One guys one horse

One Direction

2012.01.24 03:37 One Direction

Vas happenin’? You’ve made it to OneDirection where we discuss anything and everything related to 1D & each of the guys’ solo careers! Think of us as a one stop shop 🍌🥑🐓🥄☘️

2010.04.04 23:34 Moj0 Red Dead Redemption

/RedDeadRedemption - A subreddit dedicated to Red Dead Redemption & Red Dead Redemption 2, developed by Rockstar Games, the creators behind the Grand Theft Auto series.

2016.06.04 23:21 Nurolight Red Dead Online

Red Dead Online

2024.06.04 22:03 throwawaysafetyyy Float pod health

I have worked for a float spa for awhile now and haven’t run into this problem. Suds. Like someone dumped soap into it, even though i know no one has. I’ll spend all day filtering, skimming, changing the filter, and repeating, and it never seems to get better. Help please. H2O2: 180 ppm Salinity: 1.24 There is no smell. We have used foam down but it didn’t work so I stopped. It’s also slightly discolored, but not really, and is clear once it settles except for the bubbles on top. Can’t float anyone in it until i figure this out so please, help a girl out. My arms are tired.
submitted by throwawaysafetyyy to FloatTank [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:03 maryyf English class - Famous figure biography presentation: Hitler

I'm an English as a foreign language teacher in a South American country. I teach 6th to 11th grade. I assigned seventh graders a biography presentation about a famous figure of their choice. Everyone did it on some famous athlete (Michael Jordan, Lionel Messi, etc.), except two kids. They decided to do it on Adolf Hitler. I saw the PowerPoint and simply refused to let them present it and told them to change it and present it later on.
I have now received an angry email from one of the moms saying that they put so much effort into it (it's barely three mediocre slides) and that they've been learning about WWII and the Nazis in history class. I replied. Told her everyone else chose a famous athlete or someone with admirable feats, and that I wasn't going to accept it. Change it to a scientist, athlete or literally anyone else.
I simply don’t understand the thought process here. When I'm made to think about someone famous I think Beyoncé or someone like that, and apparently the other children think the same.
Am I overreacting here? Again, this is English class. The assignment was to present the biography of a famous figure using the past simple. The mom insists that "yes it is bad, but it's history". Sure, it is. But there are so many famous people out there, why choose this incredible evil figure?
Also, I know these kids think it's funny to do the Nazi salute and they have absolutely no respect or a deep understanding of how awful the Holocaust was. I refuse to have to go over it with them in English class. I guess I'm going to have to talk to the History teacher.
Anyways, am I in the wrong here? I'm expecting to hear from admin soon, and I would like some external output. Thanks.
submitted by maryyf to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 RoCoF85 Tipping the builders after renovation…

Hi all
Just gathering thoughts on this. We’re a fair way along a hefty extension and renovation, with an all-in cost of around £120k. The contractors and builders have been absolutely A1 throughout in every way.
There’s 5 of them who are the most frequently there - the main boss then a couple of lads around 40ish and two younger ones in their 20s.
They’ve been respectful, tidy, patient and bloody hard working throughout. Lots of heavy graft in shit conditions.
Despite spending a small fortune (not bragging by the way - it’s mostly mortgage) it seems only right after what will have been about 6 months of dealing with them frequently (I pop in most days for a bit) to sort them a few quid extra each.
My question is, how much is reasonable?? We’re not minted by any means - we’re young and work normal office drone jobs. I was thinking £100 each - if it was you would you appreciate it or think we’re tight? Thoughts welcomed, cheers.
submitted by RoCoF85 to DIYUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 DogeBoi2010 I need help being a new DM

I'm very new to being a DM. I have played DnD before with friends as a rogue and have seen my more experienced friend DM, but it felt too rushed for my liking, so I created a new DnD group with my friend in Choir, but as a new DM I would keep making them run into a very difficult situation but by some miracle they would roll exactly what they needed. An example would be that I said to my friend, "If you can roll two Nat 20's, you can instantly one shot the Death Slaad." (The entire group was level 1 or 2 by this point) and he rolls two Nat 20's, so out of pure confusion I allow him to kill the Death Slaad and we do some more adventures, ect, ect. But now I'm put in a situation where the max level cap is 200 (and rising) and the group has overpowered weapons that can 2 shot a Tarrasque. And I'm currently starting a new campaign with some online friends and I'm planning to take it much slower (since my Choir DnD session got to level 50 within 1-5 days). Any tips or advice for me?
submitted by DogeBoi2010 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 Chongi978 a woman stole my heart

her long nails scratching my hand, and my chest, and my back, and my neck, the smell of her perfume wraps around my head, her soft bust resting on my chest, my arms covering her breasts,
I hold her like train holds the train tracks, like metal holds strong magnets, like pages of books hold ink, like poor hold onto one dollar bills, like coffee stains hold onto jeans. we sleep together like that.
then I wake up, alone in my two-room flat, in an apartment, few stories high, I look out the window, it's still night, flickering neon lights, time slows down, I hear sirens from afar, drink a glass of whiskey, then I go back to my bed, lay down, I go back to sleep, and dream again.
submitted by Chongi978 to Poem [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 LivingDebacle 🧡 Miss Delaila Daiya

