Nativity cake

Pilgrimage Organizer, Speech Therapist, and the Mother of a Big, Second Family. Priests’ wives talk about their service in the Church. Part 1

2024.06.04 09:20 Yurii_S_Kh Pilgrimage Organizer, Speech Therapist, and the Mother of a Big, Second Family. Priests’ wives talk about their service in the Church. Part 1

Pilgrimage Organizer, Speech Therapist, and the Mother of a Big, Second Family. Priests’ wives talk about their service in the Church. Part 1
Lada Bayeva
On the feast of the holy Myrrh-Bearing Women, which Russian believers sometimes call “Orthodox Women’s Day” (this year it fell on May 19), we asked the wives of some priests of the Vyatka Metropolia of the ROC to talk about their Christian service in the family, in the Church and in society.
Many matushkas, as priests’ wives are usually called in Russia, perform their multifaceted labors in the sphere of education, developing pilgrimage itineraries, working as teachers, doctors, speech therapists, church choir singers or conductors, glorifying the Lord with their singing, meeting people in the church shop, instilling the gift of faith in children with special needs… And, of course, all of them see a special role of a woman in taking care of her family and helping her spouse. Talking about family traditions, their work and hobbies, these women have sincerely shared with readers what helps them overcome difficulties, what joy they feel when they observe the good fruits of their labors, and how happy they are in their service.
There are trips that combine my service as an organizer of pilgrims and the family”
Nadezhda Shapoval, head of the “From Vyatka” pilgrimage service:
Fr. John and Nadezhda Shapoval
This May, our pilgrimage service turned twenty. Its work is based on Christian service. Our priority is to familiarize people with our shrines and churches of the land of Vyatka1 of the Vyatka Metropolia. I think it is important for people to know the history of their churches, icons, and local saints.
I never imagined that I would become a priest’s wife. I married an ordinary layman. Ten years later, at the age of thirty-five, my husband told me: “I want to enter the Vyatka Theological College [now seminary], full-time.” I understood the responsibilities that a future priest’s wife had—both the inward, spiritual, and the outward, in the public eye—but I had to accept his choice. Father John was ordained by Metropolitan Chrysanthos of Vyatka and Slobodskoy. He served as a deacon for six years, and then Metropolitan Mark of Vyatka and Slobodskoy ordained my husband a priest and sent him to serve in the village of Istobensk. And for about twelve years now, batiushka has served as rector of the ancient Holy Trinity Church, which has never been closed.
Nadezhda Shapoval with pilgrims
There are trips that combine my service as an organizer of pilgrimages and the family. We have the following tradition: for several years in a row, on New Year’s day, I take pilgrims on a trip to the ancient monasteries and convents of Russia. We develop new, interesting itineraries every time. During our trips, we learn about locally venerated saints and attend services in the churches we visit. Fr. John Shapoval, who accompanies the pilgrims with me, supports people with spiritual advice. Among our pilgrims there are those who go regularly on our “prayer trips”, while others may be new to this. Recently, married couples have become more actively involved in such trips.
Nadezhda Shapoval
Greetings to all female pilgrims, colleagues, staff workers, priests’ wives and all Orthodox women of Russia on this wonderful feast—the day of the Myrrh-Bearing Women, which falls on the Paschal days when we all greet each other especially joyfully with the exclamation: “Christ is Risen!”
My great-grandmother, grandmother and mother are priests’ wives”
Priest Mikhail Pentin and his wife Galina
Galina Pentina, singer of the parish choir of the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos of Kirov and teacher of church singing at the Sunday school of the parish, wife of the rector of the Church of the Protection of the Mother of God of the town of Sovetsk, Priest Mikhail Pentin:
Christian service is always about kindness, the ability to give, to sacrifice from the bottom of your heart, to bring joy to people. It so happened that I became a fourth-generation priest’s wife. My great-grandmother, grandmother and mother were all wives of priests. From childhood we had an awareness that a priest is the pillar in the church, and his wife is the pillar in the family, responsible for the microclimate and comfort at home. But a parish is a big family. A priest celebrates services in church and is engaged in organizational matters, while his wife creates a good atmosphere there, so that people can be drawn to church. For parishioners, she often acts as a guide, a connecting link to the church.
I was born after my mother Tatiana moved from Kostroma to Sovetsk and had begun to arrange the life of the parish. Then Sunday school was born there, which turns twenty this year.
riest Mikhail Kovalsky with his wife Tatiana and little Galina
My father was busy with his ministry and was responsible for many practical issues—churches always require attention—and my mother created an atmosphere inside the parish. There were regular parishioners and traditions—organizing Christmas and Paschal concerts. And if my mother devoted herself mostly to classes with children in the Sunday school, I inherited the cause from my father, Priest Mikhail Kovalsky, who as a priest paid great attention to choir service.
My father dreamed of becoming a choir director, but he entered the seminary. But he loved sacred music from his childhood. He selected the repertoire for the services of the church cycle and held choir practices. Sharing his aspirations, I have served in the choir since the age of two. Now that I sing in the church choir, I remember that as a child I listened to this or that spiritual work. In my understanding, the church choir plays a huge connecting role between the priest and the parishioners. The prayerful mood the choir sets will be conveyed to the priest and the parishioners.
​Future Archpriest Peter and Grandmother Marina Bakhtina
A model of good Christian service in our family is my maternal great-grandmother Margarita. She has eight children, and she is a priest’s wife as well. When my great-grandfather, Archpriest Vladimir Stepanov, was transferred from parish to parish, the whole family moved with him. You must accept that your husband belongs to the Church, and you, his wife and children, are his family and cannot leave him. You should be wise and understand that this is your service—through him you should serve God. My grandparents, Grandmother Marina and Archpriest Peter Bakhtin, are also a model of Christian service.
When it comes to life in general, it is important to do everything for God. Do any work that you undertake for God. This way it will be possible to perform it efficiently, and most importantly—according to your conscience.
Family comes first”
Ekaterina Churakova with Father Dimitry and children
Ekaterina Churakova, a speech therapist, wife of the priest of the Church of the holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia in Kirov, Priest Dimitry Churakov:
I see my Christian service in the life I live as a priest’s wife, combining raising the children with my job as a speech therapist. As an active and well-educated woman, I always wanted to do something for the good of society, while living exclusively for household chores is boring. Being a philologist by education, I received by qualifications as a speech therapist over a decade ago. When my children were small, there was no opportunity to take them to a speech therapist, so I decided to become one myself—first of all to help my children. Then I began to help others as well. And now that I’m busy with work, my children understand that their mother is a role model for them, thus she fulfils herself, and at the same time they are given more independence. They do some housework themselves, taking care of each other. Working as a speech therapist has become my vocation, because I love children. It is no coincidence that we have four of them, and I am able to help them and do my share in providing for the family simultaneously.
Ekaterina Churakova with her husband, Priest Dimitry, a cleric of the Church of Sts. Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia in Kirov
But the family comes first, so I work four hours a day at most. I reserve energy for my children. Our two older daughters and son go to school, and the youngest daughter is a preschooler.
Since weekends together are a rarity for us, because my spouse is a priest and celebrates services in church on weekends, we try to gather in the evenings in our family circle. My husband, Fr. Dimitry, and I try to support each other, and he takes part in raising our children.
We have a family tradition of getting together on the major feasts—Christmas and Pascha. At Pascha, we always bake kulichi (Paschal cakes) according to the old Russian recipe for our family, friends and acquaintances. My eldest daughter Lisa and I baked over sixty kulichi this year. We want people to feel the taste of real pascha cheese, cooked with love from exclusively natural, good products: butter, raisins, candied fruits and nuts.
We celebrate Victory Day with our family; we always place flowers at the eternal flame, sing military songs at home, and invite guests.
In the summer we try to take trips together. For example to Diveyevo Convent or to Blessed Matrona in Moscow. For the children, a trip to another city is always an occasion for joy. We try to think about our trip ahead of time, and to make it merry, interesting and informative for the children (with visits to museums, zoos, puppet theaters; the Nikulin Circus in Moscow made a special impression on them). On the other hand, these trips educate them in patriotic and spiritual terms, since they familiarize themselves with holy and meaningful places.
When planning my days, I keep a balance between my job, the children and myself, and my inner state. When there are many children, everyone needs to be given time and attention. You always keep your finger on the pulse so that you as a mother can provide support. And all this requires inner strength, so it is especially important for the mother of a large family to stay healthy, fit and balanced.
Family traditions are about being all together”
Lyubov Boyarintseva with Fr. George and children
Lyubov Boyarintseva, director of the Nika children’s church choir, teacher of the First Children’s Music School in Kirov, wife of the priest of the Church of St. John the Baptist, Fr. George Boyarintsev:
I met my future husband when we were students of the conducting and choral college. In our last year of school we registered our marriage and got married in church. We had a student wedding: a male student quartet sang at the church; Vladimir Stromov—the bell-ringer of St. Seraphim’s Church, and then a second–year student who sang with us in the united student choir, rang the bells; and the cameraman was our classmate, now Priest Igor Shilyayev. The car for the newlyweds was provided by the then ruling hierarch, Vladyka Chrysanthos. It was very joyful, warm and sincere.
Lyubov Boyarintseva and the Nika children’s choir at the service in the Church of St. John the Baptist in Kirov
I have been studying music all my life, and my choice of this profession was obvious. I started teaching from the age of nineteen, and so far my occupation has not changed. It had always been a children’s choir. However, three or four years ago I began to lead an adult mixed choir, which consists of parents and graduates. It’s an amateur choir of people who can’t live without music.
A husband and a wife are a single whole, one mind and one vision of the world, and they complement each other. One other half always feels what is happening with the other and thinks about how to help him or her. Sometimes words of support are vital—it is very important that you are not alone in your vision of the world, that someone is ready to defend you with might and main. My husband is our choir’s father-confessor. He knows all my students, their interests and hobbies. He taught me how to edit videos of my students for competitions, type parts in computer programs, and write music; he also helps me organize concerts.
Fr. George and Lyubov Boyarintseva with children
My husband is a clergyman of the Church of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist of our city, and as part of his duties he sometimes travels to serve in churches of the district, where there are often no singers. Then I always accompany him, and we sing the service with the children’s choir.
Music is a subtle guide to the spiritual world. At the service, children feel their involvement in what is happening through music and spiritual singing, and it is easier for them to stand through the service and understand it. We so wanted our children to sing in church so that they could find friends and like-minded children in the choir. After all, who your children communicate with is very important.
For us, family traditions mean being all together: at work, at services, at children’s contests or competitions, or just spending weekends together. If we manage to organize a family trip, it is a great joy.
For me the main thing is when love reigns in the parish and in the family”
Elena Izhik. Celebration of the blessing of a new belfry in the village of Sredneivkino
Elena Izhik, wife of the rector of the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Sredneivkino of the Verkhoshizhemye district, the Kirov region:
For seventeen years now I have been Father Stephen’s wife and the mother of three wonderful daughters. For me the parish is a large, second family—not only in Sredneikino, but also in Verkhoshizhemye, Zonikha and Voronye. For me, life as a priest’s wife has proved to be very unique, yet difficult.
Elena Izhik with Fr. Stephen and children
I try to share in all the difficulties that Fr. Stephen has to face as a clergyman, and my daughters and I try to support him. I help my husband in the service (I sing in the choir), I am always involved in the preparations for church events, and support charity works organized at the parish. Father and I try to bring our children to God and kindle the fire of faith in their hearts.
For me, the main thing is that love reigns in the parish and in the family. Because family is the most important thing in our lives. It is the most precious and valuable gift from God. I believe that a real family is built when the people dearest to each other support each other and do not abandon each other in difficult times, which motivates you to move forward and reach new heights. This makes them really happy for you.
Faith in God and trust in Him help me overcome various difficulties in life. And family is a place where you can be real, yourself; it is a reliable support that helps you solve any problems in life; it is a strong home and harmony.
Church is a place where I sacrifice myself to God through singing”
Natalia Pistsova with her youngest daughter
Natalia Pistsova, singer at St. John the Baptist Church in Kirov, wife of the cleric of St. Seraphim’s Cathedral in Kirov, Priest Vasily Pistsov:
I started singing in the choir when I was a child. From the age of five I mastered singing and reading. I grew up in an Orthodox family—my parents raised me accordingly, instilling in me the most important ideas about God and my neighbor. Singing and Church are an integral part of my life, because as long as I can remember, I have always sung—this is my second self. The church is my home: it is a place where I offer myself to God fully through singing and serving Him.
Batiushka and I are raising four children—three girls and one boy. The oldest is sixteen, and the youngest is three.
Natalia Pistsova with her husband, Fr. Vasily, and children
The priest brings a moral element into raising children, instilling in them the most valuable concepts about God and people, and gives answers to their questions. I try to instill in them the right habits, the right approach to life and different situations, and most importantly, I help them learn how to make good decisions. It is a very interesting and complex process (because there is a struggle, free will is manifested, with each of them having his own). At the same time, it is important to understand that every child is an individual and needs an individual approach; and of course, I have the task of remaining a true friend and example for them.
My hobbies are drawing, academic singing and sports. I also really like needlework.
We love to relax together outdoors, which allows us to take a break from the fuss of life. The great Orthodox feasts greatly unite us, because each of us contributes to the creation and preservation of family traditions. The most important thing is to keep in mind that love, joy, humility and piety must accompany us along our life’s paths.
To be continued…
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:33 sparklyalbatross123 I think I met a specific future singer once and I didnt even f*cking remember it til literally just today.

