Crestor on diabetics

Diabetics on Keto!

2013.07.14 01:19 sexyarmadillo Diabetics on Keto!

This is a place for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetics who have been on, or are curious about trying) a Keto diet and lifestyle! Share your stories, ask you questions, help each other out.

2008.04.11 16:09 diabetes

For humans living with diabetes: discussion, issues, and news.

2012.10.09 05:39 vegibowl Restaurant reviews with a keto spin.

Keto friendly dining reviews, advice and information.

2024.05.28 11:40 chaoserrant Effect of 10mg versus 20mg Crestor

Is there someone who escalated or de-escalated between 10mg and 20mg Crestor and, if yes, what was the difference in LDL and Triglyceride values and after how many months did you see the difference if any?
I am on Crestor 20 mg for nearly 17 years and gradually, with life time changes, my numbers improved and now are quite good. (HDL 73, LDL 90, Triglycerides 38). However, while I am not diabetic, no weight issues and otherwise active, I noticed my post-meal blood sugar gets a little higher than I think is optimal especially in the afternoon/evening
In any case, while I re-evaluate my diet, one doctor suggested, given the good lipid numbers I have now, to try to lower the dose from 20 to 10 and see if there is a difference. I know that glucose impairment is a rare side effect of statins but it is important to me to figure out (if I can) if it is the culprit. As far as I know, I am happy otherwise with Crestor but I wonder if reducing the dose will be worth it since I heard that the additional LDL reduction from 10 to 20 is not that big. And if it proves that Crestor does something to my glucose metabolism, I would rather try a different medication for cholesterol. I must prevent diabetes at all costs for many reasons that I won't get into right now
submitted by chaoserrant to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:48 alturicx Updated labs... some a lot better, some new ones not good... just ugh.

I don't even know what to do anymore. Perhaps I should just change the MyChart password and throw away the key... after 2.5 months of 3 lab workups things are... not really any better per se.
Starting weight 399, down to 365 over 2 months, not terrible. Cut out all sugary drinks, all excess sugar that I can. Watching portions like crazy, walking everyday 30-45 minutes and I'm fine with all of this. It's the new me, I'm liking it, dare I say loving it.
Anyway, the good trends over the 2.5 months of labs from March 19th to yesterday... also started 5mg Crestor 2 months ago, and on week 3 of Zepbound now.
A1C 6.3 -> 5.7 (never diagnosed diabetic)
Glucose 114 -> 89 (114 was still normal, just on the higher end)
AST 94 -> 41
ALT 118 -> 73
Triglycerides 170 -> 127
Cholesterol 268 -> 151
Non-HDL 223 -> 107
LDL 189 -> 82
White Blood Cells 13.22 -> 11.21 (doctors didn't seem to care about these being elevate but concerning imo)
And now the new things I'm freaking out over...
TSH always been middle range normal... suddenly sky-rocketed to 4.4... in a sense hoping this is the diet changes, walking daily and perhaps Zepbound-related... but it could also certainly be liver-related or just something new now...
Ammonia (one and only lab so far that I pushed for due to the possible liver issue)... 35. Right on the border as 36 is high but I'm pretty sure you always want ammonia to be as low-range as possible... I wish I had a history to reference but this one is probably the biggest concern for right now imo.
Just. Ugh. Sorry, needed to vent.
submitted by alturicx to FattyLiverNAFLD [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 01:37 help199176 Statins and saturated fats?

I’m dealing with a famililial hyperlipidemia- It’s led to a CAC of 78 at 32.
I’m on crestor 5mg- and slowly increasing it to 10 mg (muscle pain, ouch) because it’s keep my LDL at 105 (dressed from 215!) and my apob at 99- and we want LDL around 50 according to my cardiologist. We’ll see about adding/subbing zetoia or Repatha if that doesn’t work or I can’t tolerate it.
I’m also pre diabetic so I’m avoiding a lot of simple carbs and sugars.
My question is what do you guys do about saturated fats while on meds? From what I understand, my levels are genetic. Following a pretty good diet didn’t do anything for my levels years ago. But, while I understand, I can’t possibly eat a ton of cheese or a steak every day, I think it’s also pretty hard for me to limit my saturated fat intake under 10 g a day (15 is where I seem to end up).
I’m trying to figure out if being that strict on saturated fats even matters while on meds.
submitted by help199176 to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 23:18 BotanicalInstitute Citrus Bergamot Side Effects?