🧡 Miss Delaila Daiya
Learned recently she has a brown ponytail under all that that head scarf. Girl’s got a bad case of sun bleached bangs
Also gave her a forehead scarf cuz my mom has one there :3
submitted by LivingDebacle to Palia [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 Similar-Statement-42 NO ONE ASKED but I love Wallows

I keep seeing people debating what the best Wallows album/song/era is. Just wanted to add my two cents that no one asked for lol. There is a reason wallows is my favorite band and has been since I stumbled upon them in 2018 from clicking through random YT vids🤣 for me, I don’t think I’ve ever heard something from Wallows that I didn’t like.. I mean, absolutely nothing! Spring EP? all the singles? Remote? TMTIO? MO D EL? BANGERS. I have never found a band like wallows, they have such a unique feel and always manage to scratch the exact right spot on my brain. This is just a little appreciation post for Cole, Braeden, & Dylan, thanks for being my favorite band 6 years running :3
submitted by Similar-Statement-42 to Wallows [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 ExoticArtemis3435 What is the easiest way to export and import all collection of an database?

What is the easiest way to export and import all collection of an database?
In Mongodb compass ,you can only export each collection one by one which is time comsuming,
submitted by ExoticArtemis3435 to mongodb [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 Snitshel No wonder so many people suffer from genetical disabilities when there are people who believe that abortion is ableist...

No wonder so many people suffer from genetical disabilities when there are people who believe that abortion is ableist...
This is just sad... Giving birth to unconsenting children is one thing but then also "packaging" a disability as a bonus is just cruel...
And for what? So you can spread your seed?
submitted by Snitshel to antinatalism [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 conisometimes Battle of the singles. Round 4. Top comment wins

Battle of the singles. Round 4. Top comment wins
It’s time for our next round :))) For me, this round includes one of their worst songs 😳, can you guess which one it is? Lol
We’ll be choosing between:
  1. Beautiful James
  2. Jesus’ son
  3. The Never Ending Why
  4. Twenty Years
  5. Special Needs
  6. Nancy Boy
Remember top comment wins!
Winners so far: 1. You don’t care about us 2. Taste in Men 3. Pure Morning
submitted by conisometimes to placebo [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 apehasreturned Booking John Cena's Career, Part Eight: Brothers in Exile

