Free printable funny birthday cards

For sports card & sports memorabilia collectors

2012.05.24 21:08 hairlinecrease For sports card & sports memorabilia collectors

Share sports (and relevant non-sports) cards and collectibles, pulls, news, memorabilia, funny stories, case and box breaks, and absolutely no ebay auctions.

2013.03.18 09:12 lehmongeloh A Place for Card Kindness

This is a place to send or receive cards for anyone who would like one. The purpose of RAoC is to spread a little bit of joy around the world. All are welcome! Please read the sidebar or Wiki/FAQ page to get started.

2017.10.23 22:11 chongoshaun This Isn't Who We Are

Does it piss you off when someone gets caught doing something wrong, and during their 'Mea Culpa' they utter the most ridiculous phrase ever... "This isn't me" or "This is not who I am". Does it drive you crazy like it drives us crazy? Well then, WELCOME! CLEARLY IT IS WHO YOU ARE! YOU DID IT!

2024.06.04 11:58 Bluesishh Regarding The New NB Update and OG’s Future [Other]

I have heard many people’s concerns grow about OG shutting down, and the concerns are growing with this recent update. Rest assured, they will NOT be shutting OG down in anyway, shape or form anytime soon. Why do I say this?
Well they would have to:
A) find a way to transfer old cards, devilgrams, AND costumes over to NB
B) find a way to transfer everyone’s grim and DP over to NB
C) find a way to log all previous text messages and calls into the books like they did with the OG story
That’s only a few major points I have listed, there’s too many factors to be put into play. On top of that, as many people have been saying they are still making money in OG, and one of those reasons why is because levelling up cards in og is much more difficult than NB. The drop rate for mats is incredibly low in OG, and Akuber in OG costs 10 DP to skip rather in OG it’s 5. Not only that, but in NB you only need 5 of the same card to max the skill, OG you need 10. And in OG, you dont even have jokers.
Anyway’s this is my opinion, so fill free to tell me I’m wrong in the comments if you have the desire too ☺️
submitted by Bluesishh to obeyme [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:55 OhSh1tAGh0st What commander do you run that makes people say "why would you play this?"

I have a Yargle deck that I spent 7$ on. Whenever I pull it out I always get the quizzical response "why Yargle? There are so many better black legends" and yes that might be true but Yargle is a frog and it's funny to me. What do you guys play in a similar vein? Doesn't have to be a bad card but just an uncommon one.
submitted by OhSh1tAGh0st to EDH [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:44 deluna_sense8 My (32F) new guy(30M) began following my hypersexualized friend the day after meeting her..any advice?

