Face painting rabbit

Kids Face Painting

2008.11.24 16:08 Kids Face Painting


2012.04.14 05:03 madworld Face Paint!


2020.02.04 20:25 TransFatty CageFace

A small community dedicated to the phenomenon of rabbit cageface, in which the animal smashes its face through the bars of an x-pen, usually while asking to be let out or begging for a treat. Occasionally sleeping. This is a family friendly sub (no NSFW content, thanks). This is a House Rabbit sub. Please be nice and don't troll, troll posts/rabble rousing will be removed.

2024.06.02 16:39 CarcassDeathObituary Finally Found 2004 Skull Face-Paint Waylon Footage

Finally Found 2004 Skull Face-Paint Waylon Footage submitted by CarcassDeathObituary to Mushroomhead [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:30 Klarkash-Ton I Stay Away from the House at The End of the Street Now

The house has been at the end of Thompson Road as long as anyone could remember yet there’s no one still alive who remembers anyone ever living in it. It was a remnant of an era, when the Victorian style architecture was still prevalent, yet it had been left in disrepair. Windows boarded over, paint fallen off, shingles missing here and there. Most people in the town declared there was something not quite right with the old building. Some rumors stated that of the few people who tried to move in left promptly afterwards seeking other residence.
I remember when I was a young boy there was an older gentleman who would care to the grounds, cutting the grass and making small mending’s to the surrounding fence. He was a kindly old man who wore a corduroy jacket and a flat cap. He almost had the appearance of a man from a different time and place. Most children avoided walking by Thompson road on their way home from school, yet the old house had a curious draw to me back then and I often liked to stare at it in the dying light of the autumn days. It was in these days I became acquainted with the old caretaker who told me his name happened to be, Mr. Thompson, just like the road.
Most of the town children had seen Mr. Thompson tending to the old house and naturally as is the past time of children, created stories and rumors about him. Many said he lived in the house waiting to trap any poor soul foolish to wander on the property by locking them in the cellar. Others said he was an escaped prisoner using the old place as a hideaway from the police. I didn’t believe the rumors going around about him for a second but the house drew my curiosity nonetheless.
My acquaintance with Mr. Thompson began with my troublesome self, committing the act of trespassing. My act of mischief had been inspired by one of the playground stories I had heard earlier that day from one of my classmates. He said that he had skulked about the property peering into cracks along the boarded-up windows. He told me and several other kids how it looked as if someone was still living there, and the peculiar fact that no pictures hung in the place save for one wall in the living room. Given I had taken an interest to the old place, I naturally decided that day to see for myself.
I climbed the fence that afternoon in October and had skulked ever so closely to the first window I saw. As I peered inside, I was shocked to notice that the interior looked very much like someone had been in fact living there. Furniture and décor, the Victorian style still so present, was set like the previous residents had just left and would return any minute. I decided that the room I was peering in to be the living room due to the fact when I looked across to the far edge, I found the wall mentioned on the playground. It was filled top to bottom with what appeared to be every picture in the house, the wall behind barely visible due to the number of picture frames. From where I was standing, I could not make out what was in any of the pictures.
It was at this time I was discovered upon by Mr. Thompson. No doubt he took me for some trouble making youth looking for a place to plant graffiti. Yet when I answered his initial question to what I was doing there, he began to soften realizing I was merely a curious wanderer exploring what appeared to be the forbidden. This begun my friendship with the old gentleman who I could tell was not a criminal or madman seeking to lock people in his cellar. He let me go and promised not to tell anyone I was trespassing on private property, if I promised him to continue to visit and talk to him as he worked. We struck a deal and I made it a purpose to continue my visiting’s to the old house after school to talk with Mr. Thompson.
I never saw anyone else spend much time around the place other than him and asked him if he lived in or in fact owned the old Victorian house, which I never saw him enter or come out of. He told me no and laughed dryly. His family he said had always taken care of the old place as long as he could remember. He told me stories of people trying to enter seeking something they could not find and of seeing strange things within the house though, things he would not or could not describe to me. He told me on one night of the year weird things would happen within the old building, things not natural was how he put it. I tried to pry out of him what exactly he meant. “I have to show you,” he said, “It cannot be described.” He told me in exactly one week he would find me and show me exactly what possessed the old house.
Exactly one week to the day was November 1st. I was shocked that a day where the unexplained could happen would be a day after Halloween. Nevertheless, Mr. Thompson found my house, how I am still unsure and awoke me with a soft knock on my window.
“Hurry! We’ll be late!” he said in a hushed tone.
“For what?” was my reply.
“The answer to your question,” was all he answered as I dressed quickly.
We walked along the dark streets of the town from one light post to the next, which dimly illuminated the street. We came to Thompson Road and turned down it. It was dark, no street lamps traveled down the lonely lane. As we approached the old house it cast a dark shadow upon us in the low moonlight. Mr. Thompson easily glided past the rusted iron gate and up the rickety steps like a wraith. I followed him as fast as my short legs could follow him in the darkness.
From his coat pocket he removed a small ring with two rusted keys. One of these he inserted into the door lock, I could hear the old tumblers moving and click as he twisted the lock open. As I followed him into the entryway, I was met by a strong musty smell due to many years of no ventilation. We walked further into the house, I was surprised that Mr. Thompson hadn’t brought a flashlight with us though he moved through the hallways and rooms as if he knew his way from pure memory. I took keen notice as we walked that there remained no pictures or even fade marks of pictures once hanging on any of the walls.
We walked down a long hallway, the floorboards creaking beneath us. As we came closer to the door at the end, I perceived that a soft glow was emanating from around the doorframe. Mr. Thompson stopped at this point and spoke his first words to me since we entered the house. “What we are about to see might cause you to startle, the important thing is that you just observe and disturb nothing.”
I took his warning to heart and made a promise that no matter what I saw I would be as quiet as a church mouse. He reached out his hand and quietly opened the door. What lay behind I would never have imagined. It was the living room, or a parlor as it would have been referred to over a century ago. The one I no doubt had seen from my peering through the windowpanes. Within to my surprise however were people. I saw what appeared to be a party of twenty people or more dressed as if in a masquerade party straight out of Victorian England. I almost opened my mouth to speak had it not been for Mr. Thompson’s calloused hand stifling my mouth from uttering a peep. I stared at the scene in front of me and noticed that the people here didn’t seem right for some reason they all had a blank look in their eyes like they were sleep walking or drugged. They walked about not making a noise, several couples were dancing a silent waltz with no expression on their faces. In everything they did they took no notice of us. My attention was immediately caught by the wall of pictures on the opposite side of the room. I made my way quietly over to it being careful to not disturb anything in my path.
As I approached the wall, I anticipated seeing pictures of everyone who had either lived in the house and possibly relations to the past residents. What I did not expect to see in fact was empty pictures. Most of the pictures were of either empty rooms or nature. I scanned the wall more closely and to my horror found pictures with people in them, what I was not expecting to see was the people in these pictures to turn and look at me.
It took all my control to not cry out or faint at what I saw. I rubbed my eyes thinking they still had sleep in them, when I reopened them the people in the pictures were still moving and looking at me. They were not dressed in Victorian garb. Many wore the dress of more recent decades. The looks in their faces were as they were haunted with fear; it was as if they were trapped in the picture frames, the frames their prison cells.
I didn’t notice Mr. Thompson walk up behind me. I saw him begin to stare at a particular picture. There was a young lady in it, when she saw him, she began to peer at him intently pressing her hands against the glass as if trying to get out, looking at him longingly. It was in this brief moment that he forgot his own rule and touched the picture frame pressing his hand against her tiny one. The moment he did so everyone in the parlor stopped in his or her tracks looking at him, looking at us it felt. I had never felt my blood go cold as it did that night or ever since. How long they stared at us I do not know, only that eventually they began to slowly walk their way toward us.
“Run,” was all he could whisper to me as we tried to escape. We ran to the other end of the room yet the people in the room managed to pass through the furniture like ghosts to get to us. They left me alone, as I had made no disturbance yet they grabbed Mr. Thompson and dragged him to the wall. With his loose hand he dug in his pocket and threw me his rusty keys. “Look in the shed.” Was all he could get out as the now ghost like beings dragged him toward his end. The first ones to reach the wall turned almost into a vapor and dissipated before reforming into a frame unmoving, looking as if they belonged. I turned and ran down the hallway as I began to see Mr. Thompson to dissipate at the hands of his captors. What remained of his scream I heard as I fled the house running for what I believed to be my life.
The following day I awoke in my bed, the memory of the night before feeling like a nightmare. But was it true? I had to know. I ate a quick breakfast and walked down Thompson Road towards the house. When I reached it, it was quiet. The wind stirred blowing leaves all over the lawn, but Mr. Thompson was nowhere in sight. I stuck my hands in my pockets discovering the rusty key from my memory. Realizing I had not dreamed it entirely I made my way to the shed As I vaguely remembered his final words telling me to look before I fled. Inside the shed were tools and garden supplies typical of a gardener’s shed. On top of one of the barrels was a small leather book. Engraved on the cover was J.T., No doubt his initials. This was no doubt what he asked me to find.
I dared not enter the house again and instead grabbed a prybar and small flashlight from the shed. Ripping off the boards from the parlor window I managed to open the window a bit and stuck my flashlight in and look around. Everything looked the same, as if nothing had happened the night before with the exception of when my flashlight hit the wall of pictures, I saw Mr. Thompson looking back at me hauntingly. I ran back home and threw the book and keys in my dresser. To this day I still haven’t looked at them. I’m not sure I do.
submitted by Klarkash-Ton to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:26 Nijichiro Watching the rain pour by Naoko

Watching the rain pour by Naoko
fall in love (it doesn't have to be with someone)
fall in love with the trees, watching how they dance when the wind is their music. there’s a simple beauty in their movements, a reminder that even nature finds joy in just being.
fall in love with the stories you randomly read, the ones written by authors who don’t get much attention. there’s a magic in discovering these hidden gems, in connecting with the words and thoughts of someone you’ve never met. these stories can take you to new places, fill your mind with new ideas, and make you feel understood.
fall in love with the sunlight kissing your face as you jog early in the morning. feel the warmth on your skin and watch as the sun rises, painting the sky with colors that signal a new day. this simple routine can become a cherished moment, a time to reflect and appreciate the world waking up around you.
fall in love with artists and their work. whether they pour themselves into a canvas, a notebook, a cassette, or a Spotify playlist, their creations are expressions of their inner selves. spend time with these pieces of art and feel the emotions and stories they carry.
fall in love with bright colors. try on clothes you’ve never worn before, step out of your comfort zone. these small acts of courage can lead to new discoveries about yourself and the world around you. they remind you that life is full of possibilities and that change can be exciting and fun.
fall in love with life itself. it doesn’t always mean finding someone to share it with. sometimes, it means appreciating the beauty in the world and the experiences that make you feel alive. when you are told to fall in love, remember that it can mean falling in love with the life you live, with the moments that make it special, and with the person you are becoming.
— outside, watching the rain pour Naoko


submitted by Nijichiro to u/Nijichiro [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:23 como365 Art in the Park draws art enthusiasts from around the nation. Festival continues 10-4 Sunday.

Art in the Park draws art enthusiasts from around the nation. Festival continues 10-4 Sunday.
Afield of white tents sheltered over 100 artists from a light rain Saturday while festivalgoers viewed art from around the country.
“What artists have noticed in the past is when it rains, more people buy work,” said Kelsey Hammond, executive director of the Columbia Art League.
Thousands turned out to Stephens Lake Park on Saturday for the first day of Art in the Park’s 65th festival. The regional festival features artists from across the nation and in a plethora of mediums — from ceramics and painting to knitting and carpentry. Caricaturists, face painting booths, local businesses and food trucks were present as well.
The festival is aimed at all age groups, providing five tents with kids’ activities, including tie-dye shirt and necklace-making stations. Outside the Young Collector’s Tent, signs read “Parent Free Zone.” The tent provided a space for children to purchase pieces of art made by attending artists for only $5. Parents were not permitted into the booth, so kids could make the decision about what pieces they wanted.
Another long tent was filled with dozens of tables that featured emerging artists. Hammond said the Makers Tent provides a space for artists who might not have the money or resources for a full booth.
“I want people to experience art wherever they are,” Hammond said.
Colorful glass spires attached to metal stakes marked the location of Cameron Smith and Jan Thomas’ booth.
These glass spires, or “garden rockets,” as Smith called them, are some of the glass items made by the duo from Murphysboro, Illinois. Many people stopped to look at the intricate glass flowers Smith made. Hanging on the booth’s wall were several larger glass displays that Thomas made from recycled past projects.
The couple has been coming to the festival since 2012, and Smith said they have developed a following. Smith has been blowing glass since 1975 and is originally from California. Smith attributed this “funky” glass style to his home state and said that Thomas’ style was more “whimsical.”
Photographer J. Keneth Wallace was one of the artists who traveled farthest for the festival, making the trip from New Mexico. This was a return home for Wallace, who was originally born in Columbia and grew up on a nearby farm.
Wallace said he bought his first single-lens reflex camera in the early 1970s and began taking photos professionally 15 years ago. This is his third year showcasing at the festival. His photography is primarily landscape, especially of the American Southwest, featuring mountains and canyons.
Dozens of tiny, cream-colored houses sat neatly on a table under a sign reading “Snow Pond Ceramics.” Katie Barnes began making the houses, which are usually only a couple inches tall, at her kitchen table with her children. Friends soon grew interested in having tiny houses of their own, and now her work is shown at the Columbia Art League.
“While I’m making them, I have an imaginary world going on where I’m picturing who’s living in these houses ...” Barnes said. “I have kind of developed this whole fantasy world while I make them.”
Festival artists will be back from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday at Stephens Lake Park. Festival judges began determining award winners Saturday, which will be announced Sunday morning.
submitted by como365 to columbiamo [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:21 Front_Ad_8752 Nmom believes it’s not right for me to go NC with her and refuses to see and change her behavior. Should I still be appreciative of a mother like her?

