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2008.09.10 11:29 Continuously Improve Yourself!

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2024.06.05 06:32 Asheritez Aita for feeling like my dad isn't emotionally there for me

Before I start, i think its important to say that everyone in my family is 100% my dad is autistic, but my dad is a closed off man, and would never even consider getting a professional diagnosis, I understand people with autism have a hard time communicating sometimes, but the thing is, my dad never talks to us, never goes with us to stores unless its absolutely needed for him to tag along, never goes out of his way to have conversations with me or my sister, nothing like that. he stays in his room all day, he wakes up at 5am, goes to his office/room and never comes out unless dinners ready, when I was struggling with depression, and talked to my mom about it
She told my dad since I wasn't really comfortable talking to him about that kind of stuff. Not once did he ever check up on me unless my mom prompted or specifically told him to. He never went out of his own way to do any of that. I feel like the only times he does talk to us is when hes yelling or lecturing me and my sister,if the living room is dirty, my rooms dirty, dishes aren't done. Its always been that way. I feel shitty about feeling this way, to an extent i know its not exactly easy for him to talk, but were his family, children, after a few years hed be more comfortable around us, thats what i thought, feel free to lecture me about this because im no professional when it comes to autism.
I always used to tell myself “its fine, im being dramatic” or “its nothing, im perfectly fine with this” i tried to force myself to normalize it, and to just tell myself its nothing. But the fact is you cant control how you feel about situations, you can say you feel one way about something, but no matter what, in the back of your mind there's that nagging voice that is telling the truth, saying how you really feel about it. Y'know what I mean? And of course, there's always those things that are perfectly fine to think, but you sound like an asshole if you actually say it out loud, example: “am i an asshole for thinking my autistic closed off dad isn't there for me?” it just sounds wrong.
My dad is always there for me. Physically. Which yeah is better then him not being around at all. But it just hurts knowing hes right across the hall from me, yet still feels so distant. Due to all this, sometimes it feels like he isnt even my dad, just some man living with us. To the point where its feels extremely awkward and weird to talk to him at all.
submitted by Asheritez to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:30 joyDrivenCRobot So anyways I just started posting

I am a fan of Yakui and this is top tier art so it fits! Im right and you are wrong logically. I can even prove it with a literal math proof inside 1 page to show it to you too. This is this, which leads to that which leads to that! you know how it goes! Song review! Artist: Yakui the Maid Song: Pneumatosis Album: Degeneration
" Pneumatosis
Pneumatosis... this indescribable disconfort. This soul clog, this odorless, colorless gas. Its occupying my body. Its making my joints creek, my confidence faulter, my eyes... they are close to the world but they see nothing. This mental state of dysphoria. A perfect blend of vague existential dread and self depriciation. This hesitation before doing anything. This blob of clutter. This ball of mess. This aggregate of joint chaos. Its there. And it sees me. I ask it to politely move. It wont budge. I yell at it loudly, call it names, tell it that Im better that that. It wont budge. I obcessively attempt to understand, to piece together, to drain it away, to toy with it a bit. Its a blob of gas. Im trying to play and empathise with a blob of gas. So it wont budge. I cant feel remorse, I cant feel tears. I cant feel anger or sadness. Just this undescribable disconfort. I gave up on getting rid of it long ago. Is it... the shadow? Is it trying to tell me something? Am I the one who wont listen? Talk to them. Walk on their side. Go.. You dont need a reason. I keep all these things to myself. Im unsure what all this means. I could try stretching.... Maybe all I need is to help myself loosen up. If anyone wants to talk, this socket is all open. Ill be waiting. Yet still I am hopeful. I look forward to the day I can take a step without shaking. I look forward to when I can utter words from within without flinching from embarassment. I look forward to when I can take light breezes to my face and remain at peace. I look forward to when I find myself connected to lifes challenges without unecessary fear of failure. I look forward to when I find myself surrounded by a savana full of temperate grass, skies speckled with clouds but still lots of blue to give, where the air is pure and its allways 2 pm. As I feel the wind grazing my face, i stand connected to all the life in it, without budging from my spot, rejoicing in my ability to stay determined yet at ease. Motivated yet open minded. Warm inside. The eyes will look far but everything will feel close. Sometimes the sun rains on me, and other times its slightly dark. A tear leaves my eye as the tenths of blobs of gas start participating in my system, turning into blood. I just became... whole. Everything is alright, now. Your eyes are not constrained anymore. They are free to tremble, to shine, to glow. To observe, to react, to see, to spot, to admire. Everything will soon be clear.
how do I feel? I have tears in my eyes. I can still feel shaken violently by doubt and cluttered thoughts all over. But I see the horizon. I feel like its worth to continue. Im far from fine. But Im also alright. These are all just emotions after all. They are fleeting like clouds. I just threw my fit. I declared: "Its unfair and painful! I cannot bear it anymore!" But I now finally see a future where I make peace with all my being. Finish building all the bridges. And become whole.
More effort wont fix it. You need more time, experience and wisdom. Let it go, for now."
Theres also refracted, which I also made a text about, which is not as good. If this is not logically against the rules I will also post it. Bye, future Maidcore fans! You will like it and you will like that you like that you like it always forever! And if people actually enjoy this, I will make a review on some krush songs I like
submitted by joyDrivenCRobot to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:28 CamNZXT Missing out on EVERYTHING and regretting it all

TL;DR I just about regret ever choosing homeschool after looking back on it.
I’m an 18 year old who is graduating in a matter of weeks and after all of it all I feel is sad. I’ve been in homeschool since the start of 6th grade and the only reason I even went to homeschool was because on one random morning at the start of 6th grade I decided I didn’t want to go and ended up asking for homeschool i’ve always had great grades just a lazy work ethic when it came to school with how free of a schedule homeschool gave me from 6th to 12th grade my life consisted of playing videos games and watching youtube with the occasional going out to family events. Now coming up on graduation that lazy work ethic caught up to me and I wasn’t eligible to have a traditional graduation walk with my peers because I was short on having enough credits to graduate in time for the graduation ceremony. Now I sit here waiting for my last class to be turned in during summer school so I can have a personal graduation with just me, school staff, and family because I have no other options for a graduation ceremony. Throughout every single year of homeschool everything was kind of just a blow by and everytime I saw people that were in in-person school I was never jealous of them or felt any bad way. I was never jealous of proms, school trips, homecomings, seeing others going to movies and going out with each other and having a lot of friends. But, now come graduation time because I even missed my own graduation ceremony I sit here everyday almost 24/7 if not 24/7 thinking about every single thing I missed. Including those proms, homecomings, friend groups, and going to see movies and etc. It now breaks me mentally knowing I missed every experience school basically had to offer from walking into those doors on the first day of high school to walking that stage being handed a diploma on the last day. I’ve cried over this many times and faced nothing but regret. Now everytime I see a social media post about graduating even if it’s not from this year it breaks me down and I start to not be able to control my emotions. I regret every single schooling decision i’ve made since 6th grade and what kills me a lot is the fact that in 2021 I tried to go back to in-person school but because my credits were once again behind because of my lazy work ethic I wasn’t able to get back into in-person school. So the fact knowing that I attempted go back and was unsuccessful makes me even hurt worse. Ever since this time of regret and sadness has started my family has been nothing short of worrying for my mental health and my parents both think i’m now depressed and I myself am even starting to think so as well. I have no clue where to start when trying to cope with this or even trying to move past it i’ve tried acknowledging my feelings i’ve tried venting and as much as venting to someone does help for the time being it doesn’t quite seem to get the job done emotionally for me. Another thing getting to me is that I obviously searched the internet to see how anyone else in my position of feeling like they missed everything has coped with this and I see a lot of people end up hating people that did experience those high school experiences and feel more than left out when people around them start talking about highschool memories and with my situation I just don’t wanna grow up hating graduations or anyone that did experience those high school experiences unlike me. I know infront of me I have a whole life and even an opportunity to experience college but as of right now all I can think about is missing all those experiences and I know in the future with the friends I end up making I myself with have to deal with that pain of never being able to relate to something as small as a graduation day.
submitted by CamNZXT to HomeschoolRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:28 Wildkit85 I'm caring for this sweetheart but....