Matched with a guy almost 2 months ago and we've been out on a handful of dates, all of which have gone really well. He's a little more on the introverted side, but he's kind, funny, and considerate. For instance, he lives about 45 min drive from me but always offers to pick me up and drive me back when we go out, and he pays for meals and drinks without issue (as a side note, I'd usually offer to pitch in but I'm in between jobs right now and thus can't really contribute). He also meets my physical criteria in being tall, good-looking, in good shape, makes a decent effort to be on trend, and the sex is pretty damn good. Basically, checks a lot of my boxes.
Last weekend, one of my guy friends hosted a massive birthday party, but about a dozen of us went to a more intimate dinner beforehand. It was 3/4 girls to guys, and you'll just have to believe me when I say that I have some babes for friends. For reference you'll also have to believe me that I fall somewhere in the middle of my girlfriends when it comes to looks.
It was my first time introducing a guy to my this particular friends group (from knowing them almost 5 years) and I was pretty happy to show him off. Girlfriends and guy friends were all super welcoming and kind to him. We arrived last so did have to sit towards the end of the large table and so he didn't really get to chat much with the girls, other than me introducing them to him and trying to bring him into some brief chitchat about how we met etc. All of us girls were dressed scantily (we were going clubbing, after all), but one of my friend's appearance is always a bit more eye-catching, simply because she has some pretty big natural boobs on her tiny frame. As an aside, this friend has a rather large following on IG and posts softcore very frequently, along with other more revealing (but not porn) material on other sites. However, she's always super nice to anyone she meets (my guy included) but she also totally respectful and careful to never make any sort of advancements towards her girlfriend's guys.
Anyways, fast forward and we had a fun time at the party, and a great time in bed later that night. For additional context he'd previously told me he was a bit of a late bloomer, grew up a bit outside the city (and still lives there), and was busy with his PhD until late 20's. From his demeanor as the night went on, I got the impression that getting to attend a large private party at a well-known venue + an after party with other pretty attractive folks was a novel experience for him that he very much enjoyed.
However, because I had one previous guy who was kinda creepy about said girlfriend, the day after the party I checked to see if my new guy had followed her. And to my disappointment, he already had. Not of my other friends--like the couple guys he DID chat with, or even any of the my other girlfriends--just her.
A part of me almost feels resigned at the predictability of most men, and also somewhat grateful that I wasn't yet *super* attached to him. I can't think of a good enough explanation he could give me to be ok with it, so if I confront him it would probably result in ending things.
On the other hand, I could not confront him and continue to see him through the summer to have fun with. If not out with my friends again, at least for date nights and sexual pleasure. And knowing that he couldn't resist my friend would allow me to potentially start considering other guys on the side (I always have a few interested parties, although admittedly they almost never check all the same boxes) without feeling too bad about it. My only concern here is that it would be too much effort to fake the same level of enthusiam I had for him before this happened.
Sorry this got long, but also wanted to provide enough context. Any insight are much appreciated.
TL;DR The new guy I'm seeing has several big green flags, but began following my friend who posts softcore IG content immediately after meeting her, even though they barely interacted at the party we went to.
submitted by deluna_sense8 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:42 I_want_roti What to do once I've received BAPP Companion Voucher 3.5 months in?

Hi all, I've received my Companion Voucher after hitting the £10k threshold today after signing up mid-February. I'm now wondering what's best to do given pro-rata refunds are still an option.
I currently have the BAPP and Amex Nectar cards so with the Nectar I earn 1.25 Avios/£ when converted from Nectar to Avios so I'm thinking if I could get 8 months refunded, that's £165ish that I could have back and sacrifice the 0.25 avios/£ I earn with the BAPP.
It may be relevant than in the £10k spent, approx. £3k was one off spend that isn't repeated so I'd probably spend £20-25k/year on my AMEX cards. If I could downgrade to the free BA Amex and get the voucher again I would but I suspect that's not possible.
I've got the free Barclays Avios after getting the upgrade voucher last year on the paid card within a similar timeframe and have a flight booked for later this year but I personally think the Companion Voucher is better given I travel with my wife so would need to book the return for cash.
I have around 190k Avios at the moment and probably will burn through most, if not all of them on Business return flights for the two of us to the Far East with the CV.
submitted by I_want_roti to AmexUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:42 honnamkuan Wise Referral Link for free Debit Card (Valid from June 2024)

Wise (formerly known as TransferWise) is the cheapest way to transfer money internationally!
If you use my link to set up a new account, you will get physical Wise Debit Card for completely free! (Otherwise it costs 💰 USD 9!)
Here is the latest referral / invitation link (Valid from June 2024):
ℹ️ Note: if you have created a Wise account without using a referral link, you can still add my referral link to to claim the rewards!
submitted by honnamkuan to ReferralTrains [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:41 Ifreak07 anyone knows how to get free 50 exp on steam?

I have literally completed all the free exp badges i can go for. the only one left is craft a game badge if anyone can help me with the trading cards or suggesy free way of doing it ill be very happy.
submitted by Ifreak07 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:37 NewIndependence 1 step.. 2 step.. 1 breath.. 2 breath..

