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2024.06.04 01:25 kteukgi Wearing White to a Wedding

Hi there! I have been following your channel for years now and I love your content 💕 This is my first time posting something because I have been remembering it every time you talk about it in a video, and decided to post it đŸ«Ł Sorry if there are some errors, english is not my first language đŸ« 
So, I (19/20F by that time) was invited to a wedding.
Some context about it that I think could be why I wasn’t told off.
The brother (25M) of the bride was by that time one of my brother’s Uni friends. He has Asperger's Syndrome so it was difficult for him to have interactions with people. Most of the time he came around as “too much” or “too insistent”, which makes people that don’t understand his diagnosis, uncomfortable. Some even used the term “harassment” which I think it was a hard thing to say when you don’t know his circumstances. (I want to clarify, he never did something of that kind. Most of it was him being too insistent -in person and via text- about having friends gatherings, meeting, would get a little worry when people didn’t answer him the phone, things like that. Personally, I think he was scared of losing his few friends, and that played a bigger role on how he acted.)
He would come to my house regularly and my brother + other friends noticed I could have “normal” interactions with him without being put off by his way of being. So they thought it would be a good idea if I was his +1 to his sister’s wedding in a few days.
I’m an introvert with undiagnosed ADHD (at that time) so when I was asked, my anxiety went to the roof. I didn’t know a thing about weddings (never went to one), I would have like 4 days to prepare and this family had MONEY, it was in a high class place with rich people so I couldn’t just go with whatever. So my first thought was to decline, but I have a soft spot for my old brother and he was going to be there too, so I accepted.
Then I went with my mom dress hunting. It wasn’t easy but like a day before the event we finally tried a dress that I found pretty, was my size, and didn’t look cheap so I went with it. The day of the wedding was a little uncomfortable for me, in the ceremony I was seated in the first row (ugh), I don’t like to dance (party’s in general) and didn’t know anyone apart from my brother, his girlfriend, the guy I went with and some of their friends, which are all 5+ years older than me. Have no one but myself to blame but at least I learned to not put myself in those situations again đŸ€Ł
Anyways coming back to the endgame of this post. During the night I don’t really know if I received odd looks, If someone questioned my decisions. The most I received was thankful comments for being this guy +1.
But as you all must guess, the dress I choose was white. Kind of cream color but at the end of the day, white in a wedding. I still can’t believe no one told me (my mom???, the person who sold me the dress??), but now that I totally know you don’t wear white to a wedding, 19 years later mind you, I can’t help but question if someone had a problem with it and didn’t tell me, or If I simply didn’t notice, or if people gave me a pass and didn’t told me off because I was the brother’s bride +1 when no one else wanted to be. I cringe every time I remember being there in that dress, first row, thinking if someone thought I was an attention seeker when I just was an uncultured stupid.
So, beautiful Charlotte and Reddit familly, was I the asshole by going to a wedding wearing white because I was ignorant?
submitted by kteukgi to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:25 wayward-Kestrel Housing?

Okay, so, just finished watching D3 for probably the millionth time. (It's probably a good thing that Disney+ doesn't show metrics for what and how often people watch things... Imagine that wrap post lol 'in 2024, Kestrel watched the descendants movies 300 times each'.. ) and I can't help wondering, like, at the very end, Mal clearly came out of left field with permanently opening the barrier. So after the initial song and dance party, where did those kids sleep? Did someone think to feed them? Like. I know from the wedding that people went back to the Isle and cleaned it up some but.. did she really just open the door for a bunch of hungry, feral children to come over without ANY social services in place?
submitted by wayward-Kestrel to Descendants [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:23 Decent-Bluejay-8970 I wish there was a show similar to this one here in india đŸ€žđŸ»

I wish there was a show similar to this one here in india đŸ€žđŸ»
Why isn’t any itv show in india like this one ?? where the ML is actually a green flag all the way and is genuinely a guy who helps you grow!! I wish Indian writers see to it that it’s always not necessary for the show to have a toxic male lead everytime!! They can get TRP’s with a gentle soft spoken male lead too(ofcourse with a good script)
submitted by Decent-Bluejay-8970 to IndianTellyTalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:16 Perfect-Whole9465 Tophias latest persona-shift is so obvious and cringe

I love how she’s trying to make up for being a nobody in highschool by trying to convince people she’s a baddie. Ever since she got the makeup and the 20 cent Temu rings she’s SUDDENLY talking in a completely different cadence, talking with her hands mirroring things and mannerisms she sees other tiktok creators do to seem like she’s a ~cool girl~ and hot shit. It’s SO embarrassing and so painfully obvious. She’s trying to change her whole persona so we look at her differently since she thinks she gets unfair treatment because she’s “ugly”
 or is it because she’s “Black” ? Hard to keep track with all the things she pulls out of her ass she tries to say are the reasons no one likes her 🙃 but she just reminds me of those kids in elementary school who would get bullied and would word for word copy a comeback they heard on Disney channel and then act like they thought of it organically. She has no personality of her own. Just parrots and mirrors all these people she sees online, from the mannerisms down to all the rants she goes on. Such sad loser behavior for someone her age to not know who you are, so you have to latch on to other people’s personality’s and styles and try to convince people it’s always been your own when it came out of thin air.
submitted by Perfect-Whole9465 to tophiachutiktok [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:15 Traditional_Push3324 Does the NVIDA optix Denoiser just...look like garbage or am I using it wrong?

This might be exposing just how green I truly am, but when I turn on the Denoiser option in Karma and set it to the optix denoiser my render looks denoised but truly BAD. I acknowledge there could be something super fundamental and simple I'm missing here so please take pity on me here folks, I am self taught.
If you have any suggestions for me with denoise stuff or learning more about the topic I'm all ears
Thanks for any help everyone, appreciate all of you
submitted by Traditional_Push3324 to Houdini [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:11 DoctorPebble Where do I start with tweeter replacement?

I picked up a pair of Polk LS90 speakers at a good price. I need to replace the tweeter, but I have no idea where to start with that.
I assume I'll have to go with a 3rd party offering because the speakers are older.
From the specs I could dig up, I believe it's a 1" (25mm) tweeter and I need something with 8 ohms.
Is there anything else from a spec perspective I need to know? Any helpful youtube channels that cover replacing it?
submitted by DoctorPebble to BudgetAudiophile [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:10 Practical_Internet80 [CHAT] What color(s) should I use for hazel eyes?

[CHAT] What color(s) should I use for hazel eyes?
Hi, I’m new here! I’m working on a project for my husband for father’s day of him and our kids. Problem is, when I converted a picture of them to a pattern (using flosscross- not sure if I need to mention), it converted my kids eyes to brown but they are actually hazel/green. Could anyone help me figure out what DMC color or combo of colors to use? I added a pic of the pattern and a pic of the actual eye color.
submitted by Practical_Internet80 to CrossStitch [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:09 Artyom-Kalashnikov [PC, Windows] [2000s] Spaceship Shooter, Top Down, Levels, Enemy Waves.

