Free boost mobile cards pins

A Subreddit About a Card Game for Horrible People.

2011.12.31 03:53 DaveQat A Subreddit About a Card Game for Horrible People.

Cards Against Humanity is the Apples to Apples for horrible people. Come share your depraved card combinations and additions to the game.

2013.03.18 09:12 lehmongeloh A Place for Card Kindness

This is a place to send or receive cards for anyone who would like one. The purpose of RAoC is to spread a little bit of joy around the world. All are welcome! Please read the sidebar or Wiki/FAQ page to get started.

2015.10.12 00:27 yaktoast Mobile Performance Meter: Get Free Gift Cards & Mobile Airtime

With the Mobile Performance Meter App, you can cash out your “Meter Points” for instant rewards. If you're in the United States, you can get gift cards from great brands like Amazon, Domino’s Pizza, Dell Computers and many more. Outside the United States, you can cash out your "Meter Points" for direct Mobile Airtime on your phone. Earn some beermoney with Mobile Performance Meter

2024.05.20 01:12 koifishrock Question about Clipper app

I’m a bit confused by the Clipper app - I assumed it was used to tap on and off the Caltrain and BART but I do not know how to actively use it. I loaded money to this mobile Clipper card, but didn’t realize either that it would take 24 hours to process.
In the meantime, my friend told me I could add a card via Apple Wallet and load value from Apple Pay - that worked perfectly.
Is the pending value I “ordered” on the mobile Clipper on the app usable? When I tried to transfer the mobile Clipper to Wallet, it wanted to scan a physical card (which I do not have).
submitted by koifishrock to AskSF [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:12 Soninetz Wrike vs Trello: Best Project Management Tool?

Wrike vs Trello: Best Project Management Tool?
Considering the best project management tool for your team's needs including various tasks, customer support, calendar, and company? Wrike and Trello stand out as popular choices. But which one is the right fit for you? Dive into this comparison to uncover the strengths and weaknesses of Wrike vs. Trello. Which platform offers various tasks, options, and customer support essential to streamline your workflow and boost productivity? Let's review how these tools stack up against each other to help you make an informed decision.
Useful Links:
  1. Wrike LifeTime Deal
  2. Wrike Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Choose Based on Needs: Consider your project management requirements before selecting between Wrike and Trello.
  • Utilize Core Features: Make the most of the distinctive features each platform offers, such as Wrike's advanced project tracking or Trello's user-friendly interface.
  • Evaluate Pros and Cons: Compare the advantages and drawbacks of Wrike and Trello to align with your team's workflow and preferences.
  • Consider Team Dynamics: Review and assess your team's size, collaboration style, and project complexity to determine which tool suits your group best.
  • Trial Before Commitment: Test both platforms with a trial period to experience firsthand how they integrate with your team's workflow.
  • Seek User Feedback: Gather input from team members on their experience with Wrike and Trello to make an informed decision.

Understanding Project Management Tools


Project management tools like Wrike and Trello serve as platforms to organize tasks, collaborate with team members, and track project progress. Wrike offers advanced features suitable for complex projects, including Gantt charts and resource management. On the other hand, Trello focuses on simplicity with its card-based system for task management.
Both tools allow users to create tasks, assign them to team members, set deadlines, and monitor progress. Wrike provides detailed analytics and reporting capabilities, while Trello emphasizes visual organization through boards and lists.
Smarter teamwork starts here! 🧠 Try Wrike free and see the difference it makes.


The primary purpose of using project management tools is to streamline workflows, enhance communication among team members, and increase overall productivity. These tools help in prioritizing tasks, setting clear goals, and ensuring efficient project completion within deadlines.

Importance of Selection

Selecting the right project management tool is crucial for meeting specific needs and achieving desired outcomes. Wrike may be more suitable for large-scale projects requiring extensive planning and resource allocation. In contrast, Trello is ideal for smaller teams or simpler projects that prioritize visual organization over complex features.
  • Pros:
    • Streamline workflows
    • Enhance communication
    • Increase productivity

Core Features and Benefits

Customer Support

Both Wrike and Trello offer excellent customer support through various channels such as email, live chat, and extensive knowledge bases. Users can rely on prompt assistance for any queries or issues they encounter.

Business Needs

Wrike caters more towards complex project management needs of larger businesses with advanced features like Gantt charts, resource management, and time tracking. On the other hand, Trello is ideal for smaller teams or simple projects due to its intuitive and easy-to-use interface.

Surface View

One of the key differences between Wrike and Trello is their surface view. While Wrike provides a detailed overview of projects with multiple views like Kanban boards and Gantt charts, Trello focuses on a simpler card-based system that allows users to track tasks easily.

Apps Availability

Both platforms offer mobile apps for on-the-go access to projects. Wrike's mobile app provides robust functionality similar to its desktop version, ensuring seamless project management across devices. In contrast, Trello's mobile app offers a simplified version suitable for quick updates and task tracking.
Useful Links:
  1. Wrike LifeTime Deal
  2. Wrike Free Trial

Analyzing Pros and Cons

Wrike Options

Wrike offers a wide range of options for viewing tasks, providing users with flexibility to customize their workflow according to their preferences. Users can easily switch between different view options to manage tasks efficiently.

Trello Complexity

The simplicity of Trello can be both a strength and a weakness. While its straightforward interface is easy to navigate, it may lack the depth needed for handling complexity in various tasks. Users might find it challenging when dealing with intricate business projects.

Wrike Help

One of the key advantages of Wrike is its ability to help users stay organized and on track with project deadlines. The platform offers features that streamline task management, ensuring that teams can work collaboratively towards achieving their goals.

Trello Winner

On the other hand, Trello excels in its user-friendly approach, allowing users to visually organize tasks at a quick glance. This visual representation through drag-and-drop functionality enhances user experience and promotes quick response times.

Team Suitability and Recommendations


Small to medium-sized teams: Wrike's robust features make it ideal for team members looking to streamline collaboration and task management efficiently. It is highly recommended for companies that prioritize due dates and have a diverse range of projects.
Project-based industries: Teams in project-oriented industries like marketing, software development, or event planning can benefit significantly from Wrike's advanced project management capabilities. The platform's ability to integrate with email and provide a centralized calendar view enhances productivity.


Start-ups and creative teams: Trello's intuitive interface and user-friendly approach are perfect for everyone, including those new to project management tools. It is particularly suitable for smaller teams that prefer a visual representation of tasks through drop cards.
Flexible work environments: Organizations where projects often evolve rapidly or require frequent changes find Trello's adaptable structure beneficial. With its easy-to-use interface, Trello is well-suited for teams that value simplicity and quick setup.

Closing Thoughts

In weighing Wrike against Trello, you've gained a comprehensive view of these project management tools. Understanding their features, benefits, and drawbacks has equipped you to make an informed choice based on your team's needs. Consider your team's size, complexity of projects, and preferred workflow when deciding between these platforms.
As you delve into project management software selection, remember that the right tool can streamline collaboration, enhance productivity, and boost project outcomes. Take the insights gathered here to guide your decision-making process and propel your team towards greater efficiency and success.
Drive success with ease! 🏆 Sign up for Wrike's free trial and watch your goals soar!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key differences between Wrike and Trello?

Wrike offers robust project management features like Gantt charts and resource management, ideal for complex projects. Trello, on the other hand, focuses on visual task management with boards and cards, suitable for simpler workflows.

Which tool is better suited for small businesses: Wrike or Trello?

Trello's intuitive interface and simplicity make it a great choice for small businesses looking to streamline their task management quickly. Wrike, with its advanced features, is better suited for larger teams handling complex projects.

How do the pricing plans of Wrike and Trello compare?

Wrike's pricing is higher due to its extensive project management capabilities. Trello offers a free plan with limited features and affordable paid options suitable for smaller teams. Consider your team size and project complexity when choosing between them.

Can Wrike and Trello be integrated with other tools?

Both Wrike and Trello offer integrations with popular third-party apps like Google Drive, Slack, and Zapier. These integrations enhance collaboration, communication, and workflow automation across different platforms seamlessly.

Which tool provides better customization options: Wrike or Trello?

