Teacher s survival kit poem

Car EDC, Truck EDC, Motorcycle EDC, etc.

2013.04.27 06:25 TexMarshfellow Car EDC, Truck EDC, Motorcycle EDC, etc.

What essentials do you car in (or on) your car / truck / motorcycle / bicycle / scooter / boat daily?

2009.02.08 21:18 MRE: Meals, Reddit-to-Eat

**/MRE is a community dedicated to military rations, survival food, and general disaster preparation.**

2013.04.01 08:29 neonoodle learnanimation: articles and critiques for amateur, student, and professional animators

A subreddit for animators, amateur and professional alike, to post articles about animation principles, in-progress animations for critique, and other things that aid in learning and improving your animation abilities.

2024.06.02 20:20 discotography [S][USA-PA] 4X5 Kit: Intrepid 4x5 4th Gen, 125mm Fuji Lens, 4 Film Holders, and Dark Cloth

I prefer a bundle. Bundle price is at bottom. Individual prices below, but please, I prefer someone looking to get into 4x5 who will buy the full set as a discount price compared to second hand market like ebay.
I have a great/excellent used Intrepid 4x5, 4th generation. Used but lightly- only ever shot 4x5 like twice a year. Added their fresnel glass to it so it's easier to see. Going on ebay for $400-$600. I am looking for the low end, $400.
Fujinon SW125mm F/8 in great/excellent used condition. Used just as much as the 4x5 and bought in near mint condition. Going on ebay for for $250-$500 dollar. I am looking for $300.
4 4x5 film holders I bought refurbished from cat labs. $100
Dark cloth. Got it from a nice company but I'll go $20.
Wandrd Camera Cube bag. Used to store all this equipment so in near mint condition because hardly used in the field. $60.
Bundle price: $800
Something like this on ebay would most likely be $1000+
Please msg here and PM.
submitted by discotography to photomarket [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:20 7chqrmz bedrock realm

Survive & build from you're imagination
a realm designed just for you!
Spawn Kit
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Don't forget to join up today!
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add Discord user: beautyzrain
submitted by 7chqrmz to MinecraftServerFinder [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:19 Tion3023 [SECRET] To Resurrect a God

The Aesir is much more than a title.
The Aesir is an idea; complete, absolute, unquestionable power.
The Aesir is the nucleus. The Aesir is the brain.
In the context of the state, the Aesir is the state. Therefore, the state is authoritarian.
Dederick von Lohengrin, the Night King, is a God of the authoritarian.
His slightest whim not only sent shockwaves throughout the nation, but also the solar system as well.
The Aesir was the state, and with the Aesir dead, the state of Imperial Alfheimr was dead. Its various limbs, decayed and rotting, are infested with opportunistic maggots.
It was fitting, Kyrr figured, that Alfheimr fell as it did without its true master. The Jap bitch. The slack-jawed Habsburgs. The swarthy Italians. They were all feces-covered barbarians squatting in the ruins of a once-glorious civilization, playing with dangerous technologies they truly didn’t understand.
He hoped they’d all kill each other over old ideas while he created a new paradise in the west.
This time, there would be no half-measures. There would be no mercy for the weak. There would only be the immortal Night King and his eternal reign.
And so, the Imperial Regent would see to his revival.
Before that happened, the Aesir’s Chosen wanted to confirm without a doubt one thing; the Death of Dederick von Lohengrin. That such a figure could die so easily would be the height of tragedy.
There were many suspicious things surrounding his plane going down over the Pacific. Satellite systems would have picked up on weather anomalies, even with early cloud seeding. The Japanese Empire, possibly spurred by Victoria, would have made better accommodations for his arrival. Transparency regarding the incident and the actions in Wewelsburg pointed to something sinister. Regardless, there was a possibility he was alive, perhaps on some island in the Pacific awaiting rescue or medical treatment. Kyrr was hopeful for a positive sign, but mostly desperate given Armstrong’s nature.
Coordinating with the Spymaster, intelligence will be pulled via access to the surviving Alfr satellite network, supplemented by the Ilhuicahua system. This will be coordinated with flight logs, available black boxes, and other logs to pinpoint exactly where the Aesir's plane went down. Available supercomputer systems will then go over weather records to pinpoint where debris and a person might have washed up.
Should subsequent efforts fail or conclusions lead to an unfortunate truth, Kyrr will move ahead with contingencies. Numerous close encounters with the Aesir in the past allowed Kyrr the opportunity to collect enough pure genetic material for a clone.
submitted by Tion3023 to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:19 7chqrmz bedrock realm

