Symbol enerator

$Novabay Pharma ​generally not an optimist, but don't think its situation is too bad; Its got everything lined up firca huge run; on top of that its NYSE typically give more time firccomoliance for co with projects and revenue; so it should be good if it can grind up a bit then.

2024.05.19 16:44 Bosko_310 $Novabay Pharma ​generally not an optimist, but don't think its situation is too bad; Its got everything lined up firca huge run; on top of that its NYSE typically give more time firccomoliance for co with projects and revenue; so it should be good if it can grind up a bit then.

$Novabay Pharma ​generally not an optimist, but don't think its situation is too bad; Its got everything lined up firca huge run; on top of that its NYSE typically give more time firccomoliance for co with projects and revenue; so it should be good if it can grind up a bit then. submitted by Bosko_310 to Shortsqueeze [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 11:58 dammitichanged-again What are the Gateway tapes + FAQ **Part 2** Wave I

I couldn't decide whether to update the original post or make a new one, but as the intention of these posts is to get people reading the gateway manual, it feels like the best way to do this is separate posts. If for any reason this doesn't suit the community just let me know in a comment.
*******introduction to gateway tapes is HERE*******
Wave I Exercises Discovery #1–Orientation
Energy Conversion Box becomes your mental container to hold concerns, distractions, or interferences for the duration of the exercise. See it, feel it, hear it, think it, or simply imagine it. Your container may be simple or ornate, high-tech or antique, a wood en chest, a sphere of light, a vacuum cleaner ora nuclear particle collector.
Imagine concrete symbols to place in the box, such as a wallet for financial worries, a photo or doll representing someone who is on your mind. You can place limiting words like "can't," shouldn't," or "must" in your container; brick walls to symbolize your defenses; a desk or computer to symbolize work. Experiment. It'sa tool for your use. Allow it to change and return to it whenever you wish during an exercise to place inside any new distraction.
Affirmation focuses your intention and attention. You may use the words as spoken in the exercise, modify them to maximize per sonal relevance and significance, or substitute your own version. Experiment. Make it yours.
Resonant Tuning accelerates the gathering of your vibrational energy while reducing internal dialogue. It helps vitalize and charge your entire system and loosens blockages in natural ener gy channels. Notice any physical manifestations as you vocalize aloud. The sounds on the exercise are only a guide. Set your own rhythm and pace, move up and down the scale, experiment with diferent vowel sounds.
Breathe only slightly deeper than you normally would and, as you inhale, imagine pulling sparkling, vibrant energy into all parts of your body. Allow it to move gently around in your head as you hold your breath. Try releasing tired, stale energy through the soles of your feet with each exhalation.
The opening and closing of your eyes may at first feel awkward, but try doing it anyway. It's a valuable first step in your learning that you are able to control autonomic processes and habitual behavior.
You can return at any time to full waking consciousness by simnply breathing normally, opening your eyes, or moving the fingers of your right hand.
Focus 3 is the first signpost along your journey, a Hemi-Syne® state where your brain and mind are more coherent, synchronized and balanced.
Return to Full Waking Consciousness (C-1) at the end of this and every exercise is facilitated by a strong audio signal. Despite the temptation to take off your headphones early, listen to this sig nal until it is withdrawn. The more completely you come "back" from each exercise, the further you can go into the next.
submitted by dammitichanged-again to gatewaytapes [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 04:58 BabyBundt13 Tonight’s pulls from Silver Tempest box

Tonight’s pulls from Silver Tempest box
The repeat of the same common cards were absolutely INSANE! However I’m glad I got the ones I wanted :)
submitted by BabyBundt13 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 00:22 RemotePuzzleheaded90 I’m only 22 days into learning forex, could anyone please let me know what they think of this trade, I am going to share my reasoning below…

I’m only 22 days into learning forex, could anyone please let me know what they think of this trade, I am going to share my reasoning below… submitted by RemotePuzzleheaded90 to Forex [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 21:09 _Liftyee_ The Tube map, but it's just the Tube

The Tube map, but it's just the Tube submitted by _Liftyee_ to london [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 03:42 Taciturn_Rat What do these symbols mean? I found them on some very strange websites.

What do these symbols mean? I found them on some very strange websites.
Don’t ask how I even found this picture, I’m really not sure how, but can anybody tell me what the symbols on the right mean? Are they even symbols?
Here’s the website I found the picture on. I really have no idea how I got to this website.
PS. I don’t believe any of this. Just kind of a morbid curiosity.
submitted by Taciturn_Rat to Symbology [link] [comments]

2024.02.03 00:03 neo_break_my_back for a school project my group decided to make “The Gregs” political party. Join the party with your squishy bones and pitchforks 🙏🙏

for a school project my group decided to make “The Gregs” political party. Join the party with your squishy bones and pitchforks 🙏🙏 submitted by neo_break_my_back to DannyGonzalez [link] [comments]

