Cool pic made with letters


2012.07.27 11:38 NO CONTEXT PICS

Here at /nocontextpics, there are no sob stories or stories of any kind. The pics must succeed or fail on their own merit. No context.

2011.03.18 22:47 noonches Dating for the Dating Impaired

Dating for the dating impaired. 18+ only. Positive comment karma required. Put your location in your title. Post flair is required and needs to be correct. No surveys or forms allowed. Don't be an ass and don't post a pic of yours.

2018.07.02 23:44 elusive_username Formula 1.5

We are here to discuss, appreciate and celebrate the drivers and teams part of the Formula 1 midfield, who maybe do not get the recognition and visibility they deserve. In 2024, Formula 1.5 will celebrate and discuss the following teams: Alpine, Aston Martin, Haas, Kick Sauber, VisaCashApp RB (VCARB) and Williams. As such, Ferrari, McLaren and Red Bull, plus their drivers, positions and points will be disregarded from any session and event results in this subreddit.

2024.06.04 21:00 Sola_Sista_94 Little Junko: Parts Three and Four (Fanfic)

Kiki and Kimiko were at the park. Kimiko was throwing rocks against a tree as hard as she could, tears streaming from her angry, fiery eyes.
"Take that!" she growled, hurling another rock at the tree.
"Gee, you act like the tree broke your heart," Kiki said.
"I'm pretending it's Himiko!" Kimiko said. She reared back as far as she could and threw another rock with all her might. CLACK! It hit the tree spot on with a few chips of bark flying off. Kiki winced, imagining it really was Himiko. Then, Kimiko turned to another tree and threw a rock at that one.
"Why are you hitting another one?" Kiki asked.
"That one's Kokichi," Kimiko muttered bitterly. She lifted her arm to launch another rock.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, there, missy!" Kiki said, slowly pulling Kimiko's arm back down. "Look, what goes on between you and your sister is none of my business, but, don't throw rocks at my pretend tree cousin!"
"Why not? He broke my heart!" Kimiko yelled. "And it's all because he likes HiMiKo! "
"Well, yeah...cuz...she's his girlfriend," Kiki simply replied. Kimiko's face contorted with anger.
"Well, he shoulda picked a better girlfriend!" she screamed, hauling a rock at the Kokichi tree. More tears streamed from her eyes. "I thought he liked me! But...sniff...he just gave me a cupcake cuz he felt bad for me!"
"I mean...any cupcake is better than none, right?" Kiki asked, shrugging her shoulders. "Just be glad you got one."
"No!" Kimiko shrieked, throwing the rocks to the ground. "I wanted him to give me one because he loves me!" Then, she threw herself to the ground and buried her face into her hands, crying. Kiki merely watched in awkward silence.
"Um...there, there...?" she mumbled, trying to say something to make Kimiko feel better.
"Oh, my...what do we have here?" came a girl's voice. Kiki and Kimiko looked up to see Junko with a smirk on her face. Through her tears, Kimiko spied Junko's outfit and gasped in awe, standing up. Kiki eyed Junko warily as if Junko were some kind of dangerous dog.
"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation," Junko said in a soothing voice. "I'm sorry that you got your heart broken."
"Who are you?" Kiki demanded with suspicion, but Kimiko stared at Junko with fascination.
"I love your outfit!" she breathed.
"Why, thank you!" Junko said with a sweet smile.

"What's your name?" Kimiko asked.
"My name is Junko Enoshima," Junko replied. "And what are your names?"
"Um...sorry, we're not supposed to talk to strangers-" Kiki began.
"I'm Kimiko!" Kimiko interrupted. Junko focused her gaze on Kimiko.
" that's why I heard you complain about Himiko," she said. Hurt flashed across Kimiko's face.
"Yeah...she's my stupid, butt-ugly big sister," she pouted.
"Aww, I'm sure she's nice and sweet," Junko cooed.
"No, she's not!" Kimiko spat. "She stole Kokichi away from me!" Junko gasped and put her hand to her chest in mock surprise.
"She did?!" she cried. "The nerve of her!"
"I know!" Kimiko agreed.
" do you know who Kokichi and Himiko are?" Kiki asked Junko, folding her arms.
"Why so suspicious of me, um..." Junko said, tilting her head with curiosity. "What did you say your name was?"
"I didn't," Kiki replied. "And you don't need to know-"
"Nyeh...her name is Kiki!" Kimiko answered Junko eagerly. Kiki stared at her, mouth agape.
"Kiki...I see," Junko said with a smirk. "There's no need to be so wary of me, Kiki. I'm a nice girl."
"Yeah, Kiki! She's nice! I can tell!" Kimiko said.
"How can you tell, Kimiko?" Kiki asked, placing her hand on her hip.
"She's so pretty!" Kimiko answered. "So she's gotta be nice!"
"I'm pretty sure that's not how things work," Kiki said. "A stranger is a stranger, no matter how pretty." Junko looked between Kiki and Kimiko, grinning evilly. Then, she put on her sweet smile from before.
"I think Kimiko is right," she said. "After all, she's pretty, too!" Kimiko squealed gleefully.
"See? Junko says I'm right...and pretty!" Kimiko said. "Nyeh...she's totally nice!"
"Ugh! You think Kokichi's hot, and he was nice to you!" Kiki pointed out.

"Hmph! He may still be hot, but I don't think he's nice anymore," Kimiko huffed.
"Okay, how do you know she won't do the same thing to you Kokichi did?" Kiki asked, pointing at Junko. "Just because someone looks cute, or pretty, doesn't mean they're nice!"
"I would never, ever do that," Junko said. "Besides, you said you like my outfit, Kimiko, right?"
"Yeah! Yeah! Uh-huh!" Kimiko said, nodding enthusiastically.
"If you were my friend, I'd let you wear all the cool outfits," Junko said. "And you wouldn't have to worry about anyone breaking your heart ever again because everyone would adore you!" Then, Junko gasped. "You might even be able to win Kokichi's heart for good, and have him all to yourself!"
"Really?!" Kimiko asked. Then, she sighed dreamily. "That sounds wonderful!"
"Weren't you just mad at Kokichi?" Kiki asked, raising a brow.
"Tsk, tsk, seems like your friend is trying to ruin your dreams, Kimiko...just like Himiko did," Junko said, shaking her head. Kimiko whirled around at Kiki in anger and annoyance.
"Is that true?!" she exclaimed.
"What?! No!!" Kiki said. "I just think it's weird that this girl cares so much about you."
"She just wants to help me!" Kimiko snapped.
"Um...but, why?" Kiki asked. "Why would she care? She's just some teenager."
"Who cares?! She's a lot prettier, nicer, and better than Himiko!" Kimiko cried. "Not only that, she's my friend! And you're trying to keep me away from my friend, just like Himiko keeps trying to take me away from Kokichi!"
"Kimiko, I'm your friend," Kiki enunciated. "And Himiko isn't trying to keep Kokichi away from you. They're boyfriend and girlfriend! Plus, Kokichi's too old for you!"
"Hmm...sounds like to me that you just want Kimiko as your 'friend' so you can boss her around," Junko said. Kiki's eyes bugged out of her skull.
"What?! No, that's not it at all!" she shrieked. "Stop makin' stuff up!"
"You don't sound like a very good friend to me, does she, Kimiko?" Junko continued. Kimiko glared at Kiki.
"No, she's not," she agreed.
"KIMIKO!!" Kiki exclaimed.
"See, Kimiko? She's even yelling at you," Junko said. "A friend would be more understanding and let you do what you want to do."
"Yeeaaah..." Kimiko said. She then turned to Junko. "She didn't even have fun watching Sailor Moon with me!"
"Whaaat?!" Junko gasped in mock surprise again. "I love Sailor Moon! How could Kiki not like it?!" Kiki rolled her eyes.
"Will you cut that out?!" she cried. "You probably don't even watch Sailor Moon! "
"You definitely don't!" Kimiko said, glaring at Kiki. "You think it's lame! You think anime is lame! You're no fun to be around!" She walked over to Junko. "I think I'll hang out with my new best friend!"
"Eeee! Yaaay! We're gonna have lots of fun!" Junko squealed, holding Kimiko's hand. She began leading Kimiko out of the park.
"Kimiko!!" Kiki desperately shouted. Kimiko gave her a dirty look and turned away. Junko grinned evilly at Kiki, triumphant in having stolen her friend.
Part Four
"Wait! Kimiko!" Kiki ran after Kimiko and Junko. They turned and waited for her as she caught her breath. Then, Kiki took a deep breath. "Okay, I'll go with you." Kimiko brightened.
"Really?!" she gasped. Kiki smiled and nodded firmly.
"Yeah," she said. Kimiko took her hand.
"Okay!" she said, then looked up at Junko. "Is that okay, Junko?"
"Of course!" Junko said sweetly. As soon as Kimiko looked away, Junko eyed Kiki with disdain, and Kiki glared in suspicion back at her.

Yeah, I'm on to you, creep, Kiki thought to herself. Junko led Kiki and Kimiko to Hope House.
"Oh, you live in one of these houses, too?" Kimiko asked.
"Mm-hmm! I go to Hope's Peak Academy," Junko replied. Kiki's brain was flooded with a bunch of questions. Why would someone who goes to Hope's Peak show so much interest in two little girls like them? Why would she care that Kimiko is Himiko's little sister? What was she planning to do with Kimiko?
"What's your ultimate?" Kiki asked, raising a brow.
"Well, if you must know, I'm the Ultimate Fashionista," Junko replied haughtily as they entered her and Mukuro's room. Junko allowed Kimiko to sit on her bed.
"What does that mean, Junko?" Kimiko asked, flopping herself onto Junko's bed.

