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2010.08.19 20:08 777kog Prostate Cancer

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2024.03.16 23:18 PotatoYourPotato [17M] GI Issues for over a month Advice

Hello Everyone,

I'm a 17 Yr old male, In the United States. I'm been having GI symptoms since 02/14/2024, Before the GI symptoms I had some Runny Nose, Feeling of sneezing without the sneezing which caused my eyes to water, and some slight fever like which all happened from 02/12-02/13 which cleared with Zyrtec,

After all the allergy like symptoms, I began having some nausea and fatigue on the first week, after that I started more severe nausea episodes which got trigger with anything involving being active, Which I was taking Zofran but it didn't help while at work so I decided to go on sick LOA for two weeks as I believed it was a stomach virus, after that week the next week I began having a sharp turn of symptoms like Severe Nausea with body shiver, fever, loss of weigh, loss of appetite, dry heaving, fatigue, diarrhea, and body aches.

Because of the symptoms I was in bed for mostly all day barely getting up and moving, I couldn't get up as it would cause nausea and dizziness as I was malnourished and dehydrated. So we went to the Emergency Room as I was getting worse and felt extremely sick. While there they gave me; Lactated IV, Reglan, and Pepcid. (Reglan gave me agitation)

As Of Right now they ordered a CT Enterography, C-Reactive Protein, Fecal Calprotectin, Enteric Pathogens Culture, and Fecal Immunochemical Test.
C-Reactive Protein: <0.10 mg/dL
Fecal Immunochemical: Negative
Fecal Calprotectin: 31.2 mg/Kg
Enteric Pathogens Culture: No enteric pathogens recovered. Note: Enteric pathogen cultures are screened for the following organisms: Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, E.coli O157, Yersinia, Aeromonas, and Plesiomonas. Some Vibrio species may not be recovered on culture.
Shiga Like Toxins, EIA: Negative

CT Enteroghraphy: EXAM: CT ENTEROGRAPHY (ABD/PEL) 3/13/2024 1:02 PM
TECHNIQUE: CT enterography with intravenous contrast. Coronal and sagittal reconstructions were obtained. This exam was performed according to our departmental dose optimization program, which includes automated exposure control, adjustment of the MA and/or KV according to patient size and or use of iterative reconstruction technique..
CONTRAST: 100 mL iopamidol (ISOVUE-300) 61% injection
CLINICAL INDICATION: abdominal pain, diarrhea and weight loss.
FINDINGS: Heart is normal in size. Lung bases are clear. The liver, gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands, kidneys, and bladder are unremarkable. Prostate is normal in size. The appendix measures 5 mm in diameter which is at the upper limit of normal. Hyperdensity within the appendix could be due to appendicoliths as well as prior oral contrast. More likely incomplete distention then mild terminal ileal wall thickening. The remainder of the bowel demonstrates no enterocolitis or obstruction. No lymphadenopathy or ascites. Unremarkable bones.
IMPRESSION: 1. More likely incomplete distention then mild terminal ileal wall thickening. Otherwise unremarkable abdomen and pelvis
submitted by PotatoYourPotato to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2020.08.19 23:11 downtimeredditor I think I'm dealing with gastritis but not really sure

So I had this weird feeling in my stomach after working late into the night once. Feel asleep at 6am.
Went to the doctor. He made me take the H. pylori breath that day. It came back negative. Then he scheduled me a EGD. And he told me no ulcers or stomach cancer or anything thankfully.
He did say the stomach lining was inflamed and put me on three medication. Omeprazole, Carafate, and Reglan. He said at the appointment it'll be a three month thing but then the bottles say 1 months worth with no refills. He also said one of these could cause some nerve damage so we are going to do a follow up after a few weeks to make sure I'm okay with it.
First day and second was whatever. But third day I've already diarrhea twice today after my morning bowl movement. I'm keeping hydrated.
I did ask him if being on antibiotics for a full year could be a cause for the issue cause I was on antibiotics for prostatitis for well over a year. He said it's possible. He also said my bad sleeping habits and eating habits contribute to it. I agree with it cause I usually get maybe 5 hours a sleep. This week I've been getting closer to 7 hours a night.
The reason I question whether I have gastritis is because I've had an egd many years before by another Doctor who said my stomach it's very inflamed and aggravted and told me to be careful with diet and not eat too much acidic food. He didn't prescribe further pills. I made a habit of eating yogurt each day. I've kinda fallen off that track after a while. I surely would have started that back instead of these pills. I am eating my probiotics while I take these pills as well tho.
Fortunately my Urologist told me my prostate is pretty much back to normal and told me to bring daily dose down from two a day to one a day
My hope is that these gastritis pills are only for the month. I really don't want to go through another year of pills.
submitted by downtimeredditor to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2020.03.10 23:40 DadExplains List of 150 Pharmaceutical Drugs that may have shortages due to being sourced from China

Hey Gang. I've mentioned before that most drugs contain APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) produced in China.
Also, here is a current list of Current and Resolved Drug Shortages and Discontinuations Reported to FDA. This list is actively updated by the FDA:

If you rely on any of these medications, please talk to your Doctor and make sure you have enough to cover yourself for 60 days. Supply chains are starting to have issues. In a few weeks you may not be able to get your medication when you need it.
This is a list of 150 drugs that are sourced from China:
Aciclovir – (Zovirax) – antiviral drug
Advair – asthma medicine
Adrenaline Hcl – treatment for cardiac arrest
Albendazole – treatment for worms
Alfuzosin – (Uroxatral) treatment for enlarged prostate
Allopurinol – gout treatment
Alprazolam – (Xanax) – treatment for anxiety disorders
Amikacin sulfate – treatment for bacterial infections
Aminophyline -treatment for cerebral ischemia
Amiodarone Hydrochloride -treatment for irregular heartbeat
Amlodipine – treats high blood pressure & angina
Ampicillin – antibiotic
Amodiaquine – treatment of malaria
Amoxicillin – antibiotic
Aniracetam – (Draganon, Sarpul, Ampamet) a congnition enhancer
Artemether – treats drug resistant malaria
Artesunate – malaria treatment
Aspirin – anti-inflammatory painkiller
Artemether – treats malaria
Atenolol – high blood pressure medicine
Atropine – antidote against nerve agents
Avandia – (Avandia) treatment of diabetes
Budesonide – (Entocort) treatment of allergy & asthma
Bupropion (Wellbutrin) antidepressant
Calcifediol – treats vitamin D deficiency
Candesartan – (Blopress, Atacand, Amias, Ratacand) treats hypertension
Captopril – (Capoten, Inhibace) treatment for hypertension & congestive heart failure
Carbamazepine – treatment of epilepsy, ADD & ADHD
Carnosine – treatment for autism
Cefixime – antibiotic
Cefotaxime – (Claforan) antibiotic
Cefsulodin – also, cephalosporin – antibiotic
Cephealexin – (Keflex, Keftab) – antibiotic
Chloramphenicol – antibiotic
Chlorpheniramine Maleate – (Chlor-Trimeton, Piriton) Antihistamine
Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride
Chloroquine Phosphate – treatment of malaria
Cilexetil – (Atacand) treats high blood pressure
Cilostazole – (Pletal) treats peripheral vascular disease
Cimetidine – (Tagamet) – heartburn treatment
Ciprofloxacine – (Cipro) – antibiotic & one of two effective treatments for anthrax exposure
Clomiphene Citrate – (Clomid, Serophene, Milophene) infertility treatment
Clopidogrel Bisulfate – (Plavix) treats coronary artery disease
Co-trimoxazole – (Septrin, Bactrim) antibiotic
Cloxacillin – antibiotic
Coreg – (Coreg) beta blocker that treats congestive heart failure
Cromoglicate – treats allergies and asthma
Cyclosporine – immunosuppressive drug
Cytisine – (Tabex) smoking cessation drug
Dexamethasone Acetate – anti-inflammatory steroid
Diclofenac Sodium – (Flector patch/Voltaren) – anti-imflammatory painkiller used to treat arthritis, acute injury and menstrual pain
Diosmin – hemorrhoid treatment
Diphenhydramine hydrochloride – (Benadryl) antihistimine
Doxycycline Hcl – (Vibramycin) – antibiotic
Enalapril – (Renitec, Vasotec) treatment of hypertension, chronic heart failure
Enoxacin – (Enroxil, Penetrex) antibiotic
Erythromycin – antibiotic
Famotidine – (Pepcid) antacid
Ferrous Sulfate – treatment for iron-deficiency anemia
Flucloxacillin – (Flopen, Floxapen) antibiotic
Fluconazole – (Diflucan, Trican) antifungal drug
Furosemide – (Lasix) diuretic for treating congestive heart failure
Frusemide – diuretic used to treat heart failure & edema
Flucloxacillin sodium – antibiotic
Gentamycin – antibiotic
Glibenclamide (Diabeta, Flynase, Micronase) anti-diabetic drug
Gliclazide – diabetes treatment
Griseofulvin – antifungal drug
Glyceryl Trinitrate – treatment of angina & heart disease
Hydrochlorothiazide – (Aquazide H, Dichlotride, Microzide, Oretic) diuretic
Human growth hormone – treatment of growth failure in children
Ibuprofen – anti-inflammatory painkiller
Imitrex – (Imatrex) migraine medicine
Indomethazine – anti-inflammatory painkiller
Ketoconazole – (Nizoral) antifungal drug
Lincomycine – antibiotic
Lamictal – treatment for epilepsy & bipolar disorder
Letrozole – treatment of breast cancerLipitor – (Lipitor) lowers cholesteral
Loratadine (Claritin, Lomilan, Clarinase, Alavert, AllergyX) antihistamine
Lovastatin- lowers cholesteral
Lumefantrine – treatment of malaria
Mebendazole – (Ovex, Vermox, Antiox, Pripsen) treatment for worms
Mefenamic Acid – (Ponstel, Ponstan) non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory painkiller
Meloxicam – (Mobic) non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory painkiller
Metamizole sodium (Analgin, Dipyrone, Novalgin) painkiller, fever-reducer
Methyldopa – (Aldomet, Dopamet, Novomedopa) antihypertension drug
Metoclopramide – (Maxolon, Reglan, Degan, Maxeran, Primeran) anti-nausea drug
Metronidazole – treats infections
Moexipril – (Univasc) treatment of high blood pressure
Mycophenolate Mofetil – Immunosuppressive drug
Niclosamide – treats tapeworms
Nifedipine (Adalat, Nifedical, Procardia) treats hypertension, premature labor
Nitroglycerin – (Nitrospan, Nitrostat, Tridil) heart medication
Norfloxacin – antibiotic
Ofloxacin – (Floxin) antibiotic
Ondansetron – (Zofran) – nausea prevention for chemo patients
Orlistat – (Xenical) – obesity treatment
Oxandrolone – Synthetic anabolic steroid
Oxybutinin – treatment for incontinence
Oxymetholone – Synthetic anabolic steroid
Oxytetracycline – antibiotic
Paclitaxel – also taxol – cancer treatment
Paracetamol – also, acetaminophen – painkiller
Penicillin – antibiotic
Phenacetin – painkiller
Phenformin Hydrochloride – diabetes treatment
Prednisone – steroid
Promethazine Hydrochloride – (Phenergan, Romergan, Fargan, Avomine) antihistamine
Propranolol – (Inderal, Avlocardyl, Dociton, Inderalici, InnoPran XL) hypertension treatment
Pyrimethamine – (Daraprim) antimalarial drug
Propecia – (Propecia) for prostate enlargement and hair loss
Quinine – malaria treatment
Ramipril – used to treat hypertension and congestive heart failure
Ranitidine Hydrochloride – (Zantac) antacid
Ribavirin – (Copegus, Rebetol, Ribashere, Vilona, Virazole) anti-viral drug
Rifampicin+Isoniazid – malaria treatment
Ribavirin – (Copegus, Rebetol, Ribashere) antivirual drug
Rifampicin – antibiotic
Salbutamol – asthma, copd
Sibutramine – (Meridia) obesity treatment
Spironolactone – (Aldactone, Novo-Spiroton, Verospiron, Berlactone) diuretic
Streptomycin – antibiotic
Sucralfate – (Carafate) – treats ulcers & acid reflux disease
Sulfadiazine – antibiotic
Sulfamethoxazole – antibiotic
Sulfadoxine&Pyrimethamine – treatment for malaria
Sulpiride – (Meresa, Sulpirid Ratiopharm) treatment of schizophrenia
Tamoxifen – breast cancer treatment
Tinidazole – (Tindamax, Fasigyn) anti-parasitic drug
Trandolapril – treatment of high blood pressure
Trimethoprim – antibiotic
Valaciclovir – (Valtrex) antiviral drug
submitted by DadExplains to PandemicPreps [link] [comments]