2023.12.25 17:00 IAmTheOutsider A Flock of Wolves Ch 2

CENTRAL Mnemonic Record Subject: Alvim, Minority Stakeholder of the Royal Embassy Hotel, Local Historian, Conspiracy Theorist
Location: Royal Embassy Hotel, Lastlight
Mission clock: Insertion +8
Despite the exhaustion of last paw’s travel, the shock of the impending arrival of our home’s new owner had us scrambling to get the hotel in some manner of presentability. We both barely slept, instead I kept myself awake with all the Sprunk we had while I desperately tried to clean areas that hadn’t seen a soul that wasn’t us in months at least. Virtrix, for her part, had hopped herself up on an inadvisable amount of ener-juice and was haring about the place collecting dust covers and arranging what furniture we had left to make the place look less of a derelict.
There wasn’t much we could do with just the two of us, but even then there was no question of calling the kids over to help. In fact the sole concession to our guardianship duties was calling our not-quite-adopted daughter Kesta and telling her that Arven and Vyzrix were staying with her for the time being and to get the spare bedrolls out for us. Just in case our shadowy landlord decided that they were better off without us crowding up the place.
I thanked the stars we even had the option. In most cases when the majority shareholder came in and decided to ‘renovate’ their new purchase it was a calculated operation to force the minority owners to sell up. Being able to stay at Kesta’s apartment, as small and basic as care-leaver’s accommodations were, would make that much less feasible. But then again, these Shadow Agents had thrown three hundred thousand credits at a speedbump of an issue without hesitation. How much more would they, could they, spend to get what they wanted. That was, of course, if they didn’t decide to offer us plasma instead. It was these thoughts that swirled in my head as Virtrix and I fell asleep against each other on the sole remaining lobby couch.
+[Oneiric Record Irrelevant/Incomplete/Redacted: Time Advance Approx (6) Hours]+
I awoke to Virtrix snuggling deeper into my neck ruff and the far less pleasant ringing of my pad’s alarm.
“Mmmh, how long have we been asleep?”
I looked at the now silent pad for the time. “About a claw and a half.”
“That long? What time is our mystery ven due?”
“The agent said a paw, but we’ve been cleaning for so long…” I calculated for a few seconds before realisation hit. “Oh speh, Trix they’re due any second!”
Virtrix sat bolt upright, eyes wide in an instant. “Xric!” Immediately she started fussing with our fur and tails, trying to get us both looking like we hadn’t just rolled out of bed. We each did our best, but there was a certain amount of dishevelment that no amount of paw grooming would get out. We’d just have to hope our new landlord didn’t notice or didn’t care. Fortunately my assessment of time hadn’t been quite right. Two black groundcars of classic make pulled up in front of the entrance roughly a quarter claw after we woke up.
“They certainly aren’t afraid to play to type, are they?” I muttered under my breath, the sound of crunching snow and the rumbling of the vehicles’ antique ICEs nearly enough to drown me out. Nearly, if you didn’t have Sivkit ears.
“Here come the Ven in Black.” Virtrix sang back softly. My heart swelled and I hugged her to me tighter.
“Whatever happens, Virtrix, I want you to know I love you. More than words can say.”
“I know, you silly ven.” Virtrix squeezed her tail around mine reassuringly. “And don’t worry, we’ll be okay. We always are.”
The car doors opened and out stepped Black from the paw before. Along with him was White and… four more Whites. They were not close enough to be carbon-copies, but their near identical looks and snowcloaks was enough to be unnerving. The way they exited the second car in lockstep and took up positions as if they were guarding the governor herself only tightened the knot in my guts.
Black and who I assumed was the original White had been in the lead car, White hanging back with ears perked and slowly scanning the area, Black waving his tail in a friendly greeting like this was the most normal thing in the world.
“Good pa-, oh, good waking Mr Alvim, Ms Virtrix.” Greeted Black. His bouncy accent was still there, but it had noticeably softened since yesterday. You’d almost think he was an actual Venlil and not some clone grown in a government lab.
“Good paw Mr…” I trailed off in expectation of a name, since he’d never given me one. The black Venlil’s eyes turned glassy and his ears went berserk again before suddenly resuming normal function.
“Ah, my apologies Mr Alvim. I am Alphek. You have met my partner Bravim.” The black -furred Shadow Agent said with a friendly tail wave, indicating the white one we’d met last paw who was now regarding a herd of Venlil across the street like they were a distant pack of shadestalkers. Yeah, no. Those were not names. Those were designations and bad ones at that.
“Um, Mr Alphek?” Virtrix piped up. “Where is our new business partner?”
“Director Lavinny is waiting in the car, though I must first warn you. They are human.”
A human? A human!? How the hells did a human have enough pull to come with their own stars-damned Shadow Agent escort? The revelations that the Shadow Agents would even work with humans in the first place was enough to nearly distract me from the predatory form exiting the lead car. Almost. And even if it had Virtrix’s tail turned into a tourniquet about my own. The human was tall, dressed in a long brown coat pulled tight and collar turned against the permanent chill of Night. It was also wearing a mask, but where the standard UN-approved mask was a smooth, mirrored bowl, Director Lavinny’s entire head was encased in a mirror-ball mosaic of a helmet. Instead of seeing myself reflected back in a single fish-bowl image a score of little ‘me’s peered out from the angular mirrors that made up the mask.
It also had eyes. Or eyespots at least and contours reminiscent of a human face, the suggestion of a nose and the lines of chin and cheekbones. The director was thoroughly unnerving to look at. I glanced down to see how Virtrix was doing. The pounding of my own heart was irrelevant next to her well-being. Virtrix was pale enough to blend into the snow without fur, but still conscious. The human stepped towards us.
“Howard Lavinny, Secure Shelter Project.” It said in a strange, bleating accent, revealing itself to be male and extending a hand. I paused, standing there like an idiot wondering what to do.
“It’s a handshake, kid. Introduce yourself, grip firm but not hard, and shake twice.” Lavinny said, waving his hand up and down slightly to demonstrate the motion.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, right.” I muttered to myself, an embarrassed bloom starting to warm my ears. I took a breath and grasped the preda-, no, human’s hand as firmly as I dared and pumped twice. “Alvim. I, well, I own the place. Partly.”
‘Smooth Alvim, smooth.’ I kicked myself mentally. Now was not the time to get into a pissing match with a predator that could easily evict us both.
“Virtrix. Local historian.” Virtrix wiped an icy forepaw on her leg and daintily placed it in the Director’s massive mitt. Lavinny closed his hand and shook it equally gently.
“Good to meet you two.” There was a pause then, with nothing but the sound of falling snow and the street filling the silence. “Shall we take this inside?”
“Oh, oh yes! So sorry, Director Lavinny!” Virtrix sputtered, not realising she hadn’t asked the Director to follow before haring off into the hotel. He and his herd of Shadow Agents looked at Trix’s retreating form with mild curiosity before turning their attention to me.
“We’ll take you through to the lobby bar. It’s warm and your, um, Ven can have a drink while we talk.” I managed, though internally their combined attentions probably took a rotation or two off my life. The Director jerked his head towards the doors and I took that as my cue to start moving. Lavinny and Alphek fell in either side of me and the quartet of nameless whites followed in their wake. Bravim stayed behind, the snow-white Shadow Agent sliding into the luxurious driver’s seat of the lead groundcar.
“Thanks for the offer, but we’re still on duty.” Lavinny said as we crunched the snow off our feet in the entryway. We’d moved a decent selection of drinks and some bar snacks to the smaller lobby bar. Hadn’t had a reason to use it in years, but important people rarely liked having to walk to get a drink. Landlords looking for an eviction especially.
“We have soft drinks too, there’s Sprunk, Funto, got Bebis somewhere if you want it, and Vyzrix lives on kharat juice if you’d like something healthier.” I replied as we made our way to a table by the bar. Now I was looking at it properly the spots and smears Trix and I had missed mockingly revealed themselves. All I could do was pray that the Director either didn’t notice or didn’t care. The Director sat, but his bodyguards spread out and either leaned against pillars or posted up behind the check-in desk and planters.
“We’re afraid we’re new planetside, what’s most popular?” Lavinny asked, leaning back and causing the chair to creak distressingly.
Virtrix popped up from behind the bar. Her usual peppy, cheerful demeanour returning now that she was in the more familiar situation of serving guests. “That’ll be Sprunk, sir.”
“Sir? Ms Virtrix we ain’t your superior. Youse don’t have to call us ‘sir’, don’t even have to call us director either. Call me Howard, ‘Mr Lavinny’ if you want to be formal.” Trix’s nervousness returned in a heartbeat at being directly addressed by the human. Her tail and ear movements turned strained but polite and she quickly dropped back down to ‘look for drinks’.
The director then turned his head slightly in an incredibly Venlil-like fashion and asked his Shadow Agent bodyguards if Sprunk was okay for them. Instead of the usual ear signals the herd of gene-stitched bio-cyborgs each bobbled their heads repeatedly. Howa- no, Director Lavinny still. Director Lavinny must have seen the confusion on our faces and explained the not-Venlil’s reactions.
“The guys’ll have Sprunk too.”
“Oh, sure.” My voice was hollow and my ears pinned back. If my tail hadn’t curled around the back of my own chair it would have been cutting off the circulation to my legs.
“You okay Mr Alvim? Look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“I- Oh, erm, I-It’s just that we’ve never seen that gesture before.” I stammered like the terrified idiot I was. I needed to be strong now, if I couldn’t hold myself together then how was Virtrix supposed to cope?
“You don’t nod here? Fair’s fair, suppose youse guys have something different. Up-and-down for ‘yes’ and side-to-side for ‘no’.” Lavinny replied like nothing was even the slightest bit strange.
“I suppose that makes sense if you haven’t got ears to signal with.” I said with a steadying breath. “This is what yes and no look like for Venlil.”
I flicked my ears ‘yes’ and ‘no’ and immediately the Shadow Agents fixed me with a binocular stare. Their ears went berserk again, then cycled through the motions in unison. The Director didn’t seem to notice and Trix had remained hunkered down behind the bar.
I shuddered, the nagging instinct to flee groaning louder in my soul, but I stayed seated. The list of Venlil who ran and left others to their fates is long and growing ever longer. I would not be on it. If that meant I ended up in the shadestalker’s jaws then so be it. I excused myself and went to the bar to check on Virtrix. Her paws were shaking as she slowly removed each can of Sprunk from the ancient bar fridge and placed it on a Sivkit-adapted serving tray.
>You okay?< I signalled, fairly confident the Shadow Agents had no clue what I was doing.
>No< Virtrix twitched her tail. “But I’ll make it through.” She whispered “What choice do we have?”
I picked up another tray and took half the cans off Virtrix. Wasn’t going to let her face those things for any longer than she had to. A quick swap to a can of Sprunk Export for the Director, I’d heard humans were hilarious lightweights so hopefully a mere 8% wouldn’t register much, and we split off to distribute them to the invenlil guards dotted about our lobby. Each gave us a polite thank you in a unique and disturbing voice. The last to be served thanked me in a tone that sounded like a base boosted Dossur played back at quarter speed and I scurried back over to the Director’s table with the drinks for us.
I came from behind to try and put a can and glass in front of him, which he took without turning his head. It was just as disconcerting as the behaviour of the Shadow Agents. I pushed down another wave of unease. Modifications to the mask to give a wider field of view, I told myself, just a business tactic to ingratiate himself or ease fears that had gone Krakotl-diving into the uncanny valley. It had happened before throughout the Federation, especially if it was between species that rarely interacted in person.
“Thanks.” The Director cracked his can and poured a glass. “So, we bet you gotta lotta questions right ‘bout now.”
“We have.”
“Well unfortunately what questions we can answer and to what length is kinda limited to how extensive the NDA youse are willin’ to sign up to.”
A non-disclosure agreement. Of course they would. Any secret organisation worth its salt licks would have us bound to absolute secrecy. But why they’d make it official with a paper trail I would never understand. Any such agency worth a salt lick would also have us buried before the first word left our mouths.
“What do you mean by ‘how extensive’?”
“Well how deeply do you guys wanna get involved? We know you two ain’t exactly comfortable with us bein’ here and there’s gonna be humans runnin’ around once we start. We, and by ‘we’ we mean us personally, the Secure Shelter Project, and our parent organisation, that we are not at liberty to discuss, will not by any means try to remove you from this property.” The Director leaned in over his Sprunk and caused the table to creak alarmingly. I was just waiting for the inevitable ‘but’. “However…” Ah, there it was. The conditions. The caveats. “We, and that’s the collective ‘us’ by the way, also understand that living with a buncha ‘predators’ for the foreseeable future may not be all that pleasant for you or your family.”
Lavinny spat out the word ‘predator’ like it was unseasoned icemoss, swimming in scorn and sarcasm. It was so fast it could be barely said to have happened at all, and from how Virtrix replied I don’t think she noticed it, but for a half-instant the shattered facets of the Director’s mask seemed to shift and shadow around the ‘eyes’
“What do you mean by family?” Trix asked innocently. Like we’d be able to keep the kids secret or hiding in Kesta’s studio indefinitely.
Director Lavinny looked at her with obvious confusion. “We were told the two’a youse had Venlings… Venlets?” We just looked at the human blankly. The Director stayed silent for a few moments looking between the two of us before venturing “Sivkittens?”
Realisation dawned on me just as Virtrix snort-squeaked in laughter, and despite myself I started to whistle too.
“Well I suppose laughter is better than terror.” The Director said after we’d both calmed down. Trix and I looked at each other sheepishly.
“Well, Mr Lavinny, I think we both needed a laugh. An immature Venlil or Sivkit is called a ‘pup’.” Trix explained. “We’re guardians for our younger siblings. My little sister Vyzrix and Alvim’s younger brother, Arven.”
“They in the building?”
The moment of levity passed, Trix’s words started to turn more formal though not as worried as before. “No. They’re at Kesta’s. We told them to stay over until we knew what was going on here.”
“Our adoptive daughter. At least she would be, if social services wasn’t dragging their paws every chance they get.” I muttered that last part under my breath.
“So no chance they’re in the building? This stuff is hard enough without kids gettin’ nosey.”
I straightened my back and did my best to look the Director in the eye. “None. Kesta lives on the other side of town.”
“Good.” The Director pulled a quartet of old-school contract slates from inside his coat and spread them on the table. “These are your initial baseline contracts and entry-level NDAs. As it stands you get your money from your shares of the hotel, but a refugee center isn’t the most profitable thing in the world. This contract will grant you a stipend each month until the Project closes up and sells our share back to you two.”
What. I felt my jaw slacken as I read the first slate. It was all there, in plain venscript. At a reasonable font size too. A stipend that had to have been calculated from what senior hospitality managers in the capital could expect. A guarantee that the Royal Embassy would be ours to keep for a pittance, though there were worrying mentions of ‘modifications’. It was, in all, the best contract Virtrix and I were ever likely to see outside of a fever dream. I had an impulse to find a Nevok and show it to them, just to see if they’d melt into a puddle at the sheer lack of skulduggery.
Ever the business-minded half of our partnership, Virtrix had forged ahead into the much more substantial NDAs while I was busy gawping at the big shiny numbers.
“These are pretty thorough, but they’re certainly not standard. What gives?”
“Legal duct tape and baling wire. The Project wanted to give you time to discuss whether you wanted to stay and join as management staff or leave on your stipend. But we can’t give you security clearance unless you join and you guys can’t make an informed decision flying blind.” The Director shrugged.
I skimmed through the meaningless blurb of legal text, may as well have been Fissian to me, that somehow my business maestro of a mate could read, understand, and act on like it was a pup’s book. I wanted to ask ‘why bother?’. Legality had never stopped any sort of clandestine organisation from doing whatever they wanted before. But despite what others may say about me I’m not that stupid.
So instead I kept my thoughts to myself and let Virtrix do what she did best. The moment documents had come out Trix had found a measure of calm in the familiarity of it all. Her ears and tail were alert, but no longer taut with suppressed fear. Unlike myself; the entire time I was fighting to keep my ears and tail still. The, heh, ‘Venlets’ thing had helped, and the stipend was a nice distraction but Director Lavinny was still a +[6ft 8in]+ predator surrounded by Shadow Agents and my instincts were screaming.
Not to run or hide or anything in particular, mind you, just screaming.
“What will we be doing if we choose to stay?” Virtrix asked without looking up from the slate she was scrolling through.
“Management and administration. Pretty much what you did before.” The Director tilted his masked head and shrugged, Sprunk in hand.
“Could you be more specific?” Virtrix twitched her ears skeptically.
“Sure, sign the NDA and I’ll tell you.” Lavinny gestured to the slate in her paws and barely managed to avoid spilling his untouched drink.
Virtrix was not convinced. Neither was I.
“If we do sign what’s our guarantee you haven’t tricked us? No offence, but a business doesn't last long taking everything at face value when there’re Nevoks about.” Virtrix put the pad down and looked at the Director directly with ears and tail set resolutely.
“If we wanted to screw youse over we’d’ve done it already.”
The way the Director said those words chilled us to the bone. It wasn’t a threat or a boast. It was a statement of fact. If this ‘Secure Shelter’ project had wanted to they’d have crushed us. It would have been that easy.
“Not the most reassuring answer.” I whistled nervously.
“That’s the truth of it kid. It’s what a Venlil would have done. It was what you two were expecting.” The Director sighed and raised his Sprunk to his still-masked face.
The glass was half-empty when he lowered it.
Trix tried to speak but was cut off by the Director snapping round to look at the door, his Shadow Agents doing the same with ears alert and paws reaching into snowcloaks.
“Alphek, stay and protect our new herd.” Lavinny ordered, draining the remainder of his Sprunk to Stars-know-where. “Rest’a youse, with me. Company’s arrived early.”
“Company?” I called after the herd, but not daring to follow.
“Some chowderhead in an exterminator cruiser got lost looking for the dick-swinging contest. Stay here, we’ll deal with ‘em.”
The Shadow Herd trotted off and out the doors in a loose formation. Out of sight of out new human landlord Trix and I dived over to the camera screens in the lobby desk. Alphek said nothing but wandered along behind us, always keeping himself between us and the door.
Sheriff Taln was easily visible on our security cameras, his ranger truck proudly displaying the symbol of partnership between the Ice Ranger Corps and the Exterminator Guilds, driving obliviously towards the parked groundcars.
Oh Speh.
[First] [Next]
submitted by IAmTheOutsider to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2023.12.20 15:04 upbstock whats moving

ParaZero (PRZO) up 43% to $1.00 after announcing the completion of its safety solution development for a Fortune 500 global automotive manufacturer's proprietary drone program Beyond Air (XAIR) up 19% to $2.02 after director Robert Carey disclosed the purchase of 1.2M common shares of the company
Shimmick (SHIM) up 15% EnerSys (ENS) up 5% Worthington (WOR) up 1%
General Mills (GIS) down 4% Winnebago (WGO) down 5% Steelcase (SCS) down 8% FedEx (FDX) down 11%
Bluebird Bio (BLUE) down 49% after pricing a 83.33M share secondary offering at $1.50 per share Symbols: PRZO XAIR SHIM ENS GIS WGO SCS FDX WOR BLUE
submitted by upbstock to Optionmillionaires [link] [comments]

2023.11.01 20:19 Wild_Assistant_4104 ENGLISH LANGUAGE is not arbitrary and is based off of relations of shape and number... So here an extension of NUMBERS ie shapes are instructional variations to Numbers as we know it holding additional information as well but FIRST allow acceptance of POSITION ie NUMBERS of ENGLISH LANGUAGE... FACTs

ENGLISH LANGUAGE is not arbitrary and is based off of relations of shape and number... So here an extension of NUMBERS ie shapes are instructional variations to Numbers as we know it holding additional information as well but FIRST allow acceptance of POSITION ie NUMBERS of ENGLISH LANGUAGE... FACTs
If first letter does not account for all characters like LETTER word L is 12 you can see that the patter is 1 vowel and 2 Consonants then breaks that logic yet insist with the next E carry the prior concept R start at the end of the group ER shows two letters with three spaces in there character E is two open R is 1 closed and yet remembering ASCII 51 is 3 so E=518=R a finished thought then then both legs of the R says go pack from if R was on its back laid left the other leg says remove top logic and state end and apply to first set I assume ETT which visually can be seen the E has a space for each single Leg of the T yet we know that the right arm of the left T would over LAP the Left Arm of the Right T creating a Pi symbol a SMALL LEAP of FAITH


No I am very frustrated it is not sporadic thoughts of connect it is sporadic memory retrieval period. AND AS I HAVE SAID ALL THE WAY THROUGH it will correct itself because enough steps will have enough information to remember to reconstruct it..
The alphabet system is itself works the same way as the words are broken down
  • Never assume First letter is the defining rule of each word it is a suggestion like a choice of how to use the word ie noun and that definition set or adjective or verb etc again those words themselves are predicated from English so in theory they will explain themselves the same as every other word providing solid understanding of characters of the larger set and its definition for the entire concept
  1. Identify first letter to the left of all others
    1. Take note of shape sound and position with ASCII variants and lower case variants as well
    2. The letter placement in the Alphabet usually denotes the count of the word excluding a lot of 3 letter and two letter words hence the use of the shape D for the fourth letter the d is showing or hinting Half of the prior which is 3 letters where D is 4 letters D ALL the line is covered and points to the rest of the alphabet
    3. If first letter does not account for all characters like LETTER word L is 12 you can see that the patter is 1 vowel and 2 Consonants then breaks that logic yet insist with the next E carry the prior concept R start at the end of the group ER shows two letters with three spaces in there character E is two open R is 1 closed and yet remembering ASCII 51 is 3 so E=518=R a finished thought then then both legs of the R says go pack from if R was on its back laid left the other leg says remove top logic and state end and apply to first set I assume ETT which visually can be seen the E has a space for each single Leg of the T yet we know that the right arm of the left T would over LAP the Left Arm of the Right T creating a Pi symbol a SMALL LEAP of FAITH
    4. Now the Logic of one word does show in theory below from LOGIC to VICTOR to STORY example while the prior paragraph LAP to LEAP which is the correct word or word groups to use and other commenters make it seam as if two computers or one person is setting him self up to literally create a picture that SAYS FU W TOO which is traumatizing yet I know I did not write those comments their system set drove them to write the words and only one or two is the Key I required yet it is my job to discern removing the entirety disparaging concept and look at it as actual help some peoples comments are easier to do this than other and you can read some of the prior commenters of the PRIOR POST: So when I say... SAY YES you can see why because YAZ reversed characters is SAY and is on the first page labeled ENGLISH ALPHABET mid way down center page right and the YES is on the first images of the other post provided.
and is literally center around Pi Greek 80 at position 40 literally saying 16=Pi=9 and then loops when searching the position where it was found so then search position 40 in search for digits and it will be fount at 70 and 70 digits will be found 96 etc. Now at one point in the 20 different groups of number in that loop is 5757 and is discussed in the ENGLISH words breakdown additionally T is a separator of top logic...