1 step.. 2 step..
I shivered as I heard the footsteps. I knew I didn't have much time, but I just didn't know how to escape. My heart pumped fast. I could hear it. I could feel it. My eyes searched around the room, willing a way to escape to appear but there was nothing.
1 step.. 2 step..
I knew I only had moments, I somehow stopped myself from crying out. I didnt want to give them the satisfaction of hearing my fear although they would see it in my eyes as soon as they entered the room.
1 step.. 2 step..
The door seemed to grunt as it was opened. I closed my eyes. You need to be brave. That's what my Dad had told me when they had come to the house to get me. I breathed evenly, willing my heart to slow down its beat so my anxienty would lessen even though I knew that was asking a lot.
1 step.. 2 step..
"Are you ready?"
1 step.. 2 step..
I felt someone next to me. I opened my eyes and nodded firmly. It was easier to just say yes. It's always easier to just say yes.
1 breath.. 2 breath..
I felt hands on my shoulders, pulling me up. Its funny how someone sent to do this to me could be so gentle. I didn't hate them, they were just doing their job after all.
1 breath.. 2 breath..
We began to walk, my hands were still bound infront of me and all I wished was for them to be free, for me to be free. It seemed that with every step my heart raced faster and harder. I knew what was coming and the dread was like nothing else I had experienced.
1 breath.. 2 breath..
We emerged into the sunshine. I could feel the rays hitting my skin, a comforting warmth in a pit of dispair. My final walk had come.
1 breath.. 2 breath..
I could see it. The place where I would die. I gave a hollow cry as I saw the frame appearing, unable to stop it this time. The rope was swaying in a soft breeze.
1 breath... 2 breath..
They got me positioned quickly, they really did know how to do this quickly and efficiently. It was no surprise really with how often they done it. I looked firmly ahead, concentrating on trying to keep my breathing even.
1 breath.. 2 breath..
My final breaths as I felt the floor disappear beneath me .
..No breaths..
submitted by NewIndependence to shortscarystories [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:36 Lonely-Eagle-8734 Moving from Three mobile to Lyca mobile port issues

Moving from Three Mobile to Lyca port-in issues
Hi all. I’m trying to move from Three to Lyca as I simply don’t like Three anymore and their plans are not the cheapest. I want to keep my number.
However a funny little thing happens with Lyca when I try to get the One-Time Passcode sent to start the process.
I’ve got 2 sim cards in my phone. One is Three (personal phone) and one is from Eir (work phone).
If I type in my Three mobile number I cannot get the OTP sent to my phone, yet if I type in the Eir number that text comes through instantly.
Contact Three and they can’t make any sense of it. Especially when I tell them that the Eir SIM card receives OTP no problem. They launched an investigation… blah blah blah.
I’ve read that Lyca uses Three mobile’s network and they’re incredibly cheap compared to other mobile operators so now I’m thinking………. Three have blocked Lyca from stealing their customers perhaps ?? Anyone else experiencing this when trying to move from Three to Lyca?
submitted by Lonely-Eagle-8734 to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:34 bubble_minxoxo Her birthday

Nearly a year ago to Dday - it’s AP’s birthday this week, I know cos I asked him last year had he messaged her saying happy birthday (this is when I started to have a funny feeling that something wasn’t right) - he said no, turns out he had. Did he think I wouldn’t remember? I’ve been really calm when brining up triggers, and we’ve been doing great. but today we were arguing over something else - and I snapped and I screamed at him, don’t think I don’t know it’s her birthday this week!!! And slammed the bathroom door on him. I don’t know if he actually knows, I didn’t even want to look at home for his reaction - he pretends like she never existed nowadays, he hates talking about it, and feels deep shame, and he just always wants to move on. But for me it’s still there, festering, and rearing its ugly head on a day like today.
submitted by bubble_minxoxo to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:31 HoldThaLine Walmart employees shifting return policies, retail fraud (racism)