Part One Here!
Part Two Here!
Part Three Here!
Part Four Here!
Part Five Here!
Part Six Here!
Part Seven Here!
In the aftermath of his victory at Slammiversary and the subsequent crowning as the inaugural TNA World Champion, John Cena stands tall in the center of the ring, the newly minted title gleaming on his shoulder. The arena pulsates with energy as the crowd showers him with both cheers and jeers, a testament to Cena's polarizing presence in the world of professional wrestling. With a microphone in hand, Cena begins to address the audience, his voice carrying an air of confidence and self-assurance. He speaks of his journey to the top, recounting the trials and tribulations he endured to reach this pinnacle of success. Cena's words are laced with conviction as he asserts his dominance and proclaims himself as the epitome of greatness in TNA.
"As I stand here before you tonight, holding this championship high above my head, I can't help but feel a sense of pride coursing through my veins. This title represents more than just gold and leather—it symbolizes excellence, dedication, and the undying spirit of a true champion."
The crowd's reaction is mixed, with some fans chanting Cena's name in adulation while others boo vehemently, unable to fully embrace Cena's bravado.
"But make no mistake, my journey is far from over. I stand here not as a mere champion, but as the standard-bearer of this entire industry. I have faced the best and conquered them all, leaving a trail of defeated opponents in my wake. There is no one who can match my prowess, no one who can rival my legacy."
As Cena's words reverberate throughout the arena, the lights suddenly dim, signaling the arrival of an unexpected guest. The unmistakable strains of Kurt Angle's entrance music echo through the arena, sending shockwaves of anticipation through the crowd. Interrupting Cena's speech, Angle emerges from backstage, his gaze fixed squarely on the TNA World Championship held proudly by Cena. The tension between the two rivals is palpable as Angle strides purposefully towards the ring, his expression one of steely determination. Cena's demeanor shifts slightly, his confidence momentarily faltering as he braces himself for the confrontation with his old nemesis. The stage is set for a showdown of epic proportions, as Cena and Angle stand face-to-face, each man determined to emerge victorious in this latest chapter of their storied rivalry.
As Kurt Angle steps into the spotlight, his presence commands attention, his aura exuding an air of intensity and purpose. He holds the IGF/IWGP Heavyweight Championship high above his head, the gold glistening under the arena lights, a symbol of his own prestigious accolades.
"John Cena," Angle's voice booms through the arena, cutting through the atmosphere like a sharp blade, "you stand there with your TNA World Championship, basking in the glory of your recent victory. But let me remind you, there are other titles out there, titles that carry just as much weight, just as much prestige."
Cena's eyes narrow slightly as he watches Angle, his curiosity piqued by the mention of additional championships. He listens intently, his gaze never leaving Angle's figure as the Olympic Gold Medalist continues.
"This championship," Angle gestures to the title draped over his shoulder, "represents the pinnacle of professional wrestling on a global scale. It is recognized across the world as a symbol of excellence, a testament to the skill and determination of its bearer."
Cena's expression shifts, a flicker of interest crossing his features as Angle's words resonate with him. The allure of international gold, the opportunity to solidify his status as a true wrestling icon, begins to take hold.
"You and I, John," Angle's voice takes on a challenging edge, "we have a history, a rivalry that has defined us both. But tonight, I offer you the chance to elevate that rivalry to new heights, to stake our claims as the undisputed champions of this industry."
The crowd stirs with anticipation, sensing the gravity of Angle's proposition. Cena's gaze hardens, his competitive spirit ignited by the prospect of facing Angle in a winner-takes-all showdown.
"You want a shot at greatness, Cena?" Angle's voice rings out, his tone laced with conviction. "Then face me, not just for your TNA World Championship, but for my IGF/IWGP Heavyweight Championship as well. Let's settle this once and for all, in a match that will go down in history as one of the greatest battles of all time."
The challenge hangs heavy in the air, the tension between Cena and Angle palpable as they stand locked in a silent standoff. The stakes have never been higher, the opportunity for glory beckoning like a siren's call. And as the crowd holds its breath, awaiting Cena's response, the stage is set for a clash of titans that will shake the very foundations of TNA.
As tensions escalate between the two rivals, the stage is set for a high-stakes rematch that will determine not only the fate of the TNA World Championship but also the addition of international gold to Cena's already illustrious career. The wrestling world eagerly awaits their showdown, anticipating a clash of titans that will redefine the landscape of professional wrestling. John Cena and Kurt Angle reaches new heights as they prepare to collide once again, this time in a winner-takes-all match for both the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and Angle's IGF/IWGP Heavyweight Championship. The stakes couldn't be higher as both men are determined to prove their dominance and add another accolade to their already impressive resumes.
In the weeks leading up to Victory Road, Cena and Angle engage in a war of words, trading verbal barbs and psychological mind games. Cena boasts about his recent championship victory and mocks Angle's perceived desperation to reclaim his former glory. Meanwhile, Angle fires back with reminders of their storied history and his unmatched wrestling pedigree, warning Cena not to underestimate him.
As the anticipation builds, tensions boil over during their face-to-face confrontations, with physical altercations erupting on multiple occasions. The animosity between them is palpable, fueling their determination to emerge victorious in their highly anticipated showdown.
Victory Road
On the night of Victory Road, the sold-out arena is buzzing with excitement as Cena and Angle make their way to the ring, each accompanied by their respective entourages. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation as the two warriors prepare to do battle in a match that will determine the fate of two prestigious championships.
Winner Take All: John Cena (c) vs Kurt Angle (c)
From the opening bell, Cena and Angle leave it all in the ring, delivering a hard-hitting, back-and-forth contest that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The action spills to the outside as both men trade punishing strikes and high-impact maneuvers, each refusing to back down in the face of adversity. As the match reaches its climax, the momentum shifts back and forth, with neither competitor able to gain a decisive advantage. Cena unleashes his signature moves, including the FU, while Angle counters with his patented Angle Slam and ankle lock submission hold. In a dramatic twist, the match ends in controversy as interference from both men's allies leads to chaos inside the ring. Despite the chaos, Cena manages to overcome the odds and pin Angle, securing victory and becoming the dual champion as the crowd erupts in a mixture of cheers and boos.
John Cena defeats Kurt Angle to retain the TNA World Heavyweight and win the IGF/IWGP Heavyweight Championships (26:17)
