Pronoun quiz

Alterhuman related articles (mostly therian)

2024.05.17 16:37 Old_Independence1629 Alterhuman related articles (mostly therian)

Thought I'd share and comment on these!
This article contains ALOT of misinformation, and is highly sarcastic. It presents therians as insane, and that it is doing quads and wearing masks. Like, no way! It is mainly centred around the tiktok community, but they did not do their research for this article.
It kind of presents therianthropy negatively. The article itself isn't very informative or opinionated, but the comments oh the mother's reddit post majorly show it to be a 'trend' and very harmful to her daughter, which it isn't.
I actually am OK with this article. It doesn't contain much misinformation, and is unbiased. Yes, it does make it seem like a trend, and only for kids, but overall it isn't hateful.
Reading this pained me so much!!!! Omg I can't lol. Its presenting therians as teens only, and quadrobics, and using litterboxes. No. It also says all furries use litterboxes? Like what- Also this 'Others depict themselves spasming into an animal after "having been idle too long' made me laugh. It was supposed to be a video game quadrobics trend lol. It also says most therians wear gear, which is not true.
Ok... I think this article is ok. It doesn't contain THAT much misinformation, although the therian saying she took a quiz to figure it out killed me inside. Lol
Hmm. The writer is against alterhumanity clearly, and therianthropy is presented as quadrobics, but the people at the wedding mostly found it interesting. It also shows adult alterhumanity for once.
I don't like the doctor's attitude to alterhumanity itself. He does kind of get it right when telling her how to treat them though. Once again, it's presented as a kids fantasy tiktok trend. I do love though that the biological mum is so supportive! <3
Heck no. They relate therianthropy to politics, and purposefully disregard xeir pronouns. Just written by bigots.
Wow. The misinformation in this is wild, even from the alterhumans themselves. Saying therianthropy is quadrobics and gear, it not!!! Also the article itself is very misinformed.
Love this. Explains therianthropy quite well and calls out haters. Shows adults can be therians, and that it doesn't affect their daily life. Also, no mention of quadrobics!
Nooooooooooo what the heck. Written from a homophobic and transphobic viewpoint and misinformation. No no no no NO
What are all of your opinions on these articles? Also let me know if you find any more interesting ones (I love reading them for some reason lol)
Have a great day!!!
submitted by Old_Independence1629 to alterhuman [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 06:45 approachenglish Subject Verb Agreement Quiz MCQ Questions Answers (2024)

Subject Verb Agreement Quiz MCQ Questions Answers (2024)

Understanding the Importance of Subject-Verb Agreement Quiz MCQ

In the world of grammar, subject-verb agreement is super important for getting sentences right.
When subjects and verbs match up correctly in number, whether they're singular or plural, it makes your writing clearer and better. Learning this basic grammar rule can really help you improve your writing and speaking skills.
In this comprehensive article, we delve deeply into subject-verb agreement quiz questions answers, offering invaluable insights, expert guidance, and practical examples to aid you in mastering grammar - Subject Verb Agreement Quiz MCQ Questions Answers (2024).

Common Mistakes in Subject-Verb Agreement

Before we delve into the quiz questions and answers, let's explore some common mistakes people make in subject-verb agreement:
Mismatched Number: Using a plural verb with a singular subject or vice versa is a common mistake. For example, "The mangoes (plural subject) is (singular verb) sour" should be corrected to "The mangoes are sour."
Intervening Phrases: Sometimes, intervening phrases can confuse the subject-verb agreement. For instance, "The dog, along with the cats, are playing" should be "The dog, along with the cats, is playing."
Collective Nouns: Collective nouns, though singular in form, require singular verbs. For example, "The team is practicing" is correct, not "The team are practicing."
Indefinite Pronouns: Indefinite pronouns such as "everyone," "somebody," or "each" are singular and should be paired with singular verbs. For instance, "Everyone loves their job" should be "Everyone loves his or her job."

2024 Subject-Verb Agreement Quiz: MCQs and Answers:

2024 Subject-Verb Agreement Quiz: Assess Your Subject-Verb Agreement Proficiency Today! Test your comprehension with a variety of interactive quiz questions, and evaluate your mastery by selecting the correct answers.

Test Your Subject-Verb Agreement Skills Now!

submitted by approachenglish to u/approachenglish [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 23:38 Wild_Butterscotch977 Theylor: a collection of major evidence

Theylor: a collection of major evidence
I’ve been eagerly awaiting the day someone makes a masterpost of theylor evidence but eventually I got tired of waiting and was too excited about the idea, so I decided to make it myself. I pulled together things I thought of myself and also culled information from past posts and comments that discussed it. I’m interested in hearing what evidence people think should be added to this collection. I tried to credit things that I found from other posts, but please let me know if I missed something and I’ll credit.
So first, what is theylor? Theylor is the theory that Taylor is gender expansive. Just like gaylor doesn’t necessarily prescribe what brand of queer taylor is, theylor doesn’t necessarily prescribe a specific gender identity. There are many possibilities including nonbinary, genderfluid, genderqueer, transmasc, bigender, etc. Although I don’t argue for any specific label – because we don’t know – I do discuss quite a bit the idea of a masc or male side versus a femme or female side, because I think a lot of evidence suggests that.
A note on pronouns: I spent a while trying to decide if I should use they/them pronouns. It felt appropriate given that this is a theylor post, and as a nonbinary person myself who uses they/them pronouns, I kind of wanted to. But not all gender expansive people use they/them pronouns, and as I stated above, there are many categories and labels that she could fall under. Moreover, “theylor” isn’t the theory that she specifically uses they/them pronouns – it’s the theory that she’s gender expansive, and that could include a variety of possibilities regarding pronouns. For instance, genderfluid and bigender people often switch back and forth between he/him and she/her or use both; some might additionally use they/them and some might not. Ultimately I took my cues from Taylor Nation who uses she/her pronouns for Taylor. As far as we know those are her stated pronouns and I chose to respect that.
Another important note: I want to say from the start that I fully recognize that some of this evidence can also be read as masc lesbian/wlw. That’s completely valid. But there are certain things that can’t fit so easily into that category. So I hope that skeptics will consider this with the same view that gaylors take with gaylor evidence: that certain things in isolation perhaps can be explained away, but the collective mountain of evidence is much harder to ignore.
Here we go.

Midnight Rain
On Midnight Rain Taylor synthed her voice so it sounds like it’s male, which alternates with her regular voice. This male voice is still singing from her POV, because they repeat the exact same chorus lyrics, so it doesn’t seem as if it’s intended to be an imitation of a duet involving two different people. Instead it sounds like the masc and femme sides of her are both chiming in.
The lyrics themselves can also be interpreted as theylor-coded.
He wanted a bride / I was making my own name / Chasing that fame
The hidden male side of her wanted to unite with the rest of her so she could be her authentic self, but she desired fame and to achieve all these dreams – and knew that to do so she’d have to hide away that male or genderqueer part of herself.

Using men as mirror images of herself in music videos: Style, Willow, and Fortnight
Style mv
There could be an entire theylor post devoted to the Style mv alone because it’s so loud. It has some of the most explicit and extensive theylor evidence of any mv she’s ever made.
Both Taylor and the male lead hold up mirrored shards to their face, and the other person is reflected back. For example, the man holds up a shard to his mouth and Taylor’s mouth appears instead. This suggests that they are two sides of the same person.
There are also several instances where her image gets cracked and fractured. In most of these she’s alone; in the one scene where the man can be seen as well, they’re not interacting and they look like they’re in two separate places. The cracking of the surface of these images indicates that when they’re separated, her true self is fractured, broken, and incomplete.
screenshots from Style: holding up mirrors and cracked images
Images of the man are superimposed on her face, hands, and body; and images of Taylor are superimposed on him as well. There’s a particularly interesting scene where we first see her face, and then she raises her hands so they cover her face, and the man’s face appears superimposed on her hands, echoing the mirror shard images.
In a similar vein, there are a couple different scenes where the man is looking out at the ocean from within her silhouetted body and head. In conjunction with the other scenes, this suggests the man lives within her.
One of the most explicit scenes is when the man is driving a car, and he looks in the rearview mirror and we see that it’s actually Taylor driving.
screenshots from Style: superimposed images and Taylothe man driving
Lastly, the actor playing the male, Dominic Sherwood, has heterochromia, which is when someone is born with two different eye colors. I think he was chosen for this role deliberately, and that the two eye colors might represent two different sides of her gender identity. This is supported by another scene where his eyes are superimposed on her outstretched arms, one on each side.
screenshots from Style: heterochromia
All these examples suggest that she and the man are the same person – male and female in the same body.

