Iphone world war accounts

There is no war within the walls.

2012.05.05 00:52 The_Classy_Pirate There is no war within the walls.

Here we are safe. Here we are free.

2008.01.25 08:12 conspiracy

This is a forum for free thinking and for discussing issues which have captured your imagination. Please respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. Our goal is to create a fairer and more transparent world for a better future.

2012.02.07 00:40 zellyman Hoggit Fighter Wing

Welcome to /hoggit, a noob-friendly community for fans of high-fidelity combat flight simulation. Discussion primarily focuses on DCS: World and BMS. This is not a full on reprimand-you-for-having-your-navigation-lights-on-when-you-shouldn't-have type outfit here. You'll find we foster a laid back atmosphere to learn how to work the various modules available in DCS.

2024.06.05 03:45 RandyVivaldi Are shadow priests at high rank some of the most susceptible to using a bot to play their character?

I do not see this often let me clarify, but I am now at 2400 rating in shuffles and have seen this a couple times in the past few weeks. Shadow priests that are seemingly using some sort of bot. There damage is always out of this world, and their globals are the same every single time. Is this a relatively common thing at high level gameplay? Also, what is the point of botting on a gamemode where you dont really even get anything out of it? Makes no sense, just makes it less fun for the other players.
Everytime I looked up a suspected person of botting, it is a shadow priest and it is a fresh account, no achievements and then all of a sudden "legend" in shuffles. Am I being salty, or has anyone else experienced this?
submitted by RandyVivaldi to worldofpvp [link] [comments]


As the result of studying numerous interactions with intelligence responsible for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), I have developed a new paradigm for understanding the important role of illusion as a mechanism of Contact.

1.Virtual Experience of the First Kind, VE-1

1a. Hologram like projections that can be photographed and seen by all present.
1b. A visual display recreated by directly stimulate the sensory apparatus of the experiencer. This might be accomplished by energetic stimulation of the retina or the occipital cortex where visual data is organized for perception. This type of encounter cannot be photographed and can only be witnessed by the people that have been targeted.

Andrija Puharich MD was an American medical inventor and parapsychological investigator who in 1971 travelled to Israel to research the then twenty-five-year-old psychic Uri Geller. The young Israeli had become popular as an entertainer with his stage performances involving telepathy and psychokinesis. Dr. Puharich in 1974 published an account of their time together, “Uri, A Journal of Mystery of Uri Geller” in which high strangeness events abounded.

High Strangeness Galore, The First Bizarre Sighting

Geller was a veteran of the Six Days War in 1966. He was wounded in both arms by machine gun fire. Uri Geller was not only popular with the general Israeli population but was especially loved by active-duty soldiers and officers. As part of a morale boosting campaign, in 1972 Geller was flown into the Sinai Peninsula to entertain the front-line troops. He was sent to locations where the following year thousands died in some of the fiercest battles of the Yom Kippur War.

Dr. Puharich was allowed to accompany Geller on two excursions to the forward Israeli positions. During each trip they had what I call Virtual Experiences of the First Kind type b. It was winter and cold at night in the Sinai. After one performance, Uri insisted that they go deep into the desert where he had anticipated that they would have an encounter, however he did not share this expectation with the American paranormal researcher who accompanied him. With a driver and an armed guard they left an Israeli military base. In the cold darkness, Uri whispered to Puharich, “Now I’m getting a message, ‘thirty K,’ what does it mean? ‘Thirty K’ – ah, now I get it! It means thirty kilometers. We must drive thirty kilometers to be met by the red light.”

At every fork in the road, Geller asked his doctor friend to choose which path to take. Puharich reportedly chose randomly while he watched the odometer. Then Uri said, “Our teacher said to us that he is going to appear to us as a red light that will look like a UFO.” The American doctor stated that only then did he realize why they were going out into the desert. Just as the odometer hit the thirty-kilometer mark, they saw a red light about 20 degrees up from the horizon to the Northwest. It appeared to be on top of a mountain. Geller ordered the driver to stop and they gazed at the strange light. Dr. Puharich held a penny up at full arms-length and estimated that the red light was about ten times the diameter of the brightest star. He used a compass to get the bearings of the object. This later enabled him to identify its location. He described it as being,

“Above Mount Ugrat El Ayadi, which has an elevation of 1,791 meters… It was the quality of the red light that intrigued me. It was like the clearest of claret wine. It didn’t seem to shine or sparkle like the stars, but it seemed to me as if one could look into it, and through it, as if looking into a human eye.”

The guard and driver reportedly could not speak English and so Uri pointed to the mountain and asked them in Hebrew what they saw. They responded that above the peak all they could see was stars. They repeatedly insisted that there was no red light. As they drove back to the base, Geller and his American guest noted that the red light was following them. Dr. Puharich discussed the mystery of what they had experienced, “Uri had been obsessed with getting me to the desert. Why did Uri and I see the red light and the soldiers not see it? Were our minds being controlled? If so, whose minds? The soldiers? Or Uri’s and mine?”

Their Second Sighting in the Sinai Was Even More Astounding

A month later the American paranormal investigator again accompanied Uri Geller to the Sinai to entertain soldiers of the Israeli Defense Force. This time Dr. Puharich’s friend Ila travelled with them. The author of Uri, “A Journal of Mystery of Uri Geller” described his young friend’s performance for the troops.
“Then Uri came on, calling upon a soldier and asking him to concentrate on his sweetheart’s name. Uri thought for ten seconds and gave the name correctly as Bruriah. More cheers. Uri then had each soldier step up and think of a color, number, letter, name of a car, a capital city, etc. For every one of the soldiers, Uri gave the correct telepathic answer. By now the wild cheering had subsided – there was instead a hushed awe. Uri then “repaired” a broken watch by passing his hand over it…Uri was then pressed into doing a telepathy test over the telephone with a general from another base. The test was so successful that the general told Uri that he was going to drive over to see him personally… The commanding general was obviously very impressed with Uri and held a secret conference with him. Uri did not tell me what advice he gave to the general.”

At the general’s insistence, Uri agreed to do a midnight show at the commanding officer’s base some distance away across the desert. The next morning Geller and his entourage left the base at 5:30 AM. In the clear high desert air as the sun rose, they approached the location where they had seen the red UFO the month before. To Puharich’s amazement he saw what he described as a low altitude “spaceship.” The UFO had the shape of two 747 fuselages that had been placed tail to tail. He made additional observations, “The ship did not glint in the sun; there was no reflective surface on it; there were no windows or portholes. It had a very smooth, dull, metallic gray surface.”
Ila and Uri reportedly could also see the same massive object as it hugged a ridgeline at a distance of two miles or less from their vehicle. In addition, the massive UFO despite the bright sunshine did not create a shadow on the ground below. Just as in their first desert sighting the previous month, the Israeli soldiers accompanying them vehemently denied seeing the UFO. Just as before, this second unknown object paced their vehicle. Eventually the massive structured “object” descended, disappearing behind a hill. Puharich completed the sighting report with what I judge to be a perfect description of a virtual sighting.

“I recognize that the three of us certainly had the image of a spaceship in our minds. But I believe that that image was placed there by some superior intelligence which may or may not have required the prop of an actual spaceship.”

I should state that in my opinion Dr. Puharich speculated incorrectly that perhaps he and the other witnesses might have been “hallucinating” when they saw the UFOs which the soldiers accompanying them denied seeing. As a medical doctor, I believe he should have known that hallucinations are typically the result of some kind of pathophysiological abnormality. An individual hallucinates sometimes as the result of a prescribed drug’s side effect, a street drug intoxication or a metabolic disorder. “Shared hallucinations” are generally considered by medical science to be biological impossibilities. In addition, he expressed regret that the Israeli military authorities prevented him from bringing a camera to the Sinai. Given my experiences with the Russian contactee that I call “Misha” in the 1990s, I suspect that even if Dr. Puharich had used a camera, the images of the red light and the “spaceship” very well might not have been recorded on film. This is because in my judgment, they were visual displays experienced psychically and were not physical objects.

An interesting question is what might have happened if Uri had asked the non-human intelligence that he called his “teacher” to enable the Israeli soldiers to see the flying saucers. Perhaps then they would have been allowed to see the same anomalous visual displays that Geller and his friends saw. Witnesses often call such displays “ET craft.” If the Virtual Experience Model is correct, then these are not necessarily solid objects but instead can be psychic high-tech illusions created by the non-human intelligence responsible for flying saucers.

*Contact Experiencers please note that the Virtual Experience Model does not propose that all encounters are virtual, i.e., illusory. Contact Events are at times physical, at other times primarily psychic, or in many cases are mediated by a combination of both physical and psychic mechanisms.
Links to Additional Virtual Experience Blogs:
Joseph Burkes MD 2019. INTRODUCTION As the result of carefully studying numerous interactions with the intelligence responsible for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena UAP, I have developed a new paradigm for understanding the important role of illusion as a mechanism of contact. In proposing this model, I must emphasize that both physical and illusory contact experiences likely … Continue reading The Virtual Experience Model, an Overview

J. Burkes MD 2021 Important Proviso: The Virtual Experience Model doesn’t propose that all encounters are holographic or psychic. In my judgment, interactions are occurring via both virtual and physical means. The Virtual Experience Model describes what I believe are the illusory mechanisms of contact employed by flying saucer intelligences. The model is as follows: … Continue reading The Reasons why Flying Saucer Intelligences might stage “Virtual” Instead of Physical Encounters
Hypnosis is not a magical “truth serum” for uncovering suppressed memories. I discuss controversies concerning memory, hypnosis and implanting false memories.

submitted by Contactunderground to CE5 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:45 Enlightened_Broda Told my fiancé this is gotta be worth at least $1500, but she doesn’t believe me. Thoughts?

