exemplifies the grandeur of Greek Revival architecture with its imposing facade and iconic cupola, serving as a symbol of the state's political and architectural heritage.
Another significant architectural style in Nashville is Victorian, which flourished during the late 19th century. Victorian architecture encompasses a range of sub-styles, including Queen Anne, Italianate, and Second Empire, each characterized by its distinctive features and decorative elements. The historic Germantown neighborhood showcases many well-preserved examples of Victorian architecture, with colorful facades, intricate woodwork, and ornate detailing that evoke a sense of nostalgia and charm.
In addition to its historic architectural styles, Nashville also boasts a vibrant collection of Art Deco buildings dating from the early to mid-20th century. This sleek and modern style is characterized by geometric shapes, bold lines, and decorative motifs inspired by ancient cultures and technological advancements. The Frist Art Museum, housed in a former post office building from the 1930s, is a prime example of Art Deco architecture in Nashville, with its distinctive facade adorned with intricate reliefs and stylized ornamentation.
As Nashville experienced rapid urbanization and growth in the 20th century, mid-century modern architecture emerged as a dominant style in the city's built environment. Characterized by clean lines, open floor plans, and an emphasis on functional design, mid-century modern buildings reflect the optimism and innovation of the post-war era. The iconic John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge, completed in 1906 and later renovated in a mid-century modern style, serves as a striking example of this architectural aesthetic, with its sleek steel trusses and minimalist design.
In recent decades, Nashville has witnessed a resurgence of contemporary architecture, with a focus on innovative design, sustainability, and urban renewal. The city's skyline has been transformed by sleek high-rise condominiums, mixed-use developments, and cutting-edge cultural institutions that reflect Nashville's status as a modern and progressive city. The award-winning Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, designed by architect Tuck Hinton, is a notable example of contemporary architecture in Nashville, with its striking glass facade and dynamic interior spaces that celebrate the city's musical heritage.
Overall, Nashville's architectural styles reflect the city's rich history, cultural diversity, and ongoing evolution as a dynamic urban center. From its antebellum mansions to its sleek modern skyscrapers, Nashville's built environment tells a story of growth, innovation, and resilience that continues to shape the city's identity and inspire its residents and visitors alike.
From antebellum mansions to sleek modern designs, Nashville boasts a wide array of architectural styles that contribute to its unique charm and character. Exploring these architectural styles offers a glimpse into the city's evolution over time and the various influences that have shaped its built environment.
One of the most prominent architectural styles in Nashville is Greek Revival, which gained popularity in the mid-19th century. This style is characterized by grandeur, symmetry, and ornate detailing, often featuring prominent columns, pediments, and elaborate friezes. The Tennessee State Capitol, completed in 1859, exemplifies the grandeur of Greek Revival architecture with its imposing facade and iconic cupola, serving as a symbol of the state's political and architectural heritage.
Another significant architectural style in Nashville is Victorian, which flourished during the late 19th century. Victorian architecture encompasses a range of sub-styles, including Queen Anne, Italianate, and Second Empire, each characterized by its distinctive features and decorative elements. The historic Germantown neighborhood showcases many well-preserved examples of Victorian architecture, with colorful facades, intricate woodwork, and ornate detailing that evoke a sense of nostalgia and charm.
In addition to its historic architectural styles, Nashville also boasts a vibrant collection of Art Deco buildings dating from the early to mid-20th century. This sleek and modern style is characterized by geometric shapes, bold lines, and decorative motifs inspired by ancient cultures and technological advancements. The Frist Art Museum, housed in a former post office building from the 1930s, is a prime example of Art Deco architecture in Nashville, with its distinctive facade adorned with intricate reliefs and stylized ornamentation.
As Nashville experienced rapid urbanization and growth in the 20th century, mid-century modern architecture emerged as a dominant style in the city's built environment. Characterized by clean lines, open floor plans, and an emphasis on functional design, mid-century modern buildings reflect the optimism and innovation of the post-war era. The iconic John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge, completed in 1906 and later renovated in a mid-century modern style, serves as a striking example of this architectural aesthetic, with its sleek steel trusses and minimalist design.
In recent decades, Nashville has witnessed a resurgence of contemporary architecture, with a focus on innovative design, sustainability, and urban renewal. The city's skyline has been transformed by sleek high-rise condominiums, mixed-use developments, and cutting-edge cultural institutions that reflect Nashville's status as a modern and progressive city. The award-winning Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, designed by architect Tuck Hinton, is a notable example of contemporary architecture in Nashville, with its striking glass facade and dynamic interior spaces that celebrate the city's musical heritage.
Nashville's architectural styles reflect the city's rich history, cultural diversity, and ongoing evolution as a dynamic urban center. From its antebellum mansions to its sleek modern skyscrapers, Nashville's built environment tells a story of growth, innovation, and resilience that continues to shape the city's identity and inspire its residents and visitors alike.
submitted by amorealty to TennesseeApartments [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:22 SpocksAshayam I’m writing a Spooky Sapphic Romance Novel!!!!!

So I decided to write a kind of spooky sapphic romance novel involving the ghosts of two lesbians, Alma & Ethel, who lived during the Victorian era in America (well an AU Victorian era in which being queer was legal, though some places still frowned on it socially and culturally (not sure if I’ll keep the negative bit though) and their ghosts haunt their home that decades later has been purchased in the 1950s (again, and AU 1950s in which being queer & same-sex marriage is federally legal and protected) by a lesbian couple, Sage & Rosemary, and the ghosts of Alma & Ethel are happy to see another lesbian couple living in their home and living a happy life, too! Sage & Rosemary are trying to figure out who is haunting their home and come across the letters and diaries of Alma & Ethel. They happily coexist with their resident ghosts!
The tentative title is Ghosts of Two Women, but I’m open to suggestions! I was inspired by a photo of a lesbian couple from the 1800a and a photo of a lesbian couple from the 1950s for this story!
submitted by SpocksAshayam to latebloomerlesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:26 hues_of_longing Why Progressives can't be Romantics in this age

When people crosspost here, they usually bleat something like
"There is no place for YOU in the goth community."
"All the artists you like would DISAGREE with you and be ASHAMED you were a fan"
"Prove to me you arent xyz*&( bad thing that ends in ism"
And all manner of typical childish, and often self-serving, and smug "Criticism" like we can't see right through it.
I find this "you are unwelcome" stuff very ironic, because really there is an obvious drive and essence to goth music that artists almost unwillingly draw from, and that is modern romanticism. Romantics draw from the past, and not only does it draw from the past, it celebrates it. A past which, to progs, is labeled "thar be dragons".
Goth is a music subculture. A music subculture that draws from romanticism. It is an untenable argument to say otherwise.
You cannot say it is just a darker version of punk. "Darker" is just loosening things to vague absurdity. And Punk itself adopted the catastrophic sentiment "anything can be punk" and of course once something can be "anything" it becomes nothing. Hence why feds are trying to enlist "punks" as informants in public campaigns. Congrats punks, you made it big!
Removing dark romanticism from goth is basically like snuffing out the hearth. It becomes a cold and empty structure, which may sound very goth, but it is not.
They might say "it's a Sartrian critique of those eras". Maybe some bands, but you can't say that is the driving force behind the aesthetic, nor the soul of the music. Those things have an extreme variance in expression, yet it often seems to come back to romanticism.
Romanticism sees the modern world for its ugliness. It sees value in restoring a predatory beauty to the world artistically. Dark romanticism takes it a step further by celebrating the very tenderness and ephemeral nature of human life, found in the lost ages we draw from. Those lost ages, usually golden ages of "conservative" societies like Rennaissance Europe, Ancient Egypt, Victorian or Regency Era, etc, are forever part of our cultural soul.
Progressive "wokeism" is just a specific, compulsive, sect of Egalitarian extremism that propagates itself through pathological platitudes. It thrives on being shrill, overwhelming, and accusatory in order to crowd out discourse. What's worse, it boils these ideologies down to their most simplistic expressions.
The fact is, most of these SJW progs indulge in the romanticism of goth subculture because the aesthetic is a means for them to exercise their autoeroticism. It's not an actual affinity to the ideas that fueled those ages, but rather an escapism and fancy. Fine, go for it. Go off. But don't point your finger at me because you find something uncomfortable in the way I think. We were never a "safe" space for people with any certain beliefs to lay down roots. It's an art movement. We're doing crazy shit out here.
So, "conservatives can't be goth"?
I'm not myself sure if I am a "conservative". Is a traditionalist a conservative? Is a libertarian a conservative? Is a catholic monarchist a conservative? A platonist, an Ancap, or a quaker? Hell, I think JK Rowling is considered conservative at this point.
If a progressive, who often by nature despises the past and seeks a utopian future, who considers the highest ages of human culture in a cynical or presentist mindset, can call themselves goth simply because they consume or create works agitated by romantic ideas... why the hell can't "conservatives" do the same? You could argue they have a far more authentic relationship with those ideas.
Personally, as I said, I am not sure if I am conservative explicitly. To me conservatives are a certain kind of modern political groups which would include many I would disagree with. Republicans, Libertarianism, Capitalism, etc. However. Unlike the elements I talk about here, I can live with people I disagree with.
It's why they assume that an artist would dislike you for having certain beliefs. To these types of people, that is everything. Just hunt down Lisa Hammer and have her bitch me out for being, I dunno, I'm sure there is a pejorative here somewhere. Oh no! Checkmate! I'd probably just ask her where the new Pox episodes are.
Ultimately, they will always draw from romantics. It will always be a repository for the very passion that drives the movement.
My music is goth. I am a goth. I know it hurts, but remember. If we are playing this game, where we say you can't be goth because you are conservative, then you damned well can't be goth and be progressive, because I have met conservative punks(if that is what you are trying to say), but I have never met a progressive romantic. I'd call it the better idea to just live with the fact that people don't come to the same conclusions as you.
submitted by hues_of_longing to gothconservative [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:35 0Meletti This game should've had an earlier starting date

