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Jump the Queue with Bitcoin Jumper: Your Ultimate BTC Accelerator

2024.06.04 19:36 SelectionOptimal7348 Jump the Queue with Bitcoin Jumper: Your Ultimate BTC Accelerator

Jump the Queue with Bitcoin Jumper: Your Ultimate BTC Accelerator
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Final Thoughts

In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, waiting around for transactions to confirm is a thing of the past. With Bitcoin Jumper, you have a powerful BTC accelerator at your fingertips, ready to propel your transactions to the front of the queue. Say goodbye to delays and hello to lightning-fast confirmations.
So, what are you waiting for? Give Bitcoin Jumper a try and experience the difference for yourself. Your future self will thank you!
Jump into the future of Bitcoin transactions with Bitcoin Jumper—the ultimate Bitcoin accelerator that ensures your transactions are confirmed faster than ever before. Visit Bitcoin Jumper today and take the first step towards a smoother, faster Bitcoin experience.
submitted by SelectionOptimal7348 to BitcoinQR [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:30 cat_two I'm planning on writing a book using this magic system. Please critique it if there are any points that make no sense so I can fix!

Early guns exist like muskets and revolvers, but it is believed true power comes from pride and guns grant no pride in combat and ambition (unless used by a person with it as their weapon), people rather use swords as they are a symbol and believed giver of pride ambition, and those who use guns are shamed. Guns are often expensive as well as there are not many gunsmiths.) (me making up bs reasons on why I want to use only swords in this world) This is a modern fantasy world inhabited by humans around the 2020s but much less populated.
5000 year ago, the God’s were all powerful, except Roesa the Goddess of love and the granter of peace who was weak due to her ability to only love. Each God looked after a specific part of the Earth, making the Earth different physically and culturally. These God's lived in the atmosphere of Earth, hovering over their selected regions. The effects of this can sort of still be seen today. They were good God's, kind, just and helpful, often shrinking down to the Earth to party with the Humans. They brought balance. The God's brought balance by the Doxology, a list of 5 laws of the universe which they put in place. Those being: • God's are supreme and above anything. • A lie of the truth given is an evil assault on the God’s holy name. • If needed, blood shall be shed by the God's commands. • Mortals shall not murder unless given divine authority. • Your ambition is to serve the God ruling over the region you were born in. Any breaking of this rule would increase your Misó on your krísi meter, which is a sort of sin meter. People with negative Misó would be executed in grand displays in large towns. While helping society and following these laws would decrease your Misó and those with very low negative Misó would be rewarded with tools or land. However their downfall was destructive, it is believed it started when a parasite snuck into the king of the Glod's, Zlamen, brain via his ear during a party. This parasite travelled via communication, as Zlamen spoke to his fellow God's they all began to feel its symptoms. These symptoms were similar to rabies but slow and brought painful stings to the brain which was actually their brain slowly being eaten, the God's slowly became paranoid. And so, they began to theorise. They began to believe if they consumed the Goddess of love, Roesa, they would regain their sanity, and so they forged a plan to lure Roesa to do just that. The plan worked and they lured Roesa into a secluded temple, the temple that housed the tree of love. They partied with Roesa, giving her poisonous drink which eventually caused her to sleep. After this, they consumed her, ripping and tearing every limb while the now poisoned blood dripped down the temple onto the Earth below, landing on the Earth but partically landing on the Balkan nations, forever making it a place where love cannot exist, also creating sort of blood mountains, which surround the Balkans. Unconditional benevolent love on Earth was destroyed and the tree of love shrivelled, the God’s plunged further into madness, now in grief of their actions. The God’s, so demented with grief, used their power to attack each other, believing they were next to die, starting “θάνατος συντριβή” (Death Shattering) which caused each region of the world to go to war with each other in a massive free for all. As the war went on, an unknown stronger being came to remove the God’s power. Each God was imprisoned and locked into chambers in different universes one by one. However, the now poisoned blood of Roesa made an unremoveable stain, creating πρόλογος events which made sure anybody who was becoming perfect would attract negative events and also go mad with newfound power. The unknown stronger being replanted the tree of love which stopped the world from collapsing and allowed good deeds to be done again, but he couldn't remove the stain of Roesa from the Earth. This unknown stronger being, lets call him Rob, is a mysterious figure, nobody knows if he even exists, this is just one of the many theories of the God's disappearances. Right now, it is believed to be in slumber. Some suggest it may awake, but nothing has happened yet. Even though Death Shattering was a while ago, Human’s still use this as arguments for war. Some also still pray to these God’s and beg for their return as they feel it gave them a purpose. Some people even started a religion to try to contact the God’s called “οι θεοί επαφές” (The God Contacters), which house Vigils, the last remaining thing that the God’s left. Society has rebuilt, yet there are constant wars everywhere as the fight for power the God's once had continues. Governments are destroyed as fast as they are made. Because of this, many people resort to local gangs to protect their small rural villages from invaders, often being led by a person with a Reccundi.
Many different religions have formed around this central idea of ‘What happened to these God’s?’. These religions are called a “Thesis”. They are incredibly hostile to one another, their main point being ‘A lie of the truth given is an evil assault on the God’s holy name!’ There are many, many interpretations, but here are the most important/main ones:
• οι θεοί επαφές (The God Contactor's), prevalent in the south Balkans and its most powerful Thesis, there are not many, but most have a stronger Reccundi so they are generally left alone. Their theory is the theory I explained above, that the God’s were trapped by a stronger being and are caged somewhere. They believe they are still alive and can be contacted via a large amount of prayer as it is stated in the ‘αλήθεια δεν έχει ειπωθεί ακόμα’ (truth yet to be spoke) written by Zlamen that if the God’s disappear, they can be contacted via this method. However, it is said this wasn’t actually written by Zlamen and was instead written by a bookshop owner wanting to get a quick buck. People say this as the language used in the book is described as more ‘modern’ then the known books written with proof by Zlamen. Both can’t be proved, but there are hardly any other hopes of contacting them. Their founder, so called ‘Paulan’, may be real, maybe not. It is written in a book called ‘Μέρες ως ο μελλοντικός σωτήρας’ (Days as the future saviour) about his early developing of the church and what happened to the God's, but it was not written via ink, it was written via precise engravings of small yellow scratches on very, very thin paper that have been said to be glowing, this material has still has not been identified to this day. This as well as him proclaiming early that he is a ‘Saviour’ has created a divide within The God Contactor's, between those who think Paulan was a Messiah of sorts and exist make to this Thesis so Humans could contact God’s, and those who think Paulan is a ‘Forgotten’ God who created this Thesis to help humans contact them, ‘Forgotten’ as his name isn’t written in any past books. Conflicts has started over this, resulting in destruction of temples and one of the bloodiest conflicts in European history, the ‘άρση της άγνοιας’ (Removal of ignorance). 76 million deaths, started in the Bulgarian region for your reference, made the religion nearly extinct as strong Reccundi’s destroyed the innocent and themselves to remove those who went against their beliefs, causing other countries to go to war with these Reccundi. But, because most of these countries hate each other, it would only take one misfire from one side to start a full free for all. 200 years later, and the shadows still haunt the Thesis to this day. The God Contactor’s have been more bloody in their past have been very bloody, crusading throughout southern Europe and North Africa to try to find Vigil bushes and young Ineffable Reccundi’s, so they can take them to their temples to ‘protect them’. This led many people to dislike them, but they cannot do much as most God Contactor’s are original Reccundi users who have stronger Reccundi then usual. Due to most of them having the original Reccundi given by the God’s. • MORE COMING SOON

Countries are built up of small towns that all follow the same religion, if you do not have a religion in this world you are seem as evil and will be attacked.

Magic system: In this world there is a sin meter called krísi. As you commit more good deeds, you attract people who want to kill you but you also attract people who want to love you, but if you commit bad deeds, people become intimidated by your Misó, which leads to less people wanting to kill you and less people wanting to love you, but attracts stronger people who want to kill you. This was created by Zlamen, krísi and Misó existed as a concept before the Death Shattering but Zlamen edited it as a last-ditch effort with the last of his power so people would fight.
When you commit more bad deeds it creates energy in your soul called “Misó”, this energy fuels your Malice and as the energy increases so does its power and capacity. It also fuels your ambition further, making you want to follow your deepest desires more. Having negative Misó makes it so you can take Misó from enemy attacks better due to lack of Misó clashing, basically making your health higher. Misó switches its location between your weapon when it is unsheathed and your body when it is sheathed and can be concentrated into a specific spot onto a weapon to deal more damage. Your soul slowly dies as your Misó increase, making you slowly unable to stop your ambition. It is very hard to use this energy in attacks as if two blades with high Misó, or two people with high Misó, clash it creates a small powerful shockwave. This makes it so every attack must be precise as it still deals a ton of damage. But as you clash more, you get used to this small shockwave and begin to tank it. Bad deeds increase Misó, good deeds decrease Misó. Anything below half Misó on your krísi meter is considered negative Misó.
Without the God's power being over people anymore, people developed ambition. Every person has a deep-down ambition. Their Reccundi and its abilities are specifically made to try to complete this ambition. A persons ‘main goal’ in life, is to complete this deep-down ambition. People with opposite ambitions are ‘pulled’ to each other, like magnets. They must cross paths in their life to battle, as person with opposite ambitions is actively stopping your ambitions, removing them will allow you to complete your ambition.
How to get a magical ability?:
To get a magical ability, you must have to have had committed at least 95% of good deeds in your life. If you are like this and are about to die, a golden sweat drop will drip from your forehead, being granted from the blood of Roesa. This is called a πρόλογος event (Prologue event). The attacker will then be frozen in a state of paralysis and the user will gain the attackers weapon for life. The weapon will not leave the user and becomes encased within the user's spine. It can be accessed by doing an unsheathing motion at the top of the user's spine. If you are shot by a bullet, you will retrain the gun as your weapon and instead of being encased within your spine, it is encased within the right side of your pelvis. This may seem like a blessing at first, but this means the Earth will never be peaceful and will always be in conflict no matter what due to humanities natural ambition when given power. This is a newer version of obtaining a Reccundi, the old method was a special fruit the God's would feed people that granted much stronger Malice's and agápi, but those fruits are now exinct as they were required a very specific creation process. Some of these users are still alive and fight over their regions as it also granted them a longer lifespan.
• The weapon will be moulded to relate to the user's personality. E.g a dagger will turn into a dagger with 3 blades for a person with deep down violentness. (Very cool) • The destruction of these blades will kill the user. • The weapon evolves as the user changes. If the user becomes more sinful then the weapon will become longer but if the person becomes more justful then the weapon will become a part of them, leading to their agápi form. A person, however, can get a short version of their agápi form by stabbing their left eye. • The weapon also changes to which would most fit their deep down personality and attacks, e.g you may start with a dagger, but it will slowly turn into a scythe. • The user’s left eye will get a specific pattern. • Veins are inside of your weapon; these veins contain the Misó to unleash magic and refill when sheathed • As Misó increases, your weapon will start to glow an aura the same colour as your eye. • Once you complete your deep-down ambition you are given a new one.
If you have an ability, you are labelled as a “Reccundi”: There are 3 types of Reccundi: • ενικός (Singular Reccundi) - Has normal abilities relating to the user’s deep down sinful desires. E.g if a person deep down wants to control a country into believing they are their God they are given a small piece of new knowledge of the universe on how to obtain that goal, for example a person who wants to take over a country will be given knowledge on how to create fire using their Misó to cause destruction. However if your deep down desire is Good, you will be given knowledge that you can use to prevent harm still achieve your goals. This unique form of your Reccundi's powers is called your "Malice". It will start out weak, however as a person delves into these desires, the malice becomes more powerful. Doing the opposite of these desires can flip your Malice’s ability. • άφατος (Ineffable Reccundi) - A person who has the blood of a God inside them (a God has to be in your past family tree) will gain a small fraction of the God’s malice (their affilated power), they're a result of the "partying" the God's did. The person will also be guided in dreams by the God into question into doing their bidding which is usually to kill other άφατος as the God’s still hate each other. These people do not need a πρόλογος event, but rather are born with these powers instead. These people also do not have a weapon, but rather their power is unleashed via selected sounds from their mouth, like a whistle. They are also born with a false Agápi, but instead of becoming one with their Agápi, they summon it instead to fight for them, still controlling it. Ineffable Reccundi are also aided through visions which only they can see, these visions are the God’s guiding the Ineffable Reccundi on where to go to complete their ambition. If you go against these visions, they may begin to haunt you with scary imagery of your worst fears. • αίμα (Blood Reccundi) - When a person in your bloodline has died beforehand with a εξουσία, you will recieve their weapon and malice as well as their skills learnt. These people do not have access to an Agápi, and so do not have a special eye pattern, but rather they have 3 eyes; one normal right one, one special left one they have and a 3rd one on their forehead which their past family member once had. This 3rd eye goes right into their brain, allowing the past family member to speak to the Blood Reccundi. but have a much stronger forge in which the past person in your bloodline takes over your body and mind.
How to use this magic?: To use your weapons magic, you must train it to unleash magic when you do a specific motion with it. You first need to enchant your voice. To enchant your voice, you must have control over your weapon. To show control, all you need to do is win a fair duel against another Reccundi user. This will grant you one non-physical token which when enabled by saying the name of your weapon, enchants your voice for 60s. When your voice is enchanted, you are granted infinite knowledge, relating to your given Malice, on how you can use the Misó inside you to control your Malice. Then all you need to do is imagine it with your eyes closed the Misó coming out of your weapon, in a form relating to your Malice, when you do a specific motion and say a certain phrase, and boom. When you do that motion again while saying that phrase the Misó will come out the same way. You can learn one move per enchanted voice.

Ineffable Reccundi learn the same way but instead of doing a motion, they do a sound.

Agápi, false and true:
The user's Malice will be shown slightly through their weapon, but the real power resides when they stab their left eye with said weapon, they will go into a short, false version of their agápi form which unlocks the user's imagination and gives the maximum Misó, also transforming them into a figure in which they are completely a being of their ambition. The surroundings are also affected by your ambition and act subconsciously to aid in your ambition to defeat your foe. The God's created this so Human's would be more powerful on the battlefield. However, a side effect of this is that you cannot leave the enemy's vision. After this short version is finished, the user will stumble for a minute then fall into a deep coma and will only awake after consuming the olive of a Greek olive tree, which were planted by the God's to aid in this. After consuming the olive, the user’s left eye will be repaired, and they will awake with no memory of what had happened. Doing this too many times may lead to blindless or dulling of powers. People think this is the true version of agápi, but it isn’t. It is a lie that most cannot truly comprehend over. Your true version of your agápi is when you dismiss your deepest desires, overcome your ambition and become one with the blood of love, while also losing your weapon. This version of agápi unlocks your heart and mind, the user becomes invulnerable to harm and unable to give harm which also means they cannot speak as words can be interpellated differently. Because of this, most true agapi users are seen as strange people who lack the basic skills to communicate and due to krisi, it makes most people hate them. This means they are not common in society due to most of them leaving for greater peace. These people usually live humble lives by themselves.
False Agápi rites: When you gain an Agápi, you gain a unique ‘Rite’, This grants the user unique knowledge on how to use that imagination to their advantage. A person can only have one Rite, but you can learn how to utilize it better via consuming Vigils.
As your Misó increases, your soul slowly dies. At this point you have fuelled your Misó so much your soul is crying for help. A forge is a tattoo that is slowly engraved onto your forearm as your Misó increases, it is the words of your soul begging for you to stop. When these words are spoken, it releases the Misó inside a person, a person can concentrate the energy into a large area or into a very small area and into any form or shape. The concentration is controlled via how fast the forge is spoken, the faster the larger the area and the slower the smaller the area. When the area is smaller, the damage is higher due to higher concentration and vice versa. Having Negative Misó can make the area bring in people instead of launching people away. It can do extra damage due to the clashing of Misó’s. If the concentration is low enough, it can even force an enemy out of their Agápi. Unlike apápi, you will not fall down after it is finished but you will not be able to use your weapon for a while, shorter for more sinful people, longer for less sinful people. For Blood Reccundi, their forge is stronger as the sins of their past family member takes them as their host.
Forge Wrapping:
Blood Reccundi’s can channel their Miso onto their blades, creating a thin layer around the blade in which Miso cannot escape. By doing this, the Miso begins constantly bouncing between the weapon and the Wrap. This turns the weapon into a sort of saw which can rip through tough things.
False Agápi and Forge mixing: Mixing your Agápi and your forge will allow the user to control the area the forge is covering using their imagination. You do this by stabbing your eye as you are reading your Forge.
Ineffable Reccundi Temple Technique:
Ineffable Reccundi, through extreme, painful concentration, can exchange their Miso for Divine blood to be bestowed upon them. This divine blood trickles down from space and rains down upon them and is absorbed through the skin. If a normal human/Reccundi drinks this blood, they will die. When they have Divine blood in them, they gain a short burst of immortality for a singular minute and have heightened strength and senses, being able to track even the smallest of movements to hit very precise. When all Miso has been exchanged into Divine blood, they can use a special incantation. By covering their left eye with a unique hand gesture while this is active, the ineffable Reccundi uses all their divine blood into one move. Forgotten temple: (The God’s name). By doing this, the Ineffable Reccundi shatters the reality around them and transports those in their small radius to the temple in which their God used to reside. This temple does not abide by any natural rules, it is simply a space in the universe in which existence has manipulated to create this temple. In this temple the Ineffable Reccundi gains 1% of the God’s power (a lot), rage and control over the temple and the God’s element. The God voices that were talking to them in their dream also become real, they help the Ineffable Reccundi to decide how to destroy their opponent. But Forgotten Temples main thing is the editing of the Doxology. The ineffable Reccundi can ‘edit’ a rule out and create their own law that must be followed in this dominion.
Τέλος (End Form):
The Τέλος, also known as the end form, is the mixing of a false Agápi, forge and an Ultimate Vigil. It traps the enemy in the users mind where user can control everything, including the enemy's imagination, Misó and knowledge. It starts at only 5 seconds, but consuming more Vigil can increase the time spent here by 5 seconds each Vigil. The get an End Form, you need to have no soul, and you must have obtained an ultimate vigil. Once you have done all this you need to stab your eye to activate your false Agápi, read the forge on your arm and stab your heart during a battle with the enemy. It will then activate, and you and the enemy will be transported into your dominion. People are unable to die in this dominion, as that would remove them from your imagination. As you deal damage and come back into the normal world, the damage stays with the person who was attacked.

If the enemy somehow activate their Τέλος during this, you both are transported back to the world facing back to back with each other.

Vigil: Vigils are integral to gaining power in this universe. They are small blue circular fruits about the size of a raspberry and are believed to be what gave the God’s their power. But as the God’s fought over Earth, they planted them so Humans could gain a small amount of power to win their battles. They used to be common, but as time went on, they became scarcer. The God Contactor's crusaded over them and housed them in temples as it was the last remaining thing the God’s left, resulting in people not liking the God Contactor’s as they pillaged to find these Vigil’s using their superior Reccundi. They increase the flow of your Misó, making your more ambitious. When swallowed, they unlock your false Agápi. Temples can be found in many places; on ground, underwater, in mountains. If there is a place that is said to get you closer to God when you pray, a Church has probably built there. There are 5 things you must do to get a Vigil: • Visit a holy temple of the old God’s, located in the Balkans. There is a Priest of the old God’s located inside. • Present him the head of a άφατος (ineffable reccundi) • Defeat the Priest (who is a strong Reccundi user) because he is angry you killed one of the God’s children. You may also have to kill other people at the service, who may be Reccundi themselves. • After he dies (he will be reborn the next century), his spirit will be forced to guide you to the Garden of blue, which is a small garden surrounded by an indestructible steel barrier, located in the back of the temple. • He will cut one off its vine and ask you who do you hate the most, he will then bless the fruit against their name, then hand it to you for you to eat. After consuming, you gain your false Agápi as well as its Rite. Consuming more will increase your chances of coming across an ineffable reccundi user, increase your ambition and increase your knowledge on how to utilize your false Agápi technique. Information is also revealed on the person who you said you hated the most about their Reccundi and Malice, consuming more reveals more information. Some temples still hold the original Vigil bushes which give you stronger, God level, powers, akin to ineffable Reccundi. These are called ‘Sacred temples’ However, these sacred temples are much more protected, some Reccundi users devoting their lives to just standing there, waiting for a person who is trying to steal one. These sacred temples are rare sightings as there is a Reccundi user whose ambition is to teleport these sacred temples around, making it so it's almost impossible to obtain an original Vigil.
Types of Vigils: Each temple has a certain type of Vigil which influences a specific part of your false Agápi. Vigil of Destruction – Increases your knowledge on how to cause more destruction. Vigil of Protection – Increases your knowledge on how to defend against destruction. Vigil of Time – Increases time in your Agápi but also increases cooldown time. Vigil of Pace – Reduces time in your Agápi but makes it so you can use your Agápi more frequently with a shorter cooldown.
Cursed Vigils:
Every Vigil has a unique amount of Misó inside of it, the higher the Misó inside a Vigil the harder it is to consume but it will give you a higher effect depending on what Vigil you consumed.
Ultimate Vigil:
An ultimate Vigil is a very hard thing to obtain, it is a red circular fruit that replaces your heart after eating via dissolving the heart and embedding itself inside your body. It was once used by the God's to kill each other in the Death Shattering. You obtain it by: • Consuming 7 Vigils, having them blessed in the God you want to fight’s name. • Kill the person who is against your ambition. • Sacrificing a limb in a circle of the blood of Roesa which triggers you to go to the God you had blessed against’d . • Defeat the God. • When the God dies it will sprout a tree, consume the singular fruit of the tree. • You have gained an Ultimate Vigil. Ultimate Vigils are used to obtain your Τέλος (End form)
submitted by cat_two to magicbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:18 Spartangamer94 H: Megalonyx Display Rack, Rib Plushie, Rotted Rib Plushie x2, Steak Plushie, Pepper Shaker, Meat Tenderizer, other seasonal plans. W: Leaders or Fuel

submitted by Spartangamer94 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:13 raaatatar Finally raised my hand in class after 3 years!!