Told my fiancé this is gotta be worth at least $1500, but she doesn’t believe me. Thoughts?
Also not pictured: Suikoden 5 & Dark Cloud 1
submitted by Enlightened_Broda to ps2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:44 DankSauceBauce Would ANYONE grade this?

Would ANYONE grade this?
It has authentication stickers on the front and back of the card…
submitted by DankSauceBauce to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:42 Cherry_Bird_ Advanced Party Splitting - Running 3 mini adventures in one session

This is post is half offering knowledge, half soliciting advice.
Common ttrpg wisdom advises against splitting the party, and for a few good reasons. However, splitting the party can be awesome. Halfway through my current campaign, I asked my players, "What do you want more of from here on out." A recurring answer was "more splitting the party."
Why? Party splitting:
But as I said earlier, there are challenges (what follows is a non-exhaustive list):
So how do we meet these challenges to get the amazing benefits:
Tackling the screen-time challenge is simple, but takes some thinking on your feet. You just need to cut from one sub-party to the other regularly, and ideally at dramatically appropriate moments. Keep an eye on the clock or a timer running so you can get back to the other group at regular and fairly short intervals.
The other two take some forethought, and I only recommend doing this with a party you have been playing with for a while and know well.
The trick is to know, ideally before the session, when your players are going to want to split up, or to somehow narratively guide them into splitting up if you want (more on that second point later). Then, to mitigate the metagaming issue, place your dramatic moments or combats where you feel the sub-parties will run into them at the same time. AND/OR adjust when or where the subparties encounter certain things on the fly to match the tension with the other sub parties.
Once you've thought about where your party might split up, the difficulty issue becomes very simple, just plan encounters balanced for a fraction of the party instead of the whole party. You may have different versions of the encounters planned depending on if they split up or not, or you can adjust on the fly. Some DMs might balk at this as me not creating a real and persistent world, to which I would say: we have different styles.
Before anyone argues against anything here, I'd like to say that I respect your thoughts and different things work for different groups, but I do this and it works and my players like it.
Now here's where I ask for advice from those of you who do this:
Next session, I will be employing all of my powers as a DM to run three mini sessions at once. I am extremely grateful to have a group of players who are close friends and who trust my occasional hare-brained ideas for unconventional sessions.
My campaign is coming to an end, and the final battle with the BBEG is on the horizon. He has amassed an enormous army, and the PCs can't stop him on their own. So last session, I asked them all: What character, group of characters, or inanimate advantage from the course of our 7-year campaign do you each want to call upon to back you up in the final battle (these NPCs wont be in initiative, but will be providing benefits elsewhere). For reasons, they know some magical plane-hopping wolves in Ysgard who will instantly take the PCS directly to whomever they name.
My game has 6 players at level 19. My original plan was to have 6 very short scenes, in sequence, where the characters are taken to the ally they names and then have to overcome some challenge in order to either assist or save the ally (our campaign is in the context of a major multiversal war) or convince them to join. However, pairs of my players happened to all choose characters that are either already in the same place in our campaign, or it would make sense for them to be in the same place now.
So instead of 6 little scenes, I'll be doing 3 scenes with 2 characters at a time. To make things simple, there will be some combat waiting for each group of two. They don't need to engage, but hopefully they do so that we will have 3 very different battles going on at once. (one against an ancient white dragon (with no legendary actions) one against a squad of giants, and one against a horde of MCDM minions).
My plan, after introducing each little scene, is to basically make one initiative with the combatants in each scene clustered together. So if two players meet one big bad guy, they will each have a turn, and then we will move to a round in another scene, and so forth. If a round in one scene is especially quick, I might do another before moving to the next scene. I plan on being pretty flexible with that depending on how its feeling
These combats have been meticulously balanced as challenging but not impossible encounters for 2 characters of level 19 (accounting for the particular makeup of each pair). And keeping things in initiative means that everyone will be playing almost exactly as often as they would be in a normal combat with all of them.
So, I'm eager to hear your thoughts and/or advice either on my advice on splitting the party above or on my scheme for my next session. Thanks!
submitted by Cherry_Bird_ to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:42 TrueKoreshan Trump the guy that will lead Christians and right wingers to their destruction in WW3

Why do you think American citizens in Trump supporting states have been allowed to keep their firearms, this is what gun ownership rights have always been about in America, they want the citizens to rise up in a second American civil war, it is inevitable given this coming election, January 6th was just a warm up, here's what is going to happen.
Ballots will go missing again and multiple recounts will take place, it will be then told that Biden has won, Trump having nothing to lose with prison coming and his supporters not being able to take the result will rise up, there will be anarchy in the streets in early 2025 near inauguration which kicks off this second American civil war. Putin will send in troops to help Trump's rebels, Canada and Mexico will support Biden and the South American countries will invade Mexico from the south in support of Trump's rebels. Basically Trump's lot will be pushed in to the Russian - China - Iran Brics nation mainly right wing group and Biden will be supported by the EU, Britain and the G7 more left wing lot.
At some point either later this year or some point next year China will invade Taiwan, WW3 is coming and it will be total anarchy.
Like Hitler appealed to the Lutherans and Catholics of his county and lead them to destruction, Trump will appeal to the Christians in his and lead them to their destruction.
The Walmarts which spelt backwards is mart law for martial law will be used to hold the rebels after the government seizes control again, some of Trump's rebels will be executed in the streets, and others will be sent to death row with charges of insurrection, while Trump will "disappear" like Hitler did, don't follow this false prophet Trump to your destruction, Trump like Hitler will convince men to rebel against the world, high on their own kool aid that they will beat the Biden government and start a new right wing Christian utopia free of the woke and left wingers, and like those Germans who fought for Hitler they will find themselves on the losing side with no mercy shown, like those Germans soldiers starved in Eisenhower's camps at the end of the war. If you are a right winger or a Christian don't fall in to the Trump trap, if he encourages rebellion after this election don't take the bait, you will regret it.
He is their Trump card so to speak, there to get all the Christians and right wingers in one place to be destroyed. That is why the Qanon stuff was made to turn American Christians and right wingers against the Biden administration.
The ultimate plan is they want to lead all the right wingers and Christians to commit insurrection against Biden, that gives the Biden administration the justification to destroy all of them by prison or using soldiers against them. That will be the whole point of this WW3 scenario, to destroy Christians and right wingers world wide, and Putin, Jin Ping and Trump are there to lead the right and Christians to their destruction, once WW3 ends left wing hegemony will be pretty much unstoppable as their won't be many right winger left.
submitted by TrueKoreshan to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:42 khajiithasmemes2 One Shot - Gentled New World.