Survive & build from you're imagination
a realm designed just for you!
Spawn Kit
and more!
Don't forget to join up today!
If you're really interested.
If the realm code doesn't work.
add Discord user: beautyzrain
submitted by 7chqrmz to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:17 lollidee This is why you lost 90 percent of your big supporters. This is not about your wife! You didn’t lose support because of her…

Trish you didn’t lose your biggest supporters solely because of your wife. That is just one teeny tiny thing. That was between you two. We certainly did not like how you treated her and her children and pushed them out by forcing her to accept your sober companion sleeping in your bedroom. That was beyond cruel.
No Trish…it’s because you lie. It’s because you are so active in your addiction since you relapsed that you are making up the most ridiculous excuses for your behavior. And YES Trish you relapsed. We all can see it. No, antibiotics do not cause nodding out which is a sign of ODing
This is the definition of nodding off from google: “What Does it Mean if a Person is “Nodding Off”? Nodding off (also described as “nodding out”) is best explained as drifting in and out of consciousness after using drugs belonging to the class of central nervous system (CNS) depressants. It looks like falling asleep while sitting up or standing.”
You have nodded out numerous times even before your antibiotics (which is the stupidest thing most of us have ever heard). You know how afraid some of your biggest supporters are to see you OD on live?!
You also lost big supporters by your behavior when you are high - such as flashing what’s under your dress when there are children watching. Talking to children on Live and allowing them in boxes whilst you are high as a kite.
You have also lost your big supporters by compulsively lying about your past. You have alienated so many of you family members and I am sure many friends. You had 4 wives (9 to 11 children). 6 bio children that are alive. Your mother, father, grandparents, brother, sister, cousins, etc. who want no part of you. WHY? You are the COMMON DENOMINATOR. You claim everyone lies about you and your past. WHY DON’T YOU EVER TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY? Why are you always a VICTIM? It’s your own shocking behavior.
Why did you go to Vietnam after your accident? Why did you leave all your children? Were you hiding? Fleeing something?
So you were a teacher in Vietnam. It was your wife’s school so maybe she didn’t do the proper background checks on you. Not all foreign countries do background checks unfortunately. Were you a paid teacher that was “on the books” so to speak because from what I remember you were teaching as a favor to your wife to help her! So I don’t believe you were truly an official teacher who was properly vetted.
You lost a lot of support because you said on your Live that one of your wives couldn’t “get off” during sex unless you punched her in the face…and you would comply.
You lost support because you say your past was full of violence. You want to make your followers believe it was ALL perpetrated against you. You want us to believe that. Especially when there are police reports of at least 4 domestic violence incidents in which YOU were the party being accused? I am sure there are more incidents we have not uncovered…YET. You have mentioned numerous times your brushes with police that have beat you up. What did you do? Not saying you deserve to be beaten, but what were you doing to even warrant them to be interacting with you? And I am sure it was not for being trans. You want to make yourself the victim because EVERYONE else is homophobic or transphobic. It’s your GO-TO excuse.
You have lost a lot of your big supporters because they started to become uncomfortable with the way you dress and act like a child mixed with dog collars and hello kitty. Talking baby talk. Making yourself look like a caricature of what your version of a woman is.
You lost a lot of big supporters when you won’t admit you are autogynaphelic (AGP) and not a true trans woman. We can see as you’re getting dressed and made up how turned on you get as more and more layers get added to your costume. You are a cross dresser. Harvard John knows you are AGP. You claimed you were “autosexual” for the first few months I was following you. I don’t know how long before that you were claiming you were. Is it because AGP is NOT considered part of the trans community (although you want people to think it is). It’s a kink. You get off on it.
You lost your big supporters because if they called you out on something they were automatically labeled transphobic or part of the hateful KiKappaKu community? These were women who were big supporters of yours. They bought you lots of gifts. Sent you lots of money. Gifted you TikTok gifts. Now they are considered part of the Klan because they called you out on your sobriety or actions they did not agree with? Always the victim. Do you know some of your biggest supporters that you have lost are part of a race that would be a real victim of the KiKappaKu? You are an entitled white man that has a kink. You are attracted and prefer to be with women. Some women would be afraid to be around you in close quarters.
Do you know you lost a lot of your biggest supporters because you don’t make your social media safe for children? Either from being in active addiction and it showing clear as day your spiraling on drugs and constantly making sexual comments about people choking on your private parts? Saying it daily and constantly throughout your streams on many platforms where children have access? Why don’t you put those age restrictions on your lives. It’s ok for anyone under 18 to see your content when you are strung out and/or drunk on live and flashing and lifting your leg or squatting over the camera while you are In a strawberry shortcake dress?
Oh and yes you did lose a lot of your big supporters because of your little sexual dalliances with your sober companion who truly does look like a teenager. Yes we all heard you talking about licking her privates and “making it clap”. Yes we heard it all.
And yes you lost a lot of your big supporters because you so obliviously failed out of your sober program and lie to them about it. Yes your big supporters were worried about your wellbeing and were them considered a “hater” for caring and trying to help you get back on track. You and you enablers and mods alienated us for caring.
And what is this we are hearing about you possibly being put in a locked facility in general population (jail maybe?) because you didn’t go to probation meetings and didn’t complete your sober program in which he you could have possibly avoided if you listened to your biggest supporters (not your enablers) who wanted to help you cause they saw you slipping back into active addiction and are now shunned to speak in your chat? Supporters who were worried and only wanted to help instead of sweeping it all under the rug like it never happened? Now it looks like you’re in real trouble with the law because you didn’t accept the help that was offered by the “hate group”? We were blocked or muted by your enablers? And I am not talking about the truly hateful people who go to your chat to antagonize and be transphobic and hateful. Your real old supporters didn’t do that to you. But they were still blocked and muted and treated just the same as the really bad trolls who exist.
There is so much more to say that I am leaving out at the moment but I am sure some of your old biggest supporters will add to this.
submitted by lollidee to TayHoTrishUsa [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:17 zenome19 Cosmelan peel results

