How to make a hemp peace sign

Judge redditors based solely on a picture

2011.04.24 01:26 Deli1181 Judge redditors based solely on a picture

Tell Redditors who you think they are based on their picture.

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2024.06.04 19:55 kingofdoorknobs Oh the fox went out on a chilly night.

Went to get my labs this morning and it was like walking into a Hogarth painting. God knows how long the wait would have been. I'd been dissatisfied with The Spann Clinic since it moved. Once you could see a doctor. You could get lab work.
It turns out it's my right to have any lab do the lab work, but the clinic never mentioned that because if people knew the Spann lab would lose half of its business overnight. Are They deliberately stacking them up to make money? Did they study Temple Grandin's "Livestock Management?"
I had other problems with the place but to keep personalities out I'm naming no people. Besides they might sue me. But let me describe one particular problem. The medicine prescribed to me required blood work to monitor uric acid according to the enclosed literature. But I used the wrong word. "Don't you have to monitor euremic acid, I asked. "What the hell is that?" asked one. The point is if the doctor knew what the possible side effects were, the normal response would be to say: "You mean uric acid?" Two couldn't: Language barrier or ignorance, I don't know. (Mine surely). I was just fed up with them so I told the clerk I was quitting. I could go to Quest I was informed after I asked. "But sometimes the orders don't go through." Off she went to get physical orders for me to take to Quest, but really probably to discuss the difficult patient.
A few moments as promised? It would be hours I bet. I'd be lucky not to end up in a padded cell. I grabbed a sticky note from the counter and a hospital pen but had to scratch the note into the pad because the pen didn't work. "I Quit." I signed it. Do you suppose I'll still get the $25 bill in the mail for the cancellation fee? Bet I Do. Yeah, I sent them a text too.
submitted by kingofdoorknobs to corpus [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:55 HerbivorousSage Ready to break free from screen time and build meaningful connections? Join our waiting list now and be one of the first to experience Huddl!

Hi there! I'm a second-year Philosophy student who understands how tough it can be to make friends at uni and outside it. With stats showing that today's young adults are projected to spend nearly 90% of their free time staring at screens, I realised we needed to use tech to foster more meaningful interactions.
That's where Huddl comes in. Our app helps you cut down on screen time and create real memories with real people in the real world. If you value human connection, you'll love what we've built.
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submitted by HerbivorousSage to lancasteruni [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:54 d0cz01db3rg Was my family cursed?

Was my family cursed?
Hello, i wanted to come onto this forum to gather some advice. first and foremost, i want to apologize for my ignorance, as i am not well educated on the traditions and practices, but i have the upmost respect. My family on my father’s side is afro-cuban & i believe my aunt practices some sort of hoodoo/santeria mix? i only say that because i’ve found books on hoodoo in her possession as well as items such as candles related to santeria, & a multitude of other materials such as herbs, potions, an angel board and her diary/grimoire. A bit about my aunt, she is a very bitter and evil woman. she has lived in my late grandmothers house her entire life (never moved, has been there for 60+ years) and treated her very poorly. my family started falling on hard times starting in 2008 & we moved in to my grandmothers home, very much to the dismay of my aunt. she hated us. she verbally abused my parents, berated me. she’s beat my mother physically, as well as threatened to kill me and my father. and that is only the surface of what i had to endure for many years living there before moving out for college in 2019. in her diary/grimoire that i found (pictures linked), i found many entries about my me and my family and strange symbols/sigils. from what i can discern, she writes a name at the top of each page (i’m assuming entities she comes into contact with for advice) and then proceeds to talk about what is troubling her and the advice she receives from said entity. in many of her entries, she asks the entity when my family will leave the house and what she can do to make us miserable so that we do leave. she makes claims in her entries that my mother is a weak woman and often consults the entity on how to continue to weaken her. she berates my father on how he is a failure and what she can do to make his life harder. she has obsessive entries about past lovers that have come and gone (one she focuses on particularly) & affirmations? that she is a powerful force and that things/people will fall in line. And i’m starting to think that she really is a powerful force of darkness. ever since moving into that home, my family could never seem to dig ourselves out of struggling. something bad would always happen, whether it would be financially, emotionally, or otherwise. and it seems like for almost every bad thing that’s happened to my family, my aunt had a hand in. my grandmothers dementia (that eventually took her life) worsened under her care and we are now engaged in a civil suit against her after we uncovered years of elder abuse (e.g making my grandmother sign a fabricated will that grants her the house), hiding of medical records, not allowing us to help with my grandmother, and other things i won’t get too much into. she’s turned much of my extended family against us. my cousins won’t speak to me because of the years and years of lies that she spewed about us to them. we do not get invited to family events and are often excluded and to some extent, pitied upon. i am not sure if zodiacs have anything to do with hoodoo, but she demonizes me because i am a scorpio & fearmongers my deeply superstitious catholic/christian extended family that i am so sort of agent of darkness & she is the force that keeps me at bay (she is a pisces, if relevant). i could go on and on about the hundreds (if not thousands) of negative experiences i’ve had with her throughout the years, but i just wanted to be pointed in the right direction as to why so much misfortune befalls my family. i have found recipes for spells that “dispels unwanted guests”. i’ve seen records of her trying to summon/call upon? elegua. we had a caretaker for my grandmother who was afro-Belize whose husband claims he was a powerful priest. when they lived with us, we saw enormous altars and heard rituals taking place in the dead of night. their window was covered with dollar bills that had been folded down to only show the pyramids. one day we walked out to our car covered in eggs as they peered and smiled from their window. just so many instances of things like this. i wanted to come here for help because i am severely undereducated on this topic and i need help. i don’t want my parents to continue to suffer & if there is something i can do to minimize her impact, then i want to do it. again i am so sorry if at any point i was being disrespectful, i know that hoodoo and santeria and other practices are NOT inherently evil practices, but i believe that the way my aunt engages in these practices, is not good intentioned (to say the least). for clarity, the pictures linked are from her diary/grimoire that i found a while back, and the picture with the candle and mixture was taken today by my mother at the house (i could be wrong but that may be more in line with santeria?). thank you to everyone, i deeply appreciate any advice/resources. much love.
submitted by d0cz01db3rg to HoodooConjureRootwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:53 HerbivorousSage Ready to break free from screen time and build meaningful connections? Join our waiting list now and be one of the first to experience Huddl!