This is such a fucked up situation and it stresses me out sm bc my Nmom will never see what she’s doing is wrong, she’s facing the consequences of her actions by not having a relationship with me anymore but refuses to change and look within. The thing that stresses me out so much about this is that clearly a relationship with me is not important enough to her because she still headstrong on being delusional towards her role in my life. She’s so fucking delusional thinking she’s the victim... The ppl I know have parents who helped them out with everything from little things to small and big things. Including school while my Nmom couldn’t have gave a damn. She acts like a spoiled child in an adult body and it’s all just so hard to make amends with. She won’t change. It’s so overwhelming that I’m dealing with a mother who only cares about having her needs met but meeting none of mine at all. All I wanted was a higher education after hs but she didn’t care to help me through that. I’m sitting in my bed stressed as hell thinking about how unfair my Nmom is being. She is just so spoiled and wants everything for herself, i’m struggling as it is since she didn’t want to help me for college which means I don’t have any sort of bachelor’s or associate degree in anything, it wasn’t anything crazy either. The entire time SHE wanted to be serviced and have all my money, time , attention. She was supposed to be the one tending to me. Not the other way around and she’s now acting like a spoiled brat who’s upset that I’m not renting a fucking apartment for her. Like what the fuck? My ndad was the same way too. My ndad did NOTHING for me. My nparents only wanted the title of parent but didn’t want to do any of the work. She believes she’s entitled to an apartment for doing BELOW the bare minimum? She’s a fucking selfish ass bitch. Where the FUCK is this entitlement coming from??!?? She doesn’t seem to understand that you get what you put out. I have friends who have parents that sacrificed so much for them and my nmom didn’t wanna move an inch for me, but expects the world in return. It was clear to me that my narcissistic parents were not ready to have kids, it’s very evident to me that they did not think about me at all if that makes sense. They didn’t invest essentially, they didn’t invest in my future or my well-being. It was very superficial and surface level? My nparents were so focused on themselves and their doomed marriage. It was a doomed relationship. They were not meant to have kids nor be married, it was a disaster. My narcissistic mother was an unhealed selfish and careless person who obviously did not care about anyone else by herself, so I’m very confused as to why she decided to have children. My entire family dysfunctional and toxic. She obviously has very low of steam, which lets her her marrying a low level type of man who didn’t care about his life either he didn’t care about children. He didn’t care about himself. He didn’t care about the family. He was very selfish lazy and bummy. Based on the way my ndad was I would’ve NEVER ever ever married someone like my dad and it is honestly terrifying imagine myself in a situation where I’m married to someone like that because it’s honestly just a helpless one-sided marriage.
Anyways, I realized my future was not put into consideration when I was being raised. My nparents wasn’t planning ahead. They were just in the moment and most likely they had the mindset where I would just deal with everything myself, and they won’t have to do anything at all for me, but expect the entire world in return. It honestly seems like me being born, was the least of their issues which personally should’ve been A BIG ONE if I’m being honest. They should’ve revolved their entire life around me, but there was a lot of moments where they prioritized their dysfunctional marriage over me rather than having parental figures in my life. This was an issue where they didn’t even have their own house in order yet they bought another person into it! How absolutely careless. My narcissist parents were obviously dysfunctional and incompatible from the start. They had NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO business having children .
My Nmom enabled my deadbeat abusive father for years and I had enough. They always chose each other over me. She was a shit mother and had her fair share of doing terrible things. I’m so fucking close to signing up for some gun training classes to get a cert and my license to buy a gun and shoot myself with it. She didn’t want to help me with getting my license or teaching me how to drive, she’s overly critical, fucking toxic as fuck, abusive and insecure. I want nothing to do with her, she sabotaged a lot of moments of mine. My Nmom is not the good character in my story but she keeps painting herself to be one. She couldn’t do the bare min of teaching me how to DRIVE. FUCK. This is so overwhelming for me cuz my friend has a whole car that his mother bought for him AND pays for his insurance and their parent spent the time to teach them. It’s not that hard but my Nmom couldn’t care to teach me shit. She’s sabotaging my education, my independence, she gives me no privacy or respect, she abused me financially, medically neglected me, she took money from me and she has the fucking nerve to get mad abt me not renting an apartment for her? What the fuck as she ever done to deserve that? Her excuse would be “I gave you a house and food and clothes” that’s the bare bone requirement of a parent you stupid bitch😒man I hate my Nmom so much genuinely with all my heart. She never fails to make me hate her. THEN SHE TAKES ME OFF THE HEALTH INSURANCE which just pushed me farther awaybfrom her tbh. The fact she’s so dangerously deluded to believe she’s in the right to do that bc I went NC with her. She is brainwashed into thinking she’s the victim and a “poor innocent mother who’s done nothing wrong to deserve such “‘treatment’.” That woman has played countless tracks of emotional abuse, emotional manipulation, neglect, abuse, etc.
She wants me to maintain constant communication with her but won’t put me back on the health insurance, won’t teach me how to drive, won’t help me get my license, won’t help me though college, won’t do any of it. She wants all the fucking benefits of having a child servant but no commitment to be a mother on her end. I’m an adult now but she had years to help me and prepare me for the real world but did nothing. Everyone I know who drives was taught at a young age and I wanted to learn when I was young too. She wanted to be celebrated during her BD and other various holidays like MD but if I’m being honest, I feel like I have no reason to be appreciative of her.
submitted by Front_Ad_8752 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:16 lildudereallyouthere Don’t know where to begin

Don’t know where to begin
Don’t know where to begin
Picture 1 is from the front door Picture 2 is the reverse angle from the edge of the kitchen looking towards the front door
We just painted our walls and the drastic change has got my head spinning.
Our tv wall is the same wall as the lamp, as you can see on the couch it’s fkn massive. The windows face west if that makes a difference for lighting purposes.
I’ve seen people say that when you have white walls you need texture and contrast so it doesn’t feel sterile.
How can we make this space look good? Any and all suggestions would help, I can provide dimensions or more pictures if needed. It can be changing the couch and rug or whatever.
submitted by lildudereallyouthere to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:13 lildudereallyouthere Don’t know where to begin

Don’t know where to begin
Picture 1 is from the front door Picture 2 is the reverse angle from the edge of the kitchen looking towards the front door
We just painted our walls and the drastic change has got my head spinning.
Our tv wall is the same wall as the lamp, as you can see on the couch it’s fkn massive. The windows face west if that makes a difference for lighting purposes.
I’ve seen people say that when you have white walls you need texture and contrast so it doesn’t feel sterile.
How can we make this space look good? Any and all suggestions would help, I can provide dimensions or more pictures if needed. It can be changing the couch and rug or whatever.
submitted by lildudereallyouthere to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:07 The_Newromancer I wish I never went to the bathroom...

It has been over a week since I last left the apartment. I was meant to return to work the other day, but have been avoiding my boss’ calls. She’s out there now, watching me. I can see her through the window. She’ll leave soon, but then she’ll be back tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then the day after that. Same time. Same place. Always watching.
It started in the bathroom of a McDonald’s just down the road from where I work. It had been a long shift and I had to stay behind two hours as a coworker called in sick. My legs were tired from standing all day and my eyes were drooping from exhaustion.
I washed my hands at the sink. The mirror reflected my awful features. Bags under the eyes. Acne scarring on my face. I felt icky.
“What are you doing here?”
A woman called from behind me. I flicked my hands in the sink to quickly dry them as I turned to face her.
“Excuse me,” she continued, “What are you doing in here?”
In front of me was a 40 something year old woman. Blonde hair and wearing sunglasses indoors. She looked furious.
“Just washing my hands,” I said.
“You’re a man,” she said.
“I’m not…”
“What are you doing in the female bathroom you freak?” she raised her voice over mine.
“I’m just using the toilet...”
The woman pulled out her phone and, presumably, started recording me, “This pervert is in the ladies bathroom checking on women.”
I lifted my hand up to block my face from the camera and walked brusquely out into the restaurant. I could hear the woman’s heavy footfalls trail behind me.
“Look at this groomer walking off now he’s been called out,” she said.
I walked up to the front counter. No doubt she was there too. A member of staff was standing there putting an order together.
“Hey,” I leaned over, “Can you stop her?”
“Oh yeah! Call the cops! We’ll see what they have to say when they arrive!” she said behind me.
“Sorry ma’am?” the staff member said, “What’s going on here?”
“I don’t know,” I said, “I’m just trying to use the bathroom and she’s harassing me.”
“Go on! Call them! They’ll kick this freak out!”
“Ma’am,” the worker said to her, “I’m going to have to ask you to stop or leave.”
“Stop what?” she said, “I’m just calling out this pedophile so they’ll stop creeping on little girls!”
The worker sighed, “I’ll just call the cops.”
“Yeah, they’ll get this sicko out of here!” she said.
I sighed, “You know what, I’ll just go.”
“Are you sure, ma’am?” the worker said.
“Ma’am?” the woman said, “That’s a dude!”
“Yeah, I just needed the toilet anyway,” I said, “I don’t want to make a fuss.”
“Run away!” she said, “Run away like the freak you are!”
Apart from the shouting woman, the place was completely silent as every bystander watched the situation unfold. I pulled my hoodie over my head and walked out the building as fast as I could. She followed.
I walked across the McDonald’s parking lot over to the supermarket next to me where I parked my car. The entire time, the heckler followed me, her phone still up and recording. I tried to ignore her as she kept screaming absurd shit over and over.
It didn’t take long to make it back to the car. I jumped in and locked the door. The woman pulled the handle as soon as it clicked. Luckily, she was too slow. My hands choked the wheel as the adrenaline started to fade. I didn’t realize how fast my heart was beating until it began to slow. She stood outside the window still filming and shouting her obscenities as I got control of my breathing.
After a minute, I started the car and reversed out of the space. She followed still recording from the window. Once on the road, I put it into drive and sped out of the parking lot. I saw her standing in the rear view mirror, phone in hand. Still screaming.
A day later, the experience still left a mark on me. I dreamed about it overnight. Her face was vivid in my mind. All day I was filled with regret that I didn’t let the police take care of it and hopefully get the woman taken away. Everything I didn’t say to her floated in my head.
I noticed it first when I took my dog out for a walk. A banged up blue Chevrolet. Must have been from the 70s. The paint was peeling, replaced with rust. I didn’t get a good look in from across the street. The glare from the sun was too strong. But it left an impression on me. I’d never seen a vehicle so distinct on this street before.
Throughout the day, I kept looking out the window. The car was still there. Down the road. I couldn’t make out any features from the distance, but there was someone sitting in the driver’s seat. It was freaking me out. I closed all the blinds in my apartment and tried to put it out of my mind for the time being.
I was working the next day. It was at a cafe franchise in the same complex as the McDonald’s. Most of my shift was spent making coffee and wiping down tables. The same old shit every day. Customers ranged from okay to horrible. I was just happy to get a paycheck.
We closed later than most cafes at around 10pm, though we were usually out of there by 10:45pm. I noticed it when mopping the front of house. It wasn’t so easy to see in the dark of night, but there was a blue Chevrolet—same model, same rusted coat—in the parking lot just outside the store. Again, I couldn’t see the person sitting in the driver’s seat, so I wandered out back and checked the cameras. Also not good enough, even when zoomed in.
My coworker kept asking if I was okay. Even though he tried to hide it, he was clearly annoyed that I was slowing down the close for no reason. I got on with mopping, but kept my eye on the parking lot. By the time we got out, the car was gone.
It was back outside the apartment the next day. The car would arrive at around 10am and leave at 9pm. A few times throughout the day, it would leave and then come back an hour or so later. I could see the person sitting there for hours and hours. But I didn’t want to confront them out of fear of what they might do.
When I went in for my next shift, my coworkers were all staring at me. I greeted them with a good afternoon, but everyone returned it with a harsh glare. As I was stuffing my bag into a locker in the back office, the store phone began ringing. My other coworker in the back quickly shuffled out of there, ignoring the ringing. After a couple of seconds, it stopped.
I closed the locker and put the key into my trouser pocket. The phone began ringing again. No one from front came out back. It was company policy that the phone must be picked up, but I wasn’t to start my shift for another five minutes. I sat down at the office, and listened to it ring until it eventually stopped.
10 seconds hadn’t passed before the phone started to ring again. I picked it up. “No CallerID” was displayed on the screen.
“You’ve reached…”
“Who is this?” a woman’s voice commanded on the other end.
“This is…”
“Is this Amy?”
I was shocked into silence for a moment, “How do you know me?”
“What’s your real name?”
“You need to stop playing dress up, it doesn’t suit you well.”
“Who is this?”
I looked at the monitor and saw the blue Chevrolet parked outside.
“Is that you following me?” I asked.
“Stop pretending to be a woman then I’ll leave you alone.”
She hung-up.
I watched the Chevrolet pull out of the space and exit the parking lot on the monitor. I didn’t see her again all day.
When I got home after closing, a notification appeared from Facebook Messenger. It was a random account—no photo, fake name—requesting to DM me. I opened their request:
You don’t know me, but I’ve been following this random page for a while. A handful of people are sharing your photos and private information around. Sorry you had to find out this way."
They attached screenshots of posts from this group. All of them had my photos, ripped from my Facebook and Instagram accounts, posted along with disparaging comments and personal information. One of the posts even shared my address and work place. Some screenshots of comments showed people taking glee in the idea of hurting me. All of them made fun of how I looked. Picking apart all my insecurities one-by-one.
He’s too tall
Look at those big hands
Why is he caked in makeup in every photo?
The anonymous account linked the group, but it was private.
I called in sick the next day and took everything I had seen to the police. I told a detective about the Chevrolet, the online posts, the woman in the McDonalds. Everything. I printed off the screenshots, I gave them the link to the account, I noted the reg number of the car. All the detective did was assure me everything was going to be okay and made a report. Although the lack of immediate action was concerning.
I got home two hours later. The car was parked up on the same spot it had occupied for days. I called the police then, wanting to make sure a tangible incident report was made, hopefully creating a paper trail if it ever escalated. However, before the cops could arrive, the car was gone. They somehow knew the police were coming. I made my report to the officers and they scolded me for wasting their time before driving off.
When I got into work the next day, my manager pulled me aside before I started my shift. He sat me down next to him in the office.
“We’ve been getting reports,” he said, “From employees here and head office of someone harassing everyone? And they keep naming you. I just want to make sure everything’s okay and know if I can do anything to help.”
“What?” I was taken aback, “What about the head office.”
“Well,” he said, “HR have been getting floods of calls from No CallerID numbers and emails spammed to them. It’s clear they’re getting put into spam databases and stuff. We’ve had to turn the phone off here because people keep calling at all hours of the day. Head office have made reports to the police but they’re still investigating and want to make sure we give you the proper support.”
My heart sank. Everyone in the store had heard the women’s rants. Even the middle management that know of me through the paperwork they receive. All of them know the embarrassing comments some random woman made about me. All of them knew I was being stalked.
The surveillance monitors were open on the desk. I looked up at them and saw the blue Chevrolet was in the parking lot. Something broke.
I got up and walked out the door. My manager called after me, though I can’t recall his words. There was a sizable chunk of concrete broken off the sidewalk just outside. I took it in my hand and made for the car.
I got a close look at the driver. The same blonde, 40 something woman that had harassed me in the McDonald’s. She saw me coming and immediately started the ignition and drove for the exit.
“Leave me the fuck alone!” I screamed.
I arced my hand. The concrete left my palm and flew towards the Chevrolet. It missed the roof by a few inches and kept flying until it hit a black BMW parked behind it. The concrete broke in half as it left a massive crack on the windscreen.
I fell to the floor. The emotions had finally hit me as the adrenaline wore off. I began crying and didn’t stop for an hour.
The police came. When the customer eventually came back to their car from the supermarket, he was pissed. Luckily the two officers were able to keep things relatively calm. My manager spoke for me as I sat in the cafe. The two officers came in and informed me that he wasn’t pressing charges so long as I covered the damages. Even though I had little money to my name, I agreed.
My manager then told me to take a couple days off and said he was there if I needed help. All my coworkers stared at me in complete shock as I left the cafe. None of them said a word.
I drove home by myself. Even though he needed it, I decided not to take my dog for a walk. I didn’t want to be outside by myself at that moment. Instead, I made a cup of coffee and sat by the window. The blue Chevrolet is parked down the street.
Always watching.
submitted by The_Newromancer to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:05 RidingPinePSN Lou Gehrig Day (Show Us Your cards)

Lou Gehrig Day (Show Us Your cards)
Today is the 4th annual Lou Gehrig day, a day to celebrate one of the greatest players in MLB history and to raise awareness of ALS. If you are lucky enough to own a vintage Gehrig card share it with all of us. I personally do not own one yet, so Graig Kreindler has been kind enough to let me share one of his amazing paintings of the Iron Horse. Please take the time to check out his website, www.graigkreindler.com, and follow him on social media. I hope that you get lost in his paintings like I do.
Although he is known for playing in 2,130 consecutive games, a record that stood for 56 years, Lou Gehrig’s impact on the game extends far beyond that single dimension. A quiet man that was overshadowed by his larger than life teammate Babe Ruth, Gehrig was just as talented on the field as Ruth was. Gehrig’s numbers are mind boggling. A high contact hitter with tremendous power and an uncanny ability to drive in runs, his numbers in just over 14 seasons worth of games place him as arguably the greatest first baseman of all time despite a shortened career. His career stat line:
.340 batting average (single season high of .379) .447 on base percentage (single season high of .478) .632 slugging percentage (singe season high of .765) 1.080 OPS (single season high of 1.240) 2721 hits (single season high of 220) 534 doubles (single season high of 52) 163 triples (single season high of 20) 493 home runs (single season high of 49) 1,888 runs scored (single season high of 167) 1,995 runs batted in (single season high of 185) 113.7 WAR (single season high of 11.9)
Just to put that in perspective, despite only playing 14 full seasons, his average rank in career leaders for the above categories is 21.5. Perhaps Mr. Gehrig’s greatest feat on the field came on July 4th, 1939, when he stepped up to the microphone and showed us a grace that few possess.
“Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about the bad break I got. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of this earth. I have been in ballparks for seventeen years and have never received anything but kindness and encouragement from you fans. Look at these grand men. Which of you wouldn’t consider it the highlight of his career just to associate with them for even one day? Sure, I’m lucky. Who wouldn’t consider it an honor to have known Jacob Ruppert? Also, the builder of baseball’s greatest empire, Ed Barrow? To have spent six years with that wonderful little fellow, Miller Huggins? Then to have spent the next nine years with that outstanding leader, that smart student of psychology, the best manager in baseball today, Joe McCarthy? Sure, I’m lucky. When the New York Giants, a team you would give your right arm to beat, and vice versa, sends you a gift – that’s something. When everybody down to the groundskeepers and those boys in white coats remember you with trophies – that’s something. When you have a wonderful mother-in-law who takes sides with you in squabbles with her own daughter – that’s something. When you have a father and a mother who work all their lives so you can have an education and build your body – it’s a blessing. When you have a wife who has been a tower of strength and shown more courage than you dreamed existed – that’s the finest I know. So I close in saying that I may have had a tough break, but I have an awful lot to live for.”
ALS quickly took Lou Gehrig’s ability to play the game at the age of 36, and took his life at the age of 37.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that attacks nerve cells and pathways within the brain and spinal cord. It is the most common adult-onset progressive motor neuron disease, affecting half a million people worldwide. The disease does not discriminate and it affects people of any age, gender or race. There is no cure for ALS, and a patient that receives a diagnosis has the same terminal prognosis today that Lou Gehrig had 85 years ago. Research continues, and many clinical trials are actively studying the effectiveness of potential therapies to stop or slow disease progression.
submitted by RidingPinePSN to baseballcards_vintage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:49 thrownawayaftred AITA For wanting nothing to do with my mother...

