5 senses worksheets

Generative Art

2011.01.20 21:47 Generative Art

Generative art refers to art that in whole or in part has been created with the use of an autonomous system. This subreddit is for sharing and discussing anything generative (including music, design and natural phenomena), but especially art.

2014.11.21 01:26 _shaun Like eroticauthors, but for romance


2021.02.16 08:01 TrendyWilliamsShow AutismInWomen

An Autistic Community that is centered around women, afabs, nb, queer, trans, and others that are not cis men. Let's discuss challenges, triumphs, interests, and everything in-between.

2024.06.05 09:15 Ok_Landscape7517 Looking for my hearts home! 49m

Hi all, I’m David and as you seen I’m 49. If age matters, then please move on. If not, hey there!!!! I live in Scotland and yes I live alone. I have a disability, I over worked my legs and now they don’t work so well, I use two crutches to walk! I don’t work in the traditional sense seen as I am disabled. So about me, I’m 173cm or 5’7”. I’m not toned but also not fat! Dad bod comes to mind. I’ve salt and pepper short hair and a beard of same colour. Glasses also. So about you, well hopes anyway! Be human!!! Always a good start. I do prefer short or petite but if the right person comes along then hight and such is out the window. One thing that is a deal breaker, I am not a lover of large breasts! I’m a smaller the better guy!! But again, the right person!! I hope your kind, understanding, has ethics! Is ‘K’ positive and likes to be touched as I am very tactile!! Looking for that one fem that’s going to blow my mind!! Make me feel at home! Comfortable and caring! In return you would obviously have the same from me!
I don’t ghost and please don’t ghost! If you’re not interested then just say! We can go our merry way!
Made it this far! Wow, we may have a winner!! Stop in, drop me a line, and a wee bit about yourself! And feel free to ask me anything!
Chat to ya soon!! 🤟🏼
submitted by Ok_Landscape7517 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:14 SocialEpochOfficial Unlocking the Power of WhatsApp Groups for Business Growth with SocialEpoch

Unlocking the Power of WhatsApp Groups for Business Growth with SocialEpoch
In today’s digital age, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to connect with their audience, foster engagement, and drive growth. One platform that has proven to be a game-changer in this regard is WhatsApp. With over 2 billion users worldwide, WhatsApp offers an unparalleled opportunity for businesses to tap into a vast and engaged audience. Among the various strategies available, WhatsApp group marketing stands out as a highly effective method. In this article, we will explore how you can leverage WhatsApp groups and online communities to grow your business and how SocialEpoch’s WhatsApp Group Marketing Solutions can help you maximize your results.

The Power of WhatsApp Groups

WhatsApp groups are a fantastic way to create a sense of community and foster direct communication with your audience. Here are some key benefits of using WhatsApp groups for business growth:
1. Direct Engagement: Unlike other social media platforms where your messages might get lost in the noise, WhatsApp groups allow for direct and immediate communication with your audience. This direct line of communication can significantly enhance customer engagement and loyalty.
2. Personalized Interaction: WhatsApp groups enable personalized interactions with your customers. You can address their queries, provide personalized recommendations, and build stronger relationships.
3. Real-time Feedback: By engaging with your customers in real-time, you can gather immediate feedback on your products or services. This feedback is invaluable for making quick adjustments and improvements.
4. Community Building: WhatsApp groups create a sense of belonging among members. This community feeling can lead to higher engagement rates and more organic word-of-mouth marketing.
5. Cost-effective Marketing: Compared to other marketing channels, WhatsApp group marketing is highly cost-effective. You can reach a large audience without incurring significant costs.

Leveraging WhatsApp Online Communities

Online communities on WhatsApp can be a powerful tool for business growth. Here’s how you can leverage these communities effectively:
1. Create Value-driven Content: Share valuable content that addresses the needs and interests of your community members. This could include tips, tutorials, exclusive offers, and more.
2. Foster Two-way Communication: Encourage members to share their thoughts, ask questions, and provide feedback. This two-way communication fosters a more engaged and active community.
3. Host Exclusive Events: Organize exclusive events such as webinars, Q&A sessions, or live product demonstrations for your WhatsApp group members. This exclusivity can drive higher engagement and loyalty.
4. Use Polls and Surveys: Conduct polls and surveys to gather insights from your community members. This data can help you better understand their preferences and tailor your offerings accordingly.
5. Promote User-generated Content: Encourage members to share their experiences with your products or services. User-generated content can serve as powerful testimonials that build trust and credibility.

How SocialEpoch’s WhatsApp Group Marketing Solutions Can Help

SocialEpoch offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to help businesses maximize the potential of WhatsApp group marketing. Here’s how our solutions can benefit you:
1.Group Inviting Service: Our Group Inviting Service allows you to create WhatsApp groups with 100 to 1000 members effortlessly. This service is perfect for businesses looking to quickly build large communities without the hassle of manual invitations.
2. Group Creating Tool: Need more groups? Our Group Creating Tool lets you create 100-member groups in bulk, saving you significant time and effort. This tool is ideal for businesses looking to scale their WhatsApp marketing efforts rapidly.
3. Bulk WhatsApp Accounts: We provide Bulk WhatsApp Accounts that act as group admins, engaging with your audience and driving interactions. These accounts ensure that your groups remain active and vibrant, fostering higher engagement rates.
4. Scripted Engagement Bot: Our Scripted Engagement Bot is a game-changer for automated interactions. You can set your content in advance, and our system will send automated messages through your accounts, activating and attracting group members to join your activities. This feature ensures consistent engagement without requiring constant manual intervention.
5. Sensitive Words Filter: Maintaining professionalism in your interactions is crucial. Our Sensitive Words Filter helps you filter out inappropriate content in chats between your employees and customers, ensuring that all communications remain professional and compliant.
6. One-click Mention All: Need to get everyone’s attention quickly? With our One-click Mention All feature, you can reach all group members instantly with just one click. This feature is perfect for making important announcements or sharing time-sensitive information.
7. Live Group Allocation Link: Simplify the process of adding new members to your groups with our Live Group Allocation Link. This feature allows you to share a single link that automatically allocates new members to available groups, streamlining the onboarding process.

Case Study: Success with SocialEpoch

Let’s take a look at how one of our clients successfully leveraged SocialEpoch’s WhatsApp Group Marketing Solutions to achieve remarkable results.
Client Profile: A mid-sized e-commerce business specializing in health and wellness products.
Challenge: The client wanted to build a loyal customer base and increase repeat purchases through personalized engagement.
– The client used our Group Inviting Service to create multiple 500-member WhatsApp groups.
– They leveraged the Scripted Engagement Bot to send daily health tips and product recommendations.
– The Sensitive Words Filter ensured all communications remained professional.
– The One-click Mention All feature was used to announce flash sales and exclusive offers.
– The client saw a 40% increase in repeat purchases within three months.
– Customer engagement rates soared, with active participation in daily discussions.
– The community feeling fostered through the WhatsApp groups led to numerous word-of-mouth referrals.


WhatsApp group marketing presents a unique opportunity for businesses to connect with their audience in a meaningful way. By leveraging the power of WhatsApp groups and online communities, you can drive higher engagement, build stronger relationships, and ultimately grow your business.
SocialEpoch’s comprehensive suite of WhatsApp Group Marketing Solutions provides all the tools you need to maximize your results. From automated engagement bots to sensitive words filters, our solutions are designed to help you create vibrant and active communities that drive business growth.
Ready to unlock the full potential of WhatsApp group marketing? Get started with SocialEpoch today and take your business to new heights!
submitted by SocialEpochOfficial to socialepoch [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:13 Ok_Landscape7517 49 [M4F] uk, Looking for my hearts home!

Hi all, I’m David and as you seen I’m 49. If age matters, then please move on. If not, hey there!!!! I live in Scotland and yes I live alone. I have a disability, I over worked my legs and now they don’t work so well, I use two crutches to walk! I don’t work in the traditional sense seen as I am disabled. So about me, I’m 173cm or 5’7”. I’m not toned but also not fat! Dad bod comes to mind. I’ve salt and pepper short hair and a beard of same colour. Glasses also. So about you, well hopes anyway! Be human!!! Always a good start. I do prefer short or petite but if the right person comes along then hight and such is out the window. One thing that is a deal breaker, I am not a lover of large breasts! I’m a smaller the better guy!! But again, the right person!! I hope your kind, understanding, has ethics! Is ‘K’ positive and likes to be touched as I am very tactile!! Looking for that one fem that’s going to blow my mind!! Make me feel at home! Comfortable and caring! In return you would obviously have the same from me!
I don’t ghost and please don’t ghost! If you’re not interested then just say! We can go our merry way!
Made it this far! Wow, we may have a winner!! Stop in, drop me a line, and a wee bit about yourself! And feel free to ask me anything!
Chat to ya soon!! 🤟🏼
submitted by Ok_Landscape7517 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:13 EmmVeeEss Citi and sbi will make you wait for your gift card after it has been redeemed with the accumulated reward points

Citi - 2 working days Sbi - upto 5 days
After you redeem the amazon voucher with your rewards points, you need to wait for few days to actually get them. On the other side, I have seen hdfc giving vouchers instantaneously
Earlier citi used to give physical vouchers which I understand the wait till delivery but now they are giving e-vouchers. Waiting for e-vouchers does not make sense.
submitted by EmmVeeEss to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:04 UCWMtext Total Drama Seasons Ranking (IMDb)