Apex, NC 27502 3151 Apex Peakway, Walmart Super Center.
Retail spaces in general, have been trained by corporate since early 2013’ to detect “proxy or fake product of the real product” trying to be returned to the Walmart stores.
Their first real long-term financial crisis came when very good copies from China, of the “Beats by Dre” were being made to mimic the $200+ retail product.
Walmart lost millions in returns and loss and prevention. They lost on the return of product for new authentic merchandise on a trade swap and they lost on returned store credit & they lost on people getting full money out refunds for returning the fake ones and keeping the real ones to sell on marketplaces. Doubling their initial investment plus being able to keep the product.
With that said, Now as a Legal Aid, I run in to a situation where my younger male Chairmen, (34) purchases for business and personal around $110,000 a year in product. Sometimes he uses credit cards on file, sometimes he prefers cash so he limits his spending.
He informed me that a Walmart in North Carolina, Apex is his favorite store. He says he is always greeted by this one Walmart team member and they talk bc he brings his young son in and his son is always kind and excited to see him.
To the point, he also compliments the stores organizational pattern and really appreciates the walk-flow of space available to shop product at various isles.
Well, now this Walmart has apparently made him uncomfortable and no one in management or floor manager or even GM, which should be in back of store monitoring came out to help him.
Just FYI, he didn’t complain to me about how he was treated. A board member overheard how he was denied a return for an unopened product that was clearly Walmarts SKU & that got them involved.
Sometimes our chairmen purchases things for church functions or for kids that expect only free meals and he ends up gifting them electronics as well etc.
Well, the story is, on two separate trips, where the retail values were only a few hundred dollars total, he was allowed to use his ID to return the product without a receipt bc he paid cash and got store credit to give to the church.
He found another product of the same product type in our lockup and he went to return that same type and they denied him.
Instead of stating a rational purpose and having a manager with authority address this, we believe our chairmen experienced reverse racism because he is white and the person who denied him is black/shemale.
What leads us to this conclusion is the fact how quickly this person denied the return request while also stating “they aren’t returning a damn thing over $50” slammed the product to the side of the table and just left to then speak negatively about this chairmen.
Being a chairmen, having the footage as well, he’s well trained in client response. He doesn’t get upset or act or react. He’s trained by the best in the world to remain in a cooperative and calm state.
So, Walmart the one he absolutely loves, makes him feel like a criminal, slanders him behind his back to their other associates or team members and then laughs when he states he was just here 2 days prior with the return of this exact product and instead of demanding anything he states “he wanted an understanding of where a non-manager was legally authorized to shift store policies”
The client service number for Walmart was called and when an actual manager was told they had to speak to customer service, they hung up our Chairmen’s cell phone after going in the back room without his consent and taking his phone with them.
Customer service was then called back and took the stores side trying to twist the actualized experience and the alleged retail fraud they committed.
We are requesting the chairmen or VP of USA, made it on their schedule to address this reverse discrimination & retail fraud.
Our chairmen, had every right to return a product with a SKU by Walmart, without a receipt showcasing their ID willingly.
If nothing is done, we are not against hiring civilians of both gender and race variance to ALL 48 visible locational states of the 50 and seeing where you bend policy and where your employees make up policies without legal authority to do so.
We believe because he is a white successful young male and attractive, that a black shemale held bias against him with duress. We believe there is a slight of racism due to the aggressive actions of the employee, lying about company policy & returning to co-workers within line of sight, to then make fun of him.
Our final belief in the argument of racism, is that by hanging up on his cell phone customer service to corporate matters, it was malicious & intentional.
This man is a Forbes 30 under 30 former candidate & North America’s youngest patent developer in medical devices. He deserves our respect and support.
Nicole Com Legal Aid -
submitted by HoldThaLine to walmart [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:28 Either-Apricot-4265 21 [M4F] Ahmedabad/Anywhere - Seeking Friendly Chats with Potential for More!

Hey there! I'm on a quest to find that special someone who can be more than just a friend. Life's journey is more enjoyable with someone by your side, don't you agree? Despite not knowing you yet, I have faith in the magic of connection and believe that together, we can create something beautiful.
I recently turned 21 and live in the Greater Ahmedabad area. While I adore my city, I'm eager to make new friends online. Whether it's chatting late into the night or sharing funny pictures, I'm all in for making meaningful connections.
Let's break the ice with some fun activities! Whether it's discovering new music, exchanging recipes (I make a mean pasta dish!), or watching our favorite shows together, I'm up for it. And if you're into gaming, count me in for some co-op adventures!
Though I'm young, I've experienced my fair share of ups and downs. But through it all, I've learned the value of kindness, affection, and understanding. If you're someone who values these qualities too, we're off to a great start!
Here's a bit more about me: I enjoy exploring new hobbies and trying new things. Currently, I'm diving into digital art and enjoying every moment of it. I'm also a romantic at heart, so expect lots of love and affection from my end.
When it comes to relationships, I believe in mutual respect, trust, and open communication. While I'm seeking online friendships initially, I'm open to the possibility of it evolving into something more if we both feel a connection.
So, if you're up for friendly chats, laughter, and maybe even a little romance, let's see where this journey takes us! Whether you're from the Greater Ahmedabad area or anywhere else, distance is just a number when hearts connect.
Feel free to reach out, and let's see if we click. And regardless of whether we hit it off or not, I wish you all the best in finding what you're looking for!
Looking forward to hearing from you!
PS - I prefer older or same age person so better be sure to remember.
submitted by Either-Apricot-4265 to SFWr4rIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:26 SweetyDarlingLuLu [Thank You] Tuesday mail!