Willow mv
Willow contains a series of scenes where a man mirrors her in different ways.
First, Taylor looks into the water and sees a man reflected back where her own reflection should be. This is one of the clearest pieces of visual evidence in support of theylor, similar to the rearview mirror example in Style.
Willow mv: looking in the water and a man is her reflection
She plays with the child-male version of herself and then he disappears and she’s sad and confused. There’s a great deal of evidence suggested in the following sections of references to her losing or being separated from her male side.
Willow screenshots: playing with the boy and then he disappears
There are multiple scenes where they hold their hands up to each other like they are mirror images, and then at the end they clasp hands and walk out together into the daylight.
Willow screenshots: holding her hand up to the man's and then they walk out together

Fortnight mv
The theory that Taylor and Post Malone are the same person was brilliantly covered by u/18hundreds in this post; she has his tattoos, they wear the same clothes, etc. However I disagree with that post’s conclusion that male figure represents the public Taylor, the clean version that she presents to the world. Rather, I think that Post Malone represents the male or masc side she’s hiding.
One of the most important scenes is when Taylor is given pills from a bottle labeled “FORGET HIM” and the bottle shows dates covering her whole life, from her birth to the date that the music video was published. Since it starts from birth, this certainly can’t represent forgetting a dude she dated. However I think it also can’t represent the public Taylor because there was no public Taylor the day she was born, nor was there for several years after that. However, if she sensed that she was born with a masc side or a male inside of her, and she was socialized to be and act like a girl, and instinctively understood that she had to hide that queer male part of herself, then the dates make more sense.
Additionally, the two streams of lesbian-flag and gay-flag colored light that float out of the two typewriters and become an explosion of white when they meet may represent both the masc and femme sides of her that are equally contributing to her work. When they are united, when she is whole, is when she is strongest.
Fortnight screenshots: Forget him pills and the streams of light
Lastly, there’s a callback to the Style mv, where the sheets of paper are shaped like her silhouette and she and the masc version of herself are lying in the middle. This mirrors the Style scene where the man appears inside of her head.
Fortnight and Style screenshots that echo each other

Me! music video
Right at the line “and there’s a lot of lame guys out there” there are several different men falling from the sky. Among them is Taylor. Credit for this is u/Front-Inevitable7767 here.
Taylor falling in Me!
The suit and hairstyle in one of the scenes is also extremely masculine:
Me! screenshot: taylor in a suit
Even more interestingly, she alternates masc and femme outfits in the mv, starting with ultra femme in the white skirt, then the masc yellow suit, then the femme pink dress, then the suit and shorts cowboy boots combination, and ending with the femme paint dress:
Alternating masc and femme outfits in Me!

You Need to Calm Down music video
One of the first scenes is of a framed painting with the quote, “Mom, I am a rich man.” Though this is a Cher quote, it’s also extremely theylor-coded.
YNTCD screenshot: Mom I'm a rich man

Mean music video
In the Mean mv, Joey King is wearing a dress with a blue bow and isn’t accepted by all the other girls wearing pink bows. This might symbolize the masc side of Taylor not being accepted by society or in the music industry. There are many other ways that Taylor could have visualized a girl not fitting in with other girls. But she specifically distinguished them using only colors that are widely considered representation for the two binary genders.
Joey King in Mean and the blue and pink bows
In the mv for I Can See You, in the hall where Taylor’s old outfits are locked in glass closets, the young girl’s dress with the blue bow appears again:
Same dress in ICSY
This suggests that her masc side is closeted along with her gay side.

The Man
Both the song and mv. An entire work about if she was a man. Performed in full drag.
The use of ‘was’ versus ‘were’ in “if I was a man” is interesting. I’m not certain how much stock to put in this one because of the scene in Miss Americana where she’s writing this line and she goes back and forth between them, seemingly based solely on how they sound. But they have two different usages in proper English grammar.
Sourcing from the page on this, “if I was” is used when it’s a situation that could have happened. “If I were” is used for a situation that could never happen, an imaginary scenario, something that couldn’t ever be true.
If you consider her to be cis, then she’s using the wrong one. In that case it should have been “if I were a man” because it’s an imaginary and hypothetical situation. But she used “if I was a man,” indicating a situation that could have happened.

Taylor Nation called her “The Man”
TN calls her \"The Man\"

Although I’m trying to keep this whole post muse-free because muses aren’t all that relevant to theylor, I wanted to include this comparison between the Delicate scene where Taylor gets on the train to Dianna’s performance on The Killer’s mv for “Just Another Girl,” because I suspect this is being referenced based on the similarities. And most relevant to theylor: Dianna is in drag.
Taylor in Delicate and Dianna in drag in Just Another Girl

I Bet You Think About Me
There was a great analysis by u/Sea_Dress_8957 that the groom in the mv represents Taylor and her masc side, and that in the song she’s talking to herself. I won’t rehash the evidence that’s already listed in that post, but one thing to add is in the mv’s opening scene with all the men lined up at the urinals, one of them is wearing a skirt, certainly implying gender nonconformity and possibly genderqueerness too.
This comment by u/SubwayGirlsInTheMan in that post also points out that the groom and The Man are wearing the same shoes, further connecting these two mvs, in addition to the halos around the groom’s head and the Man’s head.

Ready For It? and the two Taylors
In RFI, the two Taylors hold up their hands to each other, echoing the scenes in Willow with the man:
RFI screenshot that was echoed in Willow scenes
The two Taylors, which appear in more videos than just RFI, have been discussed a lot. They are usually taken to represent the public Taylor versus the private Taylor. But from a theylor perspective they can also symbolize the masc and femme sides of her, and her struggle to reconcile and unite the two. If Willow is visualizing that with the way their hands are held up to each other on either side of glass, then the fact that the two Taylors did the exact same motion in RFI is interesting.
The two Taylors also reminds me of the very gay, very masc outfit she wore as she exited the stadium after the Eras tour in Vegas. The vibe of the outfit is a stark contrast to the costumes in the tour and some of the outfits she wears on pap walks, and I always think of it when considering theylor.

The Joker and the Queen King
The lyric video for Ed Sheeran’s “The Joker and the Queen” shows Taylor wearing the king’s crown.

Fearless TV cover
On the OG Fearless cover, Taylor’s wearing a white dress and looking to her right. But on the TV version, she’s wearing a shirt that looks very similar to Romeo’s shirt in Love Story, and she’s also looking in the opposite direction, to her left. By doing this she’s rewriting the Fearless narrative to position herself as a man, Romeo, and creating a visual distinction from the very femme OG cover.
Fearless TV cover and Romeo

Phoebe Bridgers called Taylor “king” in an interview, then did it again on an Instagram story. Gracie Abrams also called her “king.” Note that Taylor also called Lana “king” which might take away from this theory but there’s a lot of masc words being tossed around nonetheless.

“A Girl Named Girl”
As a 14 year old, Taylor wrote a novel called “A Girl Named Girl” about a mother who wanted a son but got a daughter instead. Seemingly a whole book about gender and disappointing a parent.