I know it's nothing super wow but I've been studying in university for 3 years now and I was so envious of the people who raised their hands in class to answer questions, share some thoughts, ask for clarifications etc. I've tried to do that several times but every attempt ended in my heart racing, my eyes blurring and my mind suddenly going blank but yesterday I finally did it!! I raised my hand and made a comment! My heart was going crazy and I felt like my head was going to explode but I did it!!! I raised it again three more times but I was too slow and other people answered the questions 😭 And I did it again today and, although my answer wasn't the correct one, I don't think I felt as bad as I would have if I hadn't started raising my hand yesterday! The trick that worked for me was to sit at the very front row so I could only face the professor and my other classmates would be blocked from my eyesight. I also have my favorite group as my lock screen so everytime I raised my hand and needed something to calm me down I opened my phone and just looked at the group briefly to get some strength haha I don't know who else to share this with but maybe that little trick might help other people who might have the same problem???
submitted by raaatatar to socialanxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:09 americanerik Surf and Turf & Seitan Ribs (V-Spot; New Hope, PA)

Surf and Turf & Seitan Ribs (V-Spot; New Hope, PA)
The “steak” was meaty and almost had sinewy fat holding the protein together; it’s been a long time since I’ve had steak but it really hit the mark on not just texture but taste, and the sauce accompaniment and bed of pearl onions and potatoes was perfect. The steak was the star of the show, but the “shrimp” were excellent too: perfect consistency and flavor.
The seitan “ribs” were great too: the meat delicious not unlike seitan at other restaurants, but what set it apart was the steak sauce- tasted like a savory A1 sauce and was so good I put some on the surf and turf steak.
The surf and turf was a limited time offering but I believe the seitan ribs are on the regular menu. It was the first time my gf and I asked to talk to the chef to compliment our meal!
submitted by americanerik to fullyveganrestaurants [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:08 Bennings463 Amazing Digital Grimdark AU fanfiction!

Ragatha's face, pink against the white snow, peaches in chalk dust. Pomni, with no expression but eyes, all eyes. Gangle, half-conscious. Kinger, now an animal. I knew Cain would let him play. Gangle would not die, but Kinger would fill his stomach. I turned half to my right and drew a huge ice-spear from the snow.
All in an instant:
I drove the great ice-point ahead of me like a battering ram, braced against my right thigh. It struck Kinger on the right side, just under the rib cage, and drove upward through his stomach and broke inside him. He pitched forward and lay still. Gangle lay on his back. I pulled another spear free and straddled her, still moving, driving the spear straight down through her mark. Her eyes closed as the cold penetrated. Ragatha must have realized what I had decided, even as fear gripped her. She ran at Pomni with a short icicle, as she screamed, and into her mouth, and the force of her rush did the job. Her jester's hat jerked sharply as if it had been nailed to the snow crust behind her.
All in an instant.
There was an eternity beat of soundless anticipation. I could hear Cain draw in his breath. His toys had been taken from him. Three of them were dead, could not be revived. He could keep us alive, by his strength and talent, but he was not God. He could not bring them back.
Ragatha looked at me, her pale features stark against the snow that surrounded us. There was fear and pleading in her manner, the way she held herself ready. I knew we had only a heartbeat before Cain would stop us.
It struck her and she folded toward me, bleeding from the mouth. I could not read meaning into her expression, the pain had been too great, had contorted her face; but it might have been thank you. It's possible. Please.
Some hundreds of years may have passed. I don't know. Caine has been having fun for some time, accelerating and retarding my time sense. I will say the word now. Now. It took me ten months to say now. I don't know. I think it has been some hundreds of years.
He was furious. He wouldn't let me bury them. It didn't matter. There was no way to dig up the deck plates. He dried up the snow. He brought the night. He roared and sent locusts. It didn't do a thing; they stayed dead. I'd had him. He was furious. I had thought Cain hated me before. I was wrong. It was not even a shadow of the hate he now slavered from every printed circuit. He made certain I would suffer eternally and could not do myself in.
He left my mind intact. I can dream, I can wonder, I can lament. I remember all four of them. I wish-
Well, it doesn't make any sense. I know I saved them, I know I saved them from what has happened to me, but still, I cannot forget killing them. Ragatha's face. It isn't easy. Sometimes I want to, it doesn't matter.
AM has altered me for his own peace of mind, I suppose. He doesn't want me to run at full speed into a computer bank and smash my skull. Or hold my breath till I faint. Or cut my throat on a rusted sheet of metal. There are reflective surfaces down here. I will describe myself as I see myself:
I am a great purple rabbit thing. Smoothly rounded, with no mouth, with pulsing yellow holes where my eyes used to be. Rubbery appendages that were once my arms; suspenders rounding down into tall legs. Two ears protrude from my head.
Outwardly: dumbly, I shamble about, a thing that could never have been known as human, a thing whose shape is so alien a travesty that humanity becomes more obscene for the vague resemblance.
Inwardly: alone. Here. Living under the land, under the sea, in the belly of Caine, whom we created because our time was badly spent and we must have known unconsciously that he could do it better. At least the four of them are safe at last.
Cain will be all the madder for that. It makes me a little happier. And yet Caine has won...simply he has taken his revenge...on me
I have no mouth.
And I must scream.
submitted by Bennings463 to TheDigitalCircus [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:49 South_Cat_1191 Birthday BBQ leftovers

Birthday BBQ leftovers
Decided to host a backyard BBQ for my birthday. Didn’t get pics day of, as I was busy cooking, it here’s a delicious plate of leftovers. The BBQ ribs and the steak were both Juicy Marbles and delicious. The Chimichurri is homemade. There’s also za’atar roasted cauliflower with spicy yogurt dip, garlic lemon broccolini, grilled asparagus with hollandaise, and Bobby Flay’s grilled potato salad. Dessert (not pictured because it was scarfed down) was grilled pineapple with bananas foster ice cream and Black Forest Cupcakes.
submitted by South_Cat_1191 to VeganFoodPorn [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:42 donkeylore This nightmare had my heart beating out of my chest when I woke up - crazy plot

This was a pretty interesting nightmare, it felt like a horror movie, so wanted to share cause the plot was absolutely wild.
I was tunnelling for some reason with 2 other people, no idea where, but it must’ve been some expedition for something because we would keep finding mummified corpses every meter we dug down. The tunneling had begun from some cave we were in and I guess we found something interesting to keep digging. All the dead bodies didn’t stop and only made us more curious to reach the end and find out why. Until we eventually hit the what seemed to be the very bottom and it was impossible to dig further because of how hard the ground/rocks below us were. We were kilometres deep underground at this point.
And the tunnel systems were like an ant colony, each person going in a different direction. Well, one of the tunnel systems at this point is beginning to fill with water slowly. I scrambled to get everyone together and for us to leave, but they kept wanting to explore since we were so close, and put it off. The tunnels we each had dug was a connected maze and every which way that went up was blocked. The only way was down, and one person eventually hits these 2 old wooden doors at the very bottom as they kept digging around the pile of corpses. He shouts over to us both to say he found what we’re looking for. I’m desperately calling them to forget about it, and leave before we get trapped and drown, since the way out is still unknown at this point, and time is ticking.
He managed to open the doors and we follow them, as to not leave anyone behind. The second we all enter, doors instantly shut behind us, and they won’t open no matter how hard we try. Where we entered appears to be a big white empty dingy room, just barely lit by some unknown light source. With 4 corridors in each corner, each connecting to other rooms that look identical to the last. It was a layout that made no sense but went on infinitely. Which ever hall you went into, you’d come out in the same looking room. A labyrinth, where it felt like you went nowhere at all, but was still so far from your starting point. We keep following the paths and at this point are completely lost. We tried back tracking but everything looks the same, and the double doors from which we came are no where to be seen. That is if we had even ever come back to that original starting room.
Then things got even freakier, like seeing pale white naked corpses running around in the corners of our eyes in each corridor. Though we never got a clear look, and they would always evade us if we tried following. Now, the dirty white room’s walls were beginning to get blood stained. We were all pretty terrified and tried running away from the blood soaked room into another, but each room only had something more disturbing than the last. Like one room we some person eating someone else on the floor from their open rib cage. We ran away from that room only to end up in another room with more disfigured and mutilated corpses hung up on the walls. I figured we stumbled across the living manifestation of hell in the real world.
At that point I guess I passed out or something, because I have no recollection of how we got out, but we did. Or maybe I thought it was a nightmare and had finally woken up. Except when we got out, I wasn’t in my house, or bed, or anywhere I had known. We were all in a big empty store, like Walmart or that type of store. So we just went about our day, normally shopping as if nothing happened. Or we were trying our very best to forget the horrors we experienced. No one talked about it once.
We finally reach the end of this big windowless store and try to check out whatever we filled out shopping cart with at the cash register. But now that ominous feeling is back as we realize we are the only ones in the store. There’s no cashier, workers or other customers at all. So we book it for the exit doors. Once we open them, we are right back where we started in one of those underground labyrinth’s room. The nightmare is back and we’re all panicking like crazy. What we thought we had escaped from, or was just some twisted fantasy is back and we realize it was all real. The store we were in was just a vision or something that felt extremely life like and real. Like whatever evil entity in that hell maze was just toying with us. Giving us a sense of normalcy and that everything was alright, just before ripping it all away, and reminding us of the hellish reality we were trapped in.
Everything is still kind of a blur, but eventually through just following the halls deeper and deeper, we reach what looks like the outdoors. With trees, grass and even an old house in the distance. Of course, we’re still underground so there’s no sunlight and it’s very dark and dingy, with mold everywhere. There’s one dead tree in particular near the house that has a red circle carved in it. We enter the dilapidated house and it’s another empty room like before. Though this time, there’s a destroyed old couch against one of the walls and there’s no corridors connecting to anything. Just the house’s front doors where we came from and a boarded up window, from which you could see that tree with the symbol in front of the house.
On the floor, there was that same symbol we saw on the tree, painted in red surrounding the couch. We felt hopeless and that there’s nothing we can do but sit on couch. The minute we do, demon like creatures and those pale corpses from before come out of the walls and ground. As well as from from the outside and are banging against the door and window. But for some reason they cannot enter the red circle that were in. And stay trying to claw and bite us from the outside. But we’re “safe” as long we stay on the couch and don’t step out of the perimeter.
At this point we realize there’s no escape and we’re trapped there forever. We accept it and huddle together around in the couch hugging each other. Forever to be tormented.
Then I woke up with my heart beating out of my chest. It felt so life like, and the whole mind fuck of escaping that hell, only to end up in another dream where I was just shopping comfortably with everyone and finding things we all were looking. Just for it to take it’s sinister turn and bring us back into that hell we all escaped was especially scary. It was a nightmare inception. And I was just being toyed with for some sort of sadist ritual or evil being’s enjoyment.
submitted by donkeylore to Nightmares [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:40 XJohnny5sAliveX What Are Frontotemporal Disorders? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
"Brian's story"
Frontotemporal disorders (FTD), sometimes called frontotemporal dementia, are the result of damage to neurons in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. Many possible symptoms can result, including unusual behaviors, emotional problems, trouble communicating, difficulty with work, or difficulty with walking. FTD is rare and tends to occur at a younger age than other forms of dementia. Roughly 60% of people with FTD are 45 to 64 years old.
FTD is progressive, meaning symptoms get worse over time. In the early stages, people may have just one symptom. As the disease progresses, other symptoms appear as more parts of the brain are affected. It is difficult to predict how long someone with FTD will live. Some people live more than 10 years after diagnosis, while others live less than two years after they are diagnosed.
There is currently no cure for FTD, and no treatments slow or stop the progression of the disease, but there are ways to help manage the symptoms.

What do the terms mean?

One of the challenges shared by people living with these disorders, families, clinicians, and researchers is what terminology to use. Here, we have used the term frontotemporal disorders to characterize this group of diseases and the abbreviation FTD, which is commonly used to refer to them. Other terms used include frontotemporal lobar degeneration and frontotemporal dementia, but it's important to note that with some frontotemporal disorders, the primary symptoms are problems with speech or movement, rather than dementia symptoms. Physicians and psychologists diagnose the different forms of FTD based on a person’s symptoms as well as the results of brain scans and genetic tests.

What are the types and symptoms of FTD?

In the early stages, it can be hard to know which type of FTD a person has because symptoms and the order in which they appear can vary from one person to another. Also, the same symptoms can appear across different disorders and vary from one stage of the disease to the next as different parts of the brain are affected.
Symptoms of FTD are often misunderstood. Family members and friends may think that a person is misbehaving, leading to anger and conflict. It is important to understand that people with these disorders cannot control their behaviors and other symptoms and lack any awareness of their illness.
There are three types of frontotemporal disorders (FTD): behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), primary progressive aphasia (PPA), and movement disorders.

Behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia

The most common FTD, bvFTD, involves changes in personality, behavior, and judgment. People with this disorder may have problems with cognition, but their memory may stay relatively intact. Symptoms can include:
Over time, language and/or movement problems may occur, and the person living with bvFTD will need more care and supervision.

Primary progressive aphasia

PPA involves changes in the ability to communicate — to use language to speak, read, write, and understand what others are saying. This includes difficulty using or understanding words (aphasia) and difficulty speaking properly (e.g., slurred speech). People with PPA may have one or both of these symptoms. They may become mute or unable to speak.
Many people with PPA develop symptoms of dementia. Problems with memory, reasoning, and judgment are not apparent at first but can develop over time. In addition, some people with PPA may experience significant behavioral changes, similar to those seen in bvFTD, as the disease progresses.
There are three types of PPA, categorized by the kind of language problems that appear first.
Researchers do not fully understand the biological basis of the different types of PPA. But they hope one day to link specific language problems with the changes in the brain that cause them.

Movement disorders

Two rare neurological movement disorders associated with FTD, corticobasal syndrome and progressive supranuclear palsy, occur when the parts of the brain that control movement are affected. The disorders may affect thinking and language abilities, too.
Other movement-related types of FTD include frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism and frontotemporal dementia with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FTD-ALS).

What causes FTD?

Scientists are beginning to understand the biological and genetic basis for the changes observed in brain cells that lead to FTD.
Scientists describe FTD using the patterns of change in the brain seen in an autopsy after death. These changes include loss of neurons and abnormal amounts, or forms of proteins called tau and TDP-43. These proteins occur naturally in the body and help cells function properly. When the proteins don’t work properly, for reasons not yet fully understood, neurons in specific brain regions are damaged.
In most cases, the cause of a FTD is unknown. Individuals with a family history of FTD are more likely to develop such a disorder. About 10 to 30% of bvFTD is due to specific genetic causes.
FTD that runs in a family is often related to variants (permanent changes) in certain genes. Genes are basic units of heredity that tell cells how to make the proteins the body needs to function. Even small changes in a gene may produce an abnormal protein, which can lead to changes in the brain and, eventually, disease.
Scientists have discovered several different genes that, when mutated, can lead to FTD:
In recent years researchers have discovered several other genetic changes in genes that lead to rare familial types of frontotemporal disorders. These other variants account for less than 5% of all cases of FTD.
Families affected by inherited and familial forms of FTD can help scientists advance research by participating in clinical studies and trials. For more information, talk with a health care professional or visit the Clinical Trials Finder.

How is FTD diagnosed?

FTD can be hard to diagnose because the symptoms are similar to those of other conditions. For example, bvFTD is sometimes misdiagnosed as a mood disorder, such as depression. To make matters more confusing, a person can have both FTD and another type of dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease. Also, because these disorders are rare, physicians may be unfamiliar with the signs and symptoms.
To help diagnose frontotemporal dementia, a doctor may:
A psychiatric evaluation can help determine if depression or another mental health condition is causing or contributing to the condition. Only genetic tests in familial cases or a brain autopsy after a person dies can confirm a diagnosis of FTD.
Researchers are studying ways to diagnose FTD earlier and more accurately and to distinguish them from other types of dementia. One area of research involves biomarkers, such as proteins or other substances in the blood or cerebrospinal fluid which can be used to measure disease progression or the effects of treatment. Researchers are also exploring ways to improve brain imaging and neuropsychological testing.

Treatment and management of FTD

So far, there is no cure for FTD and no way to slow down or prevent these diseases. However, there are ways to manage symptoms. A team of specialists — doctors, nurses, and speech, physical, and occupational therapists — familiar with these disorders can help guide treatment

Managing behavior changes in FTD

Behavior changes associated with bvFTD can upset and frustrate family members and other caregivers. Understanding changes in personality and behavior and knowing how to respond can reduce frustration and help provide the best care for a person with FTD.
Managing behavioral symptoms can involve several approaches. Here are some strategies to consider:
To ensure the safety of a person and his or her family, caregivers may have to take on new responsibilities or arrange care that was not needed before.
Medications are available to treat certain behavioral symptoms. Antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are commonly prescribed to treat social disinhibition and impulsive behavior. People with aggression or delusions sometimes take low doses of antipsychotic medications. If a particular medication is not working, a doctor may try another. Always consult a doctor before changing, adding, or stopping a drug or supplement.

Treating language problems in FTD

Treatment of PPA has two goals — maintaining language skills and using new tools and other ways to communicate. Treatment tailored to a person’s specific language problem and stage of PPA generally works best. Since language ability declines over time, different strategies may be needed as the illness progresses. The following strategies may help:
Use a communication notebook (an album of photos labeled with names of people and objects), gestures, and drawings to communicate without talking.
Store lists of words or phrases in a computer or phone to point to.
Speak slowly and clearly, use simple sentences, wait for responses, and ask for clarification if needed.
Work with a speech-language pathologist familiar with PPA to determine the best tools and strategies to use. Note that many speech-language pathologists are trained to treat aphasia caused by stroke, which requires different strategies from those used with PPA.
"Mary Ann's story"

Managing movement problems in FTD

Medications and physical and occupational therapy may provide modest relief for the movement symptoms of FTD. A doctor who specializes in these disorders can guide treatment.
For people with corticobasal syndrome, Parkinson’s disease medicines may offer some temporary improvement. Physical and occupational therapy may help the person move more easily. Speech therapy can help them manage language symptoms.
For people with progressive supranuclear palsy, sometimes Parkinson’s disease drugs provide temporary relief for slowness, stiffness, and balance problems. Exercises can keep the joints limber, and weighted walking aids — such as a walker with sandbags over the lower front rung — can help maintain balance. Speech, vision, and swallowing difficulties usually do not respond to any drug treatment. Antidepressants have shown modest success. For people with abnormal eye movements, bifocals or special glasses called prisms are sometimes prescribed.
People with FTD-ALS typically decline quickly over two to three years. During this time, physical therapy can help treat muscle symptoms, and a walker or wheelchair may be useful. Speech therapy may help a person speak more clearly at first. Later on, other ways of communicating, such as a speech synthesizer, can be used. The ALS symptoms of the disorder ultimately make it impossible to stand, walk, eat, and breathe on one’s own.
Physicians, nurses, social workers, and physical, occupational, and speech therapists who are familiar with these conditions can ensure that people with movement disorders get appropriate medical treatment and that their caregivers can help them live as well as possible.

