Dark bumps on knuckles of toes that itch

also known as acute vesiculobullous hand eczema, dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx

2014.01.29 19:13 itschvy also known as acute vesiculobullous hand eczema, dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx

Dyshidrosis is a skin condition that is characterized by small blisters on the hands or feet. It is an acute, chronic, or recurrent dermatosis of the fingers, palms, and soles, characterized by a sudden onset of many deep-seated pruritic, clear vesicles; later, scaling, fissures and lichenification occur. Recurrence is common and for many can be chronic.

2009.10.03 16:59 lovesong520 anyone there?

A community for people who are depressed or suffer from depression. If you're depressed, feeling hopeless, or if someone you know suffers from depression, feel free to share your feelings, your situation, and what's on your mind.

2011.11.01 09:34 Hamsterdam Charcuterie

Charcuterie is the branch of cooking devoted to prepared meat products such as bacon, ham, sausage, terrines, galantines, ballotines, pâtés, and confit.

2024.05.20 07:41 KindBrilliant7879 pup has allergies, but has had consistent ear infection and swollen, red skin in one paw

my girl went to the vet last year for an issue with the skin around her eye and we found out she’s allergic to pollen and all that gross spring stuff. they gave her an allergy shot which lasted 2 months and told us to come back to renew it. she’s my dog and i take care of her, but technically my mother owns her and is the one who pays for the vet. anyways, this spring she got really itchy again. she’s a cream golden retriever so she has grinch feet as you can imagine, and she’s never had problems with her paws prior to this season…
she’s been incessantly chewing on and licking them to the point they’re stained. i know this is from allergies, and it mostly cleared up on its own which is awesome, but the one foot is still reaallly bothering her. she’s become “ticklish” on that paw (no “ticklish” reaction in any of her other feet) and i’ve noticed that right where her toe pads meet the “interior” of her paw, the space between toe pads and main pad where hair grows, is now hairless, swollen, bumpy, and pink. additionally, she got ear infections in both ears. i treated it with over the counter medication and the one ear completely cleared up; the other ear is quite mild now but the infection has persisted and it won’t quite go back to normal. the ear problem im not as concerned about tho
i’ve tried to get my mother to let me take her to the vet just to get that allergy shot a hundred times; i’ve told her it’s preventative (last year she had to take a trip to the emergency vet due to an eye infection that started from her skin allergies, kept itching around that eye), but she doesn’t seem to care and refuses to renew the allergy shots “unless all at-home remedies have been exhausted and there’s still a big issue”.
this is all relatively mild compared to afflictions she could have, i guess i’m just wondering if there’s any good at-home solutions to try as a last resort before i use college savings for cover the bill (have been saving up to go back)? i’m worried that paw is going to get worse and worse and i can’t stand seeing her suffering every night when the allergies act up the worst; she is so visibly uncomfortable, rolling around, rubbing her face with her paws, constantly stopping in the middle of play to itch, sometimes she just cries about it :( she’s developed the habit of standing in front of her brushes and demanding to be brushed every night to alleviate the itchiness, poor girl😭
thanks for reading ♡
submitted by KindBrilliant7879 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:59 Overall_Pop9185 [Acne] Two bumps appeared 3 days ago??

[Acne] Two bumps appeared 3 days ago??
Had two bumps appear at the exact same time three days ago. Once on my wrist/back hand, other near my index knuckle. Kinda odd because I am not prone to getting acne/any kind of pustule like bumps on my hand specifically, this would be the first time ever and l'm 22. It doesn't itch or burn unless I provoke it like slightly rub against it. If you look at it from the side, it's slightly raised almost like a hill in shape with no tip or dimple in the center. My mom said it looks like a wart, but to me it looks like a zit/blister with yellow/white-ish color in the center. Initially thought its an ant or spider bite, but unsure be no itchy symptom. 'm unsure what it is, don't want it to be anything pox related esp since l've been vaccinated at a young age and knowing pox is almost eradicated/rare to get nowadays in the U.S. for people my age
submitted by Overall_Pop9185 to SkincareAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:49 SkeletonButter 27 [F4F] #USA (East Coast) #Online - Nerd seeking nerd!

I'm a 27 year old whose hobbies mostly involve sitting in front of some sort of screen. Great for convenience, not great for making friends!
In front of the computer is where I'll be found most of the time, at all hours of the day and night. I've been playing videogames since I was a toddler and that obsession never abated, so I leaned into it and made it my life! I'm about to get my degree in videogame design, so when I'm not actively gaming, I'm working on something gaming/artsy-related! I draw, make 3d models, make music, cosplay, write, do photography (one reason to leave the house, lol).
I've got a lot of free time and I love trying different hobbies, so I've dipped my toes in a quite a few things but nothing hits the same as pixel escapism. Outside of gaming, I love watching movies, TV shows, and YouTube - and even more than watching, I love talking about these things with other people!
Some of my Steam favorites/most played: RimWorld, Islanders, The Forest/Sons of the Forest, DayZ, Call of Duty, Mount & Blade, theHunter, No Man's Sky, Baldur's Gate 3, Telltale series games, Kenshi, The Long Dark, Beasts of Bermuda. I love all genres of games, and I'll try anything once!
Some of the movies I've rated 5 stars on Letterboxd: Shaun of the Dead, Interstellar, Everything Everywhere All At Once, Alien, Avatar, Starship Troopers, Arrival, The Dark Knight, Jesus Christ Superstar, Unbreakable. Really love movies with good soundtracks.
I love all the stereotypical nerd shit as well - Lord of The Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Marvel, DC, etc. I'm not super into anime but there's been a few I've seen that I really did enjoy! I mostly like the darkehorror stuff. I've read all of Junji Ito's work, and it's apart of my sleep routine to read the best daily nosleeps before bed each night!
I'm looking for someone to hardcore geek-out with. I am tired of enjoying things by myself in silence when I know other people out there are enjoying the same things as me! I'd love to find someone that I can play co-op/multiplayer games or watch a movie/binge a show with and be equally as excited when there's a good performance or shot! If you're an artsy person, that's even better! Swapping creative ideas or working on a random project together could be a lot of fun!
If you're in a similar position and if our interests align, shoot me a message with some of your favorite things too! No pressure and no worries if we don't vibe! I'm down for moving to Discord/voice chat once we're both comfortable as well.
submitted by SkeletonButter to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:25 Odd_Chicken_933 first time reading harry potter at 26

currently reading harry potter for the first time and i am thoroughly enjoying it. i haven't seen the movies either so i went into this blind. in hindsight i wish i read these as a kid but for some reason i refused even though i've been an avid reader my whole life.
i'm on order of the phoenix rn and desperately trying to understand the dept of mystery. what is in there that voldemort wants so badly? i feel like the weapon they're talking about is some person? voldemort came to power again w peoples help so is it a person? some death eater we don't know?
Also i have a feeling dumbledore is not that great of a person. he tells harry small things in passing and never really gives him the answers he clearly has. like the room of requirement he mentioned in goblet of fire, why couldn't he just flat out tell harry what it was instead of saying it was a room of toilets. maybe i'm being critical, but i feel like he has ulterior motives.
Also why is harry so angry with everyone in order of the phoenix, i understand he's been through a lot but the amount of times he's mistreating ron and hermione is pissing me off. they've even expressly told harry he's basically being a broody brat and taking out his anger on them. i get he's a kid but wouldn't you try to change if your besties are telling you multiple times that they're basically tip toeing around him.
fuck stubby fingered umbridge. does she meet a bad fate like all defense of the darks arts teachers?? I HOPE SO her stupid hem hem in the books is giving me a nervous tic in my eye
anywho i hope the ministry realizes voldemort is back soon and clears sirius' name i feel so bad he's stuck in the house w kreacher
submitted by Odd_Chicken_933 to harrypotter [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 05:14 roygbivthe2nd Dark brown/almost black and SMELLY discharge/blood?

I was diagnosed with endo via imaging and extensive history about a month ago, on the surgery list for excision but my doctor wants me to get the all clear from cardiology and neurology first due to POTS symptoms and other potentially related issues.
I have been on continuous Slynd for about 7 months, no spotting or bleeding except when I forgot a few days of pills about 3 months in, no other symptoms after about a 6 week adjustment period of time starting it.
10 days ago I was sexually active, external stimulation only, when I started to cramp really badly. I have been cramping off and on since then and have been having this really dark brown/almost black discharge since then in various quantities. Similar to what I would have at the end of a period but much more frequently. I’m concerned because it also smells horrific and it makes me/I am soooo itchy. I have had a bit of nausea here and there but attributed that to other things. I haven’t seen a doctor yet because I was travelling for work and tomorrow is a holiday, but I’m starting to stress. Has anyone experienced this? It’s mainly the horrific stench and the unrelenting itch that’s making me concerned.
I promise I will call Tuesday for a doctors appointment!
submitted by roygbivthe2nd to Endo [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:43 PentoshiPride Nettie and Carolei Royce (Cavaliers)

**Reddit*\*: u/PentoshiPride
**Discord Name*\*: GreyOrith
**Name and House:** Jeanette (Nettie) Royce
**Age:** 19
**Cultural Group:** Andal (Valemen)
**Appearance:** Boney, wiry features for such a young age, light brown hair that’s always pulled back into a thick braid. She has sun-kissed skin, with dark grey eyes, and a sturdy, athletic build, carrying her strength in her arms and back from years of pulling bowstrings.
**Trait:** Agility
**Skill(s):** Bows(e), Ranger(e), Marksman
**Talent(s):** Fletching, herbalism, hawking
**Negative Trait(s):** N/A
**Starting Title(s):** Cavalier
**Starting Location:** Greyhelm
**Alternative Characters*\*: Beatrice Massey

**Name and House:** Carolei Royce
**Age:** 42
**Cultural Group:** Andal (Valemen)
**Appearance:** Carolei has sharp, angular features, and keeps her dirty blonde hair, which is just starting to grey, pulled back tightly in a bun. She has watchful grey eyes, a strong chin, and rigid posture.
**Trait:** Strong
**Skill(s):** Polearms, Andal Knight, Riding
**Talent(s):** Cooking, tracking, mountain-climbing
**Negative Trait(s):** N/A
**Starting Title(s):** Captain of the Cavaliers
**Starting Location:** Greyhelm

Carolei Royce had only been 16 years old when the Conquest came to the Vale, and would never forget seeing Vhagar fly above Runestone after the battle and the fear, power, and awe the dragon invoked. She had trained as a warrior since that day, taking up a spear and shield and fighting astride her horse—a poor replacement for a dragon.
As she grew older, she began to travel the lands of the Vale as a wandering warrior, attempting to exemplify the traits of a true knight even though knighthood was out of reach for her. In 6AC, she travelled to the Misty Moor to drive back the Mountain Clan the Sons of the Tree. It was there that she met Creighton Corbray, the two having a romantic tryst. However, he was not the only one she had been with in that time, making the identity of the child’s father a mystery to her—not that she would ever tell.
It was later that she discovered she was with child, and begged him to marry her to preserve both of their honour and have the child not be a bastard. He agreed, and it was a private, quick ceremony. But their matrimony would not last for long—before the child was even born, Creighton would be killed in a raid by a group of Clansman while the two returned to Runestone.
Though she remained in the place of her birth, her nephew now the Lord of Runestone, she was left mostly to raise her child by herself away from the castle in a cottage. She had wanted to continue her training as a warrior and continuing to help people, but with the pregnancy and her young daughter, it put her life on hold.
So it wouldn’t be until Nettie had turned 7, in 13AC where Carolei felt she could continue. She would start recruiting all young women around the Vale who sought to fight with blades and shields, to join her knightly order—the Cavaliers. She rode from castle to castle, gaining those by her side and riding together to assist the needy and protect the helpless.
Travelling for some time, they would stop one day near the Gates of the Moon, as Carolei sought to petition recognition as a knightly order, and recruit possible funding from the Eyrie. During their waylay, the Painted Dogs grew bold and sought to test their luck against the ancient castle. The Cavaliers fought them back, defending the castle and protecting those within, allowing none to pass through the Gates. After this, the Cavaliers were granted the Gates of the Moon to defend and rest and recruit from.
She would train young warriors and assist them in their growth to be knights, as well as travel around several tourneys and placing well. She would raise Nettie at the Gates of the Moon, and never remarried.

Carolei often joked of her as the replacement of their real child, by a Grumpkin that came in the night and stole her original child away from the crib and left a strange one behind. Nettie didn’t speak for the first few years of her life, and walked with a strange gait, always on her toes. The milestones that the Maesters predict for children came to her much later than others. She was known to be a shy child, hiding behind her mother’s skirts.
Nettie would find her first love out exploring the woods and forests and fields, where she would stay long past dark, terrifying her mother. She would come back with muddy clothes and a bundle of things she had found to scatter around her home.
She took to archery from as soon as she was old enough to hold a bow. Though it started as a way to keep her occupied and for her guardians to keep her in one place, it turned quickly from practicing shooting to leaving home to hunt and hawk. She had a keen eye for marksmanship, and it was the only thing she ever wished to speak about.
As she continued to grow, it was soon she was leading small hunting parties of her own and searching for fowl and game to take down, never for trophies or sport, but to bring home to cook and share at the Gates of the Moon.
Family Tree
Mother: Carolei Royce (42)
Father (Allegedly): Creighton Corbray (d.)
Nettie Royce (19)
Royce Family Tree: Family Echo - Free Online Family Tree Maker (Carolei needs to be added but she's the aunt of Godric)

16 BC – Carolei is born
0 AC – Carolei witnesses the Conquest as the Vale bends the knee, she begins training as a warrior after this
2 AC – Carolei leaves home, to the anger of her parents, to be a wandering hedge knight
6 AC – Carolei fights the Sons of the Tree. She has several romantic encounters within a short period of time. When she realizes she is with child, she begs Creighton Corbray to marry her to preserve her and her child’s honour. He dies before the child is born and she moves away to a small cottage on Runestone lands to raise her child
13 AC – With Nettie old enough, Carolei begins recruiting for her own Knightly Order, and campaigning for women to be granted Knighthood, named the Cavaliers
17 AC – The Cavaliers would travel and recruit for many years and would fortunately be at the Gates of the Moon when the Painted Dogs attack. For reward of driving them back, they were granted the Gates as their base, and to defend it from similar threats
18 AC – Nettie begins training with her bow
20 AC – Carolei and Nettie and the Cavaliers travel to many different tourneys to compete
23 AC – During a mission, Carolei recovers a long-lost artifact—the Gauntlets of the Winged Knight
Archetype NPCs
Ryella Coldwater – Castellan
Maggy Shett – General
submitted by PentoshiPride to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:05 kweenn_p House was heat treated and sprayed with pesticides and I feel like we’re still having issues?