like me and my dad were on a long car ride to visit my uncle who lived in a specific very hot midwestern state at the time and we made a stop in the middle of freaking nowhere to stretch. there was a big pile of tires by the side of the road and I asked my dad "hey can I go see if I can climb on those tires?" and he was like "sure just dont break anything." and I was like "yay!"
I had a question about what tires are made of so I turned around and saw a kid around my age. he said
"that looks fun can I play too?"
"sure. I'm (my name). What's your name?"
"Wait is okay to play here?"
I said "my dad said I can play here so long as I dont break anything. huh? where'd he go?" (refering to my dad.)
"hey whatcha doing (his name)? did you you ask first?"... "And what did she say?" "she said 'sure just dont break the tires.''' he said "thats kinda funny actually."
"whats kinda funny?" (my dad) "Oh my son asked your daughter if he can play and she said that's fine 'just dont break the tires." "oh sorry we just stopped to take a break is it okay if my kid goes to play on the tires?" "I dont see why not. can my son play too?" "sure so long as my kid doesnt get hurt." "dont worry he's a gentle kid."
"hey sorry for being weird and disappearing for a second my dad said I should ask the locals first if I can play here. I'm _"
"oh cool. do you know what tires are made of? I was gonna ask my dad but I guess he went in the shade so he doesnt get sunburnt." (he was taking leak and trying to be discreet about it).
he said "I think they're rubber but my dad knows better. he's just over there actually."
"oh cool! if he knows better can I ask him what tires are made of?" he said "ok I'll get him" he was like "hey how can I help you?" and I said "hi mr. _'s dad do you know what a rubber is?"
he said "in what context?" And I said "what's context?" "like what do you mean by do I know what a rubber is?"
"dad she wants to know if tires are made of rubber" "oh! yes they are. why?"
"well its a strong material right?"
"Oh you're serious? well (knocks on it like a used car salesman) that's solid material. should be good to go."
"why are you playing on the tires anyway?" and I was like "well I'm not really supposed to say this but I got adhd and I havent taken my meds for it today and whenever I'm not on them I get especially unruly. hence why my dad wanted me to play on the tires to get my energy out even though thats not really how adhd works but dont get me wrong playing on the tires is fun. I mean, 'cuz its fun oh and my dad said not to break anything."
I also said "aw you think I'm a local? I actually just got here."
"Oh really! I mean uh, I'm not from around here either. Well technically my Dad's not from around here either 'cuz here's (white country of origin). I'm just with my dad this week before I go back to my Mom's house. it's a long story."
"Oh! I'm with my Dad this week before I go back to my mom's house too!"
"no way, your parents got divorced too?"
"yeah. And like I feel like I cant even talk about it without some people getting all weird about it, you know?"
"yeah" (sulks)
"hey did you mention your dad being (white country of origin) actually my dad's side is from is (country of origin) too. hence why he's probably already getting sunburnt."
"Yeah, I know I don't look it. I'm mixed"
I make a o/o face.
"why are you looking at me like I got three heads? please say something."
"I'm sorry. I just dont know what mixed means. I thought that's just something to do with cake batter before I lick the bowl. Thats the best part by the way, licking the bowl. Sorry I'm rambling on and on.
"well because he's white and my hair is dark and my eyes are, I guess, smaller."
"I'm confused. everyone's a mix of both their parents. you know? like until cloning is invented no one can be exactly the same as their parents."
"oh! I mean my dad is white, (country of origin) specifically, and my mom is a normal person."
"Oh! well in that case I'm mixed with white too!"
And he said "how do you mean?" And I said "well because my mom is pretty normal and well I get my adhd from my dad so I guess you could say he's pretty weird but its okay I like my dad he's funny."
"wait, so you're white?" "oh! do you mean like my parents? white and native." "oh okay that makes more sense because you kinda dont look like your dad either." "what do you mean I dont look like my dad? we both have brown hair and glasses, that's the same, right?" "well because your dad's skin already getting red or sunburnt in the sun like my dad's does, and yours is barely even pink. It's more tan like mine, see? I still wear sunscreen though. You should too just in case."
Meanwhile clueless white dad one and clueless white dad too were chatting like "Man I was just trying to take a leak. I'll get out of your hair soon enough." "Nah its fine I'm just glad my son can make friends." "I understand. my daughter kind of struggles with that too. She takes after her mom in some ways." "How do you mean?" "Oh well her mom's not as outgoing and she's also (tribe) while I'm just a straight white guy." "if you dont mind me asking whats that?" "its a native tribe she's a part of over by the east coast. I'm just visiting my brother who decided to move to the middle of nowhere for some stupid reason."
"oh are you talking about my mom? how's she doin?" "she's fine dear. you about ready to get back on the road?" "sure one sec."
"sorry I gotta go now." "wait, can we be friends? I want to see you again." "sorry that'll never happen because I'm from pennsylvania and am just visiting because of my uncle for christmas. we move around a lot though, my dad moreso than my mom, so anything's possible."
okay so technically Im just from (gestures vaguely) east coast/east forest area. but I just said pennsylvania because I happened to be born there but dont live there anymore so it's not like I'd get stalked for saying that to a stranger.
Anyways so if you met some rando in 2009 by some tires in texas and still wanna be friends I mean like hmu I guess.
submitted by sparklyalbatross123 to u/sparklyalbatross123 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:43 EaganTheMighty [CLAIM]The Grand Imperium of Europa The Daughter of Germania Awakens