This is the list of Total Drama seasons according to IMDb (I averaged the episode ratings). I want to clarify that this is NOT my opinion!
  1. Total Drama Pahkitew Island (6.4/10)
Did I expect such a low position? Yes. Did he deserve it? More or less, since no episode exceeds a score of 8, even if some of them deserved it.
  1. Total Drama All-Stars (7.0/10)
I'm surprised by the incredibly high rating. I expected something lower, but almost all the episodes have a rating higher than 7 (there are few in TDPI that do so).
  1. Total Drama Revenge Of The Island (7.2/10)
I think this position is deserved.
  1. Total Drama Action (7.5/10)
Although I really like the season, many people found it boring, and therefore I think that, according to other people's tastes, this is the right rating.
  1. Total Drama Island Reboot (7.6/10)
I honestly don't know what to say about this one, but I think it's fair (also the episode “Jurassic Fart” has a 4.4 rating, making it the worst episode of Total Drama according to IMDb).
  1. Total Drama Presents The Ridonculous Race (7.7/10)
This will divide the fan base! There are people who love this spin-off and others who hate it. So I think the rating is wrong (it could have been higher or lower, but not like that).
  1. Total Drama Island (7.9/10)
Okay, that position makes sense.
  1. Total Drama World Tour (8.1/10)
I'm surprised this isn't the highest rated season, but it's still very high (the last two episodes both have a 9.3 rating, making them the best episodes of the series).
  1. Total Drama Island Rematch (8.2/10)
Yes, this season, one of the most hated, is considered the best season (the second episode has a rating of 9.0, making it the third and last episode of the series to exceed a rating of 9). This season, however, could change the rating as it is very recent (perhaps it could also happen to the first season of the Reboot, but the positions are much lower).
What do you think? Do you agree with this or not?
submitted by UCWMtext to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:01 TabexOriginal How Quitting Smoking Improves Your Social Life

Quitting smoking can significantly enhance your social interactions and relationships. Beyond health benefits, stopping smoking, with support from cessation aids like Tabex, can improve your social life in several notable ways.

Benefits of Quitting Smoking on Social Life

1. Improved Appearance

2. Enhanced Sense of Smell and Taste

3. Increased Energy Levels

4. No Need for Frequent Breaks

5. Broader Social Circles

6. Positive Role Modeling

Tips for Leveraging Social Benefits After Quitting


Quitting smoking opens up numerous opportunities for enriching social interactions and building healthier relationships. With aids like Tabex to help manage cravings, your journey to becoming a non-smoker can significantly enhance your social presence and connections.
submitted by TabexOriginal to TabexOriginal [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:01 LordFar7423 Sent to Big AL 2 images

Sent to Big AL 2 images submitted by LordFar7423 to alexandrarodriguez [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 09:01 Ridi_The_Valiant The Story Chvialry 2 Tells (Long)

This is my third attempt at making sense of the story that Chivalry 2 is trying to tell. The base game maps have some order to them, but it isn’t entirely clear exactly the lore order of them, so I‘ve done my best to make sense of them using a map of Agatha plus some context clues. The expansion maps seem to have been released in chronological order, so the order of those maps was very easy to make sense off. As with my last two attempts, given you read it all, please try to correct me if you find a mistake in my story.
Useful information - Agathian Knight Regions: Olde Agatha Parodin Irilla Barema
Mason Order Regions: Ramnor Marinar Arathane Vantear
Maps at Launch: 1. Tournament Grounds of Summerhill 2. The battle at Wardenglade 3. Escape from Falmire 4. The Siege of Rudhelm 5. The Battle of Dark Forest 6. The Slaughter of Coxwell 7. The Fighting Pit of Barema 8. The Fall of Lionspire
Map Expansion Order: 1. The Betrayal of Courtyard 2. The Desecration of Galencourt 3. The Raid on Aberfell 4. Desert 5. The Breach of Baudwyn 6. The Razing of Askandir 7. Hippodrome 8. The Assault of Thayic Stronghold 9. The Sacking of Bridgetown 10. The Reclamation of Montcrux 11. Regicide at Trayan Citadel
Link to Map: https://www.reddit.com/Chivalry2/comments/zi28vw/ive_located_thayic_and_galencourt_on_the_lore_map/
  1. Tournament Grounds With Argon II declaring himself the rightful king of Agatha, civil war fills the air, and the merchants of Parodin seek to take advantage of this new air of war. Parodinian merchants are known for at least two things: Their love of money, and their love of gambling. One such arena that typically serves the merchants to both of these ends, is the Summerhill Tournament Grounds. The merchants of Parodin invite some of the Agathian Knights, and they invite some of the Mason Order to these tournament grounds wherein they hold games of mortal combat for sport. Each fight sees lots of gold lost by some, and lots gained by others. This map has no political consequence. It is simply nobles having fun placing bets on fights to the death that men of opposing sides are willing to compete in for glory and wealth for themselves.
  2. The Battle of Wardenglade This battle is the first battle of Argon II‘s campaign against the Mason order. Agathian lands are flanked by the Mason Order on two sides. As such, it appears (through my interpretation of context clues) that Argon II splits his army in two, and launches offensives on two fronts. The bulk of his army marches South and East out of Olde Agatha and Parodin into Arathane led by General Arleigne Emery, Duke of Brightmoor, while a smaller force marches West to Ramnor, leader unknown. First contact in an official battle just happens to happen at Wardenglade. Wardenglade is a plain in the middle of no where, but what makes this location the place where a battle took place was likely the nearby infrastructure. The major highway that connects Olde Agatha to Irilla for trade runs right through the little flatland known as Wardenglade. The most plausible reason for this battle taking place here is that Argon II‘s Eastern army was using this highway to traverse the continent southeast from Olde Agatha towards Arathane, and a Mason Army was using this highway heading North into Agathian lands. The two armies ran into each other on a trade route in the middle of nowhere, and they commence the first official battle of the Second Agathian Civil War on the plain of Wardenglade. It isn’t clear who wins this battle based on it being a team deathmath map, but narratively it fits my perceived timeline for the Agathians to win here. If anyone believes differently, please feel free to correct me with knowledge!
  3. Escape from Falmire Shortly after Argon II‘s Eastern army wins at Wardenglade, Argon II‘s Western army reaches its target, the fortress of Falmire, in order to rescue an Agathian champion of the First Agathian Civil War, Thorne. It’s clear that some off-screen combat has taken place, because there are recently dead Agathians and recently captured Agathians at the fortress. My favorite idea here is that local Agathians rose up in rebellion within Ramnor prior to any Agathian armies officially reaching Ramnor from predominantly Agathian held lands. Of course, cultural Agathians within predominantly Mason territory would be small in number, and quickly overwhelmed by local Mason forces. This is who I choose to believe all of the Agathian bodies are. Argon II‘s official Western army launches an assault on fortress Falmire, and this ends with the freeing of the Agathian champion, Thorne. It‘s unclear to me where this Western force sails to once they‘ve rescued Thorne, but I assume they bring Thorne to a home territory and city of the Agathians, and then proceed to secure the borders of Agathian Knight held territory.
  4. The Siege of Rudhelm On the Eastern front, Argon II‘s army passes through the Mason held territory of Arathane to enter Vantear near Rudhelm. It’s unclear how Agathian forces penetrated Arathane. There was likely small skirmishes throughout the army’s journey through this territory. After succesfully pushing through Arathane, they lay siege to Rudhelm, wherein Argon II‘s forces sack Rudhelm and slay the Mason Heir, Valen Tray, who is Argon II‘s nephew. After this, it appears that Argon II‘s Eastern forces withdraw to Arathane in order to rest from all of the travel and war they‘ve experienced since the campaign began. I‘m guessing General/Duke Emery felt that his troops deserved to rest after a couple of won battles, but I also feel he thought that his army was too exhausted to either push onward deeper into the Mason heartland or even to hold the ground they had at Rudhelm. At this point, the opening of the war has gone entirely in Argon II‘s favor; multiple battles have ended in Agathian victory.
submitted by Ridi_The_Valiant to Chivalry2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:55 sombodhi99 Help with two way anova

Help with two way anova
Hi everyone,
I am doing two-way ANOVA in origin for some cell data, I am getting insignificant data. I have 8 drugs that I need to compare with the control and each drug has two groups: Aggregated and non-aggregated cells. However, in the ANOVA results page under the descriptive statistics, I can see that in each group, the software has taken N=2, one for aggregated and another for aggregated, I think the software has averaged out the aggregated and non-aggregated values, is it true and how to rectify it
Raw data
Can anyone help me with this
submitted by sombodhi99 to StatisticsZone [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:54 Nufeneguediz Who the hell organised the Italian air tree

Who the hell organised the Italian air tree
Untill rank 4 (before my very ugly red line) the left column has fighter aircraft with also ground attack options and some of the early fighters like the Re.2002 are even specifically designed for ground attack. On the centre column there are instead pure fighters that until the imported Bf do not even have any bombs (or any cannon capable of taking out any armoured vehicle). However after rank 5 they switch for no particular reason. Although all of these jets (except the sagittario 2) have some form of ground attack option we have the ones with better ground strike capabilities on the centre column (the AMX is even a light strike aircraft). To me this make absolutely no sense. Heck they even separeted the G series (the G.91 is on the other column than the past G planes like G.56)! Can someone explain to me what are the reasons of this swap, if there's any, or why you think it's not a bad choice?
submitted by Nufeneguediz to Warthunder [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:53 Huge-Survey4221 What’s your opinion on the Wendy’s on 1st ?