Wrike allows deep customization with custom fields, workflows, and templates tailored to specific project needs. In contrast, Trello offers a more straightforward approach to customization through power-ups that enhance functionality without overwhelming users.
Useful Links:
  1. Wrike LifeTime Deal
  2. Wrike Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:10 Stiles-Micaiah Optimizing Performance for Horizon Forbidden West

I made this comment for a steam thread, spent a few hours stress testing configs on windows. And just when I figured it was put together enough to post steam reloaded on my phone and I lost the post 🙄 I really need to stop putting so much effort in the comments. The thread was mostly full of rage bait anyway. So I figured I’d post it here, I’m sure someone out there could make use of it. At the very least it populates Google with performance related discussion. And hopefully helping someone. Feel free to criticize or offer a different experience with your hardware. In a perfect world this post and the comments will be the last stop anyone needs to start bustin machine heads 🫵😎
My System Configuration: - CPU: Intel i7 10700F - GPU: Nvidia RTX 3070 - RAM: 32GB - Storage: Gen 3 NVMe drive
Performance Observations: - On Manjaro Linux with X11, I achieved a consistent 50-80 FPS at 1080p on very high settings with FSR. - With Wayland and HDR enabled, FPS ranged from 40-70 but experienced random crashes, also with FSR. - Switching to Windows 11, FPS improved to 70-90 on medium settings at 1440p, but fluctuated between 10-100 on high settings at 4K with no clear cause for the variance, with DLSS.
DLSS vs. FSR: - Both were tested; FSR performed slightly better on Linux, while no significant difference was observed on Windows. - DLSS did not significantly improve performance during a recent test.
Performance Tips: - Use Exclusive Full Screen: Essential for Variable Refresh Rate (VRR), allows refresh rate modification, and generally enhances game performance. - Disable VSync: Unless your display lacks VRR, avoid VSync as it's inferior to VRR. - Prefer TAA/SMAA over DLAA: These settings can offer a 10 FPS boost, although DLAA provides superior visual quality. - Enable Nvidia Reflex: This feature significantly improves input during frame drops, effective even on Manjaro.
VRAM Considerations: - High and very high settings may cause VRAM bottlenecks. My system could reach 60 FPS at 4K on very high settings, but not consistently, suggesting possible memory dumping issues. Idk what you need, but it’s not 8GB…
These insights are based on my personal testing and tinkering. It may not be the most thorough testing. Namely I should’ve done more testing with Manjaro. But I spent so long trying to get HDR working I didn’t play with the settings too much. But I hope my experiences can assist others in optimizing their gameplay experience for Horizon Forbidden West. Enjoy the game!
submitted by Stiles-Micaiah to horizon [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:10 Soninetz Spocket vs AliExpress: The Ultimate Dropshipping Comparison

Spocket vs AliExpress: The Ultimate Dropshipping Comparison
Unsure whether to choose Spocket or AliExpress for your dropshipping needs? Let's break it down. Spocket offers fast shipping and quality products from US and EU suppliers, perfect for quick deliveries and customer satisfaction for ecommerce platforms. On the other hand, AliExpress, an online store, provides a vast range of products from multiple suppliers at lower prices, but with longer shipping times and potential quality concerns. By weighing the convenience of Spocket against the affordability of AliExpress, you can make an informed decision that suits your business best. Dive into this comparison to find out which platform aligns with your dropshipping goals.
Useful Links:
  1. Spocket LifeTime Deal
  2. Spocket Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • When choosing between Spocket and AliExpress for dropshipping, consider the unique features, offerings, quality products, and reviews of each supplier to align with your business needs.
  • Analyze the cost structure of both platforms, including product prices, shipping fees, and any additional charges, to determine the most cost-effective option for your business.
  • Evaluate the delivery times provided by Spocket and AliExpress to ensure timely fulfillment of orders and customer satisfaction.
  • Take into account user feedback and reviews to gauge the overall experience with each platform, including customer service, product quality, and reliability.
  • Balance the pros and cons of using Spocket versus AliExpress to make an informed decision that maximizes efficiency and profitability for your dropshipping business.
  • Remember to continuously monitor performance metrics and adapt your supplier choice based on changing market conditions and customer preferences.

Dropshipping Supplier Overview

Supplier Base

Spocket offers a curated list of reliable suppliers, mainly from the US and Europe, ensuring faster shipping times. On the other hand, AliExpress boasts a vast network of multiple suppliers from around the world, providing a wide range of products.

Product Range Diversity

Spocket focuses on high-quality, unique products, ideal for niche markets, while AliExpress offers a plethora of products across various categories, including electronics, fashion, and more.
Start soaring 🚀 with Spocket's free trial! Dive into top products from US & EU suppliers today.

Integration with eCommerce Stores

Both Spocket and AliExpress provide seamless integration with popular platforms like Shopify, enabling users to easily set up their online stores for business. This integration allows for automatic order processing and tracking, simplifying the dropshipping process.

Cost Comparison

Subscription Plans

Spocket offers three subscription plans: Starter, Pro, and Empire. The Starter plan costs $24 per month, Pro is $49 per month, and Empire is $99 per month. On the other hand, AliExpress does not require any subscription fees to access its platform.

Associated Costs

When it comes to additional costs, Spocket charges transaction fees ranging from 2% to 3% on each order. In contrast, AliExpress generally does not have transaction fees, making it more cost-effective for dropshippers.

Implications for Dropshippers

Spocket: While Spocket's subscription plans may seem pricier than AliExpress upfront, the platform offers faster shipping times and higher-quality products. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and potentially higher profits for dropshippers.
AliExpress: Despite being free to use, dropshippers need to consider longer shipping times and varying product quality when sourcing from AliExpress. This could impact customer retention rates and overall business success in the long run.

Delivery Time Evaluation

Shipping Times

Spocket typically offers faster delivery times compared to AliExpress. With Spocket's focus on quality suppliers and efficient order fulfillment processes, customers can expect quicker shipping durations for their products.

Customer Satisfaction Impact

Faster shipping times play a crucial role in enhancing customer satisfaction. When orders are delivered promptly, it leads to increased trust and loyalty from buyers. This positive experience encourages repeat purchases and boosts overall customer happiness.
Useful Links:
  1. Spocket LifeTime Deal
  2. Spocket Free Trial

Reliability Assessment

Both platforms have their strengths when it comes to shipping durations. While AliExpress may sometimes have longer shipping times due to the nature of its suppliers, Spocket stands out for its emphasis on quick and reliable shipping options such as epacket shipping. This ensures that customers receive their orders in a timely manner without compromising on product quality.

User Experience Analysis

User Interface

Spocket offers a clean and intuitive user interface, making it easy for customers to navigate the platform effortlessly. On the other hand, AliExpress has a more cluttered interface, which can sometimes overwhelm users.

Automation Level in Order Fulfillment

Spocket excels in automation for order fulfillment and tracking, streamlining the process for customers. In contrast, AliExpress may have some manual steps involved, leading to potential delays.

User Feedback and Satisfaction

  • Spocket: Users appreciate the seamless experience and top-notch customer service provided by Spocket.
  • AliExpress: While offering a wide range of products at competitive prices, AliExpress has received mixed reviews regarding customer service responsiveness.

Pros and Cons


Spocket offers fast shipping from US and EU suppliers, ensuring quick delivery times for customers. The platform provides high-quality products with detailed product descriptions, enhancing the overall shopping experience. Spocket's excellent customer service is praised in user reviews.
On the downside, Spocket's pricing plans might be a bit steep for beginners, impacting profit margins. Some users have faced complications with certain suppliers, leading to delays in order fulfillment. Despite these challenges, Spocket remains a popular choice for many dropshippers due to its premium product options.


AliExpress stands out for its vast product variety and low prices, making it an attractive option for dropshippers looking to offer a wide range of items. The platform also allows users to purchase products in small quantities, ideal for those starting with limited capital.
However, the main drawback of AliExpress is the long shipping times, which can result in customer dissatisfaction. Quality control can be an issue as well, with some products not meeting expectations. Despite these drawbacks, AliExpress remains a go-to platform for dropshippers due to its extensive product selection.

Closing Thoughts

After comparing Spocket and AliExpress in terms of dropshipping suppliers, costs, delivery times, user experiences, and pros and cons, you now have a clearer picture of what each platform offers. Consider your business needs, budget constraints, and customer expectations when selecting the right supplier. While AliExpress may provide lower costs, Spocket offers faster delivery times and a more curated selection of products. Ultimately, the choice between the two platforms depends on what matters most to you.
Before making a decision, weigh the factors that are crucial for your business success. Take into account not only the financial aspects but also the overall customer experience you aim to deliver. By choosing the supplier that aligns best with your requirements, you can enhance your dropshipping business and provide better service to your customers.
Time to thrive! 🌟 Unleash the power of Spocket's free trial and skyrocket your dropshipping journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main difference between Spocket and AliExpress for dropshipping?

Spocket offers curated products from EU and US suppliers, ensuring faster shipping times and higher product quality. AliExpress has a vast range of products from Chinese suppliers at lower prices but with longer shipping times and potential quality issues.

Which platform, Spocket or AliExpress, provides better user experience for dropshippers?

Spocket's user-friendly interface, efficient order processing, and reliable customer support make it a preferred choice for dropshippers seeking convenience. In contrast, AliExpress may have more product variety but can be challenging to navigate due to multiple sellers and varying shipping times.

How do the costs compare between using Spocket and AliExpress for dropshipping?

While products on Spocket may have slightly higher prices compared to AliExpress due to better quality and faster shipping, the overall cost-effectiveness is often better with Spocket considering reduced customer service needs and potential for higher customer satisfaction.

Which supplier, Spocket or AliExpress, offers quicker delivery times for dropshippers?

Spocket typically provides faster delivery times compared to AliExpress due to its network of EU and US suppliers. This can lead to improved customer satisfaction, repeat business, and potentially lower shipping-related issues when using Spocket as a dropshipping supplier.

What are the pros and cons of choosing between Spocket and AliExpress for dropshipping?

