Rose si miniature

Jocuri - clape si sobolani, manete, tablete sau table de masa

2014.07.04 20:36 juniorhui Jocuri - clape si sobolani, manete, tablete sau table de masa

Subreddit dedicat jocurilor de toate natiile.

2019.03.08 21:05 RedditLevelOver9000 Marchesa, The Black Rose

A place to discuss deck archetypes and cards for Marchesa, The Black Rose.

2008.10.01 14:05 INFP

The INFP is known as the Idealist, the Mediator, and the Healer of the Myers Briggs theory. INFPs are deeply individualistic and walk to the beat of their own rhythm. They see the world through an imaginative lens, and live rich, personal inner lives. INFPs are guided by an unwavering desire to be authentic and stand firmly by their values. Through careful introspection, and attention to their own emotions, they become compassionate to the plights of others.

2024.06.05 04:59 Spiley_spile Beginner-friendly emergency tarp shelter (3 season) with storm doors

Printable instructions for a handy emergency tarp shelter set-up I saw on youtube.
Included in the instructions, but not the video, are a door toggle and a storm door hook, list of supplies, knot-tying instructions, and a creative alternative to grommets. The video demonstrates the shelter in miniature. My instructions create a full-sized, 1 person shelter. Once the tarp is in order, the shelter takes 2-3 minutes to set up (with practice). These instructions are printable, so they can be available even if there's an internet outage.
Note for new shelter-builders:
"Storm door" is what the door configuration is called. (I didn't name it.) I haven't used this shelter in high winds. I can't attest to how it might perform.
I recommend watching the video first for the most user-friendly experience. The creator did a great job!
I hope folks enjoy and leave a kind comment on youtube for the creator of the video. Have a good one!
submitted by Spiley_spile to preppers [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:21 wonkyfunk Liquid/Techy mix I recorded today, feedback welcome
Up & Down - Halogenix
Zombie Life - Calibre
The Pretender - dRamatic & dbAudio
Gangbusters - Fracture
Rorschach - Mute & Mako
Sniper - Trace
Break & Enter - FD
Zodiac - Break
Winter Rose - Technicolour
Let Me Show You (Kubiks & BCee Remix) - Toni Braxton
The Glow - Technicolour & Komatic
What I Got - Paul T & Edward Oberon
Trust Me - Roni Size & Reprazent
Since We've Been Apart - DBridge
Pulp Fiction - Alex Reece
Make You Mine - BCee
Halo Danger - Sabre
Bad Linguistics (Jam Thieves Bootleg) - Jurassic 5
Gone - Kove
Lunar Bass - Origin Unknown
Optix - Mark System
Spaced Invader (J Majik Remix) - Hatiras
The Hurting - LSB
I Refuse - Netsky
submitted by wonkyfunk to DnB [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:56 Alesiitss ENTP or ENFP?

Hi! I've been trying to figure out my MBTI for years now on and off again, I'll get a type, I'll realize I'm wrong, and then I'll start all over again. Recently I've figured out finally I'm a Ne-dom and Si-inferior (ENxP). Issue with that is I'm not sure if I am an ENTP or an ENFP with a lot of repressed Fi. Figured I'd ask you all and get your input.
Fi vs Fe
• When people give their opinions on things I tend to agree, usually because I don't actually have an opinion, or I just do it on impulse
• I'm good at mimicking the people around me and altering my behavior to fit in
• I like bringing up controversial topics or saying things I know will get funny reactions (examples: Saying salsa is a spaghetti sauce and a burrito is a sandwich.)
• I say "that's valid" a lot to things people say, not so much because I agree with it but because I think it's funny to agree and see how the conversation continues (example: rats with roses and parachutes. I said, "that's valid" and then began grilling my friend on how exactly this would work since rats can't use parachutes.)
• I don't tend to care much what people do with their lives because I don't tend to see it as my problem. Unless I think what they're doing is stupid or illogical or a bad idea. (I had a friend say she wanted to be a k-pop dancer and I warned her of the dangers of the industry and she probably wouldn't make it big. She reacted adversely so I switched gears and began supporting it despite still thinking it was a bad idea.)
• I don't have many opinions on things and can't really explain why I like the things I like, I just like them (movies, TV shows, music, etc.) Because of this I'm pretty easy to give shoes to enjoy since I enjoy just about everything?
• I spend a lot of time trying to understand myself and why I do the things I do but also why other people do the things they do.
Fi/Fe or Ti/Te (explain further below)
• I'm putting this point here because I'm not sure whether or not it fits Fe/Fi or Ti/Te, but I have a tendency to want the full contexts in situations like in a court of law to be able to make a fully informed decision. For example, murder is generally bad but acceptable in certain circumstances like if someone is killing their trafficker, I would say they do not deserve a sentence despite being guilty.
• Another point of a similar manner is this: I care a lot for the objective truth of things. I want/wanted to be a journalist because I saw the cruelties of the world and believed if people saw the full context and the truth they'd be able to make well informed decisions about things. I've since come to realize some people are just stupid and will make bad decisions regarding things even when they know the truth because they don't care and will worship idols rather than think further about who would be the best choice for a situation.
• Finally, when it comes to politics I don't tend to mind people with different views to me and enjoy learning why they have the thoughts and opinions they do, I'm curious and want to understand their reasoning. However there are some people who I think their reasons for choosing and believing certain things are stupid or irrational.
Ti vs Te
• When engaging in debates I don't often look up objective facts unless someone is saying something stupid or inaccurate and I know they're wrong and they won't believe me so I Google it and prove them wrong. Usually I either use facts I've collected over the years or I come up with questionable logic or analogies to explain and justify my point.
• I tend to do things because I "might as well" (Example: getting my blood tested because it might be useful in the future and my class was just doing it for free)
• I am absolutely terrible at organization, like, god awful at it. I will once a year, maybe once every two years, have a sudden burst of motivation and then fold my clothes in my dresser instead of shoving them haphazardly in or shoving them in my closet without care.
• I can never finish anything for the life of me, I start projects and then drop them the next minute. This might be more a Ne thing than an organization issue, though.
• I tend to not care about what people say and believe unless I think it's stupid (flat earthers, for example. It has been proven the earth is not flat. Why do you think it's flat)
• I might not argue with stupid people (in my opinion), though, because I don't see a point and know I probably won't be able to convince them.
• I tend to believe things based on whether or not it makes sense/logical (Heard from a friend someone downloaded Torr on a school computer and just went, "yeah, that makes sense", and another time was talking to someone who sounded like they were talking nonsense and when I looked it up I turned out to be right.) This is why I believe in aliens (realistically there has to be something, even if just a bacteria)
• I often want fictional worlds to be consistent and will at times nitpick or question the logic of the world in question (such as asking how the door in Titanic even got there, how did it come off it's hinges?)
• If I am ever writing a story I want it to be as accurate as possible, from the inflation to the language to the costuming, I will do as much research as possible for it to be the case
• I can be a bit too analytical and mean sometimes. (One time we did a project where we had to create our own governments and I was pointing out loopholes and ways to exploit the system and asking so many questions it was deemed by one of my peers an "interrogation")
• I don't always dig deep into the information I get and instead just believe whatever is told unless I think it sounds questionable in which case I will do further digging.
Hope any of you are able to help and give insight!
submitted by Alesiitss to entp [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:56 Alesiitss ENFP or ENTP