As someone who has a family history of high cholesterol, I have been interested in taking citrus bergamot as a way to manage my cholesterol levels. However, I'm concerned about the potential side effects of citrus bergamot, so I did a quick look through the data and put it together a quick research review. Here's what I found:
Citrus bergamot can interact with certain medications, and it's important to be aware of these potential interactions:
In general, it appears that citrus bergamot is safe for most people, just make sure to talk to your doctor if you're on blood sugar or cholesterol management drugs. Citrus bergamot impacts both of these functions in the body - so make sure to not overdo it.
Here's a link to the full research report I put together:
submitted by BotanicalInstitute to SupplementAdvisor [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 21:00 cguitar Anyone here stop taking statins after years of taking it? What was the reason, and did you revert back to your old self?

Hi folks,
I've been on 10 mg of Crestor for about 4 years now, and in that time, my blood glucose has been steadily rising to the point of becoming pre-diabetic. I still exercise regularly, run about 30 miles per week, and do about an hour of calisthenics a week. Diet is more or less the same. So, I decided to get of the statin for the next year to see if my blood glucose goes back to how it used to be. If not, I plan on taking Livalo instead. Anyways, has anyone stopped statins after taking it for a long time? If so, why?
submitted by cguitar to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 03:41 heyylookapanda Concerns about Crestor

My doctor wants me to start on 5 mg of Crestor, but in typical me fashion, I freaked myself out by reading and asking about possible side effects and risks. My doctor said I could get muscle cramps, and I really fear that because I already have problems with muscle cramps and pain due to a neurological illness and I'm afraid this will make them 100x worse. I have also heard reports of neuropathy, which I also have intermittently and worry that I'm at bigger risk for.
How likely is this side effect and does it go away in time? Is there any way to reduce the risk of this side effect? I'm supposed to do physical therapy but I'm gonna hold off on it for now because I'm afraid when I start this the muscle pain or nerve pain will be too bad for me to do it.
I'm worried about some other possible effects as well, I do have a family history of diabetes but I recognize that correlation does not imply causation and I'm not too worried about that particular effect as I don't think this medication is a direct cause.
My other big concern is possible kidney effects, but I've never had any kind of problems with my kidneys so I'm hoping that wouldn't be a concern for me really. I'm just trying to convince myself that this is a good idea because I've made massive changes to my diet with no success and I don't want to live in constant fear of having a heart attack. Any advice or shared experiences are much appreciated.
submitted by heyylookapanda to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 02:18 nextinqueue I'm exhausted from peeing 24/7

My last A1C was 6.8 and my reg glucose checks are very good - seldom over 120 fasting. Kidney function tests are normal. (Alert- diabetes is the #1 cause of kidney disease so stay on top of those labs!) I'm on 5mg MJ, Crestor for cholestero, a Bit D patchl and a nexium daily. My diet is pretty balanced.
But I'm CONSTANTLY going to pee. It's exhausting- waking 3-4 times a night to go. And not decreased output. And I pee before I get in bed and my 1st run is within 45 minutes. 😐
I drink a 12 oz coffee and 5 bottles of water a day (so 100 oz) occasionally 6 bottles. I try to drink 4 by 4pm to prevent night trips- nope 😭. My fear is falling asleep on the toilet 😂!! (I had a friend that did that, woke up, stood up, broke ankle😮! Her legs were asleep and not ready to support her 170 pound frame!)
Our kidneys work at max efficiency when laying down but holy pee.
Anyone else?
submitted by nextinqueue to Mounjaro_ForType2 [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 18:08 notKosIswear So Far, Sooo Good... But...