A sacred song for a godless people
Denn alles Fleisch, es ist wie Gras… / For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away.
The crack of cannon, the whine of munitions and the roar of vehicles were finally beginning to cease their hellish performance as the clouds began to roll in over the sullied banks of the Traun. Perhaps it was relief from the heat of combat or concealment of what was lost, it mattered little to Sergeant Matej Svoboda. The first drops of rain felt blissful on his grime-caked cheeks and cracked lips. He could finally let go of his breathing and rest in the small defilade he found himself in after the last salvo from those he had once fought alongside. His head flicked back up to the skies as he heard another boom only to be greeted by darkened clouds. The sounds of distant war were now indistinguishable from the storm above. Still, it would be best to stay put until he heard from Division HQ.
He took his time now, languidly reaching for a pouch at his side and pulling out an energy bar to satisfy a hunger he had long forgotten about. Though rest was not yet entirely his to savor for something moved in the corner of his eye, and automatically his unoccupied hand reached for his sidearm. Whatever it was, it was within the river itself and just maybe it was one of his lost boys. He took one last bite and crept up closer to the bank and found the figure partially submerged on a shoal, struggling to get up all while muttering something he could not yet hear.
He sighed as he realized it was not one of his men, instead a form he was all too accustomed to seeing over his 17 years of service, one of the millions of daughters of the Elf King, cast from silicon and steel. Yet all those fearsome accountraments of war he had observed on the killing fields of the Po Valley or the early engagements in the Sudetenland were nowhere to be found on her person, only bound now in torn fatigues and sandy loam. It was now rendered nothing but a pitiful thing, stripped of honor and purpose; furthermore, nature already wished to reclaim what was so mercilessly stripped from her exhausted depths. Still, it was not yet dead and procedures had to be followed.
“Warform, identify yourself,” Matej barked.
“W-where are my sisters, my company?” The android stuttered out a reply, its eyes fixed on a point far beyond the man before it.
“I say again, Warform, identify yourself. Personal number, unit, allegiance?” the man repeated himself, moving a step closer and refining his query.
“My-my sisters, Company Delta, 44th Division Eastern Territorial Defence, I- I must find them…”
“I’m afraid not, machine. You won’t work in your condition. Repairs are necessary,” Matej responded, his HUD flickering on as he searched for the unit.
“No, I must find my sisters. Nothing can separate us, such is the strength of the Alfr,” She said, gaining strength only to be mocked by her own chassis as her arms groaned under strain and her legs failed to rise out of the mud.
“It seems that strength has failed you, you need repairs,” He responded dryly back, frustrated by the stubbornness of the machine.
“Yet you are alone, human. I yield for none but the Aesir’s chosen and the Ljósálfar. You are neither.”
“No but I’m the only chance you have to survive, river’s going to flood soon,” Matej looked off to the mountains on his right, and also to shield his HUD from the android’s glare. He was in luck, as much as he could get these days. A unit stationed in Hungary, it said though only for the last few months. He’d have to take his chances. “And it doesn’t look like you’ll be able to swim.”
The android stared at him for a few moments before turning her head down.
“My company, my sisters, I must find them…” she sighed in defeat.
Matej squatted down and began the slow process of dragging the android out of the mud and back onto dry ground where they both laid underneath the cover of a gnarled tree. The two of them sat in silence before the android broke the quiet. “I am disposable, a tool of war. You did not need to rescue me. Why do so?”
“I suppose it’s because I’m searching for siblings of my own, why should I deprive another of that chance?”
So seid nun geduldig… / Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain

Die Presse


Lebensraum Europa and the rise of the Donaugebiet

The Imperial Kingdom of Danubia opens its gates to the Alfr masses, but is it at the cost of its own identity once and for all?