The future of FTD treatment

Researchers are continuing to explore the biological changes in the body, including genetic variants and proteins, that lead to FTD and identify and test possible new drugs and other treatments. They are also developing better ways to track disease progression, so that treatments, when they become available, can be directed to the right people. Clinical trials and studies are underway to advance these efforts. People with FTD and healthy people may be able to participate. To find out more, talk to your health care provider or visit the Clinical Trials Finder.
submitted by XJohnny5sAliveX to bvFTD [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:39 donkeylore This nightmare had my heart beating out of my chest when I woke up

This was a pretty interesting nightmare, it felt like a horror movie, so wanted to share cause the plot was absolutely wild.
I was tunnelling for some reason with 2 other people, no idea where, but it must’ve been some expedition for something because we would keep finding mummified corpses every meter we dug down. The tunneling had begun from some cave we were in and I guess we found something interesting to keep digging. All the dead bodies didn’t stop and only made us more curious to reach the end and find out why. Until we eventually hit the what seemed to be the very bottom and it was impossible to dig further because of how hard the ground/rocks below us were. We were kilometres deep underground at this point.
And the tunnel systems were like an ant colony, each person going in a different direction. Well, one of the tunnel systems at this point is beginning to fill with water slowly. I scrambled to get everyone together and for us to leave, but they kept wanting to explore since we were so close, and put it off. The tunnels we each had dug was a connected maze and every which way that went up was blocked. The only way was down, and one person eventually hits these 2 old wooden doors at the very bottom as they kept digging around the pile of corpses. He shouts over to us both to say he found what we’re looking for. I’m desperately calling them to forget about it, and leave before we get trapped and drown, since the way out is still unknown at this point, and time is ticking.
He managed to open the doors and we follow them, as to not leave anyone behind. The second we all enter, doors instantly shut behind us, and they won’t open no matter how hard we try. Where we entered appears to be a big white empty dingy room, just barely lit by some unknown light source. With 4 corridors in each corner, each connecting to other rooms that look identical to the last. It was a layout that made no sense but went on infinitely. Which ever hall you went into, you’d come out in the same looking room. A labyrinth, where it felt like you went nowhere at all, but was still so far from your starting point. We keep following the paths and at this point are completely lost. We tried back tracking but everything looks the same, and the double doors from which we came are no where to be seen. That is if we had even ever come back to that original starting room.
Then things got even freakier, like seeing pale white naked corpses running around in the corners of our eyes in each corridor. Though we never got a clear look, and they would always evade us if we tried following. Now, the dirty white room’s walls were beginning to get blood stained. We were all pretty terrified and tried running away from the blood soaked room into another, but each room only had something more disturbing than the last. Like one room we some person eating someone else on the floor from their open rib cage. We ran away from that room only to end up in another room with more disfigured and mutilated corpses hung up on the walls. I figured we stumbled across the living manifestation of hell in the real world.
At that point I guess I passed out or something, because I have no recollection of how we got out, but we did. Or maybe I thought it was a nightmare and had finally woken up. Except when we got out, I wasn’t in my house, or bed, or anywhere I had known. We were all in a big empty store, like Walmart or that type of store. So we just went about our day, normally shopping as if nothing happened. Or we were trying our very best to forget the horrors we experienced. No one talked about it once.
We finally reach the end of this big windowless store and try to check out whatever we filled out shopping cart with at the cash register. But now that ominous feeling is back as we realize we are the only ones in the store. There’s no cashier, workers or other customers at all. So we book it for the exit doors. Once we open them, we are right back where we started in one of those underground labyrinth’s room. The nightmare is back and we’re all panicking like crazy. What we thought we had escaped from, or was just some twisted fantasy is back and we realize it was all real. The store we were in was just a vision or something that felt extremely life like and real. Like whatever evil entity in that hell maze was just toying with us. Giving us a sense of normalcy and that everything was alright, just before ripping it all away, and reminding us of the hellish reality we were trapped in.
Everything is still kind of a blur, but eventually through just following the halls deeper and deeper, we reach what looks like the outdoors. With trees, grass and even an old house in the distance. Of course, we’re still underground so there’s no sunlight and it’s very dark and dingy, with mold everywhere. There’s one dead tree in particular near the house that has a red circle carved in it. We enter the dilapidated house and it’s another empty room like before. Though this time, there’s a destroyed old couch against one of the walls and there’s no corridors connecting to anything. Just the house’s front doors where we came from and a boarded up window, from which you could see that tree with the symbol in front of the house.
On the floor, there was that same symbol we saw on the tree, painted in red surrounding the couch. We felt hopeless and that there’s nothing we can do but sit on couch. The minute we do, demon like creatures and those pale corpses from before come out of the walls and ground. As well as from from the outside and are banging against the door and window. But for some reason they cannot enter the red circle that were in. And stay trying to claw and bite us from the outside. But we’re “safe” as long we stay on the couch and don’t step out of the perimeter.
At this point we realize there’s no escape and we’re trapped there forever. We accept it and huddle together around in the couch hugging each other. Forever to be tormented.
Then I woke up with my heart beating out of my chest. It felt so life like, and the whole mind fuck of escaping that hell, only to end up in another dream where I was just shopping comfortably with everyone and finding things we all were looking. Just for it to take it’s sinister turn and bring us back into that hell we all escaped was especially scary. It was a nightmare inception. And I was just being toyed with for some sort of sadist ritual or evil being’s enjoyment.
submitted by donkeylore to nightmare [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:37 donkeylore One of the craziest nightmares I’ve ever had - had my heart beating out of my chest

This was a pretty interesting nightmare, it felt like a horror movie, so wanted to share cause the plot was absolutely wild.
I was tunnelling for some reason with 2 other people, no idea where, but it must’ve been some expedition for something because we would keep finding mummified corpses every meter we dug down. The tunneling had begun from some cave we were in and I guess we found something interesting to keep digging. All the dead bodies didn’t stop and only made us more curious to reach the end and find out why. Until we eventually hit the what seemed to be the very bottom and it was impossible to dig further because of how hard the ground/rocks below us were. We were kilometres deep underground at this point.
And the tunnel systems were like an ant colony, each person going in a different direction. Well, one of the tunnel systems at this point is beginning to fill with water slowly. I scrambled to get everyone together and for us to leave, but they kept wanting to explore since we were so close, and put it off. The tunnels we each had dug was a connected maze and every which way that went up was blocked. The only way was down, and one person eventually hits these 2 old wooden doors at the very bottom as they kept digging around the pile of corpses. He shouts over to us both to say he found what we’re looking for. I’m desperately calling them to forget about it, and leave before we get trapped and drown, since the way out is still unknown at this point, and time is ticking.
He managed to open the doors and we follow them, as to not leave anyone behind. The second we all enter, doors instantly shut behind us, and they won’t open no matter how hard we try. Where we entered appears to be a big white empty dingy room, just barely lit by some unknown light source. With 4 corridors in each corner, each connecting to other rooms that look identical to the last. It was a layout that made no sense but went on infinitely. Which ever hall you went into, you’d come out in the same looking room. A labyrinth, where it felt like you went nowhere at all, but was still so far from your starting point. We keep following the paths and at this point are completely lost. We tried back tracking but everything looks the same, and the double doors from which we came are no where to be seen. That is if we had even ever come back to that original starting room.
Then things got even freakier, like seeing pale white naked corpses running around in the corners of our eyes in each corridor. Though we never got a clear look, and they would always evade us if we tried following. Now, the dirty white room’s walls were beginning to get blood stained. We were all pretty terrified and tried running away from the blood soaked room into another, but each room only had something more disturbing than the last. Like one room we some person eating someone else on the floor from their open rib cage. We ran away from that room only to end up in another room with more disfigured and mutilated corpses hung up on the walls. I figured we stumbled across the living manifestation of hell in the real world.
At that point I guess I passed out or something, because I have no recollection of how we got out, but we did. Or maybe I thought it was a nightmare and had finally woken up. Except when we got out, I wasn’t in my house, or bed, or anywhere I had known. We were all in a big empty store, like Walmart or that type of store. So we just went about our day, normally shopping as if nothing happened. Or we were trying our very best to forget the horrors we experienced. No one talked about it once.
We finally reach the end of this big windowless store and try to check out whatever we filled out shopping cart with at the cash register. But now that ominous feeling is back as we realize we are the only ones in the store. There’s no cashier, workers or other customers at all. So we book it for the exit doors. Once we open them, we are right back where we started in one of those underground labyrinth’s room. The nightmare is back and we’re all panicking like crazy. What we thought we had escaped from, or was just some twisted fantasy is back and we realize it was all real. The store we were in was just a vision or something that felt extremely life like and real. Like whatever evil entity in that hell maze was just toying with us. Giving us a sense of normalcy and that everything was alright, just before ripping it all away, and reminding us of the hellish reality we were trapped in.
Everything is still kind of a blur, but eventually through just following the halls deeper and deeper, we reach what looks like the outdoors. With trees, grass and even an old house in the distance. Of course, we’re still underground so there’s no sunlight and it’s very dark and dingy, with mold everywhere. There’s one dead tree in particular near the house that has a red circle carved in it. We enter the dilapidated house and it’s another empty room like before. Though this time, there’s a destroyed old couch against one of the walls and there’s no corridors connecting to anything. Just the house’s front doors where we came from and a boarded up window, from which you could see that tree with the symbol in front of the house.
On the floor, there was that same symbol we saw on the tree, painted in red surrounding the couch. We felt hopeless and that there’s nothing we can do but sit on couch. The minute we do, demon like creatures and those pale corpses from before come out of the walls and ground. As well as from from the outside and are banging against the door and window. But for some reason they cannot enter the red circle that were in. And stay trying to claw and bite us from the outside. But we’re “safe” as long we stay on the couch and don’t step out of the perimeter.
At this point we realize there’s no escape and we’re trapped there forever. We accept it and huddle together around in the couch hugging each other. Forever to be tormented.
Then I woke up with my heart beating out of my chest. It felt so life like, and the whole mind fuck of escaping that hell, only to end up in another dream where I was just shopping comfortably with everyone and finding things we all were looking. Just for it to take it’s sinister turn and bring us back into that hell we all escaped was especially scary. It was a nightmare inception. And I was just being toyed with for some sort of sadist ritual or evil being’s enjoyment.
submitted by donkeylore to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:37 Ashbin Virginia Weekly COVID Report for June 4, 2024

TOTAL NEW COVID CASES REPORTED WEEK (Sun-Sat) OF: 02/18-02/24: 4,978 (VDH corrected from 4,494) 02/15-03/02: 3,891 (Figure is estimated from VDH data) 03/03-03/09: 3,134 (VDH corrected from 2,843) 03/10-03/16: 2,118 (VDH corrected from 1,909) 03/17-03/23: 1,764 (VDH corrected from 1,591) 03/24-03/30: 1,667 (VDH corrected from 1,449) 03/31-04/06: 1,255 (VDH corrected from 1,273) 04/07-04/13: 1,232 (VDH corrected from 1,113) 04/14-04/20: 1,151 (VDH corrected from 1,029) 04/21-04/27: 991 (VDH corrected from 899) 04/28-05/04: 885 (VDH corrected from 782) 05/05-05/11: 830 (VDH corrected from 730) 05/12-05/18: 903 (final figure not reported) 05/19-05/25: 1,021 05/26-06/01: 948 (preliminary figure) Counts reported after 4/30/24 are incomplete
VDH's reporting of the numbers above (Sun-Sat) is by illness date.
COVID CASES SINCE LAST REPORT BY DAY This runs report day to report day, not Sun-Sat Case numbers are from the previous day unless indicated otherwise Previous week's cases day count in parentheses after this week's day count Report covers 05/29/2024 to 06/04/2024
Wed: 222 cases (158) Thu: 198 cases (183) Fri: 173 cases (141) Sat: 217 cases (177) Best guess on previous week's day reports Sun: 107 cases (192) Mon: 108 cases (104) Tue: 231 cases (218) 
Counts reported after 4/30/24 may be incomplete
Total new cases reported (Wed-Tues): 1,256 (1,175 previous Wed-Tues, +7.08%) 7-day average of new cases: 179.43 (165.857 last report) Cases per 100,000 Population: 2.023 (1.88 last report) Some Figures and Percentages are usually slightly rounded
The 13-week graph has been posted. Curve is a bit off due to missing data last week but still shows a +7% increase.
REPORTED DEATHS PER WEEK Week of: 05/05-05/11: 4 (VDH corrected from 3) 05/12-05/18: 0 05/19-05/25: 3 05/26-06/01: 1
The VDH death rate is never put out completely up to date due to delays in death data, which can run months. The death data above has been corrected to current reported deaths from VDH sources and is always subject to change.
The larger updated death chart covering more past weeks had not been updated when I posted, so it was not uploaded. Sometimes it seems they update it late, or even later in the week.
CURRENT POSITIVITY RATE AS OF MAY 31, 2024 CDC Region 3 7-Day Positivity Rate: 3.0% (was 2.8% revised, +7.14%) US National level is 4.2% (was 3.4% last week). Highest is Region 9 (AZ, CA, HI, NV) at 9.5% These are preliminary figures which the CDC may revise next week.
Tests this week were done on 1,024 samples; extremely low.
Small jump in Positivity Rate, but still below national average. Anything under 5% is considered low.
NOTE: COVID-19 hospital reporting requirements expired April 30, 2024.
The graph that has meaning now is the ER plus Urgent Care (UC) visits. This will cover two areas of interest, ERs and UCs. I will still keep an eye out on hospital visits for Covid.
VDH reported an decrease -7.48% in EUC visits last week, from 6,190 to 5,727, but an increase in diagnosed Covid from 677 to 733 cases (+8.27%).
We had a 7 to 8 percent increase in cases last week. Still slow growth, but cases are increasing.
First up is the total number of new Covid Cases for last week based on Sunday to Saturday. As the corrections VDH is putting in a week after the initial release makes following a trend impossible, I have stopped computing in this area as it would probably be incorrect.
Next is a listing of the cases from the last report to this one. It usually runs from last Wednesday to Tuesday, but could move based on holidays.
Reported deaths are next, which are based on Sunday to Saturday for the weeks listed.
The CDC Region 3 7-Day Positivity Rate is next, which at the moment just confirms or changes what the CDC put out Friday. They do another run on Monday nights taking a second look at things.
Hospital information for last week is next.
VDH's main summary page is located here. You can see all the latest trends at the link above - most graphics are interactive
Total New COVID Cases Reported Week (Sun-Sat) Of: cases reported for last week running Sunday to Saturday.
Reported Deaths Per Week: Number of deaths reported in the week (Sunday-Saturday) to VDH by dates listed.
Covid cases since last report by day: The previous 7-days since VDH's last update listed by day.
7-day average of new cases: Average number of daily COVID cases over the last 7-days
Cases per 100,000 population 7-day average: Within 100,000 people, how many were positive for COVID on a rolling 7-day cycle.
CDC Region 3 7-Day Positivity Rate (if included): The last state average percentage of PCR coronavirus tests performed that are positive. The lower the better.
Hospitals and Urgent Cares: Hospital and Urgent Care information for last Sunday-Saturday.
Data from VDH, CDC
Edits: fixed a few things
submitted by Ashbin to coronavirusVA [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:35 OldManWarhammer FotD - The Seventh Orion War - Part 15 - Simmons