Memory Transcription Subject: Ishida Bakin, Gentled Human ‘Florist’. Date [Standardized Human Time]: February 12, 2200.
Namu Amida Butsu.
The sound of ferocious cheers surrounded me. The animals whoop and holler for their pound of flesh, the ‘empathetic’ herd eager to see a dissenter die. I could still understand the human voices, their language an unholy fusion of a multitude of languages, intermixed with Kolashian and Venlil loan words. Each word deepened the pit in my heart, my soul heavy with grief for the mankind that was. My long ears, constrained beneath the bag around my head, still twitched at each thunderous word hollered by the herd below.
“Burn him!” They chanted, “Purify Earth of all predators!”
I was forced to my knees by a kick to the leg by the exterminator holding me. As the bag was removed, I could finally see what was going on. Those zealots had finally caught me. The Gentled Herd stood in a crowd, myself and the exterminator on a makeshift stage. On the floor below sat a pile of items. Items they had pilfered from my home. History books, family albums, porcelain statues and pictures sat piled high - doused with gasoline and primed to burn.
I tried not to cry out seeing the remainder of old Earth upon a pyre. I held my breath and mentally recited my prayer once again.
Namu Amida Butsu.
I looked up at my captor. He was human, like me. It seemed that Humanity had been gentled enough that they began to hire us. I hardly recognized him, or myself for that matter, as human though. I had been a boy when the Federation arrived with the intention of extermination. Many of the other Federative Species had attempted to defend us, and we did well for a while - fighting as the Sapient Coalition. Until we didn’t, and we accepted a particularly horrible cure to save ourselves.
As a punishment for our supposed crimes, we had been stripped of anything remotely resembling a human. We now looked more akin to deer, with long muzzles and fluffy ears, panoramic eyes with rectangular pupils, hooves, and thin fur that irritatingly came in many different patterns. We had been first conquered in body, and for my entire life, I had watched us become conquered in spirit. They had forced people to move, scrambling culture and co-opting religion, forcing the beginnings of a prey identity. One with shame at the very core of all things.
Children now were ashamed of their past. They were told that they must atone for the sins of their fathers, so that the other rebelling species would be spared annihilation. We were confined to Earth, not to be let out until we ‘purged Earth of all things predatory’. And people had embraced this whole-heartedly. First they came for the books and artifacts, then the animals, and now the people. People such as me, who still cherished the past.
I tried to remain composed. My face betrayed no emotion, easy to do without the expressive face of a non-gentled human.
“The florist Isidha Bakin is charged for the following crimes,” Bellowed the Exterminator, “ … Following a predatory ideology, holding untrue accounts of the past, distributing untrue accounts of the past, spreading Predator Disease, and having an aggressive form of Predator Disease! How do you plead?”
I knew I was going to die here. I had thought I could ride out the rest of my life in my small shop outside of Dallas, where I had been forcibly relocated too. But I had smuggled things dearest to me with. I knew it was over when an employee had discovered the fake hole in my wall, containing books of Buddhist scripture - my faith as near to me as my very life. I regretted that I had not been born earlier, so that I could partake fully in the wisdom of my forefathers. I wanted the life all generations before me lived, and not this perverse mockery of life I was now faced with. But I was here, soon to fly to the Pure Land.
And I echoed the sentiment, “My only crime is that I was not born earlier, so I could fight and prevent this.”
The crowd howled at my insult against their lives. For all their empathy, I could tell that they were here for my blood. This was a kangaroo court in every sense of the word. With nothing left to loose, I thought that I would finally say everything I had repressed for so long.
But before I could, the Exterminator spoke.
“It makes sense that a predator like you would want to hunt prey.”
I scoffed quietly, “I would do no such thing. You are all true predators!”
The crowd again howled and hollered and chanted, eager for the Exterminator to shut me up. But the young stag furrowed his brows, curious to see where I was going with this. Evidently, this was the first he had ever heard such bold words. “No. We were predators, but were better than that now. We have been shown the way by the Federation!”
The crowd hollered.
“I was there.” I responded. “So early on, how you all so quickly organized yourselves and entered the forests and zoos, armed with weapons made by predators, and laid waste to anything remotely dangerous. You piled corpses high for the sake of an irrational fear. Only a Hunter kills so callously and effectively.”
The Exterminator was stunned. I heard him stammer before he regained his gusto, and responded once more. “We don’t eat them. If you were born earlier, you would have seized those animals and slid their flesh down your gullet!”
“Even if we had done that, their deaths would have had purpose. Tell me, what did you do when you cornered the last tiger? Did you throw it in a pile, or leave it’s ashes to be blown away by the wind? It died for the sake of your irrational fears. Fears that had unraveled everything that made us human!”
“What? Is being human, simply making use of a carcass that you created?”
“No, to be human was to be in awe at the world around you! Only when you have burnt the last tree, and killed the final animal will you realize that it can’t be put back - your actions cannot be undone! A human would try to understand what scares them, and find wonder in its mysteries. This gentled humanity is the opposite. It shall spend its entire existence in fear, afraid of the dark - never to realize that it is not dangerous. Your descendants shall amount to nothing.”
The Exterminator chuckled, his voice nervous. “You are just mourning a world you never got to partake in. The Federation has given the chance to truly live, outside of our bloodlust.”
I remained silent for a moment.
“I was young when the Federation attempted to exterminate Earth-“
“The invasion of Earth did not happen. Our predatory forefathers attacked Venlil Prime for meat!” Again, the crowd cheered.
“ … They bombed indiscriminately. They destroyed billions of people. They had contempt for us then, and they still do now. Your cure was a punishment for fighting, and now your shame is written as divine punishment from a God doctored by the Federation!”
“Do not disrespect Christ the Protector! You are a sad, bitter old stag who’s seen his world crumble to dust. History is through with your predatory, cruel ideas. You will not live to see it, but Humanity shall redeem itself to the Federation, and become proper prey. Perhaps you're just afraid to enter the dustbin of history?”
I remained quiet for a moment again. I prepared for the inevitable jet of flame that would spell my end. Instead of begging for mercy, I decided to seal my fate. “No, because I won’t be entering it. Ideas are eternal. You may forget the struggles of Humanity, and all the wisdom of the generations that experienced it, but it shall not die. It will lay dormant and perhaps even be forgotten, but one day, a Human will wonder if there’s a better way. When that happens, all of the changes and curing that’s made us the way we are, will not be able to stop the march of progress.”
The Exterminator remained silent, our ears assaulted by the crowd’s cries for my silencing. Some began to storm the stage where my impromptu execution was being held, but I was spared a very painful death as the flamethrower spit death onto me. As life escaped me, so did everything I knew. The things I had seen. My memories of a fairer, independent humanity that strived towards a better future. In those moments, I felt no despair. I instead hoped as I embraced the inky darkness and awaited the hand of Amida to pull me from Samsara’s wheel.
The crowd cheered at the death of Ishida Bakin. Another step towards purifying Earth for integration as prey had come. But the Exterminator sat, watching as they lit the pyre full of books, he almost wondered what predatory wisdom those pages contained. He would live to regret his actions here, as would his son. For many generations, this discontent would stew - awaiting the proper spark that would reawaken Humanity.
submitted by khajiithasmemes2 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:40 jambla Cheapest Wordpress hosting with 100gb+ space?

My wife has a personal blog that she has been writing for over 10 years. It's mainly a journal but her friends and family read it. She has some traffic but nothing too crazy. She posts lots of images and the occasional video. Currently there is about 100GB's of data. I have a resellers on Hostgator to host her and a few other sites. I'm trying to reduce costs. I want to cancel the resellers account and find a very cheap host her her blog. I'm not too worried about downtime. If it goes down from time to time thats fine. If its a little sluggish thats also fine. Any recommendations?
I do have an Unraid server, mainly used for iphone photo backups, plex etc. Would this be an option? Prefer if I don't have to put a lot of time to learn and/or maintain.
submitted by jambla to webhosting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:39 BryOreoTendo2019 [COD] My Rankings... Thoughts?

[COD] My Rankings... Thoughts?
My Call of Duty Tier List at least until Black Ops 6.
This is my Definitive Tier List, at least until Black Ops 6 comes out. Any questions? Ask away!
submitted by BryOreoTendo2019 to CallOfDuty [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:39 l3ader021 STARDOM cards for the first half + a month long absence for Waka

Yes, you heard it right... Waka is out for the month due to surgery on her back. But don't fret because she plans to return by the 29th at Korakuen Hall
With that said, we have full cards for the next 4 shows, the first match announced for New Blood XIII and the top 3 matches for Conversion, so here they are:
June 8th - Nagoya Congress Center (LIVE on PIA, half-price PPV)
June 9th - Bolfert Toyama (VOD)
June 15th - Twin Messe Shizuoka (VOD)
June 16th - Edion Arena Osaka #2 (LIVE on Stardom World)
June 21st - Shinjuku Sumitomo Hall (NEW BLOOD 13, LIVE on STARDOM's YouTube account), partial
June 22nd - Yoyogi National Gymnasium #2 (STARDOM The Conversion, LIVE on PIA PPV and Samurai TV locally, full price), partial card
How about them?
submitted by l3ader021 to stardomjoshi [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:39 Acrobatic_Turnip_150 Welcome to R/Worldbox Update

As we eagerly await the update, let's not just imagine how great it could be, but let's dive into the realm of possibilities. What if we could create new worlds and stories, unique to our community? Whether this chat already exists in Discord or not, it's a space for you to share your hopes and dreams for what this update might bring. Here's a glimpse into one of the worlds I would create.
  1. Envision a world that marries the grandeur of Warhammer 40k with the lively spirit of One Piece. Picture characters scattered across small yet self-sustaining islands, each boasting a unique biome. In this world, wars erupt, rebellions ignite, and alliances form and crumble, weaving an ever-evolving and dynamic narrative.
  2. I would also think of something like the Hunger Games, in which Puritan humans enslave their subraces as lower class and fight one another.
  3. There can be a world where humans discriminate against uplifted animals, with humans inhabiting the only continent while the beastmen live on the islands.
While focusing on the first idea, I've also developed these other concepts. We should also make artwork to express our thoughts on the update. I made some myself a while back:
It should be noted that this community may be temporary until the update arrives; however, there is a chance that the update that comes afterward will also be fantasized about in this community.
submitted by Acrobatic_Turnip_150 to WorldboxUpdate [link] [comments]


J. Burkes MD 2019, edited 2024


As the result of studying numerous interactions with intelligence responsible for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), I have developed a new paradigm for understanding the important role of illusion as a mechanism of Contact.

1.Virtual Experience of the First Kind, VE-1

1a. Hologram like projections that can be photographed and seen by all present.
1b. A visual display recreated by directly stimulate the sensory apparatus of the experiencer. This might be accomplished by energetic stimulation of the retina or the occipital cortex where visual data is organized for perception. This type of encounter cannot be photographed and can only be witnessed by the people that have been targeted.

Andrija Puharich MD was an American medical inventor and parapsychological investigator who in 1971 travelled to Israel to research the then twenty-five-year-old psychic Uri Geller. The young Israeli had become popular as an entertainer with his stage performances involving telepathy and psychokinesis. Dr. Puharich in 1974 published an account of their time together, “Uri, A Journal of Mystery of Uri Geller” in which high strangeness events abounded.

High Strangeness Galore, The First Bizarre Sighting

Geller was a veteran of the Six Days War in 1966. He was wounded in both arms by machine gun fire. Uri Geller was not only popular with the general Israeli population but was especially loved by active-duty soldiers and officers. As part of a morale boosting campaign, in 1972 Geller was flown into the Sinai Peninsula to entertain the front-line troops. He was sent to locations where the following year thousands died in some of the fiercest battles of the Yom Kippur War.

Dr. Puharich was allowed to accompany Geller on two excursions to the forward Israeli positions. During each trip they had what I call Virtual Experiences of the First Kind type b. It was winter and cold at night in the Sinai. After one performance, Uri insisted that they go deep into the desert where he had anticipated that they would have an encounter, however he did not share this expectation with the American paranormal researcher who accompanied him. With a driver and an armed guard they left an Israeli military base. In the cold darkness, Uri whispered to Puharich, “Now I’m getting a message, ‘thirty K,’ what does it mean? ‘Thirty K’ – ah, now I get it! It means thirty kilometers. We must drive thirty kilometers to be met by the red light.”

At every fork in the road, Geller asked his doctor friend to choose which path to take. Puharich reportedly chose randomly while he watched the odometer. Then Uri said, “Our teacher said to us that he is going to appear to us as a red light that will look like a UFO.” The American doctor stated that only then did he realize why they were going out into the desert. Just as the odometer hit the thirty-kilometer mark, they saw a red light about 20 degrees up from the horizon to the Northwest. It appeared to be on top of a mountain. Geller ordered the driver to stop and they gazed at the strange light. Dr. Puharich held a penny up at full arms-length and estimated that the red light was about ten times the diameter of the brightest star. He used a compass to get the bearings of the object. This later enabled him to identify its location. He described it as being,

“Above Mount Ugrat El Ayadi, which has an elevation of 1,791 meters… It was the quality of the red light that intrigued me. It was like the clearest of claret wine. It didn’t seem to shine or sparkle like the stars, but it seemed to me as if one could look into it, and through it, as if looking into a human eye.”