BY: Silvan Böhme
Few anticipated another war to come to the shores of Europe after the end of the Gothic War even as tensions remained high between the Empire of Alfheim and the Eastern Union with the emigration of millions of Italians into Yugoslavia and the lands of the Bandung Pact. Even as past records show there was a flurry of diplomatic activity at the higher channels between the Empire and the Bandung Pact via the Italian Social Republic and Second Roman Republic, nothing significant seemed to come of said efforts, at least not to the same extent as when the Danubian Federation formally invited Alfheimr to ACTOR while the Empire of Japan and the INC formed GIGAS in short order.
It was with the sudden disappearance of the Aesir himself, that the decades-long stalemate of Europe folded in on itself. Perhaps even the 0-5 Council and Dederick von Lohengrin himself thought that they would be immune from accidents and thus live forever. However, the world has a way of humbling mankind and snuffing out its brightest stars with a cloudy winter's night. Thus, the nation better prepared for such eventualities and the one who had exploited many flaws in its opponents took action when all others fumbled.
The coronation of Princess Kyoko and her ascension to Aesir shocked the Alfr populace who had long believed their king was not only a god but the only one they'd ever need. It should come as no surprise that upon hearing her bitter words and the weight of a true hyperpower behind them, the nation quickly splintered between the cowed masses not unlike the machine servants that pampered them and the proud few who would not accept subjugation.
The Alfr Civil War brought with it a total transformation of Europe. Not only had the Alfr metropole been now placed under the supervision of GIGAS but the Alfr holdings in America had proclaimed themselves a republic and the 0-5 Council had sided with the Habsburgs of Danubia to restore Alfheimr. Neither side could claim absolute victory over the other and a terse ceasefire was put in place. Now one must look at what became of the latter as it so readily accepted the Aesir's Chosen and many of his late Majesty's true believers.
Before the war began, Danubia maintained a population of around 36 million citizens and nine million synthetic forms to assist in the nation's function. However, now it is 142 million citizens and 61 million androids, and it is nigh impossible to differentiate these many millions of newcomers between French, Dutch or German origin, so total was Dederik's cultural and ethnic "reforms." Over 70% came with nothing but what they could carry within their own hands or cram in a car, depriving them of much in the way of capital. Of course there would not be anywhere near sufficient supply in the labor market to provide for them all and little the taxed Danubian government could do to dole out the generous welfare of the fallen empire they once resided in.
Even the vaunted Lohengrin Reforms with their focus on redesigning the cities of Europe for a more utopian design could not hold up to the grim reality before them. There were few jobs and fewer houses and apartments to contain them all, even as the government encouraged the migration into Slovakia and Hungary rather than just the Austrian Lander and Bohemia. Thus, one of the most prosperous states in the world saw its cities degenerate into a tableau of the Third World. Shantytowns sprawled like tendrils from the core of Vienna, Prague, Pressburg and Budapest and crime began to skyrocket as the residents of these so-called "Kiokoburgen" became ever more desperate. Incidents of hate crimes within Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary surged as the tensions between the native populace and Alfr immigrants broke, blaming each other for their current conditions.
While there was once a tender balance in the religious makeup of Danubia among the Catholics, the irreligious, the Cultists of the Black Sun and even a muslim minority, that all has been broken by the new domination of the Alfr exiles and their dedication to their divine leader. Unconfirmed reports in the east claim that more Slovaks and Hungarians are reacting to this situation by turning to a foreign faith, divorced from the main branches of Christianity and steeped in pagan fantasies. Some of the aforementioned hate crimes were said to be conducted by this group in what could only be described as ritualistic sacrifice to the "Earth Mother." Christians have barred the Alfr from their churches in the rural interior of the empire and refuse to give charity unto them.
Thus the regions of Bohemia and the fertile valley of the Austrian Danube have seen the largest growth in Alfr populations and self-organization. Austrian industry and services in particular have used this overwhelming and desperate labor pool to depress project costs and begin a spree of development from Wels to Pressburg in what is becoming branded as the Danubian answer to the urban conurbation of the Ruhr area or Ruhrgebiet. This could be a strong economic driver for Danubia should the Kingdom invest in it though doing so may also encourage further Alfr economic and cultural dominance and thus further tip the social fabric into chaos.
Is it still Danubia that stands today or has it been lost entirely within the noise of the Alfr masses, condemned to forever become the second Alfheimr?
Aber des Herrn Wort bleibt in Ewigkeit… / But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the Truth is preached unto you.

Österreichischer Rundfunk

BREAKING NEWS, the Coronation of Emperor Ferdinand von Habsburg and the Announcement of a new Imperium

Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna
December 15, 2072
The camera opens up on the expansive front courtyard of the palace draped with black and gold regalia of all shapes, sizes and fashions. Crowds occupy all of the available floor space and spread out to the nearby streets and Coudenhove Park. Many excitedly wave Alfr and old Austrian Empire flags in the cold December air as they eagerly wait for the newly crowned Emperor to give his first official speech to his burgeoning people.
The anchors chatter on about the coronation that just occured and how Ferdinand Zvonimir Maria Balthus Keith Michael Otto Antal Bahnam Leonhard von Habsburg-Lothringen (They say only the first two names and surname while the full royal name is flashed on screen) not only was recrowned with the family Crown Jewels as he had done some years prior but also now was invested with the Imperial Regalia of the Holy Roman Emperor for the first time in nearly 300 years.
They go on to discuss how this was followed by an honoring of the 0-5 Council with the new Emperor granting all of them the title of Herrscherin or Sovereign Lady of the Imperium. They all were to be given proper names and elevated to be members of the House of Lohengrin in their Aesir's honor. The Chancellor became Dame Metternich, The Commander became Brynhild, the Lawbringer became Forseti, the Researcher became Mimir, and the Treasurer became Woglinde. The Mother had the grandest ceremony of her sisters as she was to become a living personification of the nation, reborn as Leithania and promised a greater role within the Imperium as one of its Prince-Electors when the time came to choose a new Emperor.
Finally the time came for the Emperor to give his speech and thus he walked out of the Palace and onto a great podium facing the crowds. Closely behind him came his sister, Duchess and General Gloria von Habsburg, his two children, Maria Theresa and Maximilian, his nephew Grand Duke Otto d'Ambrosio and the newly renamed O-5 Council. He beamed a smile as equally bright as the snow on the rooftops and the spotlights cast onto him.
"Men and women of Danubia, our esteemed brethren of Alfheim, lend me your ears. I wish I could tell you that the winter of our discontent was now made glorious summer by this sun of Austria, that the dour clouds fade deep into the ocean, to crown our men's brows with victorious wreaths, cast our bruised arms into monuments and exchange the air alarms for merry music. Yet this winter continues on, granting us only a light reprieve before we must continue our labors to make right the injustices we suffered at the hands of tragedy and the claws of the East."
"We mourn not only the loss of our sons and daughters, but also for many, their god, their guiding light and plunged into the dreary darkness and somber sleep of this Winter. It has shaken us and our faith to its very core, driven many to the plight of poverty and the curse of desperation and driven a great divide among our kin. Our cities have been cast into flames and rendered ashen shadows of their former glory. These are things we can not simply wish away or ignore. We all must strive to rebuild and move beyond what we have lost while never forgetting those bitter notes."
"I may be invested with the power of the Kingdom and now the honor of that once great empire in Europe but even I can not bring back the Black Sun that has now set. However, what is within my family's modest capacity is to be the White Moon in the sky, forever reflecting the glory of our Aesir and providing the guiding light for all citizens of Europa as we make our way through this hard winter and towards our future and the Spring wherein all our efforts will blossom and grant us fruits made sweet with our labor. That will be our time to reclaim what is evidently ours for all to see!"
"Soon Spring will come for Europe and it will be beautiful!"
Die Erlöseten des Herrn werden wiederkommen… / And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.
Maria Theresia von Habsburg finally finds herself alone after the endless ceremonies of the day, free from the crowds and pomp, and away from any prying eyes. In that way, her room was a blissful island, distanced away from the troubles of the world. She flicked on a desk lamp and let it bathe her desk in its warm, orange glow. The desk was a present from her old mentor, Thoma Okamura, on the eve of her father's appointment as King of Danubia. He said it was made from cherry wood "back home" and that it would serve her just as well as it had served him throughout the years. He called it a wonderful place to think and write down your thoughts, even if the only person that would see them was yourself.
Maria sighed and removed the dark iron circlet from her head and placed it by the lamp. She leaned over to grab a red fountain pen from the closest drawer and opened up the moleskin journal in front of her, flicking ahead to the nearest blank page. She stared at it for a second before remembering all that she felt that day and began writing.
December 15, 2072
This was Father's "most glorious day" as he told me early this evening at the feast. His eyes shone far brighter than I had seen on any other day. I know how much he reaches for the future yet here he was invoking the glory days of our ancestors long since past. He revived traditions that had been laid to rest by Napoleon and the modern world. At first I did not understand, thinking it to be a delusional display of power over the Alfr and perhaps it is to an extent. However, I think I know his true intentions. In a world aflame with uncertainty and loss, it is only natural that we comfort ourselves with the memory of better days, inspiring stories to light a flame in the hearts of listeners. Thus all this pageantry was to raise their spirits. I also recognize that Father sought a more stable system after Aunt Gloria and his petitioning the Aesir for an heir or other means of succession fell on deaf ears and now was the time to remake Alfheim in their image and make it more robust in the process.
I suppose I should be happy for them, to have this day of celebration, yet when I looked out onto the crowd and saw all those pale elven faces, I knew I could not think this to be a true revival of the Habsburg Empire. We rule at the behest of them, it is because they know us to be an island of stability where all else has failed. Isn't it their fault we are in this hellish world to begin with? The former "Great Powers" may have been too weak to stop them but it is ultimately Dederik and his sister, the pretenders, that permanently condemned this world to endless years of tribulation. It is them that wormed their way into my aunt's ear, whispering sweet lies of supremacy and glory she had only dreamed of. She may have killed the vile abomination of the catacombs but she still took on the Aesir and Japan's wishes to slaughter millions of Italians all to carve out her own personal kingdom.
Their supremacy in Europe, while it lasted, convinced her and my father that the best representation of Danubia's loyalty to its new dark masters, was to mutate their own children into pale, elven freaks. I never wished for such a curse. It is perhaps an act of God that some of my ancestor's red hair still makes itself apparent, a small act of defiance against those so immersed in Sin. I too am not clean of sin but every day I strive to appease Christ through good works and what little I can do to spread his ministry among the godless and heathens.
She takes a moment to pause as a new thought flashed into her head. She could not tell if it was from her own bottled indignity or from the Holy Spirit itself as it worked itself into her words. She knew she needed to write it down before it was lost to oblivion.
Despite all that I have done, I am still nothing but a wretched sinner, utterly unworthy of God's Love. A fountain of pollution is deep within my people's nature. We live as winter trees, unprofitable and only fit to be hewn down and burned. We must steep our lives in prayer and hope that God sees fit to show mercy on our corrupted souls. If he deems me so fit I will do what I can to redeem these lost souls and humble them before they are truly ready to receive God's blessing and...
Freude, ewige Freude. / Joy, eternal Joy

