March arts and crafts kindergarten ideas

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2009.07.15 15:06 Welcome to the Shop!

A subreddit dedicated to the ancient art of blacksmithing. Show off your latest creations or get advice on a problem. This subreddit is temporarily private as part of a joint protest to Reddit's recent API changes, which breaks third-party apps and moderation tools, effectively forcing users to use the official Reddit app. In the mean time, please join the community on Discord at

2013.08.22 20:57 darrelljon William Morris

William Morris (24 March 1834 – 3 October 1896) was an English textile designer, artist, writer, and libertarian socialist associated with the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and English Arts and Crafts Movement.

2011.07.10 20:29 l0stb0t bookbinding: the art and science of elegant hardcopy

A place for bookbinders and their craft. We are open to discussions, sharing of ideas and techniques, general binding chatter and more!

2024.05.23 12:07 Glittering-Cat6847 I'm on my phone at work bored out of my mind so probably formatting and grammar is off but oh well. I'm between a couple of types. Won't say which in order not to influence your opinions.

I don't know who I am. I don't think I ever truly did but I realized that the reason why is because I keep shifting, changing. I never like the same stuff. I don't want to be what I wanted to be a few months ago and probably I won't want or like what I know do in a few months. That's why it's not easy for me to answer questions about myself. Besides I hate labels. Once they put one on you you become that and it's so hard to get rid of it. I guess people just love categorizing stuff and putting them in boxes to make sense of the world. And the irony in all this is that MBTI is exactly that. So why am I here? Probably because I am sad and my confidence is dropping again and I want some sort of comfort and recognition or a group to belong in. Anyways here are my answers. I'll be brief.
• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
In my late 20s. Female. Not much to say in terms of a description. I'm kinda quiet. I often view myself through the eyes of others because I am not fixed but the opinion of others usually is. It used to anger me but now I try to understand why they view me in the way they do because at the end of the day the way people see you tells more about them than you.
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
I might be on the spectrum. I declined an assessment so I will never know for sure
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
Pretty normal I guess. I don't know.
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
I work at an office currently and I write as a side job. I hope I can make it my main job soon or at least before I loose my interest in it. I used to want to be many things though (and tried unsuccessfully to become) like researcher, analyst and programmer.
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
Ok I guess? I am always spending the weekends alone so it won't be that different.
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
I like reading and writing. I used to program. Sometimes I play videogames or watch movies and tv shows. I always learn something. These days it's Japanese. Before it was Ethics and philosophy.
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
Depends on the day and topic. I definitely have more ideas than I can execute. I start many things but I don't finish them. My curiosities are mostly about life or ideas/sciences/ language etc. Rarely on tangible things (like how PCs work for example). Sometimes about people.
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
No. I only do it if nobody else steps in. I'm not very efficient or organized so I am not that good.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity? Definitely not. I can't even drive properly and I often trip. I don't work with my hands.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
I guess I kinda am. I write a lot. Sometimes I take photos. I appreciate all forms of art. Cinema, music, literature, paintings, photography.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
I don't think about the past. Only when I get down and I start ruminating especially about past failures. I can't say I live in the moment either. My mind is always somewhere else. I like to create future scenarios in my head or plans but I don't think most are realistic. It's like I wait for the future but I don't know how to get there.
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
I'm reluctant and I don't like it. But I will help them out.
• Do you need logical consistency in your life? Not really. I don't think so. If anything I love exploring stuff that make no sense. Or reading absurdist stuff.
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
Not at all. I think they limit creativity and passion.
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
Probably no. Then again maybe? I act sweet and innocent sometimes to get what I want.
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
I have many but I never stick with them much. Some constants are reading and learning stuff.
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
I prefer learning on my own. I watch videos or read guides and then I find fun activities to practice what I learned. I don't like more structured environments and I hate tests. I guess logic and creativity.
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
I can do it if I try but it doesn't come out naturally. I don't improvise though. It's like I make a loose plan.
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally? No idea. I guess make writing my full time job. Or you know, the end of the world would be nice I guess haha
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
Failure and things remaining as they are now. I hate many things. Pretentiousness, labels, preconceived notions, judging people based on empty things like job titles, overconsumption of ideas and content that ends up making everything shallow
• What do the "highs" in your life look like? Confident, future plans, happy, I try new stuff and increased drive
• What do the "lows" in your life look like? Low confidence, I feel like nothing I do matters, unseen I remain exactly at the same spot
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
Not at all. I'm constantly in my head daydreaming or thinking about things.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
Usually I start thinking something like a short story for example and what it means and then I will follow this train of thought without knowing where it will take me. I guess I would do the same.
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
I don't know to be honest. I ask others opinions but at the end of the day it's my own opinion that counts. Sometimes it feel kinda random. I lay pros and cons but I think deep down I try to make them match with what I have already decided. I change my mind often.
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
A lot of time and effort. I don't want to feel actually.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
Yes sometimes. Especially if I understand that they are not willing to actually discuss or get to the truth but instead they just want to be right and orate
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
If I want to and I know I won't get caught yes I do. Authority should always be challenged.
submitted by Glittering-Cat6847 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:06 Internal-Poetry-2265 Almost a year down the drain

I(16F) met this guy (16M) around July in a game. We kept talking and calling for a while, and we eventually started exchanging I love yous to each other. Around august to september, he matched profile pictures with a girl he knows in person. He said it was just a bet, I brushed it off at the time, who am I to say I’m uncomfortable with it, we didn’t even have a proper label at the time. I confronted him about it eventually, he stopped matching with her. Around october, I checked the girl’s story and found a pocture of then matching, and then a story of a dark figure of her getting kissed on the forehead by some guy. I confronted him about it, he said that he was matching with her because his friend group had this matching thing for school. And that the other story wasn’t him. I bloody believed him. Again and again it happened. I should’ve gotten the hint, but I wanted it so badly to be not true. I wanted to believe that he really did have feelings for me. He even expressed first how he wanted to visit me. We’re still in high school, I said it was gonna be hard, but he seemed so determined. We talked about what we would do if we were together in my country, we talked about it for so many days, whether it would be in call or just through texts. We even made this whole plan of how to convince my parents. Thank god I never told my parents about him at all.
Fast forward to the start of this week, I was getting fed up because we hadn’t called for 3 months, and he’s been texting me less and less. He said it was just school, and that after school ends, he’d come back and be more active again. I believed him. Turns out, he already had a girlfriend. That girl he matched profile pictures with from the start. There were so many signs, I was so blind. So stupid. How I found out? I had this feeling to check the girl’s profile and noticed she had a new highlight. And there it was, stories of them eating out, prom pictures, this tike I could see that it really was him.
I feel so betrayed. He seemed so genuine. Why would he do this to me? Why would he drag this for so long. He spent so many nights staying up til 6 to talk to me. He spent so much time talking to me. He sent me so many paragraphs whenever I was upset. Again and again he said he wasn’t gonna give up, no matter how many times I ran away, he said that he’d always be there.
There was a time around december where it all felt so overwhelming and I did something stupid and tried to od while I was talking to him. I didn’t explicitly tell him what I was gonna do, but the way I spoke, how I was tired of everything, how I wanted to give up, obviously he’d have some idea. I did it and left him on delivered for a night. I woke up the next day, disappointed that I did wake up, but I felt so guilty. I never did it again. I never made him go through that pain and worry. I’ll admit, it’s on me, that was wrong of me for stressing him out like that.
Around January and especially February, things were amazing, almost perfect, too perfect. We became more vulnerable with each other, we called more and more, slept in call more and more, everything was amazing. But around march and then on, he became distant. It was around that time where the girlfriend was visiting his house more. Obviously they did things.
And also, the girlfriend didn’t know at all, he basically played us both. Me and the girl had our suspicions about each other, but both of us were being gaslit by this guy. Apparently he was nicer to me. Apparently we had a “better relationship.” But I find it hard to believe when I’ve seen so many photos with them together (most of them didn’t include his face that’s why I was uncertain at the time). The photos looked so intimate, the guy putting his hand on her thigh, their faces so close together.
I’m so shattered. I know I’m just in high school. I know this was a stupid idea to begin with. But I really liked him. And he made me think he really liked me too.
I told the gf as soon as I found out. I spammed him with all the evidence and cussed him out. The only thing he said was “i’m sorry” the only reason he said that was because the gf told him to. I left him on delivered. The gf sent me their exchange throughout the whole thing. He said that he only texted me because he didn’t want my death in his hands, when I tried going no contact with him so that he could focus on his school more and for me to find myself again, HE WAS THE ONE WHO BROKE IT. He said he stopped calling me 3 months ago because he was tired of it.
I’m so hurt. Sorry this got so long. I just feel so shattered. I found out they got back together. I never got an explanation. What am I supposed to do? It isn’t fair. He was so adamant that I be faithful to him, and I was, til the very end, but then he does this behind my back.
What do I do? I really don’t know anymore.
submitted by Internal-Poetry-2265 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:05 Salty_Welcome_3803 Discover Luxurious Living: 4 BHK Apartments in Mysore by Prithvi Infrastructure

Mysore, known for its rich cultural heritage and serene environment, is now emerging as a sought-after residential destination. Among the various housing options, the 4 BHK Apartments in Mysore stand out for their spacious layouts and premium amenities. Leading the charge in this segment is Prithvi InfrastructureMysore, known for its rich cultural heritage and serene environment, is now emerging as a sought-after residential destination. Among the various housing options, the 4 BHK Apartments in Mysore stand out for their spacious layouts and premium amenities. Leading the charge in this segment is Prithvi Infrastructure, a name synonymous with quality and innovation in real estate development.
Why Choose 4 BHK Apartments in Mysore?
4 BHK Apartments in Mysore offer the perfect blend of luxury and comfort, catering to the needs of modern families who desire ample space and high-end features. These apartments are designed to provide a lavish lifestyle with well-planned interiors, ensuring that every member of the family has their own private space. The growing demand for these apartments is a testament to the city’s evolving real estate landscape.
Prithvi Infrastructure: A Trusted Name
Prithvi Infrastructure has carved a niche for itself by delivering exceptional residential projects that meet the highest standards of quality and design. Their portfolio includes a range of housing options, from Premium Villas in Mysore to Premium Apartments in Mysore, catering to diverse customer needs. Their 4 BHK Apartments in Mysore are a reflection of their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.
Features of Premium 4 BHK Apartments in Mysore
Prithvi Infrastructure’s Premium 4 BHK Apartments in Mysore are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and luxurious amenities. Each apartment is meticulously designed to offer spacious living areas, modern kitchens, stylish bathrooms, and expansive balconies that provide stunning views of the city’s landscape. These apartments are crafted to provide a perfect balance of elegance and functionality.
Community and Lifestyle
Living in one of Prithvi Infrastructure’s Premium 4 BHK Apartments in Mysore means being part of a vibrant community. The residential complexes feature a host of amenities such as swimming pools, fitness centers, landscaped gardens, and children’s play areas, ensuring that residents have access to everything they need for a comfortable and enjoyable lifestyle. The sense of community and the availability of premium amenities make these apartments a desirable choice for families.
Other Housing Options by Prithvi Infrastructure
In addition to 4 BHK apartments, Prithvi Infrastructure offers a variety of other premium housing options. Their Premium 2 BHK Apartments in Mysore and Premium 3 BHK Apartments in Mysore are designed with the same attention to detail and commitment to quality. These apartments cater to smaller families or individuals who seek a luxurious living environment without compromising on space or amenities.
Prithvi Infrastructure’s 4 BHK Apartments in Mysore epitomize luxurious living with their exquisite design, premium amenities, and strategic locations. For those seeking a high-quality lifestyle in one of India’s most serene cities, these apartments are an ideal choice. Whether you are looking for a spacious family home or a premium apartment, Prithvi Infrastructure offers a range of options to meet your needs. Explore the luxurious living spaces crafted by Prithvi Infrastructure and experience the best that Mysore has to offer.

More information:

Address- Prithvi Heights, 2nd Floor, L-349, L-350, Ashoka Road, Opposite Clock Tower, Lashkar Mohalla, Mysore-570001 Karnataka, India.

Call Us - +91 88802 00100, +91 76762 00100, +91 821 4523001 / 02
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, a name synonymous with quality and innovation in real estate development.
Why Choose 4 BHK Apartments in Mysore?
submitted by Salty_Welcome_3803 to u/Salty_Welcome_3803 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:03 ffcaraccessories Quality Car Accessories in Chennai FF Car Accessories

Quality Car Accessories in Chennai FF Car Accessories
Transforming your driving experience begins with upgrading your car's interior and exterior with quality car accessories in Chennai. FF Vehicle Accessories stands as your go-to destination for premium car enhancements. Discover how our quality car accessories can elevate both the comfort and style of your vehicle.
Ff car Accessories - Chennai
Quality Car Accessories
At FF Vehicle Accessories, we pride ourselves on offering a wide array of premium car accessories designed to enhance both the functionality and aesthetics of your vehicle. Our products are crafted from high-quality materials, ensuring durability and a perfect fit.
Car Seat Covers
Our car seat covers are crafted using state-of-the-art imported machines, guaranteeing a seamless fit and superior finish. Made from high-quality materials, these covers offer:
UV Resistance: Protects the fabric from fading and sun damage.
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With a variety of designs and patterns, our seat covers strike the perfect balance between comfort and style, providing cost-effective luxury.
Car Audio Speakers
Upgrade your in-car entertainment with our high-quality car audio speakers. Designed for crystal clear sound and powerful performance, these speakers enhance your driving experience with premium audio quality.
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Enjoy your favorite tunes on the go with our advanced car music players. Featuring the latest technology and user-friendly interfaces, our music players provide a seamless and enjoyable listening experience.
Sound & Lights
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Protect your vehicle from everyday wear and tear with our durable protective guards. Designed to safeguard your car's exterior, these guards provide an extra layer of defense against scratches, dents, and other damages.
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Contact FF Car Accessories
For the best car seat covers and a wide range of high-quality car accessories in Chennai, visit FF Vehicle Accessories. Our products are designed to enhance your driving experience by combining luxury, durability, and style. Contact us today to transform your vehicle with our premium accessories.
Contact details:
Address: 11, Woods Rd, off Mount Road, near Fab India, Express Estate, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600002
Mobile: 098404 09010
Direction: Google Maps
submitted by ffcaraccessories to u/ffcaraccessories [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:02 RiSkeAkagAy Oh look! More redesigns!