Spocket's pros include quality products, faster shipping times, user-friendly interface. However, it might have slightly higher product costs. On the other hand, AliExpress offers lower-priced items but with longer shipping times and potential quality concerns due to multiple sellers.
Useful Links:
  1. Spocket LifeTime Deal
  2. Spocket Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:09 Signal-Bet3046 Have: Barber of Seville - Need: Groove On OR Flutiful

Last two cards i need to finish! looking for a 1:1 for either card. Please feel free to add me and send exchange and I'll complete it asap.
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by Signal-Bet3046 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:09 Goblinoid-loser Load order help

Hey everyone,
I been trying to fix my load order on xbox. I am not sure what the culprit is but I get as far as the weapon armor and clothing mods section and it crashes, I have taken mods out and stuff that Ithink are causing issues but I cant figure out what is wrong.
Master Files
  1. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
  1. Workshop Framework
  2. Munitions – An Ammo Expansion
  3. AWKCR
  4. Player Responds to Pain
  5. Cclub – All-in-One
  6. Mutant Menagerie
  7. You and What Army (updated)
  8. USO Base Game
  9. integrated Commonwealth
  10. True Storms: Wasteland Edition
  11. Settlement Electricity Overhaul
  12. Munitions – Vanilla Ammo Addon
  13. Faction Pip-boys
Fast Start Mods
  1. Start Me Up REDUX – FDI
Faction Overhauls
  1. Creation Club Delayed
  2. Brotherhood Of Steel Overhaul
  3. Liberty reborn
  4. Liberty reborn Gunners patch
  5. Liberty reborn You and what army
  6. Creation Club Faction Wear Weapons and Armor
  7. DC Guards Uniform by MF
  8. Institute Overhaul
  9. Worldwide Ghouls
New Worldspace
  1. Vault 120
Vanilla Quest edits and companion overhauls
  1. Everyone’s Best Friend Dogmeat
  2. Unofficial Patch Everyone’s Best Friend Dogmeat
  3. When Pigs Fly Fix
Settlement Building mods
  1. Vertical Power Conduits
  2. Pass-Through Conduits
  3. Vault-tec Workshop Conduits
  4. Craftible vault elevator
  5. Visible idle markers
  6. M.D. Wolfe’s Shipping
  7. Functional Displays
  8. Manufactering Extended
  9. Manufacturing Extended Expanded
  10. Munitions Manufacturing
  11. Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul Redux
  12. Water Delivery
  13. Minuteman Morale Pack
  14. Vault Cornfield Wall
  15. More Guard Barricades
  16. Vault 88 Corners Plus
  17. Vault 88 – More Vault Rooms
  18. Vault 88 – Corners Plus Unlock
  19. Modular Vault Rooms
  20. Vault 88 Room Corners Plus – Vault 88 – More Rooms Patch
Settlement building scrip injectors
  1. Settlement Objects Expansion
  2. G2M – Workshop
  3. USO Season Pass
  4. USO AWKCR Patch
  5. USO Performance Boost
  6. USO NextGen Patch
  7. SMM
Gameplay changes
  1. Mobile Workshop SKK
  2. Power Armor Overhaul
  3. Creation Club Hellfire Butt plate fix
  4. Commonwealth weapon superstore
  5. Simple Attack & Death Reactions
  6. Faster Melee and unarmed attack
  7. What should have been
  8. Move that armor frame
  9. Ballistic Weave book
  10. Better wasteland survival guide
  11. Wasteland imports
  12. Fallout 4 cut content mod
  13. Workshop Ownership utility SKK
  14. Settlement attack system SKK
  15. Settlement Attack marker add on
  16. move workshop markers SKK
  17. Full Dialogue interface
  18. SD’s Snarky DLC loading screens
  19. Cheat Terminal
NPC Mods
  1. Dual Survivors - Nate
  2. Combat Settlers SKK
  3. Ferals can’t open doors
  4. Essential NPCs Expanded
Audio Mods
  1. Realistic reverb and ambience
  2. Faded Glory
Visual Mods
  1. FO4 Extras power armor uniformity
  2. Light sources do not cast dynamic light
  3. Ultimate decal remover GOTY
  4. Glassy Pipboy Screen
  5. Interiors enhanced 2.0
  6. Realistic Lighting by SirGreen
  7. Realistic Lighting True Storms Patch
  8. Desert like weather chance True Storms
  9. Electronics + True storms
  10. Power Line Physics
  11. True Storms Far Harbor
  12. Pipboy light cast shadows
  13. Wave
  14. Immersive candles
  15. Corpse Looting 76 SKK
Vanilla settlement mods
  1. Unrestricted Settlements
  2. Codsworths roof repair
  3. Red Rocket v2.0
  4. Somerville v2.0+ RR Reborn
  5. Taffington v2.0
  6. Clean and simple – Vault 88
  7. Doors not walls
Sorting mods
  1. Exclusion – sorting
Hud Mods
  1. Quality of life: custom ini
  2. HUDFramework
  3. Immersive HUD (iHUD)
  4. IHUD patch
Character model replacers
  1. Synthkind Redefined
  2. Show accurate Codsworth
  3. HeadCanon Tattoos
Pip-Boy Replacers
  1. Factions have pip-boy’s
Map Mods
  1. Improved map
Weapon Armor and clothing mods
  1. Laser Garand
  2. Laser Garand Replaces Laser Musket
  3. Automatron – more robot voices...
  4. TNR Shoulder Lamp
  5. Edmond’s Power Armor Backpacks
  6. Better Automatron Weapons
  7. Tactical Weapon Mods
Crafting mods
  1. Conversion – Munitions
  2. Makeshift Weapons Ammo Crafting
  3. UCO Base Game
  4. UCO Season Pass
  5. UCO Morgans Space Suit
Load bottom mods
  1. Place Anywhere
  2. Brute force scrapper
  3. Lookup Failed
  4. Better Companions
    Any help is greatly apreciated.
submitted by Goblinoid-loser to Fallout4Mods [link] [comments]


I made this because of the stuttering and lagging I've had on GTA because of CPU going 100%, If this doesn't work for you, change or repair your graphics card or CPU.
I'm based on this subreddit but as this one is old and also is from an nvidia card, this one is an update.
These settings can work for Singleplayer, GTA Online and FiveM, but I recommend you that if you're going online (GTA Online and FiveM) to turn down at least the Most Impactful settings I have listed on the bottom of the thread, because you'll need to.
(IMPORTANT: 1. To have the best performance set to Full screen and set the resolution as you wish or the monitor resolution - 2. Set refresh rate as you wish or the monitor hz rate - 3. MSAA Off (Trust me, on the fourth capture it explains why) - 4. Vsync On if you set refresh rate to 60, off if not)
(IMPORTANT: 1. All sliders up (Can turn it down if needed) - 2. You can turn some of the qualities options down if your graphics card can't support it - 3. Reflection Quality doesn't make a change and consumes a lot of fps so off - 4. Soft Shadows to Softest or lower. If you want performance, don't set it to AMD's CHS or NVIDIA's PCSS)
(IMPORTANT: 1. Post FX as you wish - 2. If fps don't reach to desired ones, turn Ambient Occlusion Off - 3. Tessellation can be turned down to High (Doesn't make a huge change of impact on fps)
(IMPORTANT: 1. NEVER, If you want FPS, NEVER turn up Extended Distance Scaling, this is the one setting that will crush your CPU down and go 30 fps - 2. Since we disabled MSAA before and at 1440p it looks horrible without it, we set Frame Scaling Mode to x1,500 since it looks almost the same as MSAA and consumes much less resources)
AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition settings
(IMPORTANT: 1. AMD Fluid Motion Frames On so you can have the best performance for high refresh rate monitors (Search on YouTube how to install AMD Fluid Motion Frames if the option doesn't appear) - 2. Radeon Boost Off because it looks horrible when looking around - 3. Enhanced Sync On for any tearing - 4. Freesync On if possible ofc)
These are my Overclocking tweaks for my graphics card if you want to know them, you can do it as you see in the image but at your own risk, also the fan speed curve makes the fans louder than normal, at least on my gpu, you can play with it to balance optimum Cº (80) and silence.
Final notes, I have two other settings that I have turned on so it works perfectly.
RivaTuner - Install it and set it to limit GTA 5 to 60-65fps (With Fluid Motion Frames you'll see 120 fps on screen) so the CPU won't stress on keeping up to the GPU to give the most FPS as possible (This ihave a slower CPU that bottlenecks the GPU as I have) (Don't try to limit the fps from Radeon Software because it won't work if you're using Fluid Motion Frames)
Limit the CPU's threads - In this video , you'll see how to set the Affinity of the GTA5.exe process on Task Manager to use less threads. (I believe that the game, as it uses all the CPU cores, Windows doesn't like it and it slows down the game on purpose so Windows doesn't stop working)
Most Graphic Impactful Settings
  1. Most Impactful
    1. DirectX Version (Don't turn down, DirectX 11 is the best on performance)
    2. MSAA
    3. Texture Quality (Warning clothing and most of textures will look horrible from Normal to High)
    4. Reflection MSAA
    5. Grass Quality
    6. Shadow Quality
    7. Reflection Quality
  2. Moderate Impactful
    1. Soft Shadows
    2. Post FX
    3. Ambient Occlusion
    4. In-Game Depth Of Field Effects
    5. Tesselation (High - Very High)
  3. Least Impactful
    1. FXAA
    2. Vsync
    3. Pause Game Without Focus
    4. All three sliders
    5. Shader Quality
    6. Water Quality
    7. Particles Quality
    8. Anisotropic Filtering
    9. Tesselation (Off - Normal)
submitted by rik23 to GrandTheftAutoV_PC [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:08 Helpful_Scallion9238 FETCH Rewards Referral Code: NE6WA 1,000 Bonus Points