Hello again everyone. This will only be my second post here, though I continue to enjoy reading your stories daily.
This time, I come with not only a further update, but also a bit more about my experience thus far on my Mounjaro journey.
I have, at this point in time, lost a total of 111 lbs all in. I have been on the magic life changer for approximately 11 months now. I had to go back and double check for accuracy because it doesn't feel like it's been that long at all. And yet, the changes in my life were nearly instantaneous.
My a1c was the first noticeable change. Well, before that my sugar levels were, really. We had to keep reducing my insulin until we stopped it and on my next work up, my a1c was drastically lower than previous. I had been losing weight rather quickly but I couldn't see it for myself. Only the scale and other people seemed to notice.
I won't go through ALL of the changes here, as I've been quite thorough previously, if I recall. But... we're here for updates! Of course I have most more weight. Where I had been a bit concerned before about my skin loosening, it seems to be firming up a bit, catching up or snapping back, if you will, to my new figure. It's still not perfect, and may never be. But I'm no longer in a tizzy over the thought of skin removal.
I have been taken off of more medications! My metformin is the only other diabetic medication I'm on now, and the dosage has been reduced by half. And my Crestor (for cholesterol) has also been reduced by half. That one may be life long, as it's genetic, but to know that even that has been affected is astounding.
Now, some not as shiny news: it is just my personal experience, and therefore, grain of salt, please. The efficacy of other medications that I am on (for mental health specifically) seem to be affected by Mounjaro. Speaking with my psychiatrist about my suspicions, and after he did some digging into it, he seems to agree with me. Because of the way our friend works, the absorbs rate of some meds are affected as well, which may cause unexpected results. Such as... possibly not working at all at lower doses. Or kicking in much later than anticipated. Etc. So please soak with your medical professional TEAMS about all of your medications and possible interactions and necessary adjustments. And always, ALWAYS, keep vigilant watch on yourself. Don't wait for bad to happen.
There are also some strange happenings that seem to be neurological in my limited medical professional opinion (I am just a CMA that works in tech... hoping to go to med school some day lol so please, i am not a doctor!) and are likely unrelated but rather exacerbated by my drastic weightloss. My blood pressure is highly unstable. It's constantly dropping to dangerous lows and I've become a "non-dipper" - someone whose blood pressure does not fall when sleeping. And in some cases even rises. This has been causing a plethora of other issues, such as constant dizziness and brain fog, stumbling and falling, syncope, and extreme fatigue. I drink plenty of fluids, I keep up my electrolytes, and I elevate my legs as much as possible whenever possible. The situation persists. I've had many expensive tests and there are no issues found with my nervous system or cardiovascular system (as of yet). Next up - dysautonomia specialist. 🤷
I'm sharing all of this in the event that any of it is occurring with any of you. I will continue to update (so long as I'm allowed) as I find answers, in hopes that it may help someone separate the cause out and get proper treatment quicker (and for far less expense) than it's taking me.
A possibly that has been presented that is far more likely for many others that may have similar issues but not quite as drastic as mine - especially in the case of those who were larger and lost a lot of weight - Your body used to carry a LOT of blood. Which meant a LOT of fluid through those vessels of yours. Naturally, that meant they expanded to keep up with the need to pass the matter through. Think of it as your body expanding the highways to ensure smooth traffic flow at all times. Well, once you lost so much weight, your body stopped needing to produce so much blood, and of course, that means it holds on to less fluid. The fluid was necessary for the ease of passage of so much material. Now... not so much. The volume of everything has been reduced. Even the great city that is your body has downsized. BUT... it takes time to change complex infrastructure like highways. Especially highways you spent years expanding! So your body is still using super highways to transport these now suburban levels of materials. (Sorry if I'm bad with analogies, I'm trying!) The highways are so empty. They're not quite falling into disrepair, but being used so little, your body just doesn't know what to do. What a waste! Shut em down! But that's not a good idea, of course. Yet, their full purpose is no longer being fulfilled while they're being downsized so you start to have drops in blood pressure and all the fun stuff that comes with it. And, just like any other time, the remedy is HYDRATE AND INCREASE SALT INTAKE. It will help fill those highways enough until they're back to normal by causing you to retain water, essentially. Then as you start feeling better you ease off the salt. And then you can get back to normal levels of water (though water is so good for you so, you know... maybe don't back off toooo much.)
I think that's all I have to say about all that for now. My next update may not be for a while. Either when I reach goal weight (which I'm still not sure of - might end up going maintenance sooner. I've never been one for being super thin) or when I have more concrete answers regarding the strange happenings since starting Mounjaro (that I am still convinced just helped to reveal an underlying issue).
If you've read this entire thing, you are a star and a trooper, my friend. Good luck on your journey! I hope this helps someone!
submitted by notKosIswear to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 15:33 mediocrityrulesman Statin after diagnosis?