The gameplay loop and historical parallels severely fall of after the turn of the century in my opinion. The AI is entirely unable to keep up with the player so you inevitably run out of equal rivals and allies, and the inventions that revolutionized the early 20th century (electricity, harber process, mechanized warfare etc) aren't given nearly the importance they should.
It's often that I'll think to myself "I'm running out of by time" 30 years after the game starts, simply because I hold the "arbitrary" end date of the 19th century to a higher regard then the real end date of the game - Victoria 3's late game is just not fun and engaging.
I understand that the First World War is fundamental for any piece that wishes to portray the the time frame Victorian Era in it's entirety, but why must the game stretch itself for almost two extra decades? It would have been for the game to start and end a decade earlier or so (~1826-1926).
submitted by 0Meletti to victoria3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:16 izlusion [TOMT] Gothic music video where a man marries a pair of twins but victorian-era society shuns them so they drink poison together under a tree

The song was very sparse and haunting, I liked it a lot, but I cannot remember the name of the song or the band for the life of me. Thanks for any help.
submitted by izlusion to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:14 Low_Draw5661 is this Sci-fi , or Fantasy? Answering quesitions in comments.

Basically this is a world that mimics our human and natural history in a way. There are notable differences however. For the most part though, the story i'm writing takes place in a victorian/ wild west era. (I'm using both because they are ninteenth century) Magic is long gone, entirely forgotten by much of the world and when it did exist, it was seen by humans as more of a religion, so when it comes time for their own version of the crusades, they end up killing many and most of the magical beings who either die out or go into exile in the far corners of the world.
Some basic background into what I'm working on;
Magic does still exist , but it is as strong as the level of worship to the gods that 'generate' which since many of their worshipers and followers were slaughtered long ago, the magical powers are still weak.
There are two main parts of this world that this book, book one take place in:
Arvados, a landmass roughly the size of europe, with regions based off of European places such as Scandinavia, Germany, France, Spain, England etc, ruled by a single ruling family, who takes over the country in a war similar in concept to Aegon's conquest from ASOIAF, just without the dragons.
There are other parts of the world, much larger and in someways more interesting that both of those worlds which I am saving for later on so that I have more time to flesh them out. I have plans to add a place based on eqypt and sub saharan africa, parts of Asia and south america.
This is a very connected world that has almost been fully explored, so there is a lot more to add.
World map: Not finished but it looks nothing like our world I promise. I'm not that lazy, nor am I tolkien whereas my middle earth is supposed to be our world, it's not.
Westoch: Based off of North America. Has it's own frontier and wild west, as well as places similar to Chicago, Deadwood, Austin Texas, and other places. Geographically, it is vaugly similar to the US. In this fictional wild west there are gunslingers, pinkertons, bounty hunters, cowboys and some megafauana species such as mammoths however they are rare.
Timeline: Around the our world equivilent of the mid ninteenth century, so there are guns, cannon technology, steel ships, guns and gattling guns, even in some places there are telegraphs.
Magical or mythical creatures:
In Arvados: There are giants, who are forced into exile by humans. Eves who are almost exterminated by the humans. As well as what I'm calling beastlings, which are humanoid animals, so think of a hippo baking a cake, with a little chef hat and an apron and that would be a beastling baker. They are killed by the humans . Dwarves, which are extinct by the time the story starts having been killed by humans. Dragons. Dragons are still a thing, but there are only three when the story begins. They are not like animals, but immortal beings who are almost wiped out by humans, but like the elves flee from Arvados.
In Westoch:
Wooly Mammoths, were not hunted into extinction by what would be Archaic period humans. Dire wolves, big sloths, including, not finalized but rumored to be a titanaboa. Thunderbirds exist, but like most of these creatures are very rare, having to have been hunted to near extinction by the; you guessed it; Humans. Yiaen'kassa, which are inspired by native American Skinwalkers.
I'm leaving out only what I think is necessary for someone to give their 2cents on, but I will answer questions in the comments. Let me know what I should add or remove, how this world should effect the characters.
EDIT: On the topic of sci-fi; I'm not at all a sci-fi writer so I have only the stereotypical idea as to how sci-fi should be written. But a friend of mine while reading over parts of the first draft, said it was an interesting concept for a sci-fi setting, which in turn is what lead to me making this post. I often do not indulge myself into the subjects that I am working on, as I do not want to copy other's work and want mine to be more original, for instance I've only ever seen LOTR, but not the hobbit and I am a fan of Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon, but those are the only two fantasy things that I've seen. Back to sci-fi after that tangent, I don't think of sci-fi as lasers and spaceships exclusively, I see it as fictional science, and my view on that isn't prone to change. Think of the books Andromeda strain or Jurassic park by Michael Crichton, both sci-fi but grounded with "modern" technology. It should not matter when a sci-fi story takes place, but how fictional the science is.
submitted by Low_Draw5661 to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:07 Lucky-Program7456 Love Problem Solution Astrologer IN UK

Finding Love in the Time of Astrology: A UK-Based Solution

Love Problem Solution Astrologer IN UK In today’s fast-paced world, finding love can be a daunting task. With the constant noise of social media, dating apps, and our busy schedules, it’s easy to feel like love is just an elusive dream. But what if there was a way to tap into the ancient wisdom of the stars and use it to guide you towards finding your perfect match? Astrology, the study of the movements and positions of celestial bodies and their influence on human affairs, has been used for centuries to predict and understand human behavior, including our romantic connections.
In this post, we’ll explore the UK-based solution that combines astrology with modern matchmaking techniques to help you find love in a way that’s both unique and effective. From your rising sign to your moon sign, we’ll delve into the secrets of the zodiac and how it can help you find your perfect match. Whether you’re a believer in the power of the stars or just curious about the possibilities, this post will take you on a journey to discover the ultimate UK-based solution for finding love in the time of astrology.

The ancient art of astrology: how it’s still relevant today

In an era of technology and instant gratification, it’s easy to overlook the ancient art of astrology. Yet, despite the rise of modern science and the scepticism that often accompanies it, astrology remains a fascinating and widely practiced phenomenon. For centuries, people have been drawn to the mystical world of stars, planets, and zodiac signs, seeking answers to life’s biggest questions: who am I? Why am I here? And, most tantalizingly, will I find love?
In the UK, astrology has become an integral part of modern culture. From the high streets of London to the quaint towns of the countryside, astrology enthusiasts can find a vast array of resources, from astrology books and apps to online courses and workshops. But amidst the abundance of information, it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s where [Company Name] comes in – a UK-based astrology solution that offers a unique blend of traditional wisdom and modern insight. With their expert guidance, individuals can unlock the secrets of their birth charts, gain a deeper understanding of their personalities, and perhaps even find their perfect match. In the following pages, we’ll explore the world of astrology and how [Company Name] is helping people in the UK find love, connection, and a deeper sense of purpose.