This is kind of long, I'm (m38) my mother (f65) had always been close, until I met my gf(f41). Three years ago, My gf and I were redoing our dock home on the water in florida. My mother, when I was younger, always talked about doing RE together. The first time my mother and gf FaceTimed (mom lives on the west coast) my mother insulted her, by saying, she was using me for free construction work ( my gf had hired plenty of contractors to do the work ) I was doing the easy stuff, painting, dry wall repair, demo the kitchen, etc. And my gf and I were really enjoying the work together. We were young into the relationship, and we were finding out if we were compatible... it wasn't work to us, it was fun. We ended up selling the house together, we did VERY well, we ended up buying a house in the beaches area of Jacksonville where she wanted to go, we currently reside here. My mother, a nurse, over the last 20 years, has always had a friend who has cancer, the first was a close friend from Florida- but as her cancer got worse, my mother was closer and closer to her. When she died, the cringiest experience of my life, was the next day my mother asked me to go to the bank with her, she walked into the bank, and gave an account number to the bank manager, apparently the friend said she would have access to a checking account. I remember the bank manager telling my mother, she was not on the account and she had no access to it. I remember my mother was pleading to the guy- she's my best friend, she told me to come to the bank, etc.... that's the first time I looked at my mother differently. The lady died less than 24 hours ago. Fast forward my gf and I moved to Jacksonville ( a lot of hospitals ) my mother has another friend with cancer, and starts flying across country to be with her, now "bf" and she takes her to Jacksonville, my gf and I didn't find out she was driving up to Jacksonville a few times a year until she had done so for probably already a year or so. The hospital is less than 5 miles from our house. One time my mother is in the town my family lives visiting and decided she was going to come up and visit us, july 4th weekend. My gf who is very organized texts my mother and gives her a detailed plan of what we are going to do, which included riding our golf cart to the beach, grilling out at her parents house, having some drinks, watching fireworks, she invited my mother to stay in our guest room. My mother responded back, "I will handle plans with my son, thank you" my gf didn't respond. My gfs sister, BiL, niece, friends, and my gfs mother go to the beach, her mother specifically went to the beach to meet my mother, my gf father went to the store to buy to hotdogs and hamburgers in anticipation my mother was coming to town. My mother was driving up to Jax, I take my gf and the beach chairs to the beach.... that's about the time my mother pulls up to the house... I get a phone call, my mother is irate, and says she is leaving since no one was at the house when she arrived. And she leaves this little card, something to do with a mother and son's relationship on our door sill. I get back to the house my mother is pissing vinegar. I tell my mother, that I took my gf to the beach, and her family is there. My mother fires back, I should've been there waiting she flew across the country to come to an empty house ( not the case ). I told my mother, that her family, is at the beach waiting to meet her, her father is at the store buying skyline chili for her ( we are originally from Cincinnati ) and she needs to realize all these people are doing things for her arrival. She stopped talking, you could tell she felt like an ass. She immediately tells me she doesn't have a swimsuit - she knew we were going to the beach, she was in an outfit you should never wear to the beach. We get to the beach, she has this attitude and although my gfs mother is being friendly, she has these snarky one word answers. We go to the house for the cook out my mother starts talking about the money we had when my parents were still married..my gfs family wasn't having any of this, you could cut the tension with a knife... after we eat, my mother makes a statement that now she needs to leave to get back to Daytona immediately. She leaves, and then it turned into a great day. Fast forward to the beginning of this year, my mother and I hardly talk. She has gone off on my gf a few times, at this point my gf doesn't hold back, and refuses to talk to her, especially after my mother made a comment about her weight. In the beginning of the year, I told my mother I would paint the house she bought 90 miles away from Jacksonville, since I owed her some money, the walls turned into the ceiling, the ceiling turned into ceiling fan installation, that turned into refinishing floors, that turned into moving some walls. What started as a week worth of work, turned into about 2 months, I may have been in jax 3 nights in 2 months. My gf and I had a family party and my gf said, if I didn't come up, it would be a problem as at this point her family was starting to ask why I wasn't around... I went to the party, I told my mother, I was going- that's when an emergency came up at the house and I needed to be there, I obliged. Two weeks later, things were okay between my mom and I, and one night we were talking, and she venmos me 2k for the work, while we were on the phone. It was a pleasant surprise until I told h er we had a wedding this coming weekend, it was non- negotiable I was to be there. I told my mother, I was going to be gone that entire weekend. She insisted that she gave me money and to quote, if I'm going to take that money and be footloose and fancy free on her dime, give me the money back- I immediately venmoed her money back and said Do not think I'll be at you house, I will not be there until Monday, I am leaving Friday, wedding on Saturday night. That saturday, My mother texts me and says, I need help, furniture is be delivered on Sunday at 8am. I went to the wedding, didn't drink, had fun, went home at midnight, left my house at 6am only to get to mom's house to find out furniture got delayed won't be delivered until 4pm later today. My mother decided that she was going to show up that following week, since the contractor I found, she could work with directly while working her job remotely. Now my debt was paid, I found this contractor, who my mother loved, she hasn't paid me, requested the money she gave me I give back since I went to a wedding with my gf. My mother tells me that the contractor I found, is willing to pay me to help her do work- I'm furious, so my mother is paying a lady, who is going to make money off me for working for her. Sidebar, I found this contractor who had done work for other clients of mine and her work is good, but she doesn't know her capabilities, but oh well, mom is running the show. I tell my mother absolutely not, will the contractor I found, she hired, pay me an hourly rate, that my mother is paying, that she is going to make money off of. My mother claimed, that my money was going to be made, when I sold the house and I would get the listing- I have my real estate license. I'm about done with my mother and her non sense at this point and I'm seeing right through it. As my mother was staying in the house, I didn't want her to be alone, so I would stay with her at night. Both my mother and I are big drinkers, and my sister is in recovery ( who lives with my father and doesnt come around at night because she knows wed be drinking ), so while i have beer in the fridge, my mother is staunchly not drinking and making a big deal about how she doesn't drink, and all I want to do is drink... at this point I'm letting it pile on. Until the straw that broke the camels back, one morning back in March- its around 7am, I drank 12 beers the night before, I'm awake, laying in my bed watching YouTube videos...as I just woke up, my mother knocks on my door and says we need to have a discussion. We go outside and she says do I think it's fair that she is outside doing yard work while I am laying in bed watching TV. I said, yes, it's 7am and there is no reason she should be doing yard work, unless she is looking to fight. She fires back and says, you are living in my house and haven't done a fucking thing.... I stood up and said I AM DONE, I will never step foot in this house, she gets up an walks away, and I yell go call whoever the fuck you need to call and tell them what a piece of shit I am- i have literally walked in on her talking to my aunt saying I shitty person, and wonders why I wont go around her family ( my aunts and uncles ). I go in to the house get my air mattress and what little clothes I had there and left. Now, there was a remote to one of her fans in my car, I grabbed it and put it on the tool bench in th garage, and it fell as I'm walking out...she says- did you really throw that into the garage. I said no, which that's not my personality anyways I wouldn't do that. She says this dramatic "best of luck to you" and I get in the car and leave. I sent her a card for mother's day, but I haven't spoke to her since, and I don't plan too. She fired the contractor, of course is blaming me for the fact that she is completely underwater in this house. And now when she talks to my sister she says I'm out of her will and I am a terrible person, etc.... AITA For wanting nothing to do with her, and happy with her not in my life?
submitted by thrownawayaftred to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:48 AwkwardJewler01 Walking to Wellington by AwkwardJewler01

Two individuals, one that resembled a mountain man and the other a small girl, trudged through the harsh snowstorm. Despite the apparent futility of their journey, they had been walking for days and were determined to reach their destination.
As they walked through the dreary forest, Clementine, the small girl wearing a baseball hat and a sky-blue rainbow jacket, eventually asked the man a question.
"Kenny, is it time for a rest yet?"
"Are your legs starting to act up, darling? If so, we can rest." Kenny was a big, burly man in his mid-fifties with a vast grey beard protruding from his face; he also had a blood-soaked bandage covering his left eye.
"Yeah," replied Clementine, "they are starting to ache with every step."
"Very well, we can rest for now." Kenny agreed while taking off his backpack and taking a can of beans out.
"Do you want me to set up the tent as you hold AJ?" Asked Clementine sedately while she moved towards Kenny to hand him AJ.
AJ was the adorable, tiny baby that Kenny and Clementine were nurturing after his real mother, Rebecca, died shortly after giving birth to him.
"Are you sure you can handle it by yourself, Clem? I can help you," Kenny said while he had his eyes on AJ.
"Yes, I think I can take care of it, Kenny," Clementine responded rather begrudgingly as she took the olive green tent from Kenny's backpack and began setting it up. After a few moments, the tent was finally set up correctly, just as the stars started to appear in the sky. The sky itself was becoming more and more extraordinary, with fiery oranges and reds painting the horizon, and the occasional snowfall making it look like feathers were coming down from the sky.
During this time, Kenny made himself useful by getting some firewood for tonight's supper; when he returned, he found Clementine tendering to a crying AJ.
"Shh, shh; I'm here, goofball. It's okay," said Clementine, swaying him in her arms while also smiling at him.
"Aww," said Kenny as the pair both sat on a log as the campfire burned into the night. "I bet Lee would be proud of you for raising him as he did with you."
Just then, Clementine's smile dropped a little, as was evident; even three years later, she still missed Lee.
"I didn't mean to say it like that, daring. It's just hard not to think about it. As I said, when we met for the first time again, back at the ski lodge, you were two peas in a pod."
"I know," replied Clementine, still looking at AJ, "he would be proud, but I wish he was here; you know."
"True, I do hope Wellington is out there, Kenny."
"I know it is, Clem; hopefully, we get there in one piece."
Wellington was supposedly this enormous, populous, and well-protected camp in the glacial north, made mostly from abandoned shipping containers.
"Clem, you know what?" Kenny said while tendering to the fire, "How about some supper while you are doing that? I can feed AJ."
"Sure," agreed Clementine, "you can do that."
After supper, Clementine decided she could put AJ in the tent so he could sleep before coming out of the tent and sitting back on the log she had done before.
"Is he asleep yet?" Kenny asked, putting his arm around Clementine.
"Yeah, but can I ask you something?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"Well," said Clementine, taking off her hat and moving to Kenny a bit more, "you said before that it’s just hard to not think about Lee being dead. What about Katjaa and Duck? You must still miss them, right?"
"I do, Clem, every day and night. But when Duck’s grandmother died, Katjaa said to Duck, "Look for the brightest star in the night, and that’s them." In the same way, that’s where Lee is."
"Yeah, I get that," replied Clementine, looking at her hat after looking at the star, "but I genuinely still miss him. All I got of him is the blood on my hat," she pointed to it, "and... memories."
"That’s a good thing, darling; it shows what relationships can mean to people. I assure you, he was lucky to have you," Kenny spoke calmly as he and Clementine gazed at the glittering stars in the sky, shining like diamonds against the black expanse. Suddenly, a shooting star raced across the horizon. Clementine put her hat back on, and after chatting with Kenny about various topics, they decided it was time to go to bed.
As was their custom before going to bed, Clementine asked Kenny what their plans were for tomorrow. Which was mostly trying to get Wellington in one piece; after that, she asked what she should dream about.
As the new day dawned, the world was blanketed in a strange serene calmness. The sky above was a stunning canvas of colours, painted in fiery oranges and reds that radiated a warm glow across the horizon. The birds had already begun their morning routine, their sweet melodies filling the air with a symphony of sound that was both melodious and enchanting.
"Good sleep, Clem?" Kenny said as he had back to her, but he was facing the fire with AJ in hand.
"Yeah," responded Clementine, going to sit on the log beside him. "Pretty much, it would be better with a bed, but we don’t have one. What about you?"
"Fine, but I think AJ wants to be with you," Kenny gave Clementine, AJ, and an old granola bar for breakfast. Afterwards, they dismantled the tent, packed it into Kenny’s backpack, and continued their journey towards Wellington. On the way, they encountered a walker who attempted to attack them, but Kenny managed to shoot it before it could get too close for comfort.
"You and AJ, okay?" He asked before saying they moved on.
"Sure," replied Clementine, while she swayed AJ in her arms while also smiling at him. "As long as you and AJ are fine. I’m fine."
"Good. Let’s get going."
As they continued to brave the cold with snow relentlessly pouring down upon them, the two companions engaged in a conversation about their plans once they reached Wellington. Eventually, Clementine and Kenny arrived at the foot of a colossal hill, with billowing clouds of grey smoke rising into the sky.
“Come on, Clem, that must be it. I’ll race you,” Kenny said, starting to run up the hill with AJ in his arms and Clementine running behind him. There it stood: Wellington.
submitted by AwkwardJewler01 to TheWalkingDeadGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:46 Star_Gamer3726 Here it is, my 5193 word essay analysing Will Wood's 'Suburbia Overture / Greetings From The Marybell Township! / (Vampire) Culture / Love Me, Normally'. Enjoy. (once again not sure of the tag, let me know if it needs changing <3)