The guard and driver reportedly could not speak English and so Uri pointed to the mountain and asked them in Hebrew what they saw. They responded that above the peak all they could see was stars. They repeatedly insisted that there was no red light. As they drove back to the base, Geller and his American guest noted that the red light was following them. Dr. Puharich discussed the mystery of what they had experienced, “Uri had been obsessed with getting me to the desert. Why did Uri and I see the red light and the soldiers not see it? Were our minds being controlled? If so, whose minds? The soldiers? Or Uri’s and mine?”

Their Second Sighting in the Sinai Was Even More Astounding

A month later the American paranormal investigator again accompanied Uri Geller to the Sinai to entertain soldiers of the Israeli Defense Force. This time Dr. Puharich’s friend Ila travelled with them. The author of Uri, “A Journal of Mystery of Uri Geller” described his young friend’s performance for the troops.
“Then Uri came on, calling upon a soldier and asking him to concentrate on his sweetheart’s name. Uri thought for ten seconds and gave the name correctly as Bruriah. More cheers. Uri then had each soldier step up and think of a color, number, letter, name of a car, a capital city, etc. For every one of the soldiers, Uri gave the correct telepathic answer. By now the wild cheering had subsided – there was instead a hushed awe. Uri then “repaired” a broken watch by passing his hand over it…Uri was then pressed into doing a telepathy test over the telephone with a general from another base. The test was so successful that the general told Uri that he was going to drive over to see him personally… The commanding general was obviously very impressed with Uri and held a secret conference with him. Uri did not tell me what advice he gave to the general.”

At the general’s insistence, Uri agreed to do a midnight show at the commanding officer’s base some distance away across the desert. The next morning Geller and his entourage left the base at 5:30 AM. In the clear high desert air as the sun rose, they approached the location where they had seen the red UFO the month before. To Puharich’s amazement he saw what he described as a low altitude “spaceship.” The UFO had the shape of two 747 fuselages that had been placed tail to tail. He made additional observations, “The ship did not glint in the sun; there was no reflective surface on it; there were no windows or portholes. It had a very smooth, dull, metallic gray surface.”
Ila and Uri reportedly could also see the same massive object as it hugged a ridgeline at a distance of two miles or less from their vehicle. In addition, the massive UFO despite the bright sunshine did not create a shadow on the ground below. Just as in their first desert sighting the previous month, the Israeli soldiers accompanying them vehemently denied seeing the UFO. Just as before, this second unknown object paced their vehicle. Eventually the massive structured “object” descended, disappearing behind a hill. Puharich completed the sighting report with what I judge to be a perfect description of a virtual sighting.

“I recognize that the three of us certainly had the image of a spaceship in our minds. But I believe that that image was placed there by some superior intelligence which may or may not have required the prop of an actual spaceship.”

I should state that in my opinion Dr. Puharich speculated incorrectly that perhaps he and the other witnesses might have been “hallucinating” when they saw the UFOs which the soldiers accompanying them denied seeing. As a medical doctor, I believe he should have known that hallucinations are typically the result of some kind of pathophysiological abnormality. An individual hallucinates sometimes as the result of a prescribed drug’s side effect, a street drug intoxication or a metabolic disorder. “Shared hallucinations” are generally considered by medical science to be biological impossibilities. In addition, he expressed regret that the Israeli military authorities prevented him from bringing a camera to the Sinai. Given my experiences with the Russian contactee that I call “Misha” in the 1990s, I suspect that even if Dr. Puharich had used a camera, the images of the red light and the “spaceship” very well might not have been recorded on film. This is because in my judgment, they were visual displays experienced psychically and were not physical objects.

An interesting question is what might have happened if Uri had asked the non-human intelligence that he called his “teacher” to enable the Israeli soldiers to see the flying saucers. Perhaps then they would have been allowed to see the same anomalous visual displays that Geller and his friends saw. Witnesses often call such displays “ET craft.” If the Virtual Experience Model is correct, then these are not necessarily solid objects but instead can be psychic high-tech illusions created by the non-human intelligence responsible for flying saucers.

*Contact Experiencers please note that the Virtual Experience Model does not propose that all encounters are virtual, i.e., illusory. Contact Events are at times physical, at other times primarily psychic, or in many cases are mediated by a combination of both physical and psychic mechanisms.
Links to Additional Virtual Experience Blogs:
J. Burkes MD 2021 Important Proviso: The Virtual Experience Model doesn’t propose that all encounters are holographic or psychic. In my judgment, interactions are occurring via both virtual and physical means. The Virtual Experience Model describes what I believe are the illusory mechanisms of contact employed by flying saucer intelligences. The model is as follows: … Continue reading The Reasons why Flying Saucer Intelligences might stage “Virtual” Instead of Physical Encounters
Hypnosis is not a magical “truth serum” for uncovering suppressed memories. I discuss controversies concerning memory, hypnosis and implanting false memories.

submitted by Contactunderground to AnomalousEvidence [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:37 ABCC_Exchange Announcement: ABCC to sunset Singapore Operations

Dear User,

Alphabit Consulting Pte Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “ABCC”, “We”, “Us”, “Our” or the “Company”) is announcing that it has made the decision to sunset its virtual asset exchange business in Singapore at this time and that all commercial activities will cease by August 23, 2024 (“Closure Date”).

The decision to wind down follows an extensive review by the Company. Despite the positive impact it has had, the review conclusion comes in light of the revised payments regulatory framework with the commencement of the Payment Services Act 2019 and the original submission of ABCC license application which does not reflect the current market and regulatory landscape, and a decision was made to withdraw our Singapore license application, but continue to pursue and invest in other markets where We’ve seen We can make meaningful changes and deliver greater financial inclusion impact. Nonetheless, the Company remains confident in, and committed to, expanding its offerings and regulatory footprint in Singapore should suitable opportunities present itself again.

Accordingly and as an interim measure as part of the Winding Down process, ABCC has ceased to provide centralized virtual asset trading services and suspended onboarding activities. Customer funds and tokens remain safe and secure with the Company.

Please note:-

Global Users:- We are determined to deliver on our commitments in investing in new and exciting products and services that continue to serve You. Effective June 5, 2024, We will be transferring the exchange platform to Alphabit Limited (“ABCC Global”) and will be reaching out via email, with ‘next steps’ instructions. By fulfilling these simple ‘next steps’ instructions, Global Users can continue to enjoy digital access to their trading accounts via the ABCC website at the same level of fees, accompanied by access to more than 30 virtual assets.

Singapore based Users:- Effective June 5, 2024, ABCC will be reaching out via email, with ‘closure of account’ instructions. While you can continue to access the platform, all trading activity is disabled and you will only be able to withdraw assets between Now and on/by the Closure Date. After the Closure Date, account logins will be disabled, with the account to be closed after one (1) working day, with any remaining balances in your ABCC account, deemed to be as unclaimed property and We will treat them in accordance with our Terms and Conditions.

Please let our customer support team know at [support@abcc.zendesk.com](mailto:support@abcc.zendesk.com) as We understand that you may have inquiries or concerns regarding these changes and they will do everything they can, to reply to your inquiry within 3 business days.

We are grateful to each one of you who supported ABCC. Thank you for being part of this journey, and We’ll continue working to make a difference in many ways and our long-term commitment to promoting and increasing financial inclusion worldwide through Blockchain and Virtual Assets remains the same—We’re determined to do every day better for our customers, our employees, and the world at large.

Thank you for being part of our ABCC community.

5 Jun 2024
submitted by ABCC_Exchange to ABCC [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:36 Port_Manteau_ [H] Steam Keys [W] Other Steam keys! Such as: Turok 3, Sifu, Cultic, Baldur's Gate, Metal Gear Rising, Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, boomer shooters, RPGs, offers!

Hello! I appreciate your time!
Have list: https://barter.vga492/t/
Steam wish list sync: https://barter.vga492/w/
For what it's worth I have a lot of rep from selling movie codes on DigitalCodeSELL, 182 transactions as of this post; you can find my most recent post on DCS here.
Game Titles
9 Years of Shadows
911 Operator
911 Operator - Special Resources DLC
Airborne Kingdom
Alicia Griffith – Lakeside Murder
Alien Rampage
Always Sometimes Monsters
Amanda The Adventurer
Anomaly Defenders
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition
Bravery And Greed
Call of Cthulhu®: Dark Corners of the Earth
Castle on the Coast
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?!
Cubemen 2
Dead Age
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death's Gambit
Deep Sky Derelicts
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
Dungeon Rats
Golf Gang
Hellstuck: Rage With Your Friends
Hero of the Kingdom III
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2
Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora
Human: Fall Flat
Immortal Redneck
Infested Planet
Infested Planet - Trickster's Arsenal DLC
Interrogation: You will be deceived
Iron Danger
KickBeat Steam Edition
King Of The Castle
Late Shift
Legends of Eisenwald
Lila’s Sky Ark
LISA: Complete Edition
Looking for Aliens
Mad Experiments: Escape Room
Mediterranea Inferno
Mini Thief
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Pool Panic
Pumped BMX Pro
Rapture Rejects
Rapture Rejects - Humble Exclusive "Safari Outfit"
Saints Row (2023)
Scars Above
Slaycation Paradise
Small World
Sniper: Ghost Warrior Trilogy
Steel Rats
StrikeForce Kitty
Super 3-D Noah's Ark
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation
Telepath Tactics Liberated
The Deed: Dynasty
The Flame in the Flood
The Indie Mixtape
The Invisible Hours
The Last Leviathan
The Town of Light
This War of Mine
Time on Frog Island
Tower of Guns
Trover Saves the Universe
Void Destroyer
Warhammer Age Of Sigmar: Realms Of Ruin – Ultimate Edition
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Collector's Edition
White Noise Online
Feel free to offer me:
submitted by Port_Manteau_ to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:36 Port_Manteau_ [H] Steam Keys [W] Other Steam keys! Such as: Turok 3, Sifu, Cultic, Baldur's Gate, Metal Gear Rising, Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, boomer shooters, RPGs, offers!