The role of astrology in modern relationships

In an era where the boundaries of human connection are being redefined, the ancient art of astrology is experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Gone are the days when astrology was relegated to the realm of fringe fascination, dismissed as a quaint relic of a bygone era. Today, astrology has evolved into a sophisticated tool that is helping people navigate the complexities of modern relationships. In the UK, where the Brits are known for their wit and charm, the fascination with astrology has taken on a life of its own.
For many, astrology has become a gateway to deeper understanding and empathy. By analyzing the celestial positions of the stars and planets at the exact time of birth, individuals can gain valuable insights into their personality, strengths, and weaknesses. This newfound self-awareness can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation, allowing individuals to approach relationships with a greater sense of purpose and clarity. Love Problem Solution Astrologer IN UK
Moreover, astrology has also become a popular tool for singles seeking to find love and companionship. By using astrology to match individuals with compatible zodiac signs, personalities, and energies, the path to true love can be illuminated. In the UK, where the dating scene can be notoriously challenging, astrology is providing a fresh and innovative way to connect with like-minded individuals. Whether you’re a seasoned astrologer or a curious newcomer, the possibilities for finding love and connection in the UK are limitless, and the stars are aligning to guide the way.

The science behind astrology and love

As we delve into the mystical realm of astrology, it’s essential to separate the mystique from the science. The ancient art of astrology has long been shrouded in mystery, with many regarding it as a mere form of entertainment or superstition. However, the truth is that astrology has a rich history of being a sophisticated system of understanding human behavior, personality, and even the mysteries of love. In fact, the study of astrology has been linked to the ancient Greeks, who believed that the positions of the stars and planets had a profound impact on human affairs.
From a scientific perspective, astrology is based on the principle that the positions of celestial bodies, such as planets and stars, can influence the human psyche. This influence is thought to be a result of the gravitational forces exerted by these bodies on the Earth, which in turn affect the human nervous system. While the scientific community has largely dismissed astrology as a reliable method for predicting human behavior, many believe that the art of astrology can still provide valuable insights into human nature. Love Problem Solution Astrologer IN UK
In the context of love, astrology can offer a unique perspective on the compatibility of two individuals. By analyzing the birth charts of two people, astrologers can identify potential areas of conflict and harmony, as well as uncover hidden strengths and weaknesses that can inform their relationship. This information can be invaluable in helping individuals navigate the complexities of romantic love, and can even provide guidance on how to build a stronger, more fulfilling partnership.
In the UK, where astrology has gained a significant following in recent years, it’s no surprise that many people are turning to astrology as a way to better understand the mysteries of love. Whether you’re seeking guidance on finding your perfect match or simply want to gain a deeper understanding of your own romantic nature, the science of astrology can provide a fascinating and enlightening perspective.

What is the UK’s most popular zodiac sign?

As the UK’s fascination with astrology continues to grow, it’s no surprise that Brits are eager to learn more about their star signs and the secrets they hold. Among the 12 zodiac signs, one stands out as the most popular among the British population. Drumroll, please… The most popular zodiac sign in the UK is none other than the adaptable and charming Scorpio. With their intense passion and strong intuition, it’s no wonder that Scorpios have captured the hearts of many UK residents.
But what makes Scorpios so well-liked in the UK? Perhaps it’s their ability to build deep and meaningful connections with others, or their unwavering commitment to their loved ones. Whatever the reason, Scorpios are a force to be reckoned with in the UK’s dating scene, and their popularity is a testament to their enduring appeal.
As you navigate the world of online dating and astrology, it’s clear that Scorpios are a sign to be reckoned with. Whether you’re a Scorpio yourself or simply drawn to their fiery passion, understanding the traits and characteristics of this sign can help you make more informed decisions in your search for love. So, if you’re looking for a UK-based solution to help you find love in the stars, look no further than our astrology-inspired dating platform.

The best astrological apps for finding love

As the ancient art of astrology continues to captivate the hearts of many in the UK, it’s no surprise that more and more singles are turning to the stars to help guide them in their quest for love. And what better way to bridge the gap between the mystical and the modern than through the power of apps? With the countless options available, it can be overwhelming to navigate the vast expanse of digital astrology, but fear not, dear romantics! We’ve scoured the virtual skies to bring you the crème de la crème of astrological apps designed to help you find love.
From the intuitive and user-friendly design of Co-Star, to the eerily accurate predictions of The Astrology App, each of these digital love-matchmakers offers a unique blend of astrology, personality analysis, and relationship insights. And, as you navigate the dating scene, these apps can help you identify potential matches, provide valuable advice on how to navigate the ups and downs of relationships, and offer a deeper understanding of your own astrological profile. Love Problem Solution Astrologer IN UK
From the intuitive and user-friendly design of Co-Star, to the eerily accurate predictions of The Astrology App, each of these digital love-matchmakers offers a unique blend of astrology, personality analysis, and relationship insights. And, as you navigate the dating scene, these apps can help you identify potential matches, provide valuable advice on how to navigate the ups and downs of relationships, and offer a deeper understanding of your own astrological profile.

How to use astrology to find your perfect match

As the ancient art of astrology continues to captivate the hearts of many, it’s no wonder that people are turning to the stars to find their perfect match. In today’s digital age, finding love can be a daunting task, with endless swiping, awkward dates, and unfulfilling relationships. But what if there was a way to streamline the process and increase your chances of finding that special someone? Enter, astrology.
By using astrology, individuals can gain valuable insights into their personalities, traits, and values, which can be used to identify compatible matches. For example, did you know that people born under the same sun sign tend to share similar energies and approaches to life? By looking at the compatibility of sun signs, individuals can get a sense of whether their potential match is a good fit.
But astrology is not just about sun signs. By taking a more in-depth look at a person’s birth chart, astrologers can identify key elements such as the moon, mercury, and venus, which can reveal even more about a person’s personality, needs, and desires. By combining these elements with the principles of astrological compatibility, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their perfect match. Love Problem Solution Astrologer IN UK
In this section, we’ll explore the ins and outs of using astrology to find your perfect match, from understanding the basics of astrological compatibility to identifying the most compatible signs and zodiac traits. Whether you’re a seasoned astrologer or just starting to explore the world of astrology, this section will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to find your perfect match in the UK.

The importance of compatibility in relationships

As we delve deeper into the realm of astrology, it’s crucial to acknowledge the fundamental role that compatibility plays in the success of any romantic relationship. After all, the stars can only guide us so far, but it’s our ability to harmonize with our partner’s energies that truly determines the strength and longevity of our bond. In the UK, where the thrill of the stars is a staple of everyday life, understanding the intricate dance of compatibility is key to navigating the ups and downs of love.
When two individuals with complementary astrological signs come together, the universe conspires to create a symphony of love, trust, and mutual understanding. The harmonious blend of energies fosters a deep emotional connection, allowing partners to navigate life’s challenges with ease and empathy. On the other hand, when signs clash, the tension can be palpable, leading to frustration, miscommunication, and even relationship breakdown. Love Problem Solution Astrologer IN UK
submitted by Lucky-Program7456 to u/Lucky-Program7456 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:42 No-Quality-2644 Yūrei Chronicles