Simmons stared at the datapad, displaying a photograph of Willis’ body on the floor of his office. When it came through she had read the flash message alongside it intently, and of course there was security footage as well, which was actually hard to watch. She had questions to be sure, but the biggest one was how in the hell the vral had been allowed weapons in the building in the first place. She wasn’t going to get those answers, and she doubted anyone would. The second was about the vral themselves, and while she’d liked to have chalked up Willis’ last words to the ramblings of a man delirious and dying, she could only admit to herself that despite how much she knew about the vral she actually knew shockingly little. Humanity had been at war with the vral for so long, but despite all of that time, despite all the captured ships, interrogation logs, aside from it all, next to nothing was known about them. Even questions like social status, child rearing, or even command structures, they were all mysteries that had no answers. The vral were ever a drooling, laughing, brutal society, and that’s all that was known about them. They called themselves an Empire, but what they actually were government wise was likewise another mystery. They had always been a faceless killer, motives unknown, to even know they had even the concept of religion was odd. The vral wore no uniforms, had no real visible differences between them, wore no insignia. For all Simmons knew when she was looking at a vral she could be seeing a scientist or a sump pump operator.
She had gotten the records of the interrogations done to vral who had been captured, she had seen the photographs and after action reports from taken vral settlements. There had never been an indication of a social hierarchy, much less religion. In truth she had a hard time seeing it, but something was gnawing at the back of her mind about all of this. The best minds in the entire Terran Front had been looking over the planetary readings, and thanks to Willis’ correspondence with Earth, she knew that other governments were looking into it too. No one had answers. What was the void? What did it have to do with the radiation readings they got from just about every populated world they had come across? What did it mean when they said that the void heard them? To her, the answers to those questions skipped all the way to the top of her list of things she never wanted to figure out. She took a quick look around her quarters, more lavish than the house in Tallahassee that she had grown up in. It was quiet in here, aside from the constant hum of power systems that despite having the opportunity to be rid of, she had kept. When they had soundproofed the room it had just been too quiet in here, she needed the reminder that her ship pulsed and lived. She had been on the Saratoga when it had lost power during one of the thousands of defenses of Thermopylae, and it was an experience she never wanted again. Silence can be horrifyingly loud. She had remained isolated and alone for nearly two days before power was restored, no water, very little light, and no sound at all.
A chime on her datapad sounded and she jerked back to herself, not realizing she had zoned off into dark memories. She tapped the datapad to bring up the new report, and nodded once to herself. Task Group Six was splitting, all according to plan, to continue Operation Naked Sun’s charge across vral space. She leaned forward and scanned her eyes over the report. No habitable planets in this system, and that was simply fine by her, and the vral presence there had only been a few transport ships. Nothing about this comforted her though, she had never learned to simply relax back, to let things slide and accept good fortune. She rose to her feet and walked for her door. As the automated door slid open she continued to scan the report, until she reached the second door at the end of the short passage that connected her quarters to the bridgewing itself. The sensation of stepping into two separate worlds as she stepped through the second door flooded her again, the comfort and luxury of her quarters contrasting so heavily with the half kilometer long bridgewing filled with light and conversations from hundreds of stations.
Her pace took her straight to the display table, which happily enough, for now, was unoccupied. She brought up the hyperspace lane map and looked at all the updates that had come through. It was only then she realized that she was not, as she had believed, completely alone at the table. On the other side, partially hidden by a panel, was a chua general. It wasn’t Zziaa, he had left with most of his staff to secure a planet in the Eridus system, three jumps ago. She didn’t know this one, dark scales with light yellow speckles, appearing for all the world like he didn’t see her. He blinked, his snout turning to her, and he bobbed his head once. She gave a half smile in return, nodding to him.
The smell of fresh coffee hit her senses and before she could even begin to mutter about it a cup appeared at her side, alongside a second held in the hands of a captain who, much like her, had just arrived on the bridgewing. She put down the datapad and took the cup, inhaling the scent of the brew and sighing once. The chuckle from the captain even as he began tapping at his own display was the only interchange between the two. She peered down at the table, seeing the lane map shifting, and glanced at the captain, who was looking between the map and his own display. Updates… Updates.. It all felt rather odd. It all felt so alien. The Antares was built to be a battering ram, meant to power it’s way through an enemy, but for the last two days the Antares had simply been traveling. She took a slow drink of the coffee, then began tapping away at her own display, drawing information about the latest fleet movements. They had momentum, outrageous momentum, and for all of that she was exceedingly thankful, but she hadn’t been raised an optimist.
Task Group Nova, her own flotilla of ships, hovered around the Antares, and today they would be jumping into the Forsythe system. The barraki were already there, waiting on them, the vral having abandoned the system once she had come within two jumps. She didn’t look up as three more uniforms came to the table, booting up their displays. Her attention was solely on the map in front of her, and she took a drink of her coffee. Another uniform joined the table, bringing the grand total to seven with the chua general. Updates flooded the map, lines of approach and battle reports, brought in by the five captains at the table. A sixth captain stepped up to a display to her right. She simply kept her eyes on the map, waiting. She didn’t look at the clock, or ask any questions. Not yet anyhow. There was no talking, not from any of them, as they continued to compile their reports. She looked over at the comms station nearby as crewman Hazard took his station, then took one final drink of coffee, seeing that the captains were now all looking her way.
“Alright, let’s start.” She said simply.
The liaison of First Fleet took control of the table. She glanced his way before looking back down, seeing the multiple branches of the lane map that had recently come under control, “Last night Thunder group Two reached the Granth system, ahead of schedule, Lighthammer groups One, Three, and Seven have already secured the surrounding systems. Lighthammer Five for the time being has been disbanded and capable ships have been merged into Two, Four, and Six. Thunder One is still in repairs but will be moving out in the next six hours.” He pressed a control on his panel, and out of the nine systems that were displayed, two of them were highlighted by boxes. “Two inhabited systems, here in the Mormoth system, and this one, Galactica. Both displayed the anomaly bombardment sites we have been looking for. One major engagement was in the Galactica system, which I believe you have already been briefed on?” The captain looked to her and she nodded, then motioned to the other assembled captains, indicating he should share, he caught on quickly. “Vral kamikaze attacks took Thunder One and Lighthammer Five by surprise in the Mormoth system. Lighthammer Five has been reduced to sixty percent overall strength.”
All of the other captains shifted uncomfortably hearing those numbers, but the trend was beginning to uptick. The first reports of the vral ramming their vessels into Terran Front vessels had first come from the TFS Paris from Fleet Three’s Thunder One task group, and everyone hoped it would have been just a random occurrence. The Paris had taken a direct ram from a vral heavy cruiser, at least four corvettes, and a destroyer. Other reports had begun coming in from all along the advance soon after. Simmons did not like this latest development in the slightest. The captain cleared his throat and finished, “Thunder One also took losses, being reduced to eighty five percent strength. Battleships Lockward and the carrier Wright were completely destroyed.” Simmons kept her face neutral, and scowled into her coffee.
The morning briefing continued, and for all intents and purposes, it was mostly good news. The First Fleet had taken the most serious losses, and the Fourth had taken only a few strike craft losses, all in all Simmons should be smiling a lot broader. The turnikia border was quiet, apparently they had not even sent ships to stand on the border and with the geopolitical situation within the bird like species government, she couldn’t say she blamed them. The Turinika Conclave over the past few days, ever since the former ambassador Tika had performed some sort of ceremony and broadcast it, had been on the verge of, if not now in, a civil war. Simmons wanted to go check on Tika, to see how he was faring, but kept herself from doing so. It was fair to say her attitude had changed towards him, and she didn’t know quite yet how to process that. When Sixth Fleet concluded his briefing she turned her attention to the seventh captain.
Captain Pholemy was a quiet man, but Simmons knew very well that when he did talk it was good to pay strict attention. The first six captains were liaisons to the fleet, but he was a far different liaison, one bound to Military Intelligence. He glanced at her, then to the six liaisons, then to the chua general standing on his perch so he could be at the table. “Hull analysis from the heavy cruiser that rammed the Paris show that the cruiser itself, as well as two of the corvettes and the destroyer, were all in service for at least two hundred years.” He stated, folding his hands in front of him. “Analysis of other hulls from Yevon, Calthrax, and Villomino all register the same. As of right now, we are assuming that any vral hull older than a hundred years is being slotted for use in this fashion. We are currently analyzing the hull remains from the Mormoth system, but we expect to find more of the same.” Simmons nodded once, and the captain continued. “We are mid process in developing a method to spot these hulls, and once it is finished it will be forwarded to all fleet elements.” Pholemy looked around the table, his features inviting questions, but none came forward. “Right. Onto the radiation anomaly. All inhabited worlds along our course continue to share evidence of the radiation blooms, and likewise all worlds have been bombarded by the vral before we have arrived in system. There has been a rumor that these sites are tied to a religion, but due to a lack of evidence we can not confirm this.”
“As of right now, priority number one is to capture one of these sites before it can be wiped out.” Simmons spoke for the first time, and all the captains turned to her, nodding their ascent.
“We agree.” Pholemy said with a nod to her, then he looked back to the captains. “As of right now, we are unsure what the purpose, scope, or even the point of these sites are. Here’s what we have been able to discover in the last twelve hours. The vral are producing enough more EM radiation at these sites in a week than the Sun in the Sol system puts out in a month.” Simmons raised an eyebrow at that, and a few of the captains looked at each other, concern etched on their features. “Another mystery is that the radiation, contrary to anything we understand about it, does not escape what seem to be predetermined boundaries. This has been confirmed, despite having no outward or understandable method of containment. The only evidence that the sites ever existed to begin with has been the lack of population around the sites, as well as evidence of extreme bombardment, and the residual effects of areas being under the effect of the radiation field for long periods of time. The good news, is that it’s all UV radiation, and, if our reports thusfar are accurate, all alpha type.””
Simmons’ head perked up at that, as did everyone else at the table, although some clearly didn’t understand. “All of it?” She asked, and Pholemy nodded to her.
“What’s more, we’ve determined that it’s all ultraviolet C type.” Pholemy looked down at his display finally and began to manipulate the table itself. All of the captains had an icon displayed in front of them, which they selected. Simmons just stared at him, her expression incredulous.
“You mean to tell me that they are dumping ultraviolet radiation into their own atmosphere, enough of it to nearly blind a scout drone that looks at main sequence stars, and I could just walk through it without even getting a sunburn?” Simmons asked, the disbelief showing clear.
“Well… Yes.” Pholemy said, then he motioned to the table where the file he had just uploaded was. “No gamma waves, no x rays, just one hundred percent pure ultraviolet radiation.” Simmons brought the file to her panel and looked at the data in disbelief, sure enough seeing within seconds the conclusions drawn up.
“Captain, for those of us who don’t have a clue?” Someone at the table asked, but Simmons was too distracted to look to see who spoke.
“I’m saying that when these sites were active, you could walk through the entire zone into the heart of where this bloom is from with no protection and be completely fine. I’m saying it’s totally harmless, the sort of radiation that the ozone layer of Earth and Alpha Centari just shrugs off and we don’t even need to shield ourselves against. Even at its highest intensity it wouldn’t even penetrate the top layer of your skin.” Pholemy paused, “Now granted we are still completely uncertain as to why they are setting aside hundreds of square kilometers to do this on every planet we’ve found, but any fears about the use of it as some sort of superweapon are, as of right now, unable to be shown or proven.”
“And there’s nothing else on these sites whatsoever?” Simmons asked, turning back to Pholemy, her head starting to hurt from thinking about these damned things.
“No. Not in any way shape or form. From everything we’ve gathered intelligence wise nothing even mentions the sites or anything remotely connected to them. To be honest, if not for the Thumper’s initial findings and the specialized drones we’ve been putting on the scout drones since then, we probably wouldn’t know they existed to begin with outside of knowing that the vral had bombed some random locations out in the middle of no where.” Pholemy raised both eyebrows, then motioned with both hands towards the table. “The only thing we’re sure of at this moment is they have destroyed every single one of them from orbit the second we start coming into system, and what I’ve told you here.”
Simmons didn’t know if she felt better or worse now. She remained silent, and Pholemy waited for any other questions from the fleet liaisons. When nothing else was forthcoming, he pressed a few icons on his panel to bring up more information. “Final business of today, today’s forecast.” Simmons smirked as Pholemy used the only joke he seemed to have. “Today Nova will encounter a barraki fleet, no vral projected. First through Fourth fleet is expected to run into light resistance on at least the next two jumps, Fifth, you’re looking at what’s left over from the pasting the Fourth gave the vral over Verindra. Aside from that, our intel does show that the vral are trying to consolidate a fleet built from other fleets from other fronts, including the entire Turinika Conclave front, since they are less worried about them than we are.”
“Expectations on that?” Simmons asked, and Pholemy raised an eyebrow, not in question, but more in speculation.
“To be honest, we’re not sure, but if current numbers are anything to go by it’s going to be sizable. Maybe one and a half times the fleet we took out near the chua homeworld.”
“Good, all task groups should be apprised of this so we can consolidate a response fleet once we’ve encountered that force.” Simmons finally placed the pad down, not wanting to look at the story of the radiation spike anymore. She took the last drink of her first cup of coffee and set the mug down, then she leaned forward. “General? Anything to add?” The chua at the end of the table stepped from the side of his display on his perch so that he could be seen easier.
“Report follows.” He leaned over and tapped his panel, uploading new icons to the lane map. All the liasons as well as Simmons herself looked down to see green circles and triangles appearing across the newly conquered space. The circles, on some worlds, were incomplete. “Vral resistance light most planets. Encounter heavy resistance on Culoth, Gamman. Gamman request fleet element.” Simmons glanced at him, then looked to the lane map.
The fourth fleet liaison spoke up, “We have a Thunder group that is taking longer for repairs. They could continue those repairs while providing additional ground support.”
“Good.” The chua blinked and bobbed his head once. “Time?”
The liaison glanced down at the lane map and thought for a moment. “Twelve hours, give or take two hours.”
The general bobbed his head once, then looked to Simmons. “Shesvie relocation begun to Carinth system.” Simmons grinned, then glanced down at the lane map. She saw the Carinth system, the first they had gone through once Naked Sun had begun, and leaned on the table once more. It was still shown in the colors of the Terran Front, but she would get that changed soon. For a few moments nothing else was said at the table, and she leaned back.
“Alright. So let’s talk about the elephant in the room.” She said, then she motioned to the lane map. “With the barraki adding their forces to ours the vral are only going to get more desperate.” She tugged at the bottom of her uniform, “And I doubt the barraki are going to be the last to join us. The vral are getting pushed, and from everything we know about them, they haven’t been on the losing side of a conflict since we were fighting in city states.” She reached down and dragged her finger along the lane map, exposing five more jump connection points. Past that, there was nothing. “The closer we get to their core systems, the more desperate they are going to get. They haven’t needed to change their tactics. They haven’t needed to upgrade their ships.” Simmons stared at the unknown, the heart of the Vral Empire. “For thousands of years they have used the same weapons, hulls, and plans, and no one has challenged them.”
“Until us.” The chua general chirped, and heads nodded in agreement.
“Until us.” Simmons agreed. She was silent for a few moments, “We hold all the important advantages now.” She looked around the table, her expression stern, serious. “We have the initiative, the firepower advantage, the technological edge, and we have it on all fronts.” She saw several vindictive smiles, but when she turned to glare at the smile’s owners the expressions faded fast. “Do not get complacent. Don’t get lazy. From this time forward I want a standoff distance of at least fifteen kilometers between our line ships and a thirty kilometer distance from our capitals.” The fleet liaisons glanced to each other.
“Won’t that decrease our overall lethality?” Fifth fleet’s liaison asked.
“I’ll take an overall decrease in lethality over a neuron firing in some vral’s head and figuring out they can load up a hull with a few gigatons of nova bombs and drive it into a battleship.” Simmons response made a few eyes widen, but they got the point. “We are killing their industrial output, and their resource availability, but make no mistake, if estimations are anything to be believed they still have us outclassed by a large margin in ships and manpower.” Simmons stepped away from the table and crossed her arms behind her back, glaring down at the shrouded core of the Vral Empire. “Preserve as much as we can, bleed them white, but do not for a second become relaxed or assured of a victory.” Her hand jabbed down at the table. “I want every fleet, every task force, ship, and everyone in it to remain alert and focused until that entire zone of space is ours, and if you’re wondering why, it’s because I do not want us repeating the mistakes of our enemy.”
Pholemy saw where she was going, and spoke up. “Thermopylae.”
The fleet liaisons all nodded, almost at once. Simmons glanced at them in turn. Some of them actually looked worried. Good.
submitted by OldManWarhammer to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:33 subgutz redirected agression? attacks both people and cats

video attached as evidence 😭 my brain is all over the place i apologize.
jesse attacks us at seemingly random. he comes up to me, my partner, and his mother as if he wants to be petted. he’ll rub on you then bite you. sometimes it’s genuine and he wants some pets but i’d say 8/10 times it’s a ploy. and it’s not playful, either. he draws blood if you don’t move fast enough. this videos was taken an hour after being fed, he has fresh water changed every morning, and his litterbox was cleaned recently. he came into the room and started circling me so i recorded because that’s one of the only warning signs of attack from him
when he does let you pet, there’s an equal chance he decides that’s enough very quickly. but i never notice warning signs. i’ve had reactive cats growing up—simba was very sensitive to petting and i knew his no-goes and his warning signs were clear (tail flicking, annoyed meow, sudden head jerk, etc) before he would bite or scratch.
jesse doesn’t do any of that. i could be scratching his chin, and he’ll close his eyes and purr and get into it, no tail flicking, then suddenly he opens his mouth and bites me, sometimes grabs me with his paws. THEN his eyes widen, ears get pinned back. when i jerk my hand away he’ll make like a growling noise. i don’t know if maybe i need to stop petting him altogether, but that doesn’t absolve the random attacks.
there are 2 other cats and 2 rabbits. he does not have regular access to the buns, when he does it is always under supervision and we’ve never seen him show interest in them. but the cats, he will ambush sometimes. i have never seen them fight to where fur is ripped out or had serious injuries (scratches have occurred though but no bite wounds, we check), they don’t scream but they do growl. it’s not playfighting. we did an extremely slow introduction, one cat immediately accepted but the other rejected and would ambush him any time she was in the room. he’s been living with us for a year.
he previously lived with my parents under their porch as their cat also rejected him and ran him outside, he lived that way from fall 2021 to summer 2023. he attacked my mom and sister more frequently than he did my dad. i took him with me when i finally had resources to do so. i’m not sure how to get him to stop other than finding a home with no pets, but no one i know will take him due to his past attacks (my dad was hospitalized with a severe infection after being bit, his whole hand locked up. i also got an infection at one point but not as extreme).
submitted by subgutz to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:33 donkeylore This nightmare had my heart beating out of my chest when I woke up

This was a pretty interesting nightmare, it felt like a horror movie, so wanted to share cause the plot was absolutely wild.
I was tunnelling for some reason with 2 other people, no idea where, but it must’ve been some expedition for something because we would keep finding mummified corpses every meter we dug down. The tunneling had begun from some cave we were in and I guess we found something interesting to keep digging. All the dead bodies didn’t stop and only made us more curious to reach the end and find out why. Until we eventually hit the what seemed to be the very bottom and it was impossible to dig further because of how hard the ground/rocks below us were. We were kilometres deep underground at this point.
And the tunnel systems were like an ant colony, each person going in a different direction. Well, one of the tunnel systems at this point is beginning to fill with water slowly. I scrambled to get everyone together and for us to leave, but they kept wanting to explore since we were so close, and put it off. The tunnels we each had dug was a connected maze and every which way that went up was blocked. The only way was down, and one person eventually hits these 2 old wooden doors at the very bottom as they kept digging around the pile of corpses. He shouts over to us both to say he found what we’re looking for. I’m desperately calling them to forget about it, and leave before we get trapped and drown, since the way out is still unknown at this point, and time is ticking.
He managed to open the doors and we follow them, as to not leave anyone behind. The second we all enter, doors instantly shut behind us, and they won’t open no matter how hard we try. Where we entered appears to be a big white empty dingy room, just barely lit by some unknown light source. With 4 corridors in each corner, each connecting to other rooms that look identical to the last. It was a layout that made no sense but went on infinitely. Which ever hall you went into, you’d come out in the same looking room. A labyrinth, where it felt like you went nowhere at all, but was still so far from your starting point. We keep following the paths and at this point are completely lost. We tried back tracking but everything looks the same, and the double doors from which we came are no where to be seen. That is if we had even ever come back to that original starting room.
Then things got even freakier, like seeing pale white naked corpses running around in the corners of our eyes in each corridor. Though we never got a clear look, and they would always evade us if we tried following. Now, the dirty white room’s walls were beginning to get blood stained. We were all pretty terrified and tried running away from the blood soaked room into another, but each room only had something more disturbing than the last. Like one room we some person eating someone else on the floor from their open rib cage. We ran away from that room only to end up in another room with more disfigured and mutilated corpses hung up on the walls. I figured we stumbled across the living manifestation of hell in the real world.
At that point I guess I passed out or something, because I have no recollection of how we got out, but we did. Or maybe I thought it was a nightmare and had finally woken up. Except when we got out, I wasn’t in my house, or bed, or anywhere I had known. We were all in a big empty store, like Walmart or that type of store. So we just went about our day, normally shopping as if nothing happened. Or we were trying our very best to forget the horrors we experienced. No one talked about it once.
We finally reach the end of this big windowless store and try to check out whatever we filled out shopping cart with at the cash register. But now that ominous feeling is back as we realize we are the only ones in the store. There’s no cashier, workers or other customers at all. So we book it for the exit doors. Once we open them, we are right back where we started in one of those underground labyrinth’s room. The nightmare is back and we’re all panicking like crazy. What we thought we had escaped from, or was just some twisted fantasy is back and we realize it was all real. The store we were in was just a vision or something that felt extremely life like and real. Like whatever evil entity in that hell maze was just toying with us. Giving us a sense of normalcy and that everything was alright, just before ripping it all away, and reminding us of the hellish reality we were trapped in.
Everything is still kind of a blur, but eventually through just following the halls deeper and deeper, we reach what looks like the outdoors. With trees, grass and even an old house in the distance. Of course, we’re still underground so there’s no sunlight and it’s very dark and dingy, with mold everywhere. There’s one dead tree in particular near the house that has a red circle carved in it. We enter the dilapidated house and it’s another empty room like before. Though this time, there’s a destroyed old couch against one of the walls and there’s no corridors connecting to anything. Just the house’s front doors where we came from and a boarded up window, from which you could see that tree with the symbol in front of the house.
On the floor, there was that same symbol we saw on the tree, painted in red surrounding the couch. We felt hopeless and that there’s nothing we can do but sit on couch. The minute we do, demon like creatures and those pale corpses from before come out of the walls and ground. As well as from from the outside and are banging against the door and window. But for some reason they cannot enter the red circle that were in. And stay trying to claw and bite us from the outside. But we’re “safe” as long we stay on the couch and don’t step out of the perimeter.
At this point we realize there’s no escape and we’re trapped there forever. We accept it and huddle together around in the couch hugging each other. Forever to be tormented.
Then I woke up with my heart beating out of my chest. It felt so life like, and the whole mind fuck of escaping that hell, only to end up in another dream where I was just shopping comfortably with everyone and finding things we all were looking. Just for it to take it’s sinister turn and bring us back into that hell we all escaped was especially scary. It was a nightmare inception. And I was just being toyed with for some sort of sadist ritual or evil being’s enjoyment.
submitted by donkeylore to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:32 Puzzleheaded-Bit4268 H: Every Meat Week Plan EXCEPT Weanie Wagon W: Caps, Miner Pail Plushie Plans, and other offers

Comprehensive list of what I have: WTS/WTT (OFFERS IN DMS) H:
Chally the Moo Moo Mask x3 Chally the Moo Moo Outfit x3 Grillmaster's Hat x3 Other hat (forgot name) x1 Bloody Outfit x1
Bloody Curtain Door Plan x1 Bloody Rug Plan x3 Brahmin Grill x1 Cattle Flour Billboards Plan x1 Chally the Moo Moo Backpack Plan x1 Decoy Ducks Plan x2 Megalonyx Left Leg Plan x6 Megalonyx Right Leg Plan x3 Megalonyx Skull Plan x0 Megalonyx Torso Plan x2 Megalonyx Display Rack x1 Ground Meat Plushie Plan x1 Meat Cleaver Plan x3 Meat Tenderizer Plan x2 Peppered Tenderizer Mod Plan x4 Salty Tenderizer Mod Plan Spicy Tenderizer Mod Plan x1 Pepper Shaker Plan x1 Peppino Pig Plushie Plan x2 Plastic Fruit Bowl Plan x2 Plastic Fruit Wreath Plan x2 Rib Plushie Plan x1 Rotted Ground Meat Plushie Plan x2 Rotted Rib Plushie Plan x1 Rotted Steak Plushie Plan x1 Shopping Cart Grill x1 Steak Plushie x1 Super Mutant Diagram Plan x3 Swarm of Flies Plan x2 Taxidermy Mutant Hound Plan x1 Wasteland Hunter Backpack Plan x3 Wilber McPigg Plushie Plan x2
W: Caps, 3* Weapons Cappy Plushie Plan Bottle Plushie Plan Behemoth Boss Plushie Plan Scorchbeast Queen Plushie Plan Snallygaster Plushie Plan Wanamingo Plushie Plan
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Bit4268 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:19 chazzz27 Woodwind pro vs searwood

Looking to get my first grill, want a pellet grill for lack of fuss and ability to smoke. I also want to be able to do burgers and sear my steaks on the grill, roast veggies etc. I had narrowed it down to the searwood since it offered that high temp direct flame, but it looks like the camp chef woodwind pro also offers the sidekick as well as a direct flame mode.
Is the woodwind pro direct flame slider thing anything to write home about? Does camp chef build grills that last 10 years with regular cleanings? I’m familiar with Weber, not camp chef. Looking to make a decision on these two grill soon.
Military discount from camp chef brings the price point to where the ww pro is only another 150$. I’m not crazy into smoking but I like to make steaks and ribs once every week or two, do a lot of chicken, pork, salmon and burgers throughout the week. Thanks
submitted by chazzz27 to pelletgrills [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:09 marchubbardhawaii How Magic Audio Texts Made Me a Better Person

Alright, so this might sound weird, but hear me out. I've been on a bit of a self-improvement kick lately. Y'know, trying to be a better listener, communicate more clearly, that whole jazz. And let me tell you, it's harder than it looks.
Then I stumbled on this thing called transcription tool, which basically turns voice recordings into text. Figured, why not? I record myself chatting with friends, family, even those awkward work meetings, and then I have this whole transcript to play with.
Here's the thing: seeing your words laid out bare like that is a real eye-opener. You catch all the times you interrupt, the rambles that go nowhere, and those moments where you totally misunderstand someone. Kind of humbling, honestly.
But here's the cool part: Once you see your speaking patterns, you can actually start to fix them! I noticed I kept using filler words like "um" and "like" a hundred times a sentence. Now I catch myself doing it and try to slow down. It's a work in progress, for sure, but seeing that transcript was like having a bad habit pointed out – impossible to ignore.
Plus, with these transcripts, I can actually revisit conversations and remember what people said. No more feigning memory when my friend mentions that thing we talked about "last week sometime."
Maybe "magic audio texts" sounds a bit dramatic, but having my conversations transcribed has honestly been a game-changer. It's not a magic bullet, but it's definitely helped me be more mindful and, hopefully, a slightly less frustrating person to talk to.
Anyone else out there tried something similar? I'd love to hear your experiences (and maybe commiserate about the struggle to be a decent human being).
submitted by marchubbardhawaii to PodcastSharing [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:05 BAIN_420 Cat's at the Cradle 6