US census comments
In 2020, Taylor made comments on a video where she was angry that the US census only had male and female options, saying how upsetting “the erasure of trans and nonbinary people” was to her. Video can be found at the 11:28 timestamp.

The male perspective
She writes and sings from the male perspective in a lot of songs, including betty, dorothea, Mine, Our song, Love Story, and Speak Now.

She wrote herself as James in betty (which gaylors were already confident about) and then she went and confirmed it during the TTPD clue hunt in lyrics by capitalizing ME in “jaMEs” when there were other M’s in the preceding words that she could have used instead.

Named after a man
She was named after James Taylor and likes to talk about that.

She’s the Heartbreak Prince
She’s the Heartbreak Prince. The lyric goes, “It’s you and me…Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince.” In English, the order of the pronouns in the first clause reference the respective order of their subjects. So the ‘you’ is Miss Americana and the 'me” is the Heartbreak Prince.

She wrote an unreleased song around the age of 13 called “Mandolin,” about a guy who plays the mandolin. It was written almost entirely in third person using he/him pronouns. But in the outro of the song she reveals she’s the man when she says “I’m the guy who plays the mandolin.”

Congressman in Anti-Hero
She’s a congressman, not a congresswoman.
Did you hear my covert narcissism / I disguised as altruism, like some kind of congressMAN.
The line actually would have been more balanced if she had used congresswoman because then it would have had the same number of syllables as both “narcissism” and “altruism” but she chose to use congressman instead.

There could also be a whole post analyzing Willow lyrics through a theylor lens.
The more that you say / The less I know / Wherever you stray I follow / I'm begging for you to take my hand / Wreck my plans / That's my man
The more her male side presents himself – the stronger he grows inside her head – the more confused she is about her identity. But she follows him anyway because that’s the way her authentic self lies. She wants him to take her over, to embrace her queer self, and thus wreck all the plans she had for her career which require her to closet. That’s my man, she says. She says it exactly 13 times in the song.
The original voice memo of willow is very close to the final version, however there’s an interesting change. The very last phrase in the song replaces “that’s my man” with “that’s my myth.” This is at 3:33 in the linked video.
The definition of myth from wikipedia: “Myth is a genre of folklore or theology consisting primarily of narratives that play a fundamental role in a society, such as foundational tales or origin myths.”
Her man is part of her origin story.
Now this is an open-shut case / Guess I should've known from the look on your face / Every bait and switch was a work of art
Now that her identity is clear to her, she realizes in retrospect that she should have seen it all along. She was an egg and now she’s cracked. Every time her man surfaced to lure her in, ultimately made her who she is.

Dear Reader
So I wander through these nights / I prefer hiding in plain sight / My fourth drink in my hand / these desperate prayers of a cursed man
One of the clearest instances of her referring to herself as a man. And the statement is all the more stark and meaningful by existing in the same line as her telling us she hides in plain sight. Probably the most honest line in her entire oeuvre and she calls herself a man in it.
On the first night in Tokyo at the Eras tour, Dear Reader was one of the surprise songs. And in this performance she changed the lyric in this line to “these restless tears of a cursed man.” Both gaylor- and theylor-coded. Tears because she can’t be her true self. The restless man wandering in the closet.

Cowboy Like Me
Calling herself a cowboy. I think this one is obvious.

Teardrops On My Guitar
And there he goes, so perfectly, the kind of flawless I wish I could be
Interesting that it’s the guy in the song that she wishes she could be like.

Tim McGraw
When you think Tim McGraw, I hope you think of me” is theylor-coded to begin with. When you think of a man, I hope you think about me.
But her original lyrics had a slightly different version of this line that makes the theylor of it all go even harder: “When you think Tim McGraw, I hope you think me” (instead of “hope you think OF me”). This seems to take it to the next level: in the final version Tim McGraw reminds the muse of her, but in the original, she’s actually standing in for him.
“Tim McGraw” was also interpolated into “cowboy like me”, thus connecting the songs.

The Story of Us
“The Story of Us” was referenced in the TTPD installation as a notebook with a huge “US” lettered on it. It turns out it was an easter egg (lol obv) because the same notebook appeared in the Fortnight mv. The original song may or may not have intended theylor clues, but in retrospect the lyrics seem quite coded, especially in light of the appearance in the Fortnight mv, which I theorized above was about two versions of herself, the male and the female.
And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now / And we're not speaking and I'm dying to know / Is it killing you like it's killing me?
The story of “us” is her male side having to be hidden away and closeted; that’s her tragedy. They’re “not speaking” because she has to live separately from that part of herself.

Tried to change the ending / Peter losing Wendy, I / I knew you
I think she’s both Peter and Wendy in this line, representing the two sides. Peter is alone in the closet while Wendy, her femme side, is exposed to the world. Peter is left behind because she can’t be her complete self.
This also fits perfectly with the song Peter.

“Peter” seems to be a callback to the Cardigan reference. The whole song can be read through a theylor lens.
Forgive me, Peter /My lost fearless leader / In closets like cedar / Preserved from when we were just kidsSaid you were gonna grow up / Then you were gonna come find me
Peter is her male side that she had to hide away in a closet, specifically a cedar closet. Ceder closets are used to preserve clothes, because the smell that cedar wood gives off repels the bugs that eat holes in clothing. She’s had to keep that side of herself in the cedar closet so he’s preserved for later when they’re at the point that they can be united.
The “fearless leader” phrase is also a callback to The Man, “I’d be a fearless leader,” which deepens the theylor connection.
There’ve also been some other analyses of Peter through a trans lens.

But Daddy I Love Him
BDILH has major theylor undertones. The entire song can be interpreted as a metaphor for wanting to others to accept a gender identity that’s different from the one they think you should have.
The bridge is particularly coded:
God save the most judgmental creeps / Who say they want what's best for me / Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see / Thinking it can change the beat / Of my heart when he touches me / And counteract the chemistry / And undo the destiny / You ain't gotta pray for me / Me and my wild boy
This could refer to the desire to embrace her male side, her wild boy. That the idea of uniting with him and being her authentic self – her destiny – is what makes her heart beat. Them being together is, for her, the ultimate chemistry.

Down Bad
Similar to BDILH, Down Bad also is very theylor. Some select lines:
"What if I can't have him" / "I might just die, it would make no difference" / Down bad / waking up in blood / Staring at the sky, come back and pick me up / What if I can't have us
She feels like she might die if she can’t be with her male side.
They'll say I'm nuts if I talk about the existence of you
This line is particularly loud to me. What romantic interest (gay or straight) is so ridiculous that people say she’s nuts for talking about that person’s very existence? It makes far more sense that she’d think people think her nuts if she talks about a male or masc person who lives within her. Her twin.
Like I lost my twin / What if I can't have him
Similar to the above line, it’s a little odd to refer to a romantic interest as your twin. Not impossible, given she’s likely dated three blonde women who all vaguely look like her, but combined with the other lines, I think this is theylor-coded. What if she can never be united with the male twin within her.
There might also be a twin connection in “The Albatross”, because male and female albatrosses are essentially identical. Credit for this is u/1DMod here.
I'll build you a fort on some planet / Where they can all understand it
Obviously queer-coded in general, but I’d argue that being gender expansive today is less accepted than having a queer sexual orientation. There’s undoubtedly a significant number of homophobes who don’t like gay people, but there are massive quantities of people who flat out deny the existence altogether of trans and gender expansive people. So the idea of escaping to another planet where our identities are understood and accepted and normalized is very theylor-coded.
She also alternates saying “Fuck it if I can’t have us” and “Fuck it if I can’t have him” throughout the whole song. And she says “if I can’t have him” 13 times throughout the song, similar to the way she says “That’s my man” 13 times in Willow.