Hi there! I'm a second-year Philosophy student who understands how tough it can be to make friends at uni and outside it. With stats showing that today's young adults are projected to spend nearly 90% of their free time staring at screens, I realised we needed to use tech to foster more meaningful interactions.
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submitted by HerbivorousSage to UniOfHertfordshire [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:53 Black-kage I really hate how the Uchiha got wanked in Naruto

I really hate how the Uchiha got wanked in Naruto
IDK if it was that Kishimoto couldnt stand the fact that the protagonist design was meant to be based in an European/Caucasoid child so he pet over the clan that looks like Japanese people or that he inserted himself in Itachi (because both of them look alike) so he felt he had to wank the rest of his family but I hate how Uchiha got wanked in Naruto.
1.First of all. The mangekyo sharingan is too broken to the point to break the intern logic of the series. Are you saying me that Senju clan could be equally powerful for 1000 years to Uchiha clan when Uchiha got 5 characters with mangekyo sharingan (Shisui, Itachi, Obito probably Fugaku and Sasuke) in the MOST PEACEFUL TIMES. It makes no sense. In fact, it doesnt make sense that Uchiha can display an almost indestructible chakra avatar but Senju couldnt unless is Hashirama(a fucking outlier). Senju are the ones with huge chakra reserves and strong PHYSICAL ENERGY. Not the fucking Uchiha. Im tired of people justifying this shit with "sharingan was weird among Uchiha let alone mangekyo sharingan". Please: STOP. Both powers are fueled by suffering. If you get 5 people who awaken mangekyo during THE MOST PEACEFUL TIMES. Ofc that more people should have awakened it during the previous period that WAS WORSE. Its practically a bijuu because ofc Kishimoto had the need to have Sasuke matching with Naruto. But dude with this logic the rest of the villages should have stole Uchiha people and turning into breeding machines since you can get from them a bijuu level ninja every while.
  1. Amateratsu for Gods sake is other stupid wank. I could accept tsukuyomi. Its a genjutsu power. But dude it makes less sense amateratsu comes from mangekyo. Since everyone seems to know that amateratsu exists and how deadly is its implied that more Uchiha's aside of Itachi and Sasuke had that jutsu. Its one of the most broken jutsu in the series, it has nothing to do with genjutsu, vision enhancement or whatsever. And please. Stop saying that : Your ok with people spitting fire, wind or water but not Amateratsu. Please, its deeply implied all those jutsu works like your ambuiing your saliva with your chakra nature release. How can do that with a fucking eye?
3.Izanami for Gods sake. It was only created so THE UCHIHA could have the spotlight again even if makes no sense. Why? Because is a counter of Izanagi. Obito stated that he could perform Izanagi because he had both Senju and Uchiha powers so with the mental(illusion) energy of the Uchiha he can rewrite his reality(physical Senju energy) the thing is that Izanami retconned that Uchiha perform such broken technique before Obito or Madara. So they didnt need Senju power all the time so UCHIHA could have the spotlight again against Kabuto. It fucking sucks because with all these powers how could Senju were equally to Uchiha? How they most of them were fodder for the next years. How could Sakumo, Hiruzen, Hanzo, the rest of the Kage or the Sannin were more prominent than them? Fucking ridicolous.
Even in Boruto era the other Otsutsuki dojutsu dont have the crazy designs of Uchiha dojutsu. And it seems that Tenseigan, Jougan and Ishikkis dijutsu dont have the amount of fuctions a mangekyo sharingan has
submitted by Black-kage to Naruto [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:52 HerbivorousSage Ready to break free from screen time and build meaningful connections? Join our waiting list now and be one of the first to experience Huddl!

Hi there! I'm a second-year Philosophy student who understands how tough it can be to make friends at uni and outside it. With stats showing that today's young adults are projected to spend nearly 90% of their free time staring at screens, I realised we needed to use tech to foster more meaningful interactions.
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submitted by HerbivorousSage to heriotwatt [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:51 HerbivorousSage Ready to break free from screen time and build meaningful connections? Join our waiting list now and be one of the first to experience Huddl!

Hi there! I'm a second-year Philosophy student who understands how tough it can be to make friends at uni and outside it. With stats showing that today's young adults are projected to spend nearly 90% of their free time staring at screens, I realised we needed to use tech to foster more meaningful interactions.
That's where Huddl comes in. Our app helps you cut down on screen time and create real memories with real people in the real world. If you value human connection, you'll love what we've built.
Huddl is a place where you're celebrated for who you are. No need to compete for the best profile pic here! Simply tag yourself with what defines you: nationality, languages, hobbies, interests, and more. The more, the merrier!
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submitted by HerbivorousSage to sotonuni [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:49 HerbivorousSage Ready to break free from screen time and build meaningful connections? Join our waiting list now and be one of the first to experience Huddl!

Hi there! I'm a second-year Philosophy student who understands how tough it can be to make friends at uni and outside it. With stats showing that today's young adults are projected to spend nearly 90% of their free time staring at screens, I realised we needed to use tech to foster more meaningful interactions.
That's where Huddl comes in. Our app helps you cut down on screen time and create real memories with real people in the real world. If you value human connection, you'll love what we've built.
Huddl is a place where you're celebrated for who you are. No need to compete for the best profile pic here! Simply tag yourself with what defines you: nationality, languages, hobbies, interests, and more. The more, the merrier!
Using our map feature, you can easily find people nearby who share your passions. Say goodbye to endless swiping and hello to connecting with folks right in your area.
Building great friendships shouldn't be a chore, so let's make it easier together. Sign up for our waiting list and take the first step towards creating meaningful offline relationships:
submitted by HerbivorousSage to UoN [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:49 YellowStarburstFan How much would you sacrifice to get out of a toxic, dead end job?