FETCH Rewards Referral Code: NE6WA 1,000 Bonus Points
Use referral code: NE6WA and earn 1000 bonus points AFTER you snap your first receipt. If you haven't downloaded the Fetch Rewards app you can use the link below or scan the above QR code and the bonus will automatically be applied after you snap your first receipt:
If you have already downloaded the app but haven't submitted a referral code nor have snapped your first receipt follow the quick 3 steps below:
  1. Go to your Account tab.
  2. Tap Refer a friend
  3. Enter the referral code: NE6WA **BEFORE SNAPPING YOUR FIRST RECEIPT.
Of course the app rewards you with gift cards to many retailers (including Amazon) along with restaurants just for snapping pics of your receipts. But it also provides a lot more. I specifically find their private individualized (daily/monthly/yearly) expense recaps as a wonderful budgeting tool. Very easy to use and they do all the work for you.
I'll be more than happy to assist anyone. So if you need any help with the sign up process, have questions once you're in, or just want to let me know how it went, feel free to use the comment section below.
This referral sign up bonus ends on 5/20/2024 at 9:59pm PT.
submitted by Helpful_Scallion9238 to FetchAppReferralCode [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:08 Soninetz Hostfully vs Touch Stay: Digital Guidebook Mastery

Hostfully vs Touch Stay: Digital Guidebook Mastery
Comparing Hostfully and TouchStay is like choosing between two top-tier vacation rental platforms with distinct features. Hostfully offers robust property management tools for owners, while TouchStay focuses on enhancing guest experiences through personalized digital guides. Both platforms aim to streamline operations and elevate guest satisfaction in the competitive vacation rental industry. Understanding the nuances of each platform can help hosts make an informed decision that aligns with their specific needs and goals.
Useful Links:
  1. Hostfully LifeTime Deal
  2. Hostfully Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Create Comprehensive Guidebooks: Ensure your guidebooks cover essential information for guests to have a seamless experience.
  • Consistent Content Management: Regularly update and maintain your guidebook content to keep it relevant and valuable.
  • Share Local Insights: Enhance guest experiences by sharing insider tips and recommendations about the local area.
  • Optimize Guidebook Distribution: Utilize multiple channels to distribute your guidebooks effectively to reach a wider audience and access a broader market.
  • Brand Your Guidebooks: Customize your guidebooks with branding elements to create a unique and memorable experience for guests.
  • Personalization is Key: Tailor your guidebooks to cater to the specific needs and interests of your target audience.

Guidebook Essentials

Digital Guides

Digital guides are essential for vacation rental properties, offering recommendations on local attractions and restaurants. They provide key information for guests to enhance their stay experience.

Enhanced Guest Experience

A digital welcome book through platforms like Hostfully or Touchstay ensures a seamless booking process. Guests can easily access booking details, property rules, contact information, and touch through their phone.
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Key Features

The standard features of a guidebook include interactive maps, check-in instructions, and emergency contacts. Hostfully and Touchstay both offer user-friendly interfaces for hosts to create customized guides.

Content Creation and Management

Replicating Content

Hostfully offers a powerful feature for duplicating content across multiple guidebooks, streamlining the process efficiently. By utilizing this tool, hosts can easily replicate essential information such as check-in instructions or house rules.

Customizable Templates

Creating content with Touchstay involves a user-friendly interface allowing hosts to personalize their guidebooks. This platform provides customizable templates for text, images, and even video, enhancing the overall guest experience.

Efficient Management

Hostfully prioritizes efficiency in content management through its robust system that enables hosts to make quick updates to their guidebooks. This feature ensures that information remains up-to-date and relevant for guests throughout their stay.
  • Pros of Hostfully:
    • Streamlined content replication
    • Quick updates for effective management
  • Pros of Touchstay:
    • User-friendly interface for customization
    • Diverse content options including text and video

Local Insights Sharing

Messaging Integration

Digital guidebooks, such as Hostfully and Touchstay, offer a seamless way to share local recommendations with guests. Through these platforms, hosts can send personalized messages to guests about nearby attractions, restaurants, and activities.
By integrating messaging features into the guidebook, hosts can provide real-time updates and answer guest questions promptly. This enhances the overall guest experience by offering relevant information at their fingertips.
Useful Links:
  1. Hostfully LifeTime Deal
  2. Hostfully Free Trial

Google Places Integration

Integrating Google Places within the digital welcome book allows hosts to showcase local offerings accurately. By linking Google Places sections in the guidebook, guests can easily access detailed information about nearby businesses, including addresses, contact details, and reviews.
This integration enables guests to explore the area conveniently and make informed decisions about where to visit during their stay. Hosts can curate a tailored experience by including recommendations based on popular spots or hidden gems in the vicinity.

Guidebook Distribution

Sharing Methods

Hostfully and Touch Stay offer various ways to share digital guidebooks with guests. Both platforms enable hosts to provide comprehensive information digitally, enhancing the guest experience.

Accessibility Differences

Touch Stay and Hostfully differ in accessibility. While Touch Stay emphasizes simplicity and user-friendliness, Hostfully offers a wider range of customization options for hosts to tailor the guidebook content.

Printed Versions

For hosts preferring physical copies, both platforms provide options for generating printed versions of digital guidebooks. This allows guests to access essential information offline, enhancing their overall travel experience.

Branding and Customization

Touch Stay

Touch Stay provides customization options for digital guidebooks, allowing hosts to tailor their content to match their brand. Hosts can add their logos, color schemes, and personalized messages to create a unique experience for guests.
With Touch Stay, hosts can brand their guidebooks with a professional touch, ensuring that guests have a seamless and immersive stay. The platform offers various templates and design features to cater to different branding needs.


Hostfully caters to "Power Hosts" by offering branding support through the inclusion of their logo on the guidebook cover. Hosts can include a link to their website within the guidebook, enhancing brand visibility and credibility.
For hosts looking to establish a strong brand presence, Hostfully's customization options are tailored to meet their specific branding requirements. This includes the ability to customize colors, fonts, and layouts according to individual preferences.

Pricing and Customization Options

When it comes to pricing structures, Touch Stay offers different plans with varying levels of customization options. These plans may include charges based on the number of guidebooks created or additional features added.
Hostfully also provides diverse pricing plans that cater to different host needs. From basic plans with essential features to premium packages with advanced customization options, hosts can choose the best plan that aligns with their branding strategy and budget.

Final Remarks

Incorporating guidebook essentials, creating and managing content, sharing local insights, distributing your guidebook, and customizing your branding are crucial steps in establishing a strong vacation rental presence. By mastering these elements, you can enhance guest experiences, differentiate yourself from competitors, and ultimately boost your bookings. Remember, consistency is key in maintaining a compelling guidebook that resonates with your guests.
Take the time to refine each aspect of your guidebook strategy to leave a lasting impression on your guests. Embrace these practices to elevate your vacation rental business and stand out in the competitive market. Your dedication to providing valuable and personalized experiences through your guidebook will undoubtedly set you apart. Keep refining and optimizing your approach to maximize guest satisfaction and drive success.
🌟 Scale your business effortlessly! Try Hostfully's software for free now! 💼

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key differences between Hostfully and Touchstay?

Hostfully focuses on comprehensive guidebook essentials, while Touchstay emphasizes content creation and management. Hostfully provides local insights sharing features, whereas Touchstay excels in guidebook distribution. Hostfully offers robust branding and customization options compared to Touchstay.

Which platform is more suitable for managing vacation rental properties efficiently?

For efficient vacation rental property management, Hostfully's comprehensive guidebook essentials and branding options make it a preferred choice. On the other hand, Touchstay's strong suit lies in its content creation and distribution capabilities, catering to different property management needs.

How do Hostfully and Touchstay differ in terms of user interface and ease of use?

Hostfully boasts an intuitive user interface with a focus on guidebook essentials, making it easy for users to navigate and customize their content. In contrast, Touchstay prioritizes content creation tools and distribution channels, offering a user-friendly experience tailored towards managing property listings effectively.

Can I integrate my branding elements seamlessly with both Hostfully and Touchstay platforms?

Hostfully provides extensive branding and customization features that allow seamless integration of your branding elements throughout the guidebook. While Touchstay also offers some customization options, Hostfully stands out for its ability to tailor the guidebook to align perfectly with your brand identity.

Which platform offers better support for sharing local insights with guests?

When it comes to sharing local insights with guests, Hostfully shines with its dedicated features that enable hosts to provide valuable information about the area. While Touchstay also supports local insights sharing, Hostfully's emphasis on this aspect sets it apart as a top choice for enhancing guest experiences through personalized recommendations.
Useful Links:
  1. Hostfully LifeTime Deal
  2. Hostfully Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:08 -SeaWolf- Daily Wheel Spin

Wheel Spin Daily for cool boosts or chance for cheap game purchases Examples: Wheel can function as a purely cosmetic display and the better or more lucrative things are based on much lower percentage to get but if a user gets it than oh boy will the community will get to tweeting and posting. 1-2% of ultra rare statue only available through spin 3-4% chance of 24 hour infinity boost all statues get perma boost for 1 day 5-6% 1$ instant training for the day 7-8% 50 free diamonds 9-10% extra supply chest 50% chance 1 token / trader ticket
submitted by -SeaWolf- to BoomBeach [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:06 waitingforwatch Is there a way to see where a free night award is from?