His Majesty’s Review of the Imperium, 2073

Name: The Grand Imperium of Europa
Capital: Vienna
Official Languages: Alf-Deutsch, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian
Currency: Reichsmark
Government: Elective Absolute Monarchy
Emperor and King: Ferdinand Zvonimir von Habsburg
Population (organic): 142.795.800
Population (synthetic): 61.198.200
GDP: $12.568.000.000.000
GDP per capita: $88.014
Map of the Great Imperium
The Imperial Camarilla
Position Person
The Æsir Dederik von Lohengrin†
The Sovereign Sorority 0-5 Council
The Holy Emperor Ferdinand von Habsburg
Imperial Arch-Marshal Duchess Gloria von Habsburg
Imperial Arch-Treasurer Duke Theodor Mayr von Meinhof
Imperial Minister of War Ivett Nagy
Imperial Foreign Minister Grand Duke Otto d’Ambrosio
Imperial Minister of Culture Princess Maria Theresa von Habsburg
Imperial Minister of State Security Helene Haas
The Prince-Electorate
Crownland Imperial Title Current Holder
Archduchy of Austria Holy Emperor Ferdinand Zvonimir von Habsburg
House of Lohengrin Sovereign Lady Leithania (fmr. “Mother”) of 0-5 Council
Kingdom of Bohemia Arch-Cupbearer Robin Leopold von Schwarzenberg
Kingdom of Slovakia Arch-Chamberlain Empty
Kingdom of Hungary Arch-Bannerbearer Elizabet Sofia Esterházy
Grand Duchy of Moravia and Silesia Arch-Steward Otto Joseph d’Ambrosio
Duchy of Greater Tyrol Arch-Marshal Gloria Maria von Habsburg
Duchy of Steiermark Arch-Treasurer Theodor Mayr von Meinhof
submitted by EaganTheMighty to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 18:55 Superteletubbies64 [H] Lots of games [W] Paypal EU, Turok 3, Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi, A Space for the Unbound (maybe), Super Crazy Rhythm Castle (maybe), Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4, 5-7, Strayed Lights, The Eternal Cylinder (maybe), Noob (maybe), Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, No Longer Home

Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers and the games in the title, unlikely to take offers for anything else atm.
If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers. If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
submitted by Superteletubbies64 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 18:55 Superteletubbies64 [H] Lots of games [W] Paypal EU, Turok 3, Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi, A Space for the Unbound (maybe), Super Crazy Rhythm Castle (maybe), Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4, 5-7, Strayed Lights, The Eternal Cylinder (maybe), Noob (maybe), Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, No Longer Home

Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers and the games in the title, unlikely to take offers for anything else atm.
If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers. If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
submitted by Superteletubbies64 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 18:55 Superteletubbies64 [H] Lots of games [W] Paypal EU, Turok 3, Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi, A Space for the Unbound (maybe), Super Crazy Rhythm Castle (maybe), Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4, 5-7, Strayed Lights, The Eternal Cylinder (maybe), Noob (maybe), Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, No Longer Home

Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers and the games in the title, unlikely to take offers for anything else atm.
If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers. If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
submitted by Superteletubbies64 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 05:35 Miserable-Jaguar-727 (un)finished poem?

This is probably shit, idk why I wrote this. English isn't even my native language, but when I try writing in my native tongue it just looks wrong. So here we go
I used to fly But now I feel so heavy I used to live in a lie But now I understand what this is really
Or maybe I just think so Maybe I'm still living in a lie, just a different one A more heavy lie, that doesn't let me fly The one that makes me bleed and cry
Aa bigger lie, the who gets stuck in my throat And I cannot do anything, just choke A lie that looks like a yummy piece of cake But when I take a bite, I look at the world with nothing, but disdain
submitted by Miserable-Jaguar-727 to arttocope [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 23:25 Alternative-Link-380 The Joy of All-Natural Delicious Snacks On-The-Go: A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to snacking, finding options that are both delicious and nutritious can be a challenge. Whether you're heading out for a busy day, packing lunch for the kids, or simply need a quick bite, all-natural snacks are the perfect solution. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about enjoying all-natural delicious snacks on-the-go, highlighting some amazing options from Cozy Farm and featuring the incredible Tiny But Mighty Heirloom Popcorn Kernels.

Table of Contents

IntroductionImportance of natural snacks, convenience factor
Benefits of All-Natural SnacksHealth benefits, environmental impact
Types of All-Natural SnacksNuts, fruits, popcorn, bars
Tiny But Mighty Heirloom PopcornHistory, health benefits, taste
Easy Snacking on the GoPortable snack ideas, storage tips
Nutritional ValueComparing natural vs processed snacks
How to Choose the Best SnacksIngredient check, sourcing, brands
Cozy Farm Snack CollectionOverview, best sellers, customer favorites
Incorporating Snacks into Your DietMeal planning, snacking habits
Kid-Friendly Snack OptionsNut-free, allergy-friendly options
Travel-Friendly SnacksNon-perishable, lightweight options
Energy-Boosting SnacksPre-workout, mid-day pick-me-up options
Sustainable Snack PackagingEco-friendly packaging, reducing waste
DIY Snack RecipesHomemade granola, trail mix recipes
Pairing Snacks with BeveragesTea, coffee, smoothie pairings
Seasonal Snack IdeasSummer, winter, autumn, spring snacks
Healthy Sweet TreatsNatural sweeteners, dessert snacks
Savory Snack OptionsHealthy chips, crackers, popcorn
Gluten-Free SnacksBest gluten-free options, brands to trust
Vegan Snack ChoicesPlant-based options, protein-rich snacks
Organic vs. Conventional SnacksBenefits of organic, certification importance
Cost-Effective SnackingBudget-friendly natural snacks
Snack Subscription BoxesMonthly delivery options, pros and cons
Customer Reviews and TestimonialsReal stories, product experiences
Where to Buy Natural SnacksOnline stores, local markets
Storage Tips for FreshnessKeeping snacks fresh, avoiding spoilage
Allergen AwarenessCommon allergens, safe snacking tips
Snack Prep for Busy LifestylesPrepping tips, quick snack ideas
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)Common concerns, detailed answers
ConclusionRecap, final thoughts

In today's fast-paced world, finding convenient, healthy snack options is essential. All-natural snacks provide a nutritious alternative to processed foods, making them a perfect choice for busy individuals and families. These snacks are not only good for your health but also kind to the environment, ensuring you can enjoy your treats guilt-free.