Hi! I've been trying to figure out my MBTI for years now on and off again, I'll get a type, I'll realize I'm wrong, and then I'll start all over again. Recently I've figured out finally I'm a Ne-dom and Si-inferior (ENxP). Issue with that is I'm not sure if I am an ENTP or an ENFP with a lot of repressed Fi. Figured I'd ask you all and get your input.
Fi vs Fe
• When people give their opinions on things I tend to agree, usually because I don't actually have an opinion, or I just do it on impulse
• I'm good at mimicking the people around me and altering my behavior to fit in
• I like bringing up controversial topics or saying things I know will get funny reactions (examples: Saying salsa is a spaghetti sauce and a burrito is a sandwich.)
• I say "that's valid" a lot to things people say, not so much because I agree with it but because I think it's funny to agree and see how the conversation continues (example: rats with roses and parachutes. I said, "that's valid" and then began grilling my friend on how exactly this would work since rats can't use parachutes.)
• I don't tend to care much what people do with their lives because I don't tend to see it as my problem. Unless I think what they're doing is stupid or illogical or a bad idea. (I had a friend say she wanted to be a k-pop dancer and I warned her of the dangers of the industry and she probably wouldn't make it big. She reacted adversely so I switched gears and began supporting it despite still thinking it was a bad idea.)
• I don't have many opinions on things and can't really explain why I like the things I like, I just like them (movies, TV shows, music, etc.) Because of this I'm pretty easy to give shoes to enjoy since I enjoy just about everything?
• I spend a lot of time trying to understand myself and why I do the things I do but also why other people do the things they do.
Fi/Fe or Ti/Te (explain further below)
• I'm putting this point here because I'm not sure whether or not it fits Fe/Fi or Ti/Te, but I have a tendency to want the full contexts in situations like in a court of law to be able to make a fully informed decision. For example, murder is generally bad but acceptable in certain circumstances like if someone is killing their trafficker, I would say they do not deserve a sentence despite being guilty.
• Another point of a similar manner is this: I care a lot for the objective truth of things. I want/wanted to be a journalist because I saw the cruelties of the world and believed if people saw the full context and the truth they'd be able to make well informed decisions about things. I've since come to realize some people are just stupid and will make bad decisions regarding things even when they know the truth because they don't care and will worship idols rather than think further about who would be the best choice for a situation.
• Finally, when it comes to politics I don't tend to mind people with different views to me and enjoy learning why they have the thoughts and opinions they do, I'm curious and want to understand their reasoning. However there are some people who I think their reasons for choosing and believing certain things are stupid or irrational.
Ti vs Te
• When engaging in debates I don't often look up objective facts unless someone is saying something stupid or inaccurate and I know they're wrong and they won't believe me so I Google it and prove them wrong. Usually I either use facts I've collected over the years or I come up with questionable logic or analogies to explain and justify my point.
• I tend to do things because I "might as well" (Example: getting my blood tested because it might be useful in the future and my class was just doing it for free)
• I am absolutely terrible at organization, like, god awful at it. I will once a year, maybe once every two years, have a sudden burst of motivation and then fold my clothes in my dresser instead of shoving them haphazardly in or shoving them in my closet without care.
• I can never finish anything for the life of me, I start projects and then drop them the next minute. This might be more a Ne thing than an organization issue, though.
• I tend to not care about what people say and believe unless I think it's stupid (flat earthers, for example. It has been proven the earth is not flat. Why do you think it's flat)
• I might not argue with stupid people (in my opinion), though, because I don't see a point and know I probably won't be able to convince them.
• I tend to believe things based on whether or not it makes sense/logical (Heard from a friend someone downloaded Torr on a school computer and just went, "yeah, that makes sense", and another time was talking to someone who sounded like they were talking nonsense and when I looked it up I turned out to be right.) This is why I believe in aliens (realistically there has to be something, even if just a bacteria)
• I often want fictional worlds to be consistent and will at times nitpick or question the logic of the world in question (such as asking how the door in Titanic even got there, how did it come off it's hinges?)
• If I am ever writing a story I want it to be as accurate as possible, from the inflation to the language to the costuming, I will do as much research as possible for it to be the case
• I can be a bit too analytical and mean sometimes. (One time we did a project where we had to create our own governments and I was pointing out loopholes and ways to exploit the system and asking so many questions it was deemed by one of my peers an "interrogation")
• I don't always dig deep into the information I get and instead just believe whatever is told unless I think it sounds questionable in which case I will do further digging.
Hope any of you are able to help and give insight!
submitted by Alesiitss to ENFP [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:47 freakaso Who does it like the Russell's?

Okay, I'm calling it. Russell's Reserve Single Barrel is my favorite sub-$70 bourbon and is now officially my "go-to." Please give this a read and let me know what you think.
Until recently, I ranked Russell's SiB very high, but just a bit below a few favorite sub-$70 Buffalo Trace products (Blanton's, Eagle Rare, EH Taylor). I found the Buffalo Trace products to be delicious and totally free of any off notes. I managed to find at least one note of something I didn't like in every other bourbon. I wondered what Buffalo Trace was doing so well, and I came up with two theories.
First, I think their oak management is excellent--I think they season their barrels long and well, and they don't have the problem of being over-oaked like some other big names or being new wood/plankish/tannic/sawdusty like some craft distillers.
Second, I think maybe corn-based booze just naturally has a few off notes (could be graininess, nuttiness, mustiness (the bad kind), etc. So if the bourbon isn't made just right, you're going to end up with a few off notes. That's why aging it well in good oak is so important. And it's also why Buffalo Trace's high distillation proof (up near 70-80% alcohol off the still) seems to work. With a cleaner spirit, there are fewer off notes.
Russell's Reserve SiB, as delicious as it was, DID have a few off notes for me, namely a note I'd call "burned nutshell." So it got like a B+ compared to an A- for my favorite Buffalo Trace products.
I love lots of bourbons, but Russell's Reserve SiB and my favorite Buffalo Trace products are a cut above most of the rest for me. (I also like that these two (and Four Roses) allegedly use non-GMO corn).
(Best of other distilleries are great, but for me on average--Beam and Heaven Hill too nutty, insufficiently fruity; Brown Forman heat cycling creates weird notes; Four Roses too light and dry and rye for me, etc)
But spirts change and palates change and a few things have happened. The burnt nutshell note I got in a lot of Wild Turkey products has...gone away in a lot of the latest bottles. The world on the street is that the new stills put in around 2010(?) needed a year or two to find their footing, and that burnt nutshell note isn't there any more in the Russell's Reserve Single Barrels distilled in 2013 and onward.
And the "cleanness" of Buffalo Trace products has stopped impressing me quite as much. I now see the downsides of it--less distillate character (more of total flavor coming from the wood), and a certain boozy spirity note often present behind the other flavors. I can *tell* that the Buffalo Trace White Dog is one half-step closer to vodka (comes off still at around 74% abv) than the Wild Turkey White Dog (comes off still at more like 60-65% abv).
Now I'm more ready to appreciate the richer, perfumier, more interesting Wild Turkey distillate. And Russell's Reserve SiB is the best (regular) expression of Wild Turkey to me because it's non-chill-filtered, strong, flavorful, and, importantly, less spicy than Wild Turkey or Rare Breed. It's rich on the nose and the palate, it's got a little fruit to go along with the rich caramel darkness, etc etc. (While I respect all the Wild Turkey products, I don't find 101 or Russell's 10 to be in my upper pantheon the way Russell's SiB is.)
So my new plan is to stop buying Blanton's and Eagle Rare (and stop hunting EH Taylor), and start focusing on Russell's Reserve SiB. Am I doing the right thing? Based on my stated preferences, am I missing something amazing? Or am I in the sweet spot for sub-$70?
submitted by freakaso to bourbon [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:06 subredditsummarybot Your weekly /r/90sAlternative roundup for the week of May 28 - June 03, 2024

Tuesday, May 28 - Monday, June 03, 2024

Top 10 Posts

score comments title & link mirrors
32 3 comments [1991] R.E.M. - Shiny Happy People [Sp] [AM] [BC] [Dzr] [SC]
28 0 comments [1994] Sunny Day Real Estate "In Circles"
27 2 comments [1994] The Stone Roses - Love Spreads [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
25 3 comments Paul Westerberg - "Dyslexic Heart" (Every song on Singles soundtrack slaps, this is the most fun one though!) [Sp] [Dzr] [SC]
24 2 comments [1998] Garbage - Push It [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
20 2 comments Helmet - Bad Mood [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
16 1 comments [1994] Portishead - Roads [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
15 1 comments Ash - Girl From Mars (US version) (Official Video) [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
15 2 comments [1993] The Boo Radleys - I Hang Suspended [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
13 0 comments [1995] Forensic Scene

Top 5 Most Commented

score comments title & link mirrors
13 5 comments [1995] X-Ray Spex - Cigarettes [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
12 3 comments [1996] Echobelly - Dark Therapy [Sp] [AM] [BC] [Dzr] [SC]
6 3 comments [1997] Discount - Keith [Sp] [Dzr] [SC]
6 3 comments [1999] The Faint - Call Call [Sp] [AM] [BC] [SC]
12 3 comments [1997] Blur - On Your Own [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
submitted by subredditsummarybot to 90sAlternative [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:38 Responsible_Block258 Skibidi Toilet Forever chapter IX: The Conclave - part I

“Who are you?” I asked, taken aback by this new scenery. It was around this time I noticed the message in the corner of my screen - transmission error - and beneath it - recording error. I raised my laser cannon at her and asked again, “Who are you!?”
She held her hand up and placed her hot cocoa on the table. She removed her glasses, sprayed them with cleaning spray she’d retrieved from her pocket, and put them back on.
“I am an ally; there’s no need to shoot. As I said, take a seat, and we can talk civilly.”
I looked at her for a time before doing as she said. I sat on the spare chair and rested my laser cannon beside it, clenching L-650’s tie in my hand. I was fidgeting my fingers, just waiting for her to do something. I know humans are a non-threat and who we’re supposed to be protecting, but she’d just teleported me to who knows where.
“You have his scarf.” She said, snapping me out of it. “Such a shame, Boomie was my best agent.”
“B-boomie? You mean L-650?”
“Yes, I am. I suppose you wouldn’t have heard his callsign, would you?”
“Wait wait wait wait, what do you mean your best agents? Are you some secret leader of the Alliance we aren’t supposed to know about? Is that why my software is being weird?”
“Ah, no. Apologies for not explaining immediately, but I’m not involved with the Alliance, although I am on your side and I am in charge of something very important.”
“Then, what is it?”
From the shadow cast by the hearth over the corner, a looming figure stepped out. I recognized his neck, the right half still bearing synthetic flesh, the left revealing his mechanical parts. He wasn’t wearing any of his issued equipment, and his posture was more straight than normal. He stepped past the woman and held his hand to me, which I cautiously took and shook.
“L-13?” I asked, completely dumbfounded as to how he got here. He tilted his head to the side.
“Surprised? Can’t say I blame ya. And sorry for being a douche when we met, a battle was coming up and I was stressed. Around here, they call me Bird.” He spoke with a real voice.
“Um, okay, Bird… wait, they? You mean her and the pink Cameraman?”
“Miss Initiator and Rose?” An unfamiliar voice rang out from behind and slightly left of me. I turned my head to see a Speakerman, his shirt and tie a light gray, the rest of his suit was baby blue. He was wearing some kind of tank on his back, and the backs of his hands had small protrusions on them, like miniature speakers.
“Bird, Rose, I take it you’re Fish?”
He laughed out loud, “Nah, m’name’s Aqua, pleased to meetcha.”
I tried my best to take everything in, but it was just too much. I got up and walked outside to get some room to think, and thankfully, nobody followed me. Outside the shack was a forest filled with fog, although it wasn’t blindingly thick. The trees and ground were damp, as if it had just rained or the fog had been here for quite some time. I kept a slow pace as I headed deeper in a straight line into the woods, only to somehow find myself looking at the front door of the shack. I peered inside, and they were all still there, looking back at me. Bird, Aqua, Rose, Miss Initiator, they were all inside.
I headed in, “What just happened?”
“Non-Euclidean geometry; pretty neat, isn't it?” Miss Initiator remarked as she sipped her cocoa, “I developed it myself. I can’t take all the credit, though, it was the Administrator who developed the quantum displacement technology required for a pocket dimension like this to exist in the first place.”
“Right… quantum displacement, Initiator, pocket dimension, non-Eucalyptus geometry… I don’t get any of it, so can someone please explain what’s going on in Layman’s terms?”
Bird stepped forward, “We are the Conclave. We’re the best of the best from each race of the Alliance, plus Miss Initiator and her assistant, Rose. You’re here because we saw what you did in Moscow, taking care of the Tank Toilet and all that, and I’ve got to say, you seem to have the right stuff.”
“Just one thing ya gots to do ‘fore we letcha in,” Aqua added, “Ya gots to warn the others.”
“About what?”
“The Binocularmen.”
Chapter IX - part II coming tomorrow!
submitted by Responsible_Block258 to skibiditoilet [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:05 fairydommother How to Spot AI