Hello! I appreciate your time!
Have list: https://barter.vga492/t/
Steam wish list sync: https://barter.vga492/w/
For what it's worth I have a lot of rep from selling movie codes on DigitalCodeSELL, 182 transactions as of this post; you can find my most recent post on DCS here.
Game Titles
9 Years of Shadows
911 Operator
911 Operator - Special Resources DLC
Airborne Kingdom
Alicia Griffith – Lakeside Murder
Alien Rampage
Always Sometimes Monsters
Amanda The Adventurer
Anomaly Defenders
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition
Bravery And Greed
Call of Cthulhu®: Dark Corners of the Earth
Castle on the Coast
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?!
Cubemen 2
Dead Age
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death's Gambit
Deep Sky Derelicts
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter
Dungeon Rats
Golf Gang
Hellstuck: Rage With Your Friends
Hero of the Kingdom III
Hero of the Kingdom: The Lost Tales 2
Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora
Human: Fall Flat
Immortal Redneck
Infested Planet
Infested Planet - Trickster's Arsenal DLC
Interrogation: You will be deceived
Iron Danger
KickBeat Steam Edition
King Of The Castle
Late Shift
Legends of Eisenwald
Lila’s Sky Ark
LISA: Complete Edition
Looking for Aliens
Mad Experiments: Escape Room
Mediterranea Inferno
Mini Thief
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Pool Panic
Pumped BMX Pro
Rapture Rejects
Rapture Rejects - Humble Exclusive "Safari Outfit"
Saints Row (2023)
Scars Above
Slaycation Paradise
Small World
Sniper: Ghost Warrior Trilogy
Steel Rats
StrikeForce Kitty
Super 3-D Noah's Ark
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation
Telepath Tactics Liberated
The Deed: Dynasty
The Flame in the Flood
The Indie Mixtape
The Invisible Hours
The Last Leviathan
The Town of Light
This War of Mine
Time on Frog Island
Tower of Guns
Trover Saves the Universe
Void Destroyer
Warhammer Age Of Sigmar: Realms Of Ruin – Ultimate Edition
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Collector's Edition
White Noise Online
Feel free to offer me:
submitted by Port_Manteau_ to indiegameswap [link] [comments]


J. Burkes MD 2019, edited 2024


As the result of studying numerous interactions with intelligence responsible for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), I have developed a new paradigm for understanding the important role of illusion as a mechanism of Contact.

1.Virtual Experience of the First Kind, VE-1

1a. Hologram like projections that can be photographed and seen by all present.
1b. A visual display recreated by directly stimulate the sensory apparatus of the experiencer. This might be accomplished by energetic stimulation of the retina or the occipital cortex where visual data is organized for perception. This type of encounter cannot be photographed and can only be witnessed by the people that have been targeted.

Andrija Puharich MD was an American medical inventor and parapsychological investigator who in 1971 travelled to Israel to research the then twenty-five-year-old psychic Uri Geller. The young Israeli had become popular as an entertainer with his stage performances involving telepathy and psychokinesis. Dr. Puharich in 1974 published an account of their time together, “Uri, A Journal of Mystery of Uri Geller” in which high strangeness events abounded.

High Strangeness Galore, The First Bizarre Sighting

Geller was a veteran of the Six Days War in 1966. He was wounded in both arms by machine gun fire. Uri Geller was not only popular with the general Israeli population but was especially loved by active-duty soldiers and officers. As part of a morale boosting campaign, in 1972 Geller was flown into the Sinai Peninsula to entertain the front-line troops. He was sent to locations where the following year thousands died in some of the fiercest battles of the Yom Kippur War.

Dr. Puharich was allowed to accompany Geller on two excursions to the forward Israeli positions. During each trip they had what I call Virtual Experiences of the First Kind type b. It was winter and cold at night in the Sinai. After one performance, Uri insisted that they go deep into the desert where he had anticipated that they would have an encounter, however he did not share this expectation with the American paranormal researcher who accompanied him. With a driver and an armed guard they left an Israeli military base. In the cold darkness, Uri whispered to Puharich, “Now I’m getting a message, ‘thirty K,’ what does it mean? ‘Thirty K’ – ah, now I get it! It means thirty kilometers. We must drive thirty kilometers to be met by the red light.”

At every fork in the road, Geller asked his doctor friend to choose which path to take. Puharich reportedly chose randomly while he watched the odometer. Then Uri said, “Our teacher said to us that he is going to appear to us as a red light that will look like a UFO.” The American doctor stated that only then did he realize why they were going out into the desert. Just as the odometer hit the thirty-kilometer mark, they saw a red light about 20 degrees up from the horizon to the Northwest. It appeared to be on top of a mountain. Geller ordered the driver to stop and they gazed at the strange light. Dr. Puharich held a penny up at full arms-length and estimated that the red light was about ten times the diameter of the brightest star. He used a compass to get the bearings of the object. This later enabled him to identify its location. He described it as being,

“Above Mount Ugrat El Ayadi, which has an elevation of 1,791 meters… It was the quality of the red light that intrigued me. It was like the clearest of claret wine. It didn’t seem to shine or sparkle like the stars, but it seemed to me as if one could look into it, and through it, as if looking into a human eye.”

The guard and driver reportedly could not speak English and so Uri pointed to the mountain and asked them in Hebrew what they saw. They responded that above the peak all they could see was stars. They repeatedly insisted that there was no red light. As they drove back to the base, Geller and his American guest noted that the red light was following them. Dr. Puharich discussed the mystery of what they had experienced, “Uri had been obsessed with getting me to the desert. Why did Uri and I see the red light and the soldiers not see it? Were our minds being controlled? If so, whose minds? The soldiers? Or Uri’s and mine?”

Their Second Sighting in the Sinai Was Even More Astounding

A month later the American paranormal investigator again accompanied Uri Geller to the Sinai to entertain soldiers of the Israeli Defense Force. This time Dr. Puharich’s friend Ila travelled with them. The author of Uri, “A Journal of Mystery of Uri Geller” described his young friend’s performance for the troops.
“Then Uri came on, calling upon a soldier and asking him to concentrate on his sweetheart’s name. Uri thought for ten seconds and gave the name correctly as Bruriah. More cheers. Uri then had each soldier step up and think of a color, number, letter, name of a car, a capital city, etc. For every one of the soldiers, Uri gave the correct telepathic answer. By now the wild cheering had subsided – there was instead a hushed awe. Uri then “repaired” a broken watch by passing his hand over it…Uri was then pressed into doing a telepathy test over the telephone with a general from another base. The test was so successful that the general told Uri that he was going to drive over to see him personally… The commanding general was obviously very impressed with Uri and held a secret conference with him. Uri did not tell me what advice he gave to the general.”

At the general’s insistence, Uri agreed to do a midnight show at the commanding officer’s base some distance away across the desert. The next morning Geller and his entourage left the base at 5:30 AM. In the clear high desert air as the sun rose, they approached the location where they had seen the red UFO the month before. To Puharich’s amazement he saw what he described as a low altitude “spaceship.” The UFO had the shape of two 747 fuselages that had been placed tail to tail. He made additional observations, “The ship did not glint in the sun; there was no reflective surface on it; there were no windows or portholes. It had a very smooth, dull, metallic gray surface.”
Ila and Uri reportedly could also see the same massive object as it hugged a ridgeline at a distance of two miles or less from their vehicle. In addition, the massive UFO despite the bright sunshine did not create a shadow on the ground below. Just as in their first desert sighting the previous month, the Israeli soldiers accompanying them vehemently denied seeing the UFO. Just as before, this second unknown object paced their vehicle. Eventually the massive structured “object” descended, disappearing behind a hill. Puharich completed the sighting report with what I judge to be a perfect description of a virtual sighting.

“I recognize that the three of us certainly had the image of a spaceship in our minds. But I believe that that image was placed there by some superior intelligence which may or may not have required the prop of an actual spaceship.”

I should state that in my opinion Dr. Puharich speculated incorrectly that perhaps he and the other witnesses might have been “hallucinating” when they saw the UFOs which the soldiers accompanying them denied seeing. As a medical doctor, I believe he should have known that hallucinations are typically the result of some kind of pathophysiological abnormality. An individual hallucinates sometimes as the result of a prescribed drug’s side effect, a street drug intoxication or a metabolic disorder. “Shared hallucinations” are generally considered by medical science to be biological impossibilities. In addition, he expressed regret that the Israeli military authorities prevented him from bringing a camera to the Sinai. Given my experiences with the Russian contactee that I call “Misha” in the 1990s, I suspect that even if Dr. Puharich had used a camera, the images of the red light and the “spaceship” very well might not have been recorded on film. This is because in my judgment, they were visual displays experienced psychically and were not physical objects.

An interesting question is what might have happened if Uri had asked the non-human intelligence that he called his “teacher” to enable the Israeli soldiers to see the flying saucers. Perhaps then they would have been allowed to see the same anomalous visual displays that Geller and his friends saw. Witnesses often call such displays “ET craft.” If the Virtual Experience Model is correct, then these are not necessarily solid objects but instead can be psychic high-tech illusions created by the non-human intelligence responsible for flying saucers.