Cosmelan peel results
Here are my results having done a Cosmelan peel after a month. I’m very happy with it! It was definitely super expensive but not really any more than having my melasma lasered off previously. I feel like I can go out without any makeup now or just a light CC cream. I do still have some stubborn spots that haven’t gone away yet so I did buy an additional home kit to use for another month and I’ll try to report back again then. FYI the in-house peel at my dermatologist’s office cost $1300 and the additional home kit cost $400. Very expensive! But worth it, imo, since I haven’t had any success in getting rid of my melasma with Musely or with any other at-home remedies. And I’ve tried pretty much everything! The only thing that worked for me in the past was lasers but I wanted to try this as an alternative. The Cosmelan peel is definitely more work since you have to apply it 3 times a day yourself after the initial in-house peel but I think the results are better than when I did lasers. In the past, I had to do multiple laser sessions (3 times and then 2 times) and the results were not quite as good as with Cosmelan, I feel.
submitted by zenome19 to Melasmaskincare [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:16 Loudboybeats Between sizes + big knuckles

I think I have the worst possible hands for this ring. I seem to be perfectly between sizes and I have long skinny fingers where my knuckle is wider on every single finger. Would love to hear some thoughts based on my experience so far…
Got the test kit and wore the larger of the 2 sizes for 24 hours. When my hands are the most swollen, it seems to fit well. Otherwise, it feels WAY too loose and would definitely slide off with the actual ring material.
However, if I go down 1 size, when my hands are cold and the least swollen, it’s nearly impossible to put on, let alone take off.
Switching fingers doesn’t really work either, my index knuckle seems to be the most even with the base. The other fingers have a much more drastic ratio between knuckle / base and there’s no size that fits over the knuckle that doesn’t feel really loose at the base.
What do y’all think? Will one of these ring adjuster kits actually help or is this a lost cause? I’m mainly looking for a non-intrusive way to track sleep, is there a better option I’m not aware of?
submitted by Loudboybeats to ouraring [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:16 Wonderful-Ad2448 Zeke having the Beast Titan is really ironic

  1. The Beast Titan embodies animals which have the objective to survive and reproduce-which runs counter to Zeke’s philosophy
  2. Zeke is of royal descent which connotes a sort of refinement that runs counter to the primal instincts and behavior of beasts
submitted by Wonderful-Ad2448 to ShingekiNoKyojin [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:16 AutomaticFlight8564 Where can I order custom drum badges?