I'll start off by saying that I rarely draw animals. I know little to nothing about birds. I tried my best with Lucent's bird form (and it's a lot better than the first design I made years ago), but it's not great, I know, please don't be harsh :')
Anyway! Time for an introduction! 1. Sakura, the beautiful and fashionable plant monster, who makes her own clothing out of hand-grown plants! She's nourishing herself and her clothes with some nice, fresh, cold water. What do you mean humans don't shower in their clothes? Those need washing too, right? (She lived 88 years of her life in a forest, and even now that she lives with the family, she has no idea what a washing machine is)
  1. Lucent, the fabulous and mighty phoenix! This drawing in particular was inspired by Mustii's performance and song for ESC 2024. It's also what made me decide to change Lucent's nationality from French to Belgian (from Wallonia, to be specific). He looks mighty and strong, and works hard for his muscles, but in reality he's a big softie and he's very feminine, no one knows why he keeps training for a masculine look. Everyone agrees he looks good tho.
  2. Lucent in his bird form. That's it. That's the explanation. /j. He uses his bird form to get around real fast. Before he moved in with the OC family, he lived in a forest in a high-up tree house. To protect himself from the hunters at least a little, he gave it no ladder, so he just flies up to the tree house to get in. The humans would love to have him as a hunting trophy, and they nearly got him one time, but that's when two members of the family found him with the hunters, so they fought them off and took Lucent home to take care of him. He's a big guy as a bird, a little over 3 meters with a wingspan of over 6 meters, but as a person he's short. He's only around 1,68 meter.
  3. Celeste, the gloomy, shy ghost of a fairy, who tries her best to be happy and give herself a second chance, but she just struggles with herself sometimes. She's looking at a bouquet that represents her favourite people in her life, who give her the strength to keep trying. Her children Cedar and Pervinca, and her partner Cherry! She loves them so much and they all truly make her happy, but when she thinks about them too much, she gets sad again because she thinks she doesn't deserve them. She absolutely does, though. She's one of the sweetest, most patient characters of mine!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the art! And people who draw birds, please feel free to give me advice🙏🙏
submitted by RiSkeAkagAy to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 12:00 Salt_Swimmer_6786 Turning Torchbearer into a gourmet experience (AKA: Dungeon Meshi mod)

Hi guys! I've been binge-watching this Netflix show called " Dungeon Meshi / Delicious in Dungeon", and I'm obsessed. The show follows a typical adventurer party that is traveling trough an extremely dangerous dungeon to rescue the sister of the protagonist. Poor as church rats as they are, they are "forced" to eat the monster inside the dungeon to survive, turning the challenging experience into a culinary one.
The show is very funny and entertaining, but also it focuses on the knowledge of the ecosystem and biology of the dungeon as a central part of the experience, and all the culinary ideas are not only related to the nutritious value of its denizens but also a gourmet one. It is very pleasant and surprising how tasty those plates look! Thinking of eating a Mushroom man risotto, it's kind of fascinating.
As you can imagine, I drooled thinking about how can we adapt that concept to Torchbearer as it is the only game that I know that heavily relates to the narrative and mechanical aspects of camping (recovering, cooking, attending to hunger). Here are some ideas I have to mod the game into Dungeon Meshi:
-Creating a cookbook with the help of a real one, changing the names of ingredients for dungeon creatures. This will be the base to adapt dungeons with creatures based on real animals, or crafting creative adaptations, like the animated armor episode.
-Creating/adapting important gourmet ingredients as loot that you can logically find in the dungeon, like cheese, butter, onions, garlic, and aromatic herbs.
-Creating additional condition recovery properties to elaborated dishes that can replace healing rolls or giving +1D/fresh condition for some turns.
-Of course, guidelines BIG's to fit into the Dungeon Meshi philosophy, like B: "Any non-bipedal enemy can be turned into food", I: When an enemy is down, always look its body for ingredients, G: Crafting the perfect manticore stew.
I would love to hear if the people who watched the show shared my feelings, and also any additional ideas would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Salt_Swimmer_6786 to Torchbearer [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:59 LLenhardt Wraped wood veneers : Needleboard/nailboard or safe non permanent spray glue

Wraped wood veneers : Needleboard/nailboard or safe non permanent spray glue
Dear laser enthusiasts,
I do some marquetry art and I usually work with 5mm veneered plywood (birch in the middle and noble/colored woods on the outside) but I recently found a supplier that can provide cheap 0.8mm veneered ROLLS. I'm obviously interested though the "roll" part is a problem : I need to keep the sheets flat while laser cutting, and because I am cutting a lot of pieces with no intended loss, I need all of this veneer to be kept perfectly flat while laser cutting.
If i only clamp or tape the sides, the first piece to be cut will bend and risk messing the whole thing. I also cut too many pieces, too small pieces to cover everything with weights/magnets. Damping wrapped wood to flatten it is messy and I need a repeatable solution.
I have two ideas that I'd like your opinion on :
Non permanent spray-glue :
Using a sacrificial flat board, I could spray the whole thing with a safe, non permanent glue that would hold the veneer in place while laser cutting. I could then take out the pieces and glue them for real to their definite backboard. Have you heard of any non permanent glue that would be safe for laser cutting?
  1. Needboard/Nailboard
I could equip a flat board with an array of very small nails (or better off, needles) the tips of which would come out ~0.5mm, and I would unroll my sheet on these. Anyone tried this before? A textured board might also work.
One last idea would be to attach tiny shopping cart wheels to the laser head, pressing down against the wood all around the cut, but I'm not taking this seriously.
I attach an example of my work so you can get an idea of the pieces (40*50cm)
submitted by LLenhardt to lasercutting [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:58 KRMangalamuni Design Your Future: Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts at KR Mangalam University

Design Your Future: Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts at KR Mangalam University
Art has always been a profound expression of human creativity and emotion. For those passionate about harnessing their artistic talents and shaping them into a successful career, pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts can be a transformative journey. At KR Mangalam University, this journey is not just about acquiring a degree; it's about nurturing creativity, honing skills, and preparing for a dynamic future in the world of art.
BFA admission 2024
Understanding the Importance of Fine Arts Education
Before delving into the specifics of the program at KR Mangalam University, it's essential to grasp why pursuing a degree in Fine Arts matters. Fine Arts education goes beyond just painting or sculpting; it encompasses a broad spectrum of disciplines, including visual arts, performing arts, and digital media. Through comprehensive coursework and practical training, students learn to communicate ideas, emotions, and perspectives creatively.
Overview of the Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts
The Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts at KR Mangalam University is designed to provide students with a holistic understanding of various art forms while allowing them to specialize in their areas of interest. The program combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience, ensuring that graduates are well-equipped to navigate the evolving landscape of the art industry.
Curriculum Highlights
The curriculum is structured to cover foundational principles as well as advanced techniques across different mediums. Courses may include:
  1. Drawing and Painting: Students develop fundamental skills in sketching, painting, and exploring different styles and techniques.
  2. Sculpture and Ceramics: This aspect of the program focuses on three-dimensional art forms, teaching students how to work with various materials and create sculptures that convey meaning and emotion.
  3. Art History: Understanding the historical and cultural context of art is crucial for any aspiring artist. Courses in art history provide students with insights into different artistic movements, styles, and influential artists throughout history.
  4. Digital Media and Design: In today's digital age, proficiency in digital media is indispensable for artists. Students learn to use software tools for graphic design, animation, and multimedia projects, expanding their creative possibilities.
  5. Portfolio Development: As students progress through the program, they work on building a professional portfolio that showcases their best work. This portfolio becomes instrumental when seeking employment opportunities or applying for further education.
Faculty and Facilities
At KR Mangalam University, students benefit from the guidance of experienced faculty members who are not only accomplished artists themselves but also passionate educators. The university's state-of-the-art facilities provide students with access to studios, workshops, and equipment needed to bring their artistic visions to life. Whether it's traditional art mediums or cutting-edge digital tools, students have everything they need to excel in their craft.
Opportunities for Growth and Exploration
One of the most exciting aspects of pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts is the opportunity for exploration and self-discovery. KR Mangalam University encourages students to experiment with different styles, mediums, and concepts, allowing them to find their unique artistic voice. Additionally, students have the chance to participate in exhibitions, workshops, and collaborative projects, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among peers.
Career Prospects
While some may perceive a degree in Fine Arts as limiting, the reality is quite the opposite. Graduates of KR Mangalam University's Fine Arts program are prepared for diverse career paths in the creative industry. Whether it's working as a freelance artist, joining a design firm, or pursuing further studies, the skills and knowledge acquired during the program open doors to numerous opportunities.
In conclusion, the Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts at KR Mangalam University offers a comprehensive and enriching educational experience for aspiring artists. Through a combination of rigorous coursework, hands-on training, and exposure to real-world opportunities, students emerge not only as skilled practitioners but also as creative thinkers and innovators. If you have a passion for art and a desire to turn your creative vision into reality, consider embarking on this transformative journey at KR Mangalam University.
submitted by KRMangalamuni to u/KRMangalamuni [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:57 dutch_uni How are university college degrees perceived in the Netherlands? Also some questions about University College Maastricht

I've been accepted to University College Maastricht and wanted some feedback to learn if it's a good idea. For background, I'm 22 and I studied something else in my home country for 2 years but ended up dropping out so I can't afford to make many more mistakes - if I start something new I'll have to finish it.
Are University College degrees looked good upon when applying to jobs in Dutch/European companies? I have thought about getting a master after graduating but there is no guarantee for this so I want to know if this Bachelor's degree on it's own is going to be sufficient for me to find good employment. On one side, they are regarded as honours programmes and are deemed competitive to get into so therefore must give you good opportunities, but at the same time there is the traditional saying that a Liberal Arts degree is useless and won't get you a good job because it's too broad and unspecialized(even though I've seen that you can concentrate on business/sciences/marketing on most of them) So where does the truth lie? Or is it kind of in the middle?
Also, a few questions about the Uni college itself. Does the lack of housing make it harder to socialize and have a consistent friend circle? Will I feel lonely living in a random housing in Maastricht? Also, how is the environment? I'm basically a straight white guy, nothing special about me, will I fit in or have culture shocks from the city/uni/UCM itself?
I know that it's very hard to transfer courses at dutch unis and shouldn't count on it, but is it even remotely possible that UCM considers my courses already taken(I was at another liberal arts uni beforehand) and I get to graduate quicker than 3 years? This is also a factor in my decision, because I'm not 18/19/20 and feel kind of pressured to graduate uni at least soon.
Any advice/insight is appreciated🤞
submitted by dutch_uni to StudyInTheNetherlands [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:55 Accomplished-Race961 Book Illustration Styles and Techniques

Book Illustration Styles and Techniques
Book Illustration Styles and Techniques
The craft of book illustration transforms words into vibrant images that enthral readers of all ages and gives stories life. The craft of book illustration is essential to storytelling, from humorous pictures seen in children’s books to intricate graphics found in fantasy novels. However, what precisely distinguishes a distinctive illustration style, and how can illustrators select the methods that work best for their projects? Now let’s explore the exciting realm of book illustrating styles and methods.

Historical Overview of Book Illustration

Early Beginnings

Book illustrations have its roots in ancient cultures, when visual storytelling played a central role in the presentation of culture. Early manuscripts from Egypt, Greece, and Rome frequently included carefully drawn, hand-illustrated images to go along with the text.
Mediaeval illuminated manuscripts, especially those written by monks, had elaborate patterns and vivid hues that brought religious and literary works to life. These early images laid the groundwork for book illustration’s development as an art form and a tool for communication. They were not only ornamental; they also improved comprehension and engagement.

Evolution through the Ages

The art and technology of each era have been reflected in the extraordinary evolution of book illustration across time. Illustrators have continuously pushed the frontiers of their profession, as shown in the exquisite hand-drawn illuminations of mediaeval manuscripts and the meticulous woodcuts of the Renaissance.
The printing press, which was developed in the fifteenth century, transformed the book industry and increased accessibility to images. The introduction of lithography and then photomechanical reproduction in the 19th century greatly changed the field and made it possible for more accurate and diverse forms of artistic expression.
With the advent of digital technology, illustrators can now create and share their work with never-before-seen ease and originality.

Modern Day Illustrations

Modern illustrations are a whole different genre now that digital innovation and traditional artistry are combined thanks to technological breakthroughs. Illustrators can now use a wider variety of styles and approaches since they have access to advanced software and tools.
Richer, more detailed visual storytelling is now possible because of this progress, which has democratized the creative process. Contemporary book illustrations are created to appeal to a wide range of readers and genres, from photo realistic depictions to whimsical, abstract designs, all of which improve the reading experience.
These developments also make it easier to distribute and preserve illustrations, which guarantees the survival of artistic expression in the digital era.