Is there a way to see where a free night award is from?
Waiting on the free night from my WoH credit card and at the same time, got a 5th brand on my brand explorer. Trying to figure out if the free night on my account is from 1 or the other. Is there a way to confirm? Currently it just says “gift”
submitted by waitingforwatch to hyatt [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:06 LibraryPristine32 LF high tier AMP or robux/robux gift cards. I have a post pinned to my profile showing the huges in ps99 that i can offer. Dm me

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submitted by LibraryPristine32 to Cross_Trading_Roblox [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:06 jsjshsbaa Looking for clan and coop friends

Looking for clan and coop friends
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submitted by jsjshsbaa to RushRoyale [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:05 Soninetz Octane AI Shopify: Elevate Store Engagement

Octane AI Shopify: Elevate Store Engagement
Looking to supercharge your Shopify store with AI technology? Ever considered integrating Octane AI into your e-commerce platform for customer insights, Shopify page, and opt integrations? Discover how Octane AI can revolutionize your online shop, boosting engagement and sales. Harness the power of AI-driven marketing tools to create personalized shopping experiences for your customers. Stay ahead of the curve in the competitive e-commerce landscape with Octane AI's innovative solutions. Elevate your Shopify store to new heights with cutting-edge technology, theme editor tailored to enhance customer satisfaction, support, and drive conversions.
Useful Links:
  1. Octane AI LifeTime Deal
  2. Octane AI Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Utilize Octane AI's Key Features: Make the most of features like chatbots and quizzes to engage customers and drive sales.
  • Enhance Customer Engagement: Personalize customer interactions through Octane AI's tools to build lasting relationships and increase loyalty.
  • Streamline Store Management: Simplify tasks such as order tracking and inventory management with Octane AI's integrated solutions.
  • Consider Pricing and Reviews: Evaluate the pricing plans and customer reviews to ensure Octane AI aligns with your budget and expectations.
  • Integrate Octane AI with Shopify: Seamlessly integrate Octane AI with Shopify for a cohesive and efficient e-commerce experience.
  • Take Action Now: Implement Octane AI's features and strategies discussed in the article to boost your Shopify store's performance.

Key Features of Octane AI

Create Quizzes

Octane AI offers a feature that allows users to create beautiful quizzes to engage customers effectively. These quizzes can be tailored to match the brand's style and preferences, enhancing user interaction by using a template.

Data Syncing

Users can sync data seamlessly with popular platforms such as Klaviyo and Zapier. This integration ensures that important customer information is shared across different systems without any hassle, streamlining the marketing process.
Drive revenue with engaging product quizzes! 📈 Start your free trial today!

Advanced Features

For higher-tier users, Octane AI provides access to advanced features like A/B tests and custom CSS. These functionalities enable businesses to conduct experiments, optimize their strategies, and customize the appearance of their chatbots for a more personalized touch.

Enhancing Customer Engagement

Interactive Quizzes

Guide customers to the right products by utilizing interactive quizzes that offer personalized product recommendations based on their preferences. By incorporating engaging quizzes into the shopping experience, businesses can enhance customer engagement and streamline the process of finding the most suitable products.

Personalized Shopping Experiences

Deliver personalized shopping experiences by leveraging customer insights and analytics to tailor product recommendations. By understanding each customer's preferences and purchase history, businesses can create targeted marketing campaigns and recommend the right products, leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Subscription Box Services

Implement subscription box services to foster customer loyalty and encourage repeat purchases. By offering curated boxes of products on a regular basis, businesses can provide customers with a convenient and personalized shopping experience. Subscription services not only drive sales but also establish long-term relationships with customers, boosting brand loyalty and retention rates.

Streamlining Store Management

Access Data

Access and edit crucial store data related to customers, products, and orders effortlessly. With Shopify's user-friendly interface, managing your online store becomes seamless.

Utilize Insights

Utilize data insights for e-commerce strategy improvement. By analyzing sales trends and customer behavior, merchants can make informed decisions to boost conversions.

Recover Abandoned Carts

Recover abandoned carts and increase opt-ins effectively. Implement strategies like automated email reminders or personalized offers to entice customers to complete their purchases.
Useful Links:
  1. Octane AI LifeTime Deal
  2. Octane AI Free Trial

Understanding Pricing and Reviews

Pricing Tiers

Select between two pricing tiers based on quiz takes. Enjoy a 14-day free trial period for both options.

Positive Reviews

Explore positive reviews praising the app's intuitive platform and its revenue-increasing capabilities.
Benefit from detailed reviews showcasing the app's ability to boost revenue and enhance overall shopping experience. Users have highlighted the app's user-friendly interface, which simplifies navigation and enhances customer engagement. The app's ability to increase average order value has been a significant advantage for many online store owners.
Discover how customers have praised the app for its seamless integration with Shopify stores, leading to improved conversion rates and increased revenue generation. The positive feedback emphasizes the app's effectiveness in customizing quiz pages to align with specific business needs, ultimately driving higher sales and customer satisfaction.
Uncover how users have leveraged the app's subscription model to create engaging quiz experiences that not only capture customer preferences but also drive repeat purchases over time. With customizable quiz options and detailed analytics, store owners can tailor their marketing strategies to maximize revenue growth effectively.

Integrating Octane AI with Shopify

Seamless Integration

Integrating Octane AI with your Shopify store is a straightforward process. Simply install the app from the Shopify App Store and follow the setup instructions provided. Once installed, you can start customizing your chatbot to align with your brand's voice and style.

Boost Customer Engagement

By leveraging Octane AI on your Shopify page, you can enhance customer engagement significantly. The app offers interactive quiz funnels that not only entertain users but also gather valuable insights into their preferences and behaviors. This data can then be used to personalize marketing strategies and improve overall sales.

Customization Options

One of the key advantages of using Octane AI with Shopify is its advanced customization features. You can tailor the chatbot's responses, product recommendations, and promotional messages to create a unique shopping experience for each visitor. This level of personalization can help increase customer satisfaction and drive repeat business.


You've learned about the powerful features of Octane AI for Shopify, how it enhances customer engagement, streamlines store management, and integrates seamlessly with your Shopify store. By leveraging Octane AI, you can boost sales, provide personalized shopping experiences, and automate various tasks to save time and effort. Understanding pricing and reviews will help you make informed decisions to maximize the benefits of this integration.
Incorporating Octane AI into your Shopify store can revolutionize your online business, leading to increased conversions, improved customer satisfaction, and streamlined operations. Take the next step in enhancing your e-commerce store by exploring the possibilities that Octane AI offers. Elevate your Shopify experience and drive success by implementing these valuable insights.
Supercharge your Shopify store with product quizzes! 💥 Free trial awaits!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Octane AI suitable for small businesses?

Octane AI is perfect for small businesses looking to enhance customer engagement and streamline store management. Its features cater to businesses of all sizes, offering scalable solutions to meet your needs effectively.

How does Octane AI help in enhancing customer engagement?

Octane AI offers personalized shopping experiences through chatbots, quizzes, and SMS marketing. By engaging customers interactively, it boosts conversions and fosters long-term relationships, leading to increased loyalty and sales.

Can Octane AI be seamlessly integrated with Shopify?

Yes, Octane AI integrates smoothly with Shopify, allowing you to leverage its powerful features alongside your e-commerce platform. This integration enhances your store's functionality and provides a seamless experience for both you and your customers.

What are the key features of Octane AI that set it apart?

Octane AI stands out with features like conversational commerce tools, automated campaigns, and detailed analytics. These robust capabilities empower businesses to drive sales, capture leads effectively, and optimize marketing strategies for better results.

How does Octane AI assist in streamlining store management processes?

Octane AI simplifies store management by automating tasks such as order tracking updates and abandoned cart recovery. This saves time for business owners, improves operational efficiency, and ensures a smoother overall shopping experience for customers.
Useful Links:
  1. Octane AI LifeTime Deal
  2. Octane AI Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:05 dayeonwangja I (18F) confessed to my friend (18M) that i like him, he rejected me but still wishes that we stay close to each other just like before.