My wife and I have started repainting and restoring an old drum kit I recently acquired. The kit isn’t anything special-I think it’s a Swingstar that was left in a shed for several years. I had the idea to try and get some simple custom badges with our names on it or something to commemorate this little project when we’re done. The trouble is I can’t find anywhere online that dose this save for one site that charges hundreds of dollars. Anyone have any ideas?
submitted by AutomaticFlight8564 to drums [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:15 ConfusedHumanSOS Need to stop overnight visits with BD

My BD gets my kids 6-12 hours a month (he skips visits when he fights with his GF), and these visits amount to about 6 hours a visit because he picks them up at 6pm and brings them home at noon the next day.
My children both have special needs, and as a result structure and routine are very important to them. After they have a visit with him their behavior worsens, they hit themselves, teachers, classmates and each other, and the most recent development is my youngest hasn’t slept through the night since the last visit 9 days ago.(yes I’m exhausted). Typically it takes them 7-10 days to get back to normal.
I’ve come to the decision that overnights are simply no longer an option since I’ve communicated these issues to him, and asked him to try to make changes to see if the bad behaviors stop, but he is unwilling to try any of my suggestions even when I try to stress it’s for the children’s benefit.
I try explaining to him that he can just come spend time with them on one of his off days (which if he can just get up in the morning he could have even more time with them than what he has been getting), but he still twists the issue into me wanting “to keep him from the kids” (which couldn’t be further from the truth because I would love for my kids to have a great time with their Dad so not only I can get a break, but they could have 2 happy homes).
Again though the kids just don’t do well having a sleepover with him. When it’s just visiting, and they come home to go to bed they’re fine, so I can only conclude the change in sleep routine is too much for them, or his GF or one of her kids are being mean to them. (They are nonverbal so can’t tell anyone if someone is being mean to them).
I feel like this is the best option for my children, but my BD doesn’t understand special needs children, so does anyone have any advice as to how I can explain to him why the visits need to change, and why structure and routine is so important for them?
submitted by ConfusedHumanSOS to SpecialNeedsChildren [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:14 Rey_Saw Who will be the Strongest Sorcerer at the end of JJK?

When/If the gang defeats Sukuna, who do you think will gain the title of Strongest Sorcerer? Could it be Yuji, the MC, with an unprecedented streak of progress and evolution of his powers. Or could it be Megumi, possibly regaining control of not only his body, but Ten Shadows - the strongest technique on par with Limitless + 6E - and maybe Shrine (?). Or Yuta - if he survives which seems unlikely - with his endless reserves of CE and tricks up his sleeves (second only to Sukuna in both matters). Chinese Sorcerer? Idk. Let me know your thoughts

P.S. Did Megumi lose Mahoraga and Agito along with all his shikigami after Sukuna's fight against Gojo? If he did, disregard him from this query I guess lol

submitted by Rey_Saw to JuJutsuKaisen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:14 rockmeNiallxh I went back to the guy that i started seeing casually

For the backstory, you can find it here. But basically a friend started inviting me to his place to watch movies and chat, and usually we end up cuddling and messing around a bit. The biggest issue is that i think i don't really like him that much? I always saw him as a friend before this, and while he is kind of attractive, he doesn'give me the same feeling that you get when you like a crush.
Yet i sort of enjoy all the cuddles because i really crave physical touch and it felt quite nice (although it would be a lot nicer if there were some feelings behind it too). Anyway, i realized that he isn't what i'm looking for, and that what i was doing wasn't healthy for both of us, so i told him that i wouldn't come over again. But some days later i ended up caving in.
Yesterday i went to his house again, and it's the furthest that i have gone with him sexually (but without having sex). That being said, i did not feel horny (even tho i was kind of wet) and the thought of having sex with him made me think of the times i've done it before where it was uncomfortable and just really shitty.
So what i am trying to say is, that since i didn't have feelings for him but being with him felt nice enough, i considered being in a fwb situation with him, even tho a year ago i told myself i'd NEVER get myself in that again because of how badly it went for me. So i am questioning if it's just the lack of physical attraction to him, going too fast, or both that stops me from enjoying this and going further? Am i simply lowering my standard and settling? The thought of dating him in a serious way isn't something that sounds very good to me, even tho he probably doesn't even want that cause just last week he slept with someone else lol
submitted by rockmeNiallxh to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:13 7chqrmz bedrock realm

Survive & build from you're imagination
a realm designed just for you!
Spawn Kit
and more!
Don't forget to join up today!
If you're really interested.
If the realm code doesn't work.
add Discord user: beautyzrain
submitted by 7chqrmz to MinecraftPE [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:13 Lostland2024 Dubstep production