I went to the drive thru and I was flabbergasted by the service. I wasn’t greeted til 5 minutes til I said hello. I couldn’t hear whoever was on the speaker so I had to go in. Big mistake. The employees were on their phones and not doing anything. I never seen anything like it ! Finally the teenager very slowly walked to the register and didn’t say anything like she was waiting for me to say something. Finally I said hi And I got no acknowledgment ( I get I’m not Roman reigns but it was so disrespectful) I told her my order that I didn’t want onions and guess what I got onions so I told them to do again. They didn’t even tell me to have a great day or anything. As I got in the car I was checking for ketchup and there was none. I couldn’t believe it. Then as I was driving I didn’t realize I was that close to “that Hy-Vee” and it all made sense.
submitted by Huge-Survey4221 to cedarrapids [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:48 pbjsandd Does selling my car I bought new 1.5 years ago make sense for me or would it be a huge mistake?

Hi! I bought a 2023 Chevy Bolt EUV last year for 37K (9K down, loan is @ 5% interest). There is ~21K left on the loan. I received $9500 in EV tax rebates for the car which I pocketed.
buying the car was a dumb decision and I got caught up in the EV hype and sold my old perfectly usable (and fun) car for 9K (was 5K away from it being paid off) to get this new one.
My fiancee also bought a new car and we're in a place where we use her car 99% of the time and mines is used for work commute in a job where I WFH 75% of the time. So there's only about 5000 miles on the car.
I miss having a car I enjoy driving and am looking towards buying a used car that's similar to my previous one (RWD, manual transmission) but was wondering is this a wildly stupid financial decision? I'm trying to rack my brain about how much money I'd actually be "losing" by doing this and was wondering if y'all could give me some perspective? I am eyeing used cars in the 15-18K range. I think it doesn't make sense atm due to getting a new loan at the current interest rates but I'm thinking ahead about how long do I need to keep this car to have made it worth buying in the first place?
Carmax would give me 21000 for my car in its current state.
submitted by pbjsandd to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:45 Cavemans_Club I'm sorry

....I apologise to everyone I grilled and trolled when they cried about hackers. I got killed last night by what felt like a melee knife attack out of thin air. I was geared down by the coast helping out freshies on Official. You know when you get done and it didn't make any sense.
Pretty annoying. Sorry to ask, but who's on a good EU/UK server? I like playing lone wolf and staying alive as long as I can, so lean towards cautious interaction and stash maintenance, I survived 5 days in-game on official chenarus so I'm not useless but avoid direct pvp
submitted by Cavemans_Club to dayz [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:43 Necron12 A Bunch of Misc Questions

I've asked around this sub for some more general information, and gathered a bunch of smaller questions that I didn't want to ask just by themselves, so here goes my mostly unordered questions! (Also the context if any of my questions are weird is, I'm playing only solo for the most part.)
1a) Ranged Touch Attacks. As far as I understand, they use Dexterity modifier instead of strength right ?
1b) Does this go for all ranged attacks (unless specificified otherwise) ?
1c) Do Touch Attacks and Ranged Touch Attacks carry over all bonuses to hit, while just substituting the Strength modifier for Dex ?
2) Is it possible to not get Attack of Oppurtunitied while attacking with a bow or crossbow ?
3a) Is the only way of dealing sneak attacks after the first turn (other than flanking and being invisible), using Shatter Defenses to render the enemy flatfooted ?
3b) Do you still get sneak attacks if you are invisible but the enemy has either See Invisibility or True Seeing
4) The Trickster spell Rain of Halberds says it makes a Ranged Attack against all enemies in a radius, is this basically the same as attacking an enemy with a bow ?
5) Is either Court Poet Skald or Brown Fur Transmuter Arcanist worth playing solo as your main class ? Assuming you merge with Lich for Brown Fur Transmuter to get good damaging spells, while using its class features to buff yourself up.
6) Assuming no DLC gear, playing as a full caster with no mythic path specific buffs, is 46 (or 48 for Charisma with Half Elf) the highest your casting stat can be ? (24 [or 26] base, +2 Tome +2 Elixier, +6 Enhancement, +6 Profane Ascension, +4 Taco, +2 Vellexia's Amulet)
7a) Does Sneak Attack dice have a cap ? Can it not go over 10d6 at level 20 even with stuff such as Sense Vitals or the extra dice from Trickster ?
7b) What exactly is Precision damage ? Is it just a specific damage type like physical or fire, that just happens to come from Sneak Attacks ?
7c) Does every instance of damage trigger Sneak Attacks ? Assuming I use Hellfire Ray and it fires multiple times, does it trigger Sneak Attack damage (Precision Damage ?) on every single ray or on every single instance of Fire and Unholy damage ?
8) If I am riding a pet, does that mean whenever the combined unit threatens someone, that someone is automatically flanked ?
I think that is all for now. Thanks in advance for any and all answers!
submitted by Necron12 to Pathfinder_Kingmaker [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:38 Slayers_Picks UFC Fight Night: Cannonier v Imavov Fight Predictions + Paypal Giveaway!