2020.03.09 04:05 BoobTommy Where to order Meds from Best online pharmacy , 10% discount for all next orders

Gentamycin – antibiotic
Glibenclamide (Diabeta, Flynase, Micronase) anti-diabetic drug
Gliclazide – diabetes treatment
Griseofulvin – antifungal drug
Glyceryl Trinitrate – treatment of angina & heart disease
Hydrochlorothiazide – (Aquazide H, Dichlotride, Microzide, Oretic) diuretic
Human growth hormone – treatment of growth failure in children
Ibuprofen – anti-inflammatory painkiller
Imitrex – (Imatrex) migraine medicine
Indomethazine – anti-inflammatory painkiller
Ketoconazole – (Nizoral) antifungal drug
Lincomycine – antibiotic
Lamictal – treatment for epilepsy & bipolar disorder
Letrozole – treatment of breast cancerLipitor – (Lipitor) lowers cholesteral
Loratadine (Claritin, Lomilan, Clarinase, Alavert, AllergyX) antihistamine
Lovastatin- lowers cholesteral
Lumefantrine – treatment of malaria
Mebendazole – (Ovex, Vermox, Antiox, Pripsen) treatment for worms
Mefenamic Acid – (Ponstel, Ponstan) non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory painkiller
Meloxicam – (Mobic) non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory painkiller
Metamizole sodium (Analgin, Dipyrone, Novalgin) painkiller, fever-reducer
Methyldopa – (Aldomet, Dopamet, Novomedopa) antihypertension drug
Metoclopramide – (Maxolon, Reglan, Degan, Maxeran, Primeran) anti-nausea drug
Metronidazole – treats infections
Moexipril – (Univasc) treatment of high blood pressure
Mycophenolate Mofetil – Immunosuppressive drug
Niclosamide – treats tapeworms
Nifedipine (Adalat, Nifedical, Procardia) treats hypertension, premature labor
Nitroglycerin – (Nitrospan, Nitrostat, Tridil) heart medication
Norfloxacin – antibiotic
Ofloxacin – (Floxin) antibiotic
Ondansetron – (Zofran) – nausea prevention for chemo patients
Orlistat – (Xenical) – obesity treatment
Oxandrolone – Synthetic anabolic steroid
Oxybutinin – treatment for incontinence
Oxymetholone – Synthetic anabolic steroid
Oxytetracycline – antibiotic
Paclitaxel – also taxol – cancer treatment
Paracetamol – also, acetaminophen – painkiller
Penicillin – antibiotic
Phenacetin – painkiller
Phenformin Hydrochloride – diabetes treatment
Prednisone – steroid
Promethazine Hydrochloride – (Phenergan, Romergan, Fargan, Avomine) antihistamine
Propranolol – (Inderal, Avlocardyl, Dociton, Inderalici, InnoPran XL) hypertension treatment
Pyrimethamine – (Daraprim) antimalarial drug
Propecia – (Propecia) for prostate enlargement and hair loss
Quinine – malaria treatment
Ramipril – used to treat hypertension and congestive heart failure
Ranitidine Hydrochloride – (Zantac) antacid
Ribavirin – (Copegus, Rebetol, Ribashere, Vilona, Virazole) anti-viral drug
Rifampicin+Isoniazid – malaria treatment
Ribavirin – (Copegus, Rebetol, Ribashere) antivirual drug
Rifampicin – antibiotic
Salbutamol – asthma, copd
Sibutramine – (Meridia) obesity treatment
Spironolactone – (Aldactone, Novo-Spiroton, Verospiron, Berlactone) diuretic
Streptomycin – antibiotic
Sucralfate – (Carafate) – treats ulcers & acid reflux disease
Sulfadiazine – antibiotic
Sulfamethoxazole – antibiotic
Sulfadoxine&Pyrimethamine – treatment for malaria
Sulpiride – (Meresa, Sulpirid Ratiopharm) treatment of schizophrenia
Tamoxifen – breast cancer treatment
Tinidazole – (Tindamax, Fasigyn) anti-parasitic drug
Trandolapril – treatment of high blood pressure
Trimethoprim – antibiotic
Valaciclovir – (Valtrex) antiviral drug
For more info visit:
submitted by BoobTommy to u/BoobTommy [link] [comments]

2020.02.28 18:51 Fanmann Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Concerns: Allopurinol