u/cswl (5) for all the cute cards!
u/federal_honeydew9131 for the precious "just a note" card and stickers! Sounds like a fun family birthday party. Those wear me out too!
u/inconsolableonion for the Juneteenth card!
submitted by SweetyDarlingLuLu to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:20 Spiritual_Client2137 How the f ?

How the f did I just get a 4 star NEW card (devoted fans) in a GREEN pack on the sky high FREE thingy?
Like what?!?!?
submitted by Spiritual_Client2137 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:19 Ninja_hattori__ Is it worth enough? Any other suggestions?

Is it worth enough? Any other suggestions? submitted by Ninja_hattori__ to LaptopDealsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:16 d247sports Why 11xplay is India's Most Trusted Online Betting ID provider?

Welcome to 11xplay and Getting Started with 11xplay Betting ID
With the 11xplay, you now get the opportunity to unveil the power of your betting journey. Our platform hosts several games including tennis, football, casino, basketball etc. Once you get the 11xplay, you get access to all these games. The user interface allows all users to bet smoothly. They are able to explore the platform without any kind of stress.
The thrill of betting with 11xplay mainly lies in the diversified options that it provides. Once you register and log in to this site, you can start betting. You can place bets on the various games, slots, tournaments and also casino games. You will find all the different kind of games here starting from traditional casino games to modern online video games. You get several opportunities to win a good amount of money. You will also get timely rewards and discounts. Apart from this, you will also get offers, bonuses, free plays and many others.
Steps to follow to start the online betting journey at 11xplay
The steps that you will have to follow to start the online betting journey includes:
ü Create an account in the platform. To do this, you will have to simply visit the platform. Click Sign Up or Register and fill in the details.
ü Once you sign up, you will have to deposit the desired amount into the account. There are multiple options to deposit the money.
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ü Start betting with a small amount, if you are a beginner. As you get more experienced, you can start betting with a bigger amount.
11xplay is one of the most trusted and secured betting ID providers in the country. Here, the users have a smooth and worry free journey. Here, we understand the queries and the questions that the users might have. Therefore, we have an experienced customer support team who are ready to hand hold you at any point of the game. We use some of the most advanced technology to protect the personal and the financial data of the user. Our platform has robust security measures that safeguards the data of the user and also ensure that all transactions are secured. We ensure that the bettors bet responsibly. We therefore, provide our users with tools and resources that help them stay in full control of the betting activities. 11xplay ID tries to create a responsible betting environment for the customers.
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ü 11xplayange also has a community for the gaming enthusiasts. Here, the users get the opportunity to participate in the ongoing live discussions, share their experiences and tips and also celebrate their wins together.
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11xplay is truly the ultimate destination for cricket betting. This is particularly true for the 2024, T20 Worldcup. This ID allows you to unlock the thrilling world of betting. This also takes your betting experiences to new heights. The user friendly interface, wide range of betting options, accurate odds and tips and excellent customer service makes it different from its competitors. The 11xplay id allows you to enjoy the 2024 T20 Wordcup and make the best out of it.
submitted by d247sports to u/d247sports [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:16 BandInternal5457 meanwhile, the rest of diasomnia... (stitch event)

meanwhile, the rest of diasomnia... (stitch event)
(trying to wait patiently for upcoming events to get ssrs before diving in to book 6...)
after seeing lilias stitch card, it was funny imagining what the rest of the dorm might do at the beach....
malleus being a beachy goth staring melancholically at the waves until a volleyball accidentally rolls his way and he misinterprets the players hollers/waving as an Invitation to play, it turns into a well-meaning version of the a:tla beach episode, hard cut to him being consoled as he mopes about accidentally annihilating them
sebek hellicopter parenting about sunscreen and hydration while completely neglecting the same for himself. absolutely misses almost the entire beach day getting confused/misinterpreting/overcomplicating human nuances of a basic task, like getting food or renting a paddle boat or snorkeling
silver falls asleep on a floatie, ends up in a riptide, wakes up several miles from shore.
is there anyone else you wanna see at the beach?? share your headcanons!!!
submitted by BandInternal5457 to TwistedWonderland [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:14 moonaim For every action there is a counter-action, what is the counter-action for keeping the price artificially low? The reverse uno card.