Hi, so I’ve just started to produce dubstep after 10 years of listening to it. I’ve downloaded so far Ableton, Serum and Splice but I’ve only used ableton and splice so far. I figured that I would start learning ableton first. I’ve watched the whole ultimate ableton tutorial by SadowickProduction. He’s a really good teacher you guys should definitely go watch it if you haven’t.
So firstly, i wanted to make my first song only using samples to learn basic patterns and dubstep songs structure. And after 3 weeks of work I’ve finally made my first song. It’s total shit🤣 but I would really appreciate feed back on it so here’s the link:
Be has critical has you want. I would like you to be honest on what I should work on, plz don’t say it’s good cause i just won’t believe you😂 I know it’s only been 3 week since I started but I really want to know from experienced producer what I should do/work on.
Secondly, what should I be focusing on next? Should I focus on learning serum and sound designing or should I keep learning how to properly make a “professional” sounding song using samples? Any advice is gonna be really appreciated. I’ve played violon for 9 years so I’m pretty familiar with music theory, don’t need to really work on that.
Thirdly, any suggestions on groups, Discord chats, courses, tutorials, YouTube videos, etc is gonna be grandly welcomed. I just don’t know where to go to get knowledge and I really want to learn in a guided way not just playing around randomly.
Thx for reading and all the advices!
(Sorry for my English, I still learning that too lol)
submitted by Lostland2024 to dubstep [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:12 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Netanyahu may be forced to choose between a cease-fire and his government’s survival. NY Times

[World] - Netanyahu may be forced to choose between a cease-fire and his government’s survival. NY Times submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:10 vaindioux Good sci-fi novels (Read description)?

I m looking for sci-fi novels but with those parameters:
Spaceships coming upon unknown alien life.
Crash landings on unknown planets. spaceship disappeared 500 years and reappeared
extra terrestrial life, scary aliens, hostile weather conditions, survival
Novels can be 1980’s and up
Not looking for:
-Brand new novels that are going to cost me an arm and a leg
-Romance (A little ok)
-No intergalactic wars
-No movie/Series adaptations (Obscure independent comics are ok)
Well that’s it
submitted by vaindioux to booksuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:08 7chqrmz bedrock realm

Survive & build from you're imagination
a realm designed just for you!
Spawn Kit
and more!
Don't forget to join up today!
If you're really interested.
If the realm code doesn't work.
add Discord user: beautyzrain
submitted by 7chqrmz to Minecraft_Realms [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:07 USPSA_A145124 Competition Rig Complete

Competition Rig Complete
I think I'm finally done with the rig. I was originally all set up for USPSA and thought I was set. With all of the shady things exposed with the organizations leadership, I went on a journey to set up for IPSC. After all, IPSC equipment rules do translate to USPSA. The inverse is not true. If the board stops their focus of self service, this rig will still work when I come back.
Belt : Dominant Defense
Mag Pouches : CR Speed
Mag Pouch Hangers : Henning T-960 Two Axis
Holster : Big Dog Steel Carnivore
Holster Hanger : Henning T-1000
Pistol : Canik Rival-S
Guide Rod : Springco RMS (Yellow Spring)
Internals : Springco Comp Spring Kit
Trigger Shoe : Freedomsmith Racer
Grips : Lokgrips Brass Palm Swells
Base Pads : Henning Overinsertion +4 Mag Extensions
Optic : Trijicon SRO 5 MOA
Optic Plate : Disruptive Defense (please don't discontinue original COPS plate B, I need some back ups)
submitted by USPSA_A145124 to canik [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:07 7chqrmz bedrock realm

Survive & build from you're imagination
a realm designed just for you!
Spawn Kit
and more!
Don't forget to join up today!
If you're really interested.
If the realm code doesn't work.
add dc user: beautyzrain
submitted by 7chqrmz to MinecraftRealmClub [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:07 7chqrmz bedrock realm

Survive & build from you're imagination
a realm designed just for you!
Spawn Kit
and more!
Don't forget to join up today!
If you're really interested.
If the realm code doesn't work.
add Discord user: beautyzrain
submitted by 7chqrmz to BedrockMultiplayer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:06 LeeCloud27 The Life of Hakurei - The Lonesome Drunken Oni - Part 10