Tales of Japanese Horror [ 日本のホラーの物語 ]
By: Seph Cruz [ 投稿者: セフ・クルーズ ]
CONTENTS [ コンテンツ ]
Preface [ はじめに ]
Chapter 1: The Cursed Scroll [ 第 1 章: 呪われた巻物 ]
Chapter 2: The Shrine in the Shadows [ 第 2 章: 影の神殿 ]
Chapter 3: The Haunting of the Geisha [ 第 3 章: 芸者の幽霊 ]
Chapter 4: The Onryo's Revenge [ 第 4 章: 怨霊の復讐 ]
Chapter 5: The Dollmaker's Curse [ 第 5 章: 人形師の呪い ]
Chapter 6: The Shadow in the Forest [ 第 6 章: 森の影 ] Chapter 7: The Haunting of the Yūrei Inn [ 第 7 章: 幽霊旅館の幽霊 ]
Chapter 8: The Curse of the Haunted Kimono [ 第 8 章: 幽霊着物の呪い ]
Chapter 9: The Mirror's Malevolence [ 第 9 章: 鏡の悪意 ]
Chapter 10: The Bridge to the Beyond [ 第 10 章: 彼方への架け橋 ]
 "Yūrei Chronicles: Tales of Japanese Horror" 
Chapter 1: "The Cursed Scroll"
In the heart of Kyoto, where history whispered through the ancient streets, there existed an antique bookstore known only to those who sought the rarest of tomes. Nestled among centuries-old texts and dusty manuscripts, a forbidden scroll lay hidden, waiting for an unwitting soul to stumble upon its chilling secrets.
Chapter 1: "The Cursed Scroll"
The quaint, dimly lit bookstore was a treasure trove of the past. Intricate calligraphy adorned scrolls, while faded ink whispered stories of long-forgotten samurai and mystical creatures. Among these relics of history, one scroll remained elusive, concealed behind a glass case. Its dark, ornate cover bore no title, and its presence seemed to beckon.
Haruki, a young scholar with a fascination for the occult, visited the bookstore one rainy afternoon. His curiosity led him to inquire about the enigmatic scroll. The elderly shopkeeper, Mr. Tanaka, peered at him with a knowing look, cautioning him about the scroll's malevolent reputation.
"Many have sought to uncover its secrets," Mr. Tanaka said, his voice trembling with age, "but few have lived to tell the tale."
Haruki, undeterred by the ominous warning, insisted on examining the scroll. Mr. Tanaka, sensing the scholar's determination, reluctantly unlocked the glass case. As Haruki unrolled the ancient parchment, he saw that it was filled with intricate symbols and incantations, written in a language he could barely comprehend.
For days, Haruki delved into the scroll's mysteries. His sleepless nights were filled with whispers from unseen forces, and chilling drafts seemed to haunt his small apartment. Yet, he pressed on, believing that the scroll held untold knowledge and power.
One fateful night, as a full moon cast eerie shadows across his cluttered study, Haruki recited an incantation from the scroll. The room grew icy cold, and an otherworldly presence enveloped him. A mournful wail echoed through the room, and Haruki's heart raced as he beheld the apparition before him.
A yūrei, its long, disheveled hair obscuring its gaunt face, hovered in the air, its eyes filled with anguish and rage. It reached out bony, pale fingers toward Haruki, its spectral form translucent yet undeniably real.
In that moment, Haruki realized the scroll's true nature – a curse that summoned vengeful spirits to torment the living. He had unwittingly invited the yūrei into his world, and now, it sought retribution for its suffering.
The scholar's life turned into a nightmare as the vengeful spirit haunted his every waking moment. His research became an obsession to find a way to pacify the yūrei and lift the curse. With each passing day, Haruki's health deteriorated, his body and mind succumbing to the relentless torment.
Desperate, he sought the guidance of a renowned exorcist, who revealed a grim truth. The only way to break the curse was to discover the scroll's origins and offer the yūrei the peace it so desperately sought.
As Haruki ventured deeper into the scroll's history, he uncovered a tale of betrayal and tragedy that spanned centuries. With newfound knowledge and a heavy heart, he prepared to confront the vengeful yūrei and set things right.
In a chilling confrontation between the living and the dead, Haruki faced the spirit, offering it the closure it craved. As the yūrei dissipated into the ether, its mournful wail echoed one last time, fading into the night.
Haruki emerged from the ordeal forever changed, carrying the weight of the scroll's curse as a cautionary tale. The forbidden knowledge he had sought had come at a great cost, a reminder that some mysteries should remain hidden, and some curses should never be invoked.
As the sun rose over Kyoto, the antique bookstore remained shrouded in an eerie silence, and the cursed scroll returned to its cryptic slumber, waiting for the next unwitting soul to unlock its dreadful secrets.
End of Chapter 1: "The Cursed Scroll"
Chapter 2: "The Shrine in the Shadows"
In the heart of a tranquil Japanese village, nestled among ancient forests, stood a centuries-old Shinto shrine, known to few but revered by all. This sacred place held an eerie secret, hidden in the shadows of its past.
Chapter 2: "The Shrine in the Shadows"
The village of Mizuki was picturesque, surrounded by dense woods and the whispers of rustling leaves. Its most treasured gem was the Shōrin Shrine, a sanctuary dedicated to the worship of the kami, where the villagers paid homage with heartfelt prayers and offerings.
On a bright spring morning, the Hayashi family moved into a charming house near the shrine. Yuko, a spirited young girl with inquisitive eyes, was enchanted by the quaint beauty of Mizuki and the mystique of the Shōrin Shrine. Her parents, Masato and Yuki, hoped the peaceful village would offer respite from the bustling city.
Their first evening in Mizuki was serene, and the family felt blessed to live in such an idyllic place. As night descended, they heard a faint melody echoing through the forest—a haunting tune played on a traditional shamisen. Yuko, drawn by curiosity, followed the eerie melody to the shrine.
At the shrine's entrance, she saw a flicker of movement among the trees and bushes. As her eyes adjusted to the dim moonlight, she gasped in awe and terror. There, bathed in an ethereal glow, stood a beautiful woman dressed in a white kimono, her long hair cascading like an ebony waterfall.
The woman's face bore an expression of immense sorrow, and her eyes seemed to pierce Yuko's very soul. In her delicate, spectral hands, she held a shamisen, its strings plucked by fingers that had long since turned to mist.
"Who are you?" Yuko asked, her voice quivering.
The apparition gazed at Yuko with an inscrutable sadness and whispered, "My name is Hana. I have been bound to this shrine for centuries, waiting for someone to hear my song."
Hana's story unraveled like a tragic tapestry before Yuko. She had once been a young woman in love with a humble fisherman from Mizuki. Their love was forbidden, and when their secret was discovered, they met a tragic end at the hands of the villagers.
As she spoke, the melody of her shamisen became more mournful, and the trees seemed to weep in sympathy. Hana's spirit, bound to the shrine, could only find solace by sharing her story with the living.
Yuko, moved by Hana's tale, felt a deep connection to the ghostly figure. She promised to help Hana find peace and bring her story to light. Together, they would uncover the truth behind the tragic love story that had ensnared the shrine for centuries.
As Yuko delved into the village's history, she uncovered hidden documents and ancient scrolls that confirmed Hana's story. The injustice done to Hana and her beloved was a blot on the village's past, a truth that had been concealed for generations.
With newfound determination, Yuko rallied the villagers to acknowledge the village's dark history and to seek forgiveness for the sins of the past. In a moving ceremony at the Shōrin Shrine, the villagers offered their prayers, and Hana's spirit was finally set free.
As the first rays of dawn bathed Mizuki in golden light, Hana's ethereal form dissolved into a wisp of gratitude and serenity. The shrine, once shadowed by sorrow, now radiated with newfound peace.
"The Shrine in the Shadows" became a tale passed down through generations, a reminder that love and forgiveness could transcend even the darkest of curses. Mizuki continued to flourish, its shrine standing as a testament to the enduring power of redemption.
End of Chapter 2: "The Shrine in the Shadows"
Chapter 3: "The Haunting of the Geisha"
In the vibrant streets of 19th-century Tokyo, beneath the shimmering lanterns and behind the delicate allure of geisha, a haunting presence lurked—a presence that would forever change the life of a celebrated geisha named Kaede.
Chapter 3: "The Haunting of the Geisha"
In the heart of Tokyo's historic Yoshiwara district, Kaede was renowned as one of the most captivating and skilled geisha. Her beauty was ethereal, her dances mesmerizing, and her laughter like the tinkling of wind chimes. But beneath her porcelain makeup and the grace of her performances lay a heart heavy with secrets.
One cool autumn evening, as the lanterns cast their warm glow on the district, a newcomer arrived at the teahouse where Kaede performed. His name was Kaito, a handsome and enigmatic man with piercing eyes that seemed to see beyond the facade of the geisha. Kaede's heart quickened as their eyes met, and she felt a connection she had never experienced before.
As weeks turned into months, Kaede and Kaito's bond deepened, their love blossoming like the cherry blossoms in spring. But their love was a forbidden one, as Kaito was a samurai, and their worlds were as different as night and day.
One fateful night, Kaito revealed a dangerous secret to Kaede—he was involved in a plot against a powerful daimyo who ruled with cruelty and oppression. Kaito believed that by exposing the daimyo's corruption, he could bring justice to the people. He asked for Kaede's assistance in gathering information from the teahouse's influential patrons.
Reluctantly, Kaede agreed, and together, they embarked on a treacherous path filled with deceit and danger. As the days passed, they uncovered dark secrets that could expose the daimyo's crimes. However, their actions did not go unnoticed.
One evening, as Kaede performed for a gathering of influential men, a sinister figure appeared in the shadows. It was the vengeful spirit of a geisha named Akiko, who had perished in Yoshiwara under tragic circumstances. Her ghostly form was veiled in a blood-red kimono, and her eyes burned with malevolence.
Akiko's haunting began subtly—a chill in the air, whispers of despair, and a feeling of dread that hung over the teahouse like a shroud. Kaede, sensing the supernatural presence, knew that they had awakened a vengeful spirit.
Desperate to protect Kaede, Kaito sought the guidance of a local exorcist, who revealed the tragic story of Akiko. She had been a geisha in love with a samurai, but their forbidden love had led to betrayal and death. Her restless spirit sought vengeance on those who dared to love across societal boundaries.
With the exorcist's help, Kaito and Kaede embarked on a perilous journey to confront Akiko's spirit and offer her the peace she so desperately sought. In a climactic showdown, they faced the vengeful geisha, revealing the truth behind her betrayal and death.
As the first light of dawn bathed the Yoshiwara district, Akiko's spirit dissipated, her eyes filled with sorrow and resignation. The curse she had cast upon the teahouse lifted, and peace returned to the district.
Kaede and Kaito's love story continued, forever marked by the supernatural forces they had encountered. The teahouse thrived once more, its lanterns casting their warm glow over the enchanting district, where love knew no boundaries and forgiveness transcended even death.
"The Haunting of the Geisha" became a legend whispered among geisha in Yoshiwara, a testament to the enduring power of love and the consequences of forbidden desires in the mysterious world of Edo-era Tokyo.
End of Chapter 3: "The Haunting of the Geisha"
Chapter 4: "The Onryo's Revenge"
In the heart of a decaying city, where abandoned buildings stood as silent witnesses to forgotten tragedies, a group of urban explorers would stumble upon a place where the restless dead held their sinister dominion.
Chapter 4: "The Onryo's Revenge"
The city of Kurayami had fallen into disrepair, its once-thriving industries crumbling, and its streets echoing with the memories of better days. Among its many derelict structures was the forsaken Kurayami Hospital, a place whispered about only in fearful tales.