Hi all, was wondering if anyone else was put on a low-dose statin temporarily after your diagnosis and how it affected your sugars. I work in healthcare and know this happens a lot, as untreated diabetes can cause a low HDL and other cholesterol issues. I had a low HDL at diagnosis but all of my other cholesterol measurements were appropriately low and good.
I’ve never had longstanding cholesterol issues and am willing to bet my doctor won’t have me on Crestor 5mg for that long. Anyway, I know about the dawn phenomenon but I also am taking my Crestor at bedtime. My glucose in the morning is often 120-135, which is generally higher than it is the rest of the day. Anyone take a low-dose statin for a while and notice improvement in your sugars after you discontinued it? TIA!
submitted by mediocrityrulesman to diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 19:03 PurchaseIll9379 Statin Crestor (Rosuvastatin) 10mg 3 months before and after results....Surprising

Hello everyone wanted to share my cholesterol results for folks who may be nervous/scared about taking Statins, Just like I was. Male/36YO. Just to give you some background before the results:
I have a very bad family history of heart disease from my mom side. My mom has had 4 stents placed in the last 4 months, 2 of her brothers got bypass surgeries, the other two got stents, my grandfather had a heart attack at a young age and my grandmother died of congestive heart failure. On top of all of this, they were/are all diabetic. So, you can say I have hit the lottery from the genetic side.
In LDL has always been on the high side never higher than 190, total Cholesterol 250 range. I started to diet and exercise (yoyo/on and off) so it would fluctuate between 190-150 range for LDL and 250-210 range for total cholesterol.
When I met my mom's Cardiologist for her appointment, we were just chit chatting and I casually shared my numbers with him, and he was very concerned. He told me to set up an appointment with him or another cardiologist. Which I did. They Told me to be on Statin's and I told them "Hell no" at the time my A1C was 5.8 so I was pre diabetic and although with diet I have been able to lower my A1C i read statins cause your A1C to go up. So, I left from his office with a prescription I was never going to take.
Fast forward few months and my mom's older brother died, he raised me like his son, and it took a toll on my health tremendously I was eating so bad and did not care about anything. when I did my blood work my LDL was back in 181 range and total Cholesterol was back at 250. I thought it is time to make a change as I have 2 kids under the age of 4 and 3rd on the way. I was nervous as I was thinking like man I will get diabetes, but at least I can manage that with insulin but having a heart attack could take my life.

On December 7th 2023 I took my first Dose of Crestor 10MG, I started to walk 10K steps every day, I tried my best to eat right, and focused on mental health/deep breathing, did intermittent fasting, to my surprise these are my results:

Highlights August Results Vs Now (Statin Started December 7th 2023) - Crestor 10 MG
August Total C: 250 Now: 129
Augst LDL: 181 Now 71
August A1C: 5.8 Now: 5.6
2022 LP(a): 32 Now: 25 (I always was told its rare to lower LP(a), but it's possible)

Hope you can find comfort in knowing that you can control your A1C, while being on Statins. Here's to good health to everyone and Good luck. If you have questions, please let me know :)

Lipid Before

Lipid After

Even Lowered Lipoprotein (a)

Lowered my A1C from 5.8 to 5.6 while being on Statins from December 7th 2023

APo B is also in check
submitted by PurchaseIll9379 to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2024.03.09 04:19 cguitar Holy shit... I changed up from 10 mg Crestor to 5 mg Crestor and 5 mg Zetia. This is the before and afters