Evening arrived sooner than expected, and Gensokyo began to settle down for the day along with the sun. Not everyone though, as Hakurei Shrine still had some company who came over for a small banquet. Not a big feast like many times before; rather a small get together consisting of a handful of people.
Drinks were poured from bottles dark and light, filling up cups that soon filled the mouths with sweet bitter flavor of alcohol. Reimu hosted the event as usual, with Marisa being there as always, and Rin playing a nice song to fill the air. Among other guests included Yukari who sat idly with her cup, Remilia who once again brought a wine with a foreign name, Alice who felt like coming to check on the fixed doll, Youmu who came by her lonesome, and Suika having recovered after a long day’s rest now drinking sake while dressed in some of Reimu’s clothing as her usual outfit was torn last night.
“So, get this.” Suika placed her cup down for a moment, “This one time, Minako and I were moving through the woods, trying to find a red stag beetle after eyeing one the day before. We checked the same area we found it previously, searching the trees, and beneath boulders. And then we spotted something red in the distance and thought it was our little insect fellow. But it turned out to be a snake, a red snake, with yellow stripes. Next thing we knew it jumped at us and bit Minako on the arm!” She grabbed her own arm to visualize a snake biting.
“EEK!” Youmu jumped from hearing Suika’s story and clung onto Alice. “Youmu! You’re making me spill my drink!” Alice expressed her distress trying to pry the swordswoman off her, using her dolls to assist her.
“Despite being bitten by a venomous snake, Minako grabbed the fiend by its neck, threw it over the trees, and proceeded to suck the venom out of her system using her mouth before we continued along finding that bug. I tell you, she makes some of the oni I’ve known look average in resilience compared to her. Hahaha~”
The story was indeed impressive, everyone around got to hear more about the previous shrine maiden, especially Reimu. The only other form of information she was ever able to acquire about her late mother was through the Gensokyo Chronicles, a collection of historical records kept by the Heida Clan in the village, even then it barely told much of her late mother; describing her as a ‘ruthless woman who gets the job done, known to perform youkai exterminations with only her fists and sheer intimidation, having fallen after saving the human village from beasts of hellflame.’
“Huh, even I never knew that about her. Reminds me of Reimu whenever she tries to persuade visitors out of extra donations.” Marisa said.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Reimu turned to look at Marisa with a small glare.
“I-I’m just saying the stubborn will to survive runs in the family.” Marisa stuttered a little, hoping not to anger Reimu. Reimu glared for a second longer before giving her friend a smirk.
“I’m just messing with you.” She said. She turned back and noticed Remilia now sitting next to her with a bottle of wine in her hands.
“Reimu, have you ever tried this kind of merlot wine? It’s supposed to not be as bitter as other wines I’ve brought before while still retaining that richness in flavor.” Remilia offered in her usual charismatic tone.
“Eh? More wine? I don’t know, I think it’s best for me to cut back after having drunk so much from previous events.” Reimu said, though Remilia wasn’t deterred.
“Nonsense! I’ve seen you guzzle down barrels worth before, a glass or two will be mere drops in a lake! It’ll only be a little bit.” Remilia offered again, to which Reimu became a bit more compelled, staring at the liquid’s color nestled in the bottle. Marisa got worried again knowing Remilia’s intent and considered interfering when Suika came over and placed a hand on the vampire’s shoulder.
“Hey now. If you’re going to offer someone a drink, you yourself should be willing to drink also.” Suika said.
“Eh?” Remilia wasn’t expecting to hear that, and her composure dropped a bit.
“I’ve heard a lot about you. You seem like someone who can handle their alcohol like no other. How about you and I have a drinking competition?”
“A competition? I think I’ll have to-”
“Oh yeah, great idea Remilia.” Marisa spoke up with an encouraging tone. “I mean, a noble lady like you wouldn’t lose in a battle of endurance. Not unless you’re giving up, which if I recall correctly, is something people where you’re from are known for.”
Remilia felt the jab coming at her sense of pride, and refused to allow the magician to be right. She took Suika’s proposition and right away the two were sitting by the table in the shrine with cups in their hands and bottles ready to be poured by Youmu and Rin respectively. As soon as Yukari gave the signal to start the two servers poured the first of soon-to-be many glasses of booze. Remilia and Suika drank them like they were nothing, and then the refills came. One after the other the two chugged down the drinks, however Remilia slowly grew behind, finding it hard to continue drinking as the alcohol began to affect her mind and her stomach. She glanced at Suika and saw how she was still drinking like it was nothing, and she refused to fall behind even more so she amped herself up to drink even more.
Five minutes passed, then ten, then fifteen. By now two dozen bottles were emptied, and Suika, though much more drunk, was still drinking her worth just fine. Remilia however was wasted. Her face was redder than a ripe tomato, her speech nothing but garbled sounds. Still she tried to force another cup down her gullet, but when the cup reached her lips, she dropped it and her head collapsed on the table.
“And she’s down. We have a winner.” Marisa announced. Suika finished her last cup and patted her stomach with satisfaction. Everyone around gathered to congratulate her, including Reimu, leaving no one to pity the poor vampire rendered useless from intoxication.
“Sa…Sakuya.” Remilia spoke in a shaky voice.
“Yes milady?” Sakuya appeared from nowhere right by her mistress’ side.
“Take me home.”
After Remilia was taken home, the party eventually died down. People started to leave one by one, while those who live in the shrine called it a night. Reimu, who had a bit much to drink earlier, needed to be taken to bed by Rin who helped the shrine maiden to her room. The only other people who were still up for the night were Yukari and Suika, gazing up at the stars above while catching up with one another after so long.
“So, how’s your shikigami been?” Suika asked Yukari.
“You mean Ran? She’s been well. She’s a lot stronger and more organized than when she was younger, though she still disobeys my commands and takes matters into her own hands often.” Yukari sighed at the end.
“Heh, guess some things about those you know never change…except for us.” Suika said. Yukari got curious about the last part. “What do you mean?”
“Well it’s funny to think sometimes. We lived for so long, met so many people, experienced so many things, and yet we’re still able to act like tomorrow will be different from today. Who we were a hundred years ago is much different compared to who we are today.”
“Hm…I wouldn’t say you’re wrong, but can’t say you’re right either.” Yukari said. “I don’t think I’ve changed much over the past century.”
“I guess not, you’re still the same person I’ve met so long ago.” Suika took a small sip of her gourd, then looked down at the Mimi doll in her hand. “I wonder what kind of person Minako became? Did she still have that sense of vigor I’ve known her for?”
“Not quite.” Yukari said. “After inheriting the position of the Hakurei Shrine Maiden, she became a lot more composed and elegant. And after having Reimu, she settled down much more. Sure, she retained much of her strength and constitution when it came to her duties, but at home, she was a loving mother first and foremost.”
Suika smiled hearing that, but it was also a sad smile. “I still wish I could see her. If only I didn’t wait too long.”
“I’m sure she would’ve liked to see you too.” Yukari said. “If she was here right now, she would probably question why you’re wearing her daughter’s clothes.”
Suika looked at what she was wearing, “Oh right. Well, maybe I’ll tell her I’m interested in being a shrine maiden. Hand me a gohei, an orb, and call me Miko Miko Suika and I’m set to beat up youkai and gather donations.”
Her words made both her and Yukari laugh, long and hard. They both calmed down after ten seconds of laughing.
“Ah...Y’know, Minako’s not the only person I had hoped to see here.” Suika said.
“Really? Who else did you want to see?” Yukari asked.
“Just an old friend. I haven’t seen her since she took up a life of hermitude and moved to youkai mountain. Wonder if she’s still there?”
“Oh.” Yukari quickly put together the puzzle. “Well, I’m sorry to say but you probably won’t be seeing her for a while.”
“Huh? Why’s that?” Suika looked at Yukari with visible confusion. “Did something happen to her?”
“Well nothing too bad. Let’s just say she’s on a long vacation.”