I'm caring for this sweetheart but....
My roommate, who owns our home, loves cats and puts food out for her (I have a set up on the porch) but WILL NOT let me bring her in.
I have an orange tabby inside who has lived peacefully with other cats before and I have an arrangement for my vet to check her out for FIV and she seems to have some congestion in her little kitten sinuses.
The kitten has actually gotten in twice by accident and there was no war.
I did get her a collar with a tag that has my address and phone number. I call her Missy Miss. She was turned out by my animal hoarder neighbor and was super skinny when she found me about 5 weeks ago.
It's been weird and frustrating with my roommate, like he said randomly recently that you should always have 2 cats so they have a companion. And last week we had very bad storms one night with the sirens going off warning of a tornado....
...I was staying out on the porch during the downpour and hail because she and another cat were cowering there...he said I could bring her in with a carrier I got..but it was too late- they ran off into the storm.
I'm kind of just venting here but does anyone have advice to share about how to get him to relent?? He actually had two kittens that he gave to my friend a couple of years ago. He said he had no peace...
It's just weird how cruel he's being both to her and me.. I'm preoccupied. I spend an hour or two most nights on the porch hanging out and playing (with her and another Big Boy Tom who she runs with.)
I can love on two cats at once- I've done it plenty my whole life.
Thanks for "listening."
submitted by Wildkit85 to Straycats [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:28 cm_renee I Tried to Warn Her

Sorry this is long: It was encroaching on the weekend when I (F) received an invitation from one of my best friends Mandy, whom I had known since college. She had a new boyfriend & she wanted us to meet him. She was generally pretty casual & rarely introduced us to any of her flings. That's how I knew it had to be serious.
We were pretty excited for her. My friend Trish had also been invited & we agreed to meet them at a local bar & grill the following Friday night. At dinner, she introduced Al. With dirty blonde hair and a nice smile, he had a shy but polite way about himself. I couldn't help but get a strange feeling. Almost as if I had met him before.
I tried to ask him questions, but he was a little vague when answering. The bar was loud so it was difficult to make conversation. He was giving just enough information to reply and change the subject. In the bathroom, Mandy asked me what the deal was & I told her I thought I knew him. She told me to quit interrogating him & just have fun. So I let it go.
He was a perfect gentleman & paid for the whole dinner, even after we offered to split the check. Overall I liked him, but I couldn't shake the feeling I knew him from somewhere. The drinks we had made it hard to concentrate, so I tried to put it out of my mind. Trying to focus on the positives instead.
Tossing & turning in the night, it suddenly hit me. With urgency I opened my social media app & began looking for him. It didn't take me long to find him on Mandys social media page. I clicked on his profile and began looking through everything. He didn't have much public information, but a few family members & suddenly, my jaw dropped. I remembered him...
Roughly 15 years ago Al, used to be Alfred; But we had called him Freddie. All the kids in our neighborhood did. He lived in the house right behind mine. We practically grew up together. My brother played with his brother. He was a few years older than me & I wasnt the only girl on our block who had a crush on him.
I was 14 & he was 16, the summer that everything changed. Like most kids, we spent a lot of time playing in the woods behind the property line. I found it strange that he didn't have very many friends, but he said that most people, "didn't get him". A naive girl, I felt special that he wanted to hangout with me instead of other girls his own age.
Spending so much time together, he began to open up. He confided in me about the troubles he was having at home. One night, he came tapping on my window. He had stolen some beer from his Dad & he didn't want to be alone. I snuck out & we went to our hangout spot to drink it.
He drank his quickly & I pretended to enjoy mine. The beer was gross but I wanted him to think I was cool. By his third beer, he said he was getting buzzed & started rambling about his feelings. In so many words he told me, that he was really grateful for my company because he didn't have very many friends & that he would never be able to date normally.
I had asked him what he meant & he said he had a fetish that most people wouldn't understand. I thought maybe it was a feet thing & told him it would be ok. I told him he could tell me & I wouldn't judge him. Words I wish I had never spoken.
Breaking down crying he said he had a loving impulse towards animals. I was not quit sure what he meant, because my parents strictly limited my Internet. Confused, I asked him again what he meant. He preceded to tell me all about how he had developed a fetish towards animals. He hated himself for it, but he couldn't help it. Than in detail, he began to tell me how he had "played" with his friends dog & I quickly cut the conversation short.
The entire confession sent a shock though my system & I told him it was late & I needed to get home. I was confused, but also disgusted & terrified. I wondered if his friend knew about what he had done & surely that kind of activity must be illegal. After that I just couldn't look at him the same. I felt bad, because I told him I wouldn't judge, but then I couldn't help but judge anyway.
From that day on I distanced myself as his friend & began making excuses whenever he wanted to hangout. His confession was just too much for me to bare & I didn't know how to handle it. My fear only intensified when I got a puppy that Christmas. Everyone was excited, but I was petrified.
I promised myself I would make sure she stayed safe. Always making sure to keep an eye on her every single time she was outside & I never let her out alone. I begged my parents not to let her out alone & the stress of keeping his secret was causing me such anxiety that I couldn't sleep anymore. Worried about her during the day, I started having trouble in school. Finally I broke down & revealed everything to my parents.
I told them about his secret & how I was terrified of something happening to the newest member of our family. I was worried they didn't believe me, but thankfully we moved that Spring & I never saw Freddie again. That is until he showed up at dinner.
Remembering all of this, from my past. I called up Mandy & asked her to meet with me ASAP. Pacing, I knew there was no good way to tell her, but I had too. Alone at my apartment, I told Mandy everything. Yes it was a long time ago, but I just wanted to warn her so she could be careful. The way I saw it, he had either gotten better... Or gotten worse.
Well she called me a liar. She knew my parents, I told her she could call them up & ask them, but she didn't. She said I was just jealous & making the whole thing up. I promised her I wasn't & silently cried as she cussed me out. She stopped returning my calls & texts. Al messaged me as well, he called me a "crazy lying bitch'. Both she & Al blocked me on everything.
I knew it would be a gamble, but I had to warn her. Even if that meant risking our friendship. I worry about her regularly, but as an adult she made her choice. It's been four years now since that night. I heard that they got married & settled down on a large property.
However there seems to be some trouble in paradise.... Trish keeps trying to fill me in on the gossip, but I'm trying to stay out of it. She said to let her know if I ever want an update.
submitted by cm_renee to stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:27 Low-Importance6743 Aitah for telling my son his girlfriend shit In a bag and put it under his sink?