12/01/2021 (10 mg Crestor, no Psyllium husk powder in smoothies):
Total: 155 mg/dL
HDL: 77 mg/dL
LDL-C: 64 mg / dL
Triglycerides: 61
non HDL Chol: 78
ApoB: 55
Lp(a): 52 nmol/L
(some other #'s I'm not sure what to make of: LDL Small 159 nmol / L ; LDL Peak Size 221.1 Angstroms)
02/28/2024 (5 mg Crestor, 5 mg Zetia, 1 Tbsp of psyllium husk powder in morning smoothie)
Total: 128 mg/dL
HDL: 80 mg/dL
LDL-C: 34 mg / dL
Triglycerides: 48
non HDL Chol: 48
ApoB: 40
Lp(a): 59 nmol/L
HS CRP (this wasn't in the Cardio IQ panel before): <0.30 mg / L -- this is excellent
LP PLA2 (this wasn't in the Cardio IQ panel before): 59 nmol / min / mL -- this is excellent
LDL small particles went down from 159 to 88 nmol / L. LDL peak size went up to 223.3 Angstroms, which seems optimal.
Now, I'm not sure how much of this is due to the psyllium husk powder or Zetia, but I'm leaning towards the Zetia. I will revisit this in a few more months when I go in for my physical and ask for a retake. I'll get off the husk fiber for a month then do the test to verify. But, so far, these #'s are looking INCREDIBLE. If this is due to the Zetia, I'm really stoked on it. However,
Why did I change? I'm starting to become pre-diabetic, and I'm wondering if it's from the statin. I decided to lower the statin intensity to see how my blood sugars change. But, I'm also changing my diet. Obviously, this isn't going to tell me whether the statin or diet worked, but I need to make some changes now. I went on a lower fat diet. My A1C went from 5.5 (2 years ago) to 5.4 (1 year ago) to now 5.7 and 5.8 (past two months). I need to turn this ship back.
submitted by cguitar to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2024.02.05 02:01 DesignSwimming4706 Blood sugar

Anyone experience higher blood sugar on Repatha?
I took crestor then Lipitor and had a 15-20 point spike for fasting blood sugar putting me in the pre diabetic range.
Just curious as I just got insurance approval of repatha.
submitted by DesignSwimming4706 to repatha [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 12:39 Purple_Lilly_237 Are these foods safe for Crohn’s?

I have been on Rinvoq for 6 months now. Though the colonoscopy, pathology report in addition to bloodwork show mild inflammation (notable lymphoid hyperplasia with no active disease) which means Rinvoq has started working, my GI informed me that I’m not in remission yet. Unfortunately, I have developed elevated cholesterol levels which are of the side effects of Rinvoq. These keep rising though I am on a lower dose of Rinvoq (30 mg). My GI has prohibited me from eating some food including eggs which I used to eat and was a life saver when I couldn’t eat anything. Of course, he put me on Crestor, which, tbh, I’m skeptical to take as it might cause diabetes. Hoping to lower my cholesterol levels, I’ve read that I can eat avocados, nut butter and hummus. The last time I ate avocado, I had 9 bms in an hour and had to take several Imodium capsules to stop diarrhea. Are nut butters and safe for Crohnies?
submitted by Purple_Lilly_237 to IBD [link] [comments]

2024.01.12 15:30 Pointpleasant87 Insane polypharmacy

Its in dutch (brand names) the dude is 40 years old
Most of these are to combat side effects of pipamperon (caused diabetes and fucked up all lipids)
Note he takes multiple statins 🤡 and diazepam next to flurazepam (250 hour half life) 🤡
You must have some severe akathesia if you need those 2 benzo's, a beta blocker and mirtazepam all at the same time.
Alternative what i would do is :
Switch to abilify and drop all antihistamines , Start niacin therapy, increase the amount of magnesium to regulate blood pressure (many grams multiple times a day supplemented with electrolytes), stop tramadol to increase seizure treshold, taper diazepam, place the patient on keto diet or carnivore diet. I would keep the metformin and norflurazepam (flurazepam is discontinued) for pain i would add kratom to the mix 15 grams a day
submitted by Pointpleasant87 to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2023.12.26 13:16 gorcbor19 Questions for Doctor after CT Calcium Test

48 male, 5'9 - 170-180lbs
Test Results from 2023, 2022, 2021LDL: 109, 101, 126HDL: 52, 51, 52Tri: 62, 61, 29
Active: Marathon runner. I run 7 days a week (run streak 11 years), 3-15 miles, avg 40-50 mpw.
Diet: Not terrible, but could be better. I eat meat a few times a week and sweets occasionally. I don't eat fast food or a lot of junk food (anymore). No smoking, quit alcohol 6 years ago.
CT Calcium Score: 45, left anterior descending.
Details: Due to family history of heart disease (dad died at 62 of heart attack), my doctor had me take a CT heart calcium scoring test. I have a score of 45 in only my left anterior descending. 0 for all others. The doc put me on a 5mg dose of Crestor, suggesting we try to lower my LDL to 70 or lower. I have a follow up discussion with her later this week and I have so many questions.
In my 20s and 30s I drank in abundance and ate terribly. My weight was up and down. In the last 10 years, I've cleaned up my diet and exercise daily. I quit drinking 6 years ago, which has really helped my fitness.
I'm a little freaked out by the results of my CT score. I'm wondering if there are any additional questions that I should ask my doctor. So far, here are some questions I have:
This sub has been really insightful, i've been reading posts daily since my results came back. Any insight from those that have gone through this would be appreciated.
submitted by gorcbor19 to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2023.12.14 17:09 Emotional_Debt9111 TRT with a Positive CAC