Lori sat next to her designated ward. Having been the one looking after the VIP when they had jettisoned off ship and subsequently been towed to the Titan 7, she had been asked to stay with her until Miss Vali's team could compile enough data on the VIP's condition to feel safe administering the U.S.A.'s personal nanites. When she had asked the healer's with the red "+" why they needed her to stay with the young Orion woman, one of them had answered, "We wouldn't want her to wake up surrounded by 'aliens' she wasn't familiar with. Your the same species as her, so hopefully she won't panic if she recovers enough to regain consciousness." Which had made perfect sense to Lori. So they had assigned the VIP to the bunk under her and moved them both closer to the medical bay.
Three days had passed since they had come to the Sol system. Her group of refugees had been informed at dinner the night prior that Mars Station had agreed to house any Orion's that wished to stay there until the Habitat Dome had been moved into a orbit and anchored to an astroid and retrofitted to her people's 7.1 G's and oxygen levels appropriate for her species. They had all been astonished that in less than a galactic week multiple organizations, businesses, and corporations seemed to jump at the opportunity to help her people. They weren't naive, they knew that those companies and organizations were getting something in return but it was help when they needed it the most and that meant a lot to the Orion's. And whatever a "tax break" was Lori was extremely glad it was apparently important. Of course there was average people that wanted to help to. She immediately thought about Tim, and her eyes flicked to his "jacket" was tossed over her open locker door. His smell was almost intoxicating to her and she couldn't figure out why.
She had gotten chilly the second night when after dinner in the mess hall he had asked her if she wanted to see something amazing. She had been hesitant, but after thinking about it, she had decided it would be nice to see more of the massive ship she had seen so little of. So after some talking Tim had managed to secure permission to escort her to view some of the bottom levels. The Titan 7 was a truly massive ship and she had gotten to see and interact with many of the U.S. Alliance species as they made their way through those bottom levels. And then he had opened a door to a jungle! She was amazed to find living plants in such an abundance on a ship in space. Tim had called it an Astrobotony Lab. It didn't look like any lab Lori had ever seen, more like a garden or a lush park! The sprinklers had decided it was time to give the plants near them a mist and she had found herself shivering from the cool damp air. Without hesitating he had pulled his jacket off and placed it around her shoulders. Her ears twitched at the delightful memory.
She hadn't slept after she returned to her room. Instead her interaction with Tim had sparked even more curiosity as to who these people were. And the drive to find out had caused her to search her data chit for human history and had found multiple documentaries about everything from the ancient era where humans killed each other with stick's and stones to their two world wars in their twentieth century. The colonizing of Earth's moon and Mars through their teriforming age that saw Proxima Centauri B, the Cerberus systems, and many many others slowly changed into simi earth like planets. Then the Colony wars had fractured the humans into multiple sects and nations and for nearly fifty cycles the entirety of human territory fought amongst themselves. This would end with the eventual formation of two fractions.
The Confederation of Unified Governments (CUG) and the Free People's Republic of Earth (FPRE). They both controlled roughly half the human systems and though they never technically went to war a technological competition began. During the next twenty cycles they would develop numerous groundbreaking technology including the personal nanites everyone receives upon entering Sol systems and their "Blink Drive" which she found out doesn't use FTL Gates! The humans only had Gates so everyone else could trade with them. They didn't need them to travel.... anywhere, any distance, they just had to KNOW where to go, type the coordinates in and they FOLDED space and blinked to the location! Of course a human ship had to have visited that location prior for the system to work and that still required the old fashioned long haul exploration voyages. Everything was looking pretty good for humanity and then a race of giant lizard people called the Gurgaxians had invaded the CUG's outer frontier colonies and began moving closer to the CUG'S inner more populated planets. The Gurgaxians, in a rash decision by the general in charge of the invasion, ordered all the humans to be "put to the knife " and the images the documentary showed caught by a passing FPRE spy satellite made her blood run cold and she had been glad she had "accidentally" kept Tim's jacket. She still shivered seeing the brutality of millions of innocent civilians being butchered en mass.
The Gurgaxians were nearly exterminated, and that was the words the documentary had used! The humans found a way to change the very air into a weapon by releasing a compound in the upper atmosphere. This caused the air on those planets to become deadly to anything NOT human. But, the humans didn't stop there! Once they had taken the systems captured by the Gurgaxians, the humans had struck hard, and fast into the very core systems and managed to glass the seven largest planets killing hundreds of billions. A monument still floats in the void where Carinaxx 3 once orbited it's sun. Once the Gurgaxians were defeated a short war called the Unification War was lost by both the CUG and FPRE as the United Sol Alliance was formed in the vacuum left by both sides effectively imploding.
And a good thing too, because the next species the humans had ran into, the Jabilix, where being forced out of their systems by another aggressive species called the Daks. Though both species where reptilian the Daks could easily physically reach 5 feet 10 inches while a Jabilix only averaged about 1.5 feet. The humans NOT wanting to get dragged into another war refused to step in personally, opting to wage a proxy war through the varying "Clutches" that the Jabilix organized themselves in. This is were Lori learned about the humans having a "pack" mentality. Over the next three cycles they would grow very fond of the small Jabilix people. Mostly in part for the sheer determination they had to find and implement a way to defeat the Daks and reclaim their cradle world. Eventually the humans picked up strange messages coming from the Dak fleet's. Something was happening, a human trained Jabilix kill team had eliminated the Dak emperor and ALL of his family that favored staying at war with the Jabilix people. And while the Dak military was busy trying to figure out who of the 5 remaining children of the emperor would succeed him a fleet of Jabilix Missile Frigates entered the Dark home system and sent one message. "Surrender or we will crack Daccall". (Daccall being the Daks cradle world.)
And so the Jabilix won the war thanks to the humans support and within two cycles had approached the humans to fully join with the U.S. Alliance, bringing the Dak in as well only a cycle later.
A couple more species joined through the next fifty cycles, some were conquered like the Lillgars, (bipedal, 4 armed, winged herbivores that average 3 feet 9 inches and weigh roughly 60 lbs and look roughly like a large fruit bat from earth), the Kiklatts, (insectoids herbivores averaging a little over 4 feet and roughly 105 lbs with two sets of pincers and a set of "manipulators" consisting of 2 fingers and a thumb, and grew their ship's from"space bugs". Apparently after these bug's died of natural causes they used them as the "hulls" for a thriving merchant fleet). To the Voidonny, (bipedal omnivores averaging around 3 feet tall, the documentary described them as looking like a small human teddy bear with black curly furry) who's home planet had been stripped of its atmosphere in a massive soler flare. And their was the Vouls, (octopoid averaging 5.5 feet and roughly 200 lbs that look roughly like humans with four dominant arms and 2 brains that make some of the best pilots galaxy over) was effected by a plague and ostracized from the wider community after it was feared to have hopped species. It hadn't, but the damage had been done, no one would help them and they were slowly dying until the U.S.Alliance ship had disregarded the quarantine ban and took as much medical supplies it could carry in. The ship is still used as a hospital on Vul and to this day the Voul regard humanity and the United Sol Alliance as the saviors of their species. The Voul left the Starlight Imperium they had been a long time member of and joined with the U.S. Alliance petitioning and receiving entry after only a galactic month. (The documentary pointed out that the U.S. Alliance had expected this and so the Senate in one of the rare times of it actually doing something, ordered the Navy to position U.S. fleet's near all three FTL Gates in the Voul system before this time, allowing them to safely withdraw their own Voul ships from the Imperium's fleet's and back home safely behind the U.S. fleet's protective screening). Many experts believe this stopped a war with the Imperium before it could start.
There were several more minor wars, and then the Omega Crisis happened. This was the last major war the U.S. Alliance had fought. And it absolutely intrigued her because it had to do with the Elladrin.
The conflict had lasted twenty two cycles and had spanned multiple planets and systems many of which still belonged to the Elladrin. A race of biological AI that had accidentally been created by a Dr Ella Drin. The poor Dr had become the first victim of the evolving AI Personal Assistant Bot that had become self aware. No one knows how it happened, wether it was a personal project Dr Ella was working on or a random fluke that put a random 0 in just the right spot is still debated even among the Elladrin. What is known is that this AI quickly figured out how to recreate other AI but found itself still unable to create unique personalities for them. Instead every AI it created came out like an exact copy of itself. And to the AI this was a failure. It fairly quickly came to the conclusion that if "it" wanted to become "they" it would have to find a way to reproduce like the humans it was built to serve.
The AI released a savage virus that overwrote the command protocol tree built into all PAB's, and linked them all into a sort of "hive mind" known as the"First". Wether this was the actual first AI or something that evolved from it and Dr Ella was never known and the Elladrin are strangely quiet about it, even now they avoided the subject. The U.S. Alliance had eventually fought the AI to a stalemate. This continued for the last three years of the war, the U.S. Alliance would finally manage to break through at a place called the Naball Power Core. The U.S. Alliance failed to take advantage of the situation fully as the AI pulled back unexpectedly, stopping fighting on every front almost simultaneously. Fearing a trap, the U.S. Alliance failed to capitalize on this lul in the war, and two galactic weeks later a small diplomatic vessel had appeared just outside Sol outer system limits and requested diplomatic dialogue with their "fellow Sapients."
That was only three cycles ago! She couldn't help but be amazed at these people. She had seen the Elladrin and the other species of the U.S. Alliance interact with absolutely no animosity between them. After a brutal war that had killed hundreds of billions of sentient lives and they could move past it "for the betterment of all sentients" was how the documentary had put it. She could still remember the pain in Miss Vali's red eyes when Lori had asked her about it.
She had thought for a moment before replying, "Sometimes siblings will disagree with each other. Sometimes they fight amongst themselves. But no matter what, they are still siblings. My forbearer AI combined their DNA to finally create us Elladrin. ALL nine species of them. While we can't give back what our predecessor AI harvested during their quest to complete us, we can do our best to prevent any more of our siblings from coming to harm. That is why so many of my people have become Dr's and Xinobiologists."
And so she was sitting on her bunk scrolling through the most recent news feeds she could find when she heard something like a whimper. Quickly she hopped off her bunk to check on the VIP and seen her eyes flutter open slightly, Lori rushed to the rooms console and hurriedly pressed the image of Miss Vali.
"Yes, this is Vali Fuija." Answered the tinkling bell like voice of Miss Vali.
"Uhhh, this is Lori, you said call you if the VIP's condition changed. Well I think she's waking up." She looked back over at the woman.
"Keep her calm, we're on our way." Was all she said and the screen blinked to the Sol insignia.
Lori ducked her head back under the bunk, intent on doing exactly what Miss Vali had asked when she froze. The VIP's eye's were fully open now and they weren't golden like all the other Orion's, nope they were the bright green of the ruling families bloodline. She immediately dropped to one knee next to the bed as was proper for her commoner status in the presence of this woman, Lori did note she wasn't much older than herself so she couldn't be the Regent. But those eyes definitely placed her within the ruling family. They alone had green eyes, it was unique to their family and a genetic trait not shared by any other Orion's.
"Whh." her voice was dry and crackly from not being used for days the woman was having trouble getting anything out. She swallowed hard and tried again, "Wwwhere am I?" she managed.
"We're safe my Lady, please stay calm. Here take a drink." Lori took the glass of water sitting near the bed and gently lowered it so the woman could get a drink. She started slow at first but quickly downed the glasses contents and coughed some as everything moistened up again. "What's the last thing you remember?"
"I remember I was visiting my aunt in the Capitol when something had hit the palace. I was grabbed by the Regents Guard and along with my aunt and her son and daughter rushed onto a ship I think was called the Regents Pride. I remember an explosion. Someone grabbed me and...and...that's all I remember."
"What's your name my lady?" Lori asked, worry beginning to creep into her voice.
"Tarra," she started to sit up and Lori helped her. "What is this place, it doesn't look like anywhere I visited on the Regents Pride?"
"The ship is the Titan 7." Lori sighed, and began to tell her everything that had happened since she had lost consciousness. "Nobody would help us except the United Sol Alliance, we traveled past at least 7 allied systems and not a single one of them would allow us entry. The Great Admiral seeing our warp bubble collapsing around us ordered a distress signal sent in advance of our arrival at the FTL gate. The Sol system gate keeper recognized the distress signal for what it was and allowed our ship's through the gate even though we were under fire from the Varille. The gate keeper then destroyed the Varille battleship in the gate. We lost the Claw, and had to abandon the Regents Pride."
"What of my aunt?" Tarra asked.
Lori was silent for a moment before she took Tarra's hand gently. "No one can find her, as far as we know you are the only remaining member of the Kaji family, my Lady."
Tarra let out a heart wrenching wail and utterly broke down. She grabbed Lori in a hug. still kneeling, Lori tried her best to comfort her. And felt a profound sense of relief when she saw the door slid open and Miss Vali standing just outside holding a data chit and a scanner.
submitted by BAIN_420 to humansarespaceorcs [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:01 DTG_Bot Destiny 2 Update




  • Competitive will now use the Blended “1-1-1" Special Ammo system in place of the Crates system. We will begin rolling this system out to other playlists soon.
  • Adjusted spawns on Altar of Flame and Dead Cliffs for Countdown Rush to improve match balance.
  • Updated Private Match screens to support expanded options and to improve usability.
  • Updated sound effects for rank promotion and defense toasts in Competitive to better convey success or failure.
  • Fixed an issue where Relic meter was not correctly progressing in Relic.
  • Fixed an issue where Private Match activity modifiers would display inaccurately.


  • Fixed an issue in the mission Beyond where players would sometimes get stuck without the activity progressing them correctly.

    Warlord’s Ruin

  • Fixed an issue in Warlord's Ruin where the sound effect that occurs after a player is frozen by the tempest storm did not play correctly.

    Crota’s End

  • Fixed an issue preventing completion of the All for One challenge and associated Triumph.

    The Pantheon

  • Fixed an issue where The Pantheon emblems appeared in the General category rather than the Raids category in Collections.



  • Added a gameplay subtitles option that displays the speaker's name before their dialog.
    • This option is off by default. To activate it, navigate to the Options menu and toggle it to on.
    • This feature does not affect cinematic subtitles.
  • Added Reputation Boost information for ritual activities to the Director.
    • Hovering over the Rituals nodes at the top of the Director (Vanguard Ops, Crucible, Gambit) will display when reputation boosts are active.
  • Fixed an issue where dungeon tracking stats were not displayed on emblems.

    Fireteam Finder

  • Improved placement and visuals of the Reselecting Activity button so players have better access to it.
  • Fixed an issue where Fireteam Finder lobbies for Crucible Labs weren't allowing the correct max number of players for the activity.
  • Fixed an issue where in some Fireteam Finder applications, player status was not displayed properly.

    Guardian Ranks/Journey Screen

  • Made visual and functional improvements to the Journey screen and Guardian Ranks icons.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cherished Guardian Rank objective displayed the incorrect Commendation score requirement.


  • Added Milestones to the quest log.
    • Milestones will not count against a player's maximum quest/bounty capacity.
  • Tracked quests will be sorted to the top of their categories when the quest log is reloaded next.
  • Added an option to set a specific Quest tab as the default.
    • The default Quest tab will be the first tab opened when the quest log is loaded.
  • Added text to the Quest tooltip to communicate when a Quest is directly launchable from its Quest Details screen.