Guilty as Sin
Another song I could do a whole theylor analysis on.
This cage was once just fine / Am I allowed to cry? / I dream of cracking locks / Throwing my life to the wolves / Or the ocean rocks / Crashing into him tonight / He's a paradox / I'm seeing visions, am I bad? / Or mad? Or wise?
The cage is her male side being closeted and the pain that entails. She dreams of breaking the lock on the cage and letting him out so they can be united, which would mean, she fears, tossing out everything she’s worked for.
It’s easy to see how having both a male and female side could be construed as a paradox. Wondering if she’s crazy, if she’s bad, or just wise are emotions that are common to people trying to figure out their gender identity.
Without ever touching his skin / How can I be guilty as sin?
He’s not a person who she can touch. He’s a person who lives within her. Struggling with religious guilt around this makes a lot of sense.

I Hate It Here
Tell me something awful / Like you are a poet trapped inside the body of a finance guy
This is both trans-coded and theylor-coded, the idea of being trapped in a body you don’t identify with, or feeling different on the inside than you present on the outside.

Orlando by Virginia Woolf
In this novel, the main character, Orlando, transitions genders. This amazing post by u/AliceStanleyJr discusses some of the Taylor connections. In the novel, Orlando wrote a book called “The Oak Tree”; Taylor once compared her skin to oak tree bark, and she also performs Champagne Problems under an oak tree. Additionally, a comment by u/onemore_folkmore on that post pointed out that one of the Taymojis for “Tim McGraw'' is an acorn and underneath it says “Acorns don’t grow on acorn trees, they grow on oak trees.”
Some of the taymoji's for Tim McGraw, including an acorn
There are other Virginia Woolf connections, like this post by u/PomegranateNo3155 which links a short story to the carnations line in Maroon.

thanK you aIMee
I’m not sure who the first person to discover this was because I think I saw it on one of the megathreads, but u/-periwinkle reminded me that when you googled “thank you aimee” when the song first came out, the top result was a memorial page for the trans activist Aimee Stephens.

A Place in This World
A song about feeling alone, feeling different from others, and trying to figure out who she is. It’s sad the way she repeats “Oh, I’m just a girl,” over and over, like she’s forlorn to think of herself as just a girl.

Big reputation, big reputation / Ooh, you and me, we'd be a big conversation, ah
If she came out as gender expansive, it’d be a HUGE conversation.
I wanna be your endgame / I wanna be your first string / I wanna be your A-Team
This could be read as the endgame to unite with her male side and finally be complete.

I Did Something Bad
There was a great post from an anon who did a transmasc analysis of IDSB and interpreted “They're burning all the witches even if you aren't one” as Taylor saying she’s not a witch, and thus not a woman, since she often uses witches as a metaphor for femininity. There’s a lot of other analysis so the whole post is worth reading.

I Think He Knows
I think he knows his hands around / A cold glass / Make me wanna know that body / Like it's mine
This could be interpreted as she wants to pretend she has a male body. It has similarities to the Teardrops On My Guitar line above.

Cosmo quiz
In the 2014 Cosmo quiz, she said, “If I were a boy for a day the first thing I’d do is be the best boyfriend EVER.” Definitely gaylor-coded but there are theylor overtones as well and is consistent with other evidence of her expressing jealousy towards men.

Acting Like a Boy
This is the name of an unreleased song that Taylor apparently wrote for Fearless.

Other Theylor posts
I wanted to close with links to some past theylor-related posts from this sub. If there are other good ones I missed, please let me know and I’ll add them.
submitted by Wild_Butterscotch977 to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 15:36 lovirtaa Questioning if I am genderfae or just a slighty confused cis girl bc gender is a social construct.

First of all, I think it's important to mention that I'm autistic, so social norms don't always make sense to me. I'm very girly, I like cute and soft fashion, pastel colors (mostly periwinkle, lavender, baby blue, baby pink and white), I present very feminine and I like to be perceived as a girl. However, I feel like even though I'm a girl, I'm also something else? And I identify with a lot of non binary stuff, such as songs about being non binary or gender I feel that I'm a bit of both? But mostly a girl still?
I don't use they/them pronouns bc they made me confused as I never knew when people were referring to me, but I feel like I could use some neopronouns that I have found online. I'm saying all this even though I know gender and pronouns doesn't necessarily have to align perfectly.
Another thing is that I hate the idea of being perceived as a boy or masculine and I've always made a conscious effort to look as girly, cute and pretty as possible (not saying that boys can't be cute and pretty), no one ever said anything about me not looking feminine enough, it's just an uncomfortable feeling that I've developed on my own while growing up.
I don't personally feel like my gender fluctuates a lot, it's more like I'm a bit of both always, sometimes more a girl and sometimes I just exist? lol Although I'm also aware that both gender and sexuality are intrinsically fluid (at least in my opinion).
Anyway, by the way I feel about gender, would I be considered genderfae or even a demigirl or something else entirely? Am I genderfae or is gender just weird or both?
Adding that I do feel comfortable being grouped with women, . For example if an app, quiz or research is asking my gender and the only options are: male, female and non binary, I will always pick female, but I feel it doesn't completely define my identity, like something is missing, but since I feel mostlh like a girl and use she/her, it just makes more sense to go with female when options are limited and I still don't confident enough in my identity to choose other, if the option is available, and type genderfae, especially since it's not a very well-known gender indentity.
submitted by lovirtaa to Genderfae [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:12 Random_Imgur_User Does anyone else get more irritated when people constantly draw attention to your pronouns rather than when people mistakingly use the wrong ones?

I use they/them, but I understand that the majority of the population just instinctively genders everything. I wish that wasn't true, but it's just the world we live in for now. I think I might lean more into she/they as HRT does it's thing and I start to pass eaiser, but until then I pick my battles and people seem to have an easier time with they/them, despite how often they mess it up.
That said, it's not them messing up that really irritates me. I've spent 99% of my life as a begrudging he/him so it's not like I hear it as a slur or anything. What DOES irritate me is when people misgender me by accident, catch themselves, and then pause the WHOLE CONVERSATION to give me some kind of apology and defensive statement for their reasonings and short comings. I know people who do this to me on a daily basis.
Like, I appreciate the sentiment, but when you constantly draw attention to how you're struggling with my pronouns, all you're doing it reinforcing the dysphoria I have surrounding them. You're literally apologizing for me not fitting your definition of androgyny/femininity at a glance.
I don't think I really need to get into why that sucks to constantly be hit with. Like if you want to correct yourself, just do it briefly, apologize if you want to, and let's keep talking. I'm a person, not a quiz on your progressiveness.
Just wanted to see if anyone else felt this way about it.
submitted by Random_Imgur_User to trans [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 22:41 move-im-a-gay My professor can’t get my name right

On the first day of class I was extremely masc presenting and because I am still legally bound to my birth name when he asked for my name I gave him my deadname(with much hesitation) and he was like “hm do you go by a different name? What is it” and then immediately I was excited and so I told him the name I go by and how I identify and everything. Well after that he has never gendered or named me correctly despite my small attempts like sending him an email writing my pronouns on my quizzes and once I just wrote my last name on my quiz and he filled it with my dead name. I understand That he probably forgot but it still hurts me a lot and it’s very upsetting .
submitted by move-im-a-gay to FTMventing [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 00:35 GuyManNGL Brett is right about the Nonbinary situation