I'm sure you are wanting context.
My son's girlfriend has anxiety issues and also bad digestion, gets backed up then craps a log. At her house the toilets get clogged and she would have been too embarrassed to ask us to unclog it (according to her mother) so in an act of desperation because she didn't want to get caught with a bag of shit hid it under the sink. She is 16 years.
My son went to the bathroom and said my bathroom stinks. Her mother went in there and took care of it, as if she knew that's what happened when she went in there.
The mother told me with no one around. Typically speaking I'm not for using shame as a tactic behavior, but I think if a behavior is shameful enough maybe you should feel that.
Keep in mind I have known her mother for nearly 30 years.
Aitah for telling my son AND aitah for thinking I should have had the chance to confront her for such disrespect in my house.
The mother is going through a hard time(mentally abusive husband who refuses to work, car got repoed so she can't door dash, living off 800 a month.) So i get that going theough all that, it would be hard to be mother of the year, but she uses phrases like "she refuses to do what I tell her to Do"
Um so you just stop telling her to do anything? And excuse shitting In bag to having anxiety? And then say she can come back later that day without really consulting me first? Oh that didn't happen. I said my husband wanted to it just be us on his days off. How the eff do you even navigate that? Oh if it was my son, he would be that household's cleaning servant for 30 days. No screens during that time either. But how in the world you are going to justify shitting in a bag!!!!!!
submitted by Low-Importance6743 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:26 Real-Blackberry2215 How can I (26F) overcome my roommate (26M) betraying me?

I love to understand people and what makes them work, why they do the things they do but for this I'm struggling a lot.
Background: Basically I've live with my roommate, who ill call Jake, for 3 years we've known each other since we were 12, we've slept with eachother and were close but we both agree we're not compatible long term so theres no feeling either side.
He dated a girl, I'll call her Mia, for a year or two and apparently it was very abusive. This was four years ago and I had never met her because I was out of the country during their relstionship
The event: Side note: I'm condensing the events but a lot happened that im leaving out for length and they're less important than the main timeline
Mia got back in touch with Jake and apparently she was off her bipolar meds but now shes on them she wanted to make amends. The next week she comes over and stays 3 days. He told me it would be one but whatever. I question Jake about everything and he brushes off what she was like in the past basically telling me that things weren't that bad and she was fine.
I raise my eyebrows and just watch it play out.
Eventually the next week they both invite me to go clubbing. I agree and tell them I have to be home by 2am. Another bit of context is Jake and I have gone clubbing many many times and our of the friend group, him and I have the highest tolerances. Anyway I have a couple of drinks and all is well. I have my third drink and I suddenly feel very dizzy and floppy. I sit down and cant unlock my phone, read, speak or communicate sentences well. Jake notes this was strange for me and says that we should go home. I tell him that I'd like to go home since I felt really off and it was 1:30 by this point.
He leaves to tell Mia and half an hour later he comes back and tells me that shes upset and yelling were abandoning her. I tell him that she can come back home with us but apparently she doesnt want to. I then go over to her and try my best to apologize and console her bit shes instant that the night is now ruined and that we hate her. At this point the room is spinning so I sit back down. Jake leaves the table shortly after and it's just me. I end up struggling to stay awake and upright but i dont know where Jake and Mia are and I'm scared to ask them if i could go home because i didnt want to upset Mia even more. Eventually i check my phone and its 4am.
I go upstairs to see that Mia is screaming at Jake and hes just smoking and apologising with his eyes glazed over. I walk over and apologize profusely but ask if we could go home. Mia gets angry and turns away. I ask her to promise me she'll be okay and safe and to text if she needs help. She just says "yes I promise I'll be safe" then leaves. Jake saw this.
I go to my siblings place and Jake stays with me for 10 minutes before he leaves to go back to our apartment. I wake up at 8am, still incredibly dizzy and out of it and check my phone to see that Jake had gone to get Mia and brought her back to our place.
I text him that I wasnt okay with that and that we needed to talk when I got home.
When I arrived home it was about 11am and I finally started feeling sober. Jake told me he had gone back to the apartment but at 5am he got a call from Mia and apparently she had done a bunch of cocaine and couldnt go back to her parents house or she'd be in trouble. She told him to pick her up at 6 and when he did Mia screamed at him for letting her stay out that late. Jake wanted to protect her so he brought her back to our place and she was going to be staying 2 days.
I lost my cool and snapped at him about how they left me alone and not once did he ask if I was okay with her at out place. He eventually said he had no idea why he prioritized her over me. He said he had no excuse but no reason. He said I was one of his closest friends but that night he cared more about Mia and her safety and comfort than mine. And that he didnt know why it was but he did. I told him we couldnt be friends but he ended up crying and apologising and telling me he fucked up bad and would do anything.
We eventually go back home and he kicks her out. Later I asked if she apologised, he said no I asked if he apologised and he said yes. "What for?" "We left her by herself in the club unsafe" I told him that wasnt true and that I had checked up on her. I told him he betrayed me by apologising. The next day he cut Mia off and blocked her but not before she told him I was an insane obsessive stalker who had feelings for him, all my kindness was fake and I was trying to manipulate her away from him and that I'm dangerous and abusive.
I just want to know. What went through his head. What makes someone pick a toxic ex over a best friend. It doesnt matter how much I try to rationalize it, I just cant. Does anyone have any insight?
submitted by Real-Blackberry2215 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:25 _Stop_Karens_ AITB for being upset with my mom’s bf?

AITB for being upset with my mom’s bf?
AITA for being hurt by what my mom’s bf told me and him not apologizing?
(Backstory) My mom and I have gone through absolute hell and back with very many abusive relationships she was in and father figures I’ve had. She is the one constant I have in my life. We go through fights and some are more extreme than others. I’m 16, im going through my own things and sometimes it’s hard to not blow up. But everytime we blow up at eachother, we always talk the next day and apologize and work things out. Let me remind you, these blowups happen maybe once a year.
This one particular weekend her boyfriend decided to stay over. I’ve seen him about 6 times (same with her because it’s long distance I just don’t talk to him in between that time period) in the less than 2 years they’ve been together. My mom and I had gotten into an argument and because I have my own car and I was upset so I left around 5:30pm. I was gone for hours. I came back at 10:30 pm which is the curfew my mom gave me. When I came back I got dinner and was sitting in the kitchen. My mom was asleep on the couch. I assumed mom’s bf had gone to bed. Instead 10 minutes later he comes in and sits in the chair next to me not saying anything. We sit in silence for about 5 minutes until he finally says something. “You know you really hurt your mom today right? You made her cry.” I replied with “she made me cry too she’s not the only one who was hurt today.” He started to say “your mom raised you and worked her ass off for you and you act like everything you get from her is so much worse than everyone else’s.” Before I cut him off by saying” are you trying to parent me right now?” I rarely speak around him because I’ve never liked him but im a very vocal person when it comes to my feelings. Taken aback he said “I guess so-“ then I cut him off again and I told him he wasn’t my dad. This is what I need help with. He cut me off and raised his voice “no you’re right your dad left you and abandoned you.” I immediately screamed “stop f***ing talking to me” got up threw my food away (which was barely touched) and walked off. I had been sleeping on the couch because my room was a depression room, and with work I couldn’t clean it. My mom had been sleeping on the couch (just that night, she fell asleep waiting for me to get home), and he followed me to the living room. He stared at me and I stared at him waiting for him to wake my mom up. After a minute I decided to tell him (in what I thought was a calm voice compared to what I just yelled at him with) that I sleep on the couch. He decided to look at me and use the same stern voice “why because your room is so gross you can’t even clean it and expect your mom to?” Which I had asked my mom to help me because I couldn’t physically make myself do it. I didn’t expect her to clean my room for me. He woke my mom up and they went to her bedroom. I contacted the crisis line that night because of how badly he hurt me by what he said. The next morning I told my mom what he had said and she was shocked. I went to work right after that conversation and he left while I was at work. Eventually my mom texted him, and he refuses to apologize and continues to tell me that I needed to know the truth and he didn’t tell any lies. As if I wasn’t living that “truth” for 16 yrs. I also texted him telling him my feelings and he invalidated them by telling me he’s been nothing but nice to me and avoided my feelings. I just can’t understand whether or not im over exaggerating over nothing.
submitted by _Stop_Karens_ to AmItheButtface [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:24 Vocivus_Theta 21M Ontario: Looking for close friends