So I have this guy friend of mine for over a year now, I want to ask for insights and advice that would help me decide what to do next.
So when I went to another school for senior high, I met this guy, I really didn't pay any attention to him during my first few weeks at school, he's my classmate btw but I don't even know his name until a month after for a group activity, he's really good at socializing with people, maybe because he had a humorous personality, he's often loud when he's with his friends, i bet he's an extrovert, he's the type of person that would get along well with both guys and girls. I just observed my classmates during those times, I'm new to the school, and I'm bad at socializing, but can also easily blend in with people once I get to a conversation with them. Moving forward, after a few months, I got close to his circle due to our similarities with each other, they play mobile games and I often play with them during our free time after class, so basically it's like I became a part of their circle but not really, in my opinion I'm nothing more than a classmate they get along well with, but that's not the case with this guy, he's not my type at all but I find him cute because I kind of see him like my little brother, when I got quite close to him, I often sit with them at the back of our class, I talk with his circle and shares laughter with their jokes, his circle consists of 4 guys and 4 girls, 3 of the guys has their own girlfriend, including him, when i knew about it i really didn't care, i couldn't care less about it because i'm not interested at him at all, i don't see him anything more than someone who resembles a little brother, he's not young, there's like 8 months gap between our age, the same cycle continued for like 2 months, i laugh with them like normal classmates socializing with each other.
A few months later, he and his girlfriend broke up, i didn't know anything about it and got the news while they were making jokes about it while at the same time comforting him, it was like already a week after their breakup during that time and I was like "oh, really, sad to hear" then continued blending in with them like before, then that's where we unexpectedly got closer to each other, a little closer than before, not a single motive or intentions involved, everything just happened naturally, the two of us often play together, shares jokes and food. Fast forward, I kind of developed a liking to him, removing that little brother image of him.
And now after 2 months, I confessed everything to him, that i like him, and everything between, but expectedly, he rejected me, with the reason "i don't feel anything for you, because i thought you didn't like me." and included that he feels that even if he tells me that 'he does' like me, he feels like we would not last long because I still don't know him well, and he thinks that he's not the best fit for someone like me because he's 'seloso' raw when it comes to love, and thinks that i wouldn't like someone like that, especially with someone like me that has multiple guy friends (not really friends but i get along well with them), he also said that he doesn't want to get hurt again because of that (he and his gf broke up because of another guy na pinagseselosan n'ya dati), so according to him, even if it's selfish of him, it's better off for both of us the be bff's and hoped that after what happened between us, nothing changes, him and I will stay close like before. He then clarified afterwards that he does feel something for me, but doesn't want to get into a relationship with me because of that reason (the seloso reason), and he's rejecting me in terms of having a relationship with each other. We got closer after what happened, I mean he got more talkative than before, he also invites me to watch movies together too, that got me even more confused.
I clearly know that I only wanted to give him a proper confession (I don't want to keep my feelings to myself that's why I told him), I'm not ready to enter any relationships right now (he knew abt that and exactly said "ayaw mo rin naman diba pumasok sa rs? edi wala ka nawala, wala ka rin na gain so neutral lang?"), but still, I don't know what to do, should I keep our friendship going and suffer like this and hope that in the future, he'll finally consider being in a relationship with me once we're both ready, or stop everything for good and lose everything including our friendship? Does he really like me the same way I do or he just sugar-coated his rejection?
submitted by dayeonwangja to relationship_advicePH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:02 mylocksmithcalgaryab My Locksmith Calgary- 1+ 587 333-0574

My Locksmith Calgary- 1+ 587 333-0574

Locksmith Calgary, Alberta: My Locksmith Calgary

Locksmith services are essential for ensuring the security and safety of our homes, businesses, and vehicles. In Calgary, Alberta, having access to reliable locksmith services is crucial due to the city's growing population and the increasing need for advanced security solutions. My Locksmith Calgary stands out as a premier provider of comprehensive locksmith services, catering to residential, commercial, automotive, and emergency needs.
Types of Locksmith Services For Customers In Calgary, AB
Residential Locksmith Services
Residential locksmith services are vital for homeowners who need to protect their property and loved ones. These services include lock installation and repair, key duplication, and the implementation of home security systems.
Lock Installation and Repair: Proper lock installation is the first step towards securing a home. My Locksmith Calgary offers expert installation and repair services to ensure that locks function correctly and provide maximum security.
Key Duplication: Having spare keys is essential for preventing lockouts. Professional locksmiths at My Locksmith Calgary provide accurate key duplication services, ensuring that duplicates work seamlessly.
Home Security Systems: Beyond traditional locks, modern homes benefit from integrated security systems. These systems include alarms, surveillance cameras, and smart locks, all of which can be professionally installed and maintained by My Locksmith Calgary.
Commercial Locksmith Services For Calgary, AB
Businesses have unique security needs that require specialized locksmith services. These services focus on protecting assets, employees, and sensitive information.
High-Security Locks: Commercial properties often require high-security locks that are resistant to picking and tampering. My Locksmith Calgary provides a range of high-security lock options suitable for businesses of all sizes.
Access Control Systems: To manage who can enter different areas of a business, access control systems are essential. These systems include key card access, biometric scanners, and electronic keypads.
Master Key Systems: For businesses with multiple locks, a master key system can simplify access management. This system allows authorized personnel to access all locks with a single key while maintaining individual key security for other employees.
Automotive Locksmith Services For Cars, Trucks, Vans, Exotics, And Work Vehicles In Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Automotive locksmith services are crucial for dealing with car lock and key issues. These services include car key replacement, ignition repair, and emergency lockout assistance.
Car Key Replacement: Losing or damaging car keys can be a significant inconvenience. My Locksmith Calgary provides quick and efficient car key replacement services for all types of vehicles.
Ignition Repair: Problems with the car ignition can prevent a vehicle from starting. Professional locksmiths can diagnose and repair ignition issues, ensuring that drivers can get back on the road quickly.
Emergency Lockout Services: Being locked out of a car is a common yet stressful situation. My Locksmith Calgary offers 24/7 emergency lockout services to help drivers regain access to their vehicles promptly.
Emergency Locksmith Services- Fast, Mobile Locksmiths For Emergency Calls In Calgary
Emergency locksmith services are available around the clock to address urgent lock-related issues. These services are essential for situations that require immediate attention.
24/7 Availability: Emergencies can happen at any time, which is why My Locksmith Calgary provides round-the-clock services to assist clients whenever they need help.
Rapid Response: Quick response times are critical in emergencies. My Locksmith Calgary ensures that a professional locksmith arrives at the scene promptly to resolve the issue.
Common Emergency Situations: Typical scenarios include lockouts, broken keys, and lock failures. Having access to reliable emergency locksmith services can prevent these situations from escalating.
Residential Locksmith Services For Homes in Greater Calgary, AB
Importance of Home Security
Home security is a top priority for homeowners who want to protect their families and possessions. Effective security measures can deter intruders and provide peace of mind.
Types of Residential Locks
Various types of locks are available for residential properties, each offering different levels of security and convenience. These include deadbolts, smart locks, and sliding door locks.
Tips for Choosing the Right Lock
Selecting the right lock involves considering factors such as security needs, budget, and ease of use. Consulting with a professional locksmith can help homeowners make informed decisions.
Benefits of Professional Installation
Professional installation ensures that locks are correctly fitted and function as intended. This reduces the risk of lock failures and enhances overall security.
Home Security Assessments
A comprehensive home security assessment identifies vulnerabilities and recommends improvements. My Locksmith Calgary offers these assessments to help homeowners enhance their security measures.
Commercial Locksmith Services
Security Needs for Businesses
Businesses face unique security challenges that require tailored solutions. Protecting assets, data, and personnel is critical for any commercial establishment.
Types of Commercial Locks
Commercial locks vary from traditional locks to advanced electronic systems. Options include mortise locks, keypad locks, and biometric systems.
Advanced Security Systems
Integrating advanced security systems such as surveillance cameras, alarm systems, and access control systems can significantly improve a business's security posture.
Regular Maintenance and Upgrades
Regular maintenance of locks and security systems ensures they remain effective over time. Upgrading outdated systems can also provide enhanced protection.
Importance of Access Control
Access control systems help manage who can enter specific areas of a business. This is essential for safeguarding sensitive areas and protecting employees.
Automotive Locksmith Services
Common Automotive Lock Issues
Automotive lock issues can range from lost keys to malfunctioning locks. Addressing these problems promptly is essential for vehicle security and usability.
Modern Car Lock Technologies
Modern vehicles often come equipped with advanced lock technologies, including keyless entry systems and electronic immobilizers. These technologies require specialized knowledge to service.
Benefits of Using a Professional Automotive Locksmith
Professional automotive locksmiths have the expertise and tools to handle a wide range of car lock issues, ensuring effective and efficient solutions.
Tips for Preventing Car Lockouts
Simple practices such as keeping spare keys and using keyless entry systems can help prevent lockouts. My Locksmith Calgary provides advice on these preventative measures.
Keyless Entry Systems
Keyless entry systems offer convenience and enhanced security for vehicle owners. These systems allow drivers to unlock and start their cars without using traditional keys.
Emergency Locksmith Services
Scenarios Requiring Emergency Locksmith Services
Emergency locksmith services are needed in various situations, including home and car lockouts, broken locks, and security breaches.
Importance of Quick Response
A swift response is crucial in emergencies to mitigate risks and resolve issues promptly. My Locksmith Calgary's rapid response team ensures timely assistance.
What to Expect from an Emergency Locksmith
Emergency locksmiths provide immediate solutions to urgent problems, such as unlocking doors, repairing locks, and replacing keys.
Preventing Future Lock Emergencies
Implementing preventive measures, such as regular maintenance and using high-quality locks, can help avoid future emergencies.
Emergency Preparedness Tips
Being prepared for lock-related emergencies involves having contact information for a reliable locksmith, keeping spare keys, and maintaining locks in good condition.
Why Choose My Locksmith Calgary?
Company Overview
My Locksmith Calgary is a trusted provider of comprehensive locksmith services, known for its reliability, expertise, and customer-centric approach.
Experience and Expertise
With years of experience in the industry, My Locksmith Calgary boasts a team of skilled professionals equipped to handle various locksmith needs.
My Locksmith Calgary 215 13 Ave SW Unit 1701 Calgary, AB T2H 0V6, Canada 1+ 587 333-0574
submitted by mylocksmithcalgaryab to u/mylocksmithcalgaryab [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:02 Soninetz InboxAlly Pricing: Features, Comparison, and Selection Guide

InboxAlly Pricing: Features, Comparison, and Selection Guide
Did you know that 62% of businesses consider pricing as a top factor when choosing an email marketing service? Understanding the significance of pricing in selecting the right tool is crucial. When it comes to InboxAlly Pricing, finding the ideal plan tailored to your needs can make all the difference. In this post, we will delve into the various pricing options offered by InboxAlly and help you navigate through the features, costs, open rates, emails, and deliverability issues associated with each plan. Stay tuned to discover how you can optimize your email marketing strategy while staying within budget.