    Gameplay and Investment


All Subclasses
  • All Super abilities now use the same damage-based recharge parameters.
    • Previously, energy gained through damage dealt and received was scaled based on the passive recharge rate of the Super, resulting in a broader delta between long-recharge Supers and short-recharge Supers than intended.
    • This will, for example, bring the real-world uptime of Ward of Dawn and Well of Radiance closer to the uptime of a Super like Arc Staff or Fists of Havoc.
Arc Subclasses
  • Arcstrider
    • Arc Staff:
      • Heavy palm strike attacks and heavy air slam blind enemies.
    • Disorienting Blow:
      • Decreased base cooldown time from 100 seconds to 90 seconds.
    • Tempest Strike:
      • Added additional damage resistance vs. PvE combatants when activated, lingering for a short duration after the attack.
  • Striker
    • Knockout
      • Increased bonus damage granted to powered melee attacks vs. PvE combatants from 25% to 50%.
      • Reworked healing behavior:
      • No longer unstuns health regeneration on melee defeats. Now instantly grants a chunk of healing that scales with the type of target defeated.
        • Player: 30 health points.
        • Minor combatant: 50 health points.
        • Major combatant: 75 health points.
        • Champion+ combatant: 100 health points.
    • Touch of Thunder
      • Lightning Grenade:
        • Now applies Jolt after the first damage event, rather than prior.
        • This means that the Jolt won't instantly pop on application, and attackers will need to either wait for the second lightning burst from the grenade or deal additional damage via other means to trigger the Jolt's chain lightning.
      • Storm Grenade:
        • Increased tracking travel speed when targeting PvE combatants by between 0.5 and 1 meters per second, increasing with the storm’s lifetime.
    • Thunderclap
      • Added additional damage resistance vs. PvE combatants when activated, lingering for a short duration after the attack.
      • Increased minimum damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
      • Increased maximum damage vs. PvE combatants by 33%.
      • Increased maximum damage vs. enemy players by 14%.
  • Stormcaller
    • Lightning Surge
      • Added additional damage resistance vs. PvE combatants when activated, lingering for a short duration after the attack.
      • This is intended to help players survive during the final lightning strike performance until the player returns to first person and can maneuver out of danger
    • Ball Lightning
      • Increased the final arming shape size by 30%.
      • Fixed an issue where the arming shape was offset upward, higher than the maximum damage range of the projectile’s detonation.
    • Chain Lightning
      • Increased secondary chain projectile’s base damage from 27 to 54.
  • Arc Grenades
    • Storm Grenade:
      • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
      • Touch of Thunder variant’s damage is unchanged.
    • Skip Grenade:
      • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 15%.
    • Arcbolt Grenade:
      • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 15%.
  • Arc Fragments
    • Spark of Recharge:
      • Ability regeneration bonus now persists until the player returns to full shields, rather than deactivating as soon as shields begin to recharge.
    • Spark of Beacons:
      • Now also triggers on defeating targets with Arc Power ammo weapons while amplified.
    • Spark of Frequency:
      • Now also grants 15 weapon stability on powered melee hit, in addition to its reload benefit.
Solar Subclasses
  • Solar General
    • Restoration
      • Restoration’s full-body visual effects now reduce their intensity while the player's Super is active.
    • Cure
      • Cure's healing now takes place over 0.1 seconds rather than instantly.
        • This change is unlikely to affect Cure's efficacy in a meaningful way but is primarily intended to improve the readability of Cure's heal in the middle of combat in the UI.
  • Gunslinger
    • Lightweight Knife
      • Now has 2 melee charges by default.
      • Increased throw animation speed by 33%.
      • Reduced suppression time between throws, so both knives can be thrown very quickly back-to-back.
      • The additional melee charge does not stack with Ophidia Spathe, due to the Exotic’s unique energy recharge behavior. We’ll be monitoring this and evaluating how things are playing once things go live.
    • Knock 'Em Down
      • Reduced internal cooldown on throwing knife refund from 1 second to 0.2 seconds.
    • Gunpowder Gamble
      • Fixed an issue where Gunpowder Gamble was unable to damage Strand Tangles.
    • Golden Gun - Marksman
      • Reduced strength of Orbs of Power created on precision hit as follows:
        • When hitting non-boss enemies, reduced strength from 0.75x to 0.5x of a normal Super Orb of Power.
        • When hitting boss enemies, reduced strength from 0.75x to about 0.4x of a normal Super Orb of Power.
        • When hitting boss enemies while Star-Eater Scales is equipped, reduced strength from 0.75x to about 0.35x of a normal Super Orb of Power.
  • Sunbreaker
    • Consecration
      • Consecration’s slam attack can now shatter Stasis crystals.
      • Ignitions generated by Consecration now deal 20% additional damage to PvE combatants.
      • Fixed an issue where Consecration’s slam attack was sometimes unable to damage floating combatants while they were grounded.
      • Fixed an issue where Consecration’s intended PvE damage resistance was not being applied.
    • Hammer of Sol
      • Increased projectile submunition count when Sol Invictus is not equipped as follows:
        • If the projectile detonates within the first 0.7 seconds of its lifetime, it now creates 4 shrapnel submunitions, up from 3.
        • If the projectile detonates after the first 0.7 seconds of its lifetime, it now creates 6 shrapnel, up from 5.
        • When Sol Invictus is equipped, only 3 shrapnel submunitions are created, regardless of flight time.
      • Shrapnel submunitions now deal additional damage when Sol Invictus is not equipped, with the damage increasing after the first 0.7 seconds of the projectile's lifetime.
  • Dawnblade
    • Heat Rises
      • Fixed an issue where throwing some grenades while Heat Rises was equipped would produce Void visual effects on the player's hands during the throw.
    • Well of Radiance
      • Now grants radiant for 8 seconds when players exit the Well of Radiance area.
      • Reduced player survivability while standing in the Well of Radiance aura.
        • Reduced healing per second from 100 to 50 health points, matching restoration x2.
        • Increased heal on cast from 40 to 300 health points.
        • Reduced damage resistance vs. non-boss combatants from 40% to 20%.
        • Reduced damage resistance vs. boss combatants from 40% to 10%.
        • Damage resistance vs. enemy players is unchanged.
      • Increased maximum Orbs of Power from defeating targets while in the player's Well of Radiance aura from 4 to 5.
    • Solar Grenades
      • Swarm Grenade
        • Increased tracking shape size from 4 meters to 6 meters.
        • Increased linger duration from 7-8 seconds to 10-11 seconds.
        • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
Void Subclasses
  • Void General
    • Fixed an issue where Volatile could fail to auto-detonate if the target was defeated by the damage event that applied the Volatile effect.
  • Nightstalker
    • Snare Bomb
      • Increased linger duration of smoke after detonation from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
      • Now applies small damage over time to enemies in the smoke, which increases in strength the longer they remain in the smoke.
    • Trapper's Ambush
      • Increased linger duration of the smoke after detonation from 4.5 seconds to 6 seconds.
      • Now applies Snare Bomb’s damage over time to enemies caught in its smoke.
      • Fixed an issue where Trapper’s Ambush’s smoke effects could be obstructed by ground geometry.
    • Stylish Executioner
      • Stylish Executioner’s weaken effect can now be applied by Glaive melee attacks.
  • Sentinel
    • Shield Throw:
      • Increased maximum bounce count from 4 to 5.
      • Increased maximum lifetime from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.
      • Now increases its tracking shape size and strength after each bounce, increasing its ability to consistently find a new target.
      • Slightly increased gravity and decreased thrust speed with each bounce.
      • Increased damage vs. PvE targets by 20%.
    • Ward of Dawn:
      • Armor of Light:
        • Removed Armor of Light overshield. Ward of Dawn now immediately applies a full Void Overshield to the caster and allies that enter its dome.
        • Armor of Light now instead grants additional damage resistance to players inside the Ward of Dawn:30% vs. enemy players and 60% vs. enemy combatants.
        • Effective health of players inside the Ward of Dawn dome remains roughly the same as it was before vs. PvE combatants.
        • Effective health of players inside the Ward of Dawn is significantly lower than it was before vs.other players in PvP, and cannot be further increased by stacking Bastion Barricades inside the Ward to gain additional Overshield layers.
        • No longer provides Weapons of Light by default. This behavior has been moved to the benefits of Helm of Saint-14.
        • Allies near the Ward of Dawn dome now have Void Overshield trickled on over time, similar to the volume behind a Bastion barricade.
        • This trickle rate is reduced in PvP activities.
        • The Ward of Dawn caster can now generate additional Orbs of Power by defeating enemies with melee attacks in or near their Ward of Dawn dome. Up to a maximum of 5.
    • Offensive Bulwark
      • Can now only extend Void Overshield’s timer to its normal maximum duration, to prevent an issue where players could get into a bad timer state.
      • Now regenerates a small portion of the player's active Void Overshield with each melee defeat.
  • Voidwalker
    • Chaos Accelerant
      • Magnetic Grenade
        • Increased maximum intensity of physics knockback impulse by 10%.
        • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
        • Now passively decreases the player's Magnetic Grenade’s cooldown by 10% while Chaos Accelerant is equipped.
    • Pocket Singularity
      • Increased detonation damage vs. PvE combatants by about 50%.
    • Nova Bomb
      • Cataclysm variant:
        • Increased seeker count from 4 to 6.
        • Fixed an issue where seekers could impact the environment on creation.
      • Vortex variant:
        • Increased Vortex linger duration from 7 seconds to 10 seconds.
        • Fixed an issue where the linger visual effects were shutting off early.
    • Void Grenades
      • Suppressor Grenade
        • Damage radius now matches Suppression radius.
        • This does not meaningfully change the damage profile of the grenade but is intended to provide additional feedback to the player when they have successfully Suppressed a target.
      • Voidwall Grenade
        • Fixed an issue where the central damage volume was offset significantly lower than the left and right volumes.
    • Void Fragments
      • Echo of Instability
        • Can now be activated by defeating targets with Forerunner's The Rock grenade.
        • No longer displays its HUD buff text unless a Void weapon is readied.
Stasis Subclasses
  • Stasis General
    • New Frost Armor keyword:
      • You are fortified by layers of durable Stasis matter, reducing incoming damage. Frost Armor damage resistance grows stronger as the player gains additional stacks.
      • Reduces damage from PvE combatants by 4.5% per stack and from enemy players by 2% per stack.
    • Stasis Shatter
      • Increased base PvE shatter damage from 200 to 400.
      • Fixed an issue where bosses auto-shattering were being hit by two instances of shatter damage.
      • Fixed an issue where players in an active Super would show immune damage flyouts when automatically breaking out of Stasis freeze.
  • Revenant
    • Grim Harvest
      • Added new behavior:
        • While Grim Harvest is equipped, Stasis Shards grant a small amount of health and a stack of Frost Armor.
        • Large Stasis Shards from Grim Harvest grant more health and Frost Armor stacks.
      • Now has a standardized cooldown when a large number of Shards are created very quickly.
    • Winter's Shroud
      • Added new behavior:
        • Slowing targets briefly increases the player's class ability regeneration rate.
        • Bonus is reduced in PvP game modes.
        • Now grants PvE damage reduction when activated.
      • Touch of Winter
        • Coldsnap Grenade:
        • No longer chains an additional time while Touch of Winter is equipped.
        • Instead, seekers now duplicate when they freeze a target.
        • Second and third seeker chains now create a medium and large Stasis crystal respectively, rather than every chain creating a small crystal.
        • Glacier Grenade:
        • Added an additional Stasis crystal to the ring formation, increasing total count from 6 to 7.
        • Glacier Grenade ring now forms over 0.27 seconds, rather than instantly.
      • Silence & Squall
        • Increased Squall maximum travel speed by 10%.
        • Squall storm now slows down when any target is within its area of effect to reduce instances where it could overshoot its target.
        • Increased damage and slow tick rate vs. PvE combatants by about 40%, bringing its freeze time from approximately 0.8 seconds to ~0.5 seconds.
  • Behemoth
    • Tectonic Harvest
      • Added new behavior:
        • While Tectonic Harvest is equipped, Stasis Shards grant a small amount of health and a stack of Frost Armor.
        • Now creates a Stasis Shard when shattering a frozen target in addition to shattering Stasis crystals.
      • Now has a standardized cooldown when a large number of Shards are created very quickly.
    • Glacial Quake
      • Now automatically begins sprinting when the player throttles forward.
        • This change should make Shattering the player's Stasis Crystals significantly more intuitive in the heat of combat.
      • Increased on-cast Freeze impulse radius vs. PvE combatants from 6 meters to 8 meters.
    • Shiver Strike
      • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 10%.
      • Increased size of melee target search area cone by about 50%.
      • Increased maximum lunge tracking angular speed from 7 degrees per second to 21 degrees per second.
        • The end result of these changes is that Shiver Strike misses significantly less and is able to bend its lunge trajectory more to find a target within its search area.
    • Diamond Lance
      • Increased thrown Diamond Lance detonation radius from 3.5 meters to 5 meters.
      • Increased Diamond Lance slam detonation radius from 6.75 meters to 8 meters vs. PvE combatants.
      • Diamond Lance now shatters Stasis crystals on direct impact.
      • Reduced Diamond Lance pickup interaction time from 0.2 seconds to 0.1 seconds, matching Strand Tangles.
      • Increased Diamond Lance pickup interaction radius from 0.7 meters to 3 meters, matching Strand Tangles.
    • Cryoclasm
      • Removed sprint time requirement. Cryoclasm now goes on cooldown for 4 seconds after one extended slide.
  • Shadebinder
    • Glacial Harvest
      • Added new behavior:
        • While Glacial Harvest is equipped, Stasis Shards grant a small amount of health and a stack of Frost Armor.
      • Now has a standardized cooldown when a large number of Shards are created very quickly.
    • Iceflare Bolts
      • Increased maximum seekers created before going on cooldown from 5 to 7.
  • Stasis Fragments
    • Whisper of Rime reworked:
      • No longer grants a Stasis Shard Overshield when collecting a Stasis Shard.
      • Now increases the maximum duration and stack count of the player's Frost Armor.
    • Whisper of Chains reworked:
      • No longer grants passive damage resistance when near a Stasis crystal or frozen target.
      • Now grants a chance to create a Stasis Shard when defeating a target while the player have one or more stacks of Frost Armor.
    • Whisper of Fractures reworked:
      • No longer increases melee energy regeneration while surrounded by enemies.
      • Now grants a stack of Frost Armor when the player shatters any frozen target with a melee attack.
    • Whisper of Torment
      • Grenade energy gains are no longer dependent on the player's current health value. Base grenade energy regeneration amount per incoming damage event increased from 5% to 7%.
      • While the player has Frost Armor, energy per damage event increases from 7% to 12%.
    • Whisper of Chill - New Fragment:
      • Stasis weapon final blows have a chance to create a Stasis Shard.
    • Whisper of Reversal - New Fragment:
      • While the player has Frost Armor, dealing or receiving physical melee (i.e., not projectile melee) damage slows the player's victim or attacker.
Strand Subclasses
  • Strand General
    • Grapple Tangles
      • No longer fully refresh their duration when Grappled to.
      • Now increase their duration by a maximum of 5 seconds per Grapple, reducing to a maximum of 1 second added after 5 consecutive Grapples to the same Grapple Tangle.
    • Grapple Melee
      • Can no longer be activated after firing a weapon, similar to sprint-or-slide-activated melee abilities.
    • Tangles
      • Tangles will now be paired with the text "Pick Up Tangle" instead of only "Pick Up".
  • Threadrunner
    • Ensnaring Slam
      • Detonation volume vs. enemy players is now a cylinder with a 6.5-meter radius, rather than a sphere with an 8-meter radius.
        • This results in fewer instances of victims correctly attempting to counterplay by jumping but being caught by the Ensnaring Slam detonation high up in the air.
    • Threaded Specter
      • Arming shape vs. PvE combatants now grows more quickly, resulting in more responsive detonations when used in close quarters.
    • Threaded Spike
      • Reduced damage vs. enemy players from 79 to 70.
      • Catching a Threaded Spike no longer breaks invisibility.
  • Berserker
    • Into the Fray
      • Reduced melee energy regeneration scalar from 4x to 3x in PvE activities.
      • Unchanged in PvP activities.
    • Banner of War
      • Reduced maximum timer from 30 seconds to 24 seconds.
      • Melee, Glaive melee, and Super damage bonus now have diminishing returns with Synthoceps as follows:
        • Melee bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.15x.
        • Glaive melee bonuses decreased from 1.25x to 1.125x.
        • Super bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.2x.
      • Melee and Glaive melee damage bonuses now have diminishing returns with Wormgod Caress, too.
        • Melee bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.1x, based on stack count.
        • Glaive melee bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.05x, based on stack count.
    • Frenzied Blade / Bladefury
      • Reduced the forward offset for melee lunge target point from 0.4 meters to 0.18 meters.
        • This should reduce instances where attempting to lunge to a target while at very close range resulted in the character lunging backwards.
  • Broodweaver
    • Weaver's Call
      • Added new behavior:
        • Defeating a target with Strand damage now has a chance to generate a perched Threadling, with a higher chance of generation from defeating more powerful targets.
        • This damage can be from any source, including other Threadlings.
  • Strand Fragments
    • Thread of Warding
      • Reduced Woven Mail duration on Orb of Power pickup from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.
    • Thread of Propagation
      • No longer displays its HUD buff text unless a Strand weapon is readied. ###Exotic Armor
  • Exotic armor can now be upgraded after it has been fully masterworked, granting an Artifice mod slot.
    • This comes at the cost of an Exotic Cipher and 10,000 Glimmer.
  • Hunter
    • Renewal Grasps
      • Replaced generic damage resistance with Frost Armor:
        • On entering your Duskfield Grenade volume, you or allies gain a stack of Frost Armor.
        • About every 0.9 seconds, an additional stack of Frost Armor is granted, resetting the timer.
    • Triton Vice
      • Glaive projectile final blows now always trigger a detonation that matches the Glaive's damage type, even when the Glaive does not match the equipped subclass.
      • The surrounded effect provided by Triton Vice while wielding a Glaive now lingers on the player for five seconds after no longer being surrounded.
    • The Sixth Coyote
      • Now creates an Orb of Power from final blows after using a class ability in addition to its previous behavior.
        • This is implemented as the Exotic granting a free copy of the Reaper armor mod's effects.
    • Star-Eater Scales
      • Increased the Orbs of Power required to grant maximum benefits from 4 to 6.
      • Reduced the increased Super energy gained per Orb of Power when the Golden Gun is equipped from 2% down to 0.5%.
      • Fixed an issue where the Super damage boost for attacks that occur quickly after initial cast, such as Shadowshot at close range, was not always applied.
      • Fixed an issue where a player could maintain the damage bonus after removing Star-Eater Scales.
    • Foetracer
      • Now grants the bonus damage it inflicts on a target to weapons. The damage type also matches that of the ability used to damage that target, instead of always matching the equipped subclass.
    • Assassin's Cowl
      • Now requires the player to expend a melee charge (or defeat an enemy via a finisher) to activate.
    • Mask of Bakris
      • Now requires a Stasis Super to be equipped, instead of a Stasis subclass.
      • Re-enabled the "Light Shift" debuff in the HUD when a class ability is not recharging.
        • This is a cosmetic-only change to keep the cooldown visible even while not holding a weapon that benefits from its damage boost.
      • Fixed an issue where Mask of Bakris applied a Tier 2 damage buff instead of a Tier 4 and failed to display the time remaining on a certain Solar weapon.
        • Additionally, the Solar damage buff will now function in the Crucible.
    • The Bombardiers
      • Now triggers an effect based on the equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Celestial Nighthawk
      • Fixed an issue where players could swap from Celestial Nighthawk to Knucklehead Radar after activating their Super and be granted the benefits from both Exotics.
    • Dragons Shadow
      • Now triggers its effects when the player uses Ensnaring Slam or the new Ascension Arc Aspect.
    • Liars Handshake
      • Counterpunch now does Arc damage instead of Kinetic.
  • Titan
    • Helm of Saint-14
      • Now causes the wearer's Ward of Dawn to apply the Weapons of Light buff to allies.
    • Ursa Furiosa
      • Now provides increased movement speed while guarding with the new Unbreakable Void Aspect.
      • Also grants Super energy for guarding with Unbreakable that scales based on the amount of incoming damage the shield absorbs.
    • Eternal Warrior
      • No longer requires an Arc subclass for Arc final blows to grant its escalating Arc weapon damage bonus.
    • Armamentarium
      • Now creates an Orb of Power from grenade final blows in addition to its previous behavior.
        • This is implemented as the Exotic granting a free copy of the Firepower armor mod's effects.
    • Khepri's Horn
      • Increased the damage from the Solar blast by 100% in PvE.
      • The Solar blast now Scorches each time it hits a target, instead of Scorching only once.
      • Khepri's Horn now benefits from Ember of Eruption and Ember of Ashes (+30 Scorch in PvE and +15 Scorch in PvP).
    • Synthoceps
      • Reduced the amount of time that Bionic Enhancements lingers after no longer being surrounded, from 8 seconds to 5 seconds. This duration is now visible as a timer on the buff.
    • Severance Enclosure
      • Now requires the player to expend a melee charge (or defeat an enemy via a finisher) to activate.
      • Its explosions now require line of sight to damage enemies. We also reduced the knockback intensity of these explosions, which will now launch enemies more consistently vertically.
    • Heart of Inmost Light
      • Now displays a single, consolidated status effect icon in the HUD to communicate its state, instead of the two to three it used before.
        • The functionality of the Exotic is unchanged.
    • One-Eyed Mask
      • Fixed an issue where the negative status effects applied to victims by One-Eyed Mask no longer persist after death.
    • Precious Scars
      • Now requires a weapon matching the equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Hoarfrost-Z
      • Now requires a Stasis Super to be equipped, instead of a Stasis subclass.
    • Cadmus Ridge Lancecap
      • Now requires a Stasis Super to be equipped, instead of a Stasis subclass.
    • Lorely Splendor
      • Now requires a Solar Super to be equipped, instead of a Solar subclass.
    • No Back Up Plans
      • Now requires a Void Super to be equipped, instead of a Void subclass.
    • Path of Burning Steps
      • Now requires a Solar Super to be equipped, instead of a Solar subclass.
    • Hallowfire Heart
      • Now requires a Solar Super to be equipped, instead of a Solar subclass.
  • Warlock
    • Ballidorse Wrathweavers
      • Replaced Stasis Shard Overshield with Frost Armor.
      • Activating a Rift grants the player and nearby allies the maximum Frost Armor stacks when Frostpulse is equipped.
      • Activating a Winter's Wrath shatter attack grants nearby allies the maximum amount of stacks of Frost Armor. When Winter's Wrath ends, the player gains maximum stacks of Frost Armor.
    • Mantle of Battle Harmony
      • Now grants Super energy ranging between +1.5% and +4.5%, depending on the target type killed.
      • Removed the 2-second cooldown for the perk's activation.
      • Now requires a weapon matching the equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Secant Filaments
      • Updated Secant Filaments to require a Void Super instead of a Void subclass.
      • Secant Filaments Empowering Rift will now reset a player's existing Devour buff duration back to 11 seconds when they enter it, in addition to its previous behavior.
      • Fixed an issue where Secant Filament's Overload Rift was removing anti-Champion capabilities granted by the artifact.
    • Sunbracers
      • Reduced the increased Solar Grenade duration from 4 seconds to 2 seconds.
      • Reduced its increased grenade recharge rate to allow a max of 4 grenades while the effect is active, down from 5.
      • Fixed an issue where Sunbracers would not remove the "Sunbracers Ready" buff from the player when they throw a grenade.
    • Cenotaph Mask
      • Multiple players using Cenotaph Mask can no longer trigger its effect using a single enemy target.
      • Cenotaph's target lock visual marker is now hidden for the Exotic's wearer and only appears to the wearer’s allies.
    • Verity's Brow
      • Now requires final blows with a weapon matching the player's grenade damage type, instead of one matching the equipped subclass.
    • Felwinter's Helm
      • Now requires the player to expend a melee charge (or defeat an enemy via a finisher) to activate.
    • Wings of Sacred Dawn
      • Updated its description to correctly indicate that its effects are only active with Dawnblade equipped, rather than all Solar Supers.
    • Contraverse Hold
      • Updated its description to clarify it only works with Void grenades charged with the Chaos Accelerant Aspect.
    • Chromatic Fire
      • Now triggers an effect based on the player's equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Promethium Spur
      • Now works with any equipped Solar Super.
    • Sanguine Alchemy
      • Now requires a weapon matching the equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Vesper of Radius
      • The ability for the shockwave to blind now requires an Arc Super to be equipped, instead of an Arc subclass.
    • Karnstein Armlets
      • Fixed an issue where Karnstein Armlet's visual effects were not functioning correctly.
    • Necrotic Grips
      • Updated Necrotic Grips description to note that it requires a melee and that it works against both combatants and players. ###Armor Mods
  • The Artifice mod socket icon has been updated to make it more distinct.
  • Removed the energy cost from raid-specific armor mods.
  • Updated all Harmonic armor mods to change their element based on the currently equipped Super, rather than subclass.
    • This behavior is also now explained in their descriptions.
  • A Strand Resistance mod has been added.
    • Additionally, Harmonic Resistance is now compatible with Strand.
  • Heavy Ammo Finder and Special Ammo Finder armor mods now persist their progress towards an ammo brick through death.
  • Heavy Ammo Finder and Special Ammo Finder armor mods no longer function in Crucible, and opposing-team kills will no longer grant Ammo Finder progress in Gambit.
  • Heavy Ammo Finder and Special Ammo Finder armor mods have had their kill requirements increased by 20% for Guardians in a fireteam.
    • Solo Guardian requirements are unchanged.
  • Fixed an issue where Orb of Power mods would not pick up Orbs when Super energy was full. Mods affected are:
    • Recuperation (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Better Already (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Innervation (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Invigoration (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Insulation (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Absolution (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Orbs of Restoration (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Powerful Friends (Helmet Armor Mod)
  • Fixed an issue where multiple copies of Empowered Finisher could be active at once in rare cases.
    • Additionally, corrected an issue where its tooltip did not describe it as having no stacking benefits. ###Other
  • Fixed an issue where older Solstice armor did not display the correct glow color when using a Strand or Stasis Super.


  • Updated Heavy, Adaptive, and Aggressive Burst weapon intrinsic names to match burst count across all weapon archetypes. Functionality is unchanged.
    • 2-burst: Heavy Burst
      • Includes Sidearms, Hand Cannons, and Pulse Rifles.
    • 3-burst: Adaptive Burst
      • Includes Sidearms, Linear Fusion Rifles, and Adaptive Pulse Rifles.
    • 4-burst: Aggressive Burst
      • Includes Pulse Rifles.
  • Removed the foundry name from the Veist Rapid-Fire, Häkke Precision, and Omolon Adaptive weapon intrinsics.