Hello, I [21M] am very bad at making friends and I'm looking to make some new online friends, perhaps to sort of build a small group of close friends, hopefully of those who share my interests in both gaming and academics, or also not lol, I think I’m good at being friends with any sort of people given some time. I'm into a lot of different things, and I like trying new things, so I'd love to find a small group to chill with, play some games, and maybe even try making some YouTube videos together if that’s intriguing.
About me: Gaming - I’m on PS5 and currently, I play Helldivers 2, Dead by Daylight, sometimes Overwatch, and I can’t really think of anything else lol. I have played a fair amount of games but considering how I don’t have many friends to play with, over the past year or so I haven’t really been doing much. So, at the moment, I can’t recall what I used to play. Overall, I'm open to trying new games as well, I’m very into horror so maybe that’s informative lol.
Academics - I'm pretty passionate about physics, math, chem/bio, engineering, space systems, photonics/optics, quantum mechanics, coding/programming, and just the overall idea of creating new things, like weird tech or props for fun. I would enjoy discussing such with others who share a similar enthusiasm. Or if you just want someone to study with or help out in any subjects then I’ve been told I’m an alright tutor.
Interests - I’m also very into anime, horror + sci-fi movies/shows, and mysteries. I love getting into the lore, theories, secrets, and mysteries surrounding varying different shows and video games. I guess I’m into creepy stuff, puzzles/mysteries and adventure, stuff like spooky escape rooms or exploring “haunted” areas are things I tend to enjoy.
Personality - I’m pretty shy and awkward at first, but once I get comfortable, I think I can show off more of my real self, I can be pretty talkative depending on the subject, but either way I think I’m an alright listener.
If it sounds cool to anyone else, I’m open to creating a Discord group or server where we can all chat casually, get to know each other better to become closer friends, or maybe even just share memes on Instagram or whatever other platforms. I also don't mind getting personal, talking about life and goals, or just venting to one another if needed. If you're interested in chatting, gaming, or even trying some YouTube content, feel free to reach out.
If you wanna give me an idea on what you’re into, maybe comment or DM with your Top 3 somethings; like movies, shows/animes, video games, academic subjects, books, or whatever else!
submitted by Vocivus_Theta to gamingfriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:24 Throwaway-Realist90 Issue in friendship that I don't know how to address. [Posting from a throwaway as friend in question is heavily active on Reddit]

Some of you may remember my post from several months ago about my friend Mandi. I'm struggling to understand if Mandi is just unnecessarily blunt or if there may be something else causing it.
Mandi and I met in 2019 and instantly bonded over our love of fanfiction and musicals. We are both disabled, though Mandi has a host of other conditions that I don't including Reactive Attachment Disorder and epilepsy. She also claims that her brother is autistic [but, I have a cousin with ASD, and if Mandi's brother has autism, he is super high functioning.] For a while I believed Mandi may be as well but now I'm not so sure. Mandi has a tendency to be super self-focused and not really want to talk about anyone else except a pair of friends she has who I am not 100% certain are real because the stories she tells me about them are too farfetched to be believed. One, Nick, is also friends with me on Facebook [though I think he might be a fake or a catfish].
Recently, I got into the Netflix series Bridgerton, an effort to be closer to Mandi as she claims she and Nick read the books when they were in high school (we have very little in common otherwise--we both write, but she seems extremely naive and sheltered. She's not into watching TV and rarely leaves her house anymore). She's a little under 2 years younger than me; she and Nick went to school in CA and she graduated in 2010.
Upon finishing S1 of Bridgerton on my own I hoped to be able to discuss it with her. I quickly learned we have very differing opinions on what constitutes good media. She immediately began putting down the Netflix series and claimed "You [OP], only like the story because Shonda Rhimes was involved, they made the duke Black and you're obsessed with Black men for some reason." (For context, I am white and have always tended to be attracted to people of color. Mandi is mixed--half white, half Afro-Latin. She also has a deep disdain for American Black men and Latin men influenced by where she lives in California and the interactions she's had with men of color in her area, as well as her own dad.)
I do openly admit that I attempted to listen to the first book, but don't care much for Ms. Quinn's style, and although there are some problematic things, I prefer the Netflix series. But I like it for the visuals and how the characters were translated to the screen. Mandi on the other hand, dislikes the series because "They changed so much from the books", but she watches it for the intimate scenes and because Nick, who is openly gay, likes to gush with her about how hot the men on the show are, so I don't get why she seems to be on a high horse.
Then, recently, I used a TikTok filter to do a photo manipulation of what I would look like in Bridgerton. The filter darkened my skin to a slight tan--nowhere near enough to make me resemble a woman of color-- and made my dark blonde hair a blackish-brown. It was still obvious the final product was meant to be a white woman illuminated by firelight casting shadows on her skin and making parts of her appear darker. When I shared it on my social media, Mandi quickly commented, "No offense [Nickname], you're beautiful, but this looks more like me than you."
Mandi has always told me that if I have a problem with her I should address it, but this isn't the first time she's said something that comes across as either unkind or an out and out lie and I don't know how to broach the subject, or if it's worth it. When confronted, Mandi seems to take things in extremes and think the only fix is for her to "go away".
submitted by Throwaway-Realist90 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:23 Vocivus_Theta 21M Ontario: Looking for close friends