Platform(s): PC, Windows.
Genre: Single Player, Spaceship Shooter, Enemy Waves.
Estimated year of release: Mid 2000s
Graphics/art style: I don't remember it being Pixelated or Photo Realistic, it was in the middle, nice smooth cartoon art style, the black cold space in the background would chance level by level, becoming somewhat Organic, alive, green and orange were very present colors in the background after a certain point. I somewhat remember the Bosses being Giant Biomechanic Alien Creatures.
Notable characters: I only remember a picture of what I assume was the protagonist, it stayed on the side of the screen and as you progressed trough the levels the picture would change. It was a Man wearing a headset, he would change clothes and hair styles as you would progress.
Notable gameplay mechanics:
You control a spaceship.
The view was Top Down, I don't remember if the screen would staid still or if would scroll bottom to top as you faced the enemies, but definitely it was not a side scroller or open world/map/level.
On the HUD we had a picture of what a assume it was the main character, a picture of your weapon, ammo counter and a level counter, I don't remember if the level counter was for the level you are playing or for your characteship.
The only weapon I remember was a Green Missile that after fired would detonate upon impact and release a energy wave that would obliterated everything on screen.
I believe that if you died you would be send all the way back to level one.
I don't remember the game having things like dialogue or cutscenes.
Other details: I don't thing that this will be of much help but, I'm 22 years old and I played this game in the mid 2000s when I was about 6 yo, so my mind is full of "kid logic" of how the game looked and worked, the year should be 2006 or 2007. I played on my uncle's computer that probably was a Windows. This game is living rent free in my mind for years and its consuming my soul. I would appreciate any help, Thank you very much!
English is not my first language so I apologize if anything a wrote seems confusing or weird.
submitted by Artyom-Kalashnikov to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:09 Tencoach I couldn't remember where I parked, and then it dawned on me I might never be allowed to leave.