*Contact Experiencers please note that the Virtual Experience Model does not propose that all encounters are virtual, i.e., illusory. Contact Events are at times physical, at other times primarily psychic, or in many cases are mediated by a combination of both physical and psychic mechanisms.
submitted by Contactunderground to aliens [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:30 erj888 Need help putting a label on the practice area/employers I'm interested in!

First-gen here, new to the legal world. Looking for what the right label is to put on my career aspirations- I'm interested in the area that includes fed agencies, gov watchdog/ethics & accountability orgs (American Oversight, etc), legal advocacy orgs (Alliance for Justice, etc), nonprofits, NGOs, & probably other kinds of orgs in that vein that I don't know the right term for. Interested in a career that's more general counsel/advising/policy/gov administration-esque rather than litigation. What kind of practice area does this sound like (does it fall under transactional/corporate or something else)? Are there any terms I'm not thinking of, either related to the practice area or to similar orgs/employers? If it helps, the fields I'm interested in include criminal law, national security, gov ethics/accountability, policy, some international relations, etc. Would appreciate any help so I can steer my job hunt!
submitted by erj888 to LawFirm [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:27 YourBoiEcho 28 [M4F] Southeast U.S Fun Enjoying Man Seeking a Relationship with an Indian Girl

Hello! Looking for my forever person! Someone who shares my feelings and desire to want to be in a relationship. I'm a 6' 1'' American. I am very kind and understanding to others. I tend to be a good empathizer and listener when it comes to other people having issues and helping them overcome issues. I really strive to make people happy. I am very fun loving and deeply enjoy showing people a good time! Work related stuff I sort of feel like sharing is that I have my associates degree in I.T. as well as a Bachelor's in Cyber Security and currently work an office job that has pretty good pay. This was especially true when I got promoted a couple of times in the past two years. I've been rewarded many time and recognized for good work frequently.
The reason for my preference towards Indians is because at my previous university in Northern Virginia I was able to join it's Indian Student Association when they had a booth at a club rush event I stumbled upon one night before my statistics class. They said they took anyone so I joined wanting to see and enjoy a new culture. I really enjoyed doing stuff there and made great friends and almost got an internship thanks to one of my friends I made there...... then I got news that I would be moving again with my parents which made me sad, that is a story for anyone who wants to hear it another time.
For hobbies I enjoy playing PC games, (such as Helldivers 2, Paladins, Cyberpunk 2077, RTS games, etc.. and always willing to try new games) board games, cooking, and trying new foods (especially Indian food since I love spicy foods). One thing to note with my eating, I am not vegetarian, though I do not mind vegetarians and am willing to do that sort of thing around family if need be, though I have mushroom and peanut allergies. I have been learning Hindi on Duolingo. In my free time I like to take pictures and am highly interested in photography. I do not smoke/or vape and I drink socially and mix cocktails. I like walking, hiking, window shopping, traveling and snuggling. While I have no issues with someone who is Hindu and such, however unless your family is okay with someone who is Catholic like me I would prefer if someone is either Christian or Catholic. Just to avoid potential family disagreements and drama.
As for what I know about Indian culture, I only saw a couple of Bollywood films Bhool Bhulaiyaa and Jab We Met. I am really interested in watching more Bollywood films and learning trivia about the actresses and actors. I am aware of Salman Khan’s crazy antics for example. Another Bollywood film I would want to watch is RRR and Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani. I would love to watch it with someone and learn more about it. I do get to see some stuff about it on twitter from some accounts I follow but I don’t really understand it much. Many of the actors and actresses I hear come up are Rajinikanth, Sri Devi, Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh, and Keerthi Suresh. Again I am willing to learn more about all the interesting details about Bollywood and such. I am familiar with some parts of Indian history like the Kargil War, the recent farmers protest and the horrific Goan Inquisition. I would like to start out slow as a casual acquaintance and test the waters with someone. I’m not comfortable rushing headfirst into a relationship and I understand that neither would you, so being friends first is a must. I really want to get to know someone so that we can both be compatible. I am somewhat open to long distance relationships so whether you are from India, UK, etc don't be discouraged to hmu. But I would prefer someone already in the U.S. Lastly I don't want someone who'll waste my time. I don't like being led on and dumped out out the blue. Please be serious and committed.
I can talk on reddit though I like talking off reddit. Contact me anytime if you are feeling the same way about finding a life long partner and feel free to ask me any questions. :)
submitted by YourBoiEcho to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:25 baughwssery Faker Skin Situation 2024

Since the time we have known about the upcoming event and skin, there has been a lot of outrage and complaints regarding the new price tier. And in an effort to get Riot to pay attention to the player-base and listen to them, some people decided to voice their opinion by boycotting the champ it was made for.
As much as I would like to keep this civil, there is definitely going to be some mentally-exhausted bias in my post. But hopefully some points get across and people can think rationally about the situation.
So get your pitchforks out and get your downvote button ready, it's a bit of a ride.
TL;DR at the bottom
I am by no means excited by, or endorsing, the new price tier. It is very outrageous, and I am NOT trying to defend this practice that is industry-wide in video games. I am looking to bring in the perspective of the timeline of events, as well as more rational arguments that aren't coming across as desperation.


Riot recently revealed a brand-new event that will be honoring a pro player that dominated the game for many years. They have also made it known that they intend to make this a yearly event, and thus we can expect something similar with a different champ based on the pro player chosen. The hype around this was very real, and it was even leaked that the new skin would be "VERY expensive". We all heard that and decided "it can't be THAT bad", and thus left it alone. The new pricing tiers came out, and we were absolutely flabbergasted by it. And this extends to all players, as many across all regions and different social media outlets have complained about it. It is certainly a big change, however with the current climate of video games, it's not completely unexpected (that doesn't make it okay).
Keep in mind this is a completely new "type" of event, but it is essentially just a battle-pass with more levels and more rewards.


For a long time, Riot has slowly decreased what the player receives for the amount of time/money spent in game. From the pricing tiers of skins (1375 becoming the new 975); to decreased rewards in battle passes (each one has been a little bit worse); and even the new chests system, Riot is progressively valuing their digital assets much higher than the average player would value them. We have gone from Legendary skins, to Ultimate skins, to prestige skins, to mythic chromas, the list goes on. A lot of these skins appear to have the same level of work and effort put in, but for substantially higher prices in terms of direct price and/or work needed to obtain them.
But let's actually go back just a few years to the time of Covid. In this time, many people were gaming, and lots of different video games were actually flourishing. There was more dev time available, more players online, it was the silver lining of a shitty time. One thing that was also happening, however, was global bail-outs for companies and the shutting down of smaller business. This changed a lot of things in our current world, but one of the biggest things was that profit margin became the single most important factor in business. Not innovation, not loyalty, not effort or quality, simply numbers MUST go up to thrive in this new world.
Is Riot a victim to this? Certainly not, they were perfectly fine before, during and after. But this did set a new precedent in that all business simply needs to increase in value or it's viewed as not being successful. I believe this has led to the current stagnation of innovative gaming and hyper-inflated value of assets, as it's one of the places that competitors can keep betting that customers will keep spending more (and they do). This is seen across everything right now (fast food, basic bills, and so on). THIS IS NOT SAYING THAT RIOT HAS ANY REASON TO BE BEGGING FOR US TO PAY MORE; IT IS SIMPLY A PATTERN THAT THEY ARE MORE THAN WILLING TO FOLLOW, BECAUSE IT WORKS.