Honestly, I kind of hate that I have to write this, but here is a post I created that I think is exactly how Brett and I feel about nonbinary. (Of course I had to keep it respectful)
I want to preface this by saying that I support the LGBT community (to a certain degree) and that I am in no way hating on anyone.
OK, a few years ago I got told often that I resembled a boy because I was tall and broad and good at sports. By doing that, people kept mentioning how I should be one because I would play the role better. It confused the hell out of me because I was 12. So I ended up shaving my head. People all thought I was a boy so I finally agreed and started using he/him pronouns. Eventually I realized I was wrong and started going by non-Binary pronouns. I did this for a while and then I felt sad. In this moment of time, I was in a Gay community club where everyone was part of LGBTQ+. It was all females. We started out 90% allies (myself included) and then slowly every girl in that room ended up "DISCOVERING" that they were non-Binary or Queer. Then the summer hit. Finally, I was out of school and that club, and I finally put two and two together.
I wasn't non-Binary, none of those girls were. We were "Pick-Me". Basically, it stems from wanting the attention of other people, wanting to be different in some way. By being something other than girly, we were peeking other peoples interests and differentiating our selves from "Other Girls". We almost thought ourselves cooler because we weren't like the rest. That's when I looked into the whole concept of Non-Binary and realized it was stupid and ridiculous and even Hypocritical.
Here is the definition of Non-Binary: A nonbinary person identifies with a gender outside of “the male-female gender binary”
The issue I have is with the community and their concept of sexism and prejudice's that just don't work. For example, they say it is sexist to make a stereotype about a gender. Like, women typically like the color pink more than men. And they say that it is a bad prejudice. And yet, they say that Nonbinary is when you don't identify with gender norms such as Male or Female. But I thought we weren't allowed to make assumptions about gender? How can we say that we aren't like a woman or a man if we cant stereotype what that is?
On another point, why does gender have to define you? I thought it was EMPOWERING for a woman to do a mans typical job, but if she does, we now identify her as nonbinary or a man. Why cant she just be a powerful women? Why does what is behind your clothes matter so much? Why do we have to change that?
I now am out of that soul sucking cult (JK, it just ruined my high school reputation), and happily identify as a girl.
To those who currently identify as Nonbinary, here is a paragraph for you.
I mean no hate, I was where you are now. Its time to wake up though. It is not quirky, it does not make you special, and its ok to be a girl or boy. As an outsider (of the community), I have realized that everyone thinks you are a pick me and it is surely not what you want for yourself. Anytime you mention your pronouns to someone, we aren't thinking how that is new, or unique, we are cringing. Really badly cringing. Also we are going to assume you have badly dyed green hair, glasses, overweight and probably fakes disorders. Listen, sometimes the truth hurts and I want you to please consider.
Here is a test to see if you are a pick me:
I do still think we should treat others well, even if they do have crazy pronouns and genders. Everyone is human, and most of the time, it is a phase. Most of those girls I was in the club with have now re-identified as Female. I do believe that it isn't the pick ME's fault and it is that of people who have convinced them to be insecure in their femininity or masculinity.
I don't want hate, feel free to inform me (politely please) and have a lovely day!
submitted by GuyManNGL to BrettCooper [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 00:27 GuyManNGL Non Binary = Confusion

I want to preface this by saying that I support the LGBT community and that I am in no way hating on anyone.
OK, a few years ago I got told often that I resembled a boy because I was tall and broad and good at sports. By doing that, people kept mentioning how I should be one because I would play the role better. It confused the hell out of me because I was 12. So I ended up shaving my head. People all thought I was a boy so I finally agreed and started using he/him pronouns. Eventually I realized I was wrong and started going by non-Binary pronouns. I did this for a while and then I felt sad. In this moment of time, I was in a Gay community club where everyone was part of LGBTQ+. It was all females. We started out 90% allies (myself included) and then slowly every girl in that room ended up "DISCOVERING" that they were non-Binary or Queer. Then the summer hit. Finally, I was out of school and that club, and I finally put two and two together.
I wasn't non-Binary, none of those girls were. We were "Pick-Me". Basically, it stems from wanting the attention of other people, wanting to be different in some way. By being something other than girly, we were peeking other peoples interests and differentiating our selves from "Other Girls". We almost thought ourselves cooler because we weren't like the rest. That's when I looked into the whole concept of Non-Binary and realized it was stupid and ridiculous and even Hypocritical.
Here is the definition of Non-Binary: A nonbinary person identifies with a gender outside of “the male-female gender binary”
The issue I have is with the community and their concept of sexism and prejudice's that just don't work. For example, they say it is sexist to make a stereotype about a gender. Like, women typically like the color pink more than men. And they say that it is a bad prejudice. And yet, they say that Nonbinary is when you don't identify with gender norms such as Male or Female. But I thought we weren't allowed to make assumptions about gender? How can we say that we aren't like a woman or a man if we cant stereotype what that is?
On another point, why does gender have to define you? I thought it was EMPOWERING for a woman to do a mans typical job, but if she does, we now identify her as nonbinary or a man. Why cant she just be a powerful women? Why does what is behind your clothes matter so much? Why do we have to change that?
I now am out of that soul sucking cult (JK, it just ruined my high school reputation), and happily identify as a girl.
To those who currently identify as Nonbinary, here is a paragraph for you.
I mean no hate, I was where you are now. Its time to wake up though. It is not quirky, it does not make you special, and its ok to be a girl or boy. As an outsider (of the community), I have realized that everyone thinks you are a pick me and it is surely not what you want for yourself. Anytime you mention your pronouns to someone, we aren't thinking how that is new, or unique, we are cringing. Really badly cringing. Also we are going to assume you have badly dyed green hair, glasses, overweight and probably fakes disorders. Listen, sometimes the truth hurts and I want you to please consider.
Here is a test to see if you are a pick me:
I do still think we should treat others well, even if they do have crazy pronouns and genders. Everyone is human, and most of the time, it is a phase. Most of those girls I was in the club with have now re-identified as Female. I do believe that it isn't the pick ME's fault and it is that of people who have convinced them to be insecure in their femininity or masculinity.
I don't want hate, feel free to inform me (politely please) and have a lovely day!
submitted by GuyManNGL to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 14:04 el-SayedR Special Problems in Pronoun Usage

📖 Struggling with pronouns? Our guide on **Special Problems in Pronoun Usage** is here to help! Learn the nuances of appositives and the tricky 'who' vs 'whom' with our clear examples and tips. 🤓
👉 Take the quiz and become a pronoun pro today!
#GrammarGuide #PronounsDemystified #ELATeachers #LanguageLovers #WritingCommunity #GrammarTips #EnglishGrammar #LearnEnglish #Education
submitted by el-SayedR to u/el-SayedR [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 07:15 lukmapache [F4M] popular GF shows you off [megadere] [gushing over] [excited] [wholesome] [reaffirmation] [popular speaker X Shy listener] An ASMR script by Luk Mapache.