How to Spot AI
Hey everyone! Since AI patterns have become a huge problem I thought this might be something the mods could sticky. One of my fav crochet YouTubers, Elise Rose Crochet, made a video about some of the ways you can spot AI. She is mainly a crochet channel, but also knits. The tips here can be applied to AI knits as well, though they are less common.
This would be particularly helpful to newbies who aren’t even familiar with what crochet or knitting really looks like.
She covers pretty much everything, but I will add one more thing to help you spot it: the lighting.
I’m not sure exactly how to describe it, but AI lighting is very distinctive. Things in the light tend to be very soft and dreamy, but there shadows are harder lines. It’s one of those things you can’t really explain but once you know what you’re looking for you know it when you see it.
I hope someone finds this helpful! I’ll be cross posting this too since I haven’t seen anyone else talk about this video.
submitted by fairydommother to knitting [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:59 fairydommother How to Spot AI

Hey everyone! Since AI patterns have become a huge problem I thought this might be something the mods could sticky. One of my fav crochet YouTubers, Elise Rose Crochet, made a video about some of the ways you can spot AI.
This would be particularly helpful to newbies who aren’t even familiar with what crochet really looks like.
She covers pretty much everything, but I will add one more thing to help you spot it: the lighting.
I’m not sure exactly how to describe it, but AI lighting is very distinctive. Things in the light tend to be very soft and dreamy, but there shadows are harder lines. It’s one of those things you can’t really explain but once you know what you’re looking for you know it when you see it.
I hope someone finds this helpful! I’ll be cross posting this too since I haven’t seen anyone else talk about this video.
submitted by fairydommother to crochetpatterns [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 15:20 Serious-Pollution897 Simon Wolstencroft: You Can Drum But You Can’t Hide

I know this book has been out for awhile, so I’m not breaking any news, but I just finished and I thought it was a really great read. I was a big fan of Funky Si’s Podcast and liked his drumming with The Fall, at least what I’ve seen on You Tube.
He has lived a pretty interesting life, but it’s the missed opportunities that blow my mind, although he seems to be at peace with them.
in case you are unaware, he was best mates with Ian and John at Altinchram Grammar School, was in their first bands and was set to be The Roses drummer but left to form a funk band with Johnny Marr and Andy Rourke and was going to be the drummer in The Smiths but couldn’t stand Morrisey’s voice so he demurred and by then The Roses had gotten Reni, who Si acknowledges is on a whole different level than himself. He is basically of the mind that Reni is the best drummer, and Johnny Marr is the best guitar player of his generation.
He spent almost 15 years in The Fall dealing with Mark E Smith’s erratic behavior. At times incredibly kind and generous and at other times viciously mean and petty.
Was offered on the spur of the moment in an elevator in LA to replace Tony McCarroll in Oasis circa 1995: about a month before Alan White.
His relationship with John and especially Ian has endured for 50 years.
submitted by Serious-Pollution897 to stoneroses [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:27 ProfessionAny964 My monthly hobby haul, ultimate score edition (Retro Citadel Paint Set)

My monthly hobby haul, ultimate score edition (Retro Citadel Paint Set)
All the bottles are allmost filled to the brim with still perfectly usable paint. Scored this set for 15 euros on a local marketplace. Models will be stripped with IPA and repainted following the painting guide as provided with this set. Just for the fun of it. As a long time warhammer paintecollector of paints this day will go down in history as one to remember. Couldnt be more happy!!
submitted by ProfessionAny964 to Warhammer [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:57 DustyFails Legacy Piece: Baggy and the "Madchester" Scene; What Was Their Impact on Modern Music in Retrospect?

So if we take into account the general idea of cyclical nostalgia/popularity being something that happens roughly every 30 years, then the Baggy/Madchester sound seems like it would be prime material, given it has been roughly over 30 years since its original rise to popularity (~1988). So why don't we look into Baggy and ask how reaching its influence wound up being.
For those in need of an explanation, the "Baggy" sound was a form of Neo-Psychedelic Alternative Rock that took on major rhythmic influences from Funk and Acid House and originated from Manchester, England, leading to a dance-y form of Psychedelic Rock. There was latent influence from the contemporary Indie Rock/Pop scene (particularly Jangle and Dream Pop) and its predecessors in Mancunian Post-Punk and New Wave, as well as additional influences from contemporary Electronica and Psychedelia. The movement is considered to have had its heyday from roughly 1988 to 1993, with some its biggest proponents having been The Stone Roses, The Happy Mondays, and The Charlatans.
Following the fall of Factory Records (partially brought about due to the expensive costs of The Mondays' album Yes, Please), the hiatuses of several key bands, and the rise of Grunge music, affection and attention for Baggy began to fade, and the movement generally faded out by 1993. Many of the remaining bands had drifted into what would become the Britpop sound, with increased influences from 60's guitar rock and psychedelia and less from dance and electronica, which further contributed to the genre's decline.
So with history and definition resolved, can we see an influence from the Baggy scene in the current music scene? How widespread is its influence and what is its ultimate legacy? What is the consensus of the sound and its scenes today?
Baggy Playlist
submitted by DustyFails to LetsTalkMusic [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 04:11 Electronic_Ad6564 Do my miniature roses need more fertilizer?

Do my miniature roses need more fertilizer? submitted by Electronic_Ad6564 to flowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 04:08 Electronic_Ad6564 Do my miniature roses need more fertilizer?

Do my miniature roses need more fertilizer? submitted by Electronic_Ad6564 to Roses [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 04:06 Electronic_Ad6564 Do my three miniature roses need more fertilizer?

Do my three miniature roses need more fertilizer?
Okay, let me try this again since I got no answer last time…
I have gotten 3 miniature roses this year. I got them in between April 2, 2024 and May 22, 2024. The oldest is a mystery yellow one that I I think might be a mistral miniature rose, the second oldest is a lemon yellow miniature rose (a new cultivar released this year I think), and the youngest is a mystery orange-red rose I think might be a peach sunblaze miniature rose.
Photo 1 is of the mistral rose. I planted it with rich potting soil that had fertilizer already in it. It had a case of powdery mildew it is recovered from. I used a half dose of fish emulsion fertilizer on it in May. The photo is of the mistral rose a few days ago. Should I increase the amount of fertilizer for this rose?
Photo 2 is of the lemon yellow rose. It had the same soil put in the pot when it was planted as the mistral rose. But it is looking a little bit more pale than it was now. I have given it some fish emulsion fertilizer at half the dose recommended for larger roses once a month. Just like the mistral rose. Should I give it more fertilizer?
Photo 3 shows the peach sunblaze rose. I just got it 2 weeks ago. I used half organic potting mix and half rich potting mix with fertilizer already in it with this one because I did not have enough organic potting soil mix. Should I add some worm castings to the soil mix to further enrich the soil here? I also have not fertilized it yet. Should I give it some fish emulsion fertilizer now? And should I give it a half dose or a full dose of fish emulsion fertilizer?
I am going to fertilize these 3 miniature roses tomorrow if I can. Please help.
submitted by Electronic_Ad6564 to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:46 Plotarmor69 Rose post heresy part 2