Rumors spoke of a curse that had befallen the hospital after a gruesome series of medical experiments in the early 20th century. Patients had been subjected to horrific procedures, and their agonized cries still seemed to reverberate through the corridors.
A group of urban explorers, lured by the thrill of the forbidden and the allure of the macabre, set their sights on Kurayami Hospital. Among them was Hiroshi, the group's leader, and Yumi, a budding photographer with an affinity for capturing the eerie beauty of abandoned places.
As the explorers entered the hospital's crumbling entrance, they were greeted by the musty scent of decay and the eerie silence of long-abandoned hallways. Shadows danced in the dim light as they ventured deeper into the forsaken building, their footsteps echoing like distant whispers.
The group's excitement turned to unease as they encountered signs of the hospital's dark past—rusty surgical instruments, bloodstained gurneys, and cryptic medical notes. Yumi's camera captured it all, each photograph revealing more about the hospital's gruesome history.
As night fell, the explorers gathered in the hospital's decrepit lobby, their flashlights casting trembling beams into the darkness. It was then that they heard it—a faint, mournful wail, like the keening of a soul in torment.
Hiroshi, the group's fearless leader, brushed off their concerns, attributing the sound to the wind or their imagination. But the cries grew louder and more anguished, echoing through the halls.
The group became separated as they navigated the labyrinthine corridors. Yumi, camera in hand, wandered into the hospital's disused psychiatric ward. There, in a shadowed corner, she saw her camera's flash reveal a horrifying apparition—an onryo, a vengeful spirit with long, disheveled hair and eyes filled with hatred.
The onryo's spectral form contorted with rage as it approached Yumi. Its icy fingers reached out, and she felt an otherworldly coldness pierce her very soul. She knew that this was the spirit of a patient who had suffered unimaginable horrors in the hospital.
As Yumi's companions searched for her, they stumbled upon the onryo's lair and witnessed the terrifying encounter. In a desperate bid to save Yumi, they searched for a way to pacify the vengeful spirit.
Through a combination of research and communication with a local historian, they learned the full extent of the hospital's atrocities. Armed with this knowledge, they returned to the onryo's domain to confront the spirit and offer it the peace it had been denied for so long.
In a climactic showdown, the group faced the onryo, revealing the hospital's dark secrets and acknowledging the suffering of the tormented souls within. With profound remorse, they begged for forgiveness on behalf of those who had perpetrated the atrocities.
As the first rays of dawn broke over Kurayami, the onryo's anguished wails transformed into a mournful sigh. The spirit, its wrath finally quelled, dissipated into the ether, leaving behind a sense of profound sadness and closure.
The group of urban explorers emerged from Kurayami Hospital, forever changed by their encounter with the supernatural. They had confronted the past and offered redemption to the restless dead, leaving the decaying city with a newfound sense of hope.
"The Onryo's Revenge" became a cautionary tale among urban explorers, a reminder that some places are best left undisturbed, and that the past, no matter how dark, can be confronted and reconciled.
End of Chapter 4: "The Onryo's Revenge"
Chapter 5: "The Dollmaker's Curse"
In a remote mountain village, nestled among mist-shrouded peaks, a master dollmaker crafted exquisite creations that captured the hearts of collectors worldwide. Yet, within her secluded workshop, a malevolent force lurked—one that would ensnare a curious journalist in a nightmarish world of living dolls and dark secrets.
Chapter 5: "The Dollmaker's Curse"
Hidden away in the secluded village of Ichiban, known only to those who ventured deep into the mountains, lived a master dollmaker named Ai. Her dolls were celebrated for their lifelike beauty and craftsmanship, with collectors from distant lands coveting her creations.
One brisk autumn morning, a journalist named Keiko received a cryptic letter from a source in Ichiban, hinting at a sinister mystery surrounding Ai's dolls. Intrigued by the enigmatic message, Keiko embarked on a journey to the remote village, determined to uncover the truth.
Ichiban was a place untouched by time, its cobblestone streets winding through dense forests and past centuries-old homes. The village exuded an eerie tranquility, and the locals spoke in hushed tones about Ai's dolls, rumored to be infused with a piece of the human soul.
Upon reaching Ai's workshop, Keiko was greeted by the dollmaker herself, a woman of grace and poise. The workshop was a treasure trove of exquisite dolls, their eyes seeming to follow Keiko's every move. Among them, a particular doll known as Hikari stood out—a hauntingly beautiful creation with ebony hair and obsidian eyes.
As Keiko delved deeper into the village's mysteries, she discovered that Hikari was believed to house the soul of a deceased child, a belief held by both Ai and the villagers. The doll's unsettling presence and the uncanny resemblance it bore to a girl named Mei, who had died tragically years ago, sent shivers down Keiko's spine.
Keiko's nights in Ichiban were filled with restless dreams of porcelain dolls that came to life. In these dreams, Hikari beckoned her to uncover the truth behind the dollmaker's creations. Guided by an inexplicable compulsion, Keiko embarked on a quest to unearth the dark secrets hidden within Ai's workshop.
As Keiko investigated further, she uncovered Ai's own tragic past—a story of unrequited love, loss, and a desperate desire to capture the essence of the human soul in her dolls. With each revelation, the line between the living and the lifeless blurred, and Keiko felt herself becoming entangled in a nightmarish world.
The dolls that had once been works of art now seemed to harbor malevolence. They moved of their own accord, their eyes filled with an eerie, lifelike intensity. Keiko realized that Ai's obsession had bound her to a sinister force, and her creations hungered for more than just existence.
In a chilling climax, Keiko confronted Ai and the curse that had gripped her creations. Together, they sought to break the curse's hold and release the trapped souls within the dolls.
As the moon hung low in the night sky, Ai performed a solemn ritual, guided by the spirit of Mei, whose essence had been captured in Hikari. The dolls, imbued with a restless energy, gathered around, their haunting eyes watching as the curse was lifted.
With a mournful sigh, the dolls' porcelain features softened, and their malevolence dissipated. The spirit of Mei was set free, and the dolls became lifeless once more, their beauty preserved in eternal stillness.
Ichiban returned to its peaceful slumber, and Keiko departed with a newfound appreciation for the power of art and the depths of human longing. The village's haunting tale of the dollmaker's curse served as a reminder that some obsessions could lead to the creation of something far more sinister than art itself.
End of Chapter 5: "The Dollmaker's Curse"
Chapter 6: "The Shadow in the Forest"
In a land steeped in history and tradition, the Aokigahara Forest, known as the "Suicide Forest," concealed a dark secret. Within its dense, ancient foliage, a group of hikers would embark on a journey that would lead them into the heart of a malevolent force.
Chapter 6: "The Shadow in the Forest"
Deep within the prefecture of Yamanashi, shrouded in a perpetual mist, lay the infamous Aokigahara Forest—an expanse of ancient woodland that held a dark reputation. Known as the "Suicide Forest," it had been a site of countless tragic deaths throughout the centuries.
A group of adventurous hikers, seeking to conquer the wilderness and challenge the forest's ominous legends, gathered on a chilly autumn morning. Among them was Akira, an experienced guide with a deep respect for the forest's history, and Yumi, a young woman in search of adventure and solace from her own troubled past.
The hikers ventured deep into the forest, their footsteps muffled by the thick blanket of moss and fallen leaves. The dense canopy above cast eerie shadows, and the trees seemed to whisper secrets of sorrow and despair.
As they trekked further into the woods, they began to notice strange occurrences—a disconcerting sense of being watched, distant whispers on the wind, and ghostly apparitions that flickered at the edge of their vision. Akira, the guide, attributed these phenomena to the forest's ominous reputation and urged the group to press on.
Yet, the forest's grip on their minds and senses tightened. Yumi, in particular, felt a strange connection to the haunting forces that seemed to lurk behind every tree. Inexplicable visions of tragedy and despair flashed before her eyes, and a sense of overwhelming dread enveloped her.
Night descended on the forest, and the hikers set up camp, their flickering campfire offering the only semblance of comfort in the oppressive darkness. It was then that Yumi encountered a spectral figure—a yūrei, her kimono tattered and her eyes empty voids.
The yūrei beckoned to Yumi, her voice a mournful echo. Unable to resist, Yumi followed the apparition into the depths of the forest, her companions unaware of her disappearance. The yūrei led her to a clearing where an ancient tree stood, its gnarled roots forming a grotesque face.
As Yumi approached the tree, she felt a malevolent presence—an ancient spirit of the forest itself. It spoke to her, revealing the tragic history of Aokigahara—the place where those who had lost hope sought refuge in death.
Yumi learned of the forest's vengeful guardian, a yūrei born of countless lost souls, whose suffering fueled its malevolence. It was the embodiment of the forest's sorrow, forever bound to torment those who ventured within.
Realizing that Yumi was now connected to the yūrei, her companions embarked on a desperate search to rescue her from the forest's clutches. With the guidance of Akira's knowledge and determination, they confronted the vengeful spirit, revealing the pain of their own pasts and the impact of their actions on the world around them.
As the first rays of dawn bathed Aokigahara in a pale light, the yūrei's malevolence waned, and its grip on Yumi loosened. With a final sigh, it dissipated into the morning mist, its haunting presence released from the forest.
Yumi was reunited with her companions, forever changed by her encounter with the malevolent spirit of Aokigahara. The forest's ominous reputation remained, a reminder of the darkness that could consume those who dared to venture too close to its heart.
"The Shadow in the Forest" served as a chilling testament to the mysteries of Aokigahara, where the past and the present intertwined, and the boundaries between life and death blurred beneath the ancient canopy.
End of Chapter 6: "The Shadow in the Forest"
Chapter 7: "The Haunting of the Yurei Inn"
In a remote village nestled among mist-covered mountains, a centuries-old inn held a sinister secret. When a weary traveler seeks refuge within its ancient walls, she becomes entangled in a web of supernatural mysteries that threaten to consume her soul.
Chapter 7: "The Haunting of the Yurei Inn"
The village of Okuyama was a hidden gem, nestled among towering peaks and blanketed in mist. Within this secluded haven stood the Yurei Inn, a centuries-old establishment steeped in history and whispered legends. Its age-old charm masked a sinister truth—a haunting presence that had plagued the inn for generations.
Amidst a dense fog, a lone traveler named Rei arrived in Okuyama, weary and seeking shelter from the elements. The Yurei Inn, with its rustic charm and flickering lanterns, seemed like the perfect refuge. Little did Rei know that her stay at the inn would unravel the mysteries hidden within its ancient walls.
Upon her arrival, Rei was greeted by the inn's elderly proprietress, Eiko, a woman whose weathered features and deep knowledge of the village's history hinted at a deeper connection to the inn's haunting past.