With the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and the IGF/IWGP Heavyweight Championship in his possession, Cena stands tall in the center of the ring, solidifying his status as one of the most dominant forces in professional wrestling history. As he celebrates his hard-fought victory, Cena defiantly declares himself as the undisputed king of the wrestling world, ready to face any challenge that comes his way.
As the summer months pass, John Cena's dominance over the TNA roster becomes increasingly apparent. Match after match, he dispatches challengers with ease, his reign as dual champion solidifying his status as one of the most formidable forces in professional wrestling.
With each victory, Cena's confidence swells to new heights. He struts to the ring with an air of invincibility, his championship gold gleaming under the arena lights as a tangible testament to his supremacy. His promos are filled with boastful declarations, comparing himself to legends of the past like Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan, claiming that he is destined to surpass even their storied legacies.
"The Doctor of Thuganomics is here to stay," Cena proclaims to the roaring crowd, his voice ringing out with unbridled arrogance. "I've conquered every challenge thrown my way, and I'm just getting started. Bret, Hogan, they were great in their time, but they've got nothing on the Champ. Shane Douglas thought he was the Franchise, but no. Fuck that. I did what he did ten times better. I carried the NWA for years before I got tired of the bullshit. I AM THE FRANCHISE. And not a goddamn soul can argue with me."
His words strike fear into the hearts of the TNA roster, who watch with a mixture of awe and trepidation as Cena bulldozes his way through any and all opposition. The locker room buzzes with whispered rumors and hushed conversations, with many wondering if anyone will ever be able to halt Cena's relentless march towards wrestling immortality.
But despite the mounting pressure and uncertainty, Cena remains unfazed. He thrives on the challenge, relishing every opportunity to prove himself as the undisputed king of the ring. With the TNA and IGF/IWGP Heavyweight Championships firmly in his grasp, he stands as a towering colossus, ready to crush anyone who dares to step into his path. And as the autumn breeze begins to sweep across the wrestling landscape, Cena shows no signs of slowing down, his reign of dominance poised to continue unchallenged for the foreseeable future.
In the heart of the TNA Impact Zone, amidst the deafening roar of the crowd, John Cena stands tall in the center of the ring, his diamond encrusted TNA World Heavyweight Championship gleaming under the bright lights. The IGF/IWGP Heavyweight Championship is strapped tight around his waist. The air is thick with anticipation as Cena, surrounded by Chain Gang Records, basks in the adulation of his fans.
With a mic in hand, Cena begins to address the crowd, his voice echoing throughout the arena. "Ladies and gentlemen," he booms, his words commanding attention, "we are standing here tonight at the dawn of a new era in TNA!" The crowd erupts into cheers, their enthusiasm fueling Cena's growing ego. "For too long, this company has been held back by mediocrity," Cena continues, his tone dripping with confidence. "But now, with me at the helm, we are destined for greatness!" As Cena's boasts reverberate through the arena, the atmosphere shifts, signaling the arrival of a familiar presence. Suddenly, the arena plunges into darkness, eliciting gasps from the crowd. A single spotlight illuminates the entrance ramp, revealing the imposing figure of Samoa Joe.
The Samoan Submission Machine strides purposefully down the ramp, his gaze fixed on Cena with unwavering intensity. The crowd erupts into cheers as Joe enters the ring, his presence casting a shadow over Cena's bravado. "John Cena," Joe begins, his voice a low rumble that commands attention, "you stand before us tonight with gold around your waist. But let's not forget where that gold came from." The tension in the arena is palpable as Joe stares down Cena, his words carrying the weight of their storied history. "You may have the TNA World Heavyweight Championship… you may have the IGF/IWGP Heavyweight Championship," Joe continues, "but you've forgotten what it means to be a true champion."
Cena's smirk falters slightly as Joe's words hit their mark, stirring memories of their fierce battles in the past. Sensing an opportunity, Joe steps forward, his eyes ablaze with determination. "I challenge you, John Cena," he declares, his voice ringing out with authority, "for your TNA, IGF/IWGP World Heavyweight Championships and my X Division Championship. Winner takes all."
The crowd erupts into cheers as Joe's challenge hangs in the air, the anticipation reaching a fever pitch. Cena, visibly taken aback by Joe's audacity, glances around the arena, weighing his options. After a moment of contemplation, a smirk spreads across Cena's face as he accepts Joe's challenge, setting the stage for an epic showdown at Bound For Glory.
The tension between John Cena and Samoa Joe reaches a boiling point as the two rivals set their sights on a monumental clash at Bound For Glory. With both men holding championship gold, the stakes have never been higher as they prepare to put everything on the line in a winner-take-all showdown.
Samoa Joe, the fearless X Division Champion, steps forward to challenge Cena's reign of tyranny. The Samoan Submission Machine sees an opportunity to exploit Cena's insatiable greed, enticing him with the allure of the X Division Championship. Joe knows that Cena's hunger for gold knows no bounds, and he capitalizes on this weakness to propose a match that will go down in wrestling history. John knows it’s a risk. He knows it’s a big match to take. And he’s never defeated Joe before. But the prospect of adding another championship to his collection proves too tempting for the self-proclaimed Franchise of TNA to resist.
The stage is set for a colossal main event at Bound For Glory, with the wrestling world buzzing with anticipation. Fans eagerly await the clash of these titans, knowing that the outcome will shape the landscape of TNA for years to come. As the date of the event draws near, tensions between Cena and Joe escalate to new heights. The animosity between the two rivals is palpable, fueling the anticipation for their epic showdown. With three prestigious titles hanging in the balance, Bound For Glory promises to be a night that will go down in wrestling history.
Bound For Glory
The match between Samoa Joe and John Cena at Bound For Glory is an epic encounter that captivates the audience from start to finish. As the bell rings, both competitors waste no time in locking up, the tension in the air palpable as they engage in a fierce battle for supremacy.
Winner Take All: Samoa Joe (c) vs John Cena (c)
Cena, the embodiment of strength and resilience, looks to assert his dominance early on, charging at Joe with a relentless barrage of strikes and power moves. However, Joe, known for his agility and submission prowess, proves to be a formidable opponent, countering Cena's attacks with lightning-fast strikes and well-executed grappling techniques. The match sees both men trading momentum, each landing impactful maneuvers in their quest for victory. Cena utilizes his brute strength to overpower Joe, delivering bone-crunching suplexes and thunderous slams that rock the ring. Meanwhile, Joe employs his superior speed and technical acumen, targeting Cena's limbs with precision strikes and submission holds.