"Please, call me 'Big Sis Junko!'" Junko said. Then, she turned to Kiki. "Feel free to call me Big Sis Junko, too. You can also sit on my bed if you want."
"I'm good," Kiki replied coolly, holding up her hand to deny Junko.
"Nyeh...what does being an Ultimate Fashionista mean, Big Sis Junko?" Kimiko asked, squealing and giggling this time.
"It means I'm the most fashionable, stylish girl in the country," Junko replied. "I'm in every fashion magazine, rocking the hottest fashion known to mankind!" Kiki rolled her eyes. Kimiko's eyes lit up.
"Nyeeeh...I love fashion!" she exclaimed.
"Do you?" Junko asked.
"Uh-huh! Can you show me the type of clothes you wear?" Kimiko said.
"Of course!" Junko led Kimiko over to her closet. Kimiko sifted through Junko's outfits, gasping in amazement each time.
"Your outfits are soooo cool! I wish I could wear some of them!" she breathed. Junko knelt down next to her, placing her hands on Kimiko's shoulders.
"Would you like to be a fashionista, too, Kimiko?" she asked sweetly with a slight ominous tone in her voice.
"Oh, my gosh! Yes!" Kimiko answered. "I think I'd be a good fashionista! I even love giving my friends makeovers and stuff!"
"Is that so?" Junko asked.
"Yeah! I even like to gossip with my friends while I give them makeovers!" Kimiko said with a sneaky grin.
"Oh, my gosh, me, too!" Junko said. "We're totally, like, twinsies!"
"Yeah!" Kimiko gushed.
"Let's make a deal, okay?" Junko murmured. "I'll let you be a fashionista if you give me one of your amazing makeovers. Does that sound good?" Kimiko nodded.
"Uh-huh! I'll even give you the hottest gossip!" she said. Kiki felt a chill go up her spine. At this rate, Kimiko would be willing to tell Junko anything, especially the existence of magic. Kiki didn't know the extent of Kimiko and her family's magic, or anything beyond that, but she figured that it was absolutely vital for it to be kept secret.
"Kimiko, I think we should be going," Kiki said. "It's gonna get dark soon."
"'s only 5:15," Junko said, blinking her eyes innocently at Kiki. "We still have more time."
"Yeah! Big Sis Junko says it's okay," Kimiko said.
"Why don't you stay a little longer, Kiki?" Junko said. "Besides, it looks like you know a lot about fashion, too! Just look at your outfit! It's so adorable!" Kiki scanned her outfit. She did like her outfit, but hearing it from Junko made it sound somewhat insulting.
"Well...I like it, that's all that matters to me," Kiki said, crossing her arms and eyeing Junko warily. Junko's sickeningly sweet grin slipped a little, a gleam of contempt in her eye.
"Well, if she's going to be such a party pooper about it, I guess we have no choice but to agree with Kiki, Kimiko," she sighed.
"Huh?" Kimiko whined, her shoulders drooping. Then, she glared at Kiki. Kiki kept her stance unwavering and her arms crossed. She eyed Kimiko firmly in response.
"Don't worry, Kimiko! You can come back tomorrow!" Junko suggested.
"And then I can wear some of your outfits?" Kimiko asked hopefully.
"Only if you give me a stylish makeover," Junko responded with a wink.
"I will!" Kimiko said.
"I'm sure you two know the way out," Junko said. "Oh, and by the way, Kimiko, will you be staying at Casa V3?" Kimiko nodded. "Great! Maybe we can meet here tomorrow at noon. How does that sound?"
" got it, Big Sis Junko!" Kimiko answered excitedly.
"Excellent," Junko said with a sneaky grin. "Ooo! Before I forget, would you two keep our friendship a secret?" Kiki raised a brow.
"Why?" she asked.
"Because...we wouldn't want our friendship to be ruined...would we?" Junko replied. She eyed Kiki meaningfully with an evil smirk.
"I definitely don't want that!" Kimiko answered. She turned to Kiki, glaring at her. "You won't tell anyone, will you?" Kiki hesitated. If she told anyone, her friendship with Kimiko would be ruined.
So, that's what she meant by that, Kiki thought to herself. She sighed, feeling stuck. But, she definitely couldn't just let Junko take over Kimiko's life. Junko was undoubtedly bad news. "Okay...I'll keep it a secret," she reluctantly mumbled.
"See? We'll keep it a secret, Big Sis Junko!" Kimiko assured.
"Awesome!" Junko said. Then, she waved her fingers up and down. "Well...buh-byyyeee..."
"Bye, Big Sis Junko!" Kimiko said, and skipped out of the doorway. Kiki cast one look of suspicion at Junko before turning her back and walking away. Once outside, all Kiki heard was Kimiko gushing about how great bIg SiS jUnKo was, and how she couldn't wait to see her tomorrow as they walked back to Casa V3.
"Kimiko, I don't think we can trust her," Kiki interrupted. Kimiko stopped and frowned at Kiki.
"Why not?" she asked.
"Well...there's just...there's something weird about her," Kiki replied.
"'re just jealous of her because she's prettier, and nicer, and not bossy, like you!" Kimiko said.
"I'm not bossy, Kimiko," Kiki said firmly. "I'm just trying-"
"You're just trying to keep me away from Big Sis Junko!" Kimiko said, cutting Kiki off. "I can do whatever I wanna do, and hang out with whoever I wanna hang out with!"
"Ugh, Kimiko, you just met her!" Kiki exclaimed.
"So did you, but you keep saying she's bad, even though you don't even know anything about her," Kimiko snapped. Kiki had to admit that she had a point. But, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about Junko.
"Okay,'re right," Kiki said. "But, I think we should be careful around her. She's a stranger after all."
"There's nothing to be scared of!" Kimiko groaned irritably. "You're just...p-paragraph, or whatever!"
"It's paranoid, Kimiko," Kiki corrected. "And I'm not paranoid. I'm just cautious."
"You're not that, either! You're just annoying!" Kimiko said. "You're just like Himiko! Why don't you just leave me alone?" Without another word, Kimiko stomped off. Kiki stared after her in disbelief and uttered a pained sigh. She checked her watch, which read 5:25. She had to catch the bus to be home by six.
"Yup...I'm ready to leave the Twilight Zone already," she muttered to herself.
submitted by Sola_Sista_94 to danganronpa [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:59 LegAdorable2480 Alternative material for an evaporative cooling system

Hey! I aim to make a better model of the traditional evaporative coolant mats made from vetiver (khus) roots. The principle of this is that it cools the surroundings by using evaporative cooling by water, hence the material has to be a very good absorbent of water, as well as durable, relatively cheap to produce and not harmful to the environment. After doing some research of my own I found out that Polyacrylic acid was a suitable material to make the improved mats with, and I came across polypropylene and polyethylene also being used in cooling systems (
What material do you think could be used instead? Any thoughts on a new structural design for the mat to increase surface area for absorption?
submitted by LegAdorable2480 to chemistry [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:58 ruckusdays Recent Sublimated Xpac VX21 Projects

Recent Sublimated Xpac VX21 Projects
As a followup to my sublimation experiment post on Xpac VX21 here are a few projects I made with the fabric. I made a framebag for my road bike and a chest bag for shore fishing.
The Frame bag was made to be as light as possible without getting crazy about the grams. The final weight was 76 grams total with all the hardware. Its a great addition to my bike for carrying tools, an extra tube, and an inflator. I'm not sold on the front half frame bag style so I might make another half frame bag the full top tube length. More pics below
No lining to save weight
The chest bag was made for a friends birthday. Its convertible from a standard fanny pack to a chest bag by adding the overhead sling. Its designed for saltwater shore fishing so it has a built in magnet that can hold hooks and swivels laminated in the fabric. You use the magnet either on the outside of the bag where the fish print is or inside the bag on the opposite side by the velcro patch.
Hidden magnet behind the fish print. Its a super strong magnet so it holds hooks and swivels no problem. It can even hold your scissors if they're steel.
I made some big stretchy pockets using venom stretch for holding lead, floaters, and a special one for line, that has a grommet in the middle so you can feed the line through and pull what you need without removing the spool.
The bag is also designed with internal 1/2 buckles that when clipped keep the front panel at 90 degrees when open. This allows you a tray to work on rigging while standing. You can unclip the clips to have it fold totally flat for when you're at home loading it up or cleaning it out.
The tackle box is just a small tackle box from the fishing store that folds in half. It's quite large and holds tackle plus some smaller lures. Its attached using 2" velcro on the back panel plus a second velcro spot on the front panel.
You can easily convert it for waist/fanny pack use by taking off the top straps. It uses simple single gatekeepers from Mozet Supplies that connect to loops on the top of the bag and the 1in red webbing of the bag just feeds through the rear back panel.
The back panel of the bag is mades using spacer mesh and has a hidden pocket for a lightweight rolltop bag for putting any fish you may have caught. The little triangle hook is for clipping the fish bag to so you don't have to cary it if you caught some fish.
The rear pocket can also be used for holding a phone, or keys.
Hope you enjoyed my most recent projects! I have a few more in the works right now. If you want to give me a follow on instagram!
submitted by ruckusdays to myog [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:58 Plukidy 26M Anything stand out in my MRI?

submitted by Plukidy to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:58 Jee_Major Help! Am I just dumb or?

Help! Am I just dumb or?
Am I oblivious or what’s happening
I don’t know too much about the inner workings of GO and all the little strategies to min max and meta stuff and the like. The main thing I’ve cared about is completing my main dex and the purified dex. This was easy to keep track of by just tapping the “pokedex” button after having clicked on that mon. (As in I don’t go to their individual page by using the pokedex itself, rather the shortcut at the bottom right of each Pokémon where you appraise or transfer them.) Anyways this always had shown the Purified:(X) And now I don’t see that counter on any of them. Obviously when the counter showed 0 I knew it and maybe some of that mons’ evos still needed to be purified. This counter seemingly disappeared within this last week. Any idea if it was an update and now you just have to sit there and go through the purified dex itself to sit and check everything? Or am I missing some button I accidentally hit? This has made me lose all motivation to continue my shadow and purified dexes if I can’t just easily check the count anymore.
(Random pic of caterpie page off internet to show what I believe all my individual dex pages had looked similar to with the purified counter) (Screenshot of my poliwhirl to show its missing now)
submitted by Jee_Major to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:57 Ransom_X University Of Michigan INTL TRNSFR

International currently studying at T250 Double major math and CS (ive finished winter semester and currently enrolled in summer classes (4))
Extra currics:
  1. Engineering project lead in universities design and robotics course, made a model car using Arduino and 3D printing, won first place in class, and passed with 107% average.
  2. Assistant Student Security Officer for High School Historical Journey to [Redacted]
  3. Volunteer at [redacted] summer school (lifeguard and kindergarten teacher assistant)
  4. Participation and completion in the national Acceleration program (Hosted by Ministry of Education) for young intellectuals, scoring in top percentile.
  5. Interned at [redacted] pharma company for 2 months. (general oversee and secretary-assistant duties)
  6. Interned for [redacted] orthopedics physiotherapist (secretary-assistant duties and assistant-patient aftercare)
  7. Admission into special High school for distinguished students after competing in generalized IQ test; Higher level courses, and 3 languages taught throughout the year.
  8. Attended private physics institute for 1 year competing with other students, achieved institute certificate & Award for top rank.
  9. Played Karate through a private [redacted] club for two years.
  10. Volunteered for clothes fundraiser, distribution, and shipping to [redacted] when a war in their region started.
  11. Served in [redacted] orphanage for 1 hr./week for around a year.
  12. Member of the Armenian Students association at current university.
  13. Played Piano for 2 years (played at two concerts hosted by [redacted] Organization).
  14. Co-Hosted Football Games with dad every Monday/Wednesday for 2 hours at [redacted] soccer field, open to all members of [redacted].
  15. Co-Hosted High School Class Board Game Competition Days during informal holidays and optional show up days. 16. Attended private physics institute for 1 year. 17. Attended Chemistry institute for 1 year. 18. Attended Arabic Institute for 1 year (online), won small sum monetary prizes. 19. Attended Advanced Math institute for 1 year (online). 20. Attended Biology institute for 1 year.
  16. Member in the [Redacted] Church Association.
  17. Briefly a member of the [Redacted] Scouts.
  18. Responsible for the weekly Thursday Flag SCOUT at Primary School (Consists of leading the scouts, raising the flag, and singing the national anthem).
  19. Highest Placement Match in home country- University of [redacted] Medical school; attended and participated in Orientation workshop week (Included a series of medical seminars, conferences, and gatherings).
  20. Interned at [redacted] large oil company, knew the CEO so he gave me a seat in his office, mostly busy/secretarial work
A record for every year except 1 during high school (Covid year all grades defaulted to C for passing)
108 on the TOEFL
Ranked top 10 among the country with a 100.04% graduation average
UNI GPA by the time of application 3.9 or 4.0 while taking summer classes.
Speak 4 languages
Also skipped a year because I competed in a program for young intellectuals and won. (started college at 17 years old) Honestly, I feel like I'm ready for a greater challenge and integration into research since my current four year institute isn’t pushing me and isn’t as competitive or academically advanced as I would hope, but it was the only one I could apply for because my home countries final exams were done so late. Note: I will Not be asking for financial aid or scholarships since i can pay the full amount. so maybe that boosts my chances? Note: I can (probably) secure 6 Letters of recommendation in total (3 academic, Head of my church from my home country, 2 from separate internships i did at medical companies)
--------------/ Do you think I stand a chance?
submitted by Ransom_X to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:56 Ransom_X University Of Michigan INTL TRNSFR