With my head throbbing and clutching my handbag tightly to my chest, I walked quickly through the indoor parking garage. A massive concrete structure, every space was full, cars of all makes and models squeezed between the lines.
I was running late for my niece's fifth birthday. I find family occasions overwhelming. The innocent yet gut-wrenching questions like, "When are you going to meet a nice young man and settle down?" and the worst one, "Have you tried online dating?" I just smile and give a rehearsed answer about my career.
I continued to hurry through the parking garage. I stopped and scanned the area. I simply couldn't remember where I parked. My head was still throbbing, pounding to be exact. I never suffered from migraines but that's the only way to describe it. That, or a jackhammer to my temple. I reached into my handbag and took out a small bottle of pills. I swallowed a few pills, no water needed.
A slight relief, I continued to look for my car. My car was a Mini, the opposite of all my friend's giant soccer Mom SUVS. It suited me, small and understated. When I was young, my grandparents called me their little wallflower. However, unlike most kids, I never blossomed.
Where did I park the damn thing? Although no one was nearby, I felt acute embarrassment. Let's be brutally honest, everyone at some point has forgotten where they've parked, but they usually remember pretty quickly.
Okay, let's regroup. My car must be here otherwise how did I get here? Determined, I searched every row, car by car. I must have seen hundreds, maybe thousands of cars. The parking garage felt endless. The more I searched, the more my head began to pound and pound. It felt like my temples were going to burst.
Again, I reached into my handbag and popped some pills. With hindsight taking this sheer amount of medication should have raised alarm bells or rendered me unconscious. But at the time I was so focused on getting to my niece's birthday party, it didn't even register. I would never forgive myself if I missed my niece's birthday. It hit me, would anyone even know that I wasn't there?
I wandered around the parking garage aimlessly. This is crazy, my car has to be somewhere! I spotted a tiny security booth by the entrance gates. Great, the surveillance cameras will show me exactly where I've parked. Soon this ridiculous ordeal will be behind me, and no one will ever know.
I looked inside the security booth. There was an empty chair and a grainy old monitor. I waited for a while, but no attendant showed up. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I strained to look at the monitor. The parking garage remained perfectly still. The time on the screen was 5.30. It suddenly dawned on me that since I entered the parking garage no cars have arrived or left.
I had no choice but to leave the parking garage. The security attendant never showed up. As I went outside, my headache roared back. It was relentless. I couldn’t shake it. Swirling thoughts raced through my mind. Why did I not see anyone else in the parking garage? And did I actually park there?
In the distance, I saw a large shopping mall. Maybe someone in there can help me find my car? After all, it must be where the shoppers park.
I entered the bland 1990s shopping mall with two levels and a giant escalator in the center. The mall was packed with shoppers of all ages and ethnicities. I was forced to weave through several shoppers. I tried to catch a few of them in the eye, but they never looked back at me. It was like I was invisible. But I was used to that.
I walked past several pointless stores where young store clerks mindlessly stacked shelves. One store that caught my attention was a clock store. It seemed misplaced. The store had every type of clock imaginable, from Grandfather to Cuckoo. I noticed that the time on each clock was 5.30. Surely that can’t be right? That’s the same time as the security monitor.
I quickly checked my cell phone, and the time was indeed 5.30.
I continued on tentatively. I had this nagging feeling that something wasn’t quite right. I passed a small drugstore, and my attention was drawn to a young, disheveled homeless guy with a large rucksack slung over his shoulder. He clutched his back as he picked up a packet of bandages from a shelf. He turned and stared at me. We locked eyes for a little too long. It wasn’t sexual. I just knew that I had seen him before but I couldn’t remember where or when. I broke eye contact and moved on.
I didn’t have time to hang around. I needed to find someone who could help locate my car. I needed to get to my niece’s birthday party.
I looked up to the second level and saw the holy grail, an information desk. I stepped onto the escalator but they stopped working, so I was forced to walk up. My legs felt heavy and my head continued to pound. The escalator on the other side worked fine. Shoppers whizzed past me, looking straight ahead, their eyes glazed over.
I finally reached the second level. As I stepped off, shoppers whizzed up behind me. I rolled my eyes. Did the escalator really just start working? I wasn’t surprised based on the day I was having.
Irritated, I marched over to the super large information desk which would fit perfectly in a nineties sitcom. As I arrived a young female attendant flicked over the “I’m on a break” sign and left.
I shouted out, “Excuse me, excuse me!” but she didn’t hear me.
I stood there in disbelief, my head pounding harder and harder. I instinctively popped some pills. My headache remained. The relief was becoming less every time. The guilt of missing my niece's birthday preyed upon me.
So, I impulsively followed the attendant through a back staff door. What’s the worst that can happen? I get thrown out by a mall cop and they escort me to my car.
I entered a dark corridor with a faint light at the end. I slowly walked along the corridor. My inner monologue was telling me to turn back, but I couldn’t stop. I was drawn toward the light but it became dimmer with every step I took. I heard a sloshing sound. At the end of the corridor, a middle-aged janitor slowly mopped the floor back and forth with dirty water. He didn't look up, oblivious to me standing there.
“Sir, do you know where the young lady went?” I meekly asked. He turned his back and kept mopping slowly, back and forth.
Losing patience, I raised my voice, “I need help to find my car.” He moved away and continued to mop, a little faster.
I snapped, “I’m late for my niece’s birthday party!” He tilted his head and looked at me with black eyes. He spoke with a mouthless face. “You shouldn’t be here!”
I ran for my life back along the corridor. As I reached the door, I heard the sloshing sound. I couldn’t help but look back. The janitor slowly mopped the floor, back and forth.
I raced down the escalator, which was no longer working again. My heart rate matched my pounding temples. A blur of shoppers on the other side of the escalator flashed before my eyes. I headed for the mall exit.
I started to hyperventilate. I couldn’t breathe, my lungs empty of oxygen. I swayed from side to side.
The shoppers continued to browse the stores. No one stopped to help.
I stumbled toward the automatic doors. I needed oxygen, my body was shutting down. But the automatic doors wouldn’t open for me. I dropped to my knees, gasping for breath. Shoppers stepped past me, and the automatic doors opened. Unable to breathe, I reached out my hand.
A hand grasped my hand and pulled me outside. I desperately sucked in oxygen. I gazed up and saw the young homeless guy looking back at me.
“Little breaths, little breaths,” he tells me.
His presence makes me calmer, and I breathe in and out. I know him, but how? I quickly rose to my feet and looked him straight in the eye.
“Who are you?” I bluntly asked.
I immediately regretted my tone, but I needed to know. The young homeless guy looked at me with his kind yet sad eyes.
“I’m Thomas, but everyone calls me Beansy,” he replied. “I prefer Thomas, but no one calls me Thomas.”
“Why did you help me?” I bluntly asked.
I regretted my tone once again.
“Cause you’re the first person who’s looked at me today,” he replied. “We’ve got that in common,” I replied.
“What’s your name?” he asked.
“Penelope, though my parents only called me that when I was naughty, " I answered. "I was rarely naughty so everyone called me Penny. I prefer Penelope.”
Thomas smiled, “Penelope, we’ve got that in common as well.”
We shook hands.
“What brings you here?” Thomas asked.
It seemed like an innocuous question, but I felt there was more behind it. Does he know why I’m here? But how can he know when I don’t even know? Of course, deep down I knew why I was here, but if I couldn’t admit it to myself, how could I admit it to a stranger.
I hesitated. “I’m here to pick up a few things for my niece’s birthday party.”
He studied me for a moment. I quickly changed the subject.
“I forgot where I parked,” I told him.
Thomas chuckled and I tapped him on the side.
“That’s not funny”.
He winced and clutched his lower back.
“Sorry,” I said. “I’m fine,” he sharply replied.
He glanced at his watch. I noticed that the time on his watch was 5.30. Before I can say anything, he told me, “My train’s about to leave soon.”
“Thank you Thomas,” I said. “Will you be okay?” he asked. “I’m just going to get an Uber. I’ll figure out the car situation another time,” I replied.
Thomas smiled and walked away. I noticed that every few seconds he clutched his lower back. I watched him till he was out of sight. Will I see him again? Something told me inside, he knew the reason why I couldn’t remember where I’d parked.
Okay, so I need to refocus. I’ve been here way way too long and my niece's birthday party will be over soon. It hit me again, would anyone even notice that I wasn’t there?
I took my cell phone from my handbag and tried to book an Uber. There were no drivers available in the area. That’s strange. I know it’s not New York, but it’s still a town.
Undeterred, I Googled for cab agencies, and there was only one agency. I went straight through to a male operator. I could hear sirens in the background.
The operator asked, “Where is your location?”
My head started to pound again as I realized I didn’t actually know where I was. I quickly tried to search Google Maps but I couldn’t focus on the screen. It was all a blur.
The monotone operator repeated, “Where is your location?”
I tried to ask a passerby, but they ignored me and entered the mall. In desperation, I grabbed an elderly lady's arm and asked her, “Where am I?” She turned, and her dark eyes pierced through me. I quickly released her arm, and she carried on into the mall.
The operator repeated the same question, “Where is your location?” I tried to describe the town. “There’s this mall.” The operator repeated, “Where is your location?”
My head felt like it was going to explode.
I shouted at the operator, “I can’t find my car!”
The operator gave the same cold response, “Where is your location?”
I couldn’t answer and I was forced to end the call. I looked around the town. I was lost.
I popped some pills and walked quickly through the grey concrete town. I arrived at a small, old railway station with two empty tracks. I had no idea which direction I needed to go, but it didn’t matter. I just needed to leave this place. Something was terribly wrong.
On the platform, Thomas sat on a bench with his headphones on. He was singing a country song. I couldn’t make out the song, but I remembered thinking he had a pleasant voice. I must admit I was relieved to see him but also concerned he was still waiting.
I tentatively sat beside him, leaving plenty of space. Thomas removed his headphones and looked at me with his kind, sad eyes. I noticed there was no song playing on his cell phone.
“So, what happened to your Uber?” he asked. “No driver’s in my area,” I replied.
I was too embarrassed to mention the cab incident. It’s too bad he knows that I couldn’t remember where I’d parked.
As he was about to put his headphones back in, I asked him, “When’s the train supposed to leave?” “5.30,” he replied. He checked his watch, and it was still 5.30. “It must be broken,” he added.
I checked my cell phone and the time was 5.30. I stared at him. “It’s not just your watch that is broken.”
We both waited in silence. No trains arrived or left the platform. I couldn’t tell you how long we waited. It could have been minutes or hours. It’s difficult to judge when time appears to stop.
Eventually, Thomas broke the silence. “Where are you going?” “My niece’s birthday party,” I replied. “How old is she?” he asked.
With a glint in my eye, I answered, “Five, and I’m her favorite aunt.”
He quickly followed up with another question, “Why are you late for the party?”
I glared back at him. It’s like he already knew but wanted me to clarify. But how does he know? And how does he fit into all of this? Of course, I knew the answer but it was still too painful to admit.
I quickly changed the subject. “Where are you going with such a large rucksack?” I must admit it did cross my mind that instead of going he could be escaping.
“Going home,” he replied. “It’s been too long.”
I smiled, “I’m sure your family will be pleased.”
He then proceeded to tell me his life story about being the black sheep of the family. I could see the pain and rejection in his eyes.
It was on the tip of my tongue to ask him why his parents kicked him out. But everyone deserves a second chance. I hoped that my family would forgive me for missing my niece’s birthday party. By now, I realized I wasn’t going to make it. My only focus now was to leave this town.
Thomas looked me in the eye and told me the real reason he was going back. “I need a good bath.” He jokingly smelt under his armpits.
We both chuckled and went back to staring at the empty track. I popped some pills and Thomas looked at me. “What?” I said defensively. He replied, “You’ve been taking pills non-stop since I met you.”
It was now dusk, and clearly no trains were ever coming. Together, we headed back into the town. In the background, the unnerving sound of sirens. Thomas winced and clutched his back. Blood seeped through his jacket.
“You’re bleeding,” I remarked. He quickly replied, “Just a scratch.”
I wasn’t convinced.
Thomas dropped back, struggling to lift his large rucksack. “Would you like some help?” I asked. He didn’t answer and picked up the pace.
We arrived at the shopping mall, and Thomas stepped towards the automatic doors. I stopped, afraid to go inside. I had a strange feeling that once inside, I might never be allowed to leave. I came over all woozy. Thomas caught me as I fell.
“When was the last time you ate something?” he asked.
Inside the mall, nothing had changed. Shoppers continued to mindlessly browse the stores. We entered a sixties retro diner where customers sat in silence across from each other in booths. It was like they had nothing left to say.
We queued at the counter and gave our order to a cashier, who barely acknowledged us. I kept the order simple, coffee and cake. One of life’s simple pleasures. Thomas just ordered a coffee. I guess he lost his appetite. He was starting to look weaker. The cashier rang up the bill. Thomas looked down. I didn’t mind paying, so I reached into my handbag, and to my surprise I lifted out a wad of cash.
Why the heck do I have cash? Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Thomas staring at the cash.
We sat opposite each other in a booth. “Do you get the feeling these people don’t know we’re here?” I asked. Thomas gave a response I wasn’t expecting. “Can you remember the faces of everyone you meet?”
I felt guilty. He’s right, we never stop to take the time to get to know one another. Even our close friends and family don’t truly know who we are. My head started to pound and I instinctively popped some pills.
We waited for what could have been seconds, minutes, or hours. The diner owner, a large jovial man in his sixties wearing an apron walked over and put down our order. He spoke with a gentle southern drawl, but like everyone else here, he couldn’t look us in the eye.
“Ma’am, latte with a slice of cake,” he said. “And sir, one Americano.”
I stared down at the slice of pink birthday cake. The diner owner casually left.
Starving, I started to devour the pink birthday cake, but it was chalky and tasteless. Thomas sipped his black coffee which became slick like oil. He recoiled in disgust. At that moment, every customer stood up and left.
The diner owner returned to our booth. “Mall’s closing,” he told us. “I need to speak to someone about my car!” I remarked. “Better eat and drink up,” he added.
It was like he was on autopilot. He then told us something chilling in his gentle southern drawl.
“You don’t want to be here when it’s dark. It’s different when it’s dark.”
The diner owner casually left. Thomas and I exchanged a look of deep concern.
We exited the mall diner, still hungry and thirsty. The shoppers were leaving the mall in droves. I heard the familiar, disturbing sloshing sound.
Dozens of janitors were mopping the floor, back and forth. They looked up with their black eyes and circled toward us, mopping faster and faster. We ran through the mall toward the exit.
“You shouldn’t be here!” they chanted with their mouthless faces.
It dawned on me, they weren’t chasing us, they were warning us. We sprinted to the automatic doors which were closing. I knew they wouldn’t re-open and we would be trapped inside forever. As the mall lights went off, we scraped through the automatic doors.
Outside was now pitch black. Sirens roared in the background. Maniacal laughter echoed through the streets.
I turned to Thomas. “We’re getting outta here! My car has to be in the parking garage!”
With only the moonlight to guide us, we headed toward the parking garage. Clutching his lower back, Thomas could barely lift up his rucksack but still wouldn’t allow me to help. A fleeting thought crossed my mind. Is there something in the bag he doesn’t want me to see?
The maniacal laughter grew louder and louder. I glanced behind to see if we were being followed and to my horror, the moonlight shape shifted into demon silhouettes. This must be a hallucination. It can’t be real. I looked behind again and the demon silhouettes grew larger and more defined. We arrived at the parking garage.
Once inside the parking garage, the roaring sirens and the maniacal laughter stopped. The demon silhouettes didn’t follow us in. Are they not allowed in here? Are there rules? The parking garage was still packed full of cars.
“What car do you drive?” Thomas asked.
I struggled to answer him. I couldn’t remember. My headache had been getting progressively worse. It was as if someone stabbed a screwdriver through my temples.
I popped some pills and closed my eyes. I flashback to earlier when I drove my Mini into the parking garage. Back to reality, I shouted out, ”Mini!”
We scanned the parking garage, and every single car was now a Mini. I stared at the rows upon rows of Minis in sheer disbelief.
“Use your fob!” Thomas told me.
I fumbled to find my key fob in my handbag and noticed the wad of cash. Why do I have that amount of money? I pressed my fob, and every single car flashed open.
Suddenly, a wave of shoppers and staff from the mall enter the parking garage. They simultaneously got into their Minis and drove off. One of the Minis drove straight at us and I yanked Thomas and myself behind a concrete pillar. I heard slow, loud footsteps. I peered from behind the pillar and saw the diner owner walking toward the last remaining Mini.
I jumped out from behind the pillar. “That’s my car!” He spoke in his gentle southern drawl. “You don’t want to be here when it’s dark. It’s different when it’s dark.”
He gets into the car and closes the door. “Please, take us with you!” I cried out. “We need to leave this place!”
The diner owner casually reversed out of the space. I desperately pounded on the windshield.
“Help us! Help us!”
The diner owner drove off and I was forced to step away.
My head was on the verge of exploding. I chugged back the bottle of pills. The parking garage spun around me. I snapped out of my trance and looked over at Thomas, who was lying in a pool of his own blood. I removed his blood-soaked bandage and to my shock saw a large, gaping hole from his back to his stomach.
"You've been shot!" I exclaimed. His eyes glazed over he whispered, “I know.”
I wrapped my T-shirt tightly around his wound and called for an ambulance.
“My friend’s been shot!” I cried out. The monotone operator asked, “Where is your location?”
I was forced to end the call. I realized no one would be coming to save us. I turned to Thomas, who struggled to keep his eyes open. “We’re leaving this Godforsaken town.”
With my arm around his waist, we exited the parking garage. Thomas limply dragged his rucksack along the ground. He refused to leave it behind. Outside, I nervously scanned right and left. There was no sign of the demon silhouettes. Maybe it was just a hallucination from my headaches. I decided to turn left. It didn’t matter as long as we could escape to another town and get help.
I struggled to pull Thomas along, who was getting progressively weaker. He still clasped onto his rucksack like his life depended on it. Blood dripped from his bullet wound, creating a trail. Sirens raged in the background. The demon silhouettes shape shifted from the moonlight and laughing maniacally followed us. I tried to move faster, but the demon silhouettes got closer.
“Let me go,” Thomas gasped. “We’re in this together,” I told him. “We’re going to leave together.”
We were forced to hide in an alleyway. At the end of the alleyway, I saw a bright shining light. I had a sudden awakening. We needed to pass through the light. It’s our only chance to leave this town.
A jarring pain seared through my head. I collapsed Thomas and myself hard to the ground. We both lay there incapacitated.
The demon silhouettes towered above us like skyscrapers. I desperately reached into my handbag for my bottle of pills but it was empty. Thomas strained and reached into his rucksack. He took out another bottle of pills and passed them to me. I instinctively paid him with the wad of cash.
We locked eyes, and at that precise moment, I knew who he was and he knew who I was.
I flashback to earlier when I walked quickly through the streets. I clutched my handbag tightly to my chest as I passed a large, hooded gang who laughed at me. I spotted a young homeless guy in a side alleyway. I nervously approached Thomas and asked him if he had any drugs.
It wasn’t the first time I’d searched the streets for drugs. I was ashamed, but the humiliation of attending my niece’s birthday party single was too much to handle. I just had to take the edge off. I had no choice but to get high.
Thomas seemed unsure but reached into his rucksack and handed me a bottle of pills. I took out the wad of cash from my handbag.
Back in the strange town, the demon silhouettes engulfed me and pulled me away. I tried to fight back, but I stood no chance. They were too powerful. With his final surge of energy, Thomas lunged off the ground and pulled me back.
I flashback to the hooded gang robbing me of my cash. They grabbed my neck from behind and were choking me. I desperately tried to fight them off, punching, kicking, and clawing, but they were too strong. Thomas lunged at them and pulled me away.
THUD, a hooded gang member shot Thomas in the back, who collapsed to the ground. I saw his eyes roll back. With sirens in the background, the hooded gang threw me to the ground and ran away.
CRACK, my head hit the concrete. Everything went dark.
Back in the strange town, the demon silhouettes now had us both. They pulled us further away from the light into darkness. Thomas was too weak to fight back, his eyes glazed over. But I refused to give up and pulled us back toward the light.
I screamed out, "We need to leave this town!"
I woke up being rushed on a gurney by EMTS into the ICU. I passed a janitor with his eyes down, mopping the floor back and forth. I dipped in and out of consciousness. The doctors checked under my eyes with a light and called out my name. "Penelope." I caught a glimpse in the neighboring room of doctors performing emergency CPR on Thomas. Everything went dark again.
Back in the strange town, the bright light exploded toward me like a supernova. I reached out my hand which was absorbed by the light. I was ready to pass through.
I looked behind at the demon silhouettes dragging Thomas out of the alleyway. What would be his fate? Would he be destined to live for eternity like the other soulless entities here?
The light had now absorbed half my body. But I couldn’t leave him. I must save my friend. So I pulled away from the light and entered the darkness.
With my head about to erupt and blood pouring out of my ears, I chased after the demon silhouettes, who scraped Thomas along the ground back toward the mall. Thomas’ eyes turned from white to black.
But I refused for him to become another mindless drone and grabbed his rucksack that he still clung onto. A symbol of him going home to his family. I pulled with all my might, but the demon silhouettes wouldn't release him. The light from the alleyway became faint.
I gritted my teeth and channeled every negative emotion from feeling unloved, unworthy, and embarrassed of who I am.
I screamed at the top of my lungs. “This little wallflower deserves happiness!”
And with one final burst of energy, I ripped us away from the demon silhouettes into the light.
My eyes opened wildly and I found myself lying in a hospital bed. I spoke to a kind nurse. “What happened,” I asked. “You were found unconscious in an alleyway,” she replied. “What about the young guy with the rucksack?” I asked.
She hesitated to answer. I presumed it had something to do with patient confidentiality. I looked at her with desperate eyes.
“Please, I need to know if Thomas is alive?”
The nurse was taken aback that I knew his name. She leaned in close and told me. “He’s alive, but it was touch and go. At one point he was pronounced clinically dead.” I took a long, deep breath.
While recovering from my head trauma, I regularly took trips to see Thomas. He was always asleep and hooked up to machines. A few weeks later I was declared fit to leave. But I didn’t want to leave. I needed to speak to Thomas.
I needed to find out whether the strange town was real or a dark part of my subconscious. If we were there, and the events actually happened, there would be proof of an alternate reality. Some would call it purgatory. I wasn’t sure which answer I was looking for. Both terrified me. Only Thomas could provide the answer.
So every day for over a year, I waited on a bench outside the hospital for him to leave. I was banned from going inside, so I had no choice. One nondescript day, Thomas walked out of the hospital with his rucksack slung over his shoulder. He was slimmer than I remembered but looked fresh and healthy.
Although I had longed for this moment, I decided to let him pass by. The strange town was my burden to carry and I wanted Thomas to be free to move on with his life.
Thomas continued to walk away. He stopped and turned to look at me. We locked eyes and I knew at that moment what happened to us was real. There was an unbreakable bond. We had both experienced the strange town.
Together, we left the hospital and walked along a busy street. We passed people grinding through their everyday lives, oblivious to the truth. Thomas and I don’t say anything to each other. We don’t need to. We know what happened.
Up ahead was a street diner. Thomas turned to me. “Shall we get a coffee?” “It can’t be worse than last time,” I quipped.
Inside the diner, we sat across from each other in a booth. The diner owner, a middle-aged, slim Italian American woman, put down our coffee and cheesecake. She spoke with a thick Brooklyn accent.
“Better eat and drink up.”
Thomas and I looked at each other.
“You don’t want to be here when it’s dark. It’s different when it’s dark.”
submitted by Tencoach to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:07 taiyuan41 Zhengzhou