Page one of ALPHABET ENGLISH Character Analysis
Now I am very frustrated and do not have the patience today at this moment to explain the above and immediate below i will come back later when I am fresh headed.
Just uploaded a video to YouTube and the URL is interesting additionally got the meta data through site provided below. 1698982071 Epoch-TIME (General Eq. E3 e pg) come on really pi and English... coincidence not calculated right? The GOFUNDME again really? look at my prior post in the grey box 4 rows by 6 you will see 322 and 604. It is the sixth image I am talking about the numbers as followed 609 4 below 6 then 32s then 22 outside the box
Reference sites

And the following one shorter video of which i rushed the ending... RIGHT? 1698982318 where ASCII 82 is R ASCII 31 is US English is 8 H RUSH ASCII 89 Y 16=pi=9 for the following link: is their AI responding to my information? Makes one think WTF am I RIGHT>

Page two of ALPHABET ENGLISH Character Analysis
The immediate image above is a top view of eyes W tongue U and vocal cord V meaning look straight down in front of U SAY YES.... LOL TO ME the LOGIC is THERE and SELF-CORRECTING and others will have additional finds because we all use this logic in our life ie subconscious literally organizes this for us without cognitive processing it is an AUTO-Correct system that has predetermined choices because we can not house the entirety of this knowledge but just enough to have choices or which tool and sections to use now this above opened up so much shit that I am having a little issue figuring out the basics because now everything seem so easy my brain is auto jumping.... I AM SORRY!!!!

Third and final I am willing to do for the ALPHABET PLACEMENT LOGIC

BECAUSE: LOL (is to) TO {as MUCH as} ME (is to) LOL

Example of LOL and what you can do with this description and link provided:
Longer video of the prior shorter done first before the additional information was added about what was on the TV Wilfred (US) episode 1 season 1 at 16:25:902 in the srt file
While uploading the file stopped and had to be reattached so epoch time is going to be a cool thing awesome... live capture of typed message to prove my actions in live real time.
"publishedAt": "2023-11-03T20:05:55Z", literally 8:05:55
80 is Greek number for pi
btut Behold The Underlying Truth - KING TUT
The funny thing is if ASCII 80 was P and e ee was 5th letter in the English alphabet Only if it weren't arbitrary because it would literally say Peee and it would mean I was taking a Piss everywhere because maybe your fire you had built as you are correct was to big and as the bear always said its up to me to stop forest fires....
as the person who taught me this always says:

Do not worry IT WILL BUFFER...!!!

aka Linsey Blagg real name she is a fucking genius...

LOGIC visually starting in the middle
LOGIC reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity. YES it does not seem like strict principles but as stated before I learned this from books it was a system and I do not know why it is not public knowledge.
  • L is the 12th letter of the English ALPHABET
    • Below in the word ENGLISH final image of that set I hinted at L being the inner leg of the G
    • Starting with first letter one must figure out its logic or understanding of the set like looking at an equation read it. L is the key and is 12 so i counted L 1 then OG as two then saw as verification I was wrong G was supposed to be counted as 1 then two either side
  • O is 15th Letter of the English Alphabet
    • Circle insists wholeness looking at the all around hence starting at G
  • G is 7
    • looking at the prior two placements we have 12 15 or one digit of 2 and one digit of 5 and 5+2=7
  • I is 9
    • This character is comprised of 3 Lines Top Bottom Center
    • the prior led me to rotate the G 90 degrees right
  • C is 3
    • 9+3=12
    • 3*9=27
      • 27 has 5 characters in between so 12157 ascii 57 is 9 then I leaving 3 digits from 12157 so 121 ascii is y additionally 1+2+1+5= 9 ( I am acknowledging jumps here huge ones my brain is spasming it jumped into ascii my apologies)
      • In the Image the I shows separation and acknowledgment of lower case version i
The image above is set up for VICTOR but break time now.
  • T insists two separate evenly divided as of which I look to because the V
  • V is 22
    • find the 2 to 2 logic between the 3 set left VIC and 3 Set right TOR a
      • VIC the V has 3 points and the letter C is 3rd letter and 3*3=9 and the center letter is i and the 9th letter of the alphabet in English
      • TOR multiply 20*18=360 and O is that visually
      • O 15 1E sound at the end depicted as a Y is verification or 3 logic
      • R if you lay on it vertical line literally instructs additional verification of the T V logic about looking in the middle.
      • First and Last of each set of 3 is 2 so 2 and 2 or V
      • 20 either immediately above two parts full circle like 8 so 18 is stating look at the full line and divide it into two parts
The above VICTOR is set up for STORY.
  • V is 22 - C is 3 = 19 and i is left or 1 letter of English position 9
  • Y is saying 3 parts
  • S is saying two opposites of front middle and last
  • SOY 19+1+5=25 because the T is in front of the O
  • TR 2018 S outside then inside 1 circle 0, 2 circle 8

Math depicting Letter location in ENGLISH Alphabet
MATH is the abstract science of number, quantity, and space.
  • M is the 13 letter of the English Alphabet
    • Starts the word and is our foundation for the rest of the word
    • Math M is 1 and 3 Lower case (used to make understanding easier to see visually only)
  • A is the 1 letter of the English Alphabet
    • The upper half is a tri-angle or 3 sided shape literal verification of the prior and the set reaming after the first.
    • The Bottom half is two legs of which help with the next letter T being two legs upside down L forward and reflected
  • T is the 20 letter of the English Alphabet
    • in this formation and the additional number logic of 1 circle then followed by 2 is one L
    • then A is 1 and beginning number of 20 is 2 so 12 L
    • you can not place two upside LL on each other and know their is two so simple reflect one and the legs of the A hinted at this formation
  • H is the 8 letter of the English Alphabet
    • And is a verification of the prior proposals that the bottom legs of the A are two LL upside down and reflected.
ALL seems logical but it literally mean everything so... and taking the placement numbers of MATH is 13+1+20+8= 42 and since its built into this word logic I cannot remember if it had its own pictorial logic set
  • E is literally both the 5th letter in the word and placement in the ENGLISH ALPHABET
    • MATH is four letters and Capital E is comprised of 1 Vertical Line and 3 Horizontal Lined totaling 4
  • M A T discussed above I is a 90 Degree change of H
  • I is the 9 letter of the English Alphabet
    • It is comprised of 3 separate Lines 1 vertical and 2 horizontal identical top and bottom
  • C is the 3 letter of the English Alphabet
    • and should be seen as verification of the prior letter of 3 lines
  • S is the 19 letter of the English Alphabet
    • Is comprised of two lower case C spun 180 degrees connected at opposite ends
  • CS follows the circle logic of MATH placement letter in ENGLISH of 3 similar items
    • c or 3 then 19 for s and in reverse is 913
    • adding MATH*E*MATI placements = 90 then a C 3 then 19 totally 112 yet if we remove the c for its sound takes us back to 112-3=109 and 109 ascii is m
      • ASCII if we do MATHEMATI*CS
      • first part equals 90 and ASCII 9 is Z
      • 3+19=22 which is English ALPHABET V so ASCII Table down to c or 99 as depicted in the final photo on this post
ONCE enough core words are remembered by me or someone start trying it out themselves there are definite wholes it was brought to my attention no logic is present and seems arbitrary in rules once the core words are identified then and understanding of the characters themselves can be found and BAM got it anyways the commenter said mathematics process or something to that nature and it clicked oh yeah i had forgotten..


OMG the first image was not correct I accidentally posted an old one I keep multiple versions the E uses Each vertical Leg as step first leg match back of E then Second Leg Match Back of E Again then Make the E Match the final diagonal. clerical error truly SORRY

  1. E is the fifth letter of the English Language System I am proposing its placement and shape are not arbitrary in nature it just was never explained to the general public.
  2. N is the fourteenth letter of the alphabet and currently shows no correlation to each other.
  • I was taught the shape of letters and the way they were arranged is very important and is an instruction for additional knowledge of each word.
  1. As illustrated the E uses N as an instruction set to lay on its back to show two vertical spaces of the next two letters
  2. G is the seventh letter of the ENGLISH Alphabet
NOTE: (2nd Edit after the other two below this will be denoted with an equal symbol meaning two =======)
Now Looking at it again and explaining how this works is and has been a battle. I say auto-correcting system because if you are on the right track moment of clarity happen when you see so clearly you just lay things out without much cognitive decision then follow that branch until mistakes are made then post an explanation of what was done. Then break do something else then look again if correct NEW CLARITY or Definition should emerge if not the universe through patience and commenters usually point out what is missing or the closest thing and it is literally on me to focus not judge and continue forward until I see where and which branch was causing the problem then go back one step and fix that station or cell to produce a fix very much like our understanding of neurons.. My motive and intention for this paragraph was to be more concise and I failed and the example is no where that it is required of me...
  • N is the 14th Letter of the alphabet so my brain made the decision to add the G at the end to make it symmetrical only though visual presentation and logic of which makes sense for E as 1 then four following letters then my brain also noted the NE as 3 yet did not make the decision to incorporate the N until I place an orange square in the center it very much felt like an auto run process like when you have done something so many times you do not consciously think about it yet this is the first time I have ever made a diagram like this using English or any other word. So I attribute it to an Image I probably saw many times and I was just recreating it again my memory or any were and are not present for such an image and this I have said to others is my version of Time-Travel fully know that is not the correct term because it is an internal memory circuit problem between sectors.

Last first mirror similarities in numbers position word versus language placement
  1. HI is literally a welcome standard yet because it is seen in reverse does that mean goodbye or end
  2. I and H are visually the same yet because of the different FONT options we may not recognize that as fact
  3. Overlapping both of those native letter formation creates a 4 square grid
  4. The position in the words of each letter mirrors the number of position of E G being 5 and 7 both EH are the first character at each end and GI are the 3 so matching yet EI are matching in position of concepts ie ALPHABET and then a WORD same for GH which have an additional connection in ALPHABET PLACEMENT being side by side and ei are vowels

First L reference of word position'
Since we just hinted at back versus front position L is dead center being both forward 4 and backwards 4.
  • L is two times as high as it is long so 12 easy observation yet not accepted as being a complete reason why it is the 12th Letter in the ENGLISH Alphabet

M proposal for alphabet position base off of the word ENGLISH
Two sections prior I discussed the similarity of position of alphabet placement versus word by M literally is used to explain its shape with the word ENGLISH taking one single top point and two legs with a space in the middle counting up to 3 so 1 line top then 1 line 1 space 1 line equaling 3 now 101 both ASCII and binary can be connected through the letter e being 5th yet i digress binary 101 to decimal numbers is 5 and ASCII 101 is e a lower case E

Incorporating LANG of LANGUAGE as help
I apologize moving forward I have not formulated the proper wording due to the translation from 2 dimension thinking of flat letters to a 3-Dimension map language yet is what the word ENGLISH is attempting to convey.
I can not say all languages follow the same KEY as NAME logic but I know ASCII for ENGLISH and ENGLISH ALPHABET does, as i have explained in many prior posts my language skills shut off when I go from one to the other because concepts for what I am describing do not exist yet and I know if i continue the process will literally explain what to call it due to the math as being correct in all attempted translation forms. I originally was only attempting to explain the word ENGLISH then quickly realize LANGUAGE was required which branched thought off elsewhere very quickly and in conjunction of looking for a better explanation to articulate the jump from a side view BOOKSHELF is an E shape to a Front view cubby holes of four spaces conveyed above by the H and I overlap... I will Finish what I know as fact yet may not be able to articulate a valid wording of explanation.