Benefits of All-Natural Snacks

All-natural snacks come with a host of benefits:

Types of All-Natural Snacks

There is a wide variety of all-natural snacks to choose from, including:

Tiny But Mighty Heirloom Popcorn

History and Origin

Tiny But Mighty Heirloom Popcorn traces its roots back to ancient varieties grown by Native Americans. This heirloom popcorn is cherished for its small, crunchy kernels that pack a flavorful punch.

Health Benefits

Tiny But Mighty Heirloom Popcorn is non-GMO and free from artificial ingredients, making it a wholesome snack. It's high in fiber, which aids in digestion and keeps you feeling full longer.

Taste and Texture

Unlike conventional popcorn, Tiny But Mighty kernels are tender and less likely to get stuck in your teeth. The rich, nutty flavor makes it a favorite among popcorn enthusiasts.

Easy Snacking on the Go

Portable Snack Ideas

Keeping snacks handy is key to maintaining energy levels throughout the day. Consider these easy-to-carry options:

Storage Tips

Store your snacks in airtight containers to maintain freshness. For items like popcorn, use resealable bags to keep them crisp and ready to eat.

Nutritional Value

When comparing natural snacks to processed ones, the difference is clear. Natural snacks:

How to Choose the Best Snacks

Selecting the best all-natural snacks involves:

Cozy Farm Snack Collection


Cozy Farm offers a diverse range of all-natural snacks. From nuts and seeds to gourmet popcorn, their selection is curated to ensure quality and taste.

Best Sellers

Popular choices include:

Customer Favorites

Customers rave about the variety and quality of snacks available at Cozy Farm, making it a go-to destination for health-conscious snackers.

Incorporating Snacks into Your Diet

Meal Planning

Integrate snacks into your daily routine by planning ahead. Include a mix of protein, healthy fats, and carbs in your snack choices to maintain balanced nutrition.

Snacking Habits

Avoid mindless snacking by setting designated snack times. This helps control portions and prevents overeating.

Kid-Friendly Snack Options

Nut-Free Choices

For school-safe snacks, consider options like:


Choose snacks that are free from common allergens and clearly labeled for safety.

Travel-Friendly Snacks

Non-Perishable Options

Ideal for travel, non-perishable snacks include:

Lightweight Choices

Opt for snacks that are easy to carry and don’t require refrigeration.

Energy-Boosting Snacks

Pre-Workout Snacks

Fuel your workouts with:

Mid-Day Pick-Me-Ups

Keep your energy levels up with:

Sustainable Snack Packaging

Eco-Friendly Options

Look for snacks packaged in recyclable or biodegradable materials. Brands like Cozy Farm are committed to reducing waste through sustainable practices.

DIY Snack Recipes

Homemade Granola

Mix and bake for a delicious, customizable snack.

Trail Mix

A perfect blend of sweet and savory.

Pairing Snacks with Beverages

Tea Pairings

Match your snacks with herbal teas for a calming experience.

Coffee Pairings

Dark chocolate or nuts pair well with a robust cup of coffee.

Smoothie Pairings

Fresh fruits and yogurt make an excellent combo with green smoothies.

Seasonal Snack Ideas

Summer Snacks

Winter Snacks

Healthy Sweet Treats

Natural Sweeteners

Use honey or maple syrup in your sweet snacks for a healthier alternative to refined sugar.

Dessert Snacks

Savory Snack Options

Healthy Chips

Try baked vegetable chips or air-popped popcorn for a satisfying crunch.


Whole grain or seed-based crackers provide a healthier option for dipping or snacking.

Gluten-Free Snacks

Best Options

Look for gluten-free labels on snacks like:

Trusted Brands

Brands like Cozy Farm ensure their gluten-free snacks meet high standards for quality and taste.

Vegan Snack Choices

Plant-Based Options

Great vegan snacks include:

Protein-Rich Snacks

Opt for snacks like edamame or lentil chips for a protein boost.

Organic vs. Conventional Snacks

Benefits of Organic

Organic snacks are free from synthetic pesticides and GMOs, making them a healthier choice for you and the environment.

Certification Importance

Look for USDA organic certification to ensure the quality and authenticity of your snacks.

Cost-Effective Snacking

Budget-Friendly Options

Choose bulk items like nuts and seeds, or make your own trail mix to save money.

Snack Subscription Boxes

Monthly Delivery Options

Subscription boxes offer a variety of snacks delivered to your door, perfect for discovering new favorites.

Pros and Cons

While convenient, consider the cost and whether the selection meets your dietary needs.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Real Stories

Customers share their positive experiences with Cozy Farm snacks, highlighting taste, quality, and health benefits.

Product Experiences

Detailed reviews provide insight into what makes each snack a great choice.

Where to Buy Natural Snacks

Online Stores

Purchase from trusted online retailers like Cozy Farm.

Local Markets

Support local businesses by shopping at farmers' markets and health food stores.

Storage Tips for Freshness

Keeping Snacks Fresh

Store in cool, dry places and use airtight containers to extend shelf life.

Avoiding Spoilage

Check expiration dates and consume older snacks first to prevent waste.

Allergen Awareness

Common Allergens

Be aware of common allergens like nuts, dairy, and gluten when choosing snacks.

Safe Snacking Tips

Read labels carefully and choose products from reputable brands that prioritize allergen safety.

Snack Prep for Busy Lifestyles

Prepping Tips

Prepare snacks in bulk and portion them into individual servings for quick access.

Quick Snack Ideas

Keep easy options like fruit, nuts, and pre-popped popcorn on hand for when you need a quick bite.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I know if a snack is truly all-natural?
Look for simple, recognizable ingredients and certifications like USDA organic or non-GMO labels.
Can I trust online snack retailers?
Yes, reputable sites like Cozy Farm provide high-quality, natural snack options with detailed product information.
What makes Tiny But Mighty Heirloom Popcorn special?
It's an heirloom variety with small, tender kernels that offer a unique flavor and texture, free from GMOs and artificial ingredients.
Are all-natural snacks more expensive?
They can be, but buying in bulk or making your own mixes can help reduce costs.
How can I make sure my snacks stay fresh?
Store them in airtight containers and keep them in a cool, dry place.
Are all-natural snacks better for weight management?
Yes, they are often lower in unhealthy fats and sugars, and higher in fiber, helping you feel full longer.