Her name was Lily. She wanted to be a princess. Or that is what she said all the time. Kind of hope she was joking. But I have the same problem. She kept talking about peaches and their rising cost. She was a host for live streaming . She was Korean but was cosmopolitan. She spent time in america going to school and aside from English she also learned to speak Japanese fluently .
She wanted to know if peaches were of a similar price back in america. Small talk is necessary or it can feel claustrophobic. Agonizing.
I was viewing and felt agony. Like so many do. I needed more and better than the life I felt.
Imagine calling 988 for a bit of help. You are isolated and all alone in your predicament. Where is the support? Why I get a robot on the line talking to me telling me to wait—where are the humans?
Alienation n the chamber of life. That is my life as Taishen.
Lily and her viewers provided a sense of community that I did not have. And it appears she was a contact with Chang’e via streaming that I did not know.
I am just Luo feeling alienated and climbing over the wall to get some needed assistance. Comfort amongst cold—sanctuary—hope. I was staying in Zhengzhou at this time. Originally from the flower city of Luoyang in Henan—a central province of China. I was working at the Foxxconn factory—where parts of the IPhone were made—largest iPhone factory based in China. I have to ear to feed my family like anyone else. I have a 7 year old daughter being watched by my mother in law in Luoyang—my wife was working in guangzhou at a factory. I never get to see my wife. I had feelings she might be in a relationship with a man in guangzhou. How can she be blamed? She has no love around. Her just like I don’t. If my wife is with another I might as well do my best to find connection. To stay afloat. Brushing gifts to a live streamer. I was even starting to pick up on new languages like Japanese, English, and Korean by doing it. My life was a trap. I must work to bring security to my wife who cannot bring security to me. To leave her would cause me to lose face and I would rather die than face that. Life can never be ordinary for me.
The days and habits of finding a sanctuary on an iPhone that I had to slave away and make amongst my unhappiness was a cruel punishment for just being me. I always am the victim. I’m unable to deceive myself to be happy. Nobody to hold me—I am a fish out of water. I feel the tension pull me like hooks trying to rip me into confetti—I am sure some would applaud at the sight of me being gone.
News and gossip of a virus running around like a plague. From Wuhan. Amusing as my former love came from there when we met in university. She left me like everyone else. I need Freon like a freezer to cook the hate off I feel inside me. I blend in my feelings of worth and self until it spatters as something abstract and abhorrent—like mold on a wall.
Aside from live stream hosts, I found an escape smoking hashish and going to the local brothel with colleagues. I ventured further and further from recognizing who I am. And the news of COVID had only made it worse. And n my hometown near Luoyang they put dirt and and tree trunks to block the roads to keep people from coming in and going out. I went along like getting stuck in thorny bushes and my calves left burnt. The factory became like a firecracker left held in hands pointing up to the sky. Like there is a thing like hope. There is none—gone like air out of a balloon. My fate was stolen away.
Within the factory we were not receiving our allowances like we did before. Amongst stress of Covid and its unknowns we became like fish in a shrinking pool of water—agitated and biting each others scales. Abrasion. Friction. An unleashed turmoil to become a tsunami of emotions. Class felt like an overhead lamp causing the eyes to go red and burn.
Cases popped up like sprouting trees with rhizomes. When we wanted our own rooms we were told it was not a possibility. Healthy stuck with sick like classes mixing—a metaphor of it all—anger soar like geyser. Covid became a judicial sentence. Amongst a couple months before the banks failed and people could not get the money they put in. Large sums! And when the anger rose it set off the codes on our phones. Everyone must show their status. If one was positive for Covid their icon was red to indicate level of restriction—one must stay home regardless if the food that came from the government was fresh or if it even ever came at all. Green was good. But soon if you criticized the banking failure your code was red to keep one quit. The virus was the police—a means to shut up somebody like a baton. And the batons would come at the factory. Causes soon that political red of a dot was mixed with the green to allow infection to the healthy, which mean the baton of the government saying the worth of us—we were meant to shut up and is our part at the factory and ass caged dogs. Our party became paradoxical as the sickle and hammer—as it became more of the baton to make the money run and build the iPhones that make happy elites Beijing who couldn’t care about zhengzhou. Like ants escaping the confines of an anthill drowning in the rain. Popping like bubbles in anguish.
Everything was blended in this world. Even Lily was not who she seemed. But I rather save that for another time.
The bubble was extended and the people left the confines of their residents on the company grounds despite orders that all must stay within due to COVID. Enough had formed for rebellion. Outside on the grounds the workers threw rocks, bottles, and metal fence at security in to shut them up. The batons came. iPhones were out to record what was happening. The image was bad and the workers were paid to leave the commotion and uprising as a means of saving face.
submitted by taiyuan41 to Psychosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:05 taiyuan41 Zhengzhou