Hello, I [21M] am very bad at making friends and I'm looking to make some new online friends, perhaps to sort of build a small group of close friends, hopefully of those who share my interests in both gaming and academics, or also not lol, I think I’m good at being friends with any sort of people given some time. I'm into a lot of different things, and I like trying new things, so I'd love to find a small group to chill with, play some games, and maybe even try making some YouTube videos together if that’s intriguing.
About me: Academics - I'm pretty passionate about physics, math, chem/bio, engineering, space systems, photonics/optics, quantum mechanics, coding/programming, and just the overall idea of creating new things, like weird tech or props for fun. I would enjoy discussing such with others who share a similar enthusiasm. Or if you just want someone to study with or help out in any subjects then I’ve been told I’m an alright tutor.
Gaming - I’m on PS5 and currently, I play Helldivers 2, Dead by Daylight, sometimes Overwatch, and I can’t really think of anything else lol. I have played a fair amount of games but considering how I don’t have many friends to play with, over the past year or so I haven’t really been doing much. So, at the moment, I can’t recall what I used to play. Overall, I'm open to trying new games as well, I’m very into horror so maybe that’s informative lol.
Interests - I’m also very into anime, horror + sci-fi movies/shows, and mysteries. I love getting into the lore, theories, secrets, and mysteries surrounding varying different shows and video games. I guess I’m into creepy stuff, puzzles/mysteries and adventure, stuff like spooky escape rooms or exploring “haunted” areas are things I tend to enjoy.
Personality - I’m pretty shy and awkward at first, but once I get comfortable, I think I can show off more of my real self, I can be pretty talkative depending on the subject, but either way I think I’m an alright listener.
If it sounds cool to anyone else, I’m open to creating a Discord group or server where we can all chat casually, get to know each other better to become closer friends, or maybe even just share memes on Instagram or whatever other platforms. I also don't mind getting personal, talking about life and goals, or just venting to one another if needed. If you're interested in chatting, gaming, or even trying some YouTube content, feel free to reach out.
If you wanna give me an idea on what you’re into, maybe comment or DM with your Top 3 somethings; like movies, shows/animes, video games, academic subjects, books, or whatever else!
submitted by Vocivus_Theta to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:22 xoxo-belle Aphrodite... confirmation?

I just wanted to share with you my experience so far. I'm a 25F. I have been worshipping Aphrodite since last year and these signs have been going on since last year. These happened on several occasions/months...
I love doing spiritual baths, so I started dedicating my baths & skincare routine to her. She keeps popping up everywhere. Though, I don't really know much about her. I had the sudden urge to learn about her. When I received my first rose quartz crystals, it literally smelled like roses.
I got chased by a bee while I was eating breakfast. I got chased ny 2 bees when I was doing the dishes in the kitchen at night.
I even set up an altar dedicated for her even though I wasn't sure she was interested in me. I filled my altar with perfume, jewelries, and makeup so it doesn't look like an altar because I came from a religious fam. I dedicated a space for her, still. I offered strawberries, lemon, and honey.
My sister told me my bed looks like the beach. I realized that my sheets are sky blue and my pillowcases have hibiscus flowers and green leaves. 😂😂😂
I bought a blue nail polish recently after my birthday. It wasn't really my thing to put on nail polish. It felt like someone spoke to me to just put it on. I never tried other color of nail polish before except black and red.
After putting on the nail polish, I feel good. I placed the blue nail polish on her altar and thank Aphrodite for letting me use it (again I wasn't sure if she was with me though I've been worshipping her for almost a year now). The bottle of the nail polish looks so fancy. I don't usually buy something like this.
Yesterday during divination, I asked the tarot how it sees me, it shows the Empress. (Is it because I've been worshipping Aphrodite?). Then, I reshuffled the deck multiple times and asked, "Who's with me?" I pulled the Empress card. When I did a deity spread, it showed me King of Cups in the middle as the deity.
Last night, I took a cabin test before I sleep, like a quiz from the Percy Jackson movie (just for fun because I knew for sure it can't be a legitimate sign). Then, Aphrodite popped out. Again, I'm not saying the "quiz part" is a confirmation.
I went to sleep without thinking much about it. I thought, "There's no way a deity can give me a sign in just one day. There's no way she'll be reaching out tomorrow."
Today, I was walking around the house, I saw a conch and a shell in our laundry. 🐚 Something I have never seen before in this house. I was like, "Where did it come from? We live in a city. Who brought it?" My father told me he brought it after he found it outside. And it looks so pretty! 🥺
Also today, I heard a buzzing bee while I was roaming around our yard. I looked around to look for it to make sure I wasn't hallucinating but then I saw it landed on a pink flower. So, I went back inside before I get chased again.

Since last year, I have been taking notes of the signs that felt like being sent to me. I received signs from Hekate or Nyx in my dreams (still hasn't confirmed) and Lilith (so many signs, but still hasn't confirmed).
submitted by xoxo-belle to witchcraft [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:20 HorrorPitiful1977 how to deal with the pain of going low/NC with my (24NB) mom (45F)?

I recently moved to another state with my partner (25M) a year ago and have went low/nc with my mom.
i do love my mom, but there's just been so much mistreatment from her end along with her enabling my stepdad to severely mistreat me as well. so to put it short i came from a very abusive environment.
i also have a younger sister (11F) who lives with them and who i've also subsequently drifted away frim due to my own complications with our relationship (i was parentified at 14 to raise my sister who was a newborn at the time so that my parents could go back to work and was also a generally traumatic and extremely abusive time for me) so i've got a lot of trauma surrounding my little sister too.
the issue is that i talk go them maybe on e every month of every few months and while i know it is completely warranted for me to go NC with my family, i still am struggling with immense pain and guilt to the point where i cant sleep at night and feel like some kind of failure or disappointment to my mom and sister.
despite all this though, i realize that i have no obligation to continue a relationship with my mom because of the trauma she has left me with, but i feel so bad just abandoning her (which is ironic because shes abandoned me constantly over the course my life). ive tried talking to her about how her treatment has left me but she just shuts down instead and i just feel like it's not even my job to try and fix her mistakes which saddens me deeply. because who knows if she'll ever get past her shame enough to want to mend things genuinely instead of avoiding the pain of this rift between us.
but in the mean time, i'm just wondering how do i help myself to not feel so hurt about it all? how do i cope with the reality that the distance between my mother and i grows greater every day?
submitted by HorrorPitiful1977 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:20 ThunderWolfVX Arthritis prevents exorcise, and fixed income and arthritis prevents healthy eating. What the *** do I do?

I(38M) don't think I completely qualify as "obese" but there is more than enough fat there to get rid of, however I have reached a point now where I don't have a clue how. I have lived with Osteo-Arthritis for I'd say about 12 years or more, and it is everywhere; my knees, ankles, hands, shoulders, lower back, and its progressing to my hips and whatever else is left, I'm predicting eyelids are next at this rate. I can't exorcise even slightly, until my shoulders started getting hit with OA I used a cane. I know what you're thinking, what about water exorcises? It's impossible, I tried it and the water pushing my joints around hurt like hell and rendered me unable to do anything for the better part of a week, and that was after only splashing around for like an hour or so. I went for a walk once last summer for the first time in years, and had the same reaction to it, I could barely lift my legs to get into bed. Hell just typing up this message is hurting my fingers and shoulders so, I mean, I don't have a clue what that leaves me.
As for diet, on the surface I'm sure that seems like a very simple fix right? But I am on disability in Canada, its the best that I can do. That's all the money I got coming in, that's it, and that does make a dent in bills and general cost of living stuff, but not that much, I'm still having to let some bills go each month, I still can't afford a car and have to rely on a bus, and I can't really afford much in the way of healthy food that doesn't also mean a lot of food prep that I can't do. The cost of living these days is so bloody expensive that even a pre-made lunch time salad costs $10, I can't afford that each day, and with the arthritis in my hands, I also can't prep any meals, everything has to be quick and easy, crap that comes out of a tin can or a box. Hell, even washing fruits and veggies has become too difficult, let alone making up some healthy meals 3 times a day, its just not doable. how can you possibly eat healthy with the quick, easy, and cheap approach?
I really don't know what to do here, I feel like I have no recourse. I want to try to lose the weight for pretty petty reasons, as I've been single the entire time I've lived with arthritis and I really don't know how much more of that I can take. 14 years since anyone even looked at me has become very painful. If I could at the very least lose the weight, maybe I'd have a better shot at it, but even that's unlikely as I'm sure most people want a partner when dating, and not a house pet, but maybe there's still some hope if I can lose the weight. I just don't know how.
submitted by ThunderWolfVX to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:19 Adventurous_Price430 help :))