As the match progresses, the intensity reaches new heights, with both competitors unleashing their most devastating moves in an effort to secure the win. Cena attempts to hit his signature Attitude Adjustment multiple times, but Joe manages to evade or counter each attempt with remarkable agility. Despite Cena's relentless assault, Joe refuses to stay down, displaying incredible resilience and fighting spirit. The crowd is firmly behind Joe, rallying behind him as he absorbs Cena's punishment and mounts his own offense.
In a pivotal moment, Joe seizes an opening and locks Cena in his patented Coquina Clutch, applying excruciating pressure to Cena's neck and shoulders. The arena erupts with anticipation as Cena struggles to break free, his face contorted in agony as Joe cinches in the hold. With the match hanging in the balance, Cena summons one last burst of energy, summoning every ounce of strength he has left to power out of the Coquina Clutch. The crowd explodes into cheers as Cena fights his way back to his feet, determined to turn the tide of the match.
In the climax of the bout, Joe and Cena engage in a thrilling back-and-forth exchange, trading devastating blows in the center of the ring. With both men exhausted and battered, Joe manages to catch Cena off guard with a lightning-fast strike, stunning him long enough to execute his signature Muscle Buster maneuver. The impact echoes throughout the arena as Joe hooks Cena's leg for the pinfall, the referee's hand hitting the canvas for the three-count. The crowd erupts into cheers as Joe is declared the winner, retaining the X Division Championship and capturing both the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and the IGF/IWGP Heavyweight Championship in a historic victory.
Samoa Joe defeats John Cena to retain the X Division Championship and win the IGF/IWGP Heavyweight and TNA World Heavyweight Championships (27:29)
Embarrassed yet again by Joe, Cena exiles himself once he wakes up to see the streamers and confetti rain down on the new champion. During his hiatus from TNA following his loss at Bound For Glory, John Cena took time to reflect on his career and the state of the wrestling industry. He remained out of the spotlight, focusing on personal growth and strategizing his next move. However, the burning desire to reclaim his former glory and ascend to new heights never waned.
As the calendar turned to 2008, Cena felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. He saw an opportunity to make a triumphant return to TNA and reclaim his status as a dominant force in the promotion. With Chain Gang Records by his side, Cena believed he could once again assert his dominance and reshape the landscape of TNA.
Upon his return, Cena wasted no time in reaching out to Ron Killings, his longtime ally and fellow member of Chain Gang Records. He sought to reignite the flame of their partnership, believing that together they could conquer any obstacle that stood in their way. However, Killings was hesitant to fully commit to the idea.
Killings expressed concerns about the current state of their bond and the direction in which their paths had diverged. He acknowledged the history they shared but felt that circumstances had changed, and he needed to prioritize his own career and personal growth. Despite Cena's earnest efforts to persuade him, Killings remained steadfast in his decision to focus on himself.
The attempted reunion between Cena and Killings highlighted the evolution of their relationship and the challenges they faced in reconciling their past with their present realities. As Cena grappled with this realization, he knew that he would need to chart a new path forward in TNA, one that embraced change and adaptation while honoring the legacy of Chain Gang Records.
Ron Killings' ascent through the ranks of TNA is nothing short of meteoric. With a string of impressive victories, he becomes a fan favorite and a force to be reckoned with in the world title picture. Week after week, Killings showcases his skill, determination, and unwavering resolve, earning the respect of both fans and fellow wrestlers.
As he clinches the coveted spot of #1 contender for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, the anticipation among the fans reaches a fever pitch. Against All Odds promises to be a defining moment in Killings' career, a chance for him to achieve his lifelong dream of capturing the gold. However, John Cena, lurking in the shadows, has other plans. The former friend turned bitter rival sees Killings' rise as a threat to his own power and dominance. Determined to maintain his stranglehold on TNA, Cena orchestrates a despicable betrayal, costing Killings his shot at the championship in a shocking display of treachery. Spray painting CGR on the back of Killings’ shirt, the branding is symbolic as it is threatening.
The betrayal leaves Killings battered and bruised, both physically and emotionally. Betrayal cuts deep, especially when it comes from someone you once considered a friend. As he lies in the wreckage of Cena's deceit, Killings is consumed by a burning desire for revenge, vowing to settle the score and reclaim his dignity.
The stage is set for an epic showdown between former allies turned bitter enemies. With the stakes higher than ever, Killings is determined to overcome Cena's treachery and prove that no betrayal can break his spirit. As he prepares to face Cena in battle, Killings knows that he must summon every ounce of strength and resilience within him to emerge victorious and restore honor to his name.
The feud between John Cena and Ron Killings intensifies to a fever pitch following Cena's despicable betrayal at Against All Odds. As the tension between the two former allies reaches its boiling point, the stage is set for a showdown of epic proportions at Destination X.
In the weeks leading up to the highly anticipated clash, Cena revels in his underhanded tactics, relishing in the chaos and destruction he has wrought upon his former friend. He taunts and belittles Killings at every turn, seeking to break his spirit and cement his own dominance within TNA. Conversely, Killings seethes with a righteous fury, determined to exact revenge on Cena for his betrayal. Fuelled by a burning desire for justice, he trains tirelessly, channeling his anger into a focused determination to emerge victorious and restore honor to his name.
As the fateful day of Destination X arrives, the anticipation among fans is palpable. The arena crackles with electricity as Cena and Killings step into the ring, ready to settle their score once and for all. In a hard-fought battle that sees both men push themselves to their limits, Cena resorts to his trademark underhanded tactics, utilizing his padlock chain to gain an unfair advantage over Killings. Despite Killings' valiant efforts to overcome Cena's treachery, he ultimately falls victim to Cena's cunning and deceit, suffering a heartbreaking defeat at the hands of his former friend-turned-nemesis.
The outcome leaves Killings devastated and betrayed, while Cena stands tall in victory, a smug grin etched across his face. After the match, cena wails on killings with the chain, leaving him a bloody mess to be cleaned up by medics, brutally destroying who he considered a friend in the past. But as Cena celebrates his tainted triumph, a fire ignites within Killings, fueling his determination to one day reclaim his honor and vanquish Cena once and for all.