The streets of Paris were bright. The eiffel tower stood mighty as people from all around walked in light summer clothing, simple yet extravagant. Stores selling perfume and fragrances casted mixtures of scents that brought wonder to the noses of people who walked past. Cafes and bakeries executed a similar feat, but the difference was they sold delicious bread and sweets that prompted people close by to come in for a bite.
Sitting by a patio table of one such place, a woman with pink hair wearing a white blouse and green skirt, wearing a big summer hat to help block out the sun, was enjoying some nice macarons. Each bite was filled with a sweet crisp flavor, filling her mouth with a sensation she could never get tired of. Mid-way through her plate however, some thoughts came to her mind.
She thought of Gensokyo for a moment. It has been a few years already since she last left home and everything behind. She would be lying if she said she didn’t miss being back there and all its inhabitants. Thoughts of the various people she got to know over the years ascended up to the surface of her mind. There were the sages, primarily Yukari and Genjii, she wonders how they’re both doing. There were her pets, she hopes they’re doing well but also knows they can live independently. There was Marisa, she believes she’s well and continues to live a well-earned life. There were friends from before, when she used to live deep below the ground, and how long since then. Then there was Reimu, she thinks about her almost everyday, she hopes she’s alright, she hopes she’s doing great, she hopes she could at the very least remember her and all the times they spent together, though she also knows it’s unlikely she remembers.
“Excuse me manquer.” A voice caught Kasen off-guard for a moment, she looked up and saw a server looking at her with slight concern. “Is everything alright? You seem disturbed about something.”
“Oh, it’s nothing.” Kasen said, speaking in their language. “I was thinking of home, that’s all.”
“Ah, I see. You’re from Japan, correct?”
“Uh, that’s right.”
“Oh wow, that’s pretty far from here. I have never been to Japan before, but I hope someday I will. Are you perhaps thinking of returning home soon?”
Kasen paused for a second, looking away slightly before turning back with an assured smile. “No, I don’t have any reason to yet.”
“Ah, I see. Well, would you like anything else before I go?” The server asked.
Kasen thought for a moment, looking down at her empty plate of macarons. She had been eating them the whole time she was thinking of home.
“I think I’ll take some more macarons…Oh, and throw in some cookies too.” Kasen decided.
The server then left, leaving Kasen to wait. While she did she looked back on the street, resting her chin on her hand with a smile.
submitted by LeeCloud27 to touhou [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:06 Civil-engineering- Why is professional code of conduct important?