International currently studying at T250 Double major math and CS (ive finished winter semester and currently enrolled in summer classes (4))
Extra currics:
  1. Engineering project lead in universities design and robotics course, made a model car using Arduino and 3D printing, won first place in class, and passed with 107% average.
  2. Assistant Student Security Officer for High School Historical Journey to [Redacted]
  3. Volunteer at [redacted] summer school (lifeguard and kindergarten teacher assistant)
  4. Participation and completion in the national Acceleration program (Hosted by Ministry of Education) for young intellectuals, scoring in top percentile.
  5. Interned at [redacted] pharma company for 2 months. (general oversee and secretary-assistant duties)
  6. Interned for [redacted] orthopedics physiotherapist (secretary-assistant duties and assistant-patient aftercare)
  7. Admission into special High school for distinguished students after competing in generalized IQ test; Higher level courses, and 3 languages taught throughout the year.
  8. Attended private physics institute for 1 year competing with other students, achieved institute certificate & Award for top rank.
  9. Played Karate through a private [redacted] club for two years.
  10. Volunteered for clothes fundraiser, distribution, and shipping to [redacted] when a war in their region started.
  11. Served in [redacted] orphanage for 1 hr./week for around a year.
  12. Member of the Armenian Students association at current university.
  13. Played Piano for 2 years (played at two concerts hosted by [redacted] Organization).
  14. Co-Hosted Football Games with dad every Monday/Wednesday for 2 hours at [redacted] soccer field, open to all members of [redacted].
  15. Co-Hosted High School Class Board Game Competition Days during informal holidays and optional show up days. 16. Attended private physics institute for 1 year. 17. Attended Chemistry institute for 1 year. 18. Attended Arabic Institute for 1 year (online), won small sum monetary prizes. 19. Attended Advanced Math institute for 1 year (online). 20. Attended Biology institute for 1 year.
  16. Member in the [Redacted] Church Association.
  17. Briefly a member of the [Redacted] Scouts.
  18. Responsible for the weekly Thursday Flag SCOUT at Primary School (Consists of leading the scouts, raising the flag, and singing the national anthem).
  19. Highest Placement Match in home country- University of [redacted] Medical school; attended and participated in Orientation workshop week (Included a series of medical seminars, conferences, and gatherings).
  20. Interned at [redacted] large oil company, knew the CEO so he gave me a seat in his office, mostly busy/secretarial work
A record for every year except 1 during high school (Covid year all grades defaulted to C for passing)
108 on the TOEFL
Ranked top 10 among the country with a 100.04% graduation average
UNI GPA by the time of application 3.9 or 4.0 while taking summer classes.
Speak 4 languages
Also skipped a year because I competed in a program for young intellectuals and won. (started college at 17 years old) Honestly, I feel like I'm ready for a greater challenge and integration into research since my current four year institute isn’t pushing me and isn’t as competitive or academically advanced as I would hope, but it was the only one I could apply for because my home countries final exams were done so late. Note: I will Not be asking for financial aid or scholarships since i can pay the full amount. so maybe that boosts my chances? Note: I can (probably) secure 6 Letters of recommendation in total (3 academic, Head of my church from my home country, 2 from separate internships i did at medical companies)
--------------/ Do you think I stand a chance?
submitted by Ransom_X to TransferChanceMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:56 ScudiTV Hi I am ScudiTV 🙂

Hi! I’m Scudi, pronounced “Scoodi” NOT “Scuhdi”. (Cmon I know you probably called me “Scuhdi at least once. ☠️)
This is about to be a long yap fest about random facts about me and the community so strap in. 😂
I am a content creator / streamer! I play MOSTLY horror games but I do branch out and play a variety of games. The platforms I’m on are TikTok with over 1.5M+ followers and TikTok LIVE Pro! (At the time of posting this.) I also create content on YouTube (JUST HIT 100,000 subscribers in the first month!!) And of course Twitch where I am a Twitch partner.
I have been making content since around 2022. But REALLY got involved in 2023 where I finally found my first success as a streamer on TikTok. I started streaming there in around early 2023!
I made an amazing community called The Nebula! This idea came from my username Scudi. Which is from the LARGEST Star in the known universe called “UY Scuti”. I took that inspiration from my love of space and created the username Scudi! This is where “The Nebula” comes in. A nebula in space is where NEW stars are formed and created. So when joining the community you join as a NEW star that we call “Starlings”. ✨
I’ve always had a love for video games. I started gaming on the PlayStation 1 around 4 years old. After that I have been hooked ever since. There is NO TELLING how many hours I have spent gaming. From Halo, Call of Duty, Mario, Minecraft, My favorite game of ALL TIME has to go to RuneScape.
My dream was either to be a gaming content creator OR game developer. Specifically making my own RPG game. Who knows maybe someday you could be trying out my new game for the first time! 👀
Before I started streaming I used to make Minecraft servers. Specifically RPG themed ones. I coded my own server and released it and had SO MUCH fun making it. But unfortunately there wasn’t much future for it. I knew content creation is where it was at. But maybe someday we can reopen it to the public. 🙂
Another random fact about me and my hobbies is I love chess! I started back in high school when I was randomly put in the chess club. (I was weary about it at first since I was more of a sport type guy at the time). But I stayed and immediately found love for it. The teacher that taught me how to play I eventually ended up beating and winning “chess champion” of the school. I don’t play competitively anymore but I do still have love for it to this day.
I have never been much of a “movie” type person but my favorite movies of all time has to be Star Wars! I liked Star Wars before it was “cool”. And before Disney ruined it but we aren’t gonna talk about that right now. ☠️
My favorite show of all time has to go to Avatar the last air bender. And YES this was before the live action. I grew up watching it as a kid and it’s always had a place in my heart. 🫶
I played baseball and football back in school. (Baseball mostly) The positions I played were pitcher or shortstop. In football I was the quarterback or running back. (I never played in high school tho) I also had a LOT of love for soccer but we never could get an official team going. I played a lot randomly at the fields AFTER high school.
I hope you enjoyed this big long yap fest about random things about me! 🤝
I never thought that I would have grown to this size of a community so quickly but I am forever grateful for everyone that finds joy and happiness watching my streams or videos. THAT is my main motivation to keep going. Seeing comments and support that I had made there day or possibly turned their day around for the better. I hope to continue to make awesome content for all to enjoy. Thank you for being apart of The Nebula as a new Star. And I hope we continue to make new ones soon. 🙂✨
submitted by ScudiTV to ScudiTTV [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:51 BigIntoScience Pings that like tropical conditions year-round?

Pings that like tropical conditions year-round?
I have a couple of nice big pieces of pumice that I want to use as ping rocks. I would rather not have to deal with figuring out when a multi-species setup should go into and out of the drier winter rest period, as I'm trying to make this a very low-maintenance setup. Can anyone recommend species that, like P. emarginata, will grow happily in a warm, humid, damp-to-wet environment with no condition changes? I don't mind if they go non-carnivorous, shrink up, or anything like that, as long as they won't die of being kept the same dampness in that state.
The setup is a small aquarium, something on the order of a shoebox turned onto its long side and then widened slightly. Eyeballing it, I'd estimate 14" long, 8" tall, and 7" deep/wide. I'm experimenting with exact water level, and currently have moisture levels from 'slightly damp' to 'rather sodden' depending on placement on the rocks. Some moss came in on the rocks, and if that turns out to be a temperate-only species that doesn't thrive in here, I'll swap in some tropical moss. There's a small-but-powerful disc grow light mounted in one corner, providing a range of light levels from somewhere around flytrap requirements (i.e. full outdoor sun) to shade. I'll likely be putting a lid on it to cut down on evaporation, though I can add a computer fan to provide some internal air movement if needed. Essentially: warm, damp-to-wet, very humid, wide variety of light levels available. Very aerated until the moss grows in. I can try to pull it back from around the plants, but no promises. Pic below for reference. I'm tinkering with exact light position. A D. adelae will be going in that crevice, and I may add a D. spatulata somewhere. May add some D. capensis seedlings as well. I may also try to grow some sort of bladderwort once the moss spreads enough to give it a proper foothold. I'm not entirely certain that gray rock is pumice. The brown rock floats nicely, whereas the gray rock sort of attempts to float and winds up resting loosely on the bottom regardless. If it isn't pumice, though, it's very similar.
It looks better in person. The camera washes all the warmth out of the light.
Can anyone recommend some pings they've kept in the same conditions year-round? I've been trying to read up on options, which I've listed below.
Definite: P. emarginata, I already have, and know it will work. These are oddballs. P. ibarrae apparently only goes into its dry form when forced to by extreme dryness, so I'll be getting one to try. P. x Razzberry Blond is made of P. emarginata, P. gigantea, and P. agnata, two of which definitely don't require a rest and one of which might not, so I'll be getting one. P. x ??? from an Etsy shop. Listed only as "emarginata hybrids". Worth a swing- I had to order from there anyway to get my D. adelae.
Possible: P. x Pirouette has parents with a less stringent requirement, apparently, and I'm hoping hybrid vigor is my friend here. P. x John Rizzi, same. P. agnata evidently never stops being carnivorous, so it might be worth a shot. P. gigantea is probably much too large for this setup. Can they be kept in the 5" range if given very bright light? P. primuliflora I've seen mixed things about. It sounds like it does have a rest during the winter, as its growth slows down considerably, but I've seen a mention or two of keeping it in the same conditions while it's resting.
submitted by BigIntoScience to Pinguicula [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:51 GinLibrarian I'm the luckiest BP purchaser in the History of Time and Eternity. Bow down to my picking skills