I’m so anxious, paranoid, and at a loss here. We haven’t found any bed bugs in our house, but a couple weeks ago I got the famous 3 in a row bites. Husband didn’t get any, but I was. We had bed bugs specialists come here and heated our house to 145 for a couple hours and they also sprayed pesticides. Our basement isn’t finished so they didn’t heat downstairs but sprayed very well is what he said. I know we have a carpet beetle problem and I found one today on the floor that was alive. My husband got a couple new marks on him today, but I didn’t see any puncture/bite marks on them, and they suggested it could very well be a rash from the carpet beetles, because they do that but they do not bite. He said he’s 99.9% sure we don’t have a problem anymore and would be shocked. It kind of looks similar, but I’m freaked out because just a bit ago I started itching my hand and seen two little bumps on my hand and I can’t tell if they have bite marks on them or if it’s hair poking though.
I’m over thinking, I’m very anxious, and I want to cry because I just thought this would be done and taken care of after they came and did their thing. $2200 is what we owe. Idk what to do or think.
submitted by kweenn_p to Bedbugs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:04 modestmedusa Within the past year, I remembered my CSA and other trauma at the hands of my mom and finally escaped by moving out one month ago. Here is the letter I addressed to her on Mother’s Day that I’ll never send

TW for sexual, physical, medical, emotional, and religious abuse, childhood sa, suicidal ideation, and self harm
This past week has been incredibly difficult so I decided it would be good for me to write a letter to my mom to keep for myself during my healing process to get everything out and it's been very cathartic (all fake names used). Part of my healing journey has been sharing my (extremely personal) experience with others who understand, hence why I'm sharing this here, and maybe it'll give someone some strength knowing that I made it out. I hope everyone is kind to themselves this week and was able to treat this holiday as a holiday for themselves for surviving their abusive moms!
Dear mom, Happy belated Mother’s Day. My Mother’s Day was spent being upset and anxious so I decided to write this letter. This letter is so incredibly difficult to write and even more difficult to read back to myself. Moving away from my university and back home during COVID was genuinely one of the most difficult things I have done in my life simply because of all of the repressed memories that flooded back into my brain every single day I was in that house. I used to resent the pandemic for forcing me to live in an environment that made me want to harm myself every single day and die every other day, but I am now thankful for the clarity that it brought me as I don’t think I’d have the foresight that I have now.
There is a lot that I want to say. I am angry, bitter, resentful, and traumatized from things that you have done to me as a child and also as an adult. Growing up, you’re never able to fully recognize what is healthy because whatever you experience will be your barometer for normalcy. I thought for a very long time that thing were normal but thank God I now know just how truly fucked up so many of my childhood experiences were. Not a single day goes by where I don’t think about the emotional, physical, and sexual abuse that I went through. I am haunted every single day by things that you did (and some things that you didn’t do) and hope that one day I will be able to heal from what I experienced.
I grew up being close to my cousin Chloe (a year younger than me) who was obviously very bitchy, mean, and abusive. This fact isn’t something you weren’t aware of as I know a fully grown adult would be able to see how she treated and talked to me when around you and come to the obvious conclusion that I should not have been allowed to be around her. She bullied me, called me names, physically assaulted me by pushing me, pulling my hair, and sitting on me with my hands held behind my back until I couldn’t breathe, forced me to bathe in scolding hot bath water that would burn my skin, making me undress and make fun of parts of my body, and forced me to watch things that she knew would scare me. This is the same time that I started having insomnia and struggled in school due to anxiety. It’s also the same time I remember my sound sensitivity starting. Do you remember my childhood friend’s mom Amelia and how protective she was over my friend, Diana? Diana met Chloe at my 9th birthday party and Diana went over to her house for a playdate and Chloe did something to her. She physically reached over and groped Diana on the privates. I knew Amelia IMMEDIATELY prevented her daughter from ever being around Chloe again. I also knew that it's possible she mentioned this to my aunt, but I'm not positive. I know that Amelia is the type of mom to prevent Diana from reading Harry Potter because she thought it was a bad influence on her due to being “demonic”, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she made you aware of what Chloe did to Diana as she knew that I spent a lot of time around her. I doubt that what Chloe did to Diana was ever kept a secret from you. Chloe also forced me to do sexual things I didn’t want to do from roughly the ages of 8-11. One time, we were in her kitchen and she pulled out a knife and said that she was going to stab me. By then, I knew she just wanted to scare me so when I had no reaction, she put the knife away. I was terrified of what would happen if I said no to her so I went along with whatever she wanted. She would go into the bathroom and tell me to follow, would lock the door, and make me take off my clothes and let her do things to me and forced me to do the same things to her. I used to think that you had NO IDEA about this until I remember you saying the words- “you were an amazing kid and never had any problems until you got a little older. I always wondered if something happened.” Who the fuck says that to their kid? Yeah, something did happen and it wouldn’t have happened if you protected me!!!! You fucking idiot!!!! I remember being in our new house and taking a shower with you when I was about 8 (which was VERY inappropriate and should NEVER have happened at all) and saying something that clearly made you uncomfortable. I remember the exact face you made and know that any normal, healthy adult would have done something about it and made sure nothing was happening. They would have made sure I was SAFE, and talked to me about safety, but nothing was said or done. You have failed me many times, but this one is the most painful. Not only will you need to live with the fact that you knew about my abuse and did nothing, but I will have to live with the fact that my mom knew "something happened” and didn’t care about me enough to protect me. I look at my beautiful niece Hallie, and imagine not protecting her like that and want to vomit. I cannot fathom how a mother would have the thought “I wonder if something happened to my daughter to case a massive behavioral change” and NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! You didn’t talk to me, never asked me if Chloe was doing anything, or anything at all. If I even had a minor suspicion that something was happening to Hallie, I would IMMEDIATELY do something about it because THAT IS MY JOB as an adult in her life. You failed me and deserve to know that this traumatized me and gave me PTSD. I am NOT autistic, no matter how much you WANT me to be so you can go around and gain sympathy for “having an autistic daughter” rather than owning up to the fact that you caused what “went wrong” with me.
Not only did you not help prevent me from being molested by my cousin, you also added to my sexual trauma by forcing me to use the giant egg monistat insert to treat a yeast infection when I was 11. I was ELEVEN and you had a bright idea to force a HUGE foreign object into my prepubescent body even though you were fully aware I could have easily gotten a prescription for a pill to swallow from a doctor. I was scared. I had so much pain and itching and needed a mother to hug me, tell me it’s going to be okay, or at the very least, EXPLAIN what I had and how we were going to fix it. You didn’t do any of that. You told me to lay down and proceeded to try and administer medication that is NOT meant for children 12 and under due to the physical damage it could cause. I was clearly in pain and scared, but you kept trying anyways. At any point, you could have stopped and taken me to the fucking doctor, but nope. You then got frustrated that “you couldn’t get it in” and told your 11 year old daughter to shove it inside herself. Then you left the room. I hadn’t even had a period yet, let alone know where my vagina was but you sure felt the need to yet again abandon your parental responsibilities and place them onto your kid! Miraculously, I put it in and wobbled out to lay on the couch because I was in physical pain from BOTH the infection and YOU, but because a child’s body isn’t able to properly fully insert the medication used (which once again I’ll remind you is meant for girls 13 and up), it came out and got on the couch because you didn’t give me a pad. And rather than prioritize your own daughter’s health, safety, wellbeing, and comfort, you were more upset about the stain on the couch and yelled at me. I will never forget in all of the years that I am alive how ashamed and disgusted I felt standing behind you watching you furiously scrub at the stain that I caused (actually, that YOU caused since this never should have happened in the first place!) and feeling a huge flood of guilt every time I saw that couch stain. One of the best days of my life was when we got a new couch and I never had to see that stain again.
All of this caused me to develop anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and ideation, self harming behaviors, having out of body experiences where I dissociate, and panic attacks amongst other things. YOU caused ALL of this and you fought tooth and nail to convince me that it was MY fault for being broken. “There’s something going on with you,” and you made it your mission to never take any responsibility for any of the trauma that you caused. Not only did you ignore all signs of abuse and sexually assault me yourself, you bullied and helped a family friend Sharon bully me when I was “being mean” to (her daughter) Faith. I was treated like I was a mentally ill monster who couldn’t be trusted and always got in trouble whenever Faith shed a single tear because I was “mean to her”. Faith cried at LEAST 15x a day, and I was blamed every time she decided to say I was the reason. You allowed a monster (Sharon) to ABUSE me and had the incredibly wise idea to start passing along what shit talking you two would say about me TO ME, a 13 year old girl. I was THIRTEEN. I was A CHILD. And yet, you came crying and complaining to me about how tired you were of hearing Sharon say I was being mean to her daughter when you could have TOLD THE OTHER ADULT IN THE SITUATION TO STOP. It never was my responsibility as a child to try and make another adult stop abusing me by “behaving better.” There was nothing wrong with how I was behaving. You never once tried to help me, you always blamed anybody and everybody else for your failures. I would come and ask you for help when I was struggling and if you didn’t care, you would pawn it off to somebody else- “go talk to your older sister” “talk to your therapist about that” “I don’t know what to say except to tell you to pray about it” and when I came back saying praying didn’t magically fix my depression, you told me to pray harder. I guess you really thought it was a skill issue rather than a diagnosable health condition! No wonder I wanted to die! Hahaha! I’ll never forget the look of disgust on your face when I was sobbing hysterically and struggling to get out the words when I told you just how badly I was affected by Sharon and said how you played a role in helping her harm and abuse me. “WELL. I’m SORRY if you think I didn’t protect you enough. I know what that feels like because my parent’s took my sister’s side a few weeks ago when we were having an argument” (as FULLY GROWN 50+ YEAR OLDS arguing and bitching LIKE CHILDREN!) No, mom, it’s not the same. I was a child and not only did you not stop an abuser from harming me, you joined in. You allowed her access to me and you passed along what horrible things she said was wrong with me. “SHARON said she thinks YOU’RE BIPOLAR. Do you think you are?” “Sharon told me that you’re having AN EPISODE and are being mean to Faith! Show me your phone!” “Well, I just don’t understand why you keep bringing this up when it happened so long ago. I just hope you can forgive her and move on.” You’re fucking disgusting. Should I go into detail about how many times I asked you to not interact with Sharon more than you needed to and you proceeded to try and force her into my life more? You KNEW how uncomfortable I was with you attending Faith’s wedding and yet, you cared more about how you looked and not only attended, but hosted both her wedding and wedding showers. I have always wondered why you never cared how I feel until I realized that you prioritize yourself and how you look to other people above anything and everyone. There is a clear pattern of behavior-
I’m not mad at Chloe. I don’t feel any anger or ill will towards her at all. She was a child just like I was a child. She was failed more than I was failed. No child acts that way and assaults other children without learning that from somewhere. I blame her parents for what happened to her. I blame YOU for what happened to me. I vividly remember things that my aunt would say the same time this was happening about little girls and their bodies and I want to smash my head against the wall. Children are to be protected above anything and everything else, by you didn’t. Do I hate Faith and think that she’s a bad person because of what happened when we were 13? No. I fully blame you and Sharon. The amount of adults that have failed me in my life keep me up at night. I think about how different my life would be had dad been more involved and seen what was going on and taken me away from you. I am angry with him for that. I dream one day I will be able to sit down with him and tell him everything I have written about and he will hug me, support me, cry with me, and apologize for not being there more to protect me. But who knows, he might defend his child abusing, mentally ill wife and say I’m making up everything. Who knows.
Do you want to know what my sister said when I told her all of this? She apologized to me for not being 15 years older than I am so she could have raised me instead. I want you to sit here and think about how fucked up that is. My own sister wishes she could have taken me away from you so you couldn’t have abused me. I imagine the pressure she must have felt having to grow up while also raising her mother and sister and I sob for her. I’ve sobbed for me for the mental anguish and torture I experienced at your hands. I’ve even sobbed for you because I can’t imagine being even a fraction of how fucked up you are to resort to abusing and neglecting your child- a child you begged to have. A child you had trouble having and prayed for. Embarrassing.
I’m never going to have a relationship with you again. If God is willing, I will never have to interact with you ever again. Saying that phrase “if God is willing” is ironic because you forcing me to pray my problems away rather than helping me led me to not believe in him. How can I believe in something that also neglected me? I’d sit in my dark bedroom night after night praying and sobbing for him to help me. I didn’t know what was happening to me, but I felt broken and alone. I now know that I was a child praying for God to take away my PTSD, and that is not possible. My heart breaks for that child.
You’re a pathetic excuse for a mother and human being. I’m truly shocked that I survived you and your abuse. I’m surprised that I didn’t ever try to kill myself to try and get away from you because you’re a vulture that prays on innocent people. The only important people in your life are people you think will give you something or will make you look good. That’s why you refused to ever cut ties with Sharon, you knew she was sexually abused as a child and you couldn’t POSSIBLY NOT be her friend because you need her to be your “friend,” or rather, your token sexually abused as a child friend. I genuinely hope that you get better and become a normal healthy person but I won’t ever be around to see it. I hope you feel even a fraction of the pain and abandonment that I have felt my entire life. Happy Mother’s Day, but today isn’t Mother’s Day for me, it’s Daughter’s Day. Moving far away from you one month ago has truly saved my life. Instead of trying to survive, I am enjoying my life. I would have died in that house. I get to finally celebrate being away from you and celebrate myself for staying strong and fighting when I could have easily given up. You once told me “you feel like I HATE you!” to guilt me into fawning over you and telling you how much I loved you, but now you get the opposite. I DO hate you and hate how you have permanently changed me and I wish to never see you again. Instead of praying for the “God forsaken, atheist, lost, evil, liar, miserable, spiteful, hateful, disgusting, mentally ill, “autistic” daughter, pray for yourself. Pray for God’s forgiveness for emotionally, medically, physically, sexually, and religiously abusing and neglecting me. You deserve to remain in your "clueless" state of "having NO IDEA what you did wrong to make her stop talking to me!" for the rest of your life.Happy Daughter’s Day.
submitted by modestmedusa to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:02 goBerserk_ Project Napoleon Chapter 5