Apologies for the novel ahead, there’s a TL;DR at the end lol. I’m definitely leaving my current employer ASAP and have a lead on a new job that I think would offer better work life balance, but I just need an impartial sounding board to help me think it through.
My current employer is a small mom & pop shop. The pros: they pay me pretty well and it is a short commute. I get a few paid holidays, and a few sick days per year. The cons: No PTO, no 401k matching, no medical/vision/dental insurance of any kind, no paid family leave, no life insurance or STD. High stress, poor work life balance, lots of weekend work during the busy seasons, constantly feeling overworked and yet we often have days where we work late until the work is done. The unexpected late days have become a real pain point within my marriage. It’s also such a physically demanding job and both my mental & physical health are suffering. Lastly I have no prospect for upward mobility and at some point the higher than average pay just stopped feeling good enough.
Then earlier this year, my husband’s employer notified him of a new policy which would make health insurance cost significantly more to keep me & our daughter on his plan. The new policy goes into effect next year, so I’ve taken this as sign to find something new… and long story short I ended up sharing this information with my boss.
I’ve been on the job hunt for a few months now and it’s been slow… but I have an in-person interview tomorrow for a job that on paper sounds like it would be a solid gig: I’d take a pay cut but would get all the benefits listed above as well as reimbursement for a gym membership. It sounds like a lot less stress overall— it’s an office admin/client facing role, so mostly scheduling and clerical tasks which I’m perfectly comfortable doing.
The downside is that it is a longer commute (35m vs. my current 15m) and the schedule would mean that 3 days/week I’d leave right around the time when my baby wakes up and I’d get home just in time to do bedtime… but that’s about it. I would hardly see her those days. The other days I’d at least get either the morning or the afternoon/evening with her, and I’d only have to work 1 Saturday/month for a half day.
Should I take it and see how it goes for a few months, or take it and keep looking for something else just so I can get out of my current toxic job? Or do I just pass on this one and keep looking altogether?
My husband is encouraging me to stay open minded about it and is willing to adjust his schedule as needed to care for our daughter…but I’m on the fence. She’s only going to be this little for so long.
TL;DR New job lead would mean a pay cut, longer commute, and 3 days/week where I basically wouldn’t get any time with my baby. BUT it would provide better benefits, a more predictable schedule, and more weekends free. It would also be something that would bolster my resume slightly and help me shift into roles that I’m more interested in down the road.
submitted by YellowStarburstFan to workingmoms [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:49 shremedem idk if im a system- is it bad to search for answers ?

idk if im a system- is it bad to search for answers ?
im friends with a few systems and we've been talking a lot about dissociation because I never actually had a word for what I was feeling and ive already known since early middle school that I couldn't remember a lot of the past, etc. anyways my point is my friends have been pointing things out to me like 'hey, this is a big sign you could be a system' and theyre absolutely right I get how the things theyve pointed out can be system stuff but ive never even considered it before I met either of them. anyways I've been looking into a lot of stuff and if I am a system we think the most likely would be pdid, osdd-1b, or just depersonalization/derealization. but ive been seeing a lot of videos where people are saying not to go searching for answers like that and that if I am a system it'll be known when everyone is ready ? and that it can be harmful to try to force stuff like that etc and I just want to make sure im doing the right thing I guess? I have a notebook ive been writing stuff in and everything and I'm just wondering if maybe im not supposed to be looking into this stuff or not? but if I am part of a system I'd really like to know and figure out how to communicate etc but im not even sure if I am yet (it's really complicated because im autistic, and also have no idea what any of my interests and likes/dislikes are, but at least I know some triggers ?) idk im really confused on everything and im not sure what steps to take, if any :') unfortunately therapy isn't an option as money is extremely tight, but I really want to look into other people's experiences etc. I'm also working on figuring out who I am and what things I like so things can be smoother
sorry if this turned a bit into a rant I feel like I only know like a medium little amount about all of this and hearing what others experiences were before they knew they were a system would really help me out a lot right now 🫶
also sorry if I don't reply to anyone until later, I have a busy day today and wanted to put this here before I start my day
submitted by shremedem to DiscussDID [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:48 Deep-Cut6653 Xfinity blacklisted my address because a housemate moved out without paying

Hey so as the title says Xfinity has blocked my entire address from getting internet after a housemate moved out without paying off their bill and is now awol. Tried to escalate this matter to the collections department and they just hid behind the word policy and essentially told me to pound sand. How can a company throttle your internet speed charge you extra money every month for no reason and send you “free” equipment you have to pay for after then turn around and treat their loyal customers like peasants lol? They literally have a monopoly on high speed internet in my area and just are strong arming an entire house for the error of one individual who no longer lives there? Someone please explain how this is right/necessary. If this is your idea of a policy when someone signs up for internet please require the landlords approval in the future because there’s no way this makes sense.
submitted by Deep-Cut6653 to Comcast_Xfinity [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:48 billieforbid My mom (F55) is abusing ozempic. I (F34) don't want to see her if I don't have to. Is it unreasonable for me to set this boundary? If not, how would you do it?