The Deal
The crew member's face was a grim mask of fear and worry as he hoisted Rose to his feet, draping Rose's arm over his shoulder. They stumbled along the darkened hallways of the ship, the floors slick with the blood dripping from the butcher’s nails Rose had plunged into his head, shoulders, and arms. It was a miracle Rose was still conscious, let alone moving and speaking, the crew member thought.
“Please Sir you need help, I beg you please. The med bay it’s just down . .” Rose’s free arm flailed around causing the duo to stumble a bit before catching themselves on the cold metal wall, clanging echoing in the still air.
“No no no no no! “The helm, to the helm now. The eye contains the answers, the cure. My angel needs me.” Gile the crew member shuddered, a thrill of fear worming through his skull. Atlanta’s Rose had gone insane. Gile complied, but knew Rose would need to be detained, for his safety, and their own. Horror-filled eyes looked at the duo, darting over Rose’s form, taking in each cable, each nail that had pierced through Rose's battered and torn flesh. It didn’t help that Rose twitched with a pained grin at random intervals causing the very air around him to seemingly bleed with insanity. Officials and other crew members gave space to the pair entering the command barge. All heads turned towards the poor crew member, Rose dangling corpselike from his shoulders.
“Commander I. .” Gile attempted to give voice before cut off as Commander Elara Voss ordered aloud “What are doing with Rose? Take him to the med bay and stand by for questioning.”
Gile stuttered, tripping over his tongue in his haste to explain himself before the arm of Rose's bloodstained arm rose, rattling cables flinging drops of blood on the steel floor as Rose spoke. “I did it to myself, commander.” Rose gritted his teeth, fighting the nails as they bit deep, pain ripping across his nerves. “Now take this ship to the eye.” Elara choked, for to travel to the eye was to sign one's own death warrant. To even consider such an abhorrent request was unthinkable to even the most skilled of navigators.
“Lock him up in the lab until he calms down.” The command was issued with clipped and quiet force. It took several men to drag Rose to the laboratory as he kicked and flailed. Locking him that once was an esteemed place of research and discovery now looked no more than a scene of butchery. Gile the crew member that helped him into the command barge sighed in regret. Rose's expression of betrayal and rage burned itself into his mind, the doors hissing closed and locking Rose away However, the crew member would walk away to go back to his duties. The vessel's mighty hull trembled as it breached the Immaterium.
“I'll be there soon My lady, just wait a little longer. My angel of the red sands.” Rose lay in a puddle of his own sweat and blood, cradling the stolen STC fragments like precious children. His muttered prayers to Atalanta grew fainter under the thumping agony of the butcher's nails. His nullification powers could only do so much; the pain crept into his mind relentlessly.

The ship shuddered violently, throwing everyone off balance. Rose heard the panicked screams of crew members, echoing cries rang out along the halls. "The Gellar field is down! By the Throne, Emperor protect us!"
The ensuing chaos was a cacophony of lasgun fire and slaughter as the Neverborn infiltrated the ship. It took less than a Terran hour for the wails to fall silent. They let themselves in, tearing the creaking doors apart in a shower of sparks, floors behind them slick with gore. They tore at his flesh, reveling in his small soul’s pain, drinking deep into his agonies, his secrets. They cored through his marrow, swam through his blood, and danced along the sparks between his neurons. They whispered their offers of blessing in his ears, dark gifts to ease his pain even as they caused it. Rose nearly broke, sanity wavering, but his love for Atlanta held him together, the demons unable to break him. For it was their masters their gods that now use his love for a game they both wanted no part of. Suddenly the pain and voices stopped as the neverborne left only for another to take their place. It was tall, rivaling a primarch, thin and lanky, with ancient machinery fused into its flesh and seeping streams of corruption flowing freely from its creaking joints. Held in its hand was a hammer too tall and heavy to lift, let alone even wield. A malevolent light glowed across its long handle, a testament to the numerous dark rituals it had taken part in service of the arkifane. A face sporting two horns looming down the sides as crescent moons. Wings of cold steel rattled on its hunched back, each feather a serrated blade, a mockery of angel wings. Its eyes and mouth glowed, hellish furnaces in miniature. With but a thought the ship ripped itself open for the daemon to gain better passage into the lab. Rose prepared for what dreadful trickery and pain this warp spawn had in store. He closed his eyes, praying that death would reunite him with his beloved, that he would wake up in her arms, just like before the heresy, before everything.
Imagining Atalanta's chiseled scared arms holding him close, her heart beat strong, both drifting off into sweet tomorrow. Yet when his eyes he only saw a clawed hand reaching out with its long steel talons.
“I see you are a seeker of knowledge and met its high demands.”It spoke out of its vox caster, static threading every word. It was flat and emotionless, filling Rose’s ears with the chilling whisper of cold logic. It was an honest voice… at least. Rose turned to better face the daemon, huddled on the floor gripping the STCs tightly “Who are you?” a twitch of pain overtook his body after replying.
“I am Vashtorr the Arkifane, master of the soulforge and you have something I want.” Clenching his clawed hand with pollutant smog slowly making the air grow heavy. Rose coughed weakly from the thick toxic air, fanning his free hand in a futile attempt to sweep some of the choking smog out of his face, desperate for a gasp of fresh air.
“My soul I assume daemon?” “No.”It raised a clawed hand, servos whirring as it pointed to the glimmering STC’s Rose cradled. “Those glimmering fragments of ancient knowledge are the objects of my desire, your soul is weak, a guttering candle flickering in the cold wind. It has no use for me.”
Rose looked at the glimmering datashards he cradled, knowing that if he did not comply, Vashtoor would crush his frail body to paste in seconds, and take the shards from his shattered remains. His mind scrambled, searching desperately, before striking upon the faintest glimmer of a solution. Thus, Rose came up with a workaround. “How about this I give you the STC’s and we work out a contract?”
Vashtorr paused, the clicking of servos and the hissing buzz of pneumatic tubes the only things punctuating the silence in the room. His eyes fixed on Rose, lenses adjusting silently as he pondered the offer, weighing his options.
“Done.” It leaned down holding its clawed hand out for the STC’s. Rose reached out with trembling hands, dried blood cracking as he moved, depositing the shards into Vashtorrs hand with the same gentle care he would for a newborn infant. Doubt niggled at his mind as Vashtorr closed his hand, doubt worming its way through his mind, whispering of dark times ahead. What would this demon do to him? What had he just agreed to?
Rose breathed in attempting to gain what composure and focus he could muster.
“What do you want Vashtorr?”
The demon straightened, taking a step back as it gestured broadly with its free hand, taking on a faintly bemused air. “I seek a seat upon the pantheon, I grow tired of serving the other four powers. What of your desire?” Vashtorr leaned in on Rose. Smog and heat assaulted his weakened body.
“I seek Atalanta, soul and all. She is now claimed by one of the four powers you seek to take seat with.”
“Ah Khorne’s champion is who you seek, you wish to free her from the service of the brutish blood god.” Vashtorr chuckled “Maybe young mortal we can help each other but what could you give me that would benefit us both.” He looked over Roses body discerningly, the butchers nails gruesome landmarks on the map of his scarred, battered, and pockmarked flesh. Rose stood on trembling legs, stumbling as they buckled under his weight, but refusing to fall. He locked burning eyes on the daemon.
“A champion of your own. Make me a champion under your name so I may further both our goals. All with utmost loyalty I add.” Vashtorr was intrigued by how his mortal so butchered with a soul more akin thrown tin can could yield such a burning furnace of will. The Arkifane laughed aloud before slamming the tipped bottom of his hammer on the metal floor of the ship.
“Then I welcome our mutual partnership together. Tell me what's your name?” Before Rose could respond a light dizziness took his balance. His body thudded to the cold floor with a hollow thud, strength fading from his limbs as he limply flopped to the plates. His vision blurred and darkened as the velvety sleep of unconsciousness pulled at him.
He felt something wrapped around him, lifting him up. It was faint and dim, more of an impression than a feeling. He felt himself begin to sway, as whatever was holding him began to move. Visions came in fits and bursts, revealing a cradle of wires and steel wrapping around him, holding him securely as any infant. Every blink brought with it a new nightmare, screaming souls being fed into a dark iron crucible. Howling demons bathed in the smoke and lurid red light of a thousand furnaces. Twisted machines that scratched and tore at the fragile strips of his sanity, unbound by the laws of physics or decency. Gut-wrenching screams floated on the cinder-filled air, moans and whimpers drifting up as the tortured would work the machinery until they were fed to it. Feeling around with what little strength could be brought forth, it seemed like a cradle of steel and wires. Vision blinking, each new image came with new sights and sounds. Corrupted metal shaped within a dreadful forge, the toil of corrupt minds and dreadful anguish fueling its dark machinations. Steam and smog clouded the air along with screams from beyond this realm. Dark cloaked figures, sockets glowing red with cold precision. They carried him, Rose though weary from the blood loss could only hear two words from the new cloaked figures. “Experiment” and “Subject”.
submitted by Plotarmor69 to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:38 REDLINE-007 [WTS] Designer & niche fragrance brand names decants/samples (decant)