First Previous Next
Mike marveled at the beauty of the inner city. He was familiar with Kael architecture and had even seen some up close at the university, but it was far grander here than on Earth, and it was far grander in person than in the videos and pictures he'd seen. The buildings were a hybrid of Gothic and expressionist architecture built with classical aesthetics.
Mosaics, statues, and murals were everywhere, but despite the grand buildings and beautiful decorations, Mike couldn’t keep his eyes off the ground. Even the streets are beautiful.
The ground he and Dreki walked was like a freshly cooled lava flow paved by slates of colored glass that softly glowed in the dimming light of the evening sun.
As they walked, Mike was woken from his trance by the scent of meat cooking.
Dreki smiled and said, “Smells good. You hungry?”
Mike nodded.
Dreki grinned and led Mike around the corner to a food cart. Mike salivated as the flames licked and sputtered at fat dripping from hunks of what looked like octopus turning on spits. The aroma of meat and spices was intoxicating. Dreki ordered them octopus skewers. As he handed Mike his skewer, Dreki said, “You’re never going to be able to eat earth octopus again.”
Mike chuckled. “I’ve never had it in the first place; I grew up in the mountains thousands of miles from the ocean.”
Dreki looked incredulous. “Did you not have rivers?”
Mike shrugged his shoulders, “Not with octopi.”
Dreki raised his free hand in exasperation. “Whatever. Either way, you’ll be disappointed by the rubbery trash humans call an octopus after eating this.”
Mike took a bite of the meat and groaned in pleasure. It tasted like a beefier version of bacon. Mike wolfed down his skewer in the blink of an eye and exclaimed, “That was fucking good!”
Dreki gave him a “Mhhhmh” with his still mouth full.
Dreki finished his food and led Mike off the main road onto a footpath flanked by wispy trees with dark blue leaves.
Eventually, the pair entered the back garden of a building that looked like a melted cathedral. Dreki led him through an open gate into a well-lit waiting room and held out his arm. “Hand me your bag; I’ll take it to your room. I’ll come get you after.”
Mike slipped his bag from his shoulders and handed it to Dreki. As the herculean Kael was leaving, he turned and said, “Try not to scream when they brand you; it’s an ill omen.”
Mike drummed his fingers on the armrests of the chair in the sea foam green waiting room, which was decorated with pictures of duels and exotic plants in white and blue ceramic pots. He was pretty sure that more than one of the photographs was of Dreki’s father.
Mike was anxious. Getting branded would suck, and getting an AR implant would involve someone sticking a drill through his skull. And without his gargantuan minder, Mike felt almost naked. He knew that he would probably be fine, but this was the home of the enemy. Without any weapons, he stood little chance against any Kael worth their salt in a fight.
Mike chided himself for the thought. Why does everything have to revolve around violence? Is there no world where you can just get along with them?
Mike frowned. No. I hate them. Despite his barely contained rage, Mike felt nauseous as blood-soaked memories bombarded his mind.
He doubted that he could kill again, even if it meant dying.
Dreki’s not so bad; maybe out here, more of them are like him than Ocidea.
Mike’s melancholy was interrupted when the tall door at the far end of the room opened. A short, for a Kaelman, nurse wearing pea green scrubs walked out, locked eyes with him, and shouted, “Mike Anderson!”
Mike followed the short Kael nurse into a cream-colored operating room. In the center an instrument table hovered next to an operating table. Besides the operating table stood a middle-aged Kael with tusks intricately inlaid with silver in triangular patterns. His white lab coat had Chief Surgeon Athocill emblazoned over the right breast pocket.
The Chief Surgeon stared off into space, engrossed in AR. The nurse who brought him in pointed to the operating table. Mike sat down.
A slender Kaelwoman in scrubs and a lab coat identifying her as the assistant surgeon walked in and started arranging the tools.
She glanced at Mike and said, “Take off your shirt.”
Mike pulled the black T-shirt he was wearing over his head and set it on the table next to him.
Without looking away from his work, the Chief Surgeon tossed Mike a leather strap and said, “Brand him.”
The short nurse pulled a heat stamp from its case and rolled the numbers to their correct positions. Mike put the leather strap in his mouth and grabbed onto the table.
Dreki’s warning rang through his head*.*
The Nurse carefully placed the print plate just below Mike’s collarbone and pushed it down. The heat stamp's coils flashed white. Mike bit down on the leather strap as hard as he could, and his knuckles popped as he gripped the edges of the operating table as hard as he could. Tendrils of smoke billowed off Mike’s chest as his flesh was seared, and the acrid smell of burnt hair and torched flesh wafted through the room.
Mike stifled a groan as the nurse peeled the superheated steel off his chest. The Nurse set the smoking stamp back in its case to cool and picked up a small jar of viscous blue fluid and a brush. The nurse opened the jar, dipped the brush in the blue goop, and painted it over Mike’s still-smoking burn. Mike jolted at the freezing touch of the brush. His ribs and abdomen rose and fell rapidly as he took short, shallow breaths as the freezing cold shocked his nervous system.
The nurse put the brush away and closed the jar. “Done”
Mike let the leather strap drop from his mouth and put on a straight face as he externally disguised the pain. Showing weakness was not an option, even if every fiber of his being commanded him to scream.
The assistant took hold of Mike’s arm and spoke. “Make a fist and squeeze.”
Mike did as she asked. It was a good distraction from the pain. His knuckles turned white, and the veins in his forearm bulged after a few seconds of pressure.
“You’ll feel a tiny pinch.”
The assistant jabbed the needle into the crook of his arm.
Mike’s head immediately felt heavy, and his whole body tingled. He tried to stay upright, to no avail. His vision grayed out as his head plopped onto the table with a thud.
The surgeon looked to his assistant and asked, “Is he out?”
“Yes.” She answered.
“Let us begin.”
The assistant used a small metal tool to pull Mike's right eyelid open. The chief surgeon plunged a gold needle into the depths of Mike’s right eye.
The surgeon carefully pulled the needle from the human’s eye and set the syringe back down on the floating instrument table.
“Targeting chip in place. Next stage.”
The nurse began rummaging around a drawer in the back of the room, and the chief surgeon plucked a gleaming silver drill from the instrument table.
The drill in the surgeon's hand whirred as he plunged it into Mike’s skull. After just a few seconds, the drill bored through Mike's skull. The surgeon pulled the drill out of the human's head and angled the bit down into a small metal dish that was in the extended arms of the assistant. The chief surgeon hit a button on the drill with his thumb.
A bloody, dime-sized piece of Mike’s skull dropped to the bottom of the metal dish with a clang.
He set the drill back down on the instrument table and held out his hand. “Drone.”
The nurse put an insect-like metal contraption that resembled a whip scorpion in the surgeon’s hand. The chief surgeon's eyes glazed as he entered his AR and took control of the drone. It popped out of his hand and burrowed itself into the hole in Mike's skull.
Inside his AR, he brought the drone to the occipital lobe of Mike’s brain.
“Deploying lattice.”
The arachnid-like drone injected small metal spikes with spools of minuscule wire attached—anchor points—into Mike’s brain. After just a minute's work, the surgeon had crafted a web of wires across Mike's brain. He brought the drone back to the center of Mike’s brain and planted one final anchor spike. A reel inside one of the claw-like appendages at the front of the drone spun, cinching the lattice of wires down to the last anchor point. The surgeon brought the drone around again, ensuring that the web of copper was completely taut against the human’s brain. He brought the drone back out and smiled ever so slightly as the blood and cerebrospinal fluid-soaked drone hopped back into his gloved hand.
Chief Surgeon Athocill smiled and jovially said, “Patch him up.” He was pleased with his performance today. This was the first human to get an advanced AR package, and the procedure went flawlessly. The assistant grabbed a quarter-sized piece of flesh-colored putty and carefully placed the small piece of skull onto it. She placed the putty over the hole in Mike’s head, and it took to life, bonding the fragment of bone back into place and sealing the surface wound.
The surgeon removed his gloves and began typing on a holoprojection. “All systems are operational. I’m linking him to the military network now.”
The assistant pulled the instrument table to her side and plucked a syringe filled with neon green fluid. She said, “I’m waking him up now,” as she plunged the needle into Mike’s arm.
Mike’s eyes flew open, and he grit his teeth against the pain. Tears seeped from his stinging and blood-filling right eye. Every heartbeat brought a jolt of crippling pain to his head. And worst of all was the searing pain from the brand on his chest and the aching cold that barely disguised it. Mike sat up with a grunt. Pain shot through his chest when he brought his hand to his head and felt the hardened disc of putty on his temple.
The surgeon addressed Mike with a soothing tone. “On the count of three, I’m going to activate your AR. It will feel like your head is on fire for a few seconds, but it will only last a few seconds. One… Two… Three!”
Mike nearly collapsed with the pain, but he managed to limit his response to a grunt. Light flashed before his eyes, and Kaelic text appeared in the center of his vision. The doctor asked, “What do you see.”
Mike answered, “AR active. And below that, it says setup wizard.” Despite his best efforts, pain was evident in his voice.
“Ok, Mike, I want you to think, ‘open setup wizard.’”
Mike blinked a few times. “Nothing happened.”
The surgeon said, “Think it in Kaelic.”
Mike’s brow furrowed in concentration. He was fluent in Kaelic, but not to the point where he could think in the language at will.
“Ok, I got it. It says setting menu at the top, and there are a ton of things here. Do you want me to read them off?”
“No. Can you scroll down?”
“Good. You should be able to get the hang of this pretty quickly; it's very intuitive. You’ll see that there are a few HUD profiles that you can pick from. I’d recommend you start from profile two and then customize it as you see fit.”
Mike nodded as he selected profile two.
“OK, now think clear.”
Mike did as the surgeon asked. His vision was now cleared.
The surgeon smiled. “Feel free to fiddle with the settings, just think clear if it gets cluttered, and reset if you make a dog’s breakfast of it. You’ll have a headache for the next few days, and you may start having more vivid dreams, but other than that, you’ll barely notice the change. Just take it easy for the next few days, and don’t itch at your brand or your eye.”
submitted by goBerserk_ to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:22 DesignerRelative1155 Is a fracture at the very tip of finger necessary to xray or will it just be splinted anyway?