I hope we're all doing well.
We are very, very short on characters, so no wasting time here. Here is the PAYPAL 50 USD giveaway info.
To enter... just type Giveaway: -answer-
If you could walk out with a fighter of any organisation, at any time of era, who would you walk out with?
Draw will be randomly selected via random.org, and announced during the June 22nd write up!
We got 10/12 correct last time around, lets hope the good results continue this week with this insanely tough card (i have some doubts).
ALSO ITS A BIG ONE SORRY (I recommend using the TL;DR write up for this one... you'll see why soon.)
(c) - Champ
D/DWCS - Debut/Dana Whites' Contender Series
FLS - Fight Lose Streak
FWS - Fight Win Streak
NS - No Streak
(#x) - Rank in division
x/3 - Confidence Levels
Lets go!
Women’s Strawweight
Puja Tomar (D) (+195) (8-4-0, 4 FWS) v Rayanne Amanda (-240) (14-7-0) - I truly have no clue what to say about this one.
Tomar is coming off a rather strong string of victories in the regional promotions of South Asia, and I believe they are giving her a spot here due to the popularity from the Road to UFC tournament where we are seeing an increase of Indian MMA fighters fight in the upper echelon of professional MMA promotions. Tomar is a very ferocious fighter who has a relatively strong Muay Thai and Kickboxing base, she is absolutely not afraid to let her hands go early, that first round is almost always her best round as she is seemingly able to just overwhelm her opponents on the feet. As much as her striking is rather aggressive and quite damaging, her ground game and wrestling is not quite up to that level, and it is the wrestling and grappling of Amanda where I see Tomar struggling somewhat. Now, circling back to Tomar’s striking, she is very volume centric with her attacks, with a severe detriment to her defences, her hands are fast with the aggression but her chin is exposed to counters and it just looks like a clumsy offence to me. She also uses her left body kick quite a lot in between her punch combinations, and whilst that’s going to be somewhat effective against Amanda, I do think the repetitious kicks are going to be well read by Amanda, leading her to catch and perhaps trip Tomar. Still, as long as this fight remains on the feet, we could possibly see Tomar take this fight to the distance and get a win.
Amanda is coming off a tough loss against Talita Alencar and did somewhat well against her, stuffing almost all of her takedown attempts and really dealing some damage on the feet. The problem with Amanda’s last opponent compared to Tomar is that Tomar’s striking is going to come with a lot more frequency, there will be quite a few combinations thrown her way and in order to counter that for Amanda’s particular striking style is to meet her in the middle and be the harder hitter. I don’t think Amanda is going to want to keep this fight standing a whole lot though, I think she is going to actively look for the takedowns and ensure that she controls Tomar throughout the fight, perhaps even look for a submission. However, since she did so well on the feet against Alencar, I do wonder if she is going to be a lot more comfortable on the feet coming into this fight against Tomar, because she does have quite a bit of power in her hands, although it’s not great knockout power, it’s still a very damaging right hand. In terms of her submission ability, she is very, very aggressive on the ground, not really wasting a lot of time in setting up a submission, typically favouring an armbar which is going to be a most likely submission in this fight due to Tomar having not that much experience in ground situations, thus perhaps punching off her back and leaving her arm open for a grab. That’s at least my speculation for a set up for an armbar, and since Tomar has lost twice already to Armbar, I think it’s just a tendency for her to leave her arms exposed for an attack.
This looks like a striker versus grappler bout, and whilst Tomar is a bit of a threat on the feet, I don’t think she has what it takes to take on a more experienced fighter in Amanda who has the near perfect style to counter the striking of Tomar. I got Amanda winning this one, it’s likely going the distance, but we could also see a submission here, so keep an eye out for a double chance Sub/Dec prop for Amanda.
Amanda via UD - (1/3)
Cody Stamann (+175) (21-6-1, NS) v Taylor Lapilus (-210) (19-4-0, NS)
Stamann is coming off a fairly competitive fight against Douglas Silva de Andrade, and whilst it was clear that Stamann’s gameplan throughout the fight was to wrestle and get the fight to the ground, he still did show his ability to mix it up on the feet and even drop Silva de Andrade in the third round. Stamann might be a great wrestler but I think his boxing is pretty damn good as well, often using a very slick and quick jab to soften up his target before shooting for a takedown, so he is quite well versed wherever the fight is, however I do think he is going to have a tough time tracking down Lapilus here since Lapilus has a significant reach advantage and very, very good takedown defence (albeit with some trouble when he fought Basharat, more on that later). Defensively, Stamann is great at level changing and being a moving target, sometimes switching stance or moving his head off the centre line, he is quite good at being a hard to hit target, and what makes him even more dangerous is his ability to move off that line, then spring back into an aggressive attack, often throwing a three to four strike combination with heavy variance in attack (uppercut, hooks, straights, never the same sort of attack). However, one thing that I have noticed is that due to Stamann’s tremendous output that he usually utilises in the first round, he tends to slow down and not be as defensively sound in the second or third round, his hands remain somewhat low, there is not a whole lot of level changing and his takedowns become much easier to read as the entry looks a lot more laboured. However, as much as his takedown defence does slow down, his power and his boxing is still very good in bursts. I mean, this combination he lands is the same one he tried to set up in the first round, this is experience being shown by Stamann and something Lapilus is going to have to be keenly aware of coming his way. Stamann does favour the double leg entry a lot, and since Lapilus is relatively good at reading level changes and fighting off takedown attempts, I just think that after the first or second round, the chance of success of a takedown diminishes greatly.
Lapilus is coming off a tough loss against Farid Basharat, someone who is rapidly becoming a force of somewhat gentle nature who is highly technical and very well rounded, so for Lapilus to experience three rounds against someone like Basharat is pretty damn great for one's career. Lapilus is a very well rounded fighter who has pretty sharp boxing, favouring straights over hooks and uppercuts, this plays into the favour of his significant reach advantage, but I do see him being victim to a left hook by Stamann, a left hook that Stamann uses fairly well. Lapilus is going to have to rely on a strike and move pattern in order to stay away from that left hook because that is probably one of the most dangerous weapons that Stamann uses well. Lapilus is pretty good at defending takedowns, he isn’t impervious to them, but his instinct to stuff the head and circle away has made him a tough opponent to wrestle against, because not only does he stuff the leg, but he often retaliates with strikes as he circles away, so whatever failed takedown comes his way from Stamann (if any), Stamann will be on the receiving end of some good strikes. Lapilus also has a thudding left kick which is effective at smashing his opponents body or head, and we have seen Stamann eat a lot of body shots by Silva de Andrade, so I do think that Lapilus does have some striking advantage at distance, he just needs to be aware of that left hook of Stamann.
The possibility of an upset here is pretty high since Stamann is very well rounded and has a lot of speed and explosive forward movement. However, the reach advantage of Lapilus is going to help him in fighting at a distance and dealing significant damage from his brilliant counter punching, and I don’t think the wrestling threat is going to be too high for Lapilus because he has already boosted his wrestling capabilities in preparation for his fight with Basharat, and that’s a skill that is carried very much onto future fights. Lapilus should win this fight, but if you are looking for underdogs, I wouldn’t be surprised if Stamann gets this.
Lapilus via UD - (1/3)
Women’s Strawweight
Eduarda Moura (-175) (10-0-0, 10 FWS) v Denise Gomes (+145) (8-3-0, NS)
Moura is coming off a strong debut win over Montserrat Ruiz, and honestly, it probably is a good opponent to debut against, but it doesn’t really show me, personally, a lot of what she is capable of since I don’t exactly rate Ruiz highly. Moura has shown to have great wrestling and grappling, she utilised her wrestling very well against Ruiz, utilising a slick sweep to get into top control in the first round, basically keeping the fight on the ground for the remainder of the round. Moura is absolutely awesome on the ground, and since she has a huge physical advantage in this fight against Gomes, as soon as she ends up in top position here, I suspect Gomes is not going to have a very easy time getting out of it. Moura’s striking is a bit wonky though, she isn’t at all a standard kickboxer or anything like that, it’s all basic strikes to set up a takedown, and I do think the longer she stays on the feet to trade with Gomes, the worse it is going to be for her since Gomes has ridiculous sharp and fast boxing, the very same power and force that knocked out Jauregui, someone who I rate fairly high as a tough up and comer. Now, there is some slight concern regarding that recent weight miss by Moura, as she weighed in at 119 pounds when she fought Gomes, but I feel like that is due to the cancellation of her first bout against Kim, so whilst it’s not a weight miss against a long scheduled opponent, her size and physique could be a tiny bit of a problem on the scales. Not a huge one, but the possibility is there.
Gomes is coming off a tough loss against the veteran Angela Hill, and it was Hills wrestling that ultimately got her the win, it was the path of least resistance for her and she took it. That same advantage on the ground falls within Moura’s style and so I do hope for the sake of Gomes and her team, that she has improved in the takedown defence just enough to make Moura’s takedowns less of a certainty, because if she can stuff that first takedown, I think we are going to see the live odds switch throughout the fight. Gomes has a massive advantage on the feet, she is so quick with her punches and is able to just be a ferocious, aggressive fighter from the get go, it didn’t take her long to take out Jauregui at all, and it all started from that very powerful right hand. That is the biggest threat for Moura, that right hand, if she can land that against Moura I think we are going to see another big upset because boy does she have power. However, it looked too easy to take Gomes down when Hill fought her, it was a relentless pace and I think Hill's volume of takedowns assisted her greatly in controlling the heavy hitter in Gomes.
That’s essentially it for this fight, I don’t quite see it being too competitive as both fighters have opposite styles, so whoever is able to counter the other with their own style (Moura with the wrestling/grappling and Gomes with the boxing) is most likely to win this one. I do not at all feel comfortable saying that there is possibility of an upset here because both fighters have a somewhat equal chance to win this one, but in terms of my prediction I think we are going to see Moura utilise her wrestling from the get go and be a bit of a bully.
Moura via UD - (1/3)
Women’s Flyweight
Andrea Lee (-125) (13-9-0, 4 FLS) v Montana De La Rosa (+105) (12-9-1, 3 FLS) - From here on in, i’m calling “De La Rosa” DLR. Although I think everyone calls her DLR in the betting/chat circle. Also, I am aware that this is a rematch, but I will be somewhat typing as if it’s a fresh fight because of the subtle improvements both fighters have made since their first bout in 2019.
Lee is on a pretty horrendous losing streak right now, and one might imagine that at the age of 35, we are only going to see a steady decline from now on. However, despite her losing streak, she is still a rather fierce competitor on the feet. Lee is typically known for her Muay Thai, she is very, very good at dealing damage through the traditional means of clinch striking, so a lot of elbows and knees are incorporated into her striking. Lee is also generally good at moving and circling away from danger, she’s a very light footed fighter and this often helps set up her leg kicks and long punches, but most of her effective damage comes from the clinch, so as long as DLR is engaging in the clinch with Lee, Lee will hold most of the advantage. One thing that I do like seeing about Lee is her wrestling improvements, she has become a fairly well rounded fighter, and this was very much highlighted when she fought Miranda Maverick. Miranda Maverick is very well known for her takedown and wrestling capabilities, and even she struggled to get Lee down 5 of 8 times. Her takedown defence may not be outstandingly great, but her urgency to get up if that takedown was sloppy and had minimal control or positional advancement behind it is her best new asset as a fighter, and sometimes urgency is all one needs to turn the tide.
DLR is coming off three tough losses against the likes of Aldrich, Suarez and Barber, three names who we all recognise by now, but I suppose the most relevant fight to look back on would be her most recent against Aldrich, also because Aldrich generally is a fairly good striker and that’s the kind of fighter DLR needs to prepare for. DLR, straight off the bat, has a very obvious wrestling and BJJ advantage over Lee, there is very little doubt in my mind that a lot of the planning for this camp, and preparation for Lee surrounds level changing and keeping Lee on the ground, however I do not at all expect there to be a threat of a finish here, it is simply going to be a control based game plan with some ground and pound or positional changes. During their second bout in 2019, DLR landed a whole lot of takedowns on Lee, although it was 7 of 12 that did not land which is a massive amount for someone who needs to get that takedown to get a win. DLR’s striking is a bit rudimentary, she can throw all the attacks any other MMA fighter learns to throw, although it’s clear that her main style is wrestling. She has absolutely made a lot of improvements to her striking, her shot selection is a lot better, but she is not a striker, she uses all of her kicks and punches to set up takedowns and such. Her striking defence is a bit of a problem, I do see her close her eyes a lot and react to feints often which makes me think she is a bit anxious on the feet, so once Lee pours on the pressure, expect a clinch or a level change from DLR.
Here’s a slight rub. Judging criteria has been a major point of change in MMA history, there has been a lot more focus on damage over control, and who has received the most damage when Lee and DLR fought in 2019? DLR. Who receives the most damage on the feet in her last 5 fights? DLR (at least for the most part). I see Lee winning this fight, I think Lee’s takedown defence and urgency to the feet is an upgrade that DLR has not caught up to (with her striking). This fight is going the distance, or at least over 2.5 rounds.
Lee via UD - (1/3)
Daniel Marcos (15-0-0, 15 FWS) v John Castaneda (21-6-0, 2 FWS) -
Marcos is coming off an unfortunate NC over Aoriqileng in which he may have accidentally neutered Aoriqileng with a perfectly timed nutshot, but prior to all of that happening, he was systematically breaking down the 35 fight veteran. Marcos has always been a patient but vicious fighter, capable of dealing damage from all ranges, and most important, all angles. I bring the angles part up because the one thing I see Marcos doing consistently well are his leg kicks, he is so good at dealing damage from both the inside and outside angle, making it hard to check due to not knowing which way to turn the leg. Now, I do have some concerns when it comes to Marcos, but they mostly stem from his strengths as a counter-striker. First, he doesn’t move a lot, he has a typical counter style of waiting for his opponent to make the first move. I don’t have a lot of faith in this style, Aoriqileng managed to land some clean straight punches on Marcos during that fight and I think a very good boxer will be able to deal some more significant damage. Marcos’ takedown defence is also, whilst not properly tested, sitting pretty at 89% and that is a huge factor coming into this fight for Castaneda, because if Castaneda is eating too many leg kicks and goes for a sloppy takedown (a tale as old as time, we have seen this happen many times to many, many fighters) Marcos is capable enough to shrug it off and keep the punishment going.
Castaneda is coming off a fantastic win against Kang in which he effectively outpaced him on the feet, and it was a rather challenging fight for Kang due to Castaneda’s constant movement and stance switches, it was difficult to get a read on what was coming Kang’s way. Castaneda’s kicks were pretty fun to watch, he has a very strong right leg kick which buckled the stance of Kang a little bit, but it didn’t come without a heavy read on the defensive “flaws” of that kick, and that is the fact that Castaneda is fairly counterable when he lands that outside right kick, his hands are low and it’s not exactly a quick kick, it comes fully loaded, so the from the time he launches that attack to when he can return it to a rear post position, he is very exposed to counters, and traditionally the best way to counter a kick is with a straight punch down the line, and what have we seen Marcos do effectively throughout his UFC career? Counter. That is the only clean counter that I can see Marcos using because Castaneda doesn’t set up those kicks, they are naked single shots that, whilst very quick and effective, is going to be a risk to use against Marcos. Castaneda’s wrestling is also a great weapon he utilises often, and whilst he might not be too effective against Marcos due to Marcos’s excellent ability to defend takedowns, it would be enough to pressure Marcos back and perhaps pin Marcos against the cage. However, I do think the biggest danger to Marcos here will be Castaneda’s movement and speed, Castaneda is very good at switching stance and throwing some very, very hard to read attacks, he uses these stance switches to mask kicks and entries to a blitz, and he can keep up this style of movement and attack for a long, long time.
I do think that Castaneda is susceptible to well timed counters, especially if his kicks are well read by Marcos, and whilst Marcos is most definitely going to struggle somewhat in finding his offensive attacks, those counters are going to be key in winning this very interesting fight. I got Marcos winning this one, he is such an interesting Bantamweight, I can’t wait to see how far this fighter soars.
Marcos via KO R3 - (1/3)
Brad Katona (-500) (13-3-0, NS) v Jesse Butler (+380) (12-5-0, NS) - I must say, sometimes i’m a little bit concerned about wide lines like this, but at a glance, it makes sense.
Katona may be coming off a loss against Armfield, but boy was the fight a great back and forth, fought at a very high pace. Katona thrives in chaos, the faster the pace, the better it is for Katona as he often overwhelms his opponent as the rounds go by. He may not be the cleanest fighter defensively or offensively, but the overwhelming activity he uses when he fights is often his best asset as a fighter. Katona uses a lot of striking volume when he fights, often in exchanges but initially at distance and in bursts. He is very durable and whilst he absorbs a lot of damage, his chin is pretty damn tough as he hasn’t been cracked or dropped too many times. Katona also has very good wrestling, he’s often able to just blast the double leg and get the fight to the ground relatively quickly, and whilst I don’t exactly see him looking for takedowns in this fight due to the submission threat from Butler, I do think that any takedown and any control time on top of Butler is good, especially if Katona reads the submission setups fairly well. Since the main threat coming from Butler is his submissions, I do suspect that Katona is going to keep this fight standing where he will no doubt have a substantial speed advantage, but I am not too sure if the possibility of a finish is there. If you do want to bet on Katona via KO, I suggest a combo round 2 or 3 is your best bet, as the first round is going to be a bit of a feeling out process in my opinion.
Butler is someone who I was hoping to see a bit more of when he fought Miller one year ago, but the fight didn’t even last a minute before Butler got knocked out and put away. Butler’s history has mostly been him getting his opponents to the ground and using his long frame to lock down his opponents and look for submissions, that long frame is going to be incredibly advantageous in this fight against Katona if he can lock in a body triangle, because the longer the legs, the stronger the hold is, especially if there is a tie up where one leg is under their opponents leg, I don’t know the technical term for it, but hopefully you know what i’m talking about. Anyway, Butler’s main chance to win this fight is to take it to the ground and find that submission, because the longer he remains on the feet, the more comfortable Katona becomes, and thus the more confident he is as the fight goes on, and a confident Katona is a very, very dangerous one. I don’t think we are going to see Butler use his striking that effectively, the reach advantage does make me think that there’s going a natural jab/cross range advantage for Butler, but I just haven’t seen him use it that much, most of his success is from his grappling. If the fight goes to the ground, with Katona in top control, I almost guarantee that Butler is going to go for an arm triangle off his back, his long legs make that lock so easy to set up and secure, so expect Butler to be active on the ground.
Fights like this are tough, it’s hard to tell what Butler is going to do since we barely saw him fight against Miller, and in those 11+ months since, we haven’t seen him fight again until now, so I don’t know what he’s improved on, all I know for a fact is that his grappling is going to be dangerous for Katona, but the stand up should be all Katona here. That’s about as simple as I can put it. I don’t really see a chance of an upset here unless Katona is employing a wrestling heavy gameplan.
Katona via KO R3 - (2/3)
Charles Radtke (+165) (9-3-0, 6 FWS) v Carlos Prates (-200) (18-6-0, 8 FWS) - Straight off the bat, I want to say that placing a bet on this fight not going the distance is looking like a fairly safe bet. Let’s get to the breakdown.
Radtke is coming off an upset win over Gilbert Urbina, and whilst he was facing someone who had a taller frame and a reach advantage, Radtke was very good at slowly walking him down with some slight pressure, and measuring that left hook over and over until he was it cleanly, and boy is that left hook a work of art. One thing that I do like about Radtke is his coachability, he listens actively to his corner, and if Belal is in the corner of Radtke, I genuinely think that’s the secret weapon because Belal has pretty damn good fight IQ and being around that kind of fighter accelerates growth somewhat. Radtke has a very tight guard, his hands are somewhat high and he is very good at adjusting defensively to his opponents attacks. Radtke is quite diverse with his weapons as well, often using the leg kicks to soften up his target and making his opponent somewhat drop the guard a little bit, allowing that left hook target to be more available. Now, Radtke is going to be fighting in a bit of a similar way to how he fought Urbina, he is going to bounce into range in order to land that left hook, and having seen Prates fight Giles, that left hook is going to be there all day due to how Prates defensively backs away. Hands low and often head a bit out of range, but it’s going to take very little for that punch to land and deal significant damage, it absolutely destroyed Urbina when it landed, I can only imagine what it’s going to do against Prates.
Prates is coming off a very competitive back and forth KO win against Trevin Giles, a very tough opponent to debut against and for the most part, prior to the KO win, Giles was very effective with his boxing, landing his punches fairly cleanly, but it does not take much for the Muay Thai fighter in Prates to find his shots and land that phenomenal one-two. Prates has a significant reach advantage coming into this fight, but he somewhat suffers from the same defensive problems a lot of longer fighters suffer from, and that’s their defence being their offence. Teeps and jabs are his best defensive tools since it keeps his opponent out of range and unable to land the cleaner shots, which is why when Giles started to extend the combinations, the last few shots in that combination would land hard. Prates not only has to be worried about that dangerous left hook that Radtke throws so effortlessly, but he also has to be concerned about the wrestling offensive that Radtke has in his back pocket too, and whilst we haven’t seen a lot of his wrestling in the UFC or DWCS, you would think that he is well rounded enough to know how to wrestle.
I do not know who is going to win this one, on one hand Radtke’s left hook, perhaps an overstated attack of his, is most likely going to land if he uses it as an extension to a combination, but on the other hand, Prates has over a hundred Muay thai fights under his belt, he has a significant reach advantage and he has a nasty nasty arsenal of attacks. His left knee up the middle is such a dangerous tool he uses. The safest bet here, and the only betting advice i got for this one is that this fight doesn’t go the distance. As for my prediction, I want to say Prates wins this one, that reach advantage is massive, but his defences are a concern. This one is probably going to shove my face into a pile of shit, but I think Prates wins this one. I think that the left knee is going to be pivotal in countering some of the boxing that Radtke uses, and that height advantage is going to allow that knee to come up quicker.
Prates via KO R2 - (1/3)
Thiago Moises (+115) (18-7-0, NS) v Ludovit Klein (-135) (21-4-1, 2 FWS)
Moises is coming off a strong win over Mitch Ramirez, but its one of those fights that seems like a set up for future fights, like a comeback win set up deal because Ramirez isn’t exactly a high level opponent, and the competitive step up from Ramirez to Klein is astronomical. Moises does have a grappling advantage in this fight, and I do think that this is the first time Klein has faced a proper BJJ specialist, so it would be interesting to see if the very impressive takedown defence of Klein is going to hold up well enough against Moises. Moises is a fairly calculated striker as well, he does not throw volume nor combinations, a lot of his attacks are safe, single shots that have quite a bit of power in said shots, but they are by no means anything too special, it's just the timing and shot selection that impresses me the most. Now, if Moises cannot get the fight to the ground, he is going to lose this fight, Klein is so fast with his strikes, his kickboxing is far better, he has a lot more power and he is a tenacious fighter who tends to throw a lot of volume, all things that could freeze Moises a little bit. Moises is going to have to stick to him like glue and try to get the fight to the ground, that is his only way to win this fight, grapple and submit. I am not too confident in saying Moises will keep Klein down, because Klein himself has shown to be very good on the ground, although perhaps not to the level of BJJ that Moises is.
Klein is coming off back to back wins against Bahamondes and AJ Cunningham (late replacement), and Klein honestly has never looked so good. Klein is an exceptionally well rounded fighter who has extremely slick striking as well as outstanding kicks, in fact I would say his kicks are his best form of striking, they come from all angles and there are almost no reads for them, he just flings them out there without any major set up, it’s such an effective attack. Kleins southpaw stance allows him to target the liver side of the body effectively, and that’s most likely going to be a key in this fight in order to slow down and lower the hands of Moises, and once his hands are lowered, then you will see Klein attack the head. Now, the biggest concern I have for Klein is the grappling of Moises, but that concern isn’t exactly a major one because Klein is so well rounded, he has very, very good takedown defence and if he is in top position there is little doubt in my mind that Moises will be safe in that bottom position because boy does Klein like to ground and pound, he is very active in top position. Klein is going to have to be aware of the exchanges as well because Moises is more than willing to sit down on his punches and throw them back his opponents way, and that’s probably where Moises is at his most dangerous because he doesn’t care how much he gets hurt, as long as he’s firing back. There is a possibility of Klein slowing down after the first or second round, the power and volume he throws at is brilliant and such a dangerous force to deal with, but that comes at a cost to cardio and I think if Moises is able to hang in there for two rounds and survive the storm, he should be able to turn this fight around, but that’s all speculative since Klein typically takes a fight to the distance, and to take a fight to the distance and fight like he does, that’s some excellent cardio.
Ultimately, this is a tough fight to predict, Moises is going to have to either use the same game plan he did against Ramirez and chew up the legs, or he’s going to have to stick to Klein like glue, whether its against the cage or on the ground, and try to find that submission because on the feet, Moises is going to contend with a barrage of highly technical strikes that come from all angles. Klein has excellent takedown defence, he is quick to stuff the head or sprawl, and he is very quick at retaliating with elbows and knees when the break happens, so he is constantly damaging his opponent. I got Klein winning this one, I did have Moises as an underdog pick prior to tape review, and there is a solid chance of him winning, but I think Klein is a very well rounded fighter who can make this fight very difficult for Moises. This fight could also go the distance so keep an eye out for o2.5/1.5 odds.
Klein via UD - (1/3)
Main Card
Punahele Soriano (+140) (9-4-0, 2 FLS) v Miguel Baeza (-170) (10-3-0, 3 FLS) - Boy oh boy is this going to be a battle, I cannot imagine any other outcome here other than brutality and bloodshed, and I'm all for that happening.
Soriano is in a bit of a tough position, his last 4 losses have occurred in his last 5 fights, and each time he has lost he has been on the receiving end of some savage knockouts or brutal beatdowns, but that is his entire style and it is something he is typically known for, walking through fire to deal significant damage back. This is also the first time Soriano is moving down to 170, so be aware of how he looks on the scale because he’s already a very large and thick fighter, so that cut could be concerning. Soriano is a heavy hitting fighter, everything he throws is powerful and it is generally a bad idea to stand in front of him unless you are a technical striker, and I don’t think Baeza is that technical of a striker. Soriano’s best weapons are his power side punches, he is so good at setting those up with standard jabs or even just letting them go without any set up because he knows the knockout power he possesses is often more than enough to put away his opponents. The only problem he has come across when he fights is someone who is typically a lot quicker and longer than he is, someone who can throw a very quick combination and circle away from any retaliatory strikes coming his way. One major advantage that Soriano has compared to Baeza is his activity, he has always been a somewhat active fighter, he has been in three fights whilst Baeza has been inactive, and whilst it is true that his chin has been rocked and shocked, he has always hung in there until the end, he has never really been put away cleanly. I do see Soriano look for strong liver punches throughout this fight in order to slow down the returning fighter, his left hand is very good although when he’s in the pocket his striking misses a lot, it’s highly inefficient and it sometimes looks clumsy, so his best range is going to be straight range, boxing range where he can rely on those straight overhand left and left straights.
Baeza is an interesting case, he was a highlight fighter for me when he won against Matt Brown, and then he had that remarkable performance against Takashi Sato, but since that fight three years ago, he has hit roadblock after roadblock named Ponzinibbio, Williams and Fialho. Baeza is no doubt still a very well rounded fighter who, despite not being much of a submission artist, could very well submit Soriano as he is a black belt in BJJ and it has been shown that takedowns are a bit of a problem for Soriano. However, it is quite difficult to say how Baeza is going to approach this fight since he hasn’t fought in two years, and I spoke about a two year break recently with Gall. What has Baeza worked on in those two years? The amount of unknowns in this particular fight doesn’t please me that much because I hate speculating, but if we are to compare the Baeza of 2022 to today's Soriano, I think we are going to see Baeza land a lot more cleaner punches down the line, but Soriano’s left hand is so educated and so quick and powerful that it could stun or rattle Baeza who is possibly still making mid-fight adjustments as he gets used to fighting again (as there is octagon rust/ring rust). Baeza has a bit of an opening for Soriano and that’s his right side body, the liver side, I see Soriano smashing that body with powerful hooks over and over, and whilst you might argue that Baeza switches his stance a lot, he primarily favours the orthodox stance where he can launch that beautiful jab which could be problematic for Soriano. The other weapon that Baeza uses very well is his outside leg kick, it's not necessarily a thudding kick, but it’s incredibly effective due to the speed of it, making it hard for Soriano to read it.
I need to cut this short, heck, this whole write up feels too long, so in conclusion, it’s a very tough fight to predict with a lot of story behind it, you have Soriano moving down to 170 and the question as to how he is going to look on the scale, then you have Baeza coming back after two years, with questions surrounding how he is going to look, and what he has improved on going to be answered this weekend. This is a fun fight though, but I have to go with the underdog here in Soriano.
Soriano via KO R2 - (1/3)
Julian Marquez (-115) (9-4-0, 2 FLS) v Zach Reese (-105) (6-1-0, NS)
Marquez is coming off back to back KO losses against “Robocop” Rodrigues and Barriault, two fairly hard hitting fighters, and it kind of makes sense that he lost to them because Marquez barely has any defence, he is a stand and bang kind of fighter who ultimately is here for mostly entertainment value. He has no prospect of being a champion or even a ranked fighter at that rate, he is simply a stepping stone for more talented fighters to advance through the ranks. With that said, Marquez is a reckless individual who throws ridiculously heavy and can be a danger to practically anyone he faces, minimal technique, maximum damage, he is a heavyweight in a Middleweight’s body. However, his propensity to finish fights is ridiculously high, so whenever there’s a Marquez fight, its generally a good idea to look out for the odds for his fights not going the distance. If Marquez’s massive punches don’t phase his opponents, he usually goes for a takedown and grapples where he is surprisingly decent, so that’s an alternative way to win a fight, but I honestly don’t think he’s going to do that against a much taller and longer fighter in Reese, who has quite good BJJ himself.
Reese is relatively new to the UFC, and he is unfortunately coming off a brutal loss against Brundage, and I mean, losing to Brundage adds a little bit of a sting to the record I think. Reese has never fought past the first round in his professional career, he is an exceptionally quick finisher and whilst the quality of his opponents is somewhat questionable, I do think that he uses his reach fairly well, although since he finishes fights tremendously quickly, I also think he can be a bit wild with his punches, marching his opponents down and throwing heavy attacks with a tonne of volume, which usually results in a ref stepping in to call the fight. My concern is that I don’t think Marquez is that easy to put away, I mean, sure, Marquez absorbs a lot of damage, but he isn’t one to go down without swinging back.
I need to make this one short, so whilst this prediction could be a bit sketchy, my betting advice for this one is to look for under 2.5 rounds, or “In the distance” (ITD).
Marquez via KO R2 - (1/3)
And that's it!
Primary Parlay: Lee/DLR o2.5 or GTD + Radtke/Prates ITD + Klein/Moises o2.5/1.5 (optional) + Marquez/Reese u2.5 or ITD + CannonieImavov o3.5 or R4 Starts
(Feel free to exclude some of those legs, or break the parlay into two. whatever floats your boat)
Money Parlay will be announced in my "Parlay Explained" write up, as that is when the full odds and stuff are out
Locks of the week: Katona, Rosas Jr, Lapilus and Jacoby (optional).
Alt Bets: Radtke KO R1 or 2 (combo), Moises Sub/Dec (Double chance), Stoltzfus KO/Sub (Double Chance), Reese Sub.
Prediction Accuracy for 2024: 65.3% (Personal best... again).
If you would like to donate and support me, as this is my only income, please do so via Paypal. All write ups are free, donations are insanely optional! https://paypal.me/Slayertip?country.x=AU&locale.x=en_AU
if you wish to keep in contact with me or follow me on twitter, my twitter handle is @Slayer_Tip, and my Discord is Slayertip#7013.
I hope you all have an amazing day, look after yourselves, and enjoy this awesome event!
submitted by Slayers_Picks to MMAbetting [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:36 Key-Opening442 Tasmania's North-South Loop 5 Day Tour tui Recommended