Illustrates an idea of how the remaining part of the word LANGuage was required
Now I fully understand that we only really verified two letters as having a VALID reason for their place in the ENGLISH Alphabet but as insisted by me this is a system that was taught with books and everything yet is not found online making my burden of proof all but impossible with the exception of remembering from scratch of which I ask those who are in any advanced learning to do. As you become a professional of something it is not that you have forgotten the basics it just moved to auto-processing and is very difficult to go back to the beginning when answering a question to someone else that requires an answer that can be solve with something in the middle... I can give you the solution using the middle logic or teach you everything from the beginning which will and most likely take years... Knowing full well I should be able to explain from the beginning but have developed so many short hands i must now learn to break to remember.

EDIT: (Just added this section will denote edit section with hyphens ---- )

Jumped Logic as explained above in the prior paragraph.

I know I do not have an explanation but this is a core valve knowledge set of which can branch off so fast which means can be learned from any of those avenues then an understanding depending on you mental expertise can be acknowledged as fact. To say how did you learn it teach it that way:
  1. One the system is not meant for that it is circular or non-linear better but yet not correct they used a word of which I can not remember leading me to the next.
  2. You are literally asking me to recite kindergarten to you and what I learned of which try it it is frustrating.
  • I guarantee the first thing you would do is hop online and get a course for it NOW image you were only one in that class and no course or steps of it can be found online at all or similar.... FRUSTRATING

Do not have the words yet to describe a 2 dimensional logic to a 3 dimension idea sorry
NOTE: (Second EDIT) the red L on its back is suppose to elicit connection to the straight arm of the inner G. Just making sure that is acknowledge it is viewed as obvious to me because I have seen it so much.

I simply spun the Orange E 90 degrees right with the letters in the spaces N G which also carried into the position where the E was carrying them which literally Places the Z Top Right corner like it would if you placed ASCII in a 10 by 10 grid vertically stacking in order Capital Z is 90 ASCII and was proposed by me that the letter N and Pi could be used as a valid EXPLANATION now does one have a better reason than the other this becomes a Chicken or Egg discussion of which if you remove Time from the equation no answer will be it just is....
Additional: English Alphabet ?'s
  • A is the first letter of the alphabet why does it have two legs and a TRI-angle are we suppose to try the angle of two leg letter vs position
    • TWO LEG LETTERS: AHKRX Letter with ELBOWS like NW not included
      • A is 1 H is 8 (K is center with 11) R is 18 X is 24 and always marks the spot
    • TWO ARM LETTERS: HK-UV-XY Letters with ARM ELBOWS like MN not included
      • H is 8 or 2 vertically stacked circles but number is drawn with one line; K is 11 if added represent two and requires two lines to depict the character of the numbers 11; U is 21 ans V is 22 and can be drawn with 1 line and X is 24 and Y is 25 and must be drawn with at least two lines is this why the center two characters are literally UV which we understand that abbreviation as LIGHT to look at closer
      • U is 21 because 1 line 2 ends
      • V is 22 and at max is 2 Lines and 2 ends
      • X is 24 and at max 4 lines 2 ends or 2 Lines with 4 corner points
      • Y is 25 and is up for interpretation and stumped me I completely forgot on this one 1MPlease...
Important Note: The E is a side view of the book shelf while the grid formed by the I and H is a front view I am not sure if I missed that but is very important and as explained that caused a hiccup in my logic language to explain because I have many short hands and forgot how to explain the basic its not that I do not know them its just further learning allows one to not rely on those steps being acknowledged every-time and gone through because of a later rule or at minimal because this means that sorta deal and I know for a fact that logic works I do not need to explain while in this circumstance it is necessary
I FULLY UNDERSTAND THIS but it does not stop my brain from saying we already know this skip to this.... OKAY and I am truly sorry we did not learn the same stuff growing up but hey we got NOW to figure this out so please accept this as an advance apology for things not making sense on replies the process literally teaches you to drain the battery then start over so some questions may require so much it takes a moment to dump data reread and start the problem over.
Additionally the process when in full does not acknowledge proper grammar because that is an off chute not part of the solution it is etiquette which is addressed after an acceptable answer by both parties are receive this was taught to me to ignore to work the problem first then reorganize after so many journal style word walls happen because even though those may seem random I will need them for future discussion and directly apply to this post not a notepad document on my computer of which I find years later will mean nothing to me....

EDIT: Added with above text and follow same ending technique

I will add two images for reference only in-case you want to do some research yourself in analysis exercise one will be pi carried to the 100 Decimal and the other is ascii first hundred now the first few are denoted with three characters I will only be placing on maybe I will decide later but just in-case you see that below that is why...

Pi first 100 decimals excluding the 3.

3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679

Pi decimal expansion to 100 in vertical stacks from left to right in order

ASCII First 100 Characters or instruction in order stacks of 10 from left to right

ASCII first hundred characters in order stacks of ten left to right
Looking at the bottom line I see it so clear now and YES I took the Liberty of changing lower C to a cent symbol to help others that is the only Incorrect symbol as well as the $ at the top the rest is correct.
The bottom Line still say the letter Y like the sound O full circle or circumference and E but lower case e is the visual explanation of how to calculate Pi circumference over diameter where Diameter is the straight center line and the circumference literally the line that wraps it in the character e only goes three quarters the way around why you ask because three quarters is numbers 3/4 where the third letter of the English Alphabet is C and the fourth letter is D so if we can make the jump to say C stands for Circumference and D stands for Diameter we are getting somewhere...
NOW e ASCII of 101 is the second character of the next hundred with d proceeding it. Binary for 2 is 10 and e is literally in the second row or 2 and the first column 1 so 2 Binary is 10 and 1 binary 01 placing those numbers together 10 1 is 101 A Literal binary explanation for lower case e accompanied with the items above I propose to you English Alphabet and ASCII for ENGLISH are not arbitrary...
submitted by Wild_Assistant_4104 to numbertheory [link] [comments]

2023.10.20 20:45 Cheap-Sound-7375 Need help interpreting an Audiogram...NOT ASKING MEDICAL ADVICE

Need help interpreting an Audiogram...NOT ASKING MEDICAL ADVICE
Hi everyone, I was in the Army from 2006 to 2010 and deployed to Iraq for 16 months during that time. I had a hearing test before and after the deployment but I have no idea how to read it.
For a bit more context, I am apart of the 3M earplug class action lawsuit and if the audiogram shows hear loss then I need to adjust my claim.
For those wondering, yes those earplugs were/are terrible but they were apart of your uniform so you had to use them. After we knew they sucked most of the guys, myself included, started using field stripped cigarette butts as an alternative.
Audiogram is attached and thank you in advance for any help or insight.
I am not asking for medical advice, just need to know if this is a significant change in hearing. I can tell you that I can not hear anywhere near what I could before my deployment but I have to provide proof.
submitted by Cheap-Sound-7375 to HearingLoss [link] [comments]

2023.09.27 02:10 AudaciousAustrich CPAP Voltage while Traveling

CPAP Voltage while Traveling
I'll be traveling to Japan (100V) and Korea (220V). I read online that next to "INPUT" on most devices you can find the voltage range. At first, it looks like my CPAP will be fine for both countries.
However to the right it says "115V~400Hz 1.5A". What's that mean? Will my CPAP work?
submitted by AudaciousAustrich to CPAP [link] [comments]

2023.08.17 03:45 DeerpawTheWaffle does anyone know how to fix this fuzzy hard to read font on bluebook? i've done three practice exams and the math fonts were like this on all of them

submitted by DeerpawTheWaffle to Sat [link] [comments]

2023.06.23 19:45 Thestockxpo Best Stocks to Buy for Swing Trading for this week – Expert Stock Picks of the Week by StockXpo