F52, 5’10” 145 lbs. asthma/allergies, montelukast, levoceterizine, Advair
TLDR; if the tip of this finger is in fact fractured is there any need to get an xray or will they just splint it regardless?
this is what it looks like right now.
My finger got wrenched when the dog pulled suddenly very forcefully on his leash (insane prey drive) and the leash caught the tip of my left ring finger as it pulled sideways. The very tip from the first knuckle (is the one closest to the nail considered 1st?) thru tip hurt immediately. There was/is no pain in any part of the rest of my finger. This happened yesterday around noon. Today it is bruising and swelling. I can move it. Stiffness at that knuckle joint. No pain or throbbing at rest(after the first 15 minutes or so) unless I press it on it at the base of the nail. I put a finger splint we had at home on it and it’s fine.
I really really can’t afford to go to urgent care unless it will somehow lessen a cost we may incur later if I ignore it. My husband and daughter were in a major auto accident (hit by street racers and pushed into big rig) a few months ago and we are so far underwater and the medical bill collectors are hounding. My husband is putting off shoulder surgery from that because we have no money. I really cant go pay for an xray for them to put it in the same splint I have and send me home. Is there any reason I need to go in or can I just assume it’s a fracture and splint it on my own and just wait it out like a toe?
Edited to correct typo
submitted by DesignerRelative1155 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:18 Ravens_Quote A couple Ancient Gear ideas (no art cuz I'm artn't & broke)

1.) Ancient Gear Portcullis (Earth, Lvl 4)
[Machine / Gemini / Effect]
This monster is treated as a normal monster while face-up on the field or in the GY. While this monster is a Normal Monster on the field, you can Normal Summon it to have it become an Effect Monster with this effect.
•Neither player can Special Summon monsters, except Machine type monsters.
- - -
The concept behind this is to act as a nerfed barrier statue variant, allowing a player to threaten the entrance of a barrier statue style monster before actually activating it, potentially baiting counterplay. The signature spell/trap disabling ability of many Ancient Gear cards is not included here, as doing so would be stepping on the toes of Ancient Gear Knight- something it doesn't need on top of its existing problems (might have to think of something to support it later).
2.) Ancient Gear Corpse-Oil Refinery (Dark, Lvl 5)
[Machine / Effect]
•If a monster other than "Ancient Gear Golem" would be sent to any player's GY for any reason, negate any monster effect that would be activated by sending it to the GY. That monster is instead equipped to this card. Ancient Gear Corpse-Oil refinery counts as one additional fusion material for each monster equipped to it in this way.
•If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate any Spell/Trap cards until the end of the Damage Step.
- - -
This is basically intended as a giant middle finger to Ash Blossom. The effect of counting as multiple copies of itself when used as fusion material is meant to provide at least some reward for eventually getting rid of Ancient Gear Corpse-Oil Refinery, allowing whoever played it to regain the ability to engage in GY shenanigans without waiting on the other player to intervene.
And yes, the exclusion of "Ancient Gear Golem" is entirely a formality, as simply mentioning "Ancient Gear Golem" allows Ancient Gear Advance to normal summon this card without tributing, as well as letting Ancient Gear Duel to protect this card from other monster effects.
Also note that, being a dark creature, Ancient Gear Corpse-Oil Refinery cannot be brought to bear while Barrier Statue of the Drought is active. The reasons for this are twofold:
•Firstly because the concept of how it works is that affected creatures (likely made of flesh) are ruthlessly ground down with their bodies and essence refined into "corpse-oil" with which the gears of other machines may be greased. As this process disrupts the natural cycle of death for the target and furthermore mutilates the body, dark thematically seems a more appropriate type than earth.
•Secondly, having this type gives opponents better counterplay should a player possess both Barrier of the Drought and Ancient Gear Corpse-Oil Refinery. As irritating as it is that a player can counter me special summoning something without properly playing a card themselves, worse yet is the idea they could play two cards and entirely lock me out of the game depending on my (lack of) luck. Ancient Gear Portcullis does indeed come into relevance here, but as a Gemini monster would demand some setup to magically appear and activate the same turn as Ancient Gear Corpse-Oil Refinery hitting the ground, thus allowing the opposition some time to prepare before both could be employed.
submitted by Ravens_Quote to customyugioh [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:59 TheOneTrueAnimeGod Sionia Chapter 14

Chapter 14
Map First Previous
“Lord Wyatt, you are needed” Called Lars that shook me out of my fascinating reading about dragon neuts.
“Yes.” I said as I pulled back the curtain.
“The city guard requests to speak with you. They are restricting entrance to Avalon given the latest attack by Mardor at Black Gate of Rowan.” Lars explained with a salute and chest bump
With a sigh, I handed my book to Gus and exited the carriage and was very impressed with the massive three story gatehouse and huge stone block readouts connected on each side. I was met by a forty something looking man of average build with black hair and dark eyes flanked by six fully fitted out soldiers.
“I am Rhys Redith captain of the guard here in Avalon. You must be Count Ryan Wyatt.” Rhys introduced himself with the question.
“Yes, I am Ryan Wyatt.” I responded with a frown and knotted brow.
“We have been expecting your arrival. The king has ordered us to assist you and provide hospitality. I am to escort you to the fortress and the rest of your party to Duggan's inn.” Said Rhys with a salute and formal bow.
“That will not do! I have several wards under my care which several are nobility.” I objected to the plan given.
“I was not aware. I will of course take you to the fortress where Lady Ludmilla will address your concerns.” Replied Rhys with a salute and bow then motioned for me to follow.
“Follow him, Jace .” I said to my new driver and climbed into the carriage.
The bridge over the north side of the Paradise River to the island of Avalon was very long at around a quarter mile or so. The readouts of the gatehouse extended a good ways into the river which had several firing positions. I suspected that the river rose and fell with a possible rainy and dry season which was why the readouts could prevent an army from getting behind the gatehouse or access to the bridge from land. The island side gatehouse was flush with the city walls and protruded into the river was equally as impressive with a descent sized recessed portico and draw bridge porch extension.
Thinking back to my travels through Europe, I decided Avalon looked like the city of East Looe, Cornwall in England but not as topographically elevated and with more renaissance style architecture than back on earth. The Roman style arched bridge was very much what we just rode across. The fortress of Avalon itself was at the highest point which was off to the left on the far east side of the island and most up stream point on the islands.
The Fortress keep was decent but still half the size of Duke Boasag's Buanna. I realized that the reason for putting my servants at an inn was because of the lack of space. However, I was determined to stay with my wards no matter the violation of etiquette it might cause. As my carriage pulled up to the entrance with the fortress that had both iron gates and metal reinforced wooden doors that were a good six feet wide and twelve feet tall each. These doors were set into no less than a three foot thick wall.
Passing through the gate was a small bricked paved courtyard that was about forty to fifty feet wide in a more or less oval shape. I saw a host of servants and two well dressed ladies waiting at the main doors to the fortress's central keep.
“Lord Wyatt, welcome to Avalon. I am Viscountess Ludmilla Skafhoggr and this is my mother Baroness Grogda Wode.” Stated a quiet plump pretty faced brown haired woman in a gaudy yellow with purple accented dress with unicorns all over it and a matching unicorn hat whose horn protruded a good foot from her forehead.
“Yes, it is a very deep pleasure to meet you as well.” Stated Lady Grogda a good looking woman who seemed to be in her mid to late thirties with black hair and unusual olive colored eyes. Her lite brown dress was quiet plain compared to her daughter's which was kind of comical in their contrast.
“The pleasure is mine for sure in meeting you ladies.” I said pouring it on a bit thick with a formal bow and sweep of my arm.
“I do not understand. Why are all your people with you?” Lady Ludmilla asked looking toward Captain Rhys but speaking to me.
“I have many wards under my protection. Thus, it is impossible to leave them alone without my presence as there are many who would try and take advantage of helpless young girls.” I stated but that failed miserably when Freya and the other three Asgardians approached fully armed with their swords.
“I would hardly call them helpless!” Spat Lady Grogda with a bit of contempt as the Asgardians were better looking than her.
“Despite appearances, they need my protection. After all, I am their guardian as I freed them from captivity.” I responded with a bit of admonishment in my voice.
“Yes, we have heard the tale. You are quiet the knight in shinning armor.” Lady Ludmilla said with obvious sarcasm.
“It is what it is. The wards will be with me wherever I am. If that is at an inn or camping on the side of the road, so bit it.” I stated with irritation.
“Do not be silly. We can host your wards and personal attendant. However, we must insist that the rest stay in the inn over there.” Lady Ludmilla said pointing to a three story building that was about fifty yards away.
“That is closer than expected. However, I accept. My people can stay at the inn while you host me and my wards.” I stated with another formal bow.
“Good, now come and we will see to your comfort.” Lady Ludmilla said with a bit of a laugh with Lady Grogda giving a small laugh and a wicked grin.
I immediately turned to Lars, Razor and Meowth and ordered that they maintain a watch on the carts and carriage around the clock as I did not want any lapse where someone would try to take advantage. I called to the wolf kin brothers to continue to protect the girls inside the fortress. Pointing to Lars, I told him to take our prisoner Andros to the adventure's guild office and turn him over and letting them know he was caught trying to steal from me. Tell them I will see them on morrow to see if Andros was telling the truth or just lying. Turning with a smile and motioned to Freya and the girls to follow me with Gus right behind me.
The inside of the fortress was decently furnished though it had more of the appearance of a military outpost than a holding of wealth as it looked quiet spartan. I was led to an upper chamber where Lady Grogda had already ordered a bath filled by the time we had arrived.
“I will see to you personally” Lady Grogda stated with that same wicked grin again.
I suddenly felt as though I was a piece of meat put on display before a hungry wolf. I steeled myself to not recoil as I just felt off with this lady.
“See to your master's baggage.” Lady Grogda ordered Gus who was surprised by the command.
Gus gave me a slight shaking of his head and left the chamber. Lady Grogda then proceeded to strip me with efficiency. Once I was naked, she suddenly took her time looking at my nakedness. She even traced my scars on my back with a click of her tongue. Walking over to the tub, I climbed in and sat down.
“Spoil sport” Said Lady Grogda as she grabbed a wash cloth.
“Do not get my wounds wet.” I said warning Lady Groda of what the doctor had told me.
“Why? Your wound is almost well healed. The stitches can be pulled out except here” Stated Grogda and tapped me on my left shoulder blade.
“I have been using a special salve from the high elves. I did not realize it was healing that fast. However, I was warned that getting my wound wet would effect my healing.” I repeated what Doctor Zalzwarth told me.
“Very well.” Groda conceded.
Lady Grogda began washing me where she was absolutely taking her time. It was obvious that she was deliberately feeling me up for her own pleasure. When she grasped my manhood. I stood up and said, “The water is cold and I am tired and hungry!”
“Humph” Pouted Lady Grogda her displeasure but began to rinse me.
Just as I was stepping out of the tub, Gus entered slightly out of breath as he had run to get my clothes with Lukas my footman helping. I sighed with relief as Gus helped me don my dressing gown.
“Old Maude will be here momentarily to apply your salve.” Gus said with a salute.
“Very good.” I replied to Gus then turned to Lady Grogda and said, “I was told you are a Dowager Baroness. Is that not so?” I blatantly asked appearing as innocent as I could.
“I will see you at the dinner bell hour.” Lady Groda said with a sort of half wave salute and stormed out of the chamber in a huff.
“Thank you, Gus. I actually thought I would have to literally fight to save my personal honor.” I remarked with a laugh.
“It was my pleasure, Lord Wyatt.” Gus responded and joined me in laughing.
Old Maude came about twenty minutes later and applied my salve and chatted about how excited she was to be in Avalon and wanting to visit one of the apothecary shops. I gave her permission but have one of the guards accompany her.
About an hour later and I was fully shaven and dressed, I heard a large bell ringing from a bell tower not far away from my chamber. With that, I headed down to the great hall that was just off the main entrance way. I was met by Lady Ludmilla who escorted me to Viscount Skafhoggr chair where she seated herself to my left. Lady Grogda appeared wearing a new pink dress and seated herself to my right. The one missing was the Viscount.
“Where is Lord Skafhoggr?” I asked Lady Ludmilla with a raised eyebrow.
“He is meeting with one of the military commanders. I believe they are deciding on how large a levy they must raise to battle the bastards of Mardor.” Replied Lady Ludmilla as she clapped her hands for servants to begin serving the evening meal.
Four exhausting hours later, I was back in my chamber with my nerves completely shot. The constant fawning and mindless chatter from Lady Ludmilla as well as the constant groping from Lady Grogda under the table had stained me to the max. I was ready for bed and was glad to sink into the lavender scented sheets. Gus grabbed a thin pallet and two blankets. Blowing out the candles he stepped into the hallway closing the door behind him. He would outside my door as custom demands while traveling.
A little over a half an hour later after Gus left, the door opened and closed quickly. I could not see in the darkness but relaxed when Freya spoke softly and slipped into bed with me. Freya did her magic on me as she mounted me taking me to new heights of pleasure. I quickly forgot all about the overly eager pursuit of the Dowager Baroness as I shared the pleasures of being with Freya. After we had sated ourselves completely, we slept peacefully in a loving embrace.
The morning came with a knock on my door that woke both Freya and I. I moaned but Freya nudged me on the chin.
“Time to wake you lazy bones.” Freya said with a laugh.
“I am not a morning person.” I said with a groan.
“Don't I know it! You were quiet the beast were you not?” Freya teased then laughed at me.
The knock on the door was more instant as I rose and put on my dressing gown. Opening the door slightly was Gus and the Dowager Baroness.
“It is early, what is it?” I asked.
“We have prepared a very special meal for you this morning.” Said Lady Grogda with a frown while she tried to look around me into the chamber.
“I see. Well, give me some time to properly dress and I will be down shortly.” I stated and continued to Gus “Have Lukas bring my shaving kit.”
“Right away, Lord Wyatt.” Gus said as he motioned down the hall where I assumed Lukas was.
About forty five minutes later and having snuck Freya out of my chamber, I was fully shaved and dressed in my dark red outfit and black beret hat that actually looked really good on me. Upon entering the great hall, I saw Lady Ludmilla seated. Lady Grogda taking me by the arm led me again to the Viscount's chair where she seated herself next to me.
“Where is Lord Skafhoggr, Lady Ludmilla?” I asked her directly.
Lady Ludmilla was quiet for a moment then said, “I guess he is sleeping. The meetings with the military commanders drag on for hours and hours. I hardly ever see him these days.” Lady Ludmilla said with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Is that so. Very well as it can not be helped. Please send my regards to Lord Skafhoggr for his hospitality. I was informed that the king would have a messages for me that Lord Skafhoggr was to give me. Could you ask Lord Skafhoggr for them?” I asked as I suspected something was just not right.
“Oh. Ah. I will of course ask my Lord Vincent for the king's message once morning meal is finished.” Lady Ludmilla said and looked discombobulated.
“I see. Please do so. The king ordered me to arrive in Camelot immediately. I can not dally and spend extra time as I normally would do. I hope you understand.” I said making extra emphasis on the king's order part.
“Yes. What the king commands we all must obey.” Lady Ludmilla said sourly but not looking at me.
Lady Ludmilla then clapped her hands and the servants brought in the morning meal. What surprised me was my meal was different from everyone else. Looking at both Lady Ludmilla and Lady Grogda something in the back on my head screamed warning warning.
The silver plate before me was a type of stew with a strong overpowering spice scent. I frowned and began to think hard and fast.
“This is a specialty from the High Valley region. I hope you like it.” Lady Grogda said with no expression at all.
My alarm bells went off even stronger this time. A footman came over to fill my cup which I deliberately knocked over and profusely apologized for my clumsiness.
“You know, I am from the High Valley region too. I have never been a fan of overly spiced foods. Lets see how spicy it is.” I stated and took a scoop with a spoon and handed it to the footman to taste.
The footman was surprised but more than happy to taste the food as it was obvious that food for the staff was very plain and simple.
“You should not do that! It is not right!” Lady Grogda said as she stood up showing more alarm than outrage.
The footman had already consumed the sample where he at first looked like he liked it. However, he suddenly started to choke as his face turned bright red and falling to his knees. Lady Ludmilla stood up in horror as the footman was gagging begging for water. I handed him my silver chalice with what I assumed was apple cider where he chugged it down then begged for more.
Finally, after three more cups of water given by another footman, first footman just lay on his back almost in a stupor. It was as if his mind was blank.
“What is this?” I asked as I pointed to my meal looking at both Lady Ludmilla and Lady Grogda.
“I do not know!” Said Lady Ludmilla looking at her mother with a strange look.
“Do not give me that! What did you do?” I demanded with a my voiced raised and now pointing my finger at them.
“It was a love potion. It was to make you like me.” Said Lady Grogda meekly and looking sheepishly at the ground.
“Seriously! That was more than a simple love potion!” I yelled my outrage.
“I swear that is all it was. I had to hide its not so pleasant taste with spice.” Lady Grogda stated her defense but still not able to look me in the eye.
“Lady Ludmilla, I must now ask that you bring me the king's message as I am now leaving Avalon.” I commanded with rage in my countenance.
Lady Ludmilla fled the great hall without replying. Lady Grogda just sat down with her head down looking at the floor saying nothing.
With exasperation, I called out to my people. “House of Wyatt, Ladies and girls we are leaving! Quickly gather your things and be out front within a little span!”
With that, I stormed out of the great hall to the shock of all present. Up in the guest chamber, I changed clothes into my bluejeans, a blue shirt and a tan leather vest. Pulling on my boots and strapping on my weapons belt, I looked over seeing Gus and Lukas already packed up my discarded clothing and was ready to leave as they were staying clear of my angry outbursts.
Down at the carts, I ordered my guards to ready themselves to leave. I sent Lukas to call all the servants in the inn to be ready to leave immediately. Razor and Meowth jumped down from their perch on the first two carriages with questioning looks.
“They tried to poison me! Can you believe it?” I said angrily as I swept my arm to point at the fortress.
“Meow Lord Wyatt, that is clawful. Do you want meow to use them like a scratching post?” Asked Meowth as her tail went straight in what I assumed was either surprise or anger.
Razor just gave a low grumbling growl with teeth bared as he looked at the fortress.
Forty minutes later as my people were loading up, Lady Ludmilla approached with her head down.
“I am sorry Lord Wyatt. It seems you do not have any messages from the king.” Lady Ludmilla said never once looking me in the eye.
“I see. Send a message to the king that I left Avalon today and as commanded traveling as quickly as I can. The king is expecting my update so make sure it is properly sent!” I said with a warning.
I ordered a florse saddled for I needed fresh air as I was still furious. I actually led our people out and toward the main north south road which Nick panicked a bit and settled with riding next to me. As we approached the main crossroads of the city, I saw a large dinning hall and ordered a halt for all of our people to have breakfast. The meal consisted of roasted mutton, eggs, apple pancakes and apple jam. They also had fresh chilled milk and apple cider which really went well with the sweet dishes. Our group apparently cleaned them out and they had to turn away a few customers until mid day.
After breakfast, I went to the adventurer's guild that was a few buildings to the south. It was a four story building of decent size. I allowed Old Maude with a one of the house guards to go to the apothecary shop across the road along with the two Alphardian servants Aura and Sylvia. Inside the adventurer's guild, I asked for Marine as instructed. It was then I learned that Marine was Zack Talley's girl where they were to marry soon as she proudly let me know her good news.
“Zack said to tell you this is a level one escort. Whatever that means.” I repeated what Zack had told me to say.
“Thank you. It simply means Zack thinks there would be no problems and just being present is enough to discourage any potential thieves. The total is two hundred fifty denari for basic escort with an A ranked adventurer.” Marine said with a smile
After paying the fee for the job request, I asked Marine to speak to someone about Andros that was brought in by man guard Lars.
“I am Supervisor Etan Borg and assistant to Guild Master Henry Stewart. It is a pleasure to be at your service Count Wyatt.” Stated Etan with a salute and bow.
“Pleasure is mine.” I replied with a salute and nod of my head.
“We have investigated Andros. His party the Finders of Avalon specialize in retrieving lost items or stolen goods from thieves. It appears his party was specifically requested to recover a lost ventu volpis. We do not have any more details for the job other than this.” Etan stated as he read from a page in his hand.
“Who hired them to steal from me? Make no mistake, they were hired to steal from me!” I said as I was showing my anger and frustration.
“Normally, we would not disclose who posted job requests to those not apart of the contract. However, given the circumstances, I was instructed to tell you it was Viscountess Lady Ludmilla. It seems she contracted and paid a merchant from Xanadu for a ventu volpis. It is our understanding that merchant was placed on a Quenya trade ship where he will go on trial for his many crimes in Svarta. The Finders of Avalon should not have tried to take your ventu volpis. Nor should they have taken on the job given the crimes of the merchant without more information.” Etan explained what the guild knew.
“What will happen to Andros?” I asked frankly.
“The Guild Master will hold a hearing with S and an A ranked members who will advise on the issues. I expect he will be found guilty but will escape the ten year punishment. More like one to two years of labor for the guild doing low ranked jobs that no one wants while being supervised by myself or a C ranked or higher adventurer. His pay will be one third of normal with the rest going to repay the guild and costs associated with his lapse in judgment.” Etan replied with a shrug of his shoulders.
“I see. The thing that irks me is they attacked my people and wounded one of my guards with a slinger's stone.” I explained my outrage.
“I was not aware of this fact. Master Stewart will compensate you as the law requires. Unfortunately, Master Stewart left for Camelot for meetings with the war counsel on Astria's response to the Empire's latest invasion. I will send a filoxis to let Master Stewart know that there was injury, offense and honor requirements. I understand you will be traveling to Camelot and am certain Master Stewart will seek you out to give you a formal apology and see you are properly compensated.” Etan stated with a salute and bow.
“Good enough. Let me know the outcome of the hearing for Andros. I do not like loose ends and a potential enemy looking for revenge.” I said mater of factually.
“Understood. I will relay your concerns to Master Stewart. Etan replied with another salute and bow.
Leaving the adventure's guild, I decided to visit the tradesman's guild and merchant's storefront while Old Maude was still busy across the street. The girls came with me as they had been requesting things like combs, brushes and scented oils plus a few other special feminine items they needed.
Once all the girls got what they were needing and getting those items stowed with their baggage, Old Maude came back with a small crate filled with items to make medicines. While the baggage was being loaded and sorted, I went to see the information broker's desk and inquired about Chamberlain Robert Duffy. I paid the requested fee of one erythro given his status in the city. I was shown a file which listed the qualities, character and known habits of Robert. There was a section about vices and food preferences. The only vice was seeing a woman who was a widow listed as a paid mistress. Basically, Robert was a straight as an arrow honorable man. I smiled as the report made me feel better about who I was helping.
Finally, with everyone loaded up, we headed out of the city of Avalon over the southern main bridge and gate that was just like the north one but slightly longer with a guard tower protected draw bridge section to let ships pass. After about two hours, I had calmed down enough that I rode in the carriage as was expected of a person of rank. I just looked out seeing nothing but the vast wheat fields of the Capital Region realizing how lucky I had been to escape the evils of the ladies of Fortress Avalon.
submitted by TheOneTrueAnimeGod to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:35 Enough-District1440 Evolv Kronos vs. Scarpa Arpia V2's