TLDR: Oldest of 5 kids. Our mom is writing herself and her husband prescriptions for semaglutide. Mom has lost so much weight that it frightens me. I've lost trust in my mom, specifically around this example of poor judgement. I don't like seeing the woman I've looked to for guidance over the past 30 years living her life this way. I don't enjoy being around her, or even communicating with her over text anymore as it makes me feel, for lack of a better word... icky. What is a reasonable boundary in this scenario? Can I go low contact without creating intense family drama? If so, how the heck do I do that?
I want to only give facts here, trying not to make any part of it seem like a bigger or smaller deal than it is. My feelings are pretty cut and dry: I do not want to spend time with my mom unless it is a family obligation (i.g. Mother's Day, or a sibling's birthday dinner). I have no idea how to tell her this without causing significant stress among all members of my family. She will take any mention of what I'm about to tell you as a personal insult. Let's get into it.
My mom has always struggled with her self esteem, particularly around her weight. She has dieted off and on my entire life (and I imagine hers), seesawing between 150lbs (68 kilos) and 350lbs (158 kilos) over the past 25 years that I've been paying attention. My mom is a smaller woman at 5'3" (160cm).
Since I was little my mom has shared with me various tips to keep my weight down. "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels," she'd tell me. "Be careful not to over indulge especially around your period." Stuff like that.
When I was 16 years old I went away to boarding school and gained some weight enjoying the meal plan there. NGL it was really good for a school cafeteria, lol. I'm 5'7" (170cm) and went from 135lb (61 kilos) to 155lbs (70 kilos) that year. When I came home for summer break my mom signed me up for weight watchers and we attended together all summer. If you're not familiar, Weight Watchers in the old days was just a group meeting where you paid a lady money to weigh you on a scale in front of all the other people who'd given her money. Then the lady would announce any fluctuations in your weight out loud for the group. Smart phones were not a thing at the time.
As an adult, my weight fluctuates between 145lbs and 155lbs. Sometimes the weight comes back off because I made a dietary change or a change in my physical habits, but usually changes like that are why my weight starts to climb in the first place, not the other way around. That is to say, my body seems to really prefer 145lbs and if I don't treat my body carelessly my weight tends to stay right about there, without effort.
Those times when I have gained and then lost the typical 10lbs or so, my mom makes a point to mention it. "You've lost weight! You look great!" The last time this happened I responded flatly with, "Oh..." hoping to make the point that I found her comment inappropriate.
This past holiday season when my siblings and I opened our traditional matching pajamas, mom made a big fuss about how sorry she was that my pajama pants were so "huge," "enormous," and "comically large." They were actually too small for me, lol.
Anyway I'll cut to the chase. Around August of last year my mom started losing weight rapidly. She had previously maintained her weight at (I'd guess) around 160/170lbs (75 kilos) for a handful of years before the weight loss really took off. I noticed around that time that she had fallen back into her habit of eating a couple of bites from her plate (which held half a serving of food in the first place) and then clearing her place setting before anyone might notice that she hadn't finished her meal. I didn't say anything.
A while later I spent about $300 taking her to high tea at a local farm for her birthday, where I ended up eating most of her meal in addition to mine. I didn't say anything.
Another while later while on a family vacation, my mom confessed to me that her husband (my adoptive father and the father of my siblings) thinks she has an eating disorder. She looked at me with half a smile, waiting for some kind of argument I suppose. "Whaaaaat? Noooo....." I just shrugged.
I am not joking when I tell you that it was that very same evening at dinner, when my dad pushed his first serving away unfinished and announced to the table "I just can't eat that much anymore," that I started to suspect something more was going on here.
Additional context for understanding: My mom is a medical professional with the ability to write prescriptions. She has often written scripts for our family as needed, so long as the medication in question is not a controlled substance. She has explained to us that this is the red line between unethical and illegal. Writing any of us a script for Xanax would be a crime, while writing an SSRI for my brother is only "frowned upon."
My brother is currently living at home, and told me a couple of months ago that my suspicions are correct; mom is writing herself scripts for semaglutide and more recently has begun writing them for my dad. My brother said he'd overheard mom talking about something called semaglutide and had googled it to try and better understand what he'd overheard. He told me that shortly after he'd overheard that conversation he'd turned a corner in the house and accidently witnessed our mom injecting our dad.
Since that revelation I've felt utterly paralyzed. Horrified, saddened, disappointed, and low key a little betrayed. I'm still working out how to talk to my therapist about this because I don't really understand my own feelings very well yet. Seeing her like this (100, maybe 110lbs (45-50 kilos)) and understanding exactly why and how this is happening is a very scary thing for me to grapple with. I am the oldest child and only daughter. Watching my mother succumb to her insecurities frightens me and angers me simultaneously. That she's got my dad into that boat with her now makes me feel a little sick.
My mom keeps texting me asking why we haven't found time to hang out lately. "Let me know if you find any time, we can go get pedicures," things like that. When I say I am at a loss for words...
I don't know what to do or where to go from here. Please help!
submitted by billieforbid to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:48 HerbivorousSage Ready to break free from screen time and build meaningful connections? Join our waiting list now and be one of the first to experience Huddl!

Hi there! I'm a second-year Philosophy student who understands how tough it can be to make friends at uni and outside it. With stats showing that today's young adults are projected to spend nearly 90% of their free time staring at screens, I realised we needed to use tech to foster more meaningful interactions.
That's where Huddl comes in. Our app helps you cut down on screen time and create real memories with real people in the real world. If you value human connection, you'll love what we've built.
Huddl is a place where you're celebrated for who you are. No need to compete for the best profile pic here! Simply tag yourself with what defines you: nationality, languages, hobbies, interests, and more. The more, the merrier!
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submitted by HerbivorousSage to NorthumbriaUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:48 Billieh63 My mother stole my graduation money given to me by my aunt and her boyfriend.

Like in the title, my mother not only stole but used half of the money given to me as a gift for graduating. How much money did I receive? I received 6.5k pesos (110.35 USD) which to me is genuinely a lot. I've never held such amount so I was hesitant, but I still happily accepted. I even said my thanks to my aunt and my mum's boyfriend. But, she never fully gave it to me. She held onto it. So.. I never really had the chance to spend it. She gave me 500 pesos which.. didn't really last me a day considering how pricey it is to live in my area now. So.. yea..
A few days ago, my mother and I had a fight; the reason? I(17F) went outside at 6:30 to walk my friend home whom hanged out with me at our apartment. She, with sourness in her voice, said that I looked like a prostitute with what I was wearing and was basically asking for it. I was wearing an oversized t-shirt, arm warmers, a skirt that was only an inch above my knee, thigh high socks, and boots. I ignored her and continued to walk my friend home. My friends home isn't too far and was only a kilometre and a half away. When I got back home I remained silent, trying to hold back my anger and bottle it all up before I do something stupid. But, annoyingly, my mum kept beratting me and provoking me to madness. She called me incredibly lazy for being wasting my time doing stupid makeup instead of doing something productive like sweep the floor or do the dishes. I already did those. Obviously, I still remained silent. She then bitterly told me to clean the vanity area where I left a few of my makeup still lying around. I made the mistake of making her wait because I was really angry and it felt like if I moved a single bit, I would explode. She kept repeatedly telling me to clean it with her tone growing more and more sour. Annoyed, I angrily cleaned it. And when she noticed I was being loud she called me out about it. I lost control and talked back to her.. big fucking mistake. It only made her more angry. And then, we both had a fight. I was so fucking pissed that I tried to threaten her by towering over her and slightly pushing her away because she was really getting on my nerves. I know I'm at fault for pushing her, but I wasn't thinking straight. After that, she then tried to call for our neighbour whom we aren't even that close to. She tried to call her in as a "witness"... But a witness to what? It genuinely blew my mind that she was willing to involve a totally peaceful citizen into our personal life just to prove what????
After the fight I locked myself in the bathroom, just crying and breaking down for 2 whole hours. The situation made me relapse.. it was bad enough that I almost considered taking my own life then and there. I was so tired. Exhausted. Was walking my friend home so bad? I wasn't wearing anything revealing.. so why did she call me a prostitute?
For the next 4 days I wasn't eating properly nor taking care of my hygiene. I was just rotting in bed. She never once spoke to me either. All I did was sleep, rot in bed, eat junk, stay up, and sleep til the afternoon. I wanted to go out. I needed to go out and get some fresh air. But I couldn't. I couldn't afford to go outside. So, I tried to look for the envelope that had my money in it that she hid. I looked EVERYWHERE. twice, thrice, even four times. Nothing. Until I found the envelope. I was so fucking happy— until I saw the inside... It was fucking empty.
I don't know what to do now. She either hid it or used it. But I know the kind of person she is. She's addicted to money and it shows. She would buy useless bullshit every now and then but shit that would keep her child, me, healthy. she barely bought proper fucking food but has the money to buy clothes and bags??? And whenever she does buy food she only buys instant noodles and shit. She barely cooks and when she does it'd taste like shit. She gives no effort in taking care of me.. and when I mention it she'll always pull the "I sacrificed so much for you" card on me. What she does is barely the minimum of being a parent. I don't even fucking know anymore...
submitted by Billieh63 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:48 Alternative-Wash7815 Bpd and university