Here is my story. Read it. It's long but 100000% worth the wild ride.
I discovered BP at the start of the year through Kayln (Kalyn?). At first, I hated every single thing revealed, but loved the fun of the "reveal" , her fake enthusiasm, and the sense of community. Then Kayln (Kalyn?! Dafuq do you spell her name) started getting 2340923402398423095285203982894 people in her lives and revealing all items in one long run on sentence that you cannot understand, over an 18 hour live, all while flashing the jewelry at the camera for about .0000000005 seconds so like, what's the point. Also, her lives feel manic and literally make my anxiety go through the roof. No thanks. The fun was gone. After that I searched for other reps that were more my speed.
I did end up finding one another gal that, for a time, made watching BP lives fun again. And I finally got to the point where I thought hey, I watch her all the time and she is such a hoot and seems like a decent human being, I might as well buy a $20 ring for support. So, I did. I HATE the ring I got, but whatever. I figured I would donate it with my next Good Will drop off and enjoy the tax write off next year, all the while I've support her business. Then. The next day after the live. I get an email. My ONE $20 purchase got me on the Mystery hostess wheel and I won fucking TIER FIVE. So, not only did I get like 9 items from BP corporate, but when my purchased ring came in the mail she had also sent a frigging simply set for free. I was dripping in BP jewels. DRIPPING. I joked that I would need to up my renter's insurance because of all my new bangles. And I will say- fizzing my stuff at home was one of the funniest things I had done in a long time. I made a video of me doing it for my friends. I got out a big plastic bowl, grabbed a cooking spoon (which, btw, is now permanently ruined from the dye in the fizz blocks) and did all the "Fizzerisms" like talking about peekers and sinkers, dramatically reading the names and MSRP's, saying "oh man SHE is gorgeous", asking "do you love?" a hundred times, etc etc. And that's when I thought my BP purchase story ended. Unfortunately, this fizzer then said some REAL shit things around the Mental Health awareness month that did not sit well with me at all. So, I had to stop engaging with her.
Then came round 3- I've found a fizzerep I adore. I hope she's ok with me sharing her name on here - but its Skyyy (if you do come across this Skyyy and would rather me omit your name please PM me). She's funny, real, honest, transparent, silly, plays great music, and in general is just really a good time. She literally has only one downline and talks a lot about how she wants her team to be diverse and representative of all different types of people. I've been watching her for a while and then finally last night I again had the push to purchase and support her. I bought an OG earring, and OG necklace, and an OG ring. I had her pick the necklace and earrings, and to my surprise, I actually liked them. The necklace was a cool smokey topaz, and the earrings match a really cool vintage ring that I've had for years. So, I already thought in terms of BP jewelry, that I won the jackpot. Then we get to the ring. She pulls out 5 OG ring blocks and asks me to pick one. I notice one is significantly lighter than the others, so I'm like fuck it, Ill chose that one. She drops it in, fizzes, opens, and WOULD YOU MOTHER FUCKERS BELIEVE I GOT A GODDAMN DIAMOND. The ring is not my style, but I literally could not stop laughing and shouting just seeing how happy Skyyy was. My first order from her, second EVER for BP. And I got a diamond with $1500 MSRP.
Long story short. I have the BP picking magic fingers. I collectively have spent under $100 and received 4 earrings, 2 necklaces, about 234872394872938472348 rings, and one diamond. So, is BP silly? Will I donate 90% of what I have received? Most definitely. But is it also kinda the funnest thing to watch and engage in ever? Also yes.
End rant. Also- go support Skyyy. She super fun and a total breath of fresh air in terms of BOP reps and the world of cruddy MLM people.
submitted by GinLibrarian to BombPartyGossip [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:50 mybloodythrowaway224 Do I (M19) rekindle a platonic relationship with my ex (F19) a month after a no-contact breakup? We ended on good, but confusing terms which gives me some hope.

A little less than a month ago, I (M19) was broken up by my ex (F19) on our 18th month anniversary (our relationship lasted a year and a half) . It was a surprise, and it was totally unlike her but there were signs that she changed as a person after a 3 month study abroad trip and after getting physically taken advantage of by a guy she hated while she was drunk. She always told me she loved me every night until she broke up, and during the break up she explained how she's a horrible person and a bad friend and how she hates the idea of romance. A couple weeks before the break up, she was talking about how she saw a future with me whenever she looked into my eyes or a picture of me which was sweet.
She told me nothing is "truly over", and she also said she always will have a place for me in her heart, and that maybe we’d meet again after college. But she also said she doesn't love me anymore, but i feel like she wasn't in the right mind in that moment because she still kept saying how half of her still loves me, and how it’d be hard to find someone like me in her lifetime. this broke me.
After this, we went our separate ways and haven't connected since. I asked to go no contact, which I don’t regret but I feel ready to perhaps talk to her again. We ended on confusing terms, but there was no anger involved. I didn’t feel closure from this break up, I still feel like there’s a chance for us to be together again. She broke up with me once before, and she told me it was her biggest regret and how she felt so bad for me. This break up just felt incomplete. i’m also still friends with her family, and i’ve been wondering if i should ask her cousin (who’s also my friend) for advice about getting back together.
This break up changed me, and it changed me for the worst. i’ve been sleeping/hanging with a bunch of women just to feel secure in my life again (WHICH I REGRET), but every now and then i just begin to tear and start thinking about the things that remind me me of my ex. i miss my ex, the way we met was magical and the connection we shared was so amazing. I still love her as a person, but the idea of being with her again seems like it would cause more pain in the long run if things were to go bad again. I need someone like her in my life right now, the way she spoke and laughed and connected with me made me feel complete.
I’d like to be friends with her again, I don’t care if we share anything romantic again, I just want to laugh with her again and visit cool places with her. I loved the way she cared for history and for others, and the way we could talk for hours. I hope that by reaching out we can experience those things again as friends. nothing more, nothing less. I feel like she’d be willing to do this too…
i have her blocked on everything, but i didn’t remove her number for emergency reasons.
Do I reach out to her ? If so, how would i do that and has there been anyone else in a similar situation? i dont believe i have anything to lose from this
TLDR: I (M19) went through a confusing breakup with my ex(F19), who had been through some changes. I'm considering reaching out to her again, just to be friends again or to see her again for some closure.
submitted by mybloodythrowaway224 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:49 ErRoR5152 AITA For thinking its weird for M(32) going after a F(20=21)

Hey ya'll get your popcorn cause this gonna be long lmfao I am not sure what to think of this situation and what you guys think his motives was. Now I would like to say that dating at work is the worst thing to happen... So my advice to ya'll is, be careful. Its not always easy to work with someone you messed with. So I met this idiot at my old job that I left not too long ago and while I was working there, I ran into this dude and if I ever had the chance to meet him all over again, I would walk right passed that bitch and move on about my day lmao So me a F(27) at the time met this goofy goober at age 32. Now I will say, I wasn't really looking for a relationship. I didn't mind dating or even messing around and MAYBEEE JUSTTT MAYBEEE if it was the right guy and everything went well, I would of thought about getting in a relationship. I'm a calm, cool, down to earth chick, I hate drama and conflict, I can't stand fake people and their bullshit so I tend to speak up more often and I am always honest with everyone. I will call you out on your bs when I sense it and some friends would say I'm the rarest type of chick because I am not afraid to tell people what I want and not afraid to put you in your spot. Lifes too short to beating around the bush and letting shit slide. I refuse to let anyone treat me any less then they are.
So when I met his stupid ass, we talked in person without exchanging numbers for like 2 weeks I think? He explained how he was a broken man, he's got a lot to deal with, working on himself and hes a very private man that he doesn't want his business out there, he's far from love and blah blah blah... He was the one who asked for my number so when I texted him, we hit it off pretty well. He didn't give me any seconds thought about him or even the way he was responding through text. It wasn't a one way street, it wasn't fake or he wasn't taking long to respond. So dummy was the only one getting exciting and nervous about us going on the first date. He played his fake ass character SO WELLLLL that he's got you second guessing about dating. Now mind you, I'm at the "fuck girl stage" but not really a fuck girl lmaooo but I just carried myself like I was a dude. You know those typical dudes that act like that they aint got feelings, didn't give a fuck about dating and super chilled, just going with the flow LOLL well that was me, I was him lmfao but we got to his car that wasn't his btw so I needed a back story from him. I asked why he was nervous if we were just feeling this out and he fucking did like this shy self hug like a little bitch............................ LMAO I'M KIDDING! But he got all nervous and he said he hasn't "dated anyone in 10 yrs" trust me, when I explain later, the math aint mathing. So I asked who was living with and he said he broke up with is ex and was living with his friend and her husband and the wife was in a open relationship which later he would say they're "gonna go out and do something" and he would text her to tell her the date was going fine or if he need to be rescued and I'm like you have her car you fucking troll.... Anywho, idiot was looking for an apartment and this was first red flag, he said he was looking for an apartment with this "best friend" who is a female and her 7 yr old kid that apparently wasn't his..... which later I asked why they didn't date just so I can catch him in a lie and he said "Well we've been good friends since I was 15, it would be weird anddd shes in serious relationship soo yeah theres that"..... OKAY BUDDDYYY??!?!?! Btw I didn't anything about the roommate because it wasn't my business to tell him what I think considering I just met him and I didn't wanna sound or seem like I was crazy about him or sound toxic. I was trying to be better by giving people chances and not always assume shit. So people were quickly picking up on us at work and they would tell me that he would rush out of work when we would hangout. So twat was on good behavior for like two and a half weeks. I mean I was picking up on a lot of weird shit between him and his roomie. First as anyone should, we all get a degree for like a day to become one great detective. I later found out he had broken up with his ex in 2021? soo when he said he hasn't "dated anyone in 10 yrs" I was lost. He was like I guess people have 10 different meanings of dating and I'm like LITTLE BITCH WHOOO???? Theres like only two different types of dating?... Sooo dummy flipped out of me when I confronted him about it cause before I retired from being a detective, he was acting funny. The late responses, I became his therapist, he had the nerves to tell me that two of his close friends passed and one to taking his own life and had the audacity to bring up my situation cause we can relate... He would make me wait for him to respond. I literally offered to call or drive to him and he would refuse so he had me hanging around like lost puppy. I would notice he would say shit like this when we were supposed to hang out and everytime I mentioned how he barely talks, he just so happened to have bad news about his friends. Theres a lot that happened but he basically held me on the leash and stopped hanging out with me. Oh and his ex ironically messaged and never heard anything from that.
SOOOO this is when shit hits the fan. He started talking to this young hispanic chick, that had broken english and was looking for a "white bf" now I'm mixed with black and hispanic I got adopted at 9 so I don't speak spanish nor cook spanish food but I wishhhh lmao This little hoe was asking me to find her a white man but we failed then like a week later, asked me if I was dating fuck face and I put him on the spot cause he does this shit everytime people ask if are dating and he would pause and look at me and then says "friends" and would say it in spanish. Time went by and people would noticed them together and later confirmed that he was in a relationship. These piece of shit friends that weren't there for me and making it all about them saying they're uncomfortable cause of their age gap and I'm like ass face, you're uncomfortable? The scum put me through hell and just learning that the creep went from a 27yr old to a fucking baby..... Later on they alll turned out to be besties, never stood up for me or asked if I was ok and for them who "felt bad for me" can go choke on a dick and die.... shiiiiieeettt they didn't even put him in his place. Sadly I later found out that he was "head over heels in love with her" and he would get mad if they couldn't talk at work, they would drive together at work and would hangout a lot. Things he wouldn't with me, he did with her. I'm only sad that he wasted my time because I had just lost my person that passed away, made promises to myself about to just focus on me, I working hard on myself, going to the gym and my goals and honestly, I was actually happy but meeting satan, he took a lot from me. And I crashed. But I'm not sad he chose someone else, I'm mad he lied to me. He can date anyone he wants, just don't fucking tell me that you aren't ready for dating, love and relationships and date a youngerrr girl and become "in love"... But luckily, I have moved on and getting my old self back along with my happiness. He can deal with her since she's into OF and he's not and they have drama already, these fake ass friends would pics of all of them hanging, almost seemed to brag it in my face but they don't seem happy and I couldn't be more happy to see and hear that lmfao. A shitty person belongs to a shitty person. I personally thinks he has a thing for youngerrr women. I think I wasn't spanish for enough either or maybe because he knows that I know he's a walking red flag lol But I would love to hear what you guys think, their age gap and situations similar to mine. What would you guys have done? Thank you so much for reading my story, I hope I made it at least somewhat funny.
submitted by ErRoR5152 to u/ErRoR5152 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:47 Elegant-Remote6667 Ape historian for the new people and those who forgot some of the events. some of the greats from last 3 years.