As the title states, but a little context:
I met someone who had the original Arpia's and I was just 😍 over them. The wetsuit-esque socklike feel to them, the casual and comfortable looking toe-knuckle area, and the perfect amount of mid-level aggression to the shape. The replacement model undergoes some changes, and I'm curious if anyone that has used the originals have any feedback on the new ones. The straps look beefier, the sole looks fantastic, but how is the comfort? The toe box has more top side rubber; The overall fit? Just what's your take?
On the flip side, my climbing buddy in high school, many moons ago (15ish years ago), rocked the Evolv Kronos shoes and loved their balance of comfort and capability, and price. At this point, the difference in price here is negligible, but I've never heard a negative word spoken of these shoes, and want to really consider them as well.
Any thoughts on this comparison are appreciated! Thanks in advance.
By the way I bouldeclimb primarily indoors.
EDIT: History of shoes I've used in the past were Mad Rock Tricksters and Scarpa Vapor V's
submitted by Enough-District1440 to climbingshoes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:31 crockthepott Scabies? Another type of bug bite?

I have been on a ranch in West TX this entire weekend. On Friday night I felt a burning sensation in this area after standing around brush and trees. I didn’t think much about it until tonight when I looked down and noticed this. It seems that there are white puss like dots in the center of each red bump. They don’t itch, but they kind of burn like as if you were to lightly scrape your skin. My sister took a picture so I could google search it and all that seems to come up is scabies or chiggers. These things were not even on my radar, and now I am extremely concerned.
Does this look like scabies or possibly another type of bug bite?
submitted by crockthepott to scabies [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:15 spoofyotter I dont know how to move forward after a falling out with best friend