idk what’s going on. im taking my meds, i haven’t changed anything in my life and i LOVE LOVE LOVE my job. im a mental health technician. but as of last week, ive been having panic attacks. i wake up anxious, that anxiety spirals and i make it stop with my meds. a few hours later and im in the work bathroom desperately running my wrists under FREEZING water to try and make my panic attack stop and hoping no one can hear me trying to stop sobbing. my heart races, my head starts throbbing, i get tunnel vision, my stomach flip flops and i feel like i cant even stand.
I know sometimes the heat can trigger this if you take SSRI’s?? for reference, im in the middle of Texas and today it was 98 with hella humidity.
Please drop tips. Idc how much money i need to spend on Amazon products that work for you, fidgets that help, sour candy, literally anything. i am so desperate. i hate living this way. please.
submitted by Adventurous_Price430 to PanicAttack [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:19 _Stop_Karens_ AITA for telling my mom about what her bf said?

I feel like this is going to break them up. My mom and I have gone through absolute hell and back with very many abusive relationships she was in and father figures I’ve had. She is the one constant I have in my life. This one particular weekend her boyfriend decided to stay over. I’ve seen him about 6 time's in the less than 2 years they’ve been together. My mom and I had gotten into an argument and because I have my own car and I was upset so I left around 5:30pm. I was gone for hours. I came back at 10:30 pm which is the curfew my mom gave me. When I came back I got dinner and was sitting in the kitchen. My mom was asleep on the couch. I assumed mom’s bf had gone to bed. Instead 10 minutes later he comes in and sits in the chair next to me not saying anything. We sit in silence for about 5 minutes until he finally says something. “You know you really hurt your mom today right? You made her cry.” I replied with “she made me cry too she’s not the only one who was hurt today.” He started to say “your mom raised you and worked her ass off for you and you act like everything you get from her is so much worse than everyone else’s.” Before I cut him off by saying” are you trying to parent me right now?” I rarely speak around him because I’ve never liked him but im a very vocal person when it comes to my feelings. Taken aback he said “I guess so-“ then I cut him off again and I told him he wasn’t my dad. This is what I need help with. He cut me off and raised his voice “no you’re right your dad left you and abandoned you.” I immediately screamed “stop f***ing talking to me” got up threw my food away (which was barely touched) and walked off. I had been sleeping on the couch because my room was a depression room, and with work I couldn’t clean it. My mom had been sleeping on the couch (just that night, she fell asleep waiting for me to get home), and he followed me to the living room. He stared at me and I stared at him waiting for him to wake my mom up. After a minute I decided to tell him (in what I thought was a calm voice compared to what I just yelled at him with) that I sleep on the couch. He decided to look at me and use the same stern voice “why because your room is so gross you can’t even clean it and expect your mom to?” Which I had asked my mom to help me because I couldn’t physically make myself do it. I didn’t expect her to clean my room for me. He woke my mom up and they went to her bedroom. I contacted the crisis line that night because of how badly he hurt me by what he said. The next morning I told my mom what he had said and she was shocked. I went to work right after that conversation and he left while I was at work. Eventually my mom texted him, and he refuses to apologize and continues to tell me that I needed to know the truth and he didn’t tell any lies. As if I wasn’t living that “truth” for 16 yrs. I also texted him telling him my feelings and he invalidated them by telling me he’s been nothing but nice to me and avoided my feelings. So AITA?
submitted by _Stop_Karens_ to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:19 L8_BLMR Seeking Insight on Email from My Mother – Feeling Manipulated

I'm trying to pinpoint what feels off about this email from my mother. I know she has no boundaries and is trying to get sympathy from me, but there seems to be an element of emotional manipulation that I can't quite identify. For context, I was upset when my mother, my daughter, my spouse, my mother-in-law, and I ran into her boyfriend of over five years with his son and granddaughter (whom I had never met). His son and granddaughter blatantly avoided us, making no effort to say hello or introduce themselves. This is the same son who I've had to wait for at Thanksgiving without even an apology for being late. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. I've changed the names for obvious reasons.
Addressing some things that were said some that weren’t. Read it or delete it it’s your choice. This was written last night
Sophia I failed you as a child. I had always hoped that I would meet another single parent and form a blended family. Another single parent is aware of what it’s like to raise kids all the work and all the rewards. You needed that. I needed that too. I did not have a good support system other than Helen when you guys were growing up thank god for Helen. I worked at a job where I didn’t get weekends off and early starts my whole working life it made it hard to build friendships and support systems. I didn’t always do everything right with you kids you guys were my priority. At times life was very lonely..actually a few times when you and Olivia were with your dad I got dressed up and stood outside just pretending someone was coming to pick me up I’d stay awhile looking at my watch eventually go back inside. I was lonely. When I started dating I had always hoped that if I gave someone extra time because they didn’t have kids they would figure out how to make it work. I was wrong. John was as close as it came. I was always looking for a partner to complete our family. I once answered a personal ad in the newspaper of a single father in Nanaimo but never heard back. I made lots of mistakes along the way Funny guys will say what they think you want to hear in the beginning. I failed at finding you a new dad I did try more than you know. I needed a partner as much as you needed a dad. I had few friends, little money, going to school after work at times you guys were always on my mind.
David was just a big mistake period idiot move on my part. Funny too he also said I want to be a dad!
Fast forward to yesterday. I probably didn’t say hi to Jennifer I nodded I was just tired it wasn’t on purpose. Tom sees Jennifer and the girls usually every other weekend they go for lunch or something. Tom goes to the odd hockey game with them. I’ve gone a few times for lunch not many. I’m happy with that they need time together if I wanted to go I probably could. When Tom had that other woman at his place he had her go with them because she was staying with him it’s very different we both see it as different if you’re living together.
Your perception that I’m trying to keep Tom away from you is false it never entered my mind. We both spend time with our families it’s just a given. We could always spend time together both Tom and I with you guys if you want just needed to let me know.
If you’re still upset that I didn’t visit more after you had Ella I will repeat my answer again. No matter what you want my answer to it’s still the same. I called you were busy I called you were busy I called you were busy. I figured you would reach out to me when you wanted me to come over. As soon as you reached out I was there. No matter how much you want my answer to be different it’s not going to change I am not a mind reader.
Christmas this year. I extended the invitation to both Tom and Steve this year to have Christmas at your house. I am aware that Steve isn’t your favourite person you’re aware he’s socially awkward. I did say that there would probably be a lot of people with friends and family from both you and Emma. You were supposed to have more people than even showed up. They thanked me for the offer and declined. I remember I relayed that they thanked you to you. I got the idea from grandma Claire to have a dinner Christmas Eve then go to my family Christmas Day for dinner. She used to do that every year do you remember. When Tom and Jennifer declined I thought it was a good idea to cook a turkey only after they declined your invitation. I wouldn’t expect Tom to come and leave Jennifer alone on Christmas. Tom has no idea that you dislike Jennifer why would I say anything like that to hurt people. You were going to be having a house full if everyone showed up Mia’s whole family more friends too that didn’t show. You had enough stuff and stress. I thought it was the perfect solution.
I did screw up the potatoes
I had an awesome time at your place over Christmas thank you. You did a good job everyone enjoyed themselves including me. Thank you.
Chili with Peter You weren’t saying this was bothering you but I’ll take a guess and say it was. You had said you wanted everyone to get together after Max’s game. I went with that plan I needed to come up with something to feed everyone the day before so I did. I wasn’t driving. Plain and simply I had no idea that plans had changed.
I am well aware you’re not happy with me I didn’t know how bad it was. I put it down to all the stress and pressures you’re under at work and at home. I’ve been trying not to put any extra stress on you. I guess I had it wrong. I’m sure you have your reasons. They’re your reasons. I’m not sure how long things have been going on. It doesn’t feel good but you’re an adult. You seem to have ideas about things I know nothing about.
I don’t want to lose connection with my granddaughter be it a short FaceTime chat on the weekends or anything else you decide it’s important to me.
Take care of yourself Sophia you have a busy life. I’m not mentioning this to Tom or Olivia if you want to discuss it with Olivia that’s up to you. This is what I was going to say next weekend. It’s said. It seems I’m struggling to even know what’s bothering you. I’m trying to put out fires with not all the information. I’m not sure what you even think is going on. You might have it all wrong.
Looking back on the ride home My guess is that others in the car were aware of your issues with me. If that’s true I feel pretty stupid because I was the last to know.
submitted by L8_BLMR to emotionalneglect [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:18 Dwilson1967 I needed to be a man, because I would die female TW/OvCancer,