(note to teacher: you made a mistake by having one of the prompts be “what are you interested in”, get ready to experience the true power of an autistic hyperfixation. Warning for,, kinda vulgar lyrics? They’re important in the context of the song and it's actually really interesting. I swear I PROMISE I'm not insane.)
I will be analysing Will Wood’s song ‘Suburbia Overture / Greetings from Marybell Township! / (Vampire) Culture / Love Me, Normally’. which, for simplicity, most fans refer to as simply ‘Suburbia Overture’. This song is the first on his first solo album entitled ‘The Normal Album’, which came out in July 2020.
This song, in the most general possible terms, is a criticism of modern suburban life, how it is advertised as “the perfect life”, and how this advertising is incredibly false unless you fit the picture perfect standard that these facets of society seem to require.
The song itself is split up into 3 distinct sections, “Suburbia Overture”, “(Vampire) Culture” and “Love Me, Normally”. I'll be tackling each section one at a time in order to properly break down what each means, what different analogies they use, how they all relate to each other and the intended end result of the song and the message it intends to convey.
Let's begin with ‘Suburbia Overture’. This section of the song uses a lot of analogies that compare suburban life to a warzone, the first line of this section being “white picket fences, barbed wire and trenches”. This section also focuses heavily on the concept of the nuclear family, and it often literalises the term and uses analogies based around radiation and nuclear warfare. Such analogies can be found in lines such as “the snap crackle pop of the Geiger, camouflage billboards for lead lined Brookes Brothers”. Now there's a couple of terms that require definitions in this line. The first of course being “the Geiger”. A Geiger counter, which is what this lyric is referring to, is a tool used to measure levels of harmful radiation. This, paired with the concept of billboards advertising “lead-lined Brookes Brothers” when lead is a material used to deflect radiation, and the knowledge that ‘Brookes Brothers’ is an American vintage style clothing brand, this line really paints a picture of a seemingly post apocalyptic/post nuclear war but still consumerist and capitalistic suburban society. The last line in that verse is “buy now or die”, which ties back to the concept of safety equipment being advertised on billboards, while residents of this town have no choice but to buy the products. This all relates back to the hyperconsumerism that plagues our society, and runs particularly rampant in middle to upper middle class neighbourhoods. The very same neighbourhoods that are often referred to as “suburban”
In the second verse of this section there are a lot of hard hitting lyrics that to me really show that this perfect idealised life is far from perfect or even good, so we will work through them one by one because I feel that they all deserve proper analysis.
The first line that i want to point out from that verse is the line “takes a village to fake a whole culture” which is clearly a rip off of the phrase “it takes a village [to raise a child]” but it also references the fact that usually suburban towns are incredibly monotonous in both residents and architecture, and so it takes the collective effort of the entire population of the town to pretend that there is an actual culture to it.
The next few lines I'll speak on all come in quick succession of one another, essentially blending them into one line. “Your ear to the playground, your eye on the ball, your head in the gutter, your brains on the wall.” So let's break these down. This line is easily split into 4 distinct phrases, and all of these phrases have a few things in common, which I will point out later.
“Your ear to the playground” is a play on the phrase “ear to the ground” which essentially means that the person with their ‘ear to the ground’ is attempting to carefully gather intel about something. Someone having their ear to the playground simply reinforces the idea of this suburban “paradise” being. Not as paradise-y as one would hope, seeing as the people who use playgrounds most of all are children, so this line is demonstrating that the picture perfect life that this suburban town offers is actually corrupting children so young that they are still on the playground. The next phrase is “your eye on the ball” isn't a play on anything and is in fact in itself a common phrase. To have your eye on the ball means to be entirely focused in and paying attention to something, and not allowing anything to divert your attention. Given the last line this line very well could be another reference to the corruption of the youth and the idea that their every day play has already been tainted with the hostilities of modern life usually reserved for adults. Following this is another well known saying “your head in the gutter” which, as most know, someone whos head is ‘in the gutter’ is someone who will see some sort of innuendo or otherwise vulgainappropriate meaning in something that was intended to be entirely innocent, leading to others in the interaction telling the perpetrator to ‘get [their] mind out of the gutter’ And finally, in my opinion the most hard hitting phrase in this set, “your brains on the wall” which is clearly in reference to the notion of ending your own life with a shot to the head, which would lead to, well, brains being on the wall. These last 2 phrases come in stark contrast to the seemingly picture perfect life that suburban towns offer and advertise, the concepts of suicide and perversion are not concepts one expects to see or hear when imagining this idealised form of life.
There is one main similarity in each of the 4 phrases, that being that each phrase has some body part being on something else, your ear to the playground, your eye on the ball, your head in the gutter, your brains on the wall. This similarity almost offers a body horror aspect to the song, which when paired with the concept that this is written about a seemingly post nuclear apocalyptic town presents an interesting idea of possible mutation, but i'll be the first to admit that may be a little far fetched. However that's not the only similarity that these 4 phrases share, another is the fact that they are all directly, or only slightly modified versions of already well known phrases, a similarity that is found in many lines over this entire song, through all 3 sections.
I want to analyse a few more lines before we move on to the second section of the song.
This next line comes directly after the previously analysed line, and it goes “home is where the heart is, you ain't homeless, but you’re heartless” Sticking with the theme of using already existing and commonly used phrases, “home is where the heart is'' is once again a phrase that you could likely find as a cross stitch hung up on the wall of any of the homogenous houses you could likely find in this idealised suburbia. But what Wood is saying in this line is that home is where the heart is, and that while people in this town may not be homeless, they are certainly heartless, meaning that they in fact don't have homes. They have houses. Rows upon rows of houses that all look the exact same in the horrifying monotony that is suburban living.
Following this line is the lyric “it's the safest on the market, but you still gotta watch where you park it”. These lines seem to be in reference to buying a car. The car being the "safest on the market" is likely in reference to the fact that it may have a lot of safety features. But this is immediately negated by the fact that you “still gotta watch where you park it” meaning that the safety features could be a reason that the car gets stolen, rendering all the safety that those features offered useless because in the end it made the car and the owner less safe.
In the third verse of this section, you immediately hear the line “so give me your half-life crisis” which partially is a play on the term ‘mid life crisis’ wherein which one realises that they may have wasted their life up till that point and they're already halfway through, but the use of the term “half-life” instead of ‘mid-life’ is very intentional, as the term “half-life” can also be used to refer to the half-life of an isotope, which is the amount of time that isotope takes to lose half of its radiation, which ties back into the theme of radiation that we see mentioned a lot in this section.
Later in the same verse is the line “if it's true that a snowflake only matters in a blizzard”, which is interesting in a few ways, first, it brings up the idea of a singular individual means nothing on their own and that they only matter when they’re part of something larger or a larger group, but i also think that the use of the terms “snowflake” and “blizzard” instead of something like ‘raindrop’ and ‘storm’ is very intentional in the fact that snowflakes are known for being individual, none are alike, every single one is different. So saying that a snowflake doesn't matter unless it's in a blizzard is yet another hit at individuality, essentially implying that in this town individuality means nothing and is essentially rendered useless.
The final line in this verse is “everybody's all up in my-” repeated thrice, and on the third time the sentence is finished to say “everybody’s all up in my business” and before the word “business” can be finished its overlapped with the beginning of the chorus, the first word of which is a very loud “SUBURBIAAAA!”. I believe this is reminiscent of the fact that in towns like this, everyone cares so much about what everyone else is doing, they’re all so interested in everyone else's business, and i think that sentiment being stated and cut off by the word “Suburbia” is essentially saying that ‘this is the norm, this is just Suburbia, this is how it works around here.’
After the final chorus of this section, in the final verse, you'll find the line “chameleon peacocks are talk of the town” which particularly interests me because if you know anything about chameleons or peacocks you’d find that they seem incredibly different as animals. Chameleons blend into their environment in order to stay safe, whereas peacocks are known for parading around bright colours to make themselves look better, but if you think about it the term “chameleon peacock” actually makes a lot of sense, a person who blends into their surroundings in order to make themselves look good. This sentiment seems to perfectly describe the homogeneity of the people that live in these perfect towns, they're all the same, they blend in with one another in order to make themselves look good, or perfect.
Another line heard shortly afterwards is the phrase “he cums radiation”, rather vulgar, I grant you, but it's important because it is yet another literalisation of the phrase ‘nuclear family’. It could also be a reference to the general toxicity of this societal norm.
The final line in this section of the song is “the dog bites the postman, as basement eyes dream of a night at the drive-in, with an AR-15”. Which is another use of juxtaposition, intended to cause a kind of whiplash in the listener and reinforce the idea that while in this place there is scenarios that would happen in a hollywood movie esque picture perfect neighbourhood, like the dog biting the postman, there's also horrors that lurk below the surface. (although clearly not TOO far below.
Now let’s move on to the second part, ‘(Vampire) Culture’.
If you listen to the song, you’ll immediately be able to recognise where ‘Suburbia Overture’ ends and ‘(Vampire) Culture’ begins, due to the insane juxtaposition between the two. Where ‘Suburbia Overture’ is soft and sort of reminiscent of the 1950’s, ‘(Vampire) Culture’ is loud, jarring and grotesque, complemented with much raspier and strained sounding vocals compared to ‘Suburbia Overture’’s soft and melodic ones. The tone for this section of the song is immediately set with much more graphic lyrics, the very first line of this section (after the opening scream) is “i dropped my eyeballs in the bonfire, we fucked on a bed of nails” which absolutely sets the scene for how different this section will be to the previous.
This song immediately jumps into using cannibalism as a metaphor, with the first line after the jump start opener being “I caught kuru from your sister, and I'm laughing in jail”. While this line is written to sound like the concept of catching an STD from an act of adultery, Kuru is actually a disease only found in human brain tissue, meaning that you can only contract this disease by eating a human brain.
This use of cannibalism as a metaphor is used again immediately after in the line “smell those screaming teenage sweetbreads on that 4th of July grill”, ‘sweetbread’ is the term used to refer to the pancreas and thymus gland of an animal, usually a lamb, but in this particular case it is in reference to the human teenagers that supposedly lived in The Marybell Township, or a least they did before they were dissected, cooked and served at a neighbourhood 4th of July barbeque hosted by the same people that were once referred to as their neighbours.
This line adds an interesting level of patriotism to the song and criticism of how America utilises patriotism and their love for their country as means to justify harming the youth, however a 4th of July neighbourhood barbeque is also commonly associated with white picket fence gated community America, which ties us back to the base criticism of that style of life and how it is seen as the “proper” and “perfect” way to live. These cannibalistic sentiments are followed up with the line “smile and wave boys, kiss the cook, live laugh and love, please pass the pills.” which brings us back to the repeated use of commonly known sayings being taken directly or modified only slightly to remind the listener of the setting were in, that being a seemingly 1950’s era tight knit neighbourhood.
Phrases like “live laugh [and] love” or “kiss the cook” are both phrases that could easily be seen in a setting like this, especially “kiss the cook”, as this is a phrase commonly associated with aprons worn by grillmasters at neighbourhood barbeques, not unlike the cannibalistic 4th of July barbeque that this particular neighbourhood seems to be hosting. These phrases being immediately followed up with a sentiment such as “please pass the pills” serves to entirely undermine the pleasantries that, until a moment ago, seemed to be plastered all over the faces of the people living in this fictional town that Wood has created. I think that final phrase brings the listener back to the realisation that not all is right here, quite the opposite in fact, and drags them from their momentary paradise. Circling back very quickly to the phrase “smile and wave”. I felt the need to point out that this phrase has been used for centuries as a way to say “stop talking and act normal” which once again reinforces that these people are pretending to be something they’re not in order to fit in.
We enter the next verse with the repeated phrase “it's only culture”, after that line is repeated three times we hear “sulfur, smoke and soot”, which could either be a reference to how dirty and disgusting the ‘culture’ is, or it could be a different way of saying that this culture and the people participating are going to hell, as per the common phrase ‘fire and brimstone’ and the fact that sulfur is another way of saying brimstone, and smoke and soot are both byproducts of fire.
The last line of this verse and the first line of the chorus blend into each other, so I’ll speak on them both.
First, the last line of the verse. It goes “you cocked and sucked your lack of empathy, pulled the trigger with your foot to prove you've got-” Putting aside the clear innuendo, this line refers to the idea of ending one's own life with a long shotgun. According to the media, by the time the gun is cocked and the barrel is in your mouth, you're not able to pull the trigger with your hands due to the length of the barrel. This line instead presents the solution of pulling the trigger with your foot to end your life.
So this person “cocked and sucked” the gun (cocked the gun and put the barrel in their mouth) before pulling the trigger with their foot to prove they’ve got-
And here's where the verse blends into the chorus.
Because the first line only consists of one word.
The person who was shooting themselves with a shotgun only to prove that they bleed. Which is where the title of this section comes in. (Vampire) Culture”. This section seeks to portray either the people in this culture or, the more likely option, the culture itself, as metaphorical vampires, who aim to destroy those around them. This knowledge makes the next line “didn't they want your blood, so why apologise for being blue and cold” make a lot more sense. After all, if these culture vampires have drained you of your blood, is it not their fault that you’re now “blue and cold”, as bodies tend to be if they lack blood flow. However if you look at synonyms for the words “blue” and “cold”, you could also interpret this phrase as meaning “sad and apathetic”. A sad and apathetic person doesn't seem to be the kind of person this ‘culture’ seeks to enlist however, and so one who is “blue and cold” is shunned as an outsider. What Wood is getting at is that if this culture is the one who made you sad and apathetic, then you should not apologise to it for being so.
The next verse is short, and like the previous one, also blends into the chorus in the same way, by having the last line of the verse cut off right where the chorus would finish the sentence with the word “blood”. However in this verse, there's an interesting line. “It's only culture and it's more afraid of you than you are of it”, which is a sentiment usually used by adults to attempt to subdue a child's fear of something, usually insects. However it's interesting in the fact that it brings up the idea that this culture that has caused so much damage and harm is actually incredibly fragile, and would, in theory be very afraid of the concept of the individual, because if this ‘culture’ is only being held together by the silent agreeance that everyone will simply pretend, then the idea that there is people who refuse throws the whole idea into jeopardy.
This line is followed up however, by the line that blends it into the chorus. “Go on drink that-”, clearly intended to be finished by the first line of the chorus, making the full line, “go on drink that blood”. This line is in reference to the phrase “drink the kool-aid” which essentially means to pledge your undying loyalty to something, a concept, a person, a god, etc. and it derives from an infamous mass cult suicide where over 900 people drank poisoned Kool-Aid and subsequently died for the cult. It is not a far cry to believe that this event and this phrase is what the line is referring to, as it's something that Wood has referenced in other songs, so it only makes sense to believe that this is what he means here.
After that chorus we move on to the bridge, which begins by listing 3 pairs of names, all famous or semi famous, and each pair being similar in one right but opposite in another, the line goes as follows; “were you Nabokov to a Sallinger, were you Jung to Freud or Dass to a Leary”, so let's break down these pairs one by one.
First “Nabokov to a Sallinger”, these names belong to Vladimir Nabokov and J.D. Sallinger, both authors who wrote famous books that both surround the theme of innocence, but in very different ways. Nabokov’s book “Lolita” is a story told from the perspective of a grown man about his sexual obsession and attraction to a little girl, and his desire to ruin her innocence, exploring the theme of innocence in a grotesque and frankly horrifying way, which is in stark contrast to Sallinger’s book “The Catcher in the Rye”, which explores the topic of innocence through the main characters desire to preserve their little sisters innocence, and in that desire displays hesitancy at the idea of sex themself. Both books explore the topic of innocence, however while one seeks to preserve it, the other seeks to destroy it, two sides of the same coin.
The next pairing is “Jung to Freud”, meaning Carl Gustav Jung and his mentor Sigmund Freud, who once again are similar in one right, but opposite in another. Jung and Freud both had theories on the nature of the human mind, but where Jungs was all about the concept of spirituality and how that ties into the collective unconscious, Freud's approach was much more focused on the individual unconscious and the concept of sexuality.
The final pairing is “Dass to a Leary”. both psychologists, both at the forefront of the ‘Harvard Psilocybin Project’ (before they both got dismissed from harvard entirely following controversies around the project) Richard Alpert and Timothy Leary were both psychologists and eventually authors who studied the effects of psychedelic drugs on the human mind, and while they were co workers they ended up with pretty conflicting views. Dr. Richard Alpert, who apparently ‘died’ and was ‘reborn’ as spiritual guide Ram Dass, centred his teachings heavily around the concept of living in the moment, (in fact his best selling book, written in 1971 was titled ‘Be Here Now’) and he believed that psychedelic drugs were not needed and that a permanent version of the same effects could be achieved through meditation. Whereas Dr. Timothy Leary advocated heavily for the use of psychedelics, believing that LSD specifically had great potential for therapeutic psychiatric use.
All of these pairings and examples utilise the concept of duality and speak on how every coin has two sides, which can easily be tied back to the idea that the picture perfect suburban life is just one side of the coin. This idea is then reinforced by the next line, “were you mother, daughter, subject and author?”, The use of the word ‘and’ here shows that it's possible to be two sides of the same coin at once, just like how this town, which is perfect on one side of the coin, is still terrible on the other side of the coin. The line is stating that it's possible to be both at once.
The very last line in this section is; “you don't make the rules, you just write them down and do it by the book you throw around”. This line combines a few relatively well known phrases. The first being of course ‘i don’t make the rules’, which can have two distinct meanings. The first is to express a kind of sympathy for someone being punished, and the second is to absolve yourself of the blame for that person being punished, a sort of ‘don't shoot the messenger’ situation.
The ‘rules’ that are likely being referred to here are the societal norms and expectations forced upon people who reside in these towns, the standard for ‘perfection’.
However, following this sentiment up with the phrase “you just write them down” is essentially saying that while it's not the fault of the people in these towns, they didn't create the norms, they still enforce them. They expect everything to be in line and perfect at all times, they follow these ‘rules’ to a T, and they shun and punish anyone who doesn't fit the standard and/or refuses to follow these ‘rules’, which is where the line “do it by the book you throw around” comes in, doing something ‘by the book’ means to follow rules strictly and to the letter, nothing out of line, and to throw the book at someone means to punish them as severely as possible, usually used in the legal sense to mean punishing someone for their crime as severely as the law will allow. So in all, the lyric “you don't make the rules, you just write them down and do it by the book you throw around” ends up meaning ‘you didn't create these norms but you still enforce them by following them to an absolute T and punishing anyone who doesn't.’
With that we enter the third and final section of the song, entitled ‘Love Me, Normally’, a title it shares with another song on the album, but of course this song is partially meant to serve as an overture for the whole album, meaning it shares some similar lyrics with lyrics from other songs on the album, so sharing a title isn't all that surprising.
The first lyric in this section is “do you know the difference between blazing trails and slash and burn?” which is another instance of duality in this song. Trailblazing or being a trailblazer means doing something no one has done before, paving the way for other people to follow in your footsteps, it comes from the literal act of creating a trail in the woods for people to follow, usually by creating notches in trees or setting small fires, hence ‘blazer’, as blaze is another word for a fire. However “slash and burn” is a method of deforestation that involves cutting down and burning a section of forest to create a field. Both examples include using fire to change something, but where one is seen as progress and positive, the other is negative, and seen as a means of destruction. Once again, two sides of the same coin, innovation and destruction.
This is followed up with the line “going against the grain and catching splinters”, which is a line i particularly like because while it is something that literally can happen, if you run your hand along wood in the opposite direction to the grain, you're more likely to get a splinter because you're essentially pushing your hand against the chips of wood, but it also is another metaphor for the dangers of not being the same. Going against the grain in this instance means daring to be different, not going the same way everyone else is going but instead the opposite of that, and in this example splinters are the consequences one would face for being different, especially in a setting like this perfect town, where everyone is the exact same as everyone else.
A little bit later you hear the line “well Lot he had his lot in life, Job his job and i guess you’ll too, and die”. Lot and Job are both figures found in the Bible, whose names both share spelling with common English words, but are pronounced slightly differently.
Job, from the Book of Job, was a man that was tested by God, made to suffer to test his loyalty, his ‘job’ was to believe unendingly in God and see Him as always correct no matter what.
Lot, from the Book of Genesis, was a man who went through a lot, and the phrase ‘my lot in life’ is a phrase commonly used by people to write off/explain why they don't have it as good as others, they say it's simply their ‘lot in life’.
The end of this line “i guess you’ll too, and die” i believe refers to the fact that everyone will have their own job and their own lot in life, and then everyone in the end will die.
This theory is solidified by the fact that the next line is “The Lord looked down and said ‘hey, you're only mortal’” which is a play off of the phrase ‘you're only human’. Wood himself said that the phrase ‘you're only human’ has always felt weird to him, he says, “cause like, of course I am, aren’t we all? How is that fact supposed to help? I still feel bad. What does being human mean to you?”. He follows this up by saying that the idea of God saying "hey, you're only mortal" offers the same kind of sentiment, but in a “cosmically condescending” sort of way.
The following line reads “giveth and taketh away, till things come out a certain way, leave you wondering when they might go back to normal… leave you wondering why they can't have just been normal”.
This line presents a sort of hopelessness in the realisation that things are constantly changing, nothing is any more ‘normal’ than anything else, there's no such thing as ‘normal’, which is an overarching theme found throughout the album. Once again bringing back the fact that for all intents and purposes this song is an overture for the rest of the album.
To conclude, ‘Suburbia Overture’ is, in my opinion, one of the greatest criticisms of suburban, middle class, gated community, nuclear family life i've ever seen, it highlights the problems in that life and showcases how this kind of lifestyle in its incredibly rigid and restrictive standards is incredibly harmful to the very concept of individuality, because the expectations and unspoken rules set in communities like this and the widespread idea of forced normality seeks to crush any individuality before it even has a chance to blossom.
The use of metaphors and phrases that are well known and are likely to be seen in settings such as this gated community suburban town that Wood has created really paint a subconscious picture of what this community looks like, the use of duality, how every story has another side, and how nothing that is seemingly perfect from the outside is actually perfect on the inside.
Will Wood is an incredible lyricist and the fact that he was able to cram so much symbolism and such a powerful message into a song just over 6 minutes long is genuinely incredible.
Thank you for listening to my/reading my autistic hyper fixated rambling, i hope i didn't melt your brain too badly.
submitted by Star_Gamer3726 to willwood [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:43 nellienelson Dry sneezing in rabbit, very concerned