Hi all, I am a global supply chain exec at a electronics manufacturing firm and a fellow gout sufferer. I don't want to cause undue concern, I just want to inform. If you have been paying attention, you all know about the Coronasvirus pandemic (it's not really a pandemic yet) and the effects that it is having on the global supply chain. Gout suffers should be aware that China is a major producer of allopurinol for the world market and cannot and will not be shipping for at least another month possibly longer. If you prescription is low, I would consider refilling now.
Here is a list of some of the drugs manufactured in China; this list does NOT include drugs that simply require ingredients made in China, but please understand that that supply chain will also likely be impacted. While any prescription drug may fall victim to shortages in the coming months, these are the most likely candidates. If necessary, please speak to your doctors if you require any of the listed below. If you know you depend on any of the OTC listed, the time to stock up is NOW.
Also, people with diabetes: Insulin is made in Europe and the US, however, the syringes, needles, pens, and pumps are made in China. Plan accordingly.
Aciclovir – (Zovirax) – antiviral drug
Advair – asthma medicine
Adrenaline Hcl – treatment for cardiac arrest
Albendazole – treatment for worms
Alfuzosin – (Uroxatral) treatment for enlarged prostate
Allopurinol – gout treatment
Alprazolam – (Xanax) – treatment for anxiety disorders
Amikacin sulfate – treatment for bacterial infections
Aminophyline -treatment for cerebral ischemia
Amiodarone Hydrochloride -treatment for irregular heartbeat
Amlodipine – treats high blood pressure & angina
Ampicillin – antibiotic
Amodiaquine – treatment of malaria
Amoxicillin – antibiotic
Aniracetam – (Draganon, Sarpul, Ampamet) a congnition enhancer
Artemether – treats drug resistant malaria
Artesunate – malaria treatment
Aspirin – anti-inflammatory painkiller
Artemether – treats malaria
Atenolol – high blood pressure medicine
Atropine – antidote against nerve agents
Avandia – (Avandia) treatment of diabetes
Budesonide – (Entocort) treatment of allergy & asthma
Bupropion (Wellbutrin) antidepressant
Calcifediol – treats vitamin D deficiency
Candesartan – (Blopress, Atacand, Amias, Ratacand) treats hypertension
Captopril – (Capoten, Inhibace) treatment for hypertension & congestive heart failure
Carbamazepine – treatment of epilepsy, ADD & ADHD
Carnosine – treatment for autism
Cefixime – antibiotic
Cefotaxime – (Claforan) antibiotic
Cefsulodin – also, cephalosporin – antibiotic
Cephealexin – (Keflex, Keftab) – antibiotic
Chloramphenicol – antibiotic
Chlorpheniramine Maleate – (Chlor-Trimeton, Piriton) Antihistamine
Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride
Chloroquine Phosphate – treatment of malaria
Cilexetil – (Atacand) treats high blood pressure
Cilostazole – (Pletal) treats peripheral vascular disease
Cimetidine – (Tagamet) – heartburn treatment
Ciprofloxacine – (Cipro) – antibiotic & one of two effective treatments for anthrax exposure
Clomiphene Citrate – (Clomid, Serophene, Milophene) infertility treatment
Clopidogrel Bisulfate – (Plavix) treats coronary artery disease
Co-trimoxazole – (Septrin, Bactrim) antibiotic
Cloxacillin – antibiotic
Coreg – (Coreg) beta blocker that treats congestive heart failure
Cromoglicate – treats allergies and asthma
Cyclosporine – immunosuppressive drug
Cytisine – (Tabex) smoking cessation drug
Dexamethasone Acetate – anti-inflammatory steroid
Diclofenac Sodium – (Flector patch/Voltaren) – anti-imflammatory painkiller used to treat arthritis, acute injury and menstrual pain
Diosmin – hemorrhoid treatment
Diphenhydramine hydrochloride – (Benadryl) antihistimine
Doxycycline Hcl – (Vibramycin) – antibiotic
Enalapril – (Renitec, Vasotec) treatment of hypertension, chronic heart failure
Enoxacin – (Enroxil, Penetrex) antibiotic
Erythromycin – antibiotic
Famotidine – (Pepcid) antacid
Ferrous Sulfate – treatment for iron-deficiency anemia
Flucloxacillin – (Flopen, Floxapen) antibiotic
Fluconazole – (Diflucan, Trican) antifungal drug
Furosemide – (Lasix) diuretic for treating congestive heart failure
Frusemide – diuretic used to treat heart failure & edema
Flucloxacillin sodium – antibiotic
Gentamycin – antibiotic
Glibenclamide (Diabeta, Flynase, Micronase) anti-diabetic drug
Gliclazide – diabetes treatment
Griseofulvin – antifungal drug
Glyceryl Trinitrate – treatment of angina & heart disease
Hydrochlorothiazide – (Aquazide H, Dichlotride, Microzide, Oretic) diuretic
Human growth hormone – treatment of growth failure in children
Ibuprofen – anti-inflammatory painkiller
Imitrex – (Imatrex) migraine medicine
Indomethazine – anti-inflammatory painkiller
Ketoconazole – (Nizoral) antifungal drug
Lincomycine – antibiotic
Lamictal – treatment for epilepsy & bipolar disorder
Letrozole – treatment of breast cancerLipitor – (Lipitor) lowers cholesteral
Loratadine (Claritin, Lomilan, Clarinase, Alavert, AllergyX) antihistamine
Lovastatin- lowers cholesteral
Lumefantrine – treatment of malaria
Mebendazole – (Ovex, Vermox, Antiox, Pripsen) treatment for worms
Mefenamic Acid – (Ponstel, Ponstan) non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory painkiller
Meloxicam – (Mobic) non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory painkiller
Metamizole sodium (Analgin, Dipyrone, Novalgin) painkiller, fever-reducer
Methyldopa – (Aldomet, Dopamet, Novomedopa) antihypertension drug
Metoclopramide – (Maxolon, Reglan, Degan, Maxeran, Primeran) anti-nausea drug
Metronidazole – treats infections
Moexipril – (Univasc) treatment of high blood pressure
Mycophenolate Mofetil – Immunosuppressive drug
Niclosamide – treats tapeworms
Nifedipine (Adalat, Nifedical, Procardia) treats hypertension, premature labor
Nitroglycerin – (Nitrospan, Nitrostat, Tridil) heart medication
Norfloxacin – antibiotic
Ofloxacin – (Floxin) antibiotic
Ondansetron – (Zofran) – nausea prevention for chemo patients
Orlistat – (Xenical) – obesity treatment
Oxandrolone – Synthetic anabolic steroid
Oxybutinin – treatment for incontinence
Oxymetholone – Synthetic anabolic steroid
Oxytetracycline – antibiotic
Paclitaxel – also taxol – cancer treatment
Paracetamol – also, acetaminophen – painkiller
Penicillin – antibiotic
Phenacetin – painkiller
Phenformin Hydrochloride – diabetes treatment
Prednisone – steroid
Promethazine Hydrochloride – (Phenergan, Romergan, Fargan, Avomine) antihistamine
Propranolol – (Inderal, Avlocardyl, Dociton, Inderalici, InnoPran XL) hypertension treatment
Pyrimethamine – (Daraprim) antimalarial drug
Propecia – (Propecia) for prostate enlargement and hair loss
Quinine – malaria treatment
Ramipril – used to treat hypertension and congestive heart failure
Ranitidine Hydrochloride – (Zantac) antacid
Ribavirin – (Copegus, Rebetol, Ribashere, Vilona, Virazole) anti-viral drug
Rifampicin+Isoniazid – malaria treatment
Ribavirin – (Copegus, Rebetol, Ribashere) antivirual drug
Rifampicin – antibiotic
Salbutamol – asthma, copd
Sibutramine – (Meridia) obesity treatment
Spironolactone – (Aldactone, Novo-Spiroton, Verospiron, Berlactone) diuretic
Streptomycin – antibiotic
Sucralfate – (Carafate) – treats ulcers & acid reflux disease
Sulfadiazine – antibiotic
Sulfamethoxazole – antibiotic
Sulfadoxine&Pyrimethamine – treatment for malaria
Sulpiride – (Meresa, Sulpirid Ratiopharm) treatment of schizophrenia
Tamoxifen – breast cancer treatment
Tinidazole – (Tindamax, Fasigyn) anti-parasitic drug
Trandolapril – treatment of high blood pressure
Trimethoprim – antibiotic
Valaciclovir – (Valtrex) antiviral drug
submitted by Fanmann to gout [link] [comments]