I (22f) had a falling out about 3 months ago with my friend (who I'm going to refer to here as Dylan). We met during our second year of college and formed a really close-knit friend group on campus. Most of us met through one person or another, and we pretty much did everything together. It was also during the first semesters after the covid lockdown. There weren't a lot of people on campus, so we ran into each other a lot, being the only few people around. We had a bunch of game nights, movie nights, etc. Sometimes we'd even hang out at the tops of parking garages for picnics.
Dylan and I started to get closer, since we have a lot of the same interests, like Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel. We also just found it really easy to open up and talk to each other. I told them a lot about my personal life, including some traumatic experiences I had growing up. They shared some of their hardships with me too. We had very different things happen to us in our lives. Even so, I felt like we developed a strong bond and an ability to tell each other anything and everything. I don't know if this might sound weird or corny, but I think of the first half of our friendship as being a lot like the song "Loser Baby" from Hazbin; We each have some bullshit that we carry, but being able to have that general issue in common (who could emphasize with having a lot weighing on you mentally) made me feel less alone. I had someone to lean on for support to keep moving forward.
Dylan wasn't the only person I had a strong, emotional connection with though. Around the same time that our friend group started, I met my boyfriend (24m). He and I are still together, and I feel incredibly lucky to have him. Over the last three and a half years, we've developed an open line of communication and developed a signifcant amount of trust in each other. Even as a long distance couple to start, we always made time for each other to meet up on weekends or call throughout the week. And we still do. And even during bumps im the road, we're very upfront about our feelings, we take fault when we fuck up, and we talk through what we can do to resolve the problem. And we BOTH follow through on what we discussed.
About a year and a half into my friendship with Dylan (which again, was also a year and a half into my relationship), they admitted to having feelings for me. At the time, Dylan said they wanted to come clean about it in hopes that putting it out in the open would help them move on, so to speak. This probably should've been my first red flag, but I repressed the feeling. I didn't want to think that my best friend was trying to break up my relationship. I convinced myself that they genuinely just wanted to get it off their chest because it was killing them to keep such a secret from me.
From that night on, our friendship was very rocky. We tried giving each other space, but being in the same friend group made it difficult. We also didn't want to tell anyone besides a few people. I was especially worried that airing it to everyone could create an even bigger mess. This meant that there were times when one or both of us avoided our other friends altogether out of respect for each other. Which only made us feel more alone, resulting in us hanging out even more to make up for how we felt. I was also very open about the situation with my boyfriend. He was very understanding, more so than most people would probably expect. He knew that we were very close before their feelings were known to me. And he trusted me that I knew what I was doing when trying to maintain the friendship.
As the situation went on though, Dylan's feelings didn't fade. In fact, they seemed to worsen. Our friend group is generally very touchy-feely. By that, I mean we frequently say "I love you" and hug. Some of my friends have even kissed each other on the cheeks or foreheads while we were tipsy/drunk. Sometimes, we would also say "I love you" to one another with platonic feelings behind it. At least, that's how I viewed it for a while. There were some nights, when Dylan would be really upset while talking to me about how hard it was to move on, how guilty they felt because they couldn't help but hold onto hope that I might one day mean "I love you" in a romantic way towards them. They even admitted to holding some anger and resentment towards my boyfriend. All of this, looking back, should have been signs to leave the friendship. I know that now. But for some ungodly reason, I was so convinced at the time that there was still something like a friendship to glean from this. They conveyed guilt and remorse for their feelings, so surely that meant things would get better?
I thought that when I graduated and moved back home, things would get easier. After all, we wouldn't be able to see each other all the time if I had a job and lived a good hour or two from where we went to college..Right? We'd be able to focus more on ourselves. And we could still keep in touch via phone calls or texting if we really missed each other! This is when I started to really notice all that was wrong in our friendship. Our venting in regards to mental anguish and stress became more self-loathing. Admittedly, on both sides. We started talking more to each other about our issues in a venting-while-deep-in-our-emotions sort of way with no balance between that and trying to suggest solutions. Sometimes, I'd try because there were certain things Dylan would tell me about that I knew were beyond the help I could give as a friend. But when I even remotely suggested things like therapy, for instance, they would get very defensive. They said that they tried it years ago and had a bad experience. At the same time, they would also acknowledge that professional help could, hypothetically, be beneficial to them..?
I don't remember exactly when it started, but there were a couple of times while texting where Dylan would just lash out at me. They'd question me for staying friends with them. They more or less told me I was stupid because I was putting myself through so much by being their friend. At one point, I lashed out in retaliation for texting me about their woes only to get mad when I tried to help. We had a conversation in person about one argument in partculiar. We both apologized and agreed to work on our communication with each other.
Some time passed after this. I realized at one point that I hadn't heard from them in a few weeks, which was strange because we had a habit of checking in on each other at least once of week or once every other week. I tried messaging Dylan a few times, but I didn't want to overwhelm them. I figured some time further apart might be for the best. As more time passed, I started to get more worried and decided to call them a couple times. Finally, they responded via text (this isn't everything they said. I cut some of it because it involved personal info):
"It’s not fair to keep you in the dark and it’s much too rude to keep doing this to you. I wish I could excuse it with the really shitty weeks I’ve been having so far, with most of my days being depressed, anxious or worse, and the good days being few and far between. It’s been the case but it’s no excuse for how I’ve treated you in this. Long story short, I’m ignoring you because I don’t want you to care about me anymore. I’ve been a lot more solitary recently and I’ve kept to myself a lot - I’ve realized that I let people in only to refuse to let them help me. But especially with you, because our situation is still complicated to me. I still feel like shit about you - how much I love you, and how much I hate you. I don’t care what your feelings are to me - it’s difficult for me to play around you. Whenever we talk, hang out, or fucking whenever I think about you, I get a twang of happiness and self-hatred. Every little thing I say becomes a mine I throw out in front of me and step on immediately, hoping it doesn’t blow up.... and I know you say what you feel towards me, but god fucking damnit you make it impossible to believe you sometimes - because it hurts to think about. You do, it all does. My constant overanalyzing of other people is one of the main things to send me spiraling. I’ve legitimately thought about cutting off from EVERYONE: so I can always stay stable without having to worry about plans that come out of nowhere; I don’t need to worry about what I say to people I care about; and I don’t have to hurt people I care about. Apathy, while it is a wretched thing, is the place where I’m at my best - playing sports, video games, or otherwise…it’s disgusting but it’s the way it is. I’ve never cared about a thing in my life and I don’t want to completely fuck you over when I eventually stop caring about you.
As I’m typing this, I know I’m dropping a lot of shit on you. There’s no quick answer to this but I wanted all my thoughts down in a way where I can spit it all out without getting sidetracked or interrupted. Idgaf if you read this all or not.... I wish I could say I’m sorry.
I know I may have said before that our friendship will last, no matter the circumstances…but I am, and always have been, the problem. That’s not coming out of a place of self-deprecation, that’s the cold, unfortunate truth.
And...I don't know what to do. I don't know where to go. I've lost a lot of hope and I know I can't look to you for help anymore - because it brings me more misery than joy."
I had to read it a few times before responding. I didn't try to argue for the sake of our friendship. As much as I wanted it to continue, I knew it wouldn't be okay to force them when they were expressing a desire to separate. But in the same conversation, after writing this out to them, Dylan started to back-pedal. They suggested that maybe we should meet in person to discuss it more. Because there's "more that I didn't know about them". I immediately got suspicious and basically told them to fuck off; If they were done, they should just say it.
I was kinda angry at the whole falling-out for a while. Particularly how wishy-washy they seemed at the end after everything we'd gone through. I didn't know how to feel and I still don't now that I've started to miss Dylan. Or maybe the friendship we had before everything went to shit..? I also can't help but feel like I should tell the rest of my friends about it. But I don't know what they would do. Is it worth saying? Would it be too risky for the sake of our whole friend group? It's eating away at me. I feel as though I'm walking on eggshells every time I make plans with the friend group, because what if Dylan is there? What would they say to me, if anything? Is there anything left to say?
submitted by spoofyotter to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:13 speedyBoi96240 Round 4: the phantom-weight champion versus the exalted seraph