The current bundles of this event are higher than anything we have had to date. The base bundle at $50 is already a record high, and we go even steeper than that. Their value becomes exponentially less to the average player the higher up you go.
$50= Risen Ahri + battle pass + Taunt + Emote + border + champion (kind of irrelevant). In terms of RP, the skin itself has elements of Legendary, but not so much ultimate, and thus shouldn't actually be priced as such. However, for an event that is supposed to honor a pro we all know, we can safely say the mark-up is more to do with a special event, and thus becomes more reasonable (for the most part).
$300= Risen Ahri + Immortalized Ahri + Ult skin transformations + Tower finisher + Champ finisher + New HUD + Immortalized border + Icon + Emote. While it seems like we get a lot, there is a MASSIVE mark-up for the VFX, ult skin dynamics, HUD, and different emotes/icons. At a stark $250 price increase, we don't actually get very much (for the average player), and the value of these assets is insanely high.
$500 = Previous mentions + Faker finisher + Faker Emote + Final boss title + signed banner+ signed LB banner + SKT1 Chromas + 100 pass levels. On top of the $250 increase, we now increase a further $200 for some chromas, more VFX, and a new border. The one part of this bundle that can be argued to have *some* value is the 100 pass levels, as you can simply buy 100 levels then grind another 100 in the event to buy even more event rewards. However, the mark-up for the signature and the chromas, as well as the VFX is simply too high, and again this asset is valued way too highly.
*One part of this bundle that isn't mentioned (but has inherent value) is the flex of playing the skin. As many people dislike it and can't have it, there is a certain flex that players love for having something that is very exclusive. This is something found across pretty much any game.*
We can see that the mark-up, and general value of these assets, is incredibly high. While many players respect Faker and appreciate being part of the event, these prices are outside the scope of what the average player can or is willing to afford.
However, one part that a lot of players don't recognize (for the sake of being "unfair") is that THE BUNDLES ARE NOT MEANT FOR THE AVERAGE PLAYER. This was specifically mentioned on the website that details all parts of the event. And this is the part that often becomes a part of emotional discussion.
Exclusivity exists in the world in many, many different forms. Card collectors; car collectors; first editions; misprints; the list goes on and on. There are many people who love to collect various things for various reasons, and when they have a reason to, can flex it to the population that also has a similar interest. No one bats an eye other than to say "that's cool man" and life continues.
Creating artificial exclusivity, in a video game, is a very weird subject on its own. It is a strange way to block people from being able to play and use things that they want, whether it's through short time windows, or huge costs. It's a strange thing to have in something that can always have anything available.
For the sake of collectors and the like, however, this is what it's about. Not every player is going to be around for every event. Not every player is going to have oodles of money to spend on a whim. And not every player is going to have the time to be super good at the game and be part of the top 1%. That's just the way it is. But for those that are die-hard fans, having the opportunity of exclusivity makes them bite and continue to spend time and money in something they are deeply invested in.
This is inherently NOT an issue. In fact, it is what keeps a lot of interest in many different hobbies. FOMO is the digital space of "first come first serve", the "first and only edition", so to speak. Some players will be ahead of it, some won't. That's the nature of exclusivity.
When people talk about "predatory practices", they are generally leaning toward a population that has a problem with impulsivity. As much as I hate to say it, this becomes an issue on the user, as they simply do not have to spend the money. If it's a continued problem, it's up to them to get the help they need to balance their life out and not spend on things they simply cannot afford. It may sound harsh, but that's the cold hard truth. I do not condone Riot in exploiting players, but I believe this is partly a matter of perspective and not playing victim. Both the user and the company have to come to an agreement on the paid services, and if the user is okay with it, then they buy the product. It's that simple.
This current event is not a "scam" as it has been made out. I have seen some people call this the "scamahri" or whatever skin, however there is nothing scam about it at all. The company did a very good job of telling you exactly what's in the bundle; detailed the prices; gave reasons to the prices; and even has it available on PBE to see for yourself what you are getting. There is no fraud, there is no question as to what you receive. Is it unfairly priced? Sure. But you aren't being scammed; you know EXACTLY what you are getting, and if you are willing to pay that price, then so be it. You are largely paying for EXCLUSIVITY.
So where do we go from here? Apparently some people thought a boycott to a specific champ was the way to go. I'm not sure how this ever took off from a couple of posts, as it does nothing in all sense of reality, but I believe since people have a tangible button that can be used in a game, with no setbacks or consequences, they used it as a way to voice their disdain to the company. But this accomplishes nothing.
And a final note before going into the next section. No, this is not an intention to uber-price all skins going forward. This is a specific event with a specific set of exclusivity that is based on a tiny % of players actually buying in. It is delusional to think this is going to become the new norm or that all skins will skyrocket in price because of this. Most of the money Riot makes is from their standard-effort skins. This is unlikely to change as the business model is very successful in reaching many different audiences. I obviously cannot speak on behalf of Riot, but please be real when you think about this argument, lol.


In the grand scheme of things, Riot will be making absolute bank from this skin. It is no debate that many players will be buying at least one of the bundles, and even just a few buying the $500 bundle will leave their wallets lined.
Using very quick math, Ahri currently has slightly over a 12% pick rate in Normal draft (the most likely players to use this skin) across the world. Using the average from 2023 at 150m players, we get 18m players. We will call these the Ahri mains/players.
If even 0.1% of these players bought the skin (18k players), Riot has already banked $9m ON THIS BUNDLE ALONE. If you try to consolidate collectors-only, your numbers actually go UP, as this encompasses a much larger portion of the player-base.
It is safe to say that these prices will NOT change (for this event), as the numbers demonstrate a massive profit from just the highest bundle sold alone to a tiny, tiny fraction of players.
(TL;DR) If you are truly unhappy with the prices, and you wish for Riot to stop over-valuing their digital assets, there are a few options that may actually do something:
* Boycott the GAME. It does absolutely NOTHING to simply ban 1 champion. The balance team may look at the ban-rate, figure out the few % is from an online tantrum, and continue about their business. You are not getting to the right people about this by doing this. But by showing a lower % of players engaging with the event and/or even playing the game, Riot has to answer because when THOSE numbers drop, they have to answer. A boycott on just 1 product of the same company just tells that company you are desperate and you will keep supporting it because you are addicted (eg, Starbucks has a new cup that is outrageously overpriced so I'm gonna boycott it to show I don't like it but I will keep buying their coffees every day! See how silly this sounds? You are still buying their products and showing up every day to keep counts up).
- If you want to take it a step further, ask to delete your account (or just delete it if you are really done). This will get their gears rolling and they will be prompted to ask you why you are deleting it, This is where you can share a lot of your concerns. If you can't fully commit (but have an alt), ask to delete that.
* Do NOT buy ANY MORE SKINS OR OTHER MERCHANDISE FROM RIOT. Again, one of the macro values that Riot actually cares about. If you do not participate in the event, and not buy any other products from them, you show that you are implying that you will take your business elsewhere, where you are valued as a playecustomer and would rather spend your money there. A large part of the player-base not buying goods will do a LOT more to Riot than banning a champ.
* Send in tickets to voice your concern! While this often feels futile as there are a lot of automated responses, there are eventual audits and reviews done to respond to the most ticketed areas of the game, and ultimately a flood of tickets for the same reason is at the very least brought to more attention.
* Continue to voice your complaints across social media outlets. Similar to tickets, these are under a constant observation, and ultimately brought to attention. This does NOT mean to complain in a way that is just complaining. Use rational discussions, voice a dissatisfaction of the customer experience, and don't play victim. You can have a very level head and simply tell the company that their assets are over-priced, and you will be taking your business somewhere that has more value as you see fit.
* Respond to surveys. Even if it's not about the price of skins, work it in there. These are also looked at and used for data analytics.
* Work on your impulsivity/addiction habits. This isn't just about LoL; this will have a drastic improvement in every part of your life. Companies like Riot can exploit this basic human flaw to turn profits; it is their worst nightmare for people to address it.
After this, it just becomes a matter of coping based on how you deal with this. Take up a new hobby, save up money for something else you want to buy, play a different game and praise it, the list goes on. Using your desperation and victim-mindset will get you nowhere. Change comes from the silent majority that is voting in different ways. It's not impressive, and it's not showcased, but that's how it's done.
If your plan is to ban Ahri to show you are upset; to bully players who buy the skin; to int games with the skin in them, and so forth, you are just playing the petty game. It is much easier from a psychological standpoint to take the petty stance because you feel like you are "doing something'. But that's not how change happens, and it only serves to hamper the gaming experience for other legitimate players. It doesn't help, it's just a cascade of hurting the players alongside you, and creates a vicious cycle of toxic gameplay. If a player wants to buy the skin at $500, so be it, they have their reasons and they aren't your own. That is completely fair and doesn't mean much else to you.
Be better, do the things that matter. And at the end of the day, understand that it is just a game, and some are willing to put more into it than others.
Best of luck gamers.
submitted by baughwssery to AhriMains [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:25 hunghaxorus Its been a while... Welcome back

Its been a while... Welcome back
I am sure like many others, the desire to check anything GME related on Reddit had faded away over the last 3 years. I was content knowing my shares were in Computershare and with the lack of price action, I was comfortable checking the price once a week and catching up when earnings came around. Knew short vs. long was a waiting game. I was zen.
With the return of DFV and hitting $80 in pre-market recently, among other things, I wanted to take the time to say how nice it is to see this community wake up from hibernation, like a sleeping giant.
In the event I gain significant wealth from my investments, I don't plan to hoard in castles it like the dragons I will have taken it from (maybe one castle). I plan to spend my wealth on improving the lives of those around me and leave a positive impact on the world, keeping just enough to live comfortably.
I can say with confidence that one hobby I will take up will be ensuring those who have benifited from exploiting the masses by targeting pensions, destoying companies, and ultimately destroying lives will be held accountable.
A large part holding anyone accountable will include the gathering of evidence. For those who are new or may have forgotten, I wanted to take the oppertunity for anyone who has been around for a long time to share their favorite examples of 'glitches' surrounding this stock. I'll go first:

1 Negative Volume in After Hours:


2 Whale Teeth:


3 Puts Hidden in Brazil:


4 Whatever happened on Wednesday 10th March 2021:

submitted by hunghaxorus to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:22 Wild_Extra_Dip The Obligation to Stick to the Sunnah and Serious Warnings Against Innovation

الحمد لله و الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله صلى الله عليه و آله و أصحابه و سلم
Previously we have written on why it is an obligation to follow the sunnah
And now we will clarify which team is the actual team that follows the sunnah, which person is actually the follower of the sunnah, and to whom they attribute themselves and what their origin is.
They have various names:
- Ahl al/ashabul hadeeth (people of hadeeth)
- Ahl al athar (people of narration)
- Ahl as-sunnah (people of the sunnah)
- Atbaa’ as-salaf (followers of the salaf)

And the reason they are named as such is because they are followers of the hadeeth, plain and simple, without leaning to anyone’s opinion that goes against the objective meanings of the Quraan and the sunnah, as all the innovator teams have become misguided because they have rejected the correct meanings of the Quraan and the sunnah, and have deviated to an opinion they preferred.
And they do not only follow the hadeeth, they follow the ones that have conveyed the hadeeth to them who are the “salaf” and the salaf are defined as mentioned in the hadeeth of Allaah’s messenger peace and blessings upon him:
“The best people are those of my generation, and then those who will come after them (the next generation), and then those who will come after them (i.e. the next generation), and then after them, there will come people whose witness will precede their oaths, and whose oaths will precede their witness." [Bukhari and Muslim]
A generation is one hundred years, among other definitions, it also refers to the companions.
And a companion is anyone who has seen and has believed in the messenger of Allaah peace and blessings upon him.
They are the most knowledgeable of all Muslims as they have learnt directly from the messenger of Allaah peace and blessings upon him, and were exalted by Allaah in the Quraan in over 100 ayat.
And after the companions, come the tabi’een which literally means: followers
As a term, it means the scholars that have seen the companions but have not seen the messenger of Allaah peace and blessings upon him, and in them the messenger of Allaah peace and blessings upon him said:
The Fire shall not touch the Muslim who saw me, or saw one who saw me." [https://sunnah.com/tirmidhi:3858\]
And he also said:
“Tooba (glad tidings) for whoever has seen me, or whoever has seen those who have seen me” [narrated by Ibn Abi Assim and others, authentic]

And because of the glad tidings given to those people, they aren’t good just because they have seen Allaah’s messenger peace and blessings upon him but also because of the knowledge they have gotten, and those tabi’een aren’t good for seeing the companions only but for the knowledge they have accumulated, they are better than us in the sight of Allaah and as such, we must follow them obediently, as the knowledge they had was sufficient to make them the best, and it should definitely be sufficient for us who are much lower and much less informed than they were.