2020.02.26 23:14 techblaw Prescription Drugs produced in China [LIST]

(Thanks to sleepingbeautyc for the writeup!)
I had got it from this forum a while ago but when I went to do a search I couldn't find it. I ended up finding it in my gmail.
Might be a good idea to pick up 3-6 months worth just in case.
Here’s a list of medicines made in China, but any prescription drug may fall victim to shortages. These are simply the most likely candidates.
Aciclovir – (Zovirax) – antiviral drug
Advair – asthma medicine
Adrenaline Hcl – treatment for cardiac arrest
Albendazole – treatment for worms
Alfuzosin – (Uroxatral) treatment for enlarged prostate
Allopurinol – gout treatment
Alprazolam – (Xanax) – treatment for anxiety disorders
Amikacin sulfate – treatment for bacterial infections
Aminophyline -treatment for cerebral ischemia
Amiodarone Hydrochloride -treatment for irregular heartbeat
Amlodipine – treats high blood pressure & angina
Ampicillin – antibiotic
Amodiaquine – treatment of malaria
Amoxicillin – antibiotic
Aniracetam – (Draganon, Sarpul, Ampamet) a congnition enhancer
Artemether – treats drug resistant malaria
Artesunate – malaria treatment
Aspirin – anti-inflammatory painkiller
Artemether – treats malaria
Atenolol – high blood pressure medicine
Atropine – antidote against nerve agents
Avandia – (Avandia) treatment of diabetes
Budesonide – (Entocort) treatment of allergy & asthma
Bupropion (Wellbutrin) antidepressant
Calcifediol – treats vitamin D deficiency
Candesartan – (Blopress, Atacand, Amias, Ratacand) treats hypertension
Captopril – (Capoten, Inhibace) treatment for hypertension & congestive heart failure
Carbamazepine – treatment of epilepsy, ADD & ADHD
Carnosine – treatment for autism
Cefixime – antibiotic
Cefotaxime – (Claforan) antibiotic
Cefsulodin – also, cephalosporin – antibiotic
Cephealexin – (Keflex, Keftab) – antibiotic
Chloramphenicol – antibiotic
Chlorpheniramine Maleate – (Chlor-Trimeton, Piriton) Antihistamine
Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride
Chloroquine Phosphate – treatment of malaria
Cilexetil – (Atacand) treats high blood pressure
Cilostazole – (Pletal) treats peripheral vascular disease
Cimetidine – (Tagamet) – heartburn treatment
Ciprofloxacine – (Cipro) – antibiotic & one of two effective treatments for anthrax exposure
Clomiphene Citrate – (Clomid, Serophene, Milophene) infertility treatment
Clopidogrel Bisulfate – (Plavix) treats coronary artery disease
Co-trimoxazole – (Septrin, Bactrim) antibiotic
Cloxacillin – antibiotic
Coreg – (Coreg) beta blocker that treats congestive heart failure
Cromoglicate – treats allergies and asthma
Cyclosporine – immunosuppressive drug
Cytisine – (Tabex) smoking cessation drug
Dexamethasone Acetate – anti-inflammatory steroid
Diclofenac Sodium – (Flector patch/Voltaren) – anti-imflammatory painkiller used to treat arthritis, acute injury and menstrual pain
Diosmin – hemorrhoid treatment
Diphenhydramine hydrochloride – (Benadryl) antihistimine
Doxycycline Hcl – (Vibramycin) – antibiotic
Enalapril – (Renitec, Vasotec) treatment of hypertension, chronic heart failure
Enoxacin – (Enroxil, Penetrex) antibiotic
Erythromycin – antibiotic
Famotidine – (Pepcid) antacid
Ferrous Sulfate – treatment for iron-deficiency anemia
Flucloxacillin – (Flopen, Floxapen) antibiotic
Fluconazole – (Diflucan, Trican) antifungal drug
Furosemide – (Lasix) diuretic for treating congestive heart failure
Frusemide – diuretic used to treat heart failure & edema
Flucloxacillin sodium – antibiotic
Gentamycin – antibiotic
Glibenclamide (Diabeta, Flynase, Micronase) anti-diabetic drug
Gliclazide – diabetes treatment
Griseofulvin – antifungal drug
Glyceryl Trinitrate – treatment of angina & heart disease
Hydrochlorothiazide – (Aquazide H, Dichlotride, Microzide, Oretic) diuretic
Human growth hormone – treatment of growth failure in children
Ibuprofen – anti-inflammatory painkiller
Imitrex – (Imatrex) migraine medicine
Indomethazine – anti-inflammatory painkiller
Ketoconazole – (Nizoral) antifungal drug
Lincomycine – antibiotic
Lamictal – treatment for epilepsy & bipolar disorder
Letrozole – treatment of breast cancerLipitor – (Lipitor) lowers cholesteral
Loratadine (Claritin, Lomilan, Clarinase, Alavert, AllergyX) antihistamine
Lovastatin- lowers cholesteral
Lumefantrine – treatment of malaria
Mebendazole – (Ovex, Vermox, Antiox, Pripsen) treatment for worms
Mefenamic Acid – (Ponstel, Ponstan) non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory painkiller
Meloxicam – (Mobic) non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory painkiller
Metamizole sodium (Analgin, Dipyrone, Novalgin) painkiller, fever-reducer
Methyldopa – (Aldomet, Dopamet, Novomedopa) antihypertension drug
Metoclopramide – (Maxolon, Reglan, Degan, Maxeran, Primeran) anti-nausea drug
Metronidazole – treats infections
Moexipril – (Univasc) treatment of high blood pressure
Mycophenolate Mofetil – Immunosuppressive drug
Niclosamide – treats tapeworms
Nifedipine (Adalat, Nifedical, Procardia) treats hypertension, premature labor
Nitroglycerin – (Nitrospan, Nitrostat, Tridil) heart medication
Norfloxacin – antibiotic
Ofloxacin – (Floxin) antibiotic
Ondansetron – (Zofran) – nausea prevention for chemo patients
Orlistat – (Xenical) – obesity treatment
Oxandrolone – Synthetic anabolic steroid
Oxybutinin – treatment for incontinence
Oxymetholone – Synthetic anabolic steroid
Oxytetracycline – antibiotic
Paclitaxel – also taxol – cancer treatment
Paracetamol – also, acetaminophen – painkiller
Penicillin – antibiotic
Phenacetin – painkiller
Phenformin Hydrochloride – diabetes treatment
Prednisone – steroid
Promethazine Hydrochloride – (Phenergan, Romergan, Fargan, Avomine) antihistamine
Propranolol – (Inderal, Avlocardyl, Dociton, Inderalici, InnoPran XL) hypertension treatment
Pyrimethamine – (Daraprim) antimalarial drug
Propecia – (Propecia) for prostate enlargement and hair loss
Quinine – malaria treatment
Ramipril – used to treat hypertension and congestive heart failure
Ranitidine Hydrochloride – (Zantac) antacid
Ribavirin – (Copegus, Rebetol, Ribashere, Vilona, Virazole) anti-viral drug
Rifampicin+Isoniazid – malaria treatment
Ribavirin – (Copegus, Rebetol, Ribashere) antivirual drug
Rifampicin – antibiotic
Salbutamol – asthma, copd
Sibutramine – (Meridia) obesity treatment
Spironolactone – (Aldactone, Novo-Spiroton, Verospiron, Berlactone) diuretic
Streptomycin – antibiotic
Sucralfate – (Carafate) – treats ulcers & acid reflux disease
Sulfadiazine – antibiotic
Sulfamethoxazole – antibiotic
Sulfadoxine&Pyrimethamine – treatment for malaria
Sulpiride – (Meresa, Sulpirid Ratiopharm) treatment of schizophrenia
Tamoxifen – breast cancer treatment
Tinidazole – (Tindamax, Fasigyn) anti-parasitic drug
Trandolapril – treatment of high blood pressure
Trimethoprim – antibiotic
Valaciclovir – (Valtrex) antiviral drug
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2020.02.22 19:09 Bubbly-Concern Farmaci prodotti in gran parte dalla Cina