It's okay to record, post and monetize (as long as you don't put it behind a paywall), just credit me.
Feel free to tweak it, change the roles and pronouns, correct my orthography, just don't change it too much.
Feedback is appreciated.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god”
“I’m late, I’m late, I’m late”
“I’m so late, I can’t believe it”
“I told him to not be late today and I'm the one who is late”
“All right, made it, where is he? Let’s see”
“There he is, he is fidgeting is he nervous?”
“Hey there cutie, you here alone?”
“he he he”
“Oh, don’t blush baby, I’m sorry, I just wanted to see your reaction”
“Sorry I’m late I was so excited for today that I could sleep so I stayed up watching cute videos, did you see the one I sent you? Wasn't it super cute?”
“Oh, well I guess that makes sense since I sent it at like 3 AM”
“Hmmm? yes, this your denim jacket, thanks for noticing”
“You didn’t lose it, I had it”
“Because I hid it last time you came over”
“don’t be mad, I was going to give it back, besides it looks great with this dress”
“of course, I dressed nicely for today, today is important”
“Today is the day we tell everyone we are dating”
“The days of meeting in the back of the building and passing notes to each other will be over”
“Well, I'll miss the notes, but I will definitely not miss you pretending not to see me when I wave at you in the hall, what was with that?”
“It doesn’t matter, after today we’ll be able to walk holding hands and have lunch together and kiss in the middle of the hallway and...”
“You are having second thoughts? Why?”
“Baby, you know I don’t care what they think, well obviously I would be upset if my friends didn’t like you, but only them, everyone else I don’t care”
“You are smart, funny and so so cute and the best boyfriend in the world”
“Besides... they want to introduce me to some guy, my friends I mean, they been insisting on it”
“of course, I don’t want to meet them, however that is he isn’t better than you”
“I just said it, you are the best”
“You have been since before we were even together”
“Like that one time we had that pop quiz, and I didn’t have an eraser and I didn’t want to ask for one, but you realized and just put it on my desk without saying a word, I thought you were so cool then”
“Then you told me it was because you were too nervous to talk, which is so cute, and I love it”
“Or that time we shared an umbrella like in those cartoons you like”
“They are cartoons, we’ve been through this”
“The point is you have been amazing this past 6 months, I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend, like seriously, babe you are the one settling for me here”
“Really? Oh babe I... Hey, don’t call me beautiful right now, I'm the one praising you right now”
“don’t start with the recap of the things you like about me, that’s my thing”
“don’t say you love me more, if we start an I love you more contest right now, that will take hours and we are not going to have time for me to show you off to everyone, I mean, introduce you as my boyfriend”
“And we are going to be late for class which is also bad”
“Besides I so obviously love you more”
“Now, let’s go”
(SFX: hallway noises, cheerful place)
“Hey!!! Good morning, everyone!!!”
“Why am I locking arms with him? Because he is my boyfriend”
“Sorry, would love to stay and chat but I have to show my boyfriend to everyone, so bye”
“let´s see, someone I know, oh there”
“Hey, you knew my boyfriend, right?”
“Yes, we are dating now, wanted you to know, bye”
“Hey, you, this is my boyfriend”
“Babe, we don’t have time to chat we have to go”
“a simple wave is enough”
“Hey hey, My boyfriend here”
“Hey this is my boyfriend”
“My boyfriend”
“Did I show him to you yet? No? Well, look at him”
“This is my boyfriend”
“Yes, I have to tell everyone, we discussed this, now let’s go look for my friends, then your friends...”
“Fine, your one friend”
“The guy we just passed was him?”
“Well then he already knows”
“Then my ex and yours, and then all the girls that mentioned kinda liking you and then...? do you have anyone you dislike?”
“Yes, we have to tell those people too”
“It might not matter to you, but it does to me”
“But first my friends, they are going to be so jelly”
“What was that?”
“Yeah, there’s a bunch of girls that find you cute, didn’t you know?”
“Well too bad for them, I won”
-later on, on the school cafeteria-
(SFX: chattering)
(deep breaths) “here we go, don’t be nervous, they’ll love you, I love you”
“You wait here and look pretty, I’m gonna go prepare them for the news, big reveal and all, ahh I’m also a little nervous”
(SFX: footsteps)
“Hey girls”
“what’s up? nothing much, actually there is something I wanted to tell you all, what if I, hypothetically, were secretly dating someone for the past six months, would that be cool with you?”
“Yes? That's good... because I totally am and have been for six months now, and I can finally tell you!!!”
“Who is he? Let me go get him”
“Is him!!!!”
“isn’t he cute?”
“Say something... please...”
-later on, while walking home-
“hiuff, I knew they were going to love you, but I didn’t think it would go that well”
“Babe, why did you never tell me that they knew you already?”
“You knew them separately and never knew they were a clique”
“And you kinda helped them all”
“You did?”
“didn’t you hear Sarah say that if not for you lending her your notes, she would never have passed history”
“Or when you were Becky's lab partner, you showed her she could do the job just fine, I keep telling her she isn’t dumb”
“And what you did for Alice”
“Babe seriously, why did you made my friends fall for you before me?”
“And then as it turns out, the guy they were insisting I just had to meet during these six months, was you all along”
“See? I told you, we are perfect, you are perfect”
(SFX: kiss)
submitted by lukmapache to talkingtalltales [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 07:13 lukmapache [F4M] popular GF shows you off [megadere] [gushing over] [excited] [wholesome] [reaffirmation] [popular speaker X Shy listener] An ASMR script by Luk Mapache.

It's okay to record, post and monetize (as long as you don't put it behind a paywall), just credit me.
Feel free to tweak it, change the roles and pronouns, correct my orthography, just don't change it too much.
Feedback is appreciated.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god”
“I’m late, I’m late, I’m late”
“I’m so late, I can’t believe it”
“I told him to not be late today and I'm the one who is late”
“All right, made it, where is he? Let’s see”
“There he is, he is fidgeting is he nervous?”
“Hey there cutie, you here alone?”
“he he he”
“Oh, don’t blush baby, I’m sorry, I just wanted to see your reaction”
“Sorry I’m late I was so excited for today that I could sleep so I stayed up watching cute videos, did you see the one I sent you? Wasn't it super cute?”
“Oh, well I guess that makes sense since I sent it at like 3 AM”
“Hmmm? yes, this your denim jacket, thanks for noticing”
“You didn’t lose it, I had it”
“Because I hid it last time you came over”
“don’t be mad, I was going to give it back, besides it looks great with this dress”
“of course, I dressed nicely for today, today is important”
“Today is the day we tell everyone we are dating”
“The days of meeting in the back of the building and passing notes to each other will be over”
“Well, I'll miss the notes, but I will definitely not miss you pretending not to see me when I wave at you in the hall, what was with that?”
“It doesn’t matter, after today we’ll be able to walk holding hands and have lunch together and kiss in the middle of the hallway and...”
“You are having second thoughts? Why?”
“Baby, you know I don’t care what they think, well obviously I would be upset if my friends didn’t like you, but only them, everyone else I don’t care”
“You are smart, funny and so so cute and the best boyfriend in the world”
“Besides... they want to introduce me to some guy, my friends I mean, they been insisting on it”
“of course, I don’t want to meet them, however that is he isn’t better than you”
“I just said it, you are the best”
“You have been since before we were even together”
“Like that one time we had that pop quiz, and I didn’t have an eraser and I didn’t want to ask for one, but you realized and just put it on my desk without saying a word, I thought you were so cool then”
“Then you told me it was because you were too nervous to talk, which is so cute, and I love it”
“Or that time we shared an umbrella like in those cartoons you like”
“They are cartoons, we’ve been through this”
“The point is you have been amazing this past 6 months, I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend, like seriously, babe you are the one settling for me here”
“Really? Oh babe I... Hey, don’t call me beautiful right now, I'm the one praising you right now”
“don’t start with the recap of the things you like about me, that’s my thing”
“don’t say you love me more, if we start an I love you more contest right now, that will take hours and we are not going to have time for me to show you off to everyone, I mean, introduce you as my boyfriend”
“And we are going to be late for class which is also bad”
“Besides I so obviously love you more”
“Now, let’s go”
(SFX: hallway noises, cheerful place)
“Hey!!! Good morning, everyone!!!”
“Why am I locking arms with him? Because he is my boyfriend”
“Sorry, would love to stay and chat but I have to show my boyfriend to everyone, so bye”
“let´s see, someone I know, oh there”
“Hey, you knew my boyfriend, right?”
“Yes, we are dating now, wanted you to know, bye”
“Hey, you, this is my boyfriend”
“Babe, we don’t have time to chat we have to go”
“a simple wave is enough”
“Hey hey, My boyfriend here”
“Hey this is my boyfriend”
“My boyfriend”
“Did I show him to you yet? No? Well, look at him”
“This is my boyfriend”
“Yes, I have to tell everyone, we discussed this, now let’s go look for my friends, then your friends...”
“Fine, your one friend”
“The guy we just passed was him?”
“Well then he already knows”
“Then my ex and yours, and then all the girls that mentioned kinda liking you and then...? do you have anyone you dislike?”
“Yes, we have to tell those people too”
“It might not matter to you, but it does to me”
“But first my friends, they are going to be so jelly”
“What was that?”
“Yeah, there’s a bunch of girls that find you cute, didn’t you know?”
“Well too bad for them, I won”
-later on, on the school cafeteria-
(SFX: chattering)
(deep breaths) “here we go, don’t be nervous, they’ll love you, I love you”
“You wait here and look pretty, I’m gonna go prepare them for the news, big reveal and all, ahh I’m also a little nervous”
(SFX: footsteps)
“Hey girls”
“what’s up? nothing much, actually there is something I wanted to tell you all, what if I, hypothetically, were secretly dating someone for the past six months, would that be cool with you?”
“Yes? That's good... because I totally am and have been for six months now, and I can finally tell you!!!”
“Who is he? Let me go get him”
“Is him!!!!”
“isn’t he cute?”
“Say something... please...”
-later on, while walking home-
“hiuff, I knew they were going to love you, but I didn’t think it would go that well”
“Babe, why did you never tell me that they knew you already?”
“You knew them separately and never knew they were a clique”
“And you kinda helped them all”
“You did?”
“didn’t you hear Sarah say that if not for you lending her your notes, she would never have passed history”
“Or when you were Becky's lab partner, you showed her she could do the job just fine, I keep telling her she isn’t dumb”
“And what you did for Alice”
“Babe seriously, why did you made my friends fall for you before me?”
“And then as it turns out, the guy they were insisting I just had to meet during these six months, was you all along”
“See? I told you, we are perfect, you are perfect”
(SFX: kiss)
submitted by lukmapache to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 21:19 FuyuhikoFan4Ever [D] Reality Gauntlet I, Round 2 Sign-Ups