Best Stocks to Buy for Swing Trading for this week – Expert Stock Picks of the Week by StockXpo
Hello to all our readers including Traders, Investors, Analysts, and others!!!!
The current bull market presents both opportunities and challenges for investors. In this article, we will explore insights from influential figures in the financial world: Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, legendary investor Warren Buffett, and renowned TV personality Jim Cramer. Their perspectives shed light on different aspects of the market and offer valuable guidance to investors navigating the bull market.
Federal Reserve Chair Powell's Statement on Capital Requirements:
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell recently commented on the potential exemption of smaller banks from higher capital requirements. This move aims to alleviate regulatory burdens for smaller financial institutions, enabling them to better serve their communities. Powell's statement suggests a positive development that could enhance the growth prospects of smaller banks and potentially benefit their shareholders.
Warren Buffett's Charitable Giving:
Warren Buffett, one of the world's most successful investors, has consistently demonstrated his commitment to philanthropy. It is noteworthy that his charitable giving has exceeded $50 billion, surpassing his entire net worth in 2006. Buffett's philanthropic efforts not only contribute to society but also reflect his long-term perspective on wealth and the importance of giving back. This serves as a reminder for investors to consider the broader impact of their financial success.
Jim Cramer's Advice on Investing Fundamentals:
Jim Cramer, the host of CNBC's “Mad Money," emphasizes the significance of investing fundamentals, even in a bull market. Despite market exuberance, Cramer reminds investors not to lose sight of the basics. Understanding a company's financial health, assessing its competitive position, and evaluating its long-term prospects remain essential. By focusing on these fundamentals, investors can make informed decisions and build robust portfolios.
Here we are again with this week’s recommendations. Please note that overall the market was very much on the upside, and whether you are following our recommendations or not, I am sure if you have been trading this week ending today then you must have collected a lot of profits. If not, and you are skeptical about the market, add swing trading to your trading strategy and get started to follow our recommendations. We are going to publish the performance results for the last few months and this year to date, to give you some ideas of how we have been compared against the S&P 500 and other major indexes.
If you are a regular reader, you may be already aware, that we recommend ValueGrowth, to fit different trading styles and strategies. You can find more details about these strategies in our FAQ section. This is more of a swing trading, as we keep balancing our portfolio every week, mostly on Friday. If you are new, welcome. Visit our site to get all relevant information about stocks and make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to get updates on our Swing Trading Stock Picks. We send out our newsletter as soon as we publish our stock picks. We hope that you love our articles and get all the details so keep coming to our site for more information. We have tested out our strategy with more than 20 years of data and it performed well against S&P 500.
Here we are again with this week’s recommendations. Please note that overall the market was very much on the upside, and whether you are following our recommendations or not, I am sure if you have been trading this week ending today then you must have collected a lot of profits. If not, and you are skeptical about the market, add swing trading to your trading strategy and get started to follow our recommendations. We are going to publish the performance results for the last few months and this year to date, to give you some ideas of how we have been compared against the S&P 500 and other major indexes.
Due to volatile market conditions, the performance of the TechFund strategy has been inconsistent. As a result, we have conducted a thorough analysis and decided to temporarily discontinue this alert. Our team of experienced professionals is actively developing alternative strategies, and we will announce them in the near future.
StockXpo's – ValueGrowth Strategy
As you know, this is more like Buffett's Value Strategy, but our stock-picking criterion is to pick the top 3 out of such value stocks. Moreover, we are more likely to hold them for the short term, not the long term. Our backtesting suggests that weekly balancing gives very good results week over week and year over year, it can grow your portfolio exponentially if you just consistently follow these strategies. So our picks are $ENS, $VSAT, and $SR in this category.
As you know, this is more like Buffett's Value Strategy, but our stock-picking criterion is to pick the top 3 out of such value stocks. Moreover, we are more likely to hold them for the short term, not the long term. Our backtesting suggests that weekly balancing gives very good results week over week and year over year, it can grow your portfolio exponentially if you just consistently follow these strategies. So our picks are $ENS, $VSAT, and $PHX in this category.
ENS(EnerSys): EnerSys, a leading provider of stored energy solutions, presents an intriguing opportunity for swing traders seeking potential gains in the industrial sector. In this article, we delve into the technical and fundamental aspects that make EnerSys an attractive choice for swing trading in the coming days or weeks.
Technical Analysis Signals Positive Momentum:
Analyzing EnerSys from a technical standpoint reveals promising indicators for swing trading. The stock's recent price movements and key technical indicators, such as moving averages and volume patterns, suggest a bullish trend. This positive momentum may attract swing traders looking to capitalize on short to medium-term price fluctuations.
Strong Fundamentals Support Growth Potential:
EnerSys' fundamental strengths further enhance its appeal for swing traders. The company operates in the industrials sector, specializing in stored energy solutions for various applications, including motive power, reserve power, and specialty applications. EnerSys has a solid market presence and serves a diverse range of industries such as telecommunications, transportation, and aerospace.
Factors driving EnerSys' fundamental strength include:
a) Market Demand and Growth Potential: The increasing need for reliable and efficient energy storage solutions across industries positions EnerSys for continued growth. The demand for batteries in electric vehicles, renewable energy systems, and critical infrastructure provides a robust market opportunity for the company.
b) Technological Advancements: EnerSys continually invests in research and development to stay at the forefront of energy storage technology. By focusing on innovation, the company can provide cutting-edge solutions that meet evolving customer requirements, enhancing its competitive advantage.
c) Strong Financial Performance: EnerSys has a track record of solid financial performance, demonstrating consistent revenue growth and profitability. The company's ability to generate sustainable earnings and maintain a healthy balance sheet enhances its overall stability and attractiveness as a swing trading candidate.
Industry Tailwinds and Catalysts:
The broader industrials sector is experiencing favorable trends that can positively impact EnerSys and drive its stock price. These include:
a) Infrastructure Investments: Governments worldwide are increasing infrastructure spending, leading to potential growth opportunities for EnerSys. The need for reliable power storage solutions in transportation systems, telecommunications networks, and critical infrastructure projects can fuel the company's growth.
b) Transition to Clean Energy: The global shift towards clean energy sources is driving the demand for energy storage solutions. EnerSys' expertise in providing batteries for renewable energy systems positions it well to benefit from this transition.
EnerSys, with its positive technical indicators, strong fundamentals, and favorable industry dynamics, presents an enticing opportunity for swing traders in the upcoming days or weeks. However, it's important to note that swing trading involves risks, and investors should carefully consider their risk tolerance and conduct thorough analysis before making trading decisions.
VSAT(Viasat, Inc.): In the ever-evolving landscape of technology stocks, Viasat, Inc. has emerged as a compelling choice for swing traders. This article delves into the technical and fundamental strengths of Viasat, Inc. (VSAT) and why it presents an attractive opportunity for swing trading in the upcoming days or weeks.
Technological Innovation and Market Potential:
Viasat, Inc., a leading global communications company, operates at the forefront of technological innovation. The company specializes in satellite communications, cybersecurity, and other advanced technologies. Its diverse portfolio of products and services caters to various sectors, including aviation, government, and residential markets.
Technically, Viasat exhibits promising indicators for swing trading. The stock's price movements have shown a history of volatility, providing ample opportunities for short-term traders to capitalize on price fluctuations. Additionally, Viasat's strong market presence and ongoing innovation position it well to capitalize on emerging trends in the technology sector.
Fundamental Strength and Growth Prospects:
Fundamentally, Viasat boasts a solid financial standing and a track record of growth. The company has consistently reported revenue growth, driven by its strong market position and the increasing demand for reliable and secure connectivity solutions.
Furthermore, Viasat's strategic partnerships and collaborations enhance its growth potential. Collaborations with industry leaders, such as SpaceX and Facebook, underscore the company's ability to forge valuable alliances and tap into new markets.
The company's focus on expanding its satellite network and improving its broadband capabilities positions Viasat to benefit from the global demand for high-speed internet access. As remote work, digitalization, and cloud services continue to drive connectivity needs, Viasat stands to capture a significant market share.
Industry Outlook and Potential Catalysts:
The technology sector as a whole is poised for continued growth and innovation. Rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), and 5G technology present substantial opportunities for companies like Viasat to thrive.
Moreover, the increasing adoption of satellite-based services across industries and the growing demand for reliable connectivity in underserved regions provide a favorable market environment for Viasat's expansion plans.
The upcoming launch of Viasat's ViaSat-3 satellite constellation, which aims to provide global broadband coverage, serves as a potential catalyst for the company's growth trajectory. This ambitious project could significantly boost Viasat's market position and revenue streams, attracting the attention of swing traders looking to capitalize on potential price movements.
In conclusion, Viasat, Inc. (VSAT) represents a compelling option for swing traders seeking opportunities in the technology sector. The company's technological innovation, strong fundamentals, and growth prospects make it an attractive choice for short-term trading strategies.
While swing trading carries inherent risks, traders can leverage Viasat's technical indicators, fundamental strength, and favorable industry outlook to potentially capture profitable trades in the coming days or weeks.
It is important to note that investing and trading involve risks, and individuals should conduct thorough research, monitor market trends, and seek advice from financial professionals before making any investment decisions.
SR(Spire Inc.): Swing trading is a popular strategy that aims to take advantage of short-term price fluctuations in the stock market. In this article, we will explore the investment potential of Spire Inc, a leading utility company in the United States. As we analyze Spire's technical and fundamental strengths, we'll discover why it holds promise for swing trading in the upcoming days or weeks.
Overview of Spire Inc:
Spire Inc, with the stock symbol SR, operates as a diversified public utility company, providing natural gas distribution services to residential, commercial, and industrial customers. The company has a strong presence in several states and is known for its reliable and efficient delivery of natural gas.
Fundamental Strengths:
a) Stable Sector: Spire operates in the utilities sector, which is considered relatively stable and less susceptible to market volatility. This sector provides essential services, making it a defensive investment option even during economic downturns.
b) Robust Financial Performance: Spire Inc has demonstrated a strong financial track record, with consistent revenue growth and solid profitability. The company's financial stability and ability to generate consistent cash flow are attractive qualities for swing traders looking for reliable investment options.
c) Strategic Investments: Spire has made strategic investments in infrastructure development, modernization, and renewable energy initiatives. These investments not only enhance the company's operational efficiency but also position it for long-term growth and sustainability.
Technical Analysis:
a) Positive Price Momentum: Analyzing Spire's recent price movements reveals positive momentum in the stock. Swing traders often look for stocks that show clear upward trends or breakouts, indicating potential price appreciation in the short term. Spire's recent price movements suggest a favorable outlook for swing trading opportunities.
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Regulatory Environment and Industry Outlook:
The utility sector operates in a regulated environment, which provides stability and predictability. Changes in regulations and industry trends can impact utility stocks' performance. Keeping an eye on industry developments, regulatory changes, and market trends can help swing traders stay informed and capitalize on favorable market conditions.
Spire Inc, operating in the utility sector, showcases the promising potential for swing trading in the upcoming days or weeks. Its stable sector, robust financial performance, strategic investments, positive price momentum, and favorable technical analysis make it an attractive candidate for swing traders seeking short-term gains.
However, it's important to note that swing trading involves risks, and investors should conduct thorough research, use risk management strategies, and consult with financial professionals before making any trading decisions. This article provides an informative analysis of Spire Inc's investment potential but should not be construed as financial advice.
I hope this information will help you buy good stocks for your swing trading. See you next Friday. Keep coming to our website for stock-related queries and information.
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2023.06.11 21:50 Pregrupirati Something about fate