Her name was Lily. She wanted to be a princess. Or that is what she said all the time. Kind of hope she was joking. But I have the same problem. She kept talking about peaches and their rising cost. She was a host for live streaming . She was Korean but was cosmopolitan. She spent time in america going to school and aside from English she also learned to speak Japanese fluently .
She wanted to know if peaches were of a similar price back in america. Small talk is necessary or it can feel claustrophobic. Agonizing.
I was viewing and felt agony. Like so many do. I needed more and better than the life I felt.
Imagine calling 988 for a bit of help. You are isolated and all alone in your predicament. Where is the support? Why I get a robot on the line talking to me telling me to wait—where are the humans?
Alienation n the chamber of life. That is my life as Taishen.
Lily and her viewers provided a sense of community that I did not have. And it appears she was a contact with Chang’e via streaming that I did not know.
I am just Luo feeling alienated and climbing over the wall to get some needed assistance. Comfort amongst cold—sanctuary—hope. I was staying in Zhengzhou at this time. Originally from the flower city of Luoyang in Henan—a central province of China. I was working at the Foxxconn factory—where parts of the IPhone were made—largest iPhone factory based in China. I have to ear to feed my family like anyone else. I have a 7 year old daughter being watched by my mother in law in Luoyang—my wife was working in guangzhou at a factory. I never get to see my wife. I had feelings she might be in a relationship with a man in guangzhou. How can she be blamed? She has no love around. Her just like I don’t. If my wife is with another I might as well do my best to find connection. To stay afloat. Brushing gifts to a live streamer. I was even starting to pick up on new languages like Japanese, English, and Korean by doing it. My life was a trap. I must work to bring security to my wife who cannot bring security to me. To leave her would cause me to lose face and I would rather die than face that. Life can never be ordinary for me.
The days and habits of finding a sanctuary on an iPhone that I had to slave away and make amongst my unhappiness was a cruel punishment for just being me. I always am the victim. I’m unable to deceive myself to be happy. Nobody to hold me—I am a fish out of water. I feel the tension pull me like hooks trying to rip me into confetti—I am sure some would applaud at the sight of me being gone.
News and gossip of a virus running around like a plague. From Wuhan. Amusing as my former love came from there when we met in university. She left me like everyone else. I need Freon like a freezer to cook the hate off I feel inside me. I blend in my feelings of worth and self until it spatters as something abstract and abhorrent—like mold on a wall.
Aside from live stream hosts, I found an escape smoking hashish and going to the local brothel with colleagues. I ventured further and further from recognizing who I am. And the news of COVID had only made it worse. And n my hometown near Luoyang they put dirt and and tree trunks to block the roads to keep people from coming in and going out. I went along like getting stuck in thorny bushes and my calves left burnt. The factory became like a firecracker left held in hands pointing up to the sky. Like there is a thing like hope. There is none—gone like air out of a balloon. My fate was stolen away.
Within the factory we were not receiving our allowances like we did before. Amongst stress of Covid and its unknowns we became like fish in a shrinking pool of water—agitated and biting each others scales. Abrasion. Friction. An unleashed turmoil to become a tsunami of emotions. Class felt like an overhead lamp causing the eyes to go red and burn.
Cases popped up like sprouting trees with rhizomes. When we wanted our own rooms we were told it was not a possibility. Healthy stuck with sick like classes mixing—a metaphor of it all—anger soar like geyser. Covid became a judicial sentence. Amongst a couple months before the banks failed and people could not get the money they put in. Large sums! And when the anger rose it set off the codes on our phones. Everyone must show their status. If one was positive for Covid their icon was red to indicate level of restriction—one must stay home regardless if the food that came from the government was fresh or if it even ever came at all. Green was good. But soon if you criticized the banking failure your code was red to keep one quit. The virus was the police—a means to shut up somebody like a baton. And the batons would come at the factory. Causes soon that political red of a dot was mixed with the green to allow infection to the healthy, which mean the baton of the government saying the worth of us—we were meant to shut up and is our part at the factory and ass caged dogs. Our party became paradoxical as the sickle and hammer—as it became more of the baton to make the money run and build the iPhones that make happy elites Beijing who couldn’t care about zhengzhou. Like ants escaping the confines of an anthill drowning in the rain. Popping like bubbles in anguish.
Everything was blended in this world. Even Lily was not who she seemed. But I rather save that for another time.
The bubble was extended and the people left the confines of their residents on the company grounds despite orders that all must stay within due to COVID. Enough had formed for rebellion. Outside on the grounds the workers threw rocks, bottles, and metal fence at security in to shut them up. The batons came. iPhones were out to record what was happening. The image was bad and the workers were paid to leave the commotion and uprising as a means of saving face.
submitted by taiyuan41 to bipolarart [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:05 Primary-Spell8538 Read this before purchasing any services from TELUS.