Marshmallow is my 10 month old mini lop rabbit, she is an unspayed female. She weighs 5.5lbs and has never been sick before. I am located in Southeast Michigan.
5 days ago I noticed she was sneezing 3-4 times in a row and would wash her face a lot. There was a little bit of cleawhite nasal drainage from one nostril.
The next day she was sneezing like this about every hour, so the frequency was increasing. I called my vet and got an appointment for the next day thankfully. At the appointment Mel looked literally perfect, no teeth issues, eaeyes/nose looked normal with no inflammation and no drainage or staining. Her lungs sounded good too. My vet said she didn’t want to prescribe antibiotics based on how she presented in the clinic. However I could call her if the symptoms were persisting/worsening.
That night the sneezing started up again. 3-4 times in a row with no drainage still. So I called and got antibiotics, she is on Bactrim 0.3 cc once every 24 hours and the concentration is 100mg/ml.
She is on her third dose today and is still sneezing! I got an air purifier, wiped down all the dust and deep cleaned their room.
She has been eating and drinking and running around like normal.
Since there is no discoloration of her fur and no inflammation or drainage is this something I should be worried about? Or is it allergies that will go away on its own?
Video of her sneezing fits
Some other important info:
A week prior to the onset of her symptoms our house air conditioner broke, so we had the windows open during the night for 4 days. The temps fluctuated from 65-78 degrees in their room during this time.
She has not been outdoors. Her partner has been separated so she doesn’t catch anything if it’s communicable.
Any advice or suggestions would be great! Should I call my vet on Monday if she doesn’t stop sneezing?
submitted by nellienelson to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:43 moondog151 A 16-year-old girl would google her mother's new boyfriend and discovery that he was a notorious double murderer who killed his previous girlfriend and child, stuffing their bodies into barrels and burying them on his property. She soon went missing, her mother having chosen the murderer over her.