DRS is one counter-action for keeping the share price artificially low.
But the real reverse uno card seems to be exercising call options.
I'm standing on the shoulders of giants, or at least giant sized balls owner on this.
Now the truth is finally coming out, and there are details already available:
There is probably more to this, like walking backwards after walking forwards, but those are too high math for me currently. I trust that there are individual investors who already know better than me.
I as individual investor have made my first small careful steps in testing options. I'm not here to say anyone should YOLO with them. That is a way to lose it all if you are not sure what you are doing. But exercising for getting shares when the time seems to be right, and doing it carefully enough not to just hand free money to Wall Street is another thing.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
submitted by moonaim to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:11 Low-Pain-1344 System engineer

Rate my salary - System Engineer
Job Context: I manage the whole infra of our company. I also do Project Management, improvements, purchasing/billing, software/license management, etc.. Everything. We are a team of 2 engineers in a 500 people company and I'm the junior engineer in our team.
Age: 27
Education: Graduate (IT)
Work experience : 5 years in IT
SectoIndustry: IT
Amount of employees: 500
Multinational? No
*CONTRACT & CONDITIONS * Current job title: System Engineer
Seniority: 3yr
Official hours/week : 40h/week
Average real hours/week incl. overtime: 40h
Shiftwork or 9 to 5 (flexible?): 9 to 5 (free to choose hours)
Vacation days/year: 38 (20 + 16 ADV)
Gross salary/month: 3550
Average net salary/month (incl. net fees): +- 2300
Netto compensation: No
13th month (full? partial?): Full
Meal vouchers: 8 eur
Ecocheques: Yes
Salary cabike and/or fuel card: /
Group insurance (% employer): Yes (3%)
Other insurances: Yes, hospitalisation
Other benefits (bonuses, stocks options, ... ): Bike lease, Flex plan, Health partner plan
City/region of work: Brabant
Distance home-work (km's/time): 10min
How do you commute? Car
How is the travel home-work compensated: /
Telework days/week: 1
How easy can you plan a day off: Easily, free to choose.
Is your job stressful? Depends on the period or workload
Education possibilities: /
Responsible for personnel (reports): Officialy no
submitted by Low-Pain-1344 to BESalary [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:11 Bu11ett00th European transport ticket systems are a tourist scam

What's the more logical system: charging people upon entry, or fining them upon exit? According to some EU countries apparently it's the latter.
Two cases:
1 - Traveled to Budapest back in my college days, used the metro to navigate the city. Unlike in my home country, here you need a separate ticket for each line. My route was across two different lines, so I bought two different tickets. But you also have to 'punch' them in a turnstile upon entry. Those were some strange turnstiles though - they didn't stop anyone from entering, and were only there to punch the ticket. So I did.
But then I had to switch to another line and followed the signs, looking for another turnstile to punch the second ticket. I've seen two different sets of different turnstiles on the way, and no one in the crowd punched a ticket in any one of them, so I figured the ones I need are further along the way. But all I found further along the way is two metro workers in uniform with disgusting smirks on their faces waiting to check my 'unpunched' ticket. I was literally holding that ticket in my hand and explained I was looking for where to punch it and haven't seen anyone else in the crowd do it despite going the same way. They just pointed at a sign that says 60 EUR fine for unpunched ticket and threatened to call the police. Later I discovered they 'caught' a few of my friends the same way despite all of them buying two tickets.
A vile system.
2 - Fast forward to today, my GF is in London, decided to take a train to the airport for the flight back home. She used paypass to pay for entry with her card. Upon arrival she was fined 75 GBP because apparently there are two types of payment, depending on whether or not your final destination is the airport, and for the airport you need to buy a ticket separately (so convenient wow). So she PAID for the ride, but due to her destination she also had to pay a fine as if she's a free rider. On top of that, before taking the train she was at the Information stand asking about how to get to the airport, and nobody told her that it's a separate type of payment.
Why not put people at the BEGINNING of the route who would control if the passenger has the right ticket, instead of at the end? I see no answer other than that it's a deliberate and official scam for tourists who may not know their way around strange and honestly quite stupid payment systems of European transportation.
Fuck these people, I hope they choke on their fines.
submitted by Bu11ett00th to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:07 KingOfAgAndAu CSP+Ritz vs just CSR (opportunity cost)