Incorporating all-natural delicious snacks into your daily routine is a great way to stay healthy and energized. With a variety of options available at Cozy Farm, including the outstanding Tiny But Mighty Heirloom Popcorn Kernels, you can enjoy tasty, nutritious snacks anytime, anywhere. Start exploring today and discover your new favorite snack!
submitted by Alternative-Link-380 to organicfoodonline [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:27 Superteletubbies64 [H] Lots of games [W] Paypal EU, Turok 3, Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi, A Space for the Unbound (maybe), Super Crazy Rhythm Castle (maybe), Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4, 5-7, Strayed Lights, The Eternal Cylinder (maybe), Noob (maybe), Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, No Longer Home

Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers and the games in the title, unlikely to take offers for anything else atm.
If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers. If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
submitted by Superteletubbies64 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:27 Superteletubbies64 [H] Lots of games [W] Paypal EU, Turok 3, Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi, A Space for the Unbound (maybe), Super Crazy Rhythm Castle (maybe), Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4, 5-7, Strayed Lights, The Eternal Cylinder (maybe), Noob (maybe), Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, No Longer Home

Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers and the games in the title, unlikely to take offers for anything else atm.
If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers. If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
submitted by Superteletubbies64 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:27 Superteletubbies64 [H] Lots of games [W] Paypal EU, Turok 3, Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi, A Space for the Unbound (maybe), Super Crazy Rhythm Castle (maybe), Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4, 5-7, Strayed Lights, The Eternal Cylinder (maybe), Noob (maybe), Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, No Longer Home

Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers and the games in the title, unlikely to take offers for anything else atm.
If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers. If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
submitted by Superteletubbies64 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:20 homesteadem Has anyone tried this?

Has anyone tried this?
I’ll probably get a sample next order before getting a whole cake. First tea I’ve found of my birth year. Looking for other recs of the same year that maybe you’ve tried. Posting for some fun discussion. Do you have a cake from your birth year?
submitted by homesteadem to puer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:38 SamSchw managing rush hour as a solo worker

Hello everyone, I started working at a coffee shop 2 months ago, however because of school i worked there for about 30 hours total.
I always worked PM shifts so there wasn’t really a lot of people, but tomorrow i will be working all day. The place is known for having a rush hour at around 9AM and it’s really stuffed with people. My colleagues told me I’ll find a system by myself to manage the rush hour but I’m getting a bit stressed since it’ll be my first time and last time when there came 6 people at once their waiting time got pretty high. So do you please have any tips on how to be more efficient? Noone really taught me that.. (Sorry for my english, i’m not a native speakee) Thanks for any advice!
submitted by SamSchw to barista [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:41 VegetarianCurry Hello! Reassurance for a future ostomate

Hello everyone, I've been lurking in this sub for quite some time. I've been having GI issues for a very long time because of a severe case of MS (my rectum is not working anymore), which forced me to resort to drastic, painful and desperate measures: laxative and microenemas abuse (I need to get my colon irritated to have some sort of movement, even for farting), TAI (useless), zero residue diet (and I mean ZERO, vitamin tablets only), you name it. Every single day. A neurogenic bladder is just icing on the cake, so you can get the gist of it. An ostomy is my only hope for a normal life (and a suprapubic catheter, which will come with the ostomy).
My surgery is scheduled at the end of June (sigmoid or descending colostomy, might turn into an ileostomy in the future). I have been reading lots of resources about ostomy and some of the posts here (and I'll make sure to ask the doctors, my pre-op appointment is in 2 weeks), but I would like to have some reassurance about "stupid" questions:
  1. I can't really walk (I must use a walker at home and a wheelchair outside) and the place I live in does not have a handrail... Think of Chris Pratt in Jurassic World when confronting the velociraptors and you can picture me climbing the stairs (it's just five steps, but they feel like a mountain). Is it "too much" of a strain to put on my body right after surgery, or.. ?
  2. My cats LOVE making biscuits on my stomach. Can I let them? Will they pierce my bag? Do I need to wear anything under my clothes (like a pillowcase)?
  3. Before MS, I would eat lots of veggies. And I mean LOTS, I would GORGE on them. I haven't eaten a single veggie for almost 4 years now (fiber causes blockage in my rectum, even steamed or mashed). Will I be able to eat vegetables again?
  4. Some guidelines advise to eat avocado, cheese and eggs, some advise not to. Is it one of those things that differ from person to person?
  5. Is sushi allowed? What about pizza?
  6. Will I have to say goodbye to konjac noodles? They're a category of food I gave up 4 years ago.
  7. Can I shower with a bag, even if it features a foam adhesive (it's one of the pouching systems I'm looking at)? Or will it fall off because of the heat?
  8. How do I dispose of the bags when I'm outside? Will I smell (not that I don't smell because of my issues at the moment, I must wear diapers)?
Thank you!
PS: I'm italian and English is not my native language, so please excuse any errors or redundancies on my part.
EDIT: some grammar mistakes
submitted by VegetarianCurry to ostomy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:13 satti76 Top 5 Portable Projectors in 2024: Big Screen Entertainment on-the-Go

Top 5 Portable Projectors in 2024: Big Screen Entertainment on-the-Go
Portable projectors have become a game-changer for entertainment enthusiasts, offering a way to bring the big screen experience anywhere. Whether you're camping under the stars, presenting on the go, or hosting a backyard movie night, a best portable projector can transform your surroundings. But with so many options on the market, choosing the right one can be tricky. To help you narrow down your search, here's a look at the top 5 portable projectors in 2024, all available on
Top 5 Portable Projectors in 2024
  1. Samsung The Freestyle 2nd Gen: This ultra-compact projector from Samsung takes the cake for portability. It's lightweight, versatile, and can project a screen up to 300 inches. It boasts a built-in stand that allows for 360-degree rotation, making it easy to position for any situation. Plus, with Samsung's Smart TV platform, you can stream your favorite shows and movies directly from the projector – no need for extra devices! Check Price on Amazon.
  2. Anker Nebula Capsule Max Portable Projector: This projector packs a punch despite its small size. It offers a bright and clear picture with 1080p resolution and supports HDR content. The built-in battery provides up to 4 hours of playtime, making it perfect for outdoor movie nights. Anker's Nebula Capsule Max also boasts Bluetooth connectivity, so you can easily connect your phone or tablet to stream content. Check Price on Amazon.
  3. XGIMI Halo+ Portable Projector: This projector is known for its stunning image quality with a powerful brightness output and vivid colors. It features Android TV built-in, giving you access to a wide range of streaming apps and media platforms. The XGIMI Halo+ also has a built-in autofocus function and keystone correction, ensuring a crisp and clear picture every time. Check Price on Amazon.
  4. AAXA P300 Nano Projector: For budget-minded projector enthusiasts, the AAXA P300 Nano is a great option. This pocket-sized projector is incredibly portable and offers surprising image quality for its size. Despite its lower price point, it still boasts a native 720p resolution and can project a screen up to 100 inches. The AAXA P300 Nano is perfect for presentations or casual movie watching on the go. Check Price on Amazon.
  5. VANKYO Leisure 3W Mini Projector: Another great budget-friendly option, the VANKYO Leisure 3W is a versatile projector that can be used for presentations, movies, or even video games. With a built-in battery and a variety of input options, it's easy to use and enjoy entertainment anywhere. While the VANKYO Leisure 3W doesn't offer the highest resolution, it's a great choice for casual users who prioritize portability and affordability. Check Price on Amazon
Choosing the Best Portable Projector for You:
When selecting a best portable projector, consider your needs and priorities. Think about how you'll be using the projector, how important portability is, and what your budget is. With so many great options available, you're sure to find the perfect portable projector to bring the big screen experience wherever you go!
submitted by satti76 to ReviewGeek [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:20 duellingislands 4:51 EEST; The Sun is Rising Over Kyiv on the 830th Day of the Full-Scale Invasion. This week's Ukrainian recipe: Tovchanka!

4:51 EEST; The Sun is Rising Over Kyiv on the 830th Day of the Full-Scale Invasion. This week's Ukrainian recipe: Tovchanka!