Types of Book Illustration Styles

In book design, realistic illustration aims to create lifelike representations that reflect the accuracy and detail of the real world. In areas where authenticity is crucial, such historical fiction, biographies, and educational literature, this approach is frequently used.
Artists create illustrations that are nearly photographic in quality by using precise techniques to depict textures, dimensions, and light effects.
A vibrant, immersive experience that can vividly and authentically bring historical events or scientific concepts to life is what realistic artwork does to help readers engage profoundly with the information. The story is improved by this attention to detail, which makes it more interesting and relevant.

Abstract Illustration

Abstract illustration embraces shapes, colours, and forms to communicate ideas, concepts, and emotions while eschewing the limitations of realism. This aesthetic feeds on its capacity to arouse readers’ interest and awe, which frequently results in them interpreting the artwork in their own special and personal ways.
Abstract pictures work especially well in poetry, fantasy, and avant-garde literature genres where the visual depiction of ideas can amplify and enrich the creative possibilities of the story. Abstract pictures elicit a deeper, more contemplative response from readers by emphasising the content of the text rather than its details....Continue reading
submitted by Accomplished-Race961 to u/Accomplished-Race961 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:55 CP4-Throwaway My span for the transition between the Modern 1960's & Classic 1970's (Part I: Winter 1969 to Fall 1970)

This post is long overdue as I just kept procrastinating to do this for the longest, but finally, it's here.
The start is kind of tricky to figure out but the end is very easy. The start is most likely going to be with Richard Nixon's inauguration on January 20, 1969 and the end will be the Paris Peace Accords on January 27, 1973. I know early-mid 1969 does kind of seem like a stretch to include the transition (although some are even willing to start the 1970s in 1968, so maybe not a stretch after all), unlike late 1969-1972/early 1973ish, as that period still screamed "60s" in many ways with Woodstock, the Moon Landing, and such, but I think even that period had enough "70s" things to exclude it out of the "core '60s" territory, especially by the time you hit the summer of '69.
I know most will disagree with the timespan but this is just my opinion. This is gonna be much longer so this will probably be done in two or three parts, one again.
Let's begin.

The inauguration of Richard Nixon - January 20, 1969

After the chaotic year that was 1968, with the incumbent president Lyndon B. Johnson not running for a second time, Richard Nixon had narrowly defeated Hubert Humphrey, the incumbent vice president, in the presidential election. Nixon became the first non-incumbent vice president to be inaugurated as president, something that would not happen again until Joe Biden in 2021. I'd say this is appropriate to begin the transition into the tumultuous decade that was the 1970s.

Sly and the Family Stone's 'Stand' album releases - April 1969

In the spring of '69, soul/funk band Sly and the Family Stone released their fourth album Stand. Written and produced by lead singer and multi-instrumentalist Sly Stone, Stand! is considered an artistic high-point of the band's career. Released by Epic Records, just before the group's celebrated performance at the Woodstock festival, it became the band's most commercially successful album to date. This album was another sign of the 70s era that was beginning to emerge with its soul and funk rock sound.

Lew Alcindor becomes the #1 pick for the NBA Draft - April 7, 1969

The 1969 NBA draft was the 23rd annual draft of the National Basketball Association (NBA). The draft was held on April 7 and May 7, 1969, before the 1969–70 season. The first overall draft pick this year would be none other than Lew Alcindor (or later, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, as we all know him as) from UCLA for the Milwaukee Bucks organization. This would be the changing of the guard for the National Basketball Association as the veteran Boston Celtics dynasty were about to come to an end while a new dynasty has officially been born.

The Boston Celtics win the 1969 NBA Championship - May 5, 1969

After defeating the highly-favored Los Angeles Lakers team of Elgin Baylor, Wilt Chamberlain, and Jerry West, the aging Bill Russell-led Boston Celtics team win the 1969 NBA World Championship Series to end off the 1968-1969 NBA season, acquiring win their 11th championship as an organization. This was a significant Finals series as this marked the end of the Bill Russell Celtics dynasty that began in 1956. This would be their final championship as a team as Russell would retire shortly after this playoff series.

Star Trek ends with the "Turnabout Intruder" episode - June 3, 1969

"Turnabout Intruder" is the twenty-fourth and final episode of the third season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek. Written by Arthur H. Singer (based on a story by Gene Roddenberry) and directed by Herb Wallerstein, it was first broadcast on June 3, 1969. In the episode, a woman switches bodies with Captain Kirk and then tries to take over command of the Enterprise. This was the last original episode of Star Trek to air on NBC.
"Turnabout Intruder" not only marked the final appearance of all main and supporting cast members of the show but also the last appearance of regular background actors David L. Ross (Lieutenant Galloway), William Blackburn (Lieutenant Hadley and DeForest Kelley's stand-in), and Roger Holloway (Lieutenant Lemli and James Doohan's stand-in). The episode drew Nielsen ratings of only 8.8, in contrast to rival shows Lancer on CBS and The Mod Squad on ABC, which gained ratings of 14.7 and 15.2 respectively, a drop of over fifty percent since the show premiered. Cultural theorist Cassandra Amesley states that this episode is "agreed to be one of the worst Star Trek episodes ever shown" by Star Trek fans.
The original Star Trek series ending would be another shedding off of 60s culture.

Brian Jones dies - July 3, 1969

Rolling Stones star Brian Jones passes away at the age of 27 in the summer of 1969 after reportedly drowning in his swimming pool. Long story short, a lot of theories would surface surrounding his death years later saying that he was killed. And more importantly, this would be the beginning of the "27 Club" deaths that would occur with 60s musical acts between 1969 and 1971.

The Apollo 11 spaceflight to the moon - July 20, 1969

Apollo 11 (July 16–24, 1969) was the American spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. Commander Neil Armstrong and Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on July 20, 1969, at 20:17 UTC, and Armstrong became the first person to step onto the Moon's surface six hours and 39 minutes later, on July 21 at 02:56 UTC. Aldrin joined him 19 minutes later, and they spent about two and a quarter hours together exploring the site they had named Tranquility Base upon landing.
Humans walking on the Moon and returning safely to Earth accomplished Kennedy's goal set eight years earlier. In Mission Control during the Apollo 11 landing, Kennedy's speech flashed on the screen, followed by the words "TASK ACCOMPLISHED, July 1969". The success of Apollo 11 demonstrated the United States' technological superiority; and with the success of Apollo 11, America had won the Space Race.

The Manson Family murders - August 8 to 10, 1969

The Tate–LaBianca murders were a series of murders perpetrated by members of the Manson Family during August 9–10, 1969, in Los Angeles, California, United States, under the direction of Tex Watson and Charles Manson. The perpetrators killed five people on the night of August 8–9: pregnant actress Sharon Tate and her companions Jay Sebring, Abigail Folger, and Wojciech Frykowski, along with Steven Parent. The following evening, the Family also murdered supermarket executive Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary, at their home in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles.
On the night of August 8–9, four members of the Manson Family – Watson, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Linda Kasabian – drove from Spahn Ranch to 10050 Cielo Drive in Benedict Canyon, the home of Sharon Tate and her husband, film director Roman Polanski. The group murdered Tate (who was 8½ months pregnant), and guests Jay Sebring, a celebrity hairdresser; Abigail Folger, heiress to Folgers Coffee; her boyfriend Wojciech Frykowski, an aspiring screenwriter; and Steven Parent, an 18-year-old visiting the guest house caretaker. Roman Polanski was not home as he was working on a film in Europe. Manson was a cult leader and aspiring musician who had tried to get a contract with record producer Terry Melcher, who had previously rented the house.
The following night, those four people, in addition to Manson, Leslie Van Houten and Steve "Clem" Grogan, committed two more murders. Manson had allegedly said he would "show them how to do it". Linda Kasabian drove the group to 3301 Waverly Drive. Manson left with Atkins, Grogan, and Kasabian in the car and told the others to hitchhike back to the ranch. Watson, Krenwinkel, and Van Houten killed the couple in the early morning hours of August 10.
The Tate–LaBianca murders "profoundly shook America's perception of itself" and "effectively sounded the death knell of '60s counterculture". Additionally, the ritualistic nature of the murders laid a foundation for the rise of the Satanic panic.

The Woodstock festival - August 15 to 18, 1969

Woodstock Music and Art Fair, commonly referred to as Woodstock, was a music festival held from August 15 to 18, 1969, on Max Yasgur's dairy farm in Bethel, New York, 40 miles (65 km) southwest of the town of Woodstock. Billed as "an Aquarian Exposition: 3 Days of Peace & Music" and alternatively referred to as the Woodstock Rock Festival, it attracted more than 460,000 attendees. Thirty-two acts performed outdoors despite overcast and sporadic rain. It was one of the largest music festivals in history and became synonymous with the counterculture of the 1960s.
The festival has become widely regarded as a pivotal moment in popular music history, as well as a defining event for the Silent and Baby Boomer generations. The event's significance was reinforced by a 1970 documentary film, an accompanying soundtrack album, and a song written by Joni Mitchell that became a major hit for both Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young and Matthews Southern Comfort.

Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! premieres on CBS - September 13, 1969

Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! is an American animated comedy television series created by Joe Ruby and Ken Spears and produced by Hanna-Barbera for CBS. The series premiered as part of the network's Saturday morning cartoon schedule on September 13, 1969, and aired for two seasons until October 31, 1970. Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! is the first incarnation of a long-running media franchise primarily consisting of animated series, several films, and related merchandise. This show played a huge impact on Generation X "70s kid" culture.

The Brady Bunch premieres on ABC - September 26, 1969

The Brady Bunch was a new series that premiered on ABC for the 1969-70 fall season. It starts with the episode "The Honeymoon", which gives this description on Fandom:
"Michael Brady, an architect and widower with three sons (Greg, Peter and Bobby) marries Carol Ann Martin, a mother with three daughters (Marcia, Jan and Cindy). Mike and Carol have a chaotic backyard wedding, in which the boys' dog, Tiger, chases the girls' cat, Fluffy. Mike and Carol admonish their children, yelling at them to go catch their pets. The newlywed couple goes on a honeymoon later that day, while the children sit at home thinking that their parents hate them. While on their honeymoon, Mike and Carol realize that they were too hard on their children, and they decide to bring them along on the honeymoon. They also bring along Alice (the housekeeper), Tiger and Fluffy."
This show would give another huge sign to 70s culture as a whole.

Sesame Street debuts - November 10, 1969

In the fall of 1969, “Sesame Street,” a pioneering TV show that would teach generations of young children the alphabet and how to count, makes its broadcast debut. “Sesame Street,” with its memorable theme song (“Can you tell me how to get/How to get to Sesame Street”), went on to become the most widely viewed children’s program in the world. It has aired in more than 120 countries.
The show was the brainchild of Joan Ganz Cooney, a former documentary producer for public television. Cooney’s goal was to create programming for preschoolers that was both entertaining and educational. She also wanted to use TV as a way to help underprivileged 3- to 5- year-olds prepare for kindergarten. “Sesame Street” was set in a fictional New York neighborhood and included ethnically diverse characters and positive social messages.
Taking a cue from “Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In,” a popular 1960s variety show, “Sesame Street” was built around short, often funny segments featuring puppets, animation and live actors. This format was hugely successful, although over the years some critics have blamed the show and its use of brief segments for shrinking children’s attention spans.
From the show’s inception, one of its most-loved aspects has been a family of puppets known as Muppets. Joan Ganz Cooney hired puppeteer Jim Henson (1936-1990) to create a cast of characters that became Sesame Street institutions, including Bert and Ernie, Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch, Grover and Big Bird.

The 'David Bowie' album releases - November 14, 1969

Originally released in the UK, David Bowie's self-titled album would be his second studio album released, which would be titled under the genres of folk rock and psychedelic rock. Space rock was another genre that this album experimented with due to its only released single "Space Oddity", which came out in July 1969 to capitalize on the Apollo 11 Moon landing, received critical praise, and was used by the BBC as background music during its coverage of the event. That song is considered to be one of the most musically complex songs he had written up to that point, it represented a change from the music hall-influenced sound of his debut to a sound akin to psychedelic folk and inspired by the Bee Gees.
David Bowie has received mixed reviews in later decades, with many finding a lack of cohesiveness. Bowie himself later stated that it lacked musical direction. Debate continues as to whether it should stand as Bowie's first "proper" album.

The Altamont Free Concert takes place - December 6, 1969

The Altamont Speedway Free Festival was a counterculture rock concert in the United States, held on Saturday, December 6, 1969, at the Altamont Speedway outside of Tracy, California. Approximately 300,000 attended the concert, with some anticipating that it would be a "Woodstock West". The Woodstock festival had taken place in Bethel, New York, in mid-August, almost four months earlier.
The event is remembered for its use of Hells Angels as security and its significant violence, including the stabbing death of Meredith Hunter and three accidental deaths: two from a hit-and-run car accident, and one from a drowning incident in an irrigation canal. Scores were injured, numerous cars were stolen (and subsequently abandoned), and there was extensive property damage.
The concert featured performances (in order of appearance) by Santana, Jefferson Airplane, the Flying Burrito Brothers, and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (CSNY), with the Rolling Stones taking the stage as the final act. The Grateful Dead were also scheduled to perform after CSNY, but shortly before their scheduled appearance, they chose not to due to the increasing violence at the venue. "That's the way things went at Altamont—so badly that the Grateful Dead, the prime organizers and movers of the festival, didn't even get to play," wrote staff at Rolling Stone magazine in a detailed narrative on the event, terming it, in an additional follow-up piece, "rock and roll's all-time worst day, December 6th, a day when everything went perfectly wrong."
Many people would mark this event to be the end of the cultural 60s.