I constantly encounter lies from Telus. They lie to make more money, and I feel deceived and am an unhappy customer.
Let's start with the fact that I connected to 1 gigabit internet for $65 at the Telus store in Cross Iron Mall. The salesgirl said that she couldn't just give me the internet for $65; I needed to also sign up for a home phone and Optic TV. She said that I could cancel these services within a month and keep only the internet for $65 without any problems. If I didn't cancel, I would pay $105 per month for everything. This was lie #1.
Then I called to cancel the home phone and Optic TV, but the employee on the phone said that if I did that, my internet bill would go up to $120 per month. I said that the store promised I could cancel for free and the internet price would not change. The phone employee told me that they always lie in the store to sell more services. Here I got confirmation from the employee that I was lied to.
Okay, I accepted that I needed an additional service to get my internet for $65, so I decided to switch my Optic TV to services I would actually use: Netflix Premium, Disney Premium, and Amazon Prime TV.
The phone employee switched these services for me and said that now I would pay $110 per month, but I would have my internet and the subscriptions I needed. He asked how many TVs I had. I replied that I had two TVs, and he said he would send special TV boxes for each TV for FREE (spoiler: this is a lie) because I wouldn't be able to use my subscriptions without them. I told him that I have Android TV and all the necessary apps, that I could log into my subscriptions on them and asked if I really needed these TV boxes. He insisted that it was not possible and that I could only use my subscriptions with their device. This was lie #2.
Then the fun with packages began. They sent me one TV box when they promised two, and it came without a remote control. Funny, how am I supposed to use it if there are no control buttons on the box? They also sent me a video recorder, which I didn't ask for and have never seen before. I called to tell them about this, and they said they always send TV boxes without remotes and that the remote should be purchased separately for $30, but they generously agreed to send me the remote for free. By the way, when I started reading reviews about Telus, I saw that they often do this. It's a constant scheme in their company: send without a remote and then charge for it. I also told them they promised me two TV boxes but I received only one. They told me not to worry, and that they would send another one. They sent it, but also without a remote - they are testing my patience, I can't explain it otherwise.
Finally, I received two TV boxes and one remote, and I began to set up the TV boxes. Neither of the two TV boxes could connect to the Telus router. In the end, I called for help, and a new phone employee told me that if I have Android TV, I don't need TV boxes and that I can connect my subscriptions directly on my TVs. I asked how to return these boxes since I didn't need them. He promised to send instructions to my email but didn't want to discuss it on the phone. I didn’t got this email.
In my next bill, I saw charges for renting the TV boxes and video recorder that were promised for free. This was lie #3, which I had already spoiled for you.
They sent me equipment that I obviously didn't need and now want me to pay for it.
After this, I received a call from Telus offering to switch my mobile operator with better conditions. They promised to keep my family's phone numbers and transfer us to Telus for FREE. I (foolishly) agreed, and then I received a bill charging $60 for each phone number for this service. This was lie #4.
All these lies were from different people, leading me to conclude that this is part of Telus's corporate culture. I haven't even mentioned that I spent hours on the phone resolving these issues - HOURS, I'm not kidding. It often takes more than an hour to get a response from customer support.
From technical point of view, Telus's services are good, but their attitude towards customers is terrible. I hope my review will be helpful to someone, and I also hope this review reaches those who can correct such treatment of customers.
submitted by Primary-Spell8538 to telus [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:05 Mundane-Werewolf-962 160th Green Platoon HELP!