Si tratta solamente di voci rese disponibili alla community italiana (noi non censuriamo niente), nel caso fosse interessata a fare ragionamenti in merito. Nessuno sta consigliando niente a nessuno e ogni azione o conclusione individuale è vostra unica e assoluta responsabilità.
Queste informazioni arrivano da fonti quarantinate e altamente controverse, ma ho controllato buona parte delle affermazioni e mi sembrano corrette. Non posso linkarvi la fonte o rischio il ban da reddit, ma se scrivete Nomecittàincriminata_flu troverete un sub completamente senza moderazione a 0 iscritti, non è detto che riusciate comunque a trovarlo e accedervi senza link diretto.

Senza perdersi in chiacchiere, questi farmaci sono prodotti al 90% in Cina. Ci sarà possibilmente da aspettarsi una carenza nel medio lungo termine, se la Cina stentasse ancora a lungo a rialzarsi.
Con estrema coscienza di causa, vi autosuggerite, esclusivamente per i farmaci "salva-vita", di comprarne una o due scatole in più per sicurezza, ben che vada lo userete lo stesso. Lasciate perdere antibiotici e molecole base da banco (aspirine, paracetamolo etc), gli impianti nel mondo si stanno già convertendo per produrli, ma se avete un trattamento cronico molto particolare avere una scatola in più non nuoce, lasciandone il giusto numero agli altri che come voi ne hanno bisogno per sopravvivere.
Molte di queste molecole della lista sono antibiotici base e antivirali base di cui non ci sarà carenza, ma ci sono anche farmaci secondari come antiipertensivi (ramipril), la lovastatina per il colesterolo e sopratutto neurolettici (se lasciate lo zio schizofrenico senza clorpromazina o lamictal è probabile vi faccia fuori lui prima del virus). Se prendete lo Xanax potete autosuggerirvi una visita dallo psichiatra e farvi prescrivere valide alternative, non vedo nella lista altre benzodiazepine quindi potete cambiare con delorazepam (en) e le altre 100 molecole analoghe (consultate lo psichiatra prima però eh mi raccomando).
Vi ho lasciato l'introduzione del post dell'autore originale in inglese così capite che queste molecole sono solo POSSIBILI CANDIDATI a una eventuale carenza nel mercato ed E' UNA SPECULAZIONE SUL MERCATO AMERICANO.
Ripeto comunque che si tratta solamente di voci rese disponibili alla community italiana (noi non censuriamo niente), nel caso fosse interessata a fare ragionamenti in merito. Nessuno sta consigliando niente a nessuno e ogni azione o conclusione individuale è vostra unica e assoluta responsabilità.