I started transitioning at 18, I didn't get hormones for 2 years. I had top, and then hysto/oophorectomy. I wonder since then after removing my ovaries if it was my subconscious just taking over to survive.
I had very bad periods, in the hospital. Multiple times ambulance came thinking my appendix erupted. I would become paralyzed and lose my ability to see. I was having ovarian cysts, that would pile up and then eventually explode. At 15 I was given a few unsavory options. A. Have a baby, it could help solve the issue. B. Have 3rd stage cancer and husbands permission, and be in my mid late 30s.
We put me on birth control, and a nerve blocker. While it kinda helped. It went from monthly to every other month. Around 17, I got very involved in the queer scene and I was more demi-guy. I felt lots of pressure from my new found family to be fully transmale, as I presented masc. I did, and began the journey. Main goal in mind is getting a full oophorectomy. Still having terrible problems. Hormones stopped my period. But I still would get these attacks. Refusal to look for endometriosis lack of listening. Only time I got somewhere was transitioning and that was pulling teeth.
Forward to feeling comfortable in my skin, I liked when strangers found me like a cute girl though. I was like I am a femboy, I just rock my looks. Also I was in a LDR relationship 4 years. Before my bottom surgery we broke up.
After my surgery, I was told I had ovarian cancer. That while I choose to have a full oorpho they felt it was so beyond logic to leave it. They would would've removed it. That basically one side as basically rotting away, in 3-4 years I would've been likely dead cause it was spreading. My periods every other month, it seemed it was cause one side stopped working all together at 15. Approx. There was so much torsion around some eggs that got stuck. Like a tootsie roll.
That no one listened to me, or even tried to help. That if I didn't transition, I would've died. Afterwards, I felt like I missed this life I could've had. That I feel such a lonely life. I'm afraid saying I'm he, but have to say no I'm ftm not to scare others, then I'm too much a girl for gay men, but too much of guy for the straight, and I think bi men are more of a unicorn stereotype. Plus I'm in school to be a teacher, no idea how hiring a transguy is going to go. Even though I'm in the Bay Area, of CA
I wonder, did my body went into survival mode. Convincing myself, yes you are a man. If you're not trust me you're going to die. Now it's been a year, and I haven't felt anything about being a guy. I feel fem, as if it was a protection from everything. I felt good in my transition because my body was killing me less? That associating the physical to the pathologic.
I'm just confused, because now being a guy isn't protecting or healing something. I feel like I'm back before I started puberty a super girly girl. Like over and over, am I not trans? Just autopiloted my life and those around me into getting the surgery I needed with no other options. I really lived as a guy for 9 years. But I'm terrified to tell anyone because last thing is giving right wings more fuel in detransition prop. Where I can express to my other friends, I think I lied to myself and others about being trans- just in the need for survival like some animals do. I am only convinced now that I pretended to be trans to get healthcare- and i am just harming the community?
So right now, I'm back in the closet cause I don't want- I'm not strong enough. I've been introducing myself as female to new people.
No I'm not gender fluid/NB that I know. I don't think this is really venting, but more of falling apart. My friends and family, my basic info is all changed. But all I think about is, if I was given the surgery before I discovered what trans was, at 15. Would I ever of transitioned?
submitted by Dwilson1967 to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:18 Artistic-Note4880 AITA for how I responded to my mom leaving?

I, 15M, haven't lived with my mom in over two years. My dad, 48M, and my mom, 40F, broke up when I was around 11 yrs old, there are a lot of reasons for their separation, my mom felt she wasn't able to live her twenties properly because she was stuck raising me and my siblings and her sisters got it in her head that we were holding her back from her "fun" lifestyle, my dad was working all the time and they were having issues leading up to the break up. (they were never married btw).
Anyways, because the separation was so messy and the things that my mom did during it, my siblings and I did not feel safe with her, so we all decided to live with my dad. Shortly thereafter my mom kicked us out of the house we grew up in and we were essentially homeless for almost month while my dad was looking for a house we could live in and this was during quarantine or before it, I'm not really sure as my memories foggy during that time.
Luckily my dad was able to find a house and we've been staying here ever since, it's only about 40 minutes away from where we used to live and where my mom lives. The aftermath of the breakup was very stressful and impacted my family a lot. I will refer to my mother as Vivian (not her real name) from this point forward. Eventually I cut off all contact I had with her, and I told my dad that until she apologized to me and my siblings for what she's done, I would not speak to her at all. It really didn't change much considering she never reached out anyways.
Now onto the problem. Vivian sometimes likes to show up at our house, despite me and my siblings protests my dad still invites her over just so she could prove to her parents that she's a "good mom" even though she doesn't talk to me and my older brothers (she only speaks to my little sister) and hasn't paid an ounce of child support considering she's had multiple well-paying jobs since and is a nurse now. During all of these visits Vivian and my dad would fight in some way because of her addiction (I forgot to add that she's been addicted to drugs and alcohol ever since we left, but since her new job as a nurse I'm not sure if she's been sober or not) and leave on worse terms than before.
During one of these times which was the last time and why I'm coming on here, my dad and Vivian started yelling at each other and I was afraid it would get violent (it has gotten before, Vivian was the one getting physical) so I brought my little sister to my room and comforted her before going back out the kitchen where they were and recording just in case the cops were called, while she was packing up and leaving I yelled at her to never come back, which she retorted "yeah I won't". After she left, I went back into my room to comfort my, at this point, crying baby sister. I was honestly very upset myself and felt like crying but my sister needed me, and I had to be strong for her. After cooling down I sent a long text to my grandma (Vivians's mom) and detailed what happened so Vivian couldn't twist it into a sob story. I don't think she got the message and, just a theory, I'm pretty sure Vivian blocked me from her mom's phone. May not be true but it's something she would do. Anyway after, Vivian sent a barrage of messages to my dad stating how "disrespectful" I was to her even though she disrespected us in our own home by being high and drunk.
I don't think I was the jerk in this situation, but I want to hear other people's perspective. I apologize if my writing seems messy and I will answer any questions if needed. Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by Artistic-Note4880 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:18 EnergonSnowcat With Into The Pit on the horizon; what other fnaf literature would you like to see be adapted into a game?