Hello, once again! After lots of preamble from your truly, it is finally time for the second round to be produced, and I need your help to put it together! Below you'll find the form to submit your characters. All the guidelines should be laid out, however it should be noted that I will be using makowka character maker II to create the contestants and not FYM. If you have a character created in FYM, feel free to include it in the application as I'll use it as a reference for creating them, but it may not be a perfect match. That, or you can use the character creator yourself and link that picture instead. Other than that, you are allowed to submit up to 2 characters, but I plan on only choosing one out of the two, depending on turnout. Remember, the top 7 from last round are returning to compete again, so spaces are already limited. This round will be a Survivor round, although I haven't decided whether it will be 18 or 20 contestants. Until then, you'll have a few days to submit your characters to this post. Good luck and may the best player win the Gauntlet!
EDIT: I am no longer looking for female contestants. If you want to submit a character now, it must be male.
Character Info Full Name (and nickname, if they have one): Age (18+): GendePronouns: Place of Residence: Occupation: Picture Link/Description: Backstory (completely optional! Even just a few sentences will do and I'll take care of the writing):
Competition Stats (total sum cannot be over 16; everything is on a scale of 1-5, worst to best) Physical: Endurance: Mental/Quiz: Stamina:
Social Stats (same guidelines as above) Strategy: Loyalty: Social Skills: Temperament:
submitted by FuyuhikoFan4Ever to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 19:55 FuyuhikoFan4Ever [D] Reality Gauntlet - Interest/Submission Post

Greetings and salutations, simulators and entertainers! I am finally back to take on a brand new series that, to my knowledge, has never been attempted before. Introducing:

Reality Gauntlet!

I’ve been itching to return to the BrantSteele Reddit with a new series but couldn’t think of an idea I was fully happy with until recently. I’ll type up a more in-depth overview of how I plan to execute this idea in full, but the main gist of it is that every season will consist of roughly 10--maybe more, maybe less--rounds (simulations) and will cap off with an 11th “all-star” round, the season that will crown the winner officially. However, it won’t be as simple as just winning that said all-star season. Throughout the rounds, players will be eligible to start earning points if they can make it to the jury/merge phase of the round. Furthermore, making it to the top half of the round will make them eligible to return for the next simulation and earn even more points (not guaranteed, however. More info to follow on all that eventually). Earn points by winning competitions, surviving eliminations, or winning entire rounds, and whoever accumulates the most points will win that season overall!
This is a very ambitious idea for a series and I understand it may come across as confusing, however I do plan on making a separate post explaining everything there needs to be explained plus a diagram for how points will be distributed. That is, if there is enough interest to make this crazy plan happen, which is where YOU come in.
This series will primarily flip between Big Brother and Survivor simulators, and I’ll need YOU to enlist some of your best characters for our inaugural round of the Gauntlet! Simply follow the form below for how to submit your characters and I’ll choose 7 of them to compete against 7 of my own creations for the first round! Currently, it seems as though FaceYourManga is not working, so I’m currently looking around for character creators to use. If you have any suggestions on some creators, feel free to let me know! It would help a ton.You are allowed to submit 2 contestants, however I will only choose one of the two to compete, so try to make both of them strong candidates! Below is the basic form to submit your characters. Feel free to provide links to what they look like and I’ll try my best to recreate them with whatever character creator I end up using. The only “restriction” is that they must be human and somewhat realistic in terms of appearances.

Character Info Full Name (and nickname, if they have one): Age (18+): GendePronouns: Hometown: Current Place of Residence (can be the same as Hometown): Occupation: Picture Link/Description: Backstory (completely optional! I do plan on writing “audition tapes”, so this is your opportunity to make sure I capture them as you see fit):
Competition Stats (total sum cannot be over 16; everything is on a scale of 1-5, worst to best) General: Physical: Endurance: Mental/Quiz:
Social Stats (same guidelines as above) Strategy: Loyalty: Social Skills: Temperament:
That should cover most of the general stuff. I’ll keep this up for a few days to allow people to create characters and to allow me to find a proper character creator I’ll use for the series. This mainly depends on if there is enough interest in this idea, otherwise I’ll have to scrap it completely, which I don’t want :( Depending on the turnout, you may possibly see both your submissions make it in, so be sure to make both of them as strong as they can be. Again, I plan on only accepting one!
Help me out and be a part of BrantSteele’s most ambitious project yet, Reality Gauntlet!
Feel free to also ask any questions regarding this series, as well. I do plan on making another post overviewing how I'll execute the series and answering most questions then, but I'll try my best to answer some questions you may still have in a limited capacity.
submitted by FuyuhikoFan4Ever to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 02:14 autobuzzfeedbot 11 Celebs Who Spoke About How "Secretly Expensive" Being Famous Is