For sale fragrance decants/samples, prices are listed below in US dollars. All atomizers come in black plastic spray bottles with a lid & individually marked with labels. Shipping orders by Canada Post first class airmail with tracking, rates: to Canada $10 USD and USA $7 USD NEW DISCOUNTED RATE. I accept PayPal G&S (please pay any associated fees to PayPal) or Interac (Canada Only, no fees), local Pickup in Vancouver, BC, Canada is also possible. Please pm/chat me if you are interested.
Feedback, Photos & Fragrantica Page:
Fragrantica Page
\**Just in time for summer**\* >>> Parfums De Marly SEDLEY, GREENLEY, ALTHAIR>MANCERA CEDRAT BOISE, CEDRAT BOISE INTENSE, HINDU KUSH, RED TOBACCO, AOUD LEMON MINT> ARMANI Acqua Di Gio EDP, Acqua Di Gio PARFUM >INITIO Narcotic Delight>TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum and more...*
The Price list is in USD and updated on 06.03.2024
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO Eau de Parfum 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO PARFUM 2023 - 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - 11, 10 ML - $20
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO ABSOLU 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo Lights 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profumo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger with You 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Intensely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Absolutely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI City Glam 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10
ARMANI Si Fiori 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Si Passione 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Code Feme 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO Wanted By Night 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted EDP 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted PARFUM 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Atelier Cologne Ambre Nue 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $11.25
Atelier Cologne Oud Saphir 2 ML - $5.50, 5 ML - $13.50
Atelier Cologne Clementine California 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Bois Blonds 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Amouage Interlude Black Iris 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Interlude Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Meander 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Enclave 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Lyric Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Boundless 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Memoir Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Dia Man 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Jubilation XXV 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beach Hut Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Epic Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Reflection Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beloved Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Aedes De Venustas Grenadille d’Afrique 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Atelier des Ors Rose Omeyyade 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Intenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Bergamotto Di Calabria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Chinotto Di Liguria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA OUD EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Leather 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia MIRRA 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA FICO di AMALFI 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua di Parma Arancia di Capri 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Colonia Club 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Quercia 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mandorlo Di Sicilia 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mirto Di Panarea 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Essenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ABERCOMBIE & FITCH FIERCE 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
ARIANA GRANDE Cloud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Anna Sui Flight of Fancy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Al Haramain L’Aventure 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Al Harmain L’Aventure Blanche 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Parfum Version 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Milestone 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
ARMAF Tres Nuit 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF Derby Club House 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY LONDON For Her EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
Bond 9 New York Nights 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15, 10 ML - $24
BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
BVLGARI Mon Jasmin Noir 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $15
BENTLEY INTENSE Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
BERDOUES Collection Perfumes GRAND CRU Eau de parfum made in FRANCE:
MILLÉSIME OUD WA VANILLIA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
MAASAÏ MARA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
SOMEI YOSHINO - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
PÉNG LÁI - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
AZUR RIVERA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
Banana Republic ICON COLLECTION Eau de Parfum:
Tobacco & Tonka Bean - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Gardenia & Cardamom - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
83 Leather Reserve - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Dark Cherry & Amber - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Neroli Woods - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
17 Oud Mosaic - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
78 Vintage Green - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Peony & Peppercorn - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Linen Vetiver - 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
90 Pure White - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
06 Black Platinum - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Cypress Cedar - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
CARNER BARCELONA Botafumeiro - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CARNER BARCELONA Ambar Del Sur - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CHANEL Gabrielle Essence 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Cologne 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Egoiste Platinum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Pour Monsieur EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Creed Aventus 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Creed Aventus 10th Anniversary 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus Cologne 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus For Her 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Viking 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Viking Cologne 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed EROLFA 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Neroli Sauvage 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Millesime Imperial 2 ML - $8, 5 ML -$20
Creed Original Vetiver 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Original Santal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Green Irish Tweed 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Oud 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $29
Creed Himalaya 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Tabarome 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Bois du Portugal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Virgin Island Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Silver Mountain Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Maifair 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Princess Oud 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $27
Creed Pure White Cologne 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed Jardin d’Amalfi 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed White Amber 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Carolina Herrera Saffron Lazuli 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $24, 10 ML - $45
Carolina Herrera Bad Boy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
CARTIER Pasha Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
CHOPARD Amber Malaki 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
COACH New York Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
COSTUME NATIONAL Soul 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
Calvin Klein ETERNITY 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth for Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
COTY ASPEN 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
DIOR Fahrenheit EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
DIOR Fahrenheit Le Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme 2020 EDT 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme Le Parfum 2020 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
DIOR Homme ORIGINAL 2021 EDT - 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
DIOR Homme Cologne 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR SAUVAGE EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
DIOR SAUVAGE Parfum 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
DIOR Jadore EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
DIOR Addict Shine 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana The One EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Dolce & Gabbana The One For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
D & G The One INTENSE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
D & G Velvet Amber Sun EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $12
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
Dolce & Gabbana INTENSO EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue For Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
D & G Light Blue Eau Intense 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
D & G Light Blue Intense For Her 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
DIESEL Spirit of The Brave 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Demeter Pineapple 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Elizabeth & James White Nirvana 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17.50
Etat Libre d’Orange You or Someone Else 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
English Laundry Windsor 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
English Laundry Notting Hill 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25, 10 ML - $50
Francis Kurkdjian L’Homme A la Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Francis Kurkdjian Grand Soir 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 - 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Satin Mood EDP 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Silk Mood Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Petit Matin EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Guerlain Oud Essentiel 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Shalimar Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Mon Guerlain EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
GUCCI Guilty EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
GUCCI Guilty Pour Homme EDP 2020 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
GUCCI Guilty OUD 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $14
GUCCI Guilty Love Edition 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Made To Measure 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Bloom Profumo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $13
Geoffrey Beene Grey Flannel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Giorgio Beverly Hills Wings 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
HERMES Terre EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES Terre Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
HERMES H24 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES TWILLY Eau De Parfum - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Rhubarbe Ecarlate - 2 ML - $4
HERMES D'Orange Verte - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Un Jardin Sur Le Toit 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10.
HUGO BOSS Bottled 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
HUGO BOSS Bottled EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Intense 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Elixir Parfum 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
HUGO BOSS Bottled Infinite 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Hugo Reversed 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS FEME 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HOLLISTER SoCal 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5 10 ML - $10
IMAGINARY AUTHORS Saint Julep 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
INITIO Narcotic Delight 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Oud For Greatness 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Side Effect 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Atomic Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Musk Therapy 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Rehab 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
ISSEY MIYAKE Pulse Of The Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey Noir Ambre 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey For Man 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML -$9
Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Oud & Bergamot 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum ELIXIR 2023 ML - $5.25, 5 ML - $13
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male SnowGlobe 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
KILIAN Let's Settle in the Bedroom like Adults 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
KILIAN Angel's Share 2 ML - $12
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Inspiration 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Touch of Pink 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lattafa Oud For Glory Bade Al Oud (Initio Oud for Greatness Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Fabulo Intense (Tom Ford Fxxing Fabulous Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Khamrah (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Kismet Magic (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Velvet Oud EDP (Tom Ford Ombre Leather Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Woody Oud (Tom Ford Oud Wood Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Rose Petals EDP (Tom Ford Rose Prick Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
L'Aventure Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
L'Aventure Blanche Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Lalique Encre Noire 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lalique Encre Noire A L'extreme 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME Hypnose 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME La Vie Est Belle 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Mancera Cedrat Boise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Cedrat Boise INTENSE Edition 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11.50, 10 ML - $21
Mancera Red Tobacco 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Hindu Kush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Aoud Lemon Mint 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Instant Crush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Black Intensitive Aoud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Maison Martin Margiela By the fireplace 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela Sailing Day 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela By the Lemon Trees 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
MONTBLANC Explorer 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
MONTBLANC Legend EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Legend Night 2 ML - $2 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Individuel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MOSCHINO Toy Boy EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
MUGLER A*Men Pure Havane 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
MUGLER Cologne 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mercedes Benz Club Black 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Mercedes Benz SELECT 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Marc Jacobs DECADENCE 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Miu Miu Miu Miu 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
NISHANE ANI Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Nasomatto Duro 2 ML - $9.50, 5 ML - $23
NAUTICA Voyage 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Narcisco Rodrigues For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $11
Ormonde Jayne Tolu 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
PACO RABANNE XS 2018 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Penhaligon - The Favourite Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Althair 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Greenley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kuhuyan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Akaster 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Percival 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kalan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Darley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Nisean 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Habdan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Layton 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Layton Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Oajan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Sedley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Shagya 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Godolphin 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Galloway 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Carlisle 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Herod 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Marienbad 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Day for Night 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada L’Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Prada L’Homme INTENSE 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa Carbon 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa OCEAN 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
PINO Selvestre Original 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
ROCHAS Moustache EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Reyane Tradition Insurrection II Pure Extreme 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren POLO BLUE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML-$15
Ralph Lauren POLO RED 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Ralph Lauren Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren Pure Turquoise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Revlon Charlie Red 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Revlon Charlie Gold 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
Serge Lutens Clair de Musc 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Serge Lutens La Couche du Diable 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
SHISEIDO Relaxing Fragrance 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Swiss Arabian Royal Mystery EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
SEAN JOHN Unforgivable 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $15
Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
TAUER Parfums, Andy Tauer No.2 L'Air Du Desert Marocain 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Teo Cabanel Barkhane 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
Tiziana Terenzi Ursa 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Tiziana Terenzi Chimaera Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Ombre Leather EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum Edition 2023 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD Beau De Jour EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Black Orchid Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD NOIR EXTREME EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD OUD WOOD EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $26
TOM FORD Tuscan Leather EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Venetian Bergamot Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA 2021 EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA EDP Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
STERLING JUST JACK COLLECTION by ARMAF Eau De Parfum (Clones of Tom Ford fragrances):
TOBACCO LEAF (TOBACCO VANILLE Clone) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NEROLI (NEROLI PORTOFINO Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
HOMME NOIR (NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NOIR ENDURANCE (NOIR EXTREME Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
BLACK IS BLACK (NOIR DE NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
OMBRE SUEDE (OMBRE LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
FANTA FAB (THE Fuckxxing FABULOUS Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
ITALIAN LEATHER (TUSCAN LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
Tommy Bahama Set Sail St. Barts 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Torry Burch Torry Burch 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Usher UR 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Extreme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Infrared 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf FlowerBomb 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
VERSACE Man Eau Fraiche 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
VERSACE DYLAN Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
VERSACE Pour Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
VERSACE EROS EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS FLAME 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Pour Homme OUD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Bright Crystal 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ambre Impérial Van Cleef & Arpels 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Erba Pura 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Naxos 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Lira 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL MYSLF EDP 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
YSL Y EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
YSL LIBRE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL Tuxedo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Caban 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Trench 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL 37 rue de Bellechasse 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
ZARA Denim Couture 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Cuba Royal Cuba Paris (Clone of 1 Million Paco Rabanne) 2 ML- $2, 5 ML- $4, 10 ML- $8
Cuba Red Cuba Paris 2 ML - $2, 5 ML-$4, 10 ML-$8
4711 Original Eau de Cologne 4711 - 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
submitted by REDLINE-007 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:38 REDLINE-007 [WTS] Designer & niche fragrance brand names decants/samples (decant)