Tasmania's North-South Loop 5 Day Tour tui Recommended
Tasmania's North-South Loop 5 Day Tour tui Recommended, unlimited beauty Tasmania 5 day tour, from the south to the North loop, take you to see the magnificent scenery of this mysterious island!
DAY 1: Hobart City Tour - Richmond Town/Mt Wellington/ Salamanca Square
Salamanca Square is the paradise of Hobart's artistic bourgeoisie, where many arts and crafts are gathered, street performers and music are full of artistic atmosphere. The Mount Wellington observation deck offers a panoramic view of Hobart.
DAY 2: Port Arthur Historic Site + Tasma Arch/Magic gui Kitchen/Checkerboard Stone/Bikilu Water Jet Hole
Port Arthur has a long history as a place where British prisoners were held. Attractions such as the Tasma Arch, the Magic gui Kitchen and the Bikilu Water Hole offer a taste of the magical beauty of nature.
DAY3: Goblets Bay - Goss Bay - Honeymoon Bay
Wineglass Bay is located in the magnificent mountains and is known as one of the top ten beaches in the world. The beauty of the beach was intoxicating. Goss Bay is also a must visit, and you will be impressed by their natural beauty. https://freebitat.com/collections/%E6%89%80%E6%9C%89%E4%BA%A7%E5%93%81
DAY 4: - Cradle Щ/ Dove Lake/ Sheffield
Cradle Mountain offers stunning scenery in all seasons. Pigeon Lake, with its rugged mountains and calm waters, is a unique beauty. The town of Safi is famous for its artistic atmosphere and murals, and is a town full of art.
DAY 5: Launceston/Cataract Gorge of Cadenet Gorge/ Grindelwald SwissVillage/(Summer optional at the Lavender Estate, advance booking required)
Launceston, Tasmania's second largest city, is home to the Cardenet Gorge Reserve, where you can take a cableway to enjoy beautiful canyon views. The Swiss village Grindelwald SwissVillage mimics the architectural style of Swiss cities, giving people a sense of Switzerland.
This five-day tour will take you deep into the nature and history of Tasmania, while allowing you to completely immerse yourself in this beautiful land! Come and explore Tasmania with us
submitted by Key-Opening442 to JOURNRY [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:35 TheFireFoxCrew Who knew Ai can cook🗣