Ape historian for the new people and those who forgot some of the events. some of the greats from last 3 years.
Hello all!
First of all let me say that this is quite exciting, i havent been this excited for a long time.
second of all, this was exactly the reason why i started backing up things way back in 2021. to make sure that as much as possible we can refer back to the history , prove / disprove some stuff / look at memes, and generally preserve the UNPRECEDENTED events.
if there are only 6 links that you can take away from this post: its the ones below:

ready for the rest? alright.

I just have a shitton backed up and you can find it with categories: this is the \"cellar boxing\" category
bahaha you think I wouldn't back this up would you hedgies. go short it some more.
again, nothing "smart" or elegant" - I just typed in fastfill because I remembered one of them into my dashboard:
and hey presto here is the DD!
-- NOTHING TO SEE HERE - written by a particle physicist ergo SMORT and SMART at the same time. (and backed up of course) . - - his site for those who are interested
power to the players, power to those who remember.
Ape historian
submitted by Elegant-Remote6667 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:46 SUBtoAMB_Garage Any info regarding v8 swapping (302 or similar) my 99' 4x4 Ranger?

Any info regarding v8 swapping (302 or similar) my 99' 4x4 Ranger?
Not mine, just a pic of one similar
I'm planning to do something crazy to my Ranger this winter. The 280k mile 4.0 engine has been due for a FULL refresh, but I figure I might as well do something crazy. This is a 99' Super cab Ranger with the 6ft bed, 5sp auto tranny, and 4wd.
Even though this project will not be for a while, I'm starting to gather info and have a few questions:
  1. If I was going to go with said 302, what configuration would be preferable over others?
  2. I doubt I can use the stock 5R55E trans, so what transmission should I go for that would allow me to keep the 4x4 system?
  3. Would it be possible to go with a manual even though my truck has an automatic?
  4. Even though the 302 has a good bit more torque, would I need to do any diff (im gonna do that anyway, but still want to get opinions) or transfer case work?
  5. Of course, I would need to change a few things in the wiring harness, so are there any guides or pre-made harnesses available on the market?
Thank you guys SO MUCH for any information. And thanks for all the support you guys have shown.
submitted by SUBtoAMB_Garage to fordranger [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:44 LineTraditional7141 AITA for not speaking to my brother for choosing his girlfriend over his family and plus not coming to my sister's graduation

Hi I'm currently 21,(before I start telling my side of my perspective of how it happened if I misspell or if I didn't put any like periods and stuff my apologies I wanted to tell it from my side) I am the oldest of two siblings,angel(F18) and Clarence(M19) that has a fiancé nieya(F19).before the situation my brother was going through a rough time.because he got kicked out by his fiance and her parents at 4:30 in the morning, I thought he was finally understanding on how she's acting. but I guess I was wrong he allows his fiance to disrespect my parents he wants to get upset with me and my sister on how we're not getting along with her in my mind I'm thinking how can I get along with somebody that's being disrespectful to others especially towards our mother a couple weeks later that night I heard that my brother decided not to show up at my sister's graduation and he said that he was done talking to our dad (m50) I was so completely pissed off on how could he do this to his family he chose his girlfriend over his own family they wanted me to talk to them but I don't want to talk to them because why should I talk to them after they decided to not show up mind you I was going to be the only one showing out for my sister because this is supposed to be a memorable thing it's supposed to be a celebrational thing this is the time that she's finally done with high school that she can start her career my mom texted me while I was at work and told me not to answer them I told my mom to not respond or give my brother anything else because he wants to choose his girlfriend over his own family and he can make his own money on his own there has been multiple incidents on how his girlfriend was being disrespectful she kept questioning her and her authority she likes to throw shade back at my mom for the reason that my brother moved out of her house she tried to threaten to fight me before the first time then she tried to fight my sister twice to have her family member come fight my sister now how the heck me and my sister to get along with someone that likes to make threats and having their family member come fight one of us for not getting along I blocked them both from every single social media I blocked his fiance's phone number off my phone because I'm so sick and tired of her telling me what I can't and can't do when it comes to my relationship I always put my family first anything they already tried to harass my sister about the same bull crap during the same thing towards our father and saying that you're done talking to your dad in my mind I'm thinking that's hurtful like your fiance wasn't there your family had your back when you did football and everything else that you want to do for the rest of your life me and my sister went to his graduation but for him not to go to his little sister's graduation was completely insane and ignorant and wrong if I can go back in time I wish I should have not go to his graduation update one I texted my dad and told him do not talk to my brother anymore he has to learn his mistakes and find his own path on his own don't send him no more money no more anything he has to figure out for himself and my sister is worried about walking across the stage another thing they wanted to take my sister's stuff out of my home wanted my address and it's not happening you're not going to sit here and throw my sister's stuff out because you didn't get what you want like that's not cool I hope he learns one day that he made a huge mistake of choosing his little disrespectful girlfriend over his own family.
submitted by LineTraditional7141 to ComfortLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:44 Natural-Gur5421 Ex confusion

We had a horrible breakup,
I remember she (22) always guaranteed me (24) she accepted herself and I know she had a homophobic religious extremist upbringing; been over a year we broke up, but I’m so upset because:
Found out today the songs I showed her, from an underground band - the dude she’s talking to made a playlist titled with her name using my songs
The fact that he made this playlist with her name, some of them are so us specific it literally nauseates me.
Like it’s so specific, and it pains me, because it was songs she stayed up all night hearing me play for her as a bonding activity; I remember she cried at a few of them.
I’m not gonna assume they’re together but the fact that it’s a playlist of her name, with those very specific songs from a band that she associated with me and those songs I dedicated to her just f*cks with me.
Like why would you show anyone that? Let alone this guy? because those songs were so special for us, they embodied my feelings for her, and she used to cry listening to them while thinking of us
like damn, how cold are you and how much do you not love me that you shared that with a WHOLE MAN? What you vowed to never go after because you finally accepted yourself.
Once in the relationship I asked her what she would go for after we broke up, she said after me she couldn’t be with women because that’s it, she would be f*cked up, but just seeing this is so painful.
I know from a friend she tried talking to 2 girls shortly after we broke up and they were VERY similar to me, and then one guy who looked SO similar to me, but this new guy looks NOTHING like I do - but to go as far as to share MY songs for HER? And then HE made a playlist using my SONGS for HER? It f*cks with me so bad.
I just can’t process it, like, how meaningless was I to you ?
Those songs were so special to me; and I know they were to her - how could she do this?
What f*cks with me even more is that I’ve tried reaching out but she only responded once and never responded again after all the letters I sent.
But god; did you just steal my music taste ??? How can you avoid me like this and pretend I never existed while you go sharing my songs with others ? Like was I not good enough that you need someone else to play them for you?
I thought they were as special to her as they were to me when I dedicated them to her….💔
What do you guys think?
submitted by Natural-Gur5421 to latebloomerlesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:43 Lily-Birdie Frontier Refusing To Send a New Router?

Last Friday, storms took out my router. Fried it. Pretty ridiculous because nothing else I own got messed up, but I called and their tech support said they'd put in an order for a new one, 2-3 days. Never received an email or tracking number or anything, nothing to return the old equipment, just radio silence. I work 12's on the weekend, couldn't deal with it.
I call Monday, transferred to Shipping and Receiving this time, and they confirm that the order was not made properly... Okay... Cool, they said they'd expedite the order to me in 1-2 days and I should receive an email within 24 hours with all the information and the tracking number and such. This person sounded like they knew what was up.
It's been over 24 hours and there's radio silence again. My account on the website and the app show no open tickets, their stupid AI helpbot says there's no equipment I have that needs to be returned, can't find anything about me receiving equipment and returning my old stuff.
Has anyone had this experience with trying to get Frontier to do anything? Like, the internet is great and I don't regret switching from Spectrum (who always have outages) but this is absolutely making me want to just pay for expensive satellite internet or something.
submitted by Lily-Birdie to frontierfios [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:40 ChapterOk3672 AITA for refusing to go to my sister’s wedding after she demanded i change my appearance???