In the early 2000s, China's government subsidized drug production, undercutting American manufacturers. So these big US corporations simply laid off workers and shifted production to the East.
Johnson & Johnson cut close to 13k jobs, Pfizer laid off 2k researchers. GlaxoSmithKline has more than 2000 employees in China. All the big names are tied to China -- Roche, Novartis, Merck, Eli Lily and many more. So even if a big American drug company produces your meds, chances are good disruptions in the supply chain are going to cause problems.
Millions of Americans could experience significant delays in getting their prescription drugs.
And it's not just meds. China manufactures a number a drug related products like spray bottles or pumps. And some of the drugs aren't going to be manufactured elsewhere because China has exclusive manufacturing agreements for drugs for anesthesia, cancer and HIV/AIDS.
Those that can be made elsewhere require Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (known as APIs). Even if you gear up factories in India, you still need the raw materials from China.
Here’s a list of medicines made in China, but any prescription drug may fall victim to shortages. These are simply the most likely candidates.
Aciclovir – (Zovirax) – antiviral drug
Advair – asthma medicine
Adrenaline Hcl – treatment for cardiac arrest
Albendazole – treatment for worms
Alfuzosin – (Uroxatral) treatment for enlarged prostate
Allopurinol – gout treatment
Alprazolam – (Xanax) – treatment for anxiety disorders
Amikacin sulfate – treatment for bacterial infections
Aminophyline -treatment for cerebral ischemia
Amiodarone Hydrochloride -treatment for irregular heartbeat
Amlodipine – treats high blood pressure & angina
Ampicillin – antibiotic
Amodiaquine – treatment of malaria
Amoxicillin – antibiotic
Aniracetam – (Draganon, Sarpul, Ampamet) a congnition enhancer
Artemether – treats drug resistant malaria
Artesunate – malaria treatment
Aspirin – anti-inflammatory painkiller
Artemether – treats malaria
Atenolol – high blood pressure medicine
Atropine – antidote against nerve agents
Avandia – (Avandia) treatment of diabetes
Budesonide – (Entocort) treatment of allergy & asthma
Bupropion (Wellbutrin) antidepressant
Calcifediol – treats vitamin D deficiency
Candesartan – (Blopress, Atacand, Amias, Ratacand) treats hypertension
Captopril – (Capoten, Inhibace) treatment for hypertension & congestive heart failure
Carbamazepine – treatment of epilepsy, ADD & ADHD
Carnosine – treatment for autism
Cefixime – antibiotic
Cefotaxime – (Claforan) antibiotic
Cefsulodin – also, cephalosporin – antibiotic
Cephealexin – (Keflex, Keftab) – antibiotic
Chloramphenicol – antibiotic
Chlorpheniramine Maleate – (Chlor-Trimeton, Piriton) Antihistamine
Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride
Chloroquine Phosphate – treatment of malaria
Cilexetil – (Atacand) treats high blood pressure
Cilostazole – (Pletal) treats peripheral vascular disease
Cimetidine – (Tagamet) – heartburn treatment
Ciprofloxacine – (Cipro) – antibiotic & one of two effective treatments for anthrax exposure
Clomiphene Citrate – (Clomid, Serophene, Milophene) infertility treatment
Clopidogrel Bisulfate – (Plavix) treats coronary artery disease
Co-trimoxazole – (Septrin, Bactrim) antibiotic
Cloxacillin – antibiotic
Coreg – (Coreg) beta blocker that treats congestive heart failure
Cromoglicate – treats allergies and asthma
Cyclosporine – immunosuppressive drug
Cytisine – (Tabex) smoking cessation drug
Dexamethasone Acetate – anti-inflammatory steroid
Diclofenac Sodium – (Flector patch/Voltaren) – anti-imflammatory painkiller used to treat arthritis, acute injury and menstrual pain
Diosmin – hemorrhoid treatment
Diphenhydramine hydrochloride – (Benadryl) antihistimine
Doxycycline Hcl – (Vibramycin) – antibiotic
Enalapril – (Renitec, Vasotec) treatment of hypertension, chronic heart failure
Enoxacin – (Enroxil, Penetrex) antibiotic
Erythromycin – antibiotic
Famotidine – (Pepcid) antacid
Ferrous Sulfate – treatment for iron-deficiency anemia
Flucloxacillin – (Flopen, Floxapen) antibiotic
Fluconazole – (Diflucan, Trican) antifungal drug
Furosemide – (Lasix) diuretic for treating congestive heart failure
Frusemide – diuretic used to treat heart failure & edema
Flucloxacillin sodium – antibiotic
Gentamycin – antibiotic
Glibenclamide (Diabeta, Flynase, Micronase) anti-diabetic drug
Gliclazide – diabetes treatment
Griseofulvin – antifungal drug
Glyceryl Trinitrate – treatment of angina & heart disease
Hydrochlorothiazide – (Aquazide H, Dichlotride, Microzide, Oretic) diuretic
Human growth hormone – treatment of growth failure in children
Ibuprofen – anti-inflammatory painkiller
Imitrex – (Imatrex) migraine medicine
Indomethazine – anti-inflammatory painkiller
Ketoconazole – (Nizoral) antifungal drug
Lincomycine – antibiotic
Lamictal – treatment for epilepsy & bipolar disorder
Letrozole – treatment of breast cancerLipitor – (Lipitor) lowers cholesteral
Loratadine (Claritin, Lomilan, Clarinase, Alavert, AllergyX) antihistamine
Lovastatin- lowers cholesteral
Lumefantrine – treatment of malaria
Mebendazole – (Ovex, Vermox, Antiox, Pripsen) treatment for worms
Mefenamic Acid – (Ponstel, Ponstan) non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory painkiller
Meloxicam – (Mobic) non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory painkiller
Metamizole sodium (Analgin, Dipyrone, Novalgin) painkiller, fever-reducer
Methyldopa – (Aldomet, Dopamet, Novomedopa) antihypertension drug
Metoclopramide – (Maxolon, Reglan, Degan, Maxeran, Primeran) anti-nausea drug
Metronidazole – treats infections
Moexipril – (Univasc) treatment of high blood pressure
Mycophenolate Mofetil – Immunosuppressive drug
Niclosamide – treats tapeworms
Nifedipine (Adalat, Nifedical, Procardia) treats hypertension, premature labor
Nitroglycerin – (Nitrospan, Nitrostat, Tridil) heart medication
Norfloxacin – antibiotic
Ofloxacin – (Floxin) antibiotic
Ondansetron – (Zofran) – nausea prevention for chemo patients
Orlistat – (Xenical) – obesity treatment
Oxandrolone – Synthetic anabolic steroid
Oxybutinin – treatment for incontinence
Oxymetholone – Synthetic anabolic steroid
Oxytetracycline – antibiotic
Paclitaxel – also taxol – cancer treatment
Paracetamol – also, acetaminophen – painkiller
Penicillin – antibiotic
Phenacetin – painkiller
Phenformin Hydrochloride – diabetes treatment
Prednisone – steroid
Promethazine Hydrochloride – (Phenergan, Romergan, Fargan, Avomine) antihistamine
Propranolol – (Inderal, Avlocardyl, Dociton, Inderalici, InnoPran XL) hypertension treatment
Pyrimethamine – (Daraprim) antimalarial drug
Propecia – (Propecia) for prostate enlargement and hair loss
Quinine – malaria treatment
Ramipril – used to treat hypertension and congestive heart failure
Ranitidine Hydrochloride – (Zantac) antacid
Ribavirin – (Copegus, Rebetol, Ribashere, Vilona, Virazole) anti-viral drug
Rifampicin+Isoniazid – malaria treatment
Ribavirin – (Copegus, Rebetol, Ribashere) antivirual drug
Rifampicin – antibiotic
Salbutamol – asthma, copd
Sibutramine – (Meridia) obesity treatment
Spironolactone – (Aldactone, Novo-Spiroton, Verospiron, Berlactone) diuretic
Streptomycin – antibiotic
Sucralfate – (Carafate) – treats ulcers & acid reflux disease
Sulfadiazine – antibiotic
Sulfamethoxazole – antibiotic
Sulfadoxine&Pyrimethamine – treatment for malaria
Sulpiride – (Meresa, Sulpirid Ratiopharm) treatment of schizophrenia
Tamoxifen – breast cancer treatment
Tinidazole – (Tindamax, Fasigyn) anti-parasitic drug
Trandolapril – treatment of high blood pressure
Trimethoprim – antibiotic
Valaciclovir – (Valtrex) antiviral drug
submitted by Bubbly-Concern to CoronaVirus_ITALIA [link] [comments]