Quit university and feeling like a failure but I just couldn't do it anymore. I was diagnosed with bpd years ago but couldn't make peace with it at the time. I just smoked weed 0/24 (no therapy, but at least was on ssri for depression). It was "ooookay" until I completely crashed down and now here we are. Quit uni, starting therapy in 2 days (have a scheduled appointment) and focusing on my mental health (something I should have done years ago but just couldn't). I'm not even sure what I'm asking for...just want to feel less alone I guess. How did your bpd affect your studies? And how did your parents accept the news of you quitting uni (if you did quit)? Thank you in advance for your sympathy.
submitted by Alternative-Wash7815 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:48 HerbivorousSage Ready to break free from screen time and build meaningful connections? Join our waiting list now and be one of the first to experience Huddl!

Hi there! I'm a second-year Philosophy student who understands how tough it can be to make friends at uni and outside it. With stats showing that today's young adults are projected to spend nearly 90% of their free time staring at screens, I realised we needed to use tech to foster more meaningful interactions.
That's where Huddl comes in. Our app helps you cut down on screen time and create real memories with real people in the real world. If you value human connection, you'll love what we've built.
Huddl is a place where you're celebrated for who you are. No need to compete for the best profile pic here! Simply tag yourself with what defines you: nationality, languages, hobbies, interests, and more. The more, the merrier!
Using our map feature, you can easily find people nearby who share your passions. Say goodbye to endless swiping and hello to connecting with folks right in your area.
Building great friendships shouldn't be a chore, so let's make it easier together. Sign up for our waiting list and take the first step towards creating meaningful offline relationships:
submitted by HerbivorousSage to ReadingUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:47 HerbivorousSage Ready to break free from screen time and build meaningful connections? Join our waiting list now and be one of the first to experience Huddl!

Hi there! I'm a second-year Philosophy student who understands how tough it can be to make friends at uni and outside it. With stats showing that today's young adults are projected to spend nearly 90% of their free time staring at screens, I realised we needed to use tech to foster more meaningful interactions.
That's where Huddl comes in. Our app helps you cut down on screen time and create real memories with real people in the real world. If you value human connection, you'll love what we've built.
Huddl is a place where you're celebrated for who you are. No need to compete for the best profile pic here! Simply tag yourself with what defines you: nationality, languages, hobbies, interests, and more. The more, the merrier!
Using our map feature, you can easily find people nearby who share your passions. Say goodbye to endless swiping and hello to connecting with folks right in your area.
Building great friendships shouldn't be a chore, so let's make it easier together. Sign up for our waiting list and take the first step towards creating meaningful offline relationships:
submitted by HerbivorousSage to swanseauni [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:47 Billieh63 My Mother stole my graduation money given to me by my aunt and her boyfriend.

Like in the title, my mother not only stole but used half of the money given to me as a gift for graduating. How much money did I receive? I received 6.5k pesos (110.35 USD) which to me is genuinely a lot. I've never held such amount so I was hesitant, but I still happily accepted. I even said my thanks to my aunt and my mum's boyfriend. But, she never fully gave it to me. She held onto it. So.. I never really had the chance to spend it. She gave me 500 pesos which.. didn't really last me a day considering how pricey it is to live in my area now. So.. yea..
A few days ago, my mother and I had a fight; the reason? I(17F) went outside at 6:30 to walk my friend home whom hanged out with me at our apartment. She, with sourness in her voice, said that I looked like a prostitute with what I was wearing and was basically asking for it. I was wearing an oversized t-shirt, arm warmers, a skirt that was only an inch above my knee, thigh high socks, and boots. I ignored her and continued to walk my friend home. My friends home isn't too far and was only a kilometre and a half away. When I got back home I remained silent, trying to hold back my anger and bottle it all up before I do something stupid. But, annoyingly, my mum kept beratting me and provoking me to madness. She called me incredibly lazy for being wasting my time doing stupid makeup instead of doing something productive like sweep the floor or do the dishes. I already did those. Obviously, I still remained silent. She then bitterly told me to clean the vanity area where I left a few of my makeup still lying around. I made the mistake of making her wait because I was really angry and it felt like if I moved a single bit, I would explode. She kept repeatedly telling me to clean it with her tone growing more and more sour. Annoyed, I angrily cleaned it. And when she noticed I was being loud she called me out about it. I lost control and talked back to her.. big fucking mistake. It only made her more angry. And then, we both had a fight. I was so fucking pissed that I tried to threaten her by towering over her and slightly pushing her away because she was really getting on my nerves. I know I'm at fault for pushing her, but I wasn't thinking straight. After that, she then tried to call for our neighbour whom we aren't even that close to. She tried to call her in as a "witness"... But a witness to what? It genuinely blew my mind that she was willing to involve a totally peaceful citizen into our personal life just to prove what????
After the fight I locked myself in the bathroom, just crying and breaking down for 2 whole hours. The situation made me relapse.. it was bad enough that I almost considered taking my own life then and there. I was so tired. Exhausted. Was walking my friend home so bad? I wasn't wearing anything revealing.. so why did she call me a prostitute?
For the next 4 days I wasn't eating properly nor taking care of my hygiene. I was just rotting in bed. She never once spoke to me either. All I did was sleep, rot in bed, eat junk, stay up, and sleep til the afternoon. I wanted to go out. I needed to go out and get some fresh air. But I couldn't. I couldn't afford to go outside. So, I tried to look for the envelope that had my money in it that she hid. I looked EVERYWHERE. twice, thrice, even four times. Nothing. Until I found the envelope. I was so fucking happy— until I saw the inside... It was fucking empty.
I don't know what to do now. She either hid it or used it. But I know the kind of person she is. She's addicted to money and it shows. She would buy useless bullshit every now and then but shit that would keep her child, me, healthy. she barely bought proper fucking food but has the money to buy clothes and bags??? And whenever she does buy food she only buys instant noodles and shit. She barely cooks and when she does it'd taste like shit. She gives no effort in taking care of me.. and when I mention it she'll always pull the "I sacrificed so much for you" card on me. What she does is barely the minimum of being a parent. I don't even fucking know anymore...
submitted by Billieh63 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:46 SwanburneGirl Type Me — fairly sure I’m an ENTJ but curious to get input