Key Takeaways

  • Choose Wisely: Select an InboxAlly pricing plan that aligns with your business needs and budget after carefully evaluating the features offered.
  • Maximize Features: Leverage key features available across all plans such as email automation, list segmentation, and analytics to enhance your email marketing campaigns.
  • Smooth Setup: Follow the step-by-step guide for setting up InboxAlly to ensure a seamless integration with your current email marketing strategy.
  • Prioritize Deliverability of emails: Improve email deliverability by implementing best practices like maintaining a clean email list, personalizing content, and avoiding spam triggers.
  • Monitor Performance: Regularly track and analyze email metrics provided by InboxAlly to optimize campaigns and achieve better engagement rates.
  • Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated on the latest trends and strategies in email marketing to make the most out of your InboxAlly subscription.

Understanding InboxAlly Pricing Plans

1. Starter

Grow Your Business with InboxAlly!

The Starter plan is designed for small businesses and those just beginning their email marketing journey. Priced at $149 per month, this plan provides essential features to help you get started on the right foot.
Key Features:
  • Send to 100 of our seed emails per day: This feature allows you to test the deliverability of your emails with 100 seed emails daily. It helps you identify and address potential issues that could affect your email campaigns.
  • 1 sender profile: Manage your email marketing efforts efficiently with one dedicated sender profile.
  • Email support: Receive timely assistance and support via email whenever you encounter challenges or have questions.
  • Try for free: Get a taste of InboxAlly's capabilities with a free trial before committing to the plan.
The Starter plan is perfect for businesses looking to improve their email deliverability without a significant upfront investment. It provides the foundational tools needed to ensure your emails reach your audience's inboxes, helping you build a strong sender reputation from the get-go.

2. Plus

Ensure Your Emails Make the Maximum Impact

The Plus plan is ideal for growing businesses that need more advanced features and support. At $645 per month, this plan offers enhanced capabilities to help you maximize the impact of your email marketing campaigns.
Key Features:
  • Send to 500 of our seed emails per day: With the ability to test 500 seed emails daily, you gain deeper insights into your email deliverability and can make more informed adjustments.
  • 5 sender profiles: Manage up to five different sender profiles, making it easier to segment and personalize your email campaigns for different audiences.
  • Email and live chat support: Access both email and live chat support to resolve issues quickly and efficiently.
  • Buy now: Conveniently purchase the plan to start enhancing your email marketing efforts immediately.
The Plus plan is designed for businesses that have outgrown the Starter plan and need more robust tools to ensure their emails are not only delivered but also engage the recipients effectively. The additional sender profiles and live chat support provide greater flexibility and faster assistance.

3. Premium

Build Reputation for High Volume Senders

For high-volume senders and larger businesses, the Premium plan offers comprehensive features at $1,190 per month. This plan is tailored to meet the needs of organizations that require extensive support and advanced tools to maintain a strong sender reputation.
Key Features:
  • Send to 1,000 of our seed emails per day: Test up to 1,000 seed emails daily to ensure optimal deliverability and address any issues promptly.
  • 10 sender profiles: Manage up to ten sender profiles, allowing for extensive segmentation and targeted email campaigns.
  • Email, live chat, and phone support: Access support via email, live chat, and phone, ensuring you receive timely assistance through your preferred communication channel.
  • 1 hour setup/strategy session plus 1/2 hour weekly progress sessions: Benefit from a one-hour setup and strategy session, along with half-hour weekly progress sessions to refine and optimize your email marketing strategy continuously.
  • Buy now: Easily purchase the plan to start leveraging its advanced features.
The Premium plan is perfect for businesses with substantial email marketing needs. The high daily seed email limit, multiple sender profiles, and extensive support options ensure that your emails are not only delivered but also perform exceptionally well in terms of engagement and conversion.

4. Enterprise

Make a Serious Difference in Email Marketing Campaigns of Any Size

The Enterprise plan is designed for large organizations and enterprises with complex and large-scale email marketing requirements. Pricing for this plan is available upon contact, ensuring that it can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your business.
Key Features:
  • Send to thousands of our seed emails per day: Test and optimize your email deliverability with the capability to send thousands of seed emails daily, ensuring that even the largest campaigns are thoroughly vetted.
  • Unlimited sender profiles: Manage an unlimited number of sender profiles, providing unparalleled flexibility and customization for your email marketing efforts.
  • Email, live chat, and phone support: Access top-tier support through email, live chat, and phone, ensuring that any issues are addressed promptly and effectively.
The Enterprise plan is the ultimate solution for businesses that demand the highest level of service and flexibility in their email marketing campaigns. Whether you’re running extensive promotional campaigns or complex transactional emails, this plan offers the resources and support necessary to achieve your goals.
Useful Links:
  1. InboxAlly LifeTime Deal
  2. InboxAlly Free Trial

Key Features Across All Plans

Daily Sending Limits

All plans in InboxAlly offer varying daily email sending limits tailored to different needs. The Basic plan allows up to 500 emails per day, while the Standard plan increases this limit to 2000 emails daily. For high-volume senders, the Premium plan offers unlimited daily email sends.

Support Channels

InboxAlly ensures customer satisfaction by providing robust support channels across all plans. Users can access customer support via email, live chat, and phone for prompt assistance with any queries or issues they may encounter during their email marketing campaigns.

Additional Services in Premium Plan

Subscribing to the Premium plan unlocks a range of additional services that elevate your email marketing experience. These include advanced analytics tools for tracking open rates, click-through rates, and overall campaign performance. Moreover, users gain access to premium templates and personalized consultation sessions with email marketing experts to optimize their strategies for maximum engagement and revenue generation.

Setting Up InboxAlly

Quick Setup

To begin using InboxAlly, follow a simple 5-minute setup process. Input your details and preferences to customize your inbox.
Start by navigating to the settings tab and selecting your preferred notification options for emails, ensuring you never miss an important message.

Product Walk-Through

For a seamless onboarding experience, schedule a product walk-through session with InboxAlly's support team. They will guide you through the platform's features and functionalities.
During the walk-through, familiarize yourself with the dashboard layout, email categorization tools, and automation settings. Ask questions to maximize your understanding of how to leverage InboxAlly effectively.

Support Options

InboxAlly offers various support options to assist users. Access their knowledge base for self-help resources, submit a ticket for technical issues, or engage in live chat for immediate assistance.
Utilize these support channels to troubleshoot any challenges you encounter while setting up or using InboxAlly effectively.

Boosting Email Deliverability

Service Planning

To enhance your email deliverability, utilize InboxAlly's service planning tool for strategic optimization. This tool aids in increasing click rates and tackling deliverability issues effectively.
Leverage the platform's compatibility with various mailbox providers such as Gmail to ensure your emails reach the intended recipients without being flagged as spam.

Link Optimization

Incorporate best practices like avoiding sensitive content and excessive links in your emails to prevent deliverability issues. By adhering to these guidelines, you can experience a significant bump in your email open rates.
Utilize InboxAlly's support features to navigate through any potential obstacles related to deliverability. Their expertise can assist in resolving issues leading to a significant decrease in email engagement.

Closing Thoughts

InboxAlly's pricing plans offer flexibility and scalability to suit your email marketing needs. By selecting the right plan based on your requirements and budget, you can leverage key features to enhance your email campaigns and boost deliverability. Setting up InboxAlly is straightforward, allowing you to streamline your email processes efficiently.
Ensure you make an informed decision when choosing a pricing plan that aligns with your email marketing goals. Utilize the features available across all plans to maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns. Take action now to optimize your email marketing strategy with InboxAlly!
Tired of spam traps? Upgrade to InboxAlly! 🛑 Unlock higher open rates now.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does InboxAlly pricing work?

InboxAlly offers tiered pricing plans based on the number of subscribers. Choose a plan that aligns with your subscriber count to optimize costs and features.

What factors should I consider when choosing an InboxAlly pricing plan?

Consider your current subscriber count, budget, and required features like automation and analytics. Select a plan that meets your needs without overpaying for unnecessary services.

Are there any hidden fees in InboxAlly pricing plans?

No, InboxAlly is transparent about its pricing structure. You only pay for the selected plan based on your subscriber count, with no hidden charges or unexpected fees.

Can I switch between InboxAlly pricing plans easily?

Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time to accommodate changes in your subscriber list or email marketing needs. InboxAlly provides flexibility to adjust as necessary.

Do all InboxAlly pricing plans offer the same key features?