A 16-year-old girl would google her mother's new boyfriend and discovery that he was a notorious double murderer who killed his previous girlfriend and child, stuffing their bodies into barrels and burying them on his property. She soon went missing, her mother having chosen the murderer over her.
(This case was sent my way via this post asking for case suggestions from my international readers since I focus on International cases.
So I would like to thank xzwkimin for informing me about this case. And as this case is from a country that I skipped over during America's Series, that means I am delaying the Japan case and going backward to do this one
There is also a very lengthy 1 hour long video on this case by Jackie Flores which I used as a guide since it was helpful. But rest assured, I did my own research, used by own words, included additional information and didn't just copy her.
And as you my expect from that prior statement, this is a huge case so information is surely missed so like always your own research is encouraged in case I missed anything.)
Ámbar Cornejo Llanos was born on February 14, 2004, in Villa Alemana, Chile to her mother born in 1982 and father Ulises Cornejo. Ulises was mostly absent and seemed to have separated from Denisse before Ámbar was even born. Not long after their separation, Denisse began dating a new man named Juan Carlos Pérez Aguirre, a friend of Denisse's since before Ámbar was even born. This relationship would result in them having two children and thus Ámbar having two step-siblings although one tragically passed away at 4 months old due to malnourishment brought about due to improper care. After the death, Denisse would fall into a depression, heavily drink and neglect Ámbar and her surviving brother. It got to the point where their school requested the two be removed from Denisse's custody as they were visibly not being taken care of. The request was granted and the two were removed from her custody and held in an Institution for minors.
Ámbar Cornejo Llanos
Denisse Llanos Lazcano
In 2009, Denisse had her final break up with Juan, their relationship was a dysfunctional on-again-off-again relationship with constant break ups and reunions but eventually, their final break up would come. Also in 2009, Denisse had improved enough for a court to deem it safe for Ámbar and her brother to be returned to her care. After the break-up, Denisse and Ulises appeared to reconcile and Ulises grew close to Ámbar.
On September 27, 2012, Ámbar confided in two of her school teachers that one of her friends had been sexually assaulted, after they called her friend's mother, she broke down and admitted that she had lied and was in fact talking about herself. Ámbar was taken to the police to give a statement and she told them that whenever her mother took her and her brother to visit Juan back when they were dating, Juan would sexually assault her during these visits. Juan was arrested and on November 25, 2013, The Oral Criminal Court of Viña del Mar sentenced him to three years imprisonment, ordered him to pay and cover the entire cost of the trial, prohibited him from even having any contact with Ámbar or her family, and had to disclose his address to the police. The court also again, took custody away from Denisse and sent her to live with Ulises for a few months, The no-contact order went both ways as Denisse was ordered to have nothing to do with Juan either so long as she wanted to raise Ámbar. Eventually, Ámbar was returned to Denisse's custody after she obeyed this court order.
Ulises, viewing Denisse as an unfit mother, and since he saw her as manipulative wanted to keep Ámbar. When Denisse found out, she prohibited her daughter from ever visiting her father and tried to manipulate her into disliking him, saying that it was his fault and that he was trying to break up their family. Ulises would also send money to the family for Ámbar but Denisse would often, not tell her when the money arrived and simply pocket and spend it for herself.
Denisse's plan to turn Ámbar against her father backfired and the older Ámbar got, the more strained her relationship with her mother would become. They would constantly argue and one time, Ámbar had a friend over when she and Denisse had another argument and Denisse moved to strike her daughter. Ámbar and the friend ran to another room and locked the door but Denise was so angry over whatever the fight was about that she hit the door with enough force to break it open. The only reason that Ámbar never defended herself was simple, according to friends, Ámbar told her that since Denisse gave birth to her, she was obligated to respect her mother and could never raise a hand to her.
Soon Denise would date another man, the landlord of their apartment, Manuel García Queirolo. Tragically, Manuel wouldn't be any better than Juan. Whenever he heard that Ámbar was showering, he'd use his position as the landlord to go to a room on the second floor that gave him a clear view through the bathroom window so he could watch Ámbar. Ámbar would eventually find out and inform her mother to which she told her and her brother to just not shower unless she were home. But beyond that, she took no action, she didn't even stop seeing Manuel. She actually did the opposite and got mad at Ámbar for being the subject of Juan and Manuel's lust. The worst of Manuel's depravity wouldn't come out or be known by others, even Ámbar until years later, that will be discussed further in the write-up.
With all this tragedy and her dysfunctional and abusive home life, one may expect Ámbar to have been troubled. But on the contrary, all her friends said she was happy, outgoing, kind, would do anything for them and loved to engage and share her hobbies with them such as dancing. Ámbar was deeply liked by all her classmates and was very popular. She had managed to not be defined by all that was going on in her life.
In late 2019, Denisse had found her next boyfriend, a man named Hugo Humberto Bustamante Pérez with the two moving in together in relatively short order. Ámbar was not very keen on Hugo and how fast their relationship was progressing, she also felt uneasy about him as well and how he looked at her. Ámbar told one of her friends about her mother's new boyfriend and her friend felt his name sounded familiar to the two looked him up and did not at all like what they had found.
Hugo Humberto Bustamante Pérez
Hugo Humberto Bustamante Pérez was born on March 28, 1965, in Quilpué as the third out of four siblings. His father worked as an electrician, and his mother a housekeeper with domestic violence a frequent occurrence in the household. His mother was described as neglectful while his father was actively abusive and had him put to work at the age of 8 to sell fruits and vegetables at markets. To escape his father's abuse during his most violent outbursts, he would go stay at his grandparent's house. At the young age of 13, he would fall into a drug addiction, starting with marijuana before escalating to opium and cocaine.
At the age of 15, his father kicked him out of the home so he went to Mendoza, Argentina and lived with a classmate. There he claimed to have travelled all to Bolivia, Peru, Spain and Brazil. He returned to Chile at the age of 18 and began stealing goods to sell back as well as trafficking drugs. When he was 20 he would, with the help of an accomplice take part in a scam where he would get on a bus, gain the trust of the passenger sitting next to him, offer a drink laced with sleeping pills and then steal their belongings as they passed out in the street. He would also attempt this on beaches as well.
Several times, Hugo would attempt to start romantic relationships but none of them would last particularly long usually breaking up almost immediately due to a lack of commitment from Hugo. For legitimate income, Hugo got into bodybuilding and according to him, he owned a nightclub. On May 27, 1987, Hugo was arrested for the first time on a charge of theft but he doesn't appear to have suffered severe consequences for this. He later began another relationship but this one seems to have lasted a little longer with them even having a child and Hugo getting employed as a serial guard. But they broke up shortly after the birth and in 1989 Hugo was arrested for nine counts of robbery, four counts of theft and 5 counts of armed and violent robbery earning him a 10-year prison sentence.
Hugo had a rough stint in prison, with his drug habits routinely sending him to a hospital in Valparaíso and often had extra security and shackles because he once tried escaping during a transfer. In 1992, he suddenly had a mental health crisis and was admitted to a mental hospital for 25 days. In 1995 he was granted parole but was sent back to prison 8 months later after violating it. He was finally released after serving his sentence in 1999. After serving his sentence he again attempted to turn his life around, getting a job painting and repairing cars and saving enough money to open his own store. He also took an interest in yoga and spiritualism. At a yoga class, we would meet 49-year-old kindergarten teacher Verónica Vásquez Puebla (born in 1955) who had a son named Eugenio Honorato Vásquez.
Verónica Vásquez Puebla and Eugenio Honorato Vásquez
Unlike Hugo's prior relationships, this one actually appeared to be promising. Eventually, Hugo asked Verónica for money for "home improvement" and initially she wouldn't hesitate to give her money away. Tragically, Hugo would begin squandering the relationship and would become abusive and temperamental. So on January 8, 2005, he came to ask for money, money that he had never paid back any time prior, Verónica finally said no having now wanted nothing to do with him.
When met with this reply, Hugo was left enraged. In his fit of rage, he grabbed a baseball bat and struck Verónica with it before strangling her. All the commotion had woken up 9-year-old Eugenio after being witnessed, Hugo set his sights on the child and began strangling him as well. Now that both were unconscious, he shoved a cloth down Verónica's throat, tied her hands and feet together and slit her throat. Afterward, he finished them by wrapping their heads in plastic wrap and tying a plastic bag around their heads. He then got a metal drum and hit their bodies repeatibly with a cane and breaking their bones so he could better fit Verónica and Eugenio's corpses inside. Then to hide the smell of decomposition, filled the drum with water, line and plaster before sealing it. He then proceeded to ransack Verónica's house to look for the money he had asked for and left once he found it.
He left the barrel in Verónica's home for a few days and blew her money on his old habits, that being drugs, drinking and prostitutes. Eventually, despite his methods to mask the odour, the bodies inside the drum began to smell. To deal with this, he bought a house with a patio and transferred the barrel to that property. He then asked his father if he could help him dig a hole in his yard. The hole was two meters deep and one meter wide. He asked the movers, moving in his furniture to help move the drum to the back of his house. Hugo was almost caught right then and there because liquid began leaking from the barrel but Hugo said that he worked in the food (specifically French Fry) industry and that it was a chemical from making the product. After everyone left, he buried the drum in the hole he had his father dig. Verónica's brother noticed she was missing and called her only to be answered by Hugo and said that she had gone on a spiritual retreat. Eventually, he and her family went looking for her and found her identification documents in a ditch. Hugo was again called and simply said she was bored with Verónica and hung up.
On January 26, Hugo's new neighbours called the police to report the smell and when they arrived, despite how confident Hugo was that he'd get away with it, and despite all the work he put into hiding his crime, he confessed immediately. The police placed Hugo under arrest while they excavated his yard and recovered the drum and the bodies. Tragically, the news broke at the same time as Hugo's daughter began making plans to reconnect with him. This murder gained Hugo the moniker of "The Drum Psychopath"
The police outside Hugo's house.
The police in Hugo's yard
The drum.
Hugo spent his first few months in a mental hospital where he boasted to the doctors about his economic situation and martial arts talent. Hugo's trial took place in November 2005 held by The Guarantee Court of Villa Alemana, and he was handed down a sentence of 27 years imprisonment with his release date set for January 26, 2032. Hugo would now be one of Chile's most infamous criminals and was the subject of an episode of "Mea Culpa"
Hugo being brought to court
Hugo was even given interviews while in prison, in one of these interviews he was asked if he would ever kill again if released and he would tell the interviewer that he didn't know because "I am not the master of destiny". He also told the interviewer that he was triggered by a whistling sound in his ear and he said that it was like watching a movie while he was killing Verónica and Eugenio.
On April 29, 2016, Hugo was put before a parole board and even though Hugo publically said to an interviewer that he was uncertain about whether he'd kill again or not, and even though the prison itself told the judges in charge of the parole hearings not to release him, they outraged all of Chile by granting him parole regardless on the basis of him serving 10 years, learning an actual skill he would use at a job while in prison and good behaviour meaning, legally, they had no reason to deny parole and he was released amongst 788 others. Hugo was despised by all the locals he was now living with, no employer would hire him for any more than a day so he mostly worked odd jobs. Even those who reluctantly admitted that Hugo was nice, added that he still seemed odd and one of his neighbours said "When he looked at you, it felt like he was undressing you with his eyes"
Neighbours would even put up flyers all across the area warning residents about Hugo and to make it clear to Hugo that he wasn't welcome. Parents even refused to let their children go outside alone now that Hugo was back and living alongside them and women wanted to be driven to work and driven home from work instead of walking. Even the mayor of Villa Alemana had ordered an extra police presence in the neighbourhood he moved into.
As soon as she finished reading up on his lengthy and disturbing history, Ámbar was left horrified. Denisse had had 4 partners, one sexually assaulted Ámbar when she was 8, the other was a blatant pedophile who would stare and watch her shower and now her newest one was a man who killed his girlfriend and her 9-year-old child. The only one of Denisse's partners that she actually treated with disdain and contempt was Ámbar's father who cared for and had her best interests in mind. Ámbar explained this all to Denisse who got mad at her daughter and started another fight since she saw Ámbar as judging her newest boyfriend without getting a chance to meet and know him. She even told her that everyone deserves a second chance despite barely knowing Hugo herself at this point.
Seeing as her mother remained stubborn, Ámbar went behind her back and wrote a complaint letter to the apartment's manager requesting that Hugo be banned from the premises. This complaint found its way to the public and soon the other residents of the apartment learnt that Hugo was living with them and essentially, they all came together to demand that they all leave and take Hugo with them. Leave they did but Denisse took Ámbar's brother and moved into Hugo's own home. But Denisse, now on the verge of hating Ámbar for not accepting her relationship with Hugo, punished her by abandoning her underaged daughter and having her live alone in the apartment with a very minuscule amount of money.
After only a week, Ámbar would have to leave the apartment and would go back and forth between staying at various different friend's houses but none were able to let her move in full-time. And she couldn't move into her father's place because he lived in Northern Chile and that would involve abandoning her brother and mother with Hugo. In December 2019, Ámbar moved in to live with Manuel's daughter who was old enough to have her own children and for Ámbar to refer to her as an "aunt". She was described as a much better mother figure than Ámbar's own mother and she was completely ignorant to Manuel's crimes so Ámbar felt safe around her and didn't hold her father's actions against her. And by this point, Denisse disowned Ámbar in all but name. She ended up having to repeat a grade and the school and teachers took note of this and tried to call Denisse 6 separate times for a parent-teacher conference only for her to get aggressive toward the teachers for even calling her at all.
The only interactions she would have with Denisse would be when child support was sent and Ámbar still all these years later had to go to Denisse's house to collect the money in person before her mother spent it all herself. And often she wouldn't even go inside, she'd just knock on the door, Denisse would give her the money without saying a word and close the door. And even if she didn't behave that way, Ámbar steadfastly refused to ever step foot inside Hugo's home. The latest payment was sent on July 29, 2020, when Ámbar told her "aunt" that she was going to head over. After three hours had passed Ámbar had yet to return home from Denisse's and wouldn't answer her phone her respond to any messages. Her Aunt actually called Denisse who blatantly didn't care about her daughter's disappearance and actually hung up the phone. Afterwards, the police were finally called.
Both the police and the entire neighbourhood dismissed the possibility of a runaway and together with the police, the entire neighbourhood began a search effort for Ámbar. Ulises also heard of what had been going on in Ámbar's life as well as her disappearance and immediately travelled to Villa Alemana to join in on the search and of course call and confront Denisse who would never answer or respond. Even when the police themselves showed up, Denisse refused to cooperate or help and ignored even those tasked with finding her daughter. Some witnesses even said that she just stood on her porch and drank a beer with Hugo while others tried finding her daughter
The police would put several flyers all across the local area appealing for information, questioned every neighbour they could find, and together with the Red Cross, firefighters and local volunteers searched the nearby grasslands, bushes, forests, mountains and so on utilizing sniffer dogs, drones and even thermal imaging cameras with the searches continuing into the night. A witness would also come forward and say that in the morning he drove by Ámbar and saw her crying as she walked away. One of Denisse's neighbours also said that in an unusual course of events, Ámbar actually entered Denisse and Hugo's home instead of waiting outside and that she didn't leave. This statement was supported by a CCTV camera showing her walking toward their house but never walking away.
Ámbar's missing notice
This time, simply ignoring them wouldn't work. On July 31, A large group of neighbours went to Hugo's house and waited for him to come outside so they could all gang up on and confront him and some wouldn't even let him go back inside. Hugo acted strangely amicable this time and even invited them to come inside and said the police could even bring in search dogs. Hugo even confidently stated, "If I had a body in here it would smell, Don't you think a body that's been here for 2 days would smell". This statement had the opposite effect of what Hugo had intended since as of now, most people thought Ámbar may still be alive.
Since he gave consent, everyone agreed and entered his home on August 3, including police with search dogs and although no human remains were found, they did find clothing with traces of human blood which were seized to be analyzed by forensics. The blood would end up being a red herring as it was old and belonged to Denisse. Even though Hugo seemed to have been in the clear for now, having just invited police onto his property and them finding nothing, he decided to, on August 3, with Denisse, leave Ámbar's brother in the care of one of his sisters and then the two would just flee and leave the area without notice. By now the search expanded to find them, as suspects to be arrested.
On August 6, photos were uploaded on social media showing Hugo and Denisse at a camp ground in Lilu Lilu trying to find someplace to hide, police also pulled CCTV footage from a store near the camping ground and saw the two buying clothes, hats and sunglasses in an attempt to hide their appearance. The police searched the nearby woods and found the two relatively easily and began interrogating them separately.
Hugo and Denisse at the campground
Denisse who clearly had no concern for her daughter's safety and disowned her over not accepting Hugo, turned on him very easily. She confessed that Hugo had murdered Ámbar and that she knew he did but was too afraid to come forward as Hugo had threatened her, her son and her parents and that he forced her to run away with him. According to her, Hugo had dug and torn up his living room floor to make a 6-foot ditch, bury her in it and refill the living room. The police believed Denisse and figured she'd be a valuable witness so they released her. Hugo exercised his right to remain silent and told the police nothing.
It was fortunate for the police that Hugo didn't need to speak. They checked his cell phone and found that from July 20-July 28 he had searched the following terms "Price of electric weapons, Ranged stun gun, Using chloroform to sleep, Sale of straightjacket psychiatry, Chinese bamboo torture, Chinese water drop torture, Ether sleeping spray, Using ether to put people to sleep, Medical use of scopolamine, Where to buy hydroxybutyric, Total and absolute power, How to change your first and last name, Psychological torture, Torture methods, Meat grinder price, Blows to faint, sleep or immobilize," and so much more which clearly showed that not only did Hugo premeditate Ámbar's murder, but that the murder was likely horrific. Inside his backpack were two knives, a hatchet, rope and a receipt for paint and paraffin wax.
The police easily obtained a warrant to search Hugo's home that same day. They broke up the floorboards in his living room and dug up the soil underneath. There they found three plastic coolers upside down and wrapped into plastic bags. The police removed the bags and opened up the coolers, there they found the decomposed, eviscerated and partially skeletal remains of a young girl, dismembered into 15 separate pieces. The remains were easily identified as Ámbar's based on her clothing. The autopsy revealed that Ámbar had been attacked and suffered numerous blunt force injuries across her body but especially to her hands, arms, forearms, buttocks and thighs. a cloth was stuffed down her mouth as seen with her head, and there were signs on the remains that she had been violently raped. According to the medical examiner, a saw and knife were used for the dismemberment
Police and forensics
Meanwhile, the police faced backlash for releasing Denisse and not investigating her further, many did not believe her to be as innocent and a victim of Hugo as she portrayed, her prior history and actions during the search made that hard to believe. And even after her daughter's dismembered body was found under her living room, Denisse wasn't sad, mourning or even. After several threats including her apartment being vandalized as she was led home under her police guard and threats over the phone, Denisse was sent to a psychiatric institute after attempting to take her own life. The backlash continued after it was revealed that the institute was being kept anonymous as a "witness protection" situation.
And speaking of outage, outrage toward the Chilean government and judiciary was immense as Hugo's release led to Ámbar's death. The families of Verónica and Eugenio were also furious that their killer got to go free to kill again instead of serving his sentence. The outrage was in fact so intense, that the judge who approved Hugo's release was even suspended and investigated for misconduct. Eventually, though, she was reinstated with no consequences because although the law was flawed, she was doing her job as a judge by following it. Instead, Chile changed their laws to make the parole process much more thorough and over all harder to have parole answered as opposed to the rubber stamp process it was before.
On September 24, Denisse was removed from Witness Protection and instead placed under arrest with now the police labelling her a murderer instead of a witness. The police ended up going through Hugo's entire phone history, Denisse's, and CCTV footage around the area before and immediately after the murder which showed that Denisse was an active participant. Denisse's motive was simple yet heartbreaking and horrifying. She had on some level wanted to do this ever since their neighbours forced them to leave their apartment because of Hugo, she and Hugo both said that Ámbar wasn't letting them live together as a romantic couple in peace and she saw Ámbar as coming in between him and Hugo and that as long as her daughter was alive, she would never be with the man she wanted.
Denisse's arrest
While in prison, she was the most hated inmate by her fellow inmates and her own cellmate said that she would "make life impossible" and went out of her way to stay up late just to make sure that she could keep Denisse awake and not let her sleep. This led to Denisse being moved to solitary confinement after a "lynching" attempt. A move that infuriated the public and her fellow inmates. It also upset Hugo who was said to have been begging the courts to let him visit Denisse.
Denisse and Hugo were both tried together with the trial beginning on October 26, 2021, at The Oral Criminal Court of Viña del Mar. During the trial which was held over video link due to COVID-19. Denisse somehow found a way to play Ámbar's favorite music which the court and her relatives saw as a provocation. with the prosecution calling over 54 witnesses, 113 relevant documents, 30 expert reports, and the prosecution presented strong DNA evidence, Psychiatric reports showing them to both be sane, and biochemical reports. According to the prosecution, this is what happened.
Hugo and Denisse during the trial
On July 29, 2020, Ámbar was called by Denisse to pick up the money sent by Ulises. Before Ámbar arrived her now 14-year-old brother was sent to school to pick something up so that he couldn't be a witness to the crime. When Ámbar arrived, Denisse refused to go outside, meet her and hand her the money like always, instead, she insisted and demanded that she enter the home if she wanted it. Somehow, she did convince her and Ámbar went inside where she was immediately attacked by her mother and Hugo with Hugo proceeding to rape Ámbar.
Soon a problem in their plan emerged when Ámbar's brother returned home much quicker than Denisse had expected him to. When Denisse saw her through the windows she hurriedly ran outside and told him that they needed to go to their old apartment because they had gotten a call that someone was breaking in. He couldn't see anything that was going on and really needed to use the bathroom, but his mother insisted that they had to leave now and when he moved past Denisse to use the bathroom, Hugo from the inside kept pushing the door shut so he couldn't enter, something he found odd. He was only allowed in after Hugo dragged his sister's body to another room and closed the door. When he was finally let in to use the bathroom, he heard a loud thumping noise coming from the other room. He left the bathroom and didn't even ask about the noises but Hugo felt the need to frantically explain them away and say it was his mother coming over for a visit and folding clothes. Ámbar's brother was one of the prosecution's star witnesses.
Hugo, now left alone, began dismembering Ámbar into the aforementioned 15 pieces and placed them into the coolers while CCTV cameras showed Denisse and her son at a metro station on the way to their apartment. Denisse showed no reaction to helping her boyfriend rape and murder her daughter. While at the metro station, she sent the following text messages to Hugo. "I'm more calm now, I love you, kisses", "I hope everything goes well for you", "See you tomorrow" and "Good night love" That second message was her wishing Hugo luck in disposing of her daughter's body. They also exchanged 14 phone calls. When they arrived at the apartment, Denisse had her son stay there while she rushed to a store to purchase paint and paraffin wax. Denisse was caught on CCTV doing this and the cashier was called to testify. To keep him away from their home, Denisse had her son stay at the apartment alone for the night as she returned.
Hugo and Denisse then went to the living room to remove the wooden floorboards in the living room, dig a six-foot hole through the soil underneath the floor, dumped the coolers into the hole, filled the hole back in, and placed new replacement floorboards where the old ones were and nailed them back to the floor sealing up the makeshift grave. The paraffin wax was used to try and keep any search dogs from detecting the stench of decomposition. Neighbours heard the sound of equipment such as drills and hammers being used but that the sounds were spaced out as if Hugo and Denisse were trying to be quiet with them. Denisse then wrapped Ámbar's cell phone in aluminum foil, burnt it and discarded it in a crawl space. Denisse's fingerprints were pulled from this foil. Denisse's shoes were also examined and traces of wax were found on the soles. Hugo seemed supremely confident that he would never be caught but as soon as he was confronted by his neighbours he was suddenly terrified and frantically told Denisse that they needed to run away.
On November 26, 2021, the two were found guilty and on December 7. both were sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole until at least 40 years into the sentence meaning the two won't even have the possibility of release until Hugo is at least in his 90s. It wasn't just murder the two were convicted of, they also were sentenced for rape and abuse, tragically not just that of Ámbar. Ámbar's brother wasn't just a major in the murder case, Hugo and Denisse had been sexually abusing him as well this whole time and the two were sent to prison for those crimes. For the sake of his protection, specific details involving his case have thankfully not been made public. They were both acquitted on the charge of illegally burying a body and Denisse was acquitted on the charge of raping Ámbar. They both appealed the verdict and sentence but on June 2, 2022, the Chilean Supreme Court upheld the decision.
Now I mentioned that Manuel García Queirolo would be brought up again as his actions were even more heinous, Well, during her disappearance and murder, the Cyber Crime Unit was investigating Manuel for completely unrelated reasons, he was suspected of producing and possessing child pornography on his cell phone and other sex crimes from 2016-2020. On August 17, 2020, he was placed under arrest while investigators went through his phone. As they expected, he did possess mutable inappropriate images of minors.
Manuel's arrest
Horrifyingly enough, 400 of which were all of Ámbar back when she lived in his property. Aside from photographing her while she was showering, he also had pictures of upskirts and pictures taken up her dresses and the phone camera zoomed in to focus on her privates. Ámbar never found out about these images. On December 15, 2021, Manuel was convicted by The Oral Criminal Trial Court of Viña del Mar and sentenced to 14 years imprisonment on December 27.
Ámbar's other relatives, friends and various women's rights organizations were satisfied with the verdict and even celebrated in the streets. The families of Verónica and Eugenio were also pleased to know that he was back in prison. For Hugo and Denisse, they are likely to never see each other face to face ever again. Ironically, that is despite being in the same prison. On April 27, 2022, Denisse was transferred to the same prison as Hugo after an apparent "lynching" attempt which led to lacerations on the scalp, bruises on both sides of the neck, an orbital hematoma, a laceration in the right eye, a wound on the lower lip, a hematoma in the lumbar dorsal area and on the left elbow. Although she has been attacked several times before this was the most brutal one.
Ámbar's brother is now 17-18 and is living with other family on Ulises's side. He is said to be doing well, has made several new friends and has moved on and put this incident behind him with his life looking up for him.
Sources (In the Comments)
submitted by moondog151 to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:38 lyndongwapo Ugah, the Face of the Past