Who knew Ai can cook🗣
This song actually goes hard its also posted on my tiktok
Desperate Collection
[Verse 1] In the void of space, I wander and find Treasures lost in darkness, echoes of mankind Far from Earth, where the monsters dwell Trying to survive, in this private hell
[Verse 2] This ship's my refuge, but it feels like a cell Eat and sleep in shifts, hear the distant knell Signed the contract without knowing the cost Now I'm an asset, in the depths I'm lost
[Pre-Chorus] Don't read the fine print, it's a trap, they say Debt mounts high, in this endless fray
[Chorus] Ooh-ooh Damn this company Ooh-ooh But I need the pay
[Verse 3] Across the moons, I scour for loot Dodging creatures in my battered suit So far from home, light years away Facing horrors just to earn my stay
[Verse 4] Gotta meet the quota, gotta keep it high In the silence, hear the monsters cry Beware the shadows, where the danger lies One mistake, and it's my demise
[Bridge] Strange lifeforms lurk, hidden from sight Return by nightfall, or lose the fight Stay quiet, or they'll sense your fear Circuit bees buzzing, drawing near Coil-heads slither, keep them in view Supply drops crash, watch what you do Teammates scheming, shovel in hand Tentacles writhing, in this hostile land
[Chorus] Ooh-ooh Damn this company Ooh-ooh But I need the pay (Grave dancer) Ooh-ooh Damn this company Ooh-ooh But I need the pay
[Verse 5] Across the moons, I scour for loot Dodging creatures in my battered suit So far from home, light years away Facing horrors just to earn my stay
[Verse 6] Gotta meet the quota, gotta keep it high In the silence, hear the monsters cry Beware the shadows, where the danger lies One mistake, and it's my demise
[Outro] But I need the pay But I need the pay...
[Gets eaten by eyeless dog]
submitted by TheFireFoxCrew to lethalcompany [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:35 Rare-Coast2754 Seeking advice as INTP M dating ENFJ F (early stages)