I've been getting ENTJ on MBTI tests consistently for many years, but I recently took a functions test that said I should consider ENFP (please no) or ESTJ. I'd be curious to see what other people think, even if I'm still fairly sure I'm ENTJ, and will probably stay fairly sure.
• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
22 years old, female, graduate student with a Bachelor’s in Theatre History. In general, I see myself as pragmatic and slightly reserved (and the people closest to me agree), but I’m outwardly very playful, so a lot of people don’t necessarily see that at first.
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
I’ve got anxiety, which means I can be prone to thought-spiraling sometimes, often against my better judgement. I also definitely display signs of ADHD and autism, but I don’t really have any desire for an official diagnosis right now, because it takes time and money that I could be spending on other things that are more immediately important.
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
Without getting too much into details, my personality didn’t mesh well with my dad’s personality — he’s not very organises, which really bothered me, and we both have strong, stubborn personalities. I also remember being very curious as a child and wanting to discuss things (particularly books, movies, etc.) in a comprehensive and critical way, which he didn’t really understand. I got along a lot better with my mum, since we’re both type-a personalities with similar interests. However, she’s a more conflict-averse than me, whereas I’ve found as I’ve grown up that I’m very able to have a respectful argument without feeling sensitive after, even if I receive constructive feedback.
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
I’m a graduate student right now, and I’m really enjoying the opportunity to delve further into particular areas of research that interest me and develop a more comprehensive understanding of them. I’m also really enjoying the opportunity to take more initiative in my own research — an idea that scared me at first, but that I’ve found incredibly rewarding.
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
I do enjoy having time to myself — it gives me the opportunity to do what I want at any given moment without having to think about how others might feel (usually for me this means being able to watch video essays in communal spaces, talk on the phone at any time of day, and sing whenever I feel like singing.) However, I think I’d get bored after an entire weekend alone — I really value time to myself, and I understand the importance of having that slow, thoughtful time, but I think too much of it would leave me bored, understimulated, and frustrated.
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
I don’t really like most team sports, because I’m not great at them, but I have a lot of different hobbies. I spend a lot of time reading or watching things that make me think, and I try to do yoga at least a few times per week. I’ve also been trying to get back into some more creative hobbies (writing and music), but I often struggle to get past the initial hurdle of perfectionism, and find myself bogged down in details.
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
I would say that in general I’m a very curious person, and I definitely come up with more ideas than I can execute (I usually know which ones I will or won’t execute, though). I find that my thoughts are usually more conceptual, but I do find that I’ve also been thinking more about my immediate environment as I get older. I’m often curious about developing a more comprehensive understanding of periods of history that interest me, learning new languages, and being able to interpret literature and theatre. However, I find that lately I’ve also been thinking a lot about my past, the ways it’s impacted me, and the ways I’ve grown and developed personally over the past few years.
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
I think I’d like to take on more leadership positions in the future, even if it would be kind of a new experience for me. I think I’d be good at it in the sense that I have no problem taking charge, and that I have a strong organisational zeal. However, I worry about whether other people will listen to me — I find that I’m naturally a bit overzealous, which tends to put a lot of people off, so I learned to overcompensate by being TOO chill, which is a habit I’m trying to get out of. I’d like to find a balance between the two, even if it’s difficult for me.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
I don’t think I’m especially coordinated or uncoordinated. I don’t have a lot of hobbies that involve working with my hands — I’ve had a lifelong hatred of craft projects, but I do enjoy cooking and doing makeup, and I’d say I’m reasonably good at both.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
I would consider myself to be an artistic person. I sing, particularly musical theatre (because it’s what I’m good at, because I love picking apart the songs to find each individual shift in thought, and because I really enjoy having an opportunity to be kind of camp and funny). I also write, and I find that I keep returning to themes of ambition, gender roles, and the effects of upbringing.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
I find that as I get older, I get less and less nostalgic for the past (I’m really not a ‘longing for childhood’ girlie), but I do have a very vivid memory of past experiences, both detail-wise, and in terms of a larger significance in my life. I sometimes struggle to remain present, often because I’m thinking about what I need to do or what I should be doing, but I find that it’s really rewarding when I make a conscious effort to stay present. In terms of the future, I think a lot about my short-term future (often I’m mildly anxious about how things are going to pan out), and I do have ideas of what I want to do in my long-term future and steps I’m taking to get there, but I don’t have a hyper-detailed step-by-step plan, because life is unpredictable and I don’t think that’s realistic.
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
I usually help people when they ask (especially friends), and I really like helping people, both because I care about my friends and want them to do well, and because it feels like a compliment when people come to me for advice. As I get older, I find that it’s gotten easier and easier for me to set boundaries if I don’t think I can help someone, which hasn’t always been the case — I’ve often felt pressure to “do it all,” along with the pressure not to make other people angry.
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
It’s not my absolute top priority, but it is very important to me. Like, I often examine my immediate judgments on things to figure out why I’m treating some ideas differently than others, because it’s important for me to be as reasonable and close to the truth as possible.
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
I find that I’m fairly results-oriented, which isn’t always in my best interest. However, as I get older, I find myself slowing down more to do better work, and I don’t think I’m willing to seriously compromise my own well-being or that of others in the interests of productivity.
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
I don’t consciously control others, but I’ve developed a good understanding of code-switching in different social environments to make a good impression (this has taken MANY YEARS of practice). In general, though, I find it easier to adapt myself to the world than to adapt the world to myself.
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
I like reading and watching things that make me think — I really enjoy analysing characters and situations, especially complicated ones. I also enjoy learning languages — it feels like a puzzle to solve, and it gives me a sense of accomplishment. I also love singing and writing, because I enjoy having a chance to be creative and funny and a bit camp.
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
I enjoy discussion/tutorial-style learning environments the most, because I often need to talk my ideas out as they take shape. I don’t really enjoy memorisation-based assignments, because they don’t seem useful and I never know how many details I should focus on memorising. If given the choice between a creative assignment or a paper, I almost always choose the paper because I’m too much of a creative perfectionist, and the paper feels safer and more straightforward.
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
I definitely need to break projects into manageable tasks. For big projects — especially when it’s something I’ve never done before — I usually like to make a list of things I’m going to need to figure out, and another list of potential places I could consult when I’m figuring out the information. I find that if I tackle things all at once, I get really overwhelmed. And often, once I’ve brainstormed, my final results aren’t that far off from my initial idea, even though I’m perfectly comfortable adjusting things along the way.
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
I think I’d like to go into academia, since it’s something I feel passionate about and energised by. Plus, I think it would be a good, varied mix of teaching and producing my own work. Personally, I really just want to continue bettering myself and pushing myself out of my comfort zone in new ways (yuck, but I know it’s good for me). And I’d like to make an effort to keep a good network of friends as I grow older, because I know a lot of people don’t do that.
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
More than anything else, I think I’m afraid of being inadequate in ways that I can’t change. I get uncomfortable with uncertainty, and with sudden changes in plans, even though I know those two things are very natural parts of life (I’m trying to work on this). I really hate people who are condescending, or hypocritical, or who aren’t pulling their weight in collaborative situations. And I also hate unfairness or unnecessary cruelty.
• What do the "highs" in your life look like?
I’ve usually got something new and exciting to look forward to, and I’m feeling passionate and energised. Generally, I’m intellectually curious, well-supported by my friends, maintaining good work-life balance, and able to see opportunity very easily.
• What do the "lows" in your life look like?
I’m feeling frustrated and impotent, or completely anxious and uncertain. Bonus points if I can’t figure out why I’m feeling that way.
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
I used to daydream a lot (probably to a degree that wasn’t healthy), but as I’ve gotten older I’ve noticed that I spend more time in the present. I can still get sucked down thought tangents occasionally, especially if I’m trying to get my head around a certain concept, but I’m a fairly present person, and I think I prefer it that way. Of course, I still enjoy designated “daydreaming periods,” such as when I’m listening to music, or right before I go to bed.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
I think I’d probably end up coming up with analytical arguments about media I enjoy, or rambling to myself about the history of something I find interesting as if I’m lecturing about it.
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
I like to look over pros and cons or consult people whose judgment I trust before I make a decision, just to make sure I’m seeing all the angles clearly. But once I’ve made a decision, I’m usually pretty fixed in it.
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
I think emotions are important in my life, but I often handle them with a degree of healthy skepticism — asking myself if they match up with reality, or asking if I’m being reasonable. I don’t like to believe in emotions if I think they’re unreasonable, so sometimes I think I’ve processed something when I really haven’t. I do like to think and talk about emotions with people I trust, though — much more than I like being in the thick of the emotions themselves.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
I definitely used to a lot, but I don’t feel the need to as much anymore. I think I just felt insecure about fitting in and wanted to be as well-liked as possible, which led to a lot of social overcompensation.
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
I don’t break rules often, but I’m fine to break certain rules and norms, especially if I don’t see a point in them. I think authority should be challenged when they’re wrong, and I’m comfortable having those conversations, but I often tread carefully when giving authority figures constructive criticism, because I don’t want it to backfire on me.
submitted by SwanburneGirl to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:45 HerbivorousSage Ready to break free from screen time and build meaningful connections? Join our waiting list now and be one of the first to experience Huddl!