For sale fragrance decants/samples, prices are listed below in US dollars. All atomizers come in black plastic spray bottles with a lid & individually marked with labels. Shipping orders by Canada Post first class airmail with tracking, rates: to Canada $10 USD and USA $7 USD NEW DISCOUNTED RATE. I accept PayPal G&S (please pay any associated fees to PayPal) or Interac (Canada Only, no fees), local Pickup in Vancouver, BC, Canada is also possible. Please pm/chat me if you are interested.
Feedback, Photos & Fragrantica Page:
Fragrantica Page
\**Just in time for summer**\* >>> Parfums De Marly SEDLEY, GREENLEY, ALTHAIR>MANCERA CEDRAT BOISE, CEDRAT BOISE INTENSE, HINDU KUSH, RED TOBACCO, AOUD LEMON MINT> ARMANI Acqua Di Gio EDP, Acqua Di Gio PARFUM >INITIO Narcotic Delight>TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum and more...*
The Price list is in USD and updated on 06.03.2024
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO Eau de Parfum 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO PARFUM 2023 - 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - 11, 10 ML - $20
ARMANI Acqua Di GIO ABSOLU 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profondo Lights 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Profumo 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger with You 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Intensely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI Stronger Absolutely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10, 10 ML - $16.50
ARMANI City Glam 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - 10
ARMANI Si Fiori 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Si Passione 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10
ARMANI Code Feme 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO Wanted By Night 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted EDP 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8.50
AZZARO The Most Wanted PARFUM 2022 - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Atelier Cologne Ambre Nue 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $11.25
Atelier Cologne Oud Saphir 2 ML - $5.50, 5 ML - $13.50
Atelier Cologne Clementine California 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Rose Anonyme 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Atelier Cologne Bois Blonds 2 ML - $4.50, 5 ML - $10.50
Amouage Interlude Black Iris 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Interlude Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Meander 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Enclave 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Lyric Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Boundless 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $16
Amouage Memoir Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Dia Man 2 ML - $6.50, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Jubilation XXV 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beach Hut Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Epic Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Reflection Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Amouage Beloved Man 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Aedes De Venustas Grenadille d’Afrique 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Atelier des Ors Rose Omeyyade 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Intenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Bergamotto Di Calabria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Chinotto Di Liguria 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA OUD EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Leather 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia MIRRA 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
ACQUA Di PARMA FICO di AMALFI 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua di Parma Arancia di Capri 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Colonia Club 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Quercia 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mandorlo Di Sicilia 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
Acqua Di Parma Mirto Di Panarea 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ACQUA Di PARMA Colonia Essenza 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
ABERCOMBIE & FITCH FIERCE 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
ARIANA GRANDE Cloud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Anna Sui Flight of Fancy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Al Haramain L’Aventure 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Al Harmain L’Aventure Blanche 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Parfum Version 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF CDNIM Milestone 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
ARMAF Tres Nuit 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
ARMAF Derby Club House 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY Mr. Burberry EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $14
BURBERRY LONDON For Her EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $14
Bond 9 New York Nights 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15, 10 ML - $24
BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
BVLGARI Mon Jasmin Noir 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $15
BENTLEY INTENSE Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
BERDOUES Collection Perfumes GRAND CRU Eau de parfum made in FRANCE:
MILLÉSIME OUD WA VANILLIA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
MAASAÏ MARA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
SOMEI YOSHINO - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
PÉNG LÁI - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
AZUR RIVERA - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML- $12
Banana Republic ICON COLLECTION Eau de Parfum:
Tobacco & Tonka Bean - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Gardenia & Cardamom - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
83 Leather Reserve - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Dark Cherry & Amber - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Neroli Woods - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
17 Oud Mosaic - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
78 Vintage Green - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Peony & Peppercorn - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Linen Vetiver - 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
90 Pure White - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
06 Black Platinum - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
Cypress Cedar - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $11
CARNER BARCELONA Botafumeiro - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CARNER BARCELONA Ambar Del Sur - 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10ML - $15
CHANEL Gabrielle Essence 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Bleu Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Cologne 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Egoiste Platinum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $16
CHANEL Pour Monsieur EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Creed Aventus 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Creed Aventus 10th Anniversary 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus Cologne 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Aventus For Her 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Creed Viking 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Viking Cologne 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed EROLFA 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Neroli Sauvage 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Millesime Imperial 2 ML - $8, 5 ML -$20
Creed Original Vetiver 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Original Santal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Green Irish Tweed 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Oud 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $29
Creed Himalaya 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Tabarome 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Bois du Portugal 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Virgin Island Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Silver Mountain Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Maifair 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Water 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Creed Royal Princess Oud 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $27
Creed Pure White Cologne 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed Jardin d’Amalfi 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Creed White Amber 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Carolina Herrera Saffron Lazuli 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $24, 10 ML - $45
Carolina Herrera Bad Boy 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
CARTIER Pasha Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
CHOPARD Amber Malaki 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
COACH New York Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
COSTUME NATIONAL Soul 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
Calvin Klein ETERNITY 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
Calvin Klein Truth for Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
COTY ASPEN 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $9
DIOR Fahrenheit EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
DIOR Fahrenheit Le Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme 2020 EDT 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR Homme Le Parfum 2020 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
DIOR Homme ORIGINAL 2021 EDT - 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
DIOR Homme Cologne 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
DIOR SAUVAGE EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
DIOR SAUVAGE Parfum 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
DIOR Jadore EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
DIOR Addict Shine 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana The One EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Dolce & Gabbana The One For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
D & G The One INTENSE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
D & G Velvet Amber Sun EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $12
Dolce & Gabbana K (KING) EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
Dolce & Gabbana INTENSO EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $16
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue For Her 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
D & G Light Blue Eau Intense 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
D & G Light Blue Intense For Her 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
DIESEL Spirit of The Brave 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Demeter Pineapple 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Elizabeth & James White Nirvana 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17.50
Etat Libre d’Orange You or Someone Else 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $15
English Laundry Windsor 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
English Laundry Notting Hill 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Frederic Malle Portrait of a Lady 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25, 10 ML - $50
Francis Kurkdjian L’Homme A la Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Francis Kurkdjian Grand Soir 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 - 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Satin Mood EDP 2 ML - $10, 5 ML - $25
Francis Kurkdjian Oud Silk Mood Extrait 2 ML - $12, 5 ML - $30
Francis Kurkdjian Petit Matin EDP 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Universalis 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Vitae 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $18
Guerlain Oud Essentiel 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Shalimar Eau de Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
Guerlain Mon Guerlain EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $18
GUCCI Guilty EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $11
GUCCI Guilty Pour Homme EDP 2020 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
GUCCI Guilty OUD 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $14
GUCCI Guilty Love Edition 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Made To Measure 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
GUCCI Bloom Profumo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $13
Geoffrey Beene Grey Flannel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Giorgio Beverly Hills Wings 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
HERMES Terre EDT 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES Terre Parfum 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
HERMES H24 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
HERMES TWILLY Eau De Parfum - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Rhubarbe Ecarlate - 2 ML - $4
HERMES D'Orange Verte - 2 ML - $4
HERMES Un Jardin Sur Le Toit 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10.
HUGO BOSS Bottled 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $10
HUGO BOSS Bottled EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Intense 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Elixir Parfum 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12.50
HUGO BOSS Bottled Infinite 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Bottled Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS Hugo Reversed 2 ML - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HUGO BOSS FEME 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
HOLLISTER SoCal 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5 10 ML - $10
IMAGINARY AUTHORS Saint Julep 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
INITIO Narcotic Delight 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Oud For Greatness 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Side Effect 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Atomic Rose 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Musk Therapy 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
INITIO Rehab 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
ISSEY MIYAKE Pulse Of The Night 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey Noir Ambre 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
ISSEY MIYAKE L'Eau d'Issey For Man 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML -$9
Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Oud & Bergamot 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jo Malone Myrrh & Tonka 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum ELIXIR 2023 ML - $5.25, 5 ML - $13
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $9
Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male SnowGlobe 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
KILIAN Let's Settle in the Bedroom like Adults 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $10
KILIAN Angel's Share 2 ML - $12
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE L.12.12 EDP 2020 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Inspiration 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LACOSTE Touch of Pink 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lattafa Oud For Glory Bade Al Oud (Initio Oud for Greatness Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Fabulo Intense (Tom Ford Fxxing Fabulous Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Khamrah (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Kismet Magic (Killian Angels Share Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Velvet Oud EDP (Tom Ford Ombre Leather Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Woody Oud (Tom Ford Oud Wood Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
Lattafa Alhambra Rose Petals EDP (Tom Ford Rose Prick Clone) 2 ML -$2, 5 ML -$6,10 ML $12
L'Aventure Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
L'Aventure Blanche Al Haramain EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
Lalique Encre Noire 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
Lalique Encre Noire A L'extreme 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME Hypnose 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
LANCOME La Vie Est Belle 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Mancera Cedrat Boise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Cedrat Boise INTENSE Edition 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11.50, 10 ML - $21
Mancera Red Tobacco 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Hindu Kush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Aoud Lemon Mint 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Instant Crush 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Mancera Black Intensitive Aoud 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML - $17
Maison Martin Margiela By the fireplace 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela Sailing Day 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
Maison Martin Margiela By the Lemon Trees 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
MONTBLANC Explorer 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
MONTBLANC Legend EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Legend Night 2 ML - $2 5 ML - $5
MONTBLANC Individuel 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5
MOSCHINO Toy Boy EDP 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
MUGLER A*Men Pure Havane 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
MUGLER Cologne 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10ML - $17
Mercedes Benz Club Black 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Mercedes Benz SELECT 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Marc Jacobs DECADENCE 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Miu Miu Miu Miu 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
NISHANE ANI Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Nasomatto Duro 2 ML - $9.50, 5 ML - $23
NAUTICA Voyage 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Narcisco Rodrigues For Her EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $11
Ormonde Jayne Tolu 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
PACO RABANNE XS 2018 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Penhaligon - The Favourite Eau De Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Althair 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Greenley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kuhuyan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Akaster 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Percival 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Kalan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Darley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Nisean 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Habdan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Pegasus Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Layton 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Layton Exclusif 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
Parfums de Marly Oajan 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Sedley 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Shagya 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Godolphin 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Galloway 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Carlisle 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Parfums de Marly Herod 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Marienbad 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada Day for Night 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Prada L’Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Prada L’Homme INTENSE 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa Carbon 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
Prada Luna Rossa OCEAN 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
PINO Selvestre Original 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
ROCHAS Moustache EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Reyane Tradition Insurrection II Pure Extreme 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren POLO BLUE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10, 10 ML-$15
Ralph Lauren POLO RED 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML - $12
Ralph Lauren Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ralph Lauren Pure Turquoise 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Revlon Charlie Red 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Revlon Charlie Gold 5 ML - $2, 10 ML - $5
Serge Lutens Ambre Sultan 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $13
Serge Lutens Clair de Musc 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Serge Lutens La Couche du Diable 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
SHISEIDO Relaxing Fragrance 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Swiss Arabian Royal Mystery EDP 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $5, 10 ML - $9
SEAN JOHN Unforgivable 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $15
Sarah Jessica Parker Lovely 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
TAUER Parfums, Andy Tauer No.2 L'Air Du Desert Marocain 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
Teo Cabanel Barkhane 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $11
Tiziana Terenzi Ursa 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Tiziana Terenzi Chimaera Extrait De Parfum 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Ombre Leather EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Grey Vetiver Parfum Edition 2023 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD Beau De Jour EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD Black Orchid Parfum 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD NOIR EXTREME EDP 2 ML - $7.50, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD OUD WOOD EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $11, 5 ML - $26
TOM FORD Tuscan Leather EDP Private Blend 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $20
TOM FORD Venetian Bergamot Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $8, 5 ML - $18
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA 2021 EDP 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
TOM FORD COSTA AZZURRA EDP Private Blend Discntd. 2 ML - $9, 5 ML - $22
STERLING JUST JACK COLLECTION by ARMAF Eau De Parfum (Clones of Tom Ford fragrances):
TOBACCO LEAF (TOBACCO VANILLE Clone) 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NEROLI (NEROLI PORTOFINO Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
HOMME NOIR (NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
NOIR ENDURANCE (NOIR EXTREME Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
BLACK IS BLACK (NOIR DE NOIR Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
OMBRE SUEDE (OMBRE LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
FANTA FAB (THE Fuckxxing FABULOUS Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
ITALIAN LEATHER (TUSCAN LEATHER Clone) - 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $6, 10 ML- $12
Tommy Bahama Set Sail St. Barts 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Torry Burch Torry Burch 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $8
Usher UR 2 ML - $3.50, 5 ML - $8, 10 ML - $14
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Extreme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf SpiceBomb Infrared 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Viktor & Rolf FlowerBomb 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
VERSACE Man Eau Fraiche 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7, 10 ML - $13
VERSACE DYLAN Blue 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $8
VERSACE Pour Homme 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $7
VERSACE EROS EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE EROS FLAME 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Pour Homme OUD NOIR EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
VERSACE Bright Crystal 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
Ambre Impérial Van Cleef & Arpels 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Erba Pura 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Naxos 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
Xerjoff Lira 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL MYSLF EDP 2023 2 ML - $5, 5 ML - $12
YSL Y EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme EDT 2 ML - $3, 5 ML - $9
YSL L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL La Nuit de L’Homme Le Parfum 2 ML - $4., 5 ML - $10
YSL LIBRE EDP 2 ML - $4, 5 ML - $10
YSL Tuxedo 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Caban 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL Trench 2 ML - $6, 5 ML - $15
YSL 37 rue de Bellechasse 2 ML - $7, 5 ML - $17
ZARA Denim Couture 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
Cuba Royal Cuba Paris (Clone of 1 Million Paco Rabanne) 2 ML- $2, 5 ML- $4, 10 ML- $8
Cuba Red Cuba Paris 2 ML - $2, 5 ML-$4, 10 ML-$8
4711 Original Eau de Cologne 4711 - 2 ML - $2, 5 ML - $4, 10 ML - $8
submitted by REDLINE-007 to CanadianFragranceSwap [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:02 Telopitus *Please Read This Before Asking in Any More Posts/Comments "What is Going on with TST?"*