As the bitter feud between John Cena and Ron Killings escalates to new heights, the stage is set for a brutal showdown at the Lockdown PPV event. With tensions boiling over and emotions running high, both men are determined to settle their long-standing grudge once and for all. In a shocking turn of events, TNA management announces that Cena and Killings will face off in a Dog Collar match while surrounded by Six Sides of Steel, a match designed to amplify the brutality and intensity of their rivalry to unprecedented levels.
From the moment the bell rings, the arena is consumed by an atmosphere of chaos and carnage as Cena and Killings unleash their pent-up aggression upon each other. With the steel cage surrounding them, there is no escape for either competitor, and they are forced to confront their demons head-on. The match descends into a bloody and barbaric spectacle, with both men using the steel chain connecting them to the collar as a weapon of destruction. Blow after blow is exchanged, each strike echoing throughout the arena as the crowd watches in awe and horror.
Despite Cena's attempts to resort to his trademark underhanded tactics, Killings refuses to back down, channeling his fury into a relentless onslaught against his former friend-turned-foe. With every ounce of strength and determination, Killings fights tooth and nail to overcome Cena and emerge victorious. In a climactic moment of triumph, Killings manages to turn Cena's own underhanded tactics against him, using the chain to incapacitate his opponent and secure the victory. As the referee counts the pinfall, the arena erupts in a deafening roar of applause and acclaim for Killings, who has finally achieved redemption and justice in the face of adversity.
With his victory, Killings not only evens the score with Cena but also solidifies his status as a force to be reckoned with in TNA. As he stands tall in the center of the ring, bloodied but unbowed, Killings sends a clear message to Cena and the rest of the wrestling world: he will not be silenced, and he will not be defeated.
As John Cena watches from the shadows, Ron Killings embarks on a remarkable journey of redemption and triumph. Buoyed by his decisive victory over Cena in the Dog Collar Steel Cage match, Killings harnesses the momentum to propel himself back into the spotlight and reassert his dominance in the world of professional wrestling. Against all odds, Killings defies the skeptics and critics, earning himself another shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. With the support of the passionate TNA faithful behind him, Killings steps into the ring with a fire burning in his soul and a determination to seize the ultimate prize.
In a match filled with heart-stopping drama and breathtaking action, Killings lays it all on the line, refusing to let anything stand in the way of his lifelong dream. With every move, he showcases the heart, passion, and resilience that have defined his career, winning over the hearts of fans around the world. As the final bell tolls and the dust settles, Killings emerges victorious, his hand raised in triumph as he is crowned the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion. In a moment of pure elation and emotion, Killings basks in the adulation of the crowd, his hard-fought journey culminating in a well-deserved championship reign. For Killings, this victory is more than just a title win—it's a symbol of perseverance, dedication, and the power of never giving up on one's dreams. As he stands tall in the center of the ring, the TNA faithful erupt in a thunderous ovation, celebrating the triumph of a true underdog and the dawn of a new era in professional wrestling.
As John Cena emerges from the shadows to confront the new champion, Ron Killings finds himself dragged back into the dark and bloody feud that has defined their tumultuous relationship. Despite Killings' desire to move past Cena and focus on new challenges for his championship reign, Cena's relentless harassment forces him to confront the past once again. The feud between John Cena and Ron Killings reaches new heights as Cena, consumed by his desire for dominance, relentlessly pursues Killings and the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Their rivalry becomes increasingly personal, with Cena's malicious taunts and attacks pushing Killings to his breaking point.
Week after week, Cena continues to torment Killings, refusing to let go of their bitter history and determined to reclaim the championship that he believes is rightfully his. Meanwhile, Killings struggles to maintain his composure in the face of Cena's relentless onslaught, determined to prove himself as a worthy champion and fend off his former friend turned bitter enemy. With tensions escalating to dangerous levels, Killings reluctantly agrees to one final showdown with Cena, determined to put an end to their bitter rivalry once and for all. As they prepare to clash in a high-stakes rematch at Slammiversary, both men know that this battle will be unlike any they've faced before. In a bold move to ensure that the chaos and animosity between Cena and Killings comes to an end, TNA management announces that their match will be a loser leaves town match. With everything on the line, both competitors know that the stakes have never been higher. Both men know that this will be their final chance to settle their score and determine once and for all who will reign supreme in TNA.
As the anticipation builds and the tension reaches a fever pitch, Cena and Killings step into the ring for their epic showdown at Slammiversary. With the fate of their careers hanging in the balance, they unleash everything they have in a brutal and hard-hitting encounter that leaves the crowd on the edge of their seats.
TNA World Heavyweight Championship Loser Leaves Town: Ron Killings (c) vs John Cena
At Slammiversary, Cena and Killings step into the ring for their highly anticipated showdown. The atmosphere is electric as the two rivals face off in a match that is equal parts physical and emotional. Cena unleashes his trademark aggression, punishing Killings with a relentless barrage of strikes and power moves. Despite Cena's dominance, Killings refuses to back down, summoning every ounce of strength and determination to fight back against his relentless opponent. The match reaches its climax as both men trade near falls and desperate maneuvers, each refusing to be the one to leave TNA for good.
In the end, it is Cena who manages to seize the opportunity, capitalizing on a moment of vulnerability from Killings to deliver his devastating finishing move and secure the victory. As the referee counts the pinfall, the realization sinks in for Killings that he has been defeated, and his time in TNA has come to an end. With Cena declared the winner and Killings forced to leave TNA, the crowd erupts into a mixture of shock and disbelief. As Killings makes his solemn exit from the arena, Cena stands tall in the ring, clutching the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and cementing his status as the dominant force in TNA once again.
John Cena defeats Ron Killings to win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (16:38)
Throughout his reign of dominance, John Cena's actions become increasingly brutal and unforgiving. He takes pleasure in asserting his authority over the TNA roster, leaving behind a path of destruction with every match he competes in. In the ring, Cena shows no mercy to his opponents. He delivers punishing blows with precision and intensity, wearing down his adversaries with relentless aggression. His matches are filled with moments of sheer brutality, as he utilizes every weapon at his disposal to ensure his victory.
submitted by apehasreturned to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 simplemaximal Motley Fool Stocks 2024 Promo Code