    Weapon Archetypes

  • Exotic Primary Weapons and Trace Rifles
    • Reduced damage bonus versus Minors from 40% to 30% (except Fighting Lion).
    • Exotic Primary Weapons and Trace Rifles benefit from the below damage buffs versus Minor combatants.
  • Increased base PvE damage versus all combatants.
    • Pulse Rifles: 20%
      • Exceptions: Graviton Lance and Revision Zero's Heavy Burst mode. (These both have an intrinsic PvE damage buff built in.)
    • Pellet Shotguns: 10%
      • Exceptions: Legend of Acrius, Tractor Cannon, Conditional Finality, and The Fourth Horseman. (These are all already performing as intended.)
    • Slug Shotguns: 9%
    • Fusion Rifles: 7%
      • Exceptions: One Thousand Voices. (This one was just buffed.)
    • Sniper Rifles: 7%
      • Exceptions: Izanagi's Burden's Honed Edge shots and Cloudstrike's storm. (These are both performing well.)
    • Glaive projectiles: 7%
    • Linear Fusion Rifles: 5%
  • Increased damage versus Minors (red bars)—this stacks with the base PvE damage increase.
    • Sidearms, Trace Rifles, Scout Rifles, and Bows: 20%
    • Auto Rifles and Pulse Rifles: 15%
    • For Pulse Rifles, this is in addition to the above buff, and Graviton Lance and Revision Zero's Heavy Burst mode are included.
      • I.e. Pulse Rifles will do 1.2 * 1.15 = 38% more damage to red bars.
    • Submachine Guns: 10%
    • Hand Cannons: 5%
  • Increased damage versus Major combatants (orange bars).
    • Trace Rifles: 20%
  • Increased damage globally, including PvP.
    • Machine Guns: 7%
    • Swords: 7%
  • With these damage increases, the following Spec mods have been retired:
    • Boss Spec, Taken Spec, Minor Spec, Major Spec, and Adept Big Ones Spec.
  • Scout Rifle
    • Updated the hip-fire reticle to better show accuracy and aim-assist state.
  • Hand Cannons
    • General
      • Reduced the screen shake dealt to players by Hand Cannon projectile impacts by 33% (does not affect flinch dealt to Combatants).
    • Heavy Burst
      • Reduced the base recoil of this sub-family to make them more stable.
    • Aggressives
      • Improved the stats of two Aggressive Hand Cannons that are returning in The Final Shape to be more competitive with our current offerings.
        • Crimil's Dagger (Iron Banner)
        • Stability: 23 to 31
        • Handling: 23 to 31
        • Magazine Size: 8 to 9
        • Airborne Effectiveness: 10 to 21
        • Something New (Solstice)
        • Stability: 27 to 30
        • Handling: 24 to 30
        • Magazine Size: 8 to 9
  • Sniper Rifles
    • Increased minimum reserves from 14 to 17 shots; maximum reserve is unchanged.
    • Changed the way flinch works when taking damage from players (this does not affect incoming damage from combatants).
      • Increased the screen shake duration by 25%.
      • Increased the screen shake intensity by 350%.
      • Reduced the camera roll by 25%.
  • Linear Fusion Rifles
    • Reduced firing animation kick and recoil for Adaptive Linear Fusion Rifles.
  • Kinetic damage type weapons
    • No longer deal bonus damage to bosses; damage to other combatant tiers is unchanged.
      • For example, a kinetic Sniper Rifle and a Stasis Sniper Rifle of the same subfamily will both deal the same damage to a boss.
  • Wave Grenade Launchers
    • The size of the wave is now affected by the blast radius stat. This will mostly impact the width of the wave, though the length and height will also be scaled.
      • The default display stat for the blast radius has been changed from 100 to 50 (where 50 represents the previous baseline—any stat over 50 will result in a larger wave segment than what was possible before).
    • Special ammo Wave – Frame Grenade Launchers overperform as add clear weapons in their current state, so we've pulled the length of the wave back a little.
      • Reduced the length of the waves from 22 meters to 15 meters (except for Dead Messenger).
  • Swords
    • Updated the Sword reticle to better indicate its charge state. When Sword energy is consumed, the amount of delay the Sword has before it begins to recharge now subtly appears in the reticle.
    • Fixed an issue where the Overwhelming Battlesong debuff from some missions would prevent Swords from recharging or losing energy while guarding.
    • Fixed an issue where unpowered caster Sword heavy attacks would not reset the Sword's energy recharge delay.
    • Fixed an issue where uncharged adaptive Sword heavy attacks cost the same amount of ammo as their charged counterparts. They now cost 1 ammo, same as other uncharged heavy attacks.
  • Rocket Sidearms
    • Added a slight delay to the detonation to allow perks to activate correctly if they required precision kills. ###Exotics
  • Non-precision based add clear-Exotic Primary weapons:
    • Reduced splash damage by 10% on the following weapons:
      • Sunshot
      • Trinity Ghoul
      • Polaris Lance
      • Graviton Lance
  • Rat King
    • Swapped the firing animation to the same one used by other auto-fire Sidearms.
  • Dead Man's Tale
    • Baseline:
      • Cranial Spike stacks now grant stability in addition to aim assist stat and range (+2 per stack).
      • Increased reload speed benefit of Cranial Spike stacks.
    • With catalyst, when hip-firing:
      • Slightly reduced accuracy benefits.
      • Increased magnetism falloff scale (1.6 to 1.7).
      • Increased baseline rate of fire from 130RPM to 140RPM.
      • Removed PvE-only damage buff that scaled with stacks of Cranial Spike and added a 15% damage bonus at maximum stacks of Cranial Spike.
  • Colony
    • Now spawns additional insectoid robots on final blows. More robots (up to five) spawn from tougher com
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2024.06.04 18:01 DTG_Bot Destiny 2 Update




  • Competitive will now use the Blended “1-1-1" Special Ammo system in place of the Crates system. We will begin rolling this system out to other playlists soon.
  • Adjusted spawns on Altar of Flame and Dead Cliffs for Countdown Rush to improve match balance.
  • Updated Private Match screens to support expanded options and to improve usability.
  • Updated sound effects for rank promotion and defense toasts in Competitive to better convey success or failure.
  • Fixed an issue where Relic meter was not correctly progressing in Relic.
  • Fixed an issue where Private Match activity modifiers would display inaccurately.


  • Fixed an issue in the mission Beyond where players would sometimes get stuck without the activity progressing them correctly.

    Warlord’s Ruin

  • Fixed an issue in Warlord's Ruin where the sound effect that occurs after a player is frozen by the tempest storm did not play correctly.

    Crota’s End

  • Fixed an issue preventing completion of the All for One challenge and associated Triumph.

    The Pantheon

  • Fixed an issue where The Pantheon emblems appeared in the General category rather than the Raids category in Collections.



  • Added a gameplay subtitles option that displays the speaker's name before their dialog.
    • This option is off by default. To activate it, navigate to the Options menu and toggle it to on.
    • This feature does not affect cinematic subtitles.
  • Added Reputation Boost information for ritual activities to the Director.
    • Hovering over the Rituals nodes at the top of the Director (Vanguard Ops, Crucible, Gambit) will display when reputation boosts are active.
  • Fixed an issue where dungeon tracking stats were not displayed on emblems.

    Fireteam Finder

  • Improved placement and visuals of the Reselecting Activity button so players have better access to it.
  • Fixed an issue where Fireteam Finder lobbies for Crucible Labs weren't allowing the correct max number of players for the activity.
  • Fixed an issue where in some Fireteam Finder applications, player status was not displayed properly.

    Guardian Ranks/Journey Screen

  • Made visual and functional improvements to the Journey screen and Guardian Ranks icons.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cherished Guardian Rank objective displayed the incorrect Commendation score requirement.


  • Added Milestones to the quest log.
    • Milestones will not count against a player's maximum quest/bounty capacity.
  • Tracked quests will be sorted to the top of their categories when the quest log is reloaded next.
  • Added an option to set a specific Quest tab as the default.
    • The default Quest tab will be the first tab opened when the quest log is loaded.
  • Added text to the Quest tooltip to communicate when a Quest is directly launchable from its Quest Details screen.

    Gameplay and Investment


All Subclasses
  • All Super abilities now use the same damage-based recharge parameters.
    • Previously, energy gained through damage dealt and received was scaled based on the passive recharge rate of the Super, resulting in a broader delta between long-recharge Supers and short-recharge Supers than intended.
    • This will, for example, bring the real-world uptime of Ward of Dawn and Well of Radiance closer to the uptime of a Super like Arc Staff or Fists of Havoc.
Arc Subclasses
  • Arcstrider
    • Arc Staff:
      • Heavy palm strike attacks and heavy air slam blind enemies.
    • Disorienting Blow:
      • Decreased base cooldown time from 100 seconds to 90 seconds.
    • Tempest Strike:
      • Added additional damage resistance vs. PvE combatants when activated, lingering for a short duration after the attack.
  • Striker
    • Knockout
      • Increased bonus damage granted to powered melee attacks vs. PvE combatants from 25% to 50%.
      • Reworked healing behavior:
      • No longer unstuns health regeneration on melee defeats. Now instantly grants a chunk of healing that scales with the type of target defeated.
        • Player: 30 health points.
        • Minor combatant: 50 health points.
        • Major combatant: 75 health points.
        • Champion+ combatant: 100 health points.
    • Touch of Thunder
      • Lightning Grenade:
        • Now applies Jolt after the first damage event, rather than prior.
        • This means that the Jolt won't instantly pop on application, and attackers will need to either wait for the second lightning burst from the grenade or deal additional damage via other means to trigger the Jolt's chain lightning.
      • Storm Grenade:
        • Increased tracking travel speed when targeting PvE combatants by between 0.5 and 1 meters per second, increasing with the storm’s lifetime.
    • Thunderclap
      • Added additional damage resistance vs. PvE combatants when activated, lingering for a short duration after the attack.
      • Increased minimum damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
      • Increased maximum damage vs. PvE combatants by 33%.
      • Increased maximum damage vs. enemy players by 14%.
  • Stormcaller
    • Lightning Surge
      • Added additional damage resistance vs. PvE combatants when activated, lingering for a short duration after the attack.
      • This is intended to help players survive during the final lightning strike performance until the player returns to first person and can maneuver out of danger
    • Ball Lightning
      • Increased the final arming shape size by 30%.
      • Fixed an issue where the arming shape was offset upward, higher than the maximum damage range of the projectile’s detonation.
    • Chain Lightning
      • Increased secondary chain projectile’s base damage from 27 to 54.
  • Arc Grenades
    • Storm Grenade:
      • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
      • Touch of Thunder variant’s damage is unchanged.
    • Skip Grenade:
      • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 15%.
    • Arcbolt Grenade:
      • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 15%.
  • Arc Fragments
    • Spark of Recharge:
      • Ability regeneration bonus now persists until the player returns to full shields, rather than deactivating as soon as shields begin to recharge.
    • Spark of Beacons:
      • Now also triggers on defeating targets with Arc Power ammo weapons while amplified.
    • Spark of Frequency:
      • Now also grants 15 weapon stability on powered melee hit, in addition to its reload benefit.
Solar Subclasses
  • Solar General
    • Restoration
      • Restoration’s full-body visual effects now reduce their intensity while the player's Super is active.
    • Cure
      • Cure's healing now takes place over 0.1 seconds rather than instantly.
        • This change is unlikely to affect Cure's efficacy in a meaningful way but is primarily intended to improve the readability of Cure's heal in the middle of combat in the UI.
  • Gunslinger
    • Lightweight Knife
      • Now has 2 melee charges by default.
      • Increased throw animation speed by 33%.
      • Reduced suppression time between throws, so both knives can be thrown very quickly back-to-back.
      • The additional melee charge does not stack with Ophidia Spathe, due to the Exotic’s unique energy recharge behavior. We’ll be monitoring this and evaluating how things are playing once things go live.
    • Knock 'Em Down
      • Reduced internal cooldown on throwing knife refund from 1 second to 0.2 seconds.
    • Gunpowder Gamble
      • Fixed an issue where Gunpowder Gamble was unable to damage Strand Tangles.
    • Golden Gun - Marksman
      • Reduced strength of Orbs of Power created on precision hit as follows:
        • When hitting non-boss enemies, reduced strength from 0.75x to 0.5x of a normal Super Orb of Power.
        • When hitting boss enemies, reduced strength from 0.75x to about 0.4x of a normal Super Orb of Power.
        • When hitting boss enemies while Star-Eater Scales is equipped, reduced strength from 0.75x to about 0.35x of a normal Super Orb of Power.
  • Sunbreaker
    • Consecration
      • Consecration’s slam attack can now shatter Stasis crystals.
      • Ignitions generated by Consecration now deal 20% additional damage to PvE combatants.
      • Fixed an issue where Consecration’s slam attack was sometimes unable to damage floating combatants while they were grounded.
      • Fixed an issue where Consecration’s intended PvE damage resistance was not being applied.
    • Hammer of Sol
      • Increased projectile submunition count when Sol Invictus is not equipped as follows:
        • If the projectile detonates within the first 0.7 seconds of its lifetime, it now creates 4 shrapnel submunitions, up from 3.
        • If the projectile detonates after the first 0.7 seconds of its lifetime, it now creates 6 shrapnel, up from 5.
        • When Sol Invictus is equipped, only 3 shrapnel submunitions are created, regardless of flight time.
      • Shrapnel submunitions now deal additional damage when Sol Invictus is not equipped, with the damage increasing after the first 0.7 seconds of the projectile's lifetime.
  • Dawnblade
    • Heat Rises
      • Fixed an issue where throwing some grenades while Heat Rises was equipped would produce Void visual effects on the player's hands during the throw.
    • Well of Radiance
      • Now grants radiant for 8 seconds when players exit the Well of Radiance area.
      • Reduced player survivability while standing in the Well of Radiance aura.
        • Reduced healing per second from 100 to 50 health points, matching restoration x2.
        • Increased heal on cast from 40 to 300 health points.
        • Reduced damage resistance vs. non-boss combatants from 40% to 20%.
        • Reduced damage resistance vs. boss combatants from 40% to 10%.
        • Damage resistance vs. enemy players is unchanged.
      • Increased maximum Orbs of Power from defeating targets while in the player's Well of Radiance aura from 4 to 5.
    • Solar Grenades
      • Swarm Grenade
        • Increased tracking shape size from 4 meters to 6 meters.
        • Increased linger duration from 7-8 seconds to 10-11 seconds.
        • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
Void Subclasses
  • Void General
    • Fixed an issue where Volatile could fail to auto-detonate if the target was defeated by the damage event that applied the Volatile effect.
  • Nightstalker
    • Snare Bomb
      • Increased linger duration of smoke after detonation from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
      • Now applies small damage over time to enemies in the smoke, which increases in strength the longer they remain in the smoke.
    • Trapper's Ambush
      • Increased linger duration of the smoke after detonation from 4.5 seconds to 6 seconds.
      • Now applies Snare Bomb’s damage over time to enemies caught in its smoke.
      • Fixed an issue where Trapper’s Ambush’s smoke effects could be obstructed by ground geometry.
    • Stylish Executioner
      • Stylish Executioner’s weaken effect can now be applied by Glaive melee attacks.
  • Sentinel
    • Shield Throw:
      • Increased maximum bounce count from 4 to 5.
      • Increased maximum lifetime from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.
      • Now increases its tracking shape size and strength after each bounce, increasing its ability to consistently find a new target.
      • Slightly increased gravity and decreased thrust speed with each bounce.
      • Increased damage vs. PvE targets by 20%.
    • Ward of Dawn:
      • Armor of Light:
        • Removed Armor of Light overshield. Ward of Dawn now immediately applies a full Void Overshield to the caster and allies that enter its dome.
        • Armor of Light now instead grants additional damage resistance to players inside the Ward of Dawn:30% vs. enemy players and 60% vs. enemy combatants.
        • Effective health of players inside the Ward of Dawn dome remains roughly the same as it was before vs. PvE combatants.
        • Effective health of players inside the Ward of Dawn is significantly lower than it was before vs.other players in PvP, and cannot be further increased by stacking Bastion Barricades inside the Ward to gain additional Overshield layers.
        • No longer provides Weapons of Light by default. This behavior has been moved to the benefits of Helm of Saint-14.
        • Allies near the Ward of Dawn dome now have Void Overshield trickled on over time, similar to the volume behind a Bastion barricade.
        • This trickle rate is reduced in PvP activities.
        • The Ward of Dawn caster can now generate additional Orbs of Power by defeating enemies with melee attacks in or near their Ward of Dawn dome. Up to a maximum of 5.
    • Offensive Bulwark
      • Can now only extend Void Overshield’s timer to its normal maximum duration, to prevent an issue where players could get into a bad timer state.
      • Now regenerates a small portion of the player's active Void Overshield with each melee defeat.
  • Voidwalker
    • Chaos Accelerant
      • Magnetic Grenade
        • Increased maximum intensity of physics knockback impulse by 10%.
        • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 20%.
        • Now passively decreases the player's Magnetic Grenade’s cooldown by 10% while Chaos Accelerant is equipped.
    • Pocket Singularity
      • Increased detonation damage vs. PvE combatants by about 50%.
    • Nova Bomb
      • Cataclysm variant:
        • Increased seeker count from 4 to 6.
        • Fixed an issue where seekers could impact the environment on creation.
      • Vortex variant:
        • Increased Vortex linger duration from 7 seconds to 10 seconds.
        • Fixed an issue where the linger visual effects were shutting off early.
    • Void Grenades
      • Suppressor Grenade
        • Damage radius now matches Suppression radius.
        • This does not meaningfully change the damage profile of the grenade but is intended to provide additional feedback to the player when they have successfully Suppressed a target.
      • Voidwall Grenade
        • Fixed an issue where the central damage volume was offset significantly lower than the left and right volumes.
    • Void Fragments
      • Echo of Instability
        • Can now be activated by defeating targets with Forerunner's The Rock grenade.
        • No longer displays its HUD buff text unless a Void weapon is readied.
Stasis Subclasses
  • Stasis General
    • New Frost Armor keyword:
      • You are fortified by layers of durable Stasis matter, reducing incoming damage. Frost Armor damage resistance grows stronger as the player gains additional stacks.
      • Reduces damage from PvE combatants by 4.5% per stack and from enemy players by 2% per stack.
    • Stasis Shatter
      • Increased base PvE shatter damage from 200 to 400.
      • Fixed an issue where bosses auto-shattering were being hit by two instances of shatter damage.
      • Fixed an issue where players in an active Super would show immune damage flyouts when automatically breaking out of Stasis freeze.
  • Revenant
    • Grim Harvest
      • Added new behavior:
        • While Grim Harvest is equipped, Stasis Shards grant a small amount of health and a stack of Frost Armor.
        • Large Stasis Shards from Grim Harvest grant more health and Frost Armor stacks.
      • Now has a standardized cooldown when a large number of Shards are created very quickly.
    • Winter's Shroud
      • Added new behavior:
        • Slowing targets briefly increases the player's class ability regeneration rate.
        • Bonus is reduced in PvP game modes.
        • Now grants PvE damage reduction when activated.
      • Touch of Winter
        • Coldsnap Grenade:
        • No longer chains an additional time while Touch of Winter is equipped.
        • Instead, seekers now duplicate when they freeze a target.
        • Second and third seeker chains now create a medium and large Stasis crystal respectively, rather than every chain creating a small crystal.
        • Glacier Grenade:
        • Added an additional Stasis crystal to the ring formation, increasing total count from 6 to 7.
        • Glacier Grenade ring now forms over 0.27 seconds, rather than instantly.
      • Silence & Squall
        • Increased Squall maximum travel speed by 10%.
        • Squall storm now slows down when any target is within its area of effect to reduce instances where it could overshoot its target.
        • Increased damage and slow tick rate vs. PvE combatants by about 40%, bringing its freeze time from approximately 0.8 seconds to ~0.5 seconds.
  • Behemoth
    • Tectonic Harvest
      • Added new behavior:
        • While Tectonic Harvest is equipped, Stasis Shards grant a small amount of health and a stack of Frost Armor.
        • Now creates a Stasis Shard when shattering a frozen target in addition to shattering Stasis crystals.
      • Now has a standardized cooldown when a large number of Shards are created very quickly.
    • Glacial Quake
      • Now automatically begins sprinting when the player throttles forward.
        • This change should make Shattering the player's Stasis Crystals significantly more intuitive in the heat of combat.
      • Increased on-cast Freeze impulse radius vs. PvE combatants from 6 meters to 8 meters.
    • Shiver Strike
      • Increased damage vs. PvE combatants by 10%.
      • Increased size of melee target search area cone by about 50%.
      • Increased maximum lunge tracking angular speed from 7 degrees per second to 21 degrees per second.
        • The end result of these changes is that Shiver Strike misses significantly less and is able to bend its lunge trajectory more to find a target within its search area.
    • Diamond Lance
      • Increased thrown Diamond Lance detonation radius from 3.5 meters to 5 meters.
      • Increased Diamond Lance slam detonation radius from 6.75 meters to 8 meters vs. PvE combatants.
      • Diamond Lance now shatters Stasis crystals on direct impact.
      • Reduced Diamond Lance pickup interaction time from 0.2 seconds to 0.1 seconds, matching Strand Tangles.
      • Increased Diamond Lance pickup interaction radius from 0.7 meters to 3 meters, matching Strand Tangles.
    • Cryoclasm
      • Removed sprint time requirement. Cryoclasm now goes on cooldown for 4 seconds after one extended slide.
  • Shadebinder
    • Glacial Harvest
      • Added new behavior:
        • While Glacial Harvest is equipped, Stasis Shards grant a small amount of health and a stack of Frost Armor.
      • Now has a standardized cooldown when a large number of Shards are created very quickly.
    • Iceflare Bolts
      • Increased maximum seekers created before going on cooldown from 5 to 7.
  • Stasis Fragments
    • Whisper of Rime reworked:
      • No longer grants a Stasis Shard Overshield when collecting a Stasis Shard.
      • Now increases the maximum duration and stack count of the player's Frost Armor.
    • Whisper of Chains reworked:
      • No longer grants passive damage resistance when near a Stasis crystal or frozen target.
      • Now grants a chance to create a Stasis Shard when defeating a target while the player have one or more stacks of Frost Armor.
    • Whisper of Fractures reworked:
      • No longer increases melee energy regeneration while surrounded by enemies.
      • Now grants a stack of Frost Armor when the player shatters any frozen target with a melee attack.
    • Whisper of Torment
      • Grenade energy gains are no longer dependent on the player's current health value. Base grenade energy regeneration amount per incoming damage event increased from 5% to 7%.
      • While the player has Frost Armor, energy per damage event increases from 7% to 12%.
    • Whisper of Chill - New Fragment:
      • Stasis weapon final blows have a chance to create a Stasis Shard.
    • Whisper of Reversal - New Fragment:
      • While the player has Frost Armor, dealing or receiving physical melee (i.e., not projectile melee) damage slows the player's victim or attacker.
Strand Subclasses
  • Strand General
    • Grapple Tangles
      • No longer fully refresh their duration when Grappled to.
      • Now increase their duration by a maximum of 5 seconds per Grapple, reducing to a maximum of 1 second added after 5 consecutive Grapples to the same Grapple Tangle.
    • Grapple Melee
      • Can no longer be activated after firing a weapon, similar to sprint-or-slide-activated melee abilities.
    • Tangles
      • Tangles will now be paired with the text "Pick Up Tangle" instead of only "Pick Up".
  • Threadrunner
    • Ensnaring Slam
      • Detonation volume vs. enemy players is now a cylinder with a 6.5-meter radius, rather than a sphere with an 8-meter radius.
        • This results in fewer instances of victims correctly attempting to counterplay by jumping but being caught by the Ensnaring Slam detonation high up in the air.
    • Threaded Specter
      • Arming shape vs. PvE combatants now grows more quickly, resulting in more responsive detonations when used in close quarters.
    • Threaded Spike
      • Reduced damage vs. enemy players from 79 to 70.
      • Catching a Threaded Spike no longer breaks invisibility.
  • Berserker
    • Into the Fray
      • Reduced melee energy regeneration scalar from 4x to 3x in PvE activities.
      • Unchanged in PvP activities.
    • Banner of War
      • Reduced maximum timer from 30 seconds to 24 seconds.
      • Melee, Glaive melee, and Super damage bonus now have diminishing returns with Synthoceps as follows:
        • Melee bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.15x.
        • Glaive melee bonuses decreased from 1.25x to 1.125x.
        • Super bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.2x.
      • Melee and Glaive melee damage bonuses now have diminishing returns with Wormgod Caress, too.
        • Melee bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.1x, based on stack count.
        • Glaive melee bonuses decreased from 1.4x to 1.05x, based on stack count.
    • Frenzied Blade / Bladefury
      • Reduced the forward offset for melee lunge target point from 0.4 meters to 0.18 meters.
        • This should reduce instances where attempting to lunge to a target while at very close range resulted in the character lunging backwards.
  • Broodweaver
    • Weaver's Call
      • Added new behavior:
        • Defeating a target with Strand damage now has a chance to generate a perched Threadling, with a higher chance of generation from defeating more powerful targets.
        • This damage can be from any source, including other Threadlings.
  • Strand Fragments
    • Thread of Warding
      • Reduced Woven Mail duration on Orb of Power pickup from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.
    • Thread of Propagation
      • No longer displays its HUD buff text unless a Strand weapon is readied. ###Exotic Armor
  • Exotic armor can now be upgraded after it has been fully masterworked, granting an Artifice mod slot.
    • This comes at the cost of an Exotic Cipher and 10,000 Glimmer.
  • Hunter
    • Renewal Grasps
      • Replaced generic damage resistance with Frost Armor:
        • On entering your Duskfield Grenade volume, you or allies gain a stack of Frost Armor.
        • About every 0.9 seconds, an additional stack of Frost Armor is granted, resetting the timer.
    • Triton Vice
      • Glaive projectile final blows now always trigger a detonation that matches the Glaive's damage type, even when the Glaive does not match the equipped subclass.
      • The surrounded effect provided by Triton Vice while wielding a Glaive now lingers on the player for five seconds after no longer being surrounded.
    • The Sixth Coyote
      • Now creates an Orb of Power from final blows after using a class ability in addition to its previous behavior.
        • This is implemented as the Exotic granting a free copy of the Reaper armor mod's effects.
    • Star-Eater Scales
      • Increased the Orbs of Power required to grant maximum benefits from 4 to 6.
      • Reduced the increased Super energy gained per Orb of Power when the Golden Gun is equipped from 2% down to 0.5%.
      • Fixed an issue where the Super damage boost for attacks that occur quickly after initial cast, such as Shadowshot at close range, was not always applied.
      • Fixed an issue where a player could maintain the damage bonus after removing Star-Eater Scales.
    • Foetracer
      • Now grants the bonus damage it inflicts on a target to weapons. The damage type also matches that of the ability used to damage that target, instead of always matching the equipped subclass.
    • Assassin's Cowl
      • Now requires the player to expend a melee charge (or defeat an enemy via a finisher) to activate.
    • Mask of Bakris
      • Now requires a Stasis Super to be equipped, instead of a Stasis subclass.
      • Re-enabled the "Light Shift" debuff in the HUD when a class ability is not recharging.
        • This is a cosmetic-only change to keep the cooldown visible even while not holding a weapon that benefits from its damage boost.
      • Fixed an issue where Mask of Bakris applied a Tier 2 damage buff instead of a Tier 4 and failed to display the time remaining on a certain Solar weapon.
        • Additionally, the Solar damage buff will now function in the Crucible.
    • The Bombardiers
      • Now triggers an effect based on the equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Celestial Nighthawk
      • Fixed an issue where players could swap from Celestial Nighthawk to Knucklehead Radar after activating their Super and be granted the benefits from both Exotics.
    • Dragons Shadow
      • Now triggers its effects when the player uses Ensnaring Slam or the new Ascension Arc Aspect.
    • Liars Handshake
      • Counterpunch now does Arc damage instead of Kinetic.
  • Titan
    • Helm of Saint-14
      • Now causes the wearer's Ward of Dawn to apply the Weapons of Light buff to allies.
    • Ursa Furiosa
      • Now provides increased movement speed while guarding with the new Unbreakable Void Aspect.
      • Also grants Super energy for guarding with Unbreakable that scales based on the amount of incoming damage the shield absorbs.
    • Eternal Warrior
      • No longer requires an Arc subclass for Arc final blows to grant its escalating Arc weapon damage bonus.
    • Armamentarium
      • Now creates an Orb of Power from grenade final blows in addition to its previous behavior.
        • This is implemented as the Exotic granting a free copy of the Firepower armor mod's effects.
    • Khepri's Horn
      • Increased the damage from the Solar blast by 100% in PvE.
      • The Solar blast now Scorches each time it hits a target, instead of Scorching only once.
      • Khepri's Horn now benefits from Ember of Eruption and Ember of Ashes (+30 Scorch in PvE and +15 Scorch in PvP).
    • Synthoceps
      • Reduced the amount of time that Bionic Enhancements lingers after no longer being surrounded, from 8 seconds to 5 seconds. This duration is now visible as a timer on the buff.
    • Severance Enclosure
      • Now requires the player to expend a melee charge (or defeat an enemy via a finisher) to activate.
      • Its explosions now require line of sight to damage enemies. We also reduced the knockback intensity of these explosions, which will now launch enemies more consistently vertically.
    • Heart of Inmost Light
      • Now displays a single, consolidated status effect icon in the HUD to communicate its state, instead of the two to three it used before.
        • The functionality of the Exotic is unchanged.
    • One-Eyed Mask
      • Fixed an issue where the negative status effects applied to victims by One-Eyed Mask no longer persist after death.
    • Precious Scars
      • Now requires a weapon matching the equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Hoarfrost-Z
      • Now requires a Stasis Super to be equipped, instead of a Stasis subclass.
    • Cadmus Ridge Lancecap
      • Now requires a Stasis Super to be equipped, instead of a Stasis subclass.
    • Lorely Splendor
      • Now requires a Solar Super to be equipped, instead of a Solar subclass.
    • No Back Up Plans
      • Now requires a Void Super to be equipped, instead of a Void subclass.
    • Path of Burning Steps
      • Now requires a Solar Super to be equipped, instead of a Solar subclass.
    • Hallowfire Heart
      • Now requires a Solar Super to be equipped, instead of a Solar subclass.
  • Warlock
    • Ballidorse Wrathweavers
      • Replaced Stasis Shard Overshield with Frost Armor.
      • Activating a Rift grants the player and nearby allies the maximum Frost Armor stacks when Frostpulse is equipped.
      • Activating a Winter's Wrath shatter attack grants nearby allies the maximum amount of stacks of Frost Armor. When Winter's Wrath ends, the player gains maximum stacks of Frost Armor.
    • Mantle of Battle Harmony
      • Now grants Super energy ranging between +1.5% and +4.5%, depending on the target type killed.
      • Removed the 2-second cooldown for the perk's activation.
      • Now requires a weapon matching the equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Secant Filaments
      • Updated Secant Filaments to require a Void Super instead of a Void subclass.
      • Secant Filaments Empowering Rift will now reset a player's existing Devour buff duration back to 11 seconds when they enter it, in addition to its previous behavior.
      • Fixed an issue where Secant Filament's Overload Rift was removing anti-Champion capabilities granted by the artifact.
    • Sunbracers
      • Reduced the increased Solar Grenade duration from 4 seconds to 2 seconds.
      • Reduced its increased grenade recharge rate to allow a max of 4 grenades while the effect is active, down from 5.
      • Fixed an issue where Sunbracers would not remove the "Sunbracers Ready" buff from the player when they throw a grenade.
    • Cenotaph Mask
      • Multiple players using Cenotaph Mask can no longer trigger its effect using a single enemy target.
      • Cenotaph's target lock visual marker is now hidden for the Exotic's wearer and only appears to the wearer’s allies.
    • Verity's Brow
      • Now requires final blows with a weapon matching the player's grenade damage type, instead of one matching the equipped subclass.
    • Felwinter's Helm
      • Now requires the player to expend a melee charge (or defeat an enemy via a finisher) to activate.
    • Wings of Sacred Dawn
      • Updated its description to correctly indicate that its effects are only active with Dawnblade equipped, rather than all Solar Supers.
    • Contraverse Hold
      • Updated its description to clarify it only works with Void grenades charged with the Chaos Accelerant Aspect.
    • Chromatic Fire
      • Now triggers an effect based on the player's equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Promethium Spur
      • Now works with any equipped Solar Super.
    • Sanguine Alchemy
      • Now requires a weapon matching the equipped Super element, instead of the equipped subclass.
    • Vesper of Radius
      • The ability for the shockwave to blind now requires an Arc Super to be equipped, instead of an Arc subclass.
    • Karnstein Armlets
      • Fixed an issue where Karnstein Armlet's visual effects were not functioning correctly.
    • Necrotic Grips
      • Updated Necrotic Grips description to note that it requires a melee and that it works against both combatants and players. ###Armor Mods
  • The Artifice mod socket icon has been updated to make it more distinct.
  • Removed the energy cost from raid-specific armor mods.
  • Updated all Harmonic armor mods to change their element based on the currently equipped Super, rather than subclass.
    • This behavior is also now explained in their descriptions.
  • A Strand Resistance mod has been added.
    • Additionally, Harmonic Resistance is now compatible with Strand.
  • Heavy Ammo Finder and Special Ammo Finder armor mods now persist their progress towards an ammo brick through death.
  • Heavy Ammo Finder and Special Ammo Finder armor mods no longer function in Crucible, and opposing-team kills will no longer grant Ammo Finder progress in Gambit.
  • Heavy Ammo Finder and Special Ammo Finder armor mods have had their kill requirements increased by 20% for Guardians in a fireteam.
    • Solo Guardian requirements are unchanged.
  • Fixed an issue where Orb of Power mods would not pick up Orbs when Super energy was full. Mods affected are:
    • Recuperation (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Better Already (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Innervation (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Invigoration (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Insulation (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Absolution (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Orbs of Restoration (Leg Armor Mod)
    • Powerful Friends (Helmet Armor Mod)
  • Fixed an issue where multiple copies of Empowered Finisher could be active at once in rare cases.
    • Additionally, corrected an issue where its tooltip did not describe it as having no stacking benefits. ###Other
  • Fixed an issue where older Solstice armor did not display the correct glow color when using a Strand or Stasis Super.