Why is professional code of conduct important?
Understanding Why is professional code of conduct important in any field. It’s like having a set of rules that guide how we behave and work with others. Think of it as a blueprint for professionalism. This code outlines the behaviors, attitudes, and ethics expected from professionals.

Whether you’re a doctor, teacher, engineer, or any other professional, sticking to this code ensures trust and respect from clients, colleagues, and the community. It’s not just about doing your job well; it’s about doing it with integrity and accountability. By following a professional code of conduct, we uphold standards, maintain quality, and foster a positive reputation for ourselves and our professions. In essence, it’s about being a good human being while being good at what we do.

Why is a Professional Code of Conduct Important?

In the world of professions, whether you’re a doctor, lawyer, teacher, engineer, or any other kind of professional, there’s something called a “code of conduct.” This might sound like a big, fancy term, but it’s actually pretty simple. Think of it as a set of rules that guide how professionals should behave. But why is it so important? Let’s dive in and find out.

Defining Professional Code of Conduct

First things first, what exactly is a professional code of conduct? Well, it’s like a playbook that lays out how professionals should act in their jobs. It’s not just about getting the work done; it’s also about doing it in the right way. This code includes things like ethics, integrity, respect, and responsibility. It’s basically a roadmap for being a good person while also being good at your job.

Building Trust and Respect

One of the biggest reasons why a professional code of conduct is important is because it helps build trust and respect. Imagine you’re going to a doctor for a check-up. You want to feel confident that they know what they’re doing and that they have your best interests at heart.

When professionals follow a code of conduct, it gives people confidence that they can trust them. It shows that they’re serious about their work and that they’ll do everything they can to help you.

Ensuring Quality and Standards

Another key reason for having a professional code of conduct is to ensure quality and standards. Let’s say you hire an architect to design your dream house. You want to make sure that they follow all the rules and regulations, right? A code of conduct helps professionals maintain high standards in their work. It ensures that they’re doing things the right way and that they’re delivering quality results. This not only benefits the clients but also the profession as a whole.

Promoting Fairness and Equality

Professional codes of conduct also promote fairness and equality in the workplace. They lay out guidelines for how professionals should treat each other, regardless of their background or position.

This helps create a positive and inclusive work environment where everyone feels respected and valued. Whether you’re a CEO or an intern, you’re expected to follow the same code of conduct. This ensures that everyone is held to the same standards and that no one is treated unfairly.

Fostering a Positive Reputation

Maintaining a professional code of conduct isn’t just about doing the right thing; it’s also about protecting your reputation. Think of it like this: if you hear good things about a company or a professional, you’re more likely to trust them, right? On the other hand, if you hear about someone who’s been dishonest or unethical, you’re probably going to steer clear of them.

By following a code of conduct, professionals can build a positive reputation for themselves and their profession. This can lead to more opportunities, better relationships, and overall success in their careers.

Upholding Ethics and Integrity

Ethics and integrity are at the core of any professional code of conduct. They’re about doing what’s right, even when no one is watching. This means being honest, transparent, and accountable for your actions. It also means respecting the rights and dignity of others. When professionals uphold these values, they not only earn the trust of their clients and colleagues but also contribute to a more ethical and just society.

Preventing Misconduct and Legal Issues

Having a professional code of conduct in place can also help prevent misconduct and legal issues. By clearly outlining what’s acceptable and what’s not, it sets clear boundaries for behavior. This can help professionals avoid situations that could lead to conflicts or lawsuits down the road.

It also provides a framework for addressing any issues that do arise in a fair and appropriate manner. In this way, a code of conduct acts as a safeguard, protecting both professionals and the people they serve.
submitted by Civil-engineering- to u/Civil-engineering- [link] [comments]