Hi there! I'm a second-year Philosophy student who understands how tough it can be to make friends at uni and outside it. With stats showing that today's young adults are projected to spend nearly 90% of their free time staring at screens, I realised we needed to use tech to foster more meaningful interactions.
That's where Huddl comes in. Our app helps you cut down on screen time and create real memories with real people in the real world. If you value human connection, you'll love what we've built.
Huddl is a place where you're celebrated for who you are. No need to compete for the best profile pic here! Simply tag yourself with what defines you: nationality, languages, hobbies, interests, and more. The more, the merrier!
Using our map feature, you can easily find people nearby who share your passions. Say goodbye to endless swiping and hello to connecting with folks right in your area.
Building great friendships shouldn't be a chore, so let's make it easier together. Sign up for our waiting list and take the first step towards creating meaningful offline relationships:
submitted by HerbivorousSage to UlsterUni [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:45 HerbivorousSage Ready to break free from screen time and build meaningful connections? Join our waiting list now and be one of the first to experience Huddl!

Hi there! I'm a second-year Philosophy student who understands how tough it can be to make friends at uni and outside it. With stats showing that today's young adults are projected to spend nearly 90% of their free time staring at screens, I realised we needed to use tech to foster more meaningful interactions.
That's where Huddl comes in. Our app helps you cut down on screen time and create real memories with real people in the real world. If you value human connection, you'll love what we've built.
Huddl is a place where you're celebrated for who you are. No need to compete for the best profile pic here! Simply tag yourself with what defines you: nationality, languages, hobbies, interests, and more. The more, the merrier!
Using our map feature, you can easily find people nearby who share your passions. Say goodbye to endless swiping and hello to connecting with folks right in your area.
Building great friendships shouldn't be a chore, so let's make it easier together. Sign up for our waiting list and take the first step towards creating meaningful offline relationships:
submitted by HerbivorousSage to AberystwythUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:45 Spectre_1983 Jim, Tom, Zach, and Rick... we need to talk.