The 'Diana Ross Presents The Jackson 5' album releases - December 12, 1969

Diana Ross Presents The Jackson 5 is the debut studio album from Gary, Indiana-based soul family band the Jackson 5, released on the Motown label on December 12, 1969. The Jackson 5's lead singer, a preadolescent Michael Jackson and his four older brothers Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, and Marlon, became pop successes within months of this album's release. Diana Ross Presents The Jackson 5's only single, "I Want You Back", became a number-one hit on the US Billboard Hot 100 within weeks of the album's release. The album reached number 5 on the US Pop Albums chart, and spent nine weeks at No. 1 on the US R&B/Black Albums charts. To date, the Jackson 5's debut album has sold estimated 5 million copies worldwide.
If none of the events that described previously had transitioned us into the 70s to any of you, then this certainly did.

MAS*H releases in theaters - January 25, 1970

M*A*S*H (stylized on-screen as MASH) is a 1970 American dark war comedy film directed by Robert Altman and written by Ring Lardner Jr., based on Richard Hooker's 1968 novel MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors. The picture is the only theatrically released feature film in the M*A*S*H franchise.
The film depicts a unit of medical personnel stationed at a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) during the Korean War. It stars Donald Sutherland, Tom Skerritt, and Elliott Gould, with Sally Kellerman, Robert Duvall, René Auberjonois, Gary Burghoff, Roger Bowen, Michael Murphy, and in his film debut, professional football player Fred Williamson. Although the Korean War is the film's storyline setting, the subtext is the Vietnam War – a current event at the time the film was made. Doonesbury creator Garry Trudeau, who saw the film in college, said M*A*S*H was "perfect for the times, the cacophony of American culture was brilliantly reproduced onscreen".
M*A*S*H became one of the biggest films of the early 1970s for 20th Century-Fox and is now considered one of the greatest films ever made and also won the Grand Prix du Festival International du Film, later named the Palme d'Or, at the 1970 Cannes Film Festival.
This film was a another huge sign of 70s culture as it inspired the television series M*A*S*H, which ran from 1972 to 1983. Gary Burghoff, who played Radar O'Reilly, was the only actor playing a major character who appeared in both the movie and the TV series. Altman despised the TV series, calling it "the antithesis of what we were trying to do" with the movie.

Paul McCartney announces his break from the Beatles - April 10, 1970

On April 10, 1970, when promoting the release of his forthcoming solo album, Paul McCartney announces that he is taking a break from the Beatles, the legendary rock band he had been a part of for a decade. It wasn't that much of a surprise. The Beatles spent the better part of three years breaking up in the late 1960s—and even longer than that hashing out who did what and why. By the spring of 1970, there was little more than a tangled set of business relationships keeping the group together. Each of the Beatles was pursuing his musical interests outside of the band, and there were no plans in place to record together as a group. But as far as the public knew, this was just a temporary state of affairs. No one had yet gone on the record with a definitive break-up statement. Paul, for his part, hedged his bets.
By year’s end, Paul would file suit to dissolve the Beatles’ business partnership, a formal process that would eventually make official the unofficial breakup he announced on this day in 1970.

The Kent State Massacre - May 4, 1970

In the spring of 1970, members of the Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd of Kent State University demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine Kent State students. The impact of the shootings was dramatic. The event triggered a nationwide student strike that forced hundreds of colleges and universities to close. H. R. Haldeman, a top aide to President Richard Nixon, suggests the shootings had a direct impact on national politics.
In The Ends of Power, Haldeman (1978) states that the shootings at Kent State began the slide into Watergate, eventually destroying the Nixon administration. Beyond the direct effects of the May 4, the shootings have certainly come to symbolize the deep political and social divisions that so sharply divided the country during the Vietnam War era.

Jimi Hendrix passes away - September 18, 1970

On September 18, 1970, American musician Jimi Hendrix died in London at the age of 27. One of the 1960s' most influential guitarists, he was described by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as "arguably the greatest instrumentalist in the history of rock music."
Hendrix's death was reportedly due to him aspirating on his own vomit, later dying of asphyxia, while intoxicated with barbiturates. At the inquest, the coroner, finding no evidence of suicide, and lacking sufficient evidence of the circumstances, recorded an open verdict. Dannemann stated that Hendrix had taken nine of her prescribed Vesparax sleeping tablets, 18 times the recommended dosage.
Jimi Hendrix's death was another huge blow to 60s culture and he would be another number added to the new "27 Club" list of celebrities that would continue with none other than.....

Janis Joplin passes away - October 4, 1970

On Sunday evening, October 4, 1970, Joplin was found dead on the floor of her room at the Landmark Motor Hotel by her road manager and close friend John Byrne Cooke. Alcohol was present in the room. Newspapers reported that no other drugs or paraphernalia were present.
According to a 1983 book authored by Joseph DiMona and Los Angeles County coroner Thomas Noguchi, evidence of narcotics was removed from the scene by a friend of Joplin and later put back after the person realized that an autopsy was going to reveal that narcotics were in her system. The book adds that prior to Joplin's death, Noguchi had investigated other fatal drug overdoses in Los Angeles where friends believed they were doing favors for decedents by removing evidence of narcotics, then they "thought things over" and returned to put back the evidence.
Noguchi performed an autopsy on Joplin and determined the cause of death to be a heroin overdose, possibly compounded by alcohol.
Joplin's death, just like Hendrix's, was a huge blow to the more optimistic culture of the 1960s, and the 27 Club list of celebrity deaths are continuing.

Other events that also had an impact that happened around this time period (give/take) that I could not fit on this list:

And this will conclude the first part of this transition. Stay tuned for the second part to this.
I hope you enjoyed it and I would appreciate it if you would comment on these.
submitted by CP4-Throwaway to decadeology [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:50 fffffplayer1 Obligatory Graduation Analysis (Suzuka Utako)

Okay, so by this point people might know me as the graduation guy due to all the posts I've made trying to analyse how graduations work (though I doubt people actually pay enough attention to usernames to notice that it's the same person).
So, with the new graduation announced, here's a short analysis post to see if we can glean any info from it.
In my last post when Bonnivier's graduation was announced, I said that the flood gates of graduations might have started to open again and wondered if we'd see more in the near future. Today's announcement does seem to point towards that direction (a graduation in May and then another in June brings us back to our old monthly schedule). However, we should still exercise some doubt about it. As always people will say:
"What if she just waited her contract out?"
Which is always a reasonable question. It's much harder to try to gauge that for such old livers, though. To demonstrate that, we'll compare to Chihiro's case, who debuted just one month (and a generation) prior to Suzuka, but graduated 5 months earlier than her (January 2024).
Suzuka debuted on March of 2018 and she is graduating on June of 2024, roughly 6 years later. This more or less translates to 3 contract terms (assumed 2-year terms), but it has 4-5 months extra. On the other hand, Chihiro debuted on February 2018 and graduated on January 2024. Immediately, one can see Chihiro's graduations lines up very well with when she debuted (the 1-month difference is not much since she might have signed 1 month prior to debut or Nijisanji could have been fine about releasing 1 month early, not much of a difference at that point).
If we assume that the extensions of Nijisanji's second generation of contracts always followed the first generation of contracts by 1 month, then Suzuka could not be graduating through contract expiration. However, this is a very heavy assumption that's not necessarily true. Members as old as Suzuka have presumably extended their contract at least twice. This also gives them the chance to have re-negotiated their contract at least twice. As such they may have either asked for a term of a different length (for instance Suzuka could have extended her contract for only 3-4 months after February/March, rather than the default 2 years) or they may have asked for additional benefits, like being able to resign at any point.
All things considered, I see 3 main options for what is going on here:
  1. Suzuka's contract expired now, due to her having previously extended it in non-2-year spans.
  2. Suzuka asked for a graduation at some point earlier than this, but Nijisanji vetoed it until now.
  3. Suzuka had the power to graduate earlier (either through expiration or otherwise), but Nijisanji convinced her not to do so yet, through negotiation.
The problem I see with 1. is that it seems a little coincidental (in Nijsanji's convenience) that Suzuka would have extended her contract in just the right way to avoid graduating at Nijisanji's darkest time (and also coincidentally lining up very close to Bonnivier's graduation, which also happened to avoid that time period). If anyone happens to know whether she had any big projects happening around this time period, though, this might lend more credence to the idea it was her own choice to extend the contract until now.
  1. seems to imply that she extended her contract back in February/March, but then changed her mind about it later. Which would certainly be strange. If she did that, it wouldn't surprise me if Nijisanji said no and it would almost be more surprising that it eventually (and so quickly) said yes. But it seems unlikely that this was the case at all.
  2. has another small problem in that if Suzuka wanted to graduate on February and the Selen Shock was the reason Nijisanji changed policy, they wouldn't have had time to negotiate with her otherwise, since she would have asked to graduate 3 months prior. However, the idea that the livers' good will is what causes a lot of these graduations to get delayed rather than Nijisanji forcing them is certainly one parameter that should not be forgotten, especially in the case of Japanese livers. After all, after 6 years what's a few more months of waiting? At worst, Nijisanji allows you to just wait it out by not streaming at all and doing other things with your life in the meantime.
Overall, I don't think I have an option that I like best. All 3 of my speculations seem to have something off about them. And usually things tend to be more complicated behind the scenes than we realise anyway. If there's something to take away here it's that while the specific version of the truth might vary, it seems highly likely that some sort of manipulation from Nijisanji is going on around the timing of graduations (even if it's not as bad as some speculation would have it).
To leave things off, putting the analytical mindset aside for a moment, no matter the circumstances of her graduation, I hope Suzuka is well and that her future continues to be bright for her.
submitted by fffffplayer1 to kurosanji [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:50 youspiritually More on Fusion

We of J would like to continue our energy series by lending more ideas to achieving fusion physically.
We of J humbly believe humans are approaching the idea of fusion incorrectly. Fusion on Earth is done by harnessing random magnetic energy. The electron follows the random magnetic energy in a vacuum and entangles with the magnetic resonance when it goes very close to it, this would be the quantum field - the empty space. Withinside the quantum field is a field of all probabilities coming true and in this environment, mental and imaginary power is king.
By connecting a copper wire to this ongoing process which can be empowered (made greater) by human thought alone, electricity may be generated by human thoughts rather than chemical energy.
For those with a smart brain but perhaps nothing noteworthy you've found to spend it on, we advise testing our idea to see if it is possible with your technology as a home hobby.
This object is universal in our lands and powers our version of your video games. It can be small enough to carry around in what you call a handbag, it can also be used to craft smaller universes.
Again, by thinking into an electron within a magnetic field, the electron aligns with the magnetic energy and entangles into time/space, as time/space flows into space/time and vise-versa, energy is released.
Our race a long, long time ago mastered vacuum sealing technology and were heavily invested into magnetic technology by our masters, we humbly accepted mathematics training and learned of electricity and figured out how to combine these principles together in the correct way.
After the results stabilized, we realized that thinking upon this buzzing electron increased the energy it produced - we saw that our thoughts were truly one with the universe and were coming from a realm smaller than the twisting and vortexing space in the middle.
If you have any questions about our approach to fusion, please ask - however, this instrument is rather horrible at math, therefore we believe such mathematical questions should be left to figuring out whether our idea is possible at all with your technological competence.
submitted by youspiritually to youspiritually [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:50 Sudden-Hoe-2578 Scientific Miracles debunked