Round 4: the phantom-weight champion versus the exalted seraph
Spitfire slumped over and trudged out of the arena.
His worldview had been altered severely.
Not once in his life had he ever thought about giving an opponent respect on their deathbed.
But there was just something about that fight that shook his head for him.
He ended his round the least injured of anyone before him.
An incredible feat considering the two before him were amongst the strongest skylanders.
But not only that, round 3 had left the arena in the best state so far.
Not many wounds lay upon the battlefield this time giving the cleaners a well deserved break after the catastrophic damage caused in the first 2 rounds.
Ambush sat in the stands blown away by what he had just witnessed, other skylanders, mabu and greebles were loudly discussing the outcome.
A large and intimidating figure loomed towards ambush.
When it reached him a gruff yet booming voice greeted him.
Ambush slightly startled turned to the man knowing exactly who he was.
“Tri tip… ive told you countless times that you need to use your inside voice more often” ambush responded.
“Yes yes i suppose an event this exhilarating doesnt happen every day… now you asked what you missed correct?”.
“Well that spitfire just turned our fellow miss boom bloom into past tense”.
“I forget you're not the brightest… ahem, boom bloom is dead, spitfire killed her”.
“WOAH, SOMEONE ACTUALLY BEAT A SENSEI? AMAZING!” tri tip seemed very happy for someone who had just lost a colleague and friend.
“Disturbing priorities aside how is king pen doing?”.
“Brilliant, i may have to fight again soon, i dont want him in the hospital for that”.
“SO WHO’S UP NEXT?” Tri tip questioned.
“Well if you had ever learnt to read you would see the notice board over there” ambush pointed to a large board hovering above the arena as if by magic.
“Oh no doubt” ambush mocked “well it says the next to fight are night shift and knight light”.
Tri tips eyes widened “NO WAY! THE KNIGHT LIGHT? YOU MEAN…”.
“I do… the only knight i have ever trained, to surpass me…”.
“WOW! I MEAN JUST WOW! WITH A MAN LIKE THAT FIGHTING MY CLUB WANES FOR MY ROUND EVEN MORE!” Tri tips joy could not be contained and exploded out into a destructive little dance that he performed so carelessly that he accidentally trampled a mabu or two yet failed to notice.
Suddenly a voice echoed throughout the stadium.
“ATTENTION VIEWERS OF THE MOST EXTRAVAGANT EXTRAVAGANZA TO GRACE THIS WORLD IN CENTURIES!” The voice seemed to be coming from speakers placed around the stands.
“That’s the que tri tip…” ambush said.
tri tip abruptly stopped his dance and swung himself onto one of the benches and yelled “OH SWEET! I CANT WAIT”.
“No need to, looks like the fighters are already stepping up to the plate” ambush pointed out.
“Excellent observation…” ambush said as he rolled his eyes.
Before anyone knew it the fighters of round 4 were staring each other down just like the six others before them.
Knight light brandished his traptanium scimitar with a stoic expression on his face and night shift was shadow boxing the air inbetween the both of them.
Both fighters took their professions before becoming skylanders very seriously.
One was an all star in the ring, revered and highly admired amongst the viewership.
The other was a knight like no other, an angelic swordsman that wore armour fashioned by the most esteemed blacksmiths and craftsmen skylands had ever known.
Even with all of this being popular lore amongst skylands, no one could have forseen what would take place the millisecond the bell rang, no one except the two in the ring.
Thats right, a ring, the very place night shift was the reigning champion in for most of his life, until he was forced out due to the officals having to ban his signature techniques.
Thats right, they had to ban his fighting style to give anyone a chance.
But in this ring…
He was free.
He could do anything he wanted to the man that stood before him.
And night shift displayed his understanding of this once the bell rang…
The vampiric boxer opened with a swift chomp to knight lights shoulder.
And to everyones suprise…
It broke through his armour…
The same armour that had never been pierced, not even by the most divine weapons in skylands.
Knight light was the only person who was unfazed.
“Impressive…” Knight light praised.
“You’re impressed by this, boy? Trust me this is nothing compared to what you have yet to see…” night shift stated condescendingly but truthfully.
“Is that so? Then please, show me…” Knight light said confidently.
Night shift smiled and responded with a technique he liked to call the over underhand.
A powerful attack that ended 86% of his fights during his hayday.
This involves throwing a simple over hand punch at range, then when the opponent least expects it, using his teleportation he would instantly move in close and throw a powerful under hand strike that embodies the true damage of the technique as opposed to the diversion the first hit is meant to be.
So when he performed this on knight light you best believe it did some real damage.
Knight light attempted a block on the over hand like so many did in the past.
However he simply could not react to the under hand just like everyone else.
The resulting damage from the attack left a boxing glove sized hole in knight lights armour revealing his stomach.
“Remarkable, i never thoug-” knight light started before being interupted by a lightning fast barrage of punches that were thrown at him.
Each punch dented his armour and spread cracks across its surface.
Just after a few seconds of the barrage happening knight light had decided that he had had enough…
He lifted his hand and bent his fingers like he was holding a sphere before launching a bright flash of light at night shift.
“Fighting dirty are we? I can do that too…” knight light said as his opponent was violently blinded.
Night shift still had his guard up however, so when knight light swung his scimitar with enough strength to cleave a mountain in two it was not a lethal blow.
His knuckle had a chip in it and a tear in one of his coveted gloves was made but overall no problematic damage was taken.
An impressive display of a boxing champions instinct that shocked the crowd.
“WOW! THIS SHIFTY GUY HAS SOME REAL SKILLS” tri tip yelled to ambush over the cheering audience.
“Indeed, however knight light isnt even attempting to win yet…” ambush responded.
“WHAT!? THIS IS LITERALLY A FIGHT TO THE DEATH WHAT COULD HE BE WAITING FOR??” tri tip replied in a perplexed manner.
“He knows that night shift is not just all stats”.
Sigh night shift has a trump card and knight light is trying to bait it out” ambush explained.
“That is unfortunately excruciatingly evident…”.
“Yes im sure thats the case, now lets just focus on the match” ambush redirected.
and sure enough if you were watching the fight in that very moment you would see a still blinded night shift throw a devestatingly powerful punch that made a perfect connection with the skull of his opponent.
A large shockwave was created by the impact and the tiles of the arena crumbled but more importantly knight lights helmet shattered into a thousand pieces.
The man who's face had not been seen ever since his duty of protecting the starlight began…
Had eyes cast upon that very face for the first time since then.
Underneath he was not a gruff viking or an ascended immortal, instead he was just a person, like everyone else.
All of the legends that were told about him had clouded everyones view of such a figure.
The revealing of his face made knight light feel more human, it grounded him for the first time in a while, like a burden had been lifted from his shoulders.
So the act came off, the veil was lifted and he spoke… “you shitty old man…”.
At the very sight of hearing such words from this man the crowd silenced themselves.
“Do you really think anything you have done so far is impressive?” He continued
“Do you really think someone like me could ever be compared to you?”
“Well… i thought those things too, until that punch just now” knight light smiled a comforting smile
“All of my battles and feats placed me on a pedestal that i wasnt worthy of in my eyes”
“But you have just brought me down into a sport”
“A place i can be myself and not the stoic hero everyone thinks i am”
“So for that i thank you”
“Ya done squirt?” Night shift grumbled obviously just regaining his eyesight.
“I am” knight light responded.
“Good, because all of this character development is real nice n’ all but i want to know why, even after everything i’ve thrown at you…”
“You’re still in the same spot you started the match in”
The crowd remained silent but in response to night shifts statement the silence grew louder.
No one had realised it but even after taking hits that easily broke his armour not once had knight lights feet ever left the ground, not once had he ever been knocked backwards, not once had he cried out in pain and whats more? Not once had he bled.
“Well you see… my armour is moreso for theatrics, batman has his outfit, superman has his and so does wonder woman” knight light answered.
“Are you sassing me compadre?” Night shift snarled.
“Not at all! It is strong armour no doubt but my armour is never what made me strong, no no you see my bones and muscles were enhanced by the starlight itself, after a millenia within its proximity, intern granting me enormous power”.
“You talk like your blood is gold and honestly that makes my blood boil but what you're telling me scares me…”.
“Why’s that?”.
“Because if what you said was true that means… that swing you took at me whilst i was blind, was your absolute weakest possible attack”.
“Atleast it wasn’t obvious” knight light chuckled.
The crowd began getting loud at the changing tides, this fight just went from fairly even to a massive mismatch.
However an interesting development in knight lights demeanour was noticeable as it was no longer pompous and gallant but he was a lot more lax despite still displaying faint hints of those aforementioned traits.
“Since a funeral is gonna have to happen soon its best we get back to the fight” night shift yawned.
“We probably should but don’t dig your own grave like that, its unbecoming of a champion”.
“Oh i wasn’t talking about me pal… ive got no one to attend my funeral”.
“Ah a lonely road you’ve paved i take it?”.
Night shifts eye twitched with irritation “let’s just box, im sick of hearing shakespear”.
“As you wish” knight light obliged and opened with a brutal yet glamorous attack.
This attack wasn’t even initiated by so little as a gesture.
It simply started with light pouring out of knight lights body.
This light was very water like and flowed gracefully before sharpening and becoming rigid.
Once solid it wrapped around night shift before he had any hope of reacting to such an attack.
It then pulled him towards knight light who began to charge up a special type of swing.
One that follows through beyond all the way.
This technique was one that had slain many elderitch horrors in the past and its name was “the celestial vortex”.
Once night shift was stunned, helpless and in range knight light let loose…
He swung his scimitar, but not just regularly, like i said, beyond all the way.
The second half of the celestial vortex consists of a 1080 degree spin with the traptanium scimitar.
This means the attack encompasses the full area around knight light and strikes three seperate times with powerful blows.
And so that is exactly what happened to night shift…
The first hit ripped through his ghastly body, the second shattered his mortal bones and the third killed him.
Or so everyone thought because although his body laid lifeless on the ground moments after the incredible attack, a coffin manifested around it out of nowhere.
This coffin had an ominous aura that swirled in demonic fury around it.
But not long after appearing it burst open and a good as new night shift was there ready to settle the score.
“Suprise, im immortal” he said with an astonishing amount of hubris for a man who just got diced in three seperate ways.
“So thats it is it?” Knight light in the arena and ambush in the audience understood the event at the same time and prefaced this with the exact same words.
“THATS GOTTA BREAK SOME KIND OF RULE RIGHT!?” tri tip roared in signature sportsfan fashion.
“Well surely an opponent that can’t die has a supreme advantage in a battle to the death yes, however there may be ways around it we are currently unaware of” ambush tried to approach the situation with logic and reason.
“NA THIS GUY IS GONNA WIN THE ENTIRE THING, THIS JUST GOT BORING IM OUT” tri tip angrily hopped out of his seat and turned to leave the stadium.
Instead he bumped into an individual almost as large as himself.
It was king pen, still bandaged up a tad but overall he seemed in good health.
“Now now tri tip, did the club not teach you patience?” King pen persuaded.
“WHA- KING PEN YOU’RE BACK UP AND RUNNING ALREADY!?” Tri tip was startled by the sudden appearance of his leader, mentor and friend.
“Why yes i am, and im glad to say i did not miss too much of this spectacular match”.
“Oh silly tri tip, always being so dense, thats what i love about you, theres no bigger picture in your mind. Can’t you see the round is already coming to a close?” His words sounded harsh but they were comforting and professional in a strange way.
“I- IT IS?”.
“Just watch, my friend” king pen put a hand on the shoulder tri tip did not have his club over and guided him back into his seat then sat peacefully beside him.
Night shift was still, his guard was raised and his eyes were focused.
Knight light was obviously brain storming, desperately trying to find a way he could overcome immortality.
But it wasn’t possible…
There isn’t a way to kill an opponent that can’t die…
All he could do was smile softly.
“There may be nothing i can do to you vampire… however! I will put up my very best against you!” He said confidently.
“Id expect nothing less” night shift replied in agreement with his philosophy.
And so knight light engaged with a heavy swing downwards onto night shift who swiftly teleported out of the way.
Knight light spun around with another ferocious swing that again was dodged easily.
The powerful shockwaves from these attacks tore apart the arena violently.
Many more swings were performed and each successive one had more power than the last.
After 12 or so more attacks night shift performed his final dodge.
Not to say he got hit no, he simply began charging up a powerful punch in response to knight lights onslought.
This was no ordinary punch however.
The way he tensed his phantom muscles was very unique.
He held the power that he would normally release into one of his jabs.
This subsequently multiplied the force that the punch would exert.
But the main problem was that he had to hold the punch for a while.
A feat that wasn’t easy with an actively attacking opponent.
So when knight light began another swing, night shift tapped into a power that would majorly help him.
This power allowed him to constantly teleport to every location simultaneously within a small area around knight light.
This made him virtually unhittable.
He called it “the ghost gods ring”.
Knight light was completely perplexed by the sight of such an ability.
His attacks halted and his brain was scattered in thought.
But again everything has a downside and this technique drained night shifts stamina incredibly fast.
At the very least he had to throw this powerful punch with enough energy to not make it a dud.
However he only had this one chance to do it…
It was an all or nothing approach but it was the only way he could ever hope to win.
So he channelled both techniques for an entire minute.
A minute is what he assumed to be the perfect amount of time but really he had no clue.
A constant minute of being omnipresent in a specific section of the arena…
A constant minute of having his very internal forces gestate and multiply within his muscles…
This was an incredibly risky play to make, if he didnt end this with this attack he was absolutely done for.
His body would be destroyed internally and he would be forced to die over and over again until he had regained enough energy to try it again.
But now was the time to launch it…
He methodically stopped his rapid teleportation behind knight light.
Then he released all of the pent up force he had been holding in, into a full fledged super punch.
The punch radiated power, it generated shockwaves just by existing.
Reality warped and light bended around it.
The size of the fist grew to a humongous size as if by the will of the universe.
This attack was called “The pinnacle of punches” and it ended 1% of night shifts matches back in the day.
It came into contact with knight light before he even realised what was happening.
Steam was being let off in every direction and the surrounding section of the arena was levelled completely with nothing built by mabu remaining.
Knight lights last few pieces of armour turned to dust.
All that survived was his boots and his pants.
Night shift struggled to keep the punch thrown.
His vision swayed and his energy dwindled but he kept holding out for the win.
Well he did until…
His fist exploded.
The sheer pressure of the clash was too much for his hand to take.
Everyone including both fighters were absolutely gobsmacked with this development in the fight.
But what they were to see next would set the precedent…
that this fight was unwinnable…
Knight light appeared to have taken zero damage from that attack.
And whats worse was the fact that his feet were still in the exact same spot they had been in the entire fight.
The first person to realise the match was a lost cause was none other than night shift himself.
“So thats it huh…” he said in a hushed tone
“You are one hell of a guy”
“You took the best i had…”
“And you’re not just still standing…”
“You didn’t even budge, you didn’t even bruise”
“The only one who got hurt by that hit was me”
“And honestly i’d be pissed if it didn’t…”
“That was the strongest punch i have ever thrown and im proud of it”
“But more importantly im concerned about this match now…”
“Neither of us can kill the other, i can’t put a dent on ya and you can’t put me down for good”
“So what’re we gon’ do?” He finished
“While i appreciate your praise and your power i actually did think of a way to kill you” knight light confessed.
If everyone wasn’t already silent from shock they were now.
“You did?” Night shift asked intrigued.
“Yeah but before i show you i just wanted to say a few things”
“I’ve never had such an intense fight”
“Its been a real rollercoaster and to be quite honest at the beginning i thought you were just a grumpy old fart”
“But you exceeded every expectation i had of you”
“And just for you im gonna try to talk normally from now on” he finished the sentence with one last comforting smile
“Hehe… i’d say your doing a great job, i understood every word you said just fine” night shift chuckled.
The whole crowd was dying to know what knight light had in store for them.
No one could believe a way to kill the unkillable existed.
But little did they know…
Knight light was about to invent one…
“Alright!” He yelled to gather everyones attention
“Observe! For you won’t see a more impressive attack as long as you venture within this realm!” He said raising his arms, one holding his scimitar
“So much for talking normally…” night shift mumbled.
All of the spectators viewed intently only to see…
Knight light doing the unthinkable before doing the even more unthinkable.
He stepped forward…
For the first time in this match he had moved out of his starting position.
A thing that would be commonplace in any other fight had become suprising to see in this one.
But he didn’t step forward for no reason no, he took a stance with his scimitar over his head in the air.
He was slightly crouched and he held his free hand outwards like he was stopping someone.
His wings outstretched themselves as if ready to take flight.
Now that all of the preparation was done he inhaled slowly then exhaled even slower…
Suddenly a pool of light formed around his feet and expanded to encompass a large area around him.
Then his body began to glow with a radiant light, like that of the sun.
The very same light encircled his sword and began to wrap around it like a web that flexed and vibrated in a helix pattern.
“Your fighting style reminded me of something…” he began
“The way you made yourself seem numerous and the fact that every punch you threw was stunningly beautiful”
“It just brought stars to my mind”
“And what was around before the stars?”
“So thats exactly what this attack will do”
“Not nothing, but it will completely erase anything in its path, wiping anything from the face of reality”
The crowd loudly discussed this revelation.
Ofcourse it was so simple yet no one else had ever thought of it.
The crowd seemed to understand the weight of these statements.
But one question was asked numerous times within their discussions.
Could an attack really remove something from the world for good?
Knight light would be about to answer that question…
For when he swings his blade…
The truth will be evident.
“In a way this attack will be named after you…” knight light was still talking as the attack was charging
“You inspired it…” the light danced around him in the air and shimmered on his body
“And Im going to name it after the inspiration” his scimitar was glowing with a very volatile and unstable light that shifted tones so much no one could determine its colour
“It must be an honour having to be killed this way…” his muscles tensed in response to the light moving on his body as if they were soaking it in like a plant
“Likewise its an honour having to kill you this way…” the very air in the stadium began to sparkle like glitter
“That’s why im calling this ability, the highest possible grade of attack that can ever be reached, “the brightest constellation” as soon as he finished those words knight light jumped into the air
“I couldn’t have had a better opponent in this here match today… thank you” night shift heroically stood proud ready to embrace death as he said his final words.
The jump knight light performed broke the sound barrier and created a sonic boom that sent people in the stadium flying off of their seats.
The liquid light that covered the floor of the arena attempted to follow him up into the sky, this created a bunch of pillars that were formed out of this light.
Once knight light reached the apex of his jump he began hovering in place with his wings.
“I thank you too…” he muttered knowing that only he could hear anything he had to say.
Then he readied his scimitar and began a skydive back down to the arena.
Light encompassed his body like a cacoon.
It swirled enchantingly around him.
On the otherhand the light on his blade began to erupt with an unsettling degree of colour.
Before he knew it he was nearing the ground.
In preparation he held his sword in the swinging position.
Then when he was within the boundaries of the stadium again he swung his blade horizontally towards night shift with the momentum of his skydive included.
All of the light within his blade, surrounding him and on the floor of the arena shot at night shift.
He landed shortly after.
Before reaching night shift the light transformed into stars that were linked together by lines, they resembled constellations incredibly well.
But they didn’t last long because shortly after coming into creation they detonated and discharged a beyond blinding amount of light.
Everyone in the audience could not see as a result of this.
The attack was the mother of all flashbangs and everyone going wild in the stands proved it.
The fact that they could not see meant they could not know what happened to night shift.
And that was the main focus right in this moment.
Everyone NEEDED to know what had happened.
But no one would get an answer until the first few viewers regained their eyesight.
After 19 excruciatingly long and chaotic minutes the very first people able to see again witnessed the state the arena was in.
The entire third of the arena night shift was stood in…
Had been decimated…
It looked as though it had been carved right down to nothing, it boasted a weirdly smooth and eerie shape.
Almost like within a radius of that attack, things had indeed been set to zero.
But no one knew how.
No one except knight light.
Who was smiling with a tear in his eye.
he grimly said with a catch in his throat “i’ll come to your funeral night shift…”.
submitted by speedyBoi96240 to skylanders [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:43 Enough-District1440 Shoe help: Evolv Kronos vs. Scarpa Arpia V2's

As the title states, but a little context:
I met someone who had the original Arpia's and I was just 😍 over them. The wetsuit-esque socklike feel to them, the casual and comfortable looking toe-knuckle area, and the perfect amount of mid-level aggression to the shape. The replacement model undergoes some changes, and I'm curious if anyone that has used the originals have any feedback on the new ones. The straps look beefier, the sole looks fantastic, but how is the comfort? The toe box has more top side rubber; The overall fit? Just what's your take?
On the flip side, my climbing buddy in high school, many moons ago (15ish years ago), rocked the Evolv Kronos shoes and loved their balance of comfort and capability, and price. At this point, the difference in price here is negligible, but I've never heard a negative word spoken of these shoes, and want to really consider them as well.
Any thoughts on this comparison are appreciated! Thanks in advance.
By the way I bouldeclimb primarily indoors.
submitted by Enough-District1440 to bouldering [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:07 OkRegister4270 I am a graduate student. Do any of you have advice for how to best handle my professor?