While basic features are consistent across plans, higher-tier plans may include advanced functionalities such as A/B testing, custom reporting, and priority support. Choose a plan that aligns with your business requirements.
Useful Links:
  1. InboxAlly LifeTime Deal
  2. InboxAlly Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to AllPromos [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:01 AutoModerator Weekly Copyright Reminder

This is a weekly reminder post of this sub's stance on potential copyright infringement. This is a serious issue that needs to be kept in mind when creating and listing NFTs.
Original post by u/HurleyBird1
Now that that's out of the way. My credentials are: MBA, with a bit of business law classes under my belt.
I want to give a quick explanation of how copyright works - and I'll do so through quick blurbs n some myth/reality bullets.
Source: (US)
  1. Subject matter of copyright: In general28(a) Copyright protection subsists, in accordance with this title, in original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. Works of authorship include the following categories:(1) literary works;(2) musical works, including any accompanying words;(3) dramatic works, including any accompanying music;(4) pantomimes and choreographic works;(5) pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works;(6) motion pictures and other audiovisual works;(7) sound recordings; and(8) architectural works.(b) In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work.
- Myth: I can use any image/song/video/writing I want.
- Reality: No. Not true at all.
- Myth: Well they never said it's copyrighted.
- Reality: Upon publication (and even while a work in progress) a work is automatically protected via copyright under US Law.
- Myth: Well they never sold it.
- Reality: It doesn't have to be commercialized to be protected.
- Myth: Well it was a long time ago
- Reality: Possibly long as the creator is deceased (or if multiple creators, the last living one is deceased) and the required time has passed...although this gets tricky with "estates."
(d) Duration of Rights.—(1) With respect to works of visual art created on or after the effective date set forth in section 610(a) of the Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990, the rights conferred by subsection (a) shall endure for a term consisting of the life of the author.
So what's this thing I hear called "Fair Use?"
Straight from the source:
  1. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use41Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors. me translate that please... (here's a decent official translation:
  1. above...if it's non-profit educational use, you're usually good to go...if it's for money or trade (commercial nature) then you're usually NOT...unless YOUR piece is "transformative"
Transformative uses are those that add something new, with a further purpose or different character, and do not substitute for the original use of the work.
- Myth: Well this is paid for in Algos, not USD so it's not "commercial"
- Reality: IT IS commercial. You could even barter for bacon and it'd be commercial. It's an exchange of one good/service for another good/service.
- Myth: My piece with Batman inside a card is "transformative"
- Reality: No, unfortunately, more-than-likely the courts would say it's not. A good litmus test is..."If Warner Bros Entertainment (owner of Batman) wanted to make an NFT/ASA "Batman card" would yours compete with it or be possibly mistaken (by a reasonable person - so in America think 8th grade education) for real merchandise? Probably...thus it's not transformative enough.
"nature" gets a little tougher. This looks at protecting the "creative process." Thus, using other works of art is less-likely to be protected than using factual sources - like historical photographs since it's easier to "create art" and thus "transform" factual pieces than other art pieces. This is also talking to things like "parody." Satire is NOT protected. "Parody" is. What's the difference? LegalZoomputs it well: While a parody targets and mimics the original work to make a point, a satire uses the original work to criticize something else entirely. Another way to look at it is that satire uses another work as a way to comment on something happening in the world that has nothing to do with the original work.
- Myth: I added a different border, extra planets, and some blur effect to MTZ's World of Light - it's a new piece of art.
- Reality: Not likely the courts will see it that way.
- Myth: This guy added a filter, some burn effects, and collaged a bunch of newspaper headlines together - isn't that a violation!
- Reality: Probably not...the courts would probably see this as a creation of art out of factual sources.
amount/substantiality in relation to the whole...this is where using clips of songs that are only like 5 seconds long works! But using more than that...runs into problems. This is tough to decipher some songs are EASILY identifiable from just 5 seconds (Ice, ice, baby) - and thus NOT fair use. But some aren't. Usually you're safe using a very small clip of a song or video - especially if you're adding more to it. But this is a dangerous game to play - and there's places to get free audio (some sources below)
effect of the use - this is probably the biggest one. Courts will look at simply...does YOUR work affect the sales or potential for sales of the copyright owner. Of note...this is looked at at the time of the issue being brought to the court, not at the time of sale. For example, let's say my batman card sells for 10 Algos today, but Algorand BLOWS UP and soon every NFT is on Algorand. And now my OG Batman NFT is seen as one of the first Batman ones and official. Warner Bros gonna sue the shit outta whoever owns it at the time they sue to get the rights to all sales of that NFT. So that person is left holding an empty bag when Warner Bros wins in court.
- Myth: Well they're not commercializing it NOW so I'm safe.
- Reality: Technically, yea Warner Bros probably won't spend the money to go after the OG artist and the hands the asset passed through...HOWEVER, they may. That's their right. Who knows - the Napster days showed us the lengths companies will go to. EVEN BIGGER HOWEVER, the last person holding it when Warner Bros DOES decide to go after that Batman NFT...uh oh for them - they just lost their asset.
- Myth: Well it's been like a year, and no one has brought up copyright. So I'm good.
- Reality: If this was in a normal market...maybe this argument would work. If McDonald's let you sell a Ronald McDonald poster for like a year on Amazon with no issues, some court may say "bro, you took too long to bring this to us." HOWEVER, with cryptocurrency being so new (and Algorand being so little known/discussed), most courts would see it as "reasonable" that a copyright owner failed to exercise their rights within a year - possibly even a decade. (Updated because I realized last example dealt with trademark not copyright :o)
So what am I safe to use?
US Government works (mostly)...any deemed free to use by creator...and any a copyright lawyer says they have your backs on (cuz now they're liable).
Here's some great sources for free use items (please add to this list below if you know of some!!!):
Pictures: (Unsplash is one of my faves)
You'll notice there's a lot of "shoulds" "coulds" "probably" etc. This is because copyright cases are all unique and go to the courts. The best bet is to go with stuff you KNOW is free and fair-use. If not, I'd look up copyright law, consult supreme court cases concerning copyright, and ultimately, talk to a lawyer.
submitted by AutoModerator to AlgoNFTMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:00 Cyr13lGame Free Xbox Gift Card - Win Xbox Gift Cards on Playbite

Free Xbox Gift Card - Win Xbox Gift Cards on Playbite submitted by Cyr13lGame to PlaybiteCyr13lGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:00 AutoModerator /r/solotravel "The Weekly Common Room" - General chatter, meet-up, accommodation - May 19, 2024

This thread is for you to do things like
This thread is newbie-friendly! In this thread, there is no such thing as a stupid question.
If you're new to our community, please read the subreddit rules in the sidebar before posting. If you're new to solo travel in general, we suggest that you check out some of the resources available on our wiki, which we are currently working on improving and expanding. Here are some helpful wiki links:
General guides and travel skills
Regional guides
Special demographics
submitted by AutoModerator to solotravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:59 WilliamIsber Looking for a professional resume

Excited to share this incredible tool with my network! In today's competitive job market, having a standout resume and cover letter is key. With this AI-enhanced CV builder, you can create a professional-grade resume in just 10 minutes, completely free of charge. Don't miss out on this opportunity to boost your career prospects!
submitted by WilliamIsber to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:58 KGBree Pulled the Trigger

Pulled the Trigger
I am and have been for years a loyal Toyota/Lexus driver. I’ve had my 2016 RC350 F-sport for 8 years now; bought it new, fully loaded and at a great price point because it was the outbound model year and was collecting dust at a Southern California dealer despite (I can only assume due to the odo sitting around 250 miles when I drove it off the lot) being test driven at least a dozen times. No regrets, it was a really fun drive and now has been paid off around a year.
The thing is, when I bought it I lived in San Diego county, had for years, and had no intention to relocate. The fact that it’s a RWD vehicle was not even a consideration until I relocated to the PNW and experienced my first winter driving it in the snow. It can be assumed how that went. Flash forward 5 years and although the fairly mild winters in Seattle and the short lived snow season allowed me to hold onto the RC maybe longer than I should have, my husband and I relocated last October to Nebraska and it became clear very quickly that keeping the car would mean I was essentially without a functional vehicle for large parts of the winter months.
So I’ve been passively cruising the market and wavering back and forth between trading the RC in for a GX, an AWD IS, a 4Runner or really anything else that would keep me mobile when it snowed more than 1/8”. Well, this past week I decided to get serious. I originally honed in on a 2024 TRD pro that was in transit to my local dealer but was immediately shot down by the sales guy who said yeah, it’s not even on the lot yet… but it’s sold. I’m like ok so can I order one just like it? No. We have the slime green one though! No thanks. So then he says well, the couple buying the one you’re interested in is trading in their ‘23 TRD pro. It’s black though. You interested? I was like ok sure I’ll come look. Internally I was skeptical honestly because I didn’t want a black vehicle. They can be difficult to keep looking clean and seem to not wear even minor scratches well.
BUT!!! I showed up on the lot yesterday probably within an hour of the ink drying on the previous owner’s trade deal. I unexpectedly absolutely loved it. Took it for a quick drive and it’s tons of fun. Handles way more responsively than I expected and the much MUCH roomier interior than the RC was even more of a welcome change than I thought it’d be. Although the dealer was pretty firm on the price point (which was not significantly lower than the 2024), they were able to come up a couple thousand on the trade and the handful of mods that the owners had made I felt made the net deal worth it so I went for it.
I got a surprisingly decent interest rate on the financed amount (decent for someone with my credit rating) making the payments more than manageable and less of a sting than they could have been coming fresh off the payment-free high of paying the RC off after 7 years.
I spent about 90 minutes after getting home obsessing over what my first mods will be before ultimately deciding the only thing I absolutely need right away is tint to help manage the hot summer months in a black on black vehicle. I’m going to just settle into it for a while and figure out how often I’ll actually be taking it off the pavement and what I want or need after owning it through the first winter season before I start dumping money into it.
Anyway thanks for reading I really just wanted to share how happy I am with what I drove off the lot and how excited I am to start playing around with it while the weather is good!
submitted by KGBree to 4Runner [link] [comments]