Thoughts on TRT for a 40yr old with a 50 CAC score. Currently on ASA, Crestor, Zetimide and Amlodipine. Obesity but no Diabetes.
Trying to get the diet and exercise together and was reading on TRT. Current T levels are below normal range.
Certainly don’t wanna screw around with my heart as it’s caused a lot of anxiety in the past year, but finding conflicting information.
Thanks McNulty
submitted by Emotional_Debt9111 to PeterAttia [link] [comments]

2023.12.02 09:37 Lastredwitchtoo How I reduced my CUTI to 3 in past 30 years..

NOTE: I AM NOT A DOCTOR! I am NOT looking to be 'right' about ANYTHING - just sharing my actions and experiences, hoping they help! These are my choices, use/do as best works for YOU! 😊
First: Research EVERY medication you take, include Rx, OTC, supplements and homeopathics for Adverse reactions and interactions including with foods , especially statins! My last "UTI" was actually due to an adverse reaction to Crestor, not an actual cultured infection!
I have ureter, urethral, bladder, and internal organ scaring & damage from SJS/TENS with Sepsis when I was 4 (early 1960s). I suffered UTIs throughout my life since. I'd have from 6 to 16 UTIs per year year (a bonfire worth of medical records too). My Mom & I learned how to reduce them without any "supplements" or chemicals when I was young. I figured out how to reduce them to near zero as an adult. Takes change & effort but it's virtually free!
Remember: Open communication with Doctors and partners, especially new ones may be embarrassing but a few minutes of embarrassment is nothing - bladder, kidney and/or reproduction damage or failure is for life or death!
1.)Current sex toy sanitation:
submitted by Lastredwitchtoo to CUTI [link] [comments]

2023.11.28 19:08 GeneralTall6075 Big improvement but upping Rosuvastatin to 10 mg. ?ApoB testing

My numbers have definitely improved after 3 months on 5 mg Crestor but I’ll be upping to 10 to try and get my LDL under 100. My HDL had always been fine and is back over 40 now after dipping to 35. I’m a 50 yo in shape male with no other risk factors or family history. Any point in getting an ApoB 100 at this point after I’ve already started reatment? I know it is the new thing to do but it seems like mostly it’s discordant with LDL in people with diabetes/metabolic syndrome. My glucose/A1c are fine and I don’t have high blood pressure, obesity, high triglycerides etc. Is a high ApoB gonna change anything I’m doing or just add more stress and confusion. Numbers in pics are before and after a statin.
submitted by GeneralTall6075 to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2023.10.20 21:55 GeneralTall6075 Different Cardiologist opinions

I’ve always had high LDL but after a Calcium test showed minimal (score of 1) calcium and my HDL dropped, I decided to go on a statin. On 5 mg crestor, LDL has improved from 177 to 119 and my HDL has gone from 35 to 45 where it’s always been until this spring . Triglycerides are good too (70). I have one cardiologist who wants to up my Crestor to 10 and one who thinks without any other risk factors, my LDL is ok and I should stay on 5 mg and retest in a few months to see where it is. I exercise regularly, have a pretty good diet, no smoking, diabetes, family history etc. Just curious what others would do. 50 male here.
submitted by GeneralTall6075 to Cholesterol [link] [comments]

2023.10.08 02:38 Funny-Plankton-2263 28F seeking reassurance

Am I doing the right thing?
Hi everyone. I missed my period this month and upon testing, discovered that I was pregnant. I want to be excited as my husband and I do want to be parents, but I question if now is a good time to carry a baby. To start, I am type one diabetic. My A1C is not optimal (8.6), which I know carries risk. Second, I am on a number of medications that I am concerned will affect baby (sertraline 100mg, crestor, vyvanse 50mg, doxycycline). I have also had some drinks since my last period. My heart wants to keep the baby, but my brain tells me that it would be too risky to the fetus and myself. I have an appointment booked at an abortion clinic next week. I am devastated, but I am not sure there is another choice? Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by Funny-Plankton-2263 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.08.25 19:09 jaynefrost Milestones