Ugah, the Face of the Past

Ugah, the Face of the Past

Ugah hailed from an ancient era when the world of Runeterra was newly formed, populated by primitive humans. During this time, magical runes, remnants of an unknown celestial power, were abundant natural resources. As the leader of his tribe, Ugah’s curiosity was piqued when he encountered a glowing stone while hunting. Driven by primal instinct, he struck the rune, triggering a massive explosion that rendered him unconscious and scattered his companions. Upon awakening, Ugah found himself in a familiar yet altered landscape, transported to the future by a rune of space and time. Searching for his tribe, he discovered their absence and eventually found himself in the region known as Ixtal.




This image is not Mine all credit goes to Farcry:Primal. This image is a Character from the game called Farcry:Primal, he is the main Character named as Takkar.


Ugah is a quite a unique marksman, he cannot buy item. So here is the idea, Ugah kill Gold Reward can is gained by nearby Ally, probably his Support. Since the Support had the Item, he can buy it into the Shop and can use the Item and use the item as a Learning Concept for Ugah. The item used will adaptively apply by Ugah into his own accord to copy it his own way of Learning in Fighting.


This concept is made in-refer to the All 4 prompts of June 2024.
  • 1: This concept is inspired by one of the first type of artwork made by humans the Cave Paintings. This concept I will make is a prehistoric human (prehistoric people of Runeterra).
  • 2: This concept have unique Crowd Conteol Effect: Concussed/Confusion this will make Enemy unit afflicted DISORIENTED which make their Movement, Basic Attack and Spells released at random direction. Basic Attack are released in fixed line instead. This confusion CC effect has the same effect and animations when Zeri is blinded.) This idea came up since people in primitive times, they use Bludgeoning the heads for mating or for fighting, concussing their possible mate or enemy.
  • 3: This concept, has unique way in gaining Gold and buying Item. In short story, this Champion cannot gain Gold. He fully relies on his Support or any Ally. Since he is Illiterate, he don’t know the concept of a Gold, instead Gold is rewarded and gained by his nearby Ally. By the way he is Marksman. He fully rely on the Babysit of his Support (Teammate).
  • 4: I came up a concept heavily inspired by the artwork and this “NPC”. In this prompt I focus on NPC term which “NPC have fixed stats, cannot be modified pr augment by player through upgrades and etc. since he is not controlled by a player” “Sometimes Npc are usually weak units or side characters waiting to be saved or to be slain by Characters”. With this I came up with a Concept that a player cannot do a usual thing about Champions like Buying Items go augment them, (the player using him cannot BUY an item for this Champion). This champion is also Illiterate, so in order to teach him, Ally (other players) can teach him to become stronger.


All of spell damage/effect, scalings, amount, cost and cooldowns are roughly estimated. Numbers can be adjusted and it is only a representation.

Passive: Primitive Way

SHINY: Ugah is Illiterate he cannot use 💰Gold when killing unit, instead the Full 💰Gold reward is fully given to the nearest Ally (prioritizing an Ally which he is been accompanied by most of the time).
PRIMITIVE LEARNING: Killing an Enemy unit gain him +1 🦍Primitive Learning Stack, (+7/8/9/10) 🦍Stack against Enemy Champion. Each 🦍stack grant him (+1 bonus ⚔️AD).
ADAPTIVE: If Ugah has enough amount of 🦍Primitive Learning Stack, Ugah can be taught by Allied Champion. Which then Ally can activate Item in their Item Slot by targeting Ugah (item is CONSUMED after the process). Ally enter Channeling for ⌛️1.5 seconds. After channeling, Ugah LEARN the Consumed Item’s Stat Amount and Passive effects. (Ugah has no Item Slot).
(this passive needs more time of calculations in terms of time during in-game, Gold generation during whole wave in Lane, equivalent item costs, equivalent item in comparison to enemy Champion and etc.)

Q: Gwuahhh!!

ACTIVE: Ugah release a Spear to target unit dealing ⚔️Physical Damage and bonus 🗡️True Damage based on target’s Missing 💚Health.
  • ⚔️Physical Damage = (60/100/140/180/220) (+100% bonus AD)
  • 🗡️Bonus True Damage = (4/5/6/7/8% of Missing 💚Health (+2% per 100 🦍Primitive Learning))
  • 🎯Cast Range = 600
  • 🕒Cooldown = 8 seconds
  • 💧Cost = 15 mana

W: Grrrr!!

ACTIVE: Ugah leaps toward the target unit then use his Club to strike dealing ⚔️Physical Damage, ↗️Knock them Away and 😵‍💫Confuse the target unit.
😵‍💫CONFUSE: A type of CC Effect which makes Enemy Unit 😵‍💫disoriented. Their Movement, Basic Attack and Spells are released at random direction.
  • ⚔️Physical Damage = (70/100/130/160/190) (+75% AD)
  • 😵‍💫⌛️Confuse Duration = (1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2) sec
  • ↗️🎯Knock Range = 450
  • 🎯Cast Range = 600
  • 🕒Cooldown = (20/18/16/14/12) sec
  • 💧Cost = 35 mana

E: Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!

PASSIVE: Ugah passively gain bonus Flat 🥾Movement Speed.
ACTIVE: Ugah cheers empowering himself and nearby Ally granting them bonus 🥾decaying Movement Speed and bonus Adaptive stat (⚔️AD/🔥AP). Half of Effect to nearby Allies.
While this is active, Ugah can traverse between small width ⛰️Terrain/Walls.
  • Bonus 🥾 Flat Speed = (35/40/45/50/55)
  • Decaying 🥾Movement Speed = (30/45/60/75/90%)
  • Bonus ⚔️AD/🔥AP = (5/10/15/20/25) (+25% of 🦍Primitive Learning)
  • 😵‍💫⌛️Effect Duration = (3/3.5/4/4.5/5) sec
  • 🎯Spell Range = 975 units
  • 🕒Cooldown = 15 sec
  • 💧Cost = 45 mana

Ultimate: Aaargggh!!

ACTIVE: Ugah gain in increasing🔰Damage Reduction to a certain type of Damage (such as Basic Attack/Spell of a respective Enemy Champion).
Damage Reduction trigger for example, Ezreal release Q Spell and Basic Attack to Ugah, then next Q Spell and Basic Attack damage is stackably reduced.
He also hain 🏹Attack Speed and ❣️Heal Regeneration per Attack released.
Each attack ⛑️Heal him over ⌛️2 seconds.
  • 🔰Damage Reduction per instance = (4/5/6%) (+1% per 100 🦍Primitive Learning) per instance of Same Spell/Attack
  • 🏹Bonus Attack Speed = (40/60/80%) (+10% per 100 🦍Primitive Learning)
  • ⛑️Heal per Attack = (10/15/20) (+15% of Primitive Learning) in over 2 seconds
  • ⌛️Effect Duration = (7/10/13) seconds
  • 🕒Cooldown = (100/80/60) sec
  • 💧Cost = 60 mana

How does his Passive Works?

Ugah gain Primitive Learning Stack as he kills an enemy unit. This stack grant him bonus AD and this stack is a measurement in order to determine how many Item he can learn. Like Example: for each and every 50 Primitive Learning he can learn Legendary Item, 10 for Basic Item. 100 Primitive Learning so he can learn 2 Legendary Item. I haven’t include the amount since it needs more time to calculate with so many factors to consider, but anyway this is how his passive works.

Ugah’s Strength and Weakness

Ugah is a champion who can learn multiple Item as long as he continue to Gain Primitive Learning Stack and fully Supported by his Allies BUT he cannot activate the Item’s Active effects.
submitted by lyndongwapo to LoLChampConcepts [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:32 Important-Bug8093 25% off All Quest Games A-Z

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2024.06.02 15:27 TheDreadPirateRobots [Have Gun - Will Travel] - 1.9

After bidding goodbye to Woodhouse and exiting my subconscious, I entered my Inner Sanctum and noticed that the grandfather clock had just a couple of minutes remaining until midnight. As I was debating if I should exit the Dreamland or not, the clock struck midnight. The computer dinged a little melody and began installing the updates while I amused myself by watching Happy Memories on my inner television. My 7th birthday was especially happy, with the entire family gathering to celebrate.
The lights in the sanctum flickered, drawing my attention to the computer.
[Installation Complete. Reboot? Y/N]
I selected [Y] and lost consciousness.
HumanOS Version: 3.0 Model: Vincent J. Carter Serial: 987-65-4329 Battery: 1440 @ 100% Memory: 494/1024 Provider: (PSY) Credits: 1630 Expansion: small white mana stone (unprimed) Apps: Labourer 1.1, Bounty Hunter 3.3, Psychic Skills 1.9 Utilities: Quickdraw 2.1, Aimed Shot 2.1, Haymaker 1.0, Bounty Sense 1.0, Quick Draw1.0, Aimed Shot1.0, Traps and Gadgets 1.0, Intimidation 1.0, Tracking 1.0, Survival 1.0, Marksmanship 1.0, Close Combat 1.0, Stealth 1.0, Negotiation 1.0, Second Wind 1.0, Aura Manipulation 1.2, Auric Sight 1.3, Dreamworld 1.2, Mind Over Matter 1.0, Regeneration 1.0, Disassembly 2.1, Items: S&H Mongoose
I woke to the smell of Delilah cooking over the campfire and peered at the screen blocking my vision making note of the changes and resolving to dig into them further when time permitted. For now, most things seemed to be instinctive instead of needing a mental trigger to function.
That’s a good thing, because I’m horrible at stuff like that.
Dismissing the screen, I rolled over and inhaled deeply. It smells like breakfast will be wolf-skewers and coffee, once I get up and make the coffee. Crawling out of my tarps, I grunted a good morning to the Elf and set about making a pot of coffee.
“You drink coffee?” I asked, wondering how much to make.
Delilah shook her head. “Too bitter,” she replied.
After setting the tin coffeepot next to the campfire to boil, I began packing my things away, stowing them in the inventory space contained in my saddlebags. My Auric sight spotted a silvery thread leading from Delilah into the trees where I spotted Beatale after a few moments of searching. His golden eyes met mine and blinked slowly before returning his attention to scanning the area.
Ten minutes later I was sipping a cup of hot Joe and my morning grogginess had mostly passed.
[Ding! Mana-infused meal consumed. Credits +5]
Nice. Looks like I earn experience just by eating the things that try to eat me.
“How did you become a Summoner?” I asked Delilah when I was half finished my coffee.
“My tribe sacrificed mana cores to Llewellen, goddess of the Tengaoi,” She said, looking puzzled. “Much like Humans sacrifice to their gods, pay gold to those who build the wizard towers, or improve themselves with meditation.”
I sipped my coffee and thought about that. Seems it’s not unusual for someone to spend money to buy Apps and Utilities.
“What about upgrading?” I said, being vague on purpose. She obviously got my meaning, because she answered without hesitation.
“Using your Skills and Abilities increases their limits and accumulates Toh, which can be sacrificed to the Goddess for advancements.”
“What about mana cores?”
“That is only for those without Toh,” she replied. It seemed that you had to buy your way into the club, then you paid for the membership with credits.
Looks like anyone wealthy enough can game the system to start with, but they still have to level up the hard way.
As we talked it became apparent that people earned one experience per day from the day they were born and could sacrifice it at a temple to choose a class when they came of age at 15 years. Calculator told me that 5850 credits were available to spend at age 15 and a quick check of the maths showed that I received credits equal to my age, if the years were 390 days long. Which they were.
“I’ll be heading to Wendleton,” I said, changing the subject. “What are your plans?”
“I am returning to my tribe now that my quest is complete,” She hesitated then stood and removed a leather necklace that featured a large tooth as its centrepiece. “Please accept this. It will guarantee hospitality with the Tangaoi tribes, and some measure of respect with other Elves.”
Accepting the necklace from her hands, I placed it around my neck. “Thank you,” I said. “It’s always nice to have friends.”
She nodded and summoned her mount with a bone totem, saddled it, and mounted a few minutes later. “Safe travels, Vinnie.” She said. “Perhaps we will meet again.”
“Safe travels Delilah,” I echoed. “I hope we do meet again.”
A faint smile crossed her lips before turning her horse and cantering down the trail.
“Well, Horse,” I said after she had disappeared into the distance. “Looks like it’s just you and me now.”
Horsey thoughts filled my head, with distinct overtones of fresh oats. Laughing, I promised him some once we made town. Extinguishing the campfire, I stowed away the remainder of my gear, swung into the saddle, and trotted down the overgrown road.
An hour later the arid scrubland had given way to a rugged grassland filled with clumps of evergreen and other hardy species of deciduous trees. It was nothing like the Colorado I knew, a completely different environment than I was familiar with. The miles passed slowly and after another hour I could make out a caravan of wagons ahead of me. I quickly caught up with them and gave them a jaunty wave as I passed. They were quickly left behind as Horse trotted tirelessly down the road.
Mostly tirelessly. It was 10/hour of battery for standby or a walk, 15/hr for a trot, and 25/hr for a gallop. I wasn’t about to ruin my arse galloping to town, so I settled for cutting the time in half. I’d arrive around noon.
The closer I got to Wendleton, the denser the trees became, shifting from hardy evergreen to those more suitable to a temperate clime. The grass and underbrush also became thicker and greener, filled with vitality and suggesting that this area received more rain than the previous. Looking back, I could see that my altitude had been dropping as I rode. It wasn’t perceptible while I was riding, but from a distance I could tell that I had descended several hundred feet in elevation.
I pulled up [MAP] and began to construct a backstory for myself. Memorising a few cities between the city-state of Wendleton and the Colonial port city of New Frankfort, I wove a tale of a restless traveller from Colonia seeking his fortune in the Midlands. It was flimsy as discount toilet tissue, but hopefully it’d endure a few proper wipes until I got some sort of identification.
After covering miles of dusty road filled with deciduous trees, I began seeing verdant farmland and quaint hamlets close to the road, and reached Wendleton around noon.
The imposing walls encompassing the city greeted us from afar, their sheer magnitude commanding attention even at a distance. Wondering why they were built got me thinking; those walls weren’t just for show. They stood about fifty feet tall and were some thirty feet thick, solid enough to make you wonder what they were really keeping out. And they weren't just bare walls; they were decked out with towers and old-school battlements, giving off serious medieval vibes.
Yet, what truly captured my attention were the scars that marred the surface of those walls. These scars, bearing witness to bygone conflicts, whispered tales of valour and triumph. Each mark seemed to echo the city's rich history, as if its very narrative had been etched into the stone. The sight was nothing short of mesmerising, offering a glimpse into the storied past of Wendleton.
Traffic was flowing in and out of the gate without any obvious security or tax checks in place. Two guards dressed in chainmail armour stood by the gate, with a short sword at their waist and a shotgun slung over their shoulder. They eyeballed me as I slowed Horse to a canter and stopped in front of them. “I’m looking for a quiet place to stay a few days,” I said.
They looked at one another. “The Green Pig,” one said. “Tell them Martin sent you and you may get a discount.”
“Or they may charge you double,” the other guard laughed, slapping his comrade on the shoulder. “But yeah, you should be alright.”
“I’ve taken the scenic route from New Frankfort to get here,” I said, planting the seeds of my new background. “Do I need to register anywhere?”
“Not unless you want citizenship,” Martin said, scratching under his leather cap and examining his fingernails. “You can talk to someone at the Governor’s office about that.”
After getting directions to both places, I thanked the duo and made my way to the suggested inn.
The city inside the walls was a strange mixture of Spanish and European medieval, the buildings built mostly from brick and wood, with lots of wrought iron and balconies. The cobblestone streets rang under the hooves of wagons carrying goods from one place to another while pedestrians crowded the wide sidewalks. Horse navigated the streets and dodged the occasional street sweeper removing dung and other debris from the cobblestones.
Hats were everywhere, as were big bushy beards and thick moustaches. Women wore dresses that hung to just above their ankle while most of the men were dressed similar to myself with linen pants and shirts, with vests and jackets being worn more often than not. All in all, my impression was more of an old western city than some medieval European city.
The scream of a whistle startled me and I quickly located the source of the sound, a genuine steam locomotive pulling out of the local station. As Horse moved down the road under his own guidance I watched the train pull away, hauling passengers and freight to some distant destination.
A few streets later we were in front of a cozy looking tavern with a freshly painted sign bearing the trademark of the inn — a prancing Green Pig.
A few horses were tied to the hitching post outside so I did the same for Horse, wrapping his reins loosely around the rough wood while he dipped his nose into the water trough and drank deeply.
“Don’t wander off,” I said, patting his flank as I headed towards familiar saloon doors that were a staple of every western movie ever made. Pausing, I waited for someone to be tossed through them, then entered with only a slight disappointment that no one had been hurled into the streets. The interior was an eclectic mix of Old West and Medieval, wooden walls decorated with the skulls of strange animals, booths that lined the walls and smaller tables set in front of a large fireplace that featured an oversized mantle. A wide bar took up the rear of the room and the wall behind it was covered in shelves of liquor, with a large mirror featured prominently in the centre. Narrow stairs next to the bar led up to a balcony above where I could see several more tables and a hallway that led into the recesses of the building.
Everyone looked my way as I stood in the door before rejoining conversation with their companions or turning their attention back to the food in front of them. The smell of some meaty stew filled my nostrils, causing my stomach to growl and remind me it had been many hours since my last meal.
Making my way across the hardwood floor to the bar, I plastered a smile on my face and spoke to the skinny bartender pouring a pint from the taps. His hair was greying, as was his moustache, but only a few crowsfeet gathered around his eyes when he returned my smile. “Martin said this would be a good place to stay a few days while I’m in town,” I said.
Light from the door flashed across his glasses as he looked me over. “That it would,” He replied. “Clean bed, two meals, two bits. Or three silver a fortnight.”
I pulled three silver from my inventory and placed them on the smooth surface of the bar, their sudden appearance causing his eyebrow to arch.
“A fortnight then,” He nodded, pushing the pint at me before drawing another. “Something to cut the dust, mister…”
“Vinnie,” I said after draining half the pint. “Vinnie Carter.”
“Lucas Steele,” the barman nodded. “Don’t mess with the girls, breakfast at dawn, dinner at dusk, lunch is two brass. Brass for a beer or whiskey.”
I materialised four brass coins and pushed them across the bar. “Lunch and another pint.”
“Give me a minute and I’ll get everything sorted,” He said with a smile, scooping the coins up.
Nodding, I turned my attention to the patrons in the inn, watching them eat lunch and converse with their companions. Some appeared to be haggling over business matters and I pegged them as merchants or some other related class. My eye caught a man standing near the door, staring at posters on the wall. Wanted posters. Finishing off my pint, I walked over and had a look at them myself.
The man was dressed similar to myself, with a light jacket instead of a vest. Red embroidery accented his black jacket, thorns crawling up the lapels and circling around the collar. He was older than me, maybe in his 40s, face tanned from a lifetime spent in the sun and weather.
“Vinnie,” I said, touching my hat. “Anything good?”
He looked me over and turned his attention back to the posters. “Silas,” He responded. “I’m thinking about going after Blackheart Bill.”
I looked at the wanted poster in question, offering 280 silver for Bill and 20 silver for each of his gang, dead or alive.
“I’m new to the profession myself,” I said. “Any pointers you’d care to share?”
Silas looked at me and smiled. “Shoot first,” he said. “Everything will sort itself after that.”
I laughed, a cheerless sound as I was reminded that I had chosen the profession of psychotics for some reason. Did I really have it in me to be a Bounty Hunter? Was it too late to pick Cowboy? I stared at the posters on the wall, imagining my new life, hunting men and killing them.
For some reason, the thought didn’t bother me much. Maybe it was the difference between imagining it and the reality of a dead body in front of me?
“How green are you?” Silas asked.
“Green as grass,” I admitted.
Silas snorted. “Can you handle that hogleg?” He said, indicating the Mongoose at my hip.
“Still learning,” I said. No sense in talking myself up when I had no clue as to what was average around here. “Any suggestions for my first bounty?”
Silas looked me over with an appraising eye. “Ride with me and we’ll collect Blackheart Bill.”
submitted by TheDreadPirateRobots to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:24 ThePresto_ Anyone else have a significant lack of friends