We've been going out for about 4-5 weeks, it's been quite interesting. She's fun to chat with and we can end up talking for hours and hours about random stuff, which is rare for me to find. Of course, lots of differences in our personalities as well, which we're trying to figure out how to handle. She's pretty high on empathy levels for example, while I'm basically a zero on that front, I just dgaf about most ppl outside family and close friends. She's a bit hyperactive, I'm a homebody, but okay I kind of appreciate her pushing me out of my comfort zone
However, while she really does seem like the sweetest person blah blah, she just has a knack for getting her way always? And somehow more than half our casual conversations turn into her trying low key criticizing me, even though I can tell she's just trying to help me but it's so frustrating. I share I strained my leg muscles in the gym, I get a lecture on how I should stretch more (uh she has no idea how much I stretch or not?), I skip cardio because I have to work late and "are you sure you're not making excuses" (excuse me, it's my life, big effin deal if I want to prioritize work some times), we go out and grab a meal and I focus on the meat and veggies and don't finish the rice, and it's "you know ppl in Africa don't have anything to eat, you shouldn't waste food" uh hello I don't want to eat shitty carbs just because a restaurant decided to throw a bunch on my plate.
I mean it's going great 80%+ of the time and physical chemistry is pretty good too. But I really don't want a mom-partner in life, I can't stand that shit, I want a friend-partner or equals-partner. I just hate being mommed, even my actual mother hasn't mothered much since I turned 18. I do plan to have an honest conversation about this with her soon, but I'm curious how it feels from the other side so I can get a sense of how to approach the conversation. I read about the whole teacher-pupil thing that ENFJs usually have in relationships - how important is this to you all? I don't want to be anyone's pupil 🤦‍♂️
submitted by Rare-Coast2754 to enfj [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:31 mansplanar 16 Fabulous First Date Ideas In NYC That Are Sure To Impress

Dating rule for NYC. Don't make one of your favorites a go to place for dates. Find a new place together. Just in case it doesn't work out.
Brooklyn Museum -> Botanic Garden -> food in Prospect Heights/Crown Heights would be solid. Some trees are starting to bloom at the garden right now. If it rains (and FWIW chances look low in the afternoon), just stick to the indoor greenhouses, which are awesome.
Go climbing, go to fat cat and play ping pong or scrabble or something, go to a museum, take a dance class together, list goes on and on...
IE, ask yourself what you would find fun and then ask her if she wants to go along.
Nitehawk Cinema. Cool movie house, good film selection, and the option for neat bites and drinks during.
It’s coming up on cuffing season, and we don’t know about you, but we’re ready to find that special someone!
However, as exciting as first dates can be, we’re aware they come with a ton of questions to answer: what am I going to wear; will we get along; where should we go? And though we can’t help you choose your outfit or ensure a compatible personality, we can definitely let you in on the best spots in NYC to go on a first date.
From cute places to dive into personal traumas over drinks to outdoor activities for nature lovers (or a quick escape if you’re not into it), see all of the best first date spots in NYC below.👇
First Date Bars & Restaurants
Sometimes you just need a little liquid courage to shake the nerves of a first date. Not to mention, restaurants and bars provide a perfect atmosphere to engage in conversation and always have a bathroom you can escape to when you need to update the group chat on how it’s going. So we’ve compiled the best bar and restaurants in NYC for date night.
  1. Dining in the Dark
You’ve heard of blind dates, but what about blind folded dates? Dining in the Dark will awaken every one of your senses but sight as you try dishes from a mystery menu inspired by the flavors of Southern Italy or Japan. It’s definitely a fun and unique way to get to know a stranger. Plus, you don’t have worry about how you look eating in front of them on the first date! Make a reservation here
Where: Leuca Restaurant, New York or Sushi By Bou at Hotel 3232, New York
  1. Tiki Chick
If you’re looking for a laid back, go with the flow vibe, we definitely recommend meeting your date for a drink (or two) at Tiki Chick on the Upper West Side. Sip on their fun and unique tropical-inspired cocktails that come in funky glasses, and don’t pass up their $5 chicken sandwiches!
Where: 517 Amsterdam Ave
  1. Sake Bar Decibel
If you’re looking to impress your date with an under-the-radar spot, we suggest you meet them at Sake Bar Decibel. The unassuming, underground (literally and figuratively) bar located in the East Village is marked by an “On Air” sign. Once you head down the stairs and enter into the dimly-lit space (perfect for a romantic vibe or obscured visibility if they end up not looking like their picture), you can choose from an array of incredible sakes and order some lite bites to share. Plus, if you go from 6-7pm, you can take advantage of their happy hour deals.
Where: 240 E 9th St
  1. Twins Lounge
This bi-level joint in Greenpoint has everything you need for a perfect first date, from a pool table (to get a little competition going) to cozy booths that are great for conversation. If all goes well you can even memorialize the night by ending it in the photo booth to take home adorable pics of the two of you. But remember, it’s cash only!
Where: 732 Manhattan Ave, Brooklyn
  1. Dante
One of NYC’s most renowned bars, both Dante locations are effectively elegant without being pretentious. The bar’s great lighting will give you and your date the opportunity to stare into each other’s eyes while you sip on some of the best cocktails in the city. Too much for a first date? Get another cocktail then!
Where: 79-81 MacDougal St or 551 Hudson St
  1. Mister Paradise
This casual but elevated bar off 1st Avenue is cool enough to make the Instagram feed but not an overwhelming choice for a first date location. It’s funky bench seating provides ample opportunity to focus on your date, or eavesdrop on your neighbors if you get bored. But in all seriousness, you can never go wrong with a visit to Mister Paradise.
Where: 105 1st Ave, New York
  1. Ye’s Apothecary
Another spot set to dazzle your date, Ye’s Apothecary can be found off of Orchard Street. Travel underground to the beautifully decorated space that gives off a moody, yet romantic feel. Do not skip out on the food here! Though the drinks are delicious and they specialize in gin-based cocktails, the dishes are a definite must.
Where: 119 Orchard St, New York
When you’re not in the mood to stress about spilling on yourself or getting food stuck in your teeth during a meal, taking your date to an experience is a great alternative. Plus, dating experts always say that trying new things together is a great way to grow your bond with someone. See the top activity date ideas in NYC below.
  1. Happy Medium
Done with getting to know people over dinner and drinks? Try something a little more creative like an art experience at Happy Medium. This art café offers a menu of art experiences from clay to collaging, watercolor to pastels. Not to mention, you have a little memento to take home afterwards.
Where: 49 Market St, New York
  1. The Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club
Another alternative to conversations over cocktails is a good old fashioned game of shuffleboard. Head to the Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club to put your skills to the test. And if you end up missing the cocktails, don’t worry, they serve a selection of tropical boozy drinks to choose from.
Where: 514 Union St, Brooklyn
  1. SPiN
If you’re of the competitive sort, it might be fun to challenge your date to a few rounds of table tennis at SPiN. This is also a great idea if you’re trying to plan a double date because table reservations are open to anywhere from 2-10 guests.
Where: 48 E 23rd St
  1. Area 53
Bring out each other’s daredevil and head to Area 53, a 40,000-square-foot indoor adventure park, for roller skating, rock climbing, a ninja course and more. Read about all they have to offer here.
Where: 616 Scholes St, Brooklyn
If first dates feel confining to you, and you’re more concerned about how to make an exit if need be, there’s nothing more comforting than being in the great outdoors. From breezy strolls to picnics in the park, having your first date in nature also creates great talking points with so much going on around you. Here’s our recommendations for dates in NYC when you want to be surrounded by nature.
  1. New York Botanical Gardens
We’ll set the scene: you and your date are getting along great, having a laugh as you stroll through blossoming flowers. The sweet smell of orchids add to the vibrant atmosphere as you both gush over the surrounding beauty (we’re talking about you, not the flowers!). But in all honesty, NYBG makes a memorable first date and a cheap one too if you go on Wednesdays from 10am-11am (regardless of residency) when Grounds Admission is free.
Where: 2900 Southern Blvd, Bronx
  1. Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Live closer to Brooklyn? Then check out Brooklyn Botanic Garden instead. We recommend you stop by the Rose Garden and Native Flora Garden for stunning sights.
Where: 150 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn
  1. Picnic
Who doesn’t love eating…or people watching…or soaking up the sun? To be honest, picnicking is the ideal first date situation, and lucky for us, NYC is home to a plethora of parks to enjoy. Whether you want waterfront views or a castle in the background, find some of the best spots to picnic in NYC here.
Where: Various Locations
  1. The High Line
If first dates make you antsy, suggesting a walk on the High Line might be the perfect solution. This way you guys can get to know each other without the pressures of sitting at a table, all the while getting a little exercise in. If the walking becomes too much, you’ll be able to take a seat on one of the many public benches located on the elevated park. And if all goes well, you can end your route at Chelsea Market and grab a bite to eat!
Where: Gansevoort Street and Washington Street, New York
  1. Kayaking
Brooklyn Bridge Park’s free kayaking has returned for the summer and what better way to test if someone is compatible by seeing them in various environments? All kayaks and equipment are provided, with everyone from amateurs to professionals welcome. You’ll both enjoy incredible city views from an entirely new perspective, and no one has to fight over who’s paying.
Where: 10 Montague St, Brooklyn
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:26 Orson-Merrick Orson Merrick - Financial Innovation Expert