  1. Referencing her desire to be a young mom, Sydney Sweeney told the Hollywood Reporter, "If I wanted to take a six-month break [to have a kid], I don't have income to cover that. I don't have someone supporting me; I don’t have anyone I can turn to to pay my bills or call for help. They don't pay actors like they used to, and with streamers, you no longer get residuals. The established stars still get paid, but I have to give 5% to my lawyer, 10% to my agents, 3% or something like that to my business manager. I have to pay my publicist every month, and that's more than my mortgage."
  2. For Margot Robbie, landing the role of Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad came with an increased need for personal security. She told the Hollywood Reporter, "There's just all this stuff you learn along the way, like, when you get those death threats, it's [smart] to have a security team do a background check on whoever sent them to see if there is any past history of violence, because you'll need to know whether you need security to go to certain events. And every time you do a background check, it's going to cost $2,000, so take that into consideration when you're getting yourself into this."
  3. Taraji P. Henson told Sirius XM, "I hear people go, 'You work a lot.' I have to. The math ain't mathing. And when you start working a lot, you know, you have a team. Big bills come with what we do. We don't do this alone. The fact that we're up here, it's a whole entire team behind us. They have to get paid."
  4. Busy Philipps told Page Six, "I have to continually hustle. It is so true. With hair, makeup, and wardrobe and what it cost, Taraji P. Henson really spoke to that, and I felt it so deeply because I look at the money I am supposedly making, and then it is not just the bills but what is expected of me when I show up at a place. The film company or this production company is only going to pay this percentage of your hair, makeup, and wardrobe, so then you have to make up the rest."
  5. "It's very expensive to be famous," Sharon Stone told InStyle. "You go out to dinner, and there's 15 people at the table. And who gets the check? You get the $3,000 dinner check every single time."
  6. Tiffany Haddish has famously reworn the Alexander McQueen gown she originally bought for the Girls Trip premiere multiple times. Her initial reaction to its $4,000 price tag was, "Oh, hell no. This is my mortgage. I can't wear this dress." She was "devastated" when she learned she couldn't return it.
  7. From her first recording contract, Toni Braxton only earned $1,972 after paying back her label for expenses it fronted, such as music videos, travel, clothes, and time in the studio.
  8. Ashley Greene told Marie Claire, per HuffPost, "Twilight has ruined me. When this is all over, flying internationally is going to be very hard for me. It is just not worth it to buy a first-class ticket, because of the cost."
  9. In a YouTube video, Christy Carlson Romano discussed how she quickly blew through the money she made as a child star. She said, "My biggest thing about child actors — you aren't told that the work is going to slow down. In fact, I was told the opposite, specifically by my mom, some of my team, even my money manager at the time. 'Oh, don't worry, the residuals come; you're going to keep making money.' It's interesting; it bred a sort of contempt in me. It's a tremendous amount of pressure, and I think I self-destructed."
  10. On Spike TV's Life or Debt, Aaron Carter said in 2016, "Financially, I'm in a terrible position. When I turned 18, I got hit with all those taxes. I filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy last year; now I'm already over $100,000 in debt."
  11. And finally, in a since-deleted TikTok (per the UK's Metro), Grey's Anatomy and Reign actor Adelaide Kane said, "So I found out today the internet thinks I'm worth $4 million. My crippling debt says otherwise. WHERE?!" In a follow-up video, she broke down how much she made and how much she had to spend on taxes and her team.
Link to article
submitted by autobuzzfeedbot to buzzfeedbot [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 03:01 Kaleon Was my quiz wrong?

I'm having trouble coming to terms with some of the answers for a pronoun quiz I just took. They felt wrong to say aloud, and when I put them into a spellchecker it tried to change them. The "correct" answers are bolded:
This is late, but I'm having trouble coming to terms with some of the answers for Module 2. They felt wrong to say aloud, and when I put them into a spellchecker it tried to change them into the other answer. The supposedly correct answers are in bold:
"She said that the person who phoned 911 was she/herself."
"I can never forget their/them snubbing me at the beach that day."
"As long as we all live in the same town, the old-timers and we/us newcomers have to get along."
Any advice for these?
submitted by Kaleon to ENGLISH [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 15:32 malsgge 31 [M4M] Flanders Belgium

Hi everyone,
I'm a 31 year old software developer, born and living in Belgium. The fact I might be ace is still a pretty recent discovery for me.Due to some bad experiences when I was younger, I stopped dating for a long time. But now that I'm in a better mental space, I want to dip my toes in the proverbial dating pool again.
I'm looking for a relationship with a masculine presenting person, but I wouldn't mind making new friends in general with similar experiences to mine, because right now I feel a bit like the odd one out in my friend and family group. I do prefer to be able to meet with people IRL than over the internet (although if you just want to play BG3 together I'm probably up for it).

Dutch is my mother tongue, and I am fluent in English. My French is embarrassingly bad.
Hit me up if you are interested to chat.
submitted by malsgge to asexualdating [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 20:10 lynxmorar Figuring out my gender

Figuring out my gender
Hi everyone. I’ve been questioning my gender for about a year now, but I don’t know if I’m trans or what I am. I feel like I’m faking it a lot of the time but I also don’t like how I feel in my body. I’m going by she/her pronouns and name at the moment (with friends, haven’t told family or anyone else) and I do like it, I’m just unsure if that’s a thing or just me being weird. Is there any ways to know? I did this too, but it’s an online quiz so I don’t want to go off it alone.
submitted by lynxmorar to trans [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 10:59 Educational_Worth392 I think I’ve finally figured myself out a bit better

Hello people of Reddit, this is probably going to be a fairly long post, I just wanted to get this out there to someone. So I’m afab (19) but I’ve never really felt attached to my gender most of the time. As a kid it wasn’t a huge thing but after I hit puberty and my body matured it became more prominent. Most days it’s not that big a deal, just an overall meh feeling to the concept of gender, seems like a fairly meaningless, pointless distinction to me honestly, but occasionally I get spikes of either I love being a woman or I wish I could crawl out of my skin and into a different one because everything feels wrong. I never gave these feelings much thought, I figured everyone probably felt similarly because why not? About a year ago I started going to a swing dancing club in my area. If you don’t know, in swing dancing, there are leads and follows, people tend to gravitate toward the lead being a man and the follow woman because tradition. It’s quite common for this club to have more follows than leads in attendance, so one day I decided to try taking the lead position for a lesson. Part way through I realized that the instructors were using male pronouns and language to refer to the leads, including myself, and I further realized that I didn’t care. The masculine language felt just as apathetic and meh to me as the feminine language I had always been referred to with. Since then I’ve been on a bit of a gender journey, although I’ve kept it completely to myself. I found the label gender fluid about a month ago, but it didn’t seem to fit quite right because quite a large portion of the time I don’t feel like I really have a gender at all. The other day I randomly took a “what gender are you” quiz on one of those make your own quiz websites and it said I’m gender flux. I’d never heard of gender flux so I looked it up and it means basically that the intensity of my gender changes, which actually sounds pretty accurate. So I have come to the conclusion that I’m a combination of gender fluid and gender flux because gender feels pretty weak to nonexistent most of the time but also switches when it does spike between different genders.
This is the first time I’ve laid all this out so it might be nonsense, but it feels good to put it out there anonymously :)
submitted by Educational_Worth392 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 18:07 terrifyingreader My turn?

My turn?
Also. For the LGBTQ+ people out there. How did you discover you were LGBTQ±? I'm actually doubting what my secuality is... maybe someone can help?
submitted by terrifyingreader to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 02:57 JustAnObabo Bullet List of All Digital SAT Topics from Khan Academy

Hi! I made a super quick list of all the topics in the Digital SAT Math practice portal from Khan Academy. I was tutoring a student and wanted to keep track of the modules we were doing and realized this wasn't anywhere (at least from a quick google search). Definitely copy and paste it into Google Docs for the nifty checkbox function.
Hope this helps someone with organization!
Note: The Foundations, Medium, and Hard/Advanced section are identical topic names and quiz check points so you can just copy it over again!
Digital SAT Math
Problem Solving and Data Analysis
Advanced Math
Digital SAT Reading and Writing
Grammar Topics (One Difficulty)

Edit: Missed a topic
submitted by JustAnObabo to Sat [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 02:56 JustAnObabo Bullet List of All Digital SAT Topics from Khan Academy

Hi! I made a super quick list of all the topics in the Digital SAT Math practice portal from Khan Academy. I was tutoring a student and wanted to keep track of the modules we were doing and realized this wasn't anywhere (at least from a quick google search). Definitely copy and paste it into Google Docs for the nifty checkbox function.
Hope this helps someone with organization!

Note: The Foundations, Medium, and Hard/Advanced section are identical topic names and quiz check points so you can just copy it over again!

Digital SAT Math
Problem Solving and Data Analysis
Advanced Math

Digital SAT Reading and Writing
Grammar Topics (One Difficulty)
submitted by JustAnObabo to digitalSATs [link] [comments]

2024.02.08 18:23 lost_horizons Profile review

Profile review
I get some matches and dates but wonder what can be improved.
submitted by lost_horizons to Tinder [link] [comments]