We had our baby very young, I'm only turning 23 this year, wouldn't change it for the world absolutely adore her and I can't wait for the toddler phase so we can really start bonding more as she's all velcro baby for mom at the moment but really struggling with the fact that all my few remaining friends have moved away so it makes doing things so challenging
I'll get on my PC to play now but really struggling to find new people to play with as I find I can't commit to playing as regularly as people would like, same goes for my other hobbies when I get a few seconds or can carry baby in her sling I love painting my Warhammer but then it feels abit pointless as I have nobody to play with or even just talk about it with
Seems really petty and silly given the joy my daughter brought me but was just wondering if any other dad's have been faced with a similar issue
Sorry it's turned into a bit of a rant but just needed to get it off my chest
submitted by ThePresto_ to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:20 ANGRY_CENT_MAIN A Night on Chemos

Luxurious silk caresses your skin, some of the finest silks in the Imperium, but even they cannot compete with the feeling of lips on your cheek
“Good morning my muse” the lips whisper into your ear, a light kiss follows. “Five more minutes please” you groan, receiving a laugh in response “Did I wear you out that much last night little muse?” Her laugh sounds like dozens of little bells
“Just not a morning person” you sit up, grateful for the cup of recaf she places in your hands, perfectly made. Taking the first sip you immediately perk up, opening your eyes you see her
He hair falls, framing her face, twin purple eyes gaze lovingly into yours. A beauty mark under her left eye, even just waking up she still looks perfect, though she's always perfect in your eyes
You lean in to give her a kiss, even her lips taste perfect, she laughs again as you break the kiss “I might have made your coffee too sweet, I can taste it”
“Can't help when I kiss the sweetest thing” your reply causes her to blush, red filling her cheeks as she ducks her head “stop dearest, you know I don't like false flattery”
“It's the truth love” placing your recaf down you lean in and pull her into a deep kiss. A few muffled noise of complaint as you plant multiple kisses over her face
“Stop please my Muse, or we'll never get out of bed” she laughs as you pull back and stare into her eyes “would that be such a bad thing?”
“As much as that would be nice, we do need to get ready for tonight, it's the big show” excitement in her voice. “It is your first show”
Laughing you turn and rise out of the covers, stretching fully you hear a small “eep” from behind you along with rustling sheets. Turning you see Fulgrim with her face buried in the covers
“You weren't like this last night” you tease as you pull the covers from her blushing face, “what's the matter? Don't like seeing your own handy work?”
“Shower time” she declares, rushing forward to pick you up over her shoulder as she heads to your bathroom. Brushing past the curtains that surround your bed she heads past dozens of statues and paintings of the two of you.
Heading into the bathroom she drops you on the marble flooring, reaching over to start the shower.
Cold water comes crashing down on you. Startling you away from the falling water with a yelp. “Not so full of yourself now are you?” She laughs turning the water up, stepping in to the warming rain, offering you a hand up
Taking her smooth hand you rise and begin to wash each other. Hands glide over each other as suds appear on both your body's. All too soon are you both clean
Letting the water come to a stop you both make your way out of the shower, before you can take another step a massive towel envelopes you.
Fulgrim laughs as she pats you dry, never letting you out of your fluffy prison. Looking up you see her smiling into your pillowed tomb, a blush as she realizes where you are looking
With a scoff she pulls the towel over your head, not before you see a quick blush and smile on her face. After wrestling the towel off your head you manage to see her standing there in a towel to match your own
She smiles as she points to a small platform “only the best for today my muse” she moves to place a tomato on her wrist, needles and thread already in place as she holds up two bolts of fabric
You step up on the plate, holding your arms our as she begins to lay fabric over you, not needing to measure knowing yours by heart
She plays around with many different styles and types of fabric. Given your late awaking and her insistence on making an even better set of clothes it's after lunch before you are startled out of your daze
“Ah ha” you hear, zoning in you see her face set in a grin of wild joy as she finds the style that suits you. Her hair is loose and a few strands are untucked from behind her ears, her face relaxes from a scrunch, a few wrinkles still visible
You smile sweetly at the love of your life as she does a little victory dance, laughing you press your lips together, knowing better then to move after she found what she was looking for.
A kiss answers your call as she pulls several bolts of fabric out. Siscors flashing with expert skill as she cuts the fabric to shape. Pinning it in place she takes several looks at you, swirling a finger around wanting you to turn
As you spin her laughter sounds out like bells, you swear no bells could ever sound as pure. “Alright alright, that's enough for now” her words are cut off by her growling stomach “and it seems we've worked through lunch, what do you say we take a break?” She asks already moving to help you out of your clothes
Getting you changed into a loose robe the two of you reenter your bedroom, a lavish tray of food left in there for the two of you. As you rush over you hear “ah, ah, ah” as the reaches over you to grab the tray, lifting it over her head
You turn, a pout on you face as she lowers some grapes into her mouth. She laughs through the grapes, an adorable sound as she looks at your pouting face. “Do you want some?” She teases as she leans down, still not on your level from her height. You turn your pout into a plead, eyes going wide as you look up into hers
“Aww” she coos as she pinches your cheek “I could just eat you up” she says before launching a vicious kissing attack on your face, only relenting when you fall onto the couch laughing
She sits next to you, placing your head on her lap as she lowers the same bunch of grapes into your mouth. As you lay there she alternates between feeding you and herself. Before you know it only crumbs are left on the plater
And herself, as she brushes crumbs off the two of you. “Come on my muse. I have to finish fitting your new clothes” she stands and turns to offer you her hand
Seemingly forgetting she's was only in a towel, one that you are left resting on. She realizes and strikes a pose “come on muse, just a little longer” she sways a bit, knowing your mind is already made
You just grind and take her hand back to the platform. Where her hands quickly sew you a full suit.
The deep purple matches her eyes, cloth draped over your shoulders. It comes together just above you waist, where it wraps around before heading back over your shoulders to trail behind you. Several gold and purple tassels are hung in the wraps to fall just above your ankle. You turn, swishing in the almost dress/toga combination to happy clapping
“I think you look great my muse, now let me get changed and we'll head out” she ducks behind a screen, her shadow visible through the thin material. You see her step up and into something, shimmying up her body, along with several other movements
She steps out in a purple dress. Fabric falling to the floor and clinging to her form. Her arms are covered in long deep purple gloves, coming up to past her elbows. Which stand bare, as does most of her back, the dress showing off her perfect figure
She laughs as she walks over to you, heels adding adding extra inches to the already vast height difference, as she places a finger on your chin and closing your mouth
“If you want a treat sugar, you just have to ask” she gives you a wink as she turns to lead the two of you out of the room, her hand naturally grabbing her new blade as she does
A sour taste takes over your mouth upon seeing it. “Darling, do you need to take your blade?” She jumps a little, hand falling to her waist as she realizes that she's wearing it
“Of course dear” she says almost automatically “it would not do for someone like me to not wear a weapon, even on Chemos” she says drawing her blade and looking at her reflection
A wave of nausea hits you as the blade is exposed to the air. You swear you see another figure in the reflection. “I think Fireblade would look better dear, you know that lovely glow would compliment your own”
She doesn't respond, still looking in the blade. You approach her without her noticing, she only moves when you place a hand on her arm. “I'll wear my own blade and we can match” you say as she jumps
Worry crosses her face “but your outfit isn't designed to hold a blade dear, id have to make a belt to fit it” she looks at you as she tilts her head “you are right about Fireblade though, I do love the glow that come from the sheath” she says rubbing her chin
She sets the Lear blade down, hand coming away from the blade trembling as she grabs Fireblade, dust falling away from it as she swings it into place on her hip.
She looks at you, hand on her hip, “come now muse, we have a long night ahead of us” she says with a grin “especially sense last night wasn't too much for you”
Check out my other works here
submitted by ANGRY_CENT_MAIN to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:18 jackolantern717 Stress nightmare tonight

For context: i am autistic and 5’2”
In my dream, i was at work. This big kinda fat guy ive never seen shows up and starts pushing me and a shorter younger guy around (i am an employee, the other kid was a customer). To defend us, i blocked the shorter guy with my body from the guy’s punches and then hit him really hard in the face. Then i ran behind him and got him in a chokehold. When he was able to fight back, i hit him in the face more and used my legs around his stomach to try and restrict breathing. Once he was struggling to stay awake, i grabbed his arm, got on one knee and threw him over my shoulder. He was down and the other kid had run away.
So i moved through the crowd of people and say down on the ground covering my ears and started crying. One of my managers (who in real life yelled at me last week and made me cry) walked up and was suspicious of me and yelling at me. He tried to touch me and i screamed - i was mid meltdown at this point. I was scared from getting hit and i was scared that i attacked the guy but i was just trying to protect myself and make him stop.
The police were called and showed up, and the grabbed me and handcuffed me. I was screaming and crying because i did not want to be touched. No one tried to talk to the cops to help me and i was completely alone.
I saw what seemed like a tv interview of the bully, and he was talking about how wild i was and how i choked him and he was scared for his life, and how he could still feel my legs wrapped around his stomach, squeezing. Like he was the victim.
Then the dream transitioned, to what seemed like a few days later. I was at work again, and this time my manager was grilling me saying that company property had been drawn on and paint was dumped on it (we sell EV golf carts and someone had drawn childish animals and hearts all over the fabric seats). They suspected me, and i tried to say i didnt do it, and i asked them if they had looked at any of the cameras - to which they said there was no angle on the carts (i call bullshit). So i showed them each camera i knew about, where you could clearly see the cart and would have seen who messed with it. Part of my job is to drive the carts outside every morning and lock them up, so they claimed i had access and keys (all of my keys are turned in at the end of my shift, but okay). It seemed like there was no way i was going to beat these accusations.
Then my mom appeared and had this big creepy smile on her face. She kept poking and pinching my side really hard. She said something like “dont you like the carts?” And by the look on her face i knew she did it, but was going to let me take the blame for it.
Then i woke up.
submitted by jackolantern717 to Dreams [link] [comments]