Hi! So, at the end of this month, I will be entering my third semester of graduate school for a masters degree in counseling. While I am not yet certain what population I’d like to work with after licensure, I do know that I really would like to stay in academia as long as possible. I hope to one day earn a doctoral degree, become a professor, and I also have an itching desire to do research.
Until my first semester of graduate school, I’d tried and failed twice to get involved in some research. In October, however, a new professor in our program sent out a survey asking what topics us students might have interest in researching. I responded, and within a week, she’d reached out saying she had a project in the works she believed I may be interested in.
We met that same day, decided it was a good fit, and for the next couple of months, we’d meet regularly to brainstorm and organize a plan. She’d often take it upon herself to recommend to me books, podcasts, literature journals, etc. that pertained to my topic of interest; she seemed very involved and excited, and I was ecstatic because I’d been dying to do research.
Then, as Thanksgiving and winter breaks started up, her communication with me began to stifle. She’d not respond to emails I’d sent (even if she’d initiated the email conversation), and meetings became fewer and farther apart. I chalked this up to us all breaking for holidays in between semesters, certain communication would correct to it’s original frequency once Spring semester began. But it didn’t. I worked constantly on this project, excitedly so. But I couldn’t get her to communicate with me- unless SHE wanted to. She’d not respond to my requests for meetings, bail on whatever meetings we actually did plan (this was always last minute, too). She would ask for my work to proofread it, promising to have it reviewed by our following meeting. Yet, by the time I’d show up again, it wouldn’t have been looked at by her. Just a general losing of interest it seemed.
I completed everything last March, and I finally did get her to look at it. She said it was good, and she told me to contact our university’s IRB Director to make certain I’d filled out the correct application form. When I reached out to him, he expressed interest in my research and told me that he would take it upon himself to look into more IRB information for me. By the time this semester was over earlier this month, I still had heard nothing from him, even after reaching out to clarify where he was on progress. I expressed this to my professor, who said that she would try to arrange a meeting with him to build a rapport and start some communication about research with me and another one of her students. However, on the last day of the semester at around 8 PM in the evening, I received a message from my professor asking if the IRB Director had ever gotten back to me. It was as though she did not remember that I had told her weeks prior that he did not answer, and obviously, she made no effort to meet with him.
In that same email she also offered me the opportunity to work with her over the summer. No specifics were given other than she is going to be doing inclusion trainings at different spots around the campus, and she thought that since my research pertains to those with different abilities, that I might want to join. She definitely was overly flattering in this email, mentioning how she was bragging about me to others around the university, and how she thought that my level of “expertise” would be greatly appreciated in this endeavor. As always, I responded very thankfully. I told her that I still had nothing back from the IRB Director, but I would love to join her on this inclusion training thing. I ended the email asking if and when she might like to meet in person so we could discuss further both topics.
It, once again, has been weeks, and I still have no response from her.
I think that I feel really in the dark and confused. I am not sure what a normal time frame is to be expected to wait on professors. I know that she is very busy, and I know that she is involved in a lot of different things, both professionally and academically. I know that my research is probably on the very bottom of her list as it truly is an extracurricular thing on her list of stuff to do. I am trying to be patient, compassionate, and understanding, and I am trying my damnedest to be thankful that she is interested in doing research with me at all.
That said, I have had this pile of research pre-work ready to submit for approval for months now, and the reality is that it’s just collecting dust. I also feel stupid that I’ve allowed myself to get my hopes up at the idea of working with her on something that is so important to me around campus over the summer.
Am I being melodramatic? Like, is this how professors work? Should I express to her how I feel? In reality, I’m a bit scared to do that as I do not want her to feel disrespected at all.
Any advice that any of you guys had would be more than appreciated!
submitted by OkRegister4270 to GradSchool [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:53 the-fool0 4th epoch events art and poems

4th epoch events art and poems
The coronation of Solomon
"Have you heard the echo of this name, young ones? Solomon They praise.
The crown you admire, the authority you fear, the anticipation tinged with submission. When the anthem heralds the protagonist, and the stars return to their abode, destiny shapes the staircase. The masses shout His name. 'Solomon, King of kings, from henceforth, you alone shall be the true God. You command the people of the Northern Land, you are the supreme emperor. Henceforth, the empire shall be a realm of loyalty to you. Regardless of city or race, all are your subjects.'
The death of the Black Emperor
"Heroes are the scars left behind by every shooting star in the night sky, In the turmoil of history's waves, Conspiracy and grandeur sit side by side, The empire once shining in the vast sky, now sinking into the darkness. In the shadow of reverence, betrayal weaves its silent thread, whether in life or death, When it finally arrives, Crowns and thrones crumble in succession, Though surrounded by blades, his composure remains unchanged. 'My spirit undying shall persist, so long as my empire's heart beat echoes, so too will my life.'
The establishment of the Tudor-Trunsoest Empire
"I've told you before, young one, There are no eternal emperors in this world, Just like the golden branches of fate, forever dangling, Tempting those who covet it with betrayal. As a new empire is about to be born, The people rejoice, and the gods approve. They roar like they once did, At the coronation of the Black Emperor, when they offered their submission. Now, that submission is the prized possession of the new rulers."
The resurrection of Solomon
"Why the astonishment, lambs? the sons of wisdom dwell here, Heeding the call of your true God, be proud lambs I shall restore your dignity, My triumph shall be yours as well."
"Why the disbelief, oh betrayers? The sons of folly lurk here, Attempting to strip order from the shadows, to divide unity from the empire. Turning thorns into highways, and injustice into accolades; My triumph shall be the blade at your necks, Playing the requiem before your execution."
I found these art and poems on danbooru and now I'm itching for a 4th epoch spin off or something, literally anything would do, this is the type of thing that would become game of thrones level type shit if done right. Just imagine the grandiose and epicness of these events based on the poems alone.
Source: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=lunara&z=1
submitted by the-fool0 to LordofTheMysteries [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:14 Easy-Perception-4402 29 [M4F] #Germany - Are you struggling with life? I help!

Do you spend a lot of your time day dreaming what life would be like with your perfect match? Would that life consist of lots of quality time spent together, shared hobbies, travelling together, supporting each other and sharing not just the good times? Are your passions a weird conglomerate of sciency and artsy topics? We might just be a match. No, this is not an infomercial.
What makes finding my match somewhat difficult i,0s that my personality is all over the place, I can't really be put into a box and I dream of finding someone I'm deeply compatible with. I have a PhD in physics/math and work in a related field, involving IT and programming. My take on life is rather critical, rational and I'm not religious. BUT I'm also very by morals, emotional in certain aspects and my biggest aspiration in life is having a happy, fulfilling relationship where we are inseparable, each others best friend and more. A soulmate sorta thing if you wish, even though souls obviously don't exist...right?
Soo what are my passions that we could hopefully share together? I have to get the cliché out of the way first, I'm really big on films/tv shows/video games/manga and some books. It's not just something I consume to overcome boredom though, I'm extremely interested in stories and the art of story telling. My tastes are varied and something that would be fun to discuss, some of the things I like:
* weird, obscure horror movies that sometimes make me wonder if anyone else on the planet has ever seen them (spoiler: yes they have). Also horror movies in general.
* "artsy, deeper" movies without bordering into pretentiousness, a line that is entirely subjective but I shall still defend as if an objective truth. Kubrick I really like, also Disney.
* big sucker for romantic comedies and enjoy some goofy comedies as well.
* mostly story driven, single player games, Life is Strange would be an example of a game that had a deeper impact on me, wowser.
* would enjoy getting into multiplayer games together, I consider it a fantastic way to bond. Mario Kart (GoldenEye?) should be obligatory for a couple, friendly trash talking included (or not so friendly, if you're into that). LoL? Yes please (even though I hate it)
* I already feel like it's getting too long (that's what she said) but I enjoy the Harry Potter books and don't like when people call them children's books. They contain more wisdom about life than most literature classics.
The point being, talking about stories, analysing movies together or writing our own video game plot (don't worry I already have an amazing idea, but not so good at writing dialogue)/short stories is a big thing I'd like to share in a relationship.
Still with me? Some other things I enjoy:
* music, especially older stuff rock, pop, some metal, classical and soundtracks!
* photography, especially nature & architecture. Going on a hike or exploring nature with the intent of taking pictures gives you a whole new outlook on things.
* running, that would be a really fun activity to share together as well.
* cooking and every now and then baking. Let me cook a romantic dinner for you?
* travelling! I've somewhat dipped my toe into the digital nomad thing in the last year and loved it. Exploring a new city/country is super exciting to me. My style of travelling is definitely more adventurous. I like being out and about all day and see as much as I can in the time I'm there, doing a moderate but not too crazy amount of research beforehand about attractions. I like a certain degree of spontaneity and some days where we would just walk wherever the wind carries us. Long... really long walks on the beach are the best, especially at night. That being said, I also enjoy a day laying at the beach, café hopping, exploring restaurants or a mall haha. My favourite place so far has been Japan for sure (not a weeb I swear)(lot's of malls here!). If you're a solo traveller let me know. If you're younger or haven't travelled so much, this is not a deal breaker. As long as you're curious and open minded with a sense for adventure.
Phew ok, not done yet. I need to say something about the type of romantic connection I'm desiring as it's somewhat off the norm. I want to spend a lot of time with my partner. A lot. That doesn't even mean constantly engaging with each other, but just being around each other, checking in on each other, leaving little notes, generally what they would call being clingy. Maintaining a happy relationship should be the number 1 priority in your life, as it would be for me. I would never neglect you in favour of other people or obligations and expect the same in return. Location wise would be great if you're in Germany of course, but really doesn't matter that much to me. This would just be an awesome motivation for me to travel somewhere and as I'm very flexible in my day to day life, I would make a visit happen sooner than later.
Appearance wise, 183 cm, caucasian, slimish/fitish/averageish build, short dark brown hair and eyes. Finally, I'll finish off with an arbitrary list of traits that describe me and I'm simultaneously seeking out in a woman: sense of humour (did that come across...like, at all? Writing this post I felt like it was all rather serious at times, because I take this seriously, but my style of communication is more light hearted, being silly together, not taking everything too seriously, but being able to talk maturely should the situation require), responsible, curious, reliable, trustworthy, loyal, honest to a fault, dedicated, creative, self-aware, honest again because it's important, thoughtful, caring, kind but not a pushover, enjoys arguing/debating, romantic, sweet. If you have a (very?) k1nky side that would be the cherry on top, but it's not a must and all in due time.
Have a virtual cookie for making it this far. Now don't be shy and send me a PM already, telling me what's on your mind. If you send a chat and I don't reply, send a little PM as a follow up in case the chat didn't work.
submitted by Easy-Perception-4402 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:01 JelloSquirrel Are the X-Men generally all glass cannons?

It seems like compared to the Avengers, who all have justified durability feats and reasons for the most part, the X-Men are just very one note in their powers. Does the mutant gene also make them all Captain America level as a side power?
Cyclops shoots beams and I think he can absorb beams(?) but take a bullet or super human punch and he should be out.
Jubilee and Gambit I assume are in a similar boat to cyclops.
Sunspot seems like he has a Johnny Storm thing going on, so I assume while his sunspot form is flaming on, he has enhanced durability and all sorts of suped up stats. Might be able to survive most conventional weapons.
Beast seems like a sabertooth type, just amped physicals all around albeit at rather low super human levels. Probably still dies to a high powered rifle. Probably should be above Wolverine but isn't.
Rogue seems like she has superman level durability at times, and then at other times she's one shot by a sentinel that everyone else goes toe to toe with. She might also have a ki like thing going on where she needs to concentrate?
Jean has some dbz style power struggles. While her shields are up, I assume she is basically indestructible but has a low power bank. No passive durability I assume, only when she's actively engaging her shield.
Not clear Nightcrawler has any amped physicals at all, but he seems like Spiderman like with his agility so probably slightly amped to maintain the stuff he does.
Storm I would assume doesn't have any durability feats except she changed her clothes magical girl style, so I assume she has similar command of the elements as Magneto but at a lesser level, so she can armor up with electrostatic discharge or something.
Magneto I give the same bump as storm but he only controls one force so he's prob better at it. I would assume he can magical girl he clothes too but chose to remain naked. Probably magical girl's his hair to keep it long and flowing tho.
Forge id assume can do some techno bullshit to have strong physicals.
Cable is Jean + Scott in powers so probably amped durability. Maybe Bishop too?
Morph I assume is a jar of goo and can reform if he melts, t-1000 style. If not, at least mr. Fantastic level / monkey d Luffy rubber bending ability but without the creativity to use it well. Can adjust density of his forms at will.
Wolverine we know is amped to like Captain America levels but frequently comes off more like Spiderman levels due to popularity. Regen basically scales with damage taken, despite lacking the strength and durability to survive most high level attacks.
Charles Xavier I assume can do jean gray stuff but at a lower level and chooses not to go dbz warrior. Can fry everyone's brains instantly but generally just chooses not to because he's a good guy who likes to win with words and watch his X-Men fist fight.
Not sure if there's anyone else I missed, just seems like most of them should be put down with a bullet and when going against superhuman strength or blades they should be splatted or skewered.
submitted by JelloSquirrel to Xmen97 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:17 Artistic_Seesaw2534 best dog for allergies? Poodles?

I am a complete animal lover and have had animals all my life.The problem is that I have developed allergies to both dogs/cats, which started suddenly near the end of my past dogs life. When he would lick me I would itch a get small bumps but that’s about it. No other issues. Still slept with him and was able to be all over him no problem. My brother has a cat which used to live with us. I also never had problems unless he would rub against me. I would get itchy and a slightly itchy throat sometimes. He would be able to lay w me in bed as long as he didn’t rub on me. With both dog and cat which lived together at the same time, I never had issues with watery eyes, constant itchy skin, etc. After about two years of not living with animals we decided to adopt a GS puppy in which we rehomed due to 1) me developing allergies (itchy-asthmatic) and 2) personal issues arising in the family. Recently, we decided to try another pitbull, this time a female. We read that females can produce less allergens which could make a world of a difference for a good amount of people. When picking her out from the litter I wore as little clothing as possible and let them all over me. No allergies, so we moved forward. Once we picked her up she layed on me for an hour before I started to get slight bumps and itchyness. I invested in a purifier and vacuumed the whole house which seemed to have helped a bit. Unfortunately she passed away from an unknown health problem two days after adopting her, but overall I was a bit itchy and had watery eyes sometimes, but other times I was completely fine (I spent all day with her).
Now, we are looking into poodles as they are the least allergenic dogs. We have an air purifier to help, but I cannot take any allergy medicine due to a chronic health condition. I’m looking for a dog that will be best for my situation. I know poodles are not hypoallergenic and everyone’s allergic reactions are different even with the specific animal. How is everyone with poodles and would this be the best bet to try? We might go do a meet and greet with a poodle at the shelter tomorrow to see how I react. My only hesitation is that it takes a while for my body to react it seems. Please any advice or success with poodles would be great.
submitted by Artistic_Seesaw2534 to Allergies [link] [comments]