(I already postet this on exmuslim, this is a repost)
I'm really bored so I'm gonna debunk these "scientifical miracles" in the Quran :3
Table of contents:
  1. Big Bang
  2. Life from water
  3. Moon refllecting light
  4. Iron from heaven
  5. Embryology
  6. Meeting of seas
  7. Sun moving in an orbit
  8. Pain receptors
  9. Ants
  10. Spiders house
  11. Heaven smoke
  12. Everything in pairs
  13. Seven atmospheres
  14. Chest-tightening in hypoxic environments
  15. Mountains have roots
  16. Pure rain
  17. All animals live in communities
  18. Expansion of the universe
  19. BIG BANG
"Do the disbelievers not realize that the heavens and earth were ˹once˺ one mass then We split them apart?" (Quran 21:30)
According to Muslims, this verse tells us about the Big Bang and because of that, is an evidence for Islam being the true religion.
But the problem is: It is stolen. This saying that "the earth and the sky were once together and than seperated" are found in many religions. As an example, the egyptian mythologie. The egyptian mythologie tells us about the sky and earth being together a block and than being seperated. Another example is the summerian mythologie, which says basically the exact same thing the Quran says. Earth and sky were together, than seperated.
And if you paid attention, you will notice that both of these mythologies (egyptian and summerian) were also located in the middle east. And both of these mythologies were older than Islam. Who can add up 1+1 should now see that Momo just stole from other mythologies around him and put them in Islam.
  1. LIFE FROM WATER In the same verse as above, it goes on and says: "And We created from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?" (Quran 21:30)
This Verse, according to muslims, says that life oroginated from water. Now, this verse doesn't really say that life originated from water but rather says that we are created from water... Whatever I guess
Thales, an ancient greek scientist, already knew that. No big suprise. Momo just did his thing, he stole it and put it in his own religion.
"...placing the moon within them as a ˹reflected˺ light, and the sun as a ˹radiant˺ lamp?" (Quran 71:16)
Now, I take these verses from and whenever something is in these ˹˺ things, I'm suspicious because the words under them isn't really in the arabic original text, so I'm not sure if these verse really says "reflected" in the original text. But I'm just gonna pretend like it says that but I also heard some people saying that ot doesn't say that so... Idk ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Now, even if the text does say that the moon just reflects light and not produces its own light, this still wouldn't be a big thing. Because again, ancient greek men got our back. Like Anaxagoras, he speculated that the moon reflects light.
"And We sent down iron..." (Quran 57:25)
Now, if you don't know, iron wasn't on earth always but rather came trough Supernovas (explosion of stars). Now, 'hOw cOuLd a dEseRt mAN 1400 yEarS aGo kNoW tHaT??'. Like the other "miracles", people already knew that. But not in the way we do now. Basically, civilisations like the ancient egyptians, already knew that iron came from heaven through metorites. Like I'm not joking, the literal name for iron in ancient egypt was "metal of heaven".... Great miracle Momo, really, I'm impressed
"...then We developed the drop into a clinging clot, then developed the clot into a lump ˹of flesh˺, then developed the lump into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, then We brought it into being as a new creation." (Quran 23:14)
Now, this verse is allegedly a miracle because it is a good description of how babays are formed. Only problem, again, it is stolen. The original description comes from Gallen, again an ancient greek scientist. It's nearly the exact same thing as he said. And it also includes the mistakes Gallen make: 'clothed the bones with flesh' means that there are bones and the flesh comes afterwards, which is false.
"And He it is Who has joined the two seas: one sweet and palatable and the other saltish and bitter; and He has set a barrier and an insurmountable obstruction between the two that keeps them apart." (Quran 25:53)
This verse shows that salt and fresh water in don't mix. Well, I've got some problems with that:
How you probably already expect, it was already known. As an example, Aistotle knew that fresh and salt water don't mix. Momo just took it. But the other problem is, that it's false. Well, if you look at salt and fresh water, they may seem like they don't mix. But they do mix. But Aristotle didn't know that and I guess Allah just knows as much as Aristotle knew.
"And He is the One Who created the day and the night, the sun and the moon—each travelling in an orbit." (Quran 21:33)
This verse allegedly shows that the sun is in a orbit and moves, which is actually true. For those who didn't know, the sun doesn't stay in one place but moves trough space.
Now, if you read the verse and think rationally, you'll see what is really meant. From the perspectiv of Momo, it seemed like the sun orbits around earth. And that's what he wrote. You can see that because of the referemce with night and day.
"Whenever their skin is burnt completely, We will replace it so they will ˹constantly˺ taste the punishment." (Quran 4:56)
According to muslims, this verse shows that the quran knew pain receptors existed and that they are in our skin... I don't think I have to debunk this? I mean, you could have asked a caveman "because of which body part we feel pain" and he would have showed the skin. Not because he knew about pain receptors. It was just what people thought
  1. ANTS
"And when they came across a valley of ants, an ant warned, “O ants! Go quickly into your homes so Solomon and his armies do not crush you, unknowingly.” (Quran 27:18)
"This verse is a miracle because it shows us that Momo knew that ants could communicate."
I'm really starting to think that Momo was a big fan of ancient greek men, esspecially Aristotle. Because, again, Aristotle already said before Momo even existed, that ants could communicate.
But besides that, this verse doesn't even make sense, it has some errors:
  1. Ants can't speak, they can communicate trough chemical smells
  2. Ants can communicate with eachother, but not like this. Never. Trough these chemical smells, they might give a warning signal, to indicate that everyone should go back to the nest, but they could never say something like it is shown in the verse.
"The parable of those who take protectors other than Allah is that of a spider spinning a shelter. And the flimsiest of all shelters is certainly that of a spider, if only they knew." (Quran 29:41)
Yeah, muslims say that this verse knew that the spiders house is the weakest house of all. Sometimes I really think if muslims are serious when they say something like this. Ask a 5 year old child "what animal has the weakest home" and he would guess the spiders home.
Also, just a side fact, spidersilk is stronger than steel. If you would take 1 pound of steel and 1 pount of spidersilk, the silk would be stronger.
"Then He turned towards the heaven when it was ˹still like˺ smoke..." (Quran 41:11)
At the begining of the universe, there was a "gas state". The universe had a lot of gas in it, which formed than stars and other things.
But first of all, the verse doesn't say gas, it says smoke. And now, some of you may think that this is just a small thing, but gas and smoke actually can be very different. Also, why didn't god just say gas? It would be than correct and us kafirs would have nothing to yap about.
Actually, there is a bigger problem with this verse, and this is the previous verse, i.e. the 10th. Because there, Momo- I mean Allah talks about the creation of mountains on earth. But this 'gas-state' of the universe I just mentioned already had finished long before earth even formed, let alone the mountains.
"Glory be to the One Who created all ˹things in˺ pairs—˹be it˺ what the earth produces, their genders, or what they do not know!" (Quran 36:36)
So, idk why this is a miracle. In some websites I take these miracles from, I see this a lot. So, everything is in pairs? I mean, I'm pretty sure the Mexican Whiptail Lizard doesn't have a male pair. These Lizards are just females and their reproduction also happens without the need of sperm. There are actually more animals which have no sexual conterpart. And also, if everything has a pair, what would be the pair of a phone be? A tablet? A television?
"It is Allâh Who has created seven heavens..." (Quran 65:12)
The Quran says that there are 7 heavens and some muslims like to claim that this 7 heavens concept actually represents the 7 atmospheres.
I said "some" muslims because this is a really dumb "miracle" and you wont hear it from someone who has a decent knowledge of Islam, but because I still hear it a lot from muslims, I wanted to include it in here.
You can debunk this verse with another Quran verse, which says that the stars are in the lowest heaven:
"And We adorned the lowest heaven with lamps ˹for beauty˺ and for protection." (Quran 41:12)
("lamps" means stars)
Planes fly at the lowest atnosphere so according to this verse, than planes actially fly next to the stars?
Bonus fact: the concept of 7 heavens is stolen from the summerian mythologie :3
"But whoever He wills to leave astray, He makes their chest tight and constricted as if they were climbing up into the sky."
Ypu probably know that if you climb a mountain or are generally in higher places, the oxygen gets less because the gravitational pull isn't as stong.
Basically, you breathe harder on higher places. And this verse "shows that 1400 years before, when no one knew it!!"
That's a lie, people knew that. Also, Momo and his people would also have experienced it themselves, because of the environment there.
Not to forget, it is also wrong. If you were climbing 'up into the sky' your chest doesn't gets tight. It just feels like that.
"...and made the mountains as pegs..." (Quran 78:7)
Mountains have "roots" which are under the earth. And according to muslims, the refference with 'pegs' seems to show that.
And tbh, I don't find a logical way to explain this. I- I think I'm gonna convert back to Islam! Now I understand that not my eyes, but that my heart was blind all along! ALLAH FORGIVE ME! "Aschhadu an la ilaha illa-lah wa-"
Aristotle enters chat
"I knew that" he said with his magnificent eyes and with his 6.5 feet tall body when he enetered the room. His smell immediately filled my head. His body, so attractiv like the sun for Icarus...
(I'm sorry, I only slept like 4 hours, my brain is playing dumb)
Jokes aside, Aristotle already proposed the idea of mountains having roots under the earth. So it was nothing new.
~Aristotle seemed satisfied with the truth out and he left the room. As he closed the door, he looked at me and gave me a little smirk... and he was gone... But I knew that he would come back... Eventually... In another time, another place, another "miracle", I would see him again...~
"And He is the One Who sends the winds ushering in His mercy, and We send down pure rain from the sky." (Quran 25:48)
When water steams from the ocean to the sky and joins into clouds, the bacteria, dust or any other thing gets left behind and it's only water. And the Quran says that the rain is pure. Boom, miracle.
Not really, ancient people already believed that the rain was clean. And I know that the verse means 'pure' and not 'clean'. But the word used for pure actually also translates to clean and by translating to 'clean', I'm actually doing Muslims something good:
Because rain isn't pure. "But you just said and even explained why rain is pure" Yeah, I did, but this was just about the becterias which were already in the water. Because while the clouds are on the sky and driven by the wind, they collect new things. Like bacteria, dust or any other impurity.
"All living beings roaming the earth and winged birds soaring in the sky are communities like yourselves."
The sources, where I find my scientific miracles, says: "Animals live in communities and have their own languages. This was known recently, however this was portrayed in the Quran 1400 years before it was discovered."
And if this islamic website says it, it gotta be true... I think I have to give up, Muslims won, bye atheism, hello Isla-
~With a sudden burst the door was open and he walked in... The one for whom I'd give my life, the one for whom I'd really sacrifice my son Isaak... "Hello again", his voice full of wisdom to advanced for his time... He said nothing, he just had a little smile on his face, that reminded the smile of an alone mother, getting to see her beloved child again after a hard day... He sat besides me, took a deep breath and started "The thought that animals live in communities comes from me. Of course not just from me. I'm sure many civilisations, many great people had that tought."
"Aris? Whither hast thou wandered? By the gods, reveal thyself! Ah, there thou art! What shadows have thou been chasing?" It was Plato, who was searching for his his student, but also his friend. Aristotle seemed rather angry about his appereance and I could see his expressions, telling him to go away. But Plato didn't seem to get it, he was more interested in the vynil.
"Lo, it hath been many moons since mine eyes have beheld such a sight. Behold, within its confines, a disc doth lie, a testament to times long past." He saw the disc in the vinyl, which skipped when I was listening. But I was too tired to care.
"Okay, Plato, I'm coming, could you just give us one more minute?" His eyes shined more anger than the sun light and warmth, so that even Plato understood he wasn't welcomed.
"Very well, very well! I'm going on my path!"
And with Aristotles pulling, he was let out the door. While Aristotle was again on hsi way to me, he also noticed the vinyl and the disc which skipped. He flipped it over... And sat a little closer... (Lovers Rock referece)
We talked some more, but because of Plato, he couldn't stay long, so he made his way. But before that... He pressed his lips to my cheek, and gave me a little kiss. From the point of his kiss, a warmth filled my body... And he was gone...
(If you really read all of that shit, I'm sorry. I'm currently writing this in school... With again, 3 hours of sleep👍, but this is the end of this... Weird shit) (I'm btw also a boy, so you just read a love story of gay Aristotle, yippie)
  1. Expansion of he universe
"We built the universe with ˹great˺ might, and We are certainly expanding ˹it˺." (Quran 51:47)
This is maybe the miracle you will hear the most. And to debunk it, simply use one of their own arguemnts: wrong translation/meaning
Because the meaning of this verse changed, this verse can mean 2 things:
  1. "We are certainly expanding it"
But also...
  1. "We are able to extend/expand it"
And if you look at the most reliable tasfirs, they talk about it as the 2. one. Old tasfirs always understood this verse as "we are able to expand" and not "we are expanding". Tasfirs like Ibn Kathir or Jalal (the 2 most reliable tasfirs I think) and many more tasfirs talk about it in this way. But newer tasfirs, which came out AFTER the discovery of the expansion of the universe suddenly understood it differently. I wonder why...
I'm done, this took me days to write, not because it was hard but because I wrote it in school during recess. And I actually enjoyed writing this very much, I also wanna start another project, where I either debunk "prophecies" in Islam OR show things that are just wrong (like scientifically, historically etc). Again, I'm sorry because of this Aristotle love story thing :3
Btw. If there are still some "scientific miracles" which you couldn't find here, you could write them as a comment, so that I or maybe someone else could debunk it ;)
submitted by Sudden-Hoe-2578 to CritiqueIslam [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:43 Farnam_ Eclipsed imagination - Neon Dreamer

Eclipsed imagination - Neon Dreamer
I was working on an art cover and had no idea what to do. Then I took a break and listened to Leaders. During my break, I got a spark of inspiration to use the characters from the same game that were used in LUV vs. The World album covers (Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game) and this is the result What do you guys think?
submitted by Farnam_ to fakealbumcovers [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:41 Sweet-Count2557 Best Italian Restaurants in Atlantic City Nj