I (22f) am going to my sisters in laws wedding (26f), so here is the situation. My sister-in-law is getting married in 2 months (august 16th), she has been in full and extra bridezilla mode. For as long as I have known her, she has been a bit of a control freak and wanting everything perfect, but this wedding brought out the worst of the worst of this woman.
In December 2022, bride + family started planning the wedding. My sister-in-law asked me to be the made of honer there is a total of 5 bridesmaids. (k 28, M 27, L 26, A, 26. N 26)
For context, her, and my brother (27M) have been together since the end of high school and dated all the way through college. So, she has been in my life for a long time and have been there for me when I needed it. With me being her maid of honour, i’ve been trying to do my best managing college and to help with all the preparations. I have rearranged my schedule for dress fittings, cake tasting, and even spending the whole weekend making center pieces for the reception and the ceremony. Because the ones she ordered “weren’t good enough and up to her standards”. I have been patient with her demanding orders and changes that she wanted. But she just crossed a new line.
Last week, I got a phone call from my sister-in-law asking to meet for coffee on the Monday at noon, at first, I thought it was another wedding demand, but hell to the no. When I got there, I see her and her mom at the table. She told me her and her mother have some issues and are worried about how I would look in the wedding photos as well at the wedding.
For some context. i’m a bit gothic and have always had my own unique style and look. I have vibrant ashy hair with bright pink underneath, a few visible tattoos, and my nose and all my ears done. This is just who I am, and I did not expect I would have to change for someone or anything (and I will not) All my family support me and always have my back or so I thought.
My sister-in-law and her mother, both went on to say that she wanted me to “dye my hair natural” cover up my tattoos which are all sentimental to me and have meaning and value and for me to remove my piercings. To say I was stunned and jaw dropping embarrassed. She then went to say that she did not want the bridesmaids and not the maid of honour to look “distracting”, I turned around and said that i’m not changing how I look because it’s who I am and how I express myself and wouldn’t change anything for anyone because they don’t like something on me. Her mother then went to say she wants nothing but the best for her only daughter and wanting it to be “perfect” and that if I did not change my appearance, I would not be able to go to the wedding. I was livid is an understatement. I said I was leaving, and I got up and left and did not pay for my bill, once I got to my car, I started bawling my eyes out and went to straight to my brothers to confront him about the situation. I explained to my brother that I was upset and uncomfortable and embarrassed about what his fiancée and his future mother-in-law had to say to me. He said that this there special day and to suck it up and move on, from then I seen red I went absolutely insane saying how are you going to let your soon to be wife treat me this way ( for context me and my brother have always been close growing up and even into adulthood ) I just felt I wasn’t valued enough after I expressed my feelings.
I went home to cool down and didn’t speak to my brother, his partner and her mother. I got over a handful of phone calls and texts all saying I was selfish and being petty ( I am pretty and petty)
I then phoned them asking them if we could all meet up and talk about the situation and they all agreed, we all all talked and I explained how I felt saying that I wasn’t comfortable changing how I looked as it took me years to get how I want to look as growing up I suffered with bulling and have severe anxiety about how I look, and changing my appearance for one day and that I thought it was unreasonable and unfair for her and her mother to change how I look. She then got upset and started screaming and causing a scene saying I was being selfish and unreasonable and not taking her feelings into consideration because it is her special day and everyone should bow to her knees, the mother then said I do not know the stress of planning a wedding and wanting everything to go perfect, I replied with I may not but I am not changing my appearance because I like the way I look. We all got into a massive argument and I left feeling more hurt and angry then what I went.
I then texted my brother and his fiancé saying that I am no longer attending the wedding and do not want anything to do with the wedding and I will be taking back all the things I put all my hard work into.
Before I texted this I turned to my family and friends and my partner at the time and bridesmaid’s. but they just say it’s her special day and I should do what I want and bend over backwards to make her happy. My parents and partner think my sister-in-law is being unreasonable, but my friends and the braid maids are spilt and still 50/50 on the situation. Some say she is being unreasonable, and I should suck it up and get on with it for one day, while others agree that she overstepped the threshold I do love my sister-in-law, but she overstepped the boundaries and was asking way too much, I have so much guilt for not being there for my brother as me and him are so close I just feel like we have drifted apart, and I feel awful.
So AITA for not attending my sister in laws wedding if she insists, I change my appearance?
submitted by ChapterOk3672 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:39 fatguybike Newb in need of help figuring out what to get please

Need - I would like one central place to offload photos and videos from 2x iPhones, 2x MacBook pro's as well as 15+ smaller HD's and SSD's and have access to the files remotely. Everything is filled with family and business pics, vids and other files that I would like to move to one larger unit that I can then back that up too. My SO and I are not tech savvy like most of you here. I think I am, but then I start reading about this stuff and it's all over my head.
I was ready to pull the trigger yesterday on a DS923+ and made a post about it and someone suggested instead to get the DS1522+ so now I have that in my cart with 3 Seagate IronWolf 12TB NAS Hard drives which would give me roughly 21TB of storage. Is this the NAS to get? Are these the HD's to get? Stick with the 12tb's? I figured only get 3 hard drives now so I can upgrade the other two down the road with larger capacity ones as the need arises and larger caps become available on the cheap.
I don't think we're going to use it for a media server since we're not tv/movie people and we're perfectly happy with Spotify streamed on our Sonos speakers.
I will also have an offsite backup of this NAS in the form of 18tb external HD and likely a backblaze of it too.
What is the best place to buy this NAS and where is the best place to buy the HD's to fill it? thanks so much for taking the time to help me out!
submitted by fatguybike to synology [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:36 todwardscizzorhands Greetings Boys and Barbers Monkeys and Girls We Are Recruiting! The next phase of Monkey Haircut is coming! 💈🐵

Greetings Boys and Barbers Monkeys and Girls We Are Recruiting! The next phase of Monkey Haircut is coming! 💈🐵
Hello ser or madam,
I am jus a monky
But I promise u 🙏 that jus because I have little monkey brains 🧠, that we, as a team, are indeed a very talented community
We are a true OG community takeover. There is no fake scam venture cap firm ready to rug u half way to your lambo dream.
We r all part of one big primate machine on our telegram. Yes, we throw poop sometimes and sometimes we spend time sitting n' eating bananas but this is how we have acheived such amazing organic growth over the last few months!
While monkeys are known for swinging in circles in trees we also have a team of hardcore dedicated monkeys and barbers meme'ing hard in the background regardless of market conditions.
The memes for this coin are cross-promotable with all other media forms whether it be photoshopped or video, monkey haircuts can be added into any celebrity or current event easily with any iPhone, android, or even banana phones 🍌 in other words this is infinitely scalable and the efforts can be decentralized to the community. It is not common for there to be BOTH a GOD-tier meme intermixed with a true community. We r not tethered to a single graphic artist or team. Due to it's low IQ and perfect decentralized nature it is bound to pump in the meme world
When u look at the charts and see that this coin was abandoned by the original monkey dev and died and then came back to life and thrived with JUST the community it is both amazing and expected at the same time ... Rising from the dead, as u know is the stuff that religions ☯️ are made of. This is why we worship and haircut every day in our jungle barbershop temples.
Monkeys are heavily favored around the world and are extremely cute and marketable. We r NOT limited to any specific niches or even English speaking audience. Our barbershop services and memes can truly be spread to international audiences. As a monky, myself I must say that Everytime I look in the mirror with my beautiful little monky face 🪞 🐵 I can't stop watching because I am so handsome with my fade and cute hairstyles💈
Everytime ppl see me they r always excited and they are like, hey 👋 is that a monky? Omg is that monke getting a haircut?! Ppl pose with me and get pictures all the time, it never fails. What I am getting at is that we likely go to $1 billion market cap. Bros!... I get pics with world leaders all the time, check out my Twitter acct if u want to verify...
So what I am trying to say is that we are gearing up for our next run and we r recruiting new participants for the next phase of growth.
Whales and meme watchers have all predicted that this is a future top 100 coin. I consider it a blessing that it got off to a rough start because it allowed REAL non-VC investors enough time to get in before it goes to legendary highs...
I forgot to mention that despite the overall meme market downturns Monk JUST crossed ath holders count. This is remarkable. Without artificial vulture capitalist involved, we managed to get to almost 30 million mc last month and now we have more holders than ever. With our name recognition and meme powers we are well positioned for future runs...
Anyway I have to go get haircut now...
Please join our telegram to kick off our next phase. We need new ideas, barbers, graphic designers, marketers, monkeys, and banana farmers 🍌
Please fill out barber applications below 👇 👇 👇 We hope to see u soon. 🐒
submitted by todwardscizzorhands to SolCoins [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:36 ThrowRA8147 I (23M) “dumped” my best friend (23F) in high school and ended up being her bully. We rekindled our friendship and now I’m in love with her. What should I do?

As some backstory my best friend and I were friends since we were kids. We were both nerdy weirdos. She was always so pretty, just weird and didn’t really care about doing herself up. I had a very, very tiny crush on her for most of our friendship. Freshman year of high school we were both losers, but the summer after I had a crazy growth spurt that went to my head. I did a lot of stuff I’m ashamed of now, most of which was laughing as my cool, new, popular friends bullied her. She hated me for a few years, until I randomly about a year and a half ago followed her on instagram and she followed me back. We lived in different states for school but we started chatting a little and it ended up being like nothing ever changed. We started playing games online together and I very quickly developed a crush on her again, and I’m certain I am in love with her. I’ve apologized over and over and over again, to the point where she’s like annoyed with me. I just feel like I could never apologize enough.
She just graduated like three weeks ago and moved back home almost immediately after. We made plans to meet up for lunch and I was a nervous wreck. It was explicitly stated it was a date, but it felt like one. I brought her flowers and everything. I had full intentions of confessing my feelings and saying “hey, let’s date now that we’re both back home and mature adults!”
When she showed up I didn’t even recognize her. She was always pretty, but she’s straight up hot now. The most beautiful girl I’ve seen in my life. She didn’t have any pictures of herself on her instagram, or if she did they were mostly obstructed, so I just really had no idea. I chickened out and didn’t confess.
I don’t know what the fuck to do. My feelings are real, I felt them before I even saw her face, but now I feel like I’m that asshole who made her miserable in high school and now wants her because she’s hot. The last thing I want to do is damage our friendship again, because I have been so happy just talking to her and playing video games every day. What am I even supposed to say? “Hey, I’m in love with you, and you’re super hot now and I get stupid around you, but I’m not in love with you just because you’re super hot”? That seems like such a dick thing! This is crazy, like a bad 90s sitcom, and I have no die show to handle it.
submitted by ThrowRA8147 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:35 KryptKrasherHS O'Rin, Lady of Butterflies


Hello, Hello everyone! I hope yall are doing good, and a Happy Pride Month to any and all who celebrate it. With a new month, comes a new challenge, and this one was right up my alley. Some of you will remember this concept from a couple of weeks ago, when it was a mere rough concept, but after taking feedback and seeing this month's challenge, I have fully ironed it all out. This is also the first time I have designed a Support Champion instead of a Carry or Bruiser style, and as you can probably tell from my submission history, I love making Mechanically Complex and Unique Champions. A Mechanically Complex/Unique Support was difficult for me, but as I mentioned, I got a lot of good feedback from people, and was able to create O'Rin, Lady of Butterflies
O'Rin is an Ionian, Vastaya that is supposed to be a mix of Battle Mage (or Warlock as I like to call them) and Enchanter, similar to Karma in that intrinsically she is a Support Champion that needs to be with an Ally in order to function, however she provides extreme amounts of Battlefield Utility and Damage, in this case through her Butterflies. Unlike Karma however, O'Rin is almost firmly set as a Bot LaneSupport Champion because her abilities revolve and rely on her allies. She could be a Mid Laner, in conjunction with a very tempo-oriented or Snowballing style Jungler, however she has very little tools in her kit that this would require, namely waveclear, consistent damage abilities and Lane Pressure of her own. On the other hand, just like Karma, O'Rin is designed to forego the traditional Support Items, barring World Atlas and maybe Imperial Mandate, in favor of AP Items as she scale incredibly well with Raw AP and Mage items in general. I foresee her Core build being World Atlas (Zak'Zak's Realmspike) > Imperial Mandate > Rabadan's Deathcap > Banshees's Veil/Cosmic Drive/etc in order to maximize the AP that she can get to turbocharge not only her Butterflies but also her abilities, especially considering that the abilities come with decently long cooldowns.
As to how she support's her Allies, O'Rin provides devastatingly powerful effects at the cost of long Cooldowns and Conditional Activation that relies on her teammates. She is very clearly designed to work in Higher Elos with Higher Skill pilots, however she provides a vast array of tools within her kit. The Butterflies on their own provide True Damage, Nearsighting. Crowd Control Amplification, Executes, %Max Health Burn Damage, Damage Amplification and Healing. Of course you cannot access these effects at the same time, but similar to Viego, participating in a Takedown Chain will allow you to rapidly cycle between effects of your choosing, allowing you to rapidly inflict whatever effects you want while in the middle of combat. In addition, her actual abilities provide Knock backs, Stuns, Heals, Shields, and of course work with her butterflies, creating a very potent Support Champion, at the cost of being incredibly squishy, incredibly complex and incredibly team reliant. More specific detail will be talked about in the Analysis Section below.