Check this out for Motley Fool Stocks 2024 Promo Code. Find the best deals for you by looking at the current promo codes and coupons on that page. You'll always find the newest coupons, promo codes, and deals on that page. Choose one to apply to your order and save money.
submitted by simplemaximal to FestDeals [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 Pekodes The Value of Bardic Inspiration

TL:DR at the bottom.
Basics: Bardic Inspiration (BI) requires you to perform for 15 seconds, during which anyone within 16m of you receives its buff. After 15 seconds, the 16m buff stays for 90 seconds for anyone still in range. Assuming you don't roll a one, the buff is receiving bonus progression when hitting good/great skill checks, specifically:
Value (Alone): Survivors have a base repair speed of 1c/s, meaning in the time it takes you to complete the performance, you could have repaired 16.67% (15 charges) of the gen. To break even (plus a little extra), you would have to hit:
Given a generator takes 90 seconds and every second there is an 8% chance to trigger a skill check, you would expect about 7 skill checks per gen on average. Even accounting for the leftover seconds you could potentially use the buff on a second generator after finishing the first, there is little chance you get any real value alone. However, that is to be expected as it is fairly evident that you are meant to use this perk around others.
Value (With Others): There is a repair speed penalty for each additional survivor on the same generator, meaning that your individual contribution is smaller than if you were alone. Specifically:
This greatly contributes to the value of the perk. Let's analyze the "worst" scenario; if we can prove value here, this proves greater value for all the "better" scenarios.
Marginally, you add 0.7c/s when working with one other survivor, meaning you can contribute 10.5 charges in 15 seconds. To break even with a 2-10 roll, you would need 12 skill checks. This is more likely with two survivors, and better than what we need alone, but I would be lying to say this was good, consistent value. Evidently, the perk works better with higher rolls and more survivors. If you roll a 11-19, you would only need 6 skill checks to break even. That is much better value, with an expected 8 checks or 16% progress worth of value after breaking even. From here, we can conclude that this perk is only worth utilizing if there are three or four survivors together, or two survivors so long as you roll higher than 10.
Interaction With Prove Thyself: Since Prove Thyself increases your own individual contribution, this lessens the potential value of BI. You are more likely to get value by simply hopping on the gen from the get go. However, it should be noted that Prove Thyself works so long as you are within 4m of a survivor. You don't have to be repairing as well. So, while performing, you are boosting their repair speed in two ways. Comparing Prove Thyself and Bardic Inspiration mathematically would be complex and time-consuming given the numerous scenarios, so I will it at that given the time I want to spend on the perk currently.
TL:DR: Commit to the 15 second performance if there are three or four survivors, and only commit if you roll 10-20 when there are two survivors. Do not use it alone. If you choose to also bring Prove Thyself, I would only commit if you roll 10-20 with three or four survivors, or a 20 with two survivors.
submitted by Pekodes to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 mwazy DeWalt DWE6005 Review