Anything that can help me prepare for the green platoon is appreciated.
submitted by Mundane-Werewolf-962 to 160thsor [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:02 Crafty-LEGOYouTube Hey Guys! Crafty Here 👋

Hey guys, Crafty here! Just wanted to say hello to a new community & clear a few things up that I've read in here.
Regardless,I like being part of positive communities. Somebody in my discord recommended reddit so I joined & I hope you guys would be happy to have me in here.
Look forward to seeing a lot of your guys builds and creativity!
submitted by Crafty-LEGOYouTube to LEGOfortnite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:01 BillStackman Is all hope lost? Any ideas on how to turn this into something great?

Hey everyone! My buddy and I have been working on a site called DailyBubble.com since 2020 and launched it in 2022. It's a financial news and information platform with a social media vibe, where users can communicate and share investing ideas.
Here is a login to check it out, but please keep reading below for more context:
User: 3rdeye
Password: password123
Despite our efforts, we're still struggling with growth and are open to any suggestions, even if it means changing the site completely or finding new ways to monetize. We're also open to partnerships to help make this site successful. Any ideas or feedback would be greatly appreciated!
We’ve put our heart, sweat and tears into this project as well as a decent amount of hard earned cash. If anyone has any suggestions we are open to it as we want to see this grow. Below we will share some of our experiences throughout this process to give you an idea of our journey through today.
I want to repeat we are open to any ideas and even changing what we have today, if it means we can turn this into something. We have put in a lot of time and effort into this and we just want to see this turn into something successful that provides a value to others.
submitted by BillStackman to Entrepreneurs [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:01 BillStackman Is all hope lost? Any ideas on how to turn this into something great?