Base Stats:

Base Health: 530 + 90/Level
Health Regen: 4.0 + 0.5/Level
Base Mana: 400 +35/Level
Mana Regen: 7 + 0.5/Level
Armor: 30 + 4/Level
Magic Resist: 28+ 2/Level
Base AD: 50
Base AP: 70
Movement Speed: 335
Attack Range: 575


Passive: Butterfly Swarm:
O'Rin has a swarm of 3 Butterflies surrounding her, increasing by 1 when she reached Level 6, 11 and 16. Damaging Abilities and Applying Crowd Control send a Butterfly with a Unique Effect to that enemy. Healing or Shielding an Ally will instead send a Butterfly to them, empowering them to send a Butterfly of their own via the same conditions. Butterflies will stay with Allies for 15 seconds, before returning to O'Rin. If an Ally dies while bonded to a Butterfly, the Butterfly will immediately return to O'Rin.
Enemies can only be affected by a Butterfly' sent from the same Host every 10 seconds, unless Monarch's Ascension is used, Once a Butterfly has applied its' effects, it takes 1-5 Seconds, depending on distance from O'Rin, to return to her, and it cannot be sent to an enemy or ally until it is fed again.
O'Rin's Butterflies apply Unique Effects, depending on what plant O'Rin has fed them. Once all of O'Rin's Butterflies have been sent to an Enemy and returned, they must be fed again for the next 1.5 seconds, during which they are unable to be sent to an Enemy or Ally. O'Rin can choose what plant to feed them, to change what effect they apply:
White Lotus: Butterflies will deal an additional 12.5% Current Health True Damage to their Target
Black Nightshade: Butterflies will Nearsight Enemies and reduce their Movement Speed by 50% for 3 seconds. Additionally, the duration of any Crowd Control Effects applied within this time is amplified by 50%
Green Hemlock: Butterflies will Execute target Enemies if they fall below 7.5% Max Health. This effect will apply up to 1.5 seconds after the Butterfly lands on a target.
Red Wisteria: Butterflies will burn Enemies for 7.5% Max Health Magic Damage over 3 seconds
Blue Jasmine: Butterflies will deal an additional 40 + 20% Bonus AP Magic Damage to the target, and heal O'Rin or the ally which they where bonded to by 150% of the damage dealt.
Additionally, Butterflies will apply O'Rin's On-Hit and On-Damage effects only, however an Ally's Attack or Ability will apply their On-Hit or On-Attack effects like normal, via their own Attack or Ability.
Q: Chrysalis Kunai
Passive: O'Rin can store an amount of charges of this ability equal to the maximum amount of Butterflies she has. She regenerates a charge every 3 seconds. When she runs out of charges, O'Rin must be out of combat for at least 5 seconds before she will start regenerating charges again. Each charge has a 0.5 second, static cooldown between uses.
Enemies hit with 3 Kunai within 3 seconds are Knocked Away from O'Rin. If they hit Terrain, they are stunned for 0.75 Seconds, and a Butterfly is sent to them, if one is available and will apply its' effect, regardless of Butterfly Swarm.
Active: O'Rin throws an enchanted Kunai at a target enemy, dealing 20/30/40/50/60 + 35% Total AP Magic Damage.
Static Cooldown: 0.5 Seconds
Static Mana Cost: 25
W: Nectar of the Ancients
Passive: On Takedown, O'Rin can re-feed her Butterflies.
Active: O'Rin gives a target Ally some of her Sacred Nectar, healing them for 50/60/70/80/90 +40/45/50/55/60% Bonus AP and giving them 25/30/35/40/45% Bonus Movement Speed for the next 2.5/2.75/3/3.25/3.5 Seconds.
Cooldown: 15 Seconds
Mana Cost: 75
E: Flight of Beauty
Passive: While under the effects of Flight of Beauty, Allies cannot receive a Butterfly from O'Rin via Nectar of the Ancients, or Items, unless O'Rin is the target, in which case all of her Butterflies will contribute towards this ability.
Active: O'Rin surrounds herself or an Ally with half of her Butterflies, prioritizing ones that must be fed, granting them a (30/40/50/60 + 15/20/25/30/35% Total AP) per Butterfly, Shield for the next 2.5 Seconds. During this time, if any of the Butterflies can still apply their effects, and O'Rin or her Ally attempts to send a Butterfly to an enemy, then they will leave their Host and the Shield will decrease by the aforementioned amount.
Cooldown: 22/19/16/13/10 Seconds
Mana Cost: 125
R: Monarch's Ascension
Passive: If O'Rin dies while her Butterflies are in a Frenzy, the Butterflies will leave their hosts, and the Frenzy will dissipate.
Active: O'Rin summons all of her Butterflies back, feeds them with a plant of her choosing, puts them into a Frenzy for the next 15 seconds, and then sends her Butterflies to all of her nearby Allies. While in a Frenzy, they gain the following benefit;
Once all Butterflies have calmed down, they return to O'Rin and must be fed once again.
Cooldown: 180/120/60 Seconds
Mana Cost: 100


Long Ago, when peace and harmony covered the land, the Spirits walked freely across the Land of Ionia. With them, the Vastaya did as well, romancing the humans and embracing the calm and steady life that Ionia was known for. Each Spirit took the form of an animal native to Ionia, and roamed the land, wholly unknown to the commonfolk and sustaining the Spirit of Ionia itself.
Mirithra, the Spirit of Nature itself, was oft to take the form of a Large, Colourful Butterfly and roamed the land, making sure that the Humans and Vastaya alike kept it proper. Myths and Legends grew from this, describing either a gentle, protective Butterfly that blessed those who came upon it, or a monstrous, cannibalistic flying creature that consumed any and all who dared tread foot on its' land. Nobody knew which story was true, yet all who walked amongst the sleepy forests, along the ivory coasts, up the craggy, granite peaks kept this story in mind. At the same time, others dismissed such things as the story that it was.
Indeed, there where some that took this the other way, and instead of treading carefully, took it upon themselves to hunt and slay this creature, not understanding what it actually was. Most failed, however after the son of a Lord was killed, the Spirit was hunted and slain. The beautiful butterfly that once flew through the forests, was cast into the depths of a dark cave. Its wings broken, its body full of stone and lead, it reverted into a Chrysalis and the Spirit went into a deep hibernation.
Millennia passed, and the tectonic forces of the world eventually revealed the entrance to the cave once more, and this was how O'Rin's ancestors found it. Still in the Golden Age of Ionia, her ancestors nurtured the Chrysalis, for they where stewards of the land instead of defilers of nature. After many years, the Spirit awoke yet again, but this time forsoke its bestial form. The only remnant was an intricate tattoo in the shape of a butterfly, that lain upon the chest of the clan's newborn child. But this was no ordinary marking, for rather it was a blessing by the Spirit upon its' caretakers, that gave them an extended life of eternal youth and the ability to commune with the Spirits themselves.
The ones marked by such a tattoo where elevated to Matriarch or Patriarch of the clan itself, for such powers where a sight to behold, and came with great wisdom and a long, powerful life. Yet for all these gifts, only the first born child of the Blessed could be granted such powers as well, and upon that child's birth, the Blessed would be found dead and a Butterfly would be found amongst the child's cradle. The butterfly would be a lifelong companion of the new Blessed, as they grew and matured both into a caretaker of Ionia and as the head of the clan.
O'Rin was the newest in this line. Just as previous generations had, her mother had died in childbirth, and her father had vanished, and in their place O'Rin was born with the tattoo upon her chest and a venom black butterfly resting upon her cradle. Such an ominous sign was not forgotten by the clan's elders, for this was the first time in history that a Black Butterfly was found with a child. In a quick, panic-driven, fear-induced coup, they cast out O'Rin as the head of the house, throwing her into the deepest, darkest prison within the massive estate.
Located amongst the high peaks of Northern Ionia, within the dense granite, the prison was O'Rin's home for the first part of her life. Yet within the darkness, amongst the cool air, isurrouunded by unyielding stone, the Black Butterfly found its way to O'Rin and just as previous generations, accompanied her as she grew within the the Prison known only as The Well of Despair. Yet instead of despair, O'Rin grew and matured with a sense of defiance. Instead or murderers, rapists and all other sort of criminals, she found instead people who where loyal to the estate rather then the Elders. Unbeknownst to the recent generations, the clan's elders had slowly corrupted and consolodated power to themselves, deposing all who stood in their way, and turning O'Rin's family into a puppet, while they ran the estate for themselves. With the Black Butterfly at her side, these former soldiers, stewards, clerics and advisors raised O'Rin in the ways of her ancestors. Reading by the ghostly candlelight, sh learned of the legends behind her family. Training by the handful of hours fo snlight, she became adept at a multitude of martial arts. Speaking in echoes through the mountains, she learned the Common Languages and the Uncommon languages.
In time, her Vastayan Roots came to fruition as well. From a young age, her skin was mottled and grew into rough scales. Her tongue, grew longer, and eventually split into a fork during her teenage years. Her irises changed from wholly circular to narrow slits, yet her vision became acutely stronger. Through her childhood, such changes where met with awe, and could not be controlled,yet in her teenage years she became adept at changing herself at will. She could disguise her mottled, scales as pale, smooth skin. She coudl shorten and fuse her tongue for a short time. She could rapidly grow out her hair after much exhaustion, to lose it days later.
Soon, her day of reckoning came, for upon her ascent to womanhood, she and her adoptive family escaped from the mountain prison, and set off for her ancestral home. Behind her a massive vanguard followed, made up of all those who who where falsely imprisoned with her, but also the humans and vastaya alike who where downtrodden by the clan's elders. Yet beside her always, was the same Black Butterfly that had been with her since birth.
She and her allies quickly overwhelmed the Elder's soldiers, and she retook her ancestral position back. With great speed and brutal efficiency, she purged the corruption and rot within the estate and instituted people who where not only loyal, but also capable in their place. Nevermore, was anything like this going to happen to her family again, and indeed the estate continued to thrive. Notably, she had her people hide and protect her lands with the strongest magic they knew of. Nestled between a mountain ranges, and amongst sleepy forests, these magiks guaranteed their survival from any potential physical and political invaders.
By in large the estate functioned like normal. Her vassals continued with their life, living in peace and prosperity like all before them, but she instituted a strict return to the stewardship that had been lost generations ago. Her land, while physically hidden, was quite easily accessible, and it became a respite for the Spirits, be they escaping from Human Hunters, or the Azakana that opposed them. Make no mistake, Humans, Vastaya and all in between lived amongst her estate, but only the Spirits could come and go as they pleased.
The heart of this Stewardship, was the Butterfly Shrine, where not only the original Spirit of Nature, Mirithra, permanently lived, but any other Spirit could visit to rest and recover in either their Mortal Form or their Animalistic Form. The Butterfly Shrine was half in the physical realm and half in the Spirit Realm, and was the crown jewel of O'Rin's estate. Humans could come and go, offering prayers and offerings to the Spirits, while the Spirits themsleves could rest, safe from the influence of physical hunters and Azakana alike.
The smoke from prayer incense drifted constantly through the air. Silent prayer took place amongst the Courtyards and Gardens. Food and other offerings where placed at the numerous shrines. The Gardens themselves where tended and amongst the plants, an incomprehensible collection of Butterflies lived with the Spirits. Notably, O'Rin's signature Black Butterfly could always be seen amongst the swarm of rainbow colored insects, for just like her ancestors, O'Rin had the power to commune directly with the Spirits directly within the realm, and served as bridge between worlds, and Mirithra had quickly bonded with her, re-uniting her family line, with the Spirit itself.
It was her duty as the Speaker of the Spirits to commune with them, but it was also her duty as Aegis of the Ancients to protect them as well. Such was the case, when invaders pierced the veil between worlds and began to defile the land with chaotic, dark magic. Yet as quick as they came, they fell quicker still for O'Rin wielded powers that where hitherto unseen. The gardens of the Butterfly Shrine, home to Butterflies and Spirits alike, rose up against the invaders. Thought quite beautiful, the Butterflies where capable of destruction themselves and O'Rin was their caretaker.
In time, she met a handful of outsider, that somehow traversed through the Spirit World and had arrived at the Butterfly Shrine. She knew not how they had survived, nor why they had come, yet all who arrived where clearly strong enough to survive amongst the Spirit Wilds, and respectful of the Spirits themselves to travel amongst them for so long. She met a tall, lithe swordsmen, with a red mask bound to his face, bleeding from many wounds and collapsed upon the forest's floor. She met a Ninja Master and his Apprentice, traveling amongst the Wilds, in search of the Spirits themselves, in search of harmony. She met an armored warrior. and his Acolytes, wielding shadowy, chaotic magic also in search of a Spirit. She offered them a respite, amongst her people and Spirit's alike and it was only their respect of the Spirits that kept them alive. As for keeping the Butterfly Shrine a secret, O'Rin bound all of them with a Blood Oath before they left the refuge, cursing them to hold their tongue lest they immolate in unending Spirit Fire.
In time, she found herself growing older, and with it came new responsibilities. She was of child-bearing age, and Tradition and Fate meant that she was to take a lover and give birth to a new heir, one who would take up the mantle as Speaker of the Spirits and Aegis of the Ancients. Yet O'Rin took care in whom she pursued, for haste was of nigh importance to her. She did eventually take a lover after many years, and many years after that they married, and years after that she found herself heavy with child. By no means, was she her young self that had overthrown the Elders but nor was she an old, demented Lady like the Elders that she had overthrown. Her pregnancy would be long and hard, but she was determined to uphold her duties till the birth of her daughter. In her mind,she knew that her life's end was near upon her, yet she felt a serene sense of happiness, knowing that child would be born into a safe world, accompanied by a Butterfly of their own, and would serve the Spirits as she had, reaping the same benefits she had.