Anyone used this corded router, would you say it's a good tool vs say a cordless one? All thoughts welcome (specifically from anyone who's used it). Thanks.
submitted by mwazy to Dewalt [link] [comments]



2024.06.04 22:02 I_hate_11 Stuck at Hirata Estate

I’m a new player, and I think I’ve got the basics of the game down pretty well, but I’ve been stuck at this location for a while. The archers have been one of my main problems, the training doesn’t show you how to fight them, and it’s pretty hard to fight any other enemy when you have one shooting at you. The spear guy was also causing me a bit of trouble, but it’s mainly because the archers did most of the damage to me so by the time I get to him he can basically 1 hit me.
Any tips for clearing this stage?
submitted by I_hate_11 to Sekiro [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 Medical_Ad_828 23 [F4M] #Bahamas/Online Looking for a traditional/old-fashioned relationship! <3

Hi there! :) I'm a sweet, soft girl from the Caribbean looking for a genuine relationship where we eventually get married. I don't like the hookup scene and my dream is to find my forever person. I desire to be a wife and a homemaker. I am currently a teacher but having a family means more to me than a career. I would love to take care of my future children and husband while he provides and protects for us. The location does NOT matter as long as you are willing to come and see me (before eventually closing the gap)! Other than what I've described, I would be super grateful for a man who is good with communicating, romantic and isn't afraid to lead because I have a lot of good qualities to offer! I can be really clingy when I'm in love so if this disturbs you, then I am not the one for you! :"( If you fit this description, please do not hesitate to reach out with your photo, location and age!! <3 Will send a photo of me as well.
submitted by Medical_Ad_828 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 WinningWatchlist IMO a great tweet about DFV's positioning and all the scenarios that can arise as a result
Comes from someone I highly respect in the equity-trading twitter-sphere:
Let me get this straight.
Kitty was long 120k contracts of the June 21st calls.
He could have sold at about 15 or call it even VWAP or $12.7.
That would have netted him +$84,295,200.
Instead he now has to gamble for $GME to be over $25.67 by June 21st to even make money.
Now on top of it keep in mind that it also means that the entire 12mil shares equivalent (120k contracts) still needs to be sold given Kitty probably does not have the cash to even exercise the calls.
If he gets the cash, it will likley be by selling his 5mil shares to offset it... meaning selling either way. (apart from if he made another $100-200mil somewhere)
The market maker that took the side will be able to delta hedge soon enough and that will create a secondary wave of selling as well.
Finally he had volume today so any sold calls would have been somewhat easily sold into the bid by market makers on the unhedge.
Over the coming days, if volume decreases, the liquidity on the option side will diminish as well. Any selling by kitty will lead to selling on the stock by MM and that cycle will lead to a true sell event.
I do not think people realize that Kitty being long means there is major selling pressure ahead... He longed the equivalent of $68,104,800 which will become near worthless as we approach 20.
That update will end up costing him a lot I believe. Huge mistake to try and pump the stock but contrary to 2020 he isnt up via multi-1000x percent. This is in essence an outright long position with the possibility of -65mil loss if we close near 20 by June 21st.
If he did not post I would have assumed todays weakness would have been triggered by his selling via options and more likely sold common shares (given the specific calls only traded 9.8k volume). The fact he did not means there is more sellers than we knew and there will be more selling going forward than we knew.
Major blunder!
The likely game plan for him will be to do anything possible to hold $GME over 25 over the next 2 weeks, however posting his pictures and updates means market makers know, retail knows, hedgefonds know... I do not expect him to survive this one as easily.
By holding $GME near 25 into the expiry, we in essence will see the equivalent of a 12mil shares ATM being sold. (at a 1 delta)
The fact that he keeps on posting afterhours as well just to manipulate the market during illiquid times is just disgusting.
submitted by WinningWatchlist to u/WinningWatchlist [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 That_Stick_8559 WIBTA for trying to speak to an ex-friend?

About two years ago, I had a major psychotic mental breakdown that took a huge toll on my life and relationships. I had one friend stop speaking to me during the episode, and now that it's been a couple of years and still nothing but silence from him, I don't anticipate him ever reaching out or wanting to be friends again. However I am still on good terms with two members of his direct family, his mom and his stepdad. I don't have a very good relationship with my biological family and I will admit I've wished that me and his parents could have more of a relationship, but at the moment I'm avoiding coming over whenever my ex friend is also over, which is a significant amount of time depending on when he works bc he lives with his mom and stepdad. His mom and stepdad are also busy people so they don't have much time to spare when all is said and done. The other day was his mom's birthday and I didn't find out until the day after what the day was and that she had celebrated with her partner and sons. I know I'm not entitled to be a part of any kind of family celebration when I'm not really a part of said family to begin with, but lately his mom has been more involved in my life in a supportive role and I would have liked at least the opportunity to get her a gift. But with my ex friend at the party I know whether she would want to invite me or not it just isn't happening. I feel like I'm caught in a complicated web of feelings bc I want to feel positively towards my ex friends mom and the rest of his family, but I can't get over being cut off by him and at this point I want to try and visit his mom's place when I think she won't be home and talk to him alone about all of this stuff. I don't know if he'll even answer the door if he knows it's me but I figure it's worth a shot. But I'm worried that I would be better off just leaving the situation be and being appreciative of the love and support I have already instead of doing something that would cause drama between my ex friend and his mom. WIBTA if I knocked on the door and tried to talk and get through to him?
submitted by That_Stick_8559 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 Jotitax Recommendations for travelling in Northeast Brazil?

Hi! I'm planning to go to the Northeast of Brazil for 4-6 weeks. I know that the state of Alagoas and Pernambuco has many cool places to visit but I don't know if it's worth it to go north until Pipa or Fortaleza. I'll be travelling by bus and staying in hostels.
Could you recommend me places to go to, places to not bother going to (like the super turistic ones) or maybe cool places off the beaten pass?
Also, would you recommend flying in to Salvador and flying out from Recife or just going to Recife, travel around and the coming back from Recife as well?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Jotitax to TravelHacks [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 QueenOfCrayCray Can anyone identify this blue jellyfish?

Can anyone identify this blue jellyfish?
Never seen a blue one. Found on an Atlantic side Florida beach.
submitted by QueenOfCrayCray to oceancreatures [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 model-raymondo [2.0 Reforms] The MHoC 2.0 Masterdoc

After much consultation within quad and with advisors, I am happy to be able to present the masterdoc for MHoC 2.0. We have worked hard on producing this document, and we are very excited to hear the communities thoughts on it having already taken on significant feedback.
One part that is missing is how budgets will work in 2.0, which is a discussion I'll be inviting several trusted budget writers to have with quad so we can get a full proposal on budgets out that is influenced by experienced players.
Please keep detailed feedback on this thread, and use the Discord channel #2-0-discussion for more general discussion that would usually happen in #main.
The document can be found here:
submitted by model-raymondo to MHOCMeta [link] [comments]