I came to share a theory I've been working on for some time now, and wanted to post it a few weeks ago but every chapter recently published made me consider new angles an rewrite multiple parts of it. So it ended up way longer than I actually wanted it to because it's an intricate subject that is yet to be clarified by Oda, but I really wanted to share all my thoughts about this.
I've been lurking this subreddit a lot without posting and always see people talking about Luffy being or not being the reincarnation of Joy Boy, how it is or it is not fate... Looks like everyone has their opinion on the subject, and both side has some good and not that good points. That's very interesting to read and I really wanted to bring my contribution : I believe that this is meant to be ambiguous.
I did not search up that theory on the net, I don't know if it has been already talked before and I know some small parts have already been discussed, and I apologise if this theory is nothing new to you. I also apologise for not using images but this is a theory aimed at storytelling, and there is not much pictures I can use, because I will be using common One Piece knowledge. And finally, I apologise for making it this long, and I'm pretty sure to get no answer because no one is going to read all that but whatever.
Before getting into the subject, I have to clarify a few things that a lot of you might already be aware of, but that's important to understand if you haven't already.
  1. What people in One Piece believe
Since the very beginning, we've been given false information from characters that believe they know how things work, but actually don't. Remember when Devil Fruits were juste legends to the East Blue people? Or how Jabra was afraid of being near another devil fruit? How people laughed at Luffy for believing in Skypiea? There are many more examples but you get it.
I know some of these may just be Oda messing up (especially the "Devil fruits are legendary in East Blue"), but we also know that civilians and even highers up are misinformed. We know there are various reasons for that, and these reasons are not so important here, I'm just saying that some OP readers tend to take everything characters say as facts. That's a mistake. People in the OPverse believe in fate, even though a diametrically opposed notion is extremely important :
  1. The force of will
Haki is the main source of power in the OPverse, and while we call it Haki, the Japanese name translates to Force of Will, which is very different from what people (in the manga but also among readers) tend to think. If you consider it as the force of will, then it means its power increases with the strength of one's will. That's especially interesting considering that CoC is said to be inherited, but it is actually in direct contradiction with it's own name. Actually, they have no clue on how having the CoC is determined, or if it's decided from birth, since there is no way to check if someone has it before its awakening. While it may be true that 1 in a million human can use it, as far as we know, it may very well mean that 1 in a million human has an ambition and a willpower so strong that they may unlock CoC.
I won't elaborate further 'cause most of you probably understand what I'm saying here, or already realized it (Especially since the whole Zoro thing, because if we're talking about willpower, I think everyone here will agree with me to say Zoro is among the most strong willed characters in the series).
Will has another great signification in One Piece, and that's the Will of D. We do not have many knowledge on this, but what we know (and what is important here) is the fact that Will of D, and Haki, and by extension will as a whole, is one of the most important concepts in One Piece, it goes directly against the Fate thing, and people (in OP and IRL) often misinterpret one for the other. This is primarily due to Oda saying people inherited someone's will.
  1. Oda knows
A lot of shonen have been relying on the reincarnation-destiny shenanigans even when they tried to say the opposite (Yes Naruto, I'm talking about you there), and Oda loves to trick us, as he did with G5 when he basically said "I know some of you expected some edgy shit for gear 5 but I thought this was funnier so, yeah, that's it".
Oda knows what we're expecting, Oda knows we've been reading other manga, and Oda is potentially hinting at will and fate at the same time to trick us (That may also be unintentional, but I will explain it in the conclusion because it's not that important).
Oda have been referring to both fate and will consistently during the whole series, especially with the CoC, as we've already said, and the Will of D and the inheritance of that D in the name. He's probably also doing it with the whole Nika-Joy Boy thing. But you can find it with the themes used, such as Ace being hunted pefore his birth for being the son of Roger, the whole Celestial Dragon concept, nobility (Especially regarding Sabo)...
There are more examples, but enumerating all of them would be pointless. The most important thing is that he knows, and what I will try to explain here, is more "Why does he do that?" than "How"
Now that it's said, let's get into the actual subject.
I - What the hell, Shanks?
There is one thing that bugged me for a while, it's the fact that Shanks stayed at Goa for a whole year with the Hito Nika for no apparent reason, at a time when he was not an emperor yet, but still a very famous and strong pirate.
We still don't know if Shanks knew what the devil fruit actually was, but he at least knew it was a very powerful and/or important one since it was escorted by the CP9. Jinbe seems to know something about Nika and his link with the Sun Pirates, so all knowledge about it is not lost. Shanks knows at least partially about the true History because of Roger, so there's actually a chance Shanks knew about the df.
Shanks left Goa soon after Luffy ate the fruit, meaning his presence on the island may be related to that fruit.
This looks a lot like fate bullshit to me, right? Something like "Roger gave him the hat, and told him about the fruit so he could find the next Joy Boy and give it to them 'cause they are the reincarnation of Joy Boy". But...
II - The Hero with two faces
The nekketsu genre was created by Osamu Tezuka who used Joseph Campbell and his Hero with a Thousand faces as an inspiration. This book explains that every story out there is a variation of a single simple story about a hero going through a specific list of steps. And that includes every story told from the Odyssey to Star Wars, Naruto or.. One Piece, even including the Bible. (That's a very long and intricate book I won't ask you to read if you didn't already because that's way too boring for most people even if it has some really interesting thoughts and it has not stolen its reputation.)
Oda knows very well about this book and nodded at it more than once, by setting up some of these steps literally in One Piece (you'll get what I mean later). I won't elaborate very much about each of these steps, because that'd be way too long and this theory is gonna be massive, but when you read the book with a good One Piece knowledge in mind, a lot of things sound very very clear. That is pretty obvious for a Nekketsu, but it really makes you understand that Oda read that book too, and decided to use it, which is not uncommon, but gives us a new thing to investigate.
The most important part that needs to be discussed here is the first part of the Hero's journey, which is divided in 5 steps :
1- The call to adventure : This is quite literal in One Piece, Roger starts the new era of piracy with his famous speech which is literally the call to adventure
3- The Supernatural Aid : This one is either the devil fruit or Shanks and his CoC, I'd say more the latter than the former since even for One Piece characters all across the sea, CoC is pretty supernatural and unique.
4- The crossing of the first Threshold : That would be either the Logue Town events and Luffy smiling on the scaffold or the first bounty, not so much to say about it.
5- The Belly of the Whale : That's the moment Oda wanted us to realize he did it on purpose, since that's obviously Laboon and the beginning of the Alabasta saga. Campbell describes it as "The point of no return", and yes, it is, since they are now trapped in Grand Line, there is seemingly no way to get out of it without getting crushed by the sea kings of Calm Belt.
FYI, the other steps strongly referred to in OP are :
6- "The road of trials", that's pretty much the description of Grand Line, in the first French version, it was also renamed "La route de tous les périls" which means "The road of all dangers". While it is not actually relevant, I found it to be a pretty funny coincidence.
7- "The meeting with the goddess", that's Ener. Especially interesting considering that Campbell talks about a kind and helping goddess, and Oda chose a selfish autoproclaimed god, which will become a recurring thing later in the manga. By the way, making this theory made me realise that there are massive connections between Skypiea/Enel and Dressrosa/Doflamingo. Way more than I thought at first.
8- "Woman as temptress" is Hancock. The woman definitely failed, but the end of that part should give you some hints at why.
11- "The ultimate boon". For this one, I might be wrong since I'm not a native English speaker, but I believe boon has a godsent/blessing vibe to it, and what would fit it better than becoming the avatar of a god through awakening?
Guessing what the 12th to 15th steps will look like is hard since we didn't get there yet, but the last two, 16 and 17 are "Master of two worlds" which I guess would be Paradise and New World (Hence the name "New World"), and "Freedom to live" which is pretty much Luffy's understanding of the King of Pirates title.
But I'm getting too far here, so let's get back to the initiation.
If you paid attention, I skipped the step 2, because it's the Refusal. Luffy never refused an adventure, he's wanted to be the king of pirates since the very beginning and there is no doubt about it. But that would be a problem only if Luffy was actually the chosen one. In the middle of the Manga, we learn more about Luffy's brothers and especially about Ace.
Ace is cool, uses fire, has the mandatory MC orange that was very often used back then (Goku, Naruto, Ichigo...), and is the son of the King of Pirates. I also believe his name has some meaning besides being Roger's sword's, something like "He's the Ace card of One Piece, the one true MC", but even to me that sounds a bit stretched. Though, Whitebeard was betting on him and thought he could be the next Joy Boy. I mean Nika the sun god is supposed to free the world from the darkness of the world government, and what did Ace use to battle against Black Beard's darkness? A sun.
While Shanks was in Fuschia and Goa, we know Ace was roaming the jungle and the city to steal shit with Sabo and make money. Even Dadan couldn't say where he was and when he'll get home, and Garp gave Ace to Dadan because he knew they were hard to find. Moreover, if young Ace heard about a pirate trying to find him, I'm pretty sure he'd hide until said pirate left the island without even trying to know what they wanted. And if he knew why Shanks was there, nothing would have changed since he'd refuse Shanks' gifts.
Ace refused the call to adventure, he refused to follow his father's footsteps and that's why the only 2 steps that aren't in One Piece are the 2nd, refusal, and the 9th, the Atonement with the father. Even though Campbell does not mean literally the MC's father but more of a father-God figure, it would actually have a deep meaning with Ace as the MC since he holds a grudge against his father who's often considered as some mythic all powerful figure in piracy. Or maybe actually he got his atonement since Whitebeard came to settle things between them at Marine Ford right before they both died, telling him he blames himself for what happened with Black Beard and all.
With Luffy, the God-father figure would be Rayleigh, I guess, but there is no atonement needed. Rayleigh holds that role perfectly for the 10th step, though, since he teaches haki to Luffy. Dragon has nothing to do with Luffy's dream, nor Luffy needs an atonement with any other father figure. To me, Ace fits definitely much more than Luffy on those 2nd and 9th step. And that would mean that in the grand scheme of things, Ace was Joy Boy. Everything is pointing at him. The first step was set way before Luffy's birth, but soon after Ace's. Then Ace refused the adventure, and Luffy took his place to get to the 3rd step.
Why would Shanks keep the Hito Nika fruit with him for a year on a random island of East Blue of all places if not for his captain's son who happen to live on that specific island? Why would he leave the island as soon as Luffy ate the fruit if he was staying because of his interest for Luffy? Why would he give Roger's hat to Luffy instead of giving it to Ace as his father's legacy? Did Luffy mess up the prophecy-thing Roger and Shanks schemed together? Could it be possible that Ace was supposed to be the MC but ended up refusing because of his hatred for his father?
You may be tempted to say that his fate was to dismiss his father's will, and Luffy's fate was to take his place, but then, why would he get the Mera Mera no Mi, the only known df that allows him to make an actual sun? It sounds like remaining shards of his shattered fate, the last thing that connects him to Nika.
III - Can one be fated to eat the Hito Hito no Mi Model Nika?
I think you got it by now, but I believe that One Piece is about the clash between Will and Fate. There are more than 2 characters that actually got out their way to do whatever they wanted.
Sabo fled his parents' house because he didn't want to live as they wanted him to, as a noble. Black Beard killed Thatch so he could create his own path. Shanks chose to bet on Luffy even if he was just a random kid he met while looking for the son of his captain and even gave up his own arm for him (even if I think that it wasn't necessary at all and that he did it to teach Luffy dedication and sacrifice, but that's another debate). All those characters are either emperors, or at the top of the Revolutionary army.
There's also Ace, that refused the call to adventure, and tried to make Whitebeard the KoP while Whitebeard tried to make him the KoP, which led both of them to their death. And the last weirdo is Baggy, whose fate was completely turned upside down from the very moment he met Luffy. And he's also an emperor today. I will stop with that last one because you got the point, but that's the same for Koby and probably others but those 6 are especially interesting...
These 6 characters are bound by one thing : They chose to dismiss their fate for the sake of freedom, following their dreams, with Baggy being the last one to admit it.
Luffy is different from them. He did not acknowledge his fate to dismiss it, he just ignored it from the very beginning, he never wondered if he was doing the right thing, he just did it. He ate the fruit by mistake, went on a journey in a barrel, and chose his crewmates because they seemed nice to him, nothing else. With Nika being a symbol of freedom, maybe only someone who don't even know or care about fate can awaken that fruit. This would correlate (if that's not characters telling bullshit again) with the Gorosei saying zoans have their own will. The only one that fits this criteria is Luffy. Shanks and Roger wanted to give it to Ace, but he was not capable of making good use of it, since he had no chance to one day awaken it. Luffy, on the other hand, had that chance.
If the fruit chose Luffy, that's for that very reason, that's because he's not bound by any fate, he could do whatever he wanted, and that's precisely what he did. Luffy's main trait has always been his unpredictability, and that's pretty much why the GM never got a hand on him until Wano.
In a way, Luffy achieved one of his goals as he's already the freest man on the sea, the only one that can ignore fate. He's not Joy Boy's reincarnation, he carries the will of Roger, and shares his dream, someone who travels by the desires of his heart. Remember how they almost never actually followed the log pose? You got it.
IV - Then, what about the will of D?
Recently, we learnt A LOT of things about the lore, and a few things about the void century. One thing that was not discussed the way I thought it would is the fact that Nefertari Lili was a D. This is huge, and I think Oda miscalculated something by revealing that, because it says a lot more than it seems. If Lili is a D, and was one of the 20 kings, then she lived at the same time than Joy Boy. And that means that the D probably existed before Joy Boy.
We always thought the D was related to Joy Boy, because we were thinking through the shonen mythology prism, with fate and prophecies. But what if the D had nothing to do with Joy Boy? We don't even know if Joy Boy was a D.
Rayleigh, Whitebeard, Kaido, Akainu, Sengoku, Fisher Tiger, Oden, Big Mom... None of them has the D in their name, but yet they did incredible things that shook the entire world. Fisher Tiger is the main example of this, since he freed all the slaves and dealt massive damage to the Celestial Dragons by doing so.
If I had to guess, the Will of Joy Boy is probably much closer to the dream Luffy and Roger share than to a revolution that would free the whole world from the WG. In fact, the will of D seems to be vindictive, and I think we will all agree to say it doesn't fit Luffy very well. But it does fit someone, Dragon.
I believe Dragon truly carries the will of D, with an army of powerful soldiers using change-oriented powers (Betty changes the mind, Morley changes the ground, Lindbergh changes trash into contraptions, Karasu can create things using the ashes left by the flames of war, and Sabo is the Sun, and the flames of war).
I don't think Luffy won't defeat Imu or whatever final boss there among the WG, but I think he got the D only because he's Dragon's son. He does carry Roger's will, which may be Joy Boy's since Zunesha recognized the drums of liberation, linking Joy Boy and Nika, but I think Luffy will free the world and play along Dragon's plan without trying nor knowing, just because it's one thing he must achieve to achieve his own dream. Meaning that Dragon is the true heir of the Will of D.
And now you'll think "OK so the end of the WG is only decided by a father and his son. Still sounds like fate bullshit to me".
V - Ohana means Family