In the interest of lowering the amount of confused people in nearly every topic on this sub right now, I'm including some resources for you to look into the internal situation and do your own research.
Also, please feel free to include any additional resources in the comments (with links please!) and I'll come back to edit them into the post.
Furthermore, if the information makes you uncomfortable to post in comments, feel free to DM/Chat and I'll keep your identity secret.
Here we go:
Lucien/EM/TST as an organization's side:
Summer of Fun
Satanists Next Door Podcast Interview with Lucien
Code of Conduct, Including Minister Code of Conduct (This CoC makes it clear EM has termination authority even outside of SC, as well as many things ministers can be removed for including "sowing discord" and "undermining leadership". Ministers would have signed this and been aware of this, thus suggesting some disingenuous minister takes in the discourse.)
Lilin Lavin's Account of Situation (She posted in this very thread. Direct link to her comment. You'll also find a Q&A that evolved from her initial response that may help clear things up for some of you in that comment string.)
Exiting MinisteCongregation Side:
Account of Recent Events
Account of Recent Events Correction (someone disagreed with account above and added some thoughts to it)
QS Reporting on the events. (Normally I'm hesitant to include QS at all in this community. However many in the exodus have paid lip service and approval to this reporting so I'm only including in the interest of fairness, not approval.)
Tim Leviathan's Account
Hail Satan (Joe Rose) Account of Events
Edit: Just wanted to add to note- If ANY ministeother person significantly connected to the events wants to post their point of view and/or do a Q&A about it, I'm happy to link it here, just like Lilin's. Just let me know.
submitted by Telopitus to SatanicTemple_Reddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:28 ComprehensiveTower71 [WTS] Jo Malone - Maison Margela's Replica - Designers (Bottle)