As Rei settled into her room, the oppressive atmosphere within the inn became palpable. Shadows seemed to dance in the corners of her vision, and strange, ghostly whispers echoed in the corridors. Unbeknownst to her, Rei had become a pawn in a centuries-old battle between the inn and the vengeful spirits that resided within.
In the dead of night, Rei awoke to a chilling presence at her bedside—an ethereal yurei, her white burial kimono flowing like a spectral river. The vengeful spirit's eyes held an insatiable hunger, and she reached out to Rei, her fingers icy and skeletal.
Rei's nights became torment as she encountered more yurei within the inn, each with their own tragic stories of betrayal, injustice, and unfulfilled desires. The spirits sought vengeance, and Rei's presence within the inn had awakened their malevolence.
Desperate to uncover the inn's secrets and free herself from the spirits' relentless pursuit, Rei sought the guidance of Eiko. The elderly proprietress revealed the tragic history of the inn—an establishment built on the suffering of countless souls who had met their demise within its walls.
Eiko's own family had been entangled in the inn's dark legacy, and she bore the weight of their deeds. Together, Rei and Eiko embarked on a journey to confront the yurei and offer them redemption, hoping to break the cycle of suffering that had plagued the inn for centuries.
In a harrowing confrontation with the vengeful spirits, Rei and Eiko unveiled the truth behind the inn's cursed history and acknowledged the pain of the souls that had been wronged. With heartfelt apologies and rituals of atonement, they sought to release the spirits from their torment.
As the first rays of dawn bathed Okuyama in a golden light, the yurei's spectral forms dissolved into the ether, their eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and gratitude. The Yurei Inn, once a place of darkness, now held the promise of redemption.
Rei departed from Okuyama, forever marked by her encounter with the supernatural. The Yurei Inn, now cleansed of its malevolent spirits, stood as a testament to the power of reconciliation and the hope of breaking the chains of the past.
"The Haunting of the Yurei Inn" became a cautionary tale among villagers, a reminder that the sins of the past could be confronted and forgiven, even in the face of vengeful spirits.
End of Chapter 7: "The Haunting of the Yurei Inn"
Chapter 8: "The Curse of the Haunted Kimono"
In the heart of Kyoto, where tradition and modernity intertwined, a family heirloom, an ancient kimono, carried a chilling curse that had plagued generations. A woman must delve into her family's history to uncover the origins of the curse and find a way to break it before it consumes her and her loved ones.
Chapter 8: "The Curse of the Haunted Kimono"
Kyoto, the city of a thousand temples, was a place where time seemed to stand still. Among the historic districts, the Nakamura family had passed down a treasured heirloom for generations—an exquisite silk kimono adorned with intricate embroidery, a relic of a bygone era.
The kimono had always been a source of fascination and reverence within the Nakamura family. It was said to be imbued with mystical powers, protecting its wearer from harm and misfortune. But beneath its ornate beauty lay a dark secret—a curse that had haunted the family for centuries.
Emi, the youngest of the Nakamura family, had grown up hearing stories of the kimono's mystical properties and the curse that clung to it. When her grandmother passed away, leaving the kimono in her care, Emi became the latest custodian of this fabled garment.
As the years passed, strange occurrences began to plague Emi and her family. The kimono seemed to have a malevolent presence, causing nightmares, unexplained accidents, and a growing sense of dread. Emi's husband, Toshiro, and their young daughter, Yuki, bore the brunt of the curse's effects.
Desperate to protect her loved ones, Emi embarked on a quest to uncover the origins of the curse and find a way to break it. She delved into her family's history, poring over ancient scrolls and consulting with local priests and scholars.
Through her research, Emi learned of a tragic love story that had been concealed for generations—a forbidden romance between a Nakamura ancestor and a woman from a rival clan. The lovers had been torn apart by a vengeful spirit, and their love had been sealed within the cursed kimono.
With newfound determination, Emi sought out the help of a renowned exorcist, who revealed that the curse could only be broken by reconciling the spirits of the star-crossed lovers and offering them a chance at eternal peace.
Emi, Toshiro, and Yuki embarked on a journey to the ancestral shrine of the Nakamura family, where they conducted a solemn ritual to appease the vengeful spirits. As they offered their prayers and made heartfelt apologies on behalf of their ancestors, a profound sense of forgiveness washed over them.
In a climactic moment, the cursed kimono transformed, its once malevolent aura dissipating into the ether. The spirits of the star-crossed lovers, now free from their torment, appeared before Emi and her family, their eyes filled with gratitude.
As the cherry blossoms rained down upon Kyoto, Emi, Toshiro, and Yuki returned home with a newfound sense of peace and closure. The kimono, no longer cursed, became a symbol of their family's resilience and the enduring power of love and forgiveness.
"The Curse of the Haunted Kimono" served as a reminder that the sins of the past could be atoned for and that the bonds of love and family could transcend even the darkest of curses.
End of Chapter 8: "The Curse of the Haunted Kimono"
Chapter 9: "The Mirror's Malevolence"
In a quiet suburban neighborhood, an antique mirror with a sinister past found its way into the home of a young couple. As they unwittingly unleashed the malevolent spirit trapped within, they must confront the mirror's dark history to save themselves and their family.
Chapter 9: "The Mirror's Malevolence"
In a serene suburban neighborhood, where cherry blossoms bloomed with each passing spring, lived a young couple, Hiroshi and Aiko, who were enamored with the charm of their new home. They had recently moved into a quaint, old-fashioned house that came with a peculiar antique mirror.
The mirror was ornate and beautiful, its frame adorned with delicate carvings of cherry blossoms. It had been left behind by the previous owner, a recluse who had passed away under mysterious circumstances. Little did Hiroshi and Aiko know that this mirror carried a malevolent secret.
As they settled into their new home, strange occurrences began to unfold. Reflections in the mirror seemed to distort, showing glimpses of eerie, shadowy figures lurking in the background. At night, whispers filled the room as if unseen voices murmured from within the glass.
Aiko, with her fascination for the occult, was the first to sense the mirror's sinister aura. She delved into research, uncovering tales of a cursed mirror that had plagued the previous owner's family for generations.
The mirror had once belonged to a vengeful spirit, a yūrei who had perished in despair. Its malevolence was bound to the glass, and those who possessed it were tormented by the spirit's relentless anger and sorrow.
Desperate to free themselves from the mirror's curse, Hiroshi and Aiko sought the guidance of a spiritual medium. Through a series of rituals and séances, they made contact with the vengeful spirit trapped within the mirror.
The spirit's story unfolded like a tragic drama—the yūrei had been a young woman in love with a man from a rival clan. Their love was forbidden, and when their secret was discovered, they had both met a grisly end. Her spirit had been bound to the mirror as punishment for her defiance of societal norms.
With the medium's help, Hiroshi and Aiko offered prayers and apologies on behalf of the mirror's original owner, seeking forgiveness for the wrongs committed against the vengeful spirit. They vowed to help the spirit find peace and redemption.
In a chilling climax, they conducted a final ritual, allowing the yūrei to pass on and find the solace she had been denied for centuries. As they gazed into the mirror one last time, they saw the spirit's reflection fade into the distance, her eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and farewell.
The mirror, now cleansed of its malevolence, became a symbol of hope and renewal for Hiroshi and Aiko. Their family flourished, and the cherry blossoms in their garden bloomed with newfound vibrancy, a testament to the enduring power of love and forgiveness.
"The Mirror's Malevolence" served as a chilling reminder that even the most innocuous objects could carry dark secrets, and that confronting the past and seeking redemption could break the bonds of even the most malevolent curses.
End of Chapter 9: "The Mirror's Malevolence"
Chapter 10: "The Bridge to the Beyond"
In a remote mountain village, isolated from the modern world, a historic bridge served as a link between the living and the dead. When a group of travelers crossed its ancient planks, they would discover the chilling truth behind the bridge's supernatural origins.
Chapter 10: "The Bridge to the Beyond"
Deep within the heart of the Japanese mountains, nestled among ancient forests and shrouded in mist, lay the village of Yamanokawa. It was a place where tradition and superstition still held sway, and the bridge that spanned the river was both a lifeline and a gateway to the unknown.
A group of adventurous travelers, drawn by the allure of Yamanokawa's untouched beauty, embarked on a journey to explore the village's remote reaches. Among them were Kaito, a historian with an insatiable curiosity, and Mia, a photographer who sought to capture the essence of this secluded world.
The village's centerpiece was the Akane Bridge, a weathered structure made of ancient wood and adorned with centuries-old lanterns. Its planks creaked with the weight of history, and the river below whispered tales of lives long gone.
As the travelers ventured deeper into Yamanokawa, they discovered that the villagers held a profound reverence for the bridge. It was said to be a link between the living and the dead, a place where offerings were made to appease the spirits that dwelled in the surrounding forest.
As night descended, the travelers set up camp near the Akane Bridge, its lanterns casting an eerie, flickering glow on the river's surface. It was then that they heard the sound—a mournful melody that seemed to emanate from the bridge itself.
Mia, driven by curiosity, followed the haunting tune to the bridge's edge. There, bathed in an otherworldly light, she saw a figure—a woman in a white kimono, her long hair flowing like an ebony waterfall.
The woman, whose name was Hikari, revealed herself to be a yūrei, a spirit bound to the Akane Bridge for centuries. She had once been a young bride whose love had been torn apart by a tragic accident on her wedding day. Her spirit was eternally linked to the bridge, where she waited for her beloved to return.
Kaito, the historian, delved into the village's archives and uncovered the tragic story of Hikari's past. It was a tale of love and loss, of a bride whose life had been cut short, and a groom whose heart had been forever scarred by grief.
With newfound determination, the travelers sought to reunite the spirits of Hikari and her beloved. They embarked on a journey deep into the forest, following a path laden with offerings and prayers.
At the heart of the forest, they discovered an ancient shrine dedicated to love and reconciliation. There, in a poignant ceremony, they offered heartfelt prayers and apologies on behalf of the villagers and the groom who had never returned.
As the first light of dawn broke over Yamanokawa, a sense of serenity washed over the Akane Bridge. Hikari's spectral form dissolved into the river's mist, her eyes filled with a mix of longing and gratitude.
The travelers departed from Yamanokawa, forever changed by their encounter with the supernatural. The Akane Bridge, now freed from its haunting past, stood as a testament to the enduring power of love and the hope of reuniting even in the afterlife.
"The Bridge to the Beyond" became a legend whispered among villagers, a reminder that some bonds could transcend time and that the spirit of love endured even in the face of eternity.
End of Chapter 10: "The Bridge to the Beyond"
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2024.05.30 21:03 1one1yphoton How were these antique earrings made?