What people tend to overlook the most, or at least under appreciate, in One Piece is the Blood vs Heart theme. Fate, reincarnation and blood lineage are strongly related in fiction, especially in shonen, and the most important yet often forgotten theme of One Piece, is the family.
As you may have understood already, found families are a very important notion in One Piece and there are A LOT of examples in the series, much more than you could imagine at first. The most obvious are the Strawhats, or Luffy/Sabo/Ace/Dadan and the other mountain bandits, Whitebeard's crew, Nami/Nojiko/Belmer, Sanji/Zeff...
But there are also famous examples of Blood related families, such as the Monkey family, the Charlotte family, the Vinsmoke family... And they aren't depicted the same way at all.
When Luffy loses Ace, Jinbe tells him he's still got something, and he's talking about the SHs, not Garp nor Dragon. When people ask Oda about Luffy's actual mother, he says she's not relevant and he won't be talking about her. When Garp tells Luffy about his father, Luffy doesn't even care about who he is.
In fact, whenever there is a blood relationship between characters, Oda sets up or bring back a non-blood relationship to counter it immediately. The Vinsmoke family vs Strawhats/Zeff for Sanji, Roger vs WB/Luffy for Ace... These are pretty obvious, but it actually goes WAY deeper. The Charlotte Family vs Bege's crew for Chiffon, Charlotte family vs Sun Pirates for Praline, the Don Quijote family vs the Doflamily (every important member has been betrayed by their relatives and looked for another family before meeting Doflamingo so it also counts for at least Baby 5, Dellinger, Señor Pink, Pica...), Doflamingo vs Sengoku and Law for Corazón, the reindeers vs Hiluluk and Kureha for Chopper...
Oda tries to tell us that bloodline means nothing, and that's pretty much why Zoro's bloodline was revealed in a SBS. Saying Dragon and Luffy are father and son here doesn't hold much importance regarding fate. The only thing Dragon gave to Luffy is his name, and Oda really wants us to understand this.
To conclude this part, I would like to add that I also believe that fate exists in One Piece, we are witnessing the journey of a bunch of pirates trying to break that fate to achieve true freedom, and among them, Luffy, the only one who actually managed to do it without even trying. That is the true meaning that hides behind the title of "King of pirates".
VI - The question that will never be answered
This part will be very long, and I'm sorry for that, but it's an important point.
The last question you probably have in mind is "Do you actually think Oda planned ALL this all the way through?", and that's a very good question. It is used as a counter-argument to most of the theories because we know a part of One Piece wasn't planned from the beginning. The fact that the supernovae, who are among the most important characters in the manga, were not planned from the beginning changed everything in our way to theorize.
But are they THAT important to the story? We're at the beginning of the last saga, and where are they? Hawkins is (supposedly) dead, Kidd is left for dead, Law is badly injured, Bonney is living in another manga, Drake is a Sword member, and pretty much all the others are irrelevant.
Yes, Law had a strong impact in the Four Emperors saga, he was there all along and took part in most of the battles, being replaced by Bege for WCI. But Law is currently more of a part of the Kaido narrative, not One Piece as a whole.
He was only used to guide Luffy through this saga and finally decided to go for the One Piece even if he always claimed he was only interessed in taking down Doflamingo and then Kaido. He was fulfilling a function in the details of a Saga, just like Vivi did in the Alabasta one. The main difference is Law doesn't hold much place in the WG's minds. I was personally convinced Oda would kill him at the end of Wano because he had no purpose left in the story. It seems Oda still has some plans for him, probably more linked to his fruit that must not become available, or his powers which could be needed in some way, than to Law directly. It doesn't mean he will have a great impact on the last saga, though.
The Bonney case is also very interesting, because her crew was seen 5 times at best and suddenly vanished post ts. She has no purpose as a pirate and is not even trying to reach the One Piece. In fact she definitely looks like a character that was poorly merged with another to flesh them out a bit more. Kuma's child was merged with Bonney, a character Oda came up with a few weeks before her reveal because he had no plan for her.
I can pretty much say the same about Drake, explaining why he randomly joined Kaido's crew and was later revealed as a sword member. I think Sword was planned before ts, and maybe having a Sword member among Kaido's crew too. When Oda created the supernovae, he probably decided to make Drake the ex-Marine guy to introduce him as a Captain before being into Kaido's crew to increase the impact of the character in Wano. The fact that he is coincidentally an Ancient Zoan user just like the other Tobiroppo is easily explained by this, just a small mistake Oda chose to go with because he found the twist more interesting.
While some Supernovae look like important characters, they are not important because of the fact they are Supernovae. If Law/Drake/Bonney was an unknown character until Punk Hazard/Wano/Egghead, I'm pretty sure the story would have been almost the same, these characters would just have been a bit less hyped.
This adaptation ability is a more impressive writing skill than foreshadowing to me, but Law definitely benefited way more than Drake and Bonney from that. In the end, planned of not, the result is the same : Wapol is currently a more important character for the last saga than any supernova that isn't Bonney.
So yes, Oda did not plan the Supernovae, but it doesn't mean some of their roles did not exist in early drafts of One Piece. And Oda doesn't need to plan all the details about a character, a location, or a concept. He just needs the general idea. This same logic can apply to a lot of other things.
Let's get back to our subject. Yes, I do think Oda planned the "Ace was the chosen one" issue from the beginning, but not entirely. He didn't need to. In fact, planning such a twist requires to plan :
1/ The "Shanks staying at Fuschia for a long time and Ace living on the island" situation.
Ace was introduced pretty early in the series, as Luffy's adoptive brother, so it is safe to assume their childhood was already planned by that time, at least the most important points (Especially the temporality) .
2/ The "Gomu Gomu is actually a mythical Zoan of the Sun God" twist.
This is where it becomes harder. The Sun is an important part of this theory since Ace's power connected him to Nika in a way, and you can't actually believe this theory if you don't think Oda planned that twist since at least Drum island (The first time we hear about Zoans and Ace's powers even if it's just hinted). Actually, I don't really think Oda planned all of the twist from the beginning, but only some key points : "Luffy is a zoan" and "The sun is linked to freedom". If I can explain how the sun is linked to freedom since early arcs, Luffy is indirectly connected to the sun because of a shared connection to freedom.
2.1/Luffy's fruit is actually a Zoan.
I know this is a highly debatable and debated point in the community, especially here, but I do think Luffy was supposed to be a zoan a very long time ago. Even before Zoans were introduced. I know you can't check this statement because I only talked about it with friends, but I'm convinced of this because I actually understood that Luffy's fruit could not be a paramecia during Dressrosa, and that it was a Zoan during the beginning of Wano. There are a few hints, I will not list them all, just the most specific ones that helped me understand that. The first time Luffy does something he shouldn't be able to is at Arlong Park. Arlong throws Luffy in the water, and Genzo and Nojiko stretch Luffy's neck out of the water to let him breathe. Paramecia powers shouldn't be usable in water. Even for Logia users, turning into their element requires some amount of energy, even when used unconsciously. Every devil fruit power needs some energy to be used, and that energy is not available when under water. That's the main rule of devil fruits. The only explanation there is for Luffy to be able to stretch his neck under water is to be a Zoan. His power is not "Having a rubber body" but "Turning into a rubber man", meaning that if he's already in hybrid/animal mode by the moment he's thrown under water, he will be locked in that state, not being able to turn into a regular human back, but still being in rubber.
Yes, the Nika fruit seems special, and we don't know if Luffy has those 3 forms. But what I am sure of, is that Zoan fruits give the ability to turn into something.
When he's under water in Arlong park, the first thing he says is "I can't feel my limbs", which means he probably doesn't have enough strength to stretch his arms himself as he usually does, that's why we never realised that. The only times he claimed he couldn't use his powers in this kind of situation is when he was in contact with seastone. He was conscious, and I think that since Luffy himself believes he's a Paramecia and can't use his powers while in contact with seastone, he won't do it. It explains why it worked when he was not conscious, and doesn't work when he is. But it doesn't mean he can't. Remember, it's only limit is his imagination.
During time skip, he had no idea that coating himself in haki should nullify his powers as a paramecia, so he couldn't know that gear fourth was actually incoherent. Doflamingo did know it, and when he kicked Luffy's gear 4th, he stated that it should not be possible. The only way coating himself in haki wouldn't nullify his powers is the Gomu Gomu no Mi actually being a zoan since zoan users can coat themselves in haki while being transformed. Again, they don't have "The power to be an animal" but "The power to turn into an animal", making the abilities gained into one of their forms their own ability, and not their df's.
Bonus : We know zoan awakening uses a lot of energy to be maintained, that's the main difference with other zoan powers, and that can be used to explain something. When Chopper in monster point is underwater, he is unable to maintain his monster point, and comes back to hybrid form, which needs no energy to maintain. Awakened zoan and df in general still hold lots of mysteries, and this not a proof of anything, but that's an argument.
The Zoan theory was the only way to fully explain Luffy's abilities since Arlong Park.
And again, I am not saying Oda planned the Nika thing from Arlong park, I only mean Luffy was planned to be a rubber-man zoan since then.
2.2/ "The sun is linked to freedom"
Since the Gorosei were introduced as the Five Elder Planets (Even if we didn't understand it like that at first) in the Jaya arc, after Alabasta which stated that the Ancient Weapons are named after planets, it's safe to assume the symbolic link between a few characters in the manga with the solar system was planned very early.
The sun god was teased a long time ago. The first time we hear about the sun god is in Skypiea, a few arcs after Arlong Park. Skypiea does not take place on the blue sea, and mainly has lore-related purposes, so its lore shouldn't be ignored. While there is no way to prove the Sun God was linked to freedom by that time, we can safely assume the sun god was supposed to hold some relevance to the story later. And I don't mean anything more than that, I believe Oda's notes stated something like "Sun god = important" and that's pretty much all there is to the Skypiea arc regarding that point.
BUT this is actually not the first connection the manga has with the sun, since the first book's name is "Romance Dawn", Oda specifically asked for it to be "Romance Dawn" in every language, meaning that title is important to him. Well, that's the name of the pilot, yes, but the term Dawn is very important in One Piece and I don't think that would be too crazy to assume he planned to use that term for the revolution thing he planned for the end of the series. Again, I'm not saying he planned everything from the start, he just wrote "Dawn = Revolution" on a notepad, and that's all. That could be enough for Oda to plan to make a connection between the sun and freedom later in the manga.
THere is one more thing about that, and it was first seen... In Arlong Park. Hachi has a Sun tattooed on the forehead and we all know what it means. I know Jinbe wasn't supposed to be a cool guy from the beginning and was planned to be way closer to Arlong and Hody than one of Luffy's crewmates, but that doesn't mean Fishmen lore wasn't planned by that time.
Arlong Park's main theme is racism, so is Fishmen island's and so is Fishmen's in general. They are obviously strongly related. Hachi acts very friendly towards Zoro before knowing who he was, and that can easily be understood as a hint at the fact that he's actually a nice guy and may be an ally later in the manga. His cover story even proves Oda planned something more for him a long time before he came back to the story. Hachi was made to be a relevant character outside of his first arc, and placing a tattoo on the forehead of a character is not something that should be taken lightly in terms of charadesign.
It is pretty safe to assume that the sun tattoo was planned to be something at least vaguely related to slavery and freedom, that would also mean Oda already linked the sun and the freedom thing back in Arlong Park. Again, I am being very vague about what he has planned because there is a good chance all he planned was very vague by that time.
People tend to believe the Nika part of the twist was made up during the Wano arc and never planned before, and I kinda agree with this. I would say it was made up somewhere between the end of Dressrosa and the moment it was revealed. The way Oda introduced Nika was really bad, but it doesn't mean it wasn't planned at all. It can also mean he either forgot to introduce it before or never found the right moment to do so.
My guess is Oda planned "Sun = Freedom" by the very beginning of the Manga, set up a few things in the first arcs (Arlong Park and Skypiea, because they are linked to the sun theme) and decided to bring it back around the end of Dressrosa (When Doflamingo stated gear 4th made no sense). The events of the Zou arc were too bloated with Roger-related lore to connect it to Nika, and WCI had no reason to talk about such legends. Wano has been cut from the rest of the world for a long time and Wano people couldn't have that kind of information. The last option left to Oda was a member of Kaido's crew, which could have had information from the WG. He then made up some bullshit about Who's Who hearing about the Warrior of Liberation and that's it. The part about Who's Who being being a CP9 member involved in the df's protection sounds the most credible part of that terrible scene, it may have been planned before. Oda probably wanted to introduce Nika before, but trapped himself in his own story.
And that is why I think that even if Oda made up a part of the Nika twist between Dressrosa and Onigashima, Luffy being a Zoan related to both the sun and freedom was planned at least since Arlong Park. And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Oda is a genius. In fact, if we're here talking about it now, that's precisely because he is not a genius, and that he messed up that part of the lore.
Though, he is still a strong-willed dedicated author, and when you write a story, you write the beginning and the end's major points at the same time. Oda didn't need details from the last saga, he just needed to plan some major points. And the true nature of Luffy's power looks big enough to me to be part of those major points that needed a little planning. He's been working on One Piece for a very long time, even before One Piece even started, and the quest for freedom has always been one of the most important themes in the manga. We all understood very soon, way before Luffy said it himself, that being the King of Pirates meant being the freest man of the world to him. That's just how is Luffy.
One Piece cannot be dissociated with the Freedom theme, and thinking Luffy being the Warrior of Liberation was planned from the beginning of the story does not seem too far fetched to me.
Bonus - The power to free people
This one is a fully speculative point that I do not fully believe myself because I didn't find enough satisfying hints and evidence in my opinion, but I think it is still worth mentionning. The last chapters with Wapol made me wonder one thing. Is it possible that the power to gather people around him that Mihawk says Luffy has is actually linked to all I explained before? All major antagonist since Little Garden will visibly play a role in the end. And most people Luffy spent time with too. Baggy and Wapol are the best examples of what I'm trying to say. I feel like they got totally out of their initial way. I think Luffy may disturb the fate of everyone he interacts with, and those he interacts the most with happen to become much more like him, free of any fate. It's not that he has the power to gather people, but to free them from their fate. The true warrior of liberation. If you think about it, cartoonisation may also be a sign of this. The more "manga-like" parts are fate-related whereas the "cartoon-like" parts are free, explaining why Oda chose such an effect for Gear 5.
I am still not 100% sure about this theory, but Ace may have been the chosen One, Shanks and Roger believed he could be the next Joy Boy, but Luffy ate the fruit before Ace, taking his place as the MC.
There are misunderstandings around the Will of D, Joy Boy and Nika, and I'm pretty sure Oda did it on purpose. If not, it means he actually messed up his plans and is struggling to seperate Luffy from the fate thing.
Trying to follow carefully every step described by Joseph Campbell while trying to not make it a story shaped by fate is very risky. Even if it's well-made, everyone is influenced by all these myths and stories that Campbell used to elaborate his theory, and all the stories that were written after using Campbell's book as inspiration, especially among shonen. There are literally hundreds of tropes linked to that kind of storytelling, and they also are used in One Piece. That said, I still believe in Oda, and hope that, if I'm right, he will manage to finish his manga as he wanted.
Thank you for reading if you did.
submitted by Pregrupirati to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2023.05.06 02:15 brianddk Trezor Secret Maker