Free Shipping - CONUS - International at Cost - PayPal FF/Zelle/Cashapp/BTC/ETH - Chat Preferred - Ask Me Any Questions - Please Comment Before Chatting / PM.
Cover Photo
Add On (Please Sort By "Last Modified" For Most Updated First)
Most Updated Bottle List (Please Sort By "Last Modified" For Most Updated First)
Cologne Intense - 100ML / $115 - 50ML / $75
100 ML & 50 ML :
Myrrh and Tonka
Red Hibiscus
Oud and Bergamot
Scarlet Poppy
Velvet Oud and Rose
100 ML :
Rose and White Musk Absolu ($175)
Gardenia and Oud Absolu ($175)
Cypress and Grapevine
Huntsman Collection Whisky and Cedarwood
Dark Amber and Ginger Lily
50 ML :
Jasmin Sambac and Marigold
Jasmin Sambac and Marigold 98/100 ML
Oud and Bergamot 95/100 ML
Jo Malone Cologne
Cologne - 100 ML / $85 - 50 ML / $60
100 ML :
Orange Blossom w/ Box ($90)
Nectarine Blossom and Honey w/ Box ($90)
English Pear and Sweet Pea w/ Box ($90)
English Pear and Fressia w/ Box ($90)
Wood Sage Sea Salt w/ Box ($90)
Wild Bluebell
Lime Basil and Mandarin
English Pear and Sweet Pea
Wood Sage and Sea Salt
English Oak and Hazelnut
Basil Neroli
Nectarine Blossom and Honey
English Pear and Fressia
Nashi Blossom
Silver Birch and Lavender
Honeysuckle and Davana
Orange Blossom
Mimosa and Cardamom
Moonlit Camomile
White Moss and Snowdrop
Frangipani Flower
Starlit Mandarin and Honey
Peony and Blush Suede
Bitter Mandarin
50 ML :
Sunlit Cherimoya ($85)
Rose Amber ($85)
Rose Magnolia ($85)
Yellow Hisbiscus ($85)
Yuzu Zest ($85)
Osmanthus Blossom
Nashi Blossom
Bitter Mandarin
Wild Bluebell 98/100 ML
English Pear and Fressia 99/100 ML
Mimosa and Cardamom 98/100 ML
Peony and Blush Suede 98/100 ML
Honeysuckle and Davana 98/100 ML
Basil Neroli 95/100 ML
Peony and Blush Suede 95/100 ML
Rose Blush 50 ML
30 ML TRAVLERS : $35 Each - 2 For $65 - 3 For $95
English Pear and Fressia
Mimosa and Cardamom
Basil and Neroli
Red Roses
Givenchy Irresistible Rose Velvet 80 ML - $65
Spicebomb Nightvision EDT 90 ML - $65
Hermes H24 EDT 100 ML - $60
Flowerbomb EDP 30 ML - $40
Dior Suavage EDT 200 ML - $135
Aqua di Gio EDP 200 ML - $115
YSL Y EDP 100 ML - $105
Valentino Uomo Born In Roma EDT 100 ML - $105
Spicebomb Extreme 90 ML - $95
YSL Myslf 60 ML - $85
Prada Luna Rossa Ocean EDP 100 ML - $85
Gucci Guilty EDP 90 ML - $85
Burberry Her Elixir 100 ML - $135
Chanel Coco Mademoiselle 100 ML - $135
Miss Dior EDP 100 ML - $130
Chanel No 5 L'Eau 100 ML - $115
Hermes 24 Faubourg EDP 100 ML - $115
Valentino Donna Born In Roma Intense EDP 50 ML - $110
Burberry Goddess 100 ML - $110
Gucci Gorgeous Magnolia 100 ML - $100
Chanel Chance Eau Fraiche EDP 50 ML - $99
Burberry Her EDP 100 ML - $95
Gucci Bloom Intense 100 - $90
Miss Dior Rose N'Roses 100 ML - $90
Lancome Idole Nectar 100 ML - $90
Gucci Bloom Profumo Di Fiori 100 ML - $90
Carolina Herrera VERY Good Girl 80 ML - $90
Hermès Eau de Pamplemousse Rose 100 ML - $85
YSL Black Opium Over Red 30 ML - $80
Lancome Idole Nectar 50 ML - $70
YSL Mon Paris Lumiere EDT 30 ML - $65
Kylie Jenner Cosmic 100 ML - $65
YSL Libre EDT 30 ML - $65
Sauvage Elixir 100 ML - $175 (No Cap)
Bleu de Chanel Parfum 100 ML - $150 (Tester)
Bleu de Chanel Parfum 100 ML - $145 (TesteNo Cap)
Chanel Alure Homme Edition Blanche 100 ML - $130 (Tester)
Bleu de Chanel EDT 100 ML - $125 (Tester)
Gucci Guilty Pour Homme Elixir 60 ML - $120
YSL Y EDP Intense 100 ML - $110
Valentino Uomo EDP Intense 100 ML - $100
Gucci Intense Oud 90 ML - $100
YSL Y EDP 100 ML - $100
Chanel Allure Homme Sport 100 ML - $95 ( Tester)
Chanel Allure Homme Sport Cologne 100 ML - $95 ( Tester)
Phantom Parfum 100 ML - $95
Dolce Gabana Devotion EDP 100 ML - $95
Spicebomb Extreme 90 ML - $90
Prada L'Homme EDT 100 ML - $90
Burberry Hero EDP 100 ML - $90
YSL L'Homme Le Parfum 100 ML - $90
Prada Luna Rossa Ocean EDP - $85
Bad Boy Le Parfum 100 ML - $85
Spicebomb Infrared EDP - 90 ML - $85
YSL La Nuit De L'Homme 100 ML - $85
Aqua di Gio EDP 75 ML - $85
Valentino Donna BIR Green Stravaganza 50 ML - $85
Terre d'Hermes Parfum 75 ML - $80
Hermes H24 EDP 100 ML - $75
Burberry Hero EDT 100 ML - $75 (No Cap)
Valentino Uomo Born In Roma EDT 50 ML - $75
Invictus Victory EDP Extreme 100 ML - $75
Prada Infusion de Vanille , D'Iris & D'Ylang 100 ML Bundle - $225
Aerin Rose de Grasse Parfum 50 ML - $175
Burberry Her Elixir 100 ML - $145
Burberry Her EDP 150 ML - $145 (No Cap)
Aerin Hibiscus Palm 100 ML - $125
Miss Dior Absolutely Blooming 100 ML - $125 (No Cap)
Chanel Chance Eau Tendre EDP 100 ML - $115 (Tester)
Carolina Herrera Good Girl EDP 80 ML - $100
Tory Burch Signature 100 ML - $100
La Perla Luminous 90 ML - $100
Chanel No 5 Eau Premiere 100 ML - $95
Armani My Way EDP 90 ML - $95
Burberry Her EDP 100 ML - $90 (No Cap)
Kayali Lovefest Burning Cherry 48 - $90
Chloe Atelier Des Fleurs Magnolia Alba 75 ML - $90
YSL Mon Paris 90 ML - $90
Cartier Must EDT 100 ML - $90
Guerlain Shalimar EDT 90 ML - $90
Soir Eau Du Soir 100 ML - $90
Cartier La Panthere EDP 75 ML - $90
Aerin Mediterranean Honeysuckle Clementina 50 ML - $90
Aerin Hibiscus Palm 50 ML - $90
Cartier Baiser Vole Parfum 100 ML - $85
Valentino Donna Born in Roma EDP 50 ML - $85
Carolina Herrera VERY Good Girl 80 ML - $85
YSL Black Opium Illicit Green 75 ML - $85
Flowerbomb EDP 100 ML - $80
MCM Ultra EDP 75 ML - $80
Armani Si Passione Eclat 50 ML - $80
Tory Burch Sublime Rose 90 ML - $80
YSL Opium 90 ML - $75
YSL Mon Paris Intensement 30 ML - $65
La Vie Est Belle Intensement 50 ML - $65 (No Cap)
OUAI Rue St Honore & North Bondi 50 ML's - $50 (Both)
Dior Suavage EDP 100 ML w/ Box - $110
Armani Code Parfum 125 ML - $105
Prada Paradoxe 90 ML - $100
Tiffany & Co Rose Gold 75 ML - $90
Carolina Herrera Good Girl EDP 80 ML - $90
Chanel Allure Homme Sport 100 ML - $89 (Tester)
Gentleman Reserve Privee 100 ML w/ Box - $80
CDG Man 2 40/100 ML - $60
By The Fireplace 30ML + 100ML Refill - $125
By The Fireplace Set (30 ML Bottle + 10 ML Traveler + 7 ML Dribbler ) - $75
Jazz Club Travel Set (30 ML + 10 ML ) - $75 (No Cover)
100 ML :
$85 :
Flower Market
By The Fireplace
Jazz Club
By The Fireplace Refill
On a Date
Beach Walk
Bubble Bath
Brand New No Box : $80
By The Fireplace Limited Edition ($90)
Bubble Bath
Autumn Vibes
By The Fire Place
When The Rain Stops
From The Garden
Matcha Meditation
Matcha Mediation (Cracked Top/No Issue $78)
Beach Walk
When The Rain Stops
Beach Walk Partial + Splasher
submitted by ComprehensiveTower71 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 19:49 pete_htn my band wants to open for Zach!🔥

my band wants to open for Zach!🔥
peep the Teddy Fresh Dr. Strange long sleeve.
i heard Zach was looking for an opening band! thought i’d shoot my shot on here 🤘🏼💛🧸
song is Rose Gold by Here’s To Now
submitted by pete_htn to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 17:17 Mr-Everyone PolyCon Game Convention Cal Poly

PolyCon Game Convention Cal Poly
Central Coast Game Community Newsletter: June 2024
Excerpt: The 41st annual 3-Day 24-hour PolyCon Tabletop Game Convention in San Luis Obispo CA is just around the corner. This year PolyCon is featuring:
  • Wolfnet Battletech Tournament
  • Board Games Protospiel
  • Adventurers League D&D (Ravenloft Season)
  • Malifaux Tournament
  • Painting Competition
  • Roleplaying Game Section with games like RIFTS, 7th Sea, D&D, and More
  • Miniature Wargaming Section with games like Kriegspiel, Warhammer 40k, WWII, Frostgrave
  • Live Action Roleplaying
  • Open Play Board Gaming Tables (all games welcome)
  • Paint-N-Take
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Free BBQ (Saturday)
  • and Tons more
PolyCon Blood Drive for Gamers! Show up Friday for our Blood Drive and help replenish the local blood bank. Local donations are currently very low! Also, free dice, Insomnia Cookies, and Black Rose Designs discounts for every donor. And stick around for a free ice cream social afterward. Students of all ages get in free. Blood donations are easy to make and only take a few minutes. Most people who believe they’re ineligible to donate are eligible due to changes in processes and technological innovations. If you’re an eligible donor, or you’re not sure, or even if you don’t believe you are, please swing by the blood drive on June 21st and check for yourself. Blood drives like this help replenish the local blood bank, a life-saving service that likely has touched all of our lives in one way or another.
PolyCon Painting Competition The PolyCon Miniature Painting Contest for Novice and Adept Hobby Painters. Entries must be submitted in person before the start of the event and fully painted before the time of their submission. See the rubric for rules and categories.
Reserve your tickets before discounted sales end and help support our local gaming community.
Reserve Your Tickets Now (Students FREE)
PolyCon is a non-profit tabletop game convention benefitting the Cal Poly SLO student organization, PolyCon.
submitted by Mr-Everyone to CalPoly [link] [comments]