Alright guys, longtime fan here since 2001, wish it had been sooner.
I've been THINKING, THAT'S ALL. Each of you is a proper ROCK STAR. Ask anybody. Ask my friend CLAIRE! We need new music. I'm going to flip a coin. CALL IT IN THE AIR. Heads or tails and we get new music. It feels like it's been at least SEVENTEEN years since we've had a new album. The idea of new music is as exciting as watching EPISODE IV for the first time or getting that hot girl's DIGITS. I don't mean to act like a CAVEMAN here but without new JEW music, the the WORLD IS STATIC. You guys don't even need to be IN THE SAME ROOM where you normally record music. You guys could record in a ROBOT FACTORY near ANDERSON MESA. It'd be great.
Right now I'm at work next to my TABLE FOR GLASSES listening to LUCKY DENVER MINT thinking about YOUR NEW AESTHETIC. BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU WANT but every day, especially on A SUNDAY, I believe you guys could CRUSH it with a new album. My friend Claire was born on 12.23.95 and when she was TEN, she wanted nothing more than to JUST WATCH THE FIREWORKS but then she found you guys. After hearing your music she said, FOR ME THIS IS HEAVEN. She got a BLISTER from the headphones she wore but she still felt a great deal of CLARITY when she read the lyrics to GOODBYE SKY HARBOR. She says she needs a new album too.
Personally, I BLEED AMERICAN. But I know your music resonates around the world. It's a PRAISE CHORUS and I know right now while you read this in THE MIDDLE of YOUR HOUSE, you can taste the SWEETNESS of the new music. HEAR YOU ME? IF YOU DON'T, DON'T forget to listen. We need you to release some news regarding a new album, or tease us with a new song. We need to GET IT FASTER than it's currently happening. CAUTIONERS might tell you to wait but they have no AUTHORITY. SONG after song after song is what we need. Personally, I need to listen from dawn until MY SUNDOWN.
The FUTURES gonna teach us that what we need is your music. Will it be JUST TONIGHT? I'd WORK hard to get that to happen even if it were to KILL me because THE WORLD YOU LOVE is the same world I love. There is no PAIN when listening to your music. There's no pain because your music is better than any DRUGS OR MEdicine of any kind. It guides me like POLARIS, the northern star that guided ship captains of old and there's NOTHING WRONG with that. I can think of at least 23 reasons why your music is so inspiring.
What I really want you guys to know is that there is no DISINTEGRATION of joy OVER listening to the lyrical genius that is your discography. It brings me CLOSER to inner-peace and makes the world feel at least HALF RIGHT when you release new music.
Look I know it's a gamble to write this post. It feels like I'm standing in a BIG CASINO hoping for the big payout. I just want to LET IT HAPPEN. Regardless of whether you get to read this or not, I will ALWAYS BE grateful for your music. I feel like it says, "I'm here to CARRY YOU through life." It's not like this desire for new music is a choice as if I were standing at a ballot box getting ready to vote. It's not ELECTABLE. GIVE IT UP? I'm not ready to give up hope for a new album any time soon. If it's GOTTA BE SOMEBODY'S BLUES then I'm FEELING LUCKY and I'll take that responsibility of asking for the new album. HERE IT GOES. I'm never too tired to CHASE THIS LIGHT of hope for new music. We need that new album. If its going to be FIREFIGHT to get it done then so be it. I might get DIZZY and black out but I won't give up.
It just takes a little heart to get this thing done. I know a good HEART IS HARD TO FIND. MY BEST THEORY to get new music is rooted in the EVIDENCE of the HIGHER DEVOTION to this cause. It might seem MOVIELIKE, but I'm willing to sacrifice all the COFFEE & CIGARETTES in the whole world to get that new album. STOP waiting for the right time. What are you hoping for? I'm here, I'm now, I'm ready. It's just a LITTLETHING. It doesn't have to be huge. Anything will CUT right through the mundane and bring us all of the action we need. And as you might know, ACTION NEEDS AN AUDIENCE. It's not something I INVENTED. Even if the new album is just a MIXTAPE of your best hits with one or two new titles, that'd be enough.
I really just want to show my APPRECIATION for all the great music. There's no DAMAGE in that is there? I LEAN on those wonderful tunes to get me through the day. It's like reading through a BOOK OF LOVE. And if you're feeling like you've walked away from releasing new albums then I WILL STEAL YOU BACK and help you remember how great your music is. If someone asks you if you're done making albums, PLEASE SAY NO. HOW'D YOU HAVE ME say it? I'd say NO, NEVER! It could never be BYEBYELOVE because your music and YOU WERE GOOD... maybe too good but that's alright with your fans.
YOU WITH ME? It's SURE AND CERTAIN that we'd make a good team. You making the music with me listening. IT MATTERS. Can you imagine seeing the most beautiful graph of the correlation between your music and the joy you bring your fans? All those PRETTY GRIDS? So the new album? PASS THE BABY over here so we can have a listen. I'll GET RIGHT to it. YOU ARE FREE to make your own choices and I'm sure the thought of being done and retiring could feel cathartic. You might think THE END IS BEAUTIFUL. But you have to see THROUGH that. I know I sound like the lyrics from INTEGRITY BLUES. A fool just wants and wants and wants and wants. If I'm a fool then so be it. I'll raise my glass and toast some Champagne Pol Roger to the thought of new music.
Your fans might be here SURVIVING in a world full of CRIMINAL ENERGY as we patiently wait the DELIVERY of new music. At this point, it almost feels more likely to get a call from a 555 number then to hear any news about a new album. If I had ONE MIL dollars, I'd pay it right now. I want the album to go ALL THE WAY. STAY right there and give us the DIAMOND in the rough that we need. LOVE NEVER could be stopped. Love for good music. Love for Jimmy Eat World. So I'll RECOMMIT to asking for new music and hope when it does come I can say with a sincere heart: CONGRATULATIONS.
submitted by Spectre_1983 to JimmyEatWorld [link] [comments]