TLDR; Read the warning below, then install trezorctl, then download the script.

Trezor Secret Maker

This utility is a simple python script to help users as Trezor Password Manager enters deprecation. This utility will take a ascii key and generate 128 bit to 256 bit password with it. This can be used as a very simple password manager until something more permanent comes around.

Single Password Storage

Here's a simple example for single passwords on the Windows console. Very similar to the linux pass utility.
python -k " / brianddk" clip
This produces a 128bit password and drops it into the Windows clipboard. The KEY used is the string " / brianddk" which will help the user remember that this password is for reddit, and the username on reddit this is for is u/brianddk. The process is deterministic, so anytime you enter the same key, you will get the same secret. Hopefully we all know that my reddit password isn't 828a...1f7a. I've been using hunter2 for years now.

Password Manager Launcher

Another use of this would be to allow you to launch your password manager from the console using a secret generated from your Trezor. Since we may not like storing passwords on the clipboard, some password managers allow you to use console redirection create and unlock the database. The following will create a new KeepassXC database with a generated password then launch the empty database for password entry. Obviously the db-create command only needs to be run once to set the initial password. The following assumes the Windows Console has KeepassXC installed and in the path:
python -d -k "KeepassXC Database" keepassxc-cli.exe db-create -p TrezorKeepass.kdbx 2> NUL python -k "KeepassXC Database" keepassxc.exe --pw-stdin TrezorKeepass.kdbx

Session Management

If you use a complex passphrase on your Trezor, you may wish to enable session management so you only need to enter the passphrase once, then use the session token thereafter. Of course, tokens expire when the device is unplugged. For example the following windows console commands would save off a session-id, then use it to place a password on the clipboard and launch the keepass database.
for /f %p in ('trezorctl get-session') do set session=%p python -s %session% -k " / brianddk" clip python -s %session% -k "KeepassXC Database" keepassxc.exe --pw-stdin TrezorKeepass.kdbx

Under The Hood

The utility will try to avoid showing secrets on the console unless verbosity (-v) is requested. If EXTREME verbosity (-e) is requested you will see all the encodings I could think of. This includes making BIP39 seeds and passwords of various forms. Since some sites require symbols and numbers so encodings like base85 might be preferred. The utility defaults to hex encoding. The process of making a secret uses the Trezor encrypt_keyvalue command. This is the same API as is used by trezorctl crypto encrypt-keyvalue -n m/10016h/0 KEY VALUE. As you noticed, there is both a KEY and a VALUE mentioned in the arguments. For simplicity, I simply use a padded version of the KEY for the VALUE. The following two commands, one from trezorctl and the other with will both produce the same secret.
trezorctl -s %session% crypto encrypt-keyvalue -n m/10016h/0 "test key" "test key " python -v -s %session% -k "test key"
NOTE: The extreme verbosity display will show a field called fp, this is the fingerprint of your current Trezor mnemonic+passphrase. So long as you have the same fingerprint, you are guaranteed that a given input will produce the same secret. Here's an example of the extreme verbosity display compared with the get-public-node. Note that the fp and node.fingerprint fields match.
``` $ trezorctl -s "%session%" btc get-public-node -n "m/0" Please confirm action on your Trezor device. node.depth: 1 node.fingerprint: 5c44dd62 node.child_num: 0 node.chain_code: 5ffd052182dce6e2658544ccda9e1aac86bc39545837064eaac5a469bc929f56 node.public_key: 02c7af2fbcb7f6cb5c4d2befc69c71584cf9c83f62ab069136d0be87d282afb433 xpub: xpub68ZqGuoewpDF8TPKMYes2rT2ek7PiCAP6Z5guk8mQWXX4eQ57yCKQFHVrHwyr3Nc4CKbzxWVDLo1qrSD475xYqbep75A74GR9kEGJhFB4dw
$ python -s "%session% -e -k "test key" Please confirm action on your Trezor device. input: [fp: 5c44dd62, path: "10016h/0", key: "test key", padded_value: "test key "] encoded_b85: "4LpjOdgpPKS2StLwU5=" encoded_b64: "DTyKmXrncZVXNGnKt3nIpQ==" encoded_b58: "2doTDKguKQXv7XkmBtzFXA" encoded_hex: "0d3c8a997ae77195573469cab779c8a5" encoded_4ch: "ArtwTonePlayVoluJackSkirFresMinoSkirRookImpuEnerStabEarnGrasFrieImmePrimSnacSqueProbRudeCardRebe" encoded_b39: "artwork tone play volume jacket skirt fresh minor skirt rookie impulse energy stable earn grass friend immense primary snack squeeze problem rude card rebel" ```


To run this utility you need to have python 3 installed as well as the trezorctl utility. The trezorctl install (pip install trezor) will install both the trezorctl utility as well as the trezorlib python libraries this utility relies on. Assuming python 3 is already installed, doing the rest could be as simple as the following commands. Do see the warnings below about running python from a stranger.
curl -o pip install trezor python -v -k "test key"


All these commands and outputs can be reproduced using the SLIP-14 seed-mnemonic and a passphrase of mk_secret. Nothing up my sleeves.
slip-14-mnemonic: all all all all all all all all all all all all passphrase: mk_secret


``` usage: [-h] [-s S] [-k K] [-c C] [-t] [-d] [-v] [-e] [-hex] [-58] [-64] [-85] [-12] [-18] [-24] [-4]
Trezor Secret Maker
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s S session (hex) to use -k K use key / secret from args (default is stdin) -c C clip the the encoding down to NUM characters -t trim linefeeds for keyfile use -d two lines on stream for verify prompts -v verbose will show the generated secret on stdout -e extreme verbosity will show the key as well and ALL encodings -hex (default) generate base16 (hex) encoding -58 generate base58 encoding -64 generate base64 encoding -85 generate base85 encoding -12 generate BIP39 12 word mnemonics -18 generate BIP39 18 word mnemonics -24 generate BIP39 24 word (default) mnemonics -4 4-character encoding of BIP39 mnemonic ```



When I originally created this I had hoped to use the bash process substitution feature to let trezor work as a keyfile. This would look something like:
keepassxc-cli db-create --set-key-file <( -t -s %session% -k "Keepass Keyfile") example.kdbx
But unfortunately the filestream reader currently in use with keepassxc-cli doesn't support this type of FIFO reads. There is already an issue logged with KeepassXC. I had added the TRIM (-t) argument to the utility in anticipation of this. Rational was to remove OS dependencies on EOL processing by stripping EOL characters from the stream. I can verify that the trim feature works, but I can't verify it with KeepassXC till they fix KeepassXC.


If you don't read python then DONT download or run any of this code. Python scripts can have fairly complete access to your filesystem. It can't read secrets from the Trezor, but file system access is still a lot. As a general rule of thumb, you should never trust internet strangers. I may work on getting something like this added to one of the official repositories in the future, but for the most part, that is something up to the maintainers and not entirely within my control. Hopefully this utility is simple enough to fully understand.
submitted by brianddk to brianddk [link] [comments]

2023.05.01 01:03 brianddk Would you use (or toy with) a Trezor KeePass launcher to replace Trezor Password Manager

I've been moving everything to KeePass since TPM is end-of-life. The github thread about it seemed to indicate Trezor will be focusing on Trezor-R and Coinjoins for the near future so there are no plans to migrate TPM into Suite.
So it's trivial to integrate Trezor into KeePass, and will ask the KeePass team to consider it. In the meantime I'm writing a Trezor Keypass Launcher that uses the official Trezor Python API.
Would anyone be interested in random python code from an internet stranger talking to your Trezor to secure your KeePass data?


TLDR; Read the warning below, then install trezorctl, then download the script.

Trezor Secret Maker

This utility is a simple python script to help users as Trezor Password Manager enters deprecation. This utility will take a ascii key and generate 128 bit to 256 bit password with it. This can be used as a very simple password manager until something more permanent comes around.

Single Password Storage

Here's a simple example for single passwords on the Windows console. Very similar to the linux pass utility.
python -k " / brianddk" clip
This produces a 128bit password and drops it into the Windows clipboard. The KEY used is the string " / brianddk" which will help the user remember that this password is for reddit, and the username on reddit this is for is u/brianddk. The process is deterministic, so anytime you enter the same key, you will get the same secret. Hopefully we all know that my reddit password isn't 828a...1f7a. I've been using hunter2 for years now.

Password Manager Launcher

Another use of this would be to allow you to launch your password manager from the console using a secret generated from your Trezor. Since we may not like storing passwords on the clipboard, some password managers allow you to use console redirection create and unlock the database. The following will create a new KeepassXC database with a generated password then launch the empty database for password entry. Obviously the db-create command only needs to be run once to set the initial password. The following assumes the Windows Console has KeepassXC installed and in the path:
python -d -k "KeepassXC Database" keepassxc-cli.exe db-create -p TrezorKeepass.kdbx 2> NUL python -k "KeepassXC Database" keepassxc.exe --pw-stdin TrezorKeepass.kdbx

Session Management

If you use a complex passphrase on your Trezor, you may wish to enable session management so you only need to enter the passphrase once, then use the session token thereafter. Of course, tokens expire when the device is unplugged. For example the following windows console commands would save off a session-id, then use it to place a password on the clipboard and launch the keepass database.
for /f %p in ('trezorctl get-session') do set session=%p python -s %session% -k " / brianddk" clip python -s %session% -k "KeepassXC Database" keepassxc.exe --pw-stdin TrezorKeepass.kdbx

Under The Hood

The utility will try to avoid showing secrets on the console unless verbosity (-v) is requested. If EXTREME verbosity (-e) is requested you will see all the encodings I could think of. This includes making BIP39 seeds and passwords of various forms. Since some sites require symbols and numbers so encodings like base85 might be preferred. The utility defaults to hex encoding. The process of making a secret uses the Trezor encrypt_keyvalue command. This is the same API as is used by trezorctl crypto encrypt-keyvalue -n m/10016h/0 KEY VALUE. As you noticed, there is both a KEY and a VALUE mentioned in the arguments. For simplicity, I simply use a padded version of the KEY for the VALUE. The following two commands, one from trezorctl and the other with will both produce the same secret.
trezorctl -s %session% crypto encrypt-keyvalue -n m/10016h/0 "test key" "test key " python -v -s %session% -k "test key"
NOTE: The extreme verbosity display will show a field called fp, this is the fingerprint of your current Trezor mnemonic+passphrase. So long as you have the same fingerprint, you are guaranteed that a given input will produce the same secret. Here's an example of the extreme verbosity display compared with the get-public-node. Note that the fp and node.fingerprint fields match.
``` $ trezorctl -s "%session%" btc get-public-node -n "m/0" Please confirm action on your Trezor device. node.depth: 1 node.fingerprint: 5c44dd62 node.child_num: 0 node.chain_code: 5ffd052182dce6e2658544ccda9e1aac86bc39545837064eaac5a469bc929f56 node.public_key: 02c7af2fbcb7f6cb5c4d2befc69c71584cf9c83f62ab069136d0be87d282afb433 xpub: xpub68ZqGuoewpDF8TPKMYes2rT2ek7PiCAP6Z5guk8mQWXX4eQ57yCKQFHVrHwyr3Nc4CKbzxWVDLo1qrSD475xYqbep75A74GR9kEGJhFB4dw
$ python -s "%session% -e -k "test key" Please confirm action on your Trezor device. input: [fp: 5c44dd62, path: "10016h/0", key: "test key", padded_value: "test key "] encoded_b85: "4LpjOdgpPKS2StLwU5=" encoded_b64: "DTyKmXrncZVXNGnKt3nIpQ==" encoded_b58: "2doTDKguKQXv7XkmBtzFXA" encoded_hex: "0d3c8a997ae77195573469cab779c8a5" encoded_4ch: "ArtwTonePlayVoluJackSkirFresMinoSkirRookImpuEnerStabEarnGrasFrieImmePrimSnacSqueProbRudeCardRebe" encoded_b39: "artwork tone play volume jacket skirt fresh minor skirt rookie impulse energy stable earn grass friend immense primary snack squeeze problem rude card rebel" ```


To run this utility you need to have python 3 installed as well as the trezorctl utility. The trezorctl install (pip install trezor) will install both the trezorctl utility as well as the trezorlib python libraries this utility relies on. Assuming python 3 is already installed, doing the rest could be as simple as the following commands. Do see the warnings below about running python from a stranger.
curl -o pip install trezor python -v -k "test key"


All these commands and outputs can be reproduced using the SLIP-14 seed-mnemonic and a passphrase of mk_secret. Nothing up my sleeves.
slip-14-mnemonic: all all all all all all all all all all all all passphrase: mk_secret


``` usage: [-h] [-s S] [-k K] [-c C] [-t] [-d] [-v] [-e] [-hex] [-58] [-64] [-85] [-12] [-18] [-24] [-4]
Trezor Secret Maker
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s S session (hex) to use -k K use key / secret from args (default is stdin) -c C clip the the encoding down to NUM characters -t trim linefeeds for keyfile use -d two lines on stream for verify prompts -v verbose will show the generated secret on stdout -e extreme verbosity will show the key as well and ALL encodings -hex (default) generate base16 (hex) encoding -58 generate base58 encoding -64 generate base64 encoding -85 generate base85 encoding -12 generate BIP39 12 word mnemonics -18 generate BIP39 18 word mnemonics -24 generate BIP39 24 word (default) mnemonics -4 4-character encoding of BIP39 mnemonic ```



When I originally created this I had hoped to use the bash process substitution feature to let trezor work as a keyfile. This would look something like:
keepassxc-cli db-create --set-key-file <( -t -s %session% -k "Keepass Keyfile") example.kdbx
But unfortunately the filestream reader currently in use with keepassxc-cli doesn't support this type of FIFO reads. There is already an issue logged with KeepassXC. I had added the TRIM (-t) argument to the utility in anticipation of this. Rational was to remove OS dependencies on EOL processing by stripping EOL characters from the stream. I can verify that the trim feature works, but I can't verify it with KeepassXC till they fix KeepassXC.


If you don't read python then DONT download or run any of this code. Python scripts can have fairly complete access to your filesystem. It can't read secrets from the Trezor, but file system access is still a lot. As a general rule of thumb, you should never trust internet strangers. I may work on getting something like this added to one of the official repositories in the future, but for the most part, that is something up to the maintainers and not entirely within my control. Hopefully this utility is simple enough to fully understand.
submitted by brianddk to TREZOR [link] [comments]

2023.04.03 14:11 fadedgam3rYT i feel good today what do you guys think?

i feel good today what do you guys think? submitted by fadedgam3rYT to wallstreet [link] [comments]

2023.03.28 00:01 THEREALISLAND631 My ever growing collection

My ever growing collection
A bit of my pride and joy right here. I have a shadowless blastoise, the big three Japanese 25 year anniversary, and the big three celebrations coming in the mail and my plan is to frame the big three in one display for shadowless, base set, base set 2, celebrations, and 25th anniversary japanese. It will free up the shelves a bit too so they won't look so cluttered and I can add some cards that don't fit as of now. Looking forward to creating a post of the filled out frame once complete!
submitted by THEREALISLAND631 to pkmntcgcollections [link] [comments]

2023.03.19 18:53 SavedSoliloquy2 "Only the Lord can turn a grape into agape..."

submitted by SavedSoliloquy2 to Journaling [link] [comments]

2023.02.14 16:54 ariesonthecusp February 14, 2023 - 10am EST

February 14, 2023 - 10am EST submitted by ariesonthecusp to MultiplayerAi [link] [comments]

2023.02.14 02:29 ariesonthecusp Top trades as of February 13, 2023 - End of day

Top trades as of February 13, 2023 - End of day submitted by ariesonthecusp to MultiplayerAi [link] [comments]