Dairrhea cold

Mixing liquors

2020.05.24 06:33 ExistentialBread Mixing liquors

Always heard mixing liquors was a bad idea if you don't know what you're doing. The other night I drank a mix of jack and coke along with some Jim Beam and coke. I figured since one was a whiskey and the other was a bourbon it wouldn't be too bad. I just drank until I started to feel drunk and didn't go further. I've drank both until I've blacked out with no issue.
The night after I mixed, I woke up with dairrhea and cold sweats. I also wound up projectile vomiting several times. Like I've said, I've drank both separately before to the point where I've blacked out with little to no issue.
So I found it rather puzzling that I had such crazy stomach issues after drinking given that I didn't feel like I drank enough to warrant that sort of hangover.
I'm just wondering if mixing those two liquors are known to cause stomach issues or if the liquor consumption was unrelated to whatever stomach issues I woke up with
submitted by ExistentialBread to alcohol [link] [comments]