What has been narrated from the companions may Allaah be pleased with them in sticking to the sunnah:

Al Irbaadh ibn Saariya may Allaah be pleased with him said:
One day the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) led us in prayer, then faced us and gave us a lengthy exhortation at which the eyes shed tears and the hearts were afraid.
A man said: Messenger of Allah! It seems as if it were a farewell exhortation, so what injunction do you give us?
He then said: I enjoin you to fear Allaah, and to hear and obey even if it be an Abyssinian slave, for those of you who live after me will see great disagreement. You must then follow my sunnah and that of the rightly-guided caliphs. Hold to it and stick fast to it. Avoid novelties, for every novelty is an innovation, and every innovation is an error.” [Abu Dawood and others, authentic]
And the four rightly guided caliphs are the best most knowledgeable of the companions that have been given leadership, they are Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali may Allaah be pleased with them.

It was narrated that Jabir bin 'Abdullah may Allaah be pleased with them said:
"When the Messenger of Allaah (ﷺ) delivered a sermon, his eyes would turn red, he would raise his voice and he would speak with intensity, as if he were warning of an (enemy) army, saying, 'They will surely attack you in the morning, or they will surely attack you in the evening!' He would say: 'I and the Hour have been sent like these two' and he would hold his index and middle finger. Then he would say: 'The best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad. The most evil matters are those that are newly-invented, and every innovation (Bid'ah) is a going astray.'
Abdullaah ibn Ukaym (tabi’i) was sent to attend the court of Al Hajjaj, when he entered, he was asked “How did Umar used to preach?”
Abdullaah said: Umar used to say: “The most truthful saying is the saying of Allaah, and indeed, the best way is the way of Muhammad peace and blessings upon him, and the most evil matters of religion are the newly introduced, and every innovation is misguidance, and indeed, people are in wellness so long as they take their religion from their elders, and the young ones haven’t rebelled over the elders, and when the young ones rebel against the elders, then they have been doomed” [Lalikaa'i]

Abdullah ibn Masoud may Allaah be pleased with him said:
We were with the Prophet (ﷺ), and he drew a line (in the sand), then he drew two lines to its right and two to its left. Then he put his hand on the middle line and said : 'This is the path of Allaah. Then he recited the Verse: And verily, this (i.e. Allah's Commandments) is My straight path, so follow it and follow not (other) paths, for they will separate you from His path..." (Al Anaam 153 translation of the meaning) [Hadeeth is narrated from several authorities, authentic]

Abdullaah ibn Al Abbas may Allaah be pleased with them was on the pulpit when he said: The messenger of Allaah peace and blessings upon him said: ‘The affairs of this nation are good and (they are) close (to each other) so long as they have not discussed children and qadar meaning: the fate of the children of the disbelievers and have not argued in qadar” [Al Haakim and Ibn Hibban, authentic]
And as it has appeared, one of the earliest misguidances was the misguidance of the qadariyya which also originated due to the Muslims quarreling about the fates (qadar) of the disbelievers and the believers, and where the children of the disbelievers will end up when they die, but without any proper knowledge of the sunnah, and if they had turned to the sunnah they would’ve been cured, but they were ignorant, and they persisted in their misguidance until they denied qadar altogether”

Abu Bakr may Allaah be pleased with him used to say: “Which earth will carry me and which sky will shadow me if I speak in the words of Allaah without knowledge?”
And coming from Abu Bakr who was the most knowledgeable of all companions, this is a grave warning.

Umar may Allaah be pleased with him used to say: “Avoid the people of opinion, they are the enemies of the sunnah, the hadeeths were too difficult for them to memorize so they spoke with opinion and they were misguided for it”

Muaath ibn Jabal may Allaah be pleased with him whenever he sat down to teach or preach or give a speech would say:
Allah is a just arbiter; those who doubt would perish. One day Mu’adh b. jabal said: In the times after you there would be trails in which riches would be abundant. During these trails the Quran would be easy so much so that every believer, hypocrite, man, woman, young, grown up, slave and free man will learn it. Then a man might say: What happened with the people that they do not follow me while I read the Quran? They are not going to follow me until I introduce a novelty for them other than it. So avoid that which is innovated (in religion), for whichever is innovated is an error. I warn you of the deviation of a scholar from right guidance, for sometimes Satan utters a word of error through the tongue of a scholar; and sometimes a hypocrites may speak a word of truth. I said to Mu’adh b. jabal: I am at a loss to understand may Allah have mercy on you that a learned man sometimes may speak a word of error and a hypocrite may speak a word of truth. He replied: Yes, avoid the speech of a learned man on distract you from him (the learned), for it is possible that he may withdraw (from these well-known things), and you get the truth when you hear it, for truth has light. {https://sunnah.com/abudawud:4611}

Abdullaah ibn Masoud may Allaah be pleased with him said: “Follow, and do not innovate, you have been sufficed” [At-Tabarani 9/154]

And said: “The little knowledge of the sunnah is better than vast knowledge while being on an innovation” [Ad-Darimi 217]

Abdullaah ibn Umar may Allaah be pleased with him said: “Every innovation is a misguidance, even of people think it to be good” [Lalikaa’i]

Narrations of the tabi’een against innovations

Al Hasan al Basri said: “Know the virtue of the muhajireen (companions that migrated to Medina) and follow their traces and never approach what people have innovated into the religion, because the worst matters of religion are innovations”

Abu Idrees al Kholani said: “To see fire in the masjid that I cannot put out is more preferable to me than seeing an innovation I cannot change” [Thamm al Kalam, As-Sunnah by al Maroozi]
Abu al Aaliya said: “Learn Islam, and when you’ve learnt it do not leave it behind, and stick to the straight path as that is Islam, and do not deviate the path right or left, and stick to the sunnah of your prophet and what his companions had been upon before they killed their companion (Uthman) and before they did what they have done. We have recited the Quraan before they killed their companion, and before they did what they have done by fifteen years, and never approach these desires that create hatred and reproachment among people”

What Abul Aaliya meant is that the companions may Allaah be pleased with them had always been in unity and consensus before they were tried by the hypocrites that were not from among them that instigated them against their imam Uthman may Allaah be pleased with him and before they fought, and those very companions returned to the same unity and consensus later on, especially in year 40AH called “The year of the congregation” ‘عام الجماعة’ when Al Hasan ibn Ali may Allaah be pleased with them stood down from the throne for Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan may Allaah be pleased with them, so stick to the congregation, the consensus and the Quraan, and you’ll reach Jannah safely, quickly and easily.

Abu Qualaba al Jarmi said: “The people of Islam have not introduced an innovation, unless they pick the sword up to fight for it”

And this has happened, and we will mention the history of the innovator teams and how they have caused wars and how they still cause a lot of violence and killing in our modern day, writing this in the 28th of Thul Qida 1445AH

Umar ibn Abdul-Azeez said: “The messenger of Allaah peace and blessings upon him set a path, and so have the leaders after him, we took by the path because we believed in the book of Allaah, the most glorious most exalted, and as completion of the obedience to Allaah the most exalted, and to strengthen ourselves towards the religion of Allaah the most exalted, and whoever works by them is guided, and whoever takes aid from them is aided, and whoever disobeys it has followed other than the believers’ path, and Allaah will make him accountable for what he has relied upon, and given him Jahannam, the worst of fates [An-Nisaa 115]

“سنَّ رَسولُ اللهِ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم وولاةُ الأمرِ من بَعدِه سُنَنًا، أخَذْنا بها تَصديقًا بكِتابِ اللهِ عَزَّ وجَلَّ، واستِكمالًا لطاعةِ الله تعالى، وقوَّةً على دينِ اللهِ سُبحانَه، من عَمِلَ بها مُهتَدٍ، ومن استَنصَرَ بها مَنصورٌ، ومن خالَفَها اتَّبَعَ غَيرَ سَبيلِ المُؤمنين، ووَلَّاهُ اللَّهُ ما تولَّى، وأصلاهُ جَهنَّمَ وساءَت مَصيرًا”

Al Hasan al Basri said: “Know the virtues of the muhajireen (migrants to Medina of the companions) and follow their actions, and never approach what people have introduced into this religion, for the most evil matters of religion are innovations”

Muhammad ibn Sereen and, another person, Ayyub as-Sikhtiyani was once entered upon by an innovator that wanted to tell him something, and he rejected, and they wanted to recite an aya upon them, and he rejected, they said “Not even a word?” “Not even a word, unless I leave”

And this suffices of the narrations of the tabi’een against innovations, each one of these great imams of Islam that are unknown today will have biographies written for them so the Muslims know who the actual scholars are and who the actual imams are, and in a later post, their students will be mentioned.

submitted by Wild_Extra_Dip to LightHouseofTruth [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:20 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 831 Al Jazeera

[World] - Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 831 Al Jazeera submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]