I struggled to write this post. Mostly because I’m not saying anything new. My story isn’t novel, just one of many.
Still, I reached a pretty significant milestone recently. An anniversary of sorts—one year on Mounjaro.
So I thought I’d share.
Like many of you, I’ve struggled with my weight most of my life. Always on a diet. Counting calories, carbs, macros. I’ve done liquid diets. Keto. Phentermine. Orlistat. There’s a whole page of apps on my phone dedicated to fitness. And a whole room in my house filled with exercise equipment. Treadmill. Stationary bike. Weight bench. Punching bag.
For me, losing weight or maintaining what I’d lost, has always been a full time job. If I redirected my focus, even a tiny bit, the numbers on the scale would creep up.
I still recall the joy I felt when I finished my first novel. And the utter devastation when I realized that accomplishment had resulted in a twenty-three pound weight gain. By the time my sixth book was published, I barely recognized myself.
Promoting my work brought a whole new set of challenges. Book signings and meet and greets. Posing for pictures that I knew would live forever online.
When my mom died of Covid in 2020, things got worse. The sixty pounds I’d gained turned into seventy. Then more. How much, I wasn’t sure because I’d stopped weighing myself.
More concerning, my nightstand had started to resemble a mini pharmacy. Metformin for my rising AIC. Lisinopril for hypertension. HCTZ for water retention. Crestor for cholesterol. Wellbutrin for depression.
In late 2021, I slipped over the line into full blown diabetes. Something my provider had failed to mention. It wasn’t totally his fault. He left the practice and I put off finding another PCP for my follow-up visit, and instead switched to telehealth.
Naively, I thought facing a provider on camera would be easier somehow. Maybe she wouldn’t notice how heavy I was? Spoiler alert: she did.
To her credit, my new provider didn’t lecture me. But she did recommend a drug that she thought would help. A weekly injection. Ozempic.
Just think about it,” she’d said.
And I did. For about a minute. Then I decided to buckle down and handle the problem myself. I went back to keto and started exercising in earnest. Three months later, I’d lost a whopping 6 pounds.
That’s when I gave in, skulking to the pharmacy to fill the script she’d called in after our last visit. Only…it wasn’t available. Nationwide shortage.
Panicked, I set up another appointment. That’s when she told me about another medication. Like Ozempic, but better.
This time, I didn’t hesitate. I downloaded the savings card and picked up my first box the next day. I took my first shot on August 10th, 2022.
When I say my life changed forever, I’m not exaggerating. For the first time, the voice in my head was silent. No cravings. No constant hunger.
I lost 30 pounds in three months, and my AIC dropped to pre-diabetic levels. In December, I finally met with my new PCP. By then my AIC was a respectable 5.3 and I was no longer obese, just overweight. In April, I stopped taking my blood pressure medication and the statin.
There were more victories, small and large, but I won’t bore you with the details.
Here’s the final tally, where I stand after a year on Mounjaro:
90 pounds gone (38% of my body weight) AIC: 5.0 BMI: 23 Cholesterol: 155
For the record, I’ve never suffered from extreme side effects. No nausea or vomiting. A little constipation at the beginning, along with some slight fatigue. The appetite suppression is hit or miss these days, but the satiety remains. I’d like to lose 5 more pounds, but it’s okay if I don’t. I’m happy.
If you’ve made it to the end of this very long post—thank you. For sharing your stories and allowing me to share mine. I’m forever grateful for this community and everyone in it.
Note: For those concerned about the fact I didn’t t blur my face, there’s really no point. The ones I picked for my before pictures were already floating around in cyberspace. Much to my chagrin.
submitted by jaynefrost to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2023.08.10 14:01 CaptainTuttleJr Increase in A1C due to Crestor?

Doctor recently put me on 40mg Crestor about 3 months ago. Has *significantly* brought down LDL (127 to 47) and Triglyc (still waiting for ApoB result). However, my A1C increased from 5.2% to 5.7% despite eating a much, much lower glycemic diet (i wear a CGM and watch my sugar intake carefully). I found some literature online re increased risk of diabetes from Crestor...wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
submitted by CaptainTuttleJr to PeterAttia [link] [comments]