Best Italian Restaurants in Atlantic City Nj
Best Italian Restaurants in Atlantic City Nj Welcome to our guide on the best Italian restaurants in Atlantic City, NJ! We'll take you on a mouthwatering journey through the vibrant Italian dining scene in this coastal city.From elegant fine dining to cozy neighborhood eateries, Atlantic City has it all. Indulge in exquisite cuisine with breathtaking views at Capriccio or savor classic Southern Italian-American dishes at Cafe 2825.Looking for something unique? Try Chef Volas, a family-style restaurant, or Carmines Italian Restaurant for authentic Tuscan-style cuisine.Join us as we explore the best Italian restaurants this city has to offer!Key TakeawaysCapriccio offers breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean and uses only the freshest, highest-quality Italian ingredients.Cafe 2825 is known for its cozy atmosphere and offers a wide selection of seafood, fish, veal, and steaks.Chef Volas is a James Beard Award winner and is praised for its Rib Veal on the Bone Parmigiana and legendary chilled Banana Cream Pie.Carmines Italian Restaurant Atlantic City has been serving authentic Italian cuisine for 20 years and is known for dishes like Porterhouse Pizzaiola and the Titanic dessert.Capriccio: Breathtaking Views and Exquisite CuisineWe must try the seafood zuppetta and cotoletta dagnello at Capriccio, which consistently receives high marks for its breathtaking views and exquisite cuisine. Situated in Atlantic City, Capriccio offers a dining experience that combines stunning scenery with the finest Italian ingredients.The restaurant boasts breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean, creating a serene and captivating atmosphere for diners. As you savor your meal, you can enjoy the mesmerizing sight of the waves crashing against the shore, providing a sense of tranquility and relaxation.Capriccio takes pride in using only the freshest, highest-quality Italian ingredients in their dishes. From succulent seafood to tender cuts of lamb, every bite is bursting with flavor and made with utmost care. The seafood zuppetta is a must-try, featuring a medley of fresh seafood cooked to perfection in a savory broth. And the cotoletta dagnello, a tender lamb cutlet, is sure to delight your taste buds with its rich and juicy flavors.For those seeking a dining experience that combines delicious cuisine with breathtaking views, Capriccio is the perfect choice. With its dedication to using fresh Italian ingredients and its picturesque location, this restaurant promises a memorable and satisfying meal.Cafe 2825: Cozy Neighborhood Eatery With Modern Italian-American DishesThere are a wide selection of modern Italian-American dishes to enjoy at Cafe 2825, a cozy neighborhood eatery. Here are three reasons why you should visit Cafe 2825 and indulge in their delicious offerings:Authentic and Innovative Flavors: Cafe 2825 offers a unique blend of traditional Italian recipes with a modern twist. From classic preparations of pasta to innovative seafood, fish, veal, and steak dishes, their menu is sure to satisfy all taste buds. Each dish is carefully crafted using only the freshest and highest-quality ingredients, ensuring a delightful culinary experience.Warm and Inviting Atmosphere: As a cozy neighborhood eatery, Cafe 2825 provides a comfortable and welcoming environment for diners. The intimate setting allows for a relaxed dining experience, perfect for enjoying a meal with loved ones. The attentive service adds to the overall ambiance, making you feel right at home.Extensive Wine Selection: To complement their delectable dishes, Cafe 2825 offers a wide selection of wines from Italy and California. Whether you prefer a bold red or a crisp white, their knowledgeable staff will assist you in finding the perfect pairing for your meal. Sip on a glass of wine and enhance your dining experience at this charming eatery.Chef Volas: Award-Winning Family-Style Restaurant in Downtown Atlantic CityChef Volas is an award-winning family-style restaurant in downtown Atlantic City, and their menu features delicious Italian dishes. At Chef Volas, you can enjoy a variety of signature dishes that have gained acclaim from both critics and celebrities. The restaurant has received the prestigious James Beard Award, solidifying its status as one of the best Italian restaurants in the area.One of Chef Volas' standout dishes is the Rib Veal on the Bone Parmigiana, which has earned high praise from Terence Winter, star of Boardwalk Empire. This mouthwatering dish is a true delight for meat lovers, with tender veal cooked to perfection and smothered in a rich, flavorful tomato sauce.Another culinary masterpiece at Chef Volas is their legendary chilled Banana Cream Pie. Loved by celebrities such as Jay Z, Beyoncé, and Frank Sinatra, this dessert is the perfect sweet ending to your meal. The creamy banana filling, topped with a light and fluffy whipped cream, is sure to leave you wanting more.To give you a taste of what Chef Volas has to offer, here is a table showcasing their signature dishes and the celebrity endorsements they have received:Signature DishCelebrity EndorsementRib Veal on the Bone ParmigianaTerence Winter, star of Boardwalk EmpireChilled Banana Cream PieJay Z, Beyoncé, Frank SinatraChef Volas not only offers delectable Italian cuisine but also provides a warm and inviting atmosphere for a memorable dining experience. So, if you're looking for an award-winning restaurant with celebrity endorsements, Chef Volas is the place to be.Carmines Italian Restaurant Atlantic City: Authentic Tuscan-Style Cuisine and Chic AmbianceCarmines Italian Restaurant Atlantic City offers an authentic Tuscan-style cuisine and a chic ambiance. The restaurant has been serving high-quality Italian dishes for 20 years, with favorites like minestrone, lentil soup, roasted garlic broccoli, and salads.The must-try dishes include the Porterhouse Pizzaiola and the Titanic dessert.Tuscan Vs. Southern ItalianWe can't decide whether we prefer the rich flavors of Tuscan cuisine or the bold and vibrant dishes of Southern Italy. Both culinary traditions have their own unique characteristics that make them equally enticing. Here's a closer look at the differences between Tuscan and Southern Italian cuisine:Ingredients:Tuscan cuisine is known for its simplicity and emphasis on high-quality ingredients. It often features ingredients like olive oil, beans, bread, and game meats. On the other hand, Southern Italian cuisine is characterized by its abundant use of tomatoes, garlic, pasta, and seafood.Flavors:Tuscan dishes tend to have a more subtle and delicate flavor profile, allowing the natural flavors of the ingredients to shine. Southern Italian cuisine, on the other hand, is known for its bold and spicy flavors, with dishes often featuring chili peppers and strong herbs.Regional Influences:Tuscan cuisine is heavily influenced by the region's agricultural traditions, with dishes reflecting the use of simple, locally grown ingredients. Southern Italian cuisine, on the other hand, showcases the region's proximity to the Mediterranean Sea, with an emphasis on seafood and coastal flavors.Whether you prefer the rustic simplicity of Tuscan cuisine or the fiery flavors of Southern Italy, both culinary traditions offer a delightful experience for food lovers.Atmosphere and Dining ExperienceThe dimly lit dining room and elegant decor of Carmines Italian Restaurant Atlantic City create an intimate atmosphere for a memorable dining experience. The cozy ambiance is perfect for a romantic evening or a gathering with friends and family.The restaurant serves authentic Italian cuisine, with a focus on Tuscan-style dishes. The menu features favorites like minestrone, lentil soup, roasted garlic broccoli, and salads. While the atmosphere at Carmines is undeniably charming, the food quality is equally impressive. The chefs use only the freshest ingredients to create delicious and flavorful dishes.The combination of the inviting atmosphere and the high-quality food makes Carmines a top choice for Italian dining in Atlantic City.Speaking of authentic Italian cuisine with a unique decor, let's explore Angelos Fairmount Tavern next.Angelos Fairmount Tavern: Authentic Italian Cuisine With a Unique DecorAngelos Fairmount Tavern offers a truly unique dining experience with its authentic Italian cuisine and one-of-a-kind decor. The restaurant's interior is filled with vintage photographs, antique furniture, and charming accents that create a warm and inviting atmosphere.The expertly prepared dishes, combined with the unique decor, make Angelos Fairmount Tavern a must-visit for those seeking an unforgettable Italian dining experience in Atlantic City.Unique Decor Enhances ExperienceOur experience at Angelos Fairmount Tavern was enhanced by the unique decor, which added a touch of elegance and charm to the authentic Italian cuisine.1) The warm, dim lighting created a cozy and intimate atmosphere, perfect for a romantic evening or a family outing.2) The walls adorned with vintage photographs and paintings transported us to Italy, immersing us in the rich culture and history of the country.3) The rustic wooden furniture and exposed brick walls added to the restaurant's old-world charm. From the moment we stepped inside, we felt like we were dining in a traditional Italian trattoria.The unique decor truly complemented the delicious food, creating a memorable dining experience. Speaking of the food, the expertly prepared authentic cuisine at Angelos Fairmount Tavern surpassed our expectations.Expertly Prepared Authentic CuisineWe were impressed by the depth of flavor and attention to detail in the expertly prepared authentic cuisine at Angelo's Fairmount Tavern.The restaurant showcases the best of Italian culinary traditions, with dishes that highlight the richness and complexity of Italian flavors.One of the standout features of Angelo's Fairmount Tavern is their commitment to sourcing local ingredients, ensuring the freshness and quality of their dishes. This not only supports local farmers and producers, but also guarantees the safety of the ingredients used.From their homemade pasta to their succulent meat dishes, every bite at Angelo's Fairmount Tavern is a celebration of Italian cuisine.The charming atmosphere adds to the overall experience, making it the perfect place for a romantic evening or a memorable family outing.Il Verdi: Fancy Restaurant Serving Meticulously Prepared Northern Italian SpecialtiesIl Verdi offers an exquisite culinary experience with their meticulously prepared Northern Italian specialties. Here are three reasons why dining at Il Verdi is a must-try experience:Wine Pairings: At Il Verdi, they take great pride in curating a wine list that perfectly complements their traditional Italian dishes. From bold reds to crisp whites, their knowledgeable staff will guide you in selecting the perfect wine to enhance your dining experience. Whether you prefer a full-bodied Barolo or a refreshing Pinot Grigio, you can trust that Il Verdi has the perfect pairing for your meal.Traditional Italian Dishes: Il Verdi stays true to its roots by offering a wide variety of traditional Italian dishes. From homemade pasta to succulent meat and fish dishes, each plate is prepared with the utmost care and attention to detail. Whether you're craving a classic Spaghetti Bolognese or a flavorful Osso Buco, Il Verdi will transport your taste buds to the heart of Italy.Safety: Il Verdi places the safety and well-being of their guests as a top priority. They adhere to strict hygiene and sanitation protocols to ensure a clean and safe dining environment. From regular sanitization of high-touch areas to regular health checks for their staff, Il Verdi goes above and beyond to provide a safe dining experience for their guests.Experience the art of Italian cuisine at Il Verdi and indulge in their wine pairings, traditional Italian dishes, and commitment to safety.Angelonis II Restaurant & Lounge: Family-Run Italian Restaurant With Classic FlavorsI can't wait to try the classic flavors and family-run atmosphere at Angelonis II Restaurant & Lounge. This Italian restaurant offers a genuine taste of Italy with its traditional methods and ingredients. Unlike chain restaurants, Angelonis II is a family-run establishment, which adds a personal touch to the dining experience.When it comes to Italian cuisine, there is often a debate between traditional and modern styles. Angelonis II leans towards the traditional side, focusing on classic Italian dishes with robust flavors. They pride themselves on serving authentic pasta, with their Tri-Color Ravioli being a must-try dish.To give you a better idea of the offerings at Angelonis II, here is a table showcasing their menu:AppetizersPastaEntreesBruschettaSpaghettiChicken ParmCaprese SaladLasagnaVeal MarsalaFried CalamariFettuccineEggplant ParmMozzarella SticksRavioliShrimp ScampiAs you can see, they have a variety of appetizers, pasta dishes, and entrees to choose from. Whether you prefer a traditional Italian meal or something more modern, Angelonis II has something for everyone.In terms of safety, it's reassuring to know that Angelonis II is a family-run establishment. They prioritize the well-being of their guests and take extra precautions to ensure a clean and sanitized environment. So, if you're in Atlantic City and craving authentic Italian cuisine, make sure to visit Angelonis II Restaurant & Lounge for a taste of classic flavors and a warm family-run atmosphere.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Signature Dishes at Capriccio?At Capriccio, the signature dishes include the Seafood Zuppetta and Cotoletta Dagnello. These delectable dishes showcase the freshest, highest-quality Italian ingredients.For vegetarian options, Cafe 2825 offers a wide selection of modern and classic pasta preparations. Their cozy neighborhood eatery provides a variety of seafood, fish, veal, and steak options.With their extensive wine selection from Italy and California, Cafe 2825 is the perfect choice for a delightful Italian dining experience.Does Cafe 2825 Offer Any Vegetarian or Vegan Options?At Cafe 2825, we offer a variety of vegetarian and vegan options, making it a top choice for Italian cuisine in Atlantic City. Our menu features modern and classic preparations of pasta, along with a wide selection of seafood, fish, veal, and steaks.Whether you're looking for a cozy neighborhood eatery or a place to enjoy a romantic evening, Cafe 2825 has you covered. With our extensive wine list and inviting atmosphere, we strive to provide a safe and enjoyable dining experience for all.What Other Awards Has Chef Volas Won Besides the James Beard Award?Chef Volas has received numerous awards throughout his career, in addition to the prestigious James Beard Award. His culinary expertise and talent have been recognized by various organizations in the industry.While the focus of our discussion is on the best Italian restaurants in Atlantic City, it's worth mentioning that Capriccio offers delicious signature dishes like Seafood Zuppetta and Cotoletta Dagnello.Cafe 2825 also caters to vegetarians with a variety of options. At Carmine's, they can accommodate large groups, and Angelo's Fairmount Tavern has a dress code for a more formal dining experience.Can Carmines Italian Restaurant Atlantic City Accommodate Large Groups or Private Events?Yes, Carmines Italian Restaurant Atlantic City can accommodate large groups and private events. They've private event spaces and group dining options available.The chic bar with comfortable seating provides a welcoming atmosphere for gatherings.With 20 years of success and a reputation for high-quality Tuscan-style Italian cuisine, Carmines is a reliable choice for hosting special occasions.Their menu offers favorites like minestrone, lentil soup, roasted garlic broccoli, and salads, ensuring a variety of options for all guests.Does Angelos Fairmount Tavern Have a Dress Code for Dining?Yes, Angelos Fairmount Tavern offers outdoor seating and live music.Guests can enjoy their meal in the open air while listening to live music performances.It's a great option for those who prefer dining outdoors and appreciate the ambiance of live music.Please note that availability may vary, so it's recommended to check with the restaurant beforehand.ConclusionIn conclusion, Atlantic City, NJ is a haven for Italian food enthusiasts with its vibrant and diverse dining scene.From breathtaking views at Capriccio to cozy neighborhood vibes at Cafe 2825, there's something for everyone.Whether you're in the mood for classic Southern Italian-American dishes or meticulously prepared Northern Italian specialties, the city offers a wide range of options to satisfy your cravings.So, come and indulge in the best Italian cuisine that Atlantic City has to offer.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:40 supernurse221 How to write a great research paper as a nursing student.