Last year I got the VX, S1, and Autograph, and am 3/24. I'd like to get Sapphire lounge access and some more SUBs. I'm leaning toward the CSP (85k in branch; SUB minus AF ~$755) and a Marriot card for the 1 year upgrade to the Ritz for Sapphire lounges.
I've read there are $150 retention offers for the RC after the first year, and that the $300 credit can be used for cheap flights. That effectively reduces the annual fee ($450) to 0 for the RC after the first year. The boundless SUB-AF is 3 nights minus $95, which I'll value at net $655 (I wouldn't normally book a hotel for over $250/night, which also lines up with me conservatively assuming 3*50k points ~$750).
So overall thats +$1410 net this year (i.e. $755 from the CSP plus $655 from the Boundless), then -$245 next year after upgrading to the Ritz ($300-$450-$95), then -$95 the third year ($300+$150-$450-$95). Overall that's +$1070 net over three years PLUS unlimited Sapphire lounge access starting in the second year. I am not even considering any other rewards/benefits offered by the CSP and RC.
This is all versus just getting the CSR for Sapphire lounge access with SUB-AF+$300 = $500 the first year and -$250 in year two and year three, netting out to 0 over all three years.
The logical conclusion is that opting for the CSR instead of the CSP+RC route effectively values Sapphire lounge access in the first year at $1070. I'd rather get 4%+ interest on that money and have a better Sapphire lounge experience in years two and three anyway. Plus that interest is another ~$150 over those three years, effectively valuing the first year of access even higher at $1220.
I have PP through the VX which includes one visit to a Sapphire lounge. Subsequent visits are $75. So going a step further, $1220/$75 ~16 paid visits, or 17 total including the free visit. That's 9 round trips between NYC and Boston, visiting the Sapphire lounge every leg except once.
Please poke holes in this for me.
submitted by KingOfAgAndAu to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:06 Vast_Clerk_9395 got a f1 visa with a pending immigration petition

hey everyone i just wanted to share my experience on this sub since i read quite a lot of posts about how you may be ineligible for a F1 if you have a pending immigration petition - which stressed me out quite a bit as well LOL - but hoping this helps anyone who's reading!
(the info is vague and im on a throwaway account to protect my identity but feel free to ask any questions in the comments and ill reply if i can!)
background info:
questions asked in the interview:
got approved after the interview and received my visa a week later
good luck to everyone who's in the visa process, its so demanding but worth it!!
submitted by Vast_Clerk_9395 to f1visa [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:04 Saspaaaa Should I use my savings to pay off my credit card or towards furniture for new house?

Hi everyone. I'm a first time buyer and will be moving to my new home shortly, after all the deposit/solicitor fees etc are paid, I will have roughly £7500k to spend to get my house furnished. I need basically everything though (flooring, sofas, washing machine, storage etc. I basically have nothing but my clothes to take to my new house) So I imagine that money will go fairly fast, but it would all be done and dusted with no monthly payments or new credit to worry about.
I also have a credit card which has about £2500 left to pay on it.
My question is, should I pay off that credit card with my savings? It would leave me with about £5k for furnishings, and then I could utilise interest free finance for bigger purchases like the flooring etc if needed. If I do this I would have about £200 extra a month left over after bills, but this would obviously change depending on what I end up putting on finance and how much the payments will be.
Or alternatively use the left over savings for all these big purchases, and then put anything left over towards the credit card?
submitted by Saspaaaa to financialadviceuk [link] [comments]