So I'm pretty excited for the Into The Pit game that is coming out soon! Since it seems to be based off the Fazbear Frights short story of the same name; that got me thinking about what other Fnaf book materials would make good games. Then I thought; why not ask other fans. It would be cool to see your guys's ideas for what they could turn into a game. I'll start. Here's my top 3 picks of fnaf stories that I'd like to see be adapted into games; and how I think they would work:
  1. The Stitchwraith Saga: although there are many wacky and unappealing aspects of the Fazbear Frights short story book series; there are also many awesome stories featured throughout the collections; and the overarching story is one that I feel should definitely be considered among the greats. A game adapting the story of the stichwraith would kick ass and make for some interesting gameplay elements. Imagine playing as the Stichwraith using your electric powers to investigate a mystery. Or even playing as Detective Larson going through the evidence and seeing the different shenanigans the stichwraith gets into would be interesting. Also the Agony Monster that William became is an intriguing concept that I want to see fully explored.
  2. The Novel Trilogy: although it wouldn't be able to fit into the normal fnaf continuity without some elements of tweaking; I’d actually love to see a full on adaptation of the Silver Eyes trilogy. That game in itself would be interesting enough. It would be a fantastic opportunity to improve upon the story based free roam that seems to be the main focus of Fnaf games following security breach. Also Charlie is such an interesting protagonist and I'd love to see her comments and observations as you progress in the game.
Dittophobia: now this one was pretty divisive among the fnaf community. Some people loved it while others hated it. Personally; putting all that aside; I just enjoy the story for how creepy it is; and how true to the spirit of Fnaf it is. This story would make for an ultimate narrative based Fnaf game. Seeing the Nightmares and Funtimes in tandem; two of the scariest animatronic groups in the whole franchise; together in one place would provide for quite the fearful romp. Rory's story is also so tragic that it feels natural for a game of some sort to expand upon it and even deviate from where the main story ended. I believe this would be the ultimate outcome in terms of which books they choose to adapt in the future. Thank you for listening to my ted talk and leave your ideas and suggestions for which stories you'd like to see adapted into a game in the comments!
submitted by EnergonSnowcat to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:16 ThePhoenixus My entire life is unravelling in real time.

I don't even know how to fucking start.
I guess I'll start by prefacing I've been in a relationship of 8 years. We started growing distant romantically after the pandemic.
See, I spent my early 20's travelling and having unique experiences. I ended up with a girl who had never left her corner of the world and who had just ended a relationship with her high school sweetheart. We got a place together and made things work.
Cue two years ago, things started souring in our relationship. She turned 30 and realized her entire adult life was just relationships. She got an opportunity through some mutual friends to travel and work and live a nomadic lifestyle.
I was initially opposed to it but I came around to it on the basis that we had become entirely too codependent on each other, and we agreed that we'd separate for a while, she'd still continue to pay rent and support our 3 cats while I stay home and focus on my career which is honestly going pretty well and then come October, we'd revisit the discussion.
I was honestly looking forwards to it. I know I had honestly become too complacent and let myself go. I had a whole plan for the summer. The first 3 weeks she was gone things were going incredible. I was in the gym again, cooking healthy, and just generally doing normal adult shit that I neglected prior.
Cue up the absolute fucking bullshit of the past month.
At the start of May, I had an awful tooth infection that sidelined me for a whole week. My whole face was swollen up, I missed 3 days of work while treating that and I still have an appointment to get the tooth pulled in a couple weeks which is going to cost me.
We have 3 cats and one of them has a really bad allergic reaction to fleas. We take preventative measures but this time of year, with one of our 3 cats being uncontrollably outdoors, they got fleas again so I had to take her to the vet to get medicated again. Another few hundred dollar setback.
Two weeks ago I dropped my phone on the worst surface possible, gravel, and shattered the phone screen. There goes another $500 fixing that seeing as how I'm a fucking idiot and opted out of insurance because I'm normally pretty good at keeping my shit intact. There go the consequences of my actions biting me in the fucking ass.
My car battery has been dying for the past couple of weeks and I've had it on life support via a charger, but it finally fully crapped out on me and no longer carried a charge enough to start the car. There goes another $200 on a car battery.
And then today, we just got a letter from our leasing company. We initially rented our house on a year long lease and have been month-to-month for the past 7 years. They've decided to terminate our lease (Probably related to the fact that they've converted several of their properties to AirBnBs over the past couple years). They initially gave us 30 days, but after a little bit of begging I negotiated that to 60 days.
I've absolutely depleted what little savings I had over the past month. Now I have to find somewhere to live. My partner is across the country and our relationship status is still up in the air. We have 3 cats together that I'm now looking at surrendering.
The only part of my life that's going well is my professional life as I'm doing very well at work and becoming a valuable part of the company I work for but that is now suffering due to all of the other shit going on and the fact I've had to call out multiple times in the past few months.
After an awful childhood and young adult years, I thought I had finally made it. Things were going well. Now once again, I sit here, everything falling apart around me. I don't know what to fucking do. I"m getting too old for this shit. I'm so fucking tired. I just want to fucking be happy and exist and that just can't seem to happen. I'm fucking done dude. I'm over this fucking scam that we call living.
submitted by ThePhoenixus to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:15 isisius [Meta] Should people be required to link articles instead of screenshot them?

So this is one of the many subs I subscribe to across the spectrum of political opinions, but it's the only one I know of that seems to use so many screenshots of articles instead of links to the article.
Is that not something that concerns people? I could write up a word document saying Dutton was found in a dress at a ladies drink free night at the local pub, and screen shot that and put it on here.
I also don't really believe that "people can just Google it to verify it" is a good enough defence. How many people bother to even click on the link and have a cursory glance of the article? Well you can divide that by 50 and you will get the number of people who will bother to Google to check a source.
And the other reason why I think this is a problem is that of the people that bother checking a source, they only tend to do that with sources that conflict with their world view. So even if you have some people bothering to something check that the articles even exist, or what site published it, they are only going to do that for things this sub disagrees with.
I've seen a lot of people with contempt here for "people who get brainwashed by the right wing main stream media", an opinion I agree with. But if this sub is only verifying stuff it doesn't agree with, how is this sub any different from being just another echo chamber that is easy to promote misinformation in.
If the concern is some articles are paywalled, every other sub has already solved that problem, just make a rule that to post a link you must also copy and paste the article contents in the comments.
Im happy to be told I'm wrong and that no one shares my concerns, I just don't like the idea of this sub turning into Labor version of that old "The Donald" sub where it's people just spewing and sharing misinformation to get everyone riled up. And I fear that's what will happen if the current method of posting articles is kept.
submitted by isisius to friendlyjordies [link] [comments]