How to write a great research paper as a nursing student.
To write a stellar nursing research paper:
Start Strong:
  • Choose a relevant topic: Focus on an area you're passionate about within nursing.
  • Craft a focused research question: This guides your entire paper.
Dive Deep:
  • Thorough literature review: Explore existing research relevant to your topic.
  • Use credible sources: Rely on scholarly articles, journals, and reputable organizations.
Structure & Clarity:
  • Follow a logical structure: Introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion.
  • Write clearly and concisely: Use appropriate terminology while remaining easy to understand.
Support Your Claims:
  • Use evidence-based practice: Back up your arguments with research findings and statistics.
  • Properly cite your sources: Avoid plagiarism by using APA or your school's preferred style.
Don't forget to proofread!
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submitted by supernurse221 to nursingpapers [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:39 RevolutionaryBag4827 Sign Company Melbourne: Crafting Your Visual Identity

In the bustling streets of Melbourne, where creativity thrives and diversity reigns, there's an unsung hero quietly shaping the city's landscape – sign companies. Among them, one stands out: Sign Company Melbourne, your go-to destination for all things signage.
Located at the heartbeat of the city, Sign Company Melbourne embodies the essence of craftsmanship and innovation. With a rich legacy and a keen eye for detail, they craft signs that not only inform but also captivate.
Step into their workshop, and you'll witness a hive of activity. From brainstorming ideas to bringing them to life, their team of skilled artisans and designers work tirelessly to ensure each sign reflects the unique identity of its owner.
What sets Sign Company Melbourne apart is their dedication to quality and customer satisfaction. Whether you're a small business owner looking to make a bold statement or a large corporation seeking to enhance your brand visibility, they offer tailor-made solutions to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
But it's not just about business for Sign Company Melbourne; it's also about community. They understand the importance of signage in creating a sense of place and belonging. That's why they collaborate closely with local businesses and organizations, helping them tell their stories and connect with their audience.
Moreover, Sign Company Melbourne is committed to sustainability and eco-conscious practices. They source materials responsibly and utilize energy-efficient technologies, ensuring their impact on the environment remains minimal.
In a world inundated with digital noise, physical signage remains a timeless and effective means of communication. Sign Company Melbourne recognizes this and continues to champion the art of sign-making, blending tradition with innovation to deliver signs that leave a lasting impression.
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submitted by RevolutionaryBag4827 to u/RevolutionaryBag4827 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:39 EndersGame_Reviewer Thoughts on Stalker (1979) directed by Andrei Tarkovsky

I enjoy doing some reading, thinking, and writing after watching a thoughtful film. A friend who enjoys arthouse cinema introduced me to Tarkovsky's work, and "Stalker" (1979) was the first of his films I ever watched. It proved to be enigmatic and thought-provoking, and I've now watched it three times. I'd love to get some interaction from others on my thoughts below about the film, or any key aspects I missed.
First, a brief introduction to Tarkovsky himself. Russian director and screenwriter Andrei Tarkovsky is highly regarded by fans of arthouse cinema, and is widely considered one of the most influential directors in the history of cinema. His greatness is evident from what famous director Ingmar Bergman said about him: "Tarkovsky for me is the greatest [director], the one who invented a new language, true to the nature of film, as it captures life as a reflection, life as a dream". He received critical praise for films like Andrei Rublev (1966), Solaris (1972), Mirror (1975), Stalker (1979), Nostalghia (1983), and The Sacrifice (1986). Unlike all his other films the latter two were filmed outside the Soviet Union.
"Stalker" was my introduction to Tarkovsky’s work. It’s a Russian language film that runs for three hours. It’s been described as combining elements of science fiction and fantasy with dramatic, philosophical, psychological and theological themes. Critical reviews of the film have been very positive, and it has been listed among the greatest films of all time, and has also won awards.
So what’s it about? It is loosely based on a novel from 1972 written by the brothers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, entitled "Roadside Picnic," which describes what happens following an extraterrestrial visit. In the book, a Zone of a few square kilometers remains after the aliens leave. This area exhibits strange phenomena and contains artifacts with unexplained properties, including a magical wish-granting “Golden Sphere”. But entering this dangerous and forbidden area requires the assistance of a professional guide known as a “stalker”.
The movie takes this basic concept from the book, which accounts for the title. Stalker is the main character of the film, which is held together by a narrative that departs from the novel in a lot of significant ways, and becomes its own story. Stalker’s role is to guide people into and through the mysterious and hazardous area called the Zone, which has been sealed off from the public by the government. Getting there requires going with him on a risky journey, and navigating it will prove difficult because apparently the normal laws of physics don’t apply there, and there may even be remnants of extraterrestrial or supernatural activity. At the center of the Zone is a place called the Room, which holds the promise of granting a person's innermost desires. The two men who join Stalker on his mission as part of their quest to get to the Room are a Writer and a Professor (never named), each with their own motives for entering the Room.
The first part of the movie is quite accessible for the most part. First we meet Stalker at home with his wife and child, and his wife unsuccessfully begs him not to go into the Zone. Next we meet his two clients. There are even some exciting moments as they begin their expedition, because entering the dangerous terrain of the Zone requires breaking through the military blockade of government security. Stalker has given them strict instructions that once they are inside the Zone, they must do exactly what he says to survive the dangers of this forbidden area. The shortest path to their destination is not necessarily the best one, and to navigate the potential hazards and traps, he throws metal nuts tied to cloth strips.
As the expedition continues, gradually we discover the reasons why the Writer and the Professor want to visit the Room. It also turns out that completing their quest won’t prove easy. The Room is located in a rundown industrial building, and they must make it through what is called the “Meat Grinder”, which requires someone to die in order to enable another person to enter the Room. The corresponding novel is helpful in explaining how this works: to get to the place where wishes are granted, one of the individuals has to die in order to temporarily deactivate an invisible phenomenon known as the "Meat Grinder".
But that’s not the only challenge that arises here. The Professor actually wants to destroy the Room to prevent anyone using it for evil. At this point a spiritual, psychological, and physical conflict between the characters ensues. After some climactic scenes around the notion of entering the Room, all three characters make the journey home. The film closes with some scenes between Stalker and his wife, followed by a contemplative monologue from Stalker’s wife, and a glimpse of their daughter’s telekinetic powers.
Viewers will be immediately struck by the artistic aspects of Tarkovsky’s creative film-making. Tarkovsky has a unique style, with a special fondness for very long shots without cutting away. Stalker uses slow camera movement, and lengthy takes that average at least a minute each, with many shots even running for more than four minutes. This technique is something Tarkovsky believed to be important, and had to do with his view of bringing his viewers into the time of the moment. His fondness for slow pacing and dreamlike visual imagery is very much on display throughout the film. Colour was also important to Tarkovsky, and it is only when we enter the Zone that we merge out of the black and white sepia that the movie starts with. Extended dialogue and monologues are also typical of his style, at least in this film.
But what is all this art trying to communicate? At times one might wonder whether Stalker is reliable, and whether the dangers of the Zone are real, or whether the Room is just a superstitious fallacy. Sceptics might want to view the film rationally and scientifically, and explain away the Zone as the site of a nuclear accident like Chernobyl. Taken as a whole, especially in light of Tarkovsky’s own rejection of a purely materialistic view of life, I’m convinced the film wants us to accept that the threats in the Zone are real, along with the Room and the reward it promises to all who are prepared to complete the religious quest needed to reach it.
This interpretation is supported by the fact that we see a wind arise when The Professor tries taking a shortcut, and also the impact that the Zone has had on Stalker’s daughter and her apparently telekinetic powers. It’s also supported by what happened with Porcupine, a previous Stalker who committed suicide after obtaining his inner desires upon entering the Room. Additional evidence in favour of this interpretation is the main premise of “The Roadside Picnic”, the novel that the movie is based on. Reading a synopsis of the book’s plot can be helpful to discard wrong interpretations of the film that were clearly not intended. So even if there are parts of the film hard to explain, it seems clear that the character of Stalker needs to be accepted as a trustworthy character, and that what he says about the Zone is true, even if Stalker’s own journey of faith has flaws and imperfections.
But what makes Tarkovsky’s contribution to cinema all the more important for me personally are the religious themes that he works with. He has the same Russian Orthodox Church background as literary greats like Dostoevsky, so it should come as no surprise that he employs similar themes. Like Dostoevsky, Tarkovsky rejected the idea of a materialistic, disbelieving world. So it seems plausible to interpret the film with Stalker representing the “holy fool” that is a common motif in Russian literature. His role typifies the importance of following a spiritual guide rather than following our own path, and the importance of viewing life through the eyes of faith. Navigating the Zone is like a religious quest or trial that requires believing and following a guide. For me as a Christian, this suggests something about the essence of faith, where we are led by God's Word, and follow what He says.
The Writer and The Professor are never named, and are presented as two intellectuals, possibly representing arts and science respectively. The Professor is a sceptic and unbeliever, while the Writer is an agnostic, and both struggle to accept the apparent powers and dangers of the Zone. In the end, both end up following Stalker, who is a man of faith, but this is only after their own personal failures to accomplish what they came to do in the Zone. This also explains the closing scenes, where Stalker laments humanity’s loss of the faith needed for going through the Zone and for living the good life. In a world of increasing secularism, materialism, rationalism, and scientific thought, Tarkovsky wants us to hold on to the importance of faith and religious thinking.
Another important theme is about human desire. While the Room holds the promise of tremendous power, it is also very dangerous. An account of a previous Stalker named Porcupine is offered as a cautionary tale in this regard. He took his brother into the Zone, but sacrificed him at the Meat Grinder in order to enter the Room himself. Porcupine later won the lottery and became very rich, but subsequently hanged himself. His stated desire might have been to restore his brother back to life, but what if his greatest secret desire was actually different from what he thought, and was just a materialistic craving for money? Realizing this afterwards made Porcupine realize he wasn’t a very good man, and brought him to suicide, perhaps in part to expiate himself for his guilt.
Could Tarkovsky be saying something similar to the message of Ecclesiastes, that if you look for your deepest desires to come true (apart from God), in the end it leads only to disappointment? Wisdom is to come to the same realization that the Writer and the Professor eventually arrive at: because of the corruption and depravity in our hearts, entering a Room which grants our greatest secret desire would only result in something that will haunt us. We don’t have the spiritual goodness to enter such a place, and the conclusion of the film grieves over fallen humanity’s inability to live the good life.
In contrast, Stalker’s daughter (Monkey) seems to be presented as a Miracle Child who does have a noble heart, as evidenced by her mind being filled with works of poetic greatness. On the one hand she bears the marks of Stalker’s frequent visits to the Zone, because being a stalker comes with the risk of genetic mutations in your children, which is evident in Monkey’s visible handicaps and imperfections. Yet her demonstration of telekinesis suggests she has the power of miracles which the Room promises. This also explains why she is the only object in colour, because the power of the Zone is embodied in her. Perhaps redemption is possible after all, even for those who are wretched and otherwise without hope.
Modern viewers won’t be the first to find themselves wondering if too much is made of this film, and cynics may even suggest that part of the obsession with and admiration of this film is just a case of the Emperor’s New Clothes. I’m convinced it has a plausible story and deep themes, as I’ve explained above. But I’ll also concede that a great deal of the film eludes the ready grasp of the viewer, and remains perplexing. I often found myself wondering about the importance of the obscure images the film constantly throws at us.
For instance, what are we to make of the lengthy dream sequence, where we are get a series of images of debris and flotsam in water: fish, a religious icon, money, a rusted gun, a lock, barbed wire, a spring, a human hand? And what is the significance of the dog that roams freely in the Zone, and follows the trio back out? At times the imagery is deeply religious, such as a moment when the Writer has a crown of thorns on his head, but what does it all mean? Without an interpreter, I often found myself baffled, but also intrigued and deeply curious. It’s certainly a demanding film, and the fact that it is somewhat inaccessible and that its meaning is somewhat hidden is also somewhat frustrating.
At the same time we should be careful not to allegorize the film too quickly, and want to interpret all its details as symbols. Tarkovsky himself shied away from the concept of symbols and preferred to speak about metaphors. In interviews, he said that while a symbol contains within itself a definite meaning, a metaphor is an image and is indefinite in meaning, and cannot be fully deciphered. He wanted his films to be works of art, but not in the sense that everything can be explained, because he believed that there were aspects of his films that are abstractions that transmit truth which can only be comprehended in one’s own heart. If we’re going to take his own vision for his films seriously, we must be cautious not to analyze everything, but also allow the images to touch our soul.
On the other hand, some viewers insist that this movie should just be enjoyed as a story without trying to interpret anything at all. I wouldn’t go that far, because clearly it is intended as a metaphysical fable that has something to say about faith, and about the nature of human desire. Tarkovsky has also stated that he wants his films to create a certain spiritual state in his viewers, even if they encounter fragments they don’t understand. So clearly there are deeper themes behind the story that we have to draw out. That requires effort on the part of the viewer, and a modern audience brought up on Hollywood action films and needing a suspenseful plot will find a film like Stalker disappointing, and perhaps even stupid and anti-climactic. Tarkovsky would dismiss such critics as unbelieving materialists, and might even see his film-maker role functioning like a stalker to help bring them back to an awareness of the need for religious faith.
I’ve also watched Tarkovsky’s film “Mirror” (1979), which is considered by many to be his magnus opus. That is a much more enigmatic film with a non-linear structure and unconventional structure that jumps between three different timelines, and a stream-of-consciousness feel with dreamlike images. While critically acclaimed by some, others consider it completely incomprehensible. In contrast, “Stalker” is much more accessible, much like his sci-fi film “Solaris” (1972), which is also more narrative driven, while still raising deep questions.
Stalker is an excellent place to get introduced to Tarkovsky’s creative, artistic, and thoughtful genius. While parts of it will remain perplexing, it has enough narrative to keep you interested, and it’s not so opaque that it defies comprehension on first viewing. As has well be said: "Only in the hands of a genius like Tarkovsky can the simple narrative structure of three men on a journey be transformed to a complicated moral and spiritual examination of humanity, anchored to references of classical poetry, literature, music and art."
submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to TrueFilm [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:36 Farnam_ Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game inspired cover art