Orson Merrick - Financial Innovation Expert
Orson Merrick - Financial Innovation Expert
Name: Orson Merrick
Place of birth: Manhattan, New York
Date of birth: June 13, 1975 (49 years old)
Place of residence: London, UK
Graduate school: New York University Stern School of Business
Education: Master of International Finance
Position: Senior Partner and Investment Advisor
Hobbies: reading, mountain climbing, swimming, golf

Character experience:
Orson Merrick was born on June 13, 1975 in Manhattan, New York City, USA.
In 1993, he graduated from The Chapin School in Manhattan, where he started his university education a year early with advanced courses. In 1994, he was admitted to Colombia University, where he studied economics, and then was admitted to New York University in 1998 for his graduate studies. He graduated magna cum laude with a master’s degree in international finance from New York University’s Stern School of Business.
During his studies, Orson was mentored by professor Chris Logan, and learned about the history of Wall Street in the United States through his lectures and many informal conversations. Orson was very fond of the story of the rivalry between Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury, and Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States. As a result, he learned about the history of stocks and markets and developed a strong interest in them. During his college years, he studied macroeconomic development and microeconomics, combined with concepts from K-line analysis to integrate diversified and compound stock selection criteria. He achieved a profit rate of 64% in his first practical trading experience in the stock market, and later achieved a profit rate of 64% through his own trading in the stock market. Continuously improving his trading rules, Orson has created innovative trading ideas such as the Waltz Mechanical Manipulation Rule, the Three Point Resonance Principle, and the Institutional Trading Rule. He has also created high quality investment concepts such as the “Three Day Speculation Guidelines,” “People with Reverse Thinking in the Stock Market,” and “Family Investment Portfolios,” which have been repeatedly regarded as classics by investors in the market.
From 2002 to 2004, he was admitted to Harvard University in the United States for further studies and obtained a certification as a Chartered Financial Analyst. In 2005, at the age of 30, Orson entered the securities investment department of Merrill Lynch, the third-largest investment bank in the United States. In the following three years, he rose from an analyst manager in the securities investment department to vice president. After years of experience in the field, Orson has developed outstanding financial analysis skills, which have cultivated his unique investment thinking. He collects a large amount of financial information and conducts comprehensive analysis on it, which serves as the basis for investment judgment.
Along the way, he met the love of his life, Brittany Megan, and started a family, which is even more important to him than his career. As Orson entered the upward phase of his career, most of the wealth he gained was used to invest in physical industries such as real estate, stock market, and medical devices in the United States, which further expanded the scope of his investments.
On September 15, 2008, the global crisis broke out and Wall Street was in chaos. Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, and Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley transformed themselves from investment banks to bank holding companies. Affected by the subprime crisis, Merrill Lynch suffered losses of over $50 billion and asset write downs. In September of that year, it was acquired by the second largest bank in the United States, Bank of America, for a total transaction value of approximately $44 billion to avoid facing bankruptcy. Merrill Lynch’s 95 year independent corporate operation had come to an end.
Orson’s portfolio also suffered its worst loss draw down that year. He resigned from his position at Merrill Lynch. At that time, Orson, like most investors, was also hit hard by the subprime crisis, making him despondent. He no longer held any hope for the financial future of him and his family. Finally, it was under the friendship and encouragement of his life mentor Chris Logan, his wife, and a group of family and friends that Orson regained hope for his financial future.
In 2009, he joined UK Polar Capital Holdings as the Chief Investment Expert and was promoted to Senior Partner. During this period, he helped clients with his investment philosophy and expertise, as well as developed and protected their family/personal investment assets, enabling them to achieve their goals. He is committed to developing a combination of environmental and social governance (ESG) analysis and financial analysis to quantify the company’s long-term potential risks and returns.
Orson Merrick’s core philosophy in financial education:
  1. Integrity and Ethics: Emphasize the importance of honesty, transparency, and ethics in financial decision making. The curriculum should adhere to high standards of professional ethics and behavioral norms.
  2. Practice oriented: Emphasize the combination of theoretical knowledge with practice. Improve practical operational skills through case studies, market transactions, and interaction with industry experts.
  3. Global perspective: To cultivate students with an international perspective and cross-cultural understanding, encourage students to pay attention to global market dynamics, and understand business practices in different markets and cultural backgrounds.
  4. Innovative spirit: Encourage students to develop innovative thinking, and seek new solutions and strategies. Support students in innovative research and projects in the financial field.
  5. Collaboration and communication: Advocate teamwork and exchange of technical ideas.
  6. Social responsibility: Educate students to understand the impact of the financial industry on society and the environment, encourage students to participate in social responsibility projects, and cultivate a sense of responsibility and citizenship.
  7. Continuous learning: Advocate the concept of lifelong learning and encourage students to keep their knowledge and skills updated through continuing education courses and seminars
submitted by Orson-Merrick to u/Orson-Merrick [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:24 Hairy_Finish_9197 Looking for Video Editors

Hello Everyone, I am a Video Editor and sometimes I have multiple clients to work with. So it makes sense to share the work with fellow video editors.
My Goal is to build a small team of passionate Video Editors who are paid for their hard work, (not like $5 per video). They want to make the best videos possible. They don't wanna search for clients, and just focus on the editing part.
Here's the quality I am looking for (it's my portfolio), If you can do better, that's perfect.
Good portfolio to showcase your skills (if your portfolio is not good enough, please don't bother reading further)
Experience with Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects (it's fine if you don't use After Effects) Fluent in English ( Most of the videos are in English, so it's a must)
You should have knowledge about Western YouTube editing style, especially Youtubers like Ali Abdaal, MrBeast, Pewdipie etc.
I am charging clients between $100-$300, let's say you make the whole video without my help, you can take 80% of the amount. If you do half of the work, you will be paid accordingly.
If I like your portfolio, You will be asked to do 1 minute demo to showcase your skills on my provided footage. You can watermark it to make sure no one steals your work.
If you are interested, email me your portfolio at [usami9117@gmail.com](mailto:usami9117@gmail.com)
I won't be replying to any dm's on reddit, so please use email.
I don't use fiverr or any other freelancing website, I mostly rely on cold email's and reaching out to YouTubers directly.
submitted by Hairy_Finish_9197 to chutyapa [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 08:23 falcoloyd123 Character Backstory Suggestions

I’m trying to make a character that is trying to find a purpose for himself, and what motivation brought him to this point. I’m in a really tight bind on the what though. (I’m the forever dm, whose experience as a player extends to DnD World (only played 2 missions, and two campaigns that went nowhere) so I’m not that used to being a player.
1) This is for a friend of a friend’s homebrew campaign, that I’m joining late in, where the god of sin has cast down the other gods. They said that they need my motivations, personality, future goals, and story points for me to help my character grow through.
2) We are level 6 (I add this because I’m used to making level 3 characters and not characters who are practically “established” in life, if that makes sense). We are also playing 3.5, which I am not familiar with, I did make my character though, that was tough to do, he is a Half-Elf Ranger with a badger companion named Tux.
3) So far my mind has been stuck on he has emotionally abusive parents, but that’s about it.
Any suggestions?
submitted by falcoloyd123 to dndnext [link] [comments]