True desire.
While potatoes are not native to Ukraine, Tovchanka is - and it's a very old dish indeed.
Tovchanka is comprised of potatoes, beans, and poppy seeds - and often onion. I was thinking it would be aa perfect potato-salad-style side dish for your summer barbeque, if you want to impress your friends with your deep knowledge of traditional Ukrainian cuisine :)
It's a super simple dish that really just involves boiling a couple things, throwing it all together and smashing it up. The poppy seeds really add a complex flavor profile that is sure to intrigue your guests.
Note: Tovchanka is not to be confused with the Tachanka, the fierce and highly mobile machine gun carriage perfected by Ukrainian anarchist Nestor Makhno.
A Makhno tachanka at the Huliaipole museum. Huliaipole was Makhno's base of operations and is currently a frontline town.
That said, I suppose one could argue that today's dish is nearly as fierce in terms of its potential to surprise an unsuspecting target!
We wrote all about Nestor Makhno, one of the most compelling figures of Ukrainian (and world) history, in these posts: Part I Part II Part III
Anyway, let's go on with the show!
Quick tip: The recipe below doesn't include onions, but many recipes for this dish do. If you want to add onions for a slighter deeper flavor, add some diced and golden-fried onions to Step 2.

How to Make Tovchanka, by Chef Klopotenko

Boil 'em, Mash 'em, Stick 'em in a Stew
"As much as we, Ukrainians, love potatoes, quite a few of us rarely bother cooking them creatively. Sure, we love steak frites, mashed potatoes or fried potatoes, but what about something a little more interesting? I’ve decided to shake up the game a little and share the recipe for a wonderful and very old traditional dish, which has been cooked for more than a hundred years. Tovchanka is a dish made from potatoes mashed with beans and poppy seeds. Trust me, you’ll love it!"
  • 3-4 potatoes
  • ½ cups beans (fresh or canned)
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 cloves allspice
  • 3 tbsp dried poppy seeds
  • 50g unsalted butter
  • Salt and ground black pepper
Step 1: Peel the potatoes and chop them up roughly. Place the potatoes, bay leaf and allspice in a pot of water, bring it to a boil and cook until the potatoes are tender. In a second pot, cover the beans with water and also bring to a boil. Cook until they are soft and discard the water from the beans. [Editor's note: if you are using dried beans, make sure to soak them overnight beforehand!]
Step 2: Transfer the potato water to a cup, remove the bay leaf and allspice and set the water aside. In a pot or a large bowl, combine the beans and potatoes, add the dried poppy seeds and the butter.
Step 3: Using a potato masher or a fork, mash the potato and bean mixture until it is smooth. If the mixture is too thick, add a little potato water from time to time.


Part of our series on Ukrainian recipes! You can find the other entries in the series here:
Borshch Varenyky (Recipe) Varenyky Cultural Background Horilka Banosh Hrechanyky Kyivskyi Cake Makivnyk Vyshnyak Drunken Cherry Cake Varenukha Pumpkin Porridge Lazy Varenyky Holubtsi Kalach Kvas Christmas Borshch Uzvar Kutya Beetroot Salad Kapusnyak Nalysnyk Bublyk Deruny Wild Mushroom Sauce Kozak Kapusnyak Yavorivskyi Pie Spring Dough Birds Kholodets Easter Bread (Babka/Paska) Khrin & Tsvikli Shpundra Teterya Green Borshch Kalatusha Elderflower Kvas Crimean Tatar Chebureky Ryazhanka Verhuny Liubystok (Lovage) Young Borshch with Hychka Baturyn Cookies Strawberry Varenyky Stinging Nettle Pancakes Kholodnyk Syrnyky Salo Kotleta Po Kyivsky (Chicken Kyiv) Savory Garlic Pampushky Pampukh (Donuts) Halushky Odesa Borshch Korovai Hombovtsi Traditional Medivnyk Space Age Medivnyk Mandryk Pliatsky: Royal Cherry Ohirkivka (Pickle Soup) Benderyky Pliatsok "Hutsulka" Kruchenyky Vereshchaka Medivka Honey Cookies Fuchky Khrinovukha Knysh Bryndzya Kalyta Pasulya Pidbyvana Kapusnyak Kvasha Kachana Kasha Mazuryky The Ponchyky of Lake Svitiaz Rosivnytsia Kulish Shcherba Dandelion Honey Sandy Varenyky Potaptsi Kasha Zozulya
The 830th day of a ten-year invasion that has been going on for centuries.
One day closer to victory.


submitted by duellingislands to ukraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:13 Superteletubbies64 [H] Lots of games [W] Paypal EU, Turok 3, Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi, A Space for the Unbound (maybe), Super Crazy Rhythm Castle (maybe), Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4, 5-7, Strayed Lights, The Eternal Cylinder (maybe), Noob (maybe), Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, No Longer Home

Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers and the games in the title, unlikely to take offers for anything else atm.
If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers. If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
submitted by Superteletubbies64 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:13 Superteletubbies64 [H] Lots of games [W] Paypal EU, Turok 3, Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi, A Space for the Unbound (maybe), Super Crazy Rhythm Castle (maybe), Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4, 5-7, Strayed Lights, The Eternal Cylinder (maybe), Noob (maybe), Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, No Longer Home

Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers and the games in the title, unlikely to take offers for anything else atm.
If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers. If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
submitted by Superteletubbies64 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:12 Superteletubbies64 [H] Lots of games [W] Paypal EU, Turok 3, Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi, A Space for the Unbound (maybe), Super Crazy Rhythm Castle (maybe), Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4, 5-7, Strayed Lights, The Eternal Cylinder (maybe), Noob (maybe), Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, No Longer Home

Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers and the games in the title, unlikely to take offers for anything else atm.
If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers. If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
submitted by Superteletubbies64 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:13 Plastic-Emu-1476 Stevia Leaf Extract: Sweeten Your Life Without the Guilt

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, we often reach for quick and convenient sweeteners, often laden with artificial ingredients and unnecessary calories. But what if there was a natural alternative that's not only sweet but also potentially beneficial for your health? Enter stevia leaf extract, a remarkable natural sweetener that's taking the world by storm. for the original blog : whole leaf stevia extract organic Benefits

Ditch the Sugar Rush, Embrace Stevia's Sweetness

Stevia leaf extract is derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant, native to South America. This ancient herb has been used for centuries by indigenous people for its remarkable sweetness, which is 200-300 times that of sugar. But unlike sugar, stevia leaf extract is zero-calorie, making it an ideal choice for those seeking to reduce their sugar intake without compromising on taste.

A Sweet Ally for a Healthier You

Stevia leaf extract is not just a sweet treat; it's also a potential ally in your health journey. Studies suggest that stevia leaf extract may offer a range of benefits, including:

A Culinary Chameleon in Your Kitchen

Stevia leaf extract's versatility extends beyond its sweetness, seamlessly integrating into a variety of culinary creations:

Safety and Considerations

Stevia leaf extract is generally considered safe for most people when consumed in moderation. However, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as digestive upset or headaches. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult their healthcare providers before using stevia leaf extract.

Embrace a Healthier Lifestyle with Stevia Leaf Extract

Stevia leaf extract emerges as a compelling natural sweetener, offering sweetness without the calories and potential health benefits that make it a valuable addition to a health-conscious lifestyle. With its versatility and growing popularity, stevia leaf extract is poised to revolutionize the way we sweeten our food and beverages, paving the path toward a healthier and more enjoyable culinary experience.
Ditch the sugar, embrace the sweetness of nature with stevia leaf extract and embark on a journey towards a healthier, more balanced life.
submitted by Plastic-Emu-1476 to u/Plastic-Emu-1476 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:45 Superteletubbies64 [H] Lots of games [W] Paypal EU, Turok 3, Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi, A Space for the Unbound (maybe), Super Crazy Rhythm Castle (maybe), Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4, 5-7, Strayed Lights, The Eternal Cylinder (maybe), Noob (maybe), Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, No Longer Home

Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers and the games in the title, unlikely to take offers for anything else atm.
If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers. If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
submitted by Superteletubbies64 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:45 Superteletubbies64 [H] Lots of games [W] Paypal EU, Turok 3, Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi, A Space for the Unbound (maybe), Super Crazy Rhythm Castle (maybe), Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4, 5-7, Strayed Lights, The Eternal Cylinder (maybe), Noob (maybe), Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, No Longer Home

Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers and the games in the title, unlikely to take offers for anything else atm.
If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers. If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
submitted by Superteletubbies64 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]