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game inspired cover art
I was working on an art cover and had no idea what to do. Then I took a break and listened to Leaders. During my break, I got a spark of inspiration to use the characters from the same game that were used in LUV vs. The World album covers (Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game) and this is the result What do you guys think?
submitted by Farnam_ to AlbumCovers [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:35 kidsfurnitureindelhi Enhancing Child Development with Fun and Functional Kids' Chairs

In the fast-paced world of today, parents are always looking for methods to help their kid grow while also making sure they are safe and sound. The furniture a child uses in their environment is one sometimes overlooked element that can have a major effect on their development. To become more specific, kids chairs can be very helpful to a child's physical, mental, and emotional growth. We'll look at the various ways that entertaining and useful kids' chairs can advance a child's growth in this blog post.
  1. Physical Development:
Kids' chairs that are comfortable are important for developing good posture and lowering the risk of future health issues. Children in Delhi can sit up straighter while studying or playing if they have chairs that are height-adjustable and provide enough back support. From an early age, parents may support their children's physical health and good posture by investing in high-quality kids' furniture in Delhi.
  1. Cognitive Development:
Kids' chairs and other entertaining and useful nursery furniture in Delhi are essential for promoting cognitive growth. Children who have chairs with built-in pockets or storage compartments are encouraged to keep their stuff organized, which helps them develop organizational abilities. Further, chairs that have movable parts, such as height or angle, provide kids more autonomy over their surroundings and the way they wish to sit and work. This improves their cognitive capacities and, from an early age, helps them develop a sense of autonomy and accountability.
  1. Emotional Development:
The way kids' chairs and other luxurious nursery furniture in Delhi are designed can have a big effect on how emotionally mature a child grows. Chairs that are vibrant, lively, and captivating generate a happy and energizing atmosphere that improves mood and general wellbeing. Additionally, children's emotional development benefits greatly from the sense of security and comfort that comfy and cozy chairs offer. Purchasing opulent nursery furniture guarantees a protective and encouraging atmosphere that fosters children's mental wellbeing.
  1. Social Development:
Chairs made for interacting and working together are one of the most important pieces of kids' furniture in Delhi that helps foster social development. Multiple kid seating encourages cooperation and communication skills, which in turn fosters a collaborative atmosphere. Chairs that are easily moveable and customisable also inspire children to cooperate on projects and work in a variety of environments. Aside from improving the physical surroundings, investing in high-quality kids' furniture in Delhi helps children's social development and gets them ready for future contacts and teamwork.
  1. Creative Development:
Finally, Kids' chairs and other entertaining and useful playschool furniture in Delhi are essential for fostering creative growth. Children are encouraged to utilize their imagination and ingenuity to personalize their surroundings by having chairs that can be customized with removable coverings or interchangeable pieces. Additionally, multipurpose seats that serve multiple purposes, such chairs and tables combined, inspire kids to experiment and discover new applications. Purchasing high-quality playschool furniture in Delhi from an early age fosters a child's inventiveness and inventive thinking.
In conclusion:
kids' chairs are more than just a piece of furniture – they are a tool for enhancing a child's development in various ways. By choosing fun and functional chairs that are designed with a child's physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and creative development in mind, parents can create an environment that supports and nurtures their child's growth and well-being. So, next time you're shopping for kids' furniture, consider the impact that a chair can have on your child's development and choose one that not only looks good but also supports their overall growth and development.
submitted by kidsfurnitureindelhi to u/kidsfurnitureindelhi [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:33 GuiltlessMaple Best Cowboy Knifes

Best Cowboy Knifes
Saddle up and get ready for a wild ride as we explore the world of Cowboy Knifes! This roundup article is designed to introduce you to some of the most iconic and versatile knives that have graced the hands of cowboys and cowgirls for generations. From classic leather-sheathed designs to modern takes on the traditional, we've gathered a collection of knives that will help you channel your inner cowboy or cowgirl. So, grab your trusty steed and let's dive into the world of Cowboy Knifes.

The Top 5 Best Cowboy Knifes

  1. High Carbon Patterned Damascus Bowie Knife (12") - Perfect For Outdoors - Experience the beauty and versatility of this 12" Bowie Knife, crafted from high-quality Patterned Damascus steel, perfect for outdoor adventures and making an impressive addition to your collection.
  2. Dymond Wood & 420HC-Steel Cowboy Knife - The Buck Ranger Skinner, a stylish and performance-oriented combination of the classic Ranger and Vanguard knives, features a sturdy compact design with an ergonomic handle, streamlined shape, and a black leather sheath included.
  3. Buffalo Horn Cowboy Knife with Leather Sheath - The Hen & Rooster 5025BH Fixed Blade Buffalo Horn Knife is a 6.5-inch cowboy knife with a full tang, 4116 German stainless steel blade, and a buffalo horn handle, expertly crafted in Spain and featuring a leather belt sheath.
  4. Havalon Jim Shockey Titan Knife: Rugged Military-Grade Polymer Handle and 70A Stainless Steel Blade - The Havalon Jim Shockey Titan - Red combines surgically sharp blades and durable military-grade polymer handle, making it the ultimate choice for cowboy knives enthusiasts.
  5. Premium CPM-S30V Fixed-Blade Knife for Big Game Hunting - Experience ultimate control with the Benchmade Saddle Mountain Fixed-Blade Knife 15002, crafted for big game hunters with premium features.
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🔗High Carbon Patterned Damascus Bowie Knife (12") - Perfect For Outdoors
I recently tried out this Bowie Knife, and I must say, it's a fantastic addition to my outdoor gear. Crafted with 1095 steel, the Pattern Damascus steel is both beautiful and strong. The 12-inch length makes it perfect for a variety of tasks, whether you're out on a camping trip or prepping for a worst-case scenario.
One of the highlights of this knife is its handcrafted design. The artistic appeal of the Damascus steel pattern makes it a true conversation starter and an impressive piece to showcase in your collection. Despite its durability, the knife remains lightweight, making it comfortable to handle.
Of course, no product is perfect. One minor downside I noticed is that it does require a bit more maintenance than other knives I've used. The sharp edge, while a pro, requires more frequent honing to keep it in top shape.
Overall, this Bowie Knife is a fantastic investment for outdoor enthusiasts and collectors alike. Its unique design, strength, and versatility make it a valuable tool to have on hand when you're off exploring the great outdoors.

🔗Dymond Wood & 420HC-Steel Cowboy Knife
I recently had the chance to try out the Buck Ranger Skinner, and it quickly became my go-to knife for skinning tasks. The handle fits comfortably in my hand, and the blade is razor-sharp, making it incredibly easy to use. I particularly love the satin finish on the blade, which gives it a sleek and professional look. However, I did notice that the leather sheath could be of higher quality, as it felt a bit flimsy compared to the rest of the knife.
Overall, the Buck Ranger Skinner is an impressive tool that combines both style and functionality. It's definitely a great addition to my collection, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a high-quality skinning knife.

🔗Buffalo Horn Cowboy Knife with Leather Sheath
The Hen & Rooster 5025BH Fixed Blade Buffalo Horn, a striking masterpiece in every way, deserves a spot in any cowboy enthusiast's collection. With its sleek 6.5-inch satin finish stainless blade, this knife stands tall among the rest. The full tang construction ensures durability and is a testament to its excellent quality.
The unique feature of the Hen & Rooster is the handcrafted buffalo horn handle, a touch of sophistication to its design. It's not just a knife, but a piece of art that adds a rustic charm to your space. The addition of a full tang lanyard hole adds functionality to its flair.
Not to forget, the black leather belt sheath that comes with the package ensures protection and convenience, making it a great buy overall.
However, it does have a few drawbacks, such as a limited range of users due to its size and blade length. But the beauty of this knife certainly outweighs the few minuses.
My personal experience with this knife has been fantastic. It's not just a weapon, but a beautifully designed piece that attracts attention wherever it is placed. The perfect blend of style and functionality, the Hen & Rooster 5025BH Fixed Blade Buffalo Horn is a must-have in any cowboy's arsenal.

🔗Havalon Jim Shockey Titan Knife: Rugged Military-Grade Polymer Handle and 70A Stainless Steel Blade
I've been using the Havalon Jim Shockey Titan - Red in my daily adventures, and let me tell you - it's a game-changer. The military-grade polymer handle provides a rugged, sturdy grip while the AUS-8 Cryo hardened straight back blade ensures precise cuts. One of the most impressive features is the Liner-lock construction, making it easy to open with my thumb studs for quick, on-the-go access.
However, the Red color has been a bit of a sore spot, as it often collects mud and dirt when I'm out exploring the wilderness. But despite the occasional need for a quick wipe down, the Havalon titan still holds up during my most grueling hikes. Overall, this knife is a reliable companion on my adventures, delivering sharpness and functionality with every use.

🔗Premium CPM-S30V Fixed-Blade Knife for Big Game Hunting
As a hunter in search of a reliable and durable fixed-blade knife, I came across the Benchmade Saddle Mountain Skinner. This knife stood out to me for its premium design, tailored specifically for big game hunters. The product features a 3mm thick blade, total length of 22.1 cm, and a weight of 122g.
Upon first use, I was struck by the knife's comfort and control due to its improved jimping location and ergonomics. The blade's CPM-S30V steel held and edges exceptionally well, even after a year of use.
However, one area that could use some improvement is the handle's ergonomics. While the stabilized wood is attractive, the handle's thickness and tang protrusion made it less comfortable for me, especially when using the knife for extended periods.
The knife's price point is reasonable, especially considering the quality of the steel and the knife's overall performance. I highly recommend the Benchmade Saddle Mountain Skinner for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts seeking a reliable, sharp, and well-built fixed-blade knife.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our buyer's guide on cowboy knives! This section will provide you with important features, considerations, and general advice for choosing the best cowboy knife to suit your needs. Cowboy knives are versatile tools that have been a staple in the American West for centuries. They are designed for various tasks, including hunting, camping, and daily usage. By understanding these features and considerations, you can make an informed decision when purchasing a cowboy knife.

Materials and Construction

One of the most important aspects of a cowboy knife is its construction. High-quality materials ensure durability and provide a long-lasting cutting edge. Look for knives made from stainless steel or other corrosion-resistant materials to handle harsh outdoor conditions. The handle should be made from durable materials like wood, bone, or synthetic materials, such as G10 or carbon fiber. Make sure the handle provides a comfortable grip, even when wet or dirty.

Blade Shape and Size

Cowboy knives come in various blade shapes and sizes, each designed for specific tasks. A popular choice is the clip point blade, which is ideal for piercing and skinning game. Other common blade shapes include drop point, spear point, and sheepsfoot. Consider the size of the blade as well. A larger blade may be more suitable for heavy-duty tasks, while a smaller blade might be more versatile for everyday use.

Sheath and Accessories

A good sheath is essential to protect the knife and make it easy to carry. Look for a sturdy, well-made sheath that can securely hold the knife in place. Some sheaths come with additional features like a lanyard or belt loop. Consider whether you require accessories such as a leather sheath or a storage pouch to keep your knife and other gear organized.

Maintenance and Care

Proper maintenance and care are crucial for ensuring the longevity of your cowboy knife. Regular cleaning and lubrication are essential to prevent rust and maintain the knife's sharpness. Store the knife in a dry location and avoid exposure to extreme temperatures and humidity. If your knife ever suffers damage, consider having it professionally sharpened or repaired.

Usage and Preferences

Ultimately, choosing the best cowboy knife for your needs will depend on your personal preferences and intended use. Consider factors such as blade length, style, and materials when selecting a knife. Additionally, consider your budget and how often you plan to use the knife. By weighing these factors and taking the time to research, you can find the perfect cowboy knife to suit your needs.
Cowboy knives are versatile and essential tools for those who enjoy outdoor activities. By understanding the key features and considerations mentioned in this guide, you can make an informed decision when purchasing a cowboy knife. Remember to choose a knife with high-quality materials, a well-designed blade, and an appropriate sheath to ensure years of use and enjoyment.


What are cowboy knives?

Cowboy knives, also known as stockman knives, are versatile and durable utility knives. They typically feature a blade on one side and multiple tools, such as a can opener and screwdriver, on the other side. These knives have become popular among cowboys and outdoor enthusiasts for their practicality and durability.

What are some popular brands for cowboy knives?

  • Buck Knives
  • Schrade
  • Gerber Gear
  • Victorinox Swiss Army
  • Kershaw Knives
These brands offer a range of cowboy knives with varying features and price points, so it's essential to consider your needs and budget when making a purchase.

What should I consider when buying a cowboy knife?

  • Blade quality and type (stainless steel, serrated, locking blade, etc. )
  • Handle material and durability
  • Size, weight, and portability
  • Extra tools and features, if any
  • Brand reputation and warranty
  • Price and value for money
Considering these factors can help you choose a cowboy knife that meets your specific needs and provides good value for your money.

What is the best cowboy knife for everyday use?

The "best" cowboy knife for everyday use depends on your personal preferences, needs, and budget. However, some popular options include the Buck 110 series, Schrade SCHK6, and Victorinox Swiss Army Classic. These knives offer a balance of quality, functionality, and affordability that can make them suitable for everyday use.

How do I maintain and sharpen my cowboy knife?

Proper maintenance and sharpening of a cowboy knife will ensure its longevity and optimal performance. You should clean your knife after each use by removing any residue or debris with a damp cloth. To maintain the blade and tools, apply a small amount of lubricating oil to avoid rusting. For sharpening, you can use a sharpening stone, honing steel, or specialized knife sharpener specifically designed for cowboy knives.
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