Quotes and Interactions:

Pick Quote: Behold! The Butterfly Swarm takes flight!
Ban Quote: The Swarm will not rest!
Zed: My Butterflies will devour you and your dark magic, Defiler!
Shen: My praises, Spirit Walker. The Spirits themselves bow to you...
Akali: Careful young one! Your blades are Sharp, but my Butterflies are hungry!
Kennen: Where you to visit the Butterfly Shrine, you would achieve the Enlightenment that you so desperately desire...
Syndra: I pity thou. An unjust fate, for a woman whom was destined for greatness...
Karma: Your play at serving the Spirits! My family has served for Millennia!
Yone: The Azakana have been culled, and for that you have my thanks!
Xayah: Your actions are admirable! Mayhaps you would join our Sanctuary?
Rakan: A pity that you are spoken for, but your loyalty is admirable nonetheless!


I was debating whether to put this above, but I decided to put it here. Apologies in advance to TheHerald for having to read all the way down here in order to see if this qualifies for the competition. This champion qualifies for the competition under the Art of Inspiration. My initial Inspiration was from Vincent van Gogh's Butterfly Series, however the specific Inspiration behind the Butterfly Swarm Theme and the Feeding Mechanic is Long Grass and Butterflies as well as Grass and Butterflies. The paintings are an abstract work where you can interpret the paint as either long grass in a field while blowing in the wind, or Butterflies feeding upon grass in a field. This became the initial inspiration, and of course I took it and ran to create the fundamental mechanics behind O'Rin.

Gameplay Analysis:

Writing a Gameplay Analysis is almost as fun as designing the champions themselves. It allows me to explain how my vision for the Champion and their gameplay, while also allowing me to reflect upon the design process and fix any errors or ambiguities that arise. But anyway, I digress.
O'Rin's main Mechanic is of course the Butterfly Swarm that she manipulates. Just a disclaimer, this is the first time I have ever build a Support Champion, however I think I did a decent job. Initially the effects that the Swarm can apply look to be incredibly strong on their own, in fact when I designed them I thought about what sort of passive would I give to a BruiseHypercarry, ie:
However, these strong effects are gated behind some conditions that neuter O'Rin from spinning out of Control. Namely, that you can only apply these effects from the same "Host" once every 10 seconds, or in the case of her Ultimate, once every 3 seconds. Coordinating these effects would mean having a team that actually knows what O'Rin does and can function around her, which is the second Mechanism that keeps her balanced. O'Rin's intrinsic Butterfly Mechanics rely on your ADC/Team as a whole to understand what they do, and how it affects the rest of the kit. For example, Flight of Beauty is a shielding ability, but it can also be turned into an Offensive Ability at the cost of the Shield itself. The final effect that gates O'Rin, is the fact that all of her Butterflies have the same effect, which means that based on your Gamestate and Team Composition, you may want a different effect. For example, if you have a high octane, early game comp, White Lotus and Blue Jasmine are going to be more valuable compared to Black Nightshade or Red Wisteria. Consequently, if you are facing a heavy BruiseTank/Juggernaut Comp, then Red Wisteria and Green Hemlock will be more valuable. Even if you are skirmishing in 2v2s instead of 5v5s, then Black Nightshade would be more valuable then anything else, because you can lock down and kill the carry int he skirmish fast. What ability to use and spread to your Allies is going to depend on a lot of factors, and having a good team that can capitalize on your decision is also important for O'Rin to function properly
As mentioned, Flight of Beauty and Nectar of the Ancients are the abilities that synergize the best with the overall Butterfly Mechanic. Nectar of the Ancients is a decently strong, scaling heal, but more importantly this is the main way that O'Rin can get a Butterfly onto an Ally. Butterflies will only go to an Ally if O'Rin can heal or Shield them, so she needs one of each type of ability. The Heal itself scales incredibly with AP and also applies a MS Bonus that scales with rank in how long it lasts and how large the bonus is. Truth be told, this is a very powerful ability on its' own, but combine it an the Butterfly Mechanic, and you have an Enchanter that is unquely suited for more aggressive ADCs instead of scaling Hyper Carries. Flight of Beauty is the shielding ability, and uniquely it scale not only with rank, with AP but also with Butterflies. Specifically, the AP Ratio increases with Rank, and because O'Rin intrinsically scales the amount of Butterflies that she has, it also increases the total Shielding AP Ratio that is used.
Then we come to the Coup de Grace of the kit, Monarch's Acension. In essence, t is really simple, because it is a huge stat boost at the end of the day, but it allows O'Rin to make her Buttrflies and in extension her teammates extremely lethal and punishing. First, it automatically allows O'Rin to re-feed her Butterflies, which means that she can change what effect they apply just before or just after a teamfigth starts. From there it provides utility, such as the ability to re-apply effects on the same target every 3 seconds instead of 10, as well as being able to apply said effects 3 times instead of 1 before needing to be fed. This makes her O'Rin absolutely lethal in team fights, as applying something like Black Nightshade or White Lotus on a significantly lower cooldown and with the ability to do it multiple times means that unless O'Rin is dealt with immediately or before a fight, it will be very hard to combat, given the sheer amount of stats and effects that she allows her team to apply. However, killing O'Rin will dissipate the swarm, and therefore if you can kill her early in the fight, then the combat pressure she applies will also be gone
The main point behind having such High AP Ratios that scale as hard as they do was to incentivize O'Rin to not build Support Items, but rather AP/Mage Items. All of her abilities scale incredibly hard with AP, and this is because I wanted to push her towards a more Karma-esque build path. My intended, or rather predicted build path would be a World Atlas (into Zak'Zak's Realmspike) into a Blackfiretorch, followed by an Imperial Mandateand finished by a Rabadan's Deathcap. This gives the Mana and Raw AP, which O'Rin desperately needs/wants to turbo charge her abilities, whilst till providing some form of Support Utility. Namely, Imperial Mandate is arguably the best Support Item in the game, and O'Rin perfectly synergies with it, given her poke with Chrysalis Kunai and the Crowd Control Effects on Black Nightshade. Dipping into Imperial Mandate reduces the total amount of AP you can get in 3 items, which realistically Supports most commonly hit only 3 items or so, but the Coordinated Fire effect synergizes too much with the kit to not dip into it. Blackfire Torch gives her the Mana she needs, and also AP, but more importantly the Burn from BFT will spread via her Butterflies that deal damage. This means that with the help of her Allies, she can very quickly spread the Burn to many enemies, which in turn amplifies her AP temporarily, which in turn amplifies her Healing and Shielding. Rabadan's Deathcap is a must for any AP Centric Build, so that is why its the Capstone of this build.
Rune Wise, I actually think that O'Rin would take Unsealed Spellbook more then any other Keystone Rune. She is unique in that she does not really benefit from any other runes specifically, as the entire kit is really around enabling her teammates, but on the flip side, the traditional support runes really do not feel like they would fit either. Summon Aery would be the other potential Keystone Rune, but at the same time O'Rin actually benefits from being able to cycle her Summoner Spells because it would give her the flexibility she needs in order to survive or switch gears to help her teammates. Beyond that, I catered her Base Stats to be very Mana Hungry, so going Inspiration Primary with Boots + Biscuits > Sorcery Secondary with Mana Runes would probably be her most optimal Rune page.
Finally, in terms of weakness, O'Rin is designed to be incredibly squishy and immobile. Her Cooldowns are pretty long, and her envisioned build path has little little CDR. As well, her abilities are impactful when used offensively or on other people, so not wasting it on herself and using it on the proper target is important. Additionally, her high dependence on AP means that she is goign to be buying the most expensive item in the game, being Rabadan's Deathcap, which not only has a terrible buildpath but is coming off the income of a Support. In total, O'Rin really wants to play aggressively and snowball her lane matchups, while simultaneously being incredibly squishy and immobile. As well, she wants to be paired up with an aggressive ADC, which means that she will often be putting herself in danger, but if she can be piloted correctly, she can take over games on her own, given how strong her Butterflies are and how fasts he scales with AP.
submitted by KryptKrasherHS to LoLChampConcepts [link] [comments]