Hey everyone! My buddy and I have been working on a site called DailyBubble.com since 2020 and launched it in 2022. It's a financial news and information platform with a social media vibe, where users can communicate and share investing ideas.
Here is a login to check it out, but please keep reading below for more context:
User: 3rdeye
Password: password123
Despite our efforts, we're still struggling with growth and are open to any suggestions, even if it means changing the site completely or finding new ways to monetize. We're also open to partnerships to help make this site successful. Any ideas or feedback would be greatly appreciated!
We’ve put our heart, sweat and tears into this project as well as a decent amount of hard earned cash. If anyone has any suggestions we are open to it as we want to see this grow. Below we will share some of our experiences throughout this process to give you an idea of our journey through today.
I want to repeat we are open to any ideas and even changing what we have today, if it means we can turn this into something. We have put in a lot of time and effort into this and we just want to see this turn into something successful that provides a value to others.
submitted by BillStackman to Entrepreneurship [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:01 BillStackman Is all hope lost? Any ideas on how to turn this into something great?

Hey everyone! My buddy and I have been working on a site called DailyBubble.com since 2020 and launched it in 2022. It's a financial news and information platform with a social media vibe, where users can communicate and share investing ideas.
Here is a login to check it out, but please keep reading below for more context:
User: 3rdeye
Password: password123
Despite our efforts, we're still struggling with growth and are open to any suggestions, even if it means changing the site completely or finding new ways to monetize. We're also open to partnerships to help make this site successful. Any ideas or feedback would be greatly appreciated!
We’ve put our heart, sweat and tears into this project as well as a decent amount of hard earned cash. If anyone has any suggestions we are open to it as we want to see this grow. Below we will share some of our experiences throughout this process to give you an idea of our journey through today.
I want to repeat we are open to any ideas and even changing what we have today, if it means we can turn this into something. We have put in a lot of time and effort into this and we just want to see this turn into something successful that provides a value to others.
submitted by BillStackman to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:01 IllFig6247 It doesn’t matter how many

It doesn’t matter how many times or how loud you say it doesn’t make it true. You look absolutely green with envy. The way you have been have been hurting people the past few days shows everyone who you are. J is lucky to go to work how is he going to help somebody get a job. They don’t want your help move on. Y’all are harrasing those people. Move on. As far as you live a beautiful blessed life. You get online and yell daily. You make nasty videos. Your heart is ugly. That doesn’t look like somebody who is happy. You look like a MENTAL CASE. Take a break from social media. You clearly need it.
submitted by IllFig6247 to unionwelderFACTS [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:00 SubstanceGold9602 Please help a gardening newbie!

Please help a gardening newbie!
I’m growing in Charlotte, NC (8a or 7b, depends who you ask!). This is my first year gardening and I started with two raised beds and two pots. Overall things are going great and I harvested my first 3 zucchini’s last week! But I do have some questions: 1. My green beans are in my pots and the leaves are turning yellow. I water everything 2-3 times a week and will check to feel the soil feels damp. They are starting to put on fruit but they don’t look healthy and aren’t getting big. 2. My squash is putting out fruit, but I also have some female flowers that shrivel before the flower opens. Any advice? 3. My indeterminant tomato is growing well and outgrew the tomato cage. I put some stakes on it, but does anyone have a recommendation of a better solution? I plan to have a much more formal garden next year with a tomato trellis and drip irrigation.
Thanks for any and all help!
submitted by SubstanceGold9602 to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 00:59 SubstanceGold9602 Please help a gardening newbie!

Please help a gardening newbie!
I’m growing in Charlotte, NC (8a or 7b, depends who you ask!). This is my first year gardening and I started with two raised beds and two pots. Overall things are going great and I harvested my first 3 zucchini’s last week! But I do have some questions: 1. My green beans are in my pots and the leaves are turning yellow. I water everything 2-3 times a week and will check to feel the soil feels damp. They are starting to put on fruit but they don’t look healthy and aren’t getting big. 2. My squash is putting out fruit, but I also have some female flowers that shrivel before the flower opens. Any advice? 3. My indeterminant tomato is growing well and outgrew the tomato cage. I put some stakes on it, but does anyone have a recommendation of a better solution? I plan to have a much more formal garden next year with a tomato trellis and drip irrigation.
Thanks for any and all help!
submitted by SubstanceGold9602 to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 00:55 Raccoon-Worker [FOR HIRE] I will be your Freelance Content Writer / Marketing Virtual Assistant for $5/hr

Hey there redditors! I’m offering my services as a Freelance write Virtual Assistant with over 5 years of experience doing all sort of tasks for individuals, companies, and agencies. The following are some of the things I can do for you.
Data Entry: I’ll handle all the repetitive tasks, such as filling spreadsheet with information, copy-pasting data, among other things that can be considered Data entry.
Bonus – Lead generation: By having knowledge of marketing strategy, I’ll make sure to not only create simply a list of possible clients, but one that has your ideal prospects in mind. To learn more about how I can help with this, send me a DM.
Content Writing: I’ll craft effective and compelling articles for your website adhering to updated Google’s SEO guidelines. Areas of experience include: Restoration, Lighting, E-commerce, Technology (Hardware and Software) and Gaming (Esports, Guides, News).
Web research: I’ll research anything you need. I will be fast at finding your required information, verifying the source(s), inquiring about the veracity of the results and its relevancy in today landscape (if needed). I also use AI tools such as Chat GPT only where it helps, which is not the case in most instances.
Social Media Management: I’ll manage your business or personal account(s), which includes: Uploading and updating your posts, stories; Customer service (replying posts and Dms) ; Basic Canva designs (Editing and copy); and Keeping track of calendars, to-do lists and more.
E-commerce Listings: Edit images, copy for product descriptions, SEO optimization, and more. All done in a timely manner.
Others: For any other task that doesn't require technical knowledge, even if it's not included here, feel free to ask me if I can do it! I'm a quick learner and I'm used to doing diverse tasks of all sorts.
My standard rate is $5/hour, however, if it's a long project or a long-term job I can lower it down.
For content writing, I charge 0.04-0.05 cents per word. The usual turn around is 2-3 days, but this will depend on my schedule.
I can receive payments through Binance
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submitted by Raccoon-Worker to Jobs4Bitcoins [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 00:54 Gibsonfan159 Biasing MKiii 50w

  1. This amp sounded great when new but now the gain channels sound like a busted speaker. (Even through headphones and I've tried many variations, it's something to do with the amp). So my first step is making sure the tubes are biased.
  2. I've read instructions for biasing the tubes by adjusting the trim pots according to the two LEDs.
My confusion is to exactly what color they should be. Green, red, or off? Also the trim pots seem to turn continuously. Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by Gibsonfan159 to blackstaramps [link] [comments]