How were these antique earrings made?
A friend of mine bought these cool antique earrings and we would really like to how they were made. They were dated to the Late Victorian era and are 14K gold with moonstones. Might any of you experts be able to speculate about they were constructed? I’d love to have a similar pair so it would be awesome to understand the fabrication process!
submitted by 1one1yphoton to jewelrymaking [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 20:19 A-Dog22 Why ‘Treasure Planet’ is the Hidden Gem of Disney’s Vault: A Space Odyssey of Steampunk Splendor!

Hey Disney aficionados,
I’m about to drop some truth about the most underrated Disney movie of all time: “Treasure Planet.” This isn’t your typical fairy tale; it’s a space-age odyssey that deserves way more credit.
First off, the steampunk design in this movie is out of this world—literally. It’s like someone took the coolest parts of the Victorian era and shot them into orbit. The gears, the gadgets, the gizmos—it’s all so beautifully crafted that you can’t help but wish you lived in this universe.
The animation is absolutely stunning. It’s like the animators were handpicked by the gods of artistry themselves. Every scene is a masterpiece, with such fluid motion and intricate detail that it feels like you’re watching a dream come to life.
And let’s talk about our main protagonist, Jim Hawkins. This guy is the definition of a relatable character. He’s not some prince charming; he’s a kid with a dream and a heart of gold, trying to navigate the galaxy and his own personal demons. We’ve all been there, right?
Now, here’s the kicker: “Treasure Planet” doesn’t lean on a love story crutch. Nope, it stands tall on its own two feet with a tale of adventure, self-discovery, and the true meaning of treasure—and it’s not just about the gold, folks.
So why isn’t this movie getting the love it deserves? It’s a mystery for the ages. But today, I'm setting the record straight. “Treasure Planet” is a cinematic treasure that’s worth its weight in gold and then some.
Let's give "Treasure Planet" the recognition it deserves. And if you haven't seen it yet, what are you waiting for? Go watch it now! Trust me, it's a trip worth taking.
submitted by A-Dog22 to disney [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:57 eldiabloesmeralda Housing Leaseholders want new roof. We can’t afford it. Can they make us pay for it?