  • Updated Heavy, Adaptive, and Aggressive Burst weapon intrinsic names to match burst count across all weapon archetypes. Functionality is unchanged.
    • 2-burst: Heavy Burst
      • Includes Sidearms, Hand Cannons, and Pulse Rifles.
    • 3-burst: Adaptive Burst
      • Includes Sidearms, Linear Fusion Rifles, and Adaptive Pulse Rifles.
    • 4-burst: Aggressive Burst
      • Includes Pulse Rifles.
  • Removed the foundry name from the Veist Rapid-Fire, Häkke Precision, and Omolon Adaptive weapon intrinsics.

    Weapon Archetypes

  • Exotic Primary Weapons and Trace Rifles
    • Reduced damage bonus versus Minors from 40% to 30% (except Fighting Lion).
    • Exotic Primary Weapons and Trace Rifles benefit from the below damage buffs versus Minor combatants.
  • Increased base PvE damage versus all combatants.
    • Pulse Rifles: 20%
      • Exceptions: Graviton Lance and Revision Zero's Heavy Burst mode. (These both have an intrinsic PvE damage buff built in.)
    • Pellet Shotguns: 10%
      • Exceptions: Legend of Acrius, Tractor Cannon, Conditional Finality, and The Fourth Horseman. (These are all already performing as intended.)
    • Slug Shotguns: 9%
    • Fusion Rifles: 7%
      • Exceptions: One Thousand Voices. (This one was just buffed.)
    • Sniper Rifles: 7%
      • Exceptions: Izanagi's Burden's Honed Edge shots and Cloudstrike's storm. (These are both performing well.)
    • Glaive projectiles: 7%
    • Linear Fusion Rifles: 5%
  • Increased damage versus Minors (red bars)—this stacks with the base PvE damage increase.
    • Sidearms, Trace Rifles, Scout Rifles, and Bows: 20%
    • Auto Rifles and Pulse Rifles: 15%
    • For Pulse Rifles, this is in addition to the above buff, and Graviton Lance and Revision Zero's Heavy Burst mode are included.
      • I.e. Pulse Rifles will do 1.2 * 1.15 = 38% more damage to red bars.
    • Submachine Guns: 10%
    • Hand Cannons: 5%
  • Increased damage versus Major combatants (orange bars).
    • Trace Rifles: 20%
  • Increased damage globally, including PvP.
    • Machine Guns: 7%
    • Swords: 7%
  • With these damage increases, the following Spec mods have been retired:
    • Boss Spec, Taken Spec, Minor Spec, Major Spec, and Adept Big Ones Spec.
  • Scout Rifle
    • Updated the hip-fire reticle to better show accuracy and aim-assist state.
  • Hand Cannons
    • General
      • Reduced the screen shake dealt to players by Hand Cannon projectile impacts by 33% (does not affect flinch dealt to Combatants).
    • Heavy Burst
      • Reduced the base recoil of this sub-family to make them more stable.
    • Aggressives
      • Improved the stats of two Aggressive Hand Cannons that are returning in The Final Shape to be more competitive with our current offerings.
        • Crimil's Dagger (Iron Banner)
        • Stability: 23 to 31
        • Handling: 23 to 31
        • Magazine Size: 8 to 9
        • Airborne Effectiveness: 10 to 21
        • Something New (Solstice)
        • Stability: 27 to 30
        • Handling: 24 to 30
        • Magazine Size: 8 to 9
  • Sniper Rifles
    • Increased minimum reserves from 14 to 17 shots; maximum reserve is unchanged.
    • Changed the way flinch works when taking damage from players (this does not affect incoming damage from combatants).
      • Increased the screen shake duration by 25%.
      • Increased the screen shake intensity by 350%.
      • Reduced the camera roll by 25%.
  • Linear Fusion Rifles
    • Reduced firing animation kick and recoil for Adaptive Linear Fusion Rifles.
  • Kinetic damage type weapons
    • No longer deal bonus damage to bosses; damage to other combatant tiers is unchanged.
      • For example, a kinetic Sniper Rifle and a Stasis Sniper Rifle of the same subfamily will both deal the same damage to a boss.
  • Wave Grenade Launchers
    • The size of the wave is now affected by the blast radius stat. This will mostly impact the width of the wave, though the length and height will also be scaled.
      • The default display stat for the blast radius has been changed from 100 to 50 (where 50 represents the previous baseline—any stat over 50 will result in a larger wave segment than what was possible before).
    • Special ammo Wave – Frame Grenade Launchers overperform as add clear weapons in their current state, so we've pulled the length of the wave back a little.
      • Reduced the length of the waves from 22 meters to 15 meters (except for Dead Messenger).
  • Swords
    • Updated the Sword reticle to better indicate its charge state. When Sword energy is consumed, the amount of delay the Sword has before it begins to recharge now subtly appears in the reticle.
    • Fixed an issue where the Overwhelming Battlesong debuff from some missions would prevent Swords from recharging or losing energy while guarding.
    • Fixed an issue where unpowered caster Sword heavy attacks would not reset the Sword's energy recharge delay.
    • Fixed an issue where uncharged adaptive Sword heavy attacks cost the same amount of ammo as their charged counterparts. They now cost 1 ammo, same as other uncharged heavy attacks.
  • Rocket Sidearms
    • Added a slight delay to the detonation to allow perks to activate correctly if they required precision kills. ###Exotics
  • Non-precision based add clear-Exotic Primary weapons:
    • Reduced splash damage by 10% on the following weapons:
      • Sunshot
      • Trinity Ghoul
      • Polaris Lance
      • Graviton Lance
  • Rat King
    • Swapped the firing animation to the same one used by other auto-fire Sidearms.
  • Dead Man's Tale
    • Baseline:
      • Cranial Spike stacks now grant stability in addition to aim assist stat and range (+2 per stack).
      • Increased reload speed benefit of Cranial Spike stacks.
    • With catalyst, when hip-firing:
      • Slightly reduced accuracy benefits.
      • Increased magnetism falloff scale (1.6 to 1.7).
      • Increased baseline rate of fire from 130RPM to 140RPM.
      • Removed PvE-only damage buff that scaled with stacks of Cranial Spike and added a 15% damage bonus at maximum stacks of Cranial Spike.
  • Colony
    • Now spawns additional insectoid robots on final blows. More robots (up to five) spawn from tougher com
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:01 breakyourteethnow Looking Back on Old Beliefs!

Over the years, there's old beliefs which once had and are now challenged or were entirely wrong to begin with that's okay it's part of the learning process. There's certain beliefs which I had and can now look back on with more expertise and deeper knowledge which would like to share, possibly give a new perspective not once considered before like I hadn't.
English Trumps All - When you buy a language, you're almost betting on the country and its currency. English encompasses not one but several countries. Japan while it has foreign demand, has taken a huge hit to the value of its Yen, if the Yen recovers right now will have been an amazing time to buy. However, you see this is the point I mean by betting on the language, the currency and how the country does. English gives the most stability and appreciation imo. If Yen recovers JPN will have presented better gains now but it's a different type of risk taken on.
Normal Sets Over Special - The word special should get us hyped, and it does! Over the years, special sets really are not the special investment opportunities I once thought they were. Hidden Fates for example, one of the best special sets made has drastically underperformed buying SM booster boxes like Cosmic Eclipse, Team Up, Unified Minds, Unbroken Bonds, etc.. This is excluding anniversary sets I must add. 151 is phenomenal, but there's a lot of ETBs. Imo the next SV normal set like Evolving Skies will set out of booster boxes so fast and most likely outperform 151 ETBs too as an example. Paldea Evolved may even outperform 151 ETBs so good booster boxes of fire normal sets > special sets.
Vintage vs. Modern - I love vintage, it hits home but the reality is 90% of it is bulk in the eyes of the many. There's key pieces which will continue appreciate or the vintage royalty subsets as I call them aka the 9 crystals, 10 Neo Shining's, 1st/shadowless holos, and 27 Gold Stars. But I don't foresee a surge of demand for unlimited holos, commons/uncommons even 1st edition, anything not high grade, etc.. Modern has more eyeballs than ever with higher pull rates than ever, the cost to "mine" these cards from packs is going to get so expensive. Moonbreon was 1/2200 pack pull rate or like $9k worth of packs to pull one at msrp, when ES hits $50 a pack Moonbreon will get so much upside for example. Vintage key pieces will do well, modern key pieces will do better imo.
There's going to be so much money poured into marketing for 30th anniversary, which is such a big deal like congrats to Pokemon for 30 years. New games, new console, new Gen, we'll get some of the most crazy anniversary products. I've said since 2023, this year will be slow, 2025 SV will get its best sets, and 2026 will be the return of so many. Those who've gone on hiatus, bored with Pokemon right now, waiting to get hyped up with their friends again after a good 1-2 year break and crack some new sets. It's a cycle.
submitted by breakyourteethnow to PokeInvesting [link] [comments]