2019.06.26 10:48 male-breast-surgery Enlarged breasts in men (gynecomastia)

overview Enlarged breast in men (gynecomastia) Enlarged breast in men (gynecomastia) Gynecomastia (mec-nuh-koh-MAS-tee-uh) is a swelling of the breast tissue in boys or men, caused by an imbalance of hormones estrogen and testosterone. Gynecomastia can affect one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly. Newborns, teenage boys, and older men can develop gynecomastia as a result of normal changes in hormone levels, although there are other causes as well.
In general, gynecomastia is not a serious problem, but it can be difficult to cope with the disease. Men and boys with gynecomastia sometimes have chest pain and may feel embarrassed.
Gynecomastia can disappear on its own. If this stops, medications or surgeries may help.
symptoms Signs and symptoms of gynecomastia include:
Breathed breast tissue Tenderness of the chest When should I see a doctor? Consult your doctor if you:
swelling pain tenderness Nipple discharge in one or both breasts
the causes Gynecomastia is triggered by a decrease in testosterone hormone compared to estrogen. The cause of this decrease can be seen in your testosterone or in a condition that increases your estrogen levels. Various things can disrupt the hormonal balance, including the following.
Natural hormonal changes Hormones, testosterone and estrogen control the development and maintenance of sexual characteristics in men and women. Testosterone controls male characteristics such as muscle mass and body hair. Estrogen controls the characteristics of the woman, including breast growth.
Most people think that estrogen is an exclusively female hormone, but also produces it. However, estrogen levels in men are too high because testosterone levels can cause gynecomastia.
Gynecomastia in infants. More than half of all male children are born with estrogen breasts to their mothers. In general, swollen breast tissue disappears within two to three weeks of birth. Gynecomastia during puberty. Gynecomastia due to hormonal changes during puberty is relatively common. In most cases, swollen breast tissue is treated within six months to two years. Gynecomastia in men. The prevalence of gynecomastia is again highest between 50 and 69 years. At least one in four men in this age group is affected. pharmaceuticals A number of drugs can cause gynecomastia. These include:
Anti-androgens for the treatment of prostate enlargement, prostate cancer and certain other diseases. Examples include flutamide, finasteride (Proscar, Propecia) and spironolactone (aldactone). Anabolic and androgenic steroids. AIDS medications. Gynecomastia can develop in HIV-positive men receiving highly active treatment called antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Efavirenz (Sustiva) is more commonly associated with gynecomastia than other anti-HIV drugs. Anti-anxiety medications like Diazepam (Valium). Tricyclic antidepressants. Antibiotics. Anti-ulcer drugs such as cimetidine (Tagamet HB). Cancer treatment (chemotherapy). Drugs for the heart such as digoxin (Lanoxin) and calcium channel blockers. Drugs of gastric motility such as metoclopramide (Reglan).
Street drugs and alcohol Substances that can cause gynecomastia are:
alcohol amphetamines marijuana heroin methadone health Various diseases can cause gynecomastia by affecting the normal hormonal balance. These include:
Hypogonadism. All conditions that interfere with normal testosterone production, such as Klinefelter syndrome or pituitary insufficiency, may be associated with gynecomastia. Aging. Hormonal changes that occur during normal aging can cause gynecomastia, especially in overweight men. You die. Some tumors, such as testicular tumors, adrenal glands, or pituitary glands, can produce hormones that alter the male-female hormone balance. Hyperthyroidism. In this condition, the thyroid gland produces too much thyroxine hormone. Kidney failure. Gynecomastia due to hormonal changes. Hepatic insufficiency and cirrhosis of the liver. Hormonal fluctuations are associated with drugs for cirrhosis associated with gynecomastia. Malnutrition and hunger If your body is not adequately nourished, the testosterone level will decrease, but the estrogen level will remain constant, which will cause a hormonal imbalance. Gynecomastia can also occur during a normal diet. Herbal products Vegetable oils, such as tea tree or lavender, used in shampoos, soaps or lotions have been associated with gynecomastia. This is probably due to their low estrogenic activity.
risk factors The risk factors for gynecomastia are:
adolescence Older Use of anabolic steroids or androgens to enhance athletic performance Certain health problems, including liver and kidney diseases, thyroid diseases, hormonally active tumors and Klinefelter syndrome complications Gynecomastia has few physical complications, but can cause psychological or emotional problems related to appearance.
prevention You can control some things to reduce the risk of gynecomastia:
Do not use illegal drugs. Examples include steroids and androgens, amphetamines, heroin and marijuana. Avoid alcohol. Do not drink alcohol or in moderation. Check your medications. Gynecomastia, where are you going?
submitted by male-breast-surgery to u/male-breast-surgery [link] [comments]