We live in a private Victorian-era house, subdivided into three leasehold flats. For a while now, the other two leaseholders, as well as the freeholder, have been going on about getting a new roof for the house. We, however, haven’t got the funding for such an undertaking, nor do we feel it’s necessary as the roof—despite its age—has never been a major problem over the course of our residency, which has been the longest at around thirty years. We have explained multiple times that we are in no position to do this, but they continue to press the issue. We’re wondering if the freeholder is legally allowed to make us pay for a new roof under the Housing Act. We are based in England. Any help/pointers will be greatly appreciated.
submitted by eldiabloesmeralda to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:39 adulting4kids Scientific Fiction And Science Fact Challenge

  1. Space Travel:
    Prompt: You are a 19th-century astronomer who dreams of exploring the cosmos. One night, you have a vivid dream about landing on the moon. Describe your emotions and thoughts upon waking up and realizing the possibility of space travel.
  2. Smartphones and Tablets:
    Prompt: As a person from the early 20th century, you discover a small, sleek device resembling a communicator from a futuristic tale. Explore your reactions and the impact of this device on your perception of communication and information access.
  3. Artificial Intelligence (AI):
    Prompt: In the mid-20th century, you, a computer scientist, stumble upon the concept of artificial intelligence. Describe your initial skepticism and later amazement as AI becomes an integral part of daily life.
  4. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR):
    Prompt: You are a painter in the 1970s, and one day you encounter a strange headset offering a virtual world. Explore your artistic imagination and how this technology challenges your traditional perceptions of creativity.
  5. Genetic Engineering:
    Prompt: As a biologist in the 1980s, you stumble upon the idea of manipulating genes. Describe your ethical dilemmas and excitement as you grapple with the potential of genetic engineering and its consequences.
  6. Biometric Identification:
    Prompt: Picture yourself as a detective in the early 20th century who encounters a device that can identify individuals based on their fingerprints or facial features. Explore the implications of such technology on crime-solving and privacy.
  7. 3D Printing:
    Prompt: You are an artisan in the Renaissance era, and you discover a mysterious device that can replicate intricate objects. Describe your wonder and confusion as you witness the possibilities of 3D printing.
  8. Self-Driving Cars:
    Prompt: You are an early 20th-century inventor fascinated by automobiles. Imagine your reaction upon encountering a vehicle that moves without a driver. Explore your thoughts on the implications of self-driving cars.
  9. Wireless Communication:
    Prompt: You are a 19th-century telegraph operator who stumbles upon a device allowing instant, wireless communication. Describe your astonishment and apprehension as you consider the impact on long-distance messaging.
  10. Robotics in Medicine:
    Prompt: Transport yourself to the medieval era as a healer who discovers a mechanical assistant capable of intricate surgeries. Explore your apprehensions and fascination with the integration of robots in medicine.
  11. Renewable Energy:
    Prompt: You are an industrialist in the early 20th century, skeptical of the concept of harnessing power from the sun and wind. Describe your journey of understanding and acceptance as renewable energy transforms the landscape.
  12. Bionic Limbs and Prosthetics:
    Prompt: As a warrior in ancient times, you lose a limb in battle. Imagine your reactions upon receiving a prosthetic limb with advanced functionalities. Explore the intersection of technology and the human body.
  13. Hoverboards and Drones:
    Prompt: Picture yourself as a Victorian-era inventor who sketches plans for a hovering, self-propelled device. Explore your excitement and skepticism as you envision the possibilities of hoverboards and drones.
  14. Reusable Rockets:
    Prompt: You are a science fiction writer in the mid-20th century, dreaming of space exploration. Describe your reaction upon learning that rockets can be reused, turning your imaginative tales into potential reality.
  15. Telemedicine:
    Prompt: As a doctor in the early 20th century, you receive a mysterious device that allows remote medical consultations. Explore your concerns and curiosity as you contemplate the transformation of healthcare through telemedicine.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:12 Queasy_Swim_7671 The Timeless Appeal of Jigsaw Puzzles: A Journey Through History and Benefits

Jigsaw puzzles have long been a source of entertainment and mental stimulation, captivating people of all ages for centuries. These intricate mosaics of interlocking pieces, once assembled, reveal a complete picture that can range from stunning landscapes to intricate patterns and beloved characters. The history of jigsaw puzzles is as colorful as the images they depict, and their benefits extend far beyond mere amusement.

A Brief History of Jigsaw Puzzles

The origins of jigsaw puzzles date back to the mid-18th century when John Spilsbury, a London-based cartographer and engraver, is credited with creating the first one. In 1766, he mounted a map on a piece of wood and cut it along the borders of the countries. Spilsbury's invention was initially intended as an educational tool to teach geography to children. These early puzzles, known as "dissected maps," were hand-cut with a fine saw and were primarily used by the wealthy due to their high cost.
By the 19th century, advances in printing and die-cutting technology made puzzles more affordable and accessible to the general public. The Victorian era saw a surge in their popularity, particularly in England and the United States. During this time, puzzles were often made from wood and featured themes ranging from historical events to famous works of art.
The Great Depression in the 1930s marked another significant period in the history of jigsaw puzzles. They became a popular and inexpensive form of entertainment for families facing economic hardship. Cardboard puzzles gained prominence during this era due to their lower production costs compared to wooden ones. This shift made puzzles even more accessible and cemented their place in popular culture.

The Benefits of Jigsaw Puzzles

While jigsaw puzzles are undoubtedly fun, their benefits extend far beyond simple entertainment. Engaging in this activity can have numerous positive effects on the brain and overall well-being.
  1. **Cognitive Skills**: Jigsaw puzzles challenge the brain and improve cognitive functions. They enhance problem-solving abilities, memory, and spatial reasoning. Assembling a puzzle requires focus and concentration, stimulating the brain and improving mental acuity.
  2. **Stress Relief**: Working on a puzzle can be a meditative and relaxing activity. It allows individuals to enter a state of "flow," where they become fully immersed in the task at hand. This can reduce stress and anxiety levels, providing a sense of calm and satisfaction.
  3. **Fine Motor Skills**: Handling small puzzle pieces helps improve fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. This is particularly beneficial for young children developing these skills and older adults looking to maintain dexterity.
  4. **Social Interaction**: Jigsaw puzzles can be a social activity, fostering collaboration and communication. Whether working on a puzzle with family or friends, it provides an opportunity to bond and share a common goal.
  5. **Creativity and Visual Perception**: Completing a puzzle involves recognizing patterns and visualizing the final image. This enhances creativity and visual perception, skills that are valuable in many aspects of life.

The Modern Renaissance of Jigsaw Puzzles

In recent years, jigsaw puzzles have experienced a resurgence in popularity, partly fueled by the global COVID-19 pandemic. With people spending more time at home, puzzles became a favored pastime, providing a sense of achievement and a welcome distraction from the uncertainties of the world.
Modern puzzles come in various forms and complexities, from traditional flat puzzles to 3D structures and even digital versions. Companies have introduced puzzles with custom images, allowing individuals to create personalized puzzles from their own photographs. This blend of tradition and innovation ensures that jigsaw puzzles remain a beloved activity for generations to come.


Jigsaw puzzles are more than just a pastime; they are a fascinating blend of history, art, and cognitive challenge. From their origins as educational tools to their modern-day status as a beloved hobby, puzzles continue to engage and delight people of all ages. Whether seeking mental stimulation, stress relief, or a way to connect with others, jigsaw puzzles offer a